Do what you want it to feel what you want to feel. Yeah, Welcome to our new podcast. The most exciting thing is that we just came up with the name two seconds ago and we're going to let you know what that name is. But first, I think we should introduce ourselves. My name is Diane love and I am Grace Hogan and Grace. How do we know each other? Well, you came and got a haircut actually. Yeah. Um where I work at and you landed in my scissor cutting hands one day that is just pretty awesome. And I have the raddest haircut which leads me to introduce the name of our new podcast. You want to say it. Yeah, you ready for it. We are to rad chicks, right? I mean, you can probably already tell that we are to ride chicks. But we're not just like to as in the number 2 rad it's like to rad like to add for to add for life to rad-foot. Sad to read for Mad to read for just pretty much everything and we should probably say though. So how okay. Alright, so cut to our visual of me sitting in the salon and Grace comes up and she says hey. I'm cutting your hair today. Nice to meet you and I say okay cool make it really rad whatever whatever and then cut to like 20 haircuts later. Yeah, probably which was about two weeks ago and I'm sitting down and I say to Grace Grace. Can you please please like cut off all my hair? Come see about hate it like I don't want to do it and she looks at me like I don't even remember what you said. Hmm. You had sent me inspiration to through the week and I was Ready to go there. I was ready to go there but we didn't go there we did not I almost don't even know. Why did we why didn't we go there? Well, I don't even know we kind of we went Sammy there. Yeah, I mean we were right it's amazing. It's like the coolest haircut ever. I think she just doesn't listen to me. She just doesn't want to go there. It's all right. Anyway, so we're there and I am begging her to cut my hair off and she's kind of like sidestepping me and then we get to talking like that's kind of my Hot like I have feel like I come and get my haircut with you about every three days. I just have to give you guys a visual as well. Like when TN rocked up. She usually people come with maybe inspiration photos. What kind of haircut they won Dee Ann came to me with a photo of what she feels like already and it was an image of Lisa. Listen with all of her half like always select over to one side. I feel like we yeah and got that image. So we have to get that in because I couldn't I just peed myself laughing in the middle of this long Grace dropped dead to the floor like shaking and laughing like I was like, oh my gosh what's going on, but she's just laughing at the image of leases and you will not even reactive to that. You would just kind of like, this is how I feel and I don't want to be Field and you're like, I don't want to be this anymore. So as I cut my hair off anyway, she didn't cut my hair off but I don't feel like Lisa Simpson anymore. And then we got to talking about how you know how cool it is to hang out with each other and how we always have a million things to do. But how life. I mean it could always be better right? Like we could always do cooler stuff and then we were like, maybe you said to me how's your podcast going or something? And I was like, yeah, it's amazing. It's good. I don't know, you know. Yeah, and then we said What really happens when you do cool shit, maybe that's what it was. We will kind of like, oh imagine doing this or imagine doing that all that kind of some of the things that were a little bit scared to do and then we're so we kind of don't do them, but we need a bit of hand-holding and yeah, you you're always like like I'll say something some crazy story or some weird shit that I've done and or that I want to do and graceful always be like, yeah. I mean just like and you get to know so this is the whole idea of this podcast you get to know that we are about to embark on some really potentially crazy adventures and we want to take you with us. Yeah, and so that's kind of the what really happens. Yeah segment and so in the space of a haircut which need takes like how long how long does it take for you to cut my hand wheel an hour to cut a haircut, but I Feel like we did your color first and then we don't know we did your haircut first and then we did your car. So we spent some time together day. I feel like everywhere hours. I might come into the salon. It's like 5 to 10 hours. But yeah in the space of 5 to 10 hours or two hours or whatever it is. We yeah, we got really excited about this concept and I had lunch actually after I did you Yeah, hell yeah, I'm eating lunch and I was like, is this really happening? Like this is a cool. This is such a cool idea and I guess it kind of gives I like to do things with purpose, I guess. Yeah, and so it makes it easier for me to jump into these scenarios are situations when there's a podcast to talk about it because I probably wouldn't have gone through with doing some of the the things maybe that we've talked about or are going to do yet if I didn't have the purpose to share it so it's all about purpose. It's all about being a little bit curious about certain things in life, but maybe needing like another rad chick to do it with it's all about going on adventures that are a little bit out of your comfort zone. I guess like for me my big thing is yet to have purpose but then to share that so I Inspire other people. Yeah, because that's kind of been My life path as a hoop dancer in as a teacher to be like, okay. I'm doing all this really cool shit. And now I want to share it with you so that I can spark some courage. That's what I really feel at. This podcast is all about like us we could just go on these adventures together. Yeah, we could just jump in the car and go but we're like, why don't we go on the bigger Adventures which you'll get to find out about and then we'll share it will come back and Report each. Yeah. I feel like it's nice too because you kind of recapping on what you've Done and reflecting back on that so it's kind of like a physical act out of maybe what you might do already in your life, but mentally so it's kind of nice to vocalize it and yeah. Yeah, it's cool and share your feelings on Mike how things might have me do feel through the process of something outside of your comfort zone. Yeah, like even we don't know what's going to happen. Like we've both done some really rad stuff in our life. Send you get to know us a little bit more and we'll hopefully I'll have the courage to divulge some of my stuff and Grace I'll like pry it out of her, but we don't know what's going to happen. Like some of the things that we've chosen like we were going to call this I dare ya they can make them big crazy dad jump out of planes and all that kind of stuff, but we actually don't know some of the things that we have on our list. I'm kind of nervous. Are you nervous? I'm sorry scared. I'm so scared of being called scared AF. Yeah. Yeah, but then I didn't want it to be like, you know, I thought if we did it that way it would be like, what are those crazy reality TV shows like the could become extremism. Yeah, maybe yeah, like I don't want to push each other because I don't want this set and you know in emotional disaster. So we've pulled back from the original wildness your hey let go. Yeah, you gonna go see reality and then like somewhere in the middle, so So we came up with lots of different ideas and we're going to call it what really happens like what really happens when you blah blah blah go on this and we'll come back and report and that's pretty much what we're going to do every week. Maybe we should join a talk about like what we're going to this is like the intro podcast. So stay tuned. You're welcome - yes all of the hilarity but this week we're kind of going to introduce ourselves in But in case you are wondering what we're going to do each week. Yes. Oh, we will are we going to ask questions every week? No. No, do you think let's do it this week? Yeah, because if we ask questions every week, we're clear Billy like it off of knowing about you. I want to know about the adventure. Yeah cool. So we'll go through we will have a weekly confession each of something that might have happened in our week. That get deep could get really deep or weird. Mmm. Just be weird. It could be so basic. Yeah, actually, you know what, like don't don't be thinking that my life is some kind of me amazing Wild Ride every week like it might be something about my teeth washing the dishes or something. Yeah, and then we will report back on what we have done for the activity on experience. Again, so what back on that and how it went and how we felt then we will introduce the next adventure. Yes choose a new adventure. So the next week. Yeah. So cool. So you'll yeah will report on that and then Is that yeah. Yeah, and and they're doing see we are living on the edge. We're like spontaneous to red cheeks. Yeah, and then the next adventure and then we will be sharing our weekly obsessions, which is our two favorite songs. So will each share two of our favorite songs from that week. I think that I'm not going to say I'm not going to pick favorites. But yeah, okay airing songs because And I are constantly sending. Songs, but if I songs back and forward to each other and they're just getting more and more epic and we want to share them with you because life needs the soundtrack and eat, you know, I love getting a new song like I think I just yet. It feels like just Sparks so much new nurse. So I'm excited about that each good but you have to stay till The Bitter End. Yeah together some the reward of our to weekly Obsession songs. Cool. All right. So I think that kind of feels good. So we are to rad chicks and we are going to be going on these huge small medium large life adventures and Reporting back to you on what it was how it fell what happened like what really happened and even we don't know. No, I've got no idea and maybe somewhere down the track some you might request us to go on. Yeah, but we have some we have I'm pretty cool ones actually on my Instagram and if you don't know Grace's Instagram at Greece dot your dot self. Yeah, and I'm at the end of EXO. I reached out and I ask people for kind of dares. There were some good ones. So we'll do we'll definitely do some of those. Yeah for sure. All right, so moving in to our next segment. Just imagine there's really Music right here there may or may not be at some point in this podcast as we evolve and grow together all of us. Yeah. Do you feel like singing? Yeah. What was that intro song? Hmm. What was our entry that you want to do? Feel what you want to feel ya so beautiful. I am not going to see on those Larry. I will just talk I could get up and dance, but it's hot in here. So I have to take off all my clothes. Alright, we are going to ask each other some questions that we prepared earlier that will give you a little bit of insight into who this rad chick is and then who I am and this rat is that sound cool because I do do another podcast and it is over on Deanne and it's a bit. It's a bit sacred. It's a bit special and that is only one part of me and this rad chick has like just the million parts of her. So 1 million. 1 million who wants to go first? You want to go first. Hmm. Do you want to ask actually really we she's going to wait? I'm sorry. I drank so much water as I should know by now. I should yes. Get out of here. All right, I'll be right back. Okay, we're back from our pee break and it was amazing. Oh, I bet actually when I sat on your toilet seat, it felt like that out. I was on a pirate ship from parts of the The Caribbean because it was kind of Creek. It was like that is not what I thought you were going to say, but it seems appropriate that's good. Okay. Next time I go to the toilet. I'm going to think of Johnny Depp. Wait is that appropriate? I don't know but okay questions. Let's talk about the questions. You want to ask me first? Yes. I do want to ask you first. Okay. I'm totes excited about what you have to ask me and I am ready to be honest. Right. So I see that you have tattoos you have so many there's arms and wrists. So my question is how many tattoos do you have? And what do they mean to you? Okay. Are you ready? And if I blah blah too much you can but in and ask me about any of them. Yes, so lots of people like at service stations. Listen, and then you are in the US that's a gas station service stations or 7-Eleven or just random kids in the street will be like are they real? Because they look like just a stamp. Yeah, they do. However, I keep so first question answered is how many tattoos so I have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I shit 11 would have been better. I just got that one in Brazil. So okay real quick. So the first tattoo that I have is on my back. And I think I was my mom had to come with me. So I must have been young and I had had a Reiki session. And in that Reiki session. I had a vision of like a heart with wings moving like it felt like freedom and expansion of like my heart chakra. Yes. I've always been a hippie made inside the rad chick and I went to work the next day at the job. That I was doing at the time it was it was a shop called Inner Harmony how crazy that my podcast now like 20 years on is called inner wisdom. Yeah, some things never change amazing and it was a crystal shop and like a new age store at the time that's would have been what it was called and I was you know, just doing what I did bombing. Whatever you do talking to people about Chris. Those and essential oils and I opened up a box of books. And as I opened it the book on the top was called communicating with your Angels or something and it was the freakin heart with wings that I'd seen in the Reiki session and I was like what up Angels that's crazy and to hang and so I was like, wow, I never thought I wasn't tattoos didn't really feel like me, but then I saw it was in my reach. And it was on the books. I was like, okay, so I got that stamped on me and then In Japan, I got those seed of life which is the beginning of all creation. But it also looks like hula hoops. And many many people have asked me. Have I been in the Olympics? Yeah. No, I think I might even ask totes never so cool. No not an athlete always a hula hooper and it's the seed of life. So it is sacred geometry look it up. I got it done in a really Smoky Den in Tokyo with really loud rock music and it was kind of gross and then I got this. Like dot of dots of love that I thought back then one day when I really love myself when I have like full self-love. I'm going to fill that in because it's like the dots, you know mums and dads do for little kids when they want to like teach them how to write you can hardly see it, but the craziest thing about this one is that I met up with my old best friend and we hadn't seen each other for years and years and she had like red dots and there's no way yeah that she would have ever known that anyway. And then over the years I have got hearts in different locations and when people ask me like what are they? Like this one was in Brazil a couple of weeks ago. This one was in India at the end of last year. This one was in Cooley in coolangatta where we live where we work and live because I felt there was like a shift in my life. Yeah, yellow is a good color for coolangatta. It's a good representation of this and coolangatta yet coolangatta is where we live and it's very coastie. On the coast bro. It's surfy beautiful. I may it's like paradise and these ones Melbourne Melbourne. And then these ones were the u.s. At different times when I quit my job and became a full-time hula hooper and then these two little anchors with hearts on the inside of my wrist muster and I used to go to Bali for a year at a time. No, no no a month or two at a time because we were living in a kind of chilly area of Australia and so we would go Hang out in Bali and muscle would make friends with just like cool dudes on the side of the street and one day he went out walking in a new bird and he was like, I'm at these really cool guys at the tattoo shop. You should come hang and then I did and I was like, hey, can you talk to me and I'm so glad I did can I see them? Yeah. They're they're just little and a different color hearts. Yeah ones blue ones. Yep one got super fasty. So that is my there my yeah there and that says deeper stories, but it's kind of Of I feel like it's a little bit like, you know, when someone goes to this really wherever cool vacation and then they come back and they tell you like they show you their slideshow. Yeah people and you're like, yeah, it's called but or it's like I know you and I share dreams a lot. But sometimes your dream is so amazing and real to you but the other person's like great. Yeah. Yeah cool. It kind of leaves you feel very empty that can feel like that. This feeling I'm feeling empty. Well, I'm feeling like it's probably just a bit Bland boring for you to be honest, but it's so cool. No, I love them and they're super cool and I have no tattoos. So it's pure cool Pure Clean Skin bro. You are. Yeah, cool. Okay. Thank you for sharing your tattoos with us. Another question I have for you is your name Deanne love. Yes, tell us about okay. Yes. My name is Diane love but I was not born Deanne love I was born Deanne. In fact, my mom didn't know what to call me and the night before she had me like she was like, oh, I think you're going to be Michelle or Louise or something really pretty and the night before she had me she had a dream and maybe it was the same angels. I don't know they came to her and they said that my name was Diane. It's so cool. I like that. I mean, who were they? I don't know if they're the same dudes that are protecting me all the time. Some girls women Angels omnipresent being. Yeah. I feel like you're very in touch with your like spirituality. Do you feel like your mom is as well? I feel like it was it was just like a kind of undercurrent like she's not some like Crystal jangling, you know, Sage swirling wild woman, she felt like that at all, but there was stuff always in our house that was you know, Maybe affirmation cards or that's how that's how I learned about yoga. So young. My mom had a book with or just the sun salutations of some like it and I would do it as a little kid like so there was stuff around I think like we always had lots of books and things like that. So yeah, my spirituality was definitely came from my mom and my nana. Mmm. That's so cool. Okay. I had another question for you. Did I? Today, it's okay. You can look at your phone because I was actually just thinking I was like, oh gosh, what a Grace is questions. I'm going to have to look at my phone yet because I that's right do Journal. That's the new I Journal do I ever oh my gosh. So I often think and you being super creative as well like how brain gets so filled with stuff whether that's like emotion or ideas or things that I want to write about and over the years. I if I somehow All of my journals from everywhere that would just like fill this whole entire Studio. Do you keep them? You keep your journals. Some of them are like, I don't even know where they've gone. Wow. Oh my gosh. So if anyone finds Dance Moms channel, I don't know. Yeah phone 1-866-931-6190. Now anyone want anyone to sponsor us? That would be great. Eight, I do I Journal a lot and then I will look back and be like who the hell wrote that because it's a lot like, you know, just because conscious download. I do Journal a lot on simple note, which is on my What's this called the iPhone and but sometimes I get distracted. Yeah, okay, and then suddenly three hours later. I'm still in stuff. Yeah. Well, maybe you just can like I feel like sometimes you might get distracted, but maybe you've already Done enough, you know. Yep, it's really cool because I can go back to it. Mmm. But yeah, I know I Journal so much I write shit down all of the time. Yeah, even your Instagram. I don't know if you find an Instagram page. I feel like you give a really good. Oh, yeah. Dialect I got a lot to say some of my friends think my captions are too long and I'm just like whatevs. Just give it a like. Yeah, I think that yeah, I have a lot to say and if you have it a really overactive creative brain keeping it inside is detrimental dangerous get it out get it out. Are you going to explode as feel good to get things out? I'm sure you feel that too. Yeah. Really? I'd probably don't sit down with I do in some ways. Like if I'm I do some complex stand-up comedy and stuff. So I'm writing ideas down first comedy or video ideas or things like that. And yeah, I guess if I'm feeling a certain way, it is good to write things out. I feel like I process my emotions through music sometimes as well. So like I'm not really yeah, sometimes I might sit down and write a bit of a song but in that kind of I feel like that's kind of like my journaling. Mmm it on an emotional level because you write some of the music right? Yeah. I yeah, I kind of I feel like Yeah, I feel like I solve a lot of my emotional stuff through through doing that because I feel like it gives you more of a feel like you can feel into it and you can sometimes I don't even know why I'm playing but I'm like, yes, this is this sounds exactly how I feel right now. And so it's like really good to get it out. And then once I feel so much better afterwards, do you ever have a bit of a cry like mid-song? Oh, yup a lot of Yeah, yeah that happened. Actually when I have a dog and I felt like I had my busy life was really busy and I felt like I might have had to re-home her. So I'll walk I was like I and it was kind of like I'd done a comedy gig that night and I came home and I was feeling really terrible and I just sat down at the piano and I was crying so much and then I just kind of wrote These Like lyrics but then they'll kind of funny as well and but yeah, it did make me feel better in some way. But yeah, but it does happen but we've talked about this a lot how we both. Well, we think we're pretty funny actually Grace is like legit funny and hilarious and sometimes we when we hang out we exhaust each other like to the point of maybe, you know tomorrow we're going to have a calm down and a crash. He had so much like happiness in US laughing at and with and for and so yeah each other's true. And but at times we can use humor to kind of deflect stuff. So we have to be have to be a bit conscious of like, right, you know, and Ozzy is going to have a kind of sarcastic funny. She'll be right Edge as well. So yeah, but using the lyrics and the writing and the humor the song to to move through your emotions I dance and I move and if sometimes I feel like if I don't if I don't write or I don't move my body or lip-sync for my life. Yeah, then yeah gets really Stark. It's really hard. Yeah bit of a cry. I really love those questions. Do you feel good? I feel great to feel good. I feel good. Do you need to go to the toilet? And I'm good? We can push on tree I have questions for you. Can I ask them? Yes, please. So there's a few things and you'll get to know Grace a whole lot better. But basically she has many many talents. And so I tried to ask questions that I think will get you will get to know her a little bit better and they will hint at some of her many talents. So the first well, we already said this we met each other through the hair cutting and Grace. It works in this really cool Salon man. Go on give it a plug. Give it a plug that's once in every hair and on space and it's a really cool silent. Super cool. It's really really yeah, super super amazing. So my first thought when I was thinking and I thought this sometimes like when you're touching me appropriately in the hair salon, you must Sighs a lot of heads. Yeah, and so you get it's quite an intimate profession if I'm to be honest, have you ever had like Have you ever fell in love with anyone touching their head? Yeah, I feel like sometimes I you can kind of pick up because you consult first before you touch the head just kind of like, you know, just go straight down. No, you just kind of get consent first, you know, and and so so you can pick up on me how people are feeling and things like that and sometimes I am conscious of that when I am giving head massage black I don't know. I pretend that I have superpowers and I just can and like if I feel like they're feeling any hurt or sadness. I feel like I just send them heaps of love and lacks real when I give him a massage. But yeah, you do get up in people's grilling. I feel like I can fall in love pretty quickly. Oh and I liked a lot. I love to love so I make sure that I do it with love in a non-sexual way. Oh, yeah. I mean you'll never hear me referring to anything in a sexual way. That's that was he sarcasm always? Okay, so that wasn't you know, you have you fallen in love you haven't in love. With someone's head massage you talking about the the guy that oh, yeah, you can tell the story. I told Dan this story was that last night? Mmm Yeah one time I was giving a guy beard trim and you have to get so up in their Grill like you have to get really close and I legit fell in love with this guy. Do you think it was because of this his pheromones? Moans, was it like how he smells? Yeah, I feel like it was definitely a part of that and and we just had really good conversation and just like just quality goodness, you know, like, okay, so then what happened so you fell in love when you were shaving his beard and you were like, oh, he smells good. He looks good. He talks good. So did you follow him down the street? No, well, he told me that he had a girlfriend and he was telling me all about her. So Okay, it didn't no go Zone and I was like, oh, okay Moving on but then I ran into him at the beach like a few days later actually. Oh my God, and he wasn't with his girlfriend meant to be it's meant to be and then he's Canadian he was is Canadian. I'm sure he still have changed nationalities. And did you did you feel the same kind of love the next time around I was it 1200 because it was kind of like on the beach. Beach and it was kind of like didn't stop and spend too much time together. It was kind of like high and he was there taking photos of some Surfers. Oh wow, making him even cool. Yeah Graeme even hide up there somewhere. That's right. If you're listening or watching this Grace loves you. I love you. I love you. She's in love with you can come. Anytime and get it on trim. We can wait wait, wait, wait, have you been repulsed how many times have been on the opposite end of the spectrum? Because I like to explore all the extremes report grossed out. You know, what I don't remember being I mean I have actually now that I think was it me or was he was Seco. No, definitely not. I yeah, I have been repulsed at one time. Actually, there was a woman that came in for a haircut and I think she kind of came in off the street and this is Nike. Not this being disrespectful. I want to know it's true. Yeah, no, no. No, it's just like you have to get really intimately people. Yeah, and she was like quite aggressive and I know I was actually scared. I thought she was going to punch me and I hadn't even touched her hair anything yet, and I just kind of sat down with her to have a chat about her hair and She she yeah, she was really what like uncapped and a bit smelly a massive bit of motors and you are not aggressive at also though Miss, but she threw her hands up like above her head and I'll I kind of felt like they were going to come back down on like a I mean, yeah, it's hard to know what to do in those situations. You're the kind of person that wants to give support and look like Hmm. Anyway, she didn't get her hair done. She didn't get ahead and decide no. Well. I think she realized she couldn't afford to get hurt which is sad too. But I have I have done volunteer work actually with some a company called Helping Hands in prison. Do you know it? Yeah, and I went into some haircuts for some women that were in bad situations. And yeah, yeah, it's really it's kind of nice doing that stuff because you realize how grateful you are, you know to have grown up or live safe and healthy life. Yeah, and I guess that brings him balance into your life to you because you work in this really high and cool edgy. So it's nice to be part of the Fuller Community. Yeah, definitely. And yes, I step out of our bubble as much as we possibly can which is what this podcast is all about. Okay. So yeah Canadian guy come back. I'll just come back say that one more time. I forgot some of the questions, but I would like to know why you called your dog Olive. Ah, there's a good question. I took me awhile actually to come up with a good name. I'm like I was thinking it was there was a few going around that was like Gloria was an option. She's a bit of a Gloria Gloria. She's yeah. She she looks like a pygmy hippo. So Gloria would have suited her. But all of came. I had my whole family on board with this everyone you need to he had a name competition going on cool and my mom actually came up with the name of and which is real cute. And it just like fit her really? Well, I think and she kind of does look a bit like a color model. Oh, yes as he was saying that I was like, oh I get it now. Yeah. She looks like an olive. Yeah therefore she is. Can you describe like what kind of she is an English Stephie and she's brindle and just yeah, she kind of looks like her coloring. I would describe her as like a Mars bar like if he did into a A Mars bar. She's kind of got these caramel tones and chocolate tones. And she's got these really cute possum eyes. She's really cute. Now. I'm and she's a lover as well. She's the sweetest child ever. Yeah, we should rear in she likes to lick. She loves licking just like her mum. I will talk about that later in what really happens when you Oh, how could I forget so Grace is an incredible stand-up comic. However, it's fairly new like just kind of new for me. It feels like since I've known you how did you grow the ovaries like cheese that is probably one of the it's a lot to stand up in front of people and be funny and you know timing all that thing. Yeah. We're how did it all start and where to get the courage Okay, so I've always kind of made silly Instagram videos and had fun being silly and then my housemates and really good friends at the time bought me this day workshop like comedy school. Yeah, and they're like, you know, you're always making videos Merry Christmas go do this fun thing. So I did and I enjoyed it so much and ever. And at the class like I went in knowing nothing. I don't even think I bought a pen or paper piece of paper like always I just rocked up, you know, and then I really enjoy and everyone there was working on material for for a gig and I was like, can I go in that thing that everyone's doing and yeah, I did and I did my first gig and it was so scary. Mmm the first time I think it's still kind of is scary. But yeah, I think. Like you felt this the scariness in your body. Like do you remember some of the sensations? Yes, I because my best friend was like came to my first show and we went and had dinner. I wasn't I wasn't really that hungry really, you know when you so much. Hello anxiety. Yeah. I had I think I had a red wine or two myself up and then and then when it was in Byron Bay and I think it was a Sunday or Monday and they my friend and I best friend and I we walked over to the car to drive back to the over to the gig and there was this drum circle happening at the very base. If you don't know Byron Bay, it's like the epicenter of cool and spiritual and movement in Australia and music and it's just the music everywhere. And so we were like let's go and dance so and that Helped me so much. Like we just went down into this drum circle. That's a couple of people dancing and we just threw down really hard cool for like a few minutes. I don't see this one amazing that so it wasn't that long and but it just kind of help me loosen up and and yeah, yeah move those feelings through yeah ways, they're stuck. So you think well, the moral of the story is just an just an everyday and particularly when You feel yeah, like it could be the scariest thing in your life. And then so like blood pumping body ready mind open and free and Bam on stage on stage. Yeah, and it was awesome. I really enjoyed it. And then the lady I did their workshop with she runs like a six-week comedy writing. Yeah, of course and I signed up to that a little while later. And did that end? Yeah at the end of the six weeks you do a performance. And yeah, and then from there I was like I want to do more of this. So I just found these like people I don't know they just showed up. I don't know the word just like I just do a bit of Stan. I just I think like I can feel for myself. There's no just like that would feel really being for me. Where is like, I guess everyone's and I could get up on stage and probably I'd be really terrified but I could maybe do a movement performance or something like that. I don't know how good it would be these days but it would be you never know. Just what there's something in there though that gives you the courage to stand up and this is a whole point of this podcast is like to inspire our cell or to be more courageous and then to inspire others. You just do it. I guess I guess I have always done it to Anise extent, you know, like growing up. I've always loved just being silly. It's like in I feel like it's in me and then I feel like you don't you don't be funny. You just are funny. Yeah, like yeah the way you speak or move or you know, I feel like there's It's just when you meet a funny person, it's not even what they're saying. Sometimes it's just the way that they're holding their soul for like I've yeah, but it's funny and quirky like I guess there's so many different things but I'm thinking I know that you're just naturally funny like some people just have natural painting skills or dance or and then they kind of accumulate more they go to funny school and then they get better and better. But was there a certain feel like after that first were you into the drum circle you threw down? You're feeling good. You stood up. You did the the routine. If is that what yeah, you can it could have really bombed. I don't know. Yeah and being like I am never doing that again, but something in that moment. Yeah, it actually is believed to be like I'm going to do that again. That's true. It did feel really good. So I felt it felt so good afterwards. I was like driving home and I was just like I don't even care. Care what happens to me? I'm feel so good right now because it was like this post adrenaline. Yeah, I think so. Yeah. Yeah and like eat probably like wasn't the greatest. I don't know. It's out that like, yeah, I mean, I don't know how good it was as from a wax Comics perspective, but I feel like it felt good getting up and doing it or trying it and then pleasantly surprising myself. Yeah. There was this sense of Blackwater. This is a stretch but I'm going to do it anyway, and then there's a sense of accomplishment. I did that