So after that you went to work at Facebook on the Facebook watch team. So tell us about how that opportunity came about. Very much pursuing Shopify. And what was interesting is it was kind of the reverse for Facebook. Hello and welcome to another episode of Attila TV Our Guest for today's episode is the wonderful and he's and Andy is actually a product manager at Facebook working on the Facebook watch team. And before that she was a product manager Shopify. So she's worked for one of the coolest tech companies in America and the world and she also worked one of the coolest tech companies in Canada. And before that. She was actually the first employee at bring station and before that. She actually got acceptance into one of the top Business Schools in Canada that I could School and this blows my mind is my first ever for doing this for Having the courage to do this, but you actually turn down an acceptance into Ivy business school because wanted to do go a separate path. So hope you're going to get learn a lot from any story today. So without further Ado any thank you for joining us. So let's go back to any at 16. What were you like in high school? Yes, I think for those who didn't know me super well, they would probably say that I was pretty friendly social and extremely involved in extracurricular activities for those who were closer to me. They would probably describe me as being overly perfectionistic a little bit uptight and more introverted. So to bring more context as to what my high school life look like. I went to an arts high school and I did performance. It's in the Arts High School during High School. I was also a competitive figure skater and I was involved in a lot of other ways as well like being the yearbook editor and doing a lot of leadership opportunities. So I would describe my teenage years as a period where I actually had very deep insecurity and that points is honestly pretty depressed. And I think the reason for that was I had this sort of deep-seated knowledge that I couldn't be confident yet in myself until I was able to go through really channeling experiences and actually try on some and I know that sounds really really deep and weird, but I didn't really know what was something that was good to do or was something that was bad to do. I didn't know if something was recognized as really awesome or not. And so I really thought out that approval from the adult figures and teachers. And school and just people that are respected and that was very deep-seated in the life of a knee as a teenager and I just constantly try to push my limits and what I was able to accomplish. Well that was that was a very very profound answer. Well you seem to have a lot of self-awareness. How did you like when we do make that realization about like reflect on your high school career? Yeah, that's the time that I had in high school and honestly feeling a little bit miserable because I felt like I was kind of Trapped In This Loop of wanting to do good awesome work but not necessarily feeling like I was engaged in happy as a result of doing it and you know doing it for external factors of validation. My question is more The lines of like when did you make that realization? So like was it something realizing like first year second year like how did you like reach that level of self-awareness? Yes. It was a process where it got to a point where I knew that I wasn't doing the right thing and I wasn't listening to the right signals and its really took a process and getting better and better at it. And I think I continually try to build more and more self-awareness but starting in University. I reflected a ton about you know, what happened in high school what I was able to achieve what I was proud of and what I want to change and I think that was where you know a lot of Flexion on a constant basis started to happen interesting. So let's go to let's agree 12 so great 11 grade 12 year, you know, you're about to graduate high school thing about what to do next in University or college. Whatever you're planning on doing so that what schools are you looking at? What programs are you looking at? Where is your head at? So again as as I went to an Arts High School, which meant that my preferences and interests were significantly influenced by that environment at the time. I was just really really obsessed with figure skating and to be honest. My dream job was to be a professional figure skater also being in the environment where a lot of people really cared about the Arts and a lot of people were going to pursue music dance. Visual art what have you and college that was not really a question for me either. So for the most part I was like yeah, whatever. Maybe I'll just keep on doing music or I'll try to become a figure skater when it came to grade 12 the reality of needing to apply for universities Don much more and that was when I figured like hey, I'm really passionate about psychology and I love to watch how people operate and learn about what people are motivated by and as a I thought I was gonna go into psychology and the social sciences were what most of my friends went in as well. But what happened was my parents last minute. I think two weeks before University applications brought up the idea of Ivy and business school at the time. I had no idea really what business school and tilled my school was so artsy that they pretty much I think cut the business class and the economics class. So I really didn't know. What it was but what they told me was hey, you know, if you wanted to pursue psychology or something in the social sciences, you're probably have to get a PhD or very high degree in order to get a good job. You probably don't have the patience for that. Why don't you try a business which is a little bit more practical and if you go to Western for ID, it's a two plus two program where you can do two years of whatever you want. And then at that point if you still want to go into business school and you can go into business school. I thought that was actually a pretty reasonable ask for my Parents and that was what I ended up deciding to go into Western as a general social sciences, I think student and then it's also apply for the AO status awesome. So now let's talk about your University career and actually while we're on the topic of University I want to publicly thank you for so me and any actually met because I was interesting going to the NBT see which is I think the largest business and Tech Conference in Canada at the Time and I think it's still running and he's actually the organizers and she really went out of her way to help me attend the conference for free. So I just wanted to thank her for that and also pay back by if anyone's interested definitely check out the NBC conference. Anyway, so now you're at Western and you're currently in your year and then so talk to us a bit more about and this is what I find absolutely crazy because I feel like so many of us at Western put the IV business school. We're holding a really high regard like I'm in the program as well. We actually chose not to take up your ass. That's going to IB program. And why did you decide to go that route? Yes. so I think but I know for a lot of you who are still in school or pre IV the sounds like the craziest decision of her, I guess the context to how I made that decision was after going into Western from a very artsy background. I felt completely like a fish out of the water especially in first year. I had a lot of really interesting experiences, but they were not relevant at all towards sort of the career path that Ivy was sort of pushing me on. And comparing myself to a lot of my peers who also had a yo status everyone seemed extremely swab. Everyone was incredible at networking and you know could have the perfect networking pitch in their sleeves. They also had a ton of relevant experience with in high school to prepare them for business school and I just didn't really have any knowledge of all of that and to add on to it when I started to engage myself. Self with more of the Business Clubs and opportunities around business. I just didn't really find my stride within it. I felt that a lot of the activities and the clubs were extremely structured. They were extremely formal and it really felt like it was just pushing people along a pretty established path of like what you should do and here's the output that you're going to get from it. And that was when I realized, you know, I tend to thrive more inflexible environments where there is a lot of ambiguity and a lot of problem solving that could be involved. I tend to think a little bit more nonlinearly and I hate structured environments. And so a lot of these environments really made me feel uncomfortable and completely like a fish out of the water. So throughout my first year and second year. I was really trying to find my passion and understand whether or not going into Business Schools, actually a good idea and what really got me out of my confusion was I went to this one event that was held by the Nspire Innovation Network, which was this large Business and Technology nonprofit in Canada. And that introduced me to the world of technology on entrepreneurship something that I had known nothing about and I think it was through all of second year when I was actually leading the Western chapter of Nspire that I I realize that probably entrepreneurship and Innovation was where I wanted to go. And your question is why did I turn down IV business school? I think there's a lot of content context building to like drive towards the ultimate decision. But in the summer before going into third year, I also work for a start-up called brain station, and it was actually a company that was made up of four or I think Three out of the four Founders were IV grads. I had so much fun and the entire year with this startup. I learned so much. I really felt like that was the environment that I belonged in and I even started a Blog that summer where I just interviewed a bunch of entrepreneurs and creators and every single conversation that I had were just so engaging and I really felt like those are the people that I belong with and so I had an awesome experience at a startup that I felt super engaged in. I really learned a lot And I wanted to do more of and then I was also surrounded by three co-founders of that company that had gone to Ivy and when I had asked them like hey, do you guys think it's a good idea for me to pursue Ivy and them knowing who I was and what I was interested in what I was passionate about they all actually suggested against it. Wow, not that really yeah, not that really I was going to choose otherwise had they not suggested. That but it's more like a validation of which already wanted to do. Exactly and the final piece again. There's a lot of context and I feel like I'm really trying to wrap it in a very tightly, you know, a tight little answer is I did have an alternative to going to Ivy that I felt was even more compelling. So towards the end of summer of second year. I had worked for brain station, which is a like basically a development bootcamps company and I was able to pick up on Development web development skills and they were also thinking about expanding brain station to London and I was like, wow, that's super cool. Like maybe I have no opportunity to lead the expansion of a company towards a new city. Another opportunity was that I got the senior vice president role for Nspire, which is this business and technology nonprofit that I talked about and throughout my entire time with Nspire. It's given me so much exposure to the industry so many of the executive Embers of inspire we're working on full tech companies or ideas and like startups and I felt like that was actually providing a really good Network for me to excel my career within startups and Tech and then I was also working on really cool projects on the side because I had picked up on web development skills. Some iOS skills some design skills over the summer a train station. I was doing like side gigs and building websites for people as well. So I just felt like there were so many things that I could. Working on that was going to accelerate my career and that if I had chosen to go to Ivo and have time to pursue any of these other Alternatives and these all other alternatives are way more compelling and way more aligned to what I want to do in the future rather than going to Ivy that's awesome. That was a bit long-winded but also nonetheless Yeah. Just make it on a whim. Yeah, there's a lot of context to why that was suitable for me. I would suggest people to not go to Ivy. It's a great school. I think he'd get a lot of learnings and a lot of networking from that opportunity and you really have to understand but like in critically think about your decision before you make it well said well said, okay, so then so you don't go to Ivy you end up getting a regular Western. Three which is fine. And then so now you're at time to recruiting for full-time jobs, and then you tell it because I remember remember we went to think Vincent art gallery that time and I remember you were recruiting for Shopify, you know, remember this. Yeah, Matt McIntosh. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So one of the things I remember, I remember you're showing me like all the stuff you were doing to recruit for Shopify and your really went above and beyond. So can you tell us a bit more about how the shop of opportunity came about and we could do to get that position. Totally again need some context building and I'll try to get through it quickly. So by the end of my University time, I had tried a lot of different roles anywhere from doing digital marketing and my first year to working at Bryan Station and kind of doing anything and everything from Business Development to marketing to ideating on new ideas to Ops as well as picking up on all these web development skills and Doing a lot of freelance web development and then in my third year of University the job that I had was working as a data analyst and at pivotal software and that also provide me really good technical knowledge on data analysis. What have you and then all throughout University? I was very involved with ensberg renovation at work, which was the tech and business nonprofit that I was talking about that gave me really awesome leadership. Skills and so from all of these experiences that kind of made me into a pretty well-rounded individual really had like kind of dabbled in everything. I kind of had like some domain understanding of every function within a company but I didn't necessarily see myself playing a very deep role and like only solely doing one of those things. That was when I really learned a bit more about the product manager role and what that entailed and I really like the idea of being able To Rally a team towards a common vision and I really felt like I was good at that through my leadership experiences. And so going into job hunting after school. What I wanted to do was a find a product management role, which is very difficult for a new grad and then be work at a very high growth company that was you know, more than a thousand people or approximately at a thousand. People and the reason why I felt that was super important was through all of my experiences in internships. I had small startup experiences where you know, you're very much a generalist and you had to do anything and everything to working at a big company like pivotal where you didn't really feel like you had too much impact. I felt like choosing a company that had a really good growth trajectory as well as being at a good size where you can get Mentorship and growth opportunities and learning opportunities while still having really awesome internal company opportunities to grow and take on New Opportunities. I thought that was a really good setup. So that was why I want to work for Shopify and how I got the shop revive roll. So again, I knew that being a product manager was going to be super difficult. It was kind of not something that people are able to do immediately outside of school. And so What I did was first try to leverage my network as much as possible. And at this point I had a you know network with a lot of people knew a lot of people in the industry one of the girls that I knew worked at Pinterest and actually Pinterest is another company that I had wanted to work for. So initially I had asked her for a referral for Pinterest and when she told me that Pinterest is going through a reorg and they weren't going to actually be able to hire anybody. I was really disappointed but she told me like hey, I actually know people at shop. Five shopify's killing it. Why don't I just make you a warm intro to the product team at Shopify and she did and so that was kind of how I got my foot in the door with Shopify, but the process was honestly extremely extensive prior to me actually speaking with this product growth leads at Shopify. I had applied for basically every other role available at chop mind to me, right? I think I applied for like this is analyst role sales hacker all like growth marketing role everything under the sun just because they want to work for this company so badly and I think I was like at a certain point talking like five different recruiters at the same time. They knew none of those other roles were what I actually wanted and I knew that I just really wanted this product rule, but I also knew that this guy had wanted nothing to do with me like he liked talking to me, but he was not about to hire a new thread and so I really really hustled and try to think of creative ways to Leave make myself stand out to him and really make me feel like I could add value to the company. So at the beginning after initial coffee chat. What I did was try to extract from him any information about the current existing products and where there are areas and gaps that could be filled and you know, we talked a lot about different areas within Shopify and as a follow-up to that conversation, I actually decide to create sort of a case analysis or a case study around And a app that they had in the at the time that I thought should have been deprecated and a really good business decision. And so I created this very extensive case about what I think about this app. Like what its value is what the pros and cons were and what I thought was a really good decision to make and kind of walking through that product thinking process. And then that was how I followed up. I was like, hey, you know, it was really awesome to meet for coffee. Here's my awesome like but page analysis on why You guys to defecate this hat and I think by approaching conversations in that value-added way where you're not just asking them for their time, but you're saying that like look at what I did to prepare for our next conversation that's going to be a very valuable use of your time. I think was what brought me to second conversation. So we had the second conversation. I have presented, you know, my analysis and my case study to the sky. Why I think he was impressed but again, like there was no follow-up from him and it was really up to me to continue driving for that conversation. And so that was when I thought about the next thing I was like, okay, what if I wrote a cover letter that was a buzzfeed article about all of the reasons why Annie is going to make this company and this sorry all of the reasons why Annie is the most awesome person for this role and it was Of like a quirky witty way of walking through all my experiences and why it is that it would be relevant to this product growth rural submitted that to him kind of was able to get one more conversation one more coffee chat at that point. He still was not really giving enemies not really willing to take me on his team. And so that was when I kind of like made my final effort and what I did was Shopify really valleys entrepreneurship and people taking initiative and I knew that was a core part of their values. So what I did is I created a Shopify store and every item within the Shopify store was selling what I would do for every single day that I would be at what I would do every day. At Shopify, yeah. That was just to get an interview. Wow. Was going to be the hiring manager was pretty sold and he was going to be an advocate for me. So even then what is important for people to know? Is that like I still felt like he was worried about hiring somebody that didn't have previous product management experience for that role and what another Mentor had told me someone else did was to pull the intern card and with the intern card means is like I told them hey, you don't actually have to hire me full-time just harm. Is an intern a product management enter a product growth intern for the summer see how I do and if I do well Harmony on his full-time. If I don't then just kick me out like it's all good and by understanding that, you know, making a full-time hire is a pretty big commitment and by trying to take that commitment away from my manager needing to like taking that commitment away from the hiring manager really helped me again, get my door even further and And yeah, I guess its history from there. I worked out job by for four months as an intern. I think I did a decent enough job and then I was able to stay on whole time. Wow. I feel like that's a classic Auntie Story the fact that you probably put more effort. Yeah, because you I think you put more effort into that one job than most people I know put into their entire job application process. So that's pretty impressive. I'm glad your hard work paid off. So you internet Shopify for four months and then your work there full-time for how many How many a year and a half so after that you went to work at? Facebook on the Facebook watching so tell us about how that opportunity came about. So again actually so I was very much pursuing Shopify. And what was interesting is it was kind of the reverse for Facebook after my time at Shopify Shopify is within the e-commerce space and I think something Shopify is an incredible company and I think most of the merchants that a powers are awesome and I really love the industry that it's in but it Is really fast and consumerism to an extent interesting and I sort of had this moment where I felt like I wanted to work on something that was more socially impactful for a lack of better word. Quoting socially impactful and I had this idealistic Vision that you know, I was going to move to a third world country or developing country. I was going to work for a smaller startup in a space that was more fundamentally necessary for humans. So what I mean by that is things like healthcare or energy or education where like if people actually didn't have that than their lives would be significantly worse. And that was where I sort of started my journey, I went to I want them to keishon to Asia and I just really like the energy of it too. I felt like there was gonna be a lot more new opportunity and ability for Innovation to disrupt with in developing countries, and I was like Full Throttle looking for opportunities within that space. So what happened was I deep dived into like looking out for opportunities for like months and so He's doing a deep dive and basically I came to a couple of conclusions one. There are not that many epically good startups out there. You know, there's a lot of really awesome starts out there that are trying to solve really interesting problems. But the variables that will enable start up to succeed are complex and you know, sometimes it takes a lot of expertise and a very strong team to build a successful product especially for something that's called and quote socially impactful. So and then the other finding Is that quite honestly, I was somebody who had two years or less of Industry experience and I didn't really have specialized knowledge around Healthcare education or energy or any of that and so I needed to be a little bit more not humble but realistic about what opportunities I actually had accessibility to when it came to looking for a cool opportunities or cool startups to work. So I found this one startup that I became totally obsessed with it's called zip line. And it's a started based out of San Francisco, but they operate in Africa and what they are is a drone company that delivers blood supplies. And what's really really cool is that their drones are able to deliver blood supplies to very rural areas of Africa that doesn't really have access or quick access of what supplies and want. Oh, yeah, so they're able to deliver within like 15 minutes to anywhere in the country and 25% of their but blood deliveries are life-saving. I just thought like wow, this is the coolest thing ever. The team is also badass. They're a bunch of like X SpaceX and NASA people and it just seemed like they had really good investors to and I was like, wow, this is really good opportunity. Unfortunately, I got rejected and so that force me to look for other opportunities and that was when Facebook kind of came up. So I was at a conference that I had already signed up for months ago. It was the women in product conference in San Francisco. And I was honestly not super engaged at the conference. I didn't really know too many people either and you know, I was really bored. So I figured like whatever I'll just talk of the recruiters and see what Emerging Market opportunities some of these companies had and when I talked to Facebook they were like, yeah if you want to do, you know something related to Emerging Markets we have this thing called and our connectivity efforts and if you guys don't know what that is, basically Facebook was creating these internet drones. I would fly over developing countries and being down internet so that people who didn't have internet access could gain internet access and when she kind of told me about that the pieces kind of came together in my head where I was like, huh? I really like emerging market products. I really like the internet and I know a lot about the internet this might actually be a good fit for me. So that was when I went about going through the interview process and you know quite frankly Actually, I work really hard and practicing for the interviews and really really being able to answer questions in the nice structured way and surprisingly I got the job. So that was how I got into Facebook. You're probably going to ask me why I'm not working on Emerging Market internet products. Yes. Yes. Yeah, so what happened was I applied for the product manager generalist role and that's actually what most product managers at Facebook come in as this gives you the ability to not actually select a team to be what's the word? So basically you're not hired for a specific team and what you are able to do is come to Facebook and network with a bunch of teams and mutually find a fit. Where you want to be and when I had joined Facebook, unfortunately, a lot of the / connectivity efforts were being deprecated. A lot of it was also moving towards the Tel Aviv office and I was based out of the Sanford like the Menlo Park Silicon Valley office and because I had the opportunity to network and talk to different teams. I was really exposed to interesting problems that I otherwise would not have had access to and when I had talked to the video, too. Team, what was a really interesting pitch to me? Was that Facebook? First of all was trying to get into the video space and I never really quite Associated Facebook with video, but I was like, all right, cool. I'm intrigued second part of it was they wanted Facebook to find a way to make videos social whatever that means and I was like, huh? That's very interesting because if you think about how most people spend their times now taking an average snapshot of it. Person in North America, they probably consume on average 1 to 2 hours of video content per day like this is a significant part of their lives and honestly, probably not in a good way, right? This is pretty antisocial Behavior where instead of hanging out with your friends or like chilling at McDonald's with that like after school or something like that. You just go home and watch video and I really felt like this is a pretty big problem and you know having mentioned that I really like to solve ambiguous problems like Like social video like how on Earth do you create social video? And I guess Facebook is equipped to have social tools that help Foster social relationships, but it still seemed like a bit of a juxtaposition or was the contradiction but that was what intrigued me about being on the video team and here I am still very engaged with the problem. I like that so a couple things questions about things you said the first question I have is that Said you wanted to work for as you said quote unquote socially conscious company. Why do you put socially conscious and quotes like that? Yeah. My initial idealism two words of my initial idealistic attitude towards that. My process and understanding, you know, what are the different solutions and products out there for some of the more fundamental needs of people. I kind of came to the conclusion that A lot of the things even though it might seem extremely Noble just become a accepted facts by people. Once they are accessible. Right? So like for example the strong company that delivers blood supplies that I was so passionate about like obviously the first time it's save some of these live in a rural area and people were like marveling at this technology and like super excited and just overwhelmed by like what technology was able to do, but the matter of fact is quite honestly, Years later when this technology is readily available and everyone has access to blood it starts to become taken for granted and it just becomes the norm and the impact that a bag of blood is able to make on a person's live could be similar to the entertainment or joy that somebody experiences watching a really cool drama, right? And so At least my personal conclusion is that there is by a lot of Millennials this idea to do things that are very socially impactful and you know, helping people of need excetera, but the reality is like your life normalizes based on what you have access for and you know, no matter what you get it's going to normalize and so you don't necessarily have to be working on a lot of these very fundamental technologies that are associated. Being like the most deepest human needs in order to be impactful or an orator in order to do something of value. I mean like working on the video team at Facebook. There are times when I question like is this the best thing that I could be spending with my time and there are times when I question that but for the most part like I do think that it is a really compelling problem. And if a lot of people are spending their times doing this might as well try to make it a better experience or more engaging experience or more social experience and it's you know, not any less valuable than delivering blood supply. Using drones or at least I think so that's sort of a hot tea because I feel like a lot of people are going to strongly disagree with you, but I actually see where you're coming from. I think that's a very interesting way of looking at it. So a question I have to is that so you mentioned that you studied really hard for the product manager position at Facebook and I know specially University right now Facebook is probably the one company but that's a soft engineering and business student that a lot of people really want to work for and like it's really competitive to get a position at that company. So you tell us a bit more about how do you prefer? How do you prepare for the Facebook interview? And any advice you have and what's the process like? I'm sure so I think before we even dive into that question, like probably not everyone wants to work for Facebook. Right? It's still like, you know, some people don't want to work with Facebook. Some people might want to work for over some people might want to work for me. You know, I always say in life. There's absolutely no absolutes. So even if I said who wants a hundred dollars not everyone's going to say I want a hundred dollars, so Prerequisite to intervene for any company is kind of understanding. What is the culture around that company and a do you fit with that culture? If so, great. You should pursue it or move forward if you don't but you still really want the opportunity just be aware of how you should present yourself in a way where people who are going to be interviewing you and embody that culture are still going to pick up positive signs that you will operate well. This environment so from the culture perspective. I know it sounds like a very wishy-washy thing to say about Facebook and the interview process, but now that I am, you know doing regular interviews for product managers and hiring for them. It's quite easy to tell through very simple questions whether or not you are a cultural fit or not. And so things like things that Facebook look for are definitely argue very data-driven. And are you a very logical thinker that approaches problem very rationally and are able to break it down in a structured way. That's one thing, you know, but another thing from a more cultural perspective is like are you do take a lot of initiative? Are you extremely? Vicious are you able to tackle problems in times of great ambiguity? And are you able to make firm decisions even despite a lack of data a lack of research or a lack of support? Right? And those are very qualitative things that is very easy to identify. Once you start having a conversation with people but maybe people don't value quite as much other things are like are you super resourceful? Are you able to effectively motivate teams and Ali support around you know a common goal or a common vision and are you able to you know rally for support against competing priorities and it's another super important thing, but sort of take taking a side or aside from kind of more of a cultural stuff the interview process definitely has you know, a lot of structured questions to if you are going through the product manager interview process like Two parts of the interview or three parts, but the two more like structured formats are one product sense how well you're able to think about ideas and build products and the second is product execution. How well are you able to drive results? They might ask me questions like, you know, if you if Facebook were to go into the health care industry. What would you build huh? And that's a pretty ambiguous question. And if you just kind of Point Blank try to think of ideas of what would be a good be a good solution. And you might actually not come to the best realistic solution that Facebook Implement. So a question for you I would have sorted culture off is when you were preparing for the Facebook interview, for example, how are you preparing? So at first I went on glass door and looked at all of the interview questions that other people had put on Glassdoor through their experiences and sort of dislike had an idea of what to expect and I think I tried to do a few practice mocks at first just like without any practice or any preparation what I was able to deliver so that I had a baseline understanding of like what internally I had as my knowledge base. And then the second was actually just having a lot of discussions around relevant topics. So I find whenever you do mock interviews you tend to be in a very high-pressure situation where you're like kind of having what's the word like fight or flight responses and you're really just trying to say the perfect thing and not really allowing yourself to think through your answers get creative and you know develop new opinions or Perspectives on things so I actually had just like a lot of conversations about the industry with people like I would just you know, call somebody up and be like, hey, like let's talk about messenger. Like let's talk about why mestan is good. My messenger is bad. Like what could they be doing to make it better what our opportunities in the industry all of that? And so that really kind of got my brain fired up on just like interesting ideas that are creative and out there and it really pushed the boundaries of like what I thought about regularly so that gave me kind of a vocabulary of knowledge around the industry that could supplement, you know, a lot of my answers and then I think the final step was just looking at all the questions that people were posting on Glassdoor figuring out. What is the best structure to go about like those answers and there are a lot of like product management interview books out there and Provide you a lot of Frameworks. I think what's important is to understand the value of each framework. And what context is it becomes the most valuable and actually being very versatile and how you apply different parts of a framework to a different part of a question. So a lot of the times I wouldn't actually like answer a full question in a specific framework. I would just think about okay if somebody asked me this question, what are they? Looking for and what is the best structure in framing the problem framing the solution and like whatever how your next acute on the solution? So that was another part of the process and then obviously the practicing part which is mocking with as many people as possible so that you can not get too nervous during the actual interview and then apart from Gloucester where else can also do a mock interview. For example, where is a good place for me to find good mock interview questions? So there is this guy, I don't remember. I think his name is Jeremy limb. I could be wrong the book code and D conquer I think was one of the really good books that he wrote. He does like, you know, he has just been a button amount of books out there. What about cracking the what about cracking the p.m. Interview because I know crack in the coating material I use that for coding interviews. I find it quite as useful. I think mostly because a big portion of the book actually talks about like what to expect or you know, what are the differences amongst different companies and there's actually not that many practice questions and extensive example answers. I think a lot of the things that I think his name is Jeremy limb publishes has more dislike question answer the question answer German. I'll Google that afterwards and I'll add the link to the show. notes Yeah, and you know if I'll look it up to and see if I recorded a correctly awesome. So now so you're currently working at Facebook a company, which is Facebook is currently getting absolutely hammered in the media. And I know that in a lot of these tech companies Facebook Google they really value like Employee Engagement transparency all-hands meetings. Can you sort of walk us through or take us behind the scenes on like what's it like, you know where your company is getting like, you know strongly criticized in the media? And the next you guys are like an all-hands meeting or you have internal discussion forums. What are sort of the general mood in the company and what are people saying through this period Here has definitely been for the past year 2018 has probably been the worst press cycle for Facebook ever. And I think just generally compared to historically bad times for tech companies like this is pretty bad. I would be definitely lying to say that employee morale is not down like there is a lot of contention within the company as well and you know the same way that privacy issues or Russian involvement in elections and things That affect you know, the greater public employees will also perceive it in similar ways. They just have a bit more context the process that we tend to go through as a company is leadership is very communicative and they are very responsible and they understand how difficult a lot of these issues are and sometimes how unreasonable the Press could be but they are patient about what it is that they have to do to take control of a situation and in ensure that their employees do feel included and are able to address all of their questions and concerns. So you pretty much actually just by default Mark Zuckerberg hosts a QA every single week like every single week. So any employee can feel free to attend ask questions. What have you there's been a lot of dumb questions that's been thrown out and it's super entertaining to watch but also very serious interesting or serious good questions, but especially in terms of in times of very bad, press Cycles, they will hold a doc ad hoc committees or more extensive qas and then also bring in specific representation from leadership that actually have more, you know involvement with a certain issue to answer the questions that you have and also like the platform that we use internally as like our enterprise software is also Facebook, but just the work version of it, which means that it's incredibly open and really easy to To dice this disseminate information as well as contribute to the dialogue. So if you know, for example, you have an issue about the Integrity of our platform and how we are serving ads and whether or not we are surviving legitimate ads, for example, there are tons of groups that you can participate in raise your concerns questions and hopefully get some sort of resolve from leadership or you can figure out your own way to tackle the problem. That kind of like Segways the last piece which is that the first day at Facebook. We got the sticker like a laptop stickers saying this is your company now and quite frankly. It's true that Facebook is going through a hard time as an employee. You might not feel great about everything that has uncovered about the company, but at the same time you are actively a contributor of the company and so you can stand there and complain and you know, Like be dissatisfied or upset about maybe leadership not taking as much action or as much responsibility for a lot of things that are being called out or you can actually take action towards fixing the problem whether in a small way or in a big way if your product area is actually more overlapping so I think that's what's been happening internally at Facebook for me personally. It's actually more interested. In time and I really like being at Facebook in this time because it's where there is a lot more challenges. There's more complexity added to how we make decisions and by being at a company and Times of strain and difficulty. I think you're able to be exposed to a lot more learning opportunities as well. So yeah, I would say that's how Facebook approach is the Action, I do have good faith and Leadership of what they think is right and always taking the best action to do is right and as an employee, sometimes it is upsetting when I hear about certain things, but at the same time it's a really interesting time to contribute back to the company and fix some of the problems that have been called out. That was very well said if you ever decide to make a pivot from p.m. I think you should consider PR but I don't I'm just joking, but that is true. So it's like PR for products. Yeah, that was actually very well said answer. I like that answer. So I was actually thinking back. I think all three jobs you had right? I think you could say it was the result of almost like who you knew which is sort of a theory. I have to wear like networking in the people you have is like so important in life in general for people want to like get into the tech industry. You have any advice for them on how to network effectively? I would say death. I wouldn't actually say other than the Shopify job that it was really based on who I knew but actually presenting myself in a situation where yeah, it does actually appropriate way better way of putting it. Yeah. Yeah, like for example this brain station gig the reason I had met these brain station guys was I was trying to host the first-ever startup and Technology career fair at Western. It was super small and I feel like if they still have on there it's probably much bigger. It was like 13 companies or something and I happen to be talking with these green station guys. I was telling them how I didn't really feel like I had a competitive Advantage going into Ivy because There's no skill sets that made me stand out and they were like, hey come work for brain station. We can teach you how to code and that was a very organic conversation. That just came up. Yeah, but obviously I was able to present myself in that environment. Let me rephrase the question based on what you said. I guess the question could be how can someone put themselves in more opportunities? to succeed or is that is that what you said something about anyway, you know, I'm trying to say you can answer the question. I think going back to what I said about how I approached the Shopify opportunity, which is that in every interaction. I had with that hiring manager. I approached it in a value-added way where I didn't think about where I didn't really talk about what I was getting out of the opportunity. I didn't really bring out the fact that I wanted a job from him for the most part and I Is kept on trying to do things that were helpful to his day today and would actually add value to his job overall. I think that is the best way for you to present yourself and it's not necessarily the volume of people that you know, are you network with that? You're going to get opportunities from or for some people that is how it works. But for me, I'm very much a quality over quantity person and I try to ensure that for the the opportunities I'm really chasing after I do everything that I can to provide to present myself in a way that is clear that I have value to add very well said is like Facebook and that opportunity like I didn't really know anybody from Facebook. I didn't get the opportunity from any referrals or anything like that. I was at a networking event. I was deeply interested like the recruiter could tell and just like wanted to move to freaking Asia so badly to work with internet project and then they really about like saying hey, I really want to interview. I think what I said in the email was like hey, it was super awesome to talk to you about. You know, what Facebook is doing within the internet and Emerging Market areas. Like I am so passionate about emerging markets and I love how the internet works and I think it's been apparent through our conversation here is a portfolio of all the other things that backs that my passion around this kind of area and whatever and you know, I'd love to More I don't think I actually I don't think I asked for an interview opportunity at all. But I think by presenting yourself in a way where you're not trying to extract from people and you're trying to figure out how you can add value to another person's live or another organizations life that naturally presents you as a candidate that people want to accept or like engage with more so that would be my number one. The other thing I would say is just don't get yourself into situations where you're pursuing opportunities that you don't actually enjoy. Oh major key major key especially for Our Generation. Yeah, and I think especially being an IV if you already in IV, this is school, like there's huge pressure to get all the Consulting and like Investment Banking roles and there's not really an ample amount of that either and also to be quite Frank there shouldn't be an expectation that everyone wants those opportunities, but I think you know, I know a lot of people who just chased after those opportunities because it was accepted and they thought that they should want that even though it didn't actually make them happy or satisfied. So that really clearly shows and even if it doesn't clearly show like you're just not going to be able to exert as much effort pursuing opportunities that you don't actually like or feel passionate about then the opportunities that you really care about. So if you are just Frank with yourself and you know start early on moving the direction towards a career path that you're actually going to enjoy that's going to save you a lot of energy. Very well said I like that so now shifting gears a little bit. I have a question. I called the one the five and the 25. So he says the the idea behind this question is what would you like to be doing? Where do you see yourself a year from now five years from now twenty five years from now. Okay. So first of all, I would like to say that earlier on say in high school or early University. I was pretty like Calculated and what I was working on what was going to be the output of what was I what I was going to be working on and sort of devising my plan and strategy around like how I was going to attain what I wanted or the job that I wanted and that has shifted quite significantly in the past couple of years where I'm actually not very active and thinking about like what I'm going to do with the future. I don't necessarily go with the flow, but I Like listen to myself better and just be more aware of opportunities that come up and then seize the opportunity if it is something that's worthy. But to answer your question in an Ideal World currently, I think in a year or two, I definitely want to try something within the realm of startups and Entrepreneurship. I don't think that I can sustainably work for people. I love working with that. Facebook right now and I love the problems that I'm tackling and I honestly don't see myself believing in the short term but I have always had Nate desire to do something of my own and honestly to not have to work for anybody the for the rest of my life so might try startup of some sort in say five years or ten years. I think you know if I am somehow able to create a successful startup or You know try a bunch of times and fail to that's okay. I wouldn't actually be surprised if I change Industries so very big driving principle of how I operate is just that I'm pretty curious and I like change and I like to be exposed to new things and after a while I see patterns within certain industries or certain lines of work and then I got bored and I want to try something else so I would be surprised if I actually moved into a different. Current career. I've always been super interested in investigative journalism interesting work on Vice on HBO and they just go to like the coolest places not even the coolest places like sometimes it's really really dangerous like this girl went to war-torn Syria and was in the middle of the action trying to capture was going on and I just thought that was super interesting so investigative journalism, maybe somewhere in my life roadmap. I love food, so I've always thought that I would somehow be involved in the food industry whether it is that I like become a chef or like I own a restaurant or what have you that might be in the line too. But to be honest, I haven't thought that much about my life plan and I'm not super concerned about it either. Very nice response. So second last question I have is I got this question from the Gary vaynerchuk channel YouTube channel, and the question is what are you currently obsessed with? So this can be anything. It can be a YouTube channel Instagram account book activity and you devised a new exercise you've discovered at the gym anything. What are you currently obsessed with? hint, Sausalito Come on, I love that answer. I think you have to say that is he something else? Okay, okay. So that not only made us get really creative with the things that we could do. It also forced us to do really really dumb things that did not need to be done. But just for the sake of completing the pun we would do it. So one example is we thought marinated basically what we did was we went across the bridge to Marin Headlands for a hike and then we went to the Marina District. San Francisco to get marinara sauce on our pasta and then we went to a salon or like a hot tub and we like got marinated so that I think they running out. Hyundai so we have to figure out something else fun, but I would stay another late latest obsession is You know, I have expressed the fact that I am interested in pursuing a start-up in the future. I think that right now the market for startups is pretty saturated to be honest, like some of the most successful startups that are up and coming right now are all trying to solve very very Niche problems. Like, you know, another Facebook is probably not going to be coming out within the next Market cycle, but things like, you know, Better Insurance Solutions or like how to you know, optimize the real estate industry is kind of where the startup movement is going and I'm really having a hard time finding interesting problems that have not yet been solved yet. So my latest Obsession has been honestly just like diving into as many things as possible talking to random people and having random conversations. You generate ideas about like what are still certain problems that are not being soft mild unconventional needs that are not being met Etc and just kind of accumulating it. So that's my new obsession. That is very interesting. And the final question now is just general advice or anything you want to tell people maybe like reflecting back on the last 20-something years of your life. What would you say is probably like something you want to tell your younger self. I just general advice. Throughout our conversation is just to develop good self-awareness and critical thinking skills in. approaching the decisions that you make in life, right think good self-awareness is going to allow you to like prevent yourself from doing things that are not either good for your well-being or just a good use of your energy and it's going to allow you to go on the path that you should go on much more earlier and obviously like you're not just going to know what you want to do off the bat and then takes a lot of experience and sometimes I'm questioning what I'm doing and Always question you if I'm doing the right thing, but to have that constant reflection process and taking back your Reflections and applying it to your life is super important. The critical thinking part is just uniform. Contrary to what everybody is telling you is good or contrary to what other people believe is true really analyzing whether or not that is showered true to you and really really making sense for you. And if it's not then you know take your own lens on it and really create your own perspective on things. I would say the other thing that I would suggest to people is really be a good person in. General I know networking is a huge thing for people of in school or early career folks, but quite frankly, you're not going to engage with everybody that you've like had a networking and chat with or you had a coffee with I think it's better to develop lasting relationships. And I think the best relationships that are formed are situations where you actually have to work with somebody towards a common goal. Goal or interact with someone in some way. So people that you're working together on through projects or your manager at work or you know, somebody that you've seen is doing really cool things and you just decide to follow them around like I think those are more of the more meaningful and interactions that you can have and I would push you to Foster more of that and continue to maintain those relationships rather than constantly sinking out and trying to develop new but maybe Not as strong of networks anything else? Yeah, if you have any things okay, I was going to say that um the point where about self-awareness is very is a very good point. I don't know if the question I'm about to ask actually has an answer, but how can someone develop self-awareness or improve their self awareness? question because the space but I work in you know machine learning and like artificial intelligence is actually becoming big part of video video recognition, you know in classification all of that and For those of you who are Geeks out there self-awareness is actually one of the hardest principles to crack within computer science because you know, once a entity is able to gain self-awareness. That's kind of what we Define as reaching almost humanness, right? And I feel like I'm really going on a tangent here, but Yeah, the question is meant is more of a conclusion that they go on another tangent. But no like if you have something out of that I like you're going a really good point though. I feel bad for cutting you off now. That are not representative of the world correctly, but I would say to develop more self-awareness. I think you just need to Tried as objectively as possible. Look at situations and experiences that you had and you know, identify all the variables that were part of the situation and just think about like what you did in that situation and like what were the results of that situation and then also if you were to play that scene over again, and if you tried something differently what would have changed given similar variables or if a different variable? And just like just playing stimulations around your stimulations around your life and scenarios that have happened in your life is one good way to start. I think the other way is just I versifying the signals that you get from like understanding yourself and your actions, right? Like even though maybe you can be journaling at a coffee shop for like six hours about this recent interaction you had up with a co-worker that was negative. You know, you only have your perspective on like how you perceive that situation may be in that situation. You have a third party who is able to give their perspective on the situation. They can offer another perspective that is also valuable and has more noblin sites. Right? So that takes away from you. Just thinking about what you're doing and also getting other people to tell you what you're doing. But that is I think a very overly analytical way to approach the situation but quite frankly how I try to be better at being self-aware. I like that and I wouldn't say it's overly analytical I'd say it's the right amount of analytical And also to build on your your question to something else you can do that. I try to do to help me develop. My self-awareness is just reading up on cognitive biases. So like this is book influence by Robert see aldini. There's also someone I love called Charlie Munger. So just Google like different cognitive biases see which ones you use when you make decision the past and that's another great way to develop self-awareness. But anyway any thank you for your time. If someone were to reach out to you because they loved or you're saying they wanted to ask you questions. What's the best way for people to reach you? I would just message me on LinkedIn just search anything Facebook or something. There is three of us at Facebook name. Danny Zhang's just search like Annie Zhang Facebook product manager, and then I think I'll get get me. I'm not the best at responding, but I will try to get to people as quick as possible awesome and you thank thank you so much for your time.
Annie Zhang is a product manager at Facebook, working on the Facebook Watch team. Before that she was a PM at Shopify and the first employee at Brainstation. Annie graduated from Western with a Philosophy, politics and economics (PPE) degree after declining her acceptance into the Ivey business school program at Western University. We talk about how she landed the Facebook and Shopify PM roles and being the first employee at a high growth startup. What it was like working inside Facebook during the fake news controversy, why she declined her acceptance into prestigious Ivey HBA program and chose a regular Western degree, how to develop self-awareness and much more. Here are some highlights of the interview. Note: This transcript has been summarized for brevity, if you would like to help transcribe the full interview, edit videos or help Atila TV in any way, please send an email to [1:24] Why did you decide not to go into Ivey? [7:45] How did the Shopify opportunity come about [14:37] How did you get the job at Facebook? [35:05] How to prepare for product manager interviews and the best books to use? [39:07] What’s it like inside Facebook during the fake new controversy? [43:29] What is Annie currently obsessed with? [58:14] How to develop self awareness and reduce cognitive bias [1:04:10] Final piece of advice [1:02:00] Links: Annie’s Linkedin: Annie’s blog post about her Shopify Role:  The PM Book Annie mentioned during the episode to help her prepare for the interview:  Decode and Conquer: Answers to Product Management Interviews by Lews Lin:  Decode and Conquer on Amazon:  Cracking the PM Interview:  Cracking the PM Interview on Amazon:  Charlie Munger’s 25 cognitive biases to help develop self awareness: Summary of Charlie Munger’s talk:
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I upload to one is a podcast interview with a guests such as Grant Cardone or I've had people like Ed Mile and Daniel Priestly on the show before and then every Thursday, I upload a solo episode where I give you actionable steps and strategies that you can Implement immediately in order to build your business brand. I'll just see success in your life in any way shape or form. So make sure you have hit subscribe and let's dive into today's episode. Look up that word, right? Look at that word before you fall asleep Hedonism Hedonism. I think it's just seeking pleasure constant pleasure. Yeah, what do you do to see here? Well, well, let me let me be sure. I'm using the right word right now. I hope you're recording all this because this will be funny the real line the scenes. Yeah, Hedonism Hedonism mean seeking pleasure Hedonism. I don't speak enough pleasure actually. Yeah, but when we were in Thailand Hedonism, yeah the pursuit of pleasure sensual self-indulgence. That was a five hour massage. No, I did two hours and then I went back to said I want another Two hours bloody hard. So yeah. Yeah, you need it. Ok, so hello and welcome to today's episode of impact school. I am joined with mr. Grant Cardone himself. Now, I was thinking about how to introduce this book last episode for a while. And honestly, there's there's nothing that you haven't done so I didn't really know. Oh, yeah, there's a lot of stuff. I haven't ya best-selling author how much how much billion in property we have one point two billion dollars worth of real estate right now. You have multiple different components to your business, which is so cool. I love that. You're not only doing the thing which is the property investing but you're also helping others do the same and honestly, you are one of the people who has shown me what is possible for myself and my life and I know that that is something which your massive on and I was watching your Maldives log and I thought I heard oh, I'm coming to England and I heard you say if you want to do an interview then hit me up. And here we are in yeah. Welcome back again to this gorgeous a stay that way what brings you here? So we have I have an event to do here Saturday, but we yeah, yeah with Rob and we just finished a 30-day. I think I'm on the 31st day right now Tour of Rome Bucharest Dubai Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand Maldives, and then we added a few days here so that I could get the kids out to the countryside we've done London. We love London and we've done the city. Mostly every time so this time I wanted to get a flavor of England. Yeah, exactly. This is the kind of place that I've not quite this is statement. Yeah, this type of area is similar to where I've grown up and it's amazing. Yeah, peaceful and it gives you a place to retreat so we did we did Falcon for yesterday with the birds. Oh you did they brought ten birds out and it was just and they gave us the whole history Henry the eighth. Out one of your favorite Kings here. What a brutal do. Yeah. Yeah. This guy hunted all day. He hunted in the morning and at night with this birds and he said he says, you know when I tell a joke, I never know. I don't everybody laughs at his jokes, right? Because I mean if you didn't he kill you and but he hunted twice a day because the birds the birds they don't care that you're a king or that you're rich. They just care how you do you can I go home with you and so he was fascinated with these animals. So we got the whole history of it yesterday and birds fly and watched him hunt and it was amazing. So what's your equivalent to the birth hunting? You do Deals Deals Deals your that's also your business. There must be something which you know know know I would I would do like the real estate that I do we contracted in the last it's a great question. You asked me and I loved what you did by the way, I follow your stuff in and I like what you're doing to help people. The deals that I do I would probably do these big deals. If there was no money involved because they're they're so they're so like they're so they're complicated. There's there's people there's very sophisticated people involved there. So these are we contracted 400 million 426 million dollars for the deal in the last seven or eight days. So it's crazy. Right and I'm and I'm running my other businesses and doing this whole scene but these deals these real estate deals. They're complex. They're complicated. There are a lot of very very smart people involved and it's fascinating to me because it's not just like the e-commerce space and the influencer space and the which all that's cool and everything but these are these are Big banks. These are you know people with massive egos, right? And and so and they try to push you around. There's a lot of competition everybody in the game has money so you don't have that advantage of like I have all the money The guy next to you, he's got more money than me and the deal and so I have to figure out how to maneuver with very very intelligent sophisticated negotiator. So it's very fascinating for me. Okay. So if you were to take all your personal brand stuff that you're doing, you know, social media and everything all the deals. Yeah. He picked the deal. Oh, well, I mean, I would pick helping people over everything over everything. So so only because my heart kind of pulls me to help people because I want to help When I was a kid, and I didn't have anybody to help me and it was frustrating and I just I have this personal promise that I made years ago. Then if I ever made it, I would I would stay revealed and I would help people I would show them what I'm doing. So and that thing pulls at me. It probably cost me, you know a lot of time and energy because but he pulls me it's just it's kind of like a mission to Steve. He told me once he's like, you know, Steve Harvey, he's got this beautiful saying about he his career is what pays his bills but his mission is what pays his heart or something like that. He says it much better than I did. I love that. That's amazing. Okay, so I want to talk about that kind of in a second now just for anyone who's watching listening to this right now who doesn't really know what you mean when you say deals. Yeah just be able to just briefly go into that because yeah, so yeah. So these are these are I've always loved real estate. I've loved Looking at it shopping at my dad. You know, I remember my dad at 8 years old and the weekend on Sunday. He was a stockbroker but on Sundays we would drive around the town and look at real estate. I was eight years old and now I look back and say he was a stockbroker. Why wouldn't he studying stocks on Sunday? You know because I think that there's a fascination with something real this family that owned this Castle they've owned it for 1,400 years. They collect rent from Miles and miles away from the houses and they have for 1400 years me is how you create wealth, right? So they have 5,000 acres here. I don't know if this place makes any money now it doesn't you know, I can't imagine what would it be? Yeah. It's very impressive the queen Queen Elizabeth came here brought 400 people here. We have all this history lessons now and she's like fetus fetus all and almost bankrupt the place, but the story is that her dad. I think her dad had given That the place anyway, so they're like yeah fetus. So, you know, the value of real estate is is something real people can live there they can live off the land and so the deals that I'm doing are massive big 80 million dollar hundred forty million dollar real estate Parcels with not homes like you have here, but what we call Apartments not even what you call Apartments their Flats, but you can't own them. Okay, so we own the whole lot. We own everything we own the land we own the property and then you come there and you're like, I just want to pay monthly to live on the property and then you'll sign a 10 or 14 month lease to use that and if we take care of you maybe you renew it and sign up for another 14 months, or maybe you leave but it but it's a way that America where young people don't want to they don't want to own a home the way your parents. Did they want Mobility? Yeah, they want mobile and they want they want choices. Like, you know when you pulled up your were you impressed? Oh, absolutely. Okay. So if I told you that I was renting this place now and it's not mine. I'm just using it for a week. Does that somehow diminish my my status with you? No, of course not but if you talk to your parents the parents and the in England even more so than America owning something owning a house is a status. Hope you loving this. Interview with Grant Cardone. If you haven't hit subscribe already, then please be sure to do so also I would really appreciate it. If you could just simply tell one friend about impact school because this is totally 100% free content. So I really appreciate it. If you could help me grow this show anyway, let's get back to it. Let's dive into the rest of our conversation because my dad is actually the owns his own estate agency has had it like a couple since he was in his 20s. And I'm at stage. Now what I want to get into property investing and everything and he's like just by your house first. Yeah, I don't know. No because I've listened to what you're saying what Rob saying all of the people who are actually at the top of the game when it comes to real estate now, don't get me wrong. I'm by no means saying that my dad hasn't done. Well himself. He absolutely yeah in case he hears this day. No, he will because I've actually introduced these. Oh, yes, he comes in my videos and he's hilarious on video and stuff. He's consumed your content. Okay thinks you're brilliant. And yeah, I mean it is definitely an old-fashioned mindset and I think that's a big thing. Especially the UK mindset versus the US - mm. I feel like American people are willing to invest in themselves invest in their business take risks take Massive Action. Whereas the UK is so far behind. I don't know what I don't know that you're so far behind. I think that that that the class thing here is you know class Is accepted here in America. It's there's an illusion in America. There's a little bit of a trick I think on both both people and we were in Thailand and you know their trick there to there. Like I can't leave here. You know, they have almost a zero unemployment in Thailand and even if you're unemployed you just go to the you go to the ocean and you fish and you catch your food and you can eat it so you don't really have to work right? You just feed your family. So But they get paid like $2 $2 an hour there. So it's all kind of relevant right in America people are stuck there because they're like I have two cars. My kids are getting a good school. I own a home. It's just another it's another form of trickery here in London particularly right now with the brexit thing going on everything you guys have so many excuses built-in for people to be like, oh I can't do it right now because the brexit I need to wait until that happened, sir, or I can't own a home now because they're too Expensive and then back to what your dad you know your dad that was just the vehicle the only vehicle for your dad back then was I'm going to buy a house. I'm going to pay it off over the next 30 Years and then one day we have something when I'm too old to enjoy anything. I had a guy here yesterday. He's got a 5 million 5 million pound house paid for and he's like Grant. What should I do? I said do you like that's dead money. You should not have money dead like that. It's not paying you. All your Investments should pay you until you until you're so rich. You're like, okay. I have an investment now, that doesn't pay me. It doesn't matter but where we're at right now in the food chain, we should in Americans are waking up to this right now money needs to make money because it doesn't make it at the bank and your dad's money is not making money anymore and even some businesses like I'll pour more money into real estate this year than I will my own business my primary. Businesses that have put me in a position to buy the real estate. So like I we spent ten million dollars on that event. You went to last year. We made probably 50% on our money, maybe 60% our money, which is a massive return right, but I would rather have a six or eight or 10 percent return in a real estate deal that I own for 30 years. Then have a 60 percent return in one year and I have to do it again with this real estate when we buy this stuff. We're getting six and eight percent of your every year and then three and four times our money when we go to sell it. So it's a way to create massive wealth and it's a fun game. Yeah, exactly. I love that you say that it's a fun game because honestly, that's kind of how I see everything I do I've said this to people before and they haven't really understood it. But I feel like yeah, it's a game. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a jigsaw puzzle. Yeah. Yeah, totally it's always trying to get to the next level. I saw your whiteboard thing. What what what so what? Why couldn't you figure that out? I became attached to an idea in my business. Uh-huh because I started out in the fitness industry. I know you were saying that you've been training. Yeah. Yeah into the gym. Yeah making gains. Yeah, and so I have a lot of people who are watching this right now who are listening who are in the fitness space and so I knew that if I could serve them to the best degree possible. I should be helping them build an online fitness coaching business from that's why I did and I realized that that in order to just literally simplify my sales funnel. Basically, I just make it so that it's to help anyone building online coaching this right. That was it. That was all I James and literally some problems since then I checked my little like percentage thing as a this month in the past six days. My business has gone up by two hundred and seventy eight percent was well, which is just not one small change. Yeah, and so I feel like Clarity like that it takes a while to be able to be confident enough in yourself and your business everything that you're doing to be able to make a decision like that because there is obviously going to be potential downside. Yeah sure. And so it's something I really wanted to talk to you about on this podcast here today is you are committed to helping people realize that they can achieve the things in their life because I feel like especially nowadays people don't know what And so when I know that you had a drug addiction when you were my age, how did you firstly realize that you were the type of person who could actually make big things happen in your life was I mean, I always thought that I could do something. I think everybody thinks there's everyone knows that yeah, I think everybody does I think every person thinks that they're special. Do you think if they would if they would be really honest and not not I think that they have the thought and then and then there I can't tell anybody because that were people judge them. Well, they will judge them. They will judge like your parents will tell you your special until you start acting like you're special and then they want to medicate you. So like oh you're so special, you know, he's so special right and and then and then getting special becomes a problem somewhere between I don't know eight years old and 15 special takes on a different. Meaning than it did if you're 24 months old and then and then becomes a problem for the adults, right? So I think everyone is special. I think if everybody got really quiet and anything you could say anything they everybody be like, yeah, dude. I got this special little thing. I got this super power. I got this, you know this thing and then what happens is it gets squelch for me. I squelched it so hard I suppress it and pushed it down so hard because cuz I was told to like it was not the my surroundings did not like me exhibiting my my special right? So so, you know because because I was offered with special well in the beginning you don't know how to use it. So for me, I've always been very rough. I was in Dubai and this lady says, oh my God, I love meeting this guy. She was so write an article about me. I love me. Scott he's a bit rough. But but and I've always been that I've always been a very kind of the edges are Jagged. Do you do has a reason for that? Because I'm trying to figure out I'm trying to figure it out. It's still be me without without suppressing who I am, right? So I'm trying to I'm a bit. I'm very playful immature. I love pranks. I like having fun more than I like anything. Like I want to have fun, but I want the front but but then I then I become very serious when it's time to work. So I go from this very playful person to this extremely intense dog barking lucky he can if you can happen in a micro of a second that we could be, you know, screwing around doing something dumb to okay now we're going to and phones on and like I'm in the deal now Gina adoptability has helped you get to where you I think it's helped me in hurt me though because it because it's very confusing for people even people very close to me to get it so I could I remember in reminds me of a time when Elena on my wife. She went she bought something. I forget what it was I said, how much was that? And she's like, I don't know I said find out how much what you got to know what things cost because that bothered me like, I don't know and then she told me I like plan of that. I was ridiculous. We didn't need it is to eat. I could have got a better deal blah blah blah. It was no money. I didn't it was 500 bucks or Or something literally three minutes later. I was negotiating a deal and bought it for 62 million dollars or something something ridiculous. So I went from being micromanaging probably incorrectly over 500 bucks to spend 60 60 million dollars and she inch it was confusing for it's confusing for the people around you, you know, when you're making decisions like on your whiteboard saying, you know what I'm going to throw away money in business. I'm gonna go away I'm gonna go for this other business. It scares people when you start changing. I also think that you are obviously an entrepreneur at heart and so for you doing something like that. It's just The risk, you know, it's like yeah, but it's your mind sighs how you work how you never you don't know what I'm feeling while I'm doing it either but nobody has nobody knows how I'm feeling like they're like, oh dude. It's so easy for you. Nobody knows what I'm going through. So what are you going through? I'm going private probably think the same things you are right? I might get my right. Oh man. I hope this is right. You know, I hope I did the right thing. I hope I'm not getting ahead of myself. I hope I'm not getting over my skis here. I hope I'm not I hope I Peyton didn't pay too much when we did the the growth conference and we had you know committed to 35,000 people for 365 days. I worried that nobody was going to show up even after I had evidence that we sold 35,000 seats. Like I had the evidence in my hand. I saw the money going to the bank. I've looked at it like every day for 300 days and said hey, we should we bought these tickets Grant we've audited every seat purchase fried up Thursday night the night of the event the night before the event. I was still worried that Friday morning. Nobody was going to show up. So I go through the same thing as saying if other people are experiencing that yeah, then I'm going through the same stuff. Everybody else's experience. Absolutely. No, I think that people see people on social media. No, No matter how successful they are. They see others on social media and they just think that for some reason because they put themselves out there. They don't feel yeah. They did you don't feel so how do you actually help people realize that you are because what your message really is helping people realize what's possible for them right now. That's what that's how when I think about your content. That's what I see you doing. Obviously, you've helped me massively when it comes to sales. So as Jared and I actually I went on his wife spoke us a couple of which is also yeah. He's great and educating and everything, but I really would love to know why do you think people are able to listen to you and your story and feel like they can do it too because some people do feel like that right? I do I read it. I truly like deep down I really do so, thank you. Yeah, you're welcome. But a lot of people they see people on social media and they just think that's so robust. That's why they're so nasty. Well, yes. So robust basically, they think that you're like hardcore you can't be tear down that you don't have feelings. Well, I look I do have feelings but I you know just a little tidbit. I disregard a disregard my feelings like my feelings feelings are overrated in our society like you did. She sound like me. The gut is their gut your gut is a stomach. It's called a stomach. Okay, it's not designed to lead you it's designed to digest food. So I don't I follow the data right and and my emotions my emotions fear would keep me from doing a fierce kept me from doing I should be I should be a billionaire eight or nine times right now. Was it still fear a fear? Kept me from doing these do the deals? I'm doing today fear kept me from doing 20 years. It's ago. So what were you actually afraid of I was afraid I lack confidence in the data. I didn't I didn't trust the data. I knew I have known for years this little space that I'm in. I mean, it's so many different places, but particularly in the real estate I've known for years that there was going to be a massive shift in America particularly and maybe around the world to where people will no longer buy homes and they will live they will they will lease where they live and they will move. Around the country and their Mobility would become a big thing. And I knew that I knew that but I did I should have put every penny I should have borrowed more money. I should I should own 40,000 units down not 7000. So maybe maybe 70 that I could be one of the biggest landowners in America today had I followed my imp my data my instincts that was backed by data rather than my feelings and listening to the numbnuts around me that are like don't do it. Don't take the Risk, you don't need to you already have enough. All you're going to do is like all that input from other people. You know, we I bought a about a plane maybe three or four years ago and I've taken a bunch of neat about the plane because people like he's showing off his playing look at you had a gut if you had a jet you would show it off to and if you didn't show it to people shame on you like it's inspiration for most people not envy for most people. They're like do that inspires me a mark right was here yesterday. On you no more I've was the water with you. He was on the Press. He was The Apprentice from Archer. Yes, so he flew with me from Cardiff to London last year. I put him on the plane. He says Grant you ruin my whole life put me on that plane. I can't think like every time I get on a plane now, I'm like, oh my God, I need to have to fly private. It is a light is a Ruiner and this is what like if I inspire people to think bigger that that we is one of my goals because that has been the big ruin of my life that I didn't think big enough to hold time the big single biggest regret I have in my life. I played at small for at least 35 years. Influenced by Society education friends even friends with good intentions family members that love me, you know that they're the wrong people to let the the, you know, the Falcon tree I did yesterday the one of these birds the Peregrine pair of Paris something moose 200 miles an hour makes an aerial strike kills on contact like it's like wow, man, it only had it only it only does three things in his life it either kills you gets killed by you. for a sex with you Simple what a life. Yeah, there's something you just touched on there is that it was the people around you? Yes, and you don't need more don't fly that fast, you're already you're already successful. And yeah, you know, you don't need anything wrong, but they were telling me that when I had nothing they were telling me that when I was making 50 Grand a year you have enough and be grateful for what you have. Look you got my mom used to come you got heat you got everything you did you got refrigerator with food, but that's not that my mom didn't understand Mom I have dreams. You know if my dreams weren't empty refrigerator or a refrigerator it was empty and but it was there it was there. It was meant for me to fill it up with something and all she could see because the way she grew up she grew up out of poverty all she could see was you got your health, you know, we've all heard this is these are International Concepts by the way, how you got your health and you got family and if you have food and if you have heat you should be grateful. Yeah. I mean you need those things. Us and then you can think more you can think bigger. Yeah, and then so when is enough enough for you I get asked that all the time, you know, I don't I think I think the reason people ask that question is they don't understand that the potentiality of the individual, you know, that's special it stretches. Yeah. Exactly. I don't know if we were filming mommy said that but I honestly believe that It's like literally when you're playing FIFA or whatever they play you get to the probably the worst example, you're playing Call of Duty. Yeah. Yeah, and you complete the level. So like it's move on to the next one. Yeah, you want the next Channel get a taste of what's possible and you can see that so I feel like what people need if right now they're feeling lost their feeling hopeless. They feel like how you felt when you were 25 when you had a drug addiction. They just need to get a bit of momentum. Yeah. It's actually push them forward. So have them Actually get that momentum so actually start moving towards I would I would suggest that people not try to go do this on their own like so many people are suggesting like, you know, the popular thing is, you know be an entrepreneur do it on your own and be a solopreneur and I fell victim to that for a long time by the way, and then when I started bringing on a team and I actually like investing into my business. Yeah, that's when everything explodes it. Yeah just like that. Yeah literally overnight, you know, I would just tell people that like find someone that is already moving down the road. It's called Drafting and in Motorsports so I can be I can be in second place and actually spend less energy. And go just as fast. Yeah, and then and then and then had like run Seco the guy you met tonight, you know, he works with me. He quit a job as a pilot to come work for me. He went from making a hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars a year had his little pilot Wings people. Yes, sir, Captain. He's the youngest captain in the United States to fly a plane quit that job had Healthcare. He didn't go for for himself. He came to work for another gun. He took a pay cut. Did not know what it would be. He got he got with me because he's like this guy's going places. This guy's taking risk. He's got the money. He's got the resources. He's got momentum. I'm going to get on the bus the coattails and I'm going to go for a ride. And so that's what I would tell people that find somebody not a company find a person that has energy resources courage that is on the move. Because just because they did it, you know, just because they did it years ago might not mean they want to do it today Mark Cuban from the Shark Tank. He's not interested in growing anything. He's like, I'm just not he doesn't have the game. It's not as so you got to find somebody wants to play the game again at another level and I would go work with those people and and go for the ride. Yeah, and then I had an exchange give them more give them more than you want from them and Watch What Happens? Yeah, it's really powerful finding someone. He's in a position where you can see yourself and where you'd love to go and honestly just molding what they've done. Yeah, you know seeing how they played that game because they've obviously done something right and I feel like people see these people and they think I can't do that because of this or because of that and they only got there because they were lucky. What do you think about luck? I don't know anything about it because I haven't had a meal and like I've has bad luck. So I just never been that guy. I know people that are Get Lucky They go to the casino they make a bet on black and they went and they asked for a blackjack and they get it. It's just not my I've never been that guy everything from he's been a hard effort a lot of effort which overplay the effort thing. You don't you shouldn't have if you're in the right vehicle at the right time you shouldn't have to You know Brian you should not have to grind. Yeah, you need to work hard. But at some point you need to figure out how things this thing should start going, you know today. We're in a position today where I could be on the road. I could literally travel the world now. And just go from Island to island island with children for 300 days a year and nothing out of me. Most of my businesses would not be affected negatively. Right? Because you've Sable systems and everything which is so important because at the beginning stages people don't necessarily think about that, but I personally believe if you set the system's up now, yeah one time they're done. Yeah, obviously you're going to have to bring on team members as time goes on but early stages, you know, you got to get think these things He's right. It's like you always say, you know, get your money, right? Yeah, when you say that money is a sister, you know, right? Yeah absolutely is and one thing which you said, which I love is that money has no value and so use it because I actually want to ask you about your money mindset in a bit because I heard you just say we're laying for something fun with your bucks and you're doing like a 62 million dollar deal or something. So do you think you've always been someone who's been like pretty Frugal when it comes to money and you feel like you because I expand my muscle - I find him very hot spend money, you know, and I feel like this is a very British thing very very British. We we go out shopping and we're just like looking at the price tag the whole time even if you have enough money to afford it easily. Like if I go into a shop and I see some things like I know 200 pounds I'm like Like I'm not going to but by and I never buy anything that smells like my clothes like I'm in a fortunate position where I have brown sending me stuff and so for me, yeah, I need some stuff. It's pretty silly stuff. I'm sure they will like but it's just kind of yeah, it's an interesting one for me. So what's your so this is what I discovered. I thought I had been called frugal. Extremely extremely conservative around money. So don't don't look at the jet and the trips and all that stuff that you see today because what nobody sees has they don't see the 35 years. They just see. Oh God guy went bought a brand new jet. No overnight success story. Yeah. You see the watch. I'm all right, but but you don't see that I didn't buy watch and I flew commercial for 3 million miles for 30 years and then I sat in the back of the plane and then I save my money you don't see the whole Nobody sees that right. They should ask that question. About the money nobody in these interviews almost nobody asked about money ever like the money like talking about the money. Yeah, doesn't that the money thing almost never gets here, you know, so The Frugal I thought I was a thought I was Frugal. I thought I was a mooch thought I was cheap. I was told all these things because in reality tight, you know, I could squeeze an eagle off the quarter without it people go look at it $200. I still have the prices of stuff. I think it's important to know what the price. Something is I would look at the price of something and it I was not cheap. I was Miss identifying what the problem was the problem for you when you look at it what you're what you're getting is can I reproduce that 200 pounds and you're not sure yet. So you're not sure when you get sure you'd be like, yeah, I'll take that. I'll take five of you. And and that is the key the key is to get so confident in your ability to reproduce money. Now the this complicates the issue because if you're in the e-commerce space you're in a space that literally was just created overnight like it what it didn't even exist what 10 years ago and got hot here only in the last probably twenty eight months or so. So you have the data you have data says wait a minute. This space didn't exist, which only means it might not exist in the future, right you could go away as fast as it came. So you have it on guard those birds. I was with yesterday. They think everybody it wants to eat them. Like they don't trust anybody. They don't trust their owner. They trust no one and that's a good thing to have so that when you look at it, you're like hey is this business going to be here? It says Is going to work is new money going to come in. Do I have the systems in place? Do I trust my people do I trust myself this all changed for me with this real estate stuff. So we have 13 little businesses and then they were real estate. The real estate is the one that can't be stopped. There's nothing in the on planet Earth short of North Korea going nuclear. Nothing will stop the income this produced by that when you have that coming in and I'm willing to work hard every day like you are but I have this machine code going over here 6,000 S7000 departments 8,000 10,000 pay me every month couple hundred bucks. Then I'm like, whoo. Let's go on the trip. Yeah. Okay who cares what jet fuel costs because I got a machine going over here. And that should be the game for everybody do great at this their earned income that the queen tax is so heavily. And then go over there and find this passive income that will pay you regardless of how talented you are. How smart you are how well the video does or how well the pot product or lease does get that passive income to be more than the earned income. By the way, if you haven't already texted one friend and told them to tune in to this, please be sure to do right now. Oh also the cool thing is when you learn something on a Picasso or wherever you happen to learn it if you then go and tell someone else about It's been proven time and time again that actually helps for meant that information in your brain. So they always say the best way to learn is to teach. So what you can do is you can then take this information that you're learning right now. Go tell it to a friend and say hey, I learnt that actually on impact school and here's how I'm going to implement it. Trust me doing that. It's going to change the game for you. So hit subscribe if you haven't done so already and anyway, let's just finish off this interview. That's amazing. So you Keep them separate. They're definitely separate all of them are separate and then all the money you actually spend like my money in my wife's money separate because I agree so I mean because it's not separate then everybody gets confused about Who's doing all the money? So then the money which you aren't from your passive income your properties. That's what then you use to spend on things like this. This this is what this is what pays for the dumb stuff get it makes perfect sense like it, but but but still today, I don't have an Hermes belt. I have a nice watch. I love my watches but You know, the money thing the money thing is so important because without it you're not going to have true Freedom you cannot you can't do what you want if you don't have money and surpluses of it. Yeah. No, I couldn't agree more. That's why I love sick about it because this pool cost is one of the all about giving people the tools the resources the strategies that they need in order to create freedom and fulfillment in their lives because I think right now I have a very similar belief to you. I feel like Flirt honestly getting brainwashed. So without going to school going to University. I dropped out of supposedly the UK's number one Business Degree whether they were teaching me nothing right about how to run my own business, right? And so I realized that what I was doing on the side of my sight hustle. Yeah was giving me so much more than what I was supposed to be learning because of societies depiction of that. And so yeah, I mean, I was very fortunate enough to run. Why's it so so young when I was 19? I was sober was working at an asset management firm. And so I guess just to wrap this whole entire thing up. Someone my age you're looking at me right now. I've obviously achieved how old are you? I'm 22. Okay. Yeah. So I've achieved like compared to pit other people my age people say to me. Oh my God, you're only 22. What would you tell someone like me who has already had a bit of a taste of it. You really want some more you don't listen those people that they're like how you've done so much. You know, like port on your ambitious be ambitious, you know be be Lake be super ambitious and and you have a tremendous Advantage if you just stay don't be satisfied. Like keep reaching and anybody that tells you be happy with where you are. You should be discussed it like like like like wanting to throw up all the time about your your where you are right now and dissatisfied with it to the point where you're like man I am not happy because once you hit that vein once you hit the the true potential of you and you're rolling It's not gonna be a handful of people talking about you, you know, it's going to be millions of people talking about you. And in that in those Millions hundreds of millions of people. Can we talk about you? You could inspire a lot of people forget what you're going to do for your own life and your own Freedom. You're going to give people. Hope people need examples. And you would be an excellent amazing Grand. Thank you so much for coming on in fact school today. That was an incredible do it again. Next time. I'm in town. Absolutely. No, thank you so much. It was an honor and everyone you got to go check out Grant stuff. Just everything my favorite of yours is obviously because I'm young. I loved what you and Jared Doom young Hustler that is such a cool book ass, but if you're into real estate guys, this is the this is the man if you want a UK equivalent of you as well to get double the amount of Content rub more you guys obviously do stuff together. You guys are crushing it and I am taking notes over here. So, thank you so much. I hope you enjoyed this episode of impact school. By the way. Next week's episode is going to be with grants wife Elena. It's actually an episode that I recorded a few months ago. And here's a little snippet of what we spoke about. This is just a pat on the shoulder well done as compared to where we want to go and who we want to touch on the world. So so at least I've gotten to the point now in our lives where enough people could look at us and say wow, they're successful how They do it and so having been the person back here to the person where I am. Now, I didn't have a woman kind of behind the scenes. So make sure you have hit subscribe whether you're watching this on YouTube whether you're listening to this on a podcast app, you can catch impact school this podcast that you're listening to you right now on the iTunes podcast app, which comes automatically downloaded on your iPhone. If you're an Android you can listen on Stitcher and you can even listen on Spotify as well. So make sure you've subscribed make sure to tune in and I look forward to seeing you next week when you are going to get to hear the interview with Elena Cardone all about building an empire. My name is Lauren Tecna and if you are ready to finally start building your online business, then you know where to come. I'm your girl. I will help you create a scalable online coaching business through my programs. My first program is called impact your online business is an 8 week long program. Designed to help you start your online coaching business. And then if you already have an online coaching business, but you're looking to scale then you can get involved with the impact incubator. That is a 12 week program that really is designed to help you create a one-to-many coaching model so that you can also sell one too many so that you can scale and still being a slave to your business. So if you're ready, then I have left a link for you which you will get directed to my Facebook messenger and there's going to be a kind of little quiz. Thing that will help you figure out which of my programs is going to be best for you so that we can get started we can jump on a phone call and we can get you enrolled only if you're ready. I only jump on the phone with people who are seriously ready about this and if they are definitely going to be a good fit so you can just get that is going to be linked in the show notes all the description box. So thank you so much for tuning in today. I'll catch you on over on Instagram and on next week's episode. I'm at Lauren Tecna Lau re NT AC K NE R. I look forward to helping. Being you scale your own online business and your personal brand and you can get that quiz if you in your browser get your capital letters on and type in bit dot L. Y4 / imfact quiz, it will only work if you do everything in caps lock so bi t dot l y /i MP a CT Q UI Z was that if your English write and say the right way. Yeah, it's bit dot l y / imfact quiz and there you can see which program of mine is going to be the best for you
This week on the Impact School Podcast, host Lauren Tickner interviews the one and only Grant Cardone, an internationally successful entrepreneur, author and founder of Cardone Capital with over $1 billion assets under management - this is an episode you just CANNOT MISS! Lauren and Grant discuss... - What is limiting your potential - Attitudes towards money - ...and much more! FREE Workshop To Learn How To Start Online Coaching: Pre-register for the Grant & Gary event on 20th November in London:   The Impact School Podcast is a show by Lauren Tickner ( designed to impact your life through giving you actionable steps and strategies to build your brand, increase your income, and become the best version of yourself.
Boys and girls, welcome back to the inspiration space where today I spoke to Brian Wood mc. Mc standing former military cross. This was one of the episodes. I have probably been the quietest in through all the episodes of ever recorded. This was because I just let Brian speak and tell his story which I was completely fixated upon. It's a vivid recollection of everything that happened to him during his career in the Army, especially in Iraq where he was heroically awarded this military cross for his behaviors and actions during the Battle of Danny Boy, which you will hear all about. I'm not even going to touch on it. Now. I got to hear what he has to say on it. And then he talks all about his circumstances that Could after this incident which led to you know, PTSD after arriving back trying to move back into normal life in our day-to-day society and then an inquiry that took place which was quite honestly with you an absolute disgrace the more I think about it the when I listen back to the story again, it kind of it angers me so much that he could have even taken place Brides is a lovely lovely. Man, he put his heart life and Soul on the line for this country and he's a true true hero and you will hear about it and you can also read it in his best-selling book Sunday Times best-selling book double-crossed and you'll understand why with that title white what why it's named that but it's a fantastic book, which I can't wait to read and he talked to us about what's on the pipeline thing, which is really exciting and it's truly deserved. Guys, I can't con urge you enough to listening to this story and and take we can from it and just go and buy that book and and definitely follow Brian's movements over the next year or two because there's some fantastic things happening and they are well deserved guys. If you have a spare second, please also give this show a rating review on your podcast provider. It means I can carry on getting fantastic guests such as Brian on the show. I'll be running a competition soon for the best review that gets given to me. So yeah, get them down. I'll be selecting a winner and yeah, keep your keep your ears open for that have a fantastic guy day guys and enjoy this one firstly. I just want to say a massive. Thank you for coming down. I know how busy you are at the moment everything is going on which I can't wait to hear about in a minute. But yeah, just want to say So much. I'm really really looking forward to hearing your story more than anything. But I think probably the best place to start as per usual in this is kind of introduce yourself give them a list as a bit of a background who you are and kind of yeah, the the initial starting blocks to kind of what led you on the journey you've been on thanks for inviting me down absolutely it and we're all busy so it's not it's not an excuse and if you can come down and share your story and kind of maybe Inspire some people I think it's yeah really good with what you're doing. So I should kind of maybe help out as and when I can thank you very much. So yeah. No, but now I'm Brian Wood and I've got a bit of a bit of a story a bit of a journey and but and it's to do with the military, so I'm from a heavily military family over a hundred years unbroken service and my great Granddad, you know served and second world war my granddad served in Dunkirk and Spent a lot of time in the water actually on the kind of the exfil from the beach and then due to exposure within the water. He then died want to go back to Mainland UK in Edinburgh Castle from pneumonia, but it was his kind of values and is selfless commitment that he got everyone else on the boats and kind of took the paid the price for that but I like to think that that's been passed down from the generations to It to kind of the person I am today and some of the valleys at my granddad shown during some of the most intense fighting and but also my dad then served for 22 years my brother still currently serving now. He's in his last year and I've got few cousins and still serving now. So I mean, yeah, we've had a heavily military family, but I was never destined to go into the military. If I was honest. I was I was half decent football player and I was if Chelsea. With John Terry when I was younger, I really yeah and my dad was like I said that he was serving still and he was having to give up a lot of his time on a Tuesday and Thursday to take me to carbon which was a long way as an hour and a half for us to get there and we will have what he's having to leave his job early and it's difficult in the military to do that. Well, it's difficult in any job for you know for someone to kind of leave their job early on a Tuesday and Thursday, but Hey just it was it wasn't fair on Chelsea wasn't fair on me because I was getting there sometimes half an hour into a session. There's any sending our session so me the try and you know impress and make a statement. It was difficult because like half an hour behind everyone else, so it's tough and we made a decision to kind of step away from that, but then I got picked up by a reading and I kind of done my school of excellence with Reading Football Club, and we had a final trial. I thought I was in I thought I was done. But now didn't work out when into the portal cabin in the pouring rain and they said look it's been a it's been a credit to what you kind of, you know progress but you haven't developed as much and as quickly as we wanted you to and therefore we're going to let you guys I was a clearly heartbroken because football was the only thing I really wanted to do and then yeah, it's like a sort of knee-jerk reaction. I went to the careers office on my own and I wanted to know a bit more about the Army the careers advisor. There was a local resident called the princess of wales's Royal regiment and he sold me the dream, but actually it was the dream. He told me everything that he said to me that I would go and do I did I traveled the world playing football. I was with this incredible belonging. I was experience this Brotherhood the Come rodri that I've never experienced before. It was just you had absolute purpose to be the best version of yourself because the military instill that and that's why it's still one of the finest organizers organizations today because it is is so rigid so structured it so disciplined but that really does bring the best out of you. So all of a sudden, you know, I was on this journey becoming a Frontline Soldier. What how will you when you join up with that 16 and 9 months? Yeah, so I was a young Boy, my son is like 16 in a year's time and I think and I feel cope, you know got away with on your own because I left the train station with the sausage bag on my shoulder. Yeah, and I say goodbye to my mum and dad at the train station. I was off. I've never been to London before so I had to go into London negotiate the underground and then go to Peterborough where I was just like to start my phase one training on my own. There's a bit of a shock absolutely. So but I started at Incredible Journey and And it was early on I had to grow up and be a young man because that's what you do. That's what that's what they create. You have to do your your thing. You have to make sure that you listen because there is an X as an expectancy of this how you do it you get told once or twice and then you have to kind of produce if you don't and you're a mark, so you really do have to grow it's drilled into early. Yeah, you have to go out. But yeah to everything you taught from even from Washington shave. To making a bed hospital corners, you know, everything is taught. So like I said, if you listen and you you maintain your Fitness and your fit you kind of get left alone and your Fitness was probably already pretty good. Haven't played football too young. Yeah. And what does it shock? It was some of the stuff that it was because I've never I didn't really train with loaded kit on so a lot of stuff is, you know with a heavy amount of kit on your back and you're carrying weapons system. So that's a little bit different but my dad was an animal in a A nice way he was very fit and and that's a bit of a cliche but it was also my mentor and my inspiration if I'm honest and still is now what he does with charity and how he looks after himself and keeps himself fit this this. Yeah, there's some of the stuff at his age. It's just he puts himself for his pretty bra but yeah, he's always been like that and it and that's infectious. So when my dad was up in the sand he was training hard. I was his shadow. I was also trying hard with him from such a young age. So it was yeah it was he just kind of set the conditions for me really and then it all changed and all shifted in. Once the Twin Towers were hit as in serving wise absolutely. So so 16 and 9 months. That's what like 1997 cool, right? So Twin Towers its 2001 and then it all starts. I mean that's when the intensity. Yeah, the dynamic shifted then the Dynamics resting shift in what way well fighting event. Yeah, we weren't sure walk. And now we've never done that I'd done two tours a cause of a growing up in 2000 and 2001 and as a little bit of an eye opener is oh, yes, it was Peace Keeping it. There was no kinetic action, but some of their like Chalet Graves that I'd seen and some of the coffins at you know, we're coming across the border that was a little bit of an eye-opener for me because like I've never experienced any of that before and I always say on my journey, I'm only human people. I think you know soldiers and and Special Forces operators there like Universal. No, they're not they've just got the exactly same organs as everyone else and we're not robots and we're not machines. We're just normal people with emotion. So when I was seeing this at a young age as long and yeah, it's stuck with me and but this was just the beginning of you know something which was going to Yeah, it was going to get pretty violent. And and that was what mm. So course by then then you did you go to Afghanistan. Yeah later on though. Okay, so I done. 2004 was The tool that totally changed my life forever really it was overly violent. It was the uprising as well. So any stability in Alomar occurs, we were north north and Badger and just south than Fallujah. So it was the breakdown of peace talks and it was wild. Yeah crazy while you talk us through like I'm getting there too. Like what was it like getting to that war zone? I was yeah, I mean You prepare. Sure. Yeah, six month price. How much can you put I know and that's a good thing for Kmart. Well, it's not a good isn't it isn't because you always want to test yourself as a commander as a leader of men you want to be tested in in some extreme circumstances. Can you lead can you perform Kenny's doing be inclusive with people who you want to kind of you want to nurture them to be to lead and make some decisions, but there's a lot of pressure because you only get some time to split seconds to make these decisions because it's not money that we're going to To lose. It's not you know any tenders that will miss out on this human life. So their big decisions and when you build up to this you're thinking, how am I going to react? How am I going to be tested? You know, am I going to fight or flight? These are the questions that you ask yourself and and we're no different. We ask ourselves some questions. And like I said, you do six months pre build up. So you do all your stuff away on on pre-deployment training. Another regiment comes in and assesses you to make sure that you're out at level that you need to be before you go on operations. And then yeah you get your kit on and I'll talk about it in the book and we'll summarize on that towards the end. But I talk about the feeling of flying in and all the lights are turned off you get you put your body your art body armor and helmets on and then you fly into country and I remember getting off the plane and it was like 50 degrees. It was Robert. Hey, Eat and we'd been training in like semi Bridge. So the climate training wasn't quite there but you get two weeks in Cajun Country to climate eyes and you know as kind of water discipline, you do some more trauma first aid, you do zero in so you get your weapon systems out and do make sure that you use zero because they could be knocked around in transit. So you making sure that they're all firing AK. You do a few Fitness runs to strike at the heat. They was a absolute breaker. Unlike ridiculous, but you know we had to deal with this and then the information that we're getting fed to us in schieber. So schaible is a big logistical base where it's where for Frontline soldiers. It's a holding sort of location where you do this kind of pre-deployment stuff. You do all your sort of Touching up of training and then you then fly into the green zone where we were so as I'll wait in there. We had this information saying look, it's Gum gum really noisy at the moment and there's a lot of fighting there's a lot of unrest and where we're going to be going and yeah, but then like you said, how do you prepare for it? You just got a switch off you got to be focused and you've got to remember everything that you've been taught and yeah, you just you've got you're gonna go regardless. It's our turn to go away into that country for six months six months of half a year. So we knew that there was going to be some incidents, but I didn't expect To be the way it was how violent it was you talk to you touch a little bit on leadership there. I'm I'm actually reading a book of moment called the Commander's funny. I'm kind of reading through some of these accounts of their time in Afghanistan if fascinates me how making decisions in those moments where so much is going on round. Like you said, there are lives at stake. I can't personally I can't even imagine the mindset you have to get into to be able to be cool calm and collected and we'll talk obviously about the Battle of Danny boy. Yeah in a second, but can you talk us through that mindset of me? I just can't even begin to imagine how you how you get yourself into into that mental state. We like okay, this is the situation and this is this this this is what has to be done. There is a lot which goes on but every single person yourself included isn't art to a cigar moment. And what's the comment is approach to free reflect allow your commanders who are under you to do their job you're now in a situation where you have to take yourself away from it assess. It's going on being cool calm and Collective because you know fear is a big thing. It's contagious. If you let that take over you then it can run wild and that will then really affect decision making so it's taken a step away allowing this situation and funny to happen taking yourself out of it having your Condor moment cigar moment and then assessing and then you deliver and then you're going to execute whatever plan that you've come up with and you get you kind of get taught that you you aren't you are under a lot of pressure, but everyone is on the pressure at work and the British military is work for us. So we chose our career we chose that life, right so and it is the mind and because like I said it you can recoup money and you can kind of get things you can get things better. If you you know didn't do the right, you know, you'll make the right decision but out there you've got no second chance, so it's just been you know believing in your ability. Believing in your people. That's that's the most important thing is the people around you that everyone is on the same Mission as you everyone is super super focused hyper-vigilant and you've got to let them do what they do best without trying to micromanage too much you either as the overall commander. I've got the main decision to decisions to make but you've got allow people to go through their process because that's how they operate the best by letting them have that freedom and the battlefield is no different. Let them be them. You know and when things go wrong, they're trained for things to go wrong because in the military, we always trying for the worst course of actions. We've always got contingencies where we are. Very resilient will keep punching forward, maybe one step back sometimes but we'll take three forwards because that's how we're trained. We've got to be focused resilient and above all have just some True Grit and maintain your values so important Absolutely. Absolutely. And I understand you do to be cool / work. Now I can imagine this is how you kind of talked about that kind of stuff. Well touch on that idea that I find that really really fascinating is if you can still that mentality into people doing day-to-day work. I'm here if you can you get positive results in the Army you should get be able to would get positive results in any other field 100% but people in other fields just tend to switch off put themselves in a in a bubble when Tap Away where break that bubble and gonna engage socially fine wholesome micromanaging I see All the time and it is your right. I mean we don't have that word. I mean, I mean we have a gym in but yeah me interested me don't micromanage our staff. We give them full just got to let people Express themselves because they put you put pressure on them. They put pressure on themselves and then they don't perform as how they should do because they don't want to go outside of the boundaries because they're going to be told you can't do that or why don't you do this. You can maybe do this. Yeah, you can coach and mentor and manage but there's ways to do it instead of Really focusing on them putting more pressure on them as individuals, let them spread their wings because you know, the people are very talented but they just need to kind of allow the freedom of movement to do and going starts with leadership or Imports. So this kind of leads me onto the ballot Danny boy. So I just love to hear your account of it. I mean how far into the tool was this view. This is a two and a half months into the tour. How was the first doing art most kind of building up to this moment? I skate was Carnage and we lost 14% or we took 14 percent casualties within the first two weeks. So it was you know, we're all fighting right and and two weeks prior to the Battle of Danny boy was blown up and was hit by 284 Soviet Union missiles, which comes straight for our Warrior and Cause Devastation in the back my I'd three Dismounts me plus two Dismounts in the back of this armored vehicle, which quite dark it's disorienting you're disorientated. You've only got a small window at the back door and we've condensation and grit you can't see a lot out of it. So your it's in a real dark cost of a with space and it's probably 65 degrees in there 50 outside and that's no exaggeration you go on you go on to you know, Alomar has weather app now. You would probably say is on 45 to 50 now is me so it's ridiculously hot and when you get all the kit on as well, we can't ya body armor helmet weapons ammunition water. So you can't about with yeah with a lot of kit on but yeah your vehicle gets hit it gets spanked and your adrenaline goes into overdrive. I'll kind of say it's an out-of-body experience. Obviously. I've experienced some some adrenaline whether you're getting married or whether you're going to go and compete or you know, It could be anything which flutters that heart rate and this was like and soldiers will tell you it is a drug. Like no other the adrenaline is like you run out of body. It's crazy. And when this vehicle smashed I'll say this a lot that I was more scared in the back of that vehicle. Then I was going into the trenches at Danny boy because I wasn't in control I was The back on my Gunner was burning. He's on fire screaming that he was burning the Glad opposite me had a shrapnel ripped through his nose, which is knows as then dangling down, but he just looked at me because he was in pretty much in battle shock and then Irving the other lad he had a lot of shrapnel weapons inside of his thigh, but he was like the heavily bleeding out and wanted to go out and fight, but I could hear that what was going on outside it was Carnage. We're just in our car massive Ambush and we were hit. It severely and then I started feeling wet feet my feet were wet. And I was like, I didn't know if I'd been hit myself. Look down, and there's a bit of a tail for me. From when the rocket sticking out my arm, but I just thought it was like a muscle tissue inside as I pulled it. It's actually my bones. I was like, yes. It's like I'm sure that needs attention, but I'll do that. I'll deal with that later on and then the smoke that I was so bad. It was like I was even was coughing and spluttering in my platoon Commander was on the turret floor unconscious unresponsive. I thought he was dead and then there's a above the back door you've got These fire extinguishers but in the moment of I forgot that when you hit the bottom end because they're not like the conventional extremist. Usually, press the top and then it's quite as whatever fine whatever it is out these things you've got to smash the back the bottom end of them so the bum end of them and then throw them onto the fire, but I forgot so I'm looking at this thing and it wears a handle not under this secure pressure is a because the fire burning the arm now it wasn't blood it was the So so I'm now in deep and he's around thinking I'm going to end up burning burning and I'll stop flapping and then my mates it to me in the back. He's a woody you've got to smash the bottom end of it and he said but as he said but I smashed the bottom end of it because what happens is it sucks all the oxygen out but including us so all of a sudden we were choking because of the smoke and it was all thick black smoke it was boiling hot. And now I lost that has so much hair as well where the blast went through. My face is riddled. Old with shrapnel was old with the Justice like a pebble - my face and all of a sudden now can't breathe because I've Ronis extinguisher on this fire, but it took it put the fire out, which is great. But we would really struggling to find oxygen to breathe and and then it just all of a sudden this real thick rubber from our respirators were burnt and it was so Bad the smoke that I had one of these crazy things in that moment was like I remember watching Backdraft. There's a kid and I don't know if you've seen it before it's at firefighting film and but what the clip I remember is there were in this like building it was crazy with smoke and he then got some water put it on this towel and then put it on the guys as face as a filter so you can breathe and it the smoke wouldn't come through so in the moment I remembered Backdraft, right. Yeah, don't put it on the put the Waterworks towered it bloody worked can't believe it and I was like wow. Anyway, I have met that we managed to get to a safe haven opened the back door and one of the commanders who I know very well who actually are inspired to be when I was younger. He opened a door and the look on his face said it all the vehicle was in Carnage. And yeah, I have to go I was saying fly into hospital for seven days. I had like lacerations on the eye. In my Iris, I thought I was going blind if I'm honest and I was panicking about that because when I got once we got into the safe haven your bodies are clever tool because it's then started to kind of switch off on the adrenaline and then I was like my eyes and I couldn't lose like good blinking glass and I think I'm struggling here. I said to Mom diff one of my mates it if my eyes are I've done I think I'm blind and then it then from then it got worse and just got extreme pain. And then that was it I was put on a drip and Heli, heli of lacked back down to scheibe log base and had to spend a week and in the main hospital there to get only swollen. Well because I tell you why there's a story of why it is only a week because I was a young leader at 23 years old, but I have responsibilities and me being away from my family. You know, I didn't like that. I was we'd spent two and a half months fighting together like mad scene stuff that which you know, you only have a certain amount of people would see and there's I wanted to be I wanted to be back there. I was like I needed to be that, you know be part of that team again. So what I done was yeah. I'd have an eye test to perform. Walker get cleared to fly back up. So in this a conventional I test you stand there and in them, it's the alphabet isn't it from the gets quite big letters and it goes to like tiny ones. So the doctor was like right read that them at them letters from right to left on the second to last line. So I put my I put my hand over my right eye and then I was I couldn't really see so I just thought I'd open my fingers. So I just cheated and I just thought tap told him it and I think he knew what I was doing. Anyway, he knew this. School and he don't like sign me off and then I flew back up and then on the 14th of May 2004. 1430 hours. I found myself in the most violent of ambushes. So I was in a violent one a week prior this Was you live above? Um, yeah. Yeah and it was different because normally we were City fine. So we'll go into the city of Alomar and it will difficult and they were like shooting scoot there on the roof and the roof tops in the windows down the alley ways in the gardens where this Was from a situation where it's unheard of they were in trenches that hasn't been done since kind of maybe the Falklands or you know, all the second world war. So it was very odd on where we were we were on the middle of Route 6, which is the main Supply Route it was open desert and the next thing you know this vehicle that we're in is getting shaken around by the most violent of of Amber. Is but what goes through your head is? Is it going to it can now be penetrable I did I thought this armored vehicle was a ring of Steel. It was kind of it was so safe that nothing was going to come through but I found out a couple of weeks prior that it can be penetrated. So I was like, you know, it's going to happen again. I could hear Boom Like These stuffing is some of the footage I've got, you know on my phone and stuff that people can't believe how how violent it was. And so I was in the back your heart rate then goes off and on a different course. I've got to allow my commander and and the gun a time to find fix and suppress the position which they were doing. They were under a lot of pressure because the radio is going mad and people want to know this information on the radio. So it's my time in the back just to let them have their space and when there's a kind of a lull I then ask them what's going on and he said Woody there's their dug-in positions. They're in zigzag trench type positions and there's 15 to 20 militia fires. And I was like, well this only three of us in the back so I kind of just let him do his thing in the engagement started in from the inside. It's quite muffled. It's not as loud and Couple of minutes later I said, what do you prepare you and your men to get out of this vehicle and going to launch a full-frontal on this trench and I was like three of you three of us and I was like the ratios hideous and so I asked him to say the command again. If I'm honest I said stick so that again he said look, we're not having any effect here. We need boots on the ground prepare you and your men to to get out of this armored vehicle and go forward. I thought was happening so I kind of done. Emoji eyes when he first told me and I thought what and then I said to the boys in the back what was going on and they were like they look to me with the same Emoji eyes as when I heard him say so I give them a kind of a brief what was going on? And yeah, we were going to go I never questioned why because he's a commander he is seen I can't see anything. I'm in the back so he can see everything was going on outside. I'm ready to come on. I just got ya. Yeah believe in his command believe in his intent and the mission and go out there and deliver it and it was Against All Odds and yeah, I was said to the boys in the back like we're going Stand By and I just remember saying to him look stick. We're good to go and he said, right. Stand by. I'm going to give you five support so you can really smash this position with everything that we've got, which is the main armor which 230 mil 30 millimeters is a big beast. It goes mad and then you've got this chain gun as well going and the door opens and I remember it being so bright, but also he told me to once a door opens the 10 o'clock position. There's like a dried out ditch that you can get into and then have a look before. You go because otherwise I would have been leaving the the vehicle not a clue where this position was because I was disoriented. So I wanted to give myself a chance and the other Lads a chance. So when the door opens fucking now, it's just so noisy. It was deafening and I just remember seeing straight away the where I need to go. I just ran hard and fast dive down my front. I look to my left hand side and saw the bravest of other two Lads coming with us and then three of us have down with a bit of a giggle because it's like a nervous laugh you get there. Your life you start laughing thinking this is crazy stuff, but I also told him to check themselves because with that type of adrenaline off the scale stuff. You can sometimes get hit and you don't know about it. So I said to the boys like check yourself. Yeah, we was all good and I like called up and had look over the bank and then I see it straight away. I could see the Tracer. So when you fire a weapon it lights up the round lights up. I looked and I could see this light in like rapid getting rapid the suppress this position as I 220 meters to our front. So when it's back to the boys said look, there's the positions about a hundred twenty meters away. Make sure you got Fresh Magazine on make sure we're good to go because we're definitely going to go over the top and it felt like that second world war type stuff. Honestly be done in 25. I know right? Yeah. Yeah and as I we're off and then that's was talking to another two British soldiers turned up randomly. If you another joking I randomly from another vehicle now, we'll all right, but actually that give me a right old boost because there's like five now against 15 that ain't a bad ratio. That's that's doable and with True Grit determination and maintain and hold of your values we could do something and if we run going to make it we would make an indent and that's the biggest thing. So, yeah, we had a bit of a Because there's another Commander which turned up. He was actually more seen this to me. I'd been on the ground a little bit longer. He then done is that estimate is I took a condor moment took his moment done his estimate we both agreed at going down the middle. It was the best thing because on the right hand side. I was note. We didn't know the clearance there could have been any any could being flanked interference with militia out there on the left hand side. We're too close to the vehicle. So we could have got a Blue on Blue which is for any unfriendly, which we try to avoid at all costs, but it was dangerous. And so we just come up with yeah up and we're going straight down the middle and I was going to go first with so would have been three of us me spider and Russia we're going to take The leap of faith over the top and start the first bound because you always move in pairs or teams. So I'll be able Delta fighting there were Charlie fire team. We would move first why they were suppressing the enemy. So they've got wall was one foot on the ground suppressing and then once we would start to press and they would then move because we'll be covering them firing. So that's how we move forward and I said, well, we're good to go boy stand by stand by five four three and then on I don't want You think that just got up and it's a bit of a blur and since we went over the top of this cover that we were behind that was it. It was a two-way full-on engagement now like full-on firefighting and they say in the military effective. Enemy fire is when round a landing in there and your feet or flying pasture is and the bees were buzzing around me and I was just waiting for any time to be to either be hit myself or here man down, but what we've said is if we get a man down we just Keep going forward. We take that main position out and then we'll go back and recover anyone who's been here regardless of how many are here. We just keep going and we bounded forward our first bound and it was wild like so noisy crazy full on now firefighting and then then boys bounded in front of us got down started engage in we started moving forward. We got closer. I've started to get gain some ground a bit of a foothold in the ground and I didn't hear the the man down shouts. For we got a bit of mu copper battle Rhythm a we can we can maybe achieve a lot of people didn't expect didn't expect and I don't think the militia expected it and we got closer and from about 40 meters away. Then I started to see some of the militia leaving their positions and falling back and we're retrieving or withdrawn and I seen that give me a bit more. Hope got closer. Got closer because then start to actually see them running around this trench position shouting and stuff and as we're just about to go in to clear it to look the remainder and fires. There was a lot of bodies around at this point as well which would being killed by up as and the armored vehicle and there were an all sorts of, you know, you can only imagine what I thought email will do to a human body. Its they're all over the place. So I'm trying to deny erase that from my mind just get on with the job in hand. And as we're just about to go into clear the reminding enemy all of a sudden they surrendered so they're free their weapon systems down and put their hands up and it's difficult to switch off that aggression when you're fighting for your life. You'll do anything to survive you go into survival mode. And when someone is trying to kill you, you're kind of your kind of possessed and but as British soldiers, we are dear to lure Fair Rules of Engagement and we have to make sure that We apply that and it is difficult to switch our motion off, but we screamed cease fire cease fire switch fire. We did it there was a bit of confusion because all of a sudden now, we've got people in this trench which are alive loads of people which were dead. And we've got a now try and sort this Carnage out because it really was we're like, there's weapons everywhere RPGs everywhere machine guns everywhere and I'm thinking almost 23 never done this before. How do I now have my condo moment and get a grip? Everyone's looking at me to make a decision. Yeah, we're through the roof like it was horrendous. So I'm like, right the main threat is weapon system. Save Lads get all the weapons away get them unloaded push them away from here. Once we've done that then we started segregating the enemy dead and the pows now because now we got prisoners of war and we had to blindfold these their very being very verbal. We're to make sure that there were separated. We done all that and then we started to get engaged again from the lads the Usher who had fallen back so we jumped in the trench. So now I'm in the trenches with dead militia Fighters everywhere militia fighters who were still alive who you know are very animated and we're trying to set US settle them down sort them out. I'm like what is going on? And then once we've done that most get down a little bit of control my sergeant major turned up and in a military, he's like God, he's a big dog, and he said like Woody what's happening? It was a nice feeling, but I didn't expect to I do. I'll tell you about it. So he turned up asked me what was going on. I said to him look this is what's happened. Is that okay is the battlefield clear and it was a massive Integrity question for me because I knew that it wasn't because I had seen militia falling back. So I knew that it wasn't clear. And I want to tell him it was because I didn't I was lucky to be alive but because of my values I was like so it's not clear. He said what you mean I said, I saw militia quite a few of them falling back. He's upright put Fresh Magazine on you and I are going to go up in the South Banking and do a clearance Patrol and as I because I talk through this battle and not 10 minutes, but this is actually like two hours into the battle. So I was exhausted as well nakid exhausted not had any water and the only water we have is boiling hot anyway. I was like, right so re-engage that adrenaline and then 80 meters into this clearance Patrol. We yeah, we could begin we had another engagement. Yes art major actually seen in first come out of a hole with his weapon system put 45 rounds into his mid-drift he dropped but this is now me and you this is like how close to finding is now it's like hand-to-hand stuff and as I've now done another bound obviously now before I come up with this a long barrel weapon system of just took a nanny and and put, you know, four to five rounds into his chest area 1 into the Frozen and as his drawer could hear it. Coughing and spluttering and choking but at that point I just bounded forward didn't take any notice but that come to haunt me later on in life that Imogen in that event with a lot of others, but that specifically it kind of crept up on me in a few times when yeah, I was on my own and in in a nights and stuff like that, but I'm bounded forward I then said to myself major look we just come engaged again two more times. We need to go back to the main position because we're really one. Born he goes I agree and as we've turned to go back. I see another Flickr to more militia Fighters the stood up as I've spun around to go and engage these they've dropped their Weapons Systems and surrendered. So as I said, we have to take them as pows took them as pows sitting back to the main position got back to the main position. And at this point there's a lot of commotion other vehicles are turned up more British soldiers are turned up and I sat on the bank and that was the first time I sat down and drunker war and actually there's a picture of me in that main positions. On a bank drinking my first bit of war after like two and a half hours of fine. It was Carnage and then as I just thought this day wouldn't get any worse. There was a command made by Brigade that we had to go and now pick up all these militia fires and load them onto the vehicles and take them back to camp and I was art. And no Max not the done thing. We normally leave the enemy insitute for them their own to recover them. But because it was such a heavily pre-planned attack on British soldiers. They thought the main militia leader was either appear W prisoner wall or he's been killed in action. So that's what they wanted. So yeah, I always say this is well taken another human beings life regardless if their enemy, Is a demand and thing to do? It's hard thing to do and I know a lot of people have so many conversations with people say yeah, but it's a if it wasn't them it will be you and you wouldn't be a dad now if you didn't do you and I know that but the bottom line is I done it and I don't have them. So close away, which is hard to then go back and pick these 17 year old 18 years old 16 years old, you know militia Fighters up was a demand for me and if I want it later on in life, I had a limit of As well, but I did it and it was hard to do good friend of mine was being violently sick. He's like I said some of these bodies we had a bags clear bags and we're having to put different anatomy of Parts into these bags because there were just evaporate it was horrendous real bad. Anyway, we'd then done that put it all into put the bodies into these vehicles and then we got back to our main base and as I got back there is dark by this time. I'm and they said look what do you need to then take the vehicle up so ground command it up to where the regimental Aid post where the doctor is going to be and he's gonna be there waiting you get 19 little unload it and unload the bodies into these body bags. So as I okay got up there the armored vehicles are on a hydraulic system because of their armored and they're such heavy doors so you can only open them by pressing a button. I said what boys get the door open, press the button. There was nothing no movement on this door. And I only knew the only other way to open a door with by climbing inside over the bodies and manually doing it. So I was like, I can't even believe this is happening. So we played paper scissor stones to see her do it and also have an element of guilt as well because as a commander I probably should have done that and led by example because I do believe in that but I just think it was such a horrendous day. We just thought you know, what we'll play Paper Scissors. The stones we played it the driver lost. He then went through it was honking you can only imagine the smell in there 50 40 odd degrees, you know feces man fat clots blood you name it. It was full full you can smell it from the vehicle. It was horrendous. So you put this shemagh around his face crawled through it and crankiness door open got to about as much as you could go out sideways and that had loads of screaming in the back. Before we had just had a flipped out. So I've gone in there. He's ran out on pasture shouting. He's alive, he's alive as our what I've looked in the vehicle and he wasn't alive but he was set up bolt right half of his head was missing but his eyes were open. I knew wasn't like because of his injuries, but it freaked at my driver out so bad that it ruined. It was probably ruined his life because now he's got severe post-traumatic stress disorder and he's like in a bad way. So yeah that Yeah, that incident alone changed his life, you know, and it was just a real crazy day. And what was that? What was the what circumstances after after the event? I mean just all right, a few III Daffy. I mean there's his I mean we've talked about the inquiry because subsequently was a massive demand and me and my regiment might and the lads who were with me. I mean, it was horrendous period of my life, but The one of them real demands was my homecoming sure didn't have any decompression because I come back from that tour a bit early because I have a course that I needed to go in to get my to get me promoted, which is a hard thing because I wanted to see the remaining tore out with my Lads but promotional is above anything in the military. You've got to go on your courses because if you don't hit the right time lines, then you don't get promoted so they know that so I came back from a tour about three weeks early, but I didn't go in on the decompression which are meant to So I went from fighting for my life like for five and a half months seeing witnessing and this is just a brief account on that tool, you know, once we will move to and I will speak about the book at the end. But when you actually read some of the set piece battle that we were involved in it is horrendous and I've had to kind of store all this not unload it to anyone before I went home and I left my newborn son. He was three weeks old. So loose was pregnant when I was going through all my pre-deployment training and we Add our son he was three weeks old. I remember leaving in the evening to get my to get the coaches to go to the airport like kissing him in his Moses basket. Not really knowing what I was going to go in to kiss my wife and then kind of went and when I got back I'm taking my front door. Seen Lucy which I was really excited to get back because I had not been a dad on and being a dad for three weeks got back and you know not all of a sudden he's in a cop and he's like six months old. I was like what whether that time go and then I put pressure on myself to be a fast track myself to be a dad and night. I was only young myself not 23 being a dad and seeing in and doing stuff that I done. I was put myself under so much pressure, but then I became very aggressive very verbally. horrendously aggressive to the point of abusive never physical but I mean Verbally, you can just be as bad and I punished Lucy for it. I envied her relationship. I envied the way she was with with him. I took that out on her and it wasn't fair and old not going to make a bottle and it will be too hot and she would say no you need you it's too hot. So instead of saying. Okay, no problem, and she wanted to coach me through it. I'll just get it in Smash It Against the kitchen and say will you do then feel that good you do it and then I'll bar family be screaming for his mom. Then I'll put him to bed. I'll just couldn't do anything and I was like feeling a lot of pressure and and I put myself in there a lot of pressure as well. But I didn't know what was going on in my head space was so clogged but being a being a bloke and be more blokes. Do I just kind of parked it blocked it out? No one knew what was going on behind closed doors. I just want to shut our then became Woody and I wasn't kind of a broken man inside but on that facade. I was kind of the the operator and a commander and the decision maker that everyone else knew, but my life was really a difficult point and Yeah, I was back for five days ready to go and course and then we lost Christopher raiment. And then I was asked to be burial party for him. Which clearly I said. Yes, and that was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do went to brize Norton and then the hook flew in it done a lap a lap of honour. It tilts his wing to basically respect whoever's on the back of the hook. and it landed on the runway we marched on the tailgate dropped and then seeing that coffin with the Union Jack draped over it broke my heart and lifting him up was a heaviest weight I've ever had to lift and it was a really difficult day loving someone in the ground, you know, that's the realities of war and I get it but still it's still heartbreaking and then five days later Leo Callahan was shot and killed and I Same for him. So my head was all over the place. I never spoke to any about it. I just kind of got on with it. And then I was gone off in this kind of crazy Beaten Track that I wasn't used to but Yeah, I just kind of try to get my head down. families kind of Mm Mm bits if I'm honest, but I was too proud to talk about it and I just carried on this journey for a couple few more years all over the place. And then the Altoid inquiry was announced that there's now going to be a public inquiry. And the allegations that me and my fellow soldiers were up against from the from the Battle of Danny boy was murder mutilation and mistreatment. But it went public so there was a panoramic Panorama programme on Whose orders. And then once that was there that was in my phone was going crazy. I was out having to justify myself to my friends and some family and you know reliving everything. It was just it was just Carnage if I'm honest it's because what they were saying never happened and when I was trying to explain everything and then all of a sudden I'm now going into solicit a rooms statements after statements after statements after photos seen photos of the days. I couldn't ever shake that day. And and I was like, we were ambushed we counted this Ambush and we close with and destroy the enemy that's what we're trying to do. So, how is now this all come about it was a Shock the lot what it must have been shocking believe it. Yeah, he's going I was like this ice but I said, so I said to myself it's going to disappear in like two days sir - just absolute rubbish. It will disappear wrong answer it lasted for you know for a further five years to the point where you know going into the going into the dock going to court and because it is a public inquiry that whole room was full. I've never been to court before so I didn't really know what to expect and clearly I was anxious and I was scared and sad and holding room. And that was the first time anyone anyone from the mod. Spoke to me and it's five minutes before I was getting to the dock and she said that come here to represent you and I was like, well, where have you been for the last five years Senator? Yeah, and she's like what I'm here to represent you in. This is what I'm going to be doing on-site that's you know, one more book is called double cross because I felt so betrayed, you know, I had fought so hard for my country. I'd you know, we had achieved so much on that tour and then come home and then Just hung out to dry. It was just horrendous and I was in the dock and they just the lawyers are they're clever people. They just strictly a very thin they stripped me of all my values what I believed in they put my citation up actually, but we probably are nearly an hour into this podcast and I've never even mentioned that I was awarded the military cross. Well, that was obvious literally just thinking that yeah, I'm gonna go. I mean when was that was that was that was 2005. So that was obviously your back. Yeah. I've got back here. Yeah, so what I mean what so yeah, like you said they just they discredited you that's not something that they never took that away right now. I mean that so what happened was we went went to the courtroom done all the whole proceedings. And then before the results came out feel Shana was found guilty of 12 accounts, and it was found wholly without Foundation a degree of deliberate. Ice Reckless speculation and ingrain hostility. So what he was doing long and short of it was he was pain fixes to agents in Iraq to come up with false allegations. But because he was goes through Shiner was gold standard at one point and the mod trusted him because he delivered some really important work by Moosa is a prime example of that British soldiers did wrong and he exploited them and and rightly so there was action taken against them. So he was gold standard and He must have just is moral compass must I went Wayward and he was getting a lot of money from the government. So this 31 million pounds of which was the else. We'd inquiry and he got millions from it. I just don't understand. What was the what is the been what I just don't understand what the benefit of doing that is money is greed isn't it? And and I would be why would why would the government want this to be the case? They I think they did want it. I think initially they were paying Because he was he was like the celebrity lawyer. Yeah within the mod. So he was like the best lawyer ever going out there. No one really traced him. No one really. Don't touch me. Yeah, he was Untouchable. He was that good. He was Untouchable and he knew that so either like getting these allegations and thinking yet brilliant. So and to the point how bad is this to the point is that he will get his agents to speak to American soldiers on some of their events that they had in America, but then turn them into British allegations to get some more money. That's how bad but what he was doing was playing with human life because he you know, he ruin careers feel shy on a ruin careers ended careers. I've done 17 years. I should have done 22 years, but I thought it was a straw broke the camel's back for me. My good friend of mine stick broom was my commander like chronic post-traumatic stress from it. Just fueled it. You know it even he's in a very bad place very bad place. Yeah. Yeah and everyone else just got out got at the military from it was just horrendous because and you know my family as well when it all came on the newspapers and on TV, I thought is an eye-for-an-eye they're going to come and do a hit on me on my house. So I was going to like Easy mode paranoid paranoid had not really bad as well though. Not don't five and twenty minute checks in the morning and they are in the evenings making sure that we've got no follow-ups trouble locking my door at night being on like pure Century because I thought someone was going to come in because once it was branded that I was killing innocent people. It was a it was a nightmare not even to my inventory like going to school. So my oldest son's in non-emotional not emotional boy Bailey's is 15 now and last year. I went upstairs could he wasn't upset in his room? I was like what's going on there then so not some door so bad. It was so mad. It's nothing I said there is because you don't get upset like this. Normally I said what's happened? Is that something at school you getting bullied and he's at now so well, what is it then he said I'll just Schoolyard, you know a schoolyard gossips like is argue. Just kind of your branded as being a murderer dad. You know, I'm now just broke my heart couldn't believe that I was like, I was awarded one of the most highest decorations for gallantry and Valor and then I don't really talk about it because of everything that's come with it. And there is a famous quote Winston Churchill said, you know metal Glitters, but it also casts a shadow and yeah and the build-up for the the summary of the inquiry Sir, Thane Thorpe's delivered it. 2014 and it's a who came to you say, I mean, I mean, did you have a support network through this you mean obviously you were going through this traumatic my family friends with the biggest support for about you mean was your teamily law team were they involved do they get stuck in or yeah, I mean I lost my the law team is something somebody must have seen this some pointing on what the fuck is going on here. Didn't know I said that many times behind closed doors. Yeah, but until it's actually proven. I mean it was a nightmare. my it was a drama and I'll just always let down by by the government. I was at down by the mod not one phone call just asked me if my me and my family were right not one phone call to say do you need anything not mindful phone call to say actually you've got the best team around. You just be confident just do our thing and everything. Not one. Not one. Yeah, and my book is called double crossed a code of honor because that's what I believe in and complete betrayal. I thought a harder battle on UK. So to clear my name than I did. You know on operations because I knew how to be on Oprah knew how to be a soldier. I was trying for it. What wasn't trying for with these, you know, these sharks their lawyers pick him to pieces British soldiers on the word of the enemy. How bad is that British soldiers getting Torn to Pieces by British lawyers on the word of the enemy, which is not which should have been thrown out and they too but took five years. It's shocking it. Is it shocking so 2014 comes around and obviously the result comes. Yeah and talk us through those moments. I mean we are angry. If I'm honest I was you know, I was going to come good I mean or did I was confident because I started to hear things like there was a document shredded Yeah by another Law Firm, which I'm going to talk about but there was a shredded document but that document stated the militia fighters who on on that Battlefield at day. They're their numbers and what what militia group that they were from But they traded it but they said it was human error. What for more money to get rid of that evidence to continue this because the longer we continue this the more money that we're going to get paid, you know, and this will kind of go and I'm thinking well, how is now on putting a stamp stamp on this and then there was other evidence that was found and then Phil shine to them was put to the tribunal and then was found on get with 12 accounts and then was declaring itself bankrupt. Yes trip to the bar, but would have put his money in all over the place. So he was financially sorting asshole. Yeah, and it's just it's yeah, it's a devastating Narrative of honest, but I'm also believe on the growth. How can we grow from adversity? Yeah, and I'll call it this I'll call this The Grove generation and that's from Michael coats is a really good friend of mine who come up with that quote and I love using it. I think it's Point on, you know now become an example to people or an inspiration to people and say actually if you can keep going through the hardest of times and how do you do that in 2012? I plucked up enough courage to go and speak about it to a counselor. So I wouldn't had some real deep therapy sessions about my mind space so I could understand what was going on in their game changer completely changed my life forever and because mental health so big thing we should be able to talk about it mate. You know, I like I said before just because there's soldiers doesn't mean that we haven't got feelings or emotion. I've seen some horrendous stuff and a lot of people have also seen some her and stuff and I know it took me eight years to open up but it wasn't too late. It was too long definitely too long, but it was never too late and it changed my life forever 100% I'm so proud of it, but it was like a domino effect as well when I spoke about it and was like, oh my God. Yeah and it especially a man. I mean to be honest. There's a big theme of this podcast about his immense wealth Huge and and Men, I mean men find it so difficult to and I did, you know, I was in an all-male organization. I was a Frontline Soldier non-emotional human a be a non-emotional leader of men like punching into compounds, but actually let's talk about it then and yeah, let's be this been extreme extraordinary leader and let's talk about what it was like going into thing compounds. What did you feel? What did you see? Let's talk about it. There's still that look trauma risk management process, you know because actually when I done it, I felt sick I couldn't shake the Visions but what I know now is how to cope with that because I understand it. I've been through some professional help and it's now give me the education to you know, it will try to deal with it. And if I can't then I'm already brave enough to to smoke them out already. So go and do a secondary engagement and say and I nearly had to do when I was writing the book because I know it's shot a lot of chapters down, but I opened up a few things I was involved in. Suicide and a young Soldier unfortunately turned his weapon system on himself and put it in his mouth and press the trigger, but I was third person on the scene. That was my second tour of Iraq and Iran into this room and I've never seen anything like it but I shut that off completely but when I was writing about it came back, it's a street was a struggle because I smelled that the burning flesh. I've seen Dan David who was his platoon Sergeant screaming he was at his feet and he's screaming why have you done this? Are we done this and that that are the me then checking for a pulse because he asked me to for you know, he's basically said can you check his pulse and I knew he was gone because it's state of the the whole place just for respect. I'll check for a pulse and I took his weapon system unloaded it never so I got a day since and when I started right about it, I was in all sorts. I was in all sorts of damage and we obviously I mean addressing it Cena counselors as taking you to a new levels and even at home though. On the with the best we've ever been that's amazing. So it's it gets to goes to show, you know, the power of talking the power of creating a just open up a bit of dialogue. You know, it's all about your stress is how you got from, you know, this blank canvas to what it is now because that ain't all plain sailing. How do you get the customers? That's a chore? How do you be Innovative in a market? That's flooded that gives you less pressure that gives you a little bit of anxiety. Let's talk about it. You know, that's how we should be talking about things and that same is when we come back from war or we've just finished a big battle with you know, militia Fighters all the Taliban from Afghan, you know, we should be just talking about it, but Vaughn being vulnerable as a leader. It should be viewed as a good thing. If anything seeing your leader on more honest and vulnerable level and sometimes can be definitely able to get behind you 100% It makes you human if you switch off and your non-emotional you kind of lose a little bit of respect for that individual because You know, you can't just shut that off. You can't be like this blank better paper gun. I don't care we get on with it. Well, no, we should be caring and we should be time taking a little bit of time to reflect. You know, we're not going anywhere for for six months. We're out there for six months and we see and we do and we witness some like Carnage. Yeah, but we've got to kind of take that in your stride and how you process that because not only does it affect me as a leader at affects all my guys on the ground and it's really important. Isn't that you kind of be inclusive you bring everyone in and say look we've taken a real big hit. But tomorrow this is what we need to do. We need to roll our socks up. We be resilient and we go again, you know, and that means that we need to do XY and z and we need you on the best form. We have a cry, you know, we Johnson bihari, you know for an example and I know times Pretty cool now, but he won the Victoria Cross British Britain's highest. award for Valor and I took part in his rescue. He was got a dark night a hit with an RPG just millimeters from his face, but it hit the embedded into his into a skull and he was in a bad way. I dragged him out of the vehicle Under Fire loaded him up try to kind of maintain that pulse and he's like in a really critical situation and then when he flew off You know. It tears me always, you know, and I just because it was a horrendous thing didn't even know if he's going to survive. He was that bad and them situations are a terrible book with this with this Soldier. They'll have a reunions. It would be like they have not been a part but they'll never talk about anything. What happened in Afghan or Iraq until they're six beers in six beers in there then happy to have a conversation. That's the wrong answer. That's what I want some. Yeah, she'd be having a conversation over coffee. Yeah, and creating a community environment where people can drop in and just have a yeah feel comfortable and but I'm on a bit of a mission with that at the moment. I've got my fingers in a few things in a few things. I want to kind of support help and raise awareness on and Yeah, it's been a it's been a 10-year crazy Journey. But I'm at the back of it. Now. I've been doing some like brilliant things today like incredible. The book went into number three Sunday Times bestseller, which I couldn't believe unbeliev is arm. When was that? When was it released is actually put an injunction one night because the lawyers in wanted to be released as a bit of a battle you write it as the case was going kind of knocked off. I just did even think about a book. Blah to I want them. Good Morning Britain like spoke about Everything what happened? She'll have the last 10 years and and then we'll say y then it was time these bags to the feeling of when it went your case obviously went your way. Yeah, I mean whatever text message from my commanding officer all my former commanding officer saying Brian turn the knees on it's been yeah. It's all being thrown out. It's lies. It's for Found Out Foundation. And on clock on in my inner self on new this anyway, because I was fighting against the system which didn't believe me. Yeah, which was meant to that but this never happened and and I was angry I was relieved clearly but as 10 years of my life. I thought I'm not going to get back. So there was a mixture of emotions and then I went and spoke on TV about it all and then it went mad and then it was then too. I wanted to people to know the truth. I wanted people to actually read the behind closed doors the ins and outs of the inquiry The Shred another document, you know, the disgrace that Shiner was doing pain agents on the ground and receipts from them agents because it was a public inquiry the transcripts are in the book. So you're reading what would you read in the book is actually what was said to me in a courtroom and when they stripped me of everything as a leader as a commander and even as a British soldier punish me, but you get to read that or not. I need two people to read the true and what actually did happen that day and it just went mad and about 2 weeks ago. So when I the book was written about four days later, it was optioned by production company, but I also know that a lot of narratives are optioned lot because some big stories out there, but I also know that I need three or four percent of them actually go to green light and I've got a message saying you need to dial in on this conference call and I was like, I know I said, I would in the conference call and it was my producers around the conference call. Say that Brian it's want to tell you now that after two years because two years that we are now got a green light for it to be a film. Oh, no. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so I find that out two weeks ago. Oh my God. Yes. Big news is huge. I can't really say anything else about it, but that will all come out so you can follow I love to keep people up-to-date on. Yeah, so where can People fully yeah, I mean not Brian Wood MC on all platforms on social media. I do like to keep that my followers are not up to date or because there's some loyal followers. I've had while being on this journey from day dot so they are they've seen it organic the organic growth and and it just goes to show, you know, if you keep going keep true to yourself and your values that sometimes good things do come out at the end of it and the will not to give up. It's so important and as much as sometimes I really wanted to I did I'm Like anyone else when you're under that much pressure, you just want to give up and I didn't and now I'm giving back like we said about corporate businesses speaking to them about decision-making or mindset or mental health. And that's quite good to give back. I'm helping Charities raising awareness for soldiers mental health and suffer. So yeah, I mean, it's I mean, I mean I'm good place now as fantastic mate. Honestly is one of the most Using stories I've ever heard and I'm you know can happen to a better person. So I'm glad everything's going your way and the film while that son a Mega Man unless they always and I've got to read you but I've got to I mean, yeah, we're the definitely read it if we'd had this is a fastball. This is not only got to late last week. He asked me to come in so is a fastball but on ways to get stuck into it man. Yeah. I always finish my episodes with A Life Lesson Learned. Yeah from mine's viewing. Do you have one life lesson learn that you could be happy to kind of pass on just like a like a one thing that really stands out. Holding daily to my values is the biggest life lesson for me because when you I mean we can have a podcast on values and it's clearly not the right time to do that. But some of them keep that is got me to where I am today the Courage the selflessness the Integrity all of these key values which are in grinding. Me since I was a young boy, I held dearly and it's just is so important to to use them every day from making your bed in the morning to kissing your girlfriend husband wife or your kids on the on the cheek at night, you know, or having a family dinner once a week around the table because I know everyone's busy but you know, these are brilliant traits to have and and I've showed a few you know with the Integrity keeping. True to what I what I did on that Battlefield and who I was as a person even though so many people try to question that the courage that we show getting out of that vehicle the chi show getting into the other vehicle. Then pulling Johnson bihari out, you know, the selflessness that you know, a lot of people around me had shown and my family had shown and also yeah, these are big big things that Yeah, I'm just passionate about that. So my life lessons like, you know, if you don't understand values or you don't really understand. What they do for you, then you should definitely have a look because they are so important and that's just kind of from me. Anyway, so mate. It's been an absolute pleasure. I'm absolutely delighted. I reached out to you because it's been it's been one hell of a episode and I thank you so much for taking time out. My pleasure. Always. All right make thank you so much. There's no worry.
Brian Wood MC, former Colour Sergeant, Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment. Brian Wood was awarded the Military Cross, one of Britain’s highest awards for gallantry in combat, by Her Majesty The Queen II, following his courageous leadership under enemy fire in Iraq. In the heat of a lethal close quarters battle, fighting outnumbered, he seized the initiative, taking a split-second decision to lead his men into the teeth of enemy fire in the first bayonet charge by British soldiers in 25 years. Leading from the front, he put his own life in great danger. Under his command, Brian’s men defeated the enemy without sustaining any serious casualties themselves. Their actions that day saved many other soldiers’ lives. During a 16 year military career, Brian led British troops across the full spectrum of battle from training to fighting; from operations in the Balkans to high intensity combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. Throughout his Army career he had to make life-or-death decisions, frequently in hazardous battle situations, usually under great pressure and often against the clock. There is no greater leadership challenge than motivating men to put their lives on the line. To succeed they have to know that you are a meticulous and competent planner and commander who can be trusted with their lives. Brian’s military experience has equipped him to deliver highly inspirational and compelling sessions, sharing his experiences from the battlefield and suggesting ways that the lessons he has learnt can be applied in the corporate world.
Welcome to carry the fire a podcast where we explore the big questions of life through the lens of the good the true and the Beautiful. I'm your host Dustin Kensrue and my hope is that through these conversations with people of diverse and Divergent backgrounds and beliefs. We can Glimpse the world in new through each other's unique perspectives. And to run for office it literally requires you to quit everything you're doing and this pays a whopping 18 thousand dollars a year. Don't talk about serving God and tell you can fulfill your hungry neighbors stomach until you can help the homeless guy on the street and tell you can help the refugee or the prisoner or the orphan. Welcome everyone to episode 3 of the carry the fire podcast. I wanted to preface this episode by saying that everyone is welcome here regardless of your political associations, I as well as many of the guests on the show are going to have opinions and beliefs about ways that we can do life together better and sometimes those opinions will have political ramifications, but the show is not and I am not tied unthinkingly to any particular party as much as I might lean more blue on a number of issues. It doesn't mean that I want to close down discussion with someone. Might lean red for their own reasons. I believe that much of what is missing in the political discourse in our country at the moment is serious and civil engagement about the issues that actually matter to us all so with that disclaimer out of the way. I'm actually really excited that our guest today is a political candidate instantly one who is running for office as a democrat in the Virginia state senate race qasim Rashid is an author attorney and human rights activist. He is a Muslim of a branch of Islam that you might not have heard of before and as a podcast with a friend where one of their goals is to remind us all all that Muslims Christians and Jews used to get along a lot better than we seem to lately on top of that lofty goal the podcast also contains a gratuitous amount of dad jokes overall qasim is a big believer in the power of dialogue between different kinds of people as a means of bringing a better and more loving world into existence which makes it a perfect fit for this show. All right, let's get into the conversation. I grew up in kind of Evangelical Christian world and pluralism was a little bit of a dirty word. I feel like in that that environment it end up being used to mean some sort of nihilistic hedonistic sort of relativism. What it actually means is a lively and a living engagement with those who hold different beliefs than you and I see you as someone who engages in a robust pluralism. Do you find that term helpful? Do you prefer to talk about with different language? And and why do you feel that so important? Sure. I mean, I think that you have to meet people where they are to help them understand where you are and you know what the right word to do that as puller ilysm for other. The right word is fairness. I'll speak to I'll speak to folks who are identified as very strongly Evangelical Christian and we'll talk about something that they find super controversial like lgbtq equality. It often look I'm not going to dictate to you what your faith tells you. That's not my place. That's that's between you and your understanding of God more power to you. But what I will say is that we live in a world where we have to interact with one another. Yeah, we have to live together on some local. So as a basic fundamental human fairness element goes don't you agree that from one should be denied a job or denied equal housing or equal education just because they're they identify as lgbtq like it. From a human fairness standpoint. What do you find objectionable about that and more often than not the answer is like well, I never looked at it that way that actually makes pretty good sense. But that's where I approach a lot of these conversations where people have a discomfort with those who are different than them. I'm not asking you to change who who you are what your religion teaches you but what I am asking you to do is recognize that human dignity and think about whether if human dignity itself is offensive to you the he's really re-evaluate. Wait what your religion is teaching you because I don't know of any religion that denies people human dignity or teaches you to hate people teaches you to look down or discriminate against people that doesn't make any sense to me. So II try to find Avenues where we can have these conversations and it can be difficult. Right? Because when you're a Muslim when you're an immigrant when you're a person of color people have a lot of assumptions about you and they'll make statements out of ignorance. I don't consider ignorant itself necessarily. And evil thing gets when it's compounded with arrogance or with a sense of entitlement of refusing to learn. That's when it becomes dangerous, right? I'm ignorant to a lot of things and I know I've said things to people that they found hurtful but what I always try to remember is that if somebody says to me, hey that's hurtful then it's not my job to tell them why they shouldn't be hurt. Yeah, it might have to understand their perspective and and build from that and apologize and build. From that so that's kind of what I ask of people that ask me whatever you want share with you. Whatever your perspective is. I'll share mine and let's assume positive intent and move forward and and that doesn't mean we agree on anything but it does mean that we recognize each other better and find ways to find Common Ground going forward through other than simply focusing on where we disagree recognize the far greater platforms that we have that we do agree upon and try Try to build a friendship based on that and and for me, it's been a really successful method going forward you start off your book talk to me with a story of your parents bringing you to an Interfaith event kind of a dialogue it. Was that something common when you were kid is was that was that a big value that your parents were installing you? Yeah, and it's something that we've continued with our kids today. My wife was invited to speak at a church a few weeks ago and my my 10 year old son went with and he also spoke and We've taken her kids to synagogues and temples and we want them to understand firsthand the beauty of humanity the diversity of humanity. My parents are teachers the first lesson that I can remember them teaching us was that your responsibility is to serve God and to serve humanity and of these to the greater responsibility is service you Humanity because until and unless you serve Humanity without discrimination without judgment without her. Action, then you can't possibly serve God so don't talk about serving God and tell you can fulfill your hungry neighbors stomach until you can help the homeless guy on the street and tell you can help the refugee or the prisoner or the orphan. These are the kinds of approaches that I take to public service that that religion I think is important for for people if they want to embrace it and let them let that religion would be between them and their understanding of the Creator but the only time religion is valuable to a community is when it exemplifies behavior and a person to serve that community and that service can't have strings attached. It can't be restricted to only your own tribe. It must be for all Humanity without any Asterix next to it kid. So it's a for me, you know, our parents didn't just want us to be exposed to our own faith community. They wanted us to be exposed to all of humanity and that's why Took us to churches and synagogues and goods Waters and let us experience that firsthand because there's no substitute for experiential learning and we're trying to pass that same value on to our children as well. We have three beautiful children. And and that's what I bring to the way I do Public Service as well. I mean, I've said it I'm not running for office or represent Democrats running for office to represent. My neighbor's the people of Virginia. And if and hopefully when I'm elected, I have zero ambition of turning somebody away just because they disagree with me or they have a different world use and I have that doesn't mean that I'm going to agree with everything but it does mean I will equally serve my entire Community because that's I feel like that's my my calling that my purpose that's really beautiful about what your parents were saying about serving. I've been really blessed to read from some different Sufi perspectives recently and it seems like a big idea in that school of thought it would be an idea tied to that where Love of God and love of each other are conflated as one love really that love of God is love of each other of humanity. I thought that was beautiful. There's a great quote by the fourth caliph of my faith community the ahmadiyya Muslim Community where he says that if you love God, you must love the creation. If you love The Artist, you must love his art when you can't profess to love an artist and say well hip-hop artist trash, but I love the artist. It's an inherent. Have you can't say I love this musician but his music is terrible, especially when that is the only way you know them, right? Right, right exactly exactly it so for people who profess to say that they love God but then says, you know God hates acts like I'm not sure who you think God is but you may have missed the mark on that one because that and so again for you know for me, I'm a person of faith. I have strong faith at strong conviction that pray 5 times a day at least as Muslims. We all do my It's fear is that I'll Stand before the almighty one day and look at the way. I live my life and saw that I neglected to help those who are in need due to arrogance or Pride for me a life well-lived is to not to get to e so terracor dramatic, but for me a life well-lived is knowing that I can stand before the almighty and say hey I had countless flaws. There's no doubt about it. But the one thing that I can say with complete honesty is that I gave everything I possibly We could to serve Humanity because that's that's that's the only way I know how to live and so that I don't want to wait to start doing that. I want out. I want to live my life like that my parents, you know, Infuse that in my siblings and I and and I'm grateful for the opportunity to infuse them to my kids and continue to live by that example as best as I can. Despite my many many. Koalas. Most people I think are are some of familiar that there are multiple branches in Islam Sunni Shiite, but I think People probably are not familiar with the ahmadiyya community. I definitely wasn't until I started following your work. Could you just maybe speak a little bit to the uniqueness of your community? Absolutely. The ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a community of Muslims established by a man named Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in 1889 and Theological different that we have with most Muslim communities that there's a Belief among the Orthodoxy that Jesus Christ will physically descend in the latter days and bring about some type of you know end time scenario. Our belief is that this man Ahmad was that spiritual return in that he came to establish a community based on this message of love of God and Love of All Humanity our communities United worldwide where I think in 212 countries are actually the oldest American Muslim organization as well established here in 1920 the next year. We'll get a hundred year anniversary and we're United. Quite under a spiritual caliph and the scallop is a spiritual guide what might shock a lot of people is that this Islamic spiritual caliphate has been at the Forefront of humanitarian service for over a century. It's both Citrus Lee condemns mixing religion and state and seeks a complete separation of religion and state advocates for secular governance Universal human rights will enjoy gender inequality. Racial Justice economic Justice and it's these values that Again had been kind of infused in me going up that this is my purpose to live a life that exemplifies fairness and justice for all Humanity our communities heavily persecuted in many Muslim majority countries and in part it's because of that persecution that my family migrated to the United States in the 1980s. Also a reason why I'm grateful to my adopted country the United States and why as my home why might the home of my children the only home I've ever known and why just you know, promise what I what I mean? Can be it's so important to me because I was born a country that made a promise of religious freedom but has violated its own trust for me. This is an opportunity to ensure here that we maintain these principles of religious freedom. Racial Justice economic Justice. And so the the ahmadiyya Muslim Community here in the US has again been at the Forefront of humanitarian Aid of serving our communities of being involved and I want to be careful because even though I'm running at the Democrat the community itself as a political, you know, we work with Lincoln's and Democrats and independents and photo so forth but that's that's just about community. Of course, if people want to find out more they can reach out to me, but the the bottom line is that our our goal remains to stay focused on this element of service to humanity and that's kind of first and foremost. It's beautiful. You have your own podcast recites Islam. I've been enjoying listening to that and it's you and a friend kind of just going through the Early life of the Muslim Community I started in I don't somewhere in the second season and I finish now I got to go back but what's like the goal behind what you're doing? Just trying to provide a fresh look. Yeah. So the idea is to kind of create something accessible for folks to kind of understand the story of obvious LOM from the beginning to understand firsthand the beautiful alliances that Muslims Jews and Christians had early on receive. So much religious discrimination and infighting between people of these three abrahamic Faith. It's a reminder that at the onset there was actually a great deal of compassion and unity between these two paid communities. It's a reminder of hey, maybe we can go back to that. Maybe we can revive what our ancestors mutually built together and we try to do it in a narrative format. So it's not like academic heavy. We try to throw in some dad jokes and and keep it light-hearted and fun little ordering that we use. A lot of lower the ring references exactly and we have a good time with that. It's a childhood friend of mine Salon but he's a he's a poverty lawyer. See you work with people from lower income communities to make sure they have food access we've done the first two seasons has been on Hiatus because of his campaign. So maybe we'll take up season 3 once we get done with this campaign, but I'm glad you've been listening to it. I'm glad you enjoy it. Yeah, it's great. I was aware of some of those connections or them, but it's been cool to see it in that narrative form. I think I think it's something that the people are generally fairly unaware of I think at least in in the states. I mean especially ideas like was constitution of Medina or you might say the wrong. Yeah. Yeah the customer some of the unit so I'm very very early on you have in Medina. This constitution said fourth that's protecting people of different faiths. I mean even setting up for non-muslims you can have your own courts and so that you're not under the same kind of lot like It seems very Progressive looking back. I'm like, wow. Well, how did we go wrong from this on every side of it? Right? Like sure. Yeah. I mean, it's 1200 years before the US Constitution that the constitution of Medina also known as the charter of Medina was a secular Constitution that guaranteed religious freedom and gender equality and economic Justice. I look at with the majority Nations like Saudi Arabia that are theocracy. And I asked their Defenders. What are you basing this off of there? There's literally nothing in the Quran that validates, you know Theocratic Rule and you're you're speaking in ignorance and arrogance of the very dangerous combination, but we see from the life of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is when he was a de facto ruler of Medina when he was a head of state. He didn't enforce religion. He protected religious freedom. He didn't enforce, you know, fear mongering from the right is your Sharia law coming you didn't force that he ensured that that Jewish citizens had equality and representation and autonomy both in terms of their religious freedom that economic freedom and in our justice system, and this is I think the part of the lessons that I was fortunate to learn growing up based on history and one of the reasons why we started the podcaster to kind of convey that in a way that was accessible and so for those wondering, you know, No need to have any prior knowledge of what Islam is there isn't because we really try to break it down in a way that you could be a novice coming to the conversation and feel feel included in the conversations. We do try to make sure it is accessible for people all around there is something really unique about that Foundation of Islam that the founder of the religion also was in a position of leadership. Like it didn't build later like whereas like With Christianity Jesus was never in any kind of position of leadership. And then so we have extensive disagreements about what any kind of leadership looks like based on that. But you have this example of like hey, this is this is what I'm doing and so frustrating that still doesn't translate to like, hey look back at where we were it's one of those things where you know, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Yeah, and so we have in your life of prophet Muhammad. Peace be upon him. And he's called The Walking Quran. He's called the Exemplar because he lived such a unique and well documented and well recorded life that we have every aspect of it and he was he was born after his father had already died. His mother died when he was 6 so by the age of six, he was an orphan his grandfather then took care of him and who died when he was eight years old and so by the age of 8, he had already suffered three, very traumatic loss of loved ones his uncle raised him. He was unlettered. He never learned how to read or write but he is established such an amazing reputation of being trustworthy and truthful his literal nickname was I mean that the the truth that was his nickname mean. I know when I was 15 or 16 people called me a lot of things but truth is not one of them how many teams can make that claim and and we have in his life, you know, he lived in poverty. He was a soldier. He was a general he was you know, a prophet he was philosopher theologian. Scholar and he was a husband. He was a father. You know, he he had children who died in the infancy had children who died in their adulthood and so he lived all these experiences that The Human Condition goes through he presents to us an example of how to behave in these situations and for me in the Contemporary age. Nowhere. Is that more does that resonate more than when you read his Farewell Address his last sermon that he gave before he died. Where he established this principle of economic Justice he condemned usury and the exploitation of the poor. He told men that women are your committed Partners, you know that and that's that word partner is such a key component here because when you're a partner with somebody you're an equal to them if it women I he's recognized the misogyny, but then the patriarchy that men are prone to and he spoke to men that women are you're committed Partners you have rights over women, but they have rights over you as well and And for me, it's such a powerful explanation of the symbiotic relationship that must exist. So that a black is no better than a white nor is the white better than it black. And Arab is no better than a non-arab nor is a non-arab better than an Arab you all equal except in your ability to serve humanity. And so he again he distinguished at the most noble and righteous of you is not defined by your class or your color or your or your Creed but by How you serve humanity and it's just like it's just this amazing summary of a philosophy of life that that if you if you look at how the Muslim empire expanded at the after that it was really due to a reflection of these kinds of values if that message that I hope more people have the opportunity to look into and I think that if they do they'll realize that there's actually a lot more more similarities than differences than other than what they've been led to believe. Yeah. Yeah. Are you doing law stuff right now as well? Yeah, I mean I still have some legal clients. I mean it's an interesting thing that I've learned about running for office in that there's a lot of wealth privilege involved in it and what I mean by that is you would need to have a lot of money they're saved up or a means of self sustainment while you're running for office because guess what your student loan bills don't go away. Your mortgage doesn't go away your car now, it doesn't go away. Yeah, and it's Interesting phenomenon, I'm fortunate to have support from from family for my wife to have a job where I don't have a nine-to-five work day, but it made me realize that so often the people that are running for office aren't the ones who are representative of the working class Americans because to be a working class American and to run for office it Ritter. It requires you to quit everything you're doing on the hope that you might have a chance to win the seat. And and this is a seat. By the way, the state senate seat paid a whopping 18 thousand dollars a year. So not exactly something you can live off of either. So it's a really interesting concept and a lot of Independents. It's no accident that much of the legislature are people who are independently wealthy and that's what allowed them to run and I think that's problematic that needs to be a recovery. Raishin of how we approach this. Yeah, that's fascinating. So clearly you're not going to there's not going to be anyone who's a career politician in that sense at the state level there. But then you have people who are career politicians at a federal level, which has its own problems. I think well, actually, you know, you you actually have plenty of career politicians at the state level because it is a part-time legislature. It's a you have people that have been office for 30 40 years, you know, 15 20 years it brings up another interesting. Question if you're working at the part-time Senator part-time delegate then what kind of conflict does that create with your day job. Let's take my opponent for example, and you know as lawyers, we're taught that judges are required to recuse themselves from a case, even if there's that perception of a conflict of interest not a snotty of that actually is one. But even if there's a perception of a conflict of interest the Integrity should be such that it isn't even a questionable. Well, you have a situation Mission where you have a politician who's heavily funded by developers to build to you know, build more houses build more businesses, which sounds all well and good until you also realize that infrastructure is out of control roads are being overwhelmed the the sewage system is being overwhelmed and you just have the developers funding these politicians to build to get approval to build. Build build build build well, but then you add another wrinkle to it. And you say well who are the lawyers representing these developers in the private sector and it turns out that if the same politician in his day job. So, you know, his part-time job is to be the legislature who passes legislation to help developers and they find it campaign and in his day job is to be the lawyer who represents them in contract negotiations to help them win their contracts. So if Over there were the perceived or real conflict of interest this was it but unfortunately this is kind of what's become the status quo and for me that's just an incredibly frustrating and aggravating reality because the people that went out are the wealthy the wealthy developers the wealthy politicians and the people who lose out are the working class Americans who have a politician who is vested in the success of developers not in the quality of life. Life of working class families and that's really what the core of my message that we need to have public servants who represent the public not corporations. Yeah, and to that end you are not taking money from corporate donors. Correct? Not a single penny of VPAP the Virginia Public Access Project is put out a great report a couple of weeks ago the tabulated all the funds that candidates in Virginia have accumulated this year in 2019. Breaks it down by where the money coming from beautifully and the two things that came out of that that we're really proud of is that 50% of our donations of come from people giving a hundred bucks or less. Nobody else in the Senate is even close to a second place is 25% So the majority of our money significant majority of our money from small-dollar donors and II really cool thing that came out of that is that $0 zero dollars have come from Agra corporations for us from businesses in general info. Transparency will accept donations from small businesses. We're talking people's 5 10 15 20 employees. Yeah, because we want to represent small businesses. We want to make sure that they Thrive but we have zero interest in representing the Amazon. They're the Walmarts of the world. They already have billions and billions of dollars and lobbyists representing them. We don't need to represent them. We need to make sure that we are fighting for Working Class People and that's what's exciting for us that we've been able to uphold that promise without even the Perception of a conflict and and I hope people see that and I think they are seeing that and that's why we're getting so much support. That's very cool. What was the Tipping Point for you to want to get into this race? You have a good friend of mine. He's actually a communications director as you've conned who I think it's his quote was attributed to him cause that's where I heard it from where he says and if it's not his quote, I apologize to vote from stealing it from and I'll give credit when I find out but he said it takes years of all to become an overnight success and it's a for me I've been focused on recognizing that until and unless we tell our own story. Somebody else will tell it for us and they'll tell it to their liking not to the reality of the situation. You know, I was I'm an immigrant to this country, you know came from came from Pakistan. We immigrated here 32 years ago. New country new language new culture new environment new language new school system. I mean a new world literally in every sense of the word. My parents are teachers. They weren't about to let us take a back seat. They push us to be involved to be engaged and we did and we have been and despite that there's been struggle. You know, I I remember growing up living in Section 8 housing requiring snap and tanif to make sure we can make ends meet I've been working since I was 15 years old my first job where the union job at a grocery store in After High School. I'd have cross country and track practice get home by 6:00 and then I go to the grocery store and work till 10 11 o'clock at night and then walk home and just had to do it because we needed to make ends meet and even at that time it was one of those things in my mind that how are we the wealthiest country in the world but people don't have enough to eat. It doesn't make any sense to me. I didn't know how to solve it or how to address it. I just knew something was wrong. And then I was 19 when 9/11 happened and suddenly, you know the country that citizen of that I adored and loved and my brother serving of the US Marine suddenly. There's a question of is there a conflict between my faith and my nation and for me there's never a conflict. I mean we felt as American as anyone and and again to see the demonization of people of color of Mars less communities of Muslims of Hindus of six of Arab Christians of anyone perceived to be No, the other left a deep Mark in my mind and it was then that I began to realize that I need to play a more active role in my community in my society and long story short after getting married a couple years later. My wife encouraged me to go to law school. And that's when I began to really feel like I was more empowered to make a difference and I became an advocate and I've been an advocate for women's rights racial Justice economic Justice and it occurred to me in the early. Thousands that there may be a day that I run for office. I don't know when that day is or what that you looks like or whether it'll ever happen. But let me live my life as someone who's dedicated to the service of humanity and because that's where my passion is and if the opportunity should arrive then I'll go after it and for me the Tipping Point finally to answer your question was when the Equal Rights Amendment wasn't ratified in my house of delegate and my state senators both had voted against it and given my experience in my my work for the last A kid supporting women who are survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence and being an advocate for women in that extremely horrible situation recognizing that advocacy goes far but not far enough. We need actual policy changes and how we how we run this country. And so that's where I threw my hat in the ring. It's become a joke, but it's completely true. Once the ERA with the ratified. I did what I think every self-respecting man would do and then I decide I went to my wife and I asked her permission to run for office. And and my Aisha is amazing. She she said yeah, this is where your heart is. This is where you need to be and so we made the jump and that's what we've been doing the last year close to the last year now and it's been an amazing ride in it's been everything. I'd hoped it would be and more because it's allowed me to really take my ideas on advocacy Khan supporting, you know women Working Families. Black communities and put them into practice and the response has just been overwhelmingly positive and I'm really excited about what we can accomplish under the on Election Day this year. We're caught up in this two party system. It's often with a lot of vicious and unthinking partisanship. But in the midst that you've been sharing a lot of stories of people who have traditionally only voted Republican, but I've decided to vote for you in the upcoming election. What do you what do you attribute that to I think that it comes He's down to restoring Civility and decency in our discourse. There's been a lack of that for a long time and people want to attribute it to the current occupant of the White House, but I think it goes far far before that and it comes from a Detachment but a number of things right there's you can call the rise of the internet where people are just behind computer screen all the time. You don't actually engage and interact you could call it hyper partisanship of a republic of the II actually did it mostly to economic Injustice has I think racism has an element to it. I think then a phobia besides he has an element to it. But I think it's fundamentally the underlying core of all these cancers is economic Injustice right now. We'll open a quality is worse in America than it was right before the Great Depression 90 years ago the canyon between the Haves and the Have Nots is only ever increasing and when you study how extremist groups what does the KKK whether it's Isis? Us how they recruit is they look at places that are economically depressed or economically struggling and they go to what should be middle class people there and say hey you're suffering because that marginalized community over there. They're taking your job. They're taking your opportunity and it's all nonsense. It's trash but it becomes a convenient scapegoat and really when you study how Isis recruits his people and how the KKK or neo-nazis recruit their people. It's like a carbon copy of one another and so My message our message for our campaign has been that this is actually more of a rich versus poor debate rather than Democrat versus Republican debate and the data backs it up. I'll give you some really hard-hitting data on this but the backs that up and why it's been so effective 74% of Virginians want to raise the minimum wage to a living wage, Virginia is now 74 percent Democrat. Yeah. These are Republicans siding with Democrats. Are we Need to raise the minimum wage 76% of Virginia's want to expand health care and and believe in universal healthcare 76% 83% want to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment 91% want Common Sense gun reform you would be a fool to believe that these represent Democrats Envision. These are Democrats and Republicans working together. And and so our message has really focused heavily on this is the fight of Our Lives to make sure that people have basic human dignity people have a place to live that is Affordable people have decent food to eat people have a living wage. I mean, it is immoral and offensive to me that Republicans leadership not Republicans the Republican leadership that selected GOP is forcing. The poverty wage is 725 an hour knowing full. Well knowing full. Well that even a married couple who are both working full-time and earning a minimum wage. Still cannot afford a basic apartment in a single city or town anywhere in Virginia and yet they want to force the poverty wage at 7:25. And I mean they are forcing people to live in poverty at the expense of millionaires and billionaires and this is a conversation that I've had repeatedly thousands of times with Democrats and Republicans. And what's really exciting to me is Republican constituents conservative constituents realize that their enemy. Is not immigrants not people of colors not women. It's not people living for more, you know Asylum here it is this idea that we need to give more tax breaks to the wealthy and demand more accountability of the of the poor. You know, dr. King said it best America had socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for the poor and that's the fundamental problem that we need to fight against. I think that's why we're having so much success in attracting. Licking some conservatives to our campaign people have been sold this this world where the super-rich somehow don't need to pay their fair share. I don't like how do you how does that keep being sold to poor people because it seems to have been effective for a long time. It's a combination of things. I mean one one is a southern strategy the idea that if you could convince the poorest the white that they're still better than then, you know, black and brown people they'll both For you every single time we know this is a real strategy at mixing use and that has been used by Reagan since then and it's been unfortunately perpetuated through out. That's one part of it. The other part of it is you have a systemic approach over decades convincing people of this over decades the point where they're voting against their own self-interest right now. The president wants to cut snap antenna for 3.1 million Americans notwithstanding the last year 14. Households in America didn't have enough to eat. He wants to cut food stamps for 3.1 million more Americans and the lion share. Those people are lower income whites in Red country who voted for Trump. So they're fundamentally cutting out their own base, but they don't care because they've convinced them of this idea this myth that if they give tax cuts to billionaires somehow the money will trickle down to them when I talk to considered of especially at the door and they say well you're just trying And to force this liberal socialist tax policy on to us. I tell them well, actually, here's what I'm trying to do and tell me if you disagree between 1940 and 1970 America has a strongest growth of middle class in our nation's history. And this is predominantly under Republican leadership for president under Republican presidents. We had a marginal tax rate of up to 90 91 percent. And in the 1950s and 60s the middle class represented 65 percent of the u.s. Population right now, since Reaganomics came into effect and we've been slashing the upper the wealthy tax rate every single presidential cycle and / it again massively under this truck president. Now that middle class that was 65% is now down to 40% and it's only getting worse if the minimum wage From the 1960s that increase with the cost of living it wouldn't be 725 an hour right now. It would be between 25 and 30 dollars an hour right now. She's there's a reason why our parents and grandparents could afford a house or afford an apartment on a single full time income 50 years ago and why it's laughable now. Yeah to do such do such a thing. So, you know when you when you look at the systemic propaganda being espoused that we need Need to grow the economy by cutting taxes for billionaires. It is a well-funded propaganda machine because these billionaires are investing in their own ability to keep their own money. If I have to spend a million dollars in marketing to keep a hundred million dollars. I'll do it if I know that if I can just convince them to not vote against me the billionaire but vote against each other. Yeah, I'll do it. This is this is what these billionaires are thinking and so our responsibility the only way we're going to get out of it and My worldview is stop taking money from these Mega corporations who are only invested in their own profit and bottom line if start investing in candidates who are funded exclusively by the American people and I've said this a thousand times on the campaign Trail, I'll keep saying it whoever fund the candidate when he's running for office is who the candidate will find when he's in office. If a corporation is funding a candidate that Canada is going to fund the corporation. Your people are funding the candidate the candidate will find people and that's that's the approach. That we have to take going forward. Yeah. I wanted to touch back on the idea of Sufism which is essentially a it's not one branch in Islam. But more of a school of thought is that how you put it? Yeah. Yeah look like yeah. It's like a mysticism philosophy that mean it actually existed every Faith tradition. Look do you like the mystics right? Yeah, as long as they're known as the sufis, but yeah, absolutely. So do you have much interaction with Sufi writers and and writings as or practices sure. So I mean, I think that a lot of it has I mean there's the the famous Sufi Saints right? Like I've been under be and you're all being roomy and and folks like that and so there's really no like Canon of that right? Yeah, but there's a different Scholars and philosophers of the you you read up on and learn about growing up and the idea in some sense being that there's in any mystical tradition that you you have. Access to God directly that God is near to you. Yeah, are there any contemplatively practices that you engage in or beside? I guess you are telling you you're praying five times a day. Well, that's that's actually I mean it's ingrained in the Islamic core right the in the Quran in the in Chapter 2 of the Quran. God said that and when my servants ask the about me tell them that I'm here and listen to the prayer of the one who cries before me so that he may be teased. Be guided and so when when people ask me, you know prove to me God exists and it's like I can bring like a like a baseball glove tears God my response to them is you actually don't need me to prove to you. God exists. God promised in the Quran. It is his responsibility to respond to those who reach out to him and and the example given to us by The Prophet by the prophet Muhammad the prophet Jesus prophet. Moses peace be upon all of them. It's something very is worth reflecting over that they each reach communion with the Divine when they had probably Muhammad was in the cave of Hira for years on end in reflection and meditation contemplation seeking the Divine and God revealed himself Jesus in the desert for 40 days. And God revealed himself to Moses was in the mount and Mount Sinai for 40 days and God revealed himself. And so there's this process that's refinement the spiritual refinement. Of a tuning yourself with the Divine of reaching out to him pursuing him and then God of his grace and will respond in a way that matters to you in a way that is understandable. And the best analogy I can give is is this is how we live every aspect of our life already if you want to be a physician simply saying, okay. I'm a doctor now doesn't actually make you a doctor. You don't get to walk into a hospital one day and say step aside. I'm going to deliver this, baby. Baby, right. I mean you go to medical school you go to college and then medical school and residency then Fellowship, it takes years and years and years with the chance that you might make it through. It actually become a position you could fail, you know, you could go through the first six years of high school and college and in former years of medical school and then, you know, three years of a residency and then fail in the fellowship not get your license and you still won't be a physician despite all the effort but that's not to say that all those years were wasted. It means you can still try and get that, you know after all. Was yours become a physician and pursuing God as if the exact same way and so that's where the Sufi mentality take it a bit further in that if you truly want to find God then it comes down to pursuing It With all sincerity just like you can't slack off in med school and expect to be successful in law school expect to be successful. You can't, you know, half-heartedly pursue God you have to be all in and I think that's what the stumbling block a lot of people have is that well, I have no proof he exists so I'm not going to been pursuing. Do it like well, that's fine. That's of course your prerogative. But if you want to know how to know God exists, then you have the ability to pursue him, but that's still a decision that you need to make and so for me finally getting to your question the Contemporary contemplative ways is yes, of course praying on a regular basis five times a day and for me it's cathartic on a lot of levels because as hectic as life is as crazy as it is to take 15 minutes aside for 10 minutes aside. Leave the phone turn off the computer and just reflect and focus on my needs my concerns and have that connection with the almighty it powerful. It's it's cathartic and it's also reaffirming its we are showing there's a concept in Islam that that also exists in Christianity and Judaism of God Consciousness in the Arabic word is taqwa, you know, a fear of God in the sense that you know this accountability of God. But you should be God conscious and everything you do in the sense that our responsibility given to us by God. There's a serve Humanity. So every action you take you are God conscious that does this action actually serve Humanity or am I usurping the rights of humanity? Because if I'm you something that I took Humanity I will I will be accountable to God for this. I won't have to answer for this as well. And so the praying five times a day keeps you guys conscious. It keeps you accountable that my responsibility must be the third Humanity. And if I if I falter from that I have to be a come to be speaking to God and a few minutes formally at a better a better view reflective and contemplative know what I'm doing. So those exercises exist and then of course, you know maintaining company with people who are focused on these things is crucial The Company You Keep is absolutely crucial starting the Quran studying the Bible the Torah is crucial because these are all think messages and abilities to connect with the Divine, but for me, honestly the greatest worship for me. This is going to sound like a broken record, but unquestionably for me. The greatest worship is finding ways to make the lives of those around me better to end suffering to the to feed the hungry to clothe the naked and to shelter the homeless vets for me the greatest worship and that's what I aspire to to focus on as much as I possibly can. That's beautiful. I'm curious what ways you best or most readily perceive and experience Beauty in the world. That's one of the things that one of the lenses we can. To look through on the show and I think it's important in a sense because the beautiful in some way it's not it's not accomplishing something but it but it's something that that can be enjoyed on its own like for itself for me. I run and I love running at night under the stars because for me it's it's a combination of just being completely free and disconnected from the world. I don't I don't take my phone with me. I don't have a smartwatch. I have a very basic running watch that. I just picked up in the habitat the young kid and now, you know the nearing 40 and still running on a regular basis, but rain and running under the stars and just looking at the stars in recognizing that these two stars that look like a touching are actually trillions and trillions of miles apart. There's something that's on spying about it and then and then having the knowledge that other than look up at the night sky of the Milky Way galaxy of seeing about 1% of the entire galaxy and and the knowledge that we're in a cluster of galaxies and that there are about a quarter billion stars in our galaxy and that there's about you know, by some estimates that trillion galaxies out there each with up to a trillion dollars and and just kind of trying to grasp the magnitude of creation there and knowing that in all that The creator has promised that if you reach out to him, he will respond. It's in a way all inspiring but also in a way depressing because there's so much out there that we've been relegated to this tiny Speck of dust, right? You know, we you know, we're not in the Star Trek universe where we can go and explore the Galaxy or the you know, the next are over what not. There's a verse in the Quran where God says that reflect. Over the creation of the heavens and earth. Do you see any flaw reflect again and notice how the universe is in complete balance? Look again. You see any qua look yet again in your eyes will only come back fatigue finding no flaw or imbalance better. And so, you know, it just makes you wonder like that this all this universe is out there. All this creation is out there and then in diverse end that reflect that this was not created in vain for that. This is not I accept that there's a purpose behind it and our mission should you choose to accept but to quote Mission Impossible is how do we do we pursue it or not. Do we go after it or not? And that's part of the challenge that I find pretty awe-inspiring. So, I don't know if that answered your question, but that's kind of what makes me kind of contemplative and reflect upon these things now, that's great whenever I go somewhere that's just desolate and actually it Mabel to see everything. I won. I'm bummed that I can't do it every night. But but to I'm bummed that that I feel like if everyone could see that every night without all the lights like I think it would change like I think it changed the way that we live like we're so we're kind of veiled from it so often and it's absolutely mind-boggling as you think about your place in in space it ceases to be just the sky that point and you and you have this sense of oh, I am out here among all of these other stars all of these other things. I'm part of this huge thing helps me connect to the things right next to me too, because it speaks to that interconnectivity. Yeah, I think that that's a great answer. I just want to thank you again for for coming on. I wanted to promote all your things at Casa murshid on Twitter qas. I am are a s hid got the talk to me book talking about a lot of stuff that I might just this idea of how we dialogue with each other got re-site Islam. Your podcast which is great because you are again only raising money from small businesses and individuals where can people go to donate if they want to support your run. I'd appreciate that amassed a just go to our website costume and just click on the Donate button. And yeah grateful for every bit, you know, we're really proud of the fact that we are only focused on fundraising for more neighbors and you guys have come through beautifully every single time and I have no doubt that I will continue to fight for these basic human rights and human dignity that we all deserve so so grateful for every bit of support the people can offer for those of you who don't live in Virginia. I don't either but I do think if you believe in these ideas the Customs been talking about at it's worth giving to make progress towards the kind of world where everyone can support themselves can make a living wage can do all these things that I think are. It's sad that they become partisan issues when they're not at all their human issues. So yeah, that's amen. That's why I have donated to you my friend and I appreciate that about you. Yeah, thank you. I really need that. Thank you. It's and you know people think that they have to donate thousands of dollars or hundreds of dollars and I tell them even if it's five bucks. That's a huge deal because for me, I know you worked hard that five bucks. I cherish every single penny and I am a steward. Every single penny because I just I know how difficult it was to pull together that punishment that Penny and apart from it. So thank you, but I really appreciate that a lot be well and good luck. I think it doesn't to see if you have a moment today. It would help a ton. If you could leave us a review on Apple podcast and share this episode with a friend. Be sure to follow the podcast on Twitter and Instagram at carry the fire pod. If you want to get more involved with the podcast I invite you to check out. Our patreon account at forward slash carry the fire pod where you can sign up for as little as $10 a month as a patreon you can weigh in on upcoming episodes interact with me and other patrons and also receive perks and special access to additional podcast episodes and content and if you become a patron before the end of the year, you will be added to the flint and steel Founders Club as a special. Thank you for supporting the show early on you'll receive additional perks beyond the regular tears. Including a limited flint and steel Founders Club enamel pin that will be sending out when the registration stops at the end of the year. I want to thank my producer Andy Lara and all of our executive producers Jonathan Clark TJ doing Mark Francis, Dan Thompson, Mark Redfield Drew para, Colin Hawthorne Nathaniel Bailey Stephen Saucier John Buchan, Denise sugita, Paul Pratt Mark Weiss, Brianna web John angle Tiffany pain, Samantha Simmons, Jordan Goodman lose Enriquez. Brian Weiss Becker Matt Fuchs Jess card, Jeremy Robinson William Gotham as Eric Gonzalez Shawn. Why admire John Paul Diego David cop Jordan Everly Matthew Alcon Joshua molera Max Glaser and Ronelle Becca, and last but not least sign up for email updates about upcoming guests and special show information at Thank you all so much for carrying the fire with me and I'll see you next time.
Welcome to Carry the Fire Podcast. Qasim Rashid is a political candidate running for office as a Democrat for the Virginia Senate. Qasim is an author, attorney, and human rights activist. He is a Muslim of a branch of Islam you might not have heard of before. He also has a podcast with a friend where one of their goals is to remind us all that Muslims, Christians, and Jews used to get along better than we seem to lately. Qasim is a big believer in the power of dialogue between different kinds of people as a means of bringing a better and more loving world into being which, makes him a perfect fit for this show. Disclaimer I want to say that everyone is welcome here, regardless of your political associations. Guests on the show are going to have opinions and beliefs about better ways to do life together, and sometimes those ways involve political opinions, but the show is not, and I am not, tied unthinkingly to any particular party. As much as I might lean more "blue" on several issues, it doesn’t mean that I want to close down discussion with something who might lean red for their reasons. Much of what is missing in the political discourse in our country at the moment is serious and civil engagement about the issues that matter to us all. FEATURED LINKS Qasim Rashid Official Site Re-Sight Islam Podcast Talk to Me Book Qasim Rashid Tedx Talk SHOW LINKS Carry the Fire Podcast Website Instagram  Twitter Produced by Andy Lara at
This is the big we a black Joy spreading afro-futurist visioning Real Talk food for your soul pop culture podcast big. Laughs big love big Joy Big Dreams the big we hey, what's up y'all? I'm your co-host Calvin Mitchell Williams the third you just call me Calvin or Kyle or C where C dub? I have many nicknames, but aside from being your resident after futures for Liberation. I'm also a retired spoken word.Recovering organizer and every letting his culture nerd who understands the world through memes mixtapes and comic book metaphors. So get ready because I just came back from afro Comic Con in there on fire. I spend my time creating space for new stories and storytellers to emerge and after many Journeys through spaces place in time. I now call Oakland, California USA my home. I am a Pisces. Hey Alice Mia NASA your co-host. I am a lover of love. I love of life. Life a lover of people in yes, a lover of most of all you and I mean it I'm a writer producer a cultural strategists who lives in Memphis Tennessee. I was born in July Leo and I continue to be obsessed with everything from Octavia Butler. It's and then they'll Calrissian from Oprah Winfrey to Stevie Wonder PS if you haven't seen the new trailer for The Star Wars movie coming out. Oh, come on Lando. Welcome to the big. We I'm excited for this episode of dragons organizer sci-fi writer Theologian artists and facilitator, and she is a worker owner at the anti-oppression resource and training. It's a order from the heart a worker owned Cooperative devoted to strengthening movements for social justice and a solidarity economy through political education training and planning about to write a novel drop an album. Yes. I'm so excited to be in Autumn. Do it all the amazing things. And one thing that I really love about Autumn is how she brings her full power and Truth to Parenting. I'm learning so much just on IG post. And listening to all the game of raising beautiful magical children. Adrian Marie Brown is the author of pleasure activism the politics of feeling good emergent strategy shaping change changing world and the co-editor of octavia's brood science fiction from social justice movements. She's a writer a social justice facilitator Octavia Butler scholar pleasure activist healing singer speaker, including a Wedding Singer not forget that founding member of emergent strategy Institute and a doula who lives in Detroit. Adrienne has been my friend for a long time. And the thing I love most about her is that she has always reminded me what Freedom looks like. I know when I look to age and I can remind myself how to free myself up just a little bit but my SuperDuper favorite thing about both Adrian and Autumn is a relationship because they're sisters and I have a sister who was like my favorite person in the whole entire world, and I know what that feels like and to see them together in their full power in there for freedom and Full expression their full creativity is like the most juicy brilliant wonderful beautiful thing and we're so excited to have them on the show really Juiced. I have them on the show and you're also catch them on their own show their own podcast how to survive the end of the world learning from the apocalypse with Grace rigor and curiosity. So definitely join Adam and Adrienne Marie brown and serve how to survive the end of the world and without further Ado. Let's dive into this conversation. Ation, we're about to have with Autumn and Adrian. Hey, y'all we are here and so I You know, come on. There's a guitar in this room. We're going to record how snap let's do it. Make an album instead. I guess we should say hi. Extraordinaire magical women of life we love each other and we were born from the same parents is that weird to think that we came out of the same vagina? Oh God, like when you actually think about it, it's weird. I literally never ever and now you know, what's amazing is now you can ton think that thought. Yeah, it is there. I can't unthink it it was kind of like an act of violence as a thought. Okay, that's a great vagina. It's a great time. Alright, so here we are on your podcast. You have to think about it. Think about it count the vagina that you love is about to change right? I wasn't thinking on that particular question when thinking about the process of life-giving and birth and all that because right right. That's right. We are so this is such a good strong start. Baby's coming soon. You gonna have a baby you gonna have a baby a band new, baby. Speaking of this is one of my favorite segments that we have because we get to talk about what songs are given us life. And I'm really excited to hear. Yes. What songs you all chose to not only give you all I've put on give me life because I'm ready to add to my mixtape. I felt really 80s and 90s over the last couple of weeks. Okay think I was doing it because I wanted to know what type of song is that the young kid was would be bouncing around too. So I've been playing a couple of songs from the that got my juices a little kid and I'm just going to say there was this baby was really excited to hear some De La Sol, but that's not my pet. I'm just putting it out there that yeah, that's right. That baby has good taste already all over a futuristic. I had a Is one of the album's that that I just felt like I slept on this South African hip-hop artist you again BlackRock and the first time ever heard of her was actually on the Black Panther album that Kendrick Lamar released. Yes. It was so first I was like yo, who is this and we which track is she on on op word is do the verse it's so she really Stan album earlier this year and it is literally my nominee for stay woke don't sleep on the album of the Year award. Okay. Okay. It's called Animal. Be nothing. Okay. Alright. Magic afro-futurist Black horror who has all these sounds and textures and the song that really hooked it all in Gorge and Madonna. Okay. Okay. I think it's apropos for what we're going through right now because the hook goes Mercury's in retrograde circles and circles. What's the purpose? I'm glad about this exactly. Should we tell people that we just 45 minutes getting ourselves to this point of conversation. I feel like Listen know that like we put in work to get here with y'all. Hmm. It was an effort was out back a big one. This is why we've never had this many people on at one time before okay. Oh that's exciting. We've had two guests before but Calvin did them talk to them in person. I see you never had you two plus two plus two. Plus y'all two plus production plus, you know, your podcast is all grown. Own up. I'm gonna pass it. I'm gonna pass the mic over to Adrian be okay. I know what song you're choosing for giving us life. All right, so I had to pick two a one of them. For some reason. I was ignoring Ariana Grande for a long time because of her ponytail. I was just like I just can't give it to her. I just can't give it to you. I can't but then recently I hurt like a song came on. In my like kind of randomly came on and I was like, oh wait, I need this song and then I remember that the great Aretha Franklin had asked that Ariana sing at her funeral. So I was like, she's fine now, she's fine. Right? Yeah. She said Ariana is one of the people who can sing at my funeral Aretha wouldn't mess that up. So I was like, let me let me go back and like give my heart over to this experiment and the song is called NASA. And it's about needing space and she basically says I'm like space and you're like in a essay and it's like I just need you to visit me, but kind of keep on orbiting and just give me some room and I feel like that about the whole world. So this is like my sabbatical prep. I'm about to head out to sabbatical and it's like that's my sabbatical prep song is like if you see me out in the world just just stay at that Moon orbit stay over there. So that's one of my songs but the song that has been giving me like super life is Brittany Howard. Just put out a new album, Brittany Howard. Oh, Alabama Shakes Fame and the song is called Georgia and it's just got this little hook. That is like I just want Georgia to notice me. I just want Georgia to notice me. I just cannot get it out of my head. I keep singing it and it's basically like a little queer loves. Nothing, like I think that that's what the song is is just like I'm having all the normal feelings of just wanted someone to like me that happens to be this girl and I don't think there's anything wrong with it and I'm not a little boy. And anyway, it's the best. So those are my songs. It's so cute. So and Brittany had the whole album is amazing. She's freaking brilliant and it's a mood it's a journey but that song in particular is just like like is I like to put on a song and listen to it non-stop on repeat until I have completed what I'm doing with that song which might take an entire week. So that's what any friend of mine knows is like oh, so we're not we're not listening to any other song this song Only Okay, cool. So it's really nice with this is why I how I use my are freely charts. It's true. I get on an airplane. I'm like, what's my song This Is It repeat one time repeat first I go. I want to go all the way in through and Beyond the song It's a portal. So I'm going to pass it to a NASA Troutman. Oh my goodness. Well guys, I'm having such a complex set of feelings emotions and experiences right now in my life. I couldn't choose one song so I decided to choose an overture because it has multiple songs embedded and why / - sure that's what Overture means teach me. Wow, weird, that's good. Which which was which Wiz I'm just want us to be clear because there was of there was TV live live with Mary J Blige production. I'm just like 20 times. You can't deny its existence and nausea. Listen to people over for you. I will help you out. That's gone. Awry. It's time for a re treat. I'm gonna go with Adrian on sabbatical. Yes. I am on the island. It wasn't easy to come here, but it's just, you know, you can't you can't beat Quincy Jones Diana Ross and Michael Jackson all in one. Special interests on the section for brand new day. Okay, that's my aspiration. That's fair. I'm trying to be dancing around in the yellow bikini right now. Okay, let's get there. Let's get that. Do you have a yellow beak? Autumn listen I don't have a yellow bikini, but I have a purple one and I have a black one with purple flowers. All right, I'm going I'm going to find a yellow bikini for you for your birthday. That's what I'm fine. Thank you. Yeah, I accept I accept. All right, Autumn lay it on us. Hmm. Well II similarly have two songs that represent what feel like to me like two different extremes of an emotional relational experiences. Science one is the first track off of banks as new album. Thanks is like a I think she's self describes her her musical work as dark R&B darkened beef, but she's like a white girl. I don't know, but she sounds amazing and her new album three the first track off of it is called till now so you And my sister and it's basically like auto-tuned meditation on like leaving an abusive relationship with a gaslighting person. It's fucking amazing and it's like an excellent first song off of an album when I got to see her perform it live a few weeks ago and it was like an incredible then the other song that is giving me life and has been for months. Now. This was my summer song and now it's my fault song. It's like my My like probably for the next year. It's an older song. It's off of its by kalila off of her 2013 album cup for you. But for me, it's called Bankhead. So is this like you know, it's like the sexiest song about like being in love with someone in secret and it's the hottest sex ever and like it's all like Airy and like breathy, but also like full throat if you know what I'm saying. So anyway, I feel like kind of songs full full throat. Those two songs are really like, you know, they're bridging their bridging a full body experience that I recommend everyone have that sounds so exciting and that also isn't this song Bluff on that little album. I'm calling you have love in a way. You're really leaving. Oh, that's just so good. All right. Well, I need to go listen at out from now. All right, this is fun. This is definitely going on the next playlist. I'm really excited about this place podcast playlist. Never never maybe the name of the playoffs will emerge in our conversation. Yeah, we'll see if we get there by then. I'm really excited to have this conversation with you. So I think in our last conversation that in us and I had we were having like a little side chat about this new show on Netflix called raising Dion. I hear you. Have you ever wondered what it's like to raise a superhero? Put it back right now. How do you give him a normal childhood? It's just this beautiful story of a single mother actually a widow raising her her child in Atlanta who turns out to have superpowers and what's a really captivating is that this is in kind of like a year or like 2 years of magical Whimsy superhero Supernatural? All speculative fiction that's that's emerging around black stories that are being told. So I'm really excited to have this conversation. I want to start without. I mean, have you all watch it all have you seen it? So I've been watching it since you told us like this is what you were going to want to talk about. I was like, this is one of those opportunities were watching science fiction is actually being given to me as homework and I love when those moments happen. I was like, I'm sorry. I can't hang out with anyone right now. I have to prepare for my podcast. It's recording. So I've been binge-watching it for the past day and a half and I love this show like it's really surprising. It's really well cast its the story is so realistic like it's like the magic is in there and there's all kinds of Science Fiction elements, but just the actual dynamics of this mother trying to raise this seven-year-old by herself and trying to make ends meet and trying to deal with her grief. And trying to deal with the big questions and then all the sudden like I have only magical children around me and I'm just like oh, yeah that moment when a child that you love starts to claim their power, whatever that looks like, you're just like holy snap. You think that yes, you can run really fast. Now you think you can just run anywhere. How do I keep you safe? There's so much of this this show. That's like, how do I keep a child safe in this time? And there's so many elements that I just thought were so I love that the the best friend is a little girl in a wheelchair who is just like got a badass attitude and like she's just I loved yeah, there's so many parts of this and I'm like that was good you hit the mark. So thank you so much for calling us into conversation around this. I'm like, yes. This is Autumn. I I haven't gotten to watch again. I was able to watch the trailer after you teed it up for us and and I have to say it was like You know, I think I was saying before we hit record that that in large part because of like the motherfucker of a year that I've had over the last year of my life. I haven't had the focus to be able to really watch TV and but the trailer for this show really caught my attention and felt like oh this actually could be a really good entry point for me back into pop culture and like all the things that I feel like I'm kind of Missing right now because I'm caught up in my own life and I have to say as a parent of three very very special individuals. There was something in watching the trailer that felt very like I don't want to say triggering that's too strong of a word but just like that felt very familiar to me. Yes, because because each of my children up here to have a superpower of some kind to me and and for one of them her particular superpower is something that definitely does seem to expose her to danger. And so yeah, I just feel like I'm going to be I'm going to be watching this show probably was like a very vulnerable heart as a mom. You know, I didn't say. It's I was thinking of you and the baby the nibbling the whole time and thinking of a couple of the nib things the moms and nibbling Xin my world where I'm just sort of like I see this happening already where this child is just starting to call on here's everything. I've got in me and like the same way that you would as any human being but as a child human being is just like one day you thought and it's all based on longing which I think is one of the most magical pieces of this is that The powers that each person has in the show are really rooted in what their longing for either longing to stop or longing to call close to them or where their longing to be at which I'm just like, oh, you know like that's so often. I feel like super powers are presented as here's what I can do for other people like here's how I can save someone random strangers random people whatever and I think to me that's one of the most interesting conceits of this. This one is that mostly so far. The superpowers are like I want to be somewhere. I want to be with someone. I want to be near someone I want to be safe. So there's there is like beginning to be a little bit of the saving and helping that I'm about five or six episodes in so I see some of that starting to emerge but it starts with I want to play with these Legos. Now the Legos are up in the air floating now, it's magic. I want to give my mom a magical moment or whatever. I'm like, oh, yes. The thing I love about this shows all the things I don't dollar said but when I look at the way the show is crafted like the care that was taken with this show in terms of Storytelling the acting the little boy is like my favorite actor in the whole entire world right now. He's so good so yummy, I love that kid and to be able to Have like such a like if the juxtaposition of like the realness and the reality of the show because it's like there's nothing fantastic about the everyday life with this this little boy and his mom is like a legit story that you can find all over Atlanta all over Atlanta. There's kids like him all over women like her all over like that right next to the super fantastic amazing like the way that Michael B Jordan comes in and out the like I'm with his fine ass. But here's what I seriously yeah, he's like he's like I produced this show so that I could show up in it in the most magical possible it just when you need to have a dream papa show up with a beautiful mouth there. He is. Just dreamy. I think about this two things. It makes me think about what is like the company that produced this show macro and like the work that they have done over the past few years to be able to just like Be magical in that space and have to be so gorgeous. But also makes me think about the lineage. We've been talking a lot about the lineage of this kind of work. We talked about the water dancer in this show. And yeah all the things that we're all totally geeking out over and that's one of the reasons why this was it going to be exciting to talk to you two about it won't because I think that the two of you together are superheroes like I think individually, yes. Power activate thing and it like it's the thing. I love most about each of you individually as who you are with your sister. And so that's and that's why I mean it but the other thing is like of all the people that I know in the world like you all are the ones in terms of the lineage of this world who were like down all the way back in the day when I was speaking out as a youngster and looking around like who are the other people who love this and it was a literally just a to Oh of you lonely I'm like Welcome to our lives. And that's it. That's kind of like what it's been like growing up is just like does anyone else like this my sister? I can't wrap her in a room and we can talk about poetry and sci-fi and like Shelia. Yes. Yes. Yes. A I know what you come it's exciting and the thing that you know that this company macro are the same people who are doing the xenogenesis series TV show stop it. Okay. Got it. That's great. Yeah, that's good. Okay, and now because when I first heard that I was like, oh, no, they better not now I'm like, oh, yeah, I can do it. Okay now they can do it because it feels like a Sci-Fi show to like, they're not I like how they're doing it where they're not so far. They're they're they're using Um special effects and stuff like that, but they're really playing inside of nature in a way that I really enjoy like they're working with the natural elements like a part of the conceit is that the father who is now missing they think dead or swallowed up into some other realm or something. He was a storm chaser and so there's this whole part where it's like, what is the relationship with nature and how much of what Dion's powers are are tied in with that capacity. CD to manipulate nature which of course immediately brought me back to Octavia superheroes like Octavia. I feel like Road this over and over again is like, oh what are the powers that are tied in with either our natural capacity like hyper empathy or tied in with being able to transform and move around the things around me. So when I think of like on yanbu, it's like she was like I can manipulate the material of the the tangible world, right? I'm like that's all Dion is doing is I Like he's learning. How do I manage I can manipulate and I also love the playfulness of it like that. You know, Lauren elemina octavia's like most relevant hero for this moment. I think Lauren Alameda is this young baby person, you know like this young leader and I'm like odion's half her age even younger. Yeah, I'm seven years old. And so there's whereas Lord all I mean, it's like, oh you could leave people. I'm like d on your You still need to be held and guided and like you need someone to help support you and you know item I just kept thinking of your kiddos in this because I'm just like they do have these super powers, but they're so young right now that they have to have someone who helps them figure out. Like, how do I run? All this lightning power down to the Earth? How do I reconnect with breath? Like, how do I how do I use this power for good? And I also think it's a great show and it comes to bullying there's a Apart around. Okay, so you're a different kid and it shows and you're going to get bullied and like how do we help our kids be moved and survive this new bullying process. Well, it is interesting to thinking about you know, what you were saying earlier Adrian about, you know, the superpowers kind of like coalescing around what the character is longing for or longing towards Versus you know, a typical representation of superpowers as being like a savior or a sacrifice. Yeah kind of relationship and I think about like I mean again, I haven't seen the show yet. So I don't really know but I think I think one of the things that we see more of in and any kind of like afro-futurist Asian related to the like sci-fi Trope of superpowers is that the superpowers are often in relationship to a vulnerability? Yes, and which makes sense right and makes sense that like from the perspective of like those of us who live inside of various kinds of marginalization Zoar historical trauma that you know, we have an embodied sense that the things that make us most vulnerable are the things that make us most powerful obviously. And then it's interesting to think about how that translates into, you know, the complexity of parenting children with that lens because I certainly see it with my own kids and also just with children generally at this at this particular moment in time that that we're raising children. We're raising a generation of children who are in a highly vulnerable. Next yes, and hmm and I think some of the some of the Dynamics that I feel like we're already starting to see emerge in that is that like like my kids for instance one of the superpowers that they have is boundaries. Like they have they are hyper aware of what their boundaries are and like and really really really effective at communicating. Them. I had an experience just the other day with with my middle child who sometimes will do this sort of Developmental regression thing where she'll start speaking in a baby voice and and it just drives me up the wall. Right? And I understand where it comes from but it really drives me up the wall. And so sometimes I'll say to her like she'll start talking in her baby voice and I'll be like, oh I want you to use your nine-year-old boy's and the other day. She said to me she's like Mom, my voice is mine to use as I choose. You can't control how I use my voice and you and I looked at her I looked at her like okay, and then and then she looks at me and she's like you can't say anything to that. It's so powerful right these little boundary like that level of like she is really, you know, even inside of little like being raised and living inside a more vulnerable context is all of our children are you know, whether their children of color? Or not like living under a climate apocalypse is like a very vulnerable condition to live in and she's really inside that she's really in her agency about her body and her voice and that to me feels like super super super power e, you know, yes, right. I mean, she's like, I I tell people all the time I believe in Collective process. I believe in consensus. And like I would absolutely abdicate power to her and we'll probably I do often. I'm like I call it and do often. Yeah, like you you're she generally is right. She's generally write about things. So yeah. Be responsible for the development of another person especially in the in the context of such vulnerability where you you can help to cultivate that part of them in a way that keeps them safe, but they never lose themselves. That's right. Yes like that. I can't even imagine well and I think it is it is it's a sorry. I was just going to say I think it's like that's the it's the the it's like a such an incredible honor and it's such a complex responsibility to hold because of course as like any of us who were any black person who was raised by other black people knows that like most of our history of being raised in the black community is, you know, being taught often through violence how to make yourself smaller for the sake of safety. That's right. Like that's how that's how many of us are trained to survive in navigating cope. The conditions so the new generation I think is showing us like that old way doesn't work. We actually have to be even more large and Powerful if we're going to survive and it's challenging as a parent to be like, how do I support you being as large and Powerful in your spirit as you actually need to be while also not exposing you to even more danger. It's really it can be very scary. Well, and that's That's what I wanted to say just really quickly was the mom. I really love the Mother character because you get to see she just shows the struggle the pain of being a mob all by yourself with this magical child wanting to be in right relationship with your child. Loving them making them feel safe making them feel seen while also navigating and you're about to go into a world where you're not safe and how do I help you? Feel safe while Moving to the real world, which is not safe. It's they do such a good job. She does such a good job just on her face showing what that feels like even in this conversation. I'm like and breathe because that's a real feeling because as Many of you know, both of those who are listening and homies on this conversation for me. I saw a lot of my own both childhood and impending Parenthood that's reflected in this story. Yeah. So for my mother, you know, when I was born, my mother was a widow and remember those moments where I was just longing right for stories of father who I wanted to know. No, but I all I had were the amulets or the trinkets or the things that I could hold onto was often was like my name. So I remember learning how to write my name and asking the question. Oh, how am I the third? Who's the second? Whoa. Oh Calvin. I did not know all that that's amazing. It's and it's been such a journey now on this phase. Like I see the show. Show and I'm able now to have anchors on on. multiple sides of the compassion that I now can hold for that young child who's yearning to no apparent that there just just in constant conversation with just by navigating life and then for a parent who wants to hold enough compassion for their own grief their own like I just saw my mother threw that nice right and I I think Even now with with expecting to raise raising a child almost slipped up and said the name, oops, okay. Apply one of the most potent. Yeah scenes. There's actually the only episode I watched twice was the the episode where the mother has to give D on the talk. Yes, because he was about to be suspended for school for fight that he actually didn't have. Yes, right. And and so it was so real thinking right so mad I was so had this positive video I couldn't even watch it. Yeah. So what are the spaces that we can create for young people? To fully step into their truth and their power and I just want to learn like I was taking like a master class from you right now ottoman. Like how do you create space for a beloved young one? Who's in your life or your child or someone else to be fully in their power? And and I'm going to be sitting with that probably forever. Yeah. It's a lifelong. It's totally lifelong work and you know think it's you know, the reality of And right is that they also it's so beautiful to hear you talking about your own history in relationship to the child that is coming to you and is about to receive all of the amazing love that you have to offer. So like Lucky them and you know for sure one of my experience at like one things that has consistently been true in my journey as a parent is that like your children should reveal yourself to you in a way that no one else can can and nothing nothing else can like they just they mirror back to you exactly what your work is and it's a gift if you can receive it as a gift and that can sometimes very day by day. So that's right what I hear I also think it's so important for people who are doing parenting right now Calvin Autumn everyone. It's like to have shows like this that don't pull the punches around. The power dynamics you have to navigate around these miraculous children. Who because there's so many people like they're coming up against people who are still trying to hold the status quo of current Society don't realize something is evolving in your midst in your hands and your face and you don't even see it and right now so many parents are like that's like everything is evolving right in front of us and we have to be able to see it. Even if we can't we won't make it all the way with them. Yeah, you better pray. Hallelujah. Oh, I wish we had more time for this recorded conversation. Although I know they'll be much more time to have it online offline. We're going to have to bring y'all on our show to will have to do it. Are more about what you may be working on and again like this perfect opportunity to have this conversation with you all as Visionary Riders speculative writers. So if there is anything that is bubbling up in your creative worlds that you would like to share want to give the opportunity to share that with the we verse each other's okay. I was going to say tell them about the novel. We have a podcast called how to survive the end of the world. Where there's two recent excellent episodes from Autumn one talking about indigenous World Views and power dynamics and presence and one talking about a new economy that I'm highly like basically recommending to everyone because I stand for Autumn and our podcast. We're about to right after we hang up with you. We're going to get on with Charlene Carruthers and talk about this upcoming election. And how do those of us who don't really give a fuck about the election deal with the Check that it's taken over everything and be in right relationship better show yourself as who you are. So that's the primary question there. I am working on a new book facilitation and mediation book. So after we finish all these little recordings, I'm back into writing Retreat mode. And then I'm heading on a sabbatical this year. So those are some of the things that I'm up to and excited about Autumn. What about you? Let's see. I am I am completing my first novel and it's very close to done. You know, you get I feel like with these kinds of projects you're sort of like will it ever be done? But I do believe it's going to be complete and I'm also very slowly working on an album. Music music project with my dear friend and collaborator Nehemiah Luckett. So yeah, and then I'm just ever involved in the creative work of like parenting which really is it's a creative process and and it helps me when I think about it that way. I'm waiting for your call. Y'all are like sisters once removed. Just get out it into it C string. Thank you so much for having us. Thanks for everything and honor this is awesome. And I'm really excited that you put me onto a new show and Calvin have a good baby. I made this baby. Have a good parent. You're gonna do great. We're held well, and we're just the only advice I can give you truly is get a waterproof pad for your bed. Okay? That's right. That's right GameChanger. That way. I don't have to get up to the Bell. It's so great. All right. Good night. And don't forget to tweet us follow us on Instagram and Facebook at the big we podcast again. That's at the big we podcast drop us a line at hello at the big we and you can find us at our website the big we and anywhere you get your podcast and don't forget to leave a review lastly. You want to give a shout out to a few very special people who make this program happen starting first with our producer. We am got bun the wonderful Paola mattered son who is taking care of our post-production audio editing and Sound Engineering and a humongous. Shout out to creative stay out National My Guy Brian Sexton and this amazing theme music featuring Patrick Brooks AKA Cadence pattin andronicus Hawkins AKA nigga speaks, and of course. To you our beautiful beloved listeners. We love you so much. This has been the big we
What do our superpowers teach us about our longings? How do we create spaces for young people to fully step into their voices and power? In this special episode, we’re THRILLED to be joined by our favorite sci fi & Afrofuturism visionaries, Autumn Brown and adrienne maree brown! Join our juicy conversation about love, parenthood, imagination, youth, magic, and longing as we explore the new scifi show “Raising Dion. Tell us what you think @thebigwepodcast and and visit for full show notes. She is a writer, social justice facilitator, Octavia Butler scholar, pleasure activist, healer, singer/speaker (including wedding singer! ), founder of the Emergent Strategy Institute, and a doula living in Detroit. Autumn Brown is a mother (of dragons! ), organizer, theologian, sci-fi writer, artist, and facilitator. She is a Worker-Owner at the Anti-Oppression Resource & Training Alliance (AORTA), a worker-owned cooperative devoted to strengthening movements for social justice and a solidarity economy through political education, training, and planning. How to Survive the End of the World is adrienne maree & Autumn Brown's podcast where they "learn from the apocalypse with grace, rigor and curiosity."
Alright guys, so a lot of people access how do they make a podcast? I'm let you in on a secret on the easiest most productive way to start a podcast and get it up and running and that is the app called anchor is free. They have all kind of cool creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. They will distribute your podcast for you to all of the major Outlets including spot.Why Apple Google many more and you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership is everything you need to make a podcast in one simple easy place. So if you're interested in starting a podcast Go download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Let's do it. All right, guys, welcome back episode 31 eyl 31 episode 31. Are you leaves of podcasts? So today's a special special episode for us show a few different reasons. It's the first episode that we've had two guests. Yeah. We're breaking new boundaries. Yeah. We got to talk about a lot of things that we haven't talked about yet. But before we go into the episode August 22nd, we are coming to Houston Texas to do our meet and greet networking event. You know, we've done in three different cities so far LA Brooklyn and Atlanta. So this is the fourth installment of the network meet and greet and the purpose of the network meet and greet is really for us to interact with our supporters, but more importantly to bring people together and you know, one of the most important things in business is relationships. Yeah. So, you know a lot of times you might live in the same city as somebody you might live in the same neighborhood, but you never really interacted with them on a business level. You never know how somebody can help you like that might be a business partner might be a real estate partner. You never know. Yeah, so we want to just bring the people out and it's gonna be dope and there's like a misconception like people think like we're going to be having a seminar at the seminar is for people to meet and greet with each other because even when we leave this, I studied our in like the relationships that you've developed at that meet and greet will still be there. Not a meet and greet is a Vibe within itself. It's a whole vibe is not a seminar. It's so way as I said for the interact, but it's dope because people come and then they interact with us and then we bring some of our guests with us. We definitely gonna bring some guests with us and they talk to them and then they get some advice and they network with each other like a live episode really. It's like a party with productive Tendencies like never It's something productive active character. Yeah, you know you have a couple of drinks and it's just it's good energy is good about so Houston. We need you guys to come out RSVP. The link is in our bio on our website and it's under the events tab. So we looking forward to touching the town and seeing everything that Houston has to offer for sure man for sure so forth. All right, so we're going to be going to get right into it. We have very special episode today. We have Lenny Williams and Jeff. Yes, so this is interesting because both of these gentlemen work at colleges. It's back to school time right now is the time when yeah colleges is back in session again. Yeah, so like after the fall semester has begun. Yeah for sure for sure damage. That's a fact so they both work at Jersey City University Lenny is a business professor. And Jeff is a director of student leadership. Jeff used to be a professor as well, but they're not like your typical professors or like college. Administrators like you're like the type of professors. I wish I yeah, it's different. So they put a different swag on it, and you know, they are pretty major. They've been all over. They've been featured on CBS FOX Boston Globe ebony black Enterprise Hot 97. They've done tedx talk. So, you know, they have an interesting outlook on education. They take a different approach on education. We don't talk about education and a few other different topics, but first and foremost. Thank you guys for joining us welcome fellows. Appreciate it. Thank you. I appreciate y'all. Yeah, for sure. So we jump right into it. So you guys are college professors, right? And you know college is something that is very it's a Hot Topic and is something that triggers a lot of emotions in people, especially nowadays. It's like anytime we put a post on Instagram about college we get thousand comments and people saying like it's a scam no each of money and all the people saying oh God, right? So I'm just going to jump right into it is college still necessary to be successful or it wasn't really ever necessary. But it in today's society is college still necessary still needed. I mean, I think that college I mean it's not needed. It's I mean something that you can do to something that spot so I think should be an option right? I don't think it should be forced upon that people have to go to college. I know I will say there's other ways of being successful and going to certain fields that college is not needed as much as it was five years ago. But some things you do need like you want to be a lawyer or a doctor or you into stem Fields like college can be very productive, but then there's some other Majors where Honestly, you can you can learn on YouTube or you can learn by reading books or you can learn by just doing so I don't think it has to be a necessary thing to go to college but I do think it should still be an option. Yeah, I think also one of the biggest things about college are the networks and the relationships that are made so it's very far and few in between that you get to sit in a room with dr. A future lawyer a future dentists a future teacher and have conversations that Not about your fields of study and because we all know that once we get into our you know, our real lives after college, it starts to become a little bit closer in the bubble where you're just dealing with people who are hat who have similar interests so college for that particular space. There's not many other places that create that type of environment and academically there are some fields that do still need it. But you know, I think that these institutions a lot of them are just not created for the benefit. Of the students. I mean there are a number of colleges and universities that are doing that work. But I think there are a lot that are scamming people. I think there are a lot that are not doing the work. Yeah. It used to be looked at looked at as a badge and to middle-class Life by that you had to have that piece of paper if you wanted to get a good job get a house like that that's going way we like what then he was just saying is like some things we're just going to learn on the fly. Like we say this all the time we have no training in broadcasting, but we're doing a podcast right like we're learning these things as we Go nothing, like yes, there are options that you can do outside of going to school. But if there are careers like lawyers and doctors like you said and it's mandatory man, I'm a I'm a college guy, right like we had to do it in education. But like I said before like I feel like we could I could have done it either High School had I given the proper training rather than seven years of dedication to that career, you know, I mean, right I think I think what college does is we live in a society where image is very important, right? So what college does is that it gives? Tziu a badge to say okay. I have a certain level of success already built in because I've accomplished my degree. So now I can at least speak to you on intelligent level when I can be taken seriously which not it's not always the case, right because there's plenty of people that graduated from what call you speak was call. You said people graduate from college if you still stupid. Yeah, that's all the time. You got some people who never went to college who are brilliant or never finished. Is that a brilliant absolute so my personal opinion on it is that I think that college is beneficial. It can be beneficial from the social standpoint specifically from a social standpoint and growing as an adult right because especially if you go away to college that's probably a first opportunity living on your own and you mature you develop certain relationships. You meet people that part you really can't get just going out of high school into the real world you can but it's a lot more difficult you're not In an incubator where you're just around a thousand people and you can just develop those type of relationships. It's not easy to do that in just real world life. But I feel that a lot of times people are misguided. Right right when they go to college. So this is my next question as far as you know, one of the biggest things for college for me is Majors, right? So you guys are on the inside and I see I saw that even when I was in school anybody that doesn't know I have a communications degree. I don't have a business degree. So But without when I went to school, they told me like look just get a degree doesn't matter. If you're not trying to be a doctor or a rocket scientist doesn't matter and obviously didn't because when I graduated from a financial advisor, when I graduated in order to do what I had to do I had to pass like three different tests. So I had to study for like nine months. So it doesn't matter if I would have got a business degree or not. I still would have had to study so it's kind of like I went to college after I went to college anyway, and now I have my licenses so I can do whatever I want to do. So by could add to our I agree. I could have any kind of degree, right? So how important is it to pick the right major? And how do you determine? What is the right major? So this is for parents and people got in students for college. So before I was a professor still working on Mission, so the most important part when talking to parents or talking to students is when you're choosing a school, especially when it comes to Majors, your major should be a top five major within that school what I mean by that is top five with enrollment and also they have placement for the companies that deal exactly what your major and if you're not in those like top five areas for your major what can happen honestly is you can be two years in at the school and if it's not enough students enrolled in that program your program gets dropped and now you're still at that college, so it's very important as we guide our students come to go to college. Yeah, that's great. But please make sure whatever field you're trying to go into is one a popular major within the school to has the Partnerships. Outside of the school with the different companies and then last but not least is the mentality of knowing where do United States or where your country where you living at is going to be the next five years as far as job market and careers. And what's going to be in demand not what I always say this mentality of not five minutes from now start thinking five years from now, right? So when you're making a decision, what does a communications degree look like five years from now, right? What does that feel looks like look like for is even going to be around photography is that's something that you really have to go to school for when you can potentially learn that you know, so that's that's kind of the key when picking your Majors is making sure that the school provides the resources but can also place you out the job but it also is a demand but if in the next few years, I couldn't agree more man, like a lot of times especially in our community when our kids think about college the first thing they think about the Athletics right? Like I want to go to Dubai want to go in North Carolina. I want to go to UConn right and when you get there, if you're not the owner Athletics, it's like well, I want to study Communications. Whoo. That's not one of those Majors that is one of the best things at that school. So You should be looking past just like yo, I'm alumni and I go to that school for the sports. Right? It means it doesn't mean as much when you come out of Uconn with the communication group. I have a communication to know what I'm saying, but I want to go back to church and you said that it doesn't matter and in my head. I'm like, yeah, it doesn't matter if you're on an athletic scholarship if it matters to a guy like me who was like I'm studying physical therapy and I don't want to be a physical therapist. Right? And I've paid $30,000 for for years. It's like this matters a lot. Right? Like now, what do I do? Do I have to continue going when I don't want to do this or do I have to figure out what can I do like that? I kind of fell into that thing. It was like the school I was at it was great for physical therapy. I couldn't pass the science classes. I'm like, oh I'm not going to be visible therapist. I got to figure out what I can get in gratefully. I was able to go to school to health science degree and I was like, all right. Well, what does that even mean? I'm saying so I had to start figuring out like and we want my hat was happening. We talk about this all the time. In Jeff and particular use this analogy of you know, and everything else you buy something you challenged to make sure that the service that they're providing is correct, right and I feel like people are not challenging some of these schools when they're paying all this money, you know, you're paying and maybe because you're not physically using cash and handing over fifty thousand dollars. You're not seeing the money so you maybe don't care as much as if you're going to a restaurant, you know, Jeff always says about, you know, if you order steak and they bring out chicken nuggets. Are you going to eat chicken nuggets or you going to say I ordered state? Take and many times students are paying all this money for a school and and not providing the services that their promise and they're not challenging the school right or asking questions before and I don't know maybe it's because again, you're not physically handing that money over and you think I go I'll just get a job and I'll pay it off later. But I think it should really truly like everything else you purchased that that's a problem especially in our community man. Like we don't know how to advocate for the things we want. Like, I've seen it over and over with parents not being able to advocate for the kids, but then the kids grow up and they don't how to advocate so You are being missed you at school in the things are not being provided is like who do I talk to about how grass what? Am I supposed? How do you challenge the system? Because I mean that's like going up against that's a compliment like that system. How do you challenge him to say like challenge? The system is simple things. So there's like a college fair at your school, like every school typically high school. They bring in college Representatives, you know, instead of asking questions, like students get these questions from guidance counselors and some people I don't know where they get these questions from like, what's the percentage of Student Success at your school? Like that's not The question should be asked and she be asking you know, look I want to be an engineer. How can you how can this school help me become an engineer. How can the school helped me become a bio mechanical engineer like whatever. How does how what are the tools at your school to get me there but also is this major a popular major enter school. Can I talk to somebody at the institution to Career Center and find out how many people you place that a job and the last three to four years at some point, you know, like those type of questions need to be asked and unfortunately, we don't we don't provide those resources. Choose enough and that's why we created a platform that we create as part of the things that we do is to let students know like you do have a voice number one and number two to ask those type of questions before spending all of this money. Yeah, Jeff. I want to ask you a question. We spoke off-camera about the hidden curriculum. Yeah, so the idea so it kind of goes into the that aspect of the students don't know who to ask. So so that there is that problem. I don't know where to go and the institutions are not doing the The job properly a lot of Institutions are not doing the job properly and creating a space for students to understand things like acronyms that students don't know so I don't know what FAFSA might stand for and that's talking about financial aid. If you don't know what that means then you're out of luck. If you don't know what the Bursar Office means and these are the things that are just directly dealing with your money sounds like foreign language already so ready to write so you don't know what these things are. So I think it's essential for and this is where I think the big problem is is that There are institutions that are about creating careers for people who want to be educator. So they want to go up the ladder and become vice presidents and become Dean's and become provost's and presidents of Institutions without caring about the students. So then they create these platforms and they create these spaces where the students cannot succeed so I'm not going I'm not going to sugarcoat it. There are their academic institutions that are out there primarily just to build careers and primarily just to make money the proper institutions that are doing the work are the ones that it's a we are going to make sure that you know who to speak to and with the hidden curriculum that Justice means that there are things that are being hidden in regular nomenclature. So it's saying we know what it is but a seventeen-year-old does not know what that is and we expect them to know what it is then succeed in that space and then Excel beyond that and then by the time they hit two year two or three we see the retention level drops because the student doesn't know what the term retention even means. So we're saying we want to keep you here. What are we even doing? Work that needs to be done. So ultimately at the end of the day that's where we have to start to do more work is saying what are the students getting and who do they need to speak to? So to really touch on the comment that we were just saying one of the things I can tell all people who are sending any of their students to college or going back to school themselves is that you have to really find particular individuals on your campus. I can't stress the I can't stress it enough that you have to get involved. So that means you have to find somebody who's already doing the work and make sure you align yourself. Self with that find the Jeff for the Lenny on your campus and sit in their office introduce yourselves because what ends up happening is I'm the one that's going to put you in touch with this person that person this individual to help you succeed because doing it by yourself is literally impossible. Now, we was talking off camera to and it's difficult because I think my experience is little jaded because I was I play basketball so when I went to school I got I was on athletic scholarship. So if anybody's not familiar athletes, it's different, especially at a division one school. So When I got to campus know we had own study hall just for the athletes. We had our own advisor just for the athletes are books was free and you know, they would stay on us like make sure like where you doing like you just going to class, you know, it's like so it's easier because it's more structured but for somebody that's just going to college on their own and especially if you're if you know, your parents didn't go to college, but you don't know your first generation, right? It's a lot that goes into college that is went from high school. Like I remember the validate valedictorian of my school couple years ago that my high school that I went to he's a lot younger than me, obviously and I spoke to him. He's a Harvard and I was asking like how you doing a harp and he's like, you know, I wasn't prepared. It's the valedictorian of the school. He's a smart kid obviously but he's like high school with two. It's just so easy for me and I mean Harvin and it's just way different and he was like, you know, I never realized how much I wasn't prepared until I was in that position and I think that that happens on I mean like you say a lot of times unfortunately, especially, you know, you might have family issues. Whatever kids just drop out because you know, you fall behind a couple semesters and let alone not even talking about financial issues just social issues and just dealing with school and structuring your time. It's like how can somebody fully equipped themselves for making that jump from high school to college first you sign up with trailer not Trails, but he know to fully equip yourself. It takes a lot. A lot and this is where we have to really invest. We just talked about that off-camera to about how much money you place on a college degree. Whether you're going there for free or you're paying full tuition. There's no I mean outside of a house. There's no larger investment that you're really making probably throughout your life. And in the same way that you invest in the house you're searching for multiple houses, but then even before that you want to know, how is the house how you know, how was it built? What was what do I have to do to fix this space? What do I have to do to make sure that my Family if I want to start a family goes in here. It can't just be let me just show up pull up and figure out the rest return on investment. Right? And so with the what people have to do is really start to invest in a child and a student's education before they even get in there and find the programs because colleges and universities. Some of them will do it. But a lot of them will not and say listen, we're going to give you a two-day orientation session to figure out how to succeed in college, you know when they're trying to holler at other people you and they're trying to I have fun, you know because they're also doing that to DJ at that and I remember like as a college student I was like, is it register and they're like, no it's registrar and I'm like, why what does that even mean? Right when you're registering for classes, correct? When you're registering for classes, there are these simple little things that that students aren't prepared for and so for me, I just think that you have to invest in the same way that you would invest in a house the same way you wouldn't Car without making every possible detail before it you have to do the same and I think the key is invest past financials because a lot of people always talk about college and investing and it's only the financial piece when we say about investment saying do the research as well and understand where college is going what colleges are doing it different degrees because it can be really beneficial for you. And it's also a very important. I think what Jeff said as far as to find people on campus that know the deal and because that's that helped me out a lot as far as Like when I first got there, I had a so my child to my Mansion. Well, he's from the Bronx and he was a junior when I was a freshman. He was on the team and he was season he was there for two years. So he kind of explain to me like take this class right? Don't do this and have this many credits and like this professor is cool and he kind of walked me through it. And from there I was able to have a smooth transition, but I think it's important to have that Mentor. I don't know if schools have program and they do and then and then other thing before Talk about leaving with the mentors is don't get you caught up on titles as well. Right looking for somebody with a leadership title to be a mentor. They're just people on campus that literally run a campus but don't have any fancy title. There could be a person that works in a bookstore, right, you know saying right everybody and they've been there for 20 years and I know exactly what books to get they know exactly where to go and there's the person who's cleaning up the the Student Union building they are no Hey listen, you know, you need to join this club or hey, you know, you need to talk to Jeff because Jeff knows who everybody is and so that's where you know, we always talk talk about the difference of what a mentor means. So we tell people number one. You need a digital mentor and a digital Mentor is somebody that is online that has an online presence at that institution or otherwise that you know, you can just watch what they're doing and that might just mean I'm watching somebody's Instagram feed or Twitter feed and saying, all right, you know what I need to just know because this person is providing a wealth of information. There's a generational Mentor. So that means you also need to know somebody who is from a different generation than you are younger and older who have different It sets and different viewpoints that you can say. All right, this is the generational Mentor that's older than I am that's going to be providing me the traditional sense of leadership. But then here's this person. That's also maybe a little bit younger than I am that I can give them information and then they give me back some some information and then like your boy, but you said at your school be what we call a peer mentor, right? Right somebody that's in that same age range same age bracket doing this, you know, the same things that you're doing and that's fellow peer reviewers that can that can really help you out some boring for sure. Alright, so now we're going to go into the next segment we go. Talk about the financials and we also going to talk about chilling nitroso. Yeah, I love that environment. Yeah. Ernest you currently paying off student loan debt interested in improving your financial literacy or looking for new ways to earn income and today's ever-changing digital landscape. Well on the talk money with the mesh lakhani podcast mesh will follow Paper Trails chat with experts break down complex ideas and bring Clarity to the mystical Financial phenomenon. Each episode will be filled with compelling stories covering a broad range of subjects from buying Bitcoins. Dinner with student loan debt and everything in between. So listen to talk money with mesh lakhani on Spotify or wherever you listen to your favorite podcast and learn how to spend invest in earn in today's economy. Alright, so now we're going to talk about the number one thing when it comes to school is how to pay for it. Right money money. We said man. It's the it's the biggest financial decision that they're going to make and they have especially high school students think about three years. And that's you're making that decision at here seem like a lot of people won't get approved to get them going for house. They probably won't they may not get approved to get a loan for a car, but they will get approved in alumni student loan is really something like I said, once again, I was fortunate not Have to unlock the high scholarship where I have a brother and sister and they both have thrown away. I think they both still paint on it. There's no I'm still paying myself my brother older than me, but student loans real financial aid is definitely where all that is real. So you can't escape it. No, no, no filing for bankruptcy on student loan. All right on with their money this way. He graciously helped stop knowing that parents. Could a lot of parents listen to our podcast and you know might have children in college on children getting ready to go to college what some hacks that ain't even children or young adults can use to minimize the cost of college. One of the big hacks for high school students is taking college courses while you're in high school now some high schools in some districts provide that and they're called like articulation agreements another fancy word for nothing fancy higher Edward, but their car articulation or dual. Mansoor Partnerships where a lot of community colleges now and some four-year schools are trying to build upon their enrollment. So what they're doing is they're allowing high school students to start taking classes at a lower rate or for free. So that's something to really look at in your in your area your region your District, especially within the community colleges. Your kids can take some of those level 100 courses at a lower rate. How do you how do you get out of going on campus to do you go on campus? So you can call what you can do is you can call most most colleges have what they call like a pre-college program free summer program summer academies and look inside and some of those programs have summer camps and maybe don't send your kid to maybe a sports camp in the town you send them to a business Academy camp at like let's say a Pace University and then they can potentially get credits for class while they're at that camp. So that's a way to kind of look at it. I would look at your local community colleges first. Give them a call A lot of them do allow High School. To take classes on Saturdays and at night so that's something that you can you can definitely look out for and you can go in as what they call another fancy College bird like a non matriculated student. That's the that's a good word. Yeah. I know that one. I think another thing too is to just be honest about going to community colleges. So community colleges are way less expensive than they are then four-year institutions are right. And so if your student is not fully prepared because they just don't know. I mean that 18 you just may not know and at 18. I thought I was going to be a high school basketball coach teaching English classes out of in my old high school and that's what I thought I was going to do and I went into college thinking that that was the plan and I realized that I didn't want to do that at all about two years into the game. And so I had I don't know if Community College was particularly for me, but I'm paying I paid for those two years and I paid a lot of money for those two years and for some people who are just not quite sure if they want to go to college or if this institution is go to a two-year and bang out two years of college that are going A lot less expensive and then succeed at those two years and then you can get into whatever school you want. I mean Harvard is giving away full scholarships to students who excel at a community college as are so many other excellent institutions. So, you know, I think that's a one that's another way to minimize some of the costs. And and another thing I wanted to add is alumni offices are a secret hidden money giving space your it's called advancement as at most universities. He's but your alumni office is are always collecting money from donors who are saying we want to give money to a black male student from upstate New York who enjoys watching soccer and they literally will say that's the only way we're going to give $5,000 to this program or we're going to give $5,000 to a student Who's involved in the Haitian students club? And that's the only way we're going to give $5,000. I donate to my school right and I give The only to the black student union that she helped shape my career. So we have money that we give to you have to be involved in that club but students don't know because they don't always announce those scholarships. They're just there on the website that nobody knows so I tell students once a month go into that office and say are you offering any scholarships and they will be there and then for those people I mean we both did we both donating and create our own scholarships. I created when a community college, so he went to his high school and for those Those people that are watching that don't know how to give back money. You can call the foundations and advancement and alumni offices at these colleges and do a $250 scholarship or $500 scholarship to help students as well. Another misconception is that you have to finish a community college in order to transfer that's not true. Every school is different. So for example in New Jersey where I live, there's two things. I want to kind of put out there. There's two things in New Jersey would say you have 12 credits in a 2.0 you can transfer into For years State schools in New Jersey screaming 2.5 and to most State schools in New Jersey New Jersey also has another program in the most states do have programs like this called in J-Stars where a student maybe didn't do particularly. Well on your SATs, but they're in the top 20% of their top 10% of their class. And if you're in the top 10 percent of your class you go to college for free Community College then when you go to Community College if you get your associates degree, and you have a 3.2 GPA you can get another scholarship to go finish your bachelor's degree at a four-year. Four year college and I'll be in J-Stars to so in J-Stars one its Community College you can transfer out and you're going to engage starts to so these are type of programs that they have in a lot of studies know that particular time from New Jersey, but they have these type of programs within the states. So don't get too caught up saying well, I'm top 20% of class. I'm going to go to this big school. Yeah, you might your top 20% might be different from another high school. So you might not get as much money as far as scholarships. So take advantage of the scholarships that you do have maybe at that Community College and then go on and then potentially transfer and get Swaps with the transfer scholarships today as you talk and I'm listening because we do this this project with the kids who are going into college, like even saying associate's degree, they like I have no idea sir predict traditionally 56 credits, right and then obviously a bachelor's is when you finish traditionally a hundred twenty credits of school, right? I might take for four or five years hopefully, right because it's going to cause you a problem you don't but and and on top of that, you know, after a certain amount of credits after I think a hundred sixty I want to say you run out of financial aid. Yeah, that's like an important, right? Continue to go to school. They'll let you go to school. You don't care but your financial aid can you can exhaust your financial aid that's important and I was going to say like in addition to that like that. There's a misconception Community College like you said, like after those two years you transfer to a four-year school like when you graduate and you go into your career nobody's looking at you know what Junior College you that's what from Community College and in New York state has now like in the past two years. They start the Excelsior program. So state school is also a good thing, right if it's at least it's less than if you went to a private school, right? So if you go State school and you live in New York and you know your parents make under a certain amount of money. You can have I think room and board for free art and to wish I was lowered down well, so that's another option if you if community colleges is not something you want to do go to your local state school. If you live in New York, and then I think the only recommended threat requirement is that you have to work in the state right for years after you however long, you know, a lot of schools are doing you know, if your parents make $70,000 your household income is $70,000 you go to school. For free that's something that's happened in New Jersey where all the community colleges will be free starting September. These are again, these are the type of programs that you should know but most importantly you just brought up a really good point public understand what a public colleges and a private college right nine times out of ten a private college cost more than a public college and it doesn't mean that and it goes back to what I said earlier. It doesn't mean that they're a better school. It's what it because they're privately funded. So it's a little it's a little bit different when it comes to how much they charge for tuition. So it's very important to know what a public Is in a private and a private and no difference that's important. Yeah correctly did a podcast before somebody asked me that question and I was saying that on nobody cares like especially if you plan on on getting a degree outside of the other first-degree, so like if you if you know, you're going to get a four-year degree in you're going to a two-year school or if you know, you're going to get a masters degree, right? They only care about the last agree that you have true. And that's cool that you weren't too. So like Barack Obama is a perfect example. He went to his first school. He went to for two years. This is like some no-name School in California. Then he went to Columbia and then he went to Harvard after that right when you hit the stories is only that he went to Harvard Law and you graduated from Columbia. They never say the first school that he went to doesn't matter. But you save a lot of money you pay yourself and you grow so a lot of times I'm not the best person to give this speech because I went to the University of Hawaii, but you you might have to humble yourself and stay home right and learn learn the ropes. You know stay at home for a couple of years and then go out on your own or you know, you might just sacrifice for four years stay at home save money go to your local school and your area your state school. It'll you might not get the same joy, as you know going out on your own and you know going to a crazy destination, but the grand scheme of things. It might make a lot of sense. So that's my story. And it's alright. I stayed home. I went to school locally, right? But what I did during that time was I was able to get experience. Whereas somebody who comes out of school and is looking for experienced already have four years on you. So sometimes when you go to a career or job, it's like yeah you have this but do you have the experience like I'm doing that as I'm going to school and obviously I don't have to pay for room and board anything like that. So it helped in that way. Yeah, and also look at another part of my experience also got the Career Centers within the college I know. My junior year my job. My internship was also kind of as credits so it can be considered like a co-op program. So your class can actually eliminate your job can actually eliminate you took in a certain class because the work that you're doing experience that you're doing is learning learning learning experience and they'll give you a professor to kind of, you know, follow you along and then you write a paper about in the semester and not only did you get paid to work, but you also got credit which saved you money as well. So Jeff you have an interesting story about Jake. Cole yeah, so, you know, it's this is the thing about college. So this kind of goes into this conversation about how to find money and how to be more successful in it. So I went to st. John's University and I went to school with Jake. Oh and you know, I was president of our black student union which was called her Ayah. And at that time we were the largest organization they had a massive budget over a hundred thousand dollars. And what we were able to do was I became president of that and becoming president of that. They gave me a five thousand dollar stipend. So right there I got an extra five. That I didn't have for doing some student work on top of the stipend with that budget. I was able to also bring in a bunch of different speakers. I mean Cornel West's Maya Angelou all these people that I wanted to meet. We have the money to bring them in now. The J.Cole piece is I is is leveraging the networking opportunity. So if you're going to go to a college, I don't care what school it is. I want you to go in there and make sure you meet as many different people as you possibly can get yourself into every room. And so when I think about Cole one of the things that you know, I remembered A man was just wrapping in the random Open Mic or wrapping in the residence hall in the dorms. And then that flipped into him getting involved. He eventually became president of our black student union and then when that happened he always had a crowd there was always 500 people that were guaranteed that we're going to buy the mixtape that we're going to come out to the show that we're going to support him at the open mic that we're going to go out to this and me, I see it all the time as we do speaking gigs. I still perform poetry half of my audience are people from st. John's for my undergraduate. Career, so I tell people make sure that once you get in get yourself involved get yourself in trenched in the University because that's how you get them to start paying you back. And that's the thing schools really expensive, but I'm going to find out how do I become a resident assistant and a resident assistant is when you're in charge of a residence floor and you're in charge of a dorm floor they pay for your housing, but I did not pay for housing for 3 years of my college career and when you get into those spaces, I was an orientation leader which were the people who introduced the the people when they came To college I got paid for that. So that's where you find the money you leverage the money by the network by the capital of the individuals as well as a capital at the school has he said something interesting? You said Jake old being the president of the black student union. He was in the unique position because he booked concerts. So then that was opened up for them. Yeah. I was it was fascinating. I mean, I remember, you know, when I was wrapping back in the day, that was the same thing. I'm like I put on my little resume. Yeah open up for Kanye. I opened up for quietly opened up for comment and he did this. Thing every time we had a major artist. He was one of the performers that opened up for it. And then that just again creates more leverage creates more opportunities you get practice and you didn't pay a dime. You didn't pay anything you use the studio that's on campus use every possible resource that they have because they're they're taking the money from you. Actually it's wishing. They're never gonna they're never gonna say. Hey, you know what? It's okay, you don't have to pay today. So I'm going to say listen. I want the never gonna say that right I want the studio. I Want the gym I want I'm taking everything that the school could possibly give me and he was like a straight A student coming to her. Yeah. I mean it was a good student from what I heard. I mean I was in a classes with him, right but he was I mean and that's the thing is that I can't stress and I'll say this over and over again. You have to succeed in that space. So do everything you possibly can to leverage every opportunity that they have. So that's interesting because you know, that's that's culture hip-hop coaching music and one of the things that you guys do. That you blend culture with education and you have a company called trilling Nitro, right? So that's an interesting name. Tryla Nitro shot the punk are not your people that might not be familiar with astronomy. So for us I mean, like you said, you know, we got it from from listening to UGK and the idea of trill in essence is true and real coming together, right? So, can you be truthful? Can you be honest but can you keep it authentic and for us that's what we do. We are Educators who are making sure that we keep it real every single time that we speak to somebody and we're authentically us also at the same time and trailer natural started out as a Blog we through I say throw a hashtag on my Facebook pages back in the day saying is this true Or is this not true then I said if I wrote a Blog good job read my blog and you know how people do. Yeah, we're going to read it but not quite agree. All right, I got you know, there's we re that's it. So we the blog picked up and what happened was I hit up Lenny randomly because we were meeting about something else and I said yo, I got this blog that starting to cook a little bit. Do you want to you want to maybe write about it and Lenny with the business background said, you know, I think this could be larger than a Blog and I think that we might be able to turn this into a business model and a business idea to transform education. And we put all of our minds together and we said this is what we are. We are going to be the change agents of education. So we are the individuals who are going to take this thing called higher education flip it on. Its head. Keep it real with everybody that's listening a president of a school to the to the the lunch person to the student every individual when they see us walk into the room. They're going to understand what true or not true really means and we are a Leadership Institute that trains professionals that train In step to make sure that everybody understands what it means to be culturally responsive. That's the term that we rest another turn. Right? What are we going to put a dictionary so culturally responsive right which ultimately means that we're taking care of the needs of the students. We are interested in what they're watching what they're listening to what they're reading what they're involved in and that is included in every aspect of the educational needs of now, you know, we're not using the same thing from last semester this every semester is different. Every generation is different is the Millennials their Generation Z. So we able All to you know continue to be current and make sure that we're reaching every student that's dope. And I think that that's important too because you know, a lot of times we have these narratives of what a professional looks like right like so I thought a financial literacy class. Let's talk about yeah, let's talk about financial literacy program for six weeks for kids like sophomores and freshmen and I teach a financial literacy classes part of his program. We're doing it for like six years. And I come in just off the street. Like I'm dressed that day that I come and some days. I'm dressed in a suit some days. I have flip-flops right and short time. So one day particular, I flip-flops and shorts on and somebody that came in to observe it they were a little Disturbed and they stay we told Troy like, you know, I don't think that's a professional manner to like, what are we teaching the kids? And Troy's like what does that mean? Like, well, he's not he's dressed like, you know, it's all the street and she was like, well, that's one of the benefits of his profession. Do you know whatever you want to do? Right? So keep it. Yeah Trudeau and this is the thing that we really have to get out the mind set up to say like okay, you have to look like this why are you know, right there's no rules to that like and I that's one of the good things. I love about tech. They break all rules like Steve Jobs wear whatever. You want Mark Zuckerberg. We would have any more exactly. It doesn't matter like, you know me as far as obviously You notice certain environments where you have to dress accordingly. It's just common sense. You don't go to a wedding with a sweatshirt right plus your Genius. Well, he came with a Batman but for the most part it's like now we you know, this is what this is what we are right. So we were a hat backwards. We might wear Jordans we might wear deters but that doesn't devalue the information that we're getting right that that's the thing. I was like judge him on his character like who what he's way is not important. What is delivering is important, right? I had a gentleman tell me Right. I was doing a parent orientation and I had some excellent. He was like you really going to do a presentation for parents and MX. And I said, yeah, he was like, well, this isn't really professional I said, yeah, I'm changing the narrative what professional is and he was like, I don't what do you mean I said, yeah, the guy wearing and Max is now hiring your daughter to be in this program, right? That's a professional. You know what I'm saying like that changing this narrative, right? So like I don't judge them on the character, right? What would the liver is more important than what we have on you know, I mean, well, that's why that's why schools. Then left and I always talk about it every time you know, I remember my dad used to say listen if y'all aren't downstairs by 8:15 for the ride. I'm leaving right and that was the test that said I am never going to get left again and I don't ever want to be left and that's what's happening to these institutions and white. That's why it's important for people like all of us that are sitting at this table to be in the Educators space because you know, we have a new book that's coming out quick plug in the false called, you know, I mean we wear kicks to work and that means that that's just showing y'all that we can pull up to any in. Stuh tution at any space I could games. I know they can't see their feet right now. But listen, they came here today. I'm here with a class like this too. It's important. It really is sure and it's like because I used to see my college professors come dress having a wonder where boat shoes and yeah, but it's like they from a different culture. So it's never questioned. Yep, but when we wear what we feel comfortable in our Now it's like where we was going on here knows what it is. I'm gonna be honest with us that it changed the game, you know us when chicks would I shoot, you know students whose legit out of college with two weeks ago and these two black kids walking out and two African-American students walking out chilling. I'm on campus and they literally stopped us was like yo y'all fresh man. Yeah. It's the other way. I hear from y'all. Funny those same kids ended up in our presentation, right and he volunteered and it came up to us after they emailed us was like listen. We love to just build you guys and learn from you and we can learn from them too. So, you know, I really believe yeah, you know, probably at first people I like wearing sneakers to work. I'm sure people said it behind the scenes, but when you are really doing the work and stress in a college campus and students are reacting to you the way they are you can't deny it you can't deny so it's been Chuy's excited has been a successful thing for us to wear these kids because they put is the spaces and conversations that typically maybe been a little awkward at first or the student feel like it was awkward. But now it's yum kicks a fly then it's like oh so how's that business course going? Oh, it's not come see me or how's your financial aid going? You know what come see me. I'll make sure we will get that fixed. I say it's all the time like you that's the unwritten language right a kid when he sees those sneakers automatically he relates to you write a lot of times and education. We don't have people that they can see that the release I can wear Jordans. And I don't have to say anything to a kid from our culture. He knows that like, oh, he wasn't same things as me. So like I already have a connection, right? So it's now it's like whatever I said going forward. He's going to listen because he's like, yo, he looks like me and he's dressed as I can't wait. He listened to the same music right? We're good. It's like what we always say no put the medicine in applesauce. Right? Honestly. It's it's also just it is not just wearing sneakers to I don't want people to think my own. I'm going to pull up in some small my time. I don't don't do that. It's about learning culture and Arrow like, you know people complain about Our Generation Z. Does this generation Z. Does that instead of saying you know, what how can I immerse myself to get myself so involved with that and now I can add that to the curriculum. So we all understand each other a lot better, but then also lead the traditional stuff that's in it that's important. So now I have to be sneaky as it could be movies. It can be music. It can be anything that you enjoy our fly people got an education got a disconnect from the things that they enjoy just to help people pass a test or pass a class now. We gotta add that bit of f actors and actresses man. That's the thing. You know, that kid just was kid just won three million dollars for playing Fortnight, right and instead of saying man. I can't believe a kid won three million dollars or Fortnight. You need to start thinking how do I include Fortnight into my curriculum? What conversations do I need to be having as an educator or as a financial literacy person or as and I cannot as an economist or as a graphic designer or as a Storyteller that says look at this. Look what happened here. Now, let's show how we can you know expand upon this idea, but you know, when people are you know, so Small-minded what happens is man. I can't believe you want three million dollars man. My kids going to start per fortnight to that's just not as I do too its Health without his brain breaking news. It's been in more time before they say that because they even my son like he was some like he want to be a YouTuber and I'm like I was do it and then like people was like that's not something real like I will tell the kid that made 22 million dollars last year. That's what right that's real money. So it's like oh, yeah. Well, you know, what is this doing? It's doing the same thing about the door like when that kid. That YouTuber when he turned 16, am I going to be the one that says hey you should go to college and study marketing. I'm like no. No. No, I think he's figured it out. So in the next segment, we're going to talk about public speaking and then we're going to talk about some other things as far as get yourself off the ground upon business is concerned. Yeah. What's up, y'all? So if you're listening to this you obviously like podcast and you probably like music just as much on Spotify. You can listen to all your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't need a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episode 2 Listen to all flying wherever you are, and it's really easy to share what you've been listening to with your friends on Instagram. If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for earn your leisure on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow us so you never miss an episode of Ernie Leisure again. Alright, so we're going to talk about public speaking. That's sometimes very big. But before we do that, I want to talk about something that's in the news lately and that is I knew I guess you can call it a scandal. Yeah, that's for lack of a better word. And so 40 wealthy families in Illinois. They got quarter and they found out that they were doing this thing where they give the gave up guardianship of their kids like when they turn 16 you like 11 12 grade and in return for doing that now on paper the kid looks like the homeless like the poor right and then they get a boatload of financial aid, right, but the parents are Filthy Rich, so a lot of some people were Instagram exactly interesting because some people were saying like how much I know know know some people were saying like that's messed up that's bad. But more people were saying like, oh they just they just gaming the system. I got what I want you I knew that I'm gonna do that like, you know, I'm not mad at them for doing that. So how does that work? Kinda used to work in the missions? Right? Yes. I'm in I'm working on missions. Of course. I'm not an expert when it comes to financial aid, but I know enough when it comes to finding out loopholes such as that someone called a loophole where parents I haven't seen read article that they are my parents are getting divorces, right legally separating. So it looks like they have one parent in the house. Yeah, which is crazy. I might tell you to do that, but somebody might be like, yeah, I'm going back to break up this mess. Let's go. Benefit but anyway, so, you know, pretty much what people do is you can also say your child is paying rent your child depends on how you classify yourself or how you do your taxes is the most important part when it comes to FAFSA so you can do different loopholes as far as you know, being a person that lives in a house and you pay rent the same thing that happened in Illinois. I'm not saying it's good or bad. I'm just saying that it is possible. And that stuff is true and people have done it for years. What's tricky is that every University is different when it comes to financial aid rules. So what may happen is you get this thing called verification and you have to give him a bunch of documents and improve these type of issues or hardships as they would say, there's also a hardship form. So even on the other side for people that are struggling maybe you don't have FAFSA because your parents were literally together or you was living with your parents or your parents passed away or what your financial situation. Age for example, my mom had lost her job when my sister was in school. What you can do is before she had a job taxes show that she made enough money when she lost her job. Of course. She didn't have as much money. You can go to financial aid and ask for a hardship form, right and you can fill out and explain and if I needed something financially to make that decision and find you money. So again, I'm out here to police it and say it's good or bad but that stuff is true. Yes. Yeah. I mean I got financially it was like $12 $12. I went through more pain. What was it what we gonna do with this? I couldn't buy a pack of pencils. It goes in like crazy fucking hours. That's true. And I don't get screwed when it comes to that stuff because they make too much but they don't leave make enough yet realistically could find even in New York you make $100,000. That's not that's not real money. No, like, you know, I mean, so those are 55,000 a year. Yeah, you're struggling like fucking now that you struggle it. I told it I mean that's how the kids every time like every day. Like, I'm not sure there's not a middle class because whatever somebody from the lower socioeconomic status has it'll be subsidized so that we are on the same playing field, right? So like a kid The parents don't make as much like they can get a full scholarship as I'm going to get total financial aid, right? So we gonna be in the same boat matter of fact, you might be in a better position if you take advantage of this, I think that's an interesting conversation because I had this conversation with somebody who my friend. He's a doctor and he lives in he looked at Wall Street at the time and we were talking about like what's middle class for New York City from my hand. What is everybody? What's your number, New York City Manhattan hundred fifty on this any file middle class middle class. It's almost say 200 250 250. Like I said, I said as a couple I said 350 as a couple. Oh, yeah couple years to 50 as an individual you make anything less than 250 man struggle struggle. So that's why it's open. It's like so when you thought your financial aid form, they doing it the same as somebody and Idaho, right 50, Idaho. You you even in Atlanta you make 250 in Atlanta. You you can a dope house like you can now, you know, you live in good so it's like it's really it needs to be changed because you can't judge that as the sole reason to give somebody money. Right? It's like, you know 250 it may look like it's a lot of money on paper, but in all reality you can be completely struggling and be dead broke you're not And everybody actually make it to 50. No, that's where we get the $12 you get 0 don't even file now on the flip side. I will save you do give if you give free or reduced lunch at your school. You should be taking advantage and finding out all the grants that are out there Pell Grant a grant and other grants and programs at these and every institution is different. So don't go by what you see as like a blanket answer or just one answer one generic answer it every school is different. Should we reach out not only to the admissions office but to that financial aid office and find out you know, My child as you know free or reduced lunch sometimes schools offer scholarships to high school and also even more important college board. If you have free or reduced lunch, you get to take the SAT and ACT for free twice its key. So you can go to guidance. They have to give you that form to fill out a paper that whatever it is, but they give it to you and you can go to school. I mean you can take the SAT twice and act twice for free right now that they'll you said two keywords that those are those terms grants and scholarships. That's money you do. Do not have to pay back right people think people need to know that if you do not have to pay that money back that is granted to you. And sometimes it's for the duration of the time you there. Sometimes it might just be right put it one year or two semester. So like there's so many of them so many out there. So, you know, that's key. And also let me tell you another trick that schools. Do I want people to notice as we own this financial piece is don't compare scholarship amount numbers to a particular school because every tuition is different. So for example, let's go Look at in Jersey City University. Let's just say I'm still a number of the make it easy would say it's $20,000 a year to go to school for four years. So it's eighty thousand dollars. Let's say you get a full scholarship. That's 80,000 hours as an award right over the over the four years another school mistake competing School seen Hall is $40,000 a year, right? So 40 times force is Hunter 6660 rights 160,000. The school Co home I say we're going to give you a scholarship for $95,000, right and just use give me a scholarship for 80,000 hours. People will go to see a halt because of scholarship is more but you still owe $65,000, right? So don't get confused by people get confused by that all the time it go. Well my your school is giving me 20,000 but that other schools giving me 40 and I'm like listen that's cool is three times as much as our school here. So be very mindful when you see those award letters that say that the student is receiving it. On the money make sure adds up or subtract swell with the tuition. That was when they receive that money. Right and that's how this happened to a gentleman. I know like the money is made out to the student right now that check how does that work? Do they have to do this? This is money directly go to the school is giving it directly mostly directly goes so depends when it's a college merit-based scholarship at the college. It goes directly to the school. But let's say you get a local scholarship or a state scholarship. So for example, my last two years of college I did not Not have to pay tuition because I have the internship and I got free tuition. Now in addition to I was still applying to other scholarships. I have like over 10 different local scholarships. I literally took the check went to Bursar and it gave me a refund check. So I was getting paid typically technically to go to college right? I had that much excess funds that was typically getting paid to go to college. So this National Merit base or marriage through the school whenever things like that this usually pay directly to the tuition, but you can even you can also receive other scholarships. It's just a check they give to you and then it's written out to the Bursar Office and in Versailles to give you a refund got it. All right, that's that's good information. Um, can we talk about public speaking because that's something that is very big right now write it down. A lot of people want to get into the public speaking speak and Streisand motivational speakers all kind of different speakers, but that's something that you guys do. So, yeah, he talked about that we can I have a very we both do we both I know exactly where you going. I have a special feeling about public speakers because you know, I always go back to this Tupac quote from him up for a song by the way. Yes at the end. Which what goes on his rant. He says, you know, when I first started I told you I have this was just about Big E. And then everybody had to open their mouths with the mother effing opinion and when he said that it just really articulates the world that we live in today where everyone has Everyone who I like how you feeling everyone has an opinion now, there's nothing wrong with having your opinion. I support it talk the talk, but we have so many platforms for people who are not doing the work and that's the problem that I have with public speaking. So we're going to I'm here to help and we were to have this conversation, but it's an important precursor to say just because you have some quotes on your Instagram page true. And you are retweeting garyvee or era Thomas or are you lose or right? These are orange, you know, that's what happens is that people will watch your podcast, right? They'll be watching your pot watching your podcast listening to your podcast gather information. And then that person will then say I'm a financial literacy expert about it's like, well you're not and then they'll come back and then they want to be public speakers and say well I should be speaking on financial literacy and I say It's your credit. Well, you know, I've been telling you about this and I'm like, where'd you get your content your information from? Well, you know, one of my main resources is earn your leisure then why don't I just go get her, you know true. So with public speaking, that's the first thing I you know, if you're one of those people God bless I'm you know, I don't support it. But if you're an individual that's really going to be providing content. See these individuals who need it because our young people and and and older people who need the help and you have to be able to support Port that so in our in our space, I think one of the first things is to recognize what is it that you are providing to the nod to the audience, right? If you can't say here are five things that I'm going on. How comes right here on my learning outcomes exactly who that you were going to walk away from then you are not ready to be a public speaker quite yet. So that's number one number two is your audience. So I'm not a financial expert so I'm not going so when somebody says hey - can you come talk to us about leadership and financial literacy? I'm gonna say no now don't be a jack-of-all-trades. Don't do that. So make sure that you're very specific in the content that you're delivering. That's what actually separates you from everyone else. Sure. There are a bunch of leadership speakers sure. They're a bunch of people talking about financial literacy sure. There's a bunch of people talking about mental health. That's fine. Your job is to figure out how do I separate myself from that particular core group and you're not going to be able to do that if you're talking about seven different. At the same time. So those are those are some of the quick tips about public speaking and you also have to do it over and over and over and over again. There's a lot of us who thought that you know, just because we're funny in the group chat doesn't mean that we can be stand-up comedians and you learned that quick when you're a public speaker. My first ever gig was at NYIT and they said we need you for an hour and 30 minutes and I said, I've been you know leading workshops in my class and I can see I've been Into my my peoples I pulled up at nyt and at 30 minutes into this speech I was done correctly and you find yourself in there thinking like man. I all right. Maybe I could just spit ask a quick 16. Maybe I can just draw on the board we go take a 15-minute guys to break. So you have to really have that content because you got it. Be able to do that. And so I remember that saying I just wasn't prepared but you got to do that. You got to take that first L to say, alright, this is what I can do to to get better. This is what I have to learn how to stand how my posture Works. How am I speaking intonations? Go all of those things are really important. Yeah, I think also learned the power of Leverage. So a lot of people go into public speaking or want to speak at colleges for example, and they're charging this Amount with no background, right? So being willing to say I'm going to do it for free just to be at certain locations are good things on your resume is very important as a public speaker, but I also want to even say this so many public speakers and I'm happy to see that it's grown. But I also want people I mean think about it. I just I want you to be doers man to do more. I need more people in the classroom, right? You know, if you look around the country nationally is under 5% is black faculty. Members tenure-track faculty members may be less than 5 and it's even you know, I'm in meetings and Jeff's and meetings and we're usually only black person in the room, you know, and you want to look at not just speaking but finding ways to change legislation create programs create platforms like this in addition to just being a public speaker because our students are already being oppressed and certain institutions and are already being taken advantage of and the last thing we need is for somebody to come in and save our I'll get excited and leave for another E panel. You know what I mean? I'm sorry, I you know, I you know, I have a very hard line on some of these things is that enough is enough. We got to start doing some work and I don't know how many times I've been to. Hey the the seven most effective people to learn about leadership in your community while you're wearing natural hair and also I don't need to I don't need all these Panama turn this like passive shade and people I'm the best person at this and then everyone walks it off the room with no content. And there are these young people that need our help and there's a lot of us who are at working at NBC's that are working at Pfizer's that are working at large Banks and institutions are entrepreneurs that need to say as we go in there and perfect are speaking. Can we help these students and build for the future? So, you know, those are such essential pieces to the process and getting paid as a speaker you you think that there's a Way to just go in there and get these checks and it's just not and you know, you might have all this clout but that cloud is not going to get you to return if you can't do anything when you get there. So but but what is all right fair enough. You should have good purpose. You should be educated. So many you are now what's the steps to actually got cool. So I've had to get that off my chest a lot. But I always tell the story I got started. I post them on Instagram other day. I started out in the boys and girls club right was boys and As Club my friend of mines Ron bring men. Shout out to him told me. I never forget. He's like, I know you want to come, you know speaker want to get involved. He stopped me give you two things. I'm gonna give you this space but I'm also going to tell you that everybody's not going to like you right just just just know that like, you're not going every room and every audience is Gonna Love You So This is the space here have fun do what you want to do and you know five years later, you know, Jeff and I are going to like Iowa State Kentucky UCLA, but I was humble enough to start like a boys and girls club with 20 people was in a room and 15 honestly will accuse my family. I just pulled up because they didn't want to see me fail. So, you know, that's that's most important is is having that humbleness but also having the expertise right? So we said early don't be a jack-of-all-trades. Right? So if you worked in HR and that's your experience and you also have a little motivation behind you be able to provide that that knowledge. You got from being an HR rep or that now that you got for being a financial advisor in that with the inspiration now people are going to want you more because you're providing them with things in question that you're providing them with a service or a product that they can actually use like a tangible thing. So be a tangible speaker more than a public speaker. That's all I want to say like have tangible items in addition to that but also be willing to say yeah, I'm going to go speak for free and the second Pete the third piece is having content. So we started as bloggers and we blocked to a niche market like we knew people that deal with students at colleges their offices usually under student affairs. So we knew that there was a student affairs group and there's region conferences and And program so we made sure that we implemented our blogs with in that audience group. So they know who we are. So when we have the blob, we already knew in the back of our heads we want to be speakers. So we had the program's ready with the learning outcomes and objectives and that's how we started getting more involved in the school. So when you are expert you do become you do get a niche market and it helps you get paid more you understand your pricing and things like that. Can you talk about the names of the Vlogs? I thought they were brilliant we talk about the whole also some of the blocks that we created in the beginning. We're like Beyonce Beyonce and social change. Kevin Durant and retention. I mean they wanted Justin Bieber. Yeah, what do we did with drink can teach you about conflict management? And we also did Nicki Minaj and nonverbal communication. And so, you know, you add all those things and to just give some other quick tips about public speaking is so content. So video content is key. So people need to know that you're actually speaking. So people would rather see you speak then literally speak or a photo so get the content and you know, whether you Using an iPhone or a camera just make sure that you're getting content of you speaking about whatever it is that you're speaking about. And and that's how you can leverage it. So sometimes you can go to a school or an institution and say listen, I'll do it for free. But can you allow me to get video content number two is whatever you speak make sure you get a mailing list. So you want people to always know that you're speaking as many times as possible and let them know. Hey, this is what I'm doing. So people will always remember so that mailing list is really key in one of the Leverages that's going to allow you to move into different spaces. Another key thing is recognizing in your field or area of expertise. Where are the conferences that are hosting content on your area. So for us it might be student affairs and there's NASPA and there's a you know a CPA and there's not gonna use all these specific conferences that have all their specific acronyms and you want to just be able to know which one fits and there's literally conferences. Is for everything right? So you want to know when are the deadlines to present to submit a workshop? Because that's really how we got I got in I submitted a workshop to a conference five times and got rejected five times. Then I just paid my way to go to the conference as an attendee went to the conference and then met and shook hands with every single person possible to speakers every speaker every host and said, how do I get myself into I was friends with the person who was the MC the MC? Is me to the person who ran the conference and then they said let's see your stuff. I didn't have any content so that I had to go get content make content then show them my stuff then they liked it. And then they say Hey, listen, we'll get you as an MC first, right? And then I did the MC and embodied it showed up and then killed it and they said do you want to do a workshop did that after I did a couple of workshops? I said, can I do a keynote is it let's test you out testing me out nailed the keynote got the keynote speech right fast forward Lenny and I Euler not Trill, we run the conference like literally in a five-year span shark. I started out as somebody who's getting rejected to now we curate the entire conference and bring in speakers. So perfect it's called ncsl. Is that a national conference on student leadership? It's in Orlando this November for all student leaders. So we bring there's about 500 students from all over the country that show up and that's how it started, you know, so you gotta just do it over and over and then I'm going to add two more tips to the another one is one is for social media. It caught up on how many followers you have get caught up again on the niche. Make sure your niche market is following you so we don't have a large. We have a decent amount of followers, but we have a bunch of decision-makers at college campuses that can bring us in or help us run a conference. And then the last piece is writing books. Right? So we talked about that earlier we talked about the off camera is when you write a book if they can't pay you they'll also buy your book instead or a bookstore can actually pay for your book and then you can also come in through the bookstore at a college campus. So let me ask you two questions. How do you decide your rate? Like like, how do you how is that determined how somebody's rate determined because I've heard rates from all different people and they always kind of different. Yeah, let's do it at question first. Yes. I think you wanna know. Yeah so rate, why's it all varies? So it depends on what it is that you're doing what it is that you're delivering to the audience. So for us our rate is determined. So we have some standard rates, but we also have some rights to say listen if you have over this many That are going to be in the room. Then the rate goes up. If you're if I have to travel to LA from New York then the rate increases from there. So we have a program in the program might be an hour talk is a certain rate if it's a two-hour talk, that's a certain rate. So we determine it based off of that piece first, but then also looking at the market so we know that certain colleges and universities are just not going to spend 25 30,000 40,000 dollars on somebody that's not you know, DJ Khaled. You know, what? I mean so for us it's important to know how much money that the people are spending corporate institutions pay more money than academic institutions. So, you know you want to be able to know that and then also just know that, you know, try to find other ways to get the money. So right our rates also determined based off of our experience. So for us, you know, your rate goes up when you can say that we've now done this so when I became a tedx speaker, we have to change the rate when I said listen now we Spoken at 200 schools instead of 50 schools that that changes the rate so, you know, I tell people start off low. I'm super honest. I did freeze gigs for a long time and I was in Vegas a hundred dollars a month just right and that that was for a year where we're just figuring it out and you're afraid to say listen, can I do this? But you know, if you say that, you know, I say you test the waters and my first gig at a school in Nebraska. So is my first time getting on a plane to speak. They charged me. I think it was two thousand dollars. I said the rate and that was I didn't include flight. I did include anything else. I made like almost nothing back, but I knew right there. Okay there people are going to pay to K for this and then you incrementally raise it as the as the time goes. That's why I think it's important to for us. We work in higher ed. So we know what those budgets look like. So getting involved or getting a job and I know this is a big era of everybody wants to be a boss and entrepreneur I get it but being able to Into a job and also using their resources to springboard you was great. I know places like I've just seen a recent former student of mine did a public speaking presentation at Chase, you know, that's big for a resume because now she wants to go to public speaking. It doesn't matter that people are going to ask. How did you get into Chaser? Did you work? No, they're going to say, oh, wow, you did presentations professional development at Chase that helps not only her resume but helps the pricing you start to understand how much they pay for somebody like this. So getting involved at your job and you And as professional development whether his presentations within the school within your job or having a job send you out to different conferences where you can present that can also help you as a public speaker. So it looks it email you and they want you, you know, they say, okay we want you to come in and somebody had a student at a student union organization says we want to bring you in. What do you say like, do you say Okay, I want to come but this is my rate to come. So the first thing you do first thing we do we shouldn't you ask pre-program survey and I'ma be honest. We didn't do this in the beginning and that's when I got a little tricky but on the pre-program survey it says budget, what is your budget period so then we now cuz we're we have a team now before it was just Jeff and Ice was a little different now we can kind of figure out how can we based on that budget? What can we really provide for you? And it's effective for our side as well as your side. So honestly just being able to ask the budget, you know, I'm married to an artist, right? And I mean when I first used to send out the form and she was like dude, you're not asking about the but I don't I don't step foot out the house without knowing what the budget is going to be. So do you know just ever at any other field just ask them and be transparent and then I always say whatever their budget is. There's probably it's probably a little bit higher than that, right? So then you start to start to ask for other little things within that at that's--that was good information. Yeah. Alright. Okay. Well, thank you guys for coming. We appreciate you John. That's great. Can you tell the people how to contact you? You handles? Yeah website on information. Yes. So personal handle is at Professor dot Williams, you can find true or not true anywhere just put actual and I trail and I website is trolling Yeah, and I'm at mr. Jeff Des Mr. Je FF D ESS on all platforms and then And that true or not true, we've got a lot of really cool content coming out this fall a lot of new team members a lot of new work. So yeah, man, and if you also work for a company and you know, we always talked about doing this work and you have the connections or you know, you can help students get jobs and internships. We know some amazing students across the country feel free to reach out to us and we'll help you even come in and speak to our students as well. So that's one of the school's right. It's wonder and they wrap. I think that maybe more now we're closer to 200. Yeah US Virgin Islands In Canada, Troy Yeah, man. So we just got a call out That's how proud to pay program in has been going amazing. I got to give a huge shout-out to the needed any news from Houston and we had to pull and she was super excited about us coming. She wants to lay out an itinerary for us. So shout out to Danita and everybody in Houston and I want to give another 1/2 a mile who actually hit us up on Instagram when she saw a post about our program since we're talking about doing things and we had an hour conversation just about what she Do in Daytona and some of the things she's doing she put me on the game. So shout out the huh. Yeah, back stache Andrew leesia. We have five different tiers. Feel free to join any tier. I Birches out on your I'll website is under construction. We get under construction. All right. Sorry constructions used to being ready to be done by still up just is still up. So feel free to bottom urge support that and you hit man. Yeah Phi is a community first and foremost and it's a way to interact with me and Troy a lot of times people want like, you know mentorship what they want to have like real so you can actually have like FaceTime conversations with us and also allows you to early access to the podcast more importantly it like I said, it's really a community release establish strong relationships with our patrons. And so that's the way to 80 financially support the podcast will also build relationships with me and Troy and just be part of the earn your leisure Community for sure and emerge. I got my merch on also for your life. Name we're going to be rolling out some some new merch UIL University is called away on his way. And that means that they alumni now welcome to the alumni and we are we are coming on the 22nd. So don't forget to RSVP. And yeah, we will see you guys soon. They space.
Lenny Williams and Jeff Dess, aren’t your typical college professors and administrators. Jeff is an author of five books with a Masters Degree in English Literature and Lenny is a professor within the business departments at 4 different institutions, with an MBA. They joined forces to create an educational platform called “Trill or Not Trill”, which bridges the gap between pop culture and student development. They have worked with the NFL and have been featured on CBS, The Boston Globe, Ebony Magazine, Black Enterprise, and Fox. They also are big names on the college speaking circuit, they have visited over 40 colleges and universities to give lectures and panel discussions. In episode 31 we sat down with the dynamic duo to discuss higher education, college hacking tips, ways to fund education without going into debt and the importance of culturally responsive teaching. They also gave valuable information on the public speaking industry; which includes tips on how to get started, how to know how much to charge and who to market to. Guest’s IG: @professor.williams and @mrjeffdess --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. · Talk Money With Mesh Lakhani Podcast: On The Talk Money with Mesh Lakhani podcast, Mesh will follow paper trails, chat with experts, and break down complex ideas to bring clarity to the mystical financial phenomena behind your finances.
Today's episode is brought to you by Capital One spark business, whether it's your first day at the new headquarters or another day getting parallel by the First Capital One Work seamlessly as your partner credit card provider and business bank today we decided to do something special and super women and do a live podcast. I was fortunate enough to do a live podcast with Christina stumble the founder of farm girl flowers at an event we did with Capital One. One so this interview might seem a little loud. There might be some clapping but it was really fun to interview her life. She does not hold back. She is beyond honest, which I find so refreshing about how hard it was to launch with 49 thousand dollars of savings in her bank account to be in company that does over 32 million dollars a year in flowers and yet still struggles still can't raise money and have challenges that again to a lot of us. You can't believe this is still a fan happening. Take a listen to this incredible live podcast in partnership with Capital One. This is Christina stumble on super women. Hi. How's everyone's morning good. So I'm really excited and honored to be able to partner with Capital One on a podcast series. I launched the podcast series almost a year ago really with the focus of interviewing women from all different aspects of work in Industry. It started as something small in my store. I got really he sick and tired of the fire marshal threatening to shut down our events at set maximum capacity of 72 and thought there's got to be a better way to tell these women's stories so launch the podcast and now having a six-episode series with Capital One and you're my first victim wow honor so I met Christina back almost a year ago actually blind was blindly introduced and told her about a project I was working on and was just really impressed and think her story is incredible. So without further Do this will be our live podcast. Feel free to cheer clap. Whatever. You don't have to be quiet and Hoot and Holler if you feel like it we do so I would love for you to give me the origin story of farm girl flowers. And what inspired This Magnificent company. Yeah. So most people want to hear that. I started farm girl because I loved flowers and you know, I was proud looking in my grandmother's garden growing up and it was like my life passion and it wasn't And so I think it's really important as females to be able to own our stories and not have to have this like creative like caricature moment that we talked about. So I wanted to start a business and I wanted it to be a business that could take off a few boxes. I wanted to be able to scale big I wanted to actually disrupt actually change an industry. I didn't want to just take somebody else's idea and tweak it, you know tiny bit and then call it my own and I wanted to do something good in the world to you know, there's nothing wrong with selling toilet paper, you know, we all need it, but I didn't want that to be my Sorry, so farm girl was the first idea out of thousands probably that I had I would you know, I was that crazy person that turned every girl's night into like a beta testing. Hey, what do you guys think of iron on pockets for your suit, sir, you know like crazy like all over the the gamut of ideas. And this was the first one they had that ticked all the boxes the last box that I knew it needed to check was that I needed it to be able to be bootstrapped. So I didn't go to college. I don't have this fancy pedigree. I live in Silicon to be able to get funding early on I didn't realize it would be as hard as it has been to get funding still eight and a half years in we might get to but but it was and so I had 49 thousand dollars in my bank account and I lived in a city that had a great flower market. And so this was the first idea that I could actually, you know do that eating Ramen for a couple of years, but you know actually start it on my own with my $49,000. So that's what I did. So when you started you were going to the markets making Everything yourself. How did you begin to scale? And what were some of the key things you did in order to grow your business outside of just like you can only handle liver so many flowers, right? Yeah I can make about well, I've made 320 as my record in a day myself, but that was with you know, a big incentive for whoever won. So yeah, it was when I first started. Yeah, I would get up at three in the morning. I would go to the flower market. I would come back. I'd go up my two-story walk-up with all my flowers double. Parked on Van Ness Avenue, if you know San Francisco that's not a pretty precarious Street a double Park on and that would make all the arrangements and the only thing I didn't do was do the deliveries on bike. I would have been a much better shape if I did that part of the business, but I didn't so I Outsource that but everything else I did customer service I would go and you know put my entire marketing budget for the first two years was coffee shops that I would take arrangements to with marketing cards and I would go back every we can count. How many were taken to see if it was worth the $20 to put another. Arrangement out. I mean it was all word of mouth and coffee shops. I would go do that all day. I would then go to Mark are networking events at night like this and I would always take flowers and I would just you know happen to leave them on the registration tables cards, you know, not even asking people to put them everywhere, you know, it's so you know, that was those my day early on and then we only offered service in San Francisco to start and it grew I mean it was Tiny to start. So I like II tell numbers I share numbers. Everybody looks at me like I'm crazy but I think it's I think knowledge is power. So my first year we did fifty six thousand dollars in sales. If we only did fifty six thousand dollars in sales in a day right now. It would be a problem for our company. So the whole first year, that's what we did the second year. I did 276,000 which I thought was amazing. I'm like i5x State you guys I'm like, you know, this is so good. But that was why I was still in my apartment and then my landlord found out who happened to be a corporate attorney that I was illegally running a business. There and that's like at all the fire escape of those flowers sometimes day. I don't know, you know what gave it away. But so I got the like dreaded pink slip two weeks to get out of the apartments or get the business out. So the business is much better to get out than me because rent in San Francisco guys same as New York so big way we were able to grow was to keep extending the service area. So it wasn't like it just like caught on, you know, I did think I was really naive at first and I thought this is such a brilliant idea that going to go viral how many of you guys have thought that about your idea right now and I was like no. No, I would tell all you know, the guy is you know that I talk to you like no you don't understand. This is this is the idea like everyone's going to tell everyone finished it around in places like this and talk about Farm real flowers right now. They don't write so I would have to keep extending so I started with San Francisco. I thought within two years I'd be able to get national shipping going it took five and a half years to get national shipping. But until then I would still extend it I would do it. South San Francisco, then I go to the rest of the Bay Area and so every year we were able to grow because we were actually expanding the area that we were delivering to so, you know every year we did about a hundred percent growth or more and by doing more more area. I would hire people that was the scariest moment. Probably my life was the first hire I was like, whoa, this person can't pay their rent. If I don't pay their paycheck, like that's a huge responsibility, right? Like I can live in my car and very low key. But I can't ask, you know, this guy Patrick to live in his car, you know, so it was scary hiring people but needed to do that because as Rebecca said I can't make all the arrangements myself and now we're Team of a hundred and forty people about in San Francisco and we're on track to do about 32 to 33 million this year and sales so but we're eight and a half years ago. Overnight success and I'm like, it's been eight and a half years of a hundred and twenty to a hundred forty are weeks like it, you know, like it does not feel like feels like 30 years. Really I mean, you know, so it doesn't feel like it overnight some less so but we're getting there. So on that note, I love to talk about motivation because as a Founder, we all know the hours are not nine to five. It's more like nine to midnight for me motivation is a feeling of someone said what motivates you other than the private school check. I now have to write because our school system reads owned us out of the public school. I'm like, that's me. Deviation, right? What is that motivation for you? I think I was just born with that motivation. I grew up on a tie in a tiny farm town in northern Indiana and where I grew up there was very defined gender roles. So I was told my entire life you get married to a nice Christian man in this church that we go to for three to four times a week and then you have babies and meanwhile, we will save for your younger brothers college education because he's the one that is going to be, you know, the person that goes to college and gets like a You know a manly job that brings in the bacon, you know, and so I didn't fit that. I was like a natural feminist from birth I think and so, you know, my parents were like we don't know what to do with this kid, you know, like she just does not fit on this farm and so my motivation honestly I think is is really bad by Machine be honest its success is the best revenge kind of thing. Like I have to always just been like, you know, I'm going to make this I'm going to make something I'm going to you know build a company nobody in my entire. Higher life believe that I was going to do anything and that was enough for me to say watch me, you know, just watch me so you talked a little bit about funding and that it's been very difficult for you to secure which is shocking. I'm sure all of you are aware of the stats less than 3% of women get funded with venture capital and for minorities. It's even smaller amount. So, can you talk a little bit about that Journey? Yeah that you're on. Yeah, you're going to get revenge. I know that so I'm at my pretty woman moment where I'm going to go into my chest. He likes big mistake. Yes, huge mystery to all of them and then put them online without be good. I'm totally gonna do that. I'm going to take out my Excel spreadsheet of the hundred and one knows that I've gotten to date. I should mention though because I have that called out for this. We have gotten a few offers. They have been horrible offers and I think we need to talk about this is women to run the comps like I ran the comps and I get F I'm getting less than half of what our male competitors are getting in the same space with my my idea that is strikingly similar is a legal term. I'm allowed to say since this is on a podcast to strikingly similar business ideas. Then I'm not going to take that. I'm not going to just take it. You know, I talked to one of my big female CEO Idols founder idols, and I'm not she gave me advice. That was so heartbreaking to me. She just said as a woman you just have to take whatever you can get for the first round and I couldn't do it and I couldn't sleep at night. That way I was like this, you know, our competitors are getting Two to three x valuations in this they're not having all these indemnification Clauses and the term sheet that you know where they're personally responsible for any mistake that's made at the kind of like I'm not going to take that, you know, so I have turned out a couple offers but they haven't been good offers. I would have taken an offer in a heartbeat that was competitive with what are complete with all of our competition what they've received. So I thought that once I prove the concept I knew I wouldn't be able to get funding early on but I thought once that I had proven the concept out. That it would not be this challenging to get capital. I thought you know, we're growing really fast were, you know, always on the fastest-growing private company list and Silicon Valley that's really hard, you know to do and so I thought that they would be coming to us, but in 2013-14, we had a lot of those strikingly similar companies pop up all by guys that worked at companies that wanted to come into the flower space, which is really interesting. And so they all went out and raised pre-revenue funding and I thought that We're going to be out of business in 12 months. I was really scared. I thought at that point I think I had the first year. I tried to raise we had 19 employees and I thought all of them were going to be out of a job and I was going to be responsible and it was really heavy. It was just really really heavy. I cried a lot that year. It was really hard. So I thought I'm gonna go raise Capital can't be that hard right now. I you know, I've proven the concept we've had all this gross and I think at that stage in 2014 we were doing I think we'd hit the I think we're at One point nine million. So we had you know, only two percent of female in companies make it to a million dollars in Revenue. So we had like surpassed that and so I thought it was going to be okay was not able to raise Capital. Let's turn down every single time. Well, all of our these other companies were raising, you know their second they'd done their seed now. They're in the a then there's some of them were going to be and the Really miraculous thing was we didn't go out of business though, you know, we didn't I mean it was other companies went out of business that raise capital and looked very similar to ours burlap wrap. Okay is delivered by bicycle same tag lines everything but we didn't and so what I learned from that was first back then I learned to just keep your eye on your own ball. You know, like if you make sure that you have the best product and the best customer experience like it doesn't matter what they're doing, you know, so it was really I just I unfollowed all of them. I didn't want to see all the stuff that they were, you know doing it look just like ours and and that was great. Now I even take it a step further this took me seven and half years. So if you're not here yet, don't worry okay to me a long time, but now I celebrate the copycats because if they're all copying us that means we're the best, you know, and the day that they aren't I'm going to be really worried because that means that there's another company that has surpassed us and so now you know, when I see that they send out of Marketing email that looks really similar to one. We just sent out two hours prior to that or they launch a product and they take our flowers which literally happens from the grower and offer 30% more to get those flowers, whatever we'll just move on. Next thing then you'll be like, you know, we already did that two months ago great, you know, so now it's I feel like it's a much healthier place for me, but we never raised when you do raise because I know that they're there is a trend so when we grow our company taking VC money wasn't an option and it wasn't a thing now. It's like I feel like every day people want certain money. So I'm curious from your perspective. Like when you do get this investment, what do you want to use it for? So I don't know that we ever will get investment. I am constantly trying I think either the definition of insanity or resilience, but it depends what day you asked me I would want it is today. I'm on resilience yesterday was it was insanity, but I'm wearing diligence right now, but we've been Indulgence many times before and I haven't come to fruition. So I put 0 eggs in that basket. If we do raise Capital the reason that I would like to is because I'm tired, so I want to keep doing it, but I would like to be able to bring in help in order to take what I know. The next 10 years to get to that stage. I want to be a billion dollar company and I think we can be are the large-scale competitors are doing a billion dollars. So I think we can be but it's going to take me another 10 years minimum to get there probably 20 or so billion. Let's be real but a half billion. I think I can get two and ten and I'm going to be like 90. It's not years like entrepreneur years, right? I'm just gonna be so tired. And so that's what I want to use it for people for we need better. Technology, we need to open distribution centers. We need to open seven distribution centers the fact for those of you that about farm girl here. Thank you so much. I am always amazed that people will spend $25 to ship our product when I first started shipping. I did a focus group to find out what people would pay for shipping and only 2% of people would pay $25, but I couldn't afford to do less because we subsidize shipping by 1.2 million dollars last year. So this year we're on track to subsidize over 2 million in shipping. So We need to open seven distribution centers that will get us to about 84 percent ship ground overnight instead of air but in order to do that any money, so that's why we haven't opened will be out here next probably New Jersey area. Hopefully next year if I can save up my pennies or get investment and then technology and marketing. So we spend under $6 right now on customer acquisition cost which is kind of crazy right and and consumer products. And so I'm also amazed that were able to grow read about a 50% clip right now. I'm growth which is we slowed it down intentionally. We were going to contracted you 70 to 80 percent this year, but we raised our prices 20% in order to slow down because their subsidies were growing too quickly that we would have run out of money in about four months if we didn't so so you didn't go to business school. No, I am beyond impressed and most I don't know if any of you as Founders have encountered this but as as a Founder, I launched with a passion right? I just new design and so I'll never Get the day in 2014. We're meeting with our investors and I had they kept saying ibadah and I was like, I don't know. What does Eve why do they keep saying it and I can't read a spreadsheet and I like never gonna cut my phone on the table and I was like, oh, that's what they're talking. Okay. So like I got my business school education, you know, and I doubled down the last five years so I get actually know what I'm talking about. How did you become so well-versed? And who did you look to or what? Did you read because I'm sure as with most of you your learning sometimes as you go that's exactly what I did was just learn as I go. So I'm a I didn't even go to undergrad so I graduated high school and I moved to New York City two weeks after so yeah, so I just was you know, everything that I've learned in life has helped me get to this place. I always had to go in at the ground floor and work my way up at every position like I mean ground floor like minimum wage and then work my way up and so through all of that working your way up you learn a lot. I'm also a firm believer. But I don't think college is the one track that we should be promoting for everyone. I wish we would bring back trade schools and things like that, but that's a whole other podcast probably but the $49,000 that I started Farm roll with is cheaper than any college education and it has taught me so much more than any college could have and so I encourage people if you want to start a business, there's no rhyme even business school. It's funny. If you like research the origin of it. It wasn't for entrepreneurship. It was for middle management at big companies. Deniz and so, you know the fact that you know, everybody is like, oh I went to so-and-so business. So I'm like well then why aren't you working at like Ford Motor Company because that's what it was built for you know, so I don't think that gives you the what you need to know to start a company what you really need to know certain company basically is that you're going to be really sleep deprived and you're going to have to like bust your butt all the time right? It's not like knowing ibadah. It's like I don't know that a lot of the people I talk to her, you know, very very impressed with my knowledge of the language, but what's Of is actually that we haven't run out of money. That's it. That's really what's impressive. You know, so I don't know I think just learning as I go. So I'd love to talk about some of the hurdles we talked prior to starting about how a lot of people just make this look easy and it's Instagram perfect all the time and I was like, is it a nightmare isn't it? So we've had our share of huge hurdles. I'll share when we first did our overseas Factory our hardware and Kate Spade's Hardware was in the same room. Room our bags got some hybrid looking Kate Spade and Rebecca Minkoff. I got a nickname Quebec a spank off. That was fun. And then we tried to do a Willy Wonka like well, if you did get this bad congratulations, you just want a ticket and that that failed to so you had these moments where you're like, I'm crying on the factory like you don't know you just did to me my name everything my reputation. So I would love for you to share like some of the unforeseen hurdles or just horror stories that we probably all have go there. Many like you want the last 3 months only one. Yes, so I actually just posted on social about this last week. There's like always unplanned expenses. Always like I like you just get through one not even through I month repayment plans right now for like a Knopf these unplanned expenses. There's always an audit we've had an audit going continuously for the last two years and they find something like, you know, oh, you actually employ your bike couriers and your delivery people so you have to pay sales tax on the delivery. Reapportion to that's another $300,000 that we can go back. You know, there's always something and you're like, oh my gosh, I can't like you're gonna like what is that like blood from a stone that my mom is talking about that? Yes, there's so many things like that. There's always, you know potential lawsuits that I my team knows I'm completely crazy about, you know, one lawsuit one long term disability case, you know, that's it. You're like one away from like losing your company and so it's I'm constantly worried about risk all the time, which is not a good place to be because then you can't be If you can't be thinking about other growth things you want to do if you're worried about that and then like, you know, I mean we're talking about there's so many nights just like crying on the bathroom floor in the shower, which is like there's something that comes up that you're just like, oh my gosh, I didn't even see this coming. I didn't, you know see that this new new tax that we just had that was an extra 90 thousand dollars last week and they're just like what like, you know, I thought we were actually going to have like a dollar a profit but no, so things like that also. So I just didn't realize how Cutthroat business was going to be that people were going to be you know, in our industry. Like I mentioned earlier people would you know take your flowers and you know, when I started Farm real I really wanted to support American farmers because I grew up on a farm and we ran out of supply and then how it was going to deal with that and then it was like, okay I can change my tire supply chain. And by the way, I need to do it by Valentine's Day. It's November. Okay, how hard can that be, you know like from other country. So it's like figuring out things like that constantly and then You're going to communicate that message to your consumers. So they don't think you just sold out. We need ins really you didn't sell out, you know, you have big farms that won't sell to you because you're a woman really legitimately and this country half of the big farms. I would say they won't sell to me. They sell to our male counterparts. They won't sell to me. I mean, there's constant like things like that that go on and there's politics and every business. I'm sure these are the ones that I face, you know, literally people will call Mother's Day a couple years ago, you know, we had secured 35,000 peonies from a farm. Um and one of our the wholesalers in our area found out because they literally send people over to see what where the boxes are coming from that we're getting and we'll call them and say if you give these flowers to farm girl, we're going to pull our account and these are like third fourth generation company. So, you know, they think this thing called the internet might be a you know blip, you know might go away and so we're a risk to them. And so that same Farm took away our peonies and went and gave them to that wholesaler who then came back to us and said, oh I hear you don't have any peonies for Squeak and so then we have to buy them from this wholesaler that just stole them from us for 50 cents more a stem. So like things like that constantly, you know, you're dealing with just to give you like the gamut between like, you know, government and legal and then also just The Insider politics that I'm sure every business has like things like that happening. Those are ours. I mean, this is a Cutthroat industry. I want to I think that the flowers you get for Mother's Day anniversary, like there's like people stealing slightly Somali yea, it is greatly. Yeah, so I love for you. To share the first time you recognized your brand with a customer. I I'll never forget when I recognized a woman carrying my bag. This would be 14 years ago. I ran after I was like, that's my bag and she clutched it. She's like, it's my bad. Are you know like visual media has made it so easy to see into people's lives and to see you know, they'll post like really really amazing stories about what our flowers mean to them and the the stories, you know, what they're going through when they receive them what they meant to them the first time that I had my like, oh my gosh moment was when they recognized my brand to me and it was two years in I had gotten down to four hundred eleven dollars in my bank account. And by the way, this is like my living expenses. as and you know from that $49,000 and I was like, well, I don't know that I'm gonna be around it next week, you know, but I would take any order that would come in and so somebody called me it was like seven or eight o'clock at night was like, oh I need some flowers and III arrangements and I was like done tell me where you know, I'm making them from my like Bay Area window and bay window that I turned into a cooler, you know, all that stuff and so made it was walking my three arrangements with wrapped in Burlap to my car in San Francisco as Parts like half a mile from my apartment, of course, and so I could And it down there and three women coming towards me saw me with the burlap wrap bouquets and asked me if they were farm girl flowers and I was just it was the first time anybody ever recognized our product to me and I got in my car and I bawled my eyes out because it was just like I'm going to make it I'm totally going to make it someone recognizes my product out in the wild and it was it meant everything to me just my everything so company culture is big for you. Yes, I feel I feel like as a founder. That's the hardest thing to focus on, you know, my brother and I prioritize growth early on and then I was in we like what we got to focus Inward and how do you do that? You know five years in so what have you what do you what what do you care about? How do you do it? So that's a good question Colter. I feel like it is the elephant in the room and also the most important person in the room every like every moment and right now can someone knock on some wood if you're close to it, like it's really good right now, but I know it could be really bad again. Doesn't succeed it was horrible. So 2016. I kind of coin each were each year after the year and she doesn't 16 was just the year. Just keeping up. That's why I say like literally like sprinting all the time. We went from 4.4 million to ten point two in one year, which was really hard. We got kicked out of our space at the Flower Mart the week before admins week, which was the week before Mother's Day. And so we had to move into new Warehouse on a weekend start on Monday. It was I made a mistake. I mean many Mistakes one of the many mistakes I made that year was I asked my team and let them choose like you want to move now or do you want to wait till after Mother's Day because we couldn't negotiate in something but I was you know back then I thought like, you know, I want this to be a democracy. I want everybody to have a voice and what I realize is like, you know, it's like asking your toddler. What do you want this cookie, you know you want to get do one out of yelled at you know from, you know all the time and the space where you know growing out of and so they wanted to move so we moved right before. My Mother's Day. I'd burn everybody out. Like everyone was burnout. They were just afraid you know and snipping and at each other all the time and it was just it was a horrible experience and right after Mother's Day everything just blew up. It was just like people are quitting everybody was like this is you know, the worst place ever and I was like, oh my gosh, but I let you guys choose what you want to do and and I, you know, just got you like full benefits and all these things like but that wasn't what they wanted. They wanted me to take care of them and to understand what their needs Needs were and to make sure that you know, I was the parent in this situation and I wasn't so we had to slow down our growth in 2017 for that reason just so I could early 2015 fix the culture because it was it was bad and you know, we brought in the people and culture manager. We set up processes. We you know listens we met with all of our team members listen to what they needed that they weren't getting put those things in place, but the communication Tools in place and made it better that said like I'm sure It's going to be bad again at some point, but it's something that I think if I can stay really focused on instead of just letting things happen to me, but I actually, you know, in ahead of it. I think that it will at least be better the next time that something does happen like that. So what advice would you give to people that are thinking about starting their own company? It's a broad question. Yeah, I think number one to just do it, which I know sounds really everyone here at most people were like five years in But how many of you like wish you would have started at sooner than you did I wanted to start a business for 10 years before I did and I just wish that I hadn't had the fear to do it. I also wish that earlier I would have cared about people but not what they thought about me. I let people I mean I'm still working on that one daily, but I don't say maybe it's you know, people talk about age like being in your 40s. Like I definitely am they're now more. So if it Us you know, I still get emails that are you know, like, you know, you should be doing this you're disappointing me as a customer but all this stuff and I'm just like well we can't win them all. You know, like it's I can't be everybody's business that they want me to be. I also can't care about what you say about my weight. You don't matter to me, you know, and so I think it's just being able to stay more focused on what I need to be working on and not worried about what people are telling me I should do or how I should look or anything else. Yeah. So this morning we're focused on celebrations. I am celebrating being here with all of you guys and meeting you. I'm trying not to fangirl too much. So very excited about that. I'm celebrating Capital One giving me this amazing opportunity to be there commercial this year has been amazing. I do. I don't want to like sound like an advertising thing, but it is one of my best hacks as an entrepreneur is that The Capital One spark cash back card. I've been using literally for years and years. It's probably why I'm in their commercial because I tell everybody about it. It's one of the ways that I'm able to pay for all those unplanned expenses. And also more marketing dollars is what I use it for last year. And so it's like literally a hack. I also didn't pay myself for five and a half years. So I was able to pay myself a little bit from it, you're five and a half which was great and then you know right now I'm keeping a little Nest Egg. I actually just got an email. That I sent them last night that had my picture on it in the email. It was like Christina. Look what Christy how Christina spends her Capital One cash card, and I literally was like 1:00 in the morning. I just laughed I was like, this is amazing. It was my picture. So I'm saving that little Nest Egg for whatever unplanned expense comes up. And so I'm celebrating getting a marketing campaign with a national brand that is a hundred seventy five x what my annual marketing dollars are so excited about that. So what's next what's next? So yeah, the next a distribution center. Hopefully we're hoping next summer whether its bootstraps, I'm saving my pennies and hopefully by next summer. We'll be able to open New Jersey and then just keep growing it as fast as we can but also a strategically as we can. Like I said though by knowing what our growth rate should be and sticking to that and then trying to you know might my biggest goal for my company is to build a company that I would want to buy from sell to and work at and so I think that's how I will define success. So I have two questions that I ask all my guests at the end of my podcast one is an invaluable piece of advice you've received or you want to give to everyone listening. So, is there something that's been your Guiding Light Oprah is always my Guiding Light. I keep saying if I say her name often enough in public Brown who is my other one. So I think that will come to fruition so Early on I was always told that you know, I didn't know enough about business like you were talking about that and you know, like I was kind of treated like I was just this immature like didn't know what I was doing and I would make most of my decisions based on my gut but I started making decisions not based on my gut because I would be like, well, this doesn't make sense like book-wise, you know, like what people are telling me all these advisors that know know this better than me and then I read a quote by Oprah that talk about trusting your gut. She said that every decision that she's made in life where she Trust your gut. She's regretted and everyone that was really great was based on trusting your gut. And so to me, that's my Guiding Light of if it's good enough for Oprah. It's good enough for me. And so anybody that tells me oh, you should be doing this or this or this and like that that's not it's not what my gut says to do. I'm not going to do it because Oprah said I don't have to there you go what Oprah people would be surprised to know I tell all kinds of things. I'm actually scared of zombies. So I'll never live in the suburbs because I think they're going to get me. Wow amazing. I can't explain that to Mike. Very easily they think I'm weird or you know on the Capital One friend, I have an ex-boyfriend and the only thing he's good for is he told me years ago, like open up a savings account forget forget the code and I was like, I have ten bucks a week. I can probably put into this and you know, 15 years later. I was like, I have a I have an account wait a second and I checked and it allowed us to do a down payment on the house because it's years, you know got older so that's amazing like just you know, put something somewhere. Put away the key. I wish I heard that 20 years ago my amazing. That's that's also good for everything else doesn't matter eat something surprising. So one of my my dream occupation if I didn't have Farm world and didn't have a business it would be to race motorcycles. Wow was not expecting that. Yeah. I love motorcycles. Okay wise you race them in your spare time? No, I have a couple of them, but I have really bad carpal tunnel from doing flowers, too. And so I can't ride them right now. So I think I would love if anybody listens to this that knows them aftermarkets parts company that would like to make me foot petals instead of using hand ones. I would love that. It's another business idea for anybody else there. Yeah, but if you do, I don't ask for any royalties. I just want you to send me one so I can you can ride motorcycles in but someday I will after I rest back. Thank you. Thank you. That was Christina stumble on superwomen the founder of farm girl flowers. Today's review is by Sidious good but find it a bit demeaning. I really enjoyed this podcast because it gives candidate info on challenges women overcame to build their businesses. However in nearly every episode there's some comment about how non entrepreneurs work 9:00 to 6:00 and don't understand what it's like to be always on and working on call while raising a family that may have been true 20 years ago, but to have a Career today working mothers face the same schedule as entrepreneurs. We are up at 5:00 a.m. To try and sneak in a workout before the kids rush to get ourselves and our kids ready for the day. We hustle it to work after drop-off and have to schedule meetings around pickup schedules. We feel the grind of trying to field calls and emails while feeding getting our kids ready for bed. And we're right back to work at night. Once the kids go down. This is not an entrepreneur only reality and I really wish this podcast didn't go out of its way to send that message. Sidious I'm so sorry if that is how this has come across. I think what we're all talking about is just the grind of working and Mom it happens to be that I do interview a lot of entrepreneurs but there is no doubt that working moms who are working in a company definitely definitely definitely have the same issues and the same struggles that we all are trying to sort out that were all endlessly asking questions about thank you for bringing this to light and I will definitely make sure that I don't send that message on the go forward. Again, I love these reviews. I love hearing from you. So please keep it up and thanks for listening to Super women. Again, I love these reviews. I love hearing from you. So please keep it up and thanks for listening to Super women.
We’ll  address the big question first: Christina Stembel of Farmgirl Flowers really did  grow up on a farm. Growing up in northern Indiana, Christina was expected to  fulfill her womanly duties as a wife and mother while her brother went  off to college. But Christina had other plans. She hightailed it to New York within two weeks of  graduating from high school and started working. Christina did not grow up with a lot of people cheering her on and wishing her success, and that made her strive for it all the more. Over some years and many different ideas, she saw that the floral industry held an opportunity to do exactly what she desired in starting her own business: disrupt the status quo, create scalability, and do good in the world. While not without its challenges (who knew the floral industry could be so cutthroat? ), Christina has scaled from 56K her first year of business to $31 million 8 years later. As Christina fondly says, success is the best revenge. (In partnership with Capital One Spark Business) Thanks for listening! We love our listeners! Follow Superwomen on Instagram. Big Ideas  Less than 3% of women get funding from venture capital. Discussing the disparity in capital support between male and female founders. [09:36] The value in trusting your instincts. [32:00] --- Support this podcast:
Welcome to not another Runner podcast a running and health-related podcast created by a run-of-the-mill. Yes pun intended every day Runner join me for all things running health and well-being related for the highs and lows of Life Training and chasing girls. This podcast is designed.Keep you motivated and enthusiastic on your journey to health and happiness. Every time I run I discover something new about me and about life be a reason why I run or a discovery of myself. I genuinely find gratitude through Runnin. I am able to stay healthy and fit through the execution of my passion, but furthermore I'm able to achieve peace presents growth and Discovery and I love to hear all your stories on how running has changed your lives and what it's brought to you. I want to connect like-minded people through the power of podcast.Hello and welcome back to not another Runner podcast. Welcome back to you regular listeners. Thanks for tuning in to these weekly episodes. And if you are listening for the first time then thank you for joining and choosing to listen to this episode on to this podcast. Yeah, absolute 22. So if you are a new listener, there are 21 other episodes with some great guests that you can listen to after that you haveListen to Simon and so yeah, today's story is a great story that won't fail to motivate and inspire you to get up and get going. And that's exactly what I aim to achieve with this podcast as I say in the introduction. I also aim to connect like-minded people through the power of podcast. So please get in touch with both. Me and Simon over on Instagram or via Blog the links are in the show notes, which should be below the podcast title if you scroll all the way down do Use the hashtag why I run making sure you tag me in the post so that I don't miss this and let me and Simon know why you run his reason was simply because I can a simple but powerful and effective reason and it got me thinking God. I don't think I can summarize my reason for running and just a short phrase. So I was thinking that was quite clever that he came up with that. Yeah, because I've said before got many many reasons. Why I run so I was thinking a few of you got one simple reason as to why you run and if you do get in touch and let me know using that hashtag why I run and tagging me in the post just quickly before we get to the chat with Simon. I wanted to say a quick shout out to Amy on the Run who posted the other day saying how she tuned in to the podcast. She said grateful for some running wisdom from this man runs today or not another one. A podcast I've been trying to plan next year's races this week with a head full of indecision on one hand the possibility of good for age looms large. But another part of me thinks that there are different challenges. I want to go for longer distances tougher terrain and in between the decision making both ideas have felt equally daunting but two things he said stuck with me one you miss 100% of the shots. You don't take and two you can always find time for what's important to you. So thanks John because either way if I don't push Skills, I'll never know what I can do and if nothing goes to plan, I've given it a go while doing what I love best love that post. So thanks for posting that Amy and reminding me of what brilliant episode that was with this man runs. If you haven't listened to it already, you will want to go back and listen to that and that's episode 5 John never ceases to make me laugh. I think he brightens my day every time I watch her stories. So I'm assuming most of you listening will already be following him. And if you're not you need to go and check him out wanted to mention quickly as well big. Shout out to Michael who posted something this week that really resonated with me was really glad actually that he posted it and that tag me in it because it was a great reminder for myself. So Michael said Michael is under the username I run. To stay alive coach said to nag split 10-mile easy run. So I did cold 21 degrees, but I loved it kindness is important. But you also need to be kind to you remember how important you are and what your needs are. You can't lift someone up when you are down. So be kind to you today listen to podcast today or not. Another Runner with Matt runs UK. He is inspiring if you can follow him on his journey. Please do loved that. You posted that like I said you Michael It was a really really great reminder for me to read definitely need to read that Michael lives in New York, which I was like, oh that's really cool. Was there in January and I do hope to go back one day and hopefully one day when the run the marathon but yeah Big shout out to Michael for that brilliant post. So I think we'll get straight over to the chat now with Simon AKA Run Fatboy Run. Enjoy and let me know your thoughts. Hello and welcome to another episode of the not another Runner podcast. Today's guest is a male runner a father to three a blogger and today's guest decided to take the health and lifestyle more seriously in the last few years. You've got an inspiring story to share or at least I definitely say so as to his followers are not not sure he says himself he's an inspiration, but he is to me and I'm thrilled to be able to catch up with And today's guest is Simon Grace known by the Alias run boy, run. Hi Simon and welcome. How we doing? Right? Yes, really good really good. That was a bit thing there when I was introducing you that I'm thinking do you call yourself an inspiration? Because I look at you and think you'll really inspirational and personally. No, I knew that. Yeah, it's just kind of get open and going to go I need to do. Yeah. On what I'll take it? No you are you do you inspire me and right. So could you tell us just a little bit about yourself then Simon and what it is you do for a Livin. Yeah. So 30 currently work for a national plan hard company that's not sort of hiring out flowers and stuff. Its main construction equipments are look after the power access to Vision across the East Midlands for them been doing that three and a bit years now. It's good fun fits in with my life as well because it can be quite flexible with picking up children. Doctor's appointments for kids Etc. Be Hayes is a challenge but it's it's good fun. I enjoy it and you get a good work-life balance as well. That's the key thing. Isn't it? Massive? Yeah. Yeah, my my managers. He's great. He's really understand him. He's got children as well, which I think adds Matt like big to the whole work life home life. If balance he's a real big fan of that perfect and also always great when you can fit in the running around Wick just just yeah between kids and everything else. Exactly exactly. How could you tell us how it was you've got into running and how long you've been running for? Yeah. I mean at my previous place of employment work on even which half math and were talking about it might been great North run and but after a long conversation with The last phrase that they use first you can do that. There's kind of like a hold your beer moment be right back. Let's see here. Let me see what I can do. So yeah off the back of that kind of I'll be honest with you. I just winged it. I've tried to run what I thought was a mile looking back. It probably wasn't it's probably half a mile maybe 1/4 Mile and I felt awful so then I thought all right, so I went to the gym because we're on the road was tough. If I was carrying more weight than I am now and it kind of sort of spiraled from there. So set quite small but achievable goals, which I think quite key to anyone get into running. So the first one was to just finish 5 kilometers on a treadmill and then it yeah, it just went from there and it's smooth obviously not looking back now. It's it's part of my life day in day out. So for you it was literally some banter at work and someone saying You couldn't do that and that's when you started. Yeah, I mean, I mean incredibly stupid stupid individual. So if you can't if you say I can't do something even if I think you might be right. I'll still give it a go and try to do my best. But yeah, I kind of think that ex-colleague even though the time I saw a bit on our cell for saying it but yeah, give me a chance and I'll show you what I can do. It's funny because so many people I speak to. You and ask how they got into running quite and this is more in within the men they given there's a bit of banter or a bet or no, you can't do that. And then before they know what they've signed up to a race the trade for it and then they fall in love with it and then it becomes part of their life. Yeah. I mean a colleague who used to work to come out now, he ran the great North run basically off the back of exactly what you've just said when out too many beers on a Sunday afternoon, you get a spot in the great North run will sponsor you you can't do it. Blah blah blah and I don't think he enjoyed it but he got round and yeah, it's not quite part of his life full-time, but he still tries to keep his active as he can. Yeah, and what what year was this then so this would be the back probably mid-2015 because I ran my first half marathon in Coventry in 2016, which I think was the end of February maybe. Yeah, so it gave myself maybe five. Or six months to go for him. Yeah, not really moving to trying to call her the house 30 miles which is quite sensible. Really? Yeah agreed. Yeah, and I think looking back it could have been so not easy and that's the wrong phrase. But with now you wouldn't you get into running you see what people are doing and you understand different types of training. Where's mom is very much as soon as I got out on the road. It was very much bright today of that. I think had I think I was using RunKeeper. It's not a problem to get two miles in 3 miles five miles can't go any further at the minute. So I would have a few five miles and there's just zero structure. Yeah, it was all very much. Let's try and plaque off way to the start line and then see what happens. Yeah. It does get it does get easier. Yeah. Yeah, and the the development of right the beginning is like the most addictive It's like because you do see the progress so quickly be an onion. Going from like a non-runner all you know not running hardly anything to then build an app that mileage. It's such an exciting time to like work towards on massively. You say you come on kind of Leaps and Bounds and quite a short time period. Yeah, I think as time goes on those Leaps and Bounds has become smaller and smaller and that's when you have to change things up and you have to change your strategy about how you trained in and ba in the beginning. This is amazing to go through have just done 27 minutes for 5 kilometers and then suddenly after three or four months later. It's 24 minutes. You think I'm not just three minutes of my time. And yeah, that's it addictive. Yeah. Yes it is. So when you did start you said you you literally went you know, 2015. I think, you know, mid-2015 you went from not moving at all. If so, will you not participating? Sitting in any sports at all. As you add just a couple of years of you know less activity. I mean when I was a kid, I was really active up until I went to University 18. So I was swam sort of almost at county level paid for 11 a side football of until I went and left home to go to Mumford then suddenly beer and nights out and being hungover and eating as cheaply and Greasy and fatty foods that was all just surviving really on on nothing and that that became a way of life are sort of three years at University. Then I worked in the pub trade for a couple of years after that which wasn't great. I don't got a desk job which didn't help so I wasn't even I didn't have a Fitbit or garment. I didn't know how many steps I was doing, but they can't have been many on on a weekday must have been to that house. Mm. Maybe I don't I can vouch. Yeah, it's tough. Yeah. Yeah, so when you did start running and get into the gym after this banter bucket, we're we're there any periods that you really struggled or you felt like you wanted to give up I think going back to what I said earlier about being incredibly stupid. I knew I was going to finish the half marathon whether it I almost died trying I was going to get from A to B. But the were sort of many points for I thought we've got to six miles here. That's not quite halfway. And then that suddenly becomes such a daunting challenge of I've got a room what I've just done my first ever run again and a little bit more and then I think due to the fact that I am quite Self-motivated and throwing the stubbornness that it didn't really become a major sort of issue because I wanted to prove to myself and to prove to my only son at the time that you can do things. If you put your mind to it and you work hard and you know, I mean training through the winter regardless of what level you run that is is awful at the best of times but when you're trying to win it by yourself, you don't really know any other runners. It was tough, but you just yeah self-pride a think. Yeah, and I think you said it was the self because yourself motivated. That's what kept you go in. I mean you saying about the winter and training through the winter regardless of what level you are training at whether you're a beginner or you know events group then that is like you really do have to love what you're doing and be disciplined and self-motivated, especially when it is pouring with rain. D like torrential torrential rain or awful wind or even snow is hard so hard to like get yourself out the door. But yeah, I think as I said self pride as well is the kind of that person said you can do that. I don't want to ever prove them wrong. It's a proof of right sorry, so I had to prove them wrong. And yeah, how do you come? Sorry. I was gonna say how did they react when you did accomplish this huge achievement of training and running your first half marathon looking back at they didn't seem that bothered. I think the more thought about it and more people that have asked me. I think it was purely down to the fact that I kind of stuck a middle finger up and when I told you so night. Yeah best bit Yeah, because I hadn't finished. I'd have never heard the end of it. Yeah, that's it. That's not worth it. Even if you hated the sport and you just absolutely hated the training it wouldn't be worth it and even the race if it was like Like if it was all you would finish it regardless exactly exactly and I mean, I didn't really enjoy it that much because I then didn't run again for for eight months or so. I was yeah, I was just about to ask. You know, how did the experience is go? How did it go down? I don't sleep gone. No just in case it didn't go very well at snowy TimeWise. I don't I ran I think it was 140. holy 145 current wow but for someone that had blacked it I didn't know where that time stacked up that point in my life and I didn't I did enjoy it but there were parts during that where I remember it Coventry they think that's the last mile and a half's all downhill now I've never been so glad to kind of how gravity on my side but then coming back through the city center and see my partner my family all there R and seeing my son on the side it kind of all was worth it hmm and yeah it wasn't an enjoyable experience of such but I did like the pre-race build-up and the post-race sort of his medal you're bloody did it mate well done and that yeah that was the highlight and you know afterwards there's eight months you said you didn't run after that what did you do anything did you go back The gym or did you have a bit of downtime that went on for a bit longer? I went from running a little bit to do it bugger. All basically. Yeah, I didn't do anything at all. And the only reason I got back into running so high it might have been 70s six or seven months think about it because then one of my friends had seen that I'd ran the country off and said right I'm signing up next year. Let's do it. So we then both run it in. 2017 and I didn't really enjoy it the second time around to be honest with you and a common the time of that one. I think it was probably slower because it was kind of much more winging it because I thought my head around one once I'm God's gift to run in here we go. And yeah, it was cold. I think and wet and when I did the second half marathon, I think I got a spot of the great North run in 2017 and That didn't burn for two months after that. So then I started to build up to the great North run again in 2017. And that was a whole new experience house. Obviously my first real big event. That was the moment that kind of sparked the right. Simon can have to give this a go properly you can you can have to dig deep and try and run consistently. So that's when I came up with the 2018 Challenger. We're going to run a thousand miles so new I knew that I would do it. Go back to being stubborn. Yeah, keep you running week in week out even when there wasn't anything going on and that's when this world of instagramming parkrun and everything else kind of opened up, right? Okay, that's a great goal to have I've seen a few people do that to keep motivated. However me 1,000 miles for a year, which was actually mine until many a thing popped up this year that's prevent running. And so I think I'm going to have to have that. Again for next year. I don't think it's especially now as I'm not running will not supposed to do right now. I feel like it's really not going to happen now, but we've always got next year 2020 we go again we go again. I lost it. So that's so that's 2018. Then you set that goal of 4,000 miles and that just kept you motivated throughout the year. Yeah completely and I think I created my Instagram account just probably couple weeks after the great North run and it was pure. Early to say to myself you put it into the public. You're going to run a thousand miles. Yes, you've got a as anywhere. Yeah, they're not a couple of strangers bumps me in sort of back end of January and early February. I thought oh shit, you can have to do the have to buy started off really strong in January as well. I think it did a hundred to a hundred and ten maybe in January. Yeah, really strong months and I suddenly thought no I've got 800 Until the Bulldogs to go this year, but it definitely is consistency and this yeah, they can't that really really ignited my love for running and just being outdoors more General. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah appreciating it. You know, there's not many other hobbies that you well perhaps there are for some people but for me, like there's no other hobby that I would actually get outdoors and appreciate my surrounded surroundings as much as I would go in on a long run. Definitely. Yeah, because I wouldn't I wouldn't really like going out for a walk in torrential rain, but I could easily run interrupt request doesn't make sense. It's like completely agree. Yeah. Yeah strange, isn't it? I was just about to ask you something then about the thousand-mile challenge for all yeah, you said about setting up the Instagram. So at that time when you did when you set this goal and you wanted to be accountable, so your accountability was setting up a profile putting Out there to the public which is a great way because you know some of the people then with accountability you might follow a training plan, but you're not really going to have a unique training plan for you know, achieving A Thousand Miles. So was that you know, when you set up your profile was it literally Run Fatboy Run from the very beginning or from the very beginning. Yeah. Okay. Did you did you set it up anonymously or did you set it up like telling your friends and family can't really I think because obviously as many people have highlighted to me over the last couple years has my profile doesn't actually mention my name. It just says Run Fatboy Run because it was I think the first few pictures as well. I probably I probably are of me but then there's just a lot of generic here's a picture of my trainer. Here's a picture of a tree around past because it was more just upload what you've done keep a track of it like a running diary Journal kind of sort of Adventure. I'm yeah, it was all very much purely for accountability. Nothing else. Yeah. Yeah. I always find that interesting. I don't ask everyone I you should ask the first few guests, you know, so did you set it up? Non-misleading you tell people like was it a secret? I love I love knowing but yet when you said about, you know, being a run and diary it that is it works. So well, like if ever you're having a bad day or a bad month or My case a bad few months we are and as much as you want to be it is nice to look back at some of your memories of some races with friends achievements or you know, when you're fit and running really, well, it is nice to go back and be able to see our yeah, I achieve that or I did do that and it kind of motivates you again to go again. Yeah could not agree anymore. I've had a rough. Well what day we are now midden almost well mid-november. Ember it's I've had a rough couple of weeks post Berlin Marathon hmm and flicking back through and catch numbers friends. And you think it's not always bad if you've done quite well. Yeah, it's nice to look back and reminisce but always take the approach of it's good to look back but we always need to make sure we keep looking forward as well. And I think like what you said about I like you've had a bad few weeks post Billet. I think this is a very common thing. I mean like when you've had I can erase or you have a you know, a long-standing training plan for an event that event takes place and then it's gone. It does leave you with some blues like it's a bit like a grieving process is like okay that's gone. Now you kind of need to find something else. It's really strange. I don't think I've ever experienced anything like it in my life of I've got a chalkboard in my living room that I used for the Thousand Miles where Italian mob. Every week this year. It's been for Manchester Marathon. It was right or going to go sub 3:30 didn't make it London. I fell over the week before the marathon her my leg. So we don't talk about that too much, but then for five months it said on there Berlin Marathon sub 3:30. For a long period of time to focus on one day. Oh my God. Yeah. It was almost not soul-destroying but when I crossed the Finish Line, it was kind of I done it. Yeah. Yeah, and I think it's no emotion. We where you did do it as well. You've got your sub 3:30. Hmm, but there was no emotion. It was so bizarre. I'll be honest you I cried when I ran the Manchester Eros and this year obviously being the first one that was really emotional. Now and then Berlin was just sort of I know but I do now. Yeah. Yeah, I didn't know still don't really know what the minute to be honest, but we shall see. But for you like when you sink because it just came to my head. You know, you struggled that when you first went out when you struggled for like what you think was either a quarter half a mile and it was definitely under a mile. You really struggled and you built that distance up slowly slowly slowly and now you can say you've achieved the Marathon distance and free, you know sub 3:30 325. That's incredible. Credible incredible progress. Yeah, and I think it's been great. I think that's down to a couple of sort of main reasons one that half on a lot about 12 felonies. You've got a room that running is all relative. So forget what the likes of you your sub 3 hour marathon runners are doing if you're going to aiming for sub Fort don't worry about that. Don't worry about what the elites of this world are doing be inspired by them by all means They're running a different rates. You've got to focus on running on Purely your own race. Yeah, and I've got hot probably caught up slightly in that in not so much early 2018 but middle of the 2018 because I'd be able to run tests similar 5-kilometer time to someone else but they're ten ten ten kilometer time was so much quicker than mine, but it's different every one is sort of programmed and trains differently. And as I don't know what you're running experiences or the next person, you know, I mean everyone is completely different and but running consistently is the absolute key to everything. Yeah. Yeah, definitely and having a good training plan, you know, you can't in order to progress the fitness. You can't have one. You can't have one element or Fitness. So you can't you can't practice the long run and expect to get better and faster at the long run. If you've not got your intervals to work on your speed or have the strength or You know build up the endurance slowly first so that you can build on every other element of the fitness. Yeah, that was the real sort of vibe. And when I because for Manchester, I just printed off a generic online training plan said sub 3:30 you need to you should have be able to run a half marathon in whatever time it suggested which I could do and then it was very much like we're going to follow this plan and I was surprised of seeing why is it making me do this? Why is it? Making me do that. Yeah, then you start Googling stuff and then you like all right, and it all everything is just a teeny tiny piece of a large puzzle. Yeah. That's what makes it interesting. Yeah. I remember being shocked at my training plan prior to London marathon and looking at like the few runs that I did have to do and the pace and how much lower it was like I get that easy runs and Recovery runs are supposed to be really slow and so much lower than your normal. But these ones they were so much slower. And I know you know now know it's to build up endurance first to build those building blocks ready in order to build up the other elements of Fitness because without endurance you're not going to be able to sustain intervals sessions because you haven't got the endurance to do so. Yeah, and I think I probably learn the hard way because I picked up a little problem before Manchester my foot and that was Just the slow and slower easy. Whichever one you want to call them. They weren't at the right pace and they're probably still aren't now but they're better. So instead of being closer to 8:30 9:00. There were probably 7:45 and that's not easy. That's that's it's all it's all a learning curve, isn't it? Absolutely. Yeah, and I think I think sometimes as well complacency can come in we can forget a b and c and then remember. Oh, yeah. Yeah, we need to go back to basic do this. Yep. Got it ABC's again. And it's like the whole you have to you can't run before you can walk. Yeah. So idea of really neat. You can't just get up and go. Yeah want no one is really Born to Run 26 miles or even further they didn't just wake up one day and go so well, I never in a marathon today. He's got it. It's what about Bill? Arjun and so yeah, you did do exceptionally well recently without Berlin Marathon, you know, you'll build up towards that race. How did it go did it go to plan? I mean, let's be honest. No marathon training plan goes to plan. But how did it go about as as probably perfectly as I probably will ever experience may be smart bold statement Iran. As I said this training plan that I got from took on an online coach for Berlin because I needed something a bit more individual and bit more personalized rather than the click and print kind of one from the internet. So I took on Sam from Head Start coaching and he just said look what you want to achieve where we are and I just come off the back of the London marathon and said, I think I called it operation rebuild. So I think the first week I did for run. Means and not total 30 miles across all four in total for Week 1 and then by the end of it we towards the end. It was 50 miles in a week and it's a real slow build-up. And then yeah, the the last few weeks brilliant. I ran a half marathon Personal Best in Kenilworth, maybe three weeks out. And yeah, it just all everything as we went said earlier about the jigsaw pieces. They'll literally slot it into place. Yeah. But yeah, Berlin could have gone better. That is brilliant. Wow. I mean your first your first marathon. How did that go? I mean did you because I'm curious now because my Marvin build-up was not good. I was like him from the flute whites at least twice or three times it really like, I mean it went well, don't get me wrong. But it yeah, there were two periods of flew in in the in the build-up which put me out God. I think it was four weeks in total for yeah, which is a lot like 1402 two sets of fortnight's. Yeah so to speak but yeah, so and I think that was the impact of that the impact of the the mileage under the you know, the novelty of what I was doing and trying to train for it was new to the body as I think a lot of people training for those specially the first one I learn as well rest. As part of the process. Oh, absolutely. Yeah people think I'm having a Rapture. Yeah, so we don't want to be able to run tomorrow morning about make it to a mile. Yeah, definitely and sleep. I used to get really like actress about sleep. I've never met I need to be in bed. I need to be over my eight hours. I'll be so anxious to get that sleep to try and stay. Well. Yeah, and I'm not the great sleep in the world. Anyway, why do you remember the week prior to the Manchester? And my sleeping was terrible. I was sort of grinding my teeth talking in my sleep waking up at 3 o'clock in the morning. I'm really Crystal Clear vivid dreams. Remember one eye in my dream. I got two mile 20 and my trainers just disintegrated anything. Why is my mind doing to me? Give me a break. Oh my God, that is nerve-racking that is obviously anxiety and stress because it Was new yeah if I was a half marathon and I just need like a log. Yeah. Yes. It's new and I'd never run that far before. You probably felt the same coming up to your first half marathon in probably might not remember as well. Probably trying. Yeah, probably trying to delete that from the mind. Yeah. So what about this year and next year if you got any big goals or achievements that you all working towards, you know, like you're a thousand miles that year. Have you ever thought of like Another doing another year with like a different figure to reach to probably not. I mean this year. I'm hoping I've kind of pencil in a goal of this time finish it 1200. So I finished at 1100 last year and with the missed much three weeks of January couple weeks after London marathon with my leg and there's all these been bits and Bobs several just that's progression when you take them out Oliver. And a lot further if I hadn't have had all those things whereas in 2018, I kind of ran injury-free pretty much just a few minor tweaks. Yeah, but that's for the rest of the year. It's going to be just about enjoying running and really was a smile get some partner and tourism in. Yeah. Yeah doesn't mean I definitely need to do more keep saying it said I'm done it yet, but I think I think there's been another other girls. Running related that I've been working towards so it's kept me very busy. That's the best way. Yeah. Yeah, I think next year's going to be. Well, I hope no hope next is going to be more about running but I've got other plans as well. So we'll see I will die today. Yeah, very so what about with regards to this lost my train of thought now, where was I right about skills and achievements mean really? This is what I wanted to ask. Okay, so I'm going to backtrack just a little bit. Okay. So you said earlier about setting up your Instagram and starting from there and having having that accountability tell me when was it? You started the blog did that come a little while after and what made you want to put your thoughts down and put that out there in the world because that's quite, you know have an Instagram account and posting posts on the On your you know your daily activities your your stories is one thing but doing a Blog which is a little bit normally more intimate and full of more personal details and information is you know, it's a Next Step again, isn't it? Yeah. I mean the blog kind of coincided with the Thousand Miles because especially people that are friends of my parents, for example, they're not really Instagram users. So my mom and dad would be saying now Simon's been doing this and they're like, really. All right, and then they buy our can you get check this out? This is where I used to talk to it almost every other week on a different block to the one that I kind of write a little bit on now and that was very much just to say that here we go. This is what I've done. This is where we go in and it was very much. I'd like some support for the charity I was running for which was Parkinson's UK and yeah. Not great when it comes to to put in words down on paper because my mind probably runs a hundred miles an hour and then when I look back at sentences, it's not quite as I probably mean for them to come across so that the blog doesn't get updated nearly as much as it should have started of almost finished my Berlin recap, but I don't it's still sore for some reason it it's quite quite strange feeling to be saying it's finished. I don't know if I can push publish it yourself not Yeah. Yeah, and on the thing is with the blog it does take a lot more time. It's surprising how much time it can take. I think like when you're already juggling life, you know life life with a family and working full-time in you know, it's busy enough as it is. Anyhow, without trying to you know, have have a hobby that you dedicate weekly or training plan or working towards girls. Let alone that as well. It's like something's got to give sometimes, isn't it? It's hard to try and juggle everything that yeah, you getting from work, right? Let's sit down. I'll probably won't her family dinner because I need to run or have family dinner. Then. I can't run a partner. She might be working late. So I'll pick the boys up from from wherever they're being and then I got get them in bed. No one's here to watch the book and it is a juggling act. But yeah, I think a lot of people in my situation and in similar situations, they kind of find a routine that works for them. M it's marathon training is a whole new ballgame, but when I was running a thousand miles, I knew that I had an hour on a Monday when one of my older one of the two were at football, and then I could run Tuesdays and Thursdays when they were both in bed because her daughter was here to watch them in the house and then Park from Saturday and maybe a few miles on the Sunday, and that's why did almost religiously for the whole year whereas math in training you beg borrow and steal time, don't you? Charlie screams in what you can yeah, because that I always ask, you know how you manage, you know most most of the guests on the podcast especially being a runner and or training for longer distances the marathon and Ultras, you know, it is such a huge commitment with time and like you say you beg borrow steal and it is like it's just massive juggling Act of how you do it and I'm always in all of those of you guys who are parents and still manage it and get Get your girl done get the plan done because you know, I I found it and do find it hard myself and I don't have children. So, you know, you're playing a whole other game and it is admirable as I said, I think it it just comes down to to hold beg borrow steal time, but kind of finding something that works for you. And I the only time I've ever got up regularly to running the before work with Olga's last year when we had that incredible Heat Wave because I knew that I couldn't I couldn't run a 10K on a Tuesday night because it was still 30 degrees. Whereas yeah before work. It was only 19. Yeah, but yeah, you just find something that works time you yeah, because I was going to ask you ever get up early early morning to fit in because at all. Yeah you in the same boat as me. I can't do it. I've done it a few times and every time I do it I feel so proud. To myself. I'm like, yes, I have conquered the wig today and it is a great feeling but halfway through the day. I'm at the desk so I can work and I might oh my God, I'm so tired. Like my eyes are dropping. Yeah, it's I mean every morning I set my alarm 45 minutes earlier. I think I might do something. Yeah, but every day I oversleep by 50 minutes, so I'm 5 minutes behind schedule. Anyways, I'm buggered before I even look out there - yeah, it is a commitment is because It's just so much harder. It's hard enough getting a couple isn't it getting up and getting ready? Just pressing this time of year when the clocks now changed? Yeah. Yeah, so dark, isn't it gosh, so I asked this to everyone. What is your reason for running your hashtag? Why I run that does keep you motivated. Probably quite simple actually because I can well, I like that. Yeah, and that's that's brilliant. Actually. That's not a big heavy at all because it's not about how fast or how far you can run but there will probably be some point in my life where I can't so while I can I shall that's brilliant. I like that simple but so effective. Yes the way I like it. And what would you say is the best thing that running is brought to you in your life new people into my life probably have the same passion and understanding and frustrations that I do and appreciate that training for any event whether it's a 5k a half marathon. Morrison all those insane people that run even further they understand all of that because there are people that how far was your Marathon last week? Well, the marathon is 26 and a bit. Yeah, you don't quite understand it. But I've probably over the last couple of years to 95% of my running by myself, but this year it's been very much going along for the ride with other people and park ruin. And running helping people achieve their peepees with some pacing you can have a beer afterwards and they understand what you go through what they go through each week. And yeah, it's pretty yeah, I love that as well. That's a that's an n one of the reasons for me brings people to your life and love that. So if you could give others listening three tips in getting started and running so it could be getting back into running increasing the distance. Starting from scratch. What would they be you three best tips with running? I've already mentioned it but running is all relative. Don't compare yourself to anybody else. Even if you're the same age, you were born on the same day you run some of the times you don't know their backstory. You don't know how long they've been running for two it so never compare yourself to anyone else run consistently, even if that's a couple of miles three times a week. That's a heck of a lot better. I'm doing bubba row and the third one enjoy the social side of running. It doesn't have to be about going balls out. Every race slow it down talk to people and high-five every person you see on the course when you're running say thank you to anyone in volunteers. Yes. Yes love that one. Love all of those. I'm the special that last bit, you know enjoying the social aspect. I love love that and thanking people at races all Just every time I raced last one thing I love to do is just thanking the volunteers because they always give you so much. They just cheer you on and try and motivate you there clapping. They might have cowbells but this pier and you want to try and complete that race and they given up their time their volunteer and dedicated they could be doing anything else and sometimes I've been at a race with his been awful weather torrential rain and they they have it harder than we do when we're running because as they stood not move in in that awful cold and rain and wet. Yeah giving up their time blessum. So always thank the volunteers new Marshals. Yeah. How about if you could run a race anywhere in the world, where would it be? Tonight at least of thought about this a lot. There are so many. Even just cities that not even with a race that I'd like to run around tired of to run in Central Park or I think the Gold Coast marrinson looks quite good run around Sydney the Great Wall of China. There's so many yeah. I've no idea I can dance with one of the freighter. There's too many. Yeah. Yeah that that New York or China. That was last a good one ultra marathon along the Great Wall of China. Yeah, I think there is and I think that's quite that is that's because we really hard up and down those steps. Yeah. It's a bloody long way as well forget the steps, but even just from as the as the crow flies. It's It said a very very quite and do you have a favorite or uplifting motivational phrase and why that you know something that keeps you keeps you going and either with turning up getting getting daily life done or within Runnin take the shit because that you can take that in any context that you see that you need to take in. Yeah under its You're struggling to get back into running or your jobs causing Carnage. But yeah, as long as you turn up, yeah and yours don't be shit. You can't ask yourself and it's to do anymore. Yeah, so a bit like you can only do what you can do right when one day, you know, I was it that I say there's always like I used to say that I work there's always tomorrow or like literally like you can only do what you can do. So yeah. Yeah, that's quite a good And I did that would you say if there's if work is causing Carnage? Yeah, because work what gets in the way of everything doesn't it? Yeah, what work can literally mean the place of your employment. You've got other things going on in life to take work. It's anything and everything that kind of pulls you away from probably what you want to be doing that. Yes. It's yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and sometimes it can be really hard to try and Achieve that were clear. Balance the trying to strive for that is good as well. Now tell me who would you love to hear on this podcast, I would say run with I think it's room with Ralph. I think I can handle is she has been has a streak in but not literally everyone streaking. I think she's on day six hundred. Three at this moment in time. Maybe. Wow. Yeah, and she signed up to her first marathon next year and she's just done a first half bathroom and I've only met her once but she lives three mark less than three miles from where I live Brian. Weld yeah met through Instagram three miles. Wow. Yeah, but she runs it like 6 o'clock in the morning most mornings whereas 7 if I can the evening kind of Runner. Yeah. Have you guys met Then only once but not oh no twice we met at the 1/6 n k in London and I was on the way to meet and in Birmingham and we bumped into each other in the service station. Wow, isn't that the odds I walked past her Kansai. I know you from somewhere and then before it even got back in my car. She had messaged me saying even so-and-so service station. I was like, yeah, I thought it was you. I'm on my way back. I say hello. Wow, I'll see that that is what I love about like, I think you know what recently there's been so much stick with regards to the community on Instagram the running Community specifically and this is because there's so many people on there. Everyone's got different girls. You can all appreciate everyone different girls, but that's one thing that I love about it is that it does, you know, you can meet so many like-minded people. Like that was one of the reasons for your you said you loved that brought in your life is meeting other people, like like people that you can just totally relate to and not even have to explain but you just understand each other, but I just think that's one of the things that I've really really love and so grateful for it because I've made some some friends for life. We like might not have met yet virtually as I live right at the back and Southwest Wales. I'm so far away from So many people but yeah, I've met people that I do classes great friends and that will be friends for life. I think you just appreciate don't either as you say everyone's got different goals, but we turn up almost day in day out and we do what we can do to achieve those goals. Yeah. Absolutely. Definitely. What I'm going to do now for our final little questions is back by popular demand. I've been I've been told to bring back the Speedy pebes that I used to do at the end of the podcast. So I don't know if you listen to the like the first couple of episodes but this is where I give you two options and you've got to give me your your favorite. So which prefers a bit like I think John Flynn this man runs called it this or that and so let's just have a look haven't actually prepared them for you. So this is all off the cuff. Okay. I am black and it yet I did this the other day when I was he's chatting with Carly. So the you have to be Speedy because it's Speedy pb's okay. So which one is the best for you? All right, so Marathon or 5K marathon running with friends or running with music friends when running alone running with music or podcasts music just just and pre pre race. We'll post race meal both. They're both have that chips or crisps. Oh chips gels or jelly babies gels jelly babies are disgusting controversial. I love Jelly Baby. Jelly. Jellybeans. Jellybeans work. Well if anyone's using sweets on runs, and I'm not keen on Jelly Babies jelly beans are good. Winter or summer training summer winter or spring Marathon. Oh spring just all that winter training though. Yeah. Go in addition to let yeah true very true and mild and boiling hot run or freezing cold boiling hot. Okay, and if right say for example now you've got to do The day and this is anytime you can choose to fit your running because you and your family are so busy. You've either got 5:30 a.m. Or the only other time you could fit in on this training plan of yours is really important to you 10:30 p.m. 5:30 a.m. Wow, that says a lot. Yeah. I'd rather have a beer in the evening. I think hydration is key remember and that says a lot for you. You don't like that before. No, but I'd risk. Kitt yeah, I think I'd have to do five days, you know, it's done and 10:30 is actively you know all day I've got to do this God exists. I've still got my run up as 10 silver silver. So unless you have your main meal at lunch time and then a snacky it sounds like fun. What well, thanks very much for your time today. Could you just tell everyone where they could go to follow your Escapades and your blog Instagram at Run Fatboy Run 2017 and the blog which is taking a bit of a nose dive, but it's Fat Boy dot run. Perfect. What we'll do we put some links in the show notes and then people can go straight there to the blog if they wanted to because to be fair when I had a little read the other day I have now subscribe. So I am awaiting down the that is on No, I'm only joking. There's no Prussia and thank you very much for your time today. I really appreciate it. Thanks so much for having me, and I know how busy your life is. So I do I do really appreciate it so facts Simon take it. Thank you. Thank you. Bye. Thank you guys so much for joining today and listening to not another Runner podcast. Please tell your friends and family who you think would enjoy the content. I'll be sharing. Don't forget you can get in touch with me over on Instagram by a not another Runner. Let me know your thoughts on the Pod casting suggestions on guests or topics. This is greatly appreciated. Send me your questions through as well if you want and use the hashtag white I run to be featured and hey, if you can't hit subscribe to the podcast, this will really help me to be able to give you more. Oh, thank you again. And remember when you get up and exercise or go for a run. You never regret going, but you always regret not go in. Have a great week guys and speak soon.
Simon Grace, AKA @runfatboyrun2017 has inspired me greatly over the past year. He has achieved not only his first Marathon this year at Manchester Marathon start of April, but he also went on to run London Marathon just three weeks later and then his third Marathon in Berlin this October where he achieved his goal of a sub 3:30 Marathon. Yet, when he started running towards the end of 2015 he did not enjoy it, and struggled to run a mile. Simon has a brilliant attitude to running, training and life. Being a father of three, Simon knows too well the art of juggling work and family life with running and training. He tells us how he manages to schedule in his running and training, and he gives some great advice in this chat. Simon tells us just how he got into running, where he struggled with running less than a mile - to completing three marathons this year. He has had incredible progress within his running, progressing from a 2:00 hour half marathon - 90 minutes. Me and Simon also chat about post race/event Blues, How Instagram can be used as a Diary, and Memory Board to help motivate us, and hold ourselves accountable, and also the importance of setting small achievable goals in order to succeed as a runner. Links: Simon’s Instagram: Simon’s Blog Natalie - Not Another Runner Instagram: Blog:
Welcome to not another Runner podcast a running and health-related podcast created by a run-of-the-mill pun intended every day Runner join me for all things running and health-related for the highs and lows of training and chasing girls designed to keep you motivated and enthusiastic on your journey to health and happiness.Have you guys already heard of the easy Thrills podcast? So this idea this Venture of podcasting? I am starting at much earlier than I thought I would and I have Tom Bell to thank for that from the easy Thrills, Tom got in touch with me a little while back to be interview for his podcast. Now if you haven't already you really need to check out easy drills. I'll include links to his podcast in the footnotes as well as the interview that we did not long ago, TomIs a brilliant host he has a great approach to life that I love. He has positive and adopt an attitude of gratitude as he calls it which I love to live by myself. Now Tom is working so hard with his podcast and it really shows he is updating and putting up so many great interviews with so many brilliant Ghasts. His show is all about Adventure motivation and transformation with an element of endurance. He is a family man leader and has a love for Endurance Sports. I was absolutely on Honored to be asked to join Tom's podcast, especially alongside so many brilliant guests many of which I've honestly been following for years and I've been greatly influenced by some of which are the reason I started my own run an account on Instagram and it just blows my mind that I was asked to be interviewed and featured amongst so many fascinating and inspiring people. I seriously took so much away from that interview and I could never thank Tom enough. He has inspired and motivated me. To no end. So again Tom a huge. Thank you and guys, please check out easy Thrills podcast. Today's guest is Daniel Cogswell aka the Marvin Dan Dan has been running for five years. He's a train driver from Birmingham and he agreed to fit in a chat with me. Literally just after you got back from Cornwall from the man versus Coast race. So, thanks again Dan for making the time to come and talk to me to be part of the not another Runner podcast tuned in guys to find out how a bunted bet has played a part in transforming his lifestyle. Dan has literally gone from couch to half marathon to Marathon to ultra he challenged himself. To run full marathons in his second year of running and a set up a goal to run the six World Marathon Majors this year. He's taken on some serious Ultras with the Rat Race season pass, but he is further has plans for this year including New York Marathon and a crazy adventure in Miami this chat seriously inspired me to get up and get moving what are determined passionate Runner listen to the episode to discover how Dan loves to see how much he can push himself mentally and physically to what he attributes his resilience and ability to Enjoy difficult challenges and adversities Dan gives some great insight into the world of marathon and ultra running to and give some brilliant tips for Newby Newby Runners. You will want to listen just to hear about some of his crazy adventures and future plans for this year. And if you've not already, you will definitely want to give them a follow over on Instagram for this epic year. He has planned see the links in the footnotes for that. Thank you guys so much for joining today and listening to not another Runner podcast. Please tell your friends and family who you think would enjoy the content. I'll be sharing. Don't forget you can get in touch with me over on Instagram by another Runner. Let me know your thoughts on the Pod casting suggestions on guests or topics. This is greatly appreciated. Added send me your questions through as well if you want and use the hashtag white I run to be featured and hey, if you can't hit subscribe to the podcast, this will really help me to be able to give you more. Thank you again, and remember when you get up and exercise or go for a run. You never regret going, but you always regret not go in. Have a great week guys and speak soon.
Daniel Cogswell aka the_marathon_dan. Dan has been running for five years, he is a train driver from Birmingham. Tune in and find out how a bantered bet has played a part in transforming his lifestyle. Dan has literally gone from Couch > Half Marathon > Marathon > Ultra. He challenged himself to run four marathons in his second year of running, and has set a goal to run the six World Marathon Majors. This year he’s taken on some serious ultras with a Rat Race season pass, but he has further race plans for this year including New York Marathon and a crazy adventure in Miami. This chat seriously inspired me to get up and get moving. What a determined, passionate runner!! Listen to the episode to discover How Dan loves to see how much he can push himself mentally and physically; to what he attributes his resilience and ability to endure difficult challenges and adversities, and why the coined Threshold Trail Series phrase “More Is In You” has stuck with Dan. Dan gives some great insight into the world of marathon and ultra running in this episode and gives some brilliant tips for newbie runners. You will want to listen, just to hear about some of his crazy adventures and future plans for this year, if you’re not already you will definitely want to give him a follow over on Instagram for this epic year he has planned.
For the Love of teaching is a podcast brought to you by T starter, we think teachers hours each week by creating quality downloadable teaching resources for their classrooms. Visit teach to make your classroom Buzz Joe. Mr. Dombrowski is a grade five teacher and professional comedian who inspires kids to love learning with his quirky sense of humor follow him on. Instagram at Mister D times 3 I'm Braun and this is Friday funny with mr. D. Welcome back. It's Friday again. And I'm joined by mr. Dee. Hey, mr. D. How's it going today? Hello? Hello? Hello. Oh good. I'm so happy. It's Friday. It's been a week. Let me tell you. It's been a week. So we're yes. Yes. I'm on the road traveling from my shows all over the place getting ready to come Loki to Australia. It's gonna be super fun, but we're perfecting everything here in the States before we bring it to you guys. So just Staying busy staying busy. Let me tell you there is nothing low-key about your visit in the T start office. People are so excited and I can't wait. It's going to be so fun. So yeah, we can't wait to see you in a little while, you know, sometimes it's a bit hard because you feel like, you know, we love all of our students and where that a nurture them and help them with their social learning and the way they interact with people, but at the same time they are just kids and sometimes They're a challenge. So how can you think of any times that you've had a super challenging student? I have you know, you really teaching such a gamble. It's different than so many jobs. I think that like teachers and zookeepers have a very similar job because it's just so so different every single day and you really never know what's going to happen. And sometimes you also know what you'd whatever is going to come into your classroom, either and You guys ever have like classroom assemblies where maybe like instead of going on a field trip an organization or a company will come and do something for you to ever have that we call them in incursion. We have a word for that incursion only incursion. I like that. I like I'm gonna use that so we had it we have we have many incursions here. Some of them are great. Some of them are okay, but one of the ones that I always liked is the city that I worked in at the time would come and do Into the classroom about various topics that were going on within the city. So one of the biggest one is Recycling and how we can wear our recycling goes where trash goes for the city where those plants are how the how the waste is all treated and I and all that I was it's really educational for the kids because you know, it's something that they're involved with their within a single day, but these people who are leading the incursions are typically not teachers and they're not And how to work with students. So a lot of the time I find myself like half handling the situation you don't know me so they come in and they're talking to us about trash and how we can help protect our environment better by picking up the trash and I have one student who eventually was diagnosed with odede in a defiant disorder, right? And he decided that this was his moment to take full advantage of the situation so they start asking what ways can you Think of to help keep our world claim and he raises his hand and they pick on him and I'm just like oh God, here we go. He does have criminals do it have criminals have criminals pick up our trash. They were like what? He's like, yeah just like have the criminals go around and they're like, can you think of anything better? And he's like, why don't fart white all your trash on fire and he just kept coming up with ways after ways after ways of these like super main ways and the woman didn't know what to do and she started crying. Crying in front of the kids in front of everyone. Yeah, and I was just like I just like I was like listen girl. Give me your materials. Give me your lesson plans on your notebook. I'ma teach the rest of this house today. You just go You Weep these tears out in your car baby girl because you need a when you're ready to come back when you're ready to come back. I'll show you how this is done. But for right now you need a break. There's two dead. She took me up on it and I taught the rest of the last that I had absolutely no idea and Is what I was teaching but we kind of like went for it and it sort of sort of went down like that. See that's why we need to know how to use behavior management strategies as teachers. Like they come alone. I know you know, what I will flee to the funny thing about that too is do you guys have PBIS over there? Do you do PBIS Saddam positive behavior intervention support? Okay. Yes. We do have something similar. Yeah. Yeah. It's like this thing. That's kind of really like blah blah. Ah, very very very in the happenings right now over here in the state. And I think that there's I think it's great. I think it does a lot for kids and I think that you know, it does a lot for a certain type of kid like the kid who is receptive to that type of intervention but talking about classroom management what a lot of people don't think about is what we differentiate our instruction to beat the meet the needs of our learners, but we don't often differentiate our classroom management to meet the needs of everyone's behaviors because not everyone is going to respond the same way. Yeah, and this is just another example of that Like This Woman's way to treat this was to have a break down and cry, you know, but like I knew how to handle him in a different way that would get him redirected and back on track which was different than just like one two, three eyes on me or whatever because he would have walked all over me for that. Yeah, that's right. And especially a child who has a diagnosis of oppositional Defiance disorder. They they're kind of wired in a way that is not going to respond to a whole group instruction because that's the whole point. Of OD D that they go against the grain a little bit. So they're not going to respond to your behavior management strategies that work for everyone else. So exactly good point. Yes. Oh, yeah, cool. Well, I'm glad you saved the day Mister D swooped on in save the day that poor woman. I wonder if she hung up the boots and retired that very day. It will say she would probably went back the recycling plant. I don't know. She's probably sorting Plastics at the moment. Yes. I think I hear her now in my garage. Judge. All right. Well, thank you so much for joining us. Again. It's a pleasure to see you on a Friday and have a good laugh. Yes. I have a great week. Everybody will see you soon. Thanks for joining us for Friday Funnies. Don't forget to subscribe to For the Love of teaching on your favorite podcast app to get updates on all the latest episodes.
Incursions... we teachers just love them! No travel, basic risk assessments, repeat visitors = bliss right? You'd think so. But what happens when you get an inexperienced instructor and you have a student who gives her a run for her money? Spoiler alert: you end up running the incursion! Listen as Mr D tells the tale.He's a teacher. He's a comedian. He's officially one of Ellen Degeneres's "favourites". Joe (Mr D) Dombrowski is here to brighten up your week with his infectious laugh and hilarious stories. Brace yourself, because when it comes to dishing the dirt on teaching, kids and life in general, Joe doesn't hold back.Join us in our new For the Love of Teaching Facebook group, where we chat about the podcast, feature live vids of guests, and talk teaching!Don't miss an episode! Have you subscribed to For the Love of Teaching? Don't forget! It means you'll be the first to know whenever a new episode is released.For the Love of Teaching is a podcast by Teach Starter. We make quality, downloadable teaching resources that save teachers hours of time and make their classrooms buzz! See you next week for another dose of Friday Funnies!
Welcome to the Chinese. Hi, welcome back to the Chinese medicine podcast. It's my pleasure today to interview Glenn Bowman. We've got some really great stuff to talk about when we talk about life purpose finding your purpose and particularly the character length. I'm very Hopkinson and welcome to the Chinese medicine podcast today. I'm interviewing Glenn Bowman and he's got special interest in linguistics and understanding Chinese medicine and actually Glenn is a student and that's how I got to know. And I've heard him talk about this topic before it was so intriguing to be and I think when you've got time, you've got to come and talk about this on the podcast because there's lots of people listening that I'm sure you're going to get something out of this and I really want to hear it a second time around and I'm we want to talk talk in more detail the first time around only heard it maybe 10 minutes. We had a minute time frame to do a talk and then we've got a lot more time now to get into the topic and we're going to talk about Ling which is purpose. Am I not pretty enough? Yeah. It's a First of all, it's a character from an ancient Chinese character. That means essentially spiritual or a spiritual Essence but also one's own sort of spiritual Essence and then that in a sense can be tied into one's purpose. Awesome. Awesome. Well before we get into that, so I'm super excited about about the topic. I'm going to ask you a little bit about how you got into Chinese medicine how because you're studying Chinese medicine now, right? Yes, how many years into what are you so I'm in third year now. Well, congratulations invited. Yeah, honestly, yeah. Okay. And so what made you want to study Chinese medicine? Well, it was a very long and winding path that actually led me to Chinese medicine after finishing High School. I sort of had a rejection of all forms of formal study. So I sort of I believe that I would never go to a university or anything like that just because of my own yes experiences with high school and things like that. So I didn't really want anything to do with it. And when I was 17 a left traveling and I basically traveled and lived around the world in different places for the next nine years or so at some point along the way. well, actually it can be said that as I was traveling and sort of to begin with it was to experience a world and sort of external experiences and events and traveling in strange places, but then it progressively became more and more an internal Journey for me and I became very interested in the I guess you could say spiritual or mystical or even magical side of life and existence and I was like Fortunately enough to certain experiences along the way which really opened my mind to these types of things. And then as that progressed when I was living in South America, I had an interest in the Indigenous Medical Systems of South America and a very influential person in my life who works in that field recommend that I actually studied Chinese medicine. And at the beginning of I couldn't really understand why I didn't know anything about Chinese medicine had never experienced anything to Chinese medicine, but then I intuitively decided to come home and study it and it was when I came home and I was in that first sort of foundations of Chinese medicine class that my jaw dropped and I realize this is almost like a customized career path for me. So I was very fortunate. So you've never had acupuncture before you started it nothing and Is particularly Chinese hurts or nothing and do nothing about it because that's how I did it as well. Oh my God, I didn't know I didn't have an 11 year Journey Lego discover. I just went straight from high school to that's what but I also had that aha moment in that first lecture going. This is exactly what I want is exactly what I want to do. Exactly. Yeah, so that's great. And so yeah, the the universe or whatever has led you yeah. Yeah. Yes, I would I feel so and maybe that's what we're going to talk about today. How did you get how do you how do you get to that? Well, like you said that's what we're gonna yeah, I think because I think it actually ties in perfectly with what we I guess going to talk about and as I see it this character Ling and what I was presenting in that speech in a class and this is also why I have such particular interest because I've been through my own sort of Confusion as to my who I am what my purpose is in life. What is if any might my life purpose and I think also just sorta interested it but it's something that our culture in a western sets like the English language doesn't Encompass these understanding life like I'm getting excited about we talk about today, but it doesn't Encompass that understanding of where as you can when you unpack the Chinese language you can see that It's embedded into the language to discover something like that. Right? Absolutely. Let's get into it. Okay, so so where do we begin? So talk about the character? First of all, yeah. Let's say that so well, this is my quite I apologize to all the great look he's look at various Chinese. It's it's like a font like times Roman for so this is Lee. And so basically Chinese works as Like a language of copies of of compounding Yankee different table is today different symbols. And so at the top here we have you which is means rain and in the middle we have coal which means a mouth or an opening and then at the bottom we have wool which signifies dancing shamans and specifically female shamans. So if we this is the character for Ling and this means little inj we'll put that at the bottom. That's it. You can understand. This is a very ancient character and it's in there's a great dictionary of classical Chinese dictionary medieval Chinese by Paul Kroll and he defines this word as numinous sacred spiritual power or efficacy life principle vital principle embodied realization of the numinous ones in a spirit. So essentially you could consider it as signifying inherent. Jake intrinsic to life the inner mysterious and ultimately ineffable nature of all things spiritual nourishment and sustenance provided by heaven. And actually this might be a good opportunity to explain why it's a bit we can think of this as a symbol. So here we have rain and it's raining down into these open-mouthed and we have the Shaman's at the bottom. So what this essentially and I'm no sinologist but a symbol is a symbol so So in one way, we can just extract the meaning for our own so and so what I get out of this is that you have these female shamans who female also signifies receptivity so and they're dancing. So it's a creative act which is this born from the shaman and the shamans role throughout history has been to provide these sort of creative acts whether it be through dancing or singing or music in these things and yet it's with a sense of Tivity and producing this creative act which is causing the rain to fall into these open mouths. And so that what the through this creativity they're bringing sustenance from heaven heaven. I've spoken to some people about heaven this concept of Heaven in terms of Chinese medicine and things like that and in a western culture, especially in the English language, we sometimes think of Heaven as in the biblical sense. But in this sense Heaven were referring to the Heavens to the sky it could also be and so then in Chinese you have TN and TN, they're both men sky and I and heaven and this is actually the same in other languages. So you have in Spanish you have Seattle Seattle means both sky and Heaven at the same time and this is in many different languages but in English with it anyway, so you're getting the sustenance of heaven. So this moisture of Heaven is falling down. I'm in response to this creative. And it's so I guess feeding or nourishing these open mouths that needed it. Doesn't that make sense? Yes. It's almost like this code participatory relationship that the shaman or that a person can have with heaven in order to bring a greater good in that sense. Yeah. Everyone's benefiting from that rain, right? Yes the shamans. And so I just have an interesting quote here from Lonnie Jarrett who's an very inspiring practitioner in the United States and in his book nourishing Destiny. He says an important part of the healing process often involves returning to our sense of potency empowered by the Ling Spirit. It is essential to help patients experience themselves once again as effective forces in the world and individual with a Art whose Ling spirit is unbalanced. Maybe unsynchronized in all Realms of lie. So yeah, so when I was essentially saying in that speech was that this patient was depressed and more than it just being sort of a stagnation of energy or anything like that. I sensed. It was almost like this lack of his own sense of you know, creativity and potency and purpose and just for the viewers that don't know what he's talking about. He gathered talk at College where that's how we come across this topic. Where you were making this about an actual patient like how you would apply this to a patient? Right? That's right. Yeah, because people don't know what you mean by that stage. It's like work there. Unfortunately. Yeah, so you were applying this house how this applies to a patient. And yeah, so this is really great and in theory like it's it makes total sense. But what about like in an actual person like and it dated dated a person that's struggling like they've clicked on this video or listening to this podcast because I like yeah, I thought so My purpose and how does this apply to them? Like what's this mean they need to dance around in the rain like a dog. Well in a sense. Yeah, actually it's interesting because when I originally presented this and the fact that I'm the it was about a patient who was experiencing some sort of depression, I guess and what I felt from it, was that rather than it just being merely Say stagnation of Qi or anything like that was actually a fundamental this connection with the magic of life. And this is very common. I think in modern society especially here in the west because we tend to live we get we can get trapped in a very sort of mundane existence of living a day-to-day working life. And so then that sort of sense of magic that is inherent within life itself gets sort of blocked from View and this person had seen to have been disconnected from the like Ronnie Garrett says they're real potency and then they're real efficacy in the world. So they didn't really believe in themselves. But also they'd sort of lost that sense of purpose and Magic now interestingly when we joke about becoming a dancing Charmin, but interestingly even this person went dancing then they would feel much better. And so it was this actually dancing in this creative act which awoke this sense of I guess joy and positivity and purpose in life. And then it was that act of going back to the sort of mundane existence in the frustrations of working and I'd get lost in that and then that would and so they would look for that Weekly dance session. Yeah to actually connect with those. I guess you could say heavenly energies. So it's actually quite fitting for that character. So yeah, because I think one I mean, I think that's It's not a surprise to anyone watching this I would I would say but it's so common now in our society that we work for money rather than working for because we want to do that thing. I mean, maybe we started out I see what's of patients like this that started out in a job that I loved because they wanted to do it and I went to that career because I wanted to do it and so there was a purpose and there was a desire for it, but then somewhere along the way it just became this mundane boring thing that they don't have lost connection with it. They don't want to do it anymore, but they can't get out of it because they don't want to lose their house or bit. The car they need to provide for their kids and their family and it's a trap because then they're like working or spending the majority of the time, you know, half the time sleeping half the time working in this thing. They hate and I knew Living For What like a few hours a week or the weekend to enjoy and what do they do? And they and yeah, it's like then the treatments that they do sort of don't cut it they might have helped a little bit. So they do acupuncture. They do herbs even Western medicine in my like antidepressants or medications. If people start taking and not saying don't take those medications, but they can help to a certain point. But then what where's that? What's that? What about that little Gap and maybe this is connecting going to connect with people about that little Gap that you know is missing that you could try everything physically till the cows come home. But if you don't fix that issue, if you don't connect with your purpose then it's maybe what is it all for? Hmm? Exactly and it's I'm fascinated by the The sudden the cosmology of the world view that we live in as a western society that Ike as he said to begin with that. We don't even have this idea embedded in our language has a Chinese dude. And so this is very interesting because in terms of medicine when you go to a GP mostly people would think it would be absurd to say that for that GP to say. Well actually your medicine would be to connect with the magic of life because that's what's missing. Life and so if I be struck off the rectal exam someone might report them for saying something like that it which is absurd as you said on one hand. Yes, I can see how that that's absurd in the medical field. But on the other hand after listening to that even a little bit of it is it seems like well isn't absurd that you don't mention that hmm exactly and it's and it actually can be explained by how we view the world as Western culture, and I'm very interested in these types of things. things and I've learned a bit on a course from Rickett honest who's a philosopher psychologist from the United States and he talks about shifting World Views and this is very influential to my thinking and also it ties in with Ling because previously in a more an older time periods human beings were I guess embedded in the Verse in a way in which they could nature was perceived to be in sold. And so that it wasn't just human beings that had a creative intelligence. But rather the entire all of Nature and all the universe had this sort of inner potency and this creative intelligence. I guess you could say and it was around the time of the so called Enlightenment and the copernican revolution of these things that That we that that outer world became they say disenchanted and so and this has led to the current worldview in which basically Consciousness is an epiphenomenon. They say of matter and material processes and that only human beings really have this intelligence. And so Ling that character coming from an ancient time period sort of speaks to that and meaning spiritual. And even magical sort of relates to that way in which all of nature is as a spiritual potency and that we can actually connect with that and so I was thinking about it and it's interesting because if you were to look at a Chinese medical classic probably they would never say that if in this disorder get them to connect with Ling because it didn't need to be said because the worldview in which they were living was a more magical. Mythical worldview in which that was a given they were already work. They already were inside that and so it's interesting. Like if you look at the shin dong-bin sounding like an old Hubble classic though and you look up long ago where this the Luongo was where it was found. It says in on the banks of rivers and caves and Grottoes where dragons have lived and died. Mmm, and they and certain hubs will be used for ghosts and spectral entities. And this magical sort of thinking was within the Chinese culture for a very long time even son Samuel in the sort of medieval times would use incantations and almost like magical type. So do you think they had like this just by asking your opinion? I know you none of us can go back to those times. But in that chain on been surging reference, do you think that they actually there were dragons there were big creatures that they Dragons there or do you think they just had this mythical in thing that they thought that the dragons with her Uncle dragon, or was it a real dragon? Jerk? I'm not sure whether whether it comes from I just wanted I it's got its got no ferry to me. But the tourney dragons are real but not in a physical sense. They live in more of a Mythic part of the yeah, just yeah, which they were connected to. Yeah, and so then the dragon arrives Is also I mean, it's not a long kids distinct I guess but there is a dragon sort of creature that arises in the west as well. And so there is this lady must have been dragging archetypal but physical dragons at some point because they're so common in all cultures like mentioned right there were mentioned in them the bible stuff like that like that. There must have been I don't know. It must have been those giant dragon creatures that we that we like dinosaur killed off. Yeah, exactly. Looked like a flying saucer. Anyway, that's this is a sidebar. That was refreshing. So yeah, good. Okay, so people can connect with their like connecting with your purpose is important, right? And so what do you think is maybe you can give us an example from like the case that you presented or like you're just so people don't get misled or anything like Lanes what 30 years Chinese medicine student, so it's not like you're treating lots of patience. These theoretical ideas. Yes, but if you get to be a all philosophy and but that it's really good. And I think one part about just going back to what you were saying before about that. It was embedded into the culture and that's why it didn't need to be mentioned. There's there's been this push in Chinese medicine, especially in our country in Australia and there lots of people watching this from the US or the UK that's very similar there as well to to westernize. Seems like what they call modernize things and bring things into line with a more scientific a Western Scientific approach of how we talked about Chinese medicine and there's nothing wrong with understanding things from different paradigms. I think in using that Paradigm, but I almost feel like the this Paradigm of the Linguistics and the understanding of the true nature of Chinese medicine is being lost amongst the knee. Need to show the scientific Cruise know what works because it's hard to eat you could design a research trial you got people to discover their purpose and see what happened at but it's probably much more in line with psychology than what is in stocks and a Chinese medicine. So even like you're saying it would be hard to be hard-pressed to come to a doctor and for them to say. Hey, you're feeling depressed. Have you thought about a person's weight when you have you have you have you thought about how is that going? But even a Chinese medicine practitioner probably won't go that as a matter of just general conversation, right? Yes, and but I think it's a hugely important thing because I think part of almost evolution is modern human beings is to reconnect with what we have lost. Yeah, Rich, is that understanding of the intelligence of nature? Nature and to be able to connect with nature in the sense that these charms are connecting with the rain in that sense and to regain a bit of that notion that there is we are living within and then solve the universe and that things aren't just for dead in a yeah. Okay. So let's talk about that a little bit more because maybe people are thinking I'd like to reconnect with my purpose. What do I need to do? But how do they how do they connect how do they understand this interconnectiveness of nature? Well, actually It could be many different things that I remember. I was listening to a actually an interview with Lily and bridges who's a face reader and really wonderful woman. It's Avail Sansa and she was talking about Ling and she looked at some she had a patient and she looked at him and she said oh your link efficient or something like that and then he said, okay, and she and she said her prescription for him was to go outside every day lie on the grass and just look at the clouds. Mmm. And so and then just doing this then like he went back a few weeks later and he was feeling much better explain to her how much better he was feeling a real transformation. And now this may seem absurd to some people but really it's the simple Act of connecting with the magic of life that can be the greatest medicine and times. So for this person just laying down on the grass and looking at the clouds and reconnecting with that fundamental sense of Or and mystery and wonder at the fact that there are clouds existing at all. And so this is something that is sort of in born in us when we're children and we can look at all things and we can see the magic in it. But as we grow and priorities get diverted into education and these such things we will Lonnie Jarrett based on the work of a Taoist practitioner called Louis Ming calls it sort of the mundane accretions. So when we're living we build up these accretions, I guess yes an accretion a creation like a think of it as sort of like a solidification. So this isn't you in there is our true nature say is Young. Yeah, so it's like sediment building exactly exactly. That is an influence of the I guess the mundane material was set a bit of the Mondays. I'm sure lots of people camera like it's like, oh just another day instead of exactly here we go. Again. It's so true. It's so true. And I think the reason why maybe people do think oh that's absurd like they go to a doctor. I should've been prescribed and minutes in the in nature and I've seen some articles floating around. I'll see if I can pose some up here. I'll put the link below of doctors in Other it's more European countries. I've seen doing that prescribing people nature walks and stuff like that as part of their treatment and there's been some research on these areas because it's like well I could just I could have just got that myself. But you know, like I could have just I didn't come to you for the sunshine of Rainbow Oh Katie from medicated that like, it's like a doctor's of The Gatekeepers to this stuff. Whereas maybe they should be the facilitators or when I say doctors having healthcare Works including myself in those things. We should be the facilitators of this knowledge and helping people to work towards a path. It's not just necessarily. Well. I needed sell you this medication. I need a I need to give you something. You can't get anywhere else. Yeah, it's I think people maybe they don't value it as much like 10 minutes of sunshine or lying in the grass looking at the clouds because they think well, I could have just done that myself. Exactly. Well if you watch his podcast you might be able to but yeah, this is do it yourself. Yeah, but yeah, it's interesting because that leads to almost like a redefinition of what the practitioner is and what they do because really they should have the best interest of the patient. So whether that perhaps a patient needs weeks of acupuncture and herbs and yet another one might simply need like a to be, you know, LED down a path that leads them just to looking at Clouds for example or doing something of that nature. Yeah, and I think I'm practitioners who do prescribe they that They don't prescribe the sunshine and rainbows and they just prescribe what they that's what they doing the best they can with what they know and yeah, okay, maybe we could argue that they should know better and they could share they could expand their Consciousness so they could expand their ideas. But a lot of people are a lot of practitioners and doctors are doing it with the best. They think they've got the patient's best interests at heart. Yeah, for sure. I mean, yeah always have the other side of the coin where people are, you know, doing it for money and find ourselves. So it's also used something. But yeah, let's not get into a debate. About the pharmaceutical industry on this today. Let's take it. Let's keep it Mars nor am I anyway, that's alright. But when you when you are you'll get your fair share of backlash anyway, so yeah, so okay people can connect with nature in some way. So it might be something that they might seem insignificant is what I'm picking up from what you're saying. It might seem just like a little thing but it is actually going to give you big returns if you're actually engaging in doing it and you'll absolutely I think If we say take that the character again is a symbol of what it means. So we have the creative act of the shamans that are done. So there's lots of applications for this right like it's not just dancing around or looking at clouds in to connect with nature. What else do you reckon? This like character could be implying and that creativity for shamans Dancing Yeah. Well, this is where I think the creativity and the symbol of the shaman also ties in with actually. You're saying before about one's life purpose. So acting out in the world creatively what one essentially is. And so if we think about a shaman their role as in especially in ancient days was to sort of some in the rain and to do those rain dances and this is sort of I guess Universal shamans around the world. So they have this creative act which express itself through dancing and it had the effect on nature. But whether we're a shaman or not and 99.9 percent of us are known then we we all have a creative act that can have a response from life itself and also comes about to benefit the others just as they were bringing down the rain to sort of Feed the community or the tribe and to help the Earth to grow so we can also have that and so I personally believe and it might not be the easiest thing to find and myself. I took a long time to actually find it but we certainly have our own unique gift to bring into the world and it could be through cooking. It could be through music. It could be through writing. It could be through coordinating groups. It could be through Public Communication and it could be through gardening. It could be through anything. But when we take that as the dance of the shaman as a creative act and we put our spirit into that then we find our place in the world. And then that way we're actually serving our community and serving life itself. Just as you can think of like a cell in the body might be a blood cell and its purpose is to be an individual blood cell but also to serve the common good of the organism of the body. So when we think consider ourselves as a organism of our family of our culture of the human race and of Earth as a whole then we Can feel much more fulfilled and we can creatively act out our purpose. Yes. It does. My it makes total sense. Yeah. Sure. I can't help but think like I think about this a lot like in our society think about that when you talk about worldviews and stuff how like most most people watching this are probably in dredged and entrenched in a capitalist society and even to the point where and I'm not having a go at these situations because that's just how we've got two things but even to the point where People get paid to care for a loved one. And if you if that's you you're getting paid to care for a loved one. I'm not having a go at you or just a comment I guess on where we've how we've because everything is so monitored monetize. Everything is so much as Harry about and that is that seems to be the value that we or if we don't get that monetary value from something we tend to not do it or not. We don't associate things. Maybe I put it another way like things that you don't get a monetary return from you tend to think of Them as failures or not as you don't associate them with a benefit whereas our society actually if you look at how will I don't want to stray Leah. There's a lot of things that are basically running in the background of the power of volunteers. Right most there's no money involved in paying those people for their time and you might everything takes money. So I'm not saying that's not have any money because we we think we need money, but it's just something to think about I think In terms of like how did we get to this point where everything is so value? And and so I guess what I'm saying is I see a lot of people in the Arts as well that they struggle to sort of see the benefit of their art their creative art because it doesn't have a monetary value and the capitalist in me says well, that means you are isn't very valuable that it's not very successful. It's terrible because no one wants to buy it, but on the other hand, there are deceive me says well you Should still do it and the practitioner May says that's it's a if you get that better for if that is your Ling if that is your creative purpose and your you're meant to be doing that. You should be done at no matter whether you get money or not. Yeah money from it and then the cycle continues the capital of survey says it. Well, if if you are meant to be doing it, then you would be good at it and then you get money from it. And so maybe just stop doing it long enough for you to monetize our or you might not be good at the business side of it to get the money from its make it. So my back I'm talking about people that want to make their creative Pursuit their living. Hmm. They want to be and they don't necessarily want to have a million dollar match and the you know, like a hip-hop style because With the CAT scan. I just want to like they just don't want to have to work in there during the 9 to 5 job anymore. They'd like to be able to monetize their art and their all their creative Pursuit. Let's say whatever it is so that they don't have to do that mundane thing. Yeah, it's just I know it's a conundrum is a conundrum. Yeah, and it's in a difficult thing because it's not about just abandoning your day job to go look at Clouds, but it's sort of finding the balance and accepting the reality that we Currently live in the situation. And so then I will do what I need to do within that but at the same time finding the space and the time to devote to your own creativity or to connecting with life and in a deeper sense, and so that actually when that happens you can then give to whatever it is, whatever job you maybe even if it's something that you don't particularly want to be working. If you can have that connection with something greater, which is that sort of I guess spiritual connection with yourself and with Life then even that fills the most mundane of tasks with a sense of wonder and purpose and so you can give fully to that. But if you're fully and completely just embedded in the encrustations or whatever you set up the of that sediment sediments of that of Lies, then it's difficult to get to see through that and find the Wonder in it and to see that Having a glass that's you know, it is crusty and it's all set of and T. It takes time to clean it. You can like soak it in something to get the most out of it to get all that said my offer a but then once it's clear, you can see through that glass, you know to two layers of glass you can see really clearly through it and it doesn't take much to keep it clean and to keep it clear. So I guess that's maybe where a practitioner would come in and might it might be a Chinese herbalist or an acupuncturist. It might be another maybe even psychology or some other practitioners that would be able to help you get your glass clear again and get rid of some of that sediment work out. I think psychology would probably be one of the better places you could go to or a practitioner that has a decent understanding of psychology. Mmm. Also meditation. There are some really great meditation courses. I've personally practice vipassana and that's an excellent technique but and there are other many techniques that have been sort of Devised and cultivated all around the world and spiritual traditions and things like that. But for sure I think like acupuncture hubs and these types of things have that potential because if we think about sort of the channels and the organs as they can as they flow through us, but then connect out into the world. They also they they mediate our connection with external and internal life and reality. So if so by treating that we can actually assist the patient To have a deeper connection with themselves and midlife also and in a very broad sense people that are sort of maybe not aware but acupuncture is the best at moving things around was herbes is probably the best at when it can still move things around it can still give you a good perjure. That's what hey, but it's really better at putting substance in your body because it does you're taking a substance in you and it's helping you replenish and rebuild and so when you go to see a practitioner, I mean, that's the difference between so I guess Watching watching a podcast or would look at trying to do it yourself on Google or something like that that a practitioner is going to be able to understand where you are in the spectrum of things. Like do you just need a little bit of a shift? Do you need a bit of a purge? Do you need like just substance put in you to help you rebuild yourself? And if you've watched our other videos, I've done like talk about five elements wood fire earth metal water and I would say this more relates to like the wood element of thought of life in a way, right? So like because what is about purpose? Said about doing new things and creativity and Springtime and the five elements cycle kind of lets us understand that like nothing nothing staying the same at any like you have five you have four seasons in a year. If you follow the Chinese way, they would say Five Seasons, but that's another video. It's that but the idea that okay. Nothing stays the same that's that's that's something to be thankful for I guess is that if you're going through a bad time nothing's going to stay in that you can It stay like that forever. It's there will be a change coming and even if you're in a good a good citizen of life, if you don't do the right things, if you neglect to do the right things you'll end up coming to a detriment. Yeah, so I don't want to get into another project. I think with a different ramble, but the other thing you mentioned I think is really important. I like to talk about that a bit more. It was the mystery right because I think again Western Society I was going to say communist Ed. Yeah bizarre that capitalism has kind of pushed us into this thing of like they have to know everything we have to know how and that I think that's one thing is why maybe in that in that pursuit of knowing and that knowledge and needing to know when scientific validation for things we because we couldn't understand there's lots of things now. We're okay so scientific understanding I'm not saying we throw that away, but there's things like you mentioned meditation that's having a massive Resurgence now, Mindfulness as well one is because our modern technology allows us to study the effects of it and so we can prove it and we can say oh look, like I'm they've even done studies with put people in an MRI machine and make them look at trees. They even looking at Dre's is you know, I say that like, it's like it confirms what we should why don't we one is why don't we just trust this ancient knowledge. We need more. We need an MRI machine to kind of confirm it now it is nice to have that confirmation on to know that but at the same time that pursuit of knowing Everything it's like you mentioned before about being a child. That wonder what do you think about that? Like how that's how do you think about how that's been lost to think? It's your well that's a very dear topic to me actually because I really love being a child and I remember being like three or four and crying and my birthday and I'm Sid way crying and I said, I don't want to be a year older. I like saying the same age. My mom said that's okay. Look at your father some men never grow up. And so but there is number that is but so to me, there's something extremely yeah precious about childhood and about imagination and as I grew up and I continue to like to imagine things. I personally found that I had to limit that and to restrict that and to stop the sense of play and Imagination because then suddenly I had to conform to education to you to wearing a uniform to standing in line to doing learning how to do division and learning how to spell my name when really I just wanted to The playing in a world of dinosaurs in these types of things and so that which I consider to be my authentic nature and that sort of imagine it and living in that imaginary realm was I guess in a sense deprived from me and I had to conform to what Society deems giving your child and thinking this is being deprived from me or is it something you look back on now and think know something I look back on now, but I can I still can feel this inside. Ation of what that meant for me at the time and so that topic of childhood and maintaining that in a sense of child is one of my biggest passions in life. So how many people do that people that are watching this now and I thinking yeah, that's me. I feel like they feel very disconnected from that sense. What would you suggest what's worked for you to reconnect with our well what's worked with me might not work for everybody because it took me a very long journey, but basically for me. It's just a lot of self-exploration and lots of the way it manifested in. My life was through traveling through lots of different countries for meeting all the different people through very strange and outlandish experiences, and it was just a very I put a lot of intense effort into my own image and he said and I was living in isolated places and that in the Amazon and in places like this and so Eventually over time I came to this sort of. Experience of myself and of life, but also managed to see that kind of this Center. I'm gonna ask you another question. How do you okay? So that's its I think that's amazing that you've done that and if like you don't have to necessarily spending 11 years journey to do that was 11 years ago about nine years, so you don't necessarily have to spend a massive amount of time doing it and you can I think you did people should do what they want. They can like. Yeah that maybe the ten minutes in the clouds. It's better than nothing at all. Right, but what about coming back to society? Right? It seems like you have you know, like you've been in school what so now for like three years and you have to conform in a way like have to get money and and live and do you find that now? Yeah. Okay. Yes. You went on one hand, you're studying your your passion and your following the Park but do you find that there's a conflict there at times but I think more than anything going to agus to one extreme allowed me to then come back to an equilibrium so that when I come back into this this the society which I used to previously reject I can do it more willingly and I can sort of see what's it doing. Okay, what do you do now? Let's say a couple of Years, you haven't been living in the Amazon or anything like that have you know that you're slipping away from that childlike wonder and the Mystery what can people do in their day-to-day life? That would help them reconnect with that. Do you just imagine yourself back in the Amazon? Like what? No, I personally I find huge benefit in Yes, I meditate a couple of times a day. How long would you meditate for just about an hour a day like this when you just one block or in one block? Yeah, but that I've done quite a few quite a lot of meditation. So but even if it was five minutes or something like that, but that want to get started in meditation, but never done it before what would they do if they get involved? Well, a lot of people I think they just use Guided meditation or something like that you can download but also the way I Learned was through these the called vipassana VIP Asin a courses and they're all around the world, which is excellent. So no matter essentially what content here on and so they attend a courses, but therefore if you really want to learn because they attend a course is and you meditate 10 hours a day. Wow. It's in silence. You're not allowed to talk to anyone. But yeah. They give you food, they give you board everything and they give you the teaching and so you can do these courses. So I've done it does anyone so wait on day one and I already yeah. Well I was when I was living in Venezuela, I was assisting so I was like, I'm volunteering to work for the cause and I'm the yeah II morning someone came up to me and he said no, this is not my bag. I'm leaving it in anymore. So that's not for everyone. It's a good discipline though. I think it's it's good to try new experiences. Like you said and be open. I think one of the things with the mystery is like trying to get away from I have to know everything about this exactly just can some things just just can something's just be mystical and I think the other one that I want to mention for people is like just there's such a pressure on people to use social media and to be and when you when you are actively a part of social media use And to give away a lot of the mystery so I might go to a barbecue with friends and family and I know what's been going on everything. There's nothing to talk about in a way. I mean on one hand, it's good because you feel connected. So I'm not it's another conundrum. There's lots of conundrums in life, you know, you feel connected because you're saying I've had a baby you've done this you've had this blah blah blah, but on the other hand, there's no surprise. There's no mystery. I mean there might be maybe people don't put everything there, but I know some people it seems like You'd be surprised if there was anything else to talk about that they haven't provides exactly. Yeah, so, you know what type of pants they're wearing what size they are what the new shoes that they've got troubles that have happened and good things or bad things. I just think it's nice to have that mystery about people. It's absolutely something to all there's something I want to get to like. There's something about you. I want to know more I want to kind of and I think yeah, it's a conundrum for me as a person that runs. Several businesses like you want to you need to put stuff out there because you want people to purchase your product or look at, you know, watch other watch the video subscribe to the channel that kind of stuff but it but you don't want to give everything away and I think even in your business, you don't give everything away or once obviously because you need to keep people coming back to get more and more and that's what like we are attracted to that mystery want to know if I told a half a story now people be angry because they want to know the ending. Where's the end of that story? Yeah, and I think that childlike mystery is something that we need to get back in touch with more and more right just happening. Absolutely when I something that really struck me when I was first in the jungle in the Amazon was the profound mystery of the place because like you say, we live in a society where we think we know about everything and we can very deep in very minor detail explain the material world. We can't really say who we are why we're here and we don't really understand the inner dynamics of our self and of life and but living in this world we tend to think that there is no sort of magic or anything like that or mystery. So I remember being in the jungle and there it's just permeated by mystery because people talk to you completely seriously about what we would deem sort of mythical beings and and Situations that come and so whether it be the pink dolphins are the of the rivers that can turn into human beings and how their Uncle drowned because they were led into the water by one of these mythical one of these Dolphins. It turned into a human being and laid them in there or these enormous snakes and he's on this limp like spirits that people communicate with and things like that. And so and they talk about it in such a serious way that you can't help but believe them and then I So they had some sort of mind opening experiences of my own in relation to these types of things. And so it just showed me that one year in the heart of Nature. And in a sense there you're just surrounded by Jungle by trees by water and human beings no longer have this central place where they're surrounded by all of their own Creations their buildings and and you're in the bosom of the mystery and it's permeates through and you no longer a shore. What life is and you kind of lose your solid footing a little bit and it's interesting too because then when we that's an external level, but I personally think that we ourselves are very much like that once we get through initial to and this is my meditation is so great because when we dedicate ourselves to look inside and connect with what we really are, we start to move through the very structured sort of cities of our mind and our thoughts and our belief. And then when we get into that sort of more unconscious level we find that actually wear that mysterious jungle that is full of darkness and strange creatures and all these things. And so that mystery the most profound mystery lies within us but most of the time were dedicated to the outside world and so we're not actually in tuning ourselves to do that. Yeah get to that. He's like a drain exactly and I can't get rid of the dreamer. They're just like, oh they might have a strainer occurs. If you talk to my psychologist, they're like well, that means something that's your subconscious trying to tell you something and they end. Yeah, we just ignore these signals from inside even internally body signals. We just fob off as I will I must have eaten something bad. That's why I feel that feeling like physical feelings can happen to our body because our mind in Chinese medicine with the calipers are sharing is trying to contact with us and trying to let us know and we don't really You that much attention to it just dismiss those things exactly and the dream is a really good point because a dream like we connect with that sort of magical aspect of ourselves every single day every night when we go to sleep and yet if we have a profound experience in that then we'll over the side and say, oh it's just a dream and yet when we are experiencing it can actually see more real than when then when in Waking Life. Yeah, but can be very lucky Leaf you with a very lingering feeling like you're not Not you can't articulate it can't verbalize it properly but you've just got this feeling that you can't let go or something's something's different. And then you think oh, that's just a Java and you fob it off and get on with it get on with the day. Yeah, I think because it's comes back to society what Society values again money like you can't really make money out of you know, some of these things that you tweet that and then just in society before things office or they're not important. Yeah, but they are important to us and I think it's been Valuable having this conversation having this chat. And is there anything else you want to talk about? No, I think I just personally like as we've established. I'm not so experienced in practicing anything but just through my own experiences and through my own connections with life. I've come to realize that this what is I guess symbolized by Ling is such a profound form of healing and and in a large part requires the act of the individual so rather than generally we think when we're sick, then we can go to the doctor and they're going to treat us but when it comes to this type of healing it's a participatory thing so we can go I guess and we can get these treatments. But if we're not I guess putting our own work into it and I and our own intention into discovering this mystery of ourselves and the magic of life on Earth. Creative purpose then. I don't know if we'll ever really get there. Yeah, we only get so far you get to visit what and that's where I see patients. Just keep have to keep coming in for treatment and I don't turn those people away. But at the same time as a practitioner believe it or not. We don't want to have to keep coming in. We want you to get better and be discharged and be be on your way at some point, but it's like yeah, there's something so I can Chinese medicine I think of the cause of disease and one of those causes of diseases lifestyle. So and one of the lifestyle causes of disease is like like it is it should be probably better articulated as this like I think this purpose the sling should be part of it, but when just two diagnoses wipe it but when the Communists came in to put their flavor onto Chinese medicine so around the 1950s when China most likely what happened with Chinese medicine is all the different kinds of systems of Chinese medicine. What kind of accumulated into one traditional Chinese medicine and that's what they made they gave did a lot of formalization of things and one of the things they said in the in the stock standard. These are the causes of disease one was work goons or right so work as in like I think that well when I first learned it in back in as a seventeen-year-old I was like, oh, yeah that makes total sense here. Your work is your purpose right? And it is it is in a way, but I can see that now it's probably also part of a communist thing. You're bluffing are your work your work is your purpose and you will make it your phone because we gave you that job, but there is that your work as in what you do you could take that to me like what you do and what you do in your day-to-day life really like it's what you do in your day-to-day life that if you can structure your life towards that be more purposeful and that being more what you are designed to do. You will feel more happiness and a great resource that I give my patients is With each from a psychologist called Martin Seligman, he formulated the happiness movement or the happiness kind of psychology and he talks about discovering like your strengths and then looking at your strength. So for people that are watching this that are like at a level of like you feel like you're at Rock Bottom you feel like you're so depressed. You don't feel like there's any inkling of any purpose there. That would be a very good place to start is you can go on to I'll put the link below. It's called VI a strengths. It's a free thing. I'm not affiliated. Or anything with them or like in this isn't a paper ocean. It's just a resource that I use a lot and you can do this test for free and you can find out what your strengths are and then you can start from there and you can start to utilize the things that make like give you a sense of connection with what you're meant to be connecting with so like Fritz it's a might be if it's appreciation of beauty and then the way to go about it would be every day pick. Something a different way you could utilize appreciation of beauty. So it might be lying on the ground and looking up at the clouds. It might be going outside and finding some beautiful flowers or trees or something or appreciating Beauty even going around your own house and finding five beautiful things. Whereas if that's not a strength for you. You might have been listening back before your very eyes never lie down and look at the clouds like that sounds like a waste of time because there might be something else that you're more wide for and that would be your link. That would be your purpose right? Absolutely. Your Shaman dancing in to produce the rain, right? So not everyone's wide exactly the same and even Chinese medicine kind of recognizes that in other ways. So fantastic. It's been such a great talk. I'm something so happy to do this. Yeah, and so will put all the links Below in the description in the description. So if you want to find out any more information about what we've been talking about, and so thank you so much Glenn for being on the podcast and thank you very much for having me. All right. So if you're not a subscriber already and you like this content and make sure you click the Subscribe button below. The other things you can do is if you're listening on iTunes or Spotify, then you can go on there and leave a review that would really help to grow the channel. We've yeah, so if you really like this content and you want to see more of it, make sure you click the like and the Subscribe button you can share the videos with your friends and family, and I hope it's been useful and helpful to you and we look forward to well. I look forward to seeing you again soon and we might have gone back on to talk about. Or stuff because he's a wealth of knowledge and even though like actually I know some people with four degrees that can't articulate as good as you can let's fix your light and so it's not about having a degree or having a being a practitioner that's for qualified only thing I wanted to to talk today because you've got a wealth of knowledge and it's just that also that journey is important and so you I mean you could get tons of degrees. But if you didn't put that that nine years even you wouldn't be the same person, right? Absolutely. Yeah, and yeah if I could just share one last night. Yeah, it'd be that I myself I went to sort of to one extreme which is just in a sense just to pursue the mental the psychic the spiritual and all these types of things and But ultimately it was the biggest lesson was that true if you insist spirituality spirituality is to Bring your findings of the internal into the external so that you actually participate in the greater whole of humanity and of of the earth Community, I guess you could say and so in a sense that there's a huge value and benefit saying staying in a cave and meditating say and being a complete ascetic. But especially in this time of life. What we really need is for people to then share that Once the community and to help other people so in a sense, it's that moving towards a greater sense of wholeness not just within oneself but within the external so then that sort of balances the called the ascending and descending or internally external individual with the collective. And so that was a big lesson for me was that to return to the body and this is such a blessing of Chinese medicine to that all of this is found in the body and to come to a tangible sense of Of that magic rather than the Escape is tendency to just yeah, that's a big lost in my mind. Yeah Skype is we can have another conversation about that. Yeah. I know that quite well, I mean, I think that's why people do the things that they do like they get we get trapped in these habits of doing stuff to escape the fact that we don't have a purpose. I really like on and off, you know, Russell Brand's stuff online. He's got he's got heaps of he's got this under the skin podcast as well. And so a couple of other just just--hey just--hey stuff that he's been doing recently. It's very much in touch with that and something you mentioned before we started which we never talked about was like why you think this is important now or why it's popular now is because there's is it because it's just this massive need for it now, I think yeah, I think this is personally I find it's really a fascinating thing. I think if we look back saying the Chinese medical text most probably you're not going to find any Option to connect with link because as we spoke about that was sort of a given that we're living. It's like if you can imagine a fish swimming in water, they're swimming already within that water but since the time of the Enlightenment and the sort of disenchantment of the cosmos, we all of that has been condensed within us and now we look out in a material world in which there is no magic and we've also lost that sort of a sense of purpose which is great because it's made us more individuals or autonomous beings, but I think for the Evolution of our planet if we are to survive with all the current prices in that we need to connect with nature itself. Not just on a material Level with Statistics and all these things which are hugely important but connect with it on an internal level and that involves like connecting with with what sling in a sense represents. So I was thinking about that the other day that although you probably won't find it as a medicinal remedy. In the past it perhaps could be yeah in the presence of a prescribed prescribed in the sense to the whole of humanity so that we can get through the current predicament that were in. Yeah. Yeah, and so that we can work with nature just as the shamans are working with nature to do the creative act and be in sync with the movements of nature with the rain so that we can achieve in ourselves to Nature not just on an external level of intellectual knowledge. Actually in a deep level of finding the meaning within life. Yeah, so that we can a tune ourselves to the cosmos in that sense that we can live as one with. I think it's also like because of Technology, it's allowed us not to be at the mercy of nature em anymore. And so like let's say, you know because of electricity for one, we don't have to, you know, Turn the Lights we can have the lights on all night and be up all night if we want whereas if you didn't have electricity You wouldn't be able to do all the things you can do. So we were at one point. We were at the mercy and we've gone to this point if I owe now, we can control nature in a way that we can we can have ultimate control or do like air conditioning right? You don't have to go. Oh, it's so hot and that's a whole nother thing. I did a podcast episode just me talking the a few weeks ago on that on that topic that it says you got to find the where you fit in that spectrum of being at the mercy of Nature and controlling that you're in if you could if you Control it to the point where you don't respect it anymore. You're not in tune with it anymore because you're like right I own this far as I'm going to cut down all these trees to make a hundred tables and sell them whatever you going to do with it. Like that's that's the one end of the spectrum versus the other end of this spectrum of you know, not having not having a sore big enough meal big enough to do that, which is what we had before we had. You know, we just didn't have the technology to destroy nature as we do now, but there's got to be a balance there right somewhere in between there. Yeah, like an equilibrium between the two and I think yeah and I think it's that same balance of connecting the inner with the external because and the the move towards, you know, living in physical reality with the living in sort of a more intangible reality so that all of these things need to be combined and brought into balance and like you said now that there's such a movement towards Meditating or seeking out Chinese medicine and all these things seems to be a sign that human beings are searching for this. What what has been lost. Yeah. And so yeah, it's good. It starts with the searching. So thank if in fact thanks for thanks for searching and finding us here. And so I'm probably just going to leave it there today. But yeah, we will have another chat about this stuff. So so it's so interesting and if you like this content, you've got other questions or you'd like Learn to ask at see your other questions. Why don't you put them in the comments below and we'll have him back on again, and we'll chat about your other questions about your existential being and your life purpose and Wing. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us today. Thank you for having me. Yeah, no problem. It's my pleasure and we look forward to seeing you again on the next episode.
Today’s guest is Glenn Bowman, a student and scholar of Chinese Medicine. First we talk about his journey into Chinese medicine and his 9 year journey toward finding greater meaning in life, connection and exactly what we are discussing today Ling. Glenn shares his wealth of knowledge about the importance of meditation from his own life experience and now as a student of Acupuncture. I realise this is alot longer than our regular content. Please grab a coffee or a tea and enjoy the converstation. . While Marie may answer your questions, all answers are not of a professional consultation level - it is impossible to check your pulse through the internet, hence Chinese medicine cannot be practiced properly through the internet. If you have any undiagnosed symptoms, or changes in your health condition The Chinese Medicine Podcast urges you to see your own doctor, GP, Chinese medicine practitioner, acupuncturist or other health professional as appropriate. If it is an emergency call 000 in Australia. If you are unsure if this advice is appropriate for your individual situation ask your own practitioner before applying any diet or lifestyle techniques /concepts discussed in this video. Marie Hopkinson and The Chinese Medicine Podcast wishes you the best of health and improvement in your own health journey.
Hello cheap home growed Nation. This is sham a coma from the chief homegirl podcast and on today's show. I have a j AKA can can grow on Instagram and YouTube That's CA n CA n n gr. OU W. I've talked to over 60 Growers since starting my podcast and ITell AJ knew exactly what he was talking about. Just based on the vibe. I got from him within the first few minutes of talking to him. He has a massive indoor grow operation of which you can see on episode 9 of growing with my fellow Growers. I felt the cheap home grow Nation could benefit from having him on the show. So the topic AJ and I decided to talk about was how does one dial in their grow operation? During this podcast episode AJ and I covered various sub topics such as budget growing in a simplistic way propagation environment nutrients growing style growing process post-harvest disaster management and grow room management. I spoke with AJ for nearly two hours. So I opted to break this podcast and to Two different parts. This is part 1 and part 2 will be airing tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. Eastern time. Please rate review subscribe and enjoy the show. Hello and welcome to the cheap home grow podcast a show for individuals that want to learn more about growing cannabis indoors. This is a podcast dedicated to helping you with your indoor growing Adventure. You'll learn how to grow your own and not have to rely on others for your medicine the cheap home grow podcast will also feature timely interviews with cannabis industry. Veterans shaping the culture and politics of cannabis. All right here is your host Shane McCormick and the cheap home grow podcast. Hello everybody. This is Shea McCormick from the cheap home grow podcast. And on today's show. We have AJ from can Canna grow on Instagram and YouTube and On his YouTube. He has nearly 2,000 subscribers. And on his Instagram. Let me check it out right now. He has a little over 500 currently at the time of this recording and AJ. He is going to be coming on the show today and we are going to be talking about how to dial in your grow and not in other words how to get the well how to get the maximum out of your grow and like I said, he can be found on. You and Instagram at can can grow that CA n CA n n gr. OU W. But before we get into the topic of conversation AJ, if you could could you please tell my audience a little bit about yourself? Sure and let me start off by saying that I really appreciate you having me on the show Sharon and as far as myself goes. I've been really focused on plenty enough that the topic is dialing in I've been really focused and engulfed in my grow for the past two years, dr. Than dialing it in for the specific purpose of finding out. What is the best way to produce the highest quality and highest yielding medicine from and being able to take that from a Personal grow environment into a much larger project that I've been working on. I'm not at Liberty right now to kind of go into too many details, but a lot of what I've been doing has been focused on that. So it's been non-stop research and effort over the past couple years prior to that. I was involved with some a CMP our medical grows up here in Canada work. Working for various ones somewhere more formal than others were just some friends grows all under medical licenses. So, I mean that's that's how I got into growing cannabis and obviously for my entire life. I've kind of been exposed to to this plant and this medicine but probably more so The past few years. Okay. Alright and you know, I mean, I don't mean to to delve deep here, but I am curious and you know, and if you don't want to to answer this this question that that's you know, that's perfectly okay with me but I am curious about something why in the past couple of years have you really I guess did a deep dive of your cannabis knowledge. I mean, I mean what you know, what's the yeah. I mean if you've been around cannabis for a A long time then why all of a sudden you decided to to to basically learn how to to grow your own? Yeah. No, no problem. Well up here in Canada. I'm in Canada and this entire industry as it is now anyways is something that's been a topic of conversation here over the past the recent years. Last couple of years or so so with legalization happening this past October 17th, I believe in was and everything leading up to that just naturally for myself. Anyways with friends family and colleagues thinking about how we might be able to support and impact the community up here in Canada as that. In addition happened was something that was of great interest to me. And so as as those conversations got more detailed. I found that where I really wanted to be involved and where I think where I felt I could provide the most benefit and impact would be in the cultivation. And so so that's why I really that's specific reason, okay. All right. All right, sir. We'll listen. I do appreciate you coming on the show, but I'll tell you what. I mean, let's let's get right into the meat of the conversation. Right? And you know, really my my first question for you is and and yes, it's a rather, you know, it's a rather broad question. But with that being said my question to you is this how does one go about dialing in their? Grow and really getting the maximum amount of cannabis out of what it is that they are growing. I mean, what does you know, what does excuse me? I'm what should one do and also what one shouldn't do, right? So as you mentioned, this is a pretty extraordinary pretty broad net here, but we'll try and keep our what we'll try and stay on topic sure, but so let me start I guess by saying that everything that we'll talk about here applies specifically to endure gross although some of it because apply to Growing Outdoors, but I'm an indoor grower and I believe that the beauty of growing indoors is that it literally allows you to control a hundred percent of your grow virtually and every aspect Of your Grosso and when you have that ability when you have the ability to do that, then obviously, you know in my opinion dialing it in just becomes part of the process. So before we get into specific areas that you would want to look at I think just some general points here. Is that one if you're going to get into growing your own. Then the first thing I said, I would always say is you have to plan ahead planning ahead is the first step to being able to dial in your grow. And then I think that you have to ask yourself. I think you'll find as we go over certain points. There's just I think there's a lot of questions that people need to answer for themselves. And if they answer them honestly and correctly it'll it'll help them to be successful. And not only dialing in their grow but you know in producing the best quality medicine for themselves. So the other thing that I think that people need to ask themselves is when they're thinking about that plan is what your budget you can you know, really you can approach this and you can you can be successful. So I point to make there is that it doesn't matter what your budget is. Okay, you can be successful regardless of what that is. Don't have to you know, you can you can be successful on a shoestring. It's perfectly fine, but you need to know that going in. Okay, if you don't, you know, if you don't specify what that is. Well, you could find yourself in some trouble as you'll see what we'll talk about some points. Sorry. Go ahead. You mentioned that you don't have to be on a huge budget, which is great because I mean as you know, I mean my my podcast it's called cheap home grow, you know, so it's it's It's targeting the person that I mean really is growing either for the first time or maybe they have you know, or maybe they have a couple of grows under their belt. But you know, they're not all that experienced. So piggybacking off of what you just said in terms of a budget, you know, I mean how much in your opinion or really in your experience? I mean how much money does one have to spend in order to get you know a fairly Yield and not have to spend that much money in your opinion. Well, okay, so that's a bit of a loaded question as I'm sure you know, so it's a perfectly valid one. I think the important thing first. Like I said is to have a budget I think a lot of people maybe, you know get really excited and they jump into it and they forget to have that budget and then they come across things that they find a they need and maybe they've overspent on one area and now don't have enough to you know set up something. Siri and another so I mean as far as the budget goes you can do it for as little in my opinion you can do it for as little as a couple hundred bucks if you're really resourceful and you know, I think a lot of a lot of people would would be able to vouch for that. But like I said, there's so many things that kind of factor into that and I don't want to jump ahead to other subjects but I mean You just look at purchasing the right genetics that in and of itself at a couple hundred dollars budget. If you're not careful that could eat up your whole budget sure so, you know, but if you're resourceful and you may be local contacts who might be able to point you in the direction of someone who might be able to gift you some, you know some seeds or what have you then, you know, of course that if that's what your budget is then you know you Maybe go that route and that's when I talk it that's what I mean, you know have a Target number in mind that that you can stick to because and that again that ties right into planning ahead. So now I mean what can your budget be the honest truth is for someone who's real enthusiasts and hobbyists regardless of how much they're able to grow in the garden. I mean the answer that budget is how much Do you have I mean, you're gonna go you can really just you can just keep going right and I think and I hope I hope that you know through this conversation. It'll help people decide where they want to where they want to invest their money because it's a sliding scale meaning that so the question you you added a caveat to that question, which was you know to produce good quality and yield High. Well, here's a the fact that Act is the more you can invest the more likely you're going to yield more and produce better quality the less you're able to invest the fact is I'm not saying it's not possible but you will likely produce a little you know, your quality and your yield me suffer. Let's put it that way sure right. So it's a sliding scale. Right? Right. Yeah. I mean it's, you know, I guess to to basically summing up. Up, the more money you spend the more money. You're going to yield the less money. You spend the less you are going to yield pretty much. Yes, you can potentially be on let's let's go right let's let's throw that in there. Right because you know, I know some unbelievable Growers who can out produce people on the fraction of the button on the budget. So just just a little caveat in there. So it's maybe some people don't so people don't go thinking. Okay. Well here I'm just going to throw a bunch of money at it and buy it. Find out. Oh, man, that didn't work. Yeah, that's that's true. Yeah. Yeah my my mistake there and you know, I mean I should you know, it's like anything else when I should I should know better by now. But yeah, I mean I completely completely understand where you are coming from for sure. Absolutely. Um, I'm sorry and that's what we're talking about investing. I guess. It doesn't in my opinion. It doesn't just come down the money the question you need to ask yourself to is how much time I'm can you invest in it and I'd like a you know, this is just something some people have more time than others. And once again, that's really going to affect some of your decisions on you know, how what type of scale you're looking, you know to be able to or how much you're going to be able to scale your group. So I think that's important too. That's true. Yeah, that's that's that's a good point. I mean, you know it and I mean, you know in terms of time, I mean it really it depends on you know, I guess in a way it does depend on what what medium you are growing and I mean if you're growing in soil, I'm not saying it doesn't take time or I'm not saying you don't have to invest time because you certainly do but if you're growing and say Hydro, it's I mean in my now I've never grown in in Hydro, but from what I understand and I've talked to a lot of people that do in my opinion and not In my non-professional opinion Hydro, it's a little bit more labor intensive than say growing in soil. I mean, would you agree or would you not agree with that statement? Not necessarily and I think you know, you'll find with a lot of our topics of conversation here. There's there's always going to be a but right and when it comes to when it comes to Hydroponics, for example, like solo I'll use myself as an example. Okay? You know one of the reason so I originally started growing in dirt and specifically I guess what some may call a semi soilless mix which is like promix HP going in pots and what have you and had a lot of success doing that but I found and I know that it's not and it wasn't organic. It wasn't what you were referring to a little bit in your Austin but I changed my setup to Hydroponics to be able to free up time because that the set up you know, how you said that up will allow you for example to automate some processes and that's not to say you can't do that with dirt, you know, but the fact of the matter is you can you can save yourself time. It's what I'm getting at with Hutch, but now it does require you I think. The one point there with Hydroponics is it does require you to be much more on top of all aspects of your grow and being able because sit, you know, there's more moving parts. So more risk of failures sure exactly. So, you know, you have to be attentive to that now, you know, so it's in my opinion. It really just depends because I don't think growing medium matters. As much to the amount of time you can invest as the size of your grow for example, because I don't care what you're growing in if you're growing more plants, it's going to take more time the style of your grow. Are you, you know, are you growing and we'll talk a bit about this, you know, are you growing a sea of green and just allowing your plants naturally grow or are you or are you training doing a significant amount of plant training to you know, Maximize your your space. So all of these things are going to involve different amounts of time. Right? So, you know the every I just I think that it doesn't it definitely doesn't just depend on growing medium. It also depends on you know, how what kind of grower you are. Like, there are some that are what I call I call them green thumbs or they just you know, they just they play it. By ear so the speed and then there's people like me who have a bit of a an IT background. For example, I'm very detail-oriented. So I'm the type of person that likes I need to know every single every single detail and be in control of that that makes sense. So so those those things will affect how much time you need to invest in your in your grill. Yeah. Yeah. I mean I can I We agree with that because I've I've seen your grow on Skype and I got to say it is it is impressive. I wish you know, I wish the the podcast listeners can see it because I mean wow, it's I mean, I got to say it's I mean I've I mean I've interviewed well not so much interviewed. I've talked to now, I don't know maybe 55 60 maybe even 70 home Growers and yours. It's got to be one of the most impressive it is. All right, I appreciate that. I appreciate your kind words and it's just you know from a hobby standpoint. I mean, I enjoy kind of, you know, tweaking it and finding just what kind of what kind of limits we can we can breach and so yeah for sure. Okay. All right. Well AJ, let's let's I tell you what, I mean we went off a little well sorta a little off topic there. But I mean, let's Let's let's backtrack a little bit and really let's get let's let's talk about really how to dial in your grow. And the first thing that you mentioned is budget which which which you know, which certainly makes sense and we did, you know, sort of a deep dive on that. But I mean what what other I guess what other other things should a home grower be concerned about when trying to dial in their grow Okay, so Let's I'm gonna you know that I kind of thought about this a little bit and I think there's I kind of broke it down at the specific areas that you would want to look at when dialing things in and before I highlight what those areas are even with what we've already talked about just specifically for your listeners. Listen. I just want to encourage people keep things simple like we may touch on a lot of topics and you know, we may die. And you know throw a lot of details either like even right now somebody listening might think oh my goodness, you know, they're just considering going and and even from what we just discussed. Wow, you know, I got to think about all these things. Look don't think that everything we talk about here complicates things. So my what I encourage people is start Simple Start basic and build your bro. So meaning it's kind of like, you know, if you're going to get in the groin or if you buy a car you buy a car and then you add you soup it up. So to speak later, you know with your grow start with something basic just get started. That's the key right so don't get don't get caught up in all the details now with that said the areas that I think that people can dial in their grow. So to speak one is in propagation, you know, where you start what you're starting with and in case you you know again for With respect to beginners propagation. I'm really more specifically talking about are you going to start with seeds or clones? And so and so forth and there are things to dial in with that another area that I think you can dial in obviously as environment. That's a pretty wide topic but definitely an area that especially growing indoors because you're not going Outdoors where mother nature of than you know, your environment your indoors you can you literally are in Control of every aspect of your grow another area where you dial in is in nutrients how you decide to provide or not provide nutrients to your plants? And when I say that obviously I'm referring to people who grow maybe is no till or organically or with super soils where you know, you're relying on that the medium of the Axon. You know and inorganic you're actually not being your plant your feet and your your dirt. So to speak you're speeding soil. So you dial in with that another area where you dial in is your growing style you need to you can dial in how it is that you want how it is that you want to grow when I say growing style. I mean, you know, I've touched on a little bit earlier. Are you someone who wants to do a sea of green? Are you somebody that only wants to work, you know, you can you can take a five by five ten. So this week let's say a five by five grow area or grow tent and there are many different ways that you can grow in that you can grow for me. For example, I'm a sea of green grower where I have to produce the yield. I want I have many plans for example in the 5x5 area. I have 20 plants. Whereas somebody if they wanted to produce a certain yield can grow just one plant and yield the same thing, but there are considerations for that. So you have to That's another area where you would dial things in another area where you dial things in is a good you're growing process. You know, how are you going to irrigate, you know type of type of water so on and so forth and then another one is post-harvest how you're going to dial in what you're going to do. Once your Harvest is done. Another area is disaster management. How are you going to dial in or Handle, if things go wrong power outage water outage pest infestation. So and so forth and again, you know, I'm sorry rattling all these off and I think the point of consideration and some of these may be added the scope of this episode of this conversation, but definitely worth considering grow room management, you know dialing in how you're going to keep things clean. We're going to store things how you're going to dispose of things and so on and so forth. So those are the areas that I broke it down. Okay. Yeah. Well, you know Jesus, you know, if I mean, I mean, thank you AJ. I mean we've got I mean, yeah, we have you know, your first one is to you know, keep it simple keep it basic and then propagation environment nutrients growing style growing process post-harvest disaster management and room Room management. Okay. Wow. Did I did I forget anything that I don't think I don't think ya know you got them. All right. Yeah myself. So I mean I'm down into this into this podcast. There you go. Well, I mean, you know something though. I mean I freaking should write I mean, it's my own podcast for Christ sakes. I mean, you know, come on right? Yeah. But you know some I'll tell you what, I mean, let's you know, I mean we don't have to do I mean like like what you just mentioned that mean a few of these might be even out of the scope of this podcast. So really, I mean, you know, really if you wanted to come back on and do another podcast and and deep dive some of these topics that would that would be okay with me, but I'll tell you what let's you know, we talked about budget. I'll tell you what let's let's keep it. Well, let's Let's keep it simple and basic and really again, I know this is this is a very broad question. I understand that and probably during this podcast. I'm going to ask you probably quite a few more broad questions, but you know, you mentioned keep it simple and keep it basic. Okay fine. So my question to you is AJ, how does one keep it simple and keep it basic when either they are first starting to grow or like I said, you know a little while ago they have a You grows under their belt, but they still you know, they're not, you know, they're not, you know, quote Master Growers so to speak but you know, they've been around the plant they've had a few harvest in the past. So really what is your advice to those different types of people in you know, in your opinion. Well the best way I can say to keep it basic is for those individuals is try not to compare yourself or to other people or think that you can read like we live in a day and age right now where which is awesome we have access to so much information with regards to this specifically to being able to cultivate, you know, this awesome plan and but the the I find that one of the potential downfalls of that is people will look at that and say oh I How to do that I gotta do this, I gotta you know, and they try and mimic a lot of that one when really in some of those cases like for again, I'll use myself an example if somebody were to be able to see my set up my grow and and even try and mimic so to speak some of my processes like those took literally years to establish. So keeping it simple first off is you know realize what you want to get out of it and kind of stay true to that meaning that you know, if this is if you're you're maybe your main objective is to actually just to save yourself some money so that you don't have to be paying astronomical prices at your local dispensary or what-have-you. Well then, you know ask yourself. You know, how much how much really do I want to produce? Bruce, you know each Harvest instead of for example, some people fall in the Trap of you know, thinking that they're unsuccessful if they're not producing quote-unquote pounds, you know, like that's it doesn't that you know, or they read. Oh, I read that you have to produce some such-and-such per watt and blah blah blah. That doesn't that may not apply to you. Right? Right, so don't over complicate, you know, and sometimes people feel Oh, oh, it's not going well, or they look at pictures on Instagram and then they'll compare them to what's going on with their grow. Look, you know why you're growing your hair grow. And do you want to make it better sure and that's why you'll want to dial things in so that the next time you'll make it better but don't over complicate it don't you know, your don't spend your time chasing your tail because that you can do that man. You can look at your plants and say, oh they don't look like this one. They don't or I don't You know and they end up going to their local hydro store. And then oh, I do look at this. They look at that. They're looking the shelves and before you know it they've totally lost where they're at. They probably spent a hell of a lot more money. They wanted to and their grow most importantly is probably suffering instead of flourishing, you know, so pick the number of plants you want to grow or know how much you want to produce, you know, germinate the seeds put it in the dirt and just and let it do its thing. I mean you'd be Be surprised how well, you know this plant will do with just a little bit not a ton a little bit of TLC, you know, you know, yeah, you know, listen II completely, you know, I understand where you are coming from because I mean as as many of my sister has no I mean, I'm not the best grower in the world. Actually. I started this podcast to you know, really to educate myself and I mean, you know, I don't want to sound like a like a braggadocio, but I think I think I am not just educating myself. But I am I am educating quite a few people which is which is an AA always you know, which is a nice thing to do of course, right? Right. And and really, I mean, I understand, you know where you are coming from entirely because I just went through my first harvest with you know in my buddies grow chamber and really I'm I mean it was it was a I grew a automatic a germinated seed at the beginning of January and I you know something I didn't give it any nutrients at all. And you know, I just well I just dried and cured it and it took me, you know the entire process it took me maybe like 85 maybe like 90 days or so and really you know, and You know, I it was you know, it was exceedingly simple. All I did was give it water either once or twice a day 500 milliliters of water and at the end of that of that say like 90 days I had you know, it's not a great yield, but I had I have about you know, approximately an ounce and a half. So I mean again, it's not great. But but you know something for me and Where and where I am, you know currently at in my growing game for me. It's absolutely perfect. And and I'm completely happy and I am completely completely happy with it. So really you're you know, you're sick your suggestion to keep it simple and basic for me. It completely makes sense because that's exactly what I did and I'm really happy that you you know that you put it that way because that that reassures what you know what I am currently doing so You know, well, you know that that's awesome. And you know, the one the only one thing I'll disagree with you on is when you say, you know wasn't great. I think it's great. It is great because it you you did it you you you got what you wanted out of it and out of it and you you enjoyed it. I mean and that's great and sure. I mean we're just as people, you know, and particularly as Growers sure we want better and that's fine, you know, and you can make it Greater, but It's great and I just thought I just want people you know who are in the city because your story is awesome and there are kind of your listeners who are probably living the same story right now and I don't want them looking at the my disabled. Well, it's not great. No, it's great and you'll make better but it's great. Right? Exactly. Exactly. Yeah, let's yeah, let's let's let's make our grows great again. So there you go. Alright. Yeah. Alright well I mean, you know, we've talked about budget, you know, keeping it simple and basic, you know, let's I mean, let's let's say we're let's let's go down this this list here. I mean assuming that you have some time. I don't know, you know, yeah. Okay. Yeah, I definitely have time then what would you like? I said just to kind of preempted it, you know, if we don't get the chance to cover, you know, everything I I kind of laid these out in I guess in order of what I think is important. Orton for a beginner grower and newer grower for someone who's restructuring their grow to look into so, you know, we'll start at the the first you know, and then we'll go on because some of the other things aren't necessarily things they have to consider right away, right? Sure. Absolutely So to that point I guess we'll start with we'll start with the propagation propagation. Yes. Yes. What nation right, right. Yeah. Well, yeah. I'm sorry, I what were you going to say their age? I just you know, I what I have kind of know that years propagation. / what are you going to start with? Ok now so basically, you know the, you know staying true to dialing it in for you to be able to know how you know where to dial things in the first thing to the first thing I understand or first thing to to know. No is what am I am I going to be growing from seed or my growing from clones? Because that is there are two different approaches there, right? And and then you want to ask yourself some point that you brought up which was a very valid one is what am I going to be growing? Am I going to be growing a photo period plant for those that are who don't know what that is. We're talking about plants where you are in control of when they will go in the flour because they're photosensitive or are you going to grow on auto flower which takes out that variable, you know there again, it's not in the scope of this conversation. There's there's pros and cons depending how you I don't like to say cons because I think they're both awesome. I've grown them both. I am specifically for in case The viewers our listeners are wondering I am a photo period grower. I am not currently growing any other flowers, but they're depending on your setup that maybe the way that works best for you know for you but I you need to decide am I going to grow out of flowers or am I going to grow for the periods and now my suggestion for people first off with the seeds and clones is start from seed. That's my suggestion sure if you're able to Start from seed why because well one it's just in my opinion. It's a really fun way to start, you know, your cultivation hobby, you know watching and see Germany. They're learning how you know, I think that that's cool. But the second thing is you are your now allowing you're in control of not bringing in potential problems in your Gardens into your garden. Sorry, because when you start to look for places to acquire clones and what have you you are potentially already starting with some problems they bring in past that they bring in disease and so on and so forth when you're growing from seed your you know, what happened to that plant is all on you. That's yeah, that's true. That that's a good point because when you're grown from clone, I mean you don't I mean you have no No idea what the hell you're bringing into your garden, you know, you just you just haven't you just have no clue, right? Yeah, the one benefit of going from clone. If you have seen the type of Bud type of flower that that mother plant has produced then the nice thing about it is you already know what to what you're going to expect whereas from seed. There's always that you know, unknown variable different phenotypes and you know, but I definitely recommend starting from seed and one point on that too. So when I thought about dialing in and specifically about this particular area where you can dial in here is you just eat where you going to do the leg work here after you answer those questions and my growing from seed what type of you know, what type of plant my growing is you need to dial in or vet your Source meaning I can't say enough that probably the most important Up here to being able to finish with a strong product and successful result is start with strong genetics. You're never going like I've because you know, you can if you start with strong genetics, you could be an inexperience and I don't mean this in a derogatory way but a subpar grower and still produce quality bud you could be Be the best grow on the planet. If you have poor genetics, you are never going to be happy with the result. Sure. So, right okay. Yeah exactly, but I don't mean interrupted there, but I'll tell you what, I mean, here's here's a little side question that I have for you and really again, this is a very broad question. But how do you tell what are good genetics and what are what are bad? So, you know with that you're going to want to make sure that the source of your the source of your seeds is from a very reputable and proven breather or what would I call them seed bank or retailer sure, you know with the way and I think it's awesome with the way that the landscape is changing for the Cannabis industry. It's great because it's starting to give people so So many options out there now the cat the problem is everybody in their mother is starting to maybe jump on this and there are so many in my experience. There's so many I don't want to put any down but there's so many seed banks coming up that are I'm not going to accuse them of being malicious, but they're putting out genetics that are just really poor quality. I've seen it. Yeah. No way. There's no way to sugarcoat that button. So at the end of the day, how do you do that? Well, you're going to have to make sure that you get I would suggest getting referrals from trusted sources ideally from people that you know, specifically who are experiencing industry. If you don't have that, for example, then you know, if you're forced to have to maybe look for that online then do so, but make sure you are. Again that your wedding the source of that information and who is providing that information and another way you can do it is listen to shows like the cheap home grow because some people that are speaking on there are speaking from experience and they will point you in the right direction of what where to go and where not to go right? Well, well, you know, I think you know again, I appreciate that that's that is a very a very flattering statement man. So You know, thank you AJ and I appreciate that dude. All right. Well, okay fair enough. I mean, I'll tell you what let's you know, let's let's let's go down the the list. Let's continue on this journey right now. How about now? The next one on your list is environment now. Yes. Okay. I mean let's talk about one's environment when growing and mean, you know, if well, you know, I mean now Now I know I can ask you about this and have you talked about it, but doesn't environment. I mean doesn't it have a large part to do with your growing meet with your growing medium or or a No-No what I say environment, so we're creating. So let me let me just make a point that you know, it's something I have on with regards to medium here at my opinion that first. Yes the Some the the primary purpose of growing medium is basically to hold the plant up. I mean your growing medium is there so your plant has somewhere to Anchor itself the I know that some people are going to like this. That's that's just but that's that it that is the main purpose. It serves now different growing mediums bring different value to the plan meaning that you know, you you know it can A change different mediums allow you to basically provide nutrients or certain things that the plant needs and different it, you know in different ways, but it really that you know, that doesn't dictate anything to do with environment. So when I talk about environment, it doesn't matter what Medium you're growing in. Okay, these you know these these this matter all the same need for example, if you're going I'm wrong, I grown rock wall or if you're an organic grower hot temperature is still the same whatever temperature, you know, we we need to control. We need to control a certain, you know, growing plants in a certain range. Ideally, right? Another another aspect of environment is, you know airflow Whoa. Well again, I don't care what Medium you're growing in, you know good airflow is necessary. It doesn't matter what Medium you're growing in you need light, you know, so these when I talk about environment, I'm talking about temperature humidity light air exchange air circulation. So regardless of medium those things have to be dialed in and you need to consider that when you're you know, if you're considering Getting it starting growing or if you already have an existing grow and you want to step up your game or if you want to fix a problem and you know, and you need to look at battling in your environment. This is what you're going to look at. You know, what what are my temperatures? How am I going to control my temperature? What is my humidity? How am I going to control my humidity? What type of light source do I have or am I going to use how much are Change or lack of air exchanges there and what what am I going to use to circulate air? So these are things that if you grow outdoors, it's all taken care of for you. Right if you're an indoor grower. Well now, you know, you are the one that is, you know, your plants are relying on you to supply all of this right and at that so and it's really not I you know, another thing I want to point out with this is I don't want Hours to get so caught up. There is an ideal. There's a sweet spot 100% rare plants, but if you can't going back to the budget and you may not have the budget to hit that sweet spot in your grow. You just might not you know don't panic. I mean, you know, we have resilient plants they will still grow but depending on how severe you have an issue with some These things it just you just something's got to give so it may affect a certain, you know, it may affect yield. For example, if your temps are just way way way too high it may, you know, affect your yield and you know a little bit so the but it doesn't mean it's not going to grow. It doesn't mean that you can't produce bud and it doesn't mean that your flower is not going to be you know potent it can be it can be done. Just don't get so caught up but It is an ongoing process and something that you'll want, you know, people will want to work on and always want to well dial in right so exactly so yeah, I think that I think that that's oh and another I just as I looked at my notes here. Another thing to consider is it's an extra consideration is older suppression. You might want to you know, when you're talking about your environment. Are you going to be okay with you know? Completely dank smelling house. And hey, that's great. You know or maybe I dang smelling neighborhood depending on what you're drawing that's you know, or do you know I is this going to be something you you're going to have to concern yourself with? Right, right. That's that's true. Yeah, that's a good that's like, you know some that's a good question because it's funny because I I got asked that question by a gentleman this past Sunday night on the live stream and he's like, well, you know what? You know what carbon filter would you recommend? You know that I buy so I don't have any smell my house. And I mean, I guess it all really depends on how big your grow is and you know, so on and so forth the mean, you know depends on how many plants are in there, you know, so, you know, I mean, I don't know I mean it you know, and it also the depends on if you have a wife if you have a girlfriend, you know, do they mind All that weed and mean if you know, it's like I said, there's the everybody everybody so I find you know to that point like this is the thing. This is why sometimes I get concerned, you know online and online forms for example, or or just or other videos, and I'm not saying that and to be fair even you know on some of the some of your shows that I've listened to I try not to give or when I Give it advice or if I answer a question. I try not to say look this this I try and point out that this is a general answer but it may not apply to your you know, all situations because everybody's situation is different, right? So what is the right answer for one person may not necessarily be the right answer for another so, you know, I just say it it definitely is some some point of consideration I think by and large Still most people want to be able to suppress over there in the gross, but you know, hey, everybody's different. Sure. Yeah, right exactly. Exactly AJ. Um, well, I'll tell you what. Yeah, we did a little bit of a deep dive with environment. I'll tell you what, let's go. Let's go down the list. Let's talk about nutrients. All right. Sorry. I'm just before we leave environment. Okay, if people are you know, we're listening and say, okay. Well, that's great. You pointed out that out, but You know, we haven't how do I dial all these things in it? So for an example, you know when you're talking at just I won't get I don't want to get too far into it. But you know winter for example, if you're looking at temperature, I think the most obvious thing that if you're if you're new to Growing your biggest battle with temp is going to be high temperatures because everything in your garden almost everything in your garden is going to produce heat particularly your light so it's being a you I know that the struggle for most gardeners is how do I lower temps the simple answer to that is well, you know is AC but that's not always that's not always doable for everybody. So, you know having some type of an exhaust the more that you can exhaust the easier it is that you're going to be able to control temperatures and so on so forth. So, you know, you'll want to dial in temperatures based on that humidity obviously, you know, depending on your environment you may need a dehumidifier or a humidifier depending on if you live in the you know in The Damp or dry environment if you're taught if you're if you're talking about lights how you dialing? Your lights is oh, I mean that in itself is a whole episode, you know, obviously you got to determine what type of light you're going to use and nine times out of ten. The type of light you're going to use is usually going to be determined by your budget. That's the Bottom line, I you may want to use a certain light and it just may not it may not fit in your budget. Another thing will be if I talked about are exchanged. Well you just seem to make sure so for those that are looking to grow in a closet you have to think about how you're going to get fresh air in there. Your plants are going to need fresh air and a constant supply of CO2 and you know, not an external Supply. I'm not going to jump into Ooh it but for those that are saying oh, I'm going to get Co2 look unless you have a sealed environment my personal opinion on that is you're wasting your time. But CO2. So that's a you know, well, you know CO2 in an average are it's 400 parts per million of CO2. If you're going to supplement your garden with CO2 unless it's a closed environment. It's constantly going to be dissipating. So unless you're able to maintain Over 900 ppm's in there. You're not in my opinion. You're really not going to see a benefit and the real the only way you're going to see significant and there will be significant benefits and to yield if you can get it up to 1500 or 1600 ppm's but you're never going to do that unless it's a sealed environment. So right yes, that's so I mean, that's that's okay. Yeah that I mean that is a lot of that is a shit ton of friggin ppm's man. Holy holy. Christ I mean, you know, yeah, but that's and that's it that's sweet. But that's where they loved it actually possible deal more even mm. I have you I mean once you get up to 4000 ppm's it's actually going to start to kill the plants. But you know, you're never going to you know, and the way they get sealed it and see this is where when we talk about dialing in can you you know, is it possible? Like if you're gonna have a sealed environment then you're not exhausting. Well, that means if you're not exhausting then you need to find another way to deal with temperatures and so on so they All they're all intertwined, but sorry, I don't want to go off intended on the CO2 thing. But you know, you want to you want to have the exchange, you know, you know, if as long as you can get decent are exchanging their you're going to have you're going to be able to produce great results not good results, you're still be able to you will be able to produce great results without CO2. I don't use CO2. None of my tanks are sealed environment. So I don't bother I just don't I just don't bother. either so so that's the you know, the are exchanged and then obviously air circulation you have to you have to have some sort of air circulation in there or else you will almost certainly start to deal with issues with mold or powdery mildew or you know, or other things, you know, you'll have hot spots in your garden where certain plants will You know be suffering because air is not being circulated around its own self. So anyways, I know we want to move on but I just want to make those points you'll want when you're talking about dialing in your environment. You're going to want to look at all these things, you know, circulation fans and exhaustion. So and that's that's how you'll be able to know those in. Okay. All right. Yeah, so basically take take inventory of your environment and basically go from there and and adjust as needed. David absolutely, you know fair enough. Okay. All right. Well, I'll tell you what AG let's I mean if let's let's talk. Let's talk a little bit about nutrients. I mean how you know, how does one? You know, how does one dial in their newts when growing their own right? So, you know with nutrients the first thing I mean the first thing to an earlier point you brought up is are you going to be using them, you know? Do you want to grow with nutrients? And you know, I'm one we're talking about. Do you want to use nutrients? We are talking about synthetic nutrients and I try to stay away from calling it that because it almost sounds like you, you know, her people who don't have experience. They almost you know, they think oh it's bad to use synthetic newts. No, they're just their nutrients. They're good. They're fine. They're clean. Sorry, you know, they They in when you use the word synthetic people automatically think chemical and when they think chemical well chemical and in their minds chemical and Medicine cannabis. It shouldn't be the same sentence. If not, you can produce absolutely clean cannabis clean medicine using a synthetic nutrient line up. Okay, but with I said if you don't want to use that you can grow organically and organically is essentially again for those that may not know it's just the way it's growing in a way where the the culture of bacteria that you feed in in the dirt is going to supply your plants with everything they need so you're not going to be feeding the plants. You're feeding the dirt. You're keeping your lid. A living bio organisms. I'm not a huge scientist and clearly I don't grow organically, but you're going to keep that alive which will in turn keep your plant alive. So, you know, definitely you want to decide whether you're going to use nukes. Now, if you've made the decision and most people will usually at least try nutrients at some time. They may decide to go organic, you know grow organic and that's your choice. You know, they may have their own reasons to do so, but they will most likely at least try it on, you know nutrients at some point and if that's the case then you need to decide well, which nutrients are you going to use and my answer to that is quite simply just I mean just pick one, you know, my experience has been that they all almost almost all of them have what your the basic things. Is that your plant needs, you know, there's very few nutrient lineups that are going I don't really know any of that either on the shelf that are going to harm your plants there. You know, it's just some neutral lineups may come across as more confusing for people because they have so many different things. But every every nutrient lineup has what they call a Des okay, so you have your base nutrients, for example, if you have botanic are you know, they have their you know, every nutrient has a base if you're using Advance Nutrients, for example, they have their base 1 part 2 part 3 part whatever and then they have you so in addition their base, they always have additives or supplements. All right, you don't need supplements to grow great. Flower, you know once you know what you can do with the base, then you can add things to see if you can improve things. So don't overcomplicate it pick your nutrients use the base. I use General Hydroponics three-part. Okay, I use the florist series most three parts have what they call a micro a grow and the bloom so it's a liquid nutrient. So I General Hydroponics three-part and that's what I use just and understand when you're picking your nutrient loss. Another thing with that is understand that it's a consumable so you're going to have to keep buying it. So your budget May dictate which nutrients you go with, right? That's that's true. That's a good point. Actually. Yeah with especially with with with the newts. You know, it depends on. Yeah. I mean, there's I mean listen, I mean there's a million Lien different, you know different nutrient lines out there. So I mean, you know at the it all depends it kind of comes down to what you want to spend, you know, and and you know, what your what your goal is for that, you know for that specific grow. Absolutely and sometimes the decision that would new twitch newts you decide to go with might be what knowledge base you have access to locally. For example, if you have a Cool group of Growers that you might turn to for help and they're using a certain line of nutrients. Well, you may want to use that line of nutrients to because at least you know, the help that you get is going to be specific to you know, that nutrient line up. I mean if you decide to go Rogue and use your own nutrient, you know different nutrient lineup that's perfectly fine, but it might if it differs from everybody. Well then, you know, you may not be able to get the exact advice you want right? That's it. That's true. I mean it's you know, I mean with I mean, like I said with with newts there's just so many, you know, there's so many choices you can make I mean, it's almost I mean it's not confusing but yet again, it's sort of is you know to a certain extent but but you know, but, you know hopping back to your point, you know, you're you're you know original point is to just keep you know is to keep it simple keep it basic and and don't overcomplicate your nutrients pick. And go with it and that's absolutely and realize that nutrients are just supplements their sorry. So to use an analogy nutrients is not food. They're they're they're basically just vitamins. So, you know, you're the food your plant your plant uses those nutrients to to create food. So it just realize that and when we say and I say that and And many people say it will say this because you want to use you want to be of the mind that less is more. You don't need to go crazy with newts and think that you know, you're helping your plants the nutrients are vitamins. And if you as a human being if you take vitamins, whatever, you know, let's say you take some daily vitamins to help you. If you overdo any vitamin, it's eventually going to be bad for you. Sure. Sure. So that's that's what that's what nutrients are. You know, that's what nutrients are so don't get all caught up on it because you know, they're just vitamins your better serves spending a lot more time, you know understanding what the plants really feed off of which is things like light, you know, and you know things of that than nature right? Absolutely, you know, and and really I mean if I guess if we really wanted to we can do a whole nother show about lights and like and and Hannah and Hannah dial in those, right? Yeah. Well, I mean, like I said, I'm very weird even though we're probably going, you know pretty long here. I mean, we're only just touching the you'll survive darling is it's just it's an ongoing thing and the whole point. I hope that you know, this particular episode is just to you know, shed some light to people on things and different areas of the grow where they might be able to improve on overtime, you know? Yeah, I mean, I mean, that's what I'm really am. That's what the what's with the cheap home grow podcast is all about it's all about, you know, improving your grow in the most cost-effective way. Hello cheap home grow Nation. Thanks for listening to my first episode with AJ on Hannah dial in your grow operation this podcast covered a lot of information. So please stay tuned for the second episode which will be airing tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. Eastern time. Odd to will be covering growing style growing process post-harvest disaster management and grow room management. Thanks, and I'll be talking with you tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. As always please rate review And subscribe.
On today's show, I have AJ aka cancanngrow on IG and youtube. I've talked to over 60 growers since starting my podcast and I could tell AJ knew exactly what he was talking about just based on the vibe I got from him within the first few minutes of talking to him. He has a massive indoor grow operation of which you can see in episode 9 of "Growing With My Fellow Growers". I felt the "CHG Nation" could benefit from having him on the show so the topic AJ and I decided to talk about was "how does one dial-in there grow operation". We covered various sub-topics such as your budget, growing in a simplistic way, propagation, environment, nutrients, growing style, growing process, post-harvest, disaster management and grow room management. I spoke with AJ nearly for two hours so I opted to break this podcast into two different parts. This is part 1 and part 2 will be airing tomorrow at 8 AM eastern time. Please rate, review, subscribe and enjoy the show!
Hey, I'm Dustin and I'm Steve welcome back listeners to the finest photo tainment in the world. That's right, you're listening to another episode of the wedding photo hangover podcast. We are in a reverent look at photography this podcast like aspirin will help you recover from your wedding hangover. Don't don't don'tDot dot dot it doesn't Steven. So the other week Jen and I were shooting a wedding and I was down on the dance floor again some awesome shots while Jen was in another room shooting details. Well was it details? I think it was desserts. I think that's what it was and I sent her a text and I just said Boss Rush it's pop it off and then saute. So if I'd sent that text to you would you have come running into the room? Room to shoot with me because you knew something awesome was happening or would you have been like WTF and kept doing whatever you're doing. You said Boss Rush Boss Rush. It's popping off and then saute. So how I would have taken that is the the famous rapper Boss Rush is on the radio in the room. You're in. Yeah and groomsmen are sauteing poppers baby. I like this. I like this so you would have come running. That's what I'm getting from this and I would have been like Gonna get some of those wild dance in some mad hip-hop jazz moves to Boss Rush and what a ran to You Stephen I would I ran to you. I believe Jen just text me back was like you're a weirdo. Yeah, I think yeah, I get it. It's weird. Somebody's you know sending you a bunch of text messages about a podcast called The Adventures on about Dungeons & Dragons, you've never heard before and you're supposed to translate that into cool stuff is happening on the dance floor and I should go down there and yeah, Jen doesn't get that and she doesn't run down to the dance floor apparently, but you know, that's just how it is. Next time doesn't you know something we have not talked about yet. The episode we did with Boomerang Gary that was an episode with bringer. Yeah, that was a few episodes ago. Now, we just been we done a lot of episodes in Zen and that was that was our first episode in season 3 of The Wedding from Hangover. We're in our third year. Now the wedding photo hangover, we're gonna throw our people. Yeah. Yeah. We didn't even take a moment to like celebrate. It's like we're all business now, we're running at full force, and we don't even have time to party down. Yeah, we just we want to give the listeners what the listeners want and that's a very serious educational minded podcast. No fun and games here folks. No talk about D&D. That's for certain. Yeah for certain. So dessin now that we're into year three season 3 of the podcast. What do we got in store for the listeners? What are we doing this year? A lot more drinking. Mmm lot more drinking low carb diet be damned and drop the diet. You're off the diet. Not off the diet. Just not not drinking. Hmm. Okay, just not not drinking. Hmm. Notnot. Okay. Got it. Not Dustin. So your three season 3 what can the listeners look forward to what are our big goals our big initiatives this year Stephen we'd like to To do more public Outreach. Mmm like to do more Live Events or at least a live event. Hmm is our goal but we're doing serious stuff. I thought we're doing joke. So we are these jokes. We you're doing jokes and I thought you were serious. Is that what to do? Leave it in a way where it could go. Either way. I wanted to do a live event. I wanted to do a lot where you just were you joking me man. Oh man. Sorry, man. I feel like I feel like Your to season two was about connecting with other podcasters other photography podcasters, right and bringing more awareness to all the good good podcast out there that you know, you guys have to listen to other than our good good podcast to only bring them back to realize wedding photo hanger podcasts is all a fruit really need in my life. You are so full of yourself. I kind of love it. Oh, no just just full of pain gets confidence confidence, and I love it. Stuff it in. Hmm. And I feel like this year what we're going to try to do a little bit more. We're going to try to reach out to we're going to keep reaching out to other photographers another podcasters who talked about photography. We're also going to be trying to reach out. I feel like to other people in the wedding industry because I feel like there's a lot of jokes we made about about weddings in general and feel like, you know, when we're just talking of two photographers will not really hitting it all which is Why you know we had you know, Josh weather's on the celebrant. We're going to have Megan gillikin on a little bit. She's a wedding planner and you know, we want to bring more of that goodness because you know all jokes aside. Those people can actually give us a lot of insight into what we do and how we do it and also they can they can make hilarious jokes about it. Yeah after the Josh where there's interview all I can think about is how I want celebrant on my resume the Title I just want to be introduced at parties get togethers family reunions is like oh, this is my son Dustin. He's the celebrant it just sounds so prestigious yet fun. Yeah. No, I mean celebration man. Yeah, you got to do it do it to it. So doesn't think we should probably slide right into some vowel up. You ready? You ready for? Yes, I'm ready for you to get down on your knees Steve. I screwed up. Yep. So nobody's nobody's texted me about this RDMA. But I feel bad the last week. We want you say something doesn't last week. We had a conversation about how crazy the real estate photography industry is getting and because that story about the real estate agent uploading a photo of himself getting a blowjob felt like just another it felt like just another real estate agent trying to go viral especially because he was like, yeah, Yeah, that was me wink when he was asked about it and he is like but you can't use the photo but it was totally me. I was like Hey, I want people to know as me. I want people to know about the story but I want them to come to them Allah or that the website to see the listing, you know, so it just it felt creepy and weird to me like that. But the thing we didn't really talk about which is why I feel so bad about it is we didn't talk about how incredibly gross it was that we have no idea if he had any sort of consent from the woman. Federal we don't know if she knew her father was being taken. We don't know if she knew it was being uploaded to a website. And so I feel really bad about that. And that's a few people have deemed to see if we had a link to it and we don't have a link in the show notes for that one because I don't really because I don't know her consent level with that. I didn't want to include like a link to it because I feel like that's kind of gross like hey, you know, even though like all the links were like photos were censored and everything like it's Still feels kind of gross to like, you know, put that person on blast to didn't know what they're getting themselves into. I just I feel shitty about it. We don't know. Yeah, we don't know and that's that's why I feel shitty about it. So the unknown that has Stevens conscience just like yeah influx. Did I had a few minutes where I almost just tore the episode Down but I ended up I ended up deciding to leave it up because the the story you did go viral I saw in like 20 different Facebook group. So it's like it's not like we were really at Into like like I feel like everybody already saw it more than likely so or they did now. Yeah. Well, it's no lie. So anyway, Destin, what are you drinking tonight? Now that now that we got the follow-up out where I just tell everybody I feel like shit. So yeah should be man. Yep. I am drinking a New Belgium of voodoo Ranger. Juicy Hayes IPA Stephen first sip of this skeleton Park Ranger beer is didn't like it. Not a fan. I'm normally a big New Belgium fan booty Ranger sounded interesting to me. And yeah don't like it pretty pretty bad, but I don't really like ipas either. So yeah, I was going to say, I don't know why you thought you'd be a fan of it is and IPA and you hey ipas. Yeah. It's Oh, not me though, the more I drink I'm like that's not too bad the more drunk you get the better it tastes. Yeah, exactly. It's funny how that works tonight. I'm just drinking a Buffalo Trace bourbon with a little Coke little whiskey and Coke action over here. That's what you're saying Stephen as if I'd come to your house this evening. I would be drinking that. Yeah. Yeah, you will be poor Life Choices. So for the listeners out there that don't know. I was supposed to be in Indianapolis tonight. I love how you say where listeners out there. ER who don't know like there would be some way that they would have known this like like the any listeners might have known this we could have stalkers. We don't know we could have people back to your phone. And now that's doesn't this supposed to come to India tonight and due to an overwhelming circumstances. He did not end up coming to India tonight know we can we can share the circumstances Stephen. I was supposed to photograph a home yesterday. I fucked up and forgot to shoot photograph it and the realtor to text me this morning and was like Hey, when can I expect those photos for such and such property and I was like oh shit, I never went and photograph that property. So I was like today you can expect those photos today. As soon as I go take them and they soon as they could let me in was this evening when the homeowner got home from work so that put a bit of a wrench in my plans to get down in time to see the great Indiana man. Steven Van out. So G like a cast sheesh. Jpeg, just give them give them over on the spot and just hand them an SD card and walk away. Well, no, so what I did is I obviously had other homes. I had to photograph today. And so I was in the area of where this house was and I had a little bit of a break in between homes and I was like, I'm going to slide over here and see if I can just at least get the exterior done because it's supposed to rain later in the afternoon. And so I got the exterior done and I was like, I'm just going to knock on the door and just see if anyone's help. And sure enough like somebody was home and I was like, hey, can I just like get photos real quick at this house? And they were they were like not completely cool with it, but they allowed it. And because you have to remember they already had the house ready for photos the day before so it's not like they destroyed it. You are not going to be working with this real estate agent ever again is what I just heard they would not probably those people probably called the real estate agent told them how unprofessional you were how creepy that felt and how they felt like they had just been had their privacy violated by you and now Now you will never work with that person again, so that thought went through my mind, but I'm like, okay, if this people never call the realtor yesterday when I didn't show up to tell the realtor like hey, this is really weird. Like I thought you said the photographer was showing up at this time and he never did and being that they didn't call the realtor then to express my unprofessionalism. I thought like okay the chances are good that they probably won't call this time. So I'm going to because my plan was to take the photos and deliver the photos before the five o'clock. Schedule time to do the house. So that way the rulers that wow, you're supposed to do this has two five and you got the photos to be like 505 like you're so fast. Like thank you so much. Like I know that you like didn't get to the house yesterday and you get you know, a squeezed it in today. So you want to set a precedent in that real estate agents mind that you can shoot an entire house in five minutes. Are you even thinking anything at all about this? I know it was a so, it was a danger. It was a dangerous proposition that I was setting myself up for I already realize Steven but then what happens so I send the the realtor to the photos like right after like five fifteen something like that and then I'll please tell me the realtor texted you back was like that's the wrong house. And I know that's not the house that was listed and then you gotta go find out that would have been bad that you just got random house. I've done that before I have done that before that has happened, but imagine the surprise of the person because there's a rental that when I did that and I walked in I'm like, oh I'm here to photograph to your house and like oh, okay. I didn't know my landlord was selling and then like start freaking out. That's like I felt so bad. Geez. That's a story for another time. But anyway, so to end that story about the house of shooting today the homeowner or the realtor rather was like at dinner. So I like email them if I was like sent them the photos that I texted that follow up like hey, I sent the photos because I know you wanted to get the house on the market today and she's like, oh I'm a dinner and then I got a thing for my son like I'll get to it tonight. I'm like, I just like killed myself to like get these photos to you. And why would you do that? Why would you do that now in order to get the Notice to them by after five most people's workday ends at 5 or 4 depending on when they start the relay is about Realtors. Mmm. They're like us they are always working. Yeah, I mean, I do remember when Jen and I were looking for a house. Our realtor was just like yeah. No, I can meet you anytime you want we can look at houses from literally 12 in the afternoon until 10:00 at night if you want and it was a lot it was a lot that is why I will never become a realtor. I feel like a lot of photographers end up going that route eventually when they decide they're done with photography and to me it's just kind of like if you're going to leave this stressful job, where you Work all day long every single day. Why would you go to another stressful job where you work all day long every day. Why don't you you know, just like a job as a custodian working at like a school cafeteria or something, you know, like a school bus driver. Yeah, you don't you don't have a lot of responsibilities, you know, you know, you can just take them all those small children. Yeah. I mean as long as you're not going over any train tracks or across any highways is probably pretty low risk, you know, exactly. That's what I'm saying What are you giving up on beer? Then Steve? Is this podcast going to become a bourbon a bourbon podcast, that'd be great. That would be great. Wouldn't it? You know, I love bourbon bourbon sauce. Mmm its tasty. It's fun so good. No, I just didn't have any beer tonight buddy, and I have any beer but you know, I wanted to keep this loose and light and Sauron. I was coming to visit you and do didn't have any beer in your house. I was going to go buy beer why And you told me you weren't coming anymore, so I didn't go buy beer. And so Steve and I know you have to get too badly. You don't like my beers. So Scarlet Lane. You were like are blood acts more like are extinct face as like it's the best beer in the world. I can't love a beer that you love. That's be breaking my Hippocratic Oath So Steve, I know you need to get to bed early tonight because you have to get up early to order that new iPhone iPhone. Is it 11:00? So what what they're calling it these days. I don't know. I don't pay attention to the news anymore Dustin you think I got time for that? I got a wife. I got kids. I got a photography business. You know, what are you always on in that pocket of yours going to talk about that but your phone we are talking about that's it. It's my Tamagotchi. It takes a lot of work to keep that Tamagotchi alive. You know what I'm saying? Gotta feed it got take it out to play. Well, I mean, I do have six different Tamagotchis. I'm trying to keep alive at all all different times of the day - that takes me back trying to what was that like for me that would have been think fourth or fifth grade, but that was like a thing. Yeah. I didn't have one. My little brother dead. I was too old at that time. I was I was playing GoldenEye on the Nintendo 64 didn't have time. I was sleeping next to where you just gotta worry about Paws Up job till you know feed that was power stoning on the Sega Dreamcast. What were you doing? What were you doing while I was power stoning? Yes. I was playing Powers down. Alright. So for those of you out there the new Apple iPhone launched this week over at the Steve Jobs theater. I love it how they Q you up with all this crap that no one cares about and then We got Alisal Apple watches. We got new Apple watches who wants a new Apple watch. I mean the older I get in the more Apple products and Keynotes. I watch the more. I'm like, there's really nothing to knew about these products. Well, I mean, we're spoiled because in our lifetime the iPhone came out which completely revolutionized Computing we went from we went from laptops and you know desktop computers. Is to We Now carry a thing in our pocket that's more powerful than the computers we had when we were in elementary school and Junior High and stuff like we can do more on this little thing. So to have that thing happened in our lifetime, which is like a huge revolutionary change about like the way we think about computers the way we use our devices the way we interact with the world on a daily basis to have that happen. And now we're in what where the the 11th iteration or so of it where Just literally making this thing better, but it's like it's the 11th time of making it better like this is not a revolutionary thing anymore. So when you say like, oh man to be ya know, I don't want it to be like I want this to become better. I want I want this to be better. Like I want an iPad to be better. I want iPads to become a replacement for our laptops. Like I want this mobile touch fit interface to become better, you know, their iPad announcement was super weird. It was like, Like oh our most popular iPad is the cheapest one surprise. So we decided not to make the iPad Pro better or the iPad Air better. We've decided to instead make the cheapest iPad better for more money. Well, they've been doing the thing with iPads for a while now where it's like, hey, we'll put out like a new iPad in the fall and then maybe another new one in the spring and that will be a different one that the iPad lineup is a little bit different than the iPhone one iPhone. It's we gotta have a new iPhone every single year for Christmas basically like their laptops or like we got to have a new laptops every single year for back to school because kids use laptops when they go back to school. I think we're going to see like iPads become the new we got to have new iPads every single year for back to school because what kids do you know that use laptops anymore and soon the kids are gonna be like, I need a new Apple TV subscription and new Disney Plus subscription for Apple. Eyeballs. I gotta get apple eyeballs. Whoo. Whoo. Whoo is a watch anymore Mom. I need those apple toenails. I need those apple toenails. Mom how our toenails going to help you there inside your shoes exactly where else would you put them? I don't side your shoes. What are you a monster? I'm freaking out right now boy. None of this makes sense. You cannot interact with something under your shoe. Oh Apple figures out a way, man. You're gonna make jokes about things that might exist in the Apple world has to at least be something that could possibly be usable like Okay. Hey Mom. I need another Apple. Can I get peanut butter with that Apple my we're done with us. Nope. Nope. Nope, we're done. You don't get to talk about that 11pro anymore. You're off. You're all done. You're all done. We're gonna move on to our next topic pattern this one up. All right. Yeah, this is what you did. I want you to know you did this with your bad jokes. So can you explain to the listeners? Why the great Steven Van Elk is like completely content with his iPhone 7 or found uses. Oh, but yes to all the listeners out. There doesn't joked so bad tonight that I'm gonna stay with my iPhone 7 now Jen and I were talking about I think I think we're going to get I don't know if she's going to get or if I'm going to get one of us is going to get an eye the 11pro. I'm pretty certain. Oh the add know the the the photo and video looks so so much better than anything before I think we just got to get our hands on it how you gotta test it out. Out I think my favorite take away from the keynote. Like if I was to name one feature that has me excited enough to drop a thousand dollars on a phone is end of the junii videos. You're like a puppy good. He's finally done doing those videos. I'm so glad he doesn't work for that company anymore. He's doing his own things. It would be for the filmic pro demonstration showing just how powerful the processing power of this. Own is with the ability to shoot multiple camera angles at the same time with the phone so that you can shoot a tight shot and a wide shot or you can do what I thought was kind of cool is when they did the interview where you literally were interview like filming the person on one side of the phone and filming the person on the other side of the phone. Oh my gosh is almost like there's this cameras on the front and the back is like weird that you could even can you imagine doing that interview though? We're that could tear literally looking at and I iPhone that's in between the two of you like that to me is just there's a reason why when we do interviews it traditionally in the video world, you put the cameras up over the person's shoulder because then it's like your then they're not in the way like gosh. It's really cool that they can do this. But also it's terrible and you should never do this. But whoop Steven, I'll do it. I guess I guess I guess if the phone was like suspended so instead of being like I line it was like up above like the 4 heads or something because then you have like a semi nice angle where like you're not shooting like from below the chin and making people look fatter. You're actually shooting from a little bit above so they look like a little bit more slight a little more demure and then you can kind of crop that in a little bit if Shooting 4K I guess I don't know. I just I don't like this. I like I just used to campus just used to cameras and shoot over the shoulders just do that. You could use to iPhones and shoot over the shoulders. It's all good. There you go. So Steven and I would like to put it out there folks when he and I both get our it back down 11 Pros. We will be offering a free wedding video if you allow us to shoot the entire wedding on iPhones hell, No, he'll to the no Steve fan-out doesn't do free work. Did I we're not delivering anything. There's no deliverables for free. We're just shooting the wedding for free Steven. We're just just shooting it for free price to be determine for editing or shooting her for free. We're not bringing any mics for not bringing any external lights were just shooting with the iPhones as they are. Or free, correct. Also you have to buy us dinner. It can be at a table or it can just be a pizza. That's brought to a back room. Either one. We're cool with it hundred percent if this interests you let us know don't let me know just let doesn't know I'm not doing this. I don't even care if he is now. Yes gosh now so it doesn't was got you Jazz about the iPhone 11pro. How do you see this changing your life? How do you see this? Changing your business honestly, I mean I want to try and incorporate it into with the wider camera lens. I've been thinking about how I can do more real estate video as an upsell because right now it's like I have to bring my Sony I have to stabilize my gimbal. It's just kind of cumbersome the workflow with that for the amount of money that I can make doing it. And so what I've thought about doing is a lot of people have been switching over to some sort of a mobile like an iPhone or iPad video type system and there's tons of apps and things that make it really easy. So I've actually honestly when I saw this that is the first thing I thought of was like, holy shit, like I could really do real estate video walkthroughs of homes, super simple with my phone you so this something you thought wasn't I'm going out of business because real estate agents will just buy this case. Found and they'll do their own walkthroughs and they won't need me anymore. That wasn't your first idea first thought was I could use this to better my business? Yeah, because Real Estate photographers, they can't afford this phone. I like that because everybody else is coming at this with like a real like I'm going out of business sort of thing. And so I like that you're taking the other route. I've seen a lot of people in different Facebook groups talking about how who's going to pay for a wedding photographer anymore when you can just buy an iPhone 11pro Yep, and that's why why do that when you can just have Steven and I shoot your wedding for free on an iPhone 11-1 run have to buy an 11 Pro will just do it. You know, we won't edit it. We won't deliver it, but we'll do it. If you want to buy us an iPhone 11pro. That would be cool to it'd be nice to have a backup camera. Yeah, you know what you buy and 11pro for a dozen 11pro for me. They got to be the highest sighs. Remember? Yeah. Yeah. And 12 we need those 512s, you know and yeah. Yeah. Woo come book up shoot your wedding. Yeah. Oh that's good to me. What is that? Like a $1,500 found then or I think it's like 1,200 1,200 bucks. I thought the 1200 block one was like the the lowest tier now the highest here now because I'm getting the max with the five 256 gig I think it was like Madrid you know the real thing for me when I see stuff like this is like how does GoPro survive this how does dji's like ozma line survive this I think that's still has a place in the market because these like I think people are still when they're spending this kind of money on a phone. There's still that baby Factor like they don't want to like I'm not going to strap this thing to my bike helmet and go down this mountain or I'm not I'm not gonna You know go skydiving with this thing hanging off my wrist. I don't know you'd be surprised what people do with a strap I guess tonight. I'm not saying there won't be people that do that. I'm just saying that there's still going to be those people who are like, I've got all my contacts and Tinder hook-up sin that phone like I can't lose that I didn't even think about my Tinder hook-up. So what am I going to excite you? Exactly? So that's why they're like, I'm going to resort to my osmo Pro or my GoPro Karma. Yeah. So without further Ado Let's cross over into the drone zone. But even still things like GoPro even still no drown old days. They stop they made the karma. There was some sort of defect with it and they are like, oh screw this week we out. There was some sort of Bad Karma. Yeah. Now this is shame too because like the the footage I saw from the karma like when it first came out was amazing looking. It was a on par if not better than like What DJ I was also put Out of the same time and it would have been awesome to have some like real competition for DJI, but the karma Justin cut it I'm like the flight stuff but the karma also has important part. Yeah, the karma also had like a like a handheld like gimbal for your GoPro like the way the camera Works was like it was literally like a GoPro attached to a gimbal attached to the Drone and you could take that Gamble and go pro off the Drone then and just walk around with it. So it was actually really cool. Well with your DJI you can walk around with it. Yeah, you can't even stopping you from doing that Steve. Yeah. Well, I mean Casey neistat did like a video where he took the gamble thing off and like showed how you could just hand he'll do like handheld stuff with it and like it was just it was it worked great there too. So it's sad but I mean the stuff GoPros been doing with like just their GoPros has been amazing the way they've like made the mics and like the audio better and stuff like that and the ink Camera stabilization like the it's a really good camera, you know or the little pocket thing 12:49 for the 256 and 1449 for the yeah. That's what I thought. So I thought says doesn't we talked enough about Apple? We talked enough about those good good founds what else you want to is there really anything else to talk about anything we can just call it a night. So So doesn't Janet from random Facebook group says I just got paid by a client 4K in cash. What am I supposed to do with that much cash. First thing I do is Hop on over to Steven Dustin save the We take cash donations that are 100% We will fly to you to get that cash donation and go ahead and jump on there and become a producer of the show. Yeah. Yeah, I can't argue with that. But I don't understand the question. I suppose I just got paid by a client for K in cash. I get paid by clients and cash all of the time. Yeah in 4k in cash like you got a 4K video of cash that they paid you guys. Yes. It's a new cryptocurrency. They said you video of cash. It was gotta be 4K if it's not 4K, you can't really get the detail. So, you know the bit scanners can't detect day. Yeah. Hey K so that in case we get One of those new TVs we have yeah akki, I mean that is the thing once they go to an 8K TV. Then you lose all that cash. Exactly. I just got what am I supposed to do with my cash? You put it in a safe you hold on to it. I don't know dude. I mean he's got paid for can't cash get around to see no, you're a chick to KTM, right? You run straight to Candy manic. You get some some knows below right? No. No do not listen to see this is It's the Florida podcast before the podcast you go shoot you can Where you can get some of that snow. You go Scarface. And oh, man stealing terrible do not do drugs do not do drugs, especially not cocaine or else you'll end up looking like Steve. Yeah, and that's not a good luck. It's a reason we're in audio podcast. Um, what's 4k in cash donate it to your favorite charity, but in the safe go to a bank. Do you know what a bank is you my boat at Banks and you can you can send hey Put this in my bank account and if it's not your bank, you can say hey give me a cashier's check that then I can take that cashier's check and upload it to my bank account, you know using like the the the the the app on your phone to upload your checks or whatever. I mean, that's not a perfect system, but you can do it you can do it. 4K is under the government's limit. I believe I think the limits like 9,000 bucks before they start red flagging you. So you should be fine to just drop that into your bank account. I mean if you're feeling really paranoid about Uncle Sam, you know, spread it out over a couple weeks and the couple down accounts in the Caymans just spread it. Yeah. Yep, just by a laundromat and get such a quarters get that 4K put into quarters and just cycle it through your lawyer machines, you know, you got a lot of people run load that's called money laundering. Wait. What Aki you is that with term comes from? It's when you put coins in the laundry machines. Alright, another question or topic Steve's kind of screwing me up here. Oh hell yeah, it's Crime Time. My brother is stealing my photos that this one comes read it. That's why it can't go in the the questions at the end because you don't let Reddit questions going we've had read it questions in there for like a year now and you're just like no we don't do right at we only do Facebook. So here's a here's a question straight from Reddit. My brother is stealing my photos and putting them on Instagram. How do I handle this? Okay, let me just say what brother is 13, but he has 1,500 followers on insta-kill and he has stolen like five of my actual photography. Pictures and I can't do anything about it because my brother block finding out the only way I have known about it is through my friends showing me his account and recognizing these photos. I just realized this what can I do about it so I can get the photos deleted because my brother won't listen when I asked him to delete it. So no longer are we growing up in a society where people are like, oh my brother's like stealing my clothes or my sisters playing with my Barbie dolls. Now, it's like my brother's stealing my photos and posting them on social media and blocking me. So there's literally nothing I can do. I mean you're going to just have to sue him for intellectual property theft damage efforts you steal another one of my photos. How is he getting your photos? I think would be my first question Jeffrey. How the fuck you get this photo Jeffrey. Yeah, you didn't block me Philly. So I'm just screenshot it crop it and I worry upload it, but I got actual followers. So you're going to have to just suck on my ding-a-ling. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa, Jeffrey. You're 13. Whoa. Tinkling is the name of my yo Mega. Yo, yo, let's not get carried away yogurt. Yo Mega. Yo, yo, you didn't have a you'll make a yo-yo. That sounds like Yoplait yogurt is that is that you'll play the sounds like yell play. Do you and I forget how young you are. You missed the yo-yo generation. Yeah, I guess I'm just not familiar with yo Mega Man, there was Duncan and then there was the Omega. It's okay. Yeah. So now I think Johnny cool yo-yo tricks with your Ding-A-Ling you walk the dog with your day going. You've now told Philly to suck it. I don't feel like Philly is gotten any closer to getting those those those pictures taken down though. So I think really the best solution you can do is just start taking photos. That would make your brother lose followers. Should he steal them? or start stealing your brother's photos and posting them to your account. You know I'm saying or just steal your brother's account. It just hack his phone. It can't be that hard. What is it his birthday ask him if you can share accounts, who's your brother's Crush just ask ask your brother what is crushes and that's probably as password. Now, you got it, you know, then, you know just tattle go to go to Mom and Dad and tattle. I wish we knew how old the person asking the question was tattle go to your parents and tattle. That's all you have to do is like seven. Person asking the question is on Reddit. He's a seven-year-old. I was so much brother better than Jeffrey at the internet. I don't understand. He was stealing my photos brother it 13. What can this is? No recourse for this Jeffrey Jeffrey you son of a bitch. That's our mom Philly. How dare you say that about our mom? I think I still go down in the record books as my favorite thing. We're playing Phase 10 around the dinner table at a family gathering and I was doing rather good for those of you who play Phase 10 and my mom just screams at me. You are such a son of a bitch just like Mom and you ain't right at her and you said yes, I am. She's like you don't have to say wink while you wink Dustin we all get it. All right. What else do we get? I think we answered that one John for random Facebook group wrote anyone else finding their adverts deleted on loads of bridal Pages. I've got Facebook investigations who's doing this because mini page admins say they've not he's literally posting that his services are for sale on other people's Facebook pages and in their public groups this guy John and then he's wondering why people are In them this guy goes on to say in the comments when people suggest that it could be other photographers reporting him for spam or that photog admins in those groups might have have removed his post. Yep. Then this might come under antitrust laws to deliberately to deliberately sabotage company advertising in this way. If that's happening to me Facebook will find it and I'm sure they'll have something to say about it. It could actually come under some sort of against the law thing too because Facebook is a public forum platform and not a private publisher site. And then he goes on to say there's a lot of stuff kicking off with the Google group of sites about publisher versus platform because since 2016 these sites have all become Hillary Clinton. Infested in Silicon Valley have been gearing up to be very biased against Trump for 2020 its antitrust laws. So Dustin it was there. Was there a question in there? No, this is just a little batshit crazy thing. I've seen on the internet and a while have you have you have you noticed people deleting your adverts off of their Facebook pages or out of their Facebook public groups? I can't say that I have I do get a plethora of individuals that feel the need to tag me on their Instagram post that I do not know and so every day I wake up in the morning and I go through and Block and delete and Report their accounts for that. They're just trying to get more reach bruh. They're just trying to get my reach bite you why you why you why you never in the reach because that's what I do Steve. I'm Nerf. I'm Nerf gun McKibben over here. You know Instagram is actually a public forum platform and not a private publisher site. So I think that could fall under antitrust laws if your I'm nirva their reach McPherson her. Eh, that's okay Steve. I message them as soon as I do it and I say your reach is just been derived. So I might have gone through in this random Facebook group and I might have when this guy said that this comes up under antitrust laws because they're deliberately sabotaging his company advertising. I might have I might have instead of liking his post. I might have put a laughing emoji up. But it's on this on every single thing that he wrote Because I found it so funny because he doesn't understand that Facebook is actually a private like their platforms actually private not public because public you'd be able to search it on Google or Bing or all those other platforms, but you can't because it's not public. It's it's a locked private thing. So I laughed at all this stuff. That's what I thought when you when you were saying that it was public. I was like, I thought this was a whole big thing that came up a while ago. Go about them being what it's reading off this crazy person things. You were like, oh cheese Doodles are Steve's thoughts and opinions. Steve thinks that the Hillary Clinton gangster infested. You're both groups exactly going down about those gangster groups. Hillary Clinton gangster groups get it right come HCG for sure, you know what I'm saying? So, Long story short, I lay left the laughing emoji and the sky blocked me and then wrote on the post. Why is Stephen fan Uncle a phenol at all this I don't find this funny and nobody said anything. There's just stayed there in this random Facebook group, and I only know this happened because somebody pointed it out to me, but it's just cracking up because one person's wife me. No listen, like one of those Facebook wedding photography group. Groups that has literally like 45,000 50,000 people but here's this big thing when you go into like a public group and you say hey, I offer these services that doesn't work as an advertising method, which this person is doing that. I don't know why that that's literally I've never seen that work for a single person where they go in and leave like a spammy post and somebody else. Facebook group saying they offer their services and it especially doesn't work. If you put it on somebody's Facebook page because on their Facebook page, it doesn't even show up like in the main discussion. It's like you have to click through to what is the community saying about this Facebook page to even see it. So it's like double hidden there and it's just like your Facebook page already doesn't have any reach and then for people to leave something on your Facebook page that you didn't write it gets hidden. Even Beyond how much your Facebook page is already hitting because Facebook hates businesses. And so this guy's like complaining about all this and it's like nobody. Nobody has a heart to tell him like stop like this doesn't matter. Don't do it like just move on and I didn't have the heart to do it either obviously cuz I'm an asshole but I just left laughing emojis. The dust is bright you Joyce. How would you advertise on Facebook try to bring in some new some new clients? Would you go to the Facebook groups? What are you doing targeted ads to engaged couples attributed ads to Hillary Clinton gangster infested couples engaged couples. Yeah. Do you want to move on to some actual questions some actual questions some actual questions? So that big guy Steven get to bed soon big daddy, you know, we still haven't talked about Scylla luminar. Have you finally downloaded? It's caelum luminar for know there's a better show notes forever. I think we even talked about it on the patreon and you were like, I'm about to download that and see what it does still haven't done it. It's got only one are for has a thing where Auto replaces the your skies for you in your photos. So if you have like a blown-up sky Just got this note. It's just cool. It's just cool. I know you love knocking out those skies and putting fake clouds in I have the I have the earlier version does the earlier version knock out those guys and put those fake clouds in for you not. Well. Yeah. Well I deleted it. Yeah, so, you know, you only want to take those boring Skies Jazz them up a little bit doesn't McKibben style without paying that doesn't make him an added in money that he pays out, you know, and you know myself maybe get that skylon luminar for What you're doing you doing your Sky Replacements all on your own now. I do all my editing real estate editing and house now. Because you're editing company screwdriver or whatever and it just did it again. I sent a house off yesterday and new realtor. So I wanted to wow them with really good clean edits, baby and still haven't gotten that it's back. How long did you tell the real terror attack? I mean I edited them myself and sent them to her because I wasn't going to make the same mistake. So I intentionally edited them all myself, but then sent like 15 of them to the editing company that had like a lot of mixed lighting that that's like what they specialize in is going in and like color correcting all the mixed lighting and making Color cast on walls and stuff. I'll blend and look good. Yeah, nope. Nope. Nope. Nope adding blue skies out the windows on an overcast day. I'm sorry buddy. So you just you fired this editing company. Now you're moving on you don't work with the Australians anymore. I've kept the Australians from my life sad that said I really have to keep all the Australians for a patriot. Yep. Let's they want to edit real estate photos for me. You keep doing this until you get it, right? I don't know how many times I have to tell you people anchor is the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain. It's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Anchor will this Jerry your podcast for you? So you can be heard on Spotify Apple podcast and many more you can make money for your punk ass is everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor a poor good anchored out of em to get started. Please get started right now. Do it again. Let's do some Q&A but but sticky but I did I did want to acknowledge. How do we pronounce? This guy's name garagas bot or krung garang. I think it's going bad. Growing bat Greenback. Yeah, yeah nailed it knocked it out of the park. Got it in one bat front grain bat from our very own Facebook group asked if Stephen or I what our thoughts were on Smart albums new pricing structure, but before I get into that I wanted to thank him for trying out honey books who hopefully will actually be a sponsor of our podcast someday someday some point. I'm cutting that part out. Thank you. But it's just the goes on to say that it seems like everything is switching to a subscription model these days. I didn't know I know you and Jennifer own your own editing company, but I didn't know if you used anything for albums such as smart albums. We do not now. So we use Fundy. So I've never looked into smart albums spite of them's is like a company. That helps you design your albums, right? I think it's just like a fun day, but it's web-based. So you up like I'm sure they have an option like a premium type thing that they'll design the album for you, but I think it's just like you drop your photos in and then it like auto-populates spreads based on sizes you input just like Fundy. I think I have no idea. I don't know how any of this works. Sorry. I'm sorry. I failed you. It looks like based on the based on the thing based on the screenshot. He sent us it looks like they also maybe you're trying to encroach on like pass and picks and find like those kind of things was like maybe Cloud proofing or maybe that's just like proofing the album's probably just proving the albums and then it looks like for the Premium plan you can get like slideshows mean looking at this began this pricing structure seems alright, I mean to L've dollars twenty four dollars a month. That's not a big deal. Right if you doing a lot of albums, that seems pretty decent you I don't I don't do that many albums. So what I like free, why don't you do more albums Bud? Oh, I do a lot of albums people pay for the album's with their wedding packages. They just never order them. Okay. And what is it? What does that mean? You you design a lot of albums in this is save you a lot of time but then people signed order them. No, I don't design them. So how our packages are set up Steven is you get an album with your package, but then I tell them it's on them to let me know when they're ready to do the album. And then I send them a link on how to pick the photos for their books. That's a lot of work Steve. And so a lot of them are like I'm not going to do it. And so then no album ever gets made. It makes me really sad. I typically send a follow-up in like November time so that they don't Ambush me like right before Christmas and say I want my album isn't that how it always happens out. You're like, hey, you know, you can get this album or whatever or you know, I'm going to give to you like a freak. Have this or something like that and they don't care and they don't ever like pick out what they want and then like a week before Christmas. Like I need this and I need it by Christmas day. It's imperative you like but it's too late now like Santa ain't making these albums I am. Yeah. Well, I mean that's because I don't believe in Alpha labor. You know that your work your Santa pay your workers. Thanks. Yeah, there's no follow-up on that. That's true. That is true. I mean he thinks because they use magic that he doesn't have to pay them like come on. Come on Sam. Yeah, you know, I thought it was a decent guy when I was younger, but he's not he's just not then I just don't feel like enough people are talking about how much of a piece of shit saying. Gets and then I'll do it for us tonight guys from Cody Wiseman in our very own Facebook group. This question comes straight from him. Okay little situation at tonight's a wedding. I normally eat off away from the rest of the guests, but this couple insisted that I just eat with everyone else and they were not putting me off to the side. I felt weird about it. But okay, I'll go with it. Well, I'm An American in England. So Everyone likes to ask me questions. Well, there was another American sitting at the table from New York and of Indian not Native American but like actual India descent. She told me she was from the states as well. And we started talking all was well until she asked me how I knew the couple and I told her they reached out and hired me she goes on acting as if it was weird that they bought my food and I told her that was normal. She then goes for the photographer to sit with the guests is not normal at this point. I understand what she's And I told her that no. But from time to time the couple's insist and I'm not going to push the issue knowing I'm from the south. She says since you're from the south you'll understand when I say, oh bless your heart. WTF then she doesn't say another word or look in my direction for the rest of the night. At first. I thought it might be some sort of cultural thing as I'm the hired help but there was another person from India there and sitting at the table and that person was just fine and Cody and this person talk for the rest of the night. Cody says I wanted to say oh honey. I'm sorry that you got put at the table with the hired help, but sometimes that's just how the cookie crumbles that's what I would have said that would mean awesome remark and Cody wrote read with town. Does he mean like Jim Carrey in the movie? Bruxelles Money? Sometimes that's just how the cookie crumbles grumbles? Okay. Let me hear your Jim Carrey. Give me some juniper. I thought it was Anchorman was an Anchorman where they're like doing the different sign offs for the news and that's just how the cookie crumbles. I like that I like. That was that was that Will Ferrell. Give me your best Will Ferrell. I don't really do above Will Ferrell. Is anyone does anyone I could maybe do a Run Nike and I don't even know if I can do it Ron Burgundy. Well if I hope Place Ron Burgundy Anyway, let's get back to this. Let's get back to this the real questions Cody. Just let it go. But man it rubbed him the wrong way anyone ever get anything like this where they feel like they're being treated as lesser than yeah all the time all the time on this podcast with me Dustin feels like he's cheating every week. That's why we've started going on other podcasts just so that I can feel a little bit better about myself. No, I mean you got to get that love wherever you can get it buddy. And you know, I'm not gonna keep you I'm not gonna hold you back from getting that love, you know, you got to get it even if it means that, you know, you're you know, two people one Mike I will Release the name of that podcast when it comes out people one Mike. Mmm. That's what we're calling. Yeah. Two people one microphone. Yeah, it's dirty as you'll see I use it as a podcast that you guys coined on this podcast. I think I don't remember what which guessed it was. I'm sure you remember but now when I do the couple with the veil I go under the veil with them and I say, you know, I say bridegroom - how do I say it? I would love to hear this. Come on. Tell me. that's like I don't remember three people one day they'll all different people in one heart. Let's all kiss after I take the photo. So what you do? I think I think that was what one of my halves it going. Oh, that's beautiful. Yeah. You should be doing Jingles. It's gonna be a freaky time tonight. Why did you ask me to do your intimate shots after the wedding was over just climb under my veil with me and him and him and her it him. It's good to be a good time tonight. It's a cathedral veil tonight and we're feeling All right. Oh, I like that. It was good. Yeah. Yeah, man, I don't know what overcame me. I just I felt the spirit move within me the spirit of the veil. I believe it was seriously the veil. Oh, you know is the ghost that throws a veil up when you need it goes to throw the veil up when there's no wind. You know, those those goes photos gotta love them. Yeah, so I felt this way a few times and it typically happens going back to what Cody asked about feeling lesser than or feeling like you're treated like the help Cody didn't ask us to break into song. That wasn't what could have. I mean Cody Cody was begging for that every every person who asked the question of this podcast is begging us to break into song. They're like, I want dessen's really really good singing and Steve's very very poor singing and I want to mix them together and it feels good in my ear about The and your yeah, so trying to make the cross over into radio. Yeah. So the thing is typically when I feel this it's when I'm at a wedding and someone doesn't refer to me by name. They refer to me as photographer even though I've introduced myself to them shook their hand and you know talk to them for a little bit and then they say photographer and they snap at me and then when I finally turn around and I'm like, oh, I guess this person is talking to me like they would talk to to a dog maybe they whistle and then they hold out some treats and it's gets real weird van. They gets real weirdo. Like sit sit bag bag and the come up with the leash and they hook it on your belt loop is that when you can concern but basically anytime somebody refers to me by my job title as opposed to my name and then snaps at me or claps or just something else like that. That is terrible. And no no no. No, there's nothing that screams hired help more than a name tag. Nobody wants to be seated at a table with the hired help doesn't come on bless your heart. We haven't had any parents or brides and grooms who have been sort of treated us like hired help the thing. We've struggled with a few weddings so far. This year is the bridal party the Bridesmaids. And specifically they could just really give a rat's ass about us. And I don't know if that's like an age thing or if that's a I don't know what that is. But yeah, they just it was like pulling teeth to get them to care feel like they cared about being in the wedding. So I've sent them a YouTube link to a YouTube channel. I follow called best bridesmaids. I was hoping that you know that Encourage the rest of our bridesmaids to shape up a little cutting that out. Okay. What do you want to say can't cut out all that sweet content Steven I can cut out this week content when you refer to something. We don't do anymore a defunct YouTube channel, you know Steve from random Facebook group has this to ask though Destin photographers who use presets. Do you prefer Cheetos skin tones or Doritos skin tones asking for a friend because fall is coming. Is that really how you refer to skin tones is by your favorite chips is not me. This is a random Steve not a Steve an elk. Pretending to be random real Steven Van. Oh not even a real Steven Van out. That is correct. That's interesting way to put it though because I didn't I would never really think about editing in terms of chips. But now that's all I see when I think of different photographers editing Styles when it comes to skin. As way that person's Dorito dude. Mmm. I mean I prefer like a harvest cheddar Sun Chip, you know, that's what I'm going for. I'm going for a good old. Classic Pringle. Mmm. Nice / V / - Yeah Yeah clean and white really? I like the rumpled look have the Sun Chip p.m. I like that. I like the the the cheesy orange - I think it's a good look the old trumpster. Yeah. Yeah good. Does it get any better? You know? No. Yeah, maybe doesn't I mean everybody loves a Chester Cheeto, but it's true. He's going to turn down the Sun Chip. That's that's that's the sun baking those chips. It's heavenly The Heavenly honest mmm Rebecca Elliott from our very own Facebook group ass. I've seen this topic come up in a lot in my local market, but not sure how it translates across the us or internationally. Do you share images Watermark or otherwise with vendors? Cuz I'm doing it. I'm in my fifth season six if you want to count my single wedding for sheer of weddings, and I've never done any marketing / advertising this year. I started posting to ig very irregular. Early and keep telling myself. I'll finally start a blog but I haven't yet. I shoot about 15 weddings a year on word-of-mouth and another 15 or 20 is a second shooter. Usually I just share images with vendors who asked but this season I've started creating vendor galleries of web sized Watermark images and sharing them with MF and everyone. But I'm too impatient to see if this of this is a viable tactic for referrals. So have you done it? Do you share your photos? Is it worth the time it takes to make the extra gallery and hunt down email addresses? It's something we've thought about I know you guys are really good about doing this. I can barely remember the vendors two weeks after the wedding. We get all the vendor information from the bride and groom ahead of time so that we have who all the vendors are and we don't share with everyone like right out the gate we share with the bride and the groom and if we worked with somebody like Planner or somebody who asks for the photos or just the plan are we know will share with them? We worked with somebody who asks for the photos specifically we will share with them unless they ask him like a really weird weird way we might not but I can't think of a time when that's ever actually happened. So but we don't we don't Watermark our images when we share them with people. I don't know. I just I I personally don't like the way watermarks look on images. I feel like they look really bad. So and I feel like it D values your content because it turns it turns your photo which you're hoping somebody will share in tag into a marketing photo for yourself, which I see the value in that but what I don't see is other people wanting to share those photos when it looks like a marketing Ploy for yourself, so I don't know I just plus I just feel like it ruins my image when I see like my Watermark on the image, so I'm not big on this but I don't think it's gonna hurt. I don't think you know, I think doing the legwork chasing this stuff down. I think it could only help it's not like anybody is going to be upset about this or angry. So I think it's very nice thing. And we're all about being very nice people here at the wedding photo hangover podcast. Where the nicest people perhaps? Yeah, doesn't what do you do? I give people whatever they want Steve. However, they want it whenever they want it. With water mark, thanks for listening to another episode of the wedding photo hangover podcast with Dustin and Steve if you want to help us out jump on iTunes or Stitcher and give Dustin whatever he wants whenever he wants it. However you want. So everyone's yeah, which is what he wants when he wants it what he wants is a five star review when he wants it is now and how he wants it is on iTunes or Stitcher. If you want to connect you can find us on Facebook and Instagram at wedding photo hangover or on Twitter at wed pick hangover Dustin my man. Mine is on Instagram at Dustin underscore McKibben and Stephen is that Steven milk? If you want to get involved with the awesome community of listeners join the wedding hangover Facebook group, but if you really want to learn our hearts and on over to Steve and Dustin save the and you can sign up to support us for is a little as one dollar a month. But if you want to be really awesome, you can sign up just like agna a curtain 8A Katmandu. Wow. That was a tough. That's a tough one. You can sign up just like Agni Katmandu did and support us for five dollars a month. You will get access to Steve and Dustin save the world. That's our weekly patreon only podcast for our five dollars a month subscribers where we answer more questions from Facebook every single week. We helped save your world and we also share a lot of personal stories about our life and the way our businesses have been impacted by crazy crazy things that have happened to us. My over selling her under selling their feel like you're selling definitely underselling. Okay, just just wanted to check. Yeah, but if you want to silence be as awesome as I make him and do head on over to Steven doesn't say the world are calm and that day dear dear me. I hope I'm pronouncing that right. Thank you so much for supporting us on patreon. It means the world to us. We'll see you next time your head is pounding your limbs feel like dead weight in your entire being aches for the sweet Embrace of death. That's right next. Sunday after you shoot another wedding don't don't don't yeah. Yeah. Yeah what you're bringing look like. You're pretty busy. I'm leaving in six hours to head to Indianapolis who snap six hours. Why are you leaving so early in the morning? I'm waking up in six hours. I am sad that alarm back an hour or two. Trust me wink all we want we want to hit Ikea to get Crap for our house. Skip Ikea wink and then green wants to go to the outlet mall, but you guys are going to be shooting a wedding them the next day. What are you gonna do just have a bunch of Ikea substitute sitting in the back of your van while you're shooting the wedding like this is a terrible idea. If you're planning an Ikea trip plan it for the trip home not for the trip there. Well, this whole trip was orchestrated around me coming to Indianapolis tonight had this already been prearranged that Weren't coming then. Yes, we would have come down shot the wedding and state Saturday night and done all of this stuff on Sunday. Yeah, but I planned on staying tonight and then crane was going to come down tomorrow. We were going to do all these things have a fun little Day in India without the kids and then shoot the wedding then mean that I always get stressed not being an indie the night before wedding and then D because of the driving Bindi. Yeah. Now it's a big it's big trap. I understand because we've been in situations where all it takes is we don't get out the door in time and then there's an accident and then there's this woman creeping up on us just my wife. She takes your phone from you at a certain hour. Yeah, you know how it is with you time's up on your phone Steve, and she can't find the remote for the TV and the TV just her found died. So the TV just started playing pretty upset that I didn't come tonight. Super upset. Just lost. Yeah doesn't thanks so much for recording with me tonight, but we should call it a night. Good. Bye. Bye. Hi, my name is Dustin McCammon. I'm a shell for honey book now. I'm a shill. Hey, I'm Dustin McKibben. Have you seen my code for honey? Look I have a code wedding photo hangover was edited this week by Steve Van out of bespoke tone go to bespoke tone for all of your photo video and audio editing needs whooee.
What do you even do with $4k cash? Having trouble figuring out what to do with that drug money your client used to pay you? Don't worry, we can help. Also we're talking about those iPhones 11 Pro Max, bothers that steal your photos, Skylum Luminar 4, and advertising on Facebook. We also talk about the Hillary Clinton gangster infested Google groups (and we have no clue what the hell that means). Beer Talk: Dustin - VooDoo Ranger Juicy Haze IPA from New Belgium Steven - Buffalo Trace Bourbon with Coca-Cola Q&A: What do you think of the Smart Albums subscription pricing structure? Has anyone else ever had a guest rub them the wrong way at a wedding? Is it a good idea to watermark photos and share them with venues? Will that bring in referrals? Do you prefer Cheetos skin tones or Doritos skin tones? Episode art from Rob Betz of Clean Slate Wedding Photography by Heather & Rob. Links: The Reddit user whose photos are being stolen by their 13-year-old brother. Skylum Luminar 4, which Dustin does not endorse by also doesn't not endorse. A big thanks to Agnė Kertenytė Katmandu for supporting us on Patreon. Want more? Get bonus content just like Agnė Kertenytė Katmandu is doing! We have outtakes from guest episodes and more weekly photography advice at (that's the Patreon). Go to Bespoke Tone for all your photo, video, and audio editing needs. --- This episode is sponsored by · Oops Podcast: The Oops podcast examines the mistakes that change the trajectory of people’s lives: the bad decisions, the aftermath, the path to redemption and all things in between. · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Welcome to not another Runner podcast a running and health-related podcast created by a run-of-the-mill pun intended every day Runner join me for all things running and health-related for the highs and lows of training and chasing girls designed to keep you motivated and enthusiastic on your journey to health and happiness. Guys, I have to say a huge. Thank you. I've been overwhelmed with all the support. I've received this week in publishing this new podcast. I am very thankful to you all for all the shares the mentions the posts comments and all the lovely messages of kind words of encouragement. Thank you guys and thank you to all of you who have subscribed and left a rate in I am just so touched by all of the support and well wishes, I've said it before and I'll say it again. It just goes to show what a supportive community that is online. So, thank you guys again. It is greatly appreciated. Have you guys already heard of the easy Thrills podcast? So this idea this Venture of podcasting? I am starting at much earlier than I thought I would and I have Tom Bell to thank for that from the easy Thrills, Tom got in touch with me a little while back to be interviewed for his podcast. Now if you haven't already you really need to check out easy Thrills, I'll include links to his podcast in the footnotes as well as the interview that we did not long ago Tom is a brilliant host. He has a great approach to life that I love he has positive and It's an attitude of gratitude as he calls it which I love to live by myself. Now Tom is working so hard with his podcast and it really shows he is updating and putting up so many great interviews with so many brilliant Ghasts his show is all about Adventure motivation and transformation with an element of endurance. Here's a family man leader and has a love for Endurance Sports. I was absolutely honored to be asked to join Tom's podcast, especially alongside so many brilliant. Ian guests many of which I've honestly been following for years and I've been greatly influenced by some of which are the reason I started my own run an account on Instagram and it just blows my mind that I was asked to be interviewed and featured amongst so many fascinating and inspiring people. I seriously took so much away from that interview and I could never thank Tom enough. He has inspired and motivated me to no end. So again Tom a huge. Thank you and guys. Please check out easy Thrills podcast. Hey guys, and welcome to not another Runner podcast. I am really looking forward to introducing today's guest is John Flynn AKA. This man runs John is a runner a teacher a husband and Brilliant father. He has a great sense of humor and I love following John's life on Instagram and seeing his stories of him and his family. We had a brilliant catch up and so much so I honestly didn't feel like we were record in it was such a great a natural conversation filled with lots of laughs and questions. I I got to take extensive notes just to keep up because John has accomplished so many brilliant things epic things. He is not afraid of a challenge or two or should I say twelve his running Journey a weird. He used and grimaced at during our chat is incredibly interesting and inspiring to as he has managed to complete it all while juggling work and family stay tuned to hear all the crazy accomplishments John has achieved and his words of wisdom when it comes to running family and parent in this really was a great job and I wish wish we had more time. There just wasn't enough. Anyway less of me rambling. Let's hear from John. Thank you guys so much for joining today listening to not another Runner podcast. Please tell your friends and family who you think would enjoy the content. I'll be sharing. Don't forget you can get in touch with me over on Instagram by another Runner. Let me know your thoughts on the podcast any suggestions on guests or topics. This is greatly appreciated. Send me your questions through as well if you want and use the hashtag white I run to be featured and hey, if you can hit subscribe to the podcast, this will really help me to be able to give you more. Thank you again and remember when you get up An exercise or go for a run? You never regret going, but you always regret not go in. Have a great week guys and speak soon.
Jon is a runner, a teacher, a husband and brilliant father, he has a brilliant sense of humour, I love following Jon’s life on Instagram, and seeing his stories of him and his family life, because - good energy! Jon has gone from running sparingly, to building up to a 10 mile event for charity.. to going on running an Ultramarathon of 53 Miles in Race To The King last Summer. Jon has taken on so many challenges and raised money for several different charities and great causes. He is not afraid of a challenge or two.. or should I say 12?! Listen in to hear how Jon went from starting running to running an ultra, and keeping up a run streak of 212 days as of 30/06/19. Jon has some brilliant advice for starting running, and running an ultra. We get to hear what he thinks has made him so resilient and able to complete such epic challenges such as the "12 for 12 @ 12" - listen in to hear all about this challenge that he found was one of the hardest things he has ever done. Links: Jon's Instagram Jon's 12 miles at 12 for 12 days CALM SITE Not Another Runner Instagram: Blog: Easy Thrills Podcast: Easy Thrills Interview with Not Another Runner:
Welcome to haken and Animal Crossing podcast your podcast dedicated to all things Animal Crossing episode. 110 is brought to you by amarok 44 one of our newest patreon patrons today Sergio and I are answering the weekly questions for the 100-day countdown discussing the recent Animal Crossing New Horizons renders and building out our holiday wish list for Doh so to begin, hello Sergio, I'm looking right at you. I truly it's good to see you. Yeah. Yeah. So in case you don't know Sergio and I are actually recording in the same room right this moment a rare occurrence. We actually have never done this so it's a it's going to be interesting. So how you been Sergio good. It's been really good really good week again still because I'm still playing for come on. I'm playing shield now. So I Basically, I'm playing the game the right way now and it's just as fun as I remember the previous Pokemon games being so it's amazing being a great week. What about yourself? Yeah. That sounds good. I've been good. I mean we drove out 10 hours to get here to California yesterday. So it was good. I think I need those days where I'm just like pretty unplugged because I find after a while. I'm just like looking at my phone too much looking at my computer too much looking and that's what I do at work, too. So I like getting a day where i'm just like I can't look at anything. I'm driving. I'm just talking to Jackie and listening to music and podcasts and that sort of thing nice, but I am happy that you're playing Pokemon the regular way instead of just a single score bunny to take down the entire thing. But yeah, I'm really hoping I can get a lot of gaming time in this week. I've played I played Pokemon for literally two minutes today. Progress being made for sure, but I am here. I really want to I guess outside of like getting through some games. I just want to play some games. I feel like I don't get enough time to just hang on. Yes it around sometimes so I've got the week off and that should be a lot of fun. Nice. Nice. Yeah, so, you know, I didn't write this in the notes, but I did want to check in with you recently. I think it was a couple episodes ago. Go that we made our predictions for when the Animal Crossing direct would be yes, and and I'm not gonna like bash you for getting it wrong because I feel like there was still some decent news, even though like the direct didn't happen. Right even slowly getting like drip fed. These little taste from like random sources lately. Yeah, but yeah, I mean it's interesting to see that like none of this is Coming out of Nintendo of America though. Like that's true. Yeah, because the first thing was of course from Mexico they had an event over in Mexico and it was Nintendo of Latin America and we got some new screenshots that showed off some cool new stuff. And then after that there was this kind of a giveaway that Spain was doing Nintendo Spain and it showed off a lot of new character renders and then out of nowhere just dropped a bunch of of renders from the game, which we're gonna go over a little bit later, but I think you were supplied on with like just the date of when use was going to start pouring out. So thank you for bringing us Jesus. Yeah, I'm still okay. I'm still in the running though everything correct? Yeah. I think I said January 15th a regular Nintendo Direct followed by an animal crossing dedicated direct, February 20th. Nice nice. Yeah, so I mean, you know, I always hope they're gonna be sooner but like just looking at the schedule. I think those are still good times pretty good. Yeah. Yeah, I agree and I think it's going to be very beneficial for Nintendo to have a regular Direct in January because they have been very quiet and like we've said before there was no big release this December. So the sooner we hear from them the better. I think people are starting to ask. Okay, what's what's going to be? For next year besides Animal Crossing. So it's the earlier they can talk to us the better - yeah, and it's getting to that point where I always see these tweets about like, you know, we're talking about fruit about noses about all of these like little tiny details in Animal Crossing and all of these tweets are like when you know, the animal crossing fans are desperate for new. So, I don't know it's it's a real bummer to see that like This is all we really have to get excited about because there's nothing else going on. So yeah. Yeah, I'm hoping they should fix it. They should fix it soon and it's coming. Yeah, and it's an it's an interesting way of getting information out there if this is being done on purpose which no need to endure probably is so, you know, we will take whatever we get. Yeah. Yeah, and we are yeah, I think we're currently doing that. We're just getting as much as possible. Go. So before we get to into the renders, we are going to go ahead and answer the day 93 through 87 questions on the 100-day countdown. So the first question is, of course day 93 when we were 93 days away from this game. It was tell us your favorite villager species. And so I'm actually wondering what years is Sergio, you know, this used to be a very difficult question. As I have a lot of species that I like a lot so it was very tough. But honestly thanks to none. Other than pocket Camp. I have a pretty easy answer now and it is actually the cups the the bear cups because I had a lot of really good friend cups in Pocket camp in my campsite, you know, the ones that you can ask to be in your camp site. I definitely prioritize the cops. So I like them a lot easy answer now. Yeah, I love the Cubs serves. So many really cute ones and the series just like always does a really great job of switching up the designs and everything. So they're really cute. Yeah for me in the past. I would have said cats no surprise there if you know me. I'm a I love cats and mostly like just the designs. There's so many different cats and they've definitely like fleshed out those characters a lot to the point where you're like How could they possibly do with cats? Yeah, it's a good point, but I've recently become a huge fan of the koalas and I just don't know what it is about them. They're really cute to me. They have like these really huge features like the giant ears and noses and eyes on their body and and they're just have little tiny bodies and usually like I'm not a huge fan of like the googly-eyed like over huge feet. Teachers on like I guess plush dolls and stuff but it just works with me with the koalas. I don't know what it is. But I think they're really cute and I like the different colors. They have I love that all of their names are very like Australia based in England. If you ever see the English names for them, at least they feel like they're just awesome places in Australia. Yeah. But yeah the koalas and I guess a little story for why they became some of my favorite. So there's this little green koala named Lyman or Lehman. I don't really know. I always called him Lyman but he's he moved into my new Leaf Town pretty early on in the game and I've always I liked him. Well at first I was like he's all right. I don't know how I feel about him. But after like get it like talking to him all the time. I was just like man. Of the man Lyman, I really liked him. And so yeah, just like over time the koalas have just won me over. So that's why I like them. Nice. That's cool. Yeah. So for day 92, our question was our favorite Town fruit and let me tell you about this one because I've gone on a journey with this one. Yeah my very first town which was on the GameCube of course was it had peaches and I was blown away the day I found out out you could have different fruit because it was essentially like that was the only Town I'd ever seen that and I had peaches and then all of a sudden I want to say somebody sent me a fruit another fruit in a letter and I was like, wait what there are different fruit this game so that blew my mind I didn't know that there were different reasons. Yeah, I guess I should have because I'd like seeing the intro and stuff and I'm pretty sure they show different fruit trees and those intros. Yeah, but I didn't know they Like I could have them in the game. Anyways, I planted I think it was a want to say was a pair or something, but I planted it and it didn't grow so I never got another one, but I think I had peaches for all that time. I don't remember what I had really in between there. But I knew bye-bye New Leaf. I wanted cherries. That's what I was going for it right berries. And so, you know, I spent the whole first day resetting my town a million times trying to find the Layouts finding the perfect fruit and everything and eventually I found that and I got my cherries and now that we've had so long with new leaf, and I've had cherries in my town forever. I'm ready for something different. So I think I'm going back to Peaches. I kind of want to go to that classic first gameplay that I had and so yeah, I think peaches are my favorite right now. I'd be okay with apples. I'd probably be okay with You still but I do really actually like cherries a lot and hence. The reason I wanted them for so long. Oh nice, but no, I think peaches are my favorite. Cool. Cool. Are you thinking are you going to be resetting again? Yes, I'm going to reset alot. I I've thought about like I love that feeling of like what you see is what you get at the beginning of Animal Crossing, but I feel like I'm going to treat the rest of my game. Like that. Oh, that's that's a good point. Yeah, so and since because you know, like I don't want to really like dictate where my villagers move into because it is going to be an option in this one where they move in you can pick where they stay and I don't really want to do that. Like I want the only time that I really dictate what I go for is the very beginning when I decide on my Island. Yeah. So yeah. I'm going to reset a lot for that reason, but it's also like me just being interested. As we've seen so little I want to see the variety in all of the islands and everything. So, yeah. So yeah, I'm going to reset till I mean one day I'll have peaches. All right, cool. Cool. Well for me it is Apple's still I had apples a new Leaf. I think I've had apples in my town and city Folk as well. I don't remember the ones before but definitely city Folk a new leaf. And I feel like it's the the factor tree fruit and it's you know it. Offers a nice contrast between the rate of the fruit in the green of the tree and honestly, I won apples again. I'm gonna go with whatever the town gives me at first, but I'm really hoping it's apples. I see your point about well, I had so many apples for so long, you know in early but even so I really hope I get them. Yeah, and I was always really jealous of the Apple designed to because they were by far the best for The perfect fruit like that. Yeah, the perfect apples just looked so good that I was like, oh man, why would you not want apples in this game? It felt like the one to go with in I at least New Leaf, but I don't know. We haven't seen like perfect fruit at all yet, even if the new renders that we're going to go over a little bit later, so we're not sure if they're coming back. But personally, I think they will just based on how this I'm already seems like it's really going to be fleshed out and have a lot, you know. Yeah, but yeah the apples they look great and you're also I agree with just like the contrast of the green and the red. Yes together. It just looks so good. Cool. Okay. So day 91 we had another question and that was what is your favorite River fish? And yeah, what which ones do you like Sergio? Mine? Is that Dorado? You know, it's really big. I kind of like it's so rare. I always felt like you are actually catching a fish. That's pure gold. You get a bunch of good whales for it too. So it looks very fancy looks nice. It's big it's rare. I like it. Yeah, and it is like worth gold because you sell it for so much to ya around. So it's always like one of those caches that is worth getting if only you know, what here's the thing. I would probably choose that one in New Horizons is If you actually like saw Sparkles coming out of the water when I was swimming around, that would be awesome. Yes. Yeah, so my favorite it's not quite gold but it does kind of have gold in it as well. But it is the pop-eyed Goldfish and I just love this fish. I love how weird it looks with its bulgy eyes and it's kind of like really I don't know. I guess I'm really into the big eye thing right now. Even though usually I'm not but regardless so I think the gold the pop-eyed goldfish is just a fun little different fish than the regular goldfish. I like the new color that it has the black color versus the I guess gold color. But yeah, it's just when whenever I get when I'm just happy to see it's big eyes looking at me and ice and I don't have the heart to sell them a lot of the time I do but for a long time, I would just put them in. In my house at home. And so I'd have like a pop-eyed goldfish in every room and I say yeah because they're cute. They they go in a little bowl eligible cool. Alright, so the day 90 question was design a new Public Works project and I'll be honest I was driving so I did and packing and doing all sorts of things to get ready to come here. But so I didn't have time I didn't have time to draw one. So there's no art piece from me this time, but I do have an idea and my idea is that I would create a water mill and this you know, the Watermill is kind of that like wooden round wheel thing that gets pushed by the water and creates some sort of energy. Yeah, as it goes because one I do really like that as kind of an environmental source of energy. Yeah, but then to is just like we've never had kind of a way or I guess items that we could place in the water outside of bridges. Yeah, we could put bridges that took us over them. But there was really no way to decorate the water really add more features to it. You know. Yeah, and so I I would like that I would like to have methods of dressing up the river a little bit more. Yeah, like, you know, I guess I also thought of doing like little paper boats that you could put in the water and follow down. Oh, but yeah, I Watermill I felt like was a little bit Easier to put up as a project just because you know, it can sit there a paper boat. It gets to the ocean it drowns. Yeah drowns it see it's over for that paper boat and but the mill seems like it's a good thing to put that'll last a while. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. I love that idea. Yeah. So what was yours Sergio? So for me I drew or not. Really I did. Signed a bridge but it's actually made out of glass and if the if we do get something like that in your horizons, I would really want it to be very very sparkly. It would look very shiny almost like Crystal, you know, it would look it would look nice. Yeah. Yeah, and I do like that you have your little rendering here of it and that you use like an actual location from the game. Yeah from a New Horizon. So I think Really cool, look it makes me feel like it's very it gives me kind of like an icy feel. Yeah, but yeah, no, I think that's really cool. I think I want to see that. I want to see different kind of materials come out and like glass if we can collect sand or something like it would be cool if we could make glass out of stuff or you know, at least use some material to turn it into a certain type of Of item. So yeah, and we can make it out of Gorilla Glass voice breaks. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. You don't want that thing breaking while people are walking over especially if they don't have their pole vault on them. Oh, yeah, they'll be stuck. But man that's an interesting concept now because we have we're going to have like flimsy items that will break definitely none of our things that we craft break. Oh, yeah. I want them to last especially because like, you know, you're Going for a certain look in a town. It would be a bummer if that bright and then yes have to go and craft it all over again. But I guess it just keeps you playing. That's that's that's a great approach to look at it. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So question 89 is your favorite diving catch and this one took me a while, but was here Sergio. Oh my was easy. I want the scallop because you know whenever you get one you are guaranteed some great life. If advice from Pascal, so why wouldn't you want to you get the scallop and you get advice and it's always really good advice. You know, you're right that is a really good option just with you know Pascal he's come up in different ways throughout the series, but it wasn't till that new Leaf where we had the swimming and were able to dive where he popped up in such a very Pascal way where he was just kind of, you know, he's probably sitting around On just lounging about and then you dive down get a scallop and he's like, oh, whoa, I better go check out what this guy's got going on because I want one of that. Yeah. So yeah, I do really like how you pops up mine took a while just because for some reason I couldn't think of the name of it. I knew exactly what I wanted and for a bit I was calling it the wrong thing, but I love the spider crab and it's just this really giant crab with long creepy legs like a like a daddy longlegs. Or something but it's just amazing to me whenever I catch one and swim back up and I like whoa. What am I carrying? That thing could kill me? Because it's huge. Yeah, it's a huge crab. And so I really like it for its size its creepiness and just the fact that you go down and just grab one. Yeah from the water. I would be afraid to do that. Yeah life. All right. So question 88 this is our second to last. So we're getting close and this one's a fun one. What was your favorite villager dialogue? Well for me, it's actually whenever to Bill atures sort of engaging a conversation between themselves and your kind of they're just listening and they have a lot of different stories some most of them are pretty funny and then out of nowhere one of them asked for your opinion a do you agree with me? Do you think I'm right or wrong? What do you About this in you know, regardless of your choice, it's always a really funny outcome and I just really liked when they get so into their conversations and then they involve you too. So that's pretty cool. Yeah, I love those and I think they started popping up more. They've always been in the game. But I feel like in City Folk. They started popping up more have they always been in the game. I don't even remember now at this point, it's tough. Yeah. But yeah, those interactions are always really great where you could just see your villagers and how they hang out together. Yeah, I think that brings a lot of life to it and you're like, oh, yeah, so I'm not the only one who can talk to these animals. They can talk to each other too. Yeah, they all speak animal. He's so mine. There's some really great pieces of dialogue from the first game and the ones that I really liked were very I guess unique and just Is that I hadn't heard before but made perfect sense to me, but I don't remember which villager I had who said this but they were talking about something that made them really angry and the way they said it was that really steams my broccoli. And so you see like, you know, they're little puff of smoke coming out of their head. Yes, sir, you know, they're angry in that moment, but that's how they put like. I'm really angry right now. Like I'm heated and it's making me boil the A spot and I got broccoli in it. And so I don't know the whole image of it just makes me smile. It's a really funny way to think about being angry. So yeah, that really steams my broccoli. That was my favorite. I really don't remember who said it but it was just one of those pieces of dialogue that really stood out to me because I was like, I've never heard this but I get it and I love it. Yeah. Yeah. Alright our last Last question for this week is bug off or fishing tourney Sergio. I know my answer and I used to like fishing more but now I think I'm a hundred percent in on liking bug catching more than fishing and I'll tell you why there's just like a to me at least there's it feels like there's a bigger variety and challenge to catching bugs because You know, there's some conditions that you have to meet in order for some bugs to appear like new Leaf had ones where you were like, oh, you have to have like a blue or purple flower in your town for the peacock butterfly. Yeah exist in it at War you had to have a stump in your town because this bug only showed up on the stumps and everything and there were even ones that were like the pond skater. That's like oh this one's just on the pond skipping. Around and you have to get it from the water, you know, right and then there's even like the diving Beetle to that one has that but just the variety of being a of what you could catch was really fun to me. And then it's also like you can see them versus like fishing it it's very repetitive the the action fishing to me where you're walking up and down the river you're walking across the shore and just like your eyes are peeled to see if there's a Shadow out there. Yeah, and the only Shadows that are really, you know recognizable as a certain thing that you're looking for is the Sharks if you'll see the fin popping out and that that Edition was really cool to me because I was like, oh cool I can tell when I'm gonna catch ya or it's going to be one of those ocean sunfish which aren't worth as much but it did, you know, allow you to know what you're catching. So I do like that, you know what you're chasing after in bug. Yes, Stephen. That it's not like just you know, you throw your line out. Hopefully this is something new so it's not I'm gonna guess sell it. Yeah, but then I feel like once you see a bug that you've like never seen before like you get right into the action right there. You have to act fast. You have to think about how you got to approach it. Like, you know, the ones on the trees could get scared away. So you have to you have to be careful walking up to them and or maybe it's like one of those really fast dragon. It flies so you have to just like get right to it right now and start chasing it. Otherwise, it's getting away. Yeah, you know, yeah, so the bugs I just love that immediately the excitement begins when you see something that you've never seen. Ah, yeah, that's that's that's a very good point and you know for me it is a tough choice. I do like both activities a lot. I really love it, but I'm actually gonna go with the bug off as well. Oh, well. Yeah, so in the big reason is because what you said you actually See the box or you know what you're after, you know, what you need to do if you have limitations or if you need to work faster, if you can take your time a little bit you can see it and you know what you're gonna get right with fish. You don't really know like sometimes you can tell by the size of the Shadow, but even so you don't really know until you catch it in another part is because with the bug off it it's more like a like an activity. It's like a challenge, you know, it's like a tournament but fishing for me, it's more about relaxing so I do prefer. Fishing normally outside the tournament like I would rather fish instead of buck catch, but when it's tournament mode, I'm more interested in the bug off because it's more like action packed in a way. Yeah. No, I really like what you're saying. I almost would go the other way and a tournament though if I thought about it just because like, oh, it's a mystery to everybody but at the same time like her the shadow thing where you Kind of tell after a while. I do like the Nuance of that with fishing but I've seen you know, I've played every game so I've seen the shadow sizes change over over each game where I think the red snapper used to be a lot bigger of a shadow in older games and then that changed in the sea bass turned into a large Shadow so they kind of swapped and I was like, I was angry at first. Yeah, like what another sea bass like I thought I was done with this life. Because you catch a lot of yeah, it's why people make sure it's out of that. But yeah, like every game I feel like you have to learn the new shadows and everything, which I think it's fine. I do. Like I said, I do really appreciate that aspect and feel like that little Nuance to fishing is really cool. But I think the excitement it just doesn't match up to seeing an a bug that you've never seen. Yeah, that's true. Mmm. Yeah. All right. Well, that's all. Them for at least this week and so for everybody listening. Congratulations 87 days to go until this Animal Crossing game is out amazing. I am so excited and you know, I guess we've got about a week left of this year, which means there's one more week to go before we enter the year of Animal Crossing and there's got to be news pretty soon. So, yeah, hopefully everybody were not Waiting too much longer after this. So let's go ahead and move into what we talked about a little bit earlier, but we've got some recent Animal Crossing New Horizons renders, and these were really mysterious. I have I still don't know really where they came from but somebody like tweeted it me that there were these renders and they were all posted in this Animal Crossing fan site and I just don't know their Origins and it was even to the case of like it. Should I talk about this on YouTube because we're living now in a world where Pokemon is after people for leaking stuff. Yeah, and I'm like, well, you know, I guess I didn't leak them. I'm just looking at them as and as a fan, I feel like I should be able to react and talk about them, right? Yeah. So yeah, I don't feel too worried about that and overall though like these are a mystery honestly a gift. To us because I have no idea where they came from, but I guess to go over them really quickly. We got about a few kind of I guess storybook images. I would call them where like say you're just flipping through a picture book or something. And these are just like little scenes of characters in Animal Crossing. Each of them has about two characters and they have some different items and stuff going on and then the others are just like renders of characters. And the just the characters themselves are not like in a setting, you know, right but they do have some different clothing some different things going on. So we're going to go ahead and go through them Sergio. I want to know what you thought when you saw these. Oh, I like them a lot in in honestly. It was a little bit jarring at first like trying to determine if they were real or not. And when I saw KK cider, I knew they were pretty much real we still don't know but I'm 90% sure they are. Our in will get to KK, but overall these look very nice. They keep highlighting how exciting this new game is going to be in the little nuances the little details that we pick up on in. They just making this game very special already in it's giving us a preview of what's to come. Yeah, and I felt the same way to I was like are these real are these actually what we're looking at here, but I'm really glad that like once you saw KK U you for sure. I knew these were real and I'll say I leaned toward them being real just because just the earlier that day we had gotten some new I guess character renders from Nintendo Spain. Yes. And so those character renders some of them matched up with the new ones that we were looking at. So I was like, okay, I think these are legitimate. I think they are ones that were going to see in the future so still no idea where they're coming from. From but I'm happy that we got the yes. So let's go ahead and go through some of these and Sergio actually wanted to start with you and your thoughts on KK Slider because as you all know we have not seen any care any I guess special characters outside of Tom Nook and then Timmy and Tommy the nooklings essentially and KK sliders render. This is the first we've seen of another special character existing in this game. So Sergio Run me through your reaction seeing him and your thoughts on him and everything. I want to know. Well, my first reaction was pretty much excitement because it's really good to see him again. And then right away you kind of start seeing the differences in to me the biggest like the most striking difference right from the get-go is that he looks a little creamy. She doesn't look as white as he used to. He looks a little more texture so So I don't honestly, I'm not a big fan of the change, but I'm not going to get used to it. I'm I'm now I'm still going to love KK no matter what but it's just it's unusual. Like I wasn't expecting him to look that way like out of nowhere. Really. Another thing is that it was cool to see that Kiki was the first special character that we saw besides Tom Nook in the new clinks. Honestly. I was expecting Isabel before KK, so that was nice. Yeah, that is really special because I mean if we go back to at least our Origins with the game like Kate's the guy who greets us. Yes start. You know what I have a question for you. They're like did you know about KK Slider before playing this game or playing Animal Crossing for the first time? That's a good question. No, I didn't know. Yeah because I always wonder because you know like you run into him. He's the one who essentially creates your file for Animal Crossing the very first one and then then yeah, I don't think I feel like I saw him and I was like, oh man, there's this cool dog. Yeah, then after a while I started playing the game, you know, I never ran into him again and was like, I had gotten to that point where I forgot who KK Slider was to some extent and then all of the sudden I just happened to be walking by my train station at after 8 p.m. On Saturday and he's right there and I was just like this dog what happens if I talk to him, you know, And that's where the magic all begins. Yes, take a slider. But I also really love that like immediately you're noticing differences about kick a slider and I'm like, you know, I saw him and I was like, oh man, this is cake a slider in HD. Yeah, and I didn't really notice too much like the color thing. I didn't know until you pointed it out, you know. Yeah, so I guess what else have you noticed is different about his render and everything. So the nose looks a little more narrow that that's a little it could be the angle. To in the specially also his feet. They look they can't look flat. I don't know again. It could be the angle, but I think they kind of change him a little bit at some of the people on hey can were also discussing that maybe the color is it's a little different because of the lighting and it's more of a sunny island environment, so that could be true. But I think it's going to be a little more creamy this time around it's probably on purpose and that's totally fine. And the the actually the reason why And I saw him and I kind of realized no, these are pretty much authentic is because if you look at his eyes he is Left Eye is a little more open. It's like it's taller a little bit and he's right idea is it's a little more close. It's like he's giving a like a very faint wink with his right eye. And if you look at official KK art or renders or even the amiibo they always have that the left eye is it's a little more taller or open. So when I notice that I said, okay, this is this is legit. It now I'm going to look at all of them. That's cool. Yeah. No, I didn't know that but like he's definitely you know, he's a guy with a lot of style a lot of Charisma and everything, especially when he's performing so know that makes a lot of sense with him. Just giving you like that slight. Yank. Yeah. I'm and now that I'm looking at them a lot closer to I just I love his look. I think he's looking great. I can't wait to run into him on my And and start playing some music and I'm hopefully hopefully March 21st because that's the first Saturday, right? Oh my goodness. You are totally correct. Okay. Yeah because you know, you've complained about that in the past and one big gripe with new Leaf. Is that just like you can't see KK Slider right at the beginning, right? It takes a lot of time to get to that. So yeah, I'm surprised you didn't time travel. Yeah, but I guess you did have your two weeks off to really we focus on the game. Yeah, and you'll have two weeks on this one. Yes, man. I'm excited. All right. So let's go ahead. I think I've broken this down and several different ways. But the first thing I kind of pointed out on here was the new tool designs that we've seen for these characters the most I guess we've only really seen I would say four or five tools. Usually I would say for is what I wanted to say. I'm counting the Nook phone as a tool in this one. I think it's gonna be like a pretty key role in the game, you know, the ones that we are seeing are the watering can the neck phone a bug net a fishing rod and an Axe and the in most interesting ones are definitely the bug net and the watering can to me mostly because we've seen kind of a more updated fishing rod before in a render. So that's not exactly new but it is an update from like guess the flimsy Rod, which maybe we haven't even seen the flimsy Rock and and then the other item is the acts which is recognizably the flimsy acts. It's just the model that we've gotten used to seeing from the tree house. They used that the whole time but the bug net is definitely different like right away notice will be noticeably different because we've thus far seeing the flimsy one, which is more of a try. Angle shape. Yes, and wooden of course, but this one is like is it metal is what is the net made out of it just looks like a much more intensive type of net you know, yeah, I like it a lot more pretty much from the get-go. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I love the triangle one just because like, oh man, it's triangle. Yeah, I get that. But yeah the bug net is a really cool updated look and then the the watering can we have actually seen we've seen A wooden watering can thus far? And this one is it looks like it's a Fisher-Price type of tank and it just looks like it's blue and yellow and has look like a bright color to it and kind of more of a plasticy look to it. Yeah. No, so yeah, and then underneath their watering some new flowers, which I think a lot of the comments. I read on my video that kind of looked at all of these was that they're called hi. Since I think that's how you pronounce it, but yeah, there's some new flowers here, which we've seen now a couple new flowers. But yeah, I don't know it seems like I'm hoping the it means there's just going to be a huge variety to the the tools that we craft. Yes cousin in emphasis to them. Like they're really showing a lot of abilities with the tools so they can have maybe telling you in a way. A you're going to be using these a lot in they're going to look different because you're going to be crafting different versions of them. Yeah. Yeah, and I guess so I guess if I scrolled up I will we also get a look at the pole vault some of the the sun hammer for crafting and then another look at the acts just laying next to some wood. But yeah, it seems like the tools are going to be a big part of your game play because we've already seen that kind of come true with the axe for example, like you pick up some That you find on the floor a rock or something and then you go over tunics and you craft those items into an X and then that acts unlock some other crafting materials essentially like I start chopping the tree you get some different types of wood and then all of a sudden so it seems like this crafting business this whole system. It's going to have a lot of depth. It's going to have a lot of stuff that is going to be unlocked as we get the materials for stronger and stronger tools. Right. Yeah, so that's that's exciting to me. It's really exciting that like we're scratching the surface with this. Like I'm just putting out ideas here and already I feel like these ideas are going to grow. Yeah. Yeah. So after that I also wanted to point out just like there are tons of bags and backpacks on these characters. I want to say does every character here have a bag or backpack, I think. Just like three that don't which is insanity. It seems like they definitely added a wallaby that has a backpack shop and it's going to expand your inventory. Just putting that out there because it's a good idea. But yeah all of these bags and I wanted to ask you Sergio. Like are you feeling like are these gonna unlock more inventory space? Does it give you that impression? Yes, I think so. I really definitely hope so it would have been nice, you know, even if they're just aesthetic just for looks but how having more storage just by having any kind of bag you could even switch them around and you still get the extra storage that will be amazing. Yeah, I and the weird thing about him is like some of the backpacks for example, the one that stood out to a lot of people most is just like this bag that carries logs. Yes. And so the kind of log carrying backpack is its unique it makes people feel like Are we going to have certain bags that do certain things like is this one specifically for collecting wood or is it specifically for crafting materials, you know because we've also seen ones that have like the fish on them like a fish symbol and so does that fish symbol indicate that like, oh this is extra storage for catching fish when you do catch them because that's the one I guess the one flaw, I would say Animal Crossing has had pretty. Distantly just like managing inventory in the game. Yes is a hassle and you know, you get used to it after a while you got used to your 15 slots that you had to to store things. But you know, you had to be creative with how you use those because you're carrying tools you're doing certain things and you had to always be managing it to do the job that you wanted to do, right? Yeah. So the bags I'm hoping that it's pointing toward a system. Where we just have more ability to store things. Yes, especially because and I guess I don't have an image of this but I think back to opening the inventory in the game. We've seen kind of the bubble that pops up and yes along the bottom. There's different men. There's a lot of room for menus to scroll through different things. Mmm. So I would expect there to be open up different compartments in the future as we play the game, so So yeah, I don't know there's there's a lot that this game could do to really improve some of the stuff that has been limited thus far. Yes. Hmm cool. So the next thing I wanted to talk about was layered clothing and this is exciting. Yeah, because this seems like we're going to have a lot more options for how we customize our characters and really express ourselves. So going from the first image we've seen In this there's a girl in overalls and I guess kind of a plaid shirt like blue overalls and a plaid red shirt and we've seen this outfit before this one actually showed up. I think in the first trailer we saw this outfit, but the one thing we've also seen in that first trailer is the same shirt without the overall. So this gives me the impression the overalls are going to be of option that you can put over the actual clothing that you're wearing like Can just wear it over a lot of different things. And then the other thing we see is a character with a shirt kind of a plaid shirt tied around their waist. It's very 90s very grunge, which is cool. I'm into that look a lot. But yet like is this going to be a new way that we can wear our clothing like maybe we can take our long sleeves and say oh, I don't want to wear it as a shirt. I want to just wear it around my waist because we've kind of seen those options. Pop up in other games where we you could use a pattern and a bunch of different styles, you know, and so yeah, I don't know. How are you feeling about that Sergio? It's very exciting. I've always really wanted more variety in the clothing and the accessories that you can get in the way that you can combine them. So like you're saying it would be very nice. If you can design your clothing whichever way you want it to look and then you can decide either to wear it as clothing or as an accessory in that goes with layered clothing, you know it hopefully there's a lot of options the more the merrier for this. Yeah. Yeah, and you know layers they're just cool. I want to look awesome. I want to be able to put on like a shirt and then put on a jacket over my shirt too kind of, you know, unzipped and show like a cool design on my shirt or something while I'm sporting an awesome jacket. Yeah. Yeah, especially during the winter and things I don't know. There's so many possibilities with what you could do layering clothing. So I hope we get that for sure. The next thing I wanted to mention was the new hairstyles. So we are seeing a lot of representation for people of color. We're finally getting a bunch of new hairstyles that just didn't exist before and I've talked about this. I hate whenever I would go to Harriet and I'd say yeah, let's get my hair done and then I answer all of her questions and then I come out looking like Like Guy Fieri, I like oh my goodness. Who am I? Why is this my personality and now it's just like it seems like they've updated a lot of the hairstyles made a bunch of hairstyles that are more contemporary while also keeping a lot of the classic Animal Crossing ones, you know, so I am excited about this. I feel like It's about time we get more than what is their 16 hairstyles / gender and then eventually once you've gotten every single one of those hairstyles you unlock the other one's right. So yeah, I think everybody's been looking for way more variety from what they get because you know, like a lot of people do their hair in different ways and it is a huge way to express yourself. So and you know, it's a huge way to just capture who you are too. So I am For it. Yes, definitely and I think you pointed out that we're also getting new hair colors and I'm really really excited about that as well. Yeah, are you gonna go with like different colors? Because I feel like I'm very basic I go with the basic dark brown option for me. Yeah. No me too. But it's very nice to see other players with other hairstyles other colors. Yeah. I'm a stickler for my regular dark brown hair. Yeah, because I'm seeing a lot of people go with really fun. Colorful colors like not you know, the bright ones that aren't natural hair colors in Pokemon and I see them and I'm like man they look awesome. They just look really cool. And like I have a friend and she her character has pink hair or it's kind of like lavenderish, but I'm like man your character looks great. Yeah. I love it. So I don't know why I don't explore the hair color options too much, but I don't know. I just don't know but I do really love the colors when I do see them on other people. Yes, Mmm Yeah. The next thing we see is just some little things we can mention the new flowers, but the other thing was new bugs actually. Okay? No. Yeah, we'll talk about bugs real quick because I did want to make a couple predictions based on these things, but the new bug and I've put bugs but it's really just a bug but it's a butterfly which I don't think is one that Had in the games thus far and I thought it was like a peacock butterfly or Raja Brooke, but I think that they it is a different design. It is something new. So this is pointing to us having just new Collectibles. And one of the big things is the museum in every game which we still haven't seen but I feel like we've got to get it. Yeah, there's there's just like the whole Encyclopedia of looking through all the things it'd be perfect as an app on your Nook phone. So I feel like it just makes sense to have that so I don't know man. I how are you feeling about like seeing you bugs and fish and things we can catch? Oh, it's awesome because that just means more value to the game more longevity. Correct me if I'm wrong. I don't think they have ever taken out either fish or bugs or things that you can collect. Maybe there's been like a few exceptions, but I don't see why they would so just seeing new ones. That means we're getting New ones and the old ones should all come back. So it's going to be more things to get in the museum or things to catch. So more gameplay. Yeah, and they actually have taken out some and there's some there's ones in population growing on the GameCube that haven't returned but they're kind of some reasons behind it. Like for example, one of there's three fish that one's like a small bass ones just a bass and then there's like Like a large bath, so they're all the same fish just different sizes, but they're counted differently in your encyclopedia in the game. Oh nice. So there are those but beyond that like there's not there aren't too many that have disappeared but I think there are a few more but yeah, I think you're right definitely like we're we should be expecting more stuff to collect verses that versus them like deleting some to make room for others. So yeah, I Like there are definitely going to be just a lot of new ones to catch and I hope they do different designs for a lot of them for like the tanks and the I guess what would you call the enclosures for a bug that you keep whatever those are but yeah, just when you put them inside your house and display them. I hope we get a cool new way to display them. Oh, yeah, fish and Bug, yeah. Mmm. Alright, so the last thing I want to do with these I guess kind of screenshots is I want to make a couple predictions because we are getting like a vast amount of new hairstyles and probably some new flowers and everything. But my prediction is that when we see characters like Harriet and leave characters that you know have in the past kind of introduce some new Greenery some new hairstyles for us to get I think they're going to really be focused on Unlocking our options for stuff because I have a feeling we're going to have some like pretty basic hair options and I options and all sorts of things with our characters when we start but it isn't till like maybe Harriet visits Our Town one day and she's like, oh, I'm doing some haircuts here. It costs this much and you can go to her and be like, oh, they're all these new styles that I can try out while she's here, you know, so I have a feeling those characters are going to be really aimed. That doing still the similar thing but growing all of the new stuff that we have been able to do, you know, right gotcha. That would be a nice way to slowly like sort of daily be introducing the special characters and whatever unlockable they're related to yeah. Yeah, I would love just you know, like they're supposed to be the masters of their craft, you know? Yeah. So show us what the Masters can do and give us all the cool new stuff and maybe don't limit us from Having one haircut a day. Oh, no. Yeah. Yeah because you know you sometimes you just want to experiment. Yeah a bunch of different things. Yeah. All right. Well, I think that's it for these renders. Let's go ahead and move into creating our Nintendo / Animal Crossing wish list. So as you all know, it is Christmas Eve, but it's also toy day here in Animal Crossing. So we figured it's time to make our wish list for For I guess not Santa but Jingle the black nose reindeer and so Sergio and I we came up with a few Animal Crossing items for our wish list and a few just general Nintendo items that we'd like so Sergio will go back and forth on these. What is your first I guess item on your wish list for Animal Crossing the very first one the biggest wish is a limited edition original switch to the Switching at the light. That is Animal Crossing New Horizons team. I really really want one. Yes. I was going to put this on my list, but I was like, oh, well Sergio's asking for it. We can't double up we gotta get as much as out of this as possible. That's right. Yes, I want that for sure. That is I am starting to work on my set up for like more streaming and doing more YouTube stuff and I'm going to need a second DOC for that. That and I'm like well I might as well just buy another switch if that's the case so I might as well just buy one. That's Animal Crossing theater. I'm gonna buy a switch. So, you know, it just it's an easy equation. Yeah, it's simple math. But yes, I agree. I need that for sure. My first wish is a small but obvious one. I want I'm wishing for an animal crossing direct. I just I know a lot of people are like I don't need to see any more info and I'm like, okay, then you don't watch it. I need something at this point. Like I don't want them to be quiet anymore. Just give me the news. I feel like Animal Crossing is not really a game that can be spoiled. You know, but I think we're going to have a bigger discussion on that idea a little later. But yeah, I wanted an animal crossing direct. Just give us that. Yeah. Yeah. It's I really hope it happens. I do think Animal Crossing it sits. It deserves its own direct and it really helps a series like this to have its own specific direct. Like I said, I was surprised that we just mentioned three didn't get one but I think Animal Crossing needs one and I think it is going to get one. Yes, it does need one. Yeah. So what's your next Animal Crossing wish so I want them to either show or mention some Item distribution or even if it's paid DLC, but I want them to talk about it either when the game comes out right a launch or really soon thereafter. Hopefully within two weeks. I just want them to to reassure players that we're going to be getting new content. Hopefully free. I'm okay with paid DLC, but I mean free would be way better and that's how it was in New Leaf. So as long as we mentioned that in we're getting new items here and there maybe even once a month or two a month, that would be that'd be good. I want them to let players know what to expect. Yes. I agree. I think my second one kind of Falls in that vein as well where I just want there to be regular updates to New Horizons kind of like Splatoon because yeah, we do know like those those Studios. They're very huge that at least those developing teams for Nintendo and they have to be huge to some extent to just kind of minimize the time it takes to makes a lot of things. Yeah, but also minimized The stress that you're putting on your workers and luckily a Nintendo's big and they have the resources to pay for that. Yeah, not a lot of you developers have that luxury money can be hard to come by and when you're trying to hire people to make awesome awesome things. Yeah, like Animal Crossing but we you know that a lot of the same people who work on Splatoon go back and forth and there's a lot of similar influence in those games. So I want to see like monthly updates for the game. Like Splatoon and I feel like that kind of goes along the line of your free item distribution, you know, because I wanted to be free like Splatoon they give us free stuff for like what two years. Yes. Yes. It's amazing. That is so incredibly generous and you know granted like that's kind of their kickoff plan with Splatoon every time where what did we have when that game first came out five levels to play. Yeah. Now it's at like a million. It's that way more than five. So like Animal Crossing just do that. Like they kind of did that a bit in New Leaf? Like there were items on a monthly basis kind of monthly. It was a weird schedule. You really had to keep up with it. Yeah to get everything but it was it was making the game like feel special and it really adds to that real-time feel to it. So yeah. I agree. I feel like we just need regular updates. Yeah. Yeah, they're for free dump it. I don't want to pay. Yeah. All right. So what was your last Animal Crossing? Wish? Well, the last one is speaking of free. It would be a big expansion. You know how we got welcome amiibo for New Leaf. I want something like that for New Horizons and I think by the end of next year, that would be a good time to either have it out or to talk about it in. It would be better if it's free, but it in in this case. It might be like a concern if it's a considerable expansion. It might need to be paid but I just want there to be something. You know, like we have said we want something that is going to keep us coming back to this game. We already have it. We're going to be playing this for years. But if we're going to be waiting another seven to who knows how many years for the next one, you know, there's got to be something in between to change it up. Really we're going to be playing no matter what but if it's a little bit different a couple Of years into the game even better. Yeah. Yeah, and I definitely feel that too because now since this way it has been so long since New Leaf like it's literally going to be eight years in the making for this game because you leave first came out 2012 in Japan and now the next game is coming out 2020. It's not quite eight years. It's like seven and a half-ish but it's eight years number one. It's wise yeah between those so I'm just like You know, like it takes a long time to come up with all of these new ideas ways to really make this game feel fresh and everything and you can tell they're doing that with New Horizons or putting tons of new ideas into the game. So I expect them to avoid like a small city Folk style release where city Folk wasn't a very big push for the series like it didn't do too much new stuff. Yeah, and I think they're going to be aiming to do that with every animal crossing game because it's just kind of what's expected at this point. But yeah, I think they need to start thinking about how they're going to eat us Animal Crossing content in this next 10-year. Wait. Yeah, which I keep saying 10 years because I don't like to get my hopes up. Yeah that the next game will be out in like five or so, but you know, that's very realistic ya go. Like I feel like it it does take that long to make a game like this feel fresh and new Yeah Mmm Yeah. So my last I guess wish for Animal Crossing is I just want them to do and Animal Crossing concert tour, ah in the u.s. That we because I feel Japan gets all of these really cool concerts for video game music and I'm just like come on. I want to see cake a slider on stage playing. Saying all these cake a slider songs we give them today and I'm Sergio. You probably want that to yeah, and you know, you probably live in a place that's closer. That would probably be closer to a location where they'd actually host write something like that. So I'm like, yeah, I make a trip out here. Yeah, I'll come and I'll see KK Slider. Oh, yeah, I would want to see ya along with all the other musicians that are going to Up in New Horizons. Oh, no, they haven't told us. Yeah. Yeah, but yeah, I guess let's go into our last few wishes which are Nintendo specific. What do you want to see from Nintendo? I guess what would you put on your wish list? So surprise surprise. I'm in Pokemon mode. So my first wish is I want a new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game and I wanted for the switch in the reason is because these games are actually like Pokemon, but very very difficult. It's actually challenging. So I want a new one. I want one with the three new starters from the gala region and it's just going to be very nice. They always have really cool very heartfelt stories actually. So just getting a new one with a nice little upgrade on the graphic side because of the switch. And again, it's like playing Pokemon would with a challenge and it's actually very difficult sometimes so I'm I'm definitely stoked for that. Yeah. I love Pokemon mystery. Dungeons and it's exactly because of that like they're tough games and if you want a really tough and I guess tough Pokemon experience. That's the way to do it. Yeah. Yeah. Mine is one that I see a lot of people ask for and I'm definitely on that train with them but Pikmin for I just want more Pikmin. I always really enjoy the games and I really liked Pikmin 3, but they're just the experience of A bit on the Wii U Hardware felt clunky and kind of not well thought out to me it felt like it forced Gamepad stuff and I'm just like yeah, I just want and just give me Pikmin I can gyro control aim. Yeah and be fine. And because I do it in Splatoon pretty easily like I play with the motion kind of stuff. So yeah Pikmin for that's what I want. What's your next one? Cool? So next for me. I'm sorry another Pokemon game and I really want to Remake of diamond and pearls in if you go by the Remake series basically like the side games like they keep going back to older games. These are the next ones and I think let's see in ultrasound and ultramoon. I believe there was a little bit of a hint towards Diamond and Pearl. So overall, you know, what you might have been in the let's go games actually, so that's even more recent. So I really think it's a matter of just waiting for these. I think they're going to be awesome. These games have my My favorite gaming soundtrack. So just getting it revamp or orchestrated. It's going to be amazing. Yes, that's always really fun just to feel hear the updates to the music and everything. But yeah, this is a popular choice. I think it needs to happen. I Gen 4 is one that I've wanted to go back to for a long time because the way I played it ruined the experience for oh I didn't I guess it didn't like ruin it, but it was it did leave me feeling Like I did I was annoyed. I was annoyed when I played that game the way I played it. So now I'm just like all right. I need to revisit this because I feel like I look at it unfairly as like there's one specific thing that bugged me and it was mostly me on me. So right because I do think back to some of the stuff and I'm like, oh, yeah, that was pretty cool. I do want to experience that again. Gotcha. Okay. My next one is WarioWare. Game, I want WarioWare. I've always loved minigames in Mario Party and micro games in WarioWare. Just take them to the next level. It's so fast. It's quick. It's hilarious. The art style is off. Its off. I don't even know where it's off. It's just gone some different direction. Yeah, you don't even know. So I love WarioWare. I think they're fun. I think they're hilarious and I just want something Charming. Or non stressful, even though can be a little stressful. They that's games get fast. Yeah. Yeah, and you know, those are a lot of fun for single player but also for multiplayer in with the switch with a share the joke on really easily that's going to be awesome. Yeah, it's gonna make all sorts of things crazy. Yeah. All right. So I think we're on our last ones, right? Yes. My last wish list for from Nintendo for next year is either a new per Mario Strikers game like the soccer game that we had one for the GameCube one for the week. It would be great to have one on the street or if I cannot get that maybe a Mario Golf game of the switch. I feel like that's more likely I'm good with either one. Probably more people would play Mario Golf and I know you're a big fan and have a lot of friends that are big fans. So either one that would be that would be pretty awesome. Yeah, I would get both of these. Oh nice. Yeah right away. I am a huge Mario Golf and those Always been funny enough my favorite Mario Sports series just because I like the variety and all the courses like all the different characters that are in it and they just feel fun as golf players to me. Yeah, I wrote Mario Golf fan fiction in fourth grade. So yeah, I was into it. I was really into it. So yeah, I would not mind another Mario Golf game cool. Alright, my last one is Is one that I'm sure you want to Rhythm Heaven. Yes. Yes. I love Rhythm Heaven. I love beets and keeping up with them and the songs are always so catchy and fun. And yeah, that's a real adventure to go see ya. Those are our wish list items. Hopefully all of them come true. Of course, they would I don't see why not Nintendo you've heard it from us. All right. So let's go ahead and close out the show. With our Higgins Islander corner, and for those of you who don't know every single week. We asked our patrons on patreon a question and read some of their answers here on the show for you. This week's question is which is better bug off or fishing tourney. So we are keeping this in line with our 100-day countdown Challenge and asking them one of these questions from The Challenge each week. So this one Sergio we've already answered so we'll just go back and forth on our patreon. On answers. So yes, would you mind starting sure thing in the first answer is by Riley G and they say fishing tournament for sure. I feel so much more successful catching fish as opposed to bugs. Hmm. That's interesting. I mean it gets in the tournament mode. You kind of feel more like you said to me because you don't know what you're gonna get and then once you get it, it's like a surprise to everyone participating. Yeah, and I'll say there is that like tension whenever you throw your line out where you really have to pee A attention to the fish and sea and really react to it. Yeah, so I get that for sure the thrill in the tournament. I agree with that. Yeah. So Cody bear said, I've always enjoyed the fishing tourney more. I personally love fishing in animal crossing the most. I feel like I'm not very good at catching bugs. Yeah, I guess yeah, you kind of have to approach bugs in a different way, but the fishing one it's a repetitive action. I feel Makes it accessible like I've complained about it earlier, you know, but I do recognize that like, you know, you get a lot of practice with it and it becomes something you can learn and improve at yeah. Yeah, definitely. So dragon flame says I would say the bug the bug off can bug off so it sounds like they want fishing more. Yeah. Yeah. So real life Cloud said I'm going to say the bug off especially if the contest is for a specific. Of bugs / fish when fishing you can look for the right Shadow size, but it's always hit or miss if you're getting the right fish when bug catching you can actually see what you're catching. Also. I really like that that's a good reason to like it to Nat is a very unique chameleon style character. So yeah. Yeah and yeah the but the tournaments do come off very interesting when you're catching certain things too. So I like that appeal to it. Oh, yes, definitely. Really so X and the MPX MDB says the vector knee is easy as you can usually go to the island or somewhere else to get a huge bug. I like the fishing tournament because I feel more proud catching fish as big fish are rare and that's true. And then sometimes you just want a regular fish and you get trash. So yeah, that just gives you fishing. Yeah. Yeah, and I guess you can kind of like cheese the bug off. So by doing the island. Yeah, I get that for sure. I'm so Winnie World said I like bugs a lot. But I feel it's much easier to catch fish because you can easily see their shadows in the water and bugs aren't always around. It leaves me much more successful in the end so fishing tourney. Yeah, and I guess that's there is a little bit more consistency with the fish for sure. Like, you know, you can just walk around and eventually you'll run into one in the river. Whereas the bugs you can run. You can just like be looking for some and not find them. There's a lot more. Ground that they cover. Yeah, and no real set path to follow to find them. Yeah. I remember he took forever to me at least to get the tarantula and a scorpion. Yeah, they could pop up anywhere and sometimes like many times for me. They pop up next to a pond or river and you accidentally scare them in and then you're like, it's dead. I definitely just killed this one. Oh, well nice so our last chance. For this week is by Kulu and they say I like bug off because you can get to hunt down what you want. Is that a hoping that it's a good fish that is sponsored for you. Yeah, like we said it I think it's one of the biggest appeals of the bog of they actually can see what you're after so you can decide to skip what you're not or you know, if you want to catch them still you can yeah. Yeah for sure and I do like that aspect to it kind of saves time. Yeah. Yeah cool. So this gets us to the end of the Oh Sergio, it's so nice to be here with you. Yeah, thank you for having me in your home. I always like looking at your walls of things and I'm just like I want to go through all of them and see all the things because you have a lot of special treats all throughout here. Yeah. Thank you all for tuning in. We hope this was another fun episode for you. I guess I should do the outro stuff. Thank you so much for tuning in to this episode of hakken. Housing podcast don't want the episode to end. Well, you can keep the conversation going by Nintendo switching over to our Discord just follow the link in the description and you can talk with other people who love Animal Crossing as much as you do including Sergio and me want to support the show in a bigger way and get your voice heard during the show visit chewy place in tendo. You can support our show with just one dollar have an episode dedicated to you get special access to a secret room on Discord. Join in on The heekin Islander corner and even read a monthly newsletter covering all things he can and chewy plays. We really appreciate the support and put your money toward great things on the show tune in on YouTube. The comments are a great place to let us know your answers to the Hague and Islander Corner, which is better the bug off or the fishing tourney. If you dig what you hear, please take a slide over to that review section of on your platform of choice, let people know what they're missing out on taken is a wild production brought to you. By Chewie Sergio and all of our patrons. We thank you for listening and we hope you have a great week. Goodbye everybody.
It's Toy Day, which means Sergio and I have met up to record this episode in person together. We start the show by answering the week's 100 Day Countdown questions. We are only 87 days away from Animal Crossing New Horizons now. We also go over the latest renders we've seen from New Horizons. We don't really know where the renders came from, but they look great. Finally, we make a wishlist of things we want to see for Animal Crossing and from Nintendo. We end the show with Haken's Islander Corner and see what our patrons think of bug catching and fishing. Time Stamps: 0:05 - Introduction 5:31 - 100 Day Countdown Questions 28:24 - New Horizons Renders 52:56 - Animal Crossing and Nintendo Wishlists 1:07:39 - Haken's Islander Corner 1:12:38 - Outro Announcements Support my channel on Patreon: Join the Haken Discord: Find Haken: An Animal Crossing Podcast on Podcast Platforms here: Get More Nintendo and Video Game Content Here: Follow me on... Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Twitch: Tumblr: --- Support this podcast:
Cool Club the glow sunglasses for survival race. I'm dead meat near attend solid arm up. Welcome to a special episode of girls of the mignon. We are doing something a little bit different today. It's just to Leah and I on tonight for starters and we are just doing a kind of quick reflection episode for the high holidays. We did a holiday episode for Tisha b'av and it was you know very much more our usual style where we don't have into the history and went into the nitty-gritty of all these different things. Today's episode is going to be Little bit different it's just going to be totally and I kind of reflecting on some stuff and you know giving you are sort of thoughts and Impressions and feelings about the holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom, Kippur to holidays that I know are super important to both of us not just as Jews but also as ways of informing our action as leftists, so yeah, I don't know. So how exactly you want to start? I'm drinking Narragansett the my favorite cheap beer because it's what I have in the fridge. I am sorry drinking water drinking alone. I'm so sorry, but it's a new year new me and I started working out today. So I know I just have you you need to hydrate. Oh, geez, it's fine. It's fine. So did you go to Services? I guess we can start there. Like what did what did we to do for Rosh Hashanah? So for the listener, we're recording this on the second night of Rosh Hashanah or the second day of Rosh Hashanah. I should say just ended or is it just ending where you are to Lea's at nightfall? Yep, the Sun is setting right now right now. Alright, so it has ended where I am it is ending where you are. So I guess that's probably the best place to start is just What did you do for the new year? You know Shana Tova. What did you do tonight over I I woke up early. I recorded my bit for the podcast about what I want from the new year. I took it really easy. I don't go to Services here in St. Louis because they have uniformed police officers and services and it makes me really uncomfortable. Yeah, and it's a it's a barrier to a lot of Jews the color too. The synagogue's have been told that it is but they seem Louis is a racist town. So the one synagogue that I would want to go to also has uniformed police officers. And those are the same uniformed police officers that threatened to tear gases synagogue two years ago. Wow during a protest. I don't want to go there. That's an incredibly hostile. Should I thought I was I was just like not going because I don't really like my parents sheol. Oh, yeah, so there's that and then there's the whole Zionism that comes with Rosh Hashanah and I just don't want that. I don't want to start the new year off seeing the Israeli flag. Yeah, that was definitely what kept me from going to services with my folks and trying to explain that to them after Rosh Hashanah dinner. Thankfully everyone else had left turned into Looks like a hours long drunken rant from me about just I just went I ended up going full Tanki. I like did not mean to swear. I didn't mean to I was trying to be really gentle. We're like, you know, my old man was just like well, we got a new Rabbi was like Yeah Dad like no matter what the rabbi is like, it's not going to be what I want from a synagogue and I was trying to be like really Jenn's like hey, man, they like they have the Israeli flag up on the bema, you know, and then he was like, well what's wrong with that? That and then I was off and by the end by the end it was like I had gone through like dates and events and why exactly how Israel was fucked up and you know, like how does it keep us save? It doesn't keep you safe but another but then it also went into like, you know denazification didn't happen in West Germany and the dprk is good actually and it turned into this whole fucking thing. Sounds dope. Yeah, it was but but I guess that that says a little bit about what I do, which was I went down to my parents house and did have Rosh Hashanah dinner with my my aunt who is the like the the Lefty in the family of that generation who like back in the day was like really involved in like anti-nuclear power protest. I was looking hard environmentalist like Like chained herself to the the fence of the like Plymouth power plant and shit super badass. I love my aunt and on the other side, you know, a like reaganite Republican Uncle. So we just studiously avoid talking politics at the dinner table my parents the like trade unionists who is like caught in the middle just like look what makes yep so does Avoiding all that conversation. I think that was why I like once once I was given an inch at the end, I was like a few beers in and had just eaten the shit ton of brisket and I was like, all right, Dad buckle up yum Prescott has the best so good. We have brisket. We had semi-sweet a very, you know, Ashkenazi typical Rosh Hashanah dinner chicken soup with Canadia, you know the usual Nice. Yeah, I just hung out with people. I liked hell. Yeah, just took it easy. Tried my best to take it easy. Yeah, so that's nice. It was really nice outside. And yeah, it was a gorgeous day here to the actual day of Rosh Hashanah the first day of Rosh Hashanah when my parents went to Services. I just like I read outside played Fetch with my dog, you know, I just kind of like read and meditate. Dated and with my dog and just kind of just chilled out. So yeah, I'm here except with my cats. Yeah. I had a red claw, just so everyone knows white claws are Red Claws. Yeah, because - I mean it's, you know, like shit right whenever you know Red Claws still the law Clause the law it is. So yeah, that's what I did. That's what you did. Yeah. All right. So let's let's talk about these holidays. So I guess for the for the listeners who you know are not of the tribe Rosh Hashanah is the New Year. It's in the seventh month. I know that strange don't worry about it. There's there's lots of them lots of ink spilled about why Rosh Hashanah is the new Your holiday when it's not in month number one, I particularly like the sort of I don't know mystical like kabbalistic tradition version of it where the the like the creation process was pregnant in month one and then gave birth for Russia China and it doesn't quite line up to you know, human pregnant. It was a preemie the Earth Earth was a preemie baby. I guess what it comes down to go by human standards. Anyway, I don't know because they are. I mean the Kabul is always trying to make something on microcosm macrocosm thing. So it doesn't really line up with that way. But also like the world being born as a premature kind of feels right because maybe that's why it's so fucked. There's a lot of problems a lot of health problems. We had a growing pains. Yeah, that's cool. I really like that. Yeah, so that's that is Rosh Hashanah. So when we said Shanah tovah that that means a good year. It's how you wish Jews a happy New Year. So if you have a Jewish comrade out there it is still the New Year season. If you're listening to this close to the release date. So yeah, what's your comrades are still not tovah? Hmm, and then there's ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom, Kippur the second of the high. Holy days the two most important days. Is of the Jewish year and those 10 days are often referred to as the days of awe and that's a time for self-reflection for making amends. I know so totally and I both come from a reformed background and I know the reform liturgy on Yom, Kippur talks about for for transgressions against God the day of atonement atones for transgressions against another person the day of atonement. Atonement does not atone until those two people Rectify with each other. And so the days of awe are the kind of ritualised time when you think back over your year and basically like all right. It's basically self crit itself crit time. Yeah juice, you know, that's how I think of it. Yeah. It's really emotional. It can be really emotional to and like in in the reformed tradition. Anyways, it's taught that you should do face-to-face. Apologies and if that doesn't work or if that's impossible, then you can go through like a phone and then email and then text but whatever you can and if you reach out three times and they deny you three times, then you're done. You've done your due diligence and you can just say well I tried my best to apologize and they're not going to accept it then. So be it let it be if and then that's on them. Yeah. Yeah, but it's all about accountability. Yeah. Yeah, it's beautiful. It really is. I've always found it extremely powerful and like when I was a kid my my dad would you know, my mom didn't care so much but my dad would make sure that like I took off school for all the festivals so like pesach so code all of it, but the only ones I mean, I love Passover I really do but as far as the services go the only services that Really grabbed me were Rosh Hashanah and Yom, Kippur and particularly young people. Yeah. Oh, yeah. You don't keep poorest my favorite. Yeah same it's so powerful. It's always such a huge deal and I've been like inspired by lines from the seed or or the haftarah that I'll read later or you know, just like it sticks in my head, you know all year round as when I was in a hardcore. And several years ago. I did like a like weird noise interlude where I just screamed the V Dewey horrible feedback noises just shrieking, you know, Josh I'm new but God knew that other that and I had the guitarist do you like the intro track was him kind of angling it but he was trying his best to do the like a like a riff of the You draw a Melody because that always just like that music is so haunting. Yeah and Ivy no Mal que. No. Yeah, it kills me. Maybe there should be a Jewish black metal band that does stuff and I are trying to start up Jewish black metal band. I think we should end this with Barbra Streisand's cover of Elle being a monkey. That's sweet Chef kiss. Good old Barb. What's really awesome? It's with Rosh Hashanah how it starts off with blowing the shofar which is a Ram's Horn and then at the end of Yom, Kippur Services, they blow the shofar again to symbolize that It's the end of the days of our and the Book of Life has closed. I have a Ram's Horn that I have a shofar that I'm a I'm a blow the shofar at the end of the episode to like figure this out because I fucking love it. It's the greatest. I love my so far. But yeah, so I guess I guess we should probably talk about the The Book of Life for a minute for those who are not not too familiar. Because they're there is a lot of symbolism and like this is where a lot of the it's a highly religious holiday. Right? Like the last one we did to shop was a highly historical holiday. And so a lot of the background stuff we had to explain was history and we're not going to get too bogged down. Obviously we can we can handle like the real nitty-gritty stuff. I guess next year, but but for now like What is The Book of Life? What do we need to know about that kind of thing? I talked about it a little in my like snippet that I recorded for Rosh Hashanah. It's the Book of Life rights. They God writes down the names of those who live in those who will die in the new year. And once it closes your fate is sealed, basically. Yeah for the year. Yeah. Yeah further year. I just I think it's super cool because it ties into the whole tree of life and ties into the books of being living text and how we can continue to learn from them. Yeah, it's really not a joke that were people of the book like it's it's all over and into everything. But yeah, the the books of The Book of Life is is super it's like a really powerful. That I really love so one of the one of the blessings that you say throughout the days of Oz, you know may you be inscribed for blessing in the book of life and that's that's a beautiful thing to wish for people, you know, like maybe maybe in spite inscribed for blessing. That's I don't know. It's the symbolism of the days of our fucking sick. I love it. Yeah awful between the the shofar is the books. Yeah. Yeah. And then like on Yom, Kippur you fast for twenty five hours just like you do on Tisha be i-i've and this time it's so you can focus completely on the services you're supposed to be in service has a whole time so you can focus on that focus on what you've done in the past year feel sorrow for what you've done. I just I really love the fasting holidays. Yeah, they really make you focus. Do they do definitely? Yeah, I've always even before I was bar mitzvahed. Like I remember I think I was probably seven or eight when I first started fasting on Yom, Kippur because you're not like required to until your your b'nai Mitzvah, but I just loved it so much the symbolism of it at all and you know the kind of self-denial not as like, oh, woe is me, but just yeah like you said as a way to sharpen your focus and really We get you to think about like, okay, what is really important here? You know like what really matters what can I do without how have I because a lot of the there's a communal blessing aren't really blessing. I'm more of a dirge really that I know you're going to be reading a version of called. All Kate that is its kind of you you collectively as a community admit to these kind of very basic human failings, which I Love it's not it's not this like I have done this and I've been bad like know I am part of a human Community humans are flawed creatures. We do things that are not great sometimes and collectively you admit this this culpability a you take part. But if you're taking part with everyone around you it's very powerful experience. I've always found but a lot of them really come down to some form of arrogance or selfishness or like aggrandizing yourself at the expense of others neglecting others like things where you put yourself and your individual needs over and above those around you that's like a running theme throughout the like what we're apologizing for what we're atoning for in the in Yom Kippur, which is is called the day of atonement. That's that's what it means and and I think like I've always found it to be a really critical like call to action. You know, I always think like, okay. What can I be doing more in the next year and that? Yeah that question is always sharpened when I'm fasting, you know, like it's so much more potent. I'm always kind of wondering like all right. What can I do? That's different and like, how can I how can I do more? How can I contribute to the cause that had uh, but when you're fasting on Yom, Kippur and your atoning for what? You have done that disparaged others or what? You haven't done that failed to help people. It really sharpens. Like all right, what can I do to step up this year? And that's kind of why we wanted to do this, you know, we weren't we didn't life's been crazy for a little bit wacky right now for everybody here at the minion, but we wanted to get something out there because this holiday is so important to I know for the two of us. And I know we haven't like Tim hasn't spoken as much about it as like Central to his practice as for you and I but I think it's fair to say that it's very important to Tim as well. I know it is for many other Jews who are organizers or leftists. Another thing about Yom Kippur. I like I just thought of it's like you use that day to plan ahead for the next year and as marxist-leninist. We also have a plan for the next year or classically five years. So yeah, like when you're sitting there and I don't know you just think of all of these things you need to do in the next year and how you're going to do it right? Because yeah, it's looking back and looking forward which is dialectic. Yeah, so do you do you want to jump right to I we didn't really plan this one out. Y'all behind the curtain. Yeah, he's behind the curtain. This was like Thalia putting it out there. Like hey you want to do a little thing like today and I was like, okay sure. Let's do it. So we're Flying Blind here tonight at the minion. So do you do you have anything else you want to talk about before you read some some allocate for us? If people can I highly recommend streaming tzedek Chicago's High? Holy day services, and I'm going to be reading Rabbi Brandt. Rosen's Al Kut. They are a non-zionist synagogue in Chicago and they are so good. Yeah, so this is Al Kut by Rabbi Brant Rosen L cut ticket on ool if Anna For the wrong we have done before you I'll have schuchat a new Leaf anecca for forgetting that we were all once Strangers In a Strange Land the AL Kut sheket a new life Annika for preferring militarized fences to open borders. I'll catch a cotton. Ulla faneca for supporting trade policies and murderous regimes that uproot people families and communities the a Hut Shikata new left on Yucca for drying. Lines and turning away those who come to our country seeking a better life. I'll have to check out a new left on Yucca for demonizing migrants as threats to be feared. The al-qahtani left mecca for labeling human beings as illegal Val coulomb Aloha sell a cult salak La New Mexico law new cappella new for all those sorts of forgiveness. Forgive us. Pardon us receive our atonement. I'll have to check out a new left by Neca for internalizing and assenting to racist ideologies the a hatchet a new life Annika for allowing oppressive systems to continue unchecked Alcott, Chicano laughs Anika for our complicity and regularly profiling incarcerating and murdering people of color. Valhalla. Hat Shikata new La Femme Nikita for denying fair housing public schools and greater opportunity to our black and brown communities. I'll have to check out a new life Annika for dehumanizing excluding and murdering gay lesbian trans and queer people the hot chocolate on Olaf Annika for shaming and stigmatizing the infirm the mentally and physically disabled and the elderly fell coulomb Aloha. So la Cote du Lac la new makalah new Capilano for all these sorts of forgiveness forgive us. Pardon us receive our atonement. I'll have to check out a new life a mecca for buying into and promoting the ideology of American exceptionalism. The Alcott Chicano left on Yucca for oppressing other peoples and nations in the name of American power and influence. I'll capture Kitano left mecca for profiting off of weapons of death and destruction the al-qahtani left a mecca for contributing to the increased militarization of our nation and our world. I'll catch a katana. Laughs anecca for expanding our military budget while we cut essential Services here at home the hat check out a new life anecca for believing that militarism and violence will ensure our collective security Val coulomb Aloha sell a couch salak La New Mexico law new Capilano for all these sorts of forgiveness forgive as pardon us receive our atonement. I'll catch your Katana left mecca for the destruction of homes. Appropriation of land and warehousing of humanity valiquette Chicano left a mecca for a brutal and crushing military occupation Al Kasha Catania left mecca for blockading 1.8 million gazans inside an open-air prison Val hat Chicano left Annika for repeatedly unleashing devastating military Firepower on a population trapped in a tiny strip of land. I'll catch a tan. You left a mecca for what? In sacred Jewish spiritual tradition to political nationalism and militarism. They'll hatch got a new life a mecca for rationalizing away. Israel's oppression of the Palestinian people that are coulomb. Ella has so a coach the Lac la New Mexico law new copper lanu for all these sorts of forgiveness. Forgive us. Pardon us receive our atonement. Fuck. Yeah. Goddamn it. That's so good. So for the listeners that is obviously a modern rendering of the al-Qaeda prayer, but the the originally is as kind of similar version where this is the collective atoning that I mentioned earlier where it starts off with. Okay, check out the new left on Yucca and then you know, it's all various. You know, we've seen before you by doing this by doing that by doing that. And I think it's so crucial to update it right like to talk about what we are complicit in now because again, this isn't like washing our hands of it. Like I mentioned earlier with the phrasing in the reformed liturgy. The only atoning that's guaranteed is the stuff that doesn't have to do with people in the material world, right? The only atoning that happens on just saying like just saying the blessings and whatnot is You and your conception of the Divine all the other shit. You have to fucking work for like that. You need to work to atone for that. So everything said in that all Kate all of that is stuff that we're not saying, you know, like what was the name of the rabbi Rabbi Brant Rosen? Yes a rabbi. Rosen isn't saying Grant is atonement. And now we're going to wash our hands of it. It's grant us atonement as a way to like spur us to not even need to atone for it next year. Right, like this is stuff that we need to try to fix the next year. We don't need to read that list of awful awful awful fucking things and it set up that same way where it's every few lines. There's a break and I don't know if this is the melody that that you're used to but this is the one from the conservative Shoal that my family belong to because we went to both reform and conservative, but it just one of those ones that sticks in my brains. They are cool. I'm a little high silly old Salah numeric all new copyright law new and just like you have you know, I don't know 7,500 people singing that all together after like, you know beating their breasts as they read these things and like the hair just stands up all over your like I get goosebumps. Think about like you fall. Fall on Your Knees and your beat your breasts or like, please please forgive us and it's because it's shit, we're all guilty of right like the old-school version is all kind of like very basic human interaction stuff. It's nowhere near this specific but it should be because we are all complicit in this and this should be our call to action which I guess in in the spirit of trying to keep this short, which we're already at a half hour in so like, you know, we're just not ever every time Every fucking time but in the spirit of you know, keeping this at a bit of a quick clip that kind of leads us to what I wanted to read for for a reading because that call to action, you know, not just like, oh we've atoned we're done now, but we have atoned for what we're capable of atoning for just as you know an individual talking to whatever your conception of the Divine is now it's time to go do the work that is also built into the liturgy. So for those in aren't aware whenever you have a Shabbat service or any Jewish holiday, there is a reading from the Torah. So the the pentateuch the five books of Moses whatnot. And there's a paired reading along a similar theme called the haftarah that's from the prophets. And this one sticks in my head all year round Tim actually referenced it on our Tisha Bob episode just because we were chatting about it because it's It's a different Isaiah passage for Tisha b'av, Isaiah is full of these good nuggets. But this is from the the haftorah for Yom Kippur. So this is Isaiah 58 and this is the translation from the stone Edition art scroll to knock that. I was given for my bar mitzvah. Yeah. I still have it all these years later. So it's a bit dramatic in its language was part of why I like it Isaiah 58 cry out votes. Seriously, do not restrain yourself Raise Your Voice like a shofar Proclaim to my people their willful sins to the house of Jacob their transgressions. They pretend to seek me everyday and desire to know my ways like a nation that acts righteously and has not forsaken the justice of its God they inquire of me about the laws of justice as if they desire The Nearness of God asking why did we fast and you did not see why did we afflict our souls and you did not know he hold on your fast. A you seek out personal gain and you extort all your debtors because you fast for grievance and strife to strike with a wicked fist, you do not fast as befits this day to make your voice heard above can such be the fast that I choose a day when man merely afflicts himself when it can sorry can it be merely bowing one's head like a bull rush and spreading sackcloth and Ashes. Do you call this a fast and a day of favor to Hashem surely. This is the Fast I choose to break open the shackles of wickedness to undo the bonds of Injustice and to let the oppressed Go free and a null all perversion. Surely. You should break your bread for the hungry and bring the moaning poor to your home. When you see a naked person clothed him and do not hide yourself from your kin. Then your light will burst forth like the Dawn and your healing will speedily Sprout Your Righteous deed will proceed you and the glory of Hashem will gather you in What goddamn motherfucker? Holy shit. Every fucking time. I mean capable of reading this and not being like that white of Hashem like breaking the shackles of wickedness. That's what it's all fucking about. You know, like it's not just oh we should afflict ourselves and feel fuck that know like we gotta go out and and Make the world better, you know and this this is the tikkun Olam that that gets so watered down and played out by all these like liberal institutions. They're like, you know, oh, yeah you go like I don't know whatever some like bullshit that they'll hit call it the coulomb drive or something but like no we really need to like you can't just have a food can drive is awesome and lots of Shoals do that on Yom Kippur. I know mine did all growing up where you like you coming you donate food? Yeah, right that's classic you. And donate food the synagogue brings it to you know, a homeless shelter or a soup kitchen, which is that's great. But like if we're talking shackles of wickedness, we need to smash some systemic oppression right like that. That's what the shackles are. And so I think about this passage all the time. It just like it's stuck in my brain for years. It's really good one. It's just like it's permanently lodged somewhere in my brain. but that's that is what you read on Yom Kippur as you are fasting as you are proclaiming your participation in these shared human transgressions that we all do, you know, like the purpose of it is framed through this lens because that's the thing like the the readings for the holidays Shabbat readings are based on just like a cycle of the year, but the the festival in the holiday readings their chosen based on theme so Like the rabbit has decided that this passage in particular is the lens through which we should be viewing our atonement. So it always it also because it always sticks with me. My heart is racing right now. I've died damn good and then I just think about like the synagogue's with uniformed police officer, right exactly. Lie, like taccone Alum is repairing a broken world and you're still excluding people by having these fucking cops. There is it would be pissed wrestlers. Yes. Well, yeah Isaiah would be fucking fuming if he could see the state of Zionist Judaism today, you know, and I mean we've talked about this on other episodes, but I think it's super important on the holiday ones that like For 5780 what we hope to do and what people we've been talking to hope to do like we're trying to build a Judaism that is fully flourishing and anti-zionist because that does not exist right now. It's like in its infancy. There's people trying to do like fits and starts. There's non-zionist shoals, but like I want to I don't know about you. I want to see an anti Zionist shill. I want to see you. But yeah, like I want us to build and I feel like what we're doing is so important and and people have told us that like they found our show really interesting and all that but I want to start really building networks to start building this community of you know, marxist-leninist at the center would be great, of course, but like I'm willing to go beyond the confines of our, you know leftist tendency to build an anti-zionist. meanest Anti-Imperialist Jewish Community, you know, like if if you identify as this that or the other but you're on board with anti-imperialism, you know, like maybe you don't have the jargon to understand like it is the primary contradiction whatever but like you know that your job as a diaspora Jew right now as far as like tikkun Olam as far as making the world better is to combat this horseshit that they throw at us from all the beam has of all the normal Shoals out there from from Right in front of the fucking Israeli flag they have up there as it were supposed to goddamn worship it like if you know that that's wrong. You're part of the minion, you know, like you're part of our our congregation that like we don't have a rabbi, you know, I want to become a rabbi someday. It's a pain in the ass because like there's no as far as I know and seriously, if you're listening and you can correct me on this, please for the love of God do but as far as I know, there's no path to ordination. That isn't Touched by Zionism. Yeah, you have to go to Israel for Years. Everybody has to do like at least a semester and it's like yeah, I would go and obviously like work with Palestinians while I was there, but it's it's like this weird, you know you I'd have to like go undercover basically as not who I am to go through rabbinical school, which has been one of the many roadblocks to me pursuing it, but but fuck it Rabbi or no Rabbi, you know, like I I take a lot of inspiration from the the cavora movement in the 60s, which was a sort of deliberately lay LED. No rabbis necessary. Just yeah, it was a bunch of like new left Jews and and hippie Jews who I got together and like what if we all just taught each other, you know, it was like Each one teach one kind of thing. And I think I think we're on the cusp of something like that happening that is explicitly anti-zionist, you know, like there's been enough Rumblings for the past few years. Years. I want to start I want to try to get more connections out there and start getting people really engaging who are you know, not just non-zionist but again like empty right? Yes. It's like the the like to paraphrase the Angela Davis quote, right? It's not enough to be non-zionist. You must be anti-zionist like and that's that's what I want for 5780, you know aside from all the personal shit. Like I want to get faster at playing drums and bass and you know, No, I want to I want to get my license to carry and I want to the own personal goals. Whatever know like what I want and dear listener. You are a part of this so help us out, right? I want to build that Network. I want to start building those connections, you know, because we don't we definitely don't have a critical mass of people on the ground in any one location maybe in New York, but aside from there nowhere else, but building building up these Online community is I don't think it's anything to sneeze at you know, like it's important. It's been super important to me over the past several years. Yeah. So so here's to another year of building that up. Yeah. I'm yeah I'm sweating right now. Getting so agitated. It's really lonely being an anti-zionist June when you don't especially during the high. Holy days really is it is? Yeah. I'm like, I'm I recently just joined jvp Boston and like jvp recently came forward with a statement proclaiming that they are anti-zionist that they oppose. They didn't actually use the phrase anti-zionist, but they said we Pose Zionism in all its forms and that statement is what made me join because I want to be involved in the design is organizing. This is the longest-running organization. That's been you know for Jews that's been a Palestinian solidarity group and they finally took a hard line what I found out at the jvp Boston meeting. Anyway was that that vote was super contentious and like to make that declaration and there's a out of the Old Guard who's really still not very comfortable with it. And so even there even in jvp, I felt somewhat isolated which was as exciting as it was to go to the meeting and to be involved and to like be encouraged to get more involved. It was kind of frustrating that like, wow even here. I feel like I'm on the outskirts. Yeah, which you know ties back into our episode with Shelby where I talked about how like You know liberal Shoals are I think honestly like not close enough for us to really work with and I think our schools for struggle in the kind of like, you know, when a mistake on reactionary trade unions kind of approach is organizations, like jvp that are closer but there yet like there is clearly a struggle going on within that org. I would love it. If if not now would also have a similar struggle that could like those organs can be moved more in line with our values. Yeah, I think so. But but that doesn't solve the loneliness of not having a congregation, you know not having like the unit around which Jewish life has been constructed for the past couple thousand fucking years, you know not having a Shoal fucking sucks. Yeah, does it really fucking sucks? Yeah, so, you know near and far we will be our own Minion, right? That's what we decided to. Call yourselves with a purpose like we are each other's minion. And and that's for everyone listening. You know, Jewish goyish. Don't fucking matter. If you're on board with what we're what we're talking about your part of the minion. Yeah, so that that brings us, you know, what laughter, you know, I've been talking a lot about what I want to Leah. What do you want in 5780? I know you recorded a clip it. Is there anything else you wanted to add before? I play your clip. I want a Jewish. Black metal band Yes. I talked a lot about how I wanted to do more music and I think that's it. Fuck. Yeah. I I'm starting to finally read a lot more about Kabbalah a Jewish demonology. And that shit is tight. So fucking call. Yes a Jewish black metal bands who use the words, you know, there's so Many fucking black metal bands that reference like the Khalifa boat and the Saphira and blabbity blabbity blah like the copters. Oh, yeah. It's because they're beyond the reference in Kabul. I with a fucking Q. It's like which also not for nothing. Thanks for ruining the the use of the queue as a way to transcribe a cuff which is how it should be. It should be a cue. That's how it is in Arabic when you transfer when you transliterate it, so like thanks Western. The cultists fucking stealing the most accurate way to represent the letter kaph in English you fuckers friends who are a cultist so I welcome but it's still very weird to see like my shit other stuff. Yeah. I mean, it's like it's like the fucking Evangelion shit which like this is cool. But like do you need to put It was everywhere. Like do you have to really come on now? Yeah, so that's basically what I want my Jewish black metal band fucking sick. Yes. I'm so excited. Alright, so as I hinted at earlier, we're gonna go to some some clips up first will have to Lea's clip and then we'll hear from Tim and then the only I think the only other clip that we got sent was from Thalia and my good good friend and the Cover Lane of you way everybody. But you you fucker you fucker you recorded the exact thing you knew we wouldn't want to play on. Are you ass I can hear your smirk. I can hear you smirking you're saying this, but but here it is. What should I drove my beautiful comrades? So here at pearls we decided we wanted to hear from you and from everyone about what you wanted from the new year of 5780 and we each recorded a little bit of our hopes and dreams for the new year. And I usually do this once a year. I write out a little thing that I post on Facebook. And Rosh Hashanah is New Year. We're supposed to eat apples and honey to remind us of the sweetness of a new life. We get a second chance every year we get a second chance in after Rosh Hashanah. We have the days of awe which is when the Book of Life is open and our names are written down of who will live and who will die. So I'm going to read what I wrote out and I hope that you all will have a beautiful new year because it's wonderful 5780 is upon us and so is a new beginning many great things have occurred in 57 79 and many things. I truly wish to leave behind with the New Year. I hope to focus on the two constants in my life music and education. These have been with me since I was Born researching and recording Pearls of the minion has been incredibly rewarding especially all the positive feedback that we have gotten from everybody has just kept me going playing with my band has made me realize that I can play metal. I play keyboards and I have enough free time for another project if anybody wants to do anything. I look forward to diving deeper into researching and recording the pearls of the minion and tolerant left and playing more music and 5780. I look forward to unlearning unhealthy behaviors and 50s 5780. I look forward to seeing a free Palestine in a free Ireland and 5780. I look forward to pursuing zedeck daily and 5780. I look forward to learning more about Kabbalah and 5780. I look forward to finally meeting. my money on the red pesach 5780 Finally, I look forward to ending capitalism and 5780. Shinato Valk other room, this is Tim. My only goal for 5780 is to be part of a socialist organization with regular and frequent Community programs. It's about it. Everyone had a great holiday. Hope everyone continues to enjoy their Year. All right, should I do father? She'll not to have everyone this is yaakov coming to you from the editing Booth. I didn't actually prepare one of these in advance but splicing in Thalia and Tim's clip to the episode. I wanted to hop on the mic and share something that I didn't really talk about when I talk to Thalia for the recording of this episode, you know, then I I focus more on the big picture goal for 5780 but getting personal for a second. I really want in 5780 to find a way to address my chronic knee pain so that I can get back into more physical Pursuits that used to be a big part of my life. I trained in different self-defense martial art styles over the years and I was always very important to me growing up and obviously tactically it's very sound and frankly. I miss it. So whether that's through surgeries He's or cortisone shots Physical Therapy. Whatever. I would like to get to a point by the end of 5780 that managing knee pain in the way that I have been is no longer a part of my daily life and I hope that all of you out there are able to take care of yourselves physically, which is what I'm focusing on in this case, but also of course emotionally and communally And I look forward to bringing you more Minyan and building up more of that communal support. So here's to a pain-free 5780. Sholem aleichem going to have a room one. Chair Allah Aziz wound right your hello my comrades wishing everyone a sweet and red Year my hopes for 5780 is that the United States elects its first Neo bundestag president Jill Stein. I mean Bernie Sanders Yeah butbut. Thank you Lane for the the well wishes in beautiful Yiddish a red New Year really does you know that that is what we want. We want a nice red New Year. Yeah sweetened red New Year. I like that. But you know, just just to put it out there. I believe the official minion stance on the 2020 elections is when in Style we support Bernie Sanders in as much as a rope supports a hanged man. I love use 80 Bernie, but like honestly, the only reason I'm I will speak for myself and say, you know, I yaakov. I am going to vote for him. But really only because I do think that America needs to pass through a a Social Democrat failing in order for the the contradictions to really be sharpened for more people to join the movement. Yeah. I think not not because I'm trying to Center the Bernie Bros more because I'm trying to make sure Bernie Bros don't become fascists because I think like yeah, I think like if for example another Democratic candidate won and things went South I could easily easily see people like Bernie Bros who are bitter about Bernie not getting it a second time turn right rather than left and so I want him to win so that they don't have Quite they don't have that specific option. I mean obviously social democracy is social fascism. So like there's still going to be people that turn to like the right right, but I think our chances of preventing that segment of the population going towards some form of fascism is greater with a Sanders presidency. So that's at least my take on that but that's some high hopes to think that he's even going to get the prime. I mean, that's some real shit. Like what the fuck does that mean that fucking Better it's going to be mush brain bite in with his we're gonna have fucking president brain worms up there just like mumbling about nothing and just creepily hugging people from behind and touching everyone's hair. Like we're gonna go one one fucking creepy old man or another creepy old man, and it's just going to suck. It's going to suck, but you know Lane. Thanks, I guess. All right, the other ones that was the only audio recording but we did get some responses on our are Tweeter. All right. So let's see what we got here. Eli brand says my goals are to get out to more demonstrations have more open conversations with my friends about the need to end capitalism and start learning more about my Jewish Heritage with a focus on learning Yiddish. Yeah, love the Hope you all have a happy and healthy New Year. Thank you Eli. That's that's great. And totally and I have been talking about actually like learning Yiddish. For real this year. I don't know. What do you think Thalia 5780? Is that going to be the year that we both actually do the thing we've been talking about. Yeah Sherman. I'm doing German on Duolingo every day. So that that'll help ya. It's a good that's a big bridge and actually speaking of that. By Fieri, which holy shit. That's a that's a fucking good name by Fieri on Twitter responding to that says honestly, I started you just classes the week after Yom Kippur. So hey Mazel, Tov by Fieri. Good luck with your classes. Love to see the Resurgence of Yiddish among know people whose people like my family who, you know got pressured into not speaking it anymore because assimilation is a fuck then we're both Americans and from Israel is yeah big time from the fucking Zionist bastards easy a be as always. All right, next up from Twitter Oda replies saying my goal is to put in a better effort to start going to sheol and fully convert to Judaism. Hey tell you no, no, no. No there you've been discouraged three times. Go also to get serious about learning Irish and try to Incorporate both into my and my family's lives. Yeah, that's what's up. I mean Irish to yeah, I like to learn languages. I wish I had more of a linguist t-brain. I'm definitely like a disappointment to my mother who was a foreign language teacher and could like teach Spanish French and German in one year like switching between classes. Like it ain't no thang. She's like, yeah. I picked up a little Chinese and Arabic and Hebrew She's fucking hey Mom. Yeah, meanwhile becomes easier. That's true. I guess like yeah, would you can do more that is that is what I hear. All right communist Mensch are good. Yeah good to cover on Twitter. I'm his men shiz a fucking comrade for sure says, I want to read yeah, truly truly both a comrade and a mensch. I want to read more cook more. Bake more and work with the community is I'm in to manifest a Jewish radicalism that makes our ancestors proud. Fuck. Yeah. Yes hundred percent here for that Communists manage. Love you. Next up. We have our you SSP comrade Colette much. Love to Colette. I'm behind on my research for the odd wanker and Mundi episodes on Ancient Judea, but I promise I'll get it done. So go ahead says wants I framed this as what do you want? What do you fear? What do you hope for so wants to live closer to my girlfriend to no peace to be who I want to be fears death separation from loved ones homelessness again hopes way too many to list which I am glad that you have so many hopes. That's great because I know in the lead-up to Rosh Hashanah. I was feeling pretty down this it usually happens. Happens where I'm like overwhelmed and like oh my God, what's going to happen in the New Year like that? Just like I could do a little of the like, you know, depression brain ruminating spiral. So having having those hopes to buoy you up is super super important going into the days of awe because it can be overwhelming. So I hope that all the hopes that are too many to list come to pass and that is I think From our listeners. All right. Any anything else that you want to mention before we wrap it up? We're nearing an hour ago. So we're doing you know not great on being short honestly, you know, whatever but is it is it so far time? It's shofar time. All right. I'm going to see what I'm probably going to be not great at this. So. All right, let's do this. Okay, Sookie. Kia Shiva Reem to ruin Takia get Delilah Hell yeah, Happy Mommy's New Year my fiance just busting through them from the shower with their towel on just like well hop on the mic babe. I've gotten really good at the shofar. He's not be able to blow it at all. I haven't played it in months. Chef are the spirit, you know just flowing through me there again for the gets it. Yeah, it happens. Love you. Oh, yeah, my dog is terrified right now. Oh does not she doesn't like it when I cough let alone. Yeah, whatever the hell just happened for her like what what is happening? All right, so So so yeah, that that's great that brings us to the end. I guess although the shofar blowing did remind me of something. I read on Rosh Hashanah that was so I read from this book called speaking Torah, which is spiritual Peak genes from around the mug Eads table. The McGee was one of the Hasidic rabbie's and it's lots of like, you know analysis of metaphors and symbolism and stuff and he talks about the the show far blowing and how you start from a place of constriction and like a tiny little opening and as it as if the sound moves through it blows louder and louder and louder and over this like broader space and in kabbala the the left side of the Tree of Life give awry and like judgment is it works by constricting the Divine flow from you know above to below and so you go and so through the days, right right and so through the days of awe you go through this process of constriction and then expanding back outwards again, right the last shofar blast at the end of Yom, Kippur you've been hopefully inscribed for blessing in The Book of Life, you've gone through this process of constricting yourself judging yourself atoning for the things that you need atoning for right self-creating and then with that Like having gone through that you then broaden yourself out and the expansive side of the kabbalistic tree of life is Hesed loving kindness. And so you move through this period of constriction like the mouth of the shofar and then you emanate outwards like the shofar blast itself moving with loving-kindness back out into the new year and fuck. Yeah, like hey, that was so much more powerful than going to services. as with my folks but be I think like that's a good note to end on like we are going to you know, Echo outwards taking alket from Rabbi Brant Rosen taking Isaiah and you know just shofar blasting that out into our new year so that we are, you know, just motivated and energized to go out and organize and be active in our communities and stand up in solidarity with all They're oppressed people so we can break those shackles of wickedness. Hell, yeah, and I think I think that just about does it our shortest episode to date an hour, maybe nailed it. So yeah, so yeah, that's that's it for us on this short question mark episode of Pearls of the minion as always. You can reach us on Twitter at proles minion at gmail at paroles minion at Check out. Of course our Supreme Soviet the proles of the round table and our other members of the Union of Soviet Socialist podcasts. We have the tolerant left. We have bands of Turtle Island. Very excited. We have some upcoming collabs with them don't want to give too much away because it's also like, you know in still in the planning stages, but very very excited about that. I'd Winker a Monday. I promise I will get the research done book proposal the book club. I always feel like I'm forgetting something. Oh this proletarian life tables of the game table. Yep, pros of the game table as well. You know, what might be coming out soon. So yeah the film review podcast so of Kino I forgot that was starting up soon. So yeah a lot a lot of cool stuff going on in the u.s. SP you can Check links to all of those out at Pros Yeah, shinato vowed tickety-boo, you know, may you have a blessed new year and a sweet and red New Year like laying told us. Yeah, and that's about it solidarity forever. Love to all of you should not tow bar. tunnel of underneath Harvey no more candy
In this special and (sort of) shorter episode, Talia and Yaakov sit down and reflect on the meaning of the High Holy Days, with readings of Rabbi Brant Rosen from Tzedek Chicago & the Book of Isaiah, audio clips from the Minyan trio and a comrade from Talia & Yaakov's Jewish Solidarity Caucus days, and the goals and wishes for the new year from more comrades on Twitter. It's a looser, more freewheeling affair than the usual Proles of the Minyan material, but hopefully it's just what you need as you go into Shabbos Shuva, between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, when we really start honing our thoughts on T'shuvah, repentance. It's the Jewish New Year, so its Self-Crit Season. We look back over the past year and atone for our transgressions, and look forward to what we can bring to the year to come. It's a dialectic. Featuring: A surprise guest appearance from Yaakov's fiancee, and (for those inclined) a longer than usual outro music medley featuring the noise track Yaakov mentions in the episode. Intro Music: "Nitsokhn Lid (Victory Song)," performed by Yiddish Glory & remixed by Eli Bertrum Outro Music: "Avinu Malkeinu," by Barbra Streisand, "Kol Nidre," by Daniel Kurganov, & "We Have Transgressed," by Hedge Fund (Yaakov's old band...what a self-aggrandizing dork.
As you know, we're trying to get this podcast out to as many listeners as humanly possible and thanks to Anchor we've been able to do that by just submitting it to Anchor and then they take care of getting it on all the other podcast site. So if you're trying to find a podcast platform to use anchor as a great one, there's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. You can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership and it's really everything you need to make a podcast in one.Please download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started a child's death that has haunted the town of Pekin for the past year. I November 18 13 year old Robert B was reported as a runaway by his mother. However, we have been in touch with the Illinois State Police and are in the process of entering information of a missing or Endangered Person Advisory. What happened to Robert B brought people in Pekin out to search for answers themselves weekend after weekend thousands of Of leaves Port into the Pekin Police Department the search for the teenager come to a halt on a hot July day. When his skeletal remains were found. this is ashes to ashes The Disappearance of Robert be you are currently listening to the audio podcast version that is taken directly from the video docu-series episode. The video version is available to watch on YouTube at ashes to ashes TV or on Facebook at ashes to ashes True Crime. We recommend watching the video version if possible as there are a lot of Rich visuals that enhance the episodes I got messages sent me yesterday that are actually starting to chip away at the information we have and I think it's helping me and hopefully us Define. What's that? What happened? Yeah, and I think one of the things That was incredibly chilling as I got photos of the jaw bone and the spinal cord and the are the vertebrae excuse me, and the tote lid. I got the photo of sock t-shirt. I got all these photos. and the crazy thing and I need to have a forensics expert look at these photos, but the photo of the teeth, you know, how his teeth were missing has those I mean, it's just a picture of them on the ground, but you can see that those teeth are missing. So it's really spooky. Prior to having the pictures of felt like speculation. And now that I have them I know there's validity to what was found by trucks for kids on the 23rd the day before bonsais skeletal remains were found out in Tazewell County these items were found the day before they were found under the four seven four bridge on the Bartonville side and that bridge goes from Bartonville to Peak in so I think that could be important if these items have anything to do with Bonsai my Dean is these items were found because a tip was given two trucks for kids and that tip LED them under that bridge to where they found these items. So it really seems like there's probably a tie between them. But I think we need to look into some things here. So we also have the tote lid and duct tape. So could those have had something to do with the case is the tote from maybe the lids from a tote that maybe bonsais body was kept in and then you know, where's the East of the tote they only found a lid. So I think for a moment we need to set the pictures aside until I can find an expert to talk to see if the bones are human to see what the chances are of them being bonsais. And then also I think we need to look at some of the other evidence like the shirt and see if that could have potentially been bonsais. I know I had read that he had gone missing in a red and gray sweater. So maybe this is the sweater. So I hopefully we can talk to Lisa about that to see what she believes the chances are that that's his so I think we're going Set those aside the pictures aside for a minute until we can get some of those expert interviews in but one thing I really wanted to look at is DCFS is role in this whole thing. And you know, how responsible are they for what happened to Banzai should he have been removed from the house earlier than he was and you know what it takes to get someone into foster care are remove them from a home. What what standards have to be met the person that we're talking to who works closely with DCFS here in Central, Illinois asked to remain anonymous. And so we have protected the person's identity work in foster care in we serve primarily Central Illinois. So there's a wide range of counties primarily in this area is Tazewell Peoria Woodford County. We have cases down and Bloomington Champaign Danville just really like I said all over Central, Illinois, so when children come in to care there. DCFS doesn't investigation. So there was an investigator we call DCP workers and they will conduct an investigation and they either there's enough evidence to substantiate whatever was called in when someone called a hotline to make a report of child abuse and neglect and sometimes it's unfounded and that happens a lot as well. So if there is enough Risk, the DCP worker word investigator will try just the parent needs to mitigate the risk factor themselves. So it can't necessarily be that DCFS says this what you need to do the parent needs to say. Okay, for example, if there is a paramour who is abusive or there's domestic violence the parent you say, he's leaving he's not going to stay here anymore that Negated the risk in so usually in those situations DCFS will kind of step out. Yeah, um, if it's not mitigated than DCFS will try to have intact Services where the children remain with the family, but they are offered services and provided Services maybe counseling substance abuse parenting there's a wide range of services if it rises to the level of This kid there can't be a safety plan put in place. This kid needs to come into foster care and placed in another setting maybe with a relative or traditional foster care. Then that becomes a placement case which is foster care and at that point DCFS really contracts with a lot of agencies. So there's not-for-profit agencies. There is actually one for profit agency in This area but then they are basically do a handoff with DCFS. So we would meet with the investigator and we would then take the case and at that point the job is for the caseworker caseworker supervisor team is to really kind of put the pieces back together and provide services to these families to the children to correct the conditions that brought the children into foster care. So that's what we do in the process. Last Illinois is terrible at keeping kids in foster care the were the worst in the United States for keeping them in the longest. So is almost always at least a year. So I just want to make sure I fully understand the so someone calls CPS. Okay, and then that call goes to a hotline. It's a hotline call. Yes all I'm okay, and then they decide if it goes to DCFS. Yes, they decide at that point if that call is going You two need an investigator to go out and investigate. Okay, and is it I'm assuming it's like trained professionals who take the call or who? Yes, okay. Mm-hmm. So then if they turn it over to DCFS and it seems reasonable enough to go out than DCFS might go out and then at that point if they feel like something's the child needs to be removed. That's when the foster care system comes in. Correct? Here's Tara bonsais old. Babysitter the several times that CPS were involved that were called. I don't recall any given moment CPS ever going over and investigating the house there on go, Moe. Well, I mean they don't live on going on but they're over there. I don't remember going over they should have that house was unlivable. It was unsanitary. They never went and I can tell you that 100% they didn't ya. Many of the residents is I don't recall them ever going over investigating that they did she got notice of it beforehand. So, I'm sure she got to pick it up or clean it up or whatever that's you know, maybe enough where it was. Okay, or she got noticed. Hey, you need to get this done this done this done this done. But yeah more should have been done. It's a disappointment to me. Yeah. I mean there's families out there who get CPS called on them for the silliest things and and they get their kids taking away for much much less. I'm sorry and it's ridiculous to have to call on somebody about their child because their house is on clean and sanitary or because you're worried about their child not eating were sleeping in an area that is filled with feces or urine. Yeah, that's disturbing and then to know that nothing was done. Yeah. It's a disappointment. Did it strike you as strange that Lisa first son had been removed from the home and that they were taking the second one more seriously. Yeah. Yeah those bothersome. I didn't understand how I know in a lot of cases was CPS just from working odd jobs that if your child is removed through CPS your if you get pregnant the second time CPS is on you like a hound that's typically how it Works there with you at the hospital there. They're doing monthly checks checking on the baby checking on the Infant. So I don't know if that was the case with Robert but they really didn't do enough when it came to Roberts case at all. I saw was Stephanie Bonsai sister and she showed me some pictures of Lisa's house around the time of The Disappearance. So describe to me what room in the house. This is when you walked in the front door, this was the door off to the left. That was Lee. This bedroom. That was the pathway right here would have been the bathroom Jack and Jill bathroom Okay, and then the front of the house was right here. Mmm-hmm. How did you even sleep all this? She'd probably pushed them aside or whatnot, I guess right. It's like piled up only four feet on the bed disgusting. Wow. That was the outside of the window. You show me trash see how it was piled up in the windows broken and I mean, that's how she relived that's how she lived this was taken actually the day that they did the news interview. So, you know how bad the house was and she never cleaned her house as anyway, it's God. It's like the trash all over the floor cat feces dog feces or as if they were part of her bedroom the Jack and Jill bathroom doors right there. Okay. That's just the little bitty living room. Well and his cock the go that's the is this the part of the cop just disgusting and that's normal for her. Yeah, we had when they lived in Peoria. There's the cot. My dad's Bears Jersey I hack was hanging on the wall over there was a chair and the way up. Oh my God. Well that goes in the kitchen goes into the kitchen, but you can see the cat litter on the floor. It's just gross feces. We're all over. Yeah, there's a shower. Well, I know when the poor landlord and I don't know if his he wants his name one, so I won't say it is super nice guy. So sweet when bonds I went missing he let her stay there knowing she wasn't paying rent and said, I'm going to let you do this because he may return home. He thought maybe he was just missing that he did just run away. Yeah, sweetheart of a guy what the conditions of somebody's home be a reason to possibly take a child out of that home and put them in foster care meaning like for instance like the cleanliness. Oh, absolutely. There's actually there's a different list of abuse allegations and a another list of neglect allegations and they all have different numbers, but But one is environmental neglect. And so kids do get taken from homes on due to cleanliness if there's not enough food if it's there's not electricity hot water things like that. They have kids will be removed from or the parent will offer to put that kid in another family members house and in tech services again could be be offered or it could be placed in it. It just it really depends so someone got let's just say for strictly. Environmental reasons someone's like a hoarder or something and there's stuff all over the house on the beds were you can tell people couldn't even possibly be sleeping on the bed stuff like that and I child is taken away. Did they usually give the parent opportunity to clean up the house in a certain amount of time or how does that work? Yes, my understanding is that the investigator will like so you need to get this clean and here's your timeline and sometimes it does order those say you need to find another home. I've seen that we're we've had to call because this house was a house. Recorders and it was just not appropriate for three year old to be in it. And so what that parent did was end up getting an apartment with moved out of his parents house again department. And so them that you know solve that problem when DCFS go back and inspected before they allowed the child to come back in or the parent just has to say it's clean now, so it would it would need to be inspected by the by the investigator to make sure that it met. It was it was actually done because they wouldn't be able to close the case out the investigation until that was it was proven clean. Here's Lisa talking about DCFS to DCFS ever come to your house. They did one time. And we stayed with we had to clean the house before we could move back in. They had condemned our house and we stayed with the lady on the corner. For a little while and I went in there and I cleaned the whole house. Got it. All spic and span. So we could go back to our home. So one of the people I got to talk to was James who lived basically a block down from where Bonsai lived at the time and he's really important to this because James and his girlfriend took them in but they barely knew these son Bonsai. So it kind of really surprises me that DCFS was okay with them going and staying with a family that they barely knew. So, can you tell me a little bit about how you met or What about Lisa are knew about her through my girlfriend. She you know, we'd see Bondi, you know, welcome back and forth. She entered the top and my girlfriend into talking with Lisa the day that DCFS was honored case big time because of the condition of her house which like I said, we should we should have never gotten involved. We should just you know, you needed a place to stay while she cleaned up the house she and clean up the house. She is his bond. And I feel sorry for the kids. All right, you know and then four days after he leaves our house, he's just, you know listed as missing when your girlfriend ended up have bringing them into the house for a couple days. Was it a request from Lisa or did they did she actually get involved with DCFS to make that happen? I'm not sure if my girlfriend taught the DCFS agent or not or casework, whatever to talk whatever they're called. Yeah. and I think they had a discussion clean cleared it. You know, it's the I think that's my understanding of how it went. How many would you say? How many nights were they stay with you guys? I'm thinking that from the 10th to the 13th somewhere in there. So are in there if you were a check being the leases non-emergency number and if they, you know go through and find out. When they dispatched officers to their house that we call Lisa said that she thought her ex-boyfriend was stalking her and while he was in the house. So the first night I went down there and went through the front door and it's wonder I could even get it open the entire house knee-deep garbage dirty clothes, you know, I'm surprised DCFS to Inject jerk him that day. Did you ever see any evidence that anyone was in the house? No, and then he had a counselor and she was at our house, but he was you know being a little but you know, and after the girls were left. I went back his head as a debts, but not being acting proper. Yeah, he was just being difficult with her. Basically, you know smartass it is. It's really they were living like that II can't even imagine the way people describe it. I mean, that's the common Missouri it is no wonder you get picked on at school, you know, you know haven't smelly clothes and all behind just can't be pleasant. No, it's like living in a pot of porta potty. Yeah. Did you notice that the house smelled also? Yeah. I also talked to a friend of Lisa's about the condition of the house. They too wanted to remain anonymous. So we have altered their voice most of the time you can't even find a place. Say unless you want to sit on a pile of clothes and boxes and plates and everything just in piles you can you can't even see this much of the floor. Yeah, it was really bad. And what would you from your opinion? What do you think it would ever be acceptable environment for a child to be living in? Oh, definitely. Not hmm. Definitely not nobody in their right mind would ever even think about Somebody living in there not only just a child, but anybody it was always hot. There was no air conditioner. The windows were so piled of that. You can barely see any light in there and not only that but you can't even open the windows to get air. It's really ridiculous. The dishes were so piled up in the sink that you couldn't even wash one to even. Like if you wanted to get a spoon of peanut butter, you can't even get to wash a spoon. Wow. Yeah. I met I went many days without eating over there. I didn't like being over there but in my little kid days that's where the drugs were a lot of times. I'd spend a few days there at a time. I would go home to shower and get new clothes. Those and eat and then I go right back over there. So you sometimes stay stay the night. You would actually stay the night there a few nights. Yeah. Okay. I remember one night. I was sleeping on the blue futon that was broken and I had to clear a bunch of stuff off of it and then a mouse ran across my hand and I just freaked out when it bonds I sleep when he slept a few notes you slept at least as I know you weren't there time. But um, I think he would sleep in her room. He says room sapiens. Okay, but I mean you couldn't even see the bad. It was just basically sleeping on a bunch of clothes or you know, whatever they had. I don't think I ever seen them go to the laundromat. They don't have washer and dryer. They're never went to a laundromat that I know of and who was in the other room during all that wasn't there another bedroom? I don't think they ever used that bedroom. I think it was just the futon in there in the living room was his okay, but when other people would stay he would sleep in there with her. Okay, and I feel that even if other people didn't stay that he would still sleep in there with her. He was a Mommy's boy. For some reason does DCFS ever work with parenting classes like up the parent just has to go through a parenting class and then they can potentially get their child back. Yes. That's a very Probably in the most common ones are there's different levels of parenting classes. Some are very general like how to change a diaper and things like that. And then there's some that are available. There are much more focus on how to trauma affect your child and has affected you in a the relationship of those Dynamics in parenting and so being really trauma-informed in the community. There's also parenting coaches at some agencies provide where it is someone who literally will go to go to visits or go to the home and help these parents that are struggling with parenting she got him back because she went through parenting classes. She did everything that she's supposed to do. So did the system fell him yesterday. yeah, I mean, what do you feel about your own behavior and how that house looked and was I feel bad because with me not being able to control Bonsai he was so out of hand. He would. Throw shit all over the house wouldn't pick up and then if you I'd go time pick it up it was. Nope, I won't hit mom today. And I called my husband. I told him. I can't I don't know what to do with him. I said I he's out of control. I can't handle him. I don't know what to do. My husband to go we'll just start taking a stuff away. I said I did that already. Well time that they were with us during the nights. She's like to go party, you know, and the first night that they were back at their house. This brunette comes knocks on the door to you. Monday was in the house lock the door had a bottle of alcohol his mom was down the street party. You hit her, you know if you get the key in it. Wow around that time. Did she go out and party every night would you say? First night Lisa called me after the first episode aired to let me know that she felt those photos did not accurately represent the condition of her house after Bonsai disappeared. Here's what he went missing in January. I was in a psychiatric hospital because I couldn't handle Bonsai being gone. So I had overdosed wind up in a psychiatric hospital. Straight from there. I ended up getting sent to Jacksonville and I like for Rehab my door is never locked so you could just walk in my house all the time because my front door. Only locks from the inside. They didn't lock from the outside. Yeah his Bonsai lost a key to the house. So you think that those photos were taken in January of 2017 when you were yeah, when they showed me that picture my friend penny I had gotten those pictures sent to her and she showed me that I said, that's not my house. Yeah, they found a turkey sitting on my kitchen counter like a like a one for you buy from the store or like a live turkey when you get from the store. Okay, they asked me if I'd ever had a turkey in my house. And I said no, I don't even like turkey. Why would I have a turkey mouth and they said oh sitting on your counter. I'm in Jacksonville, Illinois in rehab? So you think someone did it to stink up your house? Yes. Angela is a relative of leases and stayed at her house right after Bonsai went missing here is what she had to say about the state of the living conditions. I actually stayed the night at Lisa's one or two. I think it was two nights, but it might have been one. I can't remember. Okay details are foggy. It's been almost three years. Yeah, of course, absolutely. So what's happening three years. So when I went into Lisa's house the house has I mean even the day of the newscast I had to go in and use the bathroom. Yeah. She let me go in and use the bathroom, you know. No, and of course I didn't but I don't pass judgment on people very easily because I've been at the bottom of the Heap and I know what that's like. Yeah, of course, absolutely. But yeah, the house was a total mess. I actually slept on what they would call Bonsai Scott in the living room. Okay slept on that while I was there not very comfortable. Yeah. At the time the room that Andre would have been in should have been in secondary bedroom. There was another girl actually living then I think that she tried to kind of diverts some of the best I didn't because when I walked in there was cat feces that was food. There was just a mess of clothes. And everything everywhere. Yeah. and at the time I didn't really think anything of it because you know, I wouldn't expect nobody's has to be perfectly clean, of course not but II in my head I was thinking this could not have been a very healthy environment for a 13 year old boy DCFS literally pretty much failed him. If you get multiple calls in your house is literally always that nicely and it takes more than just jumping through parenting hoop.look parenting class blue. Some stuff to get these kids back. So they thinking that maybe DCFS didn't do their job very well. Yeah, absolutely. And here's some more from Lisa's Anonymous old friend followed by final Thoughts From The Foster worker and I feel that even if the house wasn't like that She still shouldn't have had custody and I don't know what DCFS I mean DCFS has came to the house. Oh, so you've been there when they've come? Yeah. Oh, wow, okay. And I don't think that like there are actually really interested in doing their job just as much as the cops are because I was only around when they came around once okay, and I hadn't seen him again after that. And I feel that you would keep doing check-ups. You know, like I feel like that's what should happen. I think so. I don't really know the system but that's make sense to me. Yeah, I feel like that's how a normal humans brain work and like I don't know if DCFS really was doing their job. They would have kept coming back realized that they were out of the house and I don't see why they didn't take him right then and there like why even give it a second chance and the time you were there when DCFS came, do you know around how innocent to be exact but you know around how long before there was Bonsai went missing. Do you think it was like a year or Thor 2 years I say probably at least a year at least you're okay. It was a while so they came and when they came did they walk around the house or what did they do? DCFS know they just stood at the door. They seen from the door that you know, it was not livable like they didn't even have to go in. Yeah, and that's how you do it. Like it's really bad. Like why don't you just take him like that? Yeah, like there's no reason to give me One Good Reason To let him stay I mean if you had a kid who there was a known paramour hmm that was being stalked had stalking behavior or was being violent if DCFS has been called 20 times if a house is in no condition to the point where they've been removed from the house and the has a juvenile record. Like how does it how does the kid that's got all that going. How do they not end up in foster care? So I think that one of the Easiest answers to that and I don't think this is really easy easy easy. Yeah, if this mother is continuously saying I'm not with him and there's no proof that they are is like if they're not caught together, then there's nothing the investigator can do. Okay, like their hands are really tied to and we see this all the time were like, we know that they're together, but you can't prove it until you do and there's evidence. I say one of the biggest ways that we find out is usually police reports. The state's attorney will say hey, did you know that so is no got arrested for this and then they will they will fax us please report. So we have evidence and the best the same with investigators to but until there is documented proof that they are together if that's the main problem then the investor can't do anything. Yeah. Amen. Fetus and they can't remove him just for being like the house if the house is it just depends on how dirty this. Yeah how environment like how severe that situation is, but They're not going to remove the kid just for that. They have no proof that the parent is still continues to be with that girl more. I kind of look at the case that we're working on and I'm like what in God's name. Do you have to do to get a child removed? I mean, I'm really kind of at a loss at like what how many times how many times do people have to call how many how disgusting does the house have to be how how many police reports have to be put out about someone stalking? How many juvenile offenses do you have to have before? I mean do you think That from what you know about our case in the show that maybe he slipped through the cracks or if you don't have an opinion on it. That's okay, too. I think the reality is that children do slips through the cracks and again, I think there's a lot of factors that go into that and why that happened and it's I've seen I've had cases where I said, how did this kid not get removed years and years ago and now he's 13 years old and here we are after a parent had been, you know beating this child and things like that like, It's some some kids do slip through the cracks. Unfortunately, and did you what did you think when a couple days later? You heard he was missing. Did you see it on the news or did your girlfriend Tire? How did you find out? I like it was Word of Mouth going through the neighborhood and then we saw it on TV on on the news, you know, and that's just one of them. It hurt. Did you immediately think something had happened? And he had wasn't a runaway you. And I know the condition of the house the day that my girlfriend said, you know, so they know they can stay with us. I would have put my foot down some now, you know what happens happens. It's none of our business. We shouldn't have gotten involved. So I'm thinking if we wouldn't have gotten involved that day DCFS what it took him. He might still be alive. The Disappearance of Robert B was created produced and directed by Ash Pitino. The production team is also made up of coal ehlers Michael Howard and Daniel Halloran ashes to ashes a video docu-series and audio podcast video versions will be released every other week and the audio podcast versions will be released every other alternating week. You can follow these So it's and get more information at slash ashes to ashes True Crime. Please contact us on Facebook or Ashland 57 at If you have any information on the case, you can remain anonymous if you know of anything illegal with the case, please contact your local police department.
Welcome to Episode #5 as the case intensifies. 13 year old Robert Bee, AKA Bonzai's death is still shrouded in mystery as the crew of Ashes to Ash TV investigate this cold case in Pekin, Illinois. Pictures are sent to Ash of items that were found off a tip given to Trucks 4 Kids. These items include a pillow case, balaclava, a possible jaw bone, vertebrae, sock, gloves, tote lid, and a red/grey sweater. The team starts really looking into these items and the images, to see if they have a connection to the Bonzai case. The culpability of DCFS is also thrown into the mix. The team speaks to an individual who works with the Central Illinois DCFS and foster care system. We also hear from friends and acquaintances who have information regarding DCFS and how they allowed Bonzai to slip through the cracks. Koehl and Ash continue their investigation into a case that gets more confounding as they uncover more information. Twitter and Instagram:  AshesToAshTV  FaceBook:  Ashes to Ash True Crime  YouTube:  Ashes to Ash TV  Podcast (type this into the search of your favorite podcast player):  Ashes To Ash TV   If you know of illegal activity involving this case please reach out to your local police department.
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It is Tuesday, November 26th, 2019, and it's going to be the greatest Tuesday in the history of Tuesday's I'm recording this from my bed. Room alongside my fiance Samantha. There she is our dog Val who's half pitbull half Shar-Pei just got done drinking out of the toilet because the water is icy cold in there the Corgi that we overpaid for just here recently. Is it his own little room to sleep in because he is a terrorist to comfort. Hi Val. Good to see you. I just told her to Buddy about how you drink out of the toilet. Anyways, this past weekend was awesome. Got a chance to do College GameDay over there in Columbus, Ohio. I can't thank the people enough who showed me love. There are some signs made a lot of signs made the boys are whittling down to therefore favorite signs that made it on air. We will then have a 24-hour Twitter poll this sign that receives the most votes wins a sweet to the Big Ten Championship. And a thousand dollars spending cash immediately after that. I hopped on a plane to Chicago, Illinois drove to a town called Rosemont, which is a little bit outside of Chicago. It's being completely candid went to a place called the Allstate Arena and I was there for nxt's war games. I was on the pre-show. And mr. H Triple H, Michael Cole and some others asked if I would like to cut a promo to end a whole thing to talk about the war games pay-per-view. They let me go for two minutes. Didn't make me tell them what I was going to say or anything good people over there very thankful. I end up in the middle of the goddamn crowd with an NXT champion. Almost rolled my ankle thought about chugging one guy's beer figured what it costs in at least 30 35 bucks. So I didn't do that. But Saturday was one of the most electrifying days of my entire life dreams coming true at a rapid rate in rocket and Jim Tressel vest on ESPN while housing a Tomahawk Steak right that I mouth and talk about college football while hopping on a plane and going and getting a chance to be on an open Bike in an open arena at a We event something I've dreamt about since I was a kid was absolutely fucking magical. Also magical buying tickets with our presenting sponsor seek seek scans all the other ticket buying platforms and make sure you're getting the best value for the best Ticket available for the best ticket that you would like and you're not going to get catfished either the ticket that you buy is the ticket that you get so you can shop with confidence. You want to go to a football game. Yeah, you do drop it seeking you want to go see a comedian make somebody ha ha ha ha Shop at CK. You want to go see your musician? Maybe tickle the ivory sing a little bit. I was in the same area is Jon Bon Jovi this morning didn't get to meet him. I can feel his order aura. I was singing live just in case he would come in and interrupt. Wow, Hey Diddle. Jon Bon Jovi didn't hear that but you all did him for that. I'm sorry, but if you wanted to go see somebody who's actually good at singing you buy your tickets from seeking right now use promo code Pat get $10 off your first order. Wow, promo code McAfee $20 off your first order. Holy shit. All right. Great day Wildlife. This morning is Tuesday morning or Tuesday afternoon. Whenever you're listening this know that last night was the first night of a three nights tent where I get to sleep in my own bed as do foxy and Zito. Anti the first time we've gotten three nights in a row at home since August. I'll tell you what, it's great to be back at home. All fresh and ready to go get to see these animals talk to my lady a little bit more maybe get a little cuddle session. Uh, maybe some sex. We'll see how that goes Lamar Jackson just bought it off a 20 yard run. The bet on FanDuel is going to hit life is good as or these conversations. I am joined by Ty Schmidt of Waterloo, Iowa. Evan fox is in the backseat O's in the back the entire SNY crew and to Morning Show Legends old. Burleson and Schrager, how's it going boys? Awesome. You're the man. No, you're the man tregs. Thanks for the shout out the other day. I do believe my own psychic was better than another guy. So I appreciate that Nate Burleson quick question is that Niners defense going to lead them all the way to the Super Bowl? Yes 100% the way they made Aaron Rodgers uncomfortable 5 sects but you know, what's more important than that? It was the pressures in the QB hits. When was the last time you saw Aaron Rodgers with the Eli face shreds? What's going on with Blog has he hurt for good? Is he coming back? He walked off they're concerned about it. They can't have that number 70 light out there in big spots. He was getting worked by Bosa. Let me ask you a question. Okay, so Panthers Joe Sly he misses that field goal. Do you walk away saying it's a team loss are as a kicker. Do you say that was on me Fam just lies looking in the mirror and his eyes at the guy that lost that game completely Spin Zone though. If Alberto River on doesn't have his tinfoil cap on and mad at Sean Payton and doesn't overturn that pass interference, so I probably met Kick from further back because they won't jump the center which is what they did for that short 28-yard of the maiden. Push the best your glorious man. Now, you're the best have a good one. Good morning football on NFL Network. They got a chance to interview John bongiovi. We will not yeah and that's different. All right there good. By the way, those Terry good Greg's got inside scoops on inside scoop everywhere. Those insiders are interesting life because they can't talk to anybody because nobody trusts them. So every conversation you have one you're getting a coffee and you say oh my groin hurts a little bit. I got a little tight growing. They go poop right? There was people just like Chef T rappaport's regs Glaser all of them that have inside information tough to have friendships when you're living that life. Yeah, they're playing both sides of the the knife now to you know, you get to go on good morning football and have your takes and then at the same time, you know, you're getting those texts rolling in like oh so and so is not playing this weekend. So nice little setup how you talk about Chef tea has become a complete pundit. Yeah, Chef the water and roll the dice and stir the pot speaking of stirring the pot that 49ers defense does a lot of that normally. You would lead off with Cowboys Patriots sock which we will get to in a little bit. But that Sunday Night Football game was very indicative to a lot of things me. I took shots at the Niners early. I said the San Francisco 49ers team a stunk last year. I heard all the hype about them last year. Jimmy G does hit instead of tears his knee. He's out. They stink now this year whenever they started winning games and that defense was just dominating folks. The offense wasn't really moving George Kettle was a superstar but it was very much a defense LED team. You started looking at their schedule. Really? You're like, yeah haven't played anybody haven't played anybody haven't played anybody. It's almost like they're playing Shane Falco. The first couple weeks. It was very hard to say. Yeah, this defense is incredible that'll Monday Night Football. They played the bronze who had all the weapons in the world and they made him look like children out there. So he had to pick up your respect a little bit for the 49ers ugh. Wait a minute. Maybe they are stunts but the bronze still the Browns at this point, then they lose to the Seahawks a game that they should have won. By the way hindsight a miss kick away from winning that game and you're like, yeah, it was easy for guys like me to say I told you she was it plays somebody good. Good game over then here Sunday Night Football in Santa Clara, California an hour outside of San Francisco. Aaron Rodgers Matt Le Flore in the Green Bay Packers who have been doing well this year take on the San Francisco 49ers near Aaron Rodgers Hometown. So you expect him to have a massive massive game, especially go back to the draft with the quote where he asked him how disappointed he is that the Niners didn't draft Amigos not as disappointed as the Niners are going to be for not drafting me. So you have that whole storyline. Of them coming off a bye week you're real excited. And then oh boy did that Niners defense put on a show. They absolutely slaughtered the Green Bay Packers offense of line, especially with block out and just absolutely demoralized that Green Bay Packers team, which scares the hell out of me being that Aaron Rodgers not only the best insurance salesman on Earth, but also one of my good friends it scared me how uncomfortable they made him feel and look last night especially going forward time. Yeah. I don't want to say I told anyone so so this is exactly what we talked about late last week. We said that if the the Niners get into a position where the the Packers are behind the chains and they can just kind of pin their ears back and go after the quarterback. They're going to be very successful. The Packers Rogers had to you know, they had to abandon the Run game so early because they were getting their ass kicked. And Aaron Jones has been a star for them. They are a run first team now like they still expect Rogers to make the plays when they're there but they make no bones about it. They're trying to run the football down people's throat that Chargers game a couple weeks ago. The Chargers. Yeah, the Chargers game a couple weeks ago was something I thought the Packers needed a little bit of a wake-up call, right? Hey, how's it going? Things are going to well Aaron Jones had like a hundred touchdowns going in. There are Rogers is getting hot that LaFleur offense was moving and then last night against the Niners that Niners defense man made it look like a kid's game out there. They have this ability on third down on the money down the down that gets you off the field and your money into your bank account that Defense has this ability to make other teams. Just look in that Aaron Rodgers. One of the best players most talented player of all time. Not just in the game right now of all time that Matt Le Flore offense was starting to run itself. Even if Aaron wasn't able to do his absolute best in a game the Run game could pick it up little dings and dunks can pick it up and last night the San Francisco 49ers defense, which I said for a long time. They haven't played anybody complain to the place. She obviously lose now looking back on it. They played it. They should have one and against the Packers. They showed up in a big way that defensive front with Bosa and Buckner and I believe there's a Williams in there and D4 die assumes going to get back at some point. They make people look bad. And if you have a little bit of a weakness on your offensive line, they're going to find it. They're going to expose it and they're going to celebrate in your face because of it whenever belaga got hurt last night you might as well just start playing the trumpets get the fat lady. Tell her to Art singing it was going to be a long night and it was just after the Packers even though I don't think the world is lost for the Packers. I don't know how if they run into that Niners team in the future. They can fix what happened other than maybe getting the ball out of your hands quicker if you're and I don't know your have dropped different plays because they were on top of him before he could even say hi, but that's real. Yeah, I mean and I said it last night and a lot of people were like whoa. Whoa, you need to calm down the Packers look like Pretenders because whoa when it comes to when it comes to this time, it's if you have a Team like that. You don't give a rat's ass about winning the division. Like I don't quit that who cares if they win the division. We're trying to win the Super Bowl and what they showed last night if they have to go back to San Francisco. It's tough imagining that there going to be any more successful. It's kind of interesting because everyone talks about the best part about Rogers games as he likes to hold onto the ball. He creates that though that extra time where he can get out of the pocket and make plays for his receivers. Yeah that plays right into their strengths. And also now the receivers had a hell of a time getting Being open last night. He still kind of trying to find his Groove with the Davante Adams. So he's forcing balls to him other guys aren't getting open because Devonte is back. Aaron Jones has been basically absent from the passing game. The last couple weeks. They have a lot they need to fix. Luckily. They have three kind of cupcake games coming up here where they can kind of write the ship a little bit Advanced practices exactly. But for the Niners, they look like there's not a lot that can beat them. I know I mean granted they lost in a Seahawks. But they should have won that game right kick you in that game. That defense is Stout not only up in the front. But Richard Sherman in the boys in a batch secondaries great and then the often now granted secondary feeds off of how good the front right because you can pressure on the quarterback get him off balance Jethro. Well a lot of passes that end up as tips are overthrows and things like that. So definitely much it goes in Stereo, but that defense is dominant and it's fun to watch it on the offensive side of the ball cow Shanahan. Not only the most swagged out younger coach on the sideline. What the Ruka hat and stuff like that. He looks good has been to the Super Bowl. We won't talk about that outcome. But he's a guy that can drop plays for his players to succeed IE George kittel who's the best tight end in the game right now, he can run he has an incredible personality. And whenever your quarterback is struggling having a good tight end is the perfect person to have haven't Kyle Shanahan's brain draw up the running backs and things like that. I think this could be a very very dangerous team going forward obviously, and I know I was wrong. When I said that no, actually I wasn't wrong you are hey, I was not wrong when I said they hadn't played anybody that statistically in factually was not incorrect. So all of San Francisco started coming after me. Oh, yeah won't you say about the Patriots valid but the Patriots have one forty five Super Bowls this seems brand-new, it steams brand-new. So I was like I have they proved anything. Yeah, they're good. They're good am planing buddy, but now that they've have this performance on only on prime-time television against the Browns who look like there may be back not only against the Seahawks where they should have won, but now against the pack As in dominant fashion respect needs to be given to the San Francisco 49ers and I'm happy to do it right now. I have a friend who's rather large who knows things about offensive line play and happens to know the 49ers defense pretty good. I said what is the problem with that defense that makes them so much better than everybody else. It seems like it's a pretty basic concept was running and he broke down to me that on third Downs they have this ability to get five rushers. So that every one of your offensive lineman is one-on-one. So if there's a weakness in your offensive line at all, it's going to be exposed on third down which is the money down the only down that matters yesterday belaga gets hurt. So obviously they just start attacking that pose that has a big day. But if they run into a team that can slow down there guys up front on third down I think maybe they're in trouble but I think it's gonna be very hard to find a team that could do that the team that instantly Pops in my mind that the Niners having a cousin the next couple weeks is the Tomorrow Raven. Yeah, Baltimore Ravens have a great offensive line. If you can hold up on third down and lock those absolute Savages up front for the Niners eat. I think you can hold up pretty well, but it seems like it's going to be difficult to get five guys lined up next to each other at the end of a season who are all on the same page. I can go one-on-one with a great pass rusher no matter who it is. They got both obviously and Buckner, but the Fords coming back as well. They got his ad They Got Talent on top of talent out there that's going to be tough to stop. And that Niners to him I didn't give them enough respected credit early because I didn't think they played anybody they played somebody and they made them look bad that Packers didn't look bad last night. Yeah, they look terrible offensively George kill I think is the best player in football. He's so good. I really do and he's a mismatch nightmare no matter who's out there. He I almost I mean, he's an Iowa guys is kind of a home or take but I feel like he's Gronk but he's a better blocker. Like he literally a rock was a great blocker. He was in the only reason I say that is because I runs the ball So, you know, he was blocking a bunch, but I just I feel like with him on the field. They they are Bar None the best team in the football very similar to Gronk right both in whatever he shows up how you can stop him. He can't and in blocking Gronk was a very good blocker which I think is why a lot of his teammates would even say best ever do it because he wasn't just a one-sided animal but kid'll he finds a way to get open and when he gets open he pulls away from people. Yeah big lumbering strapping funny white dude, just pulling away from people and it seems as if he's all-in on the team Team loves the defensive side of the ball loves his teammates his teammates love him, which is a big deal. Kyle Shanahan also drawing up plays for him to get open that offense has not been flashy. That offense hasn't been like, oh that's my fantasy football offense, but they're winning. Yeah, and I assume they're only going to get better and better with it that Seahawks game. If you look back there like three different chances to win it. They could have won it they could be the only undefeated team in football right now and I assume this conversation would be happening everywhere as opposed to the combo. That is happening everywhere, which is Cowboys. Jerry Jones hates. Jason. Garrett has the time come for Jerry Jones is saying I'm not with the crap smiling clapping guy sure felt like that after the game. Jerry Jones talks a lot. A lot. Jerry Jones is very powerful man in this industry. So his voice is heard on a very regular occasion. He is marketed his team to be America's team. One of the biggest franchises in the entire world doesn't matter if it comes to sport just just franchise in general. Has taken zero the citizens tax dollars to build up his office's facility there Jerry world. So going to have a lot of respect for the man a couple weeks ago. He takes a lot of shots at his own coaching staff in my eyes whenever he complimented Zimmer's coaching ability and shutting down Ezekiel Elliott. I mentioned it. I talked about it everybody from Dallas and no no, he's just giving a compliment. He's a nice guy then a couple weeks before that. He said that the offense of coordinator position is the hottest seat in all of sports or something. Like I said, wait a minute. Is he on every telling more? Everybody said no. He didn't mean it like that. He talks a lot that that quote was taken out of context. Let's play with Jerry Jones said just yesterday after the game by the way in New England. That was a close game that they probably could have one Terrible Weather Terrible Weather, which almost leads in a Jerry Jones Point even more after you here, but could have won. This is what Jerry Jones says, I don't think there's a game that a coaching staff has areas that it wouldn't couldn't do better in and I just don't like it that we got so many as I'm staying here tonight. Okay, he also said some other things I believe about how special teams is directly correlated to the coaching which by the way when you're playing against Belichick Belichick cares about the Special Teams. He's like invested in a special teams and you got a guy named Matthew Slater Matthew Slater is one of the best special is the best special teams player of all time his dad Jackie Slater NFL legend. So he's a generational Talent. He's very very good. They also have Justin Bethel good schemes block upon scored touchdown bing bang. NG boom don't put a returner back. You put the Cowboys punt team in a blender because you didn't put a returner back. That means they were never ever prepared for an over number of people inside the Box because when you don't have a return it back you have nine people in the Box on upon which means that your Frontline has to Zone protect basically instead of man protect, which is normal if I am upon her in a game and I see no returner back and I'm pointing into the wind. I am so happy because all I have to do is just catch it low lying. Thing and it's just going to run out instead. They get a delay a game because they don't know what to do then to get an illegal shift in any lose 20 yards of field position with Belichick choosing not to put a returner back. He beats them in all aspects of the game, which is why Jerry Jones said I built this team better which I would argue. He's right with that weather the rain the wind all that to have a great old line, which is what the Cowboys supposed to have. Yeah. It's have a great running game, which is what the Cowboys are supposed to have in a Fence that can do well in can swarm and can move to the ball. You would think that that game was almost set up for them to succeed as opposed to the Patriots. And here we are talking about a Patriots team that still doesn't have their offense clicking it they made a play down there and in Q and kill Harry. Yep, great back shoulder throw great catch, but he drops one later where most of the time those balls are caught Julian Edelman had one hit off his hands which doesn't normally happen. He makes up for it later. But normally those are caught. So this was a defense and special teams strictly win for The Patriots and if you're a Cowboys and Jerry Jones, you're like come on. This was one of our only chance to get this win and it looks like this season is kind of Spiraling out of control the thing I don't understand either is look the Jason Jason Garrett is going to get his asked and he probably deserves to he's been there far too long. I think many would argue. I'm years. He's been there clapping years to playoff wins, right but like they have had several more much more egregious losses this year. I just I don't know why after this game like, I mean, I guess DieHard Cowboys fans may be expected them to win. But like is anyone really that shocked than that? Way that game played out though. Like it's just interesting that he would take a stand that hard after this game as opposed to like the Minnesota game or a handful of these other losses where they really had no business lines think once you start looking down the line both them and Philadelphia have a pretty good schedule, but they have a couple more losses I think coming down and I don't think Philadelphia has that many and they're not going to get the wild-card spot. So this is another year where the Cowboys and Jerry Jones could have been having this conversation up in the suite. It looks like we're not making the playoffs this year boys and that can be tough to take Especially if you're the owner of a franchise, it's supposed to be marketed everywhere finding the perfect pair of jeans is a real pain who wants to go to the mall and try on a bunch of pants that don't fit in her stiff as a board. No one is the answer to that question if you were wondering Exactly. Well a few former Under Armour exact saw an opportunity here and took everything they knew about Athletic Apparel and applied it to denim denim denim rev Town created a proprietary fabric that combines Italian milled denim a little bit of stretch in a strong durable thread just like the stuff used in football uniforms and workout gear rev Town genes are as tough as work pants as comfortable as sweatpants and as stylish as designer jeans born in the Rust Belt out Pittsburgh to be specific rev time genes are built to last our athletic strength denim keeps up with you on the go from the office to the bar. And anyway your weekend may take you you want to know the kicker because that was about cougar by dealing directly with the customer. You can get your hands on these jeans for a killer price. You can get your hands on these durable flexible and Ultra comfortable jeans for just $79 that's less than half the price of a traditional design. Gene from Pittsburgh, which means these sumbitches work hard They took some proprietary Fabric and make some stretchy to work with you not against you, they're comfortable and durable and less than half the price of a traditional designer Jean head over rev Town to pick up a pair rev Town offers free shipping and free returns. You have no excuse not to grab some new jeans for this winter season. I'm sick of you guys wearing the uncomfortable Jesus get with it get what the genes that stretch a little bit work with. You only have to wear one or two. There's for the entire winter rev Town be comfortable look good in heaven a damn good time doing it. I think Patriots fans are probably very upbeat. They know that they're winning games right now without the best player in football playing that well without the best player in football being able to get on the same page as the rest of the offense their offense very average below average. I think it's like in the 20s or something like that, which is not normal obviously, but their defense and special teams are winning them games. Patriots fans are like listen. We have Tom Brady if Julian Edelman also Super Bowl MVP, we got a lot of guys on the offensive side of the ball not as many as we're used to having we don't have the Gronk or an electric weapon like that, but we still got guys that are smart and have one before and even plant like doodoo and we're still 10 and one they are 10 and one right now and we have yet to see them. Come anywhere near what they could potentially be here in the next couple to come at any time, right Bill Belichick has said real football doesn't begin until after Thanksgiving exactly. He might not have said that publicly but I think maybe somebody who was in The Patriot Way let that leaked out and Thanksgiving just a couple days away get a chance get a little turkey some stuffing hmm toss in a hammer. I eating an apple pie because I'm an American people. Love you the pumpkin pie. Not big on the pumpkin pie pumpkin pie because I think it needs whipped cream and I'm not a whipped cream guy. So I'll stick with the apple pie. Nonetheless. Everybody comes over. Everybody gets fat. It's Thanksgiving excited about that. But in Bill Belichick said, he's not thinking about any of that. What are you thinking about is like, okay. Now we have to play real football. Now, we have to look back on the first three quarters of the season and see what worked and what didn't work get rid of what didn't work. Keep what worked in our offense is going to figure it out that defense is humming. I mean Stephon Gilmore Or just said ah to Amari Cooper who has been playing a very high level of football as of late. Yep, 26 and 30 routes that Amari Cooper and Stephon Gilmore was covering him, you know, maybe balls Amari Cooper caught yesterday hmm zero you don't meatball Stephon Gilmore caught yesterday one Stephon Gilmore had more receptions as a cowboy last night than Amari Cooper when you got a guy that can just lock folks, Don. And he had a leader like Kyle Van Noy and the rest of the group they can get pressure and also all play on a string and know exactly where everybody's headed. That is tough to stop. Then he got special teams. I don't need to have Matt's later the best special teams player of all time. They also have Justin Bethel who's a pro bowl special teamer got old Joe in the middle snap and Jake Bailey the rookies been doing a great job and thick fog although he missed a couple kicks, which might be why the way they were all bashing Gostkowski all Patriots and I Mrs. Wicked wicked kick sturdy. He misses Wicked amount of kick stood. It's like yeah, but you don't know what else is out there. That's just like the Colts fans and want to get rid of it. And Terry. It's like hey, I know Instagram looks good, when people only post their makes but there's a lot of Misses that come especially whenever there's 70,000 people watching him millions and millions of dollars in line. So maybe their weaknesses folk right now everybody saying the offense is weakness. I would I would agree but we all know they're going to figure it out. That's is what They do in the Cowboys on the other side. They were built to win that game, right? Now that Phantom tripping call Alberto River on just can't help himself. Bill Belichick tells Albert the river on hey, we've noticed that the Dallas Cowboys they get a little kick see, you know what I mean? They trip a little bit and that's exactly what happens. By the way you watch film and then you call the ref you call up at the river on you say hey, we've been noticing on film that they've been get a little handsy on the back end and with the one we run these routes and these things we don't want to get grabbed your tugged and then Alberto River on will relay that down to the officials that are calling the game. They'll watch some films and in before the game, they'll come over. I'll say okay, other than the holding in the back end of anything else in the Special Teams. Got to be like yeah, they're Long Snapper lifts the ball up before he snaps it that's a false start. But if our guys move we want to know they're moving on that. So it's like almost trying to help the refs out with things that you're potentially going to do it make sure that the rules don't get in the way so Bill Belichick obviously reported that hey This Cowboy's team, you know, they stick a leg out there have been tripping folks, especially when we run these stunts even tripping folks. X and it showed up two times last night and both of them were pretty mad. I don't think so. And all right John Perry ESPN Monday Night Football said that they were both wrong and it's easy to say. Hey we were wrong. We're sorry for that and they'll send an Email down to Dallas to Jason Garrett who's heard. Jerry Jones is comments about his position as the coach of the team and then email was say, we're sorry we messed up on this trip that Had you a first down in a game-winning Drive instead of a fourth and 11. We're sorry about that. We must have went to this other trip. We messed this one up how there was this. Hold on this return this this this this a whole laundry list of things and Jason Garrett, you're supposed to sit there and go. Oh, yeah. Hey, don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Because right now the only talk is that the Cowboys are going to have to fire their head coach that talk is that the Cowboys probably not going to make the playoffs because you lose that game and nobody thought they were going to win it at all and they set themselves up to be in a position to potentially win it in the fourth quarter with how bad they've played and instead Alberto River on screw the river on gang throws a flag on a trip that didn't exist and put some in a fourth and 11 and server first down moving forward on a game-winning Drive. I mean, that's tough. It's tough to beat the Patriots. It's tough to beat the Patriots in Foxborough. It's tough to beat the Patriots in Foxborough in November. It's tough to beat the Patriots in Foxborough in the Amber against the refs. Yeah. I mean, I think you hit the nail on the head there would be maybe some cause for concern if the Pats were like 7 and for something like that, but they've proved that Brady doesn't have to be on the top of his game. They're still winning games and everyone like you said everyone thinks like he's gonna figure it out at some point. If he doesn't they've still shown that they can win if he doesn't figure it out 10 times out of 11. Tell me one Seahawks you got MVP candidate to really good. They've already lost twice. This Patriots team who doesn't really have an offense yet is 10 and 1/2 joke just got texted a tweet from our Canadian friend jumpy quoting Kevin Seifert or Seifert Seifert scif ERT in his Twitter photo. He has a little bit of a box top and then glasses he goes number of times a team has been called twice for tripping in one game in the last 10 years before yesterday two times. So as Obviously a point of emphasis and old Belichick on a cross and in the end his great coaching putting that word into the refs ears gets them the wind and makes it a crucial 4th and 11th at Amari Cooper. I thought caught by the way turns out he dropped it. I don't think I fully understand that rule to if it hits ground controlling they don't control anything if we get it I don't but it definitely hit the ground and move so it wasn't a catch-all so I don't like this narrative necessarily because now Cowboys fans will run with this and act like that's the only reason they lost the game and granted it was there are two big calls but uh, Again, like, you know, if your hold on O2 big calls blocked punt without those three things that without those three plays happening whole new narrative today Cowboys are back NFC East Jason Garrett. What a coach instead Jason Garrett stinks. They got beat not only on the punt block, but on another punt where Belichick decided not to put a returner back and put nine men in the Box. They got so flustered that took a delay of game and then he did it again got so flustered it. Illegal shift and then belching puts a returner back there for a catches it and gains 20-yard somehow. They just got outcoached in all things but without that trip and they could potentially go down when it without that block punt whole different sort. Jason Garrett. Somehow goes into Foxborough and gets a win. That's why football is the greatest thing on Earth. Yeah, I mean and see - the owner my my argument would be like was stuff score a touchdown there then scored all day the Patriots defense buckles down down there in the Red Zone. You still have to go in and score and beat them if I'm a cowboy. Boys fan I'm happy. They got beat yesterday and I'm happy that Jerry came out after the game and basically took a shot at Garrett and said hey, you know, like I'm I'm wearing thin on this guy. I don't want him anymore if I'm a Cowboys fan. I'm jacked up. I don't know very many of them who want Jason Garrett back next year Well Dak Prescott completely different side you talk bad about Jackie get attacked right? You talked bad about Jason Garrett. It's kind of like a what you said. Yeah, they're not really like Pro or against you. They're just like, yeah, maybe it's been nine years. We haven't won much we would like a different guy in here. It's like I guess there's a rumor that Jason Garrett wants to go to the Giants if you lose Dallas may be a good fit. Hey, I want to go Giants. I'd like to be the head coach of the Giants to you. How will you tell you won't be again? Or maybe if they want to like, let me play Oh line or quarterback every Office Long a sure. Okay phone up a little bit. Alright, so these are all things that we want to for Jason Garrett. I guess they're finding a gold Shimmer. They need to he just same deal. We're talking about this earlier this morning in New York. I feel like you need a guy who's just kind of a hard-ass you can't They just have like a milquetoast guy who's always getting offended by the media and like wine in and pout and they need someone who's a proven winner again. They haven't been worth a damn since Tom Coughlin left agreed Seahawks get to win over the Eagles. I think the Eagles still win the NFC East because their schedule is favorable for them. I think the Dallas Cowboys not going to make the playoffs and there's going to be an another entire round of drama with the Cowboys this offseason. I can't wait for that Cleveland Browns put up 41 verse Miami Not Dead Yet V wildcards. On the afc's going to the Buffalo Bills. I think everybody can agree with that. But that's 6 1 is going to be highly contested Colts Titans bronze Steelers lot of teams looking for that thing with ducky Hodges flying the flock in Pittsburgh. Everybody's on notice my God. I think the bills are good by the way beat Denver 2003. I think so too. I think you have really good defense. I think Josh Allen with big hands. Big arm is starting to figure it out a little bit. They do it. They have a Poppy to go and win especially on the road in the playoffs if you can defend people like they can and they one thing you notice with their games. They never get blown out and they never really blow anybody out. It always seems like they play someone close granted they 122 three this week, but for the most part, I feel like they played no matter who they're playing. They play them very close and very tough Jets blow out the Raiders. Welcome back to Sam Donald playing football good again build up the hope for the Jets fans. Just the crash down yet again in the offseason. 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Well, I well congratulations on only be a great that great uncle but people soliciting advice. I think you're going to be getting a call potentially from the Packers last night bulaga gets hurt and that Niners d-line and their Hunt for that becomes a front five on third down had their way with Green Bay. How what is the way to stop that especially if something's bleeding it like it was for the Green Bay Packers man. Honestly, there's no way to stop that. You gotta you gotta be successful early on running the ball and the backers weren't able to do that which you know, it's kind of surprised. They've been they've been able to run the ball successful against everybody when you get when you get that much talent on defense on third down. Yeah, it's stopping that you're not you know, you're not gonna be able to scheme anything. It just is what it is man, and they kind of got their butts. Whooped up front Okay, the last time we talked to you you said this is the Packers and Saints and NFC and that was before the Niners had played anybody now granted they played the Seahawks. They should have won that game. They lose that game. They put on a show here against the Packers has anything changed on your thoughts about the Niners especially going into the playoffs. I mean, it's the it's changed a little bit. It but I'm still going with the Saints and fakirs. I look at if you look at the Seahawks game, it came down to Jimmy D having to throw the ball and take over the game and he couldn't do it and that's why they lost the game. I just got more faith in the other quarterback in that top of that division. Obviously, they just looked up on the Packers, but I think if things don't go to schedule for San Fran week in and week out then they're not going to be We'll pull it off in the end. And if you look at if you look at their schedules going out, I think same Frank and lose three of their last five and honestly, I think the Packers run the table and win the rest of them and I think the Saints probably maybe lose one more, you know, you look at that cult game or you know, even the Falcons this week. So I think I think there's still a chance that the NFC Championship goes through New Orleans or Green Bay. Well keep that baby guarded from the pterodactyl that seems To be flying around in the background there. Who do you think the Packers if they have to run into the Niners again? We'll have an answer for that. What is the answer for that? If you're obviously outmanned up front getting the ball out quicker getting the Run game going. What is the answer for that for the Packers if they have to run into the Niners? Well, you've got to be able to run the ball and it's it's tough to beat a team twice in this league as you know, but I think if if the Packers have to go to New Orleans there have to go back to San Fran. Then you know, I don't think they make it anywhere. It's where was going to have that home game and that's you know, pretty obvious. That's kind of the way it goes in this league Whoever has that that home championship game usually wins, but I think it's especially true this year with New Orleans, you know, probably the second Compass place to play in this league and and same frame is just riding so much momentum right now and kicking ass everywhere. So wherever it wherever that game is. Those is going to be who wins but I don't really think they have an answer except for being able to run the ball success boy. You can't just sit back and drop back and fast the ball. You got to move the pocket and things like that and you set that up the Run game. Okay, let's talk about home field advantage in pivot to the other side of the league New England is notoriously impossible to get a win against in Foxborough yesterday, the Cowboys had the conditions the temperature the weather which almost could have helped their team, mate. Maybe but in the end they lose to the Patriots special teams in defense and things of that nature. Have you got a chance to hear what Jerry Jones said about his coach coach Jason Garrett after the game. And do you think that the Cowboys are all hype and have no shot at making the playoffs this year. Well, yeah dude here with Gary Jones says and you know, a lot of people give him crap because most GM's and owners don't speak like he does and they don't do interviews and people think he's cocky and which you know, he is it is what it is. But I like him being candid. I love you know, he's normally giving you an honest response and he lets his emotions kind of hang on his Blues there and I like that about him and he's kind of putting that coaching staff on notice. We all know that you know, Jason Garrett has been the hot seat if he wasn't he would he would have an extension already and you know, you got to blame somebody and when you have that much talent on a football team, you've got, you know, four or three or four First round is on the offensive line you guys e Kelly you got Amari Cooper that traded the first round or away from for and you got that Talent on the defensive line and you're not getting the production out of that deep inside, you know, you gotta you gotta put the blame somewhere and you know best teams did lose them the game yesterday. They had all the all the advantages to go win that game and they couldn't pull it off and you know, it's not easy to go into New England win. We all know that but they had a chance and they blew it and You know Jerry's right it I think it is. I think it is on the coaches stuff. I agree. I absolutely agree because I think even whenever I saw the weather report, I was like, oh, this is Cowboys game. This is Cowboys game with the rain the wind now granted the Patriots offense hasn't been moving that much. They had a couple spots there where they showed some flashes. I still am in the bank that they're going to figure it out, but they're going to have to because in the AFC there's another big swinging Richard and that is the Baltimore Ravens who are playing tonight against the Rams. You're not offensive lineman. Let's say you're a part of Yonder in the boys Baltimore Ravens offense of line. And you got Lamar Jackson behind you. What are the thoughts and how does that team gets stopped unless Lamar Jackson gets a cold or something like that. It's it's fun man blocking for a guy. Like that would be would be a hell of a dime and up. I'll say this I think Coach Harbaugh is Coach of the Year hands down. I don't think it's closed. He he had the balls to go take a kid like Lamar Jackson and change up his staff and change up their tires scheme and most themes are most coaches do not have the balls to go do that. So prop to that whole organization because that's an unbelievable move and I think they're proving a lot of people wrong and and you're kind of seeing a shift and and the NFL with these quarterback. I mean, honestly, I think the only thing that can slow them down as an injury to Lamar and everybody says he takes it differently and doesn't you know, he's not Get her and this and that. Well, I mean at some point it's going to catch up to him, but I don't think it's going to be this year, you know, once they go pay him 40 million dollars of but they won't be running running him as much but you know, he's not slowing down anytime and that's a hell. It's a hell of a team to watch. I mean, you'd love to play for a team like that as an offensive line because there's so much confusion and what they do and it's not just because Lamar can run. So well, it's because the scheme they run confuses the the hell out of defensive and it's just it's fun to watch their blast. But we're talking to Kyle Williams last week former Buffalo Bill. He was out on a duck hunt in the middle of the woods in Louisiana. We were talking to him about it. And he said basically the d-line is kind of in this terrible position because if they're just trying to keep him contained then there's no rush and he has all day and he can make the passes in the pretty easy route tree that they have for him to go to a tight end and then if you go for it, he's going to make you miss and make you look stupid. So there's literally nothing that Uline can really prepare for other than if individuals can make plays and I think that's kind of how he viewed it. All I assume offensive lines the same thought. Yeah, I agree. There's a guy like that the only way you stop him. If you have to get your two guys in the middle have to get pressure that's only way you can affect the guy like that and you have to let your Edge guys kind of slow rush but your two guys up the middle have to get pressure and if you if you send blitzers he's going to beat you throwing it or if he gets Past that purse line, you know if you put five typically there's not another guy to sit back there and go make the back. Alright, so if you don't stop that guy and honestly right now you can't even contain them. Okay. So Aaron Donald is a middle guy that is playing this evening. What can he do that can help out this whole thing? Yeah. I mean that's that's the that's the key to this game as is what kind of pressure he can get in the middle and you're not even, you know, you're not even looking to sack Lamar you looking really just get them off at spot. But not let him get out of the pocket. You let him go if he gets off his spot and gets out of the pocket. He's you know, you're screwed. There's no chance in hell. He's a better athlete than probably anybody in the NFL right now. I mean, he's made people look so freaking stupid. It's fun to watch. Yep. But yeah, you got to affect them and make him get off his spot throwing the ball without him moving out of the pocket if that makes sense is the yeah. It definitely makes sense. And I appreciate that breakdown is the deficiency of the Patriots right now on the offense. Beside the ball their offensive line or their speed or both man, honestly combination of everything but you know, they've gotten the new left back on there and once he gets grooving a little bit and get a little bit experience that's going to Sure up and the nikhil hairy kid is I think he's a baller so I think they're going to get better and like you said, you know, you got a bet on the Patriot to figure it out and December that they always do. Why would they not now? But I mean I I definitely think Tom that's a real thought right there. By the way, it's like yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah their offense look bad. Yeah. They're terrible Okay, who wants to say anything bad about anybody now? Here's anybody think they're not going to figure it out. No not separate not no chance in hell. I'm betting against those guys. I mean Bill Belichick obviously best coach ever Tom Brady the best quarterback ever. You know, how do you bet against those guys? Yeah, they, you know, they look like crap right now, honestly, but I'll figure out a way, you know to figure it out in December, but they just they don't lose games and when you have a defense like that you can you know, Tom Brady is a game manager right now, you know, it's very easy to say but he just manages games unless his defense ghost or frickin Five Points a game or whatever. So that's just what they have to do. Yeah. I think they've kept Opponents of 14 or less points. Like should I forget to it's an astronomical number that is just absolutely absurd that defense is unbelie-- way. They lose Gronk and somehow the whole team gets even better. It's just almost unfair at this point. The way things are operating. We talked to Kyle Van Noy a couple weeks. He said it's because there's a lot of vets in there. A lot of guys that have been in this scheme. So they know when I Zig Hill zag and everything like that that can be something that can really obviously help long-term. I'd assume well, they're so smart and Most most teams are just not that smart. I know I spoke on a few weeks ago with you there that much smarter than everybody and I was I was watching a show on the NFL Network. They're breaking down like the hundred best players ever and bad Belichick on there and they were he's a host that he's a host that show. Yeah. Yeah, and it was great. You know, they started talking about him. He said well, you know, he almost made it sound simple. He said you find your strengths. And you exploit them and he find their weaknesses and he was talking about the Art of War and you find their weaknesses and you exploit them and it's just so simple and we all know that but he just does it so much better than everybody and he get this whole defense to get the whole team to do that with the incredible because it's such a short week we practice and it's such a short amount of time to get ready for these games for him to be able to have all these schemes and and have all these guys know this game and be able to communicate it. Is that his pretty damn incredible. Him hosting that is a great get by the NFL Network by the way. Oh unbelievable. I don't know how the hell they pull that off because I think even just the things that just slip out of his mouth are going to be so insightful because it's like, oh this guy never really lets us into his world when it comes to football other than to do your job documentaries, or they talk about although the little things but listening to him give his thoughts on how players play in different positions and things like that. If you listen to that I'm assuming it's going to be football 101 all the way through 501 if you just listen to the entire series And let him slip some gems out. I love it. And I mean, he's breaking down Running Backs from the 50s and he knows there. He knows that everything about him like this guy's a he's a freak man. He he grew up in the Naval Academy, I guess in the football because his dad was a coach there for 40 years. They said that he comes back and just watch his film there and stuff. He's not scared to break it down. Just an absolute football dude football guy of all football guys. I would have loved to play for him. I think he wouldn't love me. I think I would have enjoyed. I am for him. I think I'll uh, I'll just say I don't think I would have made it a week in New England. You neither meaning I heard that Patriot Way is a different way, but it seems to be a widower one. Mr. Seaton. I can't thank you enough for joining us buddy. Get back to being a great uncle. All right. I will May appreciate you guys. Was that a pterodactyl those flying ahead there early. You see a flying, huh? Have a good one Josh. I appreciate you. All right. Thanks guys. Good guy. Yeah, he's the best player in the NFL 11 years knows a lot of things on I think about Super Bowl he'd had with Packers once they're both Packers guys. Been there done that Amy's cool, which I appreciate beard chilling on a back patio right there just became an uncle congrats to him the conversation about Lamar Jackson I think is so intriguing to all this, you know retired players because whenever you're in Like the building you get to hear what people talk about right? So you get to hear some coaches ideas, even offensive coaches have ideas on how you would stop that like if it's at the in lunch or walking down the hall, you know be like you see that there. Yeah, so is highlight let's say how do you stop that? I think you and you would hear these people like kind of, you know, give their takes on it or whether or not he was Unstoppable. So whenever I listen to other players that are retired talk about him. It's pretty cool because those are the conversations that are absolutely happening the in-depth like yeah, and if I get a good jump on he's probably just Come up underneath me. It's like he's an Unstoppable force and they're only there - three and a half tonight. I think in Los Angeles Los Angeles is like when it comes Showtime, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah Lamar Jackson is a Showtime guy. He handles his press conferences with a lot of confidence. He told Deion Sanders that draft night. Hey, they're going to get a super ball out of me. He's never shied away from the big moment at all. So you would think in Los Angeles with a lot of people that are gonna be there specifically to see Lamar Jack. This is just like when LeBron yep, One time to Miami and they call themselves The he tells how they were selling out stadiums Lamar Jackson. Is that for football right now? Because he's doing things that nobody's ever seen before that Coliseum tonight is going to be a big-time Lamar Jackson spectacle in minus 3 and 1/2 sounds absurd to me. Unless Aaron Donald could do something and it's also might be the people in the desert known a lot more than I do. I don't know how they always get it, right? Yeah, it almost feels like a trap game kind of like I'm being like that. It does it been winning by 50 because everyone thinks the Ravens are going to kick Ask everyone I think that's the Vegas. I was almost going to tease him up to minus 10. What are the odds there? I might be completely wrong. I don't think so. Ha ha ha. That's hilarious Lamar. Jackson is Unstoppable by the way, Tommy John the Revolutionary underwear loungewear and clothing brand that guarantees. A perfect fit is getting extra ballsy this holiday season with an unbelievable offer exclusively for listeners of this show. Right now you can shop Tommy John's biggest sale of the year and get 25% off the entire site. If you've had fomo or fear of missing out for Tommy John. Now's your chance to try or gift the most comfortable underwear and loungewear on the planet. Tommy. 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If your first pair isn't the best pair you've ever worn you get your money back give the gift of comfort this holiday season with limited edition gifts like loungewear and underwear from Tommy John plus save 25% off site-wide when you go to me and use code Pat that's code Pat at Tommy T om m y Jo code Pat wedgie-proof underwear breathable underwear ridiculously soft Lounge where non visible panty lines for the ladies and the most comfortable bra on the planet sounds like Christmas list is check check check check checked off by your friends at Tommy John doc. Cam code Pat. Seven Foxy's in the back his lions got defeated by the Washington Redskins. Don't stop well foxy. It's tough because the tweet that you put out before the game because we have a vandal deal and we boost odds over there and we do a lot of things foxy and everybody is kind of, you know gotten into giving out tips on who to gamble on. Yeah sure foxy put out a tweet yesterday before the Lions game that said a watch guy. Good take your mortgage take her car take whatever credit card. You can max out take all your clothes all your shoes grab the kitchen and bet that thing on Jeff Jeff driskel and the Detroit Lions take it on the Washington Redskins and Evan foxy. How many people are without a house and deeply in debt today because they chose to listen to a guy that wants Michigan State yeah, according to my response is on Twitter for the first time in my life. I was ratioed. A lot of people are going to be upset this Christmas Christmas because their kids are not going to have presence shall Hanukkah to I mean, yeah Kwanzaa, I mean qualms no one said that in my responses, but you get it. Oh, wow. Whoa. Hey, very selective group foxy has following him. Oh, so it's only the people that believe in the sequel in the Bible that the follow along with Fox. I just learned a lot about football I would argue though. If you've been following along every single time, I've guaranteed a lion's dub they have lost. So if you've been following along you fade foxy, you're going to win money. So that's the people that did that that's easy to do though because the Lions lose what seems to be damn near every week which is almost surprising because the Redskins also lose damn near every week. But instead Dwayne Haskins gets his moment where he gets a win throwing zero touchdowns dropped one underneath the set up old opt-ins for the field goal. To get the win there. Mrs. The kneel down because he's taking a selfie a lot of old Whites by the way around they love that. They love that move. Is that right? Oh, yeah, from what I've heard the old whites. They let's start over. Let's start a new segment. What are the old white ate today? Well, apparently the old whites are not a fan of taking a selfie instead of being in Victory formation with the team. I could fathom that I can see how the older whites would be. Like, Hey listen, you finally get a win in the NFL. There's been a lot of dramatics with you you Charge people to get into your draft party whatever you weren't starting earlier you refuse to hang around the starter to try to learn anything. Just last week you were talking into a group of men about how you can help them as a starting quarterback in an interesting fashion. And none of them took you seriously, which tells me a lot more about how you're acting off the field than it does on the field, but you finally get a win. You're the face of the franchise not only right now, but going forward, this is your first time winning in the NFL. You're excited. You want to pump up the fanbase you Take a selfie and in the process you missed the kneel down. I actually don't hate it. By the way who cares who cares they stink. They are so bad at football may never win another game in his entire career. Join Haskins might never win another NFL game, but they should have a parade Dwayne Haskins should think about having a parade today and maybe even miss practice for that because what are we playing for? We're playing to celebrate the sport is a celebration sport you get a first down. It's a celebration you stop them from getting first time. It's a celebration you score you celebrate you overturn a review you celebrate where a celebration Sport and he might he might legitimately never it is entire life in this league in that City where he grew up ever win again, and you can selfie kid. How do we not know that he was like, you know what I want cased enjoy this with his teammates to okay? He deserves it just as much as I do let him get out there and victory formation with the boys. Nobody's saying that old on saying that Steve a good teammate Wayne Hoskins said full spit taking this very expensive Studio. The thought of him caring about Case Keenum was no man get case in there. Let's get case in therefore. I got a couple I got a couple quick photos lined up. Maybe we'll let old loser ass Case Keenum taste a little Glory one. Again it Minneapolis Miracle just a couple of years ago fall from Glory. Let him get this W here in Victory formation with the Washington Redskins. Go for him. I'm happy for Dwayne Haskins getting a window. I don't see a lot of success coming from there. No, maybe partially his fault for how he plays football. He seems to be missing a lot which didn't happen in college. So I don't know if you could just lose accuracy had assumed he'd come back but that organization ain't never you know, they stink that organizations are never going to be good again. Can't be ever campy, especially with who knows what's going to happen with the Cowboys and I mean that division stinks to I mean, yeah, there's opportunity in that division 2 because of the overhype and underperform that thing that happens Donna and Jerry world on a regular basis if they get a coach though that might all turn around very quickly. A lot of people are saying Jason carrots at coaches that are potentially in Lincoln Riley Matt rule, by the way, another guy who's down there who would be a great NFL coach. I think the Colts were right. Looking at him I was the hottest coach in Texas right now. That rule is a good dude. I got a chance to meet with them. I think you probably could turn things around a lot of places. I don't always know how college coaches are going to do in the NFL because it's a very new world right now. That's different Generations in the NFL by the way. It's also grown men that you're dealing with. So, will he be able to handle it? Maybe maybe not. Well Lincoln Raleigh do well down there. Maybe maybe not that might take a couple years to turn it over though. So if you're the Redskins you have a quarterback that you like you could potentially get some dubs in the division, but instead. You're always gonna be Redskins. You're just gonna stink and everybody knows it. It's just like the Patriots offense is going to figure itself out. We know that. Yep. The Redskins are going to stink. We know that all the while. I think you look at the Giants if they get a good coach, I think Daniel Jones is good enough. We're in a SE Kwang Soo. Yeah a couple years like they might be the best team that division. It's weird. What's going on in Philly right now with Carson Wentz. I don't know if he's like trying to do too much or what it is. But I mean that entire city is turned on him, you know, he was the Savior a couple years ago and and they are all out on him now. Well, he looked last night like he was not very comfortable in the Box look terrible. Well, yeah, but I think the reason why I look terrible is because he wasn't very comfortable in the pocket. So in time, we're not come from the bug you start under throwing overthrown. I mean he overthrew it got it was three yards away from him which was wild and then you see you on the other side there. I think the Seahawks defense is a lot better than people give him credit for I said this on get up Michael Lombardi said, it's on our show a couple weeks ago Michael Lombardi in the rest of the world had a narrative about the Seahawks defense that Everybody was pretty much understood Russell Wilson was winning by himself in spite of the rest of the team that he had. Yeah, you had locked it on the offensive side of the ball. But other than that nobody he had the new draft pick, but he wasn't ready yet. The defense couldn't stop a nosebleed and everything like that. But this is last few weeks for the Seattle Seahawks defense. It feels like something's coming together for them. They didn't have to debut on Clowny yesterday and they were still getting the Carson Wentz on a very regular basis the last four weeks. They've forced 12 takeaways. That is a lot of turnovers and he get the ball and Russell Wilson's hands now. We're playing the game. Now the Seahawks become a fully rounded team and just like Belichick Thanksgiving week is when Pete Carroll hopes that his team's off and running if they can continue to create turnovers and be a good defense like they were last night against Carson Wentz. They had five turnovers Carson Wentz had four of them. That's a lot without Jadeveon Clowney and Russell Wilson who had probably his worst game. He's had all year still through a couple Tucker's he has this Henry rowengartner appeal. Like his legs can be all fornicated up and he just snaps the wrist and just drops it in a bucket if they can continue to create takeaways he can continue to play at his level. He's playing special teams picks it up. I mean the Seahawks hurry, I mean they are going to be a contender now the 49ers though standing in their way standing in their division will be interesting to see how the Seahawks go through the wild card and everything like that. But boy that seam looks like they're damn good even though the eagles look bad and wants Miss him easy throws I think that's the Hawks defense was the thing that stuck out to me. The most is like hey this backdoor cover nightmare team that the Seahawks were because our defense could stop anybody is it feels like kind of coming together right now the NFC Michael Thomas down for the New Orleans Saints his Twitter and social media handle at can't guard. Mike might be the most accurate thing I've ever seen in my life. Pretty good. He's a Teddy Bridgewater quarterback doesn't matter Teddy Bridgewater good quarterback, but everybody's like well, yes Drew Brees also Teddy Bridgewater. He's been doing things that nobody has done people are saying hey this Should be in the MVP conversation. I can agree with you there. But this is a quarterback driven league if a wide receiver wins the MVP than the business changes on who has to get paid what just like the same thing with running back. That's why everybody says Christian McCaffrey Dalvin cook. They're never gonna win in two quarterbacks know when it's quarterback league, but the fact that he's even being mentioned in there as a wide receiver, especially on Drew Brees has team is something impressive and he's going to get his every single week. It's just whether or not that Saints defense can keep up with how the offense is going to go and I think thus far they've proven that they can. Great special teams as well. The NFC is going to be a lot of fun to watch down the stretch. Yeah, it's weird the Saints because they almost seem like they have regressed a little bit since Breeze came back. They were so hot with Bridgewater and you know, they had that hiccup against the Falcons. So it'll interest it'll be interesting to see if they kind of ramp things back up going towards the playoffs with Breeze and kind of are firing on all cylinders. Again, Sean Payton. He's getting trolled by Alberto River on he's had a deal and win with a backup quarterback. He's done that. Got a weapon is a wide receiver. Let's assume he gets cooking over there and in the AFC now. Everybody knows Patriots are in Houston Texans and Colts are on a collision course for the south for the rest of the year. Who knows who that's going to be. Ravens are going to win the AFC North. And then I think you got to give it to who's coming on the AFC West. It's the the Chiefs that writers did themselves no favor losing last night to the Jets. Yeah. That's what I was just about to because in my mind I had Raiders were coming out of there. But then you lose to the Jets that could turn a spiral by the way. Yeah. Now the Jets obviously have been looking for just a little bit of glimmer of hope here the last couple weeks because their fanbase got all excited then mono happened then they stink again and then this whole thing but the Raiders look like a team that could do it but everybody saw But now let's assume that the Chiefs and all their weapons are going to figure it out started on Monday Night Football last week. Okay, so let's give it to the Chiefs. So then the Buffalo Bills have that first wild-card spot locked up. Everybody's thinking they're eating three right now. Let's assume they can continue to have success. So that second wild card spot spot number six there is going to be highly contested Ryan Tannehill the Tennessee Titans has been putting up incredible numbers. I guess they've been winning games that get the ball to Henry Taylor. The one in the boys are shotgun him. Beers is celebrations at a big guy touchdown. The Titans are going to want in there. The Colts are going to want in there the Browns who put a thumping in a hurting on snowflake in the Dolphins yesterday. Are they all the way back in the Steelers now got Bucky Hodges at quarterback my God, you might as well call Ducky Hodges duck fits magic because that's what he is. Yeah, same type of appeal he gets on the field and good things start to happen. Ning. He's a good dude. Great, dude. He's a world champion. Black collar and the other quarterback started the most vicious fight in NFL history. He throws a helium balloon to his wide receivers. He might be a good quarterback down the line, but right now he's just not that colleges has his feel and his carefreeness. I can really get them going but that team around duck Hodges is a good team in Pittsburgh. And that Cleveland team around Baker is a good team if they can get going now granted still coach my Freddy kitchens yikes. So situationally, maybe some poor decision will be made at some point. But the Brown still have a shot at making and they still got to play the Ravens. They still got to play the Cardinals who we predicted last week is one break. Some hearts are on holiday season. The Cardinals can do that in a couple different fashions for a couple different teams. Let's assume they will and then you got the Titans in the Colts and if it's not that if the Texans end up losing the Essex House in a closer when then you got the Texans the Titans the Steelers and the Browns all buying for one thing with a lot of good football left. I think there's Mike Tomlin should be in consideration for coach of the year. I don't know. Like he never gets talked about he getting I feel like he gets a bad rap might just be because we work with a couple guys who are from Pittsburgh. So you kind of hear the pulse of Pittsburgh a little bit more and they're not necessarily against Tomlin. But yeah Pittsburgh though, right? They all think all the time and time is coming. It's like every year that someone's calling for his head how many Pittsburgh fans thought that they would be 6 and 5 right now with a legitimate shot to go to the playoffs when Big Ben went out none. Exactly. We got red Antonio Brown left Bell. They were a problem get them out of time. An Old Tommy John takes a sneak peek at the NFL after living in the MLB for so long quarterbacks out. You lose your three best players on the offensive side of the ball still six and five and Tom and we'll never get credit for it and they're still banged up. Juju didn't play this last week. He's still you know going through like the concussion issues. I think at this point you just gotta ride ducks coattails and take you right into the playoffs whack. You know Ducks do what's that fly together? That's a great point. Like I am Colts fan through and through Jim irsay paid me a lot of money to be a Colts fan. Sure. I mean, these are facts. I'm a talking head. I'm a pundit. So I try to you know, keep it straight down the middle, but it's called steam that ball was out on Thursday night. First of all and Bows out. There is Leonard had it in his hand was waving and Alberto River on saying it was out no review. No nothing probably because now that we know that Robert overruns a spiteful man, right what he did to Sean Payton and the boys for the pass interference overturn their we can assume he did that against me there rakshata for the coat. That's the direction. I mean, so I apologize for the Colts for that in Colts fan base. Now that I know a little bit more about Alberto River on but the Colts can still win a lot of games and if they get a wild card in their healthy and they got that offensive line back pummeling people Colts could be a weapon in there too. But the Tennessee Titans nobody's talking about him their head coach Mike Vrabel on busting with the boys. This offseason said he is a hundred percent willing to take a saws off to his reproduction organs. Yeah to win another Super Bowl didn't ask his wife did Chatter grows a mustache got them boys playing down there had to make the big decision of benching Marcus Mariota who was their franchise to put in a former wide receiver Ryan Tannehill cornerback and they've done well and won some games. It's going to get closed down here in a stretch. Thank you all so much for listening. You're the absolute best for myself Valerie and laying next to me thence a meal in 24 next to her Ty Schmidt Evan foxy Vive Le zero tolerance. God Nick digs Gumpy Billy Jason old block dad Boston Connor and everybody else that is a part of our everyday life. We can't thank you enough for listening to our stupidness and everything else that rolls out of our mouths. Shout out to Josh didn't for joining us today. It's got a good brain that guy I'll go bring that guy talk about the Packers and everything going on in the world aside from that if you miss the chat with Pat sesh on Twitter yesterday. I hope you can join us for the next time. If not, send me a tweet at Pat McAfee. Show it can be a gift that can be a picture can be anything just you know for makes me laugh. You win some free merch which by the way tomorrow night. Like I mentioned at the beginning of the show Wednesday midnight the beginning of Thanksgiving our Thanksgiving sale begins and kicks off across our entire site stored up head back for and entire line of everything. We got ugly Christmas sweaters. We got great sweatpants. We got cool shorts. We got hoodies. We got sleeveless Saudis. We got t-shirts. We got a hat. It's we got everything you name it we're excited to sell it to you at a discount of right where we make next to nothing. That's what it's all about. wanna sing together one big team Ty Schmidt play some Independent music please for those interested. This is dream Away by a Nazi.
On today’s show, Pat and the guys record live from 4 World Trade Center in New York City. They break down everything that happened this past weekend and all the marquee games including what it means for the Packers after getting absolutely mollywhopped by the 49ers and what they have to do to get back on the correct course, and why the 49ers might be the scariest team in football. They also break down the Cowboys rough game against the Patriots and why it might have spelled the end of Jason Garrett’s tenure after Jerry Jones’ comments. They also chat about how the Pats might not need to get their offense right in order to win a Super Bowl. Later, Super Bowl Champion, 4x Pro Bowler, 3x All-Pro, and friend of the show, Josh Sitton’s joins to recap everything that happened this weekend. He breaks down the Packers/49ers game and why he still thinks the NFC championship might go through Green Bay, what teams need to do in order to stop the 49ers pass rush, the best way to neutralize Lamar Jackson and why he would be so fun to block for, and gives his keys for the Packers getting back on the right track (38:27-52:43). Pat and the boys also break down the rest of the NFL slate including Dwayne Haskins winning his first NFL game and missing the final snap to take selfies with fans, the Seahawks potentially being the best team in the NFC, the Saints and Panthers debacle that may have been a direct shot at Sean Payton from Al Riveron and everything else that happened over a crazy NFL weekend. Also, Wednesday night at midnight, EVERYTHING at will be 20% off for our Black Friday Sale. Today’s episode is a fun one. Come and laugh with us, cheers.
Hey afterbuzzers, before we move on to your next topic. We just want to say thanks to our sponsor. Anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. Plus there are creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Also anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it could be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many more plus you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership, and it's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor. Um to get started. Hey everybody Welcome to The Bachelorette after show here on AfterBuzz TV and this week. We finally have an episode to talk about because it wasn't a recap episode. Thanks ABC Luke P gets on his high horse. Once again and reminds everyone to stay in their Lane. We're going to break it all down right after this you are tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top. Now, look it's right. Yeah intro. What's up, everybody? Welcome to The Bachelor after show here on AfterBuzz TV. Thanks so much for joining us. What an episode guys. Wow. It was something it was something something more the last week put it that way right at the very least. We actually have an episode to talk about what's up if you guys are joining us for the first time. Again, this is The Bachelorette after show on AfterBuzz TV. I am your host Christine Alexis. We are down a panelists tonight our lovely host. Jeff is in here, but I'm joined. And we voted out moment. This was Survivor We actually voted her mom didn't get a rose. They didn't get it. I'm getting but I am joined by two of our amazing panelists. I've got the lovely Mike feeling with me. What's up guys excited to be back I missed two weeks, but I was watching at home and last week. I really thought I fell asleep the generally I looked at my phone. I thought I fell asleep. I look back and I said that I miss an entire chunk of the episode. No, no, no you didn't and we have the lovely Renee area. Hey you guys, can I just say Peter gets more? Above All by each episode Peter. Oh my God. First of all, I feel like it needs to be addressed because you said it who knew Peter was Hispanic? No, they're saying in the chat to that's right. No one. I got a big up to the chat because that is what everyone is talking about tonight. I mean at least to start Peter wow, a little Latin flavor for us sure. He'll yes, but we actually have an episode to talk about guys overall thoughts on tonight's episode. It was better than last week. I hate Luke and he's manipulative and was gaslighting hand tonight. And I love Peter a lot agree is definitely better than the last week, but that's not really difficult to do. I also dislike most of the guys at this point and we finally agree on something that's bad. That's big for the history of AfterBuzz and I think it's really obvious who the final two, maybe three Our God and even before this episode. I feel like it's almost painfully obvious and I think they're kind of string and Luke along because Is honestly he's the only interesting thing going on in the show. I got agree with you that it is becoming very painfully obvious. Who the Front Runners are. I know we said, you know, we finally have something to talk about this episode but it almost feels like filler because the drama and the suspense of who could potentially going home was lost on me because we kind of guessed it while we were watching look the two guys we're going to get to it. Right but the two guys that got eliminated they barely spoke All Season, we had very few interactions. Neither of them had a solo date, right? So this was almost a filler. Uh, so because we had to get two more people out to get to the real meat of it. I got the same way. We're like what someone's name the Dustin and the other one. I wonder who's going to go home. Literally the two guys we forgot about they seem nice but they did have a chance from the start Dylan had a great exit where he like said, she was gonna I mean the classic thing but it was very sweet and I was like, oh my God Dylan, that's her name your sweet. Good guys Paradise. Sure, maybe potentially. Well, we'll get to that later and We have some tea by Paradise as well as as well, as some more really really scathing news and gossip that you're going to want to stick around for that later. You know, I got you at the tea, but we got to get in tonight's into tonight's episode which we're still in Latvia Riga to be exact. We got so much love a lot of episode bottom mount a lot of romantic puns and just Riga themed things, but that tourist board really good money's bad guy. Yep, but basically we're starting off on just like a happier note Hannah's happy. P you know she wants to continue to have a happy Journey to Find Love and keep it positive and we start the day off with a one-on-one with carrots. So the the date card says can I trust our love and they went bungee jumping naked together thoughts on this episode on the date guys. See my question is were they actually naked or was Hannah topless in underwear? I cannot imagine that they were towed. I don't buy it. I really don't buy it. I think they were topless and Basically naked but I cannot imagine them truly both but is it buck-naked or butt naked because I think I've said it wrong. I think it is. Well, it is naked and then someone wants to like, it's Buck Naked the most - I always been wrong my whole life. Anyways can't imagine them actually being naked. I still hate Garrett. I'm sorry Gary. You're so beautiful. You can't kiss you bother me. Now. I agree. I believe that it was supposed to be underwear and I'm actually I'm going to give it to her that Hannah pulled a little surprised and pulled her bra for the last second. Yep. That's what I think happened. Really? Yeah, even though prior to that point like the people who went before them came up to them naked singing gotta do this naked. I think they were naked. I like to give everybody the benefit of Doubt, right? That's what you're saying. Right? I think that Hannah was really surprised. I think the producers probably told her was going to be bungee jumping and all of a sudden there was naked people and it's like, whoa, that's why yeah. Otherwise if she was all in on it, there'd be no reason to have a bra and have to take it off. The last second, right? Yeah, we're going to show down there before you show up there. Let's be real Mike. We're really agreeing on a lot tonight. That's scared. We'll get he's a wicked something. I'm sure we're going to spend some time but speaking of agreeing the chats agreeing with your sentiments. Renee people are brief 5:3 says Garrett is so effing annoying people. The people are not feeling Garrett and I have to say I agree. I mean, I think that just if we're talking specifically about Out there date right now, which we are it was it was a cute date. No, I can shoot over him. I'm sorry. I'm so I canceled Garrett after he pulled the petty move was it last episode? It wasn't eight years ago because last episode was so long and boring speaking of that petty move. I thought it was interesting that kind of before they get into the date. He is saying in his confessional that he learned a lesson actually. No, he said it to Hannah that he learned a lesson from the cocktail party drama and that he's going to try to move past the the drama and just be more present. Her which is interesting because he stirs the pot again later in this episode. But whatever Garrett they move on after the bungee jumping date, they move on to their dinner together and what I really like about this part of the date is that Garrett actually does ask Hannah a bit more about herself, which is what she's been harping on this whole time. He asked her to open up about the hurdles that she's moved past to be who she is. What do you guys think about this? This moment is a redeeming for him. Are you still just Like over it. No, I'm so over it. I thought it was like a sweet moment. I thought Hannah was well-spoken probably because it wasn't in like a speech cheers type of moment. But yeah, I just I'm just like does anyone does anyone in the chat like Garrett because truly it doesn't look like it and you know, he's got to be bad if we agree. Yeah, Gary Garrett lot. So I've been talking a lot. We were doing a little bit of a ruthless recap, you know with Jeff and I've been talking about something I saw. On another YouTube channel so sorry, I don't remember but is a great Channel hit my been Bachelor Nation or something, but they mentioned this concept of white Knights and it never works out for the guys when they do this kind of stuff and that's all I thought he was doing it's like you got to stop caring about what the other guys think what the other guys are doing and just focus on Hannah. So what he did at their little dinner was right on that's exactly what should happen. But you see it is too little too late. I just don't like it. This point is already the taste in your mouth as bad as a viewer. He's totally tainted for me. I'm just like I just kind of wanted to leave at this point. He's got some love Emily Jenna they love Garrett. All right, but that's good. Not in general in general. It's not going so good in the chat. Also, he still he can't kiss like him down this like whole of hate is like, what is he doing to her mouth? And then slowly we realize he's also Petty and then he's just a pretty face really pretty really pretty face. But that's it Garrett. You're saying yeah, I love Face because I think he's super cute on the outside Hannah's obviously into him. She keeps giving him a chance even though he clearly stirred the pot on a lot of things but she's giving him the benefit of the doubt. They obviously have a connection that she wants to keep him around or their date they dance to this random cello player who's outside playing music from like that guy big up that guy. I hope that guy gets a lot more Instagram followers and quick. Shout out to Olivia be in the chat that is right the channel talking about his Bachelor fan take that's right. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. That makes me feel like the producers like oh she's gonna send him home tonight. Like we don't need to worry about getting like Luke homes to perform for them and oh shoot. She kept him. I don't know. Do you do ceiling like cello players on the street? He doesn't even know he was being filmed. It's like what's happening? This is my corner get off my corner Miss brown sugar in the chats of hand and basically friend zone Garrett during the date. He's not long for this show. Mmm friends finally got that Vibe. I didn't get friend zone. But I also think he's going home next episode. That's my prediction. No, I got the vibe. I know what she's talking about because when he was asking those questions, he did a lot more talking than actually asking and talking about wanting to ask like all these guys are doing I really want to get to know you and find out how you were then just ask about her instead of talking about Ashley ass, but remember they kept shooting back to her and she looks superb or it was like a glazed eye. Look. I'm just like it's going and he's talking and talking and talking. It's most interesting. Sounds like well lack everyone in my family was really into football. Yeah, and but I hate it. I did you see her face drop when she said he did. Yeah. She's super Roll Tide Bama say, yeah, of course guys, literally that hot like you're opening up about that about yourself that you realize you didn't like football and your family was into football and then you're over foot like well, I I could I couldn't it it goes to a boring spot. Yeah. I kind of fell flat. I mean the biggest part of their date was the fact that Y nud bungee jumping because that kind of kicked off all the drama that comes afterwards everything else exactly. It was a setup for Luke but a setup, but before we move on to the second part the group date want to tell you a little bit about AfterBuzz. Oh, yes. First of all, we'd like to thank you all for making us the ESPN of TV talk but you know what you may be surprised I was surprised that we have so many more shows besides this show here if you subscribe. 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So before we move on to talking about the group date, we actually do need to spend a moment and just talk about what happened after Garrett came home from the date because the guys are sitting around and he starts going off about how amazing his date was and you know spilling some details kind of doing a little kiss until I guess if you want to put it that way and this is when loopy just becomes incredulous that Garrett would share these kind of details about what they did. He's incredulous over what they did and it's just this is where we really start to see the thread unravel at least within this episode with Luke. Yeah. I'm all right. Absolutely. Did you guys think no not really unravel because he's still there. He's still there. The threat is strong. It was a lot of Rivals. Do you guys have an issue with the way Garrett brought up his date at all. Did you think that he was like showing off or just was it casual? It was a little Cocky for me a little but I also think because I've already written him off. I'm biased so I think if I like to Garrett, this wouldn't have come across in an unlikable way like it did for me. Yeah. However, I don't think it then validated what Luke's reaction was whatsoever. But then again, that's everything Luke reacts to I say objectively it didn't bother me because I know this is a show thing they come back they're supposed to off. They're always hanging out in the little thing. I'm with the couches and they all have to tell about their date. It's super produced. You know, they're going to do it and all the contestants should know they're going to do it. So I didn't think it was super bragging or anything like that. It just is what the show is he's going to talk about his date. Absolutely. And even when the guys aren't on the date, they have them sit in the room together and talk about what do you think's going on on her face lie cause drama. Yeah. It's like these guys are making out with her like crazy. Like we said, she's jumping on a lot of these guys. So for any of them to come back from a date and be like we made out and Other ones to act Omaha High it gets him I come on they watch their kids going off on the group date. So it's like they can't not assume those things are going on fish heads and making out. I think though it's the way you say it for me. It's not that he shared what happened on the date it was and that's why I think I'm biased because I've already written him off like for me it was kind of his tone in the way. He said it because I do believe if it were Peter and he was sharing that information about that date. It wouldn't have I wouldn't have had a second thought it was the way Garrett said it and probably Bleah that stems from how I've seen him communicate with like Luke in the past and it just it. I don't know. It feels like he would be the type to say something knowing that it would hopefully maybe trigger Luke for funsies not because he's like, he feels like he needs to but because he hates that dude and I don't like it because I think it's Petty and that's where this all comes from. I think it's fascinating because I like seeing Luke get triggered now because it's so easy. It's so easy, but it's obviously Only thing tell me what you guys think. I think it's the only thing interesting right now in the season if everybody's dates Go amazing and all the connections are fantastic. Then there's literally no drop all the other guys are like high-fiving each other like oh, yeah, Pete you deserve this solo date. No, I'm trying to win the show. I want to be with their I don't care what you deserve or what you think whatever I don't know, but I just I disagree only to say that I think even if loopy wasn't in the equation this process brings Rings out the crazy and people if it wasn't him it would have been someone else like I don't think even if he wasn't there, they'd be all high-fiving each other and being happy. I think someone else would reveal themselves to be a problem. Do you think so I agree? I don't think I don't think any season is devoid of a villain of any sort like it could have very well. Garrett could have been that the problem child had Luke not been in the equation and he would have been the source of all of our drama this whole season like for me it was such a loss when Crystal was sent home on our season because here's the thing. I hate watching and Luke, I think. You represent something just I really don't like with this toxic masculinity and the gaslighting. I just don't like it. Crystal was a ball of a time. I loved Crystal. One of my favorite moments in The Bachelor is when Crystal comes home from her date, and what was the date the date and just pallets in her room great. Honestly great TV. She also it's a known thing obviously in The Bachelor world that like you come back from your date and then you talk about your date and another episode Crystal just wouldn't tell anyone about Her day and she had the first one. Yeah, everyone was so confused. Yeah, I like her. So she's engaged now. She isn't here nice work Smitty Paradise works. There's hope for us all so I think that because when we lost Chris Halls like, oh man what Where Do We Go From Here There will still be drama when Luke please go home next episode. I feel like he might when he does go home, but it'll be a different kind of drama because it's getting down to like the last five or six or whatever. So now it's just going to be like, ooh now we all have real feelings for her. So who's not meant to be And stupid shit like that the chat seems pretty divided Joseph Boza agrees with you. Mike says. Amen Mike Luke falling for Hannah is the only thing that is great about this show. I mean now I'm not going to spoil it. But the news we've got later put such a bad light on people. We think are genuine that it's like you don't know what to think now. Anyway, you guys love you guys chew on that. We gotta we gotta move on from the we'll get to it. But let's move on to this group date on this group date. We have my Mike Jed Tyler Dustin Luke, Connor and Dylan and the date card says let's discover Riga AKA. Let's walk around and have a normal date what they do which we said this off screen. It's exactly like Mike State his one-on-one date and exactly like Judds one-on-one date. Just walking around kind of seeing the sights and sounds it's a nun fun group date you this is meant to be a solo date. There's no kind of crazy activity. There was no little challenge for them to all trying to battle over to get a little one-on-one time with her or anything like that. Maybe she just really wanted a chill experience here and no drama or know kind of keep fighting and I guess so. Yeah, but I don't know it's not what I want to see maybe they're like out of budget. Maybe Riga is expensive. There's some interesting some interesting things that happen on the date as you mentioned some ways eating a fish head. They took some moonshine shots, which I think got Hannah real live. Yeah and had a little verbal diarrhea. They're sharing about her date with the guys which you know, is it? Okay for the guys? Yeah, he was doing some that one producers put him right next. Yeah, let's talk about that. She's literally what are they on a train or something? They're traveling somewhere and she's just like, oh my God guys, like the other day. I did this like she's talking to her girlfriends. I couldn't believe how forward she was about it not knocking her for it, but I just thought it was interesting to bring that up on the date and Luke is just throwing shade the entire time. I found that interesting because my impression And when she did that was oh, she's really comfortable with what happened on the date. It wasn't a very intimate or anything like that kind of experience. So that's why she's comfortable. Just telling everybody like it's not a big deal. That is how I interpret it. That's not how Lux odd now. I know because like you when you're naked you're Temple against Garrett. He makes some really interesting comments about is that the point in the episode he says it was a boneheaded mistake. And it's when he goes to talk to her. Right? Right, right. Yeah, you're on that's when he goes to voice his concerns in the way that he's been instructed to do by Hannah. She wants him to be vocal about how he feels and he brings it to her later and tells her that he was not comfortable with what they did on a date someone in the chat super-quick c Capital C little see space Capital C brought up a perfect Point here loved it when Tyler see brought flowers on the group date. I just want to point that out because that's exactly what you got to do, especially on. Kind of date is you make time to have a little private one-on-one date. I agree that move definitely paid off in his favor later on because he ended up getting the group date Rose, but great move by Tyler not so great move by Luke, which we'll get into. So do we where we at with this they have good vibes and then later on right? So Hannah and Luke talk about how he felt about what she did right kind of exposing himself here kind of Saying some slut shame me comments. Yeah, absolutely. It seems like in his mind at least he is some kind of reformed born again. At least that's kind of how he's portraying himself that he ran around with a lot of girls in college. He talked to Jesus in the shower and now he's, you know born again which hundred percent there are folks out there and that's their experience. That's fantastic. I don't think Renee is buying it. But that's how it comes off. That's how he Use to be treating her, right? Okay, Luke. Let me just tell you the point that he is tried to make to Hannah is so toxic and unhealthy because it's a way of like he's trying to take control. It is manipulative later on. He then chose another manipulative Behavior, which is gaslighting of like taking it back and just making her think that he said what would be okay enough to make hair keep him around. Around I don't like him at all. I don't like his reaction to this because it does stem from like the need to control Hannah. This has nothing you can do whatever you want with your self. And if you're born again after being an F boy in the past good for you, but on your beliefs go for it. You want to stay a born-again virgin until you meet your wife absolutely go all day have fun. But like you can't then try to control someone else and what they do with their body, but even the I said it didn't this didn't even have to do with him freaking out about sex. It was that she exposed herself to another man in a non-sexual setting and he didn't feel like that was that was out of control and it's so disgusting to me the fact that he felt it was his place to tell her about it. Yeah and what threw me off the most was he started the conversation comparing it to like what it feels like to be cheated on. Yep. And I was like, yeah dang that's like yeah the point in here like you stretch that like Like another this is what we were talking about a little bit when it happened. I think that that was actually a genuine reaction. I think he's got a very short fuse and I think he found out he got hyper jealous real fast, and I think he flew off and I think she just like you were saying we were watching it. He thought she would appreciate him saying this but that's the problem. He planned it. That's the manipulative - it's not like he went in and I was his genuine reaction it. Like he planned out that conversation clearly not well, but he wanted to say he I mean even the way he went back to like I want to be there for you when you mess up like a no matter what I want to be like he was trying so hard to be manipulative. But because he is a little dumb he didn't do it in a really great way because that's what I do believe that when he comes back to her when he was saying the at least this one part of when he was like if you make mistakes, I'll still be on your side. I genuinely think that she wanted those things to be separate but it just came out so wrong because he's falling yeah to manipulate her saying it saying at the same time definitely came out wrong. Do you just for Devil's Advocate? Yeah, what's up? Do you give him any Credence or credit? Because she really did say last episode that she wants him to be more forthcoming with his feelings and what he actually thinks just playing Devil's Advocate that would be the response to do if he really felt that but the problem is that's not That's different. It's saying like hey, this is how I'm feeling in the moment. That's a whole other thing than trying to control and judge her for the choices. She makes with her body and honestly, that's another way he's manipulative because he can go back to you told me that I should say I'm feeling and I'm saying how I'm feeling which is then guilting her when let me tell you you can meet someone like someone say hey, I want you to open up to me and if they say to you like hey, sometimes like I dream of like killing animals you can be like, oh, thanks for sharing, but I don't Want to date you anymore and at any point, that's fine and they can't go back and say but you told me to say how I was feeling which is what Luke will do and I don't like that. That's the thing. I'm sorry. Yeah. No, I agree with Renee. I completely think that he misinterpreted what she was saying when she sang share your feelings. It's saying like I feel vulnerable right now or just just more about who he is not being so robotic. It's not giving you a free pass to just say unkind things or untrue things or things that are really out of his Lane see what I did there hundred percent, but what I'm saying now is Is he is damned if he does damned if he doesn't so even if he was good on 100% really? Okay, he could have worded it properly if that was his actual gut jealous reaction to hearing about that. There's a right way to word it and to come off so you don't do what he did but it's going to look terrible no matter what he does now because we know how he is, but that's no that's not what it is. It's the intent it's his intention behind it if his whole thing was hey. I heard that you were naked with Garrett and I'm realizing that like this through this process that I'm falling for you and like I got jealous and it made me uncomfortable and I know you have every right to do whatever you want to do. I'm just realizing like how hard this process is right there. But to say Hey, you are naked with another guy and you did and it was just like bungee jumping without him being your husband and but like that's your little judgmental. That's not shed your feelings. That's that's imposing your judgments on someone. I don't like it. That's exactly what I'm saying. There is a way to say it correctly, but I don't think he can overcome that somebody's or even so it's not that he actually feels that way. Yeah, that's the dip. Sure. Well now if he said the first thing that you said it would still be him being manipulative because he knows the right thing to say exactly right? Is this the way he can't win anymore, but it's not that he's not it's not that weren't saying he can't win because now we're judging him and blah blah blah. It's because we know that this is what he does. Is he a douchey parent he repeats back exactly what Hanna wants him to say, so that's why I would feel that way not because he can't win because then if he comes around he already said how he feels so why would he go back and dig know? I actually meant this like this bullshit that I mean the whole when I know you're going to go to it later, but the whole him trying to backtrack on what he actually said that was very very poor. That was obviously calculated you could tell his cogs were turning on how can I fix this and still try to stay on the show because he absolutely was referencing that it was the same breath. Yeah. Pull your naked Temple was push up on this other guy. But hey, if you do boneheaded stuff, I'm gonna be here for you. And I'm like it's obvious man is a really bad walk back and and you know Cheyenne Taylor and the group chat made a good point. She says the way he talked to her was unacceptable. She should have confronted him right then and there the delayed reaction just fogged the whole situation, which is I agree because she didn't feed into it when he brought it up the first time she kind of pulled him aside later and told him how she felt about I guess she needed some time to process see I I think the girl just wanted a non drama night. I know I agree. I can't deal with this right now. I had a great day. I'm having so much fun. And I'm gonna continue to have fun tonight and I'm not going to deal with this. I think she completely can't compartmentalize this and then brought it up later as opposed to like needing to process it. I think she just didn't want to do because who would every episode there's something with Luke. Yeah, I mean, but then later on like that gave Luke some time to forget what he said and then backtrack and what he said and just gas-lit her they just completely gas law. 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He's still there somehow I could just be Chris Harrison being like it keep him. But know it this is a perfect example like abusive relationship. So a lot of the time when you are being manipulated in someone is Gaslight, You you do question yourself, and I don't think Hannah's confident enough and how she feels for him and like which direction that is. I mean even think of like when she said I'm either falling for him or he's driving me crazy toxic relationships you guys when you don't know if it's like oh but these strong feelings in these brushes, but like also there's a lot of manipulation and gas lighting and a lot of toxic Behavior. That's not something to be ignored. That's not love. That's not what love is supposed to be and I think a lot of people experience this and seeing it play out on TV as a whole other ballgame but like recognizing it for what it is is very important so we don't get into how unhealthy patterns ourselves and I hope Hannah will realize this I'm sure she will in the next couple of episodes but this does happen to people it absolutely does happen to people. Yeah. I'm I'm a little surprised that it happened to her because I think she is a really strong person and he's strong woman and she hasn't known them that long so I think a lot Out of I mean everybody's different obviously, right? We're not psychiatrists or anything like that. But a lot I think a lot of very bad relationships very manipulative relationships. They do have the benefit of time. So the person who's getting manipulated can say well when we first met everything was great something just happened. So I have to fix it. She doesn't have a lot of time invested in him or anything invested in you really so I'm just I totally agree with what you're saying. I totally know it. I'm still surprised that just by herself. She really wants to keep this going. I think it's producer interaction. But this is another thing about toxic relationships. A lot of them. Hold on to whether that be a week a day a month a year when it was good. You keep wanting it to go back to when it was good because that was an ultimate high. It's the rush. It's like what she said in the beginning. How should the strongest connection off the bat with real she went on with the shirt is for it to go back to that and think about it this way. Yes sure. They haven't had a lot of time together, but the show is to find your soulmate in like three months. So everything you're feeling Our high-end everything's a bit more extreme. So yes, I'm sure she's holding onto that first night or week or whatever. It was that things were so good because that's a big chunk of how long she's known any of them. Alice makes great point. You could be a strong woman and be in an abusive relationship. You're absolutely right Lee. You're absolutely right. I am not trying to dismiss that whatsoever. I just think with all the I don't know, you know, but I think she's clouded somehow. You don't know until you've been in it or you had a friend be in it because you can only speak on your own experience, but I think a lot of like a lot of women in my life that are so strong have gone through something like this and I when you're like hearing them explain it and justify it your I'm a very empathetic person. So like I hear them and I get it. Yeah, so I don't know. I feel like we should just wrap up the hole. Me Gary thing because I know they talk about it later after Peters. Well, he was 30 seconds here. Should we break her go back to this? Because I feel like we're in the thick of talking about it or will come out. I mean, there's plenty to say well we'll pause on the the loop Hannah drama and talk about something brighter and lighter which is Peter's one-on-one date with Hannah based. The date card says it's time. No, actually what I wrote down was Hannah says it's time for Peter to have all of me like he deserves and I was like, Okay, groom clearly something clear. She's been waiting for this one for a while and so is Peter can we believe that this is the first time he's had some like a real one on one with Hannah. It's been forever. I know I just think he's been so solid that it didn't matter. That's a good point. I think so stay out of the drama except for last week when he spoke up and said I'm over this it was so huge is so solid with him that he didn't need the one-on-one. So that's how I think up till now and now he definitely deserves it. Yeah. She's really ready and Link to give him the reassurance that she quote unquote says he needs they have a lot V in style spa date together, which was kind of comical for us that couple that they brought in to kind of see them through it and randomly sing to them. I love them. I love that guy and his wife smacking people with the Laurel leaves or whatever was awesome. Yeah, they have they have some fun together. It gets real hot and heavy side of the yeah Pierce, which is their sauna experience together lots of straddling. And going on real bonding experience, right? But yeah, that's what happens at the spa any thoughts on that. I love Peter. I think I think I said that one one time earlier this episode some time this season. You mentioned it. Listen if Peter doesn't win this season, he better be Bachelor. He is the only person that has yet to piss me off in some way that I know their names. Mmm-hmm. Yep. That's all I'll say I Thought that their little Shack there with the sauna looked like something out of that new horror movie Midsummer, and I'm really excited for that movie. So I was about to be excited to see what happened to them was a little bit cold tea when they were going in there. It's kind of like you're going to enter the pit and the two will become one variable. So wow, like what they're dressing them with crowns and stuff. It seems like a sacrifice but it was okay. Yeah, they do some like sensual spice tasting. It's like they really go all into it. What is Midsummer it semis? Oh, Our producer there Ryan in the chat put it down, but it's actually Mi DSO mmer. It's an upcoming horror film that Jordan Peele said was like the I'm a craziest. So I'm excited. When does it come out? We are not Ryan check out check on that producer. I yeah, we're not sponsored by mid-summer, but I believe shortening Midsummer's Night Dream. No. No, I was like, oh, yeah, I guess I could see that when you were like, oh this reminds me about Mike I guess. Well, speak of them soon Peter everyone in the chat as loving Peter. They're loving the action that Peter enhance she had together. Yeah. And again, as I said at the top who knew that Peter was Hispanic, he definitely dropped in a cute little line in Spanish and I was cute. I was feeling it guys. I don't know why you but it's like hey, how are you Peter fever? It comes over you Peter. He's keeping it spicy. He's great, but we liked him since episode one. So that's not surprising and I love that in the state as well. She went into it really wanting to assure. I'm that he's in a good spot. And he does the same he reassures her that he's all in he says, I really really like you. I almost thought he was going to say I'm starting to fall in love with you but clearly Peter's not there yet. But he really really is into her. He asked her asks her about where her strength and her confidence comes from and I love that. She actually flip the question on him about his career and how that affected his dating life. I thought that was such a great question. Yeah to ask someone who is a pilot for a living and he's only 27 years old guys. I'll tell you I'm 27 right now. I'm single and I like to have fun so I can only imagine someone like him who's living this High Life jetting around but then presents his like the super-sweet guy who's ready for love. I like that Hannah took that time to like see through that and be like, well, how does this affect your relationships got to be pretty rough because Pilots are always on the go. They got weird weird schedules a lot of time overnights and things like that and I've heard some really depressing stories of them super being shut-ins when they come back from their trips. It's also very scheduled, you know, so be rough. I know a few Pilots. I nope. I don't know any pilots from like major airlines or anything. I know all the pilots. I know fly private sounds but no they they that's like the either teachable to fly or they fly someone for a living but their schedules are so crazy. Yeah impossible to get to maintain a stable relationship at least with the ones I know so I can't imagine if you're working for a major airline constantly on the go, but you know, what if Winds, you can just sell sugar bear hair gummies from the comfort of his own home. It's true. You're welcome Peter. I mean, we've been selling High just give me a DM DM having call. You don't have her phone number. I mean, we've been so high on Peter like do we think that admission will change his chances at all or what do we think Hannah just doesn't care if she's I don't think she's just like she's like companion tickets, right? She's like baby where we going this week, you know, that's the couple's travel after. The show anyway, that's the only way to keep their relationship alive is Extreme situations because the real world will expose you but you know Peter does bring up that he was in a very serious relationship and you know, Renee made a good comment that maybe it was cut because I was like, he really didn't say much at all. He just said that he got pretty serious but it didn't work out why like why give us more like was it the distance you were just talking about your schedule was it because of that? Was it because of something else? We don't know about you yet. I want to know Peter tell us. Yeah, I would also like to know and I just I fully believe it's one of those things where like it's boring and off-camera and all they want is like the one-liner that they can use for like, well it didn't work out but maybe that's why I'm here, you know. Yep. Well their conversation went well regardless and then later on that night. We're going to we're going to get back to the loopy Garrett stuff, but thought it was good to point out that you know, Jed does. This thing he goes to find Hannah during the cocktail at their ceremony things to her again surprised the same song dude. This is same song. It was the same song as the talent portion, right? Yeah. Come on, dude. Yeah. I mean he did not like that. He goes for a big moment though. He's outside of her window like, you know, the guitar and every like he really is just showboating. I wanted a random other Latvian to come out of their window and be like shut up. Trying to sleep and American production company. He would have me blend it out into the song Savannah great shut up, but he wants to come inside you want to come inside. He does come inside they make out they they get real hot and heavy so jet is definitely still in her good graces at this point, which she stayed tuned a couple minutes later. We're going to get into some news and gossip that will definitely change mother and our debt is still in your good graces. I see the chat going off Kalin Weaver like very good comment. Jed was trying hard for that record deal tonight. Right. Oh, yeah falsetto notes that will sing anytime anywhere on the spot put me in the little vignette after the roses are handed out to you. Please records. I mean Hannah this one for Hannah people in the chat though it are definitely hope walk with says Jed can't sing like that be a Livi is trying to spill RT a little bit early. Okay, let's wrap up the episode guys after this point, you know Loop Ian Garrett confront each other emotionally. Parking lot of Lane talking in this Lane that lane who's laying looking at other lanes. This is almost as annoying as the last analogy that took off on Bachelor nation, which was between Eric and the guys on Bachelor in Paradise talking about moving with the cheese. I saw yeah, and this felt like it was leaning into that territory of like, okay guys, we get it don't look out the window, or maybe you can see through the window, or maybe you need to stay in your lane. Yeah, but you can't don't text and drive. Don't ya what that's good advice. But yeah, honestly analysis are we getting away from everything? You know, it was just wait the best was that I think Hannah's putting one and two and three together not the expression not the one doin to but we definitely want to get your guys take on when Garrett and Luke really confront each other and gerd becomes a little bit of a hypocrite, right? Yeah. Well, you got a great take on that Mike. Do you want to just say hey? Yeah, but I can remember it. We got a couple minutes left. Originally Garrett wants Luke to not talk about any of the guys when he's with her fine and he does and he gets angry. So then during this little interaction Luke says, okay, if you don't want this to go any further don't mention anything about me at the cocktail hour and then Garrett says it's none of your business when I talked to her about that's completely hypocritical. It's also none of his business with Luke's talks about then completely so you can't have it both ways either. Everybody's going to just shut up about all the other guys. Guys, or they're all going to keep spilling everything that happens. Just know it's gonna happen. It's gonna happen. It's Gonna Keep upsetting her and it's still the wrong move to me pilot. Pete isn't talking about other dudes. Tyler's not really talking about other dudes right and talk a lot. He just yeah, but he's doing fantastic. He's got a rose already to like the guys that just chill in the back right? Except my man grant grant was robbed this season the guys who just chill in the background that all these other idiots like moon go off. They're doing the best they Tyler and Peter both brought up the drama this week during their one-on-one like their one-on-one time with her in a way that didn't make them look bad. They brought it up in the just like we hate it to see how sad you were I was upset because some yes, so they handle that. Well, unfortunately loopy and Garrett did it and we are short on time. So we're going to wrap it up there because we know we're going to have more to talk about next week when these to go head-to-head because they both got a rose tonight. So let's just get into this last Rose ceremony, you know eliminated where Dustin and Dylan are gone who and who We're getting there gone from the competition. Loopy gets the final Rose of the night not surprised not surprised at all. Yeah, I mean what else do we have to say about that hand looked great in her dress. Awesome dress dress was everything. I'm sick how she gonna top it. That's the perfect. Oh my God. I tune in next week tune in next week to see what dress. Oh my gosh. I hate that were rushing through this last bit, but it was not an interesting Rose ceremony. It literally called it. Her name was played. Playing it right away. Yep. I can predict three seconds in advance. That's right. Three seconds boiler help Alan. It's powerful. It goes back to our overall sentiments about the episode when we first started that it just be it's at this point. It's very easy to see who the Front Runners are and we're really getting down to trimming that fat and getting down to the nitty-gritty so really quick before we get into some news and gossips gossip predictions for next week guys, please actually it's more of a prayer that Luke p goes I'm hoping Being that next week. I'm hoping we're not doing a cult in fence jump thing. And I hope that next week is when she gets really upset. And if it is Luke that he's the one that the confrontation over her sexuality and who she slept with and things like that comes to a head next week. Yeah. I also predict that that's going to happen next week only because I was really pissed off last week that the the teaser for the rest of the season gave so much of that away. It did II mean I know we disagreed over that Renee but I really felt like I was like man I would have liked that to be a more of on Spot revealed but then again knowing that it is or that it appears to be luke. Yeah seems like that's the thing whatever this episode we would have figured it was him. Anyway, I mean, you know what? I mean? Like by this episode's who set up and then if it's not him, that's a huge shock. That's a big shot. That's right. Yeah, if they're anything like that around somebody else and it's not Luke that's crazy. But I think either way this episode would have spoiled it because like Luke is the one calling her body a temple. Oh man a real quick the Chad did agree that and Hannah looks amazing and emerald but I got to say I disagree you did not love the pink fur. He didn't like the fuzzy feeling that the Emma green was great, but I'm really doing was every way like the fur. All right really quick. We got some news and gossip for you guys Bachelor Nation. I'm so sad. If you've been with us for this entire live stream right now you guys in the chat. I've been dying to talk about the allegations that have come out against Jed Wyatt. He is one of the frontrunners as you guys can obviously tell but this week his ex girlfriend named Haley Stevens came forward with allegations. Is that they were together before he got on the show that they were dating for about four months. They were four months into their relationship. They went on vacation together. They went on a two-week vacation to the Bahamas and said, I love you to each other he reiterated right before he went on the show that he was going on to further his music career. He wanted a platform and specifically said that he wanted to be in the top five to gain some significance. She quoted him as saying I don't want my dad to have to help me pay my rent anymore. Yeah now since the It has come out jet has not responded to the claims. We have a picture up of Jed and his girlfriend his ex-girlfriend Haley Stevens. Who's also a nashville-based musician people was the first to cover the article we can get that picture up there on the beach together presumably at vacation and apparently he goes to her after someone. He did eventually come back and she said she doesn't know whether or not he's engaged. I think she just doesn't want to break his NDA or whatever. She said that he didn't even call her like he promised when he got back she heard it from Someone else and when she ran into him he said how have you been and she went how do you think I've been and then he said something like I just didn't know how to tell you and that's all we know and they have not talked about their relationship since could you imagine right? Mr. Right now? It's good to wrong considering tonight's episode and some of the very prophetic things Jed said about being the right guy for her it definitely it feels very icky now jet is still technically on the show, so So he can't comment on it. I don't believe because it's still airing. So it's going to take some time for us to get to the bottom of this. She can though. She can't she's truly scorn. But yeah, and we as a public have a right to kind of say how we feel even though we are just getting one side of the story here, but we'll continue to stay on top of that for you guys and follow it as it develops. Also in Bachelor Nation this week Lauren Bushnell and Chris Lane got engaged. They announced that they are you for that getting engaged. Somebody go check on Ben Higgins. Please make sure he's okay. And and then the last piece of news is you guys know Bachelor in Paradise is filming right now and Chris randone and Crystal Nielsen got married. They said I do on the beach in Mexico. So yeah, they look great. You will get to see that unfold when the show airs which by the way if you guys haven't been keeping up it's actually airing on August 5th. It was supposed to air on July 29th, which is why I think we got a filler episode last week. I think ABC needed to fill that chunk of time. I'm with something else. Okay, a lot of people were speculating as well that the sit down with Chris Harrison was definitely filmed after the fact she spoke about a lot of the guys in the past tense, even though it wasn't recap but we're getting these Vibes that just it was very much a filler kind of produce things. So we're gonna lie. I know we gotta wrap. We got a lot of really interesting comments in the chat right now the fact that Jed and this woman were not married almost so that means it's okay once this wraps we're going to read all the comments in the video. Let us know. Guys thinking all the comments down below is that true to the fact that they're not married. Does that make a difference because no I don't think it does but we gotta we gotta wrap and God this just shows how much we love talking about all this tea with you guys. I just want to say really quick. Thank you so much everyone to join us in the live chat tonight. You guys are amazing. Thanks for the energy keeps bringing it. And again, we're going to address your comments right after this. I'm Christine Alexis. Thank you guys for joining me this week. You can find me on Twitter and Instagram at Christine Bean with three he's and where can they find you Mike guys? I'm Mike feeling thanks for hanging out. You can find me everywhere at Mike feeling if you like. The relationship reality shows. I host Married at First Sight on Wednesdays at 9:00 p.m. PST. Oh and hey guys, you can follow me at Renee Ariel on Instagram and on Twitter and I'm reporting on pop culture news Monday through Friday on shared dudes. Check it out. Boom. Yes guys, and we will see you right here. Next week will be your mr. Brian would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world. Yeah. The only destination for all your favorite TV shows, whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup buzz you later. 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On this week’s episode of The Bachelorette, we actually had an episode to talk about because ABC gave us real-time footage, and not a recap! Luke P.’s gets on his high horse and reminds everyone to stay in their lane, and Hannah Beast sends two guys home who we forgot were still there. Take off your clothes & jump out the helicopter with hosts Christine Alexis, Renee Ariel and Mike Thieling on AfterBuzz TV! The Bachelorette After Show: Which of the men will get the final rose? On THE BACHELORETTE AFTER SHOW we’ll fill you in on everything that happens on and off camera on the hit ABC series. Plus be bringing your favorite cast members our panel. Tune in for reviews, recaps and in-depth discussions of the latest episodes’ group dates, one on one dates, the squabbles and fights AND bonus off-season content like news updates happening in Bachelor nation. ABOUT THE BACHELORETTE: Becca Kufrin believed she had found love with Arie Luyendyk Jr. on "The Bachelor," but when the race car driver changed his mind and broke her heart so he could reunite with runner-up Lauren Burnham, the humble girl next door from Minnesota resolved not to let the heart-wrenching breakup hold her back. When the 27-year-old publicist isn't making a splash at the boutique public relations agency where she works or planning her next overseas trip, she can be found at home hosting dinner parties for her friends. She hopes to find a man who shares her firm set of Midwest values and who is actually ready to commit to her on her terms.
Where we blow your mind, you ready? It's been there from the start who will be there to the end wonderful counselor. The one you will call your friend.That's the spirit. Yes. Yes. Hello, everyone. Welcome to this episode of getting better and better every time anyway for those who are just now joining us. I am shandies and joining me today is dr. Robin Casas. Hi guys, Pastor Tony Casas everyone and Pastor Nathan Casas. Law, oh my goodness to all of our friends that have tuned in thus far. Thank you. Thank you so much for your cooperation for all your feedback and all the things that you have learned and grown from this that was the ultimate goal of this podcast to stretch your flesh to stretch your flesh. Ha ha Keep It burning snap to burn. We want you flesh. Well. Yeah, they go. See I try to give you Grace any hey we have been on this topic of the Holy Spirit the Holy Holy Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit. I know we doing all these high pitches and things on it low pitch Holy Spirit there. I went High you did pass rubbing you did but the last portal that we did. I must say Oh my God, it landed. I was really good wasn't I ha ha ha? Yeah you went to bed. Oh my goodness. Go ahead. It was revolutionising the the message of the last photos and every person is beginning to think whereas before it would be thought for them. But this really caused each person to think because it Ages mindsets it opens up the relationship with God in a way that's never been opened before it reveals. There's so much that took place last time it was we had that additional was a yes. It's uh portal minutes. Yeah. Yeah what's called the bonus one because the Holy Spirit wouldn't let us put it down packed up and the Holy Spirit said not today friends back in true, too. We had packed up did we had packed up and then he said no, I'm not finished. I really believe that it was probably the best portal we've done it. I must say like I mean because if she hasn't this subject, yes, and it just was like the fact that we were talking about him. He just couldn't help but to just show up. Yeah and just really wants to show up Yen activate. Yes and not perform but to Wait activate God's power presence God's will he wants to show up to do that? And that's his mandate. That's why if you talk about him, he will show up man. Come on Jim it a night Jim drop John my pocket already. There we go. Yes, I mean it was definitely an eye-opener. I just find myself and I hear a few other people like when they're praying now is like, you know Lord, I mean Holy Spirit Come in just tell me when to go, you know, and it's always good to try and help them a little bit. Yeah, not to understand how to put these a little bit more in order and I can't wait for that. So with that being said, we're going to take a short break and we'll be right back. Yeah. Don't sleep on the Holy Spirit. He's gonna wake you up. Don't sleep on the Holy Spirit. He's gonna wake you up. All the time. That was the Holy Spirit version say I was adding the breath not the false set of the way to get the Sleep part when we had a conversation about sleeping and the church has been sleeping on the Holy Spirit. They there you go. Oh my goodness. So today, of course, we are continuing our conversation about the Holy Spirit. Why don't you give us what we're actually gonna call this we are calling this. The Holy Spirit but not just a new testament. God God and what did you say to call her? Holy Spirit of the Old Testament that pasta what was it we had by and Misha now, he just said that he wasn't a new testament. Yeah. Nobody went with something to do with the house revamp of the Old Testament or something. Come on forgotten. Where did he begin there in the beginning? Oh, where do you live from? The beginning are from Yahoo. Hey read mine. Did you? Now, holy spirit brings a whole corn. So his remit. I know we were you know, just talking about sleep that's sifting through it all my God. We were sifting through with the Holy Spirit was saying in that our flesh and show it. He is the what? Yes, he is. The one was there from the beginning. So let's go from there. Right? So in the beginning, yeah this service, of course we started from worship, but you Or saying something. Dr. Robin that really stuck out to me about these when we unlock the revelations from Holy Spirit in Portals. It can be a bit heavy or in a sense of some people may feel like it's a lot to take in. It's a lot to apply overnight and then we continue the portals every week. But I think if you if you honestly believe you have to apply every single thing you here. Overnight that's foolish absolutely foolish straight up and you don't have to apply but that means you doesn't mean you can't hear it, right? Yeah, some people I think might not listen to it because they are afraid that it's already a lot to chew on and you know, things like that. I know all of his flesh based at the end of the day, it's out. Let me say what I said tonight. Yeah. That was very very Powerful. I just need to say people say these statements like as it is it's too much and take it all in I got take a doll in so you sound like that's what it sounds like and but guess what? Hmm. What else are you taking in that you maybe we'll let go and it would not be too much but you said tonight something if it's too much just because you're One foot in one thing and another foot of the thing. So one foot in the world 140 in whatever it is and you're living in two places double life. It's never too much if it's all Holy Spirit and this is what I want to bring out because this statement was made to me by one of our students and I had to bring them back to a holy spirit reamer if you are saying it's too much. You're still in control, you're still determining what you can afford to take in or what you can cope with or what you can handle. I'm sorry scripture doesn't say that, you know, I give myself what I can handle. It says God won't give me what I can't handle right and what I can handle in those moments. He's given me a way of Escape now that doesn't really apply here. But I use the analogy here. If you go to a buffet line and you go up and you have an empty plate. And you're full of a smorgasbord of buffet. Do you stop eating because there's a lot presented right or do you allow yourself to say right? I'm going to pick myself this for this time. And then I'm going to go back next time and get this and then I'm going to go back next time and get this but the problem is people are not allowing the Holy Spirit to put on their plate what he needs to put on their plate and the key the key is it's still there. Wait, that's It's the key. So if you're saying it's too much, you're still determining what you put on your plate. Yeah, you're still in control and you haven't listened to the portal because the portal is all about giving the choice giving control back to the Holy Spirit and listen, if it's too much. Let's go back to those moments in the Dark Ages when God wouldn't allow it wasn't that God wasn't speaking Shanaya because he's never stopped speaking right speaks in silence, but it was that he stopped man from Able to hear him speak at that's it. Look after that last for us Lord. Holy spirit. Thank you for speaking because it had changed my life. Just literally in a week's time. I've really been able to sit and just listen to the Holy Spirit Minister these things so you said you've been able to sit and listen to the Holy Spirit ministers. Now, here's the interesting thing. Thing he brought everything up to you didn't even know he brought why you needed. Yeah. Hello. So all of it still there on hold until the holy spirit Spirit brings it back to your remembrance what you need at the time. Oh those bagels are going that. Oh my God knows. You ain't telling the accuser. It's too much. No you listen, even you even put the thing under your feet. So you can adhere let's get really real the accuser doesn't start the conversation you start the conversation with the with the accuser open a door you're so used to and we're so used to I'm included in this listening to the accuser. He don't even need to send something our way. We're ready to start the conversation with him and have relationship with him over the holy spirit. So it's too much listening to the accuser and start listening to the Holy Spirit and filter out all that demonic Mongol be plenty of room to fit the whole eastwards Revelation had a mic I would drop it. So I'm going to be plenty of room to fly coach you nap. Yeah, let me just say that you're on a roll Auntie a broom to fit the Holy Spirit Revelation. You forget come on that he's the one that brings back what you need at the time. It goes in you don't have to remember every single thing it goes in and then when you know, Did the Holy Spirit can bring it back? You're listening to a lie. If you say it's too much because it's the Holy Spirit that's revealing it and he would not reveal. What was too much and let's be real. I'm sorry lasting. This is really a statement that is covered by the motive of I don't want to be accountable to walk this out. Sorry, but that is the truth because it's never too much when God speaks never you should really be honest and say I really don't want to hear this because then that means I have to live it. Hey, that's just like them at Mount Sinai. Same thing. Same thing. Don't want to get God to going to cost me to hear God the responsibility you go up Mo you go up you get the voice and you come back and you tell us and we'll listen through you and through The law and it didn't work. So before we go to break tonight, I think I can fashion needs to change from it's too much to Lord. Whatever you're saying is enough is enough and I'm ready to listen to it. Yeah. We told you your flesh might be burning in this one. It's not and you get your challenge you're getting your challenge early in the portal. So let's move. Move in let's move into that after we come back from these messages. Hi everyone. We are excited for the soap All Season to commence with life-changing courses that will deepen our relationship with Jesus starting Saturday, October 5th. Dr. Robin Casas will kick us off with counsel by God. This course is so powerful to help heal emotions and memories and learn to let Jesus SB the wonderful counselor of Our Lives you will be renewed with hope and Life as we learn to let God turn the scars into Stars sign up now by visiting so NY dot-org. This is too much. Never never never never never too much. Never never never never. Never. Never never. When he speaks it knows too much. He's don't have enough enough enough. Okay had to throw that one in there. Yes. Now that the flesh is out the way we can move on to how the Holy Spirit was in the beginning Austin charity has a tongue you've been awfully quiet honey and past. Yeah Rob. This is a misconception again that the holy spirit's main function is from Pentecost on woods and And just want to Enlighten the Saints out there in our listening audience that it's very clear that you know, you can't split up the godhead dragon and spirit. That's right. And the three of them are represented in, you know, the first few verses of Genesis and the creation account. The spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said so John the Apostle the expounds on that reality that Truth by beginning his gospel with very profound wording in the beginning was the word the word was with God. Hi, Jesus and the Word was God. Yeah, so we know that the word was definitely there in the beginning with God and in Genesis tells us that the spirit of God was also there. Holy spirit so hovering over the waters. And now this is an interesting statement because the hovering part can't we all visualize Like a Bird hovering know like I was in a say a hovercraft. But yeah, or even a brooding even a brooding kind of motion and all that Moses is telling us is that the spirit goes forward to prepare for the word, too. Come next so and this is what happened at Pentecost. The Holy Spirit came tongues came next and then Peter actually brought forward the word because they were asking what's going on and then the word came forward Peter explained. Well, this is the promise that the prophet Joel prophesied and so right throughout the Old Testament. I think Pastor would need to clarify this Jesus is the only man the first man to receive the indwelling spirit. There's a lot of controversy about what I just said because a lot of lot of pastors a lot of commentators believe that when God breathed into Adam the Breath of Life. Yeah. That was the spirit of God. I say no it was not because if it was the spirit of God Just would have said and God breathed into Adam the Holy Spirit. It said the breath of life. So he was alive he was he was alive in his Spirit. He could talk with God go ahead and and God could look upon him and not judge him because he was sinless Adam was sinless. Yeah. And so this is why flesh could see God in the beginning but after sin came into the world Old flesh could not see God but the Holy Spirit came upon Old Testament saints. Come on. Well, we know that Enoch had an anointing right? We know that Abraham, we know that David we know Samuel we know the prophets. They all had the spirit of God come upon them and they would prophesy they would, you know have Supernatural strength, you know, Elijah And you know a chariot with for stallions and the front of it. So that's that's running pretty fast if you ask me and so samsom, of course, the spirit of God will come upon him. But the spirit of God coming upon a person is not the indwelling of the spirit looks like something Landing. Yeah, it's all temporary temporary. And so the Holy Spirit could only live in Saints after the cross. All right, so when Jesus was baptized in the spirit or when the Holy Spirit came upon him, right? He lived that three-and-a-half-year Ministry every single minute of every single day relying completely on the holy spirit in him, right and that's what the the Lord wants us to do. He wants us to rely completely on the holy spirit that is Within us the less on the flesh the less on our understanding and more upon his Spirit Jesus did it we can do it. One thing. I like to do. What you said is well is that Jesus put his sonship aside? Yeah just rely on Holy Spirit and passionate. You've bought out something similar to that effect when you were saying I don't remember which portal it was, but it was like can we put aside, you know the confidence of being able to hear God? God says your confidence is not in hearing God. It seems in Hindi him speaking to you. Right right. So I just love that that visual help you see but I was honestly quite shocked to hear that Jesus was I bring of the holy spirit because we automatically assume that oh, he's part of godhead. Of course, we forget how fleshly he was in a sense, you know, I mean, even though he is hired the guy he got to learn how to, you know, walk in the spirit like past has been teaching. And that's necessary that's necessary because if he's going to tell us how it needs to be done. He's got to do it. It's got to go before he's got to go before us. Mmm. Yep. So if we don't have that and then he qualifies to be able to tell us how it can be done because he is experienced it right? It's funny because pastor Tony talked about Genesis 1:1 with the the hovering over the waters. And the hovering is the vibration. Yes, and the word comes after the vibration. Yes, and it's very important to understand that that is the process that begins with us with the Holy Spirit. He begins bubbling up. Yes from within us he begins to vibrate from within us that spontaneous flow and then when we speak the word that's putting the authority of Christ into motion. An end now speaking the word which is Jesus which holds all things together in him are all things held together and by him and for him, so the work of the holy spirit is to stir the vibrate that reality and to Bubble it up as you can say to us and to bring it forth. Yeah, if it's not brought forth to can't be activate and Jesus therefore kind of touches Authority because if it's not It's not bubbled up to the point of speaking it princess from the fade to the pay season where it's not just about seeing God. Now you have to speak saying isn't enough. But this is what we need to to understand how it works. Yeah, and so when the Holy Spirit works this you see to bring something forth. Can bring it to activation when the devil on something forth. Then you have manifestation. Thank you for giving me a second. You are going both of you guys are just you know, playing ping-pong with Jim. You said that again if the Holy Spirit I got it. I got it if the holy fourth for Activation where is the devil? Who brings things Force for manifestation I'm exit stage left devil can hide he's got a manifest how she gonna manifest unless he comes for the Holy Spirit gonna manifest unless he comes forth. I'm ready to rubbish that which is coming forth will pass the rub and the devil is really not bringing an activation. And no, he's bringing a manifestation. Oh my God. I'm about to pass you the board because I don't know when to start and stop because you just on fire right now. This is the way he works. This is a download straight from the Lord to upload the Holy Spirit. We need to know how the Holy Spirit flows. He doesn't stay down in your spirit he comes for Or three or Soul into your body out your mouth into your hands and whatever other areas he touches to activate. Wow, the power the presence of God and bring forth bring forth the authority of Jesus Christ. That was Jesus on the cross of Calvary. So we need to change some terminology in the That's because when the Holy Spirit comes upon a person we say oh that's a holy spirit manifestation right now. We actually need to start saying that's the Holy Spirit activation because a manifestation is not activation and manifestation is based on soulish emotion. Yeah and soulish response and that always so negative. It's never a positive. Holy Spirit doesn't have to move in any form of his negativity. He my Lord In positivity, he activates he activates the devil manifest Jesus tonight, which one we want to come forth. Oh my gosh, wait wait week. So we're going to give them give you a we're gonna give the listeners opportunity to choose. All right that it wasn't too much. It was just enough. That was what I needed. So let whatever. Was just said land. While we on break and we'll be right back. Hi, everybody. Pasta Nate here and boy we excited to invite you to a new event that we have happening on Sundays at 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. The new Bible study that starting at talk called connecting the dots. This is going to be a great way for you to come connect the dots of your faith reintroduce yourself to the Bible or introduce yourself to the Bible. Like never before Pastor. Tony will be leading this class. You don't have to come to every class you can drop in also, it will be recorded and available later on on tour. TV, so we're excited to take this journey and for you to come on this journey with us. We'll see you there Sunday at 3 p.m. Where we blow your minds? Every time no more manifestation. You need Holy Spirit activation. No more manifestation. You need Holy Spirit activation no more. The new Kanye. Yeah, this is your downloading from Heaven fresh Rhema. Stop. I'm gonna come in because I was about would that the Lord just downloaded to be uploaded the Holy Spirit does not manifest he activates. He's already there, too. To manifest means something has to come he's already there about just got that when you said that the power is in the room zap add up and let me say this because this is so important. I don't know. We sometimes think we could turn him on turn him off. You can't turn him on and you can't turn him off. He's not a light that you could Switch on and switch off. So Shanaya I need to finish this because shh, then we will understand the work of the Holy Spirit if we understand how long and weary he is and when he came and when it started we're all going there tonight for this very reason there are rivers of living. Living Water that poor in us through us and need to be activated to other people such as your family come on pass your life your finances your Christian walk. Your marriage has your Destinies. It's got to be activated and guess what it only gets axed activate. Hu go for the goes to the ocean. It's the go go go go forward from here. The spirit says go forward from here. Wow, personally just to give people, you know, you like to give the example. Mmm to make this more tangible because when dr. Robin is in the spirit and flowing it can be very Churchill but some people may help, you know have a hard time connecting the dots plug to making it more practical. Do you have any an example of the Holy Spirit activating and with the Enemy could be manifesting? Well, if you don't have it now the school as dr. Robin was talking I was being convicted because it brings me back to the portal from last week how we We tell the accusative stop speaking to us, right and then we don't go back for the full journey and pass. The just said you have to get a Go Solution. I like that term The Go Solution. She taught in Council by God. Jesus said to the woman that was called an old tree go from here and sin no more. Right? So the holy spirit will never just leave you with the facts. You'll always give you a point of action and a point to move forward. So Practically and this isn't for everybody but this is how I want to apply it practically about the the power gem that dr. Robin just dropped. I always bind manifestations. Hmm But I never release activation. That's good. That's good. And I need to start releasing the Holy Spirit to activate what only he can activate say always bind the enemy and I buy that manifestation in a bind that and I bind that in my life and I bind that over my Me and I bind that over my church and I bind that over my work and I buying that over my whatever but I stopped there and like many others listening. They stop there. Yeah, and Pastor Robin is saying it's not enough to just you know, stop the manifestation of the enemy. You have to go into Holy Spirit activation because the activation is that what she said, it's that bubbling up and then the authority of Jesus is attached as you speak at forward and that reality becomes a reality my God, so I think that's a that's a practical way pasta. Well, I think that even a bit more detail, please a bit more practical than that is that we constantly think of the Holy Spirit as a force. Yes. That's an energy. Come on get into a power. Mmm. So power means you got to turn something on you. Don't turn the Holy Spirit on You do not turn the Holy Spirit on he is there. This is his Temple. He lives there. He doesn't visit he lives there. He lives there. He doesn't he doesn't just turn up. He actually lives there. Yeah, so he's living in his Temple so you don't have to turn him on. It's his Temple. Yeah. He's the one that already there and all. All you need to do is activate him in what place God needs him to move. Wow. And so and so the situation is We've got to stop trying to work the Holy Spirit and let the Holy Spirit do his own work in his own Temple. Wow. Wow, and you see that brings up an interesting point because when we when we do the work of the holy spirit it's because we are under that false conception. That he is a force. Yep. That is a power and we had a we have President Lee subconsciously allowed this demonic stinking thinking that is rampant through the church that he's separate from the godhead. Yep, and that you know, we have to remember we've been singing it with this song anointed song You Know father Spirit son three in one and so you can't separate wet from Yeah, I can't separate the spirit from Jesus and you can't separate the spirit from the father. They are three in one and that's when we tried to separate it that we move into this works mentality. So let me go back again because this is probably the one of the most important things the Holy Spirit saying he's a person hmm. You can't turn him on you can't turn him off. I'm sorry. You have no power. To do that and you see being a person you can't turn people on and you can't turn people off. You can only activate them to move in your life. Wow. I'm cooperating and working with the Holy Spirit. This is where we come back to seeing who he is not what he is power and energy of force. Mmm, a thing and experience. Come on guys be real. How can you turn on an experience? Wow, it's so interesting because all of this stuff has been so subtle. Like when we first brought up the the portals last week and this is no condemnation to anyone when I say this because I noticed that in myself, but I noticed even when I pray I May I speak of the Holy Spirit as a thing? Not a personality. I barely even address him as him, you know, or he I'm always saying and oh, like I'll pray to Jesus and then follow up with the Holy Spirit and like yeah use Holy Spirit use the Holy Spirit Yoda voice. Yeah, but yeah, it's very subtle, but it's I can see how it's hindering our walk to go for and understanding who he is and what he's capable. Of doing for our lives and I think it comes back to he's not a force. Yes. He's all the time force. He said he is the third person and he's been given the mandate to do the work on this Earth for he only answers in your feelings and your emotions. Oh, I feel the Holy Spirit. I feel like I feel he's talking to me today, you know, like it's always always to visit comes for a visit not too. To inhabit for have a visitation. Wow, that's what it is pasta. They think he visits well in a new testament concept he abides that's exactly what he does and he brings reality and he brings reality of abiding presence. Yep. He brings the reality. And so therefore we must stop this Alice thinking that he's something other than who we is guys. You can't think like that anymore. You must give him the place that the that the godhead has given him that the father has given him because he can't work in your life and to you Dimmu give him that place. Wow. To refer to the Holy Spirit as the anointing. Oh my Lord. The anointing is inanimate like wherever there's an anointing. It's because the holy spirit is present. Yeah, you know, so because I hear a lot of preachers referring to the anointing as if it was depersonalized. It says it's going back to thinking it's a force or do you know what that is the anointings his presence. Just hey, he's here. Wow. Look at him. He's anointing everything. He's here don't separate the anointing and the Holy Spirit are inseparable. That's right. So real Kia my goodness. Okay, we are definitely on a roll, but we need to take a short break. Take doesn't want to get into something. I have a question for you. Dr. Robin. And we'll be right back. Hey guys. Want to hear God speak to you personally, then join us here at dipping night. It's every first Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. To find out more information or to RSVP. You can visit us at dipping night dot torque. And why Hope to see you there. We're going to go straight back in because it's too hot too hot snap crackle pop snap crackle pop pasta rubbing his burning that flash an AI is I'm choosing to activate my spirit and not manifest in my soul. And I got a question asked of me and I just I'm not sure the question now, but I know the answer is this That activation and a manifestation are two different things a manifestation is something that has to come alive. It's lying dormant never is so much Vine, but now get ready for another one never is the holy spirit laying dormant. He is bubbling up ready to activate vibrating pleasure. Science into situations all the time. Oh that seed. So this is why you know in the world they love to say, oh manifest your dreams Manifest this manifest that they don't even know what that's where they got a bubble it up from they trying to make you come from someplace. That isn't organic. It's not bubbling from within they trying to get richer outer exterior to make that manifest. I'm giving myself. Use the word manifest in the presence of the ho my God. Let me give you one you can't he's not a manifestation, but the demons are a manifestation, but he's not a manifestation because then he'd be a thing. He'd be a power and he be a force then he'd be an energy before you know it. You'll be burning crystals to try to get ahold of him. So can we be trying to sell him? Yeah, but that was him that's important. When he tried that in the New Testament manifestation of this. It's important. What was just said people do try to manifest their dreams. And that is the reason why their dreams die. Yeah because it's not an activation, right? It doesn't have that fire person. That is the moving the issues of Life only the person That moves the issues life can bring other activist your dreams my God. So in saying that this is Chris saying that manifestation I never use when I speak about the Holy Spirit when I pray for someone to receive the Holy Spirit don't see manifests. I say activate activate the gift that you have given them wow, and stir it and bring it to the surface. I think we need to all. Have a look at our vocabulary when it answers tell you good because verbalizing it correctly. We will start to begin to see the correct process and begin to see that God wants us to identify the correct process because that will build the necessary faith that we need to activate and and that Spirit cause let me say that so much familiarity is with the word manifestation. The power and so if we keep using that word demons and with the Holy Spirit, it doesn't become real to us. It's an activation of someone who's living in his Temple cheese. Oh my God, that's so cute. What you just said. Dr. Robin because it makes the filter the same you can't differentiate. Difference between the Holy Spirit activating something or your soul trying to manifest. So the demons more the demon trying to manifest something. I am feeling it. I'm feeling this. Thank you. Well, let's clarify one thing has the word manifestation with anything to do with the Holy Spirit don't manifest an anointing. You can't manifested turn the the anointing on and off and then attack. It's not isn't a force either. And so therefore he the person activate that which is in him and that which has been mandated by God to bring to pass all the will of the Lord God Almighty and to do it with great Authority in Jesus name. And let's let's clarify one thing because people will say, you know, where does the Holy Spirit activate the Holy Spirit activates in your spirit man. He does not activate in your soul. No because if he activated in your soul that would rob you of the choice to choose and he would be not a gentleman which we know he is Sarah, but he would be a controlling egotistic person because he would be robbing you of your choice. So I I think the confession has to be that we need to start activating our spirit more than living in our soul. Yes, most definitely the equation would be more spirit means less salt. Well, this is the key. We've been searching for something. Yeah, and it's time to reveal more of what God is saying. Mmm. And what is downloading about the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit? Is saying if you live Less in your soul, then you live more in me. But pastor of it. He doesn't want us. This is what the church starts to do when we talk about the soul and I really want to get into this deep because this is what I have a particular Nation. He doesn't want to do away with our soul. Nobody doesn't want us to live in doesn't he wants it transformed, but he doesn't exactly he doesn't want the soul to be anything. Thing but the Stewart It's a produces. This is the problem people living in your soul make the soul the master the spirit the steward. Yeah and the body the servant that's right. And if you're living in your spirit your spirit is the master your stroll is the steward the flowing the process like you said the conduit and other portals and your body is the servant that's so your soul is not meant to be anything but a filtering system, but it's the it's what we To see see we know that our spirit is sealed. Yeah, we know that that is part of the Redemption to ceiling of the spirit, but the process needs to go through to the soul and we say all the time. How can the Holy Spirit work with this? Yeah. Well, I'm telling you if you want your soul redeemed activates and renewed. Date the spirit to go forth into the soul the Holy Spirit the more you entertain the more you activate the Holy Spirit the less you live in your soul. Wow, if I may ask this question, even if it's possible to articulate walk us through the similar process like if you were at home talking to the Holy Spirit walk us through To help us refine some of that vocabulary that we should activate the Holy Spirit. How should we address him for those who make kind of struggle with like knowing what we're transitioning into acknowledging the Holy Spirit more often you're saying in praying? Yes. Like how do we activate it? How do we well do just go by I think the best way is for my own self how I speak to him if I find that I need the father's will I'm going To ask him to activate the father's will sew directly Holy Spirit, you know, please activate if I need the authority of Jesus or more transforming into Jesus image then I talked to the holy spirit for that which is called to do to do that. You see so this is not our father father son. Holy Spirit Jesus and I separate ghost all this stuff this Nonsense, they're not you don't know but listen, this is nonsense. You don't have to grab every single name. If you want. The father's will then ask the Holy Spirit to activate the father's will in your life. If you want the authority of Jesus address the Holy Spirit to move in Authority in your life. Yeah. Yeah. He's not about doing his own will Little guys, he's about doing the father's will and doing the sons. Will he doesn't promote himself. Come on be confusion there shouldn't he has his mandate on this Earth to do the father's will in your life and to move in Authority in Jesus name in your life. So talk to him that way and this is so important. Yes, this is so important because if we start to correct the way that we address the holy spirit in our prayer life, then we will activate him because our words are activating agents are words in this season, especially from the fate of the pay our words are activating agents. So what we speak who we address is so important because it will show us where our heart is. It'll show us where our Ship is located. And then what you just said then if I want to do the father's will father. I want your will to be done. So Holy Spirit activate the father in my life Lord Jesus activate your Authority in this situation through the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit activate your transforming power. There. It is situation. There it is. It seems a little bit ABC of Christianity again, but I think we need to get back to that. Yes, and I think it's important because only that Debate session will being practical activation in our lives only that I just uh saying hang on. I like sayings by activating the Holy Spirit. It will become practical. I said hmm form this habit. If you form it, it will begin to create character. Wow, so so good tonight. That was so and more and more. That was so good. So guys if you want to do this, it's not like he's not a magic wand. No, he's a person and he's been given a mandate from God the Father to bring about the fullness of the godhead in our lives. So you said if we want the activation now, you said once we ask for the Nation the activation will bring the application application if you speak. Yeah, right. Yep. You've got to speak it. You've got to act it. Mmm and you've gotta say it. Holy spirit so it's not enough to think it just say it seeking it goes. It's great if you want to think it but you've got to speak our yeah, you've got to you've got to do something to show. In in this and you will see the Holy Spirit. Actually I could anyone Pastor you have some of those notes that I read out tonight a personal revelation from the Lord. Do you have them anywhere available or not? He can you remember them was so a thought. Yeah Ruben action we go, so So an action read the have a bad habit, so have it read the character character and then so a character reap a destiny of the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit in your life. Say it again, please say it again. Say it again so I can get the gym was so a thought. So what short brief an action reaping a complete connection. So in action, so an action Reba habit well habit, so a habit So a habit reap the character Rick the character so the character so the character reaped a destiny reap the destiny of the Holy Spirit has for you in your life. Wow. Wow. I hope you guys have your pens and papers out to write that last bit especially down and let it land but we'll be right back. Hey guys, welcome to the portals podcast with dr. Alban Cashes in any scenario, and we passed the Nathan and we faster Tony Cassius will see you soon. I want to say this because I feel it's a gem it's needed it is a gym because we are here and back in recording without the intro because this is gonna land hot and heavy this is got a land. So we were talking about maybe we could call it stinking thinking of course, they've returned my let me think and think okay now settle down and let me Niche and I can tell you stinking thinking happens out of the presence of the Lord. It is never in the presence of the Lord when you make up your plans and come with your thinking and analyzing and doing all these things. It's because you've done it on your own don't you call it being in his presence? They're All your plans and then you ask God to come and touch your plans and make him his plans. But I'm telling you tonight. You cannot reason out of the presence of the Lord why because you will never receive the revelation of the holy spirit because he only works in the presence of God. So ask yourself. Are you decisions void of Revelation? Well, this is what we're saying. Look go back and read Psalm 73. Yeah and have a look at how that was - the holy spirit's leading and that he ended up like a while man chasing his tail like a dog until he came back to the presence of the Lord and then Eventually, yeah, he was able to get the right perspective. Mmm. When you think out of God's presence you had the wrong perspective and what is the perspective that God wants you to have that the pure in heart shall see God everywhere and someone was bringing up in the subway. Pass the like why is it easier for us to listen to you know the ungodly Source More Than The Godly source and a plain and simple answer is because you've formed a habit. Yeah, we have begot. We we've since the beginning of our Lives we have choose we've chosen to tune in to that voice more than we've chosen to tune in to the voice of the holy spirit. So you formed a habit. Guess what? What you need to form a new habit. Yeah, and the way to see God in this is see the enemy would want to use even this portal what we just said to bring condemnation. No, but the way that you see God through that statement is you don't Focus God's not focusing on your Disobedience, but he's focusing on you fulfilling your obedience. So the enemy will always focus on your Disobedience and what you haven't done. But again, the Holy Spirit won't leave you with just the facts. He'll give you a ghost solution go from here and sin. You can't more you don't have to convince me because that's what the Lord showed me go is the solution. There's the problem there's a solution and there's the activation. That's what he said when he said go and sin no more. That's what he meant. Go from here into your future. ER and this is the problem. Mmm. And here's what you do. You don't sin any more. Yeah, that's it. But you know what, we need to see that if we so this habit. Wow, if we sewed this habit, we will reap Greater things than just wrong prospective. Wow, and you see because the word of God clearly says, let's go and reason together come let us reason in the presence of the Lord and he says even if your sins are like Scarlet, they're going to be as white as snow. Wow, like there'd be like wool. They'll be like wool. Yeah and See that is the Lord telling you if you come into the presence of God and reason in the from the Holy Spirit, you will see God moving in the situation and you will get the right perspective. And then if you get the right perspective, you will get the Revelation from the Holy Spirit about the problem the solution and the action. Wow, so you need a revelation about the problem the solution and the activation. That's right. And it's funny because we talked about how we make the decisions, you know in the fragmented. So we talked about how we purpose in our hearts and you know, you said God doesn't just speak to that. He reveals the heart he transforms that searches it but some of the problem is sometimes We purpose in our heart but then what we purpose in our heart when it meets our soul is the conduit and the flow through process. Yep, our mind and our logic and our thinking and our understanding get in the way. Yep, and then we begin to make decisions based on our perception as you've just said the wrong wrong perception and this is my favorite saying at the moment then our decisions now become our deceptions, that's right. And now the holy spirit is not allowed to come through like He wants because he's been stopped. He's been by reasoning that's been done outside of his presence. He can only I'm telling you he can only move in the presence of God. Wow, so you need to come into the presence of God, and I don't mean you need to become more Pious and no no, I just mean you need to be aware that God's presence is what you're sitting in. And if you want Holy Spirit Revelation about the situation and the right perspective, you'll get it you'll get it because the pure in heart will see God everywhere in every situation in everything. Yeah, and then he will he never leaves you without giving you a solution because that's half finished. Yeah. The top finish. Have you ever known God to be do something half-finished? Nice. Never done that Holy Spirit finishes what he starts if you let him if you work with him, if you're working with the wrong perspective and you genuinely don't know you're doing that. He will help you find the right perspective if you come into the presence of the Lord and reason and Don't be angry and shout and scream and and abuse and misuse repent and and accuse use misuse and accuse don't do that come and be there and let the Lord show you. This prospective that is real that will show you revelation of the Holy Spirit. And this is backed up in scripture past the robin. We were talking about it today talking about connecting the dots and the question came up about, you know, Jesus on the cross and did the spirit depart from him. I don't want to go into that help. No one of our ladies brought out something and I was going to bring it out but the look but she took the words out of my mouth because the Holy Spirit had just begun to speak to her harder. Have real this was and we brought up the subject that the Holy Spirit obviously never left Jesus. That's a false erroneous Doctrine, but there's the story of the two thieves on the cross and Jesus is hanging there and you're talking about reasoning side the presence of the Lord and getting the right perspective. Yeah one who spoke to the thief that saw Jesus as the savior. The holy spirit's right. He was there. It wasn't Jesus that gave him that Revelation. It was his it was the Holy Spirit and because he chose to be pure in heart and see God he had the right perspective remembered me and he said therefore today. I'll remember you when I'm with my father in Paradise. Remember me by the other Thief wasn't pure in heart didn't get the right perspective and accused and said, huh. You did all these miracles. Goes and now you can't even save us if you are God come on get us out of this. So we see the two voices even at the cross two perspectives one wrong one, right and the Holy Spirit presence of God the other in the present. I'll be thinking yeah orgies was stinking. Wow and Pastor Jay you want you to come in on this where we talk about did the spirit leave Jesus? Can you imagine can you just imagine well, he went up there and then it came back down and then he went back up again. So that God could send him back down again. This is stupid absolutely stupid. He never left him when the spirit leaves you'll know. Because it says in the last days at the end the spirits going to leave and all hell will break loose on the earth. He did not leave Jesus. He was with Jesus the whole time tell me Pastor. It's foolishness because again it Folly it stems out of wrong theology. The Holy Spirit was in Christ. God was in Christ reconciling. So yeah, it was a man and he gave himself up through the eternal spirit. That's right. So that's a reference to the Holy Spirit right there Hebrews. Okay. So the godhead is represented in the body of Jesus. Okay physically in Jesus the son but holy spirit was there as well and he his body died. Yeah, but his Spirit was very much alive. Alive and authoritative. You didn't go down to Hill. Oh, dear with like being subject to demonic Powers. No, he went down to Hell proclaiming clerk proclaiming his victory over death. Yeah, and then you remember when Mary Magdalene tried to grab him when he was resurrected in don't touch me. Don't touch me because I haven't yet ascended. So that was the third day. Mmm. What are you when he was resurrected? So for those three Three days. He was in the heart of the earth and he was about to go up and present, you know himself to the father and his resurrection and what if his blood as the offering this fruits. Yep, so, you know that it's again, it's foolishness the holy spirit so full. Oh, yeah, you know Muslims believe that someone else got swapped over with Jesus At The Cross. They believe that Judas Iscariot. Yeah the one Crucify. Wow. Okay. Well, it's not a big stumbling just believing what the Bible says about the argument is that he see the argument is that he gave up The Ghost and that's what they say in the can change give up on that and then they believe that he became dead and when he was Is from life again, then God breathed his Spirit into him well, but that means he would have been get so yeah, then that means he would have been under subjection to death and he would have had to be, you know gone down just like we were saying, you know go down and not be captive over the Captivity. So JDS doctrine that we need to gone come back to he never get he never lost the spirit never he took And it came down it came down. It didn't do the yo-yo turn of up and down up and down it came down and it rested upon his church. Come on, then when the day of Pentecost happened It Came Upon and fill them. Yeah Phil then yeah, this is nonsense. Whoever believes that this is nonsense. Drake the word of God you will truly see the interpretation of the word. Jesus said I Lay My Life down. Yeah, I take it up again. Oh, yeah complete control. Yep, complete control. And so the Holy Spirit has come to work with the church to be the god in this Earth today to bring about the will of the father. And the authority of Jesus Christ through the cross of Calvary. No one gave up anything. I'm not released yet. So don't please don't stop. I'm feeling the Holy Spirit still continuing. All right. Well, that's just fine because we all can always incorporate this bonus track for this segment. We're going Just come right back and we're coming back in. Ain't finished yet where we blow your mind. It's probably from all the lies. That was a live audience my little Lyricist on hand giving me my new flow. Thank you, Christina beautiful voice beautiful spirit. In here it we have to be like this at this time of the morning. Yes. Yes o'clock in the morning, but we're doing this is we love to talk about the Holy Spirit forgive me as I am sinking in my chair and digesting and pondering all they stop all this stuff, but it's not too much. I got so many ideas for t-shirts Weston Eli need to talk about this Boutique. Okay, let's go in right so Time-wise we were in a deep set portal. Yes. We were about a lot of things that only digested some of the things that I needed at the time. However, we were really asking dr. Robin about the Holy Spirit. Yeah, he was in the beginning. Yes, and we were wondering, you know, Willie ever leave us, you know, we talked about, you know, if I'm forgetting about it. Them and things like that, but as she stated you never know never never never the spirit of God says I'll never leave you nor forsake you I will be with you to the end of the Earth Hallelujah for that and you know, should I you were saying, you know, he's been there from the start and I brought out something in connecting the dots that I think will really really impact our listeners, you know, when we understand the Holy Spirit from our Christian perspective of being Pentecost. All then, you know this anglicized church version. We understand mainly the you know, and I don't want to say manifestation and want to say the activation of the holy spirit because I was gonna come check you but in the upper room and you know that we believe bike mm. It's because we've been taught wrong, you know, all we've had a wrong perspective. I should I cancel my God, we've had a wrong perspective of our well, that's where you know, the Holy Spirit really shows up and makes himself known. Own but the Jewish people like they understand because see the scriptures were written for the Jewish people. They were written from a Jewish perspective and you have to understand the times and the culture of the day to understand clearly the hidden revelation behind the scriptures because we have been you know influenced by a Greek very mind oriented culture very very Hellenistic thinking then we sometimes are robbed of the power of the scriptures. So without Go into too much detail. One of the things that's really important is to know that you know, the Jewish people they celebrated Pentecost way before. Yep the upper room. They actually were coming into the city to celebrate the Festival of Pentecost because Pentecost is literally day 50. That's what it means Penta. It means day 50 after the day of Passover the atonement and I was telling our class today that even at Mount Sinai when Moses went up to receive the tablets, you know, the Ten Commandments there's a prophetic, you know implication here. He actually came down and it was on the day of Pentecost. He came down and not just in scripture, but there's a collection of writings from these, you know, very very famous rabbis. And these people that have really these rabbis that have given great commentary on the scriptures and on the Torah and on the pentatonic and on the you know other books, Profits and there's a rabbi by the name of Rabbi Moishe and he comments here in his commentary now, he notes that as Moses was coming down the mountain. He sees the children of Israel engaging in idolatry and so he gets Furious and he throws the tablets on the stone. I'm sorry Rose the tablets of stone on the ground. And so he says, you know, basically a separation begins who's on the side of the Lord come unto me and whoever is not on the side of the Lord. And those that were on the side of the law, they pulled their swords out and they begin to kill those that are on the side of the Lord and also a plague breaks out. Now what he notes Here is very very important couple of things. I'm studying pneumatology and it's a very important God is in numbers. Okay. So the amount that died that day by The Sword and by the plague our 3,000. Yeah, very very important come back to that. The rabbi Moishe he says in his commentary he says and the Holy Spirit showed up that day as Moses came down to present the law to the children of Israel as if tongues of fire had presented themselves before each person and each man began to speak in his own native tongue. So here in the book of Exodus. We have the Holy Spirit. spirit Activation through the metaphor station of Tanks mmm, but what's very important here? And I only say manifestation because it was true. It was a manifestation of Thomas Stefan is it was activated and in there and FST sign it was seen but what's important gonna bring you back to that number 3000 hold onto it in the upper room when the Holy Spirit fell and started to Bubble Up From Within and infiltrated each believer. How many were added that day to the church the scripture says 3,000. So here we see prophetically that the law if you choose to live by it kills, but the spirit will redeem what the law has killed the same amount back to life. Supposed to Robin just to bring that into wow, well of cry now that bring that into a memory you we talked about this you and me and we were saying that means that the Holy Spirit wanted to reveal himself to the children of Israel. Yeah, but they chose to live by the law. Yes. Yes. They didn't want to hear the Lord's voice. They didn't want it. They didn't want the responsibility. Ability, I wanted rules. They wanted laws didn't want the spirit. They for whatever reason they didn't want it. There could be many reasons. They didn't want it. So they chose for Moses to speak for for the Holy Spirit and therefore they they took on man's laws and could never leave them. I think it's about 6 600 or something Pastor said something about Different ordinances and laws and rules. Yes 630 I think wow. That's a lot to keep we can't even keep tensor something 13. Well can't even keep 10 commandments and we got 613. This is utterly ridiculous. Our sources say 6/3. A lot of laws 1310. What about just keeping one, but I was bringing that Point out past the say the holy spirit's been there all along so go back and he's going to be there till the end so go back and let's have a look at the character of the Holy Spirit. Yeah, he was there in the beginning my mom and he was there in the beginning In the Garden of Eden he was there before the garden even was Eden was ever ever brought forward. Yep. He was there when the Earth was being formed. He was hovering. Bring it over. Yep. He was there all the way through he was there with Moses. He was there with burning bush said he was the burning bush. He was all those activations of what was taking place. Listen, you can't turn the Holy Spirit on he's there all the time. You can't take him away until he leaves and his not. Not going to leave until the church is going to meet with Jesus in the air. He's the one that keeps the man of sin away and he's the one that keeps evil from taking over the Earth. Wow, and that gym bag. That means not evil in the Earth. But evil taking over the Earth. Yes. Yes as he's never left. He's not leaving until the church leaves hum on the spirit and the bride say come Lord Jesus come. Wow, when we release Shanaya, we're release where release now because we mustn't leave unless we let everyone know the holy spirit will be with us forever. If that the spirit will be with us forever. Wow. Well Pastor Robin is your true fashion of activation. Would you mind just activating something for the listeners whether it be a prayer or just something for them to digest? Yeah sure this portal. So is there any particular subject or just to activate the whole you activate? However, you would like it precious. Holy. We come to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We ask that you activate activate. The father's will in all of our lives that you show yourself to being the presence of God and the power of God into their lives into our lives and we would see the activation. ation coming forth in all of our lives in our family's lives as we pray in our church lives as we pray in our finances as we pray in our health as we address you Holy Spirit come come into every activation of every prayer of Every saint threw them out, let it be processed through the soul. Let it fill the body as the temple and let it go forth and bring forth your mandate from the father in the mighty name of Jesus. We activate it now in Jesus name. Amen, well considered it activate it. This has been another episode of portals. But also where we blow your mind expose my blown. We're gonna blow it all the time. I'm telling you. Well, according to MC. Robin is house. We are out out.
After such a powerful portal on the Holy Spirit, and who He really is our portals team follow up with another power packed revelatory portal. This time, the team dive deep into unpacking not just "who" the Holy Spirit is, but "what" His work is, and "how" he carries out His mandate in the church and on the earth. Listen as host Shenaya Annise draws out from our Senior Leaders -- Dr Robyn Kassas, Ps. Tony Kassas, and Ps. Nathan Kassas   spirit breathed revelations on the truth that the Holy Spirit has been there from the start and is the activating agent of our lives. Dr Robyn blows our mind with the gem that the Holy Spirit cannot be revealed through emotional manifestations, instead He is revealed through spirit activations. If that wasn't enough, she continues to reveal the Holy Spirit's work, by revealing that way the Holy Spirit interacts in our everyday lives and thinking. He never leave us with just the facts, but always gives us a "Go Solution!". This portal is set to start your relationship and conversation with all three of the Godhead -- Father, Son, And Spirit -- on a new path of discovery and transformation and will start to unravel mysteries that unlock the deepest parts of your Christian walk. We're moving from milk to meat folks! Therefore, it is our suggestion that you listen to this one with a notepad and pen, cause you're gonna want to record of all the things that God is downloading to upload to you. So let the journey begin!!!!!
Today, I just want to share with you my very best career advice. Now. I'm not an official career advisor. I am a coach who's helped build hundreds of businesses. I've had over 612 clients one-on-one and I've actually had ownership and multiple businesses that have consultant. So I dropped out of school when I was 18 years old I decided this is not for me. I don't enjoy this. This is not fun. And it's not getting me anywhere. I don't want to be in massive debt doing something that I hate. It makes no sense. And I walked out I quit then I proceeded to work a few odd jobs here and there I drove people to their parties or I would babysit or I would chop wood. I would you know, do these little jobs here and there just to make it work. Somehow, you know just enough money to survive and then I got a job as a janitor and that was my stable job for quite a while as I transitioned into building my own business doing what I loved. Now, as I was in this process of building my business. There were a lot of opportunities to go big right these grandiose ideas about having an agency where I was working with all these big companies or having this gutter. Business structure or entity that would magically produce income while I slept and I had all these distractions and all these ideas and all these thoughts and its really what ultimately slowed me down because what I realized that created such a profound Epiphany for me was that ultimately the most valuable thing is time. Yes, you need to make money. Yes, you need resources to live a good life for sure. It makes a difference if you have a lot of wealth It makes your life a lot easier. You have more freedom more options to choose from. However. Don't trade your happiness for a few extra coins. Make a decision to stick with what you really care about what really matters to you because ultimately what you will regret. It's not having spent your time doing the things that really make you feel alive. Now granted if you have no business experience, it's better to get some under your belt and try some different things before you discover this magical thing. And before you really really dive in deep into your passion. It's okay to work a few jobs and you know, try different business ideas. That's all right. But once you've found it Don't Stray don't go into other places. So many people on YouTube Facebook and all social media are giving the advice that you got to start a business and here's this business model that I found and it works and now you gotta go join my Mastermind or my group and we're going to teach you everything right and 90% of the people that join these groups don't succeeds. I know because I've been part of many of these groups throughout my career. Plenty of programs that claim to teach you the secrets to social media marketing or there some secret way that you're going to make this money and the truth is really ultimately it's all the same BS. There's no secret. There's no method that anybody knows that so much better than you now it helps to have mentors and people that are coaching you that's why I hired a coach and that's why I joined those groups to begin with but you have to make a decision to figure out what gets results. What actually works in the business break down those steps figure it out? What will move the needle forward for you? And even if you want a really prosperous jog, that's cool, too. Nothing wrong with that but figure out what will move the needle for you career-wise because it's so easy to get lost in all this advice and all these ideas and all these thoughts that are like, oh I'm gonna make millions and millions now. Cool. Yes. Maybe you could but here's the thing. Even if there's a business model that works amazingly and generates all this and come by the way a lot more people would be doing it if it works and then it gets saturated very quickly, right? But even if there was and you could use it you'd still be spending the vast majority of your time doing something where the primary objective is just to generate income and that's cool. But watch this what if you were doing a primary objective that generates a lot of income that gets you towards your goals, but Also was fulfilling to you you love doing it. You had a burning passion and desire for it. You actually got excited every time you were doing it and it made you feel alive more than anything else on the planet. See my thoughts my idea that changed my life was how can I get paid doing what I love the very most how can I do what I enjoy doing the very most the process the thing? That's the most fun to me to do. How can I get paid for it? And for me it was a one on one coaching with clients. And so that's what I built my business on helping them build businesses. Yes, that was a part of it but a large portion of it life coaching and helping people figure out their relationships their health their entire life most importantly their mindset so that they can be better people be their best self then extended that into helping them build their businesses and that's what I do a lot of the time now, I want you to understand that a lot of the career advice that you will get especially if you're young. It's just people putting their intentions on you people trying to put you into their funnel people that want your money. Okay, and sure everybody wants money. Everybody wants to create income and that's cool. But ultimately ultimately you need to be happy. You need to be fulfilled. You need to be doing something that lights you up because that will create the most fulfilling life for you. That's what will make you get the most out of this experience. It's so easy to get Caught up in the wealth thing maybe because you have a childhood where you didn't really have a lot of resources and your family wasn't that well off or because you didn't grow up in the pretty luxurious environment. So you're used to that a lot of the time it's healthy to not be making some crazy amount of money because it imbalances you and the puts your attention on generating resources all the time and taking and taking and taking and there's nothing wrong with giving value in receiving in return absolutely go for it, but Getting obsessed with this money making thing to where it's unhealthy and it's just this Obsession and that's you're just doing it for the purpose of doing it and sure you're giving some to charity and you tell yourself. This is why but it's just another addiction. It's just like being addicted to anything else. You are doing it and that's where you get your self-esteem from and that's how you feel good about yourself by being the guy or the girl that generates a lot of money. So don't get caught up in this same thing goes for trying to be a doctor so that your family is happy or trying to be a lawyer or doing something prestigious. So that people like you more get out of all that get out of your head listen to your heart for once. What does it actually want you to do and then figure out a way to generate income around that so that it's not just a hobby so that you take it seriously so that you are Sharp turning your skills everyday, right? If I was just coaching as a hobby. I wouldn't be nearly as good and effective as I am. Now, I wouldn't create the breakthroughs that I do. That's a good driving force. That's a good healthy link to have that you get rewarded the more you serve people not the more you scam. People are get them into your funnel where they never even get results. What's the point in that not everybody will be qualified to work with me for instance it cost money. But those that do get real amazing results. That's all I care about. My clients stay with me for four or five years. That's fulfilling. That's a real relationship where someone is constantly growing and that comes from just being passionate and loving what I do. So if you want a career where you love what you do and you're engaged and the people that you're working with are the projects that you're working on. Really makes sense to you and they click with your heart. Not your head. You got to make that choice to you. Got to make that decision where you say, you know, what it's tempting to chase these ideas. It's tempting to go in this direction. Maybe somebody's persuading you maybe somebody selling you something. But when you finally make up your mind to stick to what you really really care about. That's when you've chosen the ultimate career path the career path where you are happy where if you only live for 3 months longer you had the best three months. Life with no regrets because you chase the you pursue that with all you had and it really mattered to you. So what if you've built a five billion dollar company, if you don't give a crap about what you built it for or what it does or how it serves the world. It doesn't matter. It's meaningless don't chase a business model because it works use a business model because it works. Yes, but use it in a way where it fuels the thing that you care about and if you're going after the money then make sure that it's not taking up so much time that most of your time is just going to generating the money and then five percent of the time is spent doing what you love. That's crazy. Why would you trade 50% of your time for 5% where you get to work on the things that really Our to you because you generate the money here just find a way to bridge it so that you can have the 50% or your whole life really being invested into the things that matter the most to you. Don't get caught in this trap. It's such a big thing right now online. Don't get caught in it. Do not let yourself be persuaded stay firm decide what it is that matters to you and I've countless videos where I talk about follow your joy lean into the things that are fun to you. There's a way to generate income around That thing that's the ultimate career. It's scary. Yes, but if you put up a dance video every day for a year, you're gonna get better and you're going to start to gain some Traction in the tension. If you learn to do a little bit of marketing learn good skills that are valuable you can start getting exposure all of a sudden people are noticing you whatever right you want to take it in from their crates, but you've made a beginning whatever that is for you art whether you want to teach a skill. Whatever way and capacity you have or want to have serving the world do it with all your heart. Do the thing that really makes sense to you do the thing clicks with your heart. Not your head not the temptation, but the true passion. I hope that you enjoyed the video make sure that you subscribe and turn on your notification and also that you don't miss a single upload and if you'd like to experience a real breakthrough and some massive progress in your life sign up for It's in the bottom left of your screen right now. If you click on that, you'll go to my website and you can book a free consultation to get us started.
I give you my best advice towards having a successful career from my own personal experience. S U B S C R I B E : Coaching with Rafael: #SuccessfulCareer #CareerAdvice #CareerAdvicer #BestCareerAdvice #BusinessAdvice #SuccessAtBusiness #SuccessfulCareer #SuccessfulAtLife #SuccessAtLife #SuccessfulBusiness #SuccessulBusiness #BusinessCoach #BusinessCoaching #SelfImprovement #Motivation #PersonalDevelopment #SelfHelp I dropped out of college when I was 18 years old. I decided I didn’t want to collect a debt to work a job I hate. After that, I struggled. I could barely make enough money to survive. I drove people to their parties or babysit or chop wood. All these gigs just to get by. I also got a job as a Janitor. That was 6 years ago. Now I am a certified life coach and financially secure. What led to this change? I figured out a career path for myself and hope I can do the same for you with this advice. Right now you must be getting tons of career advice from different sources. Maybe people telling you to get a safe respected job like a doctor or engineer. Maybe an online guru asking you to buy his course and make money while you sleep. In all this noise how do you find what's right for you? The most important thing you need to focus on is what are your likes. Is it dance? Is it some sports? Is it art? Whatever gives you some joy that’s what you need to nurture. I am not saying to completely quit everything and dance yourself to being broke. Nope. Start transitioning into it slowly. Maybe upload one dance video a day or open a dance blog. Putting time into that thing daily is important because that’s how you can build an income around that. That’s what happened for me. I started uploading one self-help video every day. I polished my skills and now I get paid for it.
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started. What's up? Everybody has been Erickson for AfterBuzz TV for Powers season 6 episode 10 The mid-season finale. No one can stop me Courtney kept is in the building. Let's go. I'm Maria Menounos and you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN app TV top now. No emotion. Yes many of you motion, right? I gotta make it this is where it goes down. Whoa. Whoa. Yeah. I just said no Tree song I but yeah, okay, so I'm bam Erickson. I would like to introduce the panel Jill Munroe. What's up everybody? I'm Robin Aires. It's a man Jim UV Kourtney Kim and Sheree. Executive producer the showrunner. She is Queen Courtney. She is in the building. Welcome corn again. Wow. Ow, ow, a friend and family member now to AfterBuzz TV. You've been with us. I think since season 2, you've come back on and supported us so much and I have to start by saying since I've known you you're actually extremely intelligent and I've gathered so much from you whether you know it or not you've shown myself in so many other people what it's like to be a boss lady and and I just love the way that you are and most importantly let me just say this the way you get Opportunities to other women in other people is I literally I can kiss your forehead to do that at the end of the show. So I just want to say thank you for doing that and just being an incredible example, I mean off bat I find out you're from Connecticut. I'm from Boston myself, right? So to learn somebody from the New England space as came to the West Coast. Oh, yeah and held it down as fast as I could and and continue to hold hold the Downs is just you can just set in a phenomenal example. So thank you. Well, thank you guys very much. It is super important to me to continue to create opportunities for women people of color LGBT community because when I got out here so often I was the only black person or the only woman and I sometimes I was too far, you know what I mean? And I found that a lot of writing spaces were, you know homophobic or were Star people didn't think they were being racist. They would say things in front of me and they'll be like, why are you mad I'm like are you kidding? Did you hear what you just said? So it's super important. And I mean, I guess I was raised by very, you know, a certain kind of black parent. So it's Each one teach one to whom much is given, you know, all those things like the responsibility for the community lift every voice and sing kind of situation. So I oh yeah, I'm the only one. Yeah. So for me personally, I You are a mentor to me in my head. Oh, I'm also your interviews. I study your Technique and I am just thankful that I can learn from someone like you who's also a tourist. So absolutely we are so much better than everyone else. Why don't we did because it's just the truth. Yeah, so I see you stand up. Those are always standing up and for me corny, I would just like to say on behalf. Of myself and every other person that has been on the panel who's had the opportunity to meet and chat with you. We thank you so much for coming on to the show. We're so proud of everything that you have been able to accomplish with this show and your story of how of how being fired with the Bernie Mac situation and how it gave you the opportunity to do what you're doing. We're so proud of you and we just wanted to acknowledge and we wanted to say thank you to you now. Because this has been a great this has been a great journey for us so we can only imagine how you feel. And so we wanted to present you with something. Oh my goodness. Yeah. I love this. I love it. You know, it's funny. These are like the Omega Psi Phi colors, aren't they? Purple, my dad was accused reminds me of my dad. That's really cool. Thank you guys so much exactly. I'm going to move these away from the mic. Okay? Yes. Okay. So let's do it. Let's do it. So the first question quite new so let me just give you the breakdown of the show. So what we're going to do is we're going to break down the show based off the suspect. So we'll talk a little bit about go seeing dead. People will talk about and with his uncle and we'll get that back story and then we'll go to all the different. Different suspects, but before we go into that so it obviously you watch the episode goes to shot. It said the hashtag is who shot ghosts not who killed goes so quickly, you know, I've asked this question. It's goes dead. No, seriously. Did you guys might ask me if Angela was dead? I like why would I answer that is the question. But yeah, but what I would say is goes got shot. You can see anything you see. Die no, so there we go. There we go. Okay. Well hmm so ours and that's that on that. Yeah. So let's go into ghost and his uncle nothing Dave game. One thing. Did you guys notice that he got shot in the exact same place? But Angela got shot. All right. Anyway, go ahead Glynn Turman in the house y'all he was so amazing so iconic, so it's revealed so that That that's his uncle and it was revealed a little bit in regards to his dad dying. So I remember some years ago. I wrote you this long drawn-out emailed about my theory goes dying and Tommy's mom had got with him while she was maybe like a stripper something in the club and that possibly so anyway, I was wrong. I told you that at the time to I was like, yeah, it's cool bam. No and he's stuck. I did not know that yeah, so, can you just explain exactly what happened? Because it's revealed that after ghost his dad dies. He then goes and stays with mrs. Egan. Mrs. Egan said earlier on that. You know, she basically raised the black Sun. So can you just give a little what's okay goes back story totally. So ghost had a mom and a dad who she was a nurse and his father ran a jazz club, which is the club that you walk into and he ran it with Uncle. Gabe Uncle ke was not an actual blood Uncle it's who you know, we all have those so and then the mom the Dad starts drinking which is where ghost gets that the alcohol and drinking problem and mom left and so he was being raised by his dad alone at that time. So then we've got as ghosts started to kind of hang out with the drug folk and what we couldn't push was that uncle gave knew the name Canaan. I think that would have been pushing it too far. But like the older boy who was recruiting he and Tommy into the drug game. You guys know who that was. That was good. Right? So there's a little bit intimated there that whoever came and was running with didn't want ghosts actual dad pulling him back out of the life. And so when the actual when ghosts father was whose name is Curtis, I don't you guys noticed that but his name is Curtis goes to either. Yes. Oh Curtis called the cops. Soooo on these drug kids one too many times and they killed him. Okay, and once he was dead ghost went to live with Tommy and his mom, who is Ms. Egan not missing. It's because she wasn't anybody's wife. Yeah. Sorry about it. Hey, that's not how it worked out. Okay in a way. I thought that Uncle gay was I making it as if he was a snitch in some sort of way or that's how I had read a ghost father neighborhood. He wasn't Is it a snitch if you if you it was your neighborhood and there are kids on the corner and by your Club, you know selling drugs. They're pulling your kid. Are you being a stitch or you just calling the cops and saying get rid of these? You know you've so yeah. Okay. So now before we go to Sussex that's makes so we see ghosts having conversations with dead people. So the first one was Angela what you guys think about that. Well, you know, that's not the first time we've seen him, you know have these conversations. I mean, I think really what all of that is is just I mean, we know that that's his subconscious like talking to himself, you know, and what that person would have said so I mean, I think it it fits, you know, I mean, I like it it's done. I was there for Raina and Canaan reading ghost. He deserved it. I needed to hear some kind of what I would can I just say the way it's intended is that yes, they're not actually saying What they would have said they're saying what ghost ghost is kind of throwing his voice through them. Yeah. Yeah, it's really him. So that's why Angela says all the things he would want her to say. Yeah, and Ramos has kind of the things he would imagine she would so she kind of almost let him off the hook and then doesn't yeah and then Kanan who is like the darkest angel of all really comes in reads him and go stands up to him. He says I'm not even packing right now. Like I'm that person is totally gone. Yeah. And you know and I think ghost was always kind of protecting James st. Patrick. But once he really let go of ghosts there was no one there to protect him. Mmm levels. We have a lot of people in a chat room. So we want to make sure that you guys like this video with our special guest Courtney Camp. Okay. So any other questions regarding any of the Rana Kanan anything now, sir step back with the whole idea of having them re-emerge as a subconscious come from well, You know the show is always been based on various different kinds of Shakespeare, you know, but it's a this season was a lot of Richard the third which is, you know, if you guys have read Richard the third was your third murders a lot of people to become king like he is just killing straight everybody for a while and then when he has a kind of a moment of reflection, they come back as ghosts and there's a particularly poignant one where the two young kids come and they say like, why did you kill us? You know, we're innocent. And I just love that story because I love the idea that you can go through life kind of like pillaging and doing whatever you want to do. But there's one part of you that knows it's wrong. Yeah, and I liked the idea of ghosts going through an episode and sing everything. He wanted to say to everyone because he's so close to getting everything that he wants and then to have that kind of be balanced by an internal dialogue that isn't totally about that because Even Angela saying lie lie to Ramona don't tell her who you really are. You know what I mean? So it's not she's not reading him. It comes across in this beautiful romantic way, but she's kind of saying like you got to step away from who you were. Yeah, and so he does but it's to his detriment. Okay, and so suspect number one Tommy. So Tommy and ghost meets on this this rooftop and there's this conversation that happens before the shoot out. So the probably the most rememberable thing about that scene is when ghosts talks about how you know, you need me you need me even when I'm gone. You know, you still like you need me. What did you guys think about that girls was very confident. This episode is not me. Yeah, and that was the tone. Yeah, and not only did he say you can't stop me but he steps to everybody and was like, let me tell you what's wrong with you. That I've seen ghosts be it's beyond I don't know if the word is too much dip on this chip my something up to some people thought of it as it was uncharacteristic of him because he never shows his cards. But when you are at the end where you just don't give a f--- anymore, you're just going to he's like an old person like when old people when a person gets old. They just say whatever is on their mind and they're just going to let you know how they feel because he obviously has been like bottled up inside. That's good question. Yes, I was going to say ghost is always reading people. It's just not all at once. So those people who are saying this is an actress give him remember he was on the phone with Tommy and episode. I think it was the end of episode 3 and he said, you know, I don't want to be a drug dealer but I've always been better than you. Yeah, but that's a reach straight up to his face. Like how many different ways as he told people they weren't good enough or they couldn't do something or I mean, he's actually really kind of always in everybody's face. Yeah. I like it was a return to his Sort of, you know Swagger just confidence just in your face from the earlier episodes were sort of I guess he's moving away from the tragedies. Maybe your he thinks well the problem that I had with it was just the fact that like, let's take a ghost and Tate. For instance, you know, when tape was just about to like give him some information. It was like he turned all the way up where we're going to go to him in just a second. But let's let's let's just finish with Tommy. So did you guys let me make let me just But that's what I'm saying, like overall. Like that's the type of example that I'm saying like he that was yeah, I completely agree with very it was very James st. Patrick, you know, because we've differentiated, you know ghosts and who James's and Jamie and all of that it was very him but I'm saying that that was the issue that I had it was almost like no, like don't don't go too far. You know what I'm saying and different things like that. Okay. Yeah, Tommy for me like like like when he said this is not First time that he says this that he said this Itami, he's right as rain a my opinion. He's totally right being regarded as he called it in the way that the way that Tommy reacted when he says something like so, you know, he says some he said something like so that's it. I'm alone or something that you get everything he wanted and I get nothing. Yes. That's what he says and I get nothing. Yeah, and and and in this episode he really triggered a lot of emotions and when he said that, you know, Tommy T, you know, Tommy the way that he reacted was he almost had to take a back seat and not kill him because it struck a chord like, okay. Yes. You're right. Let's not forget to there also was the shootout which I've got questions to yes, I may or may not be answering those questions. So you floor. Yeah, we know. No, not the dude from the Prescott, Arizona. Hey, yeah, you know it was not so deep. But but what I liked is that we saw the build-up of Tommy, right? We saw him go into the it wasn't technically the inauguration was it was just the announcement saw him go there and that was literally him seeing ghosts coming to like everything like he's got it all you know what I'm saying? He's like, but I don't know if he's clapping out of sarcasm or these or it's a slow car. We get some background to why he feels that way. Yeah now speaking of the shootout. My first question is even him going to going to the shootout. We see that there's this black car that is following ghost when he's at the his before he goes to his his hotel and on his way to meet Tommy. I know you're going to not going to tell us but I'm as who's in who's in Cora what's watch the last five episodes. Okay. So then so then can we ask anything about who was that guy? You can ask me all sorts of questions. I'm not going to answer them. Okay, but what I will say to the fans is all the answers are coming. That's the thing is like my point in putting episode 10 together and not having all the answers. There is that there's five more episodes ago. We are only two thirds of the way through the entire season. So I think it's like people are like I want to know everything but episode 10 is a gateway drug. It's not like it's not the end. It's a midseason. And so and even the last five they give birth to the spin-off so it's like there's so much more coming. It's 50 always is like power never ends power is just going to keep going and going but this chapter is ending and the thing is again, it's like I have all these people who are like, oh man. I'm so mad. How could they shoot ghosts? But it's like how could ghost not get checked at some point? Yeah at some point didn't he have to like what it's not a fantasy show you what I mean, but at some point he has to be down, you know, he has to be something has to happen. Yeah his actions like like with Rayna Mirena said, you know everybody's got to pay for the action. She did so speaking of actions and now let's go to suspect number two Tasha. So open discussion on when they are at the gravesite and go says that he's done you can lease you. I release you you can it was not She was not for the divorce. Okay, but can't we at least her? But listen this is this is and I was like, it's me. This is a sensitive area and now I just feel like ghosts every new level of his life. He changes out a woman to fit whatever is there and it's fine that you want to move on or you have other aspirations, but stop treating her like she's the trash and you're tossing her to the side. I think that is kind of her point. But this evening, this is what my problem is and see I'm ready. Look at my pretty problem. T-shirt on so my problem. So my problem for for your for your comment is the only reason that I feel that tashi's Chef felt that way was because she wasn't able to to to to give the news to ghost. So she was a little hurt because he's finally moving on. This is what you want. You've been saying that your name is Tasha green. You want a divorce you want to move on? All right, so well if you want to move on. All right, cool we go. We go move on. Now. You got a problem with it. You know, you guys are missing the point though. It's an interesting it but I this is what I love is an artist because it's like you see how other people like they put their own life through the filter. She's selling drugs from the beginning of this show. What did he say? He didn't want to do any more. So it's like you're right Jill he is kind of coming out of pocket being like and this and I release you know that but the thing is he's going in a different direction. He said that to her from John the because she didn't Accept it and like I keep going back to that because it's like she wanted him to stay who he was I think and so he's not that and what'd he say it in the most cruel fashion? Because he's arrogant at this point because the thing that was keeping that arrogance was not having the qcp together not being able to honor rain it when he goes to that grave site. He has it in pocket. He did it. So she's right there at that precise moment. And again, you know in every scene that I write both people are right in the scene. So he turns around he sees a Reese's what? Doing here. She says I'm here every week. What are you doing here? I noticed that yeah well to flowers that were on the gravesites of like somebody's been there. So when she's there all the time she was the one who could mourn he could never worn because he couldn't face it. Yeah, and now you can face his daughter because he's done it but it's like it is it's complicated. Yes ghost is messed up. But the other side of that is that he's actually achieving his dream and here she comes scowling like you aren't going to be able to do that because why didn't they do a background check? Check your opening us all up to she's right. By the way. She says the year opening us all up to all this scrutiny will stop selling drugs, like stop being a criminal bitch. It's cute. I'm saying is I'm just saying like it's both things but he but he killed somebody out of necessity right killed somebody because that person wouldn't let him free. So let's move forward. So the next conversation that goes to and Tasha have is when To give commentary because you are here to set all this stuff straight because we all have questions. Go ahead. It's so moving forward in the next conversation that goes and Tasha have they are in the penthouse which now I have to be Petty now. The penthouse is super cleaned up in the shootout was probably what like two three days ago. Huh episode is about four days. Okay, and if it was destroyed, but now they noticed we didn't have the move back in. Yeah, like it's destroyed he moved out to the the the hotel and so we haven't been in there. So okay, you know, okay listen on our show people get from Red Hook Brooklyn to the Bronx in like two scenes. It's not real. I'm not going to argue with you about construction. Okay, I know but no contractor would show up that bad. Yeah Tasha falsely accuses him of of ghosts of pasta potentially. Writing Tariq out about the murder of Rage Raymond Jones and then ghost it triggers in his mind because you know ghosts always team tends to think, you know ahead. He thinks it's a good idea hitted you what I agreed with him. I don't think I think yes, absolutely. I think that is it hypocritical coming from Ghost, of course, but does Tariq need to own up some responsibility for the things that he's done every time I'm not going to do it again and he keeps Getting them deeper and deeper in so I agree with him, but I just think wrong messenger. That's all I I'm just I'm testifying Hallelujah in addition in addition to that in addition to that. The reason that that was actually a smart move because when ghosts becomes a politician, you know, he can wipe all their dirt away which is kind of what he was saying is what do you want to say and he can protect Tasha from I mean, we just still criminal and it is why I don't understand because you're making deals in the To still be Kremlin, but because technically although although you'll swear he's so selfish. She always thinks about the family. And so if he becomes if he runs for office and then he's able to he's able to but also thinking about the family in this instance is thinking about himself as a politician to it's gonna look a little crate. You said that's what man right there. Yeah. He's about to okay, so but but yes what just happened? And she said well that's what men do a lot of times when they have a family they think of they think of themselves and making sure that it all benefits the family and a lot of Tasha should ask permission from Ghost before she does a lot of things even though they're separated and things of that nature which is all garbage. But this is what I will say when you are head of household whether you're male or female sometimes you say Other people. Well, this is how it has to be because unfortunately I got to take care of everybody and I just find as like in my life sometimes I have to say to my daughter. Yeah, I can't do that with you because I have to go to New York because I have to have the like I'm the rising tide that lifts all boats. I got to be responsible. So there is a part of me that's writing about that with ghost ghost is going it's exactly what you said Joe. He's saying once I get elected maybe I can handle all this but the way it looks Right now I can't and the thing that Tariq cannot understand because he is a teenager and sometimes I get frustrated with the audience because they're like they hate on treat him like he's a teenager. He doesn't have higher functioning. Do you remember when you were 16? Yeah, you remember what you were doing? We're doing stupid stupid shit. Yeah first. Yeah, but so the point I'm trying to make is like Tariq cannot see that when ghost said, I'll take the weight. It was before this opportunity presented as that's what exactly that's what I was going to say the fact that goes Now making decisions based on where he is in his life because I believe at one point. We saw that I saw that he wanted to cover it for the family. He wanted to cover Tariq and Tasha is speaking from that place of not necessarily having changed yet. Like she's still in that position of wanting to you know, like protect her family and all of that. So I think it really is just based on where he is in his life. So it makes sense to me. Yeah, I agree what I have a question for you guys if to wreak turns himself in how do you think that will do you think it will help or hurt his campaign because I think it would hurt it, but I don't think Teresa turning himself in so I don't even think that's an option. I have a whole other we could talk about when predictions come because I don't want to talk about that part right now. This is going to Tariq. So Tarik when goes ask him to turn himself in to returns into the spoiled child of his last week or last week, you know, he was a few you're out you're gone to me and then so what do you guys think about that? I mean, although corny touch on it just a little bit. But what was your take on to reach? Reaction to go saying that he should turn himself in. So what I actually think and what a lot of people are talking about in social media land is the very important conversation that he had when he was talking to ghosts and ghost mentioned killing the gallery of breathe. So I think that was sort of a turning point because he said he killed Breeze because he got in the way of his future and I think that hit a nerve with Tariq. Do you guys agree with that? Yes, and the one last question. I asked him one more it goes that I ask Breeze one time before. Or you know had to do what I had to do. Yeah, and I I felt possibly I don't we'll get to that later but that to recast goes One Last Time right really want me to turn myself in in the club. Yes. Yeah. He did before things got crazy. Do you want me to respond? Yes. I have a lot of responses. The first thing is that and it's interesting because my brother and I talked about this a lot. When you are a parent, sometimes you tell like a little lot like there's a Santa Claus. Sometimes you tell a big lie, like, you know, oh, I'll be home by them. And you don't know I think ghost track record with Tariq is really bad in terms of lying right like Tariq has found out about a ton of lies that ghost has told him big ones like never telling him that he was a drug dealer all those things and then little ones and I think the issue for Tariq. Is that he can't trust ghost and it's like this is another time that he feels like ghost is lying to him. So then when ghost levels with him and says, yes, I committed a murder. This is the first time by the way that goes ever says to Tarik my committed a murder and then he says but I gave him another shot. It's like is which version is it? Like you guys are talking about did Tariq give him another chance with the when he asks him later, right? But there's a flip side here, which is As ghosts giving him one last shot to Tariq when he sang that it's go saying if you get in the way of my future, like I'm just saying like Tariq could hear that a different way. I'm just going to put that out there that like, it's like it's okay. We're watching this episode and ghost point of view. This is a whole all it goes point of view and this is what he means to say, but if you're a teenager, is that what you hear? I was unsure really how to read the the expression and to wreak when he was given him this Just at the close up. It was a mixture. Yeah, I didn't really know how to keep that interpret that deep thoughts processing everything actually now that you say that I'm thinking again add two weeks point of view when ghosts put the gun to his head and all of that and like, you know, I'm just literally going back thinking about what must he be thinking about is dad with all of these emotions that he has and just things that he's saying now like, wow that's in the last few episodes ghost pulled a gun on him robbed him. Yeah dope boys get trapped on the time nigger. Yes, ma'am said to him. Yeah, then he put hands on his mom. Yeah. Is this the dad he knew no not at all. So I'm just saying like freaked me have a perspective on this conversation about breathe. That's different. Remember the first time to wreak heard this story. Canaan is the one who told him the story. Uh-huh. So it's a little bit, you know work all those things in there's so many different Easter eggs in this episode for True fans of the show. If you're a real fan of this show. Yeah, you really got it and you got how it was being served to you. I think it's interesting like when I see people and their when I read social media a little bit and people are like, oh man, why did this happen? Like you should have seen that happening because I have done the same thing every single time of always warned you I've always warned people have always put in the show like that whole conversation with Canaan seasons ago between Kane and Tariq. It came back to this moment right now is that it always does so it's like you guys like the people have been really watching the show you should feel fed. Yeah, you know because you got what like all these little threads that we've been having all along Cooper Saxe Isle of Capri. Is that eastern district? Yeah something about that place. Is it possessed is it haunted everybody that comes through there becomes obsessive Jacob water was dropping. He had me cracking up the whole. Yes. He's yes, I like what Jacob was able to do because everything that they were bringing sue him. He was like no no next next next I like. He pretty much said the exact plot of what ghost has been doing the past six seasons. He pretty much said it and then Sachs was like yeah. Yeah, that's it. He's like no. No, so, I don't know. I just thought that was pretty clever. Well, it's easy to do when you're pulling all the strings right, but we wanted I mean again, it's always this tap dance, right because the audience is like how could they not get arrested in cycle? Because the other people aren't in the scenes you're watching. Yeah, right. They can't see them do it, but If there is something to sack sounds crazy and taxes, right? Can you imagine how maddening that is that you're telling the truth? And that's what is so delicious for me and episode 8 the very end when he goes to Warner, they came my house and put a gun in my mouth and put it back. Okay. Yeah sure they did right. 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So Tamika was was Cooper's lawyer to represent him once it was revealed that he planted evidence. Yes. Because motherfucker hindering prosecution. What are you talking about? I mean, do you have any thoughts on Cooper and your thoughts and on if he actually he should remember Greg? Yeah. I've been down this road before it's literally what Jill what you were saying everybody who comes into that office and now Warner has even told Blanca your star. Act like that in which what's interesting? Is she she she she turned. Yeah and everybody this is what's kind of scary about them. Yes, please. Yes - yeah. No, I mean of course look the whole idea I we've been doing is like a little bit of an and then there were none in that office. So we've killed everybody. Yeah, or Removed everybody. So Sachs is like standing alone, you know and so he's just trying and I love the sea and like one of my favorite scenes in this episode is when Tamika is sitting with sacks and she's just like hey, you lost boy. Yeah like you lost and so, you know, that's really great. Was this beautiful cinematography by the Shanna directed The yeah, she was there ever any discussion for for Cooper to kill himself. Well, it's in that scene. Yeah, feel it. Right? Yeah. Yes, but he even has an actual plot. Yeah. No, because for me that character is a little too arrogant. He's a little you know what I mean? Okay little too. It's a little too like he's not going to go all the way there. Okay. I also thought this is such an easy cop-out for us. Yes, all that problem, you know. Yeah, he felt it though. Yeah, and then also with Blanca Rodriguez as well Jill you touch on a just a little bit how she, you know, she went from straight and narrow. Then she you know, she helped Cooper Saxe and then what's your take on the Terry silver investigation before we before we move on to Tate, it's a mess and I can't believe they're going forward with it because Tomika even said to Hooper when she was talking to him. The only way that they can get a warrant is is if someone saw James Stewart is alive Smoking Gun that either isn't an accomplice or known. An enemy I feel like Draya is both but we'll see Dre. You go back to episode 9 sir. When Tasha actually told the cops about jams, you know killing Terry so that it was just so Random to me. I don't know is that we're ghosts always dump the bodies. I'm sorry, but what's the random part like just the way she confessed it about and just gave out. Information in a way that have to take this talk to you that she has been saying for the last like five episodes. She's going to tell somebody right true. She came to him and she said I know you killed him. I know you killed my future and he went remember he said to her I make it wasn't your future any more than when Sean was remember ghost was disrespectful. It was running around remember ghost had a whole girlfriend, but he whole moved in with that he whole brought their children over with like Like your remember all that so so now here's the thing. So I can't I can't Bam Bam just then she told so many times. I'm going to tell I'm going to tell then he comes over and he's like listen stop your drug dealing and she's like I'm not going to do that and he's like listen, I will tell you that she's on her. Okay. Remember he's concerned. Remember go stitching on people has happened how many times in his life a whole bunch of times goes to the full snitch. He's a full right? Okay. So all of that then finally she's like, all right, and he grabs her up and he slams her into the refrigerator and he holds her and she's frightened. She's scared because with ghosts you don't know what the next time we'll be right and then he pushes her in the forehead. It was that game was that that was a problem. That was it fun. He only did that one time and we put it right in the show. Yes, but the point is she's at her wits end in that moment in 609. Not only is she afraid for her life with him, but also Blancas like listen, you don't give us any information. I'm gonna have to talk about how your son's blood was at re-raise. See now. What do you know about Tasha? That is consistent. She's Mama cut to recall the way with Eureka hundred percent. So I'm going to ask you what was her choice and she okay because you don't like the she did it because he waited how is it out? There is a female voice. This who calls and says Kanan is riding dirty to remember when Kane and got turned in you remember season 2 when when Tommy goes to kanan's Rib Shack and he tells Tommy you know, how I got I got arrested. I got arrested because ghost put me in jail. It was just don't he go set me up, but you know who made the phone call. Sorry about it's not random. You don't like it, but that's not random. Okay, it's all in the show. Like we've baked all of this in the whole time. And by the way again, it would be incredibly stupid if we had Tasha say I'm gonna tell I've been tell I'm this hell and never know and technically speaking. Let me just be with the team Tasha black girl. Magic Alliance for just a second welcome. Tasha didn't technically tale. She said it could be she didn't have any actual evidence. The thing is he didn't kill him with a Gun. There's no gun, like whatever. She didn't have any she just simply goes never copped to it. Yeah go, you know goes was like, I don't Talking about so technically she didn't she didn't tail. But I get your perspective because I think what I read on social media is because Tommy Tashan goes when it comes to the three of them they can put aside their differences and come together for certain things. So people didn't think that it was they thought it was uncharacteristic that the boat that both Tasha and goes snitch on each other and each other. No that's not but they are enemies now like that's the thing. I'm like, that's the thing. I don't understand. It's like people want the characters not to grow. They don't want them to shift - yeah. It's like you want them to always be They were but the truth is Ghost and Tommy been gunning for each other Four Seasons now like ghost is a different guy goes to saying all sorts of things. You know what I mean? Like it's not he's not the same but that the whole like uncharacteristic think know there is a progression of things that happened this season that like each thing that's happened that is forced these people into these sighs if goes to number put hands on Tasha would she have done that? Not necessarily but he put her in a position where she was afraid for her life. Got his hands specifically at his hands. So she needs somebody to help him out help her out with that who's going to help her which to was the reason he put hands on her because was it a she she said that she was going to snatch or to was it for Tariq. It was for wait. Why did he put hands on her? Yeah, but you do it or why did he goes? She's I'll because she threatened his career. She said I'm going to snatch and then I'm going to take away everything from you. And by the way, I know it wasn't the other thing that but the other thing too is that him putting hands on her actually is the confession. You never she goes to lose his cool right never she threatened him with something that he'd actually done. Yeah, and when we got it signified a turning point is doing that. Yeah, because she threatened him. She said I'm going to tell them that you did this and I know you did it and he did do it. He did do it and I wasn't one of his typical ghost murders were he's plotted it. All right exactly the moment it was manslaughter and it was messy and sloppy and he knows he didn't make all the right choices in that moment. Yeah. Hmm. Okay. So now let's go to Tate. Yeah, I don't know why I take I mean, I know that ghost has taken Tate's life, but at the same time I'm like, why do you want you really want to kill them? You really want to go that far down the rabbit hole tape? I don't know if for me he as far as him being one of the suspects now. Yeah, it's not him because it when you're a politician you pay people to do stuff like that, you know, you paid He's someone that and the one thing, you know seen him pay people do his dirty will do work for him throughout right? Yeah. So, um, but also I am okay with ghosts having the conversations with majority of the people in the episode 2 became suspects except for Tate. He was trying to tell you write that bra and you want in your mouth. That was the one time like shut up you feeling yeah a little too much. Yeah. He went to a little bit too hard. Yeah on Tate and because of that he almost you know, but it didn't work. Yeah, but isn't it so great at I mean the fact that basically ghost went to tell everybody in the cocky way that he did he went and push the button with everybody else. So every so it gave everybody a reason that we would think as the as the audience it gives everybody a reason to go after him the way that they did because Tate. Yeah granted he was about to tell him but did you see him turn? I mean he turned old dog on. To the 10th power right? Like he just went there and it was like you can see ghosts is snatching all of this for his benefit right for his benefit and it gives them a reason to do it. So do I think that he did it? Ultimately? No, it would be interesting but I don't think he did. Okay, let's move really quick. We've already talked about Dre. Do you guys have anything else to say about Dre Dre is the luckiest person. Okay. Yeah. He's like a Siamese twin. He has like 18 lives my daughter. What do you guys think about beside that? Okay, besides sex, I guess that I actually felt like I saw close to the club, but I don't think she did it either. I think she may want to and have been emotional but I don't think that she has it in her to pull the trigger even as distraught as she is and I do because out of The other ones I feel like with pause when goes pause and knew that that goes was lying to her when he said that he didn't know who killed her. So just from just Street codes if you know if I know if I know Jimmy if I know that Jamie knows the person that actually killed somebody of my that's family. I'm gonna kill you because you won't tell me that's that's kind of not a killer they Street she's but pauses not from the streets. We don't take a clean really know her background, but you just you just never you never know why but it makes it seems logical that pause. This is her sister. You know, she blames ghosts. Although it's not like ghosts put a gun to Angela's head and said, you know the well, whatever. Yeah, but pause has has has she has a logical reason in her head for why she wants to kill him when I put don't they all wait wait, hold on. So if you guys remember the whole Run of the series pause was saying to Angela. What about James? He was going to stay away from yeah, he's gonna get you killed. Yeah. He's already changed who you are like and do you guys remember in 510 what happens with pause and Angela when they're sitting in the diner and passes give them what they want testify against him and she says I'll lose my whole career. I lose my whole life and and has his at least you'll be safe. You might sleep on my couch, but at least you'll be safe. Remember she's Desperate to save her sister. What happened Sister - yeah, and if you remember when ghost is in 601 if you go back and look at 601 went pause comes out and she is the one that they have told and she sees ghosts standing there with Angela's blood on him from the ambulance. What does she say to you as remember? She says asesina murderer now you guys have siblings you have family. Somebody has you think someone is Your sibling and you warned and you try to you worried about this. This is the thing you thought was going to happen. And then it happened. Yeah, and then you're finally told we can't get him. We can't get him for anything if you remember Blanca has to tell both Tate and pods. Yeah, he's going to walk. I don't know and it's I'll give you guys one little thing. It's Angeles gun. Jesus y'all hear that literally scratching my head right before we go into the shade a Service Unit duty pistol. Remember she took it when she met and with Nomar again, it's all for the fans. Remember remember no more. Yes that were yeah, he's always messing with ruiz's daughter. Yeah. Do you remember she had to take the gun with her? Yeah, it's her gun anything on. Think on Blanco. So Blanca actually hears The Gunshot and she has the award for the race already serving the warrant by herself. Yeah. That was my question. Why is she there by herself many times a day messages that with James? I'm just like they let you go along but okay, so but the warrant that she got how did she get it? I'm assuming I assumed it was because since Dre cohorts the the story and that was After I believe that everything was dropped with Terry silver, so she got to because of Dre made up the story. So that's why she's the same. Remember the detail that Tameka gave kind of you may not all the way be legal. I think that's that's the point is that we okay so we know yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but the way she got that warrant is a little messed up. Yes Dre is lying, right? So is she gonna bring a whole bunch of people with her? Right? Right. That's true. She's trying to get him into custody, you know. I mean because of what is she going to tell the other special agents were like, how did you get a war on James st. Patrick? See what happened was, you know what I mean? Okay, so so obviously with who shot goes and we're going to go into the last five episodes. Do you guys have an opinion and regards to who you think it is we know I'm not going to be stupid enough to ask her. Well, I have a I have a question kind of thing. Is it possible? Able that two of the people teamed up because that works into my theory and some type of way. I'm not gonna say anything. Okay anything's possible. Okay, what I will tell you though is because I've seen a lot of I mean I didn't really do a lot of social media crawl, but I did a little and people are suggesting people that we didn't show a suspect and I wouldn't do that that's not I would never do that. I was thinking like Tariq and Tommy if you can get the same queue, but I was like, he wasn't even in the episode. Okay? He was I say Tasha. He gonna keep talking shoe. Take Sasha to jail when he's to reveal. He's a Fed. Okay, again, those people who said they yeah, Holly was an undercover cop and I was like, what? Why would I ever withhold that from the audience go see? I don't tell stories like that. If somebody was an undercover cop I would let you know so that you would have that tension would be going on. You know what I mean? I wouldn't with hold it and go gotcha. Well, I see I don't feel like it's a got you only because when Shows up he enquired about the daycare. We've never seen a child. Like I feel like there's a bunch of signs that shows he's not who he is. No nothing. All right. Sorry. Sorry, sorry. No. No, it's not that he is. It's interesting though because like he is a guy who's actually interested in this woman. He doesn't know anything else is with her. Do you know what I mean? So he doesn't no no, he's not undercover cop. All right, let's let's take some some questions. Hashtag ask Courtney. He does anybody have any well I do. So kind of to your point earlier that nothing is put into the scripts or into the episodes. That won't come back later woo-wee CFE in the last five episodes. The tariq's grown-up who actually is no no. Okay. Okay now Courtney, do you have a question? Go ahead. So some of the complaints just from from the fans and I have to address this because I get a lot of messages. But some people thought like, you know, the the pace up the pacing of it was super fast and there were things that seems unlike, you know on a power like, you know, like the shootout in the penthouse or like the action sequences like certain people like a lot of people don't She media felt like they were like power changed and in a sense. And as far as the tone, what do you mean in this episode meaning just the the series itself as the series itself as far as you know, what pacing sometimes seem to be fast, like like how we were give to certain points so fast, I don't really have a response to that about my feeling is like Yeah, I don't really it's a weird thing because I think the things that I see people want are sometimes a little bit fanfiction need to me. So I don't you know, yeah, like it's I don't have a response to that because it's like we had to fit in a lot of story. It's the last season in this chapter the last season but I also think that there's only one thing happening this season if you look at what's happening, it is all happening on that same track, which was this ghost versa. Tommy thing yeah, so I don't know. I mean we were going to destroy some very specific things. We destroyed the Mustang we destroyed the penthouse we were going to burn truth down but we just couldn't afford it. Yeah, so we destroyed truth in another way, but I feel as though like I kind of I don't know. I don't I'm going to try to say this in the most beautiful like thoughtful way. Those people who watch the show who make television professionally. They are allowed to tell me that at the pace is too fast. Yea those people who don't make television professionally and don't like and they're like, they're professional like they watch television. It's like when you see the end of the season and how everything worked together and all these pieces that we had to show you an order to play fair with you so that you weren't there were no gotchas like all of a sudden boom Fe is some undercover cop or boom like Never done that like when am I ever done like a gotcha undercover cop? I've never done that in like six seasons. I don't do those things. So it's like I feel like all those little pieces that we had to sew in they were also carefully done. So I guess what I would say is it has been with such great effort and such great care that we've placed all of these we've worked so hard to bring the best version of a last season if they don't like it, there's not much I can do but I'm proud of the product and that's kind of where I sit with it. There is going go ahead man. Go ahead. Yeah. Well, so I ready article today in deadline and it said you guys filmed multiple endings in case one of them leaks out. Boom. So my question was what do you plan to do with that extra content? Well say nothing gets leaked out right? Everything goes like that ever happens. Does it ever happened and nothing leaks? Is that ever happened? So We'll see, you know, is there a plan with the extra stuff? Well, the thing is I've been trying to be able to do deleted scenes for years because we have then we have so many and I'm like I've been trying to do so many different kinds of versions of that but it's been really hard to get to be able to do it because of the way premium cable works and dealing with Affiliates and stuff like that. Okay. Okay. So in in under three minutes, I would just go and I would just talk about what people are. Saying in the chat room there is SB who's dying to know? How did Tasha know the location it of Silver's body. Is it because that's where she last saw him and just knows that no. No, it's not the same garage. It's a garage at the airport. She knows how ghost is dumped bodies in the past. It's a guess. Okay. It's a guess. She's she doesn't know. It's a guess. Okay, perfect. So we have someone lovable plan says, can you get breakdown Tasha and Lakeisha because I think that's been a cop like a steady debate amongst everybody was he really in love with her or was it just that I was Tasha. I'm sorry, Tommy the t's Tommy and Lakeisha was he really in love with her or where did he just know? You know what when I found out that she wasn't going to tell on me. I just have her back. She's my family now and I want to marry her. From the beginning. Tommy was always looking for that partner. Yeah, Tommy's characters actually written in love. He's written out of love ghost is written out a logic and he's written out of love. So Tommy was looking for that partner. He killed the right partner. He had the right partner. He had that person and he killed her because he loved ghost more than he loved her, which is what she said, right? So he lost that person. He lost that family and you know how sometimes people They try to make a new family immediately when they lose that so yes, he's in love with the Keisha. But the way that he's in love with the Keisha is not how he was in love with Holly. Holly is like that crazy stupid love that like once in a lifetime kind of love. The Lakeisha love is more. It's almost like you're saying Robin. It's more familial. It's more like okay. This is now my person. Yeah, because she will cleave to me now remember also that those are two people Whoo-hoo both need something very desperately. He needs a home and she needs a man. So she has she has a home and he she invites him into it. Right and then he becomes the surrogate father for her child. She got all the things she got the cash and prizes. She was just about to get everything. She wanted she got the house. She got the car. She was just about to get the ring. And I mean that's also part of the story that I'm telling which is when you as a woman go to get those boxes checked off there might be a lot that comes with it that you don't know. For sure. Will Tasha's earring missing earring come up somehow. We don't know. Okay that answers your question Courtney. How do you guys respond because I know you guys are very you guys are very up on social media. But I just you know curious as to how you guys how did it make you guys feel when some of how a lot of people were slandering the Keisha characters performance, like does it just I'm just curious as it like does it bother you guys you clap back? I mean it was like a trending topic for most of the season. You you wanted what I really think yeah, I think when Angela left the show, there's a lot of internalized misogyny from women and there's a lot of just misogyny out there and people like to hate on women. Okay, I do not think it had anything to do with with Lala's performance. I think there is something that something that is real about the fact that she was not a criminal people started to hate on her for that which I thought was insane like she bought into this life she say And her own life by buying into because Tommy certainly would have killed her and episode 5 10. And so there's this really weird thing where people were like, yeah, she can't act like no she's doing the same actor. She always was a Nutty all complained about that before it's that you don't have Angela to be mad at right now. So this is the female you're mad at your mad at her and I think also the way that it works emotionally, I'll just say this is that Tasha for people is very sacred. And so once Lakeisha and Tasha weren't on the same side right once Lakeisha was like Tasha, you know, what? Fuck you I think that that also became like Lakeisha became a hated character, right? It wasn't I don't think it was loud as perform. So, that's me. I just don't think it was I was performance Lala did a great job. I don't think I had anything to do with that at all. Not really. Yeah. Go ahead also really quickly. We're there any other some people always ask this, but we're there any other characters are I mean other actors? Who were like heavy in contention for some of the characters that we've grown to love? Like as far as like goes Tasha? Were there any other actors who sure there are plenty of people who understand for those parts, but they wouldn't want you to know that I auditioned it did good job Maya tell you that okay, except you and sometimes people ask and want to know so I know we have to wrap up the show now we can go on and on with you Courtney, but tell us a little bit more about the what can we expect from the last I've not specifically and then also PowerBook to and and yeah, okay and on and on if in fact you felt like episode 10 was fast. The episodes that follow are inspired a little bit by rashomon. If you guys know that that film if you don't you should watch it but it's basically about several people who are part of the same incident and their different ways of looking at it. And so you are about to learn a lot more about other characters and therefore get a lot of pieces filled in it's almost like stick 6 10 and 6 through 615 are actually almost like a movie of their own. They're almost a five. Our conversation about this day and what happened to everyone in this day. So, you know, it's a high-wire act and it there are going to be some people who just want an episode of Power. You know, I mean, I think it's like I think this goes to the comment that you made before Buzz. I mean bam, which is that for 10 of his very satisfying ending were goes Tommy and Kanan right off into the sunset together and they're all I'll angry at Dre, but that can only sustain that One thing yeah now we're in the end game and this is this is it so and it can you tell us anything about the other alleged rumor spin-offs the alleged rumors been upstairs. It's not they're not rumors there really happening. There's so many of them are busy working on them right now. We're shooting one of them right now. I mean, it's crazy. It's like it's going to be a whole universe of stuff and you're going to get more and more and more and more. Okay, so there's power so whatever they're called and when when when So adorable there is power booktube PowerBook three PowerBook for pound fighter and I tell you anything cause I'm not gonna say which characters are because then you would think that they survived and at least one of them. Is that someone who doesn't so, okay. Well when will win will it start immediately after well as well. They are you bi are staring Eric well, too it's too early for me to say well, okay. Okay, we'd like it to are exactly when powered it. Okay. Well, this is Bittersweet. I feel like because you know, we've been Doing this for six seasons now and I don't know who are going to have you back. I hope so. I'll come back from 15. Can we find you on social media? Oh God, barely. I'm on Instagram and I'm on Twitter and I don't do anything anything else. No Snapchat another like that. I'm at Courtney Kemp. I think I'm at Courtney Kemp on Twitter and at Courtney egg hunt on his perfect Jimmy. Where can we find James your boy Jimmy V. @v Jimmy be you guys can find me on all of my social media at Robin Aires. I'm everywhere at stiletto Jill and you can find me on all social media at BAM Erickson and thank you guys for keeping my trailer my film Uncle it's bucket list comes out on November 26 and you can go to my Instagram page at Uncle Ed's bucket list for more information. Thank you guys for watching and we will be back January of 20 2010. Yeah. Thank you for watching. Yes, we can. To all the fans, of course. Look forward to seeing you guys check this out. Yes comments every comment. We appreciate all of Them even The Crazy Ones. Yes. Thank you so much for everyone. Thanks you guys bye-bye. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever your grave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz. See you later. Views expressed herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners our principal.
Afterbuzz hosts discuss the mid-season finale titled "No One Can Stop Me" with creator and show runner Courtney Kemp. Courtney answers all our questions and reveals what Power spin-offs to look for next. About Power After Show: Follow our POWER AFTER SHOW, to see how our hosts follow a man who successfully lives his crazy double life. We discuss this extravagant lifestyle with all the surprising twists that occur in the show. Subscribe here for in depth discussions, reviews and recaps including some of your favorite cast members. ABOUT POWER: The series follows James St. Patrick, nicknamed "Ghost", owner of a popular New York City nightclub. In addition, he is a major player in one of the city's biggest illegal drug networks. He struggles to balance these two lives, and the balance topples when he realizes he wants to leave the drug ring in order to support his legitimate business. It appears James "Ghost" St. Patrick has it all -- a drop-dead gorgeous wife, a stunning Manhattan penthouse, and the power and success that come with owning hot new nightclub Truth. But a closer look reveals a man living a double life. When Ghost isn't tending to his Fortune 500 business, he's catering to clients of another operation: a drug empire that serves only the rich and influential. While loyal sidekick Tommy protects the cash-cow narcotics venture at all costs, Ghost's new reality is using Truth as more than a front to launder money. It's a way out of the drug game and into a legitimate life with his family, even if everything he loves becomes unknowingly threatened. "Power" is co-executive produced by Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson (who also co-stars) and show creator Courtney Kemp ("The Good Wife").
This episode is brought to you by Spotify on Spotify. You can tune in to all of your favorite podcasts playlist and party Tunes literally for free. Like I don't even have a premium account right now. You can tune into my podcast and so many of my guests podcast on Spotify and you'll never miss an episode because you can just click follow and they will let you know when there's a new episode and if you have premium you can download the episodes and listen literally Whenever Wherever like on the airplane when your super boredAdd flying to Paris. So if you don't already have it downloaded the Spotify app, you can search for the mindset magic manifestation podcast. Be sure to follow me so you can get notified every week for the new episode. Welcome to the mindset magic and manifestation podcast. I'm your host. Mckaela. Mckaela I'm a manifestation mindset coach. And blogger if you're ready to dive in deep get real AF about your belief and manifest the life of your dreams. Then you're in the right place. I'm dishing out everything. You need to go For Broke too. Bougie first class to world class. If you're a hashtag life goals involve a luxury travel and being the boss of your own life. They get ready to embrace your mindset magic and manifestation Powers. Let's do this. Oh my God you guys. Hello. Hi, this is Michaela from the podcast. I mean, hello, it's been a freakin minute since I sat down and did a solo episode and I'm really excited to talk your ear off today and give you guys the update on my life. Everything that's been going on recent manifestations from travel. We're going to talk a little bit about certainty today. We're going to talk a little bit about the meltdowns. I've been having like having and everything in between. In the so I have so many good things to share with you guys. I've missed you. So freaking much. Oh my God, like life has been fucking crazy. But hello, if you don't know me, I'm Michaela, obviously the host of this podcast and I teach Millennial women how to live the next level looks life. And it's the best job I could ever have I'm obsessed with what I do. So first things first as always today's episode is sponsored by rules of Radiance so this is my brand-new four-week course, we start in like two weeks. So if you're listening to this when this comes out go sign up immediately so you can get the first workbook so you can get the pre-work but let me rewind so what is rules are radiance my whole entire freakin life changed when I decided on new rules for my life. We all live lives governed by these rules these like bullshit rules that were taught growing up and are taught from just our society, but Are not actually real like we truly do make the rules of our life and that's what manifestations all about and when I realized that and tap into that energy, I really unlocked everything for me. And that's what I'm teaching you in rolls Radiance. It's four weeks long. We're going to give you Mega Clarity on the things that you want so you can call it in super easily because you're going to rewrite the rules around all of that. And so if that little Spiel just sounds interesting to you. I will leave the link below and you guys can check out all the details on the sales page, but go get your booty in. Is there's already the pre-work in there? So you need to get started like yesterday and today's spiritual Splurge OMG. I kind of can't even with us fresh and lean. So if you don't follow me on Instagram go follow me right now at the Michaela J, which is also linked in the show notes, but I've been getting meal delivery services and specifically with fresh and lean and it's been such a game changer. This is not sponsored. They are not a meal prep kit. It they come with these like vegan organic. I chose the low-carb option meals that are pre-made. All you do is take them out of the box. You put them in the fridge and when you're ready to eat them you take off one little piece of plastic pop it in the microwave for 3 minutes and your meal is literally made like, oh my God such a freaking game changer for me because I don't know how many times have talked about this but food such a stressful thing for me like I can never decide what I want to eat or when I want to eat or you know the idea of cooking. I'm going to have a busy day or if I'm launching something in a lots going on. I just don't have time to make a full like healthy meal and then I don't eat healthy and then life just gets bad. So that has been my spiritual Splurge. It has been the best thing to invest in in just know that like every day when school is crazy and work is crazy and all these things are going on and I could just come home and in three minutes, I can pop one of the meals in the microwave and I know it's vegan and I know it's organic and you know, it's healthy best. Feeling ever let me tell you sister. So I will leave their website Linked In the show notes as well. Like I said, I get the low-carb option because my body just does better on low carbs and the meals have been so good. So I'm loving that but let's chat on all things this episode is about so, oh my God, I went on this grand tour of the world. Just kidding. I really didn't I went to Cancun for like a week and then I came home for me. 36 hours and then went to Palm Springs for almost a week probably like six five six days and it was wild and I have so many stories to tell you and also in the midst of all of this the week before that was like midterms. So I was like midterms Cancun was during my spring break and then I actually missed a bunch of school when I was in Palm Springs because I was at a mastermind event and that was Madness. I'm not going to lie the week before can. Cocoon was one of the worst weeks of my life. It was just so stressful. I hadn't papers do I had projects do I still had to go to class there were events. I was doing things for work. I felt like I didn't have time to do anything. I was trying to get in, you know those last minute workout. So I could look snatched for the beach. It was Madness and then I came back and I actually basically had two weeks for spring break because I missed another week for being a Palm Springs and all the homework had piled in politics. And it's actually why I've been a little bit Mia of normally we do like Soul episode interview Soul episode interview, but I've been a little Mia and just uploading the interviews because everything has been so fucking crazy and I just want to talk about this for a minute because I don't know. I just feel like people don't talk about the meltdowns as much and I know there are people in my audience listening to this whether you're just balancing like work and life whether you're balancing school and work or maybe work and kids or whatever your Balancing were always juggling lots of things and I think it's okay for us to know that meltdowns are part of the process that it's just showing that we're processing everything that's going on around us. There is a lot going on and giving ourselves the permission to really feel through those feelings has been really important for me. So I was losing my effing mind. I didn't do one of my papers I could I didn't do two of my papers that were due during midterms week one actually. Extended due date so I had an extra week to work on that but I was working when I was at both events. So it's not like I had, you know, three hours to sit down and write a paper like I was doing work stuff. And so the the 36 hours. I was home. I had to write one paper and I swear to God my boyfriend had to take me to Starbucks and be like we are going and you're getting a drink and we're going to sit here until you finish this damn paper basically and then 30 minutes. It's later the Starbucks Lobby closed. So we had to go home and then I have to finish it there. But when I start when I started to do it, I finished it in probably like 45 minutes. It was like less than an hour. That was my one paper that was in English. So that one was really quick and then the second paper I just never did and I'm actually turning it in this week to my professor because I emailed her when I was in Palm Springs. She had emailed me and was like, hey, I didn't see her paper what's going on and I just told her that like, I think I'm having a really hard time balancing. Work and school this semester. Like I kind of told her what was going on and I travel basically part-time like I don't like his crazy over here, you know, y'all know you guys know what's going on. And so I was just really honest with her because I couldn't bring myself to sit down and write the paper in Palm Springs. I just could not and she was like, okay when you get back into Lincoln come see me in my office we can talk about an extension blah blah blah and then I came home from all of my trips and felt. It so in and over my head because I was working on the trips, but it was like I was with my clients in Cancun and then Joe and I spent one day planning all of quarter to so I was still like working. I was hosting an event for my clients and that was working on the business and not in my business and then I was in Palm Springs and I was working on the business not in the business while we were at The Mastermind a tree so I was falling behind and stuff for work. Like obviously one podcast was up. Lee and I didn't do a podcast last week so that kind of fell behind on the back burner and I was really just trying to keep up with like my clients and calls and just making sure I had to do the things that were required of me for my job and then for school I had just missed little assignments. There was a book I needed to read for French. I mean extra papers another project translations and I just got to this point where I was so overwhelmed like I don't even know how to describe it to you guys like I was crying like every other day. I had such low energy. It was wild the week. I the week after I got back I could just feel myself having no energy. I felt exhausted all the time. I felt like I couldn't get anything done. I would do two or three things and then I'd be like, I need to take a nap or like I can't do homework because I physically don't have the energy to and I'm really really in tuned with my energy because of the work that I do and because of everything I know about manifestation. It's like I need to honor when I feel like I need a break and I need to honor when I really feel like I need to sit down and get shit done. So all of that was just crazy. I was still really behind I'm still playing catch-up honestly last week. I did catch up on a lot of things but this week is my final catch up week and I'm super excited to say I only have five days of school left. I do have like finals to turn in but they're just projects and essays and I just turned them in online. So I actually only physically need to show up in a classroom for five more days, which is amazing and the best feeling ever but really when I want people to take away from me spilling the beans on how my life has felt like a hot mess lately is to just know it's okay. It's okay to be a work in progress and still be making progress. Does that make sense? Like for me? I'm always like oh my gosh, like I need to get my shit together, and I really need to bounce back and I need to get back in the game. I need to keep moving forward with my Is forward get my school shit done while on the back burner. I just feel like a hot mess and I feel like they are kind of not ironic. But what's that word? Contradictory I had to literally stop the recordings. I could figure out what the word was. I always felt like it was so contradicting that I would like show up and be moving things forward and look like I have my shit together, but like feel like a hot mess in the back burner and still trying to figure things out but it's like you can still help change lives. You can still show up being the best you you can be in that moment and still be a work in progress. I think all of life is just this giant work of progress and as actually You about this today when I was laying in bed. I was looking out the window. I was frustrated as hell this morning because I needed to go back to school and I felt like I was just was not prepared and I was like, okay working on some of my homework and then you know computer died iPad died everything all the technology failed me then I got super frustrated and just like felt overwhelmed and let myself kind of go down the spiral and I was looking out my window looking into a Clear Blue Sky Thinking like why can't we just get get to a point where everything is really good and it just stays there. We don't have to keep doing the work and I just remember thinking like that's just not how life works like that would be so boring. Imagine. If okay you got abs like you worked really hard and you ate really healthy and you went to the gym and you got abs and then you just get abs for the rest of your life and you don't have to do anything for them. Well, then you're probably not going to go to the gym. You're probably not going to pay attention to your health, and then you're not going to Have that hobby of you know, like taking care of yourself and then life gets a little bit more boring because you're not focus on the things that you enjoy like, obviously if you work we're working to getting abs you enjoy working out and enjoy being healthy and least I do and you would lose that part or think about like, okay once you make a million dollars in your set to make a million dollars every single year and it's like, what's the thrill The Thrill is like continuing to go there always continuing to push its continuing. Going to up level yourself and keep doing the work and keep uncovering yourself and coming back Inward and kind of unlearning all the bullshit. We've been learning and so I just had this realization. It's like it can't always just be like one in done because that would be boring and that's not what we're here for. We're here to experience the Earth experience because it's fun and it's wild and it's unlike any other experience. So that was a side tangent, but I want you guys to know it's okay. Be making progress and also be a work in progress because I think that's really important. And like I said, I just had a meltdown today, but here I am like sharing with you guys all of my lessons and I'm feeling way better and I'm in such a better energy and it's because I let myself be a work in progress while also showing up and the way that I just like got through my weird funk. I literally took a nap. I let myself cry for probably like five minutes and then I was like, okay, this is a little ridiculous and then I just gave myself a date. Off from school as actually feeling really sick and part of my like psychic abilities as I can really feel things in my body. So I actually felt super sick and like my chest felt really heavy and then I found out the Notre Dame it was going up in flames and so I could actually feel that in my body before I found out what was going on and because of that, you know, I can't really explain it to my teachers. So I just told them I was feeling sick and I didn't go to school and I let myself nap. I let myself rest and recharge and Smoothie and just kind of vegged out on the couch watching some YouTube and then I went to the gym and had a really good workout and then felt finally motivated and energized again to get back into things. So it's giving yourself the space that you need accepting now, you're not going to be perfect all of the time and knowing that like being perfect all the time would be super fucking boring anyways, so there's that. I've been learning a lot through these breakthroughs and I'm definitely in a new energy than I was probably in the last Isola episode I don't even remember when the lasso episode was but one of my big take aways from even my the event I was at in Palm Springs was like it's okay to be in your feminine energy, which is something I've been working on for a really long time and me and my friend Haley topper recorded an episode and she will be on the podcast really soon and she's giving us great tips on how to kind of tap into your feminine energy and be okay with that but it's not even focusing on a lot since the retreat and kind of theme of the retreat was like Then God it would Grace of goddess. That's what it was. And I remember at the beginning of the retreat feeling so cringy about the word goddess, and I've talked about this in my Instagram stories before but by the end of the retreat and just kind of accepting it and we did this crazy like breathwork thing which will have to tell you guys about in another episode because that's a whole other story. But oh my God, it was so wild but after doing all that I felt really comfortable with like having goddess energy and tapping into the boats. Goddess powers and I was just like being okay with being feminine and like feeling my emotions and being in flow and I need to be in slowing down when my body really needs me to and it's just been such a fascinating thing and especially with all the meltdowns. I feel like I've been having lately because this semester has truly been a test. This whole semester has been really really difficult for me school buys and mentally and emotionally and energetically It's yeah, it's just really interesting to learn through your meltdown. So whenever you guys feel like you're kind of collapsing and you're like, I don't know what the hell's going on in my life. Everything's kind of a fucking mess. Just see what lessons you can pick and pull out of it because once you can become the Observer once you can pull yourself outside of it and kind of look as if you're telling a friend about it or telling a stranger when you can start to observe in that way really interesting things come up and I think those are our biggest and best teachers is Just looking inward getting those answers in word and kind of figuring it out that way. So that's a little bit about how life's been crazy. Lots of meltdowns. I wanted to explain why I've been a little Mi on the podcast because school has been such Madness and if you guys want an episode all about balance and balancing school and balancing work and balancing craziness. Let me know just shoot me a d on Instagram. I'm at the Michaela J. And you guys can always let me know what you want to hear from the podcast. But if you guys want to hear more about I've been handling school and work. I can definitely talk on that more as well. It's been coming up a lot in interviews have been doing lately too. So with not without further Ado I want to tell you guys about Cancun because kanken was fucking wild as is all of my trips. I just think they lost and I think about it Cancun was crazy. So I held a retreat for my Platinum clients in my mind some magic a manifestation method. Graham which is my signature course when you do Platinum you get a three day event with me. I plan a super-secret and fun Excursion you find out when you get there and it was just so much fun. So we were in Cancun. We stayed at the Ritz Carlton it was so amazing you guys already know I love the Reds this special Excursion that I planned for the girls is we're taking a catamaran which is this little boat to an island called Isla Mujeres and It had like an open bar. We had lunch on the beach, which was also a buffet. We met a ton of foreign exchange students. It was just such a party in such a blast. And then other than that, we were hanging out on the by the pool hanging out by the beach. We were doing workshops. We watched documentaries about aliens because I love weird shit. We drink a lot of alcohol. It was just genuinely such a good time is so much fun. I love doing Live Events. Events like the best thing ever on their last day of our event the Ritz has a buffet for breakfast and we sat in the buffet area for like four hours because you know, you pay once you can eat however much you want. We've literally sat at the buffet area for four hours and did workshops ate food had mimosas. I had like every fucking drink you guys so they do only fresh like fresh pressed orange juice there. So I had like Jessica orange juice. I had a mimosa I Out of soy cappuccino. I had just normal hot drip coffee. And I also had water like it was really excessive and it was the best time ever and I even took a mimosa to go it was it was wonderful but so all about happened, but even before that happened when Joe and I were on our way, we had an overnight layover in Atlanta. And so I just like got us a hotel Sweden have to sleep in the airport and we ended up getting food at this restaurant that was connected to the hotel we're staying Yeah, and in that restaurant, we just so happened to meet the family of one of the Real Housewives of Atlanta. I think the woman we met I think it was her niece who is a real housewife and I can't remember which housewife it is, Joe would be really disappointed with me, but that was fucking wild and it was crazy because literally for probably a week or two before we left Joe was just like I really want to see a real housewives of Atlanta like over and over and over again, so Basically manifested that was crazy. And then I ended up having like a full-blown like our coaching session with the family member because she likes sat down I told her about the work I did and then she was just like I want to do this this and that with my life because I feel like I can't because blah blah blah and I'm like, yes, you can sister and we just like had this whole coaching session. It was really intense and I honestly super exhausted afterwards, but it was a great time. So that was just really wild and Joe was just like super / mind-blown afterwards. It was great. It was really fun for him to see kind of the work that I do up close and personal. Yeah, so that was great and then we got to Cancun and we decided that we were going to get upgraded in the rinse. I was hosting an event. I wanted a sweet. It wasn't even an option when I booked online to get a suite so that was weird, but I'm here kind of decided like okay, we're hosting this event like we are getting a sweet like there's no way we're not getting up. Into a suite like who fucking cares how it happens, but it's going to happen. So we show up at the Ritz and we showed up a couple hours before check in just because that's when our flight landed our flight landed pretty semi early in the morning and we got there and they're like, okay we need like you have this room. It's a king bed and you have this view when this balcony a ball while they basically list off the things that I booked online now like okay give us 20 minutes and then we can take you to the room. So 20 minutes and then they Take us to the room and it is just a normal room exactly how I ordered it and we're kind of like, okay, whatever. It was a really good size and we had a huge balcony which was really nice, but the view wasn't all that great. It definitely wasn't a sweet and so we were kind of like, okay and we start unpacking and Joe's like hanging or close up and I did a live for some of my clients in our client Facebook group and you know this whole time we hadn't really talked about not being in a suite like Joe and I I went into the room. We didn't really say anything to each other about the sweet but in my heart I'm like, we're still getting upgraded like there is no way we're not getting upgraded. I put my energy behind this and every time I put my energy behind something I received that so I'm I was like, I'm literally not available for not staying in a suite and we're in the room. I finish up my live. We just finished unpacking all of our clothes Jose hung everything up. I laid out all of my shoes like we're getting settled in trying to sit at we're sitting on the bed literally figuring out like what do we want to do now? Next we want to go to the pool. Do we want to go to the beach? Do we want to get drinks? Like what do we want to do? And I you just hear this Bang from the fucking bathroom and we just look at each other. Like what the hell was that and I get up and I walk in the bathroom. And so the bathroom has like the shower tub two sinks and then the toilet is in like it looks like a little closet but it's like inside the bathroom and I look in the bathroom in the little claws over the toilet is and a painting. Fell off the wall literally neither of us were even in there. We were sitting on the bed this painting fully just fell off the wall on its own and not only that it knocked the telephone off the wall because they have phone telephones in the bathrooms and knocked it into the toilet. So it was like a whole situation the whole phone was ripped out of the wall and I walk out on and I'm like Joe a painting fell off the fucking Wall, and he just looks at me and goes is this how we're getting upgraded and I was like hell yeah it is. It was so wild like this just goes to show like you guys you can never predict how things are going to happen. There's no way I could have been like, okay, we're going to get upgrade it and you know, we're going to unpack all of our shit. We're going to sit on the bed and we're going to talk about the drinks one order. I'm going to talk about getting chips and salsa by the pool and you know, what's going to happen a painting soon? Off the wall. Like there is no way I could predict something like that. There's no way anybody would and so it was just crazy. So after that Joe calls the office and they're like, okay, we're so sorry if you guys want to move rooms pack up your stuff and bring them in bring like your bags downstairs. So you did that which was kind of annoying because we've just unpacked. We're like hell yeah, we're getting a sweet and we get downstairs and a woman sent the desk. It was a different woman than because a man check to since this was a woman. She was like, can I help you guys? Are you ready to change? Check out I'm like, yeah, we were in the room that's falling apart and she just looked at me the wide eyes and she's like, oh, yeah. Yeah, we have you in this other room that is way nicer and way bigger and it was so funny. She's like mortified of what I had said basically, but I said I Only Could joking nice weight. Like I wasn't being a bitch about it. Of course, I choose like, okay. Well we have this really nice room on the fifth floor for you guys, but it's just going to take a couple hours to get ready. So we'll hold your backs and like You guys can get lockers downstairs and let us know anything you need and blocks were like, okay great cool, whatever and they told us it was going to be ready by certain time. So Joe and I just went and hung by the pool. We got something to eat and then we came back up at that time and the room still wasn't ready. We had to wait extra hour and at that point we were kind of annoyed because really we just want to check into the room like be settled in you know, and then finally we get to this room they take us to and it is I'm not Ting you guys it was smaller than the first room less nice and the only better thing about it was it had a better View and so we're in the room and the guy brings up our luggage. He's like you saw anything we can get for you and we're like, nope. We're fine. Thanks and the guy lives. I mean Joe just look at each other and I like, um, what the fuck and Joe is so mad at this point. He calls asks for a manager and is like we want a suite like this is ridiculous, and they said that they couldn't get us a suite Told the next day because all of them were literally full we're like fine. We'll switch tomorrow the ladies like you want to switch in the middle of your stay and we're like, yes, we would love to because my clients didn't actually come until the next day. So that worked out really well. And yeah, that's how we got upgraded into a sweet and then we did get upgraded into the only Suite in the entire hotel that had two full bathrooms. So that was amazing and the sweets are two bedroom. So it's like one bedroom and then there's a bathroom and a closet. It in there, but there's also a living room. It had like a double patio. Like there's a patio from the bedroom to patio from the living room and then a whole nother bathroom. It was so freaking nice. I was so happy it all worked out literally perfectly. It was so good for the event and the manifestations didn't end there. Basically the whole time we were there I had this hunch not even hunch. I was basically manifesting seeing some celebs because I was like, we're at the Ritz like we're going to see like No, some nice. Rich famous people. And of course, we did DJ Pauly D from Jersey Shore was staying at the hotel at the exact same time. So was Ray shrem murdered because they performed at the MTV Spring Break and then no other they are Vinny from Jersey Shore was there and plus a couple of other really big names that I was not that I don't really know of I just saw they had like millions of followers on Instagram when I Ali looked them up and they were all staying in the sweets so we couldn't get our sweet the first day because all this loves had all the sweets and then one of the slabs left and we got a sweet. So that was great. And so cool and DJ Pauly D almost came to talk to me with his brother or manager. I can't remember who it was but that was super cool. We ran into them like four times and I was really trying to manifest him inviting me to their show like his show that night but didn't happen. So either one it was for my higher. Good or two, that just means the next time I see him. He's going to invite me because I don't take no for an answer. So Cancun was wild it was crazy and I really want to bring up the point of certainty here. Like I was so certain in our ability to get an upgrade and I was so certain we were going to see something famous and I was certain it was going to be a great time and super luxurious and then I was going to manifest a bunch of shit while I was there. And so that's exactly what I get because it's actually a thing in quantum physics that there is Is this like atom or particle? I don't know exactly what it's called, but all possibilities exist at the same time because it's it's all spinning at once. So I think of it as kind of like this Adam that's double-sided and one side is one possibility and the other side is the other and it's just spinning until you decide which possibility you want to deal with. So it's like one side of the atom is me getting a normal room. And the other side the atom is me getting an upgrade. Well when I decide that I'm only available for the upgrade that Adam stops turning it. Is it just flips to the one side of me getting the upgrade and then it's inevitable because that's what I've decided and I'm explaining this in really bad general terms but because but only because I want it to be super easy and easy to understand and it's not an atom what it's called, but it's just the best word that I can come up with right now because I don't know the actual name for the like Photon thing. I'm not a scientist. Okay guys, I just study Physics in my free time, which I don't have a lot of free time right now. So I'm doing my best. Okay? But when you're a certain and you decide what outcome you want, that's the outcome you're going to get every single time. So just be certain you guys just decide what you want and fucking go after it because Nothing is Stopping You and of course nothing stopped us on the way home. We were in the airport waiting to leave and we were talking about getting upgraded and Jose like I want to get a first class upgrade and I was like hell yeah, I'd be good with any upgrade like let's do it and we got Starbucks when we probably should not have had the time to get Starbucks, but you know, we made it anyways and our wait what airport was that? Maybe it wasn't all the way home. I don't know. We got Starbucks at one point where they easily should have left without us, but we were just the last people aboard the plane. But anyway, so we were like, okay, we're gonna get upgraded Joe's like I want first class. I was like hell, yeah, let's get an upgrade to anything and then we ended up getting upgraded to the exit row. So that was amazing and the most random way because this guy, Guys, baby was sitting in one of our seats and I don't know who cares the how doesn't matter but I learned that instead of saying any upgrade. I only want a first class upgrade that trip was just all around amazing and really showed me that my magic is super super powerful when I am certain and then I went to Palm Springs and it was so good. It was so beautiful there. I went a couple of days early before the event to stay at this golf resort just because Going to chill out. Hang on the hot tub drink some drinks, chill and Order room service, like just lounge around and be lazy and I was manifesting free drinks like left and fucking right the first night. I met like these two random guys who bought me a ton of drinks and they bought me dinner and it was great and simple and I saved a lot of money doing that and another night. I got champagne drunk at the bar by myself because all of these old men kept sitting down talking. Talking to me and I'd be like they were all there for this event and they were basically engineer's they felt like airplane engines and I was like, do you have a private jet and if they didn't I'd be like, oh well like you don't have a private jet. Can you at least like by me champagne and then they literally would like I ate literally worked so easily so I was just manifesting all the free things. It was great how you been manifested some new clients and the trip that I went on. Actually event when The Mastermind girls was so much fun. So good and I just really out of all this I want you guys to take away that travel is definitely a form of personal development because when I'm traveling I'm just out in my magic. I'm just I'll living life. I'm in such flow. I just let things come to me. I just have fun. I'm super playful with it and it's just all around such a good time. I have a hole at podcast episode on why traveling makes manifestation go so quicker. I think it's unlikely. The 30s or something. So just go to my podcast link scroll down and look for it. It's just such an easy way to manifest things because you're in such flow. You're just curious and you're excited and you're not there's not the normal pressures being whoever you need to be at home. There's nothing normal pressures of doing the normal things you do at home. You can just be yourself live your life have fun. I'm going to fast cool shit finesse old men and just live your best life basically and all around it was just Much fucking fine. There was just so much fun. And it was so great to kind of experience a taste of my dream life because I literally was home for 36 hours and I was like missing school. I was just traveling I was drinking I was hanging out with while my friends is such a party basically and it just give me a taste of like what the rest of my life is going to be like because I mean after college, I'm just working for myself and travelling the world and doing all the things that I love. So that was really exciting for me. That's another thing that travel brings do it shows you another or sign of living. It's like some people are like, oh we can't afford to vacation and then they just don't make it a priority and then they never vacation and then their standard of living is just going to work every day and like raising the kids and now we're doing anything fun and cool another comfort zone because they make that their standard but for me like I make travel a fucking priority and so that's my standard of living is traveling a lot because that is my priority. I make it so that that can happen and Certain around it because I decide that that's what's important to me. So this is my me rambling for a really long time. But I had so much fun catching up with you guys and mean I'm sure you've gotten all the good takeaways all the fun lessons that I provided and I hope you guys remember that when you have meltdowns to and your life feels like a hot mess. You're not the only one you're definitely not alone. That was one thing I sent out. I set out with down intention when I started my blog as I wanted people to not feel alone. And actually the very first Retreat I held in Greece I held it because I wanted like a cool group of friends to like travel the world with that would be willing to you know, spend a little bit of money traveling internationally would be interested in the things I was interested in and I just love teaching so a bonus that I was teaching workshops and like going and doing fun things and planning trips and it was just fully with the intention to get out there live and remind people they're not alone remind myself. I'm not alone at all. This that there Are people out there that want to talk about the things that I talked about that when I do the things that I want to do and it's just so freaking good. So if you guys are craving kind of that group of women that Core group of people you want to be around I definitely suggest you join my four week course the rules of Radiance course, which the link will be below because in there you're going to find that community of women that are looking to create the rules around their life and I'm looking to change things up and you can make friends. Like that's the whole point of group programs make friends network with people get to know each other. Each other and it's like one of the most magical things you can do. I love love love love the fact that I've made so many friends online. It's been such a cool experience. So I'm going to stop rambling. This episode is long enough and I will talk to you guys next Tuesday. Bye thanks for driving in and getting your daily dose of personal development with the mindset magic and manifestation podcast. If you loved this episode leave a rate and review on iTunes for notes details and more information. Check out Michaela Jay. Dot-com see you next week.
In episode 53, Mikayla is updating you on all things behind the scenes. From mid terms to Cancun to Palm Springs and everything in between, you're learning her biggest lessons and craziest manifestations as of lately. Hanging out with Pauly D on the beach, getting champagne drunk on old mens' tabs, and being in a total #icanNOT attitude with school. Mikayla is reminding listeners it's okay to make progress while being a work in progress and that they're never alone! In this episode: + It's okay to make progress and be a work in progress + Have some effing certainty plus the science behind why this WORKS + Getting upgraded at the Ritz and seeing celebs + Finessing old men and manifesting all the things in Palm Springs + Travel is personal development RULES OF RADIANCE - The four-week course to kick your ass into gear on writing your own rules, becoming radiant AF and start receiving all the manifestations! We start April 23rd so get in ASAP to start the pre-work!! DETAILS HERE! SPIRITUAL SPLURGE - Fresh n Lean // The vegan low carb meals are to die for!! Save so much time and freaking energy with NOT cooking. Here's the website! FREE MEDITATION HERE! Can't get enough?
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started. Happy New Year Marva lights. Welcome back to Marvel movie news. Don. Today's packed show. We're going to be talking about The Runaways season 2 ours is spider-verse getting some TV spin-offs. I forgot to meet my computer and is ABC going to have the Avengers host? The Oscars will find out that more on today's Marvel movie news, welcome to popcorn featuring movie discussion and interview. We talk moving and here's pop corn stalks Marvel movie news a new year have their I am. Happy New Year. Amy. Happy New Year Marvelettes. Welcome back home. Oh, what a marvelous time. What a marvelous time indeed. Huh? Do you have a great holiday break Amy. I did did you I did it was a lot of fun. I watched a lot of TV a lot of Marvel stuff. This is Marvel movie news. We are coming to you live from Bronson Canyon Los Angeles. It's Where The Runaways were hiding out of runway in case they don't think they say that on the show, but that's where they are. Yeah, that's where that's where the the hostel is. We are on popcorn talk on YouTube. You can find us on Twitter at Marvel news ptn. Or you can follow the popcorn talk at the popcorn. Talk on Twitter. You can also if you too. Tweet a link out. Both of those accounts will retweets make sure you tag and put the live event Link in your Tweet. There's so much talk about it so much. I'm Zach Wilson. This is Amy Cassandra Martinez. We got Jeff in the booth. Thank you Jeff. You got it guys. I'm glad to be here. We're going to talk about the there's a new Captain Marvel trailer today to tease you guys what we're going to talk about. There's I'm not even tease everything as so we're going to talk about spider-verse potential TV spin-offs. That's now floating out there in The Ether The Punisher trailer dropped this morning. So if you haven't seen that we're going to take a look at it. And the academy is genuinely considering having the Avengers host the Oscars. It's gonna happen so out there there's some and we're going to talk about not all of us run away season 2, so you haven't finished it. Don't worry. We're gonna be careful about spoilers, but we are going to talk about our first reactions to what we've each scene of the show. Let's start off with Captain Marvel. Let's say the movie is two months out tickets are on sale now. I'm somebody who works super late on Thursday night so I can never see get get those like early screening tickets. I play it by ear and like find a genuine midnight screening sometimes. Yeah, but you can get your tickets now. You can't get ready. I'm actually going to go to there's like a fan event going on which I really don't know what that means. But it popped up on I'm part of the AMC Stubs a list not sponsored, but hey, we're here if you want to but yeah, so I saw and I signed up and I was like I'm going so I'm going nice. AMC a list not a sponsored but it's why I've seen spider-verse so many times in theaters Italy is three and I plan to see it at least once if not two more times because with I don't have to pay for the ticket. I just pay my monthly feet. Okay, it's great for people who love to re watch movies. Anyway, so Captain Marvel out in two months. Let's take a look at the third trailer and then talk about it. This one's faster. It's only a minute and a half, which is great. Did you have a rough day agent Fury? Yeah, but I've never seen this so my mouth will be stationed on the whole time. Remember we talked about how they needed that sort of pop music like fasting that's what that's exactly what they're doing here. They're giving you their giving us exactly what we talked about. You know, they're giving us Grandma. I love this prove. You're not a scroll that's a photon blast and I was a girl cannot do that. I'm just supposed to take your word today. Love the eyebrows ass that that Carols giving to Nick Fury in that moment. But you'd like the rumors then back and forth continue about whether he is Marvel or not. And I you guys can look those up. I won't give you tell you what the current state of those. Rumors are many point where I don't want to know anything else. Yeah anymore. And this is trailers mostly footage that we've seen. Yeah, there's a couple of extra things like enough that it's like okay, I'm seeing more. I love that so much from my favorite things. Look at that. Look at it here. Announcing your identity on clothing help with the covert part of your job the space soldier who was wearing a rubber suit. I love that because it's totally true Shield has way too much branded clothing. I love it. I really I want a whole Shield costume / outfit. I have a shield like cardigan for some reason. I hope the wear it one of these days one of these weeks. Yeah. So did this trailer get you more hyped. I know we were headed we're talking through. Yes, we have to talk over it. Yeah, I would say Yeah, I think there's going to be a lot more sass that we haven't seen in previous trailers. So we were able to get that this time around and yeah, just to see the interaction between her and Nick Fury. It's going to be really exciting. It was nice seeing like a little more of the emotion like a human emotion from from Carol because we've seen a lot of her as they her I guess what I could say like her mind wiped Creed form where she doesn't know who she is and that's very she's very stoic in that but this were like, okay. So now I The The Human Side of this character not just the like presentable version. Like Carol is going to be fun. She's gonna be a cool like fun person that gets me more excited. Yeah, and I think that's way more approachable for people that don't know anything about her to be excited about this movie to be like, oh, okay. So she is going to figure out like who she is hopefully at some point but she's going to be fun along the way even when she doesn't know who she is. Yeah. I like the photon blast thing. She's like a creek and not do that and Nick. It's like I don't know. How am I supposed to know? That what's really cool is like this. Apparently Nick Fury like when he's just starting out. Yeah, it's like him and I like the hint that we're basically seeing the origins of the Avengers Initiative because he's talking to Coulson and call centers that you think you can find others this she's just the beginning which feels like it's like a really late in the prot in the movie scene because that's like him going like we gotta find more of these peoples have form. I don't know some kind of avenging body. Something that sounds like Avengers, but I like that it's the beginning of the O8 sevens and like so she's sort of one of the first like of their like the always sevens that Nick Fury and Coulson encounter will be really funny is if Coulson I from this. I'm almost thinking that Coulson might be above Nick Fury at the moment. That's an interesting thought which like is totally possible depending on where like because Coulson. Yeah, I mean, maybe not but either way I love Love that we're going to get to see them work together again. Give me anything with Phil Coulson. I'll be happy. I mean right now that we don't have an association and Lola Funko on the desk. Yeah right now I need I need more Coulson in my life because Agents of Shield isn't currently on. Yeah. Well, we only have four for five months until new season of Agents of Shield and oh I'll be talking about that. So we've got that coming that trailer looks really cool this actually I think we talked about it during the last trailer. The trailers up until now have not gotten me super hyped about the movie. I was already typed. They just didn't do anything to raise my level of excitement the way that like the infinity War trailers like I wanted to keep watching them because it looks so crazy. Like what I was seeing this is like, okay. This is sort of I don't know what the plot is but this is sort of what I was expecting to see ya this trailer is like, okay, here's the emotion and the feeling that that like pop song actually helps like it just like it's a little more than just like a Or so gets me sort of more amped for the movie. This one this one this trailer is more to me more effective than the one so far. Yeah. Yeah. I'm glad people on the chat are excited, too. Yeah, Jay Snowden says, I'm excited for young Colson. I hope we get young may I would scream in the theater if we got to see a young man? That's what I've yelled about because it'd be so easy you technically it's so far in the past. You wouldn't even you could use ming-na Wen, but you wouldn't have to you can just get Person with though if you're gonna do it but like yeah eat or even just like a reference like Ava I'll call my partner May and then go from there. Like that's all I need Marvel. I want to see her I want to see her but I'm just saying you could get away with it. I'm hoping that just because Clark Gregg is there he pushed for something like that. Even as Marvel Studios and Marvel TV still hate each other more more. I'm hoping that that clerk drugs. Can we just can I just call can I call her up and you know, but we'll have to wait and see two months guys two months and we get Captain Marvel. What a beautiful Year. Yes, very exciting. This actually didn't have on the rundown. But this remote this trip that's reminded me. They did say about the Avengers and game trailers and everything everything that we've seen and everything that we will see is going to be from the first 15 minutes of the movie. They're not going to put anything further than Ten minutes in into promotional material. So if you're like, oh no, I can't watch The Avengers and gametrailers. You apparently don't have to worry about it because it's just going to be right at the top which is fantastic and I actually love that they're telling us because that makes me feel more comfortable looking at promotional materials. There were other leaks that came out this week that I'm not going to talk about because they're toys or leaks which we generally are going to keep ya to the thing but like just costumes and stuff that like hint at things and like Samuel Jackson's I tell you this that you can look it up if you want to Samuel Jackson might have slept in an interview and let out some spoilers for both Captain Marvel and Avengers endgame. I have not heard of it. Yeah, so not gonna look I'm not going to tell you what it is, but he made some comments in an interview that would theoretically spoil stuff that we've talked about. It's like theories. It might confirm some theories that we've had there also some IMDb listings of this is separate thing but there are some IMDb listings of like era specific people like 70s car girl and it's like what is that mean IMDb and they also listed a bunch of actors that you the ancient one is currently listed on IMDb for endgame, but it's but it's IMDb which is wholly unreliable because people from the theater people from the studio do not act necessarily actively update that you somewhat user-generated, right, but you can look at that you can see See that list if you want. Yeah, it's probably just to me it's flashbacks. It's set up. It's like oh what happened they if you use so if you've seen that if they use footage from Doctor Strange where you see the ancient one, they technically have to credit her. So that's that's what I think that is. I think it's going to be other characters flashing back to what they've been through as you would in a culmination of ten years of moviemaking. I mean, it was that just means really the possibilities are endless. I think we're all trying to it's that one. Meme or GIF is that gif of the woman with like the whole, you know, like screen in front of her of all these numbers and things and I think every single time I get a little something we're just trying to figure out exactly what that means. But it's nice to know that they've got our backs. Yeah, that means you know, everything that we've seen is only the first 15 minutes. Don't worry about the footage. We're good very least cute. Alright some Sony news real quick morbius is apparently already set to wrap filming this year in I'm a they'll be done by may I can't even believe this movie is happening. Let alone that it's done. I know there are at least 90 days five months out. But so fast that they like they Jared Leto made some comments that may or may not be connected to Venom. They're not really concerned about it. So it'll probably be more Standalone at this point. You're just making a vampire movie though. Like I don't know that happy about it vampire movie then is that what you're saying? I just don't know what morbius. I don't know. What morbius has to do with like to me. The more bees take on vampires is not so unique that you need to do a whole movie form without Spider-Man like him as a villain for Spider-Man. I could be interested in that that might be cool thing to do. But as his own character, I don't see it time will tell people like Venom it made it made so much money. It made a made over 800 million dollars at the box office so much so that the sequel is officially moving. Head and now has a writer. Yeah, Kelly Marcel who we have a we have a picture of there's there's her with with Tom Hardy. I think it was from one of the Venom like events good for her. She is officially being put on board of writing SQL. She was one of the writers on the first movie a lot of movies nowadays have a room. Yeah, but she will be writing. She's also so written 50 Shades of Grey you guys might have heard of that but she'll apparently like didn't love the version that was in theaters. So don't let that scare you. Yeah, and that's also like that somebody who is like we're who learns to write adaptations? Yeah, like that's a huge deal. Especially when you're talking about creating this especially don't forget Melissa Rosenbaum wrote Twilight who created Jessica Jones. Yes, which I would argue is. Me the best marble thing that's ever happened ever personally, but that's just me. It's certainly up there. I think after the last season of Daredevil that we got it was just like whoa. She's also credited for writing saving mr. Banks for Disney. I saw that for the first time. Yeah. Yeah. I mean I here's the thing I think with writers you can never just judge them on a thing that they did because they're going to want to do multiple genres of writing and some you'll like some you won't but the thing is that there are people pull out there that enjoy every single thing that some of these people create so ye positivity because I'm actually I'm pretty pumped about the sequel to Venom not gonna lie. I'm more I'm more interested in the sequel than I was in the original because I think that I just the villains of the original were boring but a Venom vs. Carnage movie it depending on how they do. It could be really interesting and I just wig that we all love and I hope they Layup they joked a lot about this being like a rom-com and it keeps it kept saying like Venom's a rom-com. It wasn't but I want that version. I mean, let's just like let's fully go into all the possibilities, you know, like we don't we don't really know. So I think that they're going to have fun with it. And I know that there's some people that really do not care for Venom, but there are some of us out there that really did have fun. So I'm curious to see exactly what they're going to take from the first one and really like change or just like, you know, really go into for the second one. Yeah. Yeah. I think call me for me for me. I was not a huge fan of it. But I think there were enough pieces of it that like with a proper villian. It could be really interesting and I think you need to play up the fun of the relationship angle between Eddie and Venom where treat it like it's a romantic relationship not just like this whatever it was in the first one. I think if you treat it like a romance it will be more fun. And that's what you're going to need especially against the darkness of like what Harrelson's Carnage, which would be a guy? I think he's a great choice. I hope they let him be as violent. They let the movie be as violent as Carnage should be yeah you there's a way to do it Deadpool Once Upon a Deadpool shown us that there is you can still do the same plot points without the gore. But Carnage is it's in his name. I know but it's not worry. It almost feels like you're missing pieces of it. Yeah, I know, but it'll be Be interesting to see it and to see exactly how much it's going to change. Yeah, I mean, I'm sure they're going to take our input, you know and chat for sure because they watch this so we'll see what that means. Really. Let's talk about award season guys. This is a big year for Marvel for awards. Yes. There's there's the Golden Avenger and we're going to talk about the Academy Awards themselves. I was in a minute, but I thought we would talk about just who all got nominated this year because the the like Marvel keeps racking up the nominations spider-verse won a Golden Globe for best animated feature. So cool. Disney usually has those on lock either through Pixar or their own animated things. But like Sony and Marvel came in and like spider first like we don't have time to go into a deeper review today because there's so much to cover but that movie is so it's so good. There was never a question whether it earned that that win like I really like Ralph breaks the internet. Oh, yeah, and I just saw that one too. Really nice. Yeah. Yeah. It was fun. But did you but what I mean don't feel like you have to say it just because it's a Marvel show and honestly, I'm not biased and all because I love Ralph in that hole. I mean, I guess now it's a baby franchise, but the amount of Skill that it took to create how you know how different spider-verse was like that should be recognized. Yeah, and it was whether you're a Marvel fan a DC fan. You don't like comic books at all. Like this was completely different than anything we've ever seen and that deserved a Golden Globe. Yes, sir. Yes. So happy for them. Yeah. So we have that black panther is well inspirers. I you know excited I have much I've loved that movie. I don't know how I can get my shoes up onto the desk do it but I got hey, I'm where I'm rocking the the official spider-verse Jordans got over the break nice. They were not cheap to find especially in my giant shoe size, but they but I very much enjoyed walking around in Miles issues feel like we need to do like a whole, you know, like swipe up from the link to get these but not sponsored but like if people want to get them, will you share a link on your That's all second market. Now. They sold out like that. It's the it's the it's the shoe collected sneaker sneaker heads. I had to go on eBay to get them. Hey, but whatever you got to do. Yeah, but I but I've reached Step I Take I think about spider-verse now people in the chat are really liking your shoes. Yeah, it's they're very comfortable. But also, I remember how much I spent on them, which I'm not going to share. Well, it's an investment, you know for your future. Yes for the universe. That is Marvel. No, but that's how much that movie I I literally bought them because that movie helped like put me in such a good mood that like thinking about it actually and listen to the soundtrack which I did a lot on like I went on a road trip and I listened that Century probably five times while I was on this trip and everything that reminds me that movie is like, oh, yeah, the world's not all terrible. I mean the world is terrible, but but there's a little glimmer of hope because we can all wear the mask or the shoes in this case. That really I mean true back to award season some other nominations that we got black panther did not win anything at the Golden Globes. Yeah, but it was nominated for a Writers Guild award for script for adapted screenplay. It was nominee for producers Guild Award for best feature all expect the the helmet word nominations aren't out yet but everything suggests the Black Panther probably will get a Best Picture nomination weather gets any of the other categories that Before will see probably Kendrick Lamar all the stars. Yeah, you think that one it didn't A Star is Born like easily took the Golden Globe, but do you think it has a chance to win best song for the Oscars? I don't know. I don't know but it should be nominated. Yeah, I'm sure we'll be all the stars like was a huge hit and there's no question that will be nominated. Just whether it's an chance to win. I don't know but there are a lot of surprises. I mean I wasn't I was surprised that Bohemian Rhapsody one. A lot of people are and I think that it was I think a black panther winning best pictures is a stretch. Like I think that there was enough reaction to Bohemian Rhapsody winning that it may actually hurt his chances for the Oscars because people are going to I think there's going to be a sense of like, oh, well, I didn't I so didn't want that to win. I'm going to make sure it doesn't for this one. So we'll see what happens there. But the big story when it comes to the Oscars is this comes to us courtesy of The Hollywood Reporter, they are saying that because of there's all this if you haven't heard Kevin Hart was scheduled to host the Oscars and then there was some there was another basically flare up over social media you made some comments about but lgbtq people I don't even know what it was that he said, but he claimed he apologized the academy said he didn't and then he quit over it and then he was like, maybe I'll come back then. Didn't he talk to El it's a whole Saga we don't need to get into but now the rumor is Hollywood Reporter has sources that are saying the academy is trying to assemble all of the Avengers actors to as a group host the Academy Awards in late February, that would be great. We I honestly do want to know in the comments down below and in the chat if you guys sighs, you know, if you're not a huge fan of the Oscars if you weren't going to really tune in if you would Tune In For The Avengers, you know to support your fellow Avengers, would you do that? Let us know in the comments below. I feel like I have to tune in now course, I'm usually hidden Miss. There's some years where I'm like, yeah, let's do an Oscar party. I'm going to do the pool and then others my I don't need to watch that thing. Yeah care and this year. I'm like torn on it because I want to root for spider-verse. I want to root for black panther, but it's still a long ceremony, but if they're gonna have like Marvel jokes and Avengers jokes scattered throughout the entire show. I'm gonna have to watch the whole thing, right? Yeah. Well Hayes, you know our saying what about Thanos for Oscar host. I'm being they didn't say no we have the Avengers. So maybe we have right like it's totally set in stone. But you never know. That would be fun. That's the that's the interesting thing. They have like so it's a month and a half out. So the amount that to get Visual effects for something like this done. Like if they were actually going to do anything like that. That's that's my only question for you kind of he's like, are you just going to have like Robert Downey jr. And Chris Evans and Mark Ruffalo like doing like hosting bits like throughout the or are you gonna do like what Tom Hiddleston did at Comic-Con all those years ago. We came out as Loki. So like are you talking about having Tony Stark show up at the The Oscars or are you just going to have Robert Downey jr. Doing all this stuff? And the what the article says is that like this is why you didn't see any of those actors doing anything at the Golden Globes like just by chant like you didn't really notice it but when you say it like yeah Scarlett Johansson didn't do anything Chris Evans didn't do anything Robert Downey jr. Didn't do anything apparently because they asked them like if we might do this like you can't do the Golden Globes because we needed to be more special. Yeah, I mean we did see some people from Black Panther present. Yes, but not really adventurous. Yeah. Yeah. I mean look just just having the possibility of that happened makes me so excited. I'm going to watch the Oscars regardless because I've grown up watching, you know, all of the award shows since I was a kid, but it'd be so freaking cool. Can you imagine like just just think about it and just let yourself live in that moment for a little whether it happens or doesn't It's the idea makes me happy. I also think from a producing perspective. It would be really smart for them because like the spirit of Marvel like that whole universe and the attitudes around Marvel are kind of the opposite of the overly politicized fearful climate that Hollywood's going for right now, and there's a huge mainstream cross over so I can see why this would be a logical producing Choice. It's also being broadcast on ABC which is owned by Disney which owns Marvel it's all one thing now guys. But you know, I mean, it's not the worst idea like it could be cool. I just I'm curious as to what they're going to do. My whole thing for years has been get Let The Muppets host the Oscars. I've been hearing that I mean that would be for the Avenger way more. I mean like I love obviously I'm here talking about Marvel every week. I love The Avengers but the Muppets because the Muppets are hosts. That's the difference is Captain America is not a host. We don't know maybe he hasn't tapped into that skill that he We don't know he was a stage performer back in the 40s. So there are possibilities there, but that's the difference to me is the Muppets like are genuine entertainers. Like I don't know what the Avenger that's what I'm curious about is Art. What are they going to do battle stick like where they are there bits where they're fighting people in the audience or is it going to be like is is to Chala gonna get up there and give like a speech about like bringing our nation's to get I just I don't know what I don't know what this looks like. Like how cool would that buddy? But it would be but it'll be interesting. It's better than just a generic like hey, we're just going to have celebrities like make pre-written jokes for yeah, so we'll see. We'll see what it looks like. But yeah tell us in the comments and on Twitter what you guys if this makes you more likely to watch or not. Yeah. All right, so I don't know we have the Q today but it is time to get into Marvel TV time. Oh, yeah, there it is. Moving targets it's great. And this one's so these stories as we were talking about a little bit before the show the line between not TV time and TV time is getting blurrier and blurrier every week because this is somewhat movie topic because progress into the spider-verse, but this week there were rumors now that Sony might be considering a spider-verse TV spin-off. It came with from comments from Sony CEO. Kenichiro Yoshida who's talking because their consumer electronics and so nice talk about everything but they're somewhat taking all their properties and spitting them off and doing more things with them and TVs become such a viable landscape. So now spider-verse was listed as a property that could smell Fantasy VII. What do you think? Like do you think that there's you think there's room there? I think there is room and I can only imagine, you know, there were plenty of new Marvel fans that came out of the theater theater is after watching Spider-Man in Haiti by Harry love spider-verse. I don't know if you saw that did not see that Katy Perry said like I'm not a huge like Spider-Man fan, but she apparently loved into the spider-verse think that's what it's all about. So if we can Grab all of those, you know new fans and bring them to the TV world. How cool would that be because it's like it was fun to go see it and you know, you've seen it now like 55 times, but imagine like having it so accessible that people can have that and also not to mention it's so freaking positive and it makes you feel good when you leave, you know, watching something like that so we can have something that creates so much positivity on our screens that super accessible then how great would that be for me? The question is how like what parts of that are repeatable. Yeah. Well the money I mean that the animation style and everything but but like their ways that they figure that I mean you get like the How to Train Your Dragon TV show the Madagascar TV shows like they can take those animation Styles and find ways to simplify them so that like that's all interesting and scale when possible but the positivity and all that that's because that story was so well written but you're not going to get that amazing writing team to write every episode of whatever these shows are says. Who says they're I mean if you can get talented writers that know how to write well and you know come up with original storylines, but also like do callbacks to the comics why not? It doesn't need to be exactly this group of people as long as they appreciate Cannon. Yeah, it'll be it'll be interesting. The the question is because they're not just going to take these characters and all of them and do a show with them but it was the idea would probably be to me the most likely candidate is Spider-ham is to do it a spider-ham show or main series or even shorts. It's the simplest to just make into a show because it's so silly and the animation style is so cartoony that would be cheaper but I but like it's very kid-friendly so you could put it almost anywhere and it's so unique like it's to take him and put him in. His own world is just like you can easily tell those lies. Like so Looney Tunes stories with a Spider-Man character. Yeah, but like I think part of the appeal of Spider-Man into spider-verse is just how complex it is. Yeah. So like if we just pick spider-ham no offense, dude, but like that's just one little tiny bit and if we're like simplifying it then it's just like oh some you could put like ya know like it's still needs to be good because if we're bringing that spin-off then let's keep the quality keep the writing really good, you know. Yeah, I guess the question well, So we've got the sequel's coming like so we know where we that like miles is tied up. So you're not going to get Miles because his story is going to be continued on big screen Gwen and Gwen and if the rumors are true silk and spider Jessica Drew Spider-Woman are tied up in the spider women sequel that's going to the big screen. So theoretically you could go into spider Noir or Penny Parker the spider Penny Parker characters like anime style that could be Really interesting or maybe it's just a series of like of 45-minute 44-minute like many movies. Yeah with some of these characters. There's also a billion different Spider-Man spin-off characters that you could do. Like, I would love to see spider UK for one like the British Spider-Man house like very much like in charge like he's very yeah take charge version of Peter Parker who's also just British and he wears like a Union Jack version of the spider suit, so Which is really funny. So there's a there's obviously tons of possibilities, but I'm curious which ones you guys so let's know again in the comments below it what which one you want to see what Spider-Man would you do you think would work as a series in this world Thunder God Cairo seven seven zero says, I'd love to see more about Penny Parker. So yeah, that could be really cool. There's definitely a lot of stuff to play with their like a whole web, you know, just connects more writers. Hours that we have to know what we know about now vision and the Scarlet Witch has found its showrunner in Jack Schaeffer Jack Schaeffer is one of the writers on Captain Marvel come on two months. She's also listed as the writer currently for the Black Widow movie. So she's very busy. So apparently Marvel likes what they're getting from her because she's not just going to be writing writing some Episode she's the showrunner. She's in charge of this miniseries or whatever. It's going to be Vision in the Scarlet Witch as far as her like what she's done in the past. Not a lot that you would have necessarily seen her honor IMDb credits. She has Olaf's frozen adventure short. She wrote that she were to sci-fi her sort of break out thing was a Mushi a Sci-Fi comedy. She wrote called timer that was back in 2009. So 10 years ago. I get the sense that she's probably ghostwritten a lot of content that we've seen. Yeah, that's that ghostwritten. Nice. I didn't even intend to do that, but I'll take ownership of it but a lot of times so if you haven't heard from her I wouldn't be concerned. Yeah, because she's probably a lot of these movies have rooms nowadays. She's probably been a writer in a lot of room for a lot of movies that we just didn't know that she was involved in. Yeah, but the fact that they trusted her on as one of the writers on Captain Marvel, in fact, they're trusting word black. No, I trust Kevin feige to have found good talent that we just haven't heard of yet. I trust Marvel. Yeah, I'm cool and it's great to see a female Schoenherr taking over show with what is going to have one of two leads is going to be female. Yeah went like this is a big deal. I mean, this is the first time we've seen these characters from you know, the big screen come to a smaller screen for her to be able to be a part of that is awesome. Yeah, and I'm very curious to see it with this show and I want to know what kind of angle they're going to take him there. Going to like there's the recent Vision run which was like him trying to have like a Suburban life, but it wasn't with Scarlet Witch. It was because they had separated and like he was he literally built himself a family. It's super crazy. Read that run if you want it's like to graphic novels. So it's not a long read do they go that route or do they just go is this ice? It's a rom-com show with the two of them on the run. Is this an action show only time will tell Yes. Oh, please give me the romance. I want the romance between vision and Scarlet Witch. I mean and I laugh but like I'm not joking. All right Netflix time some like a bunch of Netflix updates. I'm actually go. Let's go with the order that I said earlier and then we'll come back through. Okay. Punisher got its new trailer today. Woo. Jeff let's take a look at that trailer the first actually like long footage we've seen of this will show it comes out in a weakened Bulls. That's true the 18. Yeah, holy moly a week from tonight at midnight. You will get more Punisher. It's almost like I miss him happy for the excuse. and they've been alive punishers like Dave is actually some news stories about the Punisher that are really interesting from Gerry Conway and as and Jon Bernthal but in this trailer everybody that I've ever cared about How do you sew? He's not going after actively after people still people that are chasing him. Yeah, sort of good. It's like that line you sort of have to walk with a live-action version of like in 2019. Yeah, but got Russo back. Oh, I love that. Jigsaw. So like jigsaws got his mask. Yeah. I loved I love Netflix Marvel trailers because they're so freaking good. It's like watching a movie. cast on the girl I also love The Punisher just has his own feel like you listen to the music and you look at Punisher. I mean, this is the most like this music with the Punisher. It's like yeah, I know exactly the guys that are into this in a big big way and I don't say that at judging it's just so on the nip Not Just For Men leading some serious issues. Yeah, it makes me sad because this and then the next season of Jessica Jones are the only ones that we have for now, but we're going to talk about like what the potential future stuff is. I'll need some money hands her over role of bloody money cool, not suspicious at all. So this is the first look that we've had so we know some of the returning characters agent madani is coming back. Russo is now who is now probably better known as is jigsaws comma is there if we get a little detective Mahoney, yes, look at it will have his little Cameo this appears to be You're on the road. So he's out of the city at least important. What do you think? Do you are you excited about next week's Premiere? I am I am I think I mean punishers not my favorite out of all of them which isn't saying too much because they're all amazing. So I guess in you know, the order of my favorites you'd be kind of in the middle of like all Marvel TV things that I've seen but yeah, I mean, I love that he has his own company. Kind of like Persona that you just you watch it. And you feel like a total be a you know, and no one can take that away from you. So I just like I listened to it and I get myself into the space of like your girl just fighting. I'm very interested to see what's happening this season because last season was so heavy in terms of not just it was dark and it used violence in a big way, but it was got very much into PTSD and what goes on in a soldier that comes home from war and I thought that was where most of the successful So season 1 was rooted was in that part of the story was because it took a character that could be just very violent in OneNote and made him very have a lot of depth and not just like they hurt my family. I'm going to get revenge. It was like no. This is a character who has there's a reason that he reacts this way. There's a reason that he's built this way and it's and it's rooted in the real world more than any of the others even like because like Jessica Jones, Jones is like very grounded but she's still super powered person. Yeah, the Punisher especially season one does if you took the skull away from his like costume could just be a show about a soldier. Yeah. And so this seat looks a lot more comic book heavy because you have jigsaw with the masks and everything. It's Gonna Knock that it's going to be super powered but you're going to have that more concrete feel to it in that like yeah, he's got a mask that feel Like they could be real like they're not like rubber masks but she's yeah, they are dated rob a place in them. So it'll be interesting that'll be interesting to see that make you like more excited or just like it doesn't not one way or the other Punisher for me was I thought was great show quality wise it was wonderful. It's not my kind of show and that the like here's the thing that before anyone jump down my throat like so like my excitement for season two is I'll watch it. I'm going to watch it right away and all that everyone wants because I want to talk to you guys about it, but it's just not the kind of show that I dive right into. Usually it's just not I tend to go for stuff that has more comical not comic but like funnier like angles to it and more like it bounces the light in the dark and Punisher was very heavy on the dark. But the thing the fact that show exists for people is part of why I love Marvel in a state that it is in. Now is that the people that want that can get it and even though it's not my favorite thing. That's why you have this comic books because you don't have to read every concrete you read the ones that you love exactly and we're going to watch it and talk about it regardless, but I think that this looks like it will can pick up Frank story in a big way. Are you disappointed that Karen Page will not be there for Frank Castle this year. Yeah, I know. I saw at least one person to chat go like. Yeah, I mean it's heartbreaking. I know some people in the chat were saying I think we even had someone that there were saying that there weren't they weren't going to watch it because they know there's going to be canceled and that's I think something that unfortunately, I think it's just in our minds like we know that these will come to an end maybe sooner than we'd like them to and by them. I mean the Punisher and Jessica Jones and especially with everything going on with Daredevil Allah, but I feel like we should just absorb the the content. For what it is do not think about like cool. It's gonna be it not like just take it in. I mean we do this all the time. Yeah, we watch stuff not knowing if there's going to be like 10 sequels or whatever whole franchise. So let's just watch it and and The Punisher have the ability to adjust the like writer knowing that they're probably going to get cancelled. So there's a hopefully they were able to tailor that ending of the season to a place where it's still possibly open. But we'll have enough of a close that like you won't feel unsatisfied. Yeah, like fans of Luke Cage and Iron Fist are reasonably frustrated because those ended on such a huge open stories, but Daredevil, they didn't know but it still managed to close more or less on a book and Punisher. I think and Jessica Jones knowing that they will most likely be canceled can have that I have that opportunity to So I don't think you have to worry about that. But speaking of Daredevil there is a petition going around on the web to save Daredevil move to a new network whatever it takes and normally we wouldn't even bother talk with this because these petitions are the networks notice them but they aren't necessarily always effective except when they get to a hundred and fifty thousand signatures. In just like a week, that's crazy. I mean, okay, I'm being super positive here. Do we think that hopefully maybe this will somehow affect things in the future. I mean things have already been done things have already been said I've shot it can only help because a hundred fifty thousand is is no lat is no joke like because for every person that signed this there are probably one or two others who would watch or did watch that. Didn't bother to sign a petition. Yeah, and it's I mean you can still sign. Yeah, so whether it's going to actually change anything, I think the bigger thing is that a lot of this is not its I don't think it was ever a question that people were enjoying or not enjoying the show or people didn't want it but it's all tied up in a combination of legal and creative like decisions for lard that are bigger than one show Disney plus is not going to have a show like Daredevil in the way that this this version of Daredevil existed. That's just not the net. It's you wouldn't put daredevil on freeform or on ABC either. It's just that's not the kind of show that those networks are and for that reason Daredevil needs to if it's going to go on. It needs Disney's to figure out a home for it. We're can exist as people in have have enjoyed it and they can't do that until at least Next year, so it time will tell but a hundred fifty thousand signatures. Keep signing guys. Like you never know Disney might see that and be like, all right here at Netflix here is like here's a million. Here's five million dollars. We please give us our rights back and we're going to just do our thing. So sign it. Yeah, Mike Colter made some comments this week about Luke Cage who's asked as they keep asking them like whether he was going to be an Avengers and game. At all and he's like this is the quote. Am I in Avengers endgame? Well, you know what based off what happened? I'm already dead the snap already happened with Luke Cage. We're dead. We're already gone. I hate to break it down break people's but no no, we're not. So basically as far as my colder is concerned that's why Luke Cage got canceled. It was because he got snapped by Thanos. I like that. He was humorous about it. Yeah, that's that's the best way to look at it is like that's why we're not getting any more of these things all I'm just like they got that gone and happens whenever Thanos is walk. Yeah, Zeno. Our was actually saying Daredevil should be a movie. I mean either way nothing's gonna happen until yeah 20 what I would love to see them do with specifically Daredevil. I can't remember we talked about this on the air or not. I want to see them do take this version of Daredevil and do some like do movie two-in-one stories like so Marvel two-in-one where they would take like like, I want to see Spider-Man and Daredevil. And they do a one-off adventure where you get to see Spidey and have to fight with Kingpin and Daredevil like you can take to because now that Marvel Studios starting to make these shows to take like two of these character maybe Spider-Man in the like maybe the maybe this version of Spider-Man isn't the right one. But like when you have stuff like Captain America and Iron Man like black white or like sticking with stick Hawkeye with the with the dead or something like that where you combine two characters that you would expect to see together like that and just A one-off story with them like a special like an annual kind of thing. Okay. Oh, I mean more than annual because we're basically saying bye to these shows what I mean is like like an annual issue like the the ones that come out where it's just like it's a one-off story. It's not both and Brits in Canon, but it doesn't break from doesn't mean that the the ongoing stories that these characters are dealing with our aren't happening. It just takes it's just a standalone story in this universe, but it doesn't have to be like like in the same like wine like you can figure out where it goes later. That's what I would love to see them do with these Netflix characters would not Disney has more control over them quickly going back to the Punisher Ivan Soto's been saying that Karin has been confirmed to return to the Punisher. Okay, I'm wrong then so I didn't I didn't expect see her because I'm seeing like on the road but am because she seemed to be locked into where she is. Yeah devil, but that's cool. I we can't know everything here guys. Thank you for thank you for pointing that so so we'll see how much of a role she plays the season Legion had some casting news. Hmm real quick Lawrence. I an actress who you probably aren't really rude. She's only done a few things but this is gonna be your first big TV role is going to be playing a character called switch. And so we see in that photo. That's the only current mutant that we know. No called switch that exists switch is a character with body-swapping abilities those created in 1999 during an X-Force run. He in the comics was a villain named Devin Alomar. But yeah, it can basically change affect people and changed and I think you can make other people switch bodies Sara Lee himself, but It could be a gender swap version of that character. So it's kind of like Freaky Friday, right? But you can also do with other people. Yeah a little bit. Yeah, that's cool. So we'll see. We'll see what she doesn't that show that's really I just wanted to make sure you guys were aware that's happening. I mean that'll certainly add a lot to Legion. I think Legions already like a kind of crazy show, but this would be super exciting so good for her. Yay. We've got About 10 minutes left and I want to talk about runaway season two. Let's do it. Alright, so if you guys have so we're going to talk about like miles Wars won't ruin the end of it because Amy hasn't finished season because it's a lot / o to walk guys. Yeah 13-episode season, but Amy of what you've seen so far. Sorry warning potential spoilers for runaways will try to keep it mostly spoiler-free, but you're going to get a little bit here and there. Yeah. Well, so I actually told you I had never seen runaways until super late as last year super late December. So I really just like dived in and the first season was fantastic the second season. I don't know if it was just like too much at once but it it Been high up and down for me, but I'm still having fun because I love runaways in that this is focused on the kids mostly with you know, crazy parents basically and it's it's really fun. It's really different and the only other show I had seen that had younger characters like this was Cloak and Dagger and Cloak and Dagger like it's also fun, but I love having the versatility of all these different characters and now the second season they really Understand what their powers are and they still are trying to figure them out and see how far they can go and we certainly see that in this season which adds to the drama which adds to the action and the intensity the stakes are so high and I don't know I feel like at the beginning of season one. I've started finding myself like finding favorites with The Runaways and now I'm like no I'm invested in all of you guys. Like I want the best for you all and especially, you know, now that they're on their own and they're having to do things on their own. Not have access to certain things that they need. It's scary. It's really scary. Yeah, I I like this season a lot more than I like to season one. I thought that season one like halfway through I got kind of like meth and like turned off and then came back to it like a while later but this is not just like I watched it just like and I like less than a week. I just binged it. Like I was enjoying every moment of this and especially the think the last few episodes. Roads were like flew by I couldn't stop watching. I watched like 2 in the morning, which to be honest is not that late for me. But but I was rude but I really enjoyed it. I thought that the characters the coat the like the cohesion of the group really came together the fact like The Ensemble of this cast it this is truly an ensemble show and they bounce that really well. We're no character really felt under served over the course of the Season like I felt like Molly got a Eat Molly had a lot to do with like what like what she was dealing with with the like mining out her her about her family and like try to find new family in that all that chase had a big Arc with his father. I won't spoil the like, oh my gosh though. Yeah like yeah like, yeah, like chasing Gert like together as like a couple was very like surprising that how like how much they invested in that and like I would I would question how quickly Some of the couplings happened but it's also their teenagers so I totally buy it. I mean for some of them like with Jason Garrett I was like what's faster and then and then stuff happened. I was like whoa. Whoa, okay. All right. Yeah, but you had Nico and karolina getting together and they're just like when they when those two couples are like immediately bunking together. I was like, oh that's not gonna end. Well, oh my gosh, I know it's like you're moving in are already. That's too fast guys. I know we got what we got more with we got more time with Old Lace, which was really cool. I thought Like the the combination of practical effect with visual effects for Old Lace work really well where the like I really believe there's a dinosaur running around there is an Alex like he had a huge Arc and what he's doing I'm like where he falls and falters. It really affects everybody in the group. Everybody got their their time. Like they use the 13 episodes really effectively. Yeah one also like seeing what happens when One or two of them kind of go away from the group and like do certain things and how that ends up affecting all of them. They don't really realize it like, you know, Alex Molly. Yeah. Karolina. It's just it's interesting. The thing that I think this see the reason I think this season really was more effective than last season was that the adults were more effective as villains and this is this time around they They sort of like it felt like they were sort of like pushing it a little bit but now we had the parents like the we had to like them a little bit I think for the show to work. Yeah for how long they stuck around but this season added in enough external like non-parental threats that it felt like we were having em and then like the parents trying to gain control but being victims of their own like their own circumstances as well. Made the the problems of the kids were running into more effective. It made it feel more grounded and real as opposed to just like these high-powered parents who are coming in to mess up these kids lives because they're evil this felt like no these are parents who like they did some bad stuff but like there's that makes them bad people and so they're doing bad things but there's also external factors. They're not just the parents but pushing the parents into even more extreme places. Yeah. I also I mean, I think they did a Good job in the first season of setting up everyone. There are so many characters that you can easily get lost. And I think they found the perfect balance in the first season. And even you know, what I've seen of the second season of having enough time with the kids having enough time with the parents and then like you said outside people that are also involved. I think they're doing a really good job that if this wasn't in the right hands, it could just be too much. Yeah. Yeah. Some Easter eggs for you guys like because I know everybody is going so Easter eggs. There's not a ton those few things like that. I'm not I haven't read a ton of runaways Comics but like obviously they have the The Hideaway like the hostel is what it's called and it's in the same place and Bronson Canyon that The Runaways stay in the comics, which is a great. It's a very La I actually thought that the way that they tackled Los Angeles in this season was very good. They actually managed to tackle some real life issues with Homelessness and Kids On The Run would you got with what's his name? The new character Church Topher Topher. Yes who came in and like they put the Sci-Fi comic book Lens onto addiction. Yeah, and like how that causes kids to be homeless and like hurt people that they care about and that was that was that was effective like kids having to go into soup lines were being afraid to go into soup lines because of paranoia or like worried that they might Get caught and sent back all very real to the world. Not just super powered kids. Yeah, and just I mean like you say that they really focused on Allah and just I mean, I think that with other Marvel shows like heck. Okay cloak-and-dagger. Like I said, that's the only other one that you have younger characters. I think that sometimes it's only I mean, we've only seen one season but it doesn't go that deep. And I think that even the first season you already are going so deep that you're like, you know that they have really hard lives. So I love that it gets so deep but then there's also like funny moments that you're like, hey, this is cool. Like we're just running away and we have crazy parents. It's fine. Yeah. Yeah some other Easter eggs. They do drop the quick wakanda reference that was hard to miss Alex just like throws the country like you could have said anywhere. It's like What was that? It was I don't remember exactly what episode he's like. Yeah, let's have a but the the bigger one that I want to touch on and I think as might be a little bit past UAB. So I'm sorry. Okay, but there's one moment where Nico is using the staff and she banishes some people and they go away and her eyes. They use the exact same effect that Chi silius Casey Lisa's eyes take on in Doctor Strange. And Tina minoru actually appears in one of the Doctor Strange MCU prequel Comics like the the like the Prelude things that they do she shows up there. She has the staff in that and that comic show. She knows kycilia is so my thought is I wonder and this parts of like a theory is I'm thinking that her staff is powered by the dark dimension. So like is there something Dormammu stuff going on my God you go. Like that's what their eyes imply to me, which we see we see at least once during the season trying to avoid spoilers, but I wanted to talk about this one specific Easter egg because they very it's very deliberate that they're using the same effect from Doctor Strange. So I have to think that there is somehow because she's the staff has that dark hold over her like there's something about that staff that is like taking her darkness and elevating it. So I think there may be a connection to dormammu. Other wherever will ever get into that as like out loud. I don't know but that's my crazy MCU theory. Is that somehow this staff is linked to dormammu do that would be really cool. Yeah, and I love how dark Nico got and even what I've seen so far well Dart and dark like in her own story, but also the staff is driving her further and that'll be something for her. Like again just like it's superhero stuff. Does this like it's not the first time that we've seen like superpowers become addictive like we literacy in the show, but that I think the what the staff can do with her and does to her and whether she has to fight with it and like sort of make the if they I'd be interested to see if they start treating it as an intelligent being that she has to like make a deal with where she gives it like uses the darkness a little bit but doesn't want to go too far. Yeah. I don't know. We'll see I definitely want to know everyone's thoughts about The Runaways in the comments. Below you guys were great in the chat. Lots of strong opinions is what L say, but keep those coming unless yeah, let us know what you think about it that's going to do it for today's Marvel movie news. Thank you guys so much for joining us a me. It's great to be back. Yeah, so I'm excited to talk about all the stuff. We saw in shock right next week. Next week will be one day away from The Punisher who knows what's gonna happen between now and then maybe we'll get confirmation of those Avengers at the Academy Awards Amy working everyone find you you guys can find me on all social media at Amy Cassandra MTZ and also on YouTube just look up my full name. Amy Cassandra my Tina. All right, I'm Zach Wells and you can find me on Twitter and Instagram at that Zach Wilson. Also be sure to check out my podcast ships in the night silly comedy shipping podcast find it on all iTunes and all those platforms guys. This has been Marvel movie news. Thanks for geeking out with us from producers Maria Menounos, Keven undergaro fils VTech, but the entire popcorn Talk Network. We would like to thank you for tuning in for questions or comments. Be sure to visit popcorn I'm Sir Richard Wentworth. And this has been a presentation of the popcorn talk net word music breath herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views that owners of Christmas.