thing. Yeah big thing. And if you know what your big thing in my big thing might be totally different but it's like something that was outside of that comfort zone and then yeah, it's like and have you felt since doing more and more shows which you I just actively seek like it's such an inspiration because I'd be like Yep, tick did that one show whatever see you later. People never gonna do that again. I did. Yeah, and then for the for the rest of my life at parties are be like, yeah this one time like I used to be a stand-up comic but no Grace goes out and continuously seeks like sometimes two or three times a week now. Yeah, that's yeah. So yeah, is it affecting the rest of your life? Yeah. I feel like it's the last couple of times last couple of weeks. I've had a bit of a Twitchy eye. Like that's great. There. It is a bit of a Juggle, you know juggling full-time work with comedy stuff, but it's the comedy stuff makes me feel like I'm living because it is something you threw yourself into and it's like is this really happening? It's kind of like watching, you know, when you see maybe a glass full of or you not a glass and you're watching it and you know, it's going to happen but You can't really do anything about it. That's how I feel when our gigs coming up. I'm like it's happening. But I did it might work out. It might not it's scary. So you put yourself in a position. That's a stretch for you. That's outside of your comfort zone. Even though you're not quite ready. Yeah. Are we ever ready? Exactly. We're waiting to be ready then it's never going to happen. So you put yourself in these positions and then you watch the glass fall. Yeah, you're like, it's happening. Have you ever felt like I can't do this gig like I just can't Tonight not because you're sick like it up or whatever bit just yeah. Yeah, I would definitely had an experience where I was on a way my way to a gig and I was crying down the highway as a cycle. You really upset and it was feeling really emotional and I was like, how am I going to be funny? Like I you know, how am I and and I just had this I thought about turning around and just not showing up, you know, like and they live I was like, you know, I'm like I could use this and so I decided and I was like this could go terribly wrong, but I'm going to try it anyway, but I basically use it as a therapy session. So what I had had prepared, I just like lost. I just kind of didn't go in with what I had prepared for the night and I just I yeah, I just shared how I was feeling and I just had this one tagline. That was that's fucked up. And so I shed all of the fucked-up things that were happening in my life at that moment and it actually got a really good response and I think because it was real like I guess And they loved it. They were they like towards the end of the the my gig there were like that's fucked up. You know, like okay whatever afterwards I felt so good and I also felt like I'm so sorry. I just basically have thrown all my shit on to you guys. But but it was still worked and it yeah people want to relate you know, it's I like when you post your hilarious insta videos or whatever. It's like there's part of me that like we can kind of relate to the Logan or the you know, the guy who's like the doing the tiling jobs or what, you know, we can relate to your characters or we kind of know I do like that or having met him one time, you know, so we relate but then yeah like well, I guess it's a it's a super power of yours as well to be open and vulnerable and people all relate to we all go through if you know, we're all having those moments where you're driving down the highway crying. Yeah. I'm going to get around any she likes on. I'm just like this is not working. What was I thinking I can't do this, but for you you then go ahead like you turn it into this gold where you take? What is the challenge and the limitation where you know, some of us might be like, yeah. I'm like it's over and you turn that into your strength, will you turn that into comedy and maybe that's you know, Yeah. Yeah, I think. I've yeah I try. Well, I feel like in that moment. I was like if I turn around her and I get home I'm going to feel bad about it because I've yeah, I've told I you know, so I kind of and I was like if I go. It's it I went for myself still like, you know, it was kind of like if I go I'm going to feel good about being there and I'm just going to try some new something new and yeah, maybe it will work. Yeah, and I think there's always that external like I'd feel bad about, you know, letting people down or not turning up the moment. They think of me but also like I just yeah I let myself down. Yeah, I don't have that sense of achievement. I don't I didn't follow through. Yeah and it and like I said, I felt so good. To doing it and I was like I wouldn't have felt that if I went home that night, you know, yeah, I turned around and didn't go I wouldn't have felt as good as what I did. Of course. I'm not that's having a really amazing sense of self or self-awareness and emotional awareness like okay, maybe felt like this before. I know how this rolls. We've got two parts we could go down. Yeah, it's totally going home to bed and crying and looking at Instagram is also a valuable option always. No, don't go stand up on that stage. Try it what really happens what really happens. How you feeling? Good. Okay, these I've got like a million questions, but I'm going to just see if I can okay. How many instruments do you have? Oh, that's a good question. Let me just quickly. I have two guitars. Yep at the moment. I have my grandma's piano. Yes. Wait, is it a piano or is it something you know, so you can put roles of Music inside of it and pump the pedals and it plays As music and can make you look like a really good piano player. Even if you have never played the piano in your life. Yeah, it's pretty spectacular and it gives you a buzz a buzz and it's kind of like old and a karaoke really? Yeah, it's super cool uncle and I have a ukulele a kazoo. I kazoo. Yeah. Have you seen the kazoo kid on his room? Oh my gosh. I'm gonna link you up here hot. Expect like a hundred. Kazoo Kid memes. Okay, you're in bulk Amazing Race and looking forward to that. I send Grace three thousand messages a day. I would send as many just as many back maybe doesn't lots of cool stuff. There's so many funny memes and things just sad and hilariousness. Okay, if you had a month off everything, what would you do like everything so you're really doing any comedy like Like you can do whatever you want. I know I know but you're going into like this creative hibernation and it's only a month and you're going to be fine. And when you come out like what would you have done in that month? I think I well I doesn't have to be like, yeah, I feel like I would probably go to Tasmania, I'd probably go to tansy. So my Coastal where I could have a fire and eat heaps of amazing food and invite my friends. The ones I want to see you're not invited. I'm Jake. Uh, I don't change my phone number. I feel like I would I'd get really creative like I would just love to I'd probably take my instruments with me and I would try and I would know I would say try I would write a book called the year. My parents broke up. You heard it here first. Yeah, and I feel like I feel like I would just do comedy like I would write be writing comedy ideas or writing. I want to write a web series as well. That would be really fun. Just have yeah. Yeah get some character do some character development and this podcast is like a vision board right now. Yeah. I know it does. It down like images and this so like who knows? I mean you move pretty fast so it could be late next week and it's done or will still be here in a year and you know till talk be talking about happens when you go to Z and you write lyrics up. Okay, so you're not wearing amazing. I mean, that's an amazing shirt. But often I will rock up to meet you and you have some kind of wild ass looking shirt on when Do you get them all from I will find them in weird places one time I worked on this and did some hair for a sustainable fashion show in Brizzy. And I found my favorite shirt bear which you've probably seen it's got watermelons on it. Yeah, it's so cool. So I bought that from there. It's like a shirt like I mean in Greece has like no. Yeah button up shirt pattern. Yeah, and then One one shirt was left at my parents house from one of my brother's friends, I think and no one will aimed in so I was assigned as keep I now actually had a client bring me she went through she went traveling to visit her family in Vietnam, and she brought me back a t-shirt with strawberries on it and polka dots, you know, yeah. Yeah and Like that's cool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah awesome. So you just kind of like Scouting Around you don't have a One-Stop shop for know. It's just kind of like that. Uh, you know, they find me, you know, cool. Alright, is there anything that you're not good at? Yeah, there is I don't think so. I can't remember can't think of anything that she's not good. I'm so good at everything and my final question is will you marry me? Yes, great. Well, that was it. So let's move on to the next segment and it unless you need to pee. No, I'm good. Cool. Alright. So ah, this is a bit of a weird one. So each week we are going to have a confession like we're going to say something that's either a little bit weird about us or something that's been going on, but it could come from the adventure that we're going on of the Dare or the activity that we're going on. But because we haven't been on any yet. Yeah, we can just kind of come up with one and I have a million like I think um This is not really weird. This is like it's just a confession. I think like I kind of love my mustache. I can't even see your mustache. Well, that means I'm going to have to grow it even longer. All right, maybe that's not a confession or you talking about your smoothie miss that oh, did you see have you seen ask me the massages? I'll have to like send you some in staphon. Yeah, what's something mmm, you know, I was thinking this week like all yesterday I was My house is just like normal boring stuff for this week. I don't really have a kooky confession. Yeah, you'll get a little bit more courageous as time goes on. I'll tell you some real deal confession. Yes, I because I'm such a fantasize ER but I can bring the fantasy into not just you know, the bedroom when I so, I don't love cleaning my house, but it's not like, you know, it's not super gross and messy, but I will create these fantasies that like people Are coming over so that I go and like have this full fantasy of like well having this dinner party and everything even though it's totally not happening. Like I'm probably just going to watch Netflix at night. But and so that will make me like fully scrub the bathroom floor and like make you know, wipe out all my kitchen cupboard like Go the whole are so clean hard. Yes. I have to fantasize to clean my house. Does that feel like a confession and they may Get Saucy enough funny kind of funny like I'm gonna leave I'm going to get funnier. This time it is funny you imagine my hair. Do you have it? Can you imagine? No, you can't I can't be one day. I'll tell you about them. Do you have a confession confession confession? What do what can I confess? I'm sorry. I'm not really prepared on this one the other day. I was driving home and there was an RB T like a a random breath testing. Oh, yeah. Yep. I got pulled over and my car is probably not roadworthy. And I was I thought about turning around but I was like that will probably make them chase me. This is only my mind by the way. Maybe they probably didn't even see me if I turned round. But anyway, I was like no I'm going to I'm going to go up and I'm going to blow in this breath test. I hadn't been drinking or anything. I was just worried that my car was just go. Going to be like by the way. Yeah, here's a fine for this this this and this. Anyway, I went I got pulled over they were like, have you been drinking? I said, no. They got me in a blur in the bag and I had to give them my license and then they were like, okay. See you later. Bye and I was like, I'd like as soon as I saw them I was like, oh my gosh. This is it. You know, I'm going to have to pay thousands of dollars in fines. So you've got the Angels On Your Side to yeah, and yeah Grace has a surf wagon a Silver Surf wagon and that she Parks diagonally in the middle of the street of coolangatta semi safely. Sometimes she wins the windows up. Sometimes she doesn't often times. I walk past it and think I should probably leave letters on the front of the window and she won't know who it is. But now from I did think about that the other day. I was like Dan better write me a love letter one time and put it on my car but then out but then I did think the same as like I would know it's from her because you live Dan lives like very close to where I work. So I have thought about it. Maybe I'll just say rape ain't a love letter. You will never know who it is. It was not me. Yeah. All right. We'll take a photo if I do. Do spring all right. So this is where we come to the most exciting part of the show where we tell you what really happens except we haven't really done anything yet. I mean we have but we haven't done anything for specifically the purpose of this podcast so we would normally report back right? Yeah on our experience and let you in on all the juicy details, but this time we're just going to tell you We are heading next and you want to tell us Grace. Ya going. We are heading to the nimbin Mardi Gras Festival. Now if you have no freaking idea what that actually is because either you don't live in Australia, or you don't even know what Nieman is Grace what when I say the when I say the place nimbin is a place when I say that place nimbin what comes to mind for you? Well, they're definitely Lana it's like the capital of marijuana. Hence why they host the mighty Grass Festival Mighty grass grass or grass if you are a u.s. A bang or Canadian, but they also have cheese. They have a have you seen that nimbin cheese. No. Well. Yeah, I mean the whole surrounds of nimbin is it is incredibly beautiful Lush Mountains part of Australia, which is how far from where we live. I think it's an hour and It drive. Okay. So we're going to be heading into the hills. We're going to be heading into the Lush Green Hills of nimbin. There are some very interesting / kooky people who live there. What else would you say about nimbin? If you were the first time I went there it was a bit scared. I was scared scary. It was scary. What made you scared? But scary. Why were you scared? I was scared because I got out of the car and I was out of the car for less than 30 seconds. And this woman who was really scary looking kind of like missing teeth just gone to in like a bit. Okay disjointed came up to me and was like to you on a by Brownie and basically you get hit up. If you want you get hit up to buy drugs and in all kinds of forms, and I was just getting out of the car to like, yes that has happened to me and my Mother actually a woman possibly the same lady said to my mother would you like to buy some cookies and my mom was like cookies and I know mum no, they're not the cook. No, we won't be buying those cookies having said that the last time we went there with my mom. There's some really cool shops in nimbin. So yes, I would I would actually there are incredible people that live in nimbin, but there is also a potential drug problem. Yeah to however on the flip side of that they do celebrate and this is the hole Uh, yeah buddy grasses that they celebrate the medicinal benefits of marijuana Lana. What are some other words, you know in Japanese marijuana weed marijuana in Japanese is Harper Harper. I like that Papa. It's pretty funny so often if I could just smell it will like Hopper, huh? Yeah. Yeah, but it is also a bit rainbow. Like there's a kind of there's some really cool fashion. And that's what I was going to say. The last time we went there with fashion really cool. Awesome outfits. So by going to Mardi grass. It's a three-day event, but we're just going to go on the Sunday and see the parade and kind of immerse ourselves in the culture chili super weird and over-the-top and also loving and beautiful and open and free and celebratory. However, I have some friends who are in a dance troupe and they are called the gunga fairies. So that's such a cool man. They will be all dressed in green and looking fabulous. So we're just going to go scope. We're going to go see it now Grace. Are you a pothead? No, not really. We sometimes have dabbled like I have yeah sometimes if I'm feeling it, but I I want to be hmm. I just wanna be like that. I want to be however, I've just it's never My group yeah, that'd be my thing. But Australia is expanding its acceptance of medicinal marijuana and CBD oil and I think this is a really important. Yeah. I know some people that have you use it for medicinal purposes. I'm I know a guy who's got Parkinson's and he uses the oils and he says it settles his tremors. Yeah a lot and that's really cool. Like it has incredible properties and it's yeah, it's At medicine it it there. Yeah, there's some just like anywhere, I guess there's some stigma and also legality issues around marijuana in Australia. So we're going to we're just going to explore that. We don't really know. We actually live in a different state. So yeah where the Mardi grass is. So there's like the whole legal issue. There's the medicinal issue. There's the party is there's the scary side of Namibia. Are you scared? Do you have any fears around going I I don't think I'm scared because I have been in a lot of yeah, a lot of situation. Yeah that have been drug related. However one little thing is that I'm not scared because I'm feel like you know where your company I don't think we're going to be going down any dark alleys and like, you know, but yeah just like anywhere I think there are some there's some escalation of potentially like not super amazing drugs. Yeah, me too. Nothin But I don't know I actually don't know so I'm not going to let put any expectation that yeah, I kind of I remember a dear friend of mine who has now passed away when I was younger he was very much into mighty grass and would go all the time and he is really colorful and beautiful and amazing. So for me it's kind of like a reconnection to that time. Yeah, and who knows I love the smell of pot like I think it smells so it's like the best incense. Yeah forward to seeing if it's you know Ru I feel like I'm kind of like a we going to get passively hi, I hope so. Yeah, because I think it's like I sound like yeah, but I feel like I can really easily if someone is in the room of people are smoking weed around me. I kind of feel that yeah walked in a room together. Yeah. It's kind of my favorite way. I don't know how open it's going to be because we do. Yeah, we probably should have done a little bit more research, but I even don't know the laws around it. Of course, you can't you can't smoke and drive and a Elia and particularly New South Wales, which is where the when Engineers have some really strict driving drug laws and lots of drug buses now, so they'll be on the nimbin seen that could be cool to see how many pulleys are there. I'm also interested to see like that weekend. They must have to ship in extra munchy supplies just the like service right? We're going to community cakes and cheap. Yeah, like lollies. Maybe we could do like Heidi bags look like Gucci bags. Just hand them out to everyone. That's a good that's like a Good Samaritan. Yeah. He service. I feel like we could do that be so nice because people are going to yeah so show bag it's got show bags for the stoners. It is it's going to be great. Yeah, I'm yeah, it's going to be cool because there's just going to be a lot of interesting people. So you'll also get we'll take some video and we'll take some footage and just see what happens and us to like I don't know. I'm open to anything scared little nimbin. Yeah have your way with me. That's the thing. No expectations will see and as the week's go on with this podcast. We will we're starting. I think we're starting out pretty chill. Yeah, I feel that we're going to chill with the weed. Yeah. It's probably to Mardi grass. Yeah, so it'll be sweet and beautiful. So definitely come and see what happens. Who knows actually what's going to happen. But as the week's go on, but I don't want to give away anything any of the things that were Considering yeah, I don't think yeah, it's gonna be good easy. All right, so that's our next adventure and we will report back next week and let you know what happens at the nimbin Mardi grass. Okay. Now it's my favorite part of the show where we get to share with you our to weekly obsessions. I am obsessed with making playlists. Grace is an incredible musician and she also sends me amazing songs all of the time that I've never heard of that's the cool thing when you like being someone that is like there's like new fresh blood. So that's why we want to share them with you. Do you want to do you know yours? Yeah my route them here. Okay earlier. All right, get your spot a fake out right now. So one that I've been loving this week is by an artist called Charlie Berg and the song is called you used to why do you love it? Actually, I'm just thinking I don't I Is that how you pronounce that? Yeah, big UK as in Burger. Yeah be uig. Yeah, totally just checking I think so. How else would you Berg Birch? No big belly Burger Charlie Barry Charlie burger if you're watching this, which I'm sure you are we know how to say, you know, Charlie bag you used to you used to yeah used to what come over and lay on my bed and listen to music a music. I think it's actually no that's kind of the general is really sassy. Is it Jesse? It's kind of sexy. It's very is that the one that you were trying to on your insta stories seduce me? Yeah. Yeah, I did with her one minute of dancing learning of dancing and then my other cool one that I rediscovered this week is by Mariah Carey. Re and it's called we belong together and that's also another sexy one. It's been a bit of a sexy week. Yes. Yeah, it definitely has so they're my two things he week for me. They're good. They're really good. So get those in your Shazam and Spotify. Hmm. We should probably at some point make a to rad chicks playlist. Yeah. I mean, I'm definitely coming up. We'll share it with you. You probably 20 minutes after this show my to okay, so I have been sharing on my ends two stories every freaking day one minute of movement so that you can just totally accept that you're a miracle in motion and move your booty. So I made a playlist called booty and it's actually it's a also good for cleaning when you're fantasizing about fake people coming over so that you clean your house. You can see a theme Here. And one of the songs I think is like the second song on that playlist is called say yeah, and it's by a guy. I don't even know what he looks like. I'm going to have to Google him. His name is Troy Boy as in TR o y Bo, I like Bonnie and it's just like super funky. Yeah, he's kind of like, I don't know. He's rapping. I'm not a rapper. Yeah you laugh who is a rapper hoopdog and I think he's like if you're making money for the fam say yeah, so he's like, yeah, I don't know maybe he's cheering on the hard workers and my second one. Okay, I stole this from you. Well, I didn't feel it for me. But when you said so this is how my brain goes when I hear a song. I'm a guy my gosh Mariah. So then I've got to go and Google I mean ya know Spotify all of the other Mariah's and fantasy, you know when she does that little lack what's that? What is that? Real a 20-something decrescendo know that's I think in loudness and yeah, and and then she's like, yep. She's so into this guy or girl. I don't know it is Mariah. So she's probably in two hot guys and she yeah, it's a really good one because what happened was I started to go down the Mariah rabbit hole and some of them are really sad like that woman. She must have really either she just it's that relating thing, you know, she wrote the songs or whoever wrote the songs for people who were just like freaking heart broken. So I was like and then I found a fantasy. Yeah sweet as out of me finally baby when I listen to my eyes you come and take me so something I don't even know. Anyway, she's like, you know walking down the street looking fine. She's loving him. So thank you Mariah that one on repeat. Totally loving it. All right, so they are weekly obsessions and embrace the furniture. I'm getting too comfortable that must mean that it is time to totally wrap this first episode. Oh my God, holy shit. We did it our first episode of to radish chicks too much found out so much about us, but there's so much more there's so much there is so much more and it's really cool to share with you. Thank you Grace. Thank you for being my you made this he ate or we made this happen in one haircut, you know so much can happen power of a haircut isn't such a short time. You just never know. So if there's something that you're holding back on like a podcast with your hairdresser then do it. You should totally do it is all about being courageous and taking the step and learn from Driving down the highway crying but still doing it. Yeah, I think that's the lesson of the weight buckling guys all we're gonna have to bring in some of your characters. I feel too maybe next week afternoon been. I mean, that would be a good idea. Who knows what how we're going to come back from nimbin if we're going to come back from you been it's pretty exciting. All right fun. Talk to you next week. Bye. Thank you.
Welcome, welcome. So nice to bump into here. Ready for some new adventures? We are taking you with us. Each week we pick a new life adventure to journey on then we report on the ups and downs, ins and outs. Who is to say what might happen. This podcast was born out of a desire to experience the fullness of life, open our hearts and minds even more and journey to new places hand in hand with each other and you. Each week we will share a confession. Sometimes deep, often sweet, always entertaining. These confessions are a way of opening up parts of our selves and inspiring you to question, ponder and do the same. The sweetest thing is, we do not share these confessions with each other until recording time so all is revealed each week live and on air. We look forward to sharing our deepest, sweetest confessions with you. Could lead to anything. Next we report back on our adventure of the week. We share our concerns, excitement and the hilarity (or intensity) that was sparked. We wrap up each episode with a very special gift; our weekly obsessions. We are always listening to music and swapping songs so our weekly obsessions are our two fav songs of the week. Add them to your playlist or check out the Too Rad Chicks playlist on Spotify. We are so stoked to share and evolve together. Anything is possible.
This episode of the podcast is brought to you by anchor anchor is the easiest way to make a podcast. Now, let me explain. So first off it's free. Now. There are podcast services that charge upwards of you know, twenty Thirty forty dollars per month and anchors completely free. There's a creation tool that lets you edit record rate from your phone or your computer. So if you're on the go you can take everything pretty much with you also anchorDistribute your podcast so it can be heard on Apple Spotify pretty much any any platform out there. So really guys, it's everything you need to make a podcast all in one place completely free hassle-free. It's very simple. So go download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. Let's jump into the podcast. What's going on guys? I hope everybody's having a A great day. Today, we're going to be talking about how to stay consistent with your trades guys how to stay consistent and stay profitable because a lot of Traders will, you know get profit then it will take it back take profit then take it back. So the pretty much just breaking even day after day month after month and they need to create some of the stuff we're going to be talking about in this. Little lecture. So that's jump into it guys. Alrighty. So the first thing that you guys have to do is you have to be consistent with your effort because effort is Honestly by far one of the most important things that you can have whether you're a hedge fund Trader or you're just a small retail Trader starting out you're going to have to put in effort to it. This includes anything from studying the markets to researching Investments and preparing yourself the night before for the morning ahead. So effort is is big-time guys and that this could also include, you know reading books because day trading and trading the stock market each day. It's different each day. There's different stocks. There's different patterns. So you have to have consistent effort to understand everything that's going on. All right, so let's jump into the next thing now, this is one of the things that I need help big time when I first started trading in this is to create a routine. So this is this includes what time you get up in the morning. When you go to an office if you have one if you're a full-time or professional Trader what time you get home? When do you eat dinner? You know what time do trade or what time do you go to bed? So one of the biggest things that I found found out is I trade better when I work out in the morning. So most days, you know, obviously not all days, but most days probably Lee, you know, maybe four out of the five trading days I will actually wake up at 6 a.m. Go for a jog because for me that helps me clear my head that helps me, you know, kind of get my brain going and everything starts moving. So that's what I had to figure out how to figure out a routine that works for me. So pretty much my routine is that I wake up. I'll go to the gym. I will come back take a shower have some. Oh Oatmeal or breakfast and then I'll turn on my trade idea scanner start looking at stocks that are moving pre market stocks that I see some sort of potential throughout the day and then 939 or pretty much 9:15. Nine ten. I will start creating a watchlist, you know, picking three stocks that I see more potential stocks that are maintaining pre-market High stocks. That have higher volume. I just want to be a hundred percent ready for the day. And then when 9:30 rules around them, you know by 905 or 940. I'm already taking trades. I'm already in the market and then I normally am done by at least 11 if not sooner. So that's pretty much just my trading day and then I will, you know create a YouTube video a podcast. Just you know and just do a variety of things so that by the time you know, I'm done with everything. It's probably roughly maybe around three or four and then I you know, go start making dinner and then you know, maybe turn on a TV show and do some you know work on my computer still looking at stocks that are moving throughout the day. So that's pretty much what I do on a day-to-day basis so that consist of effort and a routine So it's kind of like a combination of both. So let's move on to the next one. So creating routine is very very important as day Traders guys. All right. So now this is another thing that I've struggled with when I first started trading is when I first started trading I wanted to learn every strategy. I wanted to learn everything guys. I wanted to you know, I wanted I wanted to know it all I guess so, So I felt when I was trading, you know, I didn't it I knew what I was doing, but I did it if that makes sense. You know, I felt like I had too much noise, you know too much things going on and I just got lost now, obviously when that happens that is terrible because then you start losing money. Then everything's just starts going bad and it just does not work. It doesn't work good. So what I had to do is I had to kind of take a step back. I can take you know, a couple days off to paper trade and I had to commit to one strategy that worked well for me and that definitely worked and then I became you know, I started to trade more and I built up an account and then everything started started working out for me. So the biggest thing to MIT the one strategy and obviously each day's going to be different but what you do is each day you alter your strategy if their stocks. That are crazy and you know are moving awesome. Then you you know, you use your normal strategy, but if it's a little slower day, maybe you you adjust your strategy just your criteria and you can still make money and slow markets guys, you know, just because that's say the S&P is down does not mean small caps are going to be down because really small caps have no correlation to the larger. You know, the larger cap stocks in the and the SP in the market so, you know commit to strategy and you know find something that works for yourself, you know. All right. Now this one is very very important. This is to create rules. So this is kind of piggybacking off commit to a strategy here. So what I found is that when I when I had a set of rules that pretty much determined a way to pick My stocks would have to pick my entries my stops and you know, maybe my target goals. Maybe I go 1 2 3 4 I take profit at goal one or you know profit one and I start scaling out between two and three if it goes up that high but so I had to figure out a set of rules and if a stock did not meet the set of rules that I'm not going to trade it. I want to trade the best and leave the rest. I don't want to be tuned into You know one stock where I'm like, oh my God, I have to treat it. I have to trade it and then I see it either rallying up more and I know I could have got in but if I have a set of rules that say, okay I can get on the first micro pull back here. So and maybe setting my stops below either moving average line or maybe below a certain price point. So then the stock rallies up. Okay. It's up 4% I'm going to start taking. Maybe if I sell half my shares so now I'm up two hundred three hundred dollars and then it may be consolidates for a minute and then I move my stop up and then I just, you know, keep adjusting my things. So I have a create a set of rules to to make money because a set of rules will make you more consistent with your trades because you're less likely to break your strategy and the set of rules you created so Yeah guys, so that's pretty much that's pretty much I believe that it. Yeah, so if you guys learned something awesome, if you guys have any questions here, please drop a comment on this video and we're almost to my subscriber goal of 500. So if you guys, you know want to stay tuned and join me every morning with my train idea scanner drop a subscribe below, you know, like the video If you learned something guys, so that is it remember to always A happy stay positive and I hope you guys have a fantastic rest of the week. Take care of everyone. Peace out.