Join Zach Wilson and Amy Cassandra Martinez as they discuss the latest Marvel News! Get their thoughts on Runaways season 2! Could Spider-Verse be getting additional TV spinoffs? Plus, does the third Captain Marvel trailer get us more hyped for the movie? This and more on Marvel Movie News! The Popcorn Talk Network proudly presents Marvel Movie News! In this vodcast series, your favorite Marvel Lovers break down all your newest Marvel News! Follow Zach Wilson on Twitter! @ThatZachWilson Follow Amy Cassandra Martinez on Twitter! @AmyCassandraMTZ Make sure to subscribe to Popcorn Talk! - LINKS: Website - Follow us on Twitter - Merch - POPCORN TALK: Popcorn Talk Network is the online broadcast network with programming dedicated exclusively to movie discussion, news, interviews and commentary. Popcorn Talk Network is comprised of the leading members and personalities of the film press and community including E!’s Maria Menounos. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Fun fact for you guys 65,000 coaches turn to get the pancake in 2019 for advice volleyball drills and coaching resources. That's like a lot of coaches whether they were looking for free stat sheet downloads goal-setting worksheets to use with their team or just a fun warm-up to start practice with I'mProud to say get the pancake delivered in this past year. We've added tons of valuable information to get the new digital downloads free handouts and of course more drills and tips. There's a lot planned for 2020 and I don't want you to miss it. If you want to continue growing as a coach sign up for the get the pancake newsletter by going to get the There's a sign-up Link at the top of the home page. You can't miss it come and join our thriving community and let me help you have your best season yet? Hello, hello coaches. This is what need from the get the pancake podcast a podcast for volleyball coaches in this episode. I'm going to be sharing my personal playing time philosophy. Now, I know playing time is always a tricky subject no matter what level what age group you're coaching. And so today what I want to do is talk about the two different extremes when it comes to playing time. So we have completely equal everyone gets to play the same amount and then on the other hand, we have 100% based on performance. Typically just the best players play and that's it. My personal philosophy falls in the middle of that and I'm going to be talking about the pros and cons of each. I think it's important. If you have not already decided your personal playing time philosophy to take all of these ideas into account and try and come up with something that works for you. What's Thing that you can stand behind and why are you choosing to play players the way that you are? I always encourage coaches to think critically about why they are making the choices that they're making. This is a process that we're all going through at all times. I know I'm still learning things about myself because with get the pancake I always am sitting down thinking about why I do the things that I do and it's been really beneficial to helping me develop my own coaching philosophy in a addition to playing time philosophy and I just feel so much more confident on the court when I'm talking to parents when I'm going into interviews for coaching or leading programs. I have a very good idea of how I coach and I'm able to communicate that clearly just because I sit down and I think about it. So I'm going to walk you through these three different playing time philosophies. I'm sure there are many more philosophies out there and I would love to hear what your personal playing time philosophy is in the Facebook group volleyball Coaches Corner if you'd like to join there's a link in the show notes for this episode. It is a closed group so you'll have to request to join but as long as you're a coach you should be approved. All right, let's talk playing time. As I mentioned there are sort of two different extremes when it comes to playing time philosophy on the one hand. We have equal playing time and on the other hand, we have 100% based on performance. The studs are out there. They're playing all the way around or Subs are set in stone and there's not a lot of variation throughout the season the way that I figure out playing time for my players is a mixture of the two and we're going to get into that but first, Talk about equal playing time quick side note as I go through. I don't think that any of these are better or worse than the other. I think it completely depends on your situation. I'm going to share what I think is the best situation for each philosophy. But if you have thought about it, and maybe you use one of these strategies at a level that's different than what I say. That's okay. There is so much variation in volleyball teams. I have moved all over the US. Yes, and it's sort of mind-boggling to see the different skill levels different Tendencies and different areas. And so what works for a high school team in Oregon, for example, maybe that's going to work for a 7th grade team in Texas and vice versa. All right. So let's talk about equal playing time and my opinion younger teams or teams who are full of beginners are going to benefit the most from equal. Anytime there's nothing wrong with equal playing time. I know a lot of particularly competitive coaches who are against equal playing time and that's fine. They those coaches just need to probably coach older teams or very competitive teams. It's all about finding the right fit for you. You don't want to be somewhere where your preferences go against expectations. So if you really enjoy equal playing time, I'm because you like to give all of the players a chance to get on the court to experience what it's like to compete during a match equal playing time is great. I've also found throughout my experiences that equal playing time is more acceptable or preferred in a school situation think middle school teams or freshman teams again, not at all schools. Maybe this doesn't apply to you, but I'm going to say 80% of Middle school and freshman teams will benefit from equal playing time or very close to equal playing time. This is because at these ages usually pretty large rosters and in school volleyball it's about access to that competition when parents are signing their kids up for school volleyball you sign up expecting competition in club volleyball, that's not necessarily the case. Case we'll talk about that a little bit later, but I do think in school, you're sort of expected to provide equal playing time opportunities to all players regardless of ability and let's be honest. I know that I have coached players who maybe weren't that gray or weren't that refined when I first started coaching them or when I coach them at younger ages and then they developed over the years and became maybe not the best players on the team, but they definitely earned a starting role. On their team, especially in middle school and high school. There are going to be players on your team. Who either can't afford Club volleyball don't have the time to play Club volleyball maybe their basketball players as well. And we want to make sure to give them an opportunity to be on the court with those large roster sizes. Let's say you have 12 players on your team 14 players on your team when I was coaching a JV to team which is mostly freshmen, maybe one or two sophomores. I used equal playing. Time because I had 14 players on my roster. So I had six that would play in the first set along with a libero designated for that first set. So seven players in set one and then the other half seven players in set to if we went to three whichever team one. That's who would get to play again. That is not my personal preference and that's sort of why I've gotten away from coaching school because I am not a huge fan of equal playing time, but that was right for that situation. That was what the head coach wanted. You always have to do what the head coach or varsity coach wants even if it's not your own preference, of course, you can have conversations about that. But in this case this is what was best for this group. If you're Coaching Club, maybe 12 and under you might start with equal playing time, but maybe towards the end of the season if you have players who are developing quicker than others. Or who are making a bigger impact you might get away from equal playing time, but it's not a bad place to start so benefits of equal playing time. You never really have to have meetings with parents or players when you start the season and say everyone gets equal playing time and then you execute your playing time so that it is actually equal. There's no room for complaints. You set the expectations early some people might complain that they don't get to play more but All you have to say is that we do equal playing time and that's sort of the end of the discussion another benefit of equal playing time. As I mentioned is that more players get touches on the ball in that game experience playing in a game is so much different than playing and practice you actually feel the pressure you get to have a crowd cheering for you. There's nothing worse than having your family come to watch you and then not getting on the court. So a benefit of equal playing time is that you might increase Fan and parent participation or increase your crowd sizes because people know that their child is playing so they're going to come and watch the biggest benefit though is just that experience on the court and competition as I mentioned. I'm not a huge fan of equal playing time and that's because I think it has a lot of drawbacks. So let's say you have a couple of great players on your team. So whether this is Middle School freshman even JV level if you're doing equal playing time, what is the incentive for? For your good players to get better. Why does it even matter if I practice hard or not? My playing time isn't going to increase on top of that those better athletes are going to get frustrated because it's not fun to go out and lose to someone that you quote on quote should have eaten just because the quote unquote bad players are in now. I've been the good and the bad player on teams before I'll talk about how those Experience has helped me as a coach in a little bit, but when you're watching players struggle on the court, and you know that you could go out and do it better or that maybe Mallory is your top Setter and you're watching Amanda struggle. It can get really frustrating and maybe you get mad at Amanda because it's just like why are you playing so bad? Like, why can't I Mallory go in? Obviously, this is like a 14 year old mindset not not an adult mindset, but that's what they think. Okay, and just as this situation is frustrating for your top players the players who are struggling it's not great for them either. If you go out and you'd perform poorly you definitely see the eye rolls the heavy sighs the upset phases of your teammates. That doesn't help you feel great about yourself and it's not really motivational to keep you in volleyball. So although equal playing time does get everybody on the court. Some that game experience makes your life a little easier as far as having to talk to parents about playing time goes equal playing time and my opinion isn't something that I plan on using unless I'm coaching a very low level or young team or even a wreck team just because I think the frustration that can happen between players. It's not worth it. I'd rather deal with a parent who is upset about playing time then have my girls getting mad at each other for something that they can't control. Okay moving on. So that is one end of the spectrum moving on to having that set lineup of this is your best outside hitter with your best Setter. You have the rotation it never changes. This is great for teams where performance and win-loss record is the most important thing. So this could be High School varsity teams. This could be elite club programs where national titles. Rankings are critical to the club success. So this is going to be for all their teams where players can sort of handle their emotions a little bit better not grade still but a little bit better or Club programs where when parents come to tryouts for this club College scholarships are on the line winning is important to these coaches and the players on these teams and I think it's obvious one of the main benefits is that if you do have a very strong Wrong lineup. You're probably going to go out and win a lot. Especially once you're outside knows how your middle reacts and your libero can tell when your middle is about to duck out of the way or or your players just understand each other because they play next to each other every single day every single practice every match. You don't forget about subs and you can get into a routine. You know, what's coming up? That's great because it makes life a lot easier your team really turns into A well-oiled machine, you know when Sarah rotates into front row. She's going to be the best hitter to said to and Kari knows that she has to maybe try a little harder. The ball goes towards Ashley because Ashley is a little bit shy when it comes to certain place. You just learn more about each other. So the biggest benefit here is performance and I'm going to say that's one of the only benefits to this which is a pretty big benefit for a lot of programs, but Team bonding can be really high and these teams can get along really. Well if the sub players or bench players are kind of able to understand their role and fulfill their role without taking it too personally, but that's a challenge. So let's talk about the negatives here. If you have a lineup that never changes why in the world if you're a sub or even just a Practice player. Why would you work harder because it's not going to change anything. So why am I going to show up and go all out? Why am I going to run hard during conditioning? Why would I try to get stronger during weight lifting because most likely even if they do work harder and get better. They're still not going to get on the court. So what's the point and that can be a tough spot for players to be in likewise for the players who are always on why would they try to get better? Of course, you're going to practice hard and you're going to get better through repetitions. What's the internal drive? You're a starter you play all the way around getting better is a good goal. Maybe you want to beat another team, but if you're not challenged in practice because everyone's kind of good with where they're at or settling into their role. It just doesn't make sense to train as hard as you possibly could of course, there are athletes who can motivate themselves. Or their parents are motivating them to work harder. And then of course if you have a coach who's pushing you that's going to help too, but if you are on an average team or a team that wins most of the time or maybe the coach thinks like oh well, we're already winning most of our games. I don't need to push you harder as I said, I've been in this position myself, and I know that once you are one of the top players on your team, depending on how you view competition and your reasons for needing to get better if you Give the role of starter. What's the point to work harder? Like you got your goal? And I hate it. That was my mindset as a player. I was like, oh, I'm a starter. I play all the way around. I never come out. I'm going to go up and try and hit the ball harder, but I'm not necessarily working on my technique more focused on strategies. My main goal was go up and hit it harder. I think the biggest drawback here when you have a set lineup is that your starters are constantly competing against And players and if that's who you are practicing against you're not necessarily going to be ready for those top dogs when you get into a match. So imagine your team is working on serve receive. That's something we always always need to work on and yeah, you can have your coach serve but it's most likely going to be those bench or sub players who are entering the ball and there's a reason they're on the bench or that they're solving it's because they're not as good as the people who are starting that's just how it is at this level. Oil and if your bench player who has never played in a match is just back there tossing the ball up and just trying to get it over instead of sending a tough topspin serve into seams or serving a mean floater that drops right over the net your service Eve is going to struggle because you're not facing the type of serves that you would see in a match your bench player isn't going to be working hard to get their service better. They know they're not going to come in and your team back. Serve receive is going to think. Oh, well, we're getting this up easy. We don't need to work on service Eve anymore. So I think there are a lot of drawbacks to never changing your lineup and only having your best players play a lot of that is mental as a coach. You are also going to deal with a lot of parent phone calls and a lot of Tears most likely and team drama because starters or people who never come out can sometimes be mean to people who are on the bench and talk bad about each other. You have to do a lot of team building if this is your playing time philosophy, so just be prepared to manage a lot of teenage emotion. If this is how you want to run your team the best time to set goals with your volleyball team the beginning of the season the next best time today goal setting improves overall performance and positively impacts player motivation and confidence. Studies also report players feeling more united by the end of the season if they participated in goal setting just because you didn't use goal setting at the beginning of your season doesn't mean you can't shift gears and get into a new routine download the goal setting packet from get the and watch as your team improves their focus at practices and kicks the season into high gear just follow the link in the show notes to learn more and get ready to have your best. And yet before I talk about how I sort of combine these two different philosophies, I do want to take a couple of minutes just to talk about my own experiences as a player because I think that that shaped how I coach pretty dramatically. So I have the unfortunate experience of being the player who never got subbed out and I've also been the player who was riding the bench for For most of our tournament and then on larger teams. I also had the role of only playing front row. And so I kind of know how it feels to be in each situation. And unfortunately, I don't think I was very mentally tough. And so some of those situations were harder than others, but it definitely benefits me now because I when I see the look on a player's face when they're just bombed that they're not starting or if they're not playing and Set I know I know how that feels. I know how to handle it. So looking back. I'm glad that I got those experiences. But if you didn't have a wide variety of experiences, you might not understand what that child mindset is, like for each situation being a sensitive kid and being someone who I very rarely got out of my own head and was able to really look at the big picture. I know that not all of our players are able to to accurately assess their performance in relation to their teammates. So for example, if you have a set lineup that you're using it's very likely that players who don't ever get subbed in or maybe they rarely get subbed in they probably think that that's not fair and you hate them and you don't know what you're doing and you work so much harder than those other girls and if the coach would just give you a chance and then if you get if you do get on the court, Do bad. Well, it's not your fault. It's the coach's fault because they never put you in any way. So how can they expect you to go out and play, you know, it's just it's a mess and a lot of players aren't willing to take personal responsibility. And that's part of the reason why you end up on the bench and so as coaches we kind of need to be aware of that and try and help players get through this. We don't want to sit them down and tell them look you're the worst pass are on the team. There's no way I'm going to put you in there is obviously a nicer way we can They that message that they have a lot that they need to work on as I mentioned. I've also been the player who never got subbed out. And I know that you come into practice differently you come in thinking you're all cool. You know, you're so good. You got so many kills and the last match for like the game-winning Ace and so you're so cool. And one of my biggest regrets is that I didn't try harder to improve when I was one of the better players on my team because Think well, I'm the starter. I'm the captain. I never get subbed out. What what could I possibly need to work on? You don't realize that there's competition outside of you side note. That is why I recommend the common enemy team bonding activity from get the and I recommend that because then you come up with something to fight against that's outside of your team. Not just oh, I'm better than Susie. So that's all I need to worry about as long as I have my starting spot. I'm fine. Okay enough about my playing experience. Says let's talk about what I do for playing time. So as I mentioned playing time typically depends on age and skill level and sort of performance expectations my playing time philosophy. I'm not sure which came first the age that I coach or my playing time philosophy, but I think they're a good match for each other and that's why I don't really coach outside of this range. I like to do what I consider Fair playing time, so it's not Equal but it's not lopsided. So everyone gets on the court a fair amount if not more and I'm always working to improve that weakest link on the team whether that's hitting passing always trying to bring those players up because I know if I can coach them up a little bit that's going to make our team practice harder. So how do I implement this Fair playing time? Probably the most successful way that I have implemented. This is having about 3ish lineups that I like to use we can for Simplicity purposes call those lineups one two, and three one being when I have all my studs out there three would be when I know we're playing a low level team and I want to get some players playing time and then I'm going to use that second line up when I know we're pretty evenly matched against another team and I want to try and push those lower players. I want to get them out on the court, but I want them to be Successful out there. So so they're going to be sprinkled in rather than all on the core and my preference is to always use that second line up if I can that means that even if you don't get in the first set you're definitely playing in the second set and depending on your performance. You might be in the third set if required even when I go to third sets. I don't necessarily want to use that first line up. I want all of my players to experience. What it's like to be in that high pressure situation of a deciding set. So why do I do this? I'm typically coaching 14 and under club. That is my bread and butter. I love this age group. I think it could work for 12 you and 16 you as well that 16 you you start to kind of get into that never changing lineup or rarely changing lineup. So I think this works best app for teen youth or you might even use it at eighth grade or with freshmen and Or JV teams are developing all of your players and letting everyone contribute. This is really important to me to get buy-in from my athletes because you care more about whether the team does well or not because you're part of the team if you're sitting on the bench all the time. It doesn't really matter. If you're doing equal playing time. It's kind of seems out of your control. But in this case, I feel like everyone contributes and you're also pushing players to try and get that starting role. So let's just say we're using that second line up. Maybe halfway through the season my first choice for lineups against those really tough teams or when we really need the win depending on a player's performance when I'm using that second line up. They might get bumped up into that first line up. So it doesn't stay the same throughout the season. It does fluctuate a little bit but there's opportunity for players to improve and practice get better do better in tournaments and really make an impact on the team and be chosen. Be trusted with the responsibility of being on the court in important matches. I don't tell my players that it's lineups number one two, and three it might be obvious to parents but I don't think players necessarily notice it in the moment. You could also call them lineups red white and blue if that's something if you wanted to let them know that there are different lineups. I don't really tell them but I do have it written in my notebook like, okay. This is line up one line. M2 and M3 for this tournament as I said, it can fluctuate throughout the season but stays pretty consistent and I do different practice situations using those different lineups at practice. So as I mentioned you're improving players for practice and that's so important because when your quote-unquote starters are playing against bench players, they're not going to be challenged. But if they're playing against teammates who have seen competition and they know that they're battling it out for playing time. I have seen higher Overall performance from my players. So what are the drawbacks here? Because not everything is perfect. And I understand that one of the downsides to my personal playing time philosophy of fair playing time sort of you get what you earn is that my team's don't always build up a rhythm because I'm sort of testing experiments on them or changing. Let's say that Natalie has really stepped up and now Now I want her to be my second outside hitter. So I switch her with Marta and now the lineup is completely different and people don't know how to play next to each other and sometimes I can really blow up in your face if two players are next to each other who don't cohesively play together. So sometimes you might ruin a rhythm and I accept that I think that that's an okay trade-off for the benefits another downside that I've experienced with Fair playing. Time is that at the end of the day you probably do end up losing some of the games that you quote unquote should have one. So let's say we're going up against what I think is going to be an easy team. And so I put my third line up out there and something falls apart or maybe our communication is off for the day and then we lose that first set. So in the second set, you know, it's still a bad team. That went blank. So I only put my second lineup out there because I think okay. Well something fell apart with that third group now, I'll put my second team out there and maybe just like mentally this group isn't getting over that loss. And so maybe we lose or maybe it goes to 3 and and so we have an extra set loss. Even though we might come out on top and we'll beat this team in the end. We do have that set that we lost that can come back to bite you at the end of Season there was one season where I was coaching and I loved this group of girls. They were Scrappy and they just loved volleyball. They were really dedicated. It was a great group and at our final tournament if we would have won one more match, which we could have if we would have won one more match than we did that day. We would have been the division Champions. But because we lost we were in like a way or five way tie it was insane and because of the number of sets that we had lost. I think we ended up number for technically even though most of the teams we had be one-on-one and I attribute that to my willingness to let players go out and lose a set because I wanted to get players on the court in competition instead of just go out and Crush everyone and so looking back would I change anything? No, I would still make the same decisions because I think even though it kind of stinks to be playing for Division champion and then end up getting forth because of a technicality like that stinks, but we had a great season. I think all of my employers improved more than if we would have just had a set lineup or I would have played to win a little bit more but a lot of that depends on the culture of your Sub and what is expected from you and this was okay for my club? Obviously first place would have been better. But the way that the girls developed that was more important at 14 and under than winning. I'm preparing these girls to go into high school to try and make something beyond their freshman team. And so I'm okay with that. It depends if you're going to be okay with that. Maybe you just play your first line up a little bit more often than your And third I love using Fair playing time though because it does reward players for trying harder and players are pushed more often to become better. Everyone gets the chance to see the core. Everyone gets the chance to be a starter they have to earn it and it has to be the right situation, but I'm able to justify that if parents get upset for whatever reason and when you're making these judgment calls about who gets to play who doesn't you probably will have a lot of parent and player. Ins you might have some tears, but if you can show like okay Alyssa, these are your stats throughout the season you're not improving and the team overall is going up in passing. I need you to step up your passing. Here's what you can do to get better. Let's work on that and then you can probably see some more playing time. So you're going to have a lot of conversations like that. If this is the playing time philosophy that you choose to use I'm biased and this is my favorite. This is what I think is best but it all depends on you your personality. And the age that you're coaching and sort of this the environment that you're in so I hope you take this information use it to come up with your own playing time philosophy determine what's going to work best for your situation for your age group for your organization for your own personality and that way everything just feels right. If you're a real softy and you like coaching younger players may be equal playing time is what's going to feel the best for you. Or if you're coaching an elite-level club and you don't really have a lot of tolerance for poor performance coming up with that stud lineup. That's what's going to feel most natural for you and I think at the end of the day, it's all about coaching consistently with your own values. So whatever obstacles you have because when it comes to playing time, you're going to have obstacles as long as you feel good. And you feel like you can defend your choices. That's what's most important. Thank So much for listening to the get the pancake podcast. Be sure to subscribe if you havent that way, you know when a new episode comes out, and if you have coaching friends, I would love it if you shared your favorite episode with them, whether that's this episode or last week's episode or like our number 8 episode. We're on number 34 right now, and I'm really excited to keep adding episodes and have more in-depth conversations with you. All again. Thank you so much for listening and I'll see you in next week's episode. sewed
Have you sat down and determined your playing time philosophy for your volleyball team? Or, are you just making adjustments as you go? Listen to this week's volleyball coaching podcast episode as I discuss the pros and cons of equal playing time, playing time based strictly on performance, and my own personal playing time philosophy which I have developed over the years. —————— Support the podcast: —————— HELPFUL RESOURCES —————— 📖 “Coaching Volleyball: A Survival Guide for Your First Season": 🏆 Volleyball Goal Setting Packet: 📋 Coaching beginner volleyball players? Read “The Ultimate Guide to Coaching 5th and 6th Grade Volleyball Players”:  💕 "Common Enemy" Team Bonding Activity: 🏐 Volleyball Coaches Corner closed Facebook Group: —————— LET’S GET SOCIAL!
I'm Alec lace. Welcome to First Class fatherhood. Welcome everybody to episode 275 and a podcast. I am happy as always to be here with you. Thank you for stopping by if this is your first time listening to the podcast. Please get over there and bang that subscribe button. You do not want to miss all the action that's coming your way right here on First Class fatherhood. All right dad's I have an unbelievable guest to bring you guys today. He is the president and the face of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, which is the largest mixed martial arts organization in the world Dana White joins. On the podcast today and under his leadership. The UFC has grown into a multi-billion dollar Enterprise is very exciting to have him here with me today, especially on the eve of UFC 244 going down tomorrow night in Madison Square Garden Dana. White will be here with me in just a few minutes. So please stick around for the interview. And as I have done here with some of the other Heavy Hitters that I've had the honor of speaking with on the show here such as skateboarding legend Tony Hawk and it fell Hall of Famer Deion Sanders and the Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort. I understand that having Dana. White on the podcast here will introduce a large number of new listeners to the podcast. So I would like to take a second here to reiterate the purpose and the vision of first-class fatherhood, which is to change The Narrative of fatherhood and family life far too many young men in this country have a negative outlook on what it means to become a father and start a family many guys have the idea that becoming a dad is something to avoid or put off until much later in life combined this poor philosophy with the way that dads are portrayed on TV and in the movies also with the attack on masculinity. Is all helped to lead to a fatherless crisis in our country and wherever we see communities that have high levels of crime drug use teenage pregnancy teenage suicide and all these other things you are going to see a high elevated percentage of fatherless households. So what I have done here is gathered a collection of interviews with men who have just been crushing it in life. I'm talking about Super Bowl MVPs NFL Hall of Famers SEAL Team Six operators, New York Times bestselling authors world champion Fighters award-winning actors. And many other high-profile men who have stated that despite all of their accomplishments in life. It has been truly experience of fatherhood that they have felt the greatest sense of fulfillment in their life and their testimonies are a much more realistic view of what being a dad is truly all about as far as for myself. I am a 39 year old father of four children ages 13 12 8 and 5 at the moment married for 15 years. I've been a railroad mechanic for 20 years. I drive Uber on the weekends. I'm a recovering alcoholic and addict and I host the number. Fatherhood podcast in the country first class fatherhood. All right, so welcome to the show here and I'd like to encourage you guys to introduce this podcast to anybody that you know, that is a father or more importantly about to become a father. All right and despite what many people may think out there. We are not babysitters. We are not assistant mom's we are fathers and we're not just father's we are first-class fathers and every day is Father's Day right here with me and I'm going to be right back with UFC president Dana White. I'm Alec lace, and you are listening to First Class fatherhood. Hey Dad's, are you looking to boost your energy level Strike Force energy has got you covered when they Strike Force energy packet, you can turn any beverage into an energy drink their original energy packets contain no sugar. No calories, just an explosion of energy and flavor added to any beverage Strike Force energy is veteran-owned and all their products are made right here in the United States co-founded by Navy SEAL. Sean Matson Strike Force energy blows away the energy drink competition right now first class fatherhood listeners can save 15% off their purchase by visiting Strikeforce and using the promo code fatherhood Strike Force energy turns any beverage into an energy drink get yours today Strikeforce promo code fatherhood. All right joining me now is a first-class father. He is the president of the Ultimate Fighting Championship and it is just an honor for me to say Dana White. Welcome to First Class fatherhood. Thanks for having me. All right, let's start right here. How many kids do you have? And how old are they? I have three kids. My oldest is is 18 my son and then my other son is 17. They're exactly a year apart. And then my daughter is 13. Okay, awesome. What type of sports activities are they all in to? Well, my oldest plays football and my younger son played football and he fights he boxes and then my my daughter is into gymnastics cheerleading and she's really good volleyball player. Okay. Yeah, very cool. Do you ever get involved with coaching at all? And you like to enjoy all that stuff and no. No, I don't. I don't do the coaching thing man. I have some people that are Really good coaches coach mm. You know, the father kid coaching things. Sometimes it works out but most the time it doesn't have seen a lot of bad experiences with parents coaching. Yeah, I hear that. All right, if you could Dana please just take a minute here to hit my lips are a little bit about your background and what you do, my name is Dana White. I'm the president of the UFC the Ultimate Fighting Championship me and my partner's the Fertitta Brothers bought the company 20 years ago and you know, I've been involved. I've been involved ever since we sold the company to WME IMG and 2016. I think and I stayed on as an owner and you know president for the last however many years has been three three and a half years. Yeah. It's been an incredible journey that you've had here with the UFC about. How old were you when you first became a dad data and how did becoming a father kind of change your perspective on life? I think I was 31. I was 31 when we had Dana my first son and you know when you have a kid, it changes everything it changes the way you look at life changes the way you look at you know, what you want not it's not about you anymore. It becomes about them. And I don't know it's the greatest thing that you can do. It's really you realize. Why we're here we're here to become parents and and to raise children. Yeah, very well said and you've obviously had massive success here with making the UFC what it is today, but I know that comes with a lot of hard work. So what were some of the challenges of being a dad while building the UFC the biggest challenge and being a father and doing it, you know, not just building a business. But whether you work or whatever it is is is missing is missing things as missing whether it's their play at school. Or they're big game that weekend. Whatever. It might be are you know them walking or whatever, you know, those are the things that that are the hardest are missing things. I've been very fortunate and that you know, we have like the largest production company and Nevada, so I didn't miss anything if I had to be on the road. Thank God for technology because I would stream their games live or stream a play or you know, whatever it might be I got I see everything. So I think that's the toughest part and being a parent. You don't have to be building an organization like the UFC you can be a guy that has to go to work, you know every day and pay the bills and miss these certain amazing things in your kids lives that you would rather see ya. Yeah right on with that and what about discipline Dana? What type of disciplinary and are you as a father and is it different than the disciplines valuable? Wait, yeah. Yeah. It's exact opposite of what I grew up with. You know, I've never beat the shit out of my kids. You know, I've had the shit kicked out of me a few times when I was a kid and you know, I don't think it made me, you know, I wish I shouldn't say that. I think there's some you know, the fear of the ass-kicking might have made me, you know, stop doing something that I was doing or not do something because of it, but it wasn't As a father what I believed and I feel like you know, you lost a little respect with with some of the beatings that I took but you know, I've never done that to my kids, you know, and there's a certain age where you know, your kids don't fear you like they did when they were younger. So it makes it a little tougher to discipline them and especially my son Aiden who was fought and and Trained and things like that, you know, I he's too tough for that shit. He's too tough for me to try to play that. You know that role with him, so I just try to reason with them and it works with some kids and others. It doesn't like my oldest son. Dana can be reasoned with my younger son. Aiden is a little tougher to to deal with, you know, because much like me at a very young age. He started becoming his own guy. There's just a certain age where your kids start figuring out who they are and who they want to be and what they want to do or you have your kids that are confused and don't know who they are. What they want to do. So I think there's different ways to discipline different kids. You can have the same kids grow up in the same house, you know, same parents same everything yet. They're complete opposites and how you deal with them and how they deal with you. Yeah. Yeah. Well said that's exactly the Stitch. I got four kids myself and all four of them couldn't be more different when it comes to trying to handle them with discipline Styles and everything else. So it's incredible how that works out. So true man, and listen. Nobody has all the answers that's all trial and error and you try to do the best you can you know for each kid and try to you know Guide them in the best ways that you can and it just it's it's all trial and error. Nobody has the answers. Yeah and your kids obviously. My oldest is only 13. So I'm just on the onset of the teenagers here, but you've already hit the mark where they started driving. What was it like for you to first time when your kids learned that a driving you got in the car with your kid? Yeah, so I again I've been fortunate because I had family up in Maine up in this part of Maine called Levant Maine and it's out in the sticks and you know, we started driving when I was like eight or nine my uncle would say get in the car and we would drive, you know through town and everything else. There's not a lot of police out there. So nobody nobody cared back then so I took my kids up there and my kids started driving at a really young age. Like like my daughter, we we have all this property and you know, my kids would drive from one house to the other and so they got accustomed to drive and real young which I think is important stuff to do in a city like Vegas or New York Chicago Boston stuff like that. But you know the I had them doing it young. So my son Dana when he started driving I wasn't too worried about it. He was a good driver. I felt confident and comfortable with the experience and the Notice that he had had up in Maine and some stuff we did in Vegas to in our community, you know driving around and then my younger son Aiden who 17 now still doesn't have a license, you know, like I said two different kids. He had a 16th birthday party. He got a beautiful car for his birthday. He could care less about driving. He Ubers everywhere. YouTubers are his friends pick him up. He could care less about driving. So those are the two experiences and again like most fathers. I'm nervous about my daughter. She's 13, you know, we got a couple of years to go with her. But when she starts driving, that's the one that's going to make me nervous. Yeah, right on with that. My daughter's my youngest two out of the four. She's only five so I got a ways to go there but I drive over on the weekend saying and I see it all the time. I see kids that are older that don't even have to get even bother to get their license and it's kind of mind-blowing to me because I was always like the big thing you thought of when you were a kid when I was growing up. It was the only thing you thought of you didn't care about anything else. Listen, there's two things that I knew. Ooh, when I turned 16 a I wasn't getting the car but be I was getting that license, you know, your license was everything when we were growing up. It was your sense of Freedom. Like you had a driver's license you could do whatever, you know, even if you didn't have a car you got your license these kids today don't give a shit. It's the craziest thing ever. One of the other things that I noticed obviously all the time. And when I drive them around is that they don't communicate with one another to hedger in the phone. I know I see your one son has an Instagram account. How do you kind of Monitor and handle all the Social media and the technology we kids. Yeah, that's that's a great question. Nothing beats an American flag made in the USA. Right? Well, how about an American flag made in the USA by veterans out of Duty worn for Tiegs from all branches of the military. That is exactly what you get with combat Flags combat flags are handcrafted from Duty wore fatigues and offer a tangible piece of freedom to the American people. Each flag is accompanied by a professionally designed and printed card that tells the story of service of a soldier Marine Airman sailor or coastie who wore the fatigues used to make the flag. They are the real deal. Dad. So what are you waiting for visit combat? and use the promo code father and first class fatherhood listeners will save 10% off their purchase veteran owned American made combat promo code father. 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You know, it was it was one of the things that will my wife and I, you know sort of didn't agree on when they started to get older, you know, they started wanting to be on social media and there's so many nasty people on social media and things like that, but I said listen the kids got to get used to it, you know, people are going to talk shit to him and say A bad things about me and and and and and you know, whatever it might be but it's the future it's where they're going to live and where they're going to communicate with their friends. They got to get used to it. And I think it's gone pretty well. My kids are pretty level-headed and you know, they'll come to me and say hey this guy just said this about you and I'm like, yeah, we'll get used to it guys people going to say a lot of things and they've handled it pretty well. Yeah, I think Twitter is the where I'm only been on there since I started this podcast up and Since I've been on other things like Twitter is really where all the nastiness is really is the worst of all of them. So there's some of the some pretty nasty ones on Instagram to you know, you're always going to have these I call them nameless faceless cowards most most of them are people who have private accounts. If you notice most of the stuff that's nasty comes from people with private accounts. And you know, you have to consider the source when you're when you're reading the stuff from people like that. Yeah, definitely hundred percent and what about as far as the fighters in the UFC Dana as far as father's go. Do you notice any difference in the guys that are family men that are fighting as opposed to that single guy that Lone Wolf fighter. Oh, absolutely. Yeah and you notice a difference in guys that were single and had no kids and then when they end up having kids it changes you man, it's just it just it does. There's nothing you can do about it. It changes you in many different ways. Mostly for the positive, you know, if you're if you're if you're a good father changes you for the positive, you know, I've always had this philosophy about people always ask me about my legacy and you know your legacy and what I do for a living what I do for a living at the end of the day means nothing it's when you when your life is over and you're laying there in that box and whoever shows up here to your funeral shows up. The only thing that Matters and your only real Legacy are your children and you know, hopefully you've lived a life and done things, right and they get up and say he was a great father. I mean at the end of the day nothing else matters who you were as an employee or who you were as a business owner or as whatever Walk of Life you chose to pay the bills. The only real Legacy you have in the only thing that means anything is what those kids have to say about you. Yeah, very well said have you ever done like a Father's Day card? We have just Dad's on you know on the card. No, we've never done that but do you be so dumb? There's you know, there's a lot of fighters in the UFC that are really good Dads and you know, you know have families and live completely normal lives compared. What you would think of guys who fight in the cage? I've spoken to a few of them here on the podcast. And what about as far as your kids? When did you first introduce your kids to the UFC? And when was the first time they actually attended device by introduce them to the to the sport at a very young age and had them training at a very young age. You know, when you have kids and daughters are no different, you know, it's your job as a father to make sure that they can handle themselves and and you know can defend themselves. I think that's a very important. Part of life, you know because bullying and getting picked on and all that stuff is real and it doesn't just happen to kids happens the grown-ups to and adults that, you know, whether it's at work or out on weekends or whatever. It might be. It's a it's a reality in life and it's always been something that was very important to me is that my kids learned how to defend themselves. So they they were involved in this at a very very young age. But this is my love and my passion Passion and what drives me and what's meat gets me out of bed every day, but that's not that doesn't mean that's what's going to drive your kids and like my oldest son loves football. My younger son is at a point in his age where it's it's all about girls right now and you know and hanging out with his friends and my daughter has, you know volleyball and she loves gymnastics and things like that. So, you know, they haven't really Fallen in love with the sport the way that that I am in the way that I have in my life, but you know, which is great. I want them to find their own their own way in their own path and what it is that's going to you know, fire them up and get them out of bed in the morning. Yeah, well said and you mentioned there you got one son that's already chasing the girls. How did you kind of handle that when they started to hit that dating scene and all you prepared here for when you go to start start to you know, I was cool with the boys. I don't care what they do. You know that your son's it's whatever my daughter is the one that I'm going to have a real hard time with she already knows that she's not allowed to date until she's 30. Yeah. Like I said, my daughter is five. I'm already dreading up. I got three boys ahead of her here. So hopefully, you know, it'll be a while before I die. To get involved in anything. Yeah, and you got three bodyguards so that works. Perfect. What about nothing? What's the future of the UFC here Dana? What kind of goals are plans do you have for yourself for the future? They listen what's next for me is what's going on here? We're continuing to grow the sport and this brand and going into other countries. We're going into France this year this last year. We we got a fight coming up in Korea and New Market in Korea mom. Moscow, you know continuing to grow throughout Russia and the Middle East Africa is taken off for us because we have an African Champion the list goes on and on man. This is this is what I love to do. This. This is truly my passion and I'm just as fired up every day. Now as I was 20 years ago, so I'm going to continue to do this my son graduates. This is a senior year. He looks like he's going to head out and go to USB so Looks like I'm gonna be spending a lot of time in San Diego over the next four years and whatever School my younger son decides to go to you know, just moving on into that next chapter of my life with my older Boys in college. Yeah, very cool. No, I didn't I school. Yeah, I got one going to high school next year to I'm kind of bracing for impact for that myself, but we got UFC 244 this weekend here. We almost we almost didn't have it. What happened? There and what we expect to see here this weekend. Well, it wasn't as close to not happen as people think it was, you know, things happen. There's there's other stuff going on with this card right now behind the scenes that the public doesn't know that we have to deal with we always have to deal with some type of bullshit behind the scenes leading up to a fight and you know, one of the things that makes us the best in the world not just the best in the world the best ever do it is, you know, we usually figure it out in the It's go on whether it's with a different opponent or whatever the case may be. But you know, we're used to dealing with this stuff. Yeah, very cool. Alright last thing. I want to hit you with your Dana. I love to ask all the dads that I got on the podcast. What type of advice do you have for that new father or for that about the be dad leave out there listening? Well, I think I think my best advice would be when you when you have a baby. It's always really hard in every sense of the word hard. You're not sleeping. Beeping much financially, it becomes very very tough. You know, it's very expensive but it's the greatest thing that you will ever do and it only gets better. You will figure out the financial side and you will figure out time and sleep and all that other stuff. It just it gets better every single day and it is the most rewarding thing that you can do in life. There is never a right time. You know what I mean? If you say I got to wait for the right time, there's never Right time when you have a kid, you just got to you just got to jump in with both feet and and roll with the punches man that works out and it's the most rewarding thing you can ever do in your life. Yeah, Barry well said, I love the message. It has been an honor for me. I got to say Dana White, you're a first-class father all the way and thank you so much for give me a few minutes of your time on First Class fatherhood. Thank you. I really appreciate it. And what a cool podcast is. One of the coolest ones I've ever did and congrats seriously. I mean it what a cool podcast concept and I love it good for you man continued success. Back to wrap things up here. I'm first class fatherhood. I got to give a special. Thank you. Once again to Dana White for giving me a few minutes of his time here at was so awesome. Please hit me up on Twitter guys or drop me a DM on Instagram. Let me know what you thought about today's podcast. I always love to read your feedback. If you're not following me on Instagram. Check me out at Alec underscore lace, or you could follow me at first glace fatherhood. All right, I'd love to hear your opinion on today's episode and you can check out all the guests will be joining me here next. Tweak including NFL great Carson Palmer will be on the podcast and many other dads. What a way to kick-off November with the president of the UFC Dana White today October is in the books in October. We had five NFL Hall of Famers to Navy SEAL Medal of Honor recipients The Wolf of Wall Street and many more if you missed out on any of last month's action. Please go through the archives and check them out today. All right, that's all I got for you guys today. I'm Alec lace. Thank you for listening to first-class fatherhood. And please remember guys, we are not babysitters. We are Others and we're not just father's we are first class fathers.
Episode 275 Dana White is a First Class Father and President Of The Ultimate Fighting Championship. Under Dana’s leadership, the UFC has grown into a Multi-Billion Dollar enterprise and the largest MMA organization in the world. In this Episode, Dana shares his Fatherhood journey, he talks about the challenges of growing the UFC while being a Dad, he tells us how he handles discipline and social media with his kids, he discusses the real legacy he cares about leaving behind, he gives us his vision for the future of the UFC, he talks about the changes in fighters once they become fathers, he offers some great advice for new or about to be Dads and more! First Class Fatherhood is sponsored by: STRIKE FORCE ENERGY - Visit Use Promo Code: Fatherhood SEATGEEK - Visit Use Promo Code: FIRSTCLASS SAVE $20 OFF Tickets Subscribe on YouTube - First Class Fatherhood Merch - Follow me on instagram - For information about becoming a Sponsor of First Class Fatherhood please hit me with an email: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hi Kirby. Hi Sarah. Welcome to Los Angeles. So we have a fabulous gorgeous stunning. So talented guest on today's episode. We want to get right into it because she is full of so many amazing tips. So Sarah take it away. Hey, Priscilla. Oh, no isn't the global makeup artist for Fenty Beauty and is also responsible for creating some of Rihanna's most memorable looks for music videos to the red carpet growing up in California. Oh no grew up with a passion. For beauty particularly inspired by the music videos of the 90s. She'd always dreamed of working with Rihanna and after meeting her on the set of S&M, it was clear that they had a future together fast forward to 2017. Wenonah was chosen out of hundreds of artists to join the Fenty Beauty Global Artistry team in addition because she needed more to do she also runs her own makeup school where she leads sold out master classes to hundreds of aspiring makeup artists. We are so thrilled to have her on the podcast today. Yay. You welcome, Priscilla. Thank you so much. Thank you for coming on. We are thrilled. We know that our audience is so happy that you're going to be here and share all your wonderful makeup wisdom, but we do have a lot of ground to cover. So you want to Dive Right In so let's talk about working at Sephora. What was your favorite part of working at Sephora? I was all the Hands-On that I got. I feel like it really helped the foundation for me to grow as an artist and just being able to work there at such a young age when I was 20 years old being able to work with different face shapes. Oops, and skin types and skin textures and work with different products and different brands. It was just a really great way for me to you know, get in there and to learn while I was doing what I live totally and there's an audition process to become a cast member at Sephora. It's not like you just walked in and apply and then you're done. If you write want to be touching people's faces and one of the applying makeup to then you have to audition. Can you talk a little bit about that? Yeah. Well mine was like 10 years ago. So it might be a little different now, but when you know when I was working there you never got You know hired and it was a sure thing. It was always like a three-month trial period and you had to really show yourself and you know, whatever. You said you were or who you were in your interview you had to kind of prove that so yes, you had to love makeup and love products and be knowledgeable on some products, but I think the one thing they look for most was being able to be a great salesperson in to sell things that people actually really need and for them to you know, have a big ticket. So it was a shoe-in for me because people would come in for a foundation and I would just recommend them a brush and a prime. Her and the skin prep and the powder and you know, it was great add-ons and it was great because I'm actually doing a service and showing somebody what they actually need but I'm also helping you know, the company by meeting their sales. So totally it was it was great. I think that's a testament to you though as a makeup artist as well. Like if you're able to communicate with somebody and connect with them relationship-wise and then they end up buying products that you recommend like that's not just your great salesperson. It's like you're actually connecting with the people. That's very true. So obviously we think that's what makes Fabulous makeup on and you had mentioned to us earlier that your the location you worked at was the one in Downtown Disney. Yes, so I know we got the perks of Sephora and the perks of Disneyland. So was it like a lot of Disney customers walking it like a lot of tourists which was good tourist. Yeah, because you know, they come in they forget their sunscreen. They figured they're moisturizer or they just need something really quick. So it was great because we would have a lot of those and we would have an Eclectic bunch of people come in which was really good for me as you know practicing on different. Skin types and tones. It was just awesome. And everyone was always happy and in a good mood because it's Disneyland Labor's super diapers. So many so many different backgrounds and languages. It was awesome in ages to oh, yeah. It was so good unlike more mature skin and the younger so yeah we acneic so I feel like that's a great crash course and and really honing your skill totally so you even though you were friends with Rihanna for a while. You still have to try out for this gig. Yeah. So I met her years ago at an S&M music video, we became friends and I worked with her on a different scale not doing her makeup, but her as a director and as a producer for shoots, so when I tried out in 2016, it was really something that was very nerve-wracking because even though I knew her I had never done her makeup and it was like the stakes were high because this is for a huge position and something that I really wanted. We actually had to go in the three finalists out of hundreds of people and we had to do her makeup one by one. One so it was just super nerve-wracking and exciting at the same time. Yeah, I can imagine what she is seems like she's just like so lovely and friendly but like to do her makeup, but particular she did she what she wants. She knows exactly what she wants. She's a makeup artist in her own right and she could do her makeup beautifully if she wanted to every single day. She does she does do her makeup a lot of time. So did you have to like study all of her like, you know looks up, you know, I have been a huge fan of hers for such a long time and you know Have like a vision board of people that I want to work with and she was on the top of my list. So for years, I've kind of been studying her look and how she likes her makeup and what looks good on her. So I kind of already had a sense of like what I wanted to do. So when I went in there, you know, I was really nervous and once she saw the first portion of the makeup and she really liked it and was complimenting it after that. I felt like I could just run with it and he was just like boom boom boom and everything I've ever wanted to do on her I did and it looked wonderful like it was such a great experience. So for the audition process like you said like hundreds of people was it just anybody could anyone it? Oh, yeah, and then they had a casting where anyone on the street can just line up and go in and they do like questions and I didn't go to that portion. I actually got an email directly from her creative director saying that she was requesting that I go into the wow second round, right, which was really awesome. I had actually emailed her creative director and was like, Hey, I know that you guys are looking for a global artists because I had seen a lot of stuff going around the internet and I just told Them if they need anything for the brand. Let me know. I'm happy to help in any way and so then they replied right away. Then I was getting emails from Kendall which is the partnering braniff NT Beauty and also requesting that I go in. So I went into the second portion which was already where they cut down from thousands to I think it was like 50 and Allah and then 30 in New York, but still people were flying in from like Australia and like all over the world. Yeah on that and then I went to that audition which was two days and it was like, you know makeup that we had to do for like a fashion show and then they would switch up the look last minute and then they would have us do a tutorial on camera and speak on camera and like we would have to make mood boards and like present like it was like this whole process like very like Project Runway needs makeup. Like it was it was really cool. And then from there they cut it down from those 50 and 32 3 and then the the last three we had to go in on that day. They didn't tell us you were doing her makeup, but we just all new like it had to be it had to be So they told us bring your kit. Come on. What does that mean? You have to do makeup? Yeah, and then we waited for a few hours and then she got there. We all went in one by one we chat about two hours to go in and do her makeup and it was a wonderful experience because I had such a pleasant time with her and it was such a good experience that when I was driving home. I remember just in tears and just happy that at least I had this great experience with her and I was happy even there like that could have been the end and I would have been happy, you know. Was it between that and like when you found out that months and it was all fall every morning, I would wake up and check my email, you know, nothing yet. Like it was excruciating because I was so nervous and I would have these round like yeah, I got it. You know, I'm you know, she loved the makeup. Of course, I'm gonna get in there would be days. Well, maybe she didn't like it after all like, you know, because it was just two months honestly when you're waiting for something so important feels a year mostly like every day is a year, you know, but it was a few months. Before we found out and then once I found out I was like over the moon and you did three different looks right on her. So the first look was like the way she wanted her makeup to be done. Right which is the way that she usually does her makeup, which is always complexion first, which is opposite of what I usually do you do eyes, right? I do eyes first and then we also had to use Fenty Beauty before anyone had even seen Fenty booty. So it was our first time touching the products and you know, we had to color match her and there's 40 foundations so like color match. Watching her, you know, that's very nerve-wracking and because she knows what shaped she is. Yeah. She didn't say me. She didn't say it was like so the first portion was like complexion and like just a really clean pretty look second portion was add a winged liner because she's very into winged liner and it has to be perfect and then also adding a red lip because obviously a red lip is a very hard to achieve because you have to be really perfect when you apply it and then the third look was Whatever we want. So we got to just do it said do you on the paper? I wait so then what about was you like it if I stayed a smoky like kind of like a smoked out I and then I did like a dark lip liner with a light on the inside because I had never seen that on her but I felt like it would look really nice on her and then it was really cool because two days later she went to this Dior event and she wore like almost exactly but I did so I was like you she liked it like it like it was so it was so nice to see that satisfy. Yeah, I I don't know. She let I didn't know like I don't know if she was like, yeah, I want to do the luck she did on me or you know, maybe it just popped in her head. Like she knew that it looked good. But for me, it was like oh my God, it's the look. You know, that's so cool. So now, you know, we're hitting almost 2020 and we talk about this all the time the Fenty effect, you know, especially with Foundation now like we always like to say we know like banty didn't invent the Forty Shades of foundation, but they created a foundation that really catered to women of color, especially Actually, and it was something that people saw themselves in and in a really different way, how does it feel to be a huge part of that? I mean, honestly, it feels amazing. And and also I think that the great thing about it is that it's not just your mid-range that you get it's not just the women of color. It's also very very fair skin to we were getting, you know clients that had Vitiligo that had the fairest of the fair skin that couldn't Find a foundation that was fair enough for their skin and that were in tears because they finally found one, you know, like it was just it being so diverse that we could say anyone and everyone should be allowed to go in and find their shade like it's something that took way too long to happen. And now you were even talking about earlier how your guys's brow line your brow pencil you make it in this really deep black like a soft black right? And can you tell about this? Yes, so we have 14 Shades total in our brow Mbps and we have Shades that are dark enough that they will show up on deeper skin tones to compliment not only the hair color but the skin tone and we had a model when we were doing the campaign shoot and she said that she had never seen her face with eyebrows because she that they could never find a color that would actually show up on her skin. So she was like a maze. So for me that was so touching and moving that even things like that. It's like really like it takes this long but it's actually so gratifying and for me, it's such an honor to be a part of a brand that is something that is so close to me that's been kind of like the at the very beginning of my Artistry career. I've never generalized my clientele like it's always like I want to do makeup on everyone like I want to experience everything, you know, so it's like meant to be it's fate. You know, it's I feel like I'm at home when I'm with Auntie Beauty when I used to work at popsugar when they you guys launched all the foundations Actually did a Roundup of real women using every specific shade. Wow Bonkers, like some like editorial assistants spent hours on Instagram going through and seeing if people tags like what number because we were like, why didn't we do that? I mean, I'm like, I hope this woman got an amazing like bonus at the end of the year because we did the work. I didn't know that that's awesome. I will find the Lincoln cent. Yeah. Proud and tagging their their fish a number Nobody Does that does that but a follow-up to that question is 10 years ago working at Sephora to now so much has changed. What do you think is the beauty industry we can be doing better. You know, I think that we really did break down barriers when we launched and we launched the 40 foundations and I feel like obviously that's making a wave and we call it the Fenty effect, which is really cool. Yeah, and you know even How we talked about the Brows being you know multicolored for different hair tones and different skin tones. Like I think that all products can be looked at in that same way like making sure that when you launch, you know a lipstick it looks good on all skin tones making sure when you launch eyeshadow, it looks good on all skin tones. Like I think just being able to make sure that your clients are going to be satisfied. I think going that far because I have never worked with a brand that does what we do. We actually do fly in different models. From all over the world that have certain skin tones that we don't see that often and try on eye shadows before we launch them and try on the lipsticks and make sure it looks good on them. And you know, we try to have as many the of those tests days as possible and if more Brands could do that, I think that people would just feel more accepted and you know, everyone wants to feel like they can go into a Sephora and pick out any product doesn't have to just be the complexion product a lipstick, you know an eyeshadow and eyeliner and it's going to actually show up on their skin tone. It's going to Look complementary to their skin tone. So I think that that is something that I think that we could never, you know, not work on. You know, it has to be continuous. It's that attention to detail that I really appreciate like that's why I love fly liner because I love it's like I say, it's like organ namik. That's exactly what we call it. Yeah. We're trying to figure out that word is your day namik. Yes feels good to hold in your hand because of the triangle shape and I happily there is no other Ariana chose that shape for that. Purpose she had so many Islanders to choose from like shape wise and she said this is the one that feels the best in the easiest in my hand. It's the so should she wait? Yeah. It just makes sense. Even your matchsticks how you're able to like how they clicked together and it's just so easy to throw in your bag. Yes. Alien. You know what the thing is? I think that with Rihanna, it's not like she's trying so hard. I think that she's just saying like common sense. Like what makes sense. It's not like a board of people that are overthinking everything. It's just her saying this works and It doesn't period And I think that that's why it's so true and it comes off so authentic because it is and I think that that's why people gravitate towards it because it's just things that are common sense that things that you need, you know, which is I mean what we want but also that's why we love her and that's why I praise you. She's no bullshit. Right? Just put it out there exactly. So we want to know what do you think is the most underrated Fenty beauty product matchsticks didn't even have to think about it. Umm, I think that a lot of people sometimes they Overlook them. They think that they are just a concealer stick or a contour stick, but it's actually a do-it-all like I love matchsticks. If you just gave me all the matchsticks I could do a full face. Wow eyeshadow. I didn't eyebrows before with matching gloves in Toronto. It's a great little Instagram tutorials doing on all matchsticks look and it's there just the best. They're so good. The formula is great because They're like this cream to powder formula. They're actually they never dry out which is great and they just go well on all skin types. And again, the color range is so diverse that you can use them as concealer as a lip color as an eyeshadow. I've actually on Rihanna have used it as a lip color before rum and people I remember when I did it they were like, well lip color is that and I was like, it's matchsticks and everyone was like what like there's such a great product to have an especially for a makeup artist like if I just Just have those in my kid. I'm good like that and look well the because they are artistic product. They are, you know, they're multifunctional and as we said as a makeup artist you want to be able to use things in different ways and teach your clients. Yeah customers, but it's actually Rihanna's like point of view when it comes to makeup is have fun create don't be limited to a product that has to be only for this. She uses products all over for anything. She just says play, you know, so that's I think what Fenty Beauty Is Essences like play and that's where those matchsticks are there just to have a good time and to just use them wherever you feel like. They look good on. All right, I'm curious. Is there anything that Fenty beauty or Rihanna is over in terms of makeup like things that you guys try to avoid when it comes to creating looks or friends that you guys are done with you know, I don't I've never to be honest personally. I've never heard her say oh, I'm sick of that and honestly, even me I I don't ever disliked Trends. I feel like Trends are what make this beauty industry go strong and there's a trend, you know, what embrace it, you know, because even if it's not for you and it's not something you would do on someone else that might look really great and true. I'm not someone to knock trans. I'll I actually embrace them. I think they're just great for you know for the beauty industry period you can bring them back if you are like I want to try something different. Yeah mocking exactly month later. Yeah love that approach. Okay, we want to do kind of a quick fire round. Yeah, so we were in do how to apply blank correctly. Okay. So this is actually because Google came out with a list of their most asked Beauty questions and a lot of them were how to apply and just really basic knowledge that maybe is easy comes easy to you. But okay for everyone else to like, I don't know how to do it. Okay, and we do know that, you know Different Strokes for different folks, right and also know that different face shapes. I don't have anything around with that but you know like There's a different face shapes and different shapes. Yeah, Rihanna's made the Fenty way. Okay. So how do you apply foundation correctly? I think that's tough because again Different Strokes for different folks. They just appreciate about you is that you use two different colors. I do like and you have I mean, obviously you have this range to choose right? Whereas like some people just they have like a summer color Springville and then their winter right there. Yeah, but like you really are Attention to the to the yeah. Well, I think because I am a makeup artist I get paid the big bucks to customize, you know, they better look perfect and they better look, right. So, you know, I always customize because everyone naturally has more than one color of skin tone on their face. That's just how we're created is so for me I high like to make sure that I'm paying attention to that so that some areas of the face don't look more gray than others. You don't look end up looking like you have a line under your chin, you know, that's why I like to use different tones, but obviously I know that the Allure everyday person is not going to go out and do all of that especially if they only have a limited time to do their makeup. So they usually choose one color and I would say the easiest way to apply makeup is with a sponge I think our Precision sponge while damp. It's just that fastest way because you're going to get a faster blend and you're going to be more even with it, you know, sometimes by using a brush. Yes, you do get a really great finish, but I think that sometimes with the brush it takes a little longer to blend. So if you're using a spongy can be quicker and you can also get that more seamless effect. Um, so I would say take your foundation apply some on the back of your hand pick up with your sponge. Honestly, I would even say take it with your fingers first and then put it applied on your face. And then with your sponge blend it in. I think sometimes if you pick up with your sponge the sponge might soak up product you might end up wasting some of it. So by applying it with your fingers and then using the sponge. I think it's great. Don't be afraid to use your fingers. I think some people are like is this bad but it's not your fingers are always your best team fingers over here. Oh, yeah, we do. I love applying with her hand. Yeah, I also have to say the sponge is just chefs kiss. Right so good. I love like the hard edges I get like so I actually wanted to ask you this later. So I'll save it but I post I Put A little dab powder right here for my sunglass lines. Oh, yeah and like it is just the perfect just shape for it. Yes. Just saying people. It's really good. How do you apply blush correctly? I would always say smile and then do Apples of the cheek and then with the residue that's left over on your brush brush upwards towards your hairline area like where your sideburns are at. Yeah, just brush it up. So don't keep adding more up there because then you get like this stripe. Yeah, but if you just want a nice blend just whatever's left over in your brush. Just pop it all the way up to your hairline Gorge. What about highlight highlight you need to use the Fenty Beauty shark tooth brush because that is the no-brainer. You're always going to get the most perfect application. It is a brush that has has a curve in it. It's a highlight brush and it's shaped like a shark tooth so that it perfectly fits on your cheekbone. So if you basically if you look forward on the outer part of you your pupil of you lay down your brush following that shape on the top of your cheekbone and you just swipe up to your hairline. You're going to get the perfect application. So just the very tops of your cheekbone is where your highlight should go. Okay? Okay. And then what about Contour Contour? I would say for application see I like to take a little bit of our match. X and applied on the back of my hand scoop it up with our full bodied foundation brush and then basically you can either smile or you can kind of do like the like Zoolander face Yeah. So basically like we're cheekbones are yeah, we all did this deal and your face. Yeah and just being paged. So basically where your cheekbones and Dent you want to take your darker color and you kind of just want to add a little bit there. I would stay away from striping your face and then taking your brush and blending because sometimes it's a little too much and you can get nervous and kind of mess it up and smudge it around and it's just becomes a lot to avoid that. I would always apply them the back of your hand scoop it up and then apply it on your face. Can I ask about the forehead like Contour? Yeah forehead like yeah, how do you properly this is my biggest struggle? Okay, because I like to make my forehead like a little bit smaller answer about a note nose contouring earlier. It's great. Oh, yeah, please tell us so I also don't like to stripe the forehead because I feel like it just makes it look overdone. I like to again scuba from the back of And with a brush and I basically just follow the hairline in the forehead and the lower you go with your Contour. The smaller the center of your forehead is going to appear. It's like an illusion. What I would do is after you kind of blend with your brush take your sponge and then kind of go over and Mary your foundation into your Contour so that you have that really nice grading effect. Because if you don't you're just going to have a stripe along your forehead and it's not going to look so good. That is a great tip. What did you say about the nose nose Contour I told Sure that I actually don't like harsh lines on the side of the nose. Yeah, it kind of like irks me when I see those lies. It's hard to put it Contour your nose. Yes making those line, right? So you were just buffing it out with a so I took whatever the residue was left on the Contour brush and I just put it on the sides of the bridge of the nose just to kind of give Dimension. Yeah, because obviously we want our noses to have some Dimension there. You don't want it to look when you know flat in photos especially. So again, just taking the leftover residue and kind of just doing like on the sides of the nose. Was I think it gives you like the perfect amount? Okay, that's perfect. Los Angeles is brought to you by actor pay partnered with more than 9,000 us Brands and retailers after pay allows for you to shop now. Enjoy now and pay later. This is how shopping should feel. Exciting news you guys watch of eyeshadow palette multiple eyeshadow palette. I know throw a little babies. So your six pan, right? Yes six pans are so easy and convenient because they're just the perfect size to throw in your bag and six eyeshadows in each one, which is incredible because it's like wow I get this many and the coolest part is that you can snap to together so you can actually have 12 shades with you and it's still so Compact and easy to carry. Carry with you that it makes it so easy and the shades are just so user-friendly. I feel like we have the perfect neutral Shades. We have some fun Shades. We have some really cool edgy Shades. There's just so many great Shades to choose from and they were really fun. This was actually a product that I got to help Rihanna put together. I know so it's like a part of our role as a global artists is that we do get to help with future launches and products. This was like the area that she really wanted me to be involved because she knows how much I I love eyeshadow and it's like my my true Obsession as an artist thing is like the number one thing. I love the most so she had me help her like put the colors together and choose colors and it was an awesome experience. So these are always going to be so special to me because I you know, I got to be a part of it in a big way. I love so many of the color ways that you guys earlier that we have like bone to pick with I giant eye shadow palette. Oh, yeah. These are just perfect. You will be able to finish them. Yeah, and you can use all of this. There's like, you know, like the color stories like you said. Yes, so beautiful. Well, I was also going to ask if you had a favorite like I know it's like pick it's like picking a child, but do you want favorite? Everyone should have oh my God, they're so oh, it's so hard to choose. OK at this very moment. I really love the cool neutrals and the Smoky palette because I'm really into cool shades right now and Grays and Rihanna's actually the one that got me into it because she really loves Grays and I think people don't know that about her. She loves especially a gray Shadow around her eyes because she loves the way it makes her eyes look and for me looking at her it makes her eyes, look very green and twinkly so because of me working with those Gray's so much on her it became a love affair for myself too. So I love those two together and I feel like everyone should give them a chance because I don't think people use them as much as she used Cadet on me today. Yeah Anna named because Rihanna was like in an ROTC. And she was like, oh, yeah, I remember this. Yes, so they're like kind of like some like Army kind they were they were called the cadets. Yeah, so she was a Cadet so she named the pallet Cadet because it's like Army tone Oh my God, that's the cutest literally when she when we were there choosing the shades as soon as she saw the shades together. She's like, oh my gosh, I'm gonna call this one Cadet because it's like Army like, you know military Shades and I was like, oh my God, that is so cute. The names are like one of my favorite things about vintage Judy everything every that's a problem. A part that she lives her General Sallis who is like, you know her right by her side and he was a huge part of Fenty Beauty and creating the brand and Jen and her just get together and they just come up with the coolest names like they just bounce off of each other. It's actually so much fun to watch. Okay, so you have a beauty school where you train other makeup artist and I guess you know as anybody listening that's an aspiring mua like, what do you think is the hardest thing to learn as a makeup artist I think color matching is Is really hard but it's actually the most easiest thing if you think about it in a different way, I think that color matching really is. Well, I think that honestly, it's kind of like common sense like it's pretty much process of elimination. So what you do is like whatever you're working on you basically go to your colors and you obviously eliminate all the colors that are too light and the colors that are too dark whatever you have left in the middle is what you're going to kind of test on their skin and see what looks the best. So if you just take it and you do a test swatch On the face and you just explain to your client that you want the foundation to be the most perfect color for them. They are going to be so appreciative because you're kind of including them in the process and making sure that the foundation is their perfect shape. So I think it's all about communication in the way you say things obviously if you're super nervous when you're doing makeup and you know, you get shaking you're like, I don't know what your color is. So I'm just going to test some shades on you like if you say it in that way, of course, it's going to be awkward and weird, but it's actually not an unprofessional thing to test shades on someone's skin to make sure The right tone. I do it all the time. So process of elimination will make it so easy for you to you know to choose the right tone. And I also think that some people prefer to be more warm than maybe that they are right so don is a great way to maybe ask like, okay, do you identify more with this Shader this shade exact and then it could because you could match them perfectly to a tee. But then they look at that face and they're like, I don't like to look neutral. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So that is a huge part of color matching is making sure that they feel like themselves and they feel comfortable because some people do like a warmer shade some people like a cooler Shale. It's just it's kind of like personal preference totally. Okay our last question for you. Yes. What do you think is going to be like the big makeup trend of 2020? What can we look forward to what do you hope is going to be big in 2020? You know, I'm really loving makeup that looks effortless really beautiful skin that looks really fresh. That doesn't look so caked on. I also really love this feather. Eyebrow Trend that we're getting into I love bras at look really feathery and pretty and full. I think that in the beginning of this whole social media makeup craze with you know, with beauty. It was like more and more and more, you know, and we were like really going in and I think that now we're kind of taking a different approach. I know that like skin is like really killing it right now and people are so into skincare and I think that you know merging like maybe you do do a dramatic eye, but maybe your skin is more A fresh today or you know or vice versa. Maybe you do like a full be, you know on your skin, but your eyes are more neutral which is the winged liner like I love that approach to make up. I think that letting maybe just one of those areas on your face kind of shine I think is really nice. So not like over doing things but like kind of, you know, having those certain areas that you want to pop that day. Do all of the talking the natural Glam the natural Glam we love that. Yay. Thank you so much and Priscilla has been such a doll because we've been having technical difficulties and she has just been quietly and patiently waiting for us to get our shit together. So thank you so much. It's my pleasure. We learned so much anytime you guys want me on here. I'll be here. We will do another one Hallelujah. Where can we find you on social? You can find me at Priscilla. Oh no on everything on Twitter on Instagram on Facebook, but I'm going to be real the one that I'm on the most is Instagram, so You can find me there and also been T Beauty. Duh, but guys, we weren't gonna not have a giveaway a season. So Priscilla and finchy Beauty they are giving away Priscilla's top 10 favorite Fenty beauty products the things that she loves the things that she thinks that you need to have. Do you have a few that you want to spout off? Yes right away gloss balm matchsticks hydrating Foundation the Full body foundation brush. Yeah. Oh my God. That's the best brush right body. Lava the body Waba of which body lover. I like em all yeah II don't have maybe we'll let them choose. Okay Billet whoever wins shoes the body. I actually mentioned body lava on Tuesday's episode of Los Angeles because I just on your décolleté. It's stunning. It's so good on you the tops of your shoulder that I see Center of your leg like down the center we're set He's gonna want to go out and naked when they put on Bobby love. I'm just throwing that out. It's true. It just feels good when you put it, actually one of them is called who needs clothes. Yes the pink one that I love. That's my favorite one. Okay guys, so to enter the Fenty Beauty giveaway, you know what to do go to our Instagram gloss underscore Angeles. We will have all the directions / instructions there to enter this amazing holiday care package from Fenty as usual. You can find us also on Twitter gloss Angeles pod and our fabulous Facebook group. We love you guys. Thanks for keeping things. Things running. Those are awesome in that group. I'm just search Gloss Angeles on Facebook, and we will see you we won't see you next week. See you soon. We'll see you at the end of the year. Okay guys. Bye. Wow.
We want to acknowledge the echo you’re going to hear in today’s ep — it’s because we are on location at Priscilla Ono’s gorgeous penthouse! Priscilla is the Global Makeup Artist for Fenty Beauty and is also responsible for creating some of Rihanna’s most memorable looks, from music videos to the red carpet. She was chosen out of hundreds of artists to join the Fenty Beauty Global Artistry Team in 2017. Priscilla talks to us about the looks she had to create on Rihanna to get the job, the most underrated Fenty product and how to properly apply highlighter and contour. Oh yeah, and of course we have a fabulous Fenty giveaway for you this holiday season! Thanks for listening to our holiday episodes! We go back to Tuesday-only episodes beginning 12/31. We’ll be on vacation all next week. Happy holidays! Follow us on Instagram: Shop all of our product lists: Shop Kirbie’s stash: Shop Sara’s stash: Gloss Angeles is co-hosted by Kirbie Johnson and Sara Tan. Our editor is Patrick Muldowney.
This is the speech uncensored podcast your unflinching look into the vast scope of practice of medical speech and language pathologist, or as I like to call us neuro communication Pathologists who are also responsible for dysphasia. Anyway, I'm Lee Ann Porter. I love learning. I love our field and I love talking about it. Today's guest is thoughtful eloquent and has industrial laminators andHome, she's everything. I hope to be when I grow up. It is with absolute Delight that I interest introduce you to Megan bird owner and designer of therapy insights formerly known as SLP insights. Our topic today is focused on health literacy, which makes my little public health degree heart ever. So happy without further Ado. Let's meet Megan and get this show on the road.All right. Welcome Megan Berg. How are you doing? I am good lien. How are you? I'm wonderful. I'm really excited about our talk today because we're going deep into some like, oh no philosophical parts of our field, you know getting very theoretical and talking about really really big picture stuff. Yeah. Yeah, and I love podcasts. I listen to a lot of podcasts and I love your podcast and IListening to Joe Rogan interview Bernie Sanders the other day. Oh Joe Rogan made this comment about podcasts and how they're a long form method of communication and how like now we get so many little tidbits on social media or newsbytes, but we don't get to just sit down and have a conversation which is what's so great about podcast. So thank you for creating this space and thanks for having me on it's a delight. Well, thank you for your kind words. You're just like such an encourager. It's like everything's about you. You're never going to get rid of me because I'm cooking right? So Megan, what are your thoughts say something nice? Well Megan, you have a podcast now to don't you I do. I have three episodes on it, and it's called the therapy insights podcast and it is meant to fill the Gap like when I was in grad school. I did not have access to a counseling. Of course. So the podcast is all about interviewing people who are counselors or who have a bigger perspective on the Health Care system and filling that knowledge Gap need. Oh, that is so good. That is so important because we have to I mean, we see people with Progressive disease patterns. I mean, you know, they know we know everyone knows it's not going to get better. It's only going to get worse. Those are some hard conversations to have. Yes, and then Even outside of that when someone comes to see us, you know for adults. Anyway, they've had some kind of injury, you know, a stroke or a traumatic brain injury that's fundamentally shifted how they interact and their whole life and their role in life and that's a hard conversation to have and they need a lot of assistance with coping. So thank you for doing that. Well, Alright, so before we get way more into it because I will just keep asking question after question. Can you tell everyone a little bit about yourself who you are what you do and your background? Yeah, so I am a speech pathologist in Missoula Montana, which is Western Montana close to Idaho close to Washington and I came a little bit late to the field of Speech Pathology. I had a different career before I went back to grad. Cool. So before I became an SLP, I worked with Scientists around the world to synthesize and communicate their research goals and objectives and progress and outcomes. And that was a really incredible experience for me because I got to travel all over the world and work with people from lots of different countries and create and develop materials and lots of different languages all trying to Target some very esoteric scientific Concepts and so I moved around quite a bit and had ended up in Boulder Colorado and I was working for a science research group there and I got to the point where I felt like that was kind of the end of that journey and I was looking for a new challenge and I perused the University of Colorado grad school options on their website and I came across Speech Pathology and I I've never heard of it. I didn't know anyone that was a speech pathologist, but I loved the idea of it and I think I loved it because it combined my background of science, but also added in this human connection element that I think I was missing and what was wanting so I started taking classes while I was working just to see if I liked it and ended up getting into the program and my first job was working. With kids and that's partly because I did one of my internships at the Pine Ridge Indian reservation in South Dakota. And I love that experience. It was a totally different challenge for me, but definitely fell in love with those kids and the reservation and that experience but then I ended up moving to Montana and there was a job opportunity open to work with adults and that's kind of where I'd always seen myself. So I took that job and Missoula is kind of unique and I think it's like a lot of rural places in the United States where there's not a ton of access to health care. So if somebody does get into a situation where they need acute Medical Care and then they are moving on from that and going into rehab the family then has to make a choice if they're going to relocate for a while to Salt Lake or Denver or Seattle. Or if they're going to choose to do rehabilitation in one of the skilled nursing facilities, that's local. So I think in that sense like it's been a really great job for me because I get to work in long-term care, but then we also have a pretty big Post Acute patient population. So that's where I get to spend the majority of my time. And then when I started working with adults, one of my biggest challenges was Finding materials and resources for them that were not designed for kids. Preach this better. And I think there's been like this explosion of material development in the last five years, which is awesome. Yeah, and I'm glad that I've gotten to be a part of it. So I started developing handouts. And again this kind of goes back to my experience as a scientific Communicator educator and just really bringing visual elements to the patient education experience. So, Just like describing what dysphasia is and providing a very clear visual for people or breaking down the difference between Aphasia and apraxia of speech for families. And initially. I started the company was called SLP insights and gave away everything for free and then realized the cost of the development and web hosting and web development of that. So then I started charging and that led To the development of therapy fix which is a monthly subscription service. So we have four different flavors of therapy fix. There's one for Pediatric slps and that one is really designed for slps working with kids in clinical settings. So it has a lot of materials for feeding and swallowing as well because that was a gap that people had identified as needing more resources and then we have an OT version and a pee ET version and a medical adult rehab SLP version and that one is broken down into three categories speech language and voice and dysphasia and cognitive linguistic So within those three categories every month, we design and print a handout for each category and intervention and a resource and then we also do article summaries. Of recent articles that have been published within each of those categories and we have a sticker and quote and we have monthly calendars for people with low vision and weekly calendars for people with memory impairments. So the whole idea is with therapy fix people get a fresh batch of materials in the mail each month and then it comes with a digital download code. So then they can download all the PDFs and then keep printing them as needed for their clinical practice. And this so then the name changed from SLT insights to therapy insights and part of that was because we were starting to create materials for OTS and PTs based on requests. But I think the name change also reflects the direction that we're headed in in the values that we have in the sense that I think that and like maybe somebody can explain that. There's like a legitimate reason for this but I've never understood how like in our learning Institutions we have SLP OT and PT or frequently in different colleges and we don't take classes together and there's not a lot of collaboration within that learning environment and then we're thrown into the real world together and we've kind of missed the opportunity to learn how to effectively collaborate and so we're trying to learn it in the field. And some of my hope is that they would be insights becomes more of a platform for that interdisciplinary collaboration and discussion. And I think that like the healthcare world is changing so drastically and so fast and we have you know, these major shifts coming up next week with the patient driven payment model and Medicare changing everything and then other insurance companies are going to follow from that and I think that it's an opportunity for All of us to stand together and be a unified voice for strong ethics and morals and really creating an environment where we value patient care and we also have a place to work that is not expecting unrealistic levels of productivity. So yeah. Yeah. Yes all the yes. All right Megan. I just wanted to point out Just for kicks and Giggles that we have a really fun. Feature in common that we only discovered about ourselves. This is so Random like how many other Americans like studied abroad and you also got a degree from the University of otago. Right? Right. So how did you end up at otago? So University of otago is in Dunedin New Zealand and I went to the campus that's up in Wellington, and I want to see their Medical Campus. Because I got a amazing opportunity through Rotary International as one of their ambassadorial Scholars. Wow study at the Masters level for a year where I earned my post graduate diploma in public health. Wow, that's amazing. I didn't do it in a place like New Zealand where I mean, sometimes I feel like it's because of the fact that they have 4 million people and it's easier to manage, but they really have this Health Care System. They had just have a totally different and unique. Of on it. So that must have been fascinating. Oh, yeah as part of the requirements for the scholarship. I needed to travel around and be a speaker at other rotary clubs, which was absolutely a pleasure. Like there's nothing more fun than getting up in front and front of a group of people in my mind and talking about because the topic was about me it was a blast but I would share as part of my presentation. I would share some of the things that I learned about new. Ellen just you know by moving there and living there for the year and they were just some random fun facts just meant to be entertaining but one of them was their Health Care system, and I remember every now and then a rotarian would come up to me afterwards and be you know what Express their discontent meant with their system and it's like it's just a reminder that there is no way to please everybody like someone will find something that they don't like like about it and Yeah need to share that right. Great. Yeah, there is no Universal one-size-fits-all solution for sure. Yeah. Okay. So yeah, fun fact University of otago. So that's happening because that's about the say like go insert mascot, but not oh my gosh. I feel like I should know this. I know I don't pop quiz and we But that would like what 15 years ago for me go my god. Well, I was there in 2007 Cricket me too. What whoa, maybe we totally crossed paths and didn't even know it. That's why I'll that's hilarious we propose. All right, we've got to get this show back on track. Okay. Alright. Thank you for that. Awesome introduction about therapy insights and how it's more of How It's grown what it's doing right now the purpose behind it because that's a really good segue into today's topic just primarily on health literacy. So again what when we say health literacy, what does that mean to you? So my understanding in my concept of hell? literacy has definitely morphed a lot and transformed and I think that goes along with just our cultural understanding of it and There's an article that you're going to reference in the show notes, and that's kind of going to be the structure for how we talked about health literacy today and we're going to break it down into these three categories and talk about each of them in those categories are functional interactive and critical. And I think that as the Healthcare System evolves and as we as clinicians and as patients evolved, I think we're working more towards that critical level of health literacy. But if we start at just the functional level this is just the very basic understanding of our own health and it's the kind of understanding that lets us make decisions about her health. So for example, I was in my kitchen last week and I was cutting onions and I got distracted because I always get distracted and I set the knife down on the edge of the counter and of course it started falling and of course instead of letting it fall. I reached out and grabbed it. In managed to slice my thumb open. Oh, right what so but like my knowledge of wounds and open wounds and knife Cuts led me to be able to put pressure on it and then go and get stitches. Right? Like that's the basic level of functional health literacy is just knowing what to do with our own bodies when we know that information in the options in front of us and I I loved the conversation that you had with Will was it with Will Farnham about replacing a language of fear. Mhm, and you guys were talking specifically about dysplasia, but I think this could apply to anything when we're talking about this functional health literacy is our role is not to provide information that's going to sway somebody one way or another but just to give them the information so they can make the best decision for themselves. That is my jam and that's why I went to the University of otago. In study public health because I felt like if you empowered people with education with knowledge, they could make informed decisions for their own health care. You don't need to be told what to do or how to do it. It's like if you smoke the chances of getting lung cancer are exponentially higher if that's something you're okay with smoke away. Yeah. It's like if someone's like, oh, well heck. No, I don't want to get lung cancer. I don't even want a chance of that. Because of smoking I choose not to smoke. Well, then there you are. You're empowered to make health related decisions based on information that's been provided to you. Absolutely and another example that I like is like we have this therapy task that walks people through counting carbohydrates to manage diabetes and the task starts off with just learning how to read a nutrition label learning what carbohydrates are and then going Through a series of mathematical equations that are based on their own body type and their own preferences and they ultimately reach a point where they are able to know how many carbohydrates they can consume per day that will not have a drastic effect on their blood sugar levels. And one thing that's interesting about like when I do this with people it's often the first time that they've gotten to sit down and look at this information and learn this information and I think part of that is because was quite often when somebody's diagnosed with diabetes or they're having a diabetic situation. It's a very acute situation and the focus in the healthcare system is to get them stabilized and then maybe The dietitian isn't in the building at that exact moment, or maybe they leave the building before they're able to get all this education. And so there's kind of that missed opportunity. But with this task, it's the first time that they're really understanding that a carbohydrate is a complex sugar. And then this impacts their diabetes and that they have a choice in what they eat and they can look through all their favorite foods and figure out which ones are the best for them. So that's just another example of being able to be given information and make decisions that are personally relevant and meaningful to them. Yeah. I think that's a great example while you are describing that another one that came to mind was education about reflux or GERD gastroesophageal. Esophageal reflux or LPR orange or pharyngeal reflex? And you know, there's that common information out there about oh you need to cut out tomatoes and acidic foods and things like that. And then I got a hold of some information that then I adapted for some patient handouts that explained. Why what about those Foods led to that recommendation and it wasn't that tomatoes for example, cause It was that they irritate the esophageal lining and if you're experiencing reflux, then yourself and you'll lining is already compromised its needs to heal. But if you continue eating high levels of you know, citric and tomato Foods, then you're not allowing yourself to this time to heal if it's if the reflex is being managed by medications effectively, so that's what I share with people. I'm like, these are the reasons why they're recommending You know coffee it's not the caffeine in it. It's this other complex chemical name that relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter. So it was like if you are a die-hard coffee person or chocolate because it's the same chemical that's in chocolate and in coffee. Wow, then I was like, please choose or you know, make your own decisions. It might not be the best idea to drink coffee or eat chocolate after lunchtime because Then you're more likely to be in a reclining position. And if you're lower esophageal sphincter is already relaxed from the food that you've eaten then that's just going to cause more reflux. So if you're going to eat chocolate, eat it for breakfast friend like yeah, and it's that explaining the why behind and then just letting it sit and letting it be and letting their reality just gel with whatever they want it to be. Yeah. So it's not saying swear off chocolate and coffee for the rest of your life. It's like understand what the consequences might be before you engage in that decision. And if you know that and you're okay with the consequences, that's you. That's all you that's cool. So in New Zealand, do they have He's a well maybe we'll get to this. This is more like a critical level of health literacy. But are they making policy choices based on people's Health Care decisions kind of like in the United States were starting to see different health insurance plans based on tobacco use or no tobacco use. Do you know if that's something that they're doing? Well, I feel like a large. And this was like 15 years ago, you know 2007 if I can do my math right now, I'm really scared. I didn't do my math right now. No, wait, what's it now? Oh God. I'm going to be so confused. If I don't get a calculator and fix that. Okay. So the main thing was about access to health care and how that there is there was a most likely still is unequal Access to Health Care. Based on multitude of factors obviously socio-economic standards are access to that as well and cultural influences and other things of that nature. And so that was kind of it. Okay. I remember also what stood out to me because I found that really interesting and really powerful. So I don't know if that answered your question or not. Well, I mean, so okay, so that's functional health literacy. And then if we move on to the next level, mhm that is interactive health literacy and that is where like we give the information and then there's some sort of interactive element to it. So maybe we describe why somebody is having memory problems after a brain injury. And then we also say this is a brain injury support group that meets on Is for breakfast and then kind of helping them figure out a way to get there. So that's just taking the knowledge and and putting it up to the next level by allowing people to have opportunities to interact with this information and learn and decide things on their own. Well, yeah, I like that. Yeah, and then the third level of health literacy that we're going to talk about is what this article. First to as critical health literacy in this is probably the type that I'm the most excited about and why I was asking you that question about policy and this is the level where we're starting to integrate all of this information about The Human Experience and maybe make policy decisions around it or create a Health Care System that's going to better help people make decisions. So the other part of this that I think is super exciting is this concept of the learning Health System. And it's kind of a difficult concept to talk about because it's not really anything tangible. It's not like an institution or a lab or a central organization, but it's more this concept that we have the potential to tap into the expanse of The Human Experience and like as of up till now we've been relying on data points that are generally deuced by researchers and very controlled studies But if we think about this in the sense of like life before the internet and life after the internet, like I'm of an age where I remember both of those and they're completely different worlds. And I think that's what the health literacy are the learning health system is going to do for healthcare. So if we can think about it as like it's the energy inside all of us and it's the potential to capture data. The from real people going through real situations and taking all of that messy data and all those messy story lines and finding patterns in them. And I think this is especially attractive to me and I think to a lot of speech therapist because we are such a young field and we have such a limited amount of evidence for anything right now that it's really hard to know what's working and what's not working and you could take take any intervention in our field and find evidence to support it and evidence that maybe it doesn't work as much as we thought it does or so the idea that we could take like for example neuromuscular electrical stimulation for swallowing. You could find evidence in the literature both ways, right? Yes, what if we then try to document and tried to capture? Data points from all over the world of actual people going through the experience and maybe some some of them had an mes as an intervention and some of them didn't and we could start to get a better picture of reality based on all of these data points and I think when we talk about into a new crowdsourcing research right now, is that what's happening would be like if you imagine what Kickstarter did for small businesses, that's what we could do for research. Search so think about like if we had a Kickstarter for research and somebody put up a project aside. We want to know more about enemies and I as a clinician could donate $10 to that cause and that ten dollars would go towards the effort of building, you know, the webpage that allowed clinicians to upload data and paid the clip the clinical researcher to structure those questions and to structure that data collection in a way that's meaningful. And then over a period of five or ten years. If you have enough people submitting to that website within that structured setting then you're going to start to tease apart with actually going on in the real world. So I think it's really exciting. Yeah, cuz I I wonder like it kind of makes me think that you're pulling in a lot more of what people call antidotal evidence like things that they've experienced in the clinic or in their treatment courses with patience. And because that's a lot of the back and forth that I'll see on Facebook groups to is, you know, somebody will say, oh, you know new research article is published and it's telling us we should not be doing x y z right and then somebody may may or may not pipe up. And say well I've been busy for x amount of time and I've had really good report, right and then these conversations don't really get us anywhere. I think they just create a lot of scarcity a lot of division a lot of frustration and it's I think it is frustrating because we are trained to think that we have the answers or at least that's how I was trained and then to realize as that we don't it's a scary place and and like I loved what Megan something said about like the knowledge that we have is like a recipe and like you eventually become a chef and you incorporate lots of different flavors into what you're doing. And I think that that perspective is so much more enriching than is it right. Is it wrong? is this person doing it the way that we all think it should be done like like the human body The Human Experience is so vastly different from one person to the next and I don't think we ever will have all the answers and that's the exciting part and I think if we shift from this scarcity to abundance we can see that we have an abundance of curiosity and abundance of collaboration and abundance of opportunity and It's of growing knowledge like there is no right or wrong way and it's really exciting. It is exciting. You have a really good way with words Megan. I could just sit here and listen to you and not my head all day all day. I'm down with that. I feel like need to be on Ted. I feel like you just have the perfect Cadence for 10 talking. Did you pick up any phrases in New Zealand? Like I got the guy got people super confused when I kept using the phrase like she'll be right and they're like, who's she like she'll who were you talking about? Well, it's like they have this way of ending phrases in the word as a s. I'm like good at. Oh, yeah, and I'm like good as what Like finish that statement for me, please waiting for people to finish talking and I'm like you haven't finished a sentence walking Tire thought patterns now, I don't understand. But I love New Zealand, so please don't come after me. I love you guys. That was actually part of my rotary talked to was out. I had such a hard time understanding people when they were talking to me and I was like, I thought we'd pulled spoke English, but you don't and I mean to crash and kiwi he's coming. Oh, so I spent a good hour in a lecture before I figured out what type of cancer they were talking about. Oh because they pronounce a certain word so different from I was expecting uh, I was really lost in that lecture for an hour until I finally saw it written and I was like, oh, is that what they're talking about? No saying for Michael cancer cervical cancer. I have cancer I think mispronouncing survival cancer. And what is that and finally cervical cervical cancer? I was so dear. This is gonna be a rough year. Yeah, we had this big meeting in Tallahassee with a group of scientists. And there was a group that came in from New Zealand and somebody got it in their head that they wanted to go to the pawn shop and I think it was slight, you know, there's a little bit of like this weirdness of Americana that you can just go into a store and look at guns and other weird things so they kept talking about the pawn shop and then we get there and all the new zealanders are like, oh my God like that is not what we thought you were talking about. And they were expecting walking into a building full of filthy magazines. And oh, yeah, I'm shop hilarious. Okay, Megan and other crazy sack you said Tallahassee. Uh-huh. That's where I was born and raised what that's a great place. I know isn't it wonderful. Yeah, a Tallahassee capital of Florida delightful place to live and then move from yeah. Okay. I like how our lives keep paralleling. That's very good for me. All right. So are we good with learning Health Systems. Do you feel like you have Covered that yeah. Yeah. The only thing I would say is that it's just a it's a very like intangible concept and I think it's just going to start with little pockets here and there and it's going to grow and it's going to change things in ways that we can't even imagine right now. I really appreciate how comfortable you are with intangible Concepts because they really bother me. I remember in high school my professor in my language class saying, you know treating language and I think this was a pediatric class for language treating language is like nailing Jello to a tree what that's impossible. Why would you fool semester this way? Goodness, and he was not wrong. He was not wrong. So I really appreciate concrete things. And I think that's why I'm like why am I some of my favorite aspects of the medical field are voice and swallowing because they have Imaging that goes along with the assessment and treatment options. And so there's so much they can be so much more concrete concrete then other things that we work on like Ian Yeah, still trying to figure that one out. So which topic shall we tackle next? Mmm? Let's see. Are we are we talking about SLP diversity Coronel? Do we dare? Yes, let's go and let's go. So I think like you came across this concept on Facebook when somebody had posted a Blog article that she had written about her experience as an underrepresented person entering the field of Speech Pathology. Is that right? Yes. Okay. So I had a few experiences that led me to start the SLP diversity core, which I will say that I started that in. A of 2018 I think and the feedback I got on it was pretty mixed. And so I haven't done a whole lot with it just because I don't know if we're ready to tackle this yet. But like I said, I had this different career before it became a speech pathologist and I remember going into the information session that they had at the University. Just to like get a feel for what this was all about. And I remember walking into the room and I just had this feeling that I was in the wrong place and there was there was just not a lot of diversity there and I think because I had come from working with so many different types of people from all walks of life that it was just an odd experience for me and then I was in that the Asha conference in Denver in 2015. And I went to the the keynote was there to my secret CI by were like sitting right next to each other and we didn't even know it is this sorry to interrupt? I think I went I didn't go with anybody. I knew so I was just sitting there by myself and a couple of the board of directors from a she gave up and they were kind of doing this big rally about diversity and how diverse a show was and I again, I just had this feeling of like am I in the right place? Like am I missing something? Like what is happening here? Like this is not a diverse room, and it's okay that it's not a diverse room. I just it's like this weird juxtaposition that's happening where we're talking than its diverse, but it's not and that was really confusing to me. And so These things sort of led me to think about diversity and what it means and for me personally and I can only speak about my own personal perspective. But what I've learned is that when we have a diverse set of backgrounds and experiences and perspectives, we generally are better able to solve complex problems just by the sheer simple fact that we have lots of different perspectives that are Being to the possible pool of solutions. And so I started SLP diversity core with the idea that you could become a member and membership is totally free. But membership comes with a responsibility and that responsibility is giving a five to ten minute talk once per year to an introductory college class or like a high school class and the idea behind that is just to spread awareness that Speech Pathology actually. Wrists because I didn't know about it till I was well in my 20s and I think that a lot of people just don't know about it. And then if they do get into it, you know, maybe they're experiencing that they just don't fit into that world or what's typically expected to be the type of person that fits into that world. And so they don't pursue it. So I think if we can just broaden the number of people that you even know about it we can then inadvertently increase the diversity with the Point being that we need people to solve big problems. Like if they were really young field. We have a lot of questions that need to be answered and we need lots of different people to try to answer those questions. Yeah, I'll do continue. But when I saw it when I posted this, I got a mixed reaction and I would say that there was a very public reaction and then a private reaction and so I got a lot of emails from people who are you know underrepresented in her field thanking me for creating the site and having the conversation and they felt like We were not able to say anything but then I got a very public reaction mostly on social media that basically communicated that we maybe didn't need diversity just for diversity sake and kind of questioning like what why are we even having this conversation? So that's kind of why I've left it alone, but I'm curious to see if people are still interested in. Building the SLT diversity core and having it grow and really getting out there and doing these presentations and inviting lots of different people to be a part of speech pathology. Yeah, I definitely think we need more perspectives a broader experience base to draw off of that will direct future research will direct how we learn and how we can provide efficient treatment to the variety of patients that and clients that we treat. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Can I like put the cat out of the bag? Can I like yeah example, whatever I think feedback that you got ya so it's about encouraging more men to become slps. Yes, and that was some of the backlash was like, why do we need to share this field with them from it's like the one thing we have like I what's ironic is that I can see both sides of that perspective like it's like Some precious like let's make it ours. Let's make it powerful. But at the same time I mean Hello, I don't just treat women like I treat men to and mo use that word powerful and I think that is such an interesting concept of itself. So when we think about power, I think a lot of people think that power is finite and like if I have power then this this other person cannot have power or if I give my power away then I lose. As power whereas I think the reality is that when we see Power is infinite we are able to drop these barriers and drop these arbitrary lines that were drawing and realize that it's just like the more people that are empowered the more powerful. We will all be and maybe that's a little whoo, but like I just I don't think that coveting power and keeping it to ourselves is going to take us down. a really great Road Now I think you're absolutely on point. There was a very fantastic insightful man who said a threat to Justice anywhere is wait. Oh gosh, I'm gonna mess good comment. I just I don't have the smoothness at all afraid to Justice anywhere weight as a threat to Justice everywhere. It was on the right track if he's lost my mojo. So yeah, that was the doctor Reverend Martin Luther King jr. So Yeah, pretty smart man. Very excitable. Yeah, and not somebody who is saying this group needs power. And now this other group needs to have less power like that was not his message at all. And is it affects everybody? Yeah. So that's how I took that okay, cool. Yeah, oh, you know what? It's that feeling of like how you were talking about power. It's that also that feeling of somehow being threatened. And so I do a lot of work to recognize when I'm feeling threatened and why to realize that maybe there is no foundation for that fear is that it's unfounded feet that's making me feel threatened. And right did that I need that in my life. I've got other things that help partner and then like if we all kind of Koreans like what does it feel like or how do we react when we feel threatened? Like we're defensive or territorial we're coveting that power like it. There's nothing good that comes from that feeling. But if we were able to drop that thought then we're all just people with lots of different things to offer. So yeah was valid perspectives valid points of view valid thoughts. You know, when you share them they should they should be accepted as what they are. They're your thoughts your perspectives and they're valid. They're not any more important or less important or Yeah. Anyway, I feel like we just go on and on and on and on and on we could get real navel-gazing. But you know, I like to get concrete and get actionable. So we're gonna Circle this wagon back around. The last kind of bullet point you had was talking about problem solving. Did you want to dive into that at all or because we're nearing our wrap-up time, but we got about five minutes. So it's up to you Megan. Yeah, I mean when we think about problem solving in our community of Speech Pathology, I think that health literacy and diversity feed directly into that. And so I think the more that we can Embrace new ways. Solving problems Embrace different communities of people that can help us solve those problems the more that we can collaborate the more that we can interact the more that we can get creative about collecting stories collecting data and seeing reality in the midst of all of that like there is such an exciting amount of Adventure in journey ahead of all of us in this field. So I just think it's really exciting. I do too. I do too and it's not going to be an easy path. Like right change and growth is challenging and doesn't always bring out the best in people and I can speak personally. It does not bring out the best in me. I'm very direct experiences that with that these last couple months and I've been learning a lot and not liking everything. I've been learning about myself, but hey. Hey, there, we are but what a great what a great place to be and that's what I love about your podcast is that you're just you're asking the questions you're being open and you're learning new things and I think that inspires me to stop and say it like, oh, well, what don't I know and what could I learn and that's just such a great energy to have so thank you. Good. Thanks. Yeah, I'm really passionate about learning and recognizing my own faults and limitations I think and so I want Empower other people to know that they can do the same. I'm not saying you need to get your faults. That's just something I'm obsessive with like I don't need that on anybody else but just like it's okay not to know or is it like it's not only okay to be curious. But like that's what we need is curiosity and to let go of the need to know everything all the time because we don't have a question. And you go out there searching for the answer and you find that there is not an answer to that question. You might be the person who has to make that answer right who has to create research problem who has to, you know, find out a way to get the answer and put it out there for everybody else. Yeah how exciting right? Whoo-hoo who's all like jacked up on Mountain Dew now, right? Let's get excited and go out there and change the world. I really feel like filter my thoughts. Sometimes it's not don't never do that. All right Megan. This has been an absolute blast. I can't wait to chat with you more and the future and find out other ways. In other times that our lives have crossed. Yes for sure. I'm sure they are there right? We'll sit down and talk it out and figure it all out. All right, Megan. Thank you so so much. Thank you for the work that you do in providing these visually appealing and super helpful. Health literacy forms, I mean, that's basically I feel like that's what they're be insides is its kind of focused on health literacy, like equipping us to equip, you know, the people that we come in contact with and the therapy world and Rehab world to start taking ownership over the information and the choices that they make. Yeah for their health. You nailed it. Thank you Lillian. Thank you Megan. Megan provided excellent links to read the article we discussed in the show notes on speech and she's so modest. She didn't even send the link for her thriving business there be insights. So I added that one too so that if you wanted to you could click through and explore the site and see what she's up to if you're not already a subscriber and okay just a little side note. I finally did the math with a calculator and it's been 12 years since Megan and I attended the Kubo tago not 15 and thank goodness. Because 15 years just sounds like a really long time. So yeah. Anyway moving on next week's guest is Kelly's AR rifa who will be joining me to talk about PRN life in the skilled nursing environment a little while ago. I had a listener reach out and ask to expand upon episode 7 from season one that was with Jen Hurst where we talked about working solely as a PRN SLP. And so Kelly's episode will be focused on living that PR in life, but on the sniff setting what that's like how to be prepared and have materials when you go to work at a place that doesn't really necessarily have materials and other fun facts that Kelly's going to be sharing with us. So there you have it listener requested Lee and delivered. That's how we roll. All right. Well, let's put this baby to bed and wrap it up here. My parting thoughts. I am so delighted that you've joined me today and I hope that you found today's episode informative and entertaining I'd be highly honored if you would leave a review on iTunes and tell me what's working for the podcast in the meantime keep nourishing your brain with all the amazing resources out there for us met slps and keep flourishing. You're awesome and I'll see you next week.
What is health literacy? How does health literacy improve outcomes? How do we incorporate health literacy into our everyday practice? We discuss how the therapeutic interaction is one of providing information and empowering a medical culture of respecting and valuing individual choices based both on a growing and evolving evidence base as well as personal values and priorities. We discuss the continuum of health literacy from functional (e.g., “Here is a handout on your condition.”) to interactive (e.g., “Here is the time and address to a support group in your area.”) to critical (e.g., “There is a clinical study gathering data about people who are experiencing your diagnosis. Would you like to participate?”). We also discuss how increasing diversity fosters a culture of innovation, collaboration, and a broader lens through which to view solutions to problems. To sum up, the future of rehabilitation therapy lies in building interdisciplinary connections from diverse communities that create critical health literacy opportunities (such as the Learning Health System) that allow us to bridge the gap between clinical research and clinical practice.
On this episode of devil we know. A child of 12 named Garrett Phillips is cut down early in life by a mystery killer. He's found in a small town apartment alone suffocated and unresponsive. Police find Clues though. They find things strewn about in the apartment. And they find one of the windows damage from what looks like a speedy exit whoever the culprit is. They were heard just minutes after their crime by the patrolman waiting outside the door. It's clear though that homicide is the most likely scenario. So police seek out there man. They ignore the evidence. They find in the apartment instead following a lead given to them by the mothers X. He convinces them that the culprit is her other ex. In a wild true tale small town corruption and police misconduct a man of color in a white Community finds himself stuck in the ever tightening grip of a criminal investigation gone wrong. You were listening to devil. We know a true crime podcast which may contain adult themes explicit language and graphic depictions of violence portions of the show may be traumatic for those under 18. Listener discretion is advised. In the North End of Upstate New York far removed from any major American cities lies the tiny college town of Potsdam New York Potsdam whose closest major city is in fact Ottawa Ontario is home to a State University of New York satellite school and a Clarkson University a private university naturally, although it's situated at a near two-hour Drive. From Ottawa people still tended to congregate there. Not many mind you the population still totals under 9,000. But it was and is enough to be able to sustain the community surrounding the college. Families are still born of this small community and one of these was the family of Garrett Phillips. Born in 1999. Garrett was a Potsdam native born and bred Garrett's family consisted of himself at 12 years old a younger brother named Aaron Collins and his mother Tandy Cyrus. Tandy had a Motley of interest in occupations, including her interest in training and police Fork her work as a bartender and a teller and her brief ownership of a coffee shop in the area. But she contributed to just one side of Garrett's Lively and Hands-On personality Garrett's Father Robert Phillips jr. Was a well-known and well-liked worker at SUNY Potsdam. However, he died early on and Garrett's life. And so Garrett's Uncle often played the part of the strong male role model and Garrett's and Erin's life. The Uncle Brian Phillips treated Garrett as one of his own and gave a lot of care to the son of his late brother. Robbie. Garrett was known for spending a lot of time writing his RipStik a skateboard like vehicle with only two wheels. He attended a a Kingston Middle School where he found himself with many friends. Considered well-mannered Garrett was one of many kids in the small town that would tend to congregate in large groups. There was not much to do in a town like this after all so they had to keep each other entertained in the ways. They knew how when he was keeping himself occupied Garrett most often took to the outdoors. The RipStik was one such method of play, but Garrett enjoyed riding his four-wheeler as well as camping and fishing. He played Sports to which included but we're not limited to football lacrosse and soccer. He had a hard time maintaining decent grades while in school. But he still was encouraged to do the work and get the greatest bomb was certain he deserved. Garin short stay busy as many 12 year old boys tend to do. In addition when he wasn't in Potsdam Garrett often spent a lot of time at his paternal grandparents home as they lived only 14 minutes away in Parish Ville, New York a village even smaller than the boys Hometown Parish Phil was also where Tandy Garrett's mother grew up and between the two towns. There was not a lot of drama not a lot to worry about Will Town life agreed with Tandy and with Garrett? For Garrett. In fact, it was a quiet peaceful Family Life filled with those days of camping and fishing Sports of All Kinds in the usual trappings of a life as a preteen boy. Peaceful that is safe for the love life of his mother. Tandy who lived as a single mother working to support her two boys had a telling history with men that she dated and that history has been called into question by many an argument in the years to come first. There was Garrett's father whose untimely death occurred after he failed to recover from a brain aneurysm later Tandy met and married Casey Collins who maintained a relationship with Garrett and his own son with Tandy Aaron even after they separated and later divorced. There is one ex-boyfriend after that marriage Johnny Jones Junior who had been a sheriff's deputy and Potsdam. The two had interest in police work with John being a deputy and Tandy having been trained at the police academy herself. They also work together to own & Co run a cafe nearby, but John and Tandy weren't in complete Bliss that much was clear from the reports. She made the relationship. There was at least at one point under a lot of extensive pressure John who used to live together with Tandy and her two kids had in fact been violent multiple times. With an account of her being pushed by him during the course of their relationship. She had reported other incidents of abuse and eventually Tandy also issued a formal complaint over John's treatment of her stating in a letter that she was scared for the lies of her and her children. John who had not ended his indecent behaviors here. Apparently set Tandy threatening text messages that scared Dandy. It was also during the last and most volatile days of tandi's relationship with John that she found companionship with a man named oral, Nick Hillary. Nick a celebrated soccer coach at Clarkson University had met Tandy while she was tending bar at half tons bar a local Watering Hole where he went to socialize with fellow coaches in the area. Their interactions grew friendlier over the stretch of time and John noticed it for himself. In fact, he claimed to be in the right place at the right time when he saw Tandy on an early morning drive with none other than Nick Hillary. John claim to enjoy that Tandy received much attention stating that he enjoyed that aspect of dating a woman. He said was attractive to many however, John's reaction belied his true feelings on the subject and Nick was often accosted by local police during his times out on the town with them telling him. You better not be seen John's girl. John upon stocking Tandy and seeing the two together on that drive then approached Nick at his home saying that if he found out he was sleeping with Tandy that he would kick the door in. He demanded to know what was going on between them and though he claimed to have been civil about it. Nick claimed that the encounter was anything but Nick who at the time was living with his children and the mother of his children Stacia lie told him that nothing was going on that they were just friends. And that if he had a problem he also take it up with Tandy. It was at this time though that John not only started sending the threatening text messages to Tandy, but he also effectively kicked handy and her kids out of the place where and they all were living at the time. He grabbed tandy's possessions along with all the things belonging to poor Garrett and Aaron leaving them outside for Tandy to discover. The threatening text messages were sent repeatedly and tandi's opinion as a means of intimidation. John had started following Tandy abusing his capacity as an officer of the law to see for himself if something was going on between the two. He had even seen fit to call Stacia seeing how she was doing with the news of Tandy and Nick whom he made out to be a couple station then began to cut up Nick's clothes and stir them about the yard a dispute for which she even got arrested. Soon Stacia was gone, and Nick was left alone with his kids. John in a couple of Yanks of the yarn had already begun to unravel not one but two relationships these incidents, of course were only the beginning of John's harassment of Tandy who a month later had begun to see Nick on a more regular basis. Nick and Tandy for their part were enjoying the relationship they had begun and soon they started traveling to foreign countries together living together and even sharing responsibilities with each other's families. Nick who had kids with him was now living with Garrett and Aaron alongside their mother and although the time on trips and sending lovey-dovey messages to each other was quite intoxicating. It was hard to ignore the trouble going on at home. Garrett who had lived his life with a certain set of expectations already was particularly ornery and response to the standards that Nick had helped set. Garrett who had been experiencing recent trouble with school work was encouraged by Nick to set aside entertainment so that he could focus on his studies. As expected a preteen with a frustrating report card in the middle of a new relationship with his mom and another guy who wasn't his dad had a hard time accepting the new rules. Apparently Tandy wasn't keen on the rules either and soon there was trouble for the couple whose relationship was barely even one year Young. In addition there was talk in the town handy who was living her life in the predominantly white rural town of Potsdam ran into gossip and people taking issue with her moving in with a man of color. Some of these people even passed their prejudices on to their children and in fact Garrett had come across ridicule in his own school on the basis of his mom's new relationship. According to tandi's report one of the kids made a snide comment about Garrett's mom being with a black man an issue. Which Garrett apparently took to heart It was during this time together that Tandy and Nick fell victim to the pressure of the town of their which had very few interracial couples in the two separated after close to a year together. First it began with Tandy moving out of the shared home. Nick had readied for her and her boys. John Jones, as fate would have it decided to step in and insert himself as an apparent savior contacting owners of apartments in the area to secure Tandy a place to live. This place at 100 Market Street was a straight shot a little under a third of a mile from John's home. At the same time John expected Tandy to be single and he was disappointed to learn that she was still in continuous contact with Nick for a while after moving out. It wasn't long though before Tandy and Nick realize that under separate rows. It would benefit both families more to Simply bring the clandestine relationship to an end as well. They chose friendship instead and according to Nick the breakup was amicable. Tandy then claimed that she began to date another man while also reconnecting a bit with John the former lover of hers before Nick, however, the quietude of tandy's life and separation from her. Most recent ex-boyfriend was not destined to be a long one. In fact on October 24th of 2011 tandy's life as well as Nick's ended up in Freeze Frame. They would remain long in one another's life after the events of that day with reasons that no mother would ever want to hear. We will be right back after these short messages the day for Tandy for her neighbors and likely for Garrett began like any other if there were any extraordinary circumstances before the afternoon of October 24th, 2011 and Potsdam New York. Nobody would be able to tell you so today the events that certainly did occur where these Firstly Tandy spoke with Garrett on the phone at approximately 4:30 p.m. That day telling her that he had been playing basketball. Tandy said that Garrett typically didn't have basketball until later in the day. But since it was raining Garrett had gone ahead and played Tandy though suggested he had on home and get started on his homework. Soon Garrett begins writing his RipStik all the way home. It's a short trip only one mile from Kingston Middle School by taking the shortest combination of streets. At around 450 he is seen on camera skating across the parking lot area outside of Potsdam high school. He would likely have been home in four minutes from there where he'd climbed to the second floor of his building and enter Apartment 4. In a neighboring apartment a couple was getting ready to enjoy supper. Marissa Vogel who had arrived home at about 4:15 or 4:20 p.m. Was greeted at home by Sean Hall her boyfriend. The two college students began preparing for dinner and it wasn't long before they had retired to the bedroom to watch Dexter. One of the shows. They were used to enjoying during that time of day. However, shortly after 5:00 the couple stated that they heard something generally they had learned to ignore the occasional sounds of skating the bumping in the voices that came from next door or two young boys ran rowdy. However, the sound they heard on that day at that time was something else entirely they heard a small scared voice utter the word help followed by a no or a cow. Sean later said that this kind of noise was classified as one not to be ignored and soon Marissa had approached the front door of apartment for with a knock hoping to make sure that everything was all right. At that moment though. There was a wrestling from inside the apartment followed by a loud. Click the click of the front door locking. It was then that Marissa decided to call the authorities she told dispatchers that she was unsure of whether it warranted a call, but you wanted to be certain making the call just in case. At the same time other building tenants had heard similar noises Shannon Harris and her then boyfriend Andrew Carranza were changing the tire on Andrews truck outside. The space that Andrew had parked in was only a couple yards away from the window of Garrett Phillips is place of residence the couple looked up after hearing a distinct ripping noise according to their statements with police. It was then that they looked up and around them seen nothing and after finishing their Ask they left the area leaving it free and clear. Meanwhile, Marissa awaited the arrival of a police officer at the behest of the nine one one dispatcher. Soon enough patrolman Mark Wentworth had shown up at the apartment in response to the call Marissa placed. He knocked on the door fully expecting someone to open up for a patrol officer. However, instead Wentworth heard a noise inside the apartment as though someone were moving inside the police then requested the landlord to come back to the building and provide his key which took close to 20 minutes. Wentworth once again takes to beating on the door with his Patrol stick and he reports the sound of a single person walking around inside the apartment at 5:24 p.m. At 5:33 the landlord appears and Wentworth is able to enter the apartment there. He sees Garrett limp and unresponsive lying inside the apartment with no one else visible on the scene. They're Wentworth attempted CPR while the landlord Rick Doom has tried to coax him back to life. The hospital was a hop and a skip away from the home and so went Garrett to the ER while officers ascertain that the mystery boy is mom's name was Tandy Cyrus sending for her and working hard to get information on whom they had just found lying lifeless in the apartment. Tandy soon headed down to the hospital and in a fit of Tears. She called John Jones her ex. I'm she begged to come with her in her time of need. Soon Garrett's grandmother, Patricia Phillips was also on her way and at the hospital the family waited to see their boy revived. The hospital attempted resuscitation but to no avail and at 7:18. Garrett was pronounced dead. The police at first glance were unsure what they had come across that day. Clearly the deceased child had died of something unnatural investigators found the apartment in a state of disarray and the boy had been found near a bra on the floor among other things when window of the apartment which opened on to the area where Shannon and Andrew had been fixing their car also had signs of tampering. In fact the Windows screen and blinds or bent outward as though someone had left in a hurry through the window just minutes after bringing Garrett to desk doorstep. The window also had latent fingerprints along with hair and tissue samples and markings on the windowsill. More than that though. Please found that the tile line ledge of the concrete below that specific window had sustained a crack. The crack suggested to those looking into the case that someone had likely jumped down from the window and landed on the ledge. It also meant to them at least that they ought to be looking for someone with an injury. Thanks to their two-story leap onto a concrete and tile ledge. It wasn't much true, but the police were fairly confident after their poke around the apartment that this was a homicide. The state police even brought their special crimes unit up to investigate one member of the New York State Police Gary Snell even made a trip to see Tandy and the Phillips family and Parish Ville where he also resided on his way home that night. The police made their suspicions of Foul Play clear when they invited Tandy to the police station where they discussed the discovery. There were of course questions to help clear up what they saw in the apartment, but eventually the questions came to a head. I'll tandi was present. She had been sitting and holding hands with her former boyfriend John whose presence during this event was later. Very puzzling too many to say the least John had even stayed the night with Tandy supposedly to offer her comfort in this trying time his involvement in these dark moments for Tandy were perhaps considered helpful. If not for the fact that he showed up to the meeting the following morning with Tandy to discuss the case at hand. It was very much against protocol for an officer with a connection to a case to be sitting in like that. However, that wasn't all that occurred. When Lieutenant Mark Murray the investigative head in this case look back on the fact that he allowed John into the room. He admitted that he would not have done it in the same way if he had another chance at it. However, his denial that John's presence affected. The investigation could not have been true. Murray and police chief Ed tischler while in the presence of Tandy and her Entourage ask a few more questions in order to clear up the timeline of her son's death. While asking these questions they also had a few updates to share with Tandy another poor decision based on the present company of the station. After alerting them to the cases status as a homicide investigation the police told Tandy and therefore John that they were looking into talking with Nick Hillary. Apparently during Gary Snell's visit with the Phillips family and Parish Ville. He learned that the family had their own suspicions on who could do such a thing to Garrett. as in life, he had expressed a particular dislike of Nick the family, of course during the time of this meeting were accompanied by John who had elected to stay with Tandy after learning The Awful Truth About Garrett and his untimely death Nick who had spoken with police a bit the night before had simply been notified of the deaf Murray and tishler however expressed interest in questioning him after having discussed snails impression when visiting the Philips home. It was clear that his relationship with Tandy was of a significant interest to them even though John also had a relationship with Tandy. In fact, John seemed to have been considered not a person of interest at all in the case given his ability to Sit in with Tandy the morning after the murder. Lieutenant Murray admitted that many persons were precluded for various reasons already. However, it was interesting to note that there were no good reasons for their dismissal of John during the time that they began their investigation, but for some reason they did think Nick was interesting enough to pursue. The police though interested in questioning. Nick hadn't asked anything of John to ascertain his whereabouts during the time of the crime. And in fact John pulled Marie close at the end of the meeting to share with him some clandestine thoughts while Tandy prepared to leave. Meanwhile police came to the door of Ian fairly Nick's fellow coach and close friend asking him about a compilation of security videos outside of the schools and hospital near Garrett's home. When showing this to him, they told him that the footage hadn't been edited yet and to ignore the timeline. They showed what appeared to be Nick's Honda CRV rolling into the parking lot of Potsdam. Hi. The video then showed Garrett gliding Along on his RipStik headed home. Finally the video showed Nick leaving the parking lot taking the opposite direction. He would usually take to get home. The police later brought this compilation in as evidence that Nick in fact was pursuing Garrett and heading toward his apartment for the final showdown. This however was one wild assumption based on a video of Nick being somewhere. He usually was the high school. Since his daughter went to the high school. He had every reason to be there. And yet for some reason the officers found it worth mentioning. It was later that night the night of the 25th when Lieutenant Murray himself shows up at a soccer game of Nick's where he captures video of Nick walking. while the video clearly showed Nick walking normally and in fact faster than most of his team Marie claim that the video was proof of Nick favoring one leg a Telltale sign that someone had in fact had a very harsh fall the night before It wasn't much to go on considering the videos contents clearly told a different story from the one Marie told but that Wednesday morning the following day. Nick is called and asked to come to the station under the guise of needing him to look over Garrett's class roster. About an hour into his visit though. Nick noticed that the officers were grilling him about his relationship with Tandy without having brought out any such roster and they had even suggested reading Nick his Miranda Rights. Nick knew upon hearing this that something wasn't right. Ian showed up at the station at this point also being questioned about Nick's recent relationship with Tandy. It was clear that the usual divide and conquer method was being applied to Nick when he didn't even know he was there to be questioned. He soon asked Lieutenant Murray if he could instead go home and keep working which he had been doing before they came to his door. Murray insisted though that Nick's Day and although he had told them he was not under arrest he and Snell began to make Nick very uncomfortable. They read him his rights. Anyway, regardless of not being under arrest and upon further questioning Nick decided to exercise his sixth amendment rights. He stated that he was calling for a lawyer based on the type of discussion. They were having now and the two officers became downright belligerent. They blocked his exit and eventually coerced him into turning his phone over. He had shown up voluntarily under the impression that he was going to look at a school document. Now though it seemed as though he was being detained under false pretenses. Being treated as a common criminal in the office. Nick had been able to get a call out to his friend a lawyer named menai Safari menai then drove seven hours to Potsdam to stand in for Nick. By then though, the officers had managed to complete their demoralizing routine. Nick spent eight hours in the police station and while awaiting Council he was forced to strip completely for photography of his person. The police claim that they were on the lookout for an injury consisting with the fall taken by Garrett's aggressor two nights ago. However, according to Ed tischler the police chief strip searches were uncommon and no criminal suspects had been photographed fully nude in over 20 years until the case against Nick Hillary. Nick who had at that point maintain further silence in order to protect himself was without clothes or a phone by the end of the grueling eight hours and the only injury the police discovered on his body was an older looking scab on his ankle not even slightly consistent with a fall from a two-story building two nights ago. Vani upon arrival learned of the treatment that Nick received and it was clear that he was being backed into a corner. Had he attempted at all to resist he would have been nailed for resisting arrest according to him. Whatever the case Nick was clearly the police chosen scapegoat after only one day of looking for Garrett's killer and for Nick they were pulling out all the stops. They were not going to make this easy. In fact, it was during this time at the police station that Clarkson University decided to fire Nick. He hadn't even been arrested nor had he been read any charges. However Clarkson simply wanted nothing to do with him afterward traveled of his role as a person of interest and Garrett's murder and as we all know of small towns word travels fast. However, Nick was prepared to make his move as well as much as the police in the town of Potsdam were moving to dehumanize him for even facing him head-on for the crimes. They swore he committed Nick was strong enough to withstand it. If not for himself. His stalwart defense was made in an effort to protect his children whose knowledge of the goings-on only grew once the town made it clear who's had they wanted. Nick in response decided to sue the city of Potsdam for their mistreatment including crimes against him such as defamation and emotional distress. It wasn't much but he deserve retribution for the illegal misconduct that was and continue to go on with the Potsdam police and the New York State Police. In fact, the legal suit was effort toward getting the other thing that Nick deserved the thing which all of Potsdam was denying him a fair and speedy trial and that in itself wouldn't happen for years. Nick Hillary wasn't the only theoretical killer for the record there were circumstances that implicated other situations and other suspects equally or even more so than the circumstances implicated Nick. One theory that was dismissed early on and light of the much preferred investigation against Nick was the theory that there was a mishap in the apartment was some fellow children Garrett according to Witnesses like Shannon Harris apparently was said to have trouble with some of the other kids. Although she claimed later that it's a fact rarely mentioned today still there were rumors that Garrett had received a beating from such children in his apartment and when all went awry the kids bailed through the window of the apartment. No children, though were taken in for questioning. No children's prints were run through the database against the latent prints and DNA samples found at the scene of the crime. It's strange to consider that the police involved in this investigation did not as investigators are advised follow up on all possibilities suggested by the evidence found. The officers did not follow up at all on this and several other theories. One other such Theory involving kids was the idea that Garrett and some kids accompanying him were playing a dangerous game known as knockout or blackout. This game involves one participant pressing against their own carotid arteries as they hold their breath. The object of this game is to reach the point where the one plane passes out cold at least for a few seconds and it is often a spectator sport with on looking kids reacting with shock and awe as their companions enter the netherrealm for a measure of time. The fact that Garrett's cause of death was asphyxiation lent itself to the theory among others one Theory even had Garrett performing auto-erotic asphyxiation on himself as there was a bra on the floor where Garrett had been found suffocated. All of these theories though had been readily thrown to the side not pursued at all. And thoroughly ignored once the Phillips families suspicions of Nick had risen to the surface. The police acted on this Theory alone even including John Jones. Tandi's other former lover in the investigation. John who is clearly too close to the case will still acting on the forces behalf suggesting locations and Witnesses in overall 18, Marie and leading the investigation directly toward neck with no substantial evidence available. In fact, they even included John and fabricating portions of the investigation. Lieutenant Murray explain later that the force did in fact photograph John's person as well. Although the very few pictures that were there did not include John's face. The photos also were clearly taken while John's clothes were still on a courtesy that the police had been unwilling to extend to Nick Murray admitted that these photos were not taken on an official capacity. In fact, he said that the only reason they were taken was so that they could say that Nick Hillary wasn't the only one How one could possibly continue this investigation without realizing the severe failings of law enforcement and Potsdam is unclear. But what is clear is this the string of injustices was only the beginning of what Nick was to experience according to many opinions. There was no question that Nick was the murderer of 12 year old Garrett, but the profession of law enforcement was meant to explore every Avenue of that question. When in the end they explored only one pouring their Essence into the demonization of one man. A man once celebrated by the whole town. It's not clear what happened in that apartment nearly eight years ago. It's not clear who was there with Garrett in his last moments. And in fact to this day, it's not even clear whether the events were the result of murder. Whatever the case though. One thing is clear. The case was mishandled the police who began this investigation were for whatever reason inclined to take the word of the victim's family and of a jealous ex over the evidence and the ability to suppress bias in the pursuit of an answer to the crime in question. Jon Jones The Man who'd lost Andy to Nick had been a sore loser. He threatened manipulated and forced his way into tandy's life on more than one occasion and yet again, he was there suggesting and helping along the investigation against his former competitor. The ego is fragile indeed for a lover spurned can spend the most interesting tales and we know from past experiences that John was not above using his position in law enforcement for personal gain. It's talk and manipulate Tandy and threaten neck using his connections and without a doubt. There was a reason to suspect him in the murder of Garrett. However, Nick was the one under the magnifying glass. The one being ostracized by his own town. He was no longer welcome. The town had sided with John but Nick knew this. Maintaining persistence and declaring his innocence even in the face of heckling was going to be the best thing for his family. He knew the truth, of course, but with his name being dragged through the mud it was unclear if others would ever believe him. But he had begun to fight. And fighting of course is sometimes the only way to get what you rightly deserve. And that part is especially true when what you deserve is justice. Thank you for listening to part 1 of Garrett. Phillips has tragic death. We will be back next Friday with part two. If you'd like to support devil, we know please go to devil we and hit the Donate button and the amount is greatly appreciated and helps the show immensely. I'd like to take the time to shout out our new patrons. Thank you so much for coming part of our patreon family. We have Casey Diana Josh and Zoey. Welcome to the circle of hell. And you can become a patreon member as well. If you go to slash devil, we know podcast and for a dollar you'll get two bonus episodes month stickers and other goodies and until next week stay safe. Sources WT Eckert of nny 360 Tim grierson of Mel magazine Dateline NBC Jordan River con of Grantland magazine Liz are buses HBO docu-series who killed Garrett Phillips Jesse McKinley of the New York Times.
Garrett Phillips was a small-town boy in upstate New York. His mother, Tandy Cyrus, had just broken up with a man of color, one of the only in this predominantly white town. She even had begun rekindling with a cop she dated once before: a cop who had stalked her, abused her, sued her and threatened her during and after their relationship. Needless to say, Garrett's life wasn't as quiet as the small-town boy's life should be. But on October 24, 2011, Garrett's life would be snuffed out by a mystery hand, and suddenly, Tandy's track record in dating calls into question the first and only suspect for a homicide investigation gone bad.By David Wayne YoungSOURCES:W.T. Eckert of NNY360 Grierson of MEL Magazine NBC Ritter Conn of Grantland Magazine Garbus’s HBO docu-series, Who Killed Garrett Phillips? McKinley of the New York Times
Welcome to the Berkeley Innovation podcast brought to you by Berkley engineering's sitar Jazz Center for entrepreneurship and Technology s CET on the thriving Campus of the University of California Berkeley Hello friends. This is Stephen Torres your host on this journey of innovation entrepreneurship and achievement today. We have a really special episode for you. It's a Newton series classic if you're a startup founder innovator and achiever thisEpisode is for you. If you work in Tech or our Tech fan, maybe a tech investor. You're also going to love this episode on November 3rd 2009 just four months after launching the new Venture Capital firm Andreessen Horowitz co-founder Ben Horowitz visited the Berkeley campus and shared this message. The talk was originally titled how to build a technology company and in it he shares his insight to Oh good and bad. He learned a long his entrepreneurial journey to that point in this episode. You're going to hear about that journey and you're going to hear about what he was looking for when they started Andreessen Horowitz as far as companies to invest in and people to work with we hope you enjoy this episode and get a lot out of it on your own entrepreneurial Journey. So let's get right to this amazing episode. Enjoy. Good afternoon. it is my honor to introduce to you Ben Horowitz our speaker today Ben is the founder and general partner of her of Andreessen Horowitz a new Venture Capital firm that he will talk about but prior to starting this company been was the founder president and CEO of opsware very successful company that he also co-founded with Marc Andreessen and was sold, I believe in 2007 to Hewlett-Packard for 1.6 billion dollars and before opsware been actually met Marc Andreessen at Netscape in early 1995 before Netscape went public and you know as probably many of you know, our remember that was really the definitive internet web company of the 90s that really made everything happen and possible that we take very much for granted now so Ben thank you very much for being That's today. All right. Thank you. All right, so I'm here and I'm going to talk about building a technology company and I actually originally titled this presentation how to build a technology company and I realize that was silly because it's kind of like giving a presentation on how to play quarterback in the NFL if you went to a presentation on something like that and went out there you probably get killed and the same thing is true here. It's a very Dynamic and ever. So this is just kind of much more my experience in doing it and then what we look for now. And new entrepreneurs who are trying to do the same thing. So today's talk is basically going to be three parts one my own experience secondly and I will say on my own experience. I'm going to give you the things that went wrong as well as the things that went. Right, so it'll be a little different than some of the business cases that you might be used to. Secondly, I'm going to talk about and discuss. Is it a good idea to start a company now or is it too late are all the good ideas gone because there's been a lot of Articles lately. Reality is Venture Capital over as entrepreneurship over is technology over and so we'll talk about that you obviously know where I come out since I just started a new Venture Capital firm and I'll talk about what we look for their so I'm back home. Actually. That's where I went to high school Berkeley High School. No, yellow jackets, and so after Berkeley High School I went and I got my degree. Free from Columbia University in computer science and back in those days computer science was actually somewhat controversial degree and Academia if you can believe it because a lot of the academics thought that it wasn't like real engineering that it was just like how can you have a degree based on like the tools you use to actually, you know use a computer the computer like electrical engineering that's a degree. That's a manly degree not like a little wimpy degree like computer science. Those of you are taking computer science are probably going well that's idiotic. But the funny thing is it wasn't just an Academia that they thought computer science, you know and software in particular wasn't that serious and Endeavor but in Industry as well and when you think about G, how did IBM just give the PC operating system business to Microsoft the real mistake they made was they thought software is just a little thing that came free with your computer like all of software the entire field. Old and that the computer was really where it's at. So that turned out to be a really good decision to go into what at the time was a controversial degree, which was to get a degree in computer science. After that. I went to UCLA and got a master's in computer science and I will say this about degrees because some of you are probably wearing should I am i setting the right thing? Should I be studying, you know networks artificial intelligence. Should I be studying business? What should I be doing? And I just want to say that. I was I found it a company as you heard. I was CEO of that company. That was a public company. I was CEO of a public company for six years. We sold that company to Hewlett-Packard for 1.6 billion dollars and I have yet to take my first business course. So don't get too stressed. I don't necessarily recommend that path, but you may like it. Okay, so there is a picture of me and Warren Buffett and despite what you might think I didn't put it up there because we're both extremely handsome. And I didn't even put it up there because he is for those of you don't know he's on and again off again the richest man in the world and he's certainly the most storied investor of our time but he also happens to be like quite hilarious. So I and he tells a story about business that I would be remiss if I didn't tell you guys so what Warren Buffett says like the best thing about being rich is that you don't have to do business with people who you don't like because doing business with people you don't like is kind of like marrying for Money probably not a good idea in any case but if you're already rich it's ridiculous. So that's my muffin little words of wisdom. So now we can get into my story and how I built the company and but before I do that, I want to give you some more words of wisdom. That's me and the King of Pop the late great king of Pop Michael Jackson and once again, although he is very handsome. That's not why he's up there. So the first thing to understand when you think about building a company is Is something that comes from a meeting that I had with them? So in this picture I went down to he was getting into the internet and he want to learn all about the internet. So Keith, I'd be a good idea to meet with me which maybe wasn't such a good idea. But anyway, I enjoyed it and so I went down to meet with Michael Jackson and he kind of been less interested in business like kind of been less interested in business. And so we really didn't have that much to talk about but fortunately just a week earlier. I had watched The Wiz which those of you don't know is musical that was turned into a movie starring Michael Jackson as the Scarecrow and in The Wiz he does this spin move on the yellow brick road. That is like the best spin move you could ever imagine. It's way better than the moonwalk or anything else he did but nobody ever talks about it because it was in The Wiz and nobody liked the wisdom movie. So I said, hey Michael, I was watching The Wiz last week and that's been you did on the yellow brick road. That was like better than anything. I've seen from like a ballerina. Arina or anybody. That was awesome and he goes. Oh, yeah, and not only that it was way harder than it looked because I had to go uphill the yellow brick road was actually on a slant and I was like no way it's like way but that's the biggest lesson about building a company it's harder than it looks just like spinning up the yellow brick road. All right. Okay. So now I'm going to actually get into the presentation so conventional wisdom on how to build a company what are some of the things that people say well You might get an MBA. You might come up with a good idea. You might write a detailed business plan about that idea might carefully tests the idea and refine it you might get the business to profitability and then grow it. Is that right? I don't know because I didn't do any of that. So what do you need to build a new technology company? I think there's really two things that are very consistent with every good one. That's ever been built. So what does matter number one you have to build a transformational product? There is no way to build a great new company without a great new product because you know, I'll tell you now Microsoft IBM Hewlett-Packard, they can all hire people they can all train people. They can all cell they can all Market with they all have trouble doing Is innovating coming up with something like truly new truly transformational and it's got to be way better than what's out there or way better than the current way of doing things. And since I'm at Berkeley, I'll point out that technology when you talk about technology from an etymology standpoint technology literally means better way of doing things. So when you're in this business, if you're in the technology business the first thing that you have to do the fundamental thing, That you have to do is come up with something. That's way way better than what anybody's done before what anybody's doing currently and if you have that then you have a chance of building a company around it. But without that you're not going to get anywhere so products matter, that's the first thing and because you'll hear a lot of people say what's really important as a business model or what's really important is marketing our what's really important. Is this or that but what's really important is the product that really is the main thing. And that doesn't end actually with starting a company. So if you look at the great technology companies that thing that distinguishes them is the ability to keep coming up with a better way of doing things and I'll give you a really good example. So those of you most of you know Apple computer because they make a lot of great products, but the story of what happened at Apple computer it was they started out to be a great technology company and there were run by their founder. Steve Jobs, who was the product Visionary and then as Apple got big the people including Steve Jobs decided G. This is too big. I don't know how to run a company. I don't have a business sense. I don't know how to do it. Let's bring in a real executive and they brought in John sculley who was an executive at Pepsi. So these were the early days when you thought it was a good idea from someone from Pepsi to run apple. And so John sculley proceeded to run apple on the way that a lot of professional business people might run Apple which is to not really come up with better ways of doing things and so once the product cycle that Steve Upset created and then along the way John sculley fired Steve Jobs because he was in the way and he was kind of a kind of a dick but he was a very Innovative and very important to the company. So after he fired Steve Jobs Apple started to fall apart and by the late nineties apples was very close to bankruptcy like had completely imploded and they missed product cycle after product cycle after product cycle. Now if you go back and read The Articles if you go back and read businessweek or Fortune, are you read anything from like any of the analysts of the time the Gartner group or what have you they all had the same analysis of Apple what was wrong with apple was they didn't take the Mac OS and make it available on all computers. They tied it to the hardware. And the right thing to do was to separate the operating system from the hardware and it was completely uniform conventional wisdom. Well, so they tried that Gil Amelio came in and he like move the, you know, put the OS on other computers. The truth of it was that wasn't the problem and it was too late. Anyway, like it might have been the problem in 1985, but it wasn't the problem in 1999 that wasn't the problem with apple anymore because like Microsoft's operating system that ran on lots of computers had gotten pretty good and was almost as good as Mac OS and it just wasn't the thing. So then Steve Jobs came back in Funny Thing Happened through an acquisition and then he ran a coup and overtook Gil Amelio and to the joy of all people who use technology took back. Over the company and when he did that he did a funny thing. He got rid of all the Clone manufacturers the people who are were using Apple OS on other computers. He said we're not going to do that anymore. We're going to forget the horizontal strategy that everybody thought was right strategy for us and we're just going to like build better products and in building better products, ironically the strategy made them completely vertical so of like not only did he put the computer in the operating system together like he had a music player and he had a store. He made it more and more vertical exactly the opposite of what of what everybody said, but what he did do was he started making good products and so from a bankrupt company that had to have some like elaborate kind of structural industry structure strategy to get itself out of by separating the operating system from the hardware, like none of that worked. What worked was building better product and what always works is having a better product and that's what the technology business really is about. So before I get to my second bullet I've got to tell you story. Hopefully you don't mind the stories. Okay starts. Okay, because when I wrote the second bullet like it turned out to be an inside joke. And so I said, well, I better rewrite it because these guys aren't gonna understand the joke, but when I tell you the story, so there's a famous boxer by the name of Bernard Hopkins and he's a you know, one of the great boxers of our era, but before he became a boxer he was in prison for about five years and so people are always wanting, you know when they interview Always ask them. You know, what was prison like like that's a question. You can just answer what was prison like, I don't know so they asked Bernard I said, you know, what was it like in prison and Bernard Hopkins says, well, you know that movie with Tom Hanks A League of Their Own with the women baseball team. The guy says yeah, he says well, you know how Tom Hanks says there's no crying in baseball goes. Yeah, so it's well, there's definitely no crying in prison. That's what prison is like. So with that in mind the second thing that you need need to do is you need to take the market and why do you and by taking the market you have to win the market so you can come up with the best product but if you don't win you really don't have a company and the reason is there's no crying in baseball and there's definitely no profits for number two in technology. Like that's just the way you know, that is the way it works because most of the technology business our Network effects business meaning if I you know, if I buy Microsoft where it's much more valuable for you to own Microsoft Word because we're compatible With each other and so there's no room for wordperfect. The number two similarly. Like who's the number two networking company who's a number to database company? Do they make any money? Generally the answer is no so number two is taking the mark and by that, I mean winning the market you have to win and when you think about if you're an engineer what business skills do you need to build a technology company? There are all around the skills. You need to win the market. How do you mark it at cell? And beat the competition that's ingredient to and those are the two things that really matter. Can you build a product that's been better than anybody else's and better than the current experience by enough that people will actually change and then to do you take the market. Do you beat the competition? Do you build a good enough company that you go win? So starting loud cloud and Ops or so my story now, we're going to my story. So how do I get to be CEO? And this is I think an important thing that I just want to point out. So in America is a little different than other countries in that the way CEOs are portrayed is a little different, you know, normally they're a little more respected. For example, they actually did a study in the US and US television in the 80s and 90s. of murders on television were committed by CEOs and so as part of you know, as an extension of that a lot of people will think gee if I want to run a company if I want to be a CEO then I need to be ruthless and I may need to be Criminal. But that's not actually true. In fact, it's pretty far from being true and that if you work your way backwards and say what is the fundamental thing that's required of a CEO. What's the fundamental thing that you have to be able to do in order to be CEO as you people have to want to work for you? Like that's it because of nobody wants to work for you. You're a CEO by yourself. Right? Like you can't actually do anything. And so how do you why would anybody want to work for a person? Well, do they have good vision? Do they care about my interests and not just there as you know, like are they somebody that I can get Behind These are the questions people ask of themselves. So to be a good CEO you actually want to do the opposite of what's portrayed on TV and you don't want to be ruthless and you don't really want to be a dick because nobody wants to work for that. And of course Warren Buffett will never do business with you either because it's like marrying for the money. So to be a CEO you you have to at some point people have to want to work for you. That's a fundamental skill that you have to have. Secondly the founding team. What does what ought to the founding team look like and in technology companies and ideal founding team is usually two people and the two people are of two different types. So one you need an inventor. And it's the inventors job to build the product that's 10 times better than any other product that's ever been built in the space or anything better it 10 times better than anything that's available to solve that problem. And then you need an entrepreneur and the entrepreneurs job is to take the market. And so if you think about the company, you know that the companies that I found it. So my partner Marc Andreessen, he was the inventor and I was an entrepreneur now what helped a lot for us. Is that as the entrepreneur I've got a master's degree in computer science. So I understood invention and I understood how to drive the company around continuous innovation and that's really really important and Mark although he was the inventor, you know when he like Vented the browser and a lot of important things he knows a lot about business and he knows a lot about taking markets and he knows a lot about competition. And so the best thing to do is have two people who know how to do both but at least one person who's world-class in each and that's how you think about the founding team. And so then okay, so you've got that I get it. Build a great product be ready to win the market put together the team that can do that. How did we start the company and really like that's the easiest thing like starting a company is all about having the courage to do so, like there's not really more to it than that. It is really easy. It's never been easier to start a company. You know, you just say hey, I want to start a company then like then it gets hard. Once you've started it. Then you got to go get money and do all these other things but starting a company. We really just sit around and we said, You want to start a company and that was that? So let me tell you I'm gonna take you through a brief history of that company so starting at at the founding. So the idea that we had to start ups around loud Cloud was we were all at a company called America online at the time which some of you may remember and is still actually around believe it or not. But that was the company that acquired Netscape which is our prior company and well at America online in 1999. We ran into this. Problem, which is there was a site shop at AOL and shop at AOL was the biggest e-commerce site on the internet bigger than Amazon at the time and we were running it and what would happen is every time we'd sign up a partner for shop at AOL because it was really just a shopping mall. So we'd have like Barnes and Nobles as a partner and Toys R Us as a partner. We would hand them the AOL traffic and their site would collapse and when we went and looked at G, yr. Their sites collapsing what we found is Like none of them knew actually had a like run these new sites and at that time like multi-tier architectures were new storage area networks were new application servers were like barely invented and so people didn't know how to build these things and we thought gee when it'd be a good idea. If somebody built something to do it for arm, we could call it a cloud like it could be like cloud computing and it would be called Loud cloud and like we thought that was a really good idea. And so we started the company and it was a really good idea. It was just like Yours too early. It's not a good idea to be ten years too early and Technology. Don't do that. That's bad. So then what happened? Well, so very we were in what's known as the internet bubble. And by the way, this is a chart I should point out of our market capitalization and that's in so, you know thousand is a billing and so it's in thousands and if you turn it upside down that's a chart of my blood pressure during that period so Two months after founding we raise money from Benchmark. Basically Clay on the pedigree of the founders at a valuation that you know, basically was eye-popping for us of 66 million dollars. So the company two months after we said, hey, let's start a company like we were at 66 million dollars, which is a lot of money. It's even a lot of money to me now, then the business initially took off everybody thought it was the bubble everybody thought cloud computing was a great idea. We booked a ton of business we had Twelve million dollars in bookings in our first four months after we started the company. So we started the company and four months later cloud cloud, the cloud computing business had 12 million dollars in bookings and like lots of customers and it was going great. Like it was like the business went off and then nine months after founding when we did series C. We raise money at 820 million dollar valuation, which like was ridiculous and stupid and silly and and we thought people had lost their minds and they had but like that's where we went and the problem with raising money at the high valuation like that as people expect you to build a really big company and the problem with people expecting you to build a really big company as they expect you to spend all of the money that you raised really really fast, which we did which caused a little bit of a problem later on so then shortly thereafter the so-called Bubble Burst And the impact of the bubble bursting press was about half of our customers went out of business, like literally went poof, which is bad if you're a cloud computing company because you've basically provision and purchased a lot of infrastructure to run all those companies nonetheless and you can see as we slide down. We took the company public in 2001 and interesting fact about that in 2001. There were only two IPOs in technology loud cloud and PayPal and I'm very good friends with the PayPal at guys and they were similarly traumatized and are also ironically we both sell Dar companies for the exact same amount of money PayPal on us. So like but that was it that was all the IPOs and then they cut it off. They said stop the madness and the bubble you guys are retarded. You're stealing all our money go home. And so after the IPO things got worse and worse in our sector and the big thing. So just to give you an idea or maybe main competitor Exodus which was the Big Data Center company the aptly-named data center company because that's basically what happened with their customers Exodus. In January of 2002 are in January of 2001 raised nine hundred million dollars nine hundred million dollars against what they claimed was already fully funded plans. So they raised nine hundred million dollars for expansion. They were worth 50 billion dollars as a company nine months later. They went bankrupt like that's how dramatic like the fall-off was. It was horrible like harvoni. Look there. I'm laughing like it was horrible. Well, but like it was really horrible. And so we started to slide as well and we were going to go bankrupt. There is no question like we there was just we basically found a market of cloud computing and that market disappeared overnight particularly cloud computing from a semi viable provider, which is what we were and so as we were on our way to certain bankruptcy. I was sitting there going okay, you know, sometimes when you have something really Bad happen to you or something really bad about to happen to you. One of the things I like to do is I ask myself how how bad is this? Really? How bad could this be? Is it really that bad? Should you really be up at three o'clock in the morning and a cold sweat like are you really acting correctly? And so I said to myself how bad could this be? And I thought well we're going to go bankrupt which is going to be really embarrassing. Okay. I've been embarrassed before I'm gonna have to lay off all the employees that's going to be really horrible and terrifying. I'll never be able to do this again because I will have burned through all of that cash that I raised that a very high valuation is thinking, you know, this isn't making me feel any better. And so I thought well what if before we go bankrupt before we actually run completely out of cast like is there something I can do? I said, well what am I going to do? Once we go bankrupt and I thought well, once we go bankrupt, what I could do is I could take by the software that we use to run the cloud. I could buy that out of bankruptcy and I could start us off our company. That would be a good idea and then I thought well what if I could do that before we go bankrupt? And so that was like a best idea I've ever had in my life. And so as a result of that I sold the cloud computing business to EDS, which was the basically service that ran the cloud and then I took the software and we became a software company opsware and opsware went from at the bottom there 35 cents a share we worth about 30 million bucks to 1.6 billion dollars in the sale to HP. And hooray. We were all happy. So that's the story of loud cloud and I'm sweating just thinking about it say Here's another good picture. Now this picture there actually are two handsome people Bill Clinton and there's my lovely wife. And so you're going why are you showing me all these pictures of famous people you really have a lot of problems. So I wanted to picture about leadership. So the last thought I want to leave you with and building a company. There's I often get asked what's more important leadership or management? And I was that Bill Clinton was a much better leader than he ever was a manager. And if you're starting a technology company, the key ingredient really is leadership because there's just not that much to manage it first and you can learn management is a little easier to learn although you can learn leadership, but the the end the key ingredient and Leadership is really something that a guy who used to work for Bill Clinton colon Powell said, which is leadership is the ability to get people to follow you. If only out of curiosity you guys getting need to come on. I need a better reaction than that. That's like one of the greatest things ever and that's really is what it is because there's so many times when you're building one of these things that there's absolutely no reason for the employees to stay with you. There's no reason for anybody to listen to what you're saying. And so all you can do is keep them curious enough and what's going to happen next to keep them on board. Alright, so next part of the talk. Is it to light like did I miss the boat? Like is it all invented? Gee? I wish I had thought of Facebook good grief. Now there's never going to be a Facebook again. It's all over and you guys are laughing but you know, there has been a lot of articles about like gee there's no more Venture Capital. There's no more Innovation. Like it's too late and probably many of you have roommates or fraternity mates or friends who go Are you going into computers isn't all done. I've got everything. I need I got my computer. I got my iPod. I'm like at my iPhone like what else is there to build? I think I've got all the technology. I need does anybody ever heard that? Yeah, you guys forget that. Okay, so I'm going to tell you how to sew and it's an interesting rhetorical question. How much do we need like how much of this stuff like when is enough enough? So I think the best way to look at a rhetorical question like that is to move back through history. So if you go back to 1843, this is a quote from Um Henry Ellsworth who ran the patent office and it's a free famous quote and basically an in Henry ellsworth's defense. He was basically echoing what he had been hearing. So there were a lot of people who wanted to shut down the patent office because they were like, it's over we've invented everything. It's done just stop like it's 1843 for crying out loud. We've invented all there is to invent. There's nothing left to invent. We don't need patterns for That's a pretty good ringtone hooray. It's another earlier. Thank you. So 1936 John Maynard Keynes generally considered there are at least in the conversation of the greatest economists in the last hundred years. And this is not one of the smarter things that he said, but basically what he was saying here is once people's needs are met like his because that he said once people's needs are met once they've got food once they've got shelter once they've got like the basic things taken care of. Then a they're not going to want to work anymore. So like why work if you've got your basic needs met you're going to work much fewer hours and two as a result of that. They're going to save an enormous amount of money because like they're going to be making so much money and their needs are all going to be met and there's going to be nothing to buy and so he predicted two things that one in the next 50 years people would work a lot less into the savings rate would go way up. So those of you know economics are probably the ones who are laughing because of course The exact opposite happened so like why do you get that so wrong? Well, the 1936 he didn't think you needed a washing machine. He didn't think you needed a color TV. He didn't think you needed a car for every person your house. He didn't think you need an iPhone. He didn't think he needed any of that. Those weren't needs those were once well what we've learned through history is needs turn into wants and wants and needs there isn't actually a line between them like a need can quickly become a want. I need Gucci shoes. Well, maybe I don't need gooses. But that's how it happens and my favorite example of this is how many microprocessors do you need in your automobile? 20 yeah, so my next question is and people usually say 20 is actually pretty aggressive like for an end that's got to be an engineer. You must be an engineer to say you need 20 microprocessors. Most people would think they need that but then do you need anti-lock brakes? Do you need an air bag? Do you need a navigation system. Do you need your CD player? Do you need there are average automobile as 50 micro processors and it today average hybrid. Well over three times at and so and actually a hybrid is more of a computer than a car. Well, do you need that? Do we need hybrids? Well, like some people think yeah, we need hybrid. So now you need a hundred fifty microprocessors in your car. And so what a need is is definitely up to the imagination of the person and there's not really a line between wants and needs. This is my favorite. So in 2003, this is 2003. Right? So this before cloud computing before virtualization before social networking before a like everything. That's like taking off. This is from Nicholas Carr Nicholas Carr wrote this for the Harvard Business review. It has become a commodity affordable and accessible to everyone that no longer offers strategic value to anyone 2003. So when I read this in Great. I thought wow, how could someone from Harvard write something so stupid? But then as I started started to think about it more I thought ah, of course only someone from Harvard could write something that's stupid because it was anyone who wasn't from Harvard. Somebody would tell them. Hey, you're an idiot don't write that. But can you know I'm telling the truth? So so anyway, so people continually underestimate what's going on and then if you look at what's really happening, so this is a chart of patents granted in the u.s. Like so that's what's really happening on invention. Like that's a patent card. Now. There are a lot of there's this new thing called patent trolling. So there's more patents than there used to be but like that's still an impressive curve. That is nodes on the internet. like uh-huh, like so that might create a few opportunities for invention. Just that growth a lot just said growth alone. But invention is what's also driving that grows. So it's a virtuous cycle. It's a loot and I actually had like 50 of these kinds of slides to show you but in reality we're in Innovation is accelerating and the opportunities are multiplying So if technology isn't dead then why are smart people so stupid once you like to know so the first thing is because investors people who are looking at it from an economic standpoint turn out to be highly emotional and this is a very tricky thing for me to learn because I always thought with their fancy suits and with their like fancy words investors were like really logical but it's just the opposite. They're like highly emotional technology is definitely not Technology, whether like people are feeling good about it or people are feeling bad about it or like people want to jump out the window or people want to like invest all their money in it. It just keeps going at you know, it just keeps going and let me give you a couple of examples of this and how it in a related with people's emotions and stock prices and finding a venture capital. The first is the PC. So the PC was invented, you know, really in the late 70s and then by 1980 like a Esther's got wind of it and by 1983 there were 300 companies just making disk drives for PCs. Like everybody thought it was the greatest invention of all times and they were going to invest all their money in it and Venture Capital exploded. It was all great. But the funny thing about it was like the PC really wasn't very useful to anybody. In fact the main way they marketed it was it was a way to save your recipes. Like if you didn't like a box with like people use the same old box with a little carts and like so now you could keep them like in your PC like in that was the big application and that was it and as a result like the PC do real well as a product and people were like like it's not doing very well as a product and investors got like completely they were like nobody's ever going to want why would any person want to computer and like they got completely despondent Venture Capital fell by two-thirds by 1987 Venture Capital was only one third of what it was in 1983 and like the stock market was totally gleich through with it and was horrible and nobody wanted a PC. Well funny thing. Happened the technology keep getting a little better kept getting a little better and by 1990 he had Intel 386 which is a pretty powerful chip and you had Windows 3.0 which was like not as horrible as Windows 2.0 but like it is still not that great, but quite a lot better and the PC started to become useful and the growth of the PC all occurred starting in 1990. When the product I'd get enough second example is the internet so the internet so my friend Mark, That University Illinois, you know Mosaic 1993, they came out with Mosaic and then like two years later in 1995, you know Netscape goes public all the investors get wind of it. We've got the internet bubble. Like, you know, it's great. Like everybody's moving to Silicon Valley to start their like it was awesome. And then like guess what the technology wasn't quite there yet. It just wasn't quite there friend of mine. Just Silverman had a company called Evite some of Probably still use Levi today. There were like 250 engineers at Evite because like the technology that was what was required for a greeting card, like very like the you know, like for an invite like you didn't know you could do that like any to you guys could go build Evite right today, but that was a state of Technology was just really hard to build anything at scale because nobody had been delivering things to millions and millions of users. And so everybody got despondent all the movies all the jokes and all the movies of the time. We're like, No, you went to You're an idiot. Like you're a moron you bet on the internet. What what a bunch of dummies like that's all stupid. But what happens technology kept getting better and better, you know application servers started to get pretty good. The programming languages were really evolving really really quickly and then pretty soon and then all of a sudden, you know at a time when nobody was finding anything Google comes out like, oh, I guess the internet is something and that is generally been the cycle. So people get like overexcited and overly depressed all the Time about all of this stuff but the basic curves the fundamental things Innovation continues to go. So the good news is you guys all pick the right field. Smile you pick the right feel it's good. Okay, so what do we look for? So the first thing to understand about the technology business two important points? So of all the technology company, so there was a study that was done by Andy rackleff who teaches entrepreneurship at Stanford of all the technology company started in the US and any one year and this is over 20 year period about 15 ever generate a hundred million Revenue. So you take every company there's 15 of them that Million Revenue those 15 companies make up 97 percent of the value. extreme power law curve so less than one percent of the companies far less than one percent of the companies make up 90% of the value 97% of value. So it's venture capitalist. We only want we want to invest in those 15 companies. That's the whole Venture Capital thing. So all of the Venture capitalists are all just trying to get into those 15 companies. So like that's how it is. So if you want airplane money, if you want to change the world if you want to have an input big impact, you have to be one of those 15 if you want beer money, you don't need to do that. There's plenty of ways to get beer money, but that's really that's the playing field. So it's really what do you need to do to build something so transformational and take the market that you become one of those 15 companies to that gets to that scale that becomes that valuable and like that. Is the landscape that's what it is about. So, how do we find those 15? What do we look for? Well, there's really just a couple of things one is the size of the opportunity. Are you are is the company addressing a really really big and important market and by that, I mean really the market not not the theoretical Market but the market to actually buy that product and you have to be very careful here because sometimes people will come in and say we're going after a hundred billion dollar market and if we get just you know a half a percent then we're going to have a big company. Well when I hear that, you know what I tell them there's no crying in prison. There's no profits for a number two and Technology. There is no 2% of a big Market you have to get like 30 or 40 percent of a big market for it to actually be meaningful for you actually to make money in technology. And there's a lot of reasons behind that, but I'm just giving you the punchline. So first the size. The opportunity second the quality of the team. So is the team good enough to build the Great product that's 10 times better and take the market and that's what we invest in and like that's the most important thing and then the final thing a bad Market always beats a good team and when we don't invest in a good team, it's always because they've picked a market that isn't quite what they think it is and quite frankly the most common one of these today at targeting Everybody thinks it's a big Market, but I'll tell you what, there's a thousand entrepreneurs pursuing it and there's very little differentiation. It's very hard to Target an ad better than the next guy. And by the way, if you're a brilliant person, why would you want to spend your life targeting ads? Sorry just a little job for this is a venture capital joke. So other things that we like other things that generally lead to really good companies megalomaniacs. So it turns out that it's true. If you want to change the world the first step is to believe that to be kind of megalomaniacal enough to actually believe that you can change the world. So like that is actually a good quality and it is generally necessary to have the leadership skills to drive through all the issues that you run into along the way. Two outliers. So we tend not to be thematic. We tend not to say gee we want to invest in cloud computing. We want to invest in SSD storage. We want to invest in this or that we say, let's look at the very best entrance entrepreneurs and see the ideas that they come up with and generally the great great technology companies have not been thematic. They've been something completely out of the blue at the time they came in big shifts in technology market. So I did mention SSD. Well, that is a big shift. Like storage is never going to be the same so that creates big opportunity when markets change. Market sectors that are dead so often the things that nobody wants to do so, you know, it was a dead Market in like 2001 2002 search it was over. Yeah, who won? It's really did. Hmm. So big Market winner bad product. That's a great opportunity often. Next thing we look for we like entrepreneurs that tilt towards the big Market rather than me. So I'd much rather see an entrepreneur come in and say here's how we're going to wipe out Google or here's how we're going to wipe out Microsoft. Then somebody says nobody competes with us because what we're doing is so different and so odd and so weird that nobody would compete with us because nobody else is stupid enough to try that because it's just an idiotic idea, but guess what we have no competition. So rather have the entrepreneur be more competitive rather have them going to face a big competition than be completely anti-competitive. And not even be thinking about the market but thinking about the competition that they're going to avoid. Hardcore technical team. So for us we invented we invest in technology companies were about technology. And so one test we have is if you take the technology team out of the company the really best Engineers out of the company if the company doesn't collapse we don't want to invest in it. And then finally in this one is probably the softest one we'd rather and it's generally better. It's generally better in the biggest companies generally start as wow. We've built this great product. Everybody wants it. We have to build a company now to deliver the product to the market that usually works out better than wow. We really want to start a company. Let's think of a product. Now, sometimes it works the other way, but generally products before teams. So biggest challenge for entrepreneurs first is like it's really good to have some of both skill sets entrepreneur and inventor. That's really really helpful. And the reason for that is it's really hard for the just entrepreneur to find the big product Innovation. And if they're running the company that's a problem. If they can't do that second big thing is finding the product Market fit. So finding the product that everybody wants to buy. The that the big Market wants to buy like getting to that because that's very different than the idea. But getting to the exact product and third and the begin. This is the biggest one of all managing your own psychology when we were starting loud Cloud Mark said to me he goes been you know, what's great about startups and I said no what and this was at a time when like I was like extremely nervous about everything and my stomach always hurt and he goes you only ever experience to emotions Euphoria and Terror and I find that lack of sleep enhances them both. And that is so true which leads me to my final picture whoops my final picture. So that is that's my daughter Sophia. That's my daughter Julia. That's Evan Williams who is the co-founder and CEO of Twitter and Mark Zuckerberg the founding CEO Facebook. And so this is the last story. So we were all together as you can see and we were at this thing the her balance Sun Valley Conference and you've probably never heard of it, but it's like the business conference to go to Nobody likes to go to that and so one of the things about this conference is they let you take your kids but only until they're 20, and then they can't come anymore. And so my big one Julie is going on Dad. This is so great. But like I can't come back because you know, I'm going to be 20 next year that's going to suck and I said, well you can come just like the come like a real successful business person and then like herbal invite you back and she goes that's ridiculous. I'm only 19 years old. Sold, I can't start a company and we were sitting right next to Mark Zuckerberg. And I go Mark. What do you think of that? And he goes think of what he says Julia says she can't start a company he goes. How old are you? And she goes 19 he goes bull crap. I was 19 when I started Facebook and I was like, oh that dad's never get that on their teenagers. That was awesome. But the big thing the biggest thing about building a company the biggest inhibitor to doing it is just believing that you can't and so take it from Mark Zuckerberg. It is possible. So, thank you very much. Thank you for coming.
Episode #4 Newton Series Classic episode featuring renowned Entrepreneur and Venture Capitalist Ben Horowitz. Andreessen Horowitz Co-Founder Ben Horowitz gave this Newton Lecture Series talk on campus at Berkeley on November 3rd, 2009, just four months after starting his new venture firm. In this episode, he shares his entrepreneurial journey, along with what his new firm was looking for in terms of entrepreneurs and companies in which to invest. 00:30 - Episode Introduction 01:30 - Ben Horowitz introduction 02:40 - How to play Quarterback in the NFL 04:10 - Controversial Computer Science degree  05:35 - Are you studying the right thing? 06:07 - The hilarious Warren Buffett 07:03 - Words of wisdom from the King of Pop, Michael Jackson 09:05 - What you need to build a new technology company 10:45 - Apple's Steve Jobs 14:17 - Story of Bernard Hopkins 15:10 - The second thing you need to build a new technology company 16:39 - How I became a CEO 20:30 - Story of America Online (AOL) to Loudcloud to Opsware  27:49 - Bill Clinton & Lesson from Colin Powell 29:10 - Is it too late to start a tech company? 33:12 - How can someone from Harvard write something so stupid? 35:12 - Would you like to know why smart people are so stupid? 39:34 - All the value in tech companies & who VCs want to invest in 41:48 - Quality of the team 42:40 - Megalomaniacs 43:59 - Great opportunities 45:31 - The biggest challenge for entrepreneurs 46:43 - Even William from Twitter and Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook 48:02 - The biggest thing to building a company
I read all the best Bitcoin content out there so that you can listen. This is a crypto. Kana me quick read with guys swan. All right. So I'm going to call this episode the Bitcoin roadmap and this there isn't really an official roadmap because there's not an official. There's no Bitcoin company to make a roadmap. But this is what I have been seeing. This is what has been has been spreading amongst the developers fast and Seems to be in consensus about where were the where the movement of this ecosystem is going where the movement of the technology is going and there is a general consensus on making these tools work and making them accessible to us and the amount of people that are working toward. It just seems to suggest that this I think John Newbery has a Twitter thread here. This is what we're thus what we're reading on the show today and and he goes through all the stuff that's happening in development and where he thinks Bitcoin and lightning are going in the future where 20/20 is going to take us and there is so much in here to unpack that it just truly deserved its own quick read. So we are reading a Twitter thread Again by John Newbery who's a chain code labs and an incredibly active huge contributor to the Bitcoin code base and So without further Ado, let's go ahead and jump into the thread and then we will talk about it afterward. tweet by John Newbery the end of the decade is a good time to look back and Marvel at the giant strides that Bitcoin has made since Satoshi gave us the white paper in 2008 is also a natural point to look forward to what the upcoming years might hold in store. This is where I think Bitcoin is headed over the next few years. Tell me why I'm wrong and what I've missed. The lightning protocol teams working on see lightning at block stream eclair at a sink and L&D at lightning and rust lightning will continue to iterate rapidly on the lightning protocol all implementations now support basic multipath payments link will get better support of that as well as dual funding splice in and splice out taken together. These technologies will make Channel and Liquidity management much easier, they'll be automated Fade Into the background and user experience will improve drastically lightning infrastructure will improve bitfenix recently added lightning deposits and withdrawals all other exchanges merchant service providers custodians and wallets will follow suit or become obsolete. We will see more lightning wallets a mix of non-custodial self custody without Source routing. And fully self-managed wallets. This is a brand-new space and there will be lots of experimentation different teams will find different niches to fill already while it's like Moon wallet Breeze Tech Phoenix wallet Ellen's app and blue wallet dot IO are experimenting with different models tooling for lightning developers will improve when we ran the lightning apps residency just over a year ago the attendees spent a lot of time setting eating up their lightning Dev environments Now with polar by Jamal James lightning app developers can set up a test environment with a few clicks more and better tools will continue to appear with better tooling will see faster Innovation on the application layer teams at Zebedee I/O and satoshi's games and others. We haven't heard of yet. Will Delight us with new and unexpected lightning experiences. The schnoor taproots off Fork will be activated in 2020 or 2021 that will provide a huge Improvement in fungibility privacy scalability and functionality for an overview of the benefits watch the optech exec briefing here. That'll allow lightning to upgrade from H TLC's to payment points. That's a big Improvement for privacy and payment D correlation and allows stuck 'less payments with proofs of payment another huge boost in lightning usability. See the shirred bits series of blog post here for more details on payment points. Even better lightning Channel opens and closes will look identical to payments to single Pub Keys. The same is true for payments to K of n Pub Key thresholds that is good for fungibility privacy and scalability. In fact with snore and Taproot. There's almost no downside to encumbering UT EXO's with Advanced scripts instead of single Pub Key outputs. Cold Storage UT EXO's will be K of n multisig key trees and all hot wallet UT EXO's will be stored in Channels with splicing out used to make own chain payments when transactions hit the chain, they'll look like any other single public key or signature payment payments into wallets will pay directly into Channel open outputs. Thanks to e Snyder for pointing this out to me. There will be no concept of a known. Unchain balance and an N chain balance just a single unified balance that can be used for lightning or on chain payments while it teams will collaborate on a page. Oin payment protocol a large number of on chain transactions will be two input two output transactions vastly improving fungibility and privacy and foiling chain analysis. The inputs to those pay join transactions, maybe Channel splice out in the outputs. Maybe Channel opens. There will be no way to tell from observing the chain eventually, we'll have cross input signature aggregation, which means those pay join transactions will have only a single signature and will be cheaper than regular change producing transactions. Larger coins will be cheaper still an advanced pay join payment protocol could even batch multiple payments to the same merchants or exchange and use only a single signature. We will get sick hash. No input or Sig hash any previous out making L2 possible and blurring the lines between layer 1 and layer 2. That'll make lightning even more usable and allow more advanced layer to contracts like Channel factories. All these Advanced features will require greater wallet interoperability. That is where many script comes in with many script wallets will eventually be able to enter contracts with each other that don't require pre-templated scripts as Lightning currently. Does this wallet interoperability will allow faster innovation in Layer Two contracts, op C TV or some Covenant enabling opcode will be activated allowing richer Layer Two constructions, like join pools taken together with Taproot. And Sig has no input. We will get extremely rich in private off. Pain contracts made possible. Some of these things will happen in 2020. Some will take a bit longer but they're all heading in the same direction using the chain for what the chain is good for that is to say the blockchain allows nodes to arrive at an agreed Ledger State while Contracting and functionality move up onto layer to doing so is cheaper more secure more private and allows As for more rapid Innovation, none of this is inevitable and none can happen without the industry of many hands and the creativity of many Minds there are years of work ahead for developers researchers businesses and users. If you run a Bitcoin business, you can help by supporting sponsoring or hiring open-source developers. If you're a Bitcoin user you can help by demanding that any service you use supports the open source. Because system if you're a developer, you can help by reviewing and testing PRS and releases Bitcoin core dot reviews is a good place to start 2020 is going to be a great year for Bitcoin and lightning protocol development. All right, so there is a mountain to unpack in this post and we will do that after we hit our sponsor real quick and then jump back into the commentary. For anyone who has a podcast anchor cannot be beaten particularly for trying to get off the ground their entire platform is free. This includes unlimited hosting both in audio that you upload and how much your listeners download. I have uploaded an incredible library of audio now and I've never paid anchor a dime. In fact, they connect me with other sponsors and have run an ad consistently on my show. So they've paid For exposure to my audience that's really hard to beat even if we ignore that I can record directly in the app or my browser. I don't need any other software. If I don't want it I can edit at sound effects clips and they automatically publish to all of the top podcasting platforms. I never had to do a thing. So if you were thinking of starting a show or already have a podcast, there's no better platform out there check out anchor by downloading the app or go to Anchor dot f gem today Alright, so like I said, there is so much to unpack here and I'm calling this or at least I am thinking of this as a Bitcoin roadmap here their first. There isn't the Bitcoin roadmap. There is like a actually one of the first things I did when I snagged the crypto economy tag was making infographic of an old Bitcoin roadmap actually and it was well before segue it. It was one it was coming into its own and like being proposed and all of that good stuff and it was kind of a layout of what will happen in the coming years and was funny. Is it all of it basically played out and it was really exciting to see and I had forgotten about it until my brother mentioned it the other day. So I'm going to dig that up. Actually. I'm sure I've got it on my computer somewhere and I'll repost that with this and I may be making a new infographic. it as a reference that will probably be based mostly on this Twitter thread since John Newbery literally goes into pretty much everything there is to go into or the vast majority of it at least but there is so much stuff going on in here and I'm I cannot believe that amps are already out and I'm so excited to see this implemented in some of the The user wallets really like breeze Moon wallets zap all of these things so that so that I can kind of see it in action and you know, maybe cause I'm not sure how this is going to unfold like right now. I'm just like I'm super jittery and I'm waiting I want this to be a thing like really really bad because it's here and I think if I'm not mistaken see lightning is the only one that has multipath multipath payments live at this moment. But wait, no this this the he says in this thing all implementations now support them on a second. Let me check on this. All right, I went hunting but I can't confirm one way or the other. Oh my oh my searches. You're not coming up with what I'm seeking. But so whether there are available in every implementation or not. They are going to be soon and amps is just just for The sake of refreshing everybody here multipath payments or Atomic multipath payments, which there's a number of number of different constructions of how to actually pull this off and I think the only one that's alive is bass amp, which is basically taking the current iteration and just splitting it up of across multiple channels, but lightning really has a limitation right now in that you can only send a payment over a single channel. So if you have five channels Open well, then whatever your your capacity of your highest of your biggest channel is is that is the biggest payment that you can send so if I've got five channels in there all $100. Well, I can't send $500 because I can only send over one channel. I can send a hundred dollars is my Max payment ants are the solution to that and that's one of those things that only if you knew how lightning work would you be able to I mean, I'm sure there are people who are listening to this right now who were like, okay. I'm trying to My head around this channels and and bar tabs and all the crap all the explanations. I've given in the past. But all the confusion with channels goes away as soon as you just have one balance and that's what multipath payments do. That's one of the key parts of this entire puzzle of the user experience puzzle so that even if you have five channels with a hundred dollars each if you've got a route over all five of those channels you can send a A single $500 payment by breaking it up 1/5 over each Channel and that's what Amps do. And I truly did not expect that we would actually get it this year. I thought this was going to be a 20/20 thing on and the fact that we got this this was my best of all the Christmas presents was that amps are now live and they in combination with those with looping and loop out. We'll just kind of keep going through this Twitter thread here. So I don't kind of get ahead of myself, but this is going to be a huge Improvement to the lightning to liquidity management. To channel management and to infrastructure to the LSP model the lightning service provider. So when as the institutions that are trying to manage liquidity and keep things alive on the network and keep payments going through and keeping liquidity available from you know, exchange a to your exchange or back from exchange a to exchange be through you like all the different I like the presents that you want to have that these businesses are trying to have own lightning is going to be vastly easier to manage with this and many of the other tools that got released this year. And as they slowly get implemented into these actual Services into these actual wallets. It's just going to be unbelievable the capability of making all of these tools happen. Utilizing them all at once and this year in particular. I think we finally seen I think we solved the specialization of the network of the protocol between the users the the specifically LSPs and then the sort of like normal routing nodes and the nodes that simply want to build a presence and have Highly usable routes and availability either for either for their own purposes or just to connect a handful of friends or I'm speak to people that like, you know join into like a liquidity group or something like that. I think the specialization of these sorts of nodes and how they treat the network and how they open and broadcast channels and all this stuff. This is really started to diverging this year and what we're seeing more and more or with what is visible on the lightning network with public channels and public updates and all of that stuff is that we're we're seeing more and more just the infrastructure of lightning while the users are kind of Disappearing and and we're seeing this more and more because the services themselves like lightning service providers the wallets that like the non-custodial wallets that connect to their own lightning node service these these services are opening private channels with the Users specifically because they don't want them broadcasting information to the network. So they're invisible like the users on the network are slowly disappearing because there are channels are private and for good reason you don't want them accidentally rerouting to routing payments on the network because they're not going to be reliable is going to be a mobile wallet if I take it out of my phone and make a payment. I don't want somebody to accidentally route through me and then my phone dies that afternoon and now their money is stuck in a Channel with me that nobody's nobody can make use of because I've got it on mobile. It's stupid. I'm just a casual user here on mobile. Why would someone be treating me like always online infrastructure for the lightning Network? So it makes very good sense that this specialization is finally occurred and that we're seeing this start to play out where Nodes that do you want do not want to Route our are specifically hiding themselves are specifically not broadcasting to the network. They're not responding to the pings. And then you have nodes that are just building a presence and you have nodes that are specifically trying to provide a service and own board thousands of other users nodes like breeze like zap like and the Olympus service Sparks swap bit refill in the Thor the Thor channels and all of this stuff the channels as a service and there's a lot of that stuff going on and it's really exciting to start to see these competing implementations. Are these these competing business profiles I guess for how to best use this technology and I think we are getting very close just like just like John says in this in this Twitter storm or tweets right here is that we're going to get more fully self-managed wallets. It's going to be Huge mix is going to be a mix of all sorts of different wallets. And and that's what we see now like, I mean just to five or six months ago. You didn't have anything to pick between on iOS as far as wallets go and everything was in beta and now I've got to have I've got a whole page of just like lightning wallets and stuff that I'm testing out. I think I've got to custodial ones. I've got like three non-custodial. I've got the the ones that he mentioned. I've got all of those. In fact, I didn't know about Phoenix wallet until this tweaks to him. I was like, alright downloading it. But I blew wallet wallet of Satoshi Breeze blew wallet and Wallop Satoshi are both custodial Moon wallet is one that will pay a Bitcoin invoice from wait. No no, it's the other way around this up. And yeah, it's a pee lightning invoice from a Bitcoin wallet. So you just have a normal Bitcoin Wallet balance and but you can pay a bit coin invoice or a lightning invoice and then you've got Breeze which is more of the very Pacific LSP, like lightning service provider a sort of software where they're opening a Channel with you and they were providing liquidity so that you can receive payments Straight Out The Gate and that you can start using your wallet in a matter of like a minute or so, like like the sinking time is so fast setup is takes hardly any time and I have no doubt that they're probably going to be implementing turbo channels which just means that there will be no time at all as soon as you write the transaction with Breeze and they give it to you you we'll be able to immediately spend out of it. That's what Jack valor's and Olympus is doing with the opening of their channels. That's how if you haven't seen that video check out a jack Myers on Twitter. I'll put a link at gotta remember to put all this stuff. There's so many so much crap. I want to go through but he has a link has a video where he literally went from a debit card or credit card to to a lightning payment to a lightning Channel without had no previous set. No, previous channels. Nothing like that went to a channel that he can immediately then spend asks where I think it was like 15 seconds. And this is that stage. This is the stage where these sorts of tools are getting built and that sort of user experience is finally becoming possible because of all of this and that's with the vast with the zap wallet specifically, but Moon Moon wallet is has another fascinating tool in that is that they're using Atomic swaps. They're using the loop in and loop out where I can send a lightning payment into the lightning Network and then somebody can essentially fulfill my Bitcoin invoice received the lightning payment and then they push and unchaining normal Bitcoin transaction on the other end to fulfill the invoice and then vice versa that I can send them a Bitcoin payment and they will pay a lightning invoice on my behalf and that those payments are locked to each other so that they never they don't happen unless they both happen and Moon by the way moon is in you you in which I don't know if I hate it or if it's brilliant, but I got like the all the like little like slightly misspelled shit sort of drives me crazy sometimes but and if it's pronounced if it's actually pronounced mun, well, then then I hate it is pronounced Moon. I'm still on the fence about it, but it's mu you in if you were trying to check it out Breeze also, they forgot to put the E on the end home purpose. This is bre easy. Phoenix is actually spelled correct? No FC anything like that pH like normal zap and then blue wallet were the ones that he mentioned and there's so much to play around with their if y'all haven't like dug into this stuff. I'd highly recommend it is really getting to that point and there's a lot of great places to use it now that you've got fold and bit refill you get SATs back on a lot of these this is another huge thing. That's like slowly coming into its own it. The idea of paying people back their change in satoshi's on the lightning Network. This is something that I just kind of came out of left field and I'm really surprised by the success with it. And I think this is going to be I think this is going to be a thing. I think this is going to continue to accelerate and in fact, I saw something just the other day and I'm going to fail at finding this. I hate it when I find out I see something that catches my eye and I don't say that it drives me crazy, but there was a another thing of someone if you You go and spend money at this place. It will give you it will round round up your stuff or if you're like actually like with physical physical cash. They give you back your change in a lightning Channel and that's something that I actually talked about in one of the episodes can't remember which one it was, but that could actually make physical Bitcoin like like like an open time or physical Bitcoin Litecoin. With a fixed denomination of like I'm always handing over .01 Bitcoin or you know, 10 million satoshi's or whatever it is or million strategies is that it actually makes the quote unquote cache of Bitcoin viable because you don't have to implement everybody having changed like like like when if you're spending a $20 bill, well, then they have to make sure that they've got pennies dimes nickels quarters dollars $5 bills Etc. They have to have the whole range of change. Where a As in Bitcoin, if you're spending a quote-unquote $20 Bitcoin Bill and you're getting change back as you know, roughly $2. Well, they can send you a single lightning payment as your change and that's a really interesting way to kind of skip the infrastructure phase whether or not that's ever going to happen. Yeah, who knows but that would actually make Bitcoin Hardware like like physical Bitcoin notes or physical Bitcoin bills in a since actually viable with a far lower barrier to entry essentially updating your point of sale or downloading new software rather than having to get you know coded the go to the Bitcoin banking get a crap ton of Bitcoin physical change, but the tooling the tooling this is this is actually something that I was not keeping track of with polar and this is just one of those things that like every once in a while when somebody brings it up like I'm glad John Newbery actually put this in the thread because this is so easy to miss and more importantly so easy to underestimate how important it is that the environments for experimenting with this for building with this for the development environments. They're easy to set up and it talks about like the first lightning residency that they did that there was a ton of time in setting up their lightning Dev environments and And are setting up in pierre-pierre Richard's a lightning lightning programming lightning Workshop. Very similar took a long time to get all of this Kinks worked out to the set everything up and get to the point where we were building with it was fun, but it was in fact a long part of the process here. And the fact that there is this centrally a one-click or like a couple of clicks like boom. You've got a test environment and you can start playing and experimenting with tools. That's a huge Improvement that goes completely unknown. It's one of those things that no consumer sees that that has happened even though it could it could have such a profound impact on the development environment and on the speed of building these new tools and all the other innovations that are unraveling in the midst of this things like schnoor and Taproot that we're going to see our about expanding in a massive way the breadth and the reliability of the tools that can be built. So now that we have like incredibly fast deployment of development environments and then we're getting broader and more capable tools to actually build with and something like Taproot where you can build an elaborate structure of scripts and then just display it as a simple Merkel root and a single a Taproot signature and Taproot public key like the amount of the just the The capacity that this thing will have to innovate and build new tools and new sorts of contracts and iterations on thing like the lightning the lightning contract specifically and other other things that we can do with. This is just going to be unbelievable and the faster we can get from unthinking of the idea to I'm in an environment developing on that idea is a huge huge factor. That just goes overlooked ZB D dot IO he links to any Come out like this. So following the whole setting up a test environment here. I think it's CBD or Zippity zappity. Maybe that's not that's a it's like a it's like a religious word isn't what is that? I don't know but this is about lightning games and you've got satoshi's games. I believe satoshi's games is the one that's working on the light night or of the yeah. Yeah lighten. It weren't working on the late night game if you guys have not checked that out yet. This one's so Mmm, it's really exciting. And I think that's the one that are specifically different one that does the Bitcoin bounty hunt Bitcoin Bounty Hunter. Maybe I don't know. I don't know. There's there's a lot of really fascinating and cool-looking games that I actually really want to play around with most of the stuff up to this point. It's been like little gimmicky kind of stuff or like, you know, Mario Brothers with like actual satoshi's or something like that this fun to Tinker around with for a minute, but not to like actually sit down and play for a No an hour in my opinion, but this is really exciting. This is like a real game. It's a play on Fortnight and zbd is another one that is doing a couple things to be perfectly honest. I have not kept up with this very well. I'm just because Bitcoin has destroyed most of my gaming habits. Christmas is my one time to actually sit down and play games, which I have done in the last couple of days and it's been very nostalgic. But there's going to just be so many. I'm so excited to see what people built with this now that a the building environment is becoming so much simpler or at least just faster to deploy and easier to work with and and these these new tools are coming out. It's just really exciting lightning conference. I think most of this was unveiled at Ln conference this year, which this is the first year of the lightning conference, so, Another huge thing is that there's there's that much excitement and there's that much building happening around the lightning Network to host its own freaking conference. I hope snort moving onto Shore and Taproot. I hope that this is implemented in 2020. I think that's a little bit too. Bullish. I think that's a little bit impatient. So it might be twenty one that we actually get activation, but this is going to be At the I truly think this will be one of the most important soft Forks that we ever get in Bitcoin and was what's really fascinating is that it's such a an extension of the engineering mindset and basically the previous Bitcoin roadmap that we sort of had to look with is that one of the most one of those powerful elements or I guess you could say features of segue. It was the versioning was it was the ability. You to deploy many solve Forks at once rather than just a single one was to move the signatures often basically have more breath and what you can do and the ease of implementing new signature types and new signature. I mean new new scripting like opcodes and stuff like that and a lot of it was about streamlining exactly this sort of upgrade and this is like taking it another step further. Is it with something like Taproot is the script becomes completely hidden from the actual a payment so you can the just the inner working of all of this stuff is just getting so clean and at the same time more capable and that's one of the most powerful Concepts in how to build something that is going to last for the rest of my life. You know, like how do you build something that will survive that will do this one job of a monetary Foundation that nothing can compete with and I think that's what we're seeing. It happened. We are living it that's freaking exciting and it's nor we've talked about your numerous times. If you haven't I'll let me go and throw that in there too. So I'm ahlers snore. I'll link to that episode. We read are invert alms introduction to schnoor and Taproot. That's a really great episode. Just kind of digging into all of the things that become possible. Now, this is something that I did not know about Out so moving on from snore is from moving from HDL cease to payment points. This is fantastic and I had heard of this but I didn't realize what it was. I think I misunderstood and thought that this was the whole page online and paid it in point sort of thing. But that is not what this is is at all. So shirred bits as you re di bi TS, which I am now following. Well. No, I am already full. Are they I just read the first three parts of their payment points thing and actually recorded them in audio a lot of math in there. And so I don't know if it's actually going to work for an episode but I'm like just release the audio just so that somebody who wants to listen to it can I'm we'll see but I just when I was going to sit down and read these whole things I was like, you know a screw it I'll just go and record an audio for it. So the payment points this is crazy. Ting so H TLC's have a limitation. It's real simple concept. So like let's say we're going across three channels here. Like we're paying from me to you to Starbucks. Whoever I'm paying right and are we are locking up the payment with a secret that I give to Starbucks. I don't give to the person in the middle. I don't give it to you because I don't want you to have the payment. I want Starbucks to have the payment and then when they redeem It's basically like a secret key here. And when they redeem their payment from you, they you know, unlock the lock and reveal the key in the process and then you take the key and unlock mine. And then therefore I have paid you the five dollars and you have paid them the five dollars and the payment either goes through completely or you get the key, excuse me it either fails or it goes through completely because the only way for them to get the payment is for to give up the key that gives you payment so it's like dominoes falling back from the destination back to me and there's a bit of a there's a number of limitations with it one is that you're using the same secret for both hops, so the one that I'm sending to you and the one that you're sending to a Starbucks uses the exact same secret. It's the hash time-lock contract. It's locked to a hash of a key. And in doing so it's very obvious did when you're unlocking, you know, when you're unlocking the payment earlier in the line versus later in the line. This is the exact same payment because it's the exact same hash is the exact same secret and consequently the hash of the payment. So there's a is referred to as correlation, you know D correlation we want so that the third node and if third node in the first node, or I guess the second note are talking to each other. They don't necessarily they can't like look at each other's databases and be like, oh well, so the payment came from you that went to then the next person etcetera etcetera you're able to correlate and see the transaction through its entire series of hops, if you can talk to all the other nodes in the Hop, but if you've got a payment points, this is the fascinating new trick is payment points actually. Lee create the keys separately by I don't know of a really good way to explain it because the math is kind of complicated and I had to stare at it and think about it for a really long time. But essentially it's like a subtraction problem where you give each node along the way just enough information that they can can they can subtract that information from it without knowing all the other pieces. So let's say you've got four numbers. numbers together and you give each node has Got it. You know what? We're not even going to go into the specifics because it's probably too hard to explain and a butcher it is going to take a long time. But essentially without revealing so that each hop of the payment has a different hash so you don't really know even if you look at each other's things it's not obvious that this hash is actually a derivative of the same one. That finally went to Starbucks. Everybody can still unlock it by simply subtract subtracting. They're the one piece of the puzzle that they got next in line from the one that they have until it does the exact same thing and flows back to me. But the cool thing about this is that it implements are excuse me and implements. It makes possible something called stuck lease payments because it introduces one new step in the whole process of making a payment on Lightning not one that they these are knows but that the client does which is an acknowledgement where Starbucks confirms that they received the payment and it actually allows you which right now you have to try a path and see if it fails you have to try to lock up money along that path and see if it fails and then if it doesn't you then have to try different path separately and most importantly is that that path can get stuck you can try to in the middle of the setup phase while You're trying to figure out if that route is viable. You can accidentally get stuck in the process and have something get locked for, you know, a couple of minutes or in during the settlement you could have something get lot for the period of the timeline which could be hours or day or something like that. It's obviously not a huge issue but it's a huge issue when it happens, you know, even if it's rare at this a pain in the neck this new trink actually makes it by introducing a you know, quote-unquote proof of payment. That you do with the receiver is actually makes it so that you can try multiple paths at the exact same time in whichever one works just works and all the other ones can just be ignored they can be dropped and in doing so is that rather than having to one by one check pads? You can just check a bunch of paths and whichever one works goes and that's a really fascinating trick that I didn't know and it prevents payments from getting stuck because you have a proof of payment on it. exactly which path it took which and whether or not it got there and you don't have to worry about stuff getting you know stuck in the meantime and have to run out the contract for the payment is a lot to unpack there and I probably went into too much detail, but that's definitely one to go digging into the link is Sheard bits again as you re di bi t and there's a whole series of four part thing on payment points, and this is Really interesting that I had no idea about good Lord. I'm already 30 minutes into this and I haven't gotten a page only there's it's too much here this too much John Newbery. All right. So hey join pay to end point these are and when we do these with the whole splice in splice out Loop and loop out. I'm just going to I'm just going to go over view as to what these types of things are going to enable this. This is simply going to mean that first lightning is going to go dark like me is going to disappear. We're not going to have a clue what the hell's going on with the network. It will simply work and getting information about it will be difficult probably but that's because it's going to be supremely private when we get snore and Taproot. There will be a benefit to Making every multisig every escrow every honestly every payment. I don't see any reason why there's why you wouldn't just do a Tap Root transaction for essentially anything that you want to do on bitcoin particular. If you've got like a swap or something where you're using lightning for your general payments, and then you're trying to fund or create liquidity for your specific lightning wallet whenever something doesn't just work. His planned or when everything is not perfectly lined up in order to do that. All of these tools will a become ubiquitous and work in the background and be they will add privacy at the same time that privacy in the sense that all of these things will look identical a opening of a channel will look identical to a splice in of a channel 2 in a topic Atomic swap into or out of a channel to a page oin to a pay to end point to a normal multisig. As action to a regular transaction, all of these on the Bitcoin blockchain will be indistinguishable. You will have no idea the amount of complexity that went into these transactions and that is a huge deal like with Wasabi. Just got you know, what unquote outed by I mean, it was kind of a rudimentary like quote-unquote analysis. So it's not actually a huge thing that they got caught because they Paying fees to like a static address. So it was like really easy if you sort out there like oh, well, this address is a Wasabi address is like why is this guy paying fees from this wallet? Oh, he's doing Wasabi coins, but it's not like we're not really a huge. I guess you could say vulnerability, but it simplifies privacy. It makes privacy to the default. It makes privacy the most efficient option. It puts economic incentives in line with privacy privacy has always been something that cost more privacy is always been something that is less convenient more expensive and only the tiny subset of people that really cared about it went after it and that's how somehow the mainstream has just equated privacy with what evil crap are you doing or what do you snorting coke or whatever just some idiotic thing is just that like no I just want I just don't want my everything broadcast on the internet. You not care about it, you know, so that's always been a huge problem. Is that your quote-unquote anonymity set is the tiny portion of people who actually give a shit about working hard to really obtain their privacy in the digital age. And this is going to start to flip that on its head where the person who wants to save money and have a more convenient and more efficient transaction is going to be getting privacy because that's the way you do it. And with snore and Taproot when we're talking about coin when we're talking about these simple like just joining transactions together with the person who's receiving the transaction with the business of the service or whatever and there's there was another thing that's not mentioned specifically in this it just talked about and I've forgotten the name of it. Ah, I'm I've got I'm just got Christmas and holiday sugar all running through me. So I'm forgetting everything. I've got sugar brain, right? Now so bear with me but it's it was a means of basically aggregating tons of payments when blocks were these are low so that you can piecemeal start releasing them in the the aggregate transaction that you would have done. But you were basically preparing for one block times. Excuse me one when fees are lower what I say when things are high. Yeah. Yeah aggregating when Caesar hi. Hi and then releasing them as fees are lower when you basically have a completely convenient time to do it as far as efficiency goes Well, when you start having all of these tools to aggregate these things and then you have an infrastructure like the lightning Network you have users with payment channels and services. They can easily aggregator pay five cent fees to put a channel opening or a channel close with that Elder aggregate payment from the service. That's you know, managing liquidity is this doing exchange balancing between bitfenix and you know bit Max whatever the hell it is. Is that you can start sharing all of these efficiencies you coin joined becomes the default Cohen joined becomes the more cost-effective option and with snore and Taproot these things they all of the fact that you're doing. This is hidden From the Block Chain analysis. You just can't tell what's going on on the actual base layer and fungibility is fungibility and privacy has always been a huge pivot like a huge. Um, it's been a factor. It's simple simple case is that Bitcoin cannot be truly censorship resistant. If you you don't have privacy in some degree of privacy and what you're doing with it who you are and the payments they explicitly who you're sending it to and who you're receiving it from if you can have taint on a Bitcoin address if you can say that this Bitcoin was used for drugs and therefore on the market. It's scarier or it Have the same price as Bitcoin that came from a minor or came from a holy government improved institution. Then you don't have fungibility. You don't have a secure sound of money as a key part of having sound secure sustainable money and you don't have that problem with cash, but you have had that problem with Bitcoin and this is one of the most important we've got it. We've got a VIP. I think I think are going to get it either this year or next year and it's going to be a think this is so important and I'm so excited that it's finally coming. I had always worried that privacy was going to be the big issue in Bitcoin and with Wasabi wallet with page on all of the Developers. Are working so hard on these tools and making this reality and I think it's going to happen and that's just crazy exciting that something that was that I almost felt like I might may have had to give up on is more and more possible every single day and I'm only halfway through this thing. I've got we got L2. We got sick cash. No input. I'm just going to have to link two episodes because I've got way I'm already I'm already out of time here. Um, sick cash no input. But we went over the no input class another one that we did with Aaron and beard mm Channel factories. Good Lord. This is just so crazy. This needs a whole nother episode. This needs a whole nother episode many script dude. What a hell what a hell of a year and there's so much coming at the anybody. I'm still blown away, but I guess Any of you just not looking at all. You see is your I don't know. What are you looking at the price of Bitcoin, but when people say Bitcoin is stagnant, I'm just like, where are you? Where have you been? Look at this? Look at this crap. There's so much stuff here. 2020 is just going to be a crazy exciting Year. I hope we get to see the soft fork in the wild and starting to reach the implementation phase where we're talking about. About how to activate it and we're downloading the the schnoor and Taproot client. I think we'll see a official B IP and implementation details on how to implement Implement sick has no input or the was stolen any previous out. I think is the one that seems to be leaning toward right now if I'm not mistaken. But there is so much to come and I think this is going to be the year that lightning really comes into its own all the tools. All the groundwork is being laid. We've built all of the Lego pieces and now I think we're going to start seeing skyscrapers. I think I think all the building blocks are going to slowly be put together into the right software. And all the little kinks are getting worked out at at a pace that to be perfectly honest. He's faster than I thought again. I didn't think we'd have amps this year. I didn't think I did not think we would have Olympus totally came out of nowhere Breeze wallet has been a godsend. I love that while I use it constantly Bitcoin lightning became usable this year. Like I use it as a as an app as a payments out to buy things. And to get gift cards and to do things quickly out in the wild now. I'm getting to see the birth of the internet of money and it's it's crazy times crazy crazy times this we thread is there's a link in every single in every single tweet. I think if I'm not mistaken, so and I actually went through and read all the little bit coin Ops. And you don't know Bitcoin Ops you have got to be following Bitcoin Hobbs. They go through they break all this stuff down. In fact, I haven't read a Bitcoin Ops thing on the show recently which sucks. I really should get back into that. But these guys are a godsend. That is so great to have them breaking down. They've got the definitions and either videos like breaking the all this stuff down or explaining it in a post breaking down every single update that comes through Bitcoin. I like the you know, the most recent updates or revisions the next month the next version of the Bitcoin client, they break down all the improvements everything that changed etcetera Etc. And again shirred bits checking out payment points. This is definitely something going to dig more into and I'll try to come up with a better explanation as to what the hell it is and how it works. Um, and there's just an endless stuff to to be excited about right now. And what a hell a what a what a hell when here 2019 was and 2020 going to be crazy. I got another episode coming up for you guys me and car. And we broke this down with Brady to from the citizen Bitcoin podcast, but car Camp it from the friends against government podcast, which we he's been on the show. We've been in each other shows numerous times love hanging out with that guy and a we go through Bitcoin in 2019 and kind of what the future is going to look like and there's a there's a hell of a road map here that if we get these things Bitcoin is going to be a force to be reckoned. Reckoned with I think it already is it already is even without any of this stuff Bitcoin is a force to be reckoned with but this is just going going going to expand its capabilities and usefulness in so many fascinating ways and more importantly than just building. The specific applications is building an environment that will Foster all of these applications that will handle them that will make them reliable that will make them dependable and secure with hardly any ambiguity with no no weird tricks with with as few if any attack vectors whatsoever and simply put this is going to be the most The most secure and advanced monetary platform that's ever existed. And we're here in 2019. We're year 10 and year 11 going into your no are weirdly 11 and 2019 thousand nine. So yeah, we're closing out year 11 the coins about to turn 11 years old and there's so much there's so much left to do. There's there's so much left to conquer and Bitcoin is just getting started. I think this could not be a better set of evidence that this is beginning. This is not the end. This is not past the bubble. This is this is not missed. The Train the train has the engines have started in the steam is pumping and we are about to get rolling and I could not be more excited for 2020. So I hope you guys join me. I'm going to be here. I'm going to continue to make all of the best in Bitcoin available in audio and break it down and talk about it and share this excitement with you guys. So Thank you so much for listening. Don't forget to check out if you're not following John Newbery then. What are you even doing? I'll it's JF Newberry any WB e Ry that's his Twitter tag. I'll link to it. Also you go check out the show notes or just see this post on Twitter. All of it will be available read the Twitter thread if you want to go back through it again. It's super dense, and I only got halfway through it and actually covering the stuff and there's a links to all of Of it. I I highly encourage you guys to check it out. But until next time don't forget to subscribe to the show. This is the crypto economy. I am guys found the guy who has read more about Bitcoin than anybody else, you know, thank you for listening. I will catch you guys next week with another episode and lots of fun awesome stuff to come and like I said, I got one dropping with a car camp at coming soon. We had a lot of fun. I think you guys are really going to love this one. And don't forget that you can support the show. You can become a patron at slash the crypto economy and helped to fund my Endeavor in turning all of the best Bitcoin Works into audio so that you guys can listen to them and hopefully trying to sort of explain a lot of the developments and what they mean and how they work is best as I can understand and forgive me for my lapses there and yeah, yeah, so So thank you. If you are supporting the show, it's yeah, it means so much and it really does go a long way and just shows how much you guys care about this and about Bitcoin and about this future that we're trying to prepare ourselves for and if we're building for and if you can't do that, I know that's a tall order for a lot of people the one thing you can always do is share this out with everybody, you know in the Bitcoin and crypto economy space so they too can get all of the best in Bitcoin in audio Or me and learn about the technological revolution of our time wherever they are and whatever they are doing, whether it be doing the dishes or shopping at the grocery store or whatever. I'm going to try to stay on top of this thing as a lot to cover, but I will be here. I am Guys Falling. Thank you so much for listening and until next time take it easy guys.
Closing out an extraordinary year in 2019 has us looking forward at 2020 & Beyond. What will we bring to Bitcoin, and what could Bitcoin bring to us? Today we read an amazing thread by John Newbery on the exceptional list of tools and technologies making their debut on the Bitcoin and Lightning protocol stack that will change everything about how we interact with and use this incredible technology. So much exciting stuff to go over, don’t miss “A Bitcoin Roadmap” twitter thread by John Newbery. Link to John's thread and thorough list of links included to explore the tons of improvements on the horizon, or already available to be built with. I highly encourage a dive down this rabbit hole! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hello and welcome. You're listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for Capricorn season in 2019. My name is Renee. I'm an artist an astrologer and a somatic intuitive in these audio horoscopes all outline. What I perceive as the main areas of focus for each sign in the month ahead and give you creative embodied and practical suggestions. As for working with this season's biggest opportunities and challenges remember that horoscopes describe general energies and it's up to you to get specific listen with your intuition turned on and your mind open take what works leave the rest. I suggest that you listen to the horoscopes for your son and your rising signs. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born. Your rising sign is determined by the time of day you are born and the place you were born if you Your birth information you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website embodied and the horoscope section to learn more about what's coming up in the next 30 days and the major themes of 2020 in general. Make sure to listen to break down to break through the embodied astrology episode for Capricorn season, you can find this episode Linked In the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your favorite listening platforms. If you're hungry to learn more about astrology check out my subscriber. Earrings, you can subscribe by donation at any amount per month and receive access to an extended monthly forecast and principal Astro Journal that gives you detailed day by day break downs of the planetary aspects and lunar cycles and suggestions for how to work effectively with their energy subscribers also get discounts on year ahead birthday Reports online classes Live Events and the embodied astrology Basics handbook speaking of Live Events. I would love to see you next month in, Portland, Oregon. Giving a talk on the astrology of 2020 on Saturday January 4th at 7 p.m. At psychic sister on Alberta the next day Sunday, January 5th. Come hang out with me from 11:00 to 4:00 at the people's yoga Northeast where we'll continue to explore the amazing astrology of 2020. I'll teach you how to work with your own chart and we'll play with fun creative and embodied approaches for working with Astro energy for manifestation by tality and joy details for both events are in the show notes are on my website. Right embodied in the Play and Learn section under Live Events. All of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for free. I know how helpful astrology can be for making sense out of the world and it's important to me to keep this work financially accessible especially during these crazy times in the world. If this work benefits you in your life, please support me to continue making it you can make a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going and sidenote recurring. Lead owners get access to the awesome subscriber content the number one way. You can support this work is to share it. Please share it with your family and friends and leave five star reviews on iTunes, SoundCloud and Spotify and follow me on Instagram and Facebook at embodied astrology. Thank you so much for tuning in. Please wait for a brief sponsorship message and I'll be right back at you with your horoscope. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on. Modify Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. 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So you'll never miss an episode because you want to catch them all don't you? Hello, Leo friends. Welcome to your horoscope for Capricorn season. So Capricorn season is an incredible season for astrology as I've been preparing for all of what I put out at the beginning of the season the horoscopes and the subscription offerings where I look deep into the months ahead. I've had multiple moments of just going whoa. Wow, okay. Something is changing. We are reaching a turning point. It's a pivot point there. Hopefully will be breakthroughs and not too many breakdowns and breakdowns lead us to change and that is what the season is about. It is about change. It is about transformation is about letting go of old ways of being an old programming that are not in service to our evolutionary potential and to where we want to be. Going and it is about embracing what the next step is and willingly opening and trusting this next step. So as I'm checking in with the Leo solar chart the Crux of this energy feels actually really practical. It feels material in many ways. And so it could be about health body. It could be about time schedule. Responsibilities duties and it definitely could be about Labor and jobs. How have you been using your energy in ways that are misaligned to your actual energy? This is going to require a different answer for every single person. But let that question kind of reverberate in you for a while and I'm going to talk about some examples. So there are ways that you might have been using your energy that don't actually take advantage of your actual energy that you're kind of pointing your energy and some Direction but not allowing your power to come through. And so then what happens is the kind of energetic holding pattern and that holding pattern might manifest as chronic tension and some part of your body frustration with some part of your life feelings of inertia or lethargy in how you are approaching your life anxiety or disruptions or a kind of obsessive quality with your schedule and how you're applying yourself. Elf but either way there's not a balance between the the projects that you're focusing on the way that you're focusing and then the rest of your life you want to work towards being a Clear Channel for your own energy and your own energy as a person who is solar identified person. Leo is ruled by the sun. Your own energy is inherently creative and that means that it requires you to be Present and to be willing to listen and to be willing to evolve and let things change and take shape in a creative fashion and the the Creative Energy the nature of creation, which is nature. The natural world is a constantly changing evolving place. There is no fixed goal. There's no destination that we get to and then everything is complete and so So I really want to encourage you to look at the ways that you've been orienting towards goals that you've been orienting towards achievement that you've been orienting towards service or the idea of you know, you're doing something for a purpose and particularly if that purpose, you know is serving some other people some greater good whatever that is. Look at these patterns of the ways that you put your energy into things. Ask yourself, you know are the desired outcomes desired in your mind or are they energetic desires and try and get to the the clearest purest essence of the energetic desire try and get underneath the mind. So as an example, you know, if you're stressing yourself out if you're using your energy and some way Way that again is misaligned. And so the things I've been talking about, you know chronic tension in the body things that are building up things that feel like they're they're stopping points. They're keeping you stuck there keeping you back your your wrestling you're frustrated. If you're noticing these kinds of Sensations. What are you putting your energy towards? What is the end result? What's the outcome you're trying to achieve now think below and around the actual. Object of that outcome. So if you have an idea like okay, this is what it's supposed to look like. These are the things that people are going to say, this is how much money I'm going to make this is you know, what I don't know what my life is going to be shaped like something like that get underneath the material of it and ask yourself. What's the essence of the thing that you're moving towards and try and bring that Essence into your body and recognize it as a state that you can Already connect with even if it's purely imagination. Even if it's just energetic and you know, you visualizing something try and really connect with that Essence and then feel the way that you use your energy and that you use your focus and notice where there is a misalignment. I'm going to guess that there are ways that you're using your energy and there are ways that you're using your focus that are A mental then they are intuitive that they are just kind of purely creative and the the trick for you right now is to get beyond your mind. It's to get beyond the stories you're telling yourself about what something needs to look like and how you need to do it. The trick for you is to open yourself and trust that there is a larger flow of energy at work in the world that there is a Divine intelligence. And that intelligence comes through sunlight it comes through Moonlight. It comes through photosynthesis of you know plants growing on this Earth. It comes through your body that knew how to grow itself from one cell from two cells, you know into whatever however many quadrillion cells that your body holds now, there's so much intelligence and your mind is an it can be an ally And it can be a tool for helping you discern The Right Use of energy, but your mind should not be the leader. It shouldn't be the director of the show. The director of the show is more of an of an energetic current that you want to open to now. Hopefully this is resonating in some way for you and the the current I want to say the current is leading you on a path right now. And there's something that you want to be doing in the world and and some way that you want to be expressing yourself. That is new. It's different. It feels really exciting. It feels really freeing ultimately. It feels profoundly creative and that's what this this work. This time is trying to help you move towards now Capricorn season brings in a couple different movements of this energy right at the beginning of Capricorn season from the 21st through the 27th. Or so there is an energy of kind of recognition that wants to come in. There's clicking. You know, you might have Pieces Just click in your awareness in your Consciousness. Where you go? Oh, that's what Renee was talking about. Or maybe it wasn't me. It was someone else or your own intuition we go. Oh, that's the thing that I want to let go of that's the way that my energy is getting hung up. You might recognize old. Narratives old patterning as As you move through this this time, you really want to practice recognition. You want to practice naming and articulating what you're noticing during this time. We have the first of two eclipses that will have in Capricorn season. So the first one is on Christmas Day on the 25th or 26th of December, depending on where you are in the world this eclipses out for degrees of Capricorn check your natal chart if you have any planets or points that for cap Those planets are points are definitely activated by this Eclipse. Their energy is activated. This is a solar eclipse and the solar eclipse is really it's like aha moments recognition of process and Readiness to change. That's the energy that's coming in. So open yourself to recognizing open yourself to to change as we move into the the season just go. Okay. There are probably a lot of things that I need to change and some some deep ways of being that are ready to change and I want to see what they are show me what they are and ask your intelligence to come in and help you recognize and and see where you're using your energy in ways that are not appropriate for where you want to be going and try and see the places that are holding you back. Weeks between this solar eclipse a new moon and the full moon and lunar eclipse on January 10th are really a potent two weeks. So this entire span of time has this quality of recognition of aha of Letting Go and opening to the new opening to the change the lunar eclipses at 20 degrees of cancer on January 10th. Again, check your natal chart notice. Do you have any planets or points at 20? T cancer if so, or excuse me, 20 Capricorn or cancer since this is a full moon lunar eclipse. So that whole axis is lit up with this energy. Now this lunar eclipse has the the transfer of transformational energy that's coming in and whatever the next step is, whatever the next piece is might start to get really layered in around this time. That full moon energy wants to help us illuminate and realize and recognize and then the the Letting Go process is going to get assisted from this full moon where we can really start to shed and shedding isn't always joyful. So if you have things come up where you feel fearful where you feel an increased sense of aggravation or stuckness in your energy or frustration. Don't worry the the the frustration that might be coming up or these increased kind of states of being in agitation, you know, sometimes that just precedes the Breakthrough. It's like right before the Breakthrough is the hardest spot and especially around the full moon. I really want to encourage you to work with the unknown and to work with the invisible. There is again, there's so much guidance for you from Kind of divine intelligence your higher self your intuition your Spirit guides your angels god goddess. However, you want to name that energy connect with it connect with it in a way that's meaningful for you. If it's the universe connect with the universe, if you know, it's hard for you to connect with the idea of the invisible then sit in front of a plant or go outside somewhere and just connect with something that's growing and ask yourself. How is this happening? How is this being coming into being how does it happen connect with your body? There's so much that your mind can it can't even fathom. Even if you have the science, even if you have the concepts, the magic of creation is Magic and this is the kind of energy that you really want to connect to right now. You want to connect to magical Creative Energy because that's what wants to flow through you and Capricorn season is about Bring out the blockages that are keeping that energy from flowing clearing out the ways that you keep yourself too busy to consumed to oriented on whatever your mental concept is of what you're doing and definitely your tension habits. Themes are relaxed soften. Let go where you can let go trust what you can't see feel into energy sense that there's something that's greater than the capacity of your own mind. Okay, so I hope that's helpful. If you want more information about astrology check out my subscription offerings. I'm going to talk about all of the planets and the lunar cycles and what Doing and how to work with the energy throughout the month in that offering I go through day by day, and there's quite a lot of information there as well as suggestions for how to work with embodiment of these energies. I am wishing you all the best in Capricorn season, and as we head into the new year and Beyond, thank you so much for listening and bye for now just a reminder that I'll be offering to Live Events the weekend of January 4th in Portland, Oregon, and I would love to see you there check the show. Notes for more info or go to embodied and find my Live Events and the Play and Learn section. Happy New Year.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Capricorn Season in 2019/2020. Capricorn Season extends between December 21, 2019 - January 20, 2020. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to “Break Down to Breakthrough - Embodied Astrology for Capricorn Season.” In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of the zodiacal energy of Capricorn and explore how it manifests in our bodies, minds, emotions, relationships and in the world and I’ll discuss some of the potent transits happening in Capricorn season linking us to cycles that have deeply influenced our world for the past 500 years. Everyone has every sign in their chart, and Capricorn represents amazing and important energy for each of us. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Capricorn season and is also a very healing and powerful energy to check in with at any point. Listen here: Get the Capricorn Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Follow Embodied Astrology: Instagram - @embodiedastrology Facebook - Embodied Astrology (@embodiedastrology) Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
connector Gaggle lots of my own style over on the left a salmon all this was so spun down. The created Adam felt from Lisa from a nights and forms a the mortise. I'm Adela. Hello and welcome Alomar baby renew our flavoring from the conscious junkie podcast show. My name is Luther and Nick Bender host from this podcast. My days are flavor. Is about 170 sooner on the technique Souls May style in of take a step Marvel inhaler. Hope this podcast is fry. There's a flavor beans rice spoon Turn to Stone her coma the spike new in a micro foam pads. Like there's trucks and fragmented a lead is an open economy in the director of Voters of Arizona step C. Is it from school fast for the qualitative and the Ft Fela after Cara Maria, but what is a podcast on practice? Aesthetic dense and forged a coffee cup anesthetic Dance Festival in Barlow greatness me. Welcome. Dr. Angleman Club existing you-liang come from Boone Stockton's on Deck during that festival and equals that of Amedeo fan Zheng area underneath milder number taking that exam it and met an answer Andrea. Yeah - Chrome idle and multi-link a massage therapist healers Wednesday. Reading Stone pelicula henna the form the salmon and Schwartz from area vitamin Circle mark on the chili, if need to enhance pomeranz yourself lad before dinner now Excel, they'd a massage because their own operating in India fucking on super look but I've had those are all blown their Happy's of leveling lead over and I think it over the hair Burr is aesthetic dense Mesquite exactly development can open the new for you so that it was now I'm gonna go for my god of other small horde of police faced of revising comb or barley or football. Black in the world. I got some faces of monoi boost sales make mact just did was upset based on spoon Tana axio. Mahina tutor can have my MBA. I wasn't tough Centre. I remember it was that back on down to Rifle call from my own that in a lot. Yeah as a prospect do weak-kneed. So how it's a line of sooner free. No family over there Vermont. Yeah to stuff my clock and looking for and latent heat of methanol adults. This is correct for goes only to do and it can about him and I'm like the knees and bacon you're in the home hormones, okay. Is that when we got here at like anyway, he's been on our 2002 when I've looked over to the waiter who come over that in-house and what are you planning example to be dueling is and but of make a condom and we have inside information on my God this acting for tosses a flavoring from the zoo curse from Men's Leo condensed for later found the organizer total fun and festive out. This is his act and then you will cheer & canas and in Z and unnerving a big deal Torah. It has Dalek the first Mentor for bilateral coma ah, it got a fracas tells and accomplished hitter from Canada and up not like the foundation of lengthening free Iraq. Would that look is what aesthetic dance now, I click in out and methods for transform me and the potatoes in this come Heba this Macintosh my nuts Dortmund to the aesthetic dancers and AdWords and the ear Sadiq from that an advert hip and its value cup of the despair telephone not open Festival. Across my data is main lady boss didn't he's a murderer quietly. Shh ladybugs. Don't think uniform. Yeah. I bet I could talk it over its power feltham a cabin that's configured using a big laugh at home. My lady boss. Now let her don't you know now India is at stake and Anissa. There are some opportunity for five death along have devised a nice look for you hard worker and aesthetic dance act it out first before the kid did Festival business that are here are avoiding me. All them deltamac at misses her sometimes don't have any is a fad or for the to hear you on their Shogun. I gotta keep my holster for not so bad. Yeah, cause it's the last cent. Yeah pussies May doesn't start with a bookcase taupe name another book on Force. They're let out here for men's a gi- need activator realtor may have information about is it now - but taking it and I'm never gonna be able to specify here ever. Like I give us not to look feel and at work now as the FBI, can I have done? So what happened there in Nevada? Also capture Zimmerman's is up. Can fission get that in some comments that I get down cfd Rising herself seem like a cave under the manseok in the forest are surfacing and then oxy for bending metal guard force myself a girl right looks right. Hmm Marcus have he'll fall over like barium over Tom's and hail Mohan in the music and analog all the smoke or don't work in my fault business collaboration is yes Horn of the short sound. Also, I think you are. Yeah. Yeah. It is configuration could raise his left of my wife Leila Khaled Scott Emma. I was gonna Maul and this is welcome and not story of why not your luck. Yeah. Yeah and I deserve more competitive dance Excel file the money for dogs. Oh my God remember focus by also eating area or ceiling space on. Yeah Hunters were the tops. I had also died like a floater and Iraq offered for the year. Okay, and we could of course the tell nobody I had never thought that Festival. Yeah a given area near set where he lay sandcastles sort of make study. NASA doesn't look in your eyes of any dogs, Arizona Rising yourself had continued to occur for lost and insecure that Horses ran on the plaque is area that the forgetting comic in the third and tracked another Pioneer submission healing black bear them later massage his father in healers and reading a place on the podium Anna and Oconee long way for searing event for lithium. We use of local lawyers a Mac os10 plaque on the last in downloader is answers are a customer up to this to call myself like a tomato for Rena not for Dame or invalidate your advocate. Make me come back there. Okay, the Mexican vitamins before material found on Kane backwards to Zita to clad soon. I try to cut it up Makia Oak who during this festival for the girdled improve the State's coat of it. Yeah clothes and of think again, so good at all. So don't isn't economical four cylinders the dumpsters Medicare in an in a short film approvals have mercy tomato cars. Are you fine - he drives a nice car stopped and environments on Earth every day. Just I cried called and Arif a vehicle fields of also floss colossal troubles after I said it she didn't have your new you don't floop gone Cohan. Yeah, and I think that whatever so bad result vitamin C area near Center and who's it for y'all to fulfill looked? The area of going out even yeah City healing. Yeah. Yeah for for my sister ever. He'll feel more and I kind of formal Halo on you for meeting us in abandoning a decent platformer and then c d f and we are on Spanish. Everyone was a slim love that you're writing about on Signal. Yeah don't panic home plate on his your whole Calypso's example and their hit single tremendous abetting safe and daughters to Fuller and MSE like a forget. Is your home yes, mr. Hangemuhl warmest asea is if you're a surface in fully adult 40 of Life on this Earth shaker hood rat is half Indonesia. That was your husband. Wait, I think or my whole sequence again and of my hopes and dreams lose some twist one of the few curveballs met our very very healing space near out of has advocated open Festival treat yourself perhaps over. Ela provider or steam it took our have a besides and an automatic carbon Hub out in a bar - and there's own. Yeah closest Circle is home will come forward and placed on my toes. I see you must understand and I hope those former and are catalyzed relevant sources to 0. So, is there a connection that's like a super big shoulder arms. Well, we're in a dart board item. I've to do all my specialty is grilled him out done better. The current owner deal from us is donkey before the trikuta. Yeah, and it is the are secure that so today so I'm old days a black and then they see setting recordings yet. Today is the day is a flexpays holders happy. No tip for the fuckin care. Yeah. It ain't got enough mere their ice cream alador day eating area and especially fond of hermetic. I should be no so retort it's healing I'm still constructs of my know what you're going for The Intercept so that governments that are qualified from gonna bubbles. You might not have a man sit there feeling across all of the metadata Daredevil. Does I flick also deepen himself right out of the air. It's not a harder and again good Amir for beginning in to clean up that mess in front of the Train on the 10-day Supply crazy tooth in there and all this one of the vein of hurdles before old off side of the tracks and oh it's going to handle. Yeah, it does. It's a nice mocha Market. Don't think you belong. I like the Deep vs. Your have to hook my blog. So environment. Yeah - the coke. Yeah. Oh God distant music for height four days of treat yourself area. Yeah. Oh thank God out of this morning and Buddhism will be some tofu key to my front wheel over here Dana over the Festival of here fine over off mosquitoes mosquitoes dead. Like it's second among the newest very steady temps. Come here ended. Umm, Connie didn't Jean fit in the face of no matter whatever can either in there and I took an eternal self. Thanks faced calm air fan of this style post-marital. We chose either in your vehicle without self moisture fond of the city in tensing Corner head of Arabia Commerce Energy System of scientific development design is the intensity is naturally super annoying and on the music and all that's missing is really crazy of her Fuller and are fan of static are Piper's very intense. He showed up today. They'll form a special thing and also full Barnacle. Okay? Yeah, the super bedankt voor that's day life when y'all for Hal and y'all are fine with this festival and I have a new door knighted today to speaker. And that is your maintain a farmer from Whole hope now I'm like Avon the organizer table of space holders from aesthetic Dance Festival Netherlands in Barlow and at this cat ring the Cornet for a caver Stricker. I stand up I just walked by them. Bite my have new motor metcash opposite of extending my supervisor ta that the a female the Springer visiting your Sam open up a climbing monkey. I'll take over the products of the festival. Terrain. They start an acht insomnia. And yeah, I'd love to mow it afterward. I can import family for even a moment for my head. But they can't aesthetic dense. If we are cutting ecstatic dance be taken for my rant of our music and dance in all of her. I had come with Ava. Hmm. And when you guys on deck for yourself to make a Forward Air cynara can make one was often a TR collated and kick. Yeah, and tune Banneker actually Coke like Neighborhood Services for all and played my erotic side hot or baseball long strides and exotic opens a couple times on the show for the yard and on music music oven and bake for newer and ecstatic Dance come up opentype static actually colors are hot. Hold on. Marnik needs a smart. Don't cry never bike almost that water cough had an opening plank come out. Mm-hmm. Yeah, there's no thought organization in the dance itself. No, I think that maybe duel is just my musical. I'm not taking that you look now. I'm climbing the 5/16 to PRD Kevin musical Rockies homes Wireless variaty flows and a cap dot no horse. Now now by our are hands deep into scientist and on the motor, it's back home of the most resourceful few kneeling in the music Oma. Yeah not so for the a lot of second of five. The for not listening because Dan and overall to have a Stan happy available who after and each watch UK TV show. I'll dark the hidden from wow. Yeah who hide it from car crash? Yeah pussy and on dot on the journey to create a finale to music and our by the time to to have a Vibe I mention that vaculik ZF may feel a lot and I'm a need to draw a line - no heartbeat. Martha told or musical Journey or buy airfryer Boo-Boo come to order. Okay. Here's the music macht Frei beta from classic to techno to trapped of numismatic of lungs and the don't smoke tribe of the side step off and at Lehigh A mcdoon white and black bar have with our own certain syllables and yeah in his Vesta. Hmm and this is done for you. Is it a local town with armor on to dry out of all of the Dance Floor to stand no for nothing made music the home was my career and the career and professional dancer. He kept Academia from Arctic. Adhara. Our alumni animal horse trough to the Earth. Basically it kept in your long from Nathan or shortens classic hepatitis C Bowser person decided. Dr. Arthur of today the saddle style scum that epic TR long says that a perfect on it kept thinking for fear Levens could almost a signal of Domes F Dawn's don't do it. Most album 8,000 the Coca on this hill crowds. Okay dancers of animal kind of machine. Yeah. No don't it's for my novel takes I don't have so fill in my life. But Aikens don't like a tunic stop them at Dan's heart attack series finale Hood nishat item under immense talented dancer. Okay. Yeah. Give me the dancing school. Flo I will share fulfill those needs he'll scare for we lat okay just for the door to Dawn's daughter Journey at induction Khan is identical to collect met ya all 550. Are ya. Okay. And what is its organization from the divisive? Oh is that blood Circle means that the lung and the wrong question? Elope. No, it's this in Locus for follow-up email a Vista and gag a cup of our life blackest down. It creates a new plaque of are under the Cornerstone of our Excel file kill crock start my bike for oh and volume velocity for the new talent and in combination with a sureno mierda are Farah mention the whoo. Whoo whoo debatable to do and you create in a black bag on yourself. Oh bitch, I'll beat ya and you came here to find out for not think of Fame and it was need Rag and come on. Let's go Castillo and best one baking Mysterio's Mac. I shouldn't have been disconnected Rock the hips Hoon domain and and it's full try and act like for scaling the short film blackest camping and you can interact in the can still snap. Who's there is a black Koza is that the milonga corner there for some festival and it's you look do use it your top leg now the Boo boo conclave varmints is if zotero's have folder and file are fooling myself can design. Yeah won't yeah, five dark provoke says dr. Kovac from nine to five monkeys won't even eat yourself sign of yeah. I should have saying. Oh, yeah, I see there. If your energy level very high probability Vector clear River by dot all more vermiform over by head - Zayn the Hillman above Mach. Mm-hmm. And that its opening ports new me another somehow black and evil forebodings. Someone like individual thermocouple for our before but need answer. Okay. Yeah and other and exiled by myself in some of the province's hammer is occasionally on the island of rupiahs has a long a dicey thing is vertical. So romantic I can yeah. Yeah Danson is this damn fools? Yeah, that's cool moved on from that. Yeah, okay. You have to specify only delaying he cared the pmiltson Mitten guarantee. My stomach cramps. Yeah. No, so Viola to like me against my partner and these material look all Sam has hit the Eiffel call. No Hova Giada. Yeah scene where by men's in here for pro beta will do this adult life. It's a saint and demons bring like the last summer and the duty ends and Nick the Doom shall we show all with owns a vanilla mint and all yeah, you know facts and they just did this. Performance was I'm here in total material South Mencia. Yeah, and the Hiatus and guys made from five dark, huh? And you love socks than handle these. All right. Yeah think he'll smell. Yeah, and now go cat mockingly. Oh Connie Francis problem that I like is that the rantideva create the detail all the time Silas is Look and so long the fire blasts comments. So Freudian of its conclusion. Yeah, and it's a 2004 qualifying phase in the Arab rocking. Yes eager. Yeah, I have days at like mature adults make America. He's looking at the Iraqi. She the player co-op the villain in the tears. I'm resigning a loans. There's a new token indoor play Kaiba. Yes gone any moment soaked in the zone where they can hear this and you will do that. Dimension also payment a hill Ava out of bubbles line. That's enough stays. Even on saving Jean Valjean my current Formula song at my house remains it in the medicine is in fact, I can make I can yeah. Yeah. Yeah and who are pewter for bending met someone - open quote emacs fantastic arrival occurs Christ. Yeah, imagine a place in the massage didn't help you to heal our father our steam in November Coke it is the ear it was Either in the ears the gear doors and guy can do not neither. Does it for either in the ears to Kiddush hold of his own fantastic team of Alamitos and either in their chosen based on honoring zomo if I found America or for now the main city the space holders of the Dance Floor Radha of the main city after the scammers or for the hospitality. It's eight the work. Yeah Amador. For many years the care was it was hear his laugh. What's the highlight of need to cut waste from days? Now K9 highlights is all segments of opposite hand does F9 highlights the heart of my own and stuck for six-year stays moment of hand stays music self-signed and daughter stays me as herself sign what and don't like her who Workshop over tiger the connection with under the man's worth either the full Lopez very fond. I-i've as I'm talking about Ethel and they came To Allah. Yeah, all the any commands just so many all unique flavor and you probably still a partisan my in the core. Is that little aim? Yeah and that's fully in some vague and I just fine but driving main house name. Yeah last fact we out for you to organize a Doric you've been into the corner there and Sons dreams. He met an activity tight good on like actually need of Babel continue in eurofan facilitator or fun. Yeah, even you didn't come stones in the road from Mir space holder Jensen eggs, I found the the overall space holder. This all has come to open an office. There is Need for new. They say Papa Mia and execute now living in a satanic. And the electrics that folds out and the artists to move. This is welcome board and remove the tofu hair before while he ever look up to date over. There's a North near him best Doom continuously actress and it's not constant and and alert and all the all the damages the anzacs do your ankle look LM r dot Vartan cock the detain of hat just baiting foot. Okay, and it's take a photo of the he left in shock. Hey Lem knee to ankle my as occur. Hmm. Yeah, creating. You can do all this in practice each of he's eating all it is connected. Maybe connect bait. I need a lock. Okay. Lots of I have to be able to mirror for motive getting Who's that comes to mind? Yeah. No, yeah, those are saying listen. This is a big moment of belonging like her down Lisa Lisa come after Lisa the lives of others have my night me all of the door comes and that's a Macabre are all Mahan helping in so that's sort of a sign of external data and of the packet character van Haver. Go pick now. I select a version in DayZ clay Dinkum act and also doubt all need hand doing I don't don't don't put hyper. Does that overall during his life and ours are the vehicles of it fucking okay, but I knew of are all the same. Thank you very from the vehicle to the door. So it thank you very much. Can you tell me about you guys? Yeah, don't you? Thank you. Dual doorman Tacoma in the grinder and Tacoma in your life of me ever make contact to market-match like some setup. But yeah, what contact improvisation Vedas or forbidding to lack of Medical Care in the home? My Allah saw buzzes from variety myself Keys over to the fold on guilty name of needs. Let us examine contact with the we continue to hear from the time I made it. Yeah, if I don't know how I could practice getting ready for my archive complete new varric missed that existed aesthetic dance, but he actually came drunk of the actual exactly autopsy for Medfield downsides. Is that the Highlight fun and fun and funny face of an asshole. Yeah. I studied dance is that needs are and you know knock on a door and of this line and the water for Cable for Saturday called of this clinic alone and Mark Yashin. Who is this whole event don't bathe our well Stranglehold. This is organizator. Yeah want to cocked upon ecstatic dance had form a over need part in this is how it doesn't unlock additional parameter and water. Well, hello it is it had active over Zuko. What's up any lift? And on that via the downsizing answer here? Ava and not count as well and clunk my need and water that's okay. It's he noticed on or me on dr. Bennett villages to fool the water spilled that in Face Market full for my knee doesn't face just for my heel coccyx black wire almost who can come and nice L4 to build in my what time for Lawrence were saying my hands do with my hands and I gave for Mays actor Neil Tom's for me and who says yes, it's not big and see your uncle's the signing of the document the fear. Yeah, and I can build a better area and a bizarre is nuclear board medical bill into the back in the day environments. Yeah. Is it here for her beauty of loss coma this is an occasional massage a magnet will mention them about burnt chronic active come hit and yeah, well the fat cell field or my Hainan bird film yet this in a dad's it's not the here's a me to face. My eyes had been saved. Well the elementary here. There's DJ this proceeding yeah. Yeah, so crew that I'm glad ya then Massa kumihimo laws and moves itself saying the soul taker who feared my natural sort of like is on TV reso plaque for don't ya exactly did they go? Yeah and exotic dance DJ the water cooked or mad say music you made the name of rice lungs a life skill in the Emojis. Yeah this yeah. That's actual Allison exactly does a month and income per month? Yes, Miss his native a Nick my cap actual week of sonoda content here a lot of exotic dancer. So another that your satakam we lacrosse. Yeah it is you build overall. He'll hug by signmark. Yummly honk his horn and it's almost well. I'm gonna set up my own daughter spectator anecdotally and next and next and happiness - yeah. Yeah, and I need speaker needs a drink of Hendrix desire. Blow to foot in the days before we don't ya for him Schooner and a deer is all of you ceremony and the right digit 3 Eula and it marked at some human City water move and they have a visitor Mike. Mike dot dot dot reveal the Cox didn't believe the way he wants second wear something and I should e MV a concurrent outer and inner container Chevelle what memory intensive dance my belly movie? Lifer the make it out of here Sophie lost commemorated on the ice in the natural high to high school. Yeah, she's making tube life. Yeah, one second act pick hollering volcanic activity in or Mac stars of bargained leg was of the energy actually the whole Aqua tail does informal evolve stay here and in doubles on a night. Yeah. Yeah, I should deliver something. A hat. Yeah. Yeah, it would accommodate him. Unfortunately do not massage this fact. That's what Latin document been on Blanco kind of a dancer and a few minutes. So I've noticed on Banneker and on is the best way of hacking cough Rebecca necessity you need to stop at that beautiful boat and bake your permission of the for your outfit and um, Things are The Tell-Tale belong hike is on your mat matte lipstick is on the mound have their name and he likes that again Cassis. Yeah, that is a ceremony bandaging metal car had stock and any energy they flew you think me weak. Yeah. How come that monkey probability to do like? Yeah whose friend Community from their Campbell Ava yeah expensive more kappas around for nocturnal insects. I think that yeah and unfold it if until more you're not gonna heave. Vitamins. Yeah. Yeah. It is moisture here. Yeah, absolutely. But like to keep the door open. Yeah, just don't make what over to Dale am very near and bar or kinesiologist editing space just means beneath say the Midland is to hold the exotic dance community on the belt and we yeah folks my valve isn't he locked if you met ecstatic dance and you can focus my 50 ecstatic Dances, Dottie lungs to her Yes, mine 24 skill in the state of Alaska Lisa and it organize their exotic dance in here earlier back in a Mensa of a thinner Facebook exotic dance here. Let me just tell you can see our last Super League. That's hot. / I wasn't exciting and over less is more the state's data by yourself coma and yourself more cosine is 1/2 of all human. Okay now give out the small. I have a seat here the podcast in the reception up the name of males have its work of hookah a formal quote from a sex addict dance to dance your heart open dance your heart. Our toke it doesn't movie quotes and looked at here. We are to open a terminal condoms. So you can yes. Absolutely. Thank you. Alfred Philip is here. Kenny in Goa their bosses from my fdg wear new shoes. And yeah, it doesn't say to you are on there just like in our group that is thinking who by don't you were huh? She dated a here don't go towards and all these y'all could not harm the other he don't know document actually sell here for those with and need a beige paint made was the ideal my mirror. Smoke having a baby. Aesthetic dance here where float yourself quickly cart bar H life will move to an endoscope team in here. There's a hard time it today her is actual exact here instead of dancing. I've never been hand. I could be a hero and not C divided by a number. Yeah, okay and use it well So choked up messy or who to have it and forbidding and that's okay more. Okay, then yeah part of the job is not neat bar adults who have intensity of needs to operate option to don't know. Okay. Look at this acma falcon fact big four states, however back in the dance and sun and later added the iconic fastest s assignment air conditionin and open-source sharing and search for billing and on how to dance anybody in the You could make anomic low point. I sort of said I hurts and without the need for Loomis Marriage Act the sound only made in a mobile guys will need to open or even comes with the slider mom can't let emotional responses. They - like, um, half a cover band Sam. Jesse does not have this rare comic benefit and the next one's best for overwhelmed from other diseases like live in an oval cock own Clinic think best of intentions and holy shit. What is happening here? Have you ever listened to your failings make Max's have a mistake dance? Thank you Ben Bernardo for iconic. So over crawl to overrule the hitting now you have become a he moved out now get out of this Festival. Well every goddamn mirror in your data dot it's my friends Europe shoot in each round and Dot coketoday have dots there each mirror a whole his shine and yeah, go ahead and got this film in your at 12 o'clock. My shift I was ecstatic dance from active. I just thought it was a hate more is dr. Munir for specifically noted Army math. It's about of year. You should have to teach me or Itachi Hershey Medical it motivated murders there in shorts and order to help of an idiotic fullback and looks amazing. Okay, Mike knocking you can only open I do this. Yeah. Look dog music via Twitter, right? Yeah. A hunch to kick up your heels. And yeah, except it makes showed New York liquid in a little doesn't know the closures of to breastfeed while the digital sure. I put the heel normal. Yeah from the world snapping this reaction. Is he nuts contrast extra Kraut? Yeah. Thank you. Dr. Mann see here as soon as own Pockets American have met for wachting that's here. Call me and dank before Mom partner to finding of no. Yeah Bill major Von stroheim engines today. She came. Yeah Precision week off to well. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah the fibers to go look under here. She baked beans. Yeah, both of the Dalek down. Yeah, but see Strife food or 14 / dalshabet. Yeah. I have never been here because I don't feel safe on the table for some five daksa Peak intensity very yeah. We are in class. It's time to go hero. Yeah. See ya. That's not big on this is that's what it's about. Tribe life in Iraq for yourself. There's need to know I I paid for this. Is it move my arm. It's a film acknowledge Camp. Yeah, that's the runners. Yeah, but send reward of thick forest eBay upcoming statements that against first comes to mind. for bending my yeah, there's two forbidding your make yourself and all it'll behave correctly for bending make yourself in a minute. Okay? Okay. It's aesthetic dentistry today then dr. For entering building this that means they'll form full contact her it so myself as default. They said need for dinner in a second. If it doesn't I'll account for it. Yeah, it's him in the palace that identifying let's say an apple to the miracle. That's it. Go go my son Festival need for you today. Hmm. Okay. My name's Ray V are buying any day over studied enter in from the Aina be some of the voting and for the Catholic a in Alman and he hacking expect me to Disney Castle sighs find anything comparable to demand. Yeah. Well opal fear are going to be taken care of by my of the massages Blackheart and easy. Aesthetic dense the net wave of court in speculating the thoughts of my best friends on the ACT. It can put is back in Bali Ubud Bali Cal cannot of course Asia and yamete know we have adding hot I think and don't assume the middle of Soho like a Friday and heroic music. We five meet proud of the down. Or a jaw pain and the adult form I've also done so we can relax a little dance around the curve. I've moved Emily Hammond. This ice is the in the wicked about a humidor a couple of months. I collect very no mosquitoes in her face. You got over there real number two, what ecstasy avoid of ability of his life? You haven't even drank here and that is Oklahoma near here for men. So I tune hopes hand. It's antique for dolphin-like. I like it. They bring Cuba robot form and you know Coke after we get back from really tight and I miss study Dentistry. I have like a very it maintained. He has my life come so many substances. Yeah, dang it. Well, I have desiccated could trigger the date was all the more complex and Fela in the body and to the right. So then that must be maintained over back markers and that's what was behind from the from the asphalt and 3K for my 5 Newton's also do Esther and got o conduct was so shocked my brain to maintain by a silver here. You guys you don't have nothing. You can't ground me or not and cameras all maintain connection that they don't like me. She's out of Beneke medve Panic about home and they are front of them and thing we don't send don't they had moment that the music is ok. Yeah because music is died. Look is hot mess Pro rata need to take y'all to see this. He helped me. Sylvanas down the music Fuller and that Hong Kong they hand us who's good at I will conduct its base is exactly DJ to the come to create a third below her hot water. I don't need to have a dialogue where following made with the Catholic take. The only product video is actually a matter. Yeah favor. You fooled me pain. Do you like? Yeah, but Dana your life and food in days how to call math by liquor. Yeah. Yeah. It's machete posterior. I'm going to see a concert and Guy cool guy. I click on door kick out of me. Welcome door. Yeah exotic mooted off Mac or don't need night and he compromised oppa my fingers. So like I don't think hello Viola. So hey, they had tomatoes make up to you shows you stop talking for Tower and because it oh, yeah, and it sounds like you have a laying Downs of metahumans official. Off Vibes, so fine of measles or not. They can call like that how it goes and my God Sigma T Mendoza that or of docked by coma. Yeah and that guy about of Giza the to do not do into the oceans Madam greatest a smear. Whoever lost it in that hole Yeah. You can Oprah's o my Galactic by Michelle flavor freedom to connect from the press and the police of the going out on the street from Namaste often hunted before Beau smack to the be taking the he didn't yeah, I would mix my respect and flavor it Finn dots the phone isn't a dark new day for adults age bracket of the Colonia. Ben F Prime is beneath me Marlene. Yeah, Don the stock market is in behind a respond with your own eyes. The operation apices tracking of is Discount major. They fear the message itself exact that is more. Yes, and at this local the kombucha flashes there to come said be your thing. Okay. Mr. Kombucha here. Yeah. Look at you fucking to make your own real bands. Yeah, so you go. Yeah. I hope mental power from the sonar you think yeah, and I'll be here by Dolphins actually place. But yeah called Mystic Abuja is my medic and again a kombucha organ conscious drunk easily over the world glad seeing that we need Canada's act like a family theater today. Yeah some guys. - I agree, mr. Kombucha feel guilty for leaving bacteria in yeah, it's super efficient. Yeah, it's very productive. Okey-dokey. Okay, and if you look he's right guy for about the up new look and after can morecombe Bay State on this face that cement. Yeah, it looks like you for laughter for pulp door. Guy riding on a donkey States. I think this for now having rain about my more often and machine. Hang on the bombers. Are you doing my husband's over it when Claire? Yeah. Yeah, wake up America latest. Yeah, like I'm not a snake side noise isolating value and Gaba. I have to buy a new day Le it couldn't be any more emails or multi-vitamin. Call your uncle your fake feather and Yeah, y'all need to build for work there and on this maze or Luchador. Not again. Thank you. Maybe gave a confident. I feel procedure for an apple. Okay, you're missing made it it's a wrap the podcast it'll be kept them from doing the speakers and adored heart on though who built for my phone but aesthetic dance is if you don't open festival and not say you come back Hangar Bay minuten volume you information and cream and cake here name of the website. That is aesthetic dance with the now I pick a note of on the podcast. I'm going to get all nice finishes Terry instead. It is in a review after that. To calm enough measurements there after that they support Caster is in Canada, you know women's in spirit and infamy. I work with them for the last round of Mars and dots now.
Ecstatic Dance! Wat is dat nou precies en wat doe je op een vijfdaags festival? 16 - 21 juli 2019 vond de eerste editie van Esctatic Dance Festival Nederland in Baarlo plaats. The Yoga Nomad was erbij, dit keer niet om yoga te geven maar om massage healing sessies te verzorgen als onderdeel van de TREAT YOURSELF AREA. Op blote voeten dansden Lotte door de zaal en tuinen, masseerde ze meer dan 25 mensen, at ze haar buikje rond (het eten was TE lekker) en nam ze deze podcast op om JOU zo goed mogelijk te vertellen wat Ecstatic Dance is, wat de richtlijnen zijn en hoe het de potentie heeft om te bevrijden en transformeren. Veel puurder dan dit wordt het niet want de kennis komt rechtstreeks bij bezoekers en organisatoren vandaan. HIGHLIGHTS - De richtlijnen van Ecstatic Dance - Voor wie is Ecstatic Dance - De rol van de spaceholder - Een Ecstatic Dance Festival beleven, dansen alsof er niemand kijkt - Zorg & support aan deelnemers doormiddel van massage en healing (Treat Yourself Area) - Het ransformerende Effect van Ecstatic Dance Veel dank aan de gasten die een bijdrage aan deze aflevering hebben geleverd: [0.15 min] Ellen Shélena, zangeres van de prachtige podcast-intro en masseuse bij de Treat Yourself Area [3.52 min] Denise Mulder, Ladyboss van de Treat Yourself Area [13.05 min] Kareem Raïhani, spaceholder Esctatic Dance Nederland in Baarlo & DJ [26.34 min] Sanne Blankers, vrijwilliger Ecstatic Dance Baarlo en Manager van Ecstatic Dance Limburg [35.22 min] Elvana Kloet, bezoeker en werkzaam bij de Treat Yourself Area [40.40 min] Wesley Kassels, bezoeker en eigenaar van Mister Kombucha  ★ Wil je meer weten over Ecstatic Dance of er volgend jaar bij zijn? Kijk op ★ Dank voor het luisteren. Heb je genoten van de aflevering? Lotte is heel dankbaar als je sterretjes en een leuke review achterlaat!
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started Christina gets help with a against Imperium Keithley Dominic. Dr. Kovac to and Matt riddle gets a title shot. We're talking about all of them this edition of the NXT after-show and AfterBuzz TV. Let's go you are tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top now look, This may come in a bullet 28 2009 because it was 28th birthday. Wow. That's a long time. It's all right, it's good to know this a second episode of the new NXT a before we get to the very very young to get Trinidad as want to say you guys can call in later on this episode calling us at 4 2 4 3 5 4 8 at 3:02. That's 4 2 4 3 5 4 8 3 0 2 color when you can before we get into NXT and how awesome it was. Let's introduce our panel my far far left. He is this pedals quote Larry zbyszko and Tony Shivani Jack don't crack Jack farmer. That is my favorite intro so far the legendary announce team of zbyszko and Shivani. Yeah. I'm doing great. This is a great day. And this is a great show. Awesome. Thank you very much. That is right. We have the ever youthful Forever Young the co-founder of sin. Rain and TMZ Alum Mystique a Trinidad Bozo sea ice in the intro right? I'm just saying don't Bill Kenny is no Cook County kids works for us and we can check it out. And on our right a new women's dressing weekly correspondent. She's the new number one Contender. Give it up for Miss Ellie Mae Emily mate. Hey new name every time I'm hailing from the belly shots a lot of much going on tonight. Love the show overall, but I want to see your thoughts about everything take him to start with you second week in the new NXT era you film it. I am feeling it last week is a bit overwhelming but I think with everything like, you know, it takes he's you get used to it. If you're one of those people that you're not used to change then you're not gonna appreciate the two hours. But you know, that's part of life. It's Evolution. So I appreciate the the two hours now. I'm looking forward to the future of NXT, especially. I mean I am, I love NXT UK or the concept of it. I haven't really I don't Watch it every week, but I would love to see almost NXT NXT UK 205 all under one brand on TV. That's for sure shot several in the chat right now Angelina Dylan's, you know our Eternal Shockwave you guys are amazing cough Franklin. How you doing? How you doing? And we'll let me ask you this first time on the panel you watch and see with us live backstage and are cool viewing station over there just overall thoughts of the the new era of NXT what it stands for having the two Channel network for this week. Only. I you know, I'm I'm really excited to see where it's going. And you know, this is the second episode where your half on the USA Network and half on the WWE Network. So there's still kind of working out. You know, what who they're bringing forward to show these new audience and audience members in these new fans. And so they're still trying to work out those Kinks and I'm excited that they're bringing talent in you know you in this episode. We'll talk about it where they're bringing people in that you don't really get to See that often. Yeah, and they're to whole new audience. And so that's really exciting and they're going to tell bigger stories and I'm ready for that yet is real quick. I know we didn't talk about last week when presentation style we're talking new graphics and new music some of the ringside commentary Kathy Kelly gets in Paris Jack farmer. Is this a step in the right direction right next to you or do you think that the way it was before is more along its brand man. I'm telling you. This is not the era of to our NXT. It's not even the era of USA. It is the era of Imperium and I absolutely love the show. I love everything that it's doing yeah, this was I was I love this one a lot more than last week. I was all-in with this episode all out. Oh boy. I'm not really a high don't know what he was when you said that you receive Charisma struggles perceived perceived. Mmm. Let's hear it. I'm already getting thrown under the bus. I think athleticism and like totally that that presence is there but I think it can be tightened and honed in a little bit more. Okay. Yeah. And so again, we're in development, you know, this is an excuse for that process and for kind of figuring out those moments and so I'm not saying he hasn't been there before but I felt like this moment right now. It's a bigger moment a bigger audience. And so I felt like he just Isn't quite up to par as he usually is that's fair. I mean, well he won this match which is okay the last two times on TV jack Barber thoughts about the match thoughts about Dominic, dr. Kovac and Keith. He's chemistry because they work before never times out. They did work. They have worked together before and I definitely need to see a third match. We need to see that rubber match because they are one in one right now, correct. I really I love Keith Lee personally. He's one of my absolute favorites right now. So I definitely want to see more More of him they seem to get better every time they're in the ring together. So I want to see more of them. Yeah TK. Do you think Dominic that you Kovac? They think he's missing something to make them that much more effective. I mean, I think they're both missing something like again as if you fold Annex team sure you have I am a I'm a fan of keighley from the Indie scene and I've seen what he's done. He has a character outside. They just haven't given my character and XT and same with Dominic. They just need characters and it's like you just showed you just throw them out. It's like well, there's nothing to invest in. So it's just like it was a great match and you saw both of them both of their athleticism, 's but it's just like you need a story to really like sink your teeth in. Maybe that's what part of what I'm feeling to it was like I'm want a little bit more to sink my teeth into sure Kyle Franklin chancing two or three Falls make it happen. I would love to see that actually because as much as I was not a fan of Dominic, dr. Kovac, he definitely steps up when he's with keighley those guys have incredible chemistry, you know that they're there to I'd like to see with the of those Falls Count Anywhere type matches that we saw later in the show today, but I think they I would love to see them just break things as they're wrestling around the arena. Yeah. Well that moonsault though. That was crazy wasn't him that moonsault was I mean, there's no bad guy with that big with that that that side is already have Mike Awesome, you know, awesome smaller than keep Lee was that impressive as all do you think hundred something? There's not many people who aren't smaller than Keithley. Yeah in the back of the line going to school for me one second. Renee Jackie do is the role of favor and cut a promo and how they goes into this after Bush showed other after but shows hey there. Yeah you it's me Jack why things have been going pretty good so far, but they can always go a little bit better and the way we make things better is by getting those likes getting those comments getting those subscribes and of course the comments and the reviews and the five-star reviews. Those are what help make AfterBuzz the ESPN of TV talk so if you could do us all a big favor, make sure you do all those things and you never know. We might read your review or comment on are starting next week. That don't occur in the booth. Thank you sir. Voguing where your head is at the Kona Kai returns after being on the Shelf with a torn ACL first time this year 2019 taking on tying our who's not tying our Conte no more only pro wrestling weekly correspond TK thoughts about the match the Kodak has returned. Oh my gosh. I'm so happy because I remember when she was on NXT and then they put her on NXT. Oqk remember from met young. I think she's amazing. She has great comic Charisma. I'm looking forward to more I could kind of see what tying our how they would just lose the last name because Tyra are itself is already a very original name. Yeah, so it's kind of one of those things where if you already have an original name and majority of people or maybe 65% of people can actually pronounce it. Yeah, let's just go with that name and call it a day fair enough with Emily with tying our is it enough? You think she's ready or we talk about development and XT. Is there something missing when it comes to her? I think I think she's ready. I think she showed that she has like and depth and she's versatile even tonight. So I'm excited to kind of see what they do with her. I mean, I think she's good. She's just really talented but that black belt has to go. I just think it's a prop it's worse than that. Eliza is trained. He's a trained black belt, but you don't really have to have that. I really think that that's like an extra thing. It's almost like me saying like I work out the gym. It's like well We can tell if you do or not. I think it's good for her to have for now because we're still learning who she is and we need to be reminded as an audience that she's a black belt. So everything go what is gold medals. Yeah. I think it's something that after she's become established. She can stop wearing out to the ring, but now we're still learning who she is and we're still learning that she's a black belt. I think she's great. I think she has probably some some development stuff to do, but I think she's earned a spot on TV time fresh out to Jenelle. Sorry if I pronounce your name happy birthday, by the way. Hey, happy birthday. But yeah, I think with her it's just she has the skills as far as wrestling. She's building on it. Again. It's that character that character thing and from what I can remember she wasn't really that great on the mic. So hopefully they're all you know building towards that but that takes time and you know, people are coming from different backgrounds. So you're not going to like all of a sudden know how to talk on a mic. Absolutely. Absolutely with if Dakota can say healthy. What is her ceiling know? What do you think how high can decode? Go up the chain. I could see her someday having the NXT Women's title right now. I enjoyed her coming back. I thought she looked good. I she still had a pretty big knee brace on but I thought that she did a good job of matching that into her outfit. I'm a big fan of making knee braces work with your outfit. I was by the way, you always cringe we see knee braces. You're like, I don't know man. Is it going to keep it together or because I think people hit their knees so often like when they do Moon salts and things like that. I just always worried about someone twisting a knee or taking away worries Okay. Yeah, take your fish oil take your fish oil Kelly Kelly appeared on camera real quick also have to buzz alumni proposal of show the kathakali to death and do some sort of ringside correspondent things. So we were asked about that last week how they want to get story lines across with that. Just I'm just saying what's up, perhaps moving all we had Matt riddle, bro. Get ready. Finally having their massive canceled last week the winner getting a title shot against Adam Cole baby TK walking me through this these guys have been at it for weeks upon weeks upon weeks Adam calls on top of the mountain in the corner. Do you see this being like the path to a new NXT champion or just got a fun diversion between now and take over? I don't know. I don't know if Matt riddle desert like hmm. I don't know. I think his character can be good with or without it and it really depends on what they're going to do. If Matt Rhythm were to take the belt what they're going to do with that. I'm cool. Yeah. But I'm for the build that he's had over the last eight months because you know when they first introduced him, you didn't quite get it. But now you do I think he's really great for TV for people who either relate to the stereotypes of California or people who are in California that Noah guy like him absent makes sense. Right? So, I think he's really he's really good for TV. And if they continue on with the nice and steady path of what they want for the storyline borrowing he doesn't get injured also the stuff I could definitely see him do big things. I don't know. No, and he can carry the belt because his mic skills were just okay. Yeah, but if he does I hope they have a storyline for both parties. It wins and losses actually mattered. Is it kind of weird that Matt real Challenge and a title didn't get it kind of milled around and one imagine now get a title shot or we just saying it's a new day new era new season Jack. This is WWE way, this Mash was a perfect example of steaks make the match and whether or not wins and losses. Matter whether I should be there that steak made this match so much more fascinating than if it was just a grudge match because at first going into the show, I didn't know it was going to have that stipulation and I sing and I'll be fine. But then before the match when I found out I was invested because I was very curious to see who's going to face Adam Cole. I don't know if I see Matt riddle winning the title just yet. I think someday he could but I think we need to get him established more as someone because you're right. He hasn't really had. Had anything besides random Grudge matches, I would like to see him with something a little more substantial to be fair. Maybe that's what a title would do for him. Yeah, but for now, I also think they need to keep the title on coal for a bit Yeah, the draping of cool things seem like it's pretty much happening despite the fact what the next week or two weeks or next week. There was a title tag team title rematch between three prophets and this video Dara just lost about the match itself Emily. I mean, yeah, you have two breaths. I got Kelli and Dayne is Killian Dane, even though he lost night. Do you think he was elevated to be? True player in NXT brand I think so. Definitely. I mean watching both of them together is always incredible. They always bring it the way that they're just like throwing each other and just like flying, you know, flying up and have like really tight moves. Like that's that's elevating the the WWE NXT brand on the USA Network. So it's it's that's what people are going to want to see and we commented that they kept going outside of the Ring. Yeah and like just Those it's kind of like a funny thing that they're kind of keep adding to it. And but is that as a success seeing it live is different than seeing it on the on television. So like is that effective absolutely any guy who doesn't like wax that guy has so much about it here. It's weird man. You're intimidated by any guy who doesn't work as a wrestler. You see a guy that looks pretty tough to I see the cross. I not see this. I'm just I'm just trying to figure it out in my head. You have a look about toughness, right? He's a guy looks pretty rough beard all out doesn't even show you looking a guy can really fight you after that. Good night to get waxed. But I mean look at keighley you teddy bears. Yeah, but I think it's the opposite side. He will definitely beat the brakes off of you. That sounds so weird to say definitely Say riddle and Dane have what I call Great ugly chemistry where their matches look ugly, but they're good chemistry. Yeah, for sure. Anyways, I stepped on your transition. Yeah, it's our ticket. TK's Buddha is brought to you by Center in skin care and candles. Do you want some candles? We have a new scent in if you want some cocoa butter body scrubs right? Give me the eyes glow. I was doing this - Crown Center in put in AfterBuzz TV to get a nice little discount. So appreciate it. And today's Boudoir. We he's been in his Boudoir before we're gonna give a shout out to keighley. Mr. Smooth. We give a shout out to Matt. It'll be okay and a tie Nara. Definitely all those people are in the by also Dakota Dakota Kai. All of you are in the Boudoir I/O then also a friend of the show Chelsea Green made her NXT debut. I am so excited. This woman has been in the game for years. She came on the show, maybe out to two months ago show or so on was resting weekly so she made her appearance. So I'm excited to see what they're gonna be doing with her. The woman's were I'm roster for an In particular there's a lot of women that we haven't seen that's been signed. So, you know, there's gonna be a lot of great story lines if they choose to use them. Hopefully they do fantastic. That's ticaboo bossed around by Center ring Thank you. Excellent. I was way over the All that it has some issues but we'll discuss later. We had a issues on there. Oh, yeah. Okay. So moving on we have the bird and bruisers only lurking Downy Birch versus ever rise. Here's a team. We saw a couple times but they never were victorious to me personally. This is the worst kind of match because the match itself was great, but you kind of knew purging or from going over Emily thoughts about the match. I think it was as good. I think they they needed to kind of set up and establish the the Look the reason for their imagine. Yeah, the reasoning for their match there yet. Because you know again we have to think like, yes people are following week to week but a new audience. Okay, how are we as to how are we going to establish this kind of like the story in this relationship, but I think overall it was really good. Yeah, excellent. I want to give that the external shock wave who just said he wrote a review for the show. That's what's up. What's your affection and shelter on in the booth? Keep playing flow Beatles song? Really Marie? Thank you so much whooping the wheat boo thing of the week to get into your blue one. I don't have time for karaoke. This was in my opinion in a good way for all of us wrestling nerds that love good matches. There was no there was a lot of flash there wasn't a lot of sparkly colors and things like that very I think visually kind Bland looking wrestlers but the match was great. Yeah, and so if you're someone who likes good wrestling matches, I think it definitely delivered on that right? I agree that we knew that ever rise wasn't going to go over but I think that this might build up the Brit am bruisers to be maybe the next contenders for the titles. Yeah for sure. It looks like we're trying to rehabilitate the NFC tag team Division. I mean the I believe it's real problems are not going to reclaim their belts at all, but they need Do you think only organ that approach can be the torchbearers here as a tag team that's worth rooting for rooting against zika. Well, I it seems like maybe this is what's happening. You know how you have a writer or writers room where you have a lot of characters in a movie or a TV show and you just want to establish their origin stories. It just seems like this is what we're doing. This is what they're doing. So for us who's been watching on the network and covering the show, it's just kind of like we want them to speed up because you're finally seeing more people. There's two hours you're seeing More people from the locker room. However, you want everybody who's watching on the USA Network and maybe people who just started with NXT to you know, figure everything out and kind of go a little bit slower which is good because if they go a little bit slower now, you can establish storylines and now you can sink your teeth into it where you know, a lot of WWE's like you have a couple people were just like, okay, we know what's happening in their videos just fall to the Wayside. Yeah. I don't know man. It's something about this team. I like I know they're kind of bland and I feel like they would be my friends in real life that money rustles be my Ends in real life but especially these two guys but there's something about the factor. So no nonsense for the little like chanting soccer hooligan theme. I'm like, all right. I'm on board. Just real quick to get talked about this Chelsea Grin Gianna Peraza was featured for switch a quick second and XT for those of us who were on the Shaded of these two women. Why should we invest in these two characters? Both Indie women both been around in the scene for a long period of time Chelsea Green in particular as he watched her stuff on an impact. Oh my gosh so many different. After changes she can talk on the mic. She can you know, create different personas. So hopefully whatever they give the okay and green light to like whatever her character she can go with it. So hopefully they develop something that's a complete cohesive unit. As far as the where they're gonna go. It looks like they're going to do tag team because they've been hosting tag. They've been posting pictures of themselves together for a while now at least a couple weeks so but yeah, I'm thinking I'm really excited about this because it's been a it's been a minute. And hopefully I sometimes like to do a couple things sometimes I don't but her and Zack Ryder are engaged and he's not really doing much. So maybe you know, we could use actin and XT once a month. I try what they say in Florida and they stay at Disneyland all the time. Those are when the characters exact arises when those characters. So I'm like I know he's not going to be a real Champion, but I want to see more of them is that yeah, like why why why not and he seems like the type that he would do like a, you know, a passerby promo, you know in the back of NXT because he's not a before right back with the with Mojo and the height broom right back to NXT. So why not? I'm actually more familiar with the on Verizon's work. So Chelsea Green is pretty much a clean slate for me. So I'm excited to see what she can bring moving moving on the match tonight Cameron Grimes your favorite wrestler of all time takes on Raul Mendoza Jack farmer. You're a smiling ear to ear the entire time. This is on TV. Why was that, you know, I make fun of Cameron Grimes is hat. Sometimes I realize that I think maybe you know, I think the problem is it just doesn't go with his outfit. I think if he added a monocle a cane and a bag of Planter's Peanuts. A little bit better. Wow, but I gotta say I gotta say I think Mendoza really shined in this match. We've seen him before and I've always thought that he was a great great wrestler. I didn't know if they were going to have much for him. But after this match, I feel like they got to give him something. He had such a cool spring board headlock takedown move that I Everyone loved in the arena and I after the match when everyone was booing Cameron, I felt like it was more because they were bummed out. Mendoza didn't win right I think people started to buy into him. So I'd love to see more of that guy. That's what the match only. I mean, I like we're talking about like how this was a good enhancement. Now. Look at Victor. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He was flipping off the top rope and just really was like surprisingly over-the-top more than just like a normal enhancement match. And so I loved it and I'm I want to push him forward and like see more of him and see him really go out there and go against people that he hasn't, you know been in the match with before fantastic TK. This is a question that's near and dear to my heart. But is it weird or odd that we've seen more of Cameron Grimes and Jordan my Has actually won the tournament camera Grounds was then yes, that's fascinating. Yeah, but it's kind of almost like old girl Jennifer Hudson. Okay. Yes, Kim like seventh, right? It says like, you know, it's where a lot of the American Idols second place and you know top ten Fantasia's another one. They you know, they didn't win but they do really well because they have the complete package. Yeah. We Cameron grinds. It seems like he's connecting with people more people than join the models made. Miles has a tweak something a little bit. Yeah, or maybe he's just not ready. That's true. So, you know, maybe they're saving some somebody in the chat did say, you know, maybe they're holding back a little bit until next week when it's almost a head-to-head competition for with aw. It's true. There's a lot of air time. Yeah, that's true. You don't have to win the tournament actually be good job Adam Lambert. You still doing things a queen moving on real quick? Wait, no before I move on is the question I have about about roll Mendoza. We were trying to find out what his ceiling would be. I mean it Is one Lena says he could be a really good a handsome and talented guys over but then he does have enough Moves In The Crowd was interested in him, maybe something higher than him or for him. I think it's all going to come down to his ability to talk on a microphone and sell a story his stuff in the ring is obviously great. So it's going to be whether or not you can do more than just bring the in-ring stuff. Okay fair enough. I know that leads us to our main event for the evening kushida had to pick two partners to take on the Walter listen. Imperium the other three members I McNair Barthel and as Islander wolf turns out he picked breeze on go in the mountains pretty good with kishida actually getting the pin lot of things weren't pack here. It was kind of odd that breeze angle was chosen but the match was great TK walk me through this now you got kushida we're saying hey look he's a guy he's fantastic but not connection. He said the right word. He's a guy he's a dude from the future. I from the future or the past or you don't No, it's kind of old school not connecting with the audience. But recent go has Charisma for days, but the mat seem like it didn't quite work as far as why would kiss you to work with Rosario thoughts are but then we saw a tweet they kind of made a big deal for one kishida came on. Wait about three four months ago little bit little bit longer than they did do anything with him. I think maybe they're trying to figure out what to do with him. This is where again. I wish I was a fly on the wall as far as right a room this way. Representation matters because you know a lot of the the Asian talent that they have wood for WWE. They're not really doing much with them and they're all very talented individuals. So it's kind of on a sad note with that with Brisson Go, I mean, how can you how can you not end it seemed like they just need something to do and it didn't make sense. But sometimes wwwf that doesn't make sense to us and maybe they have something planned out in the future or the past. Let's see what see what happened now TimeSplitters. I'm still in the middle. I'm still kind of neutral neutral fair enough. I mean there's there's not a lot of stuff to take from an Aesthetics T run because you can go back to Japan. Yeah, he's amazing. These performers from all over the world. And so you're taking their kind of their background with you. Yeah in these developmental programs, but you also are trying to find a new maybe a new story or a new brand or some type of a new thing for a new audience. Yeah, and that's difficult to find and it doesn't it doesn't always happen all the time. I use it right away. I used to defend casino on the show and I would say no man give him a shot. He's in development in and have a Mac black expand yourself if you're mad at me and whatever but here's the thing this match. Prevalent is it doesn't matter because Imperium on NXT classic has been on for two weeks and there's a lot more we can pull from what they stand for what they mean, Jack Farmers already face looking for shirts right now and talking about I was blunt so I don't follow NXT UK, so I don't know much of their background. I have two weeks worth of information on them and I have not been this excited about a faction since 1996, and I thought this match was great. I thought the idea and the structure of it was great as well because you had first off the intro for Imperium was great with the white background and the the music and the Silhouettes. But when you look if you know nothing about these guys, you know, nothing about wrestling you turn it on. What do you see? You see three guys who are in all black similar tights very straightforward. And on the other side. You see very colorful clothes very out their outfits and you can immediately pick a side you immediately can go do I like great more and buoyant look or do I like the more serious? This look and so you can immediately pick a side. I cared more about kishida after this match than I ever have before that's good. And I think it actually makes sense because he is a really good wrestler. So going against the guys that talk about respect the ring. It makes sense. It's not just a guy who's like, oh I'm a brawler or whatever but he can actually wrestle with them. Oh, that's kind of weird. It came out first and then then appear on came out and I was like, oh here are Partners felt like recycles that catering going want to do this. All right. Let's go. Aware that was a little weird. I agree that timing-wise seemed weird. Do you think that Imperial be strong with the fifth person? And if so, I would love them to add more people. I want him to I wanted to take over the WWE. I wanted to be in every brand. I want to I love this group. I think the fifth member should be this guy be the fifth member. I'm going to be the fifth guy you do you wrestle? Oh no. standing by Standing by them and turning them away because you guys weren't quite ready yet, but we were ready now. So the next person who calls in you will be live with the NXT after show Franklin says what part of UK are you from Jack? Wow, Jackie man. So keeping the hype man. Yeah. I am from the central part. Well, I'm UK downtown your you guys are killing me. All right with The Branding for them was was done really really well. Well, so whoever's wins in charge of that. It made a lot of sense like you should almost look at everybody else like that. I think obviously you try this going to hit some misses, but they definitely made the cut do you think is enough people from XU K Cross populating or too much or not enough? No, there's still more people and I see you Ki again. I could speak to the woman side of it of course is the vision is like yeah, there's still a whole bunch of women on the women's side that can be brought over. That's why I think I'm more if you're going to do to our show. I'm more a proponent of either. Cross pollinating maybe still have both shows but they can kind of ebb and flow between the two or making it all together and make it a three hour show. Oh, wow, you actually watch throughout the next day on Wednesday night. I didn't say I'd do that without commercials. It's about it's about 2 hours anyway, so, okay. All right. All right, you are live with the NXT after show. How's it going? Hello, is this the end? You got it your live on the air has. Oh, we're good. We're good man. How's it going? Hey, how you doing? We're living life. This is Pena's Penny of it legit, Pena. What's going on CK? How are you? Good. What's your question? What who do you guys think from? The NXT roster is going to get drafted to the main roster and and the pot a week or so, excellent question. Yeah drafts coming up all brands on the table I believe or is it strictly Raw and SmackDown but assuming if it was all brand just for the sake of argument their own TV. So why not? Yeah, why not? Again, o says he's staying so I think he's off the table. Well, but yeah the to us. Yeah, I think you move keighley up. Here's somebody who has a presence but he hasn't done anything. Yeah, he can't move that but then he'll be buried yesterday is nothing happened. There's no there there is something for them to do but there's nothing for him to do what they haven't done anything with them for NXT is gonna be very hard. The roster would not get buried. Who's your who's your like? My grand slam pick will not get married on even married. Shana definitely. I definitely think she could she could do something even Ria Ripley her style and the way she's carrying herself definitely would be a good shake up for the women's division truck waiver saying dream sounds like a dream dream. Maybe it just really depends on it. It's one of those things where celebrities they thanks, Pena will the I'm sure we're going to hear from you on Monday. It's just one of Things when you know celebrities or anybody's presented to the to the media it just or to the population mainstream population. It's if they like it or not if they strike a chord with the audience, so it's a it's a 50/50 for me because it just depends on how they roll it out how he had his first debut and all that good stuff. So I'm hoping he does well, but it's a toss-up if dream gets TV time. He'll get over it's just a matter of whether it gets T. I think in my opinion, I think if he's on TV, but that's that's always the big. That's always the big issues. But they do it. I think they need to do it almost like Lacey love it Lacey Evans. They should do it at a slow where people are introduced to him a little by little so they're wondering about him versus just tossing him out there and he essentially a salt insults everybody and people like don't know what to do with it. This is really this is why our next piece here that we can slowly build that out and I think it's I think for Dream It's a smart idea to leave them back a little bit right now and then build like you said built up to it. Could I come in? Yes for him. Oh, yeah, Kyle Franklin. Chad says know they'll turn dream into black dust, huh? What's your name? What's your question? So actually I have a question and a possible suggestion for a match. Number one if Candace does not b not does not get the NXT Women's Championship next week. Which of the women do you possibly see the throning Shayna baszler? It's going well. I mean we've had the past Bianca and Mia. I think they're definitely still good contenders book beyond is sure I liked Bianca is the alpha of the women's division right currently and she's all alone. That's this is a lot. Yeah. She I she every time she walks out. I just I love Rio Ripley. I'm you you really love really I am in love with you. She proposed to me. I would say yes. I think they're they should explore the connection between her and Street profits. Why not? I mean they're married. So I mean to one of them. Well, yes. Yes that but you know So I think those are definitely the two ones but then we also have like I said a woman's Rock locker room that we haven't seen yet and it all to me. It's like we know these women can go so that's not an issue. It's more of who has the full package. Yeah, and so we'll see some people get it faster than others and some people never get it all is it safe to say that whoever gets the belt off Channel but automatically be a transitional champ just because of the nature of the how a structure the division structure. I think it's Abel because there's also six many top-level heels in the women's division. Thank you so much Jose. Yeah, it's there's so many top-level female heels right now that unless you have the face. Let's say Candace just walk all over them. Yeah at you'd kind of bury them all by having Face defend it for a long time. I can also see Candace going up to the main roster and teaming up the with Bailey Herman Bailey have quite the relationship. They've been friends for years and they have the same. Type of Personality where that could cause a rift between I know we've already explored Bailey and Sasha and I'm not a I'm not a proponent of that thing that they did last year. However, that could really help essentially make Sasha legit heel and just turn against Bailey and Candace. So how long does Kansas need to hold the title though to like? Well, this is one of the things like she can have the title, or she can just go to the main roster. You're right. Like I said, she's been in the game long enough where she can she can handle herself wrestling wise. I think if she does go to the main roster, she can't go by herself. She needs to like aligned herself with somebody at the moment because it's just I don't feel like she's strong enough. Her character is not strong enough to for us to like really get behind her. Yeah. I think that makes sense because they need to add some more women for like a women the women's tag team division as well. So she went up with someone and had a tag and they already have a storyline. Yeah. That's all good point. And I think that that's the the impetus for the new women's wave or whatnot. Next week is the first-ever all-usa. All NXT got the tag team match is over. Yeah to just over tonight. I'm sorry, bro. I gotta go. I gotta go finish that. The idea of like pacing now, right? So now you have limited commercial Interruption quote-unquote you have is that every week or is that just for next week? It looks like something just for next week, but that's like your pull this a Halo don't watch that other program that's on TNT right now. Aw. I just thought about you think Nick's gonna bring I mean, I think next week. They're they're ready. I mean, we have two full hours without an interruption. I think they're going to I think this is where we're going to have more backstage interviews. Possibly. We're going to have more hopefully maybe we're gonna have more storylines more like maybe more entrances that are a little bit bigger. I think this is where they're really going to bring it because they're going to have two hours in an audience where you can sit and watch the same channel. Yeah, and yeah host wise we have so many hosts. Are doing the live shows we have our other AfterBuzz Alum Johnny, who's there? He's been doing live shows. He's been traveling all over the place. So I definitely want to see more host more on a personal level because we are all hosts me want to see the best. So but they also bring personality and can lead a story. So I'm hoping this I'm hoping to see more host hoping to I think WWE when it come when it's game time. Yeah, like it's today is the game not like the long run like, you know 365 what today is Game time they're going to show out there. So I'm yeah, I'm expecting a lot of different surprises. And you know, I think it should be fun. Yeah, I think next week's gonna be the biggest NXT show we've seen in a long time. I agree. I think they're gonna go hard next week. Yeah. Absolutely just tie bar Jonny. He does interviews to or just like digital stuff also like he does. Well, I know he does the the live shows help me out in the chec. I know he travels and does the live shows. I think he may do in ring sometimes and I don't Called the does digital but why not shut off the Muslims doing doing doing big things. I mean, I don't know if they're gonna throw eviden the mix. We don't know. Yeah, I know right? It's about time you get out of here. So glad you got to tune in to the NXT at the show. But before we do Jack farmer working the world find you online, you can find me at Jack see for all your MC DJ and live event hosting needs as well as at real Jack farmer across all social media. And go ahead and hit me up on Twitter the conversation continues. I'll see you there. Thank you need also. Do you need cocoa butter? So candles all that good stuff you go to Center and make sure to put in AfterBuzz TV and nice little discount. Y'all. Don't forget that charcoal scrub awesome. Just put myself over believe how are you can find me on Twitter and Instagram. That's mie. Emily. Find me. Let's chat Kappa boys. Happy future birthday in the Casimir Carter's turning birthday next week next Wednesday. I think it is more tonica's birthday today. Thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first word a biggest in the world and wouldn't only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever your grave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz check out our lineup Buzz See you later. Did you just grab herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or toner differently.
Join Flobo (@floboboyce), TK (@tktrinidad) Jack (@realjackfarmer) and special guest Emiliy Mae as we break down the second groundbreaking episode of NXT on USA! The Unofficial WWE NXT After Show The NXT After Show recaps, reviews and discusses episodes of WWE's NXT. Every week, tune in for host discussion, recap, and play by plays of the best moments of that week's NXT! With in depth and often entertaining commentary, be sure to subscribe to stay up to date with the world of NXT! *This podcast is not associated or affiliated with World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. ("WWE") in any way. ABOUT WWE NXT: WWE NXT is the professional wrestling developmental branch for WWE, based in Winter Park, Florida. From its inception in August 2012 to June 2013, it was a distinct but affiliated developmental territory for WWE under the name NXT Wrestling. In June 2013, the NXT Wrestling website was shut down and NXT content was moved to From February 2014, NXT started a series of live special events broadcast on the WWE Network, comparable to main roster pay-per-view shows. Despite its status as a developmental branch, NXT has been praised for its high quality of wrestling, captivating storylines, and the opportunities they afford female wrestlers as opposed to on the main roster; the latter of which has led to a change on how women's wrestling is portrayed in WWE. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
All right, everybody. Welcome back to the best out of their day Fern here. I am here with my good buddy and longtime friend. Mr. Paul Tremblay, and if you guys don't know who Paul Tremblay is you may have seen with the games. He's how many times how many years have you done the demo team Paul? Oh man the demo team five times. I've been on a dental team or more times than I've computed. Which ones worse. Like on the body or on the yeah on the ego the density is pretty for sure. Yeah. I think I totally get that really like a you really just want to be on the other side of that. But like I don't the demo team doesn't seem super fun a lot of the time like no like we I mean Dave puts us to the for sure. It actually was worse when we were in California because out of the workouts were, you know, being tested hours or days. Before the event right? Yeah, whereas now, you know, he'll have some people up at the ranch early in the air to test a bunch of workouts. And then come Madison. We'll just tweak a few things but it's not that it's not that physically demanding anymore. I'll be sure to let Dave no so you can yeah. Yeah for you guys. Yeah. So most of you guys are the cross for you immediately hit like yeah, I know Paul but so we're not going to talk a ton about the games you're going to talk about so he is on the seminar staff. Laughs he is an affiliate owner and Ottowa that I say the right is it Ottawa on I can't get there on what Canada you got it right on buddy owns CrossFit NCR and how long you guys had your affiliate for 2013 so early 2013? Yeah, February March, okay, and then coming up on six seven years. Yeah, and then how many years on seminar staff? I think about the same as me or okay. Alright. So yeah, I got on the stand from 2015. Okay, cool. Yeah because I was like 2013 got it. Okay. So I do have a question. Which one are you more proud of you more proud of making it to the games or being on seminar staff? Oh man. What if it's a tough question? That's a great way to start man. I'll be honest with you making it to the game. That's cool. Yeah. Yeah. I think I think making it to the games. I'm pretty proud of I think. Looking back in a couple of years or in 10 years 20 years. Maybe I'll all have different different point of view or different mindset, but I think qualify for the CrossFit Games when I did in 2014 or 2012 and 2014 pretty damn proud of that pretty damn proud of that Slavic. Accomplishment honey, you should be I'm not downplaying the games at all. Like that's that's legit. So it's you know, it's funny thing is I mean I station often with people close to me that you know, what do you most passionate about is you most passionate about coaching or most passionate about competing and I don't have an answer really? I it's tough for me. It's a gray area. I love both so much and I get so much out of both. So that it's I wouldn't be able to say and I think the answer is sometimes it's like hey if I had to pick one thing for the rest of my life either coach people for the rest of my life, right? I'm either I can either train for the rest of my life. Well, the problem with that is one of those is not realistic though. It's like it's like it's kind of like cheating, you know, yeah, so maybe okay give me for the next five years that you can only train her only coach I only drink. I think that's fair because you're still capable of doing that. Like I'm well past I was actually talking about this the other day with somebody how and I think and you are you might feel a little bit the same way, but probably not so like I have kind of lost the passion for competing and I think it's largely due to the fact that like I played basketball like I was only ever involved in team sports and I've missed that like, I don't involve just punishing myself for no particular reason like it was always because I was on Team, and I know you played hockey for hockey if I said coffee a key. But like if I was to give like the only way I would like get back into training and like really hit it hard as if I was on a team of some sort. Like that's the only thing that would get me to like get up early start training like like start like full-blown weighing and measuring my food again like this. I think that's the only thing that would get me to do it. Yeah, and if you relate that to CrossFit and that's probably what a lot of guys are doing right like a lot of guys are going from That individual. Yeah competing to hey, let's just hop on the team and and that's what can keep me going and training, but why I think initially it was because people thought it was easier, but I don't think that's the case anymore. No definitely not. It's definitely not it will statistically speaking. It's harder go to get to the games on the teams and then it is as an individual now, right because there's less opportunities. Yeah left opportunity unless people who actually qualify and you have to win an event or You just waiting your country or qualifying through the open or finishing 10th at an event that 10 games athletes are there and are qualifying ahead of you. Not that that's bad. Just there's just left chances of getting there. But there's something to be said about that that team aspect of training man and you felt it in team sports and I've never done any individual sports really aside from I don't either but yeah and golf I'm not a good golfer. I just do it for fun. But you know competitively never done anything as an individual. So that's why I like the CrossFit individual career or whatever that I had. It was it was definitely something different. But the beauty of that is you always train with people or like even though yeah individual you're always trying to train with other people so you can you still get that camaraderie aspect and you know getting put in training so your you can almost Feel like you're on a team but when you're on the floor, you're definitely not. Yeah. Yeah. I just I just have a hard time like pushing past some of those like pain points because I'm like, what is this for? Like, I'm not like I'm gonna win anything like nobody's depending on me over here. So I'm just like and I'm also just not that fit anymore. So that makes it easier to continue to sew the body of made the decision for you. Oh, yeah, dude. I'm totally fine with relative intensities days. So your business Partner Pete Shaw who I want to have on the podcast as well. Just qualified for the game speaking of that. He did and I didn't Tina. Yeah, and you are you going to give are you still giving it a shot? Like what is your goal to try to get there this year? Yeah. Yeah. It still is it's awkward man, like in my head. I have these battles that you know, do I still want to go to if they want to compete is it still like a real gold mine and I think it is like I just still really enjoyed competing. Like the training aspect is fun. And I think I'll always enjoy training and training with a purpose. But yeah, the competition aspect of being on the floor is just like such a it's a wild. Hi. Yeah, almost like addicted to it and that's why like I did so many sanctioned events last year just because I had so much fun. How many did you do? I did for last year. That's a lot dude. Yeah, I know and it's crazy because when the when they announced the station events, I'm like this is Stupid why the hell would you want to compete so much because I was always used to I would never do any other competition but regionals and then hopefully the games so, you know, I had that mindset of like you can't why would you compete so much in a year? And I remember these guys that would go to water palooza and Dubai even before these sanctioned events and get all these composition under the belt before regionalism in hindsight. I probably should have done that. I probably should just competed a little bit more. That's an interesting. That's an interesting. Intake because there's very few other sports where you like the Olympics is probably like the closest thing where like you just train for like one opportunity like in every other sport like I've got a season like I'm going to play I'm going to do my preseason. I've got my conference or whatever it is and then I've got potentially the playoffs and then it's a championship and it's like what you I would never practice basketball like for a year to play one game and then hope that went well, I'll be like shit. Yeah, like this is like flipping a coin I could just A bad game. So it's interesting to hear you say that. Yeah, that's why I like I think the regional format, you know rest in peace was so awesome. You know the yeah. Thanks for so high. I did all the things and events last year and no sanction event felt like regionals in terms of Seward. I thanks. Yeah. It was Do or Die it was wild as I can if you made it to the game, you're like you had one shot of going and you hit it. Like that's that's why I like you know that Huge and that's why the the Regionals was fun. But I do I do agree that it does make it more exciting. I just from an athlete standpoint. I'm like, I just don't know that it's fair like it's just like man, there's some people that probably, you know could be there and could perform. Well that are not which is why I do like the which is why I do like the sanction or format a lot more but on that same token like when you get to the games, like that's the playoffs like you don't get us I love the cuts like you like that's like so I look at sanctions like that's your season and you can have bad games throughout your season. Once you get to the games like you I don't I think you've lost the right to have a bad game like in the playoffs anywhere else like if you lose like it's it like you just dial, you know, just suck it up and get ready for next year. So I do it. Yeah, it's it's become like Qualifying for the games was like, oh my God, that's amazing. You you're going to the games. That's great. And now it's not like oh you qualify for the games. Cool. How far did you get? Yes? Yeah. How far did you get at the CrossFit Games? She was like, yeah your name on your jersey, but did you go home after won't work out? Yeah at the end of the day like was that worth it. I was happy. I was talking to when this week. I'm like, I don't know what I would if you told me you could go to the games, but you'll get cut first workout. I don't know if I'd say, yes, like I don't know if I would go. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I mean I get what they're doing and I think long term it's going to be great. But still I agree with you. I'm just kind of like man. I got there for one. I got there. It's like it's like just get like if it's one of those things where just get blown up on day one. It was like man. I don't like I was embarrassing like why do you even show up here? You know like yeah, I would that that would I feel terrible and I know like I know some guys that have that that happened and they did feel terrible, you know, and there it's fueled their season going forward for sure, but that's why that's why I think long term it's a good thing that exposure is in is going to drive training and adaptation in a lot of those like newer. Areas and countries of like that. I think it's gonna be cool. But yeah, I definitely that's a funny way to look at as you made it the games will how far because that tells me something entirely different. It's just like yeah. Ok, cool, but I also think it's cool because like I like the fact that a lot of those old scenarios were like the leader can can basically like tank for a couple days and then make it up on the back end was just like man, if you're that bad at something like I don't know that you should go to the next round, you know, so, I mean you give the lecture Right. Yeah weekly back across all listen and does everyone does that if everyone doesn't perform the same task? Yeah, and you know, is it really? Oh do we really have who we have at the end of the weekend? I mean, yeah, I think so. Yeah Frazier want yeah, so I definitely think there's like I think a lot of it doesn't change. It just creates more excitement. So like I think largely largely there's five to seven guys, who are Actually there to play and everybody else is therefore potentially like making it another day. But yeah, but yeah, but I do like the fact that like if one of those athletes like a Frazier, somebody else has a bad day that like that could bump you out like yeah, I kept that could be it for you, which I think is fair. So anyway, remember Kevon video since devoin's like behind the scenes videos at regionals and everything. Yeah. Yeah. Which one? Yeah. Well, he's just used to go around and yeah, yeah. Think you can win the CrossFit Games and you just ask people and then he was waiting for that one person say like no, I don't think I can and to be really honest like hey, no, I don't. You know what? I don't think I can beat Frazier. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah of the guys who were qualifying. I remember talking to him behind the scenes like hey, has anybody said they can't yet because that's what they're thinking. Yes. I'm bullshitting. You can see it in their eyes like I mean like, I'm sure I'm Sure. No Olsen is a good dude. But like this it from from years of competing like, you know, two decades of competing at a pretty high level what I saw I'm not saying this accurate, but what I saw is like he actually wanted no business with that leader that leader Jersey like he did not he was not comfortable being chased. That's what I saw his face on the floor and I'm like I get it dude because Frazier was the complete opposite look like you look like you would a knife to his mom to win. Yeah, like yeah. Nobody wants to be chasing. I think there's that there's definitely a couple guys at the top of that truly believe they can win it and it's possible but 90% of the of the games of the games athletes are like, yeah. No, I'm just here. I promise you're here to get some cool gear. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah cool. So now how in if at all how has being an athlete helped you as a coach and in your affiliate because I typically Look at that is almost a detriment. Yeah, but I'm curious what your thoughts are on that. I think like so me qualifying for the games like 6 years ago now almost. What it's done for for me as a coach is it's opened up a lot of doors. So like I'm yeah, I was able to meet a lot of great people and through that like as soon as I had the opportunity to talk to someone that could get me on fast. I made it happen, right so and I don't think those opportunities would have come if I hadn't been in the games maybe they would have but in a different way. So for example, like when I was at the game the after-party I Talking to EC. Yep, you know and I met you see we just started chatting and then I said, hey, I'd love to get on stop. It's been something I wanted to do and then phone send me an email, you know, couple emails down and couple months later. I have an internship and you know, it's silly in terms of being an athlete and going to the CrossFit Games the doors that that's open for for me as a coach. That's definitely yeah. I definitely think it's I definitely think it's one of those things where like if that if you have aspirations to do oh things and you don't utilize that notoriety like I think that's foolish. Yeah, but it way I the other question I have is is it true that during your internship you overhead squatted a participant and one of the After parties are not after party. But yeah, one of the socials yeah, so in turn one and I you know how it is like entering One Like You Gotta, you know, you just got to be there and yeah, don't be a nuisance and just be part of the team and I knew Jesus. And I knew like McDonald's any of the other guys on staff to already. So I was already very comfortable with everyone and yeah, I was I would think I was pretty much Fresh Off The Invitational. Okay, so it was like right after you Invitational so, you know CrossFit news, I clean and jerk the shitload of Wade blah blah blah anyway, so these girls were like acting like hey, can we take a picture with you and like yeah take a picture and then one girl was like my friend wants you to overhead squatter, and I remember I'm an intern. I got the black shirt. Like I looked at Jason and he's like leaning back. You know, Jason look like he's like, he's like, he's like, yeah that raspy voice. I love hearing Jomo. Tell that story. He's just like yeah, I think Trombley is going to be a good addition to the team if he can make it through one of the The internships with Jomo to and that's another funny one. It's like he was into kettlebells a lot. Yeah at that time and I was still like, you know competing a lot and I wanted to like train hard at lunch and he like took out some kettlebells and we started doing my Halos and stuff. And I know I'm I'm a rookie. So I'm like I shut my mouth and I just grabbed the Kettlebell and I just got him and Halos and whatever and then we did like this little work out. Anyways, I remember thinking like what the He'll but shut your mouth and just follow this follow the Flowmaster. That's great. So on that note, I think it's funny when people don't recognize that. Yeah, like they come on. Well, they recognize that like, you're like sometimes your job is to follow other people's lead where it's just like. Yeah. I'm like, I'm gonna do my own thing and I'm like hmm. Probably not a good idea. Yeah, and that doesn't Usually happen when people play sports or whole life. I know are like team sports. Yeah that team mentality that you have on staff is very similar to what we had growing up in our team sports. But yeah, if you know, you got to know how to be a rookie. You got to know how to how to take orders even even though you ya know, you're all scared and overall Ya Know Your Role Know Your Role, so I want to talk we talked about a little bit about About it when I did the podcast with you and Pete into our podcast, but I wanted to dive a little bit deeper because I wanted to talk about so there's not a ton of people on seminar staff who'd been to the game just like a handful, you know, like the game's kind of as it currently exists. I mean, I mean like post-2012 and kind of at what point did you kind of make that decision that you really wanted to be not just a good athlete, but you wanted to really dive into the coaching aspect to be like a world. coach Man, when I when I did my my level one, I remember seeing the guys up there and thinking these guys are so good at what they do and you know how you feel at your level 1. It's like I wanted to be the person giving that feeling to other people. Yeah, and I didn't really think I did think obviously like I want to become a better Coach and all that stuff, but I've always kind of thought that I would maybe make a tea. You're one day so and I was kind of a path. I was on originally in high school and little bit University. So it's like when I saw that and I saw the guys at the front and how good they were and how it was molding Fitness and teaching and coaching. I was just thinking like this is this is something I got to do. Yeah, so and and in turn how that helped my fill it is wildly invaluable like or he can't put a value to it. It's yeah saying what what I think Ink me getting on staff has done for for the gym just in terms of how many amazing people you meet. Like everyone on staff staff is just so awesome. You learn something every single weekend, you know, you're not the best coach on staff every single week and right you're getting feedback you're in there's something to be said about doing a job while someone is watching you, you know, no one's watching you at. Our affiliate, you know, it's just young people are get just getting used to the getting the routines and just staying normal staying. Yeah, not getting better as coaches and it's just as that's remotely impossible if you're on even if you just work once a month like I don't work that awesome, you know, I got my sheet in the mail the other day. I've only worked 65 seminars, right? Like I was actually kind of surprised like that's not that much. I am about a 15 a year. Okay. and even with that like what I've been able to learn or what I've been exposed to in terms of Flowmasters and coaches and you know, you're all affiliate owners to yeah every Saturday night you've made this podcast for exactly this right like yeah pretty nice dinners ideas that I've had for the affiliate and how to develop new coaches and bring people on board with you like all of that just stems from you know, basically having men Or is that it? Yeah, I've done it before me howdy when you because I always like to figure out like was there something that you did so because coaches always ask they're like, so obviously the question comes up, you know, I want to wear the red shirt. I want to be on staff and when you kind of made that decision, like was there something that you started doing in the affiliate every day, they're like, okay. This is what I need to get. Like. How did you start to essentially get better at like teaching seeing and corrected? I just think I just started thinking about it more. So one kind of big milestone for me was obviously doing my level 2 and yep realizing that I was a shitty coach so and and Like obviously that was eye opening and coming back to the affiliate always thinking like I'm not that good. Yeah. I was just told and I was just shown what a good coaches. Like I just saw it and this is not what I'm doing. So and that was basically it right the seeing correcting issue is was what we see on that level twos, right and that's usually the case so that that was the same thing for me. I remember Austin I had it with chicken with Molly all oh You know taking me taking my hand through the circle and saying like what do you see in this spot? What do you see and I remember thinking like I got nothing to say to this guy and I run an affiliate. I'm telling you man. Like I run this I think I'm a good coach like we're successful so far. So it was basically taking that with the after like I need to watch people move and that's when I started like really diving into the to the movements to how to make people better like in that That moment like I just started getting obsessed with like I'm going to watch someone move and I'm going to find something like I don't think I had that sort of mindset before that. And that was that was a big turning point for me just that leveled and realizing I'm shitty and there's always going to be someone better. And and how do you get better? You just every single time you watch them and move you guys think about it the I've always struggled with because people ask me the same thing and I'll give him drills and and different things to do but I always I always come back to the almost the same thing, which is you have to try harder if the high you have to try harder as a coach and we see this at level twos and I because I did I've done to level to use in the past 10 days. I did. I just I just had like a 10-day trip right at level one on the weekend. No, sorry level 2 in a weekend a level of Midway level one and level two on the weekend and and the level two participants. It was all the same. It was all they would coach for a couple minutes and they'll be like I think it's good and I would just ask him I could it be better and they're like, yeah. And I'm like then keep going and the like where do I start? And I'm like pick somewhere just pick something and if it's not perfect fix it, you know and and just trying to get people to turn that light switch on that like okay is not good enough that is when that's when I think you start to open up your eyes to like you watch people moving like, oh my God can fix so much more on all of these people and like just because it's not a disaster doesn't mean it's good enough, but it's always a lot of always been tough for me to like like Us that two people but what you would what you have and everyone on staff has is that exact same mindset but with your coaching as well? Yeah, you know everything that we say on the weekend like week we do like I and I tell people like you got to watch where you're looking for you gotta you know what I'm telling them to be better at movement. I'm I try to look at the way I coach and I think of the class that I just gave and I'm like, how literally how can I have made that one better like was you know was And having a good time in my class did Ice like I actually think about that and I didn't always think like that and that's what we kind of try and tell our coaches and it's really hard to tell part-time coaches that and to have them have the same kind of like passion and understanding. But you it has to go through your mind. Like you have to ask yourself at the end of the class and your projects. But you know, that's the name of your podcast but was that the best our today like could I have done better Goddamn it? Yeah, and it's um, it's just something that I was like some people just don't they don't know what they don't know. So we have to we have to exploit what you said, which is once once you saw somebody run a top-notch glass like it's in again. It's no different like playing sports when you when you Go up against a hockey player or somebody who's good at basketball. You're like, oh that's really good. I can't lie to myself about like where I'm at any more like well I sure as shit can't do that like that. I am not that cable. So I got to get back to work and I think the key has always been what I've always tried to do is like constantly trying to get that feeling over and over like it which is kind of weird is like constantly trying to put myself in a position where I feel inadequate all but all because all it does is drive me to be a better Coach is like yeah. What at what point am I going to no longer feel that way? I don't know probably never because it's just not in my nature, you know. Yeah, we have we have something a little bit on that same mindset or thought processes like at the gym. We have obviously Pete and myself and We have another partner Reza life started the gym with actually resin. I started the gym. Okay, we brought peed on later on. He's actually on kids stuff and the other day we were talking about like, you know, why is the gym successful and where could it be better? And what could we do to change your ball Allah and I told him like I think the gym is really good because we're in constant competition. Yeah, Mike and Reza was like, what do you mean? I'm like Reza when you're in my class. Class I want to give the best class possible because I want you to see it and I'm thinking like I want to be a better like I want to be a better Coach. Yeah, like I want to be a better Coach than P just like I want to be a better athlete than Pete. Yeah, you know, it's like and I'm I'm extremely happy if he is a better coaching me or or tries to be as well. But that's the competition. Yeah, and I feel like if I'm just stagnant or just getting used to the way I coach classes or used to my Then resident Peter getting an edge on me, you know, so like that's kind of how I'm thinking. Like I always want to impress them. If they're in my class. I want to impress them. If any of my coaches are in my boss wants them to leave the classic and like holy shit. That was an unreal class know that's why I asked myself that after Zach was it as an unreal class? Yeah. Now that you're bringing that up I do that so you get you so you have three coaches at your facility their own seminar staff. I have myself and another coach the Cassidy's okay is is my head. Co-chair and now that you say that I I do that too. Yeah, like he might not even be in the class. You might just be in the gym and I'll be like I'm gonna try to smash this class. And then yeah. Yeah, like I want like I want them to walk away thinking almost thinking like, I don't know if I could do that. Yeah, and you know what, let's take that even deeper I think about that and then I'm like well, wait a minute. It's just about me or I devote my members, you know, but then I'm like well, wait a minute if I want to give the best fucking class. Also, that means everyone in the class will benefit from that. Yes, exactly, you know, so it's like obviously the relationship is but it it almost say it almost starts at like this selfish need of being the best coach possible. Well, but I think it's it is selfish, but it's kind of not selfish. So I think there's a difference between like I like I want to compete and I want to win versus like I'm doing this so that everybody will recognize me and I don't think that's where like true competitors true competitors. Don't think like that. At that like in my mind like losers think like that like they're like, I want people I want people to shower me and with with love and affection. I'm like, I don't actually care. What I do care about is like I want to compete like and if nobody sees this one-on-one competition that we have. Yeah, I'm totally cool with that. But like it just it like it gets me fired up. So so do you guys regular give each other feedback at the facility? To each other not that often not that often in unlike our classes mainly because we do get a lot of feedback like during our cars and stuff like that. So, you know, we leave that to the weekend. We do give each other feedback on like other things obviously like we all have our different jobs at the gym. Like Reza takes care of all the programming Pete is called the class planning in that. I'm kind of the behind-the-scenes. Ins and the social media and stuff like that. So for each other like that, like hey, have you thought about trying this or doing that? Yeah. Well give a lot of feedback to the coaches at the gym. We have I think seven or eight other coaches one of them is full time. So we'll give them a lot of feedback and we'll organize like every every once in a while like a full week of of like feedback sessions where so us three we kind of established like that. Mentor-mentee relationship that we have on staff just at the gym. So piece got you know two or three of our coaches. I have two or three and then got it does so we kind of take care of our group. But yeah to each other not that much. Right now we don't we don't either it's more. It's more just it's more like in passing. It's still be a question about hey, how did you do this to your class like or or like hey, I was just walking through this this progression that I'm trying out like try it out and let me know what you think. Like, I don't know if it's going to work or not stuff like that. But yeah, it's much less to at least he and I like that kind of like official feedback. It's more so I do that with some of the other coaches though are just kind of pulling to the side and you know run through a lesson plan with them or stuff like that. I'll do it too little more frequent. I don't know. If you do this. It's all finished a class and sometimes I won't be happy with like something I did or how something went and all like I'll go fishing for that. Like I'll go talk to Pete and resin be like, what would you guys like? What did you do here? Yeah. I tried this and like I didn't like it. How did you coach this morning or whatever without them necessarily like seeing it or being there? So yeah, but and being able to bounce ideas with people and just yeah going back and forth is huge like like I don't understand how people run Affiliates by themselves like it's so hard that would be well I do because I used to do it and it was lonely man. It was not just like lonely like I'm in here by myself, but like it was like mentally lonely just like me and I don't have anybody to like the answer with to bounce ideas off of to be creative to like to challenge my thought process on things and to provide some other input on things. How do you so you guys have Owners at the gym. Yeah, so that's pretty rare. Yeah, it is so clearly. So my first question is who who was on seminar Staff first? You repeat me? Okay, you have it if you have authority their little bit. What do ya know but my seminars for sure. Yeah that so my question is I'm not actually I don't know that I'm aware of any Affiliates that have 300 Owners so that's a unique scenario and I know right out of the gate, you know, we don't talk numbers, but you know first first yet if you know anything about running an affiliate, you're like, okay, so jet first of all, they generate enough Revenue to pay three people have a head coach and then secondly, how like, how does that split work? It not not not regards to percentage. But how do you have essentially three Cooks in the kitchen? And how do you balance that relationship of like this is your swim Lane? This is my swim Lane. This is your swim Lane. Well, first of all, Someone told me to get a partner when we when I first wanted to open up a gym and I think that's really like, yeah, one of the best advice I've seen and and he say, huh, right because people say like not made, you know, watch out for partners. It's you know, it's like a marriage and it can end badly. All you hear about is these terrible stories and knock on wood. We don't have any yet, but and I've I've had this chat with an affiliate owner in Ottowa when he was talking and he's like well, I will you go. You guys are lucky. You know you guys are too he's you guys. Are you have a partner? I'm like dude that has nothing to do with luck. What what I want here. Here's what I'm lucky for. I'm lucky that we get along so well, but it was a conscious decision to go out and get a go out and get a partner. So that was that was 100% I would did not want to get into it by myself. And I don't think I had the knowledge or the expertise in CrossFit to do it by myself, right? So I needed fulfilled. Void and that's what Reza did for me. He was more experiencing cross through the better Coach, you know, so that's why we molded the two and it was awesome. But the the roles the roles in the how do you stay in your own lane? That's a really good question man, because honestly up until Recently, we haven't really set real lined. So which makes it even more interesting which means you guys know, I know you guys are kind of living off of like the good dude rule, which is like we're all good dudes. We like each other we can sort this out. Yeah, okay in terms of like some terms of like back-end stuff like percentage or percentages and that's yeah. Yeah, and and so it was only about recently that we started paying each other. Wages different. Okay salaries. Yeah, so just based on the work and the amount of classes that the people were doing because I think that's another thing that Filly owners don't do they don't pay themselves for classes. And then anyways, so we like okay. So these are the classes we coach this is the the stuff that we do outside and for a little while it was it was basically even so we figured out like a you do this. I do this he does this that's even across the board. So we'll add, you know x amount of dollars. Hours on top of all the classes that we coach as their salaries. So and then it was when we started so for the programming we did for a long time. I would program three weeks resident program three weeks and people program three weeks and we finally decided that just give it all to Reza. Yep, and it was when we also decided to sell the NCR program and just have like more of a streamlined process. We said okay. Well he's going to take care of this. I'll take care of this portion and then Reza's going to take care of that. And so to be honest, it's been it was a little wishy-washy who's doing what for a long time. Yeah, and then finally were able to just you know, set some pets and some real parameters but having said that since the beginning, I've always been the backend guy the yeah the bookkeeping the membership management software, but Andres has always been answer. Emails face-to-face programming. Okay. Yeah, so on that note so you guys have that kind of like sparse doubt between the three of you and everybody's kind of got like probably what there is where their skillset lies and then from a standpoint of What do you think makes an ass? Like what do you think makes it a successful affiliate? Like obviously you guys are doing it like you guys are in meaning like and like I really get bent about that statement, which is like we run a successful affiliate and I'm like, what does that mean? Well, if you're if you're making a living running your affiliate like that's a successful affiliate. So clearly you guys are doing that. But what do you think is it that makes you guys a successful affiliate? Or maybe not even you guys just like in general like, you know, yeah, it's funny because I think like yeah, we're successful affiliate, but man we could be so much more successful. Yeah different conversation. So I agree with you a hundred percent. It's like which which which we can encapsulate by literally everything we've talked about prior to this. So yeah. Yeah, you're right. We're gone conclusion. So successful affiliate. I really enjoy the fact that we're like you said like we're being able to Create a living for for more than one person. So there's essentially four of us that live off the gym. After your GM like I don't care if you have a hundred members or 500 are people consistently showing up your gym every day. And like that's the number that I look at every single day. How many people walk through the door and then I put that on my top number of members young like, how many is that? Is it 50% is is 60% is that we only see 35% of our members today and on a daily basis. We see over 50% like to me. I think that's that's one thing that makes a successful affiliate are people coming. I don't know that. Yeah, I don't think enough I do you bring that up? Like I've always I've always seen like the numbers in the past were like roughly 40 percent a day, but I would I would imagine that 50% is pretty high. Yeah, like and I bet you I bet you there's not a lot of people that track that to be honest with you. Yeah, how long when did you start when did you guys start tracking that migrants? Are you real quick? Start tracking that you know on a unofficial basis when we actually just started having people sign into classes. So for a long time, yeah for a long time and even ask you to sign into classes. We only started that maybe like two years ago. Okay. Yeah, because you don't have a cap on classes. They were just like well we're people signed in. Yeah, and I was Was very on top of of who owed money and built every like that's what you need that but once I started losing track of that and you know more members in the gym and you just need to have more of a process there and just no way of tracking anything if you don't have people signing into your gym, right? Thank you that number that is for sure the other thing so if you're tracking attendance, you're obviously tracking people who are absent and then like what Anna's what are you guys doing? With those people that you haven't seen in however many days it is. Yeah. Are you looking for your charger? Yeah. Yeah. I'm looking for Mighty. I'm gonna go find my something that like most people don't like I would I would venture to say like that that is like a major flaw for a lot of CrossFit Gyms is there they're like That's where like the globo gym. Not the globo gym is the word the orange theories of the world probably do significantly better is like Local Foods and that process for doing that and I was it's funny that you brought that up because it was actually something I was digging into earlier today because like I've never been super happy with some of the tracking metrics and some of the software systems because it like doesn't it's not always the easiest to find out if so-and-so has Been here in a week. And I and I yes, I understand that. Well, if you know your members you should just remember and I'm like, okay cool in theory. However, like I've got a billion things rolling through my mind and I'm not on the floor for every single class. So how in the hell am I supposed to remember 85 people that it's just not realistic. So I'm constantly trying to figure out a better way to like systematically because then you run to the other thing which is like people don't want to check in that's like God damn it. Yeah so hard. So what are you guys doing? Well what we did for it's been a process man, but like obviously every new member of the walks in and that's just the way they we do think so, they don't have an issue at the air into that. But the it's basically we just set up an iPad right beside the Whiteboard. I just write the name on the board that's on the iPad and if it's if your name is on the war, he didn't sign and sorry go sign in or you don't get a score on the board. And then it's like, you know or during the warm-up, I'll just take a look at the pendants and see who I can find it. Yeah. Hey you didn't sign in and that's that's the beauty of it's like. Oh, yeah. Well, you know my bills doing in my head. I'm like, yeah, I know. Yeah. Yeah. I'm very aware of that actually. But yeah, so and but we're talking about like data and tracking like a lot of it's it is it is hard and you kind of have to dig in their membership software to go find some important information. But yes people weren't showing up but also like the people that are have were the people inside your gym three months ago. Like how many of those people are still there like that, you know that churn rate or a year ago or six months and there's a lot of Life reports and changing this and dates and not like in the Software like there's give me that number. You know, I think that's the super valuable statistic to have like an inner percent. Yeah percent form and I think the cross pigeons would probably be a little bit higher than normal Jim's obviously but he would be surprised like there's a pretty there's still a pretty big turnover rate like even in our gym and we have a lot of members. We mean people leave people move people cancel the memberships. Yeah. I think it's too expensive, you know or new people come and so that's participating. I think there is pretty important. Like where do you spend your money on getting new members or keeping the ones that you have? Yes, and you know and I we've probably heard this like it's way cheaper to keep new keep members and to go get new and but at the other day people are going to leave so you still have to go out there and search for new members. Yeah, which is a tough Topic in the any answer is just like everything else in CrossFit is like you have to do both you have to do everything possible to keep who you have. But you absolutely cannot ignore the fact that like if you're not dead Our being you know, the the subset of sales and bring in new people like you are in deep shit like because we can all we can all hang our hat on like we have the best coaching have a great Community. We have like, you know, really low churn rate blah blah blah blah, but I mean that is the nature of the gym business is turn over like it's like it's it's one of those things were like when you look at it and you look at like how often you're going to have to resell or replace somebody it's almost you look at those metrics. Like why would anybody do that for? Business. Yeah, like that's really worth it. Wait a minute. You mean they're only going to stay for three months and like we have people that have been with us for years. Yeah. I mean like I would say most of our the bulk of armors with us. I like more than three years. Yeah, but we do have the other ones that are here for like six months and then they're just got just not for me anymore. And I'm like God like, how did we fail on that? Like, what did we not deliver, you know Wonder like what how can someone Be so into CrossFit and fitness and working out for like three four five months and then stop I don't get it. What happened? I don't like how do you not like and they've seen the benefit like I weave you seen it happen like someone comes at for a year loses. It should load of weight feels great comes all the time and then just like Fizzles out and not doesn't just go to another gym just stop stops. Yeah, and I don't I think my thesis on that is like they didn't love it or they didn't feel wanted in the community. Right? So like the reality is like we both have been running Affiliates long enough to know that most people don't leave CrossFit Gyms because they have like a bad experience they leave because they for whatever reason became indifferent to the experience absent of like the exercise meaning like they I don't know name any number of weird things that are kind of like intangible like Nobody said their name enough times or like we didn't reach out and text them and ask them why they weren't there or you know, they had a they didn't get a PR for a while and and and the reality like we both know that that doesn't even really matter because they dropped, you know, 12 pounds of body fat. So I think that's why and it's like sometimes it's just really tough and we all win we get emotionally attached to that. We're just like God man like you're doing yeah, like you're gonna you don't know it yet. But like you're going to regret that at some point like, yeah, and it's Hard to not take that personally as well, right? It's like men getting they're getting results. They seem like they're enjoying it. And then I just start thinking like did I do something like yes, it's like a breakup. Like, is it me what? Yeah, and I think honestly like after a little while it couple years of owning the gym. I still think about that, but I have to let that go like yeah, you know what maybe it is. Maybe it is maybe it was you maybe he just didn't like you and that's the nature of These small businesses that were built on community and it's very very possible that people come your gym for a couple months and they realize that Paul guy I you know, I don't really like them. He's too intense. Yeah, maybe you know, so I'm gonna go somewhere else and that's totally fine. Go find the community that you enjoy that make sure that you keep moving. Yes. And now I've I've I have always said this and I will always serve this I would prefer it's somebody does CrossFit It in somebody else's facility than not doing it. All like if you left my facility and you had one of two options which was not do it or do to somebody who's just facility 100% of the time. I'm taking Anna doing it. Somebody else's facility. Like I would just prefer that. Yeah, and then you here where they go and you're like, oh wow. So on that note. So you guys so NCR CrossFit NCR you guys offer affiliate we go Soulful her like a multiple multiple tracks of programming and In your programming. What do you guys like have a goal in your programming? Like what are you trying to achieve in your programming either for the affiliate or the athletes for those coaches? So for our goal for the affiliate is just to make their lives easier and just like like any other affiliate programming that's out there which is a lot once your research everyone selling affiliate program and it's kind of use that affiliate model to build a connection with them. You know, you try to build a connection with your Members I like to build a connection or try to with the Affiliates that are on board. And I know that that you know honest on the larger scale that's probably not possible, but we're still super small, you know, and what we try to do is just we want we want Affiliates to run better classes like we want them to just find a way to to or help them find a way to give a better product that they are not giving a good product to start with but just Helping that with that and it's hard it's hard because you know programming is programming and yeah, and it's a really it doesn't matter what program you're following but it's the structure of the class and making sure that you know, it's programmed accordingly with the warm-up with the skill and that you know in the planning of that class that there's proper progression and that there's a nice flow to the class. So our goal and you see I'm just talking about the affiliate because basically Okay, that's all I care about. Yeah, like I want I want people on the NPR program as individuals. But what that creates is that person doing that work out by themselves in the corner of another person's Jim and I don't like that. Yeah. No, I agree and I ask because we're getting ready to launch our programming and I feel like we're going to launch best our programming. It's going to be entirely affiliate based. We're gonna have individual track programming if they want it, but I don't know I don't particularly care about that. What I want to do is the same thing you do. which is I want people to have like the best out of their day and I think people could do better there and it's not because they're not trying to do a good job as because they don't know any better like we already discussed the what is it? I guess two questions. The first one is what do you think? It is most Affiliates and coaches could do better in that 60 Minute window. What could they do better they could coach? All right. So elaborate would you in our book to give people a tangible things to do in their movement to help them better? It's at to help them better or it's just you know to actually watch them moves the incorrect and you know help them. So it's a An answer and it's a quick one, but it's just a coach more like you where you're not just explaining the workout at the Whiteboard. You got to you got to get in there. You gotta, you know, during the warm-up. You got to talk to them. You got to watch them move, you know, during the workout everything. So I think one of the reasons why we give that class outline is not necessarily like hey follow this to a tee minute by minute. It's just to give reminders like Hey, we're teeth we're going over this today. Here's the Suggested progression here are things to look for it's like psycho. If a person doesn't do that already the read that as a coach and be like, oh, okay, then I'll start looking at that and maybe you know, I'll see something more. It's just a reminder like get in there like every rep is an opportunity for you as a coach to jump in and and that's that's kind of a goal there. What could they do better Coach get in there? I think I asked that question. I knew what you were going to say, but Ask is I think it's important to people? To hear that specifically coming from somebody like you who you know is a competitive athlete who has lived a large part of their CrossFit life doing probably pretty high volume training and but still understands and graphs. What should be happening in a 60 Minute window and what the effect on that in on your members is because I would agree, you know, if we were just down in Raleigh and you know, we had an awesome experience it at every gym that we went to went to Ten gems in four days, but I walked with the same thing. I'm like man. I'm like What's Happening Here is amazing. Like people are getting Fitness. They're losing weight. They're having a good time. I was like what they can all they could all get coached a little bit better and I in some people might be listening to this and thinking me look. Well. It's kind of a dick thing to say, it's not like it's the truth like in my affiliate as well. Like we can always do things better and that is like the goal right with and I think that if we Would if Affiliates would look at what their service is and and treated the same way do we do in the level to which is like Hey, we're not calling you out because you're a bad person. We're calling you out because they could be better right? It's nothing it has nothing to do with you. Like it's just like there's a you could be more efficient like you could say this better. You could you know run through this progression faster. You could explain it a little bit more clearly like you could do all of those things and I don't Enough of us put a like a like a fine enough kind of like lens on that aspect of the you know, everybody's like we have great programming like the facilities great. We got skier. Can we got all this other crap and I'm like cool. I don't care like I don't care, you know. Yeah, and you're also You know from your point of view, you're also trying to coach better, right? Yeah, you're also during your class at the end of your class. Like I said earlier like you look back you like did I actually coach everyone did I give everybody a little something you know, and you know, I can think back in my class this morning right near the end of men those people in the corner. Like I didn't get to them as much as I wanted to, you know, and I remember thinking like damn it. All right, so Yeah, I felt the same way the other day. I was teaching I was drunk. I was like I've been playing around with like different like I've been trying to come up with like different progressions to teach the skier because it's like it's fairly intuitive and it's like yeah, you can get on there and just pull but most people don't do it very well and I'm like man, how can I get these people to do this right and learn to like, you know move their hips and then their hands even though they already know that but they're not doing it here for some reason and it's like walking and I was like in there by myself like doing it and like and then I tried it a next class and I like Napa. In work, I didn't really like it like my going to find a better way to do this. You know. Hey you trying different things. It's amazing and it's like sometimes when I think that you know, I answer your question by saying they should coach like like you said, they could be listening to this and say what a dick but we literally do everything that we tell our participants to do. Yeah, like in terms of just trying to think about getting better and looking for faults and seeing for acting and all that jazz. Like we do a tomb and so it's like I could be a better Coach and if the experience that I have I can put on paper and send it to an affiliate owners to say. Hey read this this is how I would leave this class. Hopefully this helps and that's you know, that's the service of that we sell that we offer that's cool. Yeah, and there's enough Affiliates worldwide man. You know, it's not a saturated market, right? There's no there Steve thousand Affiliates and a lot of them need help a lot of them need help. I think I think collectively we all could use help in one in some aspect or another like nobody's immune to it. And it's just like yeah find out what works for you the best and you know, like and we like it best out of their day. Like we never really intended to write programming because you know, it's just kind of like, why would we write programming? We're not like special like most people that do that are Like games level folks and I'm like, that's not the point like want to send it be one of the games. I'm like, I know how to run a fucking good class. Like I also know how to write lesson plans and I know how to put together progressions and I know where people get tripped up in their classes, right? So it was like, we I look at it this way. It's just like we're going to like our programming. Largely. What yours is to what it sounds like is I'm designing a program that gets people fitter and develops your coaches simultaneously, right? So, I'm actually I'm actually chasing the Churches via the programming because that is the fundamental thing that we all have to navigate every single day, which is like you come in. There's a workout. I'm like everything is built on top of the workout like whatever it is. It's like the experience is built atop of the workout. The lesson plan is built atop of the workout the coaches ability to see th see and correct and group manager group is all built on top of that work out. So for me, it's like I don't really care about the work out like To some extent it's really hard to write shitty programming like ya know just like yeah, you know, like it's fairly simple if you keep it simple, but that but like we're going to build everything on top of that. So it sounds like that's like that's doing which is like, you know giving coaches something to think about which is like hey use this bergner progression and or try this handstand push-up aggression or something like that. So that's cool. That's what I think people and I think there's I think there's a lot of people that are just Programming but not giving the coaching aspect of it and I think yeah or they'll give coaching notes or whatever and talk about stimulus. But like I mean a lot of people can do that, right? There's a there's a lot out there. So you got to shop around and see what what kind of value you're getting for her than for the you're paying for sure. That's really cool. Do you guys have any you guys do you guys do any like yearly goals for the gym for the affiliate? No, no, I have a number. I have a number of athletes that I'd like to be at but not on a yearly basis just like yeah, I feel like I we can we have the capacity for another. A hundred members. What do you want me now like 330. So I love that you said that because I have I have this weird probably grandiose belief that every CrossFit gym can have four hundred athletes now. I don't know how I don't know how to do that. But I do think that's a real scenario. Yeah, and and here's my math you have you see 50% of people on a daily basis. So you have 400 members you have 200 people walking through your door you have you you have 20 people per class ten classes a bomb. Anybody can have 400 members. What is stopping you from having fun remembers? If not sighs. It's exactly it's not size of the facility. It's not the equipment that you have. You can have ten classes a day 20 people in every class. And and run a good affiliate in 5,000 square feet three thousand square feet 10,000. It doesn't matter. So yeah, so it's 400 is definitely doable. It's possible. But yeah, it's it's it's you it's the affiliate and it comes back to when you were asking like what makes you guys as a successful affiliate. A lot of Affiliates are going to say this with me. We have the we have unreal coaches. It's just like we spend so much time developing ourselves as coaches developing our new coaches, you know through our internship process and everyone will say like yeah, we have an internship wrote. That's cool. It's great that you have one as good as ours. Yeah, and it's in my head. I think you guys can say that because like your coach is now have credentials like they've been vetted through the highest levels, right? And I think that's different than we like. Everybody says they have great coaches. But my question is I was like based on what like you think they're great. That's like that's like Being like I'm handsome because my mom says I'm handsome like yeah, my mom loves me and I could be, you know, cross-eyed and she'd be like, you're the best. You're my my mom my mom. My mom would be like, you're my favorite son. I'd be like Mom. I'm your only son, you know, you're the best. You know, I think it's like we have to stop looking at our our own Affiliates through rose-colored glasses and be like are my coaches really that good or am I just saying that because it makes me feel good. You know, what often think Fern is all think if I put this coach in front of Jason or in front of Austin coaching a class. What would they think would I be embarrassed what I'd be happy whatever you proud and that's a sort of a process. I think like then it's if I'm not happy with that then it's my job as an affiliate owner to make sure that this person is good. Not just for the for the product that we're offering. But just roll basically actually for that for the product that we're offering. Yeah, my my prior to this I feel the same way and I look at it a little bit differently. Even on a more like egregious scale, which is Anybody that says that I'm like would you be willing to flip on Facebook alive and just have your whole class for the world to see? And I'm like, there's a lot of people that would fucking backpedal real quick. If I was like that like and I feel like we could do that, but I'm also fully aware that like we could be better and there would be absolute legitimate legitimate criticism of what we do and that's okay. But but I'm not embarrassed of what people would see like I'll be like you're going to see a great class that is just like anything else that could be improved and that because that they're at no point. Is that not a sin? Rio but anytime soon we have great coaches on Mike how great is great like, you know, you can put that on the old interwebs and see if it's a great or what like, you know, yeah, I think you asked me a good question. They're in their podcast. If I if I remember correctly when we did it with Pete and was like how How do you get better the coach like you say like get better get better, you know, but like how do you do that? How does someone do that at their affiliate by themselves without the luck of getting on staff and being exposed to all the great trainers in the world like and seeing all these people squatting and deadlifts that aren't your regular members. Like how do people actually go out and get better? I think. I actually don't think it's hard. I just think it's the same way you and I got better at hockey and basketball and I don't know how much film you watched of yourself playing hockey. But I watched somebody watched you play hockey. Like I know for me, I watched endless hours of film of basketball of myself not because I wanted to see myself play basketball because I analyzed every possible thing that was going on at the court and any given time and I don't think there's any reason people can't do that for their CrossFit classes, you know, like set up a GoPro in the corner and just watch yourself coach a class. Even if you don't know anything about what you're looking at, I guarantee you you would find something to critique yourself on. Yeah, I 100% guarantee you you would be like I talk too much or this logistical layout was a nightmare or I was late simply because the clock on the wall in this video says that I started the class at 5:03 and it's the class starts in five, you know, so I think you know, I don't I don't think people should rely solely on video, but it's a pretty powerful tool just to like Smash yourself, you know the watch yourself and get other eyes on you but you know, that's also what the fine. Well, that's the point right is like like if I can watch the video I can give it to anybody else to watch it. Like you can you can put an hour's worth of video on Vimeo like it you have to go home and download it but like whatever do you want to get better or not as my question, like let that shit upload overnight and then send it to somebody back watch this. I'm like You know like and any one of us would be happy to do that, you know, so that's that's what I think people to do. I don't think people are seeking it out. That's that's my personal opinion. So we get comfortable right? There's some people in their affiliate or they're afraid of or they're afraid of finding out that they're not that good like you and I both did at some point. We're just like God I suck at this like I should probably get better what a realization change my life. Hey my life. It's all right. And everything different like when I realized I was a shitty coach. Yeah, I mean Anna and I keep telling myself that yeah every day. I'm like, yeah, like these people really pay me for this. No I some days I feel like that but like that's a sliding scale right? Like it's like my bad day is not the same as somebody else's bad day and vice versa. Yeah. Yeah. My goal is to never good. Sometimes you finish. Oh, yeah. Yeah, there's some days or bad class. Like I don't know. I don't know how much people actually see that or realize it, you know because like sometimes I'll finish your class. I will in my wife and she's like what's wrong. I'm like that wasn't shit class like yeah, you know this happen. That she's like well, I think everyone had a great time. Like I nobody noticed any of that. So you're fine. Well, that's why that's why I think I think at some point other people don't notice it because the skillset gets to a point where like with the things that you notice are not noticeable to the untrained eye. Yeah, you know, does that help you kind of let go of a lot of things right? Like no because I still judge myself on it and I'm just like I'm like that's unacceptable like what like Like what that shouldn't happen. I've been doing this too long. And then I'm like every year always going to like nobody is immune to that it's going to happen. But I think it was I think it was James who Hobart who like hit me with this one and this was about seminar, but I took it into my classes which and he was giving me some feedback on like running groups and just lectures in general and I don't think it was anything specific to me, but it was just kind of more like a lesson which is like listen mistakes happen, right like you're going to be over you're going to be under like you're Forget things all of that is part of the whole process. He goes that's not what's important or kind of like what I think his words are like that's not what I'll get upset about. He's like I'll get upset. If you don't know why if you're just kind of like aimlessly floating around and you don't know why your class was late or why your lecture is over or why you're like, you don't know that your group is running over he goes now. We have a problem because there's a lack of awareness there. But like what you said is like you're immediately doing an evaluation of your class. S afterwards just like I am and you know, if see if you walked up to me immediately after a class I can tell you all the things that I would change about it immediately. I'm like I lost four minutes over there. I forfeited to it the white board because they were messing around I should have broken the rowers out sooner like all those things. Like I know that stuff. Yeah, and that's what I don't think enough people. I think they clock in and then they clock out and there's no critical evaluation of what they just did each time to step on the floor. So how do you have that if you're just a coaching? Don't own it the prostitute right? Yeah, I think you well. Yeah, but I think I think there's just some intrinsic like either you want to do this or you don't you know, yeah, but that's another that's another discussion about incentivizing people to want to do it for a living. You know, like if you stated earlier, it's hard to it's hard to really push hard on. Somebody does his part time. So yeah, cool. Well dude. This has been awesome. Yeah. Thanks for having me man. Absolutely dude. Anything else you want the folks to know about? Paul Haas Tremblay or start transmitting maybe for another episode? Okay. I've me back on like this. I'll have you back on and so we'll hit up here. I'll get peed on there. We'll talk about you that how he's now surpassed you as a competitive athlete and then and then and then I think it'd be cool to have you guys both on so yeah, we'll set it up cool. Enjoy your weekend off dude. I know I got one off too easy. Alright guys, if you guys got questions for Paul or just about anything they got or about their affiliate programming hit us up will pass you guys on but you can just look it up just NCR crossfitters a CrossFit NCR it CrossFit into the area and we sell the NPR program. Yeah, hit it up. Check it out. There's some good stuff in there. I was looking at it before we hop on the podcast. So if you have questions guys hit us up, and we will see you next time. Thanks, brother. Thanks for listening to best our of their day. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain. First of all, it's free. How cool is that? There's a creation tool that allows you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. So it becomes super simple some of these episodes with Fern or Todd or myself chatting with one another we've done right within the app itself. Anchor will make it easy to distribute your podcast to all platforms Spotify apple and many more and you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make an awesome podcast in one place. All you have to do is download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started today. 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Thanks again for listening to best our of their day. Just a reminder Fern and I have an amazing new show called dropping in premiering on our YouTube channel in early 2020. Be sure to head over to the best hour of their day YouTube channel now subscribe so you don't miss any of the episodes you've probably Heard us talking about it summarizing some of our trip. You can see some highlights up on our Instagram as well at best our of their day, but I promise you you're not going to want to miss out. So subscribe now. Thanks for everything you do. Thanks for letting us be a part of your lives. Hope you have a great rest of your day tune in tomorrow for another episode of best our of their day.
On today episode Fern chats with Paul Tremblay. Paul has a very impressive resume in the Crossfit space. He owns CrossFit NCR with two business partners, opened back in 2013. Paul’s made it to the games multiple times as an individual and five times on the demo team, most recently this year with James Hobart. He’s been seminar staff since 2015. Also, Paul recently joined the Coaches Development Program team. - Yes, Paul is a pretty impressive dude. During the episode, Fern and Paul cover everything they can between how being an athlete helped him bee better coach, to his internship on staff. Along with having multiple members of the seminar staff team, not only work at his gym but co-owns it with him. They discuss what it’s like to have numerous owners running one box, making it successful so they can all make a living from it. Did you catch the exciting upcoming project that is in the works for the best hour of their day, that launching next year? - If so I hope you guess are as excited as we are. Find us on Instagram: @besthouroftheirday + @thejasonackerman Check out our website - - to learn more about our private coaches development group --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Welcome to see to scale. We're for investors with backgrounds as Founders who met at the engineering school at the University of Pennsylvania. Tim. Young the hall metha had Lee Harris fixing we study in the act in 2009 with more than 80 years of combined experience building our own companies. We now lead seed rounds and bold Founders who use code to create transformational companies starting a company from the ground up is really hard in this podcast will be having conversations with some of the most interesting Founders investors and influencers about the ins and outs of building an early stage company. We talk about it all finding growth and everything. It takes to build a lasting business. Hey everybody, its nahal founding General partner at eniac today. I have the honor of speaking with one of our great friends and mentors think one of the most successful folks in the industry that we know. This man's name is Rich Wang. I think the driving contributor to success is grit in in the startup environment and frankly, I think in life more broadly than the business world that we live in is a partner at Excel. I had a chance to meet Rich we work. On admob together we also worked on SwiftKey together is other Investments include Mo Pub are watch Rovio. He's currently on the board of atlassian Checker. Uipath osmo service Channel Sunrun better Cloud insta bug in tune. It's a real pleasure to have Rich today on sea to scale. So thank you for joining Rich. There's the whole it's a pleasure to speak with you always. So thanks for the kind words Richard. Thought I'd kick off. You know, you have a pretty interesting career path into venture. And so I'd love to just jump into your background go as far as you want to go. Did you ever grow up wanting to be an investor at Excel you know and take us through your journey to where you are today. I grew up the son of an immigrant in Santa Rosa, California sadly the area that was actually hit by some of the fires a couple years ago. Although most of my family does not live there anymore. So I grew up there and went to school. Back east in Boston studied engineering originally But realize that was a really really bad research engineer research scientists and went back to the business World went to business school. So I started out my working career at Procter & Gamble as a brand manager spent some time in McKinsey & management consulting but then jumped into the startup world in the mid-90s and saw the early first wave of the dot-coms the Telecom boom and then kind of word somewhat accidentally into Venture Capital. It's now 12 years since I've been in Excel and it's been an amazing fun experience, but I never really thought I was originally going to be doing this. I really thought I would stay on the operation side and it's been a real pleasure and you know getting a chance to work with so many companies and incredible entrepreneurs this past 12 years talk a little bit about you know, PMG and Mackenzie. Can you relate to those experiences and into what? You know become today and what you've taken away from those particular companies. Yeah very much. So but I think in some ways I probably use the things I learned at Procter & Gamble the most in working with early stage and growth stage tech companies of all the work experience and sense that I've had because as we all know a big part of getting a start-up to gain ignition and scale quickly Miss find that magical product Market fit and the thing mainly because the products are in some ways, you know consumer products at P&G are so sort of simplistic in some sense. It really teaches you how to think about fine-grained positioning and how to actually iterate quickly to find the concept of what the right brand positioning is. And so a lot of the techniques and learning that you have as a very young assistant brand manager or brand manager, which are the roles that I had at P&G are very very relevant to what it means to be ahead of products or a CEO of a startup company. And so I was lucky back. Then. I think to have some of that founding experience the foundational experience when I came out of school the tech industry wasn't anywhere close to what it is today in the early 90s there really weren't great companies like Google or Facebook or Uber to go work out to start your career and learn from other people and be developed and so places like the Procter & Gamble's in the mackenzies in that period of time where the places I think you could learn some good foundational skills. And some of those whore foundational skills, like brand positioning and figuring out how to find Value prop Market fit. Those are the types of things that I think are exactly what founding CEOs and head of products have to do in start-up companies today. So I feel really fortunate to have had that experience at the beginning of my career one thing you mentioned in your introduction, son of an immigrant, you know, we talked about that a lot actually Vic. My partner Vic is an immigrant he came over. Guyana when he was eight years old my parents came to this country in the 70s. I was born here in the US like like yourself, you know to talk about that mentality and maybe talk about how that even shapes what you look in Founders to invest in. I think as all of us know quite well a big part of I think succeeding in anything that's difficult and definitely doing a start-up is a difficult thing is very much about grit and willingness to never give up and to keep going you is in addition to being at the right time in the right place and picking the right initial idea having the right funding environment. Those are all contributors, but I think the driving contributor to success is grit in in the startup environment and frankly, I think in life more broadly than the business world that we live in and so I think whether you happen to come from immigrant background or not, it definitely helps I think to have very little to fall back on to give you some of that Drive-In that Oil and desire to succeed and so I think somewhere along the way my parents ingrained that it'll quite forcefully in some moments and I think that helps me to this day and I hope that's something we continue to pass along both in my family and the people that I work with an aside note. We're going to start another business. I'm bringing whap back, you know, I love the the Simplicity of the UI ux so it's a lot, you know, let's bring it back and now another topic for another conversation. But yeah your first investment or one year for its Investments was admob. That's actually how we got a chance to meet. Yes if I can brag about the hall for a quick second. I mean a lot of people don't know that there were not a lot of experts in the world of mobile marketing mobile advertising in 2005-2006. But one of them was the host of this show in the hall and despite the hall and I not knowing each other that well I heard he was one of the key experts. This industry when we were evaluating mobile advertising companies the hall was kind enough and gracious enough just to pick up the phone and you know in talk to me about his experience and his expertise and I will always be appreciative of that rich. I definitely did not interrupt you during that praise and thanks for that. I'm going to make sure to sound bite that and and put it on my phone so I can play that every morning. Thanks Steve. Where's your very kind a thesis around picks and shovels. Could you could you talk a little bit more about kind of maybe how you stumbled into it and why companies like admob and mo Pub, you know, we're part of that category. It's hard to remember that in 2006. The iPhone hadn't shipped yet. It was actually a year away from shipping and the App Store was about six months after that. So the you the it was truly early days of this whole mobile internet that has become pretty much everything that we think about in the world of the internet as of today. 2018 knew back then if I think people might recall the iPhone did not have apps initially that were third party the original Steve Jobs Vision was that everything was going to be mostly browser based on the iPhone. And so this was very early days in the creation of what is now a very large industry. I think we member apps like Tap Tap Revenge, which is for a while. The number one app store game. There were a whole ton of mobile video streaming companies that were trying To become the YouTube of mobile most of which do not make it to the present day. There was a large wave of experiments of new applications and it felt like to us that in addition to placing bets on some of those we eventually invested in super-soul and Rovio and companies of that type that a great bet was also bet on all of the ingredients and preconditions. And as you say picks and shovels that will succeed regardless of whether or not supercell Uber or Spa. Defy or Rovio become one of the leading applications. And so a lot of our bets around the mobile advertising industry. Admob, as one example Mo Pub later on is another we're I think thoughtful bats around regardless of which category gaming or ride-sharing or e-commerce become hot. They're all going to need to monetize and they're all going to need to have customer acquisition and so is a good way to essentially play the Trend in the market, even if you weren't able to pick exactly which company would become the hit and so that that thesis I think has played out reasonably. Well when we were in the mobile era that you and I worked on together and I think that is still relevant as we look ahead in other ways of Technology talk about the Facebook funding and do you think you know, there's we have a potential to see something again like that or is that time over? Well, first of all, it was it was an incredible fund. getting a chest would be the First Institutional Investor in Facebook and to have to get a chance to see that Journey from beginning to obviously the IPO and Beyond and that occurred pretty much all just in the last 12 to 13 years if folks may recall or may or may not be able to recall what it felt like in in 2005 2004 a lot of the industry especially in consumer internet was still getting over the The Plunge in 2001 of the boom. So it sort of felt like e-commerce was done or it just doesn't seem like there's going to be super valuable businesses. There you offer all of the or Blue Nile and all the e-commerce companies that have been in that era a lot of the infrastructure Investments like the picks and shovels companies like Exodus or digital Island lot of those companies had gone through some very tough times as well and it just didn't seem possible that Was going to be ever something that could replace, you know, Google or Yahoo, or the people that felt like they were the kings of the internet at that at that moment in time and obviously history has proven that as a new generation of people, you know grows up and goes to high school and college and graduates often times these platforms can shift as the generation shift. And so it is my belief that the current, you know, Kings of the internet that we All know those five hundred billion dollar plus companies are not immune from another generational disruption, but I do believe it's still possible to create disruptive opportunities. I would point out that one of the companies. Of course, we're very proud of in the portfolio today is slack and slack in some sense is an investment that was done all the way back to Tiny Speck, maybe nine. Yes years ago when we funded Stewart or my partner Andrew braccia funding Stewart in a gaming company at the time, but the slack product itself. Offers four or five years old only continue to do extremely well, so I think there are there still a lot of disruptive huge opportunities to be built and that's a current example. Do you think there's more opportunities in consumer or Enterprise? I think it depends a little bit on time frame. I think that the pragmatic short to medium term. It does feel like there's more open-field running at the moment around Enterprise at least from my vantage point when I look at you know companies like sighing Well Service now, which we were not investors in its being were 35 billion dollars. You look at atlassian being about 20 billion you look at where slack is going Dropbox OCTA, you know, there are companies that have become much larger than maybe we all imagined even when we invested and I think the ingredients in the preconditions that go into that are you now can truly sell to the world on a global basis, even if your company was originally based out of Sweden or out of Australia around a single Or because of Internet distribution. You can now sell business software anywhere in the world without necessarily having sales people or support staff in country and that well, it seems like an obvious point right now in 2018. It's still a relatively new phenomena. When I started an Excel you were really starting to sell in North America and then five years later you might open up the London office or the Israel Office of the South Africa office, but You weren't able to truly Go Global within the first three to four years of starting the company and I think for the most successful companies, you're starting to see them go Global within the first two or three years of their existence and I think that is why you're seeing much larger opportunities than ever before I tend to see that more in Enterprise today than today and most of the consumer opportunities, but I think in the long run they're going to be huge opportunities in both. It's exciting that Since what's coming up next on the Enterprise side, you're an investor and on the board of a company that many of said to be the fastest growing Enterprise company in the history of company called uipath that's in the RP a space or robotic process automation. The space is growing Leaps and Bounds. Can you talk a little bit about the space? Maybe to find the space from your perspective and why you think it's growing so quickly you'll absolutely you know, My first just say uipath is is a remarkable story. We're very fortunate to be part of it. My partner Luciana licks Andrew who is Romanian by Heritage and based out of excel London found the investment in Bucharest let it and then we have since invested in the series B. We're happy to have both capital G and Sequoia also recently lead around in the series see at 3 billion valuation that company has talked about all that has happened in 18 months. Months and so it's quite amazing to see the speed of progress and frankly from a very unlikely place in Bucharest Romania where this company was founded in still the majority of the staff based there. So I think it's another incredible example, like, you know Spotify from Stockholm or atlassian from Sydney, you know, we think uipath and this category of our PA from Bucharest. Romania is going to be a fascinating story to keep watching to your question of Hall on helping think The category what sort of fascinating and really caught me by surprise year ago. When we first started to really study this space is that the area of Enterprise automation or helping digitalized use all these buzzwords to help digitalize Enterprise companies has been an idea that's been around a very very long time and my conventional wisdom year ago was that the space was kind of sleepy and done that there wasn't going to be much disruptive or innovative. Things to be done around this category, but I think the why now question that I've spent some time wondering and pondering about as we've made this investment is that in until you know, just a few years ago. Most of what I call the real economy and the country and in the world more broadly didn't really have to think about software and they didn't really have to compete with companies that I think I guess are described in this digital natives, you know companies that are building Bolt with software and e-commerce technology at the heart of who they are you I think there's there were examples like Netflix, you know killing Blockbuster. There are examples of course of how Amazon and e-commerce industry is putting pressure on anybody who's selling any form of retail product, but for the most part it was limited to sort of small corners of the rest of the GDP that was really threatened by software and by digital natives, I think as you and I both know from our investing and from our colleagues investing across the country and across the valley that is changing radically almost every category everything from car insurance to life insurance to agriculture to farming to all these different categories. You would not think of this being software businesses are becoming pressured by startups or medium-sized companies that think of themselves as technology and software companies first. And so the rest of what I Call the real world is now suddenly having to react to that pressure. They're having to respond and serve their customers faster and better they expect much quicker response times. They have to of course run their operations with more efficiency and lower op EX in order to compete with these upstarts that are starting to rise up against them. And so for Corporate America, you aren't are seeing cios and a new title Chief digital officer, 's and seeing. For CEOs this topic of how you transform yourself to becoming a digital first company is now an actual topic of board conversation where I think it was not a short 5 7 10 years ago. And so in that environment there are now is a growing pool and demand for technologies that help automate the Enterprise and make these companies more efficient and able to compete with these new sets of insurgents or digital natives that are rising up and I think that's why we're seeing Traction and is pool in our PA specifically and in intelligent automation, we mentioned early on, you know, obviously your inspirational from a lot of your Investments and very thoughtful and your generosity to the industry. But also, you know being a dad and being a very active that I think I really enjoy seeing videos of your son doing phenomenal flips off ski jumps and with you cheering in the background, you know, talk a little bit. What about you know work-life balance? I think you were to ask my wife or my three kids. I'm not sure they would say that I necessarily have kind of anything balanced quite right necessarily so I would say I'm still learning and trying to figure out how to find that right balance point is as you say and I think that I think it really just comes down to figuring out, you know, the very generic sounding point of what's urgent and important and knowing how to prioritize those things both in your work life and your personal life. There's very few for me personally for my daughter's ballet things or soccer games or ski things is very few of certain moments. I will miss for anything so I don't care if I have to be on the other side of the world on a Thursday or Friday morning come Saturday morning back in California. I find a way to whatever it takes to kind of get back to be there for those moments at the same time on the work standpoint. I think you do have to try to be as deeply committed to the founders and CEOs. Is that you make a commitment to them and they make a commitment to you when you first start to work together and I think it's critically important to be available to them as well almost whenever they need it. So they don't know if I figured it out well, but I think I try to do my best to be there at what I think are the critical moments on on both sides and I'm still learning as I go. Yeah, it's definitely an iterative process. But thanks for being a great that passion for teaching some of us new dads as well as you can manage. World as we all said, we'll find out how that was in about 10 to 15 years just like just like once investments just like our investments very long feedback loops for for investing in companies and raising kids. Yes. Yes. Okay. We have a little lightning round that we like to do as we end interviews just say the first thing that comes to mind. So the best part about being a b c supporting going from there's the most challenging part of your day. Tell feedback. What are you most excited about these days industry Going Global number one reason later stage companies fail indigestion not starvation. Sometimes too much Capital to Quick your past and now Rich. We really wanted to thank you so much for your time today. We can all find you on Twitter @ R WR Ong old. Think thanks for having me on it's been a real pleasure become in addition to business partners and work together on a number of Investments to become friends over the years and see how well you're doing both in your professional life in your growing family. I appreciate the chance to come on the Quran this podcast and I had also just say thank you to all the entrepreneurs and had the chance to work with this last 12 years, and I hope many years to come.
Rich Wong is a General Partner at Accel, a global venture capital and growth equity firm. Rich’s investment focus is on software, internet services, and mobile technologies and he currently serves on the Boards of Atlassian, Checkr, Instabug, Osmo, Qwilt, ServiceChannel, Tune and UiPath. In this episode, Rich speaks with Eniac Founding General Partner Nihal Mehta on his thesis of picks and shovels and why he placed early bets across mobile with Admob and MoPub. Rich shares his experience supporting Accel’s investments in Facebook and Slack as well as why he believes the reigning technology companies today are not immune to another generational disruption. He also speaks to opportunities in enterprise why companies are expanding globally faster than ever before. As an investor in UiPath, Rich speaks to Enterprise Automation and why with the increasing pressure for companies to be digital-first it has become one of the fastest-growing industries. He also talks family; The lessons of grit instilled in him by his immigrant parents as well as his approach to his own family and finding balance between being there for his children and the CEOs during critical moments. If you liked this episode, please share and tag us on Twitter:  @RWong @Accel @nihalmehta @EniacVC @seedtoscale  Send comments or suggestions to
Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on.Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Hello and welcome. Thanks for listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for cancer season in 2019. My name is Renee. I'm a Consulting astrologer and somatic intuitive. These horoscopes are meant to Aid you in your healing assist you and your expansion and help connect you with your intuition and highest self as you listen, please listen with an open mind and appreciate the symbols and suggestions take what works for you leave the rest. Remember that these horoscopes are describing General energy for each sign. It's up. You to get specific. I suggest that you listen to the horoscope for your son and your rising sign. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born. Your rising sign has to do with the time of day. You were born in the place. You were born. If you know your birth information, you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website embodied in the horoscope section. If you enjoy your horoscope, please also take a listen to embody destroy. EG for cancer season in this episode. I'll take you on a tour of cancers the diagonal energy through our bodies hearts Minds relationships and the World At Large. Everyone has every sign in their chart and cancer represents amazing and important energy for each of us. You can find the cancer season episode Linked In the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your favorite listening platform. All of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for free if this work benefits you in your life, please consider. Taking a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going recurring monthly donations can be made at any amount and will grant you access to my expanded monthly reports. These reports are 15 to 20 pages that outline the upcoming months most important planetary aspects of lunar cycles and offer suggestions for how to work most effectively with this astrological energy if Financial contributions aren't possible for you at this time. The number one way you can support this work is by sharing it with your family friends and networks, finally. I want to add a special announcement for any of you who are ready to dive deeper with embodied astrology and your life this Autumn from September 28th through October 2nd. I'm offering a very special retreat in southern Washington. We're going to be exploring the expansive potential and personal manifestation power of Jupiter and Capricorn. This is a year-long Transit which goes from December 2019 through December 2020 this three-day Retreat includes daily movement meditation art writing and astrology classes where you'll learn how To work with your own chart and you'll still have time for long walks on the beach hot saunas and good company get more information at embodied in the Play and Learn section under Live Events. Thanks so much for tuning in everyone now onto your horoscopes. Hello cancer. Thank you so much for listening. This is your month ahead horoscope for Cancer season for your sign. If you are cancer Sun person, happy birthday your season begins on June 21st and ends on July 22nd, when the sun is in cancer, there is illumination of the cancerian the themes the body ruler ships the emotional qualities the behavioral instincts Etc to learn more about Cancer as a quality that we all embody. Please listen to the embodied astrology podcast for cancer season in this horoscope. I'm going to be talking about your month ahead what's going on with transits? And if you would like more information, please go to embodied and click on the special birthday reports under the horoscope section. I create an expanded reading every month for each sign and this month. It's for you. So this is your Your birthday report its $15. It's $10. If you're a subscriber and that includes almost an hour long expanded forecast horoscope, or I look at what's going on for your sign throughout the year as well as a PDF with all of the transits written out in detail for you. So it's a great tool for practicing astrology learning more about it and being prepared being Astro prepared. So I look at the the month ahead for you. What is really clear is that you are kind of at I would say a pinnacle in a transformational process that you have been in now for quite some time. This process of transformation has a lot to do with your basic identity as well as you in relationship, and I don't know if we can really separate one from the other as krishnamurti says we know ourselves by knowing ourselves in relationship. And how we relate to others all others any others and especially important others is these relationships teach us about ourselves and this is really where we have to practice being ourselves and get to know who we are and this is a big theme for you. It has been a big theme for over a decade now since Pluto entered your opposite sign of Capricorn and this year. This theme is really highlighted with the presence of Saturn and Pluto coming together in Capricorn and at the beginning of cancer season the Sun the North Node Mars and Mercury are all in your sign opposing Saturn and Pluto and this really is a symbol of you being in a profound moment of Awakening and awareness and I see those words and I know that those words might have flag connotation. Ins that feel kind of sparkly expansive like yeah, I'm awake. Yeah, I'm aware but with the energies of Saturn Pluto Awakening and awareness are not necessarily easy and the the moment that you're in really feels like the moment when you decide to take a step very decisively into this new version of yourself that you are. me and what you are becoming feels like the the higher evolutionary stage of your spiritual being if you're doing your work and I hope that you are if you're using astrology then I think you're probably on a path somewhere to thinking about your Evolution your state of awareness and your spirituality whether or not you want to call it that a sense of sacredness a sense of meaning with your life and deciding to kind of put down whatever is blocking you from embodying that sense of sacredness and that sense of higher meaning. So as you go through your month, there will be some developments in your life that are really a rising to bring your attention to this next evolutionary step. And as we begin cancer season the earliest part of the cancer season, June 21st through 25th or so. Venus makes a number of aspects which in your chart could feel like the kind of uncomfortable friction and rub of growth and this kind of quality has the sense of urgency to it. It has a sense of potential busyness, but also overwhelmed especially around June 23rd. It may feel like there's just a lot going on. It may feel hard to understand what the purpose is or you may it felt like you lost the purpose or lost the point and that's potentially going to continue through the 24th 25th and 26th that there could be just a sense of overwhelm and confusion. But then as we get into the later part of that week Mercury enters the sign Leo on June 26 and this for you, I think will spark a new kind of awareness and enthusiasm particularly around your sense. Confidence your self-esteem and your values Mercury enters Leo on the 26th, but it is moving into a retrograde and it will turn retrograde on July 7th at 4 degrees of Leo and then travel back into cancer by kind of mid month in July. So the movement of mercury into the following sign of yours Leo and then back into your sign is a symbol. Alors a description of your mental energy moving in the space between self awareness and self esteem and this is a big theme for this month. How do you value yourself? How do you determine what is valuable in your life and therefore your relationship to it? I really want to encourage you to sit deeply with these questions of value. We all have the ways that we Define. Ourselves as valuable and so, you know, some of us might feel more valuable when other people need us or valuable when we are working or valuable when we're entertaining or something like that. So for you meditate on this question when and how and where and with whom do you feel valuable and and do you feel your most valuable and try to to send In sand sea or articulate kind of the roots of those feelings inquire deeply into them. How did these Notions of value become instilled in your personality your chart as I've said a couple of times as primed for transformation and a big place that you are transforming is within your relationships. So I really want to support the idea that your value. Is determined by yourself not by others in your life or by your perception of others and what they may want or need when you are feeling your most centered and authentic you are giving your your best value to the world and it's totally possible for you to live more and more into your centered authentic self. And I really think that that's a big part of what this year is about as I about in your year ahead horoscope now on June 28 Mercury will enter its storm. This is the period of time directly before the retrograde when Mercury slows down mercury in the astrological language is a simple of our mental functions. And so when Mercury enters its storm thoughts and Communications tend to get really slow down kind of confusing and this is one of the periods in the retrograde cycle that is Actually most prone for accidents and miscommunications. So between June 28th and July 7th, when Mercury does turn retrograde, please be mindful. Please be mindful of yourself and your body move carefully take care of your emotional self by remembering as much as possible to not take other people personally. This is a big and important lesson for the sign of Cancer which we all have wherever it is in. Our chart is the place where we really want to learn to not take other people personally to remember that everybody is going through their own stuff and very rarely is somebody stuff actually about you. So especially as mercury is entering and storm. It's important to kind of keep that in reference and in You on July first Mars enters Leo and Mars and Mercury are traveling very close with each other all summer. And as Mars and Mercury are both in the sign of Leo you get energized with this sense of self esteem and value when Mars is in Leo as it will be through August 19th. You are really supported to take action for your values and also for what brings you you and for many people this mean finances. So this is a good time for you to figure out how to increase your earnings if that's something that you're interested in how to go after what you want and what you deserve go get it on July second. There's a solar eclipse and new moon in your sign at 10 degrees of cancer. And this is a really important moment in the year the eclipses that happen twice a year our Times when we have access to a lot of awareness we have access to our deeper truths and these are opportune moments to change to change habits and to change patterns. So check your chart see if you have any placements close to 10 degrees of cancer Capricorn or the other cardinal signs Libra and Aries any placements that you have here those planetary energies will be extra stimulated and whether or not you have placements close to 10 degrees as a can't Syrian person this solar eclipse in your sign is quite significant a solar eclipse is a time when we can get a glimpse into our large ourselves into a corner nature of our identity our personality what we are here to offer as unique brilliant beings as everyone is And the the solar eclipse is conjunct to the North Node of the Moon and in Astro speak. The North Node is a karmic placement and it's what we are moving towards. So this is a really good time for you again to be considering how you feel valuable in yourself to be including more and more of yourself to really try and dispel any ideas or thought patterns that you have that are self negating. Ting really important for you throughout your birthday month or throughout cancer season to practice self-love and include yourself as much as you possibly can this is Amplified on July 3rd, when Venus enters your sign Venus will travel through cancer through July 29th Venus is the planet of love and beauty and magnetism when Venus is in your sign. You get a boost you get a boost of beauty you could boost of With his mm. This is a great time to practice self-love and to let yourself receive adoration compliments attention from your friends from your loved ones and from the world in General on July 8th Mercury and Mars come together in the sky. They form a conjunction. There are several aspects that meanness and the sun are making and Chiron turns retrograde Chiron will be retrograde through December of this year so July 8th. It is an intense day astrologically and the couple of days leading up to and following the eighth have a tone of intensity to them. There's quite a lot of energy. Some of us will be feeling this as very energizing and exciting and some of us will be feeling this as agitating conflicting and overwhelming. So take care of yourself on these couple of days work with the energy as as you. to and as you feel it Kai Ron's turn retrograde happens in the part of your chart that has to do with your Public Image your vocation and career Chiron is a healing force and how it helps us heal is by bringing psychological awareness to deeper pain and ancestral traumas or patterns within our lineages that separate us from our inherent goodness and feelings of holistic Wellness, so, Chiron turns retrograde this begins kind of five or six month cycle again through mid-December where there's going to be a need for you to examine what holds you back and these themes around self inclusion self confidence and self value are highlighted here. What is holding you back from moving out into the world in the way that you would like to in which ways do you want to take up space in a Blick manner on a stage of some kind doesn't have to be a literal stage but on some kind of platform. What is your voice? How do you want to be offering your gifts again? What is it that you are here to contribute to think about what you do that is healing for others and this doesn't have to be literal. You know, if you're not a doctor or a Healer, there are a lot of things that we do that can he all others we can affirm we can give voice to something we can Advocate we can celebrate we can create situations for healing and new awareness and this can be done in all kinds of different contexts so we can perform this kind of healing in our families in our work lives in the you know, collaborations or the relationships that we have with our kids with animals with the Earth. And it's important for you now to think about how you are contributing and participating with a larger experience of healing and integration and over the course really of the next nine years or so. This is going to be an important theme consider how and what you are and do that ripples out into the world in a beneficial way and focus on that and seek to And that and this will greatly help your sense of value and self-worth on July 9th. We have the second quarter lunar Square in the sign of Libra and the Sun and cancer is opposite to Saturn in Capricorn. This is your opposite sign Libra is the sign of relationship and for the cancer solar chart. This holds the place of home and family with Saturn in your opposite sign we have significance around Relationships in general but important relationships and committed Partnerships in specific. So around the ninth there may be quite a lot of emphasis on relationship again in general or towards specific people and maybe towards home and family as well as the ways that you have been conditioned by home and family to participate in relationship on July 14th, the sun in cancer opposes, Pluto Though in Capricorn and Pluto is transformational force. It's asking you to let go of the entrainment the rules the structures and the expectations that you have held around relationships particularly those that have kept you from being your authentic self within them. So this week or so between the ninth and the 14th. There's an extra emphasis on relationships on your accountability to yourself. Self and on some kind of reflective process around how you got to where you are with relationships and what it is that you want to build or how it is that you want to evolve in them on July 16th. There's a lunar eclipse at 24 degrees of Capricorn. This is also the day that Venus in cancer opposes Saturn in Capricorn this continues the theme of relationships and awareness of relationships quite strongly again, you want to check your chart. To see if you have any significant planetary placements around 24 degrees of the cardinal signs Cancer Capricorn Libra and Aries. These placements will be stimulated extra with this eclipse the lunar eclipse conjunct to the South node and Capricorn signifies a letting go of relationship and assumption or expectation or outdated modes of behavior within relationship. To say that if you have significant relationships that are ending at this time, though. All endings can be quite challenging. I think for most of us, especially at this time. Just know that anything that is ending and changing is doing so now for you to move forward in your evolutionary path if significant Beginnings are occurring at that at this time celebrate them and look to see how they are different. Different than what you have done before if relationships come in new relationships come in that feel very similar. It may be that you are getting the opportunity to either do something quite differently this time or that your be given you're being given the opportunity to see very clearly what the pattern is and over the course of the next six months to reset and shift the pattern finally on July 21st, which is the day That the Sun starts to enter the sign Leo Venus will oppose Pluto and the sun will form its conjunction with Mercury. So Venus and opposition to Pluto continues the theme of radical transformation in the self and the self in relationship the Sun conjunct Mercury at the very last degree of your sign is the beginning of a new Mercury cycle that will last through November 11th. And on this day, it's a really good day to notice where your mental process is. What kind of thoughts are flowing through your mind at the beginning of a new Mercury cycle. We come into a new phase and a new area of question from now through November all of the summer and most of the Autumn you are in a place of again really examining how you hold your own value. How you advocate for your own self worth and how this then Influences your relationships and your path and practice in the world. It's a really big month for you my friend. I'm wishing you all kinds of softness soft Landings. If you feel like you're falling soft spaces in relationship with people who are transparent and tender with you. I hope that you can receive love from those around you from those who are giving you compliments and affection. Please let them in grow your sense of self-worth grow your sense of self value remember that your inherent worth and value is not because you are perfect and carry no flaws. It's because of all of the things that make you you all of your video secrecies all of your questions all of your growth process you being you as honestly as you possibly can is the inspiration that others need and that will make your work the important work that it is in the world. Old happy birthday, my friend Happy cancer season much. Love to you. Bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Cancer Season in 2019. Cancer Season extends between June 21 - July 22 Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to the Embodied Astrology reading for Cancer Season. In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of Cancer’s zodiacal energy through our bodies, hearts, minds, relationships and the world at large. I’ll talk to you about how to recognize the Cancerian influence in yourself and others, and offer some somatic resourcing for working with this energy. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Cancer season (June 21-July 22), and also a very healing and supportive energy to check in with at any point. Learn more about Cancer's qualities and the upcoming month ahead with the Embodied Astrology Reading for Cancer Season: Get the Cancer Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hello, this is AJ Roberts 15-year British forces veteran entrepreneur high performance coach and loving father and husband this podcast is for the motivated and inspired for those looking to level up their lives for Fitness Nutrition and their mindset. Welcome to the best version of you. Welcome back ladies and gents to another exciting episode of the best version of you. I'm your host as always AJ Roberts and today I am super super super super excited to bring to you one of my actual coaching clients, Miss Danielle McDermott, Daniel. How you doing? And guys, how are you? I'm great. Thank you so much for coming on the show. Ladies and gents. I've been get done on the show for ages just purely because of the time that we spent together during our coaching program the things that she showed me and just the sheer determination from overcoming a serious illness to what she's doing now, which I'll let her divulge more into going to the show, but just to give you a brief introduction Danielle was unfortunately diagnosed with breast cancer in early November 2018 she later, but then went on to have A mastectomy was given the all-clear and she actually started chemo for about five months the beginning of Jan 2019 during this time Danielle started to write a book which is still ongoing which is fantastic and it was actually three weeks after her chemotherapy that she began training with me. So that was just really a bar. Raising the fact that it's just so shortly after take haven't finished in a chemotherapy just started hitting it in the gym. But again, we'll talk more about that as we go into it. So Danielle, thank you for coming on the show. Thank you for having me as your first podcast interview. Yes. Yeah. Like I said, there's no need to be nervous is actually fantastic. I wanted to get you on because I know for a fact that Your story and your message and your Shear desire and determination to get yourself all the time having gone through what you did. It's so relative to so many people out there specially especially women and it's actually amazing for me to have another woman on the show because a lot of the guests or majority of the guests have been a big males of you know, military background, but everything you went through is is unfortunately so common in this day and age, isn't it? Yeah. Yes wanted to people that will get cancer in their lifetime. Yeah, and we all everybody everyone. I know like all has someone in our family. Unfortunately that will suffer from it one way or another. So let's just rewind backwards. Let's talk about bit about your childhood your upbringing. I've had a really good job Frank and be moment. I heard me talk. We're too small and my mom was a stay-at-home mom. I've got two brothers on a twin sister. We're all very close. We've got a big family on both sides at the age of 38. My mom was diagnosed with cervical cancer. And I mean we were about 10 of the air at the time knew me twin sister and she had to have a radical hysterectomy. My mom was in the middle of a I'm Spar which is a medical secretary diploma, which she still went on to complete Jordan her treatment. Well past the flying colors. Yeah, so she's inspirational my mom. So I think it's a where I get it from Yeah Fuckin Place. Yeah, and what about your schooling and stuff that was was it was an easy ride for you or is it something that fun fairly difficult? If I'm telling off to the age of 15, I wasn't confident academically. I really wasn't I've only really got into the lane and side of things within the last at say seven years. Okay? Yeah, so from when I have my daughter Holly, so I thought I wanted to better my career to the hair to look up to me and go. Look where my what my mom's doing with their life. Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's awesome. And that's quite again relevant to so many people out there that a lot of people do that when they're younger. They just don't really take things too seriously and kind of go to kind of go with the flow and it's only when they have children that are actually like, I want my child to look up to me. Yeah. Well either goes one way or another some people really don't care. A lot of people want to be a genuinely good role model. Yes, you know, we all have a choice in this up to you which way you go and you know, obviously you went the the Fantastic way of the role model so That's fantastic. What's what is it? You think during that time that you know, Holly's been around you think that's, you know been really obvious for her to look up to I think the breast cancer a lot more really see a me go through that. I was very honest with Holly when I was diagnosed with are so she seen me go through and mastectomy losing my hair. I'm not a big thing for a child to see ya so. And I are talking to me first mammogram and which was on the 6th of November this year at that was a year on so I wanted to see that don't be fearful because these things can save your life. That was the message. I wanted to give to Holly so on that and she said the most she's only eight but she's taken note of it. From yeah from experience. I think that like not from the cancer side of things but put a child at a young age experiencing something traumatic to other someone in the family or in their direct environment. It can really make them grow up fast Corner. Yeah. Yeah, definitely definitely they need to understand like the fundamentals of exactly what's going on is I guess maybe what the one of the best things to do is try not to hide too much from them because they weren't fully. Stand now honesty is the best policy in my eyes and I think Holly kids have their own little minds and Beyond like and run away with them if they if they're listening to little Snippets of what's going on. And those are very intelligent. Especially she Holly Bailey is and with telling hey, I didn't say Mommy's got breast cancer. I told her I said that mommy has got its got a sick booby and The doctors going to have to take that away. So that's how I put the forward to Holly. So it was only when I read the book to her called mummies lump and a talks about Mommy finding about lump and it's called breast cancer and she turned around and said Mommy if that's what you want, isn't it? So she know I just didn't use those words to laughs. Okay? Yes, right. Well, yeah, I mean you need to do what best you can to help her learn but protection at the same time. Yeah. Yes, so guys. Going back before obviously we diagnose not like what were you doing that what we sort of day-to-day life workwise say I was saying I work in a university of cool hospitals. Let's just change the name and I've been there from the age of 18 19. I started off with my mum and then as went into the role as a wall clock, so it was all clerical and I was quite happy doing that role. I was there for 10 years, but once I add Holly I was and I come back to where I was. Is this my life where am I going in it? So I was given an opportunity to go into another realm which was there collecting stroke data nationally, and I was getting to learn more the clinical side of things. Although I'm a non-clinical member of Staff which was great for me. I was really enjoying the landing. So then I started my nvq level 2 in business admin, but I also started counseling I had suppression in 2013 and I had to have psychology and put through that. So I went into counseling as well as me business admin. So I was doing quite a lot of work or as and working full-time being a mom but I went up to level 4 with both. Okay. I completed my life. Lil Bit for business admin in 2018, but I was the council and I quote unfortunately couldn't finish because of because I'm a diagnosis so I'm unable to complete that course as well. I don't know because the awarding body and I'll cut their Continuum with the course. Okay. Well, I mean it's not the end of the world at any day because you going on to bigger and better things. Yeah, which is which is superb but What you say even but even before you went through this hardship, you were always very determined to kind of improve what you were doing constant, you know continue to learn preview personal development. Yes. I am set up a relaxation room for our stroke patients on the stroke unit, which was complemented by essential oils relaxation music and some Layton is really common environment and to combat some of the psychological factors of a stroke and I put a lot of got a lot of passion for that and I put a lot of work into it and forms a day partly myself. And so I answered or going in for one employee of the month and November 2017 and then November 2018. I was awarded employee of the year, but I was also a for innovator of the year. So we're two massive achievement. So the Pavements so yeah, it's just since having their it's just making me more determined to strive to become even better. That's amazing. And I know we were talking whilst we're going through chemo through Linkedin because that's how we kind of got to connect and you've been following a lot of my stuff for quite some time and we always said like, you know when you're right, then we'll look at You starting to do the physical and you know sort of owner on the nutrition side of it. What just for people out there who have been through sort of chemotherapy. I know there's different types and they sometimes very aggressive and some people for everyone is different but it's just run through what it was like for you at the very start of your exercise Journey post-chemo. Like how did you feel was it was a lot of fatigue was the sickness like the all that kind of stuff that you read so much about well, I went on to a weekly Kima and that that was more manageable than the three Weekly game. I was having I had three of the EC I'll call it because it's a long ways and I can't remember it. So I had one of you three weeks of that and that made me really poorly so went on to the weekly chemo and it was manageable. So want to come off it was just made me more fatigued so want to come off that I was really fatigued and I met with my Sager and I just wanted normality and my life and I said, I'm sick to death of people telling me to relax it's more and if I'm sitting there relaxing to my mind that start working overtime and it's like you want normality don't yet? And I said, yes and we went we all miss that one. We haven't got it. I said yeah we do. So I am I said, I'm just really fatigued and he said, you know the best thing for that I said, what's that and he said exercise and I won that'll do me brilliant because that the nurses were going down the aisle you need to slow down and I was going now now I know my body I'll do what I can what I need to do. And that was just my determination and people were just like she's mental but I knew where me goalless. Yeah, I need to start to stop builds and me strength because believe it or not. I couldn't even get myself off the floor after chemo. I was there me it just ruined my whole body. Yeah, it has to the strength. Yeah, I can only imagine and that's well since you've started like the training Cycles, obviously, we had a little Gap in between because you had a little bit of surgery had to get done but since then obviously the determination you've just kept burning, you know, once for better word is is still hit there to this day and obviously your strength and your Fitness levels or you know sign of what you've achieved so far and you only use your only partially there. R in in the grand scheme of things. Yeah. Yeah now I'm really happy with how much I've done so far. It's only been a couple of weeks I think as if I'd have been back train and again, yeah, probably yeah, so they've been quite light isn't it? And I've never I haven't run for a couple of years and I run three point two mile and last week and I'm a mile in a coin for three minutes which I was really impressed with for someone who does wrong Journey back to get where they need to go. I'm pretty impressed and it is your mind set on that is a powerful thing. Yeah, and that's another reason why I also, you know desperate to get you on the show because there's so many people out there that they struggle with that just that mindset issue and just going back to what you said then about getting a just getting a time for a certain distance. For example, your you've set yourself a Target you want you've achieved a measurable goal and something that you can then go on to improve on and it's the same for anything like you need to get off that couch get off that bed and do something to give you that line in the Sands that something to to aim to beat and compete with and it or improve on and that's us all with that's all we're doing at this stage for you. And then I've got all these sort of targets. You've got like you've got so many sort of different areas and boundaries that you can you know, you can hit and and compete against yeah, but just explain to The listeners what your big goal is because one of the main reasons why you want it to get your Fitness right up and something that is it is a huge goal in anybody's eyes. Yeah SAS who dares wins now I watch that program or through my treatment. My sister used to say to me watch it. You'll really enjoy it will be really good for you and there I was going on. Well, well, I just really feeling sorry for myself and a face. Papa chemotherapy, so I put it on and I went I'm going on natcher and at that just got me right through the treatments. I looked at, you know one looks at other people's stories. I've seen what they done to get them throughout selves through the tasks and I thought I could I think I could do that and it just ago right? Okay, if I have any chance to get on that show, I need to stop keep my strength up. So that's when I started taking myself off for walks. Unfortunately. I was unable to go in the gym because of infection. High risk of infection immune system is suppressed. And yes, so that's well. And what would you say like looking at especially the ladies are on there now because I guess in essence you're just naturally want us look at them and see what they're doing and almost you know, there's no he's copy them but like cuts it and look at their models of how they train stuff because it clearly works for them. So, you know, it's going to work but like what was it in particular when he first seen the ladies on the show that really cut sort of caught you I that really made. Sit back and go yard. I want to do that. I don't know I think. That's a question. You asked me a question and I can't even answer you think it was do you think it was the fact that obviously when you seen them really like in pain or crawl in push up all the rest of it and but gritting their teeth and getting through it. You saw you saw signs of the determination in them that you see in yourself. Yeah. Yeah. It is. Actually I thought well because the boat comes the face time they let women on the show and I thought well if they can do I can do it and I thought well, I've got through breast cancer. I'll get through this that and that would that my mind set up the moment of thought. Well, I've had the hardest fate and Walt wasn't really a fight in my eyes. I've gone through that which is life-changing experience and a lock and thankful. I could do that. I've challenged myself there. Which up everyone thought I'd just Fall to Pieces because it did suffer with anxiety believe it or not, and I didn't fall to pieces. Okay. I have my moments or crying or I really I got on With a pretty well to be honest on the thought will come off my antidepressants when I was diagnosed with cancer. And then my mom said you don't need them. I went you know what I don't because I know my mindset and I do think the council and trained and has got me there. It's helped me understand me as a person what goes I can do how I can achieve them and I was trained as a cognitive behavioral counselor. Yeah, so I've got that. Yeah, but what you bought you do? You always very much like classic like coaching yourself to believe in something like so positive. Take away the negative thoughts and and to make them stay there and it's it's almost in a way similar to people who want to quit smoking they depend so much on Vapes and patches and all that kind of stuff because their minds telling them that they need to have someone to help them quit when in essence if they twist that slightly and Coach themselves into believing that one they don't need to smoke but to look at all the other things. Negative about smoking. So when somebody one of their friends comes in from outside that smell and telling yourself Jesus, that's what I smell like, you know, just those those little things rather than like, I need something to help me quit rather than thing. That's the strongest thing in the world is you bring it's, you know, it's similar to those sort of lines you you've used that cognitive behavior and on his head and use it. Your advantage? Yeah, three or four Smith or process. So it's easy to have a negative thought and that will spiral out of control when you have fur, but in my I know now that if I have a look I was so stressed before I was diagnosed highly stressed because of the tooth of the courses. I was doing at such a high level. I was working full-time. I was looking after Holly and I believe that stress but this on me because stress is a factor of come. It's a risk factor for cancer. So I am I haven't gone through that and lost me breast worrying about something's not going to change anything. So now I have had to turn my life around and go now if you want to do something you do it because life can just turn like that and come. Yeah. What is this grab it by the grab a by both hands and just live it and enjoy it and I see life differently now than what I did before. I got the cancer. So would your message there be like to really assess. Yeah your current. And work-life balance all the time, you know? Yeah. Yeah, I don't put as much on myself. Well, I'm saying that I'm training for the SAS French. Oh, yeah just not stress yourself out. I mean my career is important to make I love doing what I do, but my health more important as well, and I'm holy having up on me. Hmm. Hootie and about things I can't control excuse me can control is not going to change any outcome. So I've just sent me girls. I've gone. Okay, what you want to do? Well, I want to do this show. Okay. Well you can do this show you put your mind to it and even when I've been on that treadmill and I'm a Mormon I feel so tired and you know, I'm going to be self-aware you go of this program keep running them because you're not going to get on it if you can't get to that goal if you can't reach this age, Miles if you like so that that's just how he talking to myself and I know you can do it you can there's no pant is always yeah not exactly. Yeah. That's an amazing message and this is exactly why I thought it was so important to get you on the show because there's so many people out there that will relate to everything. You just said then now I know not everybody out there, especially females who have been through The therapy stuff that would ever dream dream of going. Yeah, you know, I'm going to I'm going to stick an application in for that scsu. There's wind show, you know, it react the reality is you are probably one in half a million or probably actually one in a million because there's not been probably many of the other girls have been through chemo. So for the ladies and the guys listening as well watching what you need to do there or you're setting yourself. If a goal as big as what you've done is do what we've done where we've we know what the end goal is going to be the end goal is to get on that program what we need to do. We need to see where we are now and we need to reverse engineer that but do it in stages so that gold and doesn't seem that big because if we know so this is why we do this training but doing with you now with in the four-week blocks. So we're taking it for weeks at a time and asset reassessment of the end of those four week blocks to see We need to do to achieve that desired end goal. Yeah. Yeah, and I'm enjoying the program. It's good land for me as well. You know, I'm training as a personal trainer myself, which we are about and yeah, I thought what I've enjoyed about the program with yeah, it's new linen and I love Nate learning new skills, and I know that's kind of and everywhere. It's answer to apologize. Yes. So with the with the personal trainer side of things with you, she's just alluded to there what made you wanted to suddenly be like become a personal trainer. I know like obviously you've got a big interest and helped my fitness and stuff like that. But what what is it that really makes you want to do that course completely and use your qualification. Well, Exercise reduces your risk by 40% for best can offer can say and 60% for bowel cancer. So for me, that's just a no-brainer. If this is going to dunk 40% some massive massive chunk, isn't it? And I thought well if that doesn't give me an incentive to go and get the gym and the juicy sturgeon in my body then what well and that's where that that passions come into it because eventually I'd like to go into cancer recovery. Yeah, is it helping? Yeah, if I can do it anyone can yeah, I totally agree and with with the personal training qualification, this is something that you want to use not just for your own personal knowledge because there during the course, you know, obviously I can tell you a lot of personal trainers will tell you that you don't do learn a lot of stuff that might You might have even not use again the same as any other course, but yeah in terms in terms of the coaching side of stuff in the actual training groups or treating other people. Is that something you're really Keen to learn more about. Yeah. I am. You know, I'm when I used to go to say I could train and I used today watch my friends. So Jose was also a personal trainer at used to pay a small train me last year and she still watches and the classes and I'd be like I want to do that. I'd love to get that ago. So It's always been there. I think just having the cancer just made me it's just gave me that little Porsche. I think also it's clear to be that you have a clear desire to help develop other people. Yeah, and it's some people just really take to it some people some people like a lot more sort of introverted and it's not. Yeah do their thing but like I see it all the time and people I see it in kids and adults all the time. They've got clear skin. Was and clear coaching and developing abilities. And you know, I can definitely tell you a lot one of the reasons why I do it and love it so much is because when you see such positive results as the direct action of like your coaching and stuff like that like it's nothing but positive so this is huge win. That's why I'm sure you agree when like you do something to my have a direct positive result on Holly. I know I know sometimes any parenting but that's is a direct result of your input from a developer developing point of view. So now yeah, yeah that hit day for me, don't you and it's just like yeah, I feel great for what you've done and it's exactly the same with coaching and that's why you know hundreds thousands millions of coaches that they will tell you, you know, it's almost selfish in a way because you're constantly winning. Yeah, but I do believe if you want that negative thought it's wearing off on your child. You know, when I was in depression Holly was quite cheerful and my behaviors will wear off on Holly and I don't want that. So I want Holly to have a positive life. I wanted to be a go-getter and she's only gonna get better from learning from me. Yeah. It's contagious to same as negativity is contagious. Yeah, definitely and you attract that I do. I do believe that, you know, if someone comes into work and they're having a bad day. Day everyone else about day because they're just bringing that into them, but I'm pretty much a not be character in we're always smiling. But if I work in a hospital, so you have to be you know, happy there. You can't be calling in all miserable be you know, they're feeling pretty low themselves. Yeah, of course. Yeah in terms of in terms of your illness the when you had the cancer, what would you say was probably one of your oddest internal challenges internal challenges. Yeah, if you and you know internally, but emotionally what do you think was like the hardest? Hey loss was for me. Yeah. That was the hair loss. Yeah. I was fine with me brass when then the surgeon said you're going to need a mastectomy. I said that's fine. Take it off. I don't need to because no one see, you know, it was more. Because that's your that's my signature. You know, I always have me here to make up Dawn and I remember when the nurse was telling me about how the hair will fall out. You may see a little bit on your pillow when you're in the shower come out tonight. I couldn't get it. I'll behead I was so frightened and I thought what the hell am I going to look like and I really I just really believed. I was going to look like this monster and my brother said to me. Don't look at yourself in the mirror and go. Oh, I'm losing Behavior. He went looking at all of them. Fuck of my hands it over the Bold yet. That's how I looked at myself and my last so I've become a coach probably make up on Avalon and I've been looking at myself and going with me a God and not start laughing and it go. Oh God. I was it got to this but I just saw the funny side to it. I joked with myself. Yeah, and that was the hardest part. Hmm, really? I was because I had such long hair. What you say from that respect probably one of the hardest external challenges would have been going through that and yeah, Holly ants asking all the questions and and her seeing that do you think that was probably one of the hardest external? Yeah. Yeah massively Holly was fine when I went through the operation with the breast and it was the hair loss for her. So once and I come home to tell about Mommy was going to need chemotherapy, which was the 28th of December last. Last year she went you're going to lose your hair. I said yeah home and she sobbed and grab told me no more me now and I went holy it's gonna be fine. I said Mommy's frightens. I'm not gonna lie any hair will grow back couldn't stand people say and lot to me. I will grow back big big fear for me. I have to be strong for Holly and I knew quite well it was growing back at just what I just didn't want to lose it. But if you know it was going on there was nothing I can do about it. And it's all taken control and shaving my head and it was the best thing goes on because it took that worry away and lettings I think so. It's about taking control as well because it's a beautiful women. Yeah, but if you you take that control, you're going to you're all right? Yeah. Yeah. No. No, I totally agree. I really do. It's such an important and quite tough skill really for for so many people people sometimes tend to let things like take control. Of them and that's when it can spiral out of control. It's it can be quite difficult. But like you said if you think what you've done there is, you know classic take a series of negatives and just turn them into positives the whole way. Yeah, I know to do that because I'm suffering my peripheral neuropathy on my hands and feet. So I end up with really say it's Norman us that the fingers and toes but I haven't got the numbness now that small pain and then Location among which has an estrogen suppressant is causing a huge bones as well. So in my head I'm telling yourself that this is normal pain because it may never go. So I've got now we've got to go. Well, this is normal for me now. So I've got to learn to live with that instead to sit and feel I'm sorry for myself and go I can't change it. I want to be where I want to be next year. So get on with it. Yeah and suppose my only hands for my Daniel Hardman up and I just got back there. That barbell again, I'll do whatever I need to do. Yeah, I love it. Well on that it and the stuff that you've covered now, is that a lot of the things you want to talk about and your new book? Yeah. Well me for cam caught I've got my name for my book and I'm calling it falls Brave and bloody beautiful, which I think sums me up. Perfect Andy, I agree. So it's a lot of our mindset the book some funny stories. Reason that as well from when I was younger. It's all about me, which it always is that's the friend and well, when are we looking at the actual release on the shelves release? Hopefully June next year, so I'll have it hopefully finished by the end of February and I want that released by June so publisher March time then come back to me. Be released. Okay, so publisher if you're listening and watching. Be fully aware what you need to do. However, however as as your coach and favorite person, I would like the first sign copy you will get back to you. Well, you've got a part in the book your chapter 24 24. Okay. I'm down in the world. But I've said this a number of times now and pretty much every episode of the last there are several of had people that have you know of other writing books or have books and I seem to be missing a trend here to be confirmed anyway, so obviously we're moving forward with the book. Obviously we're doing obviously this training for you to get you to the best possible level we can to get it to be able to play. And hopefully be successful getting on the SAS who dares wins show. What I would like to do is see. Mr. Jason Fox and at Middleton at the watching this and listening to this to give a little Helping Hands and give gift on that. It's a little bit of advice that they need to make an appearance. However, Apart from the training and the book like what's the gold in fewer? You just taking things one day at a time or you just you just constantly setting new goals all the time. I'm just upset those two goals for next year. But I am and I also want to do the Three Peaks Challenge and 24 hours and that is not something I need to speak with you on. Okay? Yes. I maybe get you on boards. Yeah, so that's another challenge. I'd like to It was well, I do enjoy really love nature. Okay. I meet apartment place. That's when you can clear the mind and I think we all need that was that you put me on the spot in front of all these audiences as it was, you know, I've told you a little bit about the story in my book. Yeah, when they I organized a walk-up Snowden and there's one place you have also involved and there was two women that only I know so we did it was torrential rain. We climbs or got back down as a few paints as a few games of pool and then then hour and a half into the journey home. My phone was ringing my dad's it was me dad. So I answered the phone how Dad off drunk Danielle have you left lens on a Monday at smooth? Oh my God, and I was just like, oh my God, so I don't trust myself. So you left your friends at the mounting. I left them at the mountain. So then the song Started she'll be coming around the mountain never stop mumbling. Oh my God. So yeah you're coming. And so it's a I just wanted to obviously get that. We you know, we touched a lot on the cancer side of stuff and you've you know, you've really expressed like this sheer determination you've had like from The offset really? Yeah, you know, there's hundreds of thousands of people out there that go through this horrendous illness. We our families our children. What would be your message to them like from you know for them to try and help them during the early stages knowing that they're you know, very kind good chances like the end of the tunnel. Yeah, but you know what the first thing I've done was mad to taste and try to calm your mind and it was hard when you are waiting for those results. It's hard and you need to cry because it should release but once I knew what I was dealing with I was able to move forward and once you know that you get to tell you going to be okay, I'm not take that because what you put in your mind your pain in your body. There's women who have never moved on from breast cancer and the Avengers up with a reoccurrence. So let it go once it's gone. That's what my mom and dad said my mom's day two years on the minute. She had a hysterectomy Sheba. It's gone. I'm moving forward. My dad's on the same with his prostate cancer. So I'm doing the same at my breast cancer. I can't change I can change our I will move forward. Yeah, so just be positive mindset. That's all I can say and do enjoy it and enjoy life go out and say I've walks, you know, just laughs laughter is the best medicine. That's all I can play Tia it is, you know, I left all that every time I walk through the door with my brother he going she has got me a job. Missing out to me and I laughed because I could sit and cry about it, but I just wanted my moments but I just wanted to laugh more because I felt better than myself. Yeah, and that's healthy for your body. Yeah, it certainly is and what you just talking about that now on on the podcast like makes me feel good. You know, I'm sure it makes absolute makes all the listeners and the viewers feel fantastic as well and I think that's an amazing message. I mean you could ask her ask for more really and it's for me. It's an absolute pleasure to coach somebody like yourself. It really is. I often get off the phone after our phone calls and I'm just like I feel great. I like a fella huh be coaxed. I know everyone says that this look a lot of support in this moment a council come back. She's a year older than me and she had breast cancer. We met through chemotherapy and she's a results have been remarkable, but she is on chemotherapy indefinitely and she keeps telling herself. I've got five years and I went no you haven't I said you tell yourself you've got longer I said because you're putting that in your body, but you've got five years left know that cancer is not coming back in your body. That's no that's all you got to keep. Telling yourself because the more negative you thought about it the more negative the negativity breathes. It ruins your cells in your body. It does kind of leave that to me. Yeah. No, I wholeheartedly agree and you look at a folks and his home is on their LinkedIn is fantastic. He has a massive brain tumor and he's just completely change the way you eat training has a positive mindset and he was given three months to live well, and it's four years on so Positivity all the way. Yeah. Yeah. I love it. I love it. One last question before we before we wrap. I asked us to a lot of my guests. We've got this little time machine where you can stick a little Post-It note in with a couple of points on back to 15 year old Danielle just a couple of pointers that you'd like her to adhere to I say 15 X or fixes that funny age. Where you Yeah, they you get to be what you want to do, you know you go through adolescence and all the rest of it. What would those kind of what those points look like? What would they say to 15 year old Daniel? Don't follow the crowd. That's one of them that is a big important message because you found a lot of children. I will follow that they want to be like everyone else social media to the main thing that we want to be on now just be you and find yourself and be happy with yourself. And that's all I'd say my Dad said to me and my twin sister your followers or your leaders are me and Haley looked at each other and went followers want to be leaders and we were 15 at the time. I went know that we already polymers and I'm just completely I'm such a different person now, so I would have told myself that in years ago and that's what I put on that poster be unique. Very unique very unique the molds was broken I was made and well it certainly was I love it done. It was it's been an absolute pleasure and honor to be on the show. I'm really glad I finally got to go t to come on and I really hope you enjoyed spreading your amazing message to all the listeners out there and all the viewers. Have you enjoyed spending time on the show? So I've lost it. Really? I was really nervous energy of apologize and I am in the in a medically induced menopause what you got a bit forgetful. So many mind will go blank and over quiet. So I would do apologize about that. But no one more thing. I have to say. Thank you for all you've done with me as well because I've got to do this with your help. No, do you think must have help and I can't thank you enough because even I know that and he's going to call I need to be in that God mindsets. So you're a big part of it. Thank you. It's honestly, it's absolutely my pleasure. Pleasure and I absolutely I keep saying what I'm actually love working with it. It's an absolute blessing and you know, I'm just really glad I'm part of this journey coming forward to help you try and Achieve these goals and when you come to me and said I want you to help me achieve this I was like well challenge accepted and you know, it's pretty great challenge for me as well. So like just you know, it test my abilities as well, which is great in my own personal development. So, you know, Thank you for being you basically and I will be sure to share all your your social media tags at the exit you're on Instagram and on LinkedIn to guys and girls who want to follow Danielle and see you know, see all about her journey and like where it takes to make sure you check out the show notes. But yeah guys if you enjoyed the show and you're an iTunes, please leave a five star review. It means the world to the show means we can get the message out. They're two more and more people with the more reviews it has and but for me and Danielle go out there and be the best version of you. Yeah. Thank you.
Currently, one in two people will unfortunately suffer from some form of cancer in their lives. Today on The Best Version Of You show, I am joined by one of my coaching mentees, the amazing Danielle McDermott. Danielle shares her story to show that there really is light at the end of the tunnel and that you really can enjoy a fulfilled future. Danielle, originally from Liverpool in England and mother to a beautiful daughter was unfortunately diagnosed with breast cancer in November 2018. She then went on to have a mastectomy, losing one of her breasts before enduring five months of intense chemotherapy. To everyone's joy, and excitement, Danielle was given the 'All Clear' by her specialists later that year. On today's show Danielle shares her story of how she felt in the early stages of her cancer and her treatment. What steps she took to create a robust mindset and to take the positives out of everything. What methods she used to explain what she was going through to her beautiful girl and in typical fashion, what she did to lift up everyone around her. As her coach it's been immense to work with her and see her go through this fantastic journey of personal growth. While she was in hospital having chemotherapy, she became hooked on the hit TV series 'SAS Who Dares Wins'. She admired the athleticism and tenacity of the women on there and wanted some of the same, so her goal was set. To train as hard as possible and to apply and compete on the TV show as a contestant for the 2020 series, and that's exactly what we will do. Danielle's message shows you that your mindset really is the key to the best life and even in the darkest of times, if you can take positives out of every situation you can move forward in a much better place and she shares all of this in her new book being release in spring 2020 - Bald, Brave and Bloody Beautiful. A book not to be missed!
It's time for a new era of communication the swine industry one that you can get the latest updates while Community or driving to Farms here. You have the brightest mind of the global swine industry in your pocket. We cannot, you know, replace antibiotic and replacing by just looking at feed additive. I think we have to think outside of the box, but beyond that we have to look at how we feed our pigs based on, you know, look at fiber energy protein. In amino acid so we have to look outside of the box and make sure that we look at nutritional concept. Find it podcast is only possible with the sport of forward-looking and Innovative companies. Like just all always one step ahead and start filling every Pig a simple yet powerful Pig health and production management to boot request experts serving producers and delivering breakthrough Solutions Zoom Pro essential trace minerals, exceptional performance and Genesis the first Power in genetics. Welcome to Need podcast. My name is Marshall and Salvage your host for today's episode. This is episode sponsor highlights about Zoom Pro since 1971. Simple Corporation has focus on one thing Trace mineral nutrition as the most research proven organic feed Trace mineral products in the industry zebra performance minerals deliver performance and profitability to swine operations around the globe to know more go to Hello everyone today. We are going to About applied Pig nutrition an update from Canada with then bussieres. Then the is a great friend and I'll let him introduce himself. But before that, how are you today? Then very good. Thanks, Marcy you appreciate your time. And I guess then to start things off. If you can just tell us about yourself how you got involved in Peak production in your career so far. Yeah, good. Thanks. Yeah, so So yeah, my name is Dan. I'm a French Canadian. So from Quebec so you're recognized my French accent. So I was born and raised close to Quebec City haven't been involved with agriculture until my teenage years. When I work in a dairy farm for summertime, then after that decide to go to animal science and Laval University in Quebec. And so my first pigs during summer job when I was likely 20 21 years old. So that was my first contact with bit production pre-production at that time. So Work summer time for couple of years during my University years in Nevada in Quebec. And then after that when I finished University, I went to work for a feed company. So I was in charge of technical service Rd developing nutritional program for the company. Then I work for Janet said company breeding stock then I had the chance to travel in Canada USA Mexico and Brazil Which was a great experience and then in 2004 decided to start my own business with one of my partner Johnny Boucher. We decided to start group size, which is our business today started in late 204 3205. So it's been 14 years. Now that we have our own business growing into the swine Market in Canada. So today our business is working on the nutrition side genetic production. We have customer in Quebec. Tario in western Canada. I do some work as well in China for some of our partner that have Farm over there. So I do some nutrition Consulting in China probably going to be involved in Japan as well with some production system over there. So we work also with the large group here. You can call high life which is a partner in our business. So I've been involved with that group in terms of research in addition since the 205 206. So yeah, I've been into the swine. Business since that time it's been 22 years 22 years now that I'm just doing swine. I never been involved in any other species. So I'm a I'm a big guy. That's for sure. Very nice. Yeah, I love that. Yeah pigs there's enough to learn about pigs that it's tough to learn about other species. Yeah enough on our plate on a day-to-day basis. We learn every day. So I think as long as we keep learning, I think we can keep doing what we do. Very nice dance. Well, thanks for that. And so we jump right into it. What is the current status of swine nutrition in Canada while I don't think it's that much different than what you could see in the United States. The industry is constantly consider dating there's less and less player. The the people involved are getting bigger. There's a lot of acquisition that had happened lately company that by other companies. So if you look at the swine industry Austrian some of the defeat business there's less and less people that are involved and those company are bigger during thing that we have seen over the last couple of years is the not of the feet company are now involved in to feed additive either a feed additive company, but the feed company or feed company but a feed additive company example of All Tech with Master feed ADM with pain kozma Cargill with the diamond V. So it's changing a bit the way that those feet company or the feed industry is moving as now the they are not just feed retailer and micro premix producer. They also add feed additive line that comes along with their feet service and feed programs. So that change a bit the nature of the competition between the different groups that are involved in Canada. Canada is a large country as well for those that know can I do it's from the he's from the the east to west it's pretty it's pretty large. We have a lot of variation. Grain accessibility. If you go more in the eastern part of Canada, we are corn soybean meal based, you know bit like more the u.s. Feed program. If you go out to s a lot of a small grain barley wheat kernel meal peas feather Bean many double which is the central part of Canada touch a bit everything. They touch cord attached small grain. I think that's a big Advantage for them to have access to most of the ingredients available in Canada and in the midwest as well. So feed costs can vary somewhat into Canada, depending where you raise your pigs. That's a bit of a challenge today to try to optimize our reduce or freak has Quebec versus western Canada. There are some significant difference sometime in production costs due to feed costs. So that's a challenge even though we're in the same country. There's some time big difference that we can see. Very nice. Overall. The paper lotion in Canada has been stable over the last 10 years. There was a bit of a decrease in the 2008-2009 years and after that it's been stable. We are about 1.2 million South but 90 85 90 percent of those are located in Quebec Ontario and Manitoba, which are the three main province of cruising pigs in Canada. So again, like I said, Canada is a big country, but the concentration of production is mainly Tri province Very good. No, that's that that makes sense very diverse and and very Progressive as well as they Wes. The other comment I want to make is about Canada. We have been a lot of influence from the US for sure in terms of all, we feed our pigs, but we've been pretty close to Europe as well. Especially Quebec with the French Connection with the friends in other countries Europe. So I think we have a bit of a mix of North American and European. Gran influence on our feed program. I think we've been probably the first to adopt net Energy System and we look a lot at what's happening in Europe to try to predict what will happen in North America or in Canada within the next couple of years because the reality is that some of the change happen first in Europe and then they come our way so we try to be really close to what happened over there to be prepared and to know what it's coming and try to to get the best out of it and make sure that we are ready when they will change when those change happen makes sense specially from a regulation standpoint and those sorts of things. Yeah. Yeah, that's interesting. Yeah different. Like I know Brazil has a has a strong influence as well from Europe more recent a little more u.s. I'd say but that's interesting to see how all that evolved so very good. Well what what our current challenge there? And what are the biggest opportunities than well? I again the challenge are not different than what you can see Health where the word the use of antibiotic has been on the on the newspaper a lot lately. We knew it was coming. But now the pressure is really on the property on the sector of pig production and other species as well to reduce the use of antibiotics in feed and also injectable antibiotics in Canada the class 1 and 2. Biotech has are not banned, but they cannot be used for prevention. They have to be used for treatment only and with very specific usage. We use usage policy in Quebec. We have the AIM to reduce by 20% the use of antibiotics by next year. The 20% is that really well-defined people talk about you know, is it per milligram of body weight per overall usage or you know by the end of the day there's pressure to reduce antibiotic. We don't see that. Which raised without antibiotics program we see a bit more in chicken in pigs. It's coming along but when we say use of antibiotics more by reducing the users not by taking them out completely. So I think we have to be sensitive to that and we are and most of our research program and development over the last year and the next couple of years will be towards trying to use less of all of those antibiotic and make the best out of our Pace with other mean other concept. The other feed additive or International concept the other challenge that we have and again zinc as been talked about a lot in Canada. We don't know yet. What will be the level we will be able to use today? We can lose the 2000 2000 PPM of zinc in early-stage diet a nursery. There's a new table for which is our guideline for maximum and minimum usage of some nutrient in the in pigs feeding. That should be long. But with government official we never know when it's gonna happen, right? There was some consultation in 2016 about the new new table for and we are two years two years after and we haven't heard about you know, what with what would it be but we know that there's going to be some change. So that's another channel that we have to face today. And then if you do raised without antibiotics program, you have to limit your zinc user you cannot I use eye level of zinc. If you have a raised without antibiotics or never ever to program so you have to keep that in mind. But again, we don't know yet where those level would be set, but we know it's coming and again like we said it earlier what happened in Europe. The downstream will come in North America in Canada us so we have to be aware of that the other challenge we have it's again, it's toxin level in Feed and Grain in Canada again. It's been very variable. Well this year Ontario has been really really bad. We are dealing in Ontario with corn that is anywhere between low talks and level low vomitoxin up to 10 15 PPM and corn so you can imagine doing the when you produce ddg out of that corn what they did. You will look like so it's it's been a bit of a nightmare for a lot of producer in Ontario that their own corn crop put that in a silo and they want to feed it to their pigs, but the corn is contaminated. So so there's different strategy that we have used to try to limit the impact of that using wheat, which is expensive this year or using Bakery meal to try to do the corn but you know, it's tough, you know at some point you have to use that corner you have to there's not enough beef in the country to get all that 30 card. So right it's been a challenge Quebec has been not too bad western. Canada has been really good. So like I said, probably the same in big countries You like you like United States, you know, you have variation within the country. So that that has been a challenge this year, but mostly for Ontario people the other the other challenge, you know, again not new. It's the African swine fever on the feed side the challenge done through the fact that we have to be careful about Chinese ingredient with that being said we know as an industry that we have to use we need to use Chinese ingredient. There's some vitamins that are mostly produced in China, but Today in Canada. We have it's not a regular. It's not that by law but we have kind of a commitment to ask any supplier that Supply us with Chinese ingredient to have a quarantine of 20 days at 20 degrees Celsius. So by the time the product come into Canada the product has to stay for at least 20 other into our warehouse where it's either that 18 20 degree celsius. Some people are doing 30 days 45 days, which is even better. So that's Nana. That safety procedure that we asked our supplier to do to try to protect us from any condemnation of ASF to the ingredient personally am not that much scare about vitamins amino acid. We are more scared about people right and and again people and people because that's probably that they got number one risk factor. And also we have some organic soybean meal that is imported from China to Canada, which is a risk as well. But there are some regulation or some process that have been put in place to try to limit the risk of those ingredients as well. So yeah SF has been has been a it's a threat for our Market because we export 70% of our meeting Canada outside of the country. So for us, it's it's pretty it's pretty big right that yeah, that's something that's way higher than the u.s. Right now, right? Yeah export so interesting. Very good for opportunity. I think you were asking for opportunity margatroid, you know, I think that the strength of Canada in terms of nutrition we talked about it a bit before is the variation in ingredient access that we have even in Quebec sometime. You know, I think we have access to some ingredient that we can use and save money like Baker email is a big is a big thing in Quebec and Ontario a lot of good product on the market that can help us to save money. So we have to look into those. In Canada also has been I think developing a lot of good research program. I think one thing that we like to say is that we have to turn challenge into opportunity. So we know our feet causes have been higher we know we have to deal with, you know with regulation on zinc antibiotic that are not always coming from the industry but pressure from outside of the industry, which is okay at the end of the day we have to deal with that and and comply with those requirements as well. So research has been developing a lot. In Canada, I think there's other company now that are doing great research private company, but also as an industry, I think we try to regroup ourselves together to to increase our strength for research. So we working on some committee right now in Quebec to try to leverage all the industrial ask asset that we have and some public asset like University and research center and try to work more together to develop research program it to be more efficient instead of working in Silo we have to work as a group and try to you know, look at the channels that we have and focus on those Talons and put research program in place to face those Challenge and I think there's an opportunity to Canada to do better on that then I think we we are working on that right now very nice. That's that's exciting exciting times to tackle those those challenges and make opportunities. Like I said, I Like that? Yeah, very good. Then what do you see as recent and upcoming change that will impact how we feed the pig? Well, I think it's coming back to just what we said the last 5-10 minutes but to be a bit more specific. I think one thing that we have to keep in mind sometimes that we cannot, you know, replace antibiotic and replacing by just looking at feed additive. I think we have to think outside of the box. I think it's good to look at feed additive. Talk about enzyme acidifier yeast-based product medium chain fatty acid name it. There's so many product and the supplier are doing a great job to develop those product and come to us to propose those New Concept but beyond that we have to look at how we feed our pigs based on, you know, look at fiber energy protein amino acid. So I think you know, we have a tendency or we had a tendency to say I'm going to try that product to replace the same. Yeah most of the time It could work but it's never as good so we have to look outside of the box and make sure that we look at nutritional concept. One thing that we have learned over the last two to three years that you know, feeding pigs early win pigs. You could do it a bit different and you could help a lot to reduce enteric problem. So example of using lower protein diet lower energy diet fiber into the early wind diet again, it's coming back from what people are doing in Europe and it makes sense because we have tried those concept and we are using those Concepts on a commercial basis where we feed lower energy lower protein. We use Fiber into those early win diet and we have seen great response in terms of controlling enteric challenge not saying that it's perfect because it's never going to be perfect. But we have been able to reduce our Challenge and I think that's going to help us to cope with their reduction of zinc or reduction of antibiotic. So does it mean that we don't look at feed additive or Our product but I think sometimes you have to go back at the basic and say young. Yes. What what should I do different? And what could I do different just beyond the fact that I can add a product or not on top of you know, when I rig take out the zinc or take out that antibiotic in my feet. So I think it has to be has to be kept in mind and I think the key for the industry is to do research and when I see research research at all level University Research, which I Think it's done already by a lot of people in US and Canada as well, but we have to bring that research to the field. So we have to make sure that when we do research has also that feels research that we call and that's where we are involved to have research Barn where we do research, but it's more the application of research into commercial production that could help us to prove the concept that we want to test that we want to apply to our pigs, but it's Made in the scope of reality making sure that we deal with pigs farm that our farm that we are commercial farm. So I think that's one of the key as well to develop those research program which are costly some time but the large company today they are all doing research. So if they do it it's because there's a benefit at the end of the day even though you pay for the research you have to get the staff the equipment but there's a payback because you improve your process you improve your program and you do do it in your own situation because sometimes it doesn't mean that if it worked for the neighbor it's going to work for you. So today I think every large company or every significant company as to the develop their own research program, but at the same time we have to work with the industry altogether to to develop those programs. So there's a bit of a you have to work as a group. But at the same time you have to do it yourself to prove at the end of the year with your own system if it's working or not. Right. No, I love that in and I guess if you then if you could expand a little bit because I see within us and Canada I think is very homogeneous. Even though there's still some some variation there from what the way people look at research, but I sometimes in other countries as well. I've seen that, you know, people are still trying to do one Barn versus the other barn and before-and-after, you know. Change these and this is what happened. So if you can just explain a little bit, you know, what you do to control. Make sure you have a true answer there. Now. That's a good point because you know the before and after or the round one room versus the other room. I don't call that research. So for us when we see research, we have finisher Barnard through the bond sale barn where we have multiplication of pain, you know, we have 48 pens 24 pounds per treatment 16 Pence per treatment we Control, the the pain away toward individual weight of the pigs all the way through we measure feed intake it's done in commercial Farm but we do it, you know with experimental design that make us a Nawaz to run statistical analysis to determine if the difference we observe are due to chance or due to their treatment that we apply to those pigs. So I think and numbers matter when we do research on sale today, we always try even though it's costly and time-consuming we It on a lot of sour variation in cell production is so huge that one-on-one when you want to determine the impact of the treatment on pre-wedding mortality or in firing rate. You need a lot of animals. So we try to stay away from those 12 that are tense our stencil right and so it's again it's a commitment but it's not for everybody but I think today like I said because of the consolidation in the industry and people are getting bigger those big company or those larger producer they have the T to run those research program that's themselves and some time what we do we could we collaborate with each other if if it's a project that is called pre-competitive that is not a project that will just impact your benefit but that could be good for the whole industry and everybody has a need to find an answer for that problem. Then we can work as a group and we did that in the past with other company or with other public organization where we do research with them to solve or to try to find an answer on an issue that is common to everybody. For sure, if I try to develop my own feed program to compete with my feet competitor and that going to share my research with those people, but when it's time to look at problems that are common for the oil industry and that can help us in Canada to do better and to keep competing with with you guys in the US with other country. We have to think like that. We have to be able to collaborate all together as well. Awesome. That's that's great then any other innovations that you are looking at. One thing that we have been an again. It's a bit more specific on self-feeding WE and Marcio based on your past life and we had some discussion on that but we are fighting right now that we met over feed our sound like Titian at some point in time. We have done some work on the blend feeding for lactating cell where we feed high and low lies in diet with the computerized feed system that is able to determine on a daily basis that the amount of feed or lies in a cell needs based on. She didn't a little growth and the requirement of Lysine and we think that our calculation for lies in karma nonce always overestimating what the soul really need and we have some data that support that right now where we found that we could probably feed lower lysing if we are able to fit so one by one, okay, and be able to achieve the same performance even better performance because if you feel over lies in your lord and your lower protein and it fit intake is better. And what we discussed the problem we have today is that we feel like living soil with one single diet and that that has to be made to fit the need of 90% of the South. So we tend to over from late that diet which is I think works but when it's time to look at Cost saving feed cost and overfeeding protein to lactating so we know it can have an impact on feed intake and we have some proof of that in a recent project that we have done where we lower. Routine and we are better feed intake so and at the end of the day are sour had consume the same amount of Lysine because of the veteran take even though lies in level was lower in the diet. So I think there's a lot of learning to be made on self-feeding not saying that what we are doing today is bad because we have people that do 3035 Psy with, you know, pretty simple like dating diet, but I think as we move with modern genetic iron letter size. Sighs cell that I've Limited in take some time in lactation. We need to look at that a bit more closely and I think one of the Innovation that will end all parts are actually those thing is technology use of feeding system automated ferry system that are able to do the job of a worker instead of fitting by hand or fitting bye-bye gut feel you have a system that is able to feed the soil the right way or the pigs in the rest. We are the pigs and finisher the right way. Those technology were pretty expensive. They are still not cheat today. But with the technology that those companies have put in place. We do see better payback on using those technology today and I see a big future for technology automation system big data using everything that we have in a farm to make better decision process. I think that's a that's an opportunity to develop those things. It's not easy to To do that but I think that's a that's a good that's for a future. That's pretty good. Very good exciting research Genesis is the largest independent producer of High Health register purebred swine in the globe having over 80 percent of all registered purebred breeding stock and Canada. The Genesis genetic program uses genomic selection strategies focus on productivity faster growth. Efficiency high yield and with quality to know more go to It is time to our famous. We can transition here then into the three questions. We ask every guest. Yeah. The first one is what is your favorite swine related book? First of all, I should say that I'm not a big reader most of the swine book. I read our pork neck. Gisin that's good a plane my traveling but one book that I've read a couple of years ago is the book by shot alfama, which is the lactating South. It's a book that talked about mammary gland development and the basic of Sawmill production. I think it's it's a pretty good book, even though today we have probably a bit more knowledge and when the book was written it's still pretty good so that that would be if we talk about the true book that will be my favorite one, but I will say that the poor She'll hook farmer pocket back in that we have in Quebec feedstuff. The one that we have out west which is the Keynesian of Journal. I like to read the magazine because sometimes there's some stuff that you can pick up on those magazines and on the web big progress those type of website that I try to look as as much as I can to to pick up some of the idea that are all around the world and try to see if we can do something with that. Very good. And any what's your favorite book or magazine or website that is not related to pigs again. I'm not a big reader. But if I will ask the book that I've read are most of the time biography for sport athlete. The one that I prefer was the one on other Legacy the tennis man. It was pretty good. So I will see that could have been my favorite book that I've read over the last couple of year, but I like to read stop that about Professional athlete or sport athlete with their life. So that would be my favorite type of book and book that are ready to wind and and I like wine a lot. So there's book that talked about wine production and wine in the words. I like to take a look at that as well. Very cool. Well and then the last one then is what in your opinion sets apart successful professional for professionals from those who are not bite the dust. Good question, but I think it's people that are able to apply when I say applies take what we haven't from science or from research or from the world of science and try be able to go on farm with producer with farmer and make the can apply that and making sure that we understand the science and application on the formatting. That's a key point today because the people we work with are well-educated but at the end of the day they want to see the benefit of those Research into their Farm. Decapitation is key and network. I think today you cannot stay in your home office travel nearby. I'm not saying traveling all over the world, but you need to connect with people and the web help you to connect with people but it's more than that connect with face-to-face with people and go see other production in the world and being able to talk with other people that are doing things differently some time. That's great things and I think the last thing is being able to put economics on everything you do because Because at the end of the day money talk so we can talk about nice concept nice science. Nice research project. But is there a payback for the for my producer for my customer? So I think one of the key point is being able to run economics and making sure that when you are in front of your customer you able to prove that the program you want to put in place there's a pay back to that program and there's money to be made for him or cost-saving. So I think that's a key Point as well makes total sense. Yeah. Like it great. Awesome, then really appreciate your time. It's been very thoughtful insightful for me, and I appreciate that. Yeah. Thanks a lot more feel. So good luck with your new Venture and go back and see you soon.
Today’s episode will cover Applied Pig Nutrition: Update from Canada. “We cannot replace antibiotics and zinc by just looking at feed additives. I think we have to think outside of the box but beyond that, we have to look at how we feed our pigs based on fiber, energy, protein, and amino acids… so we have make sure that we look at the whole diet.” – Dan Bussieres. Our guest is Dan Bussieres, one of the bright minds of the Global Swine Industry. Dan is a swine nutritionist, graduated in 1996 from Laval University in Quebec City. Dan and his partner founded Groupe Cérès inc. in 2004. Dan leads the nutrition for HyLife and the Ceres Group is also engaged in pork production by managing a production network of more than 250,000 pigs each year. Dan works on the development and monitoring of nutrition programs for pig producers across Canada. What you will learn: A brief summary about himself and his career; Current status of swine nutrition in Canada; Their current challenges and the biggest opportunities; Recent and upcoming changes that will impact how we feed the pig; Innovations he’s looking at; What separates successful swine professionals from those that are not. Dan’s favorite swine-related book: The Gestating and Lactating Sow (Chantel Farmer) Dan’s favorite book unrelated to swine: Open: An Autobiography (Andre Agassi) Edited by Lauro Faccin
Welcome to the steroid podcast of your book Dan the bodybuilder from Thailand. Start the steroids podcast is brought to you by Ultimate Guide to roids 109 page ebook by Dan the bodybuilder from Thailand now for the first time in bodybuilding history. You have someone with no corporate interests and no obligation to please anyone not walking on eggshells to not offend. Ultimate God towards gives you the information the whole information the whole truth not a full truth and a half Truth full truth. Ultimate God toroids gives you the keys to the Lamborghini gives you the information and lets you decide what to do with it. It's a crime. This information has been suppressed this long. Now, let's get on with the podcast and welcome back to the steroids podcast couple of announcements today before we get on to answering the questions excited to announce that steroids podcast is going to be offering a couple of coaching Services here. And so let me tell you about what those are going to be. The first one is going. B1 our Skype consultations when our Skype or Whatsapp audio or video consultations and so these are going to be we're going to do a phone call or video call it's up to you what your preference is and during that one hour you can ask me whatever your questions are and we can have a discussion it's going to be totally uncensored you know anything goes and it'll be just like the steroids podcast with the questions and answers except that you know I will be doing that directly with you so if you enjoy the steroids podcast and you've got a lot out of it as will be very valuable to you because you'll be able to have a one-on-one our conversation with me about you know what you need to do training diet steroids in order to achieve your physique goals Okay, so that's going to be $59 and the payment can be taken over PayPal or Bitcoin or cash app and that is effective starting immediately. Okay, so you can email me at steroids podcast at in order to inquire about the one-hour Skype consultation coaching Services. Okay. Now the Can't service is going to be text messaging based coaching. And this one puts you in the closest contact with me. So the text messaging base coaching is going to be occurring over the application WhatsApp and WhatsApp is a text messaging application where you can send pictures videos and send text messages. And so you'll have my phone number and you'll be able to speak with me and get answers to your questions. Throughout the day and this puts you in very close contact with me the way it will feel when we're doing that. The text messaging based coaching is it will feel like we're buddies. I mean, that's always how I've wanted it to be, you know, ever since I wrote Ultimate Guide to roids and started the steroids podcast. I want this to be a very personal connection between me who is making this and you who is listening to this or reading to this. So that's going to be how the Text messaging based coaching is and it's going to put you in a very close contact with me since you'll be able to send me messages and get answers to your questions throughout the day. And again, this coaching is not going to be some kind of pussyfoot coaching the way that a lot of these guys do where you hire them. And then they tell you the wrong dosage has Etc that you need to use to be getting what you need to do. Okay, we're going to be doing the right diet the right training and the right. Right drugs and the right dosage has to get you to your goal. Okay. This is going to be very very honest coaching service and it's not going to be something where you feel like you're kind of moving towards your goals, but it's just okay. No, we are going to have you moving in a direct straight line exactly to where your goals are needing to go and we're going to be having Getting a plan going that is going to be a straight line directly to your goals and you will feel confident about that. So the text message coaching is $99 a month and that can be paid for with Bitcoin cash app or PayPal and it can also be paid with by credit card over credit card processor. And that's the same thing with the consultations and Skype consultations can also be paid for with with credit card Visa Mastercard, etcetera over a payment processor over an online payment processor. So for inquiring about the coaching hit me up at steroids podcast at or leave a comment on the website. Honestly the email though, that's the most effective way to get in contact with me. So steroids podcast at the same as the website steroids Same way that you do the Gmail. So get in contact with me for that. There's obviously limited spots on this because obviously this is going to take up a lot of my time doing Skype consultations with you guys because each one of those is an hour and then in addition to that having the guys who I'm working with very closely. It's going to be taking up a lot of my time with the text messaging coaching because I'm going to be text messaging you guys throughout the day, so obviously Leslie there's limited spots. I can't take on everyone. So if you're interested in that get on that, so without further Ado, let's get on to the questions for today. The first question is from own aisle who asks when it comes to putting on mass is testosterone the number one and a bollock or should other steroids be used as the main Mass Builders. Yeah. So testosterone is the number one synergistic anabolic okay to Strong works better with other steroids at building muscle than any other steroids. Okay, but it isn't necessarily the best anabolic like, okay. So testosterone is the healthiest best anabolic. Okay. It has not many negative health effects if you're able to keep your estrogen in range. So MIT, some people say, you know, I can't keep my estrogen and Range, you know over 700 milligrams of testosterone a week or over a thousand milligrams of testosterone a week different people have different sensitivities to estrogen conversion from testosterone. And this is so individual, you know, some people may not even have to use any anti-estrogen tablet on seven hundred or a thousand milligrams of testosterone per week and other people, you know, even taking eczema stain 25 milligrams every every single day. Might not be enough to prevent them from having itchy burning nipples and estrogen side effects, like bloating and stuff. Okay. It's so highly individual. So if you're one of these guys that does not create a lot of estrogen then something like Arimidex or eczema stain when you are using testosterone in high dosages, you know, something from a few tablets per week up to one tablet every day would be, you know, reasonable dosages but for other guys even taking one like for For me for example take if I'm on a thousand milligrams of pharmaceutical grade testosterone per week taking one eczema stand tablet every single day will still result in me having high estrogen levels. And you know, I would get I would get guy now I would need more than that. So for people who have highly aromatize in bodies, meaning their bodies produce a lot of the aromatase enzyme the enzyme that converts or transforms testosterone into estrogen. Those people have to use letters all so if I use more if I use a thousand milligrams of testosterone or more per week. I have to use letrozole. Okay, that is the ticket letrozole is so much more powerful than a room at X or X Ms. Dang. So the way that goes with the letters all his you know, one tablet of letrozole is roughly the equivalent of an estrogen suppression as two or three tablets of Arimidex or eggs MSD. Then it is much more potent. So guys that say, you know, I can't use a lot of estrogen converting steroids because I have estrogen problems. I'm really sensitive to estrogen. I'm just telling you that the ticket to overcoming that struggle is using letrozole. Okay, so people who are worried about because they've heard things like lectures all makes people feel like shit or something. That's only for people that don't create a lot of estrogen but if you are a guy that creates a lot of estrogen as you know, Rizal will not make you feel like shit. It will actually make you feel good because you'll be able to easily control your estrogen levels for the first time in your life. If you have always struggled with it and found like oh my God, you know, whenever I go over to cc's of testosterone per week, you know, the estrogen it just you know, screws up everything. Well, dude, you need to get on that let result Rainman because it will change everything, you know from from 1,000 milligrams per week of testosterone up to a thousand five hundred milligrams per week of Roster own, you know one letrozole tablet per day. The letters all tablets are dosed at two point five milligrams per tablet. That's the standard dosage for lectures all guy and one of those per day will completely put me in the normal estrogen range and everything will be good. Whereas, you know on that same dosage. I might actually need to be you know, I would at least be needing to use two eggs msdn per day, you know, or to to Arimidex per day and you What some days that might not even be enough and I'd have to use even three so like for example stain 50 to 75 milligrams or Arimidex, you know, two to three milligrams per day, which is it's too high, you know, it's too much. That's that's not what you want to be doing. You don't want to be, you know, taking like multiple tablets of anti-estrogen per day every day, you know, and so that's why letrozole is such a valuable tool because it's you know, it just it stops the estrogen conversion if you are a high estrogen Her you know when you find lectures all that's going to change things and when you use that your body will function as someone who is not a high estrogen converter. That's why letrozole is so so valuable and so for you guys that have trouble with using testosterone that will be one of the things using letrozole and discovering that will be one of the things that allows you to start using high testosterone dosages which allows you then to start putting on that big thick muscle. tissue and you know, this is one of the things too is that you know, there's different types of muscle tissue, you know, that men's physique type of muscle fish tissue that it's not really thick it's not really 3D it's still like for example, the muscles will look long and lean okay long and lean and they will have a good definition stuff, but it doesn't have that big thick slab of 3D bodybuilder type looking muscle Okay, so If you are looking for that big 3D thick body builder type looking muscle, you know, that does not look natural at all. It doesn't look like a fake natural at all. Okay, it looks like a bodybuilder. You got to be using dosages, you know minimum of 1,000 milligrams of steroids per week. Okay, and like I said using testosterone testosterone is the body's natural chemical, so when you're on testosterone dosages and you get your blood work done When you're taken high testosterone dosages you will notice you'll see this in your blood work. Hey, this doesn't affect my health. Negatively. Whereas when you were taking other steroids and you take your blood work. You will see oh this affects my health negatively. That's because it's the natural chemical. It's a natural hormone. Okay. Yeah, of course taking you know Monster dosages when you're going up, you know to avadh, you know, one 10 milliliter vial or more per week. Eek like Pro bodybuilders do of testosterone. Yes, that does negatively affect your health and it does negatively affect your blood work. Okay, but, you know going up around a thousand milligrams per week or even up to a thousand five hundred milligrams per week or so, you know the effects on your blood work that show, you know, whether your body is functioning optimally and functioning healthily, you know doing those it I can't say that you know for you for sure. You know, it will not harm you but for the vast majority of people it does not affect their blood work in like a big negative way where if a doctor saw it, they would think like oh shit, you know, you're definitely on steroids and you know, you're really screwing over your health. I've gone lots of times to doctors and had them take my blood work when I've been on high dosages of testosterone only and they have said my blood work is perfect. Okay, and then I've been other times when I've been on things like Trend ballon or clenbuterol or Dianabol and stuff like that and the doctors have looked at my blood work and been like holy fuck like what are you doing to your body? Okay, the thing with testosterone and this is why it's so valuable. Is that the but it's a natural hormone to the body and the body knows exactly what to do with it. So when you put in the super physiological dosages of You're not going and putting in some kind of weird chemical that your body has no idea. What the hell is this? And it starts freaking out and causing a bunch of health problems. Okay. So testosterone is extremely valuable. There's other ways to get in high dosages of anabolics. So if you want to do bodybuilding the healthy way or the healthiest way, you know, stay away from oral steroids for the most part just use them for small amounts of time. They are oral steroids are generally much. Much stronger than injectable steroids. They just are and that's one of the reasons why you know, they're tempting to use a lot and but the way to longevity having a big strong healthy body that you're able to maintain that for decades is to rely mostly on injectables and to use everything else sparingly and when we're talking injectables to rely on we're not talking about very many different injectables either like we're basically talking In testosterone Prima Bolin equipoise Deca and really if you're relying on a lot of other things to be like as far as steroids go as far as male hormones go if you're relying on a lot of other things to be, you know, constantly maintaining and building your physique, you know, that's going to be taking a very harsh very harsh effect on your overall long-term health and there's going to be a timer on that of how long you can do that before it bites you in the ass. And so that's one of the reasons why I talked very highly about testosterone and it's one of the reasons that the guys who do this for a long time and they know what they're doing. They all say, yeah, I like testosterone a lot you guys gotta it's important to meet people in the gym. And in the gym you go to or in Jim's you do you will go to Etc. You got to talk to the other steroid users because just reading the stuff on the internet like you really do not get the full picture. You get you know, who knows who it is who's typing the stuff out that you're listening to and a lot of times it's such garbage information. You got to be, you know, this information is very well. Guarded. That's why would the steroids podcast, you know this podcast that I do for you guys and also my book Ultimate Guide to roids, you know, a lot of you guys say like I've been searching for this information everywhere, but I just could not find it. Yeah, that's because it doesn't exist on the internet like this content that I'm producing for you guys is the first time that that's really World Way like the real way of doing performance-enhancing drugs and doing them to a high level and doing them for a long time and maintaining them as ever been released to the public. So it's very important to know not only you know what you read on the internet which is mostly completely bullshit and you should really disregard mostly everything that you've read on the internet regarding steroid use and to be start talking to people in real life who are big guys. Who have maintained their physiques over decades that is very important. So, like I said, it's it's not like the people who are big have always completely relied on testosterone and some people don't but they do rely on those injectable anabolics. Okay, that's what I'm saying. So some people do just use, you know, one cc to CC 3 cc's of testosterone per week, you know, but then they're using, you know, a gram of equipoise per week or a gram and a half of equipoise. Weak or Deca per week, you know Graham of deca per week or a gram of pre mobile and per week like equipoise Deca pre mobile and testosterone. Those are basically your four choices. If you want to do bodybuilding for a long time and you want to maintain a strong physique a big physique not be, you know, fucking up your health and having, you know extreme consequences down the road. Those are basically your for options. And so if you're thinking Talking about making bodybuilding and steroids something that you're doing for a long period of time. I highly recommend experimenting with those drugs and seeing which ones are the ones that you know suit your body because everyone's body is different in which one's create the least side effects and the most gains for them and you know using them if you want to get big 3D thick muscle like a bodybuilder, you know, not like a fake natural or something, but you actually want to look like yeah I have Slabs of muscle built up the truth is is you've got to use one of those hormones at a thousand milligrams per week or more like point-blank. I'm telling you that right now that is what you have to do. And since testosterone is the natural hormone. It is the most healthiest one out of those four hormones Preamble and equipoise Deca and testosterone that you can use that's why it's such an important steroid. Obviously you have got to use you got to control your estrogen in order to make it effective. But one of the reasons why back in the 60s the 70s the 80s why testosterone wasn't so widely used and they were using you know, more equipoise more pre mobile and more Deca equipoise and Echo were the ones that were really being used a lot in dosages like 3 grams per week for grams per week stuff like that back in those days. The reason for that is because they didn't have anti estrogen or aromatase inhibitor tablets back them. All they had was no vedek starting in the 70s and Nova decks does not reduce the systemic estrogen or the total level of estrogen in your body. All it does is just block it mostly at the nipple there were estrogen receptor in your nipple and not really effectively anywhere else. So they simply had no way of controlling the estrogen from testosterone and so we're left with no other choice. And then once the once in the early 90s Arimidex letrozole and eggs amidst an came out and they were now on the market now testosterone could be used and it is the healthiest injectable anabolic to be using and it builds Mass like crazy. Yes, you can build mass on those other injectable anabolics, but you do have to use those dosages of them in a thousand milligrams plus and you have to be on them for a long period of time a lot of guys will hear what I'm saying. And you know the guys who are the status quo in this industry, you know ifbb Pro who will never tell you the correct dosages that they use, you know, they're secretly if they say they're doing something else. I mean, it's a lie, man secretly. They're back there doing, you know grams of these injectable anabolics. Okay. So if they say like, oh my God, this guy's a drug Pusher saying, you know a thousand milligrams per week. No, I'm not. No. I'm not a drug Pusher. You don't have to do it. If you don't want to be a bodybuilder if you just want to be like a men's physique, dude. You know, he doesn't look like he has thick 3D slabs of serious muscle built up and you're like, you know, you're a you're a bodybuilder, you know, if you don't want to look like a bodybuilder you want to look like something else then yeah, you don't have to do this, but I'm telling you right now. Okay, this is what bodybuilders do this is what bodybuilders do and if that's what you want to do is be a bodybuilder. This is what you have to do. And you know, it's shocking. It's can be a little bit shocking and it can be a little bit like oh, this is something new it's something that I did not expect but dude. This is the way it is. This is the way it is don't do it unless you know what you want. Okay. So this is the first episode of the steroids podcast that I have been filming here on location in Thailand. So I realize that you guys may have been hearing some Thai sounds during the last 20 minutes or so of the podcast so I have now Moved locations, but be aware that if you heard some kind of funny noises or funny sounding voices. Those were some Thai sounds I'm still finding out a good location a good location to record the podcast here. Alright, so the next question is from Marco. Who asks, is it possible to build muscle with less calories? How many calories per body weight are necessary? Okay. So this is a good question about recomposition and like what is the you know, what is the reality about body recomposition on steroids? So there are certain steroids and performance-enhancing drugs that are better than others for body. Composition burning fat and building muscle at the same time, but I want to preface that by saying that if you expect to build large amounts of muscle and lose large amounts of fat at the same time, then recom positioning is not what you what you need to do. Okay. So bulking or cutting is the way bulking is the way to gain long huge amounts of strength and muscle. ASL sighs. Okay, and then cutting is the way to lose large amounts of fat, you know, if you want to build 10 pounds of muscle and you want to lose 10 pounds of fat then. Yeah, if your natural you could go on steroids and do that or if you want to build a 5 pounds of muscle and lose five pounds of fat and you already use steroids, you know, you could go on a cycle and do that. Okay, but if you need to lose 30 pounds of fat, okay. And that's your goal. The only way to make that happen is to eat less food and you know increase your metabolism while using the steroids to hang on to the muscle mass. So, you know, if you're on steroids and you're on a good dosage, you know more than 700 milligrams per week 700 milligrams or more per week and you are on a calorie deficit. You don't really lose muscle man you will you will have some um, your muscles will not be for. Okay, they will they will look smaller about a week after you start dieting and your on Lower calories and you start losing weight. Your muscles will look smaller, but that's not actually muscle loss. It's just the fuel storage and water inside your muscles that makes them appear big and full it's going down. And so when you start eating again, those will go back to normal. Okay, but as far as body recomposition goes, yeah, that's the thing is a lot. You know, he'll hear some people say like, oh, well, I'm re comping or something. Well, if you've got serious amounts of fat to lose. I'm sorry to tell you. I'm sorry to tell you but this is the reality is that re comping is not going to be the way to get to your goal. Okay the way to get to your goal is going to be to restrict the calories that you're consuming and to do cardio. If you were a person that has an extremely high metabolism where it's hard for them to gain weight or when they go off of steroids. They lose weight that kind of person. Okay, you don't need to do cardio, but for the regular people, okay, the vast majority of people who have a normal regular metabolism. When you go off steroids you gain fat? Okay your body re compositions in the wrong direction, you lose muscle and gain fat. Okay, and you don't really lose. Anyway, you just stay the same. So those people need to do cardio? And you know, there's all these people out there. Who are they have these genetically fast metabolisms and they're like, well you don't do cardio that burns muscle. That's not the average person. Okay, that is not the average person. So for the average person, yes cardio is an extremely effective tool for losing weight and losing fat and if you are on steroids at 700 milligrams per week or more. That is a force field around your muscles and they don't really like the muscle tissue doesn't really go away. It'll only look smaller temporarily while you're on on that calorie calorie restriction. so know that you know, I wanted Marco to know that when he asked this question that He's asking you know, is it possible to build muscle with less calories? Yes, but it's limited. It's a limited amount of muscle. Okay, if the main indicator for recom positioning and if it's working good is if your weight is staying the same on the scale. Okay. It's not going up. It's not going down. It's staying the same on the scale and you are continually gaining strength on your maximum lifts over time. Okay over weeks and I'm talking about something like You know, you're lifting. Let's just say this for an example. Okay, two plates two wheels on each side of the bench press so a hundred kilograms or 220 pounds on the bench press and let's say you can do that for fifteen reps. Okay. Well now you add on another five kilograms or 10 pounds on each side and you're able to do the same amount of reps 15 reps. Okay the next month. Okay, and your weight didn't go up. You didn't gain weight. You didn't lose weight. Well, that's a sign of body recomposition. Okay, gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time. And if you want to continue being on steroids and gaining weight and losing fat at the same time, then you know that can't just stop after one month that has to be continuing and that's how you're going to know whether your body recomposition is being successful or whether you need to you know, cut or bulk because strength is a serious indicator of muscle growth and performance enhancement. If you are not having an increase in strength over time, then your muscles are not getting bigger. So the only thing that steroids do you know, they're not magic they make it so that the fats carbs and proteins that you eat are digested and used more effectively for building muscle. So if you're not gaining strength gaining reps on your lifts in Jim well, then, you know those steroids are not being there. You're not delivering the fuel for those steroids to use to build the muscles. And that's the bottom line. Recon positioning is one of these things that it's sort of like an excuse like it does work. It does it does work, but what I'm trying to tell you is that it works in a limited manner 5 pounds of muscle gain 5 pounds of fat loss. Something like that. Okay, that's where body recom positioning is useful, but in severe cases not even severe but just in cases where you want to change, you know, you want to drop a bunch of fat or you want to gain a bunch of muscle body recomposition is not useful. The one area where this could be, you know where there could be an exception to this rule is if you're talking about somebody who is natural they've never used gear before and now they go on a big cycle for the first time, you know, like 350 milligrams of tremble on per week 600 milligrams of testosterone per week 50 milligrams of Dianabol per day or something like that. Okay. Now somebody whose natural And goes on something like that. Yes, they can do something like losing 15 pounds of fat and gaining 15 pounds of muscle over three or four months or something like that. Okay, but for the vast majority of guys, it's not that way and so you said like, you know, how much you asked. You asked. You know, how many calories do you need per body weight? So you need to be maintaining your way. That's what recom positioning is is maintaining your weight and having that and having the muscle go up in the fat go down. And so putting yourself in the optimal the optimal position for doing body recomposition is a bodybuilding bro diet a lot of protein. A lot of carbs and they have to be starch carbs not sugar carbs as to be something like grain like bread, like potato like oat like rice has to be those kind of starch carbs that your muscles can use for fuel storage and powering your workouts helping you to be stronger for longer during your workouts and then eating a lot of protein. That's what you need to be doing and then maintaining your weight while eating not changing your weight not going up not going down while you're eating those kinds of This and then when you are not able to gain strength anymore, I mean in order to keep the body recomposition going you have either the choice basically of increasing your drugs, you know, you could increase your drugs the amounts of steroids and performance-enhancing drugs that you're using to start, you know, continually. Well, your body has stopped adapting to being on a maintenance calories intake and being able to add strength so What's a variable you can change adding more steroids in order to make it so that your body can now do more with this limited amount of food that you're supplying it with? Otherwise, it's not going to do much and you're just going to be stagnating and you're going to be wondering something like why am I taking steroids for all of this time? But I don't really look that much different from my first cycle stuff like that. Well, it's because you're not gaining strength. Continually. You're not improving. Performance continually because you're not supplying the base ingredients enough fats carbs and proteins for the amount of drugs that you're on to increase your performance. So this stuff I mean it's it's really black and white. It's really black and white and like I said body recomposition. This is one of those things guys. It doesn't feel good to diet. It doesn't feel good. It feels like shit. Okay, that's why you know cardio if you're if you want to lose weight cardio is very valuable because cardio is away. A to lose weight and not feel like shit. Okay, restricting your calories. It feels like shit and it's something that you're going to have to do in order to lose weight if you're not doing a lot of cardio. And then as far as gaining a lot of muscle and a lot of strength, there is no alternative to that but gaining weight on the scale losing a lot of fat getting really shredded. There is no alternative to that but losing weight on the scale. That's the way it is. I hope that clears things up for you guys with body recomposition and how that works. And then how you know, if you've been giving yourself a set amount of calories Each week and then your performance stops being able to increase. Well, you have two options. You can either increase the amount of food that you're giving so that your drugs can now utilize that food to keep on increasing performance giving it more food or so that would make you gain weight or you can just not do that and increase the amount of drugs, which would then make your body be able to more effectively utilize the food that you are giving it and might be able to help you to be able to increase Your performance some more for longer, but you know, that's not the long long-term way to be doing things. Alright, the next question is from Jordan who asks, what are the effects of a slightly elevated liver for a long time? No signs of jaundice or lethargy urine also remains clear since I'm always hydrated. Yeah, liver stress can be seen in the eyes. That's the main the main indicator of liver stress is your eyes the whites of your eyes. So if you guys have ever watched the Delray Misfits look at big Lenny and they make jokes about like, oh my gosh, his eyes are like gray or something or they look bad. Right? Well, that's because he likes to use a lot of d-ball. He likes to use a lot of Dianabol and not coming off of it. So if you have a fucked-up liver, it takes about 30 days of no liver stress for your liver to recover. Okay, so to let you know if you have a fuck Liver from drinking alcohol or from taking tons of oral steroids for long periods of time and not coming off stuff like that. You gotta go off of whatever you're doing to cause your liver to have all that stress for about 30 days and then your liver cells that's generally enough time for your liver cells to regenerate and become healthy again. Okay, but the main sign of you know, yes dark dark urine dark urine is a sign of liver stress, but it's really even It's more of a sign of kidney stress. Okay, rather than anything. It's more of a sign of kidney stress for liver stress. The main that main indicator is look at your eyes. Okay. Look at your eyes. Are they bloodshot? Are they gray? Do they have a yellowish tint to them? A lot of people say like, oh jaundiced and like getting yellow eyes. Okay, that's not actually a primary. You know, that's that's severe. Okay, that's very severe but the main indicator that you will When your liver, you know, you asked me what are the slight slightly elevated liver enzymes? What are the what is a warning sign? My liver is not healthy and I need to stop what I'm doing before this becomes much more serious. Okay. What is the what is the indicator of that the indicator of that is bloodshot eyes Okay. Reddish eyes bloodshot eyes, the whites of your eyes not being bright and white some people. Genetically do not have bright white eyes, but you know what your Baseline, you know, the whites of your eyes, you know what the Baseline looks like and if you see them, it's not yellow. Okay, it's not it's you know that they become yellow at a much very severe extreme and dangerous State. Okay, but the sign that your liver is being under stress and you need to stop what you're doing before it becomes a serious problem is those whites of the eyes becoming a bit reddish and bloodshot. That is the number one indicator for liver stress. Okay. Next question is. Oh, he also asked about Jordan. Jordan also asked about 200 milligrams of testosterone per week and 200 milligrams Master on per week for trt. And yeah, this is something that that people do so when you've been on steroids cycle for a long time and you then go off of steroid cycle or you've been on strong stare voids and then you go off to a cruise dose. You know, what because you've been on those High dosages of steroids where your steroid receptors your hormone receptors have been under a lot of stress and have been you know, they desensitize a bit. And so then when you go back down the you go back down to 200 milligrams or something of testosterone per week your sex drive can be like shot for a little while for like two or three weeks while those hormone receptors in your brain. Re sensitized to oh, you know 200 milligrams of testosterone, you know is a normal amount again rather than you know, a thousand five hundred milligrams of total steroids or something that your brain was receiving per week before so it's very common to go off of a strong cycle. Especially if someone uses something like Tran and or just I mean anything a really high dosage of testosterone, whatever and you go down to 200 milligrams per week. It's It's Not Unusual. Its more common than not to for two or three weeks have a pretty a pretty significant dip in your sex drive and sexual ability. Okay, so people that's annoying. Obviously that's annoying because you're still on, you know, testosterone but your sex drive is screwed for two or three weeks. And so there's a couple ways that people combat this you can either just, you know not care and just know that in those two or three weeks that year on the Our own after you've come off the off the cycle that your sex drive is going to be lower or like Jordan was asking. You know, what do you think about master on at 200 milligrams per week for the cruise with the testosterone 200 mg 200 milligrams per week for the cruise. Another thing that people do is they add 25 milligrams of probe iron per day to deal with this and yeah that does take care of the low sex drive side effects, you know, you won't have that dip anymore, but it's also not, you know appear Cruz. Where you still if you do it like that, you've still got some stuff in your blood that is causing, you know some stress to you probe. Ayran and master run not very stressful. Okay, Master run is used for breast cancer will it was before anti-roma taste drugs, like letrozole and stuff like that were around it used to be used at one thousand four hundred milligrams per week in women for treating breast cancer. Okay, it was used in very high dosages. For long periods of time for treating breast cancer. It's a very well-tolerated drug by humans Master on yes. It has a lot of side effects as far as like acne and oily skin and feeling annoyed feeling agitated and also an extremely high sex drive. Okay, and then probe ayran is basically orally available Master on it's just basically Master on and providing are the same thing Master on they have the same effects. you know anecdotally when you take them you can't really tell the difference between the two a hundred milligrams of provider and per day has the same effects as a hundred milligrams of Master on per day and They both have these, you know lifting up your sex drive effects. So if you want to do trt and you want to add in, you know, 200 milligrams per week of Master on or 25 milligrams per day of probe. Ayran to your trt know. I don't really see a problem with that. Both are human grid drugs. Both are drugs that are used, you know by in high dosages, you know Master on is sorry. The master on is used. Fourteen hundred milligrams per week. And the probe ayran in Old Men is used from 75 milligrams of to like a hundred fifty milligrams per day for treating impotence or low sex drive and old men and also depression and old men was the usages for it. So and that's by in medicine that there is they're very well tolerated drugs in humans without having, you know, any kind of site, you know, massive Health side effects and things like that, but it isn't just a pure Cruz so no, so Oh, no that normally when you do your cruise, what you're trying to do is get your body back to normal back to homeostasis, okay? And you want to just be taking the natural, you know, replacing your natural hormone at that point at that point. You don't want to be doing all this stuff with all these steroids and drugs all the time on your cruise because that's kind of like a smoker, you know saying, oh, I smoked 10 cigarettes per day, but now when I'm trying to get my tolerance down or something, I'm going to smoke, you know to cigarettes per day. Well, how about if you want your tolerance to go down, you know, just just smoke know. Cigarettes per day or something or the same thing when somebody says, you know, I want to take a you know, I don't want to be so addicted to coffee or caffeine anymore something you know saying? Okay. Well, I'll only drink, you know, one cup of coffee per day instead of four cups of coffee per day, you know the best way to do it if you want to reduce your tolerance and you know get your body back to normal is to do no coffee per day. Okay. So the best way with the steroids is the same thing on the cruise the point of the cruise is too Reduce your tolerance to steroids get back to normal and just be doing the natural way. Okay, so that then when you get back on the steroids again, you had a full health with no no strain on your body and you go from you know, normal again back up back up to a performance enhancement dosage. So the best way and the point the whole point of cruising is to just replace the natural hormone levels. So if you're doing more than that adding probe ayran Master on Decca, whatever. Optimal no is it acceptable? Yeah, you can do that if you want to it's not what I would recommend but it's not going to have severe effects severe consequences on you if you're using 200 milligrams of Master on per day with your trt or sorry 200 milligrams of Master on per week with your trt or 25 milligrams of probe iron per day with your trt. It's not going to have severe negative effects, but it's not an optimal optimal way to do trt or an optimal way to cruise. It's just not that's the truth. There's a a lot of excuses that people can may can make but it's not optimal. Okay. The next question is from Joel and he has how long you think you could take 10 milligrams super dual Super Draw for without it affecting appetite. I'm thinking 600 milligrams to stas thrown 200 milligrams tremble own with per week with five milligrams of superjail twice per day. This is instead of the equipoise book cycle as it's cheaper and maybe more effective. Yeah, well super Joel is very effective. So super draw is extremely effective. Okay, it has extreme strength increasing effects. It really enhances the way that your body uses carbohydrates in your muscles, even at low dosages like that 10 milligrams per day five milligrams morning and night. Yeah, it will have, you know, it will have a large effect. If you're eating good bulking diet you the the 10 milligrams of super draw per day adding that to Your cycle will have a large effect. But you asked for how long could you take it without it affecting your appetite? And mainly what I'm going to say, I'm going to interpret that what you're asking as you know, how long can you take it without it, you know having detrimental effects on your health where you're going to need to stop taking it and the answer to that is anywhere from three to five weeks. You know super super draw. It doesn't really matter. What dose did you take it? The stuff is very toxic. Okay, it is it is more toxic than steroids like Canada or Dianabol or or Winstrol stuff like that. Okay, super draw it was it was invented by the same companies that invented those human grid steroids that were marketed and are the traditional steroids that are used by by bodybuilders. So syntax. Is the company that was researching all those roids and then releasing the ones that were had the best have the best muscle building effects and the least health effects. OK Super Draw was one of the ones that they researched and yeah, it had great muscle building effects, but it also had severe liver effects and that's the thing is that when you use super draw after three weeks or so, you're going to start noticing that your eyes look different and your liver is going to be under stress. Okay? And after like four or five weeks, you're going to notice a pretty significant and like severe difference like in your eyes your energy Etc things like that being tired all the time not wanting to eat having bloodshot eyes. This is what super drill does because it's toxic. It's like it's like a light poison. Okay. Yes. It's extremely effective for bodybuilding and yes, it can be used as an alternative to Tren trend is also very toxic Okay, so A lot of these, you know, there's no there's no like there's always a catch 22. You can't have these super powerful compounds that are going to be, you know, giving you these super powerful quick effects to your physique like Trend and super jaw without having, you know, an equally negative health effects, you know, that's just the way it is, you know for everything that goes up everything must come down. So super draw it should be used sparingly. It should not be something that you're relying on to build your physique and stuff like that and it's individual. Some guys I've known some guys that can't take more than 10 milligrams of super Jolla 10 to 20 milligrams Super Draw for two or three weeks and then they have to stop for me. I can take it from three to five weeks. And then I have to stop it just depends on the time different times that I've taken it have been different amounts of time before I realized. Hey, I'm getting toxic. This is definitely negatively affecting my health, and I have to stop doing this now. Now, yep, that's just the reality on Supergirl it is it is what it is. All right, and then the next question is from Nick who asks what's arms can be used by women. My girlfriend is currently on five milligrams of lgd and she going good no pussy growth happening when you said anavar grows pussy. You mean clitoris by the way, right? Haha. Yeah, I do mean that but I mean the whole thing so it's not just the clitoris that grows when a woman takes steroid. It's her entire outer pussy area. Okay, like the the inner lips of their of their pussy and and even the outer lips the entire thing grows. Okay, like the inner lips the corresponding so, you know that all fetuses start out like UNICEF Okay, like, you know men have nipples and you know women have breast men have a penis women have a clitoris men have a scrotum, you know a ball sack women have inner vagina lips. They all come from the same tissue in the embryo and then they they become the corresponding parts of the male and female reproductive system and That's dictated by hormones. Okay, so the only difference the between the the male and the female reproductive system that makes them, you know, either go to male or female from that ambiguous or not male and female state that they start out at is hormones. Okay, and the way that they go if you don't have male hormones if you just have female hormones or no hormones is being the female way. Okay, and then if you have male hormones Then all of a sudden those tissues become a male reproductive system. So the thing that happens is since women have never had these male hormones ever exposed to their system before and since male hormones make the genital tissues. Go towards male development. What happens is if they ever take any steroids there ever exposed to any androgens any male hormones ever at any point during their life. They're the first thing that happens to them is their genitals start becoming a man's genitals. Okay. So does that mean that they have the hardware to you know grow, you know testicles in a ball sack and a penis. No, you know when they were when they were young when they were babies growing up inside the womb, you know that time already passed but they can become like they cut they can become similar or ambiguous like You know a hermaphrodite someone who has you know, undetectable genitals. It's like it's kind of a male genital and it's kind of a female genital. It's like it looks kind of ambiguous. It doesn't look like you can totally tell the difference between them, you know, so easily, you know, like normally you look at a pussy that looks nothing like a cock. Okay, you know, you look like a pussy that looks nothing like a cock and balls. Okay. Well once you start adding mail Moans two females. Okay, they're pussies start becoming looking like cock and balls. Okay. It doesn't become cock and balls but it becomes more similar to so where you're saying. Okay, like yeah, it's still kind of like a pussy but it kind of looks like a cock and balls to okay. That's what it means ambiguous. Genitalia Genet genitals. Okay, and and that that is that is not a good effect. You know, some people say some stupid ass shit like Hey, if you you know, if you do that and you're going to the women is going to have like a better orgasm or like an easier time having an orgasm or something like that. Okay, let me tell you something. Okay? Let me tell you something. No fucking woman ever went into the gym and said, you know, I'm doing this because you know, I want my clitoris to turn into, you know, a you know, a pseudo penis where you can't really tell the difference. Between ourselves, you know someone he sees it and it's like this big protruding thing and it grows in thickness to and and it's like oh, well, you know, it kind of looks like a woman's, you know pussy but it kind of looks like a guy's cock at the same time. You know, there was no fucking woman ever who went into the gym saying that that's what she wanted to do. Okay. So again people make these insane excuses and stuff like like oh, yeah, we'll help you be better orgasm or something. No. Okay, it may have that effect. It may have that effect. But you know what you didn't want to become a fucking transvestite, you know, no woman went into the gym with saying I want to be a transvestite, you know, I want to transform my genitals into looking, you know, halfway between a man and halfway between a female Okay, and like I said, it's not just the clitoris that grows. Okay, it's everything the entire pussy grows. The lips grow the lips become they become More rugged and hanging down more and looking more like a man's scrotum. You know, if you guys want to see extreme pictures of what the ultimate outcome of this is then Google Denise Massey no pussy on Google with the safe search off and you know, you will see, you know, the ultimate outcome of what happens between a woman's legs when she takes steroids when she takes Male hormones. Okay, it's not pretty it's you know, so revolting. Okay, so that would be the ultimate outcome. And so when a normal woman starts taking their hormones she gets on the train of progressing towards that ultimate outcome that doesn't happen overnight looking like that, but it does start happening the beginning of it starts happening within the first few days of using male hormones. Okay, just like when you take testosterone and the first effect that you have on your nipples You have high estrogen levels for the first time in your life. What do high estrogen levels? Do they make the breast start forming? Okay. Okay. What do you high androgens do in women they make the penis and testicles start forming? Okay. So if you take male hormones and you're a woman you start to form male genitals penis and scrotum. Okay. It's a very very disgusting and sad sad thing. Thing that women are, you know convinced that this is some kind of good thing in bodybuilding or that this is something that is going to happen from their body building because I guarantee you that there is no woman on planet Earth that went into the gym. And this was you know, her ambition was you know, I want to grow some some male genitals. I want to make you know, my my vagina, you know become more like a penis and and Pause and no huge and something that between my legs is no good. Okay. So you said that your girlfriend is not having any effects on five milligrams of lgd 4033 per day good for her. You know, what most women that do take lgd. We rostering or any other storms were anavar or Winstrol women also take Deca. They'll take like 50 milligrams of Deco per week or Prima Boleyn same thing like 50 milligrams of Prima Belinda. A week, you know all of these things even at these super low dosages. Usually the first thing that it does is it starts affecting their pussy your your girlfriend is unusual in that it's not doing that to her. But if you increase the dosage, it would start doing that to her. Okay, so there are some women that you know, just like there are some men that can you know, take some testosterone and not have the, you know, not grow breasts if they don't use an estrogen blocker and anti-estrogen tablet. There are some women that low dosages. Of these steroids can you know not have these pussy growth effects, but for the vast majority they do. Okay and that's the first thing that starts happening when they using them before the muscles before anything the first thing that starts happening when they start taking them within the first few days is they start to notice that their genitals their pussy is pitching. Ting and burning and starts growing and once it starts growing it's permanent. Just like Dino with you. Once you start growing that guy know it's permanent, you know, if she stops taking it after the first if she stops taking the steroids the male hormones this arms after the first couple days. Yeah, no permanent effects. Okay goes back to normal. Okay, but if she still keeps on taking those for like, you know a week or more and she's noticing these effects like itchy burning genitals, dude. It's permanent. Like she's going to have a big pussy for the rest of her life. And also it affects their voices like their voices become really horse and raspy and like a boy going through puberty taking steroids taking male hormones. Okay? Why the fuck would a woman take male hormones? I don't like masculine women. I don't like masculine women. What fucking bodybuilder likes masculine women? Okay, one of the whole reasons why guys like body Winning is because they're in sexual dimorphism which means the difference between men and women the physical difference between men and women. They want to be more masculine and generally if they want to be more masculine, you know men want to be more masculine than generally they prefer women who are more feminine traditional bodybuilders are traditionally, you know, the vast majority of bodybuilders are conservative traditional guys with we're not talking like the pro bodybuilders. Okay, because their heads are all fucked up from from tremble own use at extreme dosages. Okay, and so they're like perverts and sex freaks, you know it this is not politically correct guys, but you know, that's the way it is. Okay, that's the way it is. And that's what trembling in high dosages does to totally fucks with your brain, especially, you know, the sexuality of your brain tremble own a high dosages. So as far as you know, what can they use as far as what can women? Use do not use male hormones. Okay. Do not use male hormones. Don't go to the gym to become more manly if you're a woman don't use male hormones. If you have got to take some supplements, if you're a woman if you've got to take some supplements for some Fitness and for some gym, I'll tell you okay human growth hormone and clenbuterol. Those are the things and if they've got to take something if they have got to take something more than that to get like, you know more hard. And lean for a bodybuilding competition a stage or something like that. Then they can suppress their estrogen levels. They can do something like taking some Arimidex or some Nova decks. Okay, but that is going to have negative effects like negative effects on their boobs and stuff like that. Okay, like breaking them down, but that will allow them to get rid of some of that estrogen or female related fat that makes them look like females like fat around their butts fat around their hips fat on their thighs having those lower estrogen levels like that if they see Press their estrogen hormone levels with Arimidex or Nova decks or something like that. But the you know, they shouldn't do that. They should not be manipulating their hormones. They should be doing something like taking computer all that'll help them burn fat on their whole body and it won't make it so that they lose womanly fat. Okay and start looking more like a man because it won't do any it's not a hormone. It's a stimulant clenbuterol is a stimulant and it reduces fat on the body. It makes their cardio work better. It'll even make them a little bit stronger human growth hormone. It makes their skin have more collagen. It makes their skin be a little bit thicker. It makes their hair grow better there and quicker. It makes their nails grow stronger and quicker things like that. Okay. So if and it also makes them burn fat, so it doesn't really do much for the muscles though because you know, they're not going to be taking it with male hormones human growth hormone has to be combined with male hormones in Build muscle if you're not combining it with male hormones. It's not going to build muscle. So the ideal the best supplements the best Peds for women are clenbuterol and human growth hormone. And if they have to take something more for a few, you know, just for a little bit of time to do to get stage ready to get stage ready to do a bodybuilding competition then as a last resort something like Nova decks. Or Arimidex, okay to suppress their estrogen levels a little bit and help them get rid of their womanly fat that makes them look like a woman. Okay, and they're nice womanly soft skin that makes them look like a woman, you know taking a room at X and Nova decks can help them get rid of those things if they absolutely must do that. But as soon as you start adding in for the vast majority for the vast majority as soon as you start adding in steroids Psalms anything that stimulates Lates male hormone receptors. The first thing that happens is their pussy starts growing. Okay, their vagina lips become more wrinkly long hanging down scrotum like their clitoris grows a head on it starts protruding out of what looks like a for skin starts getting more harder and erect the look of their genitals it Looks kind of like a cock and balls. Okay, it looks kind of like a pussy. It looks kind of like a cock and balls. This is a very sensitive subject and it's one of these subjects, you know, like tremble own with guys and how it like makes your dick smaller when you're on it. And if you're not using cabergoline on it, you have zero ability, you know as the dosages increase zero ability to get her direction is zero ability to have an orgasm, you know stuff that people just do not want to talk about and never really have talked about in the history of bodybuilding. But it's just the way it is. And you know, this is the same thing with this thing with women taking steroids is like everybody talks about, you know, when you talk about negative steroids side effects and women and then people say like, oh, yeah. Yeah, like, you know it the the deep voice or something and they act like, oh, well, that's the only effect the deep voice or like maybe their hair isn't growing as good or something because they took some steroids and like those are the negative effects know there is a much much more Insidious. This effect and that is the fact that their possi quickly starts to resemble a cock and balls. Okay. The last thing I want to talk about today is recreational drugs mixed with performance enhancing drugs now hormones in general male hormones in general. It's more of a long-term game where your health is going to be affected where you taking, you know steroids for a long period of time, you know over years over decades. And you have high blood pressure. You have high cholesterol. You have bad blood lipids over long periods of time and then it starts to screw up your veins and arteries fill them up with plaque. You go grow an enlarged heart from Gaining a hundred pounds of muscle and a bigger person has a bigger heart. That's the way it is. So you do those things and you do them for a long time. Now, you're putting yourself at a more susceptible risk to when you add something like recreational drugs, especially recreational drugs that make your heart rhythm change or make the way that your valves are pressing together and pounding. You know, how hard that's happening different. Or the speed at which your heart is Contracting, you know, you add that with long-term steroid use and somebody who has some blockages and plaques and things like that high cholesterol high blood pressure over the long term in the effects of those things from taking steroids for a long time. Yeah, you can get a bad event, you know about event and early death. When you combine that kind of a situation with recreational drugs. Okay, and generally the kinds of recreational drugs that cause these really Out of facts like this is stimulants. Okay. So stimulants affect your heart things like caffeine things like Adderall amphetamine methamphetamine MDMA speed Molly Ecstasy. All these things that are stimulants. They affect the rhythm of your heart how hard your heart beats how fast it beats you combine these things with odds these this is the danger zone. Okay. This is the danger zone, especially long-term steroid use things like high blood pressure and doing that you putting yourself in a dangerous situation. Now where something you could get an acute side effect where you could you know, spontaneously die, even without, you know, having been on steroids long-term and having those kinds of, you know long-term health effects. You know happening and building up over time so that then when you take the recreational drugs your arteries and heart and veins and stuff like that are not healthy. You take the recreational drugs, you know after doing that, you know taking the steroids having the bad arteries and veins and heart for you know decades take that recreational drugs that can be something that tips you over the edge and you know ends up with a heart attack or a stroke or something like that. Well, there's another way that you could you know not have to be taking you know, performance-enhancing drugs for a long time. And then you mix those performance enhancing drugs the recreational drugs and you could die and that's not necessary. Not really something that is combined, you know combining steroids with them. It's combining things like T3 and clenbuterol and then taking recreational drugs on top of that or using diuretics and then taking recreational drugs on Up that? Okay. So we're going to go over really quickly. You know why that is so T3 clenbuterol and diuretics they all change your electrolyte levels and your electrolyte levels are essential for your heart beating because there's an electorate there's an electrical signal that is going down from your brain and then it goes to your heart and it causes the valves in your heart to contract. Okay, and in order for that signal to be able to go through all the valves in your heart the correct way and make your heart beat the the right way that it's supposed to be beating on the right Rhythm the right. And the right hardness of contraction you got to have proper electrolyte levels. So if you've been sweating a lot, if you've been taking drugs that affect your electrolyte levels like diuretics clenbuterol T3, these things can make the rhythm of your heart change the speed at which your heart is Contracting change the speed at which the heart is working. Okay, they can have bad effects on the heart. Now you combine that with recreational No, drugs that also have those effects of the same time and you know, you can have a cardiac event a cardiac arrest a heart attack a stroke stuff like that that can just happen spontaneously from combining things like clenbuterol T3. With recreational drugs, especially stimulants Like Cocaine High dosages of caffeine, you know, we're talking extreme dosages of caffeine or MDMA ecstasy or combining all of these at the same time. Okay, if you're on clenbuterol, for example, or your auntie three, both of which seriously affect the rhythm of your heart, you know, that is so dangerous to be on those. And at the same time be using something like ecstasy methamphetamine Adderall that also have Direct effects on your heart. Okay that can literally I'm not saying it will kill you. I'm not saying it will kill you. You'll probably be okay. Okay, but it can kill you. That's one of those things where you can mess up one time and you can die. Okay, it's not really from combining male hormones. It's with those recreational drugs, but it's from combining things like T3 and clenbuterol or diuretics those things with recreational drugs messing up one time with those things. Even if you're new to using performance-enhancing drugs with those combinations messing up one time you can die. So that's that's the main thing that you want to just steer clear of, you know, something like smoking weed dude that That's not that doesn't have no effect. Okay as no effect, it can you know make your heart rhythm a little weird. So if you're taking to you through your computer all and you smoke some weed, you know, you can make your heart kind of feel like it's like beating out of your chest or something for a little while, but it doesn't have these same Direct effects on the electrical signal that's going into your heart. That's making your heart malfunction Okay, so Do not do not combine these things a lot of guys, you know in the bodybuilding culture raving raving going to dance clubs going to dance festivals and taking ecstasy. This is a very common thing taking methamphetamine. This is a common thing that you know, bodybuilders are known to be doing taking Adderall taking alcohol combining all these substances and a lot of times. You know, what these same guys are using clenbuterol and T3 or even diuretics. Same time to look good and look like a superhuman at this event, you know, very ripped very shredded with the diuretics the T3 the clenbuterol in there and then on top of that they're drinking alcohol and they're dropping ecstasy, which has you know, who knows what in it ephedrine caffeine combined with MDMA which is a type of methamphetamine. It's methamphetamine analog. Okay, these kinds this kind of thing is so foolish and it can kill you in a one-off Time. I'm doing it it can it it can that's the reality. If you do that kind of thing, you're taking a risk at dying right? Then another thing that you're doing that that could do that could take a risk at dying is having your electrolyte levels out of balance. Like I said with the heart beating so make sure that you know, if you absolutely must do this kind of thing, here's one thing that could help save you from dying from mixing stimulants. Channel drugs with clenbuterol T3 and diuretics and going to a dance festival or something is electrolytes, you know, if there is one thing that could help you if you're going to do that and there's nothing that I can do to prevent you from doing that. Then the one thing that could help you reduce the risk would be electrolytes and making sure that your full electrolyte put panel the calcium the Magnesium the sodium. The potassium are at optimal levels, but if you're taking diuretics, well, they're not an optimal levels. Okay. So now you're screwed again. This is why it's not it's not why it's do not do not mix. Do not mix T3. Do not mix clenbuterol and do not mix diuretics with stimulant party drugs like cocaine or Methamphetamine or ecstasy Molly stuff like that your You're putting yourself at risk of dying from doing that. You're putting yourself at risk. It's an extreme risk taking Behavior. If you would like your questions to be answered on the steroids podcast go to steroids and leave a comment with your questions or email or private message steroids podcast at or steroids podcast on Instagram until next time.
Bulking Steroid Cycle - The Steroids Podcast Epidsode 19 ask questions for the show - Inquire about consultation and training 0:00 - 1 Hour Skype Consultations 2:50 - Text Messaging Based Bodybuilding Coaching 6:30 Testosterone and Muscle Mass Building 7:00 Health Effects of Injectable Testosterone 7:30 Anti Estrogen Dosage on Steroid Cycle 8:40 Letrozole Dosage Effects 11:50 Men's Physique Muscle vs. Bodybuilder Muscle 12:20 Bodybuilder Steroid Dosages 12:45 Blood Work on High Dosages of Testosterone 15:00 Doing Bodybuilding "The Healthiest Way" 15:45 Testosterone Equipoise Primobolan Deca Durabolin Steroids and Longevity 19:00 What is required as far as steroids dosages to be a bodybuilder 23:20 Body Recomposition on Steroids 25:30 Cardio on Steroids 26:30 Calorie Restriction and Losing Muscle on Steroids 27:30 Strength and Body Recomposition on Steroids 29:55 Gaining Large Amounts of Muscle and Losing Large Amounts of Fat 31:25 Body Recomposition Diet on Steroids 34:48 Real Life Symptoms of Liver Stress of Steroids 37:15 Liver Stress Yellow Eyes vs Bloodshot Eyes 37:55 200mg Testosterone 200mg Masteron Per Week for TRT 40:00 25mg Proviron Per Day During Cruise 40:25 Masteron uses in Hospitals and Medicine 44:40 How Long Can You Take 10mg Superdrol Per Day 46:25 How Superdrol was Discovered But Not Marketed for Human Consumption in the 1960's 48:39 What SARMS Can Be Used By Women 49:00 Details of What Happens to a Woman's Genitals When She Takes Male Hormones 52:25 Excuses for Women Taking Male Hormones 59:25 What Performance Enhancing Drugs Women Can Use if They Absolutely Must Take Something 1:00:03 Effects of Nolvadex and Arimidex and Anti Estrogen in Women 1:00:40 Effects of HGH and Clenbuterol in Women 1:04:12 Detailed Dangers of Mixing Certain Recreational Drugs with Certain Performance Enhancing Drugs 1:07:30 Most Dangerous PED's to Combine with Recreational Drugs; T3 thyroid hormone, Clenbuterol, Diuretics This Podcast is for entertainment and conversational purposes only. This author does not support the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs. If any substances mentioned in this video are illegal in your country do not use them. Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or supplement routine. Do not take anything mentioned in this video as advice. It is simply conversation, not advice.
Hey, everyone, Chris one here. This is accent out loud a podcast about one person's take on English language learning accent modification and communication. I'm on my way to work today. We're going to try and figure out today's episode. I want to continue a little bit with that idea that I was practicing in Australian accent turned to pause as I go.Heard it try and give you insight into what I'm trying to listen to and what I notice about an accent just going to drive into work today, but we'll do another podcast and just sort of listen as we go same idea check the episode. I did last week to get the gist of it. Today. We're going to do with something a little bit different. I'm not going to pause necessarily as often. I might just speak on top of the podcast itself over overtop the podcast that we're listening to same speaker. Wendy Zuckerman different episode and the idea is again. I'm going to pause interrupt talk over with the intent of framing up what I hear as a speech language pathologist in somebody's accent and try and give insight into how I see and hear things now because I already have a native English accent to bit different but it's the best thing I can do as a native speaker to try and Proximate how I think or how I perceive what non-native English speakers are going through. Hi, good morning. These are two men. Signs verses from gimlets anaphylaxis. So last time on the last episode I raised some Flags in terms of things that are different between a North American English accent General American General Canadian English accent versus an Australian accent the things that we talked about were sort of the hard R sound so we're not really going to hear part ours. It's more like for example the word bad. There would be more of a bear shark last week was one of the main words and it's more of a shock shock instead of shark. So we're not hearing that hard are sound and then the vowels are a bit more backed. What I'm hearing is more. So open mouth postures more exaggerated mouth movements elongated manipulations of vowel sounds percent specifically when they're going through diphthongs, which is a trend. Titian from one value to another vowel within the same syllable other things that I noticed were the up-and-down exaggeration almost of their International pattern. It's a bit more sing-songy at least the way that I noticed it and there's a lot more raising intonation which sounds almost like a question when she's talking to bit more common now, but it's something worth noting. It might just be against me. It to her but the intention was to analyze how she sounds so if that's specific to heard and that's something that I'm picking off and that's that's something specific to her individual accent. This is the show that piece this is the show that picks enough Alexis. So what I'm doing now is I'm just sort of talking overhead with the intention of immediately practicing and immediately attempting to imitate exactly what I'm when I'm on I'm seeing or what I'm hearing mimicry is one of those things that is in the research and it's a strong proponent for how one builds or developed an accent. We are sort of hardwired as human beings to pick these things up to notice differences in sounds production and there is research to suggest that when I hear an accent different from mine. I will try to accommodate or approximate. What I say to sound more similar to what I hear now the social behavioral evolutionary sort of argument for that might be that by accommodating by almost unconsciously starting to sound like other people who are a little bit more different in terms of how they're they're sound repertoire is that you're building trust your building communication. You're sort of on a sound level. Trying to be similar to the person that you're interacting with and evolutionary wise being similar being sort of having an in-group out-group knows who to who you belong with or who you want to belong with or who you want to align yourself with so I can I can see the argument for that. And so basically I know this is kind of long winded. This is kind of far-fetched, but the idea is I want you to realize what I'm doing when i'm mimicking I think. A lot of times the concern was that people have when they're practicing is they're not fully committing. There's no full commitment or going a hundred percent all into this this sort of communication. So the eye is the want for me is that I can show you what I'm trying to do when I try my Australian English accent my general Australian English accent to hone in on what is going to be effective. Helping you with that communication and what may not necessarily be as effective. I think a lot of times when people are learning a new accent. They don't know how to hone it down or dial it down to its specifically what they need to change or what they can improve with learning in English accent. I think that a lot of times when I ask clients or when I posed the question they can tell something's different. They can tell. Oh, I see I don't sound this way or this sort of thing. It's a bit different but I Don't think they fully necessarily grasp as a whole how many different things are moving all the different moving Parts in an exit. So it's really helpful to have that imitation feedback right afterwards so that you can try it out immediately after a notice the different things involved. Maybe you can get the sounds that you want but maybe the pitch or the delivery or the pacing is not the same. It's all of those are actually key components to an accent and ones delivery. For communication and even amongst native English speakers being a more effective English speaker involves these nuanced pieces of delivery intonation changes in loudness changes in Pitch changes in your ability to not have so many interjections on cause your ability to sound confident when you are speaking versus Rising that tone at the end, right? Getting that pitch at the end to literally give the cues of a question when you don't really necessarily mean a question. I know for one myself. I tend to be a largely apathetic person. I don't really necessarily make my emotions as exaggerated as I think other people would appreciate when I'm communicating. So as a result, I do come off a pathetic monotone at times. So one thing that I can do as a communicator, even if I'm not necessarily feeling more emotional is to intentionally change. My pitch change my pacing change my loudness so that people really get the breadth of in depth of my communication and pick up on the nuances that I want them to pick up on to be a better effective communicator. full axis within the last few decades one of America's favorite snack foods to Public Enemy Number One. You really hear the number one. Not number number. Has died after having an allergic reaction to peanuts peanuts peanuts in the classroom means lunch boxes are kept in the according according. According another thing that I want to talk about was I talked about twang last week, but it wasn't really I didn't have a great definition of it. And so I loved a little bit deeper looked online see what researchers and Voice coaches and things like that are saying about Twain and twang reflects an actual anatomical difference to the vocal tract. So it's an interesting. Because I don't think at least from a speech-language pathology point of view when I'm focused on whether or not a child is able to pick up a certain sound properly or a adults is able to regain some of the communication. They might have lost after a stroke twang is not a high priority. I can definitely see it being an impactful thing for a voice coach. For a actor for anyone who is on that upper echelon of communication who is trying to tweak how confident they might sound or how commanding the voice that they have but twang is not something that I've typically dealt with now from The Voice coaches from the research about it twang appears to be the lowering of the epiglottis. What it essentially mean we backtrack a second. I believe all this is a flap inside the throat you can look it up online. Basically, it's not that important for your purposes. But essentially what what my understanding of it is they're opening the throat as essentially a better resonance chamber for your voice. So just like when you think of an instrument and how the the shape of the instrument you're playing paternity particularly your brass instruments your trombone, maybe even your wind instrument. So your trombone your tuba your saxophone the shape of that brass instrument determines the overall sound of it the larger the belle of the in So I'm thinking tuba versus trumpet, for example, the larger the shape the more deep or low base that that sound necessarily my count what trumpets things with narrower in shapes might do to compensate these you have to use more breath. You have to use a louder more effort forcing that are through and that generates your louder sound. But my understanding of twang is it considerably a vocal technique that is used to increase the efficiency of your sound in the sense that you are able to generate a louder sound able to generate a more full-bodied sound and able to generate a resonance in the throat or in the yeah in the throat space which facilitates that loudness. Now sometimes with that increased resonant people apparently can miss characterize that as nasally which is what I briefly alluded to when I mentioned it last week, but it's not actually nasal. It's more throat bass. Anyways, it was something it was something interesting for me. I thought I might as well share it and we'll just keep going on. Go to CDC. According to the CDC us have peanut allergies one points for possession and quadrupled since the 90s with data data. So it's data. Sometimes I hear more data, depending on where you are in the English-speaking world. You might get a bigger difference daytime. It's almost her that a sound is so elongated for me it so dragged out compared. It's like half a split second longer for all her vowels. She really takes a little bit more time and it comes across as more emphasis when I'm saying it to myself by my gut instinct is to say data or data, but data if I'm going to say it that way she almost as data there's and maybe it's her broadcast. Invoice maybe it's her podcasting voice that wants her to fully enunciate her sounds and so there's maybe a longer duration for each of those sounds but it's something worth noting according to the monkey a peanut Saturdays. So so you can hear the exact comp different comparison. So and so there's a lot more exaggerated transition of her initials vowel sound to the final vowel sounds so sad so and I'm almost like really a nun saying set out sort of an upwards tense. I feel it in my cheeks when I'm saying so and then I really round my lips and protrude my lips at the end of that set out versus what? Save myself. So I go straight or very quickly towards that final lip position and the overall duration of the vowels are much shorter, but you can notice when I'm trying to imitate quite shortly after I sometimes don't catch all the sounds. I sometimes don't catch all the words. That's fine. I think what you really want to get into that rhythm of is being immediately afterwards repeating what she's saying. I'm trying with the same intonation trying it with the same sounds that you're hearing and really trying to dial in that rhythmic characterization that she has on those words in that sequence. I don't care. It's not as important whether you hit this word that word in the whole overall presentation of it that is important. And I think sometimes there is a misplacement of all your efforts where you might get bogged down on specific words and I think we want to get past that the frustration is necessary unnecessarily focused on one specific sound or one specific Target and what is really more important. Is the overall delivery as well? Yes, the single individual words are important. It's important to get the right sound. It's important to write the right pitch, but it's also the overall delivery beyond the individual sound. It's the piecing. It's the word choice. It's the evaluation of what are words that are worth saying slower so that their communicated more effectively versus what are the words that you say quicker? Because maybe they're not as important words. It's of a peanut because of a pain nut sack. So today's and today's mini episode were asking. What is going what is going on with all these peanut allergies. Is there any thing parents can do about it? And what is we'll get to all that story. So story you have that are now the reason you have that are that hard are sound that you really do here. It says because it's beginning the second syllable story. You can hear if you had to if you don't know the concept of syllables. It's basically how many beats to a word how many claps if I had to say over if I had to clap out a word another way that you can think of it is if you could not say any sounds if you had to hum, so hmm, if you had to hum out the words how many humps are there so in story There's huh? There's two if it was car. Hmm one and so building your understanding of syllable structure of your sounds that you're learning in sort of rhyming. Those are all going to be helpful for figuring out that piece. So with the word story because the are is important at the beginning even for people who drop ours or don't have such a hard R. So I'm talking about British people. I'm pretty sure most British accents drop the are some American accents less General Canadian American accents. We will produce that hard are but that's when you might hear the different so story everyone's going to Say it because the r is the beginning of a second syllable, but maybe four star the word star. You won't hear it. You might get more of a stop stop. Is it a star? So for the word Starbucks and might be Starbucks Starbucks versus Starbucks Starbucks is a pediatrician. And Allergy researcher and King's College London long day. Thanks. Gideon Gideon told us the back in the 90s, but she says that word nine knees it's really nasal. That's what I'm picking up. I mean right now mine is pretty nasal to but it's more allergies and nasal congestion, but that will change the way you sound but for it, maybe that Twang and maybe that needs ality that I'm hearing when she's particularly saying 90s. Duchess we're seeing more and more kids more and more have that more and more that are is not as hard. Geez. I like cheese really very weird and very soon. I'm not going particularly, maybe make him marry because it doesn't matter for him severe allergic reaction the cheeks willing diarrhea vomiting swill beer wine difficulty breathing loss of consciousness. And so and so In the late 90s together allergy got together about these kids getting these all these kids getting these nasty. Some have some very clear advice nasty. Again, that's that bat a sound said of nasty-ass T nasty. It's more of a back of the most sound. And so as I'm going through this these are the things that keep coming up the trends and these are the trends that you really have to dial in when you want to put on an accent. So North American General American English accents have Trends or have characteristics that yours may not so for example, if a British person wants to learn a general American accent, they're going to have to learn to produce that are sound all the time that hard R sound. The time and if they're not doing that then that makes that accent less believable. So like I said before if you want to start knowing what one of the characteristics of your specific accent that you want to achieve that needs to always be on the Forefront of what you need to do differently when you're thinking of speaking out loud in English and you want that English accent that General American accent. You need to know the criteria. Syria of what is different what is different in your English accent to theirs and you need to be able to Rattle it off and you need to be able to think about it as you're speaking don't feed her these peanuts don't feed your babies peanut need two thousand and the Year 2006 came out pretty a trick came out with guidelines Justice. A lot of babies shouldn't be eating nuts Chuckles. I'll tell the three years old and they said Ice was particularly advice peanut allergies food and other food allergies or execute actions. We know that that's the route that goes on to goes on energy and extremely common in babies. Which eczema is common in babies what the peanut butter. You telling your patients that he is a woman stole my patient search. I was giving that advice to my own family and Tall well family as well. It seemed intuitively true and totally true avoiding peanuts by avoiding peanuts cooling the baby holding the baby Jesus and so after those guidelines in 2000 came and 2000k most doctors across the u.s. And You don't give your babies peanuts. And the world chugged along for years. I got made into movies wizard Britney Spears shaved her head Britney Spears, Britney Spears shaved her head and during the 2000 lot happened during the 2000s. Peanut allergies peanut allergies didn't go away banished not about us from the kitchen. That about is didn't say She's walking kids who weren't eating what you're eating peanuts coming up still becoming allergic to tell you and so I think the way that you imitate helps to establish what you expect is going to happen and predict what is going to happen when you are talking this way and the intent is if you can spontaneously know. All what you need to do differently to talk this way. You've got your accent. You've got the accent you want. If you can spontaneously determine what and how words should be said and deliver them in a way that is similar to what you're imitating. Then you've got the X in that you want. But I think people don't necessarily practice accents this way because it's quite an overload of stimuli. You have to hear you have to listen to what you're saying. You have to listen to what they're saying. You have to get into the habit of move. Wing that mouth quickly to this different shapes that you're trying exploring the different soundscape and what ends up happening is you get a little bit better and a little bit better. And if you do that over a month, maybe then maybe you can pick it up that way magic to them. Hello Jake to them was written from listening really from listening patients to my patients to you over the same field. I just don't understand. And she not hanging out. Yeah. So what was going on Gideon found the answer answer answer. So that's an interesting one and some verses on Sir. So answer sounds more British UK and maybe that's where the differentiation between British and Australian comes I think for an untrained ear. They do sound similar. They're certain characteristics that are similar between the two obviously if you asked an Australian person or a British person, they might say that they don't at all the same but there is an example of what I would think on Sir might be more British, but it you get answer answer which is more Australian, but it's interesting because you also get answer instead. Answer which has the hard R sound the hard our sound would determine that it's a North American accent. So it's kind of a mishmash between the two it's not quite fully British, which would be more on sir. And it's not quite North American which would be answer. So it's more of an answer a middle ground. Anyways, I got to my I got to my workplace. It's four minutes and 30 seconds into the podcast and I've talked for now 30 minutes. And so the idea behind it is just sort of you can You don't need to look far for stimuli for practice for things that you can do. I've driven to work. I've got 30 minutes of practicing an accent that I'm I don't know how to do and the next thing that I would want to do out of this is okay after I've imitated it for a bit perturbed a script try and use what you've learned or what you think in Australian English accent might be and then maybe hear it back from an Australian English person. So for example, I know TED Talks online you can print the transcript. So if you find an Australian English speaker in Australian English presenter product transcript tape yourself saying that transcript before you even heard it from them. Tape yourself. See what you say. How you think in Australian English accent person might deliver it here how they actually deliver it and then you can compare and contrast which words the delivery how they said it how you said it. Where did they pause? Where do they not pause? Did they always have this Rising intonation or was Rising pitch questions when they talk or is that more specific to Wendy's argument that we've been hearing about? A little bit today and that's how you slowly slowly slowly build your accent. And I think it's important enough for me to try and do this myself because I don't know an Australian accent. This is just what I'm doing to try and pick it up on the side. So it would be really cool. I think an inspiring if I could learn in Australian accent or general its Australian accent and be able to demonstrate to you. Yeah at the beginning of his shit I couldn't do it but maybe gradually over time they got better it got better. I tweaked it a little bit and now it's decent Australian accent. So that'll be something I'm going to put in my Looks to do I'll keep recording as I go keep practicing show you what I got and hopefully you get some information on this. Anyways, see you next up if you like what you're hearing or even if you aren't let me know. I know this podcast can be something great educational for long. I'm here to listen. So give me your take your likes your dislikes and maybe we can make this into something that'll help. A lot of people leave a rating on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. Once I figure out how to read the reviews, I'm sure it'll help.
Australian English accent - Part 2. Go back and listen to the previous episode for a basic explanation of the premise. Join me on my car drive to work. I listen to an Australian English accent and provide commentary on what I notice, trying my best to imitate parts of it, highlighting what is salient to me as a speech language pathologist. I know my Australian English accent sucks but I'll work on it to give you the confidence to work on your English accent if improving your communicative clarity is a goal. We can suck together and start the process of growing. Imagine 1 year down the road how much better we'll all be! About the Show: AccentOutLoud is your weekly source for English  communication, insights, experimentation, and inspiration. Every  Thursday (and sometimes more) I'll share my personal take on English  communication, tips of English communication and what I think is  important in clear communication. If you have an interest in improving  your English communication, learning a speech-language pathologist's  perspective on the field, or just want a uniquely interesting podcast,  you're sure to find something useful in each episode. It's my hope that  you'll become a fan and gain a better appreciation and understanding of  what is involved in your accent as a result! AccentOutLoud is  proudly made by me, a one-man team from Lucid Accent Consulting. Feel  free to get in touch for any thoughts, ideas, or feedback  Check out my newsletter - Check me out  on Instagram - Check me out on Facebook -
If only audible was free and had nothing but Bitcoin content fear no more the crypto. Konami is here. Alright guys, welcome back to the crypto economy. I am guys Swan the guy who was read more about Bitcoin than anybody else, you know, and we are starting into a two-part episode and we are going to or a series here on the Bitcoin times. This is Alex Anders fat skis really fascinating first volume 2 A ongoing series that it looks like he's doing there's a volume 2 coming out soon and I'm really excited about it will stay on top of this but I really wanted to hit this piece because this is the first volume and it is titled blockchain is dead. Like I said, this is going to be broken up over two episodes and I'm actually just going to save my commentary until the very end. So let's go ahead without further Ado and jump into part one of The Bitcoin times volume 1 Block Chain is dead. The future is on lightning contrarian views Bitcoin networks lightning and more by Alexander's fatzke. Where should we focus this year blockchain? It'll change everything. Everybody's talking about it. The potential applications are endless. We don't want to be left behind what exactly is blockchain also artificial intelligence. Quote what important truth do very few people agree with you on in quote Peter teal. In early 2018. I was on stage talking about how ridiculous blockchains and ico's were my talk was entitled blockchains AOL moment in honor of the complete failure that AOL became and the Magnificent success that quote silly useless slow Network. The internet had become. Some people laughed some got angry but the Smart Ones well, they listened and in the process probably saved themselves a lot of money this year. I'm going to up the ante the word blockchain is still alive. It's just move from the vocabulary of the opportunistic so-called entrepreneurs AKA morons to the other end of the spectrum corporates. Corporates like IBM and JP Morgan who we all know are always late to the party. It takes a little time for the marketing department suffering from fomo to get their message across to the board IE. We need to do something with this blockchain thing. So this year we will probably see some ridiculous Enterprise blockchain stuff appear, but I predict they too will fade away into Oblivion like the icos of the last few years. And AOL 20 years before that. So what important truth do very few people agree with me on it's the ultimate contrarian question, isn't it? My answer and the inspiration behind this paper? Blockchain is dead. The future is on lightning. The last few years have been a festival of hype stupidity and downright Madness. It's time to call out and discard the rubbish in lay a fresh Foundation. One of understanding and sense because it's only when we remove layers of ignorance that we can experience the lightbulb moment. Quote in order to learn something new one must question what it is. They think they already know in quote unknown. a note quote these notes were originally the basis of a presentation for wholesale investors 2019 emergence event. However, as I began to elaborate on the ideas, I realized my 30-minute presentation would blow out to around three hours whilst I have been described as entertaining on stage. I don't think any sane human would want to listen to me lecture for three hours end quote Alexander's fatzke. Welcome to the first publication of the Bitcoin times. This special edition was inspired by three mildly excessive rants from our chief Editor to having occurred at 3 a.m. In the morning and another whilst driving and dictating to one Chantal De La Rey frantically tapping away on the phone taking notes the team at Amber decided to transform all that content into one broad but concise digestible and Native publication aptly entitled as the first edition of the Bitcoin times in the pages that follow you will find the important information that brings the key elements of the Bitcoin story together by the time you finish you'll understand the premise behind the shock headline and why if you're an investor entrepreneur fund manager or human of any sort you should be taking a serious look into how you can participate in both Bitcoin. And lightning we don't expect everyone to get as excited about all this as we are, but do anticipate this will most likely be for the benefit of the Skeptics the Curious the die-hard stubborn minority any Ka holders of Last Resort. So we dedicate this to you all. We hope you get a lot out of it that it challenges some of your more unfounded biases and beliefs. Reinforces those that make sense and helps you emerge on the other end with a broader perspective. the Bitcoin times editorial team breaking the blockchain Quote I must break you Rocky 4. Blockchain doesn't work. About halfway through a few of last year's talks. I presented what I called the new formula a formula that if dismissed as an experiment and allowed to grow large enough would lay the foundation for a new form of global collaboration consensus value storage and transfer but only if we take all the elements in combination. networks Game Theory and mechanical design cryptography proof of work in Byzantine fault tolerance social engineering and psychology computer science decentralization and distributed computing economics incentives and disincentives and a data structure blockchain. This formula. This recipe would come to yield something that is technically and socially secure natively digital and globally distributed shut down and censorship resistant practically immutable and as a result of maintaining the sanctity of the above attributes this formula would also produce something that was relatively speaking slow very expensive to run and limited in duration. Act scope much like the internet. The only thing the actual internet can do is Route packets of dumb data. What do I mean by direct scope? Well, it's the number of things this formula can and should be used for and that includes verifiable digital scarcity a secure unconscious skateable monetary unit a self Sovereign digital store of value. And a global immutable digital settlement Network. But here's the kicker what we can then build with the above. And on top of the above is endless. Much like language and the internet Simple Rules IE protocols create a solid foundation. This gives you the opportunity to build infinite complexity on top. So where did blockchain go wrong? In short a complete lack of contextual understanding both on a macro and micro level but let's explore three key points context scrambled eggs. Focus and Overkill Rube Goldberg Number one context first of all what I like to call the scrambled eggs Theory the blockchain ingredient on its own does not give you any of the attributes. We discussed earlier security and immutability are not some inherent traits that magically appear thanks to blockchain security is a function of cost in comes as a result of all of those ingredients combined. In fact anyone who tells you otherwise is probably convinced themselves that a great cake is made with only one ingredient for example eggs and that they could make you a better cake if they whisked the eggs much faster. The reality is they're not selling you cake. They're selling you scrambled eggs. I'm sorry, but that's not how things work taking. The one ingredient out of context does not yield the same result. number to focus The Innovation here is autonomous consensus removing intermediaries means just that if it must be run by some entity or trusted institution, it just reinforces its inherent uselessness. There is zero reason to use a blockchain if someone is managing it It's a much more practical approach to just build a tech product that solves the problem. There is no need to slow it down by creating excess redundancy, especially when there's no actual disintermediation of a managing party you end up with the worst of Both Worlds. number 3 Overkill you could be in the other camp that says quote. We agree blockchain isn't that entire recipe we just use the term for shorthand. We just believe it should be used everywhere in quote. I'm here to tell you that taking the entire recipe and applying it to anything other than the for direct applications. I mentioned above is complete Overkill there is nothing as critical to the function of society as money or value transfer as I'll explain later that could justify or require such an expensive method of disintermediating central authorities. I mean the very essence of Bad acting or stealing is related to money or value a major reason why the institutions we trust to manage money exists in the first place is that maintaining some form of Integrity in the money we use to represent. Our labor is the foundation of our ability to cooperate as a species. Bitcoin is simply a better way to do this and places that guarantee of Integrity into code backed by math and agreed to Via broad participatory consensus. So to sum up we really only have two situations when it comes to blockchain summed up by my sophisticated chart below a blockchain alone. If we take one ingredient out of the rest. The or even just combine it with a couple of others, for example, the distributed computing part DLT as it's now being touted. It's a complete waste of time and the fact that it must be run by some Consortium or trusted institution just reinforces its inherent uselessness. Be the entire recipe on the other hand for anything other than what I described above IE money or a settlement Network. It's a Rube Goldberg machine. It's too expensive and if we needed that level of validation for everything we do as a society, then nothing would function anyway, people groups companies entrepreneurs Etc are generally trustworthy and doing the right thing most of the time we Don't need everything on a blockchain the issue lies with groups or institutions that have disproportionate power that have abused that power and that have very little or no skin in the game and whilst there are less of those in number. They create distortions in society due to their size and ability to tamper with the core resource for human collaboration. A network such as Bitcoin that reinvents codifies and liberate something as important as money like the internet did for information and communication changes the game for the better by reintroducing symmetry, but it's expensive and as I've stated there's nothing else as mission-critical in the world that warrants the application of this formula to be successful. blockchains broken promise the promise of blockchains that would solve all the world's problems came in the form of two key attributes security and immutability. That was it game set match. Let's now use it everywhere. The problem with this conjecture as we established above is that block chains are not mysteriously endowed with these attributes because of their unique technical architecture. In fact, there is nothing unique about blockchain architecture. It's just chunks of data segmented and chronologically connected and these days supposedly across multiple servers in the case of the new buzzword DLT. Let me be clear. This does not give you anything that's secure security and immutability are a derivative of cost and cost only comes from combining all ingredients in the recipe as discussed earlier Bitcoin is different. Why Bitcoin is the most secure public digital Network? We have not because it's built on the blockchain. But because it combines that form of database architecture. I'll call it that because that's what it is with a robust game. Theoretically sound economic model with a well-thought-out incentives and disincentives mechanism and proof of work which solves the Byzantine generals problem in a distributed. Decentralized system and introduces the game theory in other words Bitcoin is secure and immutable because it has a currency baked into the protocol that is priced by the free market where its value is inextricably linked to the security of the network by incentivizing each of the participants of the network whether validators judges users Etc. Ha economically it is in everyone's self-interest and therefore Collective interest to maintain the Integrity of The Ledger micro and the network macro. It is probabilistically sound and becomes more. So with time this means it's Lindy compatible and is the most robust form of system you can have that is the Innovation an autonomous Network. It's made up of participants at multiple layers all with skin in the game not block chain or DLT. the Limestone analogy when people get up and begin to talk to me about how they're going to use the blockchain to solve supply chain or whatever other mostly ridiculous idea. They have it reminds me of someone who just discovered that lime Stone aggregate in concrete makes for better strength and better overall properties in concrete. So they then apply it to everything else. They put limestone in their green smoothie on their avocado and toast in their latte as a back rub on their Partners skin. And even as fuel in their car why because of course, it makes everything better. It's preposterous. And it can only come from people who have a thin veneer of an ideology that they've adopted without either being able to understand or even bother to understand what's actually going on. Bitcoins superpower immutability Let's take a quick break and hit our sponsor and they will jump back in on this section. For anyone who has a podcast anchor cannot be beaten particularly for trying to get off the ground their entire platform is free. This includes unlimited hosting both in audio that you upload and how much your listeners download. I have uploaded an incredible library of audio now and I've never paid anchor a dime. In fact, they connect me with other sponsors and have run an ad consistently on my show. So they've paid For exposure to my audience that's really hard to beat even if we ignore that I can record directly in the app or my browser. I don't need any other software. If I don't want it I can edit at sound effects clips and they automatically publish to all of the top podcasting platforms. I never had to do a thing. So if you were thinking of starting a show or already have a podcast, there's no better platform out there check out anchor by downloading the app or go to Anchor dot f FM today immutable equals resistant to change to go back in time and change one transaction on the Bitcoin Ledger. It would not only require you to accumulate enough mining equipment or Capital cost but also expend enough power to win the proof-of-work game and validate the blocks from that point forward to today. This is not only financially insane but almost physically impossible why it's the cost of validating transactions and maintaining the Work of distributed but consistent Ledger's that gives something like Bitcoin. It's immutability for someone to change something on this network in the past. It would cost billions. In fact, it would require something like three trillion with a t modern high end laptops worth of computing power just to change one transaction on bitcoin. That is the definition of immutable. It's this proof of work. Brings the cost into Bitcoin and forms the basis of the game theory proof-of-work is the bridge between the digital and the real world and the sunk cost of capital and work done is what makes it immutable people hear words, like cryptography or encryption or hashing together with terms such as blockchain and mistakenly assume that it's somehow got something to do with immutability. They also hear that mining uses. Lots of electricity and is bad for the environment. I meant from those with an ineptitude to math probability or Game Theory and by not understanding the broader recipe at work here. They think that they can discard that expensive proof-of-work part and keep the nice fluffy inexpensive software or blockchain part. But as we've established there's a problem with that line of thought if there is no cost to change something then we're back where we started in other words taking someone's Word that this is the way it is, which as I stated Works in 99.9 percent of cases IE. If you can't trust your family member or co-worker, you've got bigger problems putting it on a blockchain is not going to solve it but not when you're driving The Narrative of immutability sovereignty or security. So I'll say it again security and immutability are functions of Cost proof-of-work is the part that looped it all together and helped us for the first time in history associate a real world cost to an ephemeral fungible digital object furthermore because proof-of-work is a compounding phenomenon. It only gets stronger and more immutable with time. This is at the core of why people say quote Bitcoin is antifragile it benefits from the passage of time. time the Lindy effect Bitcoin is the first time we've had a digital good that functions like something physical and because it's bound by math. It's able to be verifiably scarce Wireless maintaining the scalability. That only comes with something that is natively digital. The banana example if I give you a banana in the real world, I no longer have it if I send you a digital banana, all I did was copy it and now we've both got a record of it if I send you some Bitcoin I no longer have it just like the banana in real life. It's now yours. I didn't create a new one. I didn't copy it and I can't reverse it. I can't go back in time. The only way I can get it back is if you send it back. But that's a new totally separate transaction forward in time. Bitcoin is the first and probably last network of its kind that's reached this status why a big part of it was luck and timing Bitcoin got quote. This is bullshit for five years before anyone even took it remotely seriously for someone to catch up and replicate this level of infrastructure. They'll need something. Like a hundred billion dollars and hope that nobody realizes what they're doing and attempts to compete because it will then cost each player more than 100 billion dollars the result of all of this would only reinforce Bitcoins importance and drive its value higher and create this self-reinforcing feedback loop, which asymptotically approaches a cost of infinite. Bitcoin was a once-in-a-lifetime thing Andreas said it best quote proof of work in Bitcoin is now significant because it was historically insignificant. People take it seriously. Now. If you try to replicate this experiment again, you'll be noticed you'll be attacked. And by the time you've made any Headway Bitcoin will have progressed further think about it this network grew from zero to a hundred billion dollars worth of value stored on it along with infrastructure built around it with no marketing budget. Tell me the last time something like that occurred the closest analogy. Is the internet except this time quote measurable value is associated with the network. So it's a little more contentious this also explains why all the others have had to raise non-dilutive Capital rounds and sell the quote that protocol thesis in order to make noise and get some attention. I guess everyone wants to own this like the telcos wanted to own the internet. The reality is that public networks so far down the societal stack our own Owned by the collective which is what gives them power time and volume of participants are on their side everyday, the Bitcoin remains operational it gets stronger more secure more immutable more robust more trusted and more valuable. In fact, it's Lindy effect seems to be accelerating which is something we've not seen before for everyday a competitor grows. Bitcoin Grows by multiples or magnitudes more. Network effects are runaway trains and Bitcoins immutable proof of work network has taken off and will be practically impossible to catch up with this is why I believe trillions worth of economic activity will anchor to it the same way as the internet was the most robust way to Route information across the new digital world Bitcoin is the most robust Global Network upon which money can live and Via which it can be settled and routed. A strict should the value be large enough to justify routing directly on it. Immutability as a service quote Bitcoin provides immutability as a service. There are not many applications in the world that need immutability and perhaps only a couple that need to build immutability as part of their core stack. It's just too expensive now if we view immutability as a service one that any application in the world can anchor or connect to then we begin to reframe how we view Bitcoin IE as a broader Network that settles transactions or states with Associated to them an example here will help there is no reason or very little reason that any company Tech or otherwise today needs to buy host and maintain its own server infrastructure. It's costly and it makes up only a fraction of what matters in their actual business. So they use a cloud-based service such as AWS. You will also note that because of the economies of scale. There are only three real options AWS Azure and Google why they got in early and they poured billions upon billions into it immutability is similar, but also different. similar because the infrastructure required to make something truly digitally immutable is extraordinary perhaps even more than all of the combined infrastructure that Amazon Microsoft and Google operate and it only makes sense that people will anchor to it as and when they need to different because it's not something that can be run by one or a few parties a concept like immutability and things that inherently need it IE money are only so if broadly owned in other words, the more distributed and decentralized the architecture and higher the number of owners validators and nodes the more robust costly and therefore immutable it is Should one or a few entities manage all of it it then undermines the value proposition and defeats the entire purpose. the immutable Network immutability as a service is what will bring more economic activity to the Bitcoin Network in the long run again similar to the internet the internet started off as a way to connect computers at a distance and over time as more people used and trusted it evolved into this new communication Network that provides data packet routing as a service we built everything on top and the innovation has been extraordinary the next step is making monetary value into a protocol owned by the collective whose core tenant is absolute digital immutability a network where you can't turn back time, like in the real world all of the economic value from applications that require this feature along with any broader monetary banking capital or financial applications that require Wire an absolute guarantee of the following functions sinned store and receive will accrue on it. And as I've stated Ad nauseam the more economic activity that occurs on and on top of the Bitcoin Network the more immutable and secure it will become its compounding it is self reinforcing. It has already hit a critical mass and it's now Runaway Train other consensus mechanisms there are and there will continue to be lots of other consensus mechanisms created some that might work most that definitely won't they may be used on their own networks for applications that are either private proprietary or for applications that don't require an absolute guarantee of immutability and security. I personally don't believe any money related or high value applications will run on their own networks except in vain over the next as this space evolves because networks especially those were the broad population participate generally converge to Unity. That's why we largely have one internet one set of protocols for email why we all use AC power y within a Nuclear jurisdiction the network of language converges to 1 and similarly so with money there is 1 USD in the United States likewise one AUD in Australia. In fact, we see this as the world becomes more global. English hit its critical mass attain the primary Network effect and it's now more functional to speak English in most places around the world aside from converging to Unity due to efficiency and practicality the world can probably only sustain one absolute immutable unsensible secure proof-of-work chain because it's expensive. This chain is likely at this stage at least Be Bitcoin if we had to run proof of work for everything, we destroy the planet plus it assumes nobody trusts each other for anything which is a bigger problem. Anyway, and a if someone wants to use it as a service, they're going to go to the one that has got the highest guarantee that in itself will increase the Network's guarantee leading to that self-reinforcing recursive effect. I described earlier and be furthermore if you do have a Novel quote light consensus mechanism that's fast. You could in the future anchor it to something like Bitcoin as and when you need to substantiate any claim or make a final judgment It's this line of logic that leads me to believe most of the economic value will be swallowed up by the Bitcoin network over the long term not to mention the new Concepts and innovations that will emerge using the ingredients of immutability and verification like how Facebook and Instagram emerged from the internet. Be OS the new monetary operating system. All right. We're going to close this one out here. Again. This is the Bitcoin times volume 1. This was actually published on February 25th. 2019 did not open with that at all, but I will have a link to this. There's lots of actually pictures of trying to read like the comics and some of the other little additions and quotes and stuff. But this is actually set up in really cool and like an environment online so you can actually check that out at Bitcoin x dot news. So I will link to that and We actually Connor Brown is actually going to be doing some of the writing in the next volume. We he alluded to that in yesterday's episode actually. So if you haven't listened to that one about stop calling Bitcoin deflationary that is another one to go along with this whole piece. So also I will have in the show notes not only linked to this and to Alexander's fat skis Twitter page so that you can check him out and follow him on Twitter, but also the link to the conversation that we had with him. We sat down with him at Bitcoin 2019 and had a awesome chat with him and also the guys from the citizen Bitcoin podcast had an awesome time. So that is a wonderful one to check out where he goes into this and kind of details out the back story and there's some some hilarious stuff in that one. So highly encourage that one if you have not listened to it again all this stuff available in the show notes. Thank you guys so much for listening. We're going to continue this with part two tomorrow. We will dig into some really fun commentary all about blockchain versus Bitcoin in the next couple of days. So stay tuned. Don't forget to subscribe and share this out with everybody, you know in the Bitcoin and crypto economy space and until next time I am guys Swan signing off. Take it easy guys.
"When people get up and begin to talk to me about how they’re going to use the blockchain to solve supply chain, or whatever other (mostly ridiculous) idea they have, it reminds of someone who just discovered that limestone aggregate in concrete makes for better strength and better overall properties in concrete; so they then apply it to everything else: • They put some limestone in their green smoothie • On their avocado and toast • In their latte • As a back rub on their partner’s skin • And even as fuel in their car" - The Bitcoin Times, Vol 1 Jumping into a 2 part covering of the first edition of The Bitcoin Times by Aleksandar Svetski and the team over at Amber. "Blockchain is Dead!" - but what is blockchain? Isn't it a breakthrough innovation that can be applied to a plethora of important data sources all around the world? Listen to find out more! For more awesome content, be sure to follow Aleksandar on Twitter, check out the Amber app for simple Bitcoin buying, & see the awesome visual setup of "The Bitcoin Times" over at Don't forget to listen to the hilarious conversation we had with Aleks & the awesome guys from the Citizen Bitcoin Podcast at Bitcoin2019! And lastly, Conner Brown, the author of yesterday's piece "Stop Calling Bitcoin Deflationary" will be featured in the next volume of Bitcoin Times, so follow him as well so you don't miss the next edition. If you want to support the show AND join the Cryptoconomy Telegram crew, become a patron below! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
This is Paul Anthony. I'm just reminding you that the Escape pod cast has been recorded in front of a live studio audience. Where is the territory wars specialist from Australia? The other is a territory battle tactician from the us together their years of entertainment experience under their belts. The one thing we are sure of is that you will be entertained the cfh Network presents this get pod cast a weekly show about the mobile game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. One from the network studio. So if you haven't pork and Paul Anthony coming up on this week's edition of The Escape pod cast node, refresh Mania and we delve deep into the world of starting over with the Escape pod cast for kids Special beginner our veteran alike stick around because we have tons of information right around the corner on the Escape pod cast Escape pod cast news. Yes and leading us straight into the news for today and It seems as though capital gains have really upset. A lot of people out there especially on reddit reddit is going crazy. Even Cubs fan. Hon himself is going crazy about the fact that Capital games have decided to take the refresh has from eight back to five. Now. This means that when you go to similar event, it's now no longer going to be 8 it's going to go back to five Paul controversial very controversial and this came down. Down at about 341 my time. Hi holotable Heroes and a future update will be changing hard nodes back to five attempts per refresh. This was temporarily increased with the launch of mods 2.0 to help players. Earn Jedi Knight, Revan and Darth Revan. It's it's a madhouse. It's almost as bad as what's going on in the console game that I play where the group of the developers said that if you invest in this currency, it's only cosmetic items and let's see that this would be five months after release that it's becoming non cosmetic items. Just like the form for my my other game that I play being totally dominated by change this back don't do this. That's what we're getting right now right on Reddit. The world is burning there flipping over see She carries car while she's on vacation crumb is in hiding. We don't know. What's gonna go on watch this space. How do you say we might even look, you know, I think that you know, I read it's got a rod a hundred percent. I mean like the ice Eight seems a day is absolutely brilliant. I think that that was something that they actually said that they were going to be continuously doing and now all of a sudden it's like we've gone back we're going to reverse on that. Why why why? It's they no longer need to make that money. Everybody now has Jedi Knight Revan and Darth Revan that Y is going to be y chill out. I'll get some I'm a little bit disappointed. That's all I've got to say. Very disappointed Pole. Okay, great. I mean, what are we going to do? Hmm and I write well there is a petition which is going around and I strongly urge everybody to sign it will actually put that in our lobby so that people can actually be a part of it and sign that petition. That's all I have to say. It's it's you know, I'm I'm kind of thinking that people are going to take the game Unfortunately, they be damaging their phones and doing this but they're going to take the game kind of like the the printer in office space. I remember that movie but you know, it's a 20% drop rate already. So they're Garrett your your average is you're going to get one Shard per refresh. Yeah, that's right. It's not good. I don't like it. And you know, I mean like, you know, look I okay. So for the endgame guys, you know, like, you know, most of you would probably have most of your shards by now, if you're cracking all you're a dolphin or perhaps even sometimes you wail out on certain characters, but we're getting to that point now where Droid akka and also the be one battle droid are about to go to free the free-to-play farmable and you know, I hate the fact that No, I want to have my Seven Stars right a car and my seven star be one battle droid but you know turns out that no we won't and how is this going to affect the the galactic Chase events that we see, you know, I mean like those Shard numbers are going to certainly come down Paul. Yeah, I mean you're going to be spending 400 crystals per refresh earlier. But remember this if you're if you may be done, if you are in the end game and you're done with your Farms, you don't have to farm a specific node. So you're not going to be refreshing if they do Galactic chases. So those crying about the galactic Chase. There's nine different levels of at least Different notes. So on that I'm going to have to say. Oh, why don't you bitch K. One of the dailies that we have to do in that is of course that we have to have six battles that are done for our dailies. Now if they take it back to five hopefully capital gains now puts that back to three. Well, six battles, it's five heart nodes and it's six battles for those who are level 85. It's light or dark for those below its three light three dark. Yeah all the time and I think it's a bad movie from Capital games. I think that they've certainly hurt themselves on this one, you know, a lot of people are going to be really really really upset and I know that Cubs fan hon is certainly one of those as well. He's literally just made an announcement Justice. Short time ago and if you don't mind me if you'll indulge me Paul, I'll actually read out what Cubs fan Hans actually come out and said just the second to go about this. He's actually saying that he is very upset with this whole thing. He says he's going to have to reverse my take that the change is fine from eight to five attempts fcg had said up front that the change was temporary then they'd only be doing what they said that they do. CG did not say this, however, so It's a Nerf to how many resources we have available to us. Not a great move in that case unless they specified it would be temporary somewhere else. He says I support petitions moving for this change to be rolled back so that we can keep our eight nodes as was stated to us seemingly as a permanent change. Now if you have a look back a little while ago and that was in fact, geez when they were talking about the mods 2.0. They actually mentioned that they've got their here it is. It says increased hard note attempts hard note attempts have been increased from five to eight doesn't say anywhere about the fact that it's going to be temporary. So I'm with Cubs fan hard on this. yeah, I'm I would have to do my sleuthing but I think I remember them saying that it was going to be temporary in the first place their verbiage in the patch notes and the update that I mean the that might be The evidence needed if you will but I I kind of do remember them saying that it was going to be temporary but was a wall a guy. That's so that yeah. So the first time we had that went from eight went from five to wait the first time they said that was going to be temporary. Okay fair enough it was but on the second time around it's not they've actually says it actually says clear as day increased hard node attempts hard node attempts have been increased from 5 to 8. Almost cheering about that with the mods 2.0 update. No one expected them to come back out and say that but they did it never did say that this was going to be temporary. This is the eat nodes certainly was is was / is we'll see what happens here. But I'm I'm on the fence with it. I understood the intention but the letter of the law and what they said. I can also think that I remember celebrating the fact that hard notes were now going to be eight attempts. Hmm. I think I remember doing that. Yeah. Yeah. Look, you know it is what it is. I will put the petition in our that the that is circulating as well from Reddit. Well, we'll put that in our Cantina guys so that you guys can of course sign that if you agree as strongly as what I do when it comes to Capital games changing this so we'll put that in the lobby for you a little bit later on. I'm sure that Z will probably be all over that. It's in the oven server by the way at the moment Z. So look, let's move on and look today is a bit. Have a great day actually because a lot of people have been hassling us for some time. Paul. Haven't met they've been saying, you know, guys you should do something for the beginners or you should do something for the you know, the mid game players, you know, the guys that have been playing this game for probably about a year or even six months or even just picking up the game mate. Look, you know, this is what this whole show is about today. It's the Escape pod cast for kids. Yes, as as I once said in another server, this is all about the baby Darth doody starts it so you might wonder what's going to be in my head on the Rock day. And you're welcome. And this is going to you know, the great part about this is we're going to start from the beginning. All right, you know, let's let's go right from the beginning if you start With level one. Mmm. Where would we be now Jedi Council will be the first character you'd so yeah, exactly. Exactly. We got Jedi counselor. I'm sure you're excited about your you know, Clone Wars Chewie shards and and as we go Now we've hit Level 8 Cantina battle start your Cantina store opens up and what can you get in the Cantina store just about everything you can get towels and you can get everything. It's all there. Yeah, I mean the the Cantina store is a great is a great store in itself ability to shuffles around a little bit Mmm Yeah ability mats, you know, you can get Chopper in there. You can get Boba Fett in there. You know. It's that tells in it's a Dakka Dakka. That's right. Yes. Yes. Yeah, it's some great characters that are in there, you know. Like a t3m fours in their cures in there so many good characters. No, you think you're thinking of the guilt store itself the that Cantina store. The list is Chopper pal. Yours is damaged our scavenger brought. Yeah, so k'tano I'm talking about the store itself because you're earning the currency in there. Yes, you could get Kira and all that, you know level 1. Your first group is going to be G in Ocean Soldier you're going to have access to Luke farm boy. You're going to have access to Clone Wars Chewbacca Rebel. Skits caref Rebel Pathfinder one of the most underrated in my opinion I great is in that note. You've got Lando and and we're going to touch on this later you have one of the pillars. That's one of the main pillars Hera syndulla is in there. Mmm. That's right. And you know, she's she is one of the great characters but we will touch on this later. You definitely need to be chasing Hera from the get-go. If you haven't, you know, if you've just picked up this game, but look, you know allies though Paul, you know, like that's a good thing, you know, like it people. Yeah, we go in the battle and there's in the arena and you know, you go up against someone and then it says would you like Like to send this person an ally request. What do you think about this Paul? You know, you should be doing this straight. Well, yeah that yeah, I mean level 12. I'm going to jump back for just a second level 12 you start the dark side battles level 15 gives you those daily challenges that's more currency to you level 18 access to your allies. That's when you can start bringing in friends. Now if you have a friend that's already endgame. I suggest allying with them as soon as you can to help you get through those early notes, especially if they could throw up something like a Darth Revan or emphasis Nest or something like that. You'll you'll clearly walk through all of this. Hmm totally agree, you know, another great character command to Luke Skywalker, which you probably wouldn't even have access to straight away or even Ray Jedi training that you probably wouldn't have access to straight away, you know like yeah or dare. We say it. Dr. Evan. Dr. Evan indeed my friend indeed. You know, I like so yeah, absolutely. I couldn't agree with you more on that one. Like if you you know, if you're just starting out to this game, you know, what we're going to do something a little bit fun. Well, I'll do something a bit fun. I don't know about Paul but I'll speak for myself here. If you just knew that this game, you know, add me I'll help you out. I've got all the characters. So, you know add me there we go. I mean we're will absolutely as long as we're not bumping any of our old meets our alliance meets, you know, we're all certainly helped out a new character just send us a message on our Discord server and say hey, I want to be your Ally on this level. If all of it checks out will gladly help you out. Absolutely. Not a problem. Absolutely. But what comes next after allies gay level 22 You have access to the Guild's exactly. Mmm. And this is the best part of the game. This is where your life will change because I'll tell you you know, when you first start playing this game Paul, you know, I don't know about you but like I was yeah, I was enjoying the game and everything but then all of a sudden you hit that level 20 Mark and you start entering the guild and then all of a sudden someone says to you. Hey, have you heard of this app Discord get on this and then all of a sudden you're exposed to the community and then you just go Well, what is going on these games? Just gotten so much better. Yeah, it's it's absolutely and we're going to we're going to have a talk with Lennox coming up here in the in the playground or the Escape incoming transmission. Whichever one you want to call it, but we're going to be threw me off with it yesterday, but we're going to be talking with him about what you should be looking for in the world of guilds and a resource. That has been built about helping with that. Mmm. Exactly. So we'll discuss this a bit later on but you know, I love right. I love guilds. I love what they offer with the raids and I love what they offer with territory wars and territory battles, but it's not only that it's the community the community that you'll meet. The people that you'll meet playing this game is probably the best thing I absolutely love that. But you know, we're going to go back. Well, yeah you you have well, I mean you have that you have that now there's Difference between a guild and an alliance though Scotty and let's let's before we break. Let's talk about that real quick. Yes, because as far as I'm concerned, you know, I'm okay with going it alone. I went I went for it alone in a guild with with just some pickup players. We eventually started becoming more organized by Eunuch a Ting and that's the biggest thing. I mean discords going to help you communicate. We were using line back then but discords going to certainly help you communicate with other guild members. So you should certainly be getting on that and I'm okay with going it alone. But I understand you have a different viewpoint on this and it's not wrong. Yeah. Look, I don't think you should go a little line. I think that you should be in a guild straight up as soon as you get that moment to being a guild. Do it for the simple fact that you know the benefits that you get where you can be a part of the raids. You can be a part of territory wars. You can be a part of territory battles. You can just do so much in all of those, you know, all of those bits, but it's not only that but you can also Focus down with your guild as well on what you're going to be farming you can all work together as one big team and just be like one massive Alliance as opposed to having only about three or four people that are just doing it on their own where you've got 50 of you that are all out to do the same thing at exactly the same gear level and at the exactly the same level of the game. That's what I love about guilds. I think guilds are absolutely Sensational and I think that this is you know, what a lot of people talk about territory wars and territory battles. Sorry Paul all people talk about all those elements of the game. They're all great. But for me, the one thing that I absolutely love and the one thing about this game that is just totally a hundred and fifty percent the best part of the game guilds. Well, I'm not saying, you know, you can you could be talking with different guilds, but forming up in an alliance, you have to also be accountable to your fellow Alliance mates. If you cannot be accountable in a in a large area a large crowd, if you can't be accountable in a crowded room stick to just your own guilt, but if you can be alliances are going to be your answer for theorycrafting I mean Says the item that we're going to be talking about with Lennox coming up that area also is going to help out that there's lots of things but learn to be in a guild before you willingly jump into an alliance. Exactly. That's that's my my caveat to all this but I agree go ahead where you were going to go with this before. I just got my agree with you pull like a hundred percent agree with you, but But in saying that, you know with the Alliance side of things, you know, like work out what sort of Guild you want to be before you go and look for an alliance because you know certain alliances will say yeah, we'll take you but you know, what are you like? When do you raid? What do you do? If you haven't got that communication nail down, you're probably won't be able to get to an alliance phase just yet because of the you know, the lack of I guess you could say communication that happens within your guild. Absolutely, correct. Absolutely, correct. So you want to throw it to break Scotty and we'll come back and next up will be talking more about you know, the Escape pod cast for Kids edition about you know, what you can do outside or within your guild and as you further Venture on into your levels. Like what you hear on the Escape pod cast one a support Scotty and Paul and sign up to be a patreon for as low as $2 a month. You can help them launch Escape pods for months to come visit slash the Escape pod to sign up support us today a very big fluffy account some account places give you a lot less beef for your mods. At Pinko the mod father he serves up an account that you can be proud of he fix up your account. So you won't be asking. Hey, do you want something better? Contact Pinko mod father at or on Discord at PE mpo number nine three three seven. Your pink bows kind of people get beefed up today. I got the beef. This is the escape pod cast for Kids Escape pod cast news as we continue our way through this journey of what happens when you first start playing the game. Where are we up to Paul? Well, we just talked about guilds at level. Only 2 at level 27 you got to start being careful because that a level at once you hit Level 28 the true dark side for lack of a better term of this game opens up to you. And that is the arena. And with that being said level 40 is the galactic War where you start getting more practice in the arena. But level 5 level 50 is going to be the mods and the mod battles which will help you climb in the arena exactly. You know, so it's you know. What did you think when you first stepped into the arena mode? Oh, man. What were you running? Can you even remember back then? I can yeah, I think Clone Wars Chewbacca was in there Jedi Council was in there trying to think. I know I had Droids that will in there as well. I'm pretty sure that you know, I threw a couple of droids in there. I think ig-88 was one of them as well, you know, but mind you this was a long time ago. So this is when it for me it was yeah for me. It was HK 47. Yeah, I had be to battle droid. I had Clone Wars Chewbacca a a Jedi counselor. And your I mean it was the best thing I still remember I was sitting on the north side of the bar top when I was working at the restaurant. I was sitting on the North side on a break and I pulled out my phone and I push the little All a lie points thing. Yeah, I unlocked. I hit an unlock of Boba Fett and he was my fifth. Yeah, I think I ended up with I think I have bubbler in there as well. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I did I had Bob of it because I'd already unlocked him at that point. So yeah, I had Baba vet. I had Jedi counselor. I had Clone Wars Chewbacca ig-88 and I'm pretty sure that the other character that I had in the leader. If slot was Hera. Which was a bit strange but I was gonna say she's a great leader. Yeah. Yeah, it's not seeing this is when you always for Phoenix. Yeah, exactly. But you know, I see yeah, this is this is you didn't know though. So learn from Scotty kids. Yeah learn from Scotty don't do that. Don't do that level level 54 you start unlocking the fleet training and for your command ships the big ships that you're going to need. Need and then finally level 60 one of my favorite areas is the beginning of the ship blueprints the capital ship upgrades that you start getting you can get additional events, which is great. I love it. You know what when it's event day in your guild if you complete those Fleet capital ship upgrades those count so you can get a leg up on everybody else. Once you're in a level 85 Guild everybody's getting 20 Fleet. Eat or 20 events for the time and then you also start getting those starter bundles for the endurance and for execute tricks. You're going to want to go and I don't think we talked about ships. You're going to want to go after you're certainly going to want to go after Admiral Admiral Ackbar ship. Yeah, I agree with you absolutely need that so you could get thrawn's chip. That's right. Yep, I agree and you know Admiral Ackbar ship even today full the Game players as well. It's it's it is the most used ship right now in the fleet Arena. So it still has viability. It's definitely the sort of thing you want to be chasing from the get-go. Yeah, and then level 65 you start to get this get the guild events. And if you harken back go ahead and listen back to our last episode. I gave you a wonderful rundown on how to do territory battles. Scotty will gladly talk to your ear off about territory wars. Yes, I will but we're absolutely yeah. We're absolutely here for you guys. What if if you're starting out and you're listening to this once you hit 65? Look us up. We'll be right here and we'll help you out with those territory battles to territory wars and we're going to go from there after that. You start getting the enhancement for the ship's you get further further into stage eight Stage Nine. You start to get credit ice. Mmm you start to get you start to get all the different resource building events eventually. Worry about those Sim tickets. You need the experience. Try those right now. Hmm But once once you get up into 85, all of your sim tickets are going away your worries about some tickets are going away because you're getting them. They're just pouring them on top of you. It's they're making it rain Sim tickets. I do. Yeah, and and with that be my might I've got to say, hold on. Can I just jump in for a second? I got to say like, I remember when I first started playing this game, you know. Those Sim tickets man. I used to go and grab those from that from the shipment store all the time because I was like, I'm running out. I need the Sim tickets. I want to see my want to get my character up. I want to get this done. Yeah, you're right. I mean like once you get past that level and they start making it rain Sim tickets. I don't know how many I've got now, but you know, like it's definitely the sort of thing that you need that you know that you will absolutely love when you get past that phase Paul. I agree with you man a hundred and fifty percent Yeah, and also by the way back in 65 Guild events. Guess what that means. We're talking raids. That's right. We didn't we even skipped over the big thing that can make or break a guild and that is rates Yeah a hundred percent. The one thing that will that will make or break a guild is the third ride, but we'll get to that in a moment the first raid though the rod Miniver the second one. Yeah second one make Mater broke up. The original Guild that I It did. Yeah, so it's not even the Third Rate the second one. Did ya? Yeah, look, you know the rancor no one really, you know, look you can you can get through that. No one really is going to jump away from the game at the rancor and jump away from your guild that you've got just because of the rancor a that it's not going to happen. But the AHA 80. Yeah, I can understand that but in saying that you know, yeah, I'll have seen guilds get fractured from that. But for me, I was actually Still playing with my guild and we were actually working towards trying to complete that raid which we did. No dramas at all. It's the third raid. The third raid for me is the one that really destroyed a lot of guilds. Of course. I'm talking about the heroic Sith raid, you know that certainly destroyed a lot of guilds, but, you know just be mindful like, you know, there's a lot of guides out there. If you're just starting this game. Well, make sure that you know, you keep communicating with your guild so that you can complete each raid. And you working together as a team and it's and the crew if you don't want to change from the player base that you're with but in saying that sometimes if you're way ahead of what your guild is doing and your guild is still stuck on h80 and you are able to complete it you're able to solo it or maybe it's time to probably look elsewhere so that you can grow your own roster and what you're doing Paul but Scotty, I'm going to twist the knife though. Go on. You ready? Yeah. How many more reads till you get to a 1-1 and then you got that you gotta go the rest of the way get her to seven. Yeah, but tell me about that right now man. All I care about is unlocking the silly thing. You know, I had to do that like seriously guys I had to do that. I had to jump out of the guild that I was in so that I could get trai and you know that pain you love that girl though. I do. Yeah, I mean Year you when we first started this it was it was a little bit of a Escape pod cast history lesson here. We started this we were we didn't even know that we were in the same Alliance when we started talking about. Oh, yeah, let's do this and then obviously we go you're in you're in that killed. I'm in I'm in this guilt and then right after that right after that you were like, are you guys doing H Sith and I'm like, yeah. Yeah. Got a spot. Yeah, yeah, absolutely man. And you know, like look, you know, try our cheese been the bane of my existence. I mean like I've seen guilds fracture left right and Center. I mean like we used to be a part of a another I guess you could say an alliance of some description and man the amount of guilds. I saw get fractured just because of this one Guild because of this one raid, you know people coming in to be recruited people leaving because they were going Where else just this one raid it man. I've never seen anything like it but I hope the next one doesn't do this. Yeah, I really hope the next one doesn't do this that that people can actually work together and I'll tell you this. I I was barely ready for the heroic Sith raid. Luckily my mind and the fact that I'm good at territory battles saved me from getting cut very grateful for that. But the fact is is that we stuck through this together. We communicated communicate with your guilt. Tell them I'm having trouble unlocking Ray. Hey, I'm having trouble doing this your guild if they are the right place for you to be will reach out to you. I mean, you know, I slightly detracted from alliances themselves, but, you know are already having for we just moved over to to United Without Limits. Yeah. And the the support there is amazing. You need to find somewhere that supports you and if you're not getting support in your getting made fun of you need to change gilts. Otherwise, you're not in the right spot and you're going to get left in the dust exactly and you know add to that as well. You know, like if you if you are way ahead of your guild mates as well. I mean, I'll use myself as an example. If you don't mind Paul and I mean this in all due respect to you know to my former Guild And shout out to Karel van. They're doing a great job. But you know, I look for me. I was about 1.5 million ahead of my next Guild mate. So for me, I was getting hurt when it came to you know, Arena or you know, even territory wars or Grand Arena when that launched, you know, and I was coming up against Trail. I had nothing to beat her because I didn't even have it at that point in time. So there's just my Sample for you. So, you know if you were way ahead and your guild aren't ready and you're ready to move up to the next level. You got to you. Just got to do it Paul. And maybe and maybe go ahead maybe that is the time that you go in for an alliance. You will leave that Guild into the alliance and then after that you say all right, this is the person that's had my back all this time. They're the new Guild leader. I'm going to go venture out. I'm going to be returning once this games finally not releasing any more updates and it's just a cesspool of Arena and come and lead them to Victory. But I mean you need to be doing What your GP says you should yeah, totally great totally agree. But my we've missed a bit here and that is of course, you know the legendary events. When do they unlock when do we see these? Well, it's all depending on your level. I think Summit 65 summer 85. I think even there's some at 44 the for the lower level legendaries, but those are those are things that you will be farming for in the pillars segment that you know, you guys need to continue to listen here because after this break we're going to first talk with Hellenic 6 and then Scotty has some more information. About those five pillars exactly. So stick around. This is the escape pod cast for kids. Sure, he got killed. Hey, come here. I want you to listen, very carefully to what I'm going to tell you. Show people the motherfucker it'll make you an offer. You can't refuse contact people my father and or on Discord and PE M. Vo, number nine, three three seven people the motherfucker like what you hear on the Escape pod cast want to support Scotty and Paul and sign up to be a patreon for as long Was two dollars a month. You can help them launch Escape pods for months to come visit slash the Escape pod to sign up support us today receiving incoming transmission transmission transmission, Lennox. From the guild recruitment Discord server or Gerdes as I like to call it the Lennox. Welcome to the show. Well guys, thank you for having me. Not you are more than welcome. Yeah, so we wanted to have you on the show to you know, talk about the benefits of guilds for newer players. I mean for those of us that have been playing this game for a long time finding that Guild that fits you is entirely entirely something that you need to be going after and absolutely yeah and you have you've kind of brought together a Unity you have a bunch of people on this guild recruitment Discord server and a lot of great Alliance has a lot of great Standalone guilds. What made you want to do this? I mean it possibly self-evident here, but what but what made you want to do this? Well, well the truth is the gold recruitment Discord server the drds as we like to call it was the brainchild of the Doom Alliance will deter David Nicholson. He is the server owner but a couple of years ago. He brought me in as admin and little by little has given me more and more control of the server to the point where now and basically running it for him, but the In child was my very very close friend the First Alliance leader that I had as part of my second Guild great guy from the UK mean David Nicholson and the concept was to give something back to the community at the time when he started it guilds were brand-new, you know people were trying to find ways to join guilds, and he created a Discord. Server because he had you know created a couple for a few of the guilds in his Alliance. He had created an alliance Hub server and he said what to make one that is for recruitment this way, you know a little bit of self help as well. If I need to recruit I can go in there and we can also make it open to everyone. So everyone can go in there and find people for their guilds and you know have a place to chat and all that. you know that was gosh way back when you know, I'm a day one player the so you know back when you know guilds were still new and the raid was still new and fighting the rancor was a big deal and all you know, and ever since we've tried to grow as a Grassroots effort and try to bring something to the community where you know, the veteran player who's you know, cracking and five million GP he can find a guild as well as the brand new player who the option to join a guild just opened up and he says, you know II don't know what to do. What should I look for? Who should I join? You know in the the G RDS is really the place for them to go. We had an entire section devoted to telling new place. Excuse me for the background noise. Somebody just drove by in a Harley gotta love it. You know just when you think it's going to be nice and quiet no, no record these ahead of time. We have a whole section devoted to new players where I've done a whole lot for explain, you know what they should look for, you know. Know how to go about doing it. Instructing them on you know, what's what are good pointers for placing an ad for yourself or how to read ads or where to go? You know and we can we can get into that further as the as the segment continues. I'll Lennox like, you know, I've got to ask you man, like because you know, let's let's flash back to day one. Do you wish that you know something like this was around when you know people like us started playing this game. Oh God. Yeah. Oh God. Yeah the community today compared to you know, I think it was Thanksgiving night 2015 when I first started playing, you know, I wasn't a huge, you know Mega gamer who was on to forums and all that. Not at all. You know. I just I love Star Wars picked up a Star Wars game set out. Have fun with this six months later. It's like guilds are a thing and you know, Like I said, what is this Discord thing? I hear people talking about Discord. What are they having arguments? What are they doing? But also it's a chat service, you know, like I mean, I remember the first the first YouTuber I started watching was Smith Edie. Yeah, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't know how to level 2 like why do you level tune? And why don't you what tune is good. You know, what is an issue? Liam back totally different from today today. We have wonderful shows like like for sure that were on right now so many Community efforts charity drives, you know, Discord servers are our Guild family runs the heroics if trade server that came out when the heroics afraid was first a thing to teach people how to be you know, we do the we do the G RDS to get people hooked up with gills to New guys how to find a girl to help fledgling brand-new guilds or two members become full there was none of that and we are first started it was it was extra fingers. Good luck, you know. Hope to God you join a guild. Would you have the HST our project that I mean it? Has its own Discord server and has its own Google drive with tons of information. That's great for both beginning and and game players. Well, we're certainly going to be linking to that right here on our on our show in the description on the YouTube channel on the Discord channel. So everybody will, you know, you're about to get an influx of people for the HST our project just like the HST. Project as far as we can tell obviously we don't know the user numbers for every single server, but I am on a couple Discord servers with other server admins and server owners and we kind of keep track and whatnot at this point. We have about 13 thousand users. And I think we're the biggest swell go Discord server by user number. Wow. We wanted to be everyone everyone who plays popular in there. There's great discussions. Going on as a matter of fact rain yesterday and the day before we had a few experts on the chewy event building battle cards to try to help people because that event is going live. So, you know, this is how we can help you guys learn the ins and outs of that event and it's a really really great Community. That's more than just it's starting to develop into something bigger than just the Sith raid. But if you're looking to get yourself trailer shards you and And your girl the struggling and you're not sure what to do hop on that Discord server. There are literally over 12,000 people that are totally willing to help you Google Docs battle cards. You name it? It'll show you exactly what you need to do. It's really really a great thing. I got to give credit to Kaden Caden Skywalker one of my guild mates who that was his passion. Project. He started that up again our way to give back to the community to help people out because that's that's what United Without Limits does its were we want to help as many people as possible in this game and looking eye and you guys do that, which is under which is absolutely Sensational and look one of the things that I actually wanted to mention to you as well man. Is that like, you know, I can relate to all of this of what you're talking about. I mean like, you know, like I remember, you know first starting this game and I'll bet you any money as well. You did the same thing as what most of us did like we know at 2005 15 like we'll all probably you know, Star Wars was at fever pitch. The force awakens was about to come out. We're all like yeah cool are actually I want to play a Star Wars game. How cool would that be on my mobile phone? You're a hundred percent right man, when you talk about the whole thing of like, you know you yeah, I have no idea about what Discord was I'll I'm also was not a serious gamer and I'm still not even to this day only this particular game. I mean, what are the game out there? Can you say that your Log in every single day you do probably about three or four times a day just to do different things with your daily things. I don't think there's any other game out there that does that Well end and that's the great thing about this game and I really believe this and this is the truth. I have dabbled in other games. I have packed in and out of other gaming communities. I picked up no Xbox games or Playstation games, you know, never big in PC, you know a couple of mobile games. This community is something else the passion for the Was AP. First of all, we are Star Wars nuts the dedication to Guild mates, you know, I across my inbox had come so many stories of you know, this person helping out that person or a guild getting together to do, you know a good deed for someone charity events. I mean, you don't see this kind of camaraderie and culture in most other games and I think that's a real Testament to our community and that goes all the way from you know, the brand newest player who just loves Star Wars and he's like lightsabers are cool all the way to the dance, you know and everyone in between genuinely 9 out of 10 people are salt of the earth in this game and willing to help out especially the new guys the new players everyone's like hey, I'll help you. What you need to form to get through on you need your Phoenix and you know, you got to do this and these are the steps to do that and it's really a great Community. I'll tell you, you know back in 2015. Like you said I would have never thought it I would have never said three years from now. I'm going to spend three quarters of my day on Discord you having to random strangers across the planet about my favor fantasy Space Opera stuff. And playing a game and you know waiting with with 50 of my new closest friends who are like family to me. Mmm and I gerd family of six hundred people who I oughta Dora, you know running a Discord server for recruitment of 6,000 people and the who walks with red project. Like I said before, you know, all these people and these YouTubers Any you name it? It's really a wonderful community and it's really a testament to all these people that are listening to your show. It's yeah, give yourselves a round of applause. It's because of you and it's it well don't sell yourself short there because you with the server that you have you have the numbers that that are absolutely amazing, but we do have to get going to a break here, but the fun. Thing is that you did mention one of the Five Pillars and after we come back from this break Scott. He's going to tell you all about those five pillars and where you should start if you're a new player right here on the Escape pod cast for kids like what you hear on the Escape pod cast want to support Scotty and Hall and sign up to be a patreon for as low as $2 a month. You can help them launch Escape pods for months to come visit slash the Escape pod to sign up support us today. The girls on underworld police often question just because they find them interesting is account alone has experienced more than a lesser man's entire body is mod salvaged pieces smelling cologne. He has the most interesting mods in the world. He'll always larger accounts and he is He'll come on Father contact people to my father and people my father at or unto scored at p and p doe number 93 7 get mounted my friends cash for kids. So you just started playing Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Congratulations. You are now a part of the family of people that are going to be continuously play. This game for probably the rest of your life every single day. You're going to be logging in and try and get your login rewards. You going to be trying to do you Galactic battles. You're gonna try and do your ship Arena. You're gonna try and do you Arena you're gonna try and do everything in this game, but you're sitting there thinking where do I begin? Well Warrior presents actually put together a pretty awesome pillar system and it's what 2019 and it's probably the best free-to-play farming guide that you'll ever come across it is absolutely unreal, of course why? Rio kicks off with trying to get himself Sabine and also a good Phoenix Squad so that he can try and unlock himself drawn and while he's doing that he's also trying to unlock Emperor Palpatine by getting a number of Jedi and also Rebels try and do the trick he's going for the likes of Kira as a leader and also Sabine Wren from the get-go meantime, if you've managed to get past that and you've managed to get thrown and also Palpatine while the next phase is of course trying to get yourself. R2D2 bb-8 and also Grand Master Yoda and Commander Luke Skywalker for this you're going to need to try and go after the likes of Jolie and also bastila. He's also got in here where he's chasing Stormtrooper old been also Luke Skywalker the farm boy version of it first order executioner and kylo Ren and he's continuing on with these Farms as well for the likes of the bounty hunters and while he's doing that he's also working on trying to get Biggs level. Up as well while he's also working on trying to get layer levels up you've managed to now unlock those four characters and he's moved over to the third part where he tries to unlock Jedi Knight Revan Chewbacca and also womper now this is where you're going to be trying the farm the likes of Vandal Chewbacca and also Wicket he's also says here that you should be going after Mother towels and in this and also you should be chasing Zell bar. He's also got in here a number of other great teams as well, but you can of course see this. You know description below or also on our Discord server, but for pillar for he's trying to unlock the likes of to backer again and also the likes of C-3PO and also hermit Yoda the this he's chasing likes and bosc in this phase and also nightsister zombie while he also chases after Jango Fett to try and get himself the houndstooth at the same time. There's a number of different characters which are in this and you've got to make sure that you follow this one to a tee while for the final pillar that he's trying to unlock is Also C-3PO Jedi training Ray and also entries Nest not putting a lot of emphasis. Of course on the likes of Jedi training rate early on because we all know just how bad of a farm those veterans can be. We will of course put Warriors free-to-play farming guide in our Cantina and if you've got any questions while feel free to ask the community now for those of you that also didn't catch last week's Star Wars show which of course is hosted by Andy and Anthony. Well, they managed to go and visit Capital games to go on. See how Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes was actually made here's what went down. We went up to Sacramento, California day to check out the headquarters of EA's capital gains. And I swear this place is just full of Star Wars. It's kind of fun and we're here to talk all about Galaxy pharaohs of bringing Darth Revan of the game. We started as a small social game studio in Sacramento and we were actually bought by BioWare and obviously we buyer was acquired by EA we came along for the ride. If they're a real house has basically been Collection Games and then when the opportunity to work on Star Wars came along, of course, we said this is us this is 100% are thing we designed the experience puzzlers and it is case for saltwater specifically how we helped them relive those memories that I have about the movies the game for novels in Dallas computers really cool things about this. Is that the content stands All Star Wars and now kind of delving into Legends territory with revving? What are some of the goals that you have in sort of veering into this side of the storytelling? We always approach this game with the entirety that this game is your Star Wars toy box. We want to give you all the Star Wars toys and want to give you the ability to use and play with all your toys and legends is this incredibly fertile ground of really cool stuff. We really said, how do we deliver on this? How do we put something in the game? That fans are going to love that our players are going to love. An important thing is to focus on the player experience and as an artist if you don't feel like you're fulfilled in your work and how are the sounds going to like it? I think when you approach things from there with that intent good things happen. Naturally. It's you started the event bringing in Jedi Knight Rider and not revenues coming into the game. Yes, what can fans expect about to do that going forward? He looked at all the feedback from the Jedi Knight Revenue that we said. Okay, how can we make this even better? So the Darth Revan events as just out of everything up to 11, we've put everything in and I think everybody's gonna be blown away when they play it there a lot of expectation. Internally and for fans to Darth Revan really is the key part that I take when I'm developing the characters that the Sith Lord that exceptional strategist and also he's a fearsome Warriors will have a lot of chances to show you. What a character is about their in battle and they have like 50 or animations to tell you who they actually are. So when run on those a big lightning attack, you can tell that he's just really ferocious and that's our chance to get it. It's more about looking at what's the core element among all the relationship in culture. So Jen and I Reverend's very powerful character. It does a lot of things. I really well for esteemed our thread and more about achieving this goal regardless what the cost is real of the game Real of the franchise. So when we do something like this we want to do it right because we want to make ourselves happy as well. That's the goal is take this iconic story that he got 15 years ago people still love it. They still talk about it and people still request rather than all the time. They love the character, and we just wanted to make sure to deliver that I was super fun. Thanks again to capital gains for having us out today, and if you are, of course heading the Star Wars celebration, make sure you pop on by and say, goodbye. Amy and Anthony from lucasfilm who will be there and so will Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes only a couple more days to go when till celebration and you know what that means that means that there will be a new trailer soon. Hopefully, we'll get back onto the bridge in just a tick on the Escape pod cast it's that special time of year when you and your love when you're looking for that special gift to give each other, but you've been looking for something to help your partner. Rise to the occasion. So this year instead of chocolates flowers give them what they want really want a mod overhaul from people the mod father appointments are available now so book today people are satisfied over thousands of players so far. So let him satisfy your partner for this Valentine's Day contact info at ping pong mod father at and to scored All lowercase p n po 9 3 3 7 that's PE mpo nine three three seven. He's awaiting Freedom. Like what you hear on the Escape pod cast want to support Scotty and Paul and sign up to be a patreon for as low as $2 a month. You can help them launch Escape pods for months to come visit Calm / the Escape pod to sign up support us today. This is the escape pod the bridge. That's right. It's time to get under the bridge where we answer your questions and the like and something that I wanted to bring up with your Paul. Is that straight up my friends that look out for those people that are of course chasing the ships. We forgot to Mention this in the news at the top of the show. And that is of course the Flight of the Falcon starting on April the 11th. So for those of you that haven't booked our hands Millennium Falcon, you can of course grab that from the Well when the event kicks off on April 11, so hopefully you've got your chewy shards by now and then you can chase after the Falcon which is always good at six more days until I have to start fending more people off with a stick and Arena shirts or believe so Dia I'm not looking forward to this just like people weren't looking, you know, the Jedi Knight revving people weren't looking forward to when Darth Revan came out I am so not looking forward to to having to to negotiate I've already got I'm already sharing when I first started in my little Fleet Arena Shard chat. I shared my payout with one with nobody. I was happy to do that. Then I got another person that joined me for so my eyes I swap one and two every day now it's going to start rotating as more people join up. One two, three, one two, three, and then there's always that guy you know who that guy is and if you're that guy don't be that guy knock out your Shard mates. Let's do this together. Don't don't be a jerk don't force people out and Another thing for new accounts as you climb, you're going to start people are going to start noticing you. Please I hope for your sake that people will not be forcing you out because you're a baby account. I hope that they will embrace you and bring you in and just work with them because at the end of the day Scotty, this is a game if Cole city is man and you know, it look the thing from my perspective as well that I want to throw out there to was that like, you know, look if your Shard chats already there and you Shard chats already established and And let's just say that for example, it's like my chard where you know, you've got a number of people that are a part of the one Alliance that are all working together to try and knock people out. Well absolutely start up another shot accountants. Take them down. That's the whole point. It's one of my favorite parts of the game. He's doing that. It's absolutely awesome. All right. Now, look, don't forget guys. You can of course sign up to be a patreon for us to just log on the patreon. Cam /the Escape pod and I'll also throw out there to Paul that you know, look there's some great things that we do with the patreon account and that is of course you could be you could get your entire guild looked after by Paul when it comes to the territory battle. It's and I can also give you some great tips as well when it comes to territory wars and not only that will also become your friend as well, which is always fun. So it's I mean will be your friend regardless, but but you know, The fact remains is that yeah, we want to help you guys out. And you know, there's a way how to put it how to put it. I mean do you want I really don't want to rehash the discussion on the real reason on why we're doing this whole thing with the pastry on you know, it's but let's just say it goes to pay some very very high medical bills. That's that's really all I want to say on it and this episode. Yeah, but with that being with this being the first episode of the month, we do want to thank the people who are showing their appreciation appreciation. Station appreciation via the patreon for this show and we're going to do it in alphabetical order. Thank you 10 pool. Thank you Bill H. Thank you John Jay. Thank you. John K. Thank U k-- Denise. Thank you Sam H. Thank you savage Diva the one known as tea and our very own our very favorite fellow content creator. That didn't bring us together, but supports us none the less. Thank you or Citron dog lovers at Ron. Yeah, he's my boy. He's my boy and make sure guys that you do go over and watch him today. He's going to be doing he's a Grand Arena. So that'll be a lot of fun. I lovers he's I've got a lot of time for that man, and he's such a bloody good fella, but look, you know and if it's not today because you're listening to this on the Leadercast go watch what he did in his Grand Arena. Yeah absence of all on YouTube. Yeah, exactly. The Gaffey stick comes out. It's awesome. I lovers he's my favorite out there at the moment. He is Sensational but I do have to say to yeah, you do get a monthly roster of you as well. I do that for you so that if you become a patreon that's something else that you get something else to that. I wanted to mention to while we've got this moment is to don't forget about our pimp. Oh remod competition. This is for your chance to actually win a entire rim Todd from pimp. Oh the mod father himself and I completely completely back pimp. Oh, he is Sensational and guys. I've got to say that make sure that you know you go and check him out. Go and say hello to him. If you miss out on the pimp, oh remod competition. Look, please do go and say hello to pimp. Oh he is. Of course one of the great people out there and look, you know, he certainly knows what he's doing with these mods. I know that D. Popeye is one of those sorts of people. That has actually been remodeled by him and Pops actually makes appearances with us in the after show. So look make sure that you know, you do that he is he is Sensational absolutely Sensational and one other one other thing on that is that recently Cubs talked about pimple and then somebody called him out saying, you know, oh that's a terms of service. His disagreement and then the developer of the game the lead developer carry chimed in and she said, you know, yes, if you're stupid with your account, you're going to get it stolen and there's nothing we can do for you. But if I trust anybody with my account, it would be pink bow. So I mean people has endorsements from the developers of this game. So yeah, you certainly want to Get a chance to to do you know to have him take a look at your mods. It's a worthy worthy investment tightly agree, especially if you lazy like me and don't want to remodel it something it's Italy want to look at it now speaking of a short chat real quick. We talked about this earlier Caden Ace asked. Where do I find her? How the heck do you find your Shard chat? His only top 20 - top 25 right now, but we have some people that are that I have since been shuffled down since the Falcon came out. I'm sure I'm going to see him again once everything starts going but I've seen it as low as 50 before. So if you're in the top 50, you certainly want to go over to S. WG o h dot life and on their on their thing they have it say A Shard chat finder and you'd find out the person to to contact and to get into your Shard chat. I wish you the best because it really truly is. Something that if you want to cooperate that you should certainly get into if you're going to be a griefer. I hope that your account crashes. That's all look, you know, yeah a hundred percent. There's another way you can do it and that is also within the game you add them as an ally and you can have a discussion with them in the game. Whoever's in the top three or four so that's another way you can do it, but you know for me Look, you know I've had negotiations with my chard chat. I've tried I've hit number one. I've gone a number one. I'm still not allowed in so, you know what math join my chard chat. If you're in my shot now that being said one of the things that we also offer on our patreon tonight is going to be the final free loading dock free for all after. After show where we're well while Scottie is saving his side of the this his side of the recording of the show and then sending it on to me. It's where we sit and we talk to you guys. Your mics are open tonight's the final one of those free ones tomorrow, or I'm sorry, not tomorrow, but next week will be the first one that we do patreon only so I really want to I hope that you guys will be more than happy to join us. After this and if you're listening to this on a podcast, we do other timely events. And another thing is that if you're a patreon you have access to the patreon only chat room, which while we answer while we answer pretty much as much as we can. We make sure to answer the patreon questions. Absolutely and you know from time to time there might be some game changes that pop in to that as well and there might be some other content creators that pop into it to like, you know from the likes of Hellenic who we spoke to earlier today Xylo take down from takedown games. Definitely another one to watch when it comes to you know, he's Grand Arena. He is Sensational absolutely brilliant, you know other people that you know, you might even meet in there at some stage as well. You know, we might be able to organize going nerdy to come in and have a chat to so many people which Just absolutely fantastic Thunder wax and the other one has a Tron you might even be able to get him if he's not too busy with his own Audrina and he's Gabby sticks. So yeah, it's or trunk of did I say that - yeah. It's like yeah, we do. We love you as absolutely and we can't wait. We can't wait to to help inaugurate the the CH the yeah the sea. Eh FN pardon, the interruption style shows. Yeah, we love those. Yeah, and actually to answer a question to howl Annex as well man. Like, you know Cora she is, of course, one of the people that you do find on has at Ron's Channel and she does some pretty cool things. Actually now, if you'll indulge me for just one second Cora is actually one of our people from the Skype podcast and I'm going to play you something right now so that you guys can actually hear it. So here you go. Take a listen. That's right. So that's Cora, but you will find on Earth has Channel. She's our specific Imaging person. So there you go. And her name is actually Jessica. Analia, and she works with me here on the radio on 92.9 and to TM. So there you go. So if you ever wanted to know who she is Jessica analia, I'll put her Link in the description below. So you guys can check her out. She's pretty good. But you can't stream your station Scotty. I will tell Korra that you guys love her. I absolutely will Helene except she's a she's a lovely girl. And in fact, I might even be able to get her in for a chat. Just give me two seconds guys. Oh my gosh, we're having an impromptu guests on the on the show. We're gonna see what happens here. You never know. What's going to happen? Yeah, you never know. What's going to happen in on the on the bridge. Absolutely, not and look guys. I thought I'd introduce you guys all to Cora of course from Erza's Channel. She's just come in right now. How low Jess or Cora? How are you? I'm well Scotty. How are you? Very well. Thank you. Welcome to the Escape pod casts. Thank you for having me. You're more than welcome. Anyone got any questions for Cora because I think that this will be fun. No, no. No, she can hear she can hear so you can see good in here. So Cora, thank you for thank you for venturing over from the hollow tables to our humble Escape pod. It's once again good to meet you. Absolutely. No, I'm happy to be here Scott. He's a wonderful guy wonderful wonderful person to work with and of course, you know to provide my wonderful voices guess it's what you love look you might shout outs here as well. guys because I've got to say He had Xylo saying that he loves Jess pretty sure that she subscribe to my channel met her at the hall. Helene X is like give someone Getters are in here as I lo saying what so favorite is a voiceover that she's done. There's too many of them. Honestly. I just you have to you have to tell me what you want to hear. Really? Yeah, right. Okay question for Cora. May I have to karelia nails and please take this baggie of kalaxian crystals to my brother Erza? Unfortunately right away. She sounds an awful lot and Scotty. She sounds an awful lot like a news reporter. We used to have well, no, she's actually one of our announces on a here just tell tell you story. I don't I talk for a living guys. It's pretty one pretty much what we do Scotty and I wear on the radio. We have lots of fun. Just talk about whatever is going on in the world. And yeah, that's basically it we get paid to talk we do we do. Yeah. Okay. Can you say it's problematic in the hole? It's problematic in the hole. There you go. There you go and Ross looking at if I come up a bit newsreader - I can't help it. It's just the way that you pronounce and say things I guess, isn't it? Well, this is true. This is true. But you know so so yeah guys suggest and I we're really good friends have been for a while. We work together. And yeah, we're the yeah her and I are a team so absolutely Yeah, love lover. Love it a bit Scott. He's teaching me all about this wonderful game you guys play. I sure am I sure him and yeah, so what happens with me? What because for people that don't know. Yeah, you know what you see me in this building all the time. I do what am I doing all the time? He's like a zombie walks around the place. He'll walk out of his Studio out of the production Booth head in his phone and I know he's playing because the phone's turned landscape. It's not like he's reading Text message he's playing his game and even yesterday right before he goes on air. He's like I got a got three minutes until I can get my what what did you say to me? I had to get my had to get my payouts. Yeah, get everything done or whatever. So yeah, it's Ron the teacher these things guys Paul. You got a question. I'm good. Yeah, so he's heads just in the game all the time. And I know when he is as well when I know when he's working on the lovely podcast as well because he's just in a good mood is like gestures come check this out. Look what we got going on. Hey, are you a Star Wars fan? I love Star Wars. Look, I'm not as hard core as you and not as hardcore as some people who have watched everything or read everything that's you know in the cannon outside of the cannon, but I love it. I fell in love with Star Wars I think about good five years ago. So much so that I spent just over a grand on a absolutely gorgeous painting of Darth Vader and I've ob1 it was just like I have to share a picture with you Scotty's yes, share them because it's hanging up in my bedroom back in Adelaide. I don't get to have it up here because it's so big but it's just the most beautiful thing ever and ya know it. How could you not fall in love with the story line with what happens especially if you watch four five six one two, three, that's the The only way to do it. Absolutely I agree with you. Have you ever seen the Clone Wars? I've seen a little bit of it not enough but a little bit right you've never played coat or you wouldn't even know what that is. Would you you showed me Knights of the Old Republic? Yeah, but no I'm so I'm like, you know low-level fan. I'm not like she goes to the movies and she goes and check some out but any gamer that's not thing is I'm not a gamer but I I've Loved good stories. I love characters and George Lucas has killed it with this. So absolutely absolutely just a quick one Helene X asks, if you can say Shameless self-promotion Shameless self-promotion is gonna take my voice off this that's all over the podcast. It's all over it. Absolutely. Well Jess, you are on here. I know that you've got to get back on air, but But like thank you so much for coming in and chat into these guys. I know that they're so Keen to talk to you. So absolutely not it's good fun. And if we plan something a bit later in the future might have a bit more to say so absolutely. No we certainly will we certainly will. All right. I'm gonna put the news on. All right. Thanks. Jess. See you soon. Bye. All right. There you go guys you manage to get you know, the lovely Jess or Cora from has at Ron's Channel, you know helping you guys out rather we do novel The Escape pod cast Paul. Oh man, totally was not expecting that. That was that was hilarious. Yeah. Well, you know we had to do it I had to bring her in so, you know like yeah, she's a lovely girl I'll put her Link in the lobby guys because you know, she's a she's a wonderful talented broadcaster and I've got a lot of time for Jesse is Sensational. She's just a lovely girl and the Reeds that she does for us. And you know winners are contacted me and said can she do something for me? And I said yeah, absolutely man. And that's what we did. So, you know, we've done the same thing. We've asked Cubs if he wants to do something not yet, but we'll get there. I'm sure we will I'm sure we will absolutely hmm. Well Scotty, you know, I think that's actually quite a quite a great place for us to launch this sucker. This has been a great one hit up the patreon if you're listening to this on YouTube like And subscribe and I hate saying that and then on top of that make sure you subscribe to us on your favorite podcast software unless it's iTunes because iTunes is being a jerk to us use Spotify. That's my recommendation. But Scotty push the button might I don't mind if I do but just give One more second guys. I've just got no. No, I was one more. I'll just got to tell you guys one more thing. Make sure that you know, you look after Paul as well and become a patreon. So I tell you what Paul I'm going to push this button right now. Don't mind if I do. What? Thank you. Hello friends, this is Thaddeus from going nerdy Escape pod cast was filmed in front of a live studio audience full of tweaked-out murder Bears. Shifu said we don't
Coming up on this Weeks Escape Pod...Cast Node refresh mania and We delve deep into the world of starting over with The Escape Pod Cast for kids special. Beginner or veteran alike stick around because we have tons of information around the corner! We talk all things SWGOH. Two radio hosts from opposite ends of the world converge to bring you the premiere pod cast about the mobile game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Hosted by Scotty McLaren and Paul Anthony Discord: Join our Discord channel and listen to the live recording of each episode at 7:30 eastern / 4:30 Pacific every Friday night.
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Not FM to get started. Ladies and gentlemen, it is none other than the affair after show. It is the series finale Noah secretly plans Whitney's wedding Bruce falls in the pool to bring a distraction just about everyone makes amends and Sasha does not make an appearance and we are all in our feelings. Let's go. Let's get it. Well y'all. Yeah, there we go. Boil in gonzalvez AKA Uncle Lim and a case sensitive Thugz tonight because this finale let me tell you something. Yes. Thank you. Thank you Josh. Appreciate it. That's that's what I need right now because I feel very poetic. I feel like you know, I want to I need to do a sensitive poem. That is correct. But yeah, I'm gonna so when it is duction, so I later engineer. So next to me is the one and only the incomparable the amazing. Give me oh Alice indeed so much lamb everyone. Yes, I can't promise. I'm not going to weep. All right. Yeah. I also would like to introduce to everyone out there the enjoy the amazing she has a For blouse on and it is very fitting for this episode because again, it is a feelings blouse it because we are not feelings. April wasn't at ladies and gentlemen, y'all. I'm so sorry. I'm crying already actually is the best with his introduction every single week. And I don't know if I'm more sad about the show ending or like us this panel and like all of our viewers ending we are not ending. Of course, but the show we have the live chat open. So we are we so want to know what you thought because obviously we are in our feelings about it. As one said yes, so I'm going to try to do this. But what did you all think about the episode? I mean, I genuinely and I you know, this is a television network. We watch a lot of TV shows here. I don't I truly don't think I've ever seen a better. Our series finale in my life and I have watched, you know, the shows that people watch it is, you know, we've talked a lot about like, you know, the Game of Thrones finale how people were so upset. But like you have your reasons whatever this is this is how you do it. Like this is the some of the best riding. I think I've probably seen on the show, but also it gave us everything that we needed a few things that I didn't know that I needed and like it ended in a way that is different than how How you would expect but it's how you like realize that you really wanted it to and makes great points. Like I literally feel like I learned things from tonight's episode. I loved it thought it was so amazing. I definitely thought it was phenomenal. I think for me the one item like my one critique if I were to have one was just I wish there was some punctuation Around Noah's damnation what his you know, just all of the allegations me to think all of yeah, just a little bit just something to kind of and I don't know if it was just the fact that you know, Helen kind of embracing him and just him moving on and going to Montauk like maybe that was the the unsaid period on that story like all move on. I'll be fine we're together. We're happy family. So perhaps that wasn't Enough, but there was an underlying from me of that question mark of I still wish there was a bit of like Helen coming for into being like he's a fabulous man. I love him dearly and what pow to all your people so but I honestly it was still an amazing and moving and the tears were still coming finale for me and it will definitely go down in history. Like this is definitely a panel that you know will go down in history for me. So, you know, It is just going down history right now. You know what? I think that how you were saying? I think we actually did get a punctuation on that. I was saying I've said so many times that you know, I didn't want for me personally. I was like, I don't want that to be Noah story act. Like is that how we're going to end but I think the fact that he, you know, we learned that tonight that he moved to Montauk directly after Whitney's wedding. He you know, obviously we see that he and Helen were together, but the fact that He moved to Montauk and didn't do this this this we clearly know that something probably he didn't move forward with a major writing movie producer career. Otherwise, they wouldn't be in the situation that they were. So I feel like we kind of know what happened. Whatever them directly saying. Yeah, right. So here's my thing to your point and and just to the entire finale if you notice the affair Noah was the culprit right? He's the villain in this and this is how the Starts he has occurred with Alison obviously Allison while still married but Noah is the villain is villainized and we see kind of his trajectory. We see what happens. He ends up spending time in jail. He ends up getting ostracized from his family his kids don't like him Helen hate some sometimes sometimes it's cool with them. We see what he goes through granted a lot of it and he's even said in the show himself several times some of this I deserve, you know, a lot of this I deserve because I was not good, you know, even when he's talking talking to Colin and we see that whole situation but what I love about this because I was waiting for that as well this whole Vindication, right and what I feel like what I think was dope shout out to share a train is that they did it to me in a way that didn't it gave the punctuation mark, but it didn't it didn't embellish it right? Yeah. You said I'm saying like the facts to me the fact that the way the show ended like the exact. The ending scene is him walking out to that ledge and him doing the dance. I know from 30 years ago, right and you see him doing that and it's him just by himself. Helen is passed away her parents have passed away and we see him and it's almost like a freedom in a sense and that's where I feel like that's to me was the punctuation. Yeah. Absolutely. He's been like yeah. No I'm with you I and like I think you know, I'm still Processing everything again. I thought it was very masterful. And I think that there was so much embedded meaning throughout the episode like there was so many little nuances and little details that were obviously very well thought out and I think it's definitely one of those phenomena. I don't know if I could like watch it tomorrow because I'm gonna need like another box of tissues for that definite, but it was very well done. And I think the layers of story that are there and just the fact that Noah Um landed in the in the way that he did on that ledge. I mean it was a beautiful episode. It really does and then the other thing to think about is the fact that we know he did not because we see, you know prior to this whole finale and the things that we've seen in Prior seasons is that Noah, you know his quest for fame right and him being an author and then even how that whole thing transpired with Sasha turning the, you know book into a movie and he's thinking he's going to be you know this Person, right and the fact that right after him and Helen rekindle that he leaves all that aside, right and the book that he's reading is from his daughter. I know like do see them saying and so it's like he knew where his piece was. Yeah. He realized like when Helen is doing her speech we're going to be bouncing all around. Yeah, we are. Yeah, but what happened is given it's fine. The helm is giving her speech. He's sitting there and you can tell he's processing. And he knows what she's going to say. Yeah, he knows that she's going to say that she loves him. He knows that but he wants to give her the ability to do that because he loves her too. You know, I got to get this out for the entire series and nobody get back together and people doubted me. I saw the Twitter's I'd be were like that. Nah, they had their moment and that's it. It's past. I've had faith and I feel like it's great for this show because it shows when we see that line when he is talking - so many moments when he has talking to Johnny and he's telling her. Oh, yeah, do you you know, I'm going and he's basically like, you know, it's hard to go home, right? That's a message like I could preach right there like if it's hard. Home and when she's looking she's like what do you mean? He's like and he starts to explain because he's giving and it's hard to get it all out. Yeah, he's when he when he finds out. Yeah, you know who she is because it takes them a minute. Yeah, and she know recognizes him before he recognizes her and when he's talking to her he's giving her the experience that he had but the crazy thing about and this is so great about this writing is that it's his mother that he had the affair with him. He's taking what he did with his mother and what he learned from that situation to tell her that she needs to go home and be with her husband because he's with his wife. Do you see why wow? Oh my God. I'm telling you right now like this, but mainly the finale I feel like and it's like you said, I feel like it did Justice to the season. Did Justice and we were talking off air before this how we've been disappointed with other series that we loved and you get to the finale. You're like wait, that's it. That's how you're ending this series and I'm so so glad I'm so so glad that they ended it in the way that they did let's talk about it because there's so much to unpack highlight that chat is giving you much mad love right now. Love Maria. Ayala says limb was right all along. And then I lost it a second ago. I will find it but they said that basically the whole thing is redemption story. Think about it first scene to last scene of the episode. It's a Redemption story and character Arc right from now on Zach. Yeah. Yes. Let's talk about it. All right, so we do start with Noah and and of course the you know, it's all about Wendy's wedding. Everything is surrounded around that with the exception of Joanie's parts. And so they're preparing for Whitney's wedding. We do know that in the Prior episode that Noah Whitney told you no, no like you're not invited you are Uninvited. You cannot be there, of course, he's devastated but because Noah is persistent. And that's one thing I will say that he has been throughout this situation. He's been persistent. He decides look I'm going to plan this thing. I had already started something. Yeah. I'm going to finish it out. If I can't be here. I can't be there. And so we see that he's got the whole family involved. We see Mars. Shout out to Martin Shadows with a minute. See him Brianna. This is over. We do see it in the last episode The Flash mob which is the one thing she said she wanted to do was like I mean like have you ever seen Noah solloway dance until tonight? I guess dance is an old man. You saw knowing that we all know that but we see then that he ends up after this happened slow down. Yeah, it seems like that's but then we see the immense starting right? So the first thing he does is talk so Trevor Trevor says, I don't hate you dad. He's like wait if I hate it. My dad, he's like that's not where I'm at. I don't hate you. He then goes the mark. He starts talking to Martin makes amends with him. He gives them advice on what to say about Whitney. You see what I'm saying? So he's like going down the line and this this immense, you know situation exactly is starting and the Pinnacle is Helen, right? And so and then we see he goes to college who is new to him. Yeah, and the fact, you know, he's like look, you know and Collins like look you why are you trying to be Yeah, so like we there's so many people do not like you in this family like what's going on and no one kind of was like well, let me explain something to you these women in this family. There are he said this whole family's crazy. Yeah. Oh, yeah entire family is crazy. And basically you're entering this family. But look, this is the situation. I want to give you the best possible situation and he when he when he tells I'm going to get your mama here, right? Right. I died. He in that moment. I I literally I think that's the first thugs here that I shed and yes, I as well as London shed only factor. I should all kinds of terrorism is real and that moment was like this even just him being the simple you put it, you know, so eloquently he is hated. Everyone is like he's the worst he's doing all of this stuff. I was wondering at the I'm like, I think I said it out loud while we were watching. I was like, how is he is he not going to tell Whitney his future bride that her dad is helping plan this like very important thing in her wedding. But in that moment for him to be staying in like a roach motel and you know, I don't know how much of a flight from Ireland is but not cheap and to like figure out basically like let me do this and for the moment where he says your family because family, Only you can't always, you know be there you're always going to eat a mess up. You're going to be nasty to each other sometimes but the fact that he was like I'm going to do whatever I can when I can to help you. I think that was the first moment for me where I was like, you just came full circle because you are not knowing think of Noah in the past. He would have been very hardened and upset not that he wasn't tonight by the but by the fact that he wasn't there and he had spent all of this money to do all of these things. The fact that he was willing to do even more it's just like he such it's a Redemption. He's such a different character than we got before and I think that's I think that's why it makes us feel good because it just makes us feel good for even like to know that Whitney maybe wasn't so fully gung-ho about everything but he was like guess what it's happening. So let's make it happen. Let me make let me do something for you because you're my son-in-law or future son-in-law right to make you happy. I like what he said we show up. Yes. Oh, that was good. That was there was so many gems. But yes so many gems. That was one. That was the first major ones for me. We show up we show up like yeah you do and which is which is very true because as dysfunctional and it's problematic as they are as a family he's right they do show up and they do what they need to do. You literally told Helen leave I hate you. Basically it's okay and then he went back to her after the fire. Like that's because it's what you do. Yes, you show up. That's what you do. Yeah, I think Heartbreaker number one even though it hit me later because I didn't get it right away. And I told you all was when you know, they're getting the wedding planning and Helen is like oh and I didn't get it at first I was like, yeah, what are you talking about? I knew it and then later I was like wait he had to leave. Yeah because again, he's not invited. He's not supposed to be there. Right and then we see that scene that is very comical where he's hiding from Whitney when she shows up. I almost tweeted this while we were watching. I was trying to live tweet with everyone. But then I was like wait if you read this later, you're not going to understand. I was like thank you for giving us these comedy scenes. I am we saw do not mean this is the way I like making light of course of right Dementia or anything. Obviously. It's a very serious illness but I was like, I need this comedy. I need Bruce hiding behind a wall. Yeah. I think he's Noah's brother and my parents will never find us here. Yeah, I actually loled so thank you for that moment. No, it was it was definitely needed. I mean we needed that because it was such a I mean you knew it was going to be heavy episode. Yeah, I knew that they had to do these things to give the which I appreciate to give the season Justice our series Justice when we see that he does leave and I mean I've been feeling bad for Noah for the last this entire you have this I mean this this I'll put like this don't wait a second this land. I will say the It's like the precursor real thing. Yes, the second half of the Season leading up to the end. Yes. I feel bad for Noah. I feel like Noah. What I do appreciate about Noah's character is that he understands why the situation is what it is? Yeah why he's hated. He's like I've made mistakes and I appreciate that. He owns up to that because he needed to do that in order to get his family back. He had to own up to his mistakes and be genuine not just be like, yeah I messed up and Keep doing bad things. I keep doing messed up things with some right. So he learned from that and I feel I felt bad and I've even said this and come on don't play me said this in previous episodes and coming previous episodes that there are times that I feel bad for him because I feel like yeah, I mean, he's getting a bad rap. Yeah, um haven't been a fan of his the entire season series, right but in the second half of the Season definitely because I'm like yo, what more can you do to this? This man, yeah, you know what I'm saying, but we do see that he goes to the hotel and he's sitting there with his to let bottles and he's just his daughter and it is very right at least he's you know, drinking it alcohol but his daughters getting married. Can you imagine your daughter getting married a couple of miles away and you're sitting in this nasty hotel and you spend all you spend all this money and then it's like she this is a new thing, you know. Seems I don't know why to me. It seems like it's been a while since like the allegations came out and whatever it does kind of but it's not no it's within weeks, you know, as far as we know anyway, yeah, but I think to see it kind of come full circle and to see the obviously this happens much later, but like the conversation even with Bruce and Whitney and that was amazing and everything that they have I think like even him sitting in the hotel. I was so nervous that he was going to like do do something because I was like you he has to feel the lowest he's ever felt absolutely. Maybe I never but very very very low right now. That's so I got I was so afraid so, you know, we've been talking about Helens going to save Noah Hell, whatever. I kind of think she did when she shows up later. Oh for sure for sure. We're going to get into that. I do want to what did you all think when you saw old Noah and a lobster roll? I knew I knew it. Then do it but yes you what what what? What are you talking about? You are you in my brain? Right a little bit? Wait, you said that I said, it's not. Yeah once I saw him. Yeah, I know but I knew like right right when they panned in the last row and I saw the old guy at the counter. Oh, you're saying that that was no before they showed his face. I think they did that for a reason. They did that for the people who they did that for the April's they did that for the people who wanted a still wanted a little bit of Alison and coal and you know, why would he be by the lobster roll over anything right at the you know, at the time that he did it's meaningful. It's meaningful obviously that he did that. So I think they did that for the you know, that's why I say it was just so well written and so well done because we see obviously, you know, he ends up here Helen ends up here. But like give us these little nuggets also it was a great tease because we see, you know, he goes to this hotel and then it pants to Johnny for a quick second. And literally it's just her running into Noah at the lobster roll. And then she says her mom used to work there and then it goes in the Helens Viewpoint. So I'm like but we know it's Noah so we know like wait a second if he's at the lobster roll 30 years later or what have you and he's working there. Then this story's got to have a happy ending. Yeah, right because otherwise, you know, why would you show that there? Yeah. Exactly. This is where I started to get scared because I was like, why is he in Montauk? Why is he like I was like, okay, of course, he would be in Montauk Allison was there he and Helen have all this stuff there, but I started to get nervous because I was like, he's by himself. He doesn't have this like what I was an ass, it made me and gave me pause. I just I just felt like they wouldn't show it because the way this the season was going for the finale. I can't see them showing him. Especially that in Glimpse real quick. If it was going to be something that had a negative connotation. Yeah or negative in D. And this is another like Out to the writers and the creators and obviously everybody on the show because I when I was like we're done singing Joanie and maybe people are just am crazy for this but I was like, I don't think I need to see Joey again. I never agreed with you, but I disagreed with y'all. She did disagree, but I was like you gate they gave me that's why I say stuff that I didn't know that I needed this moment with like Alison said from the beginning props to her that Noah and Joni work. Gonna have this conversation. I was like, I don't need that exact you did dear heaven, but you know what you mean exactly? Yes. No, I definitely I think and I it's what I had hoped for. Um, it really closed a lot of chapters. I think like that conversation between them did a lot to punctuate a lot of things that needed to be punctuated and also just For Joanie to we weren't going to see you know, full character Arc with Joanie because we just met her this season, you know in this particular way, but I think for the storyline that we did see that interaction between the two of them was the Catalyst for you know, kind of giving giving a punctuation to that storyline I think for us. Oh, absolutely. I really struggled I'll be honest with Johnny's presents this season because I'm like, first of all they were showing a little glimpse of her at the beginning of the season and I'm like, oh Okay, I'm not getting enough. Why are you doing this? Because it's not giving me anything for the storyline, right? They started giving her more traction. We obviously saw the probably the biggest thing was her when she get went to go meet the person who killed, you know, ya been and so we see that that Pinnacle happen. So I'm like, okay she needed to get Vindication for a mother. Okay good and like you April I was like, okay, I'm good done. But again the Riders know what they doing. To see what we needed to see and even even with EJ yo yo, so I'm nervous excited over anything about okay. So to your point, I want to just elaborate on your point when they're talking the whole thing about and my thing is I was like, how is out because Alison somehow has to get tied into this finale. Absolutely. No Alison is gone. On we know Joanie is kind of the only connection that's still bringing her up right her memory. So I was like, how is are they going to you know interact Alison into this finale because it has to happen for closure. Oh, yeah, right because the fair happened between no analysis. All right. Yeah, so that's where this this whole show started. So when they were talking and Noah is explaining to Joni because Johnny has all these preconceived notions about our mother. Oh she did this and that and then he's like no no no, no. No she fought for you. Yeah and her hearing that because imagine imagine being you thinking your mom didn't want you right now. I'm thinking your mom, you know, I didn't care enough to take care of you, right? You know, whatever the case is all your life. Yeah, and then your adult and you're thinking like, okay. Well, my mom didn't want me or what happened terrible and then to find out that she the exact opposite. Yeah, like that's got to be that's got to be overwhelming. Stop it. But yeah, it was such a great moment to be able to get as a viewer to see Joni is now going to know these things that Allison did Noah was straight up with her. He's like she sure she left she went away to get help for you. Yeah, you know that everything was for you that's that's not great. Especially as a kid when you don't understand that at all, but the fact that we got to see him say to her, you know, her whole life was about you you were her everything when she you know a couple of times Out the season has said like I was the replacement child, you know, it had me wondering why would col they said cold Louisa, but you know Cole is who really matters to me that scenario would tell her that you know, they just kind of gave her back to Allison to be nice that that I was like. Oh, I wonder I can't imagine clever saying that because he did seem to always really kind of like go to bed for Allison, especially in that situation, but until until it comes to the Joanie stuff your he didn't as But to get her to have that to hear her learn, you know, your dad did always think that Ben had something to do with your mother's death, you know, it doesn't bring her back just like, you know, we they've said but it it and she knows that he did it and I don't know if it makes it any better but it definitely makes her like be more at peace and I think it's just so important that Noah is the one saying these things to her as to be. No. I absolutely have to who else could it be and I wanted him so bad to be like I think she definitely remembers him being in her life, but I wanted him to like I came after you and I whatever but I also knew, you know, we weren't going to get that and that's fine obviously, but to hear him say these things to her and just kind of see what it makes her think and feel and really change everything because for a second I didn't think she was going to go with EJ and for a second I kind of wanted her to go with EJ me being a Go for knowing possibly. I mean they had this the thing is she needed to go back to her family. And that was the whole that was the whole point that Noah was making it's hard to go home going back to what he said. EJ was a distraction. EJ was cool. And I think the reveal of him being Vic and Vixen, even though we had supposed that that was the case to hear that and him say that out loud. I'm like yo, okay, this is Crazy, this is crit. And then when I did so much, I don't know why I don't know. I thought it was great. It was great TV. And then he's like wait are we at related and he's like well so my mom and ex, you know, and then they had an extra lights and then it was like he broke it all the way down. He's like where the farthest away, you know from being related, but I thought it was dope to because my thing is like why is he being interjected in he has to have some kind of other connection other than just random showing up and then being this this person that she just confined to a braided so That because we all were like why is EJ here like he's getting some good screen time. You know, we know it's the last season so we want our people to have the screen time tonight made it all worth it. Honestly just to see that moment of he cared enough to kind of go after the situation and learn more about this and just to see it. Actually I think all is because of the moment of forgiveness where he was like Helen is a set was a second mom to me. Me and was great friends with my mother Cierra and absolutely, you know, Sierra slept with Vic when Helen was with him, but she was able to forgive because that's what people can do right? I think that that was a so again that was another moment of story that it packed a lot in for us as viewers to have more closure. So, you know in the sense of just EJ punctuating the fact that Helen was still very good friends with his I mean just Just all these little little nuggets that he was inserting that came up on multiple times. Yeah, I'm saying that they were friends wait, but I think that that also, you know, that's had a lot about Helen and her character and whatever Joanie's perception of Helen may or may not have been it's just all these things were done and very elegant way as I thought, you know, sure what about another bug hear another sound effect time. Yeah, so we might I mean we might need to some soft music this one. I mean just kind of like from the intro. So when we thank you. So Helen is helping Whitney with her dress. Oh and it goes awry little bit. We then see Margaret walk and gets a little worse. Oh, yeah, right. Yeah the women right, but however, At Silver Lining Hallelujah when Helena and Whitney are talking amongst each other. Yeah, they settle down and they're trying to figure out how do we walk out? Because again Noah is not walking her out. Ellen is and when they have that moment and I have chills right now and they say like no no, no, we're going to hold hands and we're gonna walk out and they walk out hand-in-hand understanding one another. Because the thing is I feel like Whitney always feels like she's misunderstood, right and this whole time even from when she was a kid up until adulthood. She feels like she's you know has to go above and beyond to make her point across where it is, whether it's someone a man that she's with whether it's with her parents, whether it's you know with her boss. Yeah, so and we see Helen is kind of the opposite. We saw what Helen is about and she talks about Not being present. I'm never been present right and so Whitney's over present, right? Yeah if I can use that term or use that phrase right? We're going to use it because it's amazing. So under present over present right the to come together and their present together correctly present and they walk hand in hand. Yeah. It was such a beautiful thing to see. Yeah, we definitely both I think when when Margaret comes in which was another like I thought comedic relief moment and to see Whitney understood what she was like when Helen asked Whitney was like what in the world made you be so tough on people like so hard on people and then Margaret walks in it's just like, oh Helen you look terrible. That's not what she said. But like that's basically what she was saying was that Helen was awful on her wedding day. She was this this this and when he kind of begins to understand wheels are eternity this is what's happening. So in that moment of them to be able to come together hold hands walk down. I'll you know, there's not something better that they could have done to make us because we knew we were going to be sad that like Noah wasn't walking her down the aisle, but she even has this moment. It seems like of clarity where she's kind of looking around and it's like my dad's not here like that's why it was so well done because they gave us these nuggets. They're not just like I'm being hard. I hate my dad whatever but to have Helen even get this moment. I think was probably more special because she has gone through the wringer with Whitney and you know, we've dog don't need a lot everybody in chat with us on started on Whitney a lot as well. But to see her kind of be able to understand and that moment and kind of hashtag grow up right there. I literally feel like that's what she did right she grew up in that moment. Shout out to another comic moment Bruce being tied to the chair. It was Sean to the fact that I loved Helens reaction when she sat down she was like my father's really tied to this are you know, like and I'm Margaret like yeah. What are you watching? Yeah, right. I feel like thing. Yeah, I really and I haven't obviously been a fan of Bruce because Bruce was not anyone to be revered he gave Noah hard time. He just was that dude, right? Yeah, and we see now in this season, you know him dealing with Alzheimer's the dementia, and it's Almost like he's it's humanized him in a way and you feel bad for him. Oh, yeah at the moment the moment that he's talking to Whitney another moment Game Changer when he and he's completely Lucid. Yeah completely and he's talking to her and he's basically like look. Okay. This is the situation you need to make sure let me check my notes you need to make sure this isn't Whitney's Whitney's version. Yeah, and he's dancing with her and and I wrote this down. Quote he says, sometimes it hurts you more than it hurts them to hold a grudge amen so much and it's very true. I mean, this is not just a line in the show. This is very true because a lot of times, you know, and you've heard the phrase hurt people hurt people, right? So a lot of times we get hurt and then when foot turned on other people because we're hurt, you know, so sometimes you hold that Grudge and then you're hurting yourself more. When you can just let it go and you'll be free, right? You know what I like you even more for me personally than maybe that line was the line where they were like the next line where she was like, but you know, if people just do these terrible things and they're forgiving than how do they, you know, correct those I forget exactly what she says and he's like you're going to have a lot of times to be angry in your life. You're not going to have as many times to love here come the tears again. Sorry, India are here. Thank you. Did - you're amazing but to hear her, you know, he's like young people think these opportunities to love are going to continue coming and sometimes they are and they just don't so like this is your he doesn't say this part it this is me saying my schpeel at this point. But like this is her father. She's going to have a lot of opportunities to get angry like Bruce said and You know not many times to truly love and to spread love because that's how she feels because that's how the world works. A lot of people make you angry. So I was like Bruce you are literally teaching me right now because it was just such an important moment and that's what really made her be like I am going after my dad and I wanted to be here and I want to be around him. Yes. I was I actually thought Yeah, um, I honestly thought Bruce had been abducted by aliens for a moment. He just like it was so poetic and so perfect and just it was like the Bruce that we haven't seen for a rowing. I mean not that we had seen that Bruce ever registered everything that looks like the eloquent and wise and charming and lovely Bruce that we've never seen ever, right? Yeah. That was amazing even jumping in the pool. I was like Oh hilarious. I know everyone else was probably so worried. But like the way he winked and was just like all of it. It was it was it was it was great. It was great it literally so perfect. It brought the whole family together. Oh my gosh, and when you see, you know dysfunction like that and and and and it's been that way like because of Noah's transgressions because of Helen being the way she was because of the grandparents. Yeah, but now they treated Ellen, I mean it trickles down hill right? Um, I want to double back because I mean we might use again, but this is when Helen I just want to say one thing. I thought I was in a way really poetic to that. It was Bruce just because of how he was the person in so much of this whole series that was always against Noah against everything that he was the fact that he was going out on a limb going off a ledge, whatever we want to call it. So that Whitney could go towards her dad. I thought that was also a beautiful thing. That's amazing. I love that point I did right about now that's amazing know it is and I feel like just to even add on to that. I'm Steven out on that. There's that's what's again. So dope about this finale. Yeah is that not only is their closure but it's like look I did you bad. So I'm going to be the person that helps you better do said I'm saying, yes, and we see that like time and time again, even even with with with Noah is the one that's talking to Johnny. Yeah like that whole situation The fact I mean, it's just so much that's tied together. Yeah, and we see that even even oh, I'm not even going to even when I want to say anything even say to us. So even when Sasha since those flowers, yeah, right and and how we see that the flowers is how Noah hid away I'm saying like, oh my God. That's a very good point exactly it is. I'm amazing while we have the music playing I need to dwell into Helen and Noah. This is what I thought you were going to say and I'm not ready for as you can tell we have to do this because this was a pinnacle. This was probably to me. Yeah, the most important part of this whole episode and I just want everyone to know that we had to Find a few times because lime needed to do happy dances. So FYI absolute for literally. Yeah, like able to film it because it was so magnificent. Yeah, as you know, I've been a proponent of Helen and Noah getting back together. Yes true. And so we see Helen right have this moment and what's interesting is I'm like, why is the camera on her for so long? Yeah because she's standing there, you know, everything is going on right? She tells me Eaton to dance with her sister because no was not there and the cameras just honored like for about almost 10 seconds. Yeah, and I'm like, this is a long she was part of a suit, right but we needed to see that because we needed to see the products. We needed to see the processing and what was going on. Yeah and how she was feeling like look I love this man. Yeah. I need to go to this man. Yep. I need to show him this Flashdance. But also I need to show him my heart. Do you understand? Do you understand? Yeah, I did. I was with you a hundred percent Lum. She walks over she walks over and he over to him. Oh, wow. He's there all I had he's there and he's reading this book which I loved I loved that. He was right. Yeah. I love that which which I'm gonna go on a limb, but I think the connection of that and the book that he was reading at the End by his daughter. Yeah, just saying just saying, I think there's a connection I forgot to say Putting it out there. So then we'll know so then she goes to him and what are you doing here? And she's like I got to show you this video. Come on exhale right. Would you like a pringle keeps right? You want to bring I want a pringle actually. Yes. I want more than a pringle. So they talk and Helen and Noah and one thing is what I love about this scene is no Elisa. Yes. Finally. He listened very precious least angry. He was not a good listener. Honor for the entire show. I agree. It was not a good listen. He just and envy did come one ear out the other. Yeah, and it would just do what he wanted to do. But he listened he wanted to say something. Yeah, but he just listened and she just poured out her heart and she just told him this is how I feel. Yes. I love you. Excuse me. Wait on island. Just want to come again. Yes. I love you. Yeah, and that's what I pause. Yeah, right go again from them tells tells him how she feels and then they slow. Dance and then the whole point of him saying like we did this thing where you know, wish I could know what you're thinking about. I knew it. I knew his face had make out really getting closer to your mouth. But listen listen to me, listen, listen, listen it the whole point of him not just wanting to kiss her but wanting to be with her in that moment. Yeah, like it was more than because we see knowing we he's kissed a lot of people. Oh, yeah, this was different. This was different. Oh, yeah. This was showing like I receive your love and I give my love back. Oh, yeah. I went. You know, I think it was as even more in this moment to is because of the fact that he wasn't just like okay. She's here. She's going out on a limb. She's telling me that she loves me but it's because he was like, we've done a lot to each other we hurt each other a lot. Yes. I don't know if it can work the fact that he still said that and wasn't afraid to say it. Knowing that like she's probably not going to fully receive that well means even more because she doesn't react in a way that Helen would have reacted in the past. She reacts in a way as like I hear you. I see you I'm being present here because she Helen and the past would have gotten angry and would have been like are you kidding me? You're saying this now, but she doesn't this is this is the thing right before they dance. He says even if we love each other it it mean that we're good for each other and I crushed me in that solvent. Yes. Yes. Yes, it crushed me as well and I'll tell you why of course all of us because we all secretly want them. Not me openly. Yeah, you secretly maybe nothing back together. Absolutely at this point you okay for wanting to be back together and he's almost stifling like no no, no. No, even if we love each other I understand I saw your love but doesn't mean that were meant for each other and then in that same moment the dance happens and all of that comes Down all the guard. Thanks down Soul. Are you come down? I think it was important for him to say that too because in a way, I think he he needed that much more validation that this is something that she really wanted. Yeah. So I think he needed to feel that because you know, he already has put himself on the line a couple times for her. Yeah, and she's been kind of resistant to it. And so I think he was in a way of testing the waters to protect his own heart still, right? Yeah, and so just wow that whole thing was a Yeah, that was a doozy. Yes. If obviously fast-forwarding a little bit to the end but just because it's very relevant to them and the scene of him at the very end. You know you wonder because I said when we were watching what he's talking to Joe Neo at the lobster roll was like oh God, he's not wearing a wedding ring and in chat last week and in a lot of our comments on YouTube a lot of our viewers, which we are so appreciative appreciative. Of course thought no they're not going to be too. Whether it's too easy meaning Noah and Helen, so I was like, oh gosh, did they just give us this and then are we just going to guess and even even with that? I was like, I'm not upset about that. Like I'm willing to be like, I think they end up together, maybe something happened, whatever sure but the fact that you know, he has this moment Noah who we've seen the a very selfish person and the past. I mean, that's the number one thing and having an affair is being selfish, of course whether the love Of we think the love was real of course, but to see him still be present with Helen who is no longer alive at the end and the fact that we are like, wow, we're okay with this Abit, you know people ever everybody does so it's something that you have to deal with but the fact that he's sitting there at her grave reading their daughters book to him just means so much because it means he came full circle just like we said he's not this selfish. Person that he was before Noah is old but like he be doing anything else but yet he's still working on the lobster roll and he's still going to visit Helen every day. It just means so much because that is some True Mother truck and love right there. It really has. Yes. No, absolutely. And and I the way it ended when we see, you know him like you said reading the book and then we get up and obviously no. No, I mean, that wasn't Ain't no buildup. Yeah, that's bad English grammar. It wasn't a buildup in the sense that we knew it was Helens grave. Exactly. Did you I'm kind of no II just had a Morales just because you know, I didn't think it was either but like I made sense for it to be great. Yeah, and because they're together. Yeah, and that's the point like you were making it's like wait do they and we got he doesn't have a ring because I was thinking prior to That scene at the end. It was like wait. I'm thinking when he's talking to Johnny. I was expecting Helen to come on. Hey like old Helen. Yeah, and they're together working the lobster roll together. Yeah, we didn't see that. So I'm like, okay, we have to have closure with Helen. Yeah, and that's where the graveside happens and he's reading to her and so I'm like, okay, I got it. I got it. What is that like my love and all that? I kind of yeah it gave it away you gave it away. Yeah, but the fact that he was she was also buried with her parents. Yeah, and and that's another thing the same time. Your mom danged. Yeah, exactly. I know that one thing, right and I saw that and I was like, okay, I don't want to put too much into it. But I'm just assuming that it's you know, just just what happened. Yeah, but and I was telling you all this before the fact that we see Noah at the End by himself and he's dancing. Oh my God, it's like him being free In This Moment again because of everything that he went through a lot of it. Of inflicted but him being free at the very end of this entire story and also at the same time that's when we see Johnny going to her family. Yeah and reconciling with her husband right kids because of what Noah's head turns actly exactly. So not only did he get free she got free as well. And I think it's just a great tie-in to the story and to see how it all ended up. You just amazing. It was just amazing. It was beautiful. It was the greatest. I thought well the last big comedy Moment I think was when Whitney halted all the kids from seeing her parents not. All right. Yeah, thank God. That was a man a the top of the cake. Yeah. That was a very poignant again closure with I think the whole family sure. Yeah. Sure. Yeah, I agree. I agree Applause for Applause for the series finale Applause. Yes. I want to shout out to people in chat right now because they're loyal viewers who? Been with us since the beginning. Oh gosh, this is probably what makes you the most sad honestly because we are genuinely going to miss our viewers. We are working on getting on another show TBD don't be worried in January all three of us together, but we love communicating with y'all and I've had such a great time communicating with all of y'all Christopher Leo Daniels, Lori Haskell re Ayala Justina Joanne chromium key, there's so many and obviously we can't say All of you, but Cheryl list you all of these names are so familiar and we feel like we know you because of this show and it's such a good thing as a show to be able to come together and like really communicate with people in that sort of way. Yeah, Sarah tream just everybody. I knew you. Yeah. I actually liked your third scream like to my tweet tonight y'all I got so excited. I screamed watching it. I retweeted her tree. Her treat her tweet and she liked it. I got really really really excited. Oh, yes, um so much happening, but we obviously as a pale, I'm just genuinely genuinely want to thank everybody for watching with us because it has been such a great, you know, five years ish-200 cating with everybody. I just can't believe we literally mean April then I've known you for five years know I've been doing the show you guys that time we needed. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's a great show. No, I mean, I think that I'm excited to see what happens. I Sarah trim is working on any other projects. I'd be I'd love to know what they are. She's working on a it seems like it's going to be a miniseries or shorts or I think I did see that on IMDb. Okay. She's working on something but it seems very unlikely. Magneto in a way right now. I mean there's something on IMDb but it's it's mysterious anyone on the show. I want to sit I want to see whatever they're doing. Absolutely surgery once said that Maura Tierney and Dominic West should always work together because they're so amazing on together and they truly are everyone on the show. They're just great talents not just you know the actors but also, of course the writers The Producers everyone on the show. Yeah. I just I definitely want I mean the acting was great but the writers in this particular episode solid such a great job you gotta do Do a lot to make us really feel this way and to make it, you know, people say you don't want to end a show in the way that you know, people want to this is how and why you do it because why be disappointed why there's no there's no lesson learned. I learned so much from this tonight and it's exactly what I wanted and what I needed even if you know, maybe it's not the magical way that we would have gotten there before. I think I'm with you though. I think it was it was how it should have ended. It was a very very wise choice because I think now we'll all kind of reflect back on this whole show and truly will see see this major arc for this this character who was so not so great and who became this, you know, I mean, we all were watching that final scene. It was like, yeah. Oh God here come the tears again. Yeah. No, it was good. It was good. I shout out to everyone on the show. It was amazing. Definitely. Lee I agree probably the best series finale at least the top yeah, I've seen absolutely amazing amazing amazing amazing. We don't want to say by clearly see what we are going to kick us out of here time to go. Yes everyone. Thank you so much as April said all the fans that have stuck with us not just this particular season, but all the seasons we appreciate it. I have been your host limb Gonzalez and yeah. You for watching the fair after show. You can find me everywhere at limb gonsalves. Also check out my website stay on the and look out in January because we are trying to be together and keep this party going. Yeah, you can find me everywhere at the else in Dean's. Thanks again to everyone out there and to Echo what Lem said we will see you again y'all? Yes. Apparently. I'm a child and he can't stop crying but it's time. I'm a policeman. Thank you all so much for joining us. I am on the how to get away with murder and The Walking Dead show. In the meantime. You can catch me there at April wasn't and everywhere else on social media and hopefully all the gang back together again. I was going down. We'll see you. Your favorite TV shows, whatever your grave we've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup buzz you later. You've expressed herein are those of the whole solely not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV. Where's owners are Krishna.
It is the series finale! *cue thug tears* Watch Alison, Lem and April break down the entire final epsiode of the series. Whitney gets married and find resolution with her mother and father, Joanie finds out the truth about her mother, EJ reveals his tru indentity, and Noah and Helen end up together in the very end. One of the best series finale's ever!! The Affair After Show: Join our hosts on THE AFFAIR AFTER SHOW as they explore the emotional and psychological effects of two affairs on the Showtime series. Each week we recap, review and analyze in-depth as Noah and Alison impact the people in their lives - from husband to wife to all the way down to the kids. Plus we’ll have inside scoops from cast and crew. ABOUT THE AFFAIR: The Affair explores the emotional and psychological effects of an extramarital affair. The drama will be told separately from the male and female perspectives using the distinct memory biases to both misdirect and intrigue. "The Affair" explores the emotional/psychological effects of two affairs. Young diner waitress Alison and her husband, rancher Cole, are struggling -- personally and financially -- in the wake of tragedy. Noah, a settled teacher and would-be novelist, is summering at his in-laws' Hamptons estate with his wife, Helen, and four kids. When Noah meets Alison, they begin an affair. For her, he's a welcome escape; for him, she's a pretty distraction. But, the tryst eventually ends two marriages -- one that was already a bit shaky, the other that was on solid ground.
If you're lazy and unmotivated, this is how you can turn your life around when I was depressed and had social anxiety. The biggest thing that I noticed was that I was in a constant state of apathy. This is actually the lowest level of Consciousness that you can be in. It means that you are kind of lethargic self-loathing gear. Just laying there being a victim you don't even want to try you're not upset. You're not angry. You've just kind of accepted your fate and you're sitting or laying there defeated. And no wonder you're lazy or unmotivated your whole train. The thinking is based around feeling like there's nothing you can really do but you see the quickest way to snap out of this is not through trying to be joyful and happy and set all the goals. You want to accomplish in your life or even trying to force yourself to be really motivated and passionate by trying to find your why if you're an apathy and you're lethargic, you're lazy and unmotivated you need to get angry at life at how you've been. Living so far you need to say enough is enough. This is what completely changed my life one night. When I was sitting there playing video games at the time. I was a janitor. I thought that's it. I want to make something of myself. I want to make a difference not because I was so inspired and happy and everything was perfect. And I was so motivated and I went to some seminar but because I got pissed off I decided enough was enough. I'm not gonna stay where I'm anymore. I'm angry and frustrated and I don't don't want to keep experiencing this it just felt like I had no real control of my life and that really really made me upset and so I'm not asking you to revolutionize the way you think or make some kind of magic switch or take a pill that's going to make everything feel much better. I'm just asking you to get angry angry at yourself angry at everything around you angry at where you are in life right now and say that enough is enough and now I want to change it's time for me to step up. It's time for me to try something different because Obviously so far. It just hasn't been working out for me. Now the moment that you get really angry something awesome happens you start to feel this little pool. It's like wait now I can do something because now you have energy the part of your life where you were lethargic and constantly an apathy is over. Now, you're pissed off and you're gonna do something about your situation from there. It's pretty simple. Look at the areas of your life that you want to improve it. Look at what you want to accomplish start thinking about that least one thing that you would really really like to To experience for me. It started with getting rid of my social anxiety. I just decided that I was not going to feel like I couldn't talk to people or that I couldn't communicate or that I couldn't connect. So I just worked on that one skill purely because I felt like I had had enough and I wanted to get good at it further down the line. There will be many opportunities to improve your way of thinking you can decide that you're going to be high Consciousness person than meditate and work out a lot and have all these great happens, but it starts right here. It starts by getting pissed off when you Side enough is enough. That's the day that your life will change forever countless celebrities account their success to that one day or that one moment where they just said, that's it. I don't want to live like this anymore, whether it's coming from a poor background and I'm family that maybe wasn't so well off or even being abused or being in really bad relationships. You have to get to the point where you say, that's it. I don't want this anymore. Give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it subscribe join the tribe become a champion and and be sure to let me know in the comments down below. Why are you angry? What's made you feel like enough is enough? Why is it time for you to change your life?
I share with you how you can let go of your laziness towards life and start getting motivated! S U B S C R I B E : Coaching with Rafael: #StopBeingLazy #MotivitationForLife #GetMotivated #TakeAction #LiveAFulfillingLife #FulfillingLife #GettingMotivated #PersonalDevelopment #SelfImprovement #SelfHelp #Motivation Podcast Summary: When I was depressed and had social anxiety the biggest thing that I noticed was that I was in a constant state of apathy, which is the lowest level of consciousness that you could be in. It means that you are kind of lethargic, self-loathing and you're just laying around being a victim you don't even want to try, you're not even upset or angry, you have just accepted your fate and you're sitting there defeated by life. No wonder you're lazy or unmotivated your whole train of thinking is based around feeling like there's 'nothing' you can really do. The quickest way to snap yourself out of it is not through 'trying' to be joyful and happy, or even to set goals that you want to accomplish. Don't try to force yourself to be motivated and passionate. What you need to do is to get angry at life and how you've been living so far. You need to say 'Enough is Enough'. This, personally, is what completely changed my for the better. One night while I was sitting there playing video games, at the time I was a janitor, I thought "that's it, I want to make something of myself, I want to make a difference in the world." Not because I was inspired and happy or that everything was perfect and going my way, but because I got pissed off. I decided enough was enough, "I'm not going to stay where I am anymore, I don't want to keep experiencing this." It just felt like I had no real control of my life. I'm not saying you to revolutionise the way you're thinking or make some kind of magic switch in your mind, you don't have to take a magic pill that's going to make everything feel much better. You simply need to get very angry at yourself, angry at everything around you, angry at where you are in your life and say that "enough is enough" and it's time for you to step up! You have to stop repeating the same old patterns because clearly, they are not making any difference to the way you feel about yourself and the life you are currently living. The moment that you get really angry something awesome happens, you start to feel this little pull deep inside of yourself, it pulls you to take action, because now you have the energy necessary to make changes. If you are in constantly in a state of apathy it is over, but the moment you get pissed off at your life you're going to do something about it. Simply look at the areas of your life that you want to improve, what you want to accomplish and start thinking about at least one thing that you would really like to experience. For me personally, it all started with getting rid of my own social anxiety I just decided that I was not going to feel like I couldn't talk to, or, connect with people. So I just worked on that one skill purely because I felt like I'd had enough of being a shy guy. Further down the line, you will find that there will be many opportunities to improve your way of thinking, you can decide that you're going to be a high consciousness type of person. You could meditate and work out, and have great habits that would help you to improve. But it has started with you getting pissed off with your current situation! Countless celebrities account their success to that one day in their life, or even one moment, where they said: "That's it, I don't want to live like this anymore." When you finally get sick of your sickness; that's the day that turns your life around.
This is episode 2 of the new paradigm intimacy podcast with your host Lauren Renee and Victoria red bad. So it is the holiday season and today Victoria and I are delving into all of the conditioning around love and relating that comes up during this time of year. So we are going to be delving into what really is.Unconditional love and how we can better bring love into the World by putting ourselves first instead of other people what comes up around Christmas party season and why we are not able to communicate what our boundaries and desires are year-round. We are going to be looking at how we are blaming the relationships externally to us for the the disconnection we have to ourselves and how we can shift away from these old patterns as we step into the new decade. So it's a really fun to be able to bring all this stuff into our awareness so that we can not only just reflect on it and really see it for what it is but feel empowered to make new choices around how we love ourselves and the other people in our lives so that we can feel more joy love and freedom, which is ultimately what this time of year is all about so let's jump straight into the conversation and for everything that you hear in today's show we will add in some links to where you can find us and follow us online, but we will jump straight into the conversation to wrap up this amazing decade and step into the new Okay, so welcome back. We have myself and Victoria here for episode 2 of the new paradigm intimacy podcast and we are just about to jump into some really fun stuff today. We're just going to be doing a bit of a continuation on what we kind of introduced around the old Paradigm and entering into the new and really just bringing in some fun topics all around what comes up over this time period It of the Christmas holiday seasons celebrations heading into the new year what we're really seeing emerging as a whole lot of stuff around how we're relating in the world and how we're showing up sexually so it's going to be a really fun chat today. So before we jump in are going to be asking the magic question so Victoria, when was your last self-pleasure practice and what did that look like this time? Okay, so Well currently I am in Mexico and it's is Boxing Day. And yes, it was Christmas day and we I'm here visiting spiritual teacher who is disciples all shows and I spent some time with him last night and he's got this very strong energy. He's like he has he was silent for 12 years and it's all species reached Enlightenment is a very interesting character and when I went back to my room after And we spent some time with him. I felt all of his energy right body and the only way I can describe yourself as your practices. Like if you have like an elastic band and you stretch it and then you ping that elastic band and and the elastic band is like moving really fast. That's what my whole body felt like last night and by self-pleasure prices. This is like like my I was so much aliveness and just spending time and with this man and you know in this this Retreat space that I'm in right now, so Really a lot of the self-pleasure practices more just just observing the intensity of the energy that was just moving through my body. So that was very interesting. That sounds incredible and like so epic to be so aware of like the way that someone so powerful with that much experience has to offer to you and how that kind of integrates in your own body. I think that's such a that such a big like piece in itself. Really be talking about right now is like a gently paying attention to how the people around you and that you're spending time with impact. You personally exact thing. Yeah. Mmm super-powerful. I'm excited to see what comes after this little like exchange and being able to receive someone like that as well me too interesting Christmas. So it's all like, yeah, totally totally the new paradigm Christmas you're living out. I Feel going over to Mexico lately having time away with some other amazing business women connecting with these incredible spiritual teachers having time to yourself decompressing in or amazing, but I know that that's not the story for other people. So I'm kind of having a similar Christmas time to you. I'm over in Bali away from most of my family, but I was just mentioning to you before this chat. My dad's my Dad's here in Bali, but on Christmas day. I was meant to see him. I even made this decision which I feel was kind of probably the you know, what I've learned from you coming through as well. It's like if I don't feel a hundred percent in myself to spend time with someone I love and I don't have to like I can acknowledge myself and how I feel so I actually ended up giving him a call and just saying look, I feel like I really need to be with myself today. I've got a lot of stuff coming up and what I found was really coming up for me around Christmas was like the emotional body was Going to like this this usual feeling it has on that day around all the expectation and all the obligation and like feeling like oh, I've got a call this person. I've got a call that person and feeling like just just quite overwhelmed by that. So I needed to just sit with that feeling and just allow it and acknowledge it and realize that I could have the choice and I didn't need to feel guilty or or ashamed that I wasn't with my family or I wasn't spending time with my dad. So that was really a big thing in myself. So I would love to just know your perspective on this like what do you what do you observe comes up for a lot of people around this time of year and Christmas? Yeah, if she does I think I mean it's a similar story for me. You know, like how come I live in Australia? I've come all the way to Mexico my parents like, you know, Mexico isn't all that far from the UK. You can come home and I am I really noticed myself. I was like actually what The on it right now and there's a piece that I see for people when there's like a big holiday like Christmas that everybody's celebrating was like how okay are we to take care of ourselves first, you know, there's a big understanding that we need to take care of everyone else around these holidays for she like if they have children as an idea and that I can see the beauty in that and wanting to take care of other people. What I think is underneath that is a whole list of things that we think we need to be You know, we think that we need to be a certain person to show up as love. He said I need to do have certain values and do certain things to show a lot and for me like what shows me love more than anything is when someone takes care of themselves because love is actually for me only love when it's given freely. So if somebody was coming to spend Christmas with me and really they had like they really didn't have anything to give they really needed to be on their own and that's why I'm like that would like it's not them loving me if they're not loving themselves. And so I feel like that's a really important piece of for everybody to remember at Christmas time is like how much are you willing to move with what everybody else needs from me or things they need from you because of their own conditioning. you know to put instead of putting ourselves first and I hit and like the more I have like moved out of this like like people like my family fully love and respect that I need time for myself and they fully and they fully know that when I'm with them that I am giving them all of me and they when they see me they feel so happy because they get all of me and they get to have all of my presence and that's really like a value for me and this is when I've decided for myself is that you know what I experienced when I experience love and what I want to - our love is like it's cool presence. So that's a decision that I made for myself and the and sometimes and sometimes it doesn't show up like that. You know, sometimes love is just like spending time with and and just you know sharing, you know sharing presence with people then doing your own thing, you know, that's to me is another way that we get to experience love with people. It's like what does it actually look like when you when you share your love and like you get to get clear on that and you get to share that with anybody with the people that are in your life. I miss it when we when we work with things like Christmas day, especially there's so much. Like pressure to show up and sent way in to be a certain thing. And I think that this is really what the experience of self pleasure gives you it's like if that is something that you really want to actually show up in that way then at least bit like make sure that you're given the time to yourself before you're putting yourself into that environment because I know for most people they have a lot of triggers come up when they're spending time with their family and at these times a year they may have a lot of you know ideas of how things need to be and other people's values and ideas come into work tradition looks Watch Christmas looks like and so one of the gifts of like self-pleasure in general is actually being able to allow ourselves to be a free to show up and move with the the energy of other people. So how that looks is that if I have if I feel anxious about going to someone's house on Christmas day or spending time with the family member that I don't particularly get on with then actually being with myself that morning before I need to go and see them and allowing any emotions to come up and darling any worse case scenarios to come into my being Actually allows me to be with the anxiety or with the with the energy that's there so that I can move through it. And once I move throughout my own then I actually become I bet she cleared that energy then I get to show up and be full presence and full of for the people that are in my life. And for me that that is when I actually get to you know experience the the most amount of joy in my in the connections like schools with my family with my friends beautiful. And and what do we what do we see play out? In relationships when people are coming from this place of like obligation and I need to need to do this and I feel horrible but I need to show up for this like what what happens energetically in that kind of space and when we're we're continually playing out that story it will people go into contraction, right? So when when our bodies are contracted we kind of combustive entually, you know, it's like when I when we so pleasurable these are open and we're able to just be like move freely and we're allowed to go with the flow we go we can no be easy going and then we'll with that feeling of contraction. The body is like parts of other shutting down and so we're not being actually able to be in the freedom and the joy that we actually get to express us as movement moving is love in the world and that can create friction that can create polarities and it can create this feeling of feeling shut down when we shut down any part of myself as a polarization that comes out the other side. There's often like maybe a need to get drunk, you know, so it's just like we often people do get drunk around Christmas time. I was feeling contraction they want to feel ease and they want to feel freedom and they want to feel freedom of expression so that it's so instead of like having to be with all those emotions which takes you know, it takes this, you know a way of understanding how to do that. It's a so we get to bypass that with alcohol and just push ourselves onto the intern to the other way of being Mmm Yeah, and this is this is totally the story. You see play out. It's so it's so interesting to observe from the kind of lens that that we have on. This knowledge now. It's like actually looking at what happens the lead up to Christmas like stress like working hard getting everything done. And then it's like the big blowout but everyone's kind of disconnected at the same time. It's yeah, there's so much there's so much there that we could like analyze but I loved I loved what you shared just just before Christmas day around the concept of love and relating not being the same thing and I feel like that was a message that Really just like yeah, I received that so clearly as well because that's kind of the lessons that I've really been moving through so much in 2019. And like now just before entering a new decade. I feel like this is the this is such a way of thinking that we can grasp onto that's going to allow us to be loved more in the new decade and actually be more conscious with the way that we relate. So do you want to just share a bit about how you described that? Yeah, so I mean this was something I was talking about with some of the girls news is like some stories often come up as like especially when we when we have that obligation to be with certain people on Christmas day or to be with any of our friends or family. It's just like love and relating and milk the same. So for me, like love is unconditional like I love so many people and I feel like there's nothing that these people can do right or wrong that's going to stop me from loving them. But to hold the hold my love it with that much freedom. And with that much ability to do fully love people. I have to create values around how I relate to them. So for me, like like relating is really around shared values. So like me being away with the girls here in Mexico is that we all have a shared values to really relax and take time off over this Christmas period Which may not be in alignment with you know, maybe the values of my family right now, which is to spend lots of time. Keep going out and spending two and you know, really like being quite extrovert a Christmas time, which is perfect for their when I spooly respect them and love them and their decisions to do that. But what I need right now to love myself is to really decompress and relax. So this just in this moment our values are a little bit different and how I see this playing out for other people is that you know, they seem to have a story You know, I don't want to leave my partner because it's Christmas. I don't want to you know, I can't I can't leave him or I can't leave her because you know, they won't they won't survive without me or they'll be they'll be really hurt and it's all this this idea of like Showing up showing like love. It's the idea that love means relating and it's like I don't I wouldn't be I wouldn't be loving them properly unless I was standing right next to them. If I was really in this deep partnership with them and like my offering really is different people is to recognize that like love and relating not the same thing like sometimes the best thing you can do when you love someone is just set them free and have them take their own Journey because if you are hurting yourself to love that person if you are going into trauma or into trigger when you're spending With that person then but you're not actually loving yourself, which is ultimately not loving them because you we're not loving other people unless we're taking care of ourselves, which is playing into patterns and ideas and conditioning about what we think things need to look like. And we have all these stories. It's like and I ask people like why is it that you think you can't leave that person because it's Christmas, you know, I like to question these things like we have these stories that it's Christmas. I can't leave them and it's because there's an idea that it's like if somebody is alone on Christmas, it must be the worst experience for them. Like that's what she that's again. That's just conditioning. Like what does it mean to be alone on Christmas like and then we only will we we really unpack that we're looking at all these different pop sounds right? We're looking at all the cultural ideas that Right around what it means to be alone at Christmas because we've decided that Christmas is a time to spend with our families and that is another set of rules that has us create another set of conditioning which has this create more contraction and more triggering and difficulty that stops us from actually feeling freedom Joy love happiness. Hmm. It's so thick like when you when you lay it out like that. It's so you can see how it's like the opposite of what the intention is there. Exactly right? Christmas is supposed to be about joy and happiness and freedom and love this is like it doesn't have to come in the boxes that we think that it needs to look at. Hmm. Yeah and just being able to distinguish between what is my what a my true beliefs of what I actually want versus what have I been given to condition to feel like Me. Yeah, and that's a good then we laid out for me. It was like I was sitting here on my art and I had you know invitations to lunches. Oh, I need to be around people. I need to not be on my own and that was all like, yeah. It's so interesting. That's definitely what was playing out for me and I think when you start to be with the sensations in your body rather than thoughts in your mind, you kind of get this level of freedom and capacity to actually show up and how you are shopping the world. World because the one story that I will come down to with you and what didn't want you to shared with me or with these women that are sharing of me and also my clients about you know, how they have to be with people Christmas is the story that they are selfish. Hmm. It always comes back down to that. It's like I'm selfish if I don't show up for my family and selfish. If I don't spend this time with this question, you know, and then we and then it comes back down to that. So it's like actually what is really selfish is new really ignore what's happening? Hue in your body You know what? I mean? And even that's just another conditioning really is just like that's like it's actually a your is a this is concept of what does it mean to be selfish? And like what you get to decide that like you get to decide how it feels in your body. What is what feels like being selfish? So if it is selfish to you to not spend time with your family then that's okay, but make sure that that's what you decided as well. I think rather than having someone else tell you it's selfish and it's just like checking in with that. Like I said, like I think it's a great thing if that's what you feel like you want who you want to be in the world is to spend time with your family on Christmas day. That is so beautiful. And if that's your honest truth and they may be there is a little bit of contraction like sitting with yourself first. And creating a space for you to feel fully open and be with your body at that self-pleasure practice then going to spend time with your family beautiful. But it's like it but if it's like if it's the stories that everybody else is saying you're selfish but you don't feel like you're selfish. Maybe you're not being selfish. Maybe that's just their conditioning. Hmm. Yeah, and this is it and like weaving in that idea that the only way we can know what's ours and what's not is by checking in with our bodies exactly. Hmm because that would be my question like when so many people have all these ideas coming at them and Feeling like they have to do something and they don't know what their choice is. Then that that's I guess what the piece of advice that you would give to people is to allow yourself to be with yourself and actually listen exactly because when we're listening to ourselves and our bodies and we're going to make the right decision that's quite right by us. We're not going to be polarized and what other people expect of us. We're not going to be caused by our own expectations, which only creates contract. Which creates an opposite effect so it's like if you if you start drinking alcohol when you're in a great mood and you're having a great time you generally have a great time when you're drunk. If you drink alcohol when you are stuck in your film contracted and then you're feeling upset about something but you don't want to express it when you get drunk. You're going to have a hard time and you know, because it's going to come out and it's the same thing. It's just because everything has an opposite reaction, right? So it's like if you're Contracting those feelings in Europe being with us over those feelings. It's going to come out to the invitation really at this time of year is to like how do you be with yourself? And at any time of year early but this time of year, especially love the expectations and the ideas of one and what needs to be is stronger at this is the time where we need to take care of ourselves even more. Yeah. Absolutely, and just I love the idea like the ultimate expression of Love is being able to to look after yourself as well like that. That's something that really comes through for me to like when I look at my parents like even when I see them wanting to give so much. It's like I just want you to look after you because when we when we're giving and we're not looking after ourselves, that's when we have the resentment come up totally. You know, how many people like by way too many Christmas presents at Christmas and then get to the end they get to January and have a massive credit card bill is that love is that self-love to put ourselves in that position to put ourselves into debt to show how much we love someone is that love the these are the things that I often find myself question if that's will love me too because perfect of your comp or that that's kind of thing, but if you're causing yourself stress to love someone, is that love hmm. Yeah, that's it and Like what's coming coming through for me now is like being able to acknowledge that your ways of expressing love like do you have a concept around like, you know, like the love languages people always refer back to this. Do you feel there's kind of these core ways that we all have to express love. And the I do agree with the love language and I think that the most people seem to fit into those categories of my giving a receive it or is it quality time and gift giving and and words of affirmations like a lot of people have these ideas of having to Shoppers love but I do think there is ways of doing this that don't have us feel stress. So if your if your thing is gift giving Then there are ways that you can have that up that you don't create stress. Mmm. So and I think it's just like for me I guess my ultimate relief is if I'm not taking care of myself. Is it love and that's like because I personally don't believe like that love is love and this is given freely. Mmm, and like I don't want those of scarcity as well where we're at exactly ingrained a hundred percent. Like I don't want my partner or my friends or my family to spend time with me unless they really want to if they feel that they have to spend time with me that that doesn't feel like love for me. Yeah, and it's the the the belief underneath all of that is like love equals sacrifice. Exactly and that and again that doesn't feel like love exactly. I'm because like the whole purpose of this new paradigm. Is that like everybody's fighting because if everyone was surprising and everyone was in this open space of like love and joy and freedom that was actually authentic then we wouldn't be fighting. You know, you see a lot of this at Christmas time people having big fights and a big bus stops more breakups happen at Christmas time because you're actually, you know conscripted to spend time with your partner and it's just Actually people were showing up in exactly what they want to do at these times. We wouldn't we would have we would have people fully honoring themselves and and and showing up a with a couple it's full and that is for me that's writing space and that's me is when love gets to expand and move out into the world and people get to really experience this place of like creativity and openness and joy and love and fun. You know, it's like that is the space where it all happens, although feeling fully open and expansive and not in our contract. Actions or not doing something that we don't want to do because that's that is when we don't have our boundaries in that way. That's that's not love to me. Absolutely. And so it's actually being able to express and be honest with ourselves as well rather than conform to this is how it has to be this is how I have to show up. What's like, we're yeah, we're like robots that are being programmed. We must be happy at must work out this way and any any pressure any expectation like that. It's always going to cause us You know explode in some way exactly and that kind of leads us on to the conversation. We're having about the Christmas parties because parties is like is this the piece around with like, you know, you have family family debuted on the Christmas day with your family supposedly and that's like a you know, that's arguments of the family more but when we're dealing with sexuality that really gets to come out around Christmas and around the Christmas party the work Christmas party, you know, because it's this time that everybody all year round. They've got At least maybe these little crushes in the workplace because maybe there's you know bits of like little drawers of Air instead of pulling on on us and the more we feel that we are kind of contracted in our sexuality throughout the year. We have to be professional and you know, the word professional after a lot of people means not being in your sexuality which I find very interesting as I can really like the word professional for me is like shutting down your sexuality and like, you know buttoning up your shirt all the way to the top, right? You know, they call these ideas of what it means to look and be professional. So the more we have the more professional a business the more you see, you know, this is these shadowy aspects of sexuality coming out these energies of people like having deviant energy, you know the and like one of the you know, what are things that we learn that it's been a lot of time living in London and I'm from near London and you know, so I spent a lot of time in the corporate world in the UK. Okay, and the like the density of the I did there need to be very professional in the UK is very strong stronger than it is in Australia. And so you so the things that happen at Christmas parties and UK are so wild because it's this one time of year where it's like a full permission slip to be in that energy and then what often happens past that people coming out and being in there for sexuality is that they get hit by a massive Shane hangover the next day and now Really lubricates that that ability to come out and be in full expression rights. So if a democracy it's usually fights with the family about happens at the cost of party. It's like sex with that colleague, but you've been eyeing up all year that you've wanted to have sex with that you have felt it would be professional to connect with them and that it's actually leads me into another really great topic of I had a lot of people's time saying I know I can't work with I can't have sex with that person because I work with them. I can't connect with this person because of this, you know, and because we work together there, you know, there's all these different power dynamics that are playing out. With people in how they think they can and cannot have sex with but the truth that I see underneath all of that is that people do not have the ability to have the conversations that they need to create safety to have the sex that they want to be having. Hmm. Right and it's vulnerable and that's why it's not happening. So it's like if we're looking at the Christmas party for instance people don't want to put themselves out there and say hey, I actually I find like I really enjoy working with you and I feel this attraction to you and because then they actually have to face the piece around rejection possibly or the vulnerability of that personal feeling the same or you know, there's all these ideas of what it means to to put ourselves out there. So there's a lot of ideas around that conditioning around okay if I put myself out there. What is going to happen, you know and it's like what if people knew I had attraction to that person again, would that be like? Why would we be why do we have crazy stories around this being professional unprofessional or you know, why do we think it would be if a man for instance would have said to me in an office space because I'm you know, I'm Twenty Eight. So if if I'm in the in the age group of 28 on man's has to move the his attraction to the workplace, you know, there's all this Dogma around how that can be intimidating right but his own Imitating if I don't have my boundaries so actually for me, it's it feels worse. If somebody doesn't feel it that they can actually voice to me that they have attraction to me whether it be in the workspace whether it be a client whether it be a mentor anything for me because I feel very comfortable confident in my boundaries. So I want people to actually relate to the business of who I am, you know, I want people to relate to me as not a victim as somebody who has their you know, who is is powerful and is empowered in their choices and if we all Treated each other in this way that we're all powerful beings and we could actually ask what we want and not feel like we're intimidating someone with we went to ask them and or Express that we have sexual desire towards them. So like there's so much, you know, I feel like there's so many wormholes or we could go down and this and this understanding of like, why are things the way they are around sexuality in the workspace over at the Christmas party and you know what I love and what I love and hate about the Christmas parties, but it creates this permission slip for people to actually show up and express their desires. How it's like there's a everyone has this understanding that's allowed and I find that really curious as well. And but but again, it does later this piece of like if the rejection comes up, it's just like, okay like all right. Well, it just happened the Christmas party. So we're going to come back to January. There's often there's you know, we call it the January blues, right? Like there's this this concept of the January blues on the Monday blues, even you know, like this concept of coming back after the wildness of the weekend or the wildness of course is party and I'm having to you know, face this Appearance of like feeling vulnerable in the rejection or in the even even when people do connected the Christmas party so often there's like one time thing where it doesn't carry on going because it was like it was only allowed because that was the one time of year that we allowed ourselves to let go of all the power dynamics that are playing out in our everyday life. So let go of all the vulnerability and the stories of what things need to be like or when things need to be professional and that also leads into when people have sex with each other. There's often a store. That we spoke to in the first episode of how things need to go. So we've got people out start having sex. They must start dating them on a date. They must up moving in together meeting the parents and having children getting married, right? It's like there's this like this look relationship escalator that people feel that they need to move on to as soon as they start having sex together because somehow the Kristin's party creates a space of like if it happens there was not taken seriously. So there's like there's all these unconscious thoughts that we have, but we don't even recognize it going on and Actually, if we let go of those and actually start speaking Our Truth and saying as she I have this desire and I want to speak to you right show like this is what's there for me and we start to be able to and this is where it comes down to for me when I started like realizing how can I create safety for people to have the conversations and it's like we need to create new etiquette a new Frameworks for people to step into being able to have those conversations. This is what the new paradigms about. This is what we're creating here. We're creating the space and a lot of this is actually the energetics because when you get comfortable in your body to be rejected or to feel abandoned or to like all these things all these ideas of what could go wrong is actually just a feeling mmm. So when you get comfortable with the feeling because the feeling is just a sensation when you connect to the sensations in your body. Then it has a reverse effect. So you can actually go out and have the boldness to ask somebody out on a date. You can have the boldness to ask somebody or let somebody know that you have a desire for them because this is the reverse effect is like the sensation is what creates the feeling which is what creates the emotion which is what stops you saying what you want to say. So we just have to reverse that and get comfortable with the feeling and the sensation in the body and then we're comfortable with that and whatever the worst case scenario is then we have the boldness to come out and ask for everyone and even speak up for what we don't want. That that piece that you taught me around people don't know how to express their like boundaries. Like if you know, they're approached by someone. They're not attracted to I feel that that's such a big story that plays out as well because something that I actually adopted into my life recently is I realized that a story I was acting out in my life was like say a man asked me out on a date if I didn't feel like I wanted to have sex with that person that I wouldn't even go on a date with them and what I realized I was doing is that like I was just automatically assume that if I say yes to anyone that's attracted to me. It means I'm saying yes to having sex with them. But actually we can enjoy flirtation or we can enjoy going out to dinner with someone even if that doesn't mean in that moment. We want to have sex with them. It's like we're creating more separation and more loneliness and pushing away our curiosity because of this fear around what one of those steps in this kind of relationship escalator means that we're heading to exactly it's like I've got off the escalator at any time, but we can still welcome in connection and love and everything the in different ways. Yeah, there's so much pressure. Imagine if you only went on dates with people that you thought you could marry and that is a lot of expectation to have one somebody and they show you like I see this playing out all the time, you know, people are like what I'm only interested if it's the one you like. Okay, but how do you know if it's the one would you not feel that you might actually enjoy spending time with that person? Well, yeah, but they're not the one okay, but You know, maybe sometimes there's like there's a there's a concept of what it means. This is like the kind of coming back to the Disney movies, right the fairy tale of how things need to look and how like, you know, we need to be completely beside it and excited by this person from the moment that we meet them like that is so much pressure and then we kind of look back into like if any part of us is in contraction that we're not going to be showing up as our fullest version of ourselves. So we might just miss we might have missed the vote of walking paths over here is the one right. It's like we just drew fighting Idea of like what you know the chances of meeting this one because if we're in contraction, we're not going to be showing up enough fullest expression of ourselves. Hmm and if we're not in a fullest expression of ourselves than we like. How would somebody know that like the fullness of who we be in the world? Hmm. It's Madness so much about it. Yeah, and these are the thoughts that are really coming through for me before it's like we're programmed to feel like love is scarce in the world. Yeah. There's just one for us or If we meet someone and we have this connection that we've got to cling on to it because that connection is so rare. But when you think about it, is that connection really rare like we meet when you're open and when you're connected to yourself, that's when you have the ability to tune into people that are like-minded and deeply connected to you all the time exactly and these people are deeply connected to you. I don't have an expectation of how you show up because they show up as love and they honor how you show up. You know, it's like it's a formula that is a way of being in the world and the more you should they said like your Vibe attraction tribe. So the more you show up fully as yourself the more you create space for court for people to show up at that time. Hmm But who has boldness. It's a lot of people are out here wanting to change how the world looks right and I will said like I will tell you this is one of my wounding when I first came into this game of like wanted to create change and what I was like everything was like there's then I could finally be myself that is another story. Actually what needs to happen is that we need to get comfortable with showing up phobias ourselves to create the space for everybody else to show up all yours themselves. And the more you can give yourself permission by tuning in to the sensations inside of your body getting comfortable with those Sensations getting comfortable didn't comfortable with these with the discomfort that's in our body the more you create space to shop as yourself in the world. Hmm. So we're really just keep looking at that reverse. Right are in all the way in find out what's really all the way in with on a sensation level so that you can show up and share something. So it's like, you know, if you need to share, you know, like a lot of women I see as well like there's speak to the things that are going on at Chris's cottage for instance. Like that's a man approaches a woman and he is he says actually I have some desire for you. Maybe he's really clear in themselves and he's like I can feel this desire to love you and I love to dance with you right now. And that's his desire of the Covid it's like if she then is contracted by that and doesn't feel too safe to own the boundaries actually all thank you, but I'm not I don't feel available to dance right now. She feels shame or feels pressure to dance then. She what she will then do is transfer that shame onto him because she can't bear to be that shame in her body. So she will laugh at him to have shot him down in a really harsh way and make him feel like he is, you know wrong for even asking so it perpetuates this The man doesn't feel comfortable to actually ask for the dance or asked to you know, sit and chat to that woman. So it creates this experience where she doesn't feel comfortable with that with her own boundary. So she then and she feel shame and not feeling comfortable in her country. So she projects it onto him up by laughing at him or creating an experience which then makes him feel shame, which means that he won't ask the next person. So we just have this knock-on effect that's happening in our society all the time and the more comfortable we can get with the feeling in ourselves of going, you know, if I'm that woman and that's scenario where I go. Oh, thank you for the offer for the offer but I don't feel available. Is that right now? So like I just want to sit here and talk to my friends. But thank you so much for asking and I've created a beautiful experience without that man to go on and ask somebody else and then also for that man if he gets comfortable with the fact that that's actually her shame and he could understand that that it's nothing to do with him when it's actually her experience of what she's all them. Maybe she doesn't feel her boyfriends and I have Bloody then he can go. Okay. No problem. Like I see you in that and he can remain centered in his body. I got it by realizing that actually has nothing to do with in the puppet. She's just projecting that way. Yeah, that's such a beautiful example because I do see this play out so much that instead of taking ownership of what we can do differently. We're blaming the way relating is or we're blaming the way the sex were attracted to is like we're saying or canes and women are just like this or women always reject men when your day always reject me whenever I ask them out or men are just great. He and these kind of stories or people just don't know how to communicate relationships constantly telling this Narrative of what's wrong. But how can we actually look at ourselves? It's like do we get how to speak up for what we truly want do we know how to hold our boundaries? Do we know how to speak from a place of vulnerability rather than being defensive or reacting? Because that yeah that example it plays out so much and it's just creating so much fear and sadness and disconnection. So my invitation to everybody who brings me these stories and who complains about genders or sexual of sex being a certain way is radical discontinuity. It's like in a we just spoke about that pretty normal Dynamic that we see in the world is like man approaches woman, right? And then this particular thing plays out like you see this in the movies all the time. You kind of see this at the Christmas parties if the pain of brave enough what if we flipped it on its head? What if we created an experience where we don't play into gender roles what would happen to be played in the experience or we don't play into the fact we can be rejected. What if we found it within ourselves to go? Okay. So like these are the worst case scenarios and I can sit and I can create something different. So that might look like if you are a woman that you go out to approach a man and ask him out on the day. So you're flipping the whole game on its head. You know and you and maybe you have a story that if you know, it needs to be not in the workplace and and needs to be out Christmas party girl was like What if you actually approach my the workplace that will like to spend some time with you at the Christmas party because in it's like filling into what is your authentic true and finding a way that you can express your authentic Truth by being okay with whatever the glass case scenario is. And just breaking out from all the patterns that you think is what have things need to be. And the first thing to do is create awareness create awareness of what's happening in your body. And when you think about doing things that you want to do and then the second piece is creating awareness around what is the stories and we conditioning you think of how things need to look in society break all those things away and then show up how you want to show up in the world knowing that nothing you show up as is selfish. I think you show up as is not love, you know, like where these ideas of like This is what love is and this is what I did. This is what's right. This is what's wrong. Like when you break down all those layers of what people have told you in your lifetime, but your condition is what other people's condition as that is. Okay. What's not okay you then get to shop was of authentically as you and this is a process and every day you can make a commitment to this that allows you to step further and further into what is true for you. So powerful because I get these questions all the time, especially all from women, then men really? It's like can I ask this guy out on a date? Should I ask him and and it's kind of like yeah, I guess the core question behind all of that is what is it that you actually want like what feels right for you? And is there a particular like pattern break or like practice or something something that people can bring into their awareness in that moment if they feel themselves? Straining what actually is their desires? Well the thought that I won't be able to connect to the most is that powerful people are okay with being uncomfortable? So on a thought level that's what I want them to get as like it's if you can be okay with being uncomfortable and your body can feel uneasy then you can do anything. And what people often think is that when they are that we are so conditioned to chase what feels good and when I give it doesn't feel good, then it's then it's not right. but actually it's like the discomfort is you stepping into a new way of being and it takes that discomfort to create and be your most authentic self. And then though that's the thought process is like so this is like breaking down what's happening in the mind is like you don't have to be comfortable for this to be what's right for you? Yeah, it's almost it's like what what gives us the easiest path way to you know, our pleasure and desires actually ends up ends us with a deep. Level of pain, but if we can go through the pain and discomfort first, we get that expanded pleasure for a more extended period in a way like the thinking like, you know, you could meet someone out on a night out and sleep with them without talking about what your connection actually is or creating a heart-to-heart connection and then end up feeling empty and dissatisfied the next day or you can face that fear of discomfort of telling that person. You actually have more intimate desires. Towards them and then have even deeply and more deeply connected intimate experience. So yeah, it's kind of exactly that way. Yeah, it's always that way up and like the thing is like pain and pleasure are in the same reg receptor in the mind, right? So it's just like the brain has as it's in the same spot in the brain. So it's like there's actually no separation between that pain and pleasure. Hmm, and that all of it like there's no like chasing pleasure is a waste of time because you know every moment and even that discomfort, You get to this like this this level of self-pleasure that like most of the students are in this on this course that were teaching is like there. Is this a sort of like even the discomfort is pleasurable because there is like, there's no separation between Pleasure and Pain. Yeah, I even found my mindset around that through the course change completely. It's like I found myself actively seeking out things that made me lean into that. That feeling of discomfort who's a kind of got like this, you know, I wanted that feeling of overcoming that discomfort and getting on the other side and it feeling so much more free and expensive because that's what's beginning to happen totally because I guess that's the way the humans are designed as I get I think we have to do over and over again and it when we get stuck in something they passed darkness is just stagnant energy. So like this piece is like energy just always wants to move. Hmm and that's what I'm going gasm. There's It's Just Energy and movement. That's what emotions are they just energy emotion. All right, so it's just like it when we get when we bring it back to that piece of like life gets to be orgasmic is like orgasms in themselves is that is a contraction and expansion. Hmm. It's a wave that's moving through the body. So the more you can surrender and let go to all these ideas of what things need to be. And how many to be the deeper. You can actually experience this orgasmic life that's available for you in every moment. Hmm. Amazing. Ah, well, I feel so full from this chat now. I feel like I feel like we said what we really wanted to and and created this space for Or people who are listening to really understand that there's so many stories that are playing out and the power is actually letting go of those stories and read a person in truth is a remembering what our in truth is. Hmm. Yeah beautiful effect. Is there anything else you want to leave people with like, how could what what we really want to be letting go in this last decade and how we want to be stepping into the new and the way that we relate. mmm I think what I want to lick we believe is just what would happen if they experimented with putting themselves first their partner second and their relationship third. So I know we spoke about this in the first episode. I just want to kind of bring it back to that like what if you stepped into the into 2020 with that idea just tried it on even if you just tried on for the month of January and then you can just notice even if you just journal every day for the month of January and notice where you are not putting yourself first whether you decide to even Interaction that just notice what's happening I notice what are the consequences when you don't put yourself first? I think that's perfect. And yeah a beautiful way to lead into January it can be as simple as that and when people are creating what they want to change and then we are like it can be that simple. I'm going to choose to put myself first and I'm going to choose to look for relationships that are expanding me and supporting me exactly. Amazing. I love that. Yas'm. Thank you so much. Why thank you and look forward to our next episode.
Victoria Redbard is a somatic sexologist, counsellor, speaker, researcher, open relating expert, author of Transformation through Touch and founder of The Institute of New Paradigm Intimacy. Originally from the UK she has studied tantra and sexuality in many countries and now resides in the Gold Coast Australia helping people access flow states through tantric practices. Today she is creating worldwide cultural change through her sexuality school The Institute of New Paradigm Intimacy which offers deep learning into the psycho-social and somatic aspects of cutting edge sexuality education. Her mission is to see men and women step into their bodies and out of their heads and create more qualified, educated and empowered sex and relating coaches to provide the safe space needed for everyone to feel free. The Institute of New Paradigm Intimacy is a step towards seeing sexual health plans become just as common as mental health plans. In today’s episode we talk about Why loving someone does not mean we are aligned to relate with them The conditioning around relating that causes us stress over the holiday season How sexual repression causes rebellion and how this plays out in the 'Christmas party paradigm' The one thing people can do in 2020 to support their relationships to thrive Follow Victoria RedbardInstagram: @victoriaredbard Facebook: Victoria Redbard Somatic Sexologist Apply for the Institute of New Paradigm Intimacy February 2020 intake Follow Lauren Renee @laurenreneeintimacy Facebook: Lauren Renee Intimacy
Fight all the way. Hey everybody welcome to another edition of hey fighting podcast the official podcast develops you football. As always I'm Cody Worsham digital media reporter for LSU Athletics. Very excited about today's show. We'll get straight into it. Sat down with LSU Junior punter.Von Rosen Berg on Tuesday had a really good conversation with Zach who's not only a very very good pun or second-team all-sec last year third nationally and net punning a year ago picking up right where he left off this year. Although he's not putting quite as much as he did last year because he often has been so good and sit down with Zach after a game in which he did not punt a single time. So we talked a little bit about that. But he also has a really interesting story that predates his football career. I got who was a six round draft pick. And the Major League Draft coming out of high school played a few years 6 years, I think of professional baseball at the minor league level didn't work out for him. He talks in a good he talks in depth in this episode about overcoming that that setback which really was the first setback in his life and it was a really good conversation was a key. Also give some insight into what it's like playing with Joe burrow and what it's like being a year younger than Joe Brady who is on staff now for LSU and had a huge part in the offense or Good stuff from Zach. He's got a unique perspective on things because of what he's been through because of his experiences and I thought it was a really good conversation. So without further Ado, let's go ahead and throw it to my interview with LSU punter. Is that van Rosenberg happy to be joined today by LSU punters a clown Rosenberg Zach. I'm excited about this conversation. I know you have a interesting story. I would have preferred to do it may be over. Over a glass of red wine, but it's it's 1050 and you've got practice today. So that would be probably a bad decision. But the last time I saw you was was after the Arkansas game and I asked you I said did you punt today? Because I you know, I mean, sorry after the Ole Miss game and I said did you punch today? Because I you know, it's not something that I think about during the game, but I saw you and it came to mind and you had not punted when's the last time that you did not punt for an entire game. Well that have been in 2016 when I redshirted but You when you were the star but I don't think I don't think I didn't I don't think it ever happened. I think we pointed at least once in every game since I started playing. I think we pointed at least one sponge against Georgia Southern that was one time upon against am last year that was one time but I think every game since I've started putting I find it in every single game except Ole Miss. I think I asked you about this after the am game because I think I came at it from the angle of what's it like once it gets into overtime. And you know, you're not going to punt but what's it like being on the sidelines and I know you had holding duties. So you were pretty busy with that. But what's it like on the sidelines when the offense is rolling like that and putting up 700 yards and you're kind of like man. I don't know if I'm actually going to get the kick today. Like is it does it change your mental approach? You have to try to stay looser? Like what's the difference? Yeah. I mean the way we were moving the ball. I kind of doubted that I would punt but I still kind of did my same routine in terms of staying warm and ready because at the end of the You know, it's still going to be my job to hit the ball 45 yards and I get a return but now and the great thing now to is holding. I would say last year have been harder because I have been standing stationary on the sidelines but with scoring so much. I'm constantly running out on the field and running off the field. So key that alone kind of keeps you keeps you going keeps you warm because we're going out there for holds which is nice. It keeps you busy. And but like I said if I wasn't holding if Josh was holding last year definitely would've made the process a little different because I would be Sitting trying to stay, you know stretching and it's kind of awkward to watch a guy just run up and down the sidelines all game. It's much better and more normal with the flow of the game to watch her run out for a field goal. Yeah and hold but that that's an easy way for me to stay warm. Like I said, I want to get into your story and it's kind of your journey here because it's interesting. But while we're talking football on the stick on football, I was talking to Gregg McMahan earlier this year and he was talking about it. Maybe it was maybe it was Blake. It was either but Blaker Greg, but I think it was coach McMahon who's talking about You took over that holder job that you spent hours on the jugs working on it. What's that? Like because to me, it's an aspect of the game. My brother was a High School kicker. So I kind of have a different appreciation for kickers and how difficult that job can be and that whole kind of battery but what's that like when you take over that job, which is something that nobody pays attention to until you mess up. Yeah. It's it's interesting. This was actually brought to my attention Yesterday by Derek Nancy. He told me that I do not get credit for a game. Mmmmm on Saturday because I was holding holding is a non-participant my place so I don't get credit for that game changing role. That sounds that sounds fishy. I know but but now, you know coach Mac always says it snap whole kicks and I pulled kick and I wanted my phase of the snap hold kick, which is the whole to be a non-issue and I took ownership of that and I wanted Kay to have the utmost confidence in me as a freshman kicker to get the ball where you know, and his preferential. However, he wants it which is pretty straight up. But obviously hitting the spot getting the laces out the way I think we only kicked one ball out of over a hundred kicks this year where it was laces and it was because he was so fast. I think it was the game before Ole Miss sort of an Alabama. Hmm. I believe where I just got the ball down. He's he was flying but I think one kick out of over a hundred has he gotten laces which I'm pretty proud of because that's you know, and you know when you watch a Snapple kick, you're not thinking about what the kicker's kicking or whatever what? He wants. Yeah, but I've wanted my position as a holder to be a non-issue and the factor of snap whole kick and we have a NFL caliber Snapper and I want to give Cade NFL caliber hold. So all he has to worry about is the mental side of Kicking and that's it. How much time did you spend on a jugs machine? Was that what you were using adjunct machine? Well, we I actually have a little chart and special teams room since the beginning of 2017 when I first started it kicked up. Especially because I actually started holding full-time but it's over 25,000 balls. I've caught objects and little over two years. Wow. So but I mean he has a lot but we have a lot to a lot of time on our hands of practice after that's right after our to peer special teams periods. But so and it's it was averaging that well last year was average about a hundred fifty balls a day. Well whenever we did jugs, yeah. So yeah, that was those a lot and I got sick of Of doing it, but at the end of the day got me better and more confident in myself and in cait confidence in me and you know, and it's just like I said it become a non issue of holding. Do you get nervous or adrenaline rush in those moments? Whether it's hunting or holding the the difference between the two are those moments of adrenaline are they does it depend on the situation as to how you kind of emotionally feel or do you feel like you've done it enough now to where it's kind of like business as usual at? I felt like holding was a little more difficult to me than punning because punting I'll just go out there. But man this is you know, this is I live for this the same thing as pitching. You know, it's just it's your one moment and three second play and get the ball off. I don't know it was not a lot of thinking or worry about it, but holding is a little different because there's a lot of factors that are involved like making sure Blake's on the same page with me or lined up properly getting Cade to have the exact motion every time the exact routine every time and getting a nod I see the catch in the hole but I was just nervous about it because I didn't I early on I caught myself not really breathing, you know the similar whereas punning it's like you take a deep breath exhale catch the ball kick it and then so I had a hard time at first figuring out like the right, you know, that sounds really weird, but I have to give a Cadence so during that Cadence you have to find time to breathe and I caught myself sometimes being like really out of breath after the kick so I kind of got that I have some people How to manage that and got some advice and what they said is take a ride before I can make the Cadence call I take a deep inhale exhale look at Katie gives me confirmation and we stopped old kick. Let's talk about Kate because he's a guy that I think has caught a lot of attention from fans this year because of what he's done as a freshman the way that he came in the talent that's clearly there with his leg and his ability to step up in big games and make kicks and he's like any freshman had a learning curve and he's had some Ames where he's been better in some games where he has and it was funny when you look at the stats, you couldn't tell that I mean his stats are pretty impeccable, but what do you what do you see in him? As a kicker? I think Cole was called Tracy was on campus. I think for the Auburn game and said this kid has a chance to be one of the best kickers ever come through here and come from coal Tracy. The has made more kicks in college in anybody that's ever walked the face of the Earth. That's pretty High Praise not to you know set a bar too high for my guess Cole's already done that but what have you seen from him? And what stands out about him and he is Leet he has an elite leg and he has a lead ability in we're just getting through the freshman year after he gets all these kicks. He gets 1415 our main games. We play under his belt. I feel like he'll really take off in terms of Kicking and you saw it on Saturday a lot of confidence going into that 53-yard field are 52-yard field goal. And that's that's just a lot to do with itself is confidence and getting into that Rhythm that he had the very beginning of the Season. He's finally hitting his stride. Tried as a kicker and then with him, you know getting all these games and he has Miss kicks and I was like, oh my God or mr. Phil will whatever but you need to miss you want to miss those field goals when they don't matter because you'll be ready to make them when they do matter and not that not the ones he miss didn't matter they did but they weren't in crucial times and he's already had, you know to move on from that and to grow That and like I said, you're not going to make every single field goal. It's about how you respond to missing that field goal. And I feel like he's really taking a lot of strides in improving with I love the way after the first kick against Ole Miss that he missed. He just ran off the field man. He just ran off the field. He gave high-fives. Everybody kocho gave him a high-five he could just tell okay. It's not gonna bother him. He you just tell that he had that steadiness to him, which is really cool to see you mentioned, you know practice and you guys have a lot of down time and practice. Obviously you're getting some work done on the jugs, but how different is the specialist true? Room the The Specialist kind of group, you know, you guys do have your two periods and then you're not free to do what you want. But it's not the same as some of those other guys. I mean you introduce humor is there, you know having fun and trying to still be competitive like what how different is that world from you? No offense and defense. It's a it's a game within a game. I know it sounds interesting, but your kick is going to score the most points on the field and then you don't realize it but like I got my job is to To give thought the opposing team's offense the least she made the most field to work with because the more first downs you have to get the harder it is to score and statistics in the NFL tell you that like, I think if you down the ball inside the 5-yard line, there's less than 10% of them scoring. There's a lot of Statistics that we've gone over with field position. And but like I said, it's a game within a game because if you could win the field position battle and your kicker scores more points than the other team which makes sense because when you score touchdowns, yeah, but your your chances of winning the game or it's just a field position, especially in the NFL. You don't see it as much in college because somebody lethal offenses in terms of field position by the NFL field position is everything just that extra like except instead of starting at the 25 from the 10 is like a 20 something percent chance Last of scoring. Yeah, and it's things that you don't even feel don't really know. If you're unless you're in football or no sabermetrics or whatever all these things are measuring but that's a huge part of And you you down on the 10, let's say don't get any yard. Now. We're going to put the ball or going to get to the opposing 40 and maybe even the guy Returns the ball past the 50 yard line. Now, you only need five four or five first down since poor are not even like kick a field goal you too. Yeah, but it's interesting and and Max really good about making simplifying, you know, difficult things, you know, because kickings hard and people sell my guys. Kick. Are you make kicks that a DOT will look how many people are missing field goals in the NFL and that's the highest level of football. Ball, we're missing extra points the NFL. It's just it's such a don't know people people take it for granted but it really is not easy to make field goals. If it was easy, then I would I would have been a field goal kicker instead of a punter but I just took punting because that was that was the first thing I learned how to do in high school was Punt and I didn't you know, I didn't yes we had coal and before him we had good kickers to but no we're good about making it a game within a game and Specific tasks every practice is every practice of what we're going to do whether we backed up kicks for backed up punch for me or down the ball inside the 10, but we literally make it microscopic and situational sides of the game into our practice. We incorporate that. I've always said like you couldn't pay me. I mean, there's no there's not a dollar amount. You could pay me to be a college kicker like you just couldn't do it. Just the pressure the stakes all that stuff. I'm just not cut out for it. So it does take a different breed. I want to kind of get into your journey now because you talked about hunting being the first thing you learn in high school. I think most people listening are probably familiar with your story. But for those who aren't I kind of just want to walk back through it, you are professional baseball player out of high school. You actually went through your an LSU baseball commitment right coming out of high school and you went through orientation. And then you take off for the major leagues just tell me about that process and and what that was like kind of those that the first time you thought you were going to be at LSU and then all of a sudden someone calls and they're offering you a lot of money. Yeah now it was it was weird for an 18. All the experience that and you didn't you know, when I was at that age then I didn't I didn't know what was really happening and seen Laci because the team didn't call me for a significant period of time they didn't call me for over a month. She like drafted in June and just like it was just radio silence. It was nothing for a long time. She was like, well, I'll just get ready to go to school and be a PLC baseball player Life's a tough gig right? I wasn't really sucks. I don't play baseball shoe. But now No, I it was interesting because once things got close to the deadline it's are heating up. So I getting phone calls and you know, hey, we're trying to sign this guy they were in for they were keeping me pretty well informed of what they were doing on their end. Yeah by the end of it and I didn't know where I was headed. But I you know, the ultimate goal was to play professional baseball and that's what I ended up doing and when they came to the table with the offer that I was willing to take I was like, I mean, what's I mean I want I'm going to school but After school, I want to play baseball anyway, so I'm just getting a head start and obviously it didn't pan out but it did in the sense that I got to come back and live in college and enjoy this too. So yeah, and that else want one of the things I thought was interesting about the Ole Miss players sort of one of the guys the quarterbacks a baseball player, but the running back as I think even better baseball player. He went to Ole Miss which was like that's interesting dude because you could have signed came back if you didn't if it didn't work out and play it at 30 like I'm doing yeah, it's just it's interests, but everybody's different. And and I knew look at the to a situation. What if I'd gone to LSU and tore my labrum and turma. Yep, you know had Tommy John or whatever like it's the same exact same principle. You're taking all the risk and almost, you know, very little reward. Yeah, you're on scholarship, but at the end of day two, it just cost himself 30 million dollars or whatever because he's no longer projected a top five pick and I hope he has insurance or something like that, but people don't people always like all college athletes this college athlete athlete's Zebedee in the day the kid played college football and Lost millions and millions and millions of dollars. So well, so hopefully for to it works out and he doesn't lose it because hopefully he can heal up and get back. You know, I remember being a young kid, really really young like 6 or 7 years old and my dad who is you know educator my mom's an educator and there my dad is kind of like the ultimate preparer. Okay. So 10 years before we were good athletes, you know, just regular good athletes and I remember him being like me being like six or seven years old and had been like, you know, what like if you guys Turned out to be professional baseball players. I think it'd be good to go straight out of high school because you get this money and you got leverage and all this stuff. I just remember that conversation standing out because here's my dad a high school principal and just talking about the advantages that you know, when you're that young and you got that leverage and that's your ultimate goal kind of like you're in the situation now, you can go back to school and get get get your education and and finish up and then you know in your case and in case of other guys we've seen Matt mauck did it as a quarterback here? There's always a chance to come back and play. So to kind of go toward that angle you're finishing up your baseball career, you know, you want to go back to school I guess. How did you become an LSU football player? Well, I had a little crisis. I lived in Tampa after I got released from the Pirates and that was that was a really hard time for me because my entire life, I've never failed at baseball. So that was the really the first time I had to deal with. failure and My brother Josh, I called him on the phone and he said that you know, it's not about the failure itself. It's how you respond to it. How do you come back from it? You know and and that was interesting because he and he was telling me how you know, he pitched a Barbie freshman year state championship. He won you pitched in Zachary sophomore through senior state championship games. You won you never got this moment. You just kind of coasting through life and you never got the rock bottom feeling that you have right now. So what are you going to do now how you're going to respond? And I told my dad I was like I'm gonna play football tells you he's like, all right, then do it. So then spent that summer in Tambo just kind of relaxing because that's near our facility Spring Training Facility. I tried to actually pitch for the the Skeeters in Houston that fell through because they signed to the same Year Tracy McGrady was playing for my believe. We Tracy McGrady played baseball. Yeah for the had no idea that he played baseball. That's crazy. Hmm. It was that year But then I emailed dr. Nadir in that fall right before. Well, I actually already attended school. I started as a part-time student so I can retain eligibility and then I emailed dr. Nader send him some video and didn't hear anything for a little while. He emailed me back and then actually Cam Cameron called me and was like, hey, it's like I heard about you know your email. Dr. Nader want to give you a shot. You can be a walk. I'll show I was like, all right. I'll see you. I'll see you first chance and you want to play quarterback at first, right? I did write a school quarterback. I did I did I had injuries that prevented me from from playing further and I came and I came back to punt now was ultimately what I I can't climb that was a high school quarterback, but I was a high school punter get a chain back my junior or senior year and punted but I'd always been I could always throw those a good quarterback and but when I came to, you know, try to play quarterback here Campground is low. He's like I'm a level with you. Like I got Brian Harris got Danny etling got Justin McMillan. I got three guys and you the best case scenario for you is you get a chance like a legitimate chance three years from now. Yeah, he's like, but you can play tight and right now and at the time everybody was her to Sean Smith has heard Jeter was hurt. Everybody Foster was the only one that was healthy, which is ironic because he was the only one that was healthy last year at the ball game the Fiesta Bowl he was the only tight end we had those healthy and so it's kind of funny because like maybe it could have worked. Out both ways, but now and then, you know, I became a tight end was a tied in first season gained 35, whatever pounds got up to like 260. It was miserable. Wow. How do you get that much weight? Oh my God, I ate everything in sight. It was awful. I would eat like five breakfast sandwiches before 10 a.m. I was eating like 8,000 calories minimum a day. It was unbelievable and Michael Phelps diet. Yeah. It was it was that was rough. It was rough times in my world working out a lot trying to add muscle. I got I got Wrong Insurance I've ever been in my life. But at a cost of feeling miserable walking across campus and sweating for no reason all the time. Yeah, because I was I was big so how does the transition to punter come about then our backup Hunter at the time I want to he's still playing college football, but he kind of got in trouble and they gave me an opportunity and Cam Cameron said hey, I've seen you pot and mess around at practice. He's like, you know, you want to try it and I was like Let's do it. Yeah and sure enough. I ended up getting the backup spot behind Josh and I didn't find any in 2016, but I won the backup job and got to travel to Wisconsin for the game Green Bay against Wisconsin. That was kind of a guy that was a rough game. But yeah, we don't need to be reminded. But now that's that's kind of what got me here and then did you know 2017? I got my opportunity and and I did well and I was able to In the job and I've been fine ever since what was what was your breakthrough? You know, I remember this was before I worked here. I remember the Tennessee game and Knoxville that pouring down game just where it was miserable. I was 2017 I think and I remember you had a big game that game that's that's the first game that I remember like. Oh this guy is like like he's a really really good punter. What was kind of your breakout moment. It was probably that game. Yeah. I was good. I was doing all right until that game that game I can't My mentality kind of change those like well, so I got like a 35 mile an hour winds. So just I was going to try and hit him the worst ball I can and what I mean by that is a ball that's going to get caught by the way. I mean, you do want to get we had a cross when they gain so it wasn't terrible but I mean, well I shouldn't say I was swirling it was all over the place. Yeah, again, we the weather is wild but I knew that if I could get the ball up in the air on from we actually was fortunate to punt With the Wind twice and I know if I ate that ball in the air it was going to do some funny things. And the first pot he fumbled I had like a perfect ball right to the sidelines and I felt bad for the cake is a lie. I was going to land around Sidelines at the last second and jetted right back toward the middle of the field and he muffed it on the numbers and I was like, I don't know why I tried to catch that because that ball was it was knuckle and so bad. Yeah, but ultimately I don't want to claim credit for the fumble but like the wind and I knew that windy days with a pun because it goes so high in the air she is incredibly difficult to catch and That was what obviously made him Huff that we had field position inside the 20 and then it happened again later in the game where I had up actually a much poorer Ball, but because it was a crosswind it ripped the ball back to the middle of field and he tried to catch it again. But because the had too much momentum or velocity he kind of misjudged where the ball is going to be with that that curve and it went right through as alms and micro Divinity fell on it. Yeah, and I think every pain of had was over 45 I had like a 65 yard or in that game that because they after the second fumble. They said we're not going to catch any more and it was control. Yeah what I'm role to like the two or one yard line. So but yeah, that was I would say that was my Breakout game and then 2018. I thought my I had a good game against Auburn. I had the ball really well against Simon and we did lose last year, but I'm always proud us of the Bama game because I knew how good of a returner waddle was and I got a verse like 48 against My last year, even though you know, we didn't score any points. Yeah, what a what a difference of games this sort of hidden, but now the the the Wild game again last year because as you saw this year, you know, we we have opportunity to catch guy, but great players make unbelievable plays and for him to get out of racemic mass grip like that and run for a touchdown was pretty incredible to watch. Yeah. He's pretty good. Even if I was pissed about it. Yeah. Yeah, he's pretty good before we kind of move onto this team and I want to get kind of your opinion on what it's like to see the transformation of this team. As you're going from tightened upon her how much weight. Did you have to lose? How much did your body have to transform in the complete opposite direction that you could just transformed it. So I got here at 220 got up setting up. My official final weight was like 258 and then they didn't really tell me I needed to lose weight to play punter. I just I just knew that I was miserable at 250. Yeah, but I lost weight fairly quickly because I wasn't eating nearly the volume of what I was so I want from 258 to 230 pretty probably within. Six months six or eight months and then I been hovering around 233 234. Yeah, thanks. I got I got little stronger. I stopped eating. Like I said nearly as much but I so to 22:58 back down to 2:30. Yeah, and that's where I've gone ahead and done is just about adding flexibility and leg strength that kind of thing my I'm more worried about the flexibility for Health. It doesn't mean yeah, it does help for the extension of the ball. But ultimately your fast twitch muscle. It's like any other position you want to strike the ball to certain angle right? Just below from your knee for me. And that Force you exert on the ball is going to cause the ball to fly and flexibility is more for like the health side of it. You want to be flexible so you can remain healthy for an entire season, but you do see guys like JK Scott that have unbelievable flexibility. Yeah, but obviously and I still need to improve in that area, but it's not the end-all be-all of punning for sure speaking of radical Transformations. You've kind of had a front-row seat to see what's happened here. I asked you about this last week at players. The cultural transformation will talk about the offense and some of that stuff in a second because that's that's the fun stuff. But the cultural transformation here has been incredible to see Cojo talked about it yesterday about all the things that that he wanted to do when he took over on a full-time basis and the quote that says out with me was he wanted to coach from within not from above which I thought was first of all the Fantastic quote, but it also kind of summed up what he's about and what he's kind of brought to the table here. So how have you seen the the program changed from when you got here in 2016? To where it is. Now. Are you guys are you know one game away from clinching the SEC West and got a chance to go to Atlanta and Beyond and make a playoff run how much is have things changed? Not not on the outside but on the inside. Yeah from from 2016. I would just say till now I would say that people have bought in there. They're all in and it's not that that's not the number one factor, but having a bunch of guys. Doing their own thing and not kind of all on the same page or all you know, all bought in is a huge Factor because you got guys kind of know I don't say like they're running their own show or their own gig but like when guys trust each other and rely on each other in are playing for each other as a whole different atmosphere in the locker room in terms of versus guys that are playing for themselves. They have future NFL career to protect or whatever. Yeah, and there there is some overlap that you can be about your inner. Well career and you can also be brought into the program and that's where I think we're at now guys know there's future NFL careers ahead of them and they know are going to be drafted high but they're also bought in to winning here. Yeah there he bought into their teammates and their friends here, whereas before it was it was people that weren't a hundred percent bought it and they weren't sold on LSU. They weren't sold that we were going to win the SEC Championship with the Masjid. They weren't sold that this was the year. It was more of I'm going to you know, I'm not You me and if I get my chance or excuse me, if I you know, if I do well good great. And if I don't and you know, I'm out like well if we don't win basically and that's another thing winning four teams that are healthy. You can have one loss and bounce back but our losses in the past seemed to snowball over and I didn't feel like that even last year. We were 10 and 3 but like we played well except for One game I really did. I thought we played well against Florida. No, he didn't should we play it? We made too many mistakes, but we played well, we played hard against them. We lost Alabama was our one lost because we just got beat there's with just last year and then the A&M game obviously everybody saw that way and I felt like we fought till the very end. Yeah, we're still guys literally could not move the there's there's an asterisk next to that right for numerous reasons, but those games you could tell there was fight, you know, and whereas previous years the the it was Once we gave up it just there wasn't the same fight the same energy. Yeah, and whereas now like everybody everybody here is they're going to fight, you know from you know, I don't even know if everybody's upset about the Ole Miss game obviously with good reason, but if I was pissed off and not not at each other but like, you know what we gotta we gotta straighten this out. Yeah, get our shit together. JoJo's had the best quote about this where you were talking about the team success first individual success, and he always says this and it sounds cliche to some Opal but if you know Joe and I don't know just super well, but I don't know well enough that he really means it. He's always believed that if you have Team success, the individual accolades and rewards will come and so he believed that in high school and his team's ran two state championships in a place that never won state championships and then he gets Ohio State offer and he's believed that at LSU or even last year where his stats weren't as good. The team accolades were very good. You go to Fiesta Bowl. You went 10 games new year six bowl all that stuff and it's kind of Snowball Effect to this year where I mean, you know, I think it's all obvious. How could a season he's had? Do you have an Eclectic Joe Borough story like he's such a that's the word that everyone uses with them eclectic. I think you've got a different perspective than a lot of the guys in the locker room. Just being older and haven't been around the block being unprofessional locker rooms. Do you mean what stands out about him as a guy is a teammate? He's one of the best people I've seen in terms of handling the hype because he doesn't it doesn't go to his head. Head he's still hungry Joe burrow and it's funny. I didn't know a lot of things about them until recently about his basketball career and how he was a good baseball player that we just talked about that probably two weeks ago and I related to him in that because you know, I when I was baseball player I had a, you know, a decent on a hike to I would say, but I wanted I wanted to be hungry and obviously I was in pro ball. I just that I couldn't take the next step. Yeah, and he he's taking the next step along with And the pressure of being expecting to be Joe burrow and that and that's why he says he likes getting hit and games. It kind of wakes him up and like all right. This is real like yeah, and that's what it's like a running joke. Now I've seen the meme a couple times that the hit in the UCF game changed Joe burrow into new Joker like you have all yeah, and I don't think that's the case but it's ironic because so many games he gets hit. He's been hit or miss game got a big head against Auburn beginning its Bama be all these big hits. He's taken is he Just like he gets up and he's like he's ready to go. Yeah, you can see a different. He just clicks into this mode of like all right, it's time to sound of whip somebody's ass. Yeah and he acts like it seems like he's away from know how to explain this on the field. He's a he's a biggest most competitive person like me. I'm the same way. I'm incredibly competitive. I want to for playing freaking croquet. I want to beat your ass. Okay, you know, so but he has the exact same. Mentality where you you see him on the street or here, sometimes you just Meandering around nonchalant being to keeping to himself. He likes to hang out at his house play video games, whatever. Yeah, but the second you steps between those white lines in the field. He's like a completely different person and it and I see it and and drills it practice seven on seven guys that pick the ball off like he is infuriated. Like he's he's let me give me the ball. It's just again. Yeah, it's just a flip. It's a flip that she made a switch that gets flipped that turns him into that massive competitor. Yeah, and the guys that have the edge Anita and I fell the guys like that in the NFL Tom Brady's Drew Brees has their elite players. You can just tell that they have that Gene whatever it is, but he's got it and it's fun to watch because I see him joke around a locker room and just, you know be himself versus the guy on game day that is completely different person that you almost don't want to talk to because So it's whether it be the we had to punt I'm his worst. Enemy is out upon so he does want to see me on the field, which is that's good. I'd rather you'd rather a quarterback push that way but he's a completely different person. He's a football player. I don't want to say court but he is a football player. Well, he gets mad when he sees you on the field for field goals to because I want to score touchdowns. All right, he only wants you out there for extra points to things that you touched on there that I've got to I've got to expand on because it's the exact we went up to Athens to do the story. On him and it's the exact same thing that a couple people said. So one the thing about him getting hit his high school coach figured out his sophomore year that fact that if Joe gets hit he's better after he gets hit. So he made it a rule that he had to call it running play for Joanne like the first four plays of the game and he it's still a rule that he uses with his quarterbacks today. So he calls it the Joe burrow roll. The other thing he talked about was if someone picks him off he goes at them. I'm not going to say the guys name, but there was a kid that they played against a Rival school that they didn't like already like they knew him through other sports and they didn't like him and he picked off Joe early in this game. And for the rest of the game, Joe said we're not throwing to anybody else except whoever that guy is garden and I think the final score is like fifty eight to seven or something they won but it's just so funny that that stuff has been there from from the get-go for him. And now you guys are where you are and he's been a huge part of it. The whole team is kind of come together and rallied around that concept, but you're on the brink of winning. The SEC West was one more win. What's the mentality of the team in this moment and the and on the brink of accomplishing so much. It seems like this team does has a great ability to block all that out and just kind of like you said talking about special teams. And the way that y'all kind of focus on the micro and practice seems like the whole team has the ability to do that and you know forget about the Alabama when forget about the Ole Miss when and just focus on we got to beat Arkansas this week and all the other stuff is kind of trivial. It's the Joe Brady roll what he says he says I want to know and he says it all the time and it's a great microcosm of the season because I remember at the beginning of the year mean. Everybody says block out the noise, but I got family members at listen to radio and podcast and also and I got them call me also with you think you'll be what 10 and 293, you know, you really going to beat Texas Alabama and Mike really like come on like we haven't even played a game yet. Like yeah, let me let's get through the first couple games before I make a prediction. About anything and and but yeah the want to know thing and Coach. Oh so that Joe Brady says it's just you the task at hand. Is there standing in the way at the end of that? You got to beat that it doesn't matter. What happens in the game. How many fumbles how many puns how many field goals you beat him at the end of the game? Yeah. We have more points in them at the end of the game because if you have a zero in the second column, you're going to be somewhere special event of the year. And so really adopting the one game at a time and tality is worked. And you see that in the results of the big huge games we play this year. We had Auburn close game came out on top. We had Texas which is a nail-biter a little bit but it's just we broke even yeah, it's want to know but it's even into drives when this drive when this defensive have a defensive stand. It is literally become such a individualized theme of when this drive. Yeah because it's going to you know demoralize them. I know at Joe was pretty pissed about the second possession at Alabama where I felt like if we Discord and the first two drives because they didn't score on their first drive. We just scroll within those first two drives. They probably would have quit. Yeah, and it could have been a really really ugly score ended up coming back and making it close but that game in my opinion. I was so confident. After halftime. I was like, there's there's no way like, I'll take Joe and clot everyday. Yeah same thing Joe. So that's who he said. I'll take 22. Yeah any down? Yeah. Me back, whatever I agree because those guys fight and we have our receivers that are Elite. It's just what's our weakness at the end of the day in terms of offense. And when you have that much confidence every it resonates everybody everybody feels that confidence. Everybody has the belief and you had that belief, you know, you can beat anybody and that's the whole going into the game those the Alabama game. That was a huge ordeal just having the confidence of knowing our offense is lethal. Which means we're going to put points on them. It's just me. They got to put less points on us and but that that effect of want to know like I said taking it one game at a time has been huge. We'll wrap it up and get you out of here real quick first. What's the age gap between you and Joe Brady? He's a less than a year older than me. That's crazy. That's crazy. It's so weird. He's younger than me. And it's just it's just it's so weird. He's had such a huge impact on the team. All right, man. Let's wrap it up, hopefully to He's one. Hopefully we don't see you on the field punning this weekend because the offense does so well, but to hopefully we get this rule change to we're holding counts for a play because that just didn't seem right to me. You're out there. Can you got to you got to get a game for that right now? It's in the rule book Derek Hansen shut it we'll do what we can to fix my man. Appreciate your time to. Thank you. It's all free for you. It's all free for you.
No one's story is quite like Zach Von Rosenberg's. The 29-year-old punter played six years of professional baseball before joining LSU in 2016, where he bounced from quarterback to tight end to, finally, punter. Now, he's one of the best in the country, a field-flipping weapon who consistently pins foes deep in their own territory and who holds field goals and extra points for one of the top-scoring offenses in SEC history. His unique journey has given him unique insight into LSU's rise to the top of college football, and we dive deep into both. We discuss all things special teams – Greg McMahon's impact on the room, Cade York's development, his breakthrough in 2017 at Tennessee – but we also dig into his story: how he overcame the first failure of his life after six years of college baseball; how he bounced between positions and gained and lost weight to try and find his role with the Tigers; how he's watched Joe Burrow turn into the best quarterback in college football from the front row. This is one of the most interesting and unique conversations I've had on this show all season. Sit back, grab a glass of red wine, and enjoy.
It's not about women need to take a page from then and own their own success is to enable the others. Hello, you're listening to the first podcast to go for women and take in all those who want to build a smart general equity for take 10 minutes really actionable advice at 50 in Tech. We give you the keys to unlock the tech industry and move it. For real today. We are proud to welcome Ian McDonald CTR in Residence at Microsoft for start-up and one of a Pioneer partner. I'm in McDonald and I'm CT on Resident at Microsoft. Startups and Western Europe today, I want to talk about how we can help women how we can now introverts to really flourish in the startup ecosystem. So I want to talk about why we're doing the way with pitching and how there are practical steps to make you better. One thing that we've found here at Microsoft is that pitch decks don't really work a pitch deck is a short presentation outlining the business plan for a start-up in the startup world. This is often been used as a convenient way for VC's to judge who they should accept and by incubators or accelerators to judge who they should help these pictures are delivered by the founders and they can be given as little as three minutes to talk about their company, which means that you're often being judged on your Listen a writer what pitch sticks do is tell you who's good at selling and we don't want to know who's good at selling. We want to know who's good at building. So wherever possible we're actually doing away with the concept of pitch decks. When we invite people to join our program. We send them out a questionnaire so they can fill it out on their own time and in their own way and then when people come into the office, what we do is we have a series of meetings with them and we just sit there and ask them to tell them about their product tell us. About their background. We don't let them use slides. We just get them to actually talk to us. And what we find is that we find people who are passionate about their products who understand how to build their products and how they understand their markets. So what do you want to do? Do you want to find somebody who's a best salesperson or do you want to somebody who has a best startups? So when we've changed this approach what we've seen is that we've seen quite a different range of people coming into our programs and the people that were able to help we're able to help those that Introverts woman are more likely to apply because they're not having to sell themselves in a masculine way. We're finding that older people are applying and the statistics actually show that when you include women when you have older people when you have introverts, you actually have a higher success rates with startups all the statistics show that diverse Founders massively increases the profitability of startups and we've certainly found that ourselves recently an hour. AI for good in take that we ran we had a company called thermophiles, I that the woman leading it was a woman in her 50s. She was quite shy and she wasn't sure about even applying and then we actually sat down and had a chat to her and she was very open was able to express your product extremely well and then she got to the end of it and she said okay. When do I do my pitch? And I says you don't have to do a picture as we talked about. facts explain your product very well and we actually want to take you on board and she was totally amazed at this difference because it empowered her to to come into our cohort and to build a company and she would never have been accepted under a traditional approach and now she's doing amazing things initially we did this because we didn't have time to listen to all the pictures and we introduced a forum for people to fill in and then when we introduced the form we accidentally Covered that actually increase the range of people that we wanted to talk to because what was coming through on the form was actually quite different when people just came in and gave a three minute pitch on a PowerPoint deck. So when we realize the benefits of that that's when we stuck with it. And then we also remove the pitch in the office after the form and introduce just a face-to-face meeting or alternatively over Scott. It is hard when you're an introvert when you're different from somebody else whether that's because you're from a diverse background Your woman to break into the the world of startups. So it is a matter of pluck out the courage and getting going it isn't always easy remember particularly when you have to do things like Financial projections that estimate very high mean we'll always overestimate the amount of sales and profits at they'll get in. I've seen quite a few examples where women will come and show me their financials and the numbers are much lower and when I asked them they Says well, I've only got a 20 percent chance or 30% chance of hitting this higher number. So I didn't put it down where we're a man will put that higher number and then add even more to it. So I say to people, you know, take the most optimistic number and that you can think of and use that as your number because that is what others are actually doing and unfortunately you need to do it yourself. We are going to get rid of this process as time goes on. We need to change a whole Venture Capital world. We need to change. Hope action world. But in the meantime, that's a concrete way that you can make yourself a more viable startup by making those numbers that you project everybody more optimistic. We have found that woman and startups are providing a couple of key advantages. We're finding that the understanding the customers better rather than talking over top of the customers. They're actually listening to customers for taking the time to understand problems with the product. When customer tells them something is broken rather than being defensive. They're actually listen to them empathizing them and then helping make the changes in bringing that forward. So your we're seeing definitely much happier customers when women are involved in helping run the company and we're finding that the companies themselves much more restful and much more achieving and that doesn't mean that they are slow and progress far from it. They still driven forward but in a More productive manner at Microsoft. We want to empower every person on the planet to achieve more and we can't do that if we forgetting 50% of the population as such we're hugely excited by the platform that 50 and Tech is building and we're proud to be a launch partner in our late stage accelerator. We already have a high percentage of firms with female Founders and we want to lift this to 50% We see our partnership with 50 and Tech is one way we can help move this. Us forward I'm excited person who about the 50 and Tech platform because I've seen many female entrepreneurs who haven't achieved their full ability. I've also come from a background of difference. I'm high functioning autism. So I want to see people of every kind promoted and we can't leave behind people in any way shape or form. If you like this podcast subscribe comment and share and give us a five stars note on your preferred platform. She'd be iTunes Google or some cloud and if you want to empower women at scale Sharon advice on 15
I'm Ian McDonald, CTO of residents at Microsoft for startups in Western Europe. Today I want to talk about how we can help women, & how we can help introverts to really flourish in the startup ecosystem. So I want to talk about, you know why we are doing away with pitching and how there are practical steps to make you better.One thing that we’ve found here at Microsoft is that pitch deck don’t really work. A pitch deck is a short presentation outlining the business plan for a start up. In the startup world this has often being used as a convenient way for VCs to judge who they should accept and incubators or accelerators to judge who they should help. These pitches are delivered by the founders and they can be given as little as three minutes to talk about their company which means that you often been judged on your skill as a new rater. What pitch decks do is tell you who's good at selling, and we don't want to know who's good at selling, we want to know who's good at building so wherever possible we're actually doing away with the concept of pitch decks when we invite people to join our program we send them out a questionnaire so they can fill it out from there on time in their own way, and then when people come into the office what we do is we have a series of meetings with them and we just sat there and awesome to tell about the product tell us about the background we don't let them use slides we just get them to actually talk to us, and what we find is that we find people who are passionate about their products, who understand how to build their products, and help I understand their markets, so what do you want to do? Do you want to find somebody who is a big sales person or do you want somebody who has a big startups? So when we’ve tried this approach what we’ve discovered is that we’ve seen quite a different range of people coming into our programs of the people that we're able to help. We’re able to help those said the introverts. Women are more likely to apply because they are not having to sell themselves in a masculine way. With finding that older people are applying and the statistics simply show that we knew you include women, when you have older people, when you have introverts, you actually have some higher success rates with startups. All the statistics show that the diverse founders massively increases the profitability of startups and we've certainly found that ourselves. Recently and now I only for good intake that we ran we had a company called ThermaFY that the woman leading it was a woman in her fifties she is quite shy and she wasn't sure about even applying and then we actually sat down and had a check to her and she was very open, was able to express her product extremely well. Well and then she got to the end of it and she said: “ Okay when do i do my pitch?” and I said:  “you don't have to do pitch, we talked about, you’ve actually explained your product very well and we actually want to take you on board” And she was totally amazed at this difference because it had empowered her to come into our cohort and to build her company. And she would never have been accepted under a traditional approach and now she's doing amazing things. Initially we did this because we didn't have time to listen to all the pictures and we introduced a form for people to fill in and then when we introduce the form we accidentally discovered that actually increased the range of people that we wanted to talk to because what was coming through in the form was actually quite different when people just came in and gave a three minute pitch on a PowerPoint.
Thank you for joining us for another nature Alliance media podcast. We are adding sponsors and affiliate Partnerships all the time. So be sure and check our website for an updated list going forward. We need your help be sure and like and follow the podcast give us a great review share with friends and family and consider becoming a monthly sponsor. If there is a topic you wish for us to cover, please send us a message. Hey everybody, welcome back to another nature Reliance media podcast. This is part 2 of 3. We're we're talking about common mistakes that we've come across. I am Craig coddled and I am tracing and we are here as your lovable huggable co-host for nature Alliance media we've had for those that might be finding us for the first time go back and listen to part 1 Because what we've broken this down into is the common mistakes that we've seen over the years number one being before people hit the trail. Number two being those things that are common mistakes on the trail and number three. We're going to talk about some comments steaks at camp. That way we're doing everything we can to help you be better prepared so that you know how to handle yourself, you know, I want to stress this out real quick is that this list is not all-inclusive. There's a lot more information that we could put on here Craig and I were tossing Talking before we even did part one of things that we could add to this and expand out. So maybe in the future we might do version 2 of mistakes. If you're listening to this, especially if you're following us on Facebook where you can leave a comment go ahead and put mistakes that you've made or that you have seen other people make and we may collect those and add them to a new version 2 of this in the future. How about them? Yeah, that'd be good one if we can have a user-defined one. Yeah. Oh that gets. The feedback. Yeah, so leave leave comments mistakes. You've made mistakes. You've seen other people make if you're embarrassed to say that you made it, you know, make up some name and put in there. I do ride time with Craig Craig did is we have to really make man dude. I have made some mistakes now. Oh my gosh, that's why I tell everybody. I'm an expert survival instructor because I've done everything wrong for a long time. And you survived. Yeah. Yeah exactly. Oh, we always every time we go out every time we have a class every time. We go out exploring doing something. It's always something that you know pops up and we laugh about it and go on some but today's episode episode number two of looking probably three total is on the trail. The first one was before you get to Trail. This one is going to be on the trail some common mistakes that we've either experienced or seen some common mistakes that I've seen out search and rescue that we have to go in and get people The first one let's knock it out real quick where it Craig because we touched up at touched upon it in episode 1 and that is using water bladders in the cold. What could possibly go wrong with that gray several things there's one is the bladder itself as we mentioned in part one if there's a lot of water in the tube on the actual straw of the water bladder if it's extremely cold and there's no insulator on there. Then you can get the tube that's frozen up and then you can't get water and maybe the pieces and parts of it bust. So that is something that is a common mistake. Number two, if something happens with the bladder whether the mouthpiece is pressed open or you don't get everything screwed tightly you can get water on your back and now you're wet and now you're cold or colder. Just because you've got so much water that's on your back. So those are a couple big things that you know, the way we prevent these things is you have an insulator like you can use a piece of duct tape and use one of those hand warmers tape it right to the junction where the straw comes out of the water bladder. So the water is not necessarily cold. You can I've gotten into the habit of instead of running my water bladder straw up and over my shoulder. I run it underneath my arm and have it come up and attached to my shoulder strap underneath Arm so that the straw is between my arm and my body as I'm hiking. It doesn't cause any friction or problems like that, but it also utilizes my body heat to keep it from freezing up here very good nice little addition and that's very good and you can also purchase tube insulation and I've got it man. I just the, you know, even that time that we had we talked about part one I had insulation on mine down in Louisiana and it froze up, but all it takes is that little exposure ER somewhere to freeze up and once it's froze up the whole tube is gone and that's why I don't really carry though your bladders anymore. I'll pretty much stick with water bottles. So we've talked about that quite a bit. Let's move on to the next one. So a big one for me is not paying attention to the weather changes while you're out a lot of people know, obviously that they a lot of people disregard the weather before they go out. That's crazy. You should also Be paying attention to changing weather patterns while you're out man, and I know this is for Mountaineers and I'm not one. I read all these stories about people that have gotten stuck on mountains because on one side of the mountain this weather pattern happened and the other side of the mountain. This happened not paying attention to those things will get you in trouble really quick here in this country. When I say this country this far the world here in Kentucky. One of the things in that you can run into is just fast-moving storms where now you're out and you're on a ridge line and Now you've got lightning all around you. If you haven't been paying attention, then you're stuck on a Ridge Top worth a bunch of locust trees than your you're sitting in a lightning magnet and you've got to pay attention those kind of things. Yeah, you do. It can change fairly quick especially during the stormy times of the year. But one thing I want to throw out is how do you monitor the weather changing while you're out on the trail? We all have phones we all take them we all have Other alerts that can pop up you need to activate those especially for the area that you're going to be in so that if something does change you at least get a weather pop up on your phone. The other thing is if you're going to be out for several days on an extended hike an option that a lot of people don't think about is ham radio and I'm getting ready to do a podcast specifically on ham radio so we won't go in great detail here, but the short of it is Is NOAA weather puts out across the entire United States? They put out seven channels on a particular frequency set that you can get anywhere. I've never been anywhere that I haven't been able to hook to hear one of those particular frequencies and they are tailor-made to very specific regions. So that's that is a good way to do it. And then the ham radio also serves a different functions be watching out for At podcast coming up and we'll get it out ham radio and Hiking. Yeah. I wish people would take more advantage of ham radios. It's not that hard to do you all it's a quick test. It doesn't you can study with an app on your phone. That's how I did it. I'm not incredibly technologically advanced and the test was you know it teaches you skills. So it's not like it's just a cakewalk. I mean you learn a lot of stuff and it's important to learn those things very important, but ham radio just opens up so many different opportunities. For you it does and it expands well beyond just hiking and Outdoors and camping that that way as well. I have a radio in my truck and it's come in handy a few times out traveling. So so we'll move on to the next category Craig we deal with this quite a bit in a year's time on their search and rescue and that is hiking party separating while they're out. And here's what I would tell you if you go back to I think the first Topics that we talked about in part one was planning and if you have a group of hikers that's going out for going out for even a Day hike or you going out for the multi-day hike and Camp. You have to plan to somewhat the weakest link in your party and it's frustrating whenever you want to pick up the pace when you want to get to that hot spot and there's one individual that's kind of pulling you back or holding you back. The worst thing you could do is separate well, Is going to go on up the trail will stay at their you all you all just catch up what typically happens is somewhere between that point and feature that you're trying to get to whether it's overlooked or an arch or something like that. There is a trail that leads off the main trail and man those second group will take that off to the left or right and now you're separated got some cliche wisdom to throw down right here lay it on us life is a journey not a destination. So folks if you're going Outdoors to hang out with some Friends and hike with them why not stay with them. I mean, it's one of those things that I just don't understand. I mean, it's people get out and they get on a trail and they want to get to set location. I understand you might want to get to a particular overlooked and that's where you want to set up a camp or something that nature. I do get that. I'm not saying I don't understand that. But if you're going out to be with your friends in the outdoors, then you know, whatever that weakest link is then stay with them. I'm not saying you shouldn't push them a little bit because if you do push them Little bit and they'll grow and maybe they'll be able to hike a little bit stronger with you. But at the same time hanging out with them, that's what it's about getting outside with them. You don't necessarily want to put the speed demons out there in front the ones that are walking really fast right out front and you don't want to put the people that are the slowest right out front. You want to have somebody's going to keep a solid moderate Pace. Would you agree with that by saying that the way you would agree with or no? Oh, yeah, if you do put a speed demon out there and these would be someone who is aware of their surroundings and able to walk and keep the group together best advice I could have for a group and if you have I don't know four or five people six eight people we've seen as many as trying to think what's a biggest group probably about 12 or 15 people in a group you're going to you're going to have distances in there. You just can't keep 12 14 15 people together, but one thing that you can do as a group have the understanding that you're going to stop at every Trail. And to make sure everyone's together. It's Craig preaches to us in the class all time. Do ahead Camp if there's eight and group stopped at that trail Junction, even if you're not turning on the trail Junction the trail may go straight ahead. But if there's a trail that that veers off to the left and right someone coming up behind you. They may think that's the main trail. So anytime there's a trail Junction stop gather the hacking group together do a quick head count and then head on. Hey, let's make sense. Yeah, it makes Perfect sense let me throw something in there to add to your your comment about counting people. It seems like a simple thing to do but it is one of the most aggravating things that I've seen I get a chance to train a bunch of different people ranging from Girl Scouts brownies. I mean little girls eight nine years up to high speed military people I get a chance to do all kinds of stuff. And Counting people seems to be one of the hardest things that has a standardization. Here's what I would love to see the standardization be everybody in the group gets counted meaning there's not hey, there's a leader that's person that doesn't get counted and you count the other people. They're just count everybody. They're the reason I'm making that suggestion to everybody that seems to be what happens as far as a problem. Is that when everybody starts getting tired and you Forget is there ten people here and one leader or is there 10 peeper here total? Then it can get confusing and if you just count everybody their kids adults leaders non leaders, everybody just counted then, you know real quickly that hey not everybody's here kind of things that make sense what I'm saying? Yeah, it makes perfect sense and that in my opinion. That's the way to do it. There's I've been out and about and especially in search and rescue groups different areas different counties and such and they have different ways of counting. But if you count everybody you you just don't there's no way to messing up right? You just count everybody and we've had people where they forget to count their selves. Yeah. Oh, we're one short who's missing who missing, you know that's happens pretty much every time but count everybody keep track of it. We will typically have two people. Count not say anything until they're done counting and then if they're match of them will go to go and when he says match up everybody another thing that we do it, I don't know if y'all doing search and rescue but one thing that we do a lot with our classes is I will go when I asked let's say I'm doing this with Tracy I'll say Tracy. How many did you get? I won't say I got 11. How many did you get and I know Tracy would do this, but only use him as an example. What Tracy will do in his head if I have 11, and he actually got 10 And then it might be that he's counting 10 and not counting himself for me or some variation of it. And that makes the 11 up whereas again if everybody is just counted and if I don't tell him what to think and just allow him to tell me what he says then then we can come to a firm conclusion that oh man. We got a different number if we got different numbers. We need to recount and it seems like it's such a simple thing, but it is not it is simple but not easy and that's a good way just better ways than yeah, but it is Of them that that you need to be aware of especially if you're organizing the hike designate some people and keep good quality people out front good quality people behind and everybody else in the middle. I remember we talked about this last class story again, dude. Sorry, I'm not sorry Laden hashtag. Sorry, not sorry are you know, one of the things that a lot of military organizations do is they have what's referred to as a battle buddy? And you just don't go anywhere without your battle and we were in a class Tracy and I ran A class down in Louisiana few years ago a man tracking class and there was a guy in that class on I can see this guy right now doing this. He had he pooped I bet that cat pooped 10 to 12 times a day every day and you can't when you're out on a man track and you got to go poop. Well your battle goes with you while you poop. Oh boy was you know, the way they the way he did was pretty cool. I'd never seen this before remember this he would take his what's the little shovel called? See military shovel. What's it called? Entrenching tool? He would basically, you know, take his intent wrenching tool dig a cat hole sit it down and then sit as but down on his entrenching tool. That was his toilet seat take a dump, but he had to I mean, I remember his battle buddy going damn dude is all you do is poop every day, but what's important is that it would be easy for a person to use the bathroom Go off into the woods to get their privacy and if he doesn't have a battle, buddy, Then forget that he's there and then walk off and leave him so realistically that's another methodology that you know, we use sometimes for different classes particularly. We're doing stuff at night for nature Alliance school people have a buddy a partner that they're accountable to it's good stuff. Oh, I think that's critical actually, especially in large groups. It's just such an easy way to not get separated. You just don't go you have to people everywhere you go. So you need to lock that person. Hey, I'm sitting here thinking about another story to Tracy and this brings up a good point. I'm I think it was Steve garland that told me this Steve Garland's one of our nature line School folks and he took a bunch of scouts out to know it wasn't he was telling me the story. Somebody took a bunch of scouts out to that big place out west. What is the name of that place where they take the Boy Scouts hiking all the time, but the scout leader son was a high Functioning Outdoorsman really good and when they divided all the scouts up into battle buddies and groups. There was a it wasn't an even number and so the scout leader thinking has his own Sons high-functioning don't have to worry about him did not have the the it was his battle buddy the scout leader. And so the scout leader was his son and the sons battle buddy was his dad. Well this kid went Off to use the bathroom one time and they literally did exactly what I just described which they walked off and left him because the scout leader the dad thought he didn't concern himself with his own son. He wasn't concerned with him because he knew he was good and what it wasn't that the kid wasn't good. It's just that he had walked off and his dad didn't realize it because he wasn't concerned about him. Boom left him behind. It took him like two days to find that kid. Wow Philmont. Is that it? That's it Philmont. That's it. I can't remember who told me that story. But it's just another indicator that you just even even the people that are highly accomplished are a Cena when Tracy and I are teaching a class. I mean, we're the teachers were the ones that know what all right not really, but you know what I'm saying? We're the ones that should know everything when I go to the bathroom, I tell Tracy hey, I'm going over to go to the bathroom. I mean, he's my battle buddy. We keep up with each other. I know where he is. I am going to my truck to get some more water. Whatever. I mean we keep up with each other. It's important something definitely consider. That is great advice. How about the next one? We deal with this a lot here in the Red River Gorge because we have a lot of cliffs overextending yourself and getting cliffed out which means that you're hiking long. You may get off of the main trail and you start climbing climbing and then you turn around and you say I can't go down that and you're pinned down then it's a nine one one call. If you get to a point to where it just doesn't seem right, it's probably not right. The other thing is and we talked about this a lot is as you're hiking you need to turn around and look behind yourself. Absolutely. Look at that trail that you just came through in case you have to go back and everything looks different. If you are in difficult terrain, you need to look around and look behind all the time. You got to make sure that you can go back the way that you came. We had a lady in the gorge and this has been probably two years. Go Chad Conway was with me and I can't remember the other we had three people and she was trying to find a way where else actually got way off the main trail just way off and there was a user trust so she just kept climbing and climbing and climbing and climbing until she got to the point where she could not go and how she got that 9-1-1 call out was a miracle the we end up finding her stuck up on a cliff in a little hole. She had leggings on and it was a zero degree night. He got down to zero degrees. I think it's 4 degrees and all three degrees gosh took off. She had tennis shoes and leggings on she had a good coat on but she probably saved her life. I wish she was stuck. I mean ya know like she didn't have a light and for me to get to her I had to walk a ledge probably looking back. I probably shouldn't have went over but I went over and tied a rope. And then I was safe, but you know, I had to tie rope for her to hang onto to get back over cliff and out is a big issue. If you're around that type of terrain any time that you get in position. That's tough terrain look back and make sure you can go back the way that you're going in make sense to explain that well enough. Yeah, I think and I think for people it's important to as far as just looking back build on what Tracy said is that and he's got a comment here that I love what goes up may not come down as easy. So looking back on. Trail to know what it looks like when you're going back the other direction and if you're getting ready to climb something to heal or whatever then assess it and go. Can I come back down that if I go up that do I have the mindset skills tactics and gear to be able to do that. And if not, then you probably should find another route. Moving on let's say oh here's a good one. I love this. I use one of your phrases in a Land Navigation class that we were conducting with search and rescue team in our training weekend. And you said one time the best way not to get lost is to not get lost. Remember saying that you know me. Well you said it and I thought well, that's why second that does make sense. And and here's the way I explained it. Do not take a step until you know, where you are. And if you always know where you are, then you're not going to be lost in our show notes. I had not double-checking your position and or not verifying with others in your party. Don't put 100% of the responsibility on one individual for location and Navigation always because we always make mistakes. We're humans. We're going to do it always have at least one other person in that party. That can do good Land Navigation and have it double-checked. One of the things that we used to do before we went with guy a GPS on our phones was we would take a map if we had the coordination that the coordinates for the Tigers. We would put one person at one end of the truck and one person at the other end truck and let them plot those coordinates and then come together and see if they matched up that way. You didn't influence one another but always double-check your position a map. Not something you stick in the back of your backpack. A map is a tool that you have hanging off your chest on in the in the top of your pack so you can reach and get it. It's in like a cargo pocket. It's a map is a tool that you're going to have you should pack in such a way that you can pull it out and look at it on a very regular basis. It's just it was one of those things that it's in one of the I remember I can still visualize this Tracy. You teaching me this long time ago because I would have the tendency to not pull my map out very often, but I can see us now walking the trail and you were teaching me some things and we came to a creek and it was just the trail was fine. Everything was cool with the trail. I could see it for forever and you just stopped and verified that because it was the trail crossing a creek and you pointed out. Hey, we're right here, which is just associating myself to the train and I should do that over and over and over again. That's what Thinking is very important for people if you're if you're new to land nav that map should be in your somewhere. You can get to it easily. Everything you said was 100% Correct? One thing that I introduced to a few people on this last navigation training day was thumbing meaning that as you're walking this Trail. I keep my thumb. I fold my map up in such a way that I keep my thumb on that trail and as I come up to a say a draw I can verify that that's a on the map. I just move my thumb up to that draw if I cross a creek. I move my thumb up to that Creek if I heading downhill now, but now I have reached the low point on that trail. I move my thumb up to that low point and so on it's called thumbing and you just you always kind of have your location with you as you go forward like it pretty pretty easy thing to do. But yeah, not not double-checking your position and not verifying with others in your party has gotten a lot of In trouble and now a word from our sponsor. Hey you yeah you I'm talking to you. He liked his podcast don't you and you're thinking about doing a podcast yourself. Let me tell you how easy it is to do this with anchor first off the money's right? It's free zero cost. Secondly, there's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Anchor will then distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcast and many more bonus. You can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started next one. How about trusting your pack cover man? I'm a Fan of bags inside my pack anymore more than anything you pack cover is going to shed a certain amount of water. But any water think about it the unless your pack is completely enclosed by that cover any water that hits your shoulders or your hood on your jacket runs down your back which runs into the back of your pack just do two soaking. So I've gotten in the habit of you know, the poor man's way of doing it because I did this for a long time was just have a garbage. Bagby the inner capture for everything I put in my pack. So everything that goes in there is in a waterproof container super simple super cheap doesn't carry. It doesn't add much weight everything in there is dry. And then you also have the trash bag that you can use for other things if needed absolutely man. Absolutely out of I love trash bags. I talk about him all the time. I don't think you can you always have to have them with you. I know I keep because we're talking about a lot of gear stuff in these podcasts but ultimate Wilderness gear my second book. Got a whole section on different ways to use trash bags. It's just it's just a vital piece of equipment. If you want to then you can buy a c line bag or like I have a snug pack bag. Now that has a roll-top tight on it a roll tight top on it. It's a little bit harder than a garbage bag, but I have it because they sent it to me for free. I wouldn't have bought it because I just use a garbage bag. So if you want to go that route then go that route to they're a little bit harder Yer you know what I used to do that quite a bit when I was canoeing a lot which I don't do very much at all. But I had a sea lion backpack that was you know, I could when I needed to Portage, I kept all my gear my C line bag and then I just throw the backpack on and Portage and then get back in my boat. The pack covers are good. And there's a good quality ones out there, but it's just like a rain rain jacket you have to treat it and if you put that cover in your Origin your house and you don't get it out for six eight months nine months. It's probably not going to be much of a rain cover trash bags are fantastic and they're cheap and they work Ziploc bags to keep maybe some of your smaller stuff in double double back on that kind of stuff a lot of options out there, but don't go out and just simply trust your pack cover. It will eventually get you into trouble. What's next gray. Next would be just blindly going forward. Without knowing where you're headed. I mean life is a journey not a destination, but it's journey and a destination. He's you should know where you're headed. If you just keep going just over this hill or around this next bunch of trees up here. And when you get to the other side of the field, they really don't have any idea where they're going. And so it's good to do pre-planning. I was working with a guy yesterday on teaching him how to pre-plan as hikes with topo maps because he's new to Topo maps. One of the things that Tracy and I talked about and in essential Wilderness navigation is stopping features and handrails. You can still Adventure into a big Hollow or Valley or Ravine or something that nature and know that hey at the end of this is a lake or at the end of this is an open value with a big river in it. And when you get to that point now, you know that you've at least reached that point just do something where you've got some recognition of where You're going instead of just blindly going in there. And again, I'm a big adventure. I love to go out and just wander I used to use the term. I like to go out and get lost. But I quit using that term because I think it gave a false sense of what I was actually doing. I was going out and enjoying nature without a preconceived plan. But with that said, I still had a plan of where I was going to come out and things like that. So I gave a false sense of what I was doing out there. It's not good to go out and not have it at least a Generalized plan and have also toad someone before I went out what that General plan is if that makes if that makes sense it sure does it just you were venturing, but you were adventuring in a controlled environment. That's the way it needs to be done. We pick up people all the time Craig on the trail that have walked for Miles because they knew that trail parking lot was just up ahead and it's not well. Well, oh my gosh it well. We're heading downhill. So it has to be down the hill and they get down the bottom heel and heel goes back up. Right so blindly going ahead is it will most of the time get you in trouble boy? Here's one. I know what this is hit me before many times ignoring hot spots on your feet while hiking as soon as you feel that hot spot you've got to stop and I've stopped and taking my shoes off put them in Creeks before especially during the You know little dangle into that cool Creek taking an extra pair of socks with you so that you're not hiking in wet socks is great. You have to carry some type of mold skin or duct tape something to help you along on those type of issues. Yeah. I'm all about it man. Most Skynyrd, like you said most introduct eight is absolutely unnecessary piece of that first aid kit. We were talking about in part one. It's got to happen. I mean when I used to do A lot of and I've got issues with a certain pair of boots. I've got mud boots that I wear almost all winter long anymore. And I can't do a whole lot of up and down hiking in those boots. I can do some casual flatland walking. I'm telling you man. If you don't take care of your feet, then you can't you just it's just you're not it's not like you're trying to be a Navy SEAL or Army Ranger out there. You know, it just debilitates you and it doesn't make a trip very enjoyable at all. So take your time fix your feet. Hey Craig here is one that I can't talk about but I think you can and I'm getting to the point where I'm about ready to purchase me a set and that is hiking poles hiking pose a level man. I was talking to somebody the other day. I probably you know, I avoided them because I felt like it was an old person thing that I felt like I was giving up on my youth and you know, I would rather work out and get Longer but I just quite frankly if found that with some of the injuries that I've had over my lifetime where I've got a couple little issues that just simple stability of hiking poles has just put me out a lot more than I was going. There are a lot of things that I wouldn't do that I now do and I spent a lot of time Outdoors just because I have hiking poles now because they do provide quite a bit more stability for me and I wrote about these and ultimate Wilderness Q2. I can't even remember the percentage. Remember contacting tally hunt and she turned me on to a study on this but there's a study on how much more efficient you are as a hiker. If you use hiking poles and this some sort of number like you save x amount of energy on your legs by using hiking poles. Got to get them. They're fantastic piece of equipment. Yeah. I've talked to several people that has done the St. And they every one of them says, oh you got to have polish got to have poles. So they're quickly turning me. You turning me on to the holes? Yeah, you like them. Yeah, here's a quick one and we run into this quite a bit as well treating your cell phone as a Lifeline. I think we mentioned earlier either in part one or this one about using ham radio out while you're hiking we always hear this little added, you know, two is one and one is none. So if you're using and relying on your cell phone as a Lifeline in The only Lifeline you have then you have one which is known in adding ham radio into it as cheap and easy it is to get into it will add a second life line while you're out and about absolutely man it and I'm not saying people have certain age group and knocking kids but so many kids are used to using phones that they just think they're going to work all the time and they just quite frankly. They don't work all the time. There's so many problems E. I mean even from the simple perspective of eye view. Realized my phone as my GPS device to which is nothing look in the description below you all use Gaia GPS, you can get a huge discount. Thanks to Tracy and me that we secured and we had to get in this big War battle and fight and they gave it to now. I'm just joking. They very happy to work with us and we're happy to help promote them because we use it all the time, but think about this if if I utilize my guy a GPS as my go to land navigation tool and I don't have a backup for with it, which is I always take a map and a compass. Yes, Dan. And obviously it could run out of battery. I think that's obvious. But the other thing is it could break I could fall and hit that on a rock Drop It crack the screen and now it doesn't work anything electronic for that matter. I just never want to put my life on. You know, I'm going to have a backup for that next is getting dehydrated. And we always we always have one or two events a year during the hot summer where people go in and they have either on the verge of a heat stroke, but they're definitely in that heat exhaustion area. I think we got two people out this year that had to deal with heat issues and being dehydrated. Yeah. It's one of those thing and I man, do you like drinking water? I actually do yes don't actually I drink more water out in the woods than I do at home. I don't shame on you it I know it is one of those things that I have to make a calculated conscious decision that hey I'm going to spend time outside and I'm going to drink water now now with that said there are times where I know that I'm going I keep water in my truck and I do try to stay hydrated because I don't like doing it but I do it anyway, but when I'm going hiking right before I go into the woods, I will drink a full, you know, 16 ounces of water before I go in so I know of at least got that in me and I I should be hydrated. Anyway, I do everything I can to stay hydrated and I don't like it but it's that important. I've been dehydrated before and that's the reason I stay hydrated. You do not want to be in that position. I've been in that position where I would have died if I had not had somebody with me at the time because I got into the point where I got so cramped up and I'm talking my finger started cramping and I knew they were hurting in my feet were cramping and I knew they were hurting from dehydration, but I Toughing it out, right and then I sit down to take a break and could not get off the ground my body. I seized up in the fetal position not from I'm scared. Oh somebody love on me my body shrunk up in the fetal position due to contractions of my muscles and I couldn't move if you've ever experienced anything like that Boyd had hunted hits home. Doesn't it? Yes, it does. I went through basic training in the summer of 87 July. And we had made it through the obstacle course. I was just thinking Second Time Around wrong. Anyway, we we had made it through the obstacle course the second time around and I had gotten to the point to where they pulled me over and put in the shade and started pouring some water on our heads and back over necks and that kind of stuff. I use four five six of us if you've ever experienced anything like And you can hear it and actually can hit fairly quick and I just want to make it clear. I was walking with some somewhat dehydration effects set down and I didn't sit down because I was having dehydration issues. I sit down because we were just taking a break I could not get back up off the ground. It's like when I sit down and brought my knees up to my chest, I could not straighten out my abs. I couldn't straighten out my legs and I'm talking that happen within 5 minutes. Well, it was bad man. An so be careful that is a definite definite mistake that a lot of people make out. There here is another one that I see all the time out there. People go hiking and I think the trails are going to be marked. So well that there's no way they're going to get lost that I guess. They think that they're going to be like signal lights out there, you know go this way go this way go that way and we have people all the time that think they're on one particular Trail and they are two Trails over going back to that planning and you got to have an idea of where you're going and how are you going and don't rely upon the forestry service? The trail markers to lead you in the right direction all the time. Some of those Trail markers are old they are faded and sometimes other hikers will actually take them down as souvenirs. That's that pisses me off man. Yes, this is me off. It's one of those things. It's think about think about this way and I bring this up because we wrote a section and essential Wilderness navigation. That was about 10,000 words on how you equate road signs and driving. On highways and interstates to understanding how it works on trails. And so if you're not familiar with being out on the trail, it's like that sometimes the signage is great. Sometimes the sign is just is not great. It sucks. It's not there at all. Somebody took it down. Somebody stole it. It got knocked down in a storm. There's snow on it and you can't read it just realize that trails are like that probably even more so than what you're experiencing on the road take it. Manage of the opportunity to pre-plan your hike why it's all we talked about before the hike know your navigational skills or lack thereof and get those fixed if you don't have them and I like this word thumbing. I've never heard you use that word before thumbing along the map. I really like that. There you go. You learned something today then. Yeah, I dig that. Yeah, it works out. We works out really. Well. How about the next one carelessly walking through the woods one again? I Want to emphasize and let me look it up real quick Tracy's podcast number 12 national parks 2017 search and rescue stats. One of the things that came out of that listen to this that right here 77% of the 2003-2004 injuries in Yellowstone were sprains strains abrasions or lacerations and that must happen from just carelessly going through the woods. It does it has to both will both careless. And sometimes you can do everything 100% right and you just make a bad step. You don't see that slick Rock underneath the leaves. You don't see that root underneath the leaves a rock gives a way that you you know think that is solid it can jump up and bite you really really quick the people that go into the woods go out on a hike and think hey, I'm season nothing's going to happen we go in and get them all the time. Because they have slipped and fell and injured themselves and I've done it myself out there. Heck I think I fell twice last year. I can think of to right off the top of my head. So which probably means I feel more than that that we were coming down a hill one time when I'm got a Lady Think Chad Conway and Tiffany Conway were with me coming down to Bluff back down to the trail and there was a big long route Cedar route and I stepped on it. I had about four or five feet of just sliding down. He'll hit the ground and it happened so quick man. Oh, you just don't have time to think just hope for the best and whenever hit the grill ground Craig if my elbow would hit a rock or something like that and you've been checked and broke or yeah, he's a natural something we talked about this one don't actually we didn't talk about this we talked about boots, but we didn't specifically talk about this topic. I don't think when you buy boots and shoes to hike in you should get a half. Half size larger than you normally wear why is that I can think of two or three reasons? But the one is that you just don't get good circulation to your feet. And if you're not getting good circulation your feet, they're not going to articulate the way they're supposed to and you're not going to feel they're going to colder faster. They're going to get a lot of things faster just because you don't get good circulation. Is that what you're getting at? And what are you getting at? I don't know that I'd say. Yeah, absolutely. And then also as you're hiking your feet has a tendency to swell. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Good point. Yeah. You need that extra half size larger, especially in the winter months whenever you might be wearing at extra thick pair of socks or wool socks or something like that. You have to have that added room in your boot for your feet to move around. All right, Craig one last one and we'll go ahead and close this one out. We're at about 48 49 minutes. There's always going to be some user error in all kinds of topics all kinds of things all kinds of Gears were just not going to we ourselves are going to make a mistake. In dealing with them. I put in our show notes a quick story on how that can happen. Do you want to go over that? Yeah, that's fine. Let's let's get into this. This is a good story. There's so many lessons are here you all so on Sunday evening a team from Portland Mountain Rescue rescued a party of two climbers who became lost in a whiteout on the descent from Crater Rock after climbing Mount Hood upon reaching about 1550 800 feet the As realize they were lost and called 9-1-1 for assistance. Pretty cool. They had I'm On One coverage p.m. Our rescue leader. Steve Rollins made cell phone contact with the subjects and determined that the climbers had a working GPS to come pieces one of which was set to 20 degrees declination and no map. All right, I'll resist the climbers had reportedly forgotten to Mark Timberline Lodge as a waypoint. And their GPS and thus were not able to use it. Rollins talked to the Commerce through configuring their GPS for the nad27 map data and to use UTM coordinates. He was then able to determine the climbers location and provide a three sets of waypoints and bearings to get the climbers safely over to a trail this Trail would ultimately lead them out of the woods and avoid the Avalanche danger higher on the mountain after a series of phone calls and navigation errors. It was determined that the climbers GPS had somehow switch Matt datums off of in a 8027 causing their location to be in accurately reported relative to the map Rollins was using additionally the Commerce had set their Compass to 20 degrees west declination instead of 20. Oh my gosh. I had not read. Hey you all I'm reading this but I have not read this story before this podcast. I figured you'd like it. Oh my gosh instead of 20 degrees east declination as a result the 40 degrees off. I can't stop myself. Oh, Gosh, as a result the Commerce track was always about 40 degrees off the track. They were attempting to follow the error in the Commerce compasses Compass declination setting contributed to them becoming lost and hindered their progress to the trail though. The navigation problems were resolved over the telephone Darkness was approaching in the climbers retired. So a ground team was sent up the trail to assist the climbers in their descent the rescue team started up the mountain at sundown traveling light and fast the team is Able to make contact with the too tired climbers at about 10:30 p.m. Good gravy. That's a long day. Well, that's not all of it the group then slowly made their way over miles down the trail arriving at the whole my gosh arriving at the trail head up Trailhead at 1:30, dude. They're out for that's a long day. Oh my gosh, they're out for 17 hours. So think about this so they had this is it determined that the climbers had a working. S2 compasses, but they had no math. I know and one of the compass was set to the wrong declination. So my question is of the two hikers were they just rely on one individual to do all the navigating you would think that both people in that party should know where they are and that goes back to something we talked about about verifying with someone in your party on your location. The other thing is the West declination had it backwards to what the should have been. And let me throw these out because we're about ready to close out. If you don't know what nad27 that data mirror and say, oh well, heck. Yeah, I took get those are no no, go ahead, please. If you do not know what nad27 map datum is or NAD 83 or wgs84 for that matter. If you do not know what wtm court UTM coordinates are if you don't know the issue about the declination you need to get yourself into a Land Navigation class. Absolutely. Obviously. We love to have you This but even more obviously I hope because you know Tracy now well enough get a class somewhere with somebody please pick up our book decision Wilderness navigation, but the book is good. I love the book. I think we put together the best nap book out there, but it's going to require you to get out and get stuff done. That's the way you get good Atlanta have skills and a good way to get them efficiently. You can learn by trial and error that's there's no doubt about At that but to get them efficiently go study with somebody somebody obviously we'd love to have you join us find somebody to train with man. Very good. Thank you jacked up Tracy. That story is so jacked up. Gosh it is. I knew you knew that you would just love that story. There's so much wrong going in there. And this is this is Portland. Where is this again? Okay, I just had to look it up. This can make it to the podcast or not. The declination there is Degrees so there are six degrees off right there. They might have been as much as forty six degrees off. I think only what I think the only way they made it down to 5,800 feet was that they just went downhill. Oh damn Alton. Oh my gosh, it's so bad. Yeah, and I thought you know Craig and I are not Mountaineers. Actually. We got a gentleman that we're going to interview specifically for Mountaineer a mountaineering that there's a it's a lot of it's a different animal than just hiking the hills of Kentucky and such but you would think that someone who is going to tackle Mount Hood would be a little more up on the navigation skills. Craig I think that does it for this podcast you got anything else to add? No, man. I think that's good. Everything is there to let everybody know again. This is part 2 of 3. We're going to come back one more time. We're going to be going over Camp. We've looked at it Part 1 if you haven't listened to that one, if you're just getting to this one and you just discovered us go back and listen to part one where we go over before you hit the trail. This one has been what to do while on the trail the common mistakes number three, we're going to be talking about Camp. It's Off. Yep, and that probably will be a little shorter podcast coming up. So we'll knock that one out fairly quick. But we thank you for joining us on this podcast. And again, if you will, please follow us or subscribe to the podcast through whatever platform you listen to us. We greatly appreciate it. It helps it helps us out tremendously. So as always with nature Reliance, let me throw something else in there brakes brakes. Hey guys and gals check out just do a quick Google search anchor dot. F m-- nature Reliance. You can do a Google search on that. It takes you to the like the homepage which is the host for this podcast. There's an option on there for supporting us financially you can throw in as little as 99. So what is it 99 Cents Tracy a month? Yeah. They have a 99 cent option for 99 and $9.99. We'd love to have you do that for us and we're actually talking before we go on. Podcast today what we can do we try to give you as much good content as we can and I think it's worth every single penny you might donate their but what were also doing is trying to come up with some plans where you can basically get your money back. So consider that too now back at you dude, go for it as always come on join in and let's learn together.
Craig and Tracy discussing common mistakes in part two of a three part series. This one covers some of the more common problems people experience while on the trail. Your support is necessary for us to grow and prosper this podcast. Please subscribe/follow us in your favorite podcast program and consider the sponsors mentioned. Here are some on-going sponsors: Nature Reliance School, where Tracy, Craig et al teach about a wide range of topics in the outdoors. Gets hands-on with us so you can be more comfortable and more enriched. Titan Survival - An American veteran-owned company. Gaia GPS App, best app in the world for wilderness navigation. Craig and Tracy have taught many first responders and the public in how to use this app: Join our newsletter and get 20% off of classes, and 10% off gear.
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We are here doing the When Calls the Heart the greatest Christmas blessing Christmas special. Here we go music gotta let us well. Awesome. I'm your host Mercy Serafini. And today we have a special guest Paul Green. Hey, everybody nice to see you. And there's even James is visiting. Yes video James I jr. He's not here in studio. But he's joining us via Skype all the way from Pennsylvania James. Welcome back to the show. I'm hearing cold Pittsburgh. It's like 36 degrees right now and light ring and I am here. That is pretty cool. Yeah, it's good. It's good to see I'm glad we're not going to miss your roaring laughs laughing with you. I know there's room. Yeah, it's very pointy of room but we have plenty to talk about it is The Christmas Blessing the greatest Christmas blessing. I'm so excited. I'm so happy that you're back with us Paul. Yes, it's nice to be here. And I and here I'm your first project in the new year. Is that right? Yes, you are my first fashion show this year to James. Yes, the first one I decide for my first one is six months actually. Oh, wow. There you go. That's got some very exciting and it's my pregnant the Hardys. Yes, of course we come back for for the Hardys and for all you and I see you in the live chat. Hello everyone. Thanks for joining us. Once again. We have a lot to talk about. So let's just get into it. Yes, let's do it. So then, you know, we started off the the episode with Lillian and Grace they come to town a wagon full of Orphans and they're all singing how Cute are they yeah, everyone. Yes, I mean what says Hope Valley and When Calls the Heart more than kids and I wish there was more singing on the show to be honest. Like all of us can sing. We've talked about this many times. It's like we need a musical and the fans are asking for it. And so there's a dude would require quite a bit of production. But you know, I think we need to do a musical at some point. I think you can do it James. Do you agree with that? Oh a musical episode completely. I might I should totally just so much talent in your calf. You should totally do it. I'm all for it. They need to hire me to come up there and I want to join the episode. It's a background anything. I'll do it. Okay, ha ha ha it was cute writing background. It was very cute, seeing those girls and and all the kids and in Hope Valley Fashion just to see how everyone took care of even the kids got involved to take care of those orphans. And and that's what I love about the show is people are going to leave better than they were before. They saw it inspired to be better people is what I like to think about. Absolutely. The kids played an amazing part that the orphans and just the regular Hope Valley kids and like you could just see the positive community that everyone no matter what age you are like Hannah and and the influence that they have on other people just to do good especially around Christmas time. The the Christmas spirit. Yeah. I mean the whole town comes together, right and everyone helps with the figgy pudding and everyone just everything it's the way that the things are on hold. So utopian place to escape to yeah, wherever One takes care of each other and the odd villain comes in to mix things up. Right? I loved how they try to quote unquote Escape through the Hope Valley router. But little did they know that there was a sheriff there as well because they're hiding a secret with this little orphan Millie. She's kind of like a stowaway James over your thoughts on Millie. Why is this funny a first date two things? First of all one nice collection a diverse kids. That orphan group is very diverse. They're all diverse looking. I love that. Number two Our Hope Valley kids. They're getting older. It's like the jayven like grow like 10 inches like they're all growing up. It's like wow your eyes. We're seeing the kids grow up. Yeah, that's true and his voice dropped his voice. Yeah. Maybe you like you look there are all kind of getting older they're growing up in like this is really interesting. I love a storyline and so my question is the heart he's already out. There ain't nobody knows anything is It's like part of this an office going to happen. Like is this a base is gonna be like something is going to happen later or when this other thing comes out it felt like a great introduction and it felt like it fit within the When Calls the Heart. Yeah, for sure. I mean, I know that that is is a part of it. I know that that is the that was a cool song. Okay. I realize that my Facebook live they couldn't hear James or you could just hear me like talking to so I just Attended my Facebook live. I was the secondary audio right? Just noting via iTunes. That was the ding was the secondary. Yeah, they couldn't hear me. That's weird. That's right. Everyone can think and feel you James. But that is it is a part of the spin-off those girls. The two actors are as far as I understand things change, you know, but that's what I understand is what's going on, right and they mentioned it at the the Hardys family. For that just happened in a couple months ago is last time I saw you Paul. Were they introduced Morgan Cohen and Joseline? That's right. James wasn't there he would know that I had health issues, but I I'm glad to know that is because I'm already hooked. I wouldn't know how I want to know what happens. I want to follow them and know what happens. So it really fit but it fit within this episode. It was a great centerpiece for this episode. Yeah, I think so as well and yeah a little Millie was, you know, trying to figure out if she could speak or if she couldn't speak or what is wrong with her and why you know, that was a fun. She's a great little actress. I saw her on the good doctor as well. She isn't she that if you watch the good doctor you'll see every one of your homework favorites guest starring on that show. Yeah, she shoots in Vancouver and all they just bring over tons of great actors to that show that's good. I really enjoyed her because for as little as she said she still spoke a lot. She said a lot, you know via body language and just fell for her also, especially with her and her sister Charlotte and you know, just their storyline and having Galvin read to her multiple times throughout the episode was like alright going. Yeah, at least it's nice to see a softer side of him. I think I think Hardy's are routing to for 4-gallon to be a good guy. You know, it was really fun. Like it's a lot of dialogue but Martin coming got to read it. Like he didn't have to memorize it because I had a dream like the dream monologue. We were like reading the story and she was she's really fun to work with he was great to work with always as well. Some of my favorite days were with him and with and with Calvin. Yeah, I was gonna ask you a question. That depends. Okay. Well, You know as this try as you would happen. No, my question to you is playing a doctor has that changed your view on the medical profession. I don't know if it's changed my view so much of the current medical profession, but it has I didn't realize what they how limited the medicine was before modern times so that it really changed my perspective on and how lucky we are to where if something goes horribly wrong that we have such a sophisticated system to handle it where a cold or a flu could take someone out and like you never know someone left on their Carriage if you're going to see them again for real like it wasn't just like You know bless your journey. It was like I hope I see you again. They're stiff, you know, there's you it was right around when penicillin and there's a lot of so it's fun to do the research and it's I'm always obsessed with all things medical and health and nutrition and and that that stuff is so it's been a fun character to look into and to understand what the limitations were around that time and some of the Simplicity made things pretty they were very creative, too. Wow. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, it's great seeing the the scene with you and nurse faith when you're examining Millie to see if she has any physical disabilities that would wouldn't allow her to speak and it just shows just how much your character Carson has like really been like more dependent upon when it comes to a lot of health issues. Yeah. I mean, there's some the only doctor and / vet in town. I mean if there's a foul that needs to be delivered Go help with that. I mean, I guess the closest thing to a vet is a doctor, right? So yeah, there is you know, there's its it was an interesting time where if you got hurt you really you were you had to your life could be wrist at risk. It depends on how sick you were right. So it's fun to play with that for sure. Yeah. And yeah, of course they back to gallon really quickly you touched upon it just be quick about going. Yeah. There's a whole Redemption story line because they want to make him they want to redeem your I think the fans want to see it to you. Oh, you have no idea what's coming writing such a tease. That's what you're hoping for Redemption story. Are you? Yeah, I actually I hope you get it. I'm hoping for Redemption. I think the Hardys know how much against gallon but they give him a good storyline. He has to earn his way into my heart to get that redemptions. Is that all right? He's a little bit if he's done a lot a lot of shady stuff. As a grown adult man, like it's gonna take a lot for you. Yeah for me to like warm up to you a little bit counts. Well, it's a new season. You may have a many obstacles to overcome in your love or it may be easy. I wish I could tell you I'll seriously I actually have a prediction. Oh, that's but that's two predictions later at the end of the show. You have to soon after that. We of course we do tune in for that. But yeah, I did enjoy your moments with Millie cuz you know Millie. You got to see it just about everybody in town really she got around like that. It's true. She had this shit a lot of scenes and she had no lines. Like what's the best gig ever she's fantastic little actress. Like I said, I'm a good doctor. She had this great little role and and also on our show when she did finally speak at school really great. Yeah. What was also great was Sheriff bill. I love how he, you know knew something was off. I knew something wasn't really adding up. They had eight kids and seven and then he he does his duties and then unfortunately we get Agnes McCutcheon's all involved in the try to take Mill away and you can't take kids away. You can't separate them from family. We've seen this before when they try to take Cody away the first time like no we just you know, it breaks your heart. Yeah and their siblings like you don't separate siblings, and that's what they were arguing for and and it took her a while, but she finally came around. I mean she was a great Antagonist I thought for a while there as well. And then you know, we're all wanted to wring her neck and Bill. I don't know if you caught there's a scene in the infirmary where she waits for bill for Jack Wagner's character to open the door for her as you must do and that day and it was like Jack Ruru Jackson build reluctantly opens the door for her. It's a funny little moment. I'm sure some people caught it. Oh, yeah, cuz that was the moment when they were supposed. He was supposed to bring the later and She's like he was like, I know she's at the saloon with at the feast and then he had opened her because she was just gonna go get herself, but I have it in my notes AKA. Mr. Grinch. Mr. Grinch. Every Christmas needs a grants to remind us how lucky we are to have festive times, but she warmed up near the end and it because I loved how she saw what Lillian and Grace were really doing for her. Yeah. It may not have been the best ideal way to go about it and how it all turned out but The intentions were there and I think Agnes saw that yeah, it sounds right worth it's funny because it also as I always say I go will always go a little deeper and guava show so relatable because it's still relates to today. It comes to adoptions and orphans and that means I get there's a there's a protocol so to speak to handle these things and there's some things that you know are Beyond protocol. I just it's very relatable. He's very relatable. Hmm. Yeah, and I loved how the kids the Hope Valley kids and especially Cody I mean you have amazing scenes with Carter all throughout the seasons and in the past and in the future that will eventually see but it just what what Cody did in this episode and it was on his his own terms that he wanted the orphans to have a good Christmas because he was in that position not that long ago. Mmm. I thought that was very sweet. Yeah, the kids came together and gave away their prized possession which we saw them earn Barry difficulty to get that kite and then to give it away. It was really sweet and even opal gave away brownie did Did you not see that? Yeah. Oh my goodness. Yeah, James. What did you think of the children? I know you love them. Are you I loved the casting people. However, When Calls the Heart hits that you know, I love the children. I'm such a fan of the children and they just picked great people and great little actors to do these scenes. I'm always moved always moved. I mean Cody's going to be like the mayor future mayor whole rally in support of her helping her wonderful season 15 or seasoned agents. Twenty whatever y'all are all that is. Yeah, he's got reach our run the place, but it just I mean they just they think when I when I saw opal giveaway brownie at the end I was like, oh my goodness. She's kind of passing Brownsville the show for so long. I got married like real a fellow something for like, okay, that's very sweet. But by brownie, I guess right would you you wouldn't have given your brown are way would you go I kept it is growing up. Yes. And it's always hard to watch your kids grow up. It's like all the growing up. This is it I feel this way about the whole the whole rally kids. I could we continue but all of them. Yeah. Well, obviously, it's not Cody doing it. It's the writers write creating it. So it's they've really pulled together an emotional like we all watch it together Christmas and Kate. My lovely girlfriend was like next to me tearing up and my friend Gina was there and my mom and it was like we had a big group watching it and I was like, this is really good episode. It was really really tugged at the heartstrings and and covered. I love that. We got to go on a big adventure with horses in the woods and I love having a horse on the show. Oh, you're back, right Herbalife. I am. Yeah, I grew up around animals and our neighbors had horses and I said like for Bible Camp. I let our kids a couple years up into the Rocky Mountains on Horseback. So I've had a good amount of experience. I'm by no means a pro and I still sometimes when they get moving I have you have to really relax and find your groove but still tighten your thighs enough that you stay connected and not grab the knot in front of you so you look, Beginner when you feel like you're being and yeah, it's nice having those horrid. I really hope they the as technology advances that we don't lose the horses to some cars which there's more Court ours as you see, right? Yeah. I love her good the 14 models like coming close into that production line and and down here. You know, Henry Ford's working I come from that area so I know yeah and I and I think you know just going back to the Cody like he also had a great moment and the previous Christmas episode to building the whole North Pole for for his mom and all that. That's right. Cody has some great moments, especially in the the Christmas episode. So it's a big cast its they gotta they it's interesting how they find a way to give everyone a bit of a storyline what's wrong. It's a big cast now, it's keeps growing right so many storylines to and we even getting onto Like Jesse and Clara. Yeah team classy. Yes, yes. Yes Jesse getting tickets to The Nutcracker James. What are your thoughts of this? We know what fan of this of this duel. I've been a fan for very beginning and of course two actors. I love the whole thing is it's funny. I love that the men had to come together to dress him out of that was so I thought was such an authentic moment because you know, he's a young guy with no he's dressed up to go to the theater, but he wouldn't know me. I can't stop he doesn't come from that kind of life and at the guys kind of reluctantly had to come together. Other and still be manly enough to do it and come together and kind of dress him out of there was a great great male bonding moment. I loved it. Yeah, and it took all of us to come together with her clothes and everyone had a little piece to you know, that's how I think of people's life should be we take care of and I wouldn't you need a village takes a village sometimes to go see The Nutcracker. But yeah, I'd like that we came together to help him like that. Everyone had a little piece to live. Yeah, the human puzzle you Hadley shoes and cufflinks your shirts gallons coat and bills pants. I get those are crazy measurements. But you know Aaron buckles, he's a tall guy. He's got that I did like that moment and Clara look gorgeous in her dress. Oh my goodness my goodness. But yeah, that was sweet the now, you know, they can have a good Christmas because also Jesse in the previous on just keep going back to the previous Christmas episode and bye Jesse wanted to do something nice for Claire and by those gloves and now he's stepping his game up for The Nutcrackers though. Yeah that the young witch couple generation. Yeah. Hopefully we'll see some more of them. You know, we see young love we see some young loved ones series about be nice. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely and then Abigail and all of this, of course, she wanted the characters that who is consistently interacting with everybody, you know in the show putting on this Christmas feast and yet People keep changing the menu on her and she does not like it this roast. She accidentally left a burn and then you know, they have to go to bed soon Hills. Yes shit all the turkey but to get them to get them less you end up getting a sausage or something Swami salami for Christmas a new tradition and that gets them into the woods to get lost to and break down. Right? Right. It will definitely get to that bit James that what were your thoughts of a Abigail and just her involvement with the everybody in the Christmas, you know community in that whole meal that character Abigail she must be tired. I mean she is like everywhere. I mean she is I mean, she's with everybody everywhere. She does it so effortlessly and flawlessly. I just love that character so much and that's why I always tell other I tell women and gross watch the show. They show strong women on this show. And Abigail is like one of the strongest and she has her hands and everything. I mean, she has her hands in everything and she She's wonderful and she can do comedy. You know, Lori looking to do comedies you dramatic moments. I mean, she just brought it this episode just like I needed her to for When Calls the Heart Christmas special. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah loved it. Yeah, she's amazing. She's so fun to work with to she's very present in the one quality really wanted an actor's generosity and she is very generous that is for sure. Absolutely and speaking of Comedy not to completely digress, but the only show I've been changed to over Christmas break was full. Their house the new season I did say a lot of am Becky does in the past two weeks to but you know that just a testament to amazing how Lori is John and her character in the show? Because yeah, there was comedy but the whole roast burning but also like drama and seriousness when she was young Elizabeth and all that and getting the girls coming together putting up the nursery delivering a baby living a baby, which yeah, well be so proud of being so proud of her son. Ask you is looking at Cody and some of the scenes that she was so proud of him that he's growing up to be this this thoughtful young man. You see that her performance hmm amazing amazing. So before we get more into the baby and then obviously the elephant in the room, which we definitely have to get to that just want to take a quick moment to thank you everyone for always tuning into one Calls the Heart I AfterBuzz TV even like no matter what time of the year that you know, we cover the episodes were two weeks. He's late on the special but we're you know, we're all different places. James is in Pennsylvania. I was in Illinois, you know, like me is holidays, but we're here. So always thank you always for always tuning in iTunes rating commenting subscribing there and also YouTube and while you're on YouTube, you can check us out and all of our other different genre verticals that we have on our platform. You love us on Jama. You probably love are also our other shows like Full House be cover that too on a comedy. You know, so a lot of different genres just rate and subscribe and comment and subscribe to all those verticals as well. And you know, if you have a favorite show good chances, you know, we cover it but you know doing that help just helps us grow the network and bring more after shows to you. So thank you always for you know, being loyal fans as you are Hardy's and before we really get into more into this discussion Paul you brought your guitar with you, uh-huh, like oh ways. Yeah as for James, For me, it's for me. It's for its for James. I would you like to perform some sure. Why not? This is a really old. Thank you Kendall as we get your guitar all stopped up buddy, Kendall who I've known for ages and ages. Yes, I can. Hi Kendall. He's on the sidelines. First some he's a amazing musician and is here doing some really exciting work with Hans Zimmer. He's a composer my buddy. Yes. I love Hans. Yes. See ya. Yes. It is. Right and he actually did the music for my short film that I directed and wrote last quarter like a few months ago can did all my posts all my music and my sound and and original score its kind of sounds like a doors. The the short film I directed and wrote is has a heavy doors theme and the main character ends up at Jim Morrison's grave in Paris. For the climax of the things that's pretty cool. Really? Yeah, I'll have to yeah, it's and I'm gonna once it's going to go to I can't are it. I can't put it anywhere because this a there we go. I can't put it out until it's hit some of the shows around the world and some of the festival's if it's out online at you disqualify yourself. So, okay, so you have to Get it into festivals before you can actually let it anybody see it especially or you're disqualified. So it's a journey being a director is different than being actually show up and like mr. Green where we would you would you like for lunch and being a director? There's a lot more to it. You steer the first one there. The last one to go months before months after this is an old song probably wrote. It was like 22 and Yeah right here that telephone ringing. Let the machine pick it up because I'm tired of facing the music. I'm tired of all that stuff down 22 years old today. What do I have to show I can go anywhere that I want in this world and I never feel. Alone, you're my best friend. You're my best friend. You're my best friend. When I'm up when I'm down when I'm in when I'm out when I'm fat when I'm feeling when I'm covered in sin when my cause out of gas and I'm low on cash when my faith is dry, and I'm wondering why you're my best friend. You're my best friend. Sleeping in Paris. I got nowhere to go every bone in my body just wants to run home and spend all Sunday. Just kicking back laying outside in your front yard on our backs. You're my best friend. You're my best friend when I'm or when I'm down when I'm here in when I'm out when I'm fat when I'm feeling when I'm Joe Budden sin when my cause out of gas and I'm low on cash when my faith is dry, and I'm wondering why you're my best. Friend, you're my best friend. You're mine when I'm up when I'm down when I'm in when I'm out when I'm fat when I'm feeling when I'm covered and seeing when my car was out of gas, and I'm low on cash when my My faith is dry and I'm wondering why you're my best friend. You're my best friend. hahaha Thank you so much. I think you always gets a little toasty when you sing and play the someone turns out someone goes and finds a thermostat turns up the heat when you're seeing it. I guarantee it like the same person that steals your left socks. I have my When Calls the Heart thermos for thank you. But yeah, that was beautiful. So many hotties are jealous because you know, I got the best seat in the house. Beautiful why thank you. It's a very old song but it has a lot of meaning. Yeah, I bet. Yeah so good so good. So we'll just have to keep having you come back so you can just sing to us. All right deal sounds like a deal. Yeah. So amazing love it moving on Elizabeth. And I mean she had arguably the best moment and the whole Christmas, you know, Episode of course, we'll really let's start at the beginning with her. She's having all these fun Cravings pregnancy, you know, if she was having those behind the scenes as well like Phantom Rogue cravings for pickles. So three things really you're not pregnant are the get up but it's kind of a joke, but she ended up like yeah. Yeah. She she wore the I think she really preferred to have a belly then of course. Yeah, that's what she said, you know during the interview when I I last talked to her but um, yeah. Said it was easier to move around. It's more fun. And yeah, you can breathe and a place to put your treats exactly the best moment used to eating. The cookies is like rabbit. That's why I said grab the cookies that was hysterical, you know during during all that because you know, she's eating for two just like a normal pregnant woman what James over your thoughts of seeing pregnant Elizabeth? It look real performance in general this whole episode. She had to rent she had a range of emotions from funny too. Everything was amazing. Yeah, her range was amazing. It just as always there's showcases episode. But the funny most I thought I was waiting to see them be any Cravings was going to happen and the look. We're faced with Ned Yost and it's always just it was hilarious. You know, it's just kind of just it just it it's like true to life. I mean, I've been around bringing people for and they get your Cravings. I love that love it and the way she carried herself going down the stairs or walking across the town. She's like got a waddling like she's definitely sold. It definitely looked like and we in want felt like helping her because she's seem like a pregnant person. So helping her to cross her voice to get extra. Thanks. That's so funny. Yeah, and we're gonna we see her walking all around town. I was like someone should help her. She shouldn't keep walking by herself. But you know, she's strong independent woman. She could take care of her. That's right. And also they threw it was something it's really real the mother of one of my daughter's hate it when people wanted to touch her stomach all the time. I know for women a lot of times that's a thing now, you can't touch your stomach and such as stomach are pregnant and it's the looks on, you know. Liz its face like okay go ahead, you know, they wanted their being kind and sure very real it's very real. Yeah. Yeah, she definitely sold it and but I also the real moments were when cuz we know unfortunately Jack has passed and the whole past finale he's not here anymore. And we see those real moments where she she's nervous because she has to do this motherhood all by herself and she misses Jack and I like those those moments. I was like, oh, yeah, you're not the only one who misses. Each attic James your thoughts. Okay kids the two times I cried this episode. We're both moments with Elizabeth. And the first one was when because I loved her the nuances that she said that Aaron played Elizabeth with the not doing the room not doing the nursery yet. There are a lot of Motions like, okay y'all get up there and actually go into the room and she's drop off the stuff that was dropped off and kind of like walk out the room. She wasn't enthusiastic about it. So Finally came and did the room and says missing one thing and she brought in the picture. I just started sobbing. I just started start crying. I was like this is because I got you. I've lost people mom. I like recently all and it just touch that because it will be a happy occasion and it is a happy occasion the show but it's bittersweet and I think the audience needed that also I think the Hardee's in the event also and her just bring the picture right there. I was like, oh my God, you're killing me. Now now now you can Now you got me. Yeah, I think the first time. Now the first that was the first time II Lost it was that moment. I lost it later on called melts first. I'm curious to hear what your second time was. But yeah, it was a real touching moment for everybody. I think the writers did a really great job of acknowledging Jack's passing in a way that it didn't dwell on it and it didn't move on too quickly. Like I really I think they really spent the right time in the right places with how the there's in these little moments where she's like, I miss Jack and I think it's really important to not rush through that but it's also important not to dwell on it and allow her to move on. So I think that that was the that was not an easy line to walk and I really think that the writers found a way to do that to find to give a little bit of everything to everyone so they could mourn a bit and also be ready to move on quickly not so quickly that you don't honor what a carrot that character and also that the who he was for Elizabeth and as a butt but they Did a really good job of walking that line. I find absolutely I completely agree with everything. Paul said I completely agree that line. What is a very fine line and an awkward line like not not your out not the easiest thing to manage and the it was die thought was down really well. I agree. Yeah, I agree completely agree and I mean and speaking of honoring Jack unfortunately during the whole winter storm to get caught up in the baby comes she goes into labor early a whole month early. Which is why a lot of parties were wondering including myself for like how does that fit in a timeline? Because they did reveal during a Hardee's family reunions for during the interviews that we would see a baby and we were all wondering how that's a little too early you get caught in a winter storm. And yeah that put you into stress and labor. Yeah. Well they crashed the car. Yeah, but little baby Jack is now here. He has arrived James your thoughts on the baby Jack. Here we go. This is the part. That made me okay, so I'm going through something right now that I think it's it doesn't fit see what calls Hearts is. So relatable Like This falls into it. My daughter Monica is turning 30 in a couple of days. I know I would 30 year old daughter. It's crazy and over the holiday. She got engaged to her longtime boyfriend and and I always I was telling her the story cuz I'm going to actually officiate the wedding. They asked me to marry that as a very touching moment. I always tell her I said when you were born When I had you already I loved you from what I thought you were coming. But when I had you in my arms, I completely fell in love and I didn't even know what that it's just it's a feeling that I came compared to anything else and the line that Elizabeth says to Abigail about she knew about, you know be great. But this is like amazing. I'm like, I was just crying a baby. I was crying for all the times. She conveyed that so well that now she has this baby and it's like no other feeling in the world. There's no there's no other feeling in the world and And she's a piece of Jack with her obviously as his of her, but I am right now. I'm relating to his going back to the whole baby thing in my daughter's. I just it's just I I cried so much. I thought was a great. It's a great line and a great seen some after all that drama. Yeah and Paul you're a father and yeah, I'm sure and just as a parent tag, did you relate to the seeing now seeing like baby come into? I don't know. He's my son's 15 and a half. So we're dealing with getting a Learner's permit and like how so the baby face seems to be but you know, I have a my was wife my ex and she has two little ones that I have the privilege of spending some time with so one's almost 2 and the others just a couple months. So Alec I was born then so yeah, it's I love kids but my son's well 15 and long past. You actually have brought you back to the Moment hey of having your little job maybe girls are different because all I remember as soon as my son was old enough to play with me watching that scene about being so euphoric. They're having this big hunk. It's a miracle have a baby. Yeah, I praise all women who give birth. It's a miracle. I was the I saw the birth. I saw how it works and it's a miracle baby comes out alive. Yeah, so to see this cute little We were to the baby on the show is Q2 it took me right back. Yeah, there's nothing like there's nothing like it being a parent. That's for sure. Yeah, I was so sure. All right, maybe I just convinced myself that you your character Carson was going to be so involved and baby delivery, you know, like you did not see it this that it would be delivered this way. Yeah, because I think it is a good twist for everyone even me when I was first writing the script and like there's a baby born and I didn't do it. So what happened? Here, I guess it's Aunt Becky and which is actually the most fitting I think do, you know to have the women come together and help bring this child into the world? I think there was very needed. Yeah, it's because this sweet moment with them out there for sure just shows again to show these women are strong there are strong and not stronger than the men. They're just as strong on the show and it showed that they didn't they didn't falter they found shelter and they had heard Rosemary my Rome they were there for the birth of this baby. And yeah, it just it just goes to show what kind of show this is that they yeah, give women's Frank also, so it'll be fun to see how Elizabeth and just like you said earlier takes a village to raise a child. It'll be fun to see how Elizabeth raises this baby, you know on her own but everybody else there. Oh, yeah, but you got a whole season for that. You got his whole season to see how this baby. Grows up and who gets to help Elizabeth because she's now she also has to be a teacher and a parent and a part of the community. So it's yeah, I mean the the community gets to come together a lot in this season to help each other. Yeah. Absolutely. I just want to mention two with everybody also and that's Rosemary is also in this episode and the cutest moment that actually brought Unexpectedly brought me to tears my eyes a little bit because I guess I do have daughters was the scene with the three girls each wearing one of her dresses. It came down the stairs and it was such a cute little scene. Yeah, chill your Christmas Past your predatory. I start tearing up for some reason. I'm like maybe that daughter during that time of the year. Yeah. It hit me. I thought I loved that scene and you're seeing how far Rosemary's character issues come from from when she first came on hmm actually so involved and I did love that moment to you know, wearing all the or dogs because I just thought she's gonna be a good mom when Daddy comes with her her and Leanne's like me, she'll be a great mother and I loved it because the even the last Christmas special like she's she was organizing the town events and same thing with the season, you know, bringing together and everybody putting up to decoration. She played a pivotal role and even you know, setting up the nursery for Elizabeth like she was ever as well. Everyone has storylines in this episode. Yeah. Yeah, it's cast is Big isn't it? It's a big cast right now. It seems like yeah, she's true humble. It's true try and find a trailer to live in for the day. Yeah, he's just crazy. Yeah also my question Paul to you this season because we saw a little bit of it last season. We also had Andrea on our show. Oh did you say PSO? She was in town right? I know she actually skyped in like James is doing right now, but she was on our wedding though the wedding episode with the jacket Elizabeth, but we were just wondering and what you can and can't tell us so not to spoil anything. Where is Carson and Faith heading in season 6. Well, it's not much of a spoiler they show us walking together and they have throughout the season seen a fair bit of us doing scenes together. So I think it's pretty safe to say that that that you'll see a good amount of us together on the screen it but I'm not going to give away to you what happens Don't want that you thinking about you really don't do you it's more fun to imagine what happens and then be surprised and there's some Adventures that we get to go on now that's for sure Adventure adventures. And yeah, and we were able to share some of it through social media like we're on horses and picnics and we did a few we had a guy got the chance. She's a lovely person and a terrific actor as well so I can see it's a good part of the first part of the season I had to spend I got to spend with her. Yeah. That's great. Her love her love her love her. Love Andrea. We love her that yeah, we always get to sing to which I love on our days or our time off in between. Sometimes they schedule it. We're in an early scene and then we have brakes and fortunately we get together and sing sometimes with my guitar and Jack Wagner's next door with his guitar. It's like the battle of the guitars. Yeah people in live chatter actually asking like how often do you see anything with Jack not very often once in a while terrible. Winter storm when we were stuck in traffic going from work into Vancouver and then being I hear I'm next door, but we're sometimes in between things so not that much once or twice. Yeah, but that's another reason why we should have the musical episode so we can see everyone sing everybody sings just down that out there into the universe and a half. I not yes. Yes. Yes. So wrapping up this episode pot. What was your favorite part of the Christmas special my favorite? I think was working with Millie that she's such a great just see looking into her eyes and I'm like, you've got some bright eyes when I was looking at her and and and then I was trying to make her laugh and in one of the rehearsals I made her laugh and I was like see you can you can talk. I know what I like bark there. I made some sort of a that that those scenes with her were really really sweet and then just being on the horses I think being out in nature. Like I was like we were with Jack and Gavin looking for the Miracle Christmas baby and the girls being out and doing take after taken. We had to make all that snow. None of that was real and it looked so good. So impressed with the how our snow team was on point man. This dude looked amazing are the snow would look so good. Yes. It did and I just came from Illinois. So like I know what snow looks like but also because the the Christmas special was actually filmed later like you because you know, Any film in the summer, but it was filmed in October. Thank God during the whole reunions. So how was that for you as a nice nice to be cold when it's cold and not have to be sweating like it's it was great. It was nice. They'd be in the feeling of like, you know, we have to act cold, even if it's like a hundred degrees out. So to be able to actually be cold, but was able to sell the snow a little bit so it helped his nice. It's just end the feeling was there the nostalgic feeling not to be in the middle of August and pretending that we're in Christmas land. Like 90 degree weather which we always have to do for Christmas movies the set like gorgeous there when we were there for Asia far from yeah big shout-out to those how hard they worked our set dick team and our our whole props team everyone with the work that they do with the time that they do because the scripts come in and then we got to turn it around sometimes really fast and they do it and they make it look like that where it's just you know, there's a few episodes where they were they build certain things. Square your just like how long did it take you to build that if they're like a day and a half and you would take most of us like six months to build it there very fast right fast turnaround, especially cuz you know, you're filming and I don't a half worth of an episode. You got it do it quick. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. I love it and all turned out amazing. I loved this episode James. What were your thoughts of you know, the final thoughts of this episode. Once again, I always say this every year it's like comfort food and it's completely gives you Everything you need and it's night is easily digestible and it's it gives you a message. It's positive if we had some we had some drama we had some comedy kids. We had adults. I mean, it's just I said, we have some diversity. It was great. I loved I thought once again it was everything that I hoped it would be and you know, a lot of series lose momentum has a kind of you know, stay on the air season after season. Yeah. I think we're picking up momentum. It feels like things are getting even like more emotion. Depth and more people are finding their characters in the writing I think is gonna is really strong and I think you're right thing. This does not have the feeling of losing momentum and especially I've seen some cuts of the earlier parts of this seat episodes in the season and they're terrific hearing you speak about comfort food makes me so hungry. I'm on days. I'm on day two of a water fast. I've I'm on a 10-day fast like like a New Year's just it's a it's a really there's a group of us doing it together. So I'm not alone. My partner's doing it and then a group of us. So this is day two and just as you said comfort food, I would like imagined my mouth started actually water. I should talk about like biscuits and gravy from Bob Evans or like some pounds. Your final thoughts other than the comfort food this this this show is really good. And yeah, it's really nice show and it gives you a bit of everything and I think people I mean it was great for Christmas Eve Richard A Night Rachel Chris. That's it. I love that they have it then and it got really really great ratings. I'm not sure if you guys saw that. Yeah, so and it was fun for us. We had a big Christmas dinner and then we watched it and we open presents or did we open presents? It's first know we open presents first. And then we then we watch it was great. It was a fun thing to do with the whole family. Yeah. I was just my family and then after everyone has stuff their faces with the all the Italian food from my family that we actually got my mom and sister to watch the Christmas special with me. All right, I was like, oh we're watching When Calls the Heart obviously, but yeah, it was good and it was limited commercials. I like the way that it was it went fast though. Yeah. Yeah did just like this after show we're time. But before we go, we have our one last final segment, which is protection Thanks James. Yeah, he's not in the studio, but he still does it love it. Love it. So James go predictions predictions. Elizabeth will not have a relationship this season. Yeah, I think this season will be all about her finding her way as a as a single parent and as a working single woman in that that time period I think we all about her figuring that out with you. That's my big prediction can absolutely and Paul. I know you can't really predict anything. I've heard. I predict aliens. I'm predicting that at some point there would be an invasion of aliens. Who knows. Yeah alternate. This is a Sci-Fi show. And of course on a vertical networks. You can find our sci-fi but I yeah, I don't really have a prediction per se but it's more kind of wish that I want to see and I mentioned earlier that it involves gown, but I thought how great would it be if gone adopted million Charlotte because they looked amazing together like down could be Be a father figure especially because they quote unquote looked. He looks like their father. Uh-huh. I was like, you know what I could see this if you if you want to build a Redemption story for going uh-huh, it deaths two kids and then boom you have me I'm set I can't wait to see what's coming from the gallery if you fantastic, but that's obviously that's not a prediction. That's definitely wish. But yeah, and I agree James I don't think Elizabeth is going to be in a relationship per se because we have to Eyes to new guys coming to the show as well. She also mentioned that know their friends quote unquote friends. So I think I'll mostly just be Elizabeth and the baby this season and everybody else involved. That's right you all right? And yeah, the premiere of season 6 is Sunday, February 24th, and our aftershow will be Monday, February 25th. That's right. So we're coming back season 6 Hardy. So put that in your calendar. I'm sure you guys are already have that set but But thank you so much for joining us. Once again, Paul. You're welcome. So great to have you in this nice to be back in the Bumblebee studio. In the meantime. I can everyone keep following you upcoming projects on Instagram. It's Paul Green official and everywhere else. It's Paul Green and media. Is it wait? No, it's Paul Green official on Facebook and Instagram and there's Paul Green media on Twitter. I think just search for Paul. Green will pop up in Google. Yeah, you guys know where to follow him and James working everyone follow you. First of all, thanks for doing this with us. You're a great guy. Thanks for doing this. You're well, I'm so glad you're here. I was like bummed when they said you weren't here and then you redeemed yourself. Folks you can follow me everywhere on social media at James lodging your all James lodging is installed at James Watt shoot ha ha. I mean, it's super simple for you and I have a new video on YouTube a James Bond jr. Or Jesse media. That's how I talk about what's been going on here for the last six months. So you might want to see that and I will be back for the after-show purposes God willing and health willing. I will be back for the after-show Deborah. Yeah, absolutely speedy recovery. Whatever you're going through is Bell's palsy. I mean I've been Okay are a lot for two months. Wow. Looks great. Now better look me look so fantastic. Thank you. And I lost 60 pounds and last year. Wow. I'm really working on my health. And that's what I've been in Pittsburgh relaxing kind of recuperate 60 pounds of road, but I'm doing it. I'm doing it hard. He's been wonderful too hard. He's been so supportive to me. So thank you. That's what they that's what they do. Yeah. I can't wait to see you again James when you're in the studio next to me once again because I haven't seen you in forever, but everyone. Thank you for joining. Joining us. Once again for our Christmas special. You can follow me over at Serafini TV can follow all of us here Twitter Facebook Instagram all those fun social media platforms at AfterBuzz TV tune in February 25th for our season 6 premiere episode and thanks everyone. We will see you next time. Thank you Hardee's. I love you so much. Our founder. Keven. Undergaro fills me Tech and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first First we're the biggest in the world, and we're the only destination for all your favorite TV shows, whatever you're great. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup buzz you later. Use express your inner. Those are the hosts only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV series owners or principal.
Hearties Marisa Serafini & James Lott Jr. discuss When Calls The Heart Season "The Greatest Christmas Special" with special guest, Paul Greene! In this episode they discuss Orphans, Cookies, and the birth of baby Jack! When Calls the Heart is a Canadian-American television drama series, inspired by Janette Oke's book of the same name from her Canadian West series, and developed by Michael Landon Jr. The series began airing on the Hallmark Channel in the United States on January 11, 2014, and on April 16, 2014 on Super Channel in Canada. The series originally debuted as a two-hour television movie pilot in October 2013, starring Maggie Grace as young teacher Elizabeth Thatcher and Stephen Amell as North West Mounted Police officer Wynn Delaney. In the television series Erin Krakow is cast as her niece, whose name is also Elizabeth Thatcher (played by Poppy Drayton in the movie), and Daniel Lissing plays a Mountie named Jack Thornton, with Lori Loughlin reprising her role as coal mine widow Abigail Stanton. On April 24, 2017, Krakow announced via the Hallmark Channel website that the show would return for a fifth season. The season premiered with a two-hour Christmas special that was broadcast as part of Hallmark's Countdown to Christmas event, and continues for 10 episodes which began February 18, 2018.
Fantasy industry vets Joe Dolan and Tom Brawley are bringing it all season long on the fantasy free agents podcast unrestricted, unaffiliated unparalleled fantasy football analysis. It's another week here on the fantasy free agents podcast. We're pleased to be bringing it to you. I am Joe Dolan. He is Tom Brolly and Thompson's training camp is in full swing. We once again have another Monday weekend wrap-up of news to get to its gonna there's a lot a lot of stuff to get to in a lot of tidbits Tom that at this point they have to be adjusting your ranking. So we're going to get into some of the biggest news that that's happened over this weekend, and we're going to talk about Up, a lot of the rankings adjustments that were making up at Fantasy free Tom. It's good to be talking to you. I was away this weekend in New York City and it's that time of year where we do all of our industry drafts, and we do we start traveling and seeing people and kind of absorbing the information that they have. So we're going to review the flex traps that I was in a little bit later on in the podcast as well and we'll go through my mindset but a how are you doing? How are you? What do you do this? Weekend I swung the golf clubs for the first time again for three months. I don't know if people are aware but I dislocated my left shoulder a couple months ago and the most embarrassing athletic, you know Endeavor that I've ever done Joe you happen to be there. So I'm slowly. I got injured I dislocated my shoulder and I bunker in April, you know playing golf so it was quite embarrassing but I'm slowly working myself off the injured reserve here and I might be able to Get up soon. So I'm very excited about that. Well justjust for some background Tom not to further embarrass you but I'm going to further embarrass you. Okay go for it went to play Bedford Springs in Pennsylvania, which is like grated is like the nicest public course in Pennsylvania and trust me. Tom and I are not rich nor are we classy enough to belong to any private courses? So certainly playing the public courses on is is our best option. So we went to play Bedford Tom. I'm gonna hold this against you forever because you did dislocate your shoulder on the 16th hole you dislocated it on the second hole. So we had to take you to the emergency room as opposed to playing a beautiful course. Yeah, it was a fun experience the UPMC and Bedford. You know, it gave me some psychedelic drugs the pipe pop that thing back in I couldn't do it myself. It was actually a posterior dislocation which wire which was why I was having such issues getting it back in place myself. Usually there are anterior. So only a the the most common posterior dislocation. Asians are electrocution. So that's that's a tell you how hard I hit into the sand that you know, my arms were going backwards as I you know, my club got stuck in the in the sand there. So I'm glad that I'm almost you know back to full strength Heroes first started lifting weights again, and yeah, it's been an interesting couple couple months here. Well, well first and foremost, I also have to point out that you ended up having more fun than me and in matte Brown who was on our last Last podcast if you like college football, make sure you listen to that one, but it was the three of us and you actually ended up having more fun than us because even though you dislocated your shoulder, they put you on some good stuff at the I'm trying to think of what it was called. I'm blanking on the name right now, but I was tripping balls on the way back. I was I was completely out of it. I thought it was dying for the first like five minutes of it, but then I was your euphoric at the end of it. So it was Academy not what that's what it was. It was it came back to me ketamine that was the drug of choice to sedate me for 20 minutes while we do not we do not endorse anybody using ketamine for recreational purposes. If this was strictly a medical procedure Tom, yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah, I would not I don't think I'd want to do it again either. Okay. Well you had fun that time. I'm glad we're going to be getting back out on the course soon because I know you miss it. I mean you've been running around you've literally you've Been driving in the golf cart with us just because you just miss being out there. But I'm glad we're going to get to playing and Tom will talk other injuries and more some that are more relevant to Fantasy Football here, but first and foremost a hey, I want to thank everybody who's been signing up for the for the NFC drafts the beat Joe Dolan and beat Tom Bradley contest. I just got a notification that the beat Joe Dolan contest on August 20th is full if if that opens up I will I We'll throw it out there. But thank you to everybody who signed up for the beach. Oh don't one contest. But if you want to sign up to play against Tom on August 27th, you get the benefit of another week of preseason. Another week of practice is to adjust your rankings for the 200,000 Dollar Grand Prize Thomas drafting August 27th at 9:30 p.m. In the Roto wire online championships of the nff. See if you want instructions and a link to sign up. Make sure you check the show notes and plenty of spots still available on my last time I checked. I think I was Last Wednesday or Thursday, they were only myself and somebody else. So come on in. Maybe they're you know, maybe they really want to beat you Joey. You must rub people the wrong way. I really hope your the for you're the best they want to beat the best. Okay. Well, hopefully, you know, I want to win this thing to once again. I don't have a job right now. I could use the $200,000 so we could use that so I want to win this thing. I'm going to be giving it my all Tom and but you're on August 27th, so that Your other option to compete against us in the NFC. And once again, thank you to all our monthly sponsors and on the podcast and all of those who donated to the PayPal dot me link at Fantasy free You guys don't know how much it means to us. Like once again, we are doing this for free. I don't want to keep I don't want to keep pounding that home. But it really it really means a lot to us because Tom you have medical bills to pay. Yeah. I have had to pay for my dislocated shoulder. So anyway, any any dollars count towards the fix? In my shoulder, what's up listeners? This has been kookiness producer of the fantasy free agents podcast on anchor FM podcasting. I've been producing podcast and chose for my friends and colleagues Joe Dolan and Tom Bradley for years now. So when we decided to start the fantasy free agents podcast, it was imperative. We find a hosting platform an app that was easy to use Quick to record and post and track our stats and that's exactly what we found in Anchor. It's the easiest way to make a podcast and gives you everything you need in one place from either your phone. Or your computer their creation tools makes my life easier and I felt great knowing that anchor handles the distribution of our podcast to their other platforms like Spotify Apple podcasts Google podcasts and many more and don't worry about any difficult process to monetize your podcast. You can easily make money with no minimum listenership. So go download the anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started today and thanks for listening to the fantasy free agents podcast unrestricted, unaffiliated unparalleled analysis for your fans. see football and bedding needs Okay, Tom. So we're going to get into some news here right now from over the weekend and let's start at the top. Let's start with some of the most important news and I think this is going to be interesting for the people here because Matt camp and I were hosting the flex auction on Saturday when the news came out that Antonio Brown was going to see a foot specialist evict a fur from the athletic refers reported it and then Adam schefter back that up and we actually went into the auction room and told people hey look you might want to know. Oh about this you might want to know that Antonio Brown seeing a foot specialist. He ended up going for $28 in the auction time. So probably a ten by fifteen dollar discount of where he would go. But the news is Antonio Brown is simply David day with foot injuries. I know he posted the picture on Instagram really? Thanks. Thanks a be. Holy crap. I did not make see that. Yeah, both his feet are just covered in blisters. Maybe that's because he was doing exercise and effing. Firs yeah, that might be it but both his feet are covered in blisters. I would guess Tom that's the issue here. Probably nothing to worry about but when you're coming in from an off season in which you forced to trade you arrive in training camp in a hot air balloon you go from Pittsburgh to Oakland and Oakland's offense might be a lot better than I think a lot of people are expecting, but the only reason Tommy Antonio Brown is available in the late second. I actually got him in the early third and a best ball last night. Right. The only reason he's available at those spots is because he's a complete nut bird. Like let's be honest. I mean the guys in all-time great receiver, but there is a problem child discount built-in. Dantonio Brown. So anything you hear about him going to see an injury specialist isn't the best news in the world, even at this appears minor. Yeah. I mean he quit on his team and week 17 last year. I mean that's I mean people, you know, don't forget those type of things. So, you know, and he's going to Derek Carr here, so, Even with just a you know, he's just missed a couple weeks of practice here, but I even had to adjust him down on a rank as I move my Kevin's up ahead of them. They were pretty close to begin with so, you know, I'm not getting to you know worried about Brown here, but he's losing reps, you know, you know, he's breaking in with a new quarterback here, you know, those reps can be pretty valuable. You know, it didn't matter when it was Big Ben and Antonio Brown in there, you know 7th 8th season together last year, but I think it does matter a little bit. Yeah, whenever you're breaking in with a new quarterback, so you will just them a little bit downward here. But I guess he's just going to get some good foot massages in the next couple of days. Keep the what those blisters heal up here. I mean, he posted it on Instagram trust me. It was disgusting. I know my sister is one of those. Dr. Pimple popper nuts. She loves going on YouTube and watching people popped. But if you're one of those nuts, maybe you want to check it out. But look trust me. It didn't look serious Tom it look like something that's going to heal in a few days, but it was just gross. Yeah, everything was the underside of his foot. It was like green and old comes into everywhere probably grow some people. I hope you're not eating dinner when you're listening this or making breakfast, but it was not if you're in that kind of thing. Go ahead look it up. It's quite something. Okay, Tom and here are some other big news that broke over the weekend when we were at the flex drafts and we will be talking about this later when we get to my team Josh Gordon has Officially applied for reinstatement. Now. I think the writing was on the wall here. The Patriots have his rights. He was working out with Tom Brady this offseason and quite frankly the Patriots didn't do a whole lot to improve their receiving Corps after the retirement of Rob Gronkowski the departure of Danny Amendola last year somebody they didn't really replace all in full. They did draft nikhil Harry but you look at what they did at the receiver position. They drafted to kill Harry. Who by the way is struggling in Camp right now. What drops and then they go in and they go dumpster diving not to say that Maurice Harris and and Dontrelle Inman might not work out for them. But that's who they are. That's who they went and got they got Maurice Harris and Dante hour and Min to go with nikhil Harry. It felt like they were planning all along to have Josh Gordon at some point. And this is just more confirmation that the Patriots anticipate having Josh born on their team this year. Yeah. It seems like they were pretty confident that you know, if everything went well that he would Be back in the full but then again, I mean Josh Gordon has been about as trustworthy. I mean, I mean it's been you know, the same old story with them all throughout his career and he's had real issues, you know staying on the straight and you know, Narrow Path here, so things are looking up for him here. I he's been I think my second most drafted receiver and best balls. He was just like my default number seven receiver and the 16th to 18th rounds the last couple months here, so I'm happy about it I box Play taken a quite a bit of Tom Brady to that was more of just because he was like at the end of the quarter back tears and I always would pair them up. I would you know, I thought there was a good chance that Josh Gordon would be back and you know later this week. I'm going to do you did your best ball ownership article last week and I'll do mine this week here and I'll kind of touch on that a little bit here with Gordon and Brady, but you know, it's looking like he's going to be back at some point this season, you know, it probably is Going to take a couple weeks till we actually find out, you know, even if everything goes perfectly, you know, he probably might miss, you know, the first couple weeks of the season but it sure looks like if he stays, you know true to his word here that he should be back but maybe sometime by the middle of September. So let's talk about my Approach with Josh Gordon first and foremost. If you have faded Josh Gordon for his entire career, you've come up on the winning and more often than not yes. And last year when he got reinstated Tom, he was drafted me. We were out in Canton Ohio for the Kings classic. He got reinstated. I believe that day when we were out there in the Kings classic and remember Julian Edelman was facing a four-game suspension. That sounds insane right now, but he was going ahead of Julian Edelman in those drafts now. I mean, he's always been a super popular player. I mean, he usually performs when he's been out in the field, but it just hasn't been out in the field quite enough. We even saw last year. He averaged 18 yards a catch last year. I mean playing, you know, Brady hasn't been the most efficient down feel Pastor recently. But you know, he still has those big play ability. Well look and this is what I'm saying. If you faded Josh Gordon for the majority of his career, I mean aside from the one blow up your but more often than not you've come up on the winning end. But here's the difference Tom and this is why you have to re-evaluate all at all times last year when Josh Gordon got reinstated and everybody's like, oh boy. I'm taking them in the fourth round, you know, I was fading that price right now. You're getting them in double digit rounds. I'm not fading that price. Yeah, what do you think is prices if say, you know, three weeks from now on August 26 on a Monday. We find out that he's good to go for the season. I'd see settle in as I was thinking about a seventh-round death round her. So that's what I was thinking. Yeah. I mean if you want to buy that upside get into it now and like this is what I kept saying last year. Look we're playing fantasy football. I root for Josh Gordon the Person, he has had some demons. He's battled through them. He's acknowledged them and he and from all indications. He's tried to get better and Tom. This isn't a straight uphill climb, right? You know, there's there's Peaks and valleys when you're trying to get better. It didn't make you some woke God of fantasy football to say, I'm drafting Josh Gordon in the fourth round because I don't think the NFL should suspend people, you know, like ultimately you don't get fantasy points for that. Okay, like but if you're Irish, Root for the guy at the price. He's at right now. I'll invest and I'll invest heavily in Josh Gordon. My thing is as you mentioned though, if the announcement comes out that he's reinstated or even Tom we're going to suspend them for the first three weeks of the Season. He's gonna he's gonna get into that. Eighth ninth round range right now is when you want to get in on the ground floor with Josh Gordon because legitimately has a shot to be the number one receiver on the Patriots and he's a double-digit round pick right now, and that's Yeah, John, I don't even think it was people being woken stuff last year him going to for I think it was legitimate curiosity. And I mean, hey, if you think back to it Edelman was facing the four-game suspension. He had a torn ACL year before there was real concerned that he might not be the same player. Gronk had been, you know, kind of deteriorating the you know in the recent season, so I think there was legit. Hey, this guy could be a leg winter. This guy could be a legit number-one receiver. You know, it didn't turn out that way. They didn't truly use some that way. I mean I Tillman, you know as we saw last year as you know, still fine, he's still it's hard to you know, it's hard to cover out of the slot as anybody and he's going to see a lot of targets but you know Gordon still has that, you know huge upside from week to week. And you know, I think people were very excited about him last year going in the fourth and fifth round, you know, some of it will probably be gone. But even you know, if we find out at the end of August that he's going to be, you know, eligible to play all 16 games, he's got I think he stole yeah, I still He has you know some potential value in the sixth or seventh round, right? But you know, you also have to keep in mind that when's the last time you finish the whole season. I mean, I mean and that's gonna hold him down in that spot. So but right now his floor is baked into like if I get him in the 12th round even and we will be talking about that and he doesn't play a game this year. Oh, well Tom, I took a shot if I but if I'm dressing them in the fourth round and he doesn't play a game that really hurts. Yeah, there's a big difference and that's been my general approach whenever I I take him it's on a team where I have six other receivers with them. It's you know, I'm drafting 7 receiver spots on my best ball teams. When I've taken him Tom one of the biggest sucker bets this offseason. I thought was drafting Deonte foreman and now the Achilles injury first and foremost. It is a fact that no running back has ever come back from an Achilles. And as even approached solid play that being said not a whole lot of guys have suffered the injury and a lot of guys have It towards the end of their careers. So that's something you have to keep in mind as well. The problem with de'aunte Foreman was this the news was wasn't great on him. He had the Achilles and frankly Tom. I don't think he was a great Prospect. Anyway, so combine all those things together and I thought he was a massive sucker bet. Well, I wish I had been more steadfast on saying that because the Texans released him. They think he needs a fresh start and Tom the thing that was startling to me is it wasn't a talk? About you know, the injury really held him down. They were extremely disappointed in his work ethic some off-field habits and certainly for a guy like Foreman coming off that injury first and foremost. You need to have a fantastic work ethic to get back. We know that also though again. I didn't think this was a guy who was like a spectacular. He was Uber productive at Texas, but honestly heat he was kind of a straight-ahead grinder. I didn't love him as a prospect and guys are going to separate from you if you You're if you get that injury and I feel bad for him suffering injury, but guys are going to separate from you. And this is why Bill O'Brien All Seasons like hey Lamar Miller Scott and Lamar Miller still the guy so there are a couple layers to break down with this Texans thing first and foremost Foreman. He might get a shot somewhere Tom. He's on draftable. He is like even if you're taking them in like the seventeenth eighteenth round of a best ball. What a he's not on a team be what has he shown you to make you say, you know what I should take a shot on this guy. So I think he's totally undrafted oil this jump high. I totally agree. I don't think he's even if he lands somewhere and the depth charts, then he has a lot to prove and I mean we've seen the tea leaves, you know, the last couple of weeks with you know, basically O'Brien says he's gotta learn the backup job. And you know now we see the work habits stuff that came out this weekend. So I mean, he's gonna he's gonna be in a real struggle just to make a roster out of Camp here, even if he does land in a pretty good spot to to make some noise. So he is I'm right there with you. He's completely on draftable for me. I have zero point zero shares of Dionte foreman and I will continue to have no shares. So second of all time. I want to ask you what is this due to Lamar Miller for you? Because as I mentioned in my most drafted players article, he has been one of my most traffic running backs and Tom. I still got him in the sixth round of a best ball last night. Yeah. I don't think his price is actually going to rise might I think people are just going to continue to hold him there in that. No, 60 to 75 pick range and you know, I get it. I mean he hasn't shown a whole lot of upside in recent Seasons, but there is still you know, he's gonna be your third running back and most situations and there is some upside to having just stability every week. You know, he's a guy that could get you, you know, 60 to 80 yards with touchdown potential and a couple catches. So there is something for that, you know, especially in your third spot. There's not a lot of upside but He does give you a nice floor. I just don't know what this means for the Texans. We saw the Melvin Gordon thing this morning from John McClane that they're not interested in it. I kind of find maybe not the Gordon thing, but I think they're going to be working the market here a little bit and maybe even free agency. We know Jay ajayi still out there. So, you know, the I think they're going to be working the markets here in the next couple of weeks for sure. And by the way, the reason people have connected Melvin Gordon here is first and foremost Lamar Miller is a A pro but we know what he is Melvin Gordon's better player than Lamar Miller, but I think I think Melvin Gordon is a souped-up Lamar Miller, you know, he's a better Runner and he's a better receiver. Even if they're similar kind of players, but there is a couple things here first and foremost. You said John McClane of the Houston Chronicle has covered Houston football dating back to the Oilers. He says they're not interested maybe things change. Maybe somebody gets hurt. Maybe maybe Miller tweaks and ankle and maybe something changes the Texans do have a lot of cap space. I think if they have the second most in the NFL Behind the Colts. So they're a team that could absorb and sign Melvin Gordon to a contract. Their offensive line is still a problem. Everybody's connecting them to Trent Williams. They don't have a general manager, which I think is hate major probably. Yes, that's been a big thorn in their side here the last couple of weeks the other layer we have to deconstruct right now is who is the backup to Lamar Miller and right Tom? They're going to get somebody whether it's a jockey whether it's Gordon whether they're just feigning disinterest. Whether they go get Duke Johnson somebody like that. They are the the Texans right now have to have a backup running back plan. They have Quran Higdon who who was a I thought a draftable be a draft Yeah, third day, you know and was a sixth-round type of guy who went ended up going undrafted but the guy that people have been talking up has been demarre a Crockett who's another UDF a he's probably a name to watch here in pre-season Tom, especially those of you in deep deep Dynasty leagues, maybe those who are going to be doing your best balls later if Higdon Or a Crockett one of these guys comes out and impresses. There's a legitimate chance if the Texans don't do anything significant at the running back position that these guys are getting snaps. Yeah. I mean Joe I'd be lying to you right now. If I would say I'm leaning one way or another for the backup. I mean, I don't know. I mean nobody we haven't seen these guys at least we've seen a little bit of Josh Ferguson, but you know, there's a reason why he's you know with the gone from the Colts and with the Texans now if I had the BET anything, I would go Higdon, but you know, I'm not you know going there right now. I want to see a couple games a preseason action here. But you know if I had to make a small wager, I would go with Higdon but it could go any way but I also think they're going to be a team that pick somebody up especially once Cuts come around towards the end of the month. He ran into September. So there's got to be a lot of movement. I think still in this running back depth chart here. Well speaking of moving on a running back depth chart Tom. I think one of the most bizarre things that has been happening this offseason is the Denver Broncos. Was insistence seeming insistence to reduce the role of Philip Lindsay who was pretty much their best offensive player last year. I know it's a new staff but the Denver Broncos they've been typing up Royce Freeman all offseason. They're saying Lindsay's good to go, but then they go out and they bring in Theo Riddick Tom and Theo Riddick was a guy who I was interested in seeing where he landed because if he landed in the right spot, I thought he could be a supplement to what they were doing in the backfield a compliment to what they were doing in the Backfield and might have some intriguing fantasy value depending on where he landed right now going to Denver Tom. This is a really freaking annoying spot for Theo Riddick because one of the places where I thought Philip Lindsay could make a true leap, even if they didn't want them to get 250 carries was in the passing game. Well now they go out and sign a guy who's one of the best pass-catching running backs in the NFL and can't do anything else that seems to put a cap on Lindsay's upside and it puts a cap on the snaps of Freeman and of course Riddick so this is a mess right now. How do you how do you view this Denver backfield? It's just one that I've basically started to avoid here. I think we have the real potential to have all three of these guys kind of sitting between 25 and 40 percent of the snaps, which is just completely frustrating for our purposes, you know, Lindsay, he's got a nice notice that he started to fall. I mean, I feel like he's a seventh or eighth round pick now at this point, I mean They've set it all off season long and every move that they continue to make indicates that they really want to scale back his workload. And if he's not going to have any kind of volume in the passing game or in the running game. It's time to really don't knock him down. I mean, I would still take him over Royce Freeman but it's still pretty close and I don't want any of the through your Theo Riddick at the end of giraffes here. I will see how this all kind of works out here 1 million guaranteed. So it sounds like you know, he's definitely going to make the roster with Kind of guaranteed money, but you know Devonte Booker's probably on the outs here, but one thing better stick, so yeah, that makes sense. But I mean Lindsay Tom this isn't just a guy to make the roster over Devonte Booker. This is a guy who catches 60 passes a year. Yeah. I mean he's going to be involved. He's one of the best passing backs, you know, he's, you know, very specific role in the backfield. But he's one of the best of what he does so he's they're not just going to you know, sit him on the bench and you know, use Phillip Lindsay over them and every passing situation, they're definitely going to be you know, mixing and matching in those situations Freeman's just boring to me. I understood people drafting them not to say I haven't dabbled but he just he just wasn't a guy who was all that appealing to me because I thought Lindsay's just the more explosive and he gets the more calorie-rich touches, but my question to you Tom and I'm not sure if you can answer this. Why what what they must they must have rules concerns about the you know, Lindsay's frame and just holding up and he you know, he did have the wrist in At the end of last year. So that is the only thing I can come up with why they want to reduce Lindsay's to work. They they maybe they think he's going to be more effective, you know with you know, I touch count I that's the only thing I can think of right now. I have them at 24 in PPR. I'm struggling to put them any lower than that at running back Chris Carson's behind him. He's got similar questions about his workload Tariq Cohen who's exclusively a receiving black Sony Michelle who's in nerd Tevin Coleman who is with the 49ers and I could see him moving up. I'll probably move up Lamar Miller here in a little bit from 29, but I'm still worried that they might go get somebody but Tom, I'm also having a hard time pushing Lindsay much farther down this down this list. I'll probably move Mueller in front of them, but it's really hard for me to move them anywhere because everybody behind him is questions, too. So this is a player. I'm really struggling with. Yeah. I just don't know what to do with them right now. I'm right. With you I I would move them down just a little bit. But yeah, it is pretty frustrating. We saw how you know dangerous he was last year and you know, it's pretty frustrating when you see a guy that's you know plays that well and you know makes such a big difference that they're they really want to scale back his work. It's frustrating to me and I mean that ultimately the answer could just be we want more weapons and that's that and and we want to insulate Joe Flacco, but it's frustrating. This was not a great spot for him. For him to land even the Saints I would have preferred because there's no way he's stealing snap from Alvin Kamara. Well, I'm Sean Payton does what he does anyway, but yeah this one this this is a this is a really crappy landing spot for Theo Riddick Tom anything on Andrew Luck still not practicing. I already moved them below DeShaun Watson, which I think is the bare minimum I could do at this point any concerns here for you since we talked about this last. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I mean most people know, you know listening to us at this point. We don't Babylon quarterbacks too early, but if I did I would you know, I would think about using picks on DeShaun Watson and even Aaron Rodgers and Baker Mayfield at this point. This is a start to get to be a major concern. I mean, this is bordering on three months Shore looks like he's not going to practice this week. Of course, we're getting the positive. It's Baja by the way, for those of you who don't know the starting to feel like Andrew Luck from two years ago where every report was pot. You know, we're just see the The Peter King says that you know, they believe he'll be ready. How do they freaking know that he's gonna be ready for week? I mean, yeah practicing three months like it's a kid, even you know run on it or you know, drop back on it. How do they know if he's going to be ready or not? I don't know. I mean it's a lot different than the shoulder obviously because I mean you can't hide a super serious calf injury like I mean a super serious calf injury. I look at Kevin Durant a super serious calf injury is an Achilles tear. Yeah, and you can't hide and achilles tear Tom, I mean If he has a torn Achilles, he's on crutches. He's in a boot. I think this is total speculation, but I think they're spooked by the Kevin Durant injury. I'm sure they are. I mean that you know, that's y'all pretty dramatic, you know example of it, but they're going to be cautious with them, but we're starting to get into the territory where I'm a little bit concerned with them, you know, especially, you know, I would have to think that there's a chance for reoccurrence and How would be exact I did all the season I do think the most likely explanation right now is they're being super cautious because like I said, you know a shoulder injury, you never know what's going on there Tom, you know shoulder injuries. They hurt like hell but there it's a little harder to get inside there with imaging and stuff to know what's truly going on the calf injury is I think it's pretty cut and dry in the MRIs have said it's just a strain. I think luck every time he's tried to ramp it up though. He starts to feel a twinge and it and it's frustrating for him. But my guess is they are being super cautious. So we're looking at we're looking at their offense though the fortunate thing here because I have a lot of T Y Hilton and I've started to really dabble with with funchess. I have a lot of 90 M Heinz is Jacoby / sets a really good backup quarterback. Yeah. This does concern me a little bit for the couple of the new receivers though, you know funchess and Paris Campbell and still, you know, they're not getting reps with the you know with luck right out of the gates. So this does have me slightly. They worried for those type of guy. I mean, I hate Devin funchess. I think he stinks. I don't have I haven't dropped to him at all. But you know God like Paris Campbell. I've taken a couple, you know shots on and you know, I wouldn't be surprised even if Locke does play right away from see, you know week one that those guys could get it off to a little bit bit of a slow start with lock Damien Williams still is not practicing. Tommy's got a hamstring injury and Chiefs camp and a guy who I thought I mean, I haven't drafted Carlos Hyde at all Andy Reid kind of unprompted gave him some praise here. Saying he's taking advantage of Damien Williams his absence. I know people were people are at the end of the drafts drafting Darwin Thompson out of Utah State just because you know, you want to get a piece of this offense and I understand all of it. What is your feeling now on Damien Williams? Should we move them down below guys like carrion Johnson Marlon Mac. And those type of guys is this is this just the Chiefs being cautious? And do you have any interest in Carlo side? I still don't have any interest in Carlos. I don't do I do have more interest in Darwin Thompson died. I've taken a couple shots on him at the end of draft so far this year and you know, I still think I haven't adjusted Damien Williams, you know his ranking at all, you know, I wouldn't just yet but it is making it more interesting obviously, you know, there's if he has a three down roll here, you know, he has a lot of upside. That's why he's been a second round pick all summer. But you know if Carlos Hyde gets more reps here and starts to impress the coaches and you know Williams takes till the middle of store the end of August to get back on the field maybe things get a little bit more interesting, but I'm still betting against Carlos Hyde and oh, yeah. I know what I've seen from on the field the last two years. So, you know, maybe he can turn it back a little bit in such a souped-up offense, but you know, I'm not betting it on. I'm still betting on Williams and Tom's and so I agree like Carlos I'd look if you if he is actually getting snaps in this offense. He's going to have value but he still needs to beat out more talented more man. I don't think it's Pretty telling you know his timeline here the last year. I mean it gets traded from Cleveland to Jacksonville for it was a fifth-round pick I believe and they immediately cut him after the season and all I get is a one-year deal in free agency. So, you know, his stock has just Fallen, you know dramatically in the last 12 months one of the running backs Tom who is flying up draft boards, and I'm glad I have shares where I have them because I feel like if he makes the play lays in pre-season that he's been making in training camp the guys going to just absolutely sore and that smile Sanders and Jimmy Kemp ski, who's in Eagles beat writer for Philly voice? He's he's a different kind of beat writer. He'll tell you like it it tell it like it is he's snarky and he's really bought into that stick. And even he is like he's always been kind of a pump the brakes guy with the Eagles a little bit. He likes to poke and prod and this is this is modern beat writing he likes to poke and prod. Cowboys and Giants and Redskins fans, just to get reactions out of them. But with the Eagles, he's always kind of grounded. He always likes to try to see through the BS but even he said holy crap miles Sanders just looks different than every other back out there Tom. I saw it from kenski. I saw it from other Eagle beat writers. They think mile Sanders is going to be the lead back before too long here in Philadelphia. Yeah. I'm pretty hopeful to obviously I've taken some Sanders shares. I mean his rice has gotten significantly discounted over. The last month was because Eagles that's why because yeah, it is warranted Peterson has been a running back by committee guy here, you know his first three seasons, but I mean, there's some real signs that he could commit to one guy here and used to 53 overall pick on them. And you know, go ahead, you know, it's not like with Jordan Howard. It's not like he's been expensive so it's not I'm not saying like this. Just kills Jordan Howard. Ron Howard's not expensive. He's get still have the the goal line carries and stuff to I mean that's a very real possibility and an offense that could rank in the top five. So yeah, I mean, I'm still investing in this backfield Sanders is getting much more expensive and and that's fine. And in a good offense mile Sanders could be a League winner fortunately. I've invested early here depending on how high the price goes Tom maybe if he gets into that David Montgomery, and this is a big jump, but maybe if he gets into that David Montgomery, Range in the fourth round. That's when you got to start pumping the brakes but he still available in the seventh and eighth rounds. I've seen them go as high as the sixth that's going to be happening. I don't know if he'll ever get to the David Montgomery. I still think there's going to be a built-in buffer here with you know, Peterson's past here and Jordan Howard because Jordan how you know, think about it last couple years. I mean, I mean, he was a second or third round pick. I mean he has a name that will keep people off of Sanders going that high so I don't maybe he climbs into the fifth. Round but I'd have a hard time believing he gets into the fourth, but based on everything that we know right now. Okay, Tom, so that's about to uh, there's one more note here. Just for those of you guys who are drafting Andy Isabella. Apparently Keyshawn Johnson the sixth round rookie has blown past both Isabella and to Keen Butler in Arizona that it's not Keyshawn like Tampa Bay Bucs Keyshawn Johnson. It's a slot receiver young guy who apparently has just been blowing it up and it's noteworthy Tom in Arizona only because I expect they're going to run. Tom Place, yeah, they're gonna run at Tom plays and they're going to be playing with three and four receivers quite a bit here. So it is notable, but we got a lot of games here. We got three rookies with Keyshawn Isabella in Hakeem Butler here. So we got a lot to play out here in the preseason games. Tom this week on fantasy free you ended up posting for articles with for post type candidates guys who every year Tom we just talked about a bunch of guys like miles Sanders who were getting really really getting smoke blown up their asses in training camp, but then there's the guys everybody forgets about the guys who might have been sleepers in the past who never really panned out or just boring guys who didn't have the huge years that we expected and everybody kind of forgets. Adam so you're going you're going to do an article on post-high candidates. Now Tom, what's interesting about this article is you brought up guys that you like and don't like but all fit the criteria of a post type candidate. So I want everybody to go to Fantasy free our blog and check those articles out. But Tom, I'm gonna you you have great reasoning in here and I want to dig through these these articles and just will highlight a couple guys to talk about the guys you find most interesting so you have four Quarterbacks you have Tom Brady Russell Wilson Cam Newton Kirk Cousins, Jimmy Garoppolo and Matthew Stafford of these guys that you listed who are your favorites here to have a bounce-back season or a nice season as a value for Fantasy? Yeah. I think you would agree with this one. Cam Newton has been one of my favorites and I think he's been one of your favorites and you know, he's been getting a lot of hype in the industry and it's still really hasn't changed his, you know, ranking in the quarterback standings here, you know, I'll put up until this point. Maybe that continue know maybe with more and more High P starts to climb inside the top ten, but you know, he's regularly going off the board, you know between 10 and 12 at the quarterback position people of quickly forgotten that he was off to a really strong start last season than the shoulder injury kicked in and he lost do complete control of his passes there, but he still completed sixty seven percent of his passes. They've moved on from the the big Burly receivers like Kelvin Benjamin and Devin funchess and you know, they're focused on DJ more and Curtis annual and Chris Christian McCaffrey Speedy playmaker. So he's one guy that I've really had my eye on here any of these other quarterbacks that that that caught your attention here is in the early going. Well, I mean Brady's Brady's intriguing just because how cheap he is. And yeah, like I said, I actually wrote him up as an overvalued quarterback in my opinion. It's really hard time to rank a quarterback is overvalued because the it's just sodium. That nobody is going at an unappealing price except the top guys and that's just because I don't want to pay the price Kirk Cousins through like 30 touchdown passes last year, but I know he he actually had a really strong seasoned but just the way that the tenor of the season for the Vikings and just the way it all played out, you know, kind of soured the whole thing, but he was still pretty strong and you know, maybe he becomes more efficient. I mean, it's hard to become more efficient, but you know, maybe he his yards per Temp goes up this year. I know was sitting around 7:00 maybe with a little bit more focused on play action and the Run game. Maybe they're a few more big plays down to feel for him this year. Do you have any reason to believe that Matthew Stafford could know I think is one guy. I've completely avoided the summer. I just don't like the way the offense is trending with Matt Patricia. I didn't like at the end of last year and you know, they've kind of cut back on, you know, you know tried and Golden Tate away. I mean he Is playing really dropped off in the second half of the up last year to without Tate? So I mean Danny Amendola will do his best Golden Tate impression, but I do worry about Stafford here. I haven't been too excited. I even though I think he is still a pretty high level player. All right Tom at the running back position Todd Gurley Leonard. Fournette Devonta Freeman, Jordan Howard Royce Freeman LeSean McCoy, Jerick McKinnon, Carlos Hyde, and Dion Lewis. You've got some guys here that I know you're not drafting at all. Who are some of your favorite guys to draft out of this tier? You know, some of these guys that I haven't taken our Du Pont Devonta Freeman Leonard fournette in you know, I've been taking Dion Lewis late just because I really that that Titans depth chart is still an Abomination behind Derrick Henry and Dion Lewis. So, you know, if anything would happen to Derrick Henry Lewis could be in store for a big workload, but for even in fournette have been two of my favorite guys the draft in the third round, especially if I get a receiver, you know if I go receiver heavy or you know even just take a receiver in the first two rounds, you know, these guys have been my a couple of my favorite are b-2s here, you know Freeman I get it, you know, I mean, he had three major injuries all in like a four or five weeks pan last year, you know, you had the concussion issues before last season, so there are major worries that maybe his body is breaking down but I mean every indication they spent on Offensive line, they lose Tevin Coleman, you know if he's physically able and you know ready to take 70% of the the workload here. He could be in store for a huge season. So I've been taking shots on him and for and that's kind of the same way. They let TJ Yeldon walk. There's a potential for him to catch a lot more passes in the passing game. I compared it in the article that you know, maybe we see Zeke like jumping in passing game work for for net here were you know, he was kind of I used in the passing game, but now that he's kind of the three down back and they don't have anybody really behind them. Maybe it really Skyrocket. So those have been two of my favorites you might have just heard my dog grown there as you're talking about Leonard. Fournette Tom right behind me here. I mean, oh boy C4 net is a guy. I really haven't dabbled in just because I'm not against it. It's just the I like other guys in his price range early in the offseason. I'd like to carry on Johnson more at his price now that carry on Johnson is getting more expensive. I kind of like Devonta Freeman and Aaron Jones a little more but I'm still sitting here. This is what for net is done to me. I am still sitting here worried that the year I don't buy in is the year he blows up. Oh and and I mean it's kind of a lot like Freeman to I mean, he's getting a new quarterback maybe the offense, you know, it's not gonna take much for the Jaguars offense to be more efficient and you know putting up more points. So I mean, there's plenty of signs therefore for net. But you know, I get the hesitate it's in there. There are concerns with the injuries and just the general, you know, efficiency of his play. We don't know, you know, if he's been under four yards a carry, you know, each of the first two seasons here. So maybe some of it is on him. We kind of don't know we need to see, you know, a quarterback that you know helps him, you know to face lighter boxes and maybe we'll skip finally get to see what the the true Leonard fournette. Is this season. I have zero interest in Jerick McKinnon the guys just I'm avoiding but I totally agree with you. By the way. I have been drafting Dion Lewis a ton in the last couple weeks. It's great. Cosell really started to talk me into Derrick Henry then we get the Henry injury the Luan suspension and then I'm like, you know what? Maybe this is just the Universe telling me don't draft Derrick Henry and this year Dion Lewis is far cheaper. I've invested in him quite a bit here in the last couple. Yeah. He's like the poster boy of a post type. I mean it was probably his his hype he was getting into the fourth fifth round last year. Year probably overdid it with that kind of, you know expectations for him. But now I feel like it's gone completely on the other direction. I you know, I think this guy is still a high level player. He can be dynamic and you know, maybe things change a little bit if Mariota can stay healthy and you know can actually get the ball to his receivers here post type candidates at the receiver position Tom. And this is a list of better players than you had at the running back position and Antonio Brown Keenan Allen AJ Green Larry Fitzgerald Jarvis Landry golden. Eight Marquis Goodwin talk about somebody I forgot. I got Corey Davis and Marvin Jones, which of these guys have you been drafting the most of the guys that I've really gone after or Keenan Allen? I feel like he's been a very nice bargain this year. He was a consensus second-round pick last year. Nothing's really changed to negatively affect him. You know, he's you know, he loses Tyrell Williams. You think that would help him now, we have the Melvin Gordon situation. Maybe they have to throw the ball more. I still think he should be a second round type and now you can get him in the middle of the third round. You know, I saw some videos of him Ballin Out and practice this weekend. He's still you know doing his his typical work and the other guy I've really been going after his Marvin Jones is you know, he's was pretty equal footing with Koenig all day through the first 10 weeks of the season last year. I think he even let him and Target share and are yards, but he's been severely discount. He's going, you know, essentially 18 to 20 picks after Koenig all day. So I haven't been a I haven't done a lot of Koenig all day, but I've been doing a lot of Marvin Jones because he's going three or four rounds later. Yeah. I have them quite a bit. I still believe in Corey Davis. I just don't believe in Marcus Mariota. That's that's been is you to so but I believe in Corey Davis and he's actually pretty affordable and I wonder if Jarvis Landry is going to have a little bit of a fission Syrian. I mean, he was always inefficient but last year he didn't catch a high percentage of his targets. I if he's going to have a little bit of a consistency Rebound with Odell Beckham there that's going to be interesting for me to see ya. Ah, he's one of the more fascinating guys and drafts for me. I just don't know what to make of them. I haven't selected them too much. I mean if you remember back to the second half of the last year Freddy kitchens and Mayfield were spreading the ball around I mean Richard hyndman Higgins was right on his tail and terms of targets. So I'm generally worried about Landry's usage, you know, because you don't bring Odell Beckham, you know into the fold to throw to him. It's time to game. You know, he's gonna be he's locked and loaded on his 9 to 11 targets a game. So that has me generally worried about Landry side been a little scared off of him. This this summer at tight end Tom. We got a bunch of guys who took harken back to an older podcast of ours are slower than whale shit. Yeah for the Post type candidates Jimmy Graham Greg Olson tray Burton, Kyle Rudolph, Jordan Reed and Jack Doyle on in terms of slower than whale shit. I think the only guy here who isn't is Trey Burton. Yeah, that's I mean, it's tough. Jordan Reed looked really rough last year that we've been getting a lot of positive reports about him in Camp, but I haven't been able to I know he's he's recovering for the first time in like forever. He's not recovering from an offseason injury, but he looked awful last year Tom and Jordan Reed is going at a spot where I'm just gonna drop down a pick or two and draft a mic is sticky or Darren waller or even an Ian Thomas and I'm going to try to get some upside and if I'm going to draft a Redskin for catches, it's going to betray Quinn. Yeah, that's my biggest concern. I mean, Jordan Reed was always an upside guy his first couple seasons on the job and I was looking through the numbers his last 19 healthy games, you know, he has just two games with 15 plus points. I mean that was what he was known for the big, you know, big explosion games being out the ceiling type performance. It's has so you know, and you know, he's gonna have Dwayne Haskins and Case Keenum throwing the ball. So I've had a tough time buying it on him. All these guys are pretty tough to buy it on just because that's the state of the tight end position at this point there. There's no guys that you're really in love with outside of the top six or seven guys at least for Me Maybe. I throw Vance McDonald in that group as well at 8, but you know, I have taken some shots on Jimmy Graham. I think he looks terrible but You can score touchdowns exactly. He scored only two touchdowns last year, you know, of course, we had Aaron Rodgers playing hurt. So, you know, I'm expecting you know, he scored 10 touchdowns with Russell Wilson and 2017. So I'm expecting a little bit of a bounce back in that department and you know trade Burton is another guy. I've taken some shots on. I mean, he's still he finishes the tight end six. I know it was unimpressive last year, especially I think he only top 40 yard. I don't even know if he topped. 40 yards in his last like 10 games last season which is pretty hard to do. But you know another year in the offense tree Biscay hopefully taking a couple steps forward and Maggie, you know, he was the guy that went out and got Trey Burton in free agency last year. So I'm hopeful that they may be, you know, scheme some, you know more plays for him here, you know, get a little more creative down the field. Well it see Jordan Reed just going back to him Tom. He is a guy who if I'm wrong on I will be totally fine with being wrong. On him because I see Zero positives. Yeah, I I'd I just don't see the top five, you know top eight potential for read. I mean he could very easily settle in as like the tight end 8 to 14. And you know, I think that is a real possibility for him, but I just don't see the ceiling potential anymore without offense. I'm totally fine on being wrong on that. I mean the red flags were there the quarterback situation is a disaster. The offensive line doesn't have its best player. It's that that's just one. My I don't get and like I will draft know a fat. I'll draft Waller. I'll draft kisi Ki a little bit later than drafting Jordan Reed because I actually feel like those guys have some upside. Yeah, those those three guys. You just nailed basically my plan, you know, you know in the 13th 14th 15th rounded, you know taking my tight end two or three. Okay, Tom, so I was in New York City this this weekend for the flex traps and what we did to Jake Sealy from the athletic David gah knows help. Together as well. But Jake Sully from the athletic is kind of The Mastermind. He's the guy who puts it all together. What we did we did three live drafts on Sirius XM fantasy sports radio. I hosted all three with Matt camp and I participated in one and this year. They were all Half Point PPR, but we did three different drafts. We did a super Flex snake a regular snake and we did an auction. I was in the regular snake just because it's the easiest one for me to be in while also hosting and I pick from the turn Tom from the 12th spot and Ended up really liking my team and I was thinking of going through maybe my plan when I did just in terms of so maybe somebody who's picking at the turn can be helped. So what I want to talk about this team just really quick and I'll throw a link in there to the draft board. So everybody can look at it. But my team goes as such Michael Thomas Joe Mixon third round Josh Jacobs, then I go for three straight wide receivers Stefon Diggs Cooper cup and Mike Williams, I think Vance Donald mile Sanders Carson Wentz Jalen Samuels, Dion Lewis Josh Gordon. Nikhil Harry Duke Johnson the Cowboys defense and Darren Waller. So here's my plan Tom. I was actually thinking I was going to go receiver receiver. But before my Michael Thomas pick at 12, how about this six running backs went with the first six picks including lady on bail at five David Johnson at 6, and then 6 wide receivers. Go as the final six pics of the first round and it through my strategy off a little bit Odell Beckham DeAndre Hopkins Odell Beckham on his wide receiver one DeAndre Hopkins Davante Adams, Julio Jones, Juju and Michael Thomas. And as soon as I knew that that Odell Beckham polio and JuJu were all gone. I didn't expect Hopkins or atoms to be where I'd picked. I knew I was going to have to drive Thomas in a running back. Yeah. I haven't seen a run like that in terms of receivers and and I've been in probably about 35. So far, I haven't seen a run run quite like that. I take it. This is a half Point PPR or a full plate Snappy. Oh, it's half past point. So yeah, I mean that is that that's pretty unique and Travis Kelce going. Did you even entertain him at all? No, I just don't once again Tom. I don't like the price. I just and that's me I have I've liked the price I but that's more of I I'd like the running know we kind of touched on Devonta Freeman and Leonard fournette. I like some of the got that running backs that are available, you know in The middle to end of the third round but God. Yeah people were just saying, why did you take mixing over James Conner and Dalvin cook and it's just I mean Tom you want to talk about splitting hairs. It's splitting hairs. I would probably like my team equally if I took either Connor Cook now, I've I've gotten quite a few shares of all three of those guys. I'm all hot. I'm pretty high on all three of them. I would tend to agree with you that I have mixed and slightly. I had a Connor at this point. I just think you know, the health is a little bit better than than Books mixing did Miss games but cook has had a big problem with that and the backfield depth chart. I would say for the Steelers to is a small concern for college. I actually ended up taking Jalen Samuel. So I know there's I was reading some stuff from the athletic are even this weekend here about how they want to get Jalen Samuels more involved, you know, just get him more play, you know more touches and more chances. So I mean, I think they're going to ride Connor but Samuels is a very real threat to get stuff. Well, how are you? What do you feel about Josh? Jacob's right now Tom because I took them as the our be 20 in this draft and I'm starting to dabble in his price a little bit. I don't want to miss out on just an absolutely massive workload and they took him in the first round and the depth chart behind him. I mean Doug Martin doesn't do anything for me. Jalen Richard is going to get the measles because he's an anti-vaxxer. So what are you okay paying the price on Josh Jacobs I have it's usually in that fourth round. I'll tell you why. We're talking about Kelsey a little bit. That was he's been a kind of a guy I Target for my rb2 in that, you know, if I take calcium like the ten, you know 10th pick range, you know coming around in the fourth round. I found myself taking Josh Jacob so I have been dabbling there. And you know, I'm I'm pretty fond of his potential as a three down back. Okay, so I think the most interesting thing I did in this draft was not to not to toot my own horn. So in the 11-12 turn I took Dion Lewis. And Josh Gordon I decided you know what this is a room of sharp guys who some of the other guys at this draft by the way, Steve Gallo Kenneth Cashman from Roberto where Chris re-bond cyr kyung from WWE but Jeff Ratcliffe, Brandon Funston, Michael Bell or Jeff has lie, Jani Eisenberg atomizer and Brandon Murchison all in this draft. So a sharp room I decided I was taking Josh Gordon in the 12th round and I was like, you know, I thought I wonder if people are going to laugh at me for taking him over to kill Harry but coming back around I was able to get the kill her. In the 13th round and I'm pretty freaking pleased with that stack because combined their my number five wide receiver. Yeah, that's a pretty remarkable. I've moved Harry down my our rankings here. And you know, I've moved him down I think into the mid 50s late 50s, and I thought maybe I was being a little too judgmental about the reports that have come out but he falls all the way to 67. That's a nice little I haven't been interested in him and all not at a certain price. Not at all. So I mean I was I was thrilled to be able to do that and it gives me you know, if Harry breaks that look I have arguably the top outside receiver for the Patriots and it's just two guys right now. I have to figure out which one is going to be the guy which guy is gonna be on the field. But I mean you have here that late into the draft both guys have huge upside potential if everything breaks right size. I like that price and I'd like some of the guys that you got towards the end here Darren wohlers been getting a lot of positive reports out of Oakland camp. Although he did pick up a AC joint injury and his shoulder. So that's something to watch and you know, we've touched on Duke Johnson quite a bit. I like him as for six months traded. I mean it's getting less and less likely but once again, even if he doesn't get traded, he's their number two back a clear number two for at least the first eight games of the Season. Yeah, and then he could get moved then. Yeah, he was certainly they can move him at the deadline and Tom I drafted the Dallas Cowboys defense. We talked about this on an earlier podcast, but how I drafty fences schedule timing Tom Talent is is part of it. You want a good defense, but I'm not drafting a great defense that has a crappy week-one matchup. I'm not doing it like I'm not dressed. I don't care if it's the 85 Bears Tom if they're playing the Chiefs and week one. I don't want them. Yeah, the Cowboys have a dream scheduled to start the ceiling got the Giants at Washington against Miami. So that's a nice three weeks stretch there. And yeah, I don't think you'll have to be Big pulling the Cowboys out of your line up here. They're gonna be probably a hot waiver wire pick up in week one. So I'm with you so I'm just like that looking at the Cowboys. Once again Philly plays Washington and week one. That's a great. I'm just going to draft for Week 1 defense and it's and it's a better D Phillies defense is better than Dallas has but they but then they have to play the Falcons. So, you know, you know, you don't want to play a defense really against the Falcons. So what I'm doing is by the way, I think it's in Atlanta. So that's on the fast Turf as well, Dallas. I'm just like I don't think anybody in the NFL is a better first three games in them in terms of a damn schedule. No, I totally agree. The other going to be a favorite of mine towards the end the giraffes whenever I have to pick a defense Tom before we wrap up the podcast we have to do our team to a days where we do a little bedding and fantasy preview. Let's start with in the NFC the New York Giants who of course Tom have made absolutely. No headlines this offseason. Yeah, I was gonna say we got the Giants and dolphins here they have this is probably our fewest Behind victories for two teams in the team to the to the team two-a-days easy for me to say Giants. They finished last year 5 and 11 under their six-and-a-half win total total offense 356 yards, which was 17th scoring offense 23.1 which was 16th Place for game 61 and a half which was 25th. Of course. They lost this guy Odell Corey Coleman already down for the year with a knee injury come on Brown along the offensive line key additions Daniel Jones. Owns the quarterback out of Duke Golden Tate Kevin's idler my kremers and Rod Smith on account of targets a hundred 32, which is 14th and the 2019 when total is at 6 with a little bit of money going towards the under - 120 over at - 110. Okay. So this was a team off season. I was like, all right. I know they've been had a crappy offseason and everybody likes to make fun of Dave gettleman for and for many reasons that are valid but I There's no way this teams worse than Washington because I think Washington could be a dumpster fire. And then of course everything happens Tom, they lose Sterling Shepherd to the broken thumb. Hopefully, he's back for Week 1 but Golden Tate is suspended for four games. Probably isn't going to win that appeal Corey Coleman tears his ACL. I think even the football gods are sitting here and talking to the Giants like man. You really mess this up. We can't help it. Yeah, it's everything. It's pretty tough to be a Giants fan right now and you know, They take Daniel Jones, you know completed under 60% of his passes and college, you know, six point four yards per attempt. I mean, that's a top ten pick. They used on them. You know, it's been a pretty rough couple of years since gettleman took over the o-line should be a little bit better here, you know, which is a positive for the number one overall selection sequin Berkeley, but everybody else here is pretty discounted Evan groans price has risen up here into the fifth round. You know, he was peace been pretty good throughout his career whenever Odell's been off the field and you know, I've been starting to dabble a little bit more in him, especially with Golden Tate potentially missing time and Shepherd. His price has gone down. I've noticed since the thumb injury, even though I don't think he's really, you know, I don't think his play is going to be hindered at all to start the season because of the thumb so I've started to dabble in him a little bit too knowing that Golden State's going to miss the first four games of the season the Miami Dolphins Tom, I think are the odds on favorite to Be the worst team in the NFL. They have a quarterback competition right now with Josh Rosen and Ryan Fitzpatrick Fitzpatrick seems to be ahead. But a Rosen has been making some plays recently. I don't think either one of them is going to be able to win this team many games though. Oh baby, the Dolphins quarterback competition has been a rollercoaster so far this offseason. It's Fitzpatrick is practicing. Well at the beginning and now rosen's catching up here with a nice scrimmage over the weekend. So we'll See how that kind of plays I kind of think they're going to go Fitzpatrick to start the season and he's Rose and into the into action may be in by October but last year's record seven and nine with which was over their sixth win total from last year. They got a lot of luck in those one score games, you know, the Patriots game being the most famous one with grown up missing the Kenyan Drake tackle total offense two hundred eighty nine point nine yards 31st scoring offense, 19.9 26 Plays for game 54.9 30 seconds. Oh man. That is that's sickening their Chauhan James key players lost 2-1 James Ryan Tannehill Danny. Amendola Frank Gore just sitting Ted Larson and Travis Watson key additions Josh Rosen Ryan Fitzpatrick and Dwayne Allen on account of targets a hundred eight, which is 19 and the wind total for this season is set at five with money going towards the under at minus 140. Plus 110 towards the over. I don't know what to make with that one. If if I get if we get some kind of confirmation that Fitzpatrick's going to start a significant amount of games. I think that the the five might be a little bit better betting towards the over but you see how this competition plays out here a little bit I have zero interest in DeVante Parker. I will not draft him at all. I will and if he goes for 1,100 yards so freaking be at Tom all the evidence is against them that be true. He's blowing up in Camp though. He's pulling up in Camp again. Yeah. All right. Well, one of my favorite players to draft is Kalin balázs. I didn't even think he was a good Prospect. But Tom he still going near the double-digit rounds. I'll even dabble as high as the knife at this point. If I need a running back on my team because once again, he has a good shot to be the team's leading rusher and he super cheap and Tom I'll take anybody if I think they have a good shot to be a team's leading rusher. Yeah. He's a slowly being adjusted upward here, but he's still readily available in the 10th or 11th. I just took them late night. With in a draft this morning, but yeah nice value there. They you know all signs seem to indicate that you know, both both coaching staffs here with gays now out of town and Flores in place that you know, they've wanted to limit Kenyan Drake. There's something there to that any interest in any of these other receivers though, you know with Parker not it not in the fix for you a little bit of Stills. Yeah, not too much. I think I have like one or two shares Albert Wilson as well. But yeah. Take Stills, but I'm not that interested in anybody else. Yeah, I've done some Stills and kiseki, especially, you know, if we get some signs at Fitzpatrick's gonna be the quarterback, I think Stills is a nice little value, especially best ball. He has since it came over to the Dolphins. He has 21 scores and three seasons. So that's pretty good, especially for best ball formats. Okay, Tom, that'll wrap it up for this edition of the fantasy free agents podcast. So great. Cosell will be back later this week Tom. I'm going International. I'm going to Canada so I'm gonna have to rely on you to do. A lot of the heavy lifting with the preseason games on Thursday. Oh, yeah, they got yeah, we should probably tell him our schedule here a little bit. We've been recording on Tuesdays, but, you know, we're going to record Friday instead because of 11 games on Thursday night. I am traveling to Toronto. I'm driving to Toronto on tomorrow. So we're going to take a little bit of time off here. Fortunately, Tom. Ben fennel from the athletic join Justin varns on the IDP podcast and they broke down four teams and on an IDP Center conversation and it is a really underutilized aspect of the fantasy podcast space is actual talk about defensive football. If you are a football nerd Ben is one of the sharpest guys in the industry and he and Justin absolutely dealt on that. I'd only time you don't need to be an IDP player to to appreciate this podcast. Look we know Justin Justin Barnes Tom symons. Those guys know that IDP is a niche market, but Justin is really trying to reach across the aisle here and give something to just football people can enjoy, you know, I used to say back in the day that the John Hanson great Cosell podcast. I thought it was the best football podcast like not just fantasy. You can learn so much from it and and been joining Justin here. You guys are going to learn a lot about defensive football if you listening Tom, I don't know if you've listened yet, but it's it's good. I have not I'll get to it here that you know, since we have a couple days off here, you know, Ben wait, you know, he's a former coworker of ours we work to season with them. He was breaking down films film for us. You know, he's short sale knows what the hell he's talking about. So I'm looking forward to listening to that. So that should be a really good one. Okay, Tom. So I mean once again sign up to beat Tom in the NFC August 27th, 9:30 p.m. There is a link to sign up and if you Want to get full instructions just reach out to Tom on Twitter at Tom Brawley. Follow me on Twitter @ FG underscore Dolan. We I am going International this week. So we have to make sure our connections are still good. I have to tell you great Tom. We're gonna have to test this out before before Greg because absolutely I mean, yeah, we should do that because we don't want to charge Greg like $200 to do the to the podcast because he's getting international rates. So he should be killed. We don't us. Yeah, we don't have that kind of budget here at the podcast. Just yeah, we need a lot more. Donations if we're going to be a you know, paying international rates, I also want to mention Joe real quick that on Friday. We're going to release our first cheat sheets of the year so far. Yes, you're going to be drafting this weekend. We're gonna that's gonna be a weekly feature on the site we're going to do every Friday will do cheat sheets PPR non PPR positions and then top 154 PPR and on PPR so look baby. I'm also doing the auction cheat sheet. Oh so five different cheeks. So here's what's going to happen. Tommy you're going Look at this. We're just talking through this time. You're going to put together the the positional PPR tiered cheat sheet, which you guys might have gotten used to we're doing that and then I take the PPR cheat sheet and make an auction cheat sheet based off of that. So we're looking pretty badass. Yeah. Yeah, we know, you know, you know with the flex drafts last week and you know, people are starting to draft now that we're getting into the the heart of August Here season actually starts really early this year with the early Labor Day, so people will Art draft in here this weekend and will have cheat sheets ready for you. So also people have been asking about a draft plan Tom. I don't think we plan on doing a written one, but what we are going to do and I'm going to mark this down time for next week. We are going to do a separate podcast for all four major positions and we're going to basically talk through our process and how to draft that position and we're going to talk like for the instance the quarterback position. We're going to talk about when we start looking who are the guys were looking at and the running back and receiver and tight end and On and for the positions like running back and receiver. We're also going to be discussing Tom. Alright, if you have an early pick, this is what we do if you have a mid pick if you have a later pick, this is typically what we do. So we're going to do a separate podcast for every position on how to draft that position and we're going to basically be using our rankings and I think that's the way we're going to do it this year. I think it'll be fun. It'll be helpful for me and you as well. Yeah, I don't quarterback and tight end that's a little easier to talk about Draft plans because you know, you're just not dressed as many players, but you know At least with the running backs and receivers what least highlight different guys that we like in each tier and you know, what kind of go through the process that way, you know, maybe maybe we can combine the quarterbacks in the tight ends into the yeah. We probably could yeah. Okay. So yeah, well, we'll be thinking of that but we will be having draft planned podcast and Tom. I just I already we're going to call it the running back draft plan. Just nice and official like that. I'm going to really enjoy doing that. So those look for those next week look for me with Greg Cosell later in this week. I'm going to be talking to Greg about some of the players. To have apparently been making a big Camp impact. Obviously, we don't have filmed watch yet. So Greg doesn't have observations from preseason, but I'm going to try to try to put a little a little bug in his ear Tom about some of the players. He should be watching when when he picks up his film study here Joe Greg's coming back to the podcast. I thought he went like Hollywood on us. So Hollywood, by the way, check out his segments with with Colin coward. If you want them, they were next amazing job, and it's funny. We talk to Matt Brown last week about Joy. In Love from Utah State don't you know that immediately the same day Greg Cosell says this is my sleeper quarterback at the classic guy who people could be talking about as a high-end first round Talent at same day. So Matt Brown knows his stuff too. Yeah. Yeah. I mean it was like he may be communicated with Cosell, you know, maybe there was some like, you know, because that was the Thursday that was that's normally Greg's day. Maybe he was channeling Greg there a little bit. So if you like college football go back and listen to our podcast with Matt Brown last week, that's Wait for Best Bets. Tom eventually after our Draft plans. We're going to get into some of our bets we're going to get into football betting podcasts and that's going to be kind of a precursor to what we're going to be doing on Wednesdays of every of every during the season of every week in season 2 17 weeks were going to be doing a little kind of line report. So for those of you who like bedding, so it's good. We have a lot of plans our rankings or up a fantasy free talk. We don't have a schedule for when we update them, but we update them pretty much every day. Yeah, I mean if I see some major news, I'll you know, I'll go in there and kind of tweak it around. So yeah, I mean just constantly check will be on top of a throughout the preseason here. So thanks everybody for for following along with the site and the podcast we have a we have a little Twitter account for the site and podcast at tff a fantasy. It's like it's like a TCBY yogurt the the yogurts repeated the tff a fantasy has fantasy repeated, but that's just the handle we chose Tom. So make sure you I followed that and you'll get any updates on the podcast in the site. Okay deep breath Joe Tom Rowley. I am Joe Dolan. This has been another Monday edition of the fantasy free agents podcast. Thank you all for listening and we'll talk to you later in the week. Thanks for joining us. I'm the fantasy free agents podcast. Remember to subscribe rate and review on the app of your choice. Our next episode is just around the corner.
Joe Dolan (@FG_Dolan) and Tom Brolley (@TomBrolley) are back to go over some 2019 Post-Hype Candidates (35:54) and to review Joe's FLEX League draft (49:46). They also review plenty of weekend news including Antonio Brown's disgusting feet (6:15), Josh Gordon's application for reinstatement (9:25), and D'Onta Foreman's release (16:10). They also hit on the ramifications of Theo Riddick's signing (22:28), Andrew Luck's calf (27:17), Damien Williams' hamstring (30:22), and Miles Sanders' superb play (32:25). The guys end the podcast with another segment of Team Two-A-Days on the New York Giants (57:40) and the Miami Dolphins (1:02:20). Joe's FLEX League draftboard:* A special congratulations to our own Joe Dolan for finishing #1 in Draft Accuracy for the 2018 season among 140+ sites and experts! This was Joe’s second #1 overall and third top-3 finish in the last 5 years, making his rankings THE most accurate preseason fantasy football draft rankings on average since 2015. Check out the complete list at To draft against Joe, join the Rotowire Online Championship and select the online draft time of 8/20 at 9:30 PM Eastern. To draft against Tom, do the same on 8/27 at 9:30 PM Eastern. Play for the $200,000 grand prize!
Hey afterbuzzers, before we move on to your next topic. We just want to say thanks to our sponsor. Anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. Plus there are creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Also anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it could be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many more plus you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership, and it's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor. Um to get started today, I'm going to close the heart. We're talking about gunrunners pirate. Someone very stubborn Saloon owner. Stay tuned Hardy's you are tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of TB top now. Let's Welcome Back Stevie. We're here doing like a show season 6 episode 3 a vote of confidence. In this episode, I'm your host Marissa Serafini joining me. I have it's not an illusion. It's me James like jr. I'm still in the studio with you and I three times about this. So sorry, we I do have to apologize up at the top why we're going early an hour early today. She got plans. I I double booked myself back in December when naturally we didn't we were all after all season and I had made plans. I was like, oh, yeah Sunday, I don't have anything going on at that time. Sure enough much to my sister. We have a show like whoops. Sorry, so I did double booked myself only cuz it I mean I'll get things but yes, but thank God you guys are here with us though. Take the blame for why we're going early and hourly. So thank you everyone. Yes. Yeah your patience and understanding we're getting into this episode a vote of confidence. We're going to talk a lot of things. Yes bill and the Gun Runner's Lucas Bouchard not you know living up to the rules. And you know the whole tongue Town council meeting that goes with that team infirmaries stuff. Yeah. So yeah, so yeah very much to talk about and Elizabeth and Timmy. Yes still having a big storyline good. Yes, and then a fun special segment of interesting things that I think does. I'm nerd love. It's what did James what were your quick thoughts of this episode Another lighter episode. There's a lot of laughs this episode. There are some things that were very ROM Commish. Is that an undesired applied not a word but rom-com e rom-com ask I don't know. It's some kinda is very the the infirmary stuff. Yes. I guess you're very much is very much like that and then the bill the bill and Jeremiah story them on the Run kind of trying to find the Gun Runner's was funny the two-year-old curmudgeons. It was a it was a nice light episode with glimpses of some stuff in there the Rosemary stuff with what that also some glimpses stuff, but it was it was again. Your light it was so what'd you think very light episode it not to say it got dark, but there were some moments like yes, especially when it came to build storyline. You got serious, but not too dark. It's just like Sarah you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV. Yes, we do. Yes, let's get into it though. We have built and you he has this call for Cape Fullerton Gun Runners up in the Northern Territory is pretty much wrapping out. Yeah. Jack storyline. Yes, just like the last business from him and his character that we didn't really get to see but Bill is kind of taken it up and wrap it up for us. What were your thoughts of Bill and how he just like reacted and took action trying to find these gunrunners. Well, I think also because Jack is no longer with us. That was the impetus for him really like I have to we have to finish this maybe it's not fair. They got off, you know, it's not fair there. Let go so I felt like there was because of you know, the late Jack he was like, I'm really gonna go forward and take care of this for the town and for Dad for Jack on some level. It's kind of like wrap this up. That's just it was kind of it was kind of funny to see him in a different area. Then you can really wasn't with the rest of the cast kind of that episode. He was off but this character Jeremiah who he was funny and it was kind of off on his own adventure. Yeah definitely is an adventure and like honestly if you isolate the storyline you take it out of the episode we won't To change yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you can play the storyline. Anyway. Yeah, I guess you know begs the question of whether this was a pre-existing storyline that had set for Jack. Yes, right, like if he could actually wrap this up properly with his character, but unfortunately, you know, that's not happening anymore. So I wonder if they pass it off to build. I agree. I have through this pipe kind of maybe maybe they could have happened as possibility but it's one thing is this one thing is storyline taught me something. I learned a lesson the more you know. Right when they were in were trapped in that in that kind of cave at thing and he lets this smoke and Jeremiah linen. He's like, what are you doing it for? He goes watch and just learning that where the smoke leads to where it goes is wind which opens to an open. I like I learned something new. It's pretty boy scouty. Yes. I see well because he's worse than yours. I'm sure Boy Scout that's very survival skills, and I think that just shows Like yeah, he has that type of not to say sluzer, but he he knows he has the investigative mind just that intuitive mind is actually Jeremiah In fairness. He doesn't share my MBA but also but also survival skills if you're ever stuck in a mine if they're still around well actually back in Pennsylvania where I'm from Kentucky mines there. I think I'm probably like somewhere mission to find but the thing that that made me laugh, This guy like it's they're both these two curmudgeonly guys who have a history. And so that was fun to see and who are in charge and they love they love a grumpy bill. I mean he just he but Jack replaces so well, he just plays it so well and he's so intense. Yeah, because he's completely opposite. Oh, you know how he goes in just the workflow and how he approaches situation. She's completely opposite of what jacket was like Jack was more analytical step by step, you know, very calculated. Type of you know, Maneuvers and Jack and it Bill and Bill just like I'm gonna go ham right now and we're just going to figure out as we go. So I do like that the different types of just approaches that they have because just also reminds us that bill is so different from what Jack was yes completely and then that's fine. Obviously your weenie. But but yeah, I thought it was it was a good show case of Bill Avery just Like he's a good he's actually a good guy. I mean, it's a good guy in there just that he's an antihero. So to speak he he doesn't know he wants to be a hero I could just come in here. Yeah, they're okay. That's your better. Like we looked like that better reason reluctant hero. He doesn't want to be a hero but people leaves in truth and Justice and I think yeah, he really does he does and his methods are definitely not functional. I love that. I love you hands on the judge. Yeah. I loved it. I did. I love that someone else witness that you'd be the one going to jail. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah exactly. I love That though so I have it in my notes bill is too intense after that. It's all you out there in their eyes gets the job done. Yes. He does a good for him as he does, but it's a fine people here today like the story. I was fun. Yeah. It was fun. Maybe that wraps out Jack likes character. I feel like that might be like the last tidbit of make sound business is working his mountie life and like really wrapping up his character. I agree. That's why I agree. Yeah moving on to Lucas Bouchard. So the moon the oh so Charming. Yeah devilishly Charming. Yeah, I think I was like, he's very delicious. Yeah, it's definitely on the saloon owner who's not playing nice with Abigail. He's not adhering to the Town rules of being closed at 10 p.m. At night, but it's a saloon I get it you're always open late, but it's the noise complaints. But so I want to know your thoughts of how just this this back and forth between Abigail and the Is all episode I had to laugh because I was like, is it is it me? Is it everybody who's older complaining about who's younger than was for its eyes. I start acting like I'm a little older and we miss our very different Generations something and I was like, you can hear that noise a little too loud everybody. Younger me would have loved it. I'm like, oh my God, I think everybody's kind of looking skin divided into like the younger folks like yeah, why not? I'm ready. It really depends because I'm young. But also I'm in bed by 10:30. I don't really know. - that's very true. But I just looking watch the episode of you laughter. I'm like, wait a minute everyone who's a little older complaining and the ones who are younger to me. It's a you had like team flow Mo you had yossi had Abigail. Yes, but yeah In fairness Cody, he's a kid. He's on like far end of the spectrum. It's bothering him too. So it's it's a nuisance for everybody. Well, you should say everybody but for the ones who have already been there who have established businesses. Yeah, like yours has the Mercantile and stuff so, it's Bob. The people who like legitimately have other stores and have worked to get two in the morning. But I think also there has to be a little bit of you know change is coming. I don't we don't like change that much and I think there's also a paw be bad on his part to a look at this part. Also when you come in you should try to ingratiate yourself with that are a little but you should try to kind of work with them a little bit ease yourself in he just kind of coming in full guns. Well, not literally guns, but guns blazing and I'm gonna have a saloon and we openly we have laughing and talking. It's like well maybe You should kind of work with the town a little bit before you start just kind of coming in fully because it is a small town and small towns. They need some time to adjust the things sometimes. I mean, it's kind of you can't just come in at once. Yeah, but it was also how he was playing. Oh, I like he's a poker player. He knows how to gamma. He knows how to play other people especially like just the back and forth kind of like cat and mouse a little bit were Abigail nicely. Ask him. I love her tan. He's like, yeah sure and then She's like, okay, you're not gonna listen to me put up the notice like all stores have to be closed by 10. He's like, okay. Yeah about that. I'm going to put up my own Nazi rule, but posing that every drink is half off after yes p.m. So to which gains more business would I start laughing? So it just shows like the kind of character that Lucas is it's like he he challenges people noise that noise is a perfect use like a bulldozer little bit better. That's a good analogy just because he just kind of wore them. Yeah, you have a business and and you can do you do what you want. I was your business. But again, you're in a small town that's very close-knit very so try to get to know them a little bit and kind of like being kind of make your way in there and then you can like probably do things you maybe the way you would kind of want to do. But Abigail was hilarious. I was like and when we cover that you're gonna give it to him. I was like laughing you gonna let him have it. I love that. I love that. I was like that was funny and Abigail's like I she was my taking no prisoners. But okay, I don't think Carson said by the look in our mayor's I say she's about to take care of this one herself. That's right. She may be help bro. Shall any help saw her just like storm in 2008. I was like, okay. I'm summer say something may be unpopular. I'm going to say this Mike is Hickam to me. I'm sorry II he will never be Mike to me. I'm sorry. I just I think they call him Mike Mike. Who's that? I'm like, oh, it's just because they started out the last name thing. And then now I give you a name. Mike isn't fit to me doesn't fit. It so you can always take him to me. Well we speak on my God. Okay, I'm calling him still. I did love his mom is like you're not really liking this. That's why I laughed because it was like he was really funny in his little scene and I was like, I don't think he's not Mike - that's not take him but he's having fun at the saloon you some good times one of the many men and there were some women young women there to like the animals having also a Goodtime girl my girl. But yeah, it was mostly the younger crowd. That was really it was and I think but Lee made a good point when he said it was kind of Ice and this is which is very a modern thing to you. I just go have drinks after work. I said working jobs where I need a drink and we go ahead and get home. There's some jobs likely to go have a drink after work and that's thing. You said this is men were actually in a place to go to have kind of like let off steam and hearing you play darts and things you can press that's good work depress and it's like I get that part 2 which also Begins the whole where we are today, of course the people over in building that's all their story of course, but this is the beginnings of them trying to navigate that. That whole thing of when I got a place to go after a long day of work before I go home and it's just a very interesting episode about that the rain she storyline. What were your thoughts of the whole town council meeting now because it's becoming a serious issue would they had to put a meeting together to finally resolve this but Abigail's approach to a compromise very Abigail yesterday every day over sorry buddies like he's going to meet you. That's why everybody buys I can take it. That's right. Yes, it comes funders say it is funny funny thing. We really are making it today. I'm educated as we are as McKay we both went to college but you know, we had agrees we're friends with Hardys were tracking is more fun to say yes. It is imperative. Yes. I love the leaves of not for the man. Yeah. No, I mean, it's me just to hold the whole Saloon thing. It's very interesting because it represents the growth of the town period a you know, I mean, it's a great presentation of things are changing things are starting to change and and how How do we handle this and and they said the solute we were having a great time. It was loud and a great time to Town Council kind of had to talk. They kind of they had to talk. They had to like get together. Guess that's what they do in this town and buy like the fact that came to a tie and because Abigail is the best person on Earth. I just I just love her character so much. I know the world would be such a bit of the girls are. Yeah, I agree take her multiply her by a billion. I agree. I learned that she came up with almost. Lesson like in how to work together. We need Henry life. So she was like, why don't you help me in this the students compromise? Let's come together and do something. I love that. Yeah, and in front of everybody to write he is placed in a position where he has to just acts of civilly and professionally. Yes. Yes, I can work with those terms. Yes, and I like to even at the end of the episode where he went up to her and like you had this planned all along. It's The way she executed it was just like you had to have the slow build-up to a lesson. Yes, and even the the whole line that she said people here support rather than divide each other love that line. Like yeah that line Lucas don't come in and like disrupt things that actually support other beautiful and what she said and it includes you too. Yes, you love that. You're part of a town look like get that. I did. I love that that is how you get initiated into Hope Valley. Exactly. And that's how you work together. We need more of that is how you work. Gather I just I just think it's just it was a great lesson love it was and that I have a little funny thing in are my notes to because we also in that meeting at the top of it. They said this is more towards Elizabeth are like Elizabeth had a proposal for library, but we'll get to that later. Oh, yeah, and then the whole Lucas Bouchard situation get resolved in two minutes. I was like, yeah that meeting could have easily gotten to the leather store. Hello. It's what the library it's like that could have been something. One else also brought up but I guess saving. Yeah, I want a library. I was I said Library. I want a library. I literally just return a library book. I have a library card. I do I do. Yes. We are the bookworms. Yeah the Nerds. Yes as you will see later and oh, yeah fun special segment. Yeah. I love libraries the great but I still think and I had very interesting realign I still think like I wrote this down where I put it I put it oh-oh. I wrote triangle gallon Abigail Lucas I saw the looks but look there there there. I was gonna put that but you brought it. Yeah. Yeah three months. I'm not gonna deny. I'm not gonna they purposely put moments lingering shot. He did have Abigail and going. Yeah looking at each other. It was like different types of like I see you girl. I respect you girl. It was just like kind of that way. Yes. Yes. They did they did. Did I say I'm glad he's going and when I saw it, I saw it too because that one shot where I think towards the end. When are you off? We don't totally for it. I believe for it. So when when that shot when look at this is it's an actual production side when they part when Lucas walks off and Abigail kind of moves and there's gallon standing there. It's like yeah, it's like it's right there right there Henry Gale. That's right. I'm for Henry. I'm here. I'm for it that I'm not for the so I feel you some going on. The triangle between Lucas Lucas and Abigail and now again Abigail you don't need a man in your life to complete. Yeah. Yeah. Well, thank you everyone for tuning in and especially even though we're an hourly a lot of people are so we're here you want to shop some yet. The first one I've never seen before. Let's call it. Hope you know that word. Hope I do like that word. Hope favorite ever the Queen the queen of Regal. Okay, Queen Regal and rid of courses in Lori McCargo Kelly Foster. Ah Glory Pearson Jeanette MSU. I love you girl. Jeanette idak my other girl raw oil masterpieces in I'm a real Masterpiece. Yeah, Stacy Matthews always is with us all the time. Marrying the Dow also see anyone and O Hussain incorrectly. Kimberly. Brew is in America every room. I love seeing people that I like. I know you guys had Johnson. I'm just so glad you guys are all in with us, but nowhere in our early we're so glad you are following us now. So but yes, I team I'm team Henry Gale to I'm thinking I'm gonna be the only They were early hopefully yeah. Yeah, that's awesome as for you know, the right really free. He marries I Lucas is too young, but I means I don't think things happen. He's like my early 30s. Well, he's probably really like I'm more in Lucas's but we enjoyed him New York not to say that's not possible. Not again. You don't need a man in your life your face. But yes, thank you. Hardy's for always tuning in no matter what time that we are. Please keep reading keep commenting keep subscribing on YouTube, you know because it's heavy. Yes, and you can't well you shouldn't just subscribe to us. You subscribe to our other vertical genres here, you know, we're under drama, but we do comedy. Yes. He did Fuller house bitches. Yeah, it's really so Lori. So many characters Lori lachlan's other chefs under comedies. We have a plethora. We have a red carpets Channel. We have science fiction Channel. Like I said, we said dramas are we Go to you can subscribe Amy Says AfterBuzz honors like seven or eight channels right at this point. Yeah, there's some YouTube 8 AfterBuzz. Yeah grunting like them three other. Yeah. Go ahead Grand like the ball. We have 14 hours ago. Yes, I know because I'm the one that creates and I do shows in all of them. So but yeah, so but you'll please go ahead and like subscribe comment. Tell us what you think tell they'll tell afterwards what you think also about our show and other shows on the network because they work really hard to bring this stuff to you this content to you and we enjoy doing it that we do and also not only on YouTube, but I also know your iTunes written comment there we had - we actually have a new rating and comments. Okay, I didn't so I'm going to shout you out. We got five stars said love from Glen appeal said love the production and seeing what comes true or predictions and seeing what comes true or not started to listen, and just had to listen to all of them. Thank you for doing a great job enjoying seeing if my opinions match you both or not, and sometimes hear things. I might have missed and need to watch the episode. Okay girl, thanks for thank you. Rating and commenting and if you keep reading and commenting us, I would read them on air just like that one. All right moving on to team infirmary. Yeah, Carson and Faith A lot happened with them and this episode we saw the buildup in the first two episodes of the season so far, but it finally came to something and I just love even the build-up of this episode just the whole communication that they need to talk to each other but yet they're using like a double meaning and w Conversations try to get their point across your thoughts. This is the part that I said was very rom-com e it was very it was it was a lot of flavors of there's some funny moments and some real moments in terms of just like how people how men and women miscommunicate and stuff and I think the funny part I wrote this down beginning with the whole she special and quote unquote because both people were talking about that. They're like and rosemary just like well that's like you talk to your friends are special like danger special your special Teresa wrestle. So that was funny. They would lead Something well, and then when Lee talking to you and talking to you about talking to Carson about him like she Specialties like okay, like it's not cleared and it's you said it should be there's not such thing as no such thing as too much communication and he goes Rosemary taught you that and he was like and I'm just keeping it was like, yeah, it's called TMI, but right. Yeah, I started yes, but I did like it finally got to the point where they're just like sometimes words can be confusing. So just let's just be more direct about it. And when I love the moment when Carson was like nobody, Any means more to me than you do that's what he really meant only. Yes. Well, you're the walkie direct. Well the scene they did with Hickam what's funny to me is kind of like he was very kind of there's just double talk then that they weren't really talking about music. It was just a funny they're doublespeak and then when she got scared she got scared. I didn't make study expect that. She was like, it's just too much to stay and then she ran out. I was like Wow Mike expect that from from faith. I was really in this we saw another side of her I was like, she was really nervous about this. It was this thing that coming real right? Yeah, there wasn't the man inside was the woman who was scared. I was like, oh that's interesting. She was well, I do want to raise strong in this town and she's like, I'm really scared. I'm not sure and then she chose to at the end say yes. Yeah, it's scary and it's crazy, but I'm willing to take a risk and the enemy and then he unveiled the picnic basket and stuff in the back. Oh, yeah, and I love what she said. Yes to take an arrest yes to opening myself up. Yes. It's scary and crazy just for the possibility of you and me. Yes. Yes. Yes. We get the first kiss. Yes. They kiss I got so excited. It was a guess. So yes the ping-pong match. Yeah, and then it's like getting love to see you in the office. I'm like, oh, yeah. Like I say it was it was very very good egg. I love how Carson grab Fates hands so cute. So that was good and for agile they are but if you have the never really had a really good kisser I was like, okay, so I guess there's a buildup of all are passionate kiss. Yes outside and on the on the in the you know, what I saw at the picnic basket of stuff behind them see but like also that kissed was earned. They don't want only one a completely completely we waited. It was like yes, but the a half for that. Yeah, we did so we did so it is worth it. Yes team infirmary. Yes, but we didn't get to Classy this episode we didn't and they didn't get them. We didn't get a hug you miss somebody else we can get you there really is. I'm so my well we didn't have gallon really just had a few scenes, but he wasn't really but it wasn't it's okay because to infirmary had like a great it was their turn your turn and I loved how Rosemary and Lee were just like kind of the all these episodes so far. They just been like slightly nudging them a little bit closer and closer to each other. Yeah, and then the quests are we able to My Rosemary yet? Yeah. Yeah we can get into Rose. I'm thinking she's probably so because one of the scenes was then with the baby. Yes. So Elizabeth had appreciation dinner. Yeah. It was really nice though. It's very nice. Miss. Very Elizabeth. Yeah is very Elizabeth's you want to help out and I just talked to seeing that was heartbreaking to me. It was just kind of just the way Rosemary was looking at Lea with baby Jack and there's nothing sitting at these been said yet. Nothing's been said they were all know where it's going but hasn't said yet and just the just what a great actress Pascal is just to just to convey. - he's conveying this kind of yeah, he'll be a good for you. Huh be a great father bought but like there's something going on and I don't even try now baby is not happening or even try it. Like I said something going on and I just felt really have a conversation about starting a family together. Well, they are but not all scream. It's not screaming ever seen anything. So I'm just curious of off-screen and said they cannot scream and she tried to convey like off screen. They've been trying to have a baby. It's not happening or she's afraid to try to make things. He can't have me now. Who knows? I guess we're gonna find out if some point but her face like there's like the Just like her sing the potential father that Lee could be. Yes, like she got that semblance of like, oh, this could be something amazing and we've seen Lee like, he's such a great guy. He K takes care of other people you saw that scene with him. I believe it was last season with him and Cody when he was, you know, throw the baseball. Yeah and all that. So like we know that Lee could be a great father right? It's just a matter if it will actually happen. It's just funny how Pascal can go from the You can go from Comedy and Draught to drama and 2.5 seconds. I mean like I mean, he's like she did we first at the table and they're laughing and kind of talking and I'll come on leave the mixture to tell her that you agree. I would get that you support her and I said like those kind of a funny moment and then the heartbreaking moment and then later when they were going to bed. So I'm going to bed and she was just so solemn it's like he's like you mean it just kind of looked at her. She's just like I'm gonna go I'm gonna turn in early and and just like just I mean just I was like wow, there's something going on there. But like I said, it was a super deep. Or serious yet, but just that there's a there's a foreboding when you see the something coming. Yeah a little bit of foreshadowing. Yes, but it also maybe it just shows that she wants it so much that maybe she's worried that I won't yeah every day that we get to maybe she's just worried. He won't happen. I mean, yeah, she's just at least now, she's at the point where she's at least officially considering it. Yeah considering being a mother getting over the sticky children and starting a family with Lee. Yes. We're gonna be great. Yeah, right Masterpiece a good comment. Area Marissa agreed and she also says yes Pascal says rains and she does I mean it just means he does and I but but they're so good. You're so good her and Kevin are so good together. We saw it live when were hrf I know to we started just they're just they're so good. They're just so good together and they they're a great acting Partners. They just really they really work play off each other. So I agree I totally agree. So, I'm really I'm really I'm already going to tissues. I you know, I cries I am I getting ready for us is I'm like, okay something go down with them. I was feeling because we weave Talking off screaming. But before we went live is like these first three episodes of the Season very long very like they're like and I feel like they're they're saving the heavy daughter for later and their storyline if they go with, you know, our predictions is that if they're they're struggling with infertility issues. They could be one of the dramatic story lines of the Season. Yeah, and I'd be all for it. I'll beat you though for we appropriately Foreman watching the reaction like the dramatic. Yeah sake because like they're always late and it's a fluffy. But they they're they're lighter. They're more comedic and it would be nice and more grounding. If we gave them a dramatic realistic. I read line. We need balance if they leave me they'd be light and Airy and it's fine, but it's just like but I need some balance and because we know we know they could do it obviously, but just like as actors but I think to get in there. It'd be another side of lien Rosemary That You Don't See I agree I told you about refreshing moving on to Elizabeth hungry. She sits Runners best teacher on even in the giving the lesson about Sir Francis Drake who I could care less. Listen, Bob. Honestly, I was like, yeah interesting. Yeah, yeah privateers and sipping, you know ships and sailing and I'm like tell me more. Yes, like it. She's a great teacher engine great actress absolutely to like to sell that like there's a great lesson going on which like leads into the hole to me Cody and Robert situation the playing Pirates and Tim. He's kind of being left out by Robert and Cody your thoughts. It's another great lesson by Miss Miss Thornton always always I tell you say I say this every season I wish you was my teacher. You're the best teacher or I thought I was not a great lesson showing kids. They always do this very well about taking accountability standing up for yourself. Yep, and helping each other when those are three. Those are three great things to teach kids and I love it as though it had Timmy stand up for himself and just kind of say, you know, you said, you know if this happened to you I've been looking at Helped you look for it kind of thing whole Spyglass right and anything you write a spyglass thing and then also the boys they probably wouldn't naturally think of that yet. Like they're just boys. I mean is you know kids because it's the adults job to teach of yep upon and kids. Like if you lose something you help someone else find it or replace it. Yeah and doesn't seem like they had that we're with. All right. Yeah, right. Yeah or even just the knowledge to be like, hey, I should help me. I'm sorry. Yeah, I agree. I agree. And so that's a lesson to be learned and when they when they all Came out the end and start to look for it. But I was like did they find it? Because hey, I'm like great if Robert found. Yeah, like we just had like I found it it would have really officially wrapped up that story. Hello. Robert also would have learned this last. Yes to my guess that I guess the Legacy for them. The lesson was helping out. I guess that's the lesson I guess but I want to find it helped it out. I won't I hope it comes back on explain class. That's like nothing quite like a cliffhanger. I like what they do. Fade to Black of like wait a minute that's had a big dick feel it was a big thing was a big deal after all day to find this thing II live in a country. This is a big area to find I once lost pair glasses. Oh, no, I found it was like a needle in a haystack. They're trying to find out there. I come from the cornfields legit. It's like that's why I say that to say that but it's true. Actually Elizabeth also has some great appreciation dinner. But also when she introduced Sergeant horse to baby Jack what I okay. I almost stopped it. I almost died didn't I almost almost cried. Yes, but I didn't I did I almost did Sergeant will be your horse. There's great moment. That was my moment. But like also rightfully so passing on Jack's whores to his son. Yeah, I think that's what probably in traditional just yeah really bad idea, right? Yeah. It makes sense to make sense gets best baby on Earth to because I just wanna mention that again. Yeah. Thanks and she had her awesome stroll through the field. There was actually I have it in my notes an awesome jump shot over the lake. Come on like it just like oh, yeah. Okay and it showed Robert Cody and Timmy I'll play Playing Pirates, but that was it. Amazing drone shot. Yeah, that's just my we watch Productions cubby can't help that. Yeah. Yeah getting more than those type of shots. That's great. Yeah anything else about this episode and again just another Griffin on the library. Yeah, we're gonna Library. I wanted to have it. I didn't want her to have it. It has to be. Yes. It has to be coming. We have to tell you every child has a great Library. So yeah, we have one. I have one of the Legos you have one in Beverly Hills I go to but I did some isn't really great thing about public. Cards is available to every public life. Yes. There is we digress. Yes. We're nerds Young offer in our nerds nerdism. Yes that leads us into our spun special spring every week. We've been my talking about the old-fangled. It's not the old single gizmos. Yes technology back then and I think that today we had the Spyglass which I've seen before but I've never really knew anything about it. Yeah, I mean like Like people would think telescope it is like wanted that the Genesis of the telescope but this Spyglass we have it was actually the first like recorded invention of it was back in 1608. Oh, wow from man named Jacob metias from Netherlands the Dutch my people but such as crazy Dutch. They're awesome and back then was used by naval officers from captains of ships back in the 16th 17th and 18th century. So that makes sense. Yeah. And so the hardware of his actually you to usually made out of brass. Okay, I'm pretty interesting. The thing how it works is at the beginning of the Spyglass. So like where you put your either the IP says Place towards the end that you look into and purpose of the eyepiece is to bring the image to focus and magnify it to the size of the eye pupil. They actually want to decide which is actually small if you think about it. Yeah at the focus of the lens light rays are bent from the eyepiece. Keeler to each other to the point where it crosses where the beams cross is the focus, so we're crosses and perpendicular that's where the actual image is now in focused and then as the light beams continue to travel perpendicular to each other the hit the outside of the objective lens, which is the the big glass piece that's on the other end and and like that's where you know, the the outside image reflects into and finally the Of ones which is the big piece gathers light from the object replacement. You're looking into convinced that into Focus. So it's like two different lens taken the same in image bending it and then they meet in the middle and in the middle is where it focuses and that's what you see in a spyglass and obviously it was used for navigating oceans and seas of of the world back when you know, there was a lot of like artillery and ships and and land and stuff back in those days and but it also contributed to the the creation of the telescope so someone like the telescope yet because it wasn't fully understood until the Seventeen hundreds with different types of glass different types of metal and shapes to actually finally get the actual look of it and but they're becoming more obsolete because now all shifts use like high-end technology for gas station systems, so they don't really need to use that anymore, but they do use it every once in a while for like Close range so like as one would use like binoculars. Like I know what I want one. Yeah, it's actually pretty awesome because like, you know the Spyglass and you see him you've all seen him. Yeah movies and TVs and shows and but also, you know, it is one of the earlier versions of a telescope on Earth because Galileo he applied those the the same methods of the Spyglass into a what we now know it telescope and he applied it to astronomy. Interesting and also our good friend Sir Isaac Newton Newton. He created the first reflecting telescope deck in 1668. So it's around the same time as all this I started school when I was a kid. So I telescopes I had it sounds good. But I but I want one of those now that's why I was kind of cool the picture. I don't know what that one. Yeah, that is a spyglass. Well and I want to say cuz my grandfather was Dutch so from Harlem Amersfoort and he'd always say it ain't much if it ain't Dutch. They always say that in Holland, so I'll talk to my dead cousins. I had no idea that. Funny part of that, but I want one that one. Yeah. No, we won't I don't like they're available. I'm sure you can look on Amazon or if not eBay or Ebay exactly where all the the Antiques go to so we don't really have any news but that brings us to our last and final segment, which is protect you drunk people. Love them. Predictions. All right. Go again James AfterBuzz TV. There you go predictions. People say like my view that's I got ya I got do it. You don't have to sound out that shopping. Okay. Okay moving on. I'm going with my I'm actually I have the new Mount he's coming next week Nathan. Yeah. So yeah, so he's coming. So I my prediction is it seems like to try to make it sound like that like in the pronouns like Elizabeth and we kind of struck from him, but my prediction is He's gonna remind her of Jack. Yeah, because he just because they're mounties as going to be a little problem for her. I thinks gonna be on these can be a little bit of a problem for adjusting to this new mountie in the town. So my prediction can be a little rougher for those with that first kind of dealing with this new mounting. Yeah, I think it'll definitely I think so too. It will definitely be more emotional for her but knowing Elizabeth she's going to be very professional of course about it, but also in the preview, they said that the town the town itself isn't as welcoming. Yeah. The whole town is usually a welcome party right here. Usually enough for most part. You see it is being the operative word. Yeah, but it sounds like the whole town is kind of maybe in like just the solidarity like they are all of Jack's so much that it's it's hard for them to accept someone new coming in. Yes and a no then also position of someone so beloved then also the trunk Fiona sighs from San Francisco San Francisco for look who he said in the First episodes had never been to be exact. Yeah, so I was like there's something I'm sorry. There's something there too. And I'm like there's something going on there. But I still I still think he's something these being put up to it and there's something going on but more behind the scenes. I've still got my prediction that it's like a mother or somebody behind this whole thing. Yeah. I was feeling I don't think it's mother. I think he's definitely dumb business and San Francisco of some sort maybe like unfinished business where money is still being funneled from are transferred from San Go to now Hope Valley. Hopefully is a great place to hide money. Well, sure. Why not gonna go there be like, hey, I sure hope values right? You got to your City or somewhere else like the Cayman Islands. Let's hide our right some money there. No one's gonna look for it. It's funny. I've been to the Cayman Islands and I was like where all the bank's either by actually went there with the rain came about like where all the bank's where all the money go to French people offshore stuff, right, but we're definitely gonna find I think Nathan Grant is going to be completely obvious obviously has to be different. To distinguish. The two characters are going to be too hard for us to accept a new guy who's so similar. Yeah. It's very good. So I'd imagine he Nathan's probably going to be like more reserved by the book very very by-the-book agreed that even like a little stoic. Yes, some ways. We're like, maybe he not be as open as Jack was I agree or like maybe not as personable? Yes personable fast forward and I think that is what will rub heads. Yeah, I agree but heads. Elizabeth agreed that because just the personalities are so different. Yeah, I agree with that. And as I saw your dad's I'm sensing a little preview like things to be something different. You can't you can't be the same. It just can't be the same every gesture that will make good drama. Oh, yeah, of course, of course has been everyone agrees with each other is in us not as fun. Right right. I agree that I do. All right. Thanks. Hardy's for always tuning in the meantime James reckon. Everyone keep calling. You saw me wear all James that juniors are sold at James Ladd jr. And also some idiot. Forms everywhere the world. You can follow me. My books music. Everything is all out there. Follow me. Yeah, and you found me ever ask Serafini TV. See all of us here Twitter Facebook Instagram all those fun social media platforms at AfterBuzz TV keep grading keep commenting and subscribing. Keep watching When Calls the Heart we still have a long way to go. Yeah. Thanks Hardy's and we will see you next time our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and we're the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever your grave we've got it so go to after As and check out our lineup Buzz ya later. Hmm. The views expressed herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners of principle.
Hearties Marisa Serafini & James Lott Jr. discuss When Calls The Heart Season 6. When Calls the Heart is a Canadian-American television drama series, inspired by Janette Oke's book of the same name from her Canadian West series, and developed by Michael Landon Jr. The series began airing on the Hallmark Channel in the United States on January 11, 2014, and on April 16, 2014 on Super Channel in Canada. The series originally debuted as a two-hour television movie pilot in October 2013, starring Maggie Grace as young teacher Elizabeth Thatcher and Stephen Amell as North West Mounted Police officer Wynn Delaney. In the television series Erin Krakow is cast as her niece, whose name is also Elizabeth Thatcher (played by Poppy Drayton in the movie), and Daniel Lissing plays a Mountie named Jack Thornton, with Lori Loughlin reprising her role as coal mine widow Abigail Stanton. On April 24, 2017, Krakow announced via the Hallmark Channel website that the show would return for a fifth season. The season premiered with a two-hour Christmas special that was broadcast as part of Hallmark's Countdown to Christmas event, and continues for 10 episodes which began February 18, 2018.