How to Stay Consistent with Your Trades  The key for trading is to make sure that your effort is consistent. Obviously, if you want to be a full-time portfolio manager or trader, then you can’t work on it two hours per week. You need to be putting in the hours and effort in order to make it happen. Of course, in order to do that, you need to make sure that you have the right amount of time to give. If you have too many commitments or activities, then you need to pare them down so as to give you the time to devote to proper preparation. You are going to be active in the market alongside people who are devoting 60+ hours/week to studying the markets, researching investments and preparing, so you want to have at least the minimum preparation necessary to hold your own. When you get up in the morning When you get to the office—esp. if you are a professional, full-time When you get home in the evening When you finish dinner When you hit a certain hour of the day, e.g. 10AM or 6PM This has to be the first step. Remove all the noise, opinions and confusion from your trading. You have to understand that you have to stop changing trading strategies. Once you have chosen your system, create a set of rules that determine the way you pick entries, set stops/targets and manage trades. A set of rules will help you make more consistent trades because you are less likely to break the rules. And once you start taking the same trades over and over again, you will start seeing patterns. You will notice what works and what doesn’t. Then you can make small adjustments and slowly turn yourself int0 a professional trader. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Episode 5 you're invisible cape. Welcome to the first year married podcast where we get real about building the marriage of your dreams. I'm marriage Coach K 11, and I take newly married engaged women from anxious and insecure to continent and connected through practical tips real-life inspiration and more than a little self-awareness along the way. Hey, welcome back to the first remarried podcast. Thank you so much for tuning in yet again. I'm trying to get a couple episodes done. This is December 24th, but we are Jewish. So that just means we have two days off from work to get stuff done. So I'm getting some episodes recorded to get ready for you. We were planning originally on publishing these bi-weekly but really the truth is my episodes are not crazy long. So it's totally doable to do them. Weekly and I also feel like this is the kind of information that for me. I like to just get that kind of booster shot on a weekly basis, right? If once a week I could just focus in on my marriage. How do I want to improve what kind of self-development can inspire me this week? I really think it's more valuable on a weekly basis. So we're going to we're going to shoot for a weekly at least for now. So what I want to talk to you today about is this idea called The Invisible cape and let me talk to you first about where it's needed we have A validation culture maybe that's always been the case what I see happening with some of my clients and some of my friends and myself always myself to is that sometimes it feels hard to do the thing that you know is right or that you want to do and that you're totally capable of doing because everyone else is struggling in that area, right? So sometimes it's this is the right thing to do and I don't really have the motivation to To do the right thing, but sometimes it's this is the right thing to do and I'm totally motivated, but I don't know how that's going to be for the people around me. So question could be like, how can I be the only one how can I be the only one who's happily married when I know a lot of my friends are fighting a lot with their husbands. How can I be the only one who's financially successful when they're struggling? How can I be the only one who's organized when they're all hot? How can I be the one who's present when everyone else is just so busy right? Everyone's busy. How could I just be the one that's just present in fine with that? How can I be the only one who's happy to eat healthily and it's just not an issue when food is a struggle for all my friends. How can I be the one who enjoys to exercise when everyone else has the next buyer gym membership and is making sarcastic comments about it. How could I be the only one not drinking at that party when I don't really want to drink but everyone else is doing it. We sort of feel like we're distancing ourselves from other people when we're not experiencing the same thing that they are and by the way, I want to make it very clear that that is not a list of all the things that I'm perfect at. I'm not I would I'm a hundred percent of the time happily married and financially successful organized presents happy to eat healthily exercising and never drinking. So just in case anyone was getting the misconception that I'm describing myself, please put that to rest right away. But again, this is definitely something that I think we all experience. There's an area where you're ready to grow you're ready to move on to the next level, but it feels like everyone around you. It's just it's just a given it's a given that it's just impossible. Able to just relax life is so hard and busy it's a given that when you're newly married money's an issue. It's a given that food is just difficult. It's just hard weight is hard. Your body is hard whatever it is. That's just a given. It feels like a risk of alienating yourself to be different from that. And so I want to offer you another way of looking at it. I like to imagine An invisible cape on my clients back and sometimes on my own and often on my friends and the idea for me is this you just don't know who's out there who just needs that one person. Right? Like she's really ready to move into a better place in her marriage, but it just feels like everyone around her struggling and maybe that's just what's normal But Here Comes This Woman. This invisible cape and she's just happily married and it's not that she's rubbing everyone's face in it, but she doesn't complain about her husband. She doesn't make jokes at his expense. She's just happy and confident and successful in her marriage. And yes, it's great. If you do all these things for yourself for sure, we're all motivated by very different things and sometimes it can be a struggle again because of that feeling that you're disconnecting from everyone around you. So I like to let that woman that imaginary woman who just needs that one example to be my motivation, right? Everyone is struggling with food. So what if it's not an issue for me? All right. What if even though the messaging that I get is that food is hard and dieting is hard and a healthy weight is hard and not eating things that you want. That's really torturous. Like really it's the end of the world of you can't have that brownie. Doesn't it feel like that's kind of what we're being told like like this is like life or death whether you get to have a brownie and you're like sacrificing yourself and some really Major Way by not eating the brownie off the plate and like maybe that doesn't need to be such a big issue for you, but you kind of taken it on. For the team, like that's that's what we do as women we struggle with this. So I'm going to like take it on its going to be my thing. I'm also struggling in this area because I want to be like you I want us all to be able to commiserate and validate and understand each other and and support each other in the difficulty of all this but then what if there was that one woman on the outside being like hey guys, it also doesn't have to be difficult. Right? So in coaching we call it jumping in the pool if you have a person who's like Drowning my mother-in-law's so difficult and I just can't handle her. She's always doing XYZ. She's always, you know sabotaging this she's always criticizing me whatever and then you were like jumping in the pool is like going in with them and drowning with them right like oh my gosh. How do you manage I wouldn't be able to do it for a second and sometimes that feels really good, right, but sometimes what our friends need Is that person kind of on the outside throwing the life raft? And that could look like a lot of different things but it could look like you saying. Yeah, it took me a while to really get used to my mother-in-law isn't it? Funny how you just have this brand new relationship all of a sudden but I think you're going to get there and I think you're going to find that that could be one of the most rewarding relationships in your life. In that case now, of course, I'll talk about in a second about how to not just sound preachy and I'm noxious but what you're offering your friend is so much more valuable than commiseration. You're offering them a different choice. Because if they're coming from a paradigm where the Mother-in-law relationship is by definition difficult. Right, and that's just a belief that they have and they don't question that belief and then you offer them like evidence against that belief again. They might take it or leave it. You can't control what other people are going to do, but you're offering them another choice, right? So to me, that's the invisible Cape. I see this a lot. I work with college students a lot and they'll say to me like the you know, this is the kind of thing that happens at a party and everyone does it so I can't not and I think to them like well what if What if you are the one wearing the keep you don't want to be doing that at the party? What if you didn't and then you became the excuse for all these other girls who also don't want to be doing it and they could they could just follow you because you gave them that excuse like now it's not everyone it's everyone but her and I'm just like her right so sometimes we just need to sort of imagine this this invisible Cape. I'm opting out of that struggle. I'm opting out of that peer pressure whatever it is. Here's some other places. It could come up we dealt with this when we were looking for a stroller. So I know for a lot of you strollers are seem like a million years away, but I personally found the experience of choosing and buying a stroller more stressful than choosing and buying a car maybe even a house. I would say this is an impossible decision and there are so many choices and everything feels life and death. So we were looking at different strollers and if you know anything about the market you can get these unbelievable logs. Strollers, we have four kids and for the fourth child. I was really thinking like maybe I've earned it, you know, maybe the first three I had to be, you know, like good running like middle of the line strollers, but maybe now I could get one of those really nice ones that I've always looked at my husband and I sat down and thought about it and the decision we came to was we could probably manage spending the money on a nice stroller that wasn't going to put us under but what We felt it was going to do what we didn't want to do is have one person one couple who's getting ready to buy a stroller and they really can't afford to get a nicer stroller and when they go looking around at their friends and their acquaintances and everyone has one of those really nice strollers. We feel like let's let's Let There Be people who opt out right? Let's let that be an option for them because Yeah, we could probably handle it. But then we recruit for sort of sort of adding to this environment of like everyone has to have this certain, you know level and maybe that's going to be hard for somebody else and maybe we don't want to put that in there. So like that was my that was my personal definitely trust me. I felt like an absolute superhero opting out on that one. It could mean keeping a smaller house getting a let you know less fancy furniture when you could maybe you could but maybe it's worth considering that you don't have to just because you could any for sure don't have to because your friends are and even if you're choosing not to push yourself because you actually really it would really be a struggle for you to get that nicer house. And that's really why. You can also be having the invisible Cape because what you're doing is you're making a financially responsible decision and trust me. There are people out there who know you who need examples of people who are choosing the more financially responsible choice. So you've got your invisible Cape, it could also mean that your husband comes home on your anniversary with beautiful flowers and chocolate and everything that you love. And you choose not to post about it on social media. Now I'm not saying you have to do any of these things. I'm just giving you examples of where you might use this because you might feel like maybe I don't want to contribute to an environment where like that's an expectation. What you could do is you could post about the times that there aren't flowers flowers and how you celebrate it in a different way. I should talk at some point on this podcast about the way that we do presents and Gifts in my marriage, but I will just say that there is zero expectation on him ever to have a romantic. Gift, that's exactly what I was hoping for that. I never told him about that isn't that is something that I decided from the beginning? I was just not interested in that expectation. I'd heard too many women be upset and frustrated because their husband couldn't read their minds and get them exactly what they never told him. They wanted so I just decided that what was really romantic to me was to be in a relationship that was open enough that I could tell him exactly what I wanted and we could see if that's something that's a reasonable purchase and then when I could I would get it and that might sound and really unromantic to you, but it's wonderful. So again, I guess I'm saying sort of two things right I'm saying on the one hand there's times where we are ready to up level. We are ready to move on and let go of a struggle or maybe it's something we've kind of been taking on the struggle that was never authentic for us in the first place and we're just ready to be done with it and it can feel hard because all our friends feel like they're struggling in that area. And so what you're doing when you're opting out of that struggle First of all, of course, you're improving your own life. But in addition you're offering an option to those people around you and then when it comes to adding to that expectation adding on the positive end, right not the negative end but adding on that positive end. We can always question if we want to be part of that. And again, I'm not saying you can't I'm not saying that if it you know brings you a lot of joy to brag about what's going on. Very wise woman Dvorak Eagle for those of you who know her. Her once said to me you can always tell your mother-in-law every time your husband does something romantic and sweet absolutely send a picture to her of the flowers. Wow. You raised a real Prince. Thank you, right you can always back to her. It's not going to make anyone else feel bad. I love this phrase a rising tide lifts all boats if idea that when when things get better everyone gets better and you can sort of contribute to that Rising tide. You'll see that people who are successful tend to be spending time with other people that are successful. It's an amazing thing people who are healthy and active tend to be around people who are healthy and active so do well give yourself permission to do well in whatever area of your life that you want. If it's your marriage if it's your finances if it's being organized or healthy just give yourself permission to do well and leave the door open for them to come with you. A big fear on their part might be disconnection that you're leaving them that you're you're going away from them. And I think that you can still let them know that you totally get that you get that it's hard for them because you understand hard, right? We all have something where we struggle but you don't have to struggle there. Ultimately, you really can't control what they think either way. So there might be people who decide that this means that you've kind of ditched them. But that really has so much more to do with who they are than who you are and it tends to be that people who go there are going to go there at some point no matter what you do. So really you might ask about might as well just go on and do what you wanted to do in the first place just have an awesome life and give yourself permission to just question all those things that you're struggling with and just If any of those are struggles for you, I had this amazing experience when I went to college growing up. We didn't really eat dessert like on a regular basis and I went to college and there was there was cake served at in the food court at every meal and so my roommate always took dessert because that's just they just had dessert after dinner at their house and I didn't so I just took some because she was taking some and so it was sort of like I was taking on this whole thing where suddenly you know, I sort of eventually managed to convince myself that like not eating dessert was like this huge struggle and it's so interesting because I'm not really that into dessert right? Like it never matches my expectation. It's never as good as I think it's going to be I once lived or actually went to a school that was right across from a bakery and the smell of the bakery was literally Heavenly. I cannot describe how good it smelled. It's called Angels Bakery for those of you who know it and I remember at one point real. I think that the taste of the food was Never As Good As the smell and so I just decided at that point. I'm just going to enjoy the smell like that's the point like the point here is just to enjoy like I'm going to like a smell mall and I'm just going to go and smell all the smells and love them and it's going to be great and just sort of divorce that from the whole idea of going and eating because I just didn't want the let down like it just my mind's came up with such a better experience based off that smell then what was actual reality. So here, you know, I just had this experience of like I just took on this whole thing about food that like, I never had growing up and it became this whole struggle and it was just something that I could opt out of right I had evidence that I could opt out of it because I had never been a struggle before but sometimes you don't have as much evidence but you can always questioned those thoughts. Do I have to be financially unstable just because I'm newly married and starting off in my career. I do I have to diss does money have to be Hard, is it really is? It really hard? Not to be so busy. All the time is it is organization that complicated just questioning all those things maybe organization is easy and fun maybe eating healthy is something I feel really good about maybe money is pretty simple, and I don't mind dealing with it. So I just want to offer you another option. Sort of offer you that life vest if you're one of the people struggling in the pool, which I guess we all are at our own times and I want to say thank you for tuning in to the podcast. If you haven't subscribed yet, please go ahead and subscribe to the podcast. And if you haven't checked out my first video why your husband isn't the reason you're unhappy that goes in depth into my coaching material the tool that I use with my clients. It's on first year. It's completely free. You can also get show notes. If you want any information about this episode at first you and I hope you go and have yourself an awesome life.
You're ready to grow, you're ready to move on to the next level.... but everyone around you is struggling. What's a newlywed to do? How do we improve our lives without leaving those we love in the dust? Budgeting for newlyweds can be tricky. You might struggle with getting your apartment organized, or your new home. Maybe for you what's hard is losing weight or drinking less... but sometimes we're ready to move on from these challenges and up-level our lives, but something surprising is holding us back. Check out this week's episode for a whole new way to look at overcoming your challenges. Finding your invisible cape means electing yourself the official representative who is going to break the trend... for the sake of yourself, and for others who need someone to look to. Those around you might be struggling with peer pressure or negative thinking, but you can be the example of what it's like to live life without that particular struggle. Sometimes we don our invisible capes to allow ourselves to buy a more modest home or post less about our fantastic marriages, so that we aren't putting pressure on those around us who might be struggling. This is not only super fun to do, but it can allow us to get the motivation to make the decision we really felt was best for us in the first place.
My buddy, Mike says to me goes why don't you just lose? I looked at him I said what do you mean? What are you why don't I just lose because I figured out if I had two options resign under protest or do nothing not go to the hearing and get fire, you know and keep in mind, you know, I got little kids at the time. Absolutely. You know, I got huge mortgage pay and I got I there's no way I can quit so you threw the game so I decided to throw it and he goes just lose and I looked at him I said, you know, I when I charge somebody with a crime or when I do something in a courtroom, and I'm here to win. Yeah, not today that because it because I believe that what I'm doing is Justice I charge a guy with a homicide because I believe he's guilty and I threw his hearing because I believe these guys were not just not guilty. They were factually innocent and we're not involved in that homicide. What's up? We're back part 2 with former Manhattan da district attorney Dan, Bib and my co-host Bill Cannon up here in Ossining New York, and we had a nice. A nice chat the first half I thought Dan can talk man. He's got that these got all these da War Stories We thought cops were the only ones that old war stories but he's got it. He's got a he's got a man as as we used to say I can hit the narrative long ball. It's great. It's a good one and like that so you can steal it if you want. I'm going to write it down. We couple seconds here bill. You would tell you was you started telling us homicide story on the Break, and I said, you know what said before it's a funny story. Yeah. It's like one of those stories that you can't believe that it actually happened a guy goes into the to five precinct to turn himself in from murder that he committed 15 years earlier and he starts telling the woman behind the desk all the all the details of the murder and she says you're in the wrong Precinct. That's that happened in the two three because the two threes on a hundred Second Street between 30 and Lexington so the guy walks To the 2/3 tells them they go. Yeah. Yeah, they send them upstairs to the squad. Billy done is there and sure enough. He didn't murder 15 years ago. He knew all the facts. He's now doing 25 to life. Oh my God has it's hard to believe this. No. No, I died believe everyone Civil Service everybody Rises to their own level and Compass. So you're even the da Squad we talked about this earlier living on the upper west side. Plane in the The Da basketball league having a couple of beers every day after work and in homicide cases man trying homicide cases. When did you make this is what movies are made about it. But when did you make Chief how long it take you to make Chief? I never made, you know, I mean you excuse me senor trial counsel. How long the well it took me a while how many people say I had a couple of checkered episodes in my past that the office wasn't too fond of Well, this is where the show is built around your show is built around this right. Now. Those those little stories that keep holding you back slightly, but the you're the most confident guy there at some point. Well, I took a collar so you did no way for the Scotland get the fuck up got some and sweated protesting something. No, I was on the PATH train actually going home after work. I had the windows open going home after a party for somebody. Who's leaving? And A cop in Port Authority cop took offense to some words I had with the conductor. decided I was being disorderly and drag me off the train cuff Me Up drag me inside as as he's walking upstairs is where on the escalator and I said, you know, he's got me cuffed up pretty tight. He's jerking the handcuffs around us. If you know that kind of hurts man, you know, can you not do that? I said besides I'm in law enforcement guy goes. Oh shit. I said my shields in my back shield and idea in my back pocket. I had a pair of jeans on and he pulls it out and he looks and he goes. So we go into the police room by the past station and I was actually going out to my parents house to pick up my car to go down to Jersey Shore the next morning. And you know I'm there for and they had to call a captain from Jersey City where their command is and the captain comes in and says are you calm now looked at him said Captain. I've never been anything but calm said, you know the police officer evidently objected to words that I had with the conductor. And I was even calm during those words with the conductor. And he goes well, we're going to write you a summons for what what did he do? And so they the cop Verse name Frank's Merchants Mercy which God price me a summons for discontent and of course, you know on the back you're supposed to put some factual allegations. So that what you actually did when he's made you disorderly He conveniently left that blank because I hadn't really done anything disorderly. Of course. I had to go that was Friday night and I end up getting out to my parents house abouts instead of getting out of my parents house about midnight or 1:00 o'clock in the morning. I got there around seven and my mother is panicked because I told her I'm coming to pick up my car and going down the shore and Saturday morning and mothers Panic. They haven't called her. I just looked at her and I said I'm getting in my car. I'm going down the shore. I didn't even tell them that I had just taken a collar. But Monday morning, you know, I'm in the office today the clock waiting for my boss and you know mint goes well with the chain of command and I got to go sit down with the second command and the DA's office got to explain to them everything that happened. I had to get a lawyer holy shit, but when we went to court, I was actually a niqab on the second floor on the summons part was in 100 Centre Street, you know now it's Over on bought 346 Broadway this always borrowing make you wear one of those zebra outfits when you get there aren't just in this last part is the New Black Nancy Brown fit. So I had to I had to go to court with my lawyer who I'm still friends with and you know, they'll be attorney moves for an ACD and the judges look something looks at the back of the ticket goes instinct is insufficient is dismissed. Goodbye. Whoa, so I walked out of The Cooperage Summers Park courtroom back. He came and started writing cases up again. So that was a little bit of a black mark, but it really was nothing though. But I guess they tell you office everything everything that we eat paint the picture for me and I always see the scenes that's a cool scene feel for your show. So II The with every big murder case I try and I expect that. There's going to be a phone call from Bob morgenthau saying Dan, you know come up to the office and you know, we want to end it was a title really wasn't it wasn't money with it wasn't a promotion but it was you know, and office of 500 attorneys. There are maybe 2025 senior trial counsel. How many do you have under you? I'm sorry, don't you have you have some limits on the you? I know I was never anybody's boss. Thank God, but you get a assistant though, you get well, you always have paralegal that works for you and you know, these usually when we started the cold-case unit 96 it was met Steve Sirocco and a paralegal. We had the occasional were use of of an investigator. But mostly it was just the detectives that we work with but God forbid they never made me a boss of anything because they know I Could barely be bought for myself. So, you know, it was probably. It was either after the bank robbery trial or the first Cold Case. I know I think it was after the bank robbery trial. I got the phone call that you know to boss is going to you know, you go up and seemed to trial, you know, what to the ego into the inner sanctum morgenthau's office and he says, you know, and I'm going to make you senior trial counsel. He say thanks boss appreciate it. They walked out the door. I was just bout time. I didn't say it. But you know sudden you can't be anywhere else in the World with bigger cases a more exciting cases than in Manhattan the Big Apple Europe. Looking Big Cheese in the you know, most prestigious DA's office. Probably in the country. You're right and I'll tell you a funny story. I was I actually was contacted by the Essex County prosecutor's office to come in to interview for their first assistant assistant prosecutors position. And when I got there I walk into the office. It was 5:30 6 o'clock in the evening and I'm expecting to meet cameras name but the the prosecutor or the county and I walk in and I sit down with a guy that I don't know. I said we don't let thought it was a midden mistress. Also the prosecutor. The interview for the first assistance job. It was well down at first his first assistant job has been filled, but we wanted you to come over to interview to interview you to try murder cases here in Essex County. I looked at him and I said I try murder cases in the biggest city in the world. Why would I ever want to come here to try murder cases? Harry do it in a place must were prestigious. I came here to interview for a boss position. And I turn around walk out the door. Let me ask you a question. Do you would you practice your sub Joey's selection of summation or your closing statements at home the way you know, like the way I used to when I was a comedian just in a room by myself the you talking to yourself. Do you do it for people I never did it no ever so you have to see you wrote it down, right everything. Yes, you wrote it down. So but it's day never stood up there with the summations with the yellow pad and Start reading and Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury. It was never on red ever. Nothing was ever read. It was all notes as well bullet points. And it the longest trials see the the doctor trial. My summation was three hours. Wow, that's a lonely bank. Robbery trial like summation was three hours. And when you have a lot of evidence to Marshall, you've really got to spend some time. But it's I never I never I never