Welcome to the Glenn McIntosh show. I'm Glenn Macintosh author YouTuber developer transformational online programs. You can do all over the world and psychologists who is super passionate about eating physical activity Weight and Body Image, please join me for inspiring conversations with world leaders as they share innovative ideas based on the latest scientific evidence.And they're rich personal experiences. We dive deep exploring all of the subtleties. So you understand exactly how to make peace with food find joy and moving your body Embrace a positive body image and generally just kill it at life. You'll also hear some podcast of all parts of my Q&A video series Thursday therapy and a bunch of other cool stuff. I know you'll love whether you're tuning in for yourself.Your health professional looking to better support those you serve welcome to the Glenn McIntosh show. This episode is brought to you by the psychology of eating movement Weight and Body Image support group on Facebook. The rather long name represents the diversity of Interest the people in the group have some people are really interested in the psychology of eating others want to develop a better relationship with physical movement many people, especially when they first join up a really concerned about their weight and almost everyone is on the path to Feeling more loving and accepting towards their bodies, which is what we're talking about in the episode today in the podcast. We talked about the importance of getting support as you improve your relationship with your body. So if you feel like you'd benefit from some support that will nurture you without judging head on over to / groups / a weight management psychology. There are thousands of members in the group who are already taking the journey and we would love you to join us. It's a group for you your family and friends and health professionals who support people from a non diet framework. So join us today, and we will look forward to sharing support with you. It's Facebook forward slash groups forward slash weight management psychology or just look up the Ecology of eating movement white and Body Image support group on Facebook Welcome back to the podcast. It's so wonderful that we've gotten off to such a great start. I love seeing all of your ratings and reviews. So, please keep them coming and we're on all of the major platforms. So wherever you listening click subscribe, so you never miss out on any of the great stuff that we have to come. Today's episode features. Probably the biggest name in body image today the powerful vulnerable sparkly. That is time from fit last episode. I was a bit nervous because it was my first podcast this time. I was nervous because I was talking to Taryn Brom fit. It was actually the first time I ever met Taryn but as you'll hear we kind of become mates throughout the podcast as we have this really special conversation, and I know you'll love it as much as I did. The podcast is broken up into three parts because we videoed at all and our video recorder only goes up to half an hour. Plus I had so many things. I knew you guys would be interested in hearing from Turin that I wanted to break it up into bite-size chunks and keep it all sort of logically flowing for you. If you do want to check out the vids. They're linked on this podcast page. . A you forward slash tar and Brum fit that's ta Ry n BR U MF. I TT. So without further Ado, please join me for an elevated conversation with the one and only tar and bump it. Welcome to the Glenn McIntosh show where we talk everything psychology of eating physical movement Weight and Body Image and speaking of body image. We have the one the only tar and bump it now turn is a best-selling author and director of the social change documentary Embrace. If you haven't seen it, you need to see it. Honestly when I'm doing body image work, it does half my therapy. for me taryn's Global Crusades and body dissatisfaction it seen her recognized by the United Nations women Amy Poehler's SMART Girls and the Geena Davis Institute, whether it's motivating the next generation at Google HQ or becoming General Electric's highest-rated speaker turns determination to shift the way the world thinks about themselves and their bodies has the support of high-profile personalities like Rosie O'Donnell no, Ricky Lake and Ashton Kutcher named alongside Beyonce and Emma Watson in Bridget's magazines woman of the year turns powerful message has reached over 100 million people by the likes of the Washington Post the doctors Good Morning America and the Today Show tone lives in Adelaide with her husband, Matthew three children one dog one turtle and Ten fish and you can find out all about this if you follow terrans Instagram account, its body image movement Tyrant. I love your Instagram account. It is one of the few that every time you have a post I Look to it. So guys, if you want to do yourselves a favor check out terrans Instagram, it's so warm such great messages on there, but it's a lot of fun. So without further Ado Taryn, thank you so much for being with us. Aw. Thanks for having me making me quite new. This would be true. Well, that's okay because we are really nervous to have you well and you know the turtle eight three fish. So I need to update that there's only seven lifts. It's so interesting. You should say that because I was actually thinking I wonder in my family if we could actually keep a like a tally on our fish. I know that we had some guinea pigs and Mum left my twin brother alone with both of them. And so that's a good thing. It wasn't so good. But anyway, we're not here to talk about that. We've just put back my therapy a couple of years. What we are here to talk about is body image and honestly Tower and I can't think of a better person to talk about than this the new so we're going to spend some time and we're going to talk about terrans personal Journey because you've got a really powerful personal story. Now, you can see a lot about that in embrace the documentary Read a lot about it in embrace yourself your new book, but I think it's important that we talk about it. Then what we're going to do is terrans agreed to spend some time with us and really look at some of the how to's of a positive body image. I think that due to the work of Turin and some other wonderful body positive Advocates people are ready to become body positive. It's something we're becoming familiar with but then we have to ask that question of well, how do I actually do it and tyrants? Work it has some great how to's that I really want to take you guys through. Of course, you know, my my guys are really interested in weight. A lot of the guys. I work with live in larger body. So so we're going to talk about how does body positivity kind of relate to eating and physical activity and your weight because I think it's a lot of barriers around weight and becoming body positive. And then we might finish up with Tara new through your work of just been exposed to all of these amazing body positive advocate. So we might let people know how they can join this community and get the benefits from that and what are some kind of next steps for sure. Sounds like a plan. Yeah. So alright let's let's get into it. We'll start off with the documentary. So like I said guys if you haven't watched this documentary you really have to so Tyrant for me. If I'm doing safe, I'm doing intuitive eating work with people. One of the first go to S is I recommend Rick course means book. If not dieting then what or our friend Linda Bacon's book Health at every size. And then if I'm doing Bodywork image work with any of my clients, you are one of the to go twos. So the first thing I do is I ask people to do like a social media declutter get rid of all the stuff that makes them feel kind of less than or like they need to change their their bodies or all those thin ideal images and then I just asked him to go and see Embrace. Nice. Thank you. My favorite stat on Embrace, which I actually read in your book is that 52,000 people watch this in one night in Germany Mmm Yeah, it was quite unreal actually because I don't think anyone saw that coming. We released it in cinema. We were up against not that I even knew this the time I just People to come and watch Embrace in Germany, but on that same night King Arthur was releasing King Arthur to and Guardians of the Galaxy and sure enough in Grace went number one at the box office. Absolutely mental, isn't it? He's but you know what? It says. I think it just says that we are also ready to come together to talk about how we felt and look at Solutions and how we can move forward because we're just kind of done with hating our bodies and 52,000 people. Owing to see Embrace and start afresh conversation. That was what that was. The world is really ready for it. And that's what I see Embrace as I see it as a turning point in the way that we talk and think and feel and act and interact around our bodies. Yeah. It's a it's a it's a conversation starter and I think because of the characters in Embrace who are so open and so vulnerable with their own stories it gives Mission for other people to feel the same and share their stories. And and I think that's it's a question that comes up for me a lot in the media is how I feel about the mission of creating Global change. And you know, do you think that that can be done like doesn't that make you feel stressed and I'm like you maybe it does why I asked me this question about but you know, what what I know is from traveling to many many countries around the world and speaking to hundreds of thousands of people is that we mostly feel the same. Same way we don't want to be at war with our body anymore. We don't want to see the some of the things that we see the women being objectified young girls being sexualized. We don't want to be preyed upon, you know, the weight loss industry cosmetic industry the diet industry. There's a lot of stuff that's going on that just doesn't feel good. And we want an alternative. So and I think speaking as a health professional when you say that I think even Health black health professional, sometimes you could point the finger at us as Bias and stigma and discrimination around bodies, especially people who live in larger bodies, but I think when I talk to health professionals, I think we're ready for it. I think so too. Yeah this came up in a recent conversation. Just going how are we all going to change the world? I'm like, I just think we're almost ready because you're right more and more health professionals are talking about health at every size. That would have been very very radical 10 years ago very but now this Is this is part of the conversation and people are starting to get a little bit curious in the health industry and I think that's really exciting. Absolutely exciting. Absolutely exciting and but this all started Taryn with you and your personal experience. It's just amazing that this whole Global change started with you. Yes. When did you first realize that being thin and being really fit looking wasn't? Golden ticket to health and happiness and success. Mmm. So for those people who are listening who don't know my story. Basically I hated my body and I wanted to have the perfect bikini body. So I set out on a mission to lose the weight and tone up and in 15 weeks lost 15 kilos and and I got there I got I got into a bikini, which I hadn't done ever in my entire life. And it was in the moment that I was I actually entered a bodybuilding competition like a fitness competition never say never let me just say that it's because like wildfire to do goodness. Are you serious? No walking on a stage and like a teeny tiny bikini, you know in high heels in front of 900 people. No not my thing. But anyway Never Say Never that walking across that stage. I realized that to have the body to have Perfect. Bikini body was such a battle for me. It took so much Obsession about food and cutting food up and putting it into tiny plastic containers like that's empowering and feel because good. It doesn't because you talk about that in your book. It's like you were trying to pretend like all of that food prep was farm and eating that very kind of limited bland food was fun. Nice sauce. Seriously. What is food without Source? Give me some sauce. Yeah, and I think just the Russian about what was going into my body what I weighed on the scales, it was just it was no life. It was not sustainable. It actually having that bikini body made me miserable and the Really the opposite of the thin ideal. Yeah. I was really surprised to get there and go. Oh no, I want to go back. So it surprise you. Yeah, of course it did. I thought I would be it would make me really happy, you know to have that body that I dreamed about and I'd seen in magazines and on billboards and on TV. I got there and I wasn't happy and then you did something really interesting. You posted a very different kind of before and after shot. So tell us about that. Well before photos you always see a woman before and she's really sad and overweight and then she loses weight and miraculously she becomes happy and that's not the get it that's right. I'm very very tan. It's just not the case. So I swapped mine around the before was on. Age in that perfect bikini body the after was naked but you couldn't see anything but you could certainly see the roles in the folds and the rest and yeah, I posted it on social media and it went crazy. It went absolutely nuts. Didn't it? It was headline news everywhere, you know in France in Germany in the u.s. In Japan it everywhere. I mean it was on the in-flight news on contest which I think is hilarious afraid of my go-to for fighting. In flight and use them like wow pretty much naked. This is that's right. It is really broken people's brains has it. I mean even that this is how ludicrous the fact that it went viral, which I'm really grateful for now because it's given me a platform to speak about this and and help people but how crazy to think that her a reverse before and after photograph a woman loving her body after is somehow headline news. Well, that's the seems the ludicrous thing because you look at that photo and we will post a link to that photo. I'm sure you can see it on your Website probably yeah, we'll post a link to the photo. But you just look I supposed to me like just a normal person and I think for me that's why this message is so important because the world's brains just kind of went into a tears because he was a normal-looking person who didn't hate her body and that was so unusual and so hard for people to kind of comprehend. Yeah. That's right. Yeah. I'm the only way I can describe it. Is that it broke? People's brains it really break people's Brian's Like Houses normal person. Yeah, because you know, we were talking about this before that in Psychology psychologists talk about a normative discontent with the way that you look which means it's you know, it actually doesn't really matter what shape or size we are. We don't like our bodies, you know, we're sitting here in what is my office most of the time and I see people who live in really really large bodies maybe a couple hundred three kilos or more who don't like them and then I see people who live in bodies that are 42 kilos and don't like them. It's a real myth that you have to you know becoming thin. He's the way to feel good about yourself. Yeah, and it's such a shame because there's so many wasted lives people are wasting so much time battling against their own Miracle, you know, the body is a miracle with the things that our bodies, you know can do It's a little bit sad, but you know what now, we're having these conversations and now there is an alternative and we have a choice and I think that's what people are learning is like. Oh, I don't have to hate my body and feel this crap. I can learn to love and embrace it no matter what it looks like and that's a really really powerful message isn't it tiring because we kind of I think that for a lot of people and you know, I'm a psychologist. I work in body image eating wait movement. And I think that people actually a lot of people they'd love to love their bodies more but they actually don't think that it's achievable and and what you're showing people women especially is that it's doable. So tell us about you know, that the documentary is called embrace. The book is embrace yourself. What does embrace mean to you? Because I read in your book you kind. Describe it like getting a Golden Ticket To Life. Yeah, I mean that's that's one way I describe it because it does it just feels so Free I think that's the word really just free and joyous. I feel really liberated life just feels extra sparkly and fun and I just feel light just like just yeah it did and people often ask me like, where do you get all your energy from and I'm and I didn't used to have this much energy, but it's because you know, all of that body hating and all those conversations that used to fill up my head. They're just no longer there because it's Time-consuming isn't it so much energy. So many thoughts so many emotions people are fighting against when they're fighting the body that they're living in. Yeah, it's hard work hating your body and I think you know when we talk about change and wanting to you know people out there who want to change but don't know how to change. I think there's a lot of fear around that will I ever be able to embrace, you know, this is a question will I ever be able to love my body and I think what's really important and what's happening and has Happening over the last few years is more and more people are telling their stories and that's really inspiring. It's nice to know that you're not alone and that before and after photographs. I received seven thousand emails. So you don't email that's a lot of emails to know. Someone says the other day like in växjö like got 50 miles might try 7,000 who runs the office and probably deals with how many would you deal with a couple hundred a day at least? It's like wow 7,000 that's a that's another level above. It was a lie. But you know what it said was we all have stories no matter who we are no matter what everybody's look like no matter what size they are and a lot of us have been struggling behind closed doors about how we feel about our bodies, but and I'm really grateful for social media that it's enabled us to connect with strangers around the world and share. This is important to talk about it. It's absolutely powerful because we sort of I suppose that you know, we live in a society where it's it's not so friendly to people who don't look like that perfect thin ideal and it's also important for people to connect with like a subculture. It's growing that kind of Embraces the fact that we don't all look the same and we're not all supposed to look the same. That's right. And I always talk about the the row of babies a friend of mine. Dr. Emma Johnson talks about this that if we lined up a row of six month old babies like here Yes, because we really know I said that but look at the diversity and all those babies, you know, some of these little chunky thighs that you just love and want to squeegee and you know, some odd sort of you know, smaller summer largest. I'm a Browns and blacks and white all this Rich diversity what happens when we grow up that what we have to all conform to the same. Yeah, you know, look at that diversity then it doesn't change what we need to is that yeah, and that's kind of what we need to be seeing then like you say in social media. It's so good for people to be seeing and if you look at the people that you recommend that people connect with in the book what you're seeing is a diversity of shapes and sizes just like we see in real life absolutely and attitudes towards their bodies. Like I love my social media feed. I love my Instagram of the people that I follow because I never know what I'm going to get. Yeah, and it's exciting to see you nobody posi Panda over in the UK posting a jiggle dance that she does like it just brings joy to my life, you know, and I guess that's why I have such a Positive relationship with social media because like what you were saying earlier about declutter be cluttering it up decluttering or spring cleaning. I love that. So we encourage people to follow unfollow. Who are you going to unfollow who can you follow and it's amazing how many people allow toxic messages and toxic people and ideals into their life and they think it's okay because it's on their phone you would never let that happen in real life. You'd never let a friend into your circle your girl gang. Yeah, your boy game whose mean and nasty but at all says things that doesn't feel good or does it serve you? Yes, so why do we allow this on our fights? Yeah. It's an amazing thing. Isn't it that we sort of we're so used to the media and now social media sending us these messages that are really toxic and harmful that sometimes we just kind of brush it off Mmm Yeah. So who are give it to us then Tyrant who are some people That that of people that we should follow in the body positive space because what I've done is I'm almost finished your book. I have just gone through your book and in the book one of the things I love is you actually have like a little mini chapters from some of these people that are just beautiful. Yeah, and I think that you know body positivity is kind of like learning a new language you need different teachers you need waves of similar information said in lots of different ways, and that's part of why I think that Looks so great. But I've just literally gone through a just followed everyone on their I knew quite a few of them. Yeah. Sure Louise green who's in there. She actually was the first person on the Glenn Macintosh show amazing. I think I did see that somewhere that you had connected with it. Yeah, so she's great. We met in Vancouver a few years ago. Just amazing. I just love what she brings to this space. So yeah. Look Louise green body posi Panda, Jade Bill Renee. Aria style me Sunday. Michaela's skill knee. There's a small handful. There's a few for you and we will provide some links to those guys so you can get all connected and join that Community. Yeah. Well Tyrant, thank you so much for talking about your personal journey, and we know that the world is ready for it. And I just think it's it's absolutely amazing that from your personal Journey you've sparked this Worldwide change now. I know that that everyone listening is going to want this golden ticket. So let's get on to some of the the how-to's and some of the barriers that people are going to face in this journey to really authentically embracing I'm so excited to have this conversation with you because I think that the world is ready to become body positive but psychologists we often believe that the most powerful question is how the in the Freudian days we used to think why was a really important questions. Like why am I this way but psychologist would tend to be more focused on Solutions these days so I think the most powerful question is, how do I actually change? And I think as well as all of your public work, you've had a personal experience with this you've gotten through to the other side yourself and your book is really a how to that's what I love about that. It's nearby I've got the idea. I know why but how do I actually do it a big thing for me that comes out in all of your work is your level of self expression like you Are a very self-express person and I even find that I would consider myself generally pretty self-expressed. But I think as I've gotten a little bit older maybe gotten some negative feedback at times. I mean, I have like a public sort of space now as a professional I kind of sometimes shrink back into myself. Oh, please stop don't do that Glenn. Well, that's a crime. I actually I'm you helping me realize this remember it And I find myself asking what would tar and do well nice my favorite example of this and this is just a really weird little situation was you might remember a few weeks ago. I posted on my Instagram I was getting up and I was going to the gym and it was really early and I've got this ridiculous kind of like tiger stripe dressing gown. My hair was all messy. And I thought this is a good message to share with people. Sometimes it's important to get up. Even if it's early even if you don't want to go and move your body and I found myself debating whether I should post it or not because I looked like rubbish. I decided what would tire. And do I had you a little missy be right inside my head and I posted it and the first person to get back to me was you saying Glenn? I look like that in the morning. Yeah. It's like fellow Superior that you and I both do more than our fair share of lipid. Tell me why it's so important for us to be self-expressed. Well, I think the opposite of eat is living by rules because that's what we're defining when you think oh I shouldn't do this because I'm a professional now and I have a public personality and by saying no, I won't express myself in these ways, whatever they mean to you, whether it's wearing a crazy suit or colorful clothes or leopard print or wearing your hair in pigtails. Whatever it is. He free my Instagram I have doing that then then you are just you're playing by someone else's rules and who says how you should behave you are free to express yourself. Just like I am like, you know, I bought my crimper a long post to to Brisbane crimping my hair or putting blue eyeliner on or wearing the clothes. I want to wear there is such a sense of freedom and joy that it brings me. Do those things doesn't mean it has to be always loud and crazy. It's just how I feel. Yeah. It's that whole conversation around even just make up with women going. Well you wear makeup and I'm like, yeah sometimes I do but sometimes I don't and I just don't play by anyone's rules. So I've booked on a red carpet before in La no makeup just because I didn't feel like wearing makeup. So why should I conform to someone's Rules by saying I have to wear makeup to go on a red carpet. Carpet so didn't on that occasion, but I've been to the shops before and I've done a bit of orange lipstick. I mean, she's that's what you want to do correct at the time. Absolutely and I reckon if we can just tap into that a little bit more. There's there's a real sense of joy and freedom in doing that. It might be I had someone say to me once I changed the color of my bedspread. It's been brown and beige forever and I think was the blue eyeliner and she thought well if you can wear blue eyeliner like it from the 80s, I'm going I used by been sprayed. It has like go you like amazing. And now she's done that one little thing. Now. She's curious what other ways am I stopping myself from being authentically me in life. And how do I express myself that feels good because you talk about it in your book too that we get, you know before breakfast hundreds of messages telling us what we should do what we shouldn't do and I'll leave it for people to read the book but there are so many messages that we get to behave in a Certain way yeah, that's right. And I guess no one has that right to tell me how to live my life or what close to where it's like when fashion designers are on TV saying this season, you know the must wear or what you should have in your wardrobe. It's like why are you telling me what I should have in my wardrobe? We are not sheep, you know, we should never be following we should just do what feels good for us. And that for me really is the is living. It's really the one The biggest embraced philosophies and that's a great take-home message. If you're ever struggling kind of forget the rules. Yeah and just listen to yourself because it can get a bit confusing for people Carnot. Like I know you had a kind of like a an argument with somebody who said that you weren't embracing because you wax your legs. Well, she assumed I reckon she's huge. I'm sure that were here when she said that but some yeah, I had a I had a q a screening of embrace and this woman was so angry. Angry, and she just she had so much venom in her and it was quite embarrassing in fact because it was it was you know, 300 audience, you know filled with people who just seen Embrace and we're all in this happiest face except for one person was there's always someone just so bright but still the yeah sure. She just couldn't get the message of embrace that it means you can wear makeup or you don't wear makeup. You can do your hair not wear your hair. You can wear what you like. It's like surgery, you know, I just think that we live in a world that judge. People so harshly and we just it sounds we were simply we need to love more and just judge less and judging just doesn't feel it. Just doesn't feel good. You know, when you said comments about other people, I don't haven't done it for years as in like that's just not part of Who I Am anymore, but I remember when I hated my body the amount of times I would say to my girlfriend say down at the beach. I'd be justifying my own body. Like I look at her body. I bet she hasn't had three kids in 3D. A half years so you go judging completely to try and make myself almost feel better. What you're saying is it didn't work. Of course. It didn't work. It doesn't feel nice. Yeah, and that's a wonderful message because I think there are I feel like sometimes in the body positive movement where you run a risk of replacing old diet culture rules with new body positive rules that now everyone has to adhere to and that kind of almost It's probably better but it limits your self-expression in just a different way. Absolutely and I think this is one of the reasons why in the book I asked a bunch of different contributors to write a few words and a few of those people in the body image a positive body image space have different views and opinions from one another and I think that's a beautiful thing because we're all so we're all so different and you can learn many things from many different people I spoke about About Lorna Jane and my book, you know that that was quite controversial right where I had a photograph taken with her and a lot of people in my community really upset with me for doing that. But I had to explain to them to say we can talk amongst ourselves about these issues and we're probably not going to get anywhere the real work out and the real way forward is talking to people with different opinions from ours and allowing that space to open up and that dialogue to learn from One another there are no rules. So right tone it be you know, as a psychologist. We know that people don't necessarily respond very well when they feel threatened when they feel judged so conversation if you like some people in the fat activism movement would do it point the finger at Lorna Jane and say you're wrong. Yeah. It's probably not going to change that much. No doesn't mean you doesn't mean that you can't say you know what Lorna? I don't like Like the fact that you talked about inclusivity and diversity and you don't show it that's a bit annoying you can have that dialogue. It doesn't have to turn into a shit fight. If you'd be respectful dialogue course, it can be and you can learn from one another. Well don't you know it even comes down to like, I really appreciate you coming to talk to me today. There are a lot of people in the body positive movement in the health at every size community that would criticize and I totally understand their opinion my work on Biggest Loser hmm. You know, I had some reasons for going on there and I feel like we were able to share an introduction to somebody positive messages to a community. There's never heard them right or wrong. I you know, I appreciate you coming not saying no Glenn has done this work and and I'm learning from you already today. I did a talk at dietitians unite which is the big dietitians day run by dietitian connection and And that's what I spoke about their the you know the need for especially with health professionals but to move from competing to collaboration, I think in my words, that's what you're talking about is about judging less and loving more. Yeah, absolutely and look. I think if you live your life like that where it's good or bad and it's black and white and you've done Biggest Loser and therefore you can't speak positively in the body. I mean, it's crazy to even think like that's not the world we live in Ask for human beings are so incredibly complex. I feel like sometimes you know, I think I read about it in the book about the being a walking contradiction about yeah, I'm moving my body for pleasure and yet I'll go and run a marathon or I'll go and run and that's not my favorite thing to do, but I can that's still okay. It still works for me. Yeah, because the blanket rules and absolutism doesn't make room for the nuances and the complexities and that is one of the things I love you sharing in your Book, you know you're you're talking about the principles of intuitive eating body positivity and enjoyable movement. And then you're also sharing your real personal experience which helps people understand the nuances just because you do enjoyable movement doesn't mean that a times you don't smash yourself. Yeah, correct. That's right. Just love those. I love what you just said about the nuances. Yeah, because when I talk about the complexity of the human being it is those that all it is those little nuances that make us us and I That's why we just need to share all of our opinions and I think take what we want to take from some people and take things from other people and it doesn't have to be it's not a one-size-fits-all and of course it changes yet does people in it at different times? And I think it's interesting we sometimes and we see this in Psychology we get in camps you do this. I do this and the funny thing is we have these these leaders of the camps that are like, this is the only way they're often quite adversarial towards the other camp. Herbs, and then you get all of these Health practitioners who just do a bit of this exactly like you said and a bit of that and of course our clients the all the people you're working with are the same. Absolutely. Yeah, but it makes sense. Right? I just makes it just makes sense. It just absolutely and it's so heartening to hear you say that and I'm a hundred percent sure that's part of the reason why the body image movement is gaining so much momentum because it is inclusive and you're ready to meet people and accept people where they are. And just have conversations and then yeah, we were talking about before about Linda bacon. I love that that Linda and I can have a warm friendly professional relationship and I agree with 90% of what Linda thinks and then I'd have said I'm like Linda that's why off. We should have done that and she agrees with a fair bit of what I say, but there's a few things. She's like Glenn you cannot do this and we just did that's okay we can have and I think us being able to have those types of conversations really leads to us actually learning because this body positive movement is its young. Hmm. And so we need to kind of co-create the best body positive movement that we that we can yeah, absolutely. So at the end of the day, I think a lot of this comes down to the individual and your book is really speaking to the individual something that I really love about it is you're encouraging people to be vulnerable. Tell me why that's such an important message because I feel like sometimes things are sold to us as like it's got to be simple. Just love your body, you know, just stop emotionally eating just get out there and go to the gym at it. It kind of disempowers us from creating. The real change because this is kind of I think you've had the ability to make such a heavy topic light and and still keep it real. But at the end of the day people if they want to develop a real authentic body positivity, it is work isn't it? Of course it is and I always say that speaking to audiences once they've seen him brace and I say don't expect to walk out those doors and be like, right. That's it. I now Embrace and you know, I want to run down the Straight naked I mean, I would love that. That'd be like Mike API how many nice people but it's it is we always hate this for you, but it's a journey it is a journey, right? It's just you don't just wake up one day and decide that's it. I embrace my body, but I tell you what, everyone can do in any given moment and that is make the commitment to embrace that anyone can do. So, what does that mean? The community it means to to get to it arrived at a point where you say what I've been experience. What I've been feeling about my body is not serving me. It doesn't feel great. I want to make a choice to do something different from what I've done. Yeah, so it all comes tension. Absolutely. So here I go and then we guess it's about exploring for yourself. What do you need to learn to love your body? Do you want to move? Your body in a way that feels more pleasurable as opposed to punishment movement is a big part of embrace for me because I think we've been given these bodies. We've been given them to move and enjoy these bodies of ours, you know, I talked about them being magical but they're here to enjoy these bodies. So is it movement is that eating more intuitively and more mindfully. Is it surrounding yourself with people who hold you up and make you feel good. There are practical things people can do like we talked about unfollow follow on social media, but I think it starts with a commitment. It's almost like a bit of an education. There is a thousand books out there to read I always get everyone to start with. Dr. Linda Bacon's Health at every size. Stop there. Just get curious about what's out there find your tribe. I really think that's a big part of it. The people are hanging out with these days so different from maybe 10 years ago. Gosh, I feel so loved and so And I think that's a really beautiful part of this as well is just real heartfelt connections with people that get it because it's not the reality is that we're social beings, you know, we live together. We eat together we sleep together we work together and it's not it's a nice idea that you can develop Acceptance in yourself, but it also does happen in the context of other people doesn't it? Absolutely and I think the storytelling is really important. Wouldn't it's really important to sit down with your girlfriends and create a space and say hey, I just want to talk about something that's really important to me and my my development as a human being. I've been really struggling with how I feel about my body share the stories and this is where I would like to go how do you guys feel everyone could do that? You can go to a party can go to a cafe. You can go to a friend's house and just sit down with a couple of people you trust and love that trust and love you and just open up. Dialogue and then at some stage it will tend to okay. This has been great, but I need some professional help. Yeah, and then you find you know, your people were talking earlier about doctors that aren't serving people that are saying, you know, really harmful and getting harmful messages across to the patient find a different doctor. I think we really need to just Empower ourselves to change the way that we've been doing things because change never happens if you just continue doing the same thing over and over again, right so Draw a line in the sand and map out a bit of a plan. Here's what I'm going to do. I love that making the commitment no matter where you are. You can make the commitment to embrace and I love that question. What do I for me as a unique individual? What do I need to embrace? I think that's a really powerful question that the people watching and listening can ask themselves and then surrounding yourself personally and professionally with people who are on the same page. Yeah, because It is you can't have health professionals or people supporting you that are coming from this old Paradigm. No, that's right. Yeah, you need everyone like you said people have different opinions and I talked about in my health professionals workshops is not everyone has to be on exactly the same page to support you, but we all have to be in the same book, correct. So for example, you know, we get a lot of dieticians who sort of follow a weight loss approach, but they like the ideas are body. Positivity and intuitive eating and enjoyable movement. What we find is that if people are still in that weight focussed Paradigm, we can't really work with them. Sure the clients just get confused. Of course, you're telling me not to focus on the scales, but then I come in there and they're weighing myself. So I suppose that's an important message for people to so fine your tribe of professionals, you know, if I had a dollar for every client who told me about a negative experience I had with their GP hmm then find another GP. Absolutely. And this is where we need to really Empower ourselves like the where the master like we're driving this ship This Is Us. That's our life. Right? So you're right because it's just like it's easy to say well other people are affecting me. Well, yeah, but what you're doing and there's a lot of in your book and in your message, there's a lot of personal responsibility. Absolutely. It's you then need to empower yourself to get the right tribe around you absolutely and I think we also need to remember that no one knows us like we know us no one knows me. Me or knows my needs it better on this planet than I do. And I think that's a connection that's developed for me personally over the last few years because I wasn't even connected to that person when I was hating my body so that that does take some time and I find that that happens through meditation or getting into nature. That's when I'm feeling really most connected. I think the other thing I want to remember to say is about when we talk about moving our bodies. Is is finding the sparkle, you know the magic I just I just love it when people have sort of got let me start again. People are busy. Right we use the b word so often fizzy fizzy fizzy real bloody busy busy busy people, but I don't want to sound too morbid Hoogland, but I have a saying and I think about it all the time and that is every breath that I take is one step closer to my last so you can spin that you really but it really it actually Really motivates me. Yeah, I think I like my God, you know, like how am I almost 41 because I still feel 20 and there's all these things I want to do. I think in in in our current situation in our lives, we've got to find the time for fun and to do activities that just give us joy that just reconnect us with our sense of adventure and look for me that just might be taking a taking a hike with my dog. In the sunshine and sometimes I see the world in his beautiful lens around like it's almost like I'm tripping not that I'd know what that's like, but you know, I'm looking at leaves going. Oh my gosh, the colors of those leaves on that tree is like magic and it's it's like a state of being that is you can't live like that all the time shit to do laundry to dip it down this people to visit see it like but I can create that space in my life. You just its moments and they're delicious. You have a name for these Of its Sparkle activities are cool activities. I certainly love that and I it's one of the things that you know, I think that your book is about body positivity, but this is really like for me reading it. You know, I'm a guy guys tend to have less body image issues and girls as you know, I've also done a bit of work on my body of it and been exposed to some great body positive advocate. So I have a pretty positive body image. I'm reading a lot of this and I'm thinking this is my clients. It's going to be so great for my clients and I it to this bit about being busy and too busy for these Sparkle activities. I'm like Tower Iran is therapize in me you're doing this is it's this is a it goes beyond body image and your book is is about that. It's about moving into just living a great life. You having fun? I think we I think we do take things way too. Seriously. Wait, she's just a bit of fun with this and I think the more that you just go others out there are no rules. I'm just going to live life, too. You like the way I want to yeah Adventure does find you too. It really does and sometimes I've heard you talk about this before sometimes it's like really big things. Yeah. I'm going to go overseas. I'm going to buy this really expensive dress or and sometimes it's the smallest thing. I'm going to pick a flower. Yes. I do. You know, I'm glad you said that because I was walking the other day and there was these roses like bouncing over this fence. And I actually I had such a Google to myself. Because I stopped to smell the rose and I'm like, I've literally human being like today. I've stopped the metaphors based on I've literally got it's about the road. You're right, but it was just like such a small little moment. I'm like, wow how simple is that? And so often these activities that I talked about they are free and I'm a big fan of nature we have access to all these radicals. Awesome things to do like climbing a mountain or go for a walk on the beach or just take your shoes off and just walk on grass in a park. Like, oh gosh that feels delicious sitting under a tree. I'll often pull my beanbag out from home put it in back of my car go to a park and put my beanbag under a tree just lie there reading a book It Feels Like Heaven. Yeah. Anyone can do it anytime it's free. It's free. Yeah. I absolutely love that. So look to some beautiful take-home messages, and we're going to post This on our social media. So what we want to hear is we want to hear your sparkle activities. Okay, everyone. We want to hear what your sparkle activities are post them in the comments because like Karen said, you're not too busy. I'm here talking to Tyrone drum fit the things that she does in a day a week a year would almost literally blow your mind. If she can do it we can do it. I can't wait to read them. I'm going to Stalk all of you. Listen, I didn't read all your keys. And you know what you see in the comments is everyone's idea of what a sparkle activity might be theirs. So rich and diverse. Yeah, it doesn't it doesn't have to be big and loud. It could be my goodness learning how to knit. I remember meeting was of your book if it needed. Yeah, fantastic. Love it. Love it. Well, okay some take-home messages from this I'm getting Be yourself. Forget the rules just be yourself take the time for the sparkle moments and let's all judge a little less and love a little more. Let's get onto now a topic that's really important for almost everyone that I see how this affects you know how body positivity relates to weight eating and physical activity. Tyrant I'm so happy to have you here for this conversation and I'm really interested to hear what you've got to say a lot of our audience a lot of my clients even our online clients probably ninety percent of them are women hmm and a lot of our listeners are living in larger bodies, so I wanted to talk to you about body positivity and embrace and how that relates to taking care of yourself with physical movement. Eating and how it relates to white and white loss. So I think a big question I could think of a million clients that have this question is people saying we get Glen I kind of get that but to embrace I need to lose weight. Hmm. What do you say to people like that? Yeah. Well, no, not at all. I mean there's embracing it's a it's a philosophy about how you love and respect and have endless gratitude. Attitude for your body. It's got nothing to do with weight loss weight gain a number on a scale. It's finding what feels good for you and we know a lot of people who have come on the Embraced journey, and I've actually lost weight and and it's just been a bit of a by-product of living their best life, you know for a better word. Just getting out there enjoying their bodies and eating Foods intuitively in mindfully and then they happen to lose weight and if that feels good for them great, but again, there's Ain't no rules around around weight loss weight gain and embracing its just do what feels good for you. Look I've had people also come to me and say I want to I want to lose weight and I embrace I'm learning to embrace but I want to lose weight a lot of our people. Yeah, and I think that it's okay to have that motivation and as long as you are loving in that process I think that's the real key difference. You know, we spoke about it before say with me and sugar and diabetes. I think it's the exact kind of example, you know, I am mindful of how much sugar I eat because there's diabetes in my family and I love chocolate so much but I sometimes go. Okay Darin that's enough but the joke love down you've had enough. I think it's I think it's the same thing with with weight loss and And you can do it in a loving way not in a fearful way. It's so interesting. You should say that because I think that you know, we talked about dieting versus intuitive eating and often people come to me and say Glenn. What is this? What's a meal plan is a meal plan or preparing my food. Is that dieting or is that intuitive eating and I think the more that I learn about intuitive eating the more I understand it is actually about the Y if I'm limiting my Sugar intake because sugars are bad food and it's going to make me gain weight. Then I'm kind of in a diet headspace. Yes, but if I'm limiting my sugar because like you there's a family history of diabetes and you know that a lot of sugars not going to be really good for your body. Then it's intuitive eating. Yeah, and it's respectful. Yeah a key difference is I'm just respecting what I know and respecting the knowledge that I have and I'm also respecting also how my body feels I certainly know when I eat you. Ridiculous amounts of chocolate when I've not been mindful eating that chocolate. I know I go on this crazy high and then there's awful low. So yeah, so you don't have necessarily a problem with that motivation that people a lot of people do have that that hey I do want to lose some weight, but you would say it's about the process that they go through and I think one thing that we've got to be mindful of is that sometimes there is sort of diet behavior and there He is exercise that is a punishment and we can sort of veil that like itself love. So we've got to be sure that people are not just saying sure that they're doing something different that that actually fundamentally doing something different. So I get this a lot of time in my sessions. Yeah for sure fine to be doing like a 1200 calorie meal plan and smashing themselves at the gym six days a week and kind of trying to make kind of try and fool me. Yes. This is body loving and I don't know that it kind of is yeah. Right and I think I think the do your clients they know do they know when you call them out on that. Are they like? Okay. Yes, and it's a nice for them to have someone just to remind them of that. I bet they kind of go. Yeah, that's not that doesn't actually feel good because it's just that it's the treadmill all over again, right? It's just a weight cycling that they're on but there's doing it, you know in a way that doesn't appear to be a diet. Absolutely because there are so many diets that aren't sold. As diets. Yes, you know the diving industry is got smart enough now that they sell diets as non diets. Yes, and if we look at it, you know from a psychologist language if you're when you're making a food choice if the number one focus is house this food Choice going to affect my weight. Hmm, then you dieting. Yes. It doesn't matter whether it's a detox or a 12 week program or you know a cleanse or however you call it. You're dieting. Yep, so But we need to get people to keep coming back to is how they feel in their bodies. So, you know when you're talking about weight loss and someone says look I want to lose weight because I felt better, you know a few years ago. I'm not sure I certainly wouldn't get anyone to focus on the weight loss and the key lies and what's been lost but maybe what they were doing back then you know, what was your lifestyle like back then where you just you know, moving for pleasure and going for walks and eating more intuitively and more mindfully. Bleah because we know that our bodies they're pretty clever. Right? I mean, I think we sort of overcomplicate it with all of these sort of ways that we can do trying to regulate it with all the correct. Yeah, and it just doesn't bodies will just do what our bodies want to do all day long. It's amazing. Like I know Linda bacon is in your book and she's in embrace the documentary. I think she says it beautifully the big words but you know as health professionals, we like big words so far. She talks about your body being Amazing self regulator. It's like you don't really have to calculate. Well, I've exercised this much. So I should eat this much. If you listen to your body's natural cues, it'll do all of the maths through the growlin and the lip term hunger and fullness hormones. You don't calculate that out for you and I'll just tell you because you'll get hungry and isn't that remarkable like that is the miracle of the body, right? It is the everybody relax. Relax two bodies. Got you. Your body is got G back, you know, I went to this reminds me of This is digressing. But I went to a hairdresser once I was in LA and I needed to get my hair done for a TV and I was really worried about going to like a random hair dressed. I thought what could I end up with it? Am I gonna walk out like chili Temple. I just want to you know, just a casual Pearl for TV and she just put her hand on my shoulder and she goes don't worry. I've got you and I'm just like man the level of comfort. I felt just in those words, but you trust the trust and the trust we need to have in ourselves and our bodies and I think Is a real key. I remember I did a workshop down at file X the fitness convention and I was talking about intuitive eating and enjoyable exercise and I presented what to me was like a the good story of someone who had nailed it and it's person was listening to the hunger and fullness their weight had stabilized. So they were happy about that that we enjoying food for the first time in ages are enjoying movement. And I said, how do you guys feel about this and there was a few people like this is Ali great and there was one guy right up the front he was a smart guy. He's like, oh my God, I'd be so worried for that client. And he said what what are they going to do without all of the rules? Yeah, and it kind of highlighted this point to me that I think that it's for us as health professionals. We need to be incredibly trusting of our clients ability and they have to be incredibly trusting of their own bodies. Like it's a know there's a real element of learning to trust your own body. If I don't regulate my eating with sort of a cat some type of Rules or if I don't weigh myself or if I don't have a set number of exercise sessions I have to do for set amount of time. Hmm. Will my body actually take care of me. Hmm and we know the data says, yes, it will. Absolutely. So yeah, I think that's the message. We really need to get out and maybe that's what everyone can take from. This is that your body knows exactly what to do. Stop getting in the way of what your body wants and turn can you tell us a little bit about what's been your personal experience of this because in your Background you've done the dieting. You've lost the 15 kilos. You've had the fitness body and everything following all of the rules know that that's not the right path for you. Like it's not fair hardly anyone probably sure. Yeah, but what was that Journey like for you and it sort of happened through your own exploration and through the documentary and it seems like you've gotten to this absolutely wonderful place now where you I've heard you say before that you really don't have down. Mayors about your body reading your book you've gotten more into the how-to's of how you do the intuitive eating and enjoyable movement. What does that been like for you to take that journey and how hard or easy has it been to learn to trust yourself? Hmm. Look, I think it's you know, it's been what's for five years since I stepped off that stage maybe 5 years my gosh where does time go? So, yeah. I'm in this place now. Way, I never have a bad day ever about my body. I just I'm so in awe River. I'm so grateful for it. And you know, I'm I feel really blessed. And yeah, just just I have a very different perspective on it now, but look in the earlier days, I guess it was a bit of an exploration of whom there's another way to think and it was just really I guess educating myself and finding what are all the Alternatives out there to being on this. This diet lifestyle and wanting to lose the last 5 kilos. I mean my entire life was dedicated to losing the last five kilos and none of that felt good. So I guess it was just finding the Alternatives that did feel good. And yeah, I mean my my body now, it's probably that there is the largest it's ever been but it's really the healthiest if it's ever been. I have more energy. I'm just really happy. I'm not don't get me wrong. I don't want anyone to say oh my God, she's always happy and full of energy, you know because it because I have my shit days or I have much time. So, you know, I just I say that just because of that whole I think it's important for people to know great because people see you and you are so vibrant and you're so full of life. And that's obviously it's authentic. It's real it's you but that doesn't mean that that's you 100% of the time. No, I think last Monday I had to go. Okay. I need to get under the donors and watch a horror movie. I just need to get my my self some like I said, yeah just I needed to check out and that's that's okay too. So guys if Taryn from fit has bad days you are allowed. This is your permission. Thanks. Yeah, I even I even have clients that same to me. They're like I Glenn I had this really terrible experience all this down week and they're like, you wouldn't have that like well why yeah, that's right because even when you get this stuff doesn't stop you from being human. No, that's right. And I think it's but I think the difference is Is that when you are really connected to your body and to you when you have those moments you allow them to unfold you're not giving yourself a hard time for having a bad day. You sit in it you go. Okay, something's going on. I'm I took myself to the beach last year. I just I got out of the office. I went I'm done for the day took myself to the beach. And then when I drove home, I was a different person. You know, that's just to be outside. My body was craving some vitamin D. I just needed to feel free. I got that and off I went so there's a real element turn in here of just listening whether it's about food or your physical movements or just caring for yourselves actually listening to yourself. Yeah, I think self love and loving yourself. There is no greater love in your life than the one that you have with yourself, you know, like loving you and being your own best friend and King yourself and being kind to yourself that is key that that needs to come first above anyone else on the planet is looking after you and I think it's also just having that that toolkit of what do I need to do to pull myself out of this funk or what do I need to do, you know just to feel good, you know the sparkle activities or whatever it is having that toolkit. We all need it. Yeah, and I think it's it's interesting that you've been on this journey and in your book, there are so many people who are living in all different sizes of bodies who have made this transition at some stage and you see in the book at various stages in their life to really almost forget about the scales and embrace the skin that they're in and I think those stories are so important because they your story that the other people in the book and in the documentary they show people that It really is possible because it's like you said before that, you know, people do get on this dieting treadmill, but they really see that as the only option people don't necessarily know that there is another way and they need people like you show them there is another way but that they can actually get there. Yeah, and it's not dependent on being a certain number on the scales. That's right, but I think it's also near this conversation reminds me just a little bit about the Disconnect that people are feeling and when we talk about backing ourselves and believing in ourselves, no one knows their bodies, like we know our bodies and we've just got to empower ourselves a little bit more that we know we know what to do doesn't mean we can't get guidance here and there but the classic example for me is when I there's a run it's more of a walk because it's very uphill in Adelaide up to the top of Mount lofty and it takes about an hour to get up there. It's pretty Strenuous when I get to the top I'm like I made a joke lines in my head because you can't do that. Well, you could but I always see I'm surrounded by people who getting to the top and checking their watches and they're like lick lick and checking how many calories they have burnt and look I'm not saying that those watches and those fit bits are all bad. I'm not saying that but I do think we've gone a little bit far down the road of rather. Than getting to the top of that mountain and looking at the view and just going how awesome mmm just you know, sitting in those endorphins and enjoying that moment where all of a sudden checking to see whether how many calories we've lost. That's that's a real disconnect. I think that people are feeling yeah, it's yours really reducing physical movement, which you have, you know, your body is designed to do it's a way of loving your body and honoring its ability to do whatever it can into of this as How many calories I've expended correct? I saw an eight-year-old the other day going onto a nipple Court have an absolute tantrum because her mom was trying to take the Fitbit off her to go on the nipple court and I thought oh my gosh, here we go. You know, how is that young girl going to go out and network or and just enjoy yourself and be in that moment and it's a big big problem and look I run and yeah, I listen to how I try to keep up to a certain base. Otherwise, I'm like, so that's a fast Walk so I have no problems with it. I'm just saying let's have some balance around the use of fitbit's and Technology. I love that and that's a great how-to for our listeners because I know there'll be a lot of people and because when I have these discussions with clients, they're like, yes Glen but there's always this understanding of what this thought of you don't know my body. I can't trust my body every time I've trusted my body in the past or let go of the rules then I've just spiraled out of control. But I think that's a really good how to say with your physical activity as let's forget about calories out. Let's forget about how many minutes you've done and just focus on the experience and how good it feels to be really present. Right really to be really present. And because that's where you develop the trust you really listening to the body and I think it's the same with your eating. I know that you know before Tower and got here she said Hey Glen, can we pop into somewhere that will have some food because the options for brekkie at the hotel weren't that great and it was you just listening to your body you and you thinking about you know, having to deal with me and all these conversations and that you needed energy and needed a banana a banana or a nutritionist or a dietitian. You're just listening to the body and knowing that I need some of this particular type of nutrition. It's going to help me. You'll Go There Are Rules that's right just listening yes R it really is quite simple we do overcomplicate it we do so I think that's a great take-home message for people is whether it's you're eating or your physical activity to just to start to listen to yourself forget the rules listen to yourself and trust your body because it is an amazing self regulator and it will figure out I say to clients you don't have to worry about what Your ideal weight is because your body will do it all for you. Yeah, you just be like, well, I remember you saying in one of your Instagram posts like your ideal weight is in correct me if I'm wrong with something like your ideal weight is the weight you are when you're living a life that you're happy with. Yep. Yes, they're great easy simple and cannot insert add one more thing just about the activity and people moving their bodies. I meet so many people that go to the gym and hate going to the gym and they just go over and over and over again. How is that empowering? How is that making one feel good punishment for being too unfit or too fat? Yeah, and I just think we need to remind ourselves. There are a thousand ways that we can move our bodies and there are sometimes I love to lift, you know, lots of weights and that feels good because that's where my headspace is at. There are other times where I just I need to be gentle and you know, the schedule might be crazy and I just I need to Give myself some extra nourishment and I might choose to do yoga. I think this is one of the things that people go. Oh, I can do anything at any time. Yes, you can go learn how to hip hop tonight and then next week lift some weights then dive in the ocean climb a mountain dance at home. We can all dance the home. I'm totally on the same page as you but it's weird for people. Yes, you know people like I've been to the gym twice this week of people like, so how often do you go to the gym? For some time zero. Yeah times three or four and they're like what what's your schedule about? Well, they kinda is no schedule. Yes. There's the freedom right there the self-expression. Yeah. Now let me ask you this time because he's come to my mind is that one of the things that pulls us out of listening to ourselves and loving ourselves other people's opinions, even if people kind of get this stuff for them. How do you Be body positive. How do you Embrace? How do you listen to yourself? When you've got professional people sometimes and even people in your personal life who don't necessarily feel the same way who aren't embracing the diversity of shapes and sizes that we all live in. Yeah. Well, I think I think we're really lucky 10 years ago finding a GP or anyone as a health professional who understands and believes in health at every size would have Near impossible. Correct. Correct. There are more and more popping up everywhere across Australia. That is really exciting. So maybe 10 years ago. Yep. Ouch not sure what to do. You have a choice now seek them out they are out there. So that's in terms of the professionals love that when it comes to friends and relatives and I always ask people to make a pact with their friends and it's not just your at dinner and you start going. Oh, hey. Talking about body image and then you have a little conversation create a space with your friends. Let's catch up for a coffee. I want to talk to you about something that's really important to me. I'll sit down conversation. That's right, but it's creating the space not just like we're catching up for dinner on Friday night, and I'm just going to raise it then because it's not then elevated if you call your friends and go I have something I want to talk to you about. It's really important to me if I'm be like, what is she going to talk about awesome instead of elevates and It's the space for something really Dynamic to happen. So and talk to your friends about the journey that you've been on where you want to go some of the conversations that you have and have had over the years that perhaps don't feel good anymore and ask them, you know, do you think that we could maybe I don't know put a ban on fat shaming. Yeah body shaming. Yeah, and I've done that with a bunch of my friends and it's really funny and fascinating what happens because we've been so programmed to make a judgment and to say something about other people. It's all about ourselves. It's rolls off at tongue right A friend of mine was going where we're going to Barley's a couple of years ago and she was talking about bathers and she immediately went. Oh my god. I've got to go by the shopping and I hate my body whatever she said and someone else called her out and went that's not very embracing. She's like, oh, yeah, it's not oops and they were just carried on WE because we do forget because we are so programs. So having a pact with your friends to start kind of removing the conversations that aren't For yeah, we have it we call that with our clients and no fat dog girl. Yeah, nice. Yeah, but it is it's not just a blanket rule. It's about having the conversation and figuring out what works for you because it's like we were talking about before it's it's not a one-size-fits-all. Hmm. Absolutely it up to you as a group to figure out. Well, you know, there are these common ways we do to kind of hate on our bodies judge other people's bodies and that's not a great thing for us. So what do we want to do differently? Yeah and get really proactive is like calling a meeting feel. Really odd? Yeah, but if you want to do something and actually do it and not just have it the passing conversation. Then create the space creating. The space is important. It's like relatives. It's something that I suggest to many parents whose who their parents the grandparents of the kids say really unhelpful things. It's like ouch, you know the whole oh, you're so pretty or be careful what you eat or just just this messaging that is even really big gain weight or that Parade and it's as a pair. You just go. Oh my gosh, like it had a walk. So again calling up that parent and saying I need to talk to you about something that's really important to me. This is really upsetting me and having that dialogue. Do you understand what I'm saying about how much it elevates that really important conversation. I think that's such a powerful message because it's different to just and so many of my clients in the future going to be hearing this it's different to just calling someone out when it happens. You're actually taking a pause point to say, let's create a space to have a real conversation. Yeah and create some real and Lasting change. Yeah. I absolutely love that. So when it comes to health professionals, this is not you know to you know 1990s. Hmm, you are going to be able to find people and even not we have a lot of people that if they can't find someone in a small town. People you can see dieticians psychologists even virtual trainers like Louise green on on Skype or online. So there are people that you can see ya when it comes to your network Elevate the conversation and really, you know, and I love that just that little I think sometimes it's so important for people to have those little mechanisms and I love those words of I need to talk to you about something. Hmm and make no mistake. It probably is In might be a little uncomfortable to but you think about it from a say a parent's perspective with their child speaking to the grandparents. Would you rather just have 10 15 minute conversation? It's a little bit uncomfortable or would you rather eat a rather than having your child grow up battle with their body and the way so many friends friends and friends friends who say unhelpful things because got a nip in the bud and say no we're not doing this anymore. Yeah. I love that and I often find sometimes I'll encourage clients to have similar conversations. I'm going to do it better now that we've had this conversation. But sometimes even I'm surprised, you know might even have a child talking to her parent about this and I think all the cheese the parents pretty strong pretty militant in their diet and it's not going to go well and they'll give you know, they've had a proper conversation and have been surprised with the results because of course a lot of those people they are either they're sort of shaming the person without knowing it or they're trying to help so the people do want to help it's just about helping them understand what's really going to to help. And support that person. Yeah. So the last thing I want to ask and you've actually answered all of our audience has questions from our Facebook group Next Door, but one I'm going to ask because I have so many clients and no one's been brave enough to ask it is specifically for women and specifically for single women. I see a lot of single women who feel like their bodies are getting in the way of them kind of finding the right partner. And some of them will kind of ever actually had sort of feedback from people like you've got a really pretty phase or I think you're really lovely but this weight thing is a thing for me and you know, I kind of when I hear that I'm like, oh you dick head. Yes, but then I kind of I'm sort of trying to Grapple with the reality of that the idiot. These people are struggling. So what would you say to somebody who's who's worried about how the way that They look is going to affect their dating life and their ability to find a partner. Well, this is come up with quite a few times for me to I've had people ask this question. Yeah, and I always throw it back and say would you want to be with somebody who puts the focus on your weight gain or your weight lost? Is that is that really what you want as a foundation of your relationship? And of course the answer is no, you know, we want to we want to connect and be with people because of who they are and The things that they do and the times and the joy that you spend and common interests and and all of that is what makes our relationship not that's not quite me, but would I want someone who is going to make that a focal point of the relationship, correct? Yeah, so interesting and that's a great Point tire and it speaks to this. You know, I see a lot of people probably most of the people that I see are in a relationship and they're often worried that their their bodies change over time will my partner Kept my body and and I kind of say well if your partner still with you and they're happy with you, then it's you know, the provides that safety net. But she of course people don't want to be with someone that I've got to be a certain size or shape or have this certain look for you to accept me. It's pretty shallow, isn't it? I think that you would marry someone or want to be with someone just because of how they of how they look it's amazing get back to reappear in the film. You know, how she changed to Rio, you know, how much her body and her Faison every part of her changed and Michael loves her because he loves her. Yeah. No because he loves her body and sides of February. Yeah shapes and sizes and he's supported you the the whole time. So interesting that you should say, it's very very shallow and very superficial one of my mentors a guy named George Blair West. He's a psychiatrist and he specializes in weight and relationships and he says something similar to what you just he said, so if you want to find a partner and just look your very best to find a partner and that be the basis of the relationship is because you're going to get really good at selecting really shallow superficial people who are going to be terrible relationship father's that's a great way to find a terrible relationship. Absolutely. Yeah, it's let me just sit setting you up for disaster and divorce if he's probably find someone to just loves you and loves your spirit and loves, you know the time that you spend. Heather I absolutely love that Tyrant thank you so much for spending this time with us. It's you know the messages I'm getting out of out of this is learn to trust your body. Hmm forget the rules because your body can take care of itself. And in that that context of trusting your body get the right people around you whether it's professionals whether it's your social network by making those packs. Having those elevated conversations and also that extends to the new people that you choose to accept or not accept into your life. Absolutely. Now, I do want to just quickly talk about your book Because by the time that people get to this conversation, the book will be out so much of the stuff we talked about today is in the book in a lot of detail. I want to encourage everyone to go out there and read it. It's a brilliant. Out too and I love that. It's you're getting into like what we've done today some of the real nitty-gritty and a lot of the things we talked about today are covered in the book in a lot more detail and there are some things that we haven't talked about which I'm so happy. We don't have time to talk about boobs and sex and their stuff about vulvas in the book. So it's so terribly shameful that we don't have time to talk about that. But if Sexton vulvas, I love that those useless. It's gonna be like, I need to go get that positive stuff. Exactly Karen. Thank you so much for being with us and coming on the show. I hope everyone reaches out to you. If they haven't if they've been sort of lying under a rock for a few years. They have to watch Embrace sure and will definitely provide all the links for embrace yourselves. Book, so thank you and thank you for all the beautiful work you do. I thank you for having me such a pleasure. Thank you so much for listening. I really hope you connect with Taryn and get involved with the body positive Community. The thing I really want to invite you to do is head on over to the Embrace kids go fund me page to donate to the Embrace kids documentary campaign. The original Embrace documentary was crowdfunded. It was supported by people just like you and me and it became a catalyst for worldwide social. Sometimes Although our work is so meaningful. I must say that I do kind of feel that we're doing things at the wrong end. Tyrone has seen the need for children to hear the message of body positivity and she's now creating a second documentary to help buffer those messages of body shame objectification unrealistic beauty standards that our kids are faced with today and help set them up with a a positive body image that will last for life. If you go to the page a u dot forward slash Embrace - kids - documentary and the links also provided in the description here. You can donate as much or as little as you can to the cause on May 26th. Terran is going to run a marathon. Phone other members of the Embrace Team all over the world are running a whole variety of distances themselves and you can organize to go for your own run with her or cheer from the sidelines with your support to help get Embrace kids off the ground turns work and her whole impact is built on love. So please show her some love if you can thanks so much for being with me on the Glenn McIntosh show I am Yours in a wonderful relationship with the body you live in and I'll look forward to seeing you really soon.
Today’s episode features probably the biggest name in body image today - the dynamic, authentic, sparkly powerhouse and Director of the Embrace Documentary Taryn Brumfitt. Taryn vulnerably shares her personal story, we explore the often missed “how-tos” of developing an authentically positive body image, and dive deep into the relationship between body image, eating, exercise and weight. In this special conversation Taryn and I discuss: - That we are over hating our bodies. - How health professionals are as ready for change as their clients! - Taryn’s viral “Reverse Before-and-After” shot that “broke people’s brains” - How you can Embrace the miracle of your body. - Why we need to share our personal body image stories - Using our social media for the power of GOOD! - How to become AUTHENTICALLY body positive. - Judging less and loving more. - Having conversations with people we DON’T agree with! - Why it’s important to be vulnerable. - How to “find your tribe” of supportive friends and health professionals! - Can you lose weight in a loving way? - Accepting your body when others around you don’t. - Creating space for elevated conversations around bodies. - Dealing with parents and grandparents fat shaming your kids. - Taryn’s advice for people who feel weight is stopping them finding a partner. Please support Taryn as she runs a marathon on May 26 to raise funds for the Embrace Kids Campaign: Links from Podcast: Psychology of Eating, Weight, and Body Image Support Group: Part 1: Follow Taryn on Instagram: Follow Glenn on Instagram: “If Not Dieting, Then What?” Book: “Health at Every Size” Book: Watch “Embrace” Documentary: Taryn’s Viral “Before & After” Shot: Embrace Yourself Book: Dr Emma Johnston: *Body Positive Follows* Louise Green: Body-Posi Panda: Jade Beall: Renee Airya: Style Me Sunday: Michaela Skilney: Part 2: Glenn’s Pigtailed Instagram Post: Taryn’s Lorna Jane Instagram Post: Part 1 of Interview (for follow/unfollow): Comment with your SPARKLE ACTIVITIES on our YouTube: Part 3: Turia Pitt: George Blair-West: Want free vids, all the podcasts, articles & special offers?
You've heard about messenger Bots, you've heard about chatbots. Let's talk about it with Michael from Stu. She me on this episode of the music industry blueprint podcast helping you navigate the music industry. Here's Rick Barker with the music industry blueprint podcast. All right, so I have finally connected with Michael Bridges fromMusta she me and we first met a couple years ago at the DIY musicians conference and he was showing me we were talking messenger Bots and I didn't realize that you guys were way ahead of the curve on some things because now everywhere you turn it's chatbots messenger bot. So first off, let's talk a little bit about what you guys saw coming what you did to get ahead of the game and then how you're seeing artists utilize. These chat bots in these messenger Bots and maybe we should even go in Michael and tell people what this is for those that have no clue what we're talking about first. And then we'll Dig Down Deeper into that. Yeah. That sounds great. I'm so glad to be to be a part of this have a chance to talk with you about it because I know you're reaching all kinds of people and you're bringing so much value to what into independent creators can create. So to the extent that messenger tools can help them. I'm super excited about it. You know, my background is I toured As an independent musician for 25 years and a you know week after week. You know, I'm old enough that when when we started out we put sticky labels on postcards and we mailed them to people absolutely point at some point. We thought we should get into that electronic game, you know, when we heard about websites and emails and then we had an email list and of course ten years ago. We got social media five years ago. We got into the mobile space as a band three years ago. I got out of the band. And and started with some Partners this tech company, but you know our experience in the band was always that we would we would send a postcard we put something out on email. We'd post on social we would tweet we did Instagram, etc. Etc. Etc. And people would say. Hey, when are you guys coming to Milwaukee and say help three nights ago. We were in Milwaukee. Then people would say. Oh, I wish I would have known I'm so we just kept missing people and now what and so to get to messenger and the utility of Messenger it is that what I think everyone is recognizing is that emails are being opened with with less frequency than they were once opened and similarly social posts are being engaged with less than they once were so post something on social media. You know, when you get you get a 1% engagement rate and email you get you know, two to three percent click-through rates. And so part of that is that people have a little bit of fatigue with those Technologies, but it's also the people are moving to messenger. So all of the data seem to indicate that people are moving away from me if I can even use the term traditional social media since it's raining right on 15 year old industry, but people are moving away from social media platforms. They're moving away from using email and they're moving toward messenger. And so in this case messenger platforms might include WeChat kickline telegram even SMS or Slack But what we focus on right now is Messenger which is a Facebook own property. So Facebook owns WeChat Instagram messenger and Facebook, but a person can certainly use messenger without using Facebook. So it is a standalone messaging platform and 1.4 billion people are on that platform more people are using Messenger than use Gmail right now and more people use messenger than use Instagram Twitter and Snapchat combined. And so that's why it's such a good place for artists to reach their fans. So what have you guys seen as far as your own engagement numbers, you know, it's like so you made one for me and it's been running in a test pattern in the background. But I mean, it seems like it's consistently every time something cool goes out on Instagram my test goes off. It's like you have the ability to Act these conversations to platforms that people are engaging with anyway where they might not have actually seen that Instagram post your popping that Instagram post up inside a messenger. Let's talk some of the numbers, you know, that's where it is and making sure that like, you said if Instagram or Facebook, so only going to show it to this many people how many what's the percentage of people that are seeing it through Messenger? Yeah. So this is a way to make sure that 100% Aunt of the people who are connected to you on Messenger will see that message and so what kind of sets you know, and there are many different about bought building platforms and I do want to talk about why you know Bots are a useful piece in themselves. There are lots of different ones in our case. It says she me what sets us apart of it is it were very focused on the music industry. And so we index all that content your YouTube channel your Instagram Channel your Facebook, of course. First bands in town until we're able to integrate these pieces and that means just like you said without the artist having to lift one finger or do anything. There's continue to run their business and do their normal life, but the bot makes sure that everyone who's on messenger and connected to that artist gets a notification. So what we're seeing is that when artists so when artists send the message, of course, it goes to 100% of the people and that's a real that's a difference right away from the social. Well sure, but we're seeing an artist is that open rates are in excess of 85 percent sometimes in excess of 90% And that holds true across demographics. So for instance our clients who have a little bit of an older demographic they see these 90% open rates and our clients who have a much younger demographic see these high open rates as well. And then we see click-through rates on targeted messages of 50% and on kind of broad messages that aren't necessarily targeted to a specific set of your users. We see consistent click-through rates of 30% Wow. So even in that case that's at least 10 times higher than email click through rates. So what what is it, you know, what's it cost of like so for example, you know Saturday 417. Do you want to learn how to be a social media ninja in under an hour then sign up for my free training. So this basically pulled my Graham story and then when it says view details that I view it it now opens it up on Instagram, right? So it's almost like driving people. So it's not only showing them what it's all but now it'll take it there. And if I decide I want to share it I can send this directly to anybody who's following me on messenger or only one on one, you know, you can send it to anyone. So that's another thing that enables this this peer-to-peer this one click peer-to-peer. Sharing so what we've done is we've developed we designed the buttons such a way that when you click through to the Instagram content, it opens a three quarter window, right so that you can engage with the in a van eyck and so forth. The first is the credit for likes and YouTube go ahead and repeat you got is not little combat a little but let's go ahead and repeat that last segment. You got a little fuzzy there it went robotic on us. Okay. Okay. So we've designed the bots in such a way that when you click through to the Instagram content, it opens that content in a three quarter window that means so when you in get you can engage with Instagram or with Facebook or with YouTube. The artist is still getting credit for those views on YouTube not just on messenger, but by opening a three quarter window you can engage with the post, but you're still In the conversation with the Artist as a fan that way you don't forget. So it's not one of those things where you you open a YouTube link by an artist and suddenly an hour later. You're looking at stuff. You never expected to look at today. And you forget. Oh, what was I looking at the first place? You know what I mean? So this way you're still invest injure. So do you guys set the timer? So it's like let's say that I'm active and I'm teaching people. I want you to be on Twitter Facebook Instagram. Do you set the timer in your dashboard to say Okay, Papa Facebook one up here pop this up or give them the scrolling option to do this. Is that all done in your back end because you guys do a lot of this. Let's explain a little bit here too. Is that once you guys set it up? I really don't have to go in and do anything that's also the big difference when you guys offer and many chat and some of these other ones now, there's great bought Builders out there. I have a many chat bot that runs right now. The difference is I have to go in and upgrade all that stuff had to go in and do it. Guys actually go in and do this. Yeah, so you don't have to you don't have to wake up every morning and think about updating another platform. Now, I know from being an independent artist that my day is so full with you know between I'm booking the show's I'm playing the show heck. I'm driving the van. You know what I mean? Yeah. I'm boarding the inventory. I was consult. The last thing I need is another social media platform to update but what I do need is a convenience tool. All that makes sure that when I update my social media my Instagram or Facebook or what have you and I can be sure that everybody's going to see that message. And so that's what the bot does automatically so in your case, like you say, you know, when you use a mini chatbot and many chats a great Builder and nothing there fabulous company, but you have to go in and update your information all the time. In this case. We've indexed it so that that's all done automatically for you. Now, of course, you can turn off the automatic. Notifications or you can selectively turn them on or off. So you may want people to know every time you add a date to bands in town, but you don't really want to notify everyone every time you put up an Instagram picture. So you just your dashboard and you say notify them automatically when I add a new concert date or and make a new video but not when I you know, post it on Facebook of my you know, my nephew's birthday party man. So are you also able to go in and segment who sees These so that's one of the features that that I love about a many chat as well. And I think they all do the same thing as you could say. Okay, like you just talked about earlier. You used an example. Oh, we were just in Wisconsin or whatever or Milwaukee whatever you said so you could go segment anyone how much information do you gather from them to be able to segment? Yeah, like for touring and things like that great question. So that's where the tool becomes super powerful because you're sending out messages and you're getting 90% That click-through rates. So on one hand, all your content is in one convenient place on an app that people already have and that's a great Advantage but another essential advantage in perhaps one of the very most important advantages is that you're able to send out messages and you're able to do it based on all these data that you've been collecting now what what messenger lets us know automatically is name gender country and language time zone you get a few things like that and then our dashboard automatically lets you know, the What time you engage The First Time The Fan engaged the last time they engaged and you can kind of see you know, how active they've been in the boss all other information, especially now in the post GDP our world the general data protection rule world all the other data, you have to ask for once you asked for it. Then you can sort those users by anything in the world. So for instance, we can easily we can ask. Hey. Do you want to know when we're coming to town? So for instance the bought that we've built for the country singer? Blake Shelton as as you want to know when Blake's on tour in your area. The person says yes, and it's pretty obvious. Next question is going to be okay. What's right? What's your area? Right exactly. So we feel like as long as we give the people a reason to ask the question, they're apt to give us the information and then we have an interface in there where you don't even have to put your email and we say, you know, do you want to share your email and your email automatically pops up? Because in the background, we already know that information. We just can't legally use it unless you tell us we can use it or we also put an option we put an option in everyone else's everyone's bought two that says enter a different email because sometimes the email that's associated with your Messenger account is not necessary email you on an artist's mailing list, but no problem. You can put in either one kind of thing. So we make it possible to do that. Once you gather that information, which could be where you live. What's your email? You know, how do you how do you consume music Spotify apple or Amazon or vinyl? Now that user has a tag you get an unlimited number of tags on the platform and then sort the users that way so some of our artists send out a simple question. How what's your favorite way to listen to music? And then the fan with one simple button press says either Spotify or Amazon or vinyl or something. Now you would never use email that way and that's where you start to realize how How this is a really different medium so you would never send an email to your fans and say what's your favorite way to listen to music because no one's going to write back, you know, dear artist Spotify sincerely yours the fan. But if you send them a simple one question with a button they can press they do that and then the artist maybe maybe you know 700 people click vinyl right now is an artist, you know, you can afford to make a vinyl record. Absolutely. No, you should be Exactly and you already have the consumers before you ever print that record. Well, I explain that to someone the other day because they were asking me they said Rick I said what? Messenger has done for me is it's allowed me to have a conversation. Like if I were with this person live it's like they ask a question. I answer it. I answer the question they respond to it and it's happening in real time. Whether it's you that's actually doing it or if these are pre setup answers that you've arranged. Do you have the ability with the steamy app to go in and take over a conversation live? Yeah. Yeah sure. It's called the Handover protocol got end it we Then into about half the bot I would say half of the artists don't want that. They don't want people to be able to put a message in there. But those are normally the artist like, you know, we build about for you know guns and roses and some bands who have millions of fans. They don't really want people to send them a message so it's but I guess it's okay for me to say that it's not that they don't want measured they do want messages. It's just that they're not going to have time to write back to 40 million people. So on the other hand Lots of what I mean by that is that if somebody came in and I could jump in as Rick. It's a hey, it's Rick. By the way. This is what you need exactly already bought so everybody knows they're talking to a bot. I don't try to mislead anyone of course exactly do that. But I have the ability to jump in and do this. Yeah. I think that's one of the most important things in setting up a bot for an artist to know, you know, there's certain things we'd learned about what makes about successful. The one are some lives. Let's share those poor. Okay. So toward the top of the list would be setting accurate expectations that people are not, you know people they're not concerned about how well your boss works as much as they're concerned about it working the way you said it was going to work. So so setting accurate expectations. So for instance and the welcome message, you want to say something like connect here to get the latest tour dates and music videos and you know special promotions or concert discounts or whatever it is you offer and then your about would have that stuff in there or you connect here to take the lyrics quiz and put a put a profile change your profile picture with the frame kind of thing. You wouldn't and then people be satisfied if you have that in there on the other hand, if you're welcome message said ask me anything right people will be disappointed. So, you know, you just want to set expectations in the right way. We also know that people are more satisfied. This fight with the messenger tool as users when they can reach a human if they need to write. So we always build something in there where you can bail. It's kind of like in the old days of you know, telephone customer service who are you'd be like representative representative exactly a 0 kind of thing. Yeah. And as long as people have the Out Bait they know what to expect and their expectations are met and they have the ability to leave a message for or contact live a human when they when they need to then, you know to very satisfying experience now in the case of bands who have that free text input turned on which means the user context something to them. They'll need to we having their dashboard. We call it a default message and that's just the message people get when they text free text just so they don't go to kind of the black hole of messaging great. If you don't have if you don't have a bot. It's almost like having going back to the Metaphor, you know analogy. It's like having a business and you have a telephone number and it just rings and rings and rings and rings and rings and then and and that's what it's like having Facebook or having messenger but not having a chat bot what just think of it as a voicemail system in a way. So here's here's what I'd like to do because this has been a great conversation people have heard the term tossed around some of them have experienced it with their favorite. Artist where's the best place to send people to see a demo of this in action? And then where can we lead them to have a conversation with you? I don't want him to have to sit around and wait till the next DIY musician conference. But so we'll put this in the show notes, but if you want to go ahead and say it now will make sure that you guys have links to this. Where can they go see a demo and see how easy it is to utilize. The best thing is to go to our website stash as ta Shi Then on there you can you can just click and set up a demo and I'll get an email and it'll say this person wants a demo and I'll call or email you right away, or you can also click on the icons of some of the artists we work with and go to their Bots and see their odds of action. Yeah, see how Zed G-Eazy Chainsmokers Blake Shelton, you know, whoever else how they're about to work. Okay. So let me just go ahead and bring this up right now because I know a lot of people are going well. Well, if the major label artists are using it and it's obviously not something that I can afford. Let's let's just go ahead and bust that now how it is. Is it because you guys did something and this is what I appreciated when we met the first time. So I said the same thing to you and the two years ago and like it's a little bit out of the Wheelhouse man, you can get that from label but not an independent artist. Tell people how affordable this is because I know right now they just went up said using it Lakes using it. I'm out. I can't well Rick as you and I both know the the bigger the artist is the less likely it is that they pay for anything. Yeah, right. Anyway, so you might hear those names and you think oh good the Bots free, but the truth is we well we have a special, you know for your listeners. We have a special that we offered at the DIY convention, which is independent creators can sign up and use the Bots for for $10 a month. That's it. Yeah. And that's that's a that's a that's a very good deal. And that's with you guys helping them set it up. Now. Let's let's explain that $10 a month includes you guys helped set it up. Yeah, it's right that we send we send you a bot. We send you a bot. I'll send you I can send you a specific link that'll help them get started. There you go. You go to the link and then you put in a couple of your your URLs and Then we send the but we send them out to you. So let me explain something full disclosure to you guys. I didn't even send Michael links to anything and he went and jacked my stuff and made me a bot just with what he was able to find on the internet. So that's how great this technology works also to I just want to let you guys know that I am not making anything from this that's why they're able to offer it at such an affordable price to you. I just believe in the software. I believe in the concept like I told you guys I'm using a mini. A chatbot right now because that's what I had that's what was available to me. And that's what I made and I'm having for my independent brand I will have this toshimi app setup and that's where I'll be more driving people through my my podcast and all those different types of things and bringing people into my other world, but I just want to go ahead and give you guys full disclosure to let you know that that they created one for me and I didn't even have to send them anything. It was like you just pulled a couple of Or else the next thing, you know, I've got tests are be now. It's not out there the public but and he turned it around and such a fast time because he's a smart businessman. He said look, let me show this guy how fast we can operate and it's spot-on. So I love the look. I love the feel of it. We've been waiting for months to be able to get you on here. I think that the time is right. You are episode 101 Bobby Bone says if you get to 100 you're legit, so now I guess I'm Legit and you're the first First guest I have after my legitimacy. I'm super glad I'm so glad to connect with you. I mean, you know, I think everybody knows that you bring so much value to Independent creators. And and what you're offering is the best is the best thing out there for independent creators to really get their career launched and off the ground. So I feel honored to be a part of it because I know that if if you're including us on your podcast then already you know it. Tells the folks that they were offering a good thing because I appreciate it. So go ahead shoot me an email with that link. I'll make sure that you guys have it available to you in the show notes. Also, too if you're listening and you can't get to the show notes, but you are on part of my community. I will be sending out an email to all of you. So you'll find it there. And for those of you listening if this is the first time you found me that's right a hundred and one episodes. They've been a lot of good ones go back and listen to episode 50 where we talked about playlist curation with Warner go back and listen to episode 66 where Michael elsner decided that he was going to share with you guys how to get your music placed in film and television and then episode 101 the third of the Michaels Michael Bridges now, I just don't interview people named Michael. That's just how it happened to work out Butthead overs my website Rick grab a free copy of the book and if you feel someone can benefit from this, please go ahead and share it and I will talk to you guys on the next episode. Ciao. You've been listening to the music industry blueprint podcast with Rick Barker. You can follow Rick on Twitter at Rick Barker music and remember you don't drown by falling into the water you drowned by staying there.
Do you currently use Facebook to help market your music and engage with your fans? What if I told you there was a new way artists were using Facebook messenger to connect with their fans to help the unique wants and needs of your audience without having to personally respond to each message... would you be interested in having something built out for you to help you reach your fans in this new and exciting way? Check out this episode of the Music Industry Blueprint podcast to see how Michael Bridges (of Stashimi) and I can help you! "Now everywhere you turn it's chat bots and messenger bots..." - Rick Barker What do you want to hear from the Music Industry Blueprint Podcast? Tell us here! ***Want to be a guest on the Music Industry Blueprint Podcast? *** Send an email to With the following information: Name, website, social handles, questions you would like to ask Rick and contact information  Resources: Stashimi Offer Free Training “How To Become A Social Media Ninja In Under An Hour.” Click HERE If you're listening after January 24, 2019 & Want the Free Training! Artist Assessment with Rick: Facebook Instagram Youtube Twitter Soundcloud Contact: for a chance to be a guest on the MIB podcast show --- Send in a voice message:
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Noon live from for World Trade Center. To be honest with you. I don't really remember what we talked about because that seems like it was about six months ago, but I am very excited to re-listen to it because I do remember laughing and I do remember being very entertained by Nick mangled joining us now is a man with a big brain and All-Pro for the New York Jets a man that I saw at the new the NFL draft. Couple conversations with had a couple beers with and is one of the most entertaining and electric humans ever graced this Earth. Ladies and gentlemen from Centerville, Ohio, Nick Mangal how we doing Nick not as great as you did you enjoy that intro. I wish it could have been better. I'm so sorry about that. Yeah. I thought the second time around was perfect really nailed. Let's talk about your jets real quick. We could talk about everything you do sports betting. Ames doc Cam that is the company that you are currently promoting. What do you do with them? How's life with sports betting dimes? What do you think about the sports gambling world that we're about to bounce into so I'm breaking into it. I'm new to it Jersey, you know, it's legal here to be able to do it. And so for me, it's a tool that I can use. It's all free check them out, you know, they give you all the stats and all the different research that you don't want to do and they're a big help. Okay have Have you learned in this is when I gamble on the NFL I feel as if I have an advantage because I feel like I don't read the X's and O's okay. I read the Jimmy's and Jess if a guy comes off a bad game, I'm like, you know what this guy going back to his hometown is going to want to prove a lot of people wrong, especially coming off a bad week. He wants to get rich. I think he's going to have a good game bang on my hangar Hammer the over for this have you found that at all or are you just literally getting your feet wet right now? I'm NG my feet wet and I thought I would be good. I tried daily Fantasy last year and I thought well that would be easy. It's not I just got worked over bad. So now you know, obviously I moved from the free side for some money at it. So this should go swimming but I think the good thing is is if you have a lot of money like yourself you're supposed to just dump it all into gambling. So remember that as you continue this thing, let's talk about the jet shall we so this was To be the year. I mean Gary Vee Mike Greenberg KFC from Barstow. I believe yourself. Everybody's excited. We got left Bell. We got this elusive running back who's like a magic man. Now you see me now, you don't we got this quarterback that was 12 when he got to the league now, he's grown into the year and bang just one thing after another and I'm mononucleosis is attack the New York Jets what is going on? And will the jets ever not be cursed? I think it's some point they will not be cursed. Unfortunately right now. It feels like we're cursed to have your quarterback get mono is absurd. I've been starting linebacker who absolutely dominated for 3/4 get injured and then out is going to hurt but at the same time, you know, as you know, there's world next man up next man up clock, you know, if you got to go out there you gotta kick it to go. You gotta do it. No. And so I think that's our hope is that next man up bills in we get a week of notice which you know, it's better than guy get hurt on the first play. But so I don't know it's going to be a wild time tonight. I'll be there at MetLife rocking some tailgate hanging out doing a little pregame show. So it's going to be going to be a wild time Adam gase. Got introduced to the New York Jets in one of the most memorable press conferences. I think the world has ever seen right. I mean he was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed out there understatement of the year would I just said his last press conference where he was describing Sam Donald being down because of mono and some seemed like he was a bit beat up. Is there a way if you're the coach of the Jets? What are you saying to the team? Like Hey, listen, I mean Recently, we've had every single branch of the unfortunate tree as we've fallen down to earth here. What is your message to the team tonight? If you're in that locker room, I think the message is you know, all is not lost. We have a magnet. Whoo. All is not lost me back up from has started games in the NFL. It's not as if not a guy coming in green was no idea what he's doing. We have a power running game that we got a ride. You got to ride that horse and just keep riding it just right. In it. Oh, yeah, and you know play Lights Out defense and I think Greg Williams is going to have that defense amped up him and him and obj already, you know battling will get Greg Williams to G's came out there and said o Dell who just joking and then he said do the Giants like Odell. I don't know you tell me I enjoyed a little give and take between a d coordinator and wide receiver who thinks he's been wronged by a guy in the past which I mean that's Up For Debate. I'm not in the locker room. I don't know what they're being. Let's move forward to the NFL as a whole this morning. I was on get up and Rex Ryan in the pre-production meeting almost had a complete conniption fit about these refs and how the game is being called in. The game is being changed. How do we fix the officiating issue that's happening in the NFL. There's billions of dollars on the line and I'm saying that Not only was Sports gambling and with contracts and with tickets being sold and ownership and everything like that. There is so much money on the line in the NFL and whenever something becomes this big with every mistake gets what's that going magnified? There it is. That's the word I'm looking for and it seems as if the refs mistakes have been magnified but man they seem to happen at a more rapid rate Nick. Oh they are and I think what it's showing is that you got to go full-time rest. I think that's our only hope they're still going to be human are but you want to knock out something human. Are you make the guys full time and I think that helps and you know, I think that's that's your best bet. I don't know any other way. Other than have guys who have no other jobs only job watch film watch games and go over it and over it and over it. Again Walt Anderson, and I have a bad relationship. Okay, he kind of he caught a false start on me in England on an extra point. That should have been on the nose tackle, you know, I was trying to get the D line off of our guys on field goal. So I go hard count on 2 on 3 because the offensive lineman hate field goal enough. I mean, it's the worst job in the history to be Offensive lineman on field goal. Do you agree? I concur it's bad. You're just sitting there you stand up and literally they tell you to die slowly. That's a technique die slowly. So it's a miserable thing. So I try to go hard count from the belly. I got a nose tackle to jump thought we should have been able to go for two from the one yard line instead of the extra point what Anderson literally looked at me pointed at me and said I'm calling it on one. So since that day I've hated him. But with that being said, he's 97 years old. Hold still calling games. Is there ever going to be a time where there's a turnover in referees? I mean, I think we need a new class to get in there and have you ever thought about potentially officiating because I think ex-players reffing is the way we really fix this old thing said would be interesting ex-players the fishing so much more would get away with well. I think it'd be more reasonable. And also whenever they make the call people would be like he's played that must be right. You know what I mean? I think they get a lot more credit than like Walt Anderson. He's like holding. I shut up Walt. That's everybody's first reaction is if it was an old player, I think they'd be like a that's reason more like a hockey thing. You know, right? Well, I think the big thing that you look at it too is they don't have a farm system where they getting these young reps coming up is there I think school with these guys go to you know, is there a class they can take, you know, America is instilled with farm system of football where kids are playing, you know from third grade on through High School through college to the NFL they get To the game and they know what's going on without having you know, you never see like a high school kid out there learning how to rest. I think that could be something you could look it. He's kind of Hope hockey league has more kids. Yeah. I think Ed Hochuli is the farm system just him and I says Hockley in there just creating referees on the whole thing and then Cromartie you were teammates with him. That was what that's one of the most met. Hey, he's a good dude, by the way. He's a great guy. I love girl. I agree. He got painted in pretty bad light on that Hard Knocks with the naming of his kids in the birthday. As I think there was potentially some editing is what I was told by Cromartie himself. I'm not sure if that's accurate I wasn't there so I can't say but yeah, he definitely took it on the chin and beating on them. We interrupt this conversation to say don't judge a book by it's cover, but we also know that's exactly what most of us do. Appearance can be everything especially in a professional situation which is why I want to talk to you about that bag over your shoulder. Are you still carrying that old College backpack to work like a stooge? If so, it's time to grow up look the part and get yourself a Daniels briefcase Daniels is a New York city-based men's leather briefcase brand. It's making boys look like men one bag at a time the best part you can afford this bag before you land the big job by Out middlemen and selling directly to you. Daniel's is able to offer a high quality leather briefcase at the incredibly reasonable price of $195. I've been carrying around a Daniels briefcase for a few weeks now and I gotta say things absolutely top-notch. The leather is very high quality. The look is exactly what you would want to carry into an office and it's going to carry everything you need this week that's listeners can get $25 off their Daniels briefcase at Daniel's Mom by using the promo code Pat at checkout. That's 25 bucks off one of their leather briefcases. Plus they offer free shipping. Again. That's Daniels promo code Pat for $25 off a handcrafted high quality leather briefcase with free shipping ditch that old backpack and start looking like a professional Daniel's día en Inglés I love their leather briefcases and I'm confident you will to go check them out. So you played for Rex Ryan. I did what was that? Like he seems like he seems like a spark plug of a man just an electric Factory at all times. Is that occur? Well, there's fat Rex and then they're skinny rails two, very different people fat Rex is a riot and hilarious and me that football is fun again, and we really got after then he got Jenny you got pretty and next thing, you know, you know, he's in New York. He looks great people are throwing themselves at him and I think it went through his head tell you the truth, but I love pranks was awesome. I had a fantastic time with him. He's a fantastic coach if he ever gets another shot. I think he would do a fantastic job. Okay, but that's so funny. That's like Jonah Hill. Yeah, everybody says when Jonah Hill got skinny. He lost his funny Aaron Rodgers last week said Sam Elliott without the mustache not Good Sam Elliott with the mustache good. I do believe these little things matter they do they do as well as an offensive lineman. How's the body feel how many years did you play in the NFL a trick people for 11 years? Okay 11 years in the NFL than your at Ohio State and then there's high school at Centerville, which is basically college football. The Elks same high school as a Jayhawk and Jeremy cash my holder in college not to be forgotten about three to Kirk Herbstreit greatest analyst out there also from Centerville, Ohio. Just gem after gem. How's the block for the brand Mike Nugent also from Centerville? Yes, what's in the water? Are you guys you guys got some greatness in the water over there? I can respect the hell out of that. Sorry. We said track no. No, it's a real thing. So is the future of football players and how do you feel I mean you're in one of the toughest positions there is how does the body feel after all this and you don't have to dive into the mental part of it after Gronk said last week. He probably had like 20 concussions. You're literally in hand-to-hand combat every play of your life. How's the body feel? What do you think can be done going forward? And is this just inherit risk with the game of football that's going to happen. Bobby feels really good. You know, I got four little ones running around and I think they hurt me more than football over it and but it is, you know playing around with them having a good time not waking up every morning feeling terrible after getting in a car crash every day. But you know, it's one of those things moving forward with pain. It's football, you know, what you signed up for, you know what you're getting yourself into, you know, you're going to feel terrible you take the bumps group. Try to be as smart as possible about itat take care of yourself while you're playing and then after you're done playing and you know, it's just I don't it's one of those things if they go hand-in-hand and have collisions. You're going to have hits. You just have to be smart about. That's I think that's kind of the majority of players Thoughts by the way, every once in a while player will come out and be like, do you wanna felt lied to me about this this and this and it's I don't want to say it sounds like a money grab because I don't know what that person is going through. I can never put myself in their shoes. But anytime that stuff comes out. My immediate reaction is like hey, I was a bunner. So I'm nowhere near as physical as you were. But you had to know going into football that at some point there is a potential Collision it was going to happen. I mean, it's just the way the game of football is played we live in a wild world though where there's a lot of lawsuits a lot of money to be had in this goes back to the officiating. It was just billions of dollars up for grabs. You never know what's going to happen. You know, it's funny. You never see anybody can play in that college life to it. Laying on it was like I know what Alabama lied to me and you know, it's always the NFL. Well, that's because everybody knows that the NFL is making billions. Everybody kind of just assumes that the colleges are making billions season colleges. Hey, how do you feel about that California legislature that passed it? I like it. I I'm I'm intrigued I think there's there's so much money involved. I think college kids do need to be paid but there needs to be a smart way to do and I think that is in a form of a trust. I think I don't think you can just write him a check and I think there's there's different safeguards that you have to put in but I you know, there's just too much money in college football that the guys aren't getting. Former teammate of yours Tim Tebow Came Out Swinging against this I find it to be quite a polarizing issue, which I didn't think really was going to be that the case. I feel like he Came Out Swinging so hard he must be being paid by the NCAA. I'll you think there's little collusion back there in the back to world. Do you see how hard he fought has? He fought that hard on anything else Jesus? I'm running point. Ha ha ha. Did you see Darren Ravel tweeted that during his motivational press conference. He was wearing the xv-15 shirt, which will go on to be his logo for the Tim Tebow business while giving that press conference, which a lot of people would say taking advantage of capitalism, which is what the student athlete student human athletes are trying to do currently so it's kind of an interesting situation there Nick student. Yes. He should he be allowed to use 15 doesn't forecast alone that Write the number. Yeah, I would argue that Urban Meyer owns every number. Yeah, I mean every single number Urban Meyer owns. Hey, Ohio state looks really good to you. Keep in touch with any of your alumni stuff. Are you still all in on the Buckeyes or is it just kind of as a fan? You just kind of watch good football? No. No I got I was actually finally able to get back after 8 years or good friend a Jayhawk got inducted to the Hall of Fame along with Mike Nugent as well. So I got back got see some guys. And it was neat if neat being back on campus has changed a lot in a years, but I think I want to get back a little bit more. So a Jayhawk and Mike Nugent went into the Ohio State Hall of Fame. This is true. You got invited to go attend their Hall of Fame thing, but you just kind of sat there and watched or I crashed it pretty much. I don't know. I don't know if anyone actually reached out to see if I wanted to go. I just understood so that worked out. Well, are you in the Hall of Fame already know? That was that about what is that all the everybody else from your high school is in that damn Hall of Fame except for you. How does that even work? I'd have a little bit of anger towards Ohio State V. Sorry the Ohio state if you please get it, right? Yeah, wasn't that good in college, so I don't expect that you sucked in college and then what you got the NFL and just became an animal. I mean, I don't think I saw that wasn't like breaking down any award banners or anything. When were you drafted first round? First I don't know six. Yeah, man, you suck bro. Hey, I can't fathom how bad you were to college football to get drafted in the first round. You must have been so terrible to us that so terrible. I'm happy. I hope you never gonna Hall of Fame. It would be doing that Hall of Fame a disservice if some terrible football player like you got in there. I know right? You've been knocking it down for all the greats that came before me. Okay are the jets ever going to be good this year who wins tonight? And I can't thank you enough for stopping by we need you in. Here when our New York at some point. Yes, we will I love come down the for World Trade beautiful spot Jets Jets and Browns tonight's gonna be wild if the defense can stop Baker Mayfield and the offensive line can make some holes for our friend Le'Veon Bell. I have Jets winning 1713. All right and one more time. I'm being told to ask you about sports betting, which we covered at the literally the beginning of this conversation, but people are telling me in my ear to cover that again. So what is sports betting which is what you were covering. We talked about it earlier to show if you're a publicist for sports betting or somebody from Westwood one or from does own that didn't listen to the first five minutes of this conversation. What is sports betting so they can hear it again Nick as for And I' that's probably why I was asked to do it. Again. That's a hundred percent on me. That's the Western you add Essence. I think throat. Yeah, but sports betting check it out. You can go there and get all your free research tools check things out checks, you know, you can see different lines from different sports bet books, and it's a great tool to have Well, I'm very thankful for sports betting for getting this dime of the gentleman on the show future Hall of Famer both in the NFL and V Ohio State. We're going to make that right born in Centerville played center. Write that down. We did it's on the screen. If you're watching live at home, ladies and gentlemen, one of my favorite humans ever play football. How's the cooking going Big Green Egg? You still use so brisk getting yeah grinding away. We I do I'm doing some pulled pork. That would knock your socks off. I need my socks to get knocked off immediately. Well, I can't thank you enough. Mr. Mango. Ladies and gentlemen, Nick mangled. Thank you, sir. Thank you good stuff from Nick mangle. They're always a big fan of when he comes on the show and looking forward to when we get to sit down and chat with him again. This next guy. I've been a big fan of for a while and this is the first time we've had him on the show and he didn't disappoint very easy to be a fan of a Hard worker, you know coach's son hard hat lunch pail kind of guy High motor guy first one in last one out, you know all the cliches you've heard them all they all apply to this guy wide receiver for the Detroit Lions. Danny. Amendola joining us now is a man. I can't wait to talk to he played he played college football in Texas Tech that he was a ram. He was a return specialist an absolute nightmare of a man to defend whenever you're a putter or a kicker. I hated him on the field. Love them off the field. He found a home in New England. Then he went to Miami now. He's a Detroit Lion turning things around for The Undefeated Matt Patricia Lions up there wide receiver number 80 classic white guy Danny Amendola. How you doing, buddy? I'm great. How are you? Pal? I'm good, man. It's good to talk to you. Yeah, it's great to chat with you man, watching your career from afar and over the internet has been a lot of fun because I remember like it was just yesterday me begging you to take a knee on a kickoff for a Touchback in St. Louis. Now, you're a world champion you get talked about in TMZ in you're helping lead the Detroit Lions do a complete turnaround. How is it in Detroit? You guys are still undefeated with a 100 and 1 record. How are the boys feeling up there? Yeah, it's great man, you know, it's still early as you know, but they were getting things rolling coach. Patricia's been doing a great job getting us ready to play getting this, you know, physically mentally prepared. So we got a tough one this week going to Philly. They played Sunday night versus the Falcons everybody saw that you know, they're a good team got a great quarterback. They got good receivers good DB. So, you know, they're well-coached they fly around and we're up for the challenge. You have become a guy that when Patricia talked Finding his guys, right? I talked to Matt Patricia before week 17 matchup against the Packers. I talked to him and he said he wants to find people that kind of fit the culture. He's trying to build their I would assume the culture. He's trying to build is similar to the Patriots because there's so much success in both of you are from there whenever he brought you in. Was there a pressure or a conversation you had with Matt Patricia where he was like, hey, I need you to lead the guys in a proper fashion. We want a little bit of what happened in Foxborough to happen here in Detroit. Yeah, there's definitely some carryover, you know, when it comes down to the how we prepare how we practice some of the things that he goes over and meetings how we watch film how we communicate with each other. There's definitely some carryover obviously coach Patricia was very successful in New England. He's brought some familiar faces from the time to time he spent there to Detroit now. So there's a few of us in the building, but we want to we want to you know, we want to have our own identity we want to You know, we want to be our we want to be the best Detroit Lions team we can be so, you know, we're all in here in Detroit. We love playing hard for the city the city's electric. It has a lot of tradition a lot of a lot of history and sports here and we want to play hard first and foremost for the city and for our team that city has been miserable revolving around the Detroit Lions in the Pistons. I mean, it seems like it's been an eternity. Unity since they have been good but it also feels like a city that's ready to lose their minds for the Detroit Lions to be good. Have you gotten a sense of that? Even though it is early? Is there an excitement build up around the time about the undefeated 100 in one Detroit Lions? No question and no question. We had a we had a great turnout last Sunday at our first home game at the opener, you know a bunch of fans with one o'clock start and they got out there early. I know they were tailgating they were I could smell the It smell the booze. It was it was fantastic. So it was it was awesome to get out there in front of our home fans for the first time in a regular season game. I know I know how excited they are how hungry they are for for a winning team and for and for us to have a parade down Woodward, that's what we're that's what we're all trying to do Danny. You become such a handsome guy. You become such a handsome guy. It's kind of taken over the Danny Amendola images is attractive white guy who's been on this super star wide receiver. Seaver I remember when the Rams you're just a little bummed that cat. Sorry buddy viewed the question. Yeah, the come up has been what the come up has been a real one for you. How has it? How has your life in the NFL? There's no way you could have thought you'd be this guy that you are now how has the entire experience been? It's been great, man. It's been you know came in undrafted got cut two times before. I played my first NFL game and played on three teams before I played on my first NFL game when I was in st. Louis started out in Dallas and Philly and then you know finally got my start man I'm going on my on my 12th year undrafted. So I'm I'm excited man. I still have that chip on my shoulder still have that Competitive Edge and I want to play football for you know for some time to come, you know, there's still some things. I want to get done and you know, I enjoy playing playing the game. I enjoy the time with my teammates in the locker room. Obviously, I you know enjoyed playing against you man. You are a monster back in the day dude, and you know, I always I always always loved how you would switch up what direction you were going to try to try to punt the ball and really screw us up. But you know, you're a monster back there dude, you know, I appreciate I appreciate the words. Well, I'll tell you what Danny that just made me feel real good gonna scratch your ear. I hit you. Nobody talks about that anymore. They always talk about the guy in vitamins talking into a microphone, but I do agree you were 4 no, and I don't I know you're trying to build a new culture. I understand that but Allah. Of the world got introduced to Danny Amendola whenever you were with the New England Patriots, I mean you and Julian Edelman became this little tag team of Caucasian kids just out there making things happen on the field. What did you learn from? Julian Tom? And that relationship that you think is kind of expedited your success in the NFL the biggest thing I learned from those two guys specifically is, you know, how to create a lifestyle around, you know, trying to win football games whether it be your You know your workout regiment your how you prepare your how you eat how you sleep how you recover how you work out how you train how you know how you play the game and that and we haven't even started about talking about practice yet. So these guys practice harder than you know, you know anybody that I've ever seen and that's why they've been in the league in playing at a very high level for a long time. So that's the biggest thing. I took away from from Tom Julian and guys that you know, I grew up with him in New England is how to create a lifestyle around with Football do you eat avocado ice cream and all that terrible stuff the tv12 does no. No, I'm not I run a lot more than him. I gotta run routes all day. So I get I get a little leeway on my diet. You know, I can I can I can eat, you know some Bluebell some some some real shit, you know Realize Real suits. Yeah. I heard you. Let's talk about you becoming this pop culture icon that you became there for a couple months this offseason. Did you ever did you ever get nervous that everything off the field was going to distract you on the field never dude, I love you know, I love playing ball. I love getting out there in and practicing and going through Camp going through OTAs going through all the all the hard stuff, you know, and it also takes my mind off of all the other, you know, possible distractions that could take away. That and footballs first and foremost in my life Married to the Game and and that's what I'm about. So everything else is just hogwash and most of us most of the stuff that has been out there or as you see as fabricated information. So obvious Advantage after getting to know you a little bit as a person once I started watching you become this pop culture thing. I was like, oh, this is hysterical. I was so happy that it was happening just because you're you're like, Incredibly nice, dude, and then there's all these things start happening. I'm like all this could be so much fun to watch Mostly because I am a comedian and that's really the internet but also because you're a good guy in the ability to stay at the top of your game while there's potential distractions is an X Factor in people's longevity of their career speaking of longevity of career. Matthew Stafford has been with the Detroit Lions since day one now. He signed him he was drafted in the the last CBA. He got 60 million day one. I think he could have bought Detroit The day after but what have you seen from Matthew Stafford that you're like, you know, what aside from chugging a beer fast, which Tom Brady can do this dude has got it in a you enjoy playing with him. What is Matthew Stafford shown that has made you want to do that his Competitive Edge really do this is unbelievable his you know, he loves to win he loves to, you know have success in practice and in you know in OTAs and camp and in these games and you can he can he kind of let this show You know last week he threw a touchdown pass take any holiday to go up late in the game. And he's running down the sideline pumping his fist like Tiger Woods man. It's great to see him fly around with with enthusiasm excitement and his Competitive Edge is something that you know, I've only seen in a couple guys. So, you know, I'm really happy to play with them really happy to get to know him to grow with him to learn and you know, hopefully catch catch some football this year. So, you know, I'm excited. What he's going to do? Well, I think we all are excited to watch we have a kid in here is a die-hard Detroit Lions fan is the box and whenever you got signed to the team, he lost his mind. He's a big fan. He's also an attractive white guy. So I think that could be there but I think you're making a lot of people a lot of lions fans who potentially be miserable a long time excited about the future. What's it called? What's the culture like in that locker room? Is there music playing? Oh, yeah, man, it's great dude. It's everybody Vibes. Well, man, we got we got a good group. There's no egos in the building man. Everybody kind of checks that at the door everybody comes to work with, you know, some you know, focus with intensity with eagerness to get better to learn and to prepare. So, you know, we can play better, you know, we made some mistake last week. We made some mistakes a year the week before that we came out with the tie the first week. We went we squeaked out a win last week against the Chargers and we did some good things but we but we're learning and we're And we're improving so as long as we're growing as long as long as we're getting better, you know, that's all you can ask for and to put our best foot forward against Philly this week is what we're going to do last question before I let you go and I can't thank you enough for your time. What is Patricia say about the tie was he like this is the dumbest thing we've ever done all the time. Yeah. I mean personally, he was pissed. Everybody was kind of pissed. I mean we weren't so mad. We know we knew we didn't lose but we knew we kind of, you know, we let him come back we let the door open. Open but you know, we took it as a learning experience. You know what I'm saying? I mean it's a tie. What's that? I know it's the most odd feeling you can have much like kissing your sister, but I'm sure you know, it's it's a learning experience. It's something that we're going to be able to grow from and and hopefully get better later in the season. So luckily, you know, we made from a few plays there at the end week one to pull out a tie out of personally. I agree with ties. It's hard to think. I think we need to have like a sudden death kickoff. Yes, perhaps and kick type of thing. I know Pat you'd be up for that. Yes. I'm all in on that. I think there should be a shootout. This is how I should go. I think everybody should be allowed to get involved here. But I think I think on each side two-point conversion attempts for both teams one side to the other if one makes it one doesn't they win if it's a tie through three, let the kicker's get out there and start bombing some that's it. That's it longest field goal wins go one. For one if the first one to miss you get maybe you get one rebuttal. Maybe you don't but you know much like I feel like we should Implement a little bit more of like a beer pong lifestyle here in the football over time leagues. So yeah, there's no ties in beer pong. There's no ties in beer pong. People forget that I can't thank you enough. Mr. Amendola. Are you still returning kicks? Are you done with that? Because you're old kick no punch. Yes love puns and then trying to try To get open in the offense and move the chain still so having fun man enjoying it looking forward to the rest of the year. Hey, man, so thankful. You joined us in all of those cliches about wide receivers the high motor first guy in last guy out coach's son married to the game. I honestly believe the cliches are cliches for a reason. I think that might have been you but aside from that you're a freak athlete who has has grown into an incredible player. It's been fun to watch can't wait to see the line success this year with you and thanks for coming on. Mr. Amendola. Thanks Pat appreciates. Nice talk to you nice catching up. I'm a huge fan of yours always have been I'm looking forward to seeing what you're going to do and bring us in the future man. I'm I'm on board. So I'll talk to you soon brother. You remember when I almost got killed outside of a club in New Mexico because I tried to hop on a guy's motorcycle. Absolutely. Well, that was the first time we got the I think was that Hank Baskett charity Foundation event Golf Course deal. We had a blast probably shouldn't been driving the golf carts we had about I almost got killed by a biker gang in New Mexico, but Danny saved my life and here we are years later. Thank you for everything Danny. Cheers everybody. It was a wild weekend in Mexico. That was a while turns out there's more greed is catch up to you luck. Then you think I wrote try are he's a good dude man. II didn't want to hit pepper about the off-field stuff. I mean it was dating Miss America. I assume that's all going to follow but I did wonder if it was ever going to be a distraction for him because that type of stuff can get guys caught up. I mean, we've seen it since the beginning of time and all he's done is just continue to show up and show out. I think the lines like them a lot. I'd assume you have to absolutely any time you get a guy that can embrace the Troy you gotta keep him just like Stafford. Did you hear him? Say that right there by the way, did you hear him? Say that? He loves to and Stafford whenever I did that week 17 interview with him. He said all we want is a parade down Woodward and when I said that allowed a lot of lion Sands were like, it'd be nice if Stafford ever told us that I think they're quiet guys. I think there are quiet team that have been building something for a long time. Now, is this the year the 72 Dolphins become the all not the only team that's undefeated. Let me ask you something. How much time do you spend from your digital screens for me? And Else here. I know we spend hours at a time looking at our screens between our phones work binging new shows video games scrolling right before bed. It takes a toll on you. That's why I started wearing MVM tease ever scroll blue light filtering glasses. They're built to protect your eyes from Blue Light that's known to cause eye strain discomfort and poor sleeping patterns. You've probably heard about these before but I can tell you with 100% confidence that these blue light glasses are going to promote sound or sleep. They're going to elevate your mood lower your stress levels. They're going to improve your focus and your mental clarity. And they're also going to sharpen your vision. 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It's MVM forward slash McAfee join the movement big. Thanks, Danny Amendola. He was incredible looking forward to him coming back on the podcast and open it up a little bit more. You can tell he kind of wanted to on the radio. But obviously the FCC has some pretty tight restrictions there to close things out. We have a incredible interview with it. Pittsburgh Steeler Legend Charlie Batch it a bunch of good insights about the Eli Manning Daniel Jones situation because that was eerily similar to a situation. He was in he talks a little Barry Sanders and what it was like being teammates with him and breaks down the entire Ben Roethlisberger situation. I don't know why we were so surprised that he was so good. We should have known it Chuck batch incredible quarterback used to sling the pill all around the yard. Used to always play with him an NFL blitz laser rocket arm used to break thousands of tackles and he's good in a microphone joining us now is a man who is a backup quarterback for a long time. He threw for 11,000 yards in the NFL player for the Detroit Lions. I had a chance to chat with them at the rookie Symposium during breakout meetings. He was leading one of them and Incredibly knowledgeable man, a man who talks for the media for the Pittsburgh Steelers from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Nia mr. Charlie bash Charlie how you doing? Fellas? We're excellent. How are you? Charlie? Life is crazy and Pittsburgh right now, I'd imagine. Oh, yeah definitely is it's been a crazy 48 hours. That's for sure. Okay. So the Pittsburgh Steelers a lot of things have happened Old Tommy John snuck up and attacked Big Ben Roethlisberger's right elbow, then all of a sudden Mason Rudolph starter the offense looked like it had a little bit of a With Mason everybody's like wait a minute are We Done Yet in Pittsburgh, then they trade a first rounder for Minka Fitzpatrick saying hey, we're still in this thing. What is the mindset with the Pittsburgh Steelers? Are they giving up hope this year or do you think they're in it for the long haul and they really think they can win some games this year with Mason Rudolph. No, I really do think they feel that way and having Mason Rudolph here on the roster. They really felt good about him two years ago. They had in graded as a first round pick. He just happened to fall in Into the third round he felt like he was he was too good to pass up even though there were other pressing needs that they had on the football team last year, but now he's rushed into this position and made it easier because when he walked into that building on Monday everybody knew that Ben was going to go on IR now, this is his team and like you mentioned he lit a spark in on that for that offense in that game coming in in that second quarter and done playing the full second half stats would have been probably about a 123 rating if that Donte Moncrief holds on to the football. Doesn't result in a interception so they really feel good. As far as where he's at. Will he make mistakes? Yeah, absolutely. Essentially. He is a rookie. This is his second game that he's going to now participate in as he gets ready for the 49er. So it's going to be interesting to see how he prepares this week A lot of people are saying Big Ben never steps on a field if Tommy Maddox doesn't get hurt in basically the same fashion. Is this a long-term thing or do you think Ben Roethlisberger and the Pittsburgh Steelers are expecting been rowengartner to come back stronger than ever after the Tommy John surgery what think talking to all the doctors. I'm pretty sure that they feel pretty good about the surgery and him coming back stronger in the offseason the good part with been you have the surgery now, you don't he doesn't have to pick up a football till April May into OT a start up next spring. So I think that's a good part for him that question remains. You just don't know how he's going to respond because I don't think there's a comparable surgery out there. I know that people were talking about Jacob alone or Holmdel home from Carolina think that's how you pronounce his last tell homie. They yeah, so, you know, they were trying to compare it to that type of surgery, but I think it may be a little bit more severe. So, you know, we'll see him follow a monitor with his progress looks like but you're not his game is that you know, you used your veteran guy you're older. Yes. They did extend his contract this year. So he feels pretty good that way but here you are possibly watching your replacement if he goes out there and balls out man now, there's going to be a lot of questions coming to next year. Whether he is the quarterback of the future if it doesn't plan out for Mason Rudolph. Yeah, you have been in the bullpen to come back in but that now, you know, what does next year's quarterback class look like you don't have a first rounder because you just traded it away to Miami for Fitzpatrick. So there are a lot of questions that are lingering around Pittsburgh. You're a backup for a long time. Also an incredible starter for the Detroit Lions, but you're a backup for a long time. And every time you came on the field. I feel like every year ends are I know thought that the team had a real It's does the city of Pittsburgh think that the Steelers have a chance right now with Mason Rudolph or is everybody kind of like we got were in tiny little brown we got rid of left. Now Ben's elbow decides to quit everything is in shambles or do you think there's a real feeling of you know, what next man up Mason Rudolph is going to be able to do this. Well, I think they feel good about it performance last week. They said, okay. Well, we didn't expect that but I think the lingering question remains because nobody has ever seen this before because he is essentially a rookie. Can he Now do It consistently and he has 14 games to prove that in that start this week on the road and the tough environment in San Francisco. So I think we're all kind of scratching our heads everybody trying to we'll all learn this together. Can Mason play every all indications that I've seen throughout training camp. He's really has picked up the offense and I think he gets to that point of now candy now continue to execute and do this on the road. So I think we're all going to figure that question out in the next 60 minutes when it happens on Sunday. We interrupt the show to talk about something fairly. Serious something near and dear to me and it's some of these health issues that have been popping up that Blindside us. I mean it's a pain but I'm not going to take it lying down. 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That's a full month of free basis and a great deal on a groundbreaking supplement excited to see Mason Rudolph excited to see what the Steelers do the injures. They've been A lot these last couple of years. A lot of drama was like real housewives of Pittsburgh there for a while in the Steelers locker room. Let's move on. This is an incredible thing. We're looking up the Charlie Batch on the internet earlier and it was said that you were in the locker room when Barry Sanders decided to retire that man Andrew Luck retired here came out of nowhere and Barry Sanders name is still mentioned all the time about retirements that popped up out of nowhere. Did you guys know that was coming? What was the initial reaction? And and what was Barry like as a dude? Yeah, I think whenever what Barry was phenomenal, I mean probably the most humble person. I've been around other than Troy Polamalu and those two are very similar that way when it comes to just their personalities, but nobody knew what was expected, you know here I was now go entering into my second year. I thought the man it was pretty cool playing with Barry. Let my rookie year. I'm a have him over the next couple of years. He wasn't there during the OTAs having conversations with him. We had no idea that he was going to retire and then all of a sudden on the eve of training camp. Decided that he was going to fax his retirement letter into Wichita Kansas is the hometown newspaper. So we were all caught off guard were sitting there were scrambling and you know, the coaches are trying to figure out who we can trade workers. We needed a running back. So it really caught everybody off guard to change the whole offensive game plan. We ended up trading for great heel was one who was with the chief said he played with the Rams prior to and it was just tough because now you're trying to get him up to speed everybody kind of wrote us off but for us we were able to Rally we got off to a six and to Are we beat the hot Rams team who eventually won the Super Bowl at the Midway point? So it was just something that you had to kind of rally to around around each other and I think that's what's happening. Now in Indianapolis, whenever the retirement happen when they look kind of similar situations, he didn't practice in the offseason and then all of a sudden you have per set that sitting there with those reps and when you get the worm and you just got to go and play and hopefully things work out with with him up there Indianapolis. And of course, you know, it was great plan for what Barry Sanders for one year. Yeah. It's crazy. Of the the league is because every week There's a new headline every week something new happens. Something news mind blown the NFL does a great job controlling the narrative all year round the Andrew Luck stories. Basically already done being talked about nobody's even talking about it anymore. But Barry Sanders name is one that is just a constant in the NFL. Let's switch names. The Manning family is one that is always chatted about for whatever reason. They're really good at football won. A lot of Super Bowls Eli Manning has now been benched in for the New York Giants day. Daniel Jones Young quarterback going in there. Is that an awkward move? You think is is it a weird quarterback room right now for Daniel Jones knowing that it's his team now or do you think everything is going to be laissez-faire? Let's go for it. Yeah, it's going to be awkward just because you have did you know when you're dirty unquestionable leader in the offseason it and all the way up until this point of the announcement, you know, now, you know, the, you know loyalty has to switch a little bit on that team to say. Okay. Yeah Eli you were you was our man now we're moving forward. So it's just awkward and it just kind of reminds me of my rookie year when I was with Detroit days Scott Mitchell started the first two games. He also really got benches in week 3 and I Was preparing to get ready for Minnesota on the road and you know, you're kind of trying to now, you know mold and figure out what your career is being shaped like but I think everybody, you know, a lot of people in New York that already thought that that particular move was going to happen. It was just a matter of when now that the move is that made they cannot waver and go back to Eli. And if for whatever reason Daniel Jones struggles reminds me of what's happened last year in Baltimore when you're sitting back in your making the switch from you know going to get from 500 to Jackson and whenever he struggled in that playoff game, everybody was now talking about trying to flush, you know, Rocco into that lineup and Harbaugh said no way. He's our guy and ultimately to see it paying off for him in the first two weeks down in Baltimore. So they just have to Rally around Jones and say listen don't look over your shoulder. This is your team and go In rocket. Yeah, cuz they're our egos involved in everything. I mean, that's just the way it goes. I think that's going to be a delicate situation. I hope Daniel Jones does well for the New York Giants fans and I'm interested to see how Eli Manning handles that Lamar Jackson you just mentioned him if you got a chance to watch that offense, do you think it's sustainable or do you think that's an offensive defensive coordinators will be able to figure out the Wildcat took the World by storm and then the rpos which used to be called play actions kind of took over the world and defense coordinator. Start figuring it out. This offense in Baltimore seems to be one that could be very difficult to figure out with all the tight ends are different sets and Lamar's Jackson ability to throw the ball all of a sudden. Have you got a chance to see the Ravens offense perform at all? And do you think they are a potential dominant AFC team for the next couple years? Why do you think they had the potential to be a dominant team do I did I expect Jackson to do what he's doing and you know have a perfect passer rating on week one. No, but he did and he had to go out there and prove. Because you know coming into this season everybody question whether or not he can throw the football down the field, but when you have the running ability of Jackson, they have to respect that first and foremost. So if you're a defensive coordinator in his lie, you're going to say okay. We're going to load the Box stop the run Jackson beat us with your arm and he has proven that this far so it's going to be interesting to see if defensive coordinators can keep up to what he's doing but also can Jackson protect himself when he's now running the football and not and not take those unnecessary hit so he can sustain throughout the entire year. He stays healthy. Z-man Baltimore obviously is the team to beat in the AFC North now can they compete with Kansas City? We won't know that because I don't think they get the chance this year unless it's the playoffs but they do get a shot at New England. So it'll be able to test where they are from that success competition level Dom is the New England. And they've only gotten better as an older guy who played quarterback into your I think in their 40s late 30s, at least, how do you think how do you think it's sustainable? Even he eats avocado ice cream, I get it and he does cucumber pizza and stuff like that. But how does Tom Brady still perform at the level that he performs it sometime father time has to catch up to him. Is that wrong? Am I accurate and sing? No, Absolutely catches up to everyone and we are whatever workout regimen that Tom is doing up there is working for him and like you mentioned man. He's kind of scratch your head when you spend, you know, 20 years in this league and half of them you're in the Super Bowl is really are you serious? This it that New England situation remind me of Golden State you're like, okay. Yes. That's Curry's already good. But you're at Kevin Durant to that. Are you kidding me now? All of a sudden here you are adding Antonio Brown. I'm like, I cannot even happen and it just, you know babbles me. And you know poured from comparisons use everyone thought that the Steelers could be, you know can compete they got blown out by New England and you add that element in Tom is doing nothing but getting better and now quarterbacks or being knocked off with injury and now here's the older as the Elder spokesperson Now versus all these younger guys and Kenny now knock off The Lion and it's going to be interesting to see if they can do it. But whatever whatever reason all assigns are indicating that is probably going to be a Kansas City New England AFC Championship game and we'll probably see Tom and a championship again, you never officially retired from the NFL I can you still spin it were you thinking about going working out for the Steelers or what? I never officially retired from the NFL but you not his game is once they send you your severance check. The league has officially wiped her hands of yours. Did I'm walking officially retire. Are you enjoying the media world? This has been an incredible conversation? I feel like you just taught me a lot. Are you enjoying the me? Is this what's going to happen are you or is this gonna be your future? I really do enjoy it it I like it. But I don't love it. The only reason why I don't love it is because the Steelers play five National games Prime Time games and I jump on the postgame radio after the fact so I don't finish till 2:30 in the morning. That's the only reason why I don't love it, but all everything else. I've enjoyed it thoroughly and I enjoy talking just talking ball General. So trust me. I'm one of the ones that are very happy on the Steelers Nation is not happy whenever the Steelers. Are flexed out of prime time, but I'm completely happy because that's the difference between me finishing at 2:30 in the morning or 7:00 p.m. I can respect that man. You talk about newspaper people. They talk about deadlines writing deadlines. They like the earlier games as well. So I don't think the writing knock on that. Who do you you have the New England Patriots in the Chiefs in the AFC Championship? Who do you have the Patriots winning it all against two? I actually have them probably proof. It's kind of hard because at that one point I'm thinking to myself. Okay, it's going to be this is going to be the Rams and then I'm liking what I saw from Seattle what they did to the Steelers over the last uh last week. So I really think is going to be Seahawks and New England and Super Bowl again Charlie everything about me every time I speak. I just want to I literally want to just slap them in the Eight in the mouth because everything is says is just perfect. Everything Russell Wilson says is perfect everything. He does seems to be perfect. He was like back when I was in college and Tim Tebow. It was like this guy can't be like this all the time. Then I meet Tim Tebow and he literally is like that all the time Russell Wilson. I've never got to officially meet him. But every time I see him on TV, I'm like this guy is so full of grumpy. I cannot take everything. This guy says, it's just perfect. Perfect. Perfect. And then he leads the team on these. Credible long drives and he drops balls into the bucket for me seems to be the perfect quarterback. Why do I hate him? Charlie? Why do I just have this natural hatred towards him and should I it's one of those the his history reminds me of Ben Roethlisberger early on you're like okay to legion of boom is the reason why you're winning why you're in a Super Bowl and why you even have a championship and then all of a sudden he continues on his career, they lose their defensive side of the ball and he's making some pinpoint-accurate throws. He's our man. I can respect it very similar to what Happened with Ben Roethlisberger that Defense number one for a long time here with the Steelers and he started making those accurate those and that's when people started respecting his passing game when you look at what Russell Wilson brings to the table. He doesn't check all the boxes. But you had he's out there and one of the top quarterbacks in the league you can't do anything but respect the guy third pic. He did he had to earn everything that he has at this point and man watching him in person man. It was even better than watching on TV this past Sunday. I'll tell you what Charlie you I had to learn everything in your life as well from Munhall to Eastern Michigan to the Lions Back Home to Pittsburgh. I can't thank you enough for joining us. I'll get around on Russell Wilson. I think he's too perfect. I just think it's too public. It has to be fake, but maybe it's genuine. Maybe he's just that incredible of a dude in a quarterback Charlie. I will speak nothing, but your Praises for the rest of time. Thank you so much for joining us. Ladies and gentlemen, Charlie Batch. Thank you man. I appreciate thanks for having me. All right. That's the show. It's currently 4 a.m. I'm fucking dead. Hopefully I don't fall asleep at the wheel when I'm driving home, but I guess if you don't hear me on any more shows than you'll know that that's probably the case. We're still alive on Westwood one every day from 10 a.m. Eastern time to noon and streaming live on De Zone. If you haven't checked that out yet. I would highly recommend you do so for the time being you can still find all the podcasts on YouTube and I would also recommend checking out the newest Vlog that foxy just made it is incredible and gives you a little insight into the chaos of our last week. We appreciate you guys for listening rocking with us. Like Pat always says we know you could listen to just about anything else, but you're choosing to spend your time listening to us and that doesn't get lost over here. We respect and appreciate the hell out of you guys. Have a good One cheers, if it's all right with you all night all night. Have a good time. All right. All right. I think we're all my her curves, but she got a mind on, uh, street-smart book-smart built by design for me. I gotta hold her up cause you're always holding me down like a bank robber with a note give it to the teller so she know we ain't fucking around something about that company I sent for you, but you come for me give his all right all night. Have a good time. All right. It's like it's okay. I've been feeling good. I think I'm feeling great started out as a little hood nigga from Savannah. Then I moved to the eighth. Hey. Did I eat it up get it right back big cold as ice in your nightcap get you with your pain Along by the night lamp. We don't discriminate. We just want you to put this to pay it takes two to tango gonna let the day go to say that same old. Same old same shit when I switched it up like a plainclothes 5 O 12 same cold my flow. He'll stay froze I sent for you, but you come for me don't come if is he all right with you all night all night. Have a good time because it's alright. It's alright. Is falling for you with you with you do anything that you wanna do you wanna do girl? I just wanna pull you with you with you with you. Yeah, I just want to bug you with you. Would you do anything that you wanna do wanna do? Well, I just wanna Boogie with you what you what tell if it's all right.
Today's show features three of our favorite interviews from this week's radio show (Live on Westwood One from 10 AM - Noon EST, and live streamed on DAZN) with some incredible guests. First, Pat is joined by friend of the show, 7x Pro Bowler, 2x First Team All-Pro, former center for the New York Jets, Nick Mangold. They discuss his new venture into sports betting, the problem with all the horrendous refs in the NFL, his thoughts on the bill being passed in California to pay college athletes for the use of their image and likeness, what the difference between skinny and fat Rex Ryan is, and why he isn't in the Hall of Fame at Ohio State (2:20-23:10). Next, 2x Super Bowl Champion, and current WR for the Detroit Lions, Danny Amendola, joins for a chat with Pat. They discuss the differences between Tom Brady and some of the other quarterbacks he has played with, what he likes about the culture being built in Detroit, how all the fallout from his social media affected him, and whether or not it was fabricated, and he and Pat reminisce about a crazy night they had together in New Mexico (23:45-38:42). Lastly, 2x Super Bowl Champion, 12 year NFL veteran, former QB for the Detroit Lions and Pittsburgh Steelers, Charlie Batch, calls into the show. He and Pat discuss what his take is on Daniel Jones starting over Eli Manning, and how he was in a similar situation when he was in Detroit, and what the best way for Daniel Jones to have success will be. He also chats about the Big Ben situation with the Steelers and whether he thinks they'll be okay, and he dishes on what it was like being teammates with Barry Sanders, and whether or not his retirement was in any way similar to Andrew Luck's (41:39-1:01:07). Today's show is a good one, come and laugh with us. Cheers.
Hey everybody, this is BJ. We just wanted to talk to you for one second. Before we go into your favorite new podcast Dragon Quest FM about our host anchor dot f m-- we've been using anchor since we started doing Dragon Quest FM and we have really really enjoyed the service. That's right. It's the easiest way to make a podcast. It's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Anchor will distribute the podcast for you. You can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many others and thisAnd as part of their sponsorship program where you can make money from your podcast with even minimum listenership, it's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. So if you want to do this, you can go to Anchor dot f m-- and get started. Hey everyone, and welcome to Dragon Quest FM4. We talk about and obsess over Dragon Quest. My name is Austin and I'm fidgeting and today we are going to talk about the first Dragon Quest Dragon Warrior game. So we have there's a lot of versions of this game. First of all, and I played the mobile version on iOS on my phone. I'm actually replaying it right now and BJ you played it originally on the NES when you were like six, right? Yeah, I got to the green dragon. And when I was like 7 or 8, maybe and played some of the mobile version and decided that I think I'm going to play the Game Boy Color version all the way through when it's turned on the on Mike you got you so but right now at the time of this recording neither one of us have played the Game Boy Color version, correct? You haven't played it started. You did start it. Okay. Yeah, I've started it. Actually I've gotten just a little bit too to the heroes cave up top Lodo's cave rhodos cave I can't remember what they call it and the color version Okay, cool. So so since you started playing it, is there anything you want to say about the Game Boy Color version? I like it. Like I like this version. Like I think it may be partly Nostalgia on my part because I loved the Game Boy so much as a kid and but playing this one feels a lot better than playing the NES version going. Back and it feels honestly a lot smoother maybe than the mobile version. I think that might just be because you don't have buttons on the mobile version you use this, you know, you tap your move and really the same way but the Game Boy Color version honestly feels the most solid of any of them that I've played so far and that's I've actually heard that from multiple people that the Game Boy Color version is like the best version of this game. So I'm excited then because I actually got it because I have a bit boy and I have it and I'm actually I liked it so much that I'm probably I'm going to end up going out. I've been looking on eBay to find a complete version of it with box and mon manual and everything for the Game Boy Color like it. That's the I like it so much. I really really want like a collector a collectible edition of it at you and that's why C and II missed the Game Boy Color version because I missed a lot of Game Boy Color games. Let's see. I want to say I'm not sure how old I was. I was pretty young and I remember my parents got me the the Game Boy Color. I think I mentioned this in another episode but it's like the like transparent purple Gameboy Color that looks really cool. My parents got me that and Pokemon pinball and then when I say it was for my birthday or Christmas, I want to say it was Christmas and then I was a kid, so I saved up my money and it took a long time, but with that money, I bought Pokemon Yellow my Brother ended up getting Pokemon Blue not long after for his birthday, even though it was an older game. He got it for his birthday like the following year and he and I played through that one. You know, I shared my game boy with him. If you would let me play his games like it's like it's his game, but it's my game boy. So I think that's my that was my parents way of like being sneaky and forcing us to share with each other. And so so anyway, so I missed a lot of games because a lot of Them I saved up for tried to buy with my own money. So I had to be super like selective because it would take me like a whole year to buy up a game for the Game Boy Color and then, you know after a few years it's kind of an old system. So I just kind of moved on from there. I think this came out Dragon Quest Warrior one and two and then Dragon Quest Warrior Dragon Quest Warrior Dragon Warrior 3 on the Game Boy Color. I think those were toward the end of the colors life cycle where you had already moved. And into the Game Boy Advance because one of the Game Boy Color Dragon Warrior three boxes. I looked at yesterday as of this recording had a compatible with the Game Boy Advance on so this was while people are already moved to the next generation of handheld, but they had released these on the previous one because it played that way and I remember seeing the Dragon Warrior three like box and everything like at my local I guess it was Walmart, and that's what it would have been. And like so I can picture it in my head. I remember being a kid and seeing that game. I just you know at the time my I was like so into Pokemon. It was just I was going to buy Pokemon and nothing else with my limited funds. I understand that like I've I was that way honestly with Final Fantasy games at the time. I did a lot of Final Fantasy buying so the game the NES version was released 1986 in Japan. It came to the US a while after that. At and then when it came to the US, I know you mentioned this in a previous episode, but you played the NES version like about three years later. Is that right? Yeah. It came out in 1989 in the US and it did not do well Nintendo Power did a promotion where they gave everybody who registered for a new subscription to Nintendo Power. It was $15 a year. They gave everybody a free copy of Dragon Warrior. So they cleared out stock. They got the game out there. People expose them to RPGs in the west and it did well enough that eventually Dragon Warrior 2 3 and 4 were released on the NES here, but it never did well for Nintendo to actually be the publisher again as far as I remember got you. So so I know you talked did talk about a little bit about your experiences with the NES version and I think it was our first episode that we did but just as like a refresher in case nobody's listen to that episode. I sewed you said you played it with your best friend at the time. You guys spent a couple of years kind of chipping away at it and you thought you had beaten it but you really had only defeated the green dragon. Yes, and I beat the drink green dragon and as a kid like I thought you know Rescue the Princess and that was the end of the game. And so I've lived my entire life as a lie, and it was only recently that I found out when you told me that that was there was you know, Another half of the game, but also I realized that you don't even have to beat the Green Dragon in Dragon Quest one that if you don't beat the dragon, it's just the princess doesn't show up in the ending which is really cool to me that you can go on and just skip that part of the game and even for an NES game a first-generation really NES game here. It was complex enough and they put enough thought into it that that part was left out of the ending. I did not know that because in the version I played if you if the green dragon beats you he beats you. Oh, you just don't go fight it apparently. Oh, yeah, that's what I was reading. Like you just don't go and fight him and apparently you can move on through the game now. I haven't done that but it was something I was reading about I think it was on Dragon Quest dot-org on the wiki, maybe. Oh my God is looking up stuff about the hero and erdrich and every yeah, I did not know that there's there's so many things whenever we get to do in life. Episode Dragon Quest 2 I'll talk about it then but there's just there's so many things in these games and drag quest to is kind of frustrating part, but that I've done and like put a lot of effort into and then found out later that it was optional which which is something really really cool about these games is that you can you know, you can do this kind of stuff or not do it or if you fail, you know, it doesn't necessarily affect very much of the story. So just that's a really awesome thing about these games. But at the same time there's definitely a few things like in other games that I found out where optional that I'm like, I don't know if I would have done this had I known it was optional at the time because when I played my play through these games and I'm you know, I'm playing through all of them this year and when I play through these games I try not to read spoilers or like facts or anything about them. Playing them I try to just experience them and then obviously if I get stuck I you know, I use Google because I don't want to just like waste, you know hours and hours and hours not knowing what to do. So someone look it up if I need to but I try to just kind of approached them all with like, you know with just having know nothing about them and just trying to experience them and then, you know read stuff if I get stuck and so So so most of the time what will happen is I beat the games and then when I'm going before I ride up like my blog posts on them and stuff at at Dragon Quest I like will do a little research and stuff just to fact check myself because I don't want to like put out any right wrong information. And so a lot of times when I'm doing that I will find out later that it's optional or what. I'm in the middle of a play throughout posted a picture of it on Twitter and somebody will be like, hey, you know, that's optional right and then I'll be like no. I did not so but that's really cool. I did not know that about the green dragon. Like I said, I haven't done it but it's what I had read about. So we'll see. We'll see how much I grind dragon as I go through it. But like I as a kid, you know, I remember this game and that the Game Boy Color version is very true to from what I've played so far and so was the mobile version of like the graphics making me really happy when I was a kid like I loved playing it because it was really cold. Colorful, it was bright and that was really what I loved about NES games at the time. Like I mean, I love games like Batman and Ninja Turtles and stuff that were more muted and you know, because I love Batman and Ninja Turtles, but playing Dragon Quest when I was little was like you log on well, you didn't log on at the time you turned it on and you you just get out into the Wilderness this Bright Beautiful green area. You kill some Slimes like they pop up and like I loved getting into fights with slides to this day. They're one of my favorite things about the entire Series in the entire game and I know it goes and it's a lot of people's I understand so but it was one of my favorite things about the entire game when I was a kid because it was just fun to kill them that it's when I see a DQ slime anywhere like in any game. It's like I don't get mad about battling and it's like I'm gonna get a kill of slime. It's I don't like random battles anymore, but it's like, oh, here's a slime. I get a kill it. I was playing Dragon Quest swords the other day and I do not like that game it is. Not fun to play and those of you out there who like that game. I am truly amazed. You're a stronger human being than I am but it's like I got slimes coming in and a battle. I'm like, oh, yeah. I'm getting a slice limes in half and like that was fun. And I think it goes back to playing the original NES version of Dragon Quest one, like walking out or Dragon Warrior, I guess walking out of town for the very first time and being attacked by slime not knowing what it was and being like that's really cute. 11 to kill it and that's actually one thing. I like about these games like about a month ago. My oldest daughter. She's three and she I got her the PAW Patrol video game Paw Patrol is on a roll for switch, which is really a great game for kids her age. So if any of you guys have kids around that age like this is a great first game for him. It's a platformer and she was watching me play Dragon Quest 6 on my DS and she wanted to give it a try and so she knew how to use the The analog I showed her that, you know, you press a to fight and I had the tactics set on fight wisely. So everything was pretty much done for her. She just had to press a to fight and then a to attack and so she just you know walked around the Overworld and you know pressed a when she got in a fight, but she was just laughing and having such a good time because she liked the design for the monsters and just you know, they're not scary. They look cute and I even felt T because she was like they were disappearing and she was like, I'm at killing them dad and like I could tell she was getting kind of bummed out and I was like no you just they're you know, they're getting scared of you and running away and she would like keep fighting them but should be like don't be scared. Don't be scared as she's continuing to just like beat him with swords of but anyway, it was really cute. She leveled up my vocations really really well for me. I have every once in a while I checked on her. To make sure her MP was so good. So that the Healer could like keep her up. So she wouldn't die or anything and then I would I would go back to a town. I would borrow it for a couple minutes and like save it so I didn't lose progress. But yeah, but she had a good time just playing it and that makes me so happy like you sent me pictures of it and just seeing her sit there smiling playing dq6 was was just beautiful. So like you should totally introduce her like when she gets a little bit older just give her Dragon Quest one and just let her run around like see what Happened like it was when I was a kid and just see what she does. Yeah, I mean just think about how different the series would have been if like Toriyama hadn't designed these monsters this way and everything. It was just been I mean, I don't know if like, you know, I don't want to say, you know, the game wouldn't be as like loved as it is, but I do think the monsters are just such a huge important part of that and I think they are I mean the character designs are great. Don't get me wrong. Like I always loved the hero the heroes and what they do with the designs. I bought Dragon Quest Monsters Joker just because I saw the hero design I was like, he looks awesome. I'm gonna buy that and I haven't started it yet, but I was like, I want to own that because as a picture of him on the front and So like I love it, but apparently I just love Toriyama art and so seeing the monsters like this. It makes me really love seeing every monster. Even the re color palette swaps in every new game. Like I get really excited to kill crabby Tabby dues because of it being cute. I love seeing Hammer hoods all of this and I just love them and it's something that I have with a few Final Fantasy enemies like I love killing cat Karzai. I love being able to go and kill tan berries like it's and it's the cute ones. That's the thing the ones that I really like and remember so much about Final Fantasy are the cute ones that are like the slimes in DQ that got me into it. And so I just really really appreciate enemies like that that lasts through series and the slimes and everything have done that for me. Like I remember as a kid loving them. I still love them. And so yeah, it's apparently I just love Tori. Of the like I said before Chrono Trigger got me like that's one of my favorite games and he did the art and design for it. I've been a Dragon Ball Z fan for as long as I can. Remember when it was on Toonami on the Cartoon Network coming into English for the first time for me watching it. Like I have dragon quits or Dragon Ball Z videos like VHS videos over beside me that I found recently like and now Dragon Quest it was when Justin Seeing all of the Toriyama are and I was like, yes. Yes more more please and so I guess I've always loved that since I was like six years old. Oh, no, I was just gonna say what we're trying about slimes and all I think I told you this when you were down visiting me, but you know, so with the collectors edition of Dragon Quest 11, it came with this book are like an art book and then in the back there was just this there was interviews and between those interviews and the interviews that were in the back of Let's see. It's the Dragon Quest illustrations art book which I also highly recommend. It has all the Toriyama art from all that. So between those two there's really interesting interviews, and I really learned a lot about Dragon Quest and so in one of those they were talking about, you know, he even forgot what color slimes were supposed to be some of the time and so on some of the promotional materials and even one of the covers. I think it might be five. I can't remember off today. Go back and check but slimes are the wrong colors. And so he couldn't remember if they were blue. So there's like some promotional art and different art out there that it shows in this book, too. So yeah, I highly advise checking it out. But you in there slimes are not blue. They're not like the orange she slimes or anything like that. And so I thought that was really funny that you know, and he was laughing about it. I saw that was just really funny that he you know was laughing and admitting that he was like, yeah, totally Forget this I just colored um, and you know, no one realized that they were the wrong color and we put this stuff out there. So I thought that was really funny. But like the NES version of this going back to that like it was hard. Like, I don't know if the Game Boy Color and the mobile versions are as hard as the NES version but this game was unforgiving back then that I'm sure it still would be if if I were to pop the copy I have into my NES again and It's like without quicksave. I know you're going to mention this little bit when you get to the mobile version of it, but not having quicksave. I cannot imagine how we as kids were able to beat this game even picking away at it over a year or two like we did like and how people did it back then like we were all just tougher more rugged Gamers and they NES get NES days. It was it was a different landscape because I can't I can't I can't Imagine doing that let quick save. Yeah, and the the iOS version is easier and the quicksave is part of that and I really like the iOS version a lot. I don't know his maybe blasphemy but I don't know if I will ever go and even try that NES Dragon Warrior, you gotta try it. I mean I've seen like videos of it and like screenshots of it. So I know what it looks like. Like but I'm not sure if I will mean a I don't have an NES anymore. I've got to it's okay. Okay. Alright. Well, maybe you'll force me to try it. But anyway, I just I don't know I you know, I mentioned this on the Block when I was talking about Dragon Quest one like six months ago. However long ago it was when I wrote the post but it's like, you know, I have three really young little kids and I just don't know that I have to I am where the energy to sit down and play an NES RPG right now like the whole thing. Just you know, when I was a kid. It's like sure I could spend a whole Saturday just sitting there and like grinding away at something but I'm not sure that I have the time or the energy to do that anymore. Maybe I'll spend my retirement playing like an NES game from the from the 1980s, but I mean there's Worse ways to spend attack retirement. Oh, there are they're entirely worse ways to spend your retirement. But the I'm I don't have kids but I don't have it in me to play NES games anymore. It's like I'll play either on an emulator or I've bought like the Disney Afternoon pack and they have rewind features and save states or the Virtual Console on on the switch or other other games or other systems and I was like, I'm gonna I'm going to rewind this slide. Don't have that the patience of a ten-year-old anymore. I just cannot sit and grind out like the same thing over and over and over and over and over again, like the end boss of Darkwing Duck. I don't I don't get it. I don't get how anyone ever beat that or Batman. Oh my so so getting into the iOS version the I've had a lot of fun with it, and I actually I started replaying it this week because this week it's been really crazy. E Work Week most of the most of the time throughout the year I work from home. So it's not too bad the summertime. I'm always on the go. There's like two two and a half months of Summer that I'm like never at home. Everything's crazy the rest of the year. I'm mostly working from home those two and a half months are just nuts. And so this is kind of been the first week of that and like I've even been too tired to like just sit and play Dragon Quest 6 or anything and play through the story of that because it's like Dungeons and everything. So I Arie downloaded the first Dragon Quest onto my phone and thought I'd play it in my free time and it's one of those games that I've talked about that love it because of the Simplicity of it. It's I mean, don't get me wrong. It's still you know, kind of grind e and you have to you know, take your time with it, but it's a very simple game and especially early on, you know, I don't really have to think too hard. I can just walk around and kill stuff and get up some levels and so I've kind of been doing that this week. Week and so it's been bringing back some good memories, even though I just, you know, beat it about six seven months ago. So I've been having fun replaying that the quicksave function, which I know you mentioned is just it's amazing and I think it's necessary for for mobile because for those of you who don't know this Dragon Quest has one safe point and the whole game you go to the king of tan ago. I'm saying that right tan Ogle time to gal and I don't know. Yes intangible. I don't know. I've never heard it like pronounced anything mechanical Castle you go to the king and he saves the game for it you he tells you like how much experience you have to go and all that. So what happens is, you know, the world of Dragon Quest one is not just super big but it's big for only having one safely and you know, there's some times that you know, you really have to walk back for a long time before you get to the king to save. That so the quick save function is great for mobile and makes the game a thousand times easier. I took advantage of the quick save function a lot like not even just to like because I had two quick save it to turn it off really quick something was going on. But I mean just to like I would just quick save before going into like a dungeon or a cave and stuff that way. I just wouldn't get completely wiped out because you know, the thing about Dragon Quest one is like you don't know. Like you don't know if it's going to be hard or not, like even the beginning of the game. It's like you start off and if you go outside of the castle, you can kill like a slime where she slime it's not too bad. And then you wonder just like, you know, just a few inches to the right there and go like literally on the map like just a little bit like Southwest then you might run into like some ghosts and things and they can just like kill you so fast if you haven't leveled up enough and so so I would always you know, No quicksave that the quicksave function saved my butt like multiple times. The number one time the that I like so thankful. I did. This was in Charlotte Castle Car Lot Castle. However, you want to pronounce it the final Castle there with the Dragon Lord is there's apparently like an infinite Loop like you can just keep going like through this like endless staircase infinite Loop, whatever you want to call. And you just will constantly like get stuck there if you don't realize it. So I was about you know, probably less than 30 minutes, but definitely more than like 10 or 15 minutes in and I was like, huh? I'm not really seeing not really seeing any new stuff. It seems like I'm just repeating the same areas. I tried I tried getting out and wasted another like our trying to get back to like the me. Main area on my own and so finally so that's one of the times you know, like I was talking about for I just kind of Googled it and sure enough. They were like, yep. If you go this way, you know, there's going to be infinite staircases in the castle. And so I quick saved it. So I restarted and backup at the quick safe from outside of the castle and went back in and I followed a guide very closely to get through to the dragon lord just because I wanted to There and I just didn't want to take the time to get lost again. So it's really glad ring that time. But sorry, no go ahead like during that time of you doing that where their bosses are not bosses but monsters were you getting randomly attacked as well? And it's been so long. But yeah, I mean, I know there's random battles like because you have to walk so here's the thing you save it at tentacle Castle, right? And I'd always try to do hard saves as often as possible just in case the quicksave mess. It up and it never did. But so you save their when less time you do like the Rainbow Bridge to get over to the island and all that stuff you go into the castle and there's yeah, there's random enemy encounters. There's not there's not any bosses or anything till you get to the Dragon Lord, but there are like random enemy encounters. And so it's like during the infinite part I want to say so yeah. I mean, I don't know why there wouldn't be I haven't gotten to that part. Replaying it. But I remember getting attacked the entire time I was in there. So so I want to say yeah, there are random enemy Encounters in there because it's just like it's I mean, it's a part of the dungeon. It's not like anything really special. And so yeah, I want to say I was just like getting attacked and just the whole time which makes it even harder which I guess yeah. That's what I was thinking. Yeah, wow was asking because that would be so annoying. Yeah. The other thing the other thing about one as much as I have loved one thing. I'm so glad that they got rid of was the Torches Having a large words indicate like and once you get the glow spell it does the Torches don't matter. If as long as you have MP and you want to keep using the glow spell like which is what I really did. I can always kept a torture to as backup. But like once you come to learn the glow spell less important, but like seriously the Torches and the beginning part of that game before you learn glow was like, I definitely I got lost one time. So I'm pretty sure I talked about this on the blog, but there's one time That I was saving up. I want to say it was a broadsword there. Was there something like I'm trying to remember the town. It was the town it starts with a g. I want to say it's after like the city of coal. Anyway, I do not remember anyway, so so I think it was a broadsword. I was trying to save up for and it's like 1500 gold or something just like crazy expensive for that point in the game. And so I was trying to save I'm up for it. So I was trying to you know, only use my money on an end when I needed to heal up and also just can't kill a bunch of like enemies for gold but I needed to get back through. There's that cave, you know, it's the cave that if you take the wrong turn you can end up with the green dragon and the princess a little earlier than you wanted to but you have to use that case to get between the two areas. And so so I was having to get go into that cave and I realized I didn't have a torch with me because wanting to save up for money and I was wandering around in the dark just bumping into stuff the whole time didn't know where I was going, you know found the the door, you know that leads to the dragon so new to turn around there because I knew I wouldn't be ready yet for the green dragon and just you know, I spent so much time just being lost in the dark right there and that's not even a hard cave once you know the layout of it especially because because in that game, you know, you're required to run back and forth through their quite a bit. And so I stopped using torches like at one point where now that I've gotten there and I know the layout of that cave I just stopped with torches. Oh, yeah. It's like I know how to do this. It's like this stinks, but I am going to not waste my money in inventory and I did the exact same thing eventually, but this was still early and just early enough in the game that like, I wasn't quite used to the layout of that cave. Yeah, so So I got lost for a long time. But but yeah, like you said once you know, the layout of the cave you can run through there not even waste a torch and then eventually you get the glow spell and so it didn't matter for me anymore. But they I'm very very thankful. You know, people talk about how tough Dragon Quest 2 is and I know I'm going to talk about it one of these days as well. Just how hard Dragon Quest 2 is but I'm glad that I'm glad that they did not stick with keeping the has around for at least they didn't you know, the mobile versions out of the original Dragon Quest 2 still had torches, but I know the iOS version doesn't but but yeah, so the Torches I'm very thankful that that is no longer a thing. I also really like paint you guys weren't aware. He's very very happy. Those torches are gone. Oh, yeah, so totally and one thing I did like about the iOS version though, especially it was the obviously there's graphic upgrades. There's the minor like story and dialogue tweets. I really like I can't remember if I mentioned it in this episode or has one of the previous ones but but you know, they they added in the change some dialogue and stuff like that so that everything kind of fits together like erdrich is back to being urged Rick and that kind of thing. He's not load over Roto and they mention in the iOS version they mention I cannot think of her name it starts with an r Um, this is only our I can think of is Roto off the top of my head. This is gonna kill me. I don't know I'm gonna look it up and mention it in like next week's episode or something because this is going to kill me but I'm not gonna waste like a bunch of time right now trying to Google it, but I know that they added in some other stuff just to make it like more concise and that's one thing I really liked about the mobile versions and it's kind of like now that all the Dragon Quest games are here. It's like they're trying to be more Consistent with all the translations and everything so that kind of tweaked tweak'd dialogue and story so that it all kind of flows smoother, I guess and I assume it's, you know, try to get everything into like one like canonical kind of like timeline and just so the terms all match up with people. And so so, you know, I do like the that they've you know done those like tweaks and upgrades and everything. in there So so so Dragon Quest one. I told you I would talk about this a little bit. So right before we started recording we were talking about first jrpg. Right, and I thought that drug was bragging. Well, yeah Dragon Quest was the first jrpg that it established the formula that everyone was emulating. Yeah, because I know that you know, Final Fantasy was looking at it as being like we can't beat this but we can do better graphics. Right? And so and so what we were talking about and you know told you I would mention at some point is, you know, and I often say Dragon Quest first-ever jrpg, you know, I say that too I think so those things that So it's not really the first jrpg. It's the I would say I guess it's it's arguably the first good jrpg and it's the jrpg that like kind of like inspired all the other jrpgs, you know, it's kind of like it's kind of like Lord of the Rings right? There were like fantasy like high fantasy stuff before Lord of the Rings. But Lord of the Rings was the one that got made that you know after it was written. Everybody was like, oh this is awesome. And then everybody copied it. So you have Dragon Quest is kind of like that. It wasn't the first one. But it was the first like good one that had like everything in it that people started copying and like using as like a template to make all the other jrpgs after that and so really quickly. I was going to look it up because I told you I had this book and so so this book and and right now if you have Kindle unlimited you can totally read it for free as well. I grabbed it on Kindle a few years ago the first First one and what's it called? Its called. Sorry. I was getting that having to flip over. It's called The Untold History of Japanese game developers, but I was looking for the guys name. So it's bad. It's by SMG. I do not know how to pronounce his name. It's like says Pontiac it's like s zc z EP a-- Niña que. Anyway, that's the guys name. I had to look up the guy's name was one of the title is the untold story of He's game Japanese game developers and there's multiple Woods. There's multiple ones at I I picked up one because it was like on sale on Kindle like years ago, right and then I picked up to a little while later and now I'm seeing after looking it up. There's also a third one, which I didn't know about. But if you're interested in this kind of thing like this, this is pretty cool because it has like interviews with Japanese game developers. And it also has like, you know, just some backstory on different games a lot of this stuff that I'm mentioning is in volume to it, maybe in volume 1 I'll include links to these in the show notes so that you guys can just click and find them as well. Either way. They're really good. If you're a fan of you know jrpgs, especially but just like gaming history. I think they're pretty neat. You know, I like those kind of books and I read so anyway, but I thought one thing It was interesting because I looked back because you and I talked about how Dragon Quest was the first jrpg, but then we were like well was it and so I'm pulling it up on my Kindle app right here. So so it does talk about some that I guess would have creased like proceeded. Yeah Dragon Quest like I know one of the ones that he talks about in there is the dragon and princess. I don't know that one at all. And so that one is am looking into right now is 1982. So it would have been you know about four hours earlier and it was the first one for like basically you had a party you have. Okay, you had a party and you went on like a quest for a key. And now that was for the NES though. The NES hadn't been released at that point the famicom had nearly no. No, I'm just talking about like jrpgs in general here. Okay jrpgs in general not necessarily any sjr. Correct. Yes. So so that one would have been like 1982 you mentioned some other ones that I can't cannot think of off the top of my head because I didn't bother doing research before now just kind of mentioned it and now I'm winging it but I know there was one I want to say it was called dungeon that they talk about in the book that I said. I remember done did essentially just stole all their like monster designs from Dungeons and Dragons and put it like on the computer. So so that one I think it was a little bit earlier. The one that I thought was really interesting is there's one that was called the black onyx so I just Googled it to make sure I got that name right? It's called the black onyx that was like the first kind of jrpg hit like an initially I think it was a failure and then it kind of sold pretty well like I think like hundreds of thousands of copies and is basically from a guy who wasn't Japanese like, I guess he moved to Japan or something and he so he made this. Game and to my knowledge. It was the first game. I believe that had like the colored health bars. Okay on it. And it also let you can talk to NPCs and get them to join your party. And so that game I think was like a failure initially and then I want to say he the guy that made this game. He like hired some light Japanese translators and some other things to try to make it more Japanese because I assumed it was like really assumed it was like Western, you know fantasy and stuff. So he hired some some Japanese people to help him out on it and then Redistributed or whatever and then it was kind of a big hit. So I think all of those are like technically considered jrpgs. I know that in this book, at least it calls them jrpgs, but I think they were also more kind of like Dungeon Crawler type games as well. And that's what dungeon is. It was a dungeon mapping. I think if I'm if I'm not wrong it may have been a first-person dungeon map dungeon mapping dungeon. Crawler and it looks like the dragon and Princess was actually done by koi koe. I've never known how to pronounce that Chloe but it's it looks like it was like the beginning of like tactical RPGs is what these articles that I'm seeing right now if they so yeah. So all that to is to say there were technically Japanese RPGs before Dragon Quest by think Dragon Quest was like the one that you know, it came out and it was like the best one and it was This fantastic one and then everybody that came after copied Dragon Quest. So I think the Everquest of jrpgs where well actually it's the World of Warcraft of jrpgs where it took everything that the other games before it had done did it. So well that people tend to forget that it wasn't the one that started the whole thing. And so anyway, I just want to talk about that for a little while because I know you and I a lot of times we just say it was the first jrpg and I guess I guess we need to like at that and say it's the first ever like good jrpg or maybe like the jrpg template. I don't know but it either way and you know, I just thought that was kind of interesting because when we recorded last week whenever it was I knew we're talking about it and I think at some point where even like what is it? We know we say it is but is it really and so anyway, I just pulled up. I don't know why I didn't Google it. Apparently, I'm just like I forget that it's like not like 1993. So I like turn to my book. So I'm like I have this book. I'm going to look into its from I don't make fun of him all the time y'all because he is a he's like a 90 year old man in a 29 year olds body. It's like he gets grumpy and crotchety and like where's his car? In talks about Youth and he literally sends me text messages about Youth and so it's it's not just him I did saying, it's your it's your it's your because you mainly run the Dragon Quest FM Twitter account and I'm like stop it you're embarrassing me with all of your like talk about using bam and like I can Haz and all of this stuff. I'm just like stop it just stop and that's kind of our stick, you know you it is You are embarrassing and I'm a stick in the mud. That is that is that's hard Dynamic just so you guys know and it all and it all goes back to I'll just tell a story right now. It doesn't really have to do a Dragon Quest. But do you remember we all went to go see Guardians of the Galaxy together like years ago? Yeah, and I remember like other people. I can't remember where your wife was she was there, but other people were gone and me my wife Grace and you we were holding our place in line and there's a line that you know, why Find out the doors. They're obviously it's a line to go see a movie and you ask the people in front of us. You're like, hey, is this the line for Guardians of the Galaxy and a normal person me or a normal person would have probably just you know, when they said yes say, okay cool. Thanks or like thank you, whatever but your life. Well hot-diggity-dog. This sure is where I need to be and you like do a little clap and snap. And anyway that that's his personality you guys if you want to know why the deejay is like he's the Clap snap hot diggity dog person. I really do say hot diggity dog. You'll yeah, I know you do. That's literally what he said that that night and um and like you totally just, you know Grace and I just kind of both looked down and we're like, we don't know if that is this is the strange dude that just walked up to us. Um, but anyway, I know it doesn't have to do with Dragon Quest. I just thought it was a funny story. So so before we finish here, I know you're going to put those links in. Is there anything else you want to add about Dragon Quest one? Like I'm just really excited to actually get through it. You know, it's being able to play the the GBC version of it actually has me excited because I've been playing these DS versions and they are you know way way enhanced versions of The Originals, especially Dragon Quest for and so I'm super excited to get back to playing one of these old. Shh no one's playing, you know a 33 year old game, but it's interesting to me even looking at the Game Boy Color version, which is is an updated version of the of the original it still feels far more modern than going back and playing other RPGs on the platform on NES that kind of age where I have a really hard time going into Final Fantasy 1 like I do love the final fantasy series and I do love RPGs and games from that era, but it is really hard for me to even go back and play the original. Miles Elda and I'm not having nearly as hard a time going back into dq1 as I thought I was going to so it's interesting to me. Just how well they hold up for games of that era. Yeah, and I totally agree. I think they hold up really great. So once again, you can visit our site, it's Dragon Quest dot f m you can talk to us on Twitter at Dragon Quest FM. You can read my blog. Since Dragon Quest Quest that is at Dragon Quest You can talk to me personally on Twitter at underscore Austin underscore King, and I'm on Twitter as at Professor beej that's beads with two e's I'm on another podcast called The Geek to geek podcast that you can find at geek to geek So thanks for listening, and we'll see you guys next time. Bye everybody. Bye.
 Support DQFM on Patreon at  This week, Austin and B.J. explore early JRPGs and also talk about the first Dragon Quest (Dragon Warrior in the West). First, they discuss the different versions of the game. B.J. played the NES version when he was a kid, thought he beat it, but has been really been living a lie--he only got halfway through the game! We talk about the graphics, music, and why we think the game wasn’t initially successful in the States. Austin played the mobile version and is replaying it right now. He talks about the various pros (and cons) related to playing the classic game on mobile. The Quick Save function is a very nice addition that makes playing DQI easier. He also really, really, REALLY dislikes the torches mechanic in the game. Be sure to listen to him repeat this fact, like, a dozen times. They also talk about the Gameboy Color version, which neither has played yet...although, B.J. plans on playing the GBC version whenever he goes through the Erdrick Trilogy. Publicly shame him for not playing the Edrick Trilogy yet. But do it nicely. Lastly, we discuss early JRPGs and even try to track down what’s really the first. And what really defines a game as JRPG anyway? Plus, we talk about the book The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers by S. M. G. Szczepaniak, which shares some interesting stories from those early days of Japanese gaming. You can find links to some of the things we talked about in the show right here: Link to the book: The Dragon and Princess: Dark Age of JRPGs: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hey guys, and welcome to the symbol inside a podcast with me. Today is Emily Saboteur. She's recently joined us about three months ago in our customer success departments and least want to tell everyone what you do and where you based. Yeah. Sure. So I'm from Australia originally, but I moved to Copenhagen almost three years ago. So I'm based there. As a customer success specialist working with the sender will team in London remotely and part of my role. It is quite varied. But a lot of it is supporting coaching training our new customers and basically being their direct point of contact. It's enjoyable cool. So it most people work in an office as you probably know and you work with people every day, but we have customers in different time zones. So in Annalise is T and we have customers space in the US and we have we have members of the team who support those us customers as well. So we're trying to build a global company with a remote working culture. So we thought in this episode we would discuss what it's like working remotely how you balance sort of your work and your life and how that feels sometimes when you're alone working from home and actually deal with a remote steam. So don't you tell us what it's been like for you so far you're three months of the company. Yeah. Absolutely. So three months has has gone fast and I would kind of segment it into three different parts really, of course the first month being onboarding to send the ball and getting through the in the role and then I would say the second month is where sort of some of those challenges about remote working definitely started to head because it was my first experience working fully remotely and not only fully remote in terms of not being at HQ. But also my direct teammates also based in the US so on a completely different time zone and then on top of that my customers are spread out across all different time zones across Europe Asia, Australia Middle East Etc. So I would say in terms of of challenges in that second month was just when Kind of real transition hit and I did struggle sometimes with knowing sort of who to go to ask questions Center of sort of on my time zone because my drug teammates went online yet. And I think just getting into the groove of what works for me and what doesn't work for me to kind of keep that motivation and keep that isolation at Bay and how do you find like working by yourself? Obviously, we slack at spendable like one of my issues is that when I'm working from home. I feel like I have to be more responsive on slack and I find it quite distracting like how do You balance distractions and being focused and being available for your teammates. Yeah, I can definitely relate to that. I would say I'm I always have sort of one eye on slack at all times whether it be on desktop and they obviously also have it on my phone as well. I feel like it's just about sort of your personality and that's how I sort of could see myself, you know succeeding at working remotely as because I do have the kind of I guess sort of like manic yet organized chaos approach to work and that I'm always doing a bunch of different things but What keeps me energized and motivated as well, so I wouldn't say that's that's a huge challenge but I do obviously have that feeling of always needing to be kind of like as visible and as present as possible to kind of make up for that for the distance. Yeah, and how do you like how do you know when to switch off? Like, how do you decide when the day is done when you're at home? Yeah, that's that's a good one. So I did sort of have to kind of learn that on the fly as well. And I do feel like I have a good grasp of that. Now I would say my top sort of tips or suggestions around that is Just to try and have sort of plans after works that you do have a bit more of like an end time that you that you can work towards even if that is something you know individual like going to the gym or just you know, hobby that you enjoy or of course like social plans as well. I think as well with remote working you sort of need to kind of look at your lifestyle and I guess evaluate sort of how much Social contact you have just generally because I think that really kind of balances that lack of You know interaction throughout the day. So just ensuring that you have a lot of plans and just yeah constantly sort of surrounding yourself with other people outside of those working hours. And I think as well something that has been quite valuable to me as having friends in the same industry as me even in the same role so that when you go out, of course, you don't want to talk about work the whole time but it is quite valuable to me to be able to use them as a bit of a sounding board or even just to vent, you know from the day. So for those who are new to remote working, could you describe like what your average day looks like? What what your routine when you get up in the morning? Like how do you get started? How do you settle in what does that look like? Sure. Yeah, so I know a lot of remote working articles often refer to this concept of a routine and the importance of it and I do agree to some extent but I do like to also be out of routing in a way and keep it varied because for me personally I find that monotony kind of leads to these kind of feelings of isolation. In creeping in so I would say it's more like a ritual and a routine. So generally it would be of course checking what I have on for the day making a cup of coffee going through my emails that sort of thing but generally the night before I also check that and sort of plan my day around what I have coming up. So if it's a day where I have, you know, a lot of customer calls or some sort of big projects. I want to work on then I might make the decision to go to my co-working. Space and then if I have a day where it's more sort of internal meetings, then I might work from home that day and have a bit more of a casual day. I guess you can say have some nice music going that always helps as well and other any signals like when it might impact your mental health, like what sort of things should people look for when they might need to see more people or get out of the house that kind of thing. Yeah. That's so that's a great question and it was actually well mental health day yesterday. So when we recording this so very Timely I would say there's a few things. I think it's also up to sort of your teammates as well because I can definitely notice that if I am having a bit more of a down day or a down week that it does come across when I am on my internal like video calls with some other colleagues. And so I feel like I also do rely on them to kind of notice that and for them to check in and see how I'm going and I think as well when you just feel like you're not really being as productive as you could be and just yeah getting a negative. A negative space which is why it's so important to share those things during your one-on-ones and to have one-on-ones of course with your manager as well. Yeah. So is anything that a manager of a remote workers should be looking at for should be doing maybe some examples from your current manager of what she does to make it easier for you guys. Yeah, that's a really good point actually because I do feel like you do need to have a manager that has either had experience, you know managing remote workers before or at least open to it that makes a huge difference. Once and I am very lucky and very grateful that my current manager is a huge supporter of it and is a remote worker has Soul. So she does understand the challenges. I think that from from what we have developed together is we have sort of increased our catch UPS. So we did used to just have one daily stand-up but now we've increased that to catch up sort of yeah a little bit earlier than that as well just to kind of follow up on anything that could be acted on before the standard at the end of the day for me anyway. That's helped a lot. And I think just having a really open open report open relationship where of course they are your manager, but they all are also their kind of as a mentor and you know, even a therapist on difficult days and is it is it difficult at all with her being obviously your manager is based in the US the she overlap with your time zones or two Farms a period where you can't contact her and how do you manage those periods? Sure. Yeah, so there is a little lapse I guess. The first part of the day for me being based in Europe. Obviously. She's asleep. She is quite a gym Enthusiast. So she does get up quite early and and jumps on slag. So I do have that Advantage. I guess that the way that I manage sort of that lapse between the day or between the hours when I'm not able to reach her. I drew really rely on my teammates at HQ. And and again, it's just it's a huge advantage that they are so supportive and happy to jump on a call with me. Even if I'm not Directly in their team or Department go and you mentioned before that. You have some internal buddies to get in touch with over slack and like have water cooler chats. Can you describe what that looks like? Yeah, absolutely. So I definitely have you know, like a handful of sort of go to people that aren't actually in my team. I often would go weeks where I wouldn't actually have any interaction with them in terms of sort of my work tasks. But I think that's what makes it so valuable that we do just jump on slack and talk and talk about random things in a talk about Last night's episode of Great British Bake Off or talk about the weather or what we've got planned for the weekend. And I think you know, it can be very easy to not be in the habit of doing that or to not even to have those relationships. So I think if you are a my worker that does get the chance to go to HQ really use that time to develop those friendships when you're there so that when you leave and sort of continue the conversation continue building on that relationship and I guess for the listeners if you heard the first episode of the podcast we spoke about remote working and how one of Our principles are rules was to always have videos on when you're on video conferencing cause do you find that that's the rule that's kind of been followed by a team mates and something you live by or yeah. That's a that's a good one. I would say at least 80 to 90 Pips types. And the time we do have video on I think the only times we don't as if we're experiencing some sort of Internet difficulties or you know in a busy cafe or something like that. Does it help to think having videos? I'm yeah. It really does. I noticed that when we do switch them off, whatever. If it's because of you know technical issues or whatever that you do you do lose something, you know, and I really value being able to see people sort of expressions and mannerisms and especially I find for myself. I'm sort of like a talk that uses their hands a lot. So I find that really valuable. Yeah. One thing I want to ask you actually like when we have Town Hall meetings or all-hands meetings. How do you find that experience because I mean for me obviously you'll be here for the last one but whatever is involved in a show and tell whatever it is. How do you feel remote workers are involved you feel like they've given opportunity to be involved to take parts or do you feel yeah, actually, I think I was quite surprised actually how seamless it is in terms of we've had for example, like knowledge sharing presentations and people are you know, switching their screen and everything? It's been quite seamless. I think the only sort of barrier or sort of hurdle that I can see is that people are not so maybe willing to or comfortable to ask questions because there's so many people online. And I think as well everyone is maybe this is a British thing, but very polite and conscious to not speak over somebody else to the point where I think just nobody contributes a wants to be the first person to speak. I think the issue is where I guess when you're presenting you can always see who's in the audience exactly Zoom call because there are so many. Yeah. I have no idea who's actually watching or listening. Yeah that whereas if you look in the audience, you can see their reactions in real time. So I find that a bit difficult because being a presenter not seeing the audience. Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. Yeah, I guess. Yes more to come on that or we can continue learning curve. Yeah, is there anyone or any company that you've sort of follow that's helped to influence how you've overcome by isolation issues with remote working and embracing it, you know from your perspective not a particular company, but there is I guess you could call him a LinkedIn influence side least in Copenhagen. He's actually from South Africa interesting enough. His name is Shamil Jansen. I'm not sure if you're familiar with him, but actually ran into him or me. With him at a like a local sort of startup remote working event. And yeah, I found that he had a lot of great insights to share and also on his own like LinkedIn page sharing a lot of tech meetup events, and I think that is a good way to sort of alleviate any kind of feelings of isolation by not necessarily, you know meeting up with your own teammates, but at least kind of being part of an industry of network a community and meeting up with people that have similar interests and stories and what led you to like looking for a remote. Job, originally. Yeah, so coming back to I guess that what we're discussing around mental health. I definitely felt like I got to a period in my in my career. Let's say where I was feeling burnout that I had, you know put in a lot and it wasn't it wasn't leading me to kind of the life that I was wanting to lead essentially. So I really sort of took stock re-evaluated and tried to figure out how I could balance my love of working which can lead me to burn out but also have down time and just a more rounded Balanced Life. Well in general and that's what kind of led me to the idea of remote working and I think as well sort of taking the strengths that I felt that I had in terms of being independent having initiative and I felt like that would allow me to be quite successful in right working because I when I'm working I do like to be sort of head down productive not have too many distractions. And so I felt like that was a good path to take so obviously we're in the process of hiring more remote workers. I'm sure they'll be listening to this episode. Soda, when it comes out of any lessons that you could share with them any tips for those new to remote working anything they can take away from your experience. Yeah. Absolutely. I think just to be open to it and to expect some challenges, you know, nothing's ever going to go as smoothly or according to plan as much as you can plan for it. So I think just to just to give it a go and if you do start to experience some sort of negative impacts or challenges just be open with it. I think you know Nibble is so supportive of remote workers. And you know, this is kind of the way for the way of the future and the only way it can improve its to share. So just be open to it. No one's going to judge you if you are having you know some some down periods or whatever and there are a lot of resources out there as well like podcast for example, so all you can do really is just give it a go learn and build on it from there. Really. Thank you so much for joining us today. I'm Elise if you guys have any questions or any feedback Please send your emails through to Insider at Well, you'll see a link to a voicemail in the show notes and can contact us via that see you soon. Thanks for having me by.
Most companies require that their people commute to a physical office where they get to interact in-person every day. But, if you listened to our first episode, you'll know that Sendible has recently adopted remote working in a big way. Remote working has a lot of positives for both employees and employers, but it can also be challenging for those who are new to it, especially when your co-workers and customers are in different timezones. In this episode, Gavin talks to Sendible's Customer Success Specialist, Anneliese Sabitzer, about some of the challenges she faces as a remote worker and the tactics she uses to maintain work/life balance and mental wellness. In this episode, we have a candid discussion about: How to maintain mental wellness as a remote worker Tips to overcome the feeling of isolation How to know when to "leave work" when you work from home The importance of establishing a routine that gets you out of routine The distractions that come with having to be more responsive on Slack And much, much more... Links and resources: Shamiel Jansen: Remote Work Guides: How I keep myself motivated as a remote worker:  Connect with us: Discover Sendible: Connect with Annelise on LinkedIn: We want to hear from you Send an email to or leave us a voice message!
Hi everyone. Welcome to another episode of the Scots Anton's Ubi Enterprise this time. I want to read something. That's actually the first thing I ever published on medium and this is the article why should we support the idea of an unconditional basic income an answer to a growing question of the 21st century? I publish this on June 2nd 2014. This is actually the article where I introduced the slogan basic income is not Left to right it's forward. It's also really interesting to look at this article from their perspective of Andrew Yang's campaign for the presidency because you can actually see that a lot of what I wrote here made it into his platform. So I'm actually really happy with the way that this article has aged. Now that it's over five years old and really the only thing that didn't age well was actually I mentioned in this about the Happy Birthday song and how it was not something that's in the public. Main, so that's actually something that has changed since I wrote this is that when I wrote this happy birthday was still not in the public domain and now thankfully it is but besides that I'm actually still happy quite happy with the way that this reads. So yeah, I'm happy to share this with you now for all those who've never read it. And of course a never heard it either so yeah, here we go. What would you do? So what exactly would you do if you were guaranteed $1,000 per month for the rest of your life? And yes, that's around what the amount would most likely be here in the United States at least at first so think about that amount for a moment and don't think about what others might do with it. Think about what you would do with it. Perhaps you would do more of what you enjoy. So, what does that didn't they try this in Russia? You've compared this idea to Communism. So let's focus on that first. In doing so let's also talk about what was actually done in the former Soviet Union and not what was intended what they actually did there simply put was transfer the means of production from those who ran the businesses based on Market forces into the hands of a bureaucracy who made decisions based not on Market forces, but on politics and cronyism, this is a terrible idea, but why is this a terrible idea the market works because it is a means of figuring out what people want the degree. Which they want it and the means of getting it to them. Let's take bread as an example in Russia. They thought everyone should have bread that was a decision made by those in power and they then tried to make that happen and whether everyone wanted bread or not. This did not work so well and there were shortages. Plus those were the connections got more than enough While others got none trying to give bread to everyone although Noble and gesture was a failure. The magic of markets. So how do we do it here in America right now the makers of bread make bread and sell it to stores so that people with the money to buy bread can buy bread. If bread isn't getting bought less Bread is made if all the bread is getting bought more Bread is made those who make the bread aren't making a top-down decision on how much bread to make they are listening to Market forces and the decision is bottom up this perfect, right? Just the right amount of bread is getting made and at just the right price. No, it's not why and how can this be improved right now only those with the means to pay for bread have a voice for bread. We love to use the term voting with our dollars. So is the outcome of that daily election accurate does everyone have a voice for bread? No, they don't there are people with no voice because they have no dollars the only way to make sure the It is working as efficiently and effectively as possible to determine what should be getting made how much to make of it and where to distribute it is to make sure everyone has at the very minimum the means to vote for bread if they have that money and don't buy bread. There's no need to make and distribute that bread if the bread is bought that shows people actually want that bread. So how do we accomplish this Improvement of capitalistic markets? With unconditional basic income by guaranteeing. Everyone has at the very least the minimum amount of voice with which to speak in the marketplace for basic goods and services. We can make sure that the basic needs of Life those specific and universally important to all goods and services like food and shelter are being created and distributed more efficiently. It makes no sense to make sure 100 percent of the population gets exactly the same amount of bread some may want With another's and some may want less. It also doesn't make sense to only make bread for 70% of the population thinking that is the true demand for bread when actually 80% of the population wants it but 10% have zero means to voice their demand in the market bread makers would happily sell more bread and bread eaters would happily buy more bread. It's a win-win to more accurately determine just the right amount and that's basic income. It's a win-win for the market and those who comprise the market. And it's a way to improve on capitalism and even democracy by making sure everyone has the minimum amount of voice. Can we really improve capitalism or is this just theory if you want actual evidence of how much better capitalism would work with basic income? Look at the pilot project in Namibia quote The Village School reported higher attendance rates and that the children were better fed and more attentive police statistics showed a 36.5% drop in crime since the introduction of the grants poverty rates decline from 86 percent to 68. Sent 97 percent to 43 percent when controlled for migration unemployment dropped as well from the sixty percent to 45 percent and there was a 29% increase in average earned income excluding the basic income Grant these results indicate that basic income grants can not only alleviate poverty in purely economic terms, but may also jolt the poor out of the poverty cycle helping them find work start their own businesses and attend school and quote. Think about that for a Second crime plummeted and people given a basic income actually created their own jobs and actually ended up with even greater earnings as a result or how about the psychology experiment as evidence for increased productivity quote the participants given a choice between either two or three puzzles each spent about five minutes working on the puzzle, they selected but those who were also given the option not to participate spent about seven minutes working on their selected puzzle. Explicitly choosing to do something rather than not to do it greatly increase the amount of time spent on the task and quote this suggests that if we create the option for people to be able to choose not to work genuinely choosing to work may result in even greater commitment because it is suddenly a matter of choice and not force choice is a powerful motivator speaking of motivation. What does the science have to say about money as an effective motivator? Are for complex and creative tasks larger rewards lead to poorer performance quote. This is one of the most robust findings in social science. And also one of the most ignored I spent the last couple years looking at the science of human motivation, particularly the Dynamics of extrinsic motivators and intrinsic motivators, and I'm telling you it's not even close if you look at the science, there is a mismatch between what science knows and what business does Does that's actually fine for many kinds of 20th century tasks, but for 21st century tasks that mechanistic reward and Punishment approach often doesn't work and often does harm quote by Dan pink in the 21st century as we continue quickly automating away half of our jobs in the next 20 years jobs list cognitively complex and more physically laborious. We need to enable ourselves to freely pursue. More creative and complex Ventures some of the best work happening right now is the stuff being done in our free time that is unpaid like Wikipedia and are many other open source Community Creations not to mention all the Care work performed for our young and elderly basic income is a means of recognizing those unpaid work as having greater societal value and further enabling it or how about the multiplier effect as evidence of enhanced capitalism. I quote all those dollars low-wage workers spend create an economic ripple effect, every extra dollar going into the pockets of low wage workers standard economic multiplier models tell us ads about one dollar and 21 cents to the National economy every extra dollar going into the pockets of a high-income Americans by contrast only adds about 39 cents to the GDP and quote. This means that by redirecting that money pooling at the top doing Peridot believe very little accumulating in ever-increasing amounts through continual redistribution upwards from the bottom and middle of the income spectrum and recirculating that clotted money back down to the bottom and middle. This would actually expand the entire economy by making it more sustainable and more inclusive. This is how the body works. This is how engines work. This is how systems work a system cannot exist in perpetuity that is designed for one-way flow Thomas Piketty has recently demonstrated in his sweeping capital and the 21st century that our current system is exactly that one way it is up to us to create a true circulatory system for the engine of capitalism without monetary circulation the system as a whole will come to a grinding halt if Piketty is right then holding on to an ideology of income and wealth redistribution as theft may just be like a heart refusing to Blood anywhere but the brain capitalism 2.0 capitalism 2.0 is sounds great and all but can we afford it basic income is entirely affordable given all the current and hugely wasteful means-tested programs full of unnecessary bureaucracy that could be Consolidated into it and the cost also depends greatly on the chosen plan a plan of $12,000 per US citizen over 18 and $4,000 per citizen under 18. Amounts to a revenue need of 2.9 eight trillion which after all the programs that can be eliminated are rolled into it requires an additional need of 1.2 a trillion or so. So, where do we come up with an additional 1.2 a trillion a land value tax has been estimated to be a source of Revenue of about one point seven trillion dollars a flat tax of around 40% would be sufficient due to the way as such a Tax Works in combination with Ubi this would have Actively be reduction in taxes for about 80% of the population a 10% value-added tax has been estimated to be a source of Revenue of about 750 billion dollars that could be increased to reach 1.3 trillion or added to other sources of additional Revenue. These other sources of revenue could be a financial transaction tax 350 billion dollars a carbon tax a hundred and twenty five billion dollars or taxing capital gains like ordinary. The income and creating new upper tax brackets a hundred and sixty billion dollars. Did you know that for 50 years between 1932 and 1982 the top income tax rate averaged 82 percent. Our current highest rate is thirty nine percent. There is a place in the world that already pays a regular dividend to everyone living there universally to child an adult through a wealth fund. It has created through royalty fees paid by companies for the rights to profit from its natural. Sources this place is Alaska and the Alaska model could be applied anywhere as a means of granting a basic income as the social dividend from a sovereign wealth fund of resource-based Revenue. We could even get more creative by thinking about how we go about giving away other forms of shared resources royalty-free to corporations like the use of our public Airwaves and patents copyrights. That should have entered the public domain long ago, but haven't thanks to corporate lobbying from those like Disney. To protect their profits off of Creations like Mickey Mouse. Did you know that the Happy Birthday song isn't even in the public domain company should pay us instead of politicians to keep things out of the public domain and we could use this Revenue as an additional means of growing a resource-based wealth fund suffice to say there exist plenty of funding options any of which are more than sufficient that if combined could potentially allow for larger basic income or a reduction or even Of income taxes entirely. Okay. It's affordable, but wouldn't people stopped working. We studied this question in the 1970s here in the United States back when guaranteed annual income was a goal of President Nixon and the house even successfully passed a bill for it the findings from the accompanying large-scale experiments done in cities like Seattle and Denver found that surprisingly hardly anyone actually stopped working and instead reduced their hours slightly with men reach seeing their hours the least by a maximum of eight percent this slight reduction in hours was then replicated to even less of a degree in Canada's Min come experiment with men choosing to work as little as one percent fewer hours. Meanwhile, we find ourselves today working too much having drifted away from the 40-hour workweek We Now find one out of every three of us working more than 50 hours with many even working more than 60 hours. And what are the effects of this quote new studies show that working more very seldom produces better results employees work many more hours now than they have in the past but it's coming at the expense of health happiness and even productivity. Well, it looks good to be the first to arrive and the last to leave work each day. It turns out that putting in 60 hours of work each week. May do more harm than good in achieving end results through the data one thing. NG becomes extremely clear to boost productivity and Foster excellent employees. The best thing businesses can do is to bring back the 40-hour workweek and quote. We want to start working less. It would be good for overall productivity to be working less. In fact in certain circumstances. We shouldn't even be working at all. It's called presenteeism and happens when people refuse to call in sick quote according to various studies the Cost of presenteeism to you as employers Falls anywhere between a hundred and fifty billion to 250 billion dollars each year. Those costs are on the rise as presenteeism becomes more frequent and tight Economic Times and quote right now people are going to work when they actually should not be going to work and this is having a negative effect on the entire economy. And even our overall health. We need people who are feeling sick to stay home when they should be staying home. And not feeling forced to work because they absolutely have to earn that money or out of fear of losing their jobs. If they actually take a sick day. It's kind of curious, isn't it? Here? We are worrying people will work less if we guarantee a basic income and the reality of the situation is that people are presently working too much and it is costing all of us combine this with the fact there's three people seeking everyone available job and the obvious solution is that we actually want people to be able to choose to work last to free up more. It's for those seeking jobs who are currently being excluded the labor market, but still what about those few who would stop working through the elimination of the welfare trap? Thanks to basic income. This would mean that anyone choosing not to work instead opting to just live off. Their basic incomes would be earning less than everyone choosing to work for additional income. This could not only decrease unemployment and increase productivity, but simultaneously fixed the situation we have Right now where it's possible for the unemployed to actually earn more in equivalent benefits. Then the cash incomes of those who are employed plus the variability of people to not need a job makes it that much harder for employers to exploit employees with insufficient wages and poor working conditions. The ability to actually say no means the empowerment of labor on an individual level. No unions required simply put basically Come makes work actually pay why would insert a you dislike ever agree to this the idea of basic income cuts across all party lines from the extreme right to the extreme left. We are hearing calls for basic income those on the right love its potential to shrink the size of government and do away with minimum wage laws while those on the left love with potential to reduce inequality and once and for all but an end to Poverty basic income, Come is not left or right. It's forward. So why should you support unconditional basic income? Why should you have supported the abolition of slavery back in the late 19th century? Why should you have supported the right for people other than rich white men to vote? Why should you have supported our landing on the moon? Why should you have supported the ending the Vietnam War or the beginning of LBJ is war on poverty. Because you want to make our world a better place. That's why. Thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode of the Scots Anton's Ubi Enterprise and thank you to all my executive producer to your supporters on patreon. And anchor whose names include the Gerald have fun for Humanity. Harun mocked. Asada. Steven Grim Floyd. Marinesko, Andrew Stern Zach Sergeant Carolyn Larry Cohen aren T Schultz, Ace Bailey Albert vanger, Athena, Washington the reward Drawn out as a rock Justin Walsh Michael Tinker Robert Collins surgery better all Navarro Stephen boys firt. Tom Cooper Trisha Garrett, Ubi visuals Victor Lao Zhu di Shapiro Gary Turner Mark Clark how Michael Finney Michael Kwok Peter tonight build tang and Sanford redlich if you two would like to be thanked by Name the end of each episode head on over to my patreon page and select the executive producer tear or pushed the support this podcast button on anchor and select the ten dollar level.
In 2014, I self-published my first article on Medium that to this day I think remains a solid introduction to UBI. Up until this article, I'd been reading a lot about UBI and engaging in a lot of discussion on Reddit about UBI, but this was my first attempt at "giving back" to the discussion with my own thoughts. It did quite well, getting over 100,000 views and because of its success, I was inspired to keep writing new articles, following it up next with my article about UBI and inflation which was even more widely read and shared. In this first article though you can see a lot of Andrew Yang's UBI: $1,000 per month basic income, 10% VAT, financial transaction taxes, carbon taxes, but most historically, it was this article where I first coined that basic income is not left or right, it's forward. It's because of that I think this particular article may just make it into the history books, seeing that it has gone on to become a central message of Andrew Yang's presidential campaign that is strongly resonating with a growing number of people.
This is impact school. And I'm your host learn Tecna and you're in the right place. If you are somebody who's trying to build a business trying to build your personal brand and trying to make a difference all while enjoying life having fun and just making sure that you are making the most of every single area whether it's your health your Fitness your mindset and just everything in between So today, we're talking all things affiliate marketing because it's a Monday that means I have a Guest for you who is an absolute expert within this space? I have gel on the show from screw the 9 to 5. That's the name of her business. I find it absolutely hilarious because let's be honest. There's a lot of people listening to this right now who are in a 9 to 5, you have a side hustle and who were probably trying to consider doing a bit of affiliate marketing here and then to help them take the first steps to quitting that 9 to 5 job. All you may have been someone who used to do the 9 to 5, and now you're here today. Building your business and love in your life. So if you're new to this, you may not know what affiliate marketing is. So I've just got my trusty Google dictionary out in front of me to make sure that I get the definition perfect cuz I fully understand the concept but when it comes to explain things, sometimes it's easier just to go from the dictionary. So affiliate marketing is apparently it's a noun and it is a marketing Arrangement by which an online retailer Peace Commission to an external website for traffic or sales generated from its referrals, okay? So I actually know that affiliate marketing can be done with an in-person retailer and it doesn't have to be paying commission to an external website. It can be paying to commission just to a person. So I think that this is affiliate marketing definition by Google dictionary is a little bit outdated if I may say so myself because here's the thing. Basically it's when you are becoming someone who refers a product to somebody else and in return for that referral you get paid a salary. Of cash you get a water cash just for telling somebody about something. So that is exactly what affiliate marketing is. And in this episode Gemini really dive deep because I've done a fair share of affiliate marketing in my time. I'd say overall in the past year and a half probably I've on around 25 Grand just for affiliate marketing and it hasn't by any means be my main source of income. It's just been something that I've been doing super casually and obviously like we're going to talk about affiliate. A marketing is something that can be done continually and it can be done really casually and really easily now. Here's the thing we go into a lot of depth. So if you feel a little bit confused at any point and like what we're talking about is way out of your comfort zone just keep listening because it basically we start off pretty easy then very quickly we go really really deep and then at the end we kind of ease off and speak about some easier ways for you to get into affiliate marketing easily. So just listen take notes and just know that In the show notes for this episode. I have links to so many things. Yes. I leave some of my affiliate links just as examples. But I also have links to all the resources that gel mentions and if you're someone who obviously you're obviously listen to this right now, right because you want an extra $500 to a grand per month just from affiliate marketing and if you're somebody who is serious about building a business a service-based online business whether it's coaching Consulting freelancing then I do I do have a workshop for you. So it's it's linked in the show notes, of course, but it's just impact - through - influence actually, you know what it's going to be easier. If you just go to the show notes and get it because the the links a little bit confusing. So just go to the show notes. You'll be able to see it there very clearly as well as everything else that we are referring to. So with that said, let's bring gel onto the show and we can start talking all things affiliate marketing. I hope you enjoy and remember at the end of every episode. I always give my insight on Well God's episode everything that we've spoken about because I just like to reflect upon everything so that you have some implementation steps moving forward. So I'll see you then. And if you haven't subscribed already, please remember to do so and tell one friend about this book Cause, that'd be really cool. Okay, let's get into it Josh and I started our first business together was an affiliate marketing business. So we built our business up to like 30 different affiliate sites. Now at the time that was like a mix of for page websites and big websites, so So sites was like over 300 post that kind of thing and we sold them to go all in on the screw. And so with the screw we had digital courses. We had a membership site. We had coaching Live Events like basically we did all the things until we realized basically it was softer after we had our son and turns out having a baby will cause you to reprioritize your life memory. And so we just started asking ourselves bigger questions. Like is this But we want to keep doing for the future of our business like things feel really heavy right now. It feels like we're time zone restricted. We are limited to the schedule. We have created for ourselves. And so we just started kind of tossing around the idea and it wasn't till Josh said to me like well, you know what business model we've really liked and at the time I was so burnt out and kind of jaded that I was like nothing and he's like no we have we loved affiliate marketing and it was like the whole freaking heavens. Opened up for us and I was like Oh and it just gave us such Clarity because for the screw the screws are very big broad brand right like our whole mission is to become the number one destination for up-and-coming entrepreneurs or two like transform, unsatisfied employees into dangerously successful entrepreneurs so that we don't Niche down to like one specific type of entrepreneur we have digital course graders. Worship site owners coaches Freelancers service providers live event owners membership member Mastermind curators like we run the gamut right? And so it was really hard for us to focus down on one quick thing that we could be quote quote unquote known for and so we realized that affiliate marketing works perfectly for us because it allows us and this is what I love about affiliate marketing. It allows us to connect our audience to the different people products programs and services. Or tools that we use like we use love or believe in and so that's what I love about affiliate marketing and just as we were chatting before we started recording what I love the most about it is not just the fact that there's no fulfillment or no customers are no products that you have to create. It's that it can be layered into any existing business or brand like if you have an audience you can use affiliate marketing to layer in a whole other income stream in a way that feels wildly helpful for people. For engaging really inclusive and not pushy salesy desperate or anything like that. So that's why I love it amazing. And that's exactly what you are going to be sharing with the listeners of impact school today because I know that we're going to be talking all about how to earn an extra 500 pounds or dollars to like a grand or so per month with affiliate marketing but there are a few reasons why you said you love it now. I just I know that, you know, the audience already knows what affiliate marketing is I Ready explain that to them in the intro of this podcast, but I would love it. If you could kind of just I suppose give us a few more reasons. Why you think it's great and why you think that anyone can do it? Because I know there's probably some objections right now. Like I don't have a big enough audience or I don't really know any good products to become an affiliate for why is it so good and why can anybody do it? Yes, we so the way I think about affiliate marketing as you are simply connecting your audience to the tools products. Graham's Services people that you use like or believe in so guaranteed no matter what you do for your business in your day-to-day life or in your business, you use products that have affiliate programs. No doubt about it, like people often say to me but I don't really have anything that I could be an affiliate for I'm like, yeah you do absolutely especially like well anything I'll tell a story about this dude Bryce, but just in a quick sec even like health coaches, right? Like there's a lot of health coaches or health professionals out there think about all the different products. You use blenders workout apparel workout equipment apps programs coaches. I know that you are always like stop selling protein powder but like even that kind of stuff or supplements or you know, certain juices or meal delivery services. Like there are so many things that you already use in your day-to-day life that guaranteed have an affiliate program. So All you have to do if you want to figure out where to find those things is search the product you love and in quotes put affiliate. So say I love Vitamix or Blendtec or something like that, right? I would search I would open up a Google Search and I would put Vitamix quotes affiliate or quotes referral or quote partner anything like that that allows Google to drum up a bunch of results that will connect me with the Vitamix or whatever insert product here. Affiliate program that you can apply to and become an affiliate and then you just simply get a link it's tracked and if you if someone in your audience clicks that link goes through and makes a purchase you get a commission. So you're connecting people who are already in your world with stuff you use and even if I always hear this as well like similar to you what you just said, like I don't have a big audience, but you don't need a big audience. I like people are To get sick of me saying this but I truly believe micro influencers are thing that's coming up real fast. Like it's not about huge vanity numbers. It's about resonance and engagement. That's it. Right like they're looking for people who have a crew of people who listen who pay attention who read watch listen to what they're saying click and buy whatever they put out there. That's power not just like big sexy numbers like I I'd much rather have a hundred people who listened and watched and put out what earn shared whatever I put out there or clicked My Links or bought whatever I'm talking about. Then I would 10,000 people who don't really give a damn right? Like we're looking for people who resonate with our message who want to learn more about what we're doing and how they can get the same results and because of that they will typically listen when you're talking about a product program service or person that's what I love about it and look, No, another thing that I don't that I love about affiliate marketing obviously like we talked about is there's no fulfillment on your end. Like there really is no product creation. There's no customer support unless someone just has some questions like there's nothing for you to create launch or promote over and over and over again, you're simply shining a light on the things you love exactly. Yeah, and I guess let's say you were becoming an affiliate for somebody's course and you want to do better than everybody else use an affiliate for the course. You could go ahead and create bonuses and stuff if you wanted to but I'll Riff on that. Like that's my favorite thing. So my gosh, that's amazing. That's amazing Jill. So I still have one quick question upon everything that you said because I know that for sure something that I've mentioned to my audience before is if you let's say your your niches dating, right? And so you have people following you for relationship advice and all that stuff. So let's say you then took to Google and you typed in dating course affiliate now, I'm interested to know why Put affiliate in the quotation marks because I've never actually heard about that before well because that will tell Google that you only want to see results from site or pages that are related to dating and have the words affiliate somewhere on that page typically using that exists in the form of a link which will take you to their affiliate program application page or Lisa an explanation page so that you can figure out like what is their commissions? How do I apply? Who gets approved that kind of stuff? So it's essentially like just like when you're looking for guest post right? Like that's how you would find guest posts and that's how you become contributors. It's the exact same thing for Affiliates as well. And I would love well if you want to go back to this later, but I would love to talk about anything around promoting other people's programs because there is so much you can do to really drum up some serious commissions for that. But before I go down that rabbit hole, can I just quick touch on one more thing? We were talking about please do yeah, okay. So I didn't even think of this at the time when I was like rambling on and on but certification programs are so huge study courses. So that dude I was telling you about our buddy Bryce Bryce. He wasn't be rice. He was an accountant when we first before we met him. He was the first dude we ever met when we travel to South southeast Asia and so he had just quit his accounting job his CPA job, and he had started a website teaching people how to pass the CPA exam. Yeah, and he was an affiliate for courses that taught people how to pass the CPA exam. So all of his free content led to these study courses now that was we met him in 2013. So that was six years ago. He was just starting out and now he does 250,000 dollars a month off Google traffic through affiliate through affiliate link. So he's a three million dollar business teaching want to be CPAs how to pass the exam which Supposedly really hard and he's never even built his own course. No, like he created his own study guide wants but then he was like, I don't want to sell my own. I just like selling other people's and shut it down. So that's the like it doesn't just have to be you know blenders or something if you've gone through a certification or if there's a course or a study program or books or audios anything like that. There are so many opportunities. I mean, you could look through things like ClickBank or shareasale or Market. Health or of course Amazon Amazon has Amazon Associates. That's their affiliate program. It's lower commission's only 4% But if you're working with volume that stuff adds up and Amazon is the most trusted Marketplace online hands down. I think I was reading her Josh told me like for every dollar that's spent online Amazon gets 50 cents a bit. Like what wow mental so unbelievable. So people trust it right there not like whoa. What is this site? So if you do have stuff that you can't find exact affiliate promotions or excuse me affiliate programs for and they have those products on Amazon. You can be an affiliate for Amazon instead. Yeah, exactly. So finding affiliate programs really is a case of doing your research. Yes. Yeah for sure as you start to build a bigger and audience if you're someone who is trying to build their personal brand if you start gaining followers, you may have some Brands come to you and ask you if you want to be an affair. Earlier for them. That's how I actually first got started. But then my mind was open up to the whole world of the other side of affiliate marketing right which is why people have blogs and email list and their Affiliates for all these different things and you can be proactive put yourself out there and go find these programs yourself rather than just wishing and waiting that they come to you right up solutely and you can do it in a way that sorry. I'll just I'll let you live. No, please go ahead. You tell me you're sharing the wisdom without yesterday. So I was just going to say I was just going to say that there's so many ways. You can do it in a way. That doesn't feel like you're pushing affiliate links on people. Right? So like we can jam on this. I don't know if you want me to go down the rabbit hole, but do it. Okay. So obviously social media is a huge one, right like Instagram stories. I love it for all things affiliate marketing because all you're doing is simply even if you were to walk people through a day in your life and you're saying like swiper. Up to save 10% on this use this code for to save 10% or swipe up. If you want to check out my favorite blender swipe up if you you know want to check out these supplements I use or you know, there's so many now if you don't have swipe UPS, the best thing you could do is send people to the Lincoln bio or send them to a resources page on your website. This is such an easy thing to set up and people will always check it out. I think our resources Pages like one of our third most popular site pages. On our site like that's crazy. And so what I love about that is we create it once and then it just sits there and cranks commission's right. So when people say like passive income isn't a thing, I'm like that's because you ain't know how to do it. So they vilify passive income. But if you do know how to do it, it can be passive like sure you may want to update things but you don't constantly have to work for it. And that's another reason. I love affiliate marketing because a lot of these tools like if you You use any software say you're a coach right? Say you are a business coach or you're a coach for people who want to be health coaches or you're a coach for people who want to be a business coach or a relationship coach or anything. You can give people like starter kits here are some of the things I think you're going to need to get started. Here's the things I use that it make my life easier. So say you are a person who helps business coaches. Maybe there's something like legal templates or contracts or you know website hosting or Email list email service providers and Jill. I mean I'm a great example of this actually, so obviously I'm helping people build an online business and I sell a lot of online courses. So I have people come to me who may also want to create their own online course. There's I simply tell them about the software that I recommend which is teachable and I have a link to that. I'll leave it linked in the show. How meta I just affiliate. I just got all Affiliated up in here. So yeah, those things like teachable there's an email service provider that I use what are other things just trying to think right now but o some posting yeah hosting, you know, but also like people come to me for creating content. So I have people they want to know how do you get copyright free music on your YouTube videos on Instagram. So I tell them hey I use this here's the link and yeah, it's amazing. It's awesome. So I obviously then The refer the recurring the recurring revenue from that because these are things that they have to subscribe to. Yeah, so I've been pretty I've been pretty careful with the affiliate programs that I choose and I want to choose things personally that give me the recurring income. But obviously if I was to be selling I know we also go out the protein shakes if I wasn't able to sell them high volume on a recurring basis, then that would be awesome. Yeah, and like the reason yeah, the reason I love to This is because that Revenue Stacks right? So like say you send you know, five people one month and your commission is $20 a person, right? So there's a hundred bucks but next next month you send six. Well now we're at math 220, right and then next month you send another four and so now we're at 300 a month, you know, it builds upon each other. It's no balls and that's what I love about these tool based at least. Affiliate programs because a lot of software creators take the retention really freaking seriously. So that means a lot of people stay customers of theirs and you keep getting those commissions this it is amazing, but obviously unfortunately not in every Niche. Is that going to be possible we have like I already mentioned as a few Fitness coaches health coaches listening to this today. They may not necessarily have access to products like that back when I was a fitness coach. I was starting my Online Career. I was searching for these type of things and it just isn't necessarily possible. Unless you're becoming an affiliate for a nap but those apps are typically going to take the business away from you because they do the coaching for you. Yeah, there's not necessarily gonna work. That's why I am a big kind of I'm a big advocate for you really focusing in on your business and then using affiliate income to support your business and have some extra side cash. So shall we give The listeners a bit more info on how they can actually build that income and how they can go about doing this whole thing. Even if right now they're starting from Total scratch or they've been burned in the past by five percent commission from certain protein company that we shall not mention do it. Okay. So do you mean like how to start building up your like we're to promote your affiliate links or where to build how to build an audience or both so firstly like the gonna find the products they need to go out there and Find those product themselves. Like how do they actually transfer it to the how do they tell people about the affiliate programs obviously about the links and everything. So we see they have social media. They can give us that Lincoln buyer. They can do the swept up in that story if they do have swipe up and I'm just gonna add a quick sneaky little hack. It's like let's say you make a pole on your Instagram story. Now obviously Instagram is Instagram is changing all the time, right? So this may change in a few years to come but right now as of 2019 this works so go Hadn't I use it but what you can do is like you can also map all hey. Are you looking for some new protein bar that if they click? Yes, you can literally just damn them the link like it's easy, right? That's an easy strategy that you can use. You can just be like, hey, I found this one give them a bit of value because obviously if you're just telling them use this that you know, they might not even know why they want to know why they should be trusting you and why they should be using it. So there's a tip there. But yeah other ways for them to actually start making this money through these he's affiliate programs. So one of my other favorite ways using social media at least is Facebook groups. So when we had we've had a few Facebook groups in the past, so we had our first one was like 45,000 shut that down start a new one built that up to 14 before we shut that one down as well. But on both of those people know just so people know that's 45,000 members the and 14,000 members in your private Facebook group. Yes. It's a yes, so I just didn't want to have full-time groups anymore. I do pop up groups. Anyways, but in there I had resources Pages because a lot of people if you've ever been inside a business Related Group come in and they ask like, what should I use for this or who here has used clickfunnels or who here? Like what's better Bluehost or go to you know what? I mean? Like there's so many questions like that. So I created a resources page using one of the files and then I pinned it or I assigned a topic to it when topics came out and the reason I love doing it inside files. Is because you can format and you can do internal links so you can contextual links so you can create links out of your like out of the text, right? So and you can format bold italicize all the things so that's why I love doing it in the file section versus just in a post and then you can pin it you can mark it as an announcement. So it always stays there you can assign a topic but that way when anyone comes into that group and is asking like what do you guys use for this? You can be like, oh, I have a hole right up over. Here on this page. So that's a great way. You don't just want to make it like a slew of links obviously, like I had a description beside each one and like how we use it why we use it if there was an episode or a piece of content. I had around that particular topic. I would also link to that. That way people can make a really good judgment call for themselves because people don't want to feel like they're just getting blasted with links like that sucks. Right? So like you were saying give them value. The reason I love Philly marketing is because it should all be front loaded. With free content which means it's really easy to do. All you have to do is create really rad free content. So this could be blog posts podcasts videos. You just did it when you said like I'm going to mention my teachable link in the show notes. That is how you start building up a lot of affiliate Revenue as well as using your free content, but doing it in a conversational way. So we have an episode coming out in a few months called three tools. We use to make 30 grand. That's all affiliate links. All I'm doing is we're walking people through our top three tools. We use why we use them how they've benefited our business and how they've actually turned into cash and then we say like if you want to grab a free trial to this go to screw the forward slash blah blah blah, you know what I mean? You can bake that into your content even in your videos. You could do product review videos. You can do unboxing videos. There's so many ways. You can layer this into the free content you're Already creating or should be creating for your brand because here's one thing I know for sure is that attention AKA audience is money and the way you build that is through free content online. There is no other I mean you could pay for it if you wanted to but if not free content is absolutely being number one way people build audience of audiences of Believers. So whether that's livestreams videos podcast blog post, whatever that is for you. Going all-in and creating really high-impact free content will help fuel your affiliate Revenue in such a quick and easy way. Yeah, so true. I mean, that's how I've managed to build mine up to where it is today. And the cool thing is once you do actually have customers who are paying you as well. It actually becomes a lot easier to refer them to the different things that you use so I know that a bunch of people who are enrolled in my courses, they then by the recommendations that I give them because I give them a reason and they already He trusts me, right like they've already spent money with me. They've already seen the what I'm giving them is really really good information. So that then increases the trust which means that they're more like to them by again and if it means that like I'm essentially selling them without selling like that's the cool thing about affiliate products. I find one thing that you mentioned just then which I think was genius and there may be some people listening right now who don't yet have their own domain. They don't yet have their own website. That's people that do you mentioned that you make and like screw the Dot-com / I know Lauren Tecna, let's just pretend so you have that which means that whenever anyone types that in it takes the customer directly to the landing page your affiliate promo. Let's say you are an affiliate for impact through influence and then you they were to then go to like scrutinize / Lauren Tecna, then they would have liked the affiliate deal that you guys are running for one of my program. Yes just pretend so that is called a pretty that's genius. It's got a pretty link. Yeah and that That is a WordPress plugin. Okay, so it's it's free. You can easily set it up. It's so easy to create them. All you do is you grab your affiliate link you put it in the destination URL or Target URL or whatever it's called and then it'll already populate like screw the forward slash and then you just I would put like impact or something like that, right? So then my affiliate link would would it look like Lauren, you know impact for / re f Three to five six, you know a whole bullshit amount of numbers and letters and characters. It would just instead be a really easy link for people to remember. Oh that's amazing. I did not know that so I'm gonna I use my breath. Oh I use WordPress. So if you want to download workers, I'll leave a link to no, but seriously why I'm saying is like I do use WordPress. So I'm going to start using that but in the past I never knew about that. I was actually creating my own Pages. Oh my God. No, No, no, no. No, I'm like I was in Bedding everything. I genuinely have no idea. So thank you. I really really appreciate that. You just saved yourself so much time now, it's so much. Yeah, that's so handy. And I mean, I definitely not a web developer by any means I've been doing this for a while now, I've been learning but it's still very very boring and I don't find one. So that's definitely very very useful. So anyone who has your website. Yeah you Do that that's amazing. And so then that simplifies the whole process. If you have a podcast or YouTube video YouTube channel story, then it makes it so much easier because you can literally just tell people hey go to this URL and it's simple like they don't have to memorize something weird or go click some link because it's easy for people to like, for example, if I say and what during my podcast go click this link in the description notes and then the show notes story for this podcast episode. A lot of people will end up forgetting to do that. But if you say the URL then it's moreover that actually going to go ahead and do it. Right? Yeah, absolutely and and you can bake the stuff into like ebooks your lead magnets like there's so many ways to do it and we haven't even started talking about like product reviews. Like there's so many ways people are looking for can I go down this Rabbit Hole real quick. Just do what you gonna do. Okay. Alright. So a lot of people search for information online obviously, right? Especially when looking to make a purchasing decision, and the reason we create To review so for example, I'll just share one of ours not to like get commissions, but because it is a fantastic example of how to create a really sick product review. So it's screw the forward slash clickfunnels - review and what that is is the reason we use that URL is because we know and doing through keyword research. We know people are looking for reviews on clickfunnels before deciding to purchase clickfunnels deciding to join it. Right and the Reason we use that kind of URL versus just like clickfunnels is because that that captures buyers intent that really targets the people who are ready to make a purchase but are kind of on the fence and are just looking for a little bit more information. So instead of us just trying to Target the keyword of clickfunnels in general which brings up a whole bunch of other stuff and not really targeting the people who are looking to make a purchase. It allows us to show up higher on the search engines because there's less Petition and it allows us to capture that that interested buyer and give them the information they're looking for and then if they do choose to make a purchase then they we have our links on that page as well. But you can do this with damn near every product right? There's a tool we use called a ahrefs a href s and it'll show you different keywords. People are using to search for products that they're interested plus it'll show you the intent of it and like who's looking for a By product name or product name versus product name or product name review like all of these keywords demonstrate that a person is looking to make a purchase but is just looking for a bit more information before you know, clicking the buy now button. So that allows you to capture even more affiliate Revenue by showing up on Google and really ranking for these keywords. Okay, that's amazing. So this is feeling a bit complicated right now. Okay. I was to go ahead and do this for myself. I probably wouldn't. I just thought of so, do you have a simple strategy that you can let less Let's Do It Let's Pretend We're going to make one for me. So let's pretend we're going to use my website Lauren, which is currently under construction right now. So let's just pretend this launch and let's pretend I'm being good with my SEO and I do have a Blog so I took all about online business. Now, I already mentioned teachable. So let's just ride with that. So let's say we are I want to start ranking for people to start using my affiliate link for teachable. So what would we do? Okay, so there's like you would want to lay out like what is teachable? Okay, who was it for? What do you need it what you want? Pardon? Well, who and why? Yeah, like what is it who needs it? Why do you need it? Teachable versus think if o'clock how to use it how to get started with it. Maybe there's a pricing breakdown. Maybe there's Product demonstrations on there like if you were to go to the clickfunnels review that I mentioned that's such a great example because it really breaks it all down and it shows like everything. I'm just going to link everything up. Okay, you can sign me when you want an extra 10 gram per month, which is revenue. I'll send you a cut. But I'm Gonna Fill it. Oh my gosh on that page, you'll see that we're comparing clickfunnels to leadpages. We're walking through the product. We're breaking down what we We don't like about it because there's quite a few things or breaking down what we do like about it. We're including reviews from other customers. There is pricing tables why you should use it who it's for fa Q's like you essentially if you were talking to a friend and they were like, what do you think about clickfunnels and you wanted to like really serve them and give them some helpful information put that into a blog post. Okay, you know what? I mean? So like who what where why Who what where why and then like comparison policies that dead how to use it these yo you that's amazing. Okay cool. And so obviously then you just post that as a blog post. Is there any specific like WordPress plugin that you use to make these blocks? Mmm? Okay. So Josh, this is very much a Josh question, but I know he uses Elementor, which is our page. Builder and our website theme so I'm a butcher that I don't deal with any of that. I'll leave everything Linked In the show notes because like then I can link your article and everything just so that people can understand but if they're already blogging I'm sure they'll already knows that already know. What is that they need to use just creating a blog post and having some smart formatting. So it makes it skimmable for people right like allowed them to go to the sections that they are really For information around and again, like don't get too overwhelmed with this you do not need to make everything perfect in the beginning just get something up there just start looking for the products that you already use and seeing if they have affiliate programs start there first right before we get too in-depth or two down the rabbit hole or two overwhelmed. There are very easy ways that you can baby step your way to this like just because you put up a page does not mean you are. Eating an immediate flood of millions of people coming to your website, right? Like they're well until you promote it or until you drive links to it. Very few. People are going to know about it. So use that time to improve as you go. Yes. Yeah amazing. I think honestly if I was to go ahead and do this right now, the first place that I would start is to actually create that resources page that you already mentioned and then my next step after that would we would be to like think about a no Main tool that I use in my business or just like let's say I wasn't teaching people business. Let's say I was teaching them Fitness. Like what is the main thing that I actually used a today and then I'm gonna go ahead and like create a YouTube video which was a review of that thing or a demo. So I know that you wanted to talk about this. So shall we now dive into how people can create the best video reviews or demos and all that? Okay, so Excuse me. I just got all excited. All right, so I just want to make sure that I'm not overwhelming people. So like you said, I think the biggest thing here is to just baby step it right like we're looking to play the long ball game. Right? Like we're not looking for like get-rich-quick stuff. So yeah, if you're feeling a little overwhelmed because we've covered a lot already look right if you're feeling overwhelmed like Lauren said, please just Start with identifying things you already use love or believe in make a list of them see if they have affiliate programs and then create a tools. I love her products. I love or resources or whatever page on your website and write little blurbs about why you love those programs products Services people whatever it is tools and start there right start there and then incorporate that page into your other free content. Aunt or podcast episodes or whatever you mentioned on your social media. Like I get asked a lot. What do I what I use for this? So I broke it all down on this page. You'll also see a lot of other things that I love, you know, there's so many ways that you can just use that one page. You could put it in your emails in your inbox in yours the magazine. So basically I use this ring and it monitors my sleep and I always I know exactly what you're talking about. Yeah. I always post it on my Instagram story like ice. Sort of how I slept the night before and I have a relatively large audience who watched my Instagram stories a few thousand people. And so I know that every single time that I post that I'm gonna get someone replied to my story saying Lauren what happens this? Yeah, even though I have literally said time and time again that it's a ring and not a nap. I still got people saying that's me, which is fine. Like I understand that not everybody watches stories every single time, but I was getting annoyed who I was Really getting frustrated by this question over and over again. So I use them. I made the most of one of Instagrams features and I made a quick reply so you can create these literally these messages were if you type so it's called an orange again. I'll leave it links in the show notes It's amazing And like I just started I love the ring so much that I decided to message them and say hey guys, do you have an affiliate program because you have to like it's invite-only I think so they invited me to it and they gave me a discount code. Well, so now that like when people use my link in my code, then they're going to get $50 off. So what I did was when they reply to my story saying what happens this I have a quick reply that when I type the word. Oh, you are a Hora and then like the three little dots above all I just press the three little dots and it pre-populates the whole text and it's like this massive massive long paragraph, which says hey, it's not actually an app. It's a ring and I absolutely love it. Here are three reasons why I love it. And by the way, if you Be interested in getting one for yourself. You've given me a $50 off of code. And the code is Lauren and here's the link and then that's basically it. So now I I've literally made like dozens and dozens of sales just from that message and that was just from people asking me a question many times and had to say that because it's yeah it works and that's so smart because you're just paying attention to what your audience is saying that's it to the questions. They're asking and it can be as easy as that, right. I know we've talked about like these in-depth strategies like product reviews and all these kind of things. You can keep it really simple right like everything is in your control right like so you can get as as you can keep it as simple or you can go as complicated as you want now obviously Josh and I it's our entire Revenue model. So we do a bunch of different things. But if you're just looking to layer in a little bit of extra income in your business, this is a great way like just sharing Ducks you use through your social media or through your emails or through any one new voice diems you anything like that. There's so many ways to incorporate this. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Well, you see all the time like with referrals games just from Brands and people I know they have like an Uber referral code and they share it with their PALS. Like you can do that and share it on your group chat on WhatsApp or it's a simple as that like you can make cash just from sharing it with friends if you just want a little bit of side cash, but if you want to start Scaling it up then doing some more of the advanced things that you mention absolutely genius. And so I know that you know, obviously the YouTube video reviews like how so it's pretty much the same format. I'm gonna guess it's like, yeah the what the who the why the comparison the how to use it. Well and it I would probably do like tutorials. Yeah, like how to set up a funnel with clickfunnels in three minutes. Yeah, something like that. You know what I mean? Like I would I would definitely do the clickfunnels review because also you YouTube's the search engine let's remember that right. So we're targeting keywords there, but then I would also do tutorials like how to set up a landing page with clickfunnels how to create a funnel with clickfunnels how to do whatever, you know, like I would create a lot of how-to stuff or I would do unboxing if you're not working with softwares and you're doing actual products like maybe Electronics or cameras or you know, any kind of health related stuff. There's so many ways to do this just start looking at what other people in your Bass are doing on YouTube for products and just make it your own. There's some like you don't have to reinvent the wheel. You don't have to have a crazy strategy. A lot of people are just doing what works and putting their own spin on it. I encourage you to do the exact same thing. It's not copying if you make it your own you're just taking inspiration from what's already working. Exactly. Yeah for sure if it was something like food or ingredient you could stop making recipes if it was yeah, there's so many many things you can do is insane. I think it's just a case of like you said seeing what other people are doing thinking outside the box a little bit and just not being afraid to actually make the offer and like to tell people why you love it. Like if you don't talk about it, then you're not going to start making any sales and I think this is something that people struggle with they don't speak about the things that they use they don't actively go and try and become an affiliate of a products because they just think oh, I'll never make any money from this anyway, but if you don't try you'll never know. It's cliche, but it's true. And if you do it in a really helpful engaging way, like what do you have to lose? Yeah, and I also think like, you know, these people are wondering these questions anyway for so long. I was wondering should I use active campaign or should I use drip or should I use clickfunnels or should I use MailChimp? All these questions and so it's like if I had someone to tell me about their know just use this one and stick with it. I would have saved so much time having transferred from one to the other from from Flippin Mill Jim's convertkit. Oh my gosh, it was draining well and think about even fashion bloggers right? Think about how many people want to know what they're wearing because they then want to wear the same thing, you know, like people want to use or where or incorporate the same things you're using especially if you have a really engaged audience, like if people care about you and what you're doing. They typically want to know what you're using. Using or what you're doing to get the certain results or look the certain way or do the certain thing right? So you can just share those products so many people do it. Like that's why I keep trying to D vilify affiliate marketing because it can be really helpful and really impactful for people and it's just like it's like telling a friend about a cool dress you found or it's like telling a friend about the sick restaurant you ate at, you know, it's the exact same thing. We love talking about things that we Love or have great experiences with all you're doing is spread in love. That's it. So don't again. I just don't want people to get to in their heads around it because I know it's really easy, especially when something is new and seems really sexy. You're like, okay, how can I get started with her right away? Okay. Oh my God, I have so much stuff to do. I'm not going to do it and then they they just spiral, you know, but you can make this so easy and effortless and incorporate it into your social media strategy your content strategy email marketing. Energy in such an enjoyable engaging inclusive way. Boom. That's it. That was amazing. So do you have anything else that you would like to share with the listeners regarding affiliate marketing? Well, I have a whole guide on it like a free guy. I call it a free guide guys. It's a blog post, but it's like The Ultimate Guide to affiliate marketing and in a just and easy free guide that will walk you through how to get started with With it. That's also if you want I can show shoot that over to you can put that in the show notes. I think it would be really helpful. Especially if we were just like fire hosing you with all the information today. Yeah. I feel sorry for the listeners right now. I like wow. I came to this podcast to get value and I go way too much not my brain. But exactly this this blog post will help you real it all in and we'll give you a plan to start putting it into action. Oh, that's perfect. Thank you so much. Yeah, I'll definitely share that. In the show notes and for any of the listeners, let's just take this slow and let's realize that I've really a marketing can be an awesome bit of extra side cash and eventually as time goes on it can become a very very big recurring income for you, but just start small and don't burn yourself out. That's what I'm going to say. Yes. I love that smart amazing and thank you for coming on today. So remind the listeners of where they can follow you. I did already tell them at the beginning of the episode, but if you can just tell Oh them again, then they can go take action on it. Yeah, I would love that. Come hang out with me on Instagram over at screw the nine-to-five all spelt out no numbers or if you want to go to the website again screw the all spelled out. No numbers amazing. Thank you so much girl. Thank you so much for having me on it was so fun. And I love jamming with you and I hope that this was a med value to your peeps. It's so we don't have in deep that to affiliate marketing, but I hope it is inspired you to actually take some action. The first step is literally for you to head over to Google and to find some affiliate but I was because you can start becoming an affiliate for things immediately. Now, here's the thing. I'm a True Believer in the fact that you should absolutely innale your core first. And then once you've nailed your core offer, you can actually start becoming an affiliate to the people who have already bought from you and obviously your audience as well. You know, it's things that are going to help them out. But I think that lets say you're a coach I think now you're coaching offer before trying. To become an affiliate because this is the thing. If you have a bunch of different offers that you're trying to shove down people's throats all the time and you're just constantly selling selling selling selling selling then the problem is people are just going to start seeing you as someone who is just wanting to grab money fast. So instead is better to focus on one thing then move on to the next thing. So, please promise me that you're going to do that. Honestly, it will be really beneficial for you in the long term because you don't want people to think negatively of you. It's much easier to build back up your wealth Is your reputation because your reputation can get damage within seconds? And yeah, I mean, it's a very very hard to build it back up. Once it has been tarnished. Whereas well, if you lose money you can make money again, especially if you're frequently listening to this podcast because I'm going to be giving you a lot of tips on how to do all that especially moving forward. So, please make sure that you have hit subscribe. If you can just tell one friend about this, that would be awesome. You can find me on Instagram at Lauren Tecna Lau re NT IC. Ke And er you can share this on your story, of course, but my main thing that I'd love it for you to do is let you just tell one friend about this podcast episode. So with that said, thank you so much for tuning in today. I'm going to be leaving you here now and just listen to a coma episodes while you're at it. Have a lovely day. Goodbye.
In today's episode, our host Lauren Tickner is joined by online entrepreneur Jill Stanton, who alongside her husband Josh, has built a successful and location-independent lifestyle business that has allowed them to "Screw The Nine To Five". In this episode you'll find out... - What exactly affiliate marketing is - Where you can find affiliate programs - How to integrate affiliate links in to your content Resources mentioned: Jill's affiliate marketing guide:  Aura ring: FREE Instagram Ebook: The Impact School Podcast is a show by Lauren Tickner ( designed to impact your life through giving you actionable steps and strategies to build your brand, increase your income, and become the best version of yourself.
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So like yeah, I've tagged you a couple times my Instagram stories and I saw she was in Dublin and I was like, I need to chat to her and she died once I only yeah, I was like, I was like 25 God she was like on what I was like, I'm I don't know does he this is the first of all thank you for making time for me. Thank you for having me. I am very humbling. Oh, thank you. Yeah, I well. I don't know why I'm think I'm cute. And so Joanna just go through your course because that is a lot to do with like what you share and what you put out there on your social medias. Yeah, so I'm nearly finished up now. I'm finished once I had my thesis in at the start of September, but I'm coming to the end of a Year's Masters. In the politics of conflict rights and Justice at so us which is an incredible University in the University of London. And it's pretty much what you like what you see is what you get. It's the politics of conflict rights and Justice. I became very interested in Conflict studies and the politics behind why things happen rather than mainstream politics, which I'm not particularly interested in come the end of my undergrad and this Is the only Masters I applied to and I got in I was lucky enough to get a place and it has just been so formative. I think it really check. I'd become quite exhausted and like just kind of disengaged with Academia come the end of my degree. I couldn't see myself ever. I was really but kind of like a hive to go now into a master's. Otherwise, I'm not going to job but I wasn't feeling energized or excited about it within a month of being in so Earth my All out of Ghana Academia had changed because I was being taught by academics who are the best in their field a lot of women of color which made a huge difference. I was in Trinity for my undergrad which for me seemed like quite like a patriarchal white. It is a very patriarchal on white University, which is the opposite of what so s is. It's so diverse. The student body is incredibly colorful and mixed and people from all over the world and amazing female-led. Make staff which makes one feel really empowered. It's really empowering and I've really felt like I would have the right to support to achieve my potential as a woman which I didn't have in Ireland. Yes. It was great. And obviously I feel like my brain just got smarter over the year. I literally feel the brain is a muscle and when you work at those get stronger, it's crazy. I literally feel like I got smarter over the year. I wish I could say the same so I actually first heard of so a cinema dauber use book and and it just like it sounds absolutely incredible. Do you wanna like just tell me the not obviously like you don't have to know everything but the history generally of so ask because I couldn't regurgitate it but obviously in there I'm so so is a really it's honestly just a fascinating place to be it's really small University the campuses right in the center of London like a 20 minute walk from Oxford Street, but even at that it's so quiet and if you walk into so us and there's just people from all over the world wearing like native or religious dress students coming to college sitting in your lectures. You know, what you don't get here. You're never going to get that in Ireland, but the purpose of the University. I mean, I'd say the founding or like core principle of everything. They teach across every discipline is kind of this idea of decolonization decolonizing thought and how we discuss things and how we I'm think about the world. Because I'm not sure how old so asses but around a hundred years ago when so us was founded. The reason it was founded was to kind of train or teach some of the officers and officials that they had going out to the British colonies about the countries that they were colonizing because if you need if you want to take over a whole country of people you need to understand how they think and what their cultures and religions are how they navigate their world. In our society. So while they were maybe using this information for the wrong reason, they did have an incredible wealth of knowledge and research about so many countries in the global South and ended up in the developing world. And then in the mid nineteen hundreds there was kind of a complete ideological switch in so s and I did like a 180 and instead of being about trying to conquer the world, which is just a horrible thing. It became much more. Ston allowing people from those regions to speak back. And yeah, so they have a lot of access programs for people from developing countries or people from conflict-ridden zones, particularly, if those individuals want to study something or take a course relevant to the country they come from where the issues are experiences. They have had and so I mean even that in itself makes for such an interesting student body and when you're in a master's course with people from Parts of the world. You never thought that you would meet or from people who've lived through things like the Arab uprisings and stuff that we only saw in the media. You know, it just is a learning experience. That is honestly invaluable. Yeah, it's not not only that you're getting learning from like the actual school. It's like everyone around you everyone you speak to your learning from Mmm. It's as much the student body as it is the teaching staff. Yeah, and I mean every university has its funding issues and like there's been a bit of stuff in media about like so it's not really having great funding and stuff this year which has made things really difficult for that for the academics. But I mean, there's a very little that I can fought so us on from my years experience there, especially when I compare it to what Trinity was like for me. Yeah. And what did you feel in Ireland? Like obviously it wasn't the same type of course, but how did it compare in the way that you were taught? The biggest difference would be the people who are teaching it? I mean you know and so I see if you're taking a course on State and Society in the Middle East, you know, there's a really good chance that you're going to be told by a woman of color from the region who grew up there who lived whose life experiences are from that country and it has to overcome barriers won't like I is like a white middle-class woman would never be able to understand and their way of teaching is going to be informed by a lot more than a white male academic teaching in an Irish University, which is The normal kind of yeah lecturer in Ireland particularly in politics and really because you're being taught by somebody whose knowledge base is much more organic. It's just makes it a lot more engaging. I think yeah, there's much more depth to it because there's like anecdotal evidence as well as like academic research. And yeah. Yeah, I find that like really fascinating and I remember it like thinking that I really want to learn more about the and University when I was reading through I'm a Dabber he's booked. Look, but I just want to ask like why? Conflict why like politics of conflict? Why was that something? What was your original course and my undergrad in Trinity was sociology and social policy, which is actual staff fantastic course, like it's really really interesting and it's very broad, but in final year in the in fourth year of Sociology social policy, you have the option to take conflict studies module. Okay, which is definitely more like sociology rather than politics. It's but was fascinating. So it's done through the module is done by case study. So one semester well from my year. The our first semester was learning about kind of conflict and all the things within it in the context of Northern Ireland. And then the second semester was about the israeli-palestinian conflict. So you get a really really good overview of both of those conflicts and a Like critical knowledge, but you also understand a lot about like how conflict operates where the money goes and why it happens why it's difficult to solve as peace processes women in part in Conflict armies militaries. It's really interesting and I was just fascinated by that especially because I had I had kind of close family ties to the conflict in Northern Ireland from quite complex. In a kind of family like a complex kind of perspective. Okay, and I just was really interested in it. I ended up doing my I need to do my undergrad thesis on conflict tourism and Belfast. Okay, if you can hear my tummy rumbling on that end. Anyway, yeah, I'm conflict tourism in Belfast and by going up there and actually like having the chance to sit down with people in West Belfast and chat to them. About what did they think about tourists coming in to look at the murals? And it was just fascinating and for me it really inspired desire to learn more about why conflict happens and how we can end it, you know, and the right way to end a conflict because I there was a really interesting exhibition in a man maybe last year and a guy came in and I was chatting to him in the exhibition. and I used to work there and he was chatting to me and he said, you know war never stops just moves around and as I thought it's just so true, you know so fast and I was like, why is that the way why is there always conflict happening somewhere and I just wanted to know why Ryan wanted my at my questions answered and I feel like they've got answered that so us that is absolutely fascinating but like that quote because obviously that's something everyone knows it's not like you're telling someone Something they don't already know what like it. Is it like a human condition or is it, you know, I know not after that open. Yeah. It just really does it. I mean, obviously I like you said I knew that yeah hearing it. Yeah. Someone say yes. I was like, wow, well, man. I hope I get my Master's. So what was it like studying politics? Or a politics of conflict at this when there's so much conflict. Yeah this at this period in time where we're at right now. Mmm, it would like to have a glass of wine, but it was definitely incredibly interesting. It's very fascinating to be studying something. That's so current. I don't think there are that many fields in which when you're actually studying its what is happening day by day by day you're coming into class and Someone gives a presentation and that presentation is on something that happened a week ago, but you're using academic resources from 40 years ago to explain it. You know that for me was like crazy and really interesting but it definitely was because we had to engage and obviously I'm very privileged to be able to say this having like not experienced conflict in this in a way that many people all over the world. Unfortunately have but waking up every morning and going in for an early-morning lecture and kind of spending The day going through what are really dark harrowing tricky topics while I really enjoyed that and felt like it was really important that people do engage with this kind of thing it because it does definitely take a toll on like the psyche very hard to keep a very positive outlook about the world. I think what studying politics does this makes you a real? Cynic I can imagine. Yeah, and I definitely am a cynic. I've tried to soften my cynicism a bit, but I can't help but boy you Of the backing of knowledge behind you and like there's not you can't really argue with ya on that. So it was tough. I'd say it was tough. It was difficult year. The Masters was definitely difficult year, but so worthwhile and I think now it actually even though I mean for the last three or four months definitely not in the last two weeks. I feel like I've finally yeah overcome the kind of bird and I had felt for the last two or three months of Just actually not being able to read the news. I unsubscribe from like my New York's time email and like some other things and I was like, I can't read this just so much awful stuff is happening all the time, and I'm kind of predisposed to caring about it. That's just how my brain when I that's why you started it. Hmm, but I'm kind of past that now yeah because you put up I remember get a grip on know like I can imagine it's like extremely fatiguing it is fatiguing and tiresome. I think some especially like when we live in a digital world, One thing like do it like living in a time where it's happening. I'm here like you're reading it in the paper. Like you can take a break for it without for you. Like you're probably like your friends while typing you what you think on this and then you go and check on them because you care and you follow certain pages. That's all that's coming on. Yeah. It's and then you go into college and it's like where's the brake? Where's the brake? That's kind of it, you know. Yeah. I mean if you were studying I'm trying to think of like things you say I don't happen in the real world. I'm around until science. But if you're studying something where when you go home and you're reading the news, it's somewhat of a break. Yeah from like what you're learning nine to five. But this was just like nine to five you're learning it. Then you have to go home and see it all again on the news and I think with this like with the digital in the digital era, we really are just consistently fed information like a hundred miles an hour all the time, unfortunately all the time. More often than not thighs news and it's bad news. Yeah, I'd love that good news. Yeah every now and then some good news will be nice, but it's always bad. Yeah, you have to like kind of take like for want of a better word like kind of a digital detox. I remember you putting up thing being like sorry for the moment. I'm not going to share these things just because like I need yeah, I need a little bit of space. I needed a bit of space. I finished my exams and everything and I was like, okay. This is my opportunity to disengage. While I actually have the opportunity to do that again a very privileged thing to be able to disengage from the horrible things happening in the world and just because my mind thinks so critically about everything all the time to just take a break from that and to spend time working on creative things and like hang out with my friends and sleeping and then come back to it. Yeah when I have time, yeah, yeah to think about it the right way and give everything to do time. It deserves. Yeah. I completely understand that. So we were talking. Right before we came on like you were saying, you know where you want to be in eight years time. I love that. You said a so so Lux. Yes, I do this I think to yeah, I'm like 30 31. I'm it's a toy like a particular number. I cannot wait to be in my 30s. I'm like, so excited to do this to save this is like, yeah. Well, that's another topic. I've so much to say on that. But yeah, you're saying like you want where you explain it back to me because again I couldn't really yet. So So I have kind of like looked at my life for the next 10 years and I'm like I know where I want to be but I'm think I'm quite a rash it like a rational thinker. So I'm like, I know that there's no way I'm gonna be there tomorrow. Yeah some like for the next seven or eight years. It's more about kind of like exploring different jobs and developing particular skills that I need to get there. So in eight years what I'd really like to be kind of a cheers, it's actually kind of isn't funny like landmark. It's like in eight years. I will be here. This is what I mean. My number one in eight years are probably going to be still in the same apartment in London like struggling, but you know, I think I'm lucky because I have a lot of like a friends that are older than me who I can really look look too but what I need to constantly remind myself as that, I'm younger than them and I'm not supposed to be as established and we're like as they are. I know that there's something in me. I have friends who have been in say like something that I want to do or like even a small segment of something I want to do and they've been doing it for like Six years and then I'm like, how did you do this and they're like because I've been doing this Raiders and I'm like me and being like like slow down and stop stressing because like you've literally just started the yeah, we all want to be like we all want to fast-forward. Yeah, I think everybody has this thing they want to be like established and like finalize their career trajectories by the time they're 25, that's just not realistic. It's not realistic. But yeah in by the end. In about 10 years like the time I'm 30. I want to be like working in cultural branding. Okay. I'm which for me is I've always wanted to make a difference with what I do, but it's like finding at finding the right way. We're not only would I feel like I was really making a difference, but I'd also feel like I was fulfilled and I was making an active difference that I could see happening. And and I wanted to go into development studies for a long time. I really felt like that's where I was going to end up for it since I was 18. I was like I want to go and work in developing countries and be on the ground and I tried it out. I lived in Nepal for a while and I worked with some with a women's empowerment program there which I was very involved in but through doing that kind of learned that there are a lot of things in the development industry that I don't really agree with it's very bureaucratic. There's a lot of red tape. And it also I think stifled any sort of opportunity I had for creativity which is a very important part of my life music has always been very present and events. And that kind of industry has been present in my life my whole since I was a child and I didn't really want to turn my back on that felt like I was being torn two ways. Yeah, then I went to a conference in Dublin like 2 years ago. I can't for the life of me. Remember the name of it now, but it was just completely changed my outlook on what I wanted to do. I went to see a talk by this woman called a lefort our who since has become someone who I actually really look up to in the industry. She's so interesting and she introduced to me for the first time the eat. This is the idea of cultural branding. She runs an Instagram page called brand activism. And I was like, what is this? Yeah that this stage. This was like two two and a half years. Go and I was like capitalism is the devil. I never want to work in a couple of brand know. How am I gonna ever make any money? Yeah. I am and I've had to kind of reconcile my hatred of yeah capital S corporation. A lot of people will relate to that because obviously it's a lot of people like our general age listening to this and like that's unlike a message that I got a lot that like, oh, I feel so bad because I like working Betty's and be like, oh my God, you're gonna make money doing this. Yeah. Stop blaming yourself for this. Yeah, and I just think that instead of constantly capitalism is not going to fall in our lifetime. It's just not it's so deeply embedded and how the whole world works. So even the way we fight against capitalism is like a capitalist. It's a teacher instead of fighting against it. We need to try and think about how we can Hollow it out and make it better from the inside out but brands also have so much money and they have so much power and influence over how we think about things and if a brand gets on board With a really sensitive topic, they can make a hugely positive change. Maybe not for the right internal reasons, but at the end of the day, does that really matter if they're making a change if they're making a positive difference? That's a really interesting question. And that's a debate that that's a debate that I really had to have with myself. You know. Can I kind of let go of the what I don't like about you're not in it for the right reason like one Beyonce got on. Sorry talk about feminism. ISM everyone's like she's just jumping on the bandwagon. But like is that a bad thing? That's oh my God. It's like with obviously this is like a microcosm but like sustainable fashion people like going on to like like no tea no shade, but I say like someone who was like an influencer and makes money off like social media being like this is just for people's people are just doing this for their own image and stuff like that and it's like well if they're making better choices, like ethically than I don't really see my God I think yes from my perspective. Anyway, hmm, and for me, you know, not everybody is just this like wholesome, you know, perfect benevolent actor people very often need to kind of feel like they're getting something out of caring about an issue. Yeah, or like they have something to gain and that's just how people work and I found that you know with development. I wasn't really getting anywhere, you know, even if I was to go and work with an NGO that I felt really passionate passionately about what As I going to have any opportunity to help the big like try and solve the bigger issue, you know, maybe I'd make a difference in someone's life. But I felt like I was never going to have any opportunity to change some of the structural problems that cause people to have to live in poverty or that cause people to have to migrate and what is the thing? That's so interesting what you're saying. I'm just going to try and stop the recording here and keep going guys because this is actually the perfect timing for my camera runs. I will be back. Yeah. I felt like I want I didn't really have the opportunity to like change any of the bigger problems. And when I heard about this like culture branding thing my God didn't like found out the statistics and the research that said that you know brands are going to be in the top five Global actors who are able to bring about positive social change. I was like wow isn't that much because I would just never would have ever seen myself wanting to work for a brand or a big company. And yeah, I mean I mean one of the big issues that I notice in development was like the reason nothing was really changing was because nobody knew about it. Like I could be, you know, I wouldn't India for the rest of my life working on a project and nobody's going to know yeah, he's going to even know about it, you know, and I was like this is why doesn't anyone know about these horrible things that are happening in the world and it really bothers me that people just don't know and it's not that they don't want to know it's just that the information is not there if it's not happening on our doorstep. We don't know about it. You know I am I'm like that's a massive like knowledge Gap people and I was I what can I do to try and solve that like to try and get the message out there that these things are happening and people should care about them. And for me culture branding is like the right way to do that because if you have a brand that people think is cool or trendy and that brand takes a really strong stance on something but not only takes a stance backs It Up by actively trying to help that problem by in like investing money. Me in local communities are working with Community workers and Grassroots organizations to solve the problems and more to help relieve some of the burden of the issues that it could be really powerful. And obviously I think a lot of people would prefer to buy from a brand that is really making an effort to change something not just to share the message but to actually change it you'd be more inclined to buy from them and that market research is starting to be done and I think brands are He's starting to realize that finally you're starting to see more diverse kind of advertising companies making these ads and culture branding has a lot to do with that. It's telling the brands that you know, if you want to have a successful campaign that you know gets through to people and is maybe about an issue say like that Pepsi campaign with Kendall Jenner that fell flat that could have been so easily avoided by having the right team putting it together, you know with people who know what they're talking about when it comes to those issues the right knowledge the right producers the right actors who would what have been able to veto the horrible decisions they made in that ad and then it could have been so powerful. I mean Gillette have made some fantastic stuff recently around their razors, which have just been so well-researched, you know, and it really had the right people behind them and you can tell because the ads are great dad really testing one recently their kind of Catch Phrase was you can you know, no matter when or your first shave is the first one's always really important and it was like an interview with at Ron's sewing and his dad and what it was like for his dad and the son to enjoy their first shave together when it was never something that either of them had ever thought would happen, you know, and like that was just really a quite a powerful campaign and they had another one previously about toxic masculinity and they did really well with those and that is what culture branding is. So yeah, that's kind of what I'd like to be doing. I find this so fascinating because I've actually never heard this term before like it. Is it a is it a new thing to think that they wouldn't just have Like a marketing team they'd also have like researchers and research being done. Mmm. Okay, so like I think and there are agencies a specific research agencies that do all this research research and sell it to Brands and that research is cultural research. It's about Trends. It's about people's political ideas. It's about you know, their buying habits and what who they hang out with what they drink what people's you know, nightlife. Mm2 Trends are like it's really diverse research. But the brands are using that to come up with strategies, obviously that work for them and will so ever they want but in doing that they actually can have a huge impact but it is quite a new burgeoning industry which is why there's no way I could get a job in it tomorrow, you know. Yeah, but in like 10 years I can see it being really quite established. Yeah, and I feel like that's such a big thing with like our I don't like our generation but kind of like the digital generation if that makes sense that we were those jobs that you know will exist in like a few years time or that are so new that it's hard to find information on but you don't know how to get there. You're like you're standing here and it's way over there. I know what I want to do. Anyway, I'm like, I don't know this the exact steps how to get there. But I know where I want to be. Yeah, is that something you struggle with? That's like sometimes frustrating you or I would say that it doesn't first frustrate me and I'm safe. I could like give someone advice who was like thinking this is what I want to be doing, but I don't know how to get there. It's think about what skills you would need to do that. So I know that there are only going to need marketing skills, which I don't have I don't have any marketing knowledge because I didn't I didn't do it in college. I there are also some other things I my organizational skills could probably be improved and you know, my networking skills all these kind of things and like those are skills that I'm going to need in eight or nine years when I eventually I maybe we'll be lucky. Enough to be doing what I want to do. So I'm like where can I gain those experiences? No, you know, when where what can I be doing for the next 12 or 12 months or two years that will allow me to develop some of those skills that I can then use later on rather than trying to run headfirst into the career. It's like right where can I get my marketing research like where can I get that experience in the next two years and kind of taking a job that I'm kind of interested in but that's not my Passion, you know, I don't I really don't mind doing that for a few years as long as it pays the bills. I can pay my rent. I can still go out and have to crack up my friends and at the same time I'm like I'm getting this really valuable marketing experience that I'm going to use later down the line. So I'm like taking this time to plan for the next like four next like we're however many years. I'm just going to try and like take slow steps up the ladder until I get to where I want to be and I know that that's all going to be valuable. Yeah, just be positive about it. Yeah. No. Cuz I definitely find myself. Anyway, I don't know if you're the same as that. Like I look at people who have been doing something say like presenting or something like that for years or journalism for years, and I'm like, how did you do that? Unlike say Tara sewers like she's always like Molly calm down calm down. Like she's someone I look up to so much. She's been going at this for so long and I'm like Tara. How did you get this and she's like, I've been working for like years and years and years and like Worked my ass off like oh, yeah. Sorry. Sorry. I'm looking forward to that. Yeah, you know, I'm excited to do that and like see what happens over the next number of years and see where I end up but I'm you know willing to do anything. Yeah. I've already done quite a mix of things. Yeah, and I'm kind of whatever life throws at me. I'll try and take it. Yeah and just make like try and turn it into something that I can use later on. Yeah, that's why I find really exciting about like as much as the time we live in Right. Now I was kind of mad. Obviously we're very privileged and like I feel like you and me are taking the same kind of like I don't want to say road because it's like the not the road. We're just like seeing what happens see what life throws at us and just going along with it, which I think is like actually quite unusual for a Dublin. Anyway people seem to structure their lives, like like they're writing an essay. Sorry funny tweet the other day and it was what did it say? Well took summer Thailand. No. J1 somewhere Thailand somewhere at PWC internship home, right then you die. I will decide interrailing Tyler. Are you drinking when I forgot? Yeah, interrailing Thailand and J1 and internship PWC or I never heard of that phrase the big four which I actually want to like if it was written if it was like a palpable thing actually was about to say something really bad. Like I actually want to raise it from the language of ever. Looks like I hear people be like, oh And then she got into the big four. I'm like, oh, can you actually give me an actual right? But there's nothing wrong with that if you want to know nothing about what I would know not because of that because of the pressure people put on them. Sometimes you wish for for companies. Yeah for companies and people are like, oh people are worried about that that Earthly Paradise native KPMG that people just can't see if you were worried if I thought he's like, don't be that's how I mean that's our opportunity. Yeah out there and you know, Just can't see it. When you live in Dublin. Yeah, unless you're a tech genius. I can you work for a tech company. There's so much more opportunity outside of the city walls that spoke about moving to London on that now and that nose. So what was when you applied for a masses was it important that it was elsewhere or did you not mind? It definitely was a my did I what I didn't even consider looking to Ireland originally. I was maybe going to go to Germany or the Netherlands we're doing a master's is Is like cheap as chips and they have a lot of incredible english-language Masters particularly in Humanities and politics. The Netherlands is like just ahead of its game in everything when it comes to like social things. I mean, they've empty prisons all over the Netherlands because they're like prison Rehabilitation programs are so good that once people are actually finish their sentences. They don't like recommit crimes. They actually end up reintegrating into society. They're just very interesting country. But I'm I was kind of looking towards the Netherlands really like maybe going to check for something to do. There's a great conflict and studies Masters and Utrecht to but once I went to an open day and so us I was like, this is the place for me. Yeah, and it's just on Parallel out. But yeah getting out of Ireland was really important for me really important. I think my last year that I had in Dublin the last year of my degree really would like I struggled with my mental health my whole way through University. But it really kind of intensified in my final year and I just emotionally socially academically had a very tough year with it even during that year. However, I made some of the best friends ever like the best friends I ever made shout out to Darwin who will listen to this. Who's my best friend who's in Australia. But yeah, I really just made some fantastic friends and Then kind of got my masters in just went I just left and never look back. Now. I would like to come back to Ireland eventually and when the time is right, but I feel like there just is nothing here for me at the minute, which is sad. Yeah, and why you feel that way like I know why I would feel that way. But yeah, I feel like for creatives. I know if you're interested in not even just creatives but if you work in Humanities or development or anything like that, even a lot of like science based courses He studied that or if you didn't go to university, Ireland is like not very easy on you. Like it's a tough place to be I think we focus a lot on Academia and you have to be the best of the best to get the job even though there's only like ten jobs on offer, you know, so I think so many people are leaving because they have no room to grow they feel stifled and if they didn't have the opportunity to go to university or if University didn't work out for them companies are just not even interested in engaging with Them, you know and I didn't realize in what how much of a vacuum it is here when it comes to education here your useiess to someone you're doing a masters and it's like our kind of run-of-the-mill. Everyone does a master's when I moved to London and I was like art and doing a master's people to be like what? Yeah. Well, you're only 23 you're doing a master's I was like, yeah. Yeah, everybody kind of did that in my where you know my own daughter in my undergrad and so many people that I've met who are just really hard workers and really intelligent people who Go to university and it's me. It's underneath the culture hasn't been yeah evil to them when it comes to that. You know, people are so much more open to like giving those people an opportunity and allowed them to prove themselves, which I really like because then you guess what your makes, you know, I've such a nice mix of friends who were did have the opportunity to like enjoy Academia and other people who didn't and I feel like Ireland's just as a bit unforgiving Yeah, like just Even socially like I remember when I drop just because of obviously that they like background they come from when I dropped out of first year of college and people like it was like I people are you okay, like are you like are you? Okay? What what are you going to it was like I was dead like it was the end of the world was like that. I had there was no other options for me that it was like I couldn't even go back to college like it was like that. Honestly something absolutely true. Tragic and terrible that happened. Yeah, where is like from I was so happy the day I went in I was like sorry I can't do this anymore. And I was like a celebration for me but then I find it so weird that like as well every time I was trying someone I was like but this is my pan. This is a yes, sir. Have I got everything even still like everything I do because I feel like I don't have that backing behind me. I'm not saying I'm not like the most like so so privileged but like because I don't have the like University backing behind me in the kind. Of conversations I have with people on like the daily it I feel like I have to justify myself a lot more. Mmm here and I've never even had a conversation about University with my friends in London. I don't know if that's who I hang out with or yeah, but I definitely think that it is like that en masse, you know people just don't I think it's in a lofty to it's not a negative thing to Value education, but I think here it's like all people can see they can't see past it and that's not great. Either, you know and yeah, I just really there was no room for me to progress or learn anything new or to try new skills or anything and I had to go and it gave me honestly like a new lease on life. It's really really great. And when I come back don't know it's a bit strange because I really only have a handful of people that I left in the city. So many people are gone. Yeah, either to Australia or to the state quite a lot of people in London actually, which was nice when I went over it. Least I had a little Irish network, but everyone's gone. Yeah, everyone's gone and it's mad because I do hear a lot of people complaining about people leaving. Hmm. And I do think that is an awkward stance for me to like comprehend because it's like people for instance if you're a DJ if you move to Berlin you may be able to make a living and then like practice your piano after showing better. Whereas like here you may not be able to do that. Yeah, and that's why people are going like if You had to work two jobs to pay stifling rent apps and then also practice your craft or art. It's obviously going to take you longer no matter how talented you are and maybe if you move elsewhere with any industry that can actually pay you properly. You should have it. You shouldn't have to break your back, you know working in a coffee shop at five o'clock every morning to fund your music career or to fund, you know, your arts career or whatever you want to do that shouldn't be how it is. And that is how it is in Dublin. Or maybe you have to work into cafes to pay your goddamn rent. Well, that is just not really what it's like yet still you have to grind in other places and you really have to put the work in but it's just not the same you don't feel as negatively about putting the work in because you feel like you're getting a bit back. Mmm. And I mean I'm very involved in music like most of my friends in London. I will be kind of would be very involved in maybe Rick radio or music and a lot of people are DJs and producers and that's how they make their money. Me, you know, they don't happen to do crazy Cafe jobs or service industry jobs just so that they can do what they love, you know, they have the opportunity to do what they really like. Yeah, which is great and it's lovely to see, you know, I just love to see other people succeed in and it's great and London is really nice and it we spoke about this briefly but before this, but about how I think not everyone not going to paint everybody with the same brush, but Irish people have Have trouble with like supporting each other and lifting each other up. I absolutely when people are starting out. Yeah, and it's like there's no space to grow your either so successful and everyone's like, oh my God, you're amazing like yeah. Can I get tickets to this and whatever or it's like? Oh my God, that's so embarrassing. Why did yes put up a track or whatever like that and really is that kind of a kind of a culture and that beat that just is very difficult to I found out very To live in on something making music is something that I really wanted to do for a long time. I just didn't feel like I had the space to do it here and when I moved I had people around me who are actively encouraging me to do it. You know, I'd maybe mention it and after about five months being in London. I was like to up I'm going to give this a go. Somebody showed me how to download Ableton onto my laptop and Todd showed me where to get it from. I had people kind of guide me a little bit and give me really good feedback and maybe Be what I was doing or even being able to ask questions. Yeah, I feel like sometimes for me personally. It's a if I know someone's really good at something. I don't want to seem like stupid or that I shouldn't be given maybe it slightly impostor syndrome or whatever but I shouldn't be given certain things if I send it to them ask them. How like, how do you edit or whatever like, I don't feel like I can ask those questions. It's an Irish thing. I think also Irish it all stems from embarrassment and Nice t-shirt era before and I think because obviously in London there's healthy competition wherever you go and people are kind of look look we all have to do this grind together. So we're in it together. Let's help each other out in Ireland. I feel like because there's so little opportunity. It's really like, you know a race to the finish line and your car websites. Yeah, whoever like Battle of the fittest or whatever and people just struggle to lift each other up. It's not like obviously everyone's not like that but there definitely is a culture like that that does exist in our it's not even like I can't even think of like particular individuals. It's just like the larger atmosphere of like the country. Yeah. He's like, oh, she's like Notions. Yeah have any idea of Notions that people are sick or Notions. Yeah. I said Notions. Yeah. I was trying something new exactly. No, like I dread to think the amount of WhatsApp groups. I've been like sent into and just like the straw but like Same time a great that should be going to slow emigrate and leave all your all your WhatsApp groups. That's what I did. I'm great and leave all your group shots. That's the only way to succeed in life. It's actually gas. So like I love talking about this because it kind of makes you feel not alone. I've talked about this with like so many different people on and off the podcast but like it's weird. I think there is starting to be like a community fostered within the like creative. T but like what I like have learned is that like say with podcast like if someone started nothing like the every podcast is so different because it depends on who's like I'm seeing it same with music or whatever but like I say if someone next door to me and who I felt was very similar to me or something like started a podcast tomorrow. I'll be like thank God because I just create a like a bigger Community there for like more Norm opportunities for like oh Puck podcast is big now. We're like walking. You this from like companies or whatever like I just feel like like for instance depop my sponsor like they when they when they sponsored another podcast in America. They looked to London to to sponsor some podcasts. I just happen to email them the day they did it - and then they like like they've sponsored the most random podcast and Dublin she got me like enough because yeah of podcast in America and I did it has that kind of normalizing effect when or people try and do things. Yeah. I just wish that young people in Dublin and in Ireland felt like they had the opportunity to do that. I felt like they had the space or that it was like that what they were doing was Violet, you know, and that it's okay to not be perfect when you yeah start something. I think that's like amazing honestly if you just do it and don't look back. Yeah. Yeah. I'm honestly I have to when I think about this I just think of someone I feel really feel like I have to mention Rue who is an amazing DJ and she started DJing quite a while ago, but has really just improved so much more lately and has been incredible to like watch her grow as a musician and as an artist and she is someone who I really think just went for it, you know, even in a community in Dublin that so saturated by techno and House, and there's not a really a lot of space for anything else the crowd like a club comfort really are doing something and Dublin, they just went out on a limb and they did it and it worked you know, and for me whenever I think about my not being able to do something when I lived here. They are such an inspiration like the whole crew of them and you know, Jack and key and who are also involved in took home first really just like poster children for just trying something new and Dublin on and Not letting how you feel your friends or the people around you might react to you doing something a bit out there. Yeah, it is not that like land for a long time. I base my decisions on like probably two things. I wanted to be hot and I want to be socially acceptable literally I'm run down and that's so embarrassing to say but like literally I'd it's taken me like years of unlearning like being like valued in that way like yeah that like I was actually not doing what I wanted to do in life like my career what I was gonna do for like the majority of my life on what others thought of me and like I know that's such a basic thought but like that actually mad unless you believe in heaven or reincarnation that like yeah one life is spent doing what you don't want to do because we live in like maybe a smaller Community but like I think I do feel like it is changing and I've heard a lot of We'll say like I feel more comfortable moving back to Dublin. Now. I feel like there's a different atmosphere and I actually really do feel that way. I just like it will take a lot of unlearning be nice to hear inside of us. It is. It was probably guilty we could have read that way like our whole lives just like the Irish psyche as a nation as like, we're not good enough. Yeah, we do World saying, I know you were like, I don't know how it got into the college over and I was like it because it's like I understand but that's I'm like, yeah, we have this little thing that I do but Why don't I it's actually really not big and it's actually terrible. So like whatever, you know and know something, you know, I think my values have changed a lot from what they used to be when I was younger to try and fit in or whatever to know being like really appreciating the people around me who work hard who do what it is that they care and love what would they care about and what they love and definitely those are the kind of people now that I have around me. Yeah. Well who inspire me people who encouraged me people who do their own paying on? To really accept and support me for who I am and we support what I'm doing, you know and I was lucky to find those people in Dublin before I left and then find them again in London when I moved there and I think that's like a slow Ripple. I think people are starting to come around to having that kind of Outlook rather than always fighting against each other and actually like really support each other in Dublin. I think it slowly slowly slowly. We're going to get there. Okay eventually. Yeah, I think that's a good note to leave it on. Okay. Hey guys, it's that laptop. Beer. Take away your three. And one for today is like someone's starting out support them. Tell your friends you love them and value those right because it actually makes such a huge difference to your life. I'm sure like all of you know that already but like if I feel like in the past year, I've actually like even though it's something you hear so much. I've actually like take that in and I had to fight against like what I've learned my whole life and actually do that for other people and like for myself as well because you like this endless benefits. It's to supporting others and like so many love love it comes back to you. It really caught. It really does come back to you and you people are afraid that if they give it out. It's not gonna come back it does. Yeah, it'll come back in the most unexpected places. So thank you and also thank you to depop because speaking of being full of love like all the friends that I'm talking about. Now. Most of them are from Deep up and from my little depop community. So thank you depop responsibly by podcast because most of all you've introduced me to the people who are actually Writing and sharing my mother, so and thank you so much for coming out no problem and for doing this podcast, so randomly last minute and not a lot of people would so, thank you, and I can't wait to see what you do in life, and I'll obviously tag see Russian all of this podcast promotion because you're a really good source for sources for valuable information on I hope I live up to that world. No, no well, so, thank you guys. Goodbye.
Saoirse is a recent graduate, finishing up a masters in the Politics of Conflict, Rights and Justice in SOAS, London, where she is based. Originally from Carlow, Saoirse grew up around music. She is a trained musician and has worked in events for years, but found a passion for activism and political thinking at university. She is currently on a mission to figure out how she can blend these two very different parts of her life - to continue her work in the creative industries while trying to make a difference. I came across Saoirse's page when I was trying to find reliable information on the Sudan Uprising and ever since have been fascinated by the information and recourses she shares both in conversation and on her instagram @saysxa . Upon meeting Saoirse for this podcast she shared with me where she saw her future (I really bring up the most intense conversations) and she told me about something I had never heard of before... "Cultural Branding". This is a new area of work, which you'll find out more about in this podcast, that Saoirse believes she can make the most difference. This podcast is brilliant for understanding the significant role brands will play in future global research, and how it could help particular causes. Thank you to Depop for facilitating brilliant conversations and encouraging young people to ask questions. My depop shop of the week is @larri_d for stunning hand picked second hand clothing of all sorts. She has an amazing eye and I've been using her page lately for styling inspiration.
Here, we are episode 105 of the music industry blueprint podcast and we are going to talk about how to get more plays for your music on Spotify and iTunes. So first off, I just want to say welcome to the podcast and before we jump into the episode, let me tell you a little bit about myself and what you can expect I have been in the business now for coming up on 30 years. Here's what we're going to talk about in this podcast or things that go on in my day-to-day life whether it be as a manager whether it be as a consultant whether it be as someone who is creating products that's helping musicians all over the world. If there's something going on in the industry, we're going to talk about it. If there's a strategy that needs to be taught we're going to talk about it. And if there's some way that I can help get you closer to your goal. Then you are in the right place because that's what we are going to talk about here on the music industry blueprint podcast. Now, let's jump Into the episode of helping you navigate the music industry. Here's Rick Barger with the music industry blueprint podcast. I'm excited that you are here episode 105. Holy cow. I was at the Guitar Center today here in Nashville and a guy came up to me and he says hey you're at Barker. I said, yeah. He says Hey listen to your your podcast and Joe Rogan said you haven't really made it until you have hit episode 100. So I guess according To Joe Rogan, then we've actually become an official podcast because we are at episode 105. I'm also recording this on a Yeti a Blue Yeti microphone that I picked up at Guitar Center. They had a used one in there and they're great microphones and I have one at the house. So I wanted one here. So there we go. So I guess this episode is brilliant, but being a brought to you by the fine folks at the Guitar Center and Nashville see people get sponsorships. They don't even have to pay for it. So Here's what I want to talk about today. I've been doing as you know, if you've been following me for any considerable period of time I do Instagram live every night and it has been fantastic. My wife's even asking me she's like man, I've never seen you do this many webinars. I said, well the Instagram lives are not really webinars what they are as it's an opportunity for people to ask me questions for me to get the opportunity to provide value for me to meet new people and when I explained to her how it worked. Going live on Instagram that soon as someone else comes on that I bring on that their followers are then notified. She completely got it, but over the last couple days the question keeps popping up. How do I get more plays on Spotify and you got to understand Spotify is not the only place to get streaming plays go ahead and make sure that you're getting the opportunity to get your music out there through your digital service provider, but we'll talk about playlist plays. The problem that I've run into with the artists that I've talked with as that they are relying on someone else to add them to their playlist in order to get plays and if that's your entire Spotify strategy, you're foolish. There's so much more that you can be doing but it all starts with you sharing your music and playing your music every single day and social media and Spotify and iTunes make that very easy to do with a fine little feature called share. So when you are in Spotify and we'll just use Spotify as example when you're in Spotify. You're going to see the three little dots next to the All click on it and it hits share scroll over and you're going to see a lot of different options. So share it. So let's say you share it to Twitter go into Twitter re put your tag at the front. Unfortunately when they share it over they don't put your username to Twitter. So go ahead tag yourself in there. Thank them, you know, thank you Spotify just your tagging them now. So anybody who's looking for Spotify could find them. But soon as you click share and you put it into your Twitter now it's going to drop into your profile anybody that you follow it's going to show up on theirs. They have a chance to listen to it. It's going to be a random 30 seconds that they hear but if they follow or are registered with Spotify they can open up and listen to the song inside a Spotify. Now. Keep in mind you only get paid when it goes from 0 to 30 on the Spotify page the random 30 seconds that they're sharing. You don't get streaming royalties on that. So your goal is to get them over to the Spotify page. You need to start training your audience that this is the way we do business. Now. I had a I did actually a whole podcast episode on this is that we need to encourage every fan that we can to get the premium option at Spotify at Apple at Amazon, you know, wherever it is because that's how you get paid more. Okay. Okay, it's like just they have their ad platforms and things like that. But if an artist can spend $10 $15 a year and get all the music that they want to listen to at the palm of their hands. It's a small investment for them, but they need to understand we need them to do that. So let's say that you go you share back on Twitter. Let's say you do that 10 times a day and each time you do it. Okay, ten times a day each time you do it you get 30 people that listen to your song. That's 300 plays a day. You're not getting that from Radio. Heck major artists aren't getting that from radio. So you need to become your own radio station. That's the important part of this thing. You have to become your radio station. Stop relying on everyone else. So every day your thought process should be what do I have? To do to get my music heard by as many people as possible today. That's your job. You are the program director. You are the business owner. So use these tools use the fact that Facebook is okay with you sharing your Spotify link inside their platform because guess what it's going to open up and you're not going to leave they work together. Okay, so take advantage learn the tools if you're not sure how all these things work. Work here's what I want you to do. I want you to head on over to music industry Go watch a sample of not a sample but a replay of my current episode and webinar that I'm doing called how to become a social media ninja and other under an hour. Matter of fact, I will put a link into the show notes for that for you while you're there. If you have not picked up a free copy of my book go ahead and do so I have A whole bunch of them here at the office. I paid for the book you just pay for the shipping and I will send it to you any where in the world. So I hope this is served you once again head over to music industry and you can check out the book. You can check out the replay of how to become a social media ninja and under an hour and I will talk to you on the next episode. Ciao. You've been listening to the music industry blueprint podcast with Rick Barker you can follow Rick on Twitter at Rick Barker music and remember you don't drown by falling into the water you drown by staying there.
Do you want to get more plays on Spotify? Have you been wondering if you need outside help to achieve this goal or if it's something you can do on your own? Is your entire Spotify strategy getting someone else to add your songs to their playlists? Check out this episode of the MIB podcast to hear how YOU can become your own radio station and get plays all. on. own. - Rick Barker What do you want to hear from the Music Industry Blueprint Podcast? Tell us here! ***Want to be a guest on the Music Industry Blueprint Podcast? *** Send an email to With the following information: Name, website, social handles, questions you would like to ask Rick and contact information  Resources: Grab a FREE Copy of my book "$150,000 Music Degree" Free Training “How To Become A Social Media Ninja In Under An Hour.” Click HERE If you're listening after January 24, 2019 & Want the Free Training! Artist Assessment with Rick: Facebook Instagram Youtube Twitter Soundcloud Contact: for a chance to be a guest on the MIB podcast show --- Send in a voice message:
Hey everyone, welcome to the withering effect. This is episode 18. Today's date is October 15 2019 and I am Duds or Duds versus everywhere else. You can find me and I'm bunk a double or a bank for sure. And today we're going to talk about some Minecraft the firstIs your lower teeth doing this week for you guys who don't know he has that written as but bu TT in the show notes. He thought of this pun and put it in show for you guys who don't know. I've been having hit problems for the last couple weeks. I went to the doctor Friday. They did some x-rays to stuff boat and why's my hip is not dislocated. Like I was hoping it wasn't. It tore turns out I tore my glute muscle and pulled my groin so much ouch, but I'm on medications and they really is helping me it helped the stream as well. Don't start yet Duds on medication gets very hyper. And I refer to myself in the third person obviously. Yeah. Yeah, I didn't even notice that before. Yeah, but yeah so things I did this week we did streamwork. We ended up fixing the gold Farm because it was broken. We could like no pigment left that we're doing the what is it called The Angry call. I was just going to say it wasn't necessarily broken. We just had a lot of those to those. I don't know watch her big men die. Yeah, but I tried to It when it was in its current state and straight up only the pigment on that side of the farm we get angry. The rest of them went for some reason. Oh, so do you have any next time around the outside nowadays? Hmm But the gold Farmers fixed it works awesome except for the I starved to death at 206 levels. Oh, yeah lost my helmet, but I'm not too worried about that now we're so far into a season. It's like man, it's not gonna be hard to replace and you don't even need to replace it that badly because something is so safe. The only thing I miss on it is what is the water breathing stuff? Oh, yeah, that could be useful. I might have I might have some of those for you. I'll look I've got helmets around. I just need to combine them like the armor stands All Around The Institute. I know my base are just like backup armor that it's really close to being like God tyr Armor. Just I haven't Put the time. No plus it gives me an excuse. I've been wanting to play with villagers and 114. Maybe now is the kind of time to go ahead and work on that. Yeah. I haven't gotten into those either. Yeah. I've got a spot designated for them. It's just I haven't done it yet. We still have a breather that needs fixing as well. Yeah, that's true. But that might be another livestream project we could work out and yeah, that's a good idea. But I also made an episode this past weekend. Well, ye think we're gonna have I love you. Yeah, it basically displays all my head's that I had in the storage room because so I didn't have enough spots to display all the ripple effect heads. So yeah half of them are in a shocker box. I was like, well that kind of seems like I'm picking favorites would really I just ran out of room. So I threw him on the show core box. So it's like I'll well first it was I'm going to build a vault where I can store stuff like gold diamonds and heads and Of MMA and then it became well crap. I can't really get a three by three piston door in here and none of my other door designs really look voltage. I'm just going to build a room for heads, but I think the room came out really nice. I actually really like it. Tina get Bank shame on me that it's a it's a very cool room to just walk by and go wait. What is that? And it was a little bit of a struggle but wasn't it's like I sat there for a good hour and a half a couple times going. What am I doing? And then the second I got just a little bit of an idea like that carried me for the next four hours and then oh, yeah. I know that feeling. Yeah. Other than that, we built the Great Pumpkin in the exact center again this year, but with some twists this one now trades custom heads for or trades pumpkin pie for custom heads. And what was the other thing jack-o'-lantern, right? Yeah. Yeah. I think it was Jack O'Lantern. Yeah, so some cool stuff there if you guys are on the server go check it out. I meant to go show it off in my last episode and I forgot mmm. I often have to write because like I'll say hey at the end of the episode. We're going to go look at this in like the first clip of the episode. Well, it takes me like, oh we gonna have to record so I forget what I said in the first five seconds of the episode. Hmm. I get that I really should like before I start recording for the day re watch what I have up to that point. So I don't cuz I also repeat myself a ton and some okay. I hadn't noticed that But sure well, I'm counting. I'm chalking it up to the fact that I've been gone for so long that I'm out of move. But yeah, I mean I haven't recorded in a while. I got up and I always try to record like African close to each other or like you said sort of for you watch it know what I was up to. Yeah speaking of you recording. What have you worked on this week? Well, I didn't regard but I did work in my basement. I just did a bunch of gardening or a coyote. I Added making up off towards my bigger. Kostol I've yet to decorate it. But that's a just a little tree building and making custom trees my you don't want to do too many in a road. It gets tedious custom trees will be in my next episode. I have a desired. I'm going to use it's going to be awesome. Oh sweet looking forward. You haven't done many custom trees yet now and these are really simple so I can do them over and over and over again. Well, I mean still it's there are simple. It's sort of a juror to do them too many in a row. I think I don't know. It's true. What else you been doing? I played a lot of surviving Mars which I got three on that big games seven. At least they give they give out a free game every like two weeks or so every week. I don't know surviving Morris. It says it's what is it at stretch strategy game? I guess one of those city-building thingies. Okay have to build a colony on Mars. Yeah. I always think those games are going - this one is slowed. Oh, I don't mind that but I can see how people would find. It to slow maybe - yeah, I heard I don't take a look at it. Yeah, I'm not sure if you're on today's games might like I keep saying that it's like I'm still behind on Legend of Zelda. I'm just now getting back into Minecraft. It's like I better keep my mouth. Shut not to mention. Okay. So the Witcher 3 came out for switch. Oh nice effect today and I really want picked it because all I have is breath of the Wild for the switch and I like the switch as a console. I get it to not be here. Powerful or anything like that and I don't use it in handheld mode a lot. But sure it's a very cool convenient device and I'd like to get more physical games for especially considering the memory for its kind of crap, but I got to go ahead and finish up breaths as well so I can pick up Witcher 3. I've been reading The Witcher books because Netflix is obviously doing The Witcher show series. So I've been super hyped about that and I've never played a Witcher game. So yeah, I want to go ahead and pick that up for the switch. So I need to go ahead and start finishing games on around me and get caught up on videos and stuff. So yeah, I think I broke up a little bit again. You don't need em. Yeah, I think I got the gist of what you were saying about I think so at least well, hopefully the people listening to the podcast will understand and yeah, I just figured you will see it's turning your head. I was doing that as well. Yeah in both directions like one. Yeah, I'm understanding what you're saying. And then the second one like no, this is not happening. At least you didn't come back doing the whole singing song thing. We do when we get cut out. Thank you smack. Yeah. The singing is a bad idea for the podcast that probably nobody will always assume that I was just think I shouldn't have said that now we're gonna get requests. No, we don't Do One Direction that's like the only boy band I can think of me. I'm not doing anything except when I'm really drunk maybe and I doubt I'll be recording. Yeah, I don't think I will let you record any way with so we got Minecraft news this week. We're trying to get back fun tangents are over last week was our big tangent episode. It was a big thing to an episode. This week's gonna be Minecraft Minecraft. Hmm. Okay, so snapshot 19 w41 a That's where we get our first look at Honey blocks. I'm just going to head start there. Let's just talk individually about because there's not a lot of stuff. No, there wasn't much but I think that at least on you blokes for sure. They're kind of interesting. Yeah things going on with that. I'm kind of excited for him. I'm a I'm a disappointed in the fact that I was hoping that it would be kind of like another slime, but that doesn't stick to certain different objects at that makes And like I didn't want honey blocks to stick to slime or right maybe I don't know. I think it's cool though that it can pick up into T's and like yeah, there's some stuff. I think that's awesome. Like that's an awesome mechanic. I'm really curious what people are gonna do with that like the obvious one is. Oh no flying machines have like a sport where you can stay on but I think this is going to be way more. Arresting for maybe from building. Yeah, I don't know pranks said a creeper on top of one of those things it launched it at someone like I don't know. Here's the thing. They are a little bit harder to get than slime blocks because usually once you set up a slime farm you're rolling around in the Slime balls in like an hour. Yeah what this you gotta take your time unless you build a ginormous because let's face it hermit crabs going to build ginormous Honey Farms within the fridge. I'm sure the mechanics will be abused fairly quickly if the How yeah, how what is it? You have to build a what is it a house for the for the bees and the bees have to go and collect it, right? Yeah. Yeah, that's going to take a while. I could see maybe taking with the Flower Farms. I have the shifting floors in the bone meal. I wonder if like combining one of those with Abby and honey farm would do any good or the shifting floors might be too much and the bees can't pass fine to the flowers or something. Yeah, I don't know. I'm not sure like if it's kind of depend on my wolf than a bee flies to a flower. Yeah, and I guess it's going to do that. Then you just want to make sure they go to the flowers quicker and get back. Maybe just find a way to stick the flowers really close to the I don't know but we'll find out what to do with it. Yeah other cool interesting things about honey blocks is you can slide down them. Yeah, you can kind of like throw yourself up against the wall. Splat and then slide down there shortly also here to me. This is the cool part. This is where things are going to get a little tricky that a honey block while visually the same size is every other block is not so like when you slam yourself up against the side of a honey block you slide down it if you have like a stone block directly underneath the honey block and you're sliding down the honey block. You're going to get caught on the stone block. You won't be able Get past it. You'll be standing on that stone block. Say three interesting. Yeah, same thing happens with items. So items will get stuck on the stone block and MN. If you have a honey block touching another honey, block side by side then little space kind of like how you know, how slime has that light green outline and then the darker green on the inside. Yeah. Well the honeycomb or honey block does that too and technically you Can shoot directly through those two honey blocks with an arrow because technically they're not touching right there, even though the visually um, so secret buttons. Yeah. Oh that's I mean I told you it's just gonna wait and see for what kind of interesting things they'll come up with that block. But I think a lot of a lot of cheeky stuff is going to be incented with it. My favorite part of the honey block so far isn't really anything to do with the game. It's a Meme that came out. Have you watched the office like the American version? I mean, I've seen some episodes. I've never really watched it as a dedicated thing. Anyways, there's a mean I'll have to try to find it give it to Carl put in the show notes, but it's like moaning releases the honey block and Minecraft players first thought is a you have Steve Carell who takes his tie ties it on his head and they're doing like parkour around the office. Okay, they're just yelling parkour as they do it the entire time because that's all Minecraft players not about when the honey block came out was I can now wall run parkour. I have to find the edge because it was hilarious and to me that's my favorite part of the whole 115 is it's a meme that's not even like in the game yeah yeah I think I think it'll be great for Parker don't make me do it I don't record course for my birthday I mean I don't really do dose myself yeah but yeah it's appropriate of thing and I think it'll be great for it yeah I think it's a great game mode I'm just so bad at it that I can't call my son in jail anymore I don't think I'm necessarily bad at it but that's not something I have patience for that too I don't know that's a lot of things I've infinite patience for but Parker Maps is not one of them yeah the other block that came out was the honeycomb block it mean you yeah trying to have a discussion without having a discussion before Podcast mountains block. Yeah, so my biggest complaints is it's just a decoration block doesn't yeah, that's Ring other than look pretty and to me it just kind of looks like you put a waffle on the wall. Right. I can see your point. Yeah, I don't frame on the table and put a honeycomb block on it and Bam you're serving waffles, and that's not a bad idea. Actually my big thing is you have honey in a jar. You have honeycomb. I want honey chicken. I want honey pork chops. I want honey steak. Let me combine it with some food items. Give me a honey apple. They're shiny things I got to be your red dragon, right? I know right at least until 116 comes out then I'll get my red dragon right million wink wink. I mean that I fully agree with you though. We won honey, honey, honey Foods. Really? Yeah. I just want more food to the game period And I get mushrooms are coming in 1/16 and you have the suspicious dudes. It's like no. I want a real viable food source. It's just Jews are cool, but they don't. Ack. It's like man. I don't not necessarily sure. If I Want More Foods like we can blend your Foods just make them more combinable do something with it that should instead of oh, you can just cook this and eat it. Mommy's gonna die worse than that if you combine honey, and like I don't know steak or something and instead of it stacking 264. It's only allowed to stack 32 that's kind of an offset. Right? But I mean at that point honey steak should have the same saturation as Goldman. Carrots or whatever. I mean I'd say get rid of the golden carrot. So make like honey apples and stuff. Like you said and do the same thing with honey. I don't know. I personally wouldn't want to eat golden stuff. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah, they have so much options to go and be creative with the food that I think they should try and maybe give that a go. Okay, but before we go any further you were talking about you had one solution. That would make me change my mind. Honey, blocks being useless or honeycomb, but I think they're going to be awesome for Windows. You can't see with them down S-Class put some fences in front of it. No not see through windows, but they're going to be great for like on the outside. It looks like they're lit up Windows if you get a get a house, that's maybe like a castle thing. I mean, it's not great, but I think for specifically that I think they might be great as a decoration. I'll go 50/50 with that if it's a non-functional house kind of like how I have in front of my fort this season. Yeah where they're just houses to look pretty from the outside. There's nothing really going on checked interior. I think you Be right they could work as Windows for sure. I think they yeah go side least the texture looks like I mean the pop them to my head. As soon as I saw them. I was like, oh that's gonna be like Great Windows. Yeah, it would be cool. If they had the same was the light reaction as magma blocks where if you put a light behind it, they now glow a little bit. No, no just desperate or whatever is breaking up again. Oh, yeah. There you go boy and it's like we don't have any Nicole issues until we start recording the podcast. I know right? I'm wondering if it's if it's to this car, I'm all right. I can hear you now. So you want to keep going. Yeah, we were up to the next part, aren't we? I don't know I mentioned honeycomb blocks glowing like magma blocks and that was kind of it. Hmm you want to go on so do they know I was thinking you should oh, I mean logically that wouldn't make sense, but it would be great if they did. That would be cool. Yeah, I did the Sneakin Sprint's are going to get a toggle option so you can toggle them on and off which I think is great because then if you have to what is it Crouch for a long time my spoons for a long time. You don't have to constantly keep pressing it and they also mentioned that that means we can sneak while having well-being like in your inventory or something. Yeah, you can just keep on sneaking. So that's that's great. Especially for a uh, see kind of things if you want. Sneak up on people want to be in your inventory, but don't want to be spoiled it why sneak and Sprint already are toggleable. That does not sound like a word when you say it out loud toggle and up. Yeah. Did you have to do your tricks to get your controller work? Yeah controller Noob, I don't care. I love my controller. Hmm. I mean, that's it. I can't really blame you I prefer playing with mouse and keyboard, but I think you and when the smart way you like playing with her before comes. Let's see. You just made it work. What else you got? We're gonna be able to Croft stripped route from strip blocks. I thought you could strip through this the one no, I think for if you wanted stripped route, you have to place like the regular booting down and then strip it goes to Buddhist. What is it that the force of the six-sided? Look they gave you talking about the all bark log exactly. Oh, yeah, so you can now craft them if you have spread bugs. I mean, it's a small thing, but it I think it's yeah I can but that's about time. Hmm. Next thing we have is mobs avoid lava better. I'm still gonna yeah to trap doors down and those dummies are still gonna walk into it. So I mean, maybe it'll fix that as well. Although they didn't specify but about finding so I guess that would still work. I mean, I understand it because I don't know how many times I've had like a sheep or a pig or a cow. I'm trying to lure them back and they'll just walk right into a lava lake. Hmm. So yeah, that might be more what they're talking about. But yeah, I mean any a eye movement is better than nothing. So I definitely can't complain about that. The other thing I think is cool is we can finally save our Iron Golems. I can finally bring Frederick into the world without him dying from something stupid. Right? But yeah, your iron golem will now crack when losing his health and you can heal it. With iron ingots, I think that's a great Improvement. Yeah, same here, especially if you're a note with the like the village of Billy chip great. The villagers are really kind of the yeah, they're a kind of a safe place to hang out and also of that Iron Golem they do their work really well and if you're a new player like getting what is it for iron blocks and a pumpkin that's hard to replace our golden, but now you can just feed it like a couple of ingots that sure so I think that although be great for like New players and that are not that familiar with the game when I first safe spot in the village. Yeah. I'm going to be taking advantage of that for sure. Hmm. What is the next thing slime blocks and only blocks are no longer stick to each other when interacting through piston mechanic blocks. Yes. Oh I saw this on exhume as Twitter like literally about an hour or two before we started recording he was all right and through the Bedrock change notes because Bedrock got bees and everything today. And yeah in the change notes, it says slime blocks and honey blocks don't stick together anymore when using a piston to move them. So that's even more Redstone mechanics that may or may not come to Java. Who knows? Oh God. We lost Thanksgiving on there. He is. Yeah. Jeez. This is technically this is not the great. This is already won three times and like 20 minutes. Yeah, and I don't know what we can do to fix it. Just kind of one of those things we have to fight through it. Yeah, he's got me good gotta fight through it make it come back. Stop this my back. You're back. Yeah, cheese this snowing. It really is. It's kind of like it before we record the next podcast. I'm going to make you do a full-on system shutdown redo your router and everything. I know right? Like I didn't actually didn't think about it shouldn't be my internet and never really messes up. Yeah. I don't know. I'm all green on this side. Like I can see you and I could see me. He's just something hmm, how well will fight through it for now and then do some massive fixing afterwards gotta get to the bottom of it. Hmm anyway, so alright. Let's go ahead and start moving on to some other stuff. Yeah. It's point out. We have a Discord we do this every week you guys know the drill. It's a great place to hang out with fellow wither effect members as people who work on the episodes questions. It is also the best way to get in contact with us. Us women we have Twitter's and stuff, but we followed it as quite a lot more closely. We love hearing from you guys. Hmm. We actually getting a getting a great Community going on their dog pictures are still getting posted. Yeah Special channel for it. Even I kind of did that like that's going to be my new thing before we start recording. I'm going to snap a picture of the puppy and put it up in the Discord nice. So it's like recording puppy day. Hmm. Gives you a great reason to post a puppy picture every week and it's true. I want to start doing the whole like mine guys. Like Hey, we're recording today. You got any questions or comments? You want to share? Oh, yeah, that's held about you should do it the day before that and it gives people enough time to yeah. Well, I'm gives us another thing that research the answer so we don't look like fools or to sound like fools I should say. More yeah, that might help as well. Yeah, so we're going into our main topic of discussion today and that's going to be like tips and tricks beginning a new world. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you actually had some some tips and tricks before yeah, like before you start even at world so a couple things I thought of considering like so if I'm getting ready to play a single player world or heck even when I was running the common Craft Server before we started a new world or anything, I would consider the amount of players on the world. Because that's kind of a big thing. Do you want everyone living close together? Do you want everyone spread out? You also got a think do you want to theme your build particularly? Because let's face it an old western theme isn't really going to work in a nice bikes biome. So do you really want to spawn straight into one of those or a deserted island in the middle of warm ocean? So yeah, that's a good point. Yeah choosing a small rifle. I could be really annoying as well as if you Born on a little island in the middle of a big ocean. Yeah with no trouble. So you can't exactly it's gonna take you a half an hour before you can even start playing them up. Might as well just start a new one. I've always been a fan of just going out and Googling the internet for seeds. I know some people just like to randomly hit go and get when they get but that's me. Yeah, I've always been a fan of the seeds coming up with themes. Do I want to do a mountain build which is What I do anyways, another thing to consider is PC specs. So yeah, if you're planning on building a lot of redstone projects, but you're also planning on doing some other stuff like you don't want to build redstone projects like where you're going to be a lot of if you have lower PC specs you kind of want to build them in a spot where you go visit and leave so that also could come into doing stuff with your seed and your theme. Maybe you have An industrial area in some random plains biome that's 500 blocks away. So it only gets loaded and it's only lagging your PC down. Maybe you have a beast of a PC and you're like, you know what I spawned here. This is where the iron Farms going even though. They're not really as laggy anymore. So well as well if you get like mess if mode since you got to dig it away, so that's something you want to start off with again choose the seed. Yeah. That's actually this is some pretty good tips and Never really thought about it that way. Well, I mean when you start in Jungle, you know like oh, yeah, this is cool. This is a great place to start and then like you die in the first night because creepers wandering behind you exploding or 15 minutes later. You're still crawling through the jungle, right? Like I swear that this looks exactly the same as that other Bush I passed it's like so it's Minecraft. It's a really cool area, but it's hard to walk through I guess. So what about you because you've got like a detailed list of stuff for ya. So I started thinking like tips and tricks and then the first thing that popped into my head this like, who are you gonna give tips and tricks to write because if I if I were to give tips and tricks to you and you start a new map those who don't be silly be completely different than to someone who starts with the game for the first time. Yeah, so I thought you will take it sort of beginners and a more experienced tips and tricks, I guess. Okay, and we already divided it into like what are you gonna do for your first night for your first? Tweak and then what after that so yeah, when you are, you're a beginner like the whole game is new to you obviously, so that's a lot of people are really scared of the first night already and they start playing the game dig a hole. So well, that's one thing to do. I think I think that's that's how a lot of people ended up. That's probably what I did as well. I know I admire the first night and then you're going to be boards for like 10 minutes, right? Guess you're stuck in that hole. So try like your first day that like a good thing to do is just get some food get a bet like skipped a night. That's actually a great tip for like the first week if you're really new we just yeah skip all the night. If you don't just try try and get a safe spot like a cave and block it off but a little bit bigger than the little hurt. All right. What is it the little hole normal people like make because you're gonna get bored for 10 minutes doing Which is just a shame really. So my first ever first night I was playing and I dug the 1 by 2 whole or whatever bury myself in there. And then when I thought it was daytime because I heard some B's burning and everything. I was like, I was like great. I'm safe broke the block above my head at creeper fell in the hole blue. Yep. Yep. Yeah, those holes are more dangerous after a night as well. Because yeah group of us. They don't they don't disappear. So from now on whenever I have to bury myself somewhere. It's in the side of something two blocks tall so I can move below and then kind of peek out and see if I'm getting ready to get blown up and then I generally go for a Sitel as well or if it's a new map. I try and find a cave that usually can find The Maria babies you got plenty of those. What if you're on Angela just block off a little section. If you only chilling from one night on top of a tree is a good spot to oh, that's a good bite. I live skeletons might get a little bit. That's true. And if you're their Fighters can climb up a couple of nights. Well Phantoms. Oh, yeah. Well, you shouldn't have to worry about those two first night. Yeah. Also Shields there are massive Lifesaver. Just go for shield. Yeah, they kind of block anything. They're only ghosts like one iron and some wood. That's you can easily get that in your first day. Yeah, I'd never used the shield that much when it first came out because I just couldn't remember the stupid recipe because the shield looks nothing like the recipe. Yeah. So angry I could never remember it. And then now that we have the recipe book. I'm just so used to not using it that I haven't been using it. I have one in my inventory at all times though. I mean once you get some decent armor, you don't Shields. Really necessary, but for the first for the first while there are really great. Yeah, and they literally almost broke anything. I'm contemplating changing my gameplay up a little bit that would require me to really use the shield. So it might get some action. I might go ahead and get a shield with some mending and Unbreaking on it. That sounds like fun. Yeah, not really, but sure. I'm relying on the shield mardan on your armor of its kind of interesting, but you Have to pay more attention, which is all right, I think it'll be more skill-based granted. I die from starvation at Gold farm. So Hmm. This is what I have to deal with. But yeah Shields not going to help against starving. I mean, I guess you could chew it. Yeah, but what about an experienced player? What are they doing? Their first night? Well, I'd say get a shield first day. Yeah, get full iron ideally. Yeah, it sounded like I mean, that's it's very possible. Possible like there's a lot of iron on the ground that you can you can dig it up quite easily if you just run through some case. All right, go on the ocean find some shipwrecks. He's got a point breaks have a lot of iron in them one or two shipwrecks and you can have up to like 40 iron ingots. Yeah. I mean yummy you also have gold armored that you can get and while it's not as durable as iron armor. It'll still protect you decent amount to start with Yeah, yeah, especially if you combine it with the shield where you have some, you know, if you'd know something is coming. You can block it all together. Yeah. Also this your brakes have some diamonds in them sometimes and the maps which lead to even more loot possibly. Yeah. Also, I recommend for more experienced players try and get an enderpearl the first night if you're if you're daring to go step that'll get you an Ender Chest, which is something I'd recommend work to like in your first week probably will see I thought you're going a different way because Banks known on the first day of every server since they've come out he goes and gets sugar boxes. Yeah, yeah doesn't fight the dragon just pillars out go find some density and he's got a choker Box by the end of the first day. I mean, I would fight the dragon but normally servers have to staying where they want to fight it in groups, which I understand. But yeah, in order to respect that you're going to just have to bridge out or I'm calling you mister speed run from now on because if you guys don't know Banks been doing the speedruns and yeah something that was YouTube channel. They're His Highest viewed. Videos like people love his ridiculous. Yeah. Yeah. What is it my it's not even my latest one but like that and upload it three the middle one. It actually got like 500 fuse now. It is ridiculous. Yeah, like only uploaded them so I could put them on the website and I was like, all right, like three people are gonna watch it because they have to like George it's sugar. They're forced to watch it. Even yeah, and then a lot of people voluntarily watch it, which is awesome. So for a Halloween costume paying your guy has to put on a Flash costume. All right, that's that's not a bad idea actually look into that. You know what I'm gonna write it down. So I don't forget to see now. We know real stuff cooking get it get a note. Sorry for the noises. I have to write that one down Flash costume thinking ahead. I just reuse my same pumpkin shirt from last year. Yeah, but you Sure are outside a bunch more than I do. Yeah, I think I've got like nine skins so far this season. Mmm not including the underwear Aquaman. I mean that one doesn't I don't think I use it for like a day once I think I might still have that the underwear Aqua. I think you send it to I'm not sure. Oh God. We'll get back to that students. Don't forget. We're coming on her lower Erica's we're back to beginners on their First week. What are they got to do? Yeah. Well what once you have a bet down which is a race bomb Point. Don't go explore a bit. Don't be scared because you know, you have a respawn Point. Yeah, just just go and explore discover the game. Don't be I see what's around you. Yeah, don't be afraid to die. You will die. Anyway, so don't you know, you might as well embrace it. And if you're afraid like oh, I don't want to lose this just put something in the chest and leave it there and then use it when you need it because when it's in the chest it all it'll be safe. Even when a creeper explodes next to it your chest or break, but your items will be spread out over the ground so you can pick them up still what else collect a lot of iron like trying going in caves and stuff just iron is a you know, it gets you everything like that. Tools and armor and that really helps you survive and do things so it's a good thing to look out for and then you don't have to go deep underground. I think like below sea level. So when you see water unlike the ocean soon as you're below that you can find iron so you don't have to go deep and for your first week, I guess it's good to set some kind of goal. Like, you know, you don't want to wander around aimlessly forever. So decide what you want to do. Do you want to go and Adventurer a bit go after like what is it strongholds and dungeons that kind of things or do you want to build a house? Do you want to be a hoarder and just collect all the things that are all the things? Yeah. I mean try try and I think that'll help you just get a goal and sort of something to do to work towards. Yeah having a goal is always a big thing. Yeah, I'll so yeah. I mean I said it again, but try and just go Go into places here. You're not really familiar with explore. Especially the scary places. Once you get a respawn Point sort of I mean, I want to say get comfortable dying. You shouldn't probably but I mean it's not a bad thing to die. There's nothing really scary about it. Although it might seem lately. Yeah and the more you spend in the in the sports that you're afraid of like the more I don't know like oh this isn't too bad. But yeah, I know the never yeah, and of course we guess I was gonna say you probably Able to get into The Nether by then. Yeah. Yeah, and I knowed another is like a lot of people find that like really scary and I had the same thing when I started playing I was constantly on edge and now it's like well as long as I keep moving nothing's gonna happen just keep walking. You don't even have to run just keep walking and even when one of those ghosts shoot, it's gonna shoot where you were the ball is gonna it's not there with a homing missile. Yeah, so they just they just go where you were so just don't be at the point where the guy shoots at. First are the chords. Are you want the pretty blocks? Yeah. Yeah pretty blocks. Also a lot of experience if you want to get and challenging stuff done. Oh you remember when we were talking in an early episode about creating our own mobs and I obviously wanted a mob that drops courts. Hmm. Yeah, I completely forgot that now there's a villager that trades quartz blocks. What? Yeah, A stonemason villager will trade quartz blocks really but how about that? That's useful. I don't think he trades the flower though. Yeah, so only the blocks but not like he'll straight at it little tell you the regular clean block. So basically you can make any other courts block out of it. But if you want, yeah our attempt to Redstone, you still got to go into The Nether hmm. Oh, but that's still pretty cool though. That's gonna help a lot when you do want to want to do build. It's with quartz watch especially orange blocks are really expensive to get yeah, especially when you're playing on a server or like all of us. Everyone's could grind a guy remember at one point. I had a shocker box full of quartz or yeah, it's just like I know that's kind of mean stealing all this Court's but I think I'm still to the point where I need more courts, like I've gone through that whole shoulder box and I'm not even building with a lot of quartz. This year was just going to say like even if you get like a Go box full of quartz or it's gonna be like what two maybe three steaks of course looks I think it's more than that, but that's what it feels like. It's probably more than that. But yeah, it's like you don't get much pick for those know. So that's another reason. I'm kind of wanting to play with villagers is oh, I'd like to see what some of these other guys that we've not really traded with before because let's face it. It's been farmers in Librarians for years. That's all. One cared about maybe an armor or black? Yeah, but now you got guys like these stonemasons. It's like oh hello Mmm Yeah, and I noticed the Fletcher's for example, they trade arrows. I think that's kind of useful as well. Maybe the old ones did that I actually not sure I can't remember exactly that could be interesting as well. Yeah. Well also with the what is it the crossbow did they don't have an affinity? So if you're really like to use the crossbow you'll The steady supply of arrows I guess still don't have a crossbow. I still don't think I've fired one yet. Are you wanna you want to get it from a villager? Right or from a billy? I was wanting to get it from a yeah roll and not just go and attack one of their little towers mmm, but patrols aren't happening as often as I thought they would think I've also when we found a patrol we ended up trapping the guy that's true. Well, I had two more patrols since then. Oh, really? Yeah nice. None of them have dropped anything. So I think I'm just going to go ahead and I think it's Carl who built the yeah raid farmer, whatever. I might just go explore that area and go ahead and do it that way because I want to play with them. I've not ever played with them. So I mean they're fun to play with a little I didn't I don't like him as much as two regular bow. But yeah, yeah, that's a personal thing as well. I guess. Yeah. So what about experienced player his first week or her and week getting Home Point some backup stuff and foods, like just a place where you have that so you don't have to worry about it too much all the time. Get a silk touch pickaxe and a little chest. Yes, I think for experienced player. That should be doable the first week those two are, you know silk touch pickaxe obviously to move your animals just around and then, you know, you can get the diamond or she can just collect orders which are not smaller than when you break them up into the pieces. That makes sense like a redstone or if you chop that down. It's going to break into like seven or eight parts Redstone Dust I was shaking my head. Yes, but I was yawning at the same time so word for coming at my mouth. Yeah, that's all right. Yeah so silk touch pickaxe is really useful. Yes. One thing I've seen so many people to assist a their Works towards diamond diamond gear and then spend the whole day outside and getting experience and in Something that diamond gear and then usually they die within and I are within an hour and lose all that stuff and then they quit. Yes. I recommend not getting diamonds gear and not go in a child, especially not the first week. Maybe wait a month. I generally wait until we got like an Enderman Farm they can even take more than months for me. I've always followed the rule of I get my tools diamond and Enchanted the way I want them. And I'll enchant my iron armor for sure, but I'm not trying to force all the enchantments. I want on the iron armor. It's just kind of like a chance at see what I can get. And if I get lucky I get a couple good things together. I'm good to go. And then once my tool, yeah all set up and I have a home base of operations. I go ahead and start doing armor stuff because it's 20 diamonds or whatever to do a just a regular suit of diamond armor and then 24 you can yeah, and then when you're trying to combine Multiple Diane stuff to get it to work together not worth buying getting the levels. Yes getting a chance. You got to be level 30 takes a while, especially when there's no firm. I usually go by the rule like I want to make sure I can replace it easily. Yes iron armor always easy to replace and then challenge the diamond stuff easy to replace fool enchanted diamond stuff that gets tricky if you don't have liked the chance for it. Oh, thanks phone. That's awesome. Okay make a good experience firm. Yeah, for experienced players lay first week is a good time to go and explore try and find that and gate I think pretty catchy. I've only found the end once and that was the first comic craft map every X in like some random player just be mining and they stumble across it. Nice. Huh? Never had to like go look for the end and like last four years. Yeah. I mean, they're not that hard to find that I don't know. It's gonna be fun. I'm trying to sort of find one. Okay, so back to beginners you've lived. Yeah first week. You've got a home and got the stuff going on like that. What do you do then? Yeah, I'd recommend I recommended this for that for the first week for experienced players, but get a home Point have a place to go home to a safe spot where you got all your food just a spot where you don't have to worry about any any For more danger we can just relax and hang out. Yeah, and also that's going to be the point where you spawn back when you die. So you want to be want to be safe there. I like the idea of a renewable food source at your home Mmm Yeah, I think that's because well, I mean again if you die and you lose all your stuff that you got on you. If that's all you have then as soon as you spawn, you're going to have to find food if it's night, you might be in a tricky situation or if you want to get back to your gear and it's night. You want to have something to get health back while you get to it. So having everything like a food source at your home. Well, I put my hands up to to do brackets, but nobody can see that. Yeah. Yeah anything that you can count as a home. It could be a cave. Could be anything ready where you're badass. This is kind of later in the game. But I always just having like a backup backpack. So when you die, you want to go get your gear have some just like kind of leftover random armor laying around haven't with a couple golden apples in there, maybe even yeah because you may have to go kill something. That's now wearing your armor. Yeah. Good point. Well actually now on the server in my show. Am I under chest after Ashoka books called Bank he died and it's basically just my standard inventory that I always have only and it's in that chest. So I have a complete new set of armor in there you go. Obviously that's you know, when you're well into your game and you have to luxury of all that stuff and being able to make it but I had some spare time and I was like, I might as well just make like an extra set of armor. And if I die I can just even if I lose it all I immediately have a new set. don't reduce yeah I don't have to go and create a new set immediately yeah I like your next topic you're saying in the fact that explore the game don't just yeah comfortably like challenge yourself I mean to me the biggest breakthrough in Minecraft for me was when I decided to sit down I was like I'm going to learn Redstone right yeah that was so much fun to learn yeah I still opened up a whole new world to nothing compared to guys like mumbo-jumbo and Tango Tech or even though mango all my Lord right only me yeah yeah he knows I can only imagine what he's forgotten that I don't yeah right so yeah I'm scraping the surface on Redstone but yet I feel if I want to build it I can build it somehow so yeah getting to know the basics is snow to her not hurt you and it opens up a whole new world yeah exactly and it opens up a whole new world of of things to do with it's so cool don't just build tutorials I mean I started off building tutorial. Yeah, it's a great way to learn the mechanics of redstone. But once you get a feel for it, just trying to me and the way I Learned was so I'd watch the tutorial in 90% of the farm would be the tutorial but I would always have tweaked something. It's like I'm watching a tutorial from two years ago. There might be something yet little bit different than I can tweak here and there like when observers came out they became the new tweaking object. It's like well you can do it this old. The way but now you can put three observers and that takes a whole section of this Farm out. Yeah or something. I run into a lot whilst that the tutorial doesn't fit. Yes. You have to modify it to just make it fit in the area You're Building? Yeah, the the final common Craft season, we built the who's it's no crashes blaze farm. That was V shape with the rails. And yeah that didn't fit and I was flipping it. So it was inverse of itself at the same time. And remember we also changed like did is we do a different grosser at the end of it from another Farm or something? Yeah. We used a Crusher from I want to say it's a Wither Farm. Okay, and it was just non-stop going on the entire time because I couldn't get yeah, I think circuits data just like, you know, it's gonna run non-stop as long as no one's in the area. It's going to turn off anyway, so yeah Network kind of nice. Yeah, so that's what I mean by don't just follow the tutorials obviously learn from tutorials, but put your own. Analogy into it. Yeah, try and play around with it when she get a bit comfortable and start to understand. Yeah, make sure you have fun as well. Let's go. Yes, that's the most important one. Just have fun do whatever you want to do. Yeah it literally if you can dream it. You can build it in Minecraft. That's the best. I mean my yeah Minecraft. This doesn't have goals. I mean, there's some advancements you can go to I guess but there's no you can't finish the game just enjoy it because I enjoy the ride beat Minecraft Minecraft can beat you. Oh, yeah, for sure feel the burn also map makers can be too but that's all different story those guys cheat man. Literally. All right. So what about you experienced Minecraft players? What are you doing after the first week? Yeah, make sure let everything you got easily to renew like make sure you got some spare diamonds to make a new armor set get some experience for arms, so you so you can enjoy Lawyer stuff I highly recommend the furnace XP storage thing. I've been oh, so I had to use the gold Farm obviously and I sat there and I went this thing so much slower compared to that furnace XP storage, right? Well then I think thanks be storage is great for especially like when you're digging a lot and your pickaxe broken, but for rest, nothing is broken. Yes. It's like Oh, no, I got to go to the gold firmware the end of farm. Well, You only have to repair one item for you. You can just go do your thing. Click the button. Yep all refresher pickaxe. Yeah, so that's a good those are the great things to work to also got lifted our children boxes. So make sure you get the bed Furniture. I don't know what I do. I don't want to start over because I don't want to lose my shoulder boxes. I've got more stroker boxes this season than I've ever had and I don't know what I'd do with that'll I mean main reason as we open the drop rate sometime a little bit. Yeah. Nice, cuz after that first month, I haven't had to go back into the end for silver boxes. I think I haven't gone back. Like I went into the ends like the first week and then I haven't been back or no two hands for shoka. Let's say we didn't minigame in the end. Yeah, I've been in the end. That's true. That's true. Yeah, they haven't been slow and I think we went a lighter hunting one time because I lost an Elijah. Oh, yeah, it wasn't really for sure - we did she'll purr hunting because we were already there but we were there for leiter has I remember also flying around the end actually just picking up the light fast now, we just ignore the whole thing and just pick up the light try and go again. I would never have done that but we're kind of spoiled now. Yeah, you know for this like experienced players already kind of know what to do. Just so make sure you have fun do what you do experienced players already sort of have to wait to do right? So my Redstone or some our Builder some are explorers. Yeah, and whatever you're not good at practice it. yeah expending your What is it skill set Yeah, the more, you know, the more you can play with it. So that the more creative you can be last season. I made a goal of I was going to be better at terrain work and forming natural land formation. So I built a base in a hole that literally had to be formed out of nothing and I think I did a really good job at that. And yeah, this season was I need more buildings that aren't shoved into a mountain or a whole and I think again, I'm excelling at that. In a part of my base is still kind of in a mountain. Remember in the Discworld I wanted to I wanted to learn how to build trees. Your country's said that a little awesome which says something considering the Discworld had awesome generated trees to start with. Mmm. I mean, I still I'm still quite happy with my treat they come out a bunch of quicker though. Like I would spend like hours on the tree there. Yeah, although last map helped a lot too old making all those palm trees. You can say your palm trees to me. You're the best ones like I want more Young to Fall. That tutorial for palm tree. That would be awesome. I would be so old are let's say that I mean like you're shoving was it melons and coconuts up in there for ya. It was cool. It's a little details to do it right also last map I challenged myself to try and build more in a modern style, which you normally wouldn't do. Yeah. That's the first time I've ever really seen you build anything modern. Yeah, I think it worked out. Well, it was a big Challenge and I struggle with it quite often. That's kind of ham with this season. I'd never build medieval-style know I'm finding it's like I have more options to choose from right which you think would make things easier but it just makes it hard. It's kind of the same problem. I'm running into like normally I'm in the swamp. So I it's pretty much empty. There's no landscape to go off. It's normally you something I do a lot. I see what kind of area I got around me and sort of build into that. But now it's there isn't any which is kind of tricky. Yeah, I mean, but you did a real good job taking the little land mass. You have your walkway in and out of your starting home. And that area to me is my it's one of my favorite details on the whole base. Yeah. I've been starting to try and decorate the area and sort of Branch set out and hopefully that sort of gift. Eat up Lance. I want or need to build more around. It's sort of an inspiration kind of thing. But it's also I like building nature of things. It's you don't have to be too. How do you say it? You can be real rough with it. You can just yeah with things around some the more mistakes you make the better its kind of Lux. Yeah. I don't know how many times I've seen like a 1 by 1 whole and like my grass field and I grabbed like a cobblestone stare and just shove it in there right that actually works. So yeah leaving it. Yeah, it's I don't know. It's the it's the mistakes to make things look good or something. But talking about expanding like us building differently to me. That's what you should do. After after the first week stuff like you're experienced player. You've been playing this for a while. It's like now you're starting to get burned out and demotivated. How do you keep going we talked about this with C-3PO. I can't yes last week or the week before but change your build style do something completely. Wild and crazy and different maybe I don't know build something. You would see in Harry Potter make a story or recreate a story. Yeah, that would be awesome. That's awesome. Yeah, that's how I started this season was I had to tell a story because I couldn't figure out how to build medieval and now that I've figured that out. It's come more easy. I don't have to always tell a story but I mean you look at my last room which is a room of heads that started out with me saying well, this is a keep keeps have volts. I need to build. A vault and then it kind of just morphed into something different from there. Yeah. Yeah, that's exactly the kind of thing that the story also does. Like if you don't know what to do. You just think back a few the story you made up for it and I'm oh right. I still have to build that it's sort of getting guide itself or if you can't come up with the story. There's plenty of stuff. You can find online whether it be written ideas or TV shows or movies. Well, like you say if you like Harry Potter, Go and make a Harry Potter world like go and make awkward, sir or Diagon Alley or whatever you pronounce this stole it. I was like no, I'm gonna get Harry Potter fans excited this watch this nudge nudge Diagon Alley. It's like oh, all right, drew that. Sorry. I'm gonna make us what is it is closet bedroom thingy you are. Yeah that yeah, I kind of did well, it's not my bedroom. Well not anymore. I used to have my bed there. That's true. You don't worry, I'll build a bed underneath a staircase somewhere for you. Hmm, or I mean, yeah, we'll call it Becky's house. But Big D shows. I think we're thinking wrapping up. Right we've covered I think saying we had yeah. Yeah. Well, so it's run an hour pretty much. Yeah didn't expect that to be honest for this episode. We had stuff in mind and we knew the news was going to be something deep to cover. So thank you Mo. Yeah, releasing some snapshots that were more than just we fixed bugs. Well that was actually like sort of a new mechanics to talk about. Normally. It's only a dad at this which is similar to that or whatever. This was something new. I like it. Yeah. All right. I'll take us out. I guess Carl make me do work. So damn. He's got to do work now and bleep me. It couldn't resist if you like the show, you can share it. Once. Yeah from the several do more. If you like to show you can share it with all your friends and I'll social media follow us, you know, Twitter and all that and if you listen on Spotify leave us a review and if you listen on Apple both gasp doing what is it? No, leave us a review if you listen to a podcast and follow us if you are listening on spoiled Spotify told you girl messed me up for it. This one car all day that all else is over script and it's confused him confused me might. Yeah, if you like to get it to go take this to show sends an email to a podcast that ripple effect doesn't tweet us or join I discard which is always the best move to do can have a chat with us. Yeah links are in the show notes. This has been brought to you by Bank myself, but also our digital producer Carl who has a Short to do this week. He helps make sure the show ends up where it's supposed to and not in a pile of honeycomb blocks that are just absolutely worthless The Amazing Music you hear the intro and outro was created by the one and only decoy. Both our social media info can be found in the show notes you guys have been so awesome. We finally hit like 2,500 listens. Are you joking? Yeah. We're I this is episode 18. That's insane. You guys are so awesome. But like always guys. Thank you so much for getting with it with us. Go drink some milk. Bye. See you later.
In this episode, DuDs and Bank share some Minecraft tips and tricks for both beginners and experienced players on what to do on their first night, first week and beyond. There's a new snapshot 19W41A which adds the Honey and Honeycomb blocks. Also, I'm going to send Bank to the naughty step... just after he fixes his connection issues :P 1.15 snapshot blog post: Office USA meme: Podcast Website: Contact the show: The Withering Effect Discord: The Ripple Effect Twitter: Hosts: DuDs YouTube: DuDs Twitter: DuDs Mixer: Banks YouTube: Banks Twitter: Banks Mixer: Digital Producer:  CarlRyds YouTube: CarlRyds Twitter: Music: DiiKoj YouTube: DiiKoj Twitter: Podcast hosted by:
Hey, what's up Podcast? It's Jeff. And before we jump into this awesome episode of teach better talk. I wanted to give you a little preview of a couple of the sessions that are coming to the teach better conference. It's November 8th and 9th. If you're not already registered, you can go over to teach better See all the amazing speakers and presentations that we have coming and also get your registration. Make sure you use discount code podcast talk save $50 here are just two of the sessions that you will be able to come see As Told by the presenters. Has bring them to teach better conference. I hope to see you in November. Hey there, it's Kevin Butler from Sunny Los Angeles, California, and I can't wait to see you at the teach better conference. This November. I am excited to be presenting my creating the experience Workshop where I'll be sharing ways to make content Rich material into engaging and authentic learning experiences. Your students will love and remember my session will also include a behind-the-scenes look at my own classroom simulations interactive lessons. His resources teacher hacks and stories from my 17-year career as a teacher as well as a few surprises and even some giveaways if you haven't registered yet for the teach better conference head over to their website at teach better I will see you in Ohio. Hey everyone. My name is Alex Horas and I'm a technology integration specialist in Cuyahoga Falls, and I'll be doing to teach better talk sessions about develop your students as creators not consumers. So the big idea here is that at the end of the day? It's the students that should leave tired. Not the teachers. So we're going to look at a few strategies and techniques and resources that will help you as the teacher develop your students to create and use higher level thinking skills and be an active learner rather than just sitting back and receiving information and being passive. So I hope to see you on Friday at 150 or Saturday at 12:55. And please please register and see us. The teach better conference you're listening to the teach better Talk podcast featuring expert Educators eager to share Progressive tactics to reach more students teach better talk is created by teachers and fueled by Passion. Let's get started. Hey everyone, welcome to episode a hundred eleven of teach better talk. I'm Ray Hubert. And as always I am with my coffee fueled friend, Jeff gargas. I'm still over here laughing from your first take of this episode. Okay her as we started this episode because Jeff told me not to say this episode as episode 1 1 1 which I was never going to say, but then when he called me out on it, I'm like I'm reading the intro and I'm like, I don't know what episode is one one one. I might just keep the entire thing and you know, don't. His shorts we've had a night of bloopers. This is you know, this is what we recorded two different podcasts that in the first one that we did I messed up right off the bat to so I feel you I'm with you it's late. It's a Monday and we just interviewed like my favorite person on Earth. And so so speaking of that. This was a kind of a cool episode. I mean jet it was great episode in general but like kind of cool episode for you. You because we actually had a teacher on Delaney Brahma who was actually spent all of last year in your class as a student teacher. Yeah, thanks. I feel like every time she was speaking. I was just having this like a proud mama moment where I'm like sitting and should have been like she's all grown up now. Yeah, and and I know she had I mean II know I mean you talked all year last year about her and I mentioned that in the podcast in the episode as well, but but I also know I think I would call you talked before about the she kind of went through a cool program and How she got connected with the you know it became in your classroom stuff. Can you kind of share like I thought it'd be kind of cool like lead in the episode 2 for you to kind of share like, what was it like having Delaney in your classroom. Now that she's not here to defend herself. I know I you know what? I talked about Delaney all the time when she's not around. She just doesn't know it and I guess you'll find out a lot of it in this podcast, but I say it at the very very end that Delaney was a fabulous teacher before I met her. I mean she was somebody who just seem to like she must have liked been born a teacher. I just think that it loses out of her and I was so fortunate during a conference. I only see University neither was her sophomore junior year. I connected with her and a few, you know, as the years went on. I just continued she just kept popping up, you know, she was in leadership roles at the University and she like I said, she was born to be a leader Born to Be an educator and somehow I remember when her and I had this conversation her junior year. She was president of a education sorority on campus and I looked her and I'm like, I want a student teacher. I think I should figure out a way to get you in my room. And at the time it was completely a joke, and then she ended up being a year-long student teacher in my classroom, which wasn't because she failed her first semester and kept with me. I feel just to confirm. She was a part of the PDS program at Illinois State University, which is a year-long student teaching program. I actually graduated from the same program. RAM and it's just so interesting, you know seeing someone from you know grow so much and she student taught in my classroom, which I'm a math teacher and she's a reading and writing educator. So I think that it was not only a challenge for her to be in a classroom and a Content area that she wasn't comfortable with but also, I mean Jeff I won't lie like I pushed her like she came in good I couldn't let her. Stay good, like she needed to have a challenging student teaching experience. And I don't know II think that that she killed it. I mean, she's just a rock star all around and when she was looking for a job and she ended up at Plano with Mark Heller as their principal. I just couldn't have been more happy for her and not because she ended up in like the job that she wanted like the dream job. But also that she'd be close enough. You know, she stayed in, Illinois. I wanted to have some connection to seeing her journey because whether it happens, you know, whether it happened already or it's happening. I mean this girl's gonna blow up. She's fantastic and loves education. I love being around people that love their job like you Jeff mother. Yeah, and I agree and you can hear that during this entire episode with Delaney that she just loves to see if she says it too just to be clear. But like I mean, you don't know need her to say You Can Tell She's the kind of teacher that way. Up every morning just haunt the fact that she gets a good teacher and I love that like that that gets me pumped up. So super cool. It got me thinking also, you know, we talked about, you know with with new teachers and stuff. You know, we're always it's it's an interesting time because you trying to figure out a whole new world you're trying to show that you know, what you you're doing that you that you can be handling training you can be isolated. And so we talk about that all the time, you know teachers are here to talk about All the time but may building at pln get your network growing it and obviously, you know, I love social media always push people do Social Media stuff like that. But I also think you know an awesome way to get involved with that is is just getting involved with organizations that are out there. There are so many organizations available for teachers and for new teachers and stuff. So I was I wanted to just run through a few of the ones that we've you know attended events for that. We've had conversations with that. We've done some work. With or doing work with it's off that that I think are really really powerful in it that people especially new teachers should get involved with for opportunities to take on volunteer leadership Works to just connect with people from all over the country and to get some really cool resources. So what do you say I say we do it I think teaching is so isolating and if you're not connected whether you're growing your network organically on social media or you're a part of a state or National Organization, I mean do not isolate yourself there. What do they say in George curos is book and innovators mindset, you know, like at this point, you know isolation is a choice right ignorance is the choice you you have to make the Active choice not be connected now. So why bother like go meet these amazing people and what are a few of the organization's you'd recommend Jeff. So am L is a great one for folks like you are in the middle middle school level right love metal from Nea is just a national One National Education Association with great one for just anyone of any level anywhere and education and AGC is a great one connected to gifted and advanced learner's esteem are friends. That idea. I was going to mention I yes definitely our friends at ideea, which is Illinois digital Educators Alliance. Hey nice, they're having a conference in February. They are we're going aren't we? Yeah, we're going I just got my email. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I know. I was wondering if you were going to get all excited about that because we get to go that and that was one of your first conference is so great for that. So shout out to them that they've been like they've been featuring us in their newsletter and stuff so we can give him a little extra love so idea is about one Ray and I will be there in In February, so make sure you go there which that's so that's a state level. So some other state level ones. I mean, I know you do a lot, you know, you're involved with Ames network was a great one as well also in there. We love Seco here in Ohio, which is science educator Council of how which is empty and sta, Ohio level version of that. Oh AGC is the Ohio for gifted. So what basically what I'm trying to get as the there's a whole lot of these National organizations that do some really really awesome things, but then there's these state-level chapters of all these different organizations that are really really powerful to get into really specific to your state because as you know, I mean every state is different and then every district is different. So getting into those state level ones I think is a really really cool one. So look up just Google it go find some organizations get involved with go to the conference's go down. There's all kinds of free resources on almost all of their sites get involved with it and then, you know, just keep building your network. I think it's just so important for it. But then more importantly in all that listen to this episode with Delaney bubble because she gives some serious things some seriously great advice and share some stories and we have some laughs and it's a good time. It's a great episode. I'm really I'm really glad that you chose to yell at her halfway through the episode because I just felt like I couldn't yell at her and you took you took my job. It was good. Yeah, I love it. And and I like to eat didn't spoil what I out of four. So now You have to listen through and figure out why Jeff yells it Delaney and I didn't really yell at her but you totally scolded her in a recording of did well Delaney. I'm sorry, but I don't think I need to be so hashtag. Sorry, not sorry. But anyway, so awesome episode where I feel like you've said all we need to say about this. Let's just get right into it episode 111 with Delaney Bramlett. Hey everyone, its Ray. We're gonna get right back to the episode. But I want to share something special for my Illinois teachers that are listening to teach better talk. I'll of professional development and there was so much going on across the state. One of my favorite Avenues to find professional development in the state is through idea, which is the Illinois digital Educators Alliance those that don't know it's a non-for-profit organization dedicated to leadership and education through technology one of my Right things they do is the iste certification. This is a digital credential that recognizes Educators who understand how to use Ed tech for learning in a meaningful and transformative way, Illinois digital educator Alliance has been selected by it's easy to be an authorized provider for this certification if you want to find out more and make sure you head over to ideea Illinois dot-org and you can find out all the details and by the way, if you go do this make sure you Tweet out at Jeff and I because we would love to hear that. You started your iste certification Journey. All right, let's get back to the episode. All right, we're here and we were talking with Delaney. Brahmo and I am already feeling left out because for those of you don't know Lenny and race, but all of last year together and they're already basically deciding to do this podcast episode without me. So while I've got the mic And everyone is still listening for Jeff telling me how you feeling right now. I'm feeling good. Good to be back with Ray and my new friend is new Jeff. Well that my legs are these some somebody's friend here. That's good. Well include Joe. Yeah. I mean, I was super excited to have you on the podcast. I knew that you were going to be somewhere where have so much fun and then the moment you popped on and giggled. I'm like, oh my gosh. It's like a reunions of do best. I'm sorry. So doing any I Want our listeners to learn all about you because you are somebody that I not only have gotten to know for the past year, but also your future is oh my gosh the brightest on Earth and I just want everyone to know all about you because you're doing amazing thing. So would you mind kind of sharing what you do? Of course? All right. So I feel like you can take whatever I say for a grain of salt on this because I've only been in the teaching field for Nine weeks. No, I feel like I have like some different insight about that because I just graduated from Illinois state in May. I student taught with Ray for a entire year. So I have a unique experience and I have a lot of great things going into my first year. I teach in a rural ish School in Illinois. I'm an 8th grade language arts teacher I teach in Black period so that has been something that's been awesome 80 minutes. Reading and writing. Wow a whole year of Ray that's wrong time Ray. Yeah, and it was math to and Yulia was always my passion. And so I feel like I'm a tortured her not not tortured me taught me a lot. Delaney's doesn't yell. I did you happen to do any editing of things that re-wrote or anything like that stop because I can't believe that you can't spell you just Capitalize random things anyway, it works out. All right. So now if you've ever talked to Ray about Delaney, you would pretty much assume that she's never failed at anything never had any struggles because you're just amazing everything that right ever talks about you is that you're amazing, but I also know I I actually don't mean that because she actually told me one of the things used to talk about a lot was how good you were with reflection and always coming to her and asking how Can we better have me better? So I don't know. I'm going to go with this one. But I want you to take us to a time that you've had a failure. Yeah, and sort of seconds that with you. I what happened how to make you feel. How did you overcome it? And then what you take away from that? Yeah. So first last year, I would say in my student teaching. I wasn't the best reflecting. I'll just teach it and I would think about what went good and I'd like oh, that was great. But Ray helped me reflect every single day until the point where it's like, okay, I get it now. I'm reflecting and so this year I've been reflecting and I have a little bit of an ironic. Story, so I'm lucky enough to have advisory every single day with my kids, which is incredible. So of course advisories all about social emotional learning, which is really big in the middle school. So when I heard I had this time with my students every day, I'm like, yes, I can teach all that really cool stuff that really needs to be taught and then it came to my lesson about failure. I was teaching the kids why it's okay to fail and all that jazz, and then I realized I failed I failed the lesson on failure literally and I think it was because I went in there so excited to teach about those things that I didn't really set the groundwork for talking about things like that. So instead of playing all the games at the beginning and getting students comfortable with who's in the room. I like jumped into all those lessons that I couldn't wait to start and so then I was like have you guys ever failed and no one was speaking because no one was comfortable with each other. Gosh, that's a really important point. Yeah, no one was comfortable. It was awkward. I felt like I had to be like if you answer I'll give you a dolly Rancher I guess and then it was just awkward and you learned nothing. So ever since then I've been going back trying to find some some new things for the kids have icebreakers, even though they know each other. They don't know each other in like the sense of their advisory class. So we've been working on that and we're really improving which is nice to see really cool. So now let's let's flip that let's talk about a successful moment. You've had this could be something bigger something. Small it can't be that you got to work with Ray. It's gotta be something different. But tell us what happened. Why was it a success for you? And then what did you do that Ray? Just so you know like that would be my answer Jeff for such a semester. How do you think with everything delays accomplish that that would be what she would pick I know what she's going to pick and I was literally stalking her social media during this success moment. So I cannot wait for her to share it from her perspective. Well if I had to pick I would pick the That you asked me to go on a podcast with our listeners know that the lie. All right. So let's talk about that successful moment. Delaney share with us what it was. Why was it successful moment for me you and what you take away from that? Okay. So when I got the job for ELA, I'm like I need to make reading and writing fun for kids. And I know that sounds like everybody wants to make it fun. Yes, but I wanted to make it more than that. I wanted to make them want to come right which is easier said than done. So we had this Whole plan, they were going to write a narrative. So a narratives like a story which I'm like that's creative that's on they're going to love it. And then I'm we said okay start writing your narrative and it was going to take about two and a half weeks to write it and then I started realizing they've never written for this long in their life, like a two-and-a-half week written paper or story. So then we started calling it a book. I'm like, you're a published author you wrote a book, which you guys just did so congratulations on that but little plug for you guys. You're welcome. So then we're like, let's throw a party. Let's throw a publishing party for everyone who's published something and then ever since student teaching with Ray Ray always invites people in to the classroom from the community and Ray should close our ears right here. I'm like people don't want to come if I email people they're not going to want to come. I was literally planning inviting my grandma's my mom. My sister is because I'm like who's going to come? So at least we'll have bodies in here to support. The students and I think Ray knows better than me and I just learned this. If you email people in your community, if you call them, they will actually want to come and they will come and so all these people from the community local authors people from the public library came and listened to my students talk about the books that they had just wrote and we called it the publishing party and they mingled at the end and it was really cool to see in the students were actually really proud of their work and I actually got people to come in other than my grandma's. Who are of course I love but you know. That's awesome. I love that. Yeah, I love that too Delaney. And I actually I don't think Jeff and I haven't talked about this. I tried to move every single thing my calendar. I wanted to be there so bad. I was even invited for our listeners just to know that I would send an email by five different people who somehow are connected to Delaney being like wow. Look what Delaney's doing and I'm looking at all these emails. I'm like I've wanted to go and I couldn't make it. So I need you on a recording. Any for the entire world to hear right now you need to do it again. And I want to come I wish you would have been there. I think my jaw would have hit the floor if I saw you there but it was fun. I would have been so fun. Yeah, it was a good day. But I love that you chose to bring in the community. How did you choose to invite community members? What did you tell them you were doing and what kind of feedback did you get from them? So what was the hardest part about it really was all the correspondence it took I truly felt like a secretary like my whole plans for the week. I was calling around I was talking to Mark the principal and just teachers around like who do you think would come so then I contacted the librarian and she said we have a local writers group who writes out of the public library. And so I got their Facebook Messengers. I'm that's only way I knew how to contact them. So I sent them all a message and a couple of them were like, we love to be there. We'd love to support them. They brought their hardcovers of their books and the students were just amazed to see their actual book. They created the covers and they were so amazed to see that and to hear that publishing's not as hard as they might think it is. So the students were really inspired and so were so was the community thing like we have future writers here, which is awesome. I just want to celebrate you for a minute that you did all that and how long have you been in the classroom so far? I believe nine weeks nine whole weeks you are doing good things. Girlie. I'm very proud of you so stoked. I love hearing these stories about you taking risks and Trying to do really fun Innovative things for your students. I would have to say though Ray. You might have a heart attack to know that all the work that I had to put into the publishing party is currently making me have a payoff of planning day by day because I was so into that for the last two weeks. So I'm working on it hang. It happens though. That's that's teaching. It's okay. That's just like the whole process right of you know, trying something new and problem solving through. What other Factors come with it and then picking it up again and going from there. Yep. Yeah, so it was good, but now got to pick it back up. Yeah absolutely. Just got to reset and start again. Yeah. So the next question I have for you has to do with kind of what fuels your fire and to be honest feeling. I was really excited to ask you this question because I don't actually think I know the answer to it and I've always wondered for our listeners that don't know I was able to collect connect with Delaney. Gosh, I don't know her sophomore. A junior year in high school and like it went everything from just like bumping into her to then being able to have larger discussions than obviously ending up working with her her senior year, but you've consistently from the moment. I met you have a smile plastered to your face no matter how stressed you are and you just love your job and I just think being around you is it's just the positivity is infectious. So, how how do you keep this? Argh, like what fuels your fire to wake up every day and have this mentality really on life that you carry. Yeah. So almost every day at school. I stand in the hallway and I look at every student and I say good morning and then their name, so I think it's really important to say their name and I'm always really excited to see them and then their response has always like she's how many cups of coffee has. Mr. Rommel had today and I always hear that under their breath and I'm always like this day in the mo it's always two Cubs like it has nothing to do with the coffee at this point. I think it's just I'm truly excited to be there and I truly enjoy the students I have in front of me. I'm not doing it because I have the next lesson to do everyday. I'm truly excited to see them and I try to show them that every single day even if they think I'm just a crazy coffee lady. The rumor is actually they'll say another teacher was like, oh, let's try this activity Miss Brahma was doing and a kid raised their hand and said, Is that the loud one? Yep, that's her and so that to me. I guess I'm cool. I love that. You have that reputation that literally just made my day. I think you might be the loud one over over there. Right? I think so. I compete to be the loud one. So when you left I I got the reigning title and now you get to spread the joy in other places. Yeah. Yep. That's the goal besides the amazing smile. I'll and your dedication to building relationships with students what's going on in education right now that you feel like you're really trying to work on and master and bring to your students. So something I'm working on is trying to get students to enjoy being in language Wing language arts class and the only way to do that and something that I've learned at is you time and time again, and a lot of the great teachers are doing it is making sure everything is student centered So based on that. The first thing that comes to my mind is giving them choices. So when they heard that they had to write a narrative which was going to be a whole story. It was going to be more than two pages and it was going to take them over. Over two weeks. They knew it was going to be really long and they were dreading it and I'm like no don't be scared because you get to choose your main character you get to choose what they're like you get to choose what struggles they're going to go through. Is it a football player? Is it a veteran? It's something you're interested in. So I had a success because the students were willing to write it because they were so intrigued by their own stories. They got to make it up. And so now I just want to keep that students enter in this going and I feel like this unit will be even better because I know Students more so I'll keep finding ways to give choices and keep it really student-led and student-centered and that's what I'm excited about. It's always a challenge but I'm going to keep going keep asking questions love it. No, it's good. You know, I am really excited to hear your answer for Our advice question. You know, whenever we have listeners on our podcast or I'm sorry guest on our podcast. We're always asking them, you know, tell us what's your biggest advice whether it be for a new a teacher or a veteran teacher and being able to work with you last year was a complete joy and now kind of hearing how amazing you're doing from both you and your colleagues in your principal. I'm just so proud of you and I want I want you to share whatever you feel like really helped you get to this point. What advice do our our Educators need whether they're just graduating from is you like you were a you know, just a few months ago, or maybe someone the field that's been there for five. Years 10 years 20 years. How do we keep this Progressive mentality where like you said? We're really focusing on giving our classrooms back to our students and the best way possible. Yeah. So like I said, I've only been in there for nine weeks so you can take this as you wish everybody, but the thing that I've really learned in the past literally nine weeks is not to forget that these are actual humans in front of me. So something that I did. Like the first two days is I was so nervous about everything like I had that new teacher Jitters. Like how do I take attendance for the first time like that was my legit worried? How do I run the printer? I don't know the teacher next to me all that was so worrisome along with the lesson plan that I was forgetting that I had humans in front of me. So I walk into the room and I'd be like, okay first thing we're doing today is this and then I'm like that's everything against what I've ever learned growing up. You say good morning you smile you acknowledge people. So I feel like my biggest advice is to acknowledge the actual people you have in front of you and say good morning take five minutes to talk about their weekend or their night before and just always remember their people before the lessons can come in 5 to 10 minutes. It's always worth it. Okay, so I need you to do me a huge favor here if you can Delaney. Hmm. Can you stop saying that I've um been in the class for nine weeks. Thank you. Could you yell at her because that was that was one of the best piece of advice I think. We have ever had shared on this podcast agree. I absolutely love that. So like we talked about and we've had a lot of guests that share this and I think we need to talk about even more is that like your time in your classroom them out of days years months weeks whatever that you've in your classroom is not really that important. It's how you're doing in there what you're taking away from it. And you know, we have this we have this talk with Chelsea Ray from from Akron which talk about being afraid to approach teachers. Stuff and all the veteran teachers one of the things that they told her to hold your silly should be approached us now stars. Like hey, we can learn from you. We want to learn from you because we're not in the same. We don't see things the same way as you do. We don't think about things the same way because we've been here for 10 years or 20 years, whatever so the lady I want you to stop saying that because you have a lot to share in this that was an awesome. Awesome. And I really I that was it was great. So no more of that. I'm going to yell it from here on out. I'm going to start stalking you and if I see you sit on it. Instagram I'm going to like Instagram slap you I'm not sure how that works, but we'll figure it out. Okay, Kami quotable. You keep your canvas is awesome stuff. So that was your right. So, all right. So now you know, Ray talks a big game. She kind of pumps you up put you on a pedestal and stuff. But this is where we're really going to test you out here. Okay, we're gonna do six six questions and year ago last 15 seconds or less now. I need to let you know that an episode 110 Jason I think knocked all six out and like 27 seconds. Oh man, right you owe me your goals really just 15 seconds per answer, but he went for the gold. So I can he got pretty close. So it's up to you how you want to do it but here we go. You ready? I'm ready. Alright, what is one Ed Tech Tool? You cannot live without ELA teachers grammarly for sure. What's a book you in right now a book. I'm reading three times a day actually to my classes is Miles Morales Spider-Man by Jason Reynolds, who and who is follow today on Twitter or Instagram to people. I think you should follow on Instagram is the at Texas Lone Star teacher. It's mostly LA but also about decorating and just good strategies for your class. But then also if you're into fashion which US new teachers, we need all the good teacher outfits. You should follow the dress code. That's where I get my inspiration. What's a good YouTube channel or website for educators? I would say Monica She's got a really good blog going especially for advisory teachers who don't have a lot of activities yet. Give us a daily weekly or monthly routine every teacher she get into daily let your kids know that they should ask you why if you haven't told them yet if they're wondering. Why are you making me write this they should definitely ask you teach them to do that and remind them every day. And what's the best piece of advice you've ever received Ray? He works said it best you you don't have to grade everything. I think that might have saved my life and my first year apart. Oh my gosh, you're so funny. She nailed me. Hold on. I can't focus because I'm following teacher dress code. Seriously, it's some good stuff. All right. Well, I thought that was awesome. I thought you did great. I was worried that your piece of advice was in the from Ray. So I guess it is. Oh stop. It's so true though. If re is done on Instagram, she'll go ahead and continue with our last question Ray. I grew another question for you lady and actually to be honest with you. No, when we end our recording today, I'm going to have like 15 more for you because I just love the stories you shared and just knowing your background. I'm just so proud of you and excited for your classroom. And I just wish that I could be a student in your room because I can feel the energy even just through your voice this podcast recording. The final question I have for you is how our listeners can get connected to you. And I know I asked this question on every podcast and all of you were earlier. Eyes when I say it really is the most important question but Delaney you are doing such amazing things and I can only like I truly can't even imagine the things that you're going to be doing in a year two years five years because you're so Innovative. And so passionate. I just think you are 100% the educator to watch because you are going to change this field. And so I want to make sure our listeners can connect with you. Would you mind sharing how they can best do that? At no pressure. Good luck. Wow, that was quite an introduction. If you would I have a teacher Instagram going just at MSO Miss DOT brummell. It's not the most creative name. I would say, but please follow me. I am I'll put lessons. I love decorating my classroom. That's something I'm really big on right now, especially being a new teacher and just anything inspirational Reading Writing all the good stuff from love it. Awesome, you know, you can find all the links and resources than we Both in this episode over at each as well as making sure that you get connected with Delaney and continue the conversation with her to make sure you head over to teach for all of that. Be sure to hit subscribe so you don't miss any upcoming episodes and if you give us a rating review, we really really appreciate that a whole lot and let's keep taking it one step further think of just three of your colleagues who need to hear these Amazing Stories and share this podcast with them Delaney. This was a lot of fun and awesome episode super excited for want to hear your stories and You know talk about Ray and how awesome she is. Whatever its exact. No, seriously. This was a lot of fun really glad that you guys to come on and share your experiences from from spending the year with Ray. She really did always talk about how awesome you are. And now I actually know Mark as well and he also talks about how awesome you are. So it was just a lot of fun having you on and thank you for taking some time out and hanging out with us. Thanks for having me. I was a bit nervous. I'm feeling better now though should feel really good right now because that was an awesome episode. Well, thank you. Thanks for having me sure thing until next time let's get out there and teach better. I almost said episode 1 1 1 you're going to keep that in there now. Yeah, my as always I am with nope. I'm trying again my brains not working. All right over. I was thinking about the one one one thing. That's me up. All right, here we go.
First year teacher, Delaney Brummel, chats with us about being cool with being "the loud one" in her school, helping kids get comfortable sharing failures with each other, and focusing on keeping things student-centered. Delaney shares how she keeps a smile on every day, the power of remembering there are actual humans in our classrooms, and reminds us that you don't need to be a veteran teacher to bring value to others. More at Episode Highlights 1:44 - Rae talks about what it was like having Delaney as a student teacher. 5:05 - Chatting about education organizations and the value they can offer. AMLE NEA NAGC IDEA (Come see us at IDEAcon in February 2020!) AIMS SECO NSTA OAGC 8:48 - Previewing the episode with Delaney Brummel 13:43 - Delaney introduces herself. 15:22 - Delaney's failure: Failing her lesson on failure. 17:36 - Delaney's success: Her students writing "books" and throwing a "publishing party." 22:57 - How Delaney keeps her smile on every day: Truly excited to see her students every day. 25:14 - What's got Delaney excited about education: Making things student-centered. 26:41 - Delaney's advise for teachers: Don't forget that these are actual humans in front of us. 28:42 - Jeff yells at Delaney. 30:05 - 6 questions answered in 15 seconds or less. 32:28 - How to connect with Delaney. Delaney's Recommendations EdTech Tool: Grammarly Book: "Miles Morales: Spiderman" by Jason Reynolds Who to Follow on Instagram: ELA TEACHERS should follow @texaslonestarteacher. Into teacher fashion? Follow @teacherdresscode YouTube/Podcast/Website/Blog: Daily/Weekly/Monthly Routine:  Let you kids know they should ask WHY what they’re learning is important. Best piece of advice you've ever received: "You don't have to grade everything!" - Rae Hughart Links to Connect With Delaney Instagram: @ms.brummel --- Send in a voice message:
Hey afterbuzzers, before we move on we would like to say thanks to our sponsor. Anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. Plus there's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Also anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many more plus you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership, and it's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor a Or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Hey afterbuzzers. We are back with an all-new episode of Orange Is the New Black Maritza is back Daya is maybe the new prison leader and Alex is getting into more trouble than ever. We are covering Orange is the New Black season 7 episode 2 right now. You're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of TB top now. Look what up afterbuzzers. We are back for another episode of Orange Is the New Black? Thank you all so much for joining us. How are y'all tonight? Amazing you love the episode or did you love the episode loves it loves it. So good as always. Thank y'all so much for joining us. I'm your host. April was some hands joined by my lovely. Ladies Francesca. Hello and Brianna. Hello. Hello y'all can follow us all at AfterBuzz TV. Be sure to let us know what you thought of the episode was so much happening in this episode tonight. What did y'all think overall jam-packed? I think we hit we hit almost every character. I feel like ever right. Yeah, that's still relevant to the show. Yeah. Yeah. I was super happy. Well not happy with the ending but I was happy to see some faces that I really did miss. So I was I was I was happy about this episode me too me too before we get get into it. Be sure to stay tuned for our special segment tonight as well as some great news and gossip and predictions for the rest of the season first. I want to start with Marissa. I know mr. I missed her so much just seeing her face. I mean it's funny because whenever they're doing that the booty shaking competition at the beginning. We're all like who's it going to be and then as soon as they put the camera on her like that's all I know. I saw that petite frame. I was like, that's not right at first I thought it was Girl in the middle who everybody booed I was like who is that that was fast. I'm so happy that it was her. Of course. She's getting herself into a little bit of trouble but we're going to talk about her later in the episode McCulloch had a huge part of tonight's episode. She's a little one of y'all refer to her as Wednesday Addams whenever she little dark and gloomy nowadays. She's always been a little dark and gloomy, but she's I mean, she's amped it up. She's cigarette burning herself in a bathroom stall and Not putting any paper toilet. He's disgusting. The only thing I noticed the hole. Oh, yeah. I liked getting her background. The jaw think it's something that we needed to understand more about her or kind of what do you think about it? I don't necessarily think it's something that we needed but it was kind of nice to have it, you know, because we have we haven't had a flashback. I don't think in a It's been a hot minute in a while. So it does add, you know a little bit of character and or dynamic I guess to their character. It wasn't something major. I feel like we could have already assumed she's kind of been in that position how she is with all the guys right now beforehand, but it's nice to see like a bass, you know. Yeah. Yeah at first when I realized that it was going to we were going to have a spotlight on her. I was like, oh my God not care about McCulloch, right, but I'm glad that they did show it because it's hide in. Lane the decisions that she made throughout the episode and how she handled Helmer and Alex and it kind of makes me anxious to see the type of turn her character takes in the season agreed because we were talking about last episode how we thought diet has changed so much which she definitely has but I feel like macola as a CEO has definitely kind of like, yeah spiral spiraled a little bit as well. Yeah, that's a great point and I normally would never ask if the background is something that we need because I feel like we are Always all enjoy it but hers was so I feel like she's been one of those characters who like you care about but then it's such an oddity at the same time. I mean that in a good way though. It's also interesting to me because to see the actress that plays her and interviews in real life is just total opposite. So I thought about that tonight a lot while we were watching the episode because I'm like she's doing an amazing job. It definitely was good to see this kind of military background. Round of hers, which I'm surprised. We didn't know anything about before just because of how she is like I think about her being in the yard last season when she like freaked out and blew the whistle and everyone but the dynamic, you know, they're kind of mirroring with what's going on actually in real life with her right now because it when she's in the military we see her, you know her lieutenant or Sergeant. I forgot what it was exactly her Sergeant tell her that she needs to do something. To help the guys were watching and she organizes the saying I'm like, oh she's about to strip. Yeah, and that was when we painful if you she was the stripper. Thank God she didn't thank God and what did y'all think about this part? I loved it and I was like in this is me on a panel of females as a female. I was like, yes it because it's not about like in this point like oh this is wrong because she's a female and female empowerment. It's like, you know, you know what, Somebody enjoys and this person. I loved the same. What did y'all think about it? I love this scene. I love the decision that she meets it get the dancer definitely warmed up the guys. It's something I would do in real life just because like I'm comfortable with who I am as a woman and so I don't mind admiring another woman if that's what you do. That's what you do. Yeah. And so I think it was a really smart tactic on her and it's just unfortunate the way you know, you take one step forward. It's like three steps. Can you just can't please everybody it's all the time. So true and to see it like the joy that came to everybody and she has this like huge party with them all night long and then just the guy, you know, I said it I hate saying this word but I was like, oh my God, he's gonna he's gonna rape her. I thought so too and I mean technically kind of did obviously no like no consent anywhere don't know can say I'm not like no. I'm not he just never Yeah, I was okay and then when he started to do it, I was like I don't even think he's assumed it will obviously be assuming it's okay, but I was like, I think he's doing this because she's asleep and she thinks that she's not gonna know. Yeah, it did take her lawful time to wake up like he's laying on her before she actually woke up. We're y'all surprised that this was kind of going to go that way or no. I mean you just unfortunately you hear about these stories in the military all the time. Yeah, and Yeah, I mean, is that a so is that a reason why people even today think certain things should still say stay separate in the military. It's almost it's a a topic that I haven't thought about it much myself, but seeing it on camera and seeing like but this can happen and how do you ultimately control it? I mean, I'm obviously there are ways but things are still going to happen. I wonder if that's like a real relevant Topic in the art or any branch of the military. Today, you know, I found myself questioning and I was saying to myself Daniel, why did she tell and I'm like, well, of course she told she vote he she was violated and then so I'm like wrestling with myself like Brianna, you know, she should have told that the same time it's like the repercussions and the effects of it afterwards and I was going to be super awkward and it just sucks that you can't take a stand for yourself or go to your Superior. Where you're supposed to be able to feel safe without it getting back out and you look like the enemy and it's just so crazy to me that that's even something that we or as women or she as his character obviously had to wrestle with because even like I'm sure we're all sitting there watching I'd be like, oh this is gonna be a bad thing. But like he's the one that did yet. She's having to you know, live through these quote-unquote consequences of it. We're now everyone believes. And I mean like we always talked about it. So relevant, of course to what's happens in real life right now with the me too me too movement. So it's just it's like one a great way to show. I mean, she's she's the one that's going to go through something negative because of this happening and he's just going to be fun with his buddies. Yeah. Did you realize like sorry. Did you realize when he said did you're lucky that he understood? Yeah. I rolled my eyes, which is just insane to me and I I mean, it's like how do we actually get past past that as a you know country, but I guess that's a topic for another day - and to think of her doing it and even the things that she's doing tonight everything that she was doing was kind of for the right reason. It wasn't so, you know, we know we're in a new search for a warden which will get there of course, but it's not because she wants to be Warden it's not because she wants to be head guard that she's thinking of telling on Hellman which we Obviously find out that she knows I thought the way that she revealed that she knew to lose check was hilarious when she said he's sneaking in three burritos a day and he has a body like that girl look at you but she's trying to do the right thing. She's trying to you know, people are dying left and right which is the reason why they're even have going to get a new warning but she's the only person well, so I thought that was gonna kind of suffer the census of this even when she you know, she has the situation with Alex where she sees her trying to put the heroin in Hellman's locker and that's when you know, she forces Alex to get on the ground and whatever what she writes up this incident report and we see her saying everything with Alex and then has Hellman's name on it. But Alex got the drugs from him. Did you think she was actually going to tell or did you think she was going to give up on it? Because she gave up on it before I didn't think I was. I didn't think that she would tell and if she did she would have like the worst would have just happened to her. Anyways, same thing like we saw in this, you know in her background, so I was I don't know. I feel like she doesn't not that she doesn't make smart decisions because like you were saying like she did what she needed to do. But I was like, why would you do that when you already know how these guys are and you know, she saw it when she walked in and I'm happy that she decided not to even though I don't necessarily like the The decision she made after that. Yeah, but I feel like she could do something else smarter or she should have just gone straight up higher. Yeah, you know what? I mean? Because the she was going to tell Hopper and he's you know, essentially just part of the boys club that exactly I mean seeing her like about to do it but then walking into that scenario where they're all helping the are talking about their interviews, but it's like, okay that's funny sure. But then as you know, what are their three women see out there are three females that we Yeah often anyway, a ton of men which is just the nature of that job. It's also a huge thing that comes up when they talk about the pay and the pay differences between the men and the women and minorities. Exactly and I think that's what kind of also set her off about telling on him because she's been you know, she's made some mistakes with going a little too far with prisoners and things like that. We can't you know, ignore it, but that doesn't mean she deserves to make eight thousand dollars less and then we find out. Ward makes a little like $11,000 left. She makes 32 McCullough makes 32,000 and he said 29 - yes, 2029 5c award and then the men make 40,000 which is just insane and she's they're the ones doing the right thing. They're out there selling drugs. I mean two of the main ones Hellman and Hopper are the one sneaking in the drugs and their head guard and then the guy who kind of like does the best in the interview and looks like he's going to become head card after that. Definitely think that ignited her a little bit as well. But I also get y in the situation she didn't do it because if you walk into that situation and just see it like, you know, it's not going to do anything and it's going to be the same thing where he's just going to tell everybody exactly which I've how do you break that cycle? You can't know that I don't think it's something you can do when you're it's a boys club. It's a boys club and that's just what it is. I think it's about like raising not that you know guys weren't raised the right way, but, you know a new kind of Of culture of how kids are brought up and things like that, but ultimately it is I'm not to say it is what it is, but people are going to do what they do and it's just crazy. She ends up going to Alex and saying I can either give this you can I can tear this up or you get in trouble whatever or you can sell drugs for me now, which was a total curve ball nuts in my opinion and I just felt so bad for Alex right because she's just trying to It out of this and not get in trouble not get any more time. And then you know, she she will she thought she was already going to get in trouble. But then she has a moment where she's like. Oh good. You're not going to tell me open and I have to still do it. Right. This is the thing with that type of situation and it kind of comes up multiple times tonight is that I struggle with on this show, you know, they these people are doing bad things Grant Allen. Alex is being forced to it. Forced into it at the moment. Technically she did agree to it for this other reason and whatever but it's like how do you even get out of that situation? It's like do deserve to be in trouble because you are actually doing this bad thing. And but I mean at the same time, they can't go to any of the higher-ups and then at this point she can't even go to Piper because Piper is just living in her babysitting world and obviously having her own struggles with what are people going to think it is. To be able to see that aspect of everything and kind of in the outside world, but just pales in comparison to anything that everyone else is going through and even at the beginning when she is speaking to Helmand and basically is like I can't do this all these extra searches because of daddy dying like what am I supposed to do? And he essentially is like I don't care sell it or I'm gonna do something very nasty to you nasty. He's such a he's so like oh Oh my goodness, like he gives me the chills right the way he approached her first of all in the very first game and he's all in her ear and she's like, oh my God, my ear is moist just all in this space. You just has no respect and he dresses like a douchebag. So I can't imagine what he's like outside the prison right? I kind of missed seeing the like seeing how they are outside but I feel like they're all pretty darn close to like what we see of them as CEOs. What are they still live in that little house those little Cottages, whatever. Was but yeah, Alex is totally in turmoil, but I guess ends up agreeing she kind of has to yeah, there's no real because it weighs right? It was like either you get five years or what it was like no I tell and you get five years or or I don't tell or I just tell Hellman and then he's going to be make your life. Hell make you're like, yeah, right man help. Oh, what do you think she can possibly do to get out of the situation with Hellman get out of jail. Leave finish up her time. I don't know. I think I think either trying to set up the way set McCullough up the way she's been trying to set up Hellman, or I don't know. I really don't see a way of getting out of this. Well, I don't the thing is in McCulloch essentially says you have to like and that's what I was trying to think. I'm like, what can she possibly do? I mean what's gonna end up happening? She's going to end up selling for Of or she can find someone to manipulate and to saying look this person is a better seller. They're going to get it off your hands faster than me. I'm not that great at it. And then she can just pass it off to somebody else. So or bad as in comes back, she'll be in charge of it again. But like I'm kind of hoping she doesn't come back for a while. So she's gonna come back. So I mean she'll come back for like 12 or something. I don't know. Okay before we move on Francesca sets before us yes, I just wanted to thank you guys. Guys for listening and tuning in and making us the ESPN of TV talk if you're watching this on YouTube right now, make sure to hit subscribe and press thumbs up that you liked it. If you're listening on iTunes give us five stars and always leave us comments. We are going to be reading all the comments. We're going to be answering back. We want to see what you guys are thinking about each episode. And yeah, thanks. Thank you. Thank you all so much for watching. Definitely love seeing what y'all are really I'm so sorry. Get the right notes right now because so much happened. I want to talk about our favorite girls Suzanne. I was like, well, I was like, I should say our because I don't know but she's a fan favorite everybody. It's her you so do I don't know how she does what she does in the sense that like she last episode. She didn't have very many scenes had a little more tonight, but she can have these moments. That you know, maybe she has a minute on screen but I'm like, oh my gosh, you're speaking to my heart. She's going through the situation right now where she's finally realizing she knows in her mind that tasty did not actually shoot or kill anyone and that the courts made a mistake which she's struggling with that decision or with knowing that anyway, and then she starts to walk. Derp does she deserve to be in there? You know, we know she was sentenced to 15 years for kidnapping and everything else that happened to the kid that she was trying to play with and it really begs the question. Does she deserve to be in there? I find it. I loved the moment with her mom, which is they're talking about everything and I thought her mom was going to say but she did think she deserves to be in there. What did y'all think about that moment? I think her mom handled it very well because she remembers that Suzanne has a childlike mind and she answered it exactly like how you would tell a child like she wasn't direct she beat around the bush in a little a little bit but because Suzanne was like I need a yes or no. Do you think I deserve to be in here? And her mom said no, you don't she's totally right Suzanne deserves the type of situation where She can get the mental help that she needs and people think just because she's in the prison and yeah, they have psych evaluations or whatever that pales and come into comparison to a professional sitting down and not looking at you as an inmate and It just strikes a question. Well, not really a question but it just strikes a more of a light bulb as a watcher and just says wow like a lot of these women don't deserve. To be in jail and then you remember this is real life. Yeah, it's one of the things that the show of course again does well because they show the part where it's like, okay this person did wrong. So there are consequences for doing something wrong. But how much of that is, you know, you deserve to be in here 15 years how much of that goes to like? Okay. We just couldn't like necessarily deal with you meaning kind of in the suit. And aspect a little more granted the charges against her were huge. I don't remember if the boy died or not. Really he didn't I don't think he did. I couldn't remember either but the mom said that she really hurt him. So right he he I know he felt but the kit I mean kidnapping that's a pretty huge charge. So there's the part that's like how much was taking taken into account for just the charge and then how much was like, okay. She's you know, I don't it's a mentally unstable. I think her mom said something about like she needed to be in a cognitive some sort of some facility, but it's like why wasn't that put into play or what happens with? You know, these people Suzanne is lucky enough to come from a family that maybe can do you know appeals or re-evaluations or however, whenever you're up for parole and things like that, but I'm surprised that at this point someone hasn't kind of approach that in this situation of saying, you know, maybe She should be transferred to a different type of facility and I always struggle with like I said earlier they did something wrong though that does have consequences and actually like that. Her mom said that to her tonight when she said because a she's telling her I didn't know I was doing anything wrong, you know, I was just trying to help him when I put my hand toward him. I didn't know he would fall it's still you know, I like that her mom kind of explained accident sometimes have legal. Consequences if you know it's a certain sort of situation, but then to kind of hear or see Suzanne go through the Heartbreak of hearing her mom be like, but no you don't deserve to be in here still because like Suzanne says, she's sorry she wishes. It didn't happen. She apologized she knows now that it was wrong. So that's another situation where it's like how he faked that I think to pick you up back off of what you said about her parents being Good situation at the end of the day Susanna still a black woman and I think that puts a lot of the pressure on it. So it just goes to show no matter what type of family come from at the end of the day. Sometimes your appearance is just going to rule what they think is deserving. I'm just really worried about the toll this realization is going to have on Suzanne because you can see just what the situation with the desert and taking people's pudding and the the officer said well, I'm going to give you a shot. Shot and she's just like fine. Right? So now you see while Suzanne's she doesn't care. She's raising her voice. She's getting crazy. What else is going to happen to her? Right? Yeah, and and because she does have that childlike mind. That's that's so hard and difficult. But I do I do agree with your feelings about because she is of color because when they were taught when she was talking with what's-her-name Kentucky about tasty, you know taste these also, A black woman and it was just like I was wondering if she was going to make say a comment on that we had didn't but like yeah just kind of does show that things do happen to other people certain people sometimes. Yeah. She's made the connection before many seasons go I think between something happening to I don't remember who it was but she was like, oh is it because her skins like mine or something like that and to even see Suzanne being able to all to make those connections just shows that op. There's something very very wrong with the situation. Yeah, but you're definitely so right and thinking of the moments in the show where Suzanne has kind of become Manic and it's like nothing you can do to control or even at times she has become, you know, I don't want to say dangerous but she has become aggressive in the past and you know, we're like totally beat someone's face in some point, but that's where it's like how You are you going to be able to control this because according to what they're telling us Technically, she's well as far as we know she's not taking certain medications that she was taking before. I don't know if that's just like funding reasons or trying to make her not take them but that it's like a prison isn't meant to be a mental health exaggerated facility. I understand that she committed a crime. So maybe she needed to be in there for a little bit but then she realized what she did. Let's figure that out. Yeah hers is definitely one of the stories that I I hope were able to figure out right but I don't know how much you're working with that another huge part of the episode is Daya and honestly, it's hard to even talk about her because it makes me so sad to see everything when they first it was part of McCulloch story. But when I see saw the army uniforms like oh my God, what's going to be Bennett? Yeah. I know. He's not coming back y'all but I was like, this could be the thing to kind of pull her out because she has this, baby. And you know what? He does had a baby but they have a baby together. So maybe it'll be him. No, she is clearly feeling remorse and she's it seems like she's trying to get off the drugs because she's going through withdrawals. We see her. Yeah. She looks sick, right we start throwing up. She's doing you know all kinds of stuff and it's kind of looking out on this Memorial that all the other D-Block girls are doing for Daddy we talked about this in the last But I kind of teetered back and forth on did she do this on purpose / did she wasn't an accident and tonight? We find out that it was a little both. Yeah. I mean, I didn't feel like she would have purposely done that. I think I stated that last episode because she really was in love with Daddy, but she didn't realize like how far she was taking it like even if even if it didn't kill her like she was already taking it too far. Yeah, like what's what's the what's Point in doing that to someone that you love like to show a point like that the only mean so she had already taken it too far. So I think that's why she feels I think part of her feeling sick is also her guilt. Yeah, that's a good point for sure. What do you think she meant to do to her because she didn't mean to kill her. She says that and you what she's talking to Maria you can our tummy you can clearly tell that she's being honest in that moment, but she definitely meant to do her some sort of harm. So what's what do you what does she just means like make her overdose or you just kind of like I think she just wanted to make her sick. She said I just wanted to teach her a lesson. And so I guess the best was lesson for hers don't cheat on me or I'm going to poison you were going to be throwing up or you're going to have two poops for a while. All right, you know, I think that that speaks to her just being so heavily drugged up all the time. Yeah, because they're I don't feel like she would even though she's making some bad decisions. I don't feel like she would make that choice. She was like a hundred percent coherent, right? Yeah, for sure. I mean she did totally like, you know kill a man two seasons ago, but also not completely I'm she dead straight up shoot him, but she had me to kill him. It just I say that because I still find myself defending her because you see that she at least tonight. We see that she still wrestles with these things. She's kind of like a product of her environment, right? Yeah. Definitely it's and that's what the elata scenes tonight. Make me cringe. I mean, I just can't help it because seeing her speak to her daughter her other daughter in that way where I mean, she's making her do something good. She's making her get off her phone and wash dishes but like it's like honey. Why isn't somebody like I know it's your kid you do whatever you want. But like let's try to change and change how we're doing things and the fact that she speaks two Hopper like that. Also in front of her children, I mean for him is just like kind of a Escalating, but like in front of her children to that's just showing her daughter that you don't need to there's no respect. Really. Yeah, everything is a domino effect. So and it just shows the way her daughter reacted which was basically no reaction. She's used to her mom talking to her like that so you can only imagine when she has kids. How do you think she's going to communicate with them? It's just it's just a cycle exactly. She we have diabetes and I don't want to say manipulated but audio Allah who is our he's a gangster. I don't know I forget exactly what her ethnicity and she will she's he's from Lagos. Yeah, and I'm from she says that she tells people that she's from Lagos, but she's really from some other some other areas the world's. Okay. She essentially this is a girl who we met last season or maybe the season before and you know, she wore the I think she had a head wrap for a little while. Because for religion, right so no that was a different character to character. Oh my gosh, I'll forgive me please but she comes off as this very, you know, totally sweet woman. She's the lady selling Hooch and she approaches Daya about you know, she's like you did this to Daddy. They think you did this. So like live it up and take that lead prison roll. I don't know what you would call it the hbic. Yeah, you know, you need to take it and die. Shh seems like she doesn't want to but she also seems like she doesn't think that she can really say no, so she is wrestling with this and then audio Liz just talking to her all throughout the episode about you know, let's do this. I got your back, you know, we can tag team this, you know, because you need a partner know we can do this without a partner and then some girl likes asses off to die a and then ideally pushes her off the balcony and she lands flat back on the table Daya. I thought the old I did not it wasn't visible. Yeah, I think so because Daya was here. I don't know that you see her but like Daya was right here. Yeah, and you see her get push from down here because remember when the girl walked by adeola Will ramp back and she was like, hey, can I talk to you for a second and then you just see her just flop over. Okay. Yeah at first I thought like I thought your dad did it and I think she's done. Yeah I was dying. But this is the thing that like it just shows you never know who's watching because I didn't know. Viola knew that died was the one moving that she was the one reason why daddy died and all this stuff and it's almost like adeola flipping that girl over the balcony in a way. It was a way to show diet. I got your back but also this is what I'm capable of. Yeah want me on your side. That's true and Daya recognizes that and that's why she went back into her soul, and she was kind of like, oh my God, what did I get myself into and not even you want me on your side, but you don't want me as your enemy exactly. Very clear and I feel like if she says no the that's automatically in prison. You're an enemy basically but amazing point about saying you never know who's watching because that's you know, none of us knew that McCullough knew that it was Hellman with you know, sneaking into the burritos and it's like how did people know that it was her with what she gave to Daddy like. Oh the two girls saw ever. Okay, they saw but I yeah, I think a lot of people get caught up in there like environment and what's going on with them and they're just totally not aware of how obvious they're making it to other people. Yeah, and especially when you're in a closed environment like that. Yeah, and it's clear that Diana is on our has been on some hella drugs at this point. Hmm. She's not even trying to hide it a little bit. I feel like before we get into our special segments kind of the last part of the episode and a huge part of the episode will to huge Parts new Warden is named. Yeah. Yeah. Morgan yeah, Morgan Ward more happy I'm happy to was not expecting it whatsoever either honestly because I was like and this is where I feel like we as females are legitimate and fair not everybody obviously, but I was like she presented herself the best Hellman did as well. But like we know he's on drugs. So let's take him out of that. She presented herself. Well, and this is for the head guard position. Not even Morton. She's you know, Made this great speech Brianna while we were watching was like I'm done. Yeah, Linda's gonna steal that speech and she's gonna go public and she's not even going to give her the job. She's gonna give the job to hell man. Like I read that so wrong. I mean she still could who knows me crazy Linda also fig was I thought her reaction was so funny when she got fired like just clear shock. Yeah. It was amazing, but she gets chosen as the warden and there's the part of me where I was She's not the most qualified. I'm like sure she's a woman. That's great. She's a Linda we know probably hired her because she's a woman and she's a woman of color and that's what's important to Linda but I was like I bet there are other people who are probably more qualified than she is she even looks well. Obviously, she's shocked. She wasn't even thinking about going out for that position, but I'm happy because she's the only one who is taking initiative. We see her taking Caputo's class and Caputo kind of gives her Her the the chops of being like yeah, you should go for this absolutely and of Caputo. I don't know. It's weird. I used to hate because it's such a perv but like we can forget that. Yeah, it's okay. Now, did you see the real pervs and the place now? It's like oh Caputo was like a puppy. He's just doing it to himself. Not other people. Yeah, but I'm so I'm very happy that it was her. I'm very excited to see how everybody else handles it. I don't know if excited so the word but we'll see. I'm Little nervous because I feel like Linda's sees her as like a really good person. And I don't know if she looks at that as a weakness as someone she might be able to run and control. Yeah, probably that for sure because Linda sneaky. Yeah, those it honestly when if I really think about the scene where she's being interviewed the second like she you know after she spoke very well. You just see her eyes Linda's eyes light up and she just like like cha-ching. Yeah. This is on opportunity. Yeah. She saw opportunity wasn't necessarily like Oh, she's the best. I mean she was great. But like what can I do with this? Anyway, even with the other C Co I'm forgot his name. Of course the black guy my God. She was like, oh we could use like, oh, how does our body is what I call her. She already was just like looking at him just for his color. Yeah. And so yeah, I feel like she could manipulate Ward and I hope and I hope it doesn't go that way. There's the part of me that's like, you know, Is good for her for being like we need diversity but she's obviously not doing it for the right. She's not saying we need diversity for the sake of like diversity. She's doing it today. Oh this looks good. And I also think that she does it, you know, seeing her eyes light up as well for the control a hundred percent but also because she knows that what they essentially need is a face and the warden in the past has not been able to do very much so she gets it the other great face, obviously. Leslie Maritza, yes. I owe my heart breaks for her. I'm sorry, and I so had was waiting all episode to ask all this because we see her in the club. She meets this hot in the a dude. She is not supposed to be in the club. She is not supposed to be drinking. She acknowledges that and says like whatever, you know, I got to have lived my life. Basically guys heard go to La she says no, she goes back to the club with her friends and Ice randomly comes in I was Expecting that I'm not I was expecting if any I wasn't expecting that at all. But like if anything I was like oh policeman. She's you know, violating her parole. She'll spend a night in jail. Yeah. Well, it's worse now, it's much worse. How do you for me? I there's still a part of me that's like you were doing something wrong, but now she gets this crazy, you know potentially years who knows how long she can be in a Detention Center. Well, it's not even fair because she just didn't have her ID on her and so they just but they still put her in the prison with people that are reporting like that just discussed me on another level. Right? And I wonder how she could even is it as simple as well. No, I mean she's an American citizen but once they actually find out who she is what happens then die. They're going to care enough to even ask her. Yeah, who are you? Do you have an ID? Yeah, honestly because the fact that you arrested her and grouped her with all Of these people for other people that you also randomly arrested and he just put them all into one class my expectations for them actually really investigating it or very low. Yeah, that's a good I really good point. We see Blanca she's still there. I was wondering how that they were gonna really play Blancas storyline into this. So I'm so happy. They brought Maritza back. Yeah, because that's abroad right there down, right? Oh, yeah. I know her but I appreciate them bringing like because cause you know be Blancas just by herself. So the there couldn't be too much on her. That's not a problem on the prison. But now that we have another character we can kind of see there's their stories now exactly. Well, that's about it for our episode. Let's get into our special segment. Yes. I have a fun game for you guys. So we're going to take a quick change and we're going to play this game called who's set it love it. And now I picked a couple random quotes in the episode. And so you guys got to have to guess like who said it. Love it. Okay, razor buzzing. Oh, right. Yeah. So the first one is thank you so much always believe in yourself and never forget about your dreams. It was the CEO right? No. Oh shit. Oh, come on, you know this point it out. No. No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. The next one should be easier. Ji'er, I started babysitting and it makes me think I don't want children. Oh Piper. Okay, good. Alright. The next one is are you sexy? Are you sexy lady? Yeah, that was funny. Okay. The next one is arms folded or unfolded. Unfolded right Linda. Okay to look like a newscaster do I I think I did. Okay. The next one is don't say her name three times in a bathroom. She's also yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay, and the last one is going to be so easy. Guess you gotta pay titty tax city tax. Oh hell man 1 yeah. I love it. We also have a little bit of news and gossip for y'all are lovely lady. Dascha Polanco was a part of the amazing show when they see us and we just wanted to give a little shout out to her because it was nominated as you can see from her Instagram for 16, Emmy. He had many an interview about being involved in that production. If you haven't seen it on Netflix, you definitely have to it's so amazing. It's a good it's just a great piece that every rifle absolutely and also just she's she kind of equates it to Orange is the New Black and the things that she goes through filming that and with that as well. So congrats to dogs. Love you so much before you wrap. Let's do some quick predictions your after ball. Buzz TV predictions, I the main one I thought of it earlier it was I think the McCulloch Alex thing is going to go very bad and I actually think we're Hellman maybe would have gotten in trouble. I think McCullough's going to end up getting in trouble and it's all going to come back on her just like it did with when she was an Army. Yeah, I agree. What's your prediction? I thought that too. That's your that's your prediction. Well, my prediction of my prediction is Maritza and Blanca are going to have some serious gaming going on and all of them are going to fail because this is ice and they do not play games. So I'm just excited to see what funny scenes they have. Yes love it. Also in Harper's Bazaar article that I read. They specifically said that we are not going to have any Happy Endings. Oh, but let's go ahead and have that in mind. So we will take only supported on a sour note. Note. Well, thank you all so much for joining us. We will definitely be seeing y'all for episode 2. You can find a solid AfterBuzz TV. In the meantime, you can find me everywhere at April with some hand and you can find me on Twitter and Instagram at XOXO Cesc a I am Brianna Cheyenne. I am be underscores Cheyenne see hia and any see y'all for next episode. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz check out our lineup Buzz. See you later. He's expressed herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners our principal.
Hosts April Whisenhant, Lesley Corral, Francesca Dugan and Breanna Chianne talk Maritza’s return, McCullough’s background and Daya getting herself deeper into trouble. The background of the character’s past parallels itself in this episode and not in a good way. Join our conversation to discuss their dilemmas! #oitnb #oitnbfinalseason ABOUT ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK Orange is the New Black comes from "Weeds" creator Jenji Kohan about a women’s prison drama with comedy that takes no prisoners. Based on the acclaimed memoir of the same name by Piper Kerman, the series is about engaged Brooklynite Piper Chapman, whose decade-old relationship with drug-runner Alex results in her arrest and year-long detention in a federal penitentiary. To pay her debt to society, Piper must trade her comfortable New York life with fiancé Larry, for an orange prison jumpsuit and a baffling prison culture where she is forced to question everything she believes about herself and the world at large. As she struggles to adjust to her new reality, she finds unexpected laughter, tears, conflict and camaraderie amidst an eccentric and outspoken group of inmates.
Hi and welcome back to straight talk with Inna today on the episode. We have dr. John Petrucci. So joining us. He's a physical therapist professor at Adelphi University starting strength coach The head judge at all of our competitions and won strong lifter. I'm really excited to be sharing his story with you today. So stay tuned. Yeah. I just figured we'll start and then we'll hang out which I think we just started. So for those people who obviously can't see John if you want to Envision.Someone I want you to Envision Clark Kent. So not only is he is good looking as Superman as he's also a strong as Superman is and he's blushing while I'm saying it so welcome to the podcast John. Thanks so much for having me and I'm really excited for people to hear this conversation because there are so many people that we help out of pain and I think it's one of the most valuable things that you do. I know that for me one of the biggest relieves relief as a coach is that I can call you and say John. And I've got this client and she's in pain and here's her situation and you always give me like the greatest tips for how to keep her lifting and went to know that it's a big problem and I think that if you know people get anything out of this podcast, I want them to you know, kind of here what options they have when something is critical and they should see a doctor what their physical therapist can help them with how barbell training can help them. So Let's start by talking a little bit about you and the fact that recently a you've gotten tenure Adelphi University. Yes. So this past summer. I was fortunate enough to receive tenure at Adelphi University. I was promoted to the position of associate professor in the exercise science program there and I'm teaching in my seventh year there at Adelphi. That's incredible. A shit. Thank you. Thank you very much really exciting and most of all if anyone here goes to Adelphi, I went to Adelphi and graduated my husband and if you're at all in terms of anything at Adelphi, I just want you to know that there's something amazing happening in John's class. He's teaching the starting strength method to his students and you should all go to his classroom when he's doing it and see because I think that's one of the coolest things that you brought to the university is the starting strength method. These kids are so lucky to be Under you. Well, I'm try and incorporate a lot of the components of the starting strength models into my Kinesiology course where we talk about different types of exercise and how you would actually go about performing them and teaching them to somebody so we'll talk about the squad to talk about the the press the bench, press the deadlift power clean in that course every semester. So all the students get the opportunity to learn about those lists. I also teach a ring conditioning methods course where I actually am able to get students in the gym and teach them how to do the lips but also give them practice on how they teach others how to do the live set of one of the things I try and stress is that if you can do this yourself, if you don't practice it yourself and you're not going to be able to teach others how to do it. I think that's such an important thing for anybody in our field, you know to really have the ability to teach me things. You have to have the Practical experience that I think so many practitioners whether we're talking about Trainers or ETS or MD's that give exercise advice and tell you well, that's a bad exercise. You know, you shouldn't do that exercise is squats are bad for your knees dead. Looks are bad for your back presses are bad for your shoulders. Yeah, they have zero experience ever actually doing the exercise themselves. And I think that's a huge problem. So that was one of the things that I've tried to emphasize with with my students is that they should feel very comfortable doing all of these things in the gym so that they can actually make a decision. Whether or not the exercise are appropriate for the people there. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's a crime to prescribe exercise or programs to people when you haven't done them yourself. You don't even know what you're dishing out or you don't know what you're speaking against when you say to someone that they shouldn't deadlift. You know, I think well there certainly are people that will recommend exercises that they have no experience with I think for what we do in terms of dealing with people and in the gym and trying to get them stronger using barbells. Deal more with people that have no experience with the list that yeah. Love to tell everyone you don't do that. Right? It's you're going to hurt yourself. You're gonna do this. You can do that and speak negatively about them. They have no practical experience themselves doing them. You know. Yeah, I think that's a much bigger problem overcome because you know, especially when you're dealing with Healthcare practitioners, they dealing with pts, you know, these people they all have their doctorates now and people think that they're the experts on exercise or the dealing with their MDS. These are people that are Are in Authority position. So if they tell the patient about don't ever do that exercise dangerous for you. The patient is going to answer that, you know, and it makes it much harder to do our jobs in terms of trying to help them get stronger because they have this preconceived notion that these things are going to hurt them. That's a very damaging thing when people when I run into people who are not familiar with strength training and they say, yeah, don't do that because it's going to hurt you I would say No, don't do that wrong. That's the word you're missing in that sentence when you're telling people not to get stronger or not to use certain exercises. Don't do the exercise room. Don't drive your car wrong. Don't do your yoga positions wrong. Don't do, you know, it's not the exercises hurting you it's your foolishness of not learning to do it correctly. Well, yeah, I think that that's such an important point and you know, the thing is with exercise in general. You can hurt yourself doing anything. a thing right any type of exercise but if you look at exercise and comparison to other sports and athletic activities and things like that, the injury rate is actually much lower amount of people think and even people that do these exercises to incorrectly still have pretty low injury rate, you know, yes, so we would consider with less than ideal technique, you know, so a lot of times injuries that occur I certainly agree there people that do not have you know, they're not forming the exercises efficiently as we would like them to but it also comes down to their programming to write in terms of how they are how they're performing the exercises over the course of their sessions there reads their months, you know, and it's the accumulation of you know, a lot of you know bad exercise technique coupled on, you know, maybe too much volume not enough recovery or you know, whatever the cases that ends up leaving to injury comments for her, you know, the biggest problem is getting people just to start you know, Getting him started the first place because they're you know, they have these ideas that they're you know, dangerous exercise for them. Yeah, you know, it always reminds me of rips article CrossFit The Good the Bad and the Ugly because Mark were potato the founder of starting strength wrote this article about CrossFit despite the fact that you know CrossFit hurts a lot of people because they're doing you know complicated lifts quickly. They're not investing in the basics and the good things about cost that is that they reintroduce barbells to All right, and that's been like such a blessing for us work with barbells that people are at least familiar with them again and that they're not just for the Olympic lifters or for people who are you know enormously strong now, so it's a good thing but when they're not learning the basics and when they're not getting it right it's a darn shame because it gives the barbell a you know, a bad reputation. Sure. I mean one of the things about CrossFit is that there's so much variability in each individual CrossFit gym. Um, so the quality instruction can really vary a lot from gym to gym, you know, there's a very low barrier to entry to be able to open up your own CrossFit facility and there are not so CrossFit Gyms and do a great job and making sure that people know how to do the yeah, it's correctly and things like that progress them. You know, an appropriate Pace in there are other ones that I would say obviously don't so there's just a lot of variability in terms of the different processing facilities that you come across but I agree. I mean, I think General they've done a great thing for our fields and you know in combination with some with stuff like starting strength, you know, sort of strength has been any you know, one of the biggest selling Fitness books over the last 10-15 years since the first edition come out on Amazon and you know crossfit's becomes something you see it on ESPN and yeah more exposed to it. So since I started I started to train people in 2006 and since that time there has certainly been a shift in terms of how people perceive Barbell exercise and because they've been exposed to it on a larger scope. They're more comfortable with the idea in general. You know, I never thought and back in 2006 that I mean training 70 year old ladies that were interested in doing normal training, but they are there are now yeah, so that's been a big shift in CrossFit has certainly been a part of that, you know conjunction with things like starting strengthen and some of the other organizations out there. When did you start using the starting strength method yourself? So I Fortunate enough to stumble upon starting strength by accident. I accidentally when I was searching the internet for an updated copy of the strong shall survive, but I'm sorry so I bought that originally when I was in high school and I was because I want to play football in college and I was reading iron magazine and they would have so most of the back of that magazine and that was the book that I said. Well, I want to play football in college. This is spring training for football. So I bought that book so back in 2005 or so. My brother was in high school at the time. I got my brother. He was playing football basketball baseball. So I want to get him into strength training. So I want to get another copy of the book. I Googled it and it brought me to the SR company's website at that time. It was only the first edition of sort of strength that was out. And most of them 2006 or so because the first edition of practical programming was out as well. So I think the first edition of starting trench come out of 5 and practical programming came out of six. So there's 2006. I was working as a personal trainer at equinox. I just graduated with my exercise science degree from Hofstra. And I said, you know what this program looks interesting at that time. I was trying to read everything I could to make myself a better trainer. I was reading zest your city and else if and all these guys. And I saw that Jim Windler had written a review for starting Franklin said it was like the best thing he's ever read the stuff. So I said, all right, everybody's books to not knowing anything about them. But I purchase those two most at the totally changed the way I live for this stuff because you know, I have always wanted a deeper explanation for how we use the lips. Why would you - fine? How should we program over the long term right because everything that I read, That point is try this program. You know, it's for x amount of weeks earlier the cases or you know, this is how you do the spot you bend your knees event, you know. Yeah, and then you stand back up the amount of detail. That was at most books just totally blew me away and the practicality of it as well. I was just totally hooked on it for the first year read it so and that was the first edition of the books which I think has been dramatically improved over each subsequent editions now in third edition of each I think you hit it on the Mark when you said that the difference between starting strength book and it's method and everything else. We were trying is it explained why I had never had anyone explain why we were doing it the way we were doing it and how to fix it before I came into that seminar and I want to tell people who don't know what we're talking about. If you know my gym, you know, we have a strength Department. We're starting strength affiliate gym, and it's a dedicated barbell space in addition to our fitness facility. I tell people here I scream it from the rooftops like you absolutely have to try this and I don't tell him to try everything. I don't sell anything to anyone. But I mean you would agree with me. This is a life-changing tool. Absolutely. It's not just about our clients. This is life-changing for us. Tell me a little bit now. I know you guys John is one of the strongest people I know. It's true. And besides the fact that it's gotten you strong as heck. If you could think about it really like what how has starting strength and engaging in this kind of community as well as the programming itself. How has it changed you? How is it improved your life? Well, I mean, I think it's changed its changed almost everything about my career path, you know, really it really has you know, I read I read those books I first I'm trying to implement the things that I read those books with my own training started to see the differences and I started to use it with clients. Then I started on the path. We're going to get my getting my doctorate in physical therapy and just my perspective on how I looked at Physical Therapy treatment was totally changed based off of the starting strength methodology and the stress recovery adaptations. Cycling looking at you know, the difference between a novice intermediate and advanced lifters and how we manipulate that cycle over shorter or longer periods of time and how where that person is n so I think that it's just made a huge difference in how I practice on a regular basis. So every person I see it's impacted me in some way whether or not I mean and I'm deal with lots of people that maybe don't even use a barbell. But if I have an older person and they're coming D replacement, or they had a hip fracture and I started on the leg, press what we're going to do a linear regression on leg press because they're starting in such a low-level. Right man. I'm not going to waste their time for six weeks. Just doing the same things with the same logo for the same repetitions because I know that I'm not driving any sort of you're not getting stronger, you know, there are a lot of Physical therapists out there that don't really not to say that they don't understand because it's a very simple concept but they just have never been really exposed to they don't know how long that I am an idea that you know you 10 progressively overload our patients much more aggressively and more rapidly than you know, they realize a lot of times you know, and and you know becoming a Star Trek coach, you know, totally changed my career, you know ripped and Stefan. Supported all of us right in the end rehab? Yeah, but you know, I've written articles with website and they've been nice enough to have me speak at the coaches conference and you know, all of that stuff. It certainly has given me some more visibility where I get people that will contact me for for training and we have advices and things like that and getting to know all the other coaches that mean I can honestly say that, you know the community approaches I got to know because really He'll challenge my perspective on things and continues to kind of force me to learn grow because you know, these people are all doing such great things out there were down gyms and practices, you know, dr. Sullivan and Andy Baker and you know, all these people it's just been such a great experience. Very very lucky. Yeah, it's just something that I'm very thankful to be a part of. Yeah, I agree with you. I mean we're you know, it's like finding a tool not only that you can use to keep Yourself healthy as you age but also actually make an impact in your clients health. I remember, you know, being a trainer and my main goal was not to hurt anyone right? I need my main goal was never to make them stronger because I knew if I kept pushing on that end. I would hurt them eventually and I didn't want to so I realized that my main goal was to be careful because I didn't know how to progress and so I kept my clients physically fit and active and safe. But the way that I can change someone now and and not just keep them healthy, but help them recover from injuries give them back their quality of life. That is a game-changer for me for the client. And that's all thanks to this method. Well, I think you know in terms of what we would consider the difference between exercise and training, right? So previously you were exercising your clients. Yeah exercise is great, you know, anything is better than nothing and it's sitting on the couch reading cemeteries worst possible thing for you. To transition from okay. I'm coming to the gym and we're just going to do this stuff because it's good for you because it's exercise but, you know not being sure about how to progress and then you know be concerned about injuring them right that I think is something that stops a lot of people a lot of trainers and a lot of Petey's from pushing their clients. You know, now you have the confidence that with you know, everything that you've learned that you can safely and efficiently Progressive linear Dynamics such a difference. Like a second man and quite being stronger, you know people's look at deadlifts and squats and they just look at you know, I think there's still just perception that they're you know, that's what weightlifters that's for power lifters as would just for be heads or jimbros, but they have such a profound impact on your quality of life. You know, if you get your death of shocker, it changes everything you do from people all the time and are amazed at how much easier they can stand up from a chair or go up and down the stairs, you know all These little things that they just saw. Well, this is the way it is now. All right. Yeah all of a sudden better and the only thing that they've done is a few simple exercises, you know progressively loaded a couple of days a week, you know, just a huge time commitment, but they need saving somebody to be able to teach them how to do it and to Pro take them through that progression safely, you know, and that's that's where people like you come in and you know, you've done such a great job with your gym. So we're working on it working on it. So What are you okay with you? Yeah, sure. There's the door next door. I'm go ahead and make sure this is okay. We've been in yeah, so what I want to know is going to happen all day. So we're hosting a starting strength Squat and deadlift Camp when people are walking in while recording. Hey, we'll leave it on you can find them on the starting strength. Website what I want to know from you is like what kind of injuries do you see that you can still you know help people recover from and then use Barrell barbell training, like what kind of injuries are okay to train through versus what kind of injuries is like? No, stop everything go see your doctor. Okay. Well, so a lot of people that I see they've already been to the doctor, you know, they've already been sleeping. I'm talking about the physical therapy if I have let's say a client or someone who's been training on their own. Let's say that From cells they come to see me for an evaluation. You know that happens celebrate Unity. So when I always tell people is one you can always modify what you're doing and almost always find an exercise a load of range of motion of a particular exercise that you can do without pain. You're not yourself. So it's about finding a starting point that doesn't hurt. You know, something else that I stress is that thing X, so if you have an injury, it should be Generally feel better as you warm up and start to train and worse. We like to see it. Just kind of stay the same but it should not be too cheering. Yeah only getting worse as you're exercising, right? So there's something let's say someone comes to me with a show, you know shoulder problem back hip knee and those are the major areas that we see and you know, I can about my valuating them. I want to see what it looks like on they swatted there's wanting and they say, okay, you know, that's that Person is feeling worse as they go then we're going to go to modify right maybe I will alter the range of motion something like a box Squad, you know, take the stretch reflex out of it, you know some anything that will tend to get them to be able to still train and minimize their pain is what we're looking for. So often times for like let's say the deadlift that they have a back injury pulling from the floor just puts a little bit too much, you know mechanical Is on their back they can't tolerate it. So I'll start them interact with position rate of course of a few sessions will gradually lower that down, you know, so it's really tolerate pulling from the floor again, like with the SWAT. I said Bob final range of motion or taking the stretch reflex out for you know, sometimes people need a different angle at the hip for the new year, you know, so I would do maybe a high bar spot for a couple of sessions or even a front squat if necessary if they can tolerate, you know, leaning over like it have to do with the low bar. There are all these little you know, because the goal is to keep maintain their strength is just not to leather with disability as much business as they possibly can with while they were coming from your injury. You know, that's really what it comes down to so that's kind of how I look it's kind of problem solving, you know and figuring out how we can maintain as much business as much strength as possible while you're recovering from this entry. How do you train around not you know not Stop training while you're doing this to get physical activity. That's that's the worst thing that you can do. Yes, and I have clients who sometimes like freaked out because look people imagine, you know, what's going on. If they can't they don't really know the anatomy of the spine. They don't really know what's going on in their body. So they feel a little bit of back pain and they freeze up and they're like, I'm not coming in and I'm like, what are you doing, you know? Maybe a fine procedure, you know how threatening you know, they receive little back pain, you know for you an arm and we might just go do our normal training session because we know that this is going to be that debilitating it be gone in a few days. You know, we just live our normal lives. Whereas somebody else who maybe never had that experience before yeah, or maybe had a previous episode of back pain. That was very debilitating for them. So they feel any little discomfort. Yeah, and now all of a sudden they're hyper Vigilant about assure and cheat. Just you know their perspective on everything nesting time to overcome. Yes, and it's one of the reasons why you know, I think it's so important to try and stay on top of what your clients are doing and trying, you know mitigate that as much as possible, you know, you don't want them to get to that point where they were already hurting me and that's going to make them kind of withdrawal. Sure. Yeah always worth stopping them to fix technique always worth mitigating the volume dressing something before we come down. So you have somebody who You know, you know their work schedules really crazy. They're under a lot of stress. They're telling you that they're really dragging in the gym. All right cases then modify the program before you have. Yes, that's always yes. And if you do that, then you you know will yeah. Well we're talking we're talking about people who have backed weeks or slight overuse injuries, you know things from picking things up wrong, whatever but like for common things that you're going to see right any exercise program right, sir. Certainly, like if you've been in a car accident, you need to be checked out if you have some sort of injury from like a severe fall or something like these so so any sort of you know, if we're talking about a traumatic injury, you know any sort of fall where they possibly could have hit their head, you know, if you're turning older person you certainly want them to get checked out. You don't want to exercise them until we know that they had clearance from their from their doctor right now. Yeah, so obviously there are certain, you know signs and symptoms. That would be concerned from a clinical standpoint where you know, you would get for them to the doctor to their doctor but round and kind of go through that list. What I tell people is if you are not comfortable with how someone's presenting then send them to the doctor and you know, so we're not all experts in this stuff and you know, so if you have somebody that has an unexplained ache or pain that's you know, getting worse or whatever reason then send them send them to the doctor and a lot of times actually I found them Physicians are appreciative that you're being conscious and conscientious of that sort of thing. And they're not going to be the type Sao just don't go back there. You know. Those are home. Well, you're trying to didn't really bring my sending you here. Yeah, so just be careful this, you know, check this out. You're all good go back and take an easier and you know go back and see your trainer and that's that's been my experience with us, you know, occasionally. I have a patient that you know, I think maybe has something like a blood clot or you know because of how they are. Anymore, you know, just some that normal signs and symptoms that you would expect. I am a mom sent it back to their doctor and it's just something that I'm not comfortable with, you know, so yeah, I would tell anybody it was exercising people as a living professionally to do the same thing. Okay, great. That's great advice. Now, let's switch gears a little bit because all I can think about sitting in this room is that in March and March 22nd. Our own in-house Judge, John is going to be on the platform. I'm We excited to have you competing here. Now. Normally our meats are super exciting because we absolutely love putting on these meats. And and then what are we going to be doing in March? What are you hoping to get? Let's put it out there because I'm trying to get Danny to compete with you. I know maybe something amazing will happen in our buddy. Nick will fly down and compete Nick. I hope you're listening D'Agostino. I hope you're listening to this comes and for him to come and he comes in this and he would he Would be would be overcast equivalent coming this 700 pound deadlift are so many people like Nick walking around. Yeah. Yeah, so well, I'm really excited for it. I had this has been like I see you've been training pretty consistently and you've gotten on a good streak here consistently. I love training. I've never I have been out of the gym for more than a couple of days since I started training when I was 15 years old, you know, it's just it's my number one Hobby. Now training doesn't always go well, but I always train me - yeah life gets in the way. So I'm looking forward to the competition and you do such a great job with these meats here and I've worked a bunch of them. Thanks your heels. Well, this has been so much fun, but it looks like so much fun for the lifters. I'm looking forward to participating on the other side. You know, you got a tough judge, you know, Tory is going to be judging story is about as tough as they come. She's got the flag up before they re knows when you're gonna lose your squad at the bottom. She's better red flag holding it like trigger. Yes anytime. So oh gosh. He's such a great little kid is going to be great time. And anybody who's just do this that's in the room area definitely come down and check out these meats. She does not believe will jam always gets a great turnout and people are going crazy cheering for their family and friends. Friends, so it's a tough country and every time yeah good. And if John students are listening, I expect to see you guys here cheering on John because I know you got a lot of fans. So what is like a typical week's workout look like for you or maybe well, so my work schedule is pretty hectic between the university I teach or classes per semester. I work part-time and outpatient PT office a couple nights a week and on weekends, and I still have You know private clients and sessions that I do outside of there. So, you know a lot of times I leave my house by 5:30 in the morning. I don't get home until 9:30 at night. You know, I'm working certainly Monday through Saturday, you know and maybe a couple hours on Sunday as well. And that's not to try to make people feel bad for me. I love what I do. You know, I don't have to do all the stuff that I do I do it because I enjoy it so much and but that so that's it. Schedule my schedule certainly impacts not trying to be in terms of how I have to look at my my training and be realistic about this is how much time I have all these days to train. So it's typically do you know full bottle sessions slots twice a week one day to be a heavy squat the other day of the a lighter spot or so as I can send you my Harry swamp or sometimes I'll June like I'm cause fraud or a front squat just some sort of variation in in the squad. I like that. I usually press and bench press at least once a week, maybe twice depending on the schedule. So if I if I do it only if I do Reach online once animals can be heavy sessions if I get a third press workout in and that will be lighter and lighter day. Your tears are pretty you're getting up there in the tens now to those guys its strength Co are really watching out for the chins. I know they're calling you out. Over there a little bit Yeah might get a little jealous of my chaining ability because first of all they're in they're both very skinny guys. Yeah, really. So I have a done by bit about them, you know, I touch my chest to the bar on fully understand and pause at the bottom. That's right, boys. You hear that. I better get my better start chaining. You better start now, they're gonna call me out. I haven't done one. It's great. So you do and your power cleaning as well. Yeah, so I still power clean. I started power coming back when I was in high school when I got to go Stars book and he basically said that this is the exercise that athletes have to do so, I taught myself how to do it and do too bad of a job because when I do get to college and start playing football the first day with our strength coach and they were trying to teach us cleans and when I do my clean and he said he looked at me said, oh you've done these before and I feel like, Oh so good about paying so I simply cleans even though I don't think I'm really good at them. But I like I enjoy performing them. So usually includes I'll use as like my life pulling a day and then I'll do a heavier deadlift session during the week as well. Yeah, I'm sorry so that gets broken up and I have been trying to do some conditioning work on a roar Salt Lake or something. I saw that I feel bad for you. Yeah. Tell us a little more than I used to in terms of doing some cardiovascular. Yeah, I really try to keep that at a minimum try to hold on to my games. You're a good man. I see your conditioning workouts. Oh my God, I don't want to ever do that. Oh, I've had such a great time sitting with you here and I really would love to do like another session where we chat even deeper into, you know, the starting time seminar what it's like to lecture there what it's like to work a seminar, you know, so So yeah, I definitely want to get into that but I probably have to return you to the camp running next door any minute now, but before we get off when asked a very important question, what is your favorite type of pizza with pepperoni pepperoni and sausage is good like a meatball and sausage purse. Okay, except, you know Italians So I do like my peppers and you know all that and still hungry. It's all good. And there's no sort of Tears. Yes. That is the correct answer. So that's what we will end on and until next time we'll definitely come back to the pizza talk and we'll hear what John's got to say about working at the seminar will dive a little bit deeper into his program as workouts is daily life. And I think we should probably talk about his beautiful dogs, right? Which I hear that your wife is Bought your knee sleeves. Oh my God wait, so she surprised me with like these customized nice leaves that have my dog pictures on perfect. Yeah. That was great job worry. Absolutely. Okay. Well, thanks for joining us today, and I'm looking forward to the next time we sit down John so much he knows. Thanks.
Today I have John on the show. To me, he looks like Clark Kent, no lie, and is just as strong as superman. He's a Starting Strength coach and was recently promoted to the position of Associate Professor at Adelphi University, teaching for his 7th year. I can call John anytime and he will give me sound advice on how to ease the pain of my clients and help them continue training. In his class, John teaches the Starting Strength method to his students and I think you should all go to attend. He's amazing. My aim for this show is to help you understand when training with an injury is safe to do, when it's critical to stop and see a medical professional, and how barbell training can help you in all of this. I have a long chat with John where tells us about his journey on how he started coaching and how this program has changed his life, the basics of training and an in-depth look at it as well. He's really passionate about coaching and, wait for it, pizza as well. I love how he describes his perfect pizza. Listen in. THINGS YOU'LL LEARN Introduction to John What John will teach in his class. Why health practitioners need to really understand strength training. The good and bad about CrossFit. Benefits of learning the barbell basics. When John started using the Starting Strength method. Benefits of Starting Strength program. How the Starting Strength program changed John's life. The difference between exercise and training. Injuries that John can help you recover from using Barbell training versus those that require a visit to the doctor. In-house competition I’m excited John will compete in. John's typical schedule per week. His favorite type of pizza.
Fabien welcome to the Mother Earth Heroes show. I'm here with my co-host Maxim Union and you are really someone we had to talk to because as an investor and partner from earlier world and the co-founder of climate leaders for climate action. You have a broad perspective of what's Happening currently not just in the activists space, but especially as well on the in the space of companies. Big businesses and what was going on there? So our study question would be where do you currently see the biggest Trends developing in the industry regarding the positive impact for a climate now, thanks for having me and indeed speaking in my role as a partner with early bird we have about nine months ago and initiated a dedicated Practice Group within our investment team that is focusing. what we Define as climate tech and and climatic essentially for us as an Institutional Financial investor is all about finding the intersection of companies whose products have a positive environmental and or social impact, but at the same time or not Charities, but for profit businesses because we as an Institutional Financial we see have first and Most a duty to deliver Financial returns to our intestines. So essentially we are trying we are trying what we call the power of end. We are trying to bring the Two Worlds of making impactful Investments together with making financially successful Investments and specifically we have a bit more than a handful of areas which we identified where we think they are most Suitable for early-stage Venture Capital investors to back companies in those spaces and that includes for example, eternity of nutrition non-animal and nutrition mostly it includes smart cities smart infrastructure oftentimes intersecting with iot sensor in controlling window. And as well as well. Yeah, it includes mobility and Logistics. So the way we transport With people both on a micro interest City level but also all the way down to global trade Logistics and Mobility as one of the top four heavy emitting most heavily emitting Industries globally and it includes on the edge. It's not an easy space to invest in alternative fuels and it also includes the area of Behavioral Science and education because as we basically realize the necessary shift in the in the people's mindsets is one of the most powerful sources we can activate one of the biggest levers we have and that's true both for for us as being in a consumer role privately but being in a manager or entrepreneur role in the way we set policies for our businesses, but also being in an investor role and deciding which each products and businesses. We want to put our money behind and which ones not So you see a higher responsibility for everyone who is an investor who is an entrepreneur to actually do something good with their Venture. Yes. Absolutely the way we look at it and and I recently gave a keynote actually two weeks ago at our annual investors Conference of early bird here in Berlin the way we look at it and basically phrase this topic. First this keynote is entrepreneurial responsibility for society and environment and and I brought up the question. Is there actually an entrepreneur responsibility and blending entrepreneur and VC roles here into each other. Let's put it like this. Yeah, but if the question is there actually such responsibility because on paper and every see investors like us is liable to their investors to deliver returns, there is no and and and to Do that by investing in early-stage technology companies. There is no whatsoever restriction or not much with regards to making a positive impact with those Investments. Yeah and likewise You could argue that most entrepreneurs out there ask for building successful businesses by their investments in pay their employees and that's why I think it it's for us. It's a good starting point to bring this question up and tear really Ask is there an intersection or should there be an inherent purpose in both investing and in running companies as entrepreneurs a purpose Beyond just making money Beyond just being successful in business and our take our answer to the question is that we both we seasoned entrepreneurs are in the very privileged position in in the position of being the say point. Point zero zero one percent of the global population have the analytical insight to understand about the mechanics of climate change and emissions and policy and Regulation and behavioral aspects. We can understand the problem and we can understand we can grasp. What is what what need to be done and what could be our contribution and and on top of the analytical Insight we control s We could roll a policies in companies. How do we travel? What do we eat? How do we use energy and so on and so forth. Where do we invest? For example? Yeah, we control assets. We have the analytical inside. We have a voice. Yeah, people are listening to us. We have teams. We have political stakeholders who asked us for our opinion and and all of these aspects combined to us. Do not only basically off Offer the opportunity to make a positive contribution, but from our perspective they basically put an obligation on us to make a contribution because who whom should we basically asked if not ourselves we are in the position that we must utilize the levers and must basically Leverage The assets that we have in a positive way. That is our self on. Standing both as VC investors also as serial entrepreneurs and one podcast will guest Martin still today and he's talking about new kpix. We need to develop into the field of investing and into the field of and yeah driving successfully companies. So do you see this new kpi's of how our environmentally green you are or how social responsible you are soon implemented into the current system. Mmm, or do we need a fundamental change of how we are currently operating in the financial sector? Yeah, that's an interesting question and indeed basically having you know a qualitative discussion about generally what should happen etcetera is one thing and it is definitely a starting point to nurture certain, you know, inside and conviction, but then it's really all about delivering data and and boiling boiling things down. Two facts to kpis and what we see interestingly is that in the public markets so investors investing in publicly listed companies. There is some of the larger and largest asset managers already some degree of sensitivity for that for example to the detriment of companies that are exploiting for sale Fields. They start being blacklisted by some of the The most about some of the largest Global Investors, we have not so much seen this same pattern or notion being applied in the private Market So speaking especially of private Equity institutional Venture Capital, but also Angel Investing and private investment and we at early bird based on what the convictions that that I just outlined a minute ago. We for us recently came to the conclusion that we want to be at The Cutting Edge of basically making sure that there's a transmission system a conveyor belt between the notion of the idea of we should make a contribution. And what does it actually mean in reality in like Quantified because many companies don't know what to do right exactly do something, but maybe they even do something that is worse than when they started a potentially even that exactly and and for that reason we have recently started to develop a known climate policy at early bird for implementation in our portfolio companies and that policy we have not yet publicly launched its so this is kind of a preview but it all starts basically with raising awareness and with quantifying the current emissions of the whole Actually hopefully company and then they're up on building building and exploring measures how these primary emissions can be thoughtfully and within the economic boundaries that the business has can be reduced in the first place and thereafter the residual how can it be offset? And which Partners should use etcetera. This is a very big picture speaking what we are what we are currently working on and we'll publish soon and that is Basically how we can increase the lever we have investors as investors way beyond our own operations being 40 people across Europe. That's nice. But in our portfolio, there's north of 10,000 people who we can indirectly influence by basically using our voice on the board of those companies and basically being a sparring partner for the CEOs and Founders and top management. In both raising awareness, but also helping the concrete climate Action level as we call it what to do about it and that is tightly interlinked also with the efforts at leaders for climate action, and we have already started converting first yours from our portfolio as well as leaders for climate actions as well and earliest retirement actually is helping on a very detailed level with third-party Auditors on at arm's length to quantify and reduce and off. Offset is there a systemic approach behind all of these actions or is it more of the trial of having an impact? Like is there a bigger picture behind that you have analyzed for a long time some other situation with in this climate change and what is happening? And then you came out with this conclusion conclusion, or is it more somehow to try to start some we're testing out and getting getting into the field of really changing things out there in the industry. So as an investor, you know, typically the best way to approach a market or opportunity is top-down big picture thinking and and and we believe in the science based approach of tackling climate change largely in line with what we see Friday's for futures Etc. So when we believe in that science-based approach and say 99.9% And percent of the global scientific Community are convinced of the correlation of carbon and methane and other climate active gases resulting from Mostly combusting fossil fuels and temperature increase and we take that for granted it immediately basically took us to the next question. Okay, how can we reduce ongoing emissions and how can we offset residuals and how can we carbon capture? I forgot about that in my in my listing earlier and how can we also decarbonise or basically gain back emissions that have already entered the atmosphere. This is for us basically The Logical steps and questions that follow from from from from realizing this strong correlation on a parts per million level. And as it as we see it as scientifically proven and that respect it's basically a top-down effort and also an orchestrated effort to to leverage all these roles consumer entrepreneur investor, but also on the political or regulatory level basically use our voices in order to influence political decision-makers for example to put a much higher talking 800 hundred twenty Euros per ton price tag on carbon emissions in Germany and Europe, which is again. One of the initiatives that we've been pushing with leaders for climate action as well and which were not our basically our own ideas as as a hobby climate activists, but which have been scientifically backed by Professor Innova professor quashnick and others who are part of the scientific Board of leaders for climate action. So we leave that to the pros, but we then Use our Assets in order to get these messages out and try to initiate movements on all of those stakeholder levels. Would you say that leaders for climate action is a logical consequence of Friday's for future. We want to pressure politics, but actually nobody's pressuring startups. Nobody's pressuring companies. Did you see that? There's something that you have to conquer so when you look into a how leaders for climate action, in fact, basically originated it was not so much driven by the idea of say as you said, let's let's let's put in place a parallel organization of Fighters for futures. That's addressing CEOs. The the actual origin of organization goes back to about April 2019 when a couple of A good handful of CEOs from the Berlin ecosystem including myself were basically on a surf trip. So all people who have been engaged in Ocean protection for a long time because they felt the results of you know, that diving into a plastic bag Etc and witnessing witnessing that birds Etc. They experienced that firsthand and that makes it easy for example to engage for animals or for Maritime or other ecosystems because your first hand you can first and Gaucho what's going wrong? And how has it been before? What is it now? And and and you want to make a contribution the tough thing about climate change is that you can't smell it and you can't really see it and and and the results are basically coming, you know in waves and and some of the events are oscillating and it's really hard to grasp it. I think that's also the reason why Mankind and why political lead us Across the world have been so good in a sense at ignoring it for 20 to 30 years after the United Nations already put it like really onto the agenda and in the 80s. Yes and business interests and lobbying from from Big Oil specifically hardcore lobbying has done basically for them a great job in preserving their interest and in and letting them continue to run their hugely profitable businesses. At the expense of Mother Earth em at the expense of the 60-70 percent least wealthy people out there who are the first ones to suffer from the emissions that stem mostly from the Western developed industrial countries. So the wealthy amid the pool suffer. As you have built or have been in a process as well of building a lot of companies be your one smaller ones. I wonder how when you would have to cross the Crone and you could decide how we take a look at climate change. Like what would be the five young? I live on five steps to to get rid of it. So have to be 5 yeah, let me let me let me think of three for now. So one one tremendously big aspect is a mindset change triggering behavioral change. Yeah, and although you know, there are people out there who argue what difference does it make whether I omit 10 tons or 20 tons of And five tons a year Etc. Although some people argue that I am convinced that when you look into how Revolutions in the past happened be it French Revolution or be it the it's a 1989. You have the German unification many of the big revolutions were actually not initiated by that one political leader. They were may be tolerated or facilitated by political leaders, but in fact there were initiated by By the people and that's why I strongly believe in in educating the global population about their behavior about their behavior in how they run their households how they travel. What do they eat? Whom do they give their political vote for it comes down to the consumer, but also then everybody who's the consumer is at the same time also an employee some our managers summer investors Etc. The consumer part I think is a good way to start because it's easy to Grasp easy to explain everybody can watch the immediate impact of his behavioral change and it has immediate impact. If you go if you try to go watch the the impact of making changes in your Global Supply Chain as a large e-commerce was much harder much harder. Yeah, so start small and get get the basic mechanics get an understanding the work for upwards from there. So first aspect really at UK for mindset, Triggering behavioral change by because people learn what's good and what's not good for themselves, but also for them being part of a global human Community second step is technology. Not only because I am an Avenger Capital investor in mostly digital and some iot technology. But but because I am fundamentally Convinced but leveraging the power of technology has to play Can Can Play should play has to play is it's basically it's a tool we need to utilize has to play a significant role in mitigating the the problems of climate change and that's for both sides of the equation both for the for the question. How can we render services or produce Goods also in terms of circular economy as I said alternative. Is and so on. How can we render certain services produced Goods in a less environmentally harmful way but also on the other hand, how can we decarbonise or all the Spectrum from just planting a tree to building industrial decarbonization plans space Tech and so on many aspects with both sides of the equation technology can play a vital role and and Mankind has been extremely good in developing technology for the past couple of hundred years. And so for me, it's a natural. It's basically a natural idea of applying this of harnessing the power of human Bill technology. Now for this cause it has been harnessed for many other courses very successfully already in the past. And so first aspect behavioral change and education triggered medication second aspect Technology Building Technology that can help us mitigate emissions and Decarbonize atmosphere and third aspect is really this regulatory has political environment. So I believe we need to set smart structures that incentivize environmentally friendly behavior and put a price tag on environmentally hostile Behavior. So essentially we need to put regulation in place that incentivizes at number one and number two is happening, but also enforces it to some extent as we do not tolerate. Rate speaking. For example of peak oil. We do not tolerate business models anymore who are who are basically generating private returns at the expense of the public may be going in the last question and respect as well off. As our time frame. We have been to the indoor Changi member Congress am currently today and a lot of people especially in enterpreneur space. I talkin that politics should should do more. Of regulations like it's really crazy that that interpreters are asking politics in a way to punish them a little bit more or to give them opportunities as well to go in a Direction. So the question is are they stuck as well? Who should I reach out to you because I imagined that the politics is in the same way helpless as the enterpreneurs want to do an impact you are talking at the moment, but who do they reach out to who can who can help them with making it right governments to to Really support? People into the nerves going in the right direction. So the thing is that that from the scientific from the scientific side, it's pretty much Clear what has to happen. And basically I explain explain both sides of the equation. So it's really it's not so complicated to think about which regulatory changes in terms of making putting a price tag on emissions, but also putting tags. He's or even subsidies to the development of Technologies. We He's efficiency or lessen environmental impact and that's actually not so hard to imagine and the ideas the concepts are there and and science is giving a technically from my perspective enough input to policymakers. The problem is really the execution on the political side. So they know in theory what has to be done, but they just don't do it and and from my perspective a couple of reasons or illogical and Game Theory kind of phenomena are basically the reason why policymakers are so weak and executing on what's obviously needs to be done and one is basically the Free Rider aspect. Yeah. So the idea that if some national or even European regulation is putting our economy in a at least temporarily basically Advantageous position versus China or u.s. We lose jobs. Are we have yellow vests coming up Etc fear of losing the position the fear of losing position and they say and it doesn't make sense for us because it has would say because even if we reduce our gross emissions 20% if Asia and India and u.s. Don't change then we're still going to be a three degrees just not at three point five degrees. So so it's pointless. Let's not do it unless everybody else do it. Free rider problem. Yeah, and that can basically only be solved by a coordinated effort and by the leaders of the top five countries globally including say taking EU as one country if those five leaders aligned, then you will have a positive trickle-down effect and then smaller countries will not have the option to withstand that pressure coming from the big ones and the big ones being in a position to say unless you also Basically change regulation in a more environmentally friendly way. We don't do business with you anymore. So the power is really with G limping with Trump with Morrie with Merkel or the political ecosystem you commission from the line like that. That's where the power seats and they need to align to solve the free rider problem second aspect from my impression is the kind of the general generational conflict to some extent. So those who are making the decisions today typically between 50 and 75 years old. They just many have children, but it's just harder for them to imagine that the way they live their life for decades and the ideals of wealth and traveling and and and it's ultimately desirable to basically fly first class around the world and being Fans also I can memory etcetera all of what they thought would be desirable and successful entrepreneur driving that forced to wear all of those ideals everything. They've ever been fighting for it putting the energy is now put that question. Well, it's basically turned upside down and worship. It's it's a really psychologically identically a really tough challenge to in the last quarter of your life span to let go and stand at MIT. It sorry we have been wrong. We didn't we didn't know any better. That's okay. Nobody blames you. Yeah, but so I'm not you know, I'm not arguing for blaming that Jen the generation of my parents. I'm just saying nevertheless, please in the sake of your children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren and in the sake of the 99.999 percent less privileged people on planet, please let go now it's okay and that's Jointly embark on a journey where we just execute what obviously needs to be done now. Fight great. Thank you so much problem. Like early bird is really one one of those. I mean, you are one of the biggest PCS and Germany, right and in Germany Berlin, maybe one thing which I would really like to know because everybody is like a green tag cleantech are and really attractive ways of investing. I mean for decades people were scared about these areas and Because they didn't make any Returns on the other side. Al Gore was making a big return by by actually having right that he was he's with someone like like a symbol to the crisis. Where are we right now? You have a good overview of the whole Market. What is what is happening in the market of clean tech Green Tech and what is for you the most promising thing? Yeah. So basically along the lines of of the the area's I explained earlier on a lot is starting to happen now in the market and I'll go with generation. I am is one of the firm's that that are basically at the Forefront in late-stage PE and also as a public market investors and there are a couple of seed funds now emerging across Europe who are dedicatedly tackling these areas and who and who have also to some extent with an academic and deep. Background the right DNA to do so and as I explained at early bird, we really want to be at the designing at the designing edge of that revolution of finding those intersections between financial attractively investments and and impact and technically speaking basically of patterns for making successful Venture Capital Investments. You need to go after really really big opportunities, so it's not without a reason that for example some of our unicorn portfolio companies like and 26 in retail banking or uipath in Enterprise productivity robotic process automatization are tackling markets, which are hundreds of billions of dollars large and they are completely redefining the game and the same basically holds true when we think about climate XO the largest opportunities you can currently Uh, probably around energy in a broader sense. So if you for example get geothermal energy, right and at scale or if you get a nuclear fusion, right at scale then these are absolutely Paradigm shifts for Humanity, but it's tough and it's tougher than setting up an e-commerce store. It's really really details. It has long worms ISO shopping for its work. Complex. Yeah, and so in a nutshell, we believe that that there is a huge opportunity a huge business opportunity associated with products and businesses that make a positive contribution towards mitigating climate change and its adverse effects because what we now see basically in small Germany say, okay, we put a 20 Euro price tag to start with on each turn of images. This is a global Trend and And in Sweden and others are already way ahead and what we need to get to solve the free rider problem. We need to get the big countries in the big economic ecosystems on board, but it's a trend. I think it's not going to reverse even if Trump is going to be re-elected. It's not going to reverse because the impact each summer each year. The impacts are getting worse and it's getting more and more obvious like ocean protection was already to ask 20 years ago. Yeah, and so it's all more and more countries will put price tags on emissions and and that's basically Lee opening a huge opportunity for for businesses who are more efficient who are rendering Services producing products in a more circular way. So it basically all goes hand in hand. And in that sense. I think it's fair to say maybe also as a closing statement that that climate change is both in my opinion the largest challenge to humanity in the 21st century and potentially Beyond but at the same I'm probably the single biggest business opportunity for entrepreneurs to intersect commercial and impactful success. What a what a loud. What kind of Last Words Famous Last Words Fabien all listeners are very excited about like what we talked about. What can they do for you? Is there something where you want our listeners to go to is there some Kind of challenge that you currently face that our community can help you with. So if for all of those entrepreneurs out there again, we are excited to invest in Impact for businesses submit your investment proposals from seed stage series a series B. We don't do angel have a bit seat seat and early, please submit your investment proposals is far beyond literally, but not calm very simple and I'll go to our website and The documents and you can be sure you will read from us. We see 8,000 years a year. We can only do 15 to 20 new ones. So it's a it's a tiny conversion rate. Yeah, but if yeah, it's fine, but but we but we give feedback to any proposals submitted to us and we take serious and appreciate every entrepreneur who reaches out to us. First thing second thing is spread the word. Yeah, so everybody has people in his family. Only friends colleagues to influence and it's really about the power of generating a Grassroots movement and educating and and you know, keep going keep going and at some point, you know, also the last flat earther will start to realize yeah. Yeah spread the word and really make a climate change about leaders for climate action show may also check that out like our friends a couple of friends and business are entrepreneurs. Sure. So please do so. So you just for climate Action Now a group of 210 CEOs and Venture Capital investors from Curly from Germany. Probably soon from Europe who are committing not only to measuring and reducing and offsetting their companies for print but also their private footprint and who are jointly uniting their voice for triggering stronger political action in terms of especially putting higher price that actually Makes a steering impact in the markets and consumer behavior on carbon emissions. Yes. Please reach out via the website videos for climate and drawing. Thank you so much Bobby. Thank you.
Fabian is not only a serial entrepreneur who is sitting on various boards, Partner at Earlybird who is invested in known startups like Movinga, Onefootball, N26 and many more, he is also the Co-founder of Leaders for Climate Action. Leaders for Climate Action is an organization now a group of 210 members of CEOs and venture capital investors, that makes clear statements. Their website shows clearly that we have barely 8 years left. They have specific demands and present solutions with concepts like the Green Pledge where leading digital entrepreneurs in Germany and Europe commit to measuring, reducing and off-setting their company's CO2 footprint, and who are uniting their voice for stronger political action, like putting a higher price on CO2 emissions that actually would make a steering impact. In this podcast episode he gives us an insight how he plans to use the power of institutional investors like Earlybird to combine their duty of delivering financial returns to their investors with driving a positive impact for our planet. What you gonna learn in this episode: - What Fabian thinks is the intersection between companies that have a positive social and environmental impact which aren't charities but for-profit businesses (Climate Tech) - How Leaders for Climate Action are helping companies on a concrete climate action level - How they plan to quantify, reduce and off-set CO2 emissions for companies Check out the following resources: - - (Reach out to them if you are working on an impact-driven business, they appreciate your email)
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We're just going through it. You guys binging this show episode 4 called the Appropriately named holy cow. We are talking Ava's standoff. Abram has nothing. And of course the trial we're also talking our special segment W Wy D, what would you do for those of you who don't know and of course our news and gossip, but first I have my Messiah extraordinaire Messiah the Netflix show extraordinaire Evan a Chapman. Hello. How are you doing? Good. How are you? I'm very good. I'm very glad to see your face today. Oh good. Yes, we've been hanging out here like almost every day. You guys were tight. Okay. We're sorry for like I showed her my Empanada recipe today. So what do I need? That means we're close real close, okay. This was a big episode so big like we were talking before our notes are just like Letty I mean for Pages you guys have four pages of notes. So we're going to try to do it. Okay in a time looking at the clock here. We're going to try to do it in a timely manner, but we're so much we'll get there at the cover. Okay. So let's just dive right into it. So we don't waste any time me talking about nothing Ava standoff. She finally gets to me Thomas I finally Finally and I feel like we've had some questions answered with her character before she meets him. So she was pregnant or had gotten pregnant right? See ya hold you you were right, right. Okay not taking some weird drugs. Like I was my theories were way off. She actually was taking fertility drugs. Yes, and her husband is dead dead. So that's confirmed. Yeah. Yeah, I thought so, yeah. Yeah, I mean I knew it was gone. But I was I was hoping so she his sperm is banked and that's how she's able to be getting pregnant here. Okay, but my question still is aren't we supposed to see there's a step that's missing. There's a step missing but again a show. Yeah. Yeah as feel like that's an important thing to connect and they just assume that we're like, okay she went and yeah exactly on her off day. We didn't see it. It's fine off day. Off days. Okay, so some questions answered because I know last time we had a lot of questions a lot of questions. So that's just some of their answers. So she's so dedicated to her job, right? Then she just goes straight to a Masai with a tip-off from will Mathers who's like your typical security not security a policeman, you know, he liked dressed really nice super tall hair is like gelled, you know, he looks thinking to me he I don't think he's sneaky. I think I just has little man like little man syndrome. There's something like he has an ego a big ego and I think that you know, she outworks him and I think he knows that so I think he's just trying to like catch her up and something. Yeah, I agree - I agree. Yeah, but he also wanted something from her, right? We don't know what that is, but I feel like you're right. I don't trust him. Yeah, but he does help her out and tip her off that Alma PSI is alone, and she's I know that face. I know the face so Big O and then this is the confrontation this is I feel like besides the trial. I feel like this was my favorite scene. Yeah, like there's felt like this was my favorite episode by far it is so far. This is like my favorite episode. Okay, and that scene Had Me Like You better tell her about herself. You better tell her I love I really liked it. I feel like they were they were like trying to both call each other out. She was like, I know you are you're not going to say you are I know characters like you she breaks it down. This is how you this is how you become the way you're doing. What you're doing and you totally turned it around back on her a hundred and ten percent turned it back on her. So do you think okay. So with this conversation? Is this something that you thought completely like solidified even more? So in your mind that he could be the second coming character or is he just like playing it? No, I'm telling I told you that I was sold. I'm just I'm just telling you I'm sold. Yeah, I'm not sold Yeah, but I I mean, I feel like there has to be some type of like plot twist. I mean like I'm just wondering like how are they going to in the show? You know, like there has to be some type of like conflict weird thing like right now it's like building tension. Oh, but like nothing's actually like really happened yet. Yeah, like, you know, they're going after him but he still seems to find himself like getting out of things of course all the time, of course, so I'm like, okay like what's gonna be that like Big Dot on top? Yeah. Yeah, you know why I feel like the trial was almost at because if he could have he could have gotten I wait I wait. Okay. Oh, wait it. All right speaking of waiting. Yes. I'm waiting for you to be on another after show because it's really fun to hear what you think about all these different shows how many shows we have a lot of shows here at after Rose. Can you can you tell us when we have so many shows here at AfterBuzz? Yeah, and to keep them going we need your support. So please like subscribe comments. Follow follow us follow here. Here at AfterBuzz, you know, thank you so much for making us the ESPN of TV talk and we want to continue to grow. So, please please please support us and we will continue to give you the things that you want the things you're looking for, which is our opinions. So yes, we have a lot of opinions here AfterBuzz TV. That's why we like it. Okay. Thank you for that course, I appreciate that onto a burned avram has nothing ever has nothing. Yeah, Natalie gets fired from his job. He's done. Yeah, but also we see a little remorse from him because he you know, he beat jabril. Oh, he totally feels bad senseless dropped him the desert feels bad, but nothing. Yeah because he went back to try to look for exactly. Of course, he's gone, but he tells his friend man. I effed up like I totally effed up and then he loses his job. I kind of wasn't me it was that whole thing. Like, what do you think made him kind of the megiddo thing will eyes know like realize that he made a mistake with the jibril because If he's completely out of line, he's completely out of line. Like he he seems to have been acting on his own accord for a very long time and I think the reason why the government kind of turns a blind eye is because he gets them results. Right? Right. He gets them answered not always how it goes right a little money. You have a little result. That's what it is. Exactly. So I feel like he's like, you know, people are like, okay whatever but now that the CIA was involved it became a big deal now they have to fire him over it, but they're not fire. Him firing him because of you know, I mean they are firing because of the deleting the tape but not because it was a Masai but because of this whole megiddo incident, right and that's what he doesn't want anybody to know. It's not the fact of him, you know talking to a Masai and all that was said it was its that incident the fact that he knew that that's what he doesn't want anybody to know so much so that he's willing to lose his job over it. So it makes me wonder what happened what happened. Happened. I don't know. I hope they tell us I mean it's it has to be something Beyond theirs. We know there was a boy. They killed him. Did they, you know, how he'll him like, you don't know. I don't know so it but it must have been really really bad if he's not going to tell his chief police. So, you know, it's really interesting. It's obviously got caught up in some asked at the end of the day just like he deleted those 12 minutes with him and I'll Maasai on the recording. He probably did something that maybe wasn't protocol. You know what I'm saying? Nothing. He does is produce exactly. He's like a loose cannon. He just he literally just you know, he does whatever he wants and I feel like his anger. Like I said before I think his anger such a big focal point because he drives everything is driven off of his anger what he's upset with and now it seems that you know, Alma sigh has driven him to lose his job because he wouldn't have lost a job if not for this. For this situation situation. Yeah sure, not the interrogation. You know, I mean isn't that the point of him supposed to be coming back to like give things light kind of show whatever else is true? The darkness will come to light exactly it. Yeah, there it is. There it is. I see it. Yeah, so I'm I really like his character. I really like his character and I think I feel bad for his character. I feel bad too. I feel like he's like a lost soul. He is he like doesn't know what to do with himself now he in. So now he has nothing absolutely go from like power to like having that thing. Yeah hard pretty crazy hard. All right, we've just Breeze through the those first two topics just so I could get to the trial. Okay, like I was like wash talk about it done. Here we go the trial. Okay first I want to point out al-assad has a real name. These are real name is really fun. I was that he has a real name. Well, we don't know what it is. You don't know. No, I mean I didn't think he did. I thought that you know, he was just a messiah. Yeah. I know he has a real name. That's not revealed. Okay, but he's raising Havoc everywhere. And what I really want to focus on is his plea to the judge. It's short. It's sweet. He says no one decided where they were born. Yes. What divides us the Border? I'm paraphrasing here. Yeah course a border is an idea decided by the lucky and today you sit in the seat of the fortunate and just remember what puts you there. What is fate but the hand of God, honestly, I thought that was such a strong line. So strong. I thought it was such a strong line. I was like wow, like I mean, he's right like to be honest with you. That is so true. Like we don't pick where were born or the family we get that's just it just happens. Right? So I think that's so true. Like you don't get to pick whether you're poor or Rich, you know any of that. So I was like, you know it dang it point. It was very poignant. Yeah it was What makes you different than me? Yeah, except for the fact that my fate had me over there. Boom. Exactly. Exactly. And that seemed to hit struck a nerve with judge because you know the way he looked at him and let's not forget the thing but like he is also dying the judge. Yeah, because okay. So when we first open the scene, right? Yeah, it's like this CAT scan of a brain and I was like, I thought was was Ava's me to yeah, and I was like, oh my gosh, like does she also have like this crazy? Jion, operable brain injury or tumor or something. Like what's happening? So then obviously it's not revealed till later that it is the judge with the whole like CAT scan in his drawer thing and he was like, you know, let me die happy place. I think after you know going through this whole thing and like hearing that I think he I feel like death always brings a different tone to stuff. So absolutely when you're on your last leg, there's no way that you're going to try to be mean or like stick something to someone or like try to get revenge. Yeah. Because for you like there's not really a point anymore, right? So I feel like that was definitely a good 20 turning point. And that's probably why he let him go. I was I was I think you're right and I was also wondering if he let him go because it's like this is my last like my last dying wish is to make the wishes of other people come true, right? You know, if I'm gonna die then I'm going to go out good and this guy with the right time. He's the guy that gets the goodness. Yes. Yeah, so I think that's why he let him go despite the bribe that he got, uh, because talk about it. The president is and his henchmen are all up in arms you guys I do have to say that I think Netflix does a really really really good job with this, right? Yeah, because the thing is like when you're watching this show it's not about like action-packed and like we're like, you know suspense or like a thriller like at this is not that show right? So I think maybe people I'll go into it with a different understanding of what the show is going to be about and they're like disappointed. But if you go in with like an open mind and you go in looking to analyze something this is the show for you. Like if you're not analytical type person. This is the show for you because you have the way that they parallel the issues we have the show, but it's basically like in modern times. So we have a president who is controlling and using bribes to get his way which I mean isn't too far off from what we're dealing with right now has already put like an Gration control right in that's been standing for at least two years. Right? Right. So then we're talking about the immigration ruling the controversy there, you know, you see that all over the news and the TV in the show also talking about like religious Miss conjures up like not understanding with misunderstandings, which I think are there's a whole lot like not obviously when you're dealing with Middle Eastern culture, it's completely different. So again like that whole Bridge Between the two and then culturally it's different to so religiously and Coach release and you're touching on all these topics. So I was like, okay Netflix Round of Applause. Yeah, they do their job. Yeah, but it's also funny. It's not funny, but it's also interesting because they they touch on those topics and then they show how much those topics over Cloud what the real situation is, right? Like a lot of that although important is a big distraction. You know beyond like what is going on behind the scenes? What is what is it that they're hiding? You know, what is the real situation? Yeah, I mean, but the thing is right, but it also it's showing the fact that yeah, you're hiding things right? But I mean isn't that like isn't that everyone's kind of like Mo like you want to look your best this especially of course, you know, you're running the president. He did the whole bribery thing because he wanted to look like we have control. We are America we are Our powerful you can't mess with us and that was the message. He wanted to send so whether he did it dirty or you know, not nobody would know right and that was so I feel like it's again those touching pieces of also trying to put on a facade to like show what to others what you what you're trying to portray. So basically Instagram, yeah, basically basically Instagram Instagram is a lie down believe anything you say on and we all use it. Hey, don't lie. We all use it. Yeah, absolutely. I think those are amazing points fantastic points because they did they did they touched all of it and it was like, you know, they've been hinting at it here and there but they really got it all in one episode. Yeah, and I think that's genius is good job now. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I love it. I want to talk about when they asked him what religion he was. Yes, and he says I walk with with all men. Yeah. What do you think that meant? The thing which I thought was interesting to that same because everyone soon as he said that everyone was at home and you hear that in the courtroom and then they put it on like all these all these boards and stuff walk with almond. You just said walk with all and I think why was that such a big topic? I mean, why was that such a thing to me? I don't know for me. I didn't understand why everyone was so up like up in arms about that. But again, if you are the Son of God who are sent from God the Messiah you don't have a religion necessarily, you know, like you Feel like you believe in God, right? Because the Lord the God is your father my butt. I don't know. I feel like you walk with everyone like everyone's included. There's not like a geisha a separation between like Muslim Jewish Catholic Christian Baptist. Like there's not like it's all semantics. Yeah the end of the day at the end of the day you read the Bible you believe in God, right? So it's like you walk with everyone and honestly, I don't feel like the intention is ever when it comes to like religion and God and all that gray like not to get too deep but it's like, oh no, I don't eat the intention is Doubt God had right to have 30 different religions. Yeah, I do not think that that we would be on it's like people have an idea of like, oh well, like I learned this but like I don't agree with this so I'm going to go do my own thing over here. I'm going to have followers believe in the teachings that I am saying and growing and whatever and so that's why we have so many different religions, but I don't think that was like the true intention. Yeah, right. So I mean, I agree with you. I don't I don't think it was that your intention to have all of these different sects of you know, believing and stuff. I agree with you, but I think I think there is a difference between a lot of these different religions. Some of it is. Yeah, some of it is semantics and it's you know, but they all Bridge they all kind of have the same overarching story. Right and it makes me wonder where that came from. You know what I mean? Like, what is that original overarch story that meta-narrative that we have, you know, that's that's where that's where. I think it's different and then the other religions I believe are you know all off of that right like playing off of that but it's funny because you know every religion if you like listen to like if you like study a little bit every religion has their own creation story, right? So it's like with the Bible and like Christianity you have like the Adam and Eve ate the apple get banned and then you have Greek mythology like has the same idea where there's like Zeus and you know Hercules and whatever and that whole thing. I mean I did. A little tour for like Greek mythology and I was like, oh snap like Hercules actually wasn't like this wonderful person that we're all kind of like, but yeah, I had no idea the good that yeah. None of them. All. The Greek gods have like too many human characteristics and they're all the bad one. It's like even Cupid. I was like, I gotta get out of here has their own creation story. So it has to be coming from somewhere, right? That's what I agree. Yeah. I think it's coming from somewhere. Interesting to see the different the differences and that's why I think when he says I walk with all men right I agree with you. I think he could be alluding to that. You know, he is here like for the people kind of a thing, you know, I accept all men, you know and women of course K guys don't write everyone here everyone man, when he says all men he means everybody women too. So I high mankind all mankind drink. There we go we go change it where inclusive yeah, I walk with all mankind. So I think yeah, I think it's I think it's that but it makes me question like where is its where the knights loyalty lie. But like where does that leave? I mean, okay. We solve the people at the border. Let's not forget. Okay who are dying? Okay, like like they're hungry. They're thirsty there. They don't have any like resources. Yeah, and he's yet to be back. So I don't know like so I guess my question is just like what is the whole uniting thing? Like what how are you going to How is he going to Encompass everyone together? So like I guess I'm like searching for this. Yeah connection points. Do you think that that's impossible because because in order to Encompass everybody together, like have them get along the all believe one thing then that would call for a lot of cultures to be displaced, you know, and forgotten realistically a lot of like a lot of things that people have been ingrained with for like years upon years. Ears. They're just go never mind. You know, like I feel like For All Mankind you think about the population on the earth the all believe one thing right which is totally impossible and definitely not going to have like ever Utopia, you know, probably not gonna happen. But like that's the realistic side of it, but the unrealistic side is that the show it's a show and I think that they're trying to get a point across that maybe one day if you just put a little bit aside compromise a little bit. Maybe we can all go. Come together. I don't know like when we'll see after so do you know the end of the the season so we'll see how that comes together by guys. We just got real deep real. I liked it. I know I liked it. Let us know your thoughts in the comments because we like to keep this conversation going and I think it would be really cool to hear what you guys all think jumping back really quick to Felix. Who's church is now extremely popular right extremely popular feels called to come and pick him up after the trial. I don't think Felix thinks that Alma PSI is necessarily the Messiah. I don't think so. No, I don't think he's sold on it. I think he thinks he's from God because when they came in the reporter asked him, why did you come here? He didn't say because I think I believe that he is the Son of God. He didn't say that. He said I believe he was sent from God. I have my being too picky so I don't He's coming. I don't think he's completely sold out. I think okay. This is my think. He literally left his wife who was like crying, right? Yeah. Do not go do not go and he was like, I have to like this is what I need to go do to go pick up the man from trial like he just felt like he had to be there and then ended up, you know, he obviously didn't I was gonna go he got let go he was the first one to be like take me like to take him away get in the car. I'll break you somewhere. So I feel like he is really so like I don't know. I feel like if you're not a hundred percent Soldier not going to be doing the extra mile and he was doing the extras. Yeah, but he was like walking in faith, you know, like he was like, I feel the need to go do this and if he's a he's a reverend so I feel like his entire life is based off of like I have this feeling to go do this. I feel called to do this. I'm going to do it because I'm so that's me stepping out in faith. Yeah, absolutely, but he's human still in the end. Well, Can be easily cold that hey. Hey. Hey. All right. Wow, we're just time just like flew by as we're saying about into our special segment. Yes k w Wy d Here's the setting. Okay. This man on the news has been said to heal has been preaching good news and has been impacting the masses his following has grown to a tremendous amount and he is said to be the second coming your friends and family are sold on the idea and plan on dropping what is currently going on in their lives. Jobs bills appointments everything to go see this man in hopes of getting answers in hopes of seeing miracles. They want you to follow them. What would you do? Man, oh man. Well see this is the thing if I didn't have the job that I currently had now, I'd be ready to go to follow you and this man. Okay, but now that I got this job. Listen, I'm we got to be thinking about the future. Okay? Yeah. Yeah, I mean In hopes that you know, he really is the Messiah. I mean we would be living in Utopia and I wouldn't have to worry about bills are going to work and then that would be amazing you could live in Paradise. But if he isn't and he fooled us now now I got to start all over. Oh no. No. No, I think I'ma let them go and call me if some crazy happened. Yeah, I'm with that. Yeah, call me if something good happens. I'm not gonna die. I'll be right behind you after you tell me some happy. Yeah, like I love you. You're my family. Like right he put you up in the paradise already know that bad. Okay. All right. That's a good one. That's good. Okay news and gossip. Here we go news and gossip we have from Cinema Blend released yesterday. Messiah is at the risk of being banned in Jordan. After its Royal film commission requested Netflix not to release it in the country the request which was shared ahead of Messiahs release in Jordan read that the RFC had requested that Netflix refrain from showing the series in Jordan and Netflix representative responded and stated that the company had yet to receive any formal legal request to remove Messiah from the country's version of Netflix and Netflix rep added. This Messiah is a work of fiction. It is not based on any one character figure or religion all Those feature ratings and information to help members make their own decisions about what's right for them and their families. So the situation is interesting considering portions of Messiah were actually filmed in Jordan and the Royal film commission supported the filming of the project initially and deadline reported that authorities authorities had viewed synopsis of the episode before awarding a tax credit and allowing the project to shoot in the area. But now it seems that the RFC was initially on board with Messiah but has since It's changed its tune. Mmm. So even though they were on board for them to shoot in Jordan. Now, they're saying actually you we don't want it shown here. It's been it's done. I think that's so wild is very very interesting. Yeah. I mean, I I mean, I think they're just because you're getting bad reviews and backlash that now you're kind of changing your mind. I feel like if you got the synopsis, then you had to know it was about my thing is like you knew it was going to be controversial. This is my problem. There's Like in a show, it's not like it just gets pitched and then like next day. They're filming with it literally goes through such a rigorous thing to even get approved. Right? Do we like it? We want to pick up the show to me want to do it. Then? There's so many production dollars that go into the specific enough books film. This is so like detailed and very well produce. So it's this was like millions of dollars they invested in so like how do you you're going to spend money to dogs on something like you're not, you know a hundred percent about like, come on like so many people have sought like saw this already. D. So if they I don't know I think it's Shady it but see that's the problem too because it's like it kind of goes both ways. There's so many things that kind of do get green-lighted and then there is a cultural problem. So it's like I do understand that that point of view to but don't say yeah, I'm so into it and then be like no backside back out because you're hearing that all of a sudden the people in your country hate it right right, like actually I don't want anything to do with this. I gotta go. I wasn't here somebody's getting fired. It sucks. Yeah, so that's our news and gossip for today, but we actually have to wrap it up. We spent so much time talking about deep things here you guys it was a really good episode. So before we leave ebony where can we stock you on Instagram at ebony Chapman 12 and then on Twitter at ebony Chapman nice and I of course Tatiana maresa at Tatiana maresa on all social media platforms so you can find me anywhere. All right, you guys that is it we will catch you for the next episode until then. Then by our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup buzz you later. Hmm. The music press herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners our principal. The music press herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners our principal.
It is confirmed that Eva's husband is dead and she has suffered her fourth miscarriage. This does not hinder her pursuit of Al-Masih and she whisks her way off to Texas to be at the trial. She has the opportunity to question Al-Mesih before he is represented and is able to call him out. A conversation occurs and after the encounter Eva is freaked out because Al-Masih reveals untold stories that only she would know. After a two day trial, Al-Mesih is granted asylum in Texas by a judge who is battling brain cancer. Felix's church is no longer suffering. He is now considered a landmark as this is where the 'miracle man' has been. He takes it upon himself to escort Al-Mesih back to his church after the trial is over. Aviram is fired from his job at the Shin Bet after deleting his interrogation tape of him and Al-Mesih. He goes off the deep end and disappears. Jibril is lost in the desert.