practiced them. Mmm. Although my wife would want me to she was then she would say something. You know, I don't want you to say anything stupid and sometimes I would ask my wife. What if I said something stupid what would make you think you knew that? I was saying something stupid. But isn't she would she would always come back because I'm smarter than you are but Dan isn't it amazing how just the bullet point can lead you on 10 or 15 minutes of talking right? Yeah, but when you're doing these closing arguments and You know, you were really trying to get at the heart of the jury, you know, really let them know how evil this person is, whatever and sometimes you know inflection the way you say things and you saying a thing, you know, because you see it on TV and in the movies all the time where you get these these usually defense attorneys that are very animated. So I would imagine that the prosecutors can be that way too. Absolutely they are I tried Some have you cases against some pretty animated defense attorneys who was who would like the best ones at it? Like really it full of shit, you know, they were foolish it but they were getting it over on the Joey the guy the guy I thought he was one of the best trial attorneys. I try case again tried a case against was guy by the name of Tom Klein. He's the guy tried the my first misdemeanor case with I tried a couple murder cases you worked with legal aid for years. I think he's still probably is with legal aid. I tried a couple murder cases with him. I want all one I think. I tried to of them with him. They don't make any money legally, right? No. No, they stay in the legal aid for all those years you to be that good too. Yeah, like money that's amazing your work some other guys that I started with a guy by the name of Jeremy Schneider. I try to murder case to a tie with in the guy was convicted a man to which might very well have been the correct verdict. He was he was very good another guy by the name of David Stern. These are all legal aid got Schneider and start have long since gone from legal aid, but Stern now if I got jammed up State David Stern would be on my short list of guys that I would call. I mean he was that good try to murder case against him conviction. Do these guys who work legal aid also have their own practice. So they exclusively are exclusively legal aid their full-time employees. Wow how that's how about the hide guns the big priced attorneys, who was the best of those? Who would you say was? I don't know I didn't Most of the keep in mind that most of the homicides that I that I tried were there 18b lawyers, you know, they're on a panel and but they just get picked and some are better than others. Some are a few there are very good and a few that are not so good. I tried three murder cases against Nicky Barnes lawyer David Breitbart. Besides being one of the most obnoxious human beings in the world actually called me a Nazi in court once huh bright parts are very good lawyer. Very animated. He knows what he's doing. I tried throws the bright boys named David Breitbart, you know, I used to be as doorman before I became a cop. No wonder he was good, huh? He was good. Well, he got Nicky Barnes off three murder trials and when the good Of lost when Nick and when Nikki lost Nikki fire David and went with somebody else and then they can went straight to the feds and confess this soul that he could actually kill all the people that he was acquitted those homicides, but I tried three murder cases. I was three on one. At 180 and then tried that guy again to conviction and I tried the 13th freaking my first cold case against him to a conviction and then tried another drug ripoff. The guy the guy who was his client was an acolyte of Nicky Barnes who was a kid Accolade of Nicky Barnes when Nikki was at the top of his game. And all those guys are still in jail now, I'm sorry. One guy one of the guys out. But the two other guys are still in jail and I yes, I do check every once in a while to see if people that I would put in jail for Life a still there. Although frightening lie. So besides releasing cop killers the New York State parole board is releasing other Killers as well. That's a big thing right now releasing the cop killer the bank robbery guys. They were convicted of murder and got 20 to life. They're both out there my first Cold Case. They stand the guy cut his penis off and fried and fry it paint washes away. Well, hey, wait, wait, wait, you can't just skim over there. What happening is Kim over there? They two guys picked up a gay guy and a Jim took him back to his apartment. They robbed him. They have them strangled him cut his penis off fried up in the frying pan flushed it down the toilet. And they time I just flush it down. And why are you going to fry it up for? I don't know about the crime scene photographs. There's a frying pan on the stove with liquid in it. Can't make shit like that up that guy that guy's a horrible man. That guy's out those two guys that cut off that guy's penis around one of them. Anyway, why I'm just dead one of them cooperated with me. One of them was suffering from full-blown AIDS at the time cooperated with me and testified in a seven-hour conditional exam and then when just before about six months before the case went to trial he passed away. So this was it was big news because it was a guy who was Lucien noticed guys on the street. You don't want to bump into that guy and exit being viciously killed and the and the main witness is reaching out from the grave the touch of this guy that was that would those were the stories that ran in the times Newsday post he was going to get he was convicted got 25 and did 26 He was recently got out the DA's office. Sometimes less me. No phone calls from assistant DA is and they'll tell me hey, you know Billy seals is out. That was the guy from the 13th Precinct penis case, you know, like I get a call policías just want to let you know Dan Billy seals got out and I want to let you know the bank robbery guys got out. But by the by the bank robber you guys throw professionals now in the courtroom gentlemen, absolute Channel, but then there are guys, you know are insane. Guy who killed five people. I tried this probably 98 and 1998 in the trial was and it's one of the I chopped up his brother with a circular saw after we shot him in the back of the head. He would come out and greet me every morning. Mr. Pibb. Good morning. He'd come out of the past and that the good morning. Mr. Bill. How are you this morning? I'm good Carmelo. How are you? Fine? Fine fine who's on deck for today? Who's coming hoax? Dennis is coming today. Oh my lawyers gonna eat Dennis alive. You know that my lawyers gonna kill Dennis. All right. Come along. All right every morning. He'd come out come out of the fence. Good morning. Mr. Been a cheery, you know dead being on both sides of the phone 75 the life. All right good, you know you obviously have these amazing cases from when you were a prosecutor and now you're a defense attorney and we're seeing a lot of in criminal justice. Home some of the reform that we obviously don't like cop killers being released. I am against convicted felons voting. I think that's a ridiculous. You know, I think um now they want now they want phones on juries. Well, Jerry's to I could you imagine it. Was that cold of wadia when you undertake? Yeah. Could you imagine any prosecutor saying? Yeah, I'd like that felon. He's asking to be a good dad will never have course not but where is this outrageous thinking coming from it's outrageous the progressive left. Yeah, I mean it just as a defense attorney. I'm there are certain aspects of Criminal Justice Reform that I am absolutely 100% in favor of purling cop-killers letting them letting them vote and letting him serve on your juice. That's not one of them, right, you know for 24 years, you know, I I played the game of hide the Bob will not hide the bottle. Where's I used to play hide the salami? Yeah, I know what that was a cop move those 20 years W know this Russian Discretions magnetar part of valor. And now on the blue magnet you go out. There you go out to the bars afterwards and try to find a girl play Holi song. I'll come sorry. I threw you off. Sorry. I was interesting Lee enough. So I Advance he present da who I started with a 1982 has before the The primary and before the election. I actually met with him for breakfast twice. I had been in you know, I'd been in In the you know private sector for a few years. He wanted to know first of all what happened with the Palladium case and then he also wanted to know what my thinking on what reforms could be placed in place to help the justice system improve. And I you know, I told him all about the Palladium case and I told him I said the most important thing that you can do is don't hide the salami anymore and he looked at me and didn't put it like that. I said, well you can do Discovery reform. I told him I said I'm practicing in New Jersey and practicing criminal defense in New Jersey, which I've been doing since I left the office no 6 and when you walk into a courtroom for arraignment on a on a complaint really there's a table or file cabinets. File drawers and you guys intentionally you go over you and the foul jurors will have letters on it a a through c d through F, you know and you go open you open the drawer and there will be an envelope or a box or something there and there will be all the police reports all discovery. And if there is electronic evidence, all you got to do is you walk over the prosecutors offices or if they're in the same building, you know in Essex and a lot of them place them in the same building but burgener and different so you will Up to the prosecutor's office and they hand you whatever electronic evidence they have on disk or thumb drive and you write them a check usually for a couple of bucks for the disks or couple of bucks from the thumb drive and you have just about everything that you need to defend a case the first day you walk into a courtroom and I told Vance I said that you should be doing that and remember what he told me said then at some point I'll be president of the DA's office DA's Association Outpost for some reforms like that. And I said look them I said, you know what sigh you don't need to push for you don't need to be Is Anna DA's office to have Discovery reform in New York? I said every every day is their own elected official in every da consent policy. I said you when you take office and this is especially the conversation. I had told him after the primary where he is going to be the da. I I told him I said the day you put your hand up and put your hand on the Bible and swear to uphold the law and defend the Constitution of the United States and the states of New York. You can turn around and you can have ready a policy that deals with all of the eventualities about Discovery and you can you can adequately protect Witnesses. You can adequately do things that will protect the public but you can also do something that will level the playing field for the defense because after having been in the office for 24 and now in private practice for a few I really saw in New York how on the level the playing field was and he said that that was a great idea and that I would really think about you know instituting a new discovery policy. Guess what never happened the Manhattan DA's office today is more conservative on Discovery than ever before you get nothing from them until they are legally obligated to give it to you. Now. It's unlike the Brooklyn DA's office were in many cases you get things straight out of the box. It will take a while. It will take a month or two, but you don't have to go through motions. You don't have to go through all this. Nonsense to try force them to give you something that they don't have to give you yet, you know Dan just for one second for our audience Discovery is evidence that all the evidence that the prosecution has they have to turn it over to the defense at some point. So that's what Discovery is usually happens before trial right in New York. It's called Rosario material. They are really want you're looking for a witness statements and in New York actually the law in the state. New York is that the prosecutor is not obligated to turn witness statements over until after the jury is sworn. I in my at least in my last 10 years in the office. I took a liberal view of Discovery and I started giving it out probably a couple of months in advance of trial and sometimes you get a plea as a result of it and in New Jersey we have ever done those things all the witnesses statements in front of you I can have intelligent conversations. As with my clients well in advance of trial, you know, six eight nine months before trial. I know what their case is. So basically we're talking about conviction rates. I would imagine what you're trying to say is that Manhattan is worried about conviction rates. So they don't give the discovery of they hold it as long as possible and the hopes that you're going to take a plea. Yeah, but you know what you're saying is that you'd probably take a plea earlier if you could see that all these witness statements, you're right, and you'd probably have Less trials than you do now because you're because any good defense attorney is going to tell you the more information. You have the better. You can advise your client, you know, most of the time you're advising your client with blindfolds on your advising your client in the dark because you don't know what the witness statements are. You know and in police drug cases, why in the world would you withhold the statements of police officers in a drug case? You're not you're doing nothing to advance the furtherance of the to advance the cause of Justice. What do you think? Somebody's going to threaten the cops because you turned you turned over discovery on a drug case. And you know, I recently I don't do a lot of drug work. But if they can pay I will I defend it a guy in Manhattan and this is you know, they told me what the evidence was, but they weren't giving me anything. So right before trial. I'm I'm begging the assistant my clients pissed off because he thinks he's getting railroaded. So right before trial I get fired because he thinks I'm not doing my job. And he hires somebody else and she have same thing happens to her. But she ends up getting all the evidence right before trial and the offer that was on the table one when I was when I was the attorney is now taken off the table. Well, I wouldn't offer to a lesser count and a couple and two years in prison. The offer now is the top count. And it's four years in prison. And of course, she gets the police reports and she gets everything and she calls me up. She was holy shit Den this guy screwed and now was he going to do but he's fucked he's screwed because he had two years on the table, which had he known what the evidence was. He would have taken hmm, you know, and you know, I'd sometimes I have people look at me. I have you known on people in non-law enforcement professional people look at me. While your guy knows if you did it or not, and I said not that's not the point. The point is the fairness of the Criminal Justice System. It's not whether he did it or not. It is give us give give me the things that I can show my client that he did it. I had a 1.8 million dollar fraud in the state of New Jersey before the guy was even arrested. I got a call from the Assistant Attorney General come down to Trenton will give you everything we've got got a huge box and a stack of DVDs with all kinds of with the evidence on it. And there was an offer that was going to be an offer made and it was going to be a substantial offer an Olympic 1.8 million dollar fraud as it has you would think but my guy isn't the Nile and he's telling me no I'm not no I'm going to trial this is you know Screw then think I stole one point. Going from his clients and he did it in a somewhat sophisticated way, but rudimentary enough that you know, even me and now I'm white collar guy when I went through it I go ho ho you're screwed and when I sat down with him and we went through it all sat in front of a computer for like eight hours total of about 8 10 hours with him. He came he came to Jesus. He had a moment and said I'm screwed in what do I do? Well, guess what next week they're going to tell me what the offer is. I'll try and negotiate it down a little Little bit but you're going to take it because otherwise you could be doing ten twelve years and ends up. It was a five-year offer and he ended up we ended up getting them down to four needed two and a half was this a federal case now is a state attorney general case. Okay. Well, but how about Dan with the where which some Discovery Witnesses are being outed and possibly endangered love what can't the in the new law there's a provision that the DA's office can seek In appropriate cases protective order and judges. I believe will grant them a my I did that when I was in the Manhattan DA's office. I had protective orders to trials one guy killed six people one guy killed five into trials. I have protective orders on Old witness statement witness statements until they the night before they testify right in appropriate cases. There is a mechanism for people to protect Witnesses, but in New Jersey recently had a conversation with a deputy chief of the trial division of Manhattan, I told him about practicing New Jersey and goes home. You know me Jesus Danny aren't Witnesses being intimidated and killed and everything. As a matter of fact, no said because in appropriate cases judges do liberally Grant protective orders. But so there's a mechanism in place the new law takes effect January 1st. I mean, I don't I don't haven't defending a murder case. So I don't know what Stan's they're going to take but listen in 1990 after we actually dated a guy back from Ohio for homicide. He had a witness killed from But he had a witness killed because he knew who the witness was and not because I he had any witness statements or not because he knew who they were. He was here on a drug gang together and the defendant killed his drug boss right in front of three other guys, we worked with I mean look, even you look at the whole the police department has that dd5 system the complaint follow-up system where there has to be a level of security to that or else, you know, you could go look up your brother's case in Brooklyn and know what they're going to do. We'll know what evidence they have against the relatives. I want to see if the The Noose this is the computerized system that they have now has been hacked. Well, you know something everyone I never thought it would the security was where everyone could look at it. You know what I mean. Now, of course, if you look at it your name is that you signed into the computer, but there's probably a lot of people that shouldn't be reading those fives, you know, I don't disagree with you but I defense attorney isn't one of them, right, you know defense attorneys have ethics save Same former Federal prosecutor in New Jersey who's doing life for passing information on to his drug clients and getting people killed, you know by and large you're going to give a defense attorney Discovery with names and addresses of witnesses, which they do in, New Jersey. You know defense attorneys. The first thing is going to not going to do is go to a client, you know, this is clients accused of a violent crime. He's not going to go to his client say oh, hey, here's the witness statements knock yourself out. And here's your here's your addresses and phone numbers knock yourself out. Now if I was defending if I'm defending a violent crime, which I don't do very often the last thing I'm doing going to do. I'm going to give my client all the witnesses statements, but I'm going to After addresses and phone numbers because the last thing I want is my client doing something stupid. I've already done something stupid. They're indicted for a crime last thing I want is my client doing something more stupid and getting you know threatening and isn't getting bail revoked and going right to jail. So yeah, when I get Discovery from prosecutors offices, I give everything to my client, but I will take Witnesses witness names addresses and phone numbers out because there's no need for them to know. So what almost do you cases though? if they range anywhere from done quite a few sex crimes A lot of you know lot of misdemeanor cases actually interviewed us attorney's office and one of the guy in Brooklyn one of the guys I interviewed with looked at me since world and what if you went, you know, you've tried some of the heaviest cases in Manhattan. What if you want to try and drug cases here in Brooklyn, I looked at him and I laughed and I said my last case my last trial was a misdemeanor assault case in Hillsdale, New Jersey. So, you know, I've been I've already been I've already been brought low so so so don't even tell me. I trying to try and you know 20 kilo drug case would be a step up from a misdemeanor assault case in in New Jersey. I would imagine not having a lawyer that was once a prosecutor is a benefit. I think it is and that's why I'm going to ask you. Do you have a card? You know what I did not that. I hope I never have to use eventually I usually always have cards in my pocket or cards in my bag. They're sitting on a table in my office at home. Again. This is might be a stupid question. But did you have to take the bar in New Jersey? Me too. Yeah, it's the bar exam is a two-day test New Jersey ads a day. So in when I took the bar exam there's an there are essay essay tests for each and there's what's called a multi-state exam, which is a multiple choice exam and in New York because you got a lot of people taking both of the tests the New York, essay is one day the multi-state test is the next day and then the Jersey essay is the next day. So instead of two days, I had three days of towards you actually have Go back and study again or what Yes, actually when? I was studying for the bar exam. It was about six weeks before from seven weeks before when I got out of school to the test. And I studied six days a week looks on days and so Saturday night and Sundays off and just to go see how that Pub was and even any public it was as a matter of fact at the time. I was living in West Orange, New Jersey and it was a little little bar really hole-in-the-wall bar called Brandon's where I would spend most of my Saturday nights and Sunday afternoons. But yeah and for Month there, my father my father worked in Manhattan. I was taking a bar review course at Town Hall and my father worked on 53rd and 6th and my for a month my parents were in Europe. So I would stay in my girlfriend's house on the upper west side commute down to my father's office spend 8 to 9 hours studying. Then I can go from to Bar view course from sick that 6:00 at night 6:00 to 10:00 at night and then repeat the next day and It was usually there were a couple of classes on Saturdays where three or four hours on Saturdays. Yeah, I didn't have much of a social life for said Alexis uneven bars became a defense attorney. No. No, we didn't have to take the Jersey Boys that you're hurt. I had already taken. Oh, okay, you know where they took it back in 82 also. That was smart. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I knew I was going to be practicing in New York, but you know, who knows what the future was gonna write exactly how How's the Lord different to practice in New Jersey as opposed to New York? What are the differences? Well, I mean one of the big differences. I just thought you about is Discovery. None of the prosecutors offices are as big as any of the DA's office in the city the you know, when I was when I was a prosecutor there were very few defense attorneys that I did not get along with and I find at that as a defense attorney. There are very few prosecutors. I don't get along with most. A lot of times because they know where I've come from but also to I mean on your lawyers at the end of the day your lawyers and you have you have lives and this is this what you do for work. It's almost like a game in a way, you know, I mean it's a game with people's lives. But still you shouldn't this is a difference between the time that we're living in right now. You can't have a discussion with anybody without them being your enemy. They can't there's no logical. There's no if you disagree with them you mean well, yeah like you said you go ahead. Beer at the end of the day. You're both lawyers me. I agree with you and there are a number of a couple of prosecutors in the Manhattan DA's office who I think shouldn't be because of their attitude toward defense attorneys. They think were trying to get something over on them. They think we are the enemy people say well, how can you represent people who do those things? And I said, well, I don't I don't I don't represent their crime. Ames that I'm not vouching for them as people is it my job as a defense attorney is to make sure that in any given case that the DA's office has the has the evidence to show that my client committed a crime and if they do my job is to mitigate that my job is to and I tell this though a lot of my friends these days most of the time my job is a lobbyist. My job is I love you with I meet with prosecutors and either try and convince them. That they're wrong and their interpretation of the oven politicking. I know way politicking in a way mostly lobbying because I mean I've had one of the one of the first cases that I had when I went into solo practice was a kid accused of a couple of rapes up in Orange County and the kid was absolutely 100% wrongly accused by two women of having raped them. I would have tried the case was ready to try the case. I think that ultimately No, we interviewed all the witnesses. I hired Anna McAndrews retired on a mat and with homicide Squad as my investigator Johnny Mac interviewed just about all of the witnesses that this woman talked to both both before and after she had sex with these this guy and both of them not only bragged about bragged about they were going to have sex with them, but brag about it afterwards and this is after the guys already been charged. He's already been indicted and the DA's office hadn't even spoken to any of her friends. Those are motives their motive. Far be it from me to ascribe motive for somebody. I don't like I don't know who nothing. I don't know. I don't know what their motive was. Could he have money this guy? No. No, I meet his parents had enough money to pay me. Well then how about even the Assumption these days with the politics behind some of these rape cases were hashtag me to of that women are always telling the truth. And if you have ever investigated a sex crime, you know that we spoke in a sex crime detectives you have I've gone out with numerous on sex cases that Many times the complaint is lying a high percentage in six runs and they would have social service agencies saying oh no, it's the lowest of any crime and that happens to be false. Ami to movement is the worst thing that happened to anybody who's going to be accused of a sex crimes tried to sex crimes free actually since the me to mood movement really came to the Forefront you guys were convicted one guy was acquitted and it is problematic. That you've got to address all of this in jury selection instead of actually trying to get at people's true attitudes towards criminal justice and whether they can give your client a fair trial you've got to address me to right and you've got to address the assumption that the me to movement wants to set in places that everybody's telling the truth all the time during jury selection committee. Look at some of the women there and almost just based solely on The way they look can you almost determine like I don't want her. She she looks like a feminist. She looks like she's part of me to she's I don't want I need this least a few of those on my jury as possible. The worry the worry is not you know, it's in New York defense attorney attorneys do get to speak to jurors, you know in New Jersey and federally the judge does everything so you're allowed to probe. So I mean, I've never made a judgment of anybody, you know, whether there can you look at this social media pages? You're you basically you're picking a jury. You're going by what they're telling you. You're not unless it's a questionnaire case. Would you be okay with that? If that became part of this, you know, he looks like social media pages. I think people I think if you were allowed to more people would tell the truth, you know, why dear means to speak the truth? The jury I'm talking about pit selecting the jury you think they lie when they go I think this statement for the jury, I think some do I couldn't even tell you how prevalent it is, but no doubt that one or more of the the cases that I was recently tried the were convictions. You know, there were people that I left on a jury that could very well have been lying to me. I don't know because you don't get to see their social media Pages. You don't get anything other lying to you because they want to be part of the jury most of them lighting because they want to be off that you really okay. I don't like that by the way, I would never hear somebody telling me, you know, I said this when I went to the jewelry, I can't be on it because I'm racist I have can't be on it because of the you know this and you know, I don't want you know, here's his civic duty. I agree with you. It's your civic duty, but if somebody's going to do that, then you don't want I don't want them. Anyway, I went as Or prosecutor. I don't want anybody that's willing to lie in court and then and then admit it. Mmm out of court. Well, yeah, I lied to get out of jury duty. You know. I've been called for jury duty. John hartigan retired out of Manhattan with homicide went to the Bergen County prosecutor's office as an investigator. I got called a jury duty and I called Jonathan. Hey John, I'm coming for jury duty won't have lunch. He goes. Yeah, you know there really aren't a lot of helpful. He'll a lot of lunch options in Hackensack, New Jersey, but I hadn't seen John in a while. We've done a couple of Aces together and I got called the morning a cold for a tree tunnel. And you know, I guess I came in there and said and you know, mr. Bill, what do you do for a living? And I said I´m in the Manhattan DA's office, but in the Manhattan DA's office for X number of years, I prosecuted murder cases Cold Case homicides blah blah blah, you know to told him. Well my background everything. Do you think he'd be fair and impartial a hundred percent? Absolutely. I can be fair and impartial of course no defense attorney is never going to take me you know, and And no defense attorney. I don't think neither a defense attorney nor a prosecutor would take me today because I've done both. Hmm. And I mean if the emperor has no clothes, I think I'm probably the one that could see that the emperor has no clothes before anybody any non, you know law enforcement professional but you know, and I told him innocent, you know, it's all just a matter of fact, there's investigator. Who's a very good friend of mine. I'm in about an hour. I'm going to have lunch with them. So, you know, they just looks both of the attorneys who goes why don't we just let mr. Pibb go. There are a lot of lawyers like you that, you know flip switch. Yeah that happens a lot. Yeah it have its own time. And that's to make money at some point. Well, I left because of a case. Yeah this get to that I just told me that side as much as you can almost as much as you can share you want to share you were having this run with the DA's office and the time of your life right there. You loved it, right weld every minute of it and then he been shot best job a lawyer could ever had it went head-on into a case that changed your mind your opinion a little bit. Right? What was that case in Thanksgiving night of 1990 at the Palladium nightclub. There was a balance is good club. By the way never went there. I went to never went there. There was a bouncer who was shot and killed and a friend of mine. She's Scirocco picked up the case. - and tried eventually tried to guys one of whom by the by had made admissions to his girlfriend that he had been he had been involved course admissions that I thought were ultimately false because he was just being a braggart an idiot and another guy from Washington Heights was also tried convicted and sentenced to 25 to life with a friend's 18 name. They didn't know each other but somehow the two Was supposed to get involved in kill this bouncer, right? So they were tried convicted 25 to Life. By the way in front of them. One of the most liberal judges in the system guy by the name of Jay Gould. In that was driving those two guys though. How did they even get put together? The kind of thing with David Limas was identified because David leaves his girlfriend had confided in a friend of hers that David had admitted to her to being involved. in a homicide Unfortunately for Limas although admitting to being there in many to be a gunman in the homicide. He got most of the facts were on to lying facts wrong. But Limas is put Lena's has picked up based on that admission. He's put in a lineup and he said that if I buy for Witnesses bad case, you would think right? Yeah the admissions to person close to him. You have for eyewitness identification. So that's good enough for me. The second guy. There was a detective in the 3-4 Precinct whose Name Escapes Me and wasn't big fan back in the day, but he what he said what he tells Steve. Is that a an informant of his Comes to here comes to him and says that this guy a guy by the name of olmedo Hidalgo was involved in the Palladium homicide. So I Dalgo had been arrested a couple of times from nonsense and was actually being looked at for a number of drug rip offs. Apartment Invasion drug were Provisions home invasion, but they were drug ripoff side and they had his picture and they put his picture in he gets identified by four Witnesses same four witnesses that identified the other guy two of the same and two different. So you got four if this space of a photo array or line up line up? So you got first initially photo array lineup for the lineup for Limas. There were no photo arrays that if my recollection is correct. They did a photo array with Hidalgo and he was identified and then they picked them up and he was again identifying the lineup so they go to trial Not A Bad Case back in the 90s. You got you got multiple witness identifications how it how could it be that for people are mistaken? On two different guys, especially since one of the guys make submissions that he was there and involved. Well, 95 us attorney's office brings a witness by the name of Joey pelant to the attention of Steve Sirocco and Steve does a an investigation and plot basically says that he and a guy by the name is Spanky members real name right now. He and he had Little Rascals. He must have been really off from the Bronx. He says he and he's always remember of Called CNC or which were out of 4 or 1 3 9 and Brooke very bad area. But yes a huge huge drug spot huge drug spots all over the place there and CNC ran the neighborhood. Basically, it was a José calderón and kushan whose name was Jose up Jose Padilla. They killed people at the drop of a hat a You know, you looked at him wrong, they tortured and murdered a guy a guy and his girlfriend who were there buying drugs because I thought they were ripped them off. They tortured him took him they torsional for a while and put him in the back of a box truck and shot him to death. These these were bad bad really bad guys. And Joey says that he was at the Palladium was Spanky Richie and peachy and Joey tells a story of course leaving himself out. He's not involved. So Joey tells problem. Here's Joey tells three different stories of what he did and what he was telling his story. He's trying to get off at something, you know, the feds the feds have them on rack on Rico on drugs. They lifetime life, you know. And Joey wants to be cooperator and Joey's thing for his life. The problem is that you'll realize repeatedly and he tells three different stories. Well, they end up getting a little bit more and a little bit more and they end up doing a motion the defense attorney still motion to set aside the verdict. They do a hearing and Steve thought that at the time this is probably 96 that the judge Jay Gould was going to set aside the verdict. Well, he didn't segue to 2002. What does that mean set aside the verdict means vacate the convictions and get an order laughter. They got tried and they got found guilty. They're doing time or any find out this new evidence and you think that the judge is going to when you produce this level dance that gonna let these guys out. Well Grant him a new trial at least. Okay? Yeah. Alright and so, but he didn't he didn't he denied the motion wine. There was an opinion which he said that he didn't believe a lot. He didn't believe you only plot. So segue to 2002 when Richie is now being prosecuted by the southern district of feds, and he comes forward and he gives a story that of course exculpate himself, but implicates Joey and Joey spanking and peachy. So Steve meets with these two. Bronx homicide detectives balmy El Dorado and John Schwarz, and I meet with them as well. Say we're going to open up a new investigation. You know, I think he's getting out of federal prison. They're threatening to go arrest Mill Up In Minnesota where he is in prison and bring them back and we're so we had that we actually had to call the chief of detectives would often say well this guy off he can't go to Minnesota and arrest the guy on a Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan homicide. He can't you know, that's what he's threatening to do. He's out of his jurisdiction. So an investigation begins my partner Steve Sirocco is retiring in April 2003. And of course, I begin the investigation with him we go out to fair and federal Corrections. We interview Richie Feliciano Ritchie. Feliciano is obviously lying about his own involvement because Joey has put them in the mix back in 95. So but he says I wasn't involved. I was just there and these other guys did it. So what sets me on a two-year investigation through I don't know. I remember how many 14 federal prisons 28 States interviewing Witnesses. Everybody that was prosecuted under with CNC. It was about 22 just because you wanted to make this right you want to make sure that the two guys is sitting in prison should be there. Right either we or should or shouldn't yeah, we shouldn't eat it was on your conscience. And it step by step and it witnessed by witness. I pretty much started to become convinced that these two guys were likely not guilty not saying innocent I'm saying not guilty that they shouldn't be in jail that there is enough doubt there about who did this at these two guys shouldn't be sitting in jail. I eventually came to the conclusion that Richie peachy Spanky and Joey were the were for all four involved. And that David Limas a no matter who made a Hidalgo were not involved one of the things that push me over the edge was was Spanky's brother. Now we spent his brother was married to a woman from Arizona know from Texas. They were in the Army from Texas. He was in Bliss Fort Bliss down in South Texas and met this girl marries her moves her back to the South Bronx. Imagine. The shock is woman of the South Bronx has the South Bronx. Oh my God, and what happens is not we're moving on. Up up up not the opposite of that. She her husband Bodega was her husband gets activated for Desert Shield now she's there by yourself and now she's there by herself with his family and Spanky Spanky tries to rape her and while he tries to rape her he event evidently tells her about him being involved in you know, he's gonna shit and everything. And she gets away. She flees this I won't she reports it to the police. But she leaves for South Texas goes back to Texas awaiting her husband's return from from Desert Storm which eventually which eventually come to Desert Storm. But when the Army finds out that she was an attempted rape victim and that they actually shipped him home to be with her which I found crazy currently odd, but you know the Army did the right thing. Change him home to South Texas and he tells her of Spanky's involvement in the Palladium. Now, we didn't know what she knew about Spanky's involved in the Palladium. But by this time she is a border patrol agent in in Tucson. We fly to Tucson and we speak to her and like oh my God, this is huge. You know, it's Maggie's brother knows about his involvement in the Palladium. so, of course we leave South Texas and we fly and we immediately try to get trying to locate him. Now. He's a legit citizen never been involved in drugs never, you know, grew up in one of the worst neighborhoods in the Bronx never touched drugs never touched anything. He's the head maintenance man at the Jewish Theological Seminary in Upper Manhattan. Hmm and he's a legit citizen. Yeah, he's about as legit legit. Is he gay if coming out of the South Bronx? So we get hold of him Carlos Rodriguez. One of the detectives gets ahold of him and starts talking to him on the phone trying to convince him to talk to us. and one day Carlos calls me up and says I just got off the phone with Spanky's brother and he's a little bit cocktailed up. He's willing to talk. So we actually sent an interview for I think was that Friday night turns out that Carlos is getting married that day. So I said we can postpone the we can postpone this because you're not getting married at City Hall my buddy Mark member of the judge is going to marry you. We postpone the interview to what we call them up. Tell them come in and Monday and he comes on Monday. And he immediately tells us immediately opens up. He says the night before on Thanksgiving night. We're all planning. You know, we're planning have Thanksgiving dinner and Joey peachy Richie and Spanky show up at his apartment or a relative's one of the relatives apartments and they're trying to get him to go with them to the Palladium. He says, no absolutely not. It's Thanksgiving. I'm not going to the Palladium. And they're driving a car that witnesses to the shooting say they see fleeing the scene after the shooting. I can't remember what it was. It was blue and power of blue Ford four-door sedan. And he says that the next morning Spanky shows up at his apartment and regales him with her story of him being in in the club being asking to go out and come back in which was against the rule the rule to security rules. You can't leave and come back or if you want to come back. It's another 20 bucks. So spanking gets pissed gets in a fight with one of the bouncers and gets literally gets bounced out of the club. One of the guys I can't remember which of the four guys comes out Richie comes out and sees that Spanky's been he's bounced out club. Richie says, you know I leave I go back in I got the other two guys we go down we go down the car. We'll get our guns and we go back. And Richie Rich. He's not armed but performs a job in that. He's distracting some of the bouncers. Frankie's the eventual shooter Joey is armed with a nice done. If I with the bounces the other guys trying to a fuck you yes that the other Spanky's wanted was a nine that ends up jamming. Spanky's got a revolver and peachy, you know me neither is going back a long time peachy was involved. I can't remember exactly what he did. What happens is the guy who has bounced Spanky out of the out of the bar is now inside. So there's three or four bouncers outside that had nothing to do with throwing him out. Always happens but he then put, you know, they pulled their guns always gun jams and Maggie gets off for five rounds. It's the chief of security in the leg and hits another balancer and it twice in the chest and he goes out. And the three of us stood there looking at, you know, sat there looking at each other like holy shit David Limas on the people convicted after trial was identified as the person who was thrown out of the club and comes back with the revolver and does the shooting. I'm you know, I've been doing this a long time by then 20 years, and I know it's really difficult to have two people doing the same thing. Exactly during the exact same thing during a crime. It's Maggie's brother whose name it again escapes me really pushed me over the edge about Limas and Hidalgo being involved. There were four people involved. I know who they are evenly missing on Heroku mellow made a Hidalgo or not 1 or not them. David Lee Miss may very well have been there, but he was not involved should have are easy be walking out of the club and watch the shoes and go down. So then the big issue is that you know this now and you went to your boss and told him that you wanted these guys to be released and you do it from prison, right? And but the Manhattan DA's office still wanted to go with it. They didn't want to go against There's there's things that I can't discuss. Okay, because of attorney-client privilege and since you know since 2006 when I left the DA's office, I've talked about this a lot people wanted people want to know about it people want to know what happened but there's attorney-client privilege there that I have never violated and won't violate. I know that you know people think I'm crazy but you know, it's just something I won't do what ended up happening is. When I can tell you a couple of things that when I expressed my belief. It was told to me that they would have somebody else assigned to me if it came to do a hearing. that never happened until approximately last week in March of Oh 502 Min assigned to you while there would be another assistant DA would take over the case if they decided, excuse me, if they decided to go to a hearing and defendant convictions that another assistant DA would do the hearing defend the conviction, right? And that's that's what you're doing at a hearing you know, Bob morgenthau eventually came out with a letter to the Press after I went public saying that the hearing was done to determine what the evidence was have still I still maintain a ton of For Robert morgenthau. I never did a trial or a hearing to determine what the facts were. I already knew what the facts were right. I didn't I didn't just throw Witnesses on the stand for a jury to make a decision want to prosecute a guy it was because I made a determination that I can prove. This guy's guilt Beyond a reasonable doubt that I have a shit my share of acquittals. Yeah. If you didn't have your share of Coolidge you weren't trying tough cases. You weren't making tough calls, you know, if everything you had and if all you wanted was The Smoking Gun literally The Smoking Gun and A dozen eyewitnesses fingerprints and DNA then you weren't doing your job. You weren't trying the tough cases and I will try and tough cases and the hearing this hearing was was not done to determine what the evidence was. We knew what the other nurse was. I knew what the evidence was. What I what I will tell you is this is that in the last meeting before the hearing began. It was between me and see Ryan who is chief of the trial division Robert morgenthau and Jim Kinsler who was First assistant DA and I can't tell you what happened during mean what was said during the meeting but you know, I'll let your imagination run wild but at the end when I express my disbelief that I was being forced to do something that I didn't believe in I'll never forget what Jim Candler told me and this is this is a direct quote. I don't know what you have from whatever made you think you were going to do that hearing and I looked at it. I looked at my boss and my direct boss Nancy Ryan has said she did a year ago when she told me she was Find somebody else to do the hearing if it came to it. So I ended up doing the hearing. I was unhappy to say the least. I was determined that the right thing was going to happen. And as far as I was concerned, the right thing was the these convictions were going to be set aside. With that in mind keep in mind as well that neither the attorneys on the case back in nineteen ninety and ninety five are the attorneys on the case. Now, there are new Council. They're doing a pro bono. They've never interviewed any of the witnesses. None of them and I had of course into every every single one of them in person often times more off more than once now, we probably talked to Spanky's brother in person five or six times before this earring. So what I did is I got old before the hearing. I got all the witnesses in I prepped him to testify as effectively as they could. I didn't coach Witnesses. I didn't tell him what to say. I told him tell me the truth and it but I prepped him to testify one of the one of the most important witnesses to testify at that hearing was Spanky's brother. Maggie's brother. Did it in closed courtroom during The Crow and the interesting thing is just about I think it was every witness that was called except for the detective who was assigned to the case back then back in the 1990 they introduced themselves, the defense attorneys introduced themselves to the witness when they begin cross-examination of the one they began their direct examination of the witness. They never seen them. There was both of them didn't know who they were well, But they didn't have to defend them. Hmm. Well, they're putting the keep in mind. They're putting the Witnesses on the stand. This is their burden. Mmm. And you know, there was a guy there was a guy Again, whose name whose Name Escapes me but he was a member of CNC and had killed six people himself by his own hand on orders from either kuso nor or Calderon and he testified and I basically asked them on cross-examination. So You Killed six people said, yeah. That was it. I mean I could have torn that guy up, but but that guy was an important witness as far as I was concerned. doing what was right and I exaggerated a little bit Yeah, I cross them and I asked them some about the homicides but I could have taken tools homicides I could tell I could have had that with that guy on the stand for days on end. Just talking about his own crimes, but it wouldn't have helped and what helped was his testimony about what Spanky and Joey had told them told him the day after the Friday after Thanksgiving. And I mean they were they were other words. They ended up calling Joey pelant. At the hearing and I was so angry and we want you know, I want to talk a lot a couple of times in prison and I was so angry at pull lot for having lied repeatedly, you know when he was interviewed by the DA's office and then on the witness stand at the first hearing that I made a determination if they call plot that I would absolutely go to town on him and I got to tell you I had I had more fun cross-examining that guys then you can shake a stick at but it was all for show. As I didn't care if the judge believed people are not you know, because there was so much other evidence that Richie peachy Spanky and Joey were the perps and not David Limas and olmedo Hidalgo so dead did you ever after this? It's tremendous amount of Integrity that you showed. Did you have to resign you think we are if you hadn't you would have been dead in that office. So you'd why did you know I well. When I was told I had to do the hearing I figured there was I'll tell you another funny part of this whole thing is when I was told I had to do the hearing and Kendall said that to me. I called A buddy of mine who's a civil engineer knows about law enforcement what I tell them okay those you know Knows by the criminal justice system will I tell him so I said listen, I just had the bath the worst day a my office in my life. I need to drink so we met at a bar about a mile from our house and we ended up drinking fifteen-year-old McAllen like the Out of it like a bottle and a half. And we actually had to call our wives to come and get us and I remember the next morning going out with its monster hangover to go to work and seeing shit. Where's my car? My wife says don't you remember now? Like she was this at the bar you moron. Hmm. So but while we're sitting there while we're sitting there drinking, you know, my buddy Mike and I feel I'll tell you a like- a shout out to you brother. I'm going to tell you to listen to this so when I you know, we're talking to my buddy my buddy. System Eagles. Why don't you just lose? I looked at him I said what do you mean? What are you why don't I just lose because I figured out if I had two options resign under protest or do nothing not go to the hearing and get fired. You know and keep in mind, you know, I got little kids at the time. Absolutely, you know, I got huge mortgage to pay and I got there's no way I can quit, you know, I can't resign because I need this job. So you threw the game so I decided to throw and he goes just lose and I looked at him I said, you know, I when I charge somebody with a crime or when I do something in a courtroom, and I'm here to win. Yeah, you know today that because because I believe that what I'm doing is justice. You know, I don't I don't go in there. I you know, I I charge a guy with a homicide because I believe he's guilty and I through this hearing because I believe these guys were not just not guilty. They were factually innocent and we're not involved in that homicide and you know, I to this day I always whenever I see him which is which is nowhere near as often as it should be I always tell him I always thank him. It's a yo, bro, this was your idea and then he's like, I don't even remember that man. We were so drunk. You remember that? That's great though from the grounds of drunks. I tell you something. Yes. Yes. So you something you know what? Well you were talking for the whole two and a half hours every time you were painting a picture. I could always see the scene and I was mentioning earlier about your TV show that you should have that should be based on you. You know what I'm saying? The former prosecutor turns into a defense attorney these big cases what it let you there you getting locked up for drunk and shit and a lot of just a lot of work on this is gun. But a lot of it, you know, it has the feeling of turns out A Few Good Men and it turns out you are one of the few good men that were out there you you you basically you were caught between a rock and a hard place your drunk friend help you out of it don't want in a guy shooting me forgetting them off. Yeah. Fuck that guy man. The guy had all go the ended up after the hearing I said, I'm done. Okay. Anyway, no more Court appearances for me. Nothing for me. I'm finished over. I want nothing to do with this. You do it you do what you're going to do from here. And the guy they had second seat the hearing it's just the a signed the last minute so many patiently to watch me, you know, he takes over and you know, he's he knew nothing about the case. So every day he's coming in to talking to you about the case third deciding what they're going to do and you know, finally did it they decide that they're going to set aside their going to consent to set aside olmedo hidalgo's conviction, but they're going to fight to save David Lima His conviction which makes no sense, which makes no sense because most of the evidence that I gathered during the course of almost two year investigation went to lie mrs. Involvement not hidalgo's made no sense to me. It doesn't even told him. I told him this makes no sense. I said most of the evidence says that you know goes against Limas not is shows that Limas didn't do it. Not a dog. Oh, but they're like now I will set aside a dog goes in go to saved at Elena's. Well, of course the judge It was a friend Roger Hayes still on the bench. I think he's leaving at the end of the year which is which is a loss by the way. He was acting chief of the trial division in 1982 when I started but the judge you no, no, I'm not going to say how but he knew what my thinking was on the case and you know, he end up he ends up setting aside Limas his conviction. And they retry him well, and he was swiftly quit it Hidalgo sued, but did not sue me. And the city ends. Well what happens now Limas is Limas is out. I mean they he had said they set bail when he said set aside the conviction so he'd been out for a while now Limas is acquitted and Limas is going to sue and I get a call from his attorney and he goes, you know were suing the DA's office. I said well, okay I said listen, I just appreciate it. If you don't sue the guy who got your guy out. You've got you guys out of juice exactly. so it was a Saturday and I run swim meets all my kids were competitive swimmers. So and I still do today to this day and I runs from leaves for New Jersey swimming and that's Saturday. I was running a swim meet and the son of a bitch had Federal Marshals come up and serve my wife with a complaint. With a civil rights complaint and I was absolutely livid. So, of course I call him on Monday and named call him every name in the book. Well, but yeah David Lee massoud me. Thanks David. Yeah, forget no more for yeah exactly for - oh, they say no good deed goes unpunished exactly go. That's a great way to end the show. I'm sorry that we're running that we ran out of time while ago but we had a we had a finished listen to this story. That's a fantastic story. And at least you had like I said, he one of the Few Good Men he stuck his neck out for two people that were wrong. Wrongfully convicted. He went the whole way with it. And then he got sued in the end. So it was nice knowing you by the way, and if you need a place to stay if you lose your house whatever, you know bill has this palatial estate. I got any rooms is kids are out there in college my vacation spot. Anyway, Dan. I want to thank you want to thank you so much. We miss got 1.1 million and Hidalgo got 2.2. Whoa, that's no Crime Pays. Yeah. But they didn't do the crime scene years 15 years ago. Yeah, that's not worth it and nowadays they get a hundred and twenty million for anyway. Thanks Dan for coming that it was great and it was a pleasure having you here and we like we tell Lorelai guest September 21st. We're going to have a comedy show a podcast live podcast podcast the comedy show afterwards Pleasantville you and we're going to be inviting all our past guest on to cool come in and be part of the live podcast catch. Up with you everybody's going to get a couple of minutes to tell us what they're up to and we'd love to have you for them for that absolutely loves him. All right on behalf of Bill any parting words? No, I just again I'd like to thank Dan bib. He's the first non-police guest and he was it was fascinating. I mean, you know, he's not even drinking imagine if he was drinking how many hours of stories he could tell ya not quite as many as Mike Sheehan we got to get Mike. I've been trying to get Mike in here. I can't have a phone from I do. Yeah. I want to get it. I think he'd be getting I love Mike you guys will be here. For a day, you know, what's funny when you were telling me that drinking stories. Would young I thought about Mike I said this kind of trouble might get super so he was a guy who taught me a lot. God bless. He's a good man. I want his number ankle at what a lot with I'll give it to you. Nobody. All right. Thanks. I'm I'm in touch with him all time. Well, and on behalf of police off-the-cuff man. Thanks for tuning in and we look forward to having this. Absolutely. Let me know. Over and out. Well, I've been trying to get in touch with Mike Sheehan. I used to coordinate the homicide.
On Part 2 of our interview with Dan Bibb, he talks about choosing Justice over victory in the fabled Palladium homicide case. Dan Bibb began his career as an Assistant District Attorney in the New York County District Attorney’s Office in 1982 under legendary District Attorney, Robert M. Morgenthau. During his career at the DA’s Office Dan investigated and tried some of that Office’s most high profile matters, including criminal activity ranging from commercial fraud to homicide. In addition, while at the DA’s Office Dan was personally responsible for the development of new evidence in the so-called Palladium homicide that led to the exoneration of the two people convicted of the crime and the prosecution of the real perpetrators. Dan led the investigation and prosecution of a precedent setting homicide case in which a doctor murdered his wife and disposed of the body. Dan was appointed Senior Trial Counsel and as a result of his many of his high profile investigations, prosecutions and convictions received extensive media attention. When he retired from the DA’s Office, Dan was Unit Chief of the Cold Case Homicide Unit. A number of the investigations and prosecutions Dan handled were the subjects of full length non-fiction books. Dan left the DA’s Office in 2006 after an illustrious 24 year career. In February 2006, Dan joined the White Collar Criminal Defense and Internal Investigations Groups of an AmLaw 200 law firm concentrating exclusively on the defense of individuals and business entities charged with crimes or under investigation by federal, state or local law enforcement authorities in New York and New Jersey. After spending two years at a big firm, Dan struck out on his own as a solo practitioner and continues to represent people and business entities involved in criminal investigations. As a prosecutor and defense attorney Dan has tried over 120 criminal matters to verdict. He is well respected by his colleagues in the defense bar, the bench and prosecutors’ offices. If Dan cannot negotiate a disposition that is satisfactory to his clients, he has 31 years of experience and the skill and savvy to give his clients a fighting chance in the courtroom.