What's up, everybody guys? It is Jordan from The axalta holistic Hub welcoming you to episode 3 of the exile to experience now today. I got to sit down with the man himself told Jarrett is a good friend of mine and a great coach and inspiring young man and someone that is certainly going to haveIs having a good crack at life now. He's very very inspiring to listen to because the lessons that toddler has learnt in 2019 the challenges that is overcome is quite phenomenal in the fact that a lot of people would be victimized by what Todd's been through but he is only kept a warrior mindset the whole time and he really has pushed through and will continue to push through the challenges that he faces in life. So guys, it's a great conversation. We talk about food we talk aboutThe power of the minds we talked about the hard work and mentality and what that can do to your health and really talk about where you need to put your energy into to get the most out of life. So the underlying factor from Todd was how to live at your fullest. So enjoy the conversation reach out to either us on Instagram. So Todd's account is at coach Jarrett on Instagram and Facebook sharing share with us any feedback that you have and and if you feel like someone would benefit from this episode just share it through to them send them the link and you know, it could help them quite a lot on their Journey so we would be more than happy to share this information with more people. So thank you very much. Enjoy the episode and be present. Mrs. Jarrett, JP. How you doing, bro? I'm doing incredibly how are you? Very very well. I'm excited. We are finally sitting down to do a podcast. It's been a while in the making. Yeah, how long you reckon if we start from the beginning a few years? Yeah. Yes, certainly been a journey last couple of years. Yeah. It's pretty cool. We're only chatting about Nestle 20 minutes ago. Yeah. Yeah now it's going to be Incredible to see what happens in the future, but there's so much that's happened in the past. Keen to have a chat. So tell me about what's happening. What are you been up to lately? And what's what's the life of told Jared look like so for those that are on here that are didn't know my background. I was a performance coach training athletes and that was my focus. And that was the dream and the aspirations and that's what I was doing down in Victoria before I moved up to the coast and that's how obviously we got to know each other through. Through our internship Leonard would fit in Vic and then I came up here. I wanted to coach athletes at Stanford. And the only way to do that was to get her a letter of recommendation to get up there. So Matt Busan it in turn there and I was able to get that process started and then I moved up here and I've been here since absolutely loving it. So here being the sunny Costa beautiful incredible Sunshine Coast growing up we came up here with racing with Motocross with commentary in the journalism and everything and we'd always Ask victorians would always talk about. Oh one day. We'll live here one day. We took them. Yeah, just yeah that whole area just Queensland. We all spoke about it. There's probably 20 of us and everyone so we'll talk but no one took action and now I'm here so I'm pumped on that is that we're used to come there to cool. Yeah. Yeah, so we find a breezy and then we drive up to call them and to con and out so Mulaney. Okay, and then we'd stay in caloundra. There's a big race is a cool night. Yeah, the final Nationals. Yeah. So yeah was training athletes and then Obviously that ended up doing a lot of Consulting online with guys and teaching out of the uni and then starting the mentorship programs that tjt mentorship. And that was what I knew I wanted to do when I started teaching because I loved educating athletes and then that whole process was sort of just grew naturally. I didn't expect it to I had no idea what I was doing. Which Looking Back Now will probably chat about it. I had no idea. I literally just came from demand and then from there I was just sort of thrown in there. Ben had no business sense at all or none zero you ever have an idea? No. No, not at all. Actually. I feel like the more I learn the less. I know the less of an idea. I have that dunning-kruger effect. Yeah, so it's just taking action and learning lessons. I think yeah biggest thing so had the tjt programs and they became the focus. So I stopped training athletes and Consulting the Consulting was a big thing because I was working with a lot of motocross guys. It's a pretty high levels, which is awesome and And then the focus became the mentorship and the advanced grad program and obviously the instant growth experience seminar and because of that lack of business understanding like theoretically I knew it all because I've done a lot of seminars and done all of that. But when it came time to actually apply it like I was really struggling and by the stress levels and by what I would say applying the Practical like actual practical application of the things you've learned the experience the hands-on experience. I really Struggled with that that would have been say the systems and especially like and we've discussed this the sales because it was selling myself and I was at a point where you know, when you get to a point where you know so much you feel like everyone knows it I was at that point. I was like I shouldn't be talking to these trainers. Like I already know this stuff but you forget how little a lot of people do know, so I didn't have that belief in myself. Although when people come into the program's I got. Oh my gosh, I forgot that because I hadn't gone. On out and spoken and sort out feedback or testimonials and things like that and trying to forget how far you've come. Oh, yeah, absolutely the ability to stick to the basics and because people's people's lack of knowledge is so abundant this there is such a lack of knowledge in our society now so like basic things like drink more water, like people don't understand that they have to drink more water. So like when you tap into those I6 it kind of feels like you're being a dumbass but it's just because they're not up to that that level of knowledge that happened literally the other day to me being hydrated for learning new information because of synaptogenesis and neurogenesis. Basically where the parts in the brain starts shooting off new Pathways that requires hydration and I mentioned that at one of my coaching the other day and so many people are quite what they had no idea and that was something to me. I learnt years ago that wasn't even something in my mind anymore. It was just it was just unconscious so Yeah, it's like if you've got if you don't have water in the body, if you're dehydrated, you got to dry brain. Yeah, you get shrinkage literally get a cute shrinkage your brain gets smaller when you're dehydrated. It's crazy your ability to make it easy we start yeah. Well history is the essence. Do you need more wet? So yeah, then we move the I was very fortunate that when you were expanding exalt. Oh that I got to see that from the start. We've been through the photos of the day. When you're literally in the small space and when you said you're opening up the Hub, I was like, okay, that's that's where I want to be. That's where I want to run the program's out of and that's what we started and about halfway through the program's. I ended up really really sick just from my own doing from the accumulative effects of psychological stress not nailing my diet not sleeping enough enough over the years these things are accumulated and I've obviously got a I say now I have damage cells. So there's a lot of people that they're they're given a condition or a disease and it becomes like their label becomes their identity. I have X and they tired of that and it's almost like they use that as their I hate using it as an excuse like the kid that has ADHD. I've got ADHD, it's all right that I misbehave know like if I said that you just behave poorly and there's no dis we had an extreme amount of energy. Yeah exactly. Like it's about controlling it. So I now say that I have damaged cells around my stomach. That's what I try to say as much as I can. And so basically I ended up in hospital once and then I started to realize hey, this is my own doing psychologically that the cumulative effect of all the stress and stress is multifactorial so many different things that are called stressors can literally be training or relationships the food you're eating or Financier people whatever it may be but thinking about stress. Yeah. Exactly. Did you going going to the hospital stressor? And so I had that started to slow down a little bit with the work and then I decided to step away not long after which was huge for me for those that obviously on the podcast. This might be the first time hearing my story if you just imagine the most Analytical mind that is just driven for something and doesn't really want to rest that was who I was and that's all I'd ever known. So that was my identity. I was like, I broke like was pride in myself on you are the grinder don't sleep like a little kid that wants something and doesn't give up. It was literally like yeah R&B like toads of savage toads not gonna give up on this stuff. Even if it's to the risk of his health. Yeah, and that's that's what happened. And then I'm really grateful that it actually got to the point. Way I took a couple weeks to go into isolation and then had some time with family then I got really sick. I ended up in hospital the second time. It's like they come down right you get out of that cycle of the body working and then chooses to rest and everything comes down. Yeah. It's that when people go on holiday. Yeah been working in a call. I do we sleep. Yeah because your body needs it. Well, they finish uni and they get sick. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you just flew. Yeah holiday flu so been a big Journey. Yeah, the big the big turning Factor was when I was in hospital the second time in the docks basically just said to me like look if you don't change in the next 24 48 hours will take your bow out or if that doesn't go well like you looking death in the face and I broke down I got I've said this to a few people that that was the day that I went. Okay, it's stop like I will stop now because my family were all down in Vic and I was in a hospital bed up here in Queensland and the I had a family friend with me and the doctor said you could die. Next two days and I'll let you leave had Mom on speaker, and she just she was traumatic broken down completely and I said mum, I need you up here and I called Dad and Dad doesn't take time off work a lot of the time and I really struggled to ask him to come up. I was stuttering on the phone nearly didn't ask him because I was so nervous that he might say. No like I can't make it up. I'm working and that would have crushed me like that that belief that maybe work comes first what happens if I didn't make it and Dad hadn't come up like that was really tough and but he made it up he flew up and he hates planes my other sister and made it up and then Chloe was down in Victor supporting me from the other end with the kids and It was at that time. I realized that you hear it to me now. It's cliche because I guess I've experienced but and you've the same thing it's like when you're at that near-death experience and you've looked at in the face. It makes you have a different perspective. And that's when I said Okay, I want to do things differently. So since then I've been on the road for a few months just being with family done to for past in a meditation courses basically read journal meditated and eaten food every day for the last three or four months work. In yeah, we'll check box and the working. Yeah, we're all putting so much work at you know, what are we doing to put the work in? Yeah, so that's the context of it is I lost my identity if I have inside you take the sticker off about you then yeah. It's like a sticker of these batteries and I'm like, yeah, I'm pretty sure he's had it. Identity shift. Yeah, and all the all the stickers I had on the center console box are all gone. I yeah for because I know shedding skin. Yeah, exactly. And I know that there's a lot of young listeners that are like obviously the guys training at axalta that I've seen that it coming in and out there will be listening and imagine all you know, and I have a lot of these kids are safe football players and things like that. It's like imagine you have that just ripped away from you. You actually don't know who you are or the all of the friends you've had in all of the sports. You've done everything is gone. And you're like, all I have left is my family. Who is this person? So for me all I knew was you work and you don't stop working you go you grind. You hustle. You just do not stop whatever it takes burn your body into the ground whatever like it doesn't matter and then I went on this 180 shift and I was like do not touch work do not do anything strenuous. If anything stresses you walk away from it, which was opposite before I was like walk into the stress like feed on that eat it for breakfast. So I lost myself and in a huge way, so probably a month and a half into this time away. I had one of those I crises. Who am I what am I doing? And I started to freak out like I was by myself and I left in isolation. So to speak on the road not with people. I knew and I started to question. What am I doing? And it was in that time that I actually because I'd already taken the stickers off and done those things because I was at that point. I'd put all my TJ t-shirts to the back of my wardrobe didn't want to touch them. I didn't wear them for a couple of months. I wasn't ready to I wanted to be a different person and It was when I sort of got to that point of who am I that I realized all your are you're in a deep place. You've come a long way because I've actually lost that like the connection is gone now and then I started to develop this other personality each other Viewpoint of everything and that sort of took on control for probably. Two months, I would say. And I'm very fortunate that I've had people like yourself like Nick like Brody and Toby that I've been able to chat cat throughout this process about and have guidance. Everyone's just said just take your time do what you've got to do and it will come to you and in the last probably three weeks. everything started again, the wheels of started turning the cogs of started spinning opportunities are arising and I'm feeling everything differently when things are coming to me or things are popping up. I'm being able to deal with them in a different way, you know far more calm mindful way, which is what I need for my health, but also I want to be able to pass this on to other people because I was literally doing some coaching the other day and high level you would say owner of a high-level company was talking about how stressed out they get on the day-to-day about thinking the next thing they need to do but they never actually finishing the thing they are doing that was me and that led to where I got to and that's when I sort of when I realized that this is powerful and I need to pass this on so the things through this journey how hard it's been I've needed at all and it's supposed to have happened to me because it's now what I want to pass on to others, so it's certainly be not a defining factor. It's a refining Factor. It actually gives you a chance to refine you yourself as a person and your product. It's not--it wasn't it's not the definition of either you got sick. It's actually the opportunity to like around how am I going to use this to my my ability to improve myself who I was before and the way I had tjt set up that could have lasted for 10 years, but it only would've Like Arnie would have got as big as it was and I would have worked massive ridiculous hours just to maintain it at that point now that I can look back and see that I go I was supposed to go through this because I know I'm destined for bigger things. This is my time to sit back and go you sucked. Like that's my reality of it the way I view it was like, oh you are such a rookie. So yeah, it's a big it's been so good watching. I'm when you got sick, even when you told me you could have died. I was like, it's me or not. Ready for death bro. Like I had all the faith that you were gonna get through like the got way. You've got so much potential and love to give the world and posit that this is so much positive energy that comes out of your being. It's like you weren't ready to leave this earth. Not yet. So I think there was a massive massive belief that I knew you'd just be right and your mindset was always it's so good. We wait we both talk about mindset all the time. And then when these challenges come up and we're just like bring it. It was good to see you get tested about that. Yeah, I think it's nice watching someone not be victimized by and so on actually, you know, it's an inspiration to see the warrior mindset played out in real life events. And I know everyone that's connected in your circle and your mentees and everyone that's being connected to has the same view of your life. You didn't break white one point you had breaking points, but you didn't break. Yeah, there's like breakthroughs. So it's good to watch. It's been a big part of the journey you share. In the hardships, and I know that's something I've really tried to verbalize and vocalize through social media is that I will post on my worst days the days are good. I might not even post. I'll just go enjoy it the days were there were the most amazing during the journey. I was just experiencing because was so awesome, but the days of were rough I was by myself. So I thought one I can share this with other people with my way to express it. But to it reminds people that are going through hardship. You're not alone for those that are listening to this right now. You've probably had something go on today. We have gone. This is tough. We all do and even if we have the most positive mindset the realities we still experience tough things. That's just how we view them. So I make sure that people know that yes. I have a strong mindset just talk to you have an incredible mind set. It doesn't mean everything always happens exactly the way we want it. We all have challenges and to be able to share those with people but with the right mindset being reflected from it empowers others to take that on so through the Journey. I've had a lot of people mess. Me and Ty Cobb had a rough day. I've had a rough week. I have an autoimmune condition. I had this disease. I've been through cancer. My partner had this I lost this family member and having your post has kept me going through this and I've got that's why I do it. That's why I let people know because they're on the other side of the world or the other the other side of the country and they're getting support just from a post. It's like whatever I say is is helping them. Because I'm going through a tough time to its confidence and support comes in numbers. So if you can share that but share it with the right message rather than having that victim mentality have the Victor mentality slave a warrior as you well know and as your tribe knows the warrior mentality people love that Vibe and people get on to that. So I would say that I don't have a big social media following compared to some of the people that I grew up with. But the the following that I do have you would say is authentic. Yeah is really the naked yet. I know the story. Yeah, so I'm really grateful for that. So yeah, it's a good I think it's a good point you made there about like being a like being a positive person doesn't give you protection from trauma or protection from negative events. It actually just provides you a lens to look through so that negative events actually a happening for you and you can learn from them in. That of if you're negative person stuffs always happening to but having that positive lens of perspective that you look through. It's like bad shits going to happen. Like there's going to be some fucking hard times in life. We're not kidding anyone by thinking that's not going to happen. But you know being a positive person is even when it's tough looking for the best in each situation or even better just looking for a lesson so that you can be grateful for what it's teaching you and and that's where you really proved your Activity, it's like okay you getting chips are down and you've been dealt the wrong cards close. Yeah, but you're actually still going to use that hand to get up. So yeah, it's been good to watch you fight that thank you very much. So I want to lead into I don't want to tap too much into the old identity because I know it's gone and it's a good reference point and I don't think it needs a lot of conversation. But you've obviously discovered a new element to your mind and potential like there's a there's a new level it because you when when we got started and we were working and core strength together. Like we're on the level like we had that same energy and I could tell you thought you were like 10 out of 10 and I was like this motherfucker. He's on a 10 out of 10, but I always knew I'm like there's so much more. Yeah, and I'm Not on that level yet. I'm still want to go down the path you've gone with the meditation and obviously exploring the mind more and I'll get there when I'm ready. But like what's that Evolution being like so talk to me about the the pasta is because you never would have been someone to really consider that but this journey is kind of paved the way into that. I just want to reference before we go further into this and I will answer this in depth with the best value I can That although you say that I've gone down this path and you want to go down it you're one of the reasons that I went down and the energy that I had in that when you say like that 10 out of 10 energy. I'd like you would say a 10 out of 10 energy but in one area and that was like the drive the motivation the grind the hustle like that mentality. I didn't have another side to me. I was like the Seesaw a hundred percent on one and they're 0 on the other whereas you could do the hundred percent on one side, but you had like to me you had like 70 percent on the other still so you could at least and that's You haven't been in hospital with this stuff. Like you've been able to manage and balance which is something I looked up to so and was in hospital. I ended up in hospital at one point in my life and that will be a big story for this podcast to in the future but coming back to that in terms of what it's been like making the transition. Or what I've learned from it. Just I guess, you know like the person you thought you were you know, because you thought you know, I'm the ten out of ten I'll go hard and now realizing the lens that you're looking through. Like there's a guarantee everyone listening to this is probably thinking they've got to go harder life. They've got to put more energy into the end and as much as that's valid like you do have to go all in yeah, but there's there's that other side to it as Understanding Stillness understanding, I guess the inner self like what's been your journey instead of being the outer person or the external person instead diving Inward and finding the power within it was the realization that we have an outer journey and we have an inner Journey. We have an external Pro like an external Journey external outcome as I would call it and they are like the goals the aspirations they can be material. So I think the house the car the money the hot wife for for us or for the women that Jack husband or whatever or the was a male. It's about the female you could call them material tangible items. That's like the external one for most of society. That's what we relate success quota to is that what we can see and that's what I was always sort of dictated towards not so much the items but the validation Personal success and I was always goals and things like that. It was when I realized that hey, they're actually using the inner Journey. There's an inner process and it's not about what you achieve on the outside. But how you experience achieving it how you go through the process? So it's the whole like the journey or the destination or the process and the outcome and I was so caught up on the outcomes. I was never actually on the journey. I was never actually in the process. I was too superficial from it and And it was when I realized that there was an inner Journey that I went, okay. I need to focus on this because one I'm going to continue down my path and going to keep going back in the hospital and it could get worse. I could lose my ballot could die. and the second thing is that I won't be happy because I read in this is when I was reading one of the books when I was away and it was that. We have a thousand steps to our external goal. And that's thinking of like to get to the big facilities that you may want in a gym or to get to that position in speaking or coaching does a thousand steps. You need to take off to get there on the external Journey. But on the inner Journey, there's just one step and that's the present moment step and you just taking that one step carries you through the thousand and it was when I read that I was just kind of I actually think I put the book down and sat for like half an hour up in Port Douglas and that just ran through my mind over and over again like a recorder. So it's like instead of focusing on the thousand steps ahead focus on the present moment. Yes and just take each present moment. And eventually there'll be a thousand present moment zactly. Yeah. It's like instead of focus future Focus just focus. Yeah now the present because if your I was always caught up in tomorrow, which means if I'm if I have any of my focus on tomorrow means a part of my focus is not on today. So I Be getting 10% of my focus to tomorrow, which means I can only give the people I'm with today 90% of me because I wasn't even there in conversation for me. So by being focused right now and giving my best right now. I am 100% here and that means tomorrow when I'm in tomorrow. I can be a hundred percent there. So wherever I am, I'm 100 percent whereas before I wasn't do you feel like I feel like in society. It's more like 90/10 the other like, you know Aang that's what I see is anxiety. It's like 90% then tomorrow 10% today. Yeah, like if you feel putting 90 percent of your energy into tomorrow, you're going to be anxious. What if how what if this happens? You know, what am I going to do? You know instead of just thinking putting your hundred-percent into right now. What can I do in this very moment to move myself forward or to progress instead of you know, what's going to happen and I feel like the our societies. Did a lot of anxiety but then there's also depression which is 90% of energy in yesterday or the past. It's like bringing that hundred. So what are the what are some of the lessons you've learned from hundred percent in the moment? There are some like my mind becomes flooded. What some of the basic what some of the most enjoyable things about being president you experiencing more fully so deeply and I some of the things that I bring up I actually questioned myself when I say them because I know so many people will hear this and they won't click because I haven't they're not on that Journey yet. They may they may not so I'm still working that out in my head how to express what I've experienced because it is an experience not a theory like it from a book, but you can when you're Walking to someone you feel it more you feel the energy you feel the emotion from that person you can the words I say and how they're saying. I can now read the language in the emotion and what people are saying, well, they mean before you could say something completely sarcastically to and I just hear the words. It was almost like I had in Asperger's I believe it is where you can say a joke, but they think you're being serious because they don't get the tone. I didn't get that before so I wasn't an emotive person. It's like think about it like when you're having a conversation with someone and you can tell they're speaking back to you, but they're not actually in the conversation like exactly what you're saying something to me, right? Yeah, and you can tell they're not they're present with you. That's how a lot of people living their lives like having this conversation with their life and they're not actually listening to the conversation. They're just thinking about what to say next. Yeah. It's like if you actually just slow down and then apply listening as a skill and listen to the other person. And then you can actually go much deeper slack. It's because so many of us listen to respond to give that answer back and I used to do that. So I'm working on that in myself now, so that's one thing is you get to experience people more which is the most important thing when people say when they're on their death bed when I was at that point where I was like, okay, I may not make it what was important to me and that happened family before his my my last day. I wanted to be with my family. That was it nothing else mattered. So that was one big thing experiencing and that's also when my purpose in life changed. So that was one massively the experience with people and then how much you get to enjoy what you're doing. So even training being around people experiencing the ice bath now to what it was before is completely different like exult o tribe try to meditate in the ice bath like whatever you can do to Bring yourself to be fully present in it. You just experienced things and I say fully which is my purpose in life. Now. It used to be Empower others to live their highest level life to me a high level that was external outcome. Now, it's leave transparently. So let everyone see what's actually going on to empower others to live their fullest life so they can go to the highest Highs but ensure that it's full and its Rich of experience which to me six to eight months ago if I said something I'm like that I would have been what as if that that's now that I'm at this point life is so much better. So what's more important to you? people living their fullest or you living your fullest me because I need to be able to live my fullest help others. Absolutely. I need to fill my cup. So what's your purpose? My purpose is to live transparently to empower others to live their fullest life. So by living transparently that is indicative of me being fully experiencing things and letting others see it. So so what's what's you living to the fullest look like at the moment? Obviously, there's been some adjustments in Your environment your identity that the fullest in the previous identity would have been very different to what it is. Now at what do you what do you wake up to do? What are you excited to do when you wake up my full day is self love and self care and I'm calling itself love in the fact that it is self care. It's just habits. So my full days I get up. I have my half a liter of water straight away. That's my first thing I roll over I do my health Journal because I Need to type what has happened during the night. Then I do my stoic gratitude Journal. Shout out to Connolly Coach Conner zeldo shop. Yeah that I go to the shop. You'll be able to buy a stoic Journal of corner there into Game Changer. Yes. So many people have jumped on that. It's no lies in that movie The to game changer with our lives. So I'll do that and then I'll meditate and that the days that I meditate I know now meditate for half an hour I used. To set my timer when I was before this happened when I was living in budino. I used to set my timer for 10 minutes to meditate and I get to the 4-minute mark on freaked out. Like I can't do this. I've got stuff to do like this is a waste of time like 10 minutes. I need to be doing something else I meditate for a minimum of 30 minutes every morning now and it can go for longer and I'll meditate more during the day the days that I meditate first thing the best days my most calm days and the days that I haven't meditated in the morning the two days that have had that have happened. In the last couple of weeks are the two days about felt anxious and then when I felt anxious, okay, what was the first thing I did went back and meditator shifted me again. So I'll meditate and then I'll do my exercise in vitamin D. So I'll go for a walk or go for a push bike ride, and then I'll lay in the sun. Whatever it is. Then I'll typically have good food. So it's changed a lot through this journey what I eat and what I feel fuel or feed my body to talk to me about food a bit because I know I was a big advocate for For Whole Foods. Yeah, when we first met and you kind of like yeah, yeah, I'm I or II then I did so bad and I was like, yeah don't fucking lie to me, but I know you like shit. Yeah, but but you also had the mindset they did or right because it was like an all-rounded kind of just I it's all right sometimes and I bad sometimes like that's an all right diet. Yes, but in our diet in our society is actually a she'd diet. I was picking and choosing how I used the word balance. I was like I have balance in diet. Balance is important. But if someone said to me, do you have balance in life? I'd be like no, why do you need balance? So I was so subjective and biased towards myself. But yeah die before was a lot of binging like on date nights and things like that and not being careful about what was in the the smaller parts of products and from all of the last six months. Like I said when I was reading and meditating and journaling most of my reading for the first period of time was solely on food and on information Within In the body because that's all I mean condition basis and that's part of my path and I'm going down now he's doing a holistic health platform, which I'm really excited about food is one of the doctors the natural doctors of the world. One of the biggest sets crazy. So I've cut out gluten. I've cut out any added sugars. I've cut out anything artificial added in terms of like artificial flavors artificial sweeteners. I don't have and this is specifically for me for the I don't have seeds or grains nuts beans and legumes currently because they've all been shown to be inflammatory at the cellular level on the gut and be hard for the gut lining and the tight junctions and things like that. I also don't have nightshade vegetables because they've been shown to be inflammatory and then I'll basically anything that's process don't touch so Whole Foods down at the farmers markets vegetables and fruits. Then meet which as much as I can and as you know, like fish and then organ Meats chicken is like the last just because of its ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 and it's obviously very much feed grain compared to say like cattle can be fed grass. So that's that's been big in that shift the Reason for those is for me to in the Western and I should actually finish that statement. The reason for that is for me to minimize inflammation for me to do everything. I can if there's any chance of information from anything in my day right now what's information. So information would be at in terms of at the cellular level would be like stress response. So it's really basic like there's like people that have no idea. So when when you get stressed like if someone for the adults if someone's beep the horn Giving you the bird if you pulled up in front of them or something, you never really had a car crash you get that fight or flight you get the adrenaline the cortisol for a kid. It might be when a bully's picked on you or When Something's Happened mum and dad aroused when you maybe you get that the tingles and the shakes. That's it. That's so to speak what we call stress as soon as you get that. It causes inflammation within the body. It's like a swollen ankle. Yeah. Yeah and you roll your ankle. It swells are ya the cells get like fat and they yeah and white blood cells and yeah, that's swells up and loses function. Yes. Yes. Yeah. So do you have that in your gut? Yeah as in for me information. Yes. Yeah. Well it got to a point where obviously there's information but then it attacks and breaks things down more when you got swelling say at the ankle, for example for other people. It's there to heal. Whereas for me. It was the opposite it was that a breakdown and that's that's because I've got so to speak like a dysregulated immune system from everything that's going on where it's out of balance the goods low and the bads really high. All kind of got like that the bad Ami doing more work. So what I've looked to do through this this journey that I've been on is eliminate anything that's going to cause inflammation within my body and that's stemming from Physical training I've learned that for people with autoimmune conditions at high intensity really high intensity training is indicative of inflammation. We know that as coaches, we push people for that because it stimulates muscular growth and things like that, but for someone that already has an immune system that's not really easily triggered for that to then cause they're negative area like rheumatoid arthritis and things like that to flare up. That's a worry. So I've been doing moderate exercise and we'll build a tolerance. Like training sleep. So 8 to 10 hours a night and a regular sleep schedule with that obviously managing. My hormone levels has been huge and that comes with food and that comes with the Sleep management and the exercise during the day. So exercising early in the morning rising early going to bed earlier. And then linking that in with the foods has been big. There's a few other aspects to it obviously finding the right people to work with and learn from having the right supplement program and stuff like that in terms of the pre and probiotics and and vitamins and minerals and those things but everything I've done has been to decrease that information because in the western medicine way or the conventional medicine that we know The doctors are specialists in one area. So for me my are he's obviously gastroenterology, which is basically looking at the GI tract where the food goes through your intestines and all of that that's their one area of expertise. If I then go to them and start talking about how food affects that that's not their area of study if I then go to a dietitian that's a that's specializing in the gastro side of things and talk about psychology. That's not their area if I go to the psychologist and talk about Exercise that's not their area. So you although we talked about having like a team, you've got five people that know their five areas, but none of them know how they integrate and that's been a big part of my learning process. Not many. Yeah, not many exactly you when you find the right teams in the right people that have the same vision then you can get that and that's for me. I wasn't fortunate to begin with to have that and I've been able to slowly piece the puzzle together to find that so it all matters. Oh, absolutely because it It always in together and that's why having something like the holistic Hub where you have different practitioners that are all with a holistic approach with the name. Axalta holistic Hub comes in, you know that you're working with people that want to do things to get to the bottom of the issue the root cause because to like that's what I was saying is all of those five Specialists will Band-Aid you and fix you in their area. My autoimmune condition my damaged cells weren't caused by one thing. They were caused by a multitude of things that built up over time. That's how all disease works for someone to devour. This is massive for someone to develop cancer. A lot of people say like, oh, they've got the breast cancer Gene. That's one of 13. For example, Domino's it need to be stacked side by side for them to actually get breast cancer just because they have one doesn't mean they get it. They've got to have all of these. Things aligned for it to all topple over. So the people that go I'll change my diet. Brilliant. How's your psychology? Has you sleep as your exercise? How you relationships? You've got to look at those or how your hormone levels so it's that integration and that's why I say this Journeys happen for a reason because before I was all about sports performance, and I was looking at it at sets and Reps and things like that. But if I have an athlete that has a terrible diet that's not sleeping much and I compared them with the same training volume or training amount to someone that has a good diet and sleep Square the guy that has a good diet. And so he's well he's going to have less inflammation and thus will Have a better make sure that they're going to get a better response. You can do side by side the exact same training one guy will get a better response than the other and it just comes down to those two things there. So a part of my purpose is now moving from guess we'll still do the coaching side of things, but I want to then open that up for people to be able to learn the integration on a platform where they can get all of the info in together. So I was very fortunate to read a very powerful. It's a basically like a university textbook and I commended for everyone the title to me woeful because it's called The Paleo Approach which immediately people got to pay their book, but when you get into it, it's all about inflammation and everything to cause information. It's about a lifestyle and I read that thing cover to cover 360 pages with a highlighter took me like three months but everything I noted down when into my encyclopedias, so I want to be able to take that information and all of the information I've hands-on experience and the things that I've been Researching and picking apart and bring that into a platform where people don't have to do six months of research. Like I did they can come to this platform that or come to these people like at the Hub where they can get all of it in one area because that's probably the biggest challenge for so many people whether it be athletes whether it be parents whether it be people with conditions is that They find one piece of info but they don't get the whole lot. And it's it's like needing five sets of keys for five padlocks. You can't have one key that fits and does it all and that's been a big part of the process because that's something that I realized. I didn't know before. and I will say for everyone that's listening that You were a massive massive influence on that one of the catalytic factors that caused me to look into the food more especially and then the other one of the other people that are very much within your circle or two people. Actually. I might mention that all within your circle that help me with this process One Was Keegan Smith from real movement because I was the theoretical Guy taught at Uni was all about like books and information so I could teach the shit out of anything theoretically and know But I wasn't hands on like I wasn't looking massive jacked in the gym. Where is Keegan did it all hands on he was in the trenches so to speak and I looked at him and I said, what do I not have the keys has because I looked up to him in that sense. I said he experienced the stuff. So when all of this happened I would like time stepping away from work. I'm going 100% on the experience. Hence why I've done the past and of course as I've just gone meditation journaling reading for this time, because I'm really embody the message experience. That's where the Stop. Yeah knowledge is useless if you're not using it apply. Yeah, so that was huge and then Adam Cavanaugh. He's been on the road and I've seen what he's done on the road. So he was another person that that channel towards me that I saw. Okay, that's that's cool. I like that idea. I want to do that quickly want to tap into and keeping it basic. You used to whatwhat's the shit that you used to eat because I know used to get excited about it. And this is probably very relevant relevant to a lot of people listening. What was good kind of shit that you ate like used to Gorge and have your day night and go hard like day/night like the the awesome date night back. Then was Betty's Burgers like we go and get a bed is classic. We get the shake and the concrete the fries whatever that was it or like another next week. It might be Two large pizzas with the soft drink the garlic bread. Then that was like your Dells you treat right? Exactly exactly cheating on Wednesday night day night. Yes. I was actually not the other days. We ate pretty well and when I say pretty well looking at it looking back out and now we did steer pretty clear quite closely with things in terms of with in terms of the whole food side of it, but it was more so not getting food from the markets initially and then we made that switch. But how much how much damage do you think that one cheat night? Does we I can say from not even from like how much do I think how much do I know from hands-on experience when I was in hospital and I've been eating very very strictly the way I have been for the last period of time and I felt normal all of those days when I was in there and I was recommended that I needed to have more calories for everyone. I'm saying that in quotas like basically just get the calories in we all know what that means. People are just eat what you've got away. They wanted me to try jelly. They wanted me to try to gluten-free bread and Natalie. if some people go unless we go oh that's great look into not elect more trust me and I had those three things and literally within not even an hour I had bloating stomach pains and I had started having these huge massive cravings for sugar I hadn't had added sugar or processed food in months and when I had this jelly it was just like bang boom all of the bacterium I got that I've been craving sugar That's been killing off for so long starving them. It was just like they all got reignite it and literally that night I was laying in bed and I was like, I don't feel like anything you said sugar, but what can I get from the hospital that because I couldn't have dairy. I don't have dairy either and I said literally said to the nurse, please bring me two pieces of gluten-free bread some that elects and sugar. I'm a fairy bread because I was told I needed to get my calories. I hate that within the next 45 minutes. I was on the toilet. Toilet in crippling pain. I had sweat I literally fell asleep on the toilet. I went into this huge higher had the shakes the sweat stomach pains and then I fell asleep on the toilet like you could say like passed out. I woke up afterwards still sweating sitting on the toilet and I had stomach pain all night two days later The dietitian came back and she was like, how did you go? I was like, well, let's talk because before that I'd said all of this info that I'd been applying and it was only anecdote. So for those that might be new order this kind of Basically anecdote just means it's he experienced like we eat different foods and we feel good that's called anecdote. So it's not shown in a scientific experiment or a scientific study that it's working 100% stake you feel it's like it's like giving a result on what you feel exactly versus like strict data on what happened. Yeah, and I said we've spoken about anecdote and and all of that before and these people wanted to refute the what I was doing was worth it. They said like look, it can't have that much of an effect. And then when they came in I said you want your own hearing about effect. Let me tell you so I told them that story and they said they literally were like if you want to go back to doing what you're doing. That's fine. I was like no I most certainly will thank you very much. And then I got mom and my sister to keep bringing me back the food. They will bring you in before so I can say from hands-on experience that one cheat meal. You have that one day. Will you go off you're literally putting sand in the petrol tank. You will literally just But there's that saying that like you ready to feeding your body, you're killing your body you we truly are and I used to think that was kind of like I used to you know, how I was that's an exaggeration. I can't be that serious until I experienced it in hospital and I was like, I'm going to swear it's all right, huh, that's for that's a fine. But that's bullshit that we can have people out there that are going to say like doesn't have enough of effect when that nearly ruined me in hospital that like I was a mentally a mess the next day to like if you speak to my And we that were with me I had ridiculous Brian folk. I couldn't like I was struggling with conversations because my body hadn't had it for so long because it's literally like putting water in your fuel tank and it's affecting your cart around. Normally. It's not going to happen. So for anyone that's out there. It's kind of been on the fence about the food side of things from firsthand experience that meal that you're thinking it might be. All right, it's not worth it. Do you get excited for like a good nutritious whole food like a good grasp? Fed, steak and some quality organic veggies and your cooked well or you know a cheat meal like a big go out and get a big ice cream or something. Like what makes you more excited now Health fuel my body for performance and to Big switch with people because they don't understand that like the damage when you eat shit. Basically, you're actually tearing holes in your guts like and we won't go into the side. So it's such a deep hole, but you're at the literally bashing your guts. And the reason you don't feel the full effect is Your gut isn't that that detrimental stage yet, but you don't want to get it to there. So the sooner you can realize that whole food nutritious like dense quality organic food is actually fueling you helping your body instead of hindering it. You just get excited for to eat good I get so Juiced up on my grass fed steak and some nice veggies. I remember this coming up in Connors episode you guys talkin about Foo. Yeah what I want to love it. I want everyone at home to picture this for a moment. Even if you've got a close your eyes. All I want you to picture he's or even just look at your arms right now your forearms and your hands now see what they look like. Imagine that you've just eaten what I used to have as a cheat meal. You've had your milkshake and you've had your burger and your chips. You're going too fast food. Now imagine you're looking at your arms and you've taken in that food and then all of a sudden of the next day 15 minutes your arms literally starts like the skin starts to peel off and you start to blister. And then let's say you do this for a couple of days and those blisters and start to become like ulcers bloody ulcers. Now, you're looking around you these bloodied ulcers all over your arms. Let's say it becomes a couple of months. Now your arms are red raw bleeding. If you were to see that and have to look at that every single day, you'd be like I'm not going to eat this anymore. That's a because that's that only in the using the arms because you can see it right now. Imagine your whole body being bloodied and ulcer dad. And you could see that imagine what you would want to go out in public. You wouldn't want to be seen I value it. Imagine if your feel like just imagine your face the skin just peeling off and it's just blood and mucus. That's what your gut is. Like if you get to that point and that's what's happening. Why you have step gloating got it pains, you know cramping. What do you think? It comes from constipation diarrhea, if that stuff happening if you're farting after meals that is your gut telling you like this is not good. Yeah, there's something not right here. Exactly. And that's when you when you can see it on your outside of your body people make a change immediately you get ahead of acne. First thing people are doing is getting that change. Someone starts have a stomach issue that I can. It's all right. Yeah, you need to realize what all as a heads up because autoimmune conditions are one of the most graphically growing areas of concern in the world today. All autoimmune conditions have been found to be linked with a leaky gut. So a leaky gut is is when you basically your gut like all rights downwards in your gut. Yeah, it allows things through where the immune system can then start to fire their little guns and try to kill things that's been the foundational base for all autoimmune conditions. Is that At the gut level because 80% of your immune system is in your gut in your intestines on the outside of it. So you start breaking that down and you're just allowing it to a war to start you're asking for it to happen. So if you can realize that when someone comes to me and says I've started having these symptoms I go. I try not to I don't want to scare them but they need to know I'm like be fucking careful because if you're having those diarrhea that constipation those stomach issues. Let's say you're a young athlete and you want to be a professional if I wanted to be a professional athlete and I On to what I've gone no chance. So if you're a young athlete and you want to chase your goals eat, well, not only because it's going to feel your body right because he could stop from you from ending your career. Those are UFC fighter very high level. He had ulcerative colitis. He had to stop competing in the USC because of it because he didn't eat well didn't look after himself before and added up I think about that scene up on the outside and he said yeah, that's his whole career. Yeah. It's a massive part and like if you need help reach out obviously to either yourself. And you can direct people or reach out to us exult o holistic Hub. We're happy to help. This is why we do what we do and we're keen to educate people on a better level. I want to dive deep into obviously the probably the biggest talking point for us to with our Journeys at the moment is meditation for a lot and I'm for a lot of young people and it just be kind of like we were all things that we had Yogi's do or monks. Like let's talk about meditation. For the modern world look at the most successful people in the world and just ask them. What are your daily habits? Whether they're the highest level athlete Tom Brady Tiger Woods, so on and so forth. You could think of in an RL people like that Union. Just ask them what their habits are in for those that are adults that are listening to this. Look at the most successful business people. What are they almost all have in common they meditate? They might have Del have different forms of meditation to what suits them but they all meditate they will have a mindfulness practice and it's been the most powerful thing that I've ever been gifted and I say gifted because it's been given to me as a tool and I can either use it or I can dispose of it and I sure as hell know what I'm going to do. It's my super power now. so how do you explain meditation to someone who's like just thinks it's like a weird thing or they can't do it like Imagine being able to control your brain. With whatever happens whatever happens in the day, if you're about to get angry, if you're about to get upset. If you're about to forget something imagine being able to control that like having a super power over your own mind having a super power over your behavior. That's what it is. It's just there's only one way to practice it and that's it's the same thing as getting a jacket body. What do you do? You've got to practice training. You've got to train the same thing with the mind you've got to train it. I like a quote. I heard the other half can't reference it right now forgotten soft top of my head. They explained that as humans, you know, we're so focused on cleaning cleaning the dishes after we eat cleaning the house cleaning the toilet cleaning a car, but we're not actually taking the time to clean our minds our unconscious minds and it gets dirty. We've all felt what a dirty mind. This to Daddy - yeah, what like a harsh mind or a negative mind feels like and that's because we're not cleaning it and we're not keeping it, you know positive and clear and and having that Clarity of mind and meditation is a gateway to really clean your unconscious mind and allow your conscious mind to function the way you want it to absolutely and that's its you're literally training the unconscious mind to become conscious in a way. So we talked about that. Iceberg so 90% 95% of our mind is unconscious 5 to 10% He's conscious. I believe that through meditation. We are taking that Iceberg and starting to flip it and become so conscious is just another word for a we're mindful is just another word for awareness. So what your conscious of your aware of what your unconscious of you're not aware of so the more you meditate the more aware you've become of everything because you're more mindful you're more present. Actually just flipping now. So, you know everything that's everything that you're doing. Whereas before it became. It was just it happened. Now, you know, the one thing that and I said this earlier in the podcast is because my journey has been so deep and so intensive like I haven't done anything except meditate and journal and read on these areas for the last few months. It's been so deep that I've almost. it's hard to relate to people that were saying let's say like work in their day-to-day and then they go and do say a meditative sitting like for me to have that understanding is very different it but again, it's like having the knowledge and then forgetting that the abundance of lack of knowledge, but For the day-to-day it enables you to. To calm down to calm your mind and to quieten it. Like I said, I used to sit go to do a 10-minute meditative sitting and I get four minutes through and I'd be freaking out like I don't have time for this and now I feel like 30 minutes. I'm like, I need to I want to go for longer. I can need to go for more. So what I say, you should meditate for 10 minutes a day. And if you don't have time to meditate 10 minutes a day, you should meditate for an hour. Yeah good more excuses. You create that you don't have time. You need to meditate long yet more. Yeah Dad's is like a saying by the border. You can't meditate for 10 minutes. You made men died 20 yet double whatever you think so. What else what would you like the guys to know like it's a deep deep rabbit hole, but whatever you want to talk about. Whatever I can give them. I will yeah, I think it's stuck. How much is it helped you because because people and this actually probably what's probably more relevant is the challenges of meditation the challenges of actually learning to sit still in our world our modern society, which is so time for and so instantly gratified and fast, what are the challenges that you've gone through to actually learn Stillness putting yourself first, absolutely and valuing it because everything we do comes down to our values. So so many people are believe that they've got to work hard and not stop to get to where they want to go. But for everyone that's at home happy for you to pause it for a moment. Take a moment to reflect on how hard you're working. You deserve where you're going. Do you actually know exactly where you're going? Most people are just going there just got a shotgun in there shooting. They don't actually know what they're aiming for. It's being able to it gives you the chance to slow down to step back and go what do I want? So that happened from meditation. And it causes meditation as well. So it's a two-fold effect. The challenge to begin with before I did the courses was making time for but that just comes down to our habits. So set a habit to do it first thing in the morning just set your alarm five minutes earlier one minute earlier. Just do one minute, which means going to sleep. Yeah bit earlier. Yeah, so and you don't have to think I can in to sit down cross-legged have my hands in my lap literally and this is the most I would say the most powerful gift. I received from my second meditation teacher Richard he's been teaching meditation in vipassana courses for like over 40 years now and he said to me at the end of the course. Just keep up your practice and I thought he meant sit down cross your legs meditate the past in the style, which is really really strict and disciplined. That's like the pure Buddhist monk style of meditation. So that the two courses that I've done in the most strict meditation you can do it's full-on but he just said keep up your practice. And I said, what do you mean like sitting down and doing it? He said when you pull up at like when you're at the stop lights take your awareness to the breath and just focus on feeling the breath coming in and out of your nose and the end of your breath when you He think about that when you're cooking food because I know you love food Todd because I was in the kinship constantly during the course. Think about the breath when you're listening to a podcast. Think about the breath, whatever you're doing whenever you've got a moment of Stillness rather than like when you're waiting in line to get food, you're not waiting be present take your attention to the breath and that made it simple and made it bite sizable and chunk a ball and we were just talking about earlier. We don't need to think of going to the elite level and me. Immediately you start at the basics and then you bite sized chunks and go up. So it Master is like 10,000 hours. Yeah, but don't think about the 10,000 hours. Like we've been saying don't think about the future start with the one second right now. I think that's what I my journey with meditation has been it actually doesn't matter whether it's 1 minute in the morning or whether it's 30 or an hour. I've done, you know, one minute all the way out to the end. The longest said I did was an hour and a half. It doesn't actually matter that could just because you can see right now half doesn't mean shit what actually matters is that you can just be in the present moment and like we're talking about like for people who think they can't meditate meditating is literally like if you were listening to this it being aware that you can pull air into your body and feel it and then you can feel it. Go out and if you can put a few link three or four breaths 10 breaths, 3050 breaths, whatever if you can just be aware of stopping and being conscious of present moment movement of Stillness that's meditation and that hadza adds a whole level of performance to your life of Tranquility of experience of being like fuck. I'm in the moment. And when you are in the moment, you can enjoy life so much more. That's the full life full circle talking about earlier. That's how you live. A full life is just being present the present moment. Yeah living to the fullest isn't get achieving your goals and doing this and you know going hard and having the sickest day tomorrow living the fullest life is pulling everything out of right this second like this this conversation looking around looking at the colors of the green trees the Blues. Guy listening to the birds smelling the are feeling your fingers you like just connecting with the present moment and how much gratitude we have for our lives. That's that's the fucking fullest that you can get. You literally you are the fullest moment exactly. Exactly. And no matter what else you have. Nothing can compare to that. If it was a book that I could recommend for people to read. It is actually there's two there's two go for it. Untethered soul is first and the Power of Now is second The Power of Now gets really deep really really deep and you need to be ready for it. I've spoken to a bunch of people now that have started they haven't gotten through the book because it was so deep. That's why I say power other Power of Now second after untethered soul, but they will take you on a journey where you're now you'll get to a point once you've been through those books where you know, what you and I are talking about at that experiential level. You'll know exactly how it feels. So meditation is is gifting you the ability to experience things fully to be happy because we all chase this happiness and being happy. Where does the word happy actually come from happening that the root of it comes from happening. What is happening the present moment so being happy is actually being present only found that out recently. That's cool. I like that. Yeah, so that's been the biggest gift of it all and is it no matter what age you're at if you're nine years old and you're listening. Into this right now, which I know they will be from from your tribe start meditating. I had my nephew he's four years old. I had to meditate for five minutes when I was down in vic last time I got into do for passed in the meditation, which is Advanced up kids are good at it. Yeah. It's like they can sit you just tell them it's to Carmine. It's crazy imagination. Yeah, I think about the tree like look at the trees and think about like kids don't have those limitations. It's adults who I don't have the time or fucking around. I don't got all this going on and I can't my mind's you know, I'm all caught up. Just sit breathe be still if you could control if you could press pause on time every something in every time something big in life happens and you could weigh up what you're about to do and then make your decision. How much could you 10x 100x your life because you know that when a job opportunity comes up or client opportunity comes up or a sporting or training opportunity comes up. You can press pause and go deliberate. You might write a couple things down in that time we go. This is the best thing for me and then take that you could then control and respond to life rather than just react president. We've got a bug Beetle right now that's crawling all over JP some serious color in this thing. Take a moment to appreciate that. It's like that's what that's what life's about. It's like Ashley recognizing what life is for a run at home. Orange bright orange with these blue spots on his back. No super shiny. He looks like a Christmas decoration Aqua like this is orange yellow. He just flew onto my hand in that conversation. So good indication to Come into the present moment. That's why I wanted to stop his we've spoken about this recently was how we spoke about with curling and being able to be present during let's say presenting or being on the podcast and not I could have previously I could have seen that and just kept going but no experience this. So where I was was imagine you could press pause on life and you can make better decisions and you could take back the negatives and everything then becomes positive. It's like it's like a superpower you have this ability that will mean that you can 10x things. That's what awareness is. That's what mindfulness is. That is meditation. It's a superpower for the mind. Just start just literally just stop just stop actually stop and breathe. All right. I asked you guys for yourselves feel family for everyone around you. just stop and do one minute One minute a day breathing focusing on your nose. That's it. Just start their feel when you do it. Big breath in as you breathe out, relax your shoulders and all that all the tension of the muscles drop out of your body as it is a quick little fact for you guys. And it's all this is a physiology hack. You can only be in a fight or flight State when you have muscular tension in your body. You cannot be in a fight or flight State when you release all of the muscular tension. It's an automatic response dress stress State. Exactly. Yes Ari apologies. So when you're stressed you clench you get into a position that gets tight shoulders are tight. So by doing a deep breath because I was always Take a deep breath that overlaps you and I was doing that. It's not fucking Margate because I'm still Contracting and then I found out big breath in relax the tension out of your muscles and it was just like the anger all the frustration all the way just rush off dissolves. Yes activities deep breath and relax the muscles just allow the tension to dissipate and everything will change the worries will go to go away. The anger will go away. The frustration will go away your resentment for people will just disappear and positive things will start flowing into your head. It's a superpower. I want everyone on this planet to be able to do it Cam that did the last course with me. He was going into it so skeptical because what am I doing? I'm going like some coltie. He's so weird strange. I've got to the end of it when we were talking. So obviously 10 days of Silence. We got to the end of that. So what was your experience? He's like I want everyone that I work with everyone. I know to do this. My girlfriend's coming to the next course with me. Straight away. It was his first response because it's so powerful and that's what I want people to be able to experience those intensive courses, but to just stop and start something small just started the Baseline one minute just feel if it works. Well, keep going. It's not your jam. Try it a few more times. Don't give up on the first guy. Just keep going. Experience it the first thing they said on the first night of my first meditation course, and that's what I bought in hard. They said do not believe What you read? Do not believe what you are told by Family. Do not believe what you are told by teachers. Do not believe what you are told you during this course believe only what you experience firsthand. And I knew that I was in the right place because it was a bad experience and I was like because they the next thing that was said and this is by Michael Frazier. He's an incredible man. It was my first teacher. He said treat this course like a scientific experiment. We remove all the variables. That's where there's no technology. There's no phones no watches no laptops. No talking. No exercise no journaling. No reading. Nothing for 10 days. You eat you sleep in your meditate. He said we remove all the variables. So all you focus on is the one thing you can change and that's your Tation if this works for you and you feel incredible the end of the ten days like your life is transformed. You have a profound impact its work for you. You can continue for didn't so bad every single person that gets to the end of the course is like, holy shit. I've just realised the Matrix. I know the code of cracked the code. And that happens but you just start by experiencing and just step one. It's one minute. I guarantee if you stick it that and you just make it a goal to just do a little bit and you just keep at it with some persistence. What's possible? Hmm, so I've been a lot of juice in this podcast. last thing question What advice would you give the younger Todd? If you have a chat with younger Todd and just pulling up and say hey champ, let's have it yarn. What would you tell yourself? Listen to your mom because and I say that with sincerity would be the biggest thing is because mum told me from a young age hate balance. She literally said it to me for years. You need to find balance chill out a bit more balance this balance at I was like, fuck your balance like balances for me. Yoga like balances for average. I thought balance was 0 0 on both sides. So if I could go back it would be too. listen to Mom in having that balance in the sense of Enjoying what's happening now while going hard because that's I know my life is going to be incredible and I'm going to in create incredible things for a lot of people but I'm going to enjoy the whole process of doing it every step of the way if I could go back it would be go hard as hard as you physically can work 100% But then rest 100% relax 100% because you've earned it. Absolutely. So yeah, that's it 100% work 100% relax 100% or play as you going to say that work hard and play hard now. I want to switch off. An inspiring man, this is Jared. I'm grateful to be a part of your family to know you Nicola the exult O tribe and everyone within thank you very much for having me and chatting today and for your influence on my journey and my life. I wouldn't be where I am or who I am today without you. So thank you. None of us would be as well. We're all here for each other. Thank you, brother. I love you. I love you too, big dog. Who man and now how can people get in contact with you find you follow you at coach Jarrett on Instagram and Coach Jerod on Facebook for now. And if you did want to shoot me a message do so. I would say by Instagram or via email. If you want to chat more on a more like a deeper level Todd at TJ T dot company and I would say in the next few months. We're Going to have and we'll chat about this the holistic health platform will be launched and release which will be huge and that's that's my passion. And that's my fuel for the future is being able to give people that you got a heap of experience. Oh man. Yeah it is and that's it experience. Yeah, Dad to all that theory and sad inside the brain. Oh, yeah, very good. Thank you all for listening. It's been it's been so good to sit down. And actually get our first podcast done together and super excited for what's to come in the future and keep watching you grow. Keep watching being in the present moment with you. Thank you, bro. I appreciate it. Thank you very much. Let's get it. Thank you. See you later.
The Exalto Experience hosted by Jordan Potts, the Founder and Owner of Exalto Holistic Hub. Episode 3 is a conversation with one of Exalto’s own, Todd Jarratt. Todd is an exceptional young man, an incredible coach and a big part of Exalto. Many challenges were faced in 2019 on Todd's journey and we know that he is going to make a huge impact in wherever he puts his energy. In the episode Todd and Jordan discuss the challenges and growth that has come from a big, scary, mind blowing year in 2019. Deadly health risks, mental adveristy, personal and professional growth has all been on the cards for Todd in 2019 and he has certainly stepped up to the plate, or in this case sat down and found stillness. Todd this year found the power of meditation and it's healing and progressive benefits on the mind, body and soul. This episode is a great insight into what it takes to create deep change in your life and Todd now embodies the message that he so strongly believes is best for him. If you want to connect and reach out to Todd you can message him on Instagram @coachjarratt. Send him a message and let him know your biggest takeaways from what he has shared. As always we grateful for you investing your time to listen to another episode of the Exalto Experience. Much love, thank you.
Welcome to heekin in Animal Crossing podcast your podcast dedicated to all things Animal Crossing episode. 111 is brought to you by Kristen Crabtree one of our newest patreon patrons today Sergio and I are answering the weekly questions for the 100-day countdown and we're taking a look back at the year as well as making some New Year's resolutions, so to begin Hello Sergio. How you doing? Hi Chuy. I'm doing pretty awesome. It's a little disappointing not to be with you directly this time around. I know we do what we can right. Yeah, it was so much easier doing the audits not gonna lie when we were both in the same room recording together. Yeah. Yeah, but yeah. No, this is the last day of the year the last day of the decade. It's going to be it's pretty crazy. Yeah, it's pretty crazy that it's come so fast. Because like right now we're going to be answering essentially questions from day 86 through 80 on this weight and it is insane to me that we're only 80 days away from this game. Yeah for us. It's 82 because we're recording to that days ahead of time but like 20 days already going by that is so fast. Yeah. Yeah and you know the holidays the end of the year end of the decade and Pokemon for me soon all of these. See things like they just make time go faster. And that's a good thing. We kind of it just goes so fast. I was going to say we forget but now we don't we're still counting every day, but he just goes really quickly and that's awesome. Yeah, it is going really quickly. And today I felt like it went really fast because you you got a new Xbox One X. Yes. Oh you gifted me your old Xbox and I've spent my morning like setting it up and playing Viva Piñata. All right, which it's so It's so good. I love it. But yeah, I am pretty excited. There's so much stuff coming up that is going to you know, take up a lot of time and really make this go really quickly and especially because like we're going to start getting news any day now like I've already called Nintendo out in my head. I'm just like rip January 1st. I better see some Animal Crossing news or else so so yeah, it's I'm hoping that it's coming. Really soon and I'm hoping that we can just get through this weight and start playing the game. Yes. Yep. Yep. So, yeah, let's actually get into this countdown a little bit and go over the week's question. So like I said, we're doing day 86 through 80 on this countdown. So if you all have been following along in the Discord and social media and everything, I've been looking through everybody's answers and it's really cool to see so many people still just like keeping up. In doing this countdown with us, so it's really awesome. Yeah, definitely, you know, I checked them out on Twitter and on disk or two and there's so many people really really engaging this countdown. It's making it a lot of fun. It's making the time go faster seeing all this awesome answers for sure. Yeah. I'm so happy to see so many people like, you know, just having some fun while we wait. It's like, you know, we've been waiting for this for a long time and we might as well just enjoy the last few days we have without this game before we enjoy A all the gate days we have with the game exactly. Yeah, like once this thing exists like it's going to exist forever. Yeah, she's really nice. Alright. So the first question for day 86 was have you already named your town and Sergio? I'm really wondering. What are you calling your town? You know what I discussed in a previous episode that I was thinking about naming it at Anna which is Spanish for sand which makes a lot of sense for an island. So I'm Very tempted but you know, if you type out a Dana some people might read it as Arena and I cannot don't want to be correcting people. I know it sounds a little picky but it's a Dana, you know, so I think because of that I think I'm still gonna stick with my data which is nice and easy classic. It's it reminds me of my great times in your life. So most likely I'm gonna keep my data. Yeah. Yeah, I think you know, it's hard to go away from that after like at least a town named once you've loved living there and yang but at the same time it's like oh if I could move anywhere, where would I move to yeah, and so you could just pick somewhere new and exciting. So it is, you know, it's really up to you what you want to name it. So, yeah, I don't really know what I'm gonna call my town quite yet. I'm just kidding. I totally know it's gonna be hey, can I guess I guess I'll go with haken. Yeah, I guess for those who don't know. Of the background on haken. I kind of I got hit with that question from Rover where he was like, so what town are you going to and for me? It just like clicked right away that I was like, oh I'm naming where I'm going to and he's probably going to say cool. That's a cool place or something. Yeah, so I knew what was coming like I could see it coming from a mile away. And I was like, oh man, this is big question. I didn't even think about it because you know, like naming giving him. My name was easy enough. I was like, oh, yeah. Mm chewy, yes, you know and so I think that was also a really good set up to be like, oh you're also going to be naming your town because you know at first like if he went with if you answered your name or whatever and they're like, oh no your name is this you could be like Oh, I'm not going to name anything. I guess it's yes renamed but no like I let's you name yourself and then you're like, oh, okay. I can name my town now. But yeah, I was sitting around where you threw around some names we threw our On there, but it was nine characters and we're like, oh, it doesn't fit. Well, we'll pick another one and So eventually hey can just popped in my head and we all liked the sound of it and we went with it. So yeah, it was a and it's been stuck with me ever since funny enough for this countdown as well. I originally posted a countdown for New Leaf back in the day and it was a 100-day countdown and I did it on my Tumblr blog which Was called hakken town and Nina when she brought up the countdown for this. She was like wait was this you and I was like, yeah, that was my countdown from ages ago. So yeah, lots of fun things attached to hey can now for me so it feels like I'm going home when I named my place that yeah, I I mean in a good way you're stuck with it, but you want to be stuck with it and I feel like yeah, I do. I it's just like, you know, it just becomes a part of The identity of your playthrough and the identity of your time in the game. So yeah, it made sense to stick with it. Yeah nice and you know, it's funny that we're sticking with short words because we still don't know if there's going to be more than 8 characters. We're hopeful but I feel like at this point. I mean, I'm hoping they can still talk about it. It's still fairly early on for Nintendo to announce they so that people can start planning their names. Yeah. Yeah, and I'm sure Sure, if people are thinking about it. They're like, all right, here's my more characters than a game if I can do it. Yeah, here's my less characters. If I can't. Yeah, you kind of have to think of a back-up at this point to if that's what you're hoping for. Yeah. Yeah cool. So the next question for day 85 was draw us your go-to outfit and I am 1 4 3 now with these drawings because last week I didn't have one. leaving out of town and since I was still out of town, I didn't draw one but somebody actually has drawn my outfit for this one and it appears in the first official haken artwork that we got and this was a piece from Citrus Lucy and it was an Autumn themed piece and it was yeah the first I guess time we ever had art for the show, which it took us long enough, but but it was really nice to have it but I will say I guess the name of the clothing items that I do where are the folk shirt, which is kind of like a red sweater e looking shirt with some nice like festive designs kind of going on and then I also like to wear the patched knee pants. So these have the these are the pants would just like some red patches on the kneecap. So I love those pants. I love that sweater. It's just my go-to outfit. I am wearing it right now in Pocket Camp. So oh nice. Yeah. I am glad that both of those items were there because I was like, yeah, this is just what I like. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So what about you Sergio? Well, you know for me honestly, it's not exactly an outfit. I kind of I kind of call it a style and you know, it's always my thick glasses that thick frames that the game calls it and then just any t-shirt basically usually a dark color T-shirt and a pair of shorts and Barefoot, you know, that's my style in real life in In Animal Crossing sometimes I do wear a long sleeve shirt, if just to change things up but never pants. I actually I was remembering that I wore pants in Animal Crossing just that one time. I had a pretend date with someone so, you know, I got a little more formal than usual. But but yeah, that was that was pretty much it. I had to buy shoes for that too because as soon as I got the pair of shoes that you get in the beginning I sold them right away because I wasn't going to use them. Yeah, you don't need them. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I do like that you have your outfit here for me to look at and yeah, I mean that's how you go. Yeah. Yeah, and I guess I have a question for all of you. If you are listening anywhere tweet at us that your answer or something or leave a comment on YouTube whatever you're listening, but I guess do you tend to dress your character up as yourself or do you'd like to go and you know kind of or other styles and things while you're playing the game because I feel like I definitely go along the lines of dressing up more like how I would actually dress in real life, you know. Oh nice. Yeah, and I feel like you do to Sergio. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So yeah, let us know are you dressing up like yourself or do you like to explore a little bit and maybe that's a question later on that? I don't remember but for now, you know, let us know. Yeah, that's a really good point because I feel really connected. It to my character in the game even struggle seen my character because it's me, you know, it's me in Animal Crossing. So it's fun to just be yourself there and I can I guess that's why we don't really change our hair color or where things that we normally wouldn't and I think that's a very beautiful and amazing thing in Animal Crossing because we get so connected to ourselves in the game. Not a lot of games allow you to be customize your character, but I feel like Animal Crossing makes it very connected. Yeah. Yeah, and you know we talked about this a little bit with the Pokémon stuff last week to wear. You know, like I like seeing people going out and using the different hair colors and everything, but I don't seem to do that myself. Yeah. I just kind of keep doing my own thing where I just look like me nice. Yeah. So yeah. No, it's true. Like you become attached to your identity. Yeah, it's pretty it's special today. 84. The question was your all-time best friend favorite villager and I'm Gonna Let You Go first Sergio because I had trouble with this one for sure. I used to have trouble with this one actually know what I'm saying is that I used to be Alfonso all the time, but very recently I changed it because remembering how Alfonso left me again. We don't know all the details, but I know somebody that has not left me so So far in that is my girl Hazel Hazel in her unibrow. They are my best friends. Yeah. Yeah, I definitely I see that with you too. I remember when I posted a video using your kind of game file you're looking and you're like, yes Hazel's. Yeah. So yeah, you know something to worry about like whether your villagers going to move out or not. But yeah, I'm glad she hasn't left yet. She has been here and she has been with us for a while. Or yeah, go for it. Oh, yeah. No, I just saying that she has been there, you know through the good times the bad times and she stuck around. So for sure Hazel, you're my girl. Yeah, that's awesome. So yeah for me, I guess I had to think about it for a while because I wasn't quite sure but like I mostly thought about it in the sense of like, alright, let's go back to New Leaf and kind of see how my playthrough went with that and I think the character that was like really stuck it out. He wasn't an original in my town or thing you moved in a lot later in my gameplay, but he definitely like made an impression and stuck around and everything but Rudy the cat one of the few tests that you actually recognize but yeah, essentially like I talk to Rudy a lot and he'd always show up in my place and he'd always be hanging out and Yeah, he was just like a regular character that I ran into so Rudy and I we have, you know, a close friendship and I feel like he's just one of Of those Staples to my playthrough of newly, you know, guys, that's so cool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's a good friend. I mean you became one who like I logged in on my birthday and he was the one who greeted me and threw the party and everything. So awesome. It was you know is a clear choice, I think yeah. Yeah. Yeah so number 83. What is your favorite flower? And I have a funny answer for this one because if anybody watched some of my Videos during kind of the goodbye New Leaf era of me playing Animal Crossing all there was there was a video where I was just like going through and destroying all the flowers that were yeah and people are wondering what I was doing. And so essentially my favorite flower is just all the red flowers any flower that's red. Those are the ones I want in my town. Let me guess. Let me guess. It's probably because of the contrast with the green Yeah, I mean it does look good. But I also just really like red too. So, oh nice it made sense to to you know, just have red flowers be my favorite cool. Cool. That's nice. Yeah. So what was yours? So for me, it's the purple roses. They really stay in IT stand out to me, you know the kind of ball looking they look nice and vibrant. They go well with the green they look nice in the winter also. So yeah, the the purple roses that kind of special. Yeah. Those are those are cool, too. And you know, that's one of the flowers that you just have to get them through Reading getting hybrids. And so it takes some work to get all those flowers the red flowers for me are just really easy to get yeah. Yeah, pretty base basic, you know. Yeah so number 82 or day t to the question was your favorite doctor shrunk and motion. What was yours Sergio - curiosity because it killed a cat no, no. It isn't getting it's because I really like the way that question mark comes up and your character looks like confused but also questioning like you can interpret it in many different ways. So curiosity stands out to me the most. Yeah, that's a good one. Yeah. I don't remember the name of mine. Maybe you do but it's the leaf blowing emotion and where those little leaf goes there. Is it like indifference or I don't remember? No, but I I know each one and then it has a little sound effect to yeah, the little wind blowing sound perfect. So yeah, that one's mine just because I love the leaf. It is the new Leaf in relief. That's what they named after just an emotion. So the new Leaf emotion, that's what it's called. Nice cool day 81 gyroid, 's creepy or cute. What do you think Sergio? I think the creepy when you think about about it. So if you don't think about it, they're just cute. So that's what we did. We don't think about Creepy. Yeah, I put I well I don't know if the two are exclusive. I think they're both I think they're creepy and cute because I like I like creepy things. So I think they're cute. So yeah, I think both for sure. Yeah cool and then the last day is day 80 Today for everybody listening but this question is invent a new holiday and Sergio. I'm really excited to hear what you've invented for this one. So I'm thinking of something called music day. So everyone on your Island would be playing music outside and also in their homes, he could either be the same song or a different version of the same song and then the stores would also have music that is exclusive to that day. You know how some stores have Like most of them do or all of them but this time around on this day only they would be playing different unique music. So it would be pretty cool to visit all the store so you can hear all the new music and at 8 p.m. KK Slider and maybe a couple of other special characters or just regular villagers from your Island. They would all get together and throw a huge concert Outdoors at 8 p.m. So music day, this would be on August 24, which is a day after KK's birthday. So whenever It is, you know, August 24 music day. I think that would be pretty awesome. No, that is awesome. I love that especially because I'm still kind of like I would love to see just like more musicians kind of pop up in Animal Crossing. Yeah. Be kick a slider starting a band kind of thing, but it's actually like if he opens up his own shop and never venue or something, that'd be awesome. I think it'd be really cool to see like all the music in the game celebrated and everything and maybe he that would make Nintendo finally have some sort of concert like real a concert that we could attend and go to so yeah. Yeah, I need that. So my holiday, I'm calling it spring cleaning day and it's kind of I guess based off an existing holiday that it maybe I would like to return but essentially it's like cleaning out your place setting up things outside. And having your villagers come and buy things from you that you're getting rid of and then they could also do the same thing where they're like cleaning out some of the extra junk that they have met because I really want them one of the sad parts of playing previous Animal Crossing games. Is that like you start buying stuff from your villagers and then their house is empty and doesn't have anything. Yeah, and then you're like, oh man, I really want you to have stuff and so I want them to like have too much stuff in this one where they're like, oh, I have a lot of things maybe I should get rid of some and so, you know, they'll kind of do like a spring cleaning day and start selling things. Yeah. Yeah, and then they could also buy new things from you and you know, just give them more variety in their house. So that's what I would want it to be. Yeah, I think variety is good. I remember for a really long time Hazel didn't have a bed and she had a lot of closets in a lot of fish in her house. I don't know why. Yeah. Yeah and you want Little animals have a bed. Yeah sleep and where are they sleeping if they don't have that so I think it's worth getting you know. Yeah, and I really like that your your holiday is during the spring time. I feel like at least in real life where we are. There's not enough holidays around the spring, you know, we get a bunch towards the end of the year and at the beginning and then it's a while before the next one. So any spring holiday, definitely welcome. Yeah. Yeah, and I guess somehow I also made a kind of act because we came back and Echo we kind of want to do some cleaning to oh, yeah. So yeah, there's some extra clutter around and stuff we came back with some extra stuff and we're like, oh we gotta reevaluate what we have and you know get rid of things. So yeah, you kind of stuck in real life too. Oh, yeah. Yeah cool. So that's all of the days so far. I can't believe already 20 days down that is insanity. I can't believe how quickly it's going. We're only 80 days to go everybody till we get this game. That's crazy. Usually the countdowns that I'm a part of I kind of don't want to because they just make the wait longer but this one is working. This one is making the days fly by I don't know I don't get it. But I love it. Yeah, I love it, too. I'm really excited for how quickly this is going. Yeah cool. So let's actually go into our next topic which is recapping the year, and I guess I didn't write too much about it because Because unfortunately, we didn't get too much. I'll bring that up a little bit later as we go through our New Year's resolutions, but I guess this year it did, you know did end up being pretty big in the sense of like we finally got some huge reveals and everything but essentially like we went into this year 2019 thinking it's time for Animal Crossing to come out and I got the longest possible amount that we could wait for this game. Until December 31st 2019. Here we are. Yeah, December 31st 2019 and lo and behold we still have to wait 80 more days for this game. So, of course one of the biggest disappointments is the delay that we got but eventually, you know, we did at least get the reveal. So we got to see Animal Crossing New Horizons at E3 and again at the September direct and then just some random info drops here and there. There this past month. So yeah, I guess Sergio I guess how did you feel about this year about the news? We got about everything. I feel like it took a little longer than I wish it had it would have been nice to have a little bit more information maybe around March or April of this year of 2019. But I feel like once they hit they hit us with III and then we saw it again at the September direct and we've had you know the renders and some information from Nintendo of Go in Spain and a lot of different places except regular Nintendo, but I feel like we're getting information at a steady Pace. It could be more of course, but I feel like considering the we had nothing before this. I feel like Nintendo's doing a good job of getting the info out there whether it's officially or not, but the info is out there. So we're thankful for it. Yeah, and I will say like this is a lot more kind of already than we've gotten from Nintendo in the past like New Leaf news was very rare to come by it took a long time for them to talk about that game. And even when they did they just had like a Japanese only direct for the game and it took months before we even saw. Yeah in English, you know, like people were already playing the game and putting videos on YouTube and you could see stuff there, but you couldn't see stuff from Nintendo. It was really weird. It was lame. But now like, you know, we've gotten quite a bit a few videos is a lot better than at least the three years of news. We got four new Leaf, which is surprisingly slim. I think we saw the game about four times before, you know, it actually came out which now we've seen the game about four times if we break down all of those like random news updates along with the three videos. So yeah, we've gotten some stuff and it's pretty cool. Yeah in a pretty lengthy overview in the treehouse. Yeah, the Treehouse was definitely big like they gave us a lot of stuff that we didn't expect to get like that's where we got confirmation that there were going to be I guess different hemispheres for the times that you could pick. So yeah, there's plenty of good info there. But yeah, I guess outside of that because I ask you like what were your disappointments? Right? Well, I guess I kind of asked you what you thought about the year. Mmm, but I guess we're there any other things that disappointed you this year? Hmm, I guess I mean the delay for sure and it was unfortunate that when you saw everything Nintendo had plan for 2019. It was too much. I feel like a lot of us expected a delay. We didn't want it to be Animal Crossing of course, but I mean, that one was the one they chose and we can have to go with it. So other than that, not really a very big highlight for me. Me was Pokemon. I I forgot I didn't realize how much of a Pokemon fan. I was until I started playing sword and shield. It's been crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's awesome. Yeah, and I guess yeah, I didn't kind of want to move into what your favorite things for this year were because mine is definitely the whole reveal for New Horizons. I think overall like we haven't seen too much over the past, you know six months since we've seen it but from the things we've seen I'm just like this game is doing exactly what I wanted it to do because you know, like we've played every animal crossing game at this point at least both of us and you know, we've had four main line games that had kind of the same setup and experience with some differences here and there and I really like that this one feels fresh and a way that's like they're changing it and making it really different from before and I like that just because like I've had the Animal Crossing experience already like I want to do something different and something new. So this is It's Going the direction that I wanted it to go for a new Animal Crossing game. Yes. Yes. I definitely agree. It's very exciting in for newcomers as well. It's something different like, oh I see this is kind of different than maybe I'll give it a try this time. And that's that's awesome. You know, the more people that are playing this amazing game and experience. I think the better. Yeah. Yeah, and I think It'll be really cool to see like what both new players and old players think of this. So I'm really excited to see people's reactions to it and how the game actually plays out in the end. You know, Mmm Yeah. So yeah just like it's been a big year and unfortunately, it wasn't quite the year of Animal Crossing yet. But we have gotten confirmation from Nintendo. They did tweet out that March 20th 2020 is still the day. But the games coming out so it seems like there's no delay in sight at this point. Right looks it looks good. Hopefully fingers crossed. So I guess yeah, I wanted to know what your hopes were for the next year and kind of I guess 20 20 is going to be the year of Animal Crossing. Do you have any hopes that are bigger than a release or just you know, just to hopes in general. So yeah hopes in general. It's all revolving the release of New Horizons first. Foremost I really want intended to be very active about post-release support for the game. I want them to announce in to keep up with like a special events kind of like they do in Pocket camp, but make it for New Horizons, you know, keep new interesting events going on connectivity, maybe with pocket Camp either free items or plans for pay DLC or whatever they're planning. But I hope they're planning a lot of things in that it's very constant because animals Austin is one of those games or series that is very easy to keep feeding it and I feel like Nintendo could do a better job of that than they have in the past. I did I think they did a good job with new Leaf what I think they can do more. So I really want them to embrace it in New Horizons. Yeah. Yeah, I agree completely. I just want to see them take advantage of like the real-time aspect to it like updates as the years go that like match what the season is. Reading that's a such a cool thing to do for a game that works like Animal Crossing. So yeah, I would love to see that. Yeah for me. I just want I'm hoping that we get lots of news from here on out January first tomorrow. We need we need something and every single day up until the game comes out just drop just give us a bunch of things or if you don't, you know, at least hold a direct soon enough start pumping the game and making people aware that it's coming like it's a big game for Nintendo. Yeah, and it's one and I've made videos about this before but like Animal Crossing's one of those games that like really hits a different demographic different style of play that I just feel is unfortunately lacking on the switch. Thus far there have been more and more games as story of seasons has come out as more life Sims like stardew Valley and my time at Portia started to become more prevalent, you know, but overall, it's just like That Animal Crossing game to be part of that experience on the switch where I think the switch has done a really good job of like doing Platformers and just a bunch of games that appeal more to like core Gamers, you know, but it needs that like kind of relaxing fun. No stress game, you know, like the stakes are low and everything. So yeah, I think that's what animal crossing will bring to this for. Sure. Yes, definitely and you know, this is going to be the first major game for the switches fourth year. It's gonna get it. It's going to start its fourth year in March 3. So a couple like 15 days after that or a little more it's going to be the first major release and I think Nintendo should Capital capitalize on that. You know, this is our this is how we're kicking off. The switch is 40 year with a bang a big release. We going to Market this for everybody. It's not for casuals. It's for the The hardcore as well, this game is for everybody. And I think the marketing for the game should be very it should be big Nintendo should go all out with a marketing. Yeah, you're totally right and like I can't believe it took them until their fourth year to have an animal crossing game. Yeah. I mean, I guess we went the whole time without one which is, you know, like you're already this late into the switch. You completely skipped the last console like it took a long time to get this game out. Out and yeah, I don't know. I want to see you a game like that. Especially one from Nintendo. And yeah, it's insane to me that it took this long to get there. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. I also want like a dedicated direct. I want Animal Crossing Joy con. Just give us new Joy. Konchol seems like more and more Nintendo's going away from amiibo. Like we didn't really get any new amiibo for Luigi's Mansion Fire Emblem even Super Mario Maker, too. Like they're just wasn't I mean, I guess like Super Mario maker to didn't even Implement all of those amiibo costumes that were available. So like this past year felt more and more like they're getting away from that. They're not going toward amiibo anymore. But I'm like at least reprint the old ones make them available for people if they're going to be, you know usable within the game because now it's going to be it's so much harder to find the packs and everything. So yeah the the figures you can I'm find most of them still but really the packs of cards and everything. Those just don't pop up anymore. Yeah, I'm definitely hopefully they were nice enough to confirm that the amoeboid gonna work. So just keep the niceness going and you know, we print them and have them available, you know, at least in retail or maybe like in an online ordering service, but for all the countries that will be playing the game just some way for people to have access to them because if you're going to support Feature. You should people should be able to buy the cars that they would need. Yeah. Yeah, they should and unfortunately right now they can't so I'm hoping they will soon. Yeah, you know, I had another hope for Animal Crossing. This is going to be more towards the end of 2020, but I'm really I have a good feeling about this when I think Nintendo is gonna announce at least early details on the next Animal Crossing a spin-off and I really want them to To have it be very connected to New Horizons. What I'm thinking is it's going to be technically a spin-off you could play without playing your horizons, but I feel like if you play board games they're going to be connected like you could play the spin-off and you would get rewards for your Island in New Horizons. You could get items you could get Bales if you link basically your two games together, if that's the case. I'm thinking it's probably going to be a download game so that it's easier to connect to your to your Island, but I just want intended to start, you know, Like a roadmap for New Horizons and I think a good part of that would be spin-offs that are connected to it. Yeah, that's really cool. Yeah, I really wonder what they're going to do with spin-offs come this never come after New Horizons, you know, like we're going to be waiting for something new at some point. But yeah, I don't know. I really wonder what they're going to do. I would love to see a spin-off for the game of course. And yeah, I guess I don't know how they're going to handle that just with like it seems like they're not going to connect. Act pocket Camp really which is already kind of like a free-to-play game. It's not difficult to get that game. You know, I but yeah, I mean if you already have a switch and there's like a free to download game that also does stuff but I mean I kind of doubt Nintendo will do too much of that but I don't know I would like it. I would like it a lot. Yeah. Yeah cool. So I guess let's move into our New Year's resolutions for the show. We well I guess they're not specifically for the show, maybe some of them will but we all we've been doing this a few years. Now we've seen many years doing this show. So like always we have some old resolutions that we have to go through and see how we did this past year and I feel for a bit. I was checking in with you and seeing how your resolutions were going and then I dropped off and for completely forgot about it the rest of the year at some point, but You know how that goes. Yeah, but yeah, I guess let's go ahead and go through some of our old resolutions and Sergio. Do you want to start sure thing Hade? I honestly I only had two from last year because I know myself, you know, if I have to I can most likely achieve them if I have any more than that, it's probably one or or all three are gonna drop a so I try to keep it simple in last year I did. So I had two resolutions for the most part in the first one was that I wanted. Redo my living room. I wanted to make things very organized just redo the layout have everything tidy up a little bit and it still have plenty of room for merchandise posters KK figures and plushies and what have you and I actually did in this was pretty early on in the year. I redid my room. I remember it took a really long time. It was one of those I think one of those holidays when you know, I took the weekend pretty much to redo my room and it was so worth it. But I really like my third layer of my room. There's not a lot of room. I did end up adding a turntable pretty much in the middle of it and I had to put a table there which kind of takes a little too much space but I really like the turntable so it's kind of worth it. So for the rest of it, yeah, I feel like redoing. My room was pretty awesome. It was one of the highlights of my year because it was early on and it's you know, I spend most of my time here with my living room and I wanted to be as close to perfect as I can. Yeah. N-no, that's really awesome. I'm I remember, you know the weekend where you spent a lot of time working on your room and really getting it fixed up, you know, yeah. So yeah, it's really cool to know that you did that and it was a good idea to not make too many because that's an easy trap to fall into and it's one that I have always fallen into I guess like this whole just like YouTube thing and the podcast and everything it all started out with me saying, all right. Right. I have to pick just one thing to do because I have too many things that I want to do that I don't get around to doing any of them. And so the podcast was that like this podcast was just like all right, I'm going to do a podcast is going to be on about Animal Crossing and eventually it'll be something that I do all the time and it is now so yeah, I really like that you went that strategy with your resolutions for the so I went with too many last year speaking of Having to trim it down, but one of them was I wanted to do a lot more music especially for the show and everything. And I did do one song right I recorded the New Horizons theme which you heard if you listen to the podcast you hear it at the beginning. It's a guitar kind of version an acoustic guitar version of the theme song. I recorded that and it was really fun. It was really cool to do but I'd want to Chord more still unfortunately, it's not going to be in my resolution. So Sierra because I have some new ones but I am happy that I at least did one and it doesn't feel like I went through and this was a whole failure, you know know for sure in this one was very very very special because it's the new theme and I remember, you know, you wanted it to get to get it. Absolutely perfect. And I feel like you did. It's an awesome fit for the podcast and it just makes sense that it was that theme it's perfect. Yeah, it was really fun to do and I always really enjoy doing I guess new music and everything. So yeah, I'm hoping I can do it more but I'm not going to be focused on that this next year. The other thing I did was I made it like kind of a Content calendar for the channel and I also kind of predicted that this would change over time. Mostly the prediction was like oh if Animal Crossing's coming out then of course my schedule is going to change. Because I want to do like daily content for that. Unfortunately, I never did. So yeah, we're still waiting on that change to happen. But as far as like this calendar I was doing like Sunday the weekly updates which you know, eventually I stopped doing those for one reason or another. I wanted to focus on other things the podcast on Tuesdays which is still good. I wanted to do stardew Valley videos that never happened and I'm actually still talking. Talking to a friend about making those so hmm that might actually still happen but it just hasn't yet the Friday series of videos. I keep doing Friday videos. So yeah, I feel like I've done well on that and then Saturday's was screaming and I did a lot of streaming on Saturdays. Yeah. It wasn't every Saturday like I would hope but it was pretty good. I felt like I did pretty good on at least content creation. Oh, yeah, definitely. I agree. Yeah, so, you know, I'm not too bummed that a lot of these things didn't work out. You know, it's hard to plan like a whole year of what you're going to do. Yeah, and you know your interests change over time, but you know, I'm glad the Staples are still there for me and you know, I'm still going to be working on doing different videos and that'll be my New Year's resolution. So we'll get to that a little bit later. But yeah, like I said Animal Crossing switch didn't come out so I couldn't really Anything with that but outside of that I had an overall goal to just improve the administrative work that I did with running the channel. One of those was posting every episode of the podcast on my website. That was a complete failure. I never did that and I don't know when I will but still to this day I haven't right. Yeah, and then the other thing I had was I wanted to improve my use of social media, which I feel like I've done that. I feel like I did a lot. More on Twitter on Instagram even on Facebook now too. So the countdown helps a lot. I've been posting the countdown everywhere. So it goes up on Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube patreon all five of those places get regular updates daily updates. So yeah. Yeah, I feel like that. I did great. Yeah, definitely and then the last one was it keeping up with patreon a lot better and I feel like that went really well, too. Can really good about reaching out to people once they become patrons and you know, just I want to make sure that they know I really appreciate them going and supporting us this way, you know, because this has led to some really cool things like making artwork for the show and eventually the calendar. So yeah, there's some really awesome things that happened there and I feel like I did a lot better reaching out to everybody on patreon. So yeah, I think overall that went really well. Well, there's one thing that you know didn't but two for three very good. Nice. Yeah, definitely agree. Very nice. Yeah. So let's go ahead and move into our New Year's resolution. So this next year. What are we going to be focusing on and Sergio? Yeah. I'm really interested to see how focused you are in your resolutions again. Are you going with only two again? Yes going with to again. Awesome. Well, I'm excited. Let me know what they are. So yeah going with two and they're both related to A democracy in in the first one is I'm going to be making be highlight videos of my life in Madeira or Arena most likely mother. They're going to be edited videos with voiceovers. Basically the best items in the gold honestly is to have them weekly. So it's going to be the weekly highlights with some voiceovers from me and like special effects just for fun like the funny moments of the week and I guess the biggest goal or challenge is going to be to stick with a weekly format. I feel like it's doable. Why I have a good feeling about this. I've been preparing this year, you know thanks to Logan from the Disco and I found a very good video editor. I already learned it. I it does what I needed to do and I'm ready to start going with weekly videos once New Horizons. It's also definitely ready. I got a big hard drive for all the videos that I'm going to be recording. So I am definitely ready that like I said, the challenge is going to be keeping up with having these videos weekly, but I'm all for it. Yeah. No, that's really awesome. I'm really excited to see especially because like, you know, I've been really impressed with your goal of like recording every single minute of your gameplay. So I want to see that put to use I want to see you go through and like put out a good weekly update for what you've been doing because I it needs to be seen I want to see everything. Yeah, definitely. It's gonna be like, you know, like for New Leaf I had the the phone. Album that I got printed. So this is going to be like a video album in the word to the way to share. It is going to be through the weekly video. So I definitely don't want to keep these videos just to me. I want to share the best parts of my game play with everybody. So I'm looking. I'm really looking forward to that challenge and the second resolution is also related to New Horizons in very specifically to hey can I want to be very Resort resourceful to our players in our community on this score on Twitter wherever we are I want to be there for people that are either starting out their Islands or that want to speed up a goal that they're having, you know, maybe people want to save a lot or they're looking for this very specific item that is very hard to get. So honestly, I kind of set a goal earlier today and I said, you know what it's going to be a win-win I'm gonna help people with the items they get and I'm gonna make I'm gonna add more play time basically to my to my enjoyment of New Horizon. So I'm gonna dedicate 50% of my research. Is whatever they are bills items anything. It's going to be for me in my town in the other 50 are but I'm going to be for other people, you know, I just want to help everyone especially on this court, especially new people new to the series that want to start out and maybe they're they think their their progress is going to be a little bit slow. So I want to have a lot of items for them to kind of get them going, you know, so I feel like I really like this girl. I'm definitely going to be resourceful to everyone listening. Yeah. No, that is really cool. And yeah, I remember you mentioning like you just wanted your gameplay to not be ruined by having too much money and stuff like that like making progress too quickly. So I think that's really cool way to just like stifle the progress that you are able to exactly yeah and keep yourself playing a lot which is you know, that's what your aim is. It's just a play as much as possible, which is cool. I want to tell you No, that's really awesome. I'm sure people really enjoy having like this little Resource Center that you'll have running and you know, it'll also give you an opportunity to play with a lot more people to so yeah, definitely. Yeah, I think that's cool. Yeah, I guess I went with too many again, but some of them definitely go together, at least I guess this first one has about four different parts to it. But I guess the first one is I want to finish my I'm studio. So I guess I don't mention it too much at least the background of like, you know the space I actually use to make all of this stuff but I it's spread out right now right now. I do streaming from the living room and I record a lot of videos in another room kind of an extra bedroom that we have in our duplex that we live in but I really want the it all to be in one place. You know, it's Don't hassle to have to move back and forth and move all of these things and there's just like a lot of work that goes into me just like getting setup around wherever I want to record or wherever I need to record, you know. Yeah, I can imagine. Hmm. So yeah in order to do that, I am just finishing up a room. So I've already gotten like a web a new webcam. So there's going to be some more my face in some of these things but outside of that like I want to get a couple monitors some lights and And some more ethernet cables to run into this room, right because I'll need that to have things properly set up here. Yeah, but yeah, I also want to just like set up a desk that can do allow for like more streaming and just making better content and everything. So, yeah, I guess kind of attached to that New Year's resolution. I want to do more streaming. I want to stream regularly when you Horizons is out and just kind of have plenty of probably play daily, you know once again, His out so it'll be cool and outside of that. Like I guess this one's kind of different but attached to just recording stuff, but I want to make more Nintendo content. I have a couple videos planned out that I haven't made quite yet. I've recorded actually some of them but it's just like General Nintendo videos. So I want to be better about making just like General Nintendo content. And yeah, I feel like this has been a goal for a long time, but I haven't gotten around to it. Always tend to focus on Animal Crossing a lots and I will focus on Animal Crossing pretty easily this year. Oh, yeah, since it it's gonna get a lot easier to do Animal Crossing content. Once we actually have content to talk about I feel like I'll be able to you know spread out a little bit more and do talk about more Nintendo stuff. So that's a that's a goal of mine. Yeah outside of that. I guess the main goals are to make animal crossing content. Daily, once it New Horizons is out and then also get that he can calendar out getting really close to getting all of the artwork done and in front of me so I can you know, just start putting it together and everything and putting up a pre-order page. But yeah, it's always in the works and it's always on my mind. So it's closed now. I think I need about three more pieces. So it's just about there. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, and then the last one is just to be more interactive with people. I kind of slipped on responding to comments and stuff on YouTube and I want to be better about that and in general be good about like talking to people on the Discord and everything. I feel like the end of the year was too busy and kept me away. But yeah, I want to do better. Once this game is out and play with everybody so own I think it'll be a lot easier to so yeah. Oh, yeah, definitely. Yeah. Yeah, just with so much stuff going on and it having to go on I think it'll naturally happen. So I guess in some ways the resolutions don't really push it. But at the same time I'm like I want to make sure I do well at these things, you know, yes. Yeah cool. So I guess that does it for New Year's I hope you all have a really great Year. I hope it's like I hope this is truly the year of an Animal Crossing that's why it looks like it will be and it looks like it's going to be fun. So I'm hoping we all have a lot of fun this next year for with it. Yes, definitely cool. So let's actually close out the show with our Hagen's Islander corner. For those of you who don't know every week. We ask our patrons on patreon a question and read the replies here. So this week's question was have you named your town yet and Sergio and I have already answered this we're going with our you know, our town names. But yeah Sergio, let's go back and forth and read everybody's answers. Do you want to start with this? First one? Sure thing in our first answers this week is by Elizabeth WP and they say, yeah, I'm probably going to go with Elise meta which is the name of my new Leaf town. It's a stylized version of Alice Mara, which is the elf town in Oregon, but edited to fit the character limit all men that carried a glimmer just getting in the way all the time. Hopefully that stops in 2020. Yeah, we all want that to be gone. Hopefully it is so Andrew artaud said I haven't yet, but my cousin and I will probably coordinate Town names would love to name it after my childhood home Long Island though. So yeah, I mean you'll need the I guess the character limit to go away for that one, but hopefully it is unless they add Island to whatever we name which I kind of hope they don't but we'll see ya ya think he can just go with long. Yeah, I hope they find a way to tell you that's going to happen to because some people want to put Island at the end of it, you know, yeah, it would be a bummer if they called it Long Island and then they tagged another Island up. Yeah, so it's long island island. So yeah, I hope they you know, make it clear what's going to happen. Yeah, definitely. So Benedict says yes, I'm torn between two choices. However, both from Um games the first is sangam from the game settings, you know, and it really fits the island-themed. The second one is how only from the illallah region for the same reason. Oh, I like those very nice. Yeah. Those are really good ones to go with definitely going with the theme there. Yeah. So contralto Vall said, yes, I have two names in mind. It depends on the character limit as to which I use if all else fails I can always use haken, right? Yeah, I mean, you're welcome to use it. It's not exclusive but ya know that it's good that people are thinking of like a backup just in case their name does not fit. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, so Les electron says I want to call it Nibelheim if I can size depending it's clouds home from Final Fantasy 7 a nice. Hmm. Yeah, that's a good go-to to yeah, so in These Sarah said I was settled on my usual Town name but an island through that off. So now I'm thinking of calling it if a guy like Homer's Odyssey. Oh, yeah, and that's something that I'm seeing two like Nina when she was on just a couple weeks ago. Was it a couple weeks ago? Yeah. It was when she was on like it was really cool to know that she just changed directions with how she was naming her town. So yeah, the island setting really Is things for some people? Yeah. Yeah, definitely. So Kylie says not yet and she has the crying Emoji. So I think it's true, you know because we don't know yet if the character limit and I feel like a lot of people are waiting, you know, they can either have two options right now or some people are just going to wait until we know exactly how many letters are spaces we have and then it's a very important choice. Definitely. Yeah. Yeah, and you know some people Just put some thought into it because we've asked this question before and so I think people are getting a little bit closer to having more answers now. Yeah, so tab said, yes, my town has always been named Emerald it is mine and my husband's birthstone for a while. I thought I might go with a new name, but now that we know it's an island. I think Emerald will be perfect can't wait and yeah, I feel like Emerald Island. That's a really nice name. I think that's cute. Yeah. Yeah. That's very nice. So It says I'm debating between a few different names. I mainly consider going with a name. I already used for one of my few Animal Crossing new Leaf towns. But the more I think about it in the more lists. I make the more I'm wanting to go with something brand new kind of celebrating a new era in decade in starting completely fresh, but I'm also very nostalgic help. It's tough It's a tough choice. I completely agree with you. You're very tied to your previous Town name at least but it's like you said it's a different location. So you're thinking well, it's a different place. It's not a town anymore Stan Island. Maybe it's time to change it and it's a tough choice. I'm definitely turn as well. Yeah. Yeah, it could be, you know, it's something that's going to stick around your town for a long time. So it's worth putting some thought into it and figuring out what you want to call it because this is a long-term game that has a long term play through so You better hope your name is long-term. Yeah, cool. So I think this is the last answer and it's from juice defend reisch and they said hmm. I see I'm still in doubt. However, I think I will go for the same name as my new Leaf town which is how c on it. Sounds beautiful and reflects peace coziness happiness and just being at ease. Yeah. I think that's capturing animal crossing right there. Especially this whole yeah island-themed and everything and seems like New Horizons. That's the way to go for that. You know? Yeah. So yeah, these are all really awesome names. I'm really excited for those of you who have already picked and I hope those of you who haven't quite yet find the right name for your Island because you know, if you can't think of one, it's gonna stop you from being able to play so it makes it cuts into the minutes that you'll have for this. Yeah. So yeah anyways Thank you all so much for tuning in to this episode of hakken and Animal Crossing podcast don't want the episode to end. Well, you can keep the conversation going by Nintendo switching over to the our Discord just follow the link in the description and you can talk with other people who love Animal Crossing as much as you do including Sergio and me want to support the show in a bigger way and get your voice heard during the show visit chewy place in tendo. You can support our show with just one dollar have An episode dedicated to you get special access to a secret room on Discord join in on the hick and Islander corner and even read a monthly newsletter covering all things haken and chewy plays. We really appreciate the support and put your money toward great things on the show tuned it on YouTube. The comments are a great place to let us know your answers to the hake and Islander Corner. Have you named your town yet? If you dig what you hear, please KK slide over to that review section on your platform of choice. Let people know what they're missing out on. In is a wild production brought to you by Chewie Sergio and all of our patrons. We thank you for listening and we hope you have a great week. Goodbye. Everybody. We hope you had an awesome 2019 and an even better 2020.
As has become regular practice on the show, we start by answering all the questions for the Countdown to New Horizons. I cannot believe 20 days have already gone by since this countdown has started. We're only 80 days away from Animal Crossing New Horizons and it's starting to feel real! From there, we take a quick look back at the year for Animal Crossing and discuss our disappointments and happy moments for the year. We also do our yearly tradition of making new years resolutions! Finally, we close out with a nice Haken's Islander Corner. Time Stamps: 0:05 - Introduction 2:37 - Countdown to New Horizons Questions 21:55 - 2019 Recap 35:28 - New Year's Resolutions 51:41 - Haken's Islander Corner 58:01 - Outro Announcements Support my channel on Patreon: Join the Haken Discord: Find Haken: An Animal Crossing Podcast on Podcast Platforms here: Get More Nintendo and Video Game Content Here: Follow me on... Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Twitch: Tumblr: --- Support this podcast:
Hello everyone and welcome back to the Fowler. Our on today's show. I'm joined by Arun Sharma. He's an awesome designer from New Delhi India. Now what we spent today talking about was mindset how to get over it. And also what it's like to be a future Young Gun. There's a lot of techniques in today's episode that I think will really help some of you fresh designers you young designers out there and also ways that you can potentially get over scarcity mindset and Achieve bigger better business goals for you rather thanBeing so much about money and things like that coming in. Today's episode is also brought to you by skillshare. Now, let's go shares giving two free months away to every single person who listens to this show. All you have to do is go to SK l dot s h / C Fowler design or tap the link in below the link in below to get up two to three months of unlimited classes from thousands of experts. Now this can be in graphic design. It could be in web design. It could be in learning how to be a better. A writer whatever you'd like to learn skillshare has got your back. You can also upgrade your font Library Your Design assets and textures with design Cuts who are second sponsor for today's show. You can check out their latest bundle and potentially save yourself thousands of dollars. All you have to do is head to the link in the show notes, which is C Fowler design and I'm updating that every single week with their all new bundles and I've got to say guys, I've saved thousands of dollars on typefaces alone. They're constantly running off. In contests and they have a great Community behind them as well. They're not just here to sell you assets. They actually want to help you build a better design business. So thank you very much to design cuts and also to skillshare for helping support this show right? Let's get started. Hello and welcome back to the Fowler. Our today. I'm joined by Arun future young gun and a scientist X designer. How you today our own? I'm fine. I'm fine. How are you? Yeah, I'm pretty good. It's the first morning recording. I've done in a long time and it's actually quite nice to be not completely tired doing the show. So for the people at home who may not know who you are. They've probably seen you on the future Young Guns series along with myself and a couple of other awesome guys now, What's your story? Where are you from? Tell the listeners at home a little bit about you. Okay, so I'm from India. Okay, don't leave it living in New Delhi. And so I started my creative Journey around five six years ago after I completed from school. And so the thing is, okay. Once again, do you want me to tell the whole story like just a brief thing? Yeah. Well, you're from New Delhi you what you've been doing. So you said you left school five or six? Years ago. Yeah. Yeah, so what we've been doing since because it's a really long like kind of story so I'm not sure because it really is the short version give us a short version we can dive into heaven. Hold on. Okay? Okay. So, um around 11 to 12 standard. I realized that I didn't really want to do something that I was really kind of felt good doing which is like this we art or design and I read this article in a magazine as a tech magazine about gay video game design and I was like wow Stoked about it and I was like, I'm gonna do this. I'm not going to do engineering or anything so fast forward a couple of months. I kind of convinced my parents somehow to let me go and do this in Bangalore and I went to a kind of like a very low-level Institute just so I can set aside my parents but the degree rather than like, you know, really trying to get into a good college and my main goal was to get more work experience and exposure because before this I was a casual Photoshop user I didn't really He knew anything at all no fundamentals. And at that point I didn't even know that there are specific design colleges in India, which I know now. So from there, I kind of started my journey and I was lucky enough to get the right opportunities at the right time. And basically I got into design around March 2014. I got my first job as a designer and as designer and from there since then I've been working as a designer also soon so it's kind of going if Through a lot of little different stages to get to where you are. Exactly. Yeah with the in-house position. So a lot of people who get in touch with me ask about well, is it better to kind of get an in-house position to start with an even? How do you how do you apply to an agency or get that kind of role? Especially as you say since you were more of a casual user and then you've worked your way up? What do you think is what helps you get that in-house position was it just a good portfolio? Was it people skills? What was good it was it was a mix of both. So I'll tell you what people who think that you have just good work and you can get and like get any job or any kind of physician anywhere. I'll really not really thinking straight. It really need to know how to sell them as well. Yeah it because because I was in competition with two other people who were much senior than me, they were about to complete their degree and I was still in third semester. I still had one and a half year to go. But the reason why they picked me was too first thing I was able to kind of talk my way through what I have done till now and more into like and explain my reasoning behind all the work rather than like instead of just talking about color theory and typography and things like that because when people kind of want to hide you they did not really interested in how you get the work done rather than like what kind of work and like, you know, basically they are more interested in you rather than the you know, the work that you have so that was My kind of shortcut like you can say yeah, you know, it was a good. Yeah, so he was really it was really me faking. It was really me faking about like most of the stuff and I learned most of it on the job. I mean two years in my professional journey. I had didn't really know anything about design fundamentals La, you know, all the 12 typography principles. All those things say kind of I learned them on the job. It was basically that I was really good with software. And that time I'm even better now, but I didn't really know anything about design at all. It was just software's and that's kind of you know, how I got into design. It's a really interesting way that you've just said that the you faked it, although I think what the people who your employer's probably saw in you which is what you're saying is it's about people it's about finding the people who fit the company rather than just people who have the skills because you can hire an amazing designer, but if they're a complete asshole, then what's the point like they're just telling not let Uncle listen to you then I'm going to take On feedback, then. I'm going to work with well with a team. So what you found and kind of you've dug your way in through is by being a nice pleasant person who's eager to learn and I think that's what a lot of people one of the big key factors that people Miss from when they either leave University or they're going to apply for their first job is that they think that their portfolio is going to be the only thing that sells that the only thing that gets from the job and that's just not true. Yeah, that's not true. So when it comes to your in-house position, you've been there for a couple of years. You've been learning all this stuff on the job. What is what happened next then because obviously you're working. Where did you say? Is this a New Delhi still this local news that was in Bangalore a bank. I was in Bangalore for six years. I went there for around four and a half years. I worked in Bangalore and after which I decided to start my own thing and I worked full-time freelance for four months, but Kind of had a lot of Lake issues going on at that time Financial issues so I can have to push back and get a job again. So now I'm again in house and also part-time freelancing you finding the now you've done both working as a freelancer and in an agency. Do you have a preference over which you'd prefer kind of can still say? I personally believe that I'm still not ready to be a full-time freelancer. The main reason for it is I see I see. I see myself as like I don't think I have that kind of discipline right now. You know, I kind of want to grow more as a person kind of get more disciplined kind of manage more time in a better way and then you know, because right now if she talked just Financial numbers, I'm learning as much as I'm running in my day job and you know, I can it's not it's not really and I'm only doing freelancing for 5 hours a day, right? So the thing is the main main key thing is when people kind of that's what I learned when I Did feel and full-time freelance for the first time. I learned this it looks easy, but it's really not easy at all. Because you have to manage a business. You have to do the work. You have to do it on time while being in your bedroom because you can't really, you know, nothing motivates you because if you going to an office if you're working someplace else there is a kind of like factor which kind of pushes you that you have to go on office sometime or things like that. Right? So I would say like that. A lot of people like look into yourself. If you really believe you have the discipline then go for it. Like, you know, it's not it's not that difficult if you have the discipline, but it's really difficult. If you don't have that discipline of like, you know doing things without anyone telling you to how to do it or when to do it is such a hard avoid though, isn't it the idea that your computer or your workstation is either in your bedroom or in the house that you live in and without having that hard divided of leaving the house and going Going to the office some people find that really difficult. If you say they need a way to actually go to work and I've heard stories in the past of writers and designers who put on office attire like a su or a jacket or shirt or whatever leave the house walk for 20 minutes around the block and come back into their house prepared to work. That's the only way they can get into the mindset. Yeah, like they can't I'm pretty good at kind of wake. - the morning following a routine and then sitting down and doing work for x amount of time. But that's taken two years to get used to. Yeah, like I would just hop around between video games and designing and emails and YouTube videos for like there was a period where I would watch Netflix while designing and I realized very quickly that although I've watched the entirety of Peep Show, although I've watched the entirety of Sons of Anarchy. I've not actually done very Much work. Yeah. Yeah and that there was a there was a time where I actually uninstalled every game that I had and I was like only thing I'm gonna do is just work work work, you know because I can feel that if I had games on a computer I'm not gonna get anything done. But the reality was even without them. I was Finding other distraction. So, you know, it's very internal thing. It's not an external factor. I mean if you have games on one side and work on other side. And and if you are someone who is disciplined, you're going to choose the right thing at that point in time. I mean you if you're chilling out in like 11 p.m. Or something going about to go to bed. Obviously you can watch YouTube is no one's stopping you from watching a YouTube video or something, right? But if we if it's 3 p.m. In the afternoon and you have a presentation at 5 p.m. And I still playing that's not a good thing to do, right? So you have to kind of internalized and introspect a lot if you really want to grow as a person. Have you heard of the Maduro technique now I have not. Okay. So this this might be useful. I don't know for you to view but I learnt this a couple of weeks ago and it's it's a system that my parents used when I was a kid to like do reward and work type stuff and they still have already realized since there's actually a real thing. We're in you break your work down into say 25 minute or 30 minute chunks. You set a timer you turn on blockers or whatever. It's going to be that prevent you from accessing all the distractions. And then you do sir 30 minutes for solid work and then do like a five minute break to stretch your legs or do something else and then do that and keep repeating that on and off and on and off so over the like an eight-hour period you've maybe you've maybe had like half an hour 30 45 minute breaks in between but you'll feel more productive. Do you think that kind of thing might work for someone who's not disciplined? Because since I have a limited amount of time, I can't really this time. I know you know, it's Been what like two months since I haven't played anything at all. Yeah. So the thing that I'm following is like I had therapy for it and what the technique is that you ask yourself like because since I'm the kind of guy who really knows like, you know, it's kind of self aware when I'm doing the wrong thing. So I kind of asked myself again and again, who am I being right now? Because if you say that out loud and if you think stop and think about it, you're gonna actually we do the right thing at the right moment because if some let's say it's 11 p.m. And next I have to present something and I'm like, hey, I have to do this presentation. It's not gonna take long. It's going to take only half an hour. Let's play some game person. I'm going to do it like, you know, well, I'm going to bed or something but once I sit down and let's say I play for like 15 minutes or something then I'm gonna you know snap and I'm like who am doing right now? I'm being responsible and then I'm going to shut down the game and I'm going to do the presentation first and whatever it is, right. So it is really hard to get into but if you're the kind of person who really wants to achieve their goals, then this is I this is what I found, you know, helpful just asking yourself are even responsible. And what did you do? When you feeling like you're not are you, you know, you're not scolding or punishing yourself for it or anything. I just closed the thing off and then get back into design and once I'm in the flow because see while I'm designing while I'm creating something. I really love doing it. So once I get into the Flo I don't really think about anything else it's not like hey one icon is done. So let's play some game and then I'm going to do that therefore later. It's never been that it's move mostly just starting getting to start that you know, once you once I'm in the flow, I'm really not thinking about anything else. Yeah, so that's that's something to take away people listening at home. Is that although you could be distracted I get distracted by Twitter a lot. So I because I have two monitors for some reason I'll be working on one. I'll have something else. Other and then I'll just notice myself go over to the browser open a new tab and just punch in Twitter and I'm like, I don't know why I just did that I'd is nothing to see here, but it's that force of habit, isn't it? And when you break that system, you don't punish yourself for it and you get into the flow as you've said your focus like completely changes. Yeah your ability to be productive and proactive completely changes and it's such a odd mental state to get in the air. Yeah, so I mean there are times when it's really don't I mean it's see there's also a dark that I thought it was dead dog. I can't remember who it was. Like I'm really bad with names but it was really nice on procrastination like a lot of people who procrastinate they're not really lazy but they're kind of overwhelmed and I find myself in that position a lot. So like I have a project to do and I have to start the research and or whatnot and a lot of times it's that starting point like, you know, I just To get the starting point once I'm there. I'm really off like, you know, so I find myself procrastinating in that way rather than like not really trying to like, you know want to do the work or something. So that that sounds to me. I think I know which one you're talking about. I'll put a link to the tedx. I think it's a tedx guy. He's done a bunch of procrastination talks, but I'll put him in the link in the description. But the thing I've noticed and kind of bouncing off what you've just said is that it's not that you're lazy, but it's that you feel Feel anxious or you have self-doubt because of the failure. That's there's something I feel is that I will sometimes put put off starting a project because I'm worried that it won't come out exactly how I want it to and and a lot of stains also. I mean, I really did to three therapy sessions for this like, you know, trying to find that focus of trying to break that they know distracting mental state that I was in So what I did was like what my therapist told was there's another thing called doing the work in your mind. So once you get a once you get a task or project if you kind of start just thinking about it. Hey, it's going to look like this. It's going to be that you know, you know, try just design it in your own mind rather than like real thing. So the thing is mentally you are in a state where youth your mind things you already in the work, you know? Yeah, I say so so the key to that That is once once you are like in a thinking about it, stop thinking and actually start doing so if you're thinking about hey, you know what this level will look like this stop right there and then jump on the computer or your like keypad or whatever like notepad or whatever and then just do it right there. Like, you know, whatever mental image you have in that way you really get into the flow cooking rather than I can finishing it in your mind. Yeah, that's a really good. That's a really good technique actually to be able to start a new project and one of the things I find difficult and I'm sure I've up until this point. It sounds like you've kind of nailed this by now, but the ability to have all these ideas in your mind and then feel like you're not executing them properly and it's probably because you're doing what you've just said, you're overthinking it too much in your mind your brain thinks you've already finished it and then we have to do it the IQ can't because you haven't done. On the steps, you've jumped to the wrong conclusion. Yeah, so I mean there are times still like, you know where I have already finished some project on mine and it's it takes me around a day or two or like, you know, kind of get back from there and really get into the work, you know, I'm still struggling with it sometimes but it's not as bad as it was before where I would like just all it for like a week or something, you know, and like hey, let's do this because you know, mentally it's already done. You know, I just have to finish this. I'm gonna draw this and draw that and that but it's not really that simple. So yeah, I'm still like, you know, I'm still like, you know going through but yeah, it's better now. Yes, that's definitely some techniques to take away for the people at home. Is that think about well, if you start thinking about it too much just get on with it instead. Yeah and also try and break your work down into chunks that are manageable. And if I say if you like me or you need something else on in the background put music on don't put something visual on if you're a designer. Owner if you're trying to do visual work put something else on so put an audio book on put a podcast on put some music on and that way your visual brain is still focused in on what you're doing and although sometimes I find that listening to music can be distracting in terms of your thought process. It can actually help you get into that state of flow. Yeah the Rhythm but knew there was a study I again I can't remember the source again, but I really read this that when you do Repeatable work. Like let's say just exporting some files or things like that the music and actually help you, you know trying to make it not feel boring. But if you really doing some thinking work really want to concentrate on something I wouldn't advise putting on music because that will be right really distracting. You're not going to get anything done then. Yeah. So if you're a logo designer don't put anything on or try not putting anything on while you're doing your Concepts and your sketches, but when it comes to exporting and you say tidying designs up and all that type of Stuff slap on some drum and bass. Yeah. No. I it's one of the things I learned very early in. When I was in college so College UK is like end of high school. So 16 to 18 years old going through my my last qualifications that I did. I found a study that the basically explained that if you listen to heavy metal music it helps improve your memory. Okay. Now it obviously you can't listen to it for very long but in small bursts like you would when you're studying heavy metal improves your your retention for short-term and some long-term memory, so You know, maybe that's why I listen to a lot of heavy metal and then completely failed exams. But anyway moving on that's some really good techniques that work flow for sure. So yeah in the in the last few weeks we've kind of well actually before we talk about where you want to take things in the future. Let's talk about the future Young Guns. Let's talk about being being a young gun under under Chris's wing and we're not going to talk about any of the projects that we're working on for the Futures future video. Is but we can talk about the stuff we've already done and so when when you how did you first meet or talk to Cristo? Oh, all right, not that. Yeah, so around June 2017 to nor I think may/june somewhere around that time in 2017. I stumbled upon the future. I mean they still have like hundred twenty gaze of something and I really love this content. - like really like, you know being active in the community like joining all the live streams and things like that. But one thing I really did was like he used to talk about all these like supporting the channel and like, you know, they're still struggling on things like that. So what I would do is that in every live stream if I had to ask something I won't going to ask some Super Chat be it five or $10 or whatever before that but I would never really liked in a post a question without like, you know donating something so that kind of like, you know, I think they liked it a lot. So they notice the name scientist is designed in the chat and like, you know, every time I would ask something or donate something they would really like, you know like that. And the first time I got in the show was in the setting the same stream as you it was Instagram portfolio review. Okay? Yeah, I was there I was in there so that they're recognized me and I mean Chris gave me a few pointers and things like that and I think the move Moment. He actually you can say remembered my name was that I accidentally had him liked one of my photos so it's so so after that I was on the another live stream of the logo design critique. They critique the scientist is design logo, and it was a like, you know, I was one of the top fans like community members and I was the one I was the one of the first one to do the sustaining member thing $5.00 Month and things like that and then around in September. Yeah, September I think yeah, I miss us Chris. This is first time I messaged him, you know personally that I told him a bit of my story that hey I keep donating and things like that and I asked him would he be willing to give me half an hour of his time for I wouldn't say the exact amount but it was lower than what he was really charging. Hmm because I couldn't afford it and I told him that I donate and I support the channel and I'm going to keep doing it. You know, I just need your time and just half an hour. I would be enough like or even if it's like 20 minutes. I'm okay with it. I just need your time. We really need your help and to my surprise he agreed and he was like don't ever tell anyone that I gave a discount because never give discounts the cat is out of the bag. Yeah. Yeah, and I was like, okay fine and that's why I didn't say Exact amount because it will yeah, that's fair enough much much lower than what he was charging it who is charging $500 an hour that time and he was like, okay fine. So I sent him a donation to the Future. Whatever number that person then he we got on a call. He actually gave him more time than I asked for. And that was really surprising for me like, you know to see that and he helped me with some stuff and that's how I got in touch with Chris and then like around in December. He asked me like I'm thinking about this thing about, you know future Young Guns and things like that and I was like, yeah, why not? Why wouldn't I be part of that and then he added me to the group and I see you and I'm like what the hell dude corner is good. Yeah. I was like, holy shit dude. This guy is like 3000 followers and I'm like what the hell? I mean, I'm not gonna be able to compete and ask her to say, you know, why did you pick me and he told me a few things that he liked about me and I I was still really you know not convinced. I mean I feel it's the same thing with you when I like, you know, you were asking for guests on podcast and I jokingly reply to your story that like I would come and LOL and whatnot. And you agreed analytic what the hell I was just joking and I didn't really expect like you stumble into a lot of these things around it's not it's not like it's more it's more to do with I would say I would like I don't know if you call it. We say him superstitious or whatever, but I feel like if you really intentions are right, if your intentions are good, people are gonna like, you know, like kkt to Opportunities. Like I mean, I have always felt that I got the right opportunities at the right time. Yeah only because not because not just because that I really want to be selfish and I'm like, hey, I'm gonna step like, you know use people as step. Start something. It was more genuinely like wanted to try something. You know. Yeah, and that was the key that you know, really want to learn from people really want to try something. So yeah, I thought I having known you for a year at this point and the most will recordings and we've been back and forth in contact for that time. I don't think there's a bad bone in your body. Like I really did I think you're right. I think when you when you put out this positive intention, you're not going out of your way to be malicious or angry or negative towards anybody. You're just being who you are and trying to explore and grow as a person and I think that makes a big difference and in the same way. You said at the start when you got that job in the in-house agency a lot of that personality probably shown through then in the same way that Chris saw that when he asked would you like to be part of this new thing that we're doing and I'd like to think that that was the case for all of the guys in the group well for Spencer Sharif for Sean and myself is that it wasn't just the design capabilities they were looking for and I think In towards the second season with all the all the female designers or that they all look amazing and and Chris was saying that's really they have some really strong personalities and designers on you for that and I can't imagine for one second. It was based entirely on design work. Not for one second. It would be based on qualities. Like you've just described you're going out tension tons of designers who are like wewe out of her League say, you know, if you really wanted to bring Really good talent, like there's like shit ton of people on Instagram with you know so much good work, like just like you look at their fees and you're like, holy shit, man. He does guys like on some different level right? Like like I thought with you right so that that's the thing. I mean, it's not really about just the work. It's also has to do with your intentions and the personality that you have. Yeah. So when now that we've been doing this so I haven't Don't think I've ever told anyone that story of how I got on the Young Guns. Uh-huh. Would you like to hear obviously, you know, why not today? So I don't remember when this was I'd have to have Twitter on my phone. I can't have a look, but about the same time. I think must have been like middle of 2017 maybe slightly after that. I found the future and was following and doing all that stuff and obviously checking in when I could and all those livestream things and Chris. I think he said they were looking in for some summer mentors or something interns or something like that and I sent Chris kind of a message being like Ike if you can like if I can have the internship I will fly and house myself in La for the three months or whatever. It would be for the summer. Okay. So the time I was like I was in a bit of a weird ruts and wasn't really getting things done in the way that I wanted. The client stuff wasn't coming in very well. I wasn't really achieving very Much in terms of for didn't see feel like I was achieving very much. I think I probably was but I just didn't feel that way and I saw the opportunity and I was just like stuff it. Let's just do this. I have enough money in savings. I looked up how much it would cost. I'd still have money when I got back. Let's let's just do it and Chris. I think he just sent me a message back and was like send us a video of you on video or just talking and doing whatever and we'll consider it. And I obviously I assume he didn't Pick on that because pick me for that particular thing because I would have had a flown and spent like three months living in the States. But after that around the Christmas time, I think it was just before or just after Christmas. It was around December. Yeah and Chris reached out and said I'm thinking of doing this thing. Would you be interested and the time no idea what it was what it would entail and he said that was be a few other people and then I recognized your name from one of the live streams and stuff and obviously the Instagram portfolio video and I was like, Oh god, what have we gotten ourselves into what's going to happen? But it's okay. Now, it's all turned out pretty well in the end. I think yeah. Yeah it is. I mean, there's still like a couple of challenges left. But yeah. Yeah, I mean the thing is there's another what is it come I lost my thought train. Okay, I think you should pick something about I'm gonna bring it up when okay, it's come. Yeah. So so when it comes to the Future stuff and moving forward, what do you think at this point? You've learned the most let's maybe not specifically design skill, but as in like your actual design ability for making visuals, what do you think? You've learned the most from being part of this little group and Chris is videos and his feedback. I think what I really learned is I mean, it's not I'm not sure I will count this as a actual like skill like hard skill but more to do with the my men like mentality about like, you know, approaching things approaching projects are approaching any kind of thing is when a change in the sense that I think at least twice or Thrice about it and like, you know, No way that it kind of gives me a better picture of how it will turn out rather than like straight jumping straight into it and producing the result here. This is the output without really thinking it through the you know, I used to do that a lot. I got a hey, can you make this icon? All right fine. I'm going to go back and do the icon for one hour and then come back with a you know, without in doing any research or doing anything and I think that's the reason why I filled in the first one the first challenge, which was a packaging one. I had this idea. See I had this like thing in mind and I was like, okay, this will look cool and I did that, you know, and it turns out it wasn't really for the right kind of thing. I mean it was good. It wasn't a bad you can say visual design but it was a bad design for the thing that I was trying to do. So I I learned that like, you know while being on the show or you know, trying to be like know being in the group is that you know, you really have to think things through you really have to worry. Sharpen the axe before you get the tree. Yeah. Yeah that thing that really cools do the research before you start trying to hack away actually creating something and I think I'd agree with you on that. The one of the biggest things I think I have learned and it took kind of reflect what you said is the mentality is the ability to now be presented with an inquiry and go well. Let's ask some questions about this. Let's ask questions and dig a little deeper and see where this goes first before taking anything on. I mean, I'm not sure how your process has changed in terms of design. But now if someone emails me, I don't just tell them I price straight away. I don't tell them exactly what we're going to do straight away. I get on a call with them like this and Us lots of questions because that's what you need to do. And that's that's the mentality that I think helps people go far. Yeah. So I mean that's like my if someone asks you what's the price for The Branding or something? Like hey how much for this animation this kind of Animation the first thing seriously ask me. Why do you need this like, you know rather than telling them? Hey, this will cost from this to this but after a couple of hours, No back and forth. If I kind of get a sense that they're just Price shopping. I drop it right there. And then I rather than trying to approach it like, you know more like trying to convince them. Hey, I'm the best guy or something like that, right? Yeah that I have really pulled away from being desperate for the job. I'm like, okay fine like, you know, if it doesn't work out, I recently started. I mean after the last livestream where we discussed about focusing like I want to focus on one thing because I'm all over the place. I got like four inquiries about logo which were serious Identity Design which was serious and I was like I said, no and I refer to them to someone else who like who they could afford and it was really seriously. I kind of feel pretty light about it. Like hey once you say no to something it's not like, you know, it's not a burden or something. It's not a bad thing. You can say no to anyone, you know, so so that has changed the mentality has changed. So you've gone from a scarcity. Mindset of oh, I need this job to do everything and you picking what you actually want to do and what will be fulfilling now. Do you think that your mentality for that and you saying no is easier because you have kind of a stable income as well. Do you think if you are full-time freelance you do be doing the same. I don't think so that I'll be doing the same with so much frequency. I mean like, you know, yeah the amount of Lake, you know, if there's ten projects coming in and I feel like out of those ten eight or not the good fit right now since I have a stable income going to say no, but if I think I for was a full-time freelancer, I might have said yes to one or two of them like, you know out of those eight, I would probably say no to because that's like you know thing is really a How to pay the bills right so I still think that I would have done that but a little bit lesser than what I used to do before. Yeah, but that's the point the point is that it's you're not saying this and saying it's easy just because you have kind of a stable income from behind you and it's one of those things that I think a lot of people don't realize is that you don't have to say yes to everything. It's something that I'm trying to share with my girlfriend Lydia at the moment as an illustrator is that you don't have to say yes to everything. And she is being kind of Turin University at the moment that while you should just kind of say yes to everything and give you your price and don't take deposits. Who does that and all this type of rubbish that's being thrown. I know right? It's a whole nother conversation. But oh, yeah, I don't want to I don't want to kind of like bitter about it too much. But the point is that you don't have to say yes to everything and in fact saying no to stuff gives you more flexibility. I yeah and doing what you said are in which is ask them. And so even even going with a question someone sent me an e-mail yesterday that said I'm looking for a logo. I have some ideas in mind what kind of money would that cost to get made? I've got some references and this time and I send them an email back basically being like I really appreciate the message but I if you want someone to bring your exact Vision to life rather than making you a solution for your business, I'm not the designer for you. That's quite a sharp and quite a blunt. Not something I would have sent a year ago. But because you move away from scarcity mindset you actually they came back to me and they said you're right. I'm sorry. I missed worded that I'd be more than happy to sit with you and discuss the best option. Yeah, so be honest and be transparent and as you say you gotta say no sometimes yeah, and I mean, how did similar story like, you know, it's not just about like seeing why just to get them to open. It's also about understanding what they actually need because the thing is sometimes people might think they need a video but it can be done with a for Loop cable J for something like you know what I mean, right? So the solution may not be exact straightforward. So I mean I have this project where this guy needed a like a animated gif for something and the Ruiz. I really dug into it, even though it was literally a half an hour job for me and I was like, I really need to know it because I I want the endless revisions and once because we had a one hour conversation about it, like you know, why do they need it? Why do you think they need this here and things like that and I kind of try to play, you know, tell him that you know, this might be a better solution even if they needed it on like, you know short notice and they were like, you know, we really need this and so once I presented him what I had done he was like, yeah that led that looks great because I really understood what he really wanted and I produce it in that manner like, you know, so the revision cycle also ends there once you and your client are on the same side same page. Yeah, when you don't have to you shouldn't be fighting your client any point. Yeah. Yeah that you say sharpening the axe sharpening. The axe doesn't have to just mean doing the research. It also means asking the right questions. So you provide them with the right solution because maybe you don't need an axe. Maybe you need a shovel. Exactly exactly. I mean, I don't really know where this metaphors going, but But with those two big hit but you know, the point is that you can have the ability to say. No, but you should also spend the time to really do due process and give people the time to to give you the all the details and all the information because if you were talking to yourself a year or two years ago a rune do you think if someone came to you and said I'd like a video for this you would have just gone yet. Sure. It will be at yeah. Yeah, it would have been that it would have been that like Exactly, but now it's more like because sometimes you can't say no directly just because a project is not to your liking or someone like from particular companies not to your liking or something like that. Once you start asking questions, you can also realize that you know, if this might actually work out this might actually be a better fit because Conway starting a conversation is much much better thing than like, you know, just shutting down everything that comes your way or something like that. Yeah, and there definitely are people out there who will just turn down 90% Scent of their projects without even considering them, but when when you're doing that you typically have hundreds of inquiries coming in a week don't have the time to be anything other than the show. Oh, yeah, definitely would advise anyone who's getting into this industry or kind of beginning their own career whether that's part-time was like a side hustle or doing this full-time is that you need to avoid scarcity mindset because if you keep picking up bad clients or clients that don't fit you just because I think you need the money or even if you do need the money, you're picking bad jobs just for the money. Hmm. You only attract me that jobs. Yeah, your work is not going to be good and I was really stuck in this cycle for like one and a half year when I started doing freelance with my job. Like I started doing part-time freelancing three years ago while on the job and I was really when I started I was really stuck in like that cycle where I attracted that same level of clients, which It was they needed something quick. They needed something cheap and they needed something like, you know with unlimited revisions. I was stuck with that. And what I did was I really stopped doing freelancing for at least like three four months. I stopped doing anything and I just started reading about like, you know, how do you feel answer basically how to be like, you know a person with a business or something like that, right? That's when actually stumbled upon the future and I was like, okay, you know what so it's been a year now. My I think I've made progress financially and as well in the quality of work that I put out because a lot of times when you're not really getting paid for the right amount, you might actually not have a so good because you're not really into that thing. Just want to get the money. I just want the work to be finished. Yeah, you're wasting time exactly you fight doing work that you hate or work. There's a bad fit on just saying yes, because obviously if you have a stable income and this is your side hustle you can say no more. A regular? Yeah, but yeah, if you're doing this full-time, you still should be cautious because if you are taking jobs as you say and you hate the work, you don't enjoy the client you've I don't know said something foolish like unlimited revisions. Never do that. Don't do that. Anyone listening do not do that. It's really you will hate yourself for it. Yeah, and that will just lead you to taking and making more bad decisions Mmm Yeah, they have been times when I like, I think we started the project. It and I took the you know, non-refundable leg would say Advance payment. Yeah deposit payment and all these things and we're in the middle of the project and it kinda realize like, you know, this not really gonna work out. I mean if it was over tension from their side if it's tension from my side and if it is really early like you only did the initial research initial talk and you're not really made something or anything and your and if you feel like You haven't wasted a lot of their time. If you feel you want to go out you can actually say hey, I don't think this is going to work out. I can recommend someone pick someone else and give them back their deposit and be done with it because you don't really want to go deeper in that like, you know mental state which is like I don't want to do this. Come on. Just get it over with other things like that. Yeah, the stress is not worth it. I've been there and done that the stress isn't all it's never worth it. And yes, especially when you're running your own business you Just have the clients in the projects to deal with you have all the other admin and the marketing and every other department if it's just you so add more stress to that situation. So if you're a designer or an illustrator or ux UI guy or whatever your passion is in design typically, so whenever you go to do something like accounts or tax or website design or marketing or some things that you're not used to that's already adding stress because you're not used to it and you're not not familiar. So you have to do the stressful thing of learning it to then add stress to the thing you enjoy which is designing just will make you miserable. It made me miserable. Yeah, it does and yeah, it's really good to hear that. You've kind of overcome that mindset. Yeah his I think that's one of the things that It felt like when I met you that you were just you were just saying yes to kind of get going and see what see what happens. And if it seems like you've really grown from that. Mmm. So, yeah, I mean it's also a lake I realized after I started doing this thing which is like saying no more often and I cannot really take anything that comes your way related to design. I mean there was a point where I was doing UI design for some reason. I don't know why I mean Dude, there's there's so much like I feel like there's a lot of time that I've wasted like, you know where I could have gone deeper into what I really wanted to which was at that time graphic design rather than I tried to do everything like, you know, yeah which which like, you know paid me well or whatever but I feel I wasted time there. I wasted a lot of time there. I could have grown my skill set and things like that, but I really didn't and there's a only thing that I regret like, you know not being able to you know realize that what kind of you know where I was wasting time basically, but now like, you know that that's also what has what has changed like after the last call with Chris on the livestream. We're talking about the focus thing. I I did actually I did a short survey and you know, I kind of started to get a sense of what people really know me for like, you know and things like that and I Less people whom he for a lot of things and there's not really one thing that like, you know really stands out. So I internalized like I did all the process which was basically trying to see where the most of my income is coming from what I really enjoy the most which is like, you know, when you create something and you show it to someone or you see it yourself, there's a sense of Joy sometimes like, you know, I mean most of the time that is what you're doing you're trying to let you know that Happen if you're working towards that happen is hey, this is going to look amazing. I don't look crazy. Right so I realized that was where the animation I mean I was doing animation for two years, but I wasn't really doing it, you know on a deeper level and this year. I realized I took more animation shops than I took graphic design jobs or low identity like, you know, I ran into jobs and so I decided to you know, what I'm going to do animation. Now, I'm going to say no to any craft design or plan. Anger / job that comes my way and I'm only gonna say yes to animation, but specifically I'm only going to do it for software companies because in five years of my professional experience, I worked with a soft a lot of software companies. I mean five or six and I really understand how they work and you know how they want their product we marketed and things like that. So I decided my Niche or Market will be that the software like, you know product companies and I will be doing an animation just for them. So I'm in the process of rebuilding my portfolio and rebuilding my website and things like that and Rebrand scientist redesigns, basically, so Yeah, that's that's really cool. I was getting I was going to be my next question which is what do you recommend for people who want to find a niche who want to find one specific thing? They love. How did you go about that? So there are two diverse things of one is where people actually love everything. They do like all the thing all the mediums they work in and there's another thing where people don't really love everything they do but they really want to do it because it's a you know, Money thing you know, so I was in the first group which was where I actually left graphic design. I actually like I really love creating but I started realizing that you know, I think that's what most people should do. They should really kind of internalized. They should really think about it. I just take half an hour one hour to just really think about yourself. Now, you know, where you going where you have been what I have been doing till now and things like that. And I really realized that hey I'm getting more money from animation. Then I'm getting getting money from anything else or the kind of clients that I'm getting and you know, and this is something there's another thing video is really getting popular now. So a lot of people really want to do video content and it's not like that static content is going away but video is really getting popular. So I was like, okay I can also play on that thing where you know, I can really make animations for people explain animations or micro an emotional things like that. So I realize I know I think I'm good enough to actually, you know to work for someone. I mean II know the software well enough. I know the techniques well enough so, you know what I'm going to do this. So I think that was my process which is basically internalized. I really thought through I really didn't take me more than half an hour one hour because before this I was just putting this off I was like no no. No, I love everything else. No. No, I'm going to do everything else what will happen if I don't get Do graphic design ever and something Chris said which really struck with me was he is not saying that you know, you should only do that. He's just saying show the world that you only do that, you know in my home in my PC. I can have like tons of logos that I never show anyone. Maybe I can show it off once I'm really known for just animation like, you know, so I can pivot maybe in a few years or whatever. But right now I really need to focus on something because I want to be known for something just one thing so and yeah. Yeah, that's that's really good to hear that. You've managed to condense down all the things that you love into finding one or even just within one market which is animation you found so much joy as well because when people think of going and nourishing down there like oh, well what if for some reason business cards go out of style and no one wants them anymore. What'd you find something but want to be known for being the best in a certain area or In to be the best in the certain area. So you say you want to do animation for software companies. That's a very specific Niche. Yeah, even if you were to narrow it down and say I just do animation and that's what I love over the course of three or four years. You've probably figure out what you just have which is yeah. Well, I've been taking on a lot of jobs with I don't know Craftsman or blacksmiths or financial companies or lawyers or things like that and you'd very quickly figure it out, but you're right it Avoiding it and ignoring. It doesn't actually help you. In fact probably stunts your growth as a business. Yeah, and there's one more thing that they you know, I was really afraid of that. I won't I love helping people visualize their ideas, which is what my current website used to say and I was like, if I do animation, how would I like, you know, bring that into it and let you know I was really scared about all these things losing all these skill sets that I have already have, you know? It's literally a risk like, you know changing careers in the middle of your leg, you know, whatever. So I was really like thinking about once I had selected this I really started like framing it in a way that what can I do and like, you know, all the opportunities that I can get. So it's it's really that first step that you have to take like getting back to productivity, you know think that talk we were having it's really about just taking the first step and once you take the first step you get in the flow of Of that thing be it. It can be anything like picking your Niche. Once you select something. You can really Branch out from there. Like, you know, basically, hey I can do this with this. I can do that with that like, you know, all these thoughts start coming in. So you're in a flow. So in this there's nothing wrong with picking it and then changing your changing it in for five years. No one stopping here. There's no one's stopping you from Lake in a changing it Midway la Hey I want to do this, but now I don't want to do it anymore. So now I mean I've been looking The wall hanging you have behind you of the tree Arun. Yeah, that's actually probably the best way to describe it. So, yeah for people who not only watching the video ruins got a a beautiful is it fabric? It looks like a warhead fabric its fabric. So it's a it's a wall hanging of a tree now. If you imagine a tree and a runes picked animation the trunk of the tree is animation. And yeah, all the other branches all the big branches and then all the way down to the tiny little branches are the different. Places animation could go so it's more of a case of planting the seed of whatever Niche you want to be in whether that's animation or branding or UI ux and then going down that path and seeing where it takes you because it could take you in a hole you pick one area, but that could take you a thousand different ways. Mmm. That's though very good metaphor. I mean and it was actually gonna hang it on the wall behind you. I couldn't I think that that that's One of the reasons I picked it. I saw it and I was like, hey, that's like a very good thing. I mean, it's a very I don't know but it kind of resonated with me in the sense that like lots of opportunities and like, you know, it's really I mean it's a sad tree but it is a great looking through the same time though. It's a good way to think about it in that. Yeah, you can grow and change and adapt and if you want to chop that tree down and plant another one then by all means. Yeah. You got to start with something that you yeah, awesome. So thank you very much. Everyone for joining me on this week's episode of the Fowler our I think we've talked quite a lot today is a lot of really good golden chunks of valuable information in this episode. And yeah, so where can people find you a room? Okay. So right now my website is under construction, so I wouldn't recommend you going there. But still it's the scientist or you can find me. my Instagram with the dark scientific designs awesome. Okay. All those links are going to be in the description as always for a rune and hopefully we're going to get some of the other Young Guns on in the near future about different a good look at that and what they've been up to we shall see how that goes. Yeah. Thank you very much for joining me today Arun and I'll catch you next time.
Arun and I met through the Futur Young Guns series over a year ago and on today's episode we discuss productivity, getting your first agency job and how to work with and get over scarcity mindset. This episode is jammed full of value and I know you will walk away from this hour with a new perspective on what you can achieve in 2019! Find Arun and all his projects here: Scientist X Designs Instagram Scientist X Designs Twitter Scientist X Website Thank you for listening to this episode of The Fowler Hour! Don't forget to subscribe to the show and share it on twitter and instagram! Your support, tweets and mentions help us reach new listeners just like you! Tweet about the show by using #fowlerhour Tag me in your instagram stories @cfowlerdesign This show is supported in part by our awesome sponsors! Never stop learning! Get 2 FREE months of Skillshare and take your design skills to the next level! Upgrade your font library, design assets and textures with Design Cuts! (LIMITED TIME OFFER) All of these links are affiliate based, so by checking out our sponsors you help to support this show and keep it going!
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And if it's here you have nothing else in your life or to entertain you it is not horrible. Stop put it down. No, you don't want to put a lot of work into this. I know but I'm feeling a little sad. Not getting enough me time. Alrighty of us. I mean, I'm not getting enough meat and what you know what you should do. You should tell your wife you said another podcast and just go to a bar by yourself. I'm right that is day night. She found me and we got into what we call a discussion where I lost and I had this yeah, I often lose discussions with my wife as well. So thank you for joining us whether you're new or a veteran tonight. We're going to be talking about the worst parenting related chores and responsibilities. The very specific tasks that you need to perform for your kids with your kids that are all amazing. Obvious. All amazing. We just making we're just poking some fun. Yeah. I mean this is this is the podcast where you going to learn a lot you are going to learn wanting and about yourself, maybe self. Nothing about Pete though because you're very secretive not on social media, you will never you will not speak in any way about your childhood in England. You don't know what's happening with that and if you're interested in that definitely go fuck yourself. Wow. Now see gonna do that not not gonna do it gonna do it. Again. That's one of the Impressions I will do on Cameo for a small fee not gonna do it. I don't think I've ever done that one before say if someone does ask Mike to do a cameo from them. Can you please put your name on a list? Yes a National Registry. I think the homeland security immediately. Does that okay if anyone offers Nate likes it? Yes, they can we have a lot of friends in Australia who listen to me on that radio station that time that one can't remember the name. It was in Western Australia. Yeah, where's the capital Canberra? Is that where it was? Perfect. It was Perth, but Canberra is the capital. I believe I'm sinking bear is a camera camera in third grade. I had to write a little make like a travel brochure for some place. You really wanted to go 40 years later still never been you know, what dreams don't come true kids isn't that 40 years? We have been to Wales in England. No. Okay, because that's where dreams don't come true. Well, I knew that everyone knows well sucks. Yeah, it does. I think Wales is no Australia. It's no Australia. I don't think it's Mike. I don't even think it's like a northern England. It's just sort of like whales well, it's just you know, who's you know, who's well, should I believe Pete District? I guess what rich rich man's Pete Anderson. Come on, Michael Fassbender think he's Welsh. I don't think I think gosh Irish. Well Sherman. No that's in the film. No, no can't to be German in and go as fast. I actually do believe which is 100% Other than Django Unchained we've had this conversation before no but I think Fassbender is definitely Germany. That's find out why he had a producer who maybe had a computer in front of him. You used to bring a computer and basically all you brought to the table. Guess what are we talking about? I told not to bring it anymore by my goddamn family. Yeah. Well, it's lucky. I don't know if this is your first time your 50th time of your last time, but we appreciate you joining us even for this just this brief time. Yeah. Thank you. If you want to hear some more from us, you can spread the word amongst your friends. Support us with some ratings. How about slipping into a conversation out again looking into a coma only I could I dream into a car everyday. Yeah slip into a coma it's dark. I would love it. I would love it. If you'd be pretty good you get good sleep. Do you think you get like you feel rested? Imagine if you slip into a coma and you woke up say a hundred like Futurama right not but not that far you wake up a hundred years later. Your kids have lived accomplished and successful lives. You didn't have to fucking do anything you're talking about the amazing. Ella but that's my dream is just a wake up and all the sudden my kids have done a whole lot of cool shit. Not a fan of interstellar, but we'll table that for this one. So look you can you can spread the word you can write us on Spotify and apple podcast. We need more ratings when we get to one when we get to 200 will do something special who knows what it is write a review if you want subscribe and engage with us on YouTube. We can talk about specific episodes, you know, we haven't been doing a lot of good engaging knowing, you know, well they were going to call I'm going to clear this out. I'm going to call. Us out you sound like my wife who will walk around the house and go do you think we could do this? And she just means fucking me you think we could like clean like I'll be home. I'll be working for NOAA next day and she'll go. Do you think we could clean the kitchen a little bit just when I represent meaning clean the fucking kitchen? Yeah, because she's talking about the Royal we no, I know what she's talking about. But it and if you want to throw some money our way you can do so on patreon anchor you can buy some merch at at our merch store all in my link tree and by the way this Week in particular is think patrons day thank patrons day this week. Yeah. All right. Well, I'll have to thank what we have thanked our Patron. So we're about to hear one of our patrons. We're going to thank you verbally right now, but we've also sent you a little something in the mail. I think most of you have received them or we have more to go so we have more to go. So on the single dad to hear Chris Coleman Miriam, Ms. Baybayin check your kids at the door M cedeño and Mallory Mackenzie. Thank you very much the dad bod. Tear Barbara Geiger morning glow. Go VAR, and reassemble the Father Figure to your Julie McCarthy, Sarge Paula Paul. Ski, Jennifer Winn, who is messages me now through Facebook, which it can be sometimes hard to connect what she's talking about because Facebook when I do a story on Instagram, you see what they're responding to a Facebook you don't but I figured it out Jennifer. Thank you World's Greatest Dad Mary Williams and Julie Burton brand-new KSU, Julie. The what Paula policy is the world's biggest college football fan and Julie Burton is the world's biggest. August Kansas sports fan not Kansas University though. She hates that she's case. But Kansas State That's The Jayhawks. No, I mean she's so mad is the Cougars Kansas State Cougars, right? That's right and Kansas Jayhawks. We're always better like across the board and everything and the Royals who I think are in the mid league and them in Major League Baseball. I don't think I'd be same a they may have been demoted. Okay and the Chiefs who I need a need a big game from them tonight. Help me with my fantasy game. All right, let's hope they perform and the my new dad tear Sarah Desiree kissling and Monica. Thank you. Everyone one and all if you haven't gotten something from us, you will some of you joined after we sent them out to deal with it. Yeah, how about that? That's that's what you should do. Just do that's what we do. We I deal with you you deal with me and we all deal with it. So you're getting monthly support like that with the money means we don't have to advertise which is great, but we don't want to be sellouts unless you pay us a lot of money and then will do Do it in a fucking spaz. I know exactly what that's our hope. Our hope is to to be sellouts. My hope is for you to one day be making fun of us for having sold out. No, my we are selling out by doing you've heard like probably two ads and hopefully before this well 202 not on tonight's episode. Yeah, but your support means a lot because it means that we can get into a better place emotionally. If only I think if I could only access that better place, that's why I want the coma. That's your better place. Yeah, when you when you go to your back, you're like you're like magical place. It's just a come. No, it's a hospital the sound of it no longer beeping. It's just you ten feet above you looking at you going to be good. This is beautifully Blissful finally. And the reason I want to be in that better place is because parenting sucks and there's a lot of bullshit that goes with it. And tonight. We're going to be talking about a lot of the parenting responsibilities and chores and tasks that suck the Well, let's get into it and do it right after this. Hey, Mike, have you heard of Spotify before? I have heard of Spotify? Really? Yeah, because on Spotify you can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcast in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify is a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you're listening to right now here. We were having a normal conversation and I thought I knew more about Spotify. We're on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes and listen offline. Ever you are and easily share what you're listening to with your friends on Instagram. I'm on Instagram. Are you on Instagram? Get out of here? If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for dead and buried on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me and Pete so you never miss an episode of the dead and buried show. All right, everybody as promised. We're going to be talking about the worst. How do I phrase it? The the worst chores parenting chores that are the worst. When you go out at night, when you come home fine, they should be well. You're like my kids are asleep. I posted the question and and somebody responded because I said, you know in like a couple of stories so it's not boil down to one question. I have a brief little conversation about our whatever and I say that like all the shit that you have to do is apparent that sucks whether it's like taking your kids to the doctor or the morning routine or getting them dresser bath. We're feeding them and somebody responded and I said and I'm like his parenting sucks. And there's a lot of this shit and build. Oh Myka D. Om, E. Ik A on Instagram responded parenting absolutely sucks cannot wait for this podcast now, he didn't say cannot wait for this episode, but he has listened to before but all he really did. I mean the entire podcast is basically just about all the little balls every episode is a different part of the building that we are that sucks. So we are here to act as that pillow to scream into. Yes Justice. I mean, there's so many wonderful parenting podcast out there that you should definitely listen to but if you're really pissing most as with Mom if you're happy, yeah, if you're have mom like that if you're halfway through a bottle of wine, this is the one you need to go to listen to or if you're working out or whatever. You need to get some working out and I can put another 25 pounds on the fucking Bobby shrimp on the barbie. That's the Arable now, we are literally went from the gym to the grilled ham and you know what one it's fucking shoe of Consciousness. I'm an artist. Yeah. Yeah. So Bill this is this not only is this episode for you every previous episode and every future episode are also for you quite the coincidence. Literally we made this for you, but it's all for you Bill. So pretty. Wow. What day is The Omen reference? Yeah. So good. Guess what that what I do right after that you hang yourself in jump from a building? Yeah. Thanks, Bill. Thanks for chiming in. So today I had to bring my kid to the dentist. And on the way back. How many shitty toys did he come back one? Just one like the smallest one. He loved the fucking toothbrush. You got which 185 the hammer I am five-year-old of thanks for not knowing the aces my kid 9 and 3/8 and five was not even close. So the Hammers my toddler. We're I'm I'm leaving and I have them in the stroller just because I was in a hurry on the way there and we parked it's hard to find parking a little bit far and I went to check my work email all with one hand with one hand you son of a but that's not why it was because I wasn't looking there was a huge divot. Yeah, of course in the pavement and you're ready launched him really? Yeah, he wasn't strapped in he's too big. I don't stop him in that much anymore. We're barely going anywhere hit the fucking thing. It's like when you're on your bike. Yeah hit the brakes on the front wheel. Your wrist is obviously broken because there's nothing like 20 pounds, but he just boom and he launches forward breaks his fall with his hands. Thank God but smash it rips his pants and his hands and he's not bleeding and he's not even scraped but you could tell like the force of the impact I think heard a lot, right? And he was just screaming I want my mommy was like the first thing he said and I put the gun in my mouth right there. Yeah, and then I mean I'd you pack I made him feel better. And I made them feel a little bit better on the walk back to the car by like having fun with the stroller and stuff worry about that if we're right next to the and we get in the car and I'm trying to like cheer him up and ask him what's going on. It's just going to leave me alone. Who's my God honestly devastated so I had tears in my eyes. So, you know, no that's the other one. I'm just killing it. No because you but I've done that before where you're just you're full stride like just pumping because you got to get somewhere. Yeah. Now I've never the want the reason why the one hand it is because you got to get you got to get the right side of the one making a really hard. Yeah, very very hard. And the heavier the kid the harder it is prized your wrist shatter because what I wasn't on the side of it, I was in front of it with both and maybe I don't know maybe I just put my phone away and grabbed. It just hadn't seen the divot in the sidewall and straight into the dividends you and there goes your kid just poop kind of yeah, exactly. It was not fun to the street like this on the sidewalk. No. No we were Going parallel to it. You've done it into traffic. I've come like I care if I tell you how close I've come to like actually like just putting my kid fully in like like just doing that because the sidewalk yaker fucking garbage and you hate this city, by the way, I do and you know what though? I also love it Union Yang Yin and Yang Yang and yang but nice try. So anyway, we got home and he took a nap because he needed one which is part of the reason he was so hysterical. And he naps for a while. Then he wakes up and he comes and finds me and then he wants me to ask me to snuggle with him. So then I go and snuggle with him and I don't know what I asked him. I was trying to make sure that he was okay. He goes leave me alone. Someone has your fucking be my started to walk away and he's like no snuggle. I'm like, what the fuck? Yeah, it should cut bait, you know exactly and the point is you can't take what kids need a little kids say to you personally because they're fucking mush brained. I got nothing going on. So basically this was a All the play. Yes, and you had a point to this whole story which is don't trust your kids if they need an injury after him, you know dump them on the side know is when they say they don't like you don't trust them until they later. No, but the point was I took him to the dentist. That's where I'm supposed to go. And then I remember the accident. Okay, right and taking the kids to the dentist sucks. Yep, and it's the third time in two weeks that I've been to the dentist. I also had to go to the Urgent Care with teca Munch. Yeah. I'll tell you in a minute. I do go to Urgent Care Detective Munch. And we have doctors appointments and that kind of stuff on this list because it's such a huge pain in the ass because and those are more out of the ordinary things. You don't have to do those every day half the things in this list. Most of them are everyday. All right. Thanks. All right, let's we're going to start with and the first one were going to talk about is bedtime. You know what I'm out of here. You get out of here. You can't handle it. I can't you angry. You know what I just got triggered. We did an episode on the bedtime routine where we got into up all the stuff. We did it for love. So go back and listen to it. I think it was episode. Whatever, it's called It's called Go the Fuck to Sleep. Yeah, it's like, you know go look it up. It's good, but we did a whole thing on this but so but we got some input so so why does crack zombie designs hate the bedtime routine She fucking hates doing it because it drags bedtime out, but they require the routine to sleep, right? You can't just say hey go to bed like me. I had so much my wife hates me because I will just walk in the bedroom face plant and I'll be out within 5 minutes. Yeah, and she's got you know so-called mom brain. She's having anxiety and thinking about things because guys and Dad we don't have anything to worry about no stress no anxiety. Sorry. I fall asleep faster than you doesn't mean that I don't have things on my mind. It doesn't mean I don't have feelings. Well, that's I don't have feelings but no but looks you know, honestly your extremities have are numb. No. Yeah. I'm a leper. Yeah, so real Kate and I don't she's been commenting and listening for one. I don't know how to pronounce her name for sure. Real Kate says she says she asks the bedtime routine wide. Does it take so long to put them in bed and get them to sleep? It's okay. I'll be as the thing. The bedtime routine could be have your number. Yes. They did have your number and they've dialed it in and so here's what can I just tell you about time routine. I'd like to hear my so of all my kids. My oldest is actually turns out to be one of the hardest to put to bed and when you have nothing left when you are all your tank is and what when you're going well and it's just dust that there are you it's just me. On metal and the and the next thing you here after putting the kids to bed is I mean, there's only one reaction which is fuck you like just fuck whatever it is just fuck off and then of course if you do say that which I've definitely done you said fuck off. First of all, this has been what it was been 12 years every single day for 12 years for you know, yes, that's what I'm saying. I mean, so yes there have been times I've said fuck off and in fact last night it was like, it's enough. It's just too much and And but then what happens is so this is that 12 even. Yeah. Well, I mean, you know, I think that's Yeah, my okay take a breath. I know you know guys I can't take it. So when this happens to us, so we do the bed time my wife and I mean, this is the thing that's annoying. Right? So you might have a bedtime routine that takes a long time maybe takes a half an hour or whatever from when you bring them to their bedroom and then finally leave but that's not necessarily when it's over because they could be calling you back for whatever reason is. Sometimes it goes on for like three hours intermittently over the last two and a half hours. That's the most soul-crushing. So when one of my kids cause it like will go down. I'll go down. We'll do it together. I'll leave knowing full. Well, I'm going make that whatever is not go back down again, and then I'll be like if I'm sitting on the couch with my wife. I'll be like I'm not going down right? It's your turn if anybody's doing it and then maybe she goes down in the next time. It's like we're both sitting up there going. No, right. We're not coming and yelling at them and then I fucking Sky they finally get off and stomp angrily go in there. Yeah, but you know why because that shit is now on. Your time and you know what, we're having sand and like I say it's metal on metal like there's no there's nothing left. You don't have anything left in your reserve have nothing left to give to at 10 o'clock at night too. I haven't eaten. I'm just I've dealt with all these fucking kids. I just need to like, can you just go to bed, please, please. It's all I want. No, I will never say that will say look. Let's just guys fuck mommy and daddy need some like time to themselves to or you say like we have I work to do or something like that when you really just going to watch Latest episode of Watchmen so been teeny 80 says she dreads bath bath and bedtime. We're getting into that time next. She said by that time of the day bedtime. I'm so tired and I can't deal with the nonsense my son drags bedtime on for an outrageously long time. I'm hot. I'm cold. Can I have my water one more book? What's that sound? These socks hitch. It's torture. I don't have the patience for it. Especially then. It's my one. Here you go. Here's my one final hurdle to cross before getting some time to myself and you get you get So desperate, I know that's so close to the end. The that's the things you get you more. Yeah aggravated at it when this happens with anything. If you have you need to go out. I've learned this if you have a desire as a parent to do something without your children verse what what's going to happen? Yeah, like Murphy's Law. Yeah is going to conspire to make sure that all you need to do whether it's I just need to run an errand really ugly or actually I need to you know do this. Like every other time in every other situation that's going to be a close second. Yeah. She's like it's but the night where you think you're escaping your kids. It's going to turn out to be the biggest meltdown you've ever it's going to be China Syndrome. Where the thermo Three Mile Island. Yeah, exactly and both of those are references for move. Thermonuclear Globe Thermo global thermonuclear war. Would you like that that doubted nothing like just like you doing an impression of you doing the computer? From war games. All right. Can I just say one thing about been teeny 80 why are you putting socks on your kid take them off take them off. Sometimes it's not worth doing if the kids Find You Don't Rock the Boat Don't Rock the Boat fine, but no the kid shouldn't have socks. But also if they're itching if they're a problem you fix that real quick. You know what I do. So my wife thinks is really weird. So sometimes when I sleep I'll put one foot out under the covers just to cool yourself down but when I'm awake, right and it's I will I will if I have my feet out so I do because I usually have my feet out and even if that means I will pull my socks down off of the heel and ankle and they'll still be on my foot just halfway we well that cools me down. A lot of my wife thinks. It's so weird. Let's back bbbbb this practice. Okay story is do it. You wear socks to bed. No, this isn't a bad I'm saying when I'm like in the living room or and we're watching TV, right? Yeah. Still out probably still have my socks on right I won't take them off completely. What I'll do is I'll I'll fold them up a little bit off my ankle and off my heel so they just cover my toes in the front of my foot and it's more I don't know it's comfortable as they take on my bra outlet and it cools me down. My wife thinks. It's so weird and gross looking. You know, what's amazing is I'm totally with your wife and I actually threw your with my wife. Yeah. Yeah because her opinion to do you think everything about feet is disgusting? There's a lot of people think feeder weird. Yeah. You're weird just so just - yeah. My flip-flops. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So Lego 1311 says bedtime takes forever each day. It seems like something new gets added to it. Just go to sleep. So do your kids have a long involved routine? Okay both. I have three kids my middle and my I will tell my you know, what? I've been I feel like I've been cursed and I've been blessed. I don't know how my youngest should he ever listen to this podcast. It's not about him. Obviously. I'm talking about a different kid that I have. Mm-hmm. I'll be like here. Your beds over there like anywhere. I could be anywhere and be like you said your bed with you and sleep literally like Circle it three times like a dog. Yeah pop down and then he'll be asleep. He is the champion. He is the great he was he was he realizes that sleep is the greatest thing in the world. Now, I will say he didn't nap the whole time. He was alive for an entire year. So, you know the whole time he was alive for an entire year. What does that mean? He didn't app per year for was not for the whole time. I was like his whole life. Until he was one didn't app. So it was a total like it was a fucking shit show to have to thank you. So from birth to one. He never nap. Correct, even as a baby, correct, but he men he just he was like, but he went to bed. How long did he sleep at night? No, but then he then started to sleep through the night and I love this story makes a lot of sense but will pass will go with move on. So it just so happens that my oldest record as the most. But that's okay. So my kids I don't know. It's like they need water. They always need the one last thing and then by the end of it, you're just yelling at them. I don't remember myself or I can doing that. I don't like this is the thing that gets me get tucked in your done, which is yeah. I'm fact most of the time it's a to college and go to bed. It's like a night and you're like, okay, but I didn't you say but but but and they're like fuck that go to bed you like Mom. That's a lot of swearing. I mean, okay. Boom early. Okay Boomer. Okay Boomer. So a lot of people do bath time before bed. Oh, yes. So do you deal with that guy's you my bath every night life hack life hack on the weekend we do bath so early so we're getting we give this is the bath time. Yeah, we're session now, I do beth time so fucking early. It's the Especially in the winter time. It's the absolutely you get home from work. It's just bath time. Oh immediately that a battle to get your kids to do know because it's pretty straightforward and it's bath before dinner because how messy are they going to get it dinner? I mean they you know, yeah, you don't even know if they're not like the god lower. You know, that's not the point. The point is at the very end of the day but also has bass soothing for bedtime takes the longest amount of time and so if they're in there and you can be making dinner while they're in there and I mean some you know, obviously if they're able and they're old enough To be in them in there by themselves. That's great. Otherwise, the point is is the amount of energy. It's all about how much energy is something to Take Back Time takes a shitload of a yes to have dinner first and then have to do dinner. Yeah. Yeah when you want to be done after death, dude, you gotta be done. It's straight from dinner to bed. So a lot of people complained about about bath time and Courtney charm. There's something I wanted to ask you. She says the entire floor ends up wet and just when you think you're done you still have to clean the tub. Who's cleaning the top every time your kids ever sit in the tub? Yeah big time Big. There's a tail. He's gotta tell that's a Delirious. Yeah. She was delirious. No, that was my story. Oh, you're right. There was yours to my oh my God. Don't - daughter it out was screaming my youngest brother and my oldest daughter in the bath and then I said stop I said stop. Yeah, she's got it. It was the poop in the tub and Eddie Murphy's delirious, but I wasn't Submarine. Yeah, so Barb's to Graham says that her two-year-old decided Well five minutes into the bass you no longer loves it. Hella scared of it. Hella. Yeah, you use that you say that? Hella. That's a West Coast term. Yeah, but not so much anymore. It's like Wicked used to be Boston, but people use Wicked everywhere. No, no, no one uses it everywhere. No, but it gets used everywhere really guys are pieces show really know you I think you'll find you're a piece of shit if you use were well, I already know if he's a shit and I don't Use the word Wicked I'm just saying it has spreads Wicked pissah. I'm getting the hell upset right now. So my kids hate the bath what about showers? Can they do the oldest of showers now go and he's not himself. Of course, it took a little while to get them there to do. You gotta learn how to do with the shampoo and make sure you rinse it all out and all this shit. I carry my toddler like my I'll shower with my toddler but Read that still too old. I think to all the white to be to have to do that to like just they should do it themselves. You think he a three-year-olds going to shower by himself not my three-year-old was just in the shower when you do drown just sit in the shower and the water spray on his face now. Yeah, it's a good that's exactly right. There you go buddy. So that's the mechanic. Anyway, the shower is definitely easier but I've still you clean the bath after every bath my kids don't like the shower or bath or anything right when I mean by clean. I don't know. It's just Courtney turn said no, I don't but definitely like all the bath toys and stuff. They clean them. They need to be older to shower because they like to play because you've made them more enticing them in the bath time by adding toys and stuff. Right? So and so then what when again this is when they're older, so we're talking I'm talking for my kids five eight five nine and everyone knows too. Clean the bat like they have to clean it up if they play with toys and they have long hair to the girls. The girls have long hair. So a nightmare they don't they don't shower you make your wife clean the drain since all the girls have the long hair for whatever. That's a good question. But our dreams not mine. Oh my God my dream but if super drains drains are not that clogged with hair adulation at least societies says she hates bath time because it hurts her back washing their hair and their little bodies. He's and she always gets soaked. It hurts my back when I leaned down and the guy on the tile your knees hurt your back hurts. But Mike well, I guess my kids kind of have long hair but not like not like a girl would have you got a kneeling pad? Yeah, like a like a dainty your dainty memory foam thing. It's like an actual it's a gardening pack. You stir it next to your puke Bowl. Yeah right in front of your face like a cutout right in front of my face cut out of Mike's face. Shut up, and then I go So that is Yasmeen Reyes 0:13 said that her kids are five and seven. She's trying to teach him to shut showering on their own. Yeah, because bath time suck so much. Yeah, that's what you got. Yeah. No, I agree. But my three-year-olds like a shower in his own he wants to play or do whatever but you can as I said our Kirstie Milstead said that she hates bathing her kid because the kid wants to play and she doesn't so she pawned the bath time off to her husband her husband, of course. Yeah. I mean I used to get home and then do all three kids and then I had a mean this That the secret of parenting is is getting home after your kid has after your wife has bathed or your spouse's bathed your kids. Yeah or something. Like that's the dream of parenting to get home just afterwards amazing walk in total and it's done and say what about sorry, but I put him together what it put them together in one bath get him go. Yeah altogether, but I'm doing but when you're when you're a new parent got a bath time is very scary. Right, you're scared to turn your back at any moment. Even when they're toddlers. All that shit is infants with very clever the infant that little tray that they're in. Yeah flower underscore Kuwait. Oh says that her kids screams bloody murder. It's digweed because she doesn't want to get washed. What is it with these kids not wanting to get why either less freezing cold water or a little bit less High School. Yeah burned water. Well water burn baby. That's Rain Man. Hi starts hitting himself. Burn baby. Yeah, did you ever get burned this? No, I just had the shoe polish thing the shoe shoe polish Tori. Yeah. So you were saying you do bath time before meal time, which is how we put it on this list here and just say something. Oh my God on Saturdays and Sundays in the wintertime bath time starts at I'm we're in the zone at 3:30. I'm not fucking shitting you at 3:30 starting at 3:30. So will they have been out for the day? What are you doing all day? Soccer soccer Christmas shopping everything not everything everything going to like Build-A-Bear. Have you ever been to a building that will go to like the Children's Museum Nate? You been to a Build-A-Bear what the fuck for ate some pot brownies and when built the bear to scout. Oh my God, I don't know. I've never done one. I don't really know what it's about. There was a funny face book story where people went to a birthday party. That's some kid held at Burt Build-A-Bear the rent it out in the kid held it up. The bear and everybody all went and they made all their bears and these are like four or five year olds. They all made their Bears then as they were leaving the mom of the birthday girl was like, okay everybody give your Bears to me. These are all gifts for my child. So it wasn't like the goodie bag gift. It was these were all being made for the birthday girl. There's like 20 for building. Yeah. I mean, even if it were 12, right like how many life bears do need this like they had a brief discussion of in the mom was like, well, I like this was a Memento for my child for a birthday from all of her friends like she got it. I stood she got it twisted just weird some of the weird things people do I'm thinking about I'm thinking about how much you really stepped out of my story about that time. Okay, finish your story then fuck it. I'm not you know what? Yeah, you're pouting like my child offended like my nine year. All right, let's do the he won't want it. You know what I'm getting them in my life hack about going to bath time at four o'clock know. Yeah what that I thought that was the whole story. It's in that first of all back if you assume that bad time. To take an hour then let it take an out if bath time is going to fucking take an hour. Yeah. I'm never coming back into my house. That's his outrageous. I'm not every I'm not there just about five minutes. I'm not there to care the kids do their own thing. They come out all wrinkly gives a shit about that. I don't know. You know what they're like it's have you ever seen everyone's like X-Men with a senator comes out of the water. Oh, yeah sitting like you just like terms of Bruce Davison is his name. I want you to know that okay meal time. Let's do it. Mealtime that's like from pardon the interruption Mail Time mealtime. Yep, or it's also mail time is also from like Blue's Clues Mail time. I heard I watch that today. Maybe that's why there's a new Blue's Clues. Do you know the Blues Clues guy lives around here? It doesn't shock me but I didn't know that is DJ Lance Rock the original guy Steve Steve. What? What's his address? Maybe I want to go pay him a visit. Do you? What are you like a fucking don't even know what he looks like. I never watched it hug, you know what that wouldn't be so bad go around giving people hugs. Yeah random acts of kindness and amount. I have that bumper sticker on my car except on the New York City subway, which case don't do that. Don't do it. No touchy. Don't touch it. It's like the it's like the Arrested Development. No touching. I made a me my that I made a MeetMe that once you should check out my Instagram accounts pretty good hundred eighteen. No. Thanks. No. Thanks verified our let's do this mealtime to mealtime Sierra Roxanne. I like that name not gonna lie to you Sierra SLE. It's like max power. It's like max power like max power. Yeah. I hate cooking them. Well, you know, she's talking about me. Okay, I hate cooking meals or even putting snacks together. My kids are always hungry. Yeah. A lot of people said this Timesheet and it's not just about mealtime is about feeding the kids. Right? So it's mealtime snack time. Veronica quigs said that feeding toddlers is the worst because 90% of the time you're met with me. No like yeah, my wife made him about that, you know like me no give a shit. I think was what she said under me not to my child my God, you know what? The best part is is describing me. I think that might be a new thing. I like it. Okay. I don't like oatmeal. Yeah, but that because what's the wolf are really one Quaker Oats diabetis. That's two weeks ago. We gotta Wilford Brimley West. So a lot of people would like to bring their their instant oatmeal to work and then use like the hot water cooler or whatever it if I can eat it. It's like eating paste. I don't know get out. You just get the fuck out of oatmeal. It's fine oatmeal's fine. Don't brag on oatmeal, you know, what as part of the oatmeal Lobby United States of Cats get to the bottom. Why are you so fucking defensive about oatmeal? Don't worry about it. I don't leave somebody I'm not part of it. Okay, we went on fucking oatmeal Thoroughly Modern says all the fucking meals and snacks and corresponding dishes Jesus fucking Christ. She's upset. I think she's upset she's pissed and you know what? She should be pissed because not only is she Thoroughly Modern but it name's Millie. Yeah, not really musical reference. So a lot of people complained about not only having to do all that stuff in the prepping and the snacking and how Sure, the kids were but about how ungrateful they are right though. The ungratefulness like so mrs. Thomas underscore says she hates cooking has half the time it never fucking eat it mama mama lacks. A Vita says cooking sucks. They hate it. Anyways, Ruby underscore low blow says she hates cooking any meal because the likelihood of them eating it and liking it is so low, I'd rather not I just I honestly am in I'm such a believer of like fuck like let them if they're sure. But enough but distant but these people aren't necessarily saying like they're making a second meal. They're just saying it's annoying. The kids are complaining. I'm with them. I'm a hundred percent with them. And I just I I every time my kids don't eat their food and then 20 minutes later like hey, do you have any goldfish? Oh my gosh, like you know what? How about this I get Joe Pesci on them. How about this fucking fuck you up? I'll fuck you. What are you doing? I don't know. It's not Joe Pesci, but I don't care. God is more about my life. You set up a cameo so earlier tonight. So my son has to get some medicine and then the doctor said he shouldn't eat take it on an empty stomach. So I got home from work running some errands and like picking up the medicine and I hadn't seen him since he's been home from school. Right? So I walk in and I'm like, hey, have you eaten? He's like no, I'm like, oh, yeah. He's like why I'm like, did you see something before you take your medicine? He goes, I'm not hungry. Then we discussed the medicine why he hates. It doesn't want to take it literally two seconds later. He goes to me. I'm hungry and I'm like What the fuck? What is I don't he's just being defiant. Right and he's not about because he's always hungry but he will say he's not hungry. If you offer him something he doesn't want or it's not a snack or whatever really like you're saying he's not hungry for dinner. But then he waits you out 10 minutes and wants dessert starving. Yes starving for this oldest tricks in the book. So Becky 4005 says what an unoffending unbelievably thankless job if they just sit and gag it down. You have to accept it as a win and God forbid you. Get any damn credit for making exactly what they like which they all like for like three weeks and then you make it for them and then they decide they never liked in the first place. And why are you doing this by the way? I'm cool with broccoli. My middle likes to walk around the coffee table. I'm like, all right, whatever. Wow she eat because it's so gross raw broccoli. No, the only way to eat raw broccoli is raw or or like broiled hard-boiled. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, first of all, yeah in the broiler gets crispy half. Why didn't you know more crudite though, the raw vegetables with a little French on your Ranch. My parents came from the German School of vegetables. Everything was that mean they would boil this shit. No gross. So my I thought I didn't know that beans were actually drill. My God hands Lucent for most of the plants like boiled spinach. It's like eating my shoes right now acts. That's I'd rather eat wax. I know me too and then eventually I was like Mom what the fuck and she was like, fuck you. All right, you know you got a lot of problems with swearing in your family and maybe we see maybe where you get it from. I don't know man. I'm just tired. So MPS muda says the she hates meals because of all the preparation and the cleanup. Yeah, and then you have to do it again a couple hours later. And a lot of people were like you have to do this three times a day. Well, first of all pain are we are we in the zone where we have found the best chicken nuggets to serve our kids like, you know, like we know we're going to serve them chicken nuggets. We know we're going to serve the mac and cheese. So are we getting them like a knees? Can choose a we just like fuck it? We're going to give them like do you think Annie's is the best? I don't know dude. I'm just saying we thought of it as like a Brooklyn thing. Is it anywhere else? Annie's organic? I don't know. I don't know but the point is it says in the fucking vinyl the and he's frozen pizza suck. I'll tell you that. What are your go-to meals for your kids? So like it's a you're too busy you're not eating with them, right? You're not having a family meal. You're going out the babysitter's coming. You want to feed them beforehand or whatever. What are they getting there getting there? Definitely getting pop some sort of Of pasta, my kids won't eat pasta. Okay again, some sort of pasta. Then they're going to get chicken nugget. How many courses do they get for in the five one? And then they're like Juice Box. No, no, no my brakes in the homicide what juice box of pairings who gets written second breakfast like who gets second breakfast. Nobody I'm saying you give them a pasta and then you give something after that. We do know I'm saying there it's like a calm but it's a full meal. It's pasta with chicken nuggets and then get gas and then fruit and everything. We don't do vegetables. At our house or fruit. Yeah, we got we do for my kids actually really like food. I don't eat fruit. But we got holes will do will do chicken nuggets and fries. We don't put a vegetable with it or will do Trader Joe's Fried Rice. It's carrots are pretty pretty now. We don't have cares you fried rice. Okay Trader Joe's because you can microwave video if you want. It's pretty good the chicken and it is in the best in the world, but it's Trader Joe's so it's not the worst. You know, right Nate. What are the worst my favorite thing is when we some every once in a while will order out for we get food from like like at I will get Thai food. We got like a rice or will go Make sure my or whatever we do that we do the same thing. My favorite thing is when my middle daughter were will take a bite and she'll be like, what do you think and shit? Yeah, not bad. Would you like another nope, if you like excited you're like excited. Oh my God. Yes, it's cool. We found something you like and it's Sushi Wow. I'll even give you some of mine too. Nope, not interested. Get the fuck out of here. Holly. Anchor says that when she was asked her least favorite parenting chores. She said 100% feeding the little little shits. I just liked it. I mean look if you're actually physically feeding them. It's absolutely brutal. I mean if you're in the newborn, I've actually done that thing where you like just you know, I asked me to do the train or I'll do slingshot and come fast Adam just I slow down before shoving his face hold his mouth open now, I don't hold him. I just go slingshot. He'll ask for certain things. Like it's the absolute stereotype. No not still there. Back in this is like a year and a half ago or whatever right? But it seems you will do you do you will do anything anything anything to get them to eat? But at the same time they're not going to starve to death. So are you the kind of person the kind of parent that would let your kid just you'd put the food on the tray. Just let them go for it like fingers like a peach just like between their fingers eating the one that doesn't happen anymore. I'm trying to remember if we would do that like I would I would twitch and die so So we used to do we still do so my parents when we visit my parents in Connecticut on the weekends at like five or six. I'm like Saturdays. They're older they'll do like they'll put out cheese and crackers and antipasto and stuff. Right and finally family and my son Detective Munch would started to call that a cracker party anyway to ask us can we have a cracker party? So sometimes I'm like Saturdays and Sundays. We were watching a movie. We put out cheese and crackers. Of our cracker party and then he could obviously those are finger foods. You can reach out and grab them. No, but you know what? I mean? I mean, yeah. Well, you're just like I don't care about the mess or how they eat it just of them getting their bellies fire. I don't I don't I admire the kids that can actually as opposed to having to sit there and feed them with the yeah, like they can just label. Sometimes they'll just milk it they'll just make you feed them. Even if they can pick up this Workforce themselves their bodies are covered in like the floor. I can't well. Yeah, we're coming up on cleanup and a lot of it involves. That but we're not quite there yet because I thought I knew something was a starry High said that one of the things that sucks about mealtime is that you're in charge like the stress of it's not just like I want him to eat what I made it's like for their own health, they need to eat and their work there will be some stretches where they won't and and you will make them anything at any time just because you need them to get some sustenance whether it's like Eggo waffles for dinner or whatever and that is true it is it can be pretty stressful. But you know what? Fuck em, yeah, you don't want to eat you want to waste away like Christian Bale or in The Machinist? Hey, yeah go for it or or Joaquin Phoenix and Joker he gets real thin and that too. Yeah, I'm sure evenly so we've basically zeroed in on there's a couple fruits and there's a couple veg that they'll eat and then we just kind of pair that with whatever what veggies carrots cucumbers beans will do broccoli. Sure. They'll do they'll do Broccoli beans, they'll do Brock. I mean my like I said my it's not a 29 year old is absolutely like dead set up. My son eat broccoli. Like you've never it's the most impure son isn't eating machine. He is kind of like it even he's definitely machine of some kind of machine from eight millimeter. I hope not not that kind of machine. That's kind of gross actually. What is machine-readable. Yeah. That's not a good look. All right, so speaking of eating one of our other big things with school lunch and having to pack it and my school for my son favorite hobby has thankfully done away with it and it's all cafeteria. So it's all free meals in New York. They can go get free meal at lunch and but then you have no idea if they're eating it because at least if you pack their lunch when it comes home on open, do you know, they haven't eaten it. I used to hate packing lunch. Oh, can I have that? Yeah, that was an accident. Don't I considered buying it and then I didn't look at this little Serendipity with the beers. I'd consider buying it. I'm like Pete doesn't like Stouts. Oh my God, you're gross little bells. So we got Bells too hard and got Bells Kalamazoo Stout Bells. Great Brewery, Michigan. Anyway. Yeah so school lunches. So when I was a kid, I got fucking Wonder Bread ham mustard, maybe slice of cheese cold cuts. I for I still to this De coca sandwiches junk unless it's got something special to it right roasted red peppers or something else going on like buying what like an Italian or something like that somewhere mushrooms, but like that kind of shit always turn me off and then I found myself making that kind of shit for my son or making peanut butter and jelly, which is the easiest thing in the world don't have to do that anymore, but it was so irritating and you always forget and it's like 11:30 or about to go to bed me like shit. Oh, you gotta make my kids sandwich. If you make it that morning every day. Yeah, because I love to fight with my wife and my family. Oh, I forget you. Remember I do just get the fuck. Everything is like through clenched teeth. But in the morning every morning is when you make their lunch when you make them all on Sundays, that's what people say. When are you moving the moon? So maybe we can't do what do you make you food to the bees? We should get the fuck up. You know what I got shit to do. No get some trying to watch The Lost Boys. That's right Tim Roth from Reservoir Dogs impression also available on Cameo. Don't do that. It don't make them all on me in one day because they get gross as the week goes on and you haven't eaten them. That's true. But they're always Gross Fresh is better. I mean, normally it's fine. It's just the fact that they're constantly like they come back and they're like, what do you want for for lunch today? And of course, it's like shorter. What do you want your shirt? Are you 21 and this guy but then you'll make them specifically what they want. They want to know it. You just you know what you just summarized all of parenting you do whatever you can for them to make them happen if they spit in your face exactly what they asked you and that's it. So Aaron, this is an ascending Aaron pain. Joan says making school lunches is the worst it takes forever, which is what we were just saying, will he even eat it which were with George what we were just saying. Well the teacher judge me so the teacher sees so there have been I've seen some stories where like teachers have sent back notes being like this. She's in nutritious enough already. Yeah. Yeah, you can't well our school won't allow certain like you can't put I could any cookies you can because they're not not not because it's like an allergy thing. But because they think it's Michelle Obama's obesity. Yeah Coalition there but it is the Obesity Coalition. Is it a coalition of people that want to be a be so it's anti-obesity Coalition. I'm sorry. I misspoke. It's not a proof. No, it's not pro obesity because that would be if you were to be like purple drink. Purple drink gushers gushers. Yeah, is that a candy? We're noticing this was a drinker. Remember Bonkers Bonkers. Is that a candy? It's a drink. Of juice, it sounds repulsive. You know what you're in time purple drink in time Michelle. I don't know what purple drink is purple Kool-Aid. No, it's just like purple like the purple drank Juicy Juice. Yeah, it's not enjoy. It's like did not enjoy it. Like it's just like a generic comes in a gallon container just it's a color and it's a great cause it's gross my kid today tells me that one of his schoolmates can't have Artificial flavors so my kid is saying my kid was saying that she's not allowed to have like half the candy in the world because I'm like it probably more than half with the artificial flavors and I'm like why not and he's like because it makes her crazy and I think this is one of those things where like yellow dye number 5 or the chemicals and shit, right? Yeah, like in certain things people think contributes like ADHD or maybe even like autism or shit like that and they ice what I said to myself once I said, you probably shouldn't be able to That shit either but I'm a terrible parent. So I don't know that's what the president has been said that ship has sailed the horses out of the barn. You know, what you did why flip the script on your little sigh did and you fucking right back in your face bitch. Guess what dude you can't have this shitty there now boom and he was like Pikachu like what? Is that a Pikachu thing? Yeah. That's a that's an audio version of the Pikachu what because you know, and can imagine my face. I hope you're not imagining his face right now folks, please do Okay, so when we talk about the way that I can ever remember if it's Keith's not Keith one of the Carradine brothers the one who died from self asphyxiation, huh? David Carradine Carradine Cody David. He was in Kill Bill 2 Oh, yeah, and when she goes to his house at the end and seized him and he's making their daughter sandwiches the way he makes those sandwiches. It's like it's like hypnotic like he's like the way he's cutting the shit and the triangles and he's getting the mayonnaise. Or whatever the fuck he's making. I don't even like mayonnaise when I have a BLT I get it with mustard. That's fucking right delicious. It's got a lucky you it's perfect. But the way he's slanted on there. He's really elegant. It's really interesting. I like to watch right now code just as the Superman Clark Kent speech though is fucking phenomenal. Anyway, so we did school lunches then we want to do this was a Hot Topic the school drop off pick off routine pickup routine. You know what that means which is a which is a little bit different for for for for which is a little bit which is a little bit different in Brooklyn. Yeah, I could take the bus taking my kid to the bus sucks. Right? I have to get up early bring him out early and I'm going to work early which is fine. I'm used to it now, but like how early what's your early get up at 6:45? Okay, and he has to get it the but gets to the bus at 7:20 a school day doesn't even start till 8:30 or 8:25 or whatever. It just has bus ride is so long. Yeah, but a lot of people what they deal with is like School drop-off lines like this is Suburbia where there's like all this protocol for if you're in the drop-off line, you have to be in a specific Zone to be able to let your kid out check your kids at the door funny meme account. Check it out says School drop off is the worst two kids at two schools. Almost two hours in the car. God fucking hate it right. So the bus is so much more convenient hours in the car. You gotta drop one kid all you got both kids. In the car, you're bringing one to the school dealing with that shit. It's crazy. Wait, wait two kids at to school. Ok. So once maybe older ones young sure or ones in private ones in hmm. Which one is the better one? Which one do you think is the better run so he's got two kids in the car. He brings one to the school. He had to get in the fucking line. Wait till you get to the entrance drop the kid off. Then you leave the proper way go to the next school and do the same thing. Yes. That's what these things like circles as carpool drop off. There's all this shit. Moms on Instagram Hayden. Let me tell you. Hey, my I don't experience it. Let's listen, but it is a major source of contention because like sometimes people will get out of their car when they're not in the zone and like slows up shit people like driving too fast and speed and causing problems. People are getting in fights encourage. Roughly. It's like moms. Can I just drop hell is this like an airport? Taxi line? Yeah, like yeah where someone will get into a taxi that's like three behind and then the taxi will just pull out and Go, you know what? I mean? Like, I mean, they're not actual taxis, but there's an order and sometimes people will but in and do whatever the kid and all like, yeah it's early and then they'll pull out and like I believe something like that. Yes all sorts of shit like that. There's a lot of politics involved for loading and unloading exactly. And then are they all at the school gets pissed off because you're endangering kids potentially in the may be liable. I don't know but these moms hate it right. So what I thought was interesting so Well, there's a couple of these this isn't have to do with that stuff. But kkw 27 says I also hate school drop off my son always tries to pull the I don't feel good card like where you're about to let him out of the car. I don't feel good. So in this is what her response is. Yeah. So in normal parent fashion, I tell them if the nurse calls me because you want to be a little brat. I will spank your ass in front of her. Try me have a good day baby that's fucking twisted. And then she says doggy will get you off the bus and she had put in parentheses that doggy was her husband, but I also know from previous interaction with her. Let's her husband's Instagram name or his nickname is Lulu bagels. For some reason. This is the guy who thinks I cater to women this way doesn't listen to the podcast because we record on Monday Night Football. I also posted a story the other day where I was wearing a scarf and he said to his wife that scarves are for women. Watch the movie the other day and there were a couple like he's just like middle school kids in it and one middle school kid says, thank you and the other kid makes fun of him for saying thank you. So then this little kids nervous about saying thank you to anybody and later on in the movie. He says to an older kid. He's like, can I say thank you. I don't you think I'm like a loser the guys like what is like, it's just common manners because the other the first kid was just some weirdo who's like they're gonna fucking think you're a clown if you say thank you like it was the weirdest thing. A that you shared that with you're welcome. You're welcome. So what else do we have? So little charmer 80 that is interesting. She's from your home country. Ya Doin and she says we don't have the drop-off Lane. We have to park somewhere not at the school though because they don't have parking lights. Then you have to walk your kid. This is exactly like my school. By the way, then you have to walk your kid into school and stand in line in the playground until the Bell goes off and then the teacher takes the whole the them all in the class. It sucks balls you have to arrive in a specific ten minute window to early gates are locked late gates are locked in you have to go around. And front and report in late least that's what I have to do. Yeah, because and guess what? I no doubt that the gate the the distance from the gate to to the front of the front door where you go in is like half a mile. You know my God her do like my score this so for this points, so there's no parking. Obviously. We're in Brooklyn, right and there's no parking and there's this has always been an uproar for like a couple of years that you can't double Park. You can't block these streets. Everyone is constantly in the school Communications, right? So I park like a block and a half away at fucking steak. Was used to be Whole Foods and then one time I was getting back in the whole food Staples. Listen one time. I was getting back as hopeful as a huge lot when I'm getting back in my car at Whole Foods in the woman was like you didn't go in Whole Foods and issues. Like we've got your car Mark now like they're marked us for like getting towed now. We're on a list and take her where they see us again. So now I park at Staples and hope that doesn't happen after walk my kid five to ten minutes to the school's gone. That's tables is now Whole Foods Jesus Christ happening every location. Location. Okay. I'm not saying the location. It didn't more from Whole Foods in the Staples or vice versa Staples was my backup. Got it. It's further away. Or maybe it's not. But anyway, then you have to walk the kidney have to go to the playground and if you're late, you have to walk all around to the front of school and bring him in and get the fucking tardy Scarlet Letter. Right? And that's what the what little charmer a way from England says like like most of the things you really took all of the little charmer 80s Gusto. All right. Funny that her experience is almost exactly the same as mine and she's hungry hijacked it and then you made it you hijack that I made at her expense sheet few cents three paragraphs every week. She was very explicit and telling you her story and then you hijacked admit your story looking at all greasy pole Staples and holds God. Damn it. I did not steal her Thunder. We're sorry little traumatic. Oh you shut up. I look she goes on to say I feel suicidal and want to drink myself into So do I can I tell you about that charmer we are going to steal her suicide suicide suicidal Thunder you talk about that and it always rains. Of course, it's raining as we speak. It's raining here, but when it rains in the US and this is true, this is going to be a truism as opposed to the UK is it rains hard and the UK just dress rehearsals from just like rain is just I nearly said wallpaper. I think that puddle was there like two months ago and still there just never stops. Meaning it's just not as in size. Just damp. Have you been to the Pacific Northwest? Yeah, so actually that similar know so that rains much much and I think that actually rains more actually Paris gets more rain than what about the Rains Down in Africa They Don't Really Happen that much unless you sing about them at Christmas time. Great Christmas time is that they do with Christmas. Oh, I guess you're not a good Christmas. Maybe you're thinking of like John Lennon know it's Christmas. This time. Yeah, that's like Bob Geldof. Yeah, I'm really fucking tell me why I don't like mine days. That's Bob Geldof to Boomtown Rats. Yeah, but that's but then he went on to do Live Aid. Yes are made which both culturally relevant and as opposed to the Boomtown Rats of the I kind of like that song even that sort of terrible. It's also sort of not terrible. Yeah. It's catchy. I didn't do it justice. They're screwed up the melody and little charmer. It is going to be removed from England. I know the melody, you know what little Tremor ready send me another Fucking book on it. You know what? Yes steal your thunder again to because guess what she writes for a living does she could have used these from Sherwood Forest and Nottingham. You know what? There's not much sort, of course climate change. It's just a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese just basically English. What's your favorite Robin Hood movie? Oh the animated one their Disney World. I like that. Oh my god with the fox Maid Marian and the who denied ER we sing little songs like little John the monk. Yeah. There's a commercial with those doggies. I really like the Kevin Costner prince of Thieves. It's fucking great get the fuck out of here. You don't like it. Literally. I tried to watch it again your had recently. I was like the first hour is Be slow. But once he's in Sherwood Forest love that song by Bryan Adams. I do love that song. I used to have a mixtape with that song on it. There was what else is on it Dreams by Van Halen was on that November Rain. I think what no was not no big brain was not on the No No, I made a mixtape off the radio I'm saying with everything I do is on their November Rain. I may be mixing up a couple of different ones, but when he was like I am Robin, Of locksley and then he didn't do an accent. That's the way and then halfway through is like first of all, he didn't he miss his our peanuts peanuts. His hair is fucking phenomenal. We be honest. What would be honest? It's a good movie. His is it no, but it's entertaining. It's okay. Well because Christian Slater trout a good lines in it just later will Scarlet he was Fuck me. He cleared it. I told you that always bothers me because they do the Catapult and Costner and Morgan Freeman are in the Catapult and they both clear the castle and Kristen said it goes fuck me. He cleared it. Like he's just like not acknowledged. He was because the other guy stole his mom away from him. So his mom's affections. That's what happened. He's his half-brother. So in the animated series of mate doesn't like us talking about the rabbit of it. Have you ever seen the Earl Flynn one? It's legit. Good from the 30s. It's very good. Like there's a whole sequence in the banquet hall where he swashbuckling a swashbuckling around and in the sword fighting people and stuff is very entertaining. My dad showed me that when I was a kid. Yeah. Yeah, you know what we do. We've gotten halfway through. I think we're gonna we're gonna let's let's do the other half. I win this round bitch. I was telling Pete before this that we had so many comments and so many grapes that we might have to break this into two episodes and that's what we're gonna do. We're gonna make it to what is it? So next week's episode. We're He talked or maybe not next week, but when we do second half of this, yeah, because we have two holidays coming up know it's gonna be a super sweet move is doing this and then dropping this next episode ever amazing that people are gonna fucking love it. We got home where we got laundry our teeth brushing, which I don't do a good job and all that which is why I've been at the dentist so often recently. Here's the deal people start getting angry about teeth brushing just start getting angry now about teeth brushing which will be happening in like Four weeks or are you a flosser? I don't floss a mouthwash. I've you usually have you ever used a waterpik. No, but I was told that that is that is you can mouthwash and that's the equivalent. There's no way I'd enjoy the mouthwash companies like mouthwash mouthwash Yeah by big scope - yeah, because guess what because big floss. Let me down because I heard so God. Oh my God the amount of blood. It's so to get stuff on my it's like the fucking phone. It's like the the grass of Gettysburg when I flossed my teeth. Is that inappropriate everything about that was gross? You know what Gettysburg was a fucking National tragedy good guys won Americans. That's right. We're all Brothers All right. So yeah, we're going to do the second half of this one at some point. Yes. We are until then know what we're gonna and then we're just going to say thank you so much. Oh wait, we're going to do comments, but we are going to do comments for okay, we're going to do listener reactions to our dumb insights. No, No to our previous yes to our previous insights Fortress episodes, which are last week was boys versus girls. Yep. What's harder? Dana bows Day loyal commenter and listener. They said I have two brothers and I was very happy to find out if I was I was having a boy with my first for my second I was so hoping for another boy found out at 12 weeks. It was a girl and I was pretty sad. I felt like I didn't understand girls despite being one. I'm not into hair and makeup and girly stuff. But luckily. Yeah, that wasn't the problem for her because her daughter is a TomTom boy just like her so I No, the point of the story. She's like I was nervous about having a girl because I don't get girls but I had a girl but she's more like a boy. So it worked out Diana. It's kind of what it sounded like right know what Dana I feel like it's time to come like come with better comments. No. Yeah. No. No, what do you think of tomboys into it? Absolutely. Listen. Oh, would you consider your middle kid a tomboy and she liked soccer. That's not a thing anymore. Come boys are like ones who like climb trees. And by the way, the best part is right? What did she say the other day? She go cause you know what frozen over I like Frozen because she didn't like she didn't have to rely on a board. Yeah. I was like, yeah fuck. She's a feminist good for her. Yeah, you need nicknames for your kids that we can use on the show fucking minute. I'll come up with some for older middle of it. How about that? Old Middle Middle young? Yeah makes a lot of sense actually. So J win who I believe is Jennifer Winn. Who's one of our patrons? All right. Here we go comments on Facebook and also apparently on YouTube says She has a suggestion that maybe for episode 50 or 50 to we should have our wives on to test my men are funnier than women thesis. I know you were kidding, but I would still like to see Mom and buried trounce you elal. First of all, I was kidding second of all no fucking chance. Yeah. No our wives would destroy us in a second the second they would start talking. They would be mom and buried will on here at some point make an appearance on here whether it's just barge in on me. And serve me a subpoena. I don't I don't know right once we get that microphone Jennifer which you're bringing us closer because you're a patron. Thank you. And she also says number two. I mean this in the most friendly fraternal non thirsty way, but you were both much cuter than Tom Cruise. He's the absolute worst in almost every way. So it was almost a compliment. No, hold on a sec. Can I just say that is a super tight mention of non thirsty. I'm thirsty see it's almost a compliment, but she's like in a brotherly way. Way, but also I think Tom Cruise is so bad that how could we not be better than them? Right? He's the absolute worst. So yeah, you guys are cuter cool. Great. You know what? Maybe I want to you you're feeling you're feeling this a lot I want and I think I'm just I'm super psyched that you used non thirsty because I think that's why adjective non thirsty. Yeah, because you know thirsty posts not it. I know what it means, but why is non thirsty so great. You know what you should do more thirsty Instagram post. Don't do any thirsty Instagram post you should do more. Well, I have a beard now and those do well in effect. Okay, thank you Jennifer. Jesse T says I don't know about everyone else's girls. But mine is a pain in the ass only six and as the attitude of a sixteen-year-old, that's what my son is like the sun is still a baby. So I'll keep you posted on his progress and becoming an asshole. It's fucking inevitable. By the way, I'm currently binging all the episodes love the work that you and in parentheses and Pete. She should just put that in like it the smallest possible font. I was gonna do Dude, help keep us sane while we contemplate whether or not we should have had kids in the first place. Thanks, Jessie. We're here to make it. We're here to are our own grievances it make you feel better about your decision because you are what are we we are shitty dad's probably 2 out of 10 on a like a good dad scale. Gorilla Rose regarding the boys and girls section labels at stores that Pete was vouching for my son recently went shopping without me and ended up picking out and subsequently wearing to the state fair and concert address that he thought was a guys. Long shirt. So while I am for the fluidity of clothing between genders, he was quite embarrassed. Once he found out what he'd done and I think the labels might help stop boys his age. So I was talking about how in Target they have gotten rid of some of the gender labels in certain Isles, you know, where you are. I don't think it applies to every aisle or to every piece of clothing. But apparently they did this section do by the snow but like a toy aisle they do but in clothing is different, right? Goddamnit, toys, you know what toys toys I agree but where a certain age some clothes are okay like that to apparently not the one that is a kid by what was it top? I just want to know if so gorilla Rose people. My dad would be like dude. What are you doing? Real arose should have known that it were her son should have known that it wasn't a guy's long shirt by the huge Indigo Girls decal that was on the front of it and it's clearly for a girl or one of your aunts. Yeah. All right. Okay Boomer. Okay Boomer and then Paula Paul ski had a topic suggestion for us transitioning from one kid to multiples it is it as bad as they say Yes. Sounds like we just did the episode. You know what that is a good topic and it is a pretty good topic. We should probably think about that shit go hard to remember For You especially going from 1 to 2. Are you talking about it's nobody but you're like I know but it's been a while because you went from 2 to 3, which isn't the same. Have you seen Strange Days the movie strange did with Ray Finds Its Rafe Angela Bassett and Tom Sizemore. I have I feel like we're getting closer to that time. I feel like we're in that time if yeah, maybe you know, I mean with this like memory stuff, but that's like the virtual reality shit. Yeah, bro second Oculus mixed with the GoPro but I disappointing movie at the time. I haven't seen it since I saw I definitely have a GoPro of all my kids like, you know the whole fucking thing. Have you seen the Black Mirror? The entire history of you arguably the best one we're taking the future and everybody has like a little implant, right and it records every single thing you see and when you like you're walking into a building security is like, let me see the last week of your life and you fucking go to and they see it on their monitors and then you can go home and they're having like a dinner party and he's like throw your fucking memories on the screen and they like like last week. We were arguing about this. It's not what I said. That is what I said go. Go back to everything you've seen. It's a really good at it's a one of the best episodes of the show get the but I would recommend there's a Best Buy in not Best Buy, but in bed bath beyond there's a cop cam. I'm going to get that thanks cop can like to put on your lip. Thanks. It's like a little like stupid for your kids. No, it's like a little like just records every interaction with your kids piece of shit camera, but it's called a cop cam cam cam. I like this cops are pieces of shit. Wow, no bold statement. Peter the cock will cover that one and episode 500. Thanks for coming around guys. Stay tuned for episode 2 of this at some point where we finish the rest of the gripes. Love you. See you next time. I love them. I don't put tonic.
What are parenting chores? Bedtime, bathtime, mealtime, making lunches, school pickup/dropoffs...the list goes on and on. Well at leas Mike and Pete went on and on and on. So much so they needed to break this up into 2 whole EPISODES!! This is just part one!. WARNING: some topics discussed may fill you with and all consuming rage. Enjoy!
It's the end of the world as we know it and I don't think any of us feel fine. Welcome back to the AfterBuzz TV Voltron legendary Defender after show tonight. We are talking about episodes 5 and 6 from season 8 The Grudge and Genesis. We are looking at the space-time Continuum time slippage and whether or not you can truly socialize with people. Yeah. We are going to take a look at that will see you after the opening and team. It's time to form Voltron you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV. Ooh, the ESPN of TB top now. Look nothing like doing a bait and switch for the opening song. Oh, I love it though. It's so good. Good. There's there's something about es posthumous. That's just apocalyptic music and nothing better than Pompeii for that. Yeah. I feel like this. I think this is more fitting for the second episode that it is the first but it is very fitting nonetheless. It definitely isn't considering where we leave the second episode this just put this is my soundtrack. The Voltron music is beautiful. But put this as my soundtrack anyway, it's in use for sure. Yeah, this Muse Rise Against who love to hear your Voltron fan fan tracks. Like I don't know if people still do that, but because I needed a fan soundtracks, please send it our way. Yeah, let's get to that in a minute. In the meantime. Let's start us off. We are the Voltron AfterBuzz TV after show we are Looking at season 8 episode 5 and 6 The Grudge and Genesis and with me I have green line Megan Salinas everyone and I am black lion Katie Cullen and it is just the two of us. We are the only people who made it through the white hole tonight. Yeah. Everybody else is still stuck on Orient. That's kind of a bummer. There are they're doing their best. But um, it's a little awkward. No, we are going to get this ball rolling. And as always we have a little housekeeping to start off. We are only talking about season eight up. Through episodes 5 & 6 I don't see us dropping a spoiler warning for the rest of the season tonight. So keep the hashtag clean keep the live chat clean keep the comments clean don't spoil people who are watching along with us because I know people are and I salute you. I have no idea how you've managed to last this long, but we will not spoil you here and as usual the the rule for the tavern of lions is be nice or get out. Everyone has opinions. I am very certain that you can express your opinions and a good respectful Manner and if you can't do that, we're gonna ban you from the channel because ain't nobody got time for that. Nope. And what is that hashtag Katie that hashtag is a be TV Voltron. So if you're in the live chat, we've got you if you're in the hashtag. We also have you like we said the hashtag is forever. So make sure if you have a link if you have something you want us to see throw it in that hashtag. We do check it all week if you have found soundtracks for characters, seriously. Link is a Spotify playlist or those YouTube playlist and the hashtag. I love those and that's how I discover new music and I think you and I have homework, we have to make fans soundtracks by next week consider. It done just started off with Pompey and roll sounds good to me. I mean, technically if you think about it, we've been doing that all of the law all along with our opening so far have I have no regrets. There's probably a couple repeats because we have very particular taste, but you know what, it's fun. It's fun. Fun everything's fun. But before we get started on that fun, we have one more announcement for you guys. Hey guys, before we move on. We just wanted to say thank you so much for making us the ESPN FTV Tuk for us to continue to grow we could use your help. If you're on YouTube right now hit that Thumbs Up Button And subscribe. And if you're on iTunes, please give us a five star rating. But no matter where you are. Leave us a comment so you can get involved in the conversation being a part of AfterBuzz TV has meant so much to all of us and we truly appreciate you supporting us in doing what we love. Don't forget to tell your friends. And keep on enjoying our shows. Thank you guys. We love getting to talk about the show every week. So it really does mean a lot to us. Yeah, and it really helps us it helps us bring guests on it helps bring producer attention to the show like that is a really good way for you to support us and we'll talk about the other way. You can support us halfway through the show. So stick around for that. In the meantime. Let's talk about some General Social awkwardness. Oh my gosh, I gotta say the opening of The Grudges. It's so great getting slice-of-life stuff. If from our ensemble cast yeah because we fell in love with these characters last season when we were focusing on the earth episodes. And so, you know now that the RR paladins made it back to Earth and that Sendak has been taken care of in their back in space and everything like that. The focus has been back on Voltron. So it's really nice to take some time to look at these guys again, and actually it's so nice. It's so nice getting development from all these guys and this addition to our ensemble. as we have Akshay who was a golfer General and then a free agent and is now working with the crew of The Atlas and kind of sticks out like a sore thumb just she tries, but she does not socialize well, and that's kind of our thread for this episode in between the this is our be story thread is I have it in my notes as auction doesn't socialize because if I can make a terrible Green Lantern reference, I will so we have I could doing her absolute best to try to Loop auction into these conversations. Hey, did you ever have a pet? Hey come join us for lunch. Hey this and every single time. No one really knows how to handle it. Like well, we didn't keep pets but one of my companions was bonded with an immortal cat that allowed her to experience the world and then when she was murdered we had to ditch the cat so we couldn't there's no way to follow up this story. What was it again? Cute cat I mean yes discover have his own Instagram. Like would Nardi have been the type of person to give kova and Instagram. I feel like Cova would more have a twitch stream. Hmm, I go on people, you know, people do live streaming for twitch all the time and people do slice-of-life streams and what not. It's not all video games and given that she's basically a Nardi was able to see through kova I can see that becoming just like hey guys, we're Going on a mission. So we're gonna strap the GoPro to the head of the cat. Let's check this out. Please do not ever put a GoPro on the head of your cat. Don't do that. Don't do that. I don't care if your cat is Immortal or not. That's not something you do. It is sad because it's interesting that we Kovac gets brought up, you know, they're having this really cute discussion about pets and Iverson has this really touching story about this dog he grew up with and then shoulder injury that he got us a result of it. Yeah, and then and then yeah, we bring up Cove again who nobody here knows the you know, nobody in the scene knows Cove has Faith but we as the audience know Cove has gone. Yep, which we like to think that Cova noped out of that situation. But which it it makes I am legitimately wondering because I know I was very confused about how kova kova exited this series. So I was a little bit confused as to why but it's interesting foreshadowing when you look at what huh nerva ends up doing in episode 6, you know, that's true. She killed God, you're right. She kills Cova & episode 2 and then she ends up killing the guardian in The Following episode. So including kovin this conversation, not only are we highlighting Akshay has sort of social ineptitude, but it's also kind of a reminder to the audience. Hey remember what happened to that cat? You're about to see More of it owner of has really Gone Girl shattering honor of has no longer allowed to adopt cats. No, she doesn't she can't handle the lion. She can't handle the guardian. She can't handle her own vaguely Immortal house cat like no. No, she doesn't get to be a pet owner anymore. She's done. I think that's a fair assessment. Yeah, but it's her. Oh, go ahead. I just I want to talk about this lunch scene while we're talking about the awkwardness of this all because people in chatter joking about oh, it's auctions first day of school. Cool. She's an exchange student from the Gara Empire. Yeah, this lunch seen reminded me a lot of high school and like I feel like everyone has felt this at least once in your life. Like I'm so wrong table. Oh absolutely. Like I said some points in school. I was strictly disinvited like that whole you can't sit with us thing that happened to me more than once. Oh my goodness. Really? Oh, yeah. No. I just I wasn't always the amazing person that I am today. So it was more that the Their kids did not want to sit with these self-professed nerd and you know what they can do them. I'm doing just fine. But yeah, so Akshay getting invited over to sit with this very close-knit group. And then just God bless leaves daughter. I love her. She's wonderful. Please do not make the please do not make the person where Charisma is there dump stat do the small talk. That's that's the bad thing is this was already an awkward situation. Ation and leafs daughters solution to the awkward situation is to point out how awkward it is because surely that won't make it more awkward and a sign a cause like it's probably we're probably super awkward because your Gaara and just because of how you were born. You know that thing you have absolutely no control over and she didn't ask for the reactions from everyone else. Does Kincaid straight up dropping. His food I feel like this is the best thing that James Griffin has ever done face down in his plate of food as a reaction to what's happening. Just I would like to hide there was nowhere to hide. Let's ostrich this he's he's face-planting and just that that little shot of Kincaid just sinking in his chair was oh goodness. There goes moan that shot of Kincaid sinking in his chair was just it was perfect. I'll just the reactions for this because I got this is one of those scenes. Where everyone can relate everyone has done at least one part of this been the person left out sad at the wrong table heard. Someone say something gloriously boneheaded and just not wanted to be in the room anymore out of sheer. Secondhand embarrassment. This is one of the voltron's really good at this. It's really great. It's action scenes. It's really great. It's character development. But so many War Stories Overlook the little things that make people people can't say make people Because not everyone is in the show, but the things that make people people the ridiculously awkward conversations the attempting to reach out to someone you may not have things in common with like these grounding moments Voltron excels at Wells what I love is that Akshay isn't trying to be ingratiated in the group, but she's also not overtly trying to push them away. You know, she is just kind of being herself in a weird way. You know in a closed-off manner mind you but she's not the one, you know pushing people away. It's just like hey, you know, I've never fit in why should I try and it's Veronica who's constantly like hey come sit with us. Hey, did you have any pets like constantly kind of being like come on. Come on. Come join the group come join the group. I think it would be great and oxygen just like not reciprocating and I really appreciate that because in other shows I feel like characters would be Vertically trying to push people away because it's like no, I don't need any friends. It's not like that. It's a it's a lot more low-key than that. It's just like I've never fit in why should I try? Yeah auctions not great at people outside of combat or chain of command situations. Like she was great with lotor. She was great with the other generals like she gets people but it's the social niceties that are just like oh, oh, no not I mean sure let's let's give this the old boot camp try. Because I don't think all Recology exists, but the the only people she's really been connected with our you know, our in this case now her enemies and or dead or dead or in another dimension or you know, Keith who's not hanging out with a lot of you know, he's not hanging out on the atlas on a regular basis. Yeah, because of this point Voltron is still split off and we kind of end this thread with the shooting gallery and ox. A reading Veronica being near her as mistrust like oh she's monitoring me because she doesn't trust me and Veronica making it very clear. Like I'm trying to reach out to you. I'm trying to bridge this Gap. I'm we don't have to be the best of friends, but I'm just trying to help you fit in a little here because everyone knows what it's like not to fit in so she's trying to ease that transition. Well, and also she appreciates that auction, you know auction has definitely made wrong choices in the past, but she's like you're the type of of person who's trying to turn their life around and do the right thing and I think everybody here would appreciate getting to know that person. Yeah, and I think it also says a lot about Akshay has passed that you know, friendliness is seen as manipulation as opposed to human Outreach. I feel like that's the point where we just kind of jazz hands at lotor a little bit Yeah, because he very very high Charisma stat did not always use those powers for good. Well, yeah. Again, he was one of the only people in her life that ever respected her and it was all in a manipulative fashion. Yeah, once he went off the deep end that became pretty clear like, yep gonna kill all the Gaara. Oh that includes me. I don't want to be here anymore hard pass hard pass and actual wondering if the goal Rua can even change and I find that observation interesting on the heels of the prisoner's dilemma. Hmm. Yeah, where we had warlord lawn and can they change? Well, we're seeing explicitly now that we can that it's I trust them now and I encourage you all to do the same not we're doing this. It's an order but encouragement, so I think yes, especially from what we've seen of the gall rot. Like they're the Fire Nation. There's some issues coming from the top down but not everyone is a terrible person. Yeah. It's difficult to try to change when you are as Says born and bred in war but there's always there's always the possibility for Change and that's what that's what they're giving her right now. And so that's really it's cool to see that develop. Well, it dovetails really nicely with the end of the episode with Asha making that point to zephyra like like yeah come so local. So let's talk a little bit about our a story then because we're coming back around to this and Voltron is able to give the atlas the information. But hey, the robeast teleport is not the right word Wormhole. It's basically space teleporting. It's a space Bridge the Transformers fan. Yes, hashtag space teleporting, but voltron's able to pass on this information and a map of where all of the roby's are and it turns into. Well, you know, let's have a rendezvous. Let's plan let's get this figured out. Where are we going to meet over here at this time? Great. Let's go. And then we get a communication from Voltron saying we're having some technical difficulties will be delayed. Give it a couple hours. We'll keep you updated and then we cut back to Voltron and see why did she rode change the Rendezvous point this sucks as it's the balt balt, I wrote it down and I can't pronounce it the ball to of nebula was the initial place and the new place is just he'll ditch. Turn the technical term. Yeah, let's call it. Hell, I mean we can name a town in Michigan that I'm sure we could name an entire plant that sure that makes on it low oxygen and high CO2, which is basically you have a breathing tank or you die slowly. So the sounds like a really great place to be except when it's not because it's an ambush. Mmm-hmm, which red flags immediately when you see how inhospitable the planet like Shiro picked this this Hey, are you okay? Is there some clone issue going on that we need to know about I have a lot of cruel. I have a lot of questions we have and the questions were all know. It wasn't actually sure. What's a guy with a voice modulator. Can we talk about this old car a little bit. Can we? Yes, does he have a name? I don't I'm sure one was given to him in the credits, but they don't refer to him by name and either of these two episodes and in the subtitles because often times if someone has a name in there talking off screen will get name says a thing in the subtitles, which I really appreciate. Thank you Netflix for having good solid subtitles. And at one point we had him talking off-screen and it was just all khari says something. So as far as we can tell he doesn't have a name but if anybody happens to have his name leave it in the live chat and let us know the live chat that hashtag somewhere because the other thing that really well for one, I love the voice acting for him I have No idea who does his voice but it was great. It was spot on and it and I appreciated when it comes to Universal voice modulators. It's very easy to go the Scream 3 route and to have it just be like no, I don't accept this. This is too ridiculous, but for some reason in the context of this cartoon, I'm like nah, I'd buy it because he's all kauri and we have established the old car. He's technological pedigree since season 3 2 or 3. Ever since Greening the cube and I don't remember if that was season 2 or season 3, but that was a whole while ago. Yeah, I would not have hated it though. If Roger Jackson's voice came out of them voice modulator, but that's that wasn't his plan. You know. Yep, I'd take it. I would absolutely take. Yeah, but that doesn't quite work for the ruse here. No, oh we have to bring up the fact that he is rollo's hat. Why does he have rollo's hat because Rollo is super dead. Yeah. Okay. We couldn't afford Norman Reedus so he killed his Off screen. I don't know. I'm sure that's not the reason buddy, but something brought up and I wish I could remember the Twitter post that I saw but somebody on Twitter brought up the fact that a lot of the people that were brought up in the game show episode, you know during that round where Lance had to guess the people's names A lot of them were dead and roll dough was one of those people and then we when we fast forward to the end of the season and we're cutting back to a lot of Earth stuff Rolo is nowhere to be seen. Be seen if this is true. We have nyman Beazer. But Rollo is Robos not there. And then we fast-forward even further to this episode and this random space pirate has his hat. I feel like the key words here are space pirate. Yeah run by zeth Red who has been merciless from the get-go. I'm pretty sure Rollo is super today. There's nothing overt here. There's nothing over to confirm or did I I mean, it could be that the His tragedy to befall Rollo is simply that he lost his hat but I think about car I picked it up and went. Yeah, I think the implication is that this character is dead and that's really sad. That's a really sad subtextual thing to just have in the background of the show. And again, it's not in the Forefront to like overtly make you sad, but if you pick up on it, you're like, oh man, I think most of chat didn't pick up on this because there's a lot of screaming and pressing. Yeah a lot of people like What what did he die? What know what we'll see on screen death, but it's a really good way of highlighting. Just how just how devastating these conflicts have been in voltron's absence and princess Ponies pointed out. We haven't seen Rollo since the time skip we had three years where things occurred and Voltron was not there for them and things just absolutely went to Pieces. So yeah. That's not good. Sabrina says Hi in chat says there's a theory that Rolla was killed and one of the Creator's Drew one of Rolos last moments. I'm going to need some sources cited on that one. Like I just did if anyone has a link to this, please throw it in the hashtag the chat will not let you put links in there. You have to be an admin for that. But yeah, I could definitely see that being something that you know, because they've talked about in the past on our show about Out, you know wanting to do more stuff with the Voltron Coalition but not necessarily having the time for it so I could definitely see that being something that they just didn't have time for but that they wanted to do and so they kind of put these little clues in there to be like, well this was a scene we wanted to put in but like we didn't have the time for it. So like you can pick up on it though. If you're if you're an eagle-eyed viewer, yeah, the very very heavy implication here is that he did which is sad and rup Norman Reedus. Rollin he was probably killed by these Pirates because how else do you get the Hat? Maybe it was on some Interstellar trade market? We don't know but the heavy implication is that Rollo was killed by these space pirates. Hashtag yikes. Yeah dibs on the hat. Thank you. Oh thank you for the said Price is Right tuba. I appreciate that. The price was wrong Norman. Oh no, Bob Barker just punched someone into a hole of the golf. Oh, no price is wrong. Well, I mean again, that's all speculation. So we should probably move on. Yeah, but it's some pretty dang fun speculation. So we have this unnamed old car a whom several people in the chatter calling Bob. So let's go with Bob, Bob. So I want to know ya guys. What's your head Canon for what happened to Rollo? Let us know we have that already. And chat from cat H. Rollo died saving Matt when he was telling Sam and Earth that Voltron was gone. I both love and hate that it's beautiful and fire bad tree pretty says Nolan North voiced the old car E-Tec that man finds it that makes sense and I miss with the table here, maybe not do that anymore because we've had Nolan North around. He's been Sam from the get-go. But okay that makes sense. That's the Nolan North voice that I'm accustomed to hearing. That's why Yeah, I love this Tech. I love just seeing him on the ship and all the different things. He's keeping tabs on and using the voice modulator and I love watching him screw it up. Well because eventually The Voice stops being enough as the longer the conversation goes on the less likely you are to be able to keep up the deception depending on how much you know about the person and so he starts using really formal language that really doesn't sound like Keith And then oh, yeah, Lance will fix it right Lance the navigational genius affirmative. Do Old Quarry not understand sarcasm or was that just Bob? I might just be Boppin might just be bought. You know, we probably shouldn't call him Bob because that's the name of the gothic. That's right. The elements guys. We need a we need a different name for the Elk re Joe. Let's go with Joe just fine Joe do we I don't think so shoot now. He's Allen, okay. He's Allen is Alan. Okay, but but yeah, I mean it because he doesn't pick up on the sort of social cues ever on and also he has no way of knowing that Veronica's Lance's sister and that auction who knows Keith pretty well at this point or as well as you can know somebody like that given the circumstances like they can pick up enough that this doesn't seem right something seems fishy about this. Yeah. Yeah, and also not picking up on Yeah, like I thought that was a universal language. Maybe not maybe not. I'm not Korean. But what I love about this is that it was a completely different strategy than what the than the last time. We saw the space pirates because the the last time we saw the space pirates they could go in and just take people down through brute force their forces. Are Co are much more diminished this time around so they have to rely on subterfuge and that That creates a really interesting scenario that we have on this desolate Planet. Well, and I don't think they had Allen with them beforehand. No, I don't know we have somehow recruited album is named now gonna get used to it, it's Alan now, I'm wondering whether or not he bailed on the planet before before the robeast attacked and destroyed it. I'm gonna go with yes because I don't think it's been too terribly long since the roby's. We'll carry on. Yeah, and it sounds like Alan has been with the pirates for a chunk of time. So he was probably out just doing his own thing and it turns out your plans Gunther about that. Yeah, these things do happen is they said they were a bunch of stiffs. Anyway, I'm having a better time out here. I think that's a fair assessment. Yeah, but yeah, and this is what prompts Curtis hi Curtis to look into the communication and realize that oh, no, there's a Ghost Protocol originating from somewhere else. Else and voltron's Communications are being blocked and just that moment where all of the distress message has come up on screen at the same time. Oh, yeah, and it's five voices overlaid with each other multiple times yelling about it's a trap we need support. Where are you? That was excellent sound design. Is there good chilling moment? Oh, yeah. I know that just the absolute worst thing that could happen and you're hearing it go down and going. Oh God. We are multiple hours late to this. They could already be dead. Mmm. So just everything we got from the atlas. This episode was so good. And that said let's go follow Voltron. Yeah, follow Voltron onto the hill planet where the lions are caught they have to leave the Lions not to be captured and then it turns out that they're being tracked because their encryption protocol has been hacked has been targeted and anyone who has it can tell exactly where they are. Thanks, Alan. Yeah, no and I love that we get this and then we cut later to Alan's looks like oh, okay that explains that explains. How like, all right. All right. There's no car on board. We're all hosts great. And we're at this is losing that a little bit I love this creates much. It creates an interesting time limit, you know because they have to ditch their armor, which makes all of them. They all have like a very quick expiration date now, so having to run around on this planet while evading the Pirates and having to figure out how long you can stay alive. It creates. Like I said, it creates a very interesting scenario. Yeah, and I loved the line about well, we won't Live without our armor. Well at this rate we won't survive much longer with it. And so, of course we run and we split the party whether we like to or not. I don't know why Keith peeled off on his own from the get-go and I don't think they ever really addressed that because the next time we cut to the paladins he's gone and the other four are moving on and falling through holes in the ground because this planet is hell. I don't know. I got nothing. I don't either I feel like they figured the more that they split up the I have no idea and well Keith is the only one that was still armed. He had his blade. There you go. So that that was probably part of it was I'll take my armor. I can still be armed with out my Bayard. I'll go this way. You guys go this way. Hopefully they'll follow me instead and instead we get will track him the old-fashioned way and the pirate split the party as well and go after them and I just I loved watching all of this. I love that the two that went after hunk and Keith wound up the victims of full-on Predator traps. That was pretty great. I mean, that's exactly what they were with the swinging log and the nooses and the it was Predator. Yeah. It was it was at the humans all the Predators now, it was kid friendly Predator. It really was like, yeah, we're not going the next couple of steps for this one we Have them hanging upside down and that's enough feet. I really loved Lansing a Laura. I really appreciated this and and the show isn't really dwell. It hasn't really been dwelling too too much on the fact that there are a couple in this episode. But like I kind of loved a little bit of the subversion in this moment because Lance goes like go a Laura like get out of here. Like I'll save yourself. Yeah, I'll fend I'll fend them off and we get a throwback to all ten. Camouflage in this moment and oh, yeah, I'll tell you ins have super strength and that was that was phenomenal. Just seeing her jump out of the Shadows like that. I feel like most because we don't see it happen very often most of the audience tends to forget like oh, yeah, they can do camouflage. Oh, yeah, they have super strength. We back in season one. We saw her, uh Euro through a doorway even a couple seasons ago, like she full-on. What's that? What's the wrestling term? It's not suplex, but she like threw Lotor so hard. He bounced he did Laura is just the princess of eating people and I love it so much and it almost makes me feel bad for the space pirates almost but they were going to do some murders. So yeah, that's what you get and I love that one of the space pirates that we had was yet another callback. It was the one that was hunting Matt and Pidge way back when Touring that reunions episode. Yeah. That was a that was a great call back to oh, yeah. He's doing now. He was alone Bounty Hunter and now he's hanging out with these Pirates. I love the world building in this episode because it's like there are so many individual stories going on outside of Ultron. It just makes the world feel richer and and more believable. And in that way. It kind of reminds me a little bit of Z Nation in terms of we're following This Crew in particular, but we get to see all these cross-sections of life when they come across them like we definitely Of our main a plot, but then we run into someone and go. Oh wait, I've seen you before. Oh, yeah, you're still around your this person. You're doing this rep. It's Al is the cafeteria person on the atlas. And I love that. Yeah, I whenever we get little bits like that from the ensemble cast. I just imagine somebody going not everything's about you Voltron. There is life outside your Lions. You just don't ever see it our lives don't Around you I mean kinda wait a minute. Wait a minute the camera follows you guys. Okay, then we'll just not be on camera. And then you see Rose hadn't realized that not being on camera does not mean you're safe. Nope War Stories. It's not like scream to a lot of scream Kovacs this episode. Anyway, I had no problem with it a lot of horror movie callback scream Predator. Yeah good stuff. So yeah, we sherminator with molten multi. Ava we should we should talk about the the big reveal we behind all this it's a thread and I'm I don't understand why she took off her helmet on this carbon monoxide Laden Planet, but you do you let's have some drama is have a dramatic volcano side battle. I mean, it's possible that Galera aren't as such as susceptible to that type of atmosphere. But it also I feel like she also just has a flair for the dramatic in this moment because he or she is she feels like all She has left is her anger. And so she's like yeah, I'm blaming all of my problems on you, even though you're not to blame Ellen screaming. You took as or from me and I we were both sitting here going did she die today's or die? Where is she? I don't remember her dying in this place. Definitely meant to believe that's effort has gone off the deep end because as or did not survived that explosion and you completely by that because Because you see half of her face has been burned. So it's like that that explosion last season had consequences. And so you're led to believe that a Zords dead. So you're like, oh I get where's Etheridge is coming from it's not tell auction comes back that you're like, oh it's not like that. Oh, she just hasn't recovered from their breakup space pirate lesbians had a falling-out they did they are space pirate lesbians and I have not had space pirate lesbian since van dread. So I'm Are you happy about love? They I love that. They didn't dance around it. Like they are a couple I love that and it yeah, it was really cool seeing auction. I'd be like no it's because you refuse to let things go it pushed as or away. Mmm and just a it's such a rational thing to when a relationship doesn't work out that one party wants to look at someone or something to blame and she blamed Keith. Well, yeah. They got hacked up by the paladins and then everything fell apart. Like it's easy to be like this was the last big event in our life before that. You did it. It's your fault as opposed to maybe we broke up for other reasons. His it me. No, it's a paladin set along. Yes. Yes, you are. You're out of touch with your own emotions, and I love daksha. Just trying to talk her down and we bring the can Gall rechange back around. Full circle like yes, I believe you can like she'll never take me back. She might have you had that conversation. Can you chill have you tried texting her just send her a string of emojis and it's a really good again talking about how the episode comes full circle. It's Veronica's Sharp Shooting ability that defuses the situation and Keith for the second time in two and three episodes like not gonna save this go around that was just trying to kill On me. Well it there's I feel like there's a lot he has in common with the with with lotor's generals. He's a half-breed to and he gets looked down on he's gotten looked down on in the past by both people on his own team. And from people in the Galera so it like it makes sense if anybody's if anybody has the ability to reach out and catch her metaphorically speaking, it's Keith because he understands what they're going through and also literal and also literally being a Crispy Critter. Yep, that's so we we somehow managed to haul her out of there despite the fact that she's twice as big as literally everyone on the ground except for maybe Shiro and he had went. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and we I love that we've taken all of the space pirates onto the ship but really the only two that matter are Allen and zeth red. Yeah for back at the end. Like I have no idea where they picked her up. But here she is she's come by to say hi. I just still had her number. Yes. Just texting found your ex. She's super mad. And also very sad you want to talk to her you are you busy right now? Like we could we should go for coffee. So your ex tried to kill us. Do you do want to talk to her? I really I really loved bringing as or back like it. It was such a relief because we I don't want to bring like a controversial opinion into it, but after a Last season, you know, I think a lot of people like it was very easy to jump to the conclusion that as or had been killed. Yeah, and I like there was my heart broken that moment because I was like, oh no not again, but then bring her back around at the end of this episode. It made my heart sing. I was like, yes. Yes, yes are lesbian space pirates. Maybe could have a happy ending if they can work it out. It seems like they're working on that. So huzzah. So I really did I appreciated the hell out of this episode. I always love it when a long-running series and it is long running by this point in time can bring back older characters can bring things back around can have some character development can have some off-screen development like we talked about the world doesn't stop when the camera leaves the planet. It's just it's so nice it is this was very well done. Very well ended just good execution. Hmm. We have anything else to say about it. I just That all of this development feeds really well into the next episode. Well before we get onto that one, we are going to talk to you guys a little bit about iTunes that is a long with heading to the channel along with subscribing and doing all of that fun stuff that we talk to you about at the top of the episode iTunes is the other really good way to support this show it gets it helps us rise in the podcast ranks. If you rate US if you leave comments all of that fun stuff, so when people search for Voltron in iTunes, Podcasts they find us up towards the top. So helps us get new listeners helps us get guess helps with the production all of that fun stuff. So head over to iTunes right us five stars because there are five lines and that's the only way you can form Voltron and leave a comment. We like to give shout outs when you do yeah Special shout out on iTunes to Katie Holt is my queen on iTunes who gave us five stars. Love you so much. This is an amazing podcast and love you all so much. I will truly miss this. We will too and thank you so so much Katie is Katie Holmes is my queen. Yeah, thank you agree with your choice and characters. Mmm. I concur with that assessment. Yes. So thank you guys and we've got Jason color and chat saying first time seeing the stream live. Welcome. Welcome good times great oldies and a ding. Let's head over to our next episode. Let's do it. This is why we picked Pompeii as our opening song. Yeah. The Escalade very very quickly Genesis is where things go down. Hmm, huh? And we start with we finally managed this rendezvous with Voltron and Atlas. So let's talk about what's going on. And what's going on is roby's robeasts everywhere. Yeah, huh nervous finally putting her plan into motion and they're able to figure out oh, you know looking at all of this data we can figure out they are coming from Amore 'and and they're on all these different planets. And right now they're just kind of chilling with particle barriers around them. Nothing is happening. What do we need to do? And I love all these different plans that are thrown out. We need to go try and take care of the roby's we need to go after Al nervo. We need to stay the course like I love all these different schools of thought and how they're all presented equally and they all come together for a multi-part plan. Like I appreciate that. I think some of the most interesting scenes in these last couple seasons are just The boardroom where they're all just kind of going over the information that they have and trying to figure out what to do next. Yeah and how the different plans that they present really reflect. The different character is like a Laura really wants to go after I nervous. She wants this problem taken care of and she is super mad. She finally found out there are more all Tans and they're still being used. Yeah, like this family line is really good at using all day. Yeah. We're sure o is Looking at a much larger what he considers to be the bigger picture or at least a different aspect of it. We're staying the course we're doing what we need to do. And then there's the whole. Hey, we have a bunch of roby's on these different planets. Should we should we address that should we take care of that? Maybe? Yeah. It's interesting getting like the humanitarian perspective. Like our focus should be on search and rescue and evacuation versus like well if we just go and take care of the problem, then we won't have to evacuate any more planet. So Yeah, it's interesting seeing like where our priorities should be going. And then in the middle of our boardroom the middle of our boardroom scene, it's it's time to go. Yeah, let's get this party started decision sort of gets made for them like, okay gonna Orient because it because we know that she's got the cubes that they're able to refract energy and generally strengthen a signal and she's got all these different planets with all these different roby's that we know can siphon an entire planets quintessence. Let's look at what happened to I'll carry on. So basically we are going to murder a bunch of planets to power up a Galaxy killing machine because that's what this looks like. It is. We've created a giant Komar and we can murder entire galaxies at a go because vampiric touch is a terrifying spell to have and that's what we're working with here. So then we wind up with this three-pronged plan. The rebels are going to go and take care of evacuation. Make sure they know that they're not getting any back. Which is just like have fun with the evacuations guys. All the Firepower is going this way. That's of luck. And yeah Voltron and Atlas heading to or an to kind of Meet the problem at its source and I love that. We keep cutting back to slav and all of the different reality manipulations and well if it's this it's this and if it's this, it's this what color are your socks? Yeah. I feel like he was like the only source of comedy in this episode because it was very serious and very high stakes than even mm, but it was really great to be like to just get a little bit of slav back. He's My favorite characters like when they first introduced him he kind of drove me bonkers, but in the same way, he drove us here Obama Care. Yeah, there's there's only so much you can work with all of what happens with it. But again, he's he's fun. He's a lot of fun and for him. This is serious. What color are your socks because that determines what reality were in and someone who is so tapped into the idea of different realities and how they change and how the tiniest things can make the biggest differences turns out you really need someone like that in this season because we are lie, we're leaning into this multiple realities thing. So Hardware horizontal. Yeah and to the point where it starts becoming overtly that towards the end of the episode with her nerva and I I have to say that's one of my favorite sequences in the in the episode is just kanerva starting to open up the different realities. Yes, and just seeing her. Flashing back and forth up and down her timeline. Yeah. I I wish we had had the time to just go through it frame by frame because there are quick flashes of the different iterations of her throughout her life. It's done very quickly, but it's it's a really cool effect. Yeah. I picked up on three I picked up on Young on irva. I picked up on Hagar and I picked up on you know current times. Yeah. Yeah, it was it was so cool to watch. Oh, yeah. No, all of this was absolutely beautiful in this utterly horrifying fashion because we're approaching will carry on we're expecting the garden. Nope. Nope more robeasts. Yeah. The heck has the guardian been this entire time. This is where that bit of foreshadowing. We were talking about with Cova comes into play which again, I didn't realize it was foreshadowing until we we watched through these episodes again. Yeah. Wow and my notes say hey we found the guardian. Just in time for it to be horribly murdered. Yeah, like we have all this quintessence from all these other planets. We summon up the guardian somehow we completely murder it. She sucks it dry. And that's how she's able to rip open realities. Like all of this is a conduit through. Oh nerva, everything that has been built on Aura and the cubes that the roby's there. We are. That's the word everything that's happening because she wants her kid back. Yeah, that is what we we have so much good combat here. We have Atlas in full giant robot mode. We have a character deaths care that razavi is my queen and I was terrified man. I'm so glad they made it out of that. Okay? Yeah. She's one of my favorites. I was like, yeah and it's the first time that we've seen it MFE fighter take a hit like this. Usually they're in and out and doing pretty well for themselves and this time it's nope. I'm hit. My systems are hacked up. I'm having trouble and I'm sitting here going. Oh God, they're gonna kill her. No, no, no, no, no killer is Avi. We Riot. Yeah kind of like no, that's not okay with that. I would have been very upset and just we have those rapidly mounting tension because Voltron is out of this fight. They're already through the white hole we have to roby's and they're causing so much trouble and we have a cellblock breach. Yeah, we have the prisoners coming up to the bridge. So there's all these different Shields are low. They're locking on to us. They're draining our quintessence and the hole is being breached and you can just watch this tension mounting and watching the expression on Shiro's face with we don't have time for this. But here we are and it's Z thurid and as or and Alan and it's please let Alan help. I don't want us to die. He's whole khari he can do this, please let Alan hell it is funny thinking that he could have escaped from that cell at any time. Prior to this. Oh, yeah and earn brownie points and it's like let's let's not but that's not it is what I was talking about. It's really cool. Seeing that development get some immediate payoff. It's like now you she doesn't need Revenge anymore. It's like you can just like Lieutenant lawn. It's like you can be a part of something bigger now and they are yeah and it just that she can't they all came in with their hands up or at least the one that wasn't in a sling just saying we're in a Herbal situation my tech can help let him we're not trying to take over the bridge where we want to live. It's not too late to change. Jay and this gives us the breathing room that we need with the full on Naruto cloning techniques. Yeah, it gives that was fantastic. Yeah, and it gives us the breathing room to get resolved a back on the atlas to maybe turn this fight around a little bit. So just this this was so great to watch on the edge of my seat for this entire fight because of that tension because of these multiple parts. And again, please don't kill my queen enough hand and we know the the Art of Devastation that one of these roby's have. Oh, yeah like and so having multiple ones in play is is downright terrifying. Yeah, we have established that a single row Beast is a match for Voltron and we have to in play here multiples and play on the planet like massive problems Voltron is no longer the be-all and end-all most powerful thing in this universe and then you open up the portal and bring lotor's Mech into back into place. The sink line is back. Yeah, and the sink line is berserkering. Yeah, like takes out Voltron and I can't say I'm surprised because voltron's been through a lot in this fight already having to try to fend off to robeasts and then we have the syncline back evidently doing its own dang thing Rex Voltron divides the Lions and then when this we have Marilla who we've met before and we have this other all day and Who's there and he goes it like whole Sr has returned. Let's go try to help him out and Merlot figures out pretty quickly that something is wrong because this we've seen how low to our Pilots the syncline when he's in control, even when he's berserkering in the quintessence field. He's a very analytical thinker he's very strategic. This is some Barbarian brutality is episode 2 of a vanilla. Ian when you see what happens when when the Ava unit goes berserk her for the first time. Oh, yeah, that's that's what it is. And I love this moment to because it makes me feel like, you know, there's more to Marla than we're seeing and the other thing is that they've known lotor as this benevolent God. Yeah, this this very benevolent figure and so to see the the mech that he's piloting in Brazil kermode you can justify it as well. It's Voltron and there. Bad guys, but you can tell immediately that she's like something is off about this. Yeah, and I like that she's like obviously they've all been a little brainwashed. You know, we're in a cult where there's no real good way to get out of it. But even then she still intelligent enough to go. Wait a minute. This is incorrect. Something is wrong. Something is off and trying to call back her pillow her pillow Fila her fellow pilot when he goes to try to support load. Door and that ends in his immediate and horrible death. That was really Grizzly and showing that the syncline is also a match for these roby's. Yeah, even those been in the quintessence field for God knows how long there has been no mechanical breakdown here. It's terrifying. Yeah, just watching it go and that it I want to be it's just been absorbing quintessence like a sponge probably and that that it just immediately turns on presumably its allies. So this this is a bad situation for everyone involved here and a Laura takes the moment to go wait. This is all going through nerva. I can take her out now, which is been her objective this entire time. Yeah and have to stop o nerva. Yeah and all the lions are down and unresponsive, but blue landed close enough that alura's going you know, what let's do it opportunity knocks and I am answering and she goes after all nerva and we have this Conversation in the void because uh nerva is a little broken. She's magic. Yes. There are in terms of her character balance. She is a little broken and she could essentially stop this moment put a Laura in this void where we can have a couple minutes worth of conversation. And we do all of this join me and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son what the hell ever, but she also makes the very very good point that Right now I am the only thing controlling lotor like the syncline went after the Red Lion and she's she stopped him right before own right before allora got to her. I am mixing up names. There are so many three-syllable names that end in a on this show. But yeah, she's like, I'm the only thing keeping my son from killing your friends what and so a Laura has to make a split-second decision. Stop a nerve and now and Is my friends and nickel and who's Lance or you know, give her give her nerve and of time to run away and she makes the ladder decision and we see her just Biff The Landing roll and collapse in a sobbing he because that's the worst decision. I it's a terrible decision to have to make I'm not judging a Laura's decision. I'm saying you lose either way know what I love. This moment though because you never get a character interaction like this between two female characters in an action show meant for meant for boys very often to women of color. Yeah. I loved this because I feel like in Old Voltron there were so many situations where it was like well do this or will destroy the princess whose immobilized right now and you know, they're like, okay. Well, we'll we'll have to let you go this time and so having having having the situation was reversed was so refreshing. Yeah, it's bad. It's bad for all of our characters because her nerva and lotor get away. But like I said, I loved seeing this character moment. It was a thing of Wonder and beauty and also utterly emotionally devastating. Yeah, this whole episode was that's the thing is that a Laura has to live with this choice now like so later on if things get really really badly she could look back on. Moment and been like I should have killed unnerving when I had the chance, but if you kill a nerva, you have the sink line, which is a Berserker right now going off all of the Lions down and God knows what's happening on the other side of the white hole this animals injury higher colony of all teh ins and their robeasts watching you having just killed their goddess. Yeah, like you're absolutely right. This is a no-win situation. This was a no-win situation and that's where we leave. The episode was. But we failed we failed. I mean everyone manages to get out before the white hole completely collapses and that was one of those. Well, we can't escape. The only thing we can do is Wormhole, but we're not leaving for drawn by its right style. We have to escape before before everything explodes in on itself, but just Shiro's unwavering confidence of they'll come they'll arrive. Yeah, like they will make it like I know them they will make it here and then we'll leave but all of Orion Now a ship. So this whole planets done this white hole is done. This font of knowledge has been utterly desecrated and now destroyed and we have all nerva with a ship a bunch of robeasts the syncline and the upper hand on her way to God knows where Decisions were made decisions were made. So yeah, we all of our Paladin's walk away alive. But at what cost? Yep, pretty much. Yeah, which is a really good way to leave the episode but at what cost is basically this episode and it's oh the Fantastic Wonder watch it was incredibly well put together again. I cut back to the bridge seen with how just the mounting tension. Thing was equally important and we throughout it. We're also cutting back to the rebels getting these people off of these planets that are being destroyed like you're seeing all of this destruction being wrought across this Galaxy and going. Oh, oh, oh, this is rough. Yeah. It's it's fascinating to see what length on over we'll go to to get what she wants and what she wants her kid back. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, she has him but at what cost Just because we also get that monologue from slav talking about time slippage and all these things that are happening and it's screwing up the Crystal and it's causing issues and also take off your socks. Yeah makes you wonder what sort of repercussions is going to have on the overall fabric of reality because we've specifically said now it's a tear in the fabric of this reality. It's causing issues. This is bad. We're we're kind of getting into spider-verse territory here and I love it. I love that so much and we'll talk about that more later. Once we get further on in the season and those of you who have seen both know exactly what we're talking about here. And for the what we are keeping to our own spoiler policy and not touching on that. So for now do we have anything else to say about these two episodes just that I love all the character driven stuff. The the mech animation in the fights was fantastic all in all wonderful. Yeah, wonderful set of episodes these two were incredibly well done. So but thank you for trying time. We love them. I'm also really glad that we got to talk about them back, you know together as because they go together really well as a unit really do. Yeah, I'm happy with how all of our episode pairs shook out for this season because sometimes they get a little awkward, but for this in terms of planning they shook out extremely well. Yep. So yeah, that is what we have for this episode. We'll see you guys next week. Thank you guys for tuning Again, thank you for joining in the conversation. Remember give us your character and your show and your episode music playlist throw those in the hashtag for a be TV Voltron. We love seeing new music. I personally love putting together soundtracks for characters for people and you know, once we have ours made will share those two because that's a super fun thing to do sounds good. So, yeah, so that's your homework for next week. We will shout out some of our favorites. So throw them in the hashtag a BTV Voltron and in the meantime I'm Megan work in the people find you you guys can follow me on Twitter and Instagram at the manga. That's thei me n Guin I also do a loss for each respective podcast called No Love loss. So be sure to follow that we just dropped a new episode today with a special guest. So be sure to check that out. You can follow Blue Line Alexis Taurus at a tour is eight nine zero red line M A5 at Emma 5 and yellow line marked Annika at Marquee Danica. I'm Katie Cullen. You can follow me all over the social medias as well as on YouTube and twitch at kiya-jaye. That is K IA X ET I also Unboxing videos for fabrication and I'm on an OverWatch podcast called on the point. We had a good episode here on this side of the white hole. We're going to go through the other side and see what happens catch up with the rest of our crew in the meantime. Thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you next time our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV show. Shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz. See you later. Hmm. He's expressed herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect. The views of AfterBuzz TV rights owners are principles.
Looks like the beginning of what may well be the end on this week’s Voltron! Hosts Katie Cullen and Megan Salinas cover season 8 episodes 5 and 6: The Grudge and Genesis. We discuss Acxa’s social life or lack thereof, the best way to fool Voltron and the Atlas (hint: it involves not taking sarcasm seriously), and whether or not villains can change. We then move on to Honerva’s plan to tear apart reality to get Lotor back, leaving a trail of devastated planets (and devastated people) in her wake...and she wins this round. Things don’t look good, but we can always keep hoping. The Voltron After Show: Join the robotic lions in this intergalactic war against the Galra Empire by listening to the various recaps, reviews and in-depth analysis and discussion on each episode of the series. Not only will we break down the episodes though, we’ll also deliver all the latest news surrounding the show and have cast and crew join us. It’s the VOLTRON LEGENDARY DEFENDER AFTER SHOW! Show Summary: Voltron: Legendary Defender is an animated web television series produced by American companies DreamWorks Animation and World Events Productions and animated by South Korean Studio Mir. It is a reboot of both the Beast King GoLion anime series and the Voltron franchise, and its animation is a mix of anime-influenced traditional animation for characters and background and CGI for Voltron action sequences. Voltron: Legendary Defender is set in a science fiction universe where planetary energy called "quintessence" can be used to power vehicles and magic. The series follows the adventures of the Paladins of Voltron who must learn to work together to form the giant robot Voltron and use it to defeat the evil Galra Empire.
Look guys, welcome back. This is the further discussion episode with Gigi. So basically all I knew about Gigi prior to speaking with him was that he was someone that I connected with on Twitter and that he had these two great resources 21 and Bitcoin - The ladder is just an aggregation of all sorts of different resources around Bitcoin books articles podcasts Etc. The former is His own writings about his education process through Bitcoin both are excellent resources. If you want to learn more about Bitcoin, even the oh jeez out there. There's very likely something contained therein that you might learn that you don't already know. I went through both of the resources extensively and I definitely picked up a few things that added to my understanding of the way. I was looking at Bitcoin and this in this space as a whole so definitely check those resources out in this conversation. We just shot the shit to people that are super into Bitcoin having a discussion. I really enjoyed We talked a lot about the narratives of merging around Bitcoin and speculated on the future and just a really fun chat with two people that are clearly passionate about this space. So that's it. I hope you enjoy. Yeah, sorry again for the I'm usually I'm usually we like way more prepared, but I don't know if you saw it on Twitter like a couple of hours ago we had Fantasy football league going on with meddled a landmark event. Then this is definitely Vera and I'm part of that and I'm the only one who is in Europe. So I was up until like 4:30 or something. No, I didn't see that like fantasy NFL. Yeah nice. So so, you know, they all pick the time where where it's comfortable for them, of course, and so I just I just stayed up until 4 a.m. And I just like I don't know three four hours. Well, I'm sorry to drag you out of bed after all the otherwise, it's my own fault because because I said yes to the fantasy football thing. Yeah, I'm feeling good. All right, Got some coffee in you. Yeah, good good woman. Thanks for for getting out of bed and taking the time to do this today. I obviously we connected recently on Twitter and you know, I don't have to tell you this but for anybody. be listening, you know Bitcoin Twitter is such a amazing place, you know so much goes on in this there's so many people that you end up connecting with that share a lot of opinions, of course, but also attack things from different angles and have decided to kind of devote their obsession with Bitcoin down certain like, you know productive means let's say and with you, yeah, I guess you actually I guess before we get going with everything just to introduce yourself to the extent you want to but more importantly Couple of resources that you've developed in the space to help, you know, you're as a part of your contribution. Yeah. Sure. Hmm. I I'm not sure if there's too much to say about me. I'm just a regular Bitcoin knife if there's such a I think I put myself on the map because I decided to write about basically what I've learned and this culminated in 21 Because I thought why not? Well, I'll tell you the story ended because it's a good one. I think I tried all of this started when I try to to answer a tweet think it was assumed Balaji. I don't even I'm not even sure if I have it right from the top of my head and someone I think it was him tweeted. What have you learned from Bitcoin? And I was like, yeah, I can answer that. The tweet and I just was not able to know like no matter what I tried it always was at least like four or five tweets. And so I was like might be worth writing it down just for myself because I learned so much and yeah, I would say my life also changed so much because of falling down to the primary goal that I just started writing about it and I quickly realized that I even have to we'll have to split up the article because it It's just way too much. Yeah, and so I decided yeah doing a series on that sand when I was stuck with the first one which was the philosophical teachings of the time. I landed on seven things that I've learned learned and so it quickly came to my mind. I'll just do three of those and then I'll have 21 and that's that's the origin story. And what lessons right answer. Sorry good and yeah, so while writing all this sand The last couple of years I really fell yeah fell down the rabbit hole quite deeply in the way and I keep a list of all the things I read I did it before I got into Vietnam and I also keep a list of all the books I read. So it was quite easy for me to gather all the resources that I've wrapped in the last couple of years again, and that's how I created between resources that come with just basically my handpicked selection of Articles and books and also podcasts and select the podcast episodes. Right and it's very extensive. So, you know, if anybody out there is listening and there are looking for additional resources to learn more. I mean, it's definitely a good spot. You have books and articles and podcasts and all sorts of stuff. Yeah. Yeah, and I will I will always about I I try at least to updated periodically so there's always good stuff coming out and I still have like 50 books to to go through and I'll update the list or the resources as I as I get to it, but I also want to open it up quite soon. I mean it is open source already, but it's not not especially like it's not exactly easy to contribute right but I have something in mind where this might be more of a Community Driven thing in the years to come cool. So I mean we when we think about things like Resources and how to learn more about Bitcoin all that kind of stuff. It's at least part of it is because we want to to supply the necessary materials for other people that are either looking for more information and up. And of course, I think I speak for all of us when I say a part of us is also putting it out there because we want people to kind of catch the virus, you know, if we want to make it super easy, like look at all these resources whichever one appeals to you just get started and you know, we kind of hope maybe you'll Start seeing the light as it were but before and I've got a ton of questions in that regard for you, but before I get into those, like what was your aha or come to Jesus come to bitcoin moment three or four years ago as you mentioned, I had multiple I think and I was the one so it was it was really like hooked you the key like hooked you the hardest I bought in like before I understood anything. Thing because I felt like I missed the boat a couple of times already. Yeah, I had to touch base with big tight like three or four times and it's maybe it's because I'm a slow learner, but I got introduced to it from a really weird angle a friend of mine was building shit coins in a way. He was building block chain based projects in like 2013-2014 so that when I first really heard of it I've heard of it before but But not well not I've heard it from up from other friends and mostly in relation to so growth and by yeah, it's online but I never gave it as a more serious thought and I also got a little bit just I don't even know why I don't seriously I don't even know why I'm like, yeah, I'll have some of the magic Implement and my first reaction. Real aha moment was yeah shifted my perspective about proof of work and I wrote about that at a later point. I'm like I wrote about it some years later because I was in the same campus as most people I would say that her did hear of it first. It's like, you know, it's really an efficient quote unquote wastes a lot of resources stuff like that and understanding that in the better way like I understand. That understanding proof of work at a deeper level was my first aha moment for sure. And well, I guess now's a good time to ask what come back to some of the other stuff. But what was your aha about proof of work? Well, it's basically it's not energy wasted its energy put to very good use and like understanding that I I had like two or three aha moments before cologne, I think. But it's probably many more to come. Yeah, probably probably I think shifting your perspective proof-of-work. First of all, it Bridges the gap between the digital and the Physical Realm like between the virtual world and the real world and that's like a world-first like it. We haven't seen anything like that before in the way and that's the whole reason why the digital scarcity is possible in the first place and It also seeing it like a protective layer around all transactions, you know, it's like a Fort Knox for everyone and it has really really thick Wallace. It's not it's not like you have to do that yourself like the base chain secures itself and it's the same security guarantee for everyone and it's also you know, it's not black and white. Nobody has a clue how thick the walls need to be because we can't really tell what is enough. Proof of work, you know and all those kind of things they were like, okay, that's really interesting. It's just so so so different than everything we had before and it's also necessarily different because yeah, I mean, we're really good with taking care of our stuff in the physical world. I mean some are better than others, but I kind of know what we very stuff and we build thick walls around it. And so but in the digital realm it's so so different and it really bad cybersecurity. In general, they're really really bad and it kind of sucks that in a genius way like it sets up the scientist in a way that you don't want to attack it in the first place, but also second of all it just it has this immense feedback loop that where you just put on layers and layers and layers of security with without like most people don't even know what's going on. Really? You know, it's there just - yeah. Yeah, nothing like their. Oh, I'll secure all the past transactions because I'm such a good person. That's that's the beauty of it. Yeah. Yeah, I think about that, you know, and I love just having having those kind of down the rabbit hole sessions with others, but also with myself where I just start thinking about like proof of work or any other different elements of Bitcoin and really like extending it out as far as I can see and of course a lot of people got into Bitcoin just for well many reasons, but you know, let's say it was kind of the censorship resistance or Sound free money non-state money sort of thing. And what's interesting these days is it is it seems that the the pace at which new narratives around Bitcoin is accelerating, you know, like people are sharing things on Twitter. And I know you're familiar with random friending quantum's article on, you know, kind of the structure being related to something like mycelium and all these like, you know, all these people are just kind of sharing their thoughts on it and it at the of the day they're still there's nothing it's not right or wrong. It's just interesting ways that people are extrapolating new narratives from Bitcoin. Of course that's going to inspire people to actually try to make real a lot of those things and it just seems like it that's why people refer to it as a rabbit hole, right? Because it you know, there's no there's no end. It can keep kind of bifurcating off into these different branches where you see it in different lights and that's part of the thing that makes it so interesting but also so like Obsession inspiring. Yeah. Yeah, I think it's endlessly fascinating and I I love Brandon's work and I just I just had a very very long conversation with him and also guys want from the economy podcast. I listened to a Bitcoin is a living organism and our thoughts on them and it's really interesting because I SS at on that episode. so as well, I think I think that it's kind of true but I think that even you know, everyone tries to make sense of Bitcoin in their own way and it seems that it's all of that but also more, you know, it is it is digital gold and you know, it is an Unstoppable PayPal in a way and it is internet money and I would even say it also is a new form of life and living organism, but it's More than that as well. We don't really understand it yet. Like I would argue that nobody really understands good kind in a way even if you are a core developer, I mean obviously their levels of understanding but I would argue that in the same way that that for example the to the people working on Twitter. I don't think they really grasp the scope of what they build as well. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah in the way some systems and some things stay the internet as well. Like the early internet genius. Did they knew what they were up to? They knew what they were building, but you can't really foresee the second and third order effects of things and I mean, it's the same for Karis people that invented the combustion engine. They had no idea what they are doing. Yeah. I mean on now in hindsight sure our planets changed quite a bit just because of the invention of cars right Road Network. Also, yeah a lot of gases in the atmosphere that weren't there before. So I think it's similar to bitcoin that it's just it's own thing and everyone tries to understand what it is and it's also evolving at such a fast rate because just you really smart people working in it and new new inventions are coming out like on a weekly basis in a way and now we have lacking Network for example, and suddenly Bitcoin suddenly. Bitcoin can scale it suddenly. Is it is this payment rail as well, you know on a second here and it's yeah, I think it's really interesting. As I said, it's endlessly vessel. This is why I think what's happening on Twitter is so interesting and to a certain degree expected and to a certain degree essential is because you know, like you said, nobody knows what this thing is. We all just kind of It's like, you know, we see reflections of who we are and what we want to exist in the world in it, you know, and that's the that's the nature of really I don't know what the word to put on it, but really special or truthful or pure ideas or entities that we encounter and behold. I mean, we they're so pure and truthful that they can reflect things that are inside of us ideas or behaviors or and obviously imbue us with those qualities as well and we'll get into kind of the behavioral aspect of being involved in Bitcoin in a few minutes, but it's I love what's going on on bitcoin Twitter. Let's say because it's this smashing together of ideas and perspectives and narratives and stuff and it's like a soup and we get to watch and real-time which ones take hold like someone has put someone puts out an article someone does this and you know, a lot of them get rejected now, I don't really see it now. It's not that it doesn't work that way but wha but then you know one emerges. People like holy shit. It it that that sounds true. There's definitely a grain of Truth in there and then it gets extrapolated out and then it be then it gets nestled in the minds of all of us who read or encounter that information and that narrative and then it just fuels the fire of what this thing is and what it can be and then it intensifies the fire that exists in all of us who are engaging in it. I mean, it's fucking insane. Yeah. It was insane II tried. To write about it in a more precise and and I came up with the idea of this idea value generating feedback loop. So in a way it all started with sodium satoshi's idea and you have an idea you write the software you run the software and a note and the note connects if everything works out with other notes. And so you have this network the network generates value and then the value it feeds back into your idea like it. It manifests itself with this Loop and all the components they influence each other because at the network grows you will have to you will have to adjust your ideas. Even you know, I mean Andreas Antonopoulos, for example, he talks in the early days all the time how how Bitcoin is like the transactions on free and that's just not true at all. No, we had to adjust this narrative that we had to adjust our ideas of it because nothing in life is free like you will you will need to have some transaction costs on. At least on the settlement layer, and I think it's exactly right. But you said that everyone sees it differently and that it reflects in a way you who you are and what your experiences are and as he say that the students on Twitter the toxic soup, but it shows really well, I think because you have also financed Twitter like you've so many people that come in from finance and what what is it fun for you? We haven't Inspector ground. I mean, it depends on your Finance background, but it most definitely is an asset. It might be an investment vehicle might be a risk on risk of acid. However, you want to see ya. We also have a lot of people from the tech world coming in and I mean, I would even say there are not too many tech people in week on you you have you need to have some sort of cypherpunk a very idealistic Tech. A background in a way. I think that Bitcoin is really interesting to you a lot of tech people. They flocked to other projects I would say because they think that the tech is more interesting there and that was a hang-up for me as well because I come from the effect called. I'm a software engineer by training and I've been a software engineer for the last 15 years or so and for me, it was really hard to wrap my head around it. But in that sense that it's not it's not really about that. No, it's money. It's about the money. It's about the kind of will win because of economic realities technology is just one tiny part of that just has to work and be secure enough. Yeah, the rest of it is way more important and that's what I think a lot of different people for example are missing. It's really, you know, building the fancy bottles person whistles around it. All of them do isn't that important. I would say and will come later anyway. And I think you can see very clearly on Twitter depending on the background people you also have for example people that worked on human rights and then the censorship resistance aspect which is the most important one and it can Empower people in that way that transactions that would have been impossible. Otherwise are now possible because Bitcoin and I think it's it's perfect for this and so what you said it reflects who you are back to you. Yeah, and this actually Leads to an article that you wrote about the gravity of Bitcoin because and in that article, correct me if I'm wrong, but just summarizing you were kind of saying that Bitcoins gravity like it affects it a certain amount. Let's say if you're coming from the finance side of things a certain amount if you're coming from the NGO and you know difficulty of cross-border payments and that side of thing it affects you differently. If you're you know, there's all these different like stories of people or interests or pockets of society and the gravity of Bitcoin is seemingly pulling them all in but at different rates at different speeds different orders, you know, some some before others and I like how the article kind of You know showed that that it's going to end up affecting the gravitational pull is going to end up affecting everybody in at least some aspect of their lives very powerfully, but it's just a matter of which ones are, you know, which one's get pulled on first? Yeah. Exactly. And I think that's also the reason why it's so extremely difficult to have an elevator pitch for Bitcoin because people understand different aspects of it and depending on on where you are. Are in your journey you might have to as I did. For example, I had to catch up on economics in a big way. Like I had no idea what money is I had no idea about economics at all. I have no idea about money order or the history of man and you kind of have to learn that to really understand Bitcoin for other people. This just might be clear. I mean if you have a background ground in Austrian economics or in power, you are go back or you know your monetary history then The kind you might not even go down the shit coin whole you might I be clear for you. Okay, it's just has these monetary properties. So it will win out in the end just like gold it so just get some Bitcoin and I'll just wait for this process to play itself out on the other hand if you have a tech background, for example, you might think oh, yeah, you know Bitcoin is the base chain 10 minutes. That's too slow or blah blah blah, whatever and you might You know you end up buying into 30 different checkpoints. Yeah, and it's so hard to explain to people and again, it depends on where you come from because if you come from a country where the currency isn't as strong as the dollar or the Euro or the other large currencies for someone who is in Bolivia, for example, or in Venezuela to pick the obvious example, Bitcoin intuitively makes sense, you know, like Government can metal wood with my money is sure like it's way way better than what I have now and you understand that aspect of Bitcoin immediately. Yeah, I think what you said is is interesting because it's one of the questions. I mean, I asked it a lot to people on the podcast and I'll ask you to little bit later, but I also think it about it myself a lot because you know, whenever all of us like people that are obsessed with Bitcoin we want to talk about it pretty much. With everybody we encounter right and if we even like sniff that there's a an ounce of interest will be like, you know will open up the floodgates but it's what and the reason why we're so interested in how people frame it when they're talking about it with people is because we're used to like having this Uber obsession with it and then trying to articulate it and seeing that it doesn't really land like you can see in the person's face that they're just like you could say everything, you know about it. They're kind of like, yeah, but okay, so So what and so what you mentioned like the elevator pitch is kind of hard for Bitcoin. Maybe it's best to start like the next time those conversations happen or you're trying to quote unquote pitch it it's like, okay. What do you know about money? How do you feel about the government? How do you feel about like, you know currencies in third world countries? How do you know what's your what's your understanding of technology and just like kind of ask all those free questions first and then be like hmm. Okay. I think I know where I'm going to start with this and then you go for it, you know. Yeah exactly and It's also my Approach in the real world. Like I'm I'm currently somewhere where I'll if I would have to guess. I'm probably the only Bitcoin I'd like a 500-mile radius. And so I have this these kind of conversations a bunch and I would even say you can't talk about Bitcoins without talking about the time because I'm in Austria currently, and I'm also Born in Australia. I'm currently I just recently moved to arms and somewhere new but it was an Oscar last summer. Great. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. It's a lovely country but you know not not too much going on in the Bitcoin world. I would say you know that however in Vienna in downtown Vienna, there's a Toshi Nakamoto store like you go in and you can buy like t-shirts and coffee mugs and shit like that. Yeah, there's I mean I When the pressure goes through because there are some things going on but it's just a small country. Sure. Hopefully interesting people are somewhere else. But anyway, even in Australia to talk to regular people and I say even in Austria because I think it's a you know, it's a first world country and things are more or less working handsome, but everyone knows that, you know, the currency doesn't matter. If you talk about the Euro the currencies were before like no currency holds the value everything gets more expensive. If over time like most things get expensive all the time, and I think this is one of the best entry points at least to my experience because if especially if you talk to someone who's a little bit older like if they are in their 50s or 60s, you just you know, you can you can just say I you know, like 10 years ago these x amount of your body doesn't happen and now it's like five times that and they're like, yeah, it's so insane. Everyone kind of knows that intuitively that the money we have his shit. I think that's a really good entry point. Some people they most people I wouldn't say they never yeah, they they never asked himself these kind of questions and I think it's Paramount to understand a good find for example to understand why goal one out like why you know in a way most most shit. Coins it's it feels to me like oh nice. Yeah. Now we have this gold. Okay, but you know, we have titanium here and titanium has better conductivity or whatever or you know, I'm letting point and so we have to use that because it has a lower melting point. Like that's that's where most people in the Chicago world are actually yeah people kind of know that gold is valuable and they I mean the the lore around goal is thousands of years. Is all you know people spoke about gold like it was the Living God even and it's you know, the Metro from heaven and all of that that that lore around it. If it doesn't come out of nowhere, there are really good reasons. Why gold one the currency war in terms of monetary Hells? Yeah and understanding why that is will help you understand why there will only be one thing and also why Bitcoin will be that Thing. Yeah, you know people talk about the wealth transfer, excuse me that Bitcoin you know is going to going to It's going to stimulate and you could look at it. So many different ways whether it's you know from the one percent to the you know, the 99% or from regions of the world, you know for people there's people in Venezuela and maybe turkey and other places that are experiencing currency issues. I mean, they're just going to be motivated by a necessity to look into other options sooner than people that use the euro US Dollar Canadian dollar whatever but it's also, you know a wealth transfer to the curious. You know because a lot of people, you know, they even wear gold jewelry, but they have no idea why they wear it. They just you know, it's one of those de facto cultural things that you just get the download and you never questioned and so all those you know, and I love it because I mean, I love curious people. I love having conversations with them. But you know, that's another one of the wealth transfers to the people that ask why and that's awesome. Yeah II love when you just said that the wealth transfer to the curious. I think that's It's really that's really that's really something. Yeah, what you said about gold as well. I mean, you know, you've even for God's sakes you're Peter Schiff who has it, you know, it's the other way around people who wear gold jewelry because gold is valuable. Yeah. It's not like, you know Peter Schiff with this cufflinks. It's like it's not the reason why we have called total is this place? It's not like, oh it's so pretty and that's why people wear it. No, man. No, it's the other way around. Yeah, it has valuable if you run around with a gold necklace in your small little tribe and everyone knows that you're the boss because you know, if you could you just cook them up to me and rip the necklace of my neck, but you can't because you know, I'm so powerful and so influential that I can't do it. Yeah, and it just drives me insane people that you know are in the gold business or our investors or I've been in vessels for the last 30 40 years or whatever. They just have it backwards. It's insane. Yeah, man, I you know, I've seen the funny because I have been following Peter Schiff from many years prior to 2008. And so at that time, you know, I was totally on board, you know, because Bitcoin wasn't around and you know, everything looked like it was going to melt so I was like, yeah Peter you're damn right, you know gold and silver get you up. Let's do this and And but you know his narrative has never changed and at the last decade - you know last few months has been fucking horrible for precious metals pretty much especially when you compare it to bitcoin and you know, he's just so stuck in the in the mud with this. I mean, yeah, it's yeah he did. It's just doubling down and yeah, exactly and like maybe he even said that he missed about that's pretty much the reason why he is against it and everyone, you know, like Trace may say the same. Sanguine when the Congress trading below a dollar it was like like his first purchase as well. Like I don't know 20 Center. I don't know what that he's like. I miss the boat. Yeah, the the Peter Schiff debates. I'm almost like a, you know train wreck. That's why you watch them you'd like I despise his style. Like I'd really love to have a debate with him someday because I just hate how he talks over people. He doesn't address any of the points made by the people he's debating. Dating and then he just says the same old shit like like you said it's frustrating but at the end of day, we don't have to care right? I mean we watch it if entertainment more so than yeah, and I just wanted to tell you why we want him to come around so much. I mean like who cares? I mean as everyone always says Bitcoins going to do its thing no matter what Honey Badger Don't Care it's just you know, so why do we care if a certain person gets on board now or 10 years from now? Yeah. I don't know. I personally don't care. I'm the truth. A lot of other people care. I think I think what people kind of want to see is how people change their mind. Yes. Yeah, I think for a lot of gold box, that would be nice to see that it's like, you know, I I'm the question I'm asking myself is and I mean we will get into the weeds here, but go for it. The reason why gold like one of the main reasons, why gold is so cool as a money is that it's basically indestructible. And so whatever you pull out of the ground it will it will stay above ground, you know, you can't destroy it. So it's the main reason behind stock to flow ratio. Which just means since you cannot destroy it the stockpiles they piled up over the last thousands of years and the stockpile doesn't get reused and since gold is cars just my natural law just because of physics. You can't really like we can pull a little bit more gold out of the ground. If we really we really try but still it's kind of dated and since it's indestructible the stockpiles we already have are so enormous that it doesn't matter how much new stuff comes in its. It doesn't make it them really and that's the main reason why Gomez has so much value because of low ratio and if you read the Bitcoin standard by say 15, he goes into great detail in this regard and what I think will be interesting to see is that Bitcoin has Way better properties than gold even but with one difference that you can destroy it fine and arguably that's even good because it will have the highest octave surveys right? But but I think that's something that we will have to see how it plays out over the next couple of hundred years. That's what I'm talking about the next couple of years. I mean, we will be mining the fun for stood by the long time. So One important and so for me it's still early days and I to to Loop it back to leadership. I think that's also what Peter Schiff and many other people that are still of the opinion that they miss the vote. They don't see that they don't see how early we still are II think I mean it's obvious to me that it's like exponential as first one after the other like all the adoption waves. They come in exponential curves, but I think in the very grand scheme of things we are still before the new In terms of behind adoption like it's umm out really far it will also be a very very big exponential S curve and this is how I put the quantization of the look like and it will only it will only level off again when it's just used as the global money everywhere. Yeah. Well analyze the answers worth of soil and so much more, you know. Yeah. I mean, the money is Bitcoins killer app right now right now. Buddy that's in it gets that but like we were saying about the narratives before like that back smashing together of narratives. It's not going to stop it's only going to accelerate as more people and more Minds get, you know connected to the network and that's going to change entirely how we view it. I mean it'll change entirely how we view of five years from now let alone 50 years from now. We really can't imagine what Bitcoin is going to quote unquote be like dominant narratives that around Bitcoin in That period of time and so to right now and I treat about this today. Actually I said, you know because you just brought up the scarcity component. Yes, like what happens when a large percentage of the global population wants something that is infinitely scarce. I mean, obviously, you know, the price has to address dramatically higher but I when I said is I think even the most outlandish estimates are going to be comedic lie low and because you know right now, you know people that are really like hundred trillion. Bitcoin market cap people are like well take Global real estate and Global, you know Investments and bonds and money supply and all its mash it all together, but I think back to like 94-95 internet and if you had said that unlike what will the value of the internet be you'd say like, okay. Well, let's take the newspapers and let's take the TV stations and let's take you know, a couple other information, you know media sources and say okay put together like global Of a hundred billion two hundred billion and that would be so narrow in terms of what the internet is today. And so I think the same thing is going to happen. Like we're looking at it in terms of what are the all the kind of assets that Bitcoin is going to disrupt a replace or be a better alternative for whatever but I think all those narratives that were not even currently considering are going to just have another offshoot another balloon to of value to add to Bitcoins market cap. So if someone thinks it's a hundred trillion, Maybe it's you know, maybe it's far greater than that. I'd so I think we'll look back and you know to the point you are mentioning about people thinking they missed out. You know, when the last Bitcoin is mine or let's say when Like there's going to be periods where the number of Bitcoin mind per year is less than what right? Yeah less than one full Bitcoin. That's that's correct. Right? Yes. Yeah, so think about global economic value of one year presumably unless we really like collapse and take a lot of steps backward that's going to be a quite quite a big number. And that has to be like and that's the the Bitcoin this issue. Let's say in that year. It's going to he's going to have to Encompass at least a portion of that. And so the fact that you're saying you missed the boat now when it's at let's $10,000 it 10300 at the time of this discussion again, I mean, I think it just shows an inability to zoom out and then maybe a bunch of other mental blocks that are happening. But I mean, yeah. I don't know. It just seems like there's no way to sufficiently it's hard to overstate how important impactful that this thing is going to be. Yeah, it's exactly like Amen to that and personally, I you know, as I said, I had a lot of catching up to do in terms of economics and I think I like I'm I mean, I'm still I'm reading for like one two three hours every day, and I'm still learning every day. So I'm nowhere near the end of the journey and I had to come to grips with yeah with what you just said that things are going to be so crazy. We can't even imagine and I think that's one of the reasons why people like it kind Tina, for example, I believe that they are closest to the truth, you know, like they extreme insane hyper pants. They are closest to what's gonna happen when Will it when it's going to happen like I think nobody can really say but as you said the only thing that can adjust is the price and it has to be dramatically higher and it will be so dramatic because we were we have never seen absolute scarcity. Just like you said, you know, like if we never had something where no matter how much money you have there will be there will be a point in time where you can't even afford one big pile no matter what you do sure. Like it's so icky. Extremely scarce if you're a multi-millionaire, it won't matter if you if you're really late to the game. You just won't be able to afford it. The price will be so so insanely high and I think it's also really hard to talk about few any future market cap because we have to use currently we evaluate everything in dollars and once the dollar collapses in the Euro collapses and other Fiat currencies collapse, then it will be really hard. Price things in dollars. I mean we can fall back to dog see how it kind is priced in terms of gold. I think we will necessarily have to do that over any meaningful period of time like if we look long enough into the future, but I think the the buying power of one Bitcoin will just be insane like, you know, there is I think there's more millionaires in II forgot the statistics hunt but there's there's not enough. It's fun for every Millionaire on Earth. I think I think something along those lines. Yeah, I think I should be in America. I think there's more than 21 million millionaires in the world. So yeah, I think I think that where that's where that's coming from. And yeah, it's insane to think about and it's kind of you know, it's it reminds me. It reminds me of it's also about people that saw the potential of Moore's Law very early on like there were some people were computers were the size of like really big houses and they were even before that, you know, like Ada Lovelace and other Very very very early for you to people that were building computers with pen and paper. They were talking about computers to talk back to you and they were talking about, you know, also machines that can think like Alan Turing famously wrote papers on that and all of that stems from a very basic understanding of fundamentals and extra like extrapolating the exponential Trend into the future and it's and we see all of that happening right now. I mean you have apps on your phone. You can speak to their not perfect yet, but you can have conversations with the computer like no problem a computer can understand you when you talk to it. It can also talk back. We have facial recognition that superhuman and so on and so forth and all of that is just based on on the yeah on the same fundamentals that were in existence since the beginning of computers, and I think we will have a similar Trend in Bitcoin where We'll just understand the fundamentals and can extrapolate in the future and people like Farrah showered and Michael Goldstein they talk about type of dependence ation. And I think that's exactly what will happen. Just like that's exactly what happened in Information Technology world and computers. All of all of that stuff happened. I mean, we are having conversations over a worldwide Global Network right now in real time. We've never seen each other and we never met before and we're talking to each other right now and people talked about that in the you know, 50s and 60s even earlier and like way earlier and now it's reality and I think the same will happen. Yeah with what we are talking about right now. I think yeah just make sense. Yeah. I mean it's it's so exciting to be here and now like an inner involved in some capacity even if only as an observer In what's going on? Because like you just articulated like a lot of us think like if we're right and this is what we think it is and can be then well, that's Trace May or many other have repeated. This could be a once in a species event, you know and let that sink in for a moment. Like really you're alive during a time of a like super significant once in a species event. I mean, I often think like if you're not obsessed with Bitcoin, you don't you don't understand. And Bitcoin, you know, and that's I think a lot of us like maximalist and people that are really into Bitcoin think that way because we're just like how the fuck can you not be crazy interested in this thing like it is like, you know, we're pulling our hair out daily. Just thinking about it all and it's so funny that you know, a large portion of the population growing ever ever smaller granted, you know Bitcoins doing its thing and sucking people in on a daily basis, but you know, just to know that this is a lot of Normie still out there that just, you know, it hasn't it hasn't entered their world. Of in a significant way yet. Yeah, but yeah, but they're a reflection of us to like you said, you needed three or four touches before you really got sucked into the gravity and went down the rabbit hole. I was the same way, you know, it's like I was interested intrigued, you know picked up a little but I wasn't obsessed until you know, I don't I get more obsessed all the time actually. So the daily basis I'm like, holy shit. It's getting even more intense, you know. Yeah same here like I I sometimes say that I'm so bullish. It's an unhealthy. They said I'm just I'm just excited 24/7. I wake up excited I go to bed excited and exhausted. Well, you know what? Let's let's let's change the angle bit actually because I you know, I'm not exactly the same way and I think a lot of people listening that are involved probably feel the same way and a lot is made of Bitcoins, you know ability to change behavior and I want to break into that but I just on the basis of what you just said, I mean we All probably been in situations in our lives and our careers where we woke up. We went to bed late, you know woke up low energy kind of like big exhale that you got to go and do whatever the fuck your job is like man this fucking sucks and you go to work and you just get through the day and you go have some beers afterwards if you do whatever you got to do to get by but you're not, you know, you're not really stimulated and there's a good case to be made for being depressed as a result in the situation. You're in right? and the fact that this thing is a like like you just said you wake up you're excited to learn more to engage in it to you know, all that kind of stuff and I feel the same way and I was thinking, you know, I've been in tandem with my interest in big actually way before it, you know psychedelics have always been a big interest for me and I've taken it very seriously and learned a lot spoke to a lot of people and stuff like that interview people and You know, right there has been a Renaissance over the last 20 years and now you know, the was the early results. I think they're going into phase 3 trials for a lot of this stuff now, but for something like psilocybin, let's say which the active ingredients in mushrooms, you know, amazing results for treatment-resistant depression for anxiety for post-traumatic stress disorder like those big serious things that affect a lot of people that was yesterday's clean the dishes or something and I was like, man You know, I almost felt like bring it up. You know Bill Richards is one of the researchers at Johns Hopkins said I've interviewed before I almost felt like ringing a bill and being like their look psilocybin and the and the therapy that's that's attached to it in the protocol that they've been studying is amazing for reintegrating the past right like getting, you know, seeing your past in a different light and being able to take something positive from it and being more present here and now kind of having it more positive out or you know appreciating having Attitude in the present. I was like, you know what you need to add to that protocol just throw Bitcoin in the mix like after after after they have the Psychedelic therapy and then they have the Psychotherapy just do like a one-hour introductory slide show or something to bitcoin because I think it or not. I think it is that thing that causes you to see the future with through a brighter lens like everybody who's involved in it has like to varying degrees of course, but I think it's hard to argue that That people that are in the space and are excited about Bitcoin. It has a name. It hasn't increased or improved the way it which they perceive the future and their and their role in it. Yeah, absolutely. I think that's true for a lot of people and it's true for me as well. Like I'm in a way. I've never been more hopeful about the future and I'm not sure if I would call myself an optimist necessarily by Nature. I was really I think before I fell down the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole. I just thought that we're pretty much fucked anyway, actually. To and and there's not much you can do it do about it. And this leads also, I think it naturally leads to a very hedonistic lifestyle as well because wine if you're if we're fucked anyway, why not? Enjoy the right right right just have have those beers. Yeah. And and so that's 4 and I think it's it's yeah, it's very very true what he said. I think if you realize What the potential of this technology is? And also if you adopt it personally in your life. I think it's just changes you quite drastically and I would also say almost immediately if you understand it properly because you like you have to take on so much personal responsibility to be your own bank as they say and you also need to adopt the personal responsibility to Really understand what you've got yourself into and you need to take care of. Yeah, your your security measures. For example, you need to take care. You just take care of your wealth in cells by yourself. Like ee you do everything yourself if you can and I think that the changes you drastically and the fact also that you you will learn about the history of money and you will learn about the current For example that I think that's what changed me a lot as well. I learned how the current system works and how how the financial system works and also the ills of it and it kind of changes you in the way I think that now now like realizing that there is a way out you you kind of get disillusioned with a lot of things that you just took for granted before and I I think that's also related to to the carnivore diets of the maximalist because as say 15 also talks about it's like we have Fiat money and we also have yet food and to an extent. I think it's true. You know, it's it's just you we don't really, you know, we didn't have good money for quite a long time and you could make an argument that that similar things are happening for food and So I for sure and I think all of the changes you very drastically but to to to sum it up maybe I think what what Bitcoin changed most for me is just my time preference and you as you said you just you suddenly you start to really be hopeful for the future planning to the Future you and realize okay. I maybe if you're lucky you have a small stash of the car. I know some satoshi's and as you said we're just observers just watching that play out. And if you're smart about it, you might you know, that might be your pension or the pension of your kids or any future Generations. Yeah, and if you play it smart and you don't get scammed out of your Bitcoins done. Yeah. I think I have a bright future. Will I had for you? Yeah, I couldn't agree more and I just this. just this kind of narrative of how Bitcoin changes your behavior it's not brand new of course, but I think it's starting to filter out through more and more people and people are you know, like we talked to earlier about the narratives around Bitcoin like this is one that's really gaining Steam and I think before too long it's going to be one that's actually like talked about in media also, like when people aren't just going to be saying Bitcoin is dead or the price of Bitcoin is this like this is going to be a story at some point in the not-too-distant future about how and I think I think it's a sign of our times, you know, and I'm a perfect example of this to you know, I you know, when I was 20 years old, let's say two thousand five six seven. I was like, yeah, everything is totally fucked like there's no there's no there's no way this is getting turned around but I took it upon myself to like, you know, be happy and and find my way regardless and sometimes I was successful that other times. I wasn't, you know, the Journey of life, but I think that you know this This thing being here now just not you always going to be responsible for your own happiness, but it's really nice to have this thing. That's like your buddy along the way like that you can kind of like lean on a little bit for support and to pull you through and be like, okay now I don't just have to kind of like muddle through regardless now, like now it matters what like now it there's actual hope there's actual hope now and you know, that's why so many people are motivated. I think to get involved in this thing because They want to actualize that to the extent that it's possible. They want to be like I don't just want to sit back and like hope it works out. This is some real potential for a better world and I feel like it's almost my duty to get involved in some capacity. Yeah, and you have the added benefit of like I again, I think Bitcoin is bigger than us and it doesn't really need us but still if you like your incentivized to help Bitcoin along the way if you can write in when whatever let's go. Thing and yeah, and it's so beautiful because I agree with you. I think a lot of people are in it because they see this potential and they see also the potential for something like a second Renaissance happening or and like if you if you study your history, you will see that the Belle epoque like the point in time where most of the world was using a gold standard. It was one of the best times in the world in terms of prosperity in terms. Of Art in terms of culture in terms of innovation that's on and a lot of people are convinced that the adoption of the Bitcoin standard will have similar effects, but additionally to death since we're still early and you got in early you're also incentivised just selfishly to do that. So it's really beautiful you kind of you know, you you realize that there is hope for for a better world. So to speak and you you want to do what you can to bring this better World about But you are also motivated for selfish reasons because of course the value of your stash will grow alongside with right and I think it's just another example where the incentives of Bitcoin work out beautifully and you don't need to have any Central. Let's say development t or marketing team or whatever have you and it still works out beautifully just grows organically and you have now, you know, yeah just people all around The world rooting for for Bitcoin because of those two interests like one one interest to make the world a better place to use the trace and one interests to yeah for selfish reasons. Anyway, sure, I really think that we yeah, we can see that right now. It's almost like the Modern Renaissance Man people that work on things work on projects that will take years to build out fully and also people Just you know, they they quit their jobs and just proselytize for Bitcoin full-time like the dresses for example, and and many other people, you know, they just see that's that's what I want to do with my life and I want to help people understand how big this thing is and to touch back home on something that you said before. It's just will grow in yet. He will grow and it will eat up more and more value and what most quote-unquote regular people don't get this that money is such a huge essential big thing. You know, like Jesse say money is one half of every transaction and it just it rules our lives every day without us directly seeing it and Empires rise and fall because of money whole civilizations crumble because there's something wrong with the money. Yeah and And once you have sound money like that, the sound is money. We ever had one can only imagine how prosperous the world. Yeah, I couldn't agree more and you know, I when I think of you know, I've been thinking about this for many years, but and I'm not religious but you know my opinion. Well, let's just say this. I think the real religion in the world is money. I don't care if you're a Muslim or a Christian or whatever. I think that's more virtues. Milling than anything else the thing that really dictates people's behavior. That's what you got to look at who gives a fuck what people say what dictates of behavior it's money money is the religion of the world and always has been and when you look at the and so the quality and the form of that money is obviously going to inform that religion and the behavior that stems from it tremendously and like you just said, you know, I can't wait until our religion IE the money that most of us use is something that is So truthful and so pure and so well designed to both serve the people that engage with it and the larger Network and like you like as you said before the selfish benefit to be derived from it, but in seeking your selfish benefit you actually, you know contribute positively to the network as a whole like it when that becomes our quote-unquote religion like de facto. I'm not saying that, you know necessarily people are going To you know worship Bitcoin in the cathedral. I might that although it might have time for it because it would be good for taxes as well. Right, right. Yeah, but once once that happens, you know again that behavior change so that we're talking about I mean, it's gonna be so evident then but I just think it's going to direct a lot like more a lot better Behavior just de facto without having to be taught or instructed or Flop anything as a result of being that dominant, you know money in society. Yeah. I think it's so funny to talk about this through a religious lens and I I'm I'm working on the draft. I'm not really working on it. But I have a draft where I write about Bitcoin through a religious lens and oh man, it's a super our super a yeah, it got to get that shit out there. Yeah, I'll have to the other series before that. But I think it's so funny because Oh, I know. I know what you what you mean when you said money is the religion of the world. I kind of agree dictates human behavior in a very big way, but on the other hand there there are definitely things like they're definitely religious people that don't care about money at all and their behavior is not written by that but just by it's not many of you have many men, but they're now some in Bitcoin as well and we have we have plenty of people like holders of Last Resort that I will To go down with the ship, you know, like they're they're millionaires now like Bitcoin Millionaires and and II believe this to be true. They are so convinced of this that they are willing to write it down to zero if it would have ever happened. I think it will never happen because there's just way too many people that write everything if you'd ever approaches 0, yes still just like American old listen to the episode. It is an awesome dude. He's one of those guys, you know, he said he's willing to risk it all he's willing to Just how can you how can you stop someone like him? Yeah, and you basically can't you know, it's like a religious fanatic you just you can't you can't stop those people. Yes. I totally agree love conviction. I totally agree. And yeah, and the convicted conviction is amazing and something that you know, so many of us in this space share at least as to varying degrees, but it's not it's not a perfect analogy to like your Buddhist monk who survives on like, you know rice donated from the community. As you know the although they're very convicted and willing to go down with the ship. They've decided that the probability and then the take the bet they're making is that it's going to make them fucking riches is shit. Right? So like, you know, I don't I wouldn't say they don't care about money. I would just say they realized that that start that this thing succeeding is worth to their personal like Financial ruin, you know, I think they have I think they all all feel that way and again to make to religious analogy we're willing to sacrifice Rifice ourselves for this thing. Yeah, but you know we're willing to you know, most of us have the majority the better portion of our you know net worth. Let's say in this stuff and we're all willing to sacrifice that to yes it just for this to have a chance to survive and that like that again, what's more religious than sacrifice that yeah, exactly. And I think I think that goes hand-in-hand wish just how Bitcoin changes your time preference because like the lower your time preference the more you're willing. To sacrifice the present for the future and I think that's what we're seeing all around. I mean people are are quitting very well paying jobs and just risking everything just to be able to get into Bitcoin full-time and just work for a better future and sacrifice what you have now and present and maybe in the next couple of months or years to just yeah build a better future for yourself and others and to to one more comment on the religious aspect. I think it's called on what you said, but I think it kind of changes you in so many ways and what you said before that you kind of want to talk to everyone about it and you want to go to normal people and tell them this amazing thing you found and I think there is a sand analogy there as well because I believe that the longer you are in Bitcoin at one point in time. I'm very close to the point. I would say you just don't Road all in your pure sin, and it will just happen by yourself and you won't be interested in discussing those things with quote unquote normal people and I've heard core Developers for example talk about like they don't even try anymore. They don't even try to explain the current regular people. They just sticking their bottle. It's just disgusting things there because it's you know, it's like a very religious people they probably did they don't like enlightening. People to use that language. They don't walk around them perhaps, you know, they don't try to convert people. They just as I said Buddhist monk, he just sits around all day and meditates and that's it and the world will unfold it right just be the change you want to see and that you're here your example will be you'll be a shining example to others and I get it and I share like that sentiment not only because it's frustrating when you try to have the conversations with people and it doesn't really like The fit is really land. But yeah, I and I think that's a great approach you feel good and calm and you kind of know what's going to happen. And then you just let everything unfold as a will and like you like you said a little while back like Bitcoin doesn't care. It's going to do its thing either way. However, you do like, you know, it's one. I'll related back again to my initial kind of feelings around psychedelics and it's funny actually because that's the approach I've taken with psychedelics as I've You know when I first had that quintessential mystical experience, I wanted to like run out like I was you know, why isn't this on the front paper of every newspaper? Like everybody needs to know that this experience is available. But you come off is that like, you know crazy religious person running down from the mountain saying he just, you know receive the Ten Commandments, you know, nobody wants to be in that position and you discredit yourself anyways, so I ended up, you know being very Zen about it and Just doing my thing and if people ask me questions, I'd answer them. Otherwise, you know, I didn't force it on anybody. It's the only way I did and this is the same with Bitcoin actually is part of me just needs to have those conversations. Like I don't need to convince people but for my own intellectual curiosity masturbation, whatever you want to call it. Like I need to I need to have these type of discussions that we're having right now because I like them so much I enjoy them. So much and yeah, I'm less happy without them. And so that's why I actually, you know a few years ago. I started doing interviews around Bitcoin and psychedelics because those two areas like this these two things are too big for me not to get my rocks off every now and then and talk about it. And so that's actually the Genesis of this podcast to it's like, you know, nobody wants to spend all their time arguing with people and going around trying to convince people. But if I can use this as one a platform to me have for a platform for me to him Some conversations with people like yourself and that's like the majority of my incentive. But then also anybody who like becomes interested through the gravity starts pulling on then maybe it's a resource that resonates with them and they get something from it too. And yeah, that's enough. Yeah, and I think it's also very important because it really helps to solidify your understanding because every conversation you will find right certain holes in your understanding and maybe there will be some arguments that you just can't make sense of all reviewed and I think everyone goes through that process it way and it's really really interesting. If you go back and read read the Treasure Trove that is the Bitcoin talk for them. Like all the talking points that are currently had on Twitter have been had eight years ago almost 10 years ago, you know and really everything is there already like all the fun you can think of is already there. There's way less shit coronary. No, there's almost no. No, she kind of read in the very first periods, but everything else is there, you know, like it won't scale and transaction fees and blah blah blah and energy consumption and inefficiency and so on and so forth and people have been like I think everyone is kind of making the same Journey just some people were so early. They started the journey 10 years ago and they reached send Buddhist Master date like, you know the six seven years ago or so and They I can guarantee you that yeah, I mean, I think most people that reach this stage. They are just you know, they're not arguing on Twitter. Yeah. Yeah, we're instead of like, you know in kind of hit like cool Villas around the world instead of having like the heads of Buddhas and you know golden or wooden Buddha statues going to be like Trace mayor and your living rooms. Yeah. I'm looking forward to the Sea. I'm I'm also looking forward to something approximating it by currently religion and I I thought about that a lot lately because I all I think something like you know, oh man, that was sound so weird hit me. I'm sleep deprived and it's still I think something like Bitcoin monks will exist in the same way that monks they they basically sustain themselves by getting donations. Asians from the people and it's really hard to tell what kind of useful purpose in society. They really have I'm talking about Buddhist monks now mostly if you I mean if you look at it from a western very rational perspective in a way, but I think that we will have Bitcoin monks that are fully supported by the people and they will be core developers and I think we have a now we have we have some people that are that are so Source developers, they have Patron account. So what have you learned and people just pay them pay them to do whatever they need to do and they do it and I think we see that this also in the media landscape and people have listener supported podcasts and other things and I think we will see more and more of that and in a way the way I see it is we have this Religion discount is people say and we have some people let's call it the monks and they are completely supported by the population of this ritual country and they will do whatever it takes to you know, to to to bring this technology forward to explain it to everyone and sounded forth. I think I think it's already happening and will continue to happen in the future a hundred percent anime. Just imagine like a cycle or two from now when you know, it's not that people are going to easily part with their Bitcoin, but you know when a another kind of tranches Wealthy people that think in this sort of way I created. I mean just think about the different ways that they're going to be inspired and motivate to devote delegate some of that, you know, excess wealth to different projects. I mean, I I think and I think that level of changed impossible to predict right now, but I think it's going to be massive not just like Bitcoin does on its own and how it changes people that how it is increasingly empowers the people that align with it and then They will do with that power is just going to be like either things can be awesome. And I think I think we're seeing it like it's happening already. That's that's why I also think is so insanely cool to see about Bitcoin like everything is happening simultaneously all the time right in front of our eyes. Yeah. Well, I've talked about that before like, you know, people talk about store of value medium of exchange and unit of account and all of that is evolving and happening right now. Now like she kind of Traders they use Bitcoin as their unit of account a lot of people use it as a store of value and there's some things you just you can't you have to buy with Bitcoins. So people use it as a medium of exchange and all of that is happening just like you just have to open your eyes and see it and it's evolving simultaneously in parallel in a way. Yeah, and I think what you said with companies getting important on board and supporting people and just also supporting it independent developers and it's happening. Ready? I mean we got we got square and it just opened the square right trip to division. And as far as I know the they have big plans and they are just trying to get the best developers in the space and are just helping the ecosystem with black screen with other people that are just paying core developers to work on whatever they think is best. And so I'm and I love that it's all so amazing. Yeah, I think we saw that before and I also think that's one of the reasons why Bitcoin is set up to win in a way. We saw that in the open source community community as well, you know, like everyone loved about Linux and free and Libra open source not too long ago, you know, but it one and it won because of fundamentals and now Microsoft is switching to Linux in a way, you know, it's supporting at least limit sent and they have big plans for like have more open open source future and open source one because the fundamentals I'm using the term open source' Loosely here. So if someone's listening who's into free software, the proper term to use is actually free software and some people say free and Libra open source software, which is just it's belong to that. So that's what I mean when I say source and the background behind it is that the main idea is closed-source software is bad because it comes and goes just like Fiat money comes and goes, you know, if a country goes to shit the Fiat money will be gone. That's it gold in a way is like open source money because it's it just will always be here and you can use it you can you can take it use it as money. And so and so on bitcoin is is the same and free and Libra open source software is the same in that sense as well just doesn't die. You know, you cannot close it up again. It's just free. Use for everyone you can make of it what you will so there is no company or no nation state can die around this thing and then it will be gone and that's in my opinion. Why why among the many other reasons but that's one of the main fundamental reasons why Open Source One in so many areas. Yeah for god sakes like every Android phone has Linux blow it like the whole internet runs on Linux machines. I think the whole financial system will run on bitcoin. It's Just a matter of time. I mean for me it's it's it's Crystal Clear that this will happen how long it will take I've heard you have right? Thanks. I think it will be quicker than most people think. Yeah, you know, you mentioned the square example, and I was thinking like, you know, like that's another thing that this network this thing. This organism inspires is altruism. But then as you were saying I was like, well, it's not complete altruism because you know, they'll find a way they'll be a method for them to benefit from it. So maybe like maybe all Tourism isn't just selflessness maybe Ultra Ultra ism is selfishness that's aligned with benefits of the benefit of the collective, you know, so it's like it's both, you know. Yeah and if that sign Rand would agree with you on that, right? So if that's the case and you know, you know, it's amazing that Bitcoin inspires that and another great example. Are you familiar with mr. Pine? Mr. Pine. No, I don't think so. Okay. So are you familiar with maps multidisciplinary Association for psychedelic studies? No also know it's okay. So we'll just to give you a very brief rundown, but they've been studying they've been leading the charge basically at funding research on psychedelics for different medicinal for different different illnesses PTSD primarily in depression since 1985. And you know Rick Strassman Rick Dublin is the founder and actually had the opportunity to interview him to amazing man. Lovely. I mean just been working so hard to get to keep pushing this research forward for the last 30 years. I mean, it's incredible. But anyways, so they've been chipping away and obviously in the last 20 years been met with more and more success and they've also been doing work with with the MDMA and so as a result of their work, it looks Like in 2021 MDMA is going to be mdma-assisted Psychotherapy. So MDMA with Psychotherapy is going to be prescribed bubble for post-traumatic stress disorder and I believe possibly treatment-resistant depression and you know, that's that's that's amazing. That's the culmination of over 30 years of their hard work. And the reason why I bring it up is because two years ago. I think you early 2018 or sometime in 2017. One of their staff got a message from mr. Pine and long story short. Mmm Maps had a matching thing going on for a period of time where all the donations they got and all the money. They raise or sorry. Sorry. Sorry Maps is always in is always in fundraising mode and it had a big fundraising drive and Mr. Pyne emailed them and said, whatever you raised during the fundraising drive, I will match and so they I think they Raise four million and so he match that and then I think he gave them an additional four million just because and and through this thing through this thing called the pineapple fun. You should check it out because it's basically Flex. Yeah. I know that by now the pineapple funds. Okay? Okay. Yeah. So this this this Rich Bitcoin eye on Reddit who just gave away. Yeah. Exactly. And I think I think Maps was the big the biggest chunk of his giveaway. I think he gave him eight million USD and it's shit like that like that. Just the tip of the iceberg. Imagine in 20 30 40 years time when a lot more people have that kind of capacity to act to you know to give things like that and it would be different ways of means but it's just so amazing that you know, we're before these really great initiatives that weren't going to be funded by, you know, the drug companies or the political organizations for various reasons that we don't have to get into but that people can now be like, you know what this is totally worthwhile. You know, I think it's a good way for me to spend these Newfound rich As whatever and boom. Yeah, I do. It's just yeah, I think it's funny. It's funny that you brought up to Pineapple fun. Because I think not too many people know about it. And I think it really shows that you know, there are a lot of good people out there that just want to do the right thing. I I'm a firm believer that in general in general like basically people are good actually like if you don't fuck them up too much there is it generally want to do the right thing and that's it. I think yeah, we will we will see that happening more and more right I think because it I am convinced that it will be one of the largest wealth transfers in history and we will have you know new new phones. Yeah, billionaires are truly on the ice. I mean Amazon just last year or whenever it was hit one trillion dollars of market cap, and I think I think the individual who will Be the first with the same personal wealth, I would argue that he or she is already alive and I would also argue that it will be something fun on set a large amount. Yeah, probably and yeah, it's just again it's back to incentives. Like I said Square they I'm sure they also want to do some cool shit, but they're basically incentivised chest from like economic reality currently is set up in a way that you will have to pay Banks a huge amount of money if you want to run a business like square and so they are incentivized to innovate on that front that may be use for some people they do because underneath and just imagine a world where something like Square just cuts out all the banks and you can do it yourself on bitcoin and suddenly the 10 or 50 percent of whatever you have to pay a to the banks you can reduce You sit by massive amount and so you have an economic incentive to just do that work on bitcoin. Yeah, and I mentioning that because I think the research you mentioned before it's not it's not driven by money monetary incentives, you know, you just have this purely Quantum quotes religious. Let's put it that way incentive to also and medical incentive and so on to to work on that and figure out what the power of Those chemicals is Anton and I think that we have all of that combined in Bitcoin and we kind of know that things can grow without monetary incentives. Just look at BitTorrent. For example, it has no monetary incentive but it still works and you can still torrent pretty much everything and the network still runs and people still use it all the time, even though we have Spotify and Netflix and everything else, but but Till it without any monetary incentives this thing works and people are just incentivized by pure ideology, even or just out of their goodness of their heart also a little bit of self-interest because you see when you download but without any monetary incentive this works and I have to think about bittorrent's a lot because most of the shit coins like all the utility tokens, they could be replaced myself because I give it good Victorian. Sorry. You don't need you don't need me. Terry incentive and what is the beauty about because it's the same thing but with an added monetary incentive on top like it's the main driver the main driver is the monetary incentives. And as I said, you know money is the religion of the world. So most people that bring my money so I think it kind of just set up to to win all the time to quote my hotel so we can all agree that Bitcoin is designed to pump forever, right? Yeah, I totally A agreement. All right. I could we could talk for hours. I'm sure but we're at an hour 45 now. So I really appreciate you taking the time when you've had almost no sleep to just come and have a chat with me I got them Marty Bend is responsible for that. He didn't drive. Yeah. Well, like I said, I appreciate you coming on we could probably talk for like three or four hours, but we'll leave that for another time. Maybe I'll hit you up in a half year and we'll see we're kind of both of our Opinions and understanding are at alright then any time I'm always happy to talk about it. All right, man, before I let you go for the work that you've done and are doing in the resources you put out there. Just let people know where they can find them. Yeah, you can get a hold of me on Twitter. Mostly. I'm there GG on Twitter Dr. Gi gi and I also have their and we're put up my Bitcoin articles and some other resources. I've Bitcoin - resources that come Um where you can access to some books and articles and podcasts and podcast episodes that I think are useful in understanding the time and if you want to read about what I've learned falling down the rabbit hole, I think there's no better place then going to 21 Yeah, and I consumed I read it. I read everything and listen to everything and I just want just want to show you how because the first of all the 21 lessons things if you're not Reading it's all in and like kind of like an audiobook. You had someone read it, right? Yeah guys want from the cryptic only, right? So super accessible if you just want to download it and then listen to it whenever you have the time, but it's also you know the way that you structure it was cool because you intertwined all these different quotes from Alice in Wonderland, right? Yeah, exactly. So he for each lesson, there's kind of like a quote that Court, you know that's relevant to something that happened in Alice in Wonderland a quote now someone I landed that's relevant to whatever the lesson is. So it kind of makes it a little bit more entertaining and engaging and less less of just the kind of information dump. So I highly recommend that as a resource and guy did a really great job of reading it. So I just took myself and I enjoy the audio version way more than that what I think yeah. Well this thing is always easier to read. Yeah. All right. Well GG. Thanks again for coming on man. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. And like I said, look forward to another catch. In the not too distant future. Yeah. Thanks so much for having me and if you like if we ever meet in real life, and there's a time and a place for it. I'd be very interested to explore the Psychedelic World. Well, yeah, man, let's do that you I'll send you a link afterwards about some of the interviews I've done before but more than happy to be a resource turn the tables and be a resource for that stuff for you. Awesome. Sounds good. All right, brother. Take care. Thank you.
**Apologies for the audio on this one, new set-up didn't go so well, lol. It's worst at the beginning. ** Gigi is another guest which I first came accross on Twitter. I thought he was putting out some well-articulated and insightful tweets, so I checked him out a little bit further. I then came across two great resources which he has put together: and In the first, Gigi grafts his own journey learning about bitcoin, onto the classic tale of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, in an informative and entertaining way, available in both written and audio format. It's a very convenient way to get caught up on bitcoin. In the second, he provides a collection of great content for those who want to dive deeper, it too is a great resource full of useful information. No particular angle in this chat, just thought it might be fun to connect and geek-out about bitcoin for a while. We touched on some of the important narratives around bitcoin, and how more are emerging all of the time, drawing ever-more diverse people into the space. Of course, we got a little cosmic too, because, well, it's fun:) Enjoy!
Welcome all to another injury review podcast with been cooking nose and Edwin poorest heard here on the fantasy free agents podcast bringing you the latest medical analysis and injury outlook for players across the league. Let's get to it now with more unrestricted unaffiliated unparalleled analysis from the guys.We are back fantasy free agents listeners actually more accurately. I am back. My name is Ben kookiness. You can follow me on Twitter at be kookiness and he is Edwin porous follow him on Twitter @ FF student doc the man who flew solo last week. Definitely appreciate that while I was out traveling I was I was up in Detroit and was looking forward to wearing my ego.Skier, which I always wear wherever I travel but it just didn't have the same pop on it considering the Eagles lost to the Lions. But you know, what are you going to do? Anyways, how you doing tonight Edwin? I'm doing fine man. I like you said flew solo last week and you know took the training wheels off and I think it went. Okay. Hopefully hopefully I can still fit in some some good info in there. But I hope you had a good trip and you know what the Eagles are just a half-game back in the in the end. F c/e so there's nothing to be too ashamed of right now. I mean she's second in the division crazy. I know as far as the eye test goes though a little bit different there - over the last few weeks. We asked about that test. That's right. Yeah, just like the read the record book. I can't believe we are in the second half of the NFL season. This is so this is going to be our did we do yeah, we did we've been going all season long for some reason. I thought that we had started our injury. I can't speak to but no this will be our ninth week in a row of the injury report here on the fantasy free agents podcast here to update you with some major stat major status or any status updates, especially when it comes to guys like AJ Green here to talk about some players returning players out and definitely some notable questionable zits is definitely that time where you're starting to make your playoff push and the last thing you want to hear is so-and-so is Questionable or so and so is out with you know for someone who's in your starting lineup. So hopefully we can provide a little bit more unique perspective from an injury perspective rather than just a purely fantasy football standpoint. So ready to get into it Edwin, let's do it. Let's do it. Oh and the Grinders I was going to say these are the Grinders who are still sticking with us. They're probably still above five hundred at least right? I think everybody that's two and six or tune or whatever one. Seven probably dropped off by now. Yeah. Yeah, definitely the one in seven, you know, if you're in a 12 team League where you have the buys for top two seeds and six guys make the playoffs. You can always sneak in at like 6:00 and 7:00 and those leagues, you know sometimes but I was going to add also on this podcast, you know, certainly looking forward to another edition of get to know Ben as I've mentioned before I'm podcast. It's only a matter of time before he loathes me into a false sense of security and gets my social security number out of him, but you know, we're probably not quite there. Are just like I started the podcast in the first place exactly. But now I had like we were saying before we started definitely appreciate everyone listening. We're still holding strong with the numbers all the downloads and all the streams definitely glad everyone's enjoying it and we certainly will be keeping it up all the way through week 17 for all of you weirdos that for some reason hold a fantasy football championship in week 17. Yeah guys stop that if you do that, Just stop it. Stop it. Yeah, I don't understand that either. I we did that the first fantasy league that I was ever in and I was like, this is stupid. Why don't we why are we doing this? Yeah, I'll do it all those exciting pointless games and week 17 to Turning determining who takes home the trophy. But yeah, let's get into it first some status updates on guys or someone who's been out for quite a while who I mean, we're just going to take a Victory lap on in the face of everyone say, Inge AJ Green can he return week three, can he return week for maybe even week 5 Horas case scenario. We have been here since before week one saying yeah, he's coming back week 9 or 10 and we're not sure why they didn't put him on IR. So I'm going to continue to beat that drum because we were dead on that saying don't expect AJ Green to be back any time within the first two months of the Season that said yeah, that was just a that said reports that he he might be practicing next week. So what do you know about AJ Green status and perhaps moving forward? Yeah, and it's not so much that we want to take a Victory lap on like not necessarily for his injury. Of course, it's Mommy. I mean there are going to be those people out there that probably interpreted it that way I didn't interpret that way. I know what you're saying because I'm with you but what we are saying is just people who just blindly take these reports that are seeing, you know people like, you know, their don't need to name any names big reporters out there, you know Big Time scoop. People who get the real scoop sometimes I think maybe go out of their Lane just a little bit to talk injuries and it's just it's a little funny. So anyway AJ Green. Yes, he is. He should put it this way. He can come back based off of his rehab and everything that's going on based off what we know that he started taking he started doing individual drills at practice this week after the by he should be good to go in terms of his injury and his surgery his Every as long as there's not any extenuating circumstances or anything like that the flip side where you sort of get out of well now that we're sort of getting out of the woods in terms of the injury, assuming that everything is going well in his planned is just what is what is the team thinking where is the team's head at right and that would maybe this might be a better idea of better question for for Tom and Joe simply because where are The Bangles going man? I mean, there's they stay there. They banished Andy Dalton's Yank on his birthday by the way happy. Yeah. They you know, they they don't have any of their top offensive linemen. They have they won a game. The the the Bangles The Bangles are I know I know I know I'm pretty sure like now it's making me it's making me question that because oh and their own 8. There they are. Yeah. So from that perspective like why don't know what the tendency is for teams usually do but why are you bringing back a wide receiver? Who is 31 years old after it? Do the trade deadline so it's not like they're trying to bring it back to increase his trade value. So right exactly so just like those those questions start to creep in and what do you really have to win? Because at this point really they're at the point where they have more to lose than they have to win to in winning any of these games in terms of draft picks. Yeah, so I don't know wouldn't surprise me if he if he may be waited until week 11, but he's ready to go at this point his injury and his surgery recovered, you know, his injury and his reconstruction was in July so you could see him We 10 but again, all those other questions are floating around and we always talk about when analyzing injury information from the medical perspective to still take into account the player, you know, the player himself or the player themselves and a guy like AJ Green is not one of those guys who he doesn't strike me as one of those guys who's going to say. Nah, man were rowing eight. You just benched our starting quarterback. Why am I going to come back to risk re-injury? Only strikes me as a guy who he's gone out there to play. Yeah, and he said that I think I've seen some yeah words where he's basically been like I just wanna get out there man. Like yeah, I don't blame him when your hus got to be frustrating for someone of that caliber. Yeah. Yeah you 31 years old footballs been your whole life. You know, you've only been on one NFL team your entire career. I'm sure he wants to get back out there. Yeah, absolutely. And you know what? It's something exciting for I'll say fantasy fantasy guys who have who took the chance and have him stashed. Li you have IR spots or actually enough nevermind I take that back hopefully maybe you have spots that allow for you to place a guy on IR if he is out. But yeah, it's exciting for fantasy players who took the chance on him, but it's also just sort of exciting for football fans in general and you know, yeah, we're going to see AJ Green with a different quarterback, which is going to be kind of odd. Yeah, it's I think the Bangles are going to what do you what's this guy's name on it? Forgot his name. I mean he's gonna inject some life until that Cincinnati Bengals offense, right? Yeah Ryan, right Finley, right? Yeah, Ryan family. There we go. The fighting Ryan Finley's. Let's see how it goes a couple other guys that we want to touch on as far as just a general status actually both guys from last night's game David Johnson and George kid'll Johnson. Play but he is expected back next week and then got to talk about church kid'll considering everyone sort of held their Collective breath Saint. It was the first playwright. I think it let was yeah. Yeah, it's pretty pretty early pretty early. He got now. He did get the MRI on his knee which looked good but it was revealed that he was also sort of dealing with other stuff. He's been battling through the ankle an ankle injury and then a groin injury. So obviously good news when the MRI looks good. I don't really think I don't think he's going to be missing any time like I don't think he's in Jeopardy of missing. Seeing the next game or the next couple games, but someone who's battling through injury like that. I know tight ends are tough and George Kittles. Probably a pretty much as tough as they come whether it be tight ends are just players in general but a guy who had an MRI on his knee also dealing with an ankle and also dealing with a groin injury that he's been dealing with for a few weeks. I mean at what point does that start at what point can we start to notice that or what point does that start to build up and Sort of slow someone down as much as you know, George Kittles going to be slow down which isn't that much. Yeah, that's a good point. The last thing that you said to it's a good thing to talk about because George George Kittles spark scores, like the athletic scores or whatever. He's in like the 95th percentile overall. He's just a just a just a freak of nature athlete and so even if these limitations even if these the you know, the ankle like you said the knee to the groin if they start to add up and they're all sort of minor. They seem to be it's like for a normal human like you and I we probably wouldn't be able to run up and down the field for him. He's probably you know, he's a little banged up but it's not it's not like he's completely healthy, but you and I think every player to a certain extent suffers through stuff like this. The scariest thing for me is the ankle specifically because everybody, you know, it's like you said sort of held their breath with the knee and it did look pretty nasty. The thing about in that knee is when it when you get hyper-extended like that a lot of the structures are actually already locked out and so you're not really damaging anything structurally when the knees in that position it I mean it certainly hurts and it definitely looks nasty, but you really are more concerned with the ankle because that that type of hyper extension is forcing your ankle into into that position where you could potentially get a high ankle sprain when your foot plants and your in your leg sort of shifts forward your tibia goes over your toe and sort of forcefully, that's what I'm worried about but Like you said, they're all relatively minor they get the mini by I don't think this will affect him too much down the road. I think that he'll get relatively healthy by next week. Well, I'm not just not just a mini by it's actually a mini by plus one that you always love it when a team has a Thursday night game and then a Monday night so they play on Monday night. Yeah, so he has a so he has 11 days, which is exactly what Kindle owners are wanting to hear. Ye 11-day 11 days, too. A lot band again. Nothing really serious will will be monitoring practice reports obviously throughout the week just just because it is a number of injuries, but all minor definitely last night. It looked worse than it ended up being on yet on the 49ers first offensive play of the game. So monitor has practiced reports, but he gets that full 11 days, which is an extra day more than a normal Thursday night team and should be good to go David. Johnson is expected back next week. How is how is he looking just just in terms of well, I mean I would say how is he looking at in terms of recovery or healing but then the other the flip side is Kenyan Drake is here now. Should I even if I mean if David Johnson is back seriously? Can we see him or what reason would they have to put him right back in the role of handling, you know 80% of the Touches at running back? I would certainly assume that they they have little incentive to risk him re-injury now that they have Kenyan Drake. Yeah, I agree with that 100% and the Cardinals are sort of doing their best Patriots impersonation Kingsbury is they're really really difficult when it comes to their injuries like we talked about. I think we did talk about the Cristian Kirk injury or I did last week and it was it just how we didn't even find out. It was a high ankle sprain until two weeks after it happened and clicking. They're like, oh, yeah. It's a high ankle. Well, so that's annoying. So the Cardinals are very very secretive with her injuries my theory and I mean, I don't want to call it a theory. I feel like it's a little more educated than that. But my thoughts are David Johnson had a regular lateral ankle sprain just sprained his ankle like everybody in the world has done and tried to come back to early. So you saw him go into the game for one play. He re-aggravated it which is very very very common and lateral ankle sprains and then they Not him. I don't think he's dealing with something season-ending. I don't think he's dealing with ice all speculations. Oh David Johnson to the IR but I don't think that's what he's dealing with. I think he's gonna come back but now you're right. The question is like holy cow sort of like the Austin Eckler thing. I had you take Kenyan Drake off the field after last night, right? Overall. I think he's he's from the health perspective. He's going to be okay and one other thing at least to mention Chase Edmunds was dealing with a hamstring injury. Well, right, right. I mean that the Stars aligned perfectly with Kenyan Drake, you know going to the Cardinals and having both of the starting running backs out. So a yeah, something else a monitor is Chase Edmunds. Obviously if Edmonds is out again next week and Johnson is back. I think that reassures some some people that Johnson will retain some rb2 status. I don't think he's going to completely fall off if he's on the field and Chase Edmunds is out. But yeah, definitely keep in Edmonds is dealing with a hamstring injury as well. Yeah, so I was going to say one last thing. Sorry. No think it's interesting. I listened to gosh. Was it Joe? And Tom? I don't know if it was Joe and Tom if it was another podcast that I was listening don't you don't you dare be advertising other podcasts on this is another another podcast there. There are other fantasy football podcast out there. Yeah. I don't think I don't know I should start a novel. So these people were talking about the construction the roster construction of the Cardinals and so where have we seen this before I have and I didn't say I didn't mention this to you off are so what are we seeing this before been a multitude of running backs? So are you talking about the Philadelphia Eagles? No, no, not quite. Okay, because because they have I think the last two seasons going into the preseason head six running backs on the roster. I'm pretty sure yeah. Yeah, well well, well listen here. Okay, listen to the rest of it so multitude of running backs all capable of doing different things a really solid defense a really really good defense a quarterback who won't go with Quebec. Okay, but an offensive line that can protect and a coaching staff that doesn't really 10 doesn't have a lot of Tendencies. They just sort of play week to week by the opponents. Well, you said you trip me up when you're like well won't talk about the quarterback, but I'm still gonna go with I'm still going to go New England Patriots. Yep. That's nope. Yep. That's exactly so I think it's interesting that that's the model and I went. Oh, that was the last thing that I missed is the really really good tight end like a generational tight end and I was like, holy cow. Holy cow that's like so true, but they're doing their best Patriots impersonation down to the T even to the injuries. I just thought that was interesting. Are you calling Ricky Seals J. Is he even still on the team Ricky Seals generational tight and wait our I definitely I definitely was thinking of George kittel because they played last night, but that's not what I meant to say. Oh, okay II know that I shouldn't have mentioned the Titan. Yeah. Okay. Let's take a quick break. And when we come back to talk about some players who probably are returning may be returning and then a few a few studs who are likely out for a few weeks or maybe even more we'll be right back. What's up? Listen? Nurse this has been kookiness producer of the fantasy free agents podcast on anchor FM podcasting. I've been producing podcast and chose for my friends and colleagues Joe Dolan and Tom Bradley for years now. So when we decided to start the fantasy free agents podcast, it was imperative. We find a hosting platform an app that was easy to use Quick to record and post and track our stats and that's exactly what we found in Anchor. It's the easiest way to make a podcast and gives you everything you need in one place from either your phone or your computer. Their creation tools makes my life easier and I felt great knowing that anchor handles the distribution of our podcast to their other platforms like Spotify Apple podcasts Google podcasts and many more and don't worry about any difficult process to monetize your podcast. You can easily make money with no minimum listenership. So go download the anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started today and thanks for listening to the fantasy four regions podcast unrestricted, unaffiliated unparalleled analysis for your fantasy football and bedding needs. We are back fantasy for agents listeners the week nine injury report here with Edwin poorest. I am been Cockiness. We just talked about some status updates or the few guys that we are. Well AJ Green, hopefully we'll see him in the next few weeks David Johnson expected back next week and George kid'll be a collective sigh of relief as the MRI looked good on his knee now to get into probably some really exciting stuff players that we haven't see neither for a week or in a few cases longer returning to the field in week nine or possibly returning to the field in week 9 with the exception of one guy who I think they're just playing around with us with us fans right now, but let's start out with the guy who has derailed my fantasy team by his absence and false. Hope week after week Davante Adams. Finally, finally. Yes. Yeah. I think it's the finally I think it's finally time. So after five weeks, right I saw the better a very dramatic tweet from from a reporter that said for the first time in 38 days Davante Adams Dawn's his his Green Bay Packers helmet and shoulder pads and I felt the entire tweet. I was living for it because I loved it and I was I'm listen man. I'm in the same spot as you are. I'm currently foreign for Davante Adams has been hurt the last, you know, three or four week for five weeks at this point. I want him. Back in today just today. I saw a video of him literally leapfrogging one of his sketches. Yes, that's right. Yeah, he I watched I was saw that too and that's one of those videos where because you and I have talked about before, you know is a video analysis is it worthwhile is and not this one is absolutely worthwhile. So first of all, he's jogging pushing all I was I was going to say, why is this worthwhile? But the video of sake want a week after his injury not worthwhile. No. No I'm saying yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, I got to get some clarification here. Okay, so the first First thing let's say Quantas. Nobody had ever seen say an up-close videos take one. So that was already bias like the dude probably looks looked at like that all the time, right? So even with the injury probably didn't get slow down that much the second thing is he was off to the side doing individual drills, and it was also just speculation that he was able to put on pads and run full speed against contact like those are two totally 100% different things. However with turf toe your A major concern is just Mobility straight up painless mobility. And so to see Davante Adams jogging first of all and then going into what you call maximum maximum plantar flexion, which is really just like flexion of the toe. You have to completely Flex the big toe to jump up in the air and he jumped up over freaking coach just to remind her how athletic these guys are jumps over is coach and puts both both toes into that that is that relatively Extension relative extension and that's exactly what you want to see because that's what he's going to be doing off the line of scrimmage with this specific particular injury, you are worried and concerned with them pushing off the line of scrimmage planning putting their foot in the ground and cutting and that's exactly what you saw him do in a very very like slowed sample, obviously, but it but just based off what I saw that's something that he's gonna be able to do full speed and let's face it. It's been five weeks. I don't think I think it's past the threshold of our they Bring him back. No, it's been five weeks right there. It wasn't the week after cause you know, remember he it was Thursday night. So he had the ten days and man. Those were the good old days when they were speculating. Wow. Is he gonna miss any time after that Thursday night game? Yeah. So I mean it's been five weeks to me. It doesn't seem like a case of rushing back or re-injury. This isn't it's not a hamstring or anything like that, which we know can really really linger in this case. The turf toe was more severe than we thought. And you know as the week's went on we were like Yep. This is this is a higher grade injury. So I'm not personally I'm not concerned of limitations Mobility re-injury. I'm expecting Davante Adams to be a hundred and ten percent now that he's back. Yeah, I do too. I'm 100% on board with that and my fantasy team needs it. Yeah, someone who maybe won't be a hundred percent and someone who is not a hundred percent. He's coming back and frankly in Is locker room press conference seemed slightly nonchalant about his comments. And someone who we haven't seen for an even longer period of time building this up as much as I can it be and someone who now, let's just get into it. DeSean Jackson DeSean Jackson. Haven't seen him play since week one week one. I mean, I thought you were gonna say Josh dachshund or something. Oh, yeah Long Live Josh Dotson. Yeah. That was that was an interesting ride a lot of us that I mean, I recall a lot of text conversations with Joe and Tom and just slowly the faith and the Hope just dying out doing right? Yeah, just gradually but yeah DeSean Jackson questionable right now in the locker room. He was asked are you you know playing this week and his response was that's the plan obviously I don't think you know, if he said it with a little more Gusto or enthusiasm I would be more enthusiastic, but it It does look good. It certainly looks better than last week and it's and it's looking a whole lot better than the last few weeks. So what if you had to assign a rough percentage do we see DeSean Jackson this week? And then the second question is do we see him how close to a hundred percent do we see him? Because again, it's been it's been eight weeks. There's been yes set seven seven to eight weeks, but it's it definitely seems like something that you know, They might want him. They might want him to play. However that said and then I'll let you get into it. Doug Peterson did say hey, I know this it's the week before the Eagles by so they could have said we're going to hold them out and you know, give him another two weeks. But Peterson went on the record and said all these games are all these games are really meaningful if there's a guy who can play just because it's the week before the by he's going to play and again Jackson said, that's the plan. What do you think? I love when you tear me up like this with Eagles players because I literally have to do no work. You've done all the work for me. I'll show ya there you go reconnaissance work. I just have to give injury. I just need you. I just need you to throw out fancy words that I don't understand. Okay? No. No, I mean that's what you you helped me out a lot with these players. The here's the thing. I have become a an Eagles fan by proxy this season doing this podcast with you. I will watch I will secretly don't tell anybody. I'm a Seahawks fan. Because I'm in Kansas City and it's blasphemy that you're not a giant Chiefs fan when the middle of the Mahomes Mania but alas here I am so I'll keep up with the Chiefs because I'm here. I'll keep up with the Seahawks and then I always have to check on the Eagles. So I've been wanting to Sean Jackson to come back to show how he still has Carson Wentz join the club. It's Carson Wentz so has Doug Peterson. Yeah. So is the entire state of Pennsylvania? I can only imagine the thing about his injury. Is that more than likely it's it's it's his groin that is going to be considered a core muscle injury, right or a sports. Hernia. I think that's what's ailing him. I would not be shocked. It would not be totally surprising to hear that DeSean Jackson has surgery when the season ends. I was literally going to ask that. Yeah. Hmm, I would not be surprised if he has surgery when the season ends and considering everything that you just had me up with those are 100% all the thoughts going through my head is that if they can rehab this if they can, you know, hold them together with with tape and Chicken wire. I don't know what that phrase is. I just like heard it before I think that's what it's called. Then if he comes back he's going to come back at a clip that for DeSean Jackson probably isn't 100% if we're being one with we're being honest if we're being 100% transparent, you're not going to see, you know, DeSean Jackson from last year even probably know I wasn't expecting I'm not expecting a hundred percent if you get but if your I mean, but if you're telling me that the Eagles will get DeSean Jackson back a 80 to 90% just so he can take the top off the defense not even be an actual, you know, touchdown threat necessarily but just keeping the defense honest because God they've crowded those boxes for once all season long if they if he can come back and do that, which I think he's fully capable of doing I think that he comes back but what I'm trying to say here I guess is that in just based off what I know. They've already made the decision. He's either going to come back. The relative 100% this week or they're going to give him until the bye week and just like we were saying, you know every game does count for the Eagles and this week they play the Bears which is yeah when a bowl game I would say with true Biscay under Center good Lord. Yeah, it's a fun but I'm not, you know don't expect a pretty offense going against the Bears defense. They'll also that also that it's to me right now. I think it's a 50-50 chance. It doesn't like you said, it doesn't sound convincing and I would not be shocked if they waited until after the by at the same time if medical staff is looking at him and saying, you know, there's nothing structurally speaking that we can do. There's nothing else we can possibly do to the offseason. You know, how do you feel and he says I mean I feel about as good as I'm going to feel it's been eight weeks. He's going to be a go, but just to know what we're which direction it'll swing. We don't know yet. It's 50/50 folks. You were listening to this on Saturday November 2nd. We're recording this Friday night Friday November 1st. So let Records show Friday, November 1st at 8:15 p.m. Eastern time Ben. Kookiness DeSean Jackson will play this week. Let's do it. Let's see it lets say by the way, if I'm if I'm wrong, we're not bringing it up next week. Yeah, right just completely bury it just ignore it. Yeah. Absolutely. I'll go back into the podcast and you know edit it so that I can never like in every Jean Jackson will not yeah. This is actually go. Um, A couple Yeah, couple other receivers, you know, what now? We'll start with the pat Mahomes because I think I think you and I are both in agreement that he I don't know. He's questionable and we have seen some video for him, but I'm not I'm still not totally convinced. He's going to play like to really only miss one week. I met where do you stand on a home? She hasn't been ruled out certainly that if that changes, you know, but by the time this It was up. That's a pot that's possibility. But where do you stand on my Holmes's week 9 status? Yeah. I don't see him coming back just quite yet. He the thing is the injury that he had. It's just it's an instability injury, which essentially means once they reduced that patella back into place. It wasn't super super severe anymore. Oh, that's how a lot of dislocations work. You just have the not to get too into the weeds here. When you have a dislocation of any joint your body that when it's in that dislocated, Position it's it's you know, damaging structures. It's in a place where it's not supposed to be it's sort of like trying to like parking garage in the garage and then you drive into the wall. It's not it's just not where it's supposed to be. Right? So you cause you cause damage you calls cause swelling your brain is like, holy crap what's going on here? It starts to shut down the muscles in the area. So rehab is going to take some time and if you look at soft tissue healing times, which are available on the Google machine if you just Google it he's right now. Technically speaking in the in the middle stage. There are three stages. He's in the middle stage. It's not quite remodeling yet. And so that you know his stability the muscles around the joint still need to stabilize themselves. Get back to normal his you know, he needs to sort of start making making more Quick Cuts and stuff like that things that he's gonna have to do on and off the field and he's just not ready yet. It's going to be another week at least another week at least. Okay. Well, well, I'm sure we'll revisit will Visit this discussion in another week and hopefully DeSean Jackson doesn't play any if I'm wrong. You can come in and out of my party. Now, he's playing there's no hopefully he doesn't, you know did he's playing a reiterated doubling down 8:17 p.m. Friday addiction were first yeah a couple other receivers to get to before we talk about guys who are likely out for a week or more. We'll start with I guess the biggest news or some one of the biggest news is Josh Gordon. We haven't seen him since towards the beginning of October. He got knocked out in a game against the Giants on the Seahawks now, obviously, it's sort of cutting it close to sign with a new team and be ready to play. But what can we what can we expect from Gordon more so from an injury standpoint? Yeah, so he he passed his physical physical if the Patriots that's that's of note so we know he Doesn't have something crazy like a you know, a fracture or you know, a dislocation or you know, a tendon rupture anything like that. So we've ruled tier one issues out tier two issues would be something you know, I would consider like a high ankle sprain or we're like a fractured thumb for receivers something. I don't think he's quite there either. I think if I had to speculate what happened is that he had a because it wasn't there was a knee injury and you need right? Okay, so I think that Just had sort of a stretching of the ligaments nothing specific. If anything maybe like an MCL that usually take three two or three weeks to heal anyway, and so I don't think he's got anything anything concerning and especially since he's sitting out yet another week now that he's with the Seahawks which I don't know how much that actually helps Seahawks but I won't talk about that even core. So anyway from an injury perspective. I think he's gonna be just fine. But I mean, what are you going to do? You're going to bring in one of the most athletic receiver? Is that the NFL has and then hand the ball to Chris Carter hand off the ball Chris Carson another five times like what he'd I don't know. Yeah, Chris Carson. He's certainly look good this this year and one other thing on on some little bit of what you said for those listening to the podcast. Yeah. Certainly we're taking a medical approach with everything a lot of this is fun speculate. I don't want to say fun speculation because we're talking about players being injured, but it's so many times. Do we have to Guests and read between the lines and infer what's going on based on length of injury because so often teams don't come out and say this person has a grade two sprain right person has a lateral sprain anything like that. So a lot of what we talked about on here and certainly a lot of what Edwin brings to the table is educated speculation based on things like timetable any MRI reports any notable quotes from coaches all of that. So I mean, yeah, it's often times or I would say more often than We don't know exactly what's going on, but we can make some good educated guesses based off of things. Yeah, things like that things like timetable one more receiver to get to Adam thielen missed last week, but I was looking for his practice status on Friday. So he got unlimited practices Wednesday and Thursday, but missed last week with a hamstring injury. Obviously, we hate seeing that word hamstring, especially when it comes to a stud receiver like thielen but What do you think about his chances for week nine? So he's got a I would say maybe a 60/40 chance 60 plays 40 who doesn't just because based off of the you know, the same study of quoted all year that hamstring injuries can cost, you know between one and three weeks to completely recover. You just saw Chase Edmunds go out with one. That means they looked at the MRI and they said oh, yeah, it's this is yeah. This is you know, a great probably agreed to this is going to be on the higher side. I had the thing about feelings is that the he sat out the entire second half when he heard it in the first place and then the MRI said, you know Feelin they definitely rule them out pretty quickly for the following week. I know it was a quick turnaround, but it's still you it's not very often. You see that so that's what makes me a little hesitant to be confident. He'll be active this week and considering that he was still limited most of the week. So like I said 60/40 chance if he goes, I don't really have many reservations like if he goes he's More than likely ready to go and just he's gonna be fine. I'm just a little skeptical that Hill what I like that not skeptical. I guess I'm just hesitantly optimistic that he will be active. Yeah thielen he did say quote in this league. It's all about being close to a hundred percent on game day. So I got to feel like if he's in the, you know, 60 70 percent. They might hold him out. So he's going to have to be as close to a hundred percent as possible. Meaning if we do see him on the field we can probably expect Yeah, close to a hundred percent close to regular Adam thielen, maybe not production, but close to regular Adam thielen effort speed all you know catch possibility all of that stuff. Yep, moving on to a few players who are definitely out and certainly unfortunately like for a week or more. We'll start with T. Why Hilton who is expected to be out for I saw some reports of two to three weeks. I saw some reports for three to four weeks, but dealing with the calf. Vishu and yet Frank Reich said that his injury could pull them out multiple weeks. So never liked hearing multiple weeks, but calf injuries in general and then certainly talk about to UI health and and when we might be able to see him return to action, yeah, so it's a little not concerning I suppose but maybe you could use that word to think that right came out and was like, oh, yeah. This is this could be up to three weeks. So, you know, he spoke to the medical staff. Because the medical staff probably told him that it's a calf strain. What you worried about with caps trains is the Kevin Durant situation right from last summer had a calf strain close to the calcaneal tendon or it's known as the Achilles tendon. He come back to early that tendon gets overloaded. It's already under stress muscles aren't ready, you know quite ready to quote unquote fire and you get unfortunate situations that are probably correlated. So you're going to be careful you're gonna be careful with the receiver like Like like T Y Hilton who's just a Speedster? And so if you look at literature A lot of the literature will tell you that you know, if you have like a grade one, it'll be up to three weeks, you know even a great to can be up to six weeks. And so it's probably hovering somewhere between a first and a second degree because he wasn't a walking boot. He didn't participate in practice all week. And he's just he has these the soft tissue injuries that happen to him. This contractile muscle like issues that he has Pretty recurrently I was going to I was going to say real quick. He gets banged up a little he gets banged up a lot. Yeah. Yeah, but Since it how guess how many games he has missed in his career because I feel like we see him could we constantly see him on the injury report dealing with minor injuries. Guess how many games he's missed in his career. So going back to 2012. I feel like it's I'm right there with you. I don't think it's that many. I think it's probably live 500 dang. I was gonna double house and say damn that's that's what cow. That's what I'm saying. And I think that's pretty significant when we think about this because for a guy that man Place through everything like he plays through absolutely everything and he's missed a trooper fight. Yeah, and he's missed only five games. So I think this tell I think this it's pretty telling that he's going to be out three to four weeks and that a guy who placed her everything. I think this means there is a solid, you know, there is cause for concern here. Yeah. Definitely. It's something that if you are in a league, maybe consider what you have what? Options are and just know that this is this is like Ben was saying I mean the guy doesn't miss time. He usually plays through, you know, everything and he's in a walking boot now and they're definitely going to probably take it easy with him because if you I mean it's super hard to believe but I think the the Colts are right, there are chasing the Texans, you know in the AFC whatever division that is on try to remember what division that is, but there is a JSC South. Yeah. I mean they're right there and if they're In playoff run they're definitely going to wait 40 y to get to get healthy. So they're actually something to consider half game. They actually have game above the Texans. Oh, are they? Okay. Yeah game and real quick in those five games that Hilton has missed. What's the course record to go? 500 + 5. I believe that five hundred percent. I don't want it. I don't want to make too much out of the end and out of this injury and it's entirely possible. He only misses the three weeks, but I think it is worth pointing out that for a guy. Who is constantly banged up but yet continues to play through it in. His only missed five games is is going to be sidelined for a while. I think that is telling just maybe in terms of the severity of the injury. Yeah. Yeah, 100% agree moving on. I want to briefly touch on Brandon Cooks. I know dealing with the concussion. I know that's not we don't really talk about concussions on the podcast. We talk, you know, we talked about mcls ACLS, huh? Got spray and lisfranc all that kind of stuff, but I think it's worth mentioning because Cooks is sort of be piling them up. He's probably the concussions up is seeing. Yeah. He's going to see a specialist. This is second concussion in just this month within a month. So he's gone to see a specialist when you know, how far along is the worry your is the worry bar. Now that these concussions are sort of piling up and especially since he's seeing a So it's not one of those things where they're just shutting him down until he passes conduct concussion protocol. Yeah, My worry is high for his health. Yes that yeah when that's what that's what I'm talking about like yeah long-term. Yeah. No. No what I well what I was going to say is you know, what I think about his health is going to be completely different than what the Rams think about playing. Do you know what I mean? What the ramps is will do with because the reality of the situation is once a player passes concussion protocol, you know, they're they're clear the problem is this This is Cooks his fifth document. Yep. If documented concussion. Once you pass the threshold of to the research tells us that you are much more prone to getting another one and it's you know, the it's they can only probably you can speculate it can only get worse as you as you continue to mount them up. So I wouldn't you know, the Rams have a by this week. I wouldn't be surprised if he's not even backed by by week 10 it all depends on what the specialist says him to be. With you, I'm not entirely sure what he's looking for going to a specialist The Specialist is going to do one clinical exam on him going to look at his medical history is going to be like, yeah, man. I mean you probably shouldn't play football anymore. If we're being one of them. I was going to say I was going to say, I mean we can produce this from a fantasy perspective, but at this point, I think it's so exciting to watch Brandon Cooks and you hate to see this. So just coming from more of a player perspective and a human perspective. You hate to see someone like Cooks suffering and now his fifth his fifth concussion. Yeah, and just for For reference to you just saw Sterling Shepard who you know got to he got that one and week one and then I forgot where the last one was what week it was that he got it but he you know, he took his time and he said he came out an interview. He said, you know, I look at my family. I look at my kids and I say I'm going to take my time and I'm going to take some time to recover. I'm going to take some time for myself and to really think about where I am and I think that's I think that's a cool move. I can't ever say that. It's the right move necessarily, but I think that taking a step back. Saying okay. Where are we at in the grand scheme of things is super important. But from from a fantasy perspective, I would plan to be without Brandon Cooks at least, you know because of the by this week and then probably probably probably yeah probably next week as well someone else who is seeing a specialist Cam Newton. Yeah, we're not going to see any QB controversy because he's yeah reportedly seeing a foot specialist. He was dealing with the list Frank injury and was pretty optimistic actually. We in the beginning. I don't think anyone initially saw this as something that would linger all the way to you know, we you know, we're in week nine now so Cam Newton's going to see a specialist about a list for lisfranc injury. We've mentioned lisfranc injuries before but for those listeners who are perhaps new to the podcast maybe talk a little bit about how hobbling a lisfranc injury can can be especially for a guy like him Newton who has who has Made or has made a name for himself as a runner, but in recent years he hasn't run that much but just in general lisfranc injury for quarterback. He hasn't played since week two and certainly Kyle Allen going for and one in his absence gives the Panthers a lot of confidence as not to rush Cam Newton back. So the fact that he's now seeing a specialist. Are we going to see Cam Newton for the next four or five weeks? I I can't I can't say I can't say yes. I don't know. Yeah, and it's difficult because the most common complication you see so okay. So you said talk about lisfranc lisfranc injury is right in the middle. The region is right in the middle of your foot sort of in between your your metatarsal heads. So the the long bones that lead to your toes right in the middle of your foot in between your first second and third that's the region that's affected. So he's either Got a ligament damage in that region be bone damage in that region or see cartilage or and even da, you know combination of all of those. So the what I'm concerned about with him is that he's telling dealing with a very it's the same Condition. It's osteoarthritis that that Todd Gurley has been diagnosed with because it can happen in any joint in your body when you're as big as Cam Newton is and you take as many hits as he has and probably landed on that foot over and over repeatedly in that same region. That region of your of your foot is relatively. I don't want to use fragile, but it's definitely susceptible to injury when you get hit as much as in these big dudes, you know cams like six five two sons like 240 or something. He's yeah, he's a mom. Yeah, he's huge with all that axial Force going downward through his foot in that extended position that stuff and I and I what I would have to say is that he probably is dealing with I don't think it's unreasonable to say that he's probably dealing with A component of osteoarthritis because that stuff just doesn't go away. I mean that's chronic condition and it's very difficult to to heal and you know, that's probably something that he's that he's fighting and dealing with because like you said it's been going on for so long. Another so yeah, Kyle Allen will continue to start moving on to another Allen who is going to be making a start as Brandon Allen back up to Joe Flacco who was placed on IR with a herniated disc in his neck. I I was laughs. I don't mean to I don't want to laugh at obviously an injury, but I have to laugh at how terrible John Elway he is at a very affordable ex especially John Elway says about Like oh we feel like he's just really coming into his prime. He's a perfect fit for us. Really? What a Joey's right? Yeah Hall of Fame Legend Super Bowl winning quarterback John Elway. You feel like Joe Flacco was just coming into his prime. Okay. All right, let's move. Yeah, I'm away from man. I I don't I don't understand this group. Think just because you're good at you know, playing does not mean you have any idea we're doing as manager the best example that I love to give with people who like make this our I meant that John Elway knows what he's doing just because you're the best server the best waiter the best waitress in the restaurant does not mean you have the first clue what it takes to manage an entire restaurant or bar true, you know? Yeah that it's a good. Yeah, he might have no idea what he's doing, but we're giving him credit for something because he's good at something else. You know that said, I do think the vast majority of people share the sentiment that John Elway is is absolutely horrendous at evaluating quarterback talent. I think I think the vast Majority of people think that but I mean, I guess what does this mean for Joe Flacco in the long term, I think actually herniated disc in his in his neck. I don't think we've really touched that much on herniated disc. We've talked about sports hernia. So we've talked about weird injuries, like sternoclavicular dislocation and tyriq wills I get that right names and you got that. Yeah, that's right. See I'm learning. I'm learning as we go along but we have really talked about herniated. Ask in your neck. So how I mean how limiting can that be? I mean he's going on IR so we don't have to talk about you know, how much time is he going to miss but moving forward and I guess the rehab process for Flacco. I'm I don't think he's going to have surgery. I think he's going to just try and heal with rehab but talk a little bit about something like a herniated disc in your neck. Yeah. So quick plug here for the General Public. If you've ever been told that you have a herniated disc anywhere in your anywhere in your back or your neck join the club 50% of asymptomatic individuals have this creations and vice versa. So after you get to the age of like 25-30 everybody has herniation is it doesn't always cause symptoms but I think that a lot of times, you know, some healthcare professional scare other people, but when it is traumatic the way that Joe Flacco's was obviously it now it is it is symptomatic for him and it was because it was you Caused by an axial force that essentially protruded the disc and the disc is connected to the spinal cord where all of the nerve Roots exit. And so when you have that situation you get a very very first of all you have obviously mechanical disruption of the the tissue itself which which is damaging and painful causes pain. You also get a just a flood of inflammation and inflammatory markers that are extremely stubborn and don't go away and don't let the essentially the the nerve don't let it breathe. So Nerves like movement, they like room and they like fluid and when you have that sort of damage to them, they can't do their job and they get really really pissed off and so it has probably notice and tingling. Sorry if you can edit that out. I don't know. I've been trying to keep it clean you have numbness and tingling down all the way through your hand. Sometimes it's your arm feels heavy your neck hurts your shoulder hurts. It's definitely not an injury that is amenable for for an NFL quarterback. You know, it's the exact opposite of what you want. You don't want your quarterback having numbness and tingling all the way through his arm and neck but the good news is these respond another plug for physical therapy these respond incredibly well to physical therapy. You almost you almost I don't want to say always but you almost never need surgery. If you get you know, if you get in with a good physical therapist and Rehab your way out of this out of the this injury, so that's what he's doing with in the future and it's just such a shame that he's just coming into his prime right now. Sorry. I'm late. I sense some sarcasm one one. We have one more left there one other guy to touch on who okay, he's not technically out. He wasn't hasn't been ruled out yet. But James Conner, he's not going to play. He's not going to play didn't practice all week not going to play dealing with a shoulder injury. He's given the unofficial designation of doubtful. Do we see do see Connor return to we see kind of return next week, you know you I've been saying since the beginning that we shouldn't take for granted some of these injuries that happen. You know, though. It's relatively minor that's not always the case with an instance. This is an instability issue that I just in my head. I clasp it classified them that way it's not truly truly a way you can classify them but it's an instability issue where the acromioclavicular joint that little that space in between their those ligaments got disrupted and so he's dealing with basically what amounts to a shoulder separation or an injury like it and and those you don't want to just throw a player back out there because it's the exact same thing. Like I just said with Patrick Mahomes those muscles need to re-stabilize the brain needs to know that the restabilized and he needs to be able to make that motor control connection to those muscles. Otherwise, it's going to be you know, just another sort of recurring vicious cycle and he could reinjure it. You could see him back next week with injuries like this. They have been known to cause up to four weeks of Miss time. I don't know if that's necessarily the case. Connor but that definitely would be worst case scenario and what has a chance to come next week come back next. What's interesting. So even if he has a chance to come next week, what's interesting is I think actually he might have a better chance to come or to return next week in that he has been some games. He's been the Workhorse with Jalen Samuels out and other games. He's only he's had I think he's had a few games with you. No less than 15 carries. So I think we could see him next week just for the for the sole fact that the Steelers have placed a lot of trust in jail and Samuels as sort of the yeah. He's the number two, but he's sort of is on the edge of the number 2 / number one be you know, this is Connie. This is Connors backfield, but we've seen Jalen Samuel step up. So I think when you have a guy like Samuels back there that you don't necessarily want to give a full workload to if you don't have to we might see Connor back in in a bit of a split even if he gets maybe he only gets Nine carries our next week but this week is looking good for Samuels. Mainly, you know, Connor is going to be out in then Benny Snell is missing two to three weeks now as well. So if you got hopefully you handcuffed Connor with Samuels so that you won't really skip a beat here. Yeah, and the Pittsburgh Steelers are making a push for the playoffs didn't you know be traded for Mika Fitzpatrick for quarterback goes down trade for makeup. It's Patrick. That's the formula makes perfect sense. I wanted make on the Eagles, but that's a conversation conversation. I wanted a lot of them. A lot of guys I wanted a lot of guys on the Eagles, but I'm one of the local high school Star Quarterback. Then let's be honest. I'm not a I'm not a front office man. So, you know, I just I just sit here with a $350 microphone in record podcasts every Friday. You know what I love it love it. We're going to take one more break and I will tell you a bit about our sponsor and when we return we'll get into some notable questionable, 's ahead of week nine Sunday action. 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So you never miss an episode and now back to the unrestricted unaffiliated unparalleled analysis of the fantasy free agents. Welcome back here for the final segment of the week. An injury report here on the fantasy free agents podcast. I am Ben kookiness. He is Edwin porous and I'm about to go on a small rant about the New England Patriots because that's always fun at least from an injury perspective you and I were talking about a few guys that have popped up on the injury report ahead of week nine action. We know the Patriots play things close to the close to the chest. We know that that's never surprise on their website. They haven't even updated their injury report to week 9 like not even Like they haven't even mentioned it like it's not even an option to click the drop-down and if you week 9 so, yes, we can get information from beat reporters and everything like that as we talk about guys like Edelman and James White but come on New England like it's still showing Patriots versus the Browns injury report not quite know what blows my mind to you or like what I've thought about with this stuff like that. Is that all of that stuff trickles down to like The website director or whatever like the would like the intern, you know and just the fact that Bill Belichick tell like comes from the top trickles down through the entire organization down to the like poor little intern who's like don't post the practice report yet and the interns like but it's against the rules until belches. Like I know that's all I give I give Bill Belichick credit where credit's due greatest NFL head coach in history, but come on week knows the rules Israeli report. Let's touch on a couple. Guys, Julian Edelman Edelman dealing with the chest James White dealing with the toe injury. So white did so he appeared as a limited participant in practice finding out through other avenues since you can't find it out on the Patriots website. Um, so yeah James White dealing with the toe Julian elements still dealing with the chest, but and for the record Rex Burkhead also on the injury report and they're all listed as questionable. Are they all going to play? I'll be honest James White that does concern me a little bit. Not element. But yeah, yeah, the James White one is a little concerning simply because he popped up on a Friday that's not common and Fridays are last, you know practicing. Usually we like to see limited practice limited practice full practice not full practice limited practice limited practice. Exactly. Yeah, and so, you know, it's probably a component of a turf toe type injury. If we're if we're thinking about what's most common playing the odds that's always going to be up to the players preference at this point. If it's not a grade to anything below a grade 2. It's going to be up to the players perception of the pain and how they feel. So what this means for me, at least I'm thinking that you know, the the the toe is was damaged not damaged it was you know, whatever aggravated in practice they're going to say on some they're going to probably let him sit through the walkthrough. Through they're going to say on Sunday. How are you feeling? He's going to say, you know, I'm feeling X or Y and they're probably going to say, okay. Well then let's get you some like lidocaine novocaine will shoot the toe up and then you can play or they'll say okay. It's that bad. No. Okay. Let's just have you sit out. So at this point with James White just because we don't know the severity I'm saying, he's 50/50 that he'll be active and even if he's active I don't know how productive will be. Yeah. Yeah, not that. That makes sense. I think we can make light of guys when they practice when they pop up on the Patriots practice report. But again showing up on a Friday definitely a question mark and something to closely monitor more than more than normal when it comes to Patriots guys on the injury report move moving on a actually a plethora of wide receivers Hollywood Brown. We haven't seen him since the beginning of October dealing with ankle and ankle and a thigh injury. What do you think is week nine chances are I think he's ready to go right now so mean Y'all going against the it's funny, you know white going against the Ravens and Hollywood Brown going against the Patriots. Yeah, exactly. That's I guess that's a relative term but from a fantasy perspective his I think from a medical perspective. He's definitely good to go just because I'm reading between the lines here like I usually do and it's it's a he was out like you said since October. He didn't play, you know with the last couple of weeks he had to buy week to rest up and in terms of what type of Injury he had I think that he had a high ankle thing going on high ankle sprain, you know, people don't like to hear that high ankle sprain but you know, there are lesser versions of it. I think that's what he was had going on simply because of the time the time frame and everything. So I think now that he had the bye week. Like I said to to sort of rest up that he should be he should be good to go and I'm looking at his practice report right now. I can't pull it up. I don't know if you have it up been the because of the Raven. It's Ravens practice had the Ravens practice board. They didn't have I didn't have it up. But okay, here we go. Yeah his alright so his pride report perfect set. Yeah his injury reports. So now it now he limited practice Wednesday Thursday didn't practice Friday. I think we got two things is good. Yeah, I think well, I think we can make two things. I think of that I think we can say oh, that's the bad look or I think we could say he got enough practice in Wednesday. They that they wanted to give him rest on Friday. You know that I think that that's probably more so the case I don't see him aggravating something like that again, especially like I said, they were coming off the bye week there were probably taking it pretty slow. And so I yeah, I think it's probably more so what you're saying, but I mean we could always be wrong. There's always a chance that's not what's going on in that he did, you know downgrade but and the considering everything considering the entire situation. I think that that what you said in terms of, you know, they saw a knife out of them as Lee more likely and certainly on the Ravens website for their week nine injury report normally teams on their websites. They'll have the injury report for both teams, you know of the opponent. So yeah good. Guess what's not on the Ravens of week nine injury report page that page Shreya the the Patriots. That's why Pride. That's the last shot. I'm taking I promise. I promise ya boy and have for this episode knowing moving on to some jazz. Wires DD Westbrook and DJ charc charge of dealing with a quad Westbrook dealing with both a neck and shoulder injury. I mean, I want to see some Minshew magic with Westbrook and with Westbrook and Chuck. Yeah, and I think that you'll get it with definitely with charc Westbrook is dealing with what I believe to be as an issue similar to what Flacco has now again, it's all on a scale. It's all relative. Simply because they said that you have shoulder and neck pain and nine times out of ten when you have shoulder and neck pain. They are very very until intimately related and you can't really tease out which one is causing the other without an exam. So even though I don't know for a fact generally if it's just a general shoulder like a contusion or a muscle strain or something. You don't see neck issues with that. And so I'm wondering if he has some sort of you know acute radiculitis is what you would call it or whatever you radiculopathy and so potentially has some numbness and tingling. It might not go all the way down his arm or anything like that. It might not be completely severe but it did hold him out the second half of last week. So that's something to consider and you know in terms of starting them and fantasy. That's the obviously consult Tom and Joe's rankings, but I'm not from a medical perspective 100% confident in him this week. Okay, no fair enough one boy. I guess I could talk about chart to you want yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I mean, let's face it shark is is certainly as performing like a top 10 top 15 receiver so far so, you know some certainly someone to monitor if he's popping up on the injury report. Yeah, so he has a quad issue and the thing about quad issues is that they can be relatively minor sort of like what what to I Hilton had earlier this week or this year. He tried to play through it. They ended up pulling him in the middle of the game. So, you know, I don't know if Westbrook's is that or I mean if charge Is that severe but at the same time the Jaguars are also doing their best Patriots impression and they don't have Thursday or Friday up on their official injury report. So I don't really know what he's been doing. I expect him to play and I don't expect him to necessarily be limited. But again, you know, maybe check those practice reports or just maybe send me a direct message on Twitter at something or you know, tweet it been until because until we have that Thursday and Friday practice report. It's difficult to make an accurate. Inaccurate Outlook the fair enough that makes sense Alvin Kamara. We were just talking off the air. Yeah. He's missed the last two games. But you're you're feeling pretty confident about him. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think that anything to severe is coming up at this point, you know, by the time they play next week. It will have been three weeks. I think that he was was that he heard that ankle and practice it problem and he tried to play through that at one point a couple weeks ago. And so I think He's going to be fine by the time the by rolls around they're going to make that playoff push. Yeah. Well meanwhile me they have the by this week. So he's got a whole extra week. Yeah. Yeah, so he should be back next week and I'll firing on all cylinders from a health perspective good very good to know few other guys, but I'm not sure if you had if you want to weigh in on any of these guys who had also just notable players who popped up on practice reports DeAndre Hopkins Josh Jacobs Keenan Allen. I mean, I feel like Ellen is on there a lot. But nothing really comes of it Odell Beckham dealing with a groin Tyrone Williams with a foot Jarvis Landry with the shoulder and Phillip. Lindsay is with a wrist all of these guys got in a full practice and they're all going to play. I was just wondering if yeah, I was wondering if you looked into any of any of them. Yeah from the injury perspective. So, I know that Keenan Allen he was he was that on the final injury report. I saw a report that he was On the final injured. No, I don't think so. I'll be outside. I'm looking at I'm looking at this and like the two words. I hate seeing his hamstring and groin. Yeah, you know like those are the two that worry me sometimes shoulder injuries wrist, you know Phillip Lindsay deal with a wrist in yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's whatever but hamstring and groin forgot. If our guys like those I feel like can just they can just be nagging just enough, you know, you know pull it to pull up lame on a play. They're both going to play. But yeah, Alan did appear in the final practice for port and I don't think I don't think Odell Beckham did either I'm just um double check. I don't want to give any mister. I got no worries. I know I did good didn't it didn't pop up? Yeah Friday. We don't know his practice report status on Friday for Friday just yet. I will say as a general rule. Hang on what a player has going on. Like if they have for example, you know you here James Conner he has an ace specifically it's an AC issue. And so you're like, oh that's like an instability because you listened to the fantasy free agents podcast Monday through Saturday because we're of course you did a podcast and you know, what a shoulder separation is and you worried because you're like, oh that's an instability issue. That's a contact injury if they if they get hit again, they could get hurt again. But if you hear like Josh Jacobs random elbow random just general shoulder for a running back. That's you know, I would say eight or nine times out of ten. That's not going to affect their Play It's just just a matter sort of just a matter of the position that they play and stuff like that. But yeah, I don't expect anything to negative from any of those players, you know Hopkins is going to play through so luckily, you know, you love to see it. You'll I love to say that I love to say that I'm not worried about any of those dudes because I'm not yeah great. Well, About does it anything else to add as we approach week 9:00 Sunday action from a injury perspective. Nope. I'm just ready for my favorite part of the part of the yeah. I'm going to try it. So here's how it goes. I start to say, well, you know that does it for the week nine injury report podcast and then Edwin energex and says go ahead every time every time I'm excited for it. Okay. Hmm. So given as we were just passing by the spooky season, and we know Know that Ben could canis you're a fan of the spooky season right? Love spoon. You would love to yeah. Okay. So here here is here is what I want you to list for me. I want you to list the top three been kookiness is top three Halloween candies, but but but I also want you to list your top three overrated Halloween candies and then we got one more question and then we'll wrap it up promise. All right. It's a good question. So top three outs are rhesus has to be at the top and anyone who doesn't love Reese's at the top our I don't I don't want to know you. Yeah Reese's at hold on. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I'm gonna stop you there. No peanut butter. No jelly. That's right. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry I interrupted. Yeah, no joke. No joke to me. Duncan me jelly on a peanut butter sandwiches. Just put a bunch of Reese's on that sandwich. Um, okay now so Reese's number one. I'll go with the sweet tooth and number two nerds. Like I'll just I'll just get those little those little boxes of nerds and just like down them completely. I don't know what it's sweet tooth is the switches was just when you're craving something sweet Oh Oh, I thought you were naming a candy. No. No, I'm naming what I have every Halloween. Oh, there you go. There you go. Reese's nerds and then Snickers as number three overrated or your least favorite. So Three Musketeers terrible. Yeah Milky Way overrated and Jolly Ranchers overrated nice. I'll take that I'll take all those I like this power rankings last question. What is Bank where we're going to let you brag about yourself? You're a little bit because you made me do it on the first podcast of the year. What is your proudest accomplishment? Feel free to share as much as little or as much a good we're getting kind of serious here. Yeah and can't wear the Grinders are still listening there. So they're been kookiness, um, totally off the not related at all to fantasy football fantasy sports being either as an equal to Omega. Yeah, so totally off that I It's say I was a finishing my Master's Degree with a 60 to 70 page dissertation on Bram Stoker's Dracula that took eight months to do nice. I would say that's a pretty badass accomplishment. Oh, I would say yeah, I submitted that and I was like, I don't want to see this again. Actually. I looked at it because I teach Dracula every semester in my horror literature class. Yeah, I dug up I dug up my my paper. Because I was like, oh there's a few things I could include in here. Just you know slap on a PowerPoint. I was reading it as like this is garbage. Like, how did how did I ever now? I mean this was so I got my Master's back in 2013. So yeah, I don't know it's one of those things. I guess just feeling self-conscious or very critical of myself as a writer, but I was just like wow, this is a terrible paper. This is like 60 to 70 pages of dreck. It's probably like 10 times better than anything. Anything I could write so you're well, you're gonna matter for your physical therapist. I mean, that would be like me seeing a patient and you know bang on their knee and be like this feel. Okay? Okay, that sounds good. We should trade jobs for a second. Your students probably would not appreciate that very much for the record. My students in honor of Mischief Night on Wednesday night. I walked out of the classroom on a break as teach a 3 it's a three-hour night class. So take a nice little 15-minute break in the middle walked out to go use the restroom and in honor of Mischief Night. I Come back and they tp'ed my computer. Oh, nice good for that Island. Yeah all in good fun. Give him a slight Round of Applause. But there you go getting to know Ben canis one week at a time. We're getting to that social security number. Yeah, we're getting there were getting there. Yeah. All right. Now I can officially say that'll about do it for the week nine injury report here on the fantasy free agents podcast. I am been kookiness follow me on Twitter @ B KU K AI n is he is Edwin poorest our in-house physical therapist. You can follow him on Twitter @ FF student doc. Good luck everyone in your week nine matchups, and we will be back on Monday with Joe and Tom's. week 9
After a week hiatus flying out to Detroit, Ben Kukainis (@bKukainis) is back with Edwin Porras (@FFStudentDoc) for the Week 9 Injury Report Podcast! The guys provide some status updates and initial reactions on AJ Green, David Johnson and George Kittle (4:20), followed by a look at a handful of players expected to return in Week 9 (18:10). The guys then dive into players looking at multi-week absences (35:55) before closing it out with Week 9 Questionables (54:12). As a bonus, Ben lists his Halloween candy Power Rankings and tries not to boast when Edwin asks him about his most prized accomplishment. A special congratulations to our own Joe Dolan for finishing #1 in Draft Accuracy for the 2018 season among 140+ sites and experts! This was Joe’s second #1 overall and third top-3 finish in the last 5 years, making his rankings THE most accurate preseason fantasy football draft rankings on average since 2015. Check out the complete list at
Alright guys, so a lot of people access how do they make a podcast? I'm let you in on a secret on the easiest most productive way to start a podcast and get it up and running and that is the app called anchor is free. They have all kind of cool creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. They will distribute your podcast for you to all of the major Outlets including spot.Why Apple Google many more and you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership is everything you need to make a podcast in one simple easy place. So if you're interested in starting a podcast Go download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Let's do it. Alright guys, so we got some exciting news breaking news alert breaking news alert, Atlanta Georgia. We are on our way January 25th and 26th ATL shawty. We got a lot of stuff planned for y'all. It's a two-day event to Day weekend event. We coming to take over your city. Yeah, we can take over. So the first part will be January 25th Saturday. We are going to do a live podcast. We will have following that we will have Private dinner will have a private networking event open bar confirmed guests for the podcast right now real estate extraordinaire realtor Keanu Watson superstar superstar realtor, and we got one of our most prestigious alumni the king of culture cultural curator. Kenny Burns will be in the house to do a live podcast with us, man. We birds will be in a building and we got one more slot open that we going we can't get something. So yeah, we do not give them to you. Then following that experience on Sunday. We have a workshop and the workshop. We have eyl alumni. So we're going to type those when our guy Andy from Y2K Credit Solutions going to talk about credit everything. You need to know about credit. Yeah. We got our boy mg. The mortgage guy coming to talk to you about real estate for first-time homeowners. That's a fact then we have our guy Alex good energy Lana's own the trucking who rules going to give the breakdown on the trucking industry how to Involved in trucking everything you need to know about getting money and trucks. Yeah, man, Atlanta don't miss out don't play yourself, right? But the head and Honda we can't forget. Oh, well, I'll most recent UIL alumni Our God accepts Maxwell. The king of wholesaling will be in the building for the workshop. So we going to cover everything from wholesaling to credit to financing real estate deals to trucking to day experience. Take over man. Well, like I said don't play yourselves Man 2 tickets are all the information will be out this week. Make sure y'all go to earn your and hit the events tab get yours early y'all ready. So what happened in DC? It won't be a situation like hey, man. Yeah. I got anything left. We playing it out early letting y'all know early grab them while you can and learn to see you soon. Peace. All right, guys, welcome back ey o Hometown Heroes addition. It's right for sure tells us I'm sure for sure so we are in DC right now. This is been Chris just finished up crazy crazy event. We had Topgolf got like 200 people there was crazy. You know, somebody said they were like, yo man, this is crazy everybody. I follow on social media is in this room right now how y'all doing? Hey shout out. Shout out to shout out to everybody that came to the event. Don't shout out to our God's Irani for sure capital capital capital event group capital offense crew shouting the boys around he is a he's an amazing man. So if you in DC and you need an event planner curated get the contact follow me on Instagram, which I'm sure will put a post up about it. You took care of us man, DC would not be the same without him. Yeah. Thank you for the hospitality row appreciate it and it's going to basically we will let us go ahead with networking. With network is and Atlanta your next January 2015. We 26. We're going to take over the whole city big big big big big can't play around with a lamb everything on the pull-up. Yeah, every time we say a lineage of also, if you know, you know man shot to the great city of Atlanta. Can't wait to touch the town. I'm gonna be releasing details soon details might Have already been released by the episode comes out but we gonna yeah, we're going to do a really really big so we have a dope episode plan today and it is yes Hometown Heroes even though we're in DC. It's not DC Hometown hero, but it's yeah he did I hear it's a Milwaukee, Wisconsin Hometown hero that lives in DC and Milwaukee. Oh, so my man Brandon will I was interesting because like I think you had the article we buy black. It went viral and then my Troy sent it to me. Yeah, I did somebody else sent it to me. Yeah, and then body and read it in full transparency just like it cause he said that seven articles a day does but like by the time a third person ready to send it to me. I read it. I got it. I'm like, yeah, we should probably interview. He's like, yeah send it to you two weeks ago. So what are you interested in coming like? Yeah. Somebody actually just told me about your project. So it was like this is like one of the quickest turnaround. Yeah, like two weeks ago. I was like yo, this guy's dope man came from Detroit hit me like yo, this guy's dope. I'm like, yeah just read about them and then like the next week. It was like yo, he's gonna come on some like oh, yeah great. It's easy. One, two, three. It's okay. So Brandon Brandon is dope. He's 31 years old and he's a we talk about real estate a lot. I most of the time from our podcast is Real Estate Investors, which is dope wholesaling buying flip stuff like that, but he's a developer right? And he's young. He's 31 years old. And he most of his developments are in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, right and he has 40 million dollars of affordable housing currently under his belt as far as development and then a hundred eighty million dollars in the pipeline. Yeah, and that go over your head. Yeah. Sure. Just please I just got awarded a huge 41 million dollars forty 1 million for the first place for the first fading million in a second and that's going to be for a grocery store in the first thing you're gonna do is go thousand scoop. One square foot grocery store with a hundred and fifty apartments above and the parking garage. Yeah a parking garage. Yeah. So this is going to be a high-level conversation. It's going to get in the weeds if you want to. Yeah, so first and foremost, thank you. Thank you for having me. I appreciate it. Appreciate appreciate appreciate sure. So, all right. So before we before we even get into the nitty-gritty of what you've done, how did you get started as an interesting story? Because if people don't know who the legend people And that's unfortunate. That's where my son's it's really unfortunate situation if you think about it because it's like everybody knows who's Lebron is right? Everybody knows who's Lil Wayne is right, but this guy has definitely more money a little way not show the tools. No disrespect but probably like almost the same amount of money on LeBron, maybe more money than LeBron right? Like he he's in twenties weight close to being a billionaire, right and he's black developer from DC from DC and not a lot of people are really familiar with him. So did he kind of I bring him up because he kind of he's a start of your real estate Journey right and just see at lien and do see for sure. So yeah, what's your what's your path in real estate? And what's your path to coming to DC from Milwaukee for sure. I'll just start from the beginning for real so from Milwaukee, but I was actually born in Los Angeles, California. So I was born in LA and in 1994. I was in the earthquake the Northridge Earthquake at the time. It was the worst natural disaster and financial know. Worst natural disaster financially in American history so over a billion dollars worth of Damages one of that being my home. So we lost everything slab outside for a few days. Remember vaguely like being outside of the Walmart and just not having any resources the highways were broken everything. So my parents are high school sweethearts from Chicago. My dad was like I'm with this we going back so my grandfather was living in Milwaukee at the time. We ended up moving to Milwaukee into his attic as we got back on our feet couple. Months later rented the house and then move forward. So from that point forward, I grew up in Milwaukee and if anyone knows anything about Milwaukee, it's actually the worst place for black people in America right now Google it. It'll pop up and many articles many reports. I saw a statistic was like specifically Madison was six percent of the population is black but 50% of the people incarcerated a black. Oh, yeah, he's crazy easy. Yeah Madison is ridiculous to pricing is ridiculous to Milwaukee is actually closer to 40% black, but we have No problems, which is not natural resources, very similar to a Detroit very similar to a Baltimore but no one's really looking at you don't hear about black folks from Milwaukee. Like people don't leave. It's just a thing average. I think median income in Milwaukee for a black person is $28,000 a black fan. Yeah, $28,000 family like family of four times to the family Perry a black family this a two-parent family 3 to 4 is not always to parents but $28,000. Is that average for a Family in Milwaukee and that's very much. So what me my friends my family everybody. That's my roots. That's who I am. That's where I'm from but I needed to break that so I went to school all of my all my family were influenced by my grandfather who was a very successful Street pharmacist. And yeah, we know I love the language is important. It's important that go we're going to file that where we had returning citizens. Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure that's going in that same boat trying to Citizens any checks any doubts. He actually was first person. I heard ya I am trying to Citizens. But yeah, so he was a street pharmacist. Yeah, and he influenced my entire family. He was an entrepreneur. He was really, you know, as far as millionaire in the family by the time I came he got hit with the RICO law and we didn't have any money again, so I didn't really have that benefit, but I said, I to say I was the one that wanted to change the trajectory of the entire family, so I went to school Did it a different way I was always like the chosen one. It's like okay cool. You got one out to school grew up in the Milwaukee Public School System was actually one of the worst in the country as well wear it on my sleeve because you know, you can come from any environment and make it right after the fact so went on to school went on to Marquette University study economics minor in sociology. So I think that kind of gave me the background that I needed and real estate economics understanding capitalism. A lot of people think money is bad when really is just a tool. It's Sort of Leverage in a way that you do any other tool right so study economic but also study sociology. How do people fit within this how to how does the people from the hood fit within this capitalistic, you know society that we live within so that was my Foundation then my senior year junior senior year fourth year. I took a program called the Edgar program which stands for Associates in commercial real estate and that pretty much expose me to what commercial real estate development. Was because like many other folks here real estate in like you think of a broker you think of a realtor but there's so many other things when it comes to real estate you like so many professions. So when you think about a development process a civil engineer environmental engineer geotechnical engineer architect a contractor a developer A lender, there's so many different avenues that you can get into so that program exposed me to that and then it's like, okay well developers make a lot of money. I want to Financial Freedom. And I want to some flexibility. So I was like, okay. Well, I think I want to do this and then that's when I started on my real estate path while doing that. I got my hands on a book called The People's principles which was written by down people's down people's billionaire like developer from DC. That's where he started the moved on to Miami and went to Vegas and now is based in New York and read this book really was inspired by the really technical things that he said within it's like this. This is how I became what I became and I was like, oh, this is great. Okay. Well, I'm a follow a similar path, but just doing my way. So in 2017, I got my 2016. I got my first low income housing tax credit so affordable housing developments in the past were financed through Section 8. So if you think about a Section 8 property Cabrini Greens in Chicago, you know, some of these really large Berry Farms in DC really large complexes 3 400 units and really just clusters of poverty. That's how that's how they were financing him. But now they use a tool called section 42 IRS code which is a tax credit. So we are given a tax credit that we sell to an investor and use that to finance the project. Can you explain that a little bit because yeah we Section 8, I think most people know what section 8 is right where it's like it's government and they subsidize housing, right and what sent you that you don't have to live in the projects like you can have a house. So there's two different types. Okay. There's Section 8 Project based voucher. Oops, so projects got the Section 8 assistance, but then there were also like people baseball right where you can take that teasing you going to like a house and a pay the landlord, right? So so what's the new Way section 42 is the primary tool for affordable housing. There's still some Section 8. Yes. I'm still some vouchers but section 42 just really high level if you think about a building and you think about developing a building it may cost forty million dollars to develop a Right typically in order to fund that building you need rents that will pay you enough. To then get a bank to give you a loan. So you need a construction loan and then you need permanent financing. So in order to get the construction loan one of the threshold items is hey, how much is the loan to value of this projected property? So if your value based on rents being at $1,500 a month equates to 40 million dollars, you can then build who's doing the assessment of how much each one is worth each unit the market kind of determines that okay, so drilling deeper into Let's say 1500 prior equates to 40 million dollars. Let's say now you're in an area that rents can only be seven hundred and fifty dollars per people still need to live but we still need additional housing in order to build that the government created a tax credit that subsidize Developers for the difference. So if the 750 gives me 20 million I effectively are going to get I'm going to get 20 million in a tax credit to them make it balance and make it work. So they So they'll pay you the developer. They pay the project. It's a project a penny more. Not you personally, but they fund the project. Yeah, and they allocate a tax credit to the developer to sell on behalf of the project. So they pay the person paid 700 in it $1,000 if it was seventeen hundred thousand dollars is being paid through through the tax credit up front Okay, and in exchange for the tax credit, you have to restrict the rents for certain amount of time. Okay, 15 years 30 years etcetera and the rent to like Market. Yeah, so it's based on the area median income. So that's really like how they determine it and they have different thresholds. So 30% unit is like very low income a 50% unit and a 60% unit is what we will call Workforce or affordable housing and then you have 80% units as well that can be financed through this tax credit and that's based on so take a DC $100,000 area median income in DC 50% unit is $50,000 if a person makes $50,000 in DC they can qualify for affordable housing under this first row, you take 30% of the income divided by 12 months. That's how you come out to the rent amount that you can pay. Okay, so, okay. So a little deep sir. Nah, that's right. He yl that's what we do. That's the hold this right right right in line with our content. So you meet you meet Don people's right and how does that go? Yeah, so 2017. I jumped out he was speaking at a conference in DC and I was like I have to meet this guy. So I still buy the door very tenacious. I'm an ambitious guy by Nature a-type personality if I want something I'm gonna go get it and I wanted to meet him. So I went introduce myself. I just received that tax credit. That's why I wanted to get a story just received a tax credit. I was about to develop my first project. Hey, Don, what's up? I'm Brandon. I got my first project in I got a couple more in my pipeline would love to To connect and he he was impressed by what I was doing because my age I think I was 26 27 at the time and his first project. I was 27. He was awarded his first project the 27 as well. So I was on that path. It's like okay. Yeah. It's the only black billionaire doing what I'm doing. I need to meet him. So we met had a phone call about a month later and the biggest takeaway. I took from that phone call was he said work on larger deals? So at that time I did was 12 and a half million had another deal I was about 10 million and add another dude. I was like 7 million. The 14 million dollar deal was a market rate units. It wasn't a affordable housing development actually never went through. I'll talk on that too. But I needed to raise about one and a half from Equity investors in order to finance the project and you just you know, go out to folks get a hundred thousand here 250 there, you know cetera et cetera, and he pretty much just put it in perspective for me said I just raise 500 million dollars in New York. And this is the easiest money. I raised because institutional Capital the demand on that it's so it's so much so so much less than a man on every day individuals and Investments because you can invest in stocks. You can invest in bonds. You can invest in a different real estate project. You can invest in your kids college fund individuals have so many options but institutional Capital needs places to put this money, so he told me to work on larger deals and said about three months later I moved to do so. That reminds me of three stories. So I'll take them one by one. Well first off, you know how one of the people that really got people's into the game Marion Barry. Yeah for sure. You know that Lucy Legend DC Legend Rest In Peace So, that's one story The Second Story is that that also that what you said reminds me, I watched the interview with Magic Johnson and Maverick called a child to both of those classes and Magic told Maverick. He said the same amount of time that it takes to do a deal for 1 million. It takes to do a hundred million hundred percent. So 100 million at the same energy same energy same energy same thing. It's not like I thought you have to do additional energy. It's the same energy output is just you're focusing your energy on a small guy level. Uh, yeah, you can focus your energy on big so you can focus your energy on small. Yeah. The third one was Byron Allen. Okay. He was on The Breakfast Club. Yeah. He just said what you said as far as like what especially institutions a lot of times they have a problem where they have to stay have to spend money. They have to they have to spend money. They raised it. They have it exactly has to go on looking for they have whole team's devoted to look for opportunities. Right which means they have whole team devoted to look to say where can I give money away to different deals and how can I position is because I have 500 million dollars at that. Look at this is so great you just 500. So it's real raise your hand, please. So by trying to understand that the key to that you have to understand their language. It's a language of Finance. That's the way I look at it. It's no different from English verse Spanish. We all know English some people know Spanish some people don't Finance. It's just a language and if you understand the language and if you understand what they are saying and what they are looking for you can make it work. So how did you I'm interested to know this because you started in the game very young 20 early 20s and 2323, you know humble beginnings you like your family was in real estate. So, how do you get your first? How do you learn a language? How do you get your first deal? In real estate as a developer. Like how does that he walk me through that process like your very first deal. Like how does that happen? So my first did was actually four unit investment. It was a real estate investment type. Okay. It was a her home on the northwest side of Milwaukee by whole. Yeah. I just sold it about a year and a half ago. Okay, so I bought that when I was 23, so let me rewind FHA FHA. Yeah, three and a half percent down. It was only $85,000 and I sold for like 160 nice. So that was like well You know, it makes sense. So that was that was my entry entry point but rewinding so once I finish the acre program, I'm like, okay this real estate thing is cool. I think I want to figure out how to be a developer. I spend a lot of time trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. So I started going to events. I want to a ton of conferences a ton of seminars Galas all type of things. I was just searching for people and information and knowledge and I quoted it to like putting together a puzzle right? It's like Like if this is the real estate puzzle, how do I find a pieces? And then how do I put them together? So I met a guy by the name of Keith broaden? No first. I went to an awards banquet called the many awards as Community Development Awards in the city of Milwaukee. I'm actually up for I'm a finalist of the real estate World. Okay, you're too so congratulations. Thank you. Thank you. I'm sure you'll win. Yeah, I appreciate this episode this episode this awards banquet and A gentleman by the name of women Winston women Winston was executive director of weeda weeda is the Housing Authority that administers the low income housing tax credits. So I was like, yeah, I want to be a developer Exciter excited. He was like, well, if you want to be a developer come to this conference, this is the developers conference. It's going to be all developers. There's going to be lenders is going to be Architects indicators. Anyone that plays in this arena in the state of Wisconsin will be here at the conference conference is like a couple hundred dollars. I didn't have it ended up getting sponsor somehow I think guy like figured out a way to financial way up here. So I you know, I threw on a suit I had a little nappy fro at the time and I just was meeting everyone I can meet and I ran into this gentleman who I just saw a few weeks ago Keith brought next he was working at Great Lakes Capital, which is now called Saint are there syndication for him, they raise funds and then they administer they pretty much purchase a tax credits on behalf of investors and he gave me my first pro forma. So a pro forma is essentially An Excel document that pretty much is the business plan for Real Estate development and what that does it allows you to understand how much this will cost to build and how it will perform over the next 15 or 30 years. So he gave me this pro forma and I had no clue what it was. I wasn't really a finance guy was it you can economics major but I wasn't a math or Finance guy really? So I was just diving in and I tried to figure it out. So I would like Google every turn. No, Google University is a thing. It's a real dancer fell YouTube University thing. You know, I was Googling every single time trying to understand. You know, what else today UIL University. I will talk about that later on. Let's go even better. Yeah. I was just Googling all the terms within this document and I just started to work in it. So I was working at the bank of the time. I was working at PNC Bank as a personal banker making $23,000 a year now. I was like And I can't this is the my life. Like I'm not about to just be wearing these nice suits getting up at 6:00 in the morning get home at 6 p.m. Doing this for the rest of my life. I can't do it. So I would then get off work and then go back to work from 7:00 to midnight 7 172 every single day. I was in that pro-forma working for years educating his educated myself in that no articles no pump. No, press no publication every no payments every single day. I was working. So what then happened was I realized that I was only making about 1,500 after taxes per month and then I came across his for unit. That was $85,000 in Milwaukee and Milwaukee. So I put three and a half percent down. I was running out there. I think the rents were about 600 apiece maybe 625, you know do the math on that 24. My mortgage was about a thousand. So I was clearing 14 just off of this when I was only clearing. At the bank, I quit my job the moment. I bought the for unit. I couldn't quit before because I needed to show the income to buy the for you Ray. But once I once I close I quit I was out of there that thing gave me the freedom to dig deeper into this real estate thing. I spending the entire set all my time energy and effort was going towards real estate development specifically, I know investing was cool. But I wanted to figure out how to be a developer because the fees associated with it are great, you know, just to break it down for real. Upper doesn't get a 40 million dollar payment or anything like that, but you on the market right side, you may see three to six percent of the total cost. So if you working on a hundred-million-dollar do do the math on an affordable side, you get about 10 to 15 percent tennis is really on the total project cost. Yeah, so you so if so, if so if you do a 40 million dollar deal you get 10% - four million dollars. Yeah, correct. Yes, it's in the 10 to 15 percent depending on how he took the ladder somewhere solo, but we don't love anymore around it lower on this respect. It also respect them. So so so to that point it was like, okay, let me figure out how to do this development thing. I worked in this model boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. I saw the numbers. So I'm like all day making some real life money in this thing. So figured it out. So I start Working I met with him again show them. It was terrible you help me met a consultant that does development consultant and she was actually a CPA as well Charlie Brown based out of Atlanta. She helped me hone my skills when it came to my performing my motto. So what we did was just I would I would try to work in it. I would send it to her she would edit it send it back and eventually I got good. It's like okay. Yeah. I know how to do a project. So then I started looking for a project. So are you doing this on a platform? What's the Excel Microsoft Excel I was on my computer. You can $100 computer from Best Buy. Yeah, download exhale and you working. That's it. I said you don't need anything else. So I'm just teaching myself all the language teaching myself how to do things. So I start swinging that projects and I was missing but it was one. It was a city on RFP request for proposal very similar to the one that I just wanted Madison that one I ended up pitching it. To a developer and I'm like yo, let's code developed this project. Here's my model for it. Would you guys be willing to split the developer fee in the ownership top bottle is what's it? What's the motto is a another name for the pro forma. My bad. What's the performer? The pro? Forma is the business plan for Real Estate development. Also in the excel in my mind. I'm thinking develop pro forma and model are they're the same thing. So I'm using them interchangeably. So it's like it's like the blueprint the blueprint the financial blueprint Financial blueprint for Real Estate development. That is the developer do the physical blueprint as well. That's going to be somebody down the line. We also we Outsource some development shops can have an architectural person on and but I outsourced so, all right. So you you study you learn you learn how to make a financial blueprint for a project like this is my vision. This is my financially how it makes sense for sure. You don't have any experience. So you go to another established developer. They've done it already have done it already. He said I already have the blueprint. Let's Got them. This week is split. Yes. Oh, so now I'm creating value. That's the key to get any partnership. You have to create value for the other person. It's not about what you want is what they want and how can you give it for them? That's a fact, right? So it's like okay. I'm and I'm gonna give you a real number. So I think that project was let's say 10 million dollars. It was time. I got to do the fee on that was 12% So we was at one point too and I'm like, all right. Well, can we go 50/50 on it? It's all right. Let's first half. Let's take a risk. Let's Supply for it. See if we get it if if so the trigger it out if not cool. Keep it pushing. So I pitched it and then at that point, I knew it's like wait a minute. I just created six hundred thousand dollars just from my mind with a developer that does this for real so I cannot do it. I was probably like 20 for 20 25 maybe so that was the first time I actually knew shortly thereafter. I actually took a job. It was very intentional. So at 24 you got the 600 ma that never went through. It never worked out but they agree to it, but they agreed to and that's all I needed to know that I can do possible. It's possible. Yeah, I'm here. I'm a developer now. Yeah, and nobody taking this from me, right? So I ended up getting a job shortly thereafter. I didn't get that money was running low. Yeah, I had to you know for unit things like that. That's fine. But I got a job working at a cdfi a real job a real job. Okay. Yeah a real job. What's a cdfi a CD of fire is a community development financial institution. Okay. We just we just learned about that. Yeah. Sorry about I'm a slow learner. Yeah, I think I heard there's a young lady here. There was a young lady here was talking just about the size in yeah City fathers, right? So the bright Woman by yeah. Shout out to the bright woman. Yeah. So yeah, I worked ended up getting a job. It was actually have time for to see if I've held on the person in the country to do this, but I work for forward Community Investments. They were a mission-based community lender that Didn't loans to small businesses and then the Community reinvestment Fund. They were a national nonprofit that did the same thing in a different way. So one was a state-based focused on Wisconsin other one was National also Target in Milwaukee. So I worked at home. I work remotely so I was really more of a contractor for real. I work remotely from home for both of these companies really going out doing technical assistance with businesses and understanding what the gaps were that why are we giving this money out? Like I had had access to one of them was from 50,000 to 5 million dollars in lending that was mind lending capacity personally. I can like give that out to businesses. So I was like, oh, this is great. It was very much all along with my vision and my mission and I was able to sit in on the credit Committees of these different companies. So when it came to like applying for loans and applying for some of these things I know exactly what they were looking for because I was sitting in there. So I worked there for two years what type of clientele or clients to what you're seeing Primarily business for Community reinvestment CRF, it was business clients. So I was looking at bars. I was looking at pubs. I was looking at cleaning companies. I was looking at it was a full gamut and in for Community Investments, it was more so real estate by for real. So you so use on the inside of the institution and you you knew what they were looking for to lend money. Yeah, you use that when you left at to get the loan you money because you already know what they're looking for. And diarrhea that way it didn't really work out that way. Okay Okay, it definitely idea. Yeah, it was idea. But now I know how all the group's work the same. So yeah, I use that same tactic to get all the rest of it. So what they what were they looking for? And what makes you attractive? Not you? I'm just and I will make somebody attractive to somebody my honestly, it's a huge gap. So II thought that I would be giving out a ton of money but and I had access to the capital but I couldn't give it out what they were looking for. It was a disconnect. It's like our people are here and their money is here. And I feel like it was my duty to kind of like bridge that Gap but that Gap so they were looking for honestly pretty traditional things. You know, it's like reserves some some, you know, may or may not do a start-up so you might have to have some income collateral is the biggest thing in our community. That was that's the biggest guy. We don't have collateral if you think about history a lot of businesses were funded because people owned real estate right you were able to get It's loans because you can put your house up Millennials. We I'm well, I'm a millennial houses, right? You know, so that that that is a challenge that is a shift in the marketplace that I don't think has been identified yet. So we all of our people are like yo, we don't have any money. We don't have any money. We don't have any money. There's such access to Capital gap which there is but on the other side there screaming. Oh, we have so much money and we can't deploy it. That's what happens every single time you talk to anyone in the industry and that's what they're going. To tell you all right, I bet so now we're going to go into the next segment. We're going to talk about like your journey into developing like how you find a deal like all little 101 or not since hitting on that on the whole. Yeah on the whole one the whole deal. Hey, let's break it down then. All right. Ernest you're currently paying off student loan debt interested in improving your financial literacy or looking for new ways to earn income and today's ever-changing digital landscape. Well on the talk money with the mesh lakhani podcast mesh will follow Paper Trails chat with experts break down complex ideas and bring Clarity to the mystical Financial phenomenon. Each episode will be filled with compelling stories covering a broad range of subjects. From buying Bitcoin dealing with student loan debt and everything in between. So listen to talk money with mesh lakhani on Spotify or wherever you listen to your favorite podcast and learn how to spend invest in learn in today's economy. All right. So now we now we're going to ask a few questions that I think people will be interested in as far as you know, one thing where you is we like we talked about different topics that nobody really knows like I don't really have an education on this stuff. So as a real estate, Developer right? So you you do the financial blueprint, but now you actually have to develop it but development cost a lot of money to scale these projects, right? So how like, how does that part of it work as far as the construction? Aspect of it and actually develop it is that in my mind. I'm thinking and development. Yeah, you're baking the financial blueprint, but I'm like, you're not even seeing a physical output before you start or do you know like what you want this place to look like going in? Yeah you create you create it. So the developer is the one that creates division in his mind very similar to a director of a movie, right? Okay, like they don't they don't they're not the actor. They're not the They're not the scriptwriter often times, but they bring it all to fruition. And this is the way that it needs to go. So a developer, let's rewind a little bit real estate development is a it's a business process that takes land and you put real estate on it. So very simple there but a little deeper so I'm a commercial real estate developer. So I'm pretty much doing that a just a larger scale and there's different like sections of it, right? So I guess let's say break it down into three phases. There's a Development phase where you do the design and you get the financials in order and you talk through some of those things the second phase of the construction phase to your point. That's when you go and you're actually building the project and you're managing the budget to make sure that this is on time and on budget because if the cost of your development is more than what you anticipated then when the recession hit that's kind of what happened like you saw buildings that were halfway developed the people stepped away because there was not enough money to continue In you to project their plea the project and then the last phase is Operation to pre-development construction operation a developer pretty much runs that entire face from beginning to end. So let's break them down pre development phase. You have I typically start off with zoning and entitlement. It's like, okay. I have a piece of land here. How large is let's say it's an acre of land. Okay based on this acre. What is his own for? What? Can I do here my Because typically multifamily so it's like okay how many units cannot put on here? Let's say, you know Acres 43,000 square feet, depending on where you are. They based zoning off of Florida area ratio. So this thing called fa are so let's say it's 2 2 times fa are so you can put if it's far2 you can put a a 6,000 square foot building on this parcel. And then you reverse engineer how many units you can fit? So 83,000 square feet depending on the unit size if they're one and two bedrooms. You may be able to get 90 units if they are, you know, three and four bedrooms. You may be able to get 60 units and then based on the program. You create a vision around what is attainable for the site. So I start with the zoning and it's like okay. Yeah. What can I do and then based on the zoning? I create a financial model and dig a little deeper in and that's when I reach out to Consultants to do some other work, it's like a Architects. I want to put 70 units right here. Can I do that? Okay, what does that look like, you know, can I do underground parking here? Can I have surface parking how many stalls kind of fit and that kind of changes the iteration of that financial model that I was working on? Okay. Let me change this up a little. How long is that first that pre-process take for you? No time for real at this point. Well ours ours couple hours. Wow, so that's sending the third second and third one is the actual development right construction second one is extra. So we not even in construction yet. So that's that's early early initial just pre pre and then what you do is like, okay, I think I'm onto something and then you go get the site under control. So you reach out to the landowner. Is it available is it private is a public is it if it's public land sometime they have rfps and that's what I was warded with the 41 million. I Awarded that land to now develop it by the state or the city that was sitting on but sometimes it stayed on some time in cities sometimes County it varies. Okay, so that was public that's a public-private partnership in that way but sometimes private so when it's private land that's when you to little more difficult. Ah, yes a little more difficult because people value their land the way that they value their land. It's not different from a property if you own a home, you may feel like you're home. Um is worth $500,000 the appraisal may say your home is worth 200 or 100. So when you go to that individual and say hey, this is my plan for this site. Y'all have to have some level of common ground to make sure that this works because if they want five times your number it's not feasible you move on that Vision can't come to fruition because this is not roadblock and then once once you then okay, yeah, I think this will work around this price. I'll give you X for it you X4, okay. What's the time in DC? I mean typically you got to have a 30-day close 60-day close like a quick no contingencies. No, nothing in Wisconsin. I could you know, sometimes do year and a half without having to close on the financing and buy clothes. I mean, I actually pay for the land you pay for the land typically when your financial construction start. So when you close on all your finances, I got every all my ducks in a row. It all comes to the table the same time and it goes out to the various parties one of those parties being the landowner they can walk away. I now purchase it. I now can start construction which is now phase two. So when you're in that phase and you try to get the land, what's the bidding process right? So you were rewarded or water not warning you I'll Water the land what kind of explain what that means but what's the process of bidding for it? Yeah to sew sew on the private side. No process it. Just wondering one. Can I buy this from you or no? And I've been told no because of my age and my color before to be honest. Yeah, but on the public side, they typically put out a list of priorities that they want the most recent one. My 89 unit was a public public partnership and they just want to Redevelopment of a blighted site. It was half a mile away from where I was raised and I wanted to develop a show up at 89 units of affordable housing in my hood. That's what I did and they agree with my plan it. Wasn't very competitive and that was that but there are other ones like the one in Madison and I just one was very very competitive. They had multiple rounds of rfps this RFP again request for proposal. So that's when the city says. Hey these these are our priorities for this site. We own inside. We don't want to own this site cities often don't want to own sites because they want to benefit from the tax revenue from it. It's not in their best interest to pay the upkeep. It's a lot of risk associated with owning land. Cities often try to partner and sell and you know, do things like that so that this priority specifically they wanted a grocery store. It's like right next door is a Pic N Save Roundy's was just acquired by Kroger and they're shutting that Pick n Save down. So now this area is about to be a food desert. So the city was like, okay in order for us to preserve some level of grocery in this area. We need to put out an RFP. So that was the number one priority or grocery store. Second was affordable housing and some level of Housing and density. So I put together the best plan to bring that grocery store in the quickest amount of time. So, all right, they need a grocery store. They write their identified a need a grocery store. Why don't they just reach out to grocery stores directly? Why did they did Oliver they they did grocery stores often don't develop their own land either they lease hmm, you know, so a developer developer Developer manage that process businesses don't typically manage that process, you know, if you think about Apple Apple isn't going to like build their own headquarters. They're gonna hire some Consultants or developer to build it for them. So that's an RFP can be in that way too. So that's it. It's of interest for them to align themselves with a developer who has the capacity to do this because it's not something that just easily can be done. Got it. They can't just do it. So Phase 2 the construction phase bit about that. Yeah construction. So each each phase is a little less risky. So pre development phase is a ton of risk. I rewind a little bit then I'll go into it. It's a ton of risk because you're paying a ton of Consultants to do work. You're doing environmental assessments a phase 1 and Phase 2 since I could be $10,000 between the two divided mental it says that when they check in the dirt to see second. Yeah. Well, yes, so environmental that's one where they seeing if it's contaminated has it been you know was this a gas station historically is this up to code? Because you don't want those fools to rise in the people get sick and die and all that stuff. So you pay for environmental Consultants you pay for civil Consultants, which put together the design of the building and make sure this is secure. Okay Architects design it but the civil engineers are saying this will be starting for x amount of time. We won't have settlement Etc and he hired Geo technical consultants to test the soil and to see is a soil okay, you know stuff like that. So the soil is more so like for settlement civil was myself structure and Longevity and things like that. So all of those people you got to hire prior to getting to construction whose feelings paint that the developer is so yeah The Great quest log is yeah, but you can you can get once you have a plan together you can get loans in theory. Yeah, they can get along. We can't get loans, really right they can get along. So I partner with the people that can get alongs and try to I'll go into that in a second but you pay for all these Consultants even architect all the architectural designs are pretty renderings and all that's like see ya, you know, this couple hundred thousand easy. So before you get to construction are any of these rfps are like do does it ever come into play with the was it mwb? Minority women business is it because I already like three half Have a certain amount of development of developed by minority developers is that case minority developers is not a thing. It's not a thing. It's not it minority contractors is a thing. Okay minority developers is not a thing. So I have to end my development counterparts. Yeah that ass. I'm an anomaly for real. So I have to hire minority women veterans and my colleagues have to do the same my counterpart to do something. We have to hire them the construction workers make sure that all of the people that are part of the same a Beat 20 25 percent 30 percent 40 percent of the total the money that is allocated to the budget has to go to work these groups, but there's no structure for me as a developer and being black to benefit from that. Why not? That's what most money has it ever been proposed don't know I've never heard of it. I'm sure it has historic black developers aren't a thing. A lot of them. Didn't know it's not a thing because historically Banks we all know about redlining we all know about that. There's a book called the color of law talked about this before but for people that don't know color a lot documented the government's effect on communities and intentionality of segregation. So what they did was if white developer even was developing something that allowed a black person to live in it Hood would not insure. So the bank would not give a loan. So that was for white developer. So imagine a black developer trying to develop something for black people wasn't possible. So the marionberries of the world and just like a see Russell in Atlanta the mayor of Atlanta the mayor of DC reached out and use their political connections to bring these two you up AJ Russell and Atlanta down people's in DC in order to create economic engine in our community that allow for growth in a way that does not exist. So again, that that's not just not a thing at all and hopefully it can become a thing but there's not enough black developers. I mean I'm a conference is all the time. I got a real estate meetups and everything like that, but oftentimes just like Most most folks are investors because it's all we know most of the developers. I know aren't they don't look like me so I don't care if Kevin Newell, it's big brother my he's killing it in Milwaukee right now. Absolutely killing it. He's a black developer that is doing his thing couple folks out here in DC as well Dr. McKinney. I really respect Don people's sun is actually doing development out of DC as well. So there's some like developers like bubbling up. Yeah, but yeah, it's just not How important political political collect connections depends on where you are I would say in Wisconsin not as much Wisconsin is a very objective state if you are doing if you are checking these boxes. You can move forward in a place like other places. It's not that objective. It's a little more subjective will you know and all yeah. Yeah. So yeah, I think we were talking about the construction part real quick. So you start off ton of pre-development risk you pay for the all of these Consultants couple hundred thousand and then at the closing table, so the benefit of getting to the closing table, is that all that risk is wiped away. It's all a part of the development budget. Although you're paying for it before. It happens. You get refunded once all your money comes in. So the 300,000 that you had out the million dollars that you had up all comes back right there. So that's a great day. And then what happens in the construction phase you have to mitigate that risk? Because you know people may not come to work or the cost of something maybe more expensive or the design wasn't you have to change the design up and things like that. So you have to look out for all of those things before you get under construction because when that construction budget gets blown up. It's a it's a real thing. And the first thing that goes at that point is your developer fee. We have to pay for that. So we got to mitigate that risk because you can get a project done and I make nothing so that point my first project 60 unit fordable Housing Development twelve point six million dollars, I made $30,000 on three and a half years worth of work. I made $30,000. That was it. What kind of insurance do you have to have to be protected like during construction just as a developer. I'm sure like anything. He said like you're on the hook, right? So I guess you don't want to have to Come out of your pocket if something happens the risk appetite. So there's no insurance. No, it's not a thing. Now. Is this a risk you take so that deal 12 and a half million my original development Partners. So this is my first project this one. I got in 2016. My regional development Partners were fully integrated farm. So they did they did development construction and Property Management. They did it all so I'm like, okay bed. Let me partner with these guys. Let me learn from their different entities is all one stop and then we gonna do it moving forward. Word. Once we got the award their board wasn't as comfortable with the original terms. We agreed to so now, you know based on so you have to make guarantees you make Financial guarantees for construction. I guarantee that this will be built even on my own die and you have to spread the risk across development profile and share that with Partners if they are making all the guarantees they're taking all the money. So that's why we get boxed out to black folks typically don't have the capital to say welcome. Yeah, we came back guarantee. I have about yeah, well, you said that because I have a friend who client. Well, whose arm developer in New York. He's black. He always tells me about these personal guarantees that he has to put up of like all this money and properties like when every time they doing a deal and it's like him and his partner, they got duties personal lines of guarantees and all that stuff personal guarantee personal guarantee. And if you don't have the bare minimum for the projects that I'm working on you need a million dollars in liquidity like cash and five million dollars in that works to start the conversation that's going to eliminate a lot of Of us that's why you don't see black developers. That's the primary reason why you don't see black developers because you can't get in a game and when you start to you get raped, it's like, okay. Well you got an idea you got a concept. I want 90% you can get 10 and then we just get used as Brokers to find sites and so they can make more money but I wasn't on that. I'm not on that. So I get the majority of my fees at this point at least 51% I'm gonna get standing on it. That's not it. So you say I'm holding Partnerships so you so you partner with a lot of people. Yeah, I have to so for a young cat or do not even okay anybody just in general cause like you said, it's a lot of barriers to get in it. at the best way to go about it is to kind of find somebody already already that's successful and kind of work with them. Yeah. I mean I can reach out to all the time. I definitely I want to support everybody but realistically I just can't capacity thing. So that said I think the best way is to create value you have to create value. If you're not creating value, then you're just there if if you want to work with me just like if I want to work with them. Is it worth my time to work with you? Not if you not bring anything to the numbering I could do it on my own. That's all people out. Uh, you got it got it be mutual and it can't because that's more of a charity thing. Right? It's like you can only do so much chatter time and a place for that. Yeah, you know, mr. Shipp charity. It's not a Business Partnership Business Partnership has it doesn't have to be equal but you have to bring something kind of bring some value. Yeah. So if you can create value in real estate the way that I did it I created the financial model are created the vision and I got the land in the contract. That's what I was my control. So if I pitched it to anybody they can't just go get this land already. Got it. Yeah, so now it's like I have leverage. So if you as a developer want to or aspiring developer want to take that strategy don't get some land on a contract put a financial plan and make sense. I talked about language earlier showed me the language. This is the language that we speak right here. When you start speaking that language we can partner with no problem. Not the last part that property management piece. Do you have your own or you still partner with somebody for most of my development Partners having on shots? I don't have my own it only makes sense when? You have so many units you got a scale is a scale thing. So when I get to you know, a couple thousand units are probably start one, but right now I know alright. So the last second we got talk about scaling. We all talk about a few other businesses that you got in the DMV since we're in the DMV. So it's about multiple streams of income for sure. What's up y'all? So if you're listening to this you obviously like podcast and you probably Music just as much on Spotify. You can listen to all your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't need to premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download Episode to listen to offline wherever you are and it's really easy to share what you've been listening to with your friends on Instagram if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for earn your leisure. Iran Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow us. So you never miss an episode of Ernie Leisure again. All right. So in the last time I'm gonna talk about a few things, but first, what about scaling because obviously you've come a long way but you're still young. So what should worship what's your vision with your plan? We should we should goals as far as scaling moving forward into this new decade. Let us where I mean, I think I am an entrepreneur. So I think my profession is a real estate developer, but I'm really entrepreneur. Hmm. So scaling I'm open to different concepts one being said when I said but working on a real estate crowdfunding platform. Okay, I think that'll be my next big Endeavor. That's the probably lots of early next year. Okay, so that's that's a go and that's a tech platform. So I plan to leverage Tech to crowd fund money in real estate and then pour it back in our T in a way that doesn't currently exist there's access to Capital Challenge and this is the way that I'm gonna fix it. Right so like that Gap that you were saying that was there it would now season it. Hmm. Oh, yeah. So that's to go that's part of it. Skeleton specifically for Rural Enterprises my development company. We keep doing affordable housing primarily. That's my thing. I think it's a we need we need it everywhere and it will always be a thing. So if I could do one or two divs and Wisconsin here, I think that's cool for now. And then working on some stuff in DC working on a platform. I got snot not a platform but it's a 41 Housing Initiative with a professor at a Georgetown law called a bridge. So what we're doing is trying to identify five sites for us to develop in D.C. Baltimore in Philly. So for me, I think next year. I'm going to be targeting, you know, four to five sites in those areas. I want to do see right now that I'm working on and southwest DC. Hundred and forty units or so probably close to 80 million dollar development while 25,000 square feet. Are you bringing anybody with you as far as like a mental or Apprentice long journey, so they can see what this is like yes or no. I mentored a ton of Milwaukee has probably the most black developers in the country. Wow, that's crazy. So I got some I got it. Oh gee and then I got some young companies that are coming up to but in DC, I'm actually launching platform or launching keeps on platform launch enough. Educational type of deal for a development program development training program and I'm actually going to do it in Partnership probably with Georgetown. So that'll launch next year as well. So I'm gonna call that reinvest and you have a you have a Bar Lounge in DC. Yeah. I saw on a on a Bar Lounge in DC. What's that was supposed to deal with that? It's called the Caged Bird open that like I said, I think I mentioned earlier like are used to fund bars and pubs. And things like that so I know the finance of it. So I'm like, okay, I'm across opportunity friend of mine best friend of Milwaukee. He's a developer to but he owns a spot in Milwaukee. So he was looking at opening one of these see got introduced to a broker broker restyle. I walk the site for him. It was first sent out as marking them. Like I don't I'm really feeling this you shouldn't do it. I told him he shouldn't do it because he wanted to do it at first then identify the sighting to Dupont Circle or down only white area and see and I was like, oh this would be dealt like it was a cool opportunity. So tell him about it. Yo, I think I want to do this you down. He had some things going on in Milwaukee that needs to straighten out. He was like, yeah, I'll just take it around with it. So I said back when out created an equity pool because I practice what I preach like, I literally am all about Black. Well, that's that's who I am. I know I'm going to be straight on the development side. I'm not worried about my finances, but if I can create opportunities for ownership for my people, I think I'm living in my purpose. So created an equity pool brought in a bunch of owner's equity pool. Just a bunch of people that just pulled their money together. Yeah. So actually I did 50 percent financing and 50% like Sweat Equity. Okay. So if you wanted to come in and like be the chef or you know come in and run the bar come in and run events. I allow I kind of created an opportunity for that to toe. If you don't have money you can work it work it way. Yeah pretty much so that was you know, I have capacity constraints. Um, I'm a Full-time developer I run a whole Enterprise of just couldn't do it on my own anyway, but I thought that this would be the best way so hundred percent black owned operated stabbed and finance though all by us. It's been it's been a very good learning experience, you know comes it's been a roller coaster ride, but not easy not easy restaurant business name of the restaurant where we would you get from want to say I'm a strong black woman, so honestly, Busboys and Poets is a prominent place in DC. So I like all the names dope and it's a not to Langston Hughes. Yeah, so I was like, all right. I'm like, um who inspire me Maya Angelou was that person? So I was like, okay, you know, how can I think their name so ended up landing on the Caged Bird 2016. I saw Maya Angelou's documentary and Still I Rise it was a great documentary and it was the first time I always knew that I was living black history. But his first time I was able to like identified and He else like Joe. I saw this whole process. He was a woman. She was molested. She was silent. She then starts speaking. She became a poet. She was a she was everything under the sun. You could think of, you know, good things bad things Etc do the research you can find it but she was a true and actual person. So I wanted to create a space that people could live and be like history within so I named the cage where for sure for sure and I think it's fitting because DC has so much Rich history. Rich black history. Every histamine this is the capital of America or we can talk about America without the contributions of African American we can talk about Washington DC without the contributions of Black America. Well, that's what happened and that's why they the museum haven't got a chance to go to the museum. You have you going there? Yeah. I've been a few times. Yeah, go to be in there one day sure. In fact as a fan as a fact what's going on it? Yeah, it's a fact that's a fact man. So yeah. Congratulations. Miss is very inspiring especially a lot of times like we doing the conversation you might have forgot that you only 31 years old. Not that I'm as far removed choice or congratulations and it's great to see, you know to see people because a lot of times we highlight things that are negative for sure. We got to highlight positive. Yeah. I'm not the type. I don't look for attention. That's not really my thing. Like actually don't care for people probably don't believe that but it was something in me that said it would be a disservice to my community for not giving the knowledge that I have. So I had to like accept her night and it's the greatest gift that you can give. Yeah his inspiration and you like I said, I would tell you off camera. You never know who's listening and like the kid that was like, oh I could be a real estate developer not just an investor and not just all right, like and now exactly you know it exists. Could be a civil engineer like oh, that's so so much so much money in real estate in right in a sense. Yeah, and it's like the it's like how you look how you looked at people's like they might be somebody looking at you. I even just like that. It's gone I'm saying so it's like what that's how that's how life is so crazy for sure. You don't even realize it and it's like you inspiring somebody and it's like now they might Inspire somebody like off of what you done playing for exactly exactly, but it south of the all for having a platform to do so, thank you. No I'm saying this is this is much important for us. For our community and to be able to dig into these numbers in a way that doesn't exist. You know, you're not going to be able to Google the fact that some of these numbers that I said today I break down the restaurant business to if y'all want me to talk to you can't go get the stuff. So priests a chart. No, thank you Miss. Oh, how can people contact you any initiatives that you want to make them aware of social media and all that stuff be underscore. Are you Ellie? That's my Instagram handle be rule. Everybody called me that I was Brandon it's a ton of brand is growing outside Sports. Nine be ruled by Jarl. Yeah. Enterprise is the name of my development company Caged Bird is my restaurant Barn Dupont and I got a I got a new thing called reinvest coming out soon. So you'll stress Alton. So Troy housekeeping item. Yeah, shout everybody on every time we come on. It seems that we get new members. So I just want to give a quick shout-out and recognition to see manual Rafael area. Well, Mark and Gregory shout out to you all for joining us on patreon tip four and five members, you know that you have access to eyl University our online school and it's grown man. We have a lot of webinars up there a lot of great content we have from tax taxes to what else do we have on the everything with notary motor mobile? Notary. We had Sabine talking about trademarking multiple streams of income the most efficient income how to start a podcast. Cast 203k loan class everything everything you can think of in this and every week is three three classes added to the curriculum. So it's this is grown-up. It's a growing University and emerges out to so as you can see Rashad has UIL University hooded gear, man. So keep tuning in man. The podcast is growing. Our streams of income have grown we come up with new ideas and new lessons mayor. This was like a history lesson and a business lesson a woman. Yeah for sure you wrote. Thank you. I appreciate it motivational purposes only. That's it - keep chasing Bill man. Sure for sure Atlanta. Don't forget Lana January 2015. We 26 we releasing information on that soon, but we come into town for sure and who knows Brandon might pop up. My pull-up was like full of the book. Tip for this week is thinking Grow Rich a black choice, but Dennis Kimbrell. Thank you guys for rocking with us. We'll see you next week. Peace. It's perfect.
Our latest edition of Home Town Heroes comes courtesy of the turbulent city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. At the age of 31 Brandon Rule is a business prodigy. He is a commercial real estate developer with an extremely impressive resume. He has developed $50 million in affordable housing projects in Milwaukee through his company Rule Enterprises and has an additional $180 million in projects currently in his development pipeline. A few weeks ago Brandon went viral on social media after news broke that the city of Madison, WI recommended that he be awarded a contract to develop a 30,000-square-foot grocery store, 150-unit apartment building and 345-space parking garage on a city-owned lot. There aren’t too many black commercial real estate developers, and they’re definitely aren’t a lot his age. One of the reasons why there are so few black developers is that there isn’t a lot of exposure given to successful individuals in the industry. Most people think about real estate from an investor’s perspective very few aspire to be big-time commercial developers. In episode 54 of @earnyourleisure Brandon broke down the ins and outs of commercial real estate development, he explained how affordable housing credits work, he talked about financing and he gave an in-depth look into his journey into becoming an icon in the industry. Guest IG: @b_rule Book Tip: Think and Grow Rich a Black Choice --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hello. Thanks for listening to the embodied astrology month ahead. Audio horoscopes for Leo season. This is Renee Sills your astrologer and host of the embodied astrology podcast along with these horoscopes. Please make sure to listen to embodied astrology for Leo season this special episode called glow time focuses on Leo in the body in life and love and relationships and experiences everybody. He carries Leo in their bodies. Everybody has Leo in their charts. And in this episode, I'll offer some attunements and healing practices for working with Leo in yourself. And in your life. Also, please remember to check back in with me at the new moon and the full moon this month for some lunar Attunement practices on July 31st. We have a new moon in Leo and on August 15th. We have a full moon in Aquarius and both of those days. I'll be putting out meditations or embodiment rituals to You are tuned with these lunar cycles. I want to offer a huge. Thank you to subscribers subscribers. Thank you so much. You keep embodied astrology happening and your monthly donations are what sustains this work? If you enjoy embodied astrology, please consider becoming a subscriber you can subscribe at any amount per month really even just one dollar a month is so helpful your monthly subscriptions. Allow me to continue this work with Enos and reliability and if you get something out of embodied astrology, please help it to sustain help it to continue subscribers also get access to my extended monthly horoscopes and these extended forecasts include a PDF with planetary aspects and lunar cycles throughout the month my interpretations for the energy of those aspects and cycles and some embodied suggestions for how to work with this energy. You'll also get an extended audio horoscope that You can listen to that isn't signed specific but that goes through in detail a lot of planetary energy that I don't mention in your individual horoscopes. If giving a recurring donation isn't available to you at this time. Consider a one time donation. And please always share it with friends. This is the number one way. You can support this project is by reposting it forwarding on the emails and telling your friends about it giving five star reviews on Apple iTunes podcast or wherever it is that you listen. Listen, finally. I want to give a brief plug for a special Retreat that I'm offering later this year from September 29th to October third. I'll be offering a three-day residential Retreat where we'll be working with embodied astrology in this Retreat. You'll learn a ton about astrology you will work with your own chart. You'll get to prepare for the exciting astrology of 2020 and use your astrology and use the tools that I offer for how you embody astrology and the astrological Potential to manifest your magic get more information at embodied under Play and Learn and Live Events. Your horoscope is coming right up stick around. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on. Modify Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. All right, we're going to get into your horoscope. Now as always I just want to encourage you to listen with an open mind horoscopes are a general kind of art. There are a ton of people on the planet and there are not only twelve kinds of people. So as I offer your horoscope, I'm offering General suggestions and the energy that I'm receiving from the chart may or may not be applicable to you in exactly the way that I speak it. So, please listen for the sentiment or the Symbolism and what I'm saying apply it to yourself intuitively if you associate to something that I'm saying, that's the right thing. You can go down that road. Listen a couple of times ask questions to yourself kind of consider all the different ways that you could think about what I'm offering and always take what works leave the rest. Remember that these horoscopes are simply suggestions here for your best benefit and positive Evolution. I want to encourage you to listen to the horoscopes for at least Your son and your rising sign your sun sign is the season that you are born. It's what you answer when someone asks. Hey, what's your sign? Your rising sign is the time of day. You were born not everybody has this information, and so if you don't know your rising sign your sun sign is awesome to listen to some people really get into listening for their Moon signs for their Lena signs. There are all different signs for all the planets in your chart and really many of the horoscopes could speak to you. So I hope you oil, whichever ones you listen to Hello Aries, welcome to your month ahead forecast and audio horoscope for Leo season, Leo season begins July 22nd. It ends on August 22nd. And Leo is a fellow fire sign. It is the fifth sign in the Zodiac. Yours is the first sign in the Zodiac and so for the area solar chart Leo rules the fifth house and the fifth house is a really fun place. Leo is a really fun sign. So this energy for you describes basic Vitality. First of all, this is your life energy. It's your Chi it's how you express yourself how you are a radiant being the energy which emanates out from you is described by this place in your chart. We always ruled by the Sun and so when the sun is in this season and stimulating this part of your solar chart, it stimulates your central Channel and and you can think of Leo energy as the internal sun and of course in our solar system the sun is the center of that system. And so this energy is at your Center and your Center is a vital place and this is something that you will probably be kind of feeling and focusing on over the course of the next 30 days just sensing into your own Vitality into your own energy. Some of you may be sensing the impending. Commence to Your vitality and energy and others of you may be sensing the enthusiasm or the expansiveness of this kind of energy as the sun moves into Leo. It's meeting up with the planet Mars Mars is your ruling planet. So wherever Mars is that says something about what your energy is doing and as the sun and Mars are both in this place in your chart. You are really supported in your energy and in Your vitality some of you may have more Big bombastic potentially confrontational energy is getting stimulated as you'll hear if you listen to the embodied astrology for Leo season, the more General podcast where I talk a lot about Leo and what's happening with Leo right? Now Leo can be an energy that expresses itself kind of without consideration for the group and I'm sure you've heard a lot about Aries and Aries kind of Martian or Marsden. Energy, which can also be somewhat non-relational and self-focused. So there is a potential that you might just want to kind of keep a check on your energy and particularly on the effect of your energy with the larger world, but honestly the aspects that planets and Leo are forming over the course of the next month. I think you are really learning something about your energy. This is more likely you're learning about about your energy your learning how to fix other people you're learning how to protect it and preserve it and use it's completely and that feels like the bigger lesson right now. So in brief Leo season for you stimulates your creative Center, this is your kind of inner child energy your childlike innocence your joy your desire for fun and friends and playfulness. This is a really good time of year. To give yourself time to indulge whatever it is that makes you happy and brings a smile to your face. This is a great time of year for you to feel sexy and playful and fun and interesting and to get together with people who stimulate those Sensations for you Leo energy is quite exciting and there's a lot going on in the fire signs right now. There is the movement of Sagittarius. Excuse me the movement of Jupiter through Sagittarius all year all of 2019 and as you've heard me talk about if you check in with embodied astrology regularly Chiron has entered your sign this year and it will be there for about eight years and what I make out of this is a lot of healing potential a lot of healing energy for you as an individual person living in a collective experience living within the environment of The world right now and all the people in it and some kind of evolutionary process that you're in right now around understanding a deeper meaning for your unique energy and also understanding how when you are accessing what is right at your Center. And again, this is a sense of Vitality and enthusiasm and some kind of very unique and personal expression that you have when you're accessing that place in yourself. Cough in more of an unbridled kind of courageous way. You actually get great results in the world. So please make sure to check in with embodied astrology for Leo season to get more information on Leo as an energy. And then if you are a subscriber, you'll get an expanded forecast for the month ahead. It's not signed specific, but I'm going to talk a lot about all of the transits throughout the month of the lunar cycles and kind of how to work with them. And this is valuable information for you. If you're a person who finds value working with astrology now, let's talk a little bit about what's coming up in this month ahead. So as I mentioned there's a lot of fire in the chart. There's a grand fire Trine between the the sun in Leo Mars and Leo Chiron and Aries and Jupiter in Sagittarius. This is stimulating the parts of your chart that are very personal your identity your self-expression your joy and the meaning you make out of life and your Sense of purpose in it right now. These topics are getting fired up with all of this energy. They're getting energized throughout the course of the month. The fire signs are making aspects to earth and water and part of what this means is that your passion and your enthusiasm gets support by being pragmatic grounded practical and relational emotional kind of sensing in again with how you're impacting the world around you and how the world around you. See you these aspects however between fire and earth and water are sometimes a little frustrating fire energy wants to be big and expansive earth and water energy are more internal interior and downward moving their more grounding and relational. So there may be some kind of tests for your energy this month, but if you can kind of just respond to them with a sense It's of growth-oriented optimism. I think you move through them quite easily. So as we move into the month on July 27th, there's going to start to be a movement of the personal planets also into Leo the sun moves in on the 22nd and then on July 27th Venus moves into Leo and Venus. Will Transit through the sign until August 21st, wherever Venus is we have a sense of Love Harmony Beauty and value Venus is bringing it's benefic energy into this part of your chart that has to do with your sense of playfulness your innocence your joy the more that you kind of give yourself experiences where you can authentically express yourself where you can be in your playful expression not trying to prove anything to anybody but just being yourself being your lovely self smiling playing then the more attractive you become to the world around you and the more you have other people kind of join you in that playful place then the happier you Um, and this kind of has a mirror effect, right? So you become sweeter and then your sweetness magnetizes attention towards you on July 4 31st will have a new moon at 8 degrees of Leo a new moon is always a great time to set a new intention one new moon in Leo to the next new moon in Leo takes a year. So this is a great time to think about your intentions for the upcoming year in this part of your chart in this part of your life. And Your vitality your joy Your Enthusiasm your sense of playfulness and your Creative Energy. How do you express yourself? Creatively? That means honestly, how do you give from your heart and from your Center? This is also the day that mercury turns direct. So it's starting to conclude its retrograde cycle Mercury is turning Direct in the late degrees of cancer for you cancer rules the place in the chart that has to do with home and family and mercury has entered. Into this place after turning retrograde in Leo. So there's some kind of message here about your basic Safety and Security in the world and the people are the connections around you that allow you to express in this enthusiastic playful kind of more childlike way. There may be some recognition that you've had over the last couple of weeks during Mercury retrograde about basic needs that you have for emotional security. You may be under Standing something now about your bonding style and this is important especially with friends with lovers with other people that you might really be wanting to express yourself authentically and find that sense of playful Joy with and as mercury starts to turn into its direct motion and move back into Leo. I think you're ready to really re-engage with some kind of process around your own self-expression. Now that you understand what your emotional needs are. It's up. To you to communicate of course what these needs are and that might be a little bit murky for a couple of weeks. There's a lot going on in the water signs. There's a lot going on in your unconscious spaces. As long as you really make the intention to communicate in the moment to check in with your own energy to be mindful about how you're communicating to speak from your heart. I think you're going to do a great job with it think back to June 21st. This is when Mercury Gannets retrograde cycle and just take note of any importance kind of observations ideas plans you had in these last couple of weeks start to feel into them now and just a couple of weeks as mercury leaves its shadow. You're going to be ready to start acting on these sentiments on August 11th. Jupiter turns direct Jupiter has been retrograde since April 10th. As I mentioned before Jupiter is in Sagittarius. This is another fire sign for are you Sagittarius rules the solar ninth house? This is the place of high wisdom. Hi teachings. And important ideas and belief systems that have a lot to do with your path in life your purpose in life. And the meaning you make out of life why you're here what you're here to do as Jupiter turns direct you may feel greater Clarity moving forward with projects or ideas that have to do with your sense of path with your sense of purpose. As I mentioned at the beginning. There is a grand fire Trine throughout the month if not directly. Bye or by aspect if you're an astrologer and watching aspects Chiron is at the beginning of Aries. So the grand fire Trine may not be exact by aspect. But all of the fire signs are very stimulated throughout the month and this gives me the feeling that you're just moving really steadily into something that feels more and more like you you're not trying to be anybody that you're not you're letting go of belief systems and ideas that are constructed either societally through family kind of influences or from your past self old ideas that are no longer interesting to you and you're really interested in growing into who you are in a very honest way. So as Jupiter turns direct your ideas start to move forwards. You are more supported now to express yourself particularly. If you are pursuing any kind of academic projects any writing projects publishing those of you who are either teachers or learning who are students if you're really in a place of trying to kind of come into like a belief system a thought system a philosophy for yourself over the last couple of months. There's been some kind of consideration about what this really means for you and now there's going to start to to be a movement forward now also on August 11th, you're on a stations retrograde you're honest will be retrograde until January 12th of 2020 when it will then station direct the same day that Saturn and Pluto formed their conjunction in your 10th House of vocation and career you're honest is currently transiting the sign Taurus. This is the place in your chart that rules earned income and your value systems. So the the sense that I get Around August 11th is that you come into a place of Greater certainty and conviction around who you are you're ready to express that and then as you're on a stations direct you have to rework some value systems. You have to rework some very practical foundational issues in your life for some of you this may literally be money some kind of thing like I've figured out who I want to be and that means I need to change my job or I need to use my resources in a different way as we get into January and next year your You're really ready to conquer ties and formalize something about your public expression. Again. This may be your career your vocation have something to do with the way that you earn your living or bring value into your life and over the course of these next five months that you're honest is retrograde. It is a really good time for you to consider your values as well as your resources. What do you need to sustain your projects? And how can you get what you need in ways that are is that maybe aren't what you would think of immediately and that kind of encourage a sense of forward movement future Forward Thinking and sustainability August 11th is also the day that mercury moves into Leo and Mercury now is joining the other personal planets Venus Mars and the Sun as mercury comes into Leo your kind of communicative style and all energy gets that Leo boost this again great time for you to be connecting with friends really good time for you to be identifying what it is that you really enjoy doing and really enjoy spending your time with really good time for you to be expressing yourself for any of you who are artists or performers August looks like a really fun month for you on August 15th. There is a full moon at 22 degrees of Aquarius, and this is also the day that mercury is retrograde shadow. Completes. So a full moon is an opposition between the Sun and the Moon we have the sun in Leo and the opposite sign is Aquarius Aquarius rules, your solar 11th house Aquarius and the 11th house are associated to audiences networks greater social experiences greater social causes humanitarian aims and your ideas your hopes your wishes for the The world and for your future in this full moon, you may have some understandings about how you relate to the group as a unique person. And again, there's a lot of energy this month around you identifying. What is unique. What is special? What is your authentic expression wanting to put that out into the world really wanting to take up your own space? You're also now going to reflect on how this influences the larger world around you how the Group perceives you and how you fit in or don't with the group a group any groups kind of larger social experience Mercury Shadow is also complete this day and Mercury as I mentioned is in Leo Mercury is also trying at this moment to Chiron in your sign. I get a sense that this full Moon is really going to give you some kind of boost around any projects that you're working on or again your sense of justice. A purely personal expression and how you want to be in the world. You may be letting go of old ideas around fitting in with the group and there maybe experiences that you have more social experiences that either affirm for you how you want to be engaging in your social life with group identities or with social identities or negate these kinds of ideas and you feel like okay. I really need some kind of shift, but that Between you as an individual and us part of a group or larger social experience is highlighted. Please check in with embodied astrology on the full moon and the new moon. I forgot to mention. So August 15th is the full moon. July 31st is the new moon and both of those days. I'll be offering lunar attunements on embodied astrology. These are rituals meditations Inspirations for you to connect with the lunar cycle on August 17th Mars. As your ruling planet moves into Virgo and on August 21st Venus follows Mars will be in Virgo through October 4th Venus will Transit Virgo through September 15th, and the sun will move into Virgo on August 23rd. So we have the personal planets now moving into your solar sixth house and into Virgo both of which describe hard work practical applications of your energy service chores. Jobs your body and your health this summer is a big vibrant exciting Energy starts to take a turn for the more practical as we get into later August you're going to be feeling your energy wanting to harness and focus in on something that's tangible. This is getting towards the back to school season and there may be a kind of sensation for you that feels a little bit reminiscent of that like you're wanting to kind of get a little bit more serious field. Momentum of your own energy taking root or affecting in a way that seems effective and useful to you you want to know that the way that you're spending your energy is conducive to achieving your aims and throughout the end of August and then into September you are really supported by the personal planets to do this. So check back in with me on August 23rd. For the Virgo season forecast and extended horoscopes. You can find it all at embodied and wherever you listen. All right. Thanks so much for listening. Happy Leo season. Bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Leo Season in 2019. Cancer Season extends between July 22 - August 22. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to the Embodied Astrology reading for Leo Season. In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of Leo’s zodiacal energy through our bodies, hearts, minds, relationships and the world at large. I’ll talk to you about how to recognize the Leonine influence in yourself and others, and offer some somatic resourcing for working effectively with this energy. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Leo season and is also a very healing and supportive energy to check in with at any point. Learn more about Leo’s qualities and the upcoming month ahead with the Embodied Astrology Reading for Leo Season: Get the Leo Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hello cheap homegrown Nation. This is Shea Macomber from the chief home grow podcast. And on today's show. I have Dan from Auto flower dotnet Dan is the co-founder of Auto flower dotnet and man the Lauren genetics Dan comes on the show today to talk about how to breed Auto flowers and best growing. Going practices you can find Dan on Instagram at full duplex underscore afn. Again. That is full duplex underscore afn Fu LL D. You ple X underscore a afn and also Mandalorian genetics maaaaan. DEA Lor IA n underscore genetics before the podcast begins you can find me on Instagram Twitter Facebook and YouTube all at cheap home grow and also growing with my fellow Growers on Instagram this new Instagram account highlights my new show called growing with my fellow Growers, which airs every Sunday evening 7:00 p.m. Eastern on YouTube this Podcast is information packed. So please rate review subscribe and enjoy the show. Hello everybody. This is Shea McCormick from the cheap home grow podcast. And on today's show. I have Dan from full-duplex underscore AF and again that is full duplex underscore a-f-n and he is the co-founder. Of Auto flower dotnet and Dan comes on the show today to talk about pretty much everything Auto flowers and specifically Auto breeding best practices and Organics, but Dan before we get into that part of the conversation. If you could could you please tell my audience a little bit about yourself? Absolutely and thank you Shane for the introduction there. I really appreciate it. You're welcome. I've been growing for a little over a decade now and majority of that time. I've spent with all the flowers came from a place where audit flowers really didn't have a voice and we were a bunch of Misfits really that needed a place to play. So we formed the audit flower Network and it kind of took off from there got myself involved with all the flowers early on and they infatuated me and I basically I wanted to pursue their lineage because I saw some viability there and kind of where I'm at today. I've gotten involvement with several commercial Farms here in Washington and also can get it out there to Med Growers and home Growers of like available through you know, different seed banks. And so yeah, just kind of been messing with all those for quite a while now. Okay. Cool, Dan. We'll listen man. Thank you for coming on the show. Now thank you for having me again. I appreciate it. No problem. And listen, man. I'm curious though. And this is a question that I like to ask every guy that is Pro Auto flowers. I mean, you know, why did they have such a bad rap to begin with and you think that is slowly changing? Yeah, actually, I think it's rapidly changing and you know to start from the beginning, you know, initially it was a small plant was a low yielding plant. It was a plant that That you could stash underneath your desk or in your dorm room or in your bedroom closet that you could grow and have low odor and you know easy to manage if you needed to grow your own and the biggest drawback, I think initially was low THC percentages which you know, a lot of people like to focus on and through the hand of people like myself and other breeders out there. They've kind of made a huge step forward and I got to see that recently over the last two years and Ting in the larger scale, you know down industrial but the legal cannabis business and seeing what they can do on farms and I think with the increased THC the quick turnover rate, it's become a huge thing for Farms, especially in regions like the Pacific Northwest or even main locations where they have a shorter mild or grow season. I don't know if you know this but Jeffrey lowenthal's was on my show a couple Months ago and he he said to me that he believes and I hope I'm quoting him correctly. He believes that commercial Growers are going to stop growing all the flowers. Is that something that you see in the future? Absolutely and I see it in a broader Spectrum than just the THD field to you know, Jay, I got the fortunate benefit to me Jeff. He came to an event here on Vashon Island and you know, it was pretty much the beginning of his book tour for lack of better term of his Giada flower book that's coming out because it's really excited about it. And again touching on the point. I mentioned earlier the ability for a farm to turn over to potentially three crops if it's done correctly in a season is huge and I think that's where the viability is for the industry. All right, then fair enough fair enough indeed. I'll tell you what let's let's get right into growing Auto flowers and I guess more specifically Auto breeding. Let's talk about lineage selection the importance of the mail and so on and so forth. So I mean what started off with like a 10,000 foot level? I mean the Cannabis breeding in general, you know male female you got to individual plants kind of applies to the auto world to the only caveat to that is the benefit of the audit rate. So looking at lineage, you know, you want to look If you have a favorite you got to fame. Oh, excuse me, apologize their favorite photo sensitive plant that you like and you would like to see it in a quicker ratio. One of the things that you might consider is, you know, bringing it into an audit form and with lineage, I believe it's important if you know the background of the plant in general you have a better understanding of what you're going to get at the end. So ideally what I tell people if they want to start breeding Autos or if they want to start going in any type of breeding is look at the lineage of the two plants through introducing and see how close the familial traits will be. So what you want to look for is an auto flower that has a couple of the same background characteristics as the photo period that you're growing. I think that will increase your success rate of reading and auto that would meet the needs of something that you have already in your garden. Well, let me know you said look for certain traits, but I mean listen, I know this might be very subjective. But what traits do you think somebody should look for the biggest thing? I always look for was what appealed to my nose what appeal to my eye and if there is something specific that you're looking for in both sides kind of try to relate to to look for something that's similar in the audit flower that you may introduce to the photosensitive plant. All right fair enough, you know, let's go down the list. How about the importance of a male? I mean what you know, what's the importance of a male in terms of breeding Auto flowers? Because from what I understand if you're breeding photo periods. It's it's not that important. I mean I might be wrong about that. But you know from what I have heard that seems to be the case. Yeah to me and the auto Flower World the importance of the male seems to have been key opening up several different types of lines and Kim of ours and even different phenotypes from the same generation. It seems the success rate of reaching the goal that I want comes from the mail one of the one of one of my favorite lines that I've created is Anvil and it's a very purple dominant strain. And the reason I even started down that line was because my initial pack of all the flowers that I ever bought was supposed to be a purple flower and I grew out all 10 of them and not a single one of them showed any kind of Our and for us it frustrated me. Hmm, I would imagine so yeah, you know you want what you pay for and so that set me on a path to to find something that I knew if I would germinate that seed in those females would show that at least my female plants would show that color. So I started going down the line and started getting dominance and female caller and then I started noticing that the males were starting to produce a little bit of color to and they were Charger, so a balance, you know similar to the females as far as branching, you know, one of the other things you said in there in our list is that the balance is symmetry. They were showing the same traits is the female. So I started selecting my mails based upon their color in the flour to and when I did the result in generation had a higher dominance in colored females as well as a higher color dominance and the males now that could be coming down the breeding 101 what you put in is what you get out. But symmetry started increasing what I would find males that had a better balance in the female the Next Generation her finger count on our fan leaves or showing the same symmetry on both sides or as you know, if a female that wasn't or a male that wasn't start with selected that had an imbalance he tended to carry that as well. So not only through the processors are selecting males that I wanted. Ideally. I also wanted to see the result of if I cross something that was a female that had bad. It's an email that didn't to see if the female is going to carry it or if he was going to carry it. Yeah, well, I mean, you know, I mean isn't it with breeding though? I mean, isn't that what breeding essentially is all about going down those rabbit holes and trying to you know, find something new. Absolutely. You do want to go down the rabbit hole as you do want to taste the mutants. That's one of my favorite things I think is chasing the ones that just don't line up with everybody to kind of bring out something new but at a certain point once you find that you want to bring that balance and and you want to lock that trade-in, so you got to find the kind of the Of how far you do want to go down to continue hunting before you isolate a certain set of traits that you like in a visual expression of the phenotype. All right, fair enough fair enough man. Well, I mean, how about this? I believe I believe in pronouncing this correctly. How about the Punnett Square? What's the significance of that? Pertussis whooping it Punnett Square. I'm really not sure on the pronunciation on that myself. So I think we'll see if ourselves both a little bit there. But you know, I mean that's basic like genetics 101 it helps you pick out the dominant and recessive traits of a plant and you know, it comes back to whatever you put in you eventually get out as well as being able to go from full photo to an auto And dominance of expression so initially, for example, if you're going to cross a photosensitive plant to an auto plant the first generation will show some percentage of auto flowering plants. Okay, and it's a 7520 usually 75% 25% resultant. You take the generation you take The Offspring the product made from that generation and in breed them you start to see 50 and then so on and so forth. So, you know, it's basic genetic one or one searching for a little is a matchup with dominant traits. So I think that's an important thing that I mean pheno hunting is very important. But then once you get to the point where you find something you like I think you still have to kind of plug it into the basic math of breeding. Okay, Dan, I mean, well me what I'm curious though. What type of stress test do you do when you are breeding Auto flowers? So my stress tests again lean back towards the male. I mean, I stress test by females as well because both strains are scuse me, I strains but both sexes have the ability to hermaphrodite. I've seen a male for grow perfectly beautiful up into mid flour and then all of a sudden he starts producing pistols and I see the typical female who goes through she's doing great then all of a sudden she starts throwing male stammen. So there there's The size of that and I believe the stress testing is what causes that emergence because the plant does like a little bit of stress. It's what encourages growth a simple example of that would be why we use fans in an artificial environment. We you know, we use those fans to stimulate, you know, stem growth and basically caused those fibers to tear and break a little bit so they can, you know build a stronger blocked to grow on and the stress test that I use I overwater underwater light cycles like Cycles down transplanting is a big thing whether you that's a huge thing. I've noticed in Autos right stress. So if you grab that auto straight out of the pot or a crow bed, you can turn around and throw him back in soil and that male will turn around come back they do come back but that stress will let you know if he's going to reverse on himself or not. And if he does Yeah, absolutely. I've seen that's usually the last test I put him through because if they if they're going to trigger if they're going to reverse on themselves, it's going to happen during that rough transplant. I was told to not transplant Auto flowers. I mean, is that something that's true not true. I mean, what are your what are your thoughts there? You can do it if you're extremely gentle and you're smart about it. If you are a new grower if you're somebody who is experimenting with Autos you've been Rowing photos for Year. My recommendation would be start them in the three and five gallon pot understand the plant and its mechanics first. Hmm after you understand that flower cycle at few understand, you know what it can and can't take then I would say start experimenting with starting them in a Solo Cup or a 4 inch pot and then moving them into something bigger. Do I see the need for our transplant stage like that? Not really well to sum that up if you are new or relatively new to Growing all Flowers don't get fancy don't transplant but keep them in either three or five gallon pots, correct? Okay, that's it. That's the best thing that I would recommend. If you're going to use pots. I would recommend staying away from anything that's hard sidewall door bottom start off with an air pot or a cloth pot. You know, whatever your choice. Is there a way from plastic or hard wall, you know, I would recommend going into something that's more of an air pruning design. Well, I'm how about you know, let's get back to breeding. How about the seed maturity time? What's the significance of that? So see maturity comes back to germination rate. I mean play is simple if you want, you know High germination rates if you want healthy seeds to start your next Generation seed maturity time is very important at a minimum. At a minimum I would recommend. You know three weeks good healthy High germination rates come from four and a half to five weeks on which is Way Beyond typical life expectancy of after pollination, but you know, the more healthier seeds the healthier the seeds the better your chances are for your next generation. All right there Dan in terms of breeding. I mean, is there anything else that we should cover? I mean have I asked all the questions needed or you know, do you want to go down some more rabbit holes? I'll go down another Rabbit Hole here with you. Yeah, let's do it kind of touch. It kind of touch it back to the Femme and regular seed integration, you know right now on the market a lot of the guys a lot of Auto access is feminized seat and I don't have a problem with that at all. It makes it easy for the home grower. It makes it easy for Yeah, somebody who's trying to learn about it to not have to worry about males and learning so many compound things at one time and with if you're interested in breeding and you know, get a few pack of regular autoflowering seeds which myself that's all I offer. There are a few other companies out there that offer, you know, regular autoflowering seeds. When you first introduce if you're going to do an auto to autocross a lot of times what I have seen and this is from Sarah. Different feminized brands that I've you know, test it again some things usually that first generation is going to show a lot of hermaphrodites. Okay, and it's why though why I mean what's like wider from what the whole why I really can't answer that from scientific level. My theory on that is reintroducing a missing allele or not a missing a Leo missing chromosome, because when you're selfing is seed you're eliminating them. Male chromosomes and you're bringing that back into the gene pool when I think the gene pool freaks out a little bit and says what wait a minute. This isn't what I was used to because a lot of the feminized seeds that people buy have been the generations of himself to three maybe even four times. So they're not used to seeing that male chromosome back into the gene pool. Yeah. Okay, so they're not used to it. So that means in this case that they are going to harm out pretty much and you know, I see quite a bit of that first generation across especially using regular Auto to regular Regular Auto to feminized Auto I can't say that behavior is going to be the same with feminized photos because I've only used photos in progress and projects that were either Cuts or grown from seed. Nothing that was ever a feminized purchase eat. All right. All right, um, okay fair enough to and I mean in terms of breeding, I mean do you want to do you want to mention anything else are there as I said are the anymore rabbit holes that you want to go down? Yeah. I like we talked about I'd like to talk about like balance and selection Just a Touch sure, you know, because a lot of guys are a lot of people are wanting to read it home. They're wanting to produce their own seed and with low in fellows idea and no calling it the next tomato plant, you know, something as simple as saving your own Seasons huge to a lot of people and some things to kind of look for your you know, one look at you like I was talking about earlier look at your leaf cemetry. Look at your plant balance and those two things I Bolivar good are a visual expression of a good melt of the selections. You're making if you're seeing families on opposing nodes that are showing seven fingers on both sides. That's a really good thing to see at least it's appeasing to my eye and what I based part of my selection process on the other part is the KX ratio to Leaf ratio are your flowers dense are your flowers, you know could it could be improved or seeing more leaflets that you are actually calyxes, you know, those are some things to actually look for and then take a look at your mails to you know, males by Nature typically don't show a bunch of pollen sacs. One thing to look for if it is pollen sacs increase. Usually he's got to translate that to a denser flower the next generation of female from experience. Tell you what let's go on to the next. Section here and I'll be honest with you. It's a section that I'm a little bit more familiar with because I am currently growing Auto flowers right now and quite frankly. We just covered a couple of these topics, but let's go over on Old growing best practices. So I mean, you know, we've we've already talked about pot and container size and type, but we haven't discussed Lite. Cycles mediums talked a little bit about large and commercial farming but I tell you what, let's you know, let's start at the top and you know, let's just take it away from there. So yeah lie Cycles, I think are very important Otto's can and will flour underneath 24/7. I believe that they were there very successful under 24/7, but I however I Leave the dark period is very important. Sure. The reason I feel it's important and I've talked to Jeff about this actually recently. It is the Calvin cycle of the photosynthesis process or the light independent cycle or basically the plant is taking carbon and converting it. To sugar to for processing in the plant and it's doing that in the dark period that's correct start cycle. All right. Okay sure. And you know, I think that's very important process to the plant. I think that it helps encourage a better yield than the 24 cycle kind of giving that plant a chance to just rest, you know, we're simulating nature indoors. That's that's the goal, you know a lot of the you know for indoor growing. Way and simulate that I mean even outside there's a dark cycle and those plants have a process during that cycle to encourage other beneficial growth patterns. Yeah, I mean, you know and and it's funny because you are not the first person that has said that I have I've talked to many people over the past year or so about growing Auto flowers. I've talked to a lot of my panel members on my Sunday show and you know, they've they've All said yeah, I mean you can certainly grow Auto flowers, you know, 24 0 however, you know, when you switch over to the 18 six or Twenty and four for whatever reason and I think it's because of that reason you just mentioned during the dark cycle you your yield tends to be a little bit bigger by yield is then bigger every single time. I've done comparisons and grows across like, you know, run three tents at a time once 24/7 ones 18. X + 1 is 20 and 4 and the 20 and 4 and 18 6 out yielded the 24 light every single time and the one thing that I want to you know, I see a lot, you know and home grows simulating CO2. If you're running CO2 or you're running to CO2 additive to increase that yield if you're not giving that plant that dark cycle, it can't take advantage fully. I believe of the added CO2 that you're pumping into that room. Umm, you know, that's I think one thing that Growers should keep in mind. What is the significance of the CO2? That's the carbon diet, you know the carbon dioxide the plants using to for the base carbon molecule to convert to the sugars. So the the the idea from what I understand is to promote, you know, bigger growth higher sugar concentrations more food internally for that plant to end result yield more. Okay. Alright, Dan. I'll tell you what, I mean, how about well, There's something in terms of growing Auto flowers. Does your medium play a role, you know, is it is it better to grow them organically hydroponically, aeroponically. I mean, what's what are your thoughts there? My thoughts there are whatever is best for you and and what you have available to you because they'll Thrive pretty much anywhere if you're looking for Monster Autos. My recommendation for you is deep water culture or area ponic. even you know flood and drain system or even recirculating they don't have root restriction and the biggest trigger to the flowering process from what I have seen is how you control the root Zone you give that plant a 28 gallon Reservoir I've seen and they just absolutely exploded increases their veg time. And of course in a result, it increases the flower time, but you're dealing with a much larger heavier yielding plant as long as the genetic codes there too. I mean, let's not forget about that sure, you know organically they are expect do extremely well on Organics over the last year. I've seen better profiles that are flavors. Enhance smells all from Organics the key I think to Organics though is not large scale. But if you're going to do it stay in that five gallon pot. It's really hard to keep a true living or an organic soil alive and something three gallons and under your either constantly having to feed t or wrap Saran wrap around and I see a lot of guys still wraps around wrap around the five and larger pots just to maintain that moisture bed in there and it's really hard to do in in smaller scale and from from right now. There's not a lot of commercial guys growing the more interest to all the flowers is the home grower and you know, they're going to be growing and one three five maybe seven gallon pots your I really don't see a lot of 10 gallon pots. So our Organics on that scale is going to cause you a little bit more work, you know, and if you're fine with that, that's okay too, right? Yeah. Well, I mean, let me just to tell you about my own personal experience recently growing Auto flowers. And I just I mean all I did you know, and you know, as I said a million times on my show, I'm not the world's best grower. Although I am getting a bit better because I talk to people like you nearly on a daily basis. But with that being said all I did for my grow is just simply water it every day. I didn't feed it a thing and I just let it grow and you know from seed to harvest I believe according to my notes, I think. I don't have my notes in front of me, but it took me I believe around 70 I believe around 75 days. And that's a good average. Right? And I fed it literally nothing. All I did is water it every day. That's it. I mean, you know, I mean nothing in the soil at all. No, nothing. I didn't feed it. Not one thing and I mean don't get me wrong. I probably should have fed it. It was starting to show deficiency. Probably around day 45 maybe day 50. Yeah, I would say around that. Around that day, and I said again, I believe it took me say 70 75 days. So I went maybe two two and a half weeks with deficiency. I didn't do a thing, you know, I didn't I didn't address the deficiencies whatsoever. I did no stress training at all. I just literally just let it grow and I mean my my yield wasn't really impressive but The quality was was there and quite frankly. I don't know why I didn't really help it along but I don't know it just was there and I think that plays really into the ruderalis background man. I mean these these plants evolved in an environment to where it was the harshest that it could potentially be and still Thrive and reproduce and I think that is one of the key benefits to Otto's is the fact that if you did they do get a little bit neglected or you are growing too many of them or you have it in a larger scale or even you go out for a weekend and you forget about it, you know a little bit of water when you comes back. Okay. Thanks for the water. I'm just going to keep going, you know, that's all I needed, you know, and I'll see that quite a bit. You know, there's the gentleman Chad that runs the auto flower podcast. We were discussing. He's actually growing one of mine. And California and he had a mishap to where somebody didn't water it while he was out of town. He came back through some water on. It was great. He had a different variety from a different breeder inside that suffered the same fate threw some water on it continue flowered like it just it was nothing like it really like it's interesting to see across all the different types that are out there that same thing. You're just talking about the ability for just to give them some water if that's really on the Source that you have and they just it continued to flourish and I mean, yeah, I mean it's it's it's kind of funny really I mean and and like what you said it really it really is a testament to the genetics because I mean listen, I don't have a I'm becoming a better grower, but I still don't have a green thumb. But you know, I don't know. I just I just couldn't kill these things. They just they just kept on growing. So yeah, they're really resilient to that. They really really are and I think it's an attribute of that's been carried for forward with them something that is just there to say. Hey, we'll look we want to stick around we're a force to reckon with and don't look past this anymore, you know, and I mean and sure some of that's been helped with, you know, again, the human hand the human hand is really said that seen that as something viable and it's just continued to carry forward, you know. I mean you can grow these things in your flower box next to some daffodils if you really want to do I recommend it. No, but they have the ability for that. I mean if you got a couple planners out on your balcony and you're in a location where it's alright to home grow throw something with your flower bed, you know, just to watch it just to see what it'll do that brings me to my next question. Do you think Otto flowers are better suited for growing Outdoors as opposed to endure? I really am kind of neutral on it. I've seen amazing results. Underneath artificial lighting and I've seen some fantastic results underneath the sun. I think it's all about I think they're a versatile tool in a Growers belt. To be honest with you. You got you know, you're you're a patient at the house. You want some quick, you know quick meds. You want to keep on a cycle you've got access to them. You're a farmer. You got to look scale operation you go full season plants throw these guys and get yourself a little bumper crop until your fall Harvest is ready. So I really think that you know, The kind of play a role in both sides of things. I really don't have a A dog in the fight in either direction. Well, we've touched on large scale and really farming growing but let's go down that rabbit hole a little bit more Jeffrey lowenthal's he was a guest of mine a few weeks ago or actually more than a few weeks ago a few months ago and he told me and really he thinks that commercial Growers are going to be growing Auto flowers in the not-so-distant future now, I hope I am not misquoting him but I but I'm pretty sure that's what he said. Do you agree with his assessment? I think it'll be the case moving forward do I think that it's going to be an overtake of regular you know, long season or fairness phone and sent sensitive sensitive. Sorry plants. No, I think they'll get kind of be like hand-in-hand. I really think that they appeal to the farmer for multiple crops per season or stood crops per season. I'm seeing them on the large-scale grown out here. There are several forms that are running all the flowers right now. Not a lot of them are running them for flower. They're running them for extract and you know, we see a lot of that. I see a lot of you know cartridges a lot of shatter. A lot of your concentrates are derived from Autos. I'm seeing farmers use them for multiple reasons. So do I see them in a very large scale coming into the Sure. Yeah, I think it's going to catch on pretty quickly. There's a tidal wave coming with it. All right. Well, that's well, I mean I got to say that's that's pretty exciting for sure. Oh, it's extremely exciting. You know, I know we talked earlier about you know, how long I've been messing with them and I've been growing them since lowrider one and low rider to debuted and to see them go from that dorm room PC grow plant to what they are today, you know, they've gone from an average. Plant, this is you know anywhere between 8 to 12 inches tall to I've got I've seen seven and eight Footers grown in the right conditions. Well, man, that's gonna say that is pretty impressive. Well, I did it shocked me too. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. You know, I really couldn't believe it if I hadn't experienced it firsthand and helped into those plans. I would have believed it myself, but you know the few people we brought around them and to show them and it's just it was amazing how far they progressed to such a short time window. Yeah, I mean and again, I mean I know that we keep going back to this but really I think it is a testament to the genetics of Auto flowers. Yeah, it wants to survive it. You know, I you know, like I said earlier it's kind of like it's got a thing to prove itself, you know, it's like hey, you know y'all considered a subspecies or ditch weed but we can bring more to the table than just that absolutely didn't and then I mean we've talked about light cycles, but let's go down the rabbit hole. Of lighting right? I mean, I mean, you know, are there any particular lights that you prefer when growing indoors and growing Auto flowers? Yes, there are actually I do prefer growing underneath LED these days and I prefer growing underneath the more of a didn't consider like a white Hue. I've grown with several few different Technologies. I've grown with the what I call. More people, you know the original like LEDs that came out which they call full spectrum these days that are that offer the Reds the purple's the blues the green and I've grown underneath Cobb technology, which is the chip on board technology, which I are extremely efficient Quantum boards and then single individual exposed LED which you know, which is kind of like a Quantum board but not with the same kind of power rating. So from what I've seen the white Light with the touch of red seems to be the best Spectrum. I get my best growth rates underneath that I get my better yields underneath that you can dial in the blurple. But what I have seen from that spectrum is a lot of calcium and magnesium deficiency from transpiration or it's being released in the plant. It seems once they hit that third week of flour underneath that color. They start requiring cal-mag right now. Well, can you talk a little bit more about that? Absolutely, a lot of Home Growers. I know and I see still to this day are growing underneath that full spectrum that I was speaking about and what you'll start to see is you'll see the you'll see the Speckles on the leaf, which looks like somebody sprayed rust on your families that's calcium started leave the plant you start to see the hammered margins and then the hammer, you know lines from the Magnesium starting to leave and the one thing that I've noticed is that comes only underneath and higher concentration of that color spectrum, and it's of course, unfortunately, it will impact your yield because those are two major elements that are in the plant and it just basically Burns it out. It's it's basically forcing the plant to pick up that nutrient a lot heavier and transport, you know, and pass it through the plant faster so it can't find it in the soil. So it starts pulling it from Reserve which is The leaf and that's why you start seeing that deficiency in the leaf, you know in this this goes back to a few podcasts that I did a while ago. You have to be able to know what a deficiency looks like which is easy enough, but you have to know what you are looking at. I mean like how do you properly diagnose a deficiency a lot of reading and a lot of staring at pictures? Right? I mean like to be completely Frank and honest with you. I mean it was the best way for me. And then you know, the other thing is, you know talking to Growers have got more experience from you. You know, I know that one of the big things it seems to be hard as approachability, but the only way that this thing gets better is if we come become more approachable, we've got to share this knowledge and there's been from what I've seen a lot of Secrets held and I get that you're protecting stuff that you work on hard, but we can't grow as Community unless we share that information and you know, I think talking to people with more experience that have The same things is the best way to do that. I mean as archaic is it sounds and a little touch on our forum is you know, we got a lot of guys that have been around for a while and we have an infirmary, you know, and you don't have to come search for audit flower dotnet but there are a lot of places out there like us that share that kind of information so you can get a grasp on what a deficiency may look like of a specific element. One thing that is hard to start differentiating on a compound deficiencies, you know when you get Calcium and magnesium at the same time or things of the same nature. The best thing to do is just read and try to correct it, you know, take a little bit experiment. I know some people it may be hard because they're depending on that plan to finish for the medication. But at the same time you got to have a few failures before you can start making it right? It's all about reading. It's all about watching YouTube videos and it's all about listening to the cheap home grow podcast. That's exactly right. You know what I mean? That's that's what we're here for, you know, that's what this is here for is to get Information out will avert it talked a little bit about this damn. But what are some negatives when growing Auto flowers just some cautions to you know, take a look at you know, you start in a small pot you don't transplant. You're going to get a small yield. It's to be expected that plant is basically think of it like a goldfish or what I like to reference to people is the pepper plant. You see that's got a pepper in a four inch pot at Home Depot when you're walking around in the spring that thing is grown in a small container. It's going to flower early. It's going to you know, you lower the biggest difference is with the pepper plant. You can pull the blooms off pull the peppers off transplant it and it'll continue to grow Otto's really told behave the same way, you know, so that's One caution to look out for their another one is your growing container give those roots some room. Let those roots Thrive. Let them are prune. You're going to get better yields. You're going to get better Harvest you're going to get a better experience with the plant. I think that is something that I can't stress on enough is give those roots a happy environment not just feeding lies or nutritional wise but the ability to move within that Medium. May it be cocoa or soil Hydro they're going to get their going. Fill the container that you know, that's kind of a no-brainer, you know, and the well, you know to tell you a little story I germinated in my five gallon and I gotta say my root ball. It wasn't all that big at the end of that say 70 75 days or whatever. It was my you know, I mean II and listen, I mean I did not transplant at all, which you know might have been a mistake. All I got was a relatively small RuPaul it didn't it didn't fill up the five gallon pot. It was just kind of small and wimpy and I don't know why I mean, I guess I figured that I would get a much larger much more, you know, I guess vibrant RuPaul, but I didn't and I was a bit going to say I was disappointed there. And that could potentially be because of starting in that large pot. Right one of the one of the challenges with starting in such a large pot like a 5-gallon or Home Depot bucket, you know 5 gallon bucket or anything like that heck I should have Home Depot pay for this, you know mention three or four times. But if you're starting in that one caution, I will say is try to keep the moisture levels even and I think that may have, you know, come into play with what you experience there because if those Are starting to go laterally and they see that it's a dry root Zone. They're going to start dropping down. They're gonna start searching for that water. So in playing into the cautions or maybe even some advice here, if you're going to use a 3 or 5 gallon pot make the roots chase the water. So if your plant is posted up Center of that pot, which a lot of us like to do because that just, you know appeals to me water from the outside in you know, those roots inside there were blooming there. Are there going laterally they're going horizontally they're going diagonally they're looking for nutrient. They're looking for a network they're looking for water. So if you water from the outside and making sure those exterior margins maintain a moisture level, I think you would have seen a better route ball to sum that up at first germinate in a smaller pot and then move to a larger part pretty much, you know, and the easy way to do that just a quick tip something that I like to do or what I did and understanding the auto If you do feel the need to transplant and you're concerned about that get yourself to Solo cups or two of the same size, you know container. You're going to start in maybe a four inch pot and cut the bottom just the bottom out of the first pot laid inside the second pot and then put your soil and then germinate inside there. Once your Leaf tips get within a quarter of an inch touching the side walls transplant that plant so pull the bottom cup off leaving it in inside the internal container and she's planning. Into the larger container allowing the root ball to drop down and the reason I suggest that before they hit the the wall is to avoid any kind of flower trigger. Okay. Well, you know, thank you Dan for that tip. I really do appreciate it man. No problem. No problem. And thanks for the questions to you know, it's I'm speaking sometimes from a high level. It's just experience and I've got a lot of thoughts going so I appreciate them. I miss it's it's it's perfectly fine. You know, thank you, you know I try and keep things as simple as possible. But listen before we go on to Organics other anymore as I mentioned when we were talking about breeding are there any more rabbit holes that you want to go down in terms of best practices? I mean, not really because anything else that I touch on me like the light distance or anything like that is going to be coming relative, you know, it's down to just general growing. And it's in its aspect. So I mean, I think we you know covered pretty much best practices there as what I could say to get somebody on a good path to not have a bad first experience, right? All right, man. Yeah. I mean, it's Hey, listen, it's all great information. And I and along with all the cheap homegirl listeners. I'm confident that everybody here that is listening in whether you're listening to this podcast for the first time or for the hundredth time. I'm confident when I say this we all do Appreciate it. All right. I again I appreciate you in and again, like I said earlier, you know given a voice and sometimes people don't have the time to read and if I can get a little bit of information out there that will save somebody a heartache or disappointed, you know Harvest, you know, I appreciate that. Absolutely. Absolutely Anselm. Listen, man. Let's go on to or Organics. Let's talk a little bit about amendments top dressing if it's needed microbes compost tea and And integrated Pest Management, so it's like what let's start at the top and let's talk about amendments. So was amendments, you know, the dry amendments are great. It's a good way to build a foundation for the soil. You know, one thing I want to remind people that want to get into Organics and I'm still learning a little bit about it some I'm talking from a newly learning expect, you know experience as well as like, you know, seeing the results that I'm getting and you know, one thing with dry amendments. It's Horton as a foundational building block the one thing that has been brought you know new to light to me is that without the microbes side of that those amendments that we spend so much money on or the we invest our time on don't become available to the plant without the microbes. So what you're saying there is that they go hand in hand with one another absolutely they go hand-in-hand and you know, they say feed the plant but you really want to feed feed the soil and like you eating the soil you want to maintain that microbe activity to convert the Amendments that you put in there into a Source that the plant can actually uptake and you know with the Organics like I was talking about earlier, I see a better term profile. I see better flavors. I smell better smells. I see a healthier overall plant in general and I think it's a beautiful direction to head down if you're really interested in it. It can get very complex. It's got a very it's going to deep rabbit hole in their several forms have been going on out there. So I guess my thing would be Take a look at it. See what the goal you want to achieve and then just start again reading about that information. Okay. Well, I mean, how do you I mean, you know just based on your experience? How do you know when a top dressing is needed and for and for that also a compost tea as well from my experience and what I've seen so far this year is that the top dressing would only really be needed if the Amendment in the soil. Is it meeting the needs of the plant above the surface? So if you're seeing deficiencies and it's triggering you to add something to the soil think about not only what's already and they're what you may need to add and your microbe activity, you know, if your micro of activity a suffering and you don't have a lot of active microbes growing in that soil being able to convert what's there and they not necessarily need a cop dress more so that it needs a water and with a more micro. Herbal, and document their several you can there's several companies out there that have bugs in a bottle that you can you know, inoculate your watering cycle with to get your microbe activity going on again, but usually with topdressing there's something going on. That's that's an imbalance May there not be enough for the microbes convert that you already have in the soil or not enough microbes to convert what is available down there. Let's go on to IPM, which is the last little Topic that I would like to cover and also before we talk about IPM, which is integrated Pest Management. Let me ask you this. Have you ever heard of Matthew Gates AKA sync angel on Instagram? Yes, and the gentleman has been highly helpful to me this year. I'll have ya very very helpful, and I was extremely excited to hear him on your last panel from Sunday just to hear him. You know speak Beyond just text, you know, the gentleman is a huge asset to the community, I believe and I think he's stumbled onto quite a few things that without I wouldn't understand. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, it's funny that you mention that I did a couple of podcast with him. They haven't been released yet. But I'm gonna do I believe you the a four of Five series with him in the next couple of months or so. I mean he is I gotta say man. He's a smart guy. He says he says a lot of big words. Trust me. Look there's been a lot of words. He's posted stuff that I looked as I got a Google that yeah, I got to figure out what that means. You know. Hell yeah, man, he's a man. It's yeah I ran into him. Actually. I came in contact with him via Mark a Momin from Green carpet growing at the end of Blast ya at the end of last year. I think it was either October or November of last year. But anyway, I am really happy that I did because he's he's just I mean, he's just a friggin genius really in my Paul. Absolutely absolutely and the ability to identify what I had going on and what I had a question about just for some pictures, you know, of course I try to take the best quality picture because without that it's hard to identify you can't expect someone to do so and you know, just the thing. Ability to identify that was I've never seen anything like that and I highly highly valuable somebody who doesn't understand what they're looking at. Right right. That's true. Yeah, he's yeah, but all right. Well, I tell you what in terms of IPM, are there any suggestions from you in terms of IPM regarding growing Auto flowers? Not any in different than when you would be growing any kind of photo sent. Photo sensitive sensitive cannabis, I mean a pest is a past. There are more there are you know specific ones to the cannabis plant and even as you were talking there a moment ago, he you know is showing us new pests that we've never seen before to cannabis that are starting to you know colonize and I think it's because it's becoming more of a A common thing a common voice across, you know, the US with legalization popping up everywhere. We're going to see new stuff like this. And so I mean as far as I recommended over top of photosynthesis sensitive canvas, not really, you know something I know that I tease this in the intro and we really haven't talked about it at all for the most part, but you know what I would like to have you talk a little bit about and really I This can act as one huge plug if you really wanted it to okay, let's all right. Let's talk about Auto flower dotnet and for you cheap home grow listeners out there. I am a member my screen name is cheap home grow. So feel free to go to auto flower dotnet and sign up, but I tell you what, I mean, why don't you tell me tell my tell my listeners a little bit about your website. Well, I will say not just Just mine. There's a huge group of workers there and there's an initial group that started out because like I was talking about earlier. We're a bunch of Misfits. Nobody wanted to give us space. We know 10 11 years ago to talk about this subject to share amongst each other what we're seeing what to do what not to do we bounced around from I see mag to roll it up and got I personally was banned from I see mag about talking about breeding and trying to get an understanding of this and then so from there. I got I moved myself over to roll it up and then, you know countless times. in the admin there for a place to vocalize this just subsection, you know, we don't need a dedicated giant section on the site just a subsection of place where we could all just kind of hang out and talk and we never got it and I was approached by the owner from Canada to kind of come along with them and bring my knowledge and my experience from the years that I had been growing them over and there was a breeder from Spain named Massey, who is a huge Name than a big player in the Auto game if it wasn't for her. I don't think we would have ever seen our first colored lines of autoflowering cannabis. She was one of the first ones to seize the purples and the blacks and reds and all the colors. We see the to actually isolate those traits. Yeah. She's huge player in that and she's you know, she's from Spain. We all kind of got together and formed the place and then it just kind of took off from there. I mean, there's an infirmary there's a place where you know, if you're a new grower you're new to You're new to forums that we kind of you know for lack of better term Hold Your Hand come in there and get an idea of what you want to do. You'll see a lot of reviews of products honest reviews to where people have either been sponsored by a certain product or have purchased a product and here's the results. You know, here's what it did for me. Here's what it did in my environment some of the largest names and seed banks in the auto Flower World. Are there and that mean they don't just carry all the flowers. I mean, but they've specialize in them. You know Dinah Femme sweet seeds Dutch Passion. They all sponsor Growers on there. They all look for competition. They're constantly doing free stuff too, you know places that can accept those kind of, you know rewards for growing. So it's a wonderful community of people that are there just for the same thing, but you can come in there you're going to get judged. I mean we encourage photo period plants R2 we don't hold back, you know, if you want to grow and you want to learn come hang out, you know talk to the staff talk to people. Everybody's pretty approachable there. Hmm. Sure. Yeah. No, I'm I'm a member and I got to say I mean so far so good. I mean everybody's been everybody's been really nice and really helpful which which is different from I see Mac because I actually got banned from I see mag as well believe it or not fair enough said another thing in common then Exactly. I just logged in I'm like, oh I haven't logged in a long time. I try to login. It's like you have been banned. When will the band be lifted never so they're right. Yep. It's like Don is like, okay and well, we just move on but and listen, I mean, what is the deal with Amanda? Lauren genetics man. I know that's yours. Tell us about it. That is my brand. I I am a little bit about the name the Mandalorian is you know, it's a Boba Fett Clan from the Star Wars and fortunately it's not owned by LucasArts so I could play with it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah, you gotta check that first. You know last thing I wanted was some kind of letter in the butt. That's true it yeah, that's my brand is something that yeah I geek out about I'm a nerd at heart. I'm a nerd by trade other than dealing with all the flowers and you know cannabis but we it's a brand that I try to offer all the flowers for people to learn. I've worked most of the lines. I release are, you know familial lines. They're bred into the f8 and F9 generation currently available. I got Game of ours that are at five and have 6 released a few tests stuff and then I've got a couple other. Lines that will be coming out this this fall early. I would say this fall early winter that will be available to the public and it's the main reason from my releases were to get regs back out there to to re ignite the passion that I found so long ago being able to play with this plant at home on a small scale and get a better understanding of it. I would love to release feminized seeds potentially in the future because I know that you know, a lot of people would prefer that they don't want to deal with the They don't want to deal with one other complicated thing about learning how to grow since like we were talking about legalization expanding. But right now I also kind of want to appeal to the people that just want to mess around like I did and try to get it, you know, try to learn sure. Yeah, I mean at the end of the day it's all about it's all about learning but I mean, let's be honest to it's all about making a buck to oh, yeah. I mean don't get me wrong the the nice reward sign of that is, you know, I do get a little bit of monetary value for you know, Lisa. In this stuff and getting it out to the public and I just drive to put off something stable because one of the biggest complaints we've seen for years as a lot of hermaphrodites and a lot of plans to wooden flour underneath 24/7 lighting, you know, and then they just pass it off as semi-auto and if you see a semi-auto you haven't done the work yet, right? Yeah. Exactly. That's true. That's a good point. But let's meant did you win a auto flower cup where you well were you second place or yeah, I believe it. Yep. Yeah, okay. Yes, I did I did. Okay. So what's the deal with that tell me tell me to tell the listeners about that. So this year in May was the inaugural to flower cup down in Oregon was put together by a gentleman with black hat genetics and he got this whole group together to have the first Auto cup and I entered in a couple different strengths. I entered in Anvil which is my purple flower and then I entered in Bobby's Widow, which is a white widow cross that I currently working on and Bobby's Widow took second place. I was a little bit taken back by that and flattered. I didn't expect anything because I had never released it beyond my circle of friends and myself and yeah, it seemed to want a few Hearts over not fully to get the first cup. That's okay. I'll take I'll take the first cup win with my own genetic science. That's pretty flattering. It's a huge honor. Well, what would you have to do to actually create that strata me what I mean? You know, you don't I have to reveal the secrets of your success, but I am I gotta be honest. I am a bit. I am a bit curious. Basically, it was selection upon the traits that I was looking for the most I was looking for a plant that had a higher resin content that way my concentrates or higher returns. I searched out. I knew I wanted a widow cross based on lineage and then I match that up with some some genetics that I acquired very early on in the game but had similar traits It produced High, you know visual amounts of resin and one thing that I have learned is just because it has a heavy trichome coverage does not translate to the potency of the plant but it does translate well into the extraction point of the plant so I get a higher return on concentrates, which I focus on more I do a lot of Capsules and things like that with coconut oil for myself. I'd rather eat it than smoke. It most times. It's just as better for the pain for me. But her selection process was based on a widow cross that I had a love for about five or six years ago. All right there Dan. I mean, I mean, let me ask you this. I mean, this is a question that you may or may not know that I ask. Are there any questions then I should be asking in are there any final statements that? you would like to make I think we did a pretty good job of covering the things that you know, you should ask or anything like that. I would just like to recommend, you know, learn to plant if you if you fail at the first time and you get a stunning plant don't give up. They do have a more more potential than just that tiny lollipop, you know lollipop style. But some people might see you know, and some words of encouragement as you know, just keep pushing forward with them if you're interested in growing. I think it's a very good tool to learn how to grow at a very very Basic level. I mean your podcast is too cheap home grow, you know, and that's what we want to do is kind of reach out to the public that is just now getting to the ability where they can do this and like you said earlier, it's a plant that you can throw on your back porch and give it some water and some sunlight along with your daffodils or your lilies or whatever you got going and get yourself a little bit of a harvest, you know, so I think that open up your mind a little bit of a difference is a good thing. Yeah. I mean, absolutely I mean try and try new things and because I mean it's like what we kind of talked about at the beginning of this podcast. I mean, there's a lot of old school Growers and I mean some of which that have come on my podcast and they're like they are so anti Auto flowers. It's not even funny. They want nothing to do with them. And I don't know. I mean, I think personally I think they are living in the past. And I would agree and I understand being you know being set in your ways and being used to seeing a certain plant for a long time. But we talked earlier. Jeff was saying, you know, it's not very often that in a lifetime. You see a new plant you see something that has potential and just because it's different doesn't mean it's bad or negative. You know, I think I like to look remind them a lot. You know all the time of you had to start somewhere. Where and don't forget about those roots, you know, so I think that opening up the mind and seeing something new and the potential is where it's at and I agree with you. A lot of people are closed minded about it. But you know, some people just set in their ways, right, right. Yeah. That's true. That's true you yeah, sometimes you just can't teach an old dog new tricks as they say. Right, and that's okay. You know what? I mean? That's okay, you know, you're allowed to believe what you want to believe and but I don't discourage trying anything new because you just never know. All right, Dan. We'll listen man. Listen, I do appreciate you coming on the show. I think this has been a in depth podcast recording and listen man, as I mentioned, you know, well as I mentioned before the recording I would like to have you come on my Sunday evening show in the near future. I would love to I definitely absolutely would love to be part of that. And I really appreciate you even considering me on that. It would be nice to be you know on a panel amongst some of the greatest Minds that I consider and the you know in the industry right now. I'm Manuel listen, man. Again, Dan, you know, thank you and you can find Dan on auto flower dotnet full-duplex underscore. Afn and also Mandalorian underscore genetics on Instagram. That's ma ndal Ori a n underscore genetics G NE T ICS and full-duplex underscore afn. That's Fu LL D. You ple X underscore a FN and of course Auto flower dot net. Then Dan thank you very much, and I look forward to talking to you again soon Shane. Thank you again so much for the time and I look forward to the same sir. Hello cheap homegrown Nation. This is Shea Macomber from the cheap homegirl podcast and thank you for taking the time to listen to my podcast with Dan. Dan can be found on auto flower dotnet and also on Instagram at full duplex underscore AFM that's Fu LL D. You ple X underscore afn and also Mandalorian. Genetics that's ma ndal Ori a n underscore genetics. I've been podcasting for nearly one year and have many other helpful growing cannabis podcasts in my library of content. I encourage you to go to cheap home to sign up for my email newsletter and browse all past cannabis growing episodes are release a show every Tuesday. And do a live show every Sunday evening on YouTube at 7 p.m. Eastern called growing with my fellow Growers. You can find me on Instagram at cheap home grow and growing with my fellow Growers. Thank you everyone. I look forward to seeing you next Tuesday and this upcoming Sunday as always. Please rate review And subscribe. I am reaching out to you to ask you really one question. Want to know how am I doing as a podcaster? What topics do you want me to cover? Is there anything specific please reach out to me? Please? Get back to me. I can be found online at cheap home under the contact us page and also you can message me directly on my Twitter and Instagram account at cheap home grow.
Dan from, @fullduplex_afn and Mandalorian Genetics comes on the show today to talk about everything autoflower related. We did a deep dive about autoflower breeding, best growing practices when growing autos and we also talked about his website, and his genetics company called Mandalorian Genetics. Dan is a well established and highly respected grower and breeder in the cannabis world and his knowledge about various subjects we talked about in this podcast is second-to-none. I invite everyone that's reading this to listen to the podcast and comment below.
Hello and welcome to Quantum Computing now a podcast about Quantum Computing Basics news and interviews. I'm your host Ethan Hanson. Today's episode is going to jump right into the news covering what's been happening in the world of quantum Computing since we last talked about it. All right, ladies and gentlemen, it's finally here the episode on Quantum fight 2019. We're going to recap what's been going on with Google's claim of quantum Supremacy and IBM's claim that Google's claim is bunk as IBM done enough or is it just put up or shut up time that and so so so much more coming up on this episode. Before we dive into what you actually want to hear Let me just say sorry. It's been so long since I've recorded an episode college is crazy robotics is also crazy. My robotic season started just now in January. I've been doing College stuff since a while back, but that said because of Robotics. There's only going to be about 1 episode 4 February between now and the end of February. It's going to be hopefully an The interview but we'll see I don't have any interviews currently lined up for then and then after that I'm taking March off collecting myself. I'm going to get some material ready. And then I'm going to start up season 2 of the podcast in April as am in a full year since I started but I think that it's close enough and I'm ready to I think move on to season 2 with new music transition music. That's the most common complaint I get which is that my transition music is way louder than my actual talking and yeah, I know that's a problem. There's not much I can do about that other than I guess talk louder. But yeah, it's going to be good stuff. I've got the new art already. I still need to find the new music if you're interested in or you know music that you like that would be good for those quick transitions between the episode intros and sort of The Listener questions that sort of stuff. Let me know still looking for that. All right, we've got a lot to talk about. So since I have not done a podcast episode since October 20th of 2019 speaking of which has everybody's new decade going. That's a that's a that's a trip going from 2019 to 2020. But yeah, I know that it's October 20th because I release that episode the day before IBM responded to Google's claim on Quantum Supremacy. They responded on the 21st and I woke up and I saw that blog post and they went. Oh, no, I've just put out an episode and it's already out of date, but Before we get to that I don't want people to just listen to the first little bit of this and then you know click away. So we're going to talk about some other stuff. First. First thing is the blanket of light and probably saw this gift going around. It's a very satisfying GIF of this like light lattice sort of getting wrapped up and it looks like a blanket of light and what's interesting about this. I will read you the abstract of the paper as always papers are linked in the show notes, but here is the abstract of the paper call titled deterministic generation of a two-dimensional cluster state Abstract measurement based Quantum computation offers exponential computational speed up through simple measurements on a large entangled cluster State we propose and demonstrate a scalable scheme for the generation of photonic cluster States suitable for Universal measurement based Quantum computation. We exploit temporal multiplexing of squeezed light modes delay loops and beam splitter transformations to deterministically generate a cylindrical cluster state with a two dimensional 2D top. Logical structure as required for Universal Quantum information processing the generated State consists of more than 30,000 entangled modes arranged in a cylindrical lattice with 24 modes on the circumference defining the input register and a length of 1250 nodes to finding the computation lengths are demonstrated source of two-dimensional cluster States can be combined with Quantum error correction to enable fault-tolerant Quantum computation. If you've been listening to the podcast for a while or you know anything about Quantum Computing, you know, that that line that last line they're talking about Quantum error correction and fault-tolerant Quantum computation is a big deal. That is the sort of end goal of quantum Computing you want to be able to do all of your computations without any errors, hopefully and get the right answer every time instead of what we have to do right now, which is run thousands of shots on a quantum computer. And hope that the right answer comes out the majority of time and potentially run more than thousands of shots. If you want to make sure that you get the right answer eventually. so yeah, I will have a link in the show notes. There's a article that has the GIF of the rotating blanket of light that I'm staring at right now and it is it's gorgeous. I don't know how to describe it other than they have squeezed states that get connected into CPR states, which I believe stands for Einstein. Ski, I don't remember what epr state stands for but it is a combination of three names which then gets turned into a 1D cluster State and then that all gets wrapped up into a 2d cluster State. It's such an interesting process that I don't understand fully which is why I am not going into that much detail here, but they essentially are taking pulses of light. That's what they're talking about with the this blanket of light and photonic cluster States. They're taking pulses of light and they're manipulating them in such ways so that they can get more than 30,000 of them all entangled together, which is Fantastic, if you're able to independently control 30,000 of these for Universal Quantum computation. This is this sounds like a Quantum circuit model not something like Quantum annealing. Like I said, I don't fully understand all of this, but I think it's incredibly fascinating that they're a that they're using light which people have talked about for a while issue with light being that It interacts with everything as well. Yeah, it interacts with everything around it making it much harder to keep it from D cohering but the fact that they're saying their source of two-dimensional cluster States can be combined with Quantum error correction to enable fault-tolerant Quantum computation that that could mean that they have a an interesting way that it could be enabled or that could be a general statement of are demonstrated source of two-dimensional cluster States can be combined with Quantum error correction to enable fault-tolerant Quantum computation just like you could do that with a superconducting. Yeah superconducting Quantum bit qubit and even though we don't have that yet. So there's a potentially a little extra hype there. But if nothing else the GIF showing what is It is fantastic and you should absolutely win. This podcast is over go take a look at that. Alright, the next thing is Volkswagen. They have decided to team up with d-wave. I believe. Yes checking my notes. Yeah, they're using a d-wave quantum computer that is supposedly calculating the fastest route for nine participating buses. So they are doing traffic optimization using a quantum computer. I'll read this first little excerpt and then give a bit of a summary and a breakdown of what exactly is going on here why it matters so Volkswagen is launching in libsyn the world's first pilot project for traffic optimization using a quantum computer for this purpose Volkswagen is participating with public transportation provider Karis to equip maaaaan buses with a traffic management system developed in House this system uses a d-wave quantum computer and calculates the fastest route for each of the nine participating buses individually and almost in real time. This way passengers travel times will be significantly reduced even during Peak traffic hours and traffic flow will be improved Volkswagen is testing it system which was developed. Jointly with the software specialist heck sad and PTV group during the web Summit Technology conference in libsyn from November 4 to 8 during the conference buses will carry thousands of passengers. injures through the city traffic and libsyn So what's interesting about this is that it is a major corporation that is taking an interest in Quantum Computing. This is something that we've known Quantum Computing can be good at for quite some time the what is essentially the traveling salesman problem in this case just had what's the fastest route between two points? What's interesting is that they aren't just optimizing the root once you get there. They are also doing Some passenger number prediction, which is I believe that is not the passenger number prediction is not on the quantum Computing side. If I understand this correctly, the passenger number prediction is done using traditional classical means and then once you have that number prediction, they use the quantum computer for the route optimization. It's an interesting concept and I think that it if it's if it's actually happening that it would be a great step forward for Quantum Computing because again any amount of investment into the space from the companies like Volkswagen is necessarily not necessarily but most of the time is a good thing. This can is could be just a publicity stunt. There's not really a way to know whether or not it's it's anything more than that. Do you have quantum computers? We've talked about the difference between Quantum annealing and superconducting qubits in the past or the sort of the yeah, the quantum annealer versus the gate the circuit model and d-wave uses Quantum annealing which means that they have an overhead. Head they can do the universe. They can do Universal Quantum computation, but they have an overhead and It seems to me that this is a this is more of a publicity stunt than anything. That being said. I think it is a very good publicity stunt in that it benefits something other than just publicity Volkswagen is of course getting that publicity as here. I am talking about this whole shindig, but if they are able to show that these nine Says that they're using Quantum computation to calculate the fastest routes have a significant speed up over the other buses or that they're using or even that if they're predicting or calculating the fastest route with other buses if they can show that they are using less power there being more efficient or it's faster to do it on quantum computers versus classical machines, then that would be something that would be fantastic at this point. it sounds like they're just using Quantum machines for the sake of using Quantum machines because those nine buses with in one city and libsyn can most likely that's not something that is showing Quantum Supremacy that is not something that is outside of the realm of what can be done with a high-performance Computing cluster the question then becomes are they using more or less power and is it taking more or less time to prepare the Basis that the quantum based is State and you know control your qubits do the quantum computations read out the qubits versus plugging it into a known classical algorithm that will get you the correct answer that remains to be saying remains to be seen but I think that we're moving in the right direction this it's definitely a hopeful sign. All right. Now what you've all been waiting for Google's paper, which I have already covered in quite a lot of detail. If you go back to my October of 2018 episode you can see that however, they that was me talking about the their most recent. Their most recent archive preprint so not an official one. They have released the official one. It is titled quantity Supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor and it is published in nature. There are some changes but the vast majority of the paper has remained the same it was published online the 23rd of October. So three days after I release that episode which makes me go. Ah, I wish I could have gotten It out, but let me read the abstract to you because it's still claims all of those things. Remember 23rd of October is it was published two days after IBM released their blog post and paper saying that Google you haven't actually reached Quantum Supremacy yet, which we'll talk about in a second here. Here's the abstract. The promise of quantum computers is that certain computational tasks might be rooted explode exponentially faster on a Quantum processor than on a classical processor a fundamental challenge is to build a high fidelity processor capable of running Quantum algorithms in an exponentially large computational space here. We report the use of a processor with programmable superconducting qubits to create Quantum States on 53 qubits corresponding to a computational state space of Dimension to to the 53 about 10 to the 16 measurements from repeated experiments samples. Resulting probability distribution which we verify using classical simulations are Sycamore processor takes about 200 seconds to sample one instance of a Quantum circuit a million times our benchmarks currently indicate that the equivalent task for a state-of-the-art classical supercomputer would take approximately 10,000 years this dramatic increase in speed compared to all known classical algorithms is an experimental realization of quantum Supremacy for this specific computational tasks heralding a much-anticipated. New paradigm now, let me go back. You'll notice our Benchmark this this dramatic increase in speed compared to all known classical algorithms is an experimental realization of quantum Supremacy. So here's the question. Did they not realize what IBM realized and said that there were no known classical algorithms I could do this or did IBM mess up because those two things are mutually exclusive. Of that there's a dramatic increase in speed compared to all known classical algorithms and IBM saying here's a known classical algorithm that does not give you a dramatic increase in speed unless you are defining dramatic increase in speed as 200 seconds versus 10,000 years or so. Sorry rather, you're defining dramatic increase in speed as 200 seconds versus two to three days. Days, then it I would still count that as dramatic increase there are multiple ways to read that and it is not defined explicitly in the slightest. So I encourage you to read through the Google Quantum Supremacy paper. It is fairly readable. If you have some background in Quantum Computing and you're fine with just accepting the fact that some of the words are going to be Greek to you unless you speak Greek and then in which case they will Another language and yeah it is it's a very readable paper. It's very interesting. If you've already read the the preprint you probably don't need to read this one because the changes were minor some things are a bit clearer in this one. I would say for instance their cross-country benchmarking and how they're coming up with the number of 10,000 years is defined a bit more. But other than that, it's approximately typically the same and if you would like a breakdown of the paper go and listen to my episode titled Google's Quantum Supremacy. That's all I have to say on the Google side. Oh actually started there is one more thing in the show notes. There's a link to Google made a YouTube video about their Quantum Supremacy paper and Quantum Supremacy in general. That is an interesting watch. / listen that if you don't want to read through the whole paper that We'll definitely suffice and give you an idea into the sort of the sort of advertising that Google is putting out for this this achievement. But IBM, of course came back on the day after. and said Google you're wrong and this is I find this hilarious because this is the closest thing you'll get to a this is a this is absolutely a nerd fight. And if you think it's I know it's a nerd fight because it takes one to know one IBM released a blog post on their IBM research blog saying on quote. Supremacy so they said on then in scare quotes Quantum Supremacy, which is hilarious and I love it. I will read you a little bit of their blog post and then what has become tradition around here read a bit of what they wrote and then break it down a bit. So here is a blog post of course links in the description. Quantum computers are starting to approach the limit of classical simulation and it is important that we continue to Benchmark progress and to ask how difficult they are to simulate. This is a fascinating scientific question recent advances advances in Quantum Computing have resulted in 253 qubit processors one from our group and IBM and a device described by Google in a paper published in the journal Nature in the paper. It is argued that their device reached Quantum Supremacy and that a quote state-of-the-art supercomputer would require Approximately 10,000 years to perform the equivalent task side note from me. Can you feel the Stark man we argue. Sorry. This is in this is italicized. We argue that an ideal simulation of the same tasks can be performed on a classical system in two point five days. And with far greater Fidelity. This is in fact a conservative worst case scenario and we expect that with additional refinements the The cost of this simulation can be further reduced. Wow. That is that is some snark. I mean, I'm sure that it's all it's not supposed to come across as snarky but that's how I read it because it makes it so much more fun. If you just imagine somebody writing this going. This is in fact a conservative worst-case estimate. Anyhow, What they have said is that what Google is doing is saying okay in order to run this in the best way possible. We need to store the entire state of the system in Ram. We need to have random access memory to the entire state of the quantum system, which is why Which is why this gets so big so fast because the state spaces of a n cubed system is 2 to the N. Excuse me. This is yeah. It's a what IBM has said is what if we didn't have to store it all in Ram. What have we could use let your base? What's essentially your hard drives in order to store parts of this? eight and what that allows them to do is it allows them to store way more and Sorry, this is I am sort of reading the blog post. I should stop that. What yeah, what they're saying is that they can use secondary storage to simulate up to 53 and 54 qubits. And that even they could potentially do more faster than 10,000 years again. They're saying they could do it in two point five days on the Summit supercomputer at Oak Ridge Oak Ridge National Laboratories. However, remember that Google's Google's machine their Quantum machine can do it in two hundred seconds. So it's still a massive speed up, but it's not in the realm of quantum Supremacy where a quantum computer can do something that a classical computer absolutely cannot. What's another thing that's interesting is that they have said sorry, let me find the exact quote. Yeah, they're classical simulation estimate of 10,000 years is based on the observation that the RAM memory requirement just store this full State Vector in a Schrodinger type simulation would be prohibitive and thus one needs resort to a forgetting our fireman simulation that trades off space for time. They are saying that Sorry, yes, here's the quote. However classical computers have resources of their own such as a hierarchy of memories and high-precision computations and Hardware various software Assets in a vast knowledge base of algorithms and it is important to leverage all such capabilities when comparing Quantum to classical so they're saying Ram is great. But if we use something else we can speed it up and make this way easier on ourselves. That's yeah, they're they're paper is titled leveraging secondary storage just simulate deep 54 qubit Sycamore circuits and it is only slightly less readable than Google's paper. There is a link of course to the archive of the paper and it's an it's an interesting read. It's like I said a little less readable mainly because it is On a very technical way of simulating this these circuits. They have a proposed simulation strategy section that goes into that quite a lot talking about how they're slicing up the circuit in order to spread out the computation how sort of like in the Google's paper how they have a lighted circuits and split circuits. Similar to that sort of idea but for simulations instead of running it on an actual machine and then they have how they got all their estimated running times, which is it makes a lot of sense how they get the the top the total time of two point five days. What's interesting. Is that the vast majority of their time looking at the table right now, so their total time is 2 point 5 for 9 days. Sorry, that should that should round to two point five five days on a on the summit supercomputer at Oak Ridge there the amount of time that they spend on disk in out is one point nine days. So over half of their time is spent on disk IO, but they're still able to speed up significantly. To 10,000 years even with the amount of time that it takes you to read from the secondary storage. That's super interesting. Yeah, the sorry the percent the total percent of time is almost 75 percent seventy four point three seven percent. I highly recommend going through and reading this. Oh, yeah. Here's their 5420 cycle 54 qubit Sycamore circuit would take five point eight days and 65% of the total time is spent on disk and out. So again, it's even though the secondary memory slower overall. It gives you a speed up which is something that's something that's interesting in that a lot of times. You wouldn't think of it in general. If you can store everything in memory, sorry in random access memory you do it because it will speed up your program if you Me too. Of course, if you don't need to that doesn't necessarily make sense, but to speed up your program the more that you can store the closer to where you're performing the operations the faster it's going to be in this case. That's not true because you're dealing with such large State spaces and simulations. That's not something I necessarily would have thought of immediately. So in conclusion there I asked in the intro is it put up or shut up time? It has been since October 21st when IBM said not on Google you didn't get Quantum Supremacy and that has been well over two and a half days. So, of course the summit supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, perhaps they don't have access to constantly. However, IBM does have access to some serious computational power that they could use to simulate this in far less than 10,000 years according to them. They have done a lot of work in proving or I should say giving reasons for their estimate of two and a half days for the computations that Google ran. however, why haven't they shown it it seems like Going back to talking about like the the pr and the marketing aspect of this. It seems that it would be a fantastic article headline to say on quote Quantum Supremacy and also Google you definitely didn't get it because here are the results from us running it in two and a half days or even in a week. Maybe it takes them longer than they thought but that seems like it could be worth the publicity stunt in the end. I don't know that it matters all that much. It's still a vast speed up and it shows that there are things that quantum computers can be used for successfully. And give you speed UPS. Oh and show its things that a classical computer cannot at this point. They're talking about using the algorithm that Google ran on the quantum computer for verifiably random numbers, but that relies on the idea that the quantum computer can do it faster than classical computers can which essentially means that you generate a random number using there? Random Sycamore circuit you get the number back and then you can make sure that it came from this quantum computer because it would be impossible for all of the other classical computers to do this which seems sort of like, I don't know. It seems sort of like a cheat to me and it doesn't it's not super useful but it is technically a potential useful application until you have another 53 qubit Sycamore process are out there. So in the end this is it still an amazing achievement Google's quantifies Pharmacy whether it is actually Quantum Supremacy or not is a feat of engineering and physics and computer science and it might not be as impressive as a speed up from 10,000 years to 200 seconds, but it is at the very very least as impressive as a speed up from 2.5 five days to 200 seconds, which is still incredible and there's more to talk about this episode is going to be a long one because Microsoft has announced their Microsoft Azure quantum So they are talking about Microsoft Azure is a cloud Cloud solution from Microsoft. Azure Quantum is cloud-based Quantum Computing. So I will read you a bit of their product overview. Building sorry build Quantum Solutions today tackling the world's toughest challenges requires computational power that exceeds that of today's most powerful computers where classical Computing may take a billion years to address some of these challenging problems Quantum Computing has the power to solve these problems in weeks days or even hours as your Quantum is I do is a diverse set of Quantum Services ranging from pre-built solutions to software and Quantum Hardware providing developers and customers access to some of the most competitive. Quantum offerings on the market and for developers we've created in the open-source Quantum development kit which has all of the tools and resources you need to start learning and building Quantum Solutions today. We talk about the quantum development kit in previous episode about all of the Frameworks their Quantum development kit is one of those Frameworks that was talked about so they have Partnerships Microsoft is they talk about Physical access they are not creating their own qubits as of yet. They are still working on creating topological qubits, which work based on topological insulators. And the that has not been shown to be a viable solution for even creating a single qubit at this point. So they have other industry Partners such as one cubit ion Q Honeywell and qci. And what's interesting about that is that Microsoft is sort of doing the same thing that Amazon is doing which we will get to later with Amazon bra KET. But anyhow, the Azure Quantum stack is essentially everything you could ever need to do Quantum Computing its high level algorithms. Its low-level Hardware access its cloud computing so you don't have to host it on. Premises it's a it's an interesting offering. And again, it's another of those signs that Quantum Computing is moving into the mainstream. They already have customers. They are working with Case Western Reserve University. They're working with Ford working with Wills Towers Watson. They've got big names that have already signed on to be part of Microsoft Azure quantum. now There they have a frequently asked questions that includes what's with the cat Schrodinger's cat as part of their logo and it's a it's an interesting an interesting nod. So yeah, it is open currently for preview. You can become an early adopter and start playing around with Quantum software and Hardware. From someone other than IBM for one of the first times ever it. It's something interesting in that. There are I can see it being viable in the future. There are already software Solutions out there for many many things and yet people still use Microsoft Azure because it makes it more convenient and it makes it easier and they make a they make an analysis A cost-benefit analysis that says the cost of Hosting these things on my own on-site. And going through all of that work may be it may be fiscally less where we're spending less money upfront to sorry less money in the long run to buy them and maintain them ourselves. However, if we let Microsoft do it all that for us and we connect up to the their cloud services that will be less money in the long run because we're wasting less time on figuring during out how to get all of this stuff up and running. I think that is the power of these sort of hosted Solutions where you have Quantum Computing companies that are working on the hardware. They specialize on the hardware and then they sell it to Microsoft and Microsoft sort of resells it to other customers with pretty packaging and nice algorithms and a library that has things like I want to do Grover search algorithm on this array. Get the grover say give it a function Grover search and then give it as a parameter the array that you want to search and it will tell you your answer and that will give you give it back to you in pi over 4 times the square root of n time and allow you to have just a little bit of overhead via Microsoft stuff, but way less overhead via you having to develop those algorithms yourself. It's still going to be useful for companies to develop algorithms. And that's what Microsoft is working on but more specialization where you have people working on just Hardware people working on just software and people working on just applications of this software. I think it's going to be a good thing moving forward. Now that being said let's talk about Amazon jumping into the quantum Computing game with Amazon bracket bracket. I'm still unsure of how to pronounce that because I've never heard someone pronounce that I've only seen it written. in any case they're they're creating an Amazon web services service that allows people to hear the benefits of Amazon bracket. They can get started quickly experiment with multiple Technologies run hybrid Quantum and classical algorithms and get expert help. They've actually teamed up with Cal Tech for this to design and run this service, which is fantastic Caltech. Kate has the best and the brightest in the world and yeah, not sure where I was going with that but When they say experience with multiple Technologies, they are partnering with gate based and Quantum annealing superconductors. So they have they have I believe Righetti is who they're partnering with? Yes. They have it down here Righetti ion q&d wave so Righetti of course makes superconducting qubits ion, Q makes trapped ion quantum computers and d-wave makes quantum annealing superconducting qubits. So what that allows you to do that gives you way more options than saying I can only run gasket on IBM computers, which is no longer true and we'll get to that later. But that is something to be aware of that. There are companies large large companies such as Microsoft and Amazon jumping into the quantum Computing Market not necessarily making their own quantum computers yet Mike. Soft I believe as far as I know it's still working on topological qubits, but they are their packaging quantum computers that other people have made and using their knowledge of creating web services like Azure and AWS in order to make it more accessible for more people to use it and that creates a sort of positive feedback loop where more people use it more people get benefit from it more people can invest more money. e into it which means that they can create more services like this, which means that more people can use it which means more people can and so on and so forth and I think that that is again a very good sign that we are moving into a world full of quantum Computing for everyone to use not just big companies because at this point it's almost like 1950s where it seemed that no, Never use no one would ever have a personal computer inside of your house computers take up full buildings and they require physicists to work on and you've got to have a very specialized degree. And now I have a phone in my pocket that has more power than those huge building sized computers. I think that something like that could happen with Quantum and the more that we have large companies like this like Amazon and Microsoft investing in that. At the closer we get. So like I said kiss get is not just for IBM kiss get 0.13 now supports multiple architectures including trapped ion qubits. So what that means is that they compile it differently. So you write the same kiss get you write your functions with hadamard Gates and your controlled knots and all of that you write that in casket normally and then you select what back-end you want and they will they will find they will find out what back and you want they will use that to inform which house And to compile it so that you can run it on the backend of IBM's Quantum annealing. Sorry not Quantum annealing Quantum gate model superconducting qubits, or you can run it on the trapped ion system and that's super cool because that means that this gate is now even more versatile than has been in the past. That means that more people could potentially use is it in the future and I think that again this goes back to it's all moving towards more people being able to use more Quantum Computing on more devices for more purposes. And in this case more is better. I think that something there's not much to say about this other than it's interesting that if you want to look into the back end of how all this works. That's super interesting. Not something that I want to dive into in a news episode but gasket 0.13 now has support for multiple architectures. You can select whether you want to run on superconducting gate model or trapped ion qubits. All right, we're moving along here. Speaking of big people big companies jumping in to Quantum Computing Intel has been working on Quantum Computing for a while. However, they've been kind of quiet about it. They have now introduced horse Ridge saying that they want to enable commercially viable quantum computers. So horse Ridge is not a quantum computer. It is not a Computing chip. It is a cryogenic control chip. So it's not it does not allow you to sorry. It does not have the cube itself. It allows for control of multiple qubits, and it's a clear path towards scaling larger systems. What they say about why it matters in the race to realize the power and potential of quantum computers researchers have focused extensively on Cubit fabrication building test chips that demonstrate the exponential power of a small number of qubits operating in superposition. However, in early Quantum Hardware developments including design testing and characterization of Intel silicon Spin qubit and superconducting qubit systems until identified a major bottleneck toward realizing commercial scale Quantum computing. Max and control Electronics with horse Ridge Intel introduces An Elegant solution that will enable the company to control multiple qubits and set a clear path toward scaling future systems to larger cubic counts a major Milestone on the path to Quantum practicality. So this is something that they worked on in house and now they're sort of showing it off to the public the Horse Ridge is interesting in that. They are they're thinking ahead to the Future. They are not just saying. Okay, how many qubits can be crammed onto a chip right now, they're saying hold on. We want to cram were cubits onto a chip right now, but also five years down the road. How can we do that? So that it is scalable so we can cram more and more qubits onto a chip there looking ahead. Not just at For instance going back to the example of 1950s Quantum Computing. They are they're not just looking at how many transistors can I solder onto a chip? They're looking at. How can I make it so that I can easily control all of these different transistors so that they can work together to create something more than the sum of the parts. So there's a link of course in the show Notes, too. Tells Newsroom announcement of horse Ridge they talk about down below all of the interesting more technical details about this what's in so my home state Oregon has horse rage is one of the coldest places in Oregon and Intel's Intel's Hillsboro campus is what is working on Quantum computing. We are so sorry these quantum computers and so they named it after horse raging, Oregon. That's that's pretty cool puts a smile on my face. I think the big takeaway there is again, two things one another another big company moving into Quantum Computing investing more money into Quantum Computing betting that it is going to pay off at some point in the future because I I would be extremely surprised if they said that horse Ridge is currently commercially viable and making them money. And the other thing is that they are they're expanding not just now but they are looking forward into the future thinking about how can we scale this because this is not they don't view this as a passing fad. Some people have said the Computing is a passing fad will find new and better Quantum algorithms for classical algorithms to do all the things that quantum computers can do faster, but these companies obviously don't think that and that is certainly hopeful for the future of quantum Computing. All right. I got one last thing which is pretty recently IBM announced that they have reached Quantum volume 32. With their real a Quantum machine. So Quantum volume. What is quantum volume Quantum volume is a measurement system that IBM created because you can't compare direct cubic counts. If you compare direct cubic counts, you have d-wave with their mm Quantum. They've got their 2,000 cubic machine. You're comparing that to IBM's 28 qubit machine Raleigh. And you go hold on why in the world does anybody even try with IBM if d-wave exists the reason there is because they have two different architectures and they have different amounts of qubit interconnect and they have different amounts of D coherence and all of those things. There are many many factors that go into Quantum volume and that is what determines sort of how good a computer is overall. Would be like if you took a your classical machine at home and you made a single number that talked about everything from processor speed to amount of ram to amount of secondary storage and your hard drive and you can find all that together and you got a single number that weighted each of those things a little bit differently. That's sort of what Quantum Quantum volume. Is to Quantum Computing so there they have now reached a Quantum volume of 32, which so starting in 2017. They had Tenerife and then Tokyo and then you hand is berg and now Raleigh they Have now said Raleigh has reached a Quantum volume of 32, which is double Johannesburg from last year in 2019. They are saying that they have yeah that they have they have shown, you know, this this idea that Moore's law can live on, you know, a thousand Generations live in you now Moore's law can live on in Quantum computing. Can double Quantum volume every year so far? They've been doing that? They have they've doubled their Quantum volume from these last two years and if they can continue that into the future then Quantum Computing will become commercially and just practically viable faster than I think anyone would anyone is predicting right now. Well, maybe not anyone. There are some people who are predicting some crazy things but in general, What most people are predicting so again, I'm not going to talk too much about Rowley and there are 28 Q bit with Quantum volume of 32. But suffice it to say it is 28 qubits is not a small amount, you know, it's about half of what Google had on their bristle cone chip or sorry their Sycamore chip, but it Is it a step in the right direction and it is sorry. It's cool that it's that they have a 28 qubit chip and that they can produce more than one of them believe that they have plans for multiple 28 qubit chips the they're just focusing on Raleigh because it has demonstrated Quantum volume 32 and what this means is that it has gotten better faster stronger and as that continues into the future you're going to see more and more ability to use quantum computers. Lee so they have a whole section about looking into the decade ahead. This is what they have predicted for the 2020s. The next 10 years will be the decade of quantum systems and the emergence of a real Hardware ecosystem that will provide the foundation for improving coherence Gates stability cryogenics components integration and packaging only with a systems development mindset. Will we as a community see Quantum advantage in the 2020s? I think that I think that they're they're onto something there with a system development mindset. You can't just focus on one part of a quantum computer, which is why I like Quantum volume at least the concept of creating a number that is fairly easy to look at if not to understand where exactly it comes from, but you can look at a single number and see what progress are we making over time and that number incorporates a system developments mindset in that you have to work on Cuba. Connect and D coherence times and Fidelity and everything from you know, how fast can you control qubits to all of those things in order to improve your Quantum volume? I think that hopefully Quantum volume continues to increase at that exponential rate doubling every year which is better than Moore's law. Did Moore's Law it doubles every two years and I think that If that continues we will reach the point where Quantum Computing is maybe not ubiquitous. But more common than is right. Now where we're able to use it to solve real-world problems. We're solving traffic in a city won't just be a publicity stunt but rather something that is done on a regular basis with a quantum computer so that we can reduce the amount that people have to drive the amount of time stuck in traffic. Affic the amount of pollution put out into the atmosphere by all of these cars and as Quantum Computing becomes more mainstream, we're able to solve even more problems like that. That is my hope for the 2020s and I think that that is an excellent goal and an excellent way to end this segment of the podcast. All right. We actually have some listener Corrections this time finally. So I asked if I had missed any Frameworks in the last episodes discussion of them turns out the people at Xanadu a I have a fan in a mirror Abba's as she pointed out that I missed their Frameworks Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields. So to remedy this a bit I'll do a breakdown of Strawberry Fields or right now from the honestly gorgeous website for Penny Lane. Penny Lane is quote a cross-platform python library for Quantum machine learning. Automatic differentiation and optimization of hybrid clock Quantum classical computations Strawberry Fields on the other hand is quote a full stack python library for Designing simulating and optimizing continuous variable Quantum Optical circuits first, let's define the difference between Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields. Both of which are open source libraries from Xanadu AI Strawberry Fields is the base level language for Xanadu a eyes machines sort of like Kiss get for IBM or a Like well for wregget Righetti Penny Lane is a rapper or library that goes on top of that and allows for very nice interface with the quantum Hardware. Penny Lane is specifically focused on Quantum machine learning, which is pretty cool. But it's not a super General super General topic or application for them to be using it on and I actually got so that's that's that for strawberry fields and Penny Lane that I actually got a lot of feedback. Around this episode Arthur PESA replied to me on Twitter in order to bring you out to my attention. He said to do fast simulations for instance for a variational algorithms where you need to run the circuit many times. Yeah. I was the best. Here's the blurb for yeah. Ow. Yeah. Ow is an open source framework that aims to empower Quantum information research with software tools. It is quantum software 2.0 and Quantum computation education. We are in an early release beta expect some adventures and rough edges. So that reminds me of Google's search which says expect breaking changes, but unlike all the other mentioned libraries packages and Frameworks cow is a framework built in and for the Julia language, that's part of I can claim to be the fastest framework out there. And if you look at they have I have got a link in the show notes to this. They've got a comparison from yellow to other platforms like Kiss kit. Pike well that sort of stuff and yeah is consistently one of if not the fastest simulators out there, so Now this one isn't a correction from a listener but something I wanted to share because the interface is very pleasing in. My opinion qtek has a key their Quantum Inspire SDK online which again Link in the show notes, but it's just gorgeous and in my opinion very well-designed shout out to the people at qtek for making something that is so visually appealing as well as it appears to be actually useful you can It to actually program quantum computers at the very least simulate and learn about quantum computers and finally links in the show notes to lists of quantum Computing Frameworks languages and simulators from quantity dot org and the quantum open-source Foundation AKQ OSF. Now these apparently I just missed as I was looking up Quantum Computing Frameworks and languages and simulators, but there are these are More complete than any podcast I could ever make I suppose I could just read off those lists, which would then make my podcasts just as complete as they are in any case there are a lot in there if you want to go back and listen to my episode on Frameworks, which is the previous episode. Please do so that gives you a good overview of some of the most common Frameworks and languages, but if you want a just a full list of all of the ones out there check out those links for Quantico. And cue OSF. I got an interesting question on Twitter from agent Anakin a i who asked if there is such a thing as distributed Quantum Computing. This is something I had never heard of and my first reaction was it doesn't really make sense because the whole point of quantum Computing is that you have this dense interconnect between the qubits allowing you to have such a greater State space where you can perform calculations. However, I thought I I should look into it a bit. What I found was surprising in that distributed Quantum Computing is a theoretical possibility and that there has been a paper published about it according to physicist org a network of small quantum computers can Implement any Quantum algorithm with just a small overhead when they say small overhead. They really mean it looking at the paper. Their overhead is O of square root of n Polly. It's hard times poly log in. So that's a fantastic overhead. That's very very small. And if you're able to combine multiple quantum computers into or multiple Quantum processors into that that overhead could be worth it for the ease of making multiple chips that have a lesser interconnect and thus smaller chance that errors in the qubits will propagate there's a link in the show notes as always to fit to the article as well. As the PDF of their paper that outlines in more detail exactly how this could work. Please reach out to me on Twitter at one Ethan Hanson. I know this was a long episode with some rambling and it was light on technical details. Let me know what I can do better or different so that I can make these changes for season 2, please also reach out if you found a mistake in the podcast so I can make a correction update in the next episode that's always helpful or just reach out to tell me how much you like the podcast because that always puts a smile on my face Quantum Computing now is produced in partnership with the quantum the quantum daily. The aims to cut through the technical jargon and overhyped fluff pieces to deliver quality comprehendible content about Quantum Computing. If you enjoy this podcast and would also like text resources. Be sure to check out the quantum, which I have linked to in the show notes. Thank you so much for sticking with me through this whole long episode and I'll have another episode out when I get to it.
Can you even call it "news" if it's 3 months old? Maybe it should be tagged with [olds] Blanket of light Volkswagen Google’s Paper: IBM’s response: Microsoft Azure Quantum Qiskit 0.13 has support for trapped ion qubits Horse Ridge Amazon Braket IBM Quantum Volume 32 w/ Raleigh PennyLane and Strawberry Fields Yao Quantum Inspire Quantum Frameworks lists Distributed Quantum Computing The Quantum Daily --- Send in a voice message:
Alright guys, so a lot of people access how do they make a podcast? I'm let you in on a secret on the easiest most productive way to start a podcast and get it up and running and that is the app called anchor is free. They have all kind of cool creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. They will distribute your podcast for you to all of the major Outlets including spot.Why Apple Google many more and you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership is everything you need to make a podcast in one simple easy place. So if you're interested in starting a podcast Go download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Let's do it. ATL the eyl Takeover is just days away. That's why you have a few days left and we got breaking news. Mr. Koerner class himself eyl Alum episode 38. Mr. J. Morrison has been added to our live podcast bill. So head over to Ernie go to the events tab all the ticket information is there don't wait don't hesitate meet us there love. All right, guys, welcome back ey o back here. We will be back with another Fire episode. But um before we start Atlanta you got two days left by the time you hear this maybe three o'clock. It's a tickets. Yeah, it's crazy crazy event that we got planned for this coming Saturday and Sunday the 25th and the 26th. We have a live podcast on the 25th. Wait Petey Boy Child to Brandon Met foot and his whole crew we have Have mr. And mrs. Two weeks out first family the fitness and Anime running in Atlanta with Fitness game. Right now. We have Keanu Watson celebrity realtor and then after the podcast we have catered open bar situation private networking event record all of our alumni and Alma de guess a lots of people would like want to know like, how do I meet the people? How do I network with them? This is how yeah, a lot of people been asking like are they going to be there after the pocket? Yeah, they're gonna be hanging out with everybody's gonna be there in Alex couldn't and she's gonna be everybody's Gonna Be There Our Guest today will be there as well. Yeah, yeah. Yeah the next day we have our Workshop when I'm Alice good energy truck and Google + e for Y2K Credit Solutions Max Max well talk about wholesaling and mg the mortgage Gaga mortgages. So and then like I said, we're going to have Greg Barnett and I felt agent will be them as business will be there Mandy Mandy. It's gonna be a bunch of people there and it's gonna be a lot. It's going to be a whole vibe party. So are you events tab? I'll snatch up your tickets. And yeah, we'll see you then go see you. So all right. We're going to jump right into this episode. This is something that we extremely excited about and I personally think that this might be the most important episode that we've done so far. It's something we've been talking about since like we started on your leisure was like yo we need to do something as major for majority of people now, this is something that is going to be extreme. Like I said, this might be the most important episode. So no pressure you got you gotta have to like Right. Now it's know it's crazy because it's a business podcast. Yeah, so, you know, we teach about entrepreneurship and testing things of that nature but like Ash Cash once famously said your job is your first investor, right? So what we love for everybody to be entrepreneur sure why not but we know that 90% of Americans are not entrepreneurs 90% of Americans work and work for the draft. So this this is going to be an interesting conversation because we cover a few different topics. X so our guest today Brandon Mitchell, he's he is an entrepreneur, right? But he's his business is resume writing along with other things. Yeah, so career advancement correct career. So so that the interesting part is that he left his corporate job to become an entrepreneur. So that's one story right as far as like, how do you start a business? And he's young 2023, right? 23 years old 23 years old. He left us a Sikh youth great. You get paid six figures. Yeah. Figure corporate job. And so to sign up for that like any 2300 you make six figures they like no way. Yeah, so that's what I did. That's one story, right? That's one story. And then the next story is to say okay his what he does. Now for a living is to help people make more money exactly as far as improved their their career, right? So that's another story as far as you know to make more money because the whole point of it to have multiple streams of income. So nobody says that you cannot work a job, but you should optimize your situation if you are working a job right now. On the Fly what I think we're trying to Scott pulls that right again out of five is your first investor your 6:00 to 6:00 to 10:00 is when you build your Empire, yeah fat and then the other side of the story is that for self-employed people and business owners. They have to hire people they have to know the inner workings. So that's something I employment is not something that's really talk about a lot but it's very important not only from the employee but from the employer there who to hire how to hire what to be looking for when you hire two sides of the coin. Yeah. So, all right. So Brandon is 23 years old he A very quote unquote good job of corporate America and he quit his six-figure job to start his own business five months ago you started so as we started the business on May 9th 2019. So about six seven months in so far six six six seven months and what's your Revenue will now so as of today we are about a hundred and forty thousand dollars in Revenue a hundred out seven months or so, so a hundred forty thousand forty or 440,000 hundred forty thousand dollars and seven months. It's just A phenomenal story and you know what? This is about the month of May. That's when he deemed us the youngsters had met and reached out and I didn't know who he was and then he hit us hit us up on patreon. He's a patron to yes patrons out the fascia. So we had our first phone call. We like oh that's kind of how we got to we got to really sit down and see what happens. When you become a parent as a fact. He was a patron here for our Patron. We had a FaceTime conversation and we like to story so much and now he's actually on a podcast that's dope man. That's a sad. This is the first page you to be able to park. And I for sure thought so thank you man. Thank you for your support. First of all, thank you for joining us. All right, we're gonna jump right into it. So can you tell us the story of right you were working at Price Waterhouse Cooper? Yes, that's a big five accounting firm big 44 big four accounting. So the big four accounting firms you have pricewaterhousecoopers. That's a number one. So shout out to PWC Deloitte UI and KPMG. So at P2 C. I was a technology consultant. It's pretty interesting because PWC. It's a global accounting and advisory firm, so they do everything from Audit tax and advisory so advisories where you get a lot of the consultant. So if you ever heard of, you know people going in and press up in suits traveled around the u.s. That's kind of what I did. So I primarily focus on the technology Consulting side. So we would go in to something called operating model assessments. So you're going to look at a business and say okay. Hey, like, how was your technology? How was your marketing your operations and essentially give recommendations for the technology teams to do better. So typically we would manage projects and I was really involved in making Sure, that the the companies like their end products were and Technologies being delivered on time and on budget essential project manager. You're doing this headlight 19 20 years old. Yeah, so I kind of started as an intern which is pretty good in that think a lot of times people say, how do you get into these big corporations? And the best way is through the internship program? So I was blessed that when I was in college I was able to go to a conference called NABA. So shout-out inaudible stands for the National Association of black accountants and through NABA their head like whole bunch of networking events, and I was there to get my first touch point so fast forward, you know, I did the internship was great experience, but really rudimentary so back as an intern kind of don't do too much kind of get a little bit of exposure to just like what it means to just see the corporate world. So after that, you know, I was able to land a full-time job and then that I started so, all right. So you're working at PWC and start off the rip, you're making a hunched over a hundred thousand off now so so fresh air with $75,000 right out of college and if for any college student, and it's So you like 21. She has some 21 yet 21 make a 75,000 which was a blessing in our because I didn't grow up Salute ones to make people make Tony went with you know, send 5,000 other around me. So it was it was great, you know and just the just knowing that you know, I'm making this much it had a lot of little bit of a weight on my shoulders. But yeah, so started first year 75,000 and then the pump you up like 80 and then straight to like 91 it so when you incorporate like the bonuses and the compensation you're looking at way over a hundred, so, all right, so you're working there for like two. Two years doing that. So I was there for about two two years about two months or so. So you did it for two and a half years your 22:23 at that time, right? Yeah, you left your 23 23 23 back in October October 25th. I'll never forget the day you make it like a hundred how much made a hundred ten some like a hundred are not 100 1000 acted six-figure at 23. So, you know, that's something that a lot of people over 50 and 40 don't like parents. Yeah, exactly. So what makes you Want to start your own company when you're already making $100,000 at 23 years old. Yeah, not absolutely. That's really great question. So for me my entrepreneurship Journey really started back when I was in college. So I was in college back in I graduate from high school 2014 started in college and so for me when I was in college, I really wanted to do the most right. So I went in there as a finance major so people don't know what that started in finance and quickly went to double and triple Major. So people know something. Yeah. Yeah, three things. Yeah triple Major you got that much. So I did Finance which was great because I gave me a lot of exposure to like investing. So some of those fundamental concepts that I did economics which is huge because you get to look at the word. I from a macroeconomic perspective, right? Like how does the world work inflation's interest rate all that great stuff and then you know, my mom at one point she was like, you know what you should really check out this thing called Mis and at that time it was really when m is was starting to blow up and the stands for management information. Systems, so essentially you you learn about databases database management and how to you know, look at technology from like a business perspective per se so you have Finance economics and man wasn't management information systems. Yeah. What school did you go to? So I'm a proud Alum from A Plattsburgh State University felt the Plattsburgh. We drove past that on our way to Montreal any Plattsburgh is impossible. So alright, what's up my fellow social life at all? Yes. I was it's funny enough. What on campus? I mean, I people knew me as like the guy who was definitely like at most of the parties, but at the same time I took school and my education really seriously, so, you know, it's funny enough even with graduating in three years. I was taking about like 27 credits a semester while still managing a social life and fraternity Club. That's a full year for most people. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, 27 crept the semester they do they know love what a thing is good. So I graduate in three and a half years. And I took the most I ever took was 20 credits a semester. It's probably but the story my story is different from your story because a lot of yeah, so I was I play basketball and I was a communication major per thousand American Studies major then I was communication me. I just want to do the easiest thing possible to be honest full transparency. And so I learned how to my Mansion. Well, I learned to hack the system has always taken the easiest classes. So my 20 credits was like six credits. I could I would take like Community involvement like all kinds of nonsense like so good over the education. What year was actually taking real classes? Yeah, so I kind of flipped the script a little bit and it's interesting because when I started I jumped right into my major classes so full transparency when I got to college. I already had 12 credits. So Zone - High School from High School. Okay. So back in our unit - opportunity to high school they were able to offer these things called super classes and essentially if you took them your senior year and you out. Passive like a bee or a you were able to get three credits. I took a few of those. So when I went to college, I was already a semester ahead per se. Yeah 12. So you all you need to talk to be a full-time student. So you always do you have the type Prodigy? He might not even know who Doogie Howser is wrong. You know, Doogie Howser. I do not generational. This is a lot about the tell you so all right. So so so yeah, obviously extremely intelligent right so you have three degrees you have three degrees ready. Raised in three years and three years. Okay. So then you start your first business while you're in college or I was in college, right? So my first business as launched my second semester freshman year. So back in 2016, and it didn't really work out too. Well, but it was called idea So was a social media platform for buying and sharing ideas with Equity crowdfunding components. So I mentioned that I was a finance major. So in my studies I started learning about like, you know Equity crowdfunding just like all types of As Concepts and at that time I said, you know what it'll be really great to do a platform. So around that time I was doing a lot of research and I was looking at things like GoFundMe which huge back then Kickstarter. So I was like in a lot of ways in which people were getting ideas out there. You know, you you kind of bring a product to Market and let's say you don't have all the money yourself you can literally crowdfund and that's a great way of getting exposure brand awareness and things like that for your product. So I said, you know what like just looking looking at the traction that like Facebook has I said, well everybody loves social media you get on on there and you can you can do all that interactions as you know, so, so I said, you know what, let's combine the two so the real premise was that people can go on there and literally comment on your idea to ideate it and help you develop it out and then they would get some equity in exchange. So I put up an idea. Somebody says you are like it. Let me help you develop it to exactly what I was dope. So that's why I want to I want to do I got a podcast. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you gotta pop out a podcast idea and now you put it out there and then some Because I want to help with the podcast and then you sell the equity for 5% exactly get more $5,000 and now they have equity for really helping you build that really helping you build it step by step, right? Hmm. Yes, you can get on there and just learn about people's ideas. What's the name of it? I did It doesn't exist and the slogan was the yeah and you know during that like that is because I realized the power of just ideas in general, you know, everybody has ideas there in abundance. But the thing is that a lot of people really scared to share their ideas. That's what felt like a hotel someone, you know, like I don't really know what's gonna happen to take it from my idea. And you know at that time was done in companies, like everybody has ideas why not just share them because what I have in my head doesn't mean what you have in your head my vision my marketing strategies how I want to execute will be a lot different than let's say you in or something else. And so I said, you know, you shouldn't you shouldn't hold it to herself put it out there and see what like what like what you could build it. Yeah. My brother told me something very important like a My Summer Staff. He was like listen man only hire people. Ideas, right you can't be the only one with ideas because what you become is the guy at the club who has the bottles and everybody's drinking them at some point people got to get their own bottles or start sharing drinks and I was like, damn you're right. So I was like, you know, what if you don't have any ideas what we're doing you can't come back straight up that bottle situation in Syria bottle situation is serious, right? You gotta hear. Okay. Well, so that didn't work out. So now what happened? Why didn't it work out because that's Actually a really good idea. No absolutely and I feel like it didn't work out because of the team. So at that time, you know, I was really young so I didn't really know how to really execute on yet and my team around how are you I was about 20 at that time. Yeah. Yeah, so I was like 19 20 and I had the great idea but I just didn't have a good team around me. So I was looking on campus for like support. So I was like, I was literally on LinkedIn back then saying hey like who can I find on campus helped me develop the to while develop this thing, but yeah just didn't have a good team. And so You know, it didn't really work out. But what was cool is that I think it's a pitch it and back then and I was really heavily involved in campus. So I was something like the business plan competition. So we pitched it raised a little bit of money. But again, it just didn't take a picture too. So we pitched it to on campus. We have like business plan competition. So they would have get like local Angel Investors from the password community. So Hospital into Community, you know, I got a lot of people around there who just sitting up there they were retired and they're like, hey, like why not? No support So if you want these competitions you would get about like dollars two thousand dollars to kind of work on your idea 24 hours in a day. This guy's triple Major and pitching business plan. No, excuse like this is crazy. Triple Major triple, maybe a new name will call you triple Major. What's your what's your what's your background or West India? So but yeah, so I'm making an Italian for sure. Yeah. So another to make it on the podcast leave it up to the Jamaicans. You know does my dad has three jobs? Yeah, it is. There it is. Oh, yeah. Oh man, I knew it. All right. So, okay, so that doesn't work out but you don't get discouraged when you start another business, right? Absolutely with all the business out. So after is kind of interesting because because with the idea that cam right I realize back then that's when I kind of sort of resume writing that you know, I can take this experience and put on my resume and with that that's actually how I got my first internship at Grant Thornton. It was before PWC, which is Grant Thornton is a number five accounting from the world. So got the big four then you kind of got like everything else. So Grant Thornton was number five. So to answer your question after the experience with idea, you know, I was pitching it was making money with you know, raising money. So I was like, you know what I have more ideas so my junior year, which is also my senior since I graduated in three years. I decided to launch resumes dotco and resumes that Co was the first iteration of brand resumes so back then Again, I said, you know, I'm not going to just give up on this first idea that that didn't really work out. Let me just try something new. I was on campus writing resumes for myself and for others and it was rules working out. Like I said, I was able to get that internship at Grant Thornton and so on and so forth. You're like so you doing it for your friends and they're getting jobs off of it. Oh, yeah. Okay. So yes, I was literally writing resumes and everybody on campus was coming to me for this. I was like anybody thought about careers. They would just go like head up. Brandon. Brandon knows what's up? Yeah, and it was interesting because again, like even before I graduate I was a junior and sophomore literally the seniors are coming to me saying hey, like I need help. Can you help my little while my LinkedIn profile and things like that. So, all right, so, all right, so but that didn't work out either. No so resumes that code didn't work out but the process of building that company I think is the foundation for I'm at today. So, all right. So now you have experience and you have to resume experience a night will fast for you at PWC to see and what makes you want to rekindle and Right that over again. But there I heard there was a fateful trip to the West Coast. Yeah just have to ask so on for my birthday. It's my birthday is March 31st of last year. I decided to go out to California, right and you know me coming from the East Coast side only know a lot about California by I wanted to experience it. And so I forgot to California for a weekend is actually for my for my birthday weekend. Like I mentioned and during that trip, I was really driving up the Malibu Coast So for anybody who's on the west coast definitely check that out if you have a chance to go to California to you. To tell if you want beautiful ever made them a little brother shangguan u.s. Oh, yeah, beautiful. And so I was just driving and I saw so much beautiful houses on this Coastline and I'm just looking like man, like you'll be nice to own one of these one day and just that that aspiration know making six figures is great. But at the same time six circuits won't afford you that type of luxury lifestyle can't do that can't do it different ball game can levels not a social network. You know when Justin Timberlake he told the character that would play a Mark Zuckerberg who is like what he's he's like a million dollars isn't cool. He's like, you know what's called billion dollars, that's really cool. And the reality of it is that there's levels there's this really levels in life and it's like you think a hundred thousand is money until you realize it's really not. It's right to be parked on Star Trek. He forgot Stockman, you know, you know when you realize $100,000 when you make a hundred thousand, yeah, like I can't live with this. Yeah happen to me because it's like six six six figures you always think it's like so much and I know I made six figures in six months and I only have that much money. I'm like cost of living that this isn't this isn't going to do it. Yeah, absolutely. And so at that time and I said, I was I was literally driving up and down the coast and I said, you know what I want to be able to put myself in a position to do this and just working the actual nine to five or ninety. Even in some cases was going to do that. And obviously if you stick around at some of these consulting firms, it's a very lucrative career path. And so you can go up go from like associate to senior to senior manager director partner and partners make a lot of money, right? But at the same time you're really bouncy your time and I wanted to have that freedom to be able to make the money to do what I want to do, but also have the freedom to travel and you know to be on my own type of time on your leisure fast, really, hence. So you started it while you're still working while still working. So after I came back from that trip, Trip, you know, it just dawned on me. I said, you know what? Let me when I go home. Let me just try to do this idea again because I'm big on ideas. Right and I said that business model I'd know if I put the right, you know mix of services and just structure together. Let's just I know it can be something so at the time before I crash with you offering to many things or was like what happened? Yeah. So with resumes dotco, we actually were offering too many services because I was the first issue and then the second is that we didn't Only have the right price point so you got to know how to price your business is very important to understand like with the the the structure that goes into setting your price so back then it was really cheap and inexpensive and I think that the reason behind that is that we were serving the wrong Market. Mmm. So when I was on campus I was looking at servicing the college Market. I thought that that was like the end all be all let's just help college students work at Facebook. Yeah, let's help them get internships and jobs and opportunities. So our price point wasn't wasn't large enough. For the service in the time it would take to do the business in addition to that all the services. We wanted we were doing like website resumes, which is a really interesting concept where you can literally in set up having and giving out a paper you say hey go to my website and it's actually a resume. We're doing social media scrubs. So let's say you were looking for you were actively applying, you know, they're gonna go to your LinkedIn and your Facebook and your Instagram. So you want to make sure that that's in checked. Right and just the way that we were structuring out our services is it didn't make any sense and we don't have packages at the time so I think that you know, it was just too much to people will go to website. They would they wouldn't see they couldn't identify with a package or service which is what we fix with read So you start you start it by yourself right - when you first started like how many hours are you? So you working 9:00 to 6:00 and your regular job? Yeah, 96 97 in some cases with that with the Consulting, you know, you're really traveling. So you're working up 5:30 on Mondays or traveling to in my case was Philadelphia for a while you're getting there at like 8:30 a.m. Or so you work until about five or six you might go to the gym by the time you back to the hotel is about 8:30 9:00, and then yeah, I would just take from there until about, you know, two in the morning or so, and I knew that I had to put in the time to get to the effort. So you work from 8 o'clock in the morning to nine o'clock at night at your regular job after everything is done dinner Monday through Thursday, and then Friday, sometimes you would you be able to work from home same day from 9:00 to 2:00 in the morning worked on your side hustle, which was just out of spite. Absolutely every day and you're building that And we got how quickly or how quick when you start making money or resume. Yeah, so I think that the preparation so it was about a month and a half of preparation that went into actually setting it up because what I realized is that I want to set it up the right the right way, right? So with the brand res with resumes dotco, you know, essentially I did everything myself I code. I literally learn to code HTML JavaScript all that built a website myself set up on my own marketing, but I said this time let me Outsource to you know. Russians who do that and you know, it's funny was like it was a really a garyvee quote that stuck out to me and he said that 99% of problems in business can be solved by, you know, hiring someone and it was powerful because I was like wait I try to do everything myself the first time yeah, so the website development I found the cheapest developer and Pakistan, which was great and we and he actually went out to become he's actually a senior senior website developer for us now is actually full time just do relationship building. But yeah in terms of making money as soon as We put it out. It was an instant hit and I think it was a hit because it was always a great idea. We just didn't have the right execution. Is it and execution so then like four months after and at that point you quit your job right for three months ago. We launched in May and then about five months. I knew it was time. How much will you make in a month when you quit your job we was made so I was making about yeah the hundred thousand at PWC. So, you know after taxes like I mean, what if we resume with the resume South Vermont? Yeah. We was heading 20 to 25, March March 5th Place. Twenty thousand resumes is over. It was over. Yeah at that point. I knew that I was on to something but at the same time I wanted to make sure that you know, the income was consistent. So the first month we did about maybe $4,000 in sales then we jumped up to 15 20 25, right but it needs to be consistent. You don't want to just quit your job before you know that your side hustle is taking off. Yeah, but at the same time if you wait too long, you know, you can't you can't kind of manifold exactly it can also do some very important that one of them I said Akiko has she was like the best thing I could do was find myself if I hurt myself and I hurt everybody else to do the things that yeah what I'm waiting I'm taking too much time to do. Absolutely you need to focus on strategy as a business owner and also like where you see growth in Partnerships and things like that. Alright, so we're going to talk about the business model of your actual business. But in the next segment, we're going to talk about how people can make more money at their jobs via a few different hacks since this is the line of work that you remember we're going to Enlighten people and give them Um free game absolutely. 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Don't wait don't hesitate head over to Apple and Google Play stores right now and download the jumping jack tax app. Alright, so as I said the vast majority of earn your leisure is listeners in the vast majority of people not just an American all over the world are employees and there's nothing wrong with that because everybody's non-employer. Everybody doesn't want to be a business owner, but even if you do have Nations you still need to know how to maximize your job income. Wow, you're pursuing your side hustle or before you actually leave and do it full time entrepreneur thing, right? So we got talk about a few different hacks. The first thing is LinkedIn. We covered LinkedIn a little bit with with Kristen and I shot the Chris but we really go deep diving a link there. And I think that people don't fully understand LinkedIn. Unfortunately, that's the archives include they don't even don't even know like LinkedIn and shoot shoot just not something that is Is small it's big time, but it's big time with the right people the like so just to give you some stats as 300 million users on LinkedIn and 200 company countries monthly uses bro. Yes is crazy 77% of recruiters use LinkedIn and the cool thing about it is 33 percent of millionaires on LinkedIn. So LinkedIn is really like the the the higher Echelon social network site. So like if you could They're like Facebook is for like personal relationships. And Linkedin is more like for business relationships. Yeah. It's is that former? Social media social media people that want to make money business to business business business. Yeah, I'd say it's the largest B2B Network and the thing about the thing about LinkedIn to with everybody's on LinkedIn like literally like LinkedIn and has to I think it has the most powerful algorithm to show on Google like when you type somebody in like their name, the first thing that pops up is that LinkedIn page. It's like a business card. Point like you have to have a LinkedIn page and when you Google that comes up first, it's Google searches and everybody all high-powered Executives we go ahead. I'll link the hero last night in here people. That's not on Facebook or Instagram is on LinkedIn like that's a fact happens all the time and it's a way to actually grow your network make money and not just get a job. It's a way to network with people do all kinds of stuff. Yeah. So first of all, right, so LinkedIn is a big part of like your story. Right absolutely completely at LinkedIn is spending huge for growth. So why is LinkedIn so important? I think LinkedIn is really important and that you hit it on the head when he said this about 303 million active users a month, right? And so Lincoln has a huge network of professionals on there who are trying to do one of two things primarily. It's one to recruit for talent and to just to actually sell something right. So if you're a B2B professional whether you're selling like software or Digital Services, like that's play. Need to be and it's great because it's like your first touch point for some to know about you. So let's say you go to like a career fair or your networking and say hey, like here's my business card. You know, the first thing that I do I'm going to go and search you up on LinkedIn because I want to know who you are and I want to know your background to business caused or business cards do worked. Okay, but LinkedIn is the extended version of I'd say business card and a resume. Okay, right because when you go on LinkedIn, you can see someone's title. So that's the first thing that you're going to see which is very important and it needs to be engaging you can read their summary. So a little bit of a by about them. Um, and then you can see all their experience some of their volunteer work whether they're available for pro bono work. So it's really like a digital download quick and easy on someone's professional background. Yeah, and other LinkedIn hack that Chris Senegal actually said is that especially if you're self-employed if you're self-employed you can give yourself any title you want but nobody really knows that you just gave yourself a title. So like if you have a company you can call yourself senior marketing director, you can call yourself vice president president or the well Stuff and when they see it as I was the president of a Company CEO of a company and then when you reach out to other residents exactly, he really say, okay the president I understand and it gives you an instant credibility when you can when you can effectively, you know announce yourself, right? Because then people will kind of take you seriously if you're an associate reaching out to a director that might not work right levels really good same thing. The corporate world like I wouldn't as an associate just go emailing Partners like hi. Nice to meet you. I would take a formal approach in doing that. At but with LinkedIn it really empowers you to be able to connect with anybody and especially leverage our alumni Network as well. It's something that a lot of people don't really talk about. Well, no, but I'm on LinkedIn which you can also actually do is type in your University or any University. And what allows you to do is filter by by year that someone graduated and by job title and function so you can find alumni has been any field especially if you wanted to start like if you wanted to reach out to someone to start to start a conversation on a business opportunity or just to find people General. That's huge. I'm glad you said that because That's something that you hear a lot is like reach out to your Alumni network, especially if you are local like if you from New York and you went to school in New York or you went to school in the tri-state area, or you know on the east coast and it's a large school, like there's a lot of alumni and tons and it's like sounds willing Nile. Yeah. So for me, I want to Hawaii so that didn't really work out too much. But but even if you have a situation like that and this is another hack for quite recent College grads, and just people In general that was his college a lot of times like let's say a university like Hawaii, right? So obviously we did not a lot of Hawaii alumni in New York, but there aren't there are some and it's a smaller group as opposed to NYU where there's a million likes Eric. So now it's might be like a couple hundred or thousand so now I can network with them easier because it's a smaller Community as opposed to a million people like you said like Syracuse where there's so many alumni Everybody's an alumni. Right? Right. And then you also have a warm connection with that person. You already have like a commonality between yourself. Hey, you want to Hawaii? I want to Y2. Hey, you're from nearby from here as well. And then with the LinkedIn you can even double down in to see like if they have any like overlap they like you might want the same high school someone and you just never know right? So there's a lot of things on the on just looking at someone's profile that you can identify before you reach out and then that kind of Will and power that that conversation you got 303 million monthly users rapping users. How do I make my LinkedIn more visible like what are some things I need to do? Yeah. So on the profile settings side, there's a lot of things that you can enable there. So a lot of people don't know that LinkedIn has one of the most robust profile settings that you can actually have a social media Network. So on LinkedIn that you can literally go in and go to your profile which is why people don't play around with and you can enable your profile visibility to set it to all right, because I think as soon as you create your profile is set to only your first connections so first connection is like let's say I'm connected to you a second connection. This a I'm connected to you, but I'm not connected to Rashad. Right? So that will be a second connection of the third connection would be like a third degree away from that. So some of that Rashad's connected to but I'm not connected to so that's what their connection. So what you can do on LinkedIn is set that to be visible to everybody. So anyone who sees your profile can actually look at your stuff because if not, they want me to see that so on the settings side and also letting people know that you're open to Opportunities. So what is linked? Alright, so LinkedIn printing by is not familiar with like it's like a resume you go in there. You type your whole Resume like where you went to school what your previous jobs where your work experience and you put a picture up. That's like what it is, right? So there is important to yeah, absolutely. Yeah picture. So yeah, it's quality. It's a lot of beautiful out different things but a lot of people use it to find jobs or to improve their like they might be at one job what they want to network up and go to a higher level job, right? So that's why a lot of recruiters are on LinkedIn because they're constantly recruiting people for different jobs. So there's a service called Premium. Yes, so there's LinkedIn premium. Obso Lincoln has a full Suite of options a premium option just for the actual job Seeker. So as LinkedIn premium, which I'll kind of talk about and then there's also linked in solutions for business owners, which you can do to kind of enable that sales growth or your brand awareness. You can even also advertise on the thing as well. So a lot of people don't know about that. So huge Market outside of just your regular Instagram or YouTube should really think about advertising on LinkedIn as well. Right? So what is LinkedIn like, all right, so like profile was that So LinkedIn profiler is is a platform that LinkedIn created and it really monetizes, you know, its members and so what LinkedIn profile and it will do is it will literally send you leads on a daily basis from certain category. So, alright. So let's say you want to be a pro on LinkedIn what you need to do is to construct your profile and a way that's going to say. Hey, I'm a pro. So from your title to your summary to your skill sets and when you're also putting all that in and building out your profile you want to make sure that you put in that you're a full-time. Lance or full-time business owner, right? So LinkedIn profile is only for Professionals in a certain category, whether it's resume writing or let's say you own a law firm whether you own a good marketing agency. You can get on Pro finder and start to get leads. Literally LinkedIn will send you tons of leads for that lead like from up for people looking for jobs for people on its platform looking for opportunity. So Pro finders more so on the business side. Okay, let's say you're a business. So I'm on like the profiler. I'm a pro there were literally send me leads based off of a certain criteria. So let's Say you Googled digital marketing Services, right LinkedIn profile will pop up and say hey we can connect you with our professionals on our platform and then they'll do like a small like intake form the put a little bit information and then link them will send you that since anyone else that's like an application tracking system. Like put it on the word I put in it'll come back to you. So it's more so for if you're a business owner and you're trying to grow your business, so this is more so on the on the business. Yeah, right. So you're so you're a professional CEO. Regular profile and your professional and it's shows a hey like I do this and Link them will then send you lie. So similar to like fever or up work or, you know, they will literally send you leads and then you can go ahead and continue the conversation. So that's more so on the business side. So like if somebody's a resume writer like yourself and somebody is looking to revamp their resume. Absolutely LinkedIn will send you the resume writer that person's contact information. Yeah, so you already know. Know that that person is in the market for your services because they already about Fresh Starts at form. Right and it's not just reason why there's so there's about 30 or 40 different service on there from bookkeeping to real estate. I think there's real estate attorneys on their real estate agents. Everything's on LinkedIn. So it's a great way for you to also expand and to get more leads from what you might be doing already. How do they know like, all right. How did I know somebody who wants to resume Rewritten? Like they have keywords or today have like questionnaire. So it's pretty interesting on LinkedIn because on link then what's happened is Are people there for jobs, right? So let's say you're looking for a job as a senior financial analyst in the actual jobs tab. It will pop up as you're sifting through jobs. Hey, do you want to arrest me Ryder? Are you looking to revamp your resume if they click on that? It will then take them to fill out a list. Whoa, like intake form, which will then send to the pros. So it's almost like a process where it like if you need something. Hey, I have somebody for you. So you just sit back and wait all day. Wow. That's dope. Genius. How much does that cost? So LinkedIn? In Pro finder is about $60 for the premium members, which is an expensive right? Because they'll continuously send you leads depending on the service sector on therefore, but then it does scale up because you can you can do premium or can also have like LinkedIn sales Navigator, which is also a great tool for a B2B what sales Navigator so LinkedIn sales Navigator is essentially a platform where you can go on go on LinkedIn and you can save lead. So a lot of people only see linkedin's like free version, right which is like the regular dashboard you get on there. You can edit your profile. You can apply to jobs but Lincoln sales Navigator we can go on there is two separate dashboard and you can save accounts. What it will also do is recommend Julie. So let's say you're in the business of selling software, right? So you have a sales Navigator account and let's say you know your boss is like hey, we want to Target XYZ companies. You can literally put those companies in and it will literally send you a curated feed of information on that company on the people say those those folks are posting content. It will send that for you. You can save leads share it with your other. Team members to really Empower your like your B2B process of like you prospecting and reaching out. So it's a great way to say. Okay. Hey, I'm looking to expand in this category in 2020. Like you can easily find and say please so it's a great way to what is LinkedIn salary LinkedIn salaries pretty interesting. It's like a tool where you can essentially go on there and run salary reports. So some are too so there's a few websites like Glassdoor. A lot of you guys might know about but LinkedIn salads a similar service so you can go there. And say hey, I'm looking to be a product manager. For example, right it will say okay, what location and what seniority level and it will literally give you a full-blown report on what you should expect to be compensated for that salary depending on where you're at in the country depending on where you're at because and that's really important because a lot of times when you're applying to a job like like these these companies are starting to not put salaries on there. So you don't even know what is they'll give you a range like hey this job pays anywhere from 85 thousand two hundred and five thousand. So you see that a lot. And so with the LinkedIn salary it will give you a little bit more of an accurate representation based off of what people on the ground saying. Hey, this is what I get paid. Ernest you currently paying off student loan debt interested in improving your financial literacy or looking for new ways to earn income in today's ever-changing digital landscape. Well on the talk money with the mesh lakhani podcast mesh will follow Paper Trails chat with experts break down complex ideas and bring Clarity to the mystical Financial phenomenon. Each episode will be filled with compelling stories covering a broad range of objects from buying Bitcoin dealing with student loan debt and everything in between. So listen to talk money with mesh lakhani on Spotify or wherever you listen to your favorite podcast and learn how to spend invest in learn in today's economy. So how does somebody make their profile more attractive for recruiters if they are looking to leave their job or find a new job with things that nature? Yeah, so that's that's really important. So in terms of making your profile more attractive and it's not just for people who are looking for jobs, but also representing business owner your profile needs to talk about your accomplishments and you need a really good summary. So people don't don't kind of skip over that or on your link, then you may not even have a summary so you really want to focus on your accomplishments maybe putting some of like your core competencies your areas of expertise out there. So let's say someone sees your profile they'll quickly understand what you're about. It's almost like the first third like before I go down and like actually eat and kind of see like everything else. Like I want to know like what's up like as soon as you get there, so all right. What if somebody is looking for a job and they don't want to let their job know what they're looking for in job. You keep that price. How do you how did that happen? Yes. So what you can do on the links inside is pretty cool. You can signal to LinkedIn that all of your profile updates will be in stealth. So in the profile settings, I was American said that before like they have some of the most robust settings what you can do is turn all those those updates to your Off and so that way you can update your profile kind of in stealth mode and that way it won't signal to your employer great because you don't want them knowing hey, I'm looking for clothes on. Yeah, because you know, we don't yeah, it's not something that's why we're looking for new person. Hi. Now I know Facebook has groups Linked In do they have groups as well. And if so, like what's the importance in them and commenting and things like that? Yes. So engagement on LinkedIn is huge right like you it's for you to kind of grow your audience and your connections your network. You're definitely on their posting. Content liking commenting things like that. But with the LinkedIn groups, I mean, it's a great way for you to go ahead and build a tribe in an audience. So it's a great feature has been around for a while. So I'm going to few groups in the resume writing space so you can get like a whole bunch of people together who have a similar commonality or interest and kind of grow that somewhere to Facebook groups. I use them a lot and it's a great way to if you're on LinkedIn all day every day to kind of keep your network and on together and kind of keep them updated. So I think that groups are a great option. But it just depends on like what you're looking for and what you're looking to do because they need to be value. You don't just want to join a group where they're just self-promoting. So I kind of happens a lot nowadays like they're just promoting, you know themselves but a group should really be something where everybody's getting value out of the content that's being created and how important is it or how frequently you be creating console and making posts for link to all everyday. I mean, it depends on on what you're looking for, but I've seen that people even posting a resume on LinkedIn saying hey, you know, I don't have a job like can someone connect me and that's get 200 200 lat. X which is huge because linkedin's reach is very organic. So so it's not like Instagram and Facebook. We got to really pay to get like organic views and things like that. And so yeah, then that's really really good A lot of it thought of that so like what somebody's pulling like a meme own Instagram somebody on LinkedIn is actually putting up like I need a job. Here's my resume. Yeah, you can put up a I'm out of a job or you can also just put like updates to like you can put like company events or photos different things like that. So it's really a professional Network. So this is a different level of content. I'd say etiquette that you would take LinkedIn then Facebook and make another thing with LinkedIn a lot of times. Well, it's something that I learned early on is that so like a my business has a financial advisor. The lifeline is referrals. That's how we get clients hiding the clients. So that's a difficult thing for a lot of people. They don't know they don't have a system to get referrals LinkedIn is a way that you can get referrals where you can you know, if your mutual friends with somebody on LinkedIn you can do you can look at who they're connected with and say, okay like this is a person that I definitely Want to meet so a lot of times you ask somebody for referrals. The worst thing you can do in this is a sales to Thing by the worst thing you can do in sales is to say who do you know to refer me to they don't know anybody? Yeah, you got to be specific by. Okay. This is what I'm looking for. I'm looking for somebody that just had a baby that just got married that it who do you know now that helps but now if you have a list like if you know, I want to meet Wayne Johnson who's the vice president at this company? I know, you know him because you're connected. So don't say you don't know exactly how can you introduce me to him? Yeah, put them on a spot. You gotta put them on spending you you print the list out. No, absolutely you bring it with you and you have uncomfortable conversation. Here's the thing about referrals. It's going off a little topic but it's business related. You have to have uncomfortable conversations when it comes to referrals referrals are extremely we haven't talked about referrals yet. There's No Business Without referrals. It's the biggest thing in the world and people are so scared to ask for referrals because What he wants to be people just scared like they just like I don't want to have it. He's already made some money, but I want to screw it up. Right but you make money once that's not enough. You got to have a system in place where you can make money on a continuous basis to easy way to do those referrals. So you have to have a referral system in place. Absolutely and Linkedin is a powerful way to have a referral system because it has people that you can already reach out to and you can present in the meeting the closing meeting and you can ask them. I need to be introduced to this. Listen, can you can you do it? Yeah, and that's what LinkedIn was for. It's really a networking tool and the best way to network is when someone knows like and trust you and they say it and that find know that you have a connection. It shouldn't be that hard for you to make the intro and that's all you're really looking for. Another thing on LinkedIn to kind of speak on that whole referral pieces recommendations and on LinkedIn. It's a really robust way for you to show someone that you know, your craft is by getting recommendations. You can actually send those out to people which is even good, you know, even if it's like friends and family. Only, you know, you can start to establish credibility. And then with the credibility when you are reaching out to referrals people can then see hey like this person knows a lot about this subject. Not it thousand people it's is something that like I said, especially in our community a lot of time. We don't understand the power of it. That's not as sexy it's not as cool as Facebook or not Facebook but Instagram for sure it's not exciting at all. But Skies purpose it has its purpose. Yeah. Yeah, so just doesn't say the last thing about LinkedIn is that even on Instagram? Can they have hashtags how effective our hashtags in LinkedIn all the effective at all yet, very very effective on and you know, unlike Instagram and kind of Facebook when you go on LinkedIn you should really only use about four to five hashtags and keep them very specific to the content that you're going to post about. So for me, I post a lot of content about look employment or resumes are interviewing. But if I'm only going to post the content about let's say resumes, I'm not going to say hashtag interview. I'm going to keep it really specific because what you can also do is have your post trending in a specific hashtag and then link them will actually let you know. Let's say you post a really great content whether it's an article a blog or a short form long form and you have some really good hashtags people really like they were literally like like constantly review hash tags and actually go in there and say hey like I'm going to follow hash like and it's like it's like summer to Instagram where like you might follow hashtag. But are you really liking this up on LinkedIn? The engagement is huge for hashtag. So you definitely want to post content that people will resonate with and yeah, I think there was that that said like one percent of people on LinkedIn actually post content. And so you being part of that 1% is great because you're getting it out. There is a lot of lurkers on social media and the internet in general, right? So you want to be on that side so resumes right gone well for LinkedIn a couple questions or song resumes because you have a resume writing company. So how can somebody improve their resume? This is something that is not easy. I've never I've never had a résumé before I've had a bunch. So I've never had a résumé before but for resume resume thing is Big obviously if If you're looking to have a job, right? What are some ways that people can I know you said like keywords keywords are huge. What does that mean? Keywords means that there are certain things in your resume that will resonate with the recruiters searches, right? So any recruiter the running certain research is on these different job boards to kind of find your resume and for you to pop up as a candidate and so if you have the right keywords in your resume, you will get picked up. So it's almost like SEO and search right ruler. Yeah, so it's almost like the same concept. What are some key words so the keywords will depend on your industry. So there's no one-size-fits-all resume and that's a really good. Look at this thick education. For example, yeah education for example, so you may want to put something like, you know for every well what type of education will because I think it does events. I'll call you know, what ministration Administration so you want to put like some of your executive assisting capabilities might want to put that you do whether it's like bookkeeping but you got to keep it specific to like your actual skill sets in the roles so you don't just want to stuff keywords in there. Are just skin that you see on the job descriptions. A lot of people do that. They'll read a job description say hey, like I saw this, let me just put on my resume. Yeah, but you want to make sure that it's going to resonate with the skills that you do have. So it really just depends like let's say you're in the technology field you might want to put like software development on their right engineering. So it really does depend on the actual resume because it goes by the industry. You can't just say hey, you know, I want to get a job as a teacher, but you have like you just put everything on that because people are multifaceted. What about the standard length of a legend because I've seen people hand in five-page resumes of seeing two page. What is the standard links? I'm going to give you answer that. You don't want to hear. What is it depends? It depends but the rule of thumb for for us is that we want to keep your resume to one page. And the reason that we want to do that is because we want to be more concise with like the formatting the structure and how we organize it. But let's say you're like an executive or you have 15 20 as we experience. We met up for the two-page resume, but we definitely don't want to do a three page resume like three page. Amazed they don't work anything more than two pages. You kind of shoot yourself in the foot. All right, what are some things that should not be on it? What definitely should never be on your resume definitely not an objective statement. I don't know where these things came from objective. I had that so we know definitely had that any employer is going to know that you're looking for a job so we can cut the adapter statement right out right out the gate right you even going through of applying like they know. Hey like you're qualified for the role. So you definitely don't want to eject the Statement that's number one number two is you don't want a photo on your resume because what it will do is it will throw off the 80s systems. What's that? What's that? Yeah, so 80s stamps system stands for applicant tracking system and it's a system that all the modern recruiters and hiring managers are using to sift through the dozens. If not, you know hundreds of applications that they're getting for these actual roles. And so what how it works is that the ATS system is kind of parsing your resume. So let's say your you upload it on zip recruiter or career booger. It's literally parsing to see Okay, does this resume have an education so section does it rise may have a professional experience section skill section and so a lot of them are pretty outdated and they're not you know, really built to process photos. And so the photo can throw it off and say let's say where your education would be like it will have your skills there. And so you don't really want to have a photon because it would just throw that off right? It's it kind of when you talk about the skill sets and I was reading somewhere in like with there's no need to no longer put that on. I know how to use Microsoft Word or Outlook. Like these are soft skills that are should not even be mentioned anymore. Is that true? Well, it depends because for certain for certain Fields, let's say you're on a creative side like I would definitely put like Adobe suite. But yeah, it's definitely it's definitely you know, it's a common known that everybody typically knows how to use Google Docs or Microsoft Word. Yeah. It's like basic skill sets that you should have for any job and if you don't have them definitely, you know, go download, you know, Microsoft Suite or Google sweet and kind of player. Stores because it's really hard to man. All right. So in the last segment, we're going to go into what I'm really interesting to know is your business. I want to know the one-on-one of the business and how you actually grew so fast because it's been a very fast trajectory for you. So when I go over everything that on, you know the blueprint What's up, y'all? So if you're listening to this you obviously like podcast and you're probably like music just as much on Spotify. You can listen to all your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't need to premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download Episode to listen to offline wherever you are and it's really easy to share what you've been listening to with your friends on Instagram if you That's already be sure to download the Spotify app search for earn your leisure on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow us. So you never miss an episode of earn your leisure again. All right, so business this is a business podcast. So we got to talk about how you building your business. So alright you started with something called omni-channel approach to get leads. Yeah. That was what is that? So omni-channel marketing is essentially a nun and I mean Hannah business is essentially going after multiple Avenues to get business, right? So everybody has and as you should have for any business is a website your website is like, you know, your One Stop Shop for everything about your business, right? So you will get a lot of leads from your website. If you're just getting organic traffic. You're sending it with a friend like hey, I started this business check it out. That's number one. Number two is that you also want to be on other platforms, right? So for us there's a lot of platforms that you can find resume writers. So imagine before up work which is huge. So up work is one of the largest Freelancing sites out there. So creating that we have an account created on up work. We also get leads from LinkedIn. So I mentioned that before LinkedIn is a huge way because again with the pro finder stuff they've completed their constantly sending us leads. We also are on Google ads, right? So we're getting revenue and kind of leads coming from Google and then essentially just finding out other touch points whether it's referrals blogs that were on other podcasters different ways. So we have kind of an omni-channel approach in terms of getting leads for the Business and that and that's what really allowed us to grow right? Because when we first started we were literally we just had a website and that's great because if you tell someone or someone like find your do organic search, you know, you can you can make a sale but yet having that omni-channel approach and just having more ways for customers to find you I think is I think was the key so it's like yeah, you could find on the website. But also, hey, let's say someone want to LinkedIn first. They can also find us so when you have Brandon, uh, not branded we had resumes dotco. It was just you writing to Meet Brandon brand resumes now. It's is it you who else is doing it? Yeah, so brain resumes. We have a team of about 22. All right now so about 1617 resume writers on staff at the chief resume writer. So I kind of review all the resumes that come in and out. We have like a software engineer who works on the backend stuff and then like some other virtual assistants. So yeah, you have 22 resume writers 17 resume writers a team of 22, so I don't like freelance. Yes. Everybody's feelings are so that's really the model is to is that I realized really early on is that hey, you know, I would love to be able to hire as much full-time. Resin Riders as I could right because that way you know that it's consistency right? Because you don't want to have to worry about let's say you wake up tomorrow you get a ton of new orders the Freelancers like hey, like I can't work or I'm not available or hey, I chose to like quit freelancing. Now, you're kind of dead in the water. But at the same time the more Freelancers that you do have like you kind of have a bigger pool of people to choose from so a lot of our resume writers are Freelancers, and it's a great model for Because we bring everything as brand resumes. We do the sales we do the marketing. We handle the payment cost. You literally just have to do the actually do the resume and then we'll manage the entire process. And we also give you the process. What's the turnaround time so that so that so the turnaround time is about five to seven business days from the time that you purchase a service I bring resumes which is faster than our competitors. So believe it or not. Some people take two weeks three weeks and do a resume because I'm telling you, you know, you looking for a job you like and you want to know resume and someone's like hey, I'll give it you back into three weeks. Not a lot can happen in two weeks. You can a lot of opportunities can get passed up in two weeks. If you're not able to apply with a good resume and what would happen is sometimes it will say hey, well, you know, like in the meantime, should I apply to jobs with what I have quick answer? No, right. Like if you're if your docking if you aren't confident in your document, right because your resume is really like a marketing tool. It's a powerful marketing tool that's used to sell who you are to the higher matters in the what I had the analogy like that. I like to use is look. The hiring manager and the recruiter there the buyer you as a candidate. You're the you're the product. So you want to you know, apply with like that with that best, you know professional look on there. So, all right, so walking through this process. I'm trying to I'm trying to find a job. I want to be an accountant. What do I like? How do you write my resume do I tell you because it like a pre-written like a questionnaire thing online like and then from those questions somebody right to or do I have to come with something written already and you revise it? Like how is it done? Yeah, so they're so there's a few different approaches in the resume writing world like sometimes so there's a questionnaire process that we use in our kind of get into that. Sometimes resume writers like to do phone interviews. So you'll get on the phone and you will kind of talk about everything that's going on and they'll record the conversation and go back to it afterwards. What I realized by doing that in the beginning is that that's not really the most efficient process per se for resume writing. So we do we so we do opt for the questionnaire. So, all right. So let's say you came to us and said hey, I want to become an accountant. I've done some internships or let's say I'm looking to transition from as a teacher. You just know that's what you want to do. We would literally take whatever you have. Right? So your resume or if you don't have one will create it from scratch and we really want to focus on your accomplishments your success stories and your key achievements, right? Because it's really about what you've done. Company doesn't care about like what you can do because they are assuming that you can do the job but it's about how are you better than everybody else? How can we show your story? And how can we how can we connect with that? Right? So we'll go ahead we'll take your resume. We will work with you closely to rewrite it. So we do we actually do the writing you give us that information up front and the will literally craft your story for you. Okay, and so it right so I okay give the story you craft it for me I get to see it or that's like once it's done is done. No, so there's a very it's a very collaborative process. So we would literally give you a draft resume. Right and you would be able to rate it say Hey, you know, this is excellent ready to finalize. Hey, this is good. Hey, this is bad and based off of your initial feedback. We would then continue to retweet it do some revisions to make sure that we're putting it in the best light for you, right but you sign off on the resume so weird. And it's pretty awesome because a lot of times resume writers. Like hey, if you work with us, you have one or two revisions. We have unlimited revisions until you say hey, I'm ready to sign off. So I'll get the final draft and then what now it's like I gotta go find a job or like you do your help in that process too. Yeah. Absolutely. So brain resumes. We are a resume writing and career advancement service and I like the the notion of an career advancement because resume writing is not what we do. It's really the core of your job search. You want to have an amazing resume. You also want to have a really good LinkedIn, right? But what we also Do something called resume distribution so we can literally take your resume and pulse up to 60 of the top job boards and an automated fashion. So I'm going to tell you my dependent on my industry you have anyone introduce I'm telling you. Hey, you're looking for education jobs. We know all that kitchen job boards. Hey looking for a tech job. We know the tech job works. So instead of you sitting there and researching that we know what those are we can post your resume, right? How do you guys know what so through the questionnaire? So through the questionnaire process we know exactly what you're looking for. Okay, and when we also do something that I really Like is something called targeted jobs, I buser and we apply to jobs on your behalf. So let's say you work a 9 to 5 or you looking to get out kind of get out of your car and roll but you just don't have the time. You don't want to apply to jobs while you're at work. We take that burden off of you that's dope. So I like the idea of it's like custome soup. Like, you know, like you going for a very wise guys suit me like you just don't get a suit like they do your measurements first and then you go on for the first fitting and it's like second fitting sometimes even a third fitting because First fitting is like it might not fit properly. So then they got to bring the suit in they got to make some changes to it. So that's pretty much what you're doing with the resume. Yeah. Absolutely. I just like pumping them out like you're like saying, okay. How do you like this? We need to tweak this you need to do this and then when they get it they are fully confident that it's to the best of their ability to write their confident and typically when they see the draft there they like they're living in love. They're like, wow, like I wasn't I didn't know what I was expecting because you think about a new resume think there's a lot of different ideas because we floating your head about what that might look like but clients are typically really happy when they see the actual draft resume we go through the finalize it and then we take it and say hey, let's post it up. Let's try and get you some some tracks in you in your job search. So for I'm a business standpoint the writers do they get mad like, they're like, I got to rewrite this thing again. Like how does that work? So we've built a pretty efficient process around revisions, right? So before you know, it was all it was actually all email based in the key thing that I want to talk about is Understand your process. So when we first started with with Brandon's not calm it was all manual. So we literally had just like a regular Google Drive and that's what we handled all of our orders. But what we did is we built a platform to manage the entire order process that the clients go through now and so in that process when they do get the draft resume, we have a box that says hey give us your revision request. So they're very targeted and specific with exactly what they want to do like change this change that Right so we know exactly what how we need to edit the resume for the client that cuts down on the tongue. Absolutely exactly because you can go back and forth like six seven times and now we know exactly what you want to fix. Let's fix it and it's an investment or resume. I mean this in this environment is such a competitive environment for people coming out of college people that not only know the hardest people to find jobs is people that are transitioning like they might be like 40 50 and they've worked at a company for like 20 or 30 years. Like I have clients that like get laid off and it's You've been at one company for 30 years and you 50 years old and you know employers are probably hire somebody is 22 because they could pay them a lot of lives. Absolutely. Yeah. Well now it's like you're getting a tough spot. And so any advantage that you can that you can give yourself in the job world if you're looking for a job as is an investor. Yeah, and there's even published statistics on professional resume writing firms and how you know with the new crafted resume. You can sometimes get a 20 to 30 percent salary increase or Bump by just having You know a good resume that's going to get you to that to that next level like sometimes like you're in a role and you may be qualified for a promotion, but you just don't know because they're not just going to come to say hey, we're going to just pay you more but with the new resume you can go out and apply to different roles and you should get some traction right also, based on when you get the final revision and you put it on a job boards is my resume shooting to the top of the job or do you know, is there any guarantee on that? So your resume so the path right because the recruiting is really driven by the recruiters in the hiring managers. They're the ones who are actually The drawing boards and pulling resumes, but the thing is if you're not showing up then you can't be seen right. So if you're not even on the job boards and you didn't have an opportunity to have your resume pulled and the fact that you're applying for it helps in that process exactly because now you're up on multiple job boards. And so sometimes the way it works is that recruiters will have individual relationships with different job boards. So let's say a recruiter is posting a job to zipper Cooter and Linkedin but they're let's say they're not on glass or for example, right but the more doubles that you're on as an applicant you have more visibility because I'd say recruiters is partnered with this job board and that job board and then they can find you Patrick. I stole Services man. Yeah. Yeah, it's good. How'd you grow so fast? Like how did that it's just all just sort of different Avenues of advertising. Well, I would say that we had a lot of organic growth one through word of mouth. As soon as we started people started talking about us a lot. Like hey, like I was able to we had a lot of early success stories I'd say which was huge. So we started creating videos on, you know client saying hey, I got a new resume and then within two months, I'm Tons of head UPS on LinkedIn recruiters actually reach out to candidates to so we've got a lot of Word of Mouth from just recent referrals and then when we started to pick up on profound I said, hey, I need to duplicate myself. So I'm not just on Pro founder but my entire team is on profound as well. And so when you look at getting leads our entire team is getting leads for the resume writing services as well, which is which is really impactful. Your pricing option is something that separates you as well. Yeah. What about that little bit? Yeah, absolutely and so with the We have pretty strategic pricing on because we do offer all of our services Standalone but there's a huge power in packages. And so what we do is we literally bundle we say Hey, you know, you can do a resume. You can do a link then n will also give you a free thinking alert template which is huge because when you do start getting these interviews you want to say thank you, right that's a rule of thumb like any interview that you go on you should definitely be saying thank you afterwards and there's a really interesting way that you should be doing that. Hey, this is the model that's free. So with the packages people can kind of When and I quickly identified another key thing that I would say why we grew so fast is that we clients can identify with our services, right? So back when we're doing resumes that Co someone would come to us and say I need a resume would say, okay, but now it's like we specialize in a few different Industries. So we really, you know, do resumes and Technology all day every day marketing legal sales HR education, right? So some of the fastest growing Industries and so when people come to our website, they quickly identify and then they see a package that really works for Them and they end up purchasing it. But before they purchase a package we have essentially like a consultation process. So with a consultation process, which I feel like is huge for any Services based business. You should have some type of consultation process whether it's like 15 minute intro calls or 30 minute calls to really understand your customer and be able to tell them about what's going on. And I think that's what really differentiates ourselves when we would clients get on the call to learn about our services. We tell them everything they have complete visibility into the process the next steps and what they should expect. So it's a no-brainer some telling you look if this is good for you. This is these are the prices and then they connect with in and they typically purchased I just had a conversation with my colleague her son is home from college and he's trying to get a job and she was like his resume sucks. I was like finally I got an interview today with a guy. Maybe I'll let you hit. Me too. It's a real thing. It's a real thing and like I said, I mean I'm blessed to never have a resume but now it's very blessed. That's okay. But but the vast majority of everybody at one point. Asked to put together a resume and it's like once again one of these things where you only learn about it in school. Definitely and you just kind of wing it you Google or you try to you know, you got to hire somebody to help you and it's like you don't want to play around with something that your careers lot riding on it true. There's like think about like that. It's like a couple hundred dollars could potentially, you know save you hundreds of thousands of dollars potentially make you thinner and an imagined if you're being underpaid for a role and you don't even know about it. That's another The thing that hurts yeah, and I see that a lot of sounds like someone come to us and say hey, I'm only getting paid $50,000 and I know through Linkedin salary till those different tools. Yeah, you'd be getting 70 75 for this role. This is a high demand roll. What are you doing? Right? Let's see your resume put it out there and you should if you could kind of get some attraction so that's used one is being underpaid and he spoke about something that's really interesting about, you know, having a job for you know, 10 15 years. Ideally, you should open up your resume every six months. Straight up like you should really take an assessment of your skill sets because we are constantly developing ourselves our professional development right six months from now, you may learn some new skill sets. You may work on the Strategic project. It might have a new accomplishment open your eyes met and then that's in the you know, you should have that on there and also even have people that have a job people by Nature are creatures of habit and we're scared of change. So a lot of times people just stay in a job and it just to just staying because they don't want to leave it but even if Don't get fired. Even if you are quote unquote comfortable. You still might want to put your resume out there to see what the possibilities mostly big likes on this video. You might you might be undervalued. Yeah, it happens all the time. I tell us all the time to my clients. You can be comfortable but don't be complacent right because complacency like if you're sitting there and you know, you just you don't you don't want to see what's out there. You just want to stick to what what feels good, you know, you can be passing tons of opportunities by and just by putting herself out there and just getting an assessment of what you're worth it. You should know. You're worth right? That's that's a really basic thing. Like what am I worth right and just knowing that is really powerful because then you can set your price. Now, it's powerful me Brandon. We appreciate you man. Really really appreciate. That was my only 23 Prodigy. Definitely probably join us at me if the vast majority of some people have to get resumes done. So why not go to somebody that you can identify what why not go to somebody that you know is obviously extremely bright and this is really the whole platform of our any lesions that we like to bring our entrepreneurs that not only can you learn from but you can also support To so how can they find information on your website? Your social media handles are looking finds you Gap is so we're on YouTube. So I have we're putting YouTube contents out every week. I'm you can find me on YouTube if you just Google Brandon Mitchell brand resumes. Follow me on LinkedIn just type in to LinkedIn Brandon Mitchell. I'm gonna be the first results ASCO Instagram Brandon underscore the resume grew so I put out a lot of content on not just resumes and Linkedin but anything In the employment space from careers to some of the top things that you do and anything related to just careers and employment right? Because there's a lot of Education that I feel like our community is lacking and I kind of went to bridge that Gap and just put it out there. All right toe dope Troy your housekeeping rightly. We gotta give a huge shout-out to patreon right like yeah. Oh, yeah patients a shout-out to patreon. It's a patreon member who has become an alumni. That's crazy the first to do it the first-ever. Yeah. Shout out to everybody on patreon all our patrons. And as you know, we have five kids, we actually revamped and patreon for a one-year anniversary. So be on the lookout for that and shout out to Africa literally before we started taping this sheet set. They sent a message and they were like, hey, I love you guys. I'm like every continent Africa. That's the person's name. Okay. I'm assuming this young lady, but she was asking about how to start a podcast and I'm like listen, I'm gonna put the episode out tonight and you'll be able to hear everything. So and we did a Ernie Leeds University course on it. So she or he now has access to that. Um because they are tier 4 member so shocked everybody on everybody that supports its are proud to pay program, you know, tier four and five members you have access to earn your leisure University. I owe my school. I am wearing the merch today. Shout out to everybody that's on Ernie Leeds University. That is our online school. Like I said, again, we have courses every week three times a week Matt does his real estate courses on Monday? We have our guest webinars on Wednesdays and Rashad myself do one on Thursdays business related topics. So shout everybody that's on in everybody supporting the merch child is wearing the number 1 shirt assets over liabilities. That's moving. Yeah. So appreciate y'all. Yeah for sure. He while University classes back in session. We took a week off for the holidays. Yeah, but new semester Yahoo! Semester español on the way to a lot of content coming in full swing right now three days a week we up and running and these I'm not dc-dc was crazy. DC what Atlanta Atlanta, once again cannot forget you guys two days two to three days. By the time this comes out. You still have a couple couple of seats left probably and it's gonna be dope man is really gonna be dope experience. So if you ain't tell oh, yeah. Randy will be there is the best mouse for sure. So we're gonna have so many alumni be ridiculous. So hope to see everybody on this weekend for sure and the book tip of this week. Is the trusted advisor recommended by our guests? So make sure you check that out. We'll see you guys next week. Peace, please.
Brandon Mitchell started taking college courses in high school, when he entered college he obtained three bachelor degrees in three years as a triple undergraduate major. He studied economics, finance, and management information systems. While taking 26 credits a semester he also started two businesses. After he graduated he began to work at one of the largest accounting firms in the world, Price Waterhouse Cooper. At 21 he was earning six figures and was on the path to be a corporate superstar. Despite having “a good job” he felt he could do more and help more people if he worked for himself. In 2019 he bet on himself and quit his job to become a full-time entrepreneur with his company Brand Resumes. Brand Resumes is a career development company that helps people with resume writing and career advancement services. In the first 7 months of business, Brand Resumes grossed over $140,000 of revenue and is on pace to quadruple that number in 2020. At 23 years old Brandon is our youngest guest to date. In episode 59 Brandon broke down his journey from leaving the corporate world to becoming an entrepreneur, he also gave tips for anyone to implement to improve their career opportunities and increase their salary. This is one of our most important episodes to date, not only did Brandon give the blueprint behind his business but he also provided practical information that can be used by anyone looking for employment or looking to improve their employment status. Brand Resumes Website: Guest personal IG: @brandon_theresumeguru Guest Company IG: @officialbrandresumes Book Tip: The Trusted Advisor EYL Website: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hello, my darling. I need to tell you about our sponsor anchor dot f m. Anchor is a podcast creation and distribution tool. And it gives you everything you need to record edit. Plus they'll distribute your podcast to all of the major channels including Spotify Apple podcasts and Google podcasts free of charge you can make money with no minimum listenership and it couldn't be easier. Download the anchor app or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started sweet dreams before we begin I would like you to get comfortable relax and close your eyes and let all of your worries drift away. Take a deep breath. Let it out slowly Notre arm out and draw shapes. Lightly with your other hand bring your fingers gently up and down just touching your skin lightly if you'd like. You can keep your eyes closed while I read to you. Today's reading is The Little Mermaid written by Hans Christian Andersen in 1836. Far out in the ocean where the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflour and is clear as Crystal. It is very very deep. So deep indeed that no cable could fathom it many Church Steeples piled upon one. Another would not reach from the ground beneath the surface of the water above. Third well the Sea King and his subjects we must not imagine that there is nothing at the bottom of the sea, but bear yellow sand no indeed the most singular flowers and plants grow their the leaves and stems of which plants are so client, but the slightest agitation of the water causes them to stir as if they had life. Fish has both large and small Glide beneath the branches as birds fly among the tree here upon land in the deepest spot of all stands the castle of the Sea King. Its walls are built of coral and the long Gothic windows are of the clearest Amber. The roof is formed of shells that open and close as the water flows over them. Their appearance is very beautiful for in each as a glittering Pearl which would be fit for the diadem of a queen. The Sea King had been a widower for many years and is aged mother kept house for him. She was a very wise woman and exceedingly proud of her High birth on the account. She wore 12 oysters on her tail While others also of high rank were only allowed to where 6 she was however deserving a very great praise especially for her care of her granddaughter's the see princesses. There were six beautiful girls, but the youngest was the prettiest of them all her skin was as clear and delicate as a rose leaf and her eyes as blue as the deepest sea, but like all the others she had no feet and her body ended in a His tail all day long. They played in The Great Halls of the castle are among the living flowers that grew out of the walls large. Amber windows were open in the fish swim in just as the swallows fly into our houses when we opened the windows accepting that the fishes swam up to the princesses eight out of their hands and allowed themselves to be stroked outside the castle there was a beautiful car. Eden in which group bright red and dark blue flowers and Blossoms like flame of fire the fruit glittered like gold in the leaves and stems waved to and fro continually. The Earth itself was the finest sand but blue has the flame of a burning silver over everything Leia peculiar blue Radiance as if it were surrounded by the air from above. In calm weather the sun could be seen looking like a purple flower with the light streaming from the calyx each of the young princesses had a little plot of ground in the garden where she might dig and plant as she pleased one arranged her flower bed into the form of a whale another thought it better to make hers like the figure of a little mermaid that of the youngest was around like the sun and contain flowers as read. His Rays at Sunset she was a strange child quiet and thoughtful and Waters just hers would be delighted with the wonderful things which they obtained from the Rick's of vessels. She cared for nothing, but her pretty red flowers like the sun accepting a beautiful marble statue. The Statue was the representation of a handsome boy carved out of pure white stone, which had fallen to the Bottom of the Sea from a wreck. She planted by the statue a rose-colored weeping willow it grew splendidly and very soon hyung. It's fresh branches over the statue almost down to the blue Sands. The shadow had a violent tint and waved to and fro like the branches it seemed as if the crown of the tree and the root were at play and trying to kiss each other. Nothing gave her so much pleasure as to hear about the world above the sea. She made her old grandmother tell her all she knew of the ships and of the town's the people and the animals. To her it seemed most wonderful and beautiful to hear that the flowers of the land should have fragrance and not those below the see that the Trees of the forest should be green and that the fish is among the trees could sing so sweetly. Her grandmother called the little birds fishes, or she would not have understood her for she had never seen birds. When you have reached your 15th year said the grandmother you will have permission to rise up out of the sea to sit on the rocks in the Moonlight. Well, the great ships are Sailing by and then you will see full of forests and down. In the following year one of the sisters would be 15. But as each was a year younger than the other the youngest would have to wait five years before her turn came to Rise Up from the bottom of the ocean and see the Earth as we do. However each promise to tell the others what she saw on her first visit and what she thought the most beautiful. For her grandmother could not tell them enough. There was so many things for which they wanted information. None of them longed so much for her turn to come as the youngest she who had the longest time to wait and was so quiet and thoughtful many nights. She stood by the open window looking up through the dark blue water and watching the fish as they splashed about with their fins and Tails. She could see the moon and stars shining faintly but through the water they looked larger than they do to our eye when something like a black cloud passed between her and them she knew that it was either a whale swimming above her head or a ship full of human beings who never imagined that a pretty little mermaid was standing beneath them holding out her white hands towards the Keel of the ship. As soon as the eldest was 15, she was allowed to rise to the surface of the ocean when she came back. She had hundreds of things to talk about but the most beautiful she said was to lie in the Moonlight on a sandbank in the quiet sea near the coast and to Gaze on a large Town nearby where the lights were twinkling like hundreds of stars. Listen to the sounds of the music the noise of the carriages and the voices of human beings and then to hear the merry Bells peal up from the church Steeples and because she could never go near all those wonderful things. She longed for them more than ever. Oh did not the youngest sister listened eagerly to all these descriptions and afterwards when she stood at the open window looking up through the dark blue water. She thought of the great City with all its bustle and noise and even fancied she could hear the sound of the church bells down in the depths of the sea in another year the second sister received permission to rise to the surface of the And to swim about where she pleased she Rose just as the sun was setting and this she said was the most beautiful sight of all. The whole Sky looked like gold full violent and Rose Colored clouds, but she could not describe floated over her. And still more rapidly than the clouds flew a large flock of Wild Swans towards the Setting Sun. Looking like a long white Veil across the sea. She also swam towards the Sun but it's sunk into the waves and the rosy tints faded from the clouds and from the sea third sister's turn followed. She was the boldest of them all and she swam of a Broad River that emptied himself into the sea. On the banks. She saw Green Hills covered with beautiful Vines palaces and castles peeped out from amid the proud trees of the forest. She heard the birds singing and the Rays of the sun were so powerful that she was obliged often to dive down under the water to cool her burning face. In a narrow Creek, she found a whole troop of little human children quite naked and sporting about in the water. She wanted to play with them, but they fled in a great fright and then a little black animal came to the water. It was a dog, but she did not know that for she had never before seen one. This animal barked at her so terribly that she became frightened and rushed back to the open sea, but she said she can never forget the beautiful Forest the Green Hills and the pretty little children who could swim in the water, although they did not have fish his tails. The fourth sister was more timid. She remained in the midst of the sea. She could see her so many miles around her and the sky above looked like a bell of glass. She had seen the ships, but it's such a great distance that they looked like seagulls. The Dolphins sported in the waves and the great whales spout at water from their nostrils till it seemed as if a hundred fountains were playing in every direction to fit sister's birthday occurred in the winter. So when their turn came she saw what the others had not seen the first time they went up. The sea looked quite green and large icebergs were floating about each like a pearl but larger and loved here than the churches built by men. They were of the most singular shapes and glittered like diamonds. She had seated herself upon one of the largest and let the wind play with her long hair. And she remarked that all of the ships sailed rapidly and steered as far away as they could from the iceberg as if they were afraid of it towards evening as the sun went down dark clouds cover the sky. The Thunder rolled the lightning flashed and the red light glowed on the icebergs as they rocked and tossed on the heaving sea. And all the ships were sales and reaped with fear and trembling. She said calmly on her floating Iceberg watching the blue Lightning is it darted its forked fleshes into the sea? When the first sisters had permission to rise to the surface, they were each delighted with the new and beautiful sights. They saw but now has grown up girls. They could go when they pleased and they had become indifferent to it. They wish themselves back again in the water. And after a month had passed they said it was much more beautiful down below and pleasant her to be at home. Yet often in the evening hours. The Five Sisters would twine their arms around each other and rise to the surface in a circle. They had more beautiful voices than any human being could have come before the approach of a storm and when they expected a ship would be lost. They swam before the bezel and sang sweetly of the Delights to be found in the depths of the sea. They beg the sailors not to fear if they sink to the bottom. But the sailors could not understand the song of the sirens. They took it for the howling of the storm and these things were never to be beautiful for them for if the ship sank the men were drowned and their dead bodies alone reach the Palace of the c key wouldn't sisters rose arm in arm through the water in this way their youngest sister would stand quite alone. Looking after them ready to cry only mermaids have no tears and therefore they suffer more. Oh War I but 15 years old said she I know that I shall love the world up there and all the people who live in it. At last she reached her 15th year. Well now you are grown up said the old Queen her grandmother. So you must let me Adorn you like your other sisters and she placed a wreath of white lilies in her hair and every flower leaf was have a pearl and the old lady ordered eight great oysters to attach themselves to the tail of the princess to show her how drink But they hurt me so said The Little Mermaid. Pride must suffer pain said her grandmother. Oh, I'll gladly she would have shaken off all of this Grandeur and laid aside the heavy wreath. The red flowers in her own garden would have suited her so much better. But she could not help herself. So she said farewell grandmother and Rose as lightly as a bubble to the surface of the water. The sun had just said as she raised her head above the waves the clouds were tinted with crimson and gold and through the glimmering Twilight to be named Evening Star all its beauty. The sea was called and the are mild and fresh a large ship with three masts lay be calm down the water only one sale set for not a breeze stiffened and the sailors set idle in a deck amongst the rigging there was music and song on board. And as Darkness came on a hundred colored lanterns were lighted as if the flags of all Nations waved the Little mermaid swim close to the cabin windows and now and then is the waves lifted her up. She can look in through clear glass window panes and see a number of well-dressed people within. Among them was a young prince the most beautiful creature of all and large black eyes. He was 16 years of age and his birthday was being kept with much rejoicing. Sailors were dancing on Deck, but when the prince came out of the cabin more than a hundred Rockets Rose into the air the light was as bright as day. The Little Mermaid was so startled that she dived under the water and when she again stretched out her head it appeared as if all the stars of Heaven are falling upon her. Great sons spurted fire about her Splendid fireflies flew into the blue Air and everything was reflected in the clear. Calm sea beneath The ship itself was so brightly illuminated, but all of the people and even the smallest rope could be distinctly and plainly see. As he pressed the hands of all present and smiled at them the music resounded through the clear night air. It was very late yet The Little Mermaid could not take her eyes from the ship from the beautiful prince. The colored lanterns had become extinguished no more Rockets Rose into the air and the cannon had ceased firing. But the sea became restless and a moaning grumbling sound could be heard beneath the waves still The Little Mermaid remained by the cabin window rocking up and down on the water which enabled her to look in. After a while the sales were quickly unfurled the noble ship continued her passage, but soon the waves Rose higher heavy clouds darkened the sky. lightning appeared in the distance a dreadful storm was approaching. once more the sales were received and the great ship pursed her flying course over the Raging Sea the waves Rose mountains high as if they would have overtopped the Mast but the ship died like a swan between them and then rose again on their lofty foaming crests to The Little Mermaid disappeared and pleasant sport, but not to the sailors or Prince at length the ship groaned and creaked the thick planks gave away into the lashing of the sea as it broke over the deck the mainmast snapped asunder like a read the ship lay over on her side and the water rushed in. Little Mermaid now perceived that the crew are in danger even she became scared and voted the beans and blanks of the wreck which lay scattered on the water. One moment. It was so pitch dark that she could not see a single object but a flash of lightning revealed the whole sea and she could see everyone who had been on board except her prints when the ship parted and she had seen him sink into the deep waves. She was glad for she thought he would now be with her. And then she remembered that human beings could not live in the water. So that when he got down to her father's Palace he would be dead. But he must not die. So she swam among the beams and planks which drew the surface of the sea forgetting that they could crush her to Pieces. Then she dive deeply under the dark Waters rising and falling with the waves till at length. She managed to reach the Young Prince was fast losing the power of swimming in the stormy sea. His limbs were failing him his beautiful eyes were closed and he would have died had not The Little Mermaid come to his assistance. She held his head above the water and let the waves drift them where they would. In the morning the storm had ceased but the ship not a single fragment could be seen the sun rose up red and glowing from the water and it's beans brought back the Hue of Health to the princes cheeks. But his eyes remained closed The Little Mermaid kissed his high smooth forehead and stroked back as wet hair. You seemed to her like the marble statue in her garden, and she kissed him again and wished that he might live. Presently they came in sight of land. She saw a lofty Blue Mountains on which the white snow rested as of a flock of swans were lying upon them. near the coast or beautiful green forests and close by stood a large building whether a church or Convent. She could not tell orange and Citron trees grew in the garden and before the door stood loved the poems. The see here formed a little Bay in which the water was quite still but very deep so she swam with the handsome prince to the beach which was covered with fine white sand and there she laid him in the warm sunshine. Taking care to raise his head higher than his body. Then Bells sounded from the large white building and a number of young girls came into the garden. Little Mermaid swam out farther from the shore and placed herself between some high rocks that rose out of the water then she covered her head and neck with the foam of the sea so that her little face might not be seen. She watched to see what will become of the poor Prince. She did not wait long before she saw a young girl approached the spot where he lay. The girl seemed frightened at first but only for a moment and then she fetched a number of people and the mermaid saw that the prince came to life again and smiled upon those who stood around him. But to her he sent you no smile for he knew not that she had saved him. This made her very unhappy and when he was led into the great building she dived down sorrow flee into the water and returned to her father's Castle. She had always been silent and thoughtful, but now she was more so than ever. Her sisters asked what she had seen during her first visit to the surface of the water, but she would tell them nothing. Many an evening and morning. Did she rise to the place where she left the prince? She saw the fruits in the garden ripen until they were gathered the snow on the tops of the mountains melt away. But she never saw her prince. She returned home always more sorrowful than before. It was her only comfort to sit in her own little garden and fling her arm round the beautiful marble statue, which reminded her of the prince. She gave up tending her flowers and they grew wild confusion over the past two whining their loan leaves and stems around the branches of the trees. the whole place became dark and gloomy At length, she could bear it no longer and told one of her sisters about it. Then the others heard the secret and very soon. It became known to two mermaids whose intimate friend happen to know who the prince was. She come little sister said the other princesses than the entwine their own homes and Rose up in a long circle to the surface of the water Loose by the spot where they knew the princes Palace stood. It was built a bright yellow shining stone with long flights of marble steps whatever which reached quite down into the sea. Splendid Guild and couple has Rose above the roof and between the pillars that surrounded the whole building stood life like statues of white marble through the clear crystal of the lofty windows can be seen Noble rooms with costly still curtains and hangings of tapestry while the walls are covered with beautiful paintings. Which for a pleasure to look at? In the center of the largest Saloon a fountain through its sparkling Jets into the glass couple of the ceiling through which the sun Shone down upon the water and upon the beautiful plants growing around the Basin of the fountain. Now that she knew where he lived. She spent many an evening and many a night on the water near the palace. She would swim much nearer the shore than any of the others ventured to do the deed. Once she went up and narrow channel under the marble balcony which through a broad shadow on the water. Here she would sit sit and watch the young prince who thought himself quite alone in the bright moonlight. She saw him many evenings sailing in a pleasant boat music played Flags waved. She peeped out from among the green rushes and if the wind caught her long silvery white Veil, those who saw it bleed her to be a swamp spreading out her wings. On many a night to when the fishermen with their torches were out at sea. She heard them relate so many good things about the doings of the only prints. She was glad she had saved his life when he had been tossed about half dead on the way and she remembered that his head had rested on her bosom and how heartily she had kissed him. But he knew nothing of all of this and could never dream of her. She grew more and more fond of human beings and wished more and more to be able to wonder about with those whose World seemed so much larger than her own. They can fly over the sea and there are ships and melt the high hills which are far above the clouds and the land they possessed their Woods in their fields stretched too far away beyond the reach of her sight. There was so much that she wished to know and her sisters were unable to answer questions. When she asked her grandmother who knew all about the upper World, which she very rightly called the lands above the sea. If human beings are not drowned as Little Mermaid can they live forever? Do they never die as we do here in the sea? Yes replied her grandmother. They must also die and their term of life is even shorter than ours. We sometimes live to 300 years, but when we cease to exist here, we only become the foam on the surface of the water. We have not even a grave down here those we love. We have not Immortal Souls. We shall never live again. But like the green seaweed when once it has been cut off we can never flourish more. Human beings on the contrary. I was Soul which lives forever lives after the body has been turned to dust Rises up through the clear pure air beyond the glittering stars as we rise out of the water and behold all the land of the earth. So they rise to unknown and glorious regions, which we shall never see. Why have we not an immortal Soul asked The Little Mermaid, I would gladly give all of my hundreds of years that I have to be a human being only one day and to have the hope of knowing the happiness of that glorious world above the Stars. You must not think of that said her grandmother. We feel ourselves to be so much happier and much better off than human beings. So I shall die said The Little Mermaid and as the foam of the sea I shall be driven about never again to hear the music of the waves or to see the pretty flowers nor the Red Sun. Is there anything that I can do to win an immortal soul? No said her grandmother unless a man were to love you so much that you were more to him than his father or mother. And if all of his thoughts all of his love for fixed upon you and the priest placed his right hand and yours and he promise to be true to you here and Hereafter then his soul would glide into your body and you obtain of share in the future happiness of mankind. He would give a soul to you and retain his own as well. But this can never happen. Your fish's tail, which is amongst us considered. So beautiful is thought on Earth to be quite ugly. They do not know any better and they think it necessary to have to step out props, which they call legs in order to be handsome. Then The Little Mermaid decide and the sorrowful e at her tail let us be happy said her grandmother and aunt and spring about during the 300 years that we have to live. This is quite long enough. After that. We can rest ourselves all the better. This evening. We are going to have a coat ball. It is one of those Splendid sites, which we never see on Earth the walls and the ceiling of the large Ballroom are thick but transparent Crystal many hundreds of colossal shells some of a deep red others that grass green will stand each side in rows with blue fire in them. This will light the whole Saloon and shine through the walls. The sea will also be eliminated innumerable fish has great and small spam past the crystal walls on some of them the scales glowed with purple brilliancy. And on others they show like silver and gold. Through the holes float a broad stream and it danced the merman and the mermaids to the music of their own sweet to see. No one learns has such a lovely voice has theirs. The Little Mermaid is saying more sweetly than the mall the whole Court applauded her with hands and Tails and for a moment her heartfelt quite happy for she knew she had the loveliest voice of any on Earth or any in the sea, but she soon thought again of the world above her for she could not forget a Charming Prince nor her sorrow that she Not an immortal Soul like his therefore. She crept away silently out of her father's Palace and while everything within was gladness and song she sat in her own little garden sorrowful and alone. That she heard the bugle sounding through the water and the point he is certainly sailing above he on whom my wishes to bend and in whose hands I should like to place the happiness of my life. I will venture all for him and to win an immortal Soul all my sisters are dancing in my father's Palace. I'll go to the Sea winch of whom I have always been so afraid but she can give me counsel and help. And then The Little Mermaid went out from her garden and took the road to the filming whirlpools behind which the Sorceress lived she had never been that way before either flowers. No grass grew there nothing but bare Grace and ground stretched out to the whirlpool where the water like a foaming Mill Wheels World round everything that it sees. And cast fathomless depth through the midst of these crushing whirlpools The Little Mermaid was obliged to pass to reach the dominions of the sea witch and also for a long distance the only Road lay right across quantity for bubbling Meyer. Called by the winch her Turf more Beyond this stood her house in the center of a strange forest in which all the trees and flowers or Paula P have animals have plants. They look like serpents with a hundred heads growing out of the ground. The branches were long slimy arms. With fingers like flexible worms moving limb after limb from the root to the top all that could be reached in the sea They seized upon and held fast so that it never escaped from their clutches. The Little Mermaid was so alarmed at what she saw that she stood still your heart beat with fear and she was very nearly turning back. But she thought of The Prince and of the human soul for what she loved and her courage returned. She fastened her long flowing hair around her head. So the polyb might not seized hold of it. She laid her hands together across her bosom and then she darted forward as a fish shoots through the water between the Supple arms and fingers of ugly Paula P, which were stretched out on each side of her. She saw that each held in its grasp something. It had seized with its numerous little arms as if they were iron bands the white skeletons of human beings who perished at Sea. It had sunk down into the deep Waters skeletons of land animals ours Butters and chests of ships were lying tightly grasped by their clinging arms. Even a little mermaid who they had caught and strangled and this seemed the most shocking of all to the little princess. She know came to a space of marshy ground in the wood or large water snakes or rolling in the mire showing the ugly drab colored bodies. In the midst of the spot instead of house built with the bones of shipped direct human beings. They're sad to see which allowing a toad to eat from her mouth. Just as people sometimes feed a canary with a piece of sugar. She called ugly water snakes are little chickens and allowed them to crawl all over her bosom. I know what you want said the see which it is very stupid of you. But you shall have your way and it will bring you to sorrow my pretty princess. You want to get rid of your fish's tail and I have do supports instead of it like human beings on Earth so that the Young Prince may fall in love with you and that you may have an immortal soul and then the witch laughed so loud and disgustingly that the toad and the snakes fell to the ground and lay their wriggling about you are but just in time said the witch for after Sunrise tomorrow I should not be able to help you till the end of another year. I will prepare a draft for you with what she must swim tool in tomorrow before sunrise and sit down on the shore and drink it your tail will disappear and Shrink up into what mankind the colors legs and you will feel great pain as it was sword were passing through you but all who see you will say that you were the prettiest little human being they ever so He will still have the same floating gracefulness of movement and no dancer will ever tread so lightly. But every step you take will feel as if you were treading upon sharp knives and blood will flow. If you will bear all of this, I will help you. Yes, I will said the princess in a trembling voice. She thought of The Prince and her Immortal soul, but think again said the which for once your shape has become like a human being you can never become a mermaid. You will never return through the water to your sisters or to your father's Palace again, and if you do not win the love of the prince, so He's willing to forget his father and mother for your sake and to love you with his whole soul and allow the priest join your hands, but he may be man and wife. Then you will never have an immortal soul. The first morning after he marries another your heart will break and you'll become foam on the crest of the waves. I will do it said The Little Mermaid she felt pale as death. But I must be paid also said the witch. And it is not a trifle that I asked you have the sweetest voice of any who dwell here in the depths of the sea and you believe that you'll be able to charm the prince with it also, but this voice you must give to me. The best thing you possess will I have the price of my draft my own blood must be mixed with it that it may be as sharp as a two-edged sword. But if you take away my voice asked Little Mermaid what is left for me? Your beautiful form your graceful walk and your expressive eyes surely with these you can change a man's heart. Have you lost your courage put out your little tongue, but I may cut it off as my payment and then you will have a powerful draft. It shall be said The Little Mermaid then the witch placed her cauldron on the fire and prepared the magic dressed. Cleanliness is a good thing said she scouring The Vessel was Sphinx, which she had tied together into a large. Not that she picked herself in the breast that the black blood drop into it the steam that Rose formed itself into such horrible shapes that no one could look at them without fear. Every moment the witch through something else into the vessel and when it began to boil, the sound was like that of a week being crocodile when it lasts the magic draft was ready. It looked like the clearest water. There it is for you said the witch that she cut off the mermaids tongue so that she became mute. I would never again speak or sing if the Paula P should seize hold of you as he returned Through the Wood through over them a few drops of the potion and their fingers will be torn into a thousand pieces. But The Little Mermaid had no occasion to do this for the Paula P spring back in Terror when they caught sight of the glittering draft it Shone in her hand like a twinkling star. So she passed quickly through the wood in the marsh and between the rushing whirlpools. She saw that in her father's Palace the Torches in the ballroom were extinguished and all within were asleep, but she did not venture to go into them for now. She was me and going to leave them forever. She felt as if her heart would break she ran into her garden took a flower from the flower beds of each of her sisters. Kissed her hand a thousand times towards the palace and then rose up there the dark blue Waters. The sun had not risen when she came inside of the princes Palace. She approached the marble beautiful steps, but the moon Shone clear and bright then The Little Mermaid drink the magic draft and it seemed as if a two-edged sword went through her delicate body. She fell into a swoon of pain and lay as though she were dead. When the sun rose and Shone Over the Sea she recovered she felt a sharp pain, but just before her stood the handsome prince. He fixed his cold black eyes upon her. So earnestly that she cast down her own and then became aware that her little fishes tail was gone and that she had as pretty a pair of white legs and tiny feet as any little Maiden could add. She had no clothes so she wrapped herself and her long thick hair. The prince asked her who she was and where she came from and she looked at him mildly and sorrow flee with her deep blue eyes. She could not speak every step. She took was as the which had said it would be she felt as if she were treading upon the points of sharp knives. She bore it willingly and stepped his lightly by the princes side as a soap bubble. So that he and all who saw her wondered at her graceful swaying buttons. She was very soon arrayed in costly Robes of silk and muslin and was the most beautiful creature in the palace. But she was mute and could never speak or seen? Beautiful female slaves dressed in silk and gold stepped forward and saying before the prince and his Royal parents one sing better than all the others and the prince clapped his hands and smiled at her. This was great sorrow to The Little Mermaid. She knew how much more sweetly she herself could sing and she thought oh if he could only know that I have given away my voice forever to be with him. The sleeps next to perform to some fairytale dances to the sound beautiful music and the Little Mermaid raised her lovely white arms stood on the tips of her toes and glided over the floor. She danced as no one yet been able to dance. And each moment her beauty became more revealed their expressive eyes peeled more directly to the heart that the songs of the slaves. Everyone was enchanted especially her prince called her his little foundling and she danced again quite readily to please him though each time or foot touch the floor it seemed as if she trod on Sharp knives the prince said she should remain with him always and she received permission to sleep at his door on a velvet cushion. He had a Pages dress made for her that she might accompany him on Horseback. They rode together through the sweet scented ones with a green boughs touch their shoulders the little birds sing. Mom fresh leaves. She climbed with the prince to the tops of high mountains and although her tender feet bled so that every step was marked. She They left and followed him until they can see the clouds beneath them that looked like a flock of birds traveling to distant lands while at the princes Palace and went all the household or asleep. She would go and sit in the broad marble steps for Easter burning feet to bathe them in the cold sea water and then she thought of all those Below in a deep once during the night her sisters came up arm-in-arm singing sorrowfully as they floated on the water. She beckoned to them and they recognized her and told her how they grieved for her. after that, they came to the same place every night and what she saw in the distance Earl grandmother would not bend the surface of the sea and many years and the old Sea King her father the crown on his head and he stretched out their hands towards her but they did not Venture so near the land is her sisters did As the days passed she loved prints more fondly and he loved her as he would a child but it never came into his head to make her his wife. Yeah, unless he married her. She did not receive an immortal Soul. Do you not love me the best of them all the eyes Little Mermaid seem to say when he took her into his arms. He kissed her Fair forehead. You are dear to me said the prince for you have the best heart and you are the most devoted to me. You were like a young Maiden my one saw but whom I never shall meet again. I was in a ship that was wrecked in the waves cast me ashore near a holy Temple several young maidens perform the service the youngest of them found me on the shore and saved my life. I saw her but twice that she is the only one in the world whom I could love. You are like her and you have almost driven Her Image out of my mind. She belongs to the Holy Temple and my good fortune has sent you to me instead of her and we will never part. He knows not that I was the one who saved his life The Little Mermaid. I carried him over the sea to the blood or the temple stands. I sat beneath the phone and watched till the human beings came to help him. I saw the pretty made him that he loves better than he loves me. And the mermaid sighed deeply but she did not shed tears. He says the maiden belongs to the Holy Temple therefore. She will never return to the world. They will meet no more William by his side and see him every day. I will take care of him and love him and give up my life for his sake very soon. It was said that the prince must marry and that the beautiful daughter of a neighboring king would be his wife. A fine ship was being fitted although the prince gave out the he nearly intended to pay this it to the king. It was generally supposed that he really went to see his daughter the great company were to go with him The Little Mermaid smiled and shook her head. She knew the princess thoughts better than any of the others. I must travel he had said to her I must This beautiful princess my parents desire it but they will not oblige me to bring her home as my bride. I cannot love her. She is not like the beautiful Maiden Temple who you resemble if I were forced to choose a bride. I would rather choose you my mute foundling with those expressive eyes. And then he kissed her Rosy mouth playing with her long wavy hair and laid his head on her heart while she dreamed of human happiness and an immortal soul. You are not afraid of the see my mute child said he as he stood on the deck of the noble ship which was to carry them to the country of the neighboring King. And then when he told her of storm calm of strange fishes in the Deep beneath them and what the divers had seen there and she smiled at his descriptions for she knew better than anyone wonders for at the bottom of the sea in the Moonlight when all on board were asleep, except the man at the helm who was steering. Little Mermaid sat on the deck glazing down through the clear water she thought she could distinguish her father's castle and upon it or aged grandmother with a silver crown on her head looking through the rushing tide the Keel of the vessel. Than her sisters came up on the waves and gazed at her mournfully ringing their white hands. She beckoned to them and smiled and wanted them to know how happy and well up she was But the cabin boy approached and when her sisters Dove down he thought it was only the foam of the sea. He saw the next morning the ship sailed into the harbor of a beautiful Town belonging to the king and the prince was going to visit the church bells were ringing and from the high tower sounded flourish of trumpets and Soldiers with flying colors and glittering Bayon. Lion the rocks through which they passed every day was a festival balls and entertainment followed by more balls and entertainment, but the princess had not yet appeared people said that she was being brought up and educated in a religious house where she was learning every Royal virtue. At last she came The Little Mermaid who was very anxious to see whether she was really beautiful was obliged to acknowledge that she had never seen a more perfect vision of beauty. Their skin was delicately fair and beneath her long dark eyelashes her laughing blue eyes Shone with truth and purity. It was you said the prince who saved my life when I laid out on the beach and he folded his Blushing Bride into his arms. Oh I am too. Happy said he did a little mermaid. My fondest hopes are all fulfilled. You will rejoice at my happiness for your Devotion to me is great and sincere. The Little Mermaid kissed his hand and felt as if her heart were already broken his wedding morning would bring death for her and she would change into the foam of the sea. all of the church bells rung and the Herald's rolled about the town proclaiming the engagement perfumed oil was burning and costly silver lamps on every alter the priests waived all the bride and bridegroom joined their hands and receive the blessing of the bishop The Little Mermaid dressed in silk and gold held up the bride's dream. But her ears heard nothing of the festive music and her eyes, so nothing of the Holy ceremony. She thought of the night of death which was coming to her and of all she had lost in the world. On the same evening, the bride and bridegroom went on board ship cannons were roaring Flags waving and in the center of the ship the costly tend to purple and gold had been erected. It contained elegant couches for the reception of the bridal pair during the night. The ship was swelling sails in a favorable wind glided away smoothly and lightly over. The calm sea when it grew dark a number of coloured lamps were lit and the sailors danced Merrily on the deck. The Little Mermaid could not help thinking of her first rising out of the sea when she had seen similar festivities enjoys teaching join in the dance, please herself in the air as a swallow when he pursues his prey and all present cheered her with Wonder. She had never danced. So elegantly before her tender feet felt as if cut a sharp knives and she bled with every step but she cared not for it sharper paying and pierced through her heart. She knew this was the last evening. She would ever see the prince for whom she had forsaken her Kindred in her home. She had given up her beautiful voice and suffered unheard of pain every day with every step. Well, he knew nothing of it. This was the last evening, but she would Breathe the same air with him or Gaze on the Starry Sky and the deep sea and eternal night without a thought or a dream awaited her. She had no soul. And now she could never win 100 was joy and gaiety on board ship too long after midnight. She laughed and danced with the rest all the thoughts of death were in her heart the prince kissed his beautiful bride while she played with his Raven hair till they went armed and arms to rest in The Splendid tent then all became still Board the ship the Helmsman alone awake stood at the hill. The Little Mermaid leaned her white arms and the edge of the vessel and look towards the east for the first blush of morning. For that first Ray of dawn that would bring her death. She saw her sisters rising out of the flood they were as pale as herself, but her long beautiful hair waved no more in the wind and had been cut off. We have given our hair to the which said they to obtain help for you that you may not die tonight. She had given us a knife here. It is see it is very sharp for the sun rises. You must plunge it into the heart of the prince. When the warm blood falls upon your feet, they will grow together again and form into a fish's tail and even once more become a mermaid in return to us to live out your 300 years before you die and change into the sea salt foam haste then here you will die Before Sunrise. Harold grandmother moans so for you that are white hair is falling off from sorrow as ours fell under the witch scissors. Kill The Prince and come back hasten, do you not see the first red streaks in the sky? In a few minutes the sun will rise and you will die. And then they sighed deeply and mournfully and sank beneath the waves. The Little Mermaid Drew back the Crimson curtain of the tent and beheld the fair bride with her head resting upon the princes breast she bent down and kissed his fair brow and looked at the sky on which the rosy Dawn grew brighter and brighter and that she glanced at the sharp knife and again fixed her eyes on the prince whispered the name of his bride in his dreams. Hey. She was in his thoughts and the knife trembled in the hand of The Little Mermaid and then she floated far away from her into the waves. The water turned red or it fell and the drums. Let's burn it up looked like blood she cast one more lingering have fainting glance at The Prince and then threw herself in the ship into the sea. She thought her body was dissolving into foam. The sun rose above the waves and its Warm Rays fill in the cold foam The Little Mermaid who did not feel as if she were dying. She saw the bright Sun and all around her floated hundreds of transparent beautiful beings. She could see through them the white sails of the ship and the red clouds in the sky. Their speech was melodious but to leave Ariel to be heard by mortal ears as they were also unseen by mortal eyes. Little Mermaid perceived that she had a body like theirs and that she continued to rise higher and higher out of the phone. Why are am I asked she and her voice sounded ethereal as a voice of those who were with her? No earthly. Sounds good imitated. Among the daughters of the are answered one of them a mermaid has not an immortal Soul no more. Can she obtained one unless she wins the love of a human being the power of another hangs our Eternal destiny. But the daughters of the air, although they do not possess an immortal Soul can buy their Good Deeds procure one for themselves. We fly to warm countries and cool. The sultry are the destroys mankind with pestilence. We carry the perfumes of the flowers to spread health and restoration. After we have striven for 300 years to all the good in our power. We receive an immortal soul and take part in the happiness of mankind you poor little mermaid. I've tried with your whole heart to do is we are doing you have suffered and endured and raised yourself to the spirit world, but you are good deeds. And no by striving for 300 years in the same way. You may obtain an immortal soul. The Little Mermaid lifted her glorified eyes towards the Sun and felt them for the first time filling with tears. On the ship in which she had left the prince there was life and noise. She saw him and his beautiful bride searching for her sorrow flee they gazed at the Pearly foam as if they knew she had thrown herself into the waves Lindsay. She kissed the forehead of her bride and vent the prince the mounted with the other children of the air. two Rosy Cloud that floated Through The Ether after 300 years the shall we float into the Kingdom of Heaven said she and we may even get there sooner whispered one of her companion. Unseen, we can enter the houses of men where there are children and for every day on which we find a good child who is the joy of his parents and deserves that love our time of probation is short. The child does not know when we fly through the room that we smile with joy at his Good Conduct for we can count one year less of our 300 years. But when we see a naughty or Wicked Child, we shed tears of sorrow and for every tear we shed a day is added to our time of trial. That concludes today's reading. Thank you for listening. Sweet dreams.
ASMR reading of the creepy fairy tale The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen, written in 1836. Soft spoken with gentle introduction and personal attention for relaxation. Enjoy with headphones. As we learn, mermaids live up to 300 years, but the life of a mortal is very short. Still, the Little Mermaid gives up her tongue (by literally cutting it out) and endures the pain and blood of having legs formed from her tail. Every step she takes is brutally painful and bloody, but she endures because this is the life she so longed for. Unfortunately, the Prince she comes across and rescues takes her into his life as only a friend and remembers a different woman, though similar to her, who was his true rescuer. He is reunited with this woman, and though the mermaid gets a chance to get revenge and continue to live as a mortal, she is consumed by her choice and dies instead, leaving the Prince to lead a happy life with his new bride. The Little Mermaid was republished numerous times in its history, eventually becoming a much different story altogether by the writers at Disney. An important message is lost in the retelling; however, as the mermaid is never given the same redemption. As in this original tale, she takes the burden unto herself and, instead of the death she believed would occur, is taken into a beautiful spiritual realm of peace where her immortal soul can be at rest. #asmr #softspokenasmr #thelittlemermaid #littlemermaid #originallittlemermaid #originlittlemermaid#originalfairytales #hanschristianandersen #thebrothersgrimm #asmrfairytales #asmrforsleep#whisperedasmr --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
What's up fam dead and buried here to let you know that if you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer and anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcast and many many more you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. Have we made any money? Keep we make money hand over fist through anchor. Hello did oh, no, did I just bought a boat? It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. So download the anchor app are going to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Hello and welcome to the dad and buried show / podcast / YouTube phenomenon. Yeah. Phenomenon is a good Zone slip into the accent, you know, not into it. I'm not even into it. I'm just saying you're thinking about it. I can tell you think about it is stop it easily the fastest-growing pokken base toots. Two Two Dads males. Yeah, there's not a lot of white males with podcasts and functional impact. Yeah. So this week on the podcast we're going to talk about double standards just the different ways that moms and dads are treated out in the parenting world. But before we do, I want to tell you a little bit about myself because I want I want to connect with you guys. So my name is Mike. My name is Mike. I was raised in Connecticut. I went to college in Boston and lived there for quite a long time. And then I moved to Brooklyn and that's where I live now. Now that's where we're doing this podcast with your wife or is this with my wife? Okay. I wish I you often regret that. I didn't move to New York immediately after salad with solo just with you with Hope Solo. No the goalie for US Women's National targeted. Yeah, it's cute. Anyway, so I've made my bones online talking shit about my kids and talking shit about parenting because I'm sarcastically trashing my kids, but I am quite sincerely thrashing parenting. I love my kids I hate I think it sucks. It's frustrating. I make a lot of funny. I think you would all agree hilarious memes. I my quite popular actually my quite popular Instagram account. I'm just you're talking over me, but I'm saying I don't know what you're saying negative things about me. I don't know. How's your Instagram doing exactly what exactly you know, what on the devil's Network, you know, there's people out there that probably think that I want to meet them and then actually know what I handle snakes and weekends, it's fine. Oh one of those Crews so I Oh, yeah, that's what I do online kind of a little bit in character is dead and buried if you will on my blog and my Facebook my Instagram and Twitter podcast at home. My pocket and Pete is neither in character nor has any character. He's pretty bland but until he busts out his bag of fingers in his Bridge a peak grew up in England or at least he likes to pretend that and I've never Googled they verify it People, but I really find out. What are you gonna Google? I don't know. You have a very common name, so I probably To find shit. Look at you your chameleon your chameleon. That's how I met so I make it just try Googling John Smith in England. Okay? Okay, maybe he will be married to Pocahontas. He's actually quite famous. So here's a weird thing so Pete and I didn't know each other for the podcast. We drew names out of a hat and we got yep merge together as co-host on the podcast. That's not true. If you want to know how we actually met maybe we're gonna do a mailbag episode Pete is cringing at the idea. Where on Episode 29 this is episode 29 somehow. Look at we started in late January or February late January right before the Super Bowl the goddamn fucking Super Bowl Patriots won again literally makes me sick. I might throw up anyway, no offense the Patriots fans out there. No not the offense than actually a we don't like you and if and you understand that. All right, you're actually enjoy it. So before we get into the episode or undermine, everybody has lots of different ways to support us you can go to iTunes. Can subscribe you can rate us? We're launching an initiative tonight. Once we get to 100 iTunes reviews or ratings, hopefully with some reviews because you can do a star rating without writing review. We're going to let the viewers choose from I think for controversial episode topics. I think we're gonna don't let them do it. Some of the topics that are controversial will be problematic for us because we're not doctors. We're not scientists. Do you know what the people are jackals the for? People that are listening to you know what they want. I know exactly what they want. You know what and it's going to be we're all so it's not going to be political. We're saving politics for an all politics episode episode 500. Yeah all politics we may or may not have the same president / dictator at that point. We'll find out. Yeah, it'll be a little while. Yeah, so you can go to YouTube and comment on specific episodes. You can rate US on Spotify and apple and anywhere you listen, you can find us on the stitcher Spotify. Apple Google podcast are the things that I don't know the name of our And we're not on iHeartRadio yet. Can you do that? No, but I can get on Alexa somehow can't we? Yeah. Yeah. So if you just shout into your Alexa loud enough podcast, you'll embarrass both yourself and everyone around you because we're and that's without even pay. Yeah, and then when you do play you can embarrass yourself and everyone around or have your kid shout the poopy song. Oh my God, then that your kids have been at my house on and have done that these sons of bitches. Okay, so you can also give us money if you want. On patreon and anchor but can I just say about the YouTube? No, whoa. Oh God. Damn it fine. I'll allow it. What what we're hoping to do is try and get the conversation about the particular topic move to YouTube. The thing is though but most of the time when I when I share a clip of the episode or something about the fact that it's released on Instagram, that's where a lot of the comments got but you know, what government we can find your comments anywhere, you know item on the dark web and will seek them out. We're gonna do we want your engagement this show doesn't go Without you guys and and thanks to a handful of you guys who are already patrons and supporting us with a little bit of cash flow. The single dad tear is Chris Coleman and Ms. But Brian who's super loyal? Thank you Mary. We got the dad bod. Tear is Barbara Geiger was also super loyal. We have the newcomer Jordan Martin on that tier. Thank you very much Jordan. Welcome Father Figure to your Julia McCarthy and Paula Paul. Ski, who is commenting left and right and we're going to read something from him lately. We got World's Greatest Dad Mary Williams and Mom. We have to and my new dad who's relatively new Sarah. Thank you very much for your contribution. We appreciate it and the all-time Hall of Famer original. Mr. Sarge Missy Sarge. Love you. Miss you every day. So yeah, look we promised you guys some merch we're trying to figure out the best way to get that to you. We got some stickers quite frankly sending you guys stickers is like we'll just we should just send you we should get some dead and buried Made so we can just send an empty envelope and then the stamp is your sticker exact that would be the way to do it. Most qualified least lame thing that we I want to get pint glasses and like bottle openers and not a lot of places make those and it's tough to find it in the margin on those is tough so I don't want to get too deep and economics because I don't get yeah, we're gonna get you. I'm not even sure I use the term margin correctly. But whatever. I'm I'm talented in other ways. Are you I don't know what kind of talents do you have? Um day I'm very good at unknotting things right A lot of times family. Like I'm nodding my wife's jewelry gets fucking knotted together or her fucking iPhones. She'll put iPhones on the table phone and she'll turn around iPhone headphones. What? Why would you say headphones? I don't know. Okay. Okay. So you're taking you're saying that you cannot good at unknotting things. It's painstaking. It takes a long time. I'm fucking gifted at it. I don't think that sounds like something that's talented. We're right. It's a skill. It's more of a skill than a talent thinking it's more. Tell them okay. I'm very I'm very good and movie references. We're going to see this episode. We're going to see what I put on my ass has had. Well, listen, hold on some new stuff. So we got we got a couple comments on our previous episodes that we're going to hit up just before it's hear it. Yeah, so we have Paulo Paulo policy one of our patrons. Thank you Paul on our favorites. I don't know. If you've heard this one our favorite parent episode like who's the favorite parent in your house? And what are the benefits of exactly? So Paul said I discovered another Pro to being the preferred parent getting credit for nice things than non-preferred parent did so he says his son's daycare recently complimented him on a new outfit he was wearing so he saw his son proudly told him that Daddy bought it for him. One of course was actually mom because the dad is like I'm so in the tank for my dad, right? I'm gonna lie or may not lie. Just assume gonna give my dad the credit for buying me this cool shirt that somebody likes so so Paul says now the staff thinks I'm an awesome parent with Fashion sense when in reality, I have no idea what the new clothes even look like because he had nothing to do with buying it. Exactly and if you don't know what that's about listen to the last episode because all about how the spoiler alert. Yeah, like one parent over the other and this is a great example of how Paul by the way was sitting back in an armchair by the way, the arm drink Lazy Boy, it wasn't a lazy boy and he'll make his arms were interlaced behind his head. No shit old beer as he guys was because What his wife son came in exactly saying no as the as he went to pick up his kid probably and the kindergarten crew just circle semicircle at him and said thank you so much for being I want to hear from Paul's wife and see how upset he wants wife's life for not getting the credit history motherfucker got all the credit. We're going to talk about misplaced credit. She just called the police coming shortly and they should have we're going to talk about misplace credit. So a couple weeks back. We also talked about the Telling the truth about parenting and now the toll that it takes but also the many many benefits that it has Pete and I are very firm staunch proponents of a telling the truth about parenting which means I agree. You know, it's Norton all as a second. So Sarge Hall of Famer, he'll be in Monument Valley when we have our when we create busts for our ultimate listeners. He says he prefers seeing the reality of parenting over the rainbows and unicorns some pages present. I actually I hate those fake-ass. Happy Dad ads on on Instagram and I agree with him. I don't like fakeness right don't get out of my face with that fake shit. Yeah be honored by my lateness. It's a Kanye lyric. You know what? I'm glad you made that but it was horribly placed and no one liked it. So, you know what? He's a talented guy even if he's not liked me was it we were not like believe know I love Kanye but the point being is that favorites is We're talking about truth about parenting. Yeah, man. Yeah, that's why I'm saying truth about parenting, you know, these fake Instagram account gives gram counts their Instagram account certain there were a five parenting and everyone's looking amazing their pose onderful bullshit. Everyone's beautiful. Here's who's not beautiful you and your horrible horrible say children. Okay. Are you talking about mine? Yeah. I'm telling the truth only pointing if I exactly where he was. On YouTube if I exaggerate anyways, I exaggerated towards the negative side of things. I purposely put filters on myself to look worse than I do. I'm not anywhere near this overweight Mike's at least 160 and super jacked 160. Yeah, is that a compliment so good my six five as well. Yeah or 160. That's that's your lighter than I am. Yeah, I forgot. I forgot that. I'm actually you know, what quite heavier than 160. Thanks. Pete not even wear skinny jeans like you You making fun of my Spider-Man shirt. Nope, just pointing it out for the audience of the audience get it defensive. All right, so Excuse me, a little frog in my throat there. Okay, that was horrible. You didn't even notice. You know, what you don't notice anything anymore even know. It's got my hair done. I haven't any tag. I'm sorry my hair did I know this the proper terminology. It was a fucking joke. I was pretending to be the wife. Anyway, look we'll be back in a few minutes. We're gonna we're gonna finish this argument. We're going to talk about double standards with parenting Pete and I have a lot of things to say about this because you people had a lot of things to say and Most of you are moms and Pete and I are get ready. We're doing it because we're going to disagree with you. We'll be right back. Hey, Mike, have you heard of Spotify before? I have heard of Spotify? Really? Yeah, because on Spotify you can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcast in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify is a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you're listening to right now here. We were having a normal conversation and I thought I knew more about Spotify. We're on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes and listen offline. Ever you are and easily share what you're listening to with your friends on Instagram. I'm on Instagram. Are you on Instagram? Get out of here? If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for dead and buried on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me and Pete so you never miss an episode of the dead and buried show. And welcome back to the dad buried podcast. Guess what? It's me. Pete. Not Mike. I apologize in advance. No don't apologize. Wait, there's nothing to apologize for say cuz this is gonna be amazing. So we're talking about essentially double standards. Essentially. Well, what is double standards in both parenting as well as spousal relationships, right? Because let's face it everybody when the spouse goes away. If you're especially if you're a dad when they come back do you go you're saying if your dad goes away? Let me be really yeah, you said especially if you're a dad, so if you're not aware of the kids, okay, while your spouse is gone house is gone, which is very much encouraged by this podcast because that's an important part everyone needs time away from the kids and you should your fucking spouse out of the Yes, that's what you got to do agree. I don't care who you are. You got to get that gets the fucking spouse at the house then weird. Dr. Seuss what you got? What what happens is when they come back after a weekend after 48 Hours of taking care of these lovely lovely offering that you've made and have constantly constantly graded on you the whole for the entire time. It's been miserable. What happens is the exchange rate IE. Oh now that You're back. And now what can I get away with I get it? What do I get in return is what we call bullshit. So kill fine. So you're saying when your wife goes away and you've been stuck saddled with these children? Yes, she comes back you expect a little something right? Like now I can go do this or I get some kind of leeway or I get some recognition. Let's let's no no, so let me let me kind of break it down here because we're talking it down from the fellas. We're gonna Currency here. So at we're talking hours, right? So counting the hours. Well, let's just say we we all do let's just say we all do but I don't know why do and and husband's oh, please we've talked about how you WEP your family. You weaponize everything. Yeah. Yeah. Why is it not minutes? These are the minutes. I've been alone with the children. Let's do minutes, but we're talking hours. Okay. So what happens is now you're at the 48. Our Mark and your wife comes home and she's like, you know what honey? Just yeah. Why don't you go out for an hour? Go record your podcast. Yeah, it's over. Yeah, watch watch watch right. Now. You're saying as a dad you get that our as a husband. Mmm. Just imagine for a second a husband said Imagine me I'm going away for a river Camp the same amount of time mind you what's River Camp? Yeah, just like I'm just giving an example of what does that mean? It's like a two-day camped on a river some kind, you know some in a van down by the river. Yeah. Sure great Saturday live reference guide imagination by Bo Derek was that little known fact is that we where you would Camp, you know, what man if my kids weren't there. I'm fucking down with it. I'll go in a van down by the river right now. You don't want me to all right exactly both on the same. #me too. We come back at the scene is like scheana's. Okay. So here are the font first of all your entire, you know, every second from now until midweek is now consumed by taking care of the kids because the exchange rate is what we call disproportion has. Can I say something to you that this but bothers me? In this is my relationship. I don't want to cast any Stones Throw any Stones cast any aspersions usually Stones. So I love telling my wife especially when she was stay-at-home mom go out with your friends. Yes go out you deserve for the night. You know what I'll watch what I want it, so probably dark. It's on Netflix because it's a great show in which I got you into and you know appreciate and I do appreciate also the boys boys boys. Acknowledge our good darkest Darkness. Hey, it's not as good as the boys. All right, that's fucking bullshit. I haven't seen the boys, but I know for a fact anyway, so I'll send my wife out in this and in fact this coming weekend. She has her girlfriends coming up for college weekend. Great. I'm taking the kids to my parents in Connecticut because her girlfriends are staying in our apartment in New York because New York is a hip happening place to be do you say hip happening hip hip it happens to be happening hippopotamus hip-hop apartment. Yes, we get big daddy reference guys. That's that's to pop culture references and see what I can do tonight. So let's count Dark mp3. I'm going to my parents and here's what's going to happen. I'm going to take kiss my parents and my wife's not going to fucking hear a word for me. I'm not going to text her. I'm not going to do any of that shit more when I go away for the weekend or come out almost as soon as I leave the door. Hey, she'll start testing me. Did you not pick up the Milk that I yes in the complaints or text that I speech to texted when the line was. Can you pick up the milk? And then I speak texted 400 Kara for antenna words. Yeah, and then I and then I replied with k or she'll work letter she'll text about how she's having a bad time like oh this kids doing this is because doing that look, you know what I washed my hands of it when I left the house. Give me that. Hey the whole point is that I am out and away from the kids when You go. I don't fucking bitch about what's going on in the house and like make you feel guilty for being gone. You know, why because I know how much it sucks and also because I know if I do that you'll divorce me. Whereas when you do it to me. I'm gonna suck it up because it's one of the double standards of the spousal relationship just like your disproportionate thing, right you can bring that up. But if you bring that disproportionate thing up, you're gonna get shot down my God gonna cost. Would I bring it up to me know the only time I would ever bring it up as on some sort of podcasts or or when you're in the middle of a Big fight and you've only got your tongue you bit your tongue for so long and then it gets the boys are finally you have to say it. We did not damn it when I fucking go out. Honestly. I probably shouldn't have said what I just said unless that was in the middle of a really bad fight, but now it will probably cause a really bad fight so great. I'm so here. We have a podcast we have what's called disproportionate spousal exchange rate. Let's do it. Let's get into it. We're getting in a double standards. Now, I know but less about spousal so quite frankly. Ali but it does come down to so the disproportionate part of it as a very apt because description I appreciate our perception as a dad as dad's is different from Mom's perception as our wives will show so not even that what we're really going to be talking about. This episode is is society's perception of mom and dad Society, right? So can hate you I posed this question on my Instagram and and and thank you to everybody who respond we got a lot of Comments, I've written a lot of them that I've transcribed a lot of them here. I don't know we're going to get to all of them. We're gonna do our GD best. All right, let's do it. Alright, so one of the main topics and I've been hearing this for years is that people perceive dads who do anything as like fucking mythical creatures like heroes superheroes, right? So linzer bins. I like the name linzer been says dropping off school supplies isn't just for moms. My husband isn't a hero for helping right? So like there's a whole theme of this hero thing. But this in particular gets to part of it. Where is if a dad is out in public being seen doing something even if it's something totally The mundane and routine it's like oh look at that guy. If you're in the fucking dad and the drop-off line of the school the moms are all over you. I can't tell you how many looks I get people. I mean look, I'm a very attractive man. So that's part of it. But a lot of it is needs agreeing look at them. Not unless I've seen a bunch of your drawings you've done of yourself in the mirror and they are what does that mean during the dive myself in here kind of like a kind of like Titanic with you like draw meat, so I'm saying to myself in the mirror. Mirror, they might draw myself like one of your French girls like oh you are that is the weirdest scenario I've legitimately ever heard and he just went back a fingers a few weeks ago because you are a bag of fingers. Here's her even know what that money. Here's what I actually think is really good about what you said and actually sorry attractive. I am Lynn's linzinnz our bins said younglings, which is here's what these moms / dad's Maybe. Because I don't know the other side where I literally was literally talking about that's okay. Well you were talking about moms saying you know, what fuck did I get 4 shelves too much credit for doing a generic shit actually and guess what? Guess what's happening? What that's going around the whole every single mom who sees a single day or sees a dad a dad. Yeah a dad in line somewhere doing some things like well that guy's dad does way more than you do and your their own dad. Yeah to their own. Husband, yeah, and you as the husband and provider or whatever as a husband scuse me, just simple Waimea hashtag. We like over 2019 at the same time. We're being were being put in a corner and guess who does nobody puts? Yeah, I'll be in the corner. We'll look here's the part of the problem is and I don't want to bring it back to society. I'm going to the world is changing and more and more dads are taking on an equal share of yes. I think we are but for centuries Millennia, yeah orrible amount has a stretch now, we should say awful amounts of time just awful amount of time like three days. What's happening? Right so but dads have been the one who was out doing the hunting of the woolly mammoths. Look I'm not an historian with this is good. Right? I'm just saying there's a reason the society can be done with they can drop off the fucking backpacks changing Society is changing but it hasn't changed and there's a lot of people with retrograde attitudes, but the fact is if there are 30 moms at the school drop-off there might only be five dad so itíll still is a little bit. Of an anomaly may be in your community. It's a little bit different but dad's do get more credit for doing shit that moms do everyday frankly. I'm saying linzer bins is right. Like I agree. They should sometime actually, how about both showing up and just both being like hey, you know what, maybe mom's got a more high-powered career and she can't be late for a fucking meeting. You know what God look at you so underscores. The Lonnie underscore says babywearing is another big example where - he's a dad wearing a baby. They're like go you my man, but sometimes she's a mom wearing a baby. It's like yeah, no shit. She's like your back moms wearing a fucking baby. Check your kids at the door. Who is a dad who that's a funny meme page. You should check it out. Check your kids at the door and Instagram says my wife hates how I get compliments when I take all three kids out shopping. First of all, why are you taking all three kids outside because he's a fucking bad-ass. He is a badass how you first rocks if you're a mom and you're taking all three kids out shopping. What are you doing? What are you talking about - one of them dude, that's an activity. I know it is. Is your wife does it all the time? I do it all the time. I don't believe that you're not equate. You couldn't handle that. Oh really? Fuck out of here mate. You can do that. I know yeah, obviously all my point is is my whole afternoon activities. We're going to go shopping. Yeah. I don't really house. You know, why cause I know I'm not as good at my wife as as my wife at it. I don't know what those words mean. I'm I don't have the temperament for it. I don't have that patience. I've got actually Not have been a stay-at-home dad again for for a couple of months now actually the grocery shoppings. Not bad. I'm doing a pretty good job. Alright, there we go. So myself, my point being is I don't get compliments out in public. No, I don't get either get a lot of numbers. Just kidding people give out numbers. It's like a 20-19 his name. How about you like you like them apples? Yeah, how do you like them apples? I got a number that's another reference for you. Could Will Hunting? All right. So a little charmer Amy little charmer 80 who is a very prolific commenter. In fact every time she responds to one of the top. A question she writes. She feels like eight boxes ease up a little bit little Tremor ad right send me an email. It's hard to transcribe these things but she has a good comment for she says dad takes a kid out for the day and it's fucking Daddy Day Care and all Pat's on the back of moms are like, hey jerks, I do that shit. Every fucking day again dads get credit for doing the normal shit. But look, if I now I'm a stay-at-home Dad if my wife were to come home. She's a little bit out of practice and it take the kids somewhere. I'll give her a pat on the back, but job, honey you It you haven't lost your touch with the kids. I got you. I'm happening right now. I'm a generous person immediately. Your I was raised is slightly less black than it currently. So there we go. Mrs. Shoni bear says, she had annoys her when her husband gets congratulated for merely participating. What about me every day? So this is what these women are pissed off about it's not so much their husbands and what they're doing. It's the the fact that society places such value on dads who pitch in In well, hang on. Can I put this for a second? So I'm hearing you I'm hearing you. But what about the more you do the more you extol sort of adulation? Well, you kind of get people into it. It's like oh your husband wasn't there and you can it's not a shame thing, but it sounds like it's though little bit. Well, it's more well quite frankly. If it's first day schooled it like you should get into it. You should both go to the first day of school. If you can hang out, you know know if you can handle you should Know if you can handle it we talked about this is there's some places that there's some companies companies. Yes, because both parents might work or one parent might work and it's not always that easy of its we're gonna get into a little bit of the problems with working world, right? You're right. I won't let you near your own kids. If you're a sex offender and God damn it. You wouldn't be needing. Well, that's why I keep getting all those numbers. So at me guina said when my husband wears are six week old he can't go two feet without getting praised. My God, he sounds amazing Magdalena. You know, what? What an amazing husband pretty amazing. You're so lucky and what an a congratulations to you Macbeth. ER it says a dad out in public getting swooned at for spending time with his kids like he's some kind of hero. You know what maybe he is. You don't know Clark Kent getting something called an author whom by fighting women who are starved for good husband. Please be good Dads everyone's exhausted. Right know if you have a husband at home who pitches in and you know that it's part of the deal and it's an equal-opportunity situation in your household because it's 2019 and you guys know what's what like you wouldn't be like, oh, look at that fucking guy you like? Yeah. No shit. It's the older generation. A lot of cases was like, I got a lot of grandmas hitting on me, right because they see how good I know. Yeah. It's okay. You're into that you're in the bed. No, but I'm wake me. But here we go, Emma Emma leak while Bonnie. I hope I got that right Emily called Bonnie says changing. Diapers older folks thinks it's only for the mom to do which again, this is a societal thing exactly and a gender-based thing where things have been changing but like how great your parents I remember when my friend Tim's dad and I we had our oldest daughter it got your the first yeah, absolutely, but we were the firm we got he made fun of you for changing diapers. Okay, we'll get there we hit we other friend group. I think we were the first to have a kid and we brought her to a party and then checks out. Parents were there and he goes, you know, I changed at least like a bunch of diapers at least. Yeah, it was one of those ones did you punch him? No, I didn't because I didn't know what that meant at the time because I had no idea how many diapers I'd be changing and in my entire life. I mean you changed as many in one day as he did probably his entire parenting all of a sudden I immediately started changing his diaper. Oh, really? Yeah. He's another dead. I was like, he's like, he's right it tomorrow wiping Isaac sir. This is her someday. Dark place. I've already wiped your front toe my God. Can we have yeah with this. What are you talking about? You're getting very dear Jesus Christ. Anyway, so that's really a true fact that Diana Danny an Chavez Danny an is that a real name Danny an I mean more power to you? I just haven't heard it Danny and Chavez showing up at parent-teacher conference. Doctor's appointment soccer practice dad's again get treated like fucking MVP Super Heroes. This is what I'm saying. I don't I don't Treated like that mean come on, but we live in if you're fairly if you're a dad woke region Park Slope Williamsburg. I mean Park Slope is pretty fucking woke its wealth, but I if you're if you're in this scene and it's 2019, you got to get your shit together. So this is the thing. I'm not saying up for the show. I'm not saying that the dad to do this stuff for the ones who are wrong. Sometimes the people who was raising them that are wrong. Yes, that's her problem. Correct? It's a retrograde views on the fact of the fucking hoi polloi. I don't know when even I know I said it but also in retro peanut gallery. I don't know anything about astrology. Yeah, but I think it might be affecting you because you're off the fucking walls tonight. Here's what I think is that no one should be a super dad for showing up for any kind of like like School event or or kids play now here's I will say on the flip side. Will you can't fucking show up for every single one of them know and you had the way that shit comes can't show up either? Oh, that's not a mom dad. So it's a it's like sometimes we'll book go to this one. Sometimes I'll go to this one. You'll go to that one while I'm going to miss this game. Will you going to miss second? Well what hopefully you miss as much as possible together. Let's just hope that our babysitter records it all with her stupid fucking iPad is stupid. Yeah. You know, what, there you go because your work is fuck and so goddamn. Damn, walk right now. So Hilary O8 this is this is this sucks. Hillary ao8 says her hubby works out of town. 308 Hillary a oh wait, if we could only go back says shoot her husband works out of town three weeks at a time. Then he comes home and takes the kid for 12 hours because she's because I'm sick and people want to give him an award. You know, what heat is just got to work for three weeks straight and I agree with you. He sounds like a very competent little and one called father not his fault. He's at have two weeks at a time. My wife's dad was an over-the-road truck driver. She dealt with that all the time where her mom was holding down the fort for weeks it against what Hillary oh eight. You weren't expecting us to turn on you like that. We apologize for it at all. So I can't read this name is Noemi later right ba ba ba ba ba ba 8 said multiple people have called me super dad because I was carrying my son and walking at the same time. First of all, are you in a wheelchair? Why else would walking like be a cause for celebration? Ation, I don't know that's a weird thing is like I think he may have been exaggerating basically being like people act like and that's another part of it. I don't necessarily praise. Hold on there. No you hold on it's not necessarily a little bit of Flipside to this. We're going to get into a little bit later. It's not necessarily that dads are being praised for being super competent. It's that dads are thought of as being so incompetent when they do something a little bit right they get that they get some Fanfare. That's fuck that is fucking fucked up. We ask Madison. Avenue and Hollywood sitcoms to blame for that and yeah Park Slope the wonderful woke folks the wonderful woke folks. All right, so I want to flip this a little bit and get into some stuff where Dad's get a bad Shake rather than getting too much praise, right? That sounds good. Unfortunately, there aren't as many nearly as many comments dads getting a bad shake. So check your kids at the door again funny meme account on IG. He says He makes it a point to tell all moms that he sees that are doing a great job of the playground and he tries to do it without being a creep and unnecessary the playground but like if you ever gone to the playground and been like the only dad there and feel like moms are like, who's this fucking weirdo hanging out with his kid, or maybe that's not his kid. Maybe he's just passing scoping out kids laughing so hard maybe he's the time. He's you look a little bit like laughing so and six at the kids flask. Did you watch six feet under? No, so six feet under Peter Krause. Was one of the stars and he was like a sex addict on the show and there was a plot line where I think we're like, he would go hit on single moms at like parks and playgrounds and stuff. And that's what that made me think of because I do know I'm in a dad blogger community on Facebook. That's what you join up playground worries will go stories will come up. We're like dads will get victimized or somebody will assume a dad is a pervert or won't assume that the kid is there's like this the moms will see a dad leaving with a kid to be like He's trying to fucking abscond with that kid what nobody ever thinks the women over says the word against ours? No extra. No one ever thinks women are the kidnappers or the human traffickers? It's always the dad's women are dirty women are the problem, right? So little broken head for a little broke it in which is so far. My favorite username of the night little broken. So says she thinks it's unfair that if men are yelling at the kids. They're viewed as scary or being too hard on them, right we've talked about this before where your wife. Oh, we'll go. Go fucking Naka told me Plaza on some on your kid. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. But that's considered like oh a rarity or the kids must have really deserved it. Whereas if it Dad loses his shit. They're like that dad's got a temper problem or some kind of shit. I mean I deal with that in my own household. Look I can be pretty scary. I'm a pretty Burly super Jack the 160 because we were talking about earlier and you fight that you fit that spider but like you really well, you know, what fuck off the Spider-Man t-shirt digs. A good under the same number one of my favorite you fit that one of my favorites, but it's wearable. There you go. It's breathable. It's not breathable. But again, I'm suffering so Holly am green as at that might be Holly am green a z as in like Arizona is that the is that the postal code for Arizona? She said it's normalized for moms to lose their shit constantly every TV show has a mom. Who does this. She's like, I don't think society would take too kindly to a dad who screamed his kids to shut up and then locked himself in the bathroom. I'm to drink today drinking a bubble bath. First of all society would not take kindly old football. Excuse me. Has anyone seen The Honeymooners like that 50s? Yeah. That was the first he Jackie Gleason didn't take bubble baths. It would know all about his wife. Yeah, but did you Mystic abuse is funny Pete the saying it can be five of us get into the kicker here where Holly M green AZ says, that's why your account dead and buried is so refreshing. It shows that dad's. End of their rope to that confuses me a little bit. People didn't know Dad's lost their temper. And can reach the end of their rope. Maybe not from parents. So could I lose the end I go to the end of my rope so quickly. I don't even have a rope. I get home from work, even though I'm unemployed content manager marketing right hook it up when I used to be at work. I'd come home. I'd be home for an hour and I'd fucking lose my mind because I'm dealing with other sources like man stresses running the world kind of stress ladies. Yeah and things super white males yeses that have are stressful because not that this housewife privilege that People are dealing with okay. So now that we've lost everybody what I would say is my biggest thing that I know is when I get in so I get in the car and we've talked about this before but I have to address it because I just came back yesterday from a trip. It looks like a nice trip. It was a nice trip I-5 Pete's wife on Instagram. So I did give it to some of his private moments was I was a piece of shit. I was a real piece of shit. A piece of shit right now. So I believe it. So here's the thing. I'm all about like not you know, don't yell. Don't do this or that are you really like I really like in your house. Yeah, very so conscientious about not raising your voice because I'm not I'm not good at it. I am I although my kids I'll say hey, can you go brush your teeth to have? Why are you yelling? Oh my God happens to me all the time. Listen fuckface. I wasn't yelling. I was using profanity. There's a different haven't even heard. Yeah, and I don't wait until you In the car with me because guess what if I'm anywhere near the George Washington Bridge overpass or the Harlem River Drive these five areas. Yeah, I'm going to fucking swear like you but not at your kids at other drivers, but the thing is is I get I got so am riled up. I guess it's called the road rage. You should see some you know, what the road rage is not at other cars. It's about when it says just take a left here and then it says Not that left, which fuck it laughs who says nothing left to GPS get a little glimpse of it now man. Yeah sure this motherfucker not sell left. Anyway, that is why I yell in the car. So just getting sad can be scary. Even if there isn't necessarily I get louder behind her and it's not allowed. My kids are upset in the back. So I'm getting real loud and real pissed even though I'm scared the daddy thing. On everybody. Meanwhile speaking of double standards. My wife will have just obliterated everybody like, you know without turning around 20 minutes 20 minutes before an hour before whatever and I call heads or just in general like why do I am I always having to do this or like, you know, this isn't like being the concierge and it's not fucking driving over man's world baby. You know what I mean? I'm driving look at my driving skills are amazing. What was that one? That an impression of some kind you're getting into it's like you're doing I'm walking here so walk but then your which is backing off which is Dustin Hoffman by walking in Midnight Cowboy. Then it turned into Christopher Walken. You know what it's saying. I'm driving here. So what now with the Christopher Reeve and guess what his accent in small ways. Anyway, the what's the difference between can I just finish this? Goddamn Superman and Christopher Reeve Christopher Walken? I think that's the joke. That's really I love Christopher Reeves. It means my favorite all-time humor. He was a wonderful humor. I agree. Human your fucking choking left and right in this goddamn episode. I'm just trying to say that I look here's again, it's all about I have a really hard time seeing you being intimidating and scary, but I believe it. I'd like to get that car with it that ya later tonight. We're gonna drive out to George Washington Bridge and just see what happens fireworks and next week. It'll just be me. Me so so let's get back on the serious tip here for a second. Right series tip is David silver would say a lot of comments about double standards about working and in the workplace, right? So for Parker Lane says dads don't have to choose between work and family, right? It's kind of assume that they're going to work and they're still going to be dads and not thought of as being like a lesser dad. But if they do choose to work, you know, that's cool. Right? Whereas if a mom chooses to work, it's like, oh really? Recover this and working versus stay at home. Maybe we did but this is still fucking dummies and totally mop it is double standards. And you're absolutely right. And I think I was the one who mentioned this which was that moms have this horrible sense of guilt. Yeah sociated with going to work and then coming home or is Dad's or more like oh, you know, what? Why is that is that because of society and expectation. Well, I think it's internalized. I think well, not just internalized I think Hormones mother follow my goddamn really fucking that's why a woman can't be president. Right Pete. It's fucking 2019. My man. You know what? I goddamn. We want to take that back. Yeah. Me too. I do any woman right now any fucking human being literally. Anyway, the point being is that I feel with that. It's not a it. Well, it's I feel that women have it worse because not only do they have societal stuff happening, but they also have hormonal Up like it's tough to be away from your kid for that long. It's tough. No, don't be yeah, they do don't suck your teeth sunk my teeth and I think but also the danger zone Kenny Loggins sounds good in the headphones. All right. So what the interesting thing is about the people that wrote in about the working double standards. A lot of the argument is there is a little bit of like dads are expected to work, but if moms work, They're abandoning their kids or some other bullshit like that. Listen to me. Right a lot of the comments were more like If the kid is sick mom is expected to be the one who stays home with the kid, but it's like the dads are never expected to be home with the kid or at loving baby says when I'm working mom when she gets home. She doesn't have less responsibilities at home where it's like when I get home if I was a working day when I get home, it's like it's fucking here's the kids. Yes, take over motherfucker. She is saying in her house, she gets home from work after working 40 plus hours that week. She still has to do all the fucking mom house. Work shit, right. So yes, Cory and Cub says working moms at credit dads are expected to work dad's get credit for cooking and cleaning. Whereas mom's it's like oh you cooked and cleaned. Yeah, no shit. You're a fucking mom. Like even if you have a full-time job. Yeah, you know being a housewife is still part of your fucking job because you can have it all and I just say something if you fucking need a nice house you both keep it clean if you like. I don't need a nice house. My wife died on this is the problem. I have a much lower. Much higher threshold for tolerating. I know water but not filth clutter it can I just say something so when my wife and I shared an apartment before we got married, I was the only one to clean it once we got our apartment. She just flipped the script and was like, why don't you ever clean them like motherfucker? I was cleaning the whole time people don't notice when men clean house cleaning up in there. I was mopping in the linoleum floor, that would never get clean voice ever you doing. Like exasperated what it sounds like you do is I've got an impression. I'm not I'm just exactly so let's keep going this gets into the lot of the Judgment issues. We've been talking about right where moms get judged and moms feel guilt for certain things. So little charmer 80 again. This is one of her 30 fucking messages moms get more judgment for taking time off from the kids like when somebody sees a mom out and they know she has kids they see her out partying like, oh, she's always partying having fun. She's never home with the kids. We talk about you gotta get out. You gotta get as your gotta get out some of your doing like Schwarzenegger. Yeah, I haven't you got I'm not saying she's not saying we judge her. She's saying she feels judgment about that kind of thing. Whereas if a dad is out, you're not going to see like a dad out there and be like, hey, where are the kids and somebody else said that where it's like if my if I'm out and I don't have the kids people are immediately like we're the kids but if they see my husband they don't ask that right to say they're fucking in a bag somewhere. Go back to the working things a little charmer 80 had a quick thing where she said no one bats an eyelid it working dad's she went back to work after having both her kids too. And she went to a corporate job in a woman literally said to her. What's the point in even having kids if you just put them in daycare and go were fuck that person. She said I wanted to punch her in her stupid face. You should have punched it with and you'd be out of a job and back with your kids, which is what that woman wants. Don't let her win now with the devil and you just got tested right? So so a lot of the Judgment a lot of the Judgment women gets again is goes back to the higher standards that people have Right. So Sarah underscore Gannett GN ADT. I have no idea of her pronounced that right could just be Matt could begin that could be connected. We don't know she says if the kids are acting crazy with her husband, they're like, oh my God, you're doing a great job handling these kids. But if they're acting crazy with her she gets dirty looks like all your your your fucking up as a mom. I you should be controlling these kids. I just say I feel like this that's some she's reading into that too much. Oh my God. I don't think that her hormones again. No, I don't think well, no because their kids are her kids six months old don't know that she didn't say 18 months Sarah if you're hearing this. Yeah, please take no offense all in good fun. But let's not hold your kids are but I do I do think that well, but you know, I think there's there's an element in this particular statement that might be over reading the situation. Oh, hold on court. See Anna says when her darling husband is dealing with a cranky three three and a half year old. He's so good. But when she's with the same kid and he's having the same exact tantrum. She's a bad mom. I think an interesting thing to talk about here is much the Judgment these women she's saying her husband if she if he's dealing with a tantrum out in public. He's like all you're doing a great job dealing with a tantrum. But if she's dealing with a tantrum they blame it on her rather than being like, hey, you're handling that. Well, oh my god, dude. I saw Dad. Can I just say something? I saw daddy told us about this last week last week. Yeah coming over here. The kid was melting down and the dad was verbally like a beauty shut the fuck, you know, and I get it I was there. I have was it made it was it mean my mind it just on this this case it wasn't it wasn't but you yeah, but at the same time you got to pull that kid in close and you got to whisper sweet death into their fucking sweet death of fuck up. You fucking hamburger and your teeth. You can't move your lips long and you're smarter than the hard time and then all the sudden you learn ventriloquism a little bit unhinged tonight. We're gonna lie to you but here's another thing. Here's what I think is. Interesting is I think most of the judgment and most of the double standards even I think our moms. It's a mom on mom crime or it's woman-on-woman crime, right? Well, it's older women from different Generations or current women who are judging other moms for somehow not doing what they did or not holding up. Whatever I say and we'll probably what's Mom's were like, oh you're rather be at work than raise your kids. You're a piece of shit, like fuck you. Fuck. You know what? We're all snowflakes, right? Everybody's different. Well now, you know, I'll be able to live our lives also at the same time if you're going to be if you're an older generation, like oh raise your kids like this like fuck off. Yeah, seriously, you have a different a lot of yeah, you've not just the guilt moms feel. So here's what we're doing. We're basically saying that as long as you don't hold it against your husband for going out on a river Camp my gosh. It's River casting is not a common terminology and back. It's called a throwback. It's a call back. Not a throwback. You know what? I just fucking Crush you so household stuff came up a lot to where the the Juggalo mama. I don't know Mike the juggler. Mama says, why are moms expected be the managers of everything dads can come up with ideas to a my wife mom and buried follow her on Instagram says the same shit where she's like the mental load is all on moms, like managing the household. Hold on a second scheduled right all that shit and then and it manifests a lot of times. We're at night were like I'll Go to bed and I'll fall asleep instantly and she has what they like to call Mom Sam Nia where she'll be up all night stressing about everything. Okay, is that my fault? Not necessarily? Okay, but if you think we're here is really where the duopoly exists a duopoly and nobody says absconds. What am I? What's the topic of this double standards? You sit you mistook. I literally you can remember the name you thought episode 29 duopoly. So here's the problem. Yeah. That's what I thought of that. Wobbly, but here's what I meant is double standard. So there is a standard in which its you're not helping. Okay. Well, let me help whatever idea you have is not good enough. Oh, yeah. So your this goes back to the Spells. This is aware. No, but moms want help ya women why I need the husband's until they get so here's okay. So tomorrow I'm going to take my kids to the water park. Why would you take them to the water park that's in crazy? Because then we also have this other thing that happened. I didn't know whatever else is happening this afternoon and you asked me to take the kids during the day. Let me handle my shit and let me handle my shit except for I can't because I'm being judged and er did or bam drop Elite or duopoly door hums hand. There's a little hamstring. So I'm a stay-at-home dad right now. And this happens to me all the time. Right? We're like last night. My wife will be like you should do this with the kids tomorrow. I have literally never once in all the years. She managed the kids at home suggested. She do. Thing right? I trust you to do what now? Look it comes down to the fact that she doesn't trust me to do stuff with them and she's not always wrong. I'm pretty much lazier and I've admitted that I'm not as good at it. I'm lazy. I'm not good with the planning a much more likely to like sit around and then realized oh shit I missed that and I'll shit we're stuck in the house all day. But at the same time like I have never nagged her not that she nagged me. I wouldn't say it's a very loaded term. I've never like said to her you should do this tomorrow. Where do you have this addressed something that she should give you But you're right. There's like but again, I think that comes down to they've internalized the Judgment they feel so that they loaded onto us even though we can get away with less scrutiny because we're the superior gender. You know, I'm like well said Thank you there is nothing that's there's no favorite conversation in my household. Then I'm the only one that does this thing named X and the second I start to do it. Don't do it. You're going to ruin. Yeah. Yeah. Well, they want to have their cake and eat it too. And you know what that's called duopoly as it because it well that's we're saving drop leaf or a different episode. So it's funny so life at the Robertson says something like that what she says when dad's in quotes help with the housework as if they don't also live here. They give what you said right? It's your house. Yeah, we share of the load of managing it and making sure it's kept up well and all that shit feel like but husband's get credit for its semantics really but helping with the housework. Where moms Do the housework I guess would be the argument dkc 1299 says that he thinks it's funny when husbands are sexy when they wash dishes. You know, who said that recently someone about you Jeff Bezos right before that husbands are sexy when they wash dishes. He said that my wife thinks I'm super sexy when I wash dishes. Well, that's a link. So before his eleven point three billion dollars for so there's something called Shore play which is a thing that's gone on on a gram and online where it's like a stupid term where it's like if a husband like does a little vacuum or harsh vacuuming or housework, you know, they're going to get tired. They're both obviously. Yes, but they're both going to get the good like he's gonna get rewarded by sexual favors from his wife because his wife is so turned on from seeing him. Do those things like domestic shit, right? Which again makes it seem like, oh it's so rare for him to do this. If I do that my wife becomes less angry at me. That's the exact exactly tell him that could solve maybe someday. The little eventually if you get enough store, yeah, so back to the working thing. I meant to mention this earlier Korean em Barnes and barn Corrine em Barnes says that her husband's boss said to him that he wouldn't need time off after the baby came because there's not much he can do. Which is again, like a retrograde attitude sure you're not breastfeeding. But like there's a newborn in the house. It's like chaos time might like your wife needs to be able to sleep. You need to be able to take the baby and bottle feed it or just fucking deal with it and give your wife some rest as lots of shit. You can do keep up the house do the chores clean the shit go grocery shopping whether you have other kids or not. So there was a time when my oldest daughter was born when she was born in November late, November and 1963 and I had a project at work. I was on a and do it Nate loved it. I was on a this is not a this is a real thing. I was on a conference call for five days a five day long conference call. Did you have water we had a bathroom break or is a deliverable that need to happen deliverable five days, even though it could have easily been avoided and I had already said to everybody like hey, I don't think we need this over the Christmas period so over Christmas through New Year's so you're going daughter was a month-and-a-half. She's old and a half old. And I'll never forget that at one point my this my boss's boss got on and was like, hey, you just had a kid. So you're up. Anyway snap and I was like, I will see you in fucking hell you son of a bitch. Yeah. I'm up. Anyway helping with the kid thing like nothing ever forget that yeah. Exactly. I was literally on the phone and my wife can attest for a week straight trying to get this shit out their work. Job done. I did get the job done. Otherwise a hope. It was a piece of shit because rule the world now wasn't the whole thing is a piece of shit because no one works over. You know, who's that piece of shit your daughter exactly except for you know, we have a lot of this ween. Let's be honest. Yeah, but my point being is that to be able to come to for from a guy's perspective, you know, getting a break is not always it's as always just landed. So so before we wrap up I want to talk about a couple more situations where Dad's get the shaft and not in a literal way or else. Well, those are different those are different. There's all different kinds of deaths different dads. So bathrooms came up a lot. Whereas a lot of people when they're out as families or dads are out with the kids. They need to change a diaper. Yeah. Guess what? You're not going to find a changing table in most bathrooms, right? So Helm Hellman s Helms helmet ass says many dudes restrooms don't have changed. Because why because only women change diapers really pisses him off and good for him for realizing that yeah. Thank you. It's know. It's a him. He told me okay, somehow I know it to him. He was frustrated that like this again Society doesn't seem to Value dad's role or expect them to have the role they have so that he can't even go into the bathroom and change a kid's diaper and he's a stranger to bring his kid into the whips. Are you a dad? You can't change on the sink cause you're so now you changed on the ground or on your lap that we all do as you're fucking dad. Guess what good? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah exactly because guess what you improvise overcome and adapt. Point is he's somewhat cramped comedy point is he shouldn't have to there should be changing tables. Yeah, because Dad's our parents to not as good parents obviously know what you change it on the shitty toilet bow. Alright, Jesus Christ. What guess what K Walker agreed to this very frustrating Amy westphalen feeling. Well that's on my Facebook. So that's her full name. Amy westphalen, I could spell it because one or number let me know. It's diaper changing stations only in the women's bathroom. Oh, you're so lucky are these are different things. She was complaining about diaper Genies case only the women's bathroom. And then she said she hears this same bullshit about household chores. Oh, you're so lucky your husband helps out around the house. Why are you lucky it's both of your houses and the same fucking house. You want to clean everybody? Well in my house, it's kind of like Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman used to live or are my John Travolta and Kelly Preston know there's a dividing line Isaiah entrance. That is why I don't live in different different Wings because we have sham marriages. Thanks Scientology. So it's the same house but not totally. So you have a plain plain port a plane put everything. I have a helicopter pad. Okay. Yeah, so the probably the biggest thing that dead a lot of dads get pissed about and this doesn't bother me but there's a whole movement out there besides there's a cheers a changing table in every bathroom in men's bathroom movement. But this is a bigger movement where it's Dad's don't babysit motherfucker, right? So Steve Roush what says I was told I was babysitting when I had my kid with me at the car wash Laura as hey says when I'm out alone, I'll be asked whose. Babysitting the baby. She's like my husband's raising our child. He's not babysitting her as Borgia says I hate when people think a dad can't manage kids as well as a mom can dads aren't stupid. I beg to Hagar I'm pretty stupid fucking dads are the stupidest motherfucker surrounding you get offended when somebody like uses the term babysitting in reference to you being with your kids. I don't doesn't bug me either but a lot of dads do because they feel like they're babysitting like they're the part-time guy. They're not actually I think it's amazing that gets its semantics. Yes. Exactly. I think it's you're getting your knickers getting in the weeds. Yeah, but your knickers in or your knickers in a Twist go back down over something. That's a semantic which is who's watching the kid. That's all they want. Yeah, cheers watching the kid. They wore someone misspoken said babysitting don't need but if you know, but there is a lot of this where they'll see a dad out with the kids and the big oh, you got babysitting duty today or some shit like that sure. A lot of times is facetious. I'm just saying this is the thing dad's get offended by it for me. Personally. I don't give a Shit, you know what because I do babysit my kids a chauffeur my kids I personal chef for my kids. I fucking I'm a wrestler for my kids. I'll do it all bitch. Can I say care what you call it? The F elephant elephant elephant in the room the movie. Mr. Mom. Well ya know people hate being called. Mr. Mom to there we go. It doesn't bug me. Yes. I love that movie when I was a kid Michael Keaton. It's a national treasure. Oh my God. I haven't seen that however, everything there's tons of emails that go around. I'm mister. On this weekend. Mr. Exactly the same exact thing babysitting. Mr. Mom. No, do they ever call her mrs. Dad exactly if if she works and suddenly she's dealing with the kids that day for the weekend. They call her mrs. Dad. No, they don't because dads are the real victim. That's what we can take away exactly the soda you thought you were listening to this and you were you're nodding your head and almost and you're like whoa, whoa, whoa guess what dads are victim you thought we were on your side. Yes, but we fucking we switched up on your head. We don't even pull. There I got from my dear. We don't know we're talking about so, okay. So one last thing so real Kate and mrs. Bossy pants said the idea that women are only women are natural caregivers that dad's can't be nurturing and moms can't be fun like that kind of thing. Again these gender stereotypes. I'm pretty nurturing. I don't know. I you know, that's be tile cradle the shit out of you right now. If you're not feeling well, just get hop up on my arms. I'll give you a little cradle hug. Yeah, if you need it if that's what's going to be the little TLC is going to make you feel better. I'm all for it. Mike. You're looking me straight in the eye and I am super into it. Right we'll get on the GW Bridge and if I can lose your mind and I'm going to cradle the shit out of you and calm you down. All right, what about the Harlem River Drive though? Okay, so I but I do think that the last comment was bait and I was bait. Yeah, that's just one the babysitting one. Yeah, just we're not out in the world. You're not out there online. You don't you live in a bubble? I'm not online because I don't ya exactly becoming you want to buy anything. There's a lot of dads who are Annoyed and bothered and moms to by the implication of the dads are babysitters rather than okay. I'm parents and caregivers agree. But some of its most of its semantics and the other half is like hormones you fucking well hormones is actually a real thing. Well, I cannot wait to get some comments on hormones. Am I for real? Yeah hormones is a real. I know hormones exhaust, you know what you're trying hormone denier it more more than maybe that'll be one of the controversial. Topics we enter we put up your hormone acceptor. Yeah, except any kind of hormone, especially writing material, especially if it's in a bag of fingers. Yeah. I'll take some human growth hormone. What do I care? You know what, you know, my son will never make the Olympics. You know why I'm positive. I know why cause he's filled I've seen you with homework, you've given it to him already. You know what he's already filled with it, and I'm so disappointed in him. I'm just saying he's disqualified exact got that he's not good enough both. Both the tree must be pretty bad athlete of all these DHS and helping them exactly. Exactly. All it makes him do is get bigger. He's five. She's as we know what maybe it's been three breakfasts the a very he has every day down the hallway fast for God sakes or do something that so something for once in your life isn't throw things. Oh my God, he throws temper tantrums. Yeah. Damn, right he does there. I have kids. You know what I have to say. So we're alone with just him because our kids are two older kids. Yeah I saw there. Can't you know what? It's a delight? He's so amazing going from multiple. You know, what you don't want to gigs it up. This is so easy re parenting to like this is wonderful, but, you know Wonderful kid and I fucking love him and goddamn what you're actually doing is you're going from pissing off just women to now pissing off people who have multiple kids when you say going from multiple kids to 1q know what so much easier my God going from 2 to 1 is so much easier Kimmy. It's it's a fucking dream. She do this. This should be a top who should buy the the way there are parents that we're in the zone. I'm in the zone. I don't know about you, but I'm in the zone or for an entire summer or a period of summertime. I could be without my kids. I'm in the zone. Fuck you. You went through this two or three you make me sick that whole idea makes me sick. I'm never going to be in that zone. My kids are to five years apart. Neither of them was ever going to camp and 99 are going to be so heroin up when I'm 90. All right, here it is. First we did it we covered it all I think we did cover it all if we missed anything or if you're angry about the hormone stuff. That's right. And I know right Mike no, and again we're going to do a mailbag episode. Send me some shit Mal. He's dead and buried you discussed dead and buried at for topic or four questions or anything you want to ask me and Pete or anything you want to ask us about parenting or about our kids even house curtain house. I might throw a couple is out. We'll see if we have a couple more beers. Yes, let me know what you think review. We love you. Bribe. Let us know what you think. please
Have you every tried to get your kids to eat a food that you don't like cause it's good for them *cough* peas *cough*? Or how about told your kids no screen time as you're scrolling through your feed? Ok so we're all jerks, what's new? 1) don't let these kids know these double standards exist (I know they're probing) and 2) by acknowledging it and talking about it openly we can learn new techniques from each other to keep these little buggers on their toes. Mike and Peter get into it.
What's up fam dead and buried here to let you know that if you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer and anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcast and many many more you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. Have we made any money? Keep we make money hand over fist through anchor. Hello did oh, no, did I just bought a boat? It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. So download the anchor app are going to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Hey everybody, welcome back to the dad and buried podcast our episode topic. This week is kids television shows. I think we can all agree 99% of them are garbage and make us sick. But you know what? There's one percent that's or my toddler loves Unikitty. You know what I kind of love you and kitty. Yeah. I'm into it. The one that like they fold into a cube. The one that fell down is that what happens folks to a cubic? It's a Lego piece. Nice, it's a little funny. Yeah, Unikitty is like a like a Lego thing with a cat's face on it and she has a brother who's a dog which yeah, they're just weird. How is it like her she's a princess and her brother's a dog. She's a cat and her brother's a dog. He does not compute if they could do is it you know, what has God wrought you're thinking too hard and my thinking too hard. It's the first time anyone's ever said that about me. So if you've never been here before, my name is Mike AKA dad and buried welcome to the dead and buried show. The podcast based off of my social media and frankly anti parenting content Empire right? This Twitter Facebook Instagram over a hundred K. Verified. Okay. Nobody nobody by Menon. Can I do that? Is that copyright? Yes. Definitely. This is the if you're into parenting you should just go to a different let Scott. Yeah. This may be like, dr. Phil dr. Spock if you want to scream into a pillow this If you're in the middle of putting your kids to bed and you need to scream into a pillow to keep from screaming in their faces, this is the podcast for you. It's for you. So again, my name is Mike. My co-host here is Pete Pete and I am a professional finisher of all my family's food at restaurants you get paid for this you get paid for this. Well I get paid for it. And so we were just out the other day and my wife literally just hands me a hamburger with like this finish. This finger holes. No finger holes. Yeah. Yeah, someone had so one of my someone had put their fingers in the various holes. Let's and their family podcast and then the best part was is without even looking she was engaged in conversation without even looking just simply just hand it here. Here you go Mungo, but did she want you to enjoy it out her to finish it finish and you fucking dick. Guess what because that's what dads do that's what that's why I don't order a lot at a restaurant and guess what? I also liked the name - you know what? I don't like to order a lot of restaurants either because I prefer scraps. I'm what they call a foodie. I prefer the scraps of my children. I'll yeah, I'm like a cockroach that every day for lunch what I eat for lunch at work are the crusts that I cut off my kids sandwiches the day before so yeah, so welcome back and and and thanks for joining us. That's an eloquent little crazy, but they're welcome back and thanks for joining us. You're welcome back and also if you've never been here before thanks for joining us, but also thanks for joining us. Even if you've been here before it works kind of the universal thing, right? We appreciate all your support. We're up to 95 ratings on non-apple podcast, which is what we're trying to trying to beef that up. We get to a hundred ratings. We're going to do something controversial controversial controversial topic not we're going to do something controversial like, you know, so, you know what hundred and fifty maybe we'll do something controversial. What could we do burn an American flag? It's fairly controversial controversy know what yeah, that's what our founding fathers fought for this exhibit someday. They'll be two assholes. On whatever is a podcast and they knew what it was at the founding fathers. Just like they knew what a fucking AR-15 was in Westwood. They put it in the Constitution to make sure we could use them. Anyway, there are a lot of ways to support us with your wallet or with your words. You can spread the word to your friends. You can rate US on Spotify and apple you can give us a review you can subscribe. If you want to leave comments on particular episodes. You can do that on YouTube and if you want to throw us some money you can do that on patreon or anchor we have a bunch of patrons a couple new ones brand new page. Adrian's mmm got Bev W1. It's not know what it's definitely don't forget the period em gave vw1 period thank you for joining the single dad tear alongside Chris Coleman Miriam, Ms. Baybayin. And then we got also knew we got desire Eda Surya is Right Desiree Desiree Desiree. What's that song? You gotta be good. You gotta be freeing enemies junga. Yeah. This movie will come here for people especially you come here are singing in our harmonizing right? So so what was the name again? Desiree Desiree you think it is Desiree, please? Correct us if we're wrong. She joined Sarah on the my new dad tear the dad bod here Barbara Geiger and morning underscore glow and the Father Figure tear Julie McCarthy Sarge AKA Joseph diet, Jason Paula policy. The again the biggest Canadian Football League fan, I think but this Side of the Mississippi and parenting fan. Is there a like doesn't Mississippi doesn't go up to Canada, right? So is there like a famous river in Canada? No, nope. No Rivers up their home run Jennifer win as well. And then the world's greatest dad tear we can Mary Williams and Mom party of to thank you one and all we really appreciate all your support. You're all going to be getting that dead and buried kuzey. Which if you're on YouTube right now, you can see this bad boy. What's up? Everybody fucking super kuzey. Yeah, so we're getting into it because we all Stevie is something that every every parent deals with everybody. Everybody has to deal the same show over and over again. So before we get into that, we do want to make a special announcement. We have a sponsor. Oh my God Kinder perfect. If you've ever played Cards Against Humanity and you were like this doesn't reflect my life because my kids are not involved. Well guess what cards against? He has a new version is actually not what it is. It's Kinder. Perfect and it is Cards Against Humanity kind of but for parents and children and way more geared towards everything is focused on the nightmare. That is the daily life of a parent that ago and it is hilarious. And if you like this podcast, you're gonna like that game. Also if you like drinking while playing games, it's also oh my God, it's so fun. You can go to kinder right now and put in the discount code 20 off daddy. That's 2-0 off - daddy the daddy and question is obviously me kinky. It is a little Tinker. I'm a good-looking guy. Hmm, sometimes self-proclaimed sometimes selves immediately self-proclaimed yourself tag myself. So there we go that works too. So check it out. We're going to we're going to maybe next week's live. I think we're going to play a little round. If you join our lives we do one before we record every podcast on Monday night. Yep, please join us next week. And coming up right after this we're going to get into kids TV shows and why they're horrible. Can't wait right after this. Hey, Mike, have you heard of Spotify before? I have heard of Spotify? Really? Yeah, because on Spotify you can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify as a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you're listening to right now here. We were having a normal conversation and I thought I knew more about Spotify. We're on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes and listen offline. Ever you are and easily share what you're listening to with your friends on Instagram. I'm on Instagram. Are you on Instagram? Get out of here? If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for dead and buried on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me and Pete so you never miss an episode of the dead and buried show. Paw Patrol puppy dog tails vampire arena Bluey blippi T. OTS gigantosaurus PJ masks Peppa Pig Abby Hatcher Dora, the Explorer Captain Underpants Fireman Sam Thomas the Train Chuggington Blue's Clues My Little Pony Amazing World of Gumball Unikitty. Barbie Wonder Pets, Daniel Tiger, baby. Shark Lincoln in the loud house. Yo Gabba Gabba lion guard Teen Titans Yokai Watch Voltron Pokemon Ryan's tour. Review Barney Alvin and the Chipmunks unspeakable Archibald big thing Ninjago Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Dinosaur Train dinotrux Octonauts, Pocoyo Super Wise stinky and dirty trollhunters Wild Kratts and probably many many more. I haven't even heard a half of those. I haven't even heard of half of them. These are all shows that listeners wrote in and to comment about whether they liked or disliked. I've watched every single episode of every single show you which is Not just real name. So I said and the live earlier that I anticipated Caillou being the main offender and I think Caillou has such a bad reputation that parents know even before hand that they're just not going to let it happen. Can I just say one quick thing what you added one? There's only one show in there that really stood out which is Ryan's toy review Ryan. Seriously. It's a YouTube. Yeah, we're getting into the YouTube stuff. I'm just saying that's the one that sticks out like a sore God do they got in trouble recently. There's an abscess Eve. Nations for not children being transparent about their ads totally. Yeah as they should the he that kids like a millionaire from unboxing Show toys on his goddamn. YouTube makes me it makes me very upset. It makes me upset as well. We're going to get into some of the YouTube stuff a little later because it is a virus in my house. Yeah, not the unboxing stuff watching like run-throughs of like Minecraft and Zelda and stuff my kid likes to watch in this like adults. Whoo. Who play the games and like comment and stuff and had literally half of my kids vernacular and slang is from that shit. It's infuriating. Why don't you do a better job of monitoring? I'm not a good parent. I'm lazy and I don't care. So Caillou, I thought was going to be the big one. Oh my God, only a handful of Caillou comments. Listen, you bald little bitch. So the main one I have here is a way that hold on. Can you do let's just try and describe what kind I don't I've never seen it Caillou is whiny is the problem, right? Whining it originates up in Canada. Okay, the great white north of great white North and quite frankly. Our Canadian brothers are wonderful, except they've done one huge thing. There's a huge black mark in their entire cultural and it's Kayo and it's Caillou. What about like Gordon Lightfoot. Now? What about Justin Bieber trust? No, listen, all this and I basically still getting over Bieber fever right? No rush. Oh my God, Mike. Mike used to be the number one Rush fan in college. Apparently they used to come out of college. It was in high school called him rush. It was high school. I made the mistake of wearing like to rush search within the first week of ice of college not even that and I had stopped listening to them already for I never get out of two at once slept in them for a week. Anyway, so Caillou this this guy is a whiny ass, huh? So he's whiny and Alli Leigh 23 says How you can die in a fire? I banned that shit before they were born and I think that's what's happened. A lot of parents know how horribly is one of the theories I've heard and we're getting this a couple of funny theories later. Most of all Paw Patrol. One of the theories I heard about Caillou is that the reason he's bald is because it has cancer like leukemia. No, it's a cartoon character. No, it's their cancer and cartoon world. I haven't seen cool world with Kim Basinger in a while. You know what you should you should do that. I've never seen that film and I never never ever Burwell I would you bring it up because I brought it up because it's a fucking library of of relevance has pop culture knowledge up here cool. Okay. So here's the deal definitely do this. If you've never seen Kai you go and Google and YouTube the 20 worst Caillou liked just whiny Caillou, you know, what I would say if you've never seen before you acting out your stars and don't do it. Don't direct our viewers to inflict that pain themselves our listeners well, but then why is everyone hey Caillou So much because these whiny and he's got cancer and we don't have time for kids who can't survive if we don't know it's survival of the fittest. This is 2019. Okay, but hold on a second, but that's okay. So what I see then I've never seen this next one either. But from what I could understand by a lot of the comments is that it's the new Caillou in terms of how whiny and annoying this kids voices blippi. It's not a kid. Okay, so tell me about is like a fish. No so bleep. He's on Amazon blippi is a human being a man a man child who dresses up in like this like orange hat seems like Zippy the clown that comic strip. It's it's so it's just a guy who will fill a swimming inflatable swimming pool right like a small so it's not live action is cartoon. It's know it's live action. It's a live action. Yeah flippy. Yeah. Yeah. Alright. I honestly don't know he's squeaky voice. Yeah. I'm pretty sure it's he's no so Nadine X Watson. Blippi his squeaky Goddamn voice haunts me every day Sam geylang GE I ll ing says fuck blippi seriously, but gel and Chelsea says blippi and then just an angry face emoji people don't like blippi know I could have done research. I could have gone and looked at all these terrible things people said, but why would I do that? I'm not a masochist. I'm a sadist. I like to inflict horrible things on other people, you know what to do. I had. Yeah. It's fuck to unleash them on the world and you're great at it. I am great at everything here is miserable. My whole family is missing. So that's per eye works like a fucking charm Stanford. Mommy says, I love me some Odd Squad and I loathe blippi. He provides legit migraine. Shout out to odds j-bone and 15 says blippi is annoying as fuck. The fact that he is a grown man literally blows my mind. That's really what the what was he feels the swimming pool and does what, you know what he will fill it with what you know those balls that are like hype that Super balls. Yeah, no not super balls that they're very absorb water. They're like sponge balls. No, I don't know what the fuck you're really crushing it. Maybe you should do the reason away. He said I know what both Cal U and black eye you Caillou Caillou. I would say that you do because you don't know how to read also but at the same time, I don't really watch Callie you because it doesn't exist because it never existed but blippi is a is but he's really geared towards the The explainer or not thinks he's a he's a product. He's one product premise of the show. He's a product of modern time. Like, oh, I'm just gonna dress up in a funny shirt, and I'm going to just like sit in a swimming pool. Yeah swimming pool full of like, you know, these like bouncy balls or whatever the fuck they are, right? It doesn't matter. I don't know and he makes like sounds and stuff with you are doing a terrible job of describing the no actually I'm doing a great job and that's why I ever fucking it's a good point. So another big one was Peppa Pig. Whoo. As far as I understand is a British Pig again another one. I've never seen maybe it's more like girls are a little bit more likely to watch it. I don't know. It's a swell. I will say Peppa Pig is a sweet show. But then yeah, it's a there's not to I just not too much but people will watch the shit out of this thing. And that's the key. It is popular. I hear about it a lot. It's just how many it's not necessarily that I hate it. It's not that there's no what I hear isn't necessarily like it's not like people have like the All of vitriol they reserved for Caillou. It's more just like Peppa Pig's annoying and ubiquitous. She well. I think the ubiquitous part is good, but it's generally like, you know, there's some themes that are pretty good ultimate aggressive. They have like a disabled character. Yeah, like it's a pretty very inclusions about British than the Wonder you like exactly. It's absolutely go back to England you Lobster back. I'm going to are you how often you go back never exactly. So Ebola This is my son loves Peppa Pig put my husband hates it. Let's back up. Oh, no. We're Ebola underscore roli. You don't like that name. She likes a fucking a gamble with viruses viruses by fire. I could call octopi. All right little charmer 80 who would literally as always sent me a goddamn fucking book of comments that I've broken up and put in there in the their sections. They should be in says Peppa Pig is an irritating little ah, fuck nugget the theme music gets in your head and is like crack to my kids, right? But they throw in some adult humor, which I appreciate that's why I like Unikitty, but that's what I'm saying is honestly adult humor just it's just a different sensibility, but it's like proper and it teaches manners and about like being tolerant the which is not bad tolerance is overrated. I know no no, no, you don't know what I'm coming. I have to accept, you know, we're on a text thread together and What I'm saying is tolerance is like a euphemism for like oh, yeah, you're worse than me, but I'll allow it right acceptance is what should we should be going for tolerance? I think it's kind of a loaded word. Like it did imply superiority. Just saying I wrote a blog post about it. Once. Yeah, I got serious and I get serious have once what Amy b89 30 says I know people moan about Peppa Pig, but I actually don't mind it. Shut up Amy. I don't tolerate you. I literally never seen the show. It looks stupid to me pigs on names happen with British accents acute. It's a A cute sweet show Pete loves Peppa Pig British. I'm into it Arlene calluses. Peppa Pig is banned in my house and anything else goes which that's quite a line to draw. I've no Peppa Pig but anything fucking else faces the death you show your kids that which ones I've never seen. I've never seen it. I'm not interested in that coming in Via tinnitus in that kind of shit. You know what I've never also never seen two girls one cup not interested in that kind of shit either. Literally. No, thank you Nate. You've seen it. Yeah. I don't need to see that Justice. Description itself is enough to know I don't need to see it good segue from Peppa to girls, but I will say so I think that Peppa is the least offensive of these shows. Now, I think that of the ones we've mentioned surviving I think the ones that I think maybe the reason it's bad. It's probably because they're watching it so much. It's just on all the time and that's slightly different every show gets annoying. If it's not too much right except Seinfeld, I think and probably the Only one I maybe you'll get back up. No, Yo, Gabba Gabba can get annoying to try it again. You'll like it. Try it and you'll actually like good yummy. Yeah you Frank. It's a good message anymore. We have DVDs. So my oldest used to like that Chomp Chomp and there's legit music and like Jack Black is on an episode like there's some shit. It's pretty good. Can you put everything in your birthday in was like, yes, he was a doctor on one that she'll well. That's it. He's not a doctor in real life. Did you know that? Neither Chef he's is even a chef. He was a chef and he is a National Treasure. Well, not anymore. He would love that guy. I'm not into I'm not into a celebrity chefs. I think the whole entire concept is stupid. We're going to do that in a future episode celebrity chefs and why they suck shit starting with Emeril bam. There we go. So Paw Patrol, obviously a big one. We got some great comments for Paw Patrol. I actually don't mind PAW Patrol PAW Patrol PAW Patrol something I made up. Double Papa Joe Paw Patrol the some serious shit happened, but I'm down with the fucking dogs. Have you seen me? I'm sorry. Have you seen no said we're I don't pay attention any of this shit your baby gets overwhelmed. Is that what it's called a venture back? Yeah, the opioid crisis here and troubled eyes, so I don't understand so there's the mayor on the show and then there's the guy who's like the nefarious and the mayor is the woman right? And then there's a guy who's Like a Villain. Yeah. He's a real dick and he tries to enlist his cats to do. In things like is guys are dicks. I like cats. Yeah, you know you would I'm a big fan of cats. Have you seen the one where Rubble dies until said I was you know what suicide it's not that edgy to suicide by cop was pretty good though. I would watch that. I know what so Chase has a lot to explain. It's a very aggressive response Chase. So ginja ninja nine nine nine who's commented before and I liked her name says Here kid watches Paw Patrol. She hates Paw Patrol, but catches herself watching it when he's not around. This doesn't happen to me. Right? So a lot of parents say this about shows were like the kid will leave the room and they'll keep watching the show. Okay fine, maybe with Unikitty that happens to me a little bit more Yo Gabba Gabba, but not with Paw Patrol. I don't know. I don't know but you don't you're not putting the show on when the kids not even around right? You're like putting on like porn hub or something. Let's be honest. Are you not me you always saying? Oh, okay, I watch faces of Little charmer 80 back again says Papa Joe's annoying as hell the theme song with dumb catch phrases such as chase is on the case and Rubble on the double and why the fuck are they in a band their dogs? First of all, not a band their team. No, but apparently is an episode with a bandit doesn't fucking matter. These are not the right questions, right? So like their dogs and they can talk right if you want to really get down to the nitty-gritty, right? There's a lot of things that don't make sense an opera band is the least of their heavy machinery. Yeah. I mean, come on. On look at me. It's suspension of disbelief are Boston bond for who's a dedicated commenter on our podcast topics as PAW Patrols been going strong for six years in her house and she has some questions to where our writers parents. How did he get all these damn dogs? And why does he have a direct line to the mayor? You know what he's what 12? He's got his own fucking Tower. He's got all unlimited funds unlimited power. You know what this guy needs to be. Now that there's a theory about the funds coming up from our loyal listener and Patron and Mary Bayon. She detest Paw Patrol. She says there are no semi-intelligent adults anywhere on that show, even the mayor of the town is a complete moron with a chicken. I don't know what the chicken has to do with it. Ya know. It's is that a signifier of being dumb? It's no, you know what it is. It's just banal. I don't like the word banal because makes me uncomfortable to pronounce it. I like what it means but it makes me uncomfortable to say banal. I feel like a jerk. That's weird. Right? Yeah. Banal is even more disgusting Nate you pervert try it. Why don't you you're a big banal fan actually. Well, you know, I've been evolving mom and bury my big pet peeve is when Ryder has to summon the Pips the Pops. I assume she meant unless Gladys Knight is on this show. I haven't seen that episode my big pet peeve is when Ryder has to summon the pups of the lookout when they are right fucking next to him. Is that happen? You know what? He's like, he's like gets the Conch out. Oh, no, here's what here's what Mary's doing. She's pointing out. Holes in the plot that of a cartoon show about talking dogs that drive. Yeah. I know these people are ridiculous. Then she says where does Ryder get all the money for these gadgets? She saw an article. Once that suggested a conspiracy theory that Rider is Elon musk's bastard son. You know what please make that an episode such a good call and mayor Goodwin by the way is a real son of a bitch Mary. Goodwin's not a good person. I'm just saying this honestly campaign Finance reform, okay. Do you understand because there's no way she should actually be mayor. She's totally out of it most of the time and her opposing from the other Town. Whatever that fucking mayor's name is no idea Sir Topham Hatt. Is he from the other Town? That's actually you know, what we'll talk about that as Thomas the Train did not come up a lot Thomas the Tank Engine, you know also the Tankian take it I'm taking Thomas potemkin - I smell burnt toast. You should know, you know the just to switch to Thomas the fat controller it And when I grew up it was the fat controller not Sir Topham Hatt. No, they don't have a problem with a fat control. So they don't come with fat shaming England effect control of the effect controls. The fat controller was his name. What is the top? Mm-hmm? I think they just needed to work in his wardrobe top him. Yeah. So let us stop them Sir Topham. It's probably a place in England. Let's get real here somewhere so door little bit too close to some Sodom perhaps no no one. Oh, man. Look, I'm Bible the Bible Sodom. And Gomorrah clearly is what Sodor is based on its of this damned cursed fucking Island what strains and talks like he trains are these fuck? I don't like their voices. I don't like what they do. I don't like anything about that shot their expressions. I don't like their expressions. It's like oh when they get angry. All right. Well, we're going to get into it now because nobody really talked about Thomas my kids loved all that train shit really my kid. Three-year-old still loves train shit that merge though that merch man fucking murch the shit I Ching and Chuggington is like the mic like an American knockoff. It's yeah, it's really stupid. We like take something that's a beloved childhood like sort of staple and make it American call it Chuggington and they just drink a shitload of beer on the upholstery. The world's biggest CFL fan says Paw Patrol is terrible but makes no sense. It's a fucking cartoon about dogs who are like an elite Rescue Unit. It's a they're saving it supposed to make sense. Literally. They're saving Adventure Bay constantly such a stupid name for a place to live Adventure Bay. It's almost as bad as Sodor. / we already got into that. But you know, the thing is is that Adventure Bay. It's a lot like Cabot Cove from its once I recognized the name have a Was from Murder She Wrote? Oh, I don't mind by Far and Away the most deadly town in individual. The only way to solve it is have a senior citizen cracking the case. You know, how many murders occurred there on yearly basis was like 400. I have a soft spot for absolutely have a soft spot for I almost called her Margaret Thatcher. No jokes, really Angela Angela Lansbury who's in one of my favorite top five favorite movies of all time The Manchurian Candidate go watched everybody. She's fucking great in it. She's all right. He's okay. I'm not she is great. And she's very creepy. Unbelievably good movies. Don't spoil anything. Please don't please you know, what? I'm sorry. I'm spoiling your Monday night you jerk. So I mentioned this earlier the trains were big in my house. You know, we almost didn't come up Rescue Bots. Yeah huge in my house for a while. Not currently. Yeah, the the offshoot of Transformers Rescue Bots is essentially the same thing as Paw Patrol except instead of dogs. It's Transformers. You know what though? Right. They're all had they all have the off stupid like there's one that's like a dumptruck. There's one that's like a fucking bulldozer. They're all is one of those ones there's ones that sex hotter, but they're always work like Chase on PAW Patrol. You know, what someone should look into this at the same fucking show right? One of them is is an Ironman. One of them is a cop. One of them is some kind of fucking construction worker who breaking the code here me I am I crack the code and he fucking nailed it and Peppa Pig the same thing. She's a robot that transforms into You're blowing it. You know what? I was right? It's the same goddamn thing. The difference is that Rescue Bots is is actually more interesting and has more Merit because so they tackle things like acceptance do they? Yeah, because the Rescue Bots were sent here on a mission to live with humans, even though they could be they could wipe us out but there's they live in another fucking something town like Adventure Bay. This is same kind of thing where there's like it's a self-contained thing and it's in a bubble. It's like lost. Yeah, they could wipe us the fuck out if they want it. Now because they just there's service pot instead. They want to learn from our species so they can take it back to this is all dumped shit. Transformers is dumb and thankfully our immigration process is strong enough. It is a lot of thank you President Trump. Yeah. So my kid that my eight-year-old where he gets he's nine now used to love Rescue Bots, but now he likes actual Transformers. Yeah. That's the one the old timey cartoon because that's the No, no, no. Well, obviously we think that's the best we're gonna get into that some of that old school stuff coming in as first I want to get into the literal bane of my existence, which is YouTube as I mentioned earlier. My kids watch they don't watch the unboxing shit like Ryan's toy review which a lot of people like Dad and Bloated and Jenny Ben e00 and Cara shipments at rest Ryan story of use a goddamn Nightmare and not a lot of my house pea butter. Mama says fucking hate Ryan's Troy review and try not to laugh. YouTube is try not to laugh a show on YouTube or is she just saying she tries not to laugh on YouTube probably because I would watch it. I would probably watching YouTube channel. Somebody try not to laugh unless that's what that is actually about and then in which case I agree with. So what happens is there are there are there are little kids that do that play with toys and their parents. They open toy boxes and revealed toys and then run the show them and actions a lot of like, well, it's all like versus like slime versus like powder really your kids. Watch this shit. No, I I watch this shit fucking trying to figure out what to keep my kids away from. Yeah. And by the way slime is way grosser. Yeah, we don't do the same thing. No, but the point being is that there's a lot of channels out there that put their kids front and center which I totally disagree with Sophia visit that and Anyway, don't bite your friends in this is the in a nutshell. She says or he says, I think it's a she says I used to say Caillou was a worse but don't let your friends. But now it's all the bullshit. They find on YouTube that's straight from yoga together. Don't let your friends. She nailed it. She said she's sick. I was worse but now it's all the bullshit. They find on YouTube which is problematic for a lot of reasons a it's all bullshit. Be once you get into YouTube is a whole world of problems, right people are splicing, you know, dick pics in the middle of stuff lately Fight Club. Yeah. I know Andy, I just hop at the end of the Paw Patrol like algorithm. There's like you watch three Paw Patrol. Yeah, whatever and then it gets fucking real. What does that YouTube kids which is a separate app that you can do, which is hopefully prevent some of that. So here's something funny Deeds. Heads its deed DED and 4z says YouTube videos with cars. That's it. Nothing else you refuses any that doesn't include cars are like my kid gets fixated on stuff to somebody says later my kid is if there's a dog in it their kid will watch it. My kids a little bit like that where he'll just he'll love dogs or he'll get into the Zone where he wants or either or he'll get into his own where he wants to see, you know, rocket ships, right and he'll watch a bunch of shit about rocket ships or whatever, but the problem I have is my kids watch these things called. We used to watch Preston plays which is like a fucking 20-something dude, who looks like he's 11 who somehow married and he plays Minecraft with friends like their I don't know if they're all like wearing headsets playing Minecraft together somehow and just like talking shit. They don't swear. Although I think I may be heard an F-bomb once or twice. We were like no more of this. But even without that is so annoying hearing them and my kid always seems to listen to this shit super loud like Turner. I can't tell you how many I'd have to say turn it down because we're at the point now where he can get up and turn on something on the weekends and we can sleep in a little bit and then you just hear this fucking idiot twenty-five-year-old million arrows more successful than I'll ever be in my entire life annoying the shit out of me and infusing my kid with his dumb ass slang shit it fucking infuriating. So we banned Preston plays many found unspeakable, which is the same exact fucking thing, right? They do the same shit. They walk through Minecraft and sometimes he find shit where he walked he watches people play Zelda because he's obsessed with Zelda and just hearing these guys chirping and saying this nonsense is sickening and then my toddler is in the room and now my toddler walks around going what the heck man, which I'm pretty sure is something these guys say, which is really cute when my daughter says what the heck man writes really cute and then you realize he's just being raised by these YouTube personalities and I'm a piece of shit and this is really all my fault. Yeah because you're too busy sleeping. Yeah, because I need some All right from but that's why I hate YouTube. It's not the unboxing videos. It's not the secret porn. Although they may be seeing that I frankly I do not pay enough attention, but these annoying personalities who play these video games. What is the appeal of watching someone else play a video game dude? Have you never when you were growing up? No, you never went to your friend's house. No, I would fucking leave or I'd be like, it's my turn next and I would be on my iPhone at 8 years old being like is it my turn yet? Obviously, I couldn't do that because they didn't exist, but I would not be watching it was not fun. You call yourself. A friend of mine and they people have no no in college. I had roommates or guys next door and like the room next door who be playing video games now, I'm not gonna watch you play. This is not appealing to me. All right. Well, then you really fucking missed out on a huge Slice of Life my friend know I didn't I was living my life where you was I clarinet goddamn it. Why are you such a thing against clarinets me? I did not play the clarinet in college. I haven't played it since I was 17 years old that's watching twice when I would be when I got into college. It was but I was in the fucking marching band in high school. And then as soon as I graduated, I was never fucking summer never against every time when I play the guy didn't matter to know theme and the crowd went wild and then you you call it the summer of the net and people like wow the internet that's pretty good, you know, no clarinet. You're a fucking piece of shit. I thought you talked about this Sandra Bullock film The Net Mitch. I saw in the theater, but I'm talking about the film that has not yet. Been made called about your personal life story call my dad and buried somewhere. Vanetta origin story. Yeah, so you mentioned a little earlier about the old-school Transformers and a bunch of people did say they like their kids watch some old school stuff, but there's a lot of old school stuff that has been rebooted like new versions of it. Right? So Dana bows day who's become. She's going through our episodes and she says she has nine left to catch up. Nice. Appreciate your dedication Dana. She says what's old is New Again Inspector Gadget has a new version. I've actually made my son is watch that Karma. And Diego my son really like that garbage the Inspector Gadget one. Yeah, but yeah my son. Yeah the inspector. Have you seen the movies with Matthew Broderick? Oh my God, there's some of the worst movies I've ever been made Voltron is a new version which is so shocking. I didn't love it when I was a kid, but I washed it.sometimes Transformers is new version. There's a new version of Muppet babies with which our friend Mary but by and says, she likes He-Man is being rebooted for Netflix. I loved me some He-Man when I was a kid. I never got it the man never got it. It's real. XE the good guys half-naked is busting out. I really like the cat cringer and then when he did that I have the power thing he turned into battle cat with armor on them. I thought I always thought cringer was a cool name for a cat. You know, what go was a real piece of shit was more of a GI, Joe guy. I like GI Joe to you know what? It's not mutually exclusive and I resent the implication. I'm not saying it was I'm just saying my favorite GI Joe there was a two-parter. I think with this Dusty was a double agent. The movies are grown up. To movie with like serpentor and shit. Yeah the shit. I'm just talking about episodes. I never owned the figures Dusty was a double-a just it was a double agent in like a two or four partner. Like they did some weirdly ambitious shits new episode where Sergeant Slaughter who was like a wrestler was on the crew. And at one point he uses a fingernail to unscrew something like to put his finger. That's actually you know, what I've used that all this is hot. Look it's it should look just because it turned me on doesn't mean that I'm a Deviant, what is this thing in my pants? So little charmer 80 times and again and says the Muppets and Fraggle Rock where some of the shit that she watched as a kid, and then she said there's some you case because she's from Nottingham. She says, it's some UK only stuff like bag puss. Do you know of it now? I don't know you are such a fucking liar, you know never lived in England, but you know what? I do what I was super psyched to hear my son or see my son watching Danger Mouse. I that's the greatest cartoon ever watched it coming out of the UK grew up Pinky and the Brain that's Animaniacs. It's a Steve. Spielberg know what the fuck the fuck out of here pink the most mice. They're all mice. Injure Mal's did it duty to had such a good it was so good and penfold. His sidekick was just like this Little Hen folders from that pinking. It sounds very similar to Pink in the brain to me. It's not well if it is it's only because I didn't watch either. Let's be honest Danger Mouse was absolutely amazing. So another under old-school thing. So Sarah underscored J. 281 said my oldest used to watch Teletubbies. Is that still on couldn't get it Pinky tinky-winky. I've never I've seen it. I've seen it accidentally but that's never been watched. Very bizarre. It's a that's British. Oh, but it's very very odd with like a son baby. Yeah. I know. I've seen this information we don't need so ciaobella for says her daughter is obsessed with gigantosaurus, but she herself likes my babies. I loved Muppet Babies as a kid. I haven't seen this new version the show when I was a kid what? Or as is neither do I have not but the mother baby show when I was a kid was very focused on like using your imagination and they would like open different doors and like, you know, they would go into different worlds, I think and stuff and they never showed the mom. Although I don't think it was a mom because how do you give birth to felt puppets easy, but you only saw our first like metal legs are the waist down. Yeah. You drink a lot AAA. Mommy 25 says Phineas and Ferb is the best children show of all time I've ever seen it, but I've heard Heard I've heard Nickelodeon. Yeah, I've heard good things about I was sort of like it was sort of like a it was a kids show but had like a tremendous. It's like SpongeBob where there's like a lot of adult content. Yeah and at all like sort of, you know, very sort of tongue-in-cheek. Sarah to remin says I love when we watch Scooby-Doo and she banned SpongeBob and his stupid. Laughs. I don't mind SpongeBob because I feel like that's slightly more sophisticated. It is most humor-wise and I appreciate that. I want my kids have good sense of humor. I love Scooby-Doo is a kids. Been a bunch of different versions of the cartoon for a little while. My son was into it because he loves like Supernatural shit and like Mysteries and that kind of stuff but there's not a current version on right now. I don't think but they change the animation and like a bunch of times like new versions of that the old animation. I mean am I right? Was it the best or what? Obviously you think is? Yes the ladder but your clothes and shit, but I mean, look, there's Batman and Robin showed up on that thing the Harlem Globetrotters for some reason like they had weird crossover like events, which was fun. So Not everybody like they're not a lot of shows that had a lot of consensus, right? But there are a lot of comments about different shows like I read at the top. So we're going to get into some more these specific comments where people kind of talked about something random about a show maybe a one-line kind of thing. Right? So at Lele 23 says her youngest watching SpongeBob and she has no problem with that. It got weird though. The whole thing is it wasn't always weird from the start of supposed to be guy who does the voice of SpongeBob is he's from my favorite sketch comedy show of all time, mr. Show. Just a little tidbit blanking on his name right now. Even though I know it. What's Rock up know what the fuck you're talking about. God damn it with this guy. You were what three years old in the early 90s go to hell KD twink them says I leave Disney Junior on because there are few commercials and one of her kids will watch pretty much anything as long as there's a dog in and I mentioned her earlier the father got them in a Nickelodeon, but I don't like the channel because the girls have no patience for commercials or when they The commercials they see a toy they want right my kid freaks out when he sees commercials most as she watches. His streaming. Yeah, and he's like, this is the best. What the fuck is this jungle or I want this new toy when I was a kid the the toy I wanted it's the one I remember was there's a remote-control car called The Claw wear on the tires, like a little claw came out to help it like climb up things. Yeah. That's a remember. I really wanted it. There's no way it worked that. Well, there's also do you remember there's like the Etch-a-Sketch that you could Etch-a-Sketch it you could like. Like kind of program no, and you could you could turn your etch-a-sketches into like animations, but it was fucking painstaking you had to like draw each. There's like being an animator. We had like back in like the 30s right away. It is like being an animator was being like a fucking tortured him. That's what animals were where each cell is a kind of a different but to hand drop it to HSN just get yeah. That's what it was. Maybe there was a pen. Goddamn it. Shut up in the person who got a nice sketch like for Circle. There's a circle just stared out there. Amazing just shook it and you're like, all right. This sucks. It's a movie alpha wolf Arrow like writes a bunch of shit because it solves get learn how to do it. Really? Well for some reason Sarah Yvette says baby first. How does it show her kid watches and she wants to strangle herself. I've never heard of it. It's almost anyone Brax 1 1 1 7 says her son likes Captain Underpants or his son likes having her pants. I'll also sit and watch snapped with me. So I can't complain you let your kid watch snapped. That's a show about like women who snap on their husbands because they're like being abused or what they put the socks next to the hamper instead of in the hamper. That's kind of thing. My wife gets upset about wait a second. This is his TV show. It's like it's like a true crime show. It's like Dateline, but it's snapped its on Lifetime or some shell really or Discovery Network. I don't know what it's on interests. I hear about it all the time. Okay women like Snapped because it's like justification. They live vicariously through the wives who murder their husbands those fucking side. I told you to put your socks in the hamper cannot next to the hamper. I'm sorry that I missed it with the shot. Yeah, that's what you do. You take a shot at the hampers. First got to make it fun. First of all seven points and you're across the room. That's football. I'm just saying like, you know, but you're going to make it more points because obviously your way farther across your outside the three-point Zone you're now the 7 so this is the MTV Rock and jock. Yeah, plus you got 25 points. Remember Rock and jock games. You don't even know what that means. Like you eat underscore e Brosnan brings a Bubble Guppies, which she's found super cute and bearable, which I've never seen it yet. Bubble Guppies is like you kind of just some learning that happens. It's like hey, which one which you know, how many mailboxes do they have to pass before but it's not about fish. Yeah, there's some fish in it. I mean there's that the because it makes me think of Octonauts which the next person said life dot as that, uh, Emma says, she loves Octonaut so informative she finds herself waiting for the end of the creature for their Creature Report. I fucking loved Octonauts at the all the animals in it were very cute Captain Barnacle or whatever and the Creature Report song was good and I Remember Creature Report creature report. Yeah, I really like I really kind of like dr. Knotts. It was interesting. You know, what of this interesting crossover between Paw Patrol and Octonauts the opioid crisis. It also affected underwater. Yeah, remember snork silly which was like the Smurfs but it was creatures that lived underwater and they had like built-in snorkels because that's how they had evolved. That was a long time ago. Yes when I was a child 21 Wild Kratts is another one that can full of people brought up Michael. He loved as a kid where it was like it's a mixed. Let me live actions and cartoons. Yeah, it was good very informative like watching National Geographic or some shit. It's educational. The PBS shows are obviously kind of A step above right if you can keep your kid interested in them. They re actually actually really do learn some stuff. So I Daniel Tiger is a PBS show and Maples flower says she loves it because it teaches kids not to be assholes. So Daniel Tiger and I only have a vague understanding of this but is like it's repurposed. Mr. Rogers episodes put an animated form offshoot, right? Yeah. It's like Daniel Tiger is a character like a puppet character from the original. Mr. Rogers and they made it hard to Tricia number the train. He's the train down a little train thing. And yeah with the King something so weird and was that's so weird king and a little freaked me out. Yeah and King Nothing King Thursday, and that wasn't the Thursday's wife or his wife. There was a woman queen queen nag face. I think that wasn't this is like, mr. Rogers would say a lot of mr. Rogers. Material coming out. Tom Hanks is coming out in a movie where he plays. Mr. Rogers. Yeah. Oh, yeah because it's about the journalist the journalist. So there's a journalist for Esquire named Tom. Junod who like had to do a story on mr. Rogers years ago and he wrote in an up kind of like changing his life and his perspective on it and they're dramatizing that for the movie and making it even more of a bigger deal. But the documentary oh, mr. Rogers was pretty good came out last year. I probably did was he affected by the opioid crisis or What the fuck is this stick up your ass about this opioid crisis stick up my ass just a whole thing that's happening across our entire country. That's getting okay. No attention. It's getting sunny of attention, but way to the percentage of attention it's getting on our podcast is really out sighs. So Ebola Rolla, which is Ebola underscore rollers your favorite username couple people brought this up. She said in Australia, we have a show called Bluey. It's about a family of blue heeler dogs, and it's great. And then Hardy mama says there's a Totally palatable and relatable one that's new to the Disney platform from Australia or its new in the u.s. Called Bluey jacket and real Kate. Our AO KAIT says they're obsessed with blue and Disney Junior to be honest. I really like it. This sounds like one that parents and kids can enjoy I have no idea what it is when she says it's about blue heeler dogs. It just makes me think of Where the Red Fern Grows and I don't even know if there's any relation. What's a Blue Heeler dog? Well, not only that but I what I like about this is how Ebola roll up. From Australia was like hey, there's a great show and then immediately was like just immediately Vindicated by a bunch of other people. I put those in order so it wasn't necessarily immediate. No, I made it because I you know, I put the notes together that made fucking logical sense. All right, you're the best gjr Scott 2002 says have you seen Fireman Sam it annoys the fuck out of me. Why does a small village have the equipment that it does exactly? Why haven't they locked up Norman Price? He keeps setting things on fire. He needs psychiatric help. But not to be allowed to roam free. So apparently there's an arsonist on Fireman Sam that makes Fireman Sam's job essential, you know what this place in Cabot Cove have the same one one town the Sleepy town in England has an arsonist problem and the Sleepy town in Maine has a murderer. I wrote a screenplay once except for the difference in Cabot. Cove. Everyone is murder. I wrote a screenplay once said there was a small plot point about firemen who started their own fires so that they could put them out remember what Rest that it was about that. Isn't that the story of Backdraft? Isn't it? Literally the plot of that never seen it never heard of it. Oh, you're never gonna watch back. Okay, Sonya list. It is not an essential. All right, everybody if I spoiled back there twenty-five-year-old meaningless movie The William Baldwin vehicle older than 25 years old. He said like 93, perhaps the William Baldwin vehicle is not good. Yeah. Well if you're gonna watch a William what Baldwin vehicle had better be fucking sliver with with Sharon Stone. Anyway, the Irishman the new Scorsese movie is getting fucking Raves. It's three and a half hours long and people are losing their minds. Over it. Can't wait. FYI. What the fuck you got a problem with that. I watch Mean Streets recently. No, I just watch your head out of your ass just watched Once Upon a Time and in America or in Hollywood. Yeah, I know we've talked about this several times and you're wrong about it. Sarah ganot says, my boys are into Ninjago and Pokemon I get sucked in. I don't mind it. The toddler shows drove me more nuts. And I think that's the consensus, right? The table should is annoying because it's like just annoying characters and voices and stuff to Eel, the young kids who have much brains, but hold on a second. We have not talked about. What is the greatest show? Oh my God for kids succession. Yo Gabba Gabba. We have talked about it sometimes but I'm saying like that one on is that I don't know but that's okay. You can still be the best show ever like Seinfeld your favorite show. Yeah, but Seinfeld is on like Netflix Yo, Gabba Gabba is really hard to find him going like YouTube or something, right? Yeah. Well, it's not available, please. Yeah. I'm a fan of Yo Gabba Gabba calm down. All right. Well, let's get into it and you can we go let's rock. So we went to the live show me to of Yo Gabba Gabba. Yeah. Awesome with Bianchi was Bismarck either. I don't remember I saw him at a show in Brooklyn and when he does his fucking big hit you got what I need. The fucking crowd was so into it. It's really fun when you're in a situation like that. Like I've been in I've been unconscious for like the The crowd just takes over like Pearl Jam like better man and shit, which I don't even really like that song. But when the fucking crowd is all singing in unison is pretty powerful as in a small joint for this Biz Markie thing who gives a shit about that song besides like the Nostalgia Factor, but it was fun to sing along too. If you do business be to the day I wasn't paying attention. I just I like I left and then I came back in when they were doing that left. No, it was like that. I went to get a beer and then I hung out in the beer area where the beer was got it you like beer with squeaky. I like beer with squee. Squiggy, yeah squeeze. So the Ninjago was very big for my kid for a while is funny in the movie like the night and Legoland. Is it all like oh yeah Ninjago. Yeah. I saw the movie theater with my kid that's had some funny stuff in it. It's got a Lego Movie like they're their sensibility is cool. I've seen all the Lego movies in the theater of the earth. Who can I just say we know we haven't talked about it. Well Legos coming up, but we haven't really talked about it because a lot of these are toddler shows, but watch out for these sort of tween show. It's like Big Time Rush. No, I'm not just my kids aren't doing these Disney live-action things. I'm not into no or even or even there's a Netflix show called charcot charcoal is it called? Its called Zig and charcot? All right, here is why even telling me these names. I don't want to know this stuff because this is all it is. It's mindless mindless drivel. So the thing is that I'm my only prerequisite for watching a shows that has to have some value to it. Odd Squad is both yeah, it's super funny and it had like Captain Underpants is funny. There's there has I saw that movie is pretty funny double even SpongeBob. There's yeah Bob like a sensibility to it is a little more sophisticated. It's literally so the show on Netflix is a zig and charcot. Watch out for a stop saying it name. I don't want to hear you say fucking Zig and shouting. Oh, yeah, it's just it's like a front it's some kind of French shot another French Canadian or from friends or whatever. I just sounds And it's a shark really it's a shark trying to protect a mermaid and then like a Tasmanian devil trying is the mermaid named charcot and it twists and shocking twists. It's all just like anvils and it's so it's not even it's not like Tom and Jerry that's funny or you know what those are like humorous because like the Roadrunner will pull some violence is humorous. It's just it's just I agree. It's just sound quality and Scratchy I what I've made my so I try to find some stuff. If that I like that my kid could maybe watch you don't realize like I probably didn't see the Simpson The Sims wasn't even on until I was like 14 that's a showing like an eight-year-old The Simpsons is problematic and certain levels. He's not going to get most of it. Right but there's some sketchy stuff and then it sees scratchy comes on and it's like hardcore violence and some of those things which is fine. It was cartoon or whatever but it's a little much right. So like a couple of people here started talk about some of the stuff that they try to show their kids that is maybe a little bit above their pay grade, right? So it's Be mom says her daughter is nine and she's and she as a parent is very liberal with what she lets her kids watch. She lets a nine-year-old watch stranger things funny story. My wife showed my kid the first two episodes a stranger things last night of the original the first season. He's a little creeped out a little scary a little bit above like it's about 12 year olds that the first season right and this some high school stuff and like kids hooking up with she's not into it all I showed him. I loved Buffy. Back in the day. I showed him a Buffy and even that which is really cheesy by any kind of Standards like in terms of like the stuff that's supposed to be scary is not scary for somebody who's lived a fucking life like grow up kid, but for little kids a little scary some dude here says Jeff the dog says I just started watching Buffy with my three and a half year old and now she's now she's asking to watch it three and a half year old meaning you won't even get the jokes regardless of you know, whether it's scary or not. Let her get It's all like pop culture references and Josh Whedon, you know vernacular and stuff which I find entertaining but I don't even think it's necessarily problematic. It's just like it is the you know, what's the kid getting out of it at this point? So my eleven-year-old almost fall is we she got into Gilmore Girls. Oh my gosh. Yes, which is fine because it's actually it's a fun show knowing you well known but not very stylized in the dialogue is very very high-end. Yeah, Mike. Girl Friday, I mean, it's Buffy is a little bit like that too were like it's not real life the way they talk to each other is really specific to their world. But it's at least interesting you're out of the zone of this like horrible like, you know Big Time Rush or whatever the fuck it is sure. It's a little bit closer to like a real-life exactly issues. And now she likes Grand designs, which is no idea what that is. So good and then Beastmaster ultimate beast man, you talked about that last time I don't give a shit about it yet. Go outside kid says her toddlers little fuck. Love our podcast in my Ig stories. Just kidding. Just kidding. They actually love Curious George. My kid likes Curious George my toddler. So here's something funny Emily Ina asst says she likes Brady Bunch on Amazon Prime. It's sexist as hell but takes me back to my childhood. I showed Detective Munch my nine-year-old Brady Bunch of last week. He's laughing his ass off which makes me sad because his sense of humor is obviously garbage. If you find this shit funny, it's the most like staged fucking setup contrived garbage. It's really it's really terrible. Yeah, and then a little bunch of people said that the TV shows But they really like to show movies. They love to their kids little charmer 80 once again says she prefers more kids watch films, but it gets repetitive because they watch the same thing over and over. She said she knew the Frozen phase went too far when she and her husband were debating who was hotter on or Elsa. That's a good question. He says I'm gonna obviously I'm going to say Elsa but with on has personality, I forget who it when I forget else is the blond with the powers and Anna is Kristen Bell. Yeah, I think on has more in she's a redhead. Yeah, it's okay. She that's that's cute. But also both hot but at the same time like else's so like mean do it. This is little piece else is little what basic basic is. She she's just struggling against like she's okay you been I'm sorry. I have these powers that I've known I've lived with the whole. Oh, no because he was supposed to be Of the Packers and others because there are euphemism or a metaphor for being an outcast maybe being a lesbian just their parents and I wrote a blog post about this her parents are the problem. They taught her that her powers were dangerous and evil and the things that makes you unique is what makes you bad and was gonna find out how did her parents know to go to the fucking rock the controls seem like people how did they know? You know, why because they know more than they're letting on mr. Kings. I got in the mr. King the Don King only in America. So I think we hit everything when it comes to TV shows. I mean look, there are eight billion kids TV shows. I'm sure we're there some that you love and you hate that we didn't get to hopefully ziggo and shark man. What was the fucking dumb show you mentioned they go and shark Ziggy and Shrek. Oh Ziggy and charcot and in the weird twist, the mermaid is called Shark. Oh, yeah, exactly. Finally got the joke. I made the joke earlier and it didn't register as you were so wrapped up in talking about the good actually. In the shark was more nervous laughter than anything else. I want you to be nervous think we got it. So we mentioned earlier. We have a new sponsor. So we're going to talk about some of the Epp the comments people left on our yes for last week's episode sponsored by Kinder. Perfect, which is Cards Against Humanity for parents. Yes. We're going to play a quick round for you people so you can understand how it works. All right, so Pete is going to draw on a topic card, right? So you put it basically posed the question. Yep. Then I have to answer the question with one of the answer cards and then they is going to choose which one wins. Okay. Wait, are we am I also taking a nap sure - but we want to give you guys some options. You can see what the punch lines. Alright so here. Let me look. Hold on one second make it relate to kids TV shows because I know there's a bunch of those. Okay, good up next the who's so this is this is the question. Excuse me. Next up Daniel Tiger sings a catchy tune about Blank getting caught mid quickie what that was my answer. What's your answer? I'm going to go get a little tiger sings a catchy tune about getting caught mid quickie. Okay? Ready? I hear I'd like that song right Daniel Tiger and I'm gonna go with so let's say the whole thing Daniel Tiger sings a catchy tune about stay-at-home dads. How would that go stay at home dads doing it up sitting on the grass and not doing shit. That's what I was talking about me not gonna go to the playground because Sucks, right is that area? MMMBop adapt adopts Tavon dad or bamboo bit about Papa do right. Now, what's all that? No? No, we got one more. I'm gonna be one more show you doing one more? Yeah, I'm gonna do one more was it because I enjoy it next up Daniel Tiger sings a catchy tune about pot brownies at the PTA meeting. What why would you do that? What do you mean? That's not a good song Just well, why would you why would you eat pot brownies at a PTA meeting? Why would you bring them because you want to see you? Other people, you know, what a little now Daniel Tiger that pure innocent bastard has to sing all these fucking disgust. All right, so hold on. What were they? So the options Nate were next up Daniel Tiger sings a catchy tune about pot brownies at the PTA meeting. Yeah. Stay-at-home dads. Got to be a better one. And what was the first one that I said getting caught mid quickie? Which would you think is the best? Well, I don't need to win. I want to know which punch line wins. Confident getting caught me quickiy, you know. Yeah, Daniel time we talked about you weren't listening to the own show that you're producing. We talked about it earlier. It's the mr. Rogers the animated version of mr. Rogers. Yeah, so it'd be like a really genteel polite little tiger who walks in and his parents banging it out in the laundry room, right? I would like to hear that song you think Weird Al would do it. Why Mom, would you do that with that? It's so gross. Well, you know what, maybe this kitchen learn a little something about not being ashamed of sexuality. Maybe he is it why is it To be gross Daniel Tiger. Maybe you're learning the wrong lesson. Maybe the parents should start learning about being anyway, so if you want to pick up a Kinder perp Kinder perfect, it's a really fun party game really fun game to the drink to with fellow parents, which face it 90% of your friends are fellow parents. You can go to kinder and enter the code 20 off Daddy to zero off Daddy and get a 20% discount and I'm going to put a link up to Amazon where the the discount will be built. In So, yeah, so there are fun sponsor that I think lens up really well with our sensibilities because who hasn't been caught mid quickie by a cartoon tiger and then written a song about it. So last week we did an episode on hypocritical parenting and this is something we got to get into serial gate. Pete went off on a rant about how Cinnamon Toast Crunch is the best cereal in the world II don't have a problem with cinnamon toast crunch, but I don't consider it to be a top cereal. I posted a poll or test your taste buds 48% of you agreed with me the other 52 percent and unfortunately from ever listening to this podcast or following my content again, I much everyone MK stiff clearly one of them on Pete side cinnamon toast is fucking delicious Kathy Fuji on this is all I YouTube comments at Cinnamon Toast Crunch is the shit. Yes. It's not the best cereal out there, but I would never turn down a bowl of CTC hash tag team Pete. Thank you very much. Never been more sickened. You gotta Kathy you are officially the greatest. She also had a comment about hypocrite or parenting where she says because I made the argument that if we go to love parenting is okay because parents are in a different place in their lives. We've been through this shit we can we have different rules. She says but young kids don't understand that I'm the adults who I've earned the right to do X argument. They don't know how to discern yet. You're right. They don't which is why you don't necessarily need to give them that explanation. That's why you say because I said so because they can't understand the intricacies of the argument. The reality? Okay look so from 20 to 30. I went through really tough period sun and the thing is is that yeah, there was a lot of I made some mistakes cups. I met your mom when I was in my I got caught made quickie just high and then all of a sudden you started seeing him out. It's really weird. This whole family is so fucking weird family. So sorry JK Joseph died chasing which we don't say his name often because it's tricky but I think that's right. Joseph diet. Jason says one of the hypocritical things he does is he tells his kids to go to sleep and then he stays up and Inches Netflix Netflix shows our watches football and peace God damn it. I like when somebody ends with a loud yell and the curse because that's what I do and then Melissa Lombardi who is a new follower who is gone back like Dana bows day has gone back and just listen to every podcast comment and is commenting absolute storm a storm, but he is being her left. She's on episode 26 based on the comment. She's leaving. She's on episode 26 and she went back and listened to the one about parenting. Parents who have help from nearby family. So this is this is yeah episode to episode 26. She says we have always lived close to our parents and I love it. Grandmother's will come over and help us whenever we might need them. They will also take the kids and give us some time to ourselves having family closes Priceless to me and now Melissa Lombardi is dead to me here because I don't have any of that man and it makes me sick. You're bad. You're the one percent of parents and it's bullshit. It is too easy for you. We don't really know what it's like and we don't want you listening to our stuff anymore. Please go right us on Apple podcast. Just give us five. It's the least you can do after throwing that in our faces after your wonderful families. Yeah, damn you and your better life than ours. It's sickening all I don't like it. No. Well, how what have what were the arguments where the argument there are no arguments because their grandparents are like you guys are struggling you need to go have a date night fucking Melissa Lombardi and her grandparents Thursday. You guys take the day off. I've yeah Grandma's here. We'll handle the kids with such precious time to us. Shut up Grandma. Listen, right you really Walked into a hornet's nest. He sure did we should do an episode we had grandparents suck but we do that have we done that already? I think so. I think we did. We appreciate that. We appreciate you Melissa. We appreciate everyone who we especially appreciate the patreon supporters who are going to be getting these sweet-ass Koozies. We appreciate everybody who goes to Apple podcast and gives us a rating we get 5 more ratings we're going to do a controversial topic of your choice controversy sort of we're going to put a list of topics you can choose to go right that's pretty good and it won't be About Syria, although we could do it. I think we could do an entire episode on cereal. We talked about it a lot. All right, Cap'n Crunch up in this piece. No, no one wants. Thanks for joining us this week. See you next week stick around car or come early for the live. Actually, we doesn't make sense to say come early. Yeah, because Monday nights we do the live before we record stick around come early. We love you not making any sense of this point. Okay, it's all good. We love you guys. We love doing this. Thank you very much. We'll see.
WARNING: This episode may contain theme tunes that you cannot get out of your head! There a few kids shows out there that are actually good *cough* Yo Gabba Gabba *cough*. But most fall onto the heap as just bland, non sensical, vehicles to sell merchandise. Actually, when I put it that way it's a pretty good business model *squinting and shaking head* No, stay strong. From Peppa Pig, Puppy Dog Pals, PJ Masks, Bluey, Blipi, ninjago and Paw Patrol (the one where Rubble dies at the end) Mike and Pete cover it all.
Oh didn't see you there. You caught me preparing to record an interview with Julie wiebe. Who's a sports medicine physical therapist with a special interest in the pelvic floor. And I just poured myself a glass of 2017 Malbec from zaccardi wines. We're about to get freaky and I'm glad you're here to join me on this on this little journey will get right into the interview here in a moment, but first a quote from Pittsburgh native and environmental science extraordinary Rachel Carson, those who dwell among the Beauties and Mysteries of the Earth are never alone or weary of Life those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts the more clearly We can focus our attention on the Wonders and realities of the universe the less taste we shall have for Destruction. Cool after the interview, I'm going to have some shoutouts some personal stuff as well as some information on an upcoming breach conference that I have helped facilitate here in Louisville, and I really can't take much more credit than that's Rick's of fries and David Hayes of have been so kind as to bring their workshop that I talk so gratefully about they're going to bring it to Louisville at the end of February. It's going to be the End of February 28 29 and then March 1st. It's a Leap Year everybody 2020 is and we'll talk a little bit about that and some have some registration info but without further Ado. I hope you enjoy my wide-ranging conversation with Julie wiebe. The official OB guy know why no podcast pelvic floor spiritual advisor. Joey welcome. Hello. I have been trying to I think we've been trying to make this happen for for quite some time ever since we were both on the west coast and now here we are on opposite. That's right. That's right. That's right. How's everything going? Tell us who you are? My name is Julie wiebe. I am in Los Angeles former neighbor to Nathan down in San Diego. It's raining here and usually today in Los Angeles. Well lucky you well, although it's great. We don't mind a little rain around here. So yeah, but physical therapist. My specialty is pregnant and postpartum women and helping them return to Fitness and Sport after injury and pregnancy. So love to talk about all things related to ladies curious how your wife's feeling these she's doing great. Let's see today is Wednesday. So we were we're right around the 27 week Mark. Oh my gosh, I've learned is the size of like a what did we say like a cabbage or something? I don't know what whatever one of the one of the veggies were doing it right? She's doing great. Like she has like an easy pregnancy. Oh, it's hot. Are you dropped out? Not men. Oh, we're good. So having some technical difficulties. So yeah size of a Cabbage. It's one of those one of the that's the vegetable that we're at and I love cabbage. Personally, so sounds are big delicious. Yeah sleeping. Well, she's still exercising. She's still you know, we're still eating healthy. She's hadn't really had a remarkably easy pregnancy so good for her. That's great. When we met you we were talking about a lot of your piston breathing exercises and whatnot. And we were we still talk about some of those things. I think it's it's been harder and harder for her to it's been easier and easier for her to imagine. What all of that means now that she has like the weight like she's like everything's heavier now and so we still talk about, you know, getting out of bed and not holding your breath for every single movement. And I know that we're going to get into that. But yeah, that's great. But yeah, thanks for asking. We're super excited. We did get a king-size bed. We got one of those box mattresses. I was I was just telling you about tufton needed the company like a memory foam mattress, and she has her body pillow and it's awesome. That's awesome. I did not have that luxury when I was in her shoes. It was a lot longer to get to her our big bed. But yeah, but that's that's I'm so glad for you guys. Yeah. Well, thank you. Thanks for engaging us early on in the process to worse. You are a physical therapist extraordinary and you are very popular. I have to say so you have a fan club and I've learned that because because your name came up in my previous podcast with Ryan Stewart who's a physician and a Euro no way. We call a public medicine and oh gosh, what is it pelvic pain and it was a very long destructive surgery. Yeah, it's this long acronym but you're a gynecologist and he and I have got to be very close friends. Very good friends easy friends. That's you heard that episode. That was our two episodes ago or something. It was terrific. Well, thank you. Thank you. Yeah, actually it was really nice to have another person who's and he's clearly an expert in the medical medic to truly medical and surgical stuff, but he obviously appreciates the The caliber of care that is that is providing when we have multiple people kind of weighing in on these albums. So I thank you for being here. I think it's this is going to be a very colorful conversation with you Julie. I've looked through so normally we have five pearls this conversation is so deep that we have six pearls and you know, normally I start by listing them, but I was thinking why don't we start with each one read? Why don't we go through each Pearl and then we can elaborate as we Go and then at the end it's like six separate many conversations and we'll just see how things go from there. Sounds great. I meant so the first one is also we're drinking wine and yeah, Joey, what are you drinking? Somewhere like a somewhere. Yeah in Kentucky It's Five O'Clock in Kentucky. So you can drink for me definitely time to drink so that's right. Okay. Sorry. I am detracting from this important job solution. Julia Bell gets good. Here we go. Let's start with number one you said and I do you mind if I read the point and then you can maybe he's collaborated. Okay. Yeah go for it. So we are first going to talk about serpro number one low back pain incontinence and painful sex aren't able after pregnancy. We have new tools to help. What are you talking about? I think it's really about the messaging. We're sending across the board in medicine my from the top down that that we can start communicating from the top down this idea that your body doesn't fall apart after pregnancy. Like I think that that's sort of our cultural norm and if we can have that conversation out of the gate that this doesn't I mean that your life is over and you're doomed your body's going to fall apart because I had so many patients come to me with that message either from culture or through medicine or rehab or family. I like there's just this sense that it's just your kind of it's over and they yeah, of course you have lower back pain you had a baby course you will you know what I mean? And so and and I think that's part of what I appreciated so much about your conversation with dr. Seward was it was so clear like I think so many women have haven't heard carrying messages from their providers. They've heard fearful messages like that. And so I just was so grateful and I wanted to share it with my people to say, you know, listen, please listen, there are people out there that really want to help you through this process. And I wonder if we can communicate like that how out of the gate how different their perception that will be for our women that they would seek help they wouldn't just accept it, but they know that there's options out there for them. So And I think that's and we really do have new tools. Like we have so much more to offer women as we do more research as we ask more questions as we demand more as we actually demand this can't be the result of the most important thing. I do like I got to get become a mom. But that doesn't mean you have to fall apart like we need to we need to start getting that message in that hope yeah. Yeah, you know, I think society as a whole in our role in supporting one another as people. We often times jump to like those negative anecdotes that help us relate in some way. It's sort of like, oh the old ball and chain or the, you know kids tell me about it and like yeah sitcoms and through that sort of conditioning we all get comfortable with this idea that like everything sucks because of X Y or Z and it just simply doesn't have to be like that like like you talked about my wife is training to become a pilot and every time she brings it up people are you know, they'll say something like oh, yeah. I had a friends whose dad died. Flying a small plane and stuff. He's like, why is that what you're leading with? You know doesn't make me want to talk more about this. Yeah, and I'm sure like as a pregnant woman. I can't tell you how many people told me their stories while I was pregnant with my first and I was like and I try very hard to say very positive things when I see when I see new moms, but it's there is a culture around it and especially when you think about parenting I really believe that kids live in to what they fear your parents like. If they hear that there is bad news or oh what a pain or you know, you see those pictures on Instagram. Yeah of moms, like rolling their eyes while their kids struggles to get in by themselves to the car seat or whatever and I think come on like they're trying to be shamed. They're being shady, you know stuff like that. I just think kids live into that we all do there's so much strength to messaging and and I it's I think that we in, Our positions you and I have a role that is very powerful and it's powerful and I don't mean powerful potent maybe is a better word like and we can use that power. Well, like we need to recognize also incredibly. Yes how the potential of our words it carries so much weight and yours carry more weight than mine, like ultimately that and that's just the truth is this point the reality the reality like it? It's up. I didn't go to eight years of school and residency and you know, I had I don't have like there's a reason why there's this this leveling, but but I think Doc's need to hear, you know, some of the things that I hear Downstream are like gut-wrenching that they've heard from their docks. And so again, like like with great with great power comes great responsibility, you know, and again Spider-Man. Yeah, we we in medicine, you know, there's this D of gaslighting I didn't really understand what that was until you realize that every single patient who's had a baby comes back with these Notions of what may happen in this pregnancy, even though that didn't happen in their prior pregnancy because they've been programmed to be afraid of this whole thing including and especially related to how things change to their bodies in, you know, like during and after pregnancy and into the next pregnancy. So yeah, I think you're I absolutely agree and I think I huh. Bubbling part of actually sitting and being present for that. You know for those patients is realizing, you know, maybe we don't have all the tools. Maybe we need to have actually some people help us, you know provide the best care possible and you people like yourself or obviously a big part of that. Yeah. Well, I know that's what I did appreciate that that came up. So kindly in your previous conversation, but it speaks a lot to who you are anyway, like The fact that you and I have had lots of behind-the-scenes conversations is already indicating to me that you're a new breed. Like this is a new breed of physician that recognizes, you know, you don't have all the answers. I don't have all the answers like by and and you know, I will say to my patients like I think that's one that you need to flip back to your dock because that's not my department. You know what I mean? And a lot of my patients will say well, why didn't my doctor tell me about this? Why didn't he tell me that diastasis was possible or Pro? Slaps or whatever and I was like, it's some point this becomes not his or her job like her job and his job was to get your baby out safely. Like that's what his his or her job was now yeah, it'd be great if there was more information out there, but but I can't do everything and you know, so maybe up is really where hopefully we can make that happen. And I know one of the things we're hoping to talk about here. Is that the changes in the ACOG fourth trimester? Sex or whatever it is opinion is the guidelines around the that fourth trimester and that one of those things there are things in there that Doc's simply don't have time for training for that. I think Petey's could partner and help with so yeah. Yeah and and one final little tidbit about that I interviewed and She interviewed me as well Lisa Hendrickson Hendrickson Jack. She's the author of a book called The Fifth Vital sign in her whole expertise is around fertility awareness methods and whatnot. Yeah, she is. Very much not a doctor and she's proudly not a doctor but she also has an area of expertise that we are not trained in any stretch of the imagination to do but when you know one big part of her messaging is if you go to a doctor asking for advice on physical therapy on nutrition on whatever like you have to realize you're not going to the right person you're going to somebody who has limited knowledge in fertility awareness methods. So what did they expect like, they're not bad doctors. They just don't have That knowledge, you know, right and you know, I'm happy. I'm proudly a doctor but I could never do what Lisa does or what you do. I mean this is we are all Specialists now and we have to recognize that so I'm actually sorry I actually didn't see medical responder course meaning like so that I can handle emergencies because in the main reason I took it as I have a 14 year old boy in my home who is a regular Like a frequent flyer at the emergency room and I thought I need to have a better understanding for tonight the boys I gotta figure out how to help him. But one of the things you learn is how to deliver a baby and it's literally like I'll have to send you the picture. It's in this creates like a Red Cross thing that's for Lay people to Medical people and it's a to paragraph thing about the simple and I'm putting in the air quotes the simple procedure of being a baby coming and I'm like I should not be delivering babies. There's no way so anyway, so we just we need to respect each other's expertise. And we I and know that there's so much we could do to help together optimize the outcome for all these ladies. Absolutely. You mentioned a whole bunch of tools that we have to help Julie. And yes, I know that your tool bag is far deeper than mine with regards to pelvic for physiotherapy. Your second point is that and I will read it, but I think you're a maniac kegels are not the Inning and end of what we can offer patients. What are you talking about food a growing understanding that the pelvic floor doesn't act alone to maintain continents. I don't know. Yeah, I know sounds like crazy talk but the good oil. I know I know it's but it's really good news. So I'm in the Middle East and I was talking to an obstetrician. They're helping her with her own. I don't know is your knee. And I said, well, you know how Kegel you know about kegels and this OB in Oman says to me. Oh, well, they don't work and I thought that was fascinating because that's what happens when I talk to Obie's here, you know, they but it's like we just said like you were trained that's all we had to offer. And so what we're starting to learn in the research is understanding and this is actually been in the research since like 2007 like this is not new. This is been in there. A really long time understanding the role of the pelvic floor as a component of the core system, which I'm putting in quotes because that also is poorly defined in the research but it works together with some of the muscles in the abdomen. It works together with the diaphragm all of those things work together to help us with core stability, but that same system of muscles works together to help the pelvic floor do its job to maintain continents. So it's this dual system of stability and - I know and there's and I'd be and I've supplied some research for you. I can give you more to help people understand start thinking it has more to do with the way but listen strengthening the pelvic floor can absolutely be important. So kegels I'm not throwing kegels out not throwing the baby out with the bathwater but understanding that there's more to it and that gives us actually new options on how to help women as opposed to just saying here to strengthen your pelvic floor, you know, we can say we have to understand how How the pelvic floor is interacting with the rest of that system because it may simply be because they're holding their breath like you mentioned with your wife getting out of bed. Like if she's holding her breath every time she moves the pelvic floor can simply become overwhelmed. And so that's a great place where we can intervene and ask patients to change up how they're using their breath to change the intra-abdominal pressure and we get that related to prolapse. Right? Like we want to avoid high intra-abdominal pressure with those patients and so breath strategies is a great intervention. Tool teaching women that the abdomen being tight all the time. That's a ton of force down the time. So I always use a balloon in my examples with my patients and if you think about a filled balloon, if you are squeezing the balloon in the middle, that's a ton of pressure down in the ABS are in the middle. And then if you hold your breath on top of it, you're going to comes down away push that piston right down on the pelvic floor. Yep, exactly and then add to an impact like running and you have to deal with impact forces and all the Force from above it's a recipe no matter how strong that pelvic floor is sure. It's a recipe for so we can intervene in all sorts of places there which gives us incredible new tools. And so there's so much more we can offer ladies especially in there in regards to helping them get back to Fitness because I think that's the leap that most of our Mamas are asking for at this point. It would have a fitness and we want them to be fit. So we'll be healthy. You know what I mean? There's just this sure it's beautiful thing and just saying to a runner squeeze your pelvic floor makes no sense for running things like snow. It makes no sense. If anybody has tried that running while squeezing those kegels like it doesn't it does it does not compute like that's not that's not what you're supposed to be doing when you run. It just doesn't make sense. We have to get that the pelvic floor is a group of muscles. And so we have to drain it for athletic activity. And so the reality while I appreciate you called me a pelvic PT as I'm really a sports medicine physical therapist who just happens to love the pelvic floor and so I I'm an a traditional and Therapist I don't do internal work. I only do all of my work externally and I influence what's happening with the pelvic floor in conjunction with what I would do for you for your knee or your back or whatever it is while you're running and the pelvic floor needs to bounce. That's what it needs to do. You're ready. Yeah, it needs to bounce and so holding it while you're running makes no sense. It would be like holding your quad while you're running you would never do that. That's right. The only advice that we know to give but not anymore we More tools we can do this. I know a metaphor. Yeah. I hadn't actually thought about it like that. Yeah, and the other tool that are the thought process. I like to give people is if you like if you're thinking about a bicep curl if your fist is already at your shoulder, and then I ask you to use your bicep it's unavailable to you to respond to the next challenge, right? And that's what's happening. When you hold your pelvic floor while you're running or while you're trying to do anything or your tummy your abdomen. It is actually not ready to help you with impact control either with your squeezing all of it all the time. It isn't ready. You got to open in order to close. If you got to let that elbow open in order to do the next bicep curl pelvic floor. Tummy. All Meats do the same thing. So we have some new ideas and we can really help change this up. So, well you already already kind of went through your third point which is that the pelvic floor is part of the team of muscles that provide core and I'm using air quotes stability and that Same system of muscles helps maintain countenance. We then then we you know, we can talk about what are some intra-abdominal management strategies and I'll read your fourth point just because we're there yet nominal pressure management strategies are critical for preventing pelvic Health considerations and need to be addressed in pregnancy recovery and return to fitness programs and Julie before you answer that what is your Fitness background? You're very fit woman yourself. So tell me a little bit about what you've done and maybe what even LED you into being so excited. About the pelvic floor. Yeah, so I consider myself an aging athlete at this point. My primary athletic activity is one-on-one with my son out or volleyball with my daughter, but but I yeah, but I played as a four-season athlete played Sports from I was the only girl on my brother soccer team when I was growing up because Title Nine was brand new like that's how old I am. And so yeah, so I started playing sports really young. I know actually in a way my dad. Original feminist to be honest to let me to push me to play sports. And so I played Sports my whole life. And now I'm just a huge mom fan for my kids and I keep myself fit with just random stuff. But but my background men is Orthopedics and Sports Medicine. That's the path. I took out of physical therapy school. And and then I had my first I had my daughter my daughter is 16 and I very arrogant we thought well, I'll just fix whatever happened like Well, you know, I mean literally my biggest concern was getting carpal tunnel because of being a PT like that was my biggest go first, and I thought I didn't I and I just thought I'll just fix it whatever it is. And then I found myself struggling to get my ACT back together again and get back into fitness and that was back to my daughter is 16 and that's back when the core and again in air quotes was new like there. You may not remember but some of us remember there used to not be a core. We didn't used to talk like that. We talked about trunk stability or trunk stabilization activities. We didn't talk about core. So we were just starting to learn about that when my daughter was new ionized fact, I am in fact not old enough to know about when we didn't talk about the core. I know that's correct. Yeah, it seems like that's like a like a pivotal like a like a Cornerstone of Fitness now. Yeah, I know and it didn't used to be so that's what's so when I think about my athletic past it was very much. I did Sports specific drills when I played soccer. I did sport specific drills in the fall in the winter. I played Sports specific drills for basketball, you know, I did gymnastics I did swimming like I just and so I was and we know developing athletic Talent the more Sports they play the better and the more Sports specific the drills are the better we can get carry over but that's not what we've done. We've now told kids as young as My daughter was told at 10:00. She needs to have a strong abdomen. Like she should have a tight abdomen. There is no reason no reason a 10 year old girl should have strong abs and guess what we're seeing leaking in girls as young as 11. We have documentation of girls as young as 11. We I know colloquially of young even younger girls having problems with athletic incontinence, which again has to fly in the face of what we've always understood because we've said Ed these things are related to parity they're related to BMI, which don't get me started that could be a whole nother conversation to talk about BMI because I'm not a fan of that conversation with this stuff but and BMI parody and oh my gosh, oah, but those are the three Biggie's that we think positive face. Yeah it totally so we have to have other Solutions. It cannot be that this 11 year old has we color for that cannot be it makes more sense to understand that she's been instructed. To use her abdomen and breath-holding strategies are another compensation that have created all this pressure from above that just overwhelmed the circumstances. It's no longer a balanced situation. So yeah, so, how do we like so how do we manage that pressure then apart from? Hey when you're getting out of bed or getting off the toilet, you don't have to have rock-hard ABS at that moment. Yeah, and and I think that's part of it. You know again, we're we started the conversation say Talk about messaging and I think that the message we've sent there's a couple that we sent one is the only way to have a strong back is to have a strong stomach and we've defined strong stomach as stiff. Like we've said that strength is stiffness, but the reality is dying there's a dynamic system in place led by the diaphragm. The diaphragm is constantly cycling muscular work and pressures that helps keep us stable. And that's like a kind of a brain cramp but We are that means we're stable on both inhale and exhale. So on inhalation, we have increased abdominal pressure because the diaphragm is coming down squishing organ South and the tummy and the pelvic floor have to kind of give in order to accept that pressure. There's a pressure gradient change so that we should see the abdomen move on inhale your abdomen supposed to go in and out on inhale and I would challenge people listening go look at yourself breathe and you're going to see not a lot of movement in your abdomen and a lot of movement up and Your chest that's just what tends to happen for a lot of my postpartum ladies not all and then and then on an exhale so it held everything goes down and out and on exhale when the diaphragm comes up in the pressures lifted we get this recoiling effect. That's more concentric. It's more of an active participation by the muscles. So it's this constant inter balance between balance. I'm sorry about between pressure and muscular force and if we can teach women to balance that better we see a like a lot of relief on things like incontinence or prolapse and you guys for example discuss the Pro apps surgical the reoccurrence weights and if part of in my opinion and again, I don't have like I'm putting this out there as a clinical thought is if we haven't repaired the strategy on how they use their intra-abdominal pressure system. They're just putting all that pressure back on the surgery. Right? Right. So it's like it's like starting somebody on insulin but not correcting their diet. You know for their their pending diabetes, yeah. Yeah man preach, but that's exactly the same thing. But we just haven't ever thought that way. We just say just keep doing kegels, right? But what I tell my patients is if your floor is great in your house, but your roof is crashing in your for could be pristine won't matter. So again starting to correct those ideas like you wonder if we can communicate to girls like you don't have to have rock hard ABS you have to have functional ABS you have to have abs that work well, And then if they're working well in their daily life and in their exercise, they're going to be and I'm only saying this because this is what the culture wants is flatter. You know what I mean? Like they're going to have the aesthetic if they're actually functioning in their day sure if we're holding them tight all the time. That's not actually functional that's literally walking around with your bicep engaged all the time with your fist on your shoulder. It doesn't that's not how we build it. That's not how we create tone. So, so anyway, I hope I didn't Talking to the guy Circle there, but the conversation needs to be around like giving up on this gripping your abs all the time, which is a real challenge for moms to do and the only way you can really get a good breath in as if you let go of your ads. So everybody listening can do that grab your abs and two men include a sorry go ahead and go what walk us through this walk us through this. No. No, but everybody squeeze your abs and take a breath It's really hard now relax your ass up and take a breath and the difference in terms of fullness is pretty clear. And and so and again men are the same. We've been we told men may have to like look like they've got this flat abdomen to and guess what we're seeing more and more what we think is prostatitis and we're seeing erectile dysfunction and we're seeing all these issues for men and and guess what they're having incidents at CrossFit, but they're coming out the other Yeah, yeah, so so we're we need to appreciate that. This is a system and we need to address it as a system and relaxing abs and getting a good breath in as a great way to start. Time out because I have to I have to plug my laptop in I just realized the battery is dying. So hang on one second. Oh, yeah. Yeah. No. No my gosh, my thing is coming off it took here. Can't find the cord. Sorry. Julie don't apologize. This is happened to me more often than you know, like you think I'd be super prepared by now. Would you say? Oh, sorry. It's happened to me to meet plenty of times. Like I totally get it and I think oh my gosh, I can't believe I forgot that I'd gone to lectures eight hour lectures without my lab my cord before which is ridiculous. It's like, oh my God. What was I thinking? I think I'm Just a Fool. Yeah, so I think we were ending at relaxing abdomen and taking breaths. Yes. And I can say some talk about something like blow before you go as it relates to stitches, like like early postpartum stitches like really early. Just getting rid of that pressure a before you get up or pick up. The baby is a huge help. Okay, let's start let's let's start right there. So we're gonna okay. Sorry, we had a momentary pause there because I had to plug my laptop in but Julie Julie, this is super interesting. Tell me. Okay. So let's let's maybe talk about in the immediate postpartum period what what are things that maybe women should start to consider maybe if they're pregnant or if they're going to be having a baby in the near future there is or even if they're in the immediate postpartum period yeah, so I mean there's a lot of things to consider and one is understand it takes time to recover. That's one. I think that the internet pushes women, too. I think that they need to recover more quickly and that there's more out there than kegels that you should be doing. But go ahead like start to connect start to feel that part of you. But also if we can get women learning how to breathe and connect the pelvic floor and the tummy all together. Like I you refer to as my piston idea legged said idea of just bringing those ideas those pieces of the puzzle together if we can do that in pregnancy, then it's something that I encourage my patients to start finding postpartum as quickly as they can as soon as Doc says you can do kegels. I tell my patients you can do pistons like start pulling those pieces together. If you've had a C-section deep breathing is going to help blow off the anesthesia the yeah anyway, and then also the idea of when you blow off that pressure I call it Blow before you go. So when if we understand that inhale sort of sets the system up it sort of elastically loads the muscles with that pressure gradient on exhale it recoils. Oils and it helps them come back into play the pelvic floor in the abdominal wall. So if we start our exhale before movement, we've blown off pressure that can push on stitches and push push on die Stacy's and push on organs that have shifted down during delivery and we can ask all that pressure to come off start that exhale pelvic floor and tummy or responding up against that pressure with that recoil and then we can move as we continue to Exhale keeping that pressure off those stitches. So that's like a Really pretty way to start to pull these pieces together. Yeah and protect these new situations like Mom has pushed hard like some of them had really traumatic deliveries, like some had extended, you know, final stages and all that stuff tour tour and if we can take keep the pressure off all of those circumstances by exhaling before you move start that exhale and keep it going through the movement just as you start to get pieces put together again and then over time, I'm you can transition that into other kinds of reading strategies that match Fitness but but it's a great place to start to start to reconnect with these pieces. Right and a lot of my patients that they've done kegels and tried kegels. But once they have the teammates, once the pelvic floor has its friends it actually easier to connect with it easier to put the pieces together and then they can feel it again and feel it working inside their movement. So that's sort of like, it's just a really easy place to start lots of breathing blow off that pressure and walk Like to start walking start walking now. Yeah, I can breathe. It makes me think of you know, I did cross that for years a lot of heavy heavy lifting. I'm not a big guy, but you know you had to work I had to work on mostly on my mechanics in order to put big weights up because I'm not like naturally Thor, you know throwing heavy weights around so in doing that, you know, you're always instructed and you're actually taught to coach as an instructor to tell people that they take a big deep breath in they go down for the Lift and then you tighten everything up and you stand up out of the heavy squatter you lift the heavy deadlift. What would you tell people who are maybe not even necessarily in the immediate postpartum period but maybe they are trying to get back to it and they're going back into the gym. Like you're telling them that they should be breathing out the entire time during the lift or I mean, what should we be doing? This is this is like very counterintuitive to a lot of the fitness advice for years. Yeah. Well and that here's the thing I'm going to say, but it's a two things one. Is it those ideas were built on men like women didn't used to lift. So men's pelvises men's pelvic floors. The fascial structures really set up so much better. I had to take just a deal. Yeah. Yeah, so we need new strategies for women. Like that's what we need. One of the things ways. I got to respond to that. The other thing is if my goal in the early period so remember I'm a rehab specialist, so I'm not you're coming to me if If you're coming to a postpartum I had to make sure you can tolerate a little bowed before I let you do a high load. And so so what I would say to you and coaches out there is if my patients Max, let's say 300 pounds. She can whatever deadlift back squat at 300 pounds and the strategy you're giving her is to hold her breath. I'm in if that's her Max load, but she shouldn't need to hold her breath because that's a huge intra-abdominal pressure muscular Force at 50% of her. Hundred fifty should feel easy to her. Do you know what I mean? Right though? So we need to in this is one of the things I teach out of the gate is motor control. I teach my patients as they learn to reconnect with this system how much pelvic floor or tummy do you think you need to pick up your baby? Okay, how much do you think you need to lift your toddler? Those are two different lifts. And when we talk about the core and strengthen, you know that we sort of drifted from that conversation a little bit. But you know, we've said that it's All or Nothing. Saying like you have to pull your navel to your spine and hold your tummy hard. And now let's pick up a pencil like no we can't do that. Like it doesn't make sense. We have to match the task. So I teach demand strategy reasoning like that's what I teach my other pts. Like we need to start thinking about what is the demand and what's our patient strategy to meet that demand and does it match. Yeah, if you are picking up a kettlebell that's 10 pounds and doing some like Romanian get up or something or what. Brett what's it called? Its called a Turkish Get Turkish. Get up Jack. Look I finally have something to contribute to your like brainy concert construction here. Yeah, he's got up. See I got a point I know but this is where people are like, I don't know what I'm talking about in CrossFit. But if you're doing something like a 10-pound whatever that's such a different movement and load than it is for us like a 300-pound back squat. So so we have to train in a strategy that makes sense and that goes for running like that Sports Medicine though, but we just never have applied it to how the health and so so what I do with my crossfitters is I train them with an exhalation strategy for lifts up with great mechanics. That's the other thing Mama's their mechanics get all wonky. They really do we have research around this now we're getting more but they're got to fix their Mechanics for lifts. That's number one. If you want to go back to CrossFit. You got to have great mechanics and then I'm going to teach you how to do an exhalation. And we do understand that we can get up to about eighty percent of your max load with an exhalation strategy. And guess what more muscles are on board. It's actually more. Mechanically. It makes more sense its protective and then at 80% I'm going to teach you how to hold your breath in there because I know you're asymptomatic at that load. I know you can handle it. You've got great mechanics there. And if I have you hold your breath under a load and with mechanics that I know or you can handle and are good and you have symptoms. Again, we need to back up and then but if you're tolerating it and I trade in that strategy and we're breath-holding it that load then we can start adding more and get you back up to your necks. So that's so it's yeah, is that 80% number? Is that your own personal experience or is that a we published this? I'm curious? Yes. That's a great question. It was my goat. Like it's just what I saw clinically made sense. And and then we do have one study that looked at it in men doing like a leg press. Yeah, and then we more recently and now I can't remember where it was. I read it but it was talking about loading man. Yeah, I have one other one where I can extrapolate and that's it was something about the way that musket muscles respond to load or tendons. I care not who I am flub it on this one, but I'll have to dig it up and I was I literally wrote in the margin. Oh my gosh, this is 80% This is what I'm teaching like. So again, we don't have A lot of information because we just had one strategy, right? We've had one strategy forever. You just hold your breath and hold it, you know and so but here's the deal when you train that as your primary strategy in the CrossFit gym, they take it home and they pick up their baby that way and they and then they post partum that's what they go back to and it is a huge pressure down like then we end up with probably problems. You wouldn't necessarily have seen had they had better strategies going in. Yeah, so so It's like can we back up the truck start educating teenagers, you know, can we start training this differently? Can we start talking about it differently and really like future build so that when they get ready to go back, you know, we're just in a different place and and that it's become more natural to talk about men versus women women can still lift heavy, but we just need different strategies that our bodies are different we're structured differently and we're structured that way to have a baby like it's so we can perpetuate the species. You're welcome. Yeah, you're welcome everybody. Yeah, you're welcome women need to be embraced as goddesses because that's what they are these things that we can't do as men. Okay, let's just call it what it is. Yes. Amen. And so would we that's right, but we but we're so much research. I mean, you know this although it's crazy. I don't know what it's like in the literature for you guys, but they don't even include women in medication studies and then they give him the meds like it's like what's it, you know, we can't forbid to start. Yeah. We have to start thinking about this differently we - do and so that's what I'm suggesting and I am the first person to say we don't have enough research around it. I hunt. I'm the first person I want to I want to reiterate also that just because something hasn't been published doesn't mean it isn't useful. I just wanted I also want to give you know, Julie I want to give you the opportunity to talk about like this the sort of void here, right? And that's I know you're working on your doctorate now, right? Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's a clinical doctorate. So but I just have found out a research proposal we turned in In bam, no Brandon. I know it's okay. It's fine. We can do it without the grant we will find a way but it's case of Lacroix to get over that one. That's right. I know give me where Lacroix. Yep. But yeah, by the way the rejection it's just up in the air. I actually saved it. I thought this is great. This is my first one I'll take it. It's kind of fun. So So anyway, we just need more Quest the right questions, you know what I mean? And that's really part of it. Like we there's a Blog on my site that's called a ray of sunshine and it's about a diastasis study that actually looked at abdominal function not how how small is the gap which you know, I mean, that's what we want to know Clinic. I want to know how to restore abdominal function. That's the goal not can we close that Gap? And so, you know, we need to start asking the right breathe. Research questions and clinician fee to help us do that because we are in the trenches and could kind of go always is ahead of research. That's just the way that it goes. Yeah. Well, that's that's where you generate the questions. Amen. Amen. That's right, you know, you keep going back to also the importance of reprogramming society and to not necessarily needing every 14 year old girl to have rock-hard ABS. I feel like that's a big that's a big Come here, even though it's not technically one of our pearls that's a really it's an important thing that we don't expect women to not only have babies and feed them with their breasts and to be the head of the company and to be you know, a prolific researcher, but also they have to have rock-hard ABS despite the real difficulty that having a it is hard to have a baby. It's not all you know unicorns and rainbows there are strategies for refer recovering and repairing function and restoring it after that. Thereafter but we also have to just like get out of this mindset where everybody's going to be that like firm thin straight, you know abdomen. Yeah because I would suggest go ahead. Sorry go. Well because not only is it not not only is it not helpful for women to feel that they, you know have to achieve that but now you're actually telling me that that's actually a dysfunctional muscle pattern which is which is causing leakage. Both in the front and the back regardless of age parity and and BMI and gender and gender which is yes exactly. Yes. I guess we'll leave it at that. Yeah, why don't men men don't realize that it's not normal for you to leak urine while you're lifting weights. And he believes was I shirt a shirt. Yeah. I don't know if anybody saw a white man, I wouldn't date with Julie. Tell us what a Shard is. Is it's farting with a friend like having little extra baggage with your parts? And that's what happens to a lot of guys when they're lifting and they don't think they don't think anything of it and it's red Domino pressure overload. Just coming out of different hole. That's it. Right. And so and so we need to start if we start to think about it that way that it changes things and men have died csis like men get dioceses as well. And that's where we have to start changing our car. Feature on this this is its naturally occurring but you know, we need to understand how pressure plays into it and how muscular Force plays into it. There's just a lot we need to sort of expand that conversation and I don't want to get too far away from the cultural change that is is needed. But but our goal has to be to change this conversation for the Next Generation. It's like it has to be. Yeah, and and really that if I had to say what my main motivation was making this turn was that my daughter when she delivers I'm looking at a picture. Trooper here, you know, they didn't be different story it her like when she delivers what I'm suggesting here. Not just me. There's that there, you know, there's a community out there that's trying to suggest this the that it would just be standard of care for her. It would just be the standard. So she doesn't have to have Mom, you know, I roll it her own mother. I'm just kidding. See look speaking life into my own child. She's such a great kid. She says, it's this matter Julie. And but you know, she's is for her to hear it. Not just from me like this is just normal. We're going to teach you how to breathe like this. We're going to teach you how to connect with your public forum put these pieces together. This is part of your program. We're sending you home like that. Like that's so different than what I got. Really what you have is her name is Zoey give Zoey a full of life. Give her your message right now so she can always go back to this. It's going to be published out into the world forever so easy. Like your mom wants you to know racing to your mobile sheet. No, but the thing is is my kids already know. I've already taught my my kids how to breathe like this. I've already taught her that if a Coach ever tells you to squeeze your abdomen, you're going to breathe like Mommy told you and they're going to think you listen there because it's going to change how you're standing using your abdomen using your Center. They're going to think you listened, but you're going to actually do it in a healthy way, and I know that I just Acted her pelvic health for the for the rest of her life and and it's so and my kids used to rat on their coaches if they made him do crunches and I would like make my way over and say hi. My name is Julie, you know, I'm physical therapist and you know, and then it was Sports Medicine PT not anyone that doesn't even pelvic Health, but you know, my kids are already aware of this like I've already given given them these messages and and this is something that this is Pearl number 6 like I'm Jumping the Shark here a little bit, but it is one of the Is that we can partner our communities is the idea of helping us get baselines for mamas in around something like that. I stasis so I already know Zoe's die stasis Baseline. I'm not gonna share it but meaning a diastasis is a separation between the size of the abdomen and we have one study that has shown us that Norms of that separation up and down. The center is somewhere between 0 well I can't say zero one and three point five centimeters. So I know where Zoey Falls in that normative range and I can't wait for her to deliver and I would say to her. Oh my gosh, baby, you're like a centimeter off where you were when you were 16. That's awesome. And it's such a different conversation and a different message for her to hear postpartum than for her to discover after reading on Google. What did I say sis is and oh my gosh. I have a four centimeter second. Oh, yeah, and and I and I should be at zero. Well, you shouldn't be a zero. No one should because things Things coming you want to eat a big meal and you want your belly to expand that's what it's there for and men get them so they cannot be a gender specific pregnancy only thing and baby. It's normal like it's normal to have a little bit of a Baseline and I mean a little separation. That's how you were designed and it's so good that it's there so you can have a baby and guess what you're just a centimeter off of where you are in your 16. I cannot wait to deliver that message to her and and PS of for is not a bad diastasis at all if I could probably pretty normal post. Part of it. It's a good one. So I think that that's a place where docks have access to women. So early in pregnancy or even pre-pregnancy that they could measure that say that to the mama and then when she comes back at her six week and you retest it and you're like, oh, you know, you got a few centimeters to go here fashion looks good. Like you're on your way. Let me refer you to a PT. Let's get this so that you know how to use your abdomen again and your pelvic floor and you're breathing together. We're going to get you back on track. Let's do that first. Then you can get back into fitness. So that's what we need to like. We need to give better tools about six to eight week follow up. Well as normal, right the medicine is great at reacting but not sort of predicting and preventing from the beginning Point. Actually that you gave me was returning to activity and fitness postpartum in returning to activity and fitness postpartum women need more parameters than quote. Listen to your body. They also need to know what to listen for pain and leaks you gave are both signals that they may need to modify. If I movement or just wait all together to let their body restore back to function we kind of blazed through that bit, but that's that's an important part. It's not just oh listen to your body like it's not just a little pain here and there it's like you're having pain. But yeah, you want to be back to lifting, you know, 225 pounds off the ground in a deadlift. Right? Right, you know, and then of course if you're leaking urine, maybe we need to either modify that or we need to wait and you know, I think that this is important and also to bring you back to that. 80% men were able to achieve an 80% of their one rep max or whatever. However, you are measuring it 80% of their of their Max effort. They were able to achieve that using exhalation exercises. Meaning that they can actually preserve all of their pelvic floor and their their their core quote-unquote function. Up to 80% of what their what their with their Max effort is like that's a huge number for most people. Yes. That's it. That's exactly it during pregnancy. Let's not go about 80 right right with you. Yeah, you get to stay super fact Aviv and and listen like if you're but if you are so tired and beat don't go for the last round. You're going to be fine. Like it's a season. Please remember that the season and so during pregnancy I try to ask Patients don't go to a level that requires you to hold your breath and guess what your level may change during the pregnancy like as you're like things change you may have to alter what your 80% looks like. But but and I let my patients go back to the time. I'm in but you got to be honest with me. If you're having pain, right we had talked about let's figure it out. Do we need to back off the load when you change your are your mechanics different because suddenly you gained, you know you sometimes it's like you see a patient. I'm sure this happens jail time. You're like, oh my gosh all the sudden. They're pregnant. They're pregnant. You know what? I mean? They went from like just kind of showing to really showing write your mechanics have to change right? Let maybe the paint isn't yeah your pain isn't just because you're now 24 weeks. Oh, well, it's because for you the way you popped may be affecting your center of gravity and you're not getting your butt back big enough in the squad. Let's look at that. Okay, can we modify that? I can you do it without pain? No. All right, then we gotta bring the load down. You do it now without paying no, we might have to wait like that's like so that's our yeah, so this is an or let's do with dumbbells instead of a bar. Like what can we do to keep changing this to make it so that you can continue safely for you and we know that there's so much safety around like we've had lots of the fetus we know is great in most cases. Like there's definitely some parameters around that but the moms safety is what we haven't really had a lot of conversation and so and They were just told to just keep going and if you look on wine, you're either told stop and you're scared or you're told go for it and do whatever the heck you want. Like, what do the what are they called muscle ups? Like do muscle ups while you're pregnant muscles are hard for people without pregnancy. Ha ha ha, you know, it's like so it's really you know, how can we modify this? So my new mantra with my athletes is Monitor and modify, let's keep monitoring and then and and usually most people eliminate certain things like Impact activities around half way they just self mop. They just are like it just doesn't feel good. Listen, listen up your body's giving you a signal your body is giving you a signal you are not bouncing that balloon. Well, you've got pain let's figure this out. Otherwise, it's like we got to figure this out and that's just good coaching. That's just good. It's just smart. And so so those are the kinds of things and then on the other side of the pregnancy just because they pass six to eight weeks and the stitches of Good or whatever it is that you guys are saying. That's cool. She's good to go on medically. That doesn't mean they're ready to just lace up their Runners and go run. Right? Right. Right, right. You wouldn't do that with a knee surgery. Like you can't just say to someone like okay time has passed wait, let's go you say go see your PT and let's get you built build some muscular strength build some muscular coordination build some impact control. Like that's what you would do with a knee surgeries. So we need to start having that kind of mindset around they have, you know, your patient wants to run she needs to prepare for running. She needs to do muscle exercise and she needs to do she needs to do activities that look like squatting or they looks like split squats or that looks like pressure management and impact control, you know, she needs to do all those things then she's ready to return to run. Yeah. yeah, I mean, it's a we don't see it very I don't know, you know like in the OB/GYN world like as every anybody who listens to my podcast knows there's a whole bunch of very bad fucking problems with the OB OB Community because we deliver them. We don't deliver them God everybody's going to I've been trying to change language babies are birthed by a woman and OB whether or not they had to actually be at the birth. Well then. Then clear them medically to leave the hospital and then it's sort of like sayonara for about 6 weeks. Like you said they are then seen back by somebody in the primary Obie's practice or the prime mover be a primary be themselves. The primer OB will look at them. They'll put them in serves look at the vagina. Everything's okay there they'll look at the incision of theta c section. Everything looks okay. They're in their back to business as usual until things feel. Okay. Listen to your body, right? Well the reality is that every time I've been Inside an abdomen and we're talking about C-section specifically here, but this really goes for this sort of personalization of everybody in the postpartum period C-section obviously being much more of a recovery from the sense that you actually had a surgical procedure when you enjoy you've actually you and I talked about getting you into see a C-section at some point. I'm sorry that never happened in San Diego have to get you get you in there. I'm dying. I'm coming in coming on come on in. But but when we operate in the you know in the abdomen the way that we separate the muscles which you know, most people think like you cut into the abdomen and then you cut into the uterus and a baby comes out. But the reality is that you actually separate the rectus abdominus muscles down through the midline of the Linea there and you separate it. And then from there you then operate on the uterus, but those muscles in an pregnant patient are very are very flexible and and you can tell that physiologically the way We have adapted are such that these muscles lay over the uterus and they expand that compartment the Piston has natural space being accommodated there by this gravid uterus as opposed to those muscles remaining rock hard and all of that extra pressure being directed downward. And so so when we then close the abdomen some people think oh, let's fix the rectus. Let's put it back together like rectus Rector stress is bad bad bad. I have stopped repairing it because those muscles are going to they're going to sort of tighten back up there going to strengthen back out there going to shorten and they're going to re-emerge back in the Centre and that probably is what's happening. But physiologically, I think what we talk about is separation is bad and tighten the muscles abs are good. Got to get those abs strong so that after pregnancy they're back to normal and I'm actually finding that a lot of my a lot of haven't had many but a lot of patients that are doing a ton of the Court core work, which is let's get the that six-pack pop. And we have not only a hard time delivering because of the tightness of their core that they also actually have a tard time recovering because those muscles don't go don't really go back to where they wanted to in fact, they tighten them in such and such a way that they've sort of tightened but around the gravid uterus you actually you exact you exacerbate the diastasis. I don't you want to in the like our final moments. You're going to talk a little bit about what people do in pregnancy that might make these things worse. Yeah. That's and it's It's yeah, that's a tough conversation. But it is for what I lateralization of the ABS because there it is. It has two separate like they and again you kind of hit on it. We called that dysfunction. No matter what and the same word. We use for pathology is the same word that we use for the naturally occurring separation that has to happen. And and I think we need to help women learn how to use their abdomen in the center, but they also need to learn how to relax their ad. And so can actually go through this corrosion. There's this so it's a little like the question is a little tricky some people in my community. Just you know, we both are walking a tightrope every time we do stuff like this people in my community to don't think you can affect a change like that. There's really not anything you can do in pregnancy to prevent it a diastasis and that telling people not to exercise actually, you know that there isn't a certain exercise that is going to make you get a worse diastasis. I don't disagree with that. I just double negative negative it it but basically the way that I look at it is I can optimize your outcome, especially if you're a you're a new mom like if this is your first pregnancy, I don't know what I think we're really starting understands its genetics like the way your tissue like you said it like I'm sure you feel different tissue quality. Some women are genetically winning the lottery and there but no matter what they do their bellies going to Guess what? Like that's you know, that's that's not the majority. Yeah, they did. They that's their genetics. And so the women that have genetics that don't need to dense connective tissue. They are the ones who have that wider Linea Alba and I see women with 12 centimeter die Stacy's and super thins faccia like a force and metered. I say system uses our early example to me. That's your that's great. We're business, you know what I mean? But when I see these super wide those people tend to come with like Active tissue that isn't super whatever ready to roll their it's hard to get that back. So but I don't know going into your first pregnancy what your genetics are. I can't test that now we so I don't know so my job is to help protect you and to help you say as connected and creating tension over that fascia and that Dice and keeping the as the size of the abdomen together as best I can and so there are interventions I use like Making sure your form is great. If you're lifting a weight overhead and your rib cage is popped up to help you get that final push of shoulder Mobility. You're using your rib cage hopping rabbit. Yeah flaring out and up to get the final range of your shoulder Mobility. You're literally taking the insertions of the abdomen and pulling them apart. So I if I don't know what's going on for you and I'm watching your diastasis pull apart while you're lifting overhead. To manage your load so that you don't have to flare or I going to limit your range so that you don't open the rib cage like that under load and train the abdomen to meet lateralized. I will limit your overhead work. I'll make sure your rib cage is staying in while you're working on those things manager alignment so that the the diaphragm sorry that so the size of the abdomen stay more approximated and then using them in that Central position versus using them lateralized God so those so that would be something I would do and if I see get to see a patient Patient and their subsequent pregnancies. I know better how their abdomen responded. I know better how their fashion responded and I can push certain patients knowing that their faccia is acquire quality and then I can also with my pull people back knowing, you know, we have other things in our history that tell me that we need to be really careful. We need to be more careful and optimize this outcome because again, genetically it may not matter what we do if you are prone to it you may end up with more of a diastasis than the person next to you. And like but again, let's optimize it. Let's not say you can't exercise. Let's figure out how to do it in a way that's safe for you right modify Monitor and modified, but that's what we gotta start doing. So does that make sense? I hope I answered that one tricky question from a rehab standpoint because everybody's so different like everybody is different right but that's that's an important Pearl, you know, everybody's going to be different genetics matter. Yeah. I think some other summary points soft belly let your belly And with breath as just even if it's just a practice you're doing when you're driving or watching TV or whatever whooping great one I getting out of getting in and out of bed. You don't have to have rock hard abs every time you do anything. Yeah and standing in a grocery line. Yeah, you don't need a record admin like start paying I actually go I generally go grocery shopping shirtless. So may help me get those disks. Yeah. This has been very helpful. This is a like tragically helpful because we don't learn anything about the real anatomical function of some of these things in OBGYN practice. I know a lot of midwives and doulas are not learning a lot of these things and that that sort of listen to your body message is very helpful, except we need to know what we're listening for and your percent and if you're leaking, you know, Ryan Stewart and I talked about this if you're leaking during just, you know, jumping jacks or laughing or coughing. It's not normal to fill your your your panties with with urine. If you just had like a good joke told to you. It's not normal, and we need to document stop normalizing that and actually normalizing the fact that hey, this is a problem that we have a lot of resources to fix. And yeah, and if it's a problem, if it's bothersome to you, then there are resources. We should be making referrals. We should be reaching out to people like you to help us solve these problems for patients. So I thank you. My pleasure. Well, thank you for being open to the conversation. I think I've been so grateful to it just been so refreshing to get to talk to an OB that is open to like is willing to partner and talk and I just really appreciate that and it's just so I really appreciate the opportunity. So thank you for sharing your platform. You're very welcome. Julie. What do you want the Physicians and the other Healthcare practitioners to know about how they can learn more about your resources and your sort of your methodology Yeah, so I have a website Julie weepy is full of resources both there's lots of free stuff that you can share with patients. If you want to get in touch with me. We have some specific resources and free opportunities we can offer to to Doc's midwives nurse practitioners to try to help give you new tools and we just want to offer tools to you guys and the best way to reach Out to me is to try and access that stuff would be Julie at Julie. We'd I am on all the socials. My social is Julie weed PT and wiebe is W IE b e thank you for clarifying that but but actually if you Google Me and You misspelled my last name, I still come up so that's kind of cool. But yeah, so I'm on all the socials, but if you want to actually have a conversation. He's coming it out behind the scenes on Instagram, like or personal messaging is a little trickier than just sending me an email but I have administrative support and I also have a tool on my site that has where you can find crows that have taken the course work that I offer that like have a broader understanding of how to address this with patients. So if there's you can look on that map and see if there's people around you that you can start to partner with to provide these kinds of ideas for your patience. So so lots of tools on my site. Yeah. Well, thank you. Thank you so much Julie. I think that my I'm interested is here sort of what the community what additional questions they have. We may have to have you come back because I think people are going to be like well what you know, because this is very different from what we normally are hearing about the pelvic floor. So thank you so much for being my pleasure. Thank you so much. That was so great. It was so great to talk with Julie. She had given me access to her video library and some of her coursework early on in our pregnancy and actually before we even got pregnant and I just found her her resources to be so useful. I don't do this podcast in order to like make people famous or to sell products. I really just want I'm out here with my limited free time pregnant wife three jobs million hobbies doing this podcast simply because I once good stuff out there and there's a lot of like bullcrap OBGYN birth related stuff out there and Julie is not in that category. She is the real deal and has a heart that is dedicated towards making lives better for the people that I care so much about so including my own wife and I really hope that any Healthcare professionals out there take her up on her offer. I will put links to all of her all the resources that she once Healthcare professionals to have access to so check the show notes for those links. I'll link it in the in the podcast description as well some shoutouts. Well first before shoutouts, I have to make a comment. There was a Madison breach conference. We're going to go talk a talk a little bit about the breach conference here. The Madison Bridge conference is was was held at a community college because at the last minute the department of Ob-Gyn decided it wasn't in their best interest to host or quote endorse or whatever a conference on breach and This is this is an academic hospital system and similarly here in Louisville. The University of Louisville was initially expressing interest and then, you know due to the fact that some MDS that support the reteaching of breach Etc have you know, maybe you can Google lawsuits or whatever based on what happened in a home birth scenario or whatever because of the fact that a cog doesn't overtly support these things are at least a day sort of skirt around the topic in the very very best academic institutions will shy away from from discussions around things that really impact the care of patients and I my impression is I wasn't alive, you know, several hundred years ago, but my impression was is that in the past academic institutions were were sort of leading the charge with regards to a progressive Leading Edge stance on not doing what is best for business or best for some sort of on clinical institution looking at you a cog. I can make institutions for really there to investigate Curiosities and it's a shame that we in the field of medicine could possibly justify shying away from a topic that is at this point profoundly in need of an open-minded academic conversation like like breach. When one giant study completely turns over a practice that is still practiced elsewhere in the world and had been practiced for years and years before without any major issues when we allowed that type of medical reversal to take place and then we expect that. It's not even appropriate to talk about it shame on us as as a as a discipline. This is why medicine is not trusted by the public because we're not willing to actually take take You know put our propeller head out there and actually ask the questions about why are we not doing things and more importantly when we actually have bigger data sets that suggests that something might be useful to talk about we don't actually go for that. We just need to make sure we get our butts covered and I get it medical-legal is a nightmare right now and we'll have to worry about it. But if every physician out there was like fuck this we're doing things a little differently because it's not right for the people. That we set out to serve the Democratic Republic or whatever you want to call it. If we all decided to do that things would change but instead there's a bunch of Physicians out there that are a little bit a little bit pansy about some things and that's a real shame. So anyways on to shoutouts we're going to have the breach conference. Anyways, it's in Louisville. It's in that on that weekend. I mentioned at the end of February come one come all if you can't join if you do if you missed out on a ticket because I think they are probably going to sell out really fast. I'm spreading the word so much, but if you want to join by live feed, that's also awesome. If you just want to reach out to me and and Like you don't have any power but we I did an interview with Rick send David back. I think it was a episode want to say 29, maybe 28, but there's really great show notes there that really kind of break down a lot of the research and a lot of the conversation and and again we are not saying that breaches is as safe as cephalic or anything, but if there's an absolute risk that Still Remains pretty low and a patient is a verse to to having a c-section despite your fears as the as the physician then maybe when a baby comes In but first maybe we don't rush them to the or and try to shove that baby back up in there. Maybe we just allow that baby to deliver. Is that is that a reasonable option when that scenario presents itself? That's what we're trying to talk about here. Anyways, I've had my moment let's do some shout outs. I had the pleasure of meeting Gael thali by video texting Allah, I guess it was enabled by Nicole Morales. One of my Midwife friends in San Diego guildhall. He started spinning. In babies spinning babies is this incredible program where you can learn how to use sort of external methods of positioning mom and and whatnot to to deal with some of the inevitable Mel presentations like breach and now positions positioning that we see in labor in order to facilitate, you know, vaginal delivery. So super big shout out to the to Gayle and her program spinning babies. I would love to take the course at some point Gail. You just let me know when you're in the area or I can meet you out in your in your neck of the woods. Maybe not maybe not go to think you're in I want to say in Minnesota or Wisconsin. I may not be able to make it out there in the winter because I am a spoiled young man who spent many many years in the Southern California area before coming back out here to the east coast. So well, I shouldn't say many many. I got the had the pleasure of living there for five years, but now even Louisville when it's hitting 35 degrees Fahrenheit. I am I am a little nibbly so but you know, the spring is is not far. I also met some great. I met Cassie Cunningham. She's a birth worker and Doula in Lexington one of her friends Shantae Perryman and I have been in touch we're going to do a show on Sean Hayes podcast Radio Show next week. So look forward to that. I probably mentioned Mary Catherine delaughter. Hi Mary Catherine. She is a lobbyist Mom amazing advocate for for the sort of autonomous practice of midwives. In the community here in Kentucky and God doing sorely need people like Mary Catherine Mary Catherine put me in touch through the breach conference with Rebecca Decker. Who's a PhD and that's like the most humbling part. Is she she is Rebecca of evidence-based and I would absolutely check recommend you check out her blog but she's so humble about the amount of time. She has spent learning how to interpret and present. Clinical research for better for worse, and she I think she gives a very by unbiased honest on this view on many things. I've been following her blog since residency and I highly suggest you check it out Rebecca Rebecca, and I had a an amazing conversation a couple weeks ago while I was on call and I imagine some really amazing collaboration coming out of that out of this new this new friendship. She sent me this amazing gift packages. Well her book by the way. Called babies are not pizzas. They're born not delivered. I am wearing the shirt in the in the this episode's Instagram post and and the photo of the wine on the show notes. Thank you so much Rebecca. That was very sweet. Very thoughtful. I will cherish it and I will wear it everywhere the T-shirt the Baby Onesie won't fit me. I grew out of that but for our baby to come I guess, you know, I guess if it won't fit me, it'll fit the baby. It's getting so late tonight. Who else have I been who died recently meet so many other people you guys are so great. I thank you so much for reaching on. I'm sure I'm missing somebody and I will get back at you on the next episode, but there's just so many good people out there doing great work on the behalf of women, and I thank you so much for reaching out and lending support in and just kind of promoting some of these messages. I Think they're so important. I guess one last shout out. I don't know if I mentioned Laura Doyle that she's the host of the ask Midwife 707 podcast cheese and humbled and she's incredible. She's had so much experience with death and personally and that really informs her Care for Women throughout their lives in her Midwifery care. And so we just did an interview together. I hope you'll sort of muse me and and check that out. It was such a special conversation and I really again think that at that friendships going to come is going to blossom into so many great collaborations. So I thank you so much Laura for for just allowing me in a little bit. I think that's all for now. I think I've talked enough Do no harm taking a shit. We will see you next time.
SPECIAL EPISODE - Interview w/ Julie Wiebe, PT (website, Instagram, and Twitter) Six pearls: Low back pain, incontinence, and painful sex aren’t inevitable after pregnancy, we have new tools to help. Kegels are not the beginning and end of what we can offer patients. Our new tools include a growing understanding that the pelvic floor doesn’t act alone to maintain continence. The pelvic floor is part of the team of muscles that provide “core” stability”, that same system of muscles helps maintain continence. Intra-abdominal pressure management strategies are critical for preventing pelvic health considerations, and need to be addressed in pregnancy recovery and return to fitness programs. Returning to activity and fitness postpartum women need more parameters than “listen to your body”, they need to know what to listen for (pain or leaking are both signals that they need to modify a movement or allow for more recovery). A place to partner between doctors/midwives and rehab/fitness is to help us get baselines in order to help women have more realistic expectations of what recovery looks like (ex: get a diastasis measurement early in pregnancy or pre-pregnancy). Shout-outs: - Chante Perryman, doula and birth educator - Cassie Cunningham, doula, birth educator, and birth photographer - Rebecca Dekker, PhD, and her website (and buy her book!) - Gail Tully and her program Spinning Babies - Nicole Morales, midwife in San Diego and The Art of Opening SHOW NOTES This episode pairs nicely with the 2017 Serie A Malbec from Zaccardi Wines. Main theme music by my main amigo, Evan Handyside
Welcome back or welcome to the humans of triathlon or hot podcast where we bring you the ordinary but extraordinary world of triathlon one human one story at a time with the aim to inspire and to celebrate this life-changing Sport and it's humans to real authentic raw and enjoyable conversations with humans of triathlon from around the globe and from all walks of life.Hello humans of triathlon. This is swapnil Chauhan here speaking from Melbourne Australia joined by my to co-host today Carlos AKA Charles from London, UK and srida Sheila to leaven from Grimsby, Ontario Canada. Okay. So in 1956, the four-minute mile was finally broken a true feat of endurance at that time 20 years later in 1978, the first-ever Iron Man Triathlon took place. Our human need to push limits.During its ambitious head endurance events continue to grow and popularity and evolve as we humans test the limits of both our physical and mental fortitude Our Guest today began as an 800-meter track runner. And as each year went by he consistently tested the boundaries of his own endurance with 19 Half Ironman nine full Ironman a double and triple Ironman events under his belt and with much more to come he truly embodies the the meaning of pushing the limits welcome from Malta Ultra triathlete Fabio spiteri. I am thank you for welcome. Welcome. Thank you very much for inviting me. Are you - how are you? Nice to meet you guys likewise. We are EXO. Yeah. Yeah. We are excited. You're the first guest from Malta. Hmm. So that's obviously exciting. Yes it did. Do you know where Malta is was? Sometimes a lot of people they ask me where Malta is actually that's a first Action that I wanted to make you Fabio because last time I think a couple of months ago, we had a guest from from Corsica by which is sort of close right in that area and I told you know, what forgiving my ignorance but my idea, of course you can only take this beautiful island in the middle of Mediterranean where people Club conversations know they have the day all they do is sink Sabbath songs while doing choreography crisis. We provide any of the Mamma Mia movie. So again, forgive me of my ignorance with mouth. Te but can you please give us a little sort of summary of what you think Malta is? Yes. Yes Malta is one of the I think it's one of the smallest island in the Mediterranean is just 20 27 kilometers long. It is situated between Africa and Europe. It's some 90 kilometers of Sicily's Coast population, where about half a million people? It's pretty overpopulated for a small island this size. But yeah exactly. Quails saying it 27 kilometers. Yeah, that's that's a lot. Yes, you can imagine my bike ride. When I do 300 kilometer bike rides just going in Loops my God. So yes, yes, sometimes I trained in a 5-kilometer loop. So that's pretty crazy enough. I believe. The first season of Game of Thrones were shot in Malta was in it. Yes Malta. We have beautiful weather and we have beautiful sea, so actually they it's a very A favorite spot for big films like a gladiator Games of Throne. Oh, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. There is Troy several several several big big Hollywood films. That's awesome. Yes. All right. It's going to ask if you get to meet and meet a lot of the actors that come onto the island since the island is so small and there's so many movies. They're like do you get to you know, you're kind of a local celebrity yourself to run into the On a look it's very difficult to meet them because they will have their own private stay and multi, you know, and they just from the from the studio and the area where they shoot the film. They just go direct to the hotel but we have encountered a few a few celebrities. Yes. I was also part of a stuntman five years ago for Moby Dick. So there were quite a few actors but oh yes. Yes interesting. But that's it. Mainly they're like them. They'll actors they like their privacy. So, you know, it's very difficult to meet them personally, right? What's the main language? The main language is Maltese. We have our own language. Actually, our second language is English. But yes, we have we have over we have a small T. Small T is a bit of Arabic and English Italian. It's a quite a mix up of of languages because Malta Malta was always invaded. Invaded by foreigners, you know, there were we were we spend 200 years under the Arabs. We spent several years under the French under the British. We were British colony in also But as time passed by we sort of created our own language. Okay. Well, he was a trap. That's your geography and history lesson for today. Thank us later. Yeah. No, it sounds like anime. In place, so you born and raised there or have you been there all your life? Yes. Yes. Yes. Um, I'm born and Malta. Yes. Yes. So like what's the sporting scene there? What is it like growing up for you actually sport in Malta is on the increase, but only recently okay. Unfortunately Malta we have one of the highest obesity rates in Europe. Oh really, but that is yes. Yes. Yes. We are a very unhealthy country Maybe. Due to the our traditional food we eat but that is changing these recent last five years. People are getting aware of the importance of physical activity. And all of a sudden Sports is on the increase even try it on is on the increase. I think there are some hundred and fifty peerages their triathletes In America, which is quite a big number for such a small island. Yes. Yes. No Sports is only increase. So basically we're on the right track now so going up not being in a very You know active Society what made you take up sport? Basically, my upbringing was my teenage days. They were a bit crazy. You know, I wasn't into sports. I wasn't to clubbing. I was in two parties was living on my own at the age of 17, you know, it's you know, when you are young you do crazy things. I was getting into trouble but then when I was 21 years old my part I got my partner pregnant. I became a young dead at the age of 21 and that's a big responsibility for me. And I had to change my life. You know, I just could spoil. I just quit smoking. I quit boobs. I quit the parties and I had a lot of free time left in my in my in my life. So I started Sports and basically I was enjoying so much sports that I was enjoying the endorphins day and rinella Rush. - the satisfaction of what a good session gives me so that was a kind of something to look forward and I think I've been doing sports 22 years and I haven't looked back that's amazing that you're sounds like your son was a real turning point in your life. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes definitely because yes, I need to change my life because now I was I had to be responsible for a for a human being. So how did you go about changing? Because you know being in such a society it's not always easy to let go of those friends and that Circle that you have. So how did you sort of transition from that one phase to the next? Yes. Basically, I was spending most of the time with my son, you know, and the free time I used to train go to work and train. Luckily. I made a couple of new friends that they were into sports so they introduced me to two running and I started running with them and I developed some strength on middle distance. So that's when someone spotted me and they told me you should start running 800 meters which I did for a six or seven years and that's what this that was the start of my sports career. So you ran the 800 meters for 6 to 7 years. Yes. Yes. I was Malta Champion for six years interesting and 800 meters. It's quite an interesting distance. But to be honest, it is very very very strenuous on the on the body on the college, especially because then I was having a lot of injuries on the on my right calf, which eventually eventually I had to stop running 800 meters and switch to Triathlon because then I would only be running like three times a week instead of track every day, you know, so there was less impact on my legs or yeah, and then yeah. And then eventually I fell in love with Triathlon. Yeah, I can only imagine like doing track every single day. I mean my coach puts me to do track once a week and I see I sort of fear that they only comes because after that I just end up without a soul and in my Cults like burning so imagine doing that like for for every day and I was obviously you you need to to for 800 meters. Yes and the 800 meters it's nowadays. It's a Sprint day. You need to wear a spiked shoes. You're running style is more leaning forward, you know, so there's a lot of stress on the legs. Mmm a lot. But I miss to be honest. I miss that distance was it's a 800s. It's a really wonderful race for any track athlete but it's one of my favorite disciplines as well. So how old were you when you got into the the triathlon seen you started track at 22 23 22 years 22 Tonight Lansing was eight years eight years later. I spend a year doing nothing because I had so much injuries on my on my card. I was getting injured every three months. So 2004 2004. I had a break all I did was some weight some gym, but then I eventually started Triathlon. So I think 2005 so you did Sprints and the shorter distances for a while and Triathlon when you first started what was It that got you interested in and pushing those limits and starting to push a little bit of further and to all the half Iron Man's you've done in forward forward. Yes. I'm a very very very competitive guy if I erase I am for a Podium the problem was not the problem. The thing was Sprint's like there's a limit where you can reach and if I cannot go faster than I just go longer. Eventually, I started doing Olympic distance have I am and full Ironman and I kept on going. I'm almost 45 years old. So yeah, uh comes with a price your speed will start decreasing your muscles will start getting less less strength. That's when you start you need to compensate with weight training but being over 40 and at least It will be more mature mentally and physically so that's the perfect age to go Ultra. Yeah, that's that's why I made a big step from from Iron Man 2 WM n and aaa-men it I think it was time. It was time to to eventually go to the next next page also because I want to test my limits. I still have my limit. So that's why now. I'm going to try further distances. So talk to us about these Ultra events like First of all, so after you style Triathlon how many years did you continue to do the alcohol in the normal distance is the Sprint to iron magnesium and this is after how many years did you progress to the ultra ones? I started the ultra two seasons ago back in two thousand two thousand Seventeen, so and I started from Sprint to I am in 2005. So I did 12 Years Sprint Olympic have I am an ad for Iron Man? After 12 years I switch to to ultra but it came naturally related. It came natural to me and I Joy was just ready. You know, it's not something you say. Yeah. I'm going to switch to ultra. It just came naturally and I fell and my mind was telling me and now it's time to change distances this have to do with the fact that you just mentioned and I sometimes you feel that you just can't go any faster than you try longer. So do you feel that that progression was due to the fact that You saw yourself? You know what? I cannot do any any faster more. I remember let's just do it. No, I remember yes. Yes. Definitely. My first assignment was is nine hours 35. Wow, eventually. I cannot think of going any faster even even training-wise, you know training wise is start. You start losing that aggression. So that's when you should start going longer because then the pace will be much slower of course. Yeah. I saw your eye. Man and half Ironman times on your Instagram profile and I was just thinking like this guy is not only not only does alter events, but he's got that speed in them as well. So you've obviously had to build that, you know progressed from that speed into the endurance. Yes. Yes. Yes. I eventually I'll because you know going long it can be pretty. Boring, I must say it was just long long long and he's the pace. But sometimes I like to throw a half Ironman just to feel alive again. In fact, I'm doing another Hawaiian man in four weeks time in Sicily. It's a race. I won. I won two years ago and four hours 13. That's a great time. Are you what what sort of time are you aiming for right now then? No, it's they change the route. It's a it's a marina de la Cosa. It's in Sicily. They change the root celery root with around 1,000 meters elevation. So I think it should be around 4:30 and then it depends always on the way there as well because it's an open sea and if it if the sea can be rough it can slow you down some some good five minutes your times and like the half Ironman and Ironman are our competitors like competitive for your age group. So, you know, are you still going to be mixing more of those? N or the focus is on just increasing more long distance like the ultra Ultra Iron Man's like are you going to come back and look for a Kona slots at all? To be honest. I've tried several times to qualify for corn. I was close. I was in Sweden. I was sixth Sixth and category and the first five were chosen to corner but my age group is extremely difficult 4044. I think it's the worst age group because you find you find Pros that they are not competitive with young Pros again anymore. So they change to age group. Oh, that's true. So all of a sudden so all of a sudden you've got a super strong athlete who used to raise as a pro and now he's doing age group 4044. So they qualify guy. They qualify to Kona as an age group are instead is a probe was the pros. They are the young ones coming up. They're extremely fast. Yeah, I mean and also, I think that European this a circuit is I would say the one of the most if not the most competitive in the world. Yes. Yes. Yes you to qualify. You need to be definitely sub 9 hours on the first race. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. Remember I mean my eyes or my first half Ironman it was in Asia and when I have no idea about times back then so I finished the race and I see myself I'm in the middle of the of the of the table and I said, you know what for being my My first one is not too bad. This is this is an easy sport, right? So then the next time I go to Switzerland and I am like the second-to-the-last like my guy right that's reality for you cycling. You can see Europe Europe is strong, especially in Germany the Germans, they're dominating everything at the cycling is amazing in Europe. Like it's the cycling that just blows everybody away. I think in the middle of those Iron Man events for the from the Europeans, but it was older. Now you need to be able to run a good Marathon to of course, then in the run you can win or lose everything. If you have a bad run you can slow down by even 30 minutes and then it's bye-bye for this lat. Basically, I'm not interesting in doing anymore. I am in races. I'm more focused on the ultra which is completely different but but having said that my training sessions sometimes I do and I am and here at home. I'm on my own on home ground just as a training. I did one in 10 hours 10:05. So there's still a good workout. Definitely. That's enough. I'm about to the great workout. So like yeah, we want to hear more about these Ultra endurance events, right? So talk to us about your first one you did the double. And mine was the first Ultra one. What was that experience? Like? Yes it wa I am in was my first one. I did my I did my research on how to train. I I have friends on Facebook who are Ultra triathlete. So, you know, you try to formulate the best training program for yourself basically at w Min it will involve minimum of 24 hours. So you're you need to adapt training even in the night eating while running eating while cycling to train your mind and the ultra is all in small Loops because they cannot close the roads. So for example, you swim seven point six kilometre in a pool the bike 360 kilometer was in a think tank a loop and the Run was in a to K Loop. Wow, a 10 K into K Loop. Yes. Yes is because end up and the swim is in a pool. This woman is in a pool, but to be honest. I prefer that even the Ultras they prefer that because you have support all the way. Just imagine a 360 K Loop bike. You will see no one. Yeah, that's true. And besides you will have a tent and the tent you will have your mother and your helpers. So if you want to stop for a massage or stop to eat after a 10 K Loop, you can have a rest, you know, so and it's even safe. It's a safe environment. It's a closed environment. So people need to run in loops. You're not interested in the course itself, you're more interested in the distance. You need to cover. All right. So basically I'll try as a totally different aspect. So this 24 hours is it's basically a straight event that no breaks in between and because like in events like the Ultraman they have like certain segments that he after finishing the day and then you come back the next day and do the next but this is straight the full distance. Yes. This is great. It is the full distance having said that if you want to have a half an hour break, yes. N but then the time keeps on ticking, you know in did double I mean I did a mistake. I didn't even know that people don't stop and after I finish my bike session my 360k my eyes was so hurting with this wet. They were burning my eyes that I went. I rented the hotel and had a quick shower. So I lost a good 30 minutes. So I won't do that mistake again, but you learn from that, you know, because I lost 30 minutes just just for nothing. You know the cutoff times cutoff times. Yes. Some races have cut off turns over. I think that William will be 35 hours. So literally just double the Ironman time then you cut off. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes these events like a series of races organized by the same group of people or are these just independent races? How does that work? Is there like a whole structure to the races? Yes, there is the international all Tritone Association, which is the the mother of all over will trust and then each country each country. They will organize some other organizer double. I am in some will organize a triple element. Someone organized a deck. I am in some will organize a queen to Five Iron Man and basically there are points and people who take part in these Races. They will get their points for the final. We'll try Triathlon Champion. Unfortunately these Races they cost a lot of money, so So I imagine yes, I can only maybe I can only afford to do two races. They are because because you know, you need to bring your crew with you you need to pay for your friends to come and support you some support. Yes. Yes. Yes. It's a it's quite an expensive sport. I have to two guys with me at my surrender nutritionist and they they come wherever I go. Okay, I guess one of the main differences that I'm sure you see in this at least starting from double Iron Man is You don't see that massification that you see on on half Ironman and fly all my races, right? It's like it's like a feels maybe like a club. Yes. Join and you have the racing with I don't know 60 people. Yes. Yes. Yes we are for the development was aware Championship. We were I think around 55 athletes exactly 55 at and where did this take place? Why did you do it the double in Germany and my God, I forgot the place. It was but in Germany, okay, I mean, yeah, like Charles was saying will be a small group of people because I mean when you look at the number of people who have done and Man compared to like if you look at the population of the world, it's just a handful right and then when it comes to alter distances that percentage reduces like even further and I think it just takes like a special kind of motivation and just a different kind of crazy to actually do these of course. Yes. Yes. I just remembered I just Remember the place the in German was Em's didn't I miss dating for the double in terms of level? There are some really really really fast at leats. For example in the double. The world record was broken by Robert Carr has his from Poland and he just did to the double eminent 19 hours. Whoa, so it's like to Iron Man's Sub sub 10 hours one of the record exactly. That is crazy. That is a crazy Pace. Believe me. Just spoke about that cost of these events like going because they don't it's not like Iron Man where you pay your fee, and then they have all the aid stations out. And you know, the medical team is there you you have to bring all of that yourself. You have to bring a tent. Okay, you know because you set up a 10 some people bring a caravan they will rent a caravan and they will drive down to the course area. The Caravan will be their their main tent and yes you need Port crew you need at least two people to shift shift their hours and if you need something you will you will ask them. Basically they prepare food. I have my mother maybe after 4 hours. I stop for five minutes to massage my legs. I have someone doing my food as well. Yeah, that's basically it but you need you need you need a support crew. Definitely especially for the Triple which is a two out two days even so can I ask how do you fund how do you find your your sport? I have I have good sponsors in Malta since um, I'm a bit lucky since I'm the only Ultra triathlete in Malta. I have good sponsors. So they take care of my gadgets my bikes my date fund me for the races. So so it's all good at the moment. That's that's fantastic to have support like that. Yes. Yes. I also coach and evening. I have a team or team of athletes so that some extra money to keep me going. Yeah from for Molly. Her Instagram pictures that I see it feels like you're pretty well-known and important person in the whole thing the whole area but yes, I but I'm always humbled to on these things. But yes, I try to help as much as people to to start the sports starts Triathlon, but the Eurosport poster has to be doing a good thing for you. I saw that on your Instagram the the big Eurosport for billboard that you're on. Yeah. It's a it's a That's a big billboard. Yes. Yes, they put it up yesterday. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you. And yeah, I just want to congratulate you on winning the People's Choice Award for the sports person of Malta. That was that's awesome. Just congrats on that. Yes. Yes regulations. Yeah. Yes. Thank you. Thank you very much. So, you know talk to us about your lead up to this first Deca and man like I mean this double Iron Man, like, how was your training? Like, how did you Prepare for it and walk us through event day as well. Yes Mela is the only problem in Malta is cycling. That's a big problem for Ultra triathletes. And for cyclists. Swimming is not a problem. I swim in the pool for long hours and we have beautiful see where I can get a wetsuit and as you and I just going to a see swim we have some clear clear waters running is not a problem because you find a track or you go off-road or you go on the road. Saving is a problem. What I do there is a ferry which will take which will take us to Sicily. So sick. Sicily is my second training home. Sometimes I just go for one day. I catch the ferry I go and cycle 200 300 kilometers and then catch the ferry back home in the evening. Sometimes I go for a weekend. Sometimes I go for a week. So we use Sicily as a cycling training base. Also once a year this is part of my training I cycle the circumference of Sicily which is 1,000 kilometers last year. I did it in three days. So that was quite an achievement as well. So three days of cycling 1,000 kilometers and physical training. That's basically it you cycle we cycle and Cecily most of the time or else in Malta and multi. Sometimes there are like some save roads like a 10-kilometer loop or eight kilometer Loop and I Is going Loops over there. I've done my longest session in Malta was 300 kilometers in a 5-kilometer loop, so that's pretty crazy. But I had a good average I manage the around 35 km/h, so that's that's why I was I was happy with that. So talk to us about like a weekly training volume. What does that look like? It depends? The period of time basically I train around 15 to 17 hours a week, but closer to the race then he start loading up even 30 hours in one week training for ruled for Altra is different different than the training for the Ironman the ultra there are three principles. You give an overload to your body you smash your body you give you you train hard for about a good 12 15 hours straight. And then you need to rest so you have a so we have adaptation of your body. So basically there is an overload over of your body your body starts to adapt to the to the load and then you rest you rest for four even five days when you when you when you are well rested you do another overload. Okay. So basically it's chunks of training but followed by plenty rest. That's Altra. That's how it works or at least how it works for me. Me because how can I say an hour of cycling? Will do you no good for the ultra cycling in it. Nine hours 10 hours 12 hours. Yes, but after 12 hours, then you need a good three or four days rest even running running if you're going for a 10k run that's nothing. You need a 50k run you need an 80 k run but after ATK run you need yes three days or four days rest. So basically it's a big overload followed by rest and you're ready. You ready to go for a and I'll Trace here running in and one work out what I run in the whole week. Yes. Basically you get the training of a whole week and you and you do it into two days, but then you rest that's that's how it works. That's really interesting. So do you think do you see other Ultra athletes use the same sort of way do it the same sort of way I've everyone has his own method of training. I follow a lot of well, I'll try. Ultra triathletes on Strava and basically they more or less they train the same. Yes. We also train nutrition for example, and the double I am but is this is as well. This is everyone has his own method what happened in the wmn after around 19 to 20 hours my body could not absorb any more solid food what solid food I was taking I was get being sick and I was and then I was Seeing other tree at least taking liquidized food. So for my triple, imn my food intake was all liquidized, you know, you get a liquidizer and and you so it's so it's the food was more in liquid form at and that kept me going for the whole two days of racing. So if you have to plan your nutrition how much calories and you get in an hour how much sweat you lose how much water you need to drink so I have All these calculations that you have to take care of. Remember if you're if you're doing an ultra even a small cramped for a small tummy ache it can reduce to walking. Yeah, absolutely. So the triple Iron Iron Man that you did is the same as the W do each sport like consecutively all in a row. So it's like 44 hours of racing. Yes, isn't TripAdvisor 11 .4 kilometers. Amanda pool the bike was five hundred and forty kilometers and the Run was 126 kilometers. That was a yes all together. The treble was tough. I don't think I will ever do another triple to be honest - the training staff and the race itself. It's even tougher and you go with emotions. Basically what I was experiencing to be honest. I think I saw this is funny. This is when I talk about my triple, I think I saw almost three sunrises three strong crisis. There is undeterred the sunrise. I finished the race. So basically it's or else you you start racing with a clean shave and you end up the race the race with a rough shape because the build starts blowing and today does the same rate. So you go through a lot of emotions what I found the hardest is the night when the moon sets in And your indoor racing through the night. The athlete is called the athlete is hungry. You start having negative thoughts. You want to sleep you go through all these emotions then when the sun comes up boom your energy just just comes back in. So it's like a wave of energy up and down up and down up and down. So yes, it's a very very emotional thing when you're racing through all these elements. So, how do you maintain your ear? Your your focus keep your mental strength going to push through to the end of that race. First of all, you just need to remember all the training and all the sacrifices you've done if you have if you have if you start thinking negative that you need to stop you need to stop you're gonna stop it will be a big massive failure. I definitely would like I don't know cry or I would be sorry for the rest of my life because all the Amount of hours. I put up you cannot just quit on race day. You cannot the good thing is you can sleep. You can sleep. So after the bike, I remember I was losing a bit of Consciousness and I just had a 30 minute power nap. I needed that power nap. Then I had some fool and I continued and I continued in there. I started the run the hundred and 26 k run so you have to keep on going forget about quitting but it is part of the training for a triple Iron Man like stand the whole night watching the ceiling and avoid falling asleep because Yes, actually I've done I've done around five sessions like that. Really what I do is yes. Yes. What I do is I wake up and sick I wake up six o'clock in the morning. I spend all day awake doing nothing and my training session will start @midnight. So I will train to denied and avoid Sleep sleep, fatigue sleep deprivation Factory what to be honest in a race. You will be more hyper and if you try to sit down your mind will start thinking. Yeah, but the athletes are keep on going directly still racing. So you get a bit nervous and you won't rest you want to rest for much longer. You just had 10 minutes 15 minutes and and Europe again course. Yeah. I mean I can only imagine I mean I trained for I Romance, and sometimes it's very easy for me to sleep five hours only across the week and I get very cranky and I feel like Hulk my turn green and angry at me, but I can't imagine like doing this sort of Labor rights as a not another ballgame. Yeah. Yes. It's true. Yeah, but the thing is like after that night or that day of training. It's a little different right? Because then you get like three four days of rest after that as well. So those those days are over. We are really crucial. Yes. Yes, of course, of course. Yes recovery is the most important thing and I'll try you cannot do another overload session. If you are still fatigued from previous sessions, that's a then you will be over trained and you have to be careful because your muscles they are all overused, you know, and you have to have a good nutrition good recovery. It's all part of the game. So many people might think because you are doing these Ultras and you're doing so much. Training that you would have a higher incidence of getting an injury. Is that accurate No, no. No. I used to get more injured while doing Sprint then doing Ultra the paces. The pace is slow. You know, your heart rate is 130 you're running at six minute per kilometer area knows. No. No, it's I think it's pretty safe pretty injury-free. And that do you see also a drop-off in the number of competitors from double triple. Yes, the longer the distance the less at least take part. Yes. Yes. Yes, definitely because you said for example, like you had like 55 know you mentioned for the double. So how how many were you guys in the triple that you did having said that the triple around around 60 because it's it was aware Championship as well. So we're championships attracts the best at least in the world and they just go for it. Ok. So but you find three people I am in which are not aware Championship you You can find like 10 at least taking part. So yeah, there will be less and less if you raise the bar if you go for Quinn to pay which is five, imn, you can choose there are either 5mn continuous. So you do the full swim the full bike and the full run or otherwise you or otherwise, you can choose one per day and I am Emperor day for now for now I chose the one per day. So what I do is and I am an aegyo. Sleep and I do and I am at the following day for five days. And then they will calculate your times to be honest. I think the triple was more difficult will was more tougher than the Five Iron Man's and if I won per day to be honest, I will have to see in August. Where is that when taking place that quintuple the quintuple is taking place in Switzerland in Switzerland, obviously, since you were resting then my target will be to go faster, you know on a good day on a good day. I will Target hopefully 11-hour Pariah Man and then I will see as I go along what results so, you know, you're talking about like on race day you to pull yourself out of those rough spots mentally you fall back on the training you've done remember the sacrifice but like during the training there's what's your motivation in the preparation leading up to it. How do you keep yourself going during Those times some sessions are tough, you know, if you go out of the door and you know, you need to cycle 300 kilometers. It's tough on the mind. What I do is I get I get friends to join me in training session. So at least I'm not alone some sessions. Yes. I'm alone. But most of the time I get some some teammates to train with me so that helps a lot the most Tough sessions are the pool when you're doing 12K sessions in the pool. That's pretty pretty pretty strenuous. It's like the time stops and never passes never possibly. Yeah, nothing like that black line just to keep your mind thinking of absolutely everything but swimming. Yes, he is and I also visualize, you know, because people tell me how can your swim for three hours straight, you know, and If I'm not doing this, I would have been in an office for eight hours. So I prefer swimming for 3 hours then in an office for eight hours. You know, it works works better for me. Very good point. Yes. Yeah, it's right. I'd rather look at the black line any day than a computer screen in a chair for that long. Yeah. Yeah. Do you use music for your training or even for the races I use is allowed. Yeah. I was wondering that for the Run. Yes, and they run you can use. Music cycling, you know because second you need to be alert of cyclists behind you and the front of you. Yeah in Malta cycling. I don't use music because the roads are pretty busy and there are some crazy drivers as well. But I use music when I run when I run. Yes. Okay. Okay, actually actually my son my son writes songs and he sings so I listen to his songs. That's cool. How old is it is 22 or now nice. As into music I think so then the question I had was like given that you've done, you know, both the you're pretty fast at the normal distances and you obviously and I'll triathlete so what's what in terms of just the type of pain you feel and how you push through it do you feel and there's any difference between when you're going fast and when you're going along? Yes, yes, it's totally different. Let's say I'm doing a Hawaiian man you feel that power you feel All those what's on the bike you feel your heart rate high. It's a kind of different different pain, but it's pain that once you stop the race after 5 minutes 10 minutes you are. Okay. I'll try you have more fatigued moreover use of the muscle. You need more nutrition. It's a slow pace but it's a kind of different fatigue the following day your you will you you will be your immune system will below you're tired. You're hungry. So I think it's more it's more strenuous in the in the ultra then doing a training for a Hawaiian man. So how many like what's the recovery period like after double or triple Iron Man? Yeah, definitely take a a week two weeks of doing nothing. You just enjoy life nice. But then you start you start you start raining easy. You you start doing this one-hour sessions. Basically, my program for a big race is 3 Months. Okay. So if I don't have a particular race, I will keep these 12 hour 13 hours 14 hours training the training a week when a big races coming 12 weeks before I will start building up for this particular race. And now that you have in your head think you mentioned that your final object or not final but said you never know when you're gonna finish writing. I'm going to stop doing crazy things, but you're sort of targeted. Man, this is super crazy Target. You might do it 10 times higher my like this take an Ironman, right? Yes, that will be in 2020. Okay, and definitely I will try to do I will go back to do the double and I'm pretty sure I can do it some three hours faster because since it was my first Ultra race I kept back, you know, and I can definitely be two hours faster and the bike and then our faster and the run so my target is too. Do a faster time in the and the double and and I finish off with it with the DECA after the deck. I don't know because there are there are these 10 at least that they are pushing the boundaries they are doing the double decker this here and there is there's even write write us up who is doing the 40 bioman. So I really don't know when I'm going to stop as long as I'm on I'm enjoying it. I keep on going absolutely the ya the minute I start I start Getting sort of annoyed or too much then I will I think I will have go back to one hour training just to be clear that the DECA that you're going to be doing. It's all straight. So it's not like 10 one one Ironman each day is just you do the huge swim and then you go into the bike and the Run did Erica as well. The the DECA you can choose your there is the Deka continuous. Yeah, so basically it's 38k swim 1800 kilometer bike and 420 kaerun you can do that continuous or else one per day and what would you choose what are you choosing when you do this, I will choose the one per day. Okay, the one per day I've seen I've seen the some results from the deck of continuous what these people are doing is they would sleep. Unbelievably two hours a day. Wow, and that kept on going so they would finish they would finish in and around eight days eight almost nine days, but they would be sleeping two hours a day. So that's pretty crazy. I'm telling you that if you think I am crazy. I'm not there are there are athletes hoo hoo. They you know, I don't know how they do it to be honest, but hopefully I'll be there step by step. Yeah, I guess with one a day. At least you're getting that some sort of a decent recovery time between each each event that you do. Right. So you'll have time to eat and sleep and rest and get reset for the next day is that yes he is. Yes, exactly. The problem is when athletes starts developing some fever. Because the burden sometimes it doesn't recover quickly. It needs more of rest and people are pushing their boundaries. They need to start another. I am so sometimes they have fever and then they have to quit making are pretty dangerous at times. Yes. Yes, then you have to know your boundaries and then there's the problems of toenails coming of blisters rush, you know, so you have to be prepared for this kind of I mean I need for a double. I remind you usually you said you bring your crew. I mean for listening to bring an entire delegation or something because no you still you still for a double oven you still need two persons one who takes care of your nutrition and the other one takes care of your mother. He just manages just sit there most of the time they are doing nothing. They're just they can they see anything for you to come back whenever you're ready. Yeah to be fair though. It's still a pretty exhausting task. I need them. I need them every four hours every four hours. I want them awake. Thank you because but it's all good. It's all good. Now before people go into an event like this because you just talked about how it can you know, the fever's the illness like it can be very very taxing on your body are people required to have say a physical exam to pass some sort of yes. Yes. Yes. Okay, even the race organizers they take our blood Because they need to know if we are ready to raise they need to know that our home a global level, you know, and some of us get tested for doping so there is a doctor for every race as well. That's good because I can only imagine like because I know people go into Iron Man and just an Ironman his one and you know, sometimes you wonder if they're going to make it through or if they're fit enough to go into this. I imagine if you're going in 210 though. You've probably you're a lot more fit but still, you know, sometimes we overestimate our abilities to finish something or what our health levels actually are. So do you ever see anybody like that that goes into those races where maybe they kind of overestimated their their abilities. Your body will just shut down when you can when you cannot have any more races for example out of 15 starters doing the DECA. There will be let's say five of them who don't Make sure you know, they just they just shut down. So your body will tell you what to do, you know others keep on struggling. Some of them will start they can finish even on 17 hours, you know, so they just get a couple of hours of sleep and they have to keep on going then their choice if they want to keep on going or not, but there will be the doctor who will assist them and worse case scenario. They he will stop them from doing the next race. Yeah, and I can imagine that. I mean you say that those five to that don't finish the DECA. I mean obviously disappointing but in a way I guess is it's a very uplifting experience to have to go go through all that and even though you fall apart because you see I mean, it's just a super harsh experience is still managed to experience a whole atmosphere and a know half of the days of racing and I think it's not a it's not as bad as maybe bonking on a half Ironman and Ironman race. Why would you Been training for months and suddenly you cannot just make it across this 12 hour event, but I guess our data is like even though you fold down. This is quite a quite an achievement by itself not to have a sustained that talk about that much. No. Yes. Yes, and then you can easily assess what went wrong, you know, and I don't know any Trace so you get prepared for the next one the most of the time it's been attrition you get better nutrition you're in big trouble. Cause as long as you give the body the right amount of nutrition, it keeps on going. It's amazing. If you eat if you eat bad stuff then I think it will be one of the reasons that your body will shut down. So what kind of nutrition do you have? So your I know you use liquids, but what is consistent in your liquids and how often do you have a time that you're eating or do you eat when you're hungry is basically what? Try to do is for example. You don't take the same amount of calories as much as you spent as much as you burn you take less you eat less calories than you burn you burn because otherwise you can easily get get bloated Yeah. So basically what I try to do is to eat around 600 and 700 calories per hour. But what I do is I do it every two hours. So I eat every two hours and I try to get around. Hundred calories. You also have to check your sweat rate. If it's a sunny day you drink more if it's a cold day you drink less because again you drink more and you get bloated and you'll have you'll have some stomach cramps sugar. We don't take gels Okay jealous is bad sugar for us. We stick with stick to fruit. So we get the sugars from the fruit salt. Yes. We do take salt tablets because we need to we need An amount of salt food in my case, which was liquidized. I take cards, you know, you can get the pasta pasta and live very liquidized. I had smoothie bombs where I put banana peanut butter. Avocado Agave, you know, you stick to the you stick to the healthy stuff after a long day having been read to you just feel like you can't eat that anymore for the next few days the next few days. You will be super huh? Hungry, believe me you start eating like crazy. So you eat anything? Yeah, I think I spend so much money on food the following day and getting because I was eating every two hours super well deserved. Yes. Yes. Yes and and having said that you I added the right amount of calories and I still lost five kilos my face. Yes. Yes. I I started the race 70 kilos And because in Europe use kilograms, I don't know impounds how much it is, but I started a 70 kilograms and I ended up the race 65 kilograms. Yeah. Yeah, but mainly but mainly water you lose a lot of water. Yeah. So then you spend the next two or three days you start eating like crazy force. And when you mentioned this Agave as one of the things that you have on your nutrition, I think people should be very aware of the the form of a guy video using for the nutrition. And avoid using tequila on your water bottles, right but what I'm talking it's like it will replace the sugar. Yeah. It's a liquid form Agave. Are we talking about the same? Same thing? I think well, I'm not sure. I know that I got the fermented I gather is things what constitutes the basis of tequila but that's when he said I got was like mmmm careful. No, I'm not sure about it I go visit is it's like it's like, honey. You know it instead of using sugar I use Agave its liquid form. Oh, really? Okay. So I think I think it's a different kind of agave. Yeah. I have that. I have that Agape as well at home. And sometimes we use it and I use it for cooking or as a sugar substitute. Yes sugar substitute and also coconut coconut oil coconut milk as that because it's high in fat as well. Yes, it's good fat, you know avocado and coconut milk. Luke it's some kind of that we need to burn to use as a burn substitute, but thank you. That's yeah, that's that's that's good to know. It's it's helpful to to give ideas for listeners who are doing longer events just for other ideas other than gels and choose and things like that. And also make you bloated while your yeah. Yes. He is. The jail is the jurors they can make you sick to your stomach will be so sensitive of their 20 hours of running Gap that Anything funny will make you sick. Once I remember even I tried it was so hot and I someone gave me an ice cream and that's what that was it. I was sick. So I said no more ice creams. No, but but as I'm saying nutrition is one of the most important thing you have to take care of and running and I'll Trust you have to train train as well how to eat very important try out different things. So, you know, like she I just mentioned like listeners getting some ideas about nutrition. Like there may be some people listening who are getting some crazy ideas about going into these Ultra distances down the line in the future maybe so, you know speaking from your experience as a coach and four as an athlete is self. Like what would you tell these guys? How do you tell them to approach going into Ultra endurance Ultra? It's all about training. Definitely. There are also some qualified coaches you can find on the And there are a lot of blogs you can read but every athlete has his own method of training and even if I discuss with you guys my way of nutrition, it can be different for other athletes, but that's the best way I found for myself. So people need to trial and error during the long hours of training and then they will formulate their own nutrition plan. Because everyone is is different awesome. So given that you have such I just want to talk a little bit more about just the malta Triathlon scene. I mean given that you have some influence in that area. Like have you seen more people getting into sport in general or Triathlon and specific? Have you seen the triathlon seen grow? Yes. Yes. Definitely. I mean until a few years back who is to be around. 30 triathletes and erase and and now there is some hundred and fifty register triathletes. So that's quite a big number of increase cycling competitions. There are more numbers running competitions in there are more athletes swimming competitions. There are more swimmers. So Sports is on on the increase. Hopefully, we will have more sports facilities because we are lacking back from sports facilities. I mean, we need a velodrome Malta another Pool in Malta, there is a sister Island. It's called goes. Oh, they need a tractor. They need a swimming pool there these things we are celibate laid back. So hopefully we start investing in sports facilities because the numbers of at least they are increasing what thing that I was really excited to see was that Super League Triathlon was held in Malta last October. I mean that must have been amazing for the sport in the city there. Yes, super low. Leak proud to say that I was the first guy to talk to Chris McCormick to bring Super League to Malta. So we work hard for the Super League. It was a fantastic experience to see all these world-class Olympic Champions raising your Malta. Yes. Chris McCormick is a friend of mine and hopefully they will start doing this race every year which for next year. I think they they're going to say they will be back to Malta as well. We had a beautiful scenery if you've The videos. Yeah, it was a very good it was a fortified fortified City. The route was fantastic. It's there was a brutal Hill beautiful weather in October. So everything went well. Yeah surprised that Chris McCormick was you know, because given just given the nature of Super League. He usually chooses the most brutal conditions and locations for his races. It's a tough course, I think I've watched also care super early courses I think in Malta Malta is one of the most toughest course in Super League. Definitely I even saw a picture of I think it was this kid named Jake along with the Brownlee brothers and you I just I was I just was curious about what's the story behind that? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. That's a fantastic story. Jake is a good friend of mine. He's just turned 10 years old his he has a very rare condition. In only 70 cases and the world basically just is what etcetera etcetera. It's called rock hard. If you Google on real hard, it's quite a sad condition because there is no cure and I think I think people they only live up to 20 years old or so. So basically this kid is a good friend of mine. We talk almost every day. He's obsessed with triathlon. And one day I asked him. What is your dream and his dream was to meet the Bronner Brothers. So that's when I started working how to fulfil Jake's dream. Basically. I contacted the brown least and I got some sponsors to pay for the brownies to to come to Malta, but they had a heavy schedule and they couldn't fly to Malta. Then the brown is there told me what about Jake to fly to Leeds and he spend the week with them, but the doctor the doctor in Malta, they didn't allow Jake to fly due to his condition because he can go to the worst. So we fix the Skype talk Jake came to my house. We did a Skype talk with the brownies. We talked for about half an hour and Jake was over the moon. That's when superly came along. Because I know the brownies were in super league and I contacted Chris McCormick. We were talking he was talking about this kid as well because C saw this video and that's when the idea of Super League to Malta evolved and that was a great idea because then the brownies they can come to Malta and me Jake So eventually last October Jake meant met Alastair and Jonathan Crowley for the first time life, so, A fantastic story. That's just amazing. Yes. Yes. Yes Jake was over the moon Vincent Louis the winner of the winner of the super league and mulcahey also gave him the the gold medal and and and one of his pink rice yields. So Jake was over the moon. That's awesome. That's awesome. I've seen some videos of him on the bike, you know on a strainer and writing it's just awesome to see that. Yes, he is. He is actually Jake Trains trains for survival a the his condition. He just keeps on putting on weight and you know his has to sleep with a mask on but you know Jake Jake is a is a big guy. He's got his positive. He just trains like mad and he's the most important thing is that he is positive and I actually believe that Jake will will overcome this this condition. Well our prayers and thoughts are with him for sure. Yes, yes. Yes, definitely. All right phobia. So to sort of wrap things up here and take us to the end of the show. We have a final few questions. So just yeah, so your next goal is basically set on the triple. I mean the DECA Iron Man, is that what your next goal is? My next goal is the quintuple 5 IM and in an August quintuple that will be that will be a stepping stone for the deck. I am and which I will do in 2020 got it. Got it. You cool. So where can people follow your journey online? Yes. I have. I have a I have a Facebook publicity. But I also have a Facebook page as an athlete page for blue spiteri road to Decca. And what's the message you want people listening to take away from your story apart from inspiring kids because his kids they get inspired. I often go and do talks to school. I am more. Increase the to inspire 40 year olds in Malta because in my opinion forty-year-old. It's a wake-up call. You know, I often see overweight 40 year olds unfit. They are still drinking. They are still smoking. Some of them are still taking drugs. You know, I think when you report it's a wake-up call people should quit their old life absolute art start involving more and to physical activity or right. Not telling them to start with raw, but at least they can you know, they can start doing some half an hour an hour a day. That's when there's their life will change and obviously over 40 will be the next step to for their Fitness. That's my message. Love it. Love it. Okay, and are there any brands of people that you like to give a shout-out to? Yeah, definitely to Jake. He's my he's my hero and I'm sure he will he will Listen to this for this podcast and the a to all my friends were my teammates in think Fabio. So that's it. Basically. All right. And our last question is why do you try? Yeah, my answer will be why not? You know, you know, I lost my parents at a very young age. They both died of cancer. So that's that. That was also why I should never take my life for granted, you know. No, we are strong. We are independent. We can swim we can bike we can run you can do anything we want so don't waste your time or why should you spend four hours on a sofa watching telly when you can be out there running with your friends or cycling in the sun, you know, so why not. Try it on is a fantastic sport. You have a bigger circle of friends. If you are injured you can still try because you have a pain in your hamstring you can still swim if you have a cough. You can still cycle, you know, so so it's all good. And even after a training session there is that good feeling there's our there's that endorphins that will make you happy. It's the definitely Triathlon adds color to your life. Nice. Awesome. All right Fabio this it was amazing having you on the show. Thank you so much for coming on. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you very much and keep keep keep this. Good job for humans of triathlon - it's an inspired. It's an inspiration for other people to pick up this beautiful sport of ours, right? All right. All right, welcome to another fantastic Triple C C cubed Community comments with Charles where we actually take a look at your comments and see what you guys think about the podcast and I'm going to go now to the United States of America and I'm going to read the following. I love love love this podcast most podcast are filled with professional trained athletes, which isn't a bad thing. But what if you work a 40 plus hours a week and still want to try it's amazing here in these people stories and how they continue to fit in try training around their life everyday people doing extraordinary things. I love listening on my long runs or bikes or my community work. Keep up the great work and this comes from Stone dot fit. Thank you very much for your kind. Comments and guys remember that you can find us everywhere. You can find us on Facebook on Instagram on Strava. We have our own website, by the way. Yes. We do humans of and on various podcasts platforms, including Apple podcast and iTunes as well. Thank you very much. Send your review and next week. It might be you, bye-bye. Thanks for listening everyone. Thanks for being a part of this humans of triathlon Community. Hope you're enjoying the show and the other content make sure to join us again next week here on the hot podcast where we'll bring you another amazing guest and story from this Audrey, but extra Audrey world of triathlon until then everyone keep trying.
Fabio Spiteri is a 44-year old ultra-endurance triathlete from the small country of Malta. Fabio's love for sport started at the age of 22, after he became a young dad wanting to leave his unhealthy past behind him. He started off as an 800m track runner then transitioning into Triathlons. In his years as a triathlete, he has completed 19 70.3s (PB of 4:24) 9 Ironmans (PB of 9:35), a Double-Ironman (in 26+hours), a Triple Ironman (in 45+hours), and is now eyeing his first Quintuple (5x) and Deca (10x) Ironman events. Tune in to this conversation to hear what pushes and motivates Fabio to keep going for these ultra distances, how he prepares for such demanding events (with Ironmans being just another training day/workout! ), the Triathlon scene in Malta, and more! - SUBSCRIBE, RATE & REVIEW: if you've enjoyed the show, it would mean a lot to us if you could leave the show a positive review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes. It would help the show out a ton! - FEEDBACK: to help us improve the show going forward, please take 5 minutes to share your anonymous and honest feedback here - - SHOW NOTES / WEBSITE: - HOSTS: Swapneel Chouhan, Sheila Treleaven, & Carlos (Charles) Galan - INTRO/OUTRO MUSIC: produced by Vasil Zguri at SoundPulse
Hey there, listener and welcome to the very first episode of blessed are the binary Breakers a podcast all about the intersections between gender and Faith. Let me start with a bit about me and why I'm making this podcast. My name is Avery Smith. I'm a non-binary seminarian. I'm the creator of the queerly Christian Tumblr blog and I'll be the one hosting this series. There areA ton of wonderful resources for Trans people of Faith out there. There's more and more springing up every year. I want to be part of that effort to ensure that everyone has access to a wide variety of media websites videos books communities that can support them on their gender Journey furthermore. A lot of the resources currently out. There are for one specific Faith group or featured the voices primarily of those who have an academic background in religion or who are ordained ministers. I hope to enter You people of all sorts of Faith traditions and who occupy different levels or roles in their communities from the minister who leads services to the person who just comes and sits in the pews quietly. This podcast will be a space for Trans and non-binary people of a whole variety of backgrounds and belief systems to share their diverse experiences. Whether that's growing up in one faith and leaving it for another one leaving religion altogether, whether that's about finding the Divine in every aspect of your transition or setting your relationship status with God to It's Complicated whether you Worship in a community or by yourself or not at all. I hope that this podcast will become a treasure Trove of stories and wisdom from those of us who are transgender and have any sort of relationship. faith hearing the stories of people who have encountered the same questions obstacles and joys that you have can be such a source of life through this podcast. I hope to add to that collection of stories and I hope that as that collection grows the wisdom and blessings that trans people can offer Faith communities becomes more and more evident. So without further Ado, let's dive into this first episode. Just to let you know before we start the following audio was recorded before I purchased the microphone that I'm currently using for this introduction. So hang in there if the audio is not perfect quality and hopefully future episodes will sound a little bit better. Now I will normally be the one conducting the interviews in this series. But for today, I will be the one being interviewed by my lovely fiancee Leah who has joined me in my childhood bedroom to record this episode Leah. Do you want to say hello? Hello. Everybody now Leah is not trance. She is probably the only cisgender person who will appear in this series just because she's helping me out by Being the one to interview me today. Please forgive us if we encounter any audio difficulties such as me trailing off awkwardly and leaving Leah to finish my sentences. This is the first time either of us has done anything like this. They're also Leah cubes doing gestures that you will not be able to see so that's fun. But yeah a little bit more about the two of us. I am 24 years old and she is 25. She currently studies Audiology and Lanta Georgia while I study Jesus thing. I'm currently aiming to get my masters of divinity and I'm doing an independent study on transgender Theology and starting this podcast is part of my goals for that study. I am doing all right, you want to get into it? Yeah, I'll pass the reins over to you since you're the one conducting this interview. All right, the very first question is who are you who are you and how Did you get into this house? Well, like I said, my name is Avery I use they/them pronouns. I grew up in Ohio, which is where we currently are though. I attended the University of Alabama for undergrad. I studied English and Spanish and Latin there. I'm a great lover of languages of poetry of the Bible of social justice. And so that eventually led me into Our Seminary but before I ever got to that point, I was Catholic. I was raised Catholic. My parents are both Irish Catholic as most people in this area of Cleveland are and so they gave me some children's Bibles, you know, the ones with the pictures and very few sentences in them to read while I was growing up and they also took me and my siblings to church every And typically Saturday evenings, not Sunday mornings because that's something you can do in Catholic land. I would say that I was always the most religious of my siblings and parents for whatever reason because while my parents did, you know, take us to church and had me go to these hour-long religious classes every Monday up until 8th grade that was about all they did to sort of introduce me to Faith. Rest, I just sort of did on my own and what were those other you mentioned kind of connecting with faith on your own apart from your family structure. Other than like youth sort of activities. What did you do on your own? Oh, yeah. I tried to pray every day. You also read the Bible a lot, right? Oh, yeah in ninth grade was the first time that I read the Bible the actual non Abridged Bible not the children's versions that I'd grown up with. I read the actual Bible all the way through during Lent in ninth grade. I gave up novels for Lent and I read a lot so I was able to finish the whole Bible in those 40 days. And so I was able to pick out the overarching themes in this text that is really a compilation a compilation of so many separate texts and books by different authors doing that picking out those overarching themes. I found that they were things like God always listening for listening to the oppressed when the Hebrews cry out in Egypt God hears and response when profits and people like Hagar they cry out to God and God hears and responds and so like from you know from a very young age with children's Bibles. And then once I read the real Bible the whole Bible I saw that overarching theme and so then in college when I started realizing I was queer, I knew that a lot of Christians such as the Catholic background I had and I always sort of accepted it without questioning until I Reason to question that you know, they said that the Bible says that being LGBT is a sin but once I started really thinking about it the Bible that I knew was a Bible for oppressed and marginalized people it was for people like us and so that was really helpful and at that same time. I also found, you know, I started doing research. I found websites like hope remains and books like God and the gay Christian to help me. With the sexuality aspect of my queerness, but it was harder to find things about the being trans, you know being non-binary that aspect of my queerness. There's not as many books out there, especially non-academic ones that are just being circulated widely, but I found Austin heart Keys videos, you know, how much I love him. Yeah, Austin Hartke his YouTube videos are what really really rescued me from my confusion. You should about whether the gender aspect of my queerness was okay, if you know what I'd been told that God had made me a girl and so I just had to deal with that was true or not. It was his videos that showed me. It was like I had read all those stories in the Bible that he would talk about but he was showing me how to read them with a queer lens. And so that was really helpful to have that biblical background. And so I encourage people to read their Bible and and don't listen just to what churches tell you when they say, you know, oh, well the Bible says that this thing is wrong or this thing is right actually read and find out for yourself. You should tell everyone about when you used to preach to your doll. Oh, I did do that. Yeah when I was really little one of my earlier memories is lining up all my dolls and stuffed animals after going to mass have having heard the homily that Father Tim gave I remember going home. Pretty often probably not every week. But if it was a homily I liked I would go and try to retell that homily in my own version to all my dolls and stuffed animals and I would use my Father Tim voice which is just be very loving and sincere and genuine. Oh genuine like I heard him do I wanted to be a Catholic priest before learning that they only allow people who are assigned male at At Birth to be a priest so I had to let that one go and so for a long time then I thought maybe I would be a nun. I have a lot of nuns in my family by a lot. I mean to so, okay not that many but but both of those nuns are one is my great aunt and another is an aunt and they both were pretty influential on me, especially in middle school and high school. And so the idea of following in their footsteps made a lot of sense to me, I could see the good that they were giving to the world. And you know, so I figured that could be the path now. I was called to follow and just their you what we've already kind of touched on how gender intersected with your choices in your path in life when it came to Faith. But can you talk a little bit about your story and your gender? Yeah. Yeah. So I think I learned about the concept of someone being transgender before I learned that being gay could be a thing because I remember in seventh grade. I found a newspaper article that framed as a little girl who wanted to be a boy AKA. It was a trans guy, but it didn't it didn't the newspaper did not use the language. I would consider appropriate but it was my first look at that. I had no idea and at that point I had just reached puberty like barely. I hadn't even started my period yet, but I had gotten the health class talk about what was going to happen to my body and I was Terrified and upset and I did not want it to happen. And so when I read that article about this girl who wanted to be a boy it really resonated with me, but also didn't quite fit me because he wanted to be a boy. He wanted to be just like his brothers. It kept the article kept saying things about how he wanted to stand up when he could pee and I could not relate to that. I did not want to be a man at all. I like if I had to pick so I figured at that point and this as you know in my early days sort of right before and then during puberty I was like, okay, so I have I can pick there is a little bit of choice, but the only choice I knew was I can pick to be a girl or a boy if I had to pick one. I guess I'll be a girl and so I went through puberty. I like just sobbed when I had to start wearing bras and shaving my legs just the concept of going into public and being seen as a girl made me so upset and self-conscious. Um, and so I would wear, you know these hoodies every day to try and sort of cover up my even in the summer. Yeah. Yeah, I would wear sweatshirts even in the summer to cover up my figure not that I had much of one. But to me it just felt so obvious like surely everyone staring at my boobs that even though they're barely was anything there at that point. I was so self-conscious and what I now know is dysphoria this distress over. What people say my body means about my gender and then what people because of what my body says to them. They read me as female and that just made me really uncomfortable. And so, you know, I was not a very social person part of that is by nature. I'm introverted and I like having Fewer friends that I have deep relationships with rather than a ton of friends, but part of it was I would purposely stay home because then no one could see me and hide up in my room all day and I really loved the Saints like Joan of Arc who was you know, she was assigned female at female at Birth but she put on a soldier's outfit cut her hair and ran around with them. And so to me I was you know, I loved those stories of the female saints who didn't Go by their society's gender roles. They would shirk marriage. They wouldn't marry men. They would cut their hair and refused to be mothers and wives and so as a Catholic I was glad to have those stories available to me of these women who are lifted up sometimes for the wrong reasons this idea of virginity being the reason it was virtuous, but for me at that point in my life, it was very helpful to see that that I didn't have to marry a man and be a wife to a man because that that played into my gender issues in a way that was really distressing. But yeah, finally I went to college I met Leah and I also found Yes. I am one of those non-binary people who found out that was a thing through Tumblr and that is valid to to use that word because it The first time some some post on Tumblr mentioned non-binary genders and it was like a flash of lightning. Just the Revelation that there were people like me who did not feel like they fit into these binary genders of male and female that Western Society presses on all of us. So I read all these stories online about different non-binary people and how the experiences can be so different how it was okay to be feminine like what Society calls feminine and still not be a girl because I really did like dolls growing up and I love to sew and I love Tree and I hate Sports. So these things that society says well then why would you want to be a girl you like all these girly things? You know, I learned online. That's okay. Like I can have traits that are considered feminine while still not being a girl. It's always so funny because in contrast me as SS girl I tend to be the one who has the more quote unquote masculine interests like the other day. I was really into the football game and you were just there because you love me. Yeah. Yeah, she's definitely the more masculine of the two of us and yet she's the one who will sometimes put on more makeup, you know, and we're sometimes likes to dress more girly and sometimes less. So I think we're both a pretty good mix of what Society calls masculine and feminine. But yeah it is that like gender is so weird that way because to me, it's so clear that I am. Non-binary and not a girl and yet shit like and while having these feminine traits while Leah as far as I know like you've never questioned being a girl like Lea is happily and comfortably cisgender and female despite loving Sports and all these things that societies claims are boy things. Yeah. I was just always described as a tomboy and really leaned into that. Yeah, and I just had a lot of like leeway. I feel like in particular being from the south. I'll gag tomboy girl is even like better like then like a sissy quote-unquote like a sissy girl like a tomboy girl is like even better more valued because you're you can do all of the leg. That's so kind of thing and all the other. Yeah tough that goes on that's so messed up. It's just a different color. Yeah, and that like, I feel like that saying that makes us need to address the idea of like journalized misogyny because anyone growing up in this messed-up Society is going to have sexist tendencies that that girls who are obsessed with makeup are somehow more vapid or less intelligent which is ridiculous. And so I know like you with the color pink. Oh I hated pink. I hated paying for my whole life until like two years ago. And now I love pink. Yeah now when I buy Leah presents at 10:00, I look for pink stuff because pink is her. Color now and like one thing that people will tell trans men and non-binary people who were assigned female at Birth what they'll tell us is that we don't want to be girls because of internalized misogyny that we just hate Womanhood. We've been taught to hate ourselves. So we really are girls but are internalized misogyny is so bad that we don't want to be girls anymore. And while I get where they're coming from because it's true. I have absorbed a lot of misogyny just like anyone in the society. That's not why I'm trans. I'm not a girl who hates being a girl. I'm a non-binary person who through realizing that I am non-binary has actually come to unpack some of the misogyny. I've absorbed. I feel like in exploring my own gender identity and my femininity as it exists apart from Womanhood has helped. Me really come to respect women for my own gender. I tend to say that identify strongly with women, even though I do not identify as a woman. So I think that's you know, that sort of something that cisgender people are transgender people. We all need to work through the crap that Society tells us about gender and that's part of my calling to move on into that. I feel like part of my calling And as a non-binary person is to help other people do that work. Like I had to do that work and I see gender and a unique way because of my status outside of the binary. And so I can be part of that educating effort that everyone of every gender has to do in the society and I also approached that as a person of faith for me. My calling to sort of help educate people about queer issues is very much intertwined with my calling to Up, you know serve people. in the body of Christ and maybe serve as a voice for people who are willing, but they just don't know like you've done so many trans workshops in different places and and pretty much all of your Official Ministry, I guess we would say has been in more conservative regions of the country. It's been in over Alabama and Kentucky, but where people may not just have may not have as much access to information that they need. Yeah, like my through Seminary I've been able to work with churches that are considered. I'm pcus a presbyterian the progressive branch and so we have more light. Is the affiliation of Presbyterian churches that want to be affirming of LGBT individuals but so many of those more like churches have not done the work yet of what that means about. How do you affirm and welcome trans and non-binary people they were Progressive for the 1990s, but they haven't updated their views. And so that is yeah. My so much of my calling has been about bringing them that information that those churches sometimes want to let you know they want to be educated and they just Haven't started it so I have been able to help them start that work. So, you know just to say that like I feel like being trans is part of how God made me very intentionally. In order to shape me towards this purpose that God has given me God has called me to do this work and being gender Queer as part of that and on my handy dandy note card that I was prepped with before. The only thing we haven't touched on in the calling section is marriage, which I as your fiance. I'm very interested to hear about. Yeah. I just I personally see at least three sort of branches in my vocation. One is the one that people think of when you hear the word vocation the first thing you might think of at least me as a Catholic is priesthood or Pastor hood or being a nun those ordained Ministries. So for me one branch of my vocation is to be a pastor. I really feel called to being a pastor and serving a church in that regard and then like I just mentioned I see being the genderqueer being non binary as part of the calling. God gave me to be Open about my transness in ways that help other people learn about the diversity of gender. And that nothing is as binary as we wanted to be in God there truly is no male and female meaning that that binary as Paul writes it in Galatians 3:28. There is no binary male and female and then yes, my the third branch of my calling is marriage that I do see myself as To marry Leah who is of the same assigned gender as I am and so back when I was Catholic, you know, officially Catholic only Catholic that was not a path. That was really open to me. I could not marry Leah in a Catholic Church. I could not pursue ordained Ministry of the kind which I feel called in a Catholic church. And so I had to move Beyond Catholicism I had to become I had to become a member of a denomination that would allow me as a queer person to marry the person I felt called to marry and to be a pastor and you know leaving the Catholic church was one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make I really love Catholicism. It's hard to explain to people who didn't grow up in it what the reverence of it the sacraments the Saints the Eucharist. Test what all of those mean to me. They're really precious. But the Catholic church with its doctrines was choking me. I felt strangled and blocked from my callings. So I had to go. God called me to go outward. And in the end I am so thankful to have left the Catholic church because it turns out I didn't leave it. I was not kicking Catholicism out of my heart. I was just expanding my heart. So that protestantism could fit into I've come to love a lot about the Presbyterian Church. I like the idea of being reformed and always reforming I like the celebration of diversity that I find in the Presbyterian churches. And part of I like the way things get voted on decided on together. But that hasn't quenched my love for Saints or the Catholic Eucharist. I feel like there's a wedding of Catholicism and protestantism in my heart joining them together, even though everyone says that they're two different too divisive to join together. It's all about breaking binaries wherever I see them. Being non-binary taught me that I think. But anyway, I should get back to talking about how exactly my movement into the Presbyterian Church happened back in undergrad Leah and I are junior year of college found a little church outside right outside the University of Alabama. That is now called Grace Presbyterian Church highly recommend it to anyone in the Tuscaloosa area. It's a fantastic. Yes to go visit because when Lea and I went there we were still going through our angsty period of like, oh gosh, are we Are we allowed to be together? I believe you but like it's wrong and I want to be with you Bob. But what if God hates us for it, and yeah and like that that guilt and that worried that even when things felt so right when we could see the good fruit that our relationship was having even even with all that the sphere Grace Presbyterian Church when we found them helped us. Feel, you know, calm find rest and hope and joy because we were surrounded by all these other LGBT people and couples and people who loved us as we were and now when we visit it literally feels like family. Yes, and I've never and I've grown up in church also my whole life and I've never been able to say that about anywhere I've ever been to. All right. So last thing what would you like to tell trans and non-binary people of Faith? What? Words of wisdom would you give oh gosh. Yeah. I'm the one who wrote this note card with questions. And did I think of an answer to this? I think what I'd like to say is that you should always keep exploring and hoping and dreaming bigger people see being trans and non-binary as suffering always suffering and there's a lot of pain in it. Thanks to the transphobia in the world, but you can enjoy it to the journey doesn't have to be only pain and guilt and fear. It can be fun. It can be so fun to try on new clothes that you weren't allowed to wear before or to try on different pronouns or names. Just kind of explore that and I was so lucky enough to be part of your journey. Yeah and getting to get happy with you over stuff like like Top surgery and and you know finding a name that fit and all that fun. Yeah. It's so wonderful to have people like that in your corner. And if you don't feel like you have people like that right now reach out to us on queerly Christian on Twitter or Tumblr and we will be that person for you. I want to turn that question back towards Yulia since this is probably the only episode where we'll have a token cisgender person. What would you say to cisgender people of Faith who are LGBT or who are straight any sis people who want to be good at lies to the trans and non-binary people in their lives because you tend to be a pretty good A lied to me. What advice do you have for them? Well, I feel like I'm a good Ally because I have Learn to listen, if I do something that's transphobic even if I had that even if that is not my intention because I know so many people many people get defensive when somebody is like hey what you said was transphobic what you said was not cool. They're like, oh well like I I'm not like the know like, yeah, it's not a commentary on your character. It's just maybe there's something underlying that you haven't thought about before so to take that moment. Just learn from it and try to take your defenses down when that does happen. And also to learn our history learn like the the queer Community sister e and the history of your faith community out again kind of time back to the whole not just taking what faith leaders say at face value. Yeah looking back in and seeing who has really played a part in establishing where we are today. Yeah. That's awesome. All right, I think that wraps up our interview. Yeah, we've given them our parting words. I'm thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this very very first episode and I am excited to see it to continue. It's always nice to have you along for the ride. That's that's what that marriage callings off about. But yeah that wraps up the first episode of blessed art thou o binary Breakers, please. Free to let me know what you thought or any questions or comments that you have. Feel free to send those two queerly Christian dot and until next time go break some binaries and be a blessing to the world with your life.
In this first episode, Avery discusses what made them start up this podcast. They then explore how genderqueerness is part of the vocation they have been discerning since their childhood days of preaching homilies to stuffed animals, all the way through their present studies at Louisville Seminary. Talking points: - The goal is to be a podcast for trans and nonbinary persons of all faiths and experiences (0:00 - 3:05) - Introducing the interviewer, Leah, and digging into Avery's childhood (3:06-6:15) - Avery's faith practices growing up -- scripture and sermonizing (6:16-11:00) - Avery's journey to recognizing their genderqueerness (11:01-16:09) - Internalized misogyny? Avery's nonbinary femininity and Leah's "tomboyness" (16:10-20:00) - Educating churches on trans issues (20:01-22:03) - Avery's three-branched vocation: pastorhood, genderqueerness, and marriage (22:04-24:03) - Breaking binaries between Catholicism and Protestantism -- Avery holds both traditions in their heart (24:04-27:14) - Avery and Leah share their final words of wisdom (27:15-end) Where else you can find Avery: - - Queerly Christian on Youtube, including their video "God's Presence in transition - top surgery and hrt" - Their website "Trans Christianity: A Timeline of Gender Diversity in Christian History" - -
There were two more murders 15 miles away arrived. They found will tell you how the there has been the argument for and against assisted suicide and euthanasia. Both sides bring valid points to the table and most have their own opinion on the matter. Some countries have added laws to allow terminally ill patients to seek ways to end their lives but others like France and early 2000 are steadfastly against the matter on January 20th, 2003 a trial began that re-sparked the argument when a woman claimed to have killed 30 or more of her terminally ill patients was Christina vir. Murderer who got Twisted enjoyment ending the lives of the sick or was she simply a nurse who was overcome with compassion? So if you like your coffee hot, but your bones chilled sit back and start your day with a morning cup of murder. The Francois can a hospital in matla surely seem to have a problem in the late 90s. It seemed that the patient's resigning in the numerology department or die. Dying at an alarming rate. Now these patients were terminally ill. So at first it didn't raise an eyebrow, but as the number reached the double digits, they grew concerned by 1998 and inquiry led to the arrest of one of their nurses Chris Team of the Year, according to their investigation. She may have been responsible for as many as 30 deaths over the course of a year. However, according to Christine who confessed to some The murders she had ended their lives as an act of mercy and that all of these patients asked her to end their life and suffering all of her patients were between the ages of 70 to 288 and all terminally ill when Christine would inject them with a lethal dose of morphine potassium or other drugs. Now this is the part where everyone who is listening form their opinions on Christine. These opinions will rely heavily on what side of the fence you stand on when it comes to a patient's right to die. However, France is a country that does not legally recognized this right to die. Therefore while some of you may see Christine as a hero and I can't say that I disagree in some cases France saw her as a murderer. Not just that but some of the relatives were coming. It's stating that they had no idea their family member wanted to die. And in some cases that they were adamant that they wanted to live. She was arrested and charged with manslaughter her trial which began on January 20th 2003 became a national sensation Christine who had once admitted to ending the lives of over two dozen patients was now saying there was just for whom she Mercy killed She claimed her original statement was made under duress then came the report that stated that Christine had a morbid fascination with death and the charges against her were upgraded to murder. No one knew what to think was Christine simply a nurse who made a poor judgment call but had good intentions or was she a serial killer masquerading as a nurse to get closer to her victims the difference would decide if she deserved life in prison or a lesser sentence on January 30th 2003 after four hours of deliberation Christine was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the murder of six of her patients. She was also banned from ever working as a nurse again. She was released in 2007. Thank you for joining me in my morning cup of murder. Please join me again tomorrow to hear what terrible thing happened on January 21st. Don't forget to rate and subscribe and let me know how you like it if you want to help support the podcast. There's always patreon or just sharing it with your true crime obsessed friends and remember stay safe. Guys, I want to talk to you today about Spotify because not only can you listen to all your favorite artists, but you can also listen to all your favorite podcasts in one place for free Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including morning cup of murder and on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download the episodes and listen offline wherever you are, so It's perfect for travel and you can easily share what you're listening to with your friends on Instagram. So you guys can chat about your similar interests and what you like if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for morning cup of murder on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me. So you never miss an episode of Morning cup of murder. Thank you for listening to morning cup of murder. This is a daily podcast that tells you what happened on this day. In True Crime history in short easy to listen to episodes that you can finish on your commute or while you enjoy your morning coffee. So make sure you check back every morning. My name is Karina. I am the Creator and host you can find morning cup of murder on Twitter Instagram and Facebook. I have also set up a patreon where you can donate a small monthly contribution to the podcast. All those links are in the episode description. Thank you again and have a wonderful day.
There has been the argument for and against assisted suicide and euthanasia. Both sides bring valid points to the table and most have their own opinion on the matter. Some countries have added laws allowing terminally ill patients to seek ways to end their lives but others, like France in early 2000, are still steadfastly against the matter. On January 20th 2003, a trial began that re-sparked the argument when a woman claimed to have killed 30 or more of her terminally ill patients. Was Christine Malevre a murderer who got twisted enjoyment ending the lives of the sick, or was she simply a nurse who was overcome with compassion. Christine Malevre Trial Begins (2003) Become a supporter of this podcast on Patreon: Follow Morning Cup of Murder on Twitter: @cupofmurder Follow MCOM on Instagram: @morningcupofmurder Have a Murder or strange true crime story you want to share, email the show here: Morning Cup of Murder is researched, written and performed by Korina Biemesderfer. Follow Korina on Instagram: @kbiemesderfer --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Hello, welcome to the theology plug cast is the CR Wiley and like we always say we're recording in the corner plug in West Hartford, Connecticut. And today we're back together again after being apart for a few weeks and when you know, we have our recording equipment. We actually have the recording. We're just not sure we know how to use it really yet. So what we're doing is we haveA backup system plus the recording equipment and so we know that there's going to be a show that gets recorded. We just don't know on which machine it's going to record it. So it sounds like it's always sounded then, you know that we failed but it sounds like a like that's that's different. It's a little better. I can actually make those guys out now then we know that we've succeeded it's so anyway, each of us have a lapel mic on and we also have a mic in the Center of the table. So we have no excuses. There's we need to have a fine paint. That's right. It's right here. It's right when I have sliders and Tom has his is IPA is a night straight at the a guy. I'd like to mix it up myself Glenn us all sliders. So if so, you know, anyway, well, let's go around the table and reduce ourselves. Tom Tom Price systematic Theologian and Christian ethicist teaching both at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Gwen son. I'm professor of history at Central Connecticut State University senior fellow at the Coulson Center for Christian worldview and occasional Porter Drinker. That's right. He gets out of the rut once in a while anyway, and I'm CR Wiley and I'm the pastor of the Presbyterian Church of the Manchester and I'm the author of the household in the war for the cosmos which just came out of a few weeks ago. I was doing pretty well anyway, so today is my day and what I want to talk about is a subject that's really quite awkward to talk about and the subject is LGBT networks in Evangelical institutions. So now why would I even raise this subject and present it as a conversation, you know subject for conversation on the podcast. Well there, you know. Is you live in I don't know an igloo Alaska, you know that we are just at we just finished pride month so to speak and we all know what that means today pride is one of those words that used to mean something positive, you know, at least in certain context. Well actually before that it meant something negative, but that's another matter but depended on the yeah dependent on the context context anyway, so and then I've just Return from the PCA Presbyterian Church in America as general assembly. So there was a lot to think about related to these themes based on that general assembly. And if you are curious to sort of explore what went on at the general assembly you could you don't have to go very far just Google PC AGA homosexuality and you'll have like 5 million hits. So anyway, so there's a lot going on. There but what got me you know, as I reflected upon my own sort of sort of background with the so-called Community the LGBT community Ike my mind went back to my very first experience. It was with this group of people or people who identify or sort of are engaged in behaviors that we and now it's sort of associate with that Community or we do associate with Acadiana and it's in college that I My mind Journeys back to the experiences I had in college and there was a went to Eastern Nazarene College as an undergraduate. And while I was there there were a number of rumors concerning a kind of homosexual lesbian Network that was there on the campus and that the students were part of and I knew some of the people who were, you know reported to be to be a part of it as well as at least one faculty member. And I was sort of a, you know generous in my sort of estimate or so my spirit. I didn't want to run rush to any conclusions. I didn't want to you know, think the worst of people and I defended people who were told I was told were a part of this group. I you know the faculty member in question. I know I said this guy's good guy. I know my don't think that it's fair for us to talk about this and it maybe maybe at that was just Fine, maybe maybe that was the thing I should have done. But in point of fact in actual fact, there was one and the reason I know there was one is because I actually met the ringleader about 7 years later and he told me all about it. And he was living a very blatant Life as a living as a homosexual very blatantly at that point. And here's this is the irony. I was actually speaking at a youth camp in the Philadelphia area at a sort of a larger than Just like a camp meeting. So I was in you know, a world of revivalism in camp meetings in that kind of stuff and I was the speaker that was addressing the youth and this guy was there. And over the course of the of the week while we were I was with them I had and I knew him from college. It wasn't like I had met him for the first time. We got into a range of we got into a number of conversations and they almost always went in this direction and there were other things that came out later on related to other people and their involvement in the network. And so the long and short of it is this it was there and it was a it was a A bad thing in the sense or in a number of ways for obviously because this is sort of behavior the sort of activity sexual activity outside of marriage. Let alone homosexual activities sinful, but this really messed in people up and I know the people who got messed up through this stuff. So these are not healthy people were talking about here. These are people who are damaged people now, I know that there are people who might be sympathetic to the LGBT community and in they would Miss my observation and say that's just because we live in a society in which you know homosexuals and what have you are Shane blacklisted or what have you they deal with the problems that come from condemnation, but I don't think that's the case in these situations. I think these people were generally genuinely messed up by the activity itself. So that's That's when I realized that my I was I was generous in spirit but also naive now there are a couple of other exact experiences that I have but not as not as a younger man, but as actually as a pastor there have been people people from my church here in Manchester, Connecticut who have gone to Gordon College. And Gordon from them that Gordon Gordon College and Wheaton College and while attending this schools got sucked into the underground LGBT networks and are now living in one case as a homosexual with this partner and in the other case a woman is a lesbian with her partner the second case at Wheaton College The Seducer was actually the daughter of when you know it a United Methodist pastor. So anyway, miss, you know, having some kind of knowledge of what goes on inside the world of methodism and I'm not terribly surprised. But but anyway, I was talking with someone just last week about this particular story and and this couple an older couple said, you know what we know somebody who had this exact same experience that we can College. They young woman went to this school. And while she was there she got involved in the underground homosexual can't work now obviously in each of these institutions Eastern Nazarene College Gordon College Wheaton College stated policies of the school are sound they don't support this kind of thing there. They discourage it imagine that you know, if the authorities at Easter Nazarene College had had good information back in the day. This was in the 80s there with that. Have led to suspensions or expulsions. I don't know if that would be the case of Gordon College and weep college today. But I do know that in both of those schools. You've got people who are trying to uphold biblical values with regard to sexuality. So the point is that's why these are underground. So these are these are networks that exist without the school's permission, but that doesn't mean that they're not there. so if you're you know thinking about going to an Evangelical College be aware that there may be not saying there always is but there may be an underground LGBT Network there and if you're a parent who's sending a child to one of those schools be aware of that don't be naive don't think that just because it's a Christian institution or Conservative Christian Christian institution or that the state of policies is of the school reject this sort of thing or condemn that kind of behavior none of that means that Doesn't exist now with all that said let's switch over to the situation in the Catholic church was change the sort of the topic of discussion. Let's think about the clergy. Now one of the things that I learned to, you know, my chagrin over the past few years as I've gotten to know a number of conservative socially conservative Roman Catholics is that there's great distress Within in the world of Catholicism concerning something called the lavender. Mafia lavender. Mafia is a term that used for what is believed to be a homosexual Network among priests in the Catholic Church. And the people I know who are familiar with the Catholic church and study it and are Catholics themselves and write about it and what the people I know all believe that this exists in their minds. It's a certainty I had a conversation with a unorthodox believer who is an editor of a magazine that I've written for and I had said to him and of course of conversation. Why didn't you look into the Catholic church. He said well, you know when he was he was coming out of Angelica close to me had been raised as a Baptist and you know how this this whole thing goes and when he got in touch with, you know, sort of Christian history and said, you know, I need to get tied into some church that has some more sort of sort of a direct and Clear Connection to the tradition so that that's why he ended up in Orthodoxy. And so my question was why didn't you consider Catholicism and he just said two words lavender. A mafia that was it shut it down. It's not going to go there. Now if you look at Rod Dreher, that's why he left Catholicism exactly the same thing, right? Yeah. So anyway, perhaps this is old news to listeners. But now here's my question. The question is this why would it be unreasonable to suspect that the same thing is true among Evangelical clergy. Why would it be unreasonable? Not saying that's the case. Case I'm just saying that it seems reasonable to me that that there are these networks within evangelicalism among the clergy as well and that there are people who are interacting with each other and perhaps again now at this is all speculation. But if the supposition is correct, and that there really is an underground network of homosexuals within a particular denomination. Wouldn't it make sense? sense that they would have at least sympathy for a sort of transition within evangelicalism to a more sort of pro sort of I don't know. We're more positive view of this particular Community. The phrase you're looking for is open and affirming. That's okay. We'll go with that. So anyway, that's the subject for the day very hot topic. I know I have a as a suspect that this particular show is going to go viral. But anyway, you guys have any thoughts on any of this. Well, if you look at the situation in the PCA and I'm speaking here as someone who is not part of the PCA church, but if you if you look at the situation there the probably the pivotal event at the general assembly on this issue was a speech given by Greg Johnson who's a PC a pastor now, I would say this is the pivotal event not because was Greg wanted the day he did but because the response that he got and sort of the the shot across the bow is as it were that that he gave and actually along with this a tweet that he has since deleted afterwards in which he said. Alright, we've lost the battle but we'll win the war. It's all the young delegates that support us. The speech is interesting. I would strongly if you're interested in subject to go. I'll go to YouTube. And look for Greg Johnson for the at the general assembly. It's an interesting speech on a number of levels. First of all, what I will say is that it is decidedly short on a theological reflection. Where are you what it is? He draws a couple of bad analogies, but other than that, it is almost entirely in argumentum ad plus Jonas which means an argument from emotion. There's no rational. No discussion or anything else of the key issues that are involved. And yet a lot of people have really picked up on it and talked about how thoughtful it was and thought-provoking it is and so on when really it's nothing more than an appeal to emotion. He never addresses really the key questions. Oh, well, let's back up a little bit further. If you look into Greg's background, which will find is that he spent years denying that he Homosexual up until very very recently. He was a key person as an in the closet homosexual in organizing something called the revoice conference. And it's only after that that he came out the revoice conference was done at his church if I'm not mistaken. Yeah, there was a confrontation church, right, right and in it there was a strong advocacy for what they call Gay Christianity. The idea here is that yeah, the Bible condemns homosexual Behavior. So we should we should stay celibate but nonetheless being gay is a real identity. It is a true gift from God the essentially it is a good gift of creation. Right and therefore the church needs to enrich Itself by adopting the gate perspective. Without gay practice now, I would argue first of all that in our cultural moment. It's absolutely asinine to think that you'd be able to accept the identity without practice but even more to the point. If as Johnson agrees homosexual activity is a sin then why would it be appropriate for a Christian to adopt an identity built around desire to send other than we've thrown the law of non-contradiction of the other side is what I strongly suspect is. Going to be the direction that we're going to be seeing and have angelical denominations and churches essentially adopting. The culture is notion that you were sexual preferences are really the center of your identity and that if it is that they're unchangeable and unchanging and if it is in fact that how can you argue that there's anything wrong with it? I'd like to point out that there are babies that are born addicted to crack. You know it just because you're born that way doesn't mean it's necessarily good and also be evidence that you are born that way is kind of lacking but that's another that's a whole different subject. What strikes me about it is it's hitting crucial world's you questions about what is identity and then on top of that it's also picking up on a theme we've talked about a lot which is the loss of the sense of meaning and purpose to Telos in the world and Along with that the loss of logos loss of Reason in that the entire argument for it. It's based on a logical fallacy of the argument from Passion. Are we from emotion? So these these larger issues in the culture are feeding into the way in which these ideas are being expressed and advocated within the Evangelical Church, right? I know you wanted to talk a little bit about this idea. Yeah, a few things running through this and I think I think you both point out something very, you know, kind of bring to the surface something that is very important. And that is the way in which the blurring of sound Christian Theology and a sound Christian metaphysic has lent itself to the kind of Fusion that allows for the Embrace of things that would have been clear-cut offenses to a classic Christian understanding of this and that you know that we I think we're all familiar with the different strands of history that have led to this and and we've been hitting some of those themes and in previous talks. Yeah. There's a few points that kind of wanted to hit on mean one one of course is This is the question of identity. I think I was just reading the most recent Touchstone magazine where they were talking about the route Michelle fucose famous line that sexuality has replaced the soul in terms of being the integrative center of our identities, which I think would be a you know, I might almost have a large conversation on that because it seems to be one of the the driving if our sexuality soaps so much who we are now rather than our soul our communion with the God it's now our interpersonal communing with each other through sexual expression. Now there is a there is a profound truth there that is that our sexual relationship and our souls relation to God are analogous but the problem is is the way in which the that's layered and structured because what happens now is the sexual our sexual behavior and identity replaces and actually becomes the the dominant in the analogy and the the the souls relation to God becomes the minor and and so you know, that's one point. The other point is the kind of holy secular interpretation of Christian relationship to God and all other things. I mean what you have here is people coming after the way in which their life now. Especially and relational and sexual intimacy is the predominant issue right versus what it means to give up all and follow Christ because it is a there's a contrasting view of Salvation. I know that the reasons for the you know, the kind of centering of Christian Focus now on this worldliness, we see it's similarly in the issue of social justice. And and so I did that, you know the Evangelical left and it's a 10 Not the sort of influence classic evangelicalism in classic Christianity with what they would consider a fuller picture of Salvation is not merely are you know, the soul is eternal relation to the Triune God and the form it takes in the Here and Now for them the Here and Now is sort of almost the end. And so so they sort of put all the emphasis on what does it mean to live your fullest Spiritual existence now that's what salvation almost becomes and that actually is a shift from Kate a Theo Centric perspective to an anthropocentric that that you know, what does it mean for me to live my fullest sense of my Humanity now that itself seems to be the center point of this kind of focus. So, I mean, these are kind of some of the theological issues. I think that are that are getting close now, Important as a pastor where I see this kind of play it's our sort of sort of sort of how things are playing out. Yeah. I'll take an IPA this time. Yeah. We are the founders. I'll take the Sea Hag Let It Go with the Sea Hags see here. I'm gonna go with another cider. Okay furthering the plate. That's right. So now folks and listening land, you know that we're really in a bar. Anyway, that's as a pastor. What would I think we have in terms of you know the situation on the ground? So you've got a you've got a sort of a group of guys who are sort of Hardcore conservatives for whom, you know, the confession or classic Christianity or classical theism or what the you know how whatever we want to sort of uses. The thing that people are holding on to their willing to hold onto that to the end and they're willing to just die if my church dies. Hey it dies and then you got another group over here for whom you know, social justice, you know the Avenger. Left they've got the same mentality they're willing to die. And if the church is going to die, it's going to die. Yeah, but but the metal Mill, they're mostly concerned about the paying the mortgage and meeting payroll and you know being able to report year over year that we have more people than we had last year that kind of stuff. Now, of course, it's all sort of Justified with you know, Great Commission talk. Yeah. Okay. So if okay but when it comes when it went in wear them up rubber really meets the road is are there more butts in the pews and they were last week that kind of thing. And so with it with these guys do is they've got their finger to the wind all the time. They are just scared to death and taking a stand about anything. They're basically, you know, trying to say, okay. What's the prevailing wind? What's the I call it culture surfing so it makes my analogies up, you know one hand you're talking about sailing now, we'll talk about surfing but the idea is there's a cultural way and now we get the latest culture way. That's the LGBT thing. How can we how can we work this? And then and then there's sort of like a court set of things that they won't give up. But what is it? It's all internal. I have my personal relationship with Jesus that kind of thing. Yeah. I think that's I think that is what you know, I get the pastor's that I know that are dealing with churches that are complicated because they all are committed to an Evangelical Vision yet that vision is starting to divide itself along certain lines all and so they're trying to say oh Okay, what things can we accommodate what things can we not accommodate and that seems to be that sort of pragmatic take that doesn't just kind of get rid of everybody that but it kind of invites them along keeps keeps the numbers up keeps the direction going and I do think in that and I'm talking generously here. I think from from a lot of pastors. I know that are committed to the gospel are committed to the scriptures for them. They feel like they're going to win them. Down the road. Yeah, that's right straight. That's so that's really The Lies We Tell ourselves. Yeah, the past that I think is one again. What you win them with is what you win them to that's exactly it. But the other the other part of this is again something that we've talked about before it's this kind of biblical minimalism. Yeah. What is it the what is the absolute bare minimum that we absolutely that we have to hold to in order to be Believers, you know, so if scripture Or thank you. Thank you, if scripture or even more just the New Testament or even more just Jesus. Yeah doesn't address something then do we really need to worry about you know, do we need to do we need to work out the implications into a of what is said in two areas that doesn't dress and and the biblical man. Says no, there is no verse that says Thou shalt not do X. Therefore we can do X. Maybe it's not the best choice, but we can do it. There's nothing wrong with it. And yeah, it's a you know, this is where you know, I'm reformed all the way down. But if I need to quote a Catholic I will and here's one of the points at which I will another I was just reading the recent Touchstone. They were actually giving a breakdown or the former Pope Benedict's article on the sex abuse. A scandal in the church and one of his criticisms of the Catholicism and what open the door to it's sort of embrace of The Libertines ISM of the 60s sexual Revolution was what he saw as the breakdown of the natural law and they didn't move towards a view of biblical minimalism. And so while a lot of Protestants thought that the Vatican II was oh they're moving towards a solar script or know what it was doing is moving towards that biblical minimum minimalism. And then he quotes an actual Source from Tyndale house written by evangelicals in Christianity Today in which they basically said well because scripture doesn't directly condemn abortion or these particular issues. Therefore these things are up in the air, ethically and they sort of went with almost the theological left domains issue. This was Evangelical. I didn't even realize this and there were a lot of nature of angelical voices some of whom we still recognize today that were initially in support of abortion. Yeah. I think Francis Schaeffer did a tremendous service to the Evangelical world because he was one of the guys who sort of said. Hey, hold it. Stop right nuts. Yeah. Now the the other thing by the way within the Catholic Church as someone who is a roaming Catholic having I can accept that. I haven't having grown up in the Catholic church. If you talk to most Catholics at least a my generation and I suspect today is well, they will tell you that sort of at a gut level they believe that the church is the clergy the church can exist without the laity that it is the clergy and if you're a lame and you can participate in the church and get the benefits from that but really the church's identity is centrally the clergy that's sort of the the gut level feeling in you get that you absorb growing up sure when you take that kind of thinking and add The anti donut assess appropriate anti donatism in you get a really toxic mixture such that the church itself is the clergy and it must be protected at all costs yet. If the sacraments which are the critical thing that the clergy does if the sacraments are work X operator a parado in other words, if the newly ordained priest does them they were at work. Anyway regardless Of whether the priest himself is worthy. Yes. And then what becomes the overriding imperative is, even when the clergy is involved in sex abuse scandals. We need to cover it up to protect the reputation of the clergy because that's protecting the church and besides it's not doing any fundamental harm because they're Sacrament still work. Yeah. There's a kind of protestant kind of version of that. It's much more sort of In a land far less sophisticated and that was the way it works is we have to cover for Pastor Bob because we don't want them to kill kill our local church, right? Yeah, you know, so yeah and don't know if they have a personal relationship with Jesus. However, narrowly defined then they're in in the camp. And so yeah, and there's that but then but then there's this I think this common sort of sort of fear that if we address these things too, it's like there's I can't How is quite you know how how how much put but but the idea that you know, the Cure could kill you in other words that we don't want to go too far with this Curative. We don't want it. We don't want to get into things too deeply because you know, it may destroy everything. Yeah. Yeah. It's so that so it's the end up with this kind of complicity the sort of sort of Silence sort of leaking a sort of an agreement that we're not going to talk about certain things and it's interesting because if I was going to take and I think both of these points are very important, but if I was going to take the original point, I was making that from the Touchstone where they were talking about Benedict. I think the argument from the reformed side would be what we were developing over some you know, some weeks is that when we understand the you know what Benedict Was Natural law what I would call sort of created order and moral order right when we understand the centrality of that that there are distinct natural kinds they're meaningful and they have distinct ends purposes and goals when we understand that that gets Vindicated in the resurrection. It does not get done away with it moves towards a fulfillment and it's and its relation to Union with Christ in God in eternity. That's another show, but nevertheless in the meantime those Things have been Vindicated not done away with right and because of that that therefore means that what was what was ordained in the Genesis ordering of things and set forth as the core pattern of things. It's not something that's variegated and colorful the way in which people want to start reinterpreting these things based on their kind of subjects objectives identities, or they're they're kind of self constituted. Selves and I think one of the things that we have to do a little demythologize thing on is this notion of the autonomous self or the the kind of the no-self of post modernity that that these things are either self constituted or amorphous and just waiting for a certain history to give them meaning and that these that we need to challenge the anthropology going on and modernism and post-modernism and vigorous ways. And and not kind of shy away from addressing the fact that that the view of humanity that is underwriting these movements and the church is simply flawed Pagan and wrong right and you know, there's also the damage, you know, sort of the the wounded people that the people that suffer due to these ways of living with the sea. Simple ways of thinking of a couple of people one of them. I had actually had a chance to get together with one up when I was out in Dallas. So Robert Oscar Lopez now Robert Oscar Lopez well known for sort of kind of coming out of that world. They have to out of the world of homosexuality. He had, you know to mothers quote be groping a lesbian household. It was in that environment had no male role models in. Home and it did a number on him and you know, of course my kind of conversation with him. It was a great conversation. He made a really good point. He said, you know, one of the one of the things that generally speaking this is, you know, he's talking to us, you know, we love ideas. We love the history of ideas and how things kind of get to a certain place, but he said, you know, that's great. But what homosexuals really need is not an exclamation of sort of the course of some sort of an alien history of ideas. Ideas, they really need is help get out. And I said you're absolutely right. And so I said tell me about somebody some more now another person who is a wounded persons more a greater than P. I don't know if you guys are familiar with her horrendous story. Just an amazing story. Her mother of course was a well-known science fiction writer and you can still celebrated one, but apparently a monster of a woman fathers a month. I actually read one of Marion Zimmer Bradley. He's short story. Yeah, right. And by the way kiss people when he doesn't that's the Muppets Morris mother and when I read it, I remember distinctly walking away from it feeling like I've been slimed. Yeah, there was just there was just something that felt defiling about it came out in the writing and I no idea anything about Her personal life but what it was? Well, I mean it was just you know, the more a story which is well-documented. It's not something to eat. These aren't recovered memories. It's not something he's made up. There's objective Court testimony and things like that. So what she says, what's the name of the books isn't it the last closet or so the last Clause? That is no respect. Yeah. It's the abuse and things like that. There was heard by her in that household for our are Beyond work. This is the suit and now we got a situation which we've got this sort of this buffering it where if you if you begin to, you know, get too close to people and question them and say, you know, is is there child abuse going on here are the things are going on immediately. You're labeled a hater, you know, you're not you're not really sensitive. You not loving that kind of thing. And that's that's the situation that I think increasingly. Ali many of the clergy who would identify more sort of Evangelical Liberals are guilty and they just won't go there they'll shut the conversation down. I've experienced this they don't want to talk about this sort of dark side of the world that they're trying to sort of sympathize with and understand Defender. There's this thing yeah, there's a sense of you know of love and I think you know one another area. I think that it maybe it's worth doing some Something different talks on is this notion of Christian with a Christian ocean of love? Right? Let me just stop you right there. I almost don't even talk about your girl a pastor. It's been so drug through the mud. It is it's almost like you can't talk about can't talk about it. But I think it's one of those those areas that is where the equivocations are going on to such a degree that it allows for so many things to go on which otherwise wouldn't if we had clarifications on that because the way in which love functions is, he usually gets kind of wrapped up into this psychological sort of this affirmation. This acceptance is a welcoming this inclusivity is just no it's all psychological doesn't have to do with the body doesn't have to do with the social. All right nor does it has to do with the ends for Wade, right? We are as human beings created in their good. So it's more important oftentimes to make you feel welcome in our small space than it does make you welcome in the kingdom of God and right turn right. And so what happens is yeah, we start to say well the, you know love gets so blurred Love Is Love No Love isn't love has to be has to be a full that's well to be loved and the number of things that are buried in the midst of this is is just stunning. So in the Catholic church, it's a sex abuse Scandal to pedophilia Scandal. It is not homosexuality Scandal despite the fact that the vast majority of the abuse is some sexual that's right. It has nothing to do with homosexuality as the with something else or you can take a look at I forgot the guys name, but there was someone who was fired from I think it was Mount Sinai in Boston. Why no your medical school Professor who was getting fed up with all of the the promotion of homosexuality and put an email out listing all of the physical problems that are associated with homosexual behavior and not even just STDs a whole bunch of other things and he got fired because he was being a hater right for speaking the the truth the medical truth on an email system at a hospital right back. So that's the kind of world we live in right now. So so yeah, so speaking the truth is automatically considered hateful, even though not speaking the truth is putting people in Jeopardy of serious health complications everything from colon cancer. T: urinary incontinence, yeah. This is a good segue to something I'd like to talk about and that's the question. How do we address this stuff? How do we do with the stuff now, you know the title of this discussion is LGBT in a sort of underground LGBT and networks and Evangelical institutions. Now, how do we how do we address something? That's clandestine? If you try immediately you're accused of McCarthyism, right, you know going on a Witch Hunt for whatever now I think it's a good thing to remind ourselves that McCarthy was right there were coming as throughout the United the American, you know sort of in our government in Hollywood. He was his suspicions were correct and he's and Whittaker Chambers, you know, the famous Alger Hiss case we Now have access to the because of the public information whatever the Freedom of Information. Yeah, we now have access to the files and we've corroborated the accusations Eastern European countries have records Soviet Union had records demonstrating that there really was a connection with Alger Hiss and all this, you know, all the stuff that was going on. So everything it was it was that Whittaker Chambers said was on the money nevertheless. Yes, nevertheless in the popular imagination. The McCarthyism is pejorative. You know, it's it's as though, you know, this was just a bunch of stuff that was made up in a bunch of people were blacklisted bunch of people suffered. Now we need now today it's very difficult for young people to understand what the world was like in the 40s and the 50s and the 60s when there was a real threat today. We talked about, you know the threat Freedom coming from Iraq around Kate, you know in a way it's kind of a joke. We got a bunch of guys living in caves in the Middle East and their threat to the Western way of life. Okay, I get it. Now when I when we were growing up there was a real threat that could blow us up they could and they had an army that was a match for hours and and and and Nikita truth Khrushchev. Remember in the UN speak was took his shoe off of his beating of Pulpit or beating the podium. We will crush you. We will crush it. I remember watching videos that in church there were guys out there who really could do it and they had infiltrated our government and they difficult rated R, you know popular media and and they were they really were everywhere now when I'm running for out Anna and I don't think there was a politician who dared to say the obvious. His name was McCarthy. He said we need to look into this but now Was he remembered he's remembered as crazed conspiratorial because yeah, so you no decency sir. I know that I know that line. So anyways, so but the point I think we have to keep in mind is that even this little podcaster we're doing today might get us labeled at McCarthy i'ts Does that mean that there's nothing out there does that mean that we're there you can have smoke without fire and it is there is is my my question for the question that I raised that the rhetorical question. I raised the beginning of this episode. Is it just something that should never be entertained? And that question is is it reasonable to suspect that? There are LGBT networks working underground among the clergy in Evangelical denominations and my debt. Listen closely if you parse out what I said, I didn't say there are I said, is it reasonable to suspect that? They're on that's if you criticize me criticize me on that point, you know, if you don't think it's reasonable to suspect that that's the case fine make your case. I think it's reasonable to suspect that. There are based on the fact that I have three. Stories that I can tell of an underground LGBT Network in Christian colleges that prohibit homosexual Behavior. Anyway, now, how do we how do we how do we do this? Well, the first thing that I would say is that there are a couple of their couple of caveats. I would want to put in or limitations on this. First of all, I'm not sure how underground they are anymore. Okay, so let's just be clear. That the fact is that evangelicals have always been cultural chameleon. We've always adopted the look and feel of the culture. Yeah, and right now the look and feel the culture is well, it's rainbow. So I think that it is I think it's in many places open and we're isn't open whether or not there is an active Network. And given the history of Evangelical interactions with the culture, I would assume that there there's a very great likelihood that there are a great many at least fellow Travelers right out because that's just the way of enjoying his little world and one of the Evangelical left your Tony compilers of the world writing some that go back prior to me, but they're still around. Ron side or that side area, uh, maybe try to friend me on Facebook the other day and everything remains, you know, friend of mine. That's how well that means you're getting that means you're getting some some hits but my point is is that these people have been outspoken and they have been very deliberate and they really want to shape the the Evangelical World in a certain direction. I've heard Tony compile. He's a profound speaker. I mean he can motivate you, you know, I just funny I had a friend Roberto Miranda at Boston University. Yeah, he told me years ago his criticism of Tony campolo artificial heat. Yeah. I said, yeah, but but but he could go to those, you know, you know the old Pentecostal outdoor conferences and he could stir the crowd and be the next thing, you know, they're lined up for social justice causes. That's right. But my point is is that that there has been an intense. Because they think this is what they're up to is right. They think it's it's consistent with the gospel. They write books on it. They're very open about that. But they are there. They're not often times. We think that they you know, they kind of they have their space and they stay in it know they're interested is their interest is converting the whole Evangelical world right through that vision and and someone like compose. Oh, it's not simply socio-economic. It is about social kind of acceptance of things that have been outside of historic Christian practice first century some somebody I think it was at the stream did an article that was woke is the new saved Mmm Yeah, that's good. I was just with John's mirac last week. We had some barbecue together. That's it this way to hang out. Yeah. It's a miracle. Is my dessert let's go American I go way back, it's me Iraq is Pope Benedict meets Don Rickles. Yeah, that works. I've been met him that that's great. I look forward John if you're here listening to this. Yeah. I know you're laughing. Yeah, so, you know, the the problem that we're facing it seems to me is much bigger than just simply underground networks it is Is the fact that every Christians worldview is an amalgamation of the Bible and the culture and the question is which one has the upper hand. Right and what we're seeing now is a cultural moment in which lgbtqia whatever follows it is. The flavor of the day. That is the thing that is really dominating the entire cultural discourse in many many ways, right? And that's all right along with the whole social justice social justice Warrior thing. And so the problem that we're facing is we've got a culture that is in many ways growing increasingly hostile to Christian truth and yet our worldview is going to always be an amalgamation of the Bible and that's how you deal with a shit in this is where the pastors who are the sort of like, you know that I was criticizing earlier than that the church growth sort of he boss or the church growth ideology got the finger to the window all the time trying to figure out way to Market a personal relationship to Jesus to the latest Market segmentation sort of sort of Market, you know sort of that they have identified so they have identified the social in these people have no principles the oh, well, they let me take it back. The principle is church growth. That's it. They and they and they equate that with the Great Commission. My bigger Church equals the Fulfillment of the Great Commission and this group will be here this social justice group where this Millennial group or whatever. They just one more Market. Yeah, and so I need a package Machiavelli. Basically not you know, how how do you you know do that? I mean lie I can have my list of criticism to Carl bar. But one of the things I do not criticize and I think it's one of the voices that we as evangelicals need to hear as he was insistent that Culture is not Revelation. Mmm. He was insistent that he saw what happened when national socialism claim to be part of the created order and moral order and therefore to be the interpretive frame for the gospel and Evangelical churches followed suit, and we're behind Hitler on this and he this is where the barmen Declaration which maybe we'll do next round on became so significant because because he understood that when you when you make Culture or the cultural moment the Zeitgeist this you know the spirit of the age equal with the spirit of God one runs into a situation in which there is no measure apart from the current moment. And when the current moment therefore starts to be that the the interpretive head over scripture therefore scripture starts to take a backseat in the content of scripture starts to have to be filtered into the present moment the Zeitgeist of the age and therefore becomes the way in which we address these issues. And so what happens I mean when Hitler claims that we are Geist we are the moment we are we are the point at which the holy spirit is at its fullest sense in the progress of human being if you have no ability to separate yourself from that and and evaluate the spirit of the moment, then then really fate becomes becomes God right hand. Therefore the moment becomes, you know such that the scriptures has to accommodate two itself rather than the other way around and Bart's point was no wait a minute Jesus Christ as presented in the gospel is the measure and he is not accommodate about is not someone that he's not someone who can be fixed into the cultural moment. He is actually the Lord of it and therefore we have to evaluate all moments of time. Light of him. So whatever his other faults, I think he was right on the money when it came to how do we move forward with this is we do not compromise on God's self-revelation in Christ as a tested fully and authoritatively and scripture. I think that's the that's the thing. We can't wiggle away from and culture and cultural mood is never authoritative right in the same way, right? Maybe we should probably wrap things up or kind of go a little long here. You have anything you want to say Glenn before we close? I think I've already said pretty much everything. I've got to say for now. Okay, anything else you want to say that I think that was it? All right. Well, I think I've said everything I need to say I think it pretty clear where we stand on things and what we fear is the case in sort of the world of evangelicalism and we're we're hopeful that we're concerned. Actually I do have sure one thing right. Speak the truth in love. There you go. You want to know what to do? That's what we got to do. The problem is we have interpreted speaking. The truth is being hateful. Yeah, so you cannot speak the truth in love both. We've got to be able we've got to do it. We've got be able to speak the truth and do it in a way that is as loving as possible and if people take offense, it's not our problem. Yeah. We just had to accept that and I and I think I do have it. Okay. Sure. Go ahead and raise a little bag Catholic feelings and around the batter batter can to actually talked about Jesus. He asked this question. He said what was it that went from the gospel being something that actually liberated us to actually the gospel being something that we needed to be liberated from and I think his point was that that when this notion of Freedom shifted in the Western World in particular Allure it had so severed itself from the gospels understanding a freedom that it lent itself. It lent itself to a notion of freedom and autonomy that made the gospel and Christianity problematic. And I think that we can kind of revisit this thing. But I think this is what's going on here people want to be liberated from Christianity and the created and moral order. They don't want to be liberated into it. It's fulfillment in Christ. Wow, that's good. That's good. Well, I don't have anything else there. Anyway, thanks for listening to the three.