Welcome to the steroids podcast with your voice Dan the bodybuilder sometime. The steroids podcast is brought to you by Ultimate Guide to roids 109 page ebook by Dan the bodybuilder from Thailand now for the first time in bodybuilding history, you have someone with no corporate interests and no obligation to please anyone not walking on eggshells to not offend. Ultimate God towards gives you the information the whole information the whole truth not a full truth and a half Truth full truth. Ultimate Guide to roids gives you the keys to the Lamborghini gives you the information that lets you decide what to do with it. It's a crime this information has been suppressed this long now, let's get on with the podcast. Okay, welcome to the steroids podcast. So today I had a great chest workout. I was at the gym and I was inclined pressing the 130s and now my chest feels great and you guys know that All is really important and that this is what the most successful bodybuilders do is a slow- where you can stop the way anytime if you wanted to that's the speed that you should be doing the negative on the way down and then you push as hard as you can and you push that weight up as fast as you can get back get it up. Okay, that's how Arnold trained. Okay, and that's that's what's up. As far as Rhett Cadence goes you guys you listeners you good listeners of the the steroids podcast You guys who I'm talking to right now? And that's the way the Arnold trained. Okay, he would do a slow negative. He would do the same thing on his Rose. He would do a slow- where he'd slowly let it back up and then he'd Wham pull that shit back down as fast as he possibly could okay because that's what it takes. That's what real world action is like you don't move things that are heavy slowly forwards you push it. As hard as you can so that's what you do. You control it. You're lifting weights. You're not doing movements. You're a bodybuilder you lifting weights. So you're putting that tension on your muscles. And then you stretch in that chest out slowly on the way down stretching it stretching it more under complete control can stop at any time if you wanted and then boom boom. You make that goal shooting up as fast and as hard as you can that's what's up with the rep cadences. Now before we get on with the first question today. The first thing that I'm going to talk about is why it feels good to be honest about your steroid use. Okay and what I think about fake nattie's, okay. So there's one reason to be dishonest about your steroid. Use that is good reason. Okay, and that is Because you're afraid of the legal repercussions of people knowing you're on steroids. Obviously, if you're doing something that's illegal and you're worried about getting in trouble for it. That's a very valid reason and absolutely something that you know, you should do it that if you care about that because it's none of their business. Okay, it's only your business if you want it to be. Okay, so you're under no obligation to tell anybody. Buddy, but I'm going to tell you guys now why it feels good why it feels good to be honest about it. Okay, because back when I was first using steroids and I was first starting to get you know, big like, you know people usually you don't see people that are real muscular, you know, where they just jump out very like whoa, that guy's really muscular. So when people would see me, They would ask me tips. Sometimes they'd say like, you know, nothing I'm doing is working and they'd say something like what do you do man? Like like, how can I get like that? And I remember this one bag boy at this grocery store. I was at and he asked me that he was like, he's probably a few years younger than me. He's a black dude and he was like a little bit like chunky and you could tell he He had to be a high school football player something like that. And he had this like he asked me so sincerely man. He was banging my groceries and he big smile on his face and he was like, he was like man, I want to get like that man. What are you doing? What are you doing? Help me help me out, man. I'm trying to get just like that and I was like Watch your training and your diet for a lot of years man, just like, you know, you really got to pay attention and like keep on doing it for years man. And if you're consistent, you know, ventually you'll get there and he's like, okay and I walked out of there and I felt rotten. Okay, I felt rotten. I felt rotten. I didn't feel good inside because I genuinely if somebody is genuinely asking me a question and they're admiring what I do then. I want to be honest to them and tell them the answer that like that's a good compliment. And so when I respond to that in a way that is like not the truth and I know it it doesn't make me feel good. It didn't make me feel good and that's how I felt. General okay, and then when I started being completely open with my steroid use and you know, here's an example of after I was open with my steroid use. I was coming out of a parking garage in LA and this guy is Mexican dude. He's the parking attendant. He runs up to me after I go in I go in I Drivin. To the parking garage and then he runs up to me and he says damn man. I just have to ask you a question and I'm getting out of my car and I'm going as after I parked in the parking garage and I'm like, okay. Yeah, and he goes, what's the secret man? How do you get so big man? How do you get so big? What's the secret and I looked at him. And I said three things diet training and steroids. And he looked at me like he saw a ghost and it was he like his head like whipped around a couple times and then he went but they're expensive right in this high-pitched dad's voice and I was like, yeah, I just walked off man, and I swear I was chuckling to myself about that for for a long time. I was chuckling to myself about that because it reminded me like how just how a power of a difference that was you know, and how free that felt just just saying that and I didn't even think twice about it, you know, like like I noticed it after I walked off then I noticed like oh my God, like he really was not expecting that and that was like probably like a once-in-a-lifetime experience for him like, you know going and making that effort to go talk to someone who has something or has done something that he's interested in doing and then for them to just like totally Lee tell you like that especially if it's like building muscle and stuff like that it did just frankly tell you yeah, this is what it takes and basically tell him you know, all three things that he needs in order to do that like like, you know, he probably isn't gonna he probably would have never had that experience in his life because I doubt anyone else is going to tell him like that and then if he doesn't know anyone right so it could have changed the guy's life could have changed the guy's life and You know, so it was good for him. He was met with an honest answer and it helps shape his perspective of you know, what is reality and what is not help solve the problem with fake nattie's a little bit and you know made me feel great given someone honest information and helping somebody out, you know, someone admiring what I'm doing asking me sincere genuine questions and me being able to be I'm a nice guy right? I want to help people out. So so if he Ask me and he's sincere then. Yeah, I want to tell the honest answer. So it feels very free to be able to do that. That's a reason why okay, and what do I think about fake? Nattie's? I think that your average fake Natty, you know, it's none of anybody's business, but I think that the guys that get online and then they're projecting themselves or you know, like like Tae Bo is a good example remember that kickboxer guy and Tae Bo that was on like hella Trend and it was like, oh shit. Due time, but I can get looking like him. It was a total scam. Okay, I don't like that kind of thing or like fake Maddie's on YouTube or like clearly on steroids like guys like a Jeff nippert and guys like that guy who does the shirtless the shirtless prank videos Connor Connor Murphy, okay, or even like Cassidy Campbell if you guys follow my body builder in Thailand YouTube channel back in the day before I got censured for talking about Peds you know what I was saying way back in the day that Cassidy Campbell was on steroids and everybody was like, yeah, right, you're insane. You're insane. He's not big enough to become steroids and then later, you know, it came out that he was on gear. So it just I was like, I was shaking my head. I was like, yep. Yep, and no, I don't like that kind of thing. I like I like Cassidy Campbell. I think his videos are funny. He's a prankster on YouTube used to be called trained to look good naked on YouTube, but he's doing different pranks now not so much Fitness. So like the guy but and he's not a bad example of a fake Natty. It got bad examples of fake. Nattie's would be like guys like athlean-x or Jeff nippert who are like intentionally or Matt ogas who? Were like intentionally using their entire premise of why they're on YouTube. You know why their public figures is based on a lie, like that's disgusting. That's disgusting. Okay, it's disgusting. All right, so that's what I think of fake Natty's on with the first question of the podcast. What do you guys say? We get to some questions now Marco asks. Hey one thing is there really nothing comparable to Trend in the book Ultimate Guide to roids by Dan the body builder from Thailand you right trend is the strongest. Yeah. Let me flush that answer out for you a little bit. It's definitely fleshed out in Ultimate Guide to roids very clearly, but I like to When you guys especially you guys who are readers of the book my book Ultimate Guide to roids. It's the greatest book on truth and honesty and accuracy on how to look like the bodybuilder that you want to look like that has ever existed in the history of bodybuilding. Okay, your goal what you want to look like it stated how to get there in that book and it's honest and it's accurate and it gives the full truth not bits of the truth. It doesn't give bits of the truth and bits of you know bullshit. It says exactly it's a road. To where you want to go? Okay, and that goes for any level of bodybuilding, you know up to ifbb Pro. Mr. Olympia. There's a road map in Ultimate Guide to roids that will be what's necessary to get you there. So, you know I talked about that. Nothing is comparable to tremble own injectable tremble on an Ultimate Guide to roids and that's because here if nothing matters to you in life other than bodybuilding. If that's the only thing that matters to you in life. Then tremble own will be the most powerful chemical in Your Arsenal that can do the most for making bodybuilding happen for you. It will be the most valuable tool in your tool chest that you can use to help. You become a bodybuilder. Okay, just point blank. In what it can do to your body the amount that you can take the length that you can take it the amount and length that you can take it without getting sick. It's the the overall muscle building Jim enhancing nutrient partitioning food making it go where you want to go where you want to make it go in the body going to the all the food and the nutrients going to All the Right cells and staying out of all the wrongs cells. This is what tremble own does if you could pick any substance on planet Earth and be able to take that. Like I said for a long time without stopping, you know, your total your most valuable tool if you want to become a bodybuilder because it doesn't take month to become bodybuilder. It takes years. So if you your most valuable tool if you want to become a bodybuilder is tremble own. Okay, but there's one thing attached to that if you don't care about anything else in your life because it will basically mess up every other thing in your life. Okay, so there are guys out there who they live for the gym and they really do mean that. Like some of them like don't have families or some of them are like middle-aged and like divorced or there, you know, there's a bunch of different reasons. There's a bunch of different reasons. Okay, but it's usually not guys who are the happiest campers? Okay, the guys who don't care about anything but bodybuilding like that becoming a bodybuilder at all costs really with disregard to anything else in their life. That's Only thing they care about literally only thing. Then yeah these guys, you know, they're regularly using you know all the time, you know, at least 700 milligrams of tremble on per week at least but most of them since that's their goal. They know that if you take more than that it works better. so most of them are really taken more like somewhere between like 1402 21-month hundred milligrams. That's like two ccs or three CCS, you know at a very minimum one cc of trend every day, but like there's absolutely guys that take 3 cc's of trying every day and you know, like this is what I'm talking to you about the like the type of person who does this kind of thing like they're sacrificing because you know, if you want to hear more about the side effects of tremble own then go I read part of the Blonde section from Ultimate Guide to roids. I read it on YouTube. Okay. There's a YouTube channel on my YouTube channel body building knowledge, bro. Okay, there's a video called tremble on and tell you about all the trend side effects. So if you want to go over that and you need to know about that and why it's going to you know wreck basically like every part of your life except for bodybuilding and go watch that. But for right now, you're just going to have to trust me and so for one thing though, if you're taking like, you know grams of trend or you know, like basically this effect kind of starts at around 700 milligrams and then like increases as you get of above that for the average user and that's that your dick just like stops working and it doesn't even really matter like if you use cabergoline or not and mind you I'm talking about properly dos. Go on here. Okay, I'm not talking about some watered down shit. I'm talking about accurately Dost. Okay, a hundred milligrams per milliliter and there is at least 99 milligrams in that milliliter. Okay. This is the kind of trouble and I'm talking about. Okay, so you guys are like no. I don't experience those facts. Well, you know, I would check the potency of your gear. So It starts that effect where it's like it doesn't matter if you take cover or not. Like you just can't get an erection. Okay, that effect kind of like starts around 700 milligrams per week. You'll notice on only 350 milligrams per week that your dick is just a little bit smaller. Okay, when it's hard, it's like you'll just look at it and it won't be like a huge difference. It'll just be a small difference and you look at it. You'll be like What the fuck maybe like why is my dick smaller? We're like, why does my dick little bit smarter? Like what the fuck and then when you finish the trip alone after like three four five six weeks goes back to normal size. I'm not I'm not pulling your leg right now. Okay. I'm not pulling your leg. Also trembling shrinks your testicles more than any other drug. Okay when you are on tremble own your testicles are like 40 to 50% Their natural size. Okay. So yes, they can go back afterwards. But like this stuff shuts you down hard like it and you know, you can take it in Long dosages for long amounts of time though because it doesn't like stress your digestive organs. Like it does raise your blood pressure, but it doesn't stress your liver. It puts a little stress on your kidneys, but it's not severe and it's not like an oral so you don't get sick on it and you can take it for long periods of time on end well, Ever having to stop, you know, I don't use trying anymore back when I did I've used it for four months non-stop before because I was just like this is the shit and then when you come off you crash you actually crash. You're like damn I feel like shit, even if you're on other steroids. Okay, even if you're on other steroids, you still crash when you come off the trend and it's like it's very noticeable in your head in your Mind and your day-to-day life and what you're doing. It's right in front of your eyes. Okay. So yeah. it's not a good drug, but there is nothing that compare can compare to it if your If your only goal and nothing else matters to you is getting his huge and freaky as much and muscular as possible. Then it will be the most valuable tool that you could possibly have on planet Earth in your tool chest to get you to that goal. But there are other ways to get to your goal. It just won't be as effective and it just won't be as fast and it just won't be as direct. Haha. Alright, so next question. That was a very good question. In markup. Next question is Joe asks Dan the podcast kicks ass. Here's my question when sex drive takes a hit while I'm testing d-ball can Viagra help with in erection. Also, why is it that sex drive takes a nosedive even when estrogen is in range probably individual but was leaning more towards indirection fixed with Viagra or Cialis or maybe a combination of both. Yeah. This is a good good question that you bring up jump because he said that he's having sex drive issues on a testosterone and default cycle with his estrogen and range. So this is not like he's some kind of whoa way out there weird case. Okay, I would say most guys are not going to be getting issues. Okay, but as many as like if you're taking this, you know for a whole cycle and he's like middle of the cycle or something. Then you know two or three guys out of 20 guys might experience something like this. Okay, or if you take gear for a long time at some point you're going to experience something like this. Everyone does. Okay, and then you're like, whoa, what do I do now? And you're stuck troubleshooting. So that's the book Ultimate Guide to roids us one of the best things that it is for is that when you get stuck in these situations you have a 100% guide that can tell you how to get out of that situation that you can trust 100% And it's not one to lead you astray. It's going to tell you what the best solution is to do for when you have problems and you don't know what to do and you need troubleshooting with your gear usage Ultimate Guide to roids has got that information in there no matter what Is and we'll have you covered. and if not, you can come to me but they won't be in if not, so what happens is sometimes the pro hormones that are made when your hypothalamus remember it releases the gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which sends stimulates the pituitary gland to release luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, which then goes down to your testicles and makes them produce testosterone and I'm okay. That's how you that's called your hypothalamus pituitary testicular axis. And that's how your body regulates your sperm and testosterone production. It's also the way that woman's periods and their estrogen are regulated. Okay, same mechanism, but with their ovaries, okay. So in that process of getting there to the testosterone and the dihydrotestosterone be made from the testicles and enzymes. There's pro hormones. I've made and if those different signaling molecules on the road there, okay, and then there's other there's metabolites of some of those signaling molecules. So if you take steroids and you turn that process off you turn off some of those pro hormones that aren't then getting produced in your body anymore. But you still have the principal hormones, right? And you have elevated levels of the principal hormones of the principal sex hormones. Okay, so things like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone you have super low. So even though you're lacking some of those pro hormones that are not as strong and they're not as important components as sex hormones and for like regulating sexual function and things like that. It's still it's still matters, but most people don't notice it because it's covered up by having those super physiological 's of the primary sex hormones the super physiological meaning very high levels of the primary sex hormones testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. Roster own. So when you some people are more sensitive or sometime, you know in your steroid using career, there may be some point when you have a problem and you don't know why because like this guy said he's on testing Debo is estrogen is in range. Why is he having a problem with his sex drive? And so when you start experimenting with PCT drugs, that's why your answer comes. Okay, that's where your answer will come from Clomid works. Okay, but Clemens not fun to take it just makes you feel off. It just makes you feel weird and off so never want to take Clomid if I don't have to it's a pain in the ass, but it will work because it works directly on the first link in that chain the hypothalamus. It stimulates receptors estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus and makes your hypothalamus. Then think that there's a certain amount of hormones in your blood and then it starts releasing the gonadotropin-releasing hormone. And that starts to the hypothalamic pituitary testicular access. Okay, that starts that process going. So that's how Clomid works and like 25 milligrams per day can get that process kick-started but the stronger way to do it is to take HCG because usually it's some kind of pro hormone that is made in the testicles or some kind of other Androgen that is made in the testicles, you know a secondary Androgen secondary sex steroid. It's not the primary ones that testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. Star Stones are different hormone and and there's little bits of other conversions happening and other hormones getting made in their pro hormones down there in the testicles. So if your testicles aren't functioning anymore, well, then those aren't getting made your just injecting the testosterone and then having the 5-alpha reductase enzyme that resent resides in your blood and the Romans has enzyme turned some of that testosterone and estrogen and turn some of that testosterone in to dihydrotestosterone. But you're not getting there's a ton of them. Okay, I can't name them all because there's like there's like ten hormones that are all these little male Androgen prohormone hormones that are made in the testicles. So when you take HCG that usually always solves this problem where you're like, okay, my estrogen is in range. I'm not using any weird compounds I'm using testing d-ball. Why is my sex drive low and why isn't my dick working? Okay. Usually the problem will be and the way to correct it will be just taking Thousand I use of HCG twice per week. And usually they will go away. The problem will go away within like five days and you can just take the HCG for a while and then you know, usually you'll you can just stop when you Cruise or something and if that's not something you usually deal with every cycle, then it will just kind of go away and it's sort of like a fluke thing that you kind of get rid of with HCG. But for some guys who are really sensitive it might be something where they need to do that, you know during cycle or else they have problems. So that's one reason it can happen Okay, and the other reason it can happen while you can be having these sex drive issues and how you can do the troubleshooting is it can happen because of high prolactin so having steroids in your blood it decreases your thyroid hormone levels when you have those high high testosterone levels. The thyroid doesn't function quite as efficiently and when the thyroid is depressed the the alternating hormone in there is Prolactin. Okay. So as thyroid hormone is suppressed prolactin raises increases and this is like a very this is not a huge significant amount but it is something that is happening. Okay. It's something that's going on. On in your body to some degree. But then again a lot of people don't get this effect or they might get it sometime during their gear using career. This is like advanced stuff that you don't really hear often because you have to really know people who have used this stuff for years and no no other people who have used the stuff for years. Okay. This kind of information only comes from like experience and years knowing people who have experienced so Could be this prolactin issue. Okay, and how you solve that is you've either got to get. You've either got to get cabergoline or pramipexole. Okay, and cabergoline. You can take that half a milligram or even only a quarter milligram to two or three times a week two or three times a week and see if that makes it go away and you know, if you're having a problem with sex drive on d-ball and testosterone or estrogen is in range, then I can almost guarantee you That doing one of these two options either take an anti prolactin cabergoline or pramipexole or taking the HCG or taking the Clomid. I can almost guarantee you like Garrett like really close man. I'm really close. I could almost like, you know, I'm like at least I'm only like three milliliters of millimeters away very close to being able to guarantee you within three milliliters that one of those answers. Will solve your problems. So yeah good thing you asked here because it's hard information to find other thing was that this was somebody else asked me recently can vitamin B6 release reduce prolactin because it's been showed shown in studies that it does and the answer is no not in a way that can be used for bodybuilding. So I've experimented with this. So B6 vitamin B6 for one thing is toxic and high dose. Isis but I went away and experimented anyways, and when I was using tremble own, I used High dosages vitamin B6. It was at least it was at least 600 milligrams per day. I was using and it didn't do shit. It didn't do shit. Yeah, I would like to say that it did because wouldn't that be nice to be able to take some B6 instead of some dopamine Agonist anti prolactin drugs to deal with the with the trend with the trend sexual side effects or the high prolactin side effects. Wouldn't it be nice if B6 could do it wouldn't it be nice but the answer is no not in the real world. It may say that in studies, but in the real world doesn't Shit. All right. Peter asks anyway to imitate the trend look without using trend. Is this the trend episode or what? This is like almost The Ultimate Guide to Trenton, but and the bodybuilder from Thailand. You know, there is a way to imitate the trend. Look there's the some pictures of me. There's also on Instagram and they're also in the last page of Ultimate Guide to roids my book and they're pictures of me looking like I'm on Trend like people would swear you're on Trend, but I'm not okay. I'm doing like a most muscular most muscular with like veins and striations and shit like all over the place and it just looks Obscene it's a completely saturated pose. There's no empty space. You can't see anything but muscle except for outside my body. so How do I look like that without using Trend? Okay, the most important component. Primo Bolin Primo Bolin gives such a sick. Look. It's such a sick hormone is awesome. And it has no side effects. Okay, and it has it has a way better effect than Master on because Master on makes you look like kind of flat and more like a Sleek slim athlete but pretty mobile and doesn't do that, but it still gives your skin kind of that same shiny look to it with a little bit of oil on it like that kind of thickish oil it gets on your skin and then The thing is that it gives a really sort of boxy shape, but it's you know, Trimble own gives the muscles kind of a boxy or square shape and pretty mobile and does that to it kind of like imitates it but it doesn't do it quite the same. Okay, that's the best you can say. Is that Preamble and imitates it but doesn't do it quite the same and then okay, so that's that's the number one component. Then of course you have to use a good amount of testosterone so that You're like very very full. Okay, so I'm talking like 700 milligrams of pre Mobile in here at least seven hundred to a thousand. Okay, and then that's I kind of the top off dose for Preamble and because if you keep on increasing the dosage after that doesn't really do much does a little bit but the gains are exponentially not good not better as you increase the dose of taking up the one point four grams Preamble and per week 1000s best dosage. So once you got the Preamble in there, you got it 700 mm. You got to put the test. Joan at the same dose. Okay, because then you're going to be folds fuck which is one of the attributes of trend full really dense hard looking muscles. Okay. So if you got a lot of internal pressure, which the testosterone gives it gives an internal pressure to those muscles pushing out bursting out. Okay, when you combine it then with the look of the Preamble and because the look of the Prima Boleyn is like an imitation Trend. Okay, when it's been pushed out and made full like that. Okay, and now here is the second most important part. Okay. This is the Next the next most important part the answer is super drawl. Okay, super draw has it comes from Master on okay, if you take the chemical Master on and you make this alteration to it remember we talked about the reason why oral steroids stress the liver is because there's this change on the chemical that makes it be able to get through the liver. Okay, and it's called a 17 alkylation. So for example Baldwin on or equipoise if you add the 17 alkylation to that molecule you get Dianabol. Okay Master understand alone. When you add the 17 Alfalfa collation to make it be able to survive the liver then it becomes Super Draw. Okay. So this stuff the super draw it has a super hardening effect and it's more of a freaky effect because also has an insane glycogen loading ability where it can it's even better. And draw it this where has this simultaneous hardening effect and then and and like a sucking the skin in around the texture and the separation of the muscle where one muscle starts stops the next muscle starts sucking around those areas specifically and I guess burning fat in those areas specifically because it makes them show up more visibly. And so that's the hardening effect that I'm talking about and then it also so fills up glycogen Like No Other Drug No Other Drug can fill up glycogen the way that super Joe can none the way that it can pack the only the only drug that really could compare to its effect in the way to like blow up your muscle from within from within. Is like insulin testosterone and tremble on and Dianabol? Probably there's probably no other drugs that could be in the same ballpark or league as super draw in its ability to make you change the way your body looks in two to three days after you start taking the tablets make big changes to the way your body looks two to three days after you start taking the tablets because it fills Muscles out from within to such an extreme degree. So this is you know, and it does that at the same time as making etching out those areas where the separation as where one muscle stops the next muscle starts, okay. So and then the other thing is that if you want to look freaky and boxy in 3D, well human growth hormone is going to be something that is really going to help you with that goal. And it definitely has cosmetic effects where it specifically upon injecting the growth hormone and waiting again, like three four five days for that cosmetic effect. Come on you start to notice this effect. It's more boxiness this more where one muscle starts the next other muscle. And when one muscle stops the next muscle starts this look and that that boxiness where it's like muscles are Defying Gravity, you know, they're 3D they're sticking out at Angles and stuff like that. Like they seem to have they have this looks like they have a mind of their own or something. You know, they're not they're not obeying the way that gravity would think that it would be that kind of stick out and it's like how is that muscle just sticking out there like angles and shit, that's growth hormone. So if you notice though, Equality of these different drugs is trend has all these qualities and so that's the thing and that's the reason why people get so seduced by trend is that trend has all these qualities and it's relatively cheap in comparison to all this other stuff and you have to take all this other shit in order to approximate its look so but it makes so many side effects and screws up your life. And anybody who says it doesn't is in denial. So like that's the reason why that's the reason why It's like a seductive drug in like bodybuilders get addicted to it and they really are like addicted to it. You know, they know they shouldn't be doing it and it's bad for them and it's like screwing up their lives, but they keep on doing it like in high dosages. So these are some of the reasons that I'm telling you about why this happens and and are the reasons why I decided a couple of years ago. Like I'm done with this. I don't want this in my life anymore. And I've had other friends who were experienced bodybuilders, you know, a lot of guys get to that same place get that same place the experiment with it and then you're like hey, Hey and stuff's no good. So you throw it out? Um, but yeah, so if we're going to go to a cycle a cycle now, I'll tell you what my cycle is in those most muscular pictures. Okay, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to make the thumbnail. Yeah, I think okay scratch that. I'm not going to make the thumbnails going to say I was going to make the thumbnail picture just look for the freaky pictures of me doing the most muscular. Okay. It's all over the place. It's all over the place on my Instagram or something. All right. So what I'm on in that cycle is a thousand milligrams possibly more possibly one point two five milligrams actually or sorry one point two five grams. So 1250 milligrams. starts her own an antique test of ayran bear Pharmaceuticals Okay, 1000 milligrams Primo Bolin. Okay, this is per week. Okay. 50 to 100 milligrams and a draw per day 22 32 milligrams Super Draw per day 1000 milligrams metformin per day Okay, that's what I was on in those pictures. That was my cycle. Oh and I almost forgot another nice ingredient that was in there when straw 50 milligrams per day. Alright, I'm 100% positive that that was the exact thing that I was on. But I got to add in this to Nordy Trope in growth hormone three. I use injected once per day in the morning. And what was I eating every day? I was eating the same thing. I woke up. I ate chocolate protein oatmeal the Quaker Oats chocolate oatmeal packets, and I would mix it with two scoops of whey protein then I would eat. One whole chicken later for lunch, then. I would go to the gym. I would drink to Gatorades pre-workout to 32 ounce Gatorades and I would eat two packages of gummies fruit snacks. And I was on Metformin and growth hormone. Okay, no insulin, though. No insulin, and but metformin is really good at 2,000 milligrams per day has an insulin like effect and then I would train and then when I get done with the gym, the first thing that I would do would be have two more packs of gum. He's okay. That's the first thing I would do the second. I was finished then I would go to the food court that was outside the Gold's Gym. In Cebu Philippines that I was at and I would go drink the inside of one whole coconut and then I would eat one whole chicken again, and I would eat three cups of rice. Okay, and then before bed I would have two more scoops of whey protein and I'd have two more packets of chocolate oatmeal. Okay, that was my diet. And that was my drugs. Okay, that's how that's the exact weapon that I use just now that I told you about that was the exact method that I use to produce that physique. So if you notice a trend there. It's pretty low fat and it's pretty high carb and there's a lot of sugar right around the exercise time. Okay, that's how you get big full and freaky and have your muscles take up huge amounts of muscle glycogen where it looks like they're bursting from the inside. It looks like they're bursting from the inside out like your muscles are going to explode. Okay, it's low-fat its high carb and It's high like it, you know like yeah a lot of chicken, you know, you got to eat a lot of meat I to chickens a day and then I was having you know, like four scoops of whey protein per day as well. So, you know, yeah, it's a good amount of protein. It's a ton of carbs it was you know, a bunch of that sugar right around the workouts centered right around the workouts and then, you know a bunch of starch carbs like oatmeal and oat meal and rice. So that's the the truth about that guy's is like pre and post workout. Got window when you're on gear matters. Okay freaking matters. So a lot of guys they notice that doesn't really make a difference when they're natural. And so they're like, okay well, like if you if you don't take that if you don't take that, you know, if you just eat sometime within three hours, it's fine or something like that. But that's not the case when your own gear. It's like very Paramount that you be eating, you know before and you're going in there fueled and then when you get out it's like you eat immediately like that is what you do. I'll make a huge difference man. And the magic thing with that too is especially post-workout out of all times is when you get done with that workout having starchy carbs or sugar like sugar is much more powerful actually than starchy carbs makes a massive difference and your muscles use them up. You can feel it go in and out of your bloodstream when you eat it, like it takes like between once you eat it, it takes something like 15 to 30 minutes and you feel like the energy come in and then you feel it like drain out again and it's you're like oh shit. It's time to eat time to eat a big meal. Now, it's it is a quite a feeling and you see firsthand. You actually feel the muscles, you know, suck the blood sugar out of your blood so very important. That's how you get the trend look. without using Tren So next question is from Joel and he says diebold versus trend for muscle growth. Well, the ball is very effective. So I would say that that d-ball can grow as much muscle as Tren. Definitely. I mean, they're like equal in the amount of muscle that they can grow. But here's where Trend beats again is that Trend produces a better a better cosmetic look and then the other thing is that you can keep taking Trend and not get sick. Nick and if you're taking hydros 2D ball that compares to Trend and its ability to grow muscle is anabolic effect, then you're going to have a time limit that is how long you can take that until you are going to be forced to stop because you're going to be like sick and it's it's going to be like you can't even train anymore so or eat, you know, you can't do bodybuilding because you're sick from what you're doing at some point, you know, there's going to be a quicker sooner Tapout point with the D ball. And so then you're gonna have to take a break. Then you won't be able to build as much muscle. Whereas on the trend you can take High dosages for a long time and not get sick. You'll be uncomfortable. Your life will start getting fucked up, but you won't be sick. You'll still be able to eat and if you get acid reflux indigestion, here's the trick. Here's the trick you by sodium bicarbonate tablets and take them or you get the same thing at the grocery store in a powder and you throw it in your mouth and swish it around with some water and drink it and that is it. Twitter baking soda is basic and it destroys the acid in your throat or in your stomach. So when you get acid reflux or heartburn from orals from oral steroids or from computer all computer all is very famous for causing this then it's going to it's going to make it stop right away. It's going to make it stop right away and your stomach and your throat. It's going to feel better. Tremolo and can cause that too. All right guys, I'm going to call it a day on this one because I like this episode. I think this is going to be called the trend episode. Yeah, you know, it wasn't intentioned like that. But this was really targeted information on Trend. So we're going to call it. We're going to call it a day going to get to the rest of the questions that would have been on this episode next time. But I hope you enjoyed your time here today on the steroids podcast the trend episode. If you would like your questions to be answered on the steroids podcast go to steroids and leave a comment with your questions or email or private message steroids podcast at or steroids podcast on Instagram until next time. The Steroids Podcast - Trenbolone Episode 00:00 Rep Cadence Explosive Positive Slow Controlled Negative - How Arnold Trained 02:54 Fake Natty Bodybuilders Exposed - Fake Natural Bodybuilders who take Steroids 03:47 Why It feels Good to Be Honest about Steroid Use 05:29 I felt rotten lying to aspiring bodybuilders who wanted to be successful 06:18 example of being open about my steroid use 09:20 Being a fake natural bodybuilder and using it to scam people and using your fake natural bodybuilding status as the basis of your business is a disgrace. Jeff Nippard. Athlean-X 11:28 are there any other Performance Enhancing Drugs or Steroids that can compare to Tren? 16:50 If nothing matters to you in life other than bodybuilding, then trenbolone will be the most valuable tool you can have in your toolbox to help you become a bodybuilder 14:21 Common Gym Goers reasons for abusing Trenbolone 16:30 As trenbolone dosages increase over 700mg-1000mg per week nothing will prevent sexual side effects you will gain what can be called "A Dead Stick" 18:30 Trenbolone Side Effects and Tren Acetate Duration of Cycle Tren "Crash" mental energy crash when coming off of tren even when still using other steroids 20:10 Sex Drive Troubleshooting when normal estrogen levels on testosterone and dbol cycle 22:55 HPTA hypothalamus pituitary testicular axis explained 26:16 HCG for low sex drive on steroid cycle 27:25 Steroids effect on thyroid hormones and prolactin axis 28:33 Cabergoline for low sex drive 29:51 Vitamin B6 for reducing Prolactin Levels 31:00 How to get the Tren look without Trenbolone 32:03 Primobolan Cosmetic and Aesthetic Effects for Bodybuilding 34:12 Superdrol Cosmetic Effects and Muscle Fullness What Superdrol and Primobolan stack to imitate Tren Look for freaky muscle 36:47 HGH for freaky box shaped 3D muscles that defy gravity - Cosmetic and aesthetic effects of HGH human growth hormone - Visual body changes start 2-3 days after first injection of growth hormone 37:45 Difficulty of other performance enhancing drugs to compare to the anabolic effects of trenbolone 39:18 Freaky Cycle for Tren Look without using Trenbolone 1000mg testosterone 1000mg primobolan 100mg anadrol 30mg superdrol 50mg winstrol 2000mg metformin norditropin 3IU 40:50 High Carb Low Fat Diet for Extreme Muscle Fullness and Glycogen Loading on Steroids 45:25 Dbol vs. Tren for muscle growth 46:35 Acid Reflux and indigestion from Trenbolone, Oral Steroids, and Clenbuterol This Podcast is for entertainment and conversational purposes only. This author does not support the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs. If any substances mentioned in this video are illegal in your country do not use them. Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or supplement routine. Do not take anything mentioned in this video as advice. It is simply conversation, not advice.
Hi Kirby. Hi Sarah. Welcome to Los Angeles brought to you by hum nutrition. All right, Kirby. Let's talk about what we were up to this week. Yes. So last Thursday Sephora reopened at the Grove. If you have been to the Grove, you know that there was a Sephora store there and they shut down on November the 17th and they moved across the street and took over the old anthropology location, which I had no idea that that was gone. I know it's so sad when they were closing down. I'm like what like because that was my entry point to get my volcano candles and I'm obsessed so really it was the best place to go get Yes, it was awesome. And then sadly I guess it wasn't performing so they got rid of it. So yeah, it was sad R.I.P to the anthropology store at The Grove. However, Sephora did move into that location. It's huge huge bigger way bigger. It's so much better because a cramped Sephora is the worst Sephora in my opinion thing worse because people it's just a mad house and there half the time so there's way more room and it's two stories and it's two stories because they are partnering with a company called orange twist. Had you ever heard of Horns twist before this. No. I hadn't and I felt like I offended that I didn't offend them but I asked them like, oh like do you guys have any other locations anywhere else and they're like, yeah, we're in four different states. I was like, oh, okay cool. I was under the impression just because I had not heard of them that they were East Coast but they're based mostly in California, hence, like orange right from what it sounds like. It sounds like they're in a lot of kind of suburb neighborhood. So I South Bay As San Juan Capistrano, so like which makes sense like if that's their demo like totally there in Fort Worth, Texas. Apparently, they just opened up which as a Texas girl. I was like, okay, but they are what they call themselves is a treatment center meaning you go and you can get aesthetic treatments. So they don't call themselves a med spa or anything like that. It's like very treatment verbiage I think is interesting and they offer at the Grove you can go into the Sephora and then go upstairs to or Orange twist you could get BOTOX you can get CoolSculpting will sculpting Hydra facial Cheveux Cheveux. So basically any neurotoxin or filler they have it. I'm not lip fillers done. I forgot to ask. Yeah, they have filler. Okay, so they're able to make to do that. Okay, but I think it's a really interesting partnership. I'm eager to see how it does because I personally like to see a dermatologist when I get you know, anything done to my face shot. Up to dr. Sam fasil, but I don't know I guess this probably makes sense partnership wise because if you're gonna come and get stuff to make your skin look good. I consider Botox filler all that stuff facials. That's part of your skin care routine. Yeah. No, I agree with you in that it is a really interesting move. I think that if they were to test it out in any market like this is the perfect location to delay is perfect for this like they were talking about you know, this is the place where like everyone stops by before they have an audition. One or they need to you know, go to an event or whatever. So make sense that once you're at Sephora picking up your Fenty Trophy Wife highlighter that you're just going to pop up and you know, get a little bit of a little bit get a little tuk-tuk. Yeah, whatever you want. But also to your point they were telling us last night that there's more stations for makeup and stuff like that. That's makeup application right to so it's bigger than that aspect, but it was cool. This is the second time. I've been to a Sephora before it's open to the public. It's truly Laughs kiss chef's kiss moment because nothing has been touched especially if you're like a germaphobe you're like, oh nothing has been swatched. Yeah, if you go if you go to the store, I have definitely spritzed some perfume. So I was the first one to do that. I took some of those Yvonne she concealer and you know, I stood it out. So I was the first one to try this you've ocean concealer it yesterday. I played with the dr. Dennis gross. Halogen spray. I know I never tried either is a face. Mist. Okay was like CNC collagen. I was like, yes. Okay. Yeah, I went to the Tom Ford area obviously cuz I'm a Tom Ford stand. Oh and I use like the lip gloss and you know, just rubbed it all over my straight from the no no. No, I took a sample, you know, if you want my lips on your lips, we're just kidding. I took a little you know those little what are they? Whatever. Yeah, and then we visited paid our respects to the Le maire station. We paid so much respect for the bear. It was beautiful before we got there Helen she works for Sephora collection. She's there like National National makeup artist and she said Sarah and I video from the store before we got there and she's like we're ready for you and it was just a video of the entire lemare section so we felt very real like wow, but then she pulled me aside and was like, you guys need to get on some dr. Barbara Sturm. Like okay Helen. Okay. Okay. So that's what we were doing. It was awesome. If you are in the LA area definitely stop by the new Sephora, you won't be disappointed. I'm curious what they're going to put in the old Sephora location. Now, that's true. What no there what a Volta set up like a shop right across you wild. I bet I bet though. I wonder if Sephora and Ulta have like contracts that prohibit each one from being within a certain vicinity of the other and I think that's also like a cur So like who owns the growth Americana like they're not going to be like, okay, we're going to put an Ulta right across from do you see your? Oh, no anybody. Do you know the crew so family, do you know anybody affiliate personally. So now I felt like you did and I was hoping maybe you could get me a membership because I go to the Grove all the time can't live really close it right and I just want the membership so I can get free valet. I'm so tired of hey, but you could walk there. I don't want to walk an error there. Do you have the crime act citizen? And I see too many people getting like bludgeoned to death over off of where officer Street. Yes. Yeah. So if you guys want to know about true crime in your area download citizen app not spawn. Okay moving forward. Yes. Okay. So you guys know obviously that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are coming up. I'm gonna pot. Yeah and boy, oh boy did all of your favorite Beauty Brands go ham with deals. There are so many so many good deals hammer time. Yeah, we have fun. Did a good nice little round up thanks to Shea will link it in our show notes. You guys have a list of some of the best deal so far, but Kirby, what are you what stands out to you? I mean, I'm seeing, you know, cause RX which I'm a huge fan of I love their stickers, but you can get there Triple C Lightnings liquid, which people are obsessed with it's typically $27. You can get it for $18.90 on Soco Glam. It says their Black Friday deals the same as the Cyber Monday discount it even begins. Beans before the Big Holiday on the 26th with which a lot of brands are doing I would say like get online go to your favorite Brands and retailers. They're already giving the deals. Yep, and you can get 30% off until Monday December the 2nd. I love that Lord Jones is participating and offering 25% off site-wide, which is something I don't think that they usually do. No so you could get their body lotion. You could get there stiletto cream. You could get their gummy zombies the mango Chili the mango chili is my favorite. But when you posted it out, then people were like sugar plum and I chose mango chili. I chose mango chili to I think maybe because it's everyone's like kind of feeling festive. Yeah either plums. I like I haven't tried sugarplum yet, but I like the mango chili because it reminds me of the carts that you go around La and get fruit with the Tajin on it. That is definitely yeah, very gloss Angeles. There's Glam glow. They are offering also 30% Ah for Black Friday, there's so many skin Iceland if you really love firming eye gels skin Iceland every major makeup artist in the world uses skin Iceland. They are huge proponents of them. Tasha. Tasha is offering twenty percent off your entire purchase. Okay, what would like stock up? Yeah doesn't happen often if your Clarisonic fan 30% off thanks to the Brand's 30% off site-wide sale. And then I think as far as Sephora goes Are like announcing their sales through their app, so if I know that they announce some of the deals so far like there and there are a lot that are like under $15 that's actually smart to promote the app and have people go there. Totally. That's really yeah. I got it also say Sigma beauty is having 35% off the entire site including individual brushes kits and makeup products. I'm telling you. I know Sigma is known. On for you know, yeah the Kabuki brush. Yes, and like the what is the cleaner the cleaner? Uh-huh. I can't remember that. I'm the one that rep pink one. Yes with the little grooves. Yeah, uh-huh. Was there a makeup brushes are so good guys. I am obsessed with them. I actually wrote about one of the new ones earlier this year and I just think for the price point they make an amazing makeup brush on bustle right now. I'm reading it says that the sigma Beauty essential brush kit. It's normally a hundred and $60 and it's going to be a hundred and four and you get like over 10 you get like 12 brushes with it. That's everything you could need. Yeah. I'm a big fan of face a mile of their brushes. There's so many makeup forever feitosa. Oh, we're never low. Oh, hey Ranae were low. Okay. Listen, Renee doesn't do a lot of sales would be honest. You can get 10% off during your holiday shopping and we have a Black Friday deal of our own. Isn't that right Kirby? Yes, we do. So if you listen to Friday's episode with dr. Bruce, you know that he's a big fan of Mighty night for a good night's sleep. And if you follow us on Instagram, you know that we're doing a $200 hum nutrition giveaway. So visit our Instagram at gloss underscore Angeles to learn how to enter that. But since we know not everyone can win you can use code gloss Angeles at checkout on hum for 20% off orders $29 or more. So that's Friday for Black Friday home 20% Fuse code gloss Angeles and get yourself a mighty night or glow sweet glow ring, man. Yep, so you can get any of our favorite supplements at a 20% discount. Whoo. All right time for what's on your face Sarah what's on your face? Okay. So last week I went to the Victoria Beckham agustina spotter chat that you were supposed to come to but you can run barking I couldn't I'm so sorry to Violet gray. I circled l a problem for three like I I've circled for a good ten minutes and I already was late because I had a meeting before hand and then some point I'm like listen, I can't hack it. I can't walk three blocks in heels. It's also like in the middle of Hollywood. It was hard. I was so sad to miss this because it looked awesome. I love Violet gray. I'm obviously a huge augustness Potter fan and Posh herself was there so like on iconic? Yeah we missed you. Yeah, so it was held at the new Violet gray space. Hollywood which was super beautiful just the aesthetic is the same as the pits like black and white and clean and very Cassandra gray. And so she moderated for those who don't know Cassandra gray is the founder a violet gray and really good friends with everyone in the beauty industry, but also good friends with Victoria Beckham. And so the conversation was between Victoria and I'm trying to it's August Enos Bader is how to pronounce it Augustine is Bader yeah, I've been saying Augustus Bonner. I know which sounds more German honestly, whatever I think I'll give you see this baiter. Dr. Bader. Dr. Bader Professor actually is what they're calling a professor Bader I am so so so but on I think that they're just happy that people even know his name his co-founder was there who is the man who convinced him to create this the creams and then Victoria Beckham's co-founder of her beauty line. Her name was Sarah. It's just like such a wealth of knowledge. She has been working in Celebrity product Beauty development for a while. Huh? So anyways, Victoria Beckham and August Enos Bader collaborated on a new cell replenishing priming moisturizer that I have on my face right now great. It has the same. I guess it's called trigger Factor complex that is in the creams that Bader has become so famous for and basically it acts as a primer you're supposed to use it after you use your moisturizer. It's the last step of Step of your skin care routine, but it has those skincare benefits in it. So it helps you know with like I said replenishing your skin cells. It also has blurring powders that give your face like a bear brushed finished. It's very moisturizing Kirby if you want to try it and Victoria, it's so beautiful. It's in the like Victoria Beckham Beauty like tortoiseshell packaging glass bottles. Clean plant-based natural, which I'm like, I don't know how they do it. So Victoria likes to use this obviously is a primer before she puts her makeup on but she also uses it to refresh your makeup throughout the day. So she was saying how she's on TV a lot. And do you all so I can just she's you know, I think I'm saying that it's such a British thing and I just thought it was just like the most like adorable thing is when she says if you like I think he liked it. So I was like, I'm just gonna start saying that I'll tell you that when I watch Spice World Is A Wee child. I just wanted a British accent so bad. No problem. But like I can't even like you talk. You can't pronounce like what they were saying. I love you British far. I can't even do it. I sound like I'm from Cockney or something. Yeah, you have a different you're different. Spider with malicious get to a Julie Andrews as like wanting to Kill Ya anyways, it's a beautiful product. It's it is it's an investment. It's a hundred and forty-five dollars. I believe you can only get it on Victoria Beckham Beauties website augustus's website or if you're in La you can get it as I like gray. They collaborated with them exclusively. That's amazing and I have to say that I think this would be a beautiful gift if you know somebody or for yourself if you know that you want to Try and Augustine has Bader product maybe make it this one. I have to say in terms of celebrity collaborations. This is brilliant. Brilliant because if Victoria had just come out with us herself. I'd be like what what do you really know truly? No shade like she's stunning and like gets it but also she has tons of wealth and absolutely get whatever she needs August dienes on the other Factor. Yeah, you know also just a quick side note. I want to say if you're looking to At the cream from Augustine has get the rich cream. I'm finding that I prefer the rich cream when I talk to people they also prefer the rich cream, but it's not that rich. Yeah, it's still good. Oh something that Augustine has mentioned yesterday that he uses the rich cream for shaving his face like talk about just wealth but also he's right. Can you imagine I mean you just made it, you know, I know he used it, but he dilutes it. Oh, yeah. He dilutes it with some water and then makes me Makes it for shaving his face. The epitome of wealth would be me completely shaving her body shaving shaving my whole body had to using the body cream. Yeah. Wow. Wow, I would never that. I would never don't waste that anyways, it's a really really beautiful product highly suggest. Okay, so I'm wearing a new product it launched two. Tuesday's ago is called Fortuna skin, and it's a serum for your face in your eyes, and I'm at with one of the co-founders Kim at Shawnee darden's place. Johnny is partnering with them as a brand and so she used the product on me during a facial. I fell in love with this serum like right from the start but then when I met the brand founder and talk to her about like why she created it in the ingredients in it. I really just I'm still testing it out. But I'm so what does it do? What kind of serum is it? So it's a serum. It does a few different things. It can do puff your eyes and it's like clinically made for your under eye like you don't have to worry about you know. No keeping it away from your orbital area. Okay, it evens your skin tone it lifts, which is the thing that I've actually visibly noticed from this really helps protect to it is clinically proven to block free radical damage by 100% It's hypoallergenic. It's fragrance free cruelty free and vegan and it's made in Italy. So Fortuna is actually the name of the estate in which they grow all of their ingredients. So there's this flower. It's like a violet Our it's called in chiusa a zuria. I'm probably not pronouncing that correctly. But this flower is known for a variety of things. It helps heal surface inflammation, which we know inflammation is the trigger for so many different things shoes. It blurs imperfections and it helps to restore your skin with optimal nutrition and some of the additional ingredients are this this amazing olive oil that's cold extracted from the olive oil trees on the La Fortuna is state in Italy and instead of just regular water they use Olive leaf water. So everything is super potent. It's all cultivated on this estate and sounds amazing. They can't wait to get it. Oh my God, it's amazing. They launched it. Like I said two weeks ago and they only launched with the serum. Okay, but next year they're coming out with more products that they teased and told me a little bit about and I'm really really excited for where this brand is going and I think that this could be like the next Vintners daughter. So how much is it? It's $185. So I Beauty investment if you will, where can you get it Kirby bite on their website for tuna skin. It looks like fur animal fur and then tuna which doesn't sound a sexy it sounds sick, but it's really second. It's beautiful. I love the packaging and the other thing I was going to say about why I love it is a lot of serums. Sometimes I feel like they absorb really quickly and it makes your skin almost to Matt or it's an oil see And like the oil has a hard time penetrating your skin if you deal with that you're going to love this because I initially tested it on my hand and seeing the difference. It absorbs so nicely your skin actually feels soft still not tacky or super dry and it but it still gives your skin a little bit of a gleam. It's kind of hard to explain but I was so impressed by it and then I've been wearing it every single day since I received it glowy, but not oily. Yep if you have Combination or oily skin I think this is a serum that you're going to want to invest in for sure, especially if you're maybe if you're trying to like listen, I love Vintners daughter, but if you're kind of like I don't know if an oil is for me. Yeah, maybe try this one. I just think it's absolutely fabulous and I'm really excited that this brand launched so great job guys. Some gloss Angeles is also brought to you by after pay partnered with more than 9,000 us Brands and retailers after pay allows for you to shop now. Enjoy now and pay later. This is how shopping should feel. Okay guys, so we already told you what Black Friday and cyber monday deals. You guys should be on the lookout for but we want to tell you specifically what products we would personally buy for our loved ones and for ourselves. Yes, exactly. And we are breaking them down for you into we're gonna break it down for you into categories. So we're going to have $25 or less like stocking stuffers like 25 to 54 like your co-workers your work wives fifty to a hundred for your families and besties and then $100 or more which is like treating yourself your significant others, or, you know, I don't know someone you're trying to impress like if you're going to spend $100 on someone it be better be somebody you love ya dere very dearly. Yeah and that can all that can obviously be yourself. Yeah. So with that being said each brand or retailer that we're recommending was actually an after pay partner. So like Mentioned after pays one of our lovely podcast sponsors and after pay allows you to split your purchase into for payment. So you pay the first payment upfront and then the next payment two weeks later and the next two weeks after that there's zero interest and no additional fees when you pay on time. So this is great for treating yourself or others. If you need a little reprieve this holiday season, we know can get super expensive because I always think oh, I only need to get a few gifts. I'm gonna think about it. It's like I remember when I would go to the Office I would buy like 50 totally candles or something. Think about how co-workers think about how much money you're saving now that you work a little driving so much money. The only I told Sarah like obviously I will be gifting Sarah but like I already told Sarah about Ali's gift already. Oh my gosh, like I don't have to worry about Sarah Ali and Patrick really and then my family that's it. But there's just so many people because you don't totally pull to feel left out right you want people to know that you care about them. Yeah. My family's kind of you know, if See each other in person like we're always giving each other gifts. But like I also know like if my family comes to visit me, I'm like, please don't buy me a gift. You're totally gift is you being here and vice versa. We all end up buying each other stuff ya know so for us like our families, so huge and then I have like so many nieces and nephews that for like my immediate family like sisters and my debt parents and stuff like we have a secret santa. Oh smart, but it's like hard for me because I always dislike still want to buy them like a little something or like I don't want to not give them something. So I think that's why this is great because we'll have like different categories different price points. And also I feel like every year I overspend like I have this like budget in my head and then I always like I'm over it by like a thousand dollars or something and it's honestly because I get in my head and I think well, you know, if this gift is going to maybe make somebody's day right and make them feel like I care. Like there's no price you can put on totally until I look at my bank account and then I actually know that cost money exactly which is why I think planning it out like this. Like what we did for this episode is really smart because we really assess all of the deals and even these stocking stuffers are gifts that like, I would personally love if I received it and the other part to this is that a lot of these are gift sets that are discounted like they retail for a certain price, but they're they've just counted. Them, but then again you're going to get another deal on top of that from Black Friday or Cyber Monday, right? So I guess our advice especially if you're listening to this on Tuesday start looking for deals now make a list. They've already started like so many places so many websites have Splash Pages Pages already with their Black Friday deals. So I almost feel like if you're looking Friday morning, you're probably too late too late. It's too late start now start now make yourself a spreadsheet be that person or like I don't know. Physical to do I don't know. I feel like people might think we're insane for suggesting like a spreadsheet and having a game plan. But I mean at the same time if you are a gift giver and you're about to spend money just be vigilant. Also, I have to tell you Tick-Tock my new favorite digital medium. They have people on Tick Tock that are just they're sharing like coupons and deals that they're able to find and they like they prove it and in all the comments because I was like, there's no way these are real, right. A lot of the comments are like, okay, I did this and it actually worked. Wow, so get on tick tock tick tock because there's plenty of interesting deals happening also like not groundbreaking advice or anything. But like if you make this list and get all your shopping done this weekend, then you're not going to be stressed out which I am always stressed out. I am always at the Grove on Christmas Eve and I'm like, why do I do this to myself? Why am I here last year? I dad at this spot. My family's gifts like the Yeah, like Christmas Eve. I'm like what? How is this possible and really, it's me procrastinate? Like I know what I want to get them but then I just yep. I don't want to pull the trigger and totally double-digit. Like what if I find something better, you're not going you're not just get into it the other tip. I want to suggest we love honey the app and I was like, yes same what kind of Honey Manuka Honey the app if you don't have it is just brilliant. I've saved so much money. I bought a new mattress save money down that so if you have the honey extension the extension you use it to the like the best of your ability it'll depending on the sites that it works with. It'll give you the best deal that you can possibly finally so great tip. Anyways enough about us and our spending habits. Let's talk about you and what you're going to be buying for people. Okay, so $25 or less stocking stuffers co-worker gifts white elephant or just like have extras. Yes, and I put white elephant on this. Because they're not necessarily goofy gift. No, but I always find that if there's a white elephant. Yep, and there's a good gift. Yeah people like that's what makes it fun. Yeah, because people like Maria people want that gift and that's what makes it that much make me get up the game work. So Kirby knows she was at our annual Christmas party last year. We're fighting over plants. I'll tell you that much. That's how you know, you're old there's when people are fighting over Paco is like 50 person. Why Elephant and yeah, the little plants from the sill that my friend Ilana brought those were like the biggest hits. Yeah. I like they got traded the three times and then they okay. Anyways, okay. So my first pick is a from Urban Outfitters. It is the way Urban Outfitters exclusive holiday kit. So it comes with three minis a leave-in conditioner the volume spray and the waves spray the way sir. He's my fave actually. I really like the volume spray to same and then it comes with an adorable little Pearl hair clip. So it's just like perfect. It's a great gift dude want this. I think the the clip so it's one of those 90s clips that have the Pearl accents on it and or super cute like very Chanel. Yeah if you will, but I think this is great for anybody that like might be traveling for the holiday or who people who haven't tried the ways products yet. Totally somebody that's just interested in. Aaron General, I love way. I think that Jen has done an amazing job with the brand and I think this is just such a cute little like tester product and it comes in a really cute Bach. I know I was going to say that because it's so like that's also something I always struggle with when I buy things I'm like, is it going to be easy to wrap totally this is you could even just throw bow on this and call it done people would be psyched to get it $25. Yes, $25 can't beat that especially for grab a few. My pick for the under 25 list. Is this Ardell all the wispies set. If you are a foal Ash fiend or know somebody that is I think that this is a steal. So apparently it says it was $24, but now it's 40 what so I think that there was like, oh maybe a one-time deal that happened that went away, but the deal come back. I think it's probably Gonna be less than 25 come Black Friday and Cyber Monday. So I'm going to leave it on this list a bit. This comes with 14 faux Lashes in one box and it's every wispies style. So if you know anything about the lashes Ardell Demi wispies or the OG there the fun flirty soft thin band lashes that look really beautiful but there is different, you know, there's different styles of them. So some have more of a cat eye some look, Or 60s, there are some that are super voluminous some that are more natural. If you know somebody that just wants to play around with their lash. Look, I think that this is definitely one of those products that is going to surprise and Delight people. Yeah, and it's it says $40 on the website right now, but I feel like it's gonna end up being less than yeah 25 again. Totally. I have another one. Oh you do? Yeah pull it just gets here. I want it out there because I was like hanging out on the Urban Outfitters website, okay. Really quickly. It's the Oppa like Crystal skincare tool Duo. So it's just a cute baby face roller and I sculptor presh. Yeah, 20 bucks. I feel like I get asked all the time. I don't know. If you do from like your friends. They're always asking me for Jade rollers. Yep, or like any sort of face roller and I'm always like well, I don't want to just give them like or I don't want to tell them to buy like a invest in like a big Gadget if or one that Like a lot of money so like this is great. This is 20 bucks you have to and you can see if you actually use it. Totally. It's like Kirby and I already talked on that one episode about our favorite tools that like you're not really going to see a huge difference from the face roller, but it feels great. Yep. It's great. If you've got puffy eyes or if you're you know, trying to cool down an irritation or you want to like roll it over your sheet masks to like really get all of that goodness into your skin. Also, it's just like a cute gift. Yeah, and I think especially in the spirit of self care. Around the holidays for 20 bucks. You can't you really can't beat that price. Yeah great next for you. Okay. So this is from Mac. I've been posting this all over my Instagram because I just think so. It's definitely one of those I love seeing surprise and Delight I think like if I could have like an event here, but here something surprise and Delight surprise and Delight events. I don't know but that is your tagline for life. It's the Mack Mack kiss of star. Is lipstick it's $20. So it has this really beautiful packaging black with this rainbow glitter on the top lid and then when you open up it has this beautiful glittery lipstick bullet that is embossed with stars and it is kind of hard to explain obviously over a podcast. But if you have been seeing those flocked lipsticks from Loma beauty or or Gucci or anything like that, you know that they're just so beautiful with the sparkles on the outside and the way that they are almost look like they're laser printed. This is kind of the same thing. I think my favorite shade is gold star. It's kind of like a peachy nude has like a pearlescent finish to it. That's like very much your jam. Yeah. It's very much my jam. I will say this they have one that's a red and it's called Walk of Fame and I tried it on last night, but it is I would say Be my jam. It's really dark though. Okay, it's not like a true neutral red. It's more of a very deep vampy Berry almost blue red. Yeah, it's not like I'll show you a picture because I took a photo of it last night and I was expecting it to be super super bright. It's more of a vampy red the other thing about these lipsticks that I just want to say. I think when people see the glitter, they might expect their lipstick to be glittery. It's just it's just Just a cosmetic thing. It's not actually going to make your lips look glittery. It's just for the bullet. So I wouldn't like go into it thinking you're going to have like a whole glitter lip going on. Okay, but I think that this is a great stocking stuffer for someone like, you know, you go to Mac you pick up five lipsticks and then give them to like your five best friends and it's not just like any lipstick it has, you know some Razzmatazz to it. Yeah cool. And then I also wanted to give a shout out to Fenty Beauty. They have some amazing gifts available. I was gonna Suggest the trophy wife life. Did you get that kit? It's so cute. It's like all the trophy wife products. Oh at the new collection that they be honest. Yes, but it's completely sold out which was a bummer ready? Yeah. I really want to offer just a I know but it's gone. So they have some amazing gifts available on their website right now. I would say the bomb baby too many lip and face set for $24 is a really great option. First of all, the Being super great. So like we said with way it's kind of already packaged really cute. So you don't worry about wrapping it and it comes with it. First of all to limited edition. It's a travel-friendly set and it comes with fenty's most coveted luminizer is for the face and lips featuring The kilowatt boil freestyle highlighter in sand castle, which is just this it's a like a neutral highlighter really really pretty and then all new shade of gloss balm called sweet. Mouth so it's kind of like a pinky shade but I don't know. I feel like giving Fenty for Christmas or Hanukkah or whatever. You said everyone wants it. Everybody wants it. They're going to be thrilled to have it. It's 24 bucks. Yeah, they can do it in their purse anything travel-size. I just think it's a great gift in general. Totally. I agree next up. We have the gifts between 25 and $50. This is like, okay, maybe it's your boss. Even yeah your work wise. Yep work husband. And someone that you spend a lot of time with and you value and you want to show them that you care a little bit more. Yeah, then maybe just like diagram shows up on purpose. Yeah. Yeah, and this is Sarah take it away. Okay. Okay. This is where I live. I guess my a lot of 25 to 50 dollar X. Okay. So my first pick is the cosmetic case from Bay's which is Shay Mitchell's like travel. New mama luggage line that is just super super cute. Yep. It's available at revolve. It's actually $58 but we're anticipating. They'll be some sort of Black Friday deal that you can get discount. So it's less than 58 totally but it's definitely worth it because it is just like Anna door. I feel like a cosmetic case is just such a great gift because everyone needs one. Yep. Everyone's traveling or just like a way to organize your beauty Goods. It's faux leather, but it's spill proof and then it comes with a removable brush holder that pops out so you don't have to like flip it back and forth. And then it also comes with a little mirror, which is really smart. I'm looking at it and it looks super Chic. I mean it looks high quality. It's gonna carry a lot of if not all of the product that you need makeup wise. Zactly think it's really smart. It comes in a black and it also comes in a beige beige one's really cute. Yeah. It's like a pinky beige. And it got really great reviews. Everyone says that it has enough room for all of their brushes and their makeup and it's you know, it's like a little box so your stuff won't get crushed when you travel and again, it's spill proof so it won't get wet if anything spills. It's just I think that I would I would really enjoy this if someone gave it to me and I'm also looking on my honey, like my honey. Yeah extension and it's like there's already so many deals happening on revolve. So for sure get this For less than $50. He's great. The next one that I picked is something that Kirby is also obsessed with something. We talked about all the time something. I'm sure you already associate us with is the peach and the league Laskin refining serum. Yep, which is available at Ulta but also Peach and Lily's website. Yes and will have a 30% discount on Black Friday. Yes, great. So, what's the matter? I'm like, what is 30 lessons 39:39 Between 25 and 50. Yeah, great. I think it's probably like 33. Yeah, something like that. Anyways stock up. It's our favorite. It's brightening. It's hydrating. It's great for redness and inflammation. It's got that peach extract that Peach and Lily is famous for curbing. I love using this in the morning and evening, right? Yeah. I mean, I people ask me when I use it. I alternate I can truly tell you. Yeah, when exactly I use it every single day, but it's also I think great person. One that you're closer with because chances are if you're close with someone they maybe have told you about their skincare routine or have talked about like oh my skin is dehydrated right? I wish my so you're not going to feel bad about giving somebody skincare. I know that's like a question a lot of people have how do I give Drew care for the holidays? Right? I never I mean I was always thrilled to gets you need to and that's not like I'm like if you were to give this to someone this is this applies to everyone skin regardless of age. It's not like it's like branded anti-aging or like anti-wrinkle. Or whatever on the front like you have acne to right examination. Yeah, so it's like something that I think anyone can incorporate into their skin care routine and something that we all have we all we all me you me and you Kristen and really love so yeah, I don't think that anyone should be offended if you were to give this to them but IIT I see your point. They should be thrilled should be Beyond thrilled that you would even wow. They thought it you thought of them to give them this Amazing skincare product. Yeah, I mean for a while this product you can even get it because it was sold out. Yeah, which is probably a good idea reminder to stock up on it yet during the sale. You never know. You never know never know just got to be you got you put it in your earthquake kit that be vigilant. You have your car spark. Yep. You have your bottled water that your peaches Lily classically asking refines your ice. That's a funny or die skit waiting to happen. Yeah. Okay, Sarah. So this products like we were going to get through this list without benefit. Sorry to everyone that was you know, hoping we might not but who are you if you're hoping for that listening to this podcast if that's the case, but tell me a little bit about the bra Superstars value set. Okay, so it contains pretty much all of the greatest hits when it comes to Benefits Brow products. It comes with the full size Goof Proof brow pencil the Precisely my brow pencil, which is your favorite, right? Yeah precisely. It's like I think it's their number one best-selling product. I think it is it precisely our baby brow. No, it's precisely oh, yeah for whatever reason people are just resist. I'm not resistant. But I think that people are scared of a brow. Gel. Yeah, maybe kindly just don't know how to use that. I'm still meeting people who haven't tried the Benefit Brow gel which gimme brow it's in this kit if you haven't tried it you need to totally So by this kit once in your life, it comes also with the 24-hour brow Setter, which we learn to tip. We did learn a tip from here in she was a part of the brow search this year and she was amazing browse. Oh my God will browse and she told us at the benefit event last week. She actually uses the 24-hour brow set our first huh, and then fills it in. She said it doesn't budge and it doesn't budge and she says that she uses precisely and she does the tap thing that Jarrod too. Us that's like my favorite tip of all time, which you take your any pencil. Yeah that you have and you tap it very lightly on a hard surface like your countertop and it'll create that hard edge around the circle to create those little tiny hair Strokes. Yeah. So thank you for that tip carrying. It's caked by Baby K cake Baby K and she is little baby. She's so cute. And then it comes with a full size Cabral all of them are full size, by the way. So this is nuts because usually in a kit like this. This it's it's a a $144 value. Usually everything is like miniature to limited edition size. They're not giving you a full kit Yep. This is your entire brow. Wardrobe. Yes 6 eyebrow best sellers. I feel like we're on QVC or something. Can we just go I would like hey benefit. I mean, I know that Annie and Maggie and Agnes busy it go on HSN burstows are whoops. Let's just get that out of the way. We'll have to fly to Florida. But if either of you are ever not in the mood or Iraq Each or pregnant I am trained to be on. Oh, yeah. Yes, you are. Not the official training. So my God, he's got to get Sarah trained and we're good to go. We would love to do this for you guys will fill in but on that note Sarah. I actually love the packaging for this one. You could stick like a giant but like bow on top of it, but it looks like a top hat guys dorable. It's really really cute. And like I like Sarah said it comes with the best sellers. It's originally 55 are $59, they're selling it for 49 and it's $144 value. I really think this is maybe the best deal in the entire the entire list. Yeah, but on top of that I wonder if there will be an even bigger discount maybe because the Black Friday you'll have to you'll have to check you guys but old highly suggest hope all to just release their like their ad. Yeah, but it doesn't it never includes everything exactly. The teaser and like they like want you to hunt for the deal, right? They like make you work for yeah, which I appreciate know. I love it. It's like a challenge. Okay. So now we're moving on. Okay $50 to $100. This is when I get happy. Yes, like this is like the your best. He's your fan band my fam bam. Okay. So the first product in this category, it's the lipstick Queen lipstick luxury lip vaults. It's $98, but It's a 171 dollar value. You're going to get eight of lipstick Queens most iconic lipsticks. If you're not familiar with lipstick Queen, I just remember when I first started writing about beauty and making Beauty videos and my editor she talks so highly lipstick we and I remember being like what are you talking about? I don't know and I she actually had the brand send me some of the lipsticks and they're so beautiful. So beautiful. The cases are gorgeous. I Of the logo the packaging in general is just very Exquisite and then it's a lipstick that you're going to enjoy wearing. They have different finishes. They have different shades. But obviously this eight-piece Collection comes with a shade that you could possibly need from reds two Pink's there's some nude Shades like a Rosy brown, but they're all like really wearable Shades exact know like it is a it's a vault which sometimes like people when they do or Brands when they Duval It's like really wild color. Yeah, and you're like, I'm never gonna win this but these are like some of their best selling Shades including Frog Prince. Yes, Frog Prince is the one that you've seen all over Instagram. It goes from this emerald green to a petal pink depending on the pH of your body heat essentially. So the mood lipstick. Yeah. I think that anybody would be thrilled to get this many lipsticks like I would especially if they like wearing lipstick, you know what I mean? I think this is a great gift. I Of thrilled and it's very thoughtful throw a bell on it throw up on it. Next up. I want to talk about one of my favorite brands of all time. It's fresh Beauty and they have some amazing gift sets. The one thing about fresh that you guys need to know is they do some bomb limited edition gift sets for the holidays. So there's one called skincare Champs. It's $60. It's usually a tea and it comes with four of freshers best-selling most coveted. David skin care products. So there's this fresh soy face cleanser the blue and it's a gas. It's a travel size. Yeah, which I freaking love weed. Yeah. I need I hoard these truly I shouldn't hold them know I do too. I have a little like box of train goody same I love it so much the fresh soy face cleanser will remove your makeup. It won't strip your skin. You're just going to love the experience of watching your face with it. Then there's the black th delay. I concentrate the entire black tea line. Is a standout for me from the brand so I'm a huge fan of their masks. But the I concentrate there's a reason why T is great for anti-aging right so many antioxidants. It's really a beautiful I get sick. I concentrate which I really like then there's the Lotus youth preserve face cream. Everybody loves this stuff is fabulous. And then it also comes with a mask that Sarah and I both love it's called The Rose face masks is my favorite favorite - mass hydrates and Tones, I would say it's my favorite Rose mask. Yeah, I agree. I agree because it's not the scent isn't as the fragrance of it isn't as overpowering as one might think it is as a rose, but and it's so it's pretty it's clear that and it just is so Cooling and it honestly anytime my skin feels angry or irritated. I throw this on and it feels better instantly. I totally agree. It's one of those if your skin is inflamed you want to put this mask on. So again, this is skincare Champs Limited. Since at from fresh and at $60, I have one more to add to this category kind of similar. It is in the masking family. It is the Peter Thomas Roth mix mask and hydrate 6 piece kit. Whoo. Yeah. So this is great for someone who maybe is a big Beauty fan big skincare fan loves masking. So this again is like encouraging them to you know, practice self-care take a moment relax relax. It has six Different masks and I am a fan of Peter Thomas Roth products or because we chose Kirby especially the masks. So it comes with the Cucumber gel mask the pumpkin enzyme mask the Irish more mud mask the 24k gold mask the rose stem cell mask and the water drench hyaluronic Cloud cream. So it literally has all of the Brand's best-selling Maths for every kind of skin concern or issue that you might be having. Like especially during the winter. This is I feel like such a good gift to give someone because all of our skin always freaks out when it's super dry and cold totally and it's a $218 value that you're getting 475. I think that's definitely worth it. That's who I don't want this exactly and I was going to say, you know, in addition to the five masks it comes that water the water drench. Yeah Cloud cream is a moisturizer, right? Yes. So if you know someone that Needs a new moisturizer needs a little something to top off all the masks there. They've been using I think this is a really cool awesome option. The 24 karat gold mask is just so luxurious. Like it's pretty fabulous. I want that on my face now. So yeah throw a ball on it throw a bum on it. Oh, I was also going to mention guys Black Friday on freshers website is going to be 20% off site-wide. So even though the skincare change Oops, give set is $60. You can get an additional 20 off 20% off on Friday Deals Deals Deals. I mean, why are we on television? I feel like we could be really good at this. Okay. Now we're getting into the Big Momma's the big PTO decide that treat yo self. This is the list you actually care about because it's the list that you should gift yourself screw em all merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah go live your life. Your stocking stuffer. I'm gonna buy this for me. Let's be honest. Obviously, we're all great gift givers very thoughtful. But like when you're shopping you spot something for yourself. You buy it right? Not to mention as a Capricorn. My birthday is two days after Christmas. Do you ever do what this because you're January crop corn, but the doubling us. Yep. I hate it. I hate it over something that I've been dealing with since I was a Wee child. My mom did a great job of separating the two like making sure I had a proper party but this is the thing like I will never have a birthday party when I needed to have it. Yes, because it was two days after Chris. Yes. People are always busy. Also people were broke. Yeah. Nobody care. Nobody to it was cold Patrick and I are going to Mexico for the holidays and he was looking at the prices because we were gonna go to Hawaii and first and he's like why the f is it literally eight hundred dollars more to go the week of the 22nd? I'm like because It's Christmas like we go to the week before and it would be cheaper. Yeah, but I'm like listen, I was born into an expensive lifestyle up here to tell you right now. You've never going to be a cheap birthday for you son. It's not love. Yeah. Sorry. Hope you enjoy the rest of your life with me. But that being said I want this I want this so bad canceling. Please give me this. Give me the yelling. Y'all are gonna freakin hate me. It's the Colossal Capri Blue. Oh Kendall, you guys know what I'm talking about. If you know, you know, Sarah knows it's like a cake. It looks nice, like essentially a the tire on a golf cart. That's how big this candle is. If you see this candle and smell this candle you will understand why I want it so badly if you go into anthropology, it's what anthro smells like the brand is Capri Blue and it's called White volcano and it just I can't even explain to you. Let me Actually, it said what it says tropical fruits. Yep, sugared oranges lemons and limes redolent with lightly exotic Mountain Green. Okay, so then in parentheses fresh in caps, so it's not perfect. I think that's a great descriptor because it's such a unique smell it's not overly fruity because sometimes I walk into places like Juma it's really turns my sinus. Yes. This is just like coziness. It's it's happiness and it Make this colossal one, but it's a hundred and seventy eight dollars and I truly would have bought it for myself. If I didn't think I would look back and think like why did I do this? Yeah, so that's why I think it's a great gift. Okay, but it's 250 our burn time so mean it lasts forever last forever. Yeah, and there's obviously a variety of different sizes. So you don't have to pick the Colossal one. You can get the smaller sizes. Obviously. There's the smallest one I think is like 18 bucks or something like that and then you can get bigger. There's like Like I said four different sizes, but I think the best thing about a gift like a gift is something that you wouldn't buy for yourself. You know what I mean? Like you yeah. Yeah. Totally you would not probably buy yourself a $200 candle but you would gift it to someone else for like their wedding or correct if you love them. Yeah, because like I there are definitely when people because Kirby and I are very blessed and have get gifted lots of things all the time. People are always like what do you give someone who has everything? Like what do you ask for? So then I always try to think of things that like I really want but I will not bring myself to buy for myself a really expensive sweatshirt that I want. Yep. I'm not going to spend $300 on it, but would I gladly accept that thousand percent. It's the same with this giant Capri Blue volcano candle. I'm gonna keep saying it came over like 10 minutes because I'm hoping someone sent it to me. I just gotta be real with you or Patrick is gonna like put our bed. It says Item is in stock and ready for pickup within six hours. Great at Plaza El Segundo 800. Tell Sepulveda Boulevard. So this is what I want to say to anthro is definitely going to have a Black Friday sale. So if you're looking to gift a oh, this is the other part. I think this is a great hostess gift not this size. Yeah, like don't be done last year like Ballin if you're Ballin Out of Control by all means. Please be as extra as you possibly can I would love to be so rich that I roll. A house party with a giant cat. Oh my gosh, or be like so rich that like every year. This is your gift and they're like, oh God, I can't wait til Kirby gives me Michael. Oh my God. I don't mean it's like when people talk about oh my God, I can't wait to get the gift from so and so let us write down whatever strands are like, what's the gift of this year? Like your favorite aunt who has disposable income we got going on. I can't wait for aunt. Whatever is Nick presents. You just like always gets the best present. That was my aunt and uncle like my Aunt Debbie and uncle Raj every year. We were just like what The hell yeah, because like they are truly the epitome of like can get anything. Yeah, they want. Yeah, so we would always be like, what do we get you and they're like nothing and then they just like brought us whatever. They thought would be great. Yes, you get them a small version of this candle. Yeah. I'm like, I still love you take my kids take my handle and it's yours will be your future signature gift when you're Ballin Ballin Out of Control. Okay, so that was my plea. There we go, Sarah. What is what is your problem? Well, this one I feel like this is also something that I think people would not buy for themselves. Yep. There are so many of you out there who will not spend money on a good curling iron and it kills my soul. So sad like you need it you're investing in your hair you guys your hair health. And so okay. My pick is the T3 twirl Trio convertible curling iron, we both co-sign on this. Yep, it is so Beautiful. It's white and rose gold. But beyond it being Instagram bubble. It's just a really well-made curling iron and it comes with three different Barrel Clips. So it's interchangeable. So you're essentially getting three curling irons and in one. Yep, it has the one-inch clip Barrel 1.25 inch and then the 1.5 inch. So any wave of your dream, you can create it has the one our auto shut off, which I think we all have that moment. We unplug the curling. I didn't know that that that was is not so smart. So smart because I've been somewhere an hour after I've left the house and I'm like is Ali dead because I left early iron on Ali cover your ear. Yeah, never hear never talk that way. So yeah, it's $325 on revolve. It's pricey. However again, this will last you years. You won't identify every idea. We don't know. I can't even remember when I got mine. It's just yeah, that's it's so beautifully made and has everything you could possibly need that you won't need to buy another curling iron for years. I was also going to say this is if you're a Capricorn and you like to be practical like this is yeah, you will use this every day. I mean I try not to heat style my hair every day, but if you like to curl or wave your hair and do like the lived-in look or the tousled waves. Yep, you're going to use this so frequently, you're going to get so much use out. Yes. I use my Long iron my teeth your curling iron almost every day. If I'm not Dyson are wrapping it. This is what I use for like my beachy waves. Okay. So Mac again think Mac is really killing it in the holiday gift game. This is the Stars four days Advent calendar. It's a $300 value, but they are selling it for $195. I don't know if Mac will have a Black Friday sale. I think they are. Let me just check for you continue talking. Out this it says it's a 24-piece Stars four days Advent calendar people love Advent calendars for the holidays surprisingly. I haven't seen that many for this holiday season, but this one is beautiful. So it comes in this gorgeous glitter Star Packaging 24 different compartments and includes two full-size lip glasses six. Mini MAC lipsticks to mini lip glosses the prep and Prime lip 5i, Shadows 3 Mini Mac pigments a brow set and then samples of strobe cream cleanse off oil and prep and Prime natural Radiance along with a purple star shaped keychain. So there are so many different makeup and skincare products to try out here and they all come in a variety of Shades. I think if you want to wow, somebody give them a glittery star that I want to make up in it. I'm about to wow you surprise and Delight surprise and Delight Mac is having Black Friday Cyber Monday promotions, November 28th through December 3rd. You will receive 25% off your purchase in Mac store locations and online at MAC This excludes Viva Glam, but like everything else. Okay, go for it. So then that means that this $195 glitter star is going to be 25% off. Yeah, and then let me run through. There's a few more so November 27th through XXX you can all lipsticks will be $15. Wait what? Yeah, it's cool excluding. It. Does that apply then to the kiss of stars? It says excluding Viva Glam love me lipstick in special collections. Is it a special? It might be a spy? Okay, but you'll receive a free ornament as well then okay in stores, November 28th, the second spend $75 and receive a full size fix+ matte plus your choice of a Mini Mac Fix Plus sent it. Comes in sense. I didn't know that yeah does - apple watermelon peony and white tea? Okay. Wait, so there really are driving for a goal to the stores. Yeah, and then there's like a bunch of Black Friday holiday kits I'm going to send this to you. This is actually brilliant. This is this is great news. Love it. Love to hear it Mac. Congratulation. Yeah. Okay. What's next next up? I can't go through this list without including a skincare tool because if there's any time. By skincare tool it's during the holidays during all the sales. I highly suggest the new face shimmer all night fix kit. They have a variety of different kits. So like they have the bigger full-sized new faces available. But I just I really love the new face fix me to I cosine this. I think that it's such a smart invention especially because people like us we might be concerned more along our elevens more maybe like my smile lines. Our crow's feet. It's small enough that you can travel with it. This kit comes with the actual device, which is like it's so small. It's like the size of a toothbrush essentially. Yeah, it also comes with the fix serum which basically make sure that you know, you put it on your face and it's what causes your skin to lift and stuff like that the microcurrent rather and then it also comes with a face powder to help minimize pores and all that good stuff. And it comes in this really beautiful rose gold pouch. So I think that if you are looking to test the water as when it comes to microcurrent devices, this is probably your best bet. It's a 223 dollar value, but they have it at 150 right now. I do know that new faces on after pay obviously. So yeah, it's a $223 value. They're selling it for 149. I don't know about the new faces Black Friday cyber monday deals, but they they are in after pay retail partner. Obviously. Okay, Sarah you have one. I just found one great. I love that. You're like finding things. I know I'm like shopping still. This is on anthro great is again a gift that you would not spend money on for yourself. Probably like receive. Yep. The Mason Pearson handy brush. Yeah. It's great 175 very expensive hairbrush. However, This is like what every stylist every hairdresser has it's a rite of passage receiving a Mason Pearson brush. It's just the brush that you should have. So it's $175, but anthro will be typically in the past and through his had 30% off on black Fridays. So you could get it obviously for cheap. It's still an $100 plus hairbrush FYI. Yes, but you will have it literally for years. I had mine for like I think eight years. Yeah because Like little meant to last for ever ever ever totally. So yeah, so it's expensive. But again, I think that if you if you're wanting to buy something for yourself or for someone that you really love this is like something that would tell them that you appreciate them. And there's nothing like getting a Mason Pearson brush like it comes in this really pretty box. There's like a whole moment when you open it you just and also there are made in England. We need to see that it's sitting on somebody's Unity. You're like, oh you're like, oh they're Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, they understand hair or Brussels Tufts and it comes with the thing to clean it. Yep, right which is important damn thing that I always forget to do the same Katie important. Okay. So this is actually a product that I travel with. I think it's so smart and it's actually one of Oprah's Favorite Things for this year works for me then so Oprah and I have the same mind we have the same love of a hastens mattress. But she has a bank account to afford a hastens match. Yes. Okay, so then we'll just settle it this but at least I can share this one thing with her. Okay. So the Ricky loves Ricky it's a company that was created by Glam core. If you've heard of Glam core there like the immaculate vanity mirrors that everybody is obsessed with they're pretty expensive then they created Ricky loves Ricky. These are the portable mirrors that you can take with you or set up that having to like, you know drill. Anything to your wall or wait, I have one of these too. Yes, these are fabulous. So the one that Oprah is recommending is the Ricky skinny and it is one that you could travel with. It's super super slim so you can pack it in your suitcase. It also comes now with like a attachment a phone attachment exactly where it's magnetized and you just put it up there and you can record yourself doing like a makeup tutorial or a skincare thing. I trouble with it because I never want to bank on the Eating in a hotel bathroom. It's just so you never know. You never know. You never know if you're going to get natural light in your hotel room. So I bring this with me so I can really see what I'm doing makeup wise but it's just super slim. It also sell a carrying case for it now, which I think is super smart. It is typically $195. But right now it's on sale on the website for 140 $6.25. The entire website is 25% off and then there's so many other options. I mean I have the rookie tall as well. That one is $495. It's the Big Kahuna. It's like the giant vanity mirror that stands up tall. It's also super slim but it's definitely an investment right now. It's on sale from $500 to 375 dollars. There's the Ricky colorful which is one that comes with the mirror that lights up and then inside you can like deep pot all of your eyeshadows or bushes and put them in there and carry them with you. There's so many I also love the Ricky Sonny. I Traveling with the Ricky Sonny for a while. It's like a mirror that you hold it has like a handle on it with a circular yes itself and then it comes with a heart-shaped base so you can have it stand up by itself or you can hold it and use it. But the great thing about these Ricky mirrors are that they come with the lights. Yeah, the LED lights that well the one that you were just talking about has five different light five different levels of light. Yes, like you can which I didn't even know that you need it but totally and there's Need it different colors, you can choose from there's like the rose gold. There's a rose gold Ricky skinny and large carry bag bundle. That's $195. It's usually to 60. So I just think that this is a thoughtful gift because people might not think to buy this for themselves. This is even something that that's like really useful at home. Exactly. Yep. If you feel like your apartment doesn't have great lighting or you generally like to sit down and do your makeup having one of these that's lit well that you can place, you know, either on a Or like on the floor. I just think this is a really nice gift because like I said, you people probably don't think about this type of thing to give themselves. They would probably love to have it but never would think about getting it for themselves. Totally. I also wanted to bring up something else that I think is so nice as a stocking stuffer, but it's also expensive. So I think we think of stocking stuffers is cheap stuff the yeah put in and call it a day. Yeah, but I also some of the best gifts I have Saved were in my stocking they were because they were like smaller and write more expensive. So Jennifer bear makes beautiful hair accessories. She makes Clips. She makes headbands bobby pins, but they're expensive. They're beautifully crafted and they carry some weight. Like these are not like your flimsy bobby pins and clips and stuff like that. Like they're usually pretty heavy. They had pearls on them. You've probably seen them on the red carpet. There's this set it's called the DD. Pin set and it's on revolve. It's $128, but it's a pair of clips that look like gold chains that I think is stunning like she makes your earrings as well. But like she's only known for her hair pieces and she makes a lot of beautiful Bridal hair accessories. Oh, yeah, you're so right that I think no one else does like the bridal accessories like she does. No, but yeah expensive but like a really beautiful gift to receive. There's this headband called the Serene headband it is so stunning it has these beautiful pearls. It's a Sarah headband Sarah can wear like the big puffy headbands. I look like a crazy person. It's $525. I know Brock. I don't know what revolves deal is for Black Friday, but I some sort of discount. Yeah. I see that it's really pretty. It's so gorgeous. Wha but there are plenty of her hair accessories. Oh like this one. Okay, the atlas bobby pins. It's like a moon and a star which I think is so really cute. So precious so cute. So on Trend right now, it's $125. It'll be discounted. Obviously, I think that these hair accessories are one of those gifts that you know, people might not think that they want but then they receive it and they think oh somebody thought that I would like this this maybe somebody thinks of me and this way somebody thinks my personality is like this totally I really think that it's just a really fun game. To give somebody yeah, I would also suggest the Lisa do he had bands on revolve. So she is the one who I think she made the Pearl headbands like popular there a little bit. I mean, they're fabulous but they're not as fabulous as that one that you just pointed out from Jennifer bear. That's $600. I'm yeah, they're like, they're so expensive. They're like 150 for her woven Pearl headbands, but she makes a lot of gorgeous. Headbands that have like the little knot in the middle cute and she was I want to say she was like the accessories director for J.Crew like previously make some know. She like did like yeah jewelry for at your crew. Anyways, she just has like incredible style. I have one of her headbands and it's one of my favorite ones to where I always feel like I am like a princess when I'm wearing it and I always want more but they're so expensive. So I I would like someone to give this to me anybody that you know, that truly loves either being on Trend or likes wearing hair accessories. I don't think you can go wrong with either of those. I just I am like really obsessed with the fact that hair accessories are trendy again and it just like makes hair so much more fun. Totally. I feel like hair is having like a really fun time right now. I agree like people I mean people are just being really creative and then also just like not taking it too seriously like Like love a beachy wave but like it's not like everyone just like curling their hair and like growing it down to there. But any more like people are doing like really cute short Bob's and then like styling it with cute bobby pins or like a headband with way. Yes are playing with what exactly so where can you pick up that brand revolve? Oh, well. Yeah awesome. Yeah both Jennifer and what's Italy Lisa do he? Okay. So drum