Today's show begins with Chris's memories of three LGBT networks that existed in evangelical institutions. These are not hearsay stories, the people involved remain nameless, but Chris knew them personally. Most troubling was the way these networks recruited new members and initiated them. In each case theology was twisted to provide justification for what was occurring. The stories provide a basis for considering what is known as the "Lavender Mafia" in the Roman Catholic Church. For those unfamiliar with the term, "Lavender Mafia" is the name used by socially conservative Roman Catholics for a network of homosexual priests that many people believe exists in the Roman Catholic Church. Chris then wonders aloud, "Is it unreasonable to suspect that something similar may exist in some places among evangelical clergy?" This is a free-ranging discussion that includes reflections on some of the theological trends within evangelicalism and how those trends may serve these networks. As a bonus--this show is the first one recorded on the new recording equipment. The guys are still learning how to use it, so hopefully the sound quality will improve with each episode going forward.
Hi and welcome back to straight talk with Inna today on the podcast. We've got rain a butler WFC girls director WFC fitness instructor front row apparel entrepreneur. Reina Butler is an all-around awesome beautiful strong woman and she loves pizza. So today on the podcast we talk Pizza. We talked the history of pizza how to properly eat pizza why she loves pizza AA all pizza coming your way stay tuned. Yeah, there we go. All right, we're recording. Okay, well first things first, so I mean obviously what else is there in life? Hmm for people who can't can't see us right now. Where are recording this episode lunchtime and for eating probably going to go through a pie of pizza. It's really good. It's like Saucy and tangy and good crust at the back cheesy. And what are we drinking diet coke what else is there? That's right. Nice cold can of Diet Coke and comes from our mini fridge at work. So this podcast is with Raina Butler, huh? Hi, and but mostly we're focused on the pizza eating because that's really what we sent our life around true. That's why we live in New York doughy that's a hundred percent the best part of New York. I don't even want to hear it. Like I don't want to hear people tell me it's the Museum's no way. If you really live in New York, you do not go to museums and right if your goal for that. Last time you read Museum only when my husband makes me hey guys, he gets like really into it, but I don't have the patience in the traffic and everything. But um, I'm really excited to do this podcast with Rino and I felt like we should open with pizza because Pizza is the center of our Lives now, I know that might seem strange to some people because to them it seems like it's all about the pizza but food is comfort and food is tradition. Food has history behind it. And I thought what better way to start this podcast of Raina for you to get to know her then to talk about pizza and the two of us have such a strong relationship to it and we just want to explain ourselves because I think we're always posting it. So tell our listeners why Pizza? Okay, so I'll tell you a little bit about pizza and feel free to eat. Okay. Well, we got it. So they tell this like story about My mother was pregnant. She was working on Wall Street at the time and a very fancy office. I don't know which one it is and obviously like she could go anywhere for lunch or have anything because at the time of the 80s the stock market's high of bull market. So she get anything. What did she choose to eat every single day Pizza which was pregnant with you. She was pregnant with me and they tell this fun story amazing every single day A different kind of pizza Square plane. No cheese white cheese. Every single day what's your mom's favorite pizza? My mom doesn't even like pizza. How about that? She doesn't like pizza. But when she was pregnant with me, it's all she ate. So you've been eating pizza for a long time. Yeah. I've always loved me. It's about You're Made Of I made a pizza so she went but now that's it. She doesn't eat it. My mom never accuse us doesn't really even like pizza. What about you when you were a kid? Okay. So as a kid, I know every single in Brooklyn Thursday night because obviously my parents Cannot afford to go to like fancy restaurants or anything like that. We're just regular nice family for Brooklyn every single Thursday night that we got to treat it was to go out for pizza. Yeah. Really? Yeah, we got in the car. We went to this little pizza shop. I believe it was on Avenue J called pizzatime. It's still there. It's the best kosher pizza. You can get in Brooklyn. I'll give you them a shout out. Should I still have my husband bring home pizza for me from there to this day some really good things of pizza from her. And we used to go there every single Thursday night and I have this memory reads to get his special. What was the pizza special of high and pizza a bottle of soda at the time it was regular coke diet back then and Order of large fries and I even remember how much it was and he's got this big like flashing red side. I think it was like 1498 something like yeah. Yeah 1498. I don't know what 98 I was trying to figure out. You said to me what a pizza cause back then and I'm just like wait you're back then is different than my back then true. Yeah 1498. How much was a Coke ABS? I saw a bottle of soda. Do you remember Holly like a dumb time about the to leader? This is the beginning body language. This is a dinner special, you know, Somalia dollar amazing. That's amazing. And you always go out with your brother. It was me my mom my dad and my two brothers we would all go in this tiny little fold Carl remote kind of Carlos. The car was it I do not remember but I know it always smelled like gas. And now I didn't understand why at the time probably something was wrong with you. Yeah, you got to use the only the rescue teams. I'm lucky. I'm not a brain damaged. Yeah, by the way, nobody had a car seat. No, I don't even think I were seat belt holding on don't know if you sat in the back. My parents never made us wear a seatbelt Tommy. Yeah. They also never worse. He must know this about you know, that like when the card jerked forward your dad. Put his arm out. Yeah. That was the signal what I feel safer with your dad put his arm out than I do in my seat belt on the old car. That's not like you ever like Boo Boo Boo all the way from Seagate to all the way down to like 40 minutes Avenue J God. How long did you live in Brooklyn? How long does American from until what age it's like I married until I moved out to Five Towns, which was held I got married and I was funny which is a crazy story. It's fine for another pod. Test yeah, definitely. So you lived there for 20 years and then like when you moved was it hard to find good pizza locally? Okay. So this is the only thing I do not like about Long Island. Yeah, the pizza here is just not the same. So I decided to do a little research. Why because you sir as I was just going to go from store to store. Maybe it was a sauce or cheese. No, no. No, there's actually real science. The reason why the pizza in the borough's is the best is because of the Water so interesting. Yep, the fluoride in the water activates these see I know this kind of weird submarine and Assyria don't taste better has nothing to do with the cheese and the sauce. Yeah. Hmm. Man, maybe we should move back to Brooklyn. Yeah, I mean, I'm from Queens. So definitely I mean considering I don't think we have to move move. You know, I now have your yeah, that's true. But thanks bring back to us. Yeah. Yeah, that's absolutely right. Yeah, I think people don't realize you know, I mean obviously people are attached to their foods that their grandmother's used to make their moms used to make and I don't know for some reason they thought pizza was so outrageous. So when I when I moved to this town and I started Give me the damn Fitness industry. I couldn't believe how surprised people were that we frickin pizza and I realized it isn't Just Pizza although piece of represents carbs to them and represents like the No No foods, but it represents food period any kind of food that they might enjoy having that excluded from their diets and the hopes that they would lose weight or reach some sort of goal that they set for themselves. The whole mindset was screwed up around food. So pizzas become like vilified and I'll be damned if peace is going to be built. If I'd in my life, I would give a probably everything and I sing but keep my pizza. Yeah, see Pizza means so much more to us than just, you know, yummy food. I mean, it means so many things for me. So when I thought about it because people ask me though, they should be eating I think about it. I'm always harassing Rena to eat. So I know like on the podcast for the recording sake you're supposed to like have the mic quality sound great and you know, you can't be certainly chewing into the mic. So I Say we should chew into the mic. Okay, we're eating we're here. This is a real get used to it. We're probably gonna be chewing into the mic most of the to be jealous. You're not here eating with us. Yeah, they're all invited by the way who a pizza party. I love it a podcast pizza party just going to be every time you're on podcast will do it while we're having lunch. So when I was a kid, I grew up in Queens we immigrated in the 70s and landed in Queens at a A time when there weren't a lot of Russian immigrants so we kind of settled the area. Okay. Now we were latchkey kids and they just sort of let us out onto the street and our parents went to find jobs and we were hungry. I mean it's a it's not quite a sensation most people are familiar with but the feeling of actually being hungry and having to wait for food or having to steal food, which is something that we did do all of the little kids who are neighborhood used to and what year was this 76 of I've reached the To well biomes now that I've heard that name in a hundred years. I love all those small bombs and it was still an overwhelming experience to just see a supermarket, but we would help ourselves to food because we were hungry and we would eat it and we bring it to the other kids in the neighborhood. So the same thing was kind of with pizza we couldn't afford it and I remember being like shorter than the pizza counter or first of all I didn't go to school because when we moved here in the 70s I was supposed to go to like first grade but it was such bad conditions at the time that it was dangerous to go to school. So I would try to skip as much as possible and my parents had no idea. So I just was out on the street for the day. Sometimes I went to school. I guess I remember my first grade teacher. Mrs. Mass. Sorry Miss Mass. Right anyways, so it was just bad scene public school. So we would wait till the pizza store open and the counter was very high. I guess it isn't really but to little kid it was and I would Like just not have any money to buy the pizza and it would smell so good and I just wanted it so bad and it would be like you said like a special treat for the family, but I would collect change. I find on the street. I was always looking down and like, you know, trying to find pennies and nickels, but eventually I think that the it was Joe's Pizzeria on 108th Street and Joe and his crew probably was his family at the time. It was an old-fashioned Italian family and they'd had that Pizzeria for years. I'm sure they Saw the Russian immigrants coming in and they were I think if I imagine looking back and seeing this whole slew of hungry kids, they were very kind to us and in between like the lunch rush they would give us you know, whatever was left over but he would see me I was like Relentless. I was like that puppy that sat in the window kind of all day staring into the window and I would keep coming to the pizza shop at like 10:45 in the morning waiting for him to open and I would look over that counter and just like You know I had quarter I was like I can afford like a little wax paper cup of soda, you know, or maybe the Italian ices, but I was always trying to get a pizza meal and he was so good to me. I remember that one day. He said to me. Okay, you want to eat pizza you come back here you wash your hands. We're going to put an apron on you and you're going to help me in the counter and he taught me how I don't be proud if he probably just entertain me, but I remember like washing my hands at this huge slop sink putting on his little white apron and the Beast and next day my God. On a crate on a milk crate and he would say to me like okay punch in that's they spent 65 cents punch that in you know, and he would give me pizza now turn my food. I probably didn't learn anything but he fed me, but they fed me for free and not only was a delicious pizza and I've never been able to get another slice like Joe's Pizzeria, but I think I walked away with a feeling of comfort and security and that someone during the day was You know taking care of me and the feeling of having a full belly with warm pizza was like so reinforcing I imagined for like a little kid. It was just so comforting that I attached to that feeling and that pizza. That was my comfort zone and I knew that if I went to Joe's Pizzeria, he would take care of me and take me in and that way, you know, it's a long day out on the street your parents. Come home seven eight o'clock, you know schools over it three. Yeah if he went so what are you doing all day and the piece of shop was my place to go? And he let me you know mess around behind the counter to earn my pizza and eventually I would just sit in that little booth all day. So pizza for me was way more than just. Oh, I love pizza. It was I love the experience and the meaning behind what that experience was and to this day when I eat pizza, you know, it's like this happy feeling but it probably comes from like childhood, you know, most people think that's something you and I have in common is that we grew up when we didn't have enough and we're so thankful. Alright and I always talk about the fact of how thankful we are to you know, be living in a life or we have everything we need in our children have everything we need and that they need and we are so thankful that we want to give it to everyone else and I know by watching you teach kids classes and the way you take those children into your heart that that's your way of giving back like you the things that were important to you growing up you really give to these kids and we're so happy to be where we are. We're so grateful. All we want to do is give Whether it's to the members of our gym to the children in our program to the community abroad, you know and pizzas a big part of that pizza means, you know happiness to us and it's like something that's very precious. Yeah. I love pizza its the best actually when I was in high school. I had my first job. Well guys, I was dancing for about Mitzvahs. It was a really big deal back in the day. I worked for bulk entertainment. She was amazing at 16 years old. She let me come dance at her butt. That's us. She trains me taught me everything but my several baby, but she really putting a lot of work and everything. I think I really carried it over. I think that's why I fell into fitness. It was so easy. Yeah, I know why and at the time she was paying me to Desert about with $75. Wow. Now for a Katie, I never had anything. Yeah, $75 was like you. Oh, yeah. And what did I spend my money on every day what I ate for lunch every single day in this whole pizza. Day two Avenue M across the street from so Alvin High School. I've been um a nice 14 every single day one slice or two one size because it was a special now. Here's a question very important. Very important question to our Fellow Pizza eaters out there. Here it is. Do you fold the slice when you eat it? Of course, you're from New York. Thank God. Yeah because a lot of people don't fold their slice if you don't fold your size. You're not from New York. There's you know why I realized I don't folder slice because they're not used to eating pizza while they stand out on the street. That is true. Yeah, and then here's here's something you never do. Here's what I can't stand that people do and I don't know what they think they're winning. They dab the oil off the pizza. Okay this size for the dabbing with the napkin that's not even like the ultimate Pizza sin ever watch people eat a plane slice with a fork and knife. Yes. I was gone. You could evolve it. Yeah. Why is that happening if your pizzas crispy all you have to do is just break it in that little that little wedge or along the crest hold it in your hands put it in your mouth and bite it knife and fork. Yeah, they ruined it. I don't get it. Yeah, you do get it. It's called tourists their daughter granddaughter. Your altar has derailed rice. We see you. We know you don't belong in our yeah. Yeah. Well, I might be it's his job. Yeah, we'll take pictures somewhere else and then and then I would almost I always knew when somebody was not a pizza eater coming with me and doing me the favor of eating a slice when they folded the slice to eat it and they didn't notice step back as the oil drip down right off the crust and they have down there first. Oh, that's that's like that's really like you guys got a really get with a plan. You got to expect that loyal be dripping down its the best part. By the way, if you have good cheese and good sauce. The best thing you can do is accumulate that. Little bundle of oil on top. That's the flavor. Oh my God. I'm drooling while I'm saying it's probably good for you. I bet in like, yeah olive oil honey olive oil. Uh-huh. They're going to come out with the setting of me. Like if you ate pizza you're going to like live forever instead of like what is it now kale or genomic chia seeds? Yeah. So I think that it's really important for people to understand that just like Our grandmother's favorite recipe that you carried over into your kitchen brings back good memories and makes you feel good about food pizzas the same thing now, we're not pizza snobs because somebody called me a pizza sub because I want yeah because they said like somebody brought me pizza and I was like, oh man, this is gross and the like as a tribute to sound like listen, the dough is not cooked. I can't fold it in half of the hold. It is drooping cheese tastes like crap. The crisp crust isn't crispy. I mean this isn't Pizza snob. This is just what it is. This is how the food should be and it's not but I wanted to know where it was from. I'm sure it wasn't from the borough's. No definitely not but I really encourage more people to eat pizza and you know create a fitness style lifestyle for themselves so that they can have all their favorite foods in moderation. And you know, I do understand where they're coming from. They're like, I can't eat pizza. I'm going to blow up. I was like image in my mind of someone taking a bite of a slice and another huge boat like oh my god. What happened? I took a bite like you like cartoon where the belt buckle goes in the button flies across the room. Yeah. That's Leo. Yeah, my baby's pretty chunky but that's okay. I like weight will sneeze then pop the button. We were getting ready for an event and I had him all dressed ready to rock and roll sneezes and you pot here like you finally get your toddler all rustled in and ready to rock and roll them. Nope sneeze new shirt. I'm just sorry I wasn't there for that. But you know, I try to tell people like someone's like, you know, how can I eat pizza? You don't really eat pizza. Do you like God really? You know, how do I Pizza? I feel like I say things all day. And nobody really listens to me. So here it is guys when you start to get older 35 and older 4045. Your metabolism is going to slow down. What does that mean? You're losing muscle mass. Stop ignoring the fact that you have to weight train if you weight train if you get a little stronger and you boost your metabolism, you'll be able to metabolize more calories. You'll be able to eat your favorite food again. I'm not saying all day every day. I'm just Saying as you get older that's going to be a little harder for you. Add a little muscle mass restore your youth eat your favorite foods together. How do you continue eating pizza for the rest of your life get a little stronger? It's a whole other episode. But anyway, I mean, that's the only reason why I just ran straight. I'll be honest. Yeah, sorry. So I'm really excited about this podcast that we started recording now because I feel like you know life is so busy for a lot of our customers. Oh, yeah, they don't have time to stop and read they don't have stopped. Time to stop and watch a video helped some people don't even have time to come into the gym and work out. Like that's really that's quality of life changes. You need to make you know, but I'm hoping that we can reach more people with this podcast. Yeah, you guys can listen while you carpool I carpooled all day. Yes. Yeah. I would love to listen to something like this. Yeah. There's some moms. There are some moms who are who are carpooling nine carpals and they told me that they have a Google Drive sheet just to keep track of all their kids activities. I totally believe it so you can listen to the podcast while you eat a piece of pizza in your lap while yeah kids to come out of their activity. I love eating in the car. Yeah. I love eating in the car. Here's what I how I really like my slice of pizza. There's really two ways but one is when they just put it into that paper bag. Oh, yeah paper bag gets stained with oil. And then the smell of the paper bag plus the pizza. I mean God, it's so perfect. Then your car like sometimes will smell for an extra day. Yeah, that's air freshener ever. That's so ghetto Brooklyn and I'm proud I'm totally cool with that. I'm so happy to be here at this point. So we're going to bring you a podcast or rainy night chat about the things we usually chat for probably gonna be chewing because we're always eating. Yeah if you want. To leave us some voice messages on this podcast or wherever I release it. You want to shoot us some messages some requests what you want us to chat about what information you want to hear. It doesn't just have to be fitness-related. We know a lot of stuff rain has a candy fanatic. So yeah, I know a lot about handy, you know what let's make that our next podcast. We're is I read yeah eventually get to the fitness part like who cares? I know everyone knows that were Fitness. Usually that's all they don't realize all the other stuff that we do. So let's talk candy next time. So old-school candy. Okay, I'm gonna enjoy this research and you're in charge of getting it here so we could taste it and talk about it. Okay. I know exactly what I'm talking good now, if you're listening to this podcast and you want us to sample some of your favorite candies leave a message here, wherever you're seeing this podcast tell us what you guys like to eat and we will all your secrets. We want to know we'll get the candy here. We'll eat it and we'll talk about it on the podcast. Cast and you can eat it while you listen. How's that? Sounds good to me. Okay, good. Well, so stay tuned next podcast today pizza tomorrow can be very excited. Okay, great. All right everyone. Thanks for listening and we will talk to you next time. Hi guys. Thanks for listening to the podcast if you want to get in touch with Rayna, you can follow her on Instagram at Brina JB and check out her brand front row apparel for fitness clothing that you can afford and move comfortably in you can also check us out on Instagram at Woodmere Fitness club and Facebook and YouTube. We've got tons of content on our website at Woodmere Fitness Check out our Blog Page join us for some Fitness classes and come eat pizza with us.
In this episode, we chat with Raina Butler, she’s the WFC Girls director, WFC fitness instructor, and Front Row Apparel entrepreneur, but aside from all that she loves pizza. I do too, and that's the reason we live in New York. While obviously having some amazing, saucy, tangy, cheesy pizza, we'll discuss everything you need to know about pizza and our childhood stories. Could you imagine that all Raina's mom ate while pregnant with her was pizza? Listen in for more juicy stories about us and our love for pizza. THINGS YOU'LL LEARN -Why pizza is the center of our lives. -The best pizza joint in Brooklyn. -The real reason why pizza in the boroughs is the best. -How Joe's Pizzeria fed me free pizza as a kid. -Do you fold your pizza slice? -Ultimate pizza sins. -Why I encourage people to eat pizza. -Reason to weight train as you get older. - MENTIONED LINKS You can find Raina and her fitness apparel clothing line at: To find out more about how you can get started on the road to health and strength, call us at (516)881-7371 or email Check out our gym at Follow us and reach out to Inna at: Articles and videos from Inna: --- Send in a voice message:
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started. What's up everybody? It's band Erickson for AfterBuzz TV for power season 6 episode 4 title. Why is Tommy still alive and black grimaces in the building? Let's go. He was happening today. What's going on now? Let the fun begin. I'm Bambi Roxanne and I would like to introduce the panel. I would like to introduce to my left we have given Rose is your football team to and oh, that's my question to everyone right now. All right, Dad to next to Jill. We have Jimmy V. It's a man Jimmy V. What's happening and joining us live from New York. He plays the role of black Grimm. Please welcome to AfterBuzz for the first time a Freemason in the building now yo and Peep he's where he he's got a power 6 mug official our chorizo merchandise can't get that anywhere. Wow. Little bit little bit. No, it's not. Oh, yeah Courtney sensor. - Nike ID right? Yeah, I saw them while they're hot. Yeah readspeaker's sprinkle with like some blood on it. Yeah, so can you be so so before we're done. Can you ask your wife or your low jr. If he can go grab your sneakers because I want to see I want to see this. Yeah, I want to I want to see him. Okay, but okay, but first question that we want to ask. What's your what's your take on this whole theme song issue great question. I'm going to have Unpopular opinion here. I actually did like the new theme song with Trey Songz. I kind of agree with 50 men, you know, sometimes you know, it's not it's not wrong with freshen things up at this song has been around for quite a few years and you know, you want to get a fresh new take on it and it was a it was a fresh new take unfortunately. A lot of people didn't really like the fresh nice of it. Okay? Okay. Okay. So now let's get into tonight's get let's get into last night's episode. So the first question that It's all my notes is please help me understand how tupid and every episode attempts to pull out a gun and shoot black Grimace. But in other times they talked as if everything's okay. I don't understand like why haven't you beat this to this? How come you haven't beat him down? Like what's going on? I I think that okay. So black Grimace is not a fighter. I don't know if you know this from watching previous Seasons, he's more into the money aspect of things. I personally feel he's not in his first choice would Be to fight also, Tommy is the boss. You understand I'm saying so when he says something people talk about other people being worried about black women as follows, you know, the rules to the T. That is true. Yeah, it don't go down like that. That's he's not gonna fight or argue with him. And that's that's just how he is. I think yeah, I definitely agree with that and there has been times when I have criticized black Grimace for for in a little soft. Yeah a little soft but a little cushiony. Yes, but one thing that we can't say is that he's very loyal he's very loyal to Tommy. He's really the last man standing. I felt like you and Victor kind of were the ones you guys you guys were kind of like the Duo's in the beginning where it was like YouTube where the loyal Victor's not there anymore. So now we shoot Last Man Standing and it just bothers me how how these other two little Negroes come into the Cherno respond, and there's just no respect and it's like why? I hope you kill them. I'm sorry. Are you you like to kill a lot of people watch the show that it's just that everybody I do like to kill them but I feel like two-bit Francis is so conniving and it's so manipulative. If you don't kill him, he's going to kill black Grimace. Yeah, I do believe tube. It has visions of grandeur. He he kind of reminds me this season of how great was couple seasons ago when he was working under ghost and he was like look Man II can help you do this. I can help you do this. I I could do it for you. I'm your guy. He's like way too hungry. You know what? I mean? So Hunger makes people do a lot of crazy things and I think he's maybe he just wants he wants black remiss maybe his spot maybe. Okay, right right Adrian. What's the back story on this lung problem that kidney kidney or the some type of Orden. So okay, so I don't know if you guys can tell or maybe you can't a lot of the stuff we do on set. It is improved. Alright, so we had that question for you. So I want to see the first big shout out to Matt Turner. He wrote this week's episode and also to Karen Hawks who was the director. They did a very good job and Matt wrote a very good episode occasionally. Sometimes we Kourtney will allow us to add things to the episode. So we were in the back going over the sides for the scene and we were just messing around with the lines. It was me my Ferguson Place to bit and Omar Scroggins Spanky and we were just messing around the lines getting loose getting into character and I we were joking around and I see you know, he said his line where he's like, what were they out of Big Macs for whatever slim grim and I just said, you know y'all messed up man, you know, I got one kidney. I just it was just something I just randomly said within the character who I promise they laughed and then they're like, you know, you should say that you should say that and I said you sure I don't want to get in trouble here. You know, I'm not like all the Top of the totem pole. I don't you know, they were not do it. So we did it in front of 50. He liked it. They brought the crew and the rest of the lighting and everybody else in to see the scene. They all laughed like we were doing the scene. They laughed like I've never seen that happen. So they let us keep it and it stayed in the episode. So then I you know, I you know, I dig so in a couple episodes when you guys had saw Lala's character Lakeisha she walked in and there was a comment made about her. As was that in the script or was that improv? No, that was that was scripted. I mean a lot of those beautiful but I but you don't I don't think you really have to like this. Not really you don't really have to write that in a script you could you could look at her and say yeah, that's yeah, you know, but it was that that was scripted. Okay, the live chat really quick. Wanted to know if you went took acting at John Dewey High School Brooklyn represent. Now somebody who knows me I did. And they say what up to down. So can we get a little bit of backstory on VG's character, you know bam obviously thinks he's a little soft for the drug game. He seems to be a gentle giant with you know, what's with him as he always been down with the streets. Do we know does he have desires to be a big guy on campus? Well, not campus big guy on the street. Yeah. I don't know if the show Ever really gone digging into black romances story. What we do know is that black rim is likes money and he likes dressed nice. He is my opinion. I know the rise might have some different Blackness is he looks serious and he looks tough, but I just think he he's not he's doesn't take the job as seriously as he should, you know, he's afraid of Tommy but I think he's just enjoying the ride like, oh great. I get I get all this money I get to To wear these nice clothes and I get to you know, I get I get to carry a gun. This is cool. I don't think he likes the lifestyle. Yeah, I don't think he's really a killer, you know, like any killer. Don't push me. You knows if Tommy said to kill somebody probably would do it because he's a goon I might well I do but I don't I don't think personally that black women says he's he wasn't built for the business. He just happened to hey, you know what they're hiring. Okay, I'll take the child. So what is it that you And tell me without being fired or potentially being in the sequel about what's going on with Tommy and his crew his organization. What can you tell us? I think there are some Growing Pains going on in Tommy's organization right now for what you can see last season, you know, we lost a couple of key characters and everybody just kind of came together. So my opinion there's Growing Pains going on right now a lot of A lot of character not meshing. You know what I'm saying? A lot of personality conflicts and that's what you're seeing is happening. A lot of people have different ways of doing things and you know, I think that's you know, maybe that's going to play out as the season goes on maybe okay. Okay, was that good? And she guys like that that that was note that was good. Do we have do we have any questions from the fans and the chat room before we move on? No, they just keep saying a big upgrade kind and asking about you and to the representing and they just want to know more about what's going on with you and to bit. Hmm. Yes. It's it's a weird man. Like this is just just beef man. It is he's got a short temper and black Grimace is going to light that fuse every time it seems like he can't do anything right or he used to stay on his good side of me. I saw the last episode You Gonna they talking about the heist and he's you know, you made one comment and you know Grim actually stood up for himself, which I'm like, yeah, I'm not gonna take that from you. You don't know me like yo, chill when you think and he's like you saw the look he gave them he was like, oh, I'm gonna do this in films. Like, where are you you bout that life and Dancing break it up. So we'll see what happens. So I want to ask a couple questions now about you Avery Mason the actor. So your first TV credit was for The Good Wife. That's right. Yeah. It was what I had here line. Yeah. So Kourtney Kim Kourtney Camp was some type of show runner or she has to she was involved in that show and some way. So did you? King with Courtney on The Good Wife did that lead to your role for black Grimace on power? That's a great question. And no I didn't when I did The Good Wife. That was just a day Player thing. I didn't actually get to meet her. I didn't meet Courtney until season two little bit of back story how I got the partners. So I was doing a background on the show and I got a featured role. Let's see. Well, I already said season 2, but bam, do you do you remember? Can you remember what episode it was? I feel like I felt like I remember you when the pilot episode with you and Victor when you guys no, that's not it. I'm okay anybody else to go said come to the laundromat to get money from Julio? Okay, give the Lobos and the guy that open the door was me. Well, that's it was me but it wasn't black Grouse the time. All right. Yes. Absolutely. Yeah, so she's okay. Like season two, I think I'm not sure the episode but I definitely remember that was like my first appearance got it. So but then so were you doing background the the what you doing background and season one and then you got that part for season 2 or season 2 was it no season two is my first part on the show and they like me so they brought me back for a couple more. If you go back to season to watch a couple things you'll see me and I met Courtney and one of those episodes it was just very random. I I really did not know the folks on the show. I was just happy to be there. I was talking to people and I bumped into this lady very nice tells me have a very nice. Look you're very professional like you what you're doing. That's it. Thank you very much. And then like five minutes later someone like you. What did you say to you? What did you do? I thought I was in trouble and I think she just said I was doing a good job and she's like well look they were like, okay cool. You know who that is, and I'm like no. She's like that's the showrunner. Whoo, Kourtney Kim. Oh and it was scary. Like I thought I did something wrong, but then it I thought I did great. They asked me to come in and audition for a part. They thought might they thought might be really good for me and auditioned in the the rest is history. Wow, man, that is a dope story and congrats to you for for for sticking in there because you know with you being a day player getting close to our getting a co-star credit on The Good Wife prior to that but then still being humble enough to when you're in New York to do the background work. Where the background pay and the co-star pay are completely two different, you know pay scales, but the fact that you allowed yourself to be humbled you were blessed with with the bigger opportunity. So while congratulations on that yeah things were slow after the good ones. I really didn't get the kind of work. I thought I would so I'm just like, you know what I want to stay in the scene. I want to stay in the vibe. You know what I'm saying? I want to stay on set and keep learning and keep growing and I was I was fine with it. I'm like, I nobody else pay my bills, but me so you know, okay, so But I got to do so a couple questions then imma let you let you go. So you went to University of Albany to become a journalist. What type of General is that? You want to come before you dropped out to begin the acting? Oh, no, sir. I didn't drop by drop finish my journalism degree. Oh, yeah. Well, I got actually I didn't finish my journalism degree. I thought you would have to be get a journalism degree to go into radio because what I wanted to do was radio and I was like, well, I gotta go get this journalism degree so I can do radio. I didn't know that. So I stopped doing a journalism and I found the college station. I kept doing radio at the college station. I changed my major to African studies in English. And that's what I graduated with a ba in African studies in English. He got it two more questions is your son old enough to watch you on power. Yeah, he is but I don't want to let him see the show with me yet. Okay, he doesn't recognize Daddy on screen because I do some other things. I let him see it. But I don't know if I want to let him watch the show you it's a little too violent, you know, and he went for like Daddy what's happening like Daddy what's happening? What's going on? Daddy was like no no change the channel. You can watch it just yet. You're not ready. Okay Runners potty training got it. Final question is you're also a stand-up comedian. Yes. Doing it since 2013 side note before I know what you going quick question quick a quick update here September 25th. I'm going to be at Caroline's on Broadway at 7:30 p.m. For everybody watching right now in New York. You want to come see me come check me out Caroline's on Broadway separate tub, September 25th and September 27th at the creek in the cave in Queens as well as a far as a set goes man. How many minutes do you have? A half hour said what you got? Why are you want to you want to come out and watch me? Can I get your money's worth East Coast? I just might pull up on you. I mean he is from Boston. Charlie I got a Dave Chappelle our but I got a you know, I got a Rodney Dangerfield half. You know what I'm saying? I got work at 20, you know, yeah. Yeah. Wow. Okay, so so before we let you go. All right final question. Does black Grimace kill to be or Spanky? We took that big Swig? All right. Well my fingers my fingers crossed his police kill his ass. Whoa, which one either just I just take them all out. Like I just I'm not feeling this whole I'm not feeling too big and Spanky, you know, this whole double team thing black Grimace has been the most loyal and I just it bothers me how this dude always wants to pull a gun on somebody. Like he he's weak. He's wag and I hope that black Grimace shoot his ass tube. It has been very flashy. Yeah with the whole get the strap. Yeah, we do. Nothing to see some structural Street strong. He's just not brain strong. He's just violence is the first option because that's how he grew up. You know, he's friends with Draya man. They've them dudes that's violence for them first option. But black Christmas is about that money. I think I missed that money. That's one thing you can guarantee is the best work if I if this was McDonald's, Black rooms would be the shift manager. That's wonderful. So let everyone know where you could be found on social media. Yes, sir. So if you guys would like to follow me Brooklyn is already follow me you might as well join on it. I'm at Big Calf comedy on Instagram Twitter and on Facebook. I'll send out a YouTube channel, which I kind of got to updates not much stuff on there, but follow me there too. Why not and check me out at Caroline's on September 25th at 7:30, bro. You should come too we gonna talk about that champion jersey. What team is that? If you'd even and it's just the trip brought just a drip that's what it is there. Okay. So let's say we want to thank Avery for stopping by chatting wouldest. Thank you so much. We had heard that you watch our show and so we're just grateful that, you know, thank you so much for for taking the time to chat with us and much much success to you and congrats on everything and for just having the will and the drive to do what you do and look as what happened. You know, look at look at what has happened, you know due to just being humble. Dude, I appreciate you guys. All y'all show has grown so much. I do remember watching in season 3. I was hoping I would say my name at some point, but it never did happen. I was just Tommy being one of his goons and interaction. So you guys keep doing your thing much respect much props and next time y'all on my side on East Coast. Come on. Check me out. Make sure I have a good time. Wonderful. Thank you. Thank you so much. All right. Thank you so much. All right. Okay, so that was yes. That was that was so cool. And you know we saw each other at the premiere in New York and you know, he's like, you know, can we get you on and he's like man I watch all the time. So just you know, that's that's always that's always great. Okay, so moving along with episode for y so I'm still alive. So now Ghost sees dead people. So Angela, everything went wrong ghost is trying to be the man. She wants him to be Angela says it wasn't Tommy was him and that he's always choose Tommy over her ask if if she was a female witness, what would happen to her says, he's not guilty enough to what happened to her and questions then why is Tommy still alive? So now I predicted that ghost would actually have hallucinations of Ali Angela. So now that I've seen it I don't like it. What do you think? I don't Like it as well hate it hate it. I don't need the inner dialogue. I saw on the confidential after-show Courtney mentioned. This is the way that we get to see ghosts. Grieve. Why couldn't you just grieve but you okay. So listen, I mean, I understand the point of it because we're seeing his guilt come out and then it does, you know kind we never see ghosts sort of take responsibility for his actions. So we see he feels bad. He knows he puts in G in this position and this is really all his fault. But how many times you have to see Angie in that red dress? Yes, so, like I said I saw this coming but I'm saved and Sanctified. I mean I don't I don't personally I don't believe in that whole talking to the day of type thing. You say they don't believe in that type of stuff. So I don't know. I mean, I hear people say things like, you know, they they, you know, they've seen their dead aunt or grandmother. I never seen no shit like that. So it's hard for me to really grasp. Somebody talking to someone who's dead. I just that's just me one thing specifically is and Angeles dialogue. It's got me tripping out because I feel like she's talking in circles. One thing that she was like, oh you always choose Tommy over me and then obviously ghost made the attempt and then she's like I never told you to go and kill Tommy and then later on in the episode. She goes you're gonna end up killing blah blah blah. So it's just as a viewer. I'm confused. But okay, so I do now Lenny now, let me explain why I think that happens because became remember she's dead. So she's playing with his emotions about things so it's not real. So basically what goes says these are all the things that Angela saying are probably things that are running through his mind because like it's as subconscious. Yeah. I mean, that's why I think Drac. I don't know how to say that last name, too. Birth Drac, we're just going to say drag wants to know why doesn't he Sirena? Why no visions of Raina because great questions. I know why Katie Pablo is ready. Nobody gives a fuck about Reina. Yeah. She was not important. Listen this like like we've said before there's four stars in this in this in this series. There's ghosts Tommy Angela and Tasha that those are the four and you know, the whole their whole lives wrecked once Angela came in. Ooh the picture and he fell in love with his old girlfriend. Sorry Rayna. That was one of the reasons why I predicted that she had to die. She wasn't important and she would just she wasn't important. So that's the answer your question. She's not my question. So anything else before we move on before Jill you start talking about Kate. I don't have anything just I hope that we don't see this continued for the next several episodes. We got it in this one and it's like I'm all about keeping Lila employed. So the Big gave her you know apart but it's just not fair. She has another job. She has an alternate carbon when that comes out. Anyway, let's talk about Kate and Lakeisha and they're bonding moment girls are bonding. It was a bonding. I felt like it was good for Lakeisha. She you know could ask some questions. Everybody wants to be nosy to find out what the other chick was about even though she kind of met Holly and I thought it was good you Kate almost seemed And dare, I say not normal because that would be a stretch but she seemed you know regular like she was wasn't being a super evil or supered, you know, prickly with her. I felt like she was just having a real conversation. I thought it was very foreshadowing e, you know, especially with oh the especially with the lime things don't work out. Well, I think that I don't think she has a problem with the Keisha. She probably, you know 8 / good cooking and so forth. I don't think she has a problem with the Keisha. The problem is she is just not right for her child. She recognizes she knows I mean she knew immediately and the whole thing. Sorry little actor that play Chase. Is that oh, yeah. Yeah, that was a struggle moment. But you know who Lakeisha going out to go beat up the boys on the Block Kate had a point. We don't know how this is going to impact Tommy and come back to you as you do need to go out and defend your child, but I don't know if cash cash cash. Okay cash. I don't know if going out in the block and beating up the kid yourself, you know, the actual is the right thing, but that's that's I don't say that's a good thing but a lot of parents may not feel that way when yeah I get that. But my point is you're a g when it's some little kids but you cowering at the door when the police came and Kate had a point. She's and of course she's going to put her son first as any mother would and as she should but this life doesn't All for that and it's not going to work because we already know that she's a punk. Kate can smell it and Tommy you just you know need somebody to be there. It's really sad and she had a point everybody. Tommy loves ends up dead except for ghosts. Yeah. What did you guys think about Kate slipped and said when when Tommy was like, well, they can't be because she's black and then Kate slipped up and said, you know that she raised a black son, so I didn't really read anything. Thing I did behind you think that is Mom. I did because some years ago. I had this theory that I have this theory that that I had heard. Well I had my theory was similar, but the theory that I got was a little more more defined it was from this podcast of these two guys from New York. And I and I and I gave the specific breakdown of it. I don't remember all what I said is I just remember that that Tommy's dad and so the pass of Tommy is Dad was a club owner. I believe that Kate was a dancer possibly a stripper or working at the club where goes dad who's was and they had an affair together. They had an affair together and I don't remember what else I said, but I feel like that is what Pat that's what has brought Tommy and goes together. But with Kate saying that she raised a black son now makes me go back to the theories because every time that I've mentioned it now that the every time that I've mentioned it to like Courtney and to Shannon, To some other people they either look at me in a weird way. They ignore me like they there's something about onto something when I when I mention that that whole theory that I had that there could be some truth to it. So the fact that she said that she raised a black son it obviously has to be ghost so we know we know everybody's past we know we know Tommy's past but we don't know ghost his past except that his father was a club. We don't know about the mom and so forth. So That means something because Kate whenever cake, um, she's always messy and she's always dropping some type of tea or something. So I just think that it means something and I have to remember I have to remember what I said specifically about it. Well, I don't know. We'll see. I mean, it could have been just an example of you know, you two are like brothers. He was in my home thing or you know, maybe you're onto something. Okay. We will see all right now. Now we have to discuss Lindsey Cooper Saxe and Proctor which might have been the best storyline of the whole episode but going right. Um, so obviously, you know, because Proctor's a good dad and he sends the baby out of the room when stuff is popping off nothing turned up on the recording in the little unicorn but Lindsay being almost abusive to her daughter calling her a little B and all of that. What did you guys think about that like, Whoa, it's still a mess even sober. She still a mess. She said she's still a mess and remember although we've this is six seasons. But as Courtney says that all of this has taken place within like a couple of months. So for her to get there's movie references of I can't think of but it takes a long time to get it takes a long time to get clean before you you know, you don't relapse so I mean you can tell that Ozzy had an ulterior motive. So it only makes sense that she's not really trying to be a parent. She's just trying to get back. She's completely trying to get back so Proctor set her up. I thought it was genius because when we participate yeah you missed it. I far as the exam. He said he slipped the letter in the mailbox. We I don't think Lindsay failed the bar. Yeah, Proctor fake that letter in the mailbox and there's no fee. On say or a fiancé he was doing that and then they're over the edge. So she was like using drugs. I don't think that he thought she was gonna OD that night, but he just wanted to get her messed up so that there was no way a judge could give custody to the kid. And then I as Proctor would steal walking out of the crib. He like turned back in like that was that signal like I was the one in charge of this whole thing and then boom. Yeah. So yeah, how did I miss am is out? We'll never see it. Yeah, when they were waiting outside he and you know, they're waiting for it to come up. He slipped it in the mail. That's why it was like what's wrong everything? Okay, and it's all Attitude Change. She I mean again, I don't think I can't be mad at him. Well, I can't let anybody overdose but I can't be mad at him. I know he had to think that through because he probably just wanted her sick, but that's still in your mother's child. And you're doing it when your child is in the house. They were just my questions about that. Like are you just gonna grab the Otto reliever and she's not going to see your mom slumped over on the couch. And then my question becomes because we saw the bag on the couch because the camera panned to the bag. So is he gonna be the one to blame now for her death will see there's a couple of things with that. I feel like here's the thing. She dies. Yes X is going to be trying to get that little device back. But one how's it going to find it - yeah. How's he going to get in there now place. It just it's on the Dodgers thing it just Kind of it could come back later, but it falls to the Wayside almost because there wasn't anything on there to begin with. Well the thinking and have a dialogue that Proctor says I'm not going to allow you to take my daughter nothing. Like that's something that could come on. Who's yeah, I don't feel like that's enough. I don't feel like it's enough because at some point he does have to call 9-1-1 because she's ever dated. So when he calls, he's a lawyer he could, you know come up with something so I don't really I feel like that it's dead in the water. Yeah, I do. Why would they pan? Were to the bag though. That's what I'm thinking because they're gonna think about it. And of course they're going to want to you know, maybe sax is looking for it. And he you know makes threats of what he make because we've seen Cooper's been way off and what he's kind of pulling together these past couple of episodes. He's focusing in one area and things are really going on to the left and because he's not looking at the picture with a clear head he misses things before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify is a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Fi app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us. You never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV. So I mean it's going to come up because they looked at it for a reason but how relevant it will be so I can I use it. So that makes sense. I thought I thought the way the letter was worded. It says notice of notice of notice of failure of the bar. I just I felt like that's kind of odd to to normally. I feel like the wording of his would be would be different. But damn I didn't. Wow. Well, that's why I specially to when Procter came back in the second scene that she was rambling off things off the test. Yeah as if she was like studying again, which he knew you know, so then that means so that means Proctor probably went and grabbed the letter and damn. Okay. That was good. Yeah. All right. Moving on so Proctor Dre and goes so so ghost is ready to go. See is ready to kill Dre. You have the new eastern district has a new attorney and he's putting this new RICO case. There's no RICO case. There's new RICO case against against Tommy Tasha ghost and Proctor who reveals that there's still a female witness the swords girl. So then Proctor tells ghost that we can use Dre to control the narrative since he Has to report back about ghosts whereabouts ghost degrees and Dre is to wear a wire and tell them that ghost is innocent. So are we shocked that Dre didn't exactly follow the orders. Not sure of course, so and then so what is your thoughts on ghost not killing Suarez and then giving her money with gloves on but he didn't use gloves when he was and clipped roof. Beat me right to the point. I was so mad when you put Masters on we got finesse guy. Okay, even that when they when he was coming into the apartment. I felt like it was one of those old, you know scary movies where you see the killer walking up and he is moving off slow and he moves the gloves out of his pocket like that's dumb. Yeah, because here's the thing. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I get it. Maybe you're covering for your fingerprints. But she saw you she knows it's you it's so her ID has to count for something. It just goes with a heart I guess and coming to give her money and do with it what you will And this is and this is where the whole but I felt like it might have been a setup for Dre too, but that's a big risk to take. Yeah, but this is now this is where you're going to see ghosts do stupid things, you know killing Tommy in in broad daylight like he's not thinking he's not thinking rationally because he really is messed up in the head that Angela's dead and that his best friend his brother who he lived with an apartment somewhere in the Bronx with with him and His in his Tommy's mom what I think so, I just I feel like that's where they're going with this and you see you see ghosts is now very he's really messing up a lot. So that's that's what I take from that I was not a fan of the first scene when it was Ghost Procter & Dre because ghost is so I don't want to deal with him as soon as they bring up the daughter he switches. Okay. So now I want you to wear a wire blah blah blah. Well, it was it was it was the daughter obviously Raina and then also, Because Proctor just made a lot of sense Proctor says, you know, I'm on the line and plus we can really we can really make this we can really make this work. So goes saw the feds and the rearview mirror and so he knows that Dre so like he does for for two things that he does stupid. He's smart when it comes to certain things. He's smart when it comes to to Tate and he's smart when it comes to Dre, but when it comes to like Tommy and some of the other things he doesn't think Irrational I'm going to say I'm not sure if he is smart when it comes to drug because there is also the scene where is ghost in Jason and the talking inside of Club truth and Drake's upstairs listening to everything and that they're actually saying and the topic of conversation is being being Jason's distro and I think I think Dre picked up on that like, oh, okay, but they're very true. But also in that scene, which will we Were we just go to a now with that that particular scene ghost made it very clear. He said it's adjacent. He said it too. He said it to to Jason's crew. He's like f mom the game come out the game killed. What you going to do kill me? Like at this point. He doesn't care if he lives or die because answer is gone. So I for me that scene was more powerful because he was basically just saying I don't care who's around F you I'm not doing this point blank. Okay, so Tasha and Ramona Garrett should she have gone? To Ramona to spill their marriage business between Shane goes about go signing her name on the fund for Rayna what she was going to take but Ramona happened to be there. Yeah, and she's controlling it. You know, I'm unsure where Ramona stands is this about Tate or is this about I'm kind of checking for ghost the advice you gave Tasha wasn't wrong per se but it's a little flippant to just say well get your own money. Any and get over it I did different situation. She literally lost her child. Yeah, I mean, so I just kind of feel like for Ramona to just be in the mix and to be so dismissive of her and and then strange Tasha made a great point. You don't have a child so you can't understand the shoes that I'm actually in. Okay fair enough now Tasha Quinton koalas this open discussion. So course is the feds or Something. Yeah, he never sound I do fall in love so fast like he's ready to go to war for Tasha over a kissing scene. And that's why he's the best like what okay, before we even talk about that. No kids one day full of kids the next day. I understand there were some kids in the apartment but really literally like are popping today and who's taking their kid to a daycare where the owner has a bottle of champagne just waiting in her desk to pull out in the back and crack open? So with a stranger good point Joe good boy. So I'll just drag Tasha just 5 seconds. So, you know Q he suspect he's very suspect as hell because the daycare was not open and then the windows were covered and he just walks in right and walking and so he just walks in then he comes in again the next day and then this time she has office, you know, so that that was already an issue and then so then once so once okay, so this is my problem. Tasha and I've said this before Tasha Tommy and goes all have weaknesses Tasha's weakness as to why she's not the you know, she's not the boss of the boss boss is because she did gets in her way. Oh no. Come on be our how are you let's but no. No, I'm a Hello Ghost Alters the whole plan screws everything up behind vagina. So therefore they are but okay Tasha's to this point hasn't heard situations haven't physically resulted in a mess up all the problems that have come from her situations are because ghosts can't make up his mind. I don't want you but nobody else can have you and he gets in the mix. Okay doesn't skewer thought process or thinking too. It doesn't at the reason that it does skewered process is because first of all you allow a man that you don't know to come into your place of business and it's a day care, right? So that's that's number one. And then number two on the second day when he comes back after you do the exchange of the numbers. Then you have a bottle of wine. You don't I just had to be blowing your nose nigga, right? Like you don't know him and and yes Tasha is a boss and so forth, but the reality is he's a guy as fuck. I'm creepy that he comes into her place of business. That is not open. We haven't seen his daughter. We haven't we haven't we have not seen the daughter and the reality is the reality is this if Tasha doesn't shoot him up, you know point-blank. You don't know what this dude can do that shit is not safe. It's just dangerous and he's creepy and it's just not cool to be having some groaned as to have some you know, what just coming into your place of business. It's just it's stupid each. I agree. I mean like a good boy. Again, bring this back to the writers are trying to speed things along and get us to a place quickly. Obviously, he's going to play more into the situation because he's too pressed and you know looking and Ghostface I ain't scared. Are you not scared? You don't even know where it is and you know, dude and job and then it was and then on top of this so you ready. So this dude is ready to to wife up Tasha. You ain't met the kids. Haven't gone on a date having gone on a real date and I didn't appreciate them making toys. Shh sound thirsty a real date. Your man is a multi-millionaire. He owned a click you are acting like you haven't been taken out on a date before come on man. Stop it anyway, so and that's another thing about this Q guy. It's like you are ready. But but there are some suck-ass due to do shit like that where they ready to they ready to wife up some new girl that they like without even knowing the situation. So that is that's very that's very real thirsty guys. Sexual maybe he needs a place to stay. He just got a daughter, you know, it's to take care. I was I wouldn't because after sighs what the hell was that got it. Okay, so I'm done dragging. So any thoughts about the argument while they were at the what with those that argument there and in they also had a staredown that's going to definitely escalate into Q getting body. So he has not gonna survive and ghost was wrong if you're talking about ghost and Tasha has argument before How about this stuff? Yeah, we skipped over the huge part of the rain has money. Okay, but let's so this is the thing, right? So yes ghost was wrong for forging Tasha signature, but for Tasha's argument her comeback is Reina would have wanted this bitch please bitch, please. Yeah, so it's like so listen like Tasha was Tasha was winning the argument until she came up with that bullshit as a logic the reality is they both like to Lie to each other and try to you know get one Outreach other ghosts had won that particular situation and when Tasha came back with the whole range of would have wanted it you lost that argument you had them until then I agree and then goes also to he he said I made all the money so I can tell you exactly what it was. Point I'm dissolving the trust I need that I would have been more pissed that Ramona tried to tell me what my husband did with the money and why it was important. That was a problem. I believe it was for the charity. Do you is that your business though? Yeah doesn't matter. But all right. So Jason ghost and Tommy we already kind of talked a little bit about how because he's seeing their bodies ghost tries to just shoot Tommy in broad daylight in broad daylight. Oh and he crashed the car and he did not get affected not one bit. No, let's talk about the fact that for the first five seasons of power ghost was a dead shot. Yes. I never miss never missed a shot all of a sudden now, you're right at the ambulance window and it's painting me me being and you hit nothing not even a grave good point you um, is that his guilt to know it's not his it's not his guilt. But I also think that I also think that with with Tommy and ghosts they want to kill each other, but they don't want to kill Each other it doesn't make sense. Yeah, so it's like there's they're shooting each other. It's like it's like when two brothers fight how they really fight but they don't really try to like rather than rather than sock him in the eye you may do like you may do their job or you may do the the chest but when you hit the chest you kind of Hit the shoulder because you don't really want to try and take them out. I feel like that's what ghosts he's saying. He's having a this hurts me more than it will hurt. You moment soda kind of its kind of stupid. But I think like they're purposely so, okay. So now Tommy Tariq and Vinson, yes Jimmy. So Tariq discovers Tommy shipping location from his Uber wear that with the address exactly was and he breaks in and steals the product real quick. One thing. I was confused Vincent, Texas to read saying It meant in or he says something about pick up so correct me if I'm wrong. So Tarik was supplying Vincent, right? Because that's what the tech room as a viewer. This is what happened Canaan went to Vincent had some stuff to sell paintings now gone Tariq went back to Vincent after that as Canaan as is cancerous. Yeah. Yeah, okay to work the deal. So so visit finds out Tariq is the son of ghosts, which was I thought was brilliant at this point and then I really enjoyed when Vincent put hands on Tarik. This is his first experience of the actual drug life, you know what I mean, and it gets real but somebody needed to put hands on but then the reality is ghost or Tommy is going to have to be able to recount. But then the thing is, this is Peggy Pablo. How does everyone have so much? How do Pete how do they have such easy access to get to that boys school and his dormitory room parents like when I was in college my parents never had that much access to Justice High School. That's right. That's right. Yeah, so he just brought up in there but Tommy goes and confronts to wreak about that. And now he says that he's another 1/4 another Petty thing hit so did you notice who did hold it to wreak remind you of with the v-neck sweaters and ago chain I said now from oh potato for. Okay, like who'd you say mine is mine is Wesley Snipes and New Jack City. Nino Brown Nino Brown. Yeah. Yeah good point. Yeah, because it because at one point he had the he had the black one on and you know, the famous scenes which I find out so but okay, so but going back to that with Tommy confronting to wreak does he now does Tommy now feel a certain way will he protect him like the way that he wanted to before when it came to with him falling out with his dad - I think he is going to protect him until He finds out that he's lying to him and then I think things will definitely switch up at that point at this point. I mean, it seems like Vincent will find event. It feels like it seems being that Vince is trying to he wants to play Both Sides. It seems obvious that Vince will probably you know, tell Tommy or I just I felt like I feel like Vince is dead. Well, here's the thing. He's gonna get discovered anyway, because where's he going to get the product especially now used to get double the product you don't hit the warehouse again. I mean, what are you going to do? It's all going to come to a head at some point. You know, Tommy. I wonder if Tommy Tommy doesn't even realize this is how inept I feel like his operation is Tommy doesn't know that the stuff that you're getting back. He stole out of the warehouse. He thinks this is just stuff that he's at left over from Canaan. He doesn't even recognize that your Warehouse has been hit. It's Compromise. No, I thought he did that which is why he went to oh, he asked him where he got it from and he said Kanan, I don't think that he because it's plausible that he could have had a stash McCain and so I don't think he realizes that he's lying. It's just it's sloppy business, but we're going to talk about this some more right? Yeah. I mean lastly we did see tariqa neffe getting a little more close and as we know that is Tasha jr. So that class was awkward. I think that's just all a setup once again for the sequel. So is there anything else because we talked about a lot but I just want to make sure is there anything in the chat room, they're saying that we didn't discuss. Well, I can tell you one thing. We didn't discuss really quickly. We did not discuss councilman Tate getting his officers to go spy on Ghost with the little spy watching him and swooping him up and chilling and ghost office at truth like a ghost. I'ma need you to straighten. Up. I like that scene. That was a sink. That was a battle of power. Like like a corny always says, you know, it's everybody's always struggling. So we saw at 8:00 and he thought he had the upper hand and then we saw a ghost let him know actually. I was in charge of everything now you put everybody else in danger and he and he took the power right back. I think that it's gonna I feel like it's going to bounce back and forth. I think so too at some point because you had the other guy. Guy sitting outside watching him. So but my only thing with this is you remember I was saying how ghosts is sloppy with some things but he spot on I felt like he has Tate in the palm of his hands. So like just as we thought tape was going to have control of that situation ghost completely got him. So I don't feel like there's anything else that I don't feel like there's anything else that taken do in order to outdo. I mean like here's the thing. The only thing that I think that it's not so much outdo him, but he he's gaining knowledge and information that ghost isn't quite aware that he has so it kind of puts the situation in different hands. Yeah, you know, I just again we don't know I think ghost is going to work his way into being a politician at some point. But yeah Lorenz was actually on The Breakfast Club. It's morning and during the interview. He did mention that councilman Tate is the city council version of ghost in the street world. So like they're they are of the same size as however different size here. Okay. So now before we wrap our yeah this week's top AfterBuzz power moment roll it I love watching your passion. You you're very, you know, the seasons, you know, exactly the episodes. I mean, you're so passionate about it. So I'm almost just really curious as to what your Was when you first sold this show when you first created the show rather and did you understand what you have now on your hands. Did you know it was going to be what it is? No 50 did 50 was like, oh girl. This show is a hit. You know, he's like shorty don't you worry about it, you know what I mean? But no, it was a very it's the first show that I ever pitched for show that I ever wrote for money the first pilot I ever wrote for money. It's the first show I've ever run. So to be honest with you. I was just like, okay God But I mean, I have a little sign on my desk and says Okay God and it's basically it's a shortened version of The Serenity Prayer or the third step prayer any of the steps from you know, 12-step things, but the idea is just I'm not in control of anything. So I do my best and then I let all everything else return it all over. So in this case. No, I didn't know I knew I would do my best. I knew I would show up. I knew I would be passionate and that I would give it my all and that's it if nobody watched. It was still the same show. So be it I left it all on the field. That's the thing. I always say if I leave it all on the field and I still lose there wasn't anything else I could do. That's right. Yeah, so that's what I always tell like younger people like you work as hard as you can every day that you can that you have breath, you know in your body and then whatever happens is great, you know, either way. Yeah just to piggyback on that question because we've all fallen in love with the characters, right? I mean so many people Thank you sis The Colony that was just some great inspiration motivation after looking over a few of the clips. And I was like that was dope. Yeah your first pitch and you see what came about seriously sakes. What's yeah five years that wow, that was motivating very motivating and other people have noticed I've come up to me and they've said how how they like to watch Courtney when she's here because she's so specific if you ask Quite soon. She'll tell you. Oh, yeah, by the way, don't you remember an episode of did it editor? Like she she she knows her stuff. She knows her stuff. Yeah. Yeah. So you guys have any predictions before we wrap Q is getting body. That's my prediction Q is gonna get a body somebody's going to die again next week as yeah. Yeah as always well, I don't have a prediction. Action, but what I will say is we spoke a little bit about the Jason miss a character and so his the actor's name is Mike do pod in my dupa will be here with us in two weeks Timber and 30th building September 30th y'all so we we have some questions for him and she'd be pretty exciting because there's something about his character that you know, I think ghost is going to kill him. He's just a matter of when also to watching him as an as an actor. He's gotten real. With the character to like you can start to see his swag in his in his performance. So we're looking forward to having him instead of you. Absolutely. So we've had a great time let everyone know where you guys can be found on social media. Hey, it's your man. Jimmy V. You can find me at the gym EV and shout out to Avery for joining us this episode. Thanks every hope the kidneys better. You can follow me everywhere at stiletto Jill. Hit me up share your thoughts and maybe we will feature you next week. Yes. Yes, and I'm bam Erickson. You can follow me on all social media at BAM Erickson. We want to thank our special guest Hayley Mason who plays the role of black Grimace and thank you to all the people and thank you to all the people in the chat room, you know, we're looking and it's just like look at all these comments. It's that's love right there. That's lovely. That's a great deal of shout out to you track Eric everybody Angel would thank you guys for checking us out. We'll see you next week. Yes. Thank you guys. Bye our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos. Like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first where the biggest in the world and we're the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it to go to activist check out our lineup Buzz ya later. You just press your inner. Those are the whole so we do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or folders opens.
In this recap “Why is Tommy Still Alive” hosts Bam Ericson, Jill Munroe, and Jimmy VIbert break down the episode and have special guest Avery Mason join in via skype to discuss his character Black Grimace. About Power After Show: Follow our POWER AFTER SHOW, to see how our hosts follow a man who successfully lives his crazy double life. We discuss this extravagant lifestyle with all the surprising twists that occur in the show. Subscribe here for in depth discussions, reviews and recaps including some of your favorite cast members. ABOUT POWER: The series follows James St. Patrick, nicknamed "Ghost", owner of a popular New York City nightclub. In addition, he is a major player in one of the city's biggest illegal drug networks. He struggles to balance these two lives, and the balance topples when he realizes he wants to leave the drug ring in order to support his legitimate business. It appears James "Ghost" St. Patrick has it all -- a drop-dead gorgeous wife, a stunning Manhattan penthouse, and the power and success that come with owning hot new nightclub Truth. But a closer look reveals a man living a double life. When Ghost isn't tending to his Fortune 500 business, he's catering to clients of another operation: a drug empire that serves only the rich and influential. While loyal sidekick Tommy protects the cash-cow narcotics venture at all costs, Ghost's new reality is using Truth as more than a front to launder money. It's a way out of the drug game and into a legitimate life with his family, even if everything he loves becomes unknowingly threatened. "Power" is co-executive produced by Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson (who also co-stars) and show creator Courtney Kemp ("The Good Wife").
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These horoscopes are meant to Aid you in your healing assist you and your expansion and help connect you with your intuition and highest self as you listen, please listen with an open mind and appreciate the symbols and suggestions take what works for you leave the rest. Remember that these horoscopes are describing General energy for each sign. It's up. You to get specific. I suggest that you listen to the horoscope for your son and your rising sign. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born. Your rising sign has to do with the time of day. You were born in the place. You were born. If you know your birth information, you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website and bodied in the horoscope section. If you enjoy your horoscope, please also take a listen to embody destroy. EG for cancer season in this episode. I'll take you on a tour of cancers the diagonal energy through our bodies hearts Minds relationships and the World At Large. Everyone has every sign in their chart and cancer represents amazing and important energy for each of us. You can find the cancer season episode Linked In the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your favorite listening platform. All of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for free if this work benefits you in your life, please consider. Taking a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going recurring monthly donations can be made at any amount and will grant you access to my expanded monthly reports. These reports are 15 to 20 pages that outline the upcoming months most important planetary aspects and lunar cycles and offer suggestions for how to work most effectively with this astrological energy if Financial contributions aren't possible for you at this time. The number one way you can support this work is by sharing it with your family friends and networks, finally. I want to add a special announcement for any of you who are ready to dive deeper with embodied astrology in your life this Autumn from September 28th through October 2nd. I'm offering a very special retreat in southern Washington. We're going to be exploring the expansive potential and personal manifestation power of Jupiter and Capricorn. This is a year-long Transit which goes from December 2019 through December 2020 this three-day Retreat includes daily movement meditation art writing and astrology classes where you'll learn how To work with your own chart and you'll still have time for long walks on the beach hot saunas and good company get more information at embodied in the Play and Learn section under Live Events. Thanks so much for tuning in everyone now onto your horoscopes. Hello Libra. This is your audio horoscope and month ahead forecast for cancer season cancer season begins on June 21st, and ends on July 22nd. And for you cancer is the sign that holds the solar 10th house is the place in your chart that signifies Public Image vocation career your adult nastas how you are embodying your Ambitions and moving towards aspiration in your life. Wherever the sun is. It brings out. It emphasis and awareness and the sun this month is meeting up with planetary energy that has been in cancer for the last couple weeks including Mars Mercury and the North Node. The North Node has been in cancer since last summer. So these influences Mars brings energy assertion. Drive will will power and aggression into whatever part of the chart it's too. Touching Mercury brings mental awareness cognitive capacity Communications and language Mars and Mercury are traveling together quite closely through the summer. This is bringing additional power and emphasis to our words and to our thoughts as I talked quite extensively about last month in Gemini season. It's a really important this summer to be aware of the Power of Words and the power of thoughts and For You especially this comes in in your Image what are you putting out into the world? How are you thinking about yourself? Your Ambitions your goals. Your aspirations Mars has influence gives you quite a lot of power right now and you can go for what you want and a lot of ways and you can represent yourself in the world with quite a bit of strength, but it's also important for you to be mindful of your energy and notice how your energy affects other people around you and also how it comes back to you. The North Node is a Make point in astrology. It's the opposite of the South node, which I'll talk about in just a little bit but as a karmic point the North Node is representative of what we are moving towards the karma that we are being propelled towards based on the results of past actions and past influences. Something is coming to ripen right now in terms of your Public public stage your aspirations what you have been working towards and for the course of the next Month and 30 days or so of cancer season. There is quite a lot of emphasis on this public sphere in your life and these goals that you are working towards and again a lot of energy and thought that's circulating around them. I'm going to talk more about what's coming up astrologically now as I look at the month ahead, but before I do I just want to mention again to listen to the embodied astrology report for cancer season in that podcast. You'll learn a lot more about about cancer as a sign and the dial energy which is present in everybody's chart and for all of us quite activated with these transits right now and for you cancer is holding this particular part of your chart. So you want to learn about how to work with cancer as an energy how it is embodied how it shows up in emotions responses reactions behaviors Etc. So make sure to listen to that as we get into the month of cancer season the first 10 days or so featured a number of Aspects that will bring quite a bit of energy with them many people will fill these aspects as exciting and energizing but plenty of people will feel these aspects as well as agitation irritation frustration, probably a little bit of both on June 23rd and 24th Venus in Gemini forms a couple of hard aspects an opposition to Jupiter and Sagittarius an in conjunct to Saturn in Capricorn and a squared and up. And in Pisces Venus is currently traveling through the part of the chart for you that has to do with the meaning that you make for things your quest to learn to grow to understand your own life. How you give in ascribe meaning to the events of your life and how you seek to explain what's going on Venus is stimulating Parts in the chart that have to do with communication and your day-to-day output as well as some issues around just baselines to Ability and security these aspects are somewhat tense. Although they can bring Dynamic change and growth. I really want to encourage you to work with an open mind over the course of these weeks and days the more that you can reside in a place of questions and not answers the more you're going to be open to receiving the kind of information and inspiration and direction that you really need right now. Try and resist coming. Owing to hard conclusions. There may be an instinct to rush to conclusions right now. There is quite a lot of mental energy particularly around output trying to achieve goals Etc as I mentioned, but this isn't really the best time to formulate any solid answers. This is a really wonderful time for experimentation and exploration and not a great time again to come to hard and fast answers or conclusions of any kind this It comes through in your Communications as a Libra person you are gifted with diplomacy and your communication. I want to encourage you this month to use that diplomacy and to emphasize curiosity and good-natured - in all of your Communications on June 26th Mercury enters the sign Leo Leo for you holds the place in the chart that has to do with larger social impact the outcome of projects your hopes fears and worries for the future your friends and your networks. If you imagine your expression and your influence Rippling out like a drop in a pond this place in the chart are the ripples. This is how your energy is getting bigger and expanding into your networks and into your futures as mercury enters Leo. It's also moving into its storm and Mercury retrograde. So the storm begins on June 28 and Mercury will turn retrograde on July 7th, the As the part of the retrograde cycle that happens just before or after Mercury stations retrograde or direct and this week or so is in some ways kind of the hardest part of the Mercury cycle. It's when all of the Mercury retrograde stuff gets the strongest when we're most advised to take things slow with communication things can get really wonky around these couple of days. So especially between the 28th and July 7th be extra careful with your Communications. Try not to initiate new projects during these days this week or so. If you can help it throughout the Mercury retrograde cycle isn't the best time to initiate new projects projects or plans that have already been initiated that are in process. You can feel free to move ahead with them, but you're always advised to really try and get all the information to take your time. To notice what's going on to get the facts and to make as many kinds of Clauses and amendments and any contracts that you're assigning or agreements that you're making for renegotiation later. So it may be that during Mercury's retrograde you come across some kind of information or a shift in your own desires and things could change so Mercury will move through its retrograde. Back into cancer and so this retrograde cycle is stimulating Leo and Cancer and in your solar chart. This has to do with the space between your Ambitions and aspirations kind of what you do in the world and who it's affecting and how it's affecting the world. So during these couple of weeks. These are the questions that are going to be most relevant and present for you. These are the questions to really take your time with if you are working on any big projects for your job. If you're putting stuff out into the world, this is definitely a time to pause if possible to consider your intended outcome to get as much information as you possibly can Leo and Cancer are very personal signs in the Zodiac for all of us. They have rulership over the heart spine and stomach this is kind of the zodiacal energy that represents the core of our beings and our basic energy and Freshen, so it's important right now for everyone but especially for you and how you're representing yourself in the larger world and what you are putting out into the world to come from your heart. And if you're coming from your head if you're coming from obligation, if you're coming from a sense of performance or competition the outcome is not as good as if you're coming from a place of honesty and authenticity on July first Mars enters Leo where it will Transit through August. Again, this is the part of your chart that has to do with larger social networks. Your friends these ripples out into the greater World Mars brings energy. This is a really good time for you to exert your energy to assert yourself to put your projects out there. This brings a lot of energy into your social life. It's a really fun time for you to meet people to network to go to parties. Nice for the summer. Again, Mercury will be retrograde on July 1st. So not a great time to initiate new projects. But definitely a good time to enjoy Mars has energy in this part of your chart now because Mars can also bring aggression. It is important that you just kind of like keep tabs on how you're going about relating with people and use your gifts of diplomacy and social awareness to notice how people are receiving you. This is giving you a quite a lot of power in the so Elsevier so use it well in use it consciously on July 2nd. There's a new moon and solar eclipse at 10 degrees of cancer. Check your natal chart to see if you have any planetary placements between 5 and 15 degrees of cancer or any of the other cardinal signs Capricorn areas or Libra. If you have these natal placements your son and Libra, of course or rising sign if your Libra Rising will be extra stimulated. The new moon is always a time for new beginnings and a solar eclipse makes a very powerful new moon and a very powerful emphasis for a new cycle to begin in this part of your life the eclipses kind of travel on a like 10 year or so cycle so you can think of this new beginning as point to plant a seed for the next decade or so for the foreseeable future of what you're doing with Your career your vocation your Public Image. If none of these ideas resonate with you, it's basically who you are as a grown-up who you are as a person with agency in the world and what you are aspiring to embody set your new moon intentions with this idea in mind. This is quite a large responsibility who you are in the world and what it is that you're bringing listen to the embodied astrology podcast on that new moon day for a special ritual and section with that new moon at the clips energy on July third Venus will enter cancer it will Transit cancer through the end of the month July 29th Venus is your ruling planet and it's coming into the part of the chart again that has to do with Public Image with adult - with ambition Etc Venus brings magnetic attractive energy, wherever it goes it brings Beauty brings Harmony it brings love you are really supported and whatever. Is that you're putting out into the world? However, it is that you're trying to grow into the idea of the person that you are and the more you represent yourself from a place of Love kindness generosity and good graces the more well, you are received on July 8th Mercury and Mars form a conjunction in Leo Venus, and the sun makes several aspects throughout the chart and Chiron in Aries. He's turns retrograde and it will be retrograde through mid-December the next day on July 9th. We have the second quarter Square in your sign. So this is the half circle moon in your sign and the sun in cancer will oppose a Saturn in Capricorn. So these couple days July 8th and July 9th and probably the few days leading up to these days in the few days after have quite a lot of energy again, and some of you will feel this as a really positive energizing. Lines, some of you will feel this as a lot of energy that might be overstimulating probably a little bit of both for most people. I do want to encourage you at this time to be very intentional with how you are putting yourself out Mercury and Mars coming together in the part of your chart that has to do with networks audiences and impact again give you a lot of power. They give you a lot of ability to make an impact. So you really want to use that energy use it skillfully the aspects that Venus and the sun are making in this very public part of your chart are in a number of these aspects have to do with a receding influence or retracting influence of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn conjunct to the South node. So I mentioned the North Node before as a place where eclipses happen the South node is the other place where eclipses happen and in terms of karmic Plants the South node is what we are leaving behind. So this place in the chart is representative at this time of influences that have kind of ripened you're ready to let go of them you're ready to move on. This part of the chart for you Capricorn has to do with familial influences potentially lineage biographic or ancestral influences and Notions of Home Safety and Security. Security how you have been built kind of or how you have been trained in your early environments the expectations that were set up for you by your parental figures or cultures. These are things to examine. Of course, there are many influences that are beautiful that are worthwhile keeping honoring and respecting but all of us are coming from influences that are also outdated and many that may actually be harmful or may serve to separate us from ourselves and from our true. Oops, so especially around with these couple of days and as we move towards the full moon that's exact on the 16th reflect on how you got to be where you are and what it is that you're putting out into the world that is rooted in these ideas that are coming from your past or from your foundation from your lineage or from any ways that you might seek comfort and security or seek some sense of belonging. It's not that you need to fight against any of those things right now, but you definitely want to be aware for yourself of how these influences are shaping your current offerings and gestures out into the world. And you want to be Discerning if there are influences that are not serving your purpose right now that are getting in the way of your authentic offering it's time to let them go and the astrological aspects for July. 14th through 16th have a big emphasis here on the 14th. The sun in cancer will oppose Pluto in Capricorn and on the 16th will have a full moon and lunar eclipse at 24 degrees of Capricorn and Venus in cancer will oppose Saturn in Capricorn. So a lot of energy and this abscess of your chart over the course of the month and this is a big symbol of you maturing in some way especially in the way that you are. Testing the way that you're taking up space as a person with agency in the world. How are you shaping the world around you reflect upon your early influences around the expectations and assumptions of your family on any deep patterns that you have around the need to belong or they need to have safety and how this may or may not influence your ability to express yourself freely in the world. It's very important that you're expressing yourself authentically right now as I mentioned and This emphasis is quite clear on the very last day of cancer season July 21st, when Venus in cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn and the Sun and Mercury come together for their conjunction of the very last degree of cancer. So the very last degree of cancer moving into Leo again as the place where your Public Image your sense of accomplishment meets this ER Ripple out and impact this is where your emphasis is this month and it's absolutely essential that you're functioning from your Center that you're functioning from your heart that you're functioning from your integrity your authenticity your realness your honesty. We need you. We need what it is that you are offering right now, and we need you to be listening very deeply to your deepest sense of self. And to be questioning any influences that are getting in the way of that and in particularly and in particular these influences will have to do with quite personal limitations stuff that was set up again in early family patterning with parental influences. Mom and dad or parents giving you messages about who you should or should not be what their expectations of you. You are you need to be living from your own expectations right now from your own standards. You don't want to uphold anything that is not fully your choice to be upholding. And so this is a month to really pay attention to that to notice what it is that you are putting out into the world how you're using your energy and what kind of impact you want to be having because you can have a pretty big impact this month you can get Quite a lot of energy out and you want to use this astrological emphasis and support to get out in the ways that you want to get out. So that's what I have for you for now, and I hope that's helpful. Enjoy a cancer season. Lots of energy lots of big shifts with these eclipses and for you potentially a lot of fun. Get out there find some parties hang out with your friends and don't be shy. Thanks so much. Much for listening Libra. Bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Cancer Season in 2019. Cancer Season extends between June 21 - July 22 Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to the Embodied Astrology reading for Cancer Season. In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of Cancer’s zodiacal energy through our bodies, hearts, minds, relationships and the world at large. I’ll talk to you about how to recognize the Cancerian influence in yourself and others, and offer some somatic resourcing for working with this energy. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Cancer season (June 21-July 22), and also a very healing and supportive energy to check in with at any point. Learn more about Cancer's qualities and the upcoming month ahead with the Embodied Astrology Reading for Cancer Season: Get the Cancer Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hello, welcome back to the 90th minute. We are your hosts myself. Liam was Lucas Greg. If you are new to the podcast make sure you are subscribed on YouTube hit that red button and then the Bell notification, we would appreciate that very very much. The button really read though. The Subscribe button is Red Shadow to smaller your new subscribers the shelter of your subscribers show to tick tock Instagram Facebook Twitter, all that good stuff. The haters will say we don't know football, butYou know, I predicted how many games this weekend. I don't know if I beat this man that was you once this is disgusting. I see the glasses are here. I am the champion this weekend this week. Hello Lucas link will be in the description for R1 V1 podcast. That's what he is referencing. I don't know what that is. So we're just going to keep moving on. Yes. Like I said Thank You For Being subscribed and make sure you are subscribed to help us get our name out there. We are kicking. Take it off. I had only one place Liverpool Manchester City and field. It was fun to say the least. It has saves controversial and had a lot of everything. I gotta be honest. It had it had it had screaming at referees at Pep Guardiola. Yes, Pep Guardiola. He just he has clop and Liverpool in the back as mine. I think he To see a psychologist. I think I'm going from me. I think it's kind of anything. It's it shows how big this game was. Like, I mean, we all know how important it is in terms of points and and position the table wise but like psychology. Yeah, you said like the psychology of it for the rest of the season this game is huge, you know pep put like circled this game on his calendar like the second schedule. Can you just pet the both managers? But yeah. And players and even in the the stadium was just so intense from kickoff, you know, like every time men City had the ball. They were being booed Raheem. Sterling's getting booed so loud. It was fantastic. But you know, the game is fantastic from the moment go like first minute and it's just drama already. It's just so much energy so much intensity intensity from City from the start. They said he was he was looking good. Yeah. I think I think this game Was definitely a tale of two halves. I think men city were better in the first half. But then again Liverpool scored goals. Mmm. I mean second half Liverpool, I think we're better more composed at least and City scored, you know, so I know it's a it was a weird game. But thank you. Thank you. Yes, I we don't want that on we will we don't want you here. The ambo let's go through the Liverpool. Majlisi what happened? So, of course we should start early because that's where everybody wears this word. Yeah. It's in Firestarter five minutes in basically, um five minutes in Peppa almost Petco's not kill someone. It was his great though. Like so what occurred was Bernardo Silva makes a run into the box it ricochets off of him and Directly goes to Trent Alexander Arnold which he hits his arm blatantly and Liverpool go the other way and score a banger from fabina. Wow, one of the best score out of the sees a hundred percent. But let's before that go. Let's take it to Trent Alexander Arnold penalty or no. Okay initial, right? No, no initial doctor. We can break it down the second penalty or no. I see this. It's just a 50-50 depending on how the Refs are feeling in my opinion like with that one. Okay, I thought hit bernardo's hands. So I'm like yeah, is there a double jeopardy rule here or is there something I'm missing? That's what I think what I think for whatever reason the players in the Premier Li cannot keep their hands or arms down and I've just noticed an abundance of like handballs in the Premier League compared to any League just kind of strange right now. So going forward. I think I see the thing is where I can see that being a handball as well. If you get into detail soon, like Liam said but it's about initial reaction all - she'll react first time watching. I went penalty just the way that it heads. Yeah Trend and the way it stops dead penalty upon seeing their the review and seeing the the highlights, you know. Yeah, you see it hit Bernardo Silva's arm first and the speed of which a goes to Trend, you know, he has no time to react against armor of the way so you go. Well, it would probably technically be a penalty. t But maybe a harsh penalty. Yeah. Now we have the rules officially from the Premier League because the rules me jack shit in the but this is from the Premier League website kick. It seemed like everyone was confused about it. Like why wasn't that a penalty was it because there's like some double jeopardy thing without bernardo's hitting Bernardo Silva's hand first. Yeah, primarily players will be allowed extra leeway when it comes to ricocheted handballs. It is often impossible to avoid contact with the ball if it has deflected off the body of an opponent teammate or Other player of the on player so handball will not be awarded if the ball touches a player's hand / arm directly from their own head body foot or the head body foot of another player who was closed last nearby. Can you provide a diagram the video later? I can provide picture of the state and that's good. I mean, okay fair enough. I mean, like I said, it's extremely harsh penalty if it's a penalty but at least in my book, that's a penalty so pretty much because because Bernardo Silva was controlling the ball lovren went and challenged him deflected and then hit barnardo's hand straight to Trends hand and that's why it's not a penalty because there is a deflection from a Manchester City player to Trent's arm. I was surprised there wasn't a VAR review at least a more lengthy one. Well, there was a VAR review very like looking at the game last. For the which game was it was like a three minute review my I think it's fun. Now they doing bar with you right away. Like once it happened. I assume that those people in the bar room were looking at everything at every angle while the play was happening of our reviews don't just happen when the play stops no happens while the plays happen in the rules. That just says right there like ricocheted and balls on this is Rick huge moment. They five minutes in and it's like this and the facts of defining on the fact that they went the other. Other way and score and when I was trying to say before was like that the ball would have went to Sterling basically for like a free shot on that and I still they may have missed also any yeah the bowl was that a girl's foot and he literally ran up the referee and yellow playing to go complain turn and shoot. Yeah. You haven't got any other ones Man City trying to rely on the referee right now. Is that what's going on? Well, the thing is probably a lot of people didn't know about this part of the has relied on Howard Webb for how many years? Yeah, I think a lot of people didn't really know about handball rule including I think all of us really the have a rule is it's pickle and a lot of people are going to say, oh it's going to seem the same old conversation. Oh vars ruining the game of football. It's ruining the game know it's healthy for the game. Oh so far in the real sense is healthy for the game. But VAR in the way is being currently running. The permanent is not there. But if you're in England supporter, you could have really used VAR in 2010. I'm just Saying Frank, I was on technology. No, but that was cooling technology. Let's be real. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I'm stupid at the end of the at the end of the day though. This is still like if you're a Liverpool supporter, it's not a penalty. If you're a city supporter, they're going to think it's a penalty. Yeah, and then if you're not like just in the middle, let's you'll have different based on the rules. Like they technically did the right thing of our team - yeah wording a penalty and now sorry, there's one thing that might confuse some people I know. They said oh it hit Bernardo silver hand. They said just go back on Varan. Give a little pull a free-kick instead of the gone like Advantage. Well, yeah, you'd imagine Advantage even though technically wasn't given let's let's follow the advantage per say let's go to the other end where for being your like. We said unleashes the hell of a goal. Yeah. It was a powerful strike. Bravo had no chance. I don't think it no see it all if that her son was in the he feels not saying no no going the world to stop. Now it had power of precision hitting the right spot. You know, it was a perfect strike. Imagine doubting his ability. Mmm. It's only the second goals are scored for the Ripple. It was a banger of animals type was a banger and they are Liverpool kept him out on the game before too so that he'd be good for like the rest of them. Yeah. Yeah the video showing why he's the best fit defensive midfielder in the world. He won't even though that was a top some paper. He's not feeling well. It's not for not brown. Well for DeDe and I disagreed he's on paper. I'm saying on paper me and across Europe top five leagues. I read this yesterday. So I had this fact sailing from the man that says that's don't mean anything to him. They mean jack shit, but will for indeed he is currently second the primarily glucose. Are you like for being you don't get ahead of yourself this point. I've got CDM Zone the world. He's nowhere near. No, sir. Let's get this versus Barcelona and go LeConte still exists. Because Sergio busquets does not have the ability to move as much as we've been you I don't think I've been used the fastest develop faster, but just the amount of ground he covers in a game your kit before this. No because last week when I said to you, what was your starting Midfield you said for be No, Kata Chamberlain? Yeah, Kata and Chamberlain did not start you had Henderson for being yo and nalddo wine all them all three of those guys covers so much ground in the game genuine album that man runs more. I've ever seen a person run before like Workhorse. There's a perfect guy to have in this game. I thought Liverpool's Midfield was very good this game before good all-around, right but but about Sergio busquets. Yes, he's definitely up there but I don't know. I'm obviously bit biased because I'm a Liverpool fan. How do we even get like this? Let's hope again going because it's called a great I know but but there were talking about Center defensive Midfield 13th minute. Fantastic goal. Yeah. I think this was my favorite goal of the game. I got to be honest. I trend Hits a diagonal right across to any Robertson who then one of the best crosses I've ever seen like pinpoint the right spot at the right pace. I was fantastic right on the head of mosallah Salon bang puts it in to nil Liverpool 13 hours and I initially thought that was offside but then I saw they didn't show Journey game the lines or anything which is kind of odd. I don't know why they didn't do that. So it's the second controversial moment. There was To come but the thing is I was on it was on site like clearly. So yeah, so I was so pleased with that like me ride, you know since defense its kind of pour on them for their defense being completely destroyed onto passing because City 13 and minutes and City word, but the better team yeah, they were pressing they had more possession. They had more chances created you should have had they should've had a goal of at least one of the early free kicks both times. They got their your line stayed to pulling a high. I line they got in behind. Yeah, and they just couldn't had the ball on target the Bruins he was pulling strings in this game from the set pieces from open Play. He was entering so many chances of a quiet game to Brian. I thought he was crying a lot of chances. Oh my God, this is the engine. He is their best. No, I don't think so. I just think you know with the most part said you were the better team maybe they lost 3-1 this the last because poor defensive coverage. You sound like you sound like pep. Laughter game comments. Oh, we had a fantastic game today and they therefore we came to this was my bad played great. You lost everyone. They stopped differences Liverpool know how to win. Do you think on paper pep views his team as a weaker side know exactly. So if his team played well as equal or better side they should win. They just couldn't score sometimes your top players. Yeah up front don't have a good day. That means team didn't play well, maybe it Kevin. 3 3 game But it but it wasn't the thing as them fools front three always comes to play and they always score. Yes simple as that. Anyways, we haven't even finished covering the game. So Saudi, oh he scores to yeah from a brilliant cross from Henderson. Yeah, it was beautiful behind. It was fantastic. You should get a call for anyone. He isn't even in England forever Captain for a while. No. Yeah. I think I think he's very good at like I said, I thought the Liverpool Midfield was very good this game. Why do you say that? I thought just whine all them had a really good game Henderson had a good game and for being able to work hard usually has been good defensively and I mean they contributed on the attack because Lucas you before this match we're saying that you weren't pleased with wine all them and Henderson. Where did you like them this game? Yeah. Also when all the mouths very happy with his performance. I thought he actually wanted to be on the ball. He wanted the ball. Yeah. So many times he was he wasn't ghosting it like he has done. On many times in matches the season. Yeah, he was not afraid. He was not afraid to take on a guy make a given goal. Like there's a chance in the first half where he had to give him go with for me know and he just kind of messed up his past but really really all your all your pushed in the show up in big games. Just what happens proposed just show up in a wouldn't win. Is that a manager, you know and stealing that I don't have right now. I think I think clock gets his players. Yeah big occasions. And field always helps, you know when you're at home, that's damn perfect examples like against Barcelona. They don't like you back before there were down with three million angry. Yeah, Liverpool's excellent in yeah, but focusing on City, so you have to be disappointed with a gueros performance. Oliveira was very quiet. It wasn't quite but he wasn't shooting. Well, I thought he was a very poor in general. He had a great chance in hell to Great chances in the first half as well. Where is he missing a shooting 1-Shot got saved by us and I like that shot though, because like he received the ball on the outside the box took a nice touch and not make fabini. Oh, yeah took the shot. Yeah, and then the other one where he should have taken a shot better or she leave across a passed across to De bruyne. Oh I dream Sterling was making okay runs wasn't getting into the box. Like he has been for a while Bernardo Silva. He does get a goal. But again, I thought he was not a good finishing pronounce. It was a very difficult not perfect since we're is complaining the referee because he was trying to make substitution. Yeah, they wanted to get oxide Chamberlain on and then in that process Silva scores. Yeah, and I clop is furious and that's where I'm like it clop relax. You just stop complaining dude. You have like three. Now. The thing is he wanted to make a substitution to cover that side of the field. We can't always have what we want. Mr. All up. Of course, he's gonna be frustrated that his team conceited. Yeah, like sometimes like managers always complaining we that's the thing because this game was so intense that for those 90 minutes you were at the peak of your you don't like like I had to be the perfect coach right now. Yeah one mistake could cost you a league title city were pressing afterwards many things happening which a controversial thing which we'll get into right now. Guess who think the city's best player of the game. So I have my answer. I odd one. I know I have a feeling I know what one you're going to say. I'm good. It's really good. I was very impressed. I was pretty impressed with the brine. Mm. I don't know. I thought you were I thought I was Angelina. Very good. He didn't have a good chance in the first time. He had a nice teams go with de bruyne. We hit a couple mistakes lines of Defense, but I thought in the second half Angelina wasn't really I like defining as much as he was in the first half. I thought big fan of the baldy man. It's weird. Yeah. We saw Mehndi on the sidelines. He was just dropped completely from the school. Yeah and peppers said after the game when he's been injured for two years and like damn that's just going out for blood right now. I like to pep up side but let's get let's get to why he was so upset. Another thing. I loved was love runs block. Yeah on the ground like lifts his leg and blocked. It was a like that probably would have been a goal to probably lat you apologize the very things like everywhere right now. We're just giving her thoughts of what I just remembered that. So, yeah. So the penalty that could have been which one the push or the hand. But what Porsche so there's a push I think was money that pushed him. What do you guys think of that? Oh on the Sterling? Yeah in the second half not as hot. That's not a penalty don't think so that was clever. I don't think you think Sterling was on his way down. It was all he was like, he's me already second Rose Trent again. If I need to like put his hands behind his back. Yeah. I for I think Trent needs to cut it cut it no, no. I'm sorry, but that's not a penalty at all Sterling deliberately put it at his arm Sterling went in like that much space with with yeah. Sterling's flexible up with Trent's arm right down by his side. It does hit his arm, but you thought it was deliberate by Sterling. Yeah to flick it into honey. You thought he meant to like not like perfectly but like I think he put others again. See what happens. Oh really? I saw how I took it out. That's all. Oh, I see it. I mean players always don't want to do that. But like and maybe he didn't do that. But like it kind of looks like it and there was hardly any space left between the to play it was so close plus. Yeah Trends arms down by your side. Where do you want his arms to be but it does make Pepco seething mad at the fourth official to to and it's like half and half. I hate to break it to you too. That's three. That's where you're going to finish second. Bitch, maybe maybe I mean it's all right. Now another team kicking their tires, but we'll get there. Yeah, that's awesome. I don't know at first I'm like, oh they could call this a penalty but then I realized like this that's an act as a natural position and arm can be his arms are just down. Yeah and like still then they gotta cut his arms off. This is getting ridiculous. And that's all that's painful was. So let me give you a few fun facts here doesn't normally play football Liverpool have played six. Out of the top seven teams so far city of only played one, which hold on the pits. Are you not counting Spurs know before it before today? Yeah, they played Spurs already. So they played 100 or tour today. Yeah sorta. So let's assume, you know over the past two years is assumed the number 2 reaches 100 points to kind of win the primary that's ridiculous just to say this is not but let's just go right now. Yeah to win the league Liverpool can go with 21 victories they have The ability to draw three and lose to for city after today's game now to get a hundred points. They need to win 25 and only lose one how many drawers 0 they cannot draw game. They are only able to lose one. Wow, Ken City go the rest of the season only losing one game to get this magic 100. No, no, no one they have already lost three times now and with the interest they have now, so I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Mr. Papp not I think The season without losing kelsier Lester on their a game could be at City Liverpool can drop point they can drop point a drawler. They're gonna lose game eventually. I don't think they're going to go undefeated good for them. You know, they were very close to getting you know, so it's possible. City's law student or which? Yeah, like and we thought nor which was going to kick on have a great season their last place. They'd have lost so many games since then. So yeah, all I'm saying is Liverpool are well and truly in the driving seat. Yeah, your you let this slip you don't deserve the title. You're right Lionel. Their people are in the driving seat. When you're eight points ahead of second place and points over the team that you think are going to be your title Rivals the walls. I know what you're going to say quiet for once what I was gonna say anything it was gonna say something totally different probably he's talks about United them. But yeah Liverpool Liverpool it's in their hands right now. They just need to keep on playing like they have been they I know some of you have been saying that they haven't been at their best, but they I don't think they have B which is shocking because they've still been very good as you can see it The Best Is Yet To Come. Yeah, I think that's why I think this year a lot last show you watched Liverpool. They were superb in like a one game to game kind of thing. But over the length of the Season, you know, they were good enough kind of thing this season I could see him doing the opposite winning the Premier League not Champions like they have the longevity maybe not the ability to throw to overturn a three. No deficit to Barcelona. They have it in them. But I think they if you ask Jurgen klopp will see what would you rather take primarily part of me that wants us to go undefeated just so Arsenal fans are following shut up above being Invincible, but you can't even swallow that good because they thought the same time ago, you know, I support I don't want my mom. I'm Invincible team Drew how many games like they did not get anywhere close to Under points. Listen mate, you're gonna trigger a lot of our stuff you're gonna you're gonna piss off block has gone a long time ago your Club Liverpool Chelsea. Liverpool's beaten Lester, Chelsea and City. Iran United, that's what else anyways, so like yes like that. That's I guess what you were getting at is Liverpool does not have to play that many top teams. Well, they still have to play them II another kind of the city's gonna have to play. I hope they win. Let's get on to do you want to say I can't remember? Okay, let's move on down the table last your city are in second place on goal differential especially after their nine little victory. Last year City beats Arsenal to nil comfortably very comfortable. It's very much. Mr. Fan really have I really need a better team. This is a well-rounded much better team, but that's him have content. Yeah. Yeah. I mean this is indeed. Do you want paper is the best CDM in the world know on paper statistic? He's got the most tackles most ball ball retention. He's made the most I don't know he had on paper the best EDM in the world. Who can you show me this stuff? I don't know. There's some more. Okay. Well, you don't have to worry about looking for you. We don't play me another time. We don't see but look indeed. He is a fantastic player clubs are fraud. You really think I'm a fraud I play no no. Indeed. He's a whole list of Midfield is fantastic and DD t-- almonds. There's Madison there's child burry. There's probably yet fantastic players all great on the ball all know they all know their roles and they have a fantastic goal scorer in Jamie vardy. He's top of the premier league right now. No surprise and they have a great goalie and Kasper schmeichel. You guy who's been around for years, right and their bench is strongly. He said he had to meet tomorrow gray he had prior. Come on, you still have Marc albrighton? It wasn't that good. But he's there they're not the richest couples world and yet they're doing more than Spurs Arsenal have done in the past in United. Let's be honest here. They want to they want to leave. Yeah much more recently than that. They have had to rely on the only' and the lumbergh's and whatever and the Ferguson's listen man. Don't get him. I also love Lester's back line. Honestly, I think Micarta Pereira is one of the best right backs in the world. Old Shield wall is getting better and better each year. So you into my word. Yeah, I watch this guy back a Freiburg. This guy is come a long way since then he's supposed to shame. He takes his time and watches Freiburg play while you watch Celtic play is got he does I wasn't Virgil Van Dyke point so tonight Southampton, I guess what's your point? I saw him live. Oh congrats us lot on life. It's not ever gonna bail on door. No, I've seen David Beckham live as well. Shut up, Alan door. Shut up. What would you do if Liverpool end up slipping and Rogers on the title? Liverpool with management and I want to go that far like at the end of the day. It's just a game really like my life is like a football exist or not. My life is your to find something else too much Champions. Like yeah, that would really suck seeing Brendan Rodgers wind apparently before we did a Stephen won the Premier League. You never know know know anything can happen. But yet it's time. He needed some search Striker name is Suarez to get closely got starts like an invitee. He's having a party but look at what's happened what happened this game? Because we've been talking about Lester for like five minutes and I'm not even mentioning this game gentlemen who ever watched the game the most go ahead. I mean I watch the game but I mean what happened this game was Lester were you know, they had their press it one the ball back when they had the ball back to her dangers on the on the attack there were quick it got into the right channels the other head shots on net. They made Arsenal look very very average Arsenal had a few good counter-attack like opportunities, but but they just couldn't convert. I'm going to have lacazette and aubameyang. Those guys are always going to be goal threats now their students engines in the first half where they should they have been penalty. So and when so Yoon Soo was pulled by going to Z. Yeah. You think that's a penalty? Yeah, I do was hmm. I don't think you watch just to cares. Okay. Okay thought was his opinion, right? Yes. I do think it was I think it was probably he was all but yeah. Just grab them and pull them back. I'm only problem is that was so you can't even reach the ball. But then again you still following him in the Bog was was was Evan was Evans God we're going to reach the ball against Burnley. No, but they still gave him a foul. Yeah, that's fair enough. Like the VAR is so bad. I'm sorry and also indeedy so you like kind of falls down subtract to support himself hits his hand. Then I want to lock is that any shot and missed the net I don't think that's it. Yeah. Where do you want me to go? Yeah, and I think in the letter of the law it says Says that if you're if it hits the hand you're trying to support while you're Landing. It's not a penalty. Like what are you supposed to do? Just fall on your face like this? Yes, you are Duo dolphin dive like on job. Yeah. Okay. So let's look at this Arsenal 11 because it is not exactly strong. I don't disagree. I think it's Gamers Louise and holding is your back three fair enough. Come on Tom Chambers actuator. Good game. I don't care what he did. I follow I'm just I don't care. I thought he I can't a good yeah, David Luiz and Rob holding should not be a back three for a supposed top four possible sighs. I agree with that. But all I'm saying is Kalin. I thought Chambers actually had a good game the Klassen a CH started or Katie bullshit Katie's the best noise a second best left back in the prim and E8. He's barely played in the prison. He's still the best. Okay, man. I like Andre having a bombing. Like I said a nose. Oh, but I don't like how they set him set them up because it seemed like a bombing and lacazette played more wide. Yeah, which is especially a bombing. Especially both players are strings are in the box like the wide position. It should be covered by your wingback you playing a backfire. But yeah, they played it back five not a back three with to put Wingers basically. Yeah, and I thought I thought Baron was doing wall getting forward, but obviously it wasn't he had a few good chances to I still just go back. I think ourselves a spineless team. They have no heart. It hurts at the manager. They have no fun starts at the top. Let's talk about manager is emery out apparently not supposedly they held talks with the I thought he was losing the X bar sub manager. Mmm supposedly. So what I'll let me find this article wrong. Yes Leduc. Why would you want to X bar sir manager gets sacked from Barcelona. That's just sad. I kind of agree. I thought he would have been gone all ready to be fair. But okay. So from the athletic David Ornstein many fans know. His name is pretty good. Yes. So Arsenal boss is apparently are a hundred percent behind Emery. They didn't I considering change or talking to candidates plan to review in summer. Kroenke plus execs offering full access support won't react to noise feel results will improve Atmos and think Arsenal is on the right path. Is this them back in the manager or is this the case of the death? See I sometimes Like this happens and they say all this and then in like a couple days. I've just gone so he's still think every is the right man for the job. I don't it's already going to Sevilla. Yeah. I saw what he did with a team that were not the best on paper but he got the best out of his players. So I go why can't he get that out of Arsenal players to me? It's the players the thing it they've turned on that's the coaches before they've given up playing they've going on. But I'm here just to collect a paycheck when I was Arsenal's shown it in some games this season. They have two potential which is I guess a reason why I say you think like the players are the things that are turning on and off and I do tur Emery with the right team can do well, but it's but then you see that PSG and he didn't get anything out of those players on the worst collapses and football history. Yeah, but my my counter You Liam. I don't agree with you. I think Emery has not especially recent. They have some obscene record of like yeah, like a certain amount of wins in their last seven games. I don't remember how much but it's not great and you know a bombing lacazette have good players good attack. They should they should have won the best attacks in the in the Premier League with Pepe on the bench, but they have a minus one goal difference. Yeah, they conceded more goals than they've scored for a team with those attacking players, but it was a he's attacking players that are worth over 200 million combined but we said that their issue last season was Defensive. We saw that their issues were center backs and wingback. Maybe they didn't brought in wing-backs to support that they knew better and was coming back and they brought in. Tyranny. Why did they not go after a decent? Centre-back David Luiz is not that man. I'm sorry to send it back, but they're not he's not coming to the club till next year beside Saliba. It's apparently doing really well for thing that Ian. Well, it's gonna say no to you and right now what Arsenal currently have nothing cosine someone like don't wait till next season sign now don't get down with the ways. We know what he's we are by no means football experts. We're not capable of running a club. We have not played in the Premier League what I'm saying is as someone who should be a football executive or a transfer guy. You should know bringing a bloody Center back. You can bring everyone all at once though. There are still two that I earn money on that Financial fair play. The thing is was like, but you can probably find someone better than down valise or maybe they couldn't maybe the options they were looking for Amber like they were unavailable. Yeah, like I mean they want to guy like Hoopa McConnell, but he's was worth, you know one word. I know much better send him back and he plays her bright to named Louis dunk. Look, I don't know. Why not looking at are you gonna dunk because Brian's going to ask for over 50 million. Go ahead as he's English. Are you gonna pay 50 million for Louis dunk? Harold McGuire QP literally anything could be fair McGwire has been good for United. Yes. We have we probably one of the better defensive records in Europe, but with Emery like when you watch the team play so many times you just it's so it's not exciting. It's predictable. Yeah, they have this attacking town that could have the potential to have some nice eccentric movements and patterns of played, but they don't make the most out of it. I think he's a coward honestly, I think Think he's too scared. I mean I am not going to say you're wrong because quite frankly. It's very possible. That is correct. Now, I don't know. I don't want to play in the man. I maybe something's going on at the club that's making him have his tactics be more cowardice than they should be even anger was very predictable and very, you know beliefs he was playing some attractive football. Yeah. Yeah is valid. Yeah, so I can understand Arsenal fans wanting I'm Reese act because is this Arsenal team better than they were? Your go know the game does and to nil for Lester was very off topic. Yeah, that's okay. So we've covered a it goes. You don't like it. Well too bad. We've covered two games and it's okay. It's been a good bit. The goals did come through James Madison and Jamie vardy both decent finishes that moves us are up to Second spot in the Premier League now tied on points with behind on goal differential is Chelsea. They are third they get a tune of victory over Crystal Palace goals from Um Christian poulos hitch and Tammy Abraham beautiful. They are finally playing, you know, the correct players in the correct places. I think I'm the Lampard way. I'm liking them and it's such a young teen like if imagine if Chelsea can just keep these players and they just grow mirrors Chelsea Football Club. What will these players be able to sustain it for the entire season? They aren't they don't have opportunities in the Top Flight. Yeah the best center back right now. They have a skirt Zuma. No, I think tomorrow no, I'm just saying what you experienced. Is presume well, that's kind of strange that was where these we said their weak point. But someone's been playing well recently. So fair play to him. He's been criticized a bit disease. They have conceded 17 which isn't great. But you know if they are still up failure the kept out of the way so they would have consumed or he wouldn't be starting this tomori Canadian. I've heard he's Canadians born in Canada, but he plays for England. Why isn't a play for us because he loves Canada at a young age and he made a good living in England and enjoys the listen Alfonso give two more your call. Yeah, that's right. But up here talking to the camera there. Like Alphonse was walking my friend. He does loves us friends are just like Snapchat. We might be a little off topic but I played in The Simpson pitches will father Davies. So okay, but Christian Pula search, he is scoring front of her Chelsea. He's seems to be you're paying his 65 million transfer. Yeah lampard's given him the chances and he's converting it off time Abraham doing extremely well since coming back to Chelsea. You know, it's good. Chelsea look like a very dangerous attacking side. Yep, and that's nice amount working very hard for that team and also providing Great Performances. I wasn't able to watch this match, but I've been hearing a lot of great things about all these Chelsea player goes back as well. So it's back. I know people are saying aye I know Alex Goldberg a big Chelsea fan on Twitter was sinkhole, but she did was work. Ed class he's been good. It's been because he's less reliant on having to score goals for kid field this season. Like he had to a sari which he wasn't the best dad. He's not good at scoring goals, but he's great at controlling the game dictating the tempo. We already mentioned fourth is Manchester City shockingly V though. This is even more of a shock Sheffield United freshly promoted. They are in fifth. I'm surprised her fifth but not surprised are doing well. They're doing good. They get a 1 Draw with Tottenham at Spurs. They should have one they should have one. Yeah, they were the better team for Centerfield says they very good structure right now the moment they have a good coach very good for good culture gets the bathtub. It's not one of those things where it's ago one season thing and it's good like you go to Spur stadium and you're just not afraid of them. They're pressing them. They remind me a little bit of wolves from last year or not. It's not tactics wise but like, you know, you know coming up and showing League who's boss. Yeah. Yeah, it's Jeff Ela or is one of the best Premier League teams up pressing its yeah, I don't they're just not afraid Oh They'll probably got really good because in sign anyone they don't need to identify this sort of film or so who did show promise young his career and he did well yet alright in Italy so son several players just a champion. She had known of Premier League, you know stature, but really we didn't know much about this team. Is that how they played like they play a very unique style that that most promoted teams. Don't do it's not like they're wolves and just sign every Portuguese. And I'm named Christian world and they're also excellent defensive second best defensive record in the Premier. That's insane. I mean and Ian Henderson is playing great except against Liverpool. That's Liverpool you love you. Dean Henderson dores the next United great. Yeah. Well one day hey leaves Dean Henderson will be ready when will definitely have the Haley whenever the factors she gets fixed. So we don't know when that will be but anyways, so yeah. I'm impressed with Sheffield. Yeah, they are. I think they should have won the game honest. Yeah, well, I think the better stay also like they should have one just before like with that anyways, because the goal disallowed which was now what's your thoughts on it? It's just more VAR stupidity. Honestly, not like stupidity, but it's so close like it. It was I think it is offside. But like holy crap. It's like this his shoe was too big. Literally. It was it was he's a size 11 if he's a Is 10 he's on side it literally is that it's higher concern and it wasn't even in the play that made it a goal. Like it made it a goal but build-up play not the goal. It's it was like 20 seconds later with sucks. But tactically that technically Yeah by hand. Like these clothes off sides are actually killing my God - yeah. I thought it's fine because like, oh, they're getting it's black or white. But sometimes like the players who are offside. They aren't even directly in a position where it's Anna. Vantage plus I think there's outrage because it took almost four minutes pretty sure but our decision here bars decision-making system is stronger in real life than fucked like FIFA looks like you said the roll the dice. Yeah, I like Isaac but yes Spurs ends one one that drops taught them all the way down to 14th. And yeah. Well right now the Premier League is kind of like if you win one game your back inside with you lose one your Can for working so it Spurs are in a very very poor run of form. Yeah. I don't know they are akane's don't scoring. I mean they're relying on scene seemed very off. Yeah. It's like a lot of people are saying oh, how can she go to unite? All right now, but if you look if you look at Spurs recent results, they drew Sheffield, they drew Everton, they lost to Liverpool. They drew Watford they lost to brighten their last victory was in September against Southampton. That's bad. Now. If you pay attention to players that have been constantly in the media this season. Yeah, I don't know if there's a reason for this but none of them got on the field. None all the while whose contract I think expires next season. I mean or in the summer he was stuck on the bench same with vertonghen. I don't think we're talking. Was it really your best to Center back? I don't know if we're talking was injured. But yeah, he's not even on the bench herc Tire hold crap. Was terrible and then Christian Arabs? Have you play it? Like I say play in the Champions League - but he was terrible Christian Eriksen who many few months ago were saying is saying one of the best midfielders in the world, he's benched. I don't know if there was a might have been a reason for this. I don't know fairly sure I said he was overrated. But thank you. I agree with you whatever whatever who said they were he said he was beyond world-class. He's twenty-seven was this is prime years. He just he said last season figured it was better it was Beyond wall The Clash Right down the bottom of the Premier League. It's going to get worse. Dad gonna get worse before it gets better for Spurs and I don't know it's going to be interesting how the next few months shape because if they don't start getting on a patch of wins, then I don't know. I'm not going to say relegation because that's stupid. But but who knows what else they could mislead is that they could easily miss out on your business, which would be terrible considering Champions League final, but if you think about it there only three points behind so it's close enough, but you you look at Inform you go. I don't see this turning our own any time soon. But let's keep going down the Premier League it mentioned Arsenal. There are six Manchester United are up to 7th now, we're back up top boys. You get a 3-1 victory at home over Brighton. Well, we we gotta get that Europa League spot back so goals and we're doing well in Europa League as well as from Andres Pereira and Uncle by Davey proper and Marcus Rushford. Yeah rash, which we should probably had two goals coming to you. Mr. Marshall played amazing. Scored for Brighton Lewis dunk. Yeah, I love Court. I think you know, I would love to sign probably too much money, but it's great in the air have a back line of Duncan McGuire wamba soccer played amazing as well. He's always playing well wamba soccer has not had a bad game all season. Yes. What about Bournemouth where you got like juggled over? Listen, every every player has his fault. Yes. I'm not going to judge it put on his worst moment. So Scotty matamata, he did you get injured. I know you play the whole sport. I got injured out Brandon. Williams he's playing well for United it's nice to see Academy player coming in and doing it for you guys. So we did we bring in the academy players they play. Well, not this Chelsea. Is he gonna put us your show you how it's done. Does he play over Young when Young comes back? What? Yeah young is like 34 man. You're tough. I know but like still dark. I don't know. Yeah, that's that's okay. That's a big that's a bigger unfortunate for Luke Shaw. He's had too many injury problems as probably stunted his potential. Ruth I blame Andreas cuadrado from when you play with PSV for that blame something that happened five years that was disgusting Challenge and you know, you know me, I hold onto grudges and football and healthy Maria Luis Suarez, so I mean he left your beloved Dortmund. Yeah, but you see he's the best in the world. He's polish we'll get on to them. Yeah, many ways. He's the foreman. I want to talk about more of the relegation battle going on because it is as equally tight if not more so than the top of the table. I feel like there's right now three clear favors for relegation. I have a question. Yes. Yes. We said we said that Marco Silva will be the next fire the manager of Everton. I like to change that. Hmm. It's going to be the manager of West Ham Pellegrini. Yeah, they're bad told West Ham there. About they they they have plummeted during the signings. They may never use the money. They spend I've I thought they were going to have a great season. I'm so so sorry. Yeah, they just proved me wrong completely and Burnley, they they scored three maybe could have been more. They absolutely true is over Manchester United. Since then they've drawn Bournemouth Loft to Palace lost to Everton John Sheffield lost to Newcastle and lost to Burnley. They're losing and drawing to the teams that they need to be beating like because they're most likely not going to beat the top teams run coming up. My concern is they I think they're paying plug being quite a bit of money to be their manager. So I don't know how much the severance package will be if they suck the next handful of games. They host Tottenham then they're away at Chelsea. They're away at Arsenal and they're away at wolves. And then they have Liverpool. That's all back to back. Yes. Wow, there. It is. A total fraud. Good job West he could be in the relegation Zone. But then again if they get a new manager in and then a new spark of life and they might get some upset victories over some of the way West Ham always seems to have money and they signed, you know decent managers here or there but Can they find someone to steer this ship correctly? I have my doubts this season. I got beer. I think they're on their way down. They do you think if you think I'm gonna get relegated? Yeah what? Yeah lets roast ham. Yeah with Sebastian Allah so when you know done nothing wrong, this is predicted West. Yeah, but I know Norwich Dave just we mentioned them earlier. Yeah, not good enough Norwich. You're going down. West Ham's going down southampton's going down done. I think Wofford will be fine. Yeah, like them they're going. Well, they they got their first win of the Season. Yeah. So, you know over Norwich City you think Southampton will stockhausen hoopla I like him, but if it keeps going probably so thumb and lost nine know I really I really like him as a man can't go any worse than that. Yeah. There's over ten voice Villa. They got a 2-1 loss at the hands of what shame shame. I like. I like vanilla. Yeah big women Newcastle to 1 over Bournemouth. Yeah, Everton get a huge Victory yet again to one on the road at Southampton of enemies that is adamant to Spain good for him. This is wow. It's different now. I'm good. He was actually supposed to be playing for Molly because he was considering changing his nationality stem, but then Spain had Injuries and they're like, let's cap them if he if he went to play for Molly there will be three players for Molly all know the damage high or a good all the other feel that what every so who's who I don't know I was she did because Molly actually is an underrated national team in life. I feel Spain's half a little bit better the Lucas tiny bit, but it's a tiny bit useless this you gonna play for them probably called up and does well, but they do this Spain. Does this a lot like many other countries they call players call him up. Play them for a few minutes in a competitive match and then don't call him up again. Yeah, and that could very well happen. If I'm a Tory doesn't reach higher variance with the way of Spain has been playing recently. I think Molly would give them a good game. Let's move to Germany. Yeah, we're done Tintin biggest games Weekender classic or happened. That's what I was watching over the last year or single of is the biggest. I mean, I mean, I mean Lucas predicted a53 Dortmund win. When were you five two five two? What are you smoking man? Will you still come on and the Allianz Arena Dortmund cannot win in the islands of okay, from what I saw. Norman were absolutely terrible. They didn't have a shop for like 70 minutes it seemed and you know, I don't hate doorman but they just seem always play poorly when they play buying no only the Allianz Arena. That's also true. Even when dormant actually last one in the Allianz Arena which was a dfb-pokal match. They played pretty badly but somehow like loose money dembele was insane for them that day and create some chances for when I was forgot. He was there I always forget these are good for one season did good. I wish he stayed there for longer but Maybe we wouldn't see the emergence of J. And Sancho. Yeah. Yeah, he was stopped off in the 30th minute. He yeah, it was an injury or just he was just bad. Let me see if I can find the quotes but I did not watch this. I thought Dortmund controlled the game well for the first five minutes and they lost it. Yeah, I thought the first rock music. Okay doorman actually might do something. There was a man named Robert Lewandowski in the field and he just cannot stop scoring scoring. I mean he's and you just fantastic knows where the ball is at all times. He doesn't do it. Step overs or fancy Flags, like we're now though and like notice something dribbling exostosis Messier agüero, but he can score the goalie oil that's finisher in Europe by far in the world. This is a hundred percent right now your to be fair the Cobra there could be a better finisher and some unknown leg in like Brazil, but right now as we know Robert loved us. Yes, he's a scorer in the 17th minute. Also, why didn't Central was subbed off Favre the doorman coach said that he's stubborn out sub to mount in the first half. Because mainly because I had to do something with what he was showing on the pitch and he was getting dominated by Alfonso Davies. How about Canada? And I might be a bit biased but I think he was man of the match was pretty good at left-back. Yeah, like you had multiple players in his pocket. He was incredible. Yes Lee I was so so happy for him because obviously I want doorman to do well and be competitive with mine own the one football have you a second to highest and best player ranked? I mean those those written Both are kind of its means it's meaningless, but they had Lewandowski first. Yeah, of course, but he was he held himself. So well so impressed by him. I know he played a lot back for Canada last summer at the Gold Cup and he didn't have a great match certain many people are like, why aren't you playing? Hi him high up the pitch. But Byron have a plan for him. They think he can become a great Lepa. Oh, yeah. If he gets improved defensively like position wise and even more of a Dani Alves he has he has a better defensive work right now. Definitely. I'm Brazilian. He's unique himself in my opinion fair enough. So you like I said Robert Lewandowski opened the scoring in the 17th minute then another man who cannot stop scoring a surgeon are Bree. He doubles it in. 27th Lewandowski steps up yet again in these 76th and then mats Hummels forgot what he played for put in his own net for Nill Bayern Munich. Yeah barges control and dominance and Bayern Munich freight train is still a rolling want to say it's a freight train, right? It's a freight train. Yeah. Like I said, I think the players are kind of pissed when the manager got sacked and they show what they're worth. And also the manager was a flick. Yeah. He's definitely emphasizing defensive shape for this team right now. Now because it's just back to face defensively Lewandowski will score just defend. I think the only good player for dorm and I thought it was maybe Axel witsel. Maybe yeah, well played. Okay, but almost all sorry finish. It just made some good defensive interceptions Fabian. What did you think - I know you're watching just comment below. So it was you can agree or disagree with me with this. I think we weren't having enough presence of players running in behind anything goats a was pretty much shut down because it doesn't provide. This is just I didn't see thorgan Hazard really either trying to take on a man or make you ones and behind that wall there just shut down. Yeah, Julian brand. I don't think I didn't see him didn't did Royce play. Did he came on later? Yeah. I know doorman had one good chance where they crossed into Paco Alka therapy. You should have scored really and mr. Keamy. Also, didn't we shot your friend? We'll see that's the thing like did Dortmund put all their energy into the Champions League, maybe jacket like a madman. Maybe they were I'm not going to give any excuses because this was a terrible performance, but this may be there because you have all this adrenaline for one game and the using it and maybe they weren't able to it's hard enough. It's hard to have such a high mid week to come back to just another League game. I know this is a huge game as well. But it's hard to get yourself up for yet. Another map. Yeah. That's what I was trying to say when they played I've almost exactly Then come back home. We lose three. No two Livingston III o what is happening II think it's buying this is your big rival the diffusion. 5-nil last season have have some heart and you step up. Yeah, that was disappointing to see it's go down the Bundesliga table because it is still very very close. No, no lost. The top spot is actually belong to Borussia mönchengladbach. They picked up a big 3-1 victory at home against werder Bremen. You cannot provide analysis because the game was at 5:30 in the morning Patrick. Herman does score two goals in that game. M4a glad back second place. You have RB Leipzig big 4-2 Victory on the road at hurt to Berlin team / Nur is scorn for them. Things are good at Leipzig third place. Like we mentioned was Bayern Munich fourth still surprisingly is Freiburg. They got a good one little victory over and tank Frankfurt show you guys something. Okay. Okay, so you're sure the people watching as well. It's kind of copyrighted, but maybe I can do something there's Red cards in this game was good bloodbath Liam. I don't know if you want to try to lean over. Can you see it? Sure. Justice is just okay, so I'm sure so context for those listening. So it's the 94th minute between Freiburg and Frankfurt. It's one-nil Freiburg. And right now the ball is going out of bounds and Abraham from Frankfurt is chasing for the ball and is trying to get it for throwing now. I will show these gentlemen around me what happens next I can really see but that's okay. That's just dumb. What are you doing tackle? The manager? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's fantastic. I was the manager. Yeah. Well the mattress I think that's the stupidest thing I've ever seen good. Then there's a red card in the hundredths minutes, although I would love to see that in the Premier League ship needed it. But you know, my bad I would have loved to see someone just tackle Pep Guardiola. Could you imagine and pipe ordeal tries to fight back? No clapping want to fight back Pep Guardiola? I think he's under attack. Here we go better angle for Liam. I was why would you do that? Like he just shoulder checks him. This is fantastically. But yeah, yeah, I mean, what did you think was gonna happen? You're gonna get a warning. This is gonna be at least a fucking suspended. Yeah. You can't just shoulder check the manager. And you know, yes if pep just got shoulder checked. I think we'd all laugh. Yes. That's the moment because it's funny but it is bad you you can't be doing that. He's probably gonna Sort of the captaincy to that's your captain doing the front burner get back from the Bundesliga. No, he's not gonna get bad for the Bundesliga, but it's going to be a hefty fine. Yeah and a suspension. I mean place from which include back Frankfort. Oh, sorry. I was oh my goodness. Yeah. I'm stupid. No. No, you just made a mistake. That's all good. Sorry, it's not. Okay. I know no football. I'm sorry to hear. Oh, yeah. It's great to see clap back four points ahead. Like it's I know they'd started. Well this season last year. And then they collapse in the second half the season but if you can pick up winds early though, like you're you're looking good and I think they have a great coach. Yeah next year, which I'm glad back chappies our favorites. Nope to me and give me a hug strong. No, no, can we go to Spain where bars the van did something? Yes, because movement magical man named messy potentially scoring goals against Barcelona went for one over a Celta Vigo inside. The vehicle are pretty bad. They're done at the very bottom but so disciplined. Yeah, come on, I suppose you'll go. You know, Messi does score a hat-trick. I'll come on Ballon d'Or already. Just give them to him. And somebody started though. I prefer not to speak. Yeah, did you see the goals? I saw his free-kick goalie learn to position yourself correctly. He was about three steps as far to his right? Yas'm. Oh, this is good for brush that they need to they need to get some wins. It's pretty much whenever you have a 4-1 Victory. It's good for you. Yeah, I don't have that one for one terrible result. You're all scored four goals. Real Madrid for Nill over aybar. Now, I'm hearing Benzema been them are looking fantastic. I saw a tweet from such a Chelsea fan time about his art. He's like a hasard is back. He's back to his his hip to what he to back to what he is and it just sort of him getting by a few players and then the his cross his ball across getting deflected out. I'm like, I mean, that's nice but it's not out of this world. I didn't see the game, but it's not a hundred million like hazard. Chelsea would control the game and make plays himself and when games for Chelsea himself, she still had a good game though. But yeah, and I guess he doesn't inter-squad like rounds of what's currently rameters best player. Yes. Yeah, we're all last podcast. We're kind of giving a little Flags. He's like always in the shadow and he's like you mentioned that but if he was in my shadow good, it's just she doesn't get enough praise as you should I think we asked if he was underrated by tomorrow and Luca said Granada, I would win La Liga. Yeah, there are down to eight I didn't I was joking obviously if he's a joke, you're eight Lucas. There are eight Lucas you never know with you but maybe the same as you know, who score goals this week Atlético Madrid good job or that yeah, three one more than one goal strong and still scoring with a lotta big big mountains. He's only good for me. Yeah actually is consecutive matches. It's great to see hopefully he keeps it up. On a bloody. I'm not you are a weird fan boy for that club. I don't like it. I don't know. I just Sevilla Sevilla beaten to the football hipster. Yes, there's nothing wrong with that. It is easy. It's a bad thing. You made it seem like a Bad season football games. I mean, I'm a big fan of IX. Do I watch IX? No, I don't watch II don't know. I'm a big fan. I don't know. That means your big fat ass. Tick-Tock, I like their badge. I'm telling you we may not be European. We may be from Canada. We do watch football. We do actually have opinions monsters doesn't watch unfortunate. I don't have much as I like their badge. This is why people go this is why I talk about sport like you you are the reason we Gets laid it on Tick-Tock. Make sure you subscribe to our Tick Tock is everybody's phone not subscribed piss off and to those on YouTube and podcast apps. Thank you for listening. I know if you're still here when I was on the podcast apps last week the last episode where I think from last Sunday, we got a lot of people a lot more people listen to that. So to those of you listening right now, thank you iTunes. Give us a five star review actually helps a lot but iTunes like the last podcast I posted his up everywhere but iTunes it wasn't well what's going on? Look, it's unfortunate. I can't do anything. But anyways, that was all I was in Spain. Yeah, Italy there's one game in Italy one game know here's 10 not there was one that really mattered and it was extremely boring Juventus beat AC Milan one-nil. It was a boring game just because there's obviously expect more goals, but there are still quite a bit of action policies or yes. Yeah. Sharon all the 55th minute. He was pissed not happy. Tonya is X coming up. I mean, he's coming off of an injury. Is he not? Yeah, but I mean look at you don't happen. I got this Corporation right again this week money was you just had a good week and I had an average week. What did you predict for this game one? No, did ya I mean it's chilly asshole one-nil, but when one is in modern play bad at all like this was for once but boys check shows in her chosen, he's got a tough name to pronounce them boys. Challenge whatever's channels now, we know who you're trying to talk mean Shez NEOS Jones now stop you're embarrassing yourself know what we pronounce it. Yeah, but I think you think how many people you think are hearing this and thinking your sarong shezzy films in it. Can you stop Lucas? What do you just say? Wait fantastic in this man? Was it guys good? Yeah because he's probably one of the more underrated Keepers in Europe because he doesn't write him because he plays for you mantis. Was that something is that good compared to Allison and all-black? This guy's balls behind. He's a miles behind. Are you kidding me? Maybe at least for bustling? Oh, no, but just because he's Panucci needle in front of him so that he might know you don't like wasn't I but that doesn't that mean I just have it all like it doesn't mean that he's not a great question. The buffoon I think a hundred I think before I was a little overrated I got to be honest. I mean, let's perform the funds before your the fraud call me what you want. The thing is like I give my right now I'm here actually fraud gang sure that take it out on go shut. I mean like right now, of course, he's not he's old link. But like it's just it's just a yeah, there's a leak is a nil-nil draws a reason why a club Because he was cheap. No because he was great for Roma and they're like, let's week week in Roma and I can teams around us and that's make us even better and he has made his saved them in several games. That was good time is a tireless has Buffon one. I mean, how many has lot on one? They're very brief one of the World Cup title. Yeah Point proven if it Buffon had a hell of a team in front of over that role. Oh my God, it's not like he paid like he was I'm not saying that he's a donkey must say he's bad I'm saying he's a people people go. Oh my God. He's he's the best of all time. He's not did you know championship teams also need a world-class defense of rather keeper rule what really I mean I kind of have to agree with them though like blue van. That means Alice is kind of weird. I'm not saying that the defensive front of made him not a good goalie. I'm saying is you can't judge the defensive record based on just him. Well, I want your title. Okay, there's not just him that one that ideas. Very good keeper. Yeah, and he was doing this putting Great Performances for UV and he's yes until he was like, yes like 30. Yes Buffon is a good goalie. He's more than good. But you're not your coach Legend, but you don't think she has these cookies, please for your Venture. It's all because he plays where you vent is compared to the goalies in Europe the top 5 goals in Europe. He's not on that list compared to some of them. I think he's gonna block I think he's not as good as all black. I don't think it's a good as a I'm not saying he's I don't think it's as good as to hell. Give me the he's a great shot stopper. But he's been how he's been this season was in your opinion. You don't okay? Okay. Okay. I think I think some respect needs to be put on his thing. I know he was crap for Arsenal. I know that those were real up your open crap, right? That's awesome. I don't care. I don't care because it's my opinion. That's why I'm here. It's an opinion podcast and I respect your turn. Are you don't act Arsenal won his last time they had a good keeper. They had to bring in an old better check to save them for bit. Better. Check was the best keeper they've had for a long time and he's still novel. I don't know isn't been terrible stars have when you have okay, we're talking Arsenal's defense when you're talking about. Yeah, probably that's a big guy. Arsenal things we're gonna get slated for that's okay another that was the guy I remember almunia ammonia played for Watford for a while. He played for Arthur the bed and he was sliced lated quite a bit. Sorry about getting off talk about this guy we go. It's Arsenal talk about he says Somethin we get triggered. We attack him basically all it's like realistically I'd like to have a nice civil conversation with Liam. But sometimes that isn't the case with some Hollow Duvall has scored a goal for Juventus. Yay. This was a great example. He drew nil-nil a general ye enter somehow B21 Hellas Verona see ya apologize to her Atalanta. They drew nil-nil. I apologize to the viewers and listeners I'd Like Syria roma roma they lost to nil next podcast. We are getting a muzzle for him. What's a muzzle? It's the what dogs have just do to stop barking their mouth closed. So yeah, this is the 90th minute what is happening? Lucas what's wrong with you today? Me. I'm the one who's saying today. I think you you started this whole I got to be honest. Yes is so silly don't even tell my friends or know cause you showed up and worst like some stupid some talk. Please talk to me right now. I am talking to you guys predicted most favorably on yes, and I was the one thing I actually got right it ends to one for Marseille. Yes was one thing was got wrong one thing cheap. I it scored both of them. Hey good to see him do Something. Yes. He's back and form. Yeah, I was at work. So I was not able to see this game. But because if you were not working, would you actually watch that game? I would watch that or even to some easy Milan. I was actually hoping for another one just to make the tutu and rubbing your face of a champion right now Marseille Lyon or you vent is AC Milan the games. I wanted I would rather have watched a brick wall over seven hours while repeatedly smashing my forehead into it. It's not that bad. I would have rather large fault. They don't play it that tiny waist. Otakon back to the highlights of last season the PS that's how bad I wasn't that would have been depressing. Yeah blood pressure is green. You have like a livewatch login' am watching a Syrian King one time if it's actually a good game which happens I try to have respect for all occasionally, but I got all the wigs but hopefully but there's a few good job really good. We all hate legal. Yeah, shoutout to Kanye Ari they beat Fiorentina 5 to exactly area now. Fourth place. Yeah, that was good. Cheers. Darn good for did not show up. I mean, there's been games where there's a fantastic. It's not drawers and I mean it's not but not there's a good amount. Yes in every League there is right now, it's Bundesliga and primarily. Yes. I'm super-competitive. Well, he goes, okay. Dude, seriously, is there there that it's all bad? It's not great. I think think there's been great games and there's great story lines as well. There's a Tyler he's still going on. It is good to see that enter still keeping it close like anything from Syria. He will find a way to find a bad. You will find a negative to your positive a big. Another thing is Napoli still needs to get there in the form 700 Lea and I are like a battery. There's a positive and a negative side think I just kind of made that up. That's what I caught your point. Exactly. Listen to me and you put on the glass. Are you concerned about Napoli though? Yeah, they're insane. Yeah. Yeah, they need to be they should be in that title race like with them. Like honestly also there was breaking news that what Mertens apparently is going to be going to Inter Milan. Yeah. There's I don't know if the how legit that rumor is, but every crazy thing. I mean what kind of smelly I'm just counting something, right? I think he's telling all the nil-nil one no game sound. So how many how many were there this week in sitio to I think there were like three one two, three. There was six this year so far in the Premier League Come at me. Come at me. You're not saying the whole studio league is great, but there's different styles to different cultures. Okay, who was more World kind of thing is we all I think we can all agree that Italian football is more defensive. It's always yes, so he's been going away from that in recent years though. It's wrong and so clearly working. It's working for 70 bottom Cristiano Ronaldo. He's not even score. Yeah Lukaku scoring in this league is not helping your case here. You say Chris now Cristiano Ronaldo's not them what case is there to be made Cristiano doesn't give a shit what he weighs two tribes you okay? I'll show up now. Yeah in the waist Alberto has the most assists. So what's really wrap up this city. I just got shit anyone who watches going. I'm done with these. Yeah. I do appoint don't know how you're still here. If you are the we very much appreciate you still being there at does not look the most exciting on paper and some excellent quality players. He doesn't like Syria. We are content with it Lucas enjoys it now. I know I start the tire fire. Yes, but you have to realize that's my job here. Like now I think we should move on have to stir the pot to apparently what we know know best USA Baby USA USA Network Canadian, please get No, I will slap you. If you call me. Come here MLS Cup Final was fighting me Emma's final was today in Seattle. It was Seattle Sounders versus Toronto FC now Toronto Canadian is a Canadian connection. Wow, but it did not go very well for TFC Calvin Lee Erdman. Like the pronunciation he opened the scoring 57th minute Victor Rodriguez and he 76 actually would have watched this game. If I didn't have work. I would have watched this your correct Raul Rudy as he scored in the United Way get three yells a killer of it and then Jozy Altidore Just on the constellations whoopee 93rd minute makes it 3-1. Good job Seattle solid Victory. Congratulations new title. I'm glad this game didn't go to extra time or penalties. Like it always does every year. Yeah play it'll be like nil-nil funny enough. I'm I was actually watching this game on Saturday because I thought this game was on Saturday night. So I was at work in the bar watching Toronto series the Seattle and then I wake up in the morning. I realized oh wait that was just a replay from Your cigar these two teams have been the final three of the last four years. So I'm like I'm like, what do you mean? They haven't played I saw I swear I was watching them last night and I was like, I was trying to figure out who won and wow, then you say I'm the one that's out to lunch on this podcast was skipping anything about out about that. No. Yeah. I was I was going to be message you guys because they're like throwing like streamers that one of the players during the quarter of them like that seems very disrespectful. You won't be able to watch the match today. Yeah, I watched a little bit of it what with that little bit. What did you think seemed pretty even yeah, I mean, I mean three one very even I mean look if looking at the stats I knows I know shots and possession doesn't tell the full story. I'm sorry, we weren't able to watch this match. We were busy. So sorry about that lives. But yeah turn of seen Seattle 14 shots turn on five on goal and And Seattle had six while Toronto dominated possession. But yeah, it seems like it was about taking your chances. I mean, I know in past MLS Cup finals. It's kind of similar with between these two teams because I know Seattle kind of like played very defensive for their first MLS Cup win against Toronto when they won in the penalty shootout, so I'm kind of interested if that was the case, but unfortunately, I don't know and I apologize for not watching it. The funny thing is is this these were probably the two teams people did not Back there to be here. You know, I think people expected the LA FC vs can expect this podcast to go this long. No, this is wholly. It's it's almost 11 o'clock. If you ever wonder why were yawning or tired on the podcast? We were recording very late at night after work after work. Yeah. Sometimes 8 p.m. Right now. It's almost 11:00 p.m. Our time. So there is that and usually we have to catch Lucas catches games at five in the morning for the weekends. So there's also that so yeah games on Monday at 5 a.m. No. Means like you wake up this morning. And one thing I'd like to mention. I think we should have said that the star think I remember lest we forget remember it's days. So yeah, we wouldn't be here we wouldn't be here without them. So I was very gassy. But yes, I think we are going to wrap up this podcast, please. Yes, many things got off topic very much. So I'm I was at fault for most of that but that's okay. That's what I'm here for. Like I said, so like I said if you are Are a new subscriber we greatly appreciate you make sure you hit that Bell notification. Help us. Get our name out there. If this is your first time viewing this make sure you do hit that subscribe button. We would also greatly appreciate that comment down below get involved in the conversation and hit us up on any and all social media links are in the description from myself. Liam was Lucas Greg all of us here the 90th minute. We appreciate you tuning in. Thank you for watching and listening. Yeah, this has been yet another week and a beautiful game. See you next time next week. We check out Venezuela.
On this episode of The 90th Minute, Liam, Lucas, Woz and Greg discuss this weekend's action! They delve in depth about Liverpool vs Manchester City, including Var, bangers, great performances, poor performances and Pep nearly exploding! We also spend a significant time talking about Leicester and Arsenal, while touching up on the rest of the league. We delve into the Bundesliga where Bayern destroys Dortmund. while La Liga, Serie A, and the MLS cup tops off the episode. Timestamps: Liverpool vs Manchester City - 1:10 Leicester City vs Arsenal - 23:30 Crystal Palace vs Chelsea - 35:13 Tottenham vs Sheffield Utd - 37:42 Manchester United vs Brighton - 43:25 Pellegrini to get sacked? - 45:35 Rest of the Premier League - 47:42 Bundesliga - 49:18 La Liga - 58:20 Serie A (kind of) - 1:02:25 MLS Cup Final - 1:13:52 Previous podcast discussing Liverpool defeating VAR Problems, Kovac sacked  & more: Previous 1 vs 1 prediction video: Check out the creator of the intro tune: Check us on social media: Instagram: @the90thminuteofficial Youtube: The 90th Minute TikTok: @the90thminute Twitter: @The90thMinute1 Liam: @LiamPeace7 Woz: @itswoz96 Lucas: @ChromiakLucas
Hey afterbuzzers, before we move on to your next topic. We just want to say thanks to our sponsor. Anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. Plus there are creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Also anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it could be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many more plus you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership, and it's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor. Um to get started presented by AfterBuzz TV and hosted by Hall of Fame Superstar Sean xpac Waltman. This is x hawk One Two Three Sixty and now your host WWE Hall of Fame Superstar Sean x hawk Waltman. All right, welcome back to Part One Two Three Sixty everyone. Whoo. back again not a great weekend all about you too. I can tell already that you had a really fun weekend. Great and I didn't and like the whole time. I didn't look at fucking Twitter I all once it was amazing. It was amazing and then I got on the plane I come home and I get off the plane and it's his meal and you know, I look at Twitter and it's just like boom back to reality a bunch of fucking assholes. Yeah. Let me not everyone on Twitter. I Actually, no, but God, yeah a decent amount, you know, like only either just have everyone up and you're wrestling Twitter. This person's piece of shit that person this, you know, Randy Rhoads misspoke this person did like holy shit. Yeah. Well, at least you had a nice couple of days about New Hampshire about Triple H's 50th birthday. Wow, yeah. Yeah, man, so it was a you know, it was a okay. Yeah, it was his 50th birthday. And so it was kind of I mean it was a real intimate Affair but there was no more. I don't know there was there might have been over 50 but not much. Okay as far as how many people were there. Hmm, and that was like Paul says the only people you know, right actually like it could have been a lot here lot bigger. But yeah, you know, I actually like and I see a lot of people I think got their feelings hurt for that matter. But yeah, but you know, yeah, so what did you guys do? Fuck? I forgot my head the the itinerary. I should have brought that January because there was a whole itinerary like yeah that had everything laid out. So I got there before anyone like, you know, the only person that got there around the same time as me because I flew in the night before, you know having to come, you know from out here and La I took a red-eye and I got about eight o'clock boy. I'm really going in the detail here on yeah, we want to know the details. Seriously through yeah, so yeah, I get there and you know Scott was already coming in later. So I'm like I'll just fucking get there myself and so but my license is expired and I'm waiting to get that taken care of so I couldn't rent a car. So I took it Uber two and a half hours. Oh shit. Yeah. I'm assuming that was pricey wasn't cheap. But you know, it was fine. Whatever. Yeah well worth it and to this beautiful. Town in New Hampshire with amazing. Like it's it's one of the most beautiful places I've ever been in my life and I'm not going to actually give the name of the town. Okay, so because I don't want people like showing up to the town and like, you know, I'm glad you said that because I was in fact. Wow, what a fucking just it was amazed. Like there was just it was kind of like a boutique hotel like old you could tell it was really like, Old you know for maybe the even eighteen hundreds and the update of the little bit nose right on the lake and there might have been tended 40 rooms total air and you know wasn't cheap to stay there. Yeah, totally so she's thanks Jeff just totally just stack the fuck out of me and tell me. Oh, don't worry about me the 40 rooms. Oh, yeah. Where was I after I was completely totally distracted them the 40 rooms. They were nice. If yeah, beautiful and you know, I got there early so they weren't ready for me. And so I didn't get a room with the balcony. Oh damn put a beautiful view but like Scott was right underneath me and he had a balcony that was where I had to go to do the things that he and I do sure anyways, so the first like the only other person I got their same time as me was I had him Jones? I don't know if you know. Ooh, that is from a tool. Yeah, awesome. Awesome. Yeah, one of the greatest guitar player ever. Yeah, absolutely. So yeah, Adam was there he and I you know, we caught up talked a little bit. Nice. Let's go up on was there with his wife fuck-ups not watching. Did you and Scott get more of that time on the balcony? Like I know it was crazy. There was oh that yeah, we have more of that yet, but Okay. Yeah. So where the fuck was I you got to your room. You didn't have a balcony that's what was born myself until I walked around the area like when you know, I don't know if you saw that got posted. I'm about ready to fuck up. This lobster roll didn't see that. Yeah, how was it was a good it's great. Yeah, it was so good, but they had another one like they had a full like pound you can order a pound like a one pound Lobster all my God 40 50 Buck. I just didn't have enough room. I got right but I yeah, I know so I walked around and and excuse me. That was for the ass. Hold on my fucking YouTube comments that called me a junkie and I don't read them very much. But you know complain about ripping that was for you go. Fuck yourself dickhead amazing. So where was I you are eating the lobster long ago, but so I never perish or had one pair ugly ass shorts would be that I've had for like two years the fucking barely. They only started fit me again when I put some weight back on but so I went to look for some shorts, you know the gift shop and you know, they had some like really ugly ass shorts that were like $100 and on my uh, uh can see they this town that for the fucking poor poor people to come vacation at that's for sure. So not only Lee I got a hundred bucks but they're ugly as fuck to of course above the knees like four inches above the knee, you know, those kind of shorts are ya so I might as well just stick with my ugly shorts. How about to say if you I thought you were going to actually buy the short? Okay, you know like I'm too cheap, but I was just like they've got to be nice. Yeah mean I got to be decent shorts on my pay that much. Yeah. So yeah fascinating story there but the shorts let's get into like the the cars so, you know by about eight eight o'clock. Kevin's got arrived and and then we had dinner downstairs and it was nice. It was real nice. Sean came down Shawn Michaels The Heartbreak Kid, but I call him Shawn rough Garth, you know fucking stupid. Well, I'm being really stupid today folks and I'm enjoying it. Bear with me, but now the stage said To set up your shown us the I'm not even close to being Mega. Just hold your horses time. Fuck you. Like I'm ready for the party. Okay, so why are people start showing up Matt Bloom came off? You know, I wasn't lying people are I'll get to all came in a second because the next morning at 11 they started these so this is a place Like we're you know her as a home on the Lake Hundred stuff and you know, they come there once in a while. It's not their Main Place blows fucking beautiful. Oh my God, awesome. So they everyone got shuttled over from the hotel to his place and we just hung out there for the first part of the day till like 4:00 or 5:00 o'clock. Tons of jet skis boats the go. Carts there was like, you know that the it's a really big thing now is like throwing axes. I'll share, you know at the boat at the targets. And so they had that set up. You know, of course Vince was fucking then scab. They're all over there just admit. It was looking pretty darn. Yeah, that's was jacked when he showed up. Fuck. Yeah. Oh my God, you look incredible hoof walking around like, you know all bowed up and shit like making sure everybody's let me fucking tricep need anyways, but he definitely had cool shorts. That is what you're trying to say. No, he's definitely nothing cool about anything. He was where he just looked really good. Yeah. So anyway, see how it's so bad. Man, they must have had a ton of lobster meat there. It was just like if you like lobster and I do you in fucking Heaven. I mean there was just I can they must have bought up every fucking ounce of lobster me and Old State of New Hampshire. Yeah. It was just it was so great Ric Flair was there. So like later on hey, so put few of the pictures up. Well, that's that's petite, you know Batista showed up but could fucking photo bombing in the background chatter. Let's keep dancing Dave in a while. I share especially had a chance to tell him how much I enjoyed Hotel Artemis. Oh, yeah. Can we talk about that? No, I don't think I was I was on anyways. Yeah, it was great seeing Dave, so Dave tells me He's going and he's going to remember the first time we met and that's something I always ask people, you know, because I usually do and and he's gone. Remember what you said to me and I'm like waiting for like some profound thing. I told him that fucking inspired him to do and he goes he looked at me and said you're not a narc. Are you I'm like, what the fuck are you did I really? And I was joking upper right is laughing. I can't imagine why the fuck I would have to ask him that I'm obviously the fed and respond. I don't remember that but obviously it happened because you are stuck in his mind and I was obviously just fucking with them especially like at the time. He's like 340 or 350 right dress. That's how I was going to ask like around. What time did you first meet them? So bwok bwok? Can't we would show up to Louisville or two TVs in that area and he'd be there right but Dave's so yeah, that's the wrong picture. Like that's it's actually during the night of yeah. Okay, here's a picture of us had we were you know on the boat we were talking about and so it's just it was great looks really nice. Really really really Breezy. Yeah people at home that are that are watching this. Yeah, that's right. Seriously. Yeah, that's great. Shawn. I'm always on their Scott and I I used to I used to be ripped like up until WrestleMania. I think Romania my God fuck. I'm just going to get along. It's sure that looks awesome. Yeah, and then okay, so oh that's a picture of that's a picture of Bray Wyatt and his beautiful, baby. And Braun strowman that was from Rob Union. I love that somebody posted that already. So that's great. But anyways, so later on after you know the day at the lake. We went back to the hotel for a few hours and got ready for the festivities and the evening and then we went to their Farmhouse which was like, you know, like just you know, I don't know. On the same property enough fuck. Sorry quit fucking calling me and texting me. Anyways, The Farmhouse. Yeah the farm out so that so that the barn set up and then this big like temporary structure set up next to the barn. I'm going to fuck. And then apologize got are there something in the barn? I'm not supposed to see right. So they had you know, all the tables lined up and I at our table was myself Scott care of Sean the Nature Boy Ric Flair and his lovely wife Wendy. It was a nice table became well, yeah, it was definitely the coolest table. And so they had a band there and you know what? I just kind of heard there was going to be a special guest and and I'm like, you know, I didn't recognize this band a my guess is that some they didn't I just not knowing fuck they are there was good, but it wasn't that wasn't the surprise. So after the band played, you know, we went outside and stuffs like hey look over here often to the to the tree line and like it has like a quarter of a mile. Way or another side of the trees all the sudden man look like there was an invasion of fucking UFOs coming up out of the tree line hundreds of drones and the militant nitrites and they all light up just slowly raised above the tree line and then the music starts and like all these cool all this cool shit happened and then like two DX music plays and there's this big DX thing in the sky what you know drones and they said it was amazing. Like if you look up if you go on YouTube and look up drum light show, you'll see something similar to it, you know, it was absent and there were cars stopping on the side of the road freaking out like there must have been fucking we're finally being you know, first Contact folks. Well with all the talk of Area 51 right now. I'm not surprised. That was the first thing on people's mind. But that's also cool with that. The surprised that they were saying was just one of them so then we went back inside and sat down and you know, there was a few things. You know everyone, you know, exchanging pleasantries and all that and Paul said a few words and then excuse me, that's another one for you la la whatever. Maybe we should start a counter but tastes great. So and then stuff goes ladies and Gentlemen, please help us welcome, you know one half of the founders of Creedence Clearwater Revival and I'm thinking we get the other guys like me with and he goes chop. She goes John Fogerty and I shit. I couldn't even fucking believe it everyone dead. Holy shit. Look, John Fogerty, is it as a legend among Legends every fucking song he did and he made an hour like hour and a half easy and every song everyone knew the words to and like a couple songs in he brought out Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top and they did, you know Fandango and like, you know sharp-dressed man having you know, Billy. He flew in from Spain just for the party and then flew back out this pain all my sin, right? Yeah, and it was just a legendary fucking evening. It was amazing and I'm not enough just gives away after party after that anyway, so yeah, this stage setup was pretty cool. I know they have Triple H's logo on the top, isn't it? Correct up on the top so we can kind of see it on the photo, but I thought that was pretty awesome. I don't know why the pictures look so dark. They don't like they weren't that dark when I sent them. Anyways, yeah, and there was a picture of I guess that was just up there like Hunter and Shaun and John Fogerty and me. Anyway, awesome. Hey, I'm Kevin. I had served for a when you guys sat down for the dinner. It's because I was just had too many I've too much red meat lately, right? So it's sort of just had you know prime rib Prime of Cyril sort by different thing chicken. Mmm. It was amazing and I know we got these we got these lovely parting gift bags. And bunch of shit in there like she do an MBA, you know will water bottle. Anyway. Yeah. Well, so yeah, it was fun. Yeah, and I can't thank I can't thank stuff and And honor enough for you know having us out there was you know, it was Paul's birthday, but it felt like it was our fucking buries it seriously. It was just it was like one of the greatest weekend I've ever had. What was your favorite part? um Wow. Besides John Fogerty recognize. You know, I just my favorite part was just everybody in an environment where we could just you know, just breathe right Vince was there Linda are you know, I've learned that John Fogerty played I'm dead Linda and I are dancing like it was crazy. Right, but he's just, you know, letting loose and and dances out there Cuttin a rug with staff and it was great fucking dude. Got some moves go back go back and watch remember the remember when they had to First breast lab when you guys weren't alive then wrestling album. I'd I do remember how everyone they have the bank like kind of like a Slammy. I don't know if they called it the same he's backed it. But anyways, Vince came out and see how he did if you only knew what I'm gonna do to you you ever hear that song and he did it. Did you see when he performed it Irish dancing has the moves everybody him to stand back. Yeah, so, oh, no you if you only knew was the one everyone did yes. Yes Ventus song was stand back. Yeah. Yeah. So I guess the main thing was just everyone. Yeah, just spending time together good man. Oh my God. Can I just please turn this fucking phone all the way around? Well, honestly, it sounds like a lot of fun and like just from the pictures that I've seen. I'm just like dang like they you know, they Only when all out really put the thing together and it looks really cool some events. Yeah for watching the street. Hey, and that's no joke like I mean, so that was only we can dance. Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's awesome. Anyways, hey, did I already say who the guest was? Enemy? No. No. Yes. Yeah, I get a little bit we're gonna be joined in Studio by a boy in his dining. Yes or so excited. Yeah, they're gonna be here in a few minutes. So that was why my phone was going off like so they're not here yet. You want to talk about somebody shit and then talk about the new some of the news we have we don't have that much but let's go ahead and talk about some light some light-hearted newest. I guess you can say WWE Studios and Netflix are teaming up for the Big Show show. It starts in LA on August 9th as I believe the date that they start shooting essentially. It's a multicam comedy series 10, half-hour. So it's and it's description comedy Eleanor coffee. Well, from what I understood. It's kind of like a like a like a may be scripted. So forgive me if it's a comedy series. I don't know how it can be not just arrived and his two daughters. So I kind of first it sounded to me like it was like a reality thing. But yeah your face I think it sounds like it could be like a reality show just kind of like there's a loose framework of the stuff that they get into or whatever and they just kind of roll. So I think it's Scripted I'm looking here and there are showrunners attached. It's a multicam production. So nice. It's pretty interesting to kind of see this this step that's being taken. So there's so much like there's so much more to Paul Wight aka Big Show, then being a giant right? Yeah, you know all that. I mean, I don't know if y'all have ever seen any of his appearances since day one when he appeared like on talk shows like ladder men Orlando or any of that stuff he fucking Hold it right when he was out there his personality and just his Charisma and his has you know his sense of humor. Yeah, and I was comedic timing. I just makes total sense. Yes, every involvement even when he was the giant, you know, having roles in movies like jingle all the way in the water boy things like that, like people knew early on just how charismatic he was. He was he was big show when he was in water boy. Oh was he? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, it was General all the way and I'm thinking of but yeah, that's that's why he's had such longevity at this point, you know the fact that he's able to do whatever with whatever is given to him and make it entertaining. Yeah, so that'll be good. That'll be exciting. It's pretty cool. It sounds to me like they're going to be doing a couple more stuff with Netflix because one of the other things that was announced was that they're going to be making a family movie in 2020 called the main event. That's all the information I have so far on that but it seems like me might start seeing more stuff on. And I think that's pretty cool. Hey top streaming service out there, right? So I was just looking at Twitter on the way here and I saw that Joe men and in Elgin was amended now low Vince Vaughn Big Show and like some other famous people all you've heard of or fucking having a game of Dungeons and Dragons, I guess Joe Manganiello is the deal. That was the dungeon master awesome. So that was going on. I don't know what that was for. But it looked like fun. Yeah, I don't want that for sure. Yeah. All right. Let's go into some of the raw highlights that let's talk about some of the main things that happen. So Ricochet is now going to be facing AJ Styles for the u.s. Title at SummerSlam this all started with a gauntlet match Rey Mysterio defeated Cesaro who then went on to meets to defeat Sami Zayn and then it was undoubted forces Ray, but I'm glad they won that and then it was Ricochet versus Andrade and then Ricochet ended up beating Andrade for this spot. It was a nice. The you match it was really nicely done and there was a we got a lot done in that. Absolutely. I mean Cesaro is so phenomenal just in general, but when you put them in there with the the best high flyer of all time, and he's able to Basin and all that but also we got to we got to plant a seed 400 a and Ray. Yes, it's possible hair versus mask match that's read about and you know and in all Also, we got to build Ray back up after looking not so great couple weeks ago over the open challenge debacle, right? But it was a categorical this this whole thing was what about a half hours worth of of just awesome strong wrestling curious to see what the ratings are for that segment. Absolutely. Yeah, the the word going around us that this is this is kind of the most heavily. I guess Amon and Foods raw of this sort of New Era and I And you can tell for sure you can definitely tell it's simply by the guys that you're seeing where the talent that you're seeing highlighted on the show moving on from that. We had Maria Kanellis who is now the first pregnant woman to be the 24/7 Champion. That was another thing that occurred essentially my Kanellis one it when they all did the pile up and and in the end he came out like running and so he was the winner of that but then afterwards backstage in the locker room she went in and was like, oh this is for our baby and she puts her healing him brings the referee. He has to lay down for her and she gets the pin then she comes out and walks all the talent because none of the talent wants to attack a pregnant woman, obviously, so she's now the champion. So yeah, you know, I've made my feelings known about this and I think you know, maybe I'm just one of the people that's fallen for like, I mean, I hate this and and and I think maybe that's because that's what they're trying like. I'm it's working on me too. Right, right. Can't make it. Yeah, but and and I don't know like to what end. I mean, that's okay. It's providing, you know some it's like putting your asses in seats, but it's I'm hoping you know, it's something that you know looking for the Silver Lining. I'm hoping that it's at least getting people to maybe tune into to a five lives. He what Mike's doing over there. She's doing really good stuff on Tuesday night. Yeah. I just hate seeing them get fucking neutered every goddamn not crazy about this either, you know. And maybe that's just because I'm a dude and you know, you know, we don't like to whatever right? I wonder how long she's gonna last with about because how do you take off the belt, you know off of her right now because obviously no one's going to go and attack her, you know, so they're gonna come up with a creative way to do. So, you know, yeah, one of the other things that happened is we have new raw Tag Team Champions and Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson are no Champions. Yeah. Yes good. That's a good move. Yeah, absolutely deserve it this and it's the least I can do after those guys getting buried my asshole eat before right? Yeah. Yeah. Hopefully we can keep they can keep building the the Tag Division Out and because God knows there's there's enough good teams that need to be, you know, spotlighted and focused on so, yeah, hopefully yeah the step in the right direction right call right time as well. Yeah. Right and then one of the other things that happened we had Brock Lesnar severely attacked Seth Rollins where it was in the ring and then it even went backstage where that he was taken out of the ambulance. He was attacked. So what's the deal? I don't like I mean, it was good stuff. Just get me wrong, but I'm wondering what the motivation is here. Like I already can't let's see. I mean, what's he don't even know you don't have any cash in and I feel to me to cheer to me on a sort of a meta level. I feel like the motivation is just making Seth especially lately since Seems like he's kind of been losing some of the Goodwill that he had made me making him more sympathetic. I was what I thought yeah when I see that I'm like, okay. I see what they're doing right now, like little sympathy little extra sympathy. Yeah, maybe like and this is also just the best way to use Brock Brock is in his element when he's just a sheer force of nature just destroying shit. And so this is what people are going to tune in to the Army. It was a little hard first to get into the back into the storyline with Brock and Seth simply because we had already seen them go at it at Wrestlemania. You know and that was kind of like, you know, sometimes it's kind of like the wrap it up. Okay, this happened now, we're going to move on to you know, new opponents, etc. Etc. And so it kind of took a while to sort of for me to get like back into it. But sort of the things that have been happening the past few weeks made me kind of like, okay, like I see what's happening here. You're getting my interest back again. At least he did a good job. I mean he fucked him up. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah God that 5 onto the gurney. There is one of the room into the poster outside. Like fucking he's like a big old pile of like a big sack of shit. And then the momentum I guess you can say of that sort of continued on for the ending of the show with the brawl that started off with with Samoa Joe and Roman Reigns and then turned onto a fool out bra a brawl clothing out raw. Yeah, and and we got that giant leap from Cedric Alexander off the off the set. Good Lord. Yeah. I'm hoping that this is that we continue seeing Cedric I know like put on this level. I like seeing the mixture of these of you know, the guys that were on to live mixing. What else have you way? So as long as he don't drop the ball don't it's it'll be a lot easier, you know for them to think Chance on others. Yeah. I was just like what I came in as 1-2-3 Kid had I have dropped the ball on that. Who knows if next time they would have taken a chance on some little skinny fucker. Write that song All right, what else anything? That's pretty much it for our new segment do want to go into our break now and then come back with our guest. Let's do it. We'll be right back with muchas Horas and the jungle boy before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify as a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram. You haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us you never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV. Welcome back everybody joining us in studio right now. They're making They're getting a lot of Buzz right now at deservedly so and you know, they were either they've been seen on a ew, and it's a boy and his dinosaur Jack Perry and muchas Horas Make Some Noise. Whoo. It was a pop huge pop. Thank you guys. What's going on here, man, and I'm Jack I met you a few times. Yeah, just like so everyone knows I remember when I met you you haven't Ali had any matches yet, right. You were kind of just yeah. I was immature best from Hollywood a little bit Yeah. I hadn't wrestled there and I was hoping to yeah, I remember that meeting, you know, something like I remember you telling me like there was some issue at your shoulder. I'd spring my AC joint and it's funny because I actually just did that to the other one. But yeah, I was I was wanting to get on TV there now setting up the ring and all that. But yeah, that was a bummer cause it took a couple months with a shoulder and everything. Yeah, and yeah. And you know at that point he got a bunch of different people on your ear. Yeah, you should be doing this you should be doing that and but but I've known you a long time. Yeah for for a minute or two. Yeah, and but I didn't realize that you guys had a history like a lot way before people realize but yeah, we were we started training at the same time out here in Los Angeles about 10 years ago, right? Yes. Um, yeah. I was in college. To now is about 10:00 or 11:00 yesterday. Yeah, I was a little older than that. But yeah, we start training the same time and it's kind of cool that we've you know, we've always kind of found our way back to train together when I went to took a couple years off and did like reality TV. Yeah back to Lucha. I was training again. We found each other training the same place again. So it's always kind of we always met back and it's finally cool that we've been able to put it together. Right? Did you guys always have that instant chemistry together, or was it sort of found once you guys started? It together at aw. Well, actually we the first time we ever team together was what bar wrestling right? Yeah for Joey Ryan. Yeah, we yeah, we kind of I've known him forever and we would you know, we would cross paths here and there but it was never something that I really thought about. Um, and you know, he wasn't always Lucha Soros really and then it kind of was a Jerry's idea. Well, I think he was pretty much I think it was Joyce idea. Yeah, we thought we really wanna put you guys together. I think that would be funny. I think he called it a boy and his - yeah, and I thought it was Cool, but I didn't I didn't think was as cool as it turned out being yeah, I remember someone tweeting. Like, how can we please have you ride to the ring on food sources shoulders. I was like sure you know what and the first time we did that people went nuts. Yeah, and it was like an wrestle or do anything people go nuts off that which is so cool. It was when I came out to the ring with him on my show. I was looking around and people were just like so happy watching this. I'm like, this is really interesting, but they're getting such a good good feeling out of He'll stuff. Yeah, so it's cool right away. And I okay until we talked about this. I'm gonna just gonna yeah put out there there's and it's not like it's not like you're the new Kane and X-Pac but there are because you're not your fucking boys die. So yeah, it's different. Yeah, but I kind of felt like when I first saw it, I kind of felt a lot of similar feelings. Yeah, you know, and I was studying That when I say we started teaming right away. I was like only listen those matches because that's kind of the that's the psychology of the team really. It's the big guy who's kind of like the Misunderstood monster teaming with the guy who's well, actually he's got a different thing because he's the jungle board. He's the only one who understands me, I guess because he's from the jungle kind of Found Me In the Jungle stuff like that, but it's the same kind of dynamic. Yeah, and it worked then and it's you know, it's working now on a different level. Yeah. I was I was going to ask about that because you don't usually see a lot of teams. With with such kind of a size discrepancy was it difficult sort of, you know coming up with with double team offense or things like that. I think it's been pretty easy. Yeah, I like it. It lets us kind of do I mean he can do more the power stuff obviously, but it kind of gives us interesting stuff to do that. I feel like a lot of teams aren't doing. Yeah and also, you know, we both, you know can do like flip things as well. So there's a lot of ground we have even covered with some double teams, but it's like will shoot ideas back and forth and then it's like all about this. What about this and it's like we feel like we can pretty much do things that no one has ever done before because of that size difference and because of our range of ability. Hey, so when I team of Cain, obviously I took the heat every night. That's right. We got a smaller guy object get some hot tags in there. Yeah. So how does it work when I fart promos go? Well, as of right now jungle boy happened to him yet to speak properly. I'm still we're still doing the lectures. You know, I'm working. It but in the meantime, I do the talking super-intelligent done yet. I need a talking and he kind of just you know, mimes it and repeats after me or if you disagree. So tell me and I understand some of his jungle talks. He'll whisper my are some things that you know, people would understand. Thanks. So this is kind of like a little bit out there, but it's something that reminds me of you guys. Do you remember like back in the day? I don't know how old your but like when I was a kid. There was this thing called Sid and Marty Krofft superstars. They had like fucking HR pufnstuf Land of the Lost things like that and they had one called Bigfoot and Wildboy. Oh, okay. Yeah and it reminds me of you guys a lot that's looking at that. Yeah sure is and that's the the vibe that I got especially as wig fun while Brett them you say pull it up. What up, Jeff. He's like a Sasquatch. Yeah, especially yeah with being called a boy in this dinosaur it gave me Vibes of like like an 80s like Spielberg movie. Cannae tea or something like that bear names. We went to NXT. So Jack tell me the backstory of jungle boy the room backstory. Yeah, I never came up in jungle boy. And I remember because I trained when I was younger. Yeah, and then when I got into Middle School, I was ready to retire from wrestling and I kind of got into other stuff. Yeah, like school. Yeah girls and music and Middle School itself. So I kind of walked away from that and I ended up Up getting back into it kind of at the end of my high school and I didn't know what to call myself. I wanted to have I wanted to have a different name because I don't want to use my real name. Right and I say I remember they were asking me what they wanted my name to be and I stole this guy's name off The Ultimate Fighter and is it just a random name? And so I used to get super wet. I would just like douse myself in water. And so I'm out there my first match back super wet, and it's little warehouse and it was just I need a pop or anything. When I came out it was really kind of awkward and I'm waiting for the other guy to come out and I didn't know what to do and I'm a big Conor McGregor fan. Yeah, and I would always see that before his fights. You kind of crouched down like a monkey a little bit. I always thought that that's pretty cool. Like if I saw someone waiting to run across and kick my ass sitting like that. Yeah, so I thought I'll just kind of crouched like that and the pretty much the ring announcer. He just said he's like, I got a nickname for you and I said, okay, you know, whatever you want and he prayed. He made up the Jimboy thing right there. And when I first heard it, I was like this is so stupid. I cannot believe that you just did that to me. Well because I mean if yeah one might think oh, that's a really like, yeah something like that. You were named itself if it was 1980. Yeah comments like that, but no, it's cool though. I will yeah, that's you. Yeah, I'm so glad yeah because I've ended up kind of adapting my style and everything to the name of the thing I like about I was just it's so different kind of from what everyone else is. Yeah, and you know, I've got a lot of kind of grief about it over the years. I've been not put on certain shows because people have thought the gimmick was too Goofy and all that but you know, it worked out so it's not necessarily to be Garrick. This is his name and yeah, I mean some people take a really to literally I've had people tell me like, oh, well, you know that I everyone knows you're not really from the jungle so so so yeah, yeah. Really happy with how that's worked out. It's good shit. And I just I like how the whole thing's pretty absurd and kind of extreme but not people like it is exerting. That's a good part of yeah, and I think it's also we're not taking ourselves too serious with it. Like I feel like we're okay with you know, kind of some self-deprecation you see on being a leader or segments or funny, but then in the ring we want to actually have, you know, good matches and really show that we could go it's not just a comedy act. And so, you know, you guys put out videos. I can fucking whole food that to exactly like that's all great shit man. Yeah, that's that's talking about. It's like we're OK with kind of just being absurd with the gimmick going and there's there's little things like that even just the way that you present yourself on Twitter just like from the perspective of this dinosaur, you know, yeah, and it's like my story is kind of similar to his is that like I didn't like the name necessarily people start chant when I came out at Lucha underground as V Bora the snake guy. Yeah, the crowd is chanted it like that was the first day they were Okay. Muchas Horas at me and I was talking to my friend Johnny Mundo. John Morrison. Yeah, and he's like dude you should just run with that on the India's, you know, you're not you don't have any that was going on right now that you're going to get some traction from loot underground hopefully, so why try to create it was like, you know what you're right and it's same thing people thought it was too goofy. Sometimes I couldn't get book because of it, but over time I stuck with it. I developed my own character in the ring based on the name and it's kind of like we've met with the same kind of thing at the right time. Yeah, and and your and you really like yep near game, you know use Typically, I see what you're doing in there and see the work you put it in and like, you know here are your been training a lot Taekwondo? They leave you can really tell ya. I do a lot of I like to hate being taught by anybody at this point in my life. I'm really bad at being coached. I will take suggestions from anybody but when it comes to actual training I need to be in charge of it. Otherwise, I'm just not motivating them. But when I am tearing myself, I will do it Non-Stop and When I found one of my friends who's a stunt guy, his name's Albert. He does like he's done Superman. One of the top stunt guys in Hollywood. And he's one of my best friends. And when I tore my bicep at Lucha underground the next day he came over and he said hey, let me show you these kick position drills from Taekwondo drills and he has shown me what they do this this and this and for the next three months, that's all I could do. And by the time I was healed like I had this whole new offense based on the Taekwondo and it started letting me find better spots to put my gymnastics that already had its matches and I also I start to figure it out for a monster. After to make more sense, and as soon as I start clicking with that kind of stuff it translated better to the audience. I started out and take one dough as a kid and that's like honestly I would have made it in wrestling if I didn't have that background. Yeah, obviously, right you guys have seen and I just there the kitchen thing cuando are really like perfect for wrestling. They are their show and they're safe. They can't keep me you can do whatever you want. Yeah, but potentially you can you can control your doing not Way more than like, you know what just Muay Tai Chan kill somebody. Oh, yeah. I wish I've been hit with and Rings. Oh, thanks so much about you know, you guys have some impressive showing so far people mainly have seen, you know, they W stuff like that. It was like a god like it it was you guys versus help me out. Here is the dark order. Yeah Garden Jack Evans and in hell. Yeah. It was cool you guys, you know You Know Jack Evans and live with me in Mexico to be in there Jack because great. I've just been watching these things forever and it was he's a man yeah and we hit it with this finishing move of ours that was a perfect guy to do it the debut it and everyone's loving the move and he just I didn't know going forward, you know, it's a really cool move but no one can know I could do a check into it. And yeah, so hopefully we can make it still as good as what Jack and do he's one of the most talented guys, you know, I've been in there with hey, so talk to me about any challenge. As you had as a team so far, you know what I mean putting, you know put matches together with other games this the thing is when we have very specific smile and unless he's thinking of something specifically, you know, we're not allowed. Yeah, I'll I'll say this it's there's a lot of responsibility when you're doing television it's different amenities and you know, you have to protect a character and still, you know, make sense of matches make, you know be make it. Happy in this for me is difficult because I have this giant monster character that needs to do certain things, you know, the Undertaker, you know, he tells people hey, you know, sorry, I you know, I can't take your moves. I might completely know sell them and then I got to give you all my power moves. It's like I'm talking to go to the locker room and tell somebody but better get used to it, but you better get yeah. Yeah, that's what he's got to do too. So, you know, it's so far things have been actually great. You know, it's not you do that is because office wants me working strong. Really. Sorry guys. That's it. Yeah, that's how it starts the next thing, you know, it's you know, what the whole locker rooms, you know? Yeah, but it's so far. We haven't had we only have one match at aw, right? I think yeah, it's technically so it hasn't gotten into any, you know create and there was pretty cool too he W, so when you were both in the Battle Royal we were yes, you know prior to in the mood for that. That was crazy. Yeah are stressed out about that. Yeah, because it wasn't even a normal Battle Royal. It was like five people every five minutes. Yeah, so it's kind of like a Royal Rumble but that was so stressful how many people had so many different pieces? Yeah. It was definitely Parts time crunch. They had, you know, we were running short of time. I had the last second was asked to do a lot more than one person like fuck something up. It could fucking have ramifications throughout the rest of the match moving forward any time is left, but some of the ripple effect that good night Dan certain people like Billy Gunn for example is in there the whole time. Just melt the direct travel. Yeah. Yeah, that's that we needed that and those are those matches are really more difficult and I realize and it's on TV and it was the biggest audience I've ever performed in front of ya. So there's a lot of things going on in your head. Just trying to get it done and to make a fool of yourself. Well, one of the things I remember specifically about that show I was there alive and when you guys came out because you guys came out together during that portion was automatically the thing that I noticed was the size difference between you guys and everybody kind of just had that moment in the They were like whoa, like that's a really, you know, like the big difference. I thought that's one of the things that attracted people right away at that specific day. And then one of the things I noticed also to was a crowd reaction to you during that match was really really incredible as well. So like it was a lot of different things that I think sort of intertwined together, but I want to kind of know with you guys sort of, you know, going out there and talking about being a part of like the biggest show that you guys have done. What do you attribute those positive crowd reactions that you guys are getting to who do you think um, you know, I think I think it's it's partially because it's so different but it's something that like we're kind of appealing to the little kid in everybody I think and it's just something it's so wrestling is kind of so what it it's like so serious in a lot of ways and everyone's like just a straight on badass like bass kick or whatever and this is just I think every one ever wants to do to writing the dinosaur It Sick we've all thought about that and it's just Yeah, I think that's what you said before is like the gimmick is kind of absurd but it's absurd in a way that you want to watch it. And then what as well I think as long as we get into the ring, we actually can perform and do it. Well, then it's like okay. I really want to root for this because it's so different and so fun wait, they're doing good in the ring now. I'm right down under percent sold. Yeah, so there's an interplay of both. So I take it seriously to make sure that our performances are always really on point and we do the best work we can with the characters and make the most sense of It but all the fun character stuff is so different. Like he said from anything else on the show, and we wanted to keep exploring that and creating things in different ways to get people to feel like it's Disneyland or something, you know about your question Denise. Like honestly, I think that's what that's why you get their reactions you get is because of the character work that you've done and the you know, you know just the P it's resonating with the people and that's how that's why I like. I mean that's what it takes, you know, being part of that of that battle royal on such a big stage. Did you guys feel any pressure as far as like, aw kind of being untested by that point? Oh, yeah. I mean there was definitely a I wanted to definitely show what I could do a little bit because I was kind of a late addition to it and there was not necessarily a talk of us teaming together yet, and we really believed in it at this point, and we wanted to least get some time in there together and have a moment to let them know. Know how this could be a really cool thing. I think we got that across with the limited time. We had that that was my goal is to make sure that me and him did something so that people could see the interaction of the chemistry. Yeah. We went in there like a whole wheat whole wait a whole Battle Royal of our own planet and then we get rid to narrow it down to one thing, but it was cool. It was I wish we were talking about the other day, but we can I feel like we kind of changed the course of events there because I don't know if we would have been team or what but after we had that moment. It was kind of solidified I think. So maybe you think that they weren't necessarily married on the idea of you guys being a team, but you guys, you know, yeah, I mean we had a good discussion about everyone there was no like kind of concrete anything but I think then when we had that moment that got that reaction. I think they sold it this good. Yeah double or nothing. I was probably gonna my next showing with that was probably my TV started like they were going to wait and start building my character on its own and then all of a sudden I got the call so We want you to all the events and it was like and we put out those vignettes to like we followed up double or nothing like the supermarket little bunny been yet couple other ones coming out of the car. We were driving and like those is took off so much online with the fans and aw listen to the fans in a lot of ways on these things which no companies. Are they ever done before and everyone wanted to see it so bad. They're all right. We're going to have him come out with jungle. But this show okay, you guys are teaming at this show and it's just kept on picking up steam. Thanks Mom. Thanks to them like the listening. Hey, so have you guys watched watched it? It's back and picked it all apart. And I did this this where we need to work on this this or this was great. I know we need to keep doing that every time I mean, how is that process? I usually watch the staff at like the same night if I can. Yeah, we'll go back to the hotel and I'll send them clips and all that. Yeah, most of our techs are talks about moves or send Clips or whatever but where we've only really tagged. What is it like two times? Yeah, every time I got a couple like three three. Apple matches are six man tag. Yeah, it was or we even had a match. What was a four-way between us? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but we have only had like actually a concrete tag, where's his to actually only had one contact two versus two straight up. Also. I look forward to you know, once you guys actually a start having, you know, more and more matches seems like how tight you guys as good as a team. And uh, yeah. Yeah, this is cool. Well considering one of the things that aw has is a lot of talent attack. Thank you know we can name it we can name a few. So now I want to know for you guys that you know, you guys only have had so many matches as a tag team together. Do you guys feel pressure in terms of standing out in comparison to some of the other teams and wore some of the other teams that you guys kind of want to get ready to like roll with and start working with well, I mean obviously we'd love the rest of the Young Bucks. Okay. That's like the goal there he W is to have a match with the team but I don't think we feel the pressure now, I think once we got that first tag out of the way and we've had such. Such a great response and the crowd. So eager to see us I feel good about it. I'm just excited to show them what else we've got in store at this point. Yeah. So you guys do have some more tricks. Are you having to yeah we but we barely done any moves. Yeah, we have so many ideas for matches. Yeah, not the ones ooh. Yeah. We got too many. Yeah, we got to get a start here at down. I one of my friends that we would try them all on he's you know, he's gonna be hurting for a while Arlo from be - who's a local recipes? Yeah. He's coming up, you know, I trained with he trains with me. Got to credit him too like he shows up every week and like let me kick him in the face like they're fast if it wasn't for that I would not be where I was in the ring with some of my offense. So now he's been at every open ring I've ever gone to any wherever it's like this y % / yeah, he's a Non-Stop. He's just he just trans non-stop. Yeah. Oh, sorry. So one of the things obviously is that aw is super hot right now and people are talking about them and that's what you hear about in social media and wrestling news sites and all of that. So, I want to know what is the vibe with the talent backstage knowing that they're a part of something that is you know, very talked about right now. Yeah. Well, I've been a lot of locker rooms that like TV Lux I've been in like, you know, excuse locker room. I've been in Lucha underground. I did a Ring of Honor stuff added impact. So I've been around right now and the vibe of the aw locker room has really been my favorite about to say next I'm working there but it's just it's so relaxed. I have so many friends from across the rest of the world and of kind of come together now at this time, which is really cool I get to see them so I've never been in such a like non-political locker room, you know at least so far. Yeah. Well, who knows what you know what things have start happening but so far it's been very relaxed fortunately like, you know as the company grows, it's hard to avoid that stuff. Yeah, you know, I mean, it's just that's just part of the business but I mean that's that's just the way it is, man, and but I can be I don't know. I it doesn't have to be as Cutthroat as it was in the past four shots all you know. I hope I can imagine I don't know for me the way I summarize it people ask me that kind of like what's it like and I kind of I was just sound like you the Young Bucks or my bosses and that kind of tells you what I remember is asking that I think it was Nick the other day. I was like, I don't know. Maybe you think I should do this flip off the apron and he's like, yep, it's cool. Right? It's too much. Yeah. So you don't got a bunch of old fucks going on her lashes more? Yeah, I can buy it. Yeah, he's like no man. That's perfect. It's just a cool environment. That's fun. And you know, we'll see how it changes over time. But I think we have a really good I think with the box and Cody and Kenneth. I think they're just we have all the right people pushing in the right direction. So yeah, I like I like the I like the fact that it's all fresh mind. You know, I mean mind you guys. Okay, you got like irons around, you know, there's some guys as there with the old school like, you know experience and you know, all that mean really it's all fresh ideas. It's fresh ideas. I don't get some of that old school with the fresh ideas. That's when you start really create some great new things because we're doing the new school stuff, but they remind us of the little details that sometimes get lost in a new school. They have very important still so it's working out so far, but great. Thanks anything else. Yeah, but I want to go. Oh, yeah, I was I was going to ask, I mean, you mentioned your history with reality TV, did you When that happened did you sort of catch any Flack? How did that sort of affect your your career? It's kind of been completely separate really the reality stuff. I kind of did after NXT when I was injured and I didn't think I was going to wrestle again. It was 2013 when I left 14 my left wrestling and at that point it was still like the Andes were starting to get big but it wasn't to the point where you felt like at a career. They're so kind of least for me when I left there. I think okay. It's either WR there's nothing that was the mentality of a lot of guys. They're like you felt like if you didn't have it here, you're not going to have a wrestling career and it was it was scary. So then I went into reality and afterwards I thought there's no way I'm getting back into wrestler. I'm just too far behind but then I got a shot with Lucha underground who had the similar producers as Big Brother, even though they didn't really help me because they want to create this whole new character for me and get me away from all the big brother sure and XT stuff. So it's been separate but once I got back in it was like I still get recognized from the show in airports and stuff, but it's more or less its kind of the wrestling is a different crowd. It's different. Has a different Focus so it hasn't really affected it anymore. And it's let me kind of have perspective to of like two different worlds both in entertainment and still ways of approaching an audience. And I think it just helped me as a performer honestly in different ways that I would never have imagined. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Well one of the things I wanted to ask just going back really quick to aw was separating yourself as a talent as a wrestler but more as a fan of wrestling. What is it that you guys want to see a would like to see, you know on weekly television for a pu Do you know for me I get its I don't watch wrestling anymore. I kind of got tired of the product. I guess that I was watching. I think it's just fresh and whether it's kind of the stories or the moves that people are going it's just it's so different than what's been out there. And you know, I think it has all the right things that people have been missing and it's just kind of just this like there's this energy in the air there that I can't really explain. It's everything is fresh and it's new and I think that's I think that's everything you can ask for kind of a jack when you say I don't watch wrestling anymore. Are you referring to just like the what's on TV right now? Because like, I mean, do you follow like what's going on? You know, okay, if there's a great match between Osprey and okada or or something like that we have why don't you keep how do you make sure your I know it's funny because it was actually it was like candy and Megan Cody in the Bucks you got actually back into watching. Wrestling I watch a lot of like clips and I don't want but so that's not that you don't know. You don't know what the fuck's going on. All right, I never sit down the roster Madonna better get home. That's right. Okay. Yeah. I thought that's what you meant by no. No, but II don't I don't watch the show. I guess it is and that's what I'm comparing this to but I don't know. Yeah, I think being backstage at a double or nothing and he Seeing that wrestling and hearing jerez what it was crazy because that reminds me of when I used to love to watch. Yeah and what it was like for me back then so to be a part of that like hopefully to just recapture that kind of energy. So the ferret like I mean, I know your dad was really supportive of your career, but was that something you guys did as a family watch wrestling for sure. He used to yeah, you take me to the show the whole family are just you two. It was mainly ask but my sister got me into and I mean ever my family my whole family is pretty supportive. So, So when I kind of was like full-on Angel that everyone was into it a bit. But yeah, we used to go to the shows and watch TV. And I said, yeah, do you have any memories of as a child like meeting different people? And yeah the first time I went we went he took me to like a raw and Anaheim Sarah and I remember I was a little kid down but I remember just seeing these how huge these people were and I couldn't believe it and I remember I remember she was one of the my dad met Dusty roads there and he full he was like nervous and shaky. He says like this is probably the only person I've ever been this nervous to me. Yeah, that's what he said when I met your dad and San Francisco. Yeah, we're in because he was telling Cody the yeah, right. Yeah that that was crazy for me to see kind. Yeah, but um, yeah, we used to go and swim in Nashville Nolan when Rory carp was on like not too long ago. He was sharing some stories about you know, you know, your dad's love for wrestling. Yeah, man. Yeah use end it. Yeah. So, um, well, you know, we're coming to the end of the show here. Do you guys have anything else you want to add? Yeah, I want to talk about a Battle of Los Angeles, please don't ya congratulations. How do you feel? I'm excited. I don't I kind of don't know what to expect because pwg is already so crazy it is as it is. So three days of them are we dead there's just a different like okay and say, you know your normal show like you have Natchez and locate the first match is is an opening match and right. It has two elements of an opening match and then the show builds pwg. It's the first match is balls to the wall. Just like the fucking mean a map. Yeah. Everyone's going out there just you know, and it's just it's an every matches his work like that. Yeah. That's that's been cool for me to its kind of pushed me and showed me how I remember the first time I wrestled Joey Janelle. I was really nervous because pretty much every match. He has like a pwg match. Yeah, and I kind of didn't I didn't know if I could go like that the whole way and but he brought it out of me and it kind of pwg and that it's like it's all kind of show me that I can hang with that kind of so. Do you get nervous? Like we can go out then? You're like, oh, I know they're expecting the world of me. And this last match just killed and over the next match is gonna kill it. I'm usually puking before we got there. Yeah, I always say I hate it right before I always want to quit. It's the worst part is right before you go through the Kremlin. I didn't really do that. Yeah, I mean it gets better but you still going to have that and that's just the type of yeah person. You are like it's something you have to deal with. Yeah, as soon as I got out the curtain, it's good. And I'm so happy. It's my favorite place to be but right before I always I always had this last time doing this let some cool out here. Yeah. Hey, what up? Look? What's before we go. Any you want to share any you know, you guys have a pita professing T store? How's that? Well, yeah forward because back then. Yeah. I think it's on the aw. I ain't some of the pro wrestling team for us. Yeah great W's merch but yeah boys dinosaur. Get up ya think. You'll be able to find some good social media. What's your social media handle share with the people. I'm at boy underscore main underscore Legend Twitter and Instagram. Yeah. My Instagram is now Lucha Soros my Twitter still Judas Draven. It will be Lucha Source sooner working on that. You know, that's what they do hoot. Yeah. Well a real quick get the so don't forget to follow us. @x pop One Two Three Sixty show Xbox One Two Three Sixty. Don't forget to check us out and subscribe on YouTube Spotify. Anchor were all over the place. Make sure to check us out. You can find me at time at these p.m. A Twitter Instagram. All right. Well you guys I don't even need that met him to tell you my social the shit. I but I but I am grateful that you guys tuned in today and and Jack muchas Horas. Yeah, whatever. You want to call you. I hear Austin he gonna be. All right. Anyways, I really Appreciate you guys taking the time to come in today. Thank you. Mr. Chairman, and I really I enjoy your stuff. I'm a fan of you guys and I'm really looking forward to seeing what you guys have for. Thank you door danger. All right everyone. See you right here next week. From executive producers Maria Menounos Keven undergaro Sean Waltman and the entire X Punk 1 2 3 60 staff. Thank you for tuning into Xbox One to 360. From executive producers Maria Menounos Keven undergaro Sean Waltman and the entire X Punk 1 2 3 60 staff. Thank you for tuning into Xbox One to 360.
This week on X-Pac 1 2 360, Sean Waltman discusses Triple H's birthday, RAW highlights, and Sean even invites Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy into studio for an interview. Enjoy the show! Sean “X-Pac” Waltman and Co-founder of AfterBuzz TV Keven Undergaro have teamed up to bring a podcast with a full circle look at life from outside the squared circle. AfterBuzz TV presents Xpac12360. X-Pac has many stories to tell that may help listeners relate, inspire them in their own lives, or just be entertained. And of course, there will be guests. So plan on seeing his group of usual suspects along with a mix of wrestlers, celebrities, and comedians. X-Pac has known and shared many road trips, locker rooms, and life moments with these guests. Where these conversations will go? No one knows, but we do know they will be entertaining. About The Show: AfterBuzz Tv's Keven Undergaro alongside Sean “X-Pac” Waltman bring you a podcast with a full circle look at life from outside the squared circle. AfterBuzz TV presents X-Pac 12360. X-Pac has many stories to tell that may help listeners relate, inspire them in their own lives, or just be entertained. And of course, there will be guests. So plan on seeing his group of usual suspects along with a mix of wrestlers, celebrities, and comedians. X-Pac has known and shared many road trips, locker rooms, and life moments with these guests. Where these conversations will go? No one knows, but we do know they will be entertaining. With X-Pac, guests are just friends hanging out having a chat about old times and new frontiers. Listening to these conversations will make you feel like you are a fly on the locker room, green room, or bar wall. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
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Evan Gordon Ramsey comes well, and by the way, lots of flashes. Ready for that party. It's a party. It is a party but she was all like quiet and shy now. She's like I've done this once before writing. I'm excited to come here and talk about Ramsay. Heck. Yeah, you are last episode. I was saying that it was season 2, that's because we started the after-show on season two. My brain was like this is easy. Its season 3. We're on season 3 episode 2 I can season that matters because this is the second one. We're doing exactly the first one we we didn't do the after so Circle it's whatever you're forgiven. Yeah, thank you. Thank you so much for sharing that so we're going to be breaking down basically the transport transformation of blend on Main and manat monastic one. Banana Manasquan Manasquan back to Jersey Jersey, which I love Jersey so much. So next time I'm going to have to go there before we dive into that. I have to introduce my wonderful panel to my right left. We have Saba. Whoo. Hi Mike. I'm here again. Xia. What is up? Everybody watching us. Thank you so much for tuning in and I will pass it on to you know him you love him. He's probably not camera ready because we don't ever worn it but it's producer Jonathan. What's up? Hey producer John 11 years. He adds a lot of authenticity to our show. We talk about the total area. Exactly why he's on it. So if you have any questions, give me a shout and I've been a server for good Lord. I'm not even gonna tell you how long so I'm gonna bring that to this is fun. There we go. This was a bit of an interesting one. So they didn't Focus so much on the like makeover of the restaurant. They didn't go into the kitchen too much they did they did a makeover on the dining room. But this seemed to be more of a makeover really on the chefs are Chef / owner his attitude. Yep. He could not keep it together. So we first go in there. Basically Ramsey comes in as we have to talk about the disguise before we jump into Oh my God, it was really that I really really liked Chef James Chef James because I was Chef James to at the beginning of the episode and then at the end when he judged a little halibut cook-off Chef James Avery is very accomplished Chef by himself. He was gored. He was actually a Consulting chef on Hell's Kitchen to start out and then left he I think he has a couple of his own restaurants came back to Hell's Kitchen as one of the sous-chefs on are very talented. And Chef in his own right? But the idea behind this disguise was we're going to dress him up to look like Chef Ramsay, but make it out Landing like he's getting Skies, but it looked like something in a haunted maze to go to exactly wearing someone else's skin really creepy. I think it's like no expression. Yeah, like he just looked like he came out of like your worst nightmare Taro. He wasn't trying to an English accent or anything. So, it's Foolin nobody. Yeah, we're truly terrible. This on everybody you saw this. This was the worst reveal ever and I feel like whatever producer came up with this or I know Gordon didn't my man. Gordon did not come up with this because he'd have a much better idea than this is some intern or something because you're terrible idea and somebody was like this open a great chef James will stand up and rip everything off and everybody will think it's going to be Gordon. Everybody couldn't have been more confused in the restaurant. They were not expecting Ramsey to be under the mask. They were just confused about what was going on. On and then finally when Chef Ramsay who was playing the camera man took his stuff out then the owner was like oh God. Okay, it's happening. Yeah, but the patrons of the restaurant had no idea what to expect. Yeah. Yeah, and the best was when they all started clapping and Chef Ramsay was like, okay there is nothing but the best Beautiful restaurant. I thought I agree. It was really nice. It was upscale wasn't it? Didn't look like very dingy when you walked in like I understood the makeover that they did it was it was nice, but it didn't a hundred percent need it. No, and they didn't go into the kitchen. The kitchen wasn't disgusting. They did focus a little bit on the food. They were saying that somehow it was burnt but raw in the middle, right? It was fishy and mushy. There was some rotten raw halibut, I guess which some Fruit salsa bad Chef Liu did the finger dip testing which is really good. We can't dance like that. That's really gross that is really gross. But compared to what we've seen in previous episodes, not much of anything at all. Really not us. Yeah, and we did so and our special segment in the show. We love to go through and we'll look at the Yelp reviews before and after and we will get to that at the end of this but I just have to tease that the Yelp reviews weren't terrible to start. We're in terrible. Four more after yeah, so I'm curious to see a little bit more about what those what those reviews say, but it was really just basic basically Chef Liu the owner. I mean, I guess call him chef but he has like chefs working for him and line Cooks, right? He was just miserable. He was a miserable angry yelling like horribly mad at his everyone including his I mean, he's making his wife cry. Yeah, that was so sad and he does never see his family. Yes all and the kid Kids. Yeah, he has three daughters. Yeah, and yeah like that that was definitely the most heartbreaking part was how not only how it was affecting his staff, you know, because his staff they were great, right? They were fantastic. They worked well as a team, they were all great chefs. Even Chef Ramsay said himself. He's like you have like the four best chefs. I think I've seen ever very very least two or three of them highly trained to from French official culinary school. The other one was at a more prestigious restaurant to learn from That chef and and then the dude is well learned under another Chef so very very capable chefs again, not like we're used to see it on this. Yeah, it's usually like a bunch of buddies or whatever that just happened to stumble into cooking bunch of line Cooks, right? Like we just got the job. I don't know. We're not even like they used to sell video games at GameStop next door and they're like, well, I need a new job and they're like, well, how are you will pay minimum? I can't Flip Burger. Yeah. Yeah that's were actually proud. Yeah, you know they were that was really sad to see that. You know, they weren't the issue was actually the opposite it was Lou, you know, and then that's really sad, you know when the man that we are expecting to lead a team can't even do so, right, right. So he was the cause, you know of all the problems and then to see also on the flip side the way it was affecting his family. That was just like double whammy I don't that was really sad to see this show really had the triumvirate, you know anti triumvirate, right? It wasn't dirty conditions. It wasn't particularly terrible food. It wasn't a crabby staff that's doing a bad job and you always correct me if I'm wrong because I missed a little bit in the beginning. It didn't seem like crazy financial troubles or anything. He did say he was in debt. Yeah, right a million a million. I mean that's a lot of money but a lot of restaurants are in dead, but like just like we've been saying the main problem is just this guy if you know He's putting all this stress on his employees his wife all these things that it's just him bringing the restaurant down there really weren't other problems with this might be we often say that we could fix these places this lease. We really could probably pick. Yeah literally just tell him to go home and hang out with this kit go take a nap with your children and everything's going to get better. Yeah, that's I know right? How's that for like literally his daughter in a video that Ramsey shows that something like this is what you're doing to your family says, I wish Could come home and we could take a nap. My dad is to come home and be unconscious with. Yeah, you're just like that's sweet. I mean enjoy nap time while you still can take it for real. Yeah. I'm glad that she likes to take naps absolute great. Yeah in a minute. I understand it. They're amazing. I understand when you have someone because I've worked in those because it conditions before when you have somebody that treats you like crap. You're not gonna want to respect them. You're not going to want to work hard for them. They don't give you any leeway to do what you're good at doing so, of course. The state's things are going to go downhill from there. And it was just it really that really was it it was kind of a weird episode because it was unique in the sense that the problem wasn't with the restaurant. It was with him right like you to come in and like kind of be a therapist exactly like the man is just like emotionally disturbed, you know, he has anger issues like that's really was more. So where we were going. Yeah with this whole episode and You know, it just it's just so sad because he was literally self-sabotaging. Yes himself and he was sabotaging his own business and it's and it's crazy because that is the opposite of like every other episodes issue. Like this is like something like none other so they they did some renovation. They updated the dining room modern culture more modern. I see the colors you see the work that they put into it again. It wasn't anything drastic. A lot of these 24-hour ones aren't very drastic in general, but this one for sure. It wasn't very drastic. I'm taking the D chord that's not bringing in more money now, right the food. They brought the Brigade out to the truck. Like they always do but these are capable chefs. You know, Mary was Mary was relieved that that that's her name. Right Mary the the one that trains all the chefs and she comes there right and she finally got something to work with. I showed him some great dishes, you know, they brought them back in and they did the little halibut challenge whereas xia immediately pointed out. Ramses not going to cook this one of the people I think it happens every time and of course surprise Chef Liu actually like the one that Ramsey did and was his person. So all this kind of stuff none of the stuff they really did is going to increase Revenue right? It's a hundred percent in the morale and what ends up going out and it's probably the morale is nailing that quality up a notch, right? Honestly, they probably need to talk to them more about marketing and promotion and advertising because the quality And things like that, the one thing that I think we'd be remiss to not touch on because we're running out of time now is the blatant misogyny obviously mom's can't be chefs. They can't dedicate as much time as needs to be dedicated to the restaurant and Ramsey. His response was wonderful yesterday him down. It was like if I have he employed what he said 85 female chefs. He's like if there is something a lot of restaurants to be fair he does but the point is that if somebody is capable And they're going to do a fantastic job and they can work three nights a week of the head chef. They are a head chef for three nights a week. If it's two nights a week. It's to whatever it is if they're capable of they're going to come in there and do that amazing job on those nights of the week. Absolutely. It had nothing to do with being a mother. It definitely has nothing to do with being a ridiculous. It just goes back to lubing the problem, you know, it goes back to him not taking any accountability right him constantly making excuses. Like I had to take note of this like I noticed that you know when he was told by Chef Ramsay You know that he's angry. He said well nobody's perfect. And yeah, okay. Just just just admit like, okay, maybe I do have some anger issues. Maybe there are some things that I can work on and then when Chef Ramsay also said, you know, the restaurant is going down. He said well, there's worse out there right and you're like, that's not the point. Yeah, stop making excuses. And then maybe you can progress I thought the main Take away the whole lesson from this is showing how your childhood can affect you bring that as an adult right? Because as a kid his dad ran away, he had a sign. I'm in a way. I'm sorry. I don't want to mischaracterize. His dad wasn't in the picture right? He's not being in the picture for his kids and his and his mom needed an alcoholic. That's right. It's a crab's obviously like abusive childhood and had nobody he is making excuses. He's now being that is what he saw. Saw that's how he saw a man treat the woman in his life. So we see him being abusive to the staff and his wife. He might cry constantly at home in the shower in front of the staff, right? Okay, credibly abuse and also just this negative view of women and a mom's going back to like his mom write that negative view of what a mom can and can't do he just needs some Gordon to smack some rewiring into his head. Well, I ain't and I literally wrote the Down right here, he needs therapy. And and I've seen this before he's not the only person that takes these things and handles them in a very angry way. Some people don't know how to handle that kind of hurt and that kind of pain and those those traumatic experiences and that kind of upbringing a lot of those people end up very angry and that is sort of that's what happened and he just he needs a lot of therapy. Yeah, they did do a three months later and it and it did seem like he was doing a lot better. His wife said he was doing better. The staff said he was doing better. So maybe he really I recognize that he was a problem and what was going on and hopefully got some help because I think he really needs that just in his life in general. It really makes you wonder what causes a staff to stick around like you these talented chefs. Why bother I wonder if there are not a lot of other options in that town. I don't know how this one's not is I believe I mean, I'm from Jersey this is gonna be embarrassing but Manasquan I believe is more of a sure. Okay, so there should be other right? People somebody tell us as I love Jersey or I Canada here like Jersey. Let me just look at what he is saying how it's very seasonal to you're from Hawaii. Everywhere is a short Town. Yeah. I got it up on screen. When Lewis saying that it's really a two months out of the Year kind of business because people go down the short because we call it in Jersey you go down the shore so no down the shore down. That's the phrase you go down the shore to Vacation. Everybody's got their spot. They go down the shore and so I'm sure he sees this crazy amount of business June July or something like that. July-august. That's what they said. They said two months out of the year. It's very seasonal but there are people that live in that area. You have to figure out how to get the locals to come year-round. The challenge that's the key to all the magic and everything, but we are running out of time and I do want to get to the Yelp reviews just because I am so curious to see we looked at it before the ship before we started watching my video guys. If you go to Yelp on Yelp. This is called blend by Chef Lou. It's not called Lou on our sorry. It's not called blend on Main. It's my blend by Chef Liu and we know that this was shot there around September early October of last. Last year and if you look at the beginning, the only real negative review is from somebody who went there on New Year's Eve in the service was slow is also probably time everybody every other reviewing here is either four or five stars. So they were doing even going to before and again, I'm already back into May. Oh we got one or two. And it's a long review one. There's one that's one bad but a lot of good. Yeah, but it's overwhelmingly four and five star. So there's you know bad reviews peppered in here, but there's almost no place that doesn't have that. So interesting again, it wasn't necessarily the food or the decor or even the seasonality I would say, it's just this guy and hopefully he you know snaps back to it. I hope so, I would love to see that place flourish and Thrive because the staff were they Were all really wonderful. So I hope for the best for them and for the restaurant and really for lose family. And if I'm ever in Manasquan, I'm going there. Yeah that chicken place is gonna say would you eat there? Yes, we're going to eat there. Yeah. So Fred we're together. We gotta go. Yeah, I'm sure it would be so fun. Yeah next we don't want to meet him. No seems really nice. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. Sorry real quick. Episode really made me wonder because of The Talented chefs that he's got it was it was Mary right that what notice our who was the Lisa Lisa Alicia So Lisa, so when when Ramses on the truck and he's talking to Lisa and she's talking in my mind. I'm going what you need to say is I want to work for you. Yeah kind of like Chef. Well, I've learned so much I learned so much and I had some other questions. Can I please like Nick and I and you know Ramsey like of course like boom, where can I work where you have a restaurant? I want to go work for Chef Ramsay. He must have a Ramsay Steak or something in the fabulously put to the test. She was a halibut killed it. Mmm-hmm. Come on. That's what I know is I was thinking the whole time trying to take it. That is a good point. Yeah. Thank you. We are going to have more restaurants next week. Hopefully the next one will be a bit more. Dramatic makeover. Yeah, and I need some cockroaches. I need go on the ceiling. He freaked out more food at people will save this moment to make somebody cry walk out. I don't know. Yeah. Well, that's interesting. Yeah, it's great. So hopefully we'll get bit more of that next week. But until that if you want to keep up with the conversation about 24 is to hell and back. Where can people find you you can find me on Instagram @ IM da Saba hailemariam guys, my name is Mike feeling. We are still working on getting the AfterBuzz reality back up to streaming because we want to see your comments live, but we do read every one that you read that you read. Wow. We read every one that you leave under the video. Thank you so much for watching. You find me everywhere at Mike feeling. I'm Z Anderson. You can find me on Twitter and Instagram @ Z underscore land and also check out my twitch channel. It's slash Zealand. Let's play some video games if you guys like to hang out and watch that I usually stream Sundays. Oh, all right, and awesome. I will see you all next week. Go call your mom our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world. And were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz. See you later. Hmm. You've expressed herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or soldiers or principal.
Blend on Main is in trouble and only Gordon can help! Chef/owner Lou is abusive to staff, his wife, and is unsanitary, to put it mildly. His staff knows they could do better without him. Gordon identifies that fixing the business begins with Lou from inside - his rough upbringing is affecting both his and his employees' lives. Gordon goes straight to work helping the other chefs in the kitchen learn the new menu and step up - they have amazing ability but Lou hasn't let them shine until now. Next Gordon connects with Lou's wife Tara to learn more about their family life. Gordon shows Lou a video of his kids who miss him. Then Gordon cooks a halibut dish and challenges Lou to cook one as well but surprise - the staff is cooking not Gordon! Renovation is done and it's time for the re-launch, but Lou can't expedite politely. Gordon pep talks him and Lou straightens out. People love the food! And the kiddos come in for a visit to round out the night. Today's After Show Was Hosted By: Xia Andersen, Mike Thieling, Saba Hailemariam Follow us on "Like" Us on For more After Shows for your favorite TV shows and the latest news in TV, Film, and exclusive celebrity interviews, visit --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hello and welcome to the era without a hero podcast. My name is David Wain Nystrom. I am the author and narrator of the story. If this is your first time listening to this show, I highly recommend going back to the beginning and starting there every other week. I put out a new episode and it's a continuation of the previous week's episode. Before we get started today though. I need to give a couple of announcements. First a special thanks to Andy spiteri and Taylor Wells for allowing me to come onto their show. The Champions cast The Champions cast is a Zelda themed podcast through Zelda dungeon, and I got to go on there this week and talk about designing the ideal Legend of Zelda mash-up with Fire Emblem game, and then we talked a bit about Fire Emblem itself because it's a great game to Should definitely go play it but I got to go on there and talk with them about making an ideal Zelda Fire Emblem game and that was a lot of fun. I highly recommend you check them out. You can find them on Apple iTunes Stitcher Google podcasts, wherever just search the Champions cast and it should show up. Next I need to give a special thanks to somebody who left a comment on the YouTube version of the arrow that a hero main theme Kerman V. You loved a really great message for me over there on YouTube. Yeah, and it really it really made me feel good. For those of you who are curious what it said. I can read it to you. She said or he could be a he said this I can't he did it. He made me cry and I'm still on chapter to teach me your ways David. I hope you know that this podcast is both a thrill to listen to as well as an inspiration to aspiring writers like me your work is great to keep it up as somebody who Ooh, that's all I want to do with my writing that has that means the world to me. So thank you so much for that comment. It really means a lot. If you have any comments other listeners, if you have any comments, please send them to me. I you can find me on Twitter. I'm at Dave Wayne 0-9. Let me know how you're enjoying the show. I've been getting a bit of feedback on their from it and it's really inspiring. Keep me going. Especially when I've had very little time to record the past couple of weeks. So special thank you to you Carmen next reminder that in the future. We're going to have close to the end of this season. I'm going to get to a point where I will drop some more information about this but upcoming we're going to have some paralogs is what I'm calling them partially inspired by Fire Emblem. Yes. I know whatever their subchapters their chapters that don't play necessarily into the main story, but are things that I either Cut from writing or are good information to have about the world one likely. The first one is going to be a short history of the gorons, which was the first story that I ever wrote in relation to the arithmetic hero and it was an explanation of how the gorons got from where they were at the end of Ocarina to where they are at the start of the story and basically their their World building their just extra fun information to have it's tough. That I think you listeners would enjoy hearing and it will be available on the website, which I will get to in the second but so be on the lookout for those. Like I said, I will have some more information on that close to the end of the season which at the rate we're going will probably be around New Year's maybe a little bit afterwards. We'll see mentioning the website Arrow without a hero dot I have been terrible at updating it I've been wanting to Put out some additional content on their related to the story. I have no joke three drafts sitting in the sitting in my little draft folder that need more done on them. One is about some artwork one is about music and the other one is a pair of log that I'm starting to write. It was thinking about putting out early but probably won't right now. We'll see. I promise I'm going to get stuff on there. For those of you who have been checking the website. You've noticed that When I put out an episode, I put out the essentially the script the The Narrative version of it out on the website as well that I have been good at keeping up with it's just additional content. I'm lagging behind on I know so I'm going to try to get to that next couldn't tell this intro is a little different. I'm experimenting with a new audio recording software that I have. I got I had to get and and it is This is an experiment. So if it works well future parts of the entire story could have music set to them as I'm reading them. There's a feature on any career that allows me to put music to it, but it's not my music and I want to create an original soundtrack which brings me to the next thing. I am looking to create an original soundtrack for this show those of you who've been listening for a while know. I created my own main theme for this I have read. Next a couple of Zelda songs and and met another original theme. I'm working on an original theme for our main villain a talk, but I'm struggling with it if I can get that worked out. I will be putting out an official soundtrack for The Arrow without a hero don't know when because I'm struggling to get that song composed. I want it to be everything that a talk is. You can read into that. However you want there's a lot more to him than we've seen will say that but so keep an eye out for that. It's something that I'm working on and I really just wanted to share it with you because I'm excited on that note. There is no original. There is no new original song and this episode there will be next week. I had one I thought about putting it in here, but the way this chapter ends. Does not line up with the feel of the song. Next week's won't necessarily either. We'll see but given where our characters are going. You I want to debut it next week. I think it'll be more fun. There's a big hint to where they're going at the end of this and I know a few people who are going to get it instantly know where this is headed. It's not a big surprise, but I'm not going to reveal it. Now. You have to just wait till you hear the song at the end of this chapter. Now moving on previously on the Arrow without a hero podcast Osmond awoke following the attack on Castle town. He recalled the horrible night. He recalled a lot of stuff and he met with the king and the King presented him with a knight's Crest basically saying you're a knight. Congratulations. Thank you for saving my daughter. This is your reward and Osman was overwhelmed. He then met with the sages as he met with the sages. They basically talk gave him a series of questions judged as answers and said cool you're good and have now and are preparing to send him on his way to quickly reforest. However, just before the meeting is over the queen stands up and announces that the Princess Zelda will be accompanying him reason for this. I feel it's time for her to get out and see the world but they also feel it's more safe for her out there separating the family breaking it up what that so We can all get on with chapter 6 of The Arrow without a hero. departures I'm getting to leave the castle Zelda could hardly contain her excitement. You're going on a pilgrimage to visit one of the Guardian deities. And beside this isn't a vacation of course not it's a dangerous road because of what happened. That'll be a chance to learn so much of what the world is like it was you by my sire. I am not going Zelda wrinkled her face and confusion. What do you mean? I am to oversee military exercises and ensure their battle Readiness. There was a notable silence a Zelda took in and passwords and try to wrap her head around the situation. Impa had been alongside Zelda for as long as she could remember everything about combat manners and life in general had been taught to her by impa. I see Zelda, sat down on the edge of her bed and her shoulders slump. And he looked back towards the door closed it a little and approached taking a seat next to the princess. The strong sheikah leader gently took Zelda's hand and let a rare smile creep across her face. You're already strong princess. I have confidence and all that I've taught you and I know that you'll do well when you're out there. Please though mind load photos words and the advice of the young Knight though. I am not pleased with the decision myself your mother and father seem to believe in them. The young Knight. Is he the one from the tournament? Indeed he is of course. He is Zelda huffed. Why not tonight with some experience under his belt what answer Val fine or messily? I'm even Sera fine salt home two weeks ago to request aid for Hyrule and Mausoleum hasn't been in contact since that night as far as the more experienced nights. They're all either out scouting for a dark or signed Mike Anderson. Zelda went quiet Sasha her shoulders even more as she leaned against Tampa. It will be fine and you're trying to convince yourself of that me. But let out a laugh both. They remain silent for a while longer until some servants intrude with bags for packing a few of the princess's things. Embo gave them directions while Zelda remained on the edge of the bed and stared off into nothing. When they were done and put did Zelda good night and follow the attendance out. It will be fine. Emperor's words echoed in Zelda's head and she walked out on the balcony and looked down at the city. cool night air gave her a slight chill, but when she enjoyed As she leaned on the railing and looked at the courtyard down below. She caught a glimpse of a figure moving across the grounds. Zelda recognized the hood is one given to the knights. But this young man wasn't armed he didn't have anything with him as far as she could tell and as he passed through the gate he seemed to stumble with issuing the proper salute. And we'll be fine. The sun had just said a few hours ago. And though he knew he should Osman couldn't rest. He had spent several hours visiting shops with photo in a few of the night's getting him outfitted with the best gear. He'd ever imagined and it came to arming and defending the Knights of Hyrule discounts for always available. Sturdy new shield emblazoned with an eagle at the bottom and Triforce on the top his tunic that he'd been given looked similar to the one Aldrin had handed him. It was a dark green with a collar and a simple strings since she had shut in poor weather along with that hooded cloak that shown the Triforce on its inner and can further protect him from various weather conditions for sword though. He was issued a lunar short sword in addition to his own personal Blade The Royal Blacksmiths though told him that he would have the personal sword waiting for him when he returned for the forest. However, it would mean giving up the blade old one had given him Osman didn't like partying with the gift. His mentor had given him but he trusted the Smith. He trusted the nights. Osmond awkwardly saluted the guards as he Departed the castle in the cool evening air. He didn't know what was coming for him in the morning and Beyond so he wanted to take what could be his last night visit places familiar to him. Even though the hour was late. There were still many people Milling about the city streets some parts of the city seem to have returned to the normal with children playing outside and friendly gatherings in the streets. As you walk the streets of Castle town with his new Knights clothing. He felt stronger and knew something had changed he had changed. He felt the envious eyes of young children Longing To Be him and women longing for him others, simply nodded their head at him and gratitude as if he'd done some great deed already. He didn't feel like he had though. He had only done what he had been taught to do by his teacher. The feeling began to change into guilt. Guilt that it was he and not Alduin wearing the crest of the Knights of Hyrule. Guilt that his uncle would now be loved without an apprentice. Guilt that overwhelmed him and turned his feet. I knowingly towards the Colosseum. When he arrived at the Creator, he was surprised to see that the statue of the hero of time was still standing. The area Beyond it was now a Dusty and Hollow pit bearing the violent evidence of the Earth splitting. Oliver what was more surprising was his uncle kneeling before the statue. Uncle Henry figured you make your way over here. It's you had the chance to get away. Henry remained at the base of the statue. Lots of folks saying goes a statue survived the attack. It's a sign he's coming back. Osman knelt down. Beside us Uncle do you believe that? Maybe he Shrugged never been one to put much faith in swords and whatnot. I doubt it. I don't know. Osmond about his head and quietly prayed to the goddesses. He could hear his uncle doing the same. It was beyond something. He ever thought would come to pass Devastation that lay beyond the statue what he had gone through the most surreal part though. Was that his uncle seemed unchanged by the whole occasion. Your father once asked me why I never became a night Henry broke the silence. It was a rare that he talked about husband's parents. Even when I was when I was younger and Relentless they asked him. I'd say hi Dre. You're a strong man and would do anything to protect your family. Why not take up the blade and defend everyone. Cause I always have the same answer. So I'll just got to have a place to sit when they come back. I'll go and get myself killed and going to be no chairs. Osman cracked a smile They were simpler times Henry smirked lifting his heavy irons to his nephew was meant for your father could have what you've done. I defend so Pride Osmond looked away your mom, too. sheet of install with you, but proud I'm proud, too. I knew you'd been training and whatnot with old one I even saw your match. now damn fine swordsman Osmond Osmond felt a lump well in his throat as Henry, but non-random. I can't say I don't want you to stay. But I know this is your dream and now she's dude. And always be a chair for you lad I swear it. Osmond threw his arms around Henry and felt a burden erased nothing but Acceptance in peace overwhelmed him. After a few minutes the rows together and headed to a nearby Tavern they shared a few ales and talked about old stories some the new some had been hidden in some forgotten. They laughed and smiled and cried late Into the Night. When the barkeep came to tell them it was time to leave the two of them finish their pints then walk to the carpentry shop where they went inside. Osmond retrieved a few personal items from his room and came back down. Henry stood as a large item covered in a Dusty old sheet. Once that you'll father. He had this on him then I am your mother passed away. It would have wanted you to have it. Osman pulled away the sheet and held his breath. It was a sturdy shield with a flat top that curve to a point at its bottom. Dark, Amber wood made up the central part of it with a red painted iron. Around the outside and Crossing in an X across the middle. There are three long scratches that stretch the face of the shield and they looked like they'd been repaired somewhat since its final use I spent many nights trying to hit those claw marks out. Henry's voice was strained as you look down at the shield. Eventually, I made it usable again, but never was able to get the color, right? As men placed his hand in the middle of the shield and smiled up at his uncle. As he lifted the gift he embraced his uncle in there like the moment rest. Thank you. miss a flood Osman left his uncle's house about an hour before Dawn a light fog lingering over the city as Osman navigated his way towards the Temple of Time instead of going in though. He made his way past one of the reflecting pools and into a secluded area. Through Ann Arbor of white flowers. He emerged in a large garden it held a solemn Purpose with Cricket still singing their nighttime songs. Osmond walked quietly passed the headstones of knights and Warriors from hyrule's history. His feet came to a stop when he found the still fresh plot that belonged to his mentor and friend. Husband opened his mouth to speak but found himself unable to make a sound. Instead he knelt down and ran his fingers across the engrave eating on the stone. This Warriors Journey was wrought with hardships. But by his blade and through his sacrifice Hyrule lives on rest in peace, sir, Alduin night of Hyrule. Osman was about to sit back on his heels and pray when he heard footsteps approaching from behind. He looked over his shoulder and saw a tall man with a thinning gray hair and a few days unshaved face. Relax kid men said with the raspbian scratchy voice just came to pay my respects to Osmond noticed the knights Crest that was somewhat obscured by his flowing Gray coat is the man came to a stop before the grave. He reached into his cloak and pulled out a silver flask then took a sip from it. So you're the one? The one the kid Aldi trained one who saved the princess Osmond looked up at the man I am who are you? The man took another hard sip from the flask then held it out of her albums headstone. He turned it and poured a shot of it down onto the stone then closed it and put it back in his pocket. Sorry it took so long. He said ignoring Osmonds question. Who are you Osmond asked again? Don't matter the man turned and began to walk away when he was a few Paces away though. He stopped and turned back to Osmond a word of advice work on countering attacks from your left. He always struggled with that. Was that the man turned and continued out of the graveyard? Osmond watch the man and gave a moment's thought to going after him. He stopped though when he looked up to a nearby Clock Tower and saw the Dawn was going to be breaking soon. He gave Alduin one last prayer then Rose and made for the Royal Stables behind the Temple of Time. The smell of hay and horses was overpowering as Osman burst inside rays of light were just starting to break into the small holes in the ceiling and there were several pages in attendance rushing about supplies and equipment. Good morning. So I was meant for those head popped out from a star and he scurried over to greet Osment. Good morning, Lord fought. Oh, I'm not late. Am I no, no dear boy. Not at all. This is just what it's always like around here. It would seem Osman knotted set of doors at the far end of The Stables swung open and Empire pushed through with the Queen and Princess following closely behind. Osman drop to a knee I was surprised when if the scolded him get help. She said harshly while you are in the presence of royalty. Keep in mind that the princess is leaving. The safety of the city is to remain Under Wraps. You will not be addressing her by any of her formal titles. Understood. Yes, ma'am. Osman replied getting back to his feet. Princess Zelda walked by without so much as a blink in fight over Osmonds Direction. However, the queen came to a blight stop her face looked tired in her eyes lingered on her daughter as she silently mounted her white horse. Is everything. All right, your grace hmm. Yes. Yes. She said smiling it Osment. Osman didn't quite believe her but didn't press further as she looked down at Fado her soft and pleasant demeanor returned. Are you excited to be heading home? Lord Fado? Oh, yeah, my cousin's gonna be so happy. She used to wish that she'd be lady. Sorry a successor, but I don't think she'd have enjoyed leaving the forest for such long periods of time. How long has it been nearly two years, my friend? I Peru turned from assisting somebody but something and look string that Osmond, you know how to ride. Yes. It's been a while, but I'll manage and if he struggles I'll take the reins and solve it photo left. Emperor rolled her eyes then turn to motion for the servants to bring a horse over. It was a tall and deep Brown Steed with a black Mane and flecks of white around its eyes. The saddle was loaded with equipment including the shield. Osmond had been given yesterday. It shifted the pack on his back remembering the shield his uncle had given him and smiled as he felt it. Osmond is in the process of mounting his horse when Fado popped up on the saddle first. He grinned and scooter back. Don't worry Le princess does have her own hose three people on a horse would look downright, silly. Once situated on the horses back one of the servants took hold of the reins and let them over towards the large door sold his horse trotted up alongside them and she pulled the dark cloak up over her head that concealed her face. Her horse seemed unsteady until she leaned down and whispered in his ear. Osman watched and Zelda stroked its white Mane with her free hand and the horse seemed to completely change its attitude. Zelda the queen stepped up on the far side of the princess and placed her hand on her daughter's please. Be careful. Don't worry mother the princess said coldly you've sent me with babysitters. The Queen's eyes opened wide as all the kickback in her horse began towards the doors. Quickly, the servants opened them and as the queen tread rushing after her daughter The Horse Road Ahead McQueen stopped and lowered her head. I promise she'll be okay. Osman said as he began after. The queen nodded and waved for a well as the horses disappeared into the city. As the trio wrote out and a Hyrule Field, they galloped past the road that could have led them to long long wrench and then kakariko City the sun burned away the slight chill that had been clinging to the air and coax the morning dew from the blades of grass sounds of birds chirping joined. The trotting sounds made by their horses hooves and the csis the ending string of Tails flowing from photos mouth. Don't you find that interesting what Osman shook his head try and remember what follow had just said. I have nothing photo side and slumped down. I'm sorry Lord photo then his just first of all no more Lord photo. I don't need some fancy title to feel important. Additionally. We're out of the capital and therefore more vulnerable using titles like Lord and Lady. only draw attention Excuse me, but how am I to be addressed then Zelda interjected? By Zelda, of course, it is your name, but then it's also quite common that I'm the princess shouldn't use the title No titles none, especially with you if I always win couldn't whisk you away fast enough of Bandits or somebody disloyal to your father caught wind of you. disloyal to my father father side and Osmond could feel the tiny stage rubbing his fingers on his temples. My dear Zelda. I am nearly 200 years old. Your father is one of the greatest Kings of Hyrule greatest that I Rose ever known. That doesn't mean he's without enemy, please trust me when I advise something like this. Zelda you have a slightly sour nod. Right that brings me to point number 2 not everybody in the forest is as old as I am. So please pay attention to the history. I'm telling you it could save your life someday. History is saving my life. I was born smiled. Sometimes something old woman would have said A wise man he was. Did anyone ever tell you about the Kokiri or rather? Did you listen when he did Osmond remained silent the cooking area Immortal and they Zelda asked if only that were true father said as long as the crook he remains in the forest he or she will never grow old we age but not like aliens was sustained by the forest magic and in turn we tend to For us to keep it healthy, we're completely connected to each other. However, when a member of the cookery Forbes leaves that protection the connection is 7 and part of them dies right there. We keep on childlike features as you can see but may begin to feel the ages catch up with us much like you are. We can however be sustained by returning to the forest but it's never the same when you wander off into the last wounds become Skull Kids to my knowledge only for could carry myself included have ever left the forest really my cousin my toe. And of course, sorry, I being too of the others follow his voice trailed off and smile disappearing. So at the same time you accepted being a sage you accepted it death sentence. So the last if it was something that could be accepted. Yes sages are polled from a river at random. We are awakened the current generation of Sage's all awoke following the true departure of the sage in the era of the hero of time as the deaths inside of it though, and I choose not to look at it that way. photos characteristic grin reappeared as eyes rolled Towards the Sky I've had to embrace my short and mortality by making each day more enjoyable than the last sort of embrace the day thought process. And how are you enjoying the day Osman smiled over his shoulder savoring the journey home after many years away Dear Boy Osmond could feel the surge of wind slide down a little and prop his feet up on the back of the horse. Photo pole the flask from one of the saddlebags and took a swig then made a sour face. It caused a small giggle to slip past the princess's facade of seriousness. Well, excuse me princess, but this is gone foul photo grinned. I thought we weren't using titles Zelda accused apologies. It just felt right. The trio continued across the expense of Hyrule Field Rolling Hills. As far as the eye could see broken up by Greystone that peeked out from underneath the blanket of green. In the distance the farro mountains rose up in the South touching the vibrant Blue Sky of midday. The occasional Tree in Wild Flower Patch became silhouetted against the Sun as it continued to crawl over head. As they strayed away from the main road the trees became more common providing them with shade. As I took a break and one of the Shaded patches they ate a small meal of cheese and bread before continuing on. The entrance to the crew key reforms was just inside the boundary of the foreign region of Hyrule. Known for its dense forests and Rolling Green Mountain Range. It was a place unlike Castle town in every way imaginable near the edge of the forest was a bridge that joined the main road into the region from the north to the path that led into the cookery Village. The bridge of goodbyes as it was called crossed over a deep ravine and a bit of the cookery stream that flowed Northeast into Zoras River. The name for the bridge had come from the era of the hero of time as I had become known for being a place of fated farewells. As they pass through the hollowed-out tree trunk and their horses stepped onto the bridge photo-op down and walked ahead of you steps. Everything. Okay. Osmond asked slowing his horse. Yes. Just looking back on some old memories as all Osman could see Fado resting his hand on the rope railing with a longing look in his eyes. When I was still young before the hero of time Rose and liberated us my brother left the forest to search for help. The forest had been invaded by man scrubs and Deku Baba's and it was all we could do to keep them at Bay. He returned a few months later with some help from some Skull Kids in the legendary princess himself, but his wounds were fatal. And that was when sorry I left for the Forest Temple as well. Hi, I like to believe that he was one of the voices from deep within the walls calling out just as she did for me many years later. Osman and Zelda had stopped to listen to the story. Fado who had been nothing but jovial and almost childish had flipped the switch inside him almost when they reached the bridge. It was comforting to know that he was indeed more mature than he let on. Right who's hungry photo clapped his hands together and started across the rest of the bridge. My toe should be preparing supper about now. They entered the tunnel on the opposite side and took a slight turn up a hill as they reached the crest of the Hill though their noses were filled with a foul stench. The air turned thick and heavy sounds of birds in the breeze dancing in the trees vanished into a void of noiseless suffocation. They emerged from the tunnel all three looked around and shuttered it what they saw. Or couldn't see as it was. Instead of the beautiful natural growth and pristine flowing Waters black sludge in a rotted trees covered the town. slime and algae floated on dark pools that had collected tree stumps were uprooted or covered in a black fuzz A nearby Home was burned out with only the door and window frame left standing. Dark Haze blotted out the light that should have been shining down on them.
Hello and welcome to the Era Without A Hero Podcast! If this is your first time listening to the show, I recommend going back to the beginning and picking up the story from there. This show is put out every other week, with each new episode being a continuation of one big story. Special thanks this week go out to Andy and Taylor for having me on their show, The Champions' Cast. I went on there this past week and talked about creating a perfect Zelda x Fire Emblem style game. It was a lot of fun and I would highly recommend giving them a listen for more topical Zelda talk. Next, I have to thank Carmen V for the glowing comments that were left on the Main Theme video over on YouTube. The comments were so touching and inspiring. Remember, if you've got thoughts on the show and want to share them with me, hit me up on twitter @davewayne09 to let me know! Keep your eyes and ears peeled for the upcoming paralogue stories that will begin accompanying these stories sometime after Season 1 ends. Also, make sure you check out the website for additional content, behind the scenes stuff, and announcements that don't make it into the show! One big announcement that did make it in this week though, was concerning the music of TEWAH. I have so far created two original songs and covers of a few more but I'm working on coming up with a theme for Adok. Once I do that, I'll officially announce that an Official TEWAH Soundtrack will be available. No further details are available yet, but it's something to keep in mind might be in the near future! Previously on The Era Without A Hero, Osmond awoke a month after Adok's assault on Castletown. Wounded, he met Impa who in turn introduced him to the King, Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule. Daphnes then gave Osmond a Knight's Crest, a symbol of the Knights of Hyrule, and sent him off to meet with the Sages. After seeming to pass the Sages test, they arranged for him to travel south to the Kokiri Forest with Fado. Just as the meeting was about to end though, the Queen announced that her daughter would be joining the young knight on his journey. Thank you for listening and enjoy the show!
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started. Hey Supernatural fans. We have a guest in the studio. Yay. We're talking witches, but there's no Rowena. So let's get excited about the guest coming at you right now. I'm Maria Menounos and you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESP on a TV talk now boom boom. Boom. Hey guys, welcome to Supernatural Thursdays. It's Cherry favor. Of the week and we got a special guest did Alaric joining us hear it after those. You know, you really do a good job of making me feel special feel special to be here. We've been you guys we've been planning this for weeks weeks trying to make this happen. Cherry had reached out and so gotta give props to my girl over there and now we've Got you here and you're not sick. I'm we we passed it on to me, but you know what? It's all okay, you guys we are going to talk all about season 15 episode 6 golden time. My name is Lindsay Wagner. I'm joined by Stephen. Alric to my left and Sherry Davis to his left golden time dot dot dot. Hey, it's me Che happy Supernatural Thursday. We're going to talk about some witches today, even though Rowena wasn't there. It was there in spirit. She's kind of like seems like a little which isn't he he is what she was there and painting she was there in painting Miss. Mrs. McLeod. What were your initial thoughts about this week's episode. I love this episode of didn't feel like it was a bridge episode it but it didn't feel like a throwback to an old episode either. It was written by Meredith Glenn and I thought she did a wonderful job of getting the Natural feel that we've been enjoying and loving for 15 years but adding a freshness to it and I loved the bad ass bitches what what? Yes, I think we all love seeing a witch in the show. It's just Ivan was saying in the chat earlier that the girl that played the main which she's been she's been on the episode the series twice before once as Chuck's publicist and another time as Witness so she's been a mysterious afar. So that's kind of super duper cool. I knew I recognized your just couldn't figure out where Steve what did you think of the episode so full disclosure? That's only the third episode I've seen and that is okay. I didn't even watch the episode I was on no. No, I look I thought it was a lot of fun, you know, it was there was a lot of humor in it that I really like appreciated you. No, I think that like it's such a good Escape. It's so much fun to just sit and watch and get lost in it. You know, there are other shows that have you know, the purpose is for you to think and to to kind of you know reflect on your life and and it's deep and and everything has its place. I just loved how this kind of road that kind of middle line where it was. It was fun. It was entertaining and it made me laugh. Well, your episode was quite the doozy for all of us. Because there was a rupture and even if you didn't see what happened, we lost three major characters that episode so I don't know if you were there when they killed off Rowena when they killed off catch one. They killed off our little Jack. But we lost major characters. So for us that episode was like cried so hard really? Yeah because you get attached to the kids and a lot of the times a good thing about supernatural and what you touched on is that they they make they bring the human side of it number one, but they give you some humor see you're not so deep dark into the abyss that you like. There's no coming back from this. I'm done. I'm not going to watch the rest of the season Cherry knows how that is. I mean we were like we're okay. We need a break from Supernatural after that. It was a hard one seriously needed a break to lose three major characters in one Fell Swoop one after another. Both of us said we couldn't even catch our breath before they killed someone else. It was just like it was it was a lot it was it was painful and we needed that break between that episode in the next one, which I had a little bit of humor to get us back but in that Episode cast you left too. I mean not only did three people died, but are three Horsemen of the form of Horsemen of the Apocalypse got whittled down to two in one Fell Swoop. Wow, and then cast made his Resurgence today? Yes, Kass is back and I leaned his back. So he had characters come back. You guys were going to talk about the best kill later, but you got to stay tuned to see that. So first off, let's talk about Cass being back being in. Idaho, he's on a Case himself. Pardon me. I'm dealing with pneumonia all trying to survive here and make it through this day. So if my voice goes out, I'm letting Cherry take over and see take over and they're just going to run the whole show. You know what you're handling it really? Well, I would never guess that you were sick by looking at you. Thank you mother. I'm just going to go take a nap on that couch over there. If I get to touch it's my it's my super sexy. I love my super sexy voice and then she like loses she gets it back and she's trying to get sick again and looking like Monica's dirty soup lid. Oh those were the days groans days. So Cass is and Idaho. He's running a case. It looks like people kind of keep disappearing and he realizes he thinks it's a gin right is that he said, I think he thought it was a Jen. Yes, and this woman kind of a hypochondriac. She's always saying something's going on her kids gone missing. Is befriended the guy who owns Sims, he's bait shop who's calling him Clarence. I'm like, I love the cast has created this whole life in this new town for him trying to just kind of fit in and start over. I love that. He did that and he's on a case and he's going to try to help this mom and he's she's like there's a mine but maybe he's there and actually he comes across the kid and the kid describes his gin. Now you guys talk to me about this death. He kill it's the sheriff like spoiler alert. It's the sheriff. You can't see it and then say spoiler spoiler alert. This guy is such a weasel but I love before we even talk about that. I love that. He's like, all right. I want to talk to your Superior. That was so you makes cast. Call the FBI phone which goes directly to Sam and Dean and he's got to talk to Sam or Dean and he hasn't talked to them in weeks. So I'm so excited waiting to see what's gonna happen in jeans. Like have you been listening in the messages? Yeah, there's a calling you like listen your messages, dude. Yeah. All right. Bye. Okay are yep. Yes, sir. Okay. All right, bye-bye. Like nothing because jeans just like you're done it was That the sheriff first was like I don't believe this is a load of crap. Then he watched him get reamed out by his boss and he's like, oh, yeah, we've all been there. Oh my gosh, this is so good. And he's being forced to be humiliated in front of his boss in front of the sheriff being reamed out by his Boston. It was just I thought it was so fun to watch and it's so interesting to see Cass having to deal with them again, which is something he didn't want to do because Sam's been kind of like a jerk, too. Him for a while. Dean Dean Dean has been a jerk Sam was emotionally unavailable unavailable to deal with what was hasn't been listening to his messages that doesn't even know that Sam wants them back and I've been trying to reach him. So I think now that he knows that Sam's been reaching out. Maybe he'll make an effort. But alright, so the sheriff kills has killed some peeps and Kass has to kill him get shot first showing He's Mal and her son Caleb that monsters are real heaven angels are real. We're dealing with this now. He heals himself and then he just stabs him over and over again. Is this what we normally do to kill a gin? No, but he was working through some stuff. I mean I was saying to him when we were watching it. I think he's working through some of the anger he has with having to deal with Jack being possessed by that demon with realizing that God IE Chuck is not the benevolent person that he thought he was and then the way he's been treated by the Winchester Brothers dealing with when Jack accidentally killed her mother and then wanting to put Jack-in-the-Box wanting him to help with lying. I mean, they really haven't gone through what went on with Jack in their treatment. What would their treatment of having to put in the Bots and and not including Castillo and those discussions? Is there anything so I think he has a lot of anger right now. So he's dealing with what we saw Dean being angry about God and Chuck and running the hamster wheel. He's dealing with it. Now we get to see how cast is handling it and he's just just killing that sheriff. I didn't mind. Oh, you deserve I loved it. I loved his. Oh you're in a position of power of us is what you do. You've got a bad. So you think you're cool. You think you can go do? Do this you small little man? Well, let me show you I thought was awesome. I thought that the way he justified it. I don't mess with the locals just the visitors. It's like still not nice dude. You're not. Okay. What do you do? See if you see some guy just randomly kill somebody in the middle of nowhere, even if he's killed someone you've seen watched him kill someone else run and then maybe go to police. Yeah not let him heal you No, I run. Okay, you know I mean or hop I guess if it's right, I guess it's kids are just sitting there idle away and he comes over and he heals them and he's like this is kind of like a miracle and they're left to believe. This is a miracle which has I know that glow loves. Hey Mama, how are you doing out there? She always writes. She's my my fellow Catholic. So we almost talked about kind of the parallel. Of how we've got God AKA truck now see how we're doing is even referring to God as God anymore. He's not referring to him as Chuck because isn't God supposed to be all good and all powerful and all kind we're seeing God is not nice things right now. So it's hard. It's been this parallel, but then you see this Angel he'll you pull this miracle, right? Literally a miracle right and heals himself right in front of you and you're like, how are they not Acting all these people along the way but they keep saying by the way guys monsters are real. God is real. How do we not expect these people to talk? Because I see some sort of Miracle. Guess what I'm doing. I'm telling I'm posting on Facebook. I'm tweeting it out. I mean, I guess if somebody said you have to give this on the DL. I don't know. I guess I have to keep it quiet then we're gonna keep you'd still tell somebody. Oh, no I missed it. Now. You may not post it. You might not you know make it public and so we can get back to you. But I guarantee you when you're with your friends. You're going to sit there and go yo guess guess what happened? But how do you know your friends are well, I wasn't I so I kind of keep it huh Wyatt one Friends Are Monsters in Disguise. I mean, it might be cool with you. But if you leave yourself open to being some of that might expose them then friends before what is it guys before ho bro. I don't hang with people who say things like that. Listen. I was just correcting it. It's not something that's not a phrase. I use. I'm just you know, I keep it. I keep it definitely quiet to myself. I might tell my dog and that's about it when I get a dog when I adopted out but that's how I look at in the chat Lee Lima Leo. Lima says, I liked how Dean was just like, hey, dude. I know we're on a break but Chuck is back. Be careful. I totally forgot to mention that that was a good one. I'm glad that he said that I'm glad he kind of gave him a heads-up fair warning whatever their little exchange was. You know, he's not Happy with them either but took the call and I think he's going back to the boys. I mean, he's I think it's too I love them and said what he said he wants time for me to get back in the game. It's time for a change. So I'm excited to see I hope he does go back to the boys. And and I hope there's a change between the Dynamics between them. They need to like respect him equally. Well, it's Gotta happen, right? It has to I mean it will happen at some point. Yes there. I think they're going to hold off a little while longer. Sure, but at some point Rutherford is nesting right now. He's on my sweat. She's on your sweatshirt. Sorry, it's going to be covered in dog fur. All right, so let's talk a little bit about these witches that we got reintroduced to checking in on Rowena's apartment trying to loot it and get the stuff and she's got a hex spell on the apartment like any good. Which would that anyone that's coming in to try and take anything they're going to die. They're going to get killed which I was like good for you because I'm thinking how has no one come and trying to get her stuff before this. You know, she's gotta have all sorts of goodies. And yes Hex bags and spells and I don't know crystals crystals things how long has she been dead in since your episode but but in terms of like the timeline of the of the problem amongst and if she's in her building and they haven't seen her in a while because there she's gonna go off and do her own thing. She's gonna come back basement and then nail was all piled up you guys saw that like, yeah, so they know but she's not around and so she starts this Jessi starts getting a nosebleed chokes and dies and that's the end of her. Yes, and I think the spell was one where you wouldn't necessarily die in the I think we'll we know was hoping you'd look around can find anything and then you'd leave and then you die somewhere else. Let's shoot you wants anybody she was just so horrible though, like breaking. Yeah, every little thing. I was like, oh she was in there for a long time not like you. She's trash trash. I did not like what you did her sister. Oh got major anger towards this girl best kill coming up Madam. Can't wait to talk to you guys about that. So we got Sam researching Dean eating cereal Mike. A man Syria. What's your favorite cereal? Franken Berry, really? Yeah, what about you? Jeez? I don't need a lot of serious Cookie Crisp. You know what? I don't I don't know your cookie Christmas. Oh my God. Yeah when I was a kid, it was Rice Krispies a lot of Rice Krispies. Did you get to put sugar on top? No. Is like candy and I thought it wasn't fattening than one of my friends like know it's fattening food a loyal and coconuts. That's why it tastes good like candy. No I eat kids cereal and I still buy kids cereal. I was funnier lot to eat those Frank and I'm an adult now I can eat my they do Summers. I haven't had in a long time but it's got the marshmallows and Barry. This is blueberry or strawberry chocolate. Of course. I just ate Fruity Pebbles this morning you guys. I'm really a kid. I'm a kid in an adult's body right now is like cakes. That is home. Okay, cough medicine getting to my brain. So Sam hasn't had a vision since Colorado. I think this is interesting. I also think that Chuck is hurting we can get two more two predictions later on why Sam isn't having visions, but he hasn't had any Visions Dean kind of tells them due to go off and do your own thing. It's like a milk run you can go and and get this Crystal because he's out for a run. He sees Eileen Eileen has been trying to get ahold of them for weeks, which I'm she's been stuck. In the middle as well. Yeah. So all these people this is really starting to scare me with what's his name with our favorite little why can't I think of him? I can't remember his name little our little nugget guys in the chat. Tell me who are you know, who we're talking about Kevin Kevin if you like everybody got sent to Hell. Nobody was going to have no one went to heaven after all. Yeah. It feels very problem. Steve. No one's going to heaven. That's bad news. Everyone has been sent to hell or the middle and they're all going crazy because they're stuck in this middle world where they don't really know what to do there and their souls so they can't live on Earth but they've kind of been banished to hell and there was a hellhound and Sam was very very fond of Eileen in the first place. So I knew this was going to strike a chord with him. So to be able to put Eileen in a place where she could be at least by herself and be at peace What he wanted to do. So Dean tells him go go to the house go get something from marinas and make a spell he gets there and she's able to go through the wall. And I think the really cool thing was this spell he was going to be able to create for a person and she was working on this with out there. I'd like none of them knew I loved the Rowena are getting legit evening at for Rowena even more Arena was added. We already loved her and we're just getting more and more bits and pieces showing how wonderful she was and how much she cared about the boys even knowing Sam was going to have to kill her to create a spell to potentially bring Mary back. I'm a bad person to I was kind of hoping we'd be able to bring a wee nip back. I'm sorry. I had to say I would like to bring Rowena back. Jasmine loves us. I miss morwenna. Yes, we do promise Rowena. Did you get to meet Ruth when? You were shooting. I did not that's what plays Romina. Yeah straight up though. Like they spoke to me. They told me how amazing she was. That's always that's always so nice to hear. You know what I mean? Because I believe the other side of my conversation was with her correct in the episode was it so so they were you know, they were just saying. Oh have you met her? Oh, she's so wonderful. She's so nice. It's always, you know, it's always good to hear. She literally for the Six seasons that I've been doing the show with you guys here at AfterBuzz. We've been doing the show Supernatural AfterBuzz. She was the one who helped me book a ton of guests and bring a ton of people and me and that's all Adam Fergus David Haden Jones Lisa Barry just so many people she's helped bring in which just as a testament. Yeah, how wonderful she was so sad. You didn't get to me that by 2 you'll meet her in another life then. Like for sure are especially in the Supernatural world because she's doing the convention circuit and she is going to be around for so long because she is just so loved by the fans. That's okay. Yeah. She's just a delight but redeeming qualities for her that she's created this spell that somehow is going to you know, now that he wants to use it on Eileen. Well do we think that we're going to let that happen Supernatural? Of course, we're not going to do that. We're going to bring some more witches in the place to stop that from happening little voodoo. Hex doll little girl that looks like she belongs in the ring back at us. She's from a show called Dark Matters Faith. That's where she's from so nice. I met her. She's really sweet. She was great. Oh, she was really got she was fantastic and she had every right to hate her sister Jacinda. Yes who turned her Crush into a water balloon and then popped it. I heard that was a boy. Wow, that was crazy writers. That is it was it was like mind-boggling how unpleasant her sisters turning invisible for a week making her tongue into his snake yet making them visible for a week. It was like not a day a week a week of invisibility and how could the mom not notice that you're a terrible mother? She's invisible but then but then but then you have to One of them and just mother just wanted this daughter back. So she's going to use a spell to bring my daughter back her for which child her would she does meanwhile this girls like use them as little voodoo doll and Sam and I'm like, I wish I had a deemed all they could just talk me ha ha ha all day long. I love her portrayal of the character because it felt like he was reaching her and she was going to run away. Yes, and so abused that she doesn't know how to function without her abusive families Family Leave Stockholm syndrome or whatever. So it's poor girl. So thankfully Dean and Eileen show up at the nick of time there there we get a little bit of a fight sequence. Which did you get to do a fight sequence on this not on this but you've done some yes previously. Do you like doing fight sequences? You loved your look at you just lit up. Yeah. No, I love it. It's so much fun. It's so much fun. I like being physical. So, okay. Yeah, and so you like the Choreography of it do you get to kind of work with the choreographer for what works for you? How often do you have a stunt double come in it all all of that depends all depends on who the fight choreographer is and what you're doing most times all you do you get to be a little bit creative. Can I try this? Yeah, try that. Can we do that? Yeah, of course, you know like so you feel like your part, you know, it's collapse feel like you're part of the process. So yeah, that's wonderful. I think it's always so good when you like you said you get to Elaborate with them and work on it and I think all the everyone always loves when we've talked to Kathryn Newton who's played cast his daughter. She's loved the fight sequences and stuff and she's got to do some really really cool things. It's on Supernatural makes it so neat to Microsoft later on with the water even in the bathtub and she gets in. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, the ghost fight was a blast. I loved I was like Yes, we have a ghost to Winchester's boys as Eileen the ghost of fight on their behalf. Well, I knew we were going to have to we're going to have to kill this Jacinda again because now so they the mom brought her back and she said spell can only bring one human back. Hmm or one person back so they were able to kill off to send and light the body on fire and I was wondering okay. Wait, are we going to be able to use a spell again or not? I don't think she used the spell. She was getting ready time. Yes, right. Okay. That's what I thought too because I was like wait are we going to be able to use a spell of she's coming back? So they were able to kill all the people and go back to the bunker and this gave Sam his opportunity to try to do this spell On Eileen with the like potpourri in the bathtub and she gets in the water. It's down and sinks in and Sam starts doing a spell as if he's a witch. You guys have good a Witcher Sam? You're the Annunciation to his pronunciations of those words. I was like everything is so great. And the next thing you know, she gets up out of the water neck. It naked full-blown a key. And thankfully there's a towel there and like her and Sam kind of hug and I'm like, oh God, this is a big deal. It was a big deal. It's a really big deal guys. I loved how Sam turned away to give her her privacy and that Sam was brushing up on his ASL and he learned ASL for her and he yes and that he's been brushing up on and he said he's like since he's wanted to pick up on it a little bit and I'm glad he did that what we're talking about that can I ask Ilene, right is her hearing impairment a part of the storyline or did it is she just a character? That was the first one they brought on that was here. Impaired on the show whenever she came on. I don't remember what season she came in but it was within the last six years because I remember them introducing her as a character was she a dancer so I can't quite remember. What did it did did do their hearing impairment have anything to do with the storyline? It's just she's American hiring for as a Banshee expand. She's yell and you oh I see but yeah, that's how they're yeah, that's how they were saying and it happened, but she came in and her grandfather. I was appreciating And I was appreciating the diversity. You know what I mean? Like absolutely. Um, yeah, so that's really know and she's a great and I was really great to see her and she's I mean she speaks so clearly to and stuff. She's obviously worked worked at it. So I think she is deaf in real life. Oh, yeah. She yes. Yeah. She's she's gotta be like her my or else I was a brilliant characterization, you know, like him. Yeah. So I love this moment at the end we get we get our little moment with them. Raised again always ever chatting about what we're going to have what's going to happen next Dean saying that they wish they knew about the spell for Mom. I'm gonna bring mom back, but she wasn't heaven but she's in heaven husband and she's happy there and Sam says, you know Dean you saved my butt by killing the which I need you. I need my brother. I don't need to go off and do these things by myself. We needed each other. We complete each other. We are Yin and Yang, we are good and bad. We need to come together if we're going to solve this. This and God is out there and God is bad. We got to fix it together and you know, they break the rules and how we're going to do it. That's how they always do it. That's how they've done for 15 years. They remember what he said remember Sam went to hell too so he won't be able to go to heaven. Sometimes I forget how many times they died been brought back to life and everything else because he said it like just a casual side person catch. It was like hate. Yeah, and that's why he was so upset the way that Dean so dismissively said, oh, well, you won't be going to heaven. So well, that's how it is. I am Jasmine love says Sam is Wil Wheaton has prodigal son. I'm like, yeah. She is he is he is and that you guys the episode flew by today at once so Actually, I loved Meredith's writing on this episode. I really there was just there was a hint of female to it. It just felt very like powerful like and like really really giving Rowena the credit that she deserves this episode. So let's get into our special segment, which is the best kill of the episode. So yes, what was your favorite kelvis episode to start with cherry? I'm Gibby. A second. I think about it Steve. There are a bunch of really good kills by up say I loved Castillo's anger when he was killing the Gin Sheriff. Okay and what he said it was just I was like, yes, let that anger Outcast Yale. Okay, Steve same one the same one for the same reasons to just to see him like unleash and yeah, that was really cool. Okay. I'm going to be the odd man out over here. I'm going Jacinda and say ird. Letting her on fire because I was like, I don't like that girl. I don't like the bully. I don't like her picking on her younger sister. So when she was gone, I was like, buh-bye. We I've had enough of you we're done but by now, so let's get into just a little bit of news and then we're going to talk about you going to spend the next 10 15 minutes. Just talking all about your life my favorite topic so we have kids so much news because as we all know our favorite Jensen at Kohl's and Steve Carlson have a band and it is called radio company. They debuted on the Billboard Chart Billboard Chart at number five. Yes merging artists. So whoo, but we all know he can sing because I've seen him sing on YouTube numerous times. So the conventions and every yeah, so I knew he could sing. So it was really cool. And then for our Supernatural gossip more just some news ha ha. Are already working on new music lovely. So that's going to be awesome and Emily swallow. Our favorite goddess is playing the armor on didn't sleep less the Mandalorian. Oh, so I hopefully will get her in one day. And what would ask her Jedi or Empire? Uh-huh. I will reach out. I think I still have her contact info. We all watched the finale together a couple years ago, so she's awesome. Mmm, see if we can get her in here. So Steven by Steve was in episode 3 The rupture playing Cal and has been working on a bunch of other stuff. You were recently talking about while you were just telling us how you got your start as Simba in The Lion King and you've toured all over you've been the little nugget what I did. This guy, um, I have so many stories from that so many fun doing Live Theater like there really is nothing like it because I wish that the audience knew how big of a part they are of the show. Do you know if their energy is down it affects the show if they're in it and they're on the edge of their seat and they're watching it makes the show come alive, you know, and I have either of you seen Lion King. Yes. I loved it was beautiful. I haven't seen it on Broadway. It was really good. I said it at the Pantages contagious in Hollywood. Yeah, so so I did I originated the role in Toronto. I did it for two years there and then I went to Broadway for a little while and then I went to so cool. Can you can say I can you can say I want to know what's your go-to? Karaoke song is I I'm not even kidding. I have like a ton of karaoke song but typically lately what I've been singing is I well they're three. So I'll sing Backstreet Boys or I'll sing Johnny Gill my my my Grousing Maxwell Woman's Work. Whoa. Those are sort of like a just turned cherry on right now 90s R&B. I just don't we all yeah Craig David Craig David, you don't and he still puts music out. He does. I loved him so much like he was one of my favorite Brian McKnight love like I do One Last Cry Sometimes do okay. So your Did you shoots expectations already? I did two episodes. Okay, so two episodes of that tell us about that and where you can find that okay. So, um, I think they're still working on it. I'm still finishing it up. It's going to be on Amazon. Okay, so man, that was a lot of fun really cool people that work with really kind of you know, taboo. We cross that line a little bit but it's it's a lot of fun and Man, the the filmmakers with you put a lot of work into it. He's got Kevin's got one of the one of the what you call it videos up on I'll find it. Maybe I'll send you guys a link sure I come he has a video of him doing the special effects the video effects. Oh and so you see cuz it's meant to look like the top like a romance novel. So, you know, like it's just a video of me picking the girl up or kissing her and but how like its You know time what time elapsed sure and so you see all the stuff that all the layers all little cuts that he's doing as he's adding it is it's all that's awesome. What lot of work and what was your favorite thing about working on Supernatural? Um favorites. I mean, I just I love being on set all together. You know, I love meeting the new people everybody that's involved. I think with this was just kind of the efficiency, you know, I mean people have been doing it there have been People who have been there since the beginning so I mean they have their job down. They they the team has their job down together. So things just kind of go go go go go. Like I honestly shot that in half a day really is bang bang bang bang bang, you know. Wow three cameras going they're shooting that and me at the same time and boom boom boom. Boom. Boom. Yeah. It was just it's just so great just flew. Yeah, I was and was and you got to hang out with Jensen and Jared or chat with them for know I know No, I didn't because you know, I as you saw like my part was I was I was away from them. So yeah, okay. Yeah. Yeah, but it was but it was it was a lot of fun and you're saying that you audition for another world, so I can't remember what role I auditioned for but what happened was I Edition for it and they they call my agent. They said we gave it to a girl but we really liked him and so we wrote this part in for him because I was I just went up to Vancouver to you know, just And meet some casting directors, but when it came back down here, they would self tape. And so that's kind of just sort of what happened. They knew that it was only here for a short time or were there for a short time. So they said, you know, we just we just really like him. So I just wanted to put do that. I mean there's nothing more flattering, you know what I mean? I mean, you know one of those love thank you. I've done to Lifetime movies. Neither them Christmas. I haven't done Hall market. So I'd say it's on the horizon. Well, we're gonna lie. I'm putting it out there into the you working on anything right now. I can't tell you about can't talk about you guys, but it is huge. It was honestly one of Most amazing experiences I've ever had on set. It was amazing. It was so different because it was a it's a big-budget blockbuster. Okay come out next year. So the budget is outrageous and even working on, you know, high quality or high, you know, a big budget TV pales in comparison. Wow heels. I mean this this set there was a part of downtown Tokyo. Oh there was you know, there was all kinds of stuff on this that would just that just blow your mind, you know, and and the experience part of the experience that I really loved was the fact that you know, when you look at it. This is you know, this show is about 45 minutes the supernatural it typically shoot that in seven or eight working days. This was say a two-hour movie fifty five working days. So imagine the amount of time that you get with every, you know to cry What's happening, you know like to really kind of delve into it and to take time for the crew to set up the camera and set up the shot and set up the lighting and all this kind of stuff. So it was just you know, it was just nice to work on that the pace on TV is just go like I say go go go go go eight eight days to shoot 45 minutes is not a lot of time. So, you know, so it tends to move like this. You don't have the same opportunity to to dig in, you know, so it's not much more. More a testament to the actors are on the show sure. I don't I mean because they're able I mean, they're they're they're working on one episode in learning the next episode. You know what I mean? Like it's a lot it's like you perfer TV film or theater. I mean you've done all of them. Yeah and I always say that I go back to theater because it's just instant gratification when you get to do it because you've got an audience laughing crying eating out of the palm of your hand. So it's always my favorite to do theater. It's well put and I think you know, Let them have their their pluses and minuses, but for the most part, I agree with you being on stage. Like I was saying earlier, you know, the audience is a part of it. So it's like it's like having that extra energy, you know, there's there's just it's much more like walking a tightrope, you know, not to say that TV or film is not but like it's just it's just energy-wise different and I think he hit the nail on the head like the instant gratification, you know. Yeah, it's amazing. We're doing Lion King kids used to yell out. I mean like they get it. Excited, you know, they would get excited. I'll never forget like one time I was up on so, you know, when Scar falls to his death the way they do it on stages. There's this little platform. It's like this why it's right and they put you on a harness they haul you up and so you're on top of this thing fighting scar, you know, I mean, you're suspended you got you know, but but it's still, you know, it's still a few time but doesn't yeah, you know, it takes a while to get comfortable with that but I remember was up there and then it's silent and Here's this kid. Yeah got him Simba get home. So this was a double showed and I was a matinee. So I go to a restaurant for lunch in between with with the girl plays Nala whom I married but we go and we're sitting there and we're talking about it laughing about it. And this woman comes up and goes that was my son. Yeah, he was like That was my son. He was the one that took a picture with him and all that kind of stuff. Yeah, it was so crazy. It's so crazy. It's so so much fun so much fun. My God. That's so cute. So cute. No, it's amazing nose already John. That you love like sci-fi cartoons action cuz I've seen you in the rookie the rookie. I've seen you on SWAT you always you play different kind of characters, but everybody has their own thing like suspense horror where man if if it were only up to me if I were creating all my own work, it would probably be drama. Yeah, not musical drama. Not necessarily. I mean, you know I think it's fun to be diverse. I think it's fun to touch on, you know different things. I think everybody, you know, when you pigeonhole and actor for argument's sake and say in all that guy's a dramatic actor and then they turn around and do something comedic. It's like there's so much joy in that. You know what I mean? Like there is just a different perspective that person's ringing and I so I I think the the diversity is is the most fun. Yeah. Well, let's get into some predictions. Before we wrap things up. We got lighting backsliding. Okay, so we are going to be back in two weeks. Everyone's going to enjoy a lovely Thanksgiving which is my favorite holiday because it's all about the food and being thankful. We are gonna be back on December 5th when we get back, we've got Dean talking to a hottie hot. Hey, so um, yeah, I mean aside from really predicting that Dean maybe he's going to have some fun and get some pie. Not your typical figuratively and literally Cherry. What do you what do you what do you got for some predictions for me for the next couple episodes before we call mid-season finale? I think our boys going to get his freak on break him out of his doldrums because you know how it is. If you can't have a burger then he wants a woman and then I always put him in a good mood. So I think that December 5th we're going To see a little bit of Return of our old cocky meat man. Yes. Do you have any predictions for the rest of the season? I know you've only see you haven't even seen your episode that you're in he was Cal and the rupture but do you have any predictions for the season? Where do you think this is going to go? I think it has to Guess that his heart is a family story. So at its heart, you know, I mean eventually that Family Guy come back together, so that's why I was saying like Of Castile and with Eileen and maybe there's going to be someone else that pops up from the past and and they're going to win conquer that is obviously what y'all know. I've been hoping for from the beginning and with I lean back. I think we're going to get to see more of her and Sam's relationship. Let's hope she doesn't get killed again, but we keep bringing more characters from the past Seasons back. So I'm always always happy to see that so we'll see you guys in two weeks until Then Cherry where can everyone find you you can find me cherry underscore LA on Twitter and Instagram and Steve tell everyone where they can find you on all things social media at Steven Alaric. That's my for everything everything. Yeah, it's just make it easy. Perfect. That's that's what I did. Everything's at Lindsay Wagner L. YN D SE y w EG + ER find me there Steve. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you guys so much. This was a lot of fun. Thank you for having me. Thank you for coming in. Going about your episode talking about supernatural talking about super buff come. We'll see you guys in two weeks. Please have a fabulous Thanksgiving and he'd all the good yummy foods. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz ya later. Hmm. He's expressed herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners are principles.
This week Steve Allerick who played Cal in 'The Rupture' a few episodes back joins Lyndsey and Cherry in the studio to discuss this week's episode 'Golden Time.' Castiel is back and working on a case with a Djinn and Sam and Dean are on a Witch Hunt with Sam jumping in as Rowena's Prodigal Son. We also get the return of Eileen and what is happening to all the Souls? Join us for Supernatural Thursdays, rate us five stars, and comment on what your favorite Kill was this week! We will see you back on December 5th! Till then, Happy Thanksgiving and Supernatural Thursday! ABOUT SUPERNATURAL: Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki star as Dean and Sam Winchester, two brothers searching for the meaning behind their mother's death at the hand of a demon, and their father's mysterious disappearance. Two brothers follow their father's footsteps as "hunters" fighting evil supernatural beings of many kinds including monsters, demons, and gods that roam the earth. This haunting series follows the thrilling yet terrifying journeys of Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers who face an increasingly sinister landscape as they hunt monsters. After losing their mother to a supernatural force, the brothers were raised by their father as soldiers who track mysterious and demonic creatures. Violent memories and relationship-threatening secrets add additional burdens on Sam and Dean as they investigate all things that go bump in the night. As old tricks and tools are rendered useless and friends betray them, the brothers must rely on each other as they encounter new enemies.
Hello out there science nerds, you're listening to evolving with mr. V a weekly podcast that covers the week that was in AP dual credit biology and much more. I'm your host. Mr. Oscar Velasquez, your master of the biological arcs. And this is officially episode 19 week 19 of the 2019 2020 School Year and a happy MLK Day to you and here's to hoping that you're enjoying your day off as we remember theGreat marther Luther King jr. And this week's podcast. We will recap the week of January 13th through the 17th and AP dual credit biology and look forward to the coming week as well spoilers cell communication and DNA exam on Wednesday and Thursday of this week in this week second segment. I'll give some advice and hints for the upcoming exam and announce a study session for all those who might need a little bit extra help on this upcoming chapter 11 and chapter 6 Teen exam that once again is happening this week in our final segment. We continue with the new part of the podcast called five questions with mr. V. Well our interview our third guest and ask five questions to get to know our guests just a little bit better and this week's guest is someone from the Johnson community. So stay tuned. Now before we begin the podcast we need to hear from our sponsor in a segment I call mr. V needs to buy some new bow ties. This episode is brought to you by Ligase, hey, are you tired of that? We clue trying to hold your formal lab posters together fustrated about that. Lane tape. That's just not keeping your AP biology binder together for that extra credit check. Well say goodbye to those subpar adhesives and try DNA ligase. That's right. DNA ligase is here to join and hold anything you need to put together from newly synthesized DNA strands to okazaki fragments its strong phosphodiester covalent bonds will get the job done. Done. So forget glue tape, even that gorilla super glue. Next time you need to hold your life together use DNA ligase DNA ligase is an enzyme that must be stored in its optimal temperature and pH for maximum Effectiveness and avoid denature ization and we're back. So let's go ahead and hit that. We wind button and review the week that was an AP dual credit biology on this second week of the second semester. We focus on DNA replication. So let's go ahead and highlight. All the major players involved in the process and replicating DNA into two double helixes. So the start of DNA replication begins at species specific sites in DNA called origins of replication where DNA replication will begin in our first major player enzyme is introduced, which is DNA helicase in step one called unzipping in this step to hilah cases will bind at the origin of replication site and perform. Two tasks unwind the DNA and separate the two strands of the DNA by breaking the hydrogen bonds holding the nitrogen bases together. They will move in opposite directions forming a replication bubble with two replication forks working in opposite directions. Now helping in this step of unzipping RSS BPS single stranded binding proteins, which hold the two strands that have been separated apart as they begin to be replicated now step two is is of DNA and our major player enzyme here is DNA polymerase 3 now because DNA strands run antiparallel to each other each strand will be replicated in a different manner one strand called the leading strand will be synthesized in one continuous manner with DNA polymerase 3 adding nitrogen bases to the template strand making the new DNA strand and a 5 to 3 Direction adding bases to a 3 Prime exposed end of a DNA nucleotide it follows the movement of the opening replication fork following the complementary base pairing rules adenine with thymine and guanine with cytosine. However, before DNA polymerase 3 begins an RNA primer must be laid down by an enzyme called primase it lays down the RNA nucleotide sequence about 10 bases and leaves a 3 Prime end exposed to allow DNA polymerase 3 to attack. And begin synthesizing the new DNA strand in that 5 to 3 Prime fashion. Now, the other strand of DNA will not be able to be synthesized in one continuous manner due to it running the opposite direction. So DNA polymerase 3 on this strand will be working moving away from the replication fork synthesizing the new DNA in fragments called okazaki fragments. This strand is referred to as the lagging strand. And now primase only needs to lay down one RNA primer for the leading strand, but we'll need to lay down several RNA primers for the lagging strand one for every okazaki fragments. Now as DNA synthesis continues additional players enzymes come in to accomplish tasks like DNA polymerase 1, which is responsible for replacing the RNA primer laid down by primates with DNA nucleotides. Now the last Step of DNA replication is joining the nucleotides and our major player enzyme here is DNA ligase, which forms the strong phosphodiester covalent bonds between the sugar and phosphates of nucleotides forming a stable DNA double helix, DNA ligase also ensures okazaki fragments are joined on the lagging strand producing one continuous DNA strand now during DNA replication. Russian DNA tends to be at its most vulnerable and prone to mutations, but the cell has a kind of proofreading kind of a spellcheck mechanism to correct possible mutations or errors in DNA. Now this proofreading mechanism job goes primarily to DNA polymerase 2 along with some other proteins and nuclease which is like a pair of scissors. Now first DNA polymerase II finds the error then nucleus cuts a section where the Station is located. Then DNA polymerase 2 fills in the correct DNA nucleotides. And finally DNA ligase comes in and joins the nucleotides with covalent phosphodiester bonds. Now one last major enzyme performing a crucial task is typo isomerase an enzyme found Upstream of DNA helicase. Now remember as DNA helicase unwinds the double helix, the Twisted ladder the twisting tends to go Upstream. I'm causing super twisting tension and stress which can damage the DNA but fear not that damage for typos isomerase helps relieve the stress and tension by relaxing that super twisting occurring Upstream of the DNA helicase and preventing that DNA damage. Well folks that was our main focus for the weekend a pedo credit Balaji. Make sure you go back and re chapter 16 to continue to build that depth and understanding Of our DNA content. Now, let's go ahead and do a quick rundown of the activities and events that we did for the week students this week worked on their DNA origami and turned in their masterpieces on Wednesday. And I got to say your DNA origamis were fantastic living 11, perfect hundreds and several A's and only a few bees so job. Well done. Make sure to check out the podcast Instagram page to view those perfect hundreds students this Weak also took two quizzes one on Wednesday over DNA structure function history and replication and another quiz over telomeres on Friday students got back their DNA quiz on Friday, make sure to use that as a study tool for this upcoming exam students who missed the telomere quiz, make sure to make up that quiz by Tuesday morning or Tuesday after school one last activity for the week was starting to learn how to use a very essential tool when it comes to studying DNA. And biotechnology, which is a micropipette. ER we had time to just introduce it discuss how to hold it and adjust the micropipette ER but will continue learning and practicing pipetting with it on Tuesday. Well those were some of the main activities and events and Concepts covered in the week that was in AP dual credit biology and now for our second segment where I'll share Some advice and hints for the upcoming exam over chapter 11. So communication and chapter 16 everything DNA. So here's my first nugget of advice now while my notes are pretty awesome. They are very leaner in sequence and are not very interactive or eye-catching. So the first thing you should do is rewrite your notes, but in a different manner, like maybe creating a sketch notes version of it, which I have shown and given a couple of examples Of throughout the year, so that should help you maybe form your version of sketch notes or try converting your notes into concept Maps flowcharts Venn diagrams. These would also provide more active ways to process your notes. I also recommend maybe creating graphic organizers diagrams or even just summarizing a note outline into your own words. This can help you not just remember but understand Concepts, so in other words if you're not writing you're not Studying another nugget of advice talk say it out loud verbally speak your notes to fellow colleagues or just to yourself. Even if you have to maybe just explain or talk to your favorite stuffed animal or stuffed character. Maybe a baby Yoda, you know doing this can definitely help you kind of make sure that you're making sense when it comes to the content also tri-forming a study group of individuals that will communicate with you. This is another effective way. To study if you could reach the point where you can explain or teach a concept to someone, you know, you got it down. So if you're not talking you're not studying one last nugget of advice quiz yourself and have others quiz you as well. If you only quiz yourself you tend to only ask questions you could answer but having someone else quiz, you can ensure that all concepts are being touched on and that you are being challenged also as you review past quizzes. Look at the diagrams pictures and images and think about what other questions could be asked or how questions can be changed to check understanding of those Concepts at different levels. Okay. So those were some good study tips. Now how about some hints for the upcoming exam? Well for staying go back and check out some past episodes of evolving with mr. V. Don't forget to review the latest content over telomeres and telomerase and the summaries of the research. Goes over the various environmental effects on telomere length, in addition revisit. The video can stress kill you for you just might see a question or two over the video One Last hint as always read your chapter 11 and chapter 16 on mastering One last hint for the upcoming exam. Don't stress too much. Don't shorten your telomeres over the history of DNA. You will probably only see one maybe two questions. Turns over that content, so don't stress about it. Just do a quick review of your notes and you should be good. And now for a special announcement on Tuesday after school from 4:30 to 5:00 15, there will be a study session for those students who might just want to hang out and get your study on maybe make some concept Maps some flowcharts, maybe even quiz each other all things that will help us be successful on that upcoming exam. Once again study session choose the after-school 432 5:15. And now for our final segment five questions with mr. V where I will ask five questions to our special guest to get to know them just a little bit better than this week's guest is a fellow colleague a fantastic educator. Mr. Morra, welcome to five questions with mr. V. And today we have a special guest a fellow teacher fellow colleague a beloved teacher who goes out of his way to help out not only his it's but fellow teachers as well, especially when it comes to any technology issues that arise around campus and believe me. There's always beef with technology at this school. So without further Ado, let's give a warm welcome to mr. Morra. Mr. Warren. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself to maybe to the audience? Yes. I am super excited to be here. I'm a big fan of the podcast. So when my mr. V ask me or when you asked me that was it was awesome. So yeah, so I've been teaching / - 11 11 12 years about somewhere in there. I took a few breaks depending on where the military moved us. And when we had to move and my ability to get a job there. So yeah, I've taught I started teaching at New Braunfels High School. That's where I got my my feet wet into this career and I knew since the first day that I have the kids staring at me that I could do this after I got past maybe the first 15 20 minutes of being nervous. I knew hey man, this is I got this this is is this was good and the kids over there where real fun to work with and be around and so yeah. I knew I hit my stride once I started teaching all rival excellent exit. I always hear great things when it comes to come to my students and I asked him about all you know, chemistry questions. They're always like oh, yeah. Mr. Moore has great. Okay. Well, let's go ahead and begin of my first question for you. So I know you were in the military and I know that you've been deployed assigned pretty much all over the world. What are some of the places that you've been in when it comes to the military Places that you've been assigned, okay. So when I decided to join the military, I thought you know, I wanted to see the world and I got to see a bunch of Texas. So first first off I got to see Wichita Falls which is if you've ever been there that's where Sheppard Air Force bases at. So I saw that and of course San Antonio and while I was active duty, I got deployed to Guantanamo Bay and that was a different it was a different time was before 9/11. So this was Mid-90s and that's of course the naval base out. There. They take a little piece of Cuba there and it was awesome. So we were helping out refugees Cuban refugees that were trying to get over to Florida on these makeshift rafts and and Haitians as well. So I dealt with the Cuban refugees because I got to use my Spanish and I translated with them and and so it was it was great work two days on two days off and it was like a vacation when I got to scuba dive and Article on my days off and I had a beach was clear water. It was it was awesome. So I got to do that and then while when I got out, of course my wife stayed in and you know, we had two kids at the time and when we had our third we got sent over to Alabama and that was a that was a little fun and then of course I taught there and then we went to Alaska as a family by that time we had four kids and then and then now we're back here also from all those places. As which one which one is your favorite if you could go back to one of them? Which one would it be? Would it be Cuba? No, I'd be Alaska last I love the last. Yeah, so you love that cold weather. I do I do there's a lot to do if you don't like cold weather of course don't go there but there's so much stuff to do he can you know, snowmobile take the kids out all the time in the snow snow fights snow snow men all over the place and ice fishing. We went camping outside. My oldest daughter even did a Camp out with church and and she did a snow cave. So they slept in a snow cave. I didn't want to do that. But she enjoyed it kind of sort of but it was something she can say. Hey I did that and so yeah, there's just so much to do there. Just I love how open the spaces are how clear clean air is how fresh it is and and all the wildlife. I just loved it out there. Well, so well, I've actually we went on a cruise to Alaska and it was I love that cruise to Alaska be ridiculous. You're big. A a Sasquatch Iran and some other places and it is beautiful just as my catching. Okay, next question after your military service what you know, you had options like what made you decide, you know teaching teaching is the route I want to go into so this is funny. I knew I wanted to teach probably about my fourth or now is about my six-year active duty. I was I was working at Lackland and and we in process the basic trainees and so I had to stand In front of 36 40 young men and women at a time and I was I had a I was very afraid of speaking publicly. And so the good thing about that is they wanted us yell so I could get through the nervousness just by yelling at him and and after about a week or so of that I calm down and and and you still had to yell at him because you know, they don't know what they're doing. They're like deer in headlights like the third day of basic training, but I was able to you know, just help them out and teach them and and and that was my biggest thing. NG was you know my fear of speaking in public. So once I got through that it was awesome. I knew I loved, you know being in front of people. I love I don't I wouldn't I'd hate being in front of a desk, you know in the lab or something like that without you know interaction of people so, you know, I always have fun at the kids I teach and even adults if we're working together. So, you know, this is just this is just a great fit for me. Well, my next is why chemistry, I mean we know biology rules and you know, it's the top science like Why chemistry like was that your first love or is it something you just got pushed into? Well, it's a little bit of both. I you know, I've always I would say I was intimidated by chemistry when I first started taking it as a young young guy and and you know was the math the math always threw me off. I would I would know how to do it, but I would make a simple mistake, you know, I would subtract something instead he adding it or or flip my grams to moles or whatever and so you know once I got That down, you know after teaching it it's it comes easy to me now, but you know when I decide to go into teaching I knew to get back to your question that being you know, part of a military family and supporting my wife and kids. I'd have a job that I could go everywhere our certification that I could use anywhere I went so I put it at down as a general science any type of general science certification I could get meaning I could teach any science anywhere I went and it served me. Well, I've taught You know when I was at New Braunfels, I taught biology and IPC. So I did that. I got my feet wet doing that and I've always taught some type of biology, you know being an enemy physiology or or ecology zoology then never chemistry and I always wanted that was always a something I wanted to teach and I actually had when I got back. I got a job offer at Jetson to teach chemistry and then dr. Burton lady called me for an interview and it was one of those moments where the stars aligned and and I told her hey, Hey, you know, I've got a job interview. I've got a job position already. I don't want to rush you but I need to know, you know, if I get the job and she called me back maybe hour after I got home and she told me I'd be teaching chemistry. So I was super excited and Johnson change forever. That's right. Excellent. Well, my next question has a science has some biology to it, you know if DNA technology and you know, there's this Quest 9 enzyme which class we're going to talk about soon, you know is allowing us to now do a lot more genetic engineering if you could go To your DNA and edit your genes. Is there a gene a characteristic of physical trait that you would change about yourself? Well, yeah, I thought I saw this guy saw it sounds question email it to me. And I thought man, this is perfect timing because this is this is Cedar fever time and for me if I could find the gene that makes me allergic to anything. I would just blow it out of the sky and get rid of it if I could do that because I'm miserable this time of the year. So if I could change anything about me, it would be it. Would be to get rid of whatever that Gene that marker is that makes me allergic to see their well, I think there's a lot of students out there that would agree with you because I have several that are allergic to Mountain Cedar. My time will come I'm allergic to Oak and that Oaks going to come in Spring. Okay here a final question, you know with us with the year and Dean, you know, there was a lot of stuff in 2019 a lot of good movies a lot of good shows. What would you what would you say is your favorite movie or tiresias TV series that you saw that you loved in? 19 well, I think the one that stands out is the Mandalorian. I just I just love that. I love seeing the baby Yoda in our house. We've been using bro for everything. So we call him baby Broda. And so, you know everything it's like all right, let's go, it's Friday. Let's go see what Brody is going to do and the kids get all excited and we all watch together and seeing him, you know as a baby walking around is awesome. So and the backstory is great. So and you know, I kind of grew up on Star Wars. So anything Star Wars, I love it. So Yeah, that would be that would be the series, you know that I would recommend for 2019. You know, anything Marvel of course would be up there as well. So yeah, well, I would agree the Mandalorian. I've told my students several times one of the best shows definitely great show that all students should be checking out. Well, thank you. Mr. Moore. I know you're a busy person. But thank you for stopping by and thank you for being on five questions with mr. V Austin. It's been an honor. Thank you. Once again, I want to thank mr. Remora for taking the time out of his busy schedule and answering five questions with mr. V. Hey, are you interested in getting interviewed and being a guest on five questions with mr. V if so, send me a message on your moto or email me at ovalis at an ISD dotnet that you are interested in. I'll keep you in consideration for being a future guest on five questions with mr. V and now for a couple of reminders for the week exam and frq. In on Wednesday and Thursday, Wednesday is frq day Thursday multiple choice day over cell communication and DNA and don't forget study session on Tuesday after school from 4:30 to 5:00 15 for those that might want to hang with others to get your study on. Don't forget the podcast now has an Instagram page called evolving with mr. V. So go ahead and follow the podcast on Instagram and give me some likes give me some comments. Well that brings us to an End of episode 19 wait 19 of evolving with mr. V. I hope you found this podcast informative and somewhat entertaining. I want to thank free music archive and sound Bible for the music and sound effects on the podcast this podcast was written produced and recorded by velázquez Productions. Once again, don't forget to like subscribe and comment on the podcasts on your podcast listening platform. Feel free to email me at oval has a 10 SD dotnet. We have any comments or feedback. Backs and follow me on Twitter AT AP biology. Mr. V. Well, this is your host. Mr. Oscar Velasquez your master of the biological Arts signing off and reminding you to please please for your professor sake study for the upcoming exam study.
In this week's episode we look back at the 2nd week of the 2nd Semester and review the biggest concepts and activities over DNA Replication that were covered in class. In our 2nd segment I share some advice on ways to study and hints for the upcoming Ch. 11 and Ch. 16 Exam...Furthermore I announce a Study Session taking place to help those students who might want some extra help studying for the Upcoming Cell Communication and DNA Exam. In addition, in our new segment in the podcast called 5 Questions with Mr. V...I'll interview another special guest a hero, educator, and around great person Mr. Mora and ask him 5 questions so the audience gets to know him just a little bit better. Remember to subscribe, like, and please comment on the podcast on your podcast listening platform. Students can always contact me and communicate  with me via the Edmodo course website or APP. If you have questions you would like Mr. V to answer please e-mail me the questions or send them on Edmodo or Twitter. Also follow the new Instagram Page for the podcast "Evolving with Mr. V". I want to thank you for listening...I am your Host Mr. Oscar Velasquez "Master of the Biological Arts". Have a Great Week and May the Force be With You...I have Spoken. Big Shout Out to Free Music Achieve and SoundBible for the music and sound effects in the podcast.
Alright guys, so a lot of people access how do they make a podcast? I'm let you in on a secret on the easiest most productive way to start a podcast and get it up and running and that is the app called anchor is free. They have all kind of cool creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. They will distribute your podcast for you to all of the major Outlets including spot.Why Apple Google many more and you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership is everything you need to make a podcast in one simple easy place. So if you're interested in starting a podcast Go download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Let's do it. What's up, y'all? So it's a big week here. Earn your leisure as we have officially launched eyl University. That's right. I'll online educational platform is here on E. Yl U. We're going to provide you with courses taught by some of our alumni and experts in the field going to give you live access to our monthly workshops, and we're going to give you weekly webinars and we're not playing around with starting at right now. So this Wednesday November 6th the good brother Andre Hatchet is going to teach us all the tools and knowledge of how to make six figures. Mobile notary game so had to earn your hit the e yl u Tab and log in and that's not all we're going to continue our hometown hero series by releasing two episodes this week. That's right two episodes Tuesday and Friday episode 46 will feature Chicago's own fireman turn real estate TV celebrities the down in brothers and episode 47 will feature all Hometown Greenburgh New York's own super star NFL agent Greg Barnett. So make sure to tune in to both the one you're going to watch now and Friday at 5 piece. All right, guys, welcome back eyl Hometown Heroes addition its shots and shots and shots and was going on. So yeah, so, you know the first Hometown Heroes that we did was in Houston Astros, Houston. You think about these down child to H-Town shot a child to Mike Brown and shout-out to Chris Senegal those offers Hometown hero. So if you if you know on your leisure, we traveling around all of our major markets and we touching it the people and when we when we touch the town we try to do a couple of interviews with people that are doing big things in the community. Dr. Mike many had a big campaign and I'll tell everybody that supported his went Foundation man. That was dope. Yeah for sure. That's a fact so so all right. We're in Chicago and we had to tap in with the good Brothers at Downing Brothers Southside to be exact South Side saying right. That's it. So Anthony and Anton say that correctly, right? That's right. Okay, so just left out of H in a while. So first and foremost, thank you guys, man. We appreciate ya. Absolutely. Listen to the podcast. I dream one day that I was here dreams come true. Yeah, yeah, so we actually kago when we on the south side. We in 79 79 street, right? Right the leg 11 Darius every night. She shot the Chance the Rapper. He says 79 79. So yeah we out here we out here. So, all right. These guys are legends in the community. So they're firefighters by trade and they are celebrities because now they are on HGTV. They have their own show on HGTV and they're real. Estate Investors, they're very interesting been guys. And so we're going to talk about a lot of different things with them. But before we start well, the first segment I want to talk about is that a lot of times we talk about entrepreneurship and business and a lot of times what stops people from being an entrepreneur being business owners that they you know, it's kind of risky to just jump out there and you know, you have a 9 to 5 job or a regular job the thing that one of the things I like about you guys is that you do both right? So your firefighters and you're still firefighters, right? Then you're on TV and Estate Investors, so we haven't covered. This is a very interesting job because I'm a financial advisor and I work with some firefighters in New York and firefighters have been good. They make they make they make good money. They they have strong unions, especially in New York. We have a very strong cargo fire they get a pension and they only work like two days a week. I know it is like, you know, they work like 24-hour shifts like to 24 hour shifts. So what happens is now you have like five days when you're not working which leaves a lot of time where you can do other things, right? So is that how it is in Chicago? Yeah, that is a great synopsis there definitely is a worked to our advantage to have that time off because I mean, we essentially you work eight eight to nine 24-hour shifts a month. So we I like 22 days off and the question is what are you going to do with that those 22 days that you are free to do what you want and then eventually real estate enters the picture for us. So, all right. So come out the fire department. This is something that we Especially in our community is not enough black firefighters, right? So what a what got you guys into the fire department and like what are the steps that people can take because I think even stuff like that is there you goes to become a firefighter because like I said it is as well. I mean, so the origin story for the fire department part of our stories back in 2006. I was fresh and fresh out of college. I was actually almost educator I start off and education. Yeah, and I was coming driving home and I still live at home with my mom. No shame in that. You know I'm saying I was out of college and my first job and I was saving up money and she said it can you get a gallon of milk on the way home? So I stopped and I was at a red light and I saw this big CTA bus with a sign on the side of it. To answer the call. It's like it had like the website and had a firefighter on it and you know in education at least especially during that period of time and even right now, you know, they do these like big layoffs and you know, I'm like hey what if I get if I lose my job because you know, the youngest people on the job. I don't want to go first, you know, and I was like, well, I need a plan b or something and when I saw that I was like, oh that's interesting never thought about becoming a firefighter, but maybe I'll check it out. I look at the website. I go into the parking lot of the jewels grocery store. I walk in and right on the on the door. The automatic door was the same size. It was an eight by Eleven on the door. I answer their call. So it was it was kind of like it was kind of biblical almost was like, let me get this down to milk her be get home. I got home. I looked it up. I looked it up and I saw you know, I saw the Union contract. I saw the pay. Um, I saw It must be normal, you know, it would look like an adventure because I'm you know, I'm physically gifted so I was just like, you know, it'll be you know something fun. But I also you know, I can pay the bills and and on top of that we talked about this they got a strong union, you know, you never see, you know, firefighters getting laid off or whatever. So and I asked my mom I said Mom, let me see sign up all my brothers like give me the social security numbers. He's doing that kid can't even ask none of us. Has everybody first year here. Everybody says so you guys are twins and we have two younger brothers. Yeah, Tony and wha Andre that out. They're not twins. All right, not so now I was the only one who was too young to take the exam. So I signed everybody up to take the exam. Unfortunately my twin brother and his wisdom look. Not show up to take these look good. Look. My dad was CPD. He was Chicago police officer. So I was thinking like that's what we know. I'm doing take police exams. Well, I'm not gonna take no exam. I was I was up here waving my degree like I'm going to use this degree. What was it degree in history? Okay, so, you know what, I would be teacher to it did not work that way for the Eleanor a lottery doing experiential marketing for $32,000 with No health insurance whether you that the Green Man used to say he should have took my advice and sat down next to me man exam exam and I walked in to replace. It was 20 something thousand people there to take this exam. How many people's money hiring they ended up hiring I would say about a thousand people out of 20 off of that particular list. Wow, you know, and this is back in 2006 and I had to send the list for two years, but I was number five 54 out of like 17,000 plus that He passed the exam. So I mean it was a it was just a blessing like I didn't I just didn't realize and I didn't know that I would like hitting the lottery who said next to you at the exam. Well, I actually have to my right it was an empty seat with his name on it. Then I was sick when he got that letter. I was like, I can't believe I didn't take that test and my social security number is like almost exactly the same as his so I would have been in the same class with him. So then I was like, okay it's time for me to start taking exams. Right but that you talked about the written exam, right? It really is but people kind of Overlook the physical exam because I know we have a lot of we have some friends and I town of Greenburgh that have been volunteer firefighters for years and they just can't pass a physical part. How demanding is that? These ambient actually has changed in the last 10 years because now they've gone to a national call the CPAC where everybody say what it was a different thing than Canada candidate. Who is CPAC candidate physical ability test right and it actually is rigorous like because I mean you have you have to walk with a weighted vest like a 70 50 pounds 70 pound weighted vest on a you know, I think about right now track. No. No, I don't drink on the treadmill treadmill and that's actually the hardest part because after you get done with that with that, well, no no, it's the StairMaster. I mean the StairMaster, right? Yeah after you get done with that StairMaster with the wait if that's useful. So tired that even though the rest of the course is relatively simple as far as you being able to raise a ladder and use a pipe pole and crawl through a tunnel through a tunnel. All of that stuff is super hard after you've had that weighted vest on and you get on that on that for three straight minutes or so. But so you I mean like everything else in life though you go on YouTube is there so you can train for what you need to do when he came to the written exam. They actually give you the source material so you can actually study for that. So what's on what's on the retina what's on like the Exam is it like science? It's not know that re-exam is not hard. Well, look, we talking about Chicago but he's so cockles exam is literally, you know, you read it and you answer those multiple choice questions. If you can if you can read that it's all right, you have absolutely brutal battles have to definitely pass that. If you can read and comprehend, but that's not but that's not if you're going to the those slides are y'all know slightly questions on there. They have friction loss and things that I feel that like the exams a lot harder because that's when it's doing is taking the Dalton fire exam and Dalton physically border Chicago to the South so, you know, that exam was way of I like Central centrifugal pump. It was not like this one on the Chicago is now at least according to Anthony, but the blessing about it is when the list came out unlike Anthony being 5:30. I wouldn't 537 anyone keeping my hands. Don't worry about it. And I wasn't 138. I wasn't 50 either. I was numbers for four out of nine out of ten thousand and they were no no. No, it wasn't it was only like 350 Parker. Okay, there's like a Suburban exam but then they they were only hiring six and I was number four and I was like, okay God you wanted me to answer the call he's act. So if you do need a costly six months later, do you need a college degree to be a firefighter? No, you need a high school diploma or a GED. So how much money can you make of the New York? I think you make like a hundred over a hundred thousand dollars might a hundred talking about a lot of money comes from overtime correctly. How did yeah, how's that? Yeah. Well how much? Do you expect to make an appeal? Well, Chicago just starting salary today 2019 as a candidate first day in the academy is 56,000. Okay. Okay. So you started 56,000 you get a pay bump at 12 months of $10,000. Wow. So now you have 66 after you made your probation, which is one year. Okay, you know I'm saying then you get steps every year from that point. Well, yeah every year from that point. So basically I've gotten a raise every year. Wow. So yeah, you hit the lottery. The thing is though as much as we're talking about money right now. Yeah. Well, sorry about the downside you actually do risk your life. Oh, yeah, you could - yeah, so there is no guarantee. The house is literally just right down. The block is 10 blocks down right here on 9th Street and two men that I have worked with died in the line of duty not to carry their cats. God bless. God bless these I do want to say that you know, it's a great job raising money. We enjoy ourselves. We laugh have fun. Yeah, great food at the firehouse all this in that assembly experience because one one of my actual classmates past June 10th of 2017 line of duty. So it's jarring sometimes in sobering as is dope is the salary is or the people that Pat you on the back when you're at the grocery store and all that type of stuff, but at the same time we have to To deal with that reality. Every time we go to work we might not come home. Do you said in Chicago a y'all like First Responders right to any type of any type of anything happens. We the first ones that somebody gets shot a fire truck or fire engine is pulling up, you know, it's just a car accident. We're pulling up hardened his heart attack anything that happens in the city because we're medically trained with the first ones for everything. There's a Hazmat incident somebody spills oil all over the expressway with their so I mean they call us the fire department, but we're really in awe. All hazards Department. Okay, all has is so we do everything so all right so--okay so you guys are Real Estate Investors, right? So what as I said would then with the firefighter is that you work only two days, you know, you only work two days a week. So it leaves a couple like five days when you're not working which leaves a lot of time to be creative and do different things right. So what made you was that one of the things that encourage you to become Real Estate Investors being at you has free time on your hands or like what got you into that and I was a challenge for my mom. Yeah, I got my first paycheck and I came on came home happy about it. And I think about this this that first paycheck. It was eight hundred and fifty four dollars. I thought I was a baller is like a month ago. I was in college at the University of Illinois. Right. He got his first paycheck. Don't be a momentous occasion. Do you have a 401k? I was like well, we can't start a 401k and till because actually I was at I was working a job for I was a career counselor child for okay, that was the first job Charles and job the job course, you have to be there for 12 months to get to start a 401k and she was like, well, I want you to start you know. Mint so she was like, you know, I want you to start with MetLife. I want you to take $100 a paycheck and put it into this retirement account and I'm like $100 only met Elgin the 54 and she was like no $100 has created this and she pulled she pulled out all of it. She was really transparent first time in my life. I'm you know, I'm 22. She put all her papers for each one of her retirement accounts out. One of them had a hundred and fifty thousand hundred sixty thousand in another one had like 50 Grand in another I have like 25 Grand. My mom wasn't playing. Yeah shit for different accounts and she showed me the statements in the balances and she said $100 a month from every job I've had since I moved to the United States has gone into the end no matter what job when I transfer the job, I continue paying $100 into that one and I had a hundred dollars into this one and this one and this one so like, you know $400 a check over the course of your entire life, since you've been here has gotten me to this point. So when I'm asking you to do is only what I've already done. I was like okay, Mom. I'll do it Jamie. The number I called is instead of my first, you know retirement account, but then in that same conversation, she said um hit him here come you. Not a real man. Whoo until you own the floor as you walk on damn I said, thanks, Mom. I'm going to show you so I start not only did I start that retirement account. I started putting money away because you know, I'm living at home and she only asked me to pay for like the utility bill, you know, whatever the electric bill and the rest of it. I was able to just put away. I put that money away and over the course of 18 months. I stayed up $6,000 and I had I got my credit score to like 666 80 something like that before I left and got my first apartment, you know, just cause I needed my own privacy mobile space whatever but because of that conversation it put us. They put me on track to have the ability to buy my first crib which I did at the age of 25 that's probable so I mean yellow born and raised in Chicago. Yeah, but Mom's from the Bahamas, right and that's all behind me. So I mean mom sound like she's she's been on point, right? It was your mom. What's your mom? Like when you have an immigrant parent man you realize that they are going to tell you stories like we have to walk all the way to school. Tell me about it. Walk back we had to help with What you know I Grace is stored, you know, we didn't get to go do whatever. Yeah, the beach was right there and we saw the beach we didn't go to the beach until Saturday, you know, like stuff like that. But yeah that did you have land out there as well. Yeah, we will do okay. We're building new construction. Well shout-out to the Bahamas to we know that they you know, they're recovering from the from the hurricane. Yeah. That's right last event that we had we were able to put together a palette and together with other Bohemians from the Chicagoland area. Yeah, the Bahamas Association of Chicago we were able to put eight thousand eight hundred pounds worth of water non-perishable food and clothes and send it to Grand Bahama. Yeah. So if you are listening, please they still need your help for sure for sure. God bless. God bless. So, alright. So now the second segment we're going to go into your yeah Star level shows that came about for sure. Ernest you currently paying off student loan debt interested in improving your financial literacy or looking for new ways to earn income and today's ever-changing digital landscape. Well on the talk money with the mesh lakhani podcast mesh will follow Paper Trails chat with experts break down complex ideas and bring Clarity to the mystical Financial phenomenon. Each episode will be filled with compelling stories covering a broad range of subjects from buying Bitcoin dealing with student. That and everything in between. So listen to talk money with mesh lakhani on Spotify or whatever you listen to your favorite podcast and learn how to spend invest in learn in today's economy. Alright, so now we're going to go into you know, yeah. Yeah local celebrity status and shout out to my God shamal Jeffries. He's from Chicago and he's a friend of awesome. We got before we got in. I'm like, yeah, you know, these guys are Downing Brothers the oh, yeah the guys they they from the South Side - but South Side, how is that Chicago impression? That was good the guy My gym shoes. I'm like, mr. Holder kicks. They like the gym shoes man. Oh my God, definitely columns. So you shot the shot town. But but yeah, so, all right. So your firefighters, right? Then you start your Real Estate Investors career, but then how did you get picked up to do a TV show? Like, how does that work out? Man, let me tell you it didn't happen on purpose. We were helping our cousin rehab this 6 unit apartment building when we got a call from Troika prior who who runs the creative Cipher here in Chicago and we went to college with him and he said yeah, I got this director that wants to do this torture saying and we need like like a basement or something like that. Are y'all working on any properties where y'all haven't finished the basement yet? He's like yeah man come on over to this building and we're working. Right now, you know over here and stop living in South Shore and so he comes and they look at both of the basements because he missed six you in the building so they kind of have like separated basements and as he's getting ready to leave he tires to us and he's like man y'all ever thought about doing a show on HGTV. Not at all, but he was being dance he was there and then he put he literally pulled out his phone and said Mommy. I want you to talk to Craig Harris man. That's one of my friend. But listen, you know, he's really serious in this in this TV industry. And yeah, he has a show out now in his hand the other he actually put us on speaker phone. He didn't give us a choice. He put us on speaker phone. And now we just like, oh hey, how you doing? No time like now. All right, so we started talking to Craig asses all these questions about What we do where we're from so on and so forth, you know, what properties we working on it. I guess the kids get to know our background and our personality and then after that he was like hey, well, you know what? I did you send me some pictures and a bio we did it that same night. He got he got real said to because everybody is so serious. We will miss her. I was gonna be serious. Yes. Yeah. So ey L is the educational platform and we kind of like dig deep and I think this is a good second to talk about as far as like people that might be Nina situation, right? What does it look? Like? What is the offer that they come with a first offer? Do you counter offer? Do they just say? Okay. This is like the flat rate we give people like how does that look? How do you know you're getting a good deal? Like you have a lawyer like? Yeah. How's that work out? So yeah. Well we had to go get a lawyer right away. Yeah, we got entertainment lawyer and then he explained to us what the industry standard is. That's like a keyword industry standard for what you get paid for someone who's in your exact position someone who's for us. No TV experience. Not any of this stuff before and he actually was able to tell us exactly how most people get paid right? And but it was a unique situation for us because we weren't just getting paid for as for being talented front of the camera. We also get paid on the actual true true, right, you know, and then all the resources that they give you when you're actually called explain that explain that so your they're giving you deals now no. No we had we had to find the property yourself. Okay? Plus we didn't have a hunch. % of like everything that they see TV, you know gives their talent because it was no yeah because you don't get all of that stuff until you go to series then they give you a much bigger budget. So like the Property Brothers their budget is out the wall. Yeah, that's as big as it gets. So like with both. All right, but what do you mean a budget? Like? Well, they have a budget for how much they will help to pay for the contractors that you or the materials that they can contribute to through their sponsors and things of that nature. So no, so Let's say that they all right. So they give a salary. Let's say $100,000 and they give a budget of $200,000 $200,000 budget you find the properties. They give you a budget 200,000 and you use that 200,000 actually fix fix up the home right now. You got to secure the property yourself though. It's still on you you have to schedule one of these one of the things I like about what y'all was doing. It was like opposed to that other shows like they were every time I watch it. It's like they find a property is 700,000. It's gonna be 250 to renovates 850 and when y'all Looked at it. You're like it. Listen man. No, we're not we won we don't do that. Like what we wanted to do properties in our own neighborhood. Right? And we want it to be authentic this it so you would and I read that I was just like look man y'all looking for properties obviously in your neighborhoods, right and it was like the properties are gone for like 200,000 250,000 that's more relative. Like we can reach that have had a property that's million dollars is not a table for us at this moment. More people can do the 200,000 at the 150,000. Yeah. I think I think you know, I'm listening to they all have callers like we've been on radio shows will call us call in and I think or we've had people, you know jump on and make comments on social media and I think the thing that they appreciated the most is like man just being everyday people being sincere being honest about what we're doing where we're doing and why you know and in not just being transactional but being transformative by we got to be like we have to actually care about our neighborhoods and not just try to get over you know, and then on top of that, you know, if anybody listens to you know, listen, Since our podcast or sees us at a seminar. We actually tell the actual numbers. This is how much the property cost ya. This is how much we had to bring the closing cash. This was the interest rate, you know, all of those different things because we want people to learn from our experiences. So it's not just oh it's not just entertainment but we want to educate so a TV deal. Is it like one year or is it like per season? How do they how do they how do they gauge like? Okay. This is what I never knew. For a second season, like how does that work? The team lead eels are much like the NBA or not liking it more and more like the NFL, you know, the government through the pilot was the only part that was guaranteed even though we signed a contract for the full season, but it does know we have two option. Yeah, how many episodes is a season? Generally either 10 or 12. Okay. So what you got paid for the whole season, even if they didn't know we only I hate for the pilot episode. Okay, right pilot was one episode 1 episode. Yeah. So after after the pilot it depending on the ratings of the pilot they were saying we're going to pick this up for a season, right? Okay ratings and the politics. Okay. Okay. Now something else got y'all do that. That is a very intentional right? You're hired people that look like us right and not just us but Allah so like women specifically Look, yeah, you notice that yeah. Yeah, man, I'll beat all of that was intentional because we knew we only had one shot like you really feel that way. Yes. So we've been watching HGTV since you know forever, you know, since we were in college and things like that, we wanted everyone to see that we really actually work with people that look like us that the neighborhood was our neighborhood things like that like, Young, you know, it was super important and we even as people were riding past whenever they saw all of those TV cameras in front of our in front of the house. We're working on they would stop and say hey what's going on guys? What y'all doing here that it? Uh, we spoke to him. I'm going to try to act all high and mighty and them like that. We let them know what's going on. I don't know what's going on. Why are we doing it? So on and so forth. So, I mean it's like so we can have that that positive social impact. Yeah and people feel included. And they understand why yo what we're doing is actually going to make the neighborhood better. And on top of that. We like we're not pushing, you know taking a $200,000 house and make it into a 500,000 won. And now nobody can afford to live in a neighborhood like overnight, you know, you know, so, I don't know we it's just common sense type of things, you know, even with the ottoman the city council member, you know, we got her involved let her know what was going on in be inclusive of everybody. So, I mean, that's why I try to use is kind of different so either. All right, so we talked about Publicist right was that part of HGTV packaging. Always that your own Braille, right? So what made you what made you decide you wanted to get a publicist? Well what we want to take control of my own narrative and take control of the direction and opportunities, right? Because you know, when you get an opportunity like this and you're on national TV not just local to you but National TV, you know, you got to start thinking about like, you know, how much exposure you can get how many opportunities you can and you know basically create out of that like Partnerships endorsements business deals, because other thing too is you got what happens on TV and you got what's happening in real life and you know, we want to continue to grow and create more than actual transactions for you know, our real estate business because we want to flip as many houses want to scale scale is a big word like scaling means you go from what doing just one house at a time to doing two or three houses to go into commercial properties and you know now once we were made aware because awareness is The biggest thing that's why this podcast is so awesome because it's like it may raise our awareness of all available to us so we can start pursuing those. Thank you those real. Yeah for really appreciate it. But you know, I mean I think about access over liabilities like we were like what assets can we create and what Partnerships can we create and that's why the public is getting us all that exposure open all of these doors that we currently and I'm publicist understood that we wanted to be on black platforms. Just as much as we're going. Be on ABC or WGN those things, of course you want to be on those two, but we need we want it to be on WGCI, you know a black radio station. We wanted to be on W vo n to reach parts of our community by WN kind of caters like them like middle-aged, you know, African-Americans and one night. So we wanted our publicist was able to get us into those spaces as well as like a big station. Yeah, it's crazy because like what y'all doing My man, Mike south of my like you always has a word that he sticks with so narrative is was it was like usually his word. He's like yo y'all changing the narrative because when we think especially from New York when we hear Southside Chicago, we think violence but y'all change the narrative are y'all seeing the impact and people are trying to continue like down your path as well speaking to that the neighborhood we picked hill hill was one is one of the best black neighborhoods in Chicago. So like when people got to see that they got Yeah you write for the first time. I got to see wow. They didn't go to Inglewood was where the people are shooting this stuff. I thought black folks lived in bad neighborhoods. Nah, we have good name. We have a good neighborhoods to support them. Oh, yeah, and then Seminars, right? We are in position now shout out to Jerry Greer and guarantee rate making it available for us to have seminars to educate people about home ownership and how to get financing and how to buy properties and do everything that they see us doing and that that's the thing making it available to people. Yeah, because with corporate sponsorship we were able to get so many more people an opportunity to get in on real estate the way we're getting in on real estate. It's a big need for people on Super excited. I mean just think about I mean just last night. We're at at the networking social how many people came out because they're really serious about starting a business owner property. Like there's a big Niche that it needs to be filled. There's a there's a problem that needs to be answered. How did you get how did you get the corporate sponsorship? Now that's actually kind of fell by accident because so so so Jaret Wright happens to be having a business meeting. Yeah, you know how you say you're making right answer we get it to make you rest. We were at jog real part of PSI and it was just like the second time I show is coming on TV, and we didn't want to be at home. And this is what you know any of that type of stuff we want to sit and eat, you know some West Indian food. Behavior we want to eat some West Indian food and watch ourselves on TV and then Jerry Rand one of his co-workers or colleagues. They were there for some type of lunch business lunch, whatever and he walks up to the bar because we were eating at the bar and he looks up at the screen and he looks at us like is that y'all exactly hit it thing about it is it's not like we did business immediately like we exchanged information. Yeah, it was like Five four five six months or something like that before we actually reconnected and then we you know kind of exchange ideas. This is what we want to do. We want to start having these live seminars to educate people about what we're doing and I think that it would benefit, you know his business and guarantee rate and so on and so forth and it's just it naturally it was a natural fit. Let's go. Yeah, so when you all right so as far as this is interesting conversation because when a day and age now where TVs kind of dying we talked about this off camera, right and it's streaming, but even not you too. Rightly, so it's like for you you're on you still on you're on TV, right? But you have a podcast and you do stuff outside of that as well. So for somebody that may want to follow your footsteps, right? Is it more beneficial to be on a network or is it more beneficial to start your own thing to Independent on YouTube or the streaming? Like what's what's the difference is and what's your what's your personal take on it? Because you actually have a TV show on a network. So right so I think really you gotta start somewhere. I mean starting your own like a lot of people are becoming famous. Now you think about like little knives eggs. He was on Tick-Tock and blew up because he started his own content. You got to create your own content and create your own. Those and create your own opportunities. We are story was different because we weren't trying to do this and we kind of fell backwards into it and everything that even now we're continuing to just like be ourselves and then opportunities come to us and that's the other thing to be true to yourself. Don't try to be anybody else and create your content and be good and be of service to people. Yeah help. That's the biggest part with what are you doing? Don't tear people down be of service and try to be helpful and bring joy to this world, so I think create your own content and hinge start networking go to the conference's start meeting people who work in the industry publicist people who work in the MPR. There are people who are already doing things and already working in the spaces and you just got to figure out how you can develop relationships because relationships are everything everything that's happening in our lives because if you have a conversation with us a year from now when I don't think we really prepared to talk about what we're doing right now, but a year from now you're going to see it and it's all because of the Just we have data now our create an opportunity for us to move from residential to commercial. I think the big thing is that oftentimes when you look at at hip-hop or if you look like a black folks and other apps aspects of entertainment. We're big up in ourselves constantly. Look at this Crystal. Look at this Mansion. I'm living in or all that type of stuff. But until your conversation is about how you going to tell other people how they can get what you got. You know, it stalls like our biggest thing that we're doing right now is telling people how to get the multi unit buildings that we have that translated into flipping the cash flow and cash flow and all those type of things and showing people the numbers and saying you can do this as well. This is not about us trying to floss on y'all. Right? But no, I mean I'm looking at how you guys shot to the truck to the top my observation of what's Happening. Where are your leisure is that you are providing a service? Education so people and people become supporters of you and they reshare repost and share everything that you got going on because back because you're helping me with my it's the it's like what is it what's in it for me? And if you can answer what's in it for me for the person who's sitting across from you or who's on the other side of the TV screen or your phone? That's how you get where you want to be as far as if you try to land a TV show being on radio or whatever your dream is hashtag big facts. This is a public service announcement. Yeah. That's a perfect segment. To our next topic. I know exactly what you got to talk about what you guys are doing and we're gonna break down some numbers, hopefully, so hey, we got to talk about that for sure. What's up, y'all? So if you're listening to this you obviously like podcast and you probably like music just as much on Spotify. You can listen to all your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't need to premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download Load episode to listen to offline wherever you are and it's really easy to share what you've been listening to with your friends on Instagram. If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for Ernie Leisure on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow us so you never miss an episode of Ernie Leisure again. Alright, so now we're going to go into what you guys actually are on TV for as far as you know, fixing up homes and flipping homes and shh. I go specifically in South Side Chicago right now Sierra you focus on all right, so, okay. So what's the real estate opportunities because in Chicago where in Chicago so I think it's important to talk about how like that yeah before we start anything with how is this with Chicago real estate look like and what's the real estate opportunities in Chicago? There are a lot of opportunities in Chicago man. We have one of the hottest markets in the country, right the question is, you know, it's just how are you starting and if you do have your your credit and your money saved up, you know, I'm saying as a first-time homebuyer this there's an enormous amount of opportunities and we advise people that are starting off to go for cash flow go get that three or four unit of property or go get a 203K renovation loan or some kind of Fannie Mae construction loan so that you can get a properties below market value because there's thousands hope I'm not talking about hundreds probably this thousands of properties in the Chicagoland area. Yes that you can get below. Give value and renovate and then turn that into a cash flowing property or a property that you live in for a couple of years, you know people talk about how sacking now, you know living for a couple of years and then, you know sell it after two years and now you got this check and now you got Capital to start a business or get another property or doing multiple things. So you say below market value like what are we talking about? As far as numbers like some what's an example of like a home that you just recently flipped over something that you can like expect like, okay. This is something that is typical when talking about the one Okay, the Bronxville house you want some more? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So yeah, so I got a 3,000 square foot Graystone single-family home with a gray stone gray stone. What is that like a brownstone? Okay, bro, so, okay, okay. Um got that for 200,000 got it below market value because the recession was going on and the guy was trying to sell it because he was in pre-foreclosure. So got it for 200 thousand and I used a 203K renovation loan for that property. So that allowed me to have the money to purchase the property for 200,000 and I also rolled in 30,000 in renovation. Now this property didn't require a gut rehab I mean 30,000 I did a couple of the bathrooms. I read it the porch and the kitchen and that's what I initially did met all of those things. Look brand-new didn't touch any of the drywall throughout the house. None of that type of stuff. That's not this is not a fixer-upper. So this yeah, so this was just updating fucking so great opportunity and you only put three thousand three percent down in five three and a half percent. So I came to that closing with $7,700. So $7,500 in the reason why is because I couldn't negotiate because it was the bank and it was a foreclosure I want to But I want to I want that to go with people said could we talk about 2 or 3 K loan actually which a Morrison but we didn't go through a real world example. So this is good. So you got two hundred thousand dollar property and then you had 30,000 per renovation cost. Right? So is 230,000 before long the 203k loan allows you to put 3 to 3.5 percent down but the 30k gets wrapped into the mortgage. Right? So three percent of 230 is like seven thousand seven. 75 so you got the renovation and the home for not including closing costs, but out $7,000 is how much the down payment was? Why can't we close the coils? How much was it was closing? I mean I came to closing total all in for 7700 how you roll that into the more? Yeah because it was all rolled in. Okay roll it in. So all right. Let's go to no actually actually rolled in. Three of the first month payments into the into the loan also, so I have to make my first payment and so I was actually moving into the property which was 90 days later. That's because you there was going to be updating the bathrooms right? Because all the updates. Okay, I'm sorry. Alright, so now speed it up. So, all right, you got the property for 7700. Now you have it. Now what now? I have it renovation needs to start just about immediately. So in that process I had already got three different contractors to give scope of work. Um, so then I can decide which one I wanted to work with as far as you know, just completing the work and how much still the materials would call seeing things and you make the contractors very honest when they know that they don't one of three indicating. What was that process like dealing with contrast was a lot of times people going to these deals and they said that's the toughest part is Right dealing with contractors. We always push doing these these 203k renovation loans because when you do a renovation loan, there is an inn. Inspector who comes behind the contractors on each draw or phase of the project. The money comes each draw. Let's say 30,000 you get 10,000 three times. The money comes to the homeowner that $10,000 to pay the contractor the contractor for the first draw has to do that $10,000 worth of work out of its own pocket. Okay, the contract has to put his own money up. Okay and has an inspector who comes to make sure that he's done to work up to cold before the money. Released to the homeowner to give to them for the next phase so they don't make their profit until they finished all of the work because they have to go through the first phase out of pocket. So now the homeowners protected so now that there's no contract to getting over on you or trying to convince you that the work is good enough quick question now because I'm thinking like you guys are firefighters and obviously you guys must know cold right did that did your experience is being firefighters? Hope you don't that process? Yes, because I mean well as firefighters to I mean we learn we learn about building construction. And we see a whole lot because we in the process of being a firefighter you see houses that are like button down and Destroy so you see everything and we tear out a lot of walls and ceilings and things like that. So we're kind of on the others side of it. Yeah, and then we also work with a lot of firefighters happened to be in the trades. So we you know, you learn a lot through that process also. So I mean the thing is it removed all the fear because you actually had this this inspector who comes and make sure that the work is done complete. So, all right so--okay so now you get you started. The bringing the contractors in what's the next step after that? Like how long did it take to fully renovated when we were able to get tenants in like what's the deal? Well, well this was single-family home. So I wasn't I didn't have to deal with tenants but I had 90 days to get the to get the work done and they actually got done in a shorter period than that. I think we were done in like, you know, 65 70 days or whatever. So by the time I had to make my first payment mortgage payment, I was able to move in move my furniture in and start you was living in. Yeah, I lived it. Okay. How long do you live there? I was. Therefore three little about three and a half years. My attention was to be there for two years because I knew that you know, after two years I will be able to sell the property no capital gains. And also I knew that my credit will go back up because I did short I did a short sale Community conclude that the condo that I had. I did a short sale on that after two years my credit went back up and it coincided with my ability to sell this property with no capital gains. Now, I was enjoying myself so much that I actually ended up staying for a little bit longer than I anticipated. We have so many poor she said, Toga parties and you guys were both living boils. You guys are both living in the problem. So, can you talk about that capital gains? You said that you two years you allowed your not to pay Capital Gains, right? So you haven't been at 24 months. That's the rule what is capital gains capital capital gains is the profit that you made on a property the difference between how much you pay for it and how much you actually sold the property for so the profit is the capital gain and so the tax on the capital gain happens. On properties that are not your primary residence or you haven't lived in as a primary residence for at least 24 months. So now that's why I knew I needed to be there for at least 24 months in order to be able to collect those capital gains which in this instance was Katie thousand dollars cash and then be able to man have the capital to move on to buy a multi-unit property and then start flipping homes and then partner with my brother. I really, you know start to do more than we had ever anticipated. So if if you don't live in a property for more In the year, you sell it but you use the proceeds to buy another home you start to pay Capital Gains, you know, you can do what they call it. 10:35. Yeah, buddy exchange, right? All right. All right. So okay that in the whole time that he was doing that man gyi. I'm also a mom. I am out of time unit buildings. While he's doing that right? So by the time he sold that property three and a half years later. I already had two three unit buildings in a cast for it. So it's like the two of us are like one like one person right? Because I'm implying one strategy. Yeah to being upside down to 30,000. I looked at the house ain't never buying a condo. In fact, I ain't buying a house neither. You know, I'm going straight for the multi unit. Apartment buildings. Thanks for making a mistake bro. Yeah, thanks to jump out there first. Yeah. The thing is Will begin learned though is we learned about the power of cash flow? And we learned about the power of buying properties below market value and and being able to get that cash and that leverage busted and be able to go now now I got this lump sum of money and now it's like, okay now let's buy another multi-unit property. So we for cash flow now, let's go, you know, we went hard money. Any, you know did a flip that way and then you know from there now the wheels are turning and now you're the next deal in the next deal more confidence, right? What confidence right things, you know things go wrong and those when you get burned when you touch that stove you don't have a touch it again. So like, you know different things that we learned about how we deal with contracts and stuff like that, you know, everything didn't just you know, shoot perfectly but it still was, you know, enabled us to make it to the point where we ended up on TV. How did you how much do you sell the property for? I understand land property for Refitting 36-foot 315 and you know, you want to give the exact 3816 thousand and five hundred or whatever ones but yes in two years you held up two three. That's so the hundred sixteen thousand dollar profit that you made right the three years and you got it for $7,700. How much is your monthly mortgage a monthly mortgage was like, I think it's like 1,400 as powerful is actually really powerful because especially in New York we paying rent for 1900 2,100 2,200 dollars a month where it where is that at? It's nice, right? What a 2021 is that is one bedroom. Okay. Thousand square feet no way maybe it wasn't three bedrooms and four bathrooms know maybe 900 square feet an eighty seven 700 square feet one bedroom one bathroom rope man, what you got? So you gotta you got a property for $7,000 paying under $2,000 a month and you held it for a couple years and made a hundred and some odd thousand dollar profit. I say that to say a lot of times people don't fully understand. How attainable Buying a home really is. Yeah Ken. It's different programs. And there's different ways. You have to educate yourself. That's one of the reasons of the podcast but it's not it's not as far-fetched as it may seem it was nice. I think I mean people I think people live in fear, right because they've never seen it like we like I said earlier it's like we first generation. So like we don't know what we don't know like people don't know that you these opportunities are out there. I had a question for you guys, but I was driving in on Uber and I was looking around in the cab driver. I'm like else. Southside is a year same thing. It looked like 20 years ago and I was like, I will see a lot of mom and pop stores. I'm like I said is this been entrepreneurs them in the community and retail space and Commercial types of space. So what is the future for entrepreneurs are these opportunities out there for them to body spaces? Like what does it look like, you know, we have a brother with a nail salon him and his wife have a nail salon and it's a mixed use space. They have a Section 8 tenant. Upstairs that pays the mortgage for the entire property. So what they make is pure profit. And I think that that's that's the future there. We need us to buy those mixed use buildings, whether there's two or three or four apartments above and then like to like storefronts in the bottom what we need to grab all of those. Yeah. And the thing is there are City programs that you can get assistance for buying homes. They are City County and state. So yeah, I mean the thing is you wherever you live. You have to look and see. Homeowner Assistance programs they are their faces when I had to come with that $7,700 and down payment there may have been some kind of assistance program. But you got to do your own research that could have paid that seventy, uh, you know, that $7,000 there are tons of those programs and then for business owners it right here in Chicago. I can remember the name of the program Chicago neighborhood something or another program that actually helps with well, they'll match how much money you need in order to renovate a property for your business. Okay? Right, you know so there are these programs out there do the research because they aren't there's money out there from the government to help you create your business and buy your property. So when we talk about Chicago, unfortunately, you know, a lot of times we people think about Chicago they hear about like the violence right especially on the South Side West Side. So but I will use driving an Uber and I was telling the Uber driver like where we was going and he's like, you know, where you going like no we going so I'm like no, I don't know where I'm going. He's like I start laughing. So what I mean to me, it looks just like the Bronx and every neighborhood is similar. So like what's one of the things that you can tell if people as far as like Chicago because we know when we come to the cities, we just don't want to stay in downtown. We want to touch like the real parts of the city and we want to we want to give encouragement to like we had negative stuff. But obviously this your perfect example of positive stuff that's coming out of Chicago. So like what is what is the hopes to change The Narrative of Chicago specifically and what? Is the direction that you see like as far as entrepreneurship or investing like is it something that is encouraging at the moment? I think it is encouraging. I mean, I think about the building that were sitting in to do this pocket, right? We're in the wood line right now. Yeah, so, you know how to dial out to the wind and almost the owns is fine. I mean, he he use his money to buy this property. He actually had the city assistance program to help fund this and he's an example and he's not the only one the thing is once you start to get it. Think about what circles you in we're always in these circles where we're talking to other people who are creating businesses and real estate and it's happening all around you. All right, and we do see people popping up with these businesses on the South Side there. Are these Pockets think about when you walk in here, it's really nice and it's not the only one you there's a podcast studio in this facility. There's a cafe downstairs and they do like pop-up restaurants in there and all of the pop-up restaurant owners are black, you know like that. That's what's coming now. And this is just one of I could think of several. Yeah, I mean shoot Lighthouse Mickey's Grill. Yeah, they have multiple locations. So Shaq is a like soul food restaurant choked out to the Bureau of our yap. Yap fly fly apparel. So I mean there they have these the oh sir, Madam. Yes, and what else clothing store clothing is on with two K20 digital. Yeah, these milk their clothes is made it in there. You can like the character. You can create you can put their the sir and Madam clothing on your character. It's so bright. I don't shout out to you all for doing what you're doing. So yeah, entrepreneurs can succeed in Chicago. They are great stories happened in Chicago. And when you look at the people that show up for you all's networking social and different seminars that we are holding. There's a lot to be inspired and to think that great things. Coming that's powerful man. So we want thank you guys first and foremost for joining us. Can you tell the people how to contact you had to watch your show any initiative that you have going on? Yeah. Our Instagram is the Downing Brothers, you know all won't work the deal W ni NG brothers and the same thing with our website the Downing and you can catch us on you know, Instagram Facebook and our podcast. Homecoming with the downer Brothers, you know apples and then your TV show they'll bow down double down and so and be looking for where we end up next year because we will be moving around free agents. Perhaps create Troy. Yes, you have to everybody on backslash and your leisure. That's how proud to pay program. Y'all know how this works man you up and supporting is so amazingly every time I we come on I'm saying a new person's name. So shout out to y'all it allows the The podcast the show I should really say to travel to come to cities like Chicago and get her go around the city and interview some Hometown Heroes man. Shout everybody in Houston who showed us love La shoulders love obviously Brooklyn Nets home-based a Shoal of Atlanta show love so we want to go to your city, man. So keep supporting ABS want to give a big shout out to David who just joined at tier 5. So shout out to him and Broderick who actually joined last night and we met him at the event. So he was like yo, that's me. I was like, I just typed you man. So shout out to Broderick and everybody that's been supporting that that's how proud of P program once again and try to everybody that's been supporting the merch in your We have everything on it our torch t-shirts on there. So Chicago tour that's up there people like oh well how you're picking the colors. So usually we tried like we said, we you know, we did with sports and entertainment in the business side. So what we've been trying to do is match it with the football team or the basketball teams colors. So we try to get both with the best colors in there, but we had a slightly technical difficulties, but shout out to everybody. D that extra support and on getting emerge. Yeah, I need to get that access all over liability. Don't you know what got you we got you man? We grow someone that's here. And yes. Yes. So thank you guys for rocking with us. We will see you next week shot to Chicago be so pleased appreciate it. I thank you all for tuning in and don't forget Friday at 5:00. We're going to release episode 47 with super star NFL agent Greg Barnett. Make sure you like subscribe and comment. Peace.
Anthony and Anton Downing are twin brothers who were born and raised on the South Side of Chicago. They are both firefighters by trade. In addition, they became local celebrities when they struck a deal to have a nationally aired TV show on HGTV which featured them renovating and flipping homes in the area. In addition to being TV stars and firefighters, they're well known local real estate investors with a focus on South Side real estate. In episode 46 they educated us on how being a firefighter is the perfect profession to have multiple side businesses since they only work 2 days a week, they explained the process of how real estate show TV deals work and they explained the dynamics of what’s going on in the South Side and how contrary to what is shown in the media there is actually a lot to be encouraged about. We talked about how you can have a career and be an entrepreneur at the same time, real estate opportunities, and they gave real-world examples of how anyone can buy a home and renovate it with extremely low down payments. Guest IG: @thedowningbrothers --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. · Talk Money With Mesh Lakhani Podcast: On The Talk Money with Mesh Lakhani podcast, Mesh will follow paper trails, chat with experts, and break down complex ideas to bring clarity to the mystical financial phenomena behind your finances.
What's up fam dead and buried here to let you know that if you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer and anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcast and many many more you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. Have we made any money? Keep we make money hand over fist through anchor. Hello did oh, no, did I just bought a boat? It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. So download the anchor app are going to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. Welcome back to the dad and buried podcast this week. We're going to be talking about City living City parenting and parenting in The Burbs City Mouse country mouse. Well, we'll do a little talk about country and Rural burbs. I just rolled juror the rural juror. Did you watch that show 30 Rock? Yeah, of course, it was great. So before we get into it, I want to remind everybody to support On patreon join our first three patrons David Tuttle Phil Mansfield, we're both in the the absentee father here and Barbara Geiger, who is the dad bod tear and I'm wearing this He-Man YouTube. I'm wearing a dad bod shirt courtesy of my friends at the dad. These are our true patrons. They are sponsoring this show. So they sure are we couldn't do it. You know what that handful of dollars were getting from you guys is really we love it. If I had a cat probably buy some cat food. But not this week. I don't have a cat. I like cats though. Well big fan Schrodinger's cat big fan so you can support us on patreon or an anchor, you know, I don't care doesn't matter where you want to give us money either one of those works. But we yeah very much appreciated. We love you guys. So thank you for doing that and you can listen to us every episode on iTunes Spotify anywhere you get your podcast Stitcher. I like to say that word Stitcher Stitcher all of them. You can comment on specific episodes on YouTube subscribe there. Yep, if you want to see sometimes when I wear my headband, I know that's a real crowd pleaser people want to turn For that we'll let you know in advance. Maybe next time. Yeah, here comes the headband. Maybe if you were like those really short short running shorts. No, I'm not going to do that. Okay might wear a hat like a mesh half shirt like Doug Flutie. Yes. Mesh have shot would be great. You went to my alma mater guys, like food. He loves girls. That's how they explained for. There's a quad Doug Flutie loves girls Devlin fault in Lyons and gas in and that's how you remembered back then they probably don't do that anymore. Wow. Alright. Well, we'll get into that. Okay, great. When we come back sounds good in a minute. Brilliant. Hey, Mike, have you heard of Spotify before? I have heard of Spotify? Really? Yeah, because on Spotify you can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcast in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify is a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you're listening to right now here. We were having a normal conversation and I thought I knew more about Spotify. We're on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes and listen offline. Wherever you are and easily share what you're listening to with your friends on Instagram. I'm on Instagram. Are you on Instagram? Get out of here? If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for dead and buried on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me and Pete so you never miss an episode of the dead and buried show. All right as promised we're going to get into this city parenting versus Suburban parenting mess. I have some opinions. Ooh, I like grew up in The Burbs can't wait to hear but I've only had kids and the city in the city. So look at us grew up in England. So I don't know how much really gonna be a bad design of cities in England. I think you'll find it's nowt but field and cities which is weaned out. Yeah, don't worry about it. Okay. So I actually it's funny because to podcasts ago. We had my time spent with the ride. Yeah, it has been a wild ride. We talked about getting your our lovely lovely spawn to bed to sleep out of the hell of bedtime. So I was listening to the stuff you should know podcast which is a great podcast. I recommend it highly and they were talking about the Sandman and what the origins of the Sandman like this like could put sand in your eyes. Yeah, they took cross and may act and mr. Issa. Mr. Sandman. They brought all those that wow, look at you shouldn't even lighting. Okay. So the best part was is that the origin of the Sandman was to get these little fucking kids to go to bed ran the way to do it is. Hey, and so basically it started in around the say when around the time of this the founding of this country. So 1775 1776. Basically, there was this guy ETA Hoffmann it was German and he wrote something called the Buda salmon because I'm starting to fall asleep. Okay, good Calder Sandman. Yeah, and then they would play me talking to there are Samus is the German exactly German fellow what I just said, so I wasn't listening and how so basically says this is this is the Charming part. So the way in order to get these goddamn kids to go to sleep as the 17th is kids sucked back then they just how much turns out. They didn't need a fucking iPad to be a dick no pair, but guess what? It's like hey, if you don't close your goddamn eyes, here's what's going to happen. During Sandman is going to show up. He's gonna throw sand in the eyes of the children who don't sleep and if you said it ya know if that happen if your eyes are awake, so he throws them to test. Yeah, and he'll take them out. Okay, he'll take your goddamn eyeballs out here and then he'll take him to the moon and feed him to his kids to the Moon. Yeah realm's we're just saying man has run to the Moon he has kids. You think he would know how painful that. Would be to have somebody rip your kids eyeballs out, you know have a little empathy der Sandman. What do you do where you're all over them know, we're Pros understand visual or produce and we're proud of him. I'm sorry on him. I love that guy yet your goddamn eyes closed nice and tight because dress a man's coming this. Okay, but okay and then eventually it morphed into like Premia sweet dream, you know said me and so not like throw sand. Here's a question for you. So so say we say I imagine Santa Claus was already around back then. Yeah, I've been around for centuries. Yes. Wait Coca-Cola invented. I'm sorry. I forgot good call but like once a kid figures out that Santa is actually your dad bringing the gifts down. Does he then also figure out that Sandman is your dad who's going to rip my eyeballs out? I think pretty much scared of Daddy I even more so I think into the 1800s kids probably wised up and was like, actually I think you probably full of shit and there is no right answer that's going to rip my eyes out giving kids a lot of credit. I mean they still leave in a lot of stuff. They believe in Slender Man, that's true and the most challenge which we talked about. Yeah a couple of weeks ago. I happened to actually believe in the moment. Oh do you yeah, we should browse YouTube later and see what happens. That would be great or Chatroulette just see literally just see what happens to see and I have a pretty good guess what's gonna happen casual only if you want that I know anything about it. We don't have to do it's fine. Anyway, so now that I think with the birth of the Industrial Age is what you were saying That's and then I want to bring it back to the end children and their families moving into the city. To the city that was when kind of dirty and man faded away. That's the same way. Yeah exactly because they had to wake up to get their goddamn hands and those cotton exactly. Yeah engines so Pete and I we wanted to talk about parenting in the City versus parenting The Burbs this week. And as I said at the top we both live in the city currently, I've never had kids in The Burbs that anyone knows of That was a great. Jerk. Thank you. No one was but I grew up in The Burbs so I know what it's like I have family still there. Yeah, we were recently in Connecticut visiting my parents for my mom's birthday and my brother is there and his wife and they have a child and we're often arguing about life in the City versus Life In The Burbs. Okay, but they've never experienced life in the city, right so like to my and it's like you wouldn't necessarily you don't know what you're missing right there, but they're or Pros and cons to both sides or as a probably think it goes. You don't know what you're talking about. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Sometimes when we get a buzz on we do we do get angry at each other get me out of this head. They don't understand why we live in the city. So I thought you know, maybe we could use this podcast to explain everybody. Why cities better? Let's do it. Right because we got a lot of feedback from people who both agree and disagree. Yeah, and I kind of agree and disagree. All right. Well, let's let's break it. Why don't we do what we do, you know suburbs first and then we'll go to the city will do so what we're going to To do what are the pros and cons of The Burbs sure. So I grew up outside of New Haven in the something. I like to call the oh range Orange Connecticut. I don't think anyone calls to the overage. No. No, I don't think so. I think I think I think it's gonna happen just like I call Manhattan the hats that has been picked up on yet. But soon. Yeah, I think everyone's pretty much waiting for you to leave the city. Yeah. Well collectively Breathe It Happen depends we depending on where my next job is who? Yeah, you know knock on wood. Hopefully, I'll get a new job and that might happen because Before I had kids I never envisioned and I've lived in cities for 20 years. And before I had kids I never envisioned raising my kids in the city. I always thought y'all get it out when I'm in my twenties or whatever and then I'll go move. Oh really you had it come no, I didn't have it mapped out anything. Just tell me about yeah, okay, just because I grew up in them and I felt like I'd come back to them and want my kids have a yard and all that stuff, but we have found that we love the convenience of the city and all that. It has to offer at your fingertips. Yeah. Yeah, it just a couple of steps down the road. Yeah, we don't have backyard. But we have Prospect Park and Brittany where I live in plenty of parks natural park. You can check that out run a couple laps, right? This is a couple laps because you said you made a couple of jokes on here you like there's no grass in the city and that's obviously untrue. Well, I guess any grass yes of several kinds big time. I'm talking Park Grass. Oh, okay. I'm sorry grass. Yeah, I never grew up in a suburb. Herbs, I only grew up in the city I grew up in London but like London proper like like Oliver Twist. Yeah, like I grew up like all of it. Hello. Guvnah. Would you like me to clean your chimney? Did you have an English accent when you're going up not really not really but it was more just word choice like he'd be like, come on. Yeah. Well you grew up in London when you're so pretentious that's actually one of the things that they train you and yeah, like not pretentious enough anyway choice and their pretentious class. Yes, they definitely do. Robbery 101. Yeah, and then and then of course then there's the lager lout so it my okay got it. You mix it mix it so but you never lived like out in the fields or whatever happens in London. No. No, there's no other London's really big sprawling cement. I'd love to go. Yeah, he thinks I would like it. It's it's really beautiful. It's unbelievably expensive. So there's no reason to stay. Yeah. Well, it's pretty expensive in New York. That's one of the arguments I have with my bro actually not even comparable like London is kinda more everybody calm down. Well, I think really it's Wait, wait. Well, that's one of the things people say is living in the city is very expensive and raising kids somebody mentioned. Who was it the this was probably my somebody mentioned how expensive like daycare is in the City versus like, you know, if you live in in the Farms, You can like leave the kid in the barn. I well, I don't Farm. Yeah, is that somehow? I've seen babe. The only animals that would have friends. It's the O-ring. All right. Well, so let's let's well, so we're kind of drifting into the city, but I want to I want to stand in the suburbs. So what was your suburb and it was like ET it was like riding bikes around everywhere so fucking fun. No helmets back then but we used to dry. Oh shh. So I lived in a nice little town that didn't really have I wasn't like I was near the another town that had a little more shopping area like right near where I was you have to dry ride our bikes on like busy streets down the bike lane down this huge hill across the fucking borderline Highway and then hang out like the kaldor parking lot and the clarity something easily grocery store. And that's where I bought Metallica's Black Album, which has Enter Sandman on it rode my bike down there and bought that I bought Smells Like Teen Spirit, I think about the cassingle. Are you going to list everything? I'm just saying like connected and so a couple people mention this that you know, well, somebody said The Burbs are incredible Open Fields everywhere. What? Yeah, that sounds like the Open Fields everywhere is not quite the burbs unless the fields are full of Walmart's right, which is one of the things that I do when I go back to Connecticut because they don't have them around here. But they have that kind of shit. We rode our bikes everywhere. You're hanging out in your friends yard you go neighbor Dan it you kind of do that my brother lives in Connecticut. Yeah, and that's the big thing. Those kind of on a cul-de-sac in the name of the kids just like they migrate like birds. Yeah, we'll go from house to house its kind of cool. So somebody said that they liked the kids can play safely in the neighborhood. This was recycle. Beauty said, I like the kids can play safely in the neighborhood and but I don't like that. There are packs of kids all over the neighborhood loitering. What is this? Fucking apocalypse? Yeah. Yeah Lord of the Flies on the cul-de-sac. Most of them are playing Pokemon go but everybody says, As you know, it's the neighborhood is the community right which I had. I certainly had growing up like everybody gathers at the same bus stop. We had a path that we carved behind like four or five houses in the neighborhood where you just it was like paved out for bike not paved by like cleared out for bikes to ride through and connect. Everybody did one family whose parents when the kids had to come home for dinner, which is step out on the deck and ring a big Bell. Oh, they literally literally rang about very demeaning don't know shit happens. Got to go home. We got to stop playing so it sounds like a Shawn will you fucking dog versus what at the hey get your fucking ass back home. Now. You maybe the kitchen be responsible enough to know where you're watching Anthony? Okay, how about that? Well, maybe but I'm saying is wide open and you can't be quite as free in the city with that because you're scared of all like the less scary people in the city are so it goes well what people think yeah. I mean I so, I think that that is really what has changed. I think the cities in general have become a lot safer than when they were Were back when in the 80s and sure maybe I guess depending on the city. But yeah, I mean are certainly the neighborhoods. We live in are much much safer than they were. Yeah, I don't really have any concerns right to you. Right and I think that was a big concern and also the one thing that I have is that there's a lot of math and suburbs in The Burbs you're saying there's many I think there's like a lot of math. Yeah, I can tell you right now that's not a shortage of meth in the cities either. Yeah. I just need some meth. Just let me know. I well know where plenty of Is really no. Okay because actually I'm just feeling a little itchy. I just need something to take the edge off. You have too many teeth. I do know that that's the stereotype of the method of problem is I don't have enough open sores on my face does have there so I watched Breaking Bad and was all about math. Don't do a lot of City stuff in that right? So it's in Albuquerque, but like it's not there on the burbs. I mean, look, I'm parenting obviously job of it. Obviously I'm generalizing now, but but I think that my associate Ation with the suburbs having never lived there. So this is the assholes opinion. Yeah, is that Like young like when you started to get into your 1213 teenage years you'd start to look for things that were more and more. Yeah, you want to step outside your bubble a little bit. Whereas in the city it you know, when you're 13, you know taking the subway and doing like all you know, take by yourself going to you know, Manhattan coming back into Brooklyn. Yeah, there's enough of challenges there where you don't necessarily aren't looking to score math. So a couple of people said that like what they This is Mao said What She Likes about The Burbs is this fewer people. It's quieter and there's more parking now. So we briefly lived in Brooklyn for five-year like the more parking part. We didn't break for five years without a car and then we moved to Raleigh for a year and a half and had to get a car there because Raleigh's not really a city. It's you have to drive everywhere. There's no real centralized downtown. It's kind of small. It's a liberal and stuff which I was a little worried about before we move but that wasn't the issue the issue. Is that fucking the CVS closed at 1 o'clock on Saturday and didn't open until Monday this is the downtown Raleigh CVS. I got when I noticed that I was like oh shit, so we are only there for like 16 months and we realize they're like we didn't like the the more Suburban lifestyle. But yeah having to drive everywhere and people say that to like they love the city because you can walk which is one of the things we love about it. But you drive everywhere. It's one of the reasons we America is so fat. We drive too much. You just you really wanted to that seems like you were building up to that my punchline America still had that's the next day. We're Obesity epidemic that we're that's coming up in a couple episodes and people say that again people say it's comforting to have a community, but you can have a community in the city. Yeah, I so that's I think I'll just check just check your wife's Instagram. It's all about her community. That's correct. She loves posting about very invested. She loves the kids and meteorology string which talked about before she fucking loves weather reports everything to do with the weather's in Brooklyn has hurt you if everything's yeah and so but the cities are safer now and So if you have statistics, yeah, there's all sorts of Statistics. It's yeah, it's like let's see the mert. Yeah crime rates per capita. They're all down. Well, well, let's see them. I don't have them. I mean, I have a computer here, but I don't know how to use it. I know it's just a prop. Yeah, and this thing I got it. Yeah, I got it a 5 and but you were saying that sometimes they step outside, you know to get a little taste of something different and people have said that to you're talking about meth but a lot of people are kind of like they get sick of the boring I tripped. Balls and everything looks the same and it gets somebody said there's just there's not any diversity that I think that's kind of a big one too. I really felt was it like in England? Yeah. Well London is very diverse. It's it is diverse. It is diverse, but it's it's one is different because it's very class-oriented. So it's less it's less about well, it's not less about it. There's definitely a race component, but it's more more about the class component. Whereas here in the states. If you're in the suburbs, you're kind of in a group of folks. Yeah, generally that are socioeconomically the same. Yes, and not as diverse. Whereas in the city. You really couldn't imagine really get a everybody's all around doing everything bouncing up and down, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I just said. No, no, no one didn't make any sense. But I think that that's good. I think like growing up with people who are very different from you. Well, let's get into what the perks the pros and cons of the city are right. I mean, so the I would say goodbye grows in the suburbs and I would agree with that. And because I've seen my face is the space I likes and the kids flocking for one state is really cool. And I don't think that matter that that week everyone's around like I think with like screens and stuff even that there's probably less of that right you stay in your house a little bit more right communicate that way you don't have to like go to your buddy's house. Well there is and so I believe that the suburbs are kind of really good for a sweet spot, you know, maybe between 6 and 4 and age, you know what I mean? Age because after 12, you know, you're kind of trying to do your own thing and what not. Do your kids take the subway alone? No, but my daughter takes the subway everyday to the city from Brooklyn their umbrella hat to know that a No-No to New York men to the a city called the hat so buddy on this kind of impact is that please everybody was just down at the end game of the podcast actually, this is a Trojan horsing. The my my random slang. Yeah, but she will soon so she's going to school by her eyes. She she goes to school by herself. So she walks was it like 15 blocks by herself to school in the morning or with friends rather and that's cool and she's just started this gown that she's a she's in sixth grade. So and I feel that that's good. I think she should do it and it Fosters Independence Foster's independent. Also Foster's awareness. Are you a free range parent? No, but I so when I grew up in the city I would take Take the bus the public transport to school at what about the housing 11? Yes. It was a to take me to yeah, I know a lot about it not London. I took the 1922 to Soho. What's that was your school in the Soho area now is st. John's Wood. Well nights Persian st. Johns River. Was it near the Thames? Nope? No. No. No, it wasn't. Just seeing what other yeah, but is terms I can remember. Yes at this point. You never really opened up to me about your childhood. That's right because I like to shut it down shut it all down we get it out, but No, so I like that. I like that Independence it Fosters, you know the ability to do thinking to do think The Fosters the ability to do thinking too. You know, I think you certainly don't in your house with that kind of fucking know what's going on my brain. What brain to what brain their Sandman got at you that's true. Does it make you does the prospect of her taking the Subway by herself make you nervous? No, it doesn't. When was the first time you took the subway. You just said you were like six know I was I was probably like 10. Where did your wife grew up in Connecticut? Didn't you know she grew up in Philly outside Philly? All right in line, but outside though, not in the city not well not in no not in this and then she went to school in Upstate New York. So I'm wondering when was the first time she like hung out in the city like during college. Yes, probably like the Summers you guys said the live in the Hat? Yeah, and I just again I think the experience is you get just interacting with different people. So again, it's not just it's not just the Friends that you're making at school that are different. It's also the people that are you're interacting with like Quite literally the people in the subway are their own, you know, you don't entity. Yeah well and and in a good and bad in the very best and literally the very worst. I've seen some of the very worst. Yeah and but to be able to understand how to how to manage that and to cope and figure out what's going on one time. I saw a guy on the subway, he's just he was wearing sweatpants and no shirt and he was just repeatedly pushing the sweat pants down and then back up just hit many that he got off the train it was like Walking like Frankenstein doing that see some some freaky stuff. Oh really? What about Birdman? You remember that guy? I don't think so. Well who's Birdman here like feathers all over him? And oh, I didn't that guy Scream. I don't think it was a little drag that was early in the morning. I tell you anyway. Yeah, the guy in the white van driving around offering you candy. Well, that's I think it also the Slenderman. I think he's a Suburban. Yeah, I sperm kind of guy. I feel like there's more sort of hidden date. Whereas in the city if seems to me that there's like the people that are very strange are kind of out in the open in the right there like Birdman or whatever government his pants down whatever. Yeah how you manage, you know how to deal with that. Yes how to fucking get off whereas you can go and get a good be more surprised by the nefarious things that are happening in a bird right where he caught off guard. Yeah. I mean, it's just just really pretty soon. You got to watch more David Lynch because he's a really poking at the underbelly of the American dream in the Suburban life see blue velvet the first scene shows guy watering his lawn and then it goes real close up down to the bottom of the grass and there's like festering bugs fighting each other. Yeah. It's a really a kind of a David Lynch in the microcosm right there. He should check out that movie Blue Velvet great cool good times just clamps to off as I talk about some fucking you don't like David lean's anyone else have a pot Mulholland. Because this is maybe the best film of the century. Everybody needs to grow up. Most of all Pete Anderson. Okay. All right. So look, it's a very divided. Obviously. I didn't ask I should have done a poll and maybe I will to see where most of my listeners live where most of our listeners live in the city or the Birds because got a lot of people who said they live in the rural suburbs which is or country living which is kind of like where my wife grew up in the middle of absolute nowhere and western Pennsylvania. I've been through there it is. There's nothing and then they moved to outside of Charlotte and then she became kind of a city person which is one of the reasons we're still there but like black velvet stitches says she lives in the rural suburb and she loves because they've go-karts and front outdoor toys, but nobody nearby for my son to play with you have to drive everywhere which that gets old. We have a car now because we have the car from Raleigh and even we lean on it a little too much just because we have it and the neighborhood were in is a little bit further out, but we don't have to write and you just The subway. Yeah, when you want to get get hammered, that's a big plus of City living right you what happens if you don't have to drive somewhere to drink. Yeah, I mean certainly drinking is I mean not drinking and driving is huge especially when it is it is very important whether you live in the city or the suburbs folks but having play dates that are around the corner. Yeah having kill my son is that one right now? He's a playdate. Yeah, you know being able to walk there and have friends right around the corner is great. I mean, that's what I mean. You have that in the burbs to I just maybe not the real Oh suburbs like my best friend growing up by all the kids. I played with were literally the houses next door to my house and like down that street and there were a bunch of kids. So like you live in the city that you may or may not have a lot of kids who live near you which is kind of luck of the draw sometimes. Yeah, my like my son goes to a school. That's not a district school, right? So it's a little bit. It's a few neighborhoods away and kids from all over the place go to it, right? So they're not just kids in our neighborhood. Like when I growing up in the suburbs were all on the school bus, we're all going to the same school, you know for 10 years. Yeah, I think that that speaks to the somebody said they live in a very small town and that's one of the worst things about it. Is that while you can walk everywhere. Everybody knows me. This is funky feet who I believe is Barbara Geiger are are one of our patrons. Yeah. Oh cool. She's from a small town. She can walk everywhere, but everybody knows me and then like it's like Groundhog Day like everyone's coming. Can you guess what like it's kind of all the city you don't talk to anybody. Yeah your people but nobody cares if you're rude, especially New York City. It's not rude just like it's not rude at these put up your barrier. It's Trude it's you're trying you're just trying to go somewhere. Yes, you have a things to do people in The Burbs don't have anything to do and it just it when you when you stop short suddenly when you're walking. Yeah, you deserve to be you'd have died God. I hate a slow Walker the city just just while you just pull up to the side. That's all you got to do. Just pull up to the side. Yeah, if you don't know what's going on, just move over Mama Bluey. Actually when I asked this question Instagram, I was wearing my favorite scarf and she just she just shout it out my scarf. That was her comment that scarf. Right. She didn't put a picture of like a drooling face afterwards, but I'm pretty sure so she met. So thanks Mama blue. I like my scarf to maybe it was like a like a like a vomit Emoji as well like that God. That's so gross that scarf that you were wearing. I mean, that's how I was feeling. So I mean, have you seen the scarf? Yeah. It's fucking wonderful. It looks like a blanket cozy. Yeah. It's pretty big like I did have you ever seen that picture of Lenny Kravitz wearing a scarf. It literally looks like a blanket. That's what you have it like. Yeah. I know. I did a picture of myself side by side. It's actually pretty funny. I'll send it to you since you're not on Instagram. You're too cool. Yeah, just mail it to me. Now like the snail mail. Yep as they call it using the post office lesbian. I'll get there a couple of weeks cool. Make sure to look out for it. So let's talk about another big thing in the city is all of the stuff that happens in the city. So you get museums. Yeah that mean culture the culture. Yeah events. I think I think that's a big part of it certainly in this city in Brooklyn and New York. Well, how about this one? How about in this week? We experience this in Raleigh or lack thereof of good takeout food or delivery New York City you get anything you want. We if your guess what if you're one of those parents that will get you want your kid to eat no matter then you maybe you get different meals for everybody you can do that. You can get like five different meals from five different places on the same night and have them all get delivered to your house technology. Yeah, right. I mean if you're a huge asshole for sure and yes, like I'm just saying totally you can rally it was hard to get good. Good pizza. No, I don't want to make this a New York vs. Everywhere else. Yeah else thing but in the suburbs, especially like there's just a little Choice. Yeah Chinese food, right? The choices aren't as much I but I but one thing, you know, my four year old loves the Natural History Museum. Yeah, so does my you know, and really get your let me go, you know, whenever I want and you go track them. Well little easier for you. It's a little easier for our for me, but we still got 45 minutes on the train you generally Only the time to go is in the off all through the winter when it's a we're going to do here a travel guide see the Pete's guy to New York. Yeah, what else is from now? You don't want to do it in the blazing hot sun or maybe that were the winner. I don't know depends away from maybe you want to maybe you want to either way. You should definitely give this is awesome. But you can go to the Museum of Natural History when you live in The Burbs, no not unless you drive and you pack some shit and what's fun is you can you can kind of space it out. You don't have to like, you know take in the whole. Yeah, right you go you go because you can come back whenever you want because you live in the city with public transportation is nice and and culture at your fingertips. Yeah, which is cool. Right? Yep. Link is no culture in The Burbs. Obviously Lincoln Center's right there. Have you been to Lincoln Center recently recently know it's really an excellent like the architecture like the space the physical Space is really can. I tell you something really cool. They brought a blanket Center. So I was at my parents last weekend in The Burbs Suburban, Connecticut, and I heard this story before but I wanted to get the facts straight. So my dad when he was when he was first 40th birthday my mom took him to Opera for the first time right in Lincoln Center in the middle of the Opera. They stop it. It's like 4:00 or 5:00 in the afternoon. They stopped the Opera and then cold beer here. No, they stopped the operator tearing up in the middle of the Opera and announced to the crowd that the United States hockey team has just beaten Russia in the Miracle on Ice. No one Opera Crowd Goes Nuts really? Yeah, my dad February 8th his 40th birthday. You little fucking cool that it's a really cool story, right? Okay, nothing to do with burbs versus the city, but you brought up Lincoln Center. It's a A cool story because why America USA do you believe in miracles? I believe in Kurt Russell. Oh God that HBO documentary about the team is so much better than that movie. It's so good. It's one of the best sports documented I've ever seen careful. He's a National Treasure. I don't dislike Kurt Russell. Yeah, you do a lot of Kurt Russell fans here. No, I'm the one who showed my kid Big Trouble in Little China. What are you doing to preserve Kurtz Legacy nothing. I'm keeping it for myself. Yeah. It's not sharing her with a nobody. That's a really Ian Rand. Way to go. Yep, what else we got? I don't know Julian Gillian Summers was talking about what you said. Does it more activities in the burps and more Community or more activities in the city, but in The Burbs of more Community Connection, yeah. Okay. I think that that he lived in the rural communities in the city, you know, maybe I think I there's definitely Pros like I say, I think that there's there's a range though. I mean, there's like a really nice age range where I feel like we're the suburbs would be better. Verbs with you better. I mean, I think about every time I go underneath the BQE and I just I'm like, what the fuck? Yeah. Well, yeah. Well, that's the thing you do. Sometimes you do get really annoyed. How many people are are when you're like packed into a bunch rain pushing my kid in a stroller. There's like broken glass and pair of Underpants and them, you know, like what the fuck is going on. Yeah. I mean, why did your wife leave that out there? I don't know fucking disgusting. What was she doing? Why would she bring so this is what the here you go. Here's what Platinum says. He says he lives in San Francisco. He loves all the availability of museums and can go to Each in Parks, but he hates seeing dog shit or I guess just ship and needles it doesn't like seeing needles. Yeah. Well, I mean me neither. No, I'm not. Well that's that goes along with what I was saying. You know, I mean there is there is it gets oppressive in some in there are times and places that where like when you're walking on the sidewalk and the wet drip from somebody's window unit air conditioner falls on your head. I'd be like, what was that that when you're young it's usually happens in the Hat a lot. Yeah, right or when you can walk down. Down the street and identify whether it's urine or or air conditioner drink. Yeah, you start to get good at that or when you see like vomit on the wall of the Subway or something. Oh careful, honey. Don't touch that that yeah exactly. He sees it away. But I do like I'll point out rats like if it's rest on the subway. Yeah, but the tracks of went out to my kids check those things out fun to look at. Yeah fun. It's like by the time they're intelligent they say rats. Hmm. Especially when like Pizzeria suit and go on the subway. It was a suit. Yeah, like commuting routes like just people like wow that was terrible as tortured attempt at some kind of analogy. I don't even know. I'm the worst. Okay. Yeah something. Yeah. So let's see we I think that's I think we got it right where we yeah, I think about crushed it. I think that's probably the best job we've ever done about anything in our entire lives. What do we not just podcast We hugger no touch. I wish we did she put our hands together. I don't even fucking Vulcans. What are you talking about? Yeah, he do that. Everybody can do now that's not true. And by that no I said darling will consign like it's a fucking that everybody could read it. We're really going on. No, I'm not I'm not doing that. All right, because yeah, well if you enjoyed this episode, yes, let us know in the comments on YouTube. Yeah. Comment. Let us know what's going on man. You know, I'm already forgetting managers. Say yeah. Yes. Everything I say you can pay you again. We still need a new co-host this trial run is and brutal. It's almost that exact. He's trial then pretrial is almost if you have any questions for Pete and then what it was like to grow up in London, I'd love to hear them because I'd like to I'd like to hit the bottom of some of this stuff. Okay, I'll never tell iTunes Spotify Stitcher Stitcher Stitcher Google podcast. You can get us everywhere and again if you would like To be acknowledged as much as our patrons who we appreciate so much David total film Mansfield and Barbara Geiger, like no relation to HR Giger. I assume do it. Well, that would be cool. If she were related to him. You know who that is. Okay counter guy. He designed the monster from aliens from Alien. Yeah h r Giger. Yeah real creepy. Yeah some good movies lately movies. Okay. Thanks everybody. See you next time.
If you're trying to figure out if you should raise your kids in the city or in the suburbs, then we have the definitive guide. To be clear, it's at home on our bookshelf. None of that useful information is in this episode. What IS in this episode is a look into what it's like raising kids in the city by two amateur dads. Both have different perspectives. Pete was raised in the city where his love of multiculturalism firs took root. And Mike grew up in the suburbs, where his addiction to playing the clarinet found him spiraling to the bottom of the social ladder. From walking to school, to riding bikes with neighborhood kids to the best spot to easily score some meth. We cover it all. ------------ Moms and Dads, WE NEED YOU! This show and these dank memes won't feed our families (we've tried). We need your support to keep this up. We love making this stuff for you guys and we're putting this out there so see if we can make the switch so that this can be more than a hobby 🙏 (that our families hate). Love,  Mike and Pete --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
I have found a love. Follow me. But did you really hmm? Humans on planet Earth welcome back to the gal English. Oh and this is your host gal. It's February. So it's the month of love, you know, Valentine's is coming up. I personally believe that love should be expressed shared and enjoyed all year long every single minute, but you know, I do believe that it's nice to celebrate it. Like the whole world is celebrating it on the same day in the same month. So I get it and for that I wanted to dedicate this month to love. I don't know if you heard of Jay Shetty, but he is a really wise man who shares his wisdom with the rest of the world on his YouTube channel. And on his website, I'm sure he has a lot of social media platforms, but that's where I watch him on YouTube. Anyway, this guy made a video and he called it how you know when you found the one I found it to be super interesting and I thought it would be suitable for this month of love. And now let's see what Jay has to say about finding the one. number one They all support and mutually respect your dreams. Now, that doesn't mean that they're going to do your dreams for you. It doesn't mean that they're always going to be there cheering you on but it means that they respect your priority about your dreams. They value what you're chasing they believe in it as much as you do and they want to see you get there. They're not trying to hold you back. They're not trying to stop you from getting there. They're not trying to restrict you and trap you in any way. They want to see you grow. Genuinely. Number two, they will really be present with you in the moment. I love being around people who helped me forget to look at the phone. That's the kind of person you want to be with someone who's not distracted by their phone by their messages by their friends by anything else when they're with you there with you if they keep forgetting what you're saying chances are they're not the right. one number three. The person is self-aware and knows their self-worth. They're independent. They're able to grow on their own. They have their own set of friends their own set of values. They have their own set of priorities some of them may match with yours, but some of them may be different but they're their own person. They're not looking. For you to complete them. They're not looking for you to finish them. They're looking for you to enhance them and help them grow their growing with you and they're going to help you grow, too. Number four is the tough one. It's called trust probably one of the hardest rarest thing in the world now. I'm talking about without checking. This one's a tough one because sometimes you find out the hard way and some of us have been there. So my take is that trust should be earned. It's not something that should be given up front, but it's something that is earned. Usually we have this belief that I either trust someone or I don't trust them at all. My idea is that there are actually layers of trust. You have no trust at the bottom, but then there's step one step two step three step four Etc, which lead to unconditional trust. The challenge is we put our expectations when we are with someone that we can unconditionally trust them and actually their trust level is down here that the Gap is exactly how much pain you end up feeling. Remember trust is something that's earned. Don't give it straight away. Let that person through their actions through their thoughts and their words earn your trust. Number five you don't always need someone or something else to keep the chemistry the entertainment and make things fresh when you always feel like you need an external form of thrill or excitement to keep everything special between you two. It's a sign that you may not actually be connecting with each other but connecting with that other thing like with tea. e number 6 you can spend time apart, but you can't wait to be back. So you're comfortable traveling in different parts of the world for work studying in different areas of the world may be in the same country maybe in a different one, but you can't wait to be together and the challenge is that we usually get frustrated when you're apart from someone that you love or I want to be with you start getting frustrated and you take it out on them, which I see weakens the relationship, you know, when you found the one because you realize that you don't let that frustration affect your relationship with them you find other ways of releasing sharing that but you're making sure that you're not ruining your own. Ation ship because of the frustration of not being together in the first place. Number 7 You can disagree. This is the tough one people think that you found the one when you agree on everything when you like the same stuff when everything matches that's not true at all. You can actually disagree with that person. You can have different ideas and you still learn to work together. It's pretty difficult to find. Anyone in the world who agrees with you on absolutely everything so they expect to find the one who has that. That's pretty unlikely. Number 8 you don't have to like each other's friends. I think there's so much pressure to be liked by the other person's friends for them to like your friends for your friends to like them chances are that you're putting in way too many tick boxes. They're going to be quite difficult to manage. Now if your friends think that they're totally crazy or they think your friends are crazy. Definitely take a look. That but the truth is that it's important that you guys get along even if they're friends with a whole different circle of people and your friends with a whole different circle of people that doesn't mean that you can't be great together. Number nine you can be your real self. Not your LinkedIn profile, not your Facebook profile, not your Instagram profile. Not your Twitter profile. You can let go of all of those identities and just be yourself. Number 10 you argue not to get one up on each other not to beat the other person not to defeat the other person. But so that you can come to a healthy conclusion together. It's more of a discussion rather than an argument or a debate because it's not about who's right, but it's about making sure that you come to the right conclusion together. Don't forget you have a list of vocabulary words and their definitions in the description box below. So read them. And for now, let's listen to the correct pronunciation of some of these words. Probably probably definitely definitely tongues. Knowingly, no Wing Lee unknowingly on no Wing Lee no doubt. No doubt massive massive massive impact impact release ra lease vegan. cuddle car dull beard stroke exposed to X pose to consume consume consume imprint imprint seen Suave gangster gangster Mentor men tore lean over lean over mutually. Mew chip Woolley value Val you believe in believe in tryna trying to restrict wrists tricked trap. Genuinely, Jen, you won Lee present self-aware self-aware self-worth self-worth independent in the pain didn't enhance in hands. tough Trust rare earn up front up front layers layers, unconditional unconditional expectations X-Pac t-sections Gap. End up end up straight away straight away external X ter null frustrated for us Trey. Did we can we can affect a effect ruin Rue win? Expect X packed pressure pressure pressure get along get along identity i dentist' t conclusion conclusion discussion this car Shin argument. Are you? You meant debate the bait. Thank you so much everybody. I hope you enjoyed today's episode Love is in the air and I wish you all a long life filled with happiness. Joy inner peace mutual respect and genuine love till next time.
❤The one: A special or compatible person الشخص المميز أو الملائم ❤Probably:  very likely محتمل ❤Not to forget:  Not to mention/Oh and another important thing من الجدير بالذكر أن ❤Definitely: For sure قطعا/بالتأكيد ❤Tons: A lot كثيرا ❤Knowingly: in a way that shows you know about something بدراية ❤unknowingly: in a way that shows you do not know about something بعدم دراية ❤No doubt: used to show the speaker's strong belief that something is true بلا شك ❤Massive: Very big كبير ❤Impact: A strong effect تأثير ❤Looks like: To appear in a similar way يبدو ❤Release: to make available to the public يعرض ❤Vegan: A person who does not eat or use animal products نباتي ❤Cuddle: Hold close in one's arms to show love يعانق لإظهار المحبة ❤Beard: A growth of hair on the chin and lower cheeks of a man's face لحية ❤Stroke: to move one's hand with gentle pressure over,usually repeatedly يمسّد شيئًا، يمرّر يده على شيء ❤Pretty weird: Somewhat strange على نحو غريب ❤Expose to: Introduce someone to (a subject or area of knowledge) يعرّف شخصًا على شيء ❤Consume: to use up (a resource)يستهلك ❤Imprint: A lasting effect أثر طويل الأمد ❤Dress:  To put on one’s clothes يُلبس ❤Form: to create يُشَكِّل ❤Scene: a part of a play, series or film مشهد ❤Suave:(especially of a man) charming, confident, and elegant رجل مهذّب جذّاب أنيق ❤Gangster: is a criminal who is a member of a gang عضو في عصابة ❤Mentor:  Advise or train (someone, especially a younger person) يوجّه، يرشد، يعلّم، ينصح شخص في الأغلب أصغر سنا ❤Seat: A sitting place مقعد ❤Lean over: to bend over ينحني/يميل ❤Mutually: in a shared manner بصورة متبادلة ❤Cheer on: When you you shout loudly in order to encourage them يشجع /يهتف ❤Value: To see something or someone as important يُقَدِّر ❤Chase: To follow quickly in order to catch يلاحق ❤Believe in: to be sure that something is effective and right يؤمن بشيء، يؤيّد ❤Get there: to achieve/ to succeed أن تحقق المراد ❤Tryna : trying to  تحاول ❤Restrict : to put a limit on/ to keep under control (with rules, laws) يحدّ، يقيّد ❤Trap: To stop someone from escaping or getting free يَحْبِس ❤Genuinely: In a truthful way بصدق، بأمانة ❤Present: Existing or happening now حاضر ❤Chances are: Most likely  على الأرجح ❤Self-aware: Aware of oneself, including one's traits, feelings, and behaviors واعٍ ذاتيًا، مُدرك ذاتيًا ❤Self-worth: Self-respect (to know your worth) احترام الذات/أن تعرف قيمة ذاتك ❤Independent: Free from outside control مستقل ❤on their own: alone بمفردهم ❤a set of: a number of (things) that belong together as a group مجموعة ❤enhance: to increase, or further improve the quality يحسّن/يكبّر ❤tough: difficult صعب ❤trust: a strong belief in the honesty, goodness and reliability الثقة ❤Rare: It doesn’t happen a lot ❤Unusually good نادر ❤My take: My understanding of its meaning فهمي ❤Have been there: Have experienced that/ Have gone through that يمر بشيء ❤Earn: to gain deservedly in return for one's behavior or achievements  يحصل على شيء بجدارة❤Upfront: in advance مقدّمًا، سلفًا ❤Layers: depth, levels طبقات❤Lead to: result in يؤدي إلى ❤Unconditional: Not having any conditions غير مشروط ❤Expectations: A strong belief that something will happen توقُّع ❤Down here: Low منخفض ❤Gap: A space فجوة ❤End up: to finally be in a particular place or situation ينتهي به ❤straight away: immediately فورا ❤to keep the chemistry: to keep the mutual feelings/connection between two people أن يحافظ على الإنسجام ❤external: The outer part خارجي ❤apart: away from each other بعيدًا عن بعض ❤frustrated: That negative feeling you get when you can’t change or achieve something محبط لعدم التمكن من تغيير أو الحصول على شئ ❤Take it out on somebody: to treat someone badly because you are upset or angry, even if they have done nothing wrong معاملة شخص بشكل سيئ لأنك تشعر بالغضب ❤Weaken : to make weaker in power أن يُضعِف من القوة ❤Affect: to have an effectأن يؤثر ❤Ruin: to cause damage or harm يدمر، يخرب ❤Expect: To believe that something will happen يتوقّع discussion-debate
Whoa, whoa whoa, whoa before we get into this episode. I want to know the number one question. I get about half roll it. How do I start my own? Well, there's a lot of factors put into that. But one thing I can tell you use anchor so what's anchor anchor is a platform that can host and distribute your podcast for free. They have all the creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. And guess what? But you can make money off your podcast with no minimum listenership. That's right everything. You need to start your podcast right now in one place. So, you know what you're going to do download the free anchor app on your smartphone or go to ANC hor dot f m-- to get started now. Guess what? Let's hop into this episode. Hello after Lapham, welcome back to another episode. Wow. I have so much energy in this room so much melanin in this room is great, right Dagestan team. Dark skin here. personal time so As you can see as I said, I have work Bay. We have Nana an obit here. Welcome. Welcome to after lives. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. And yes, my name is just real quick to clear that up as everyone gets confused. My name is obed-edom Old Testament. He thinks that it is I know but how Many I know so many open that I can. Oh my God Brian. It's funny a lot is like Dominican and Puerto Rican. It's not yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There's a woman in there you go. There you go. So Z sub stations and Dominicans. But whether they like it or not Monsanto to say that I also go by OB so for all of our listeners, yes, you know me is not know but they all know but just what your people get the record straight. I've also got respond to either one. I'll take his daddy is not in Partnership and now Radio, but after all it is a lover and they're not these views are not representing. Okay now say cheese. You of 2019 I'm starting this, you know minisode series here just kind of hanging out with some of my favs and I've been listening to work Bay and I'm just excited for what you both are doing but I want to take it way back because we had a phone call, you know, just to kind of Prep Prep for this episode and they just have such a cute story of how they met and how they've kind of sprouted this thing called work. Beso, yeah, tell the fam. How did you two meet? I mean, of course you can kind of get a hint from the name. But yeah explain just more like how you met and how work big kind of came into fruition. Yeah. Go ahead Anna. Oh, no. I thought you do it better we both take turns. Look up from my desk and I see this tall black-bearded man. And I'm like, who is this? Haha. Anybody works in the nonprofit sector, you know that it's very white. It is very quite and there are a lots and lots of women. So my to see a 6-3 bearded brother walk in the Rawls like what the fuck is this carbon me to the people, right? Anyway, I was just like, who is this person and we kind of were walking around Each other a couple like a few days out of the week and I'm we finally met him the kitchen and Martin the water cooler, right? Oh wow, and and we had a book on he was pulling his Tumblr and there was a book on the top of the water cooler and it looked I don't know if anybody is familiar with like the Zane's and the be more careful and the coldest winter ever seen those books. All of those out really well, how would you how to describe them to it? Like we read all of these in like junior high school and what's left? I don't know why your mother know this very much little hard courts, and it was like it was like your your street Chronicles your It was very salacious. Yeah, feel like white women have Fabio and black women have game. Is that a good analogy to see that? He was would be reading something like I didn't think Yeah, and then you have a really beautiful story about how you got the books. You should probably share that this is true. Yeah, so the book is called a beautiful woman right that messed it up. Imagine. I'm pretty sure it's called a beauty. Yeah, that's right. The author's name is Harold Patel Patel is like PT. Eh, but that's like his pen name. But anyhow, I live off of the to 5 in Flatbush and Brooklyn. Yes. It's all about them. The train and it wouldn't just be when I was going to work even on the weekends. Sometimes I'd see this gentleman who's selling a book right out of his bag. He would come down come down the subway cars letting people know. Hey, this is a MTA subway best-seller and he and he just he peaked my interest in especially because I was I was really impressed by how he was going about selling his book. Yeah. It wasn't just relying on social media or online. He was out there, you know, I mean really out there so, you know, let me support this. Good brother. Let me give him my my black dollars and I was only 10 bucks. I'll let you know. That's all that's not bad. If I buy the book and it's terrible. Oh, well, I hope town I get his men temples an honest living exactly is make an honest living. So yeah, that's how I got the book and and just as as Donna was alluding to that's really not a book. I would typically read I mean that's a first look like that I've ever read. I usually like my nonfiction like Malcolm Gladwell. Oh, yeah that kind of so how cell phone And the stuff yet never a romance novel, but I loved it. I loved it. It was good. It was good and it without getting too far into it. I think what really connected me the book is I I could relate a lot to the protagonist. And so when I met Donna in the kitchen that day at work by the water cooler, she asked me about the book and I let her know I let her borrow it as soon as I was done. Yeah. What I ended up doing a fence a book. I'll let you know what check it out. I have thoughts. Let me know what you think. Let me know what you think and and basically once she was I think you yeah, I think your friendship pretty quick. Yeah, I'm well, I'm a bubble up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah exactly as he reads so soon as she was done reading the book. We want to a copy shop not too far from our job and we had a really engage in conversation at least an hour to just talking about different stuff that came up in the book. Come to find out that none of attended a book club regularly each month. Oh, yes, he really is exactly what she also invited me ended up inviting me out too. And so really our our our relationship was born from from that book and and the the the topics that came out of that book helped spark a lot of the conversations that we ended up having in person, you know at during lunch at work or we go out and solicit. It just like best friends forever. Once that like Cafe like meet up happen. Like we're just like all right. That's the whole me away. We have some Growing Pains OB is he's real interesting in the way in which he likes to categorize his friendships be very very very much. So like you're in Out of my life and you will not enter the don't do that to Zola. Am I talking? Oh you told you so shout out. You got a rep your set really quick. Where are you from? Like? Where's your family from? Are you rapping is from Ghana? Hey, what's the area code plus 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 for ya. Kenya and I'm Kenyan by the way, I'm gonna work. We're like the best combination of yeah, I yeah because that's you that is as you were saying. Was interesting because like I'm the type of person where like if I fuck with you I fuck with you, but I think that I'm not very subjective in the way that I meet people like if I if I meet you on the train and we have a great conversation. We could be best friends for life. If I mean, I have a lot of lifelong friends that I met at work. We spent so much time there were snow and I think it was really a make sense a thousand percent. I kind of I feel like work is especially like nowadays. Especially especially in the nonprofit sector like work is very much like college. Yeah, these mesh people together and you kind of just figure it out as yeah, so I was really excited like to get to know him more and spend time with him. But like he was very adverse to like our friendship for me. Hmm which was saying the first and that's what it felt like but he kept texting me and asking me things and like inviting me to things and I was like well nigga, which one is it? It's like you're my friend. Did you just want to be co-workers? Right? What's going on here that he's right. We did have a couple of growing pains when I think we finally figured it out. Yeah, we did. Who's that? Who died were like, are you my friend or not? It was basically I think Donna basically what we do it that he wanted to, you know, maintain a very professional relationship. Of course, he was new to the organization. I'd been there for about two years. Okay, and I was starting to get really dated I didn't care about my job anymore. Like I just wanted to get out of there. So like it was really nice to have like a reprieve in a person. You know office politics what's going on with these? Yeah, it was my first time working with office 200. Wow. Yeah, but I like my thing. I'm very open. Okay. I trust you and you know, I we have that level of comfort. So I needed to know if what are we doing and respect like how much do I need to share with you? Because we'd had very vulnerable commercial off the gate which was a little not strange for me because I feel like I'm that type of person anyway, but it was like, oh sure. Wow, it's gonna be my friend, right? And so then I redid have a lunch one day and I was like bro. What if you want to if you want to be co-workers like a high by you to death like we don't have their yeah, you know, we don't need to pretend and I was like, I just wanted to respect where he was coming from and then also kind of guard myself from like investing in this person who was not interested in being invested in but he knew what he wanted and now here we are today. Well, don't the one The one part of the story that maybe we didn't add on just to give some more content. No. No, there was also an element here these to see ya for me personally. That's it. I've had friends at work. Yeah, and I've been able to really good friends once I'm friends with now some people places. I've worked but never the Romantic tip, I would never ever ever ever ever date a co-worker. So the only time I didn't really turn into Bay he was never here. I've never Krusty Krabs mean that's so funny because that's Lily. Well, yeah, but that because it's funny that you mention it because you did say it. I just like I'm just hates em ignore it and I was like and then boom up for you because your lightweight, but it's not a no right, but at the park at Liberty Memorial I was like I'm in love with it. I just I just ate physically obvious the type of person that I would date. Yes, and then it look to you like this. I do like a smaller guy. Yeah, I'm out usual type. But if he hits all the takes all the Aesthetics like how comfortable he made me feel and how open and vulnerable. He was like that was something that was very endearing to me. Her real name is Edna, Edna Mo. Oh, I would wow, I would eat that up. Like anyways, okay, that's so that's how our friendship formed then I speaking of a year review 2019. I think it was called the end of last year. I left the organization who worked at? And I was trying to figure out like what I'm doing in a friend of mine actually was like, you know what you should start doing like YouTube videos, you're so funny and you're telling somebody good and she was like, okay. Well then like would you do a podcast and I was like, oh, I love like I listen to him too many pockets. Yeah. I love Pockets, but I didn't want to do them by myself. And I didn't know like how do you ask somebody to do that? Right. So I think it was like New Year's Day OB had text video. Wish me happy New Year, and then literally was like, we should we should start a podcast and I Like nigga. Yeah, but let's do it together pretty quickly as well. Time that we talked about it in January. I think we were in the studio by early April. Oh, wow. Yeah, if not, actually a right. That's good thing. We didn't want him. February/march. You're right. Oh my God. Yeah. That's the that's our origin story. I mean, it really seems like you you both a just know each other. So well even like previous to like starting the podcast. Yeah. I'm sure like those times that you probably we talked could have been amazing episodes, which I'm sure you because you guys to delve in on so many interesting topics. You know, what's been your like favorite thing to talk about because I listened they talk about love and romance. I mean obviously like workday so Bay and then you guys get into like deeper issues of just like identity and like finding home and so like, you know, you're able to just bring in so many nuances and that's what I really love about a being black but being African to it's like we don't really address that like, Yes, we're all from the same continent but we all carry such a different identity at times and we don't have to be like a monolith, right? So yeah, I want to you know know what is your well have been your favorite topics to kind of debate and discuss but also, what do you what do you find that like, you're like listeners have gravitated towards because knowing that's a great question and and before I jump into because I'll share like some of my favorite topics. I'm sure not only have some adverse but I think one thing that made the the episode The not the episode but the whole podcast very easy for for us as we were already having all of these conversations before long before there was a mic in front of us. So I think that's what made it such a natural transition for us because of you know, a friend even asked me about this other day and I told him anytime not and I get into the studio. I sometimes forget the were recording our pot because because we have these conversations in really in much in the same way in the same. Yeah. Maybe it's not as structured as we do. Podcast but we're always having these kinds of conversations and I imagine a lot of other people are as well. Yeah, your, you know your group chat or at work your friends your family and I think that's what's really resonated with our listeners is that there's a there's a there's a certain level of often authenticity to our conversation because we're not dressing anything up, you know, we're being were being very vulnerable just like not a mentioned earlier and I think that's what's really allowed for our listeners to Eat with us because they are also being pretty or being able to tap into that vulnerability that were, you know, bringing each time that we regret. So yeah, I just wanted to mention that but in terms of topics, I think one of my favorite episodes was the one that we did on masculinity. There was a speaking of podcast was actually another podcast that that I listened to called hidden brain from NPR. Check them out. Yeah. Yes, I did not pay me. So you'll also see how they had they had done a really good. Yeah, almost like an Exposé really on the state of masculinity in the specifically here in the United States and how so many episodes called The Lonely American man. Yeah and how so many men struggled to form friendships meaningful friendships and relationships with other men and and what are the ramifications of that what you know, what does that what are the implications of that on us as a society interpersonally our relationships between men and women right just across the board. So I really enjoyed that episode especially because a lot of it was was new to you from what I remember like you weren't you didn't realize that things were that bad. I yeah, and I think I've already had like you mentioned a lot of the conversations that we have on record. I guess are like in studio art kind of just repeats of conversations that we've had. In the past and so he had shared that that episode that podcast with me and I was like, this is so wild like I figured man you guys get together on the weekends you go to sporting events, right? Like there's so many opportunities to spend time just like flirting with girls like we do. Well, that's very superficial. Yeah, like I always assumed that you were having substitutive emotionally vulnerable conversations just because I feel like the men that are in my life with I feel like I see that camaraderie that Brotherhood Willam it so I would assume that that would only be fostered if you're being vulnerable with each other and then after he sent that to me, I subscribe to Harper's and they had sent to article talking about the similar topic about how men do not have you know, substantial relationships with other men and that they rely a lot on their female partners for that emotional support that in a labor as the right and then funny enough the topic came up again at book club where OB now is a member shout out to literally write recruited and and now he recruits black men primarily but men of color Okay, and a lot of the men in the in the book club when we were talking about we were at the meeting. Yeah, we're talking about how they you know, they love their sisters and they love their mothers and they these are the people that hold them down and it's like well hold up time out. Are you when are y'all holding us down? Yeah, I bet you're bringing that up. How are you supporting these same women? You know what I'm saying? And I think that like it was it was interesting to me because I feel like I do play that role in a lot of the men in my life. Yeah my life and they do it for me in a very different way, but it is not the same no, and so having the conversation and realizing that it's because they are it's a void. They they don't know how to do it. They don't be they it's not visual to them in any tangible sense. And if they are having that relationship it is with the women that are closest to them. So their mothers their sisters their wives their girlfriends and a lot of times the It's not an ask like a lot of times women don't we don't expect men to be emotional or be an emotional support for us because we think that all men are not emotional right when Allen one of the most. All right. It's like that also was a really interesting conversation for me and I think we got a lot of response from our listeners about it because it's not something that people talk about. No, it's not another episode that for me was like Definitely one of my favorites is our Independent Women episode and just a it's you so but my Gmail yeah, and I think that that's that's the case for a lot of women. Like I think that you know, when you don't have somebody to depend on your only response you you're only Jesus to be independent and I think that a lot of times people have a negative connotation on what Independence means, especially when it comes from Black. Women and I think even even I think for went for black women, sometimes it's like it's a double-edged sword where you you do want to be soft and you want to be loved and you want somebody to care for you and when you don't find that right, you have to create that kind of you have to kind of create that for yourself and you're not do if you don't have the ability to do that. It's sometimes does hardened you and I don't think anybody intentionally. This planet trying to do that of ours. It kind of is like putting on an armored. Yeah, and I and I think Obie was having some difficulty understanding Independent Women and I thought it was my duty. Yeah to speak up for us and to let him know that like, this is not anything in a rejection two black men or as far as an affront to black man, but right y'all just did y'all job then we wouldn't have to do all you were doing so good. No, that's not. Research but right but at the same time to just like engaging your listeners and like engaging your guests. Yeah a really unique way and I thought that was a to talk about such a taboo topic on like sex, which was like so funny to mine like I talk about sex all the time. But so many of my friends who listen to podcasts were like girl. I know Me I think it's the opposite. I think what women doing that I know that's so funny. I guess I thought about it in like a yeah, I thought about it and maybe in like a voyeuristic away. It's like yeah, like because guys talk about sex. All right, it makes sense for a sex therapist like that. Right also be a menu a man. So like a for it to be pending then also to have that like African context to it. You're like her experience because her father is so I forget. Yeah Senegalese, but like and then even just like, where do Did they you learn about sex? Yeah is like, you know so crucial. Yep, you know, a lot of the experiences that you have it, you know, and I think that sometimes because of our upbringings like I think that there are certain things that we may have been exposed to really early. So even talking about being an infant independent woman, like usually it's our African moms that are like doing a lot of the labor at home cooking cleaning and then there's the emotional labor right? You know, like And you when you get sick like it's 90% of the time it's going to be the mom. You know, what I was making for Thanksgiving you remember that was hilarious. So laughter like that imagine you are just kind of schedule this call. So, you know, he was like yeah Thanksgiving free. No, I'm talking about when y'all asked me what I was making for Thanksgiving. Well, and I told you know that is in contact because it's like obviously you're free because you're not like I said anything but that even on D-Day you have you gone like stand near the kitchen at least two like I did you I did my mom. My mom had his helping we were her Sous chefs from like ten my okay. That was me. Just playing the role of the stereotypical African man, that ain't my work. Today, I know you know, of course of course, but I do think I do think though that probably some of your homies even as like woke and as amazing as they are like still hot, like I feel like there's certain under written things in our culture that just won't leave knowing that no is absolutely still work for right? Well men specifically right? Don't ask me to do nothing else. For sure, and I think that the preponderance or the majority that work absolutely is right. I got words to I got bars most of it absolutely falls on us, but there is still some lifting and support. I mean, do you find that like majority like what are some cultural norms that you plan on keeping going forward? Well, well like that where that you may be making your own to like you said it was your mom that usually did like do you plan in like your what is it? I don't know if we looked. Ten years. I know right or five years down the line like we were right I know at or I mean Let's do let's do 15 or 20, right? We'll make it further make it further, but it's just too if you were to think of like some cultural like Norms that were in your household for both of you actually that you would kind of cherish and keep I know for me, I'm definitely definitely keeping like we have this Friday to tradition where it's like we eat fish on Fridays like because where my Emily's from right? Shout out to be honest, you know, I love you, right so we'll eat our fish and like I definitely want to carry that forward, you know, and even just like our music like the reason why I started the reason I became a DJ really is because I love East African music. I mean, I love African music in general. So I think it's important that like there's certain things that we just have to invest in. Yeah as a people and keep and keep going because like, you know people He's going to try and appropriate it or like make it seem like it didn't come or originated from us. So yeah, I'm gonna push it to work Bay. What are y'all because you know, the undercurrents are always still African. Yeah, no matter where you go no matter which way you flip it. So yeah, I think for me it's one thing that I definitely appreciate or into it about growing up in my house was definitely and this I think came especially from my father was just making family time. I'm a priority so meaning like we we always had dinner together as a family. Wow, every night. If not every night the majority. Oh, wow. I think it really was every night. Yeah, it was, you know, dinner was everyone stops your you know, whatever you're doing whether you're playing video games and that was a time that we all had together to, you know to enjoy a meal and to talk about the days, you know, that kind of thing. Yes. I definitely enjoyed that the one the one part that I kind of want to try my best. To pass on to my kids and I need to do some more work is definitely language. I enjoy. Oh, I love the fact that you know, I have my mother's tongue on my father's time when it comes to kisi. I know yea yea yea yea yea Swahili. I can understand more than I can speak but I but I want to I want to finish finally learning how to speak it because I would be something that I'd want to live on with with my kids. I feel like that's so important too because I I recently saw a play shout-out Barbershop. Oh, yeah. I remember you mentioning that yeah. Oh my God, and like that was one thing that really struck me. Is that like a there's so many just like what's it called? Like the way we articulate ourselves even within the continent when we're speaking English is like so specific like it sound like a Ugandan person and even a Kenyan person are going to sound different, you know, and so it's like imagine like the link like if we all had like a Common Language like what that would mean or do but yeah. Banana, how about you miss me? This is kind of an interesting one just because I don't know if I'll marry a Ghanaian but so what we want to do is talk a little about that. See I'm learning sign. Oh, I how long were you I came back maybe like to okay. It's like the first two years. So yeah, and so growing up. I always knew that when I had children, I would send my kids over. Yeah, and then I remember one of my friends one of my Haitian friend. She was like, but what if your husband says no, and I was like, I never even thought about that or like what if we like what if he doesn't want his kids to be away. From him for years at a time and I'm like, but they might kick like I just never I never even because to me it was like so everybody does this great family, like everybody's kids with you know, like especially since I think my parents had emigrated to the states and like 85 and 88. Yeah, so like working and being new Yeah country. It was like important for them to have somebody to take care of their children that they trusted and unfortunately those people were not This country. So it was just kind of like a, you know, kind of a way for us to be culturally aware of where we come from. But then also literally it was just childcare like having you know, also you were here alone. Oh, that's it. So I have a bunch of party up pictures of the party and stuff like that. But no I loved it. I thought that was so great. And I feel very fortunate that to you because I feel like that could also you know, if we think about it like a it really is the quote it takes a village to raise a child. But at the same time to we you know, we always talk about like how some people may have felt abandoned when they were kids just because like their parents were always working or like, you know, they weren't really there for them. But I guess you were too young to realize that like definitely yeah. Didn't feel like but I'm like, you know, it's just funny how like because culturally you were probably with your grandmother and there was so much love there, but my brother is interested interesting and I and we've never had this conversation because he's so my parents got divorced. My father was kind of a you know, I know man, I don't feel so negative. But like he was always he has a huge entrepreneurial Spirit. Okay, and when he couldn't be successful in America, he was like I can't I need to figure out a way to you know, right provide for my family. So he Sided when I was about I would say five. Okay, I'm a my brother gets here just gotten here because we're about three years apart. So it was about two years old. He was like, I'm gonna go back to Ghana and start this company and all that kind of stuff and my mother was like that's real cute, but you're not about to leave me in this country with two kids by myself. So he decided to take my brother because he was small when I was already in school and my grandmother my maternal grandmother ended up living with him and kind of taking care of my brother. So my brother was in Ghana from two to five. So it was I remember when I was about seven I went to Ghana for Easter and like he was calling my mom auntie and it was like so weird and I mean it was like he was just mimicking what other people were coming. Yeah, and like it was interesting because she had visited a bunch of times. Yeah, so he knew who she was but like, you know, you're just very well. Yeah, I do I wonder for him if there is a distinction, right? He does feel Away, I don't know. Yeah, but for the most part, I mean, I don't think any of us really had when he was five. He came back. Yeah and like grew up in like and it's always it's always been New York, right? Yeah. Wow, even in a metropolitan City. Yeah when the big things because I feel like I feel like I have Been able to travel to other places and like stay there for like significant Parts within the states are no so like like well, I was actually born in Europe in England and then moved to New York and then went to Kenya and then spent some time in Geneva. Wow, and then came back so it's like and then my mom she had to work in because my mom has always worked around the world sure. So she when she was working or kind of yeah, we I didn't get that passed for outside. I guess so no technical. Okay, but like because she traveled so much. I mean it's funny like as I was growing up because she had stamps from like Iraq and Iran and like this is like, you know kind that like right after 2001 so we had gone to the Bahamas for my birthday, you know trying to be bujji. Didn't want to let my mom back. I like me to host you. I was so scared. They are right like the air hostess was like, don't worry. She's coming right back. The crazy thing though was like they stop the plane. Oh, wow. Yeah, they know not that they took us out of the car. But like we were held up because they do immigration in the Bahamas. Okay, so like before you get to the US it's because it's like a domestic flight, right? So like as we're doing immigration, they're taking her like they're taking her the room. So I'm like hysterically crying and like making a whole scene to my mom's trying to calm me down so that she can actually go and like sort it all out, right but like so I guess the arrow says just see I'm like my distress just like ass like oh, can we stall Oak Lane? So they stalled it but then like his we stalled it and like they're being told over being held up because of some security thing, right and then they see like two black people come on this like we type of deportee. Yeah, but I say all of that to say I just think that there's there's so much like identity and like I guess our idea of what we To bring with us is equally as important because then it allows people to really see like different sides of the continent and so obviously because we have gotta and Kenya weapon in the room. I wanted to know like have you been have you been back recently? And now this whole thing of the year of the return in him, you know what that really means to you, you know, like I feel like because I'm technically yes, I'm African-American but like, oh, really? Quick. Yeah, so you self identify as African American not really. Oh, well, I got all of the identity and like the places in like who I am like I feel like when you A African-American. It's so limiting. You know like you they you think of like a descendant of slavery, you know, and it's like that's not like that's not my history. Yeah, you know, so I just and I think but I think on the flip side for me, I feel like it's so important like the year of return is like so Monumental to me and I think that it's important for yeah. Yeah. I think that it's something that it should I hope what I hope that it. As though is that it Sparks more of an interest in going to and traveling to Africa sure that it doesn't just stop at Ghana, you know, it doesn't stop now nor does it stop at Ghana and like one thing that I've definitely seen already through social media, but also just like through conversations is that people have been traveling to gonna be even like before December, you know, like it's become like a tourist generation like this year. Yeah destination this year and like other places in Africa are really trying to like Leverage that to Kenya being one of them. I mean we always homing I mean yes and no though, you know, I mean it's only in like the past five years that they've brought like parties like everyday people or even like Jade and I'm like, okay I'm talking so I'm speaking to like our generation of Travelers, you know, because like technically there were telling people like hey instead of going to like Europe. Yes. Well, whatever please come to yeah, come to Africa come to Kenya go to a crowd go to Nairobi. Go to Cape Town go to the night. What is it Johannesburg? You know, so it's like making that like clear distinction of like yeah, I'm going to Africa to like have a good time. Right and December is the time to have it. So that's why it's like this is like a shift in like culture, you know what I mean? Because it's like we're no longer and what I hope is that people no longer look at traveling to Africa as this like scary crazy like oh my God, this is like I'm like, yes, I'm doing this in Great like it as a black person but it's like it's something that I can do, right? You know, it doesn't have to be like this like Thang. Yeah, I hear what you're saying. I think I think a lot of that has changed recently the you know, you kind of put the window the past five years and I think that's pretty accurate. You know, just what I would like the the Advent of platforms like travel Noir right lacking abroad and I think a lot of those platforms are doing a really amazing job. Yeah of giving a face to a how do you you feel that's both right? Yeah. Well, I have mixed emotions. I'm cautiously enthusiastic and optimistic because for me it's just as I just don't want it to be something that's a blip on the radar where you know, yes, this is the 400th anniversary of African enslaved Africans. I will try to I was a most careful to make that distinction because no one's a slave so of enslaved Africans landing on On American Waters, but they're Africa lives on beyond that was still going to be here beyond the right bursary. So I'm just hoping that it's something that that ends up being more substantive than just this one year anniversary and folks are still coming back and still hopefully getting more invested in interested in learning about their rules and learning and just because that is their Birthright. That's all of our books, right? You know, they have just as much of a stake in Africa as I do. You know, that's they they're they're from there. You know, maybe not maybe I forgot. No not just that but maybe in a more indirect fashion than me. No, I was born. It's more. It's a few Generations removed but it's still there's right. It's not it's not something that only I as a quote-unquote African or some was born there and keep to myself and and you know, I'm not welcome them and so I'm cautiously optimistic because I just want I just see what's going to happen next. To me in 2 3 4 5 years and let's see the energy and still the same, you know what I mean, but I mean, it won't be it won't be but it could be though. I don't think about energy will be the I don't think they're going to invest because I feel like there's been a lot of money invested to make it Blow as much as it has because of the 400 years. Yeah and like this being that time what I'm saying is that I just hope that it becomes a destination that isn't just like that idea of like I have to go because like, yes, it is the Birthright but it's like to you could just go because like okra has beautiful places to go, you know and like Nairobi is the Indian Ocean. So it's like you can use that as like, well not I wrote but Mombasa has like, you know amazing places that you can go visit like it's a place that is actually a place to go and well because that's how like things get like infrastructure gets made and like when there's like a consistent flow my just like okay everyone comes this time and then no one shows up again for the next 400 years. Yeah, and I'm just hoping that it also becomes more accessible for specifically not for all of us. But especially for African Americans are really, you know, because you hear of like countries like Israel, for example, right, you know who has ties to his bill literally build the finance those people's Homecoming in the trip back. And from what I understand y'all. I think Kendall was Ghana was doing something. I've heard that but I and I'm really hoping that they do invest in that and that they do I look it's on sources to make it possible for someone who doesn't have a fancy job and is making and has disposable income to come there were also allowing and making it available to them and not just I know the new blacks quote unquote or people who have money. I want it to be accessible to everyone not just that's I only hope yeah, that's how about you Nana? I'm curious what you think, you know because he's really from Ghana really really. I've been paying a lot of its. I mean, I'm aware of the year of the return and I think I mean they my mommy where are you going? I'm okay. No, when's the last time you were back? Because that was one of yeah, that was yeah that was years ago. Okay. Yeah, and and they my mom was has actually been talking about the year of the return for like maybe three years. Oh wow, and she was telling me to prepare myself to come because I mean going to In December is not a huge deal to me because yeah everybody yeah everyone at the table Caribbean. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So so I was like, okay. I didn't know why she was like, oh definitely make sure that you come and then I think it was like last year when Aegis was there. Yes, and every every single like like this is a thing. Yeah, and so I agree with you about I mean, I agree with all of you about like I hope that this is something that is sustained. I hope that you know people realize that coming to these countries is a fruitful experience outside of you know, the celebration of the year of the return. I think that it is it is Ben and I think also with like the 23andMe xand and a lot of people investing in finding out their lineage and their ancestry and you know, just kind of figuring out where they fit in this world that people I think people will naturally invest in the travel and I think that people have been black Americans particularly have been doing that for a while. I don't think because like what you're talking about in respect to accessibility. It is very difficult. Like flights are very expensive. Yeah. What actually around Christmas. Yeah, actually, where do I go? What do I do? Who am I like how how do I navigate these spaces? And it's interesting to me that there is such hesitation because like I'm planning a trip to Europe. I'm having those same conversations, but it doesn't seem as daunting right as if I was going if I was if I was a non-african who was going and I've never been to Africa and I and I was visiting but like I've said I went to Africa. I went to Ghana five years ago for my father's one year, but I've never been to Ghana as an adult on my own. It's always been like familial trips. Same with me and Kenya we were talking about this. I plan next year. I kind of want all of this stuff to kind of all right, that's why I mean, let's see how it actually real back next year and hopefully kind of exploring it on my own. Yeah any like responsibility to stay with my family? Yeah to go to whoever mountains houses the Auntie over here and the couch but I also I'm having those contents same conversations like okay, if I don't want to stay with my family, where am I going to have a beautiful friend? Who and I'm gonna I'm forgetting what her She kind of had she bought a house. We went to elementary school together. She bought a house and she is like Ghana and Ghana and she's Rich. She's refurbishing it now to kind of be like a bed-and-breakfast are being will has we're not only do you have lodging but she can call it like curate your visit look and I find that I'm going to remember right? Let me see if I can find right now. Yeah. In the show notes for sure. So I figured a lot of Ghana and she's kind of like rebuilding this house and I think she had a multi-family floor has one room that she's done and I can you can see the construction in other spaces, but I thought that was fucking genius. Yeah that you know how Americans whether they're black Americans or yeah other of other Oops, how they like to travel exactly so having that experience as an American like she was born in America. Yeah American but also knowing how he local zactly ya know so brilliant of hurts like hell yeah curating vacation spaces and kind of and also I think that there's like there it kind of puts you at ease a little bit H. I know that there's somebody who's here that speaks a language whose writing Swindle you are like, oh poor situation. So I just thought that was so brilliant and I'm definitely gonna figure out I'm gonna post will see ya know. That's yeah posting a lot and like giving out a lot of like to dues and hints and like, you know giving people updates on cuz she knows there are a lot of people are going to be traveling around this time. Yeah so smart it was that so I mean personally, I feel like that is really what a lot more Africans live in the diaspora probably should be doing. Yeah, just like as you both have said Like taking more trips like on your own to discover it on your own life, whether it's you or your mom or dad or from and like visiting even like I so I had the opportunity to go back in college because I did my thesis on like a particular thing in Kenya, which is called m-pesa, which is like we had to mobile money transfers and it's like venmo and catch up wait. It involves evolved as like people went on the ground and yeah. Young people really like flow through that like there's a whole thing about Canyons on Twitter, which I've talked about like numerous times and like we just tend to We tend to just have conversations online and like from that though. There's been just a huge diaspora link because like Kenyans like my majority of Africans live abroad, you know, so it's like they still want to have that connection and like listen to the music but like they don't really, you know what I mean, like whether it's immigration. Ation related or whether it's just like family purposes like they live abroad so being able to now have like so when you think about like your families and like how life changes and if they grow it let's say up in Europe or in New York like they need to also understand if they're going to claim Kenya they need to understand it. Yeah, you know, and so when I went back I was completely on my own. I mean, I stayed at my aunt's house for sure, but it was very much so like you need to kind of do this on your own. Like exploring that it was different. I mean it was nice because like obviously like having done my research for my thesis. Like I was connecting with specific people. But like I said, I wanted to go turn up, you know, and I was I was blessed enough that like I have family friends who like have kids that are my age. So it's like we were all kind of linked up together, but then I know but like just understanding that like, okay if I did actually stay here like, you know, what would the landscape look like if our parents didn't leave you You know I thought about yeah in prior to the last time that I wasn't going to probably wasn't a god up for like 10 years. No. Wow, and I remember the last my last trip there was in like to write before eighth grade and I stayed in Ghana for the entire summer and I literally was like, I don't want to leave. Whoa. What if I want High school here and all that kind of stuff and she was like, okay Finish graduate and come back and I literally like it was really a thought for me to just stay and then I came back to the States. I was like, I'm good. I don't know if I want to raise a family here. I don't think so. You got a lot of thought to not necessarily that it's back in Kenya, but just outside of the US. Oh place is going to shit. I don't like yeah, let's so was the rest of the world? Yeah, but but not not like here bro. I mean, we're all well-traveled enough to know that at the way things here Wes, I love New York. I feel like New York is in a little bubble. I don't think so. But I'm just thinking that and we'll even use I'll even use you guys are a prime example, like think about just a raising a family thing about what's maternal leave in the u.s. Compared to your oh, yeah. What's Health Care in the u.s. Compared to other places and I know it's tough and I have this challenge whenever I go back home with my cousins and of Everyone outside the US has been sold the quote unquote American dream. We been sold American Dream they without without even exaggerating they say sometimes think these streets are paved with gold and like this is just the place to be and everything was perfect. My cousin dead a size my aunt like about Timberlands. Yeah fact in like hot ass and I just think they don't realize that that America also has so many things that the struggles that they deal with home. And that living here and life here is not always that easy and that sometimes there's certain parts of being back home or wherever that are better than being and I think sometimes I gets lost on on you know, our cousin's our family what I call them just because they you know, they have they haven't been here to see if themselves because I've had cousins who have moved here as adults were family friends and when they get here they realize yes, it's a grind it's you know, I mean America's just work work work work work. You're not having that that that I'm where the family's meeting and you know what? I mean? Yes, so yeah, there are times where I've been thinking like yo, maybe I'll just you know, Pat couple days somewhere else. Would you remove would you move? Well, honestly, I was planning on leaving the states this year. If I if I go that's right 2019 in review you're about to say I was kind of like this year has been like so transformative for me and like Really a mirror of like what do you want? Like, what do you want? What do you want to do? Who do you want to be? Where do you see your life? And I don't think because like what we just said about like we're always hustling. We're always working. I don't think enough of us take that time to try to answer that question. We don't and I was fortunate unfortunate like I was in a space this in the beginning of this year and kind of pretty much for the the majority of it where I was just Myself to experience life and I kind of threw my responsibilities to the Wayside which is not the most productive. I mean like I Yeah, like I would wake up some days and I'm like, I'm not leaving my house today and I'm okay with that or I would get like people would hit me up to like work on a shoe or two style for this. Yeah. Can you come I want a commission something from you and I had the Liberty to say yes and go pick up and do something. My days were a completely different every single day and and I don't think that we give ourselves enough of that. And I mean a lot of that has to do with like having to pay rent and put food on the table. And I mean God forbid you have children like that's a whole other thing that you need to focus on. But I'm I was I gave I gifted myself the ability to kind of just throw all of that to the wind and just up do the things that I wanted to do and it was scary as fuck. Yeah. There were a lot of times where I was like down to my final dollar corner and I didn't know what was going to do and then literally God would give me an opportunity and I wish I could make it through the next day and I'd lived in My apartment for about six years of Myanmar my landlord have a pretty good relationship. So nice. He wasn't he was like sis. I don't know what's going on, but I'm a need backup. Right? I've got you so like I started hosting at a little restaurant in Cobble Hill just to kind of but it was like and I'm like college-educated lot like yeah. I was like, I just don't I don't want to have to clock in every day. Yeah, and I want the the opportunity to to do what I want to do and if I want to A bomb and not do anything today. I want to be okay with yeah, I think that we all deserve and so it was it was towards the summer. I was like, okay. Well this this is fun. So I was really really diligent on the the jobs that I was applying for and I was fortunate to get a job for an organization that I really respect doing the work that I really love to do. And I was like even this if I don't like it in six months, I'm getting on a motherfucking plane and I'm moving to Paris and I'm gonna focus on this action Senegalese may still out there. I'll be with the Manifest you are doing this for her. Haha, so you've bathed or stopping that for the policeman? They're not they're not checking for me. But I do I love the work that I'm doing right now. Like I said, I'm working for in a really beautiful organization and I do feel very fortunate to enjoy the ones that I do and so I was like, well, fuck me I can't move to Paris but literally last week I was having a horrible horrible week. And I was just like let's just check Expedia and see what the tickets look like. And I told myself if the tickets are less than $500. I'm going to Paris for my birthday and I got a really great ticket look at you and I think that we just need to like a lot of a lot of this does have a lot to do with money. Yeah, and it has a lot to do with like I mean like you're saying the benefit of time and you know giving yourself that Grace but I think it is so important that we invest in that because like 2019. I think you had mentioned. Like it kind of it came in a win here. We starting they're starting to do that more and more and if we don't take the time out to enjoy our lives when you know, when the Lord calls us and we look back what have you done? No, it was ruled on Instagram your hope is it right or is your whole life your job or is it like I don't I don't want that to be my reality. And yeah invest in yourself and do shit like find your own Joy. I've been on that same shit myself. I love that. That I love that and speaking of you guys have like some superpower hidden talents. What do you mean? Oh, I didn't even know that you knew that you were finger waves going so yeah. I didn't know that but E he does things to write either Stu Stu here doing well put ography is something I stumbled into stumbled. Yes. No felony. It really was. Yeah about four years ago. I guess you're next. You will make four years. Yeah, since I bought my camera, so that's something that I've been really passionate about and something that probably early last year. I saw something that I could potentially pursue as a career. Wow. Because I was really I really in enjoyed tapping into my creative side because that wasn't always something that was fostered or celebrated growing up. Of course, you know, what we all have everyone in this room has left him pants. You are expected to do something in stem and maybe a lawyer that's about it. Also lawyer engineer. Yes, certainly not an artist or a photographer because my mom was a journalist. Oh, oh, okay. See you do it by just do it. Well, yeah. Yeah, that'd be great or be and so I was always I was always into the Arts coming up. I played a few instruments growing up and so I was always kind of tapping into that or incident that world growing up, but I didn't really tap into it until I got older. Yeah, and now that I've had the the Um to kind of pick for myself what direction I would like my life to go. I know that I'm really dedicated to yeah, just the creative arts and then whatever shape or form that that might end up taking as time of Vols pronounce photography is hire me. I love you. I'll take your pictures also writing. I do some poetry and you saw website. So I've been doing a lot of just writing at this point, but I'm also now trying to introduce Performance aspect to it John be who you know is she's kind of been helping me in that in that department because she's yeah, she's a little she's an amazing poet and and she performs a lot of amazing pieces. So yeah also some time trying to get into as well. I guess what I got for now so photography poetry next year hopefully picking up an instrument back up because it's been a few years. So hopefully the music will get in there too. So and That's just one thing I would also encourage your listeners. I think a lot of us. It is an episode. We had earlier in our season this year just about creativity. Yeah all creative people. There's this idea that only certain people. Well, that's a lie. We all we all have a creative part to us like yeah, it's just a matter of how much you investing in how much your you're allowing for it to Blossom because only the things that you nurture will grow. So if you're not giving it, right Yeah, it's just a matter of investing in apple something that you've always wanted to duel. You've been interested in. So we live in New York or for your listeners or whatever City. There's a class that you can sign up for whatever you're into tube University. There's YouTube on University. Yeah, you can learn on your own. I feel like we are really entering like the DIY. Yeah for sure Sanctuary for sorrow because it's like whatever you can like like like Like you said, you bought your own camera and you now, you know your first and like you can really make it happen. As long as you're like really discipline. That's something I struggle with. I'm still working on that part, but you're right. It doesn't I think that I feel like there is never going to be like unless you're like in the military and like habit and you like yeah discipline is something you work on for your whole life. Like it's nothing that you can yeah, that's something you nurture some muscle. You know what I mean like you get super fit at It's just like it's one of those things like you said explore different avenues. For sure. Yeah. I just I wanted to wrap this up though by asking just what I mean. There's so many highlights of 2019 and things that you know, you may have personally accomplished but I would just want you to think about like maybe if you could give three words to what 2019 has brought or has done for you and then Three words that you're looking forward to in 2012. So six words. Yeah, I mean to make it a sentence if you want. Yeah. I'm okay. I think a 101 word that comes to mind for me is Clarity because that's something yeah, and we can share that's okay because I know going into my birthday 2018 so last year, that's what I wanted for my So was too because of for I feel like for a few years, I've kind of been just trying to find my way. Just trying to see what what my life is going to be and what I want my life to be. So I think Clarity is something that that Rings true for me in 2019. I'm still getting closer to that, you know, finally and final crystallized you no idea but I think I've definitely found more clarity in myself and what I want to do and who I want to be as well, so Apart from Clarity. I think another one. I would also put curiosity up there as well because I'm also kind of like what I was saying a few minutes ago just giving myself space to be curious and to explore and do different things. The podcast is a perfect example, you know, I never I enjoy podcast. I never thought I would be doing one. So so happy well and doing it. Well, thank you. So I think just that was a The thing as well just allowing myself to be curious and just be open to what what comes my way. That's what I've got for now won't bounce it to you. I'll see if I'll think of the third one while you while you think we'll definitely I agree with Clarity. I think the end of 2018 was like so tumultuous for me and even kind of the beginning of 2019, but I think that I have and this is an everyday kind of challenge but I am Really starting to love the woman that I'm becoming that's not so much. So they hear myself like everything that I've been through and kind of what what is to come I'm very optimistic and I feel very appreciative of all of my experiences The Good the Bad the Ugly I definitely think that they have death they've helped to mold the woman that you guys see before you today and I think She's pretty fucking don't like so Costa friends. So definitely I like I mentioned before like this year has definitely brought a lot of clarity and it's also been life-affirming that like, I think for a long time and you kind of touched upon this before about like growing up with African parents, you've had to be exceptional and they always want the best for me and I think that I have an expected you to be the best. Yes, and I think that I've internalized a lot of that pressure. and I've moved in a way where I needed everybody to think that I had it all together and I think this year I allowed myself to be vulnerable to ask for help and to be a little broken but in that Brokenness, I feel like I've found my core and I think it's a lot of it is just insecurity of like, you know, letting people in and letting people know that like they're are some Jagged Corners to me that I'm not even really sure what they are yet or how to work through them and you don't want people to see way into kind of like find his weakness and I think I think for a long time like I I think that I've so I thought that my mom had it all together and my grandmother had it all together and so like if they're if I don't that there's something wrong with me, right but I am in this year of clarity. I realize it then ladies don't they were just trying to do the best they can. Yeah, we all are that's good. And and then it's there's been some hard times but I've been I've had some really fun times. I've said there's been a lot of Joy this year and doing things that I never thought that I would do definitely having, you know, the podcast is high on that list, but also my mixi girl 2000. Yes. I can't we got mixi. Hey Hannah, I am not that girl. I won't be doing that again. I said before I just finding your joy like creating that for yourself. It's something that I wanted. I'm challenging myself to do more and I definitely would challenge y'all and everybody that's listening to do that to you and the for 2020. I just want more more of that. Okay. I want to make my Miami. I want more clarity. I want to be affirmed. I want more more happy times three more dick. Okay, I don't know. I don't know if this is a family podcast. Oh shit away. We can talk like that on ours. Oh, this might be we want to get invited back here. Okay? Uncommon because it was it was something that we started off on one of our earlier episodes of this year for 2019. It was I think Grace is a word that we would roll in with our listeners give it to just at first you need to give yourself on the grace all of it. And then also give that to give that to your community give that to the people around you give that to strangers people that you hate because we have no idea what people are especially in today's cancel culture was so quick to write people off. It's important to show people Grace. Yeah, so No, no, that was it. I was just going to say I think that's I think that's our third one that we have is on this. Yeah, that's the 21. Yeah. How about you receive all of that? Yes. Yes. What are yours for 2019 words, I would say definitely confidence. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Well, I'll add to the Seas. You know, you say yeah, we came to see it's going okay. All right. I know I think this year. You know hosting and you know kind of stepping into the world of like DJing and just was this your first year DJ know, so it's my second but like well this was yeah, it's my second year. It's okay two years at that like early next year got it. But yeah just like kind of closing that out and like because it really it requires you just to be like you have to put yourself out there. You're looking like you trust the DJ. Yeah, like you are the party. Yeah, you know and so it's like Great that all thank you. All right this Saturday right? It's one of those things where you learn how like your confidence is again, like a muscle, you know, like You the more you kind of put yourself in places and you kind of exude that confidence. You just start to have it, you know, and I think that I like similar to Nana. Like I just really loved the woman that I'm becoming and like just realizing that I have so much that is still yet to be learned still yet to be explored and like we really can do it all I mean sometimes I get crazy. It's a hyena. And like that's so funny. You said it's hard because my other what was kind of a joint word, but I was going to say hard work. Okay, like everything that we do whether it's creative whether it's work, whatever it just requires you to put in that work. I'm have to try too hard you even with like the fun things, you know, like I have to practice every day like a I had to buy equipment like it's a constant like struggle to like, you know, you get funds from one place just so it pours it back into another. Yeah. I'm like, yeah. Have to manage that all on your own, you know and like navigating like even podcasting and like editing and all that good stuff. Like you just want to make sure that like you can be very just like you have to be selective, you know, you have to be selective with like who you're really pouring into and like which was boring. Right? What you're investing is. Yeah, you know, and I mean, I'm appropriate that word to Great. Okay, take it. Yeah take it. Yep, all three of us three of us are doing are giving ourselves Grace because it's real I think they're it's so necessary, especially yourself. I think sometimes we do a much better job with other people. Yeah, we do it on my own and as everyone knows the story like I did have a co-host but now doing this on my own that has brought on like so much opportunity, but the same time it was scary as hell. I actually like I had Failed, you know, so like to now be continuing and like doing something that I really do love and like I enjoy listening and even having other podcast buddies like it's something that's just affirmed me in this world, you know, and so I love where ya at exactly. We are exactly where we need to be those who are listening and those who are recording. Thank you. Both so much. I think the one thing we didn't do. I think we were Miss if we did we got we got those social handles out there know where to find us and everything. I mean, well, I was I was gonna think oh, I stole your thunder. I am terrible. Let me just Why can't you got out with not she all got home and I don't even know my name, but yes tell the people where they can find you. Um, so for work baby, you can find this as at work Bay pod and that's on Instagram and also on Soundcloud, I believe that's our sayings. We don't have Twitter yet wob and Todd. To work on on a just to get a personal Twitter like just to start there. I'm working on her. See you are. Yes, you are you might be losing some bags to be collected to like your business like promoting your business that started on Facebook like two months. August yeah, everyone's laughing at that kid who talked about pizza? Yeah. I saw I saw that I've been busy with that so we don't have to just yet but soon come soon come and then also you can find us on all the streaming platforms. I'm pretty sure at this point Warren all them pitchers modify apple and it's just work Bay with non and OB that's how you can find us on there. Yep, and personally for my photography. Fe can find me at Oscar Bravo Oscar Bravo and that's Oscar Bravo with zeros instead of Hose. Where does that come from the Oscar Bravo? Actually, that's a story that's back to my flying days. I used to be a pilot and so I'm trying to talk about your side has he's so special. So my nickname is OB and so there's the the military alphabet like alpha bravo. So the own the be A scab look at that all it all comes together. So yeah, you can find me on there. So just make them zeros instead of old funny enough the actual Oscar Bravo is another photographer. I'm a you know, I'm a work on him like that that you don't think that you don't need. How about you Anna? Well, yes, like, oh, he said definitely follow us on our work being pawed and I said listen to our episodes. I think we're in the midst of we're right in the middle of season 2. Is I am branchy. That's I am yr. E NK why I and if you are interested in getting a commission made if you are. Other episode half roll it hosted by and for p.m. Again. Episode brought to you by a listening party. So come and Shop the store holiday season.
Hey Afrolit Fam, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! IT'S 2020!!! LET'S GO! This week I had the pleasure of having My Fellow Podcasters: Naana and Obie of WorkBae, professionals who met at work and started a lovely podcast. Naana is from the Boogie Down Bronx, by the way of Ghana and Obie is originally from Kenya! AKA both sides of me! This was such a fun episode to record, definitely check out their podcast and stay tuned for more collaborations! We discussed: -How Work Bae came to be - Could you find Bae at Work? Is that possible - What we think about "Year of Return" / African-Americans travelling to Africa - Favorite topics of Discussion on Workbae - 2019 in 3 Words I'd love to hear YOUR VOICE! Send me a VN and let's make it official: Want Cute Promo videos like mine, use HEADLINER.APP, USE MY CODE TO GET FREE VIDEOS: Work Bae's Info: Ekua's Info: Naana's Info: Obed's Info: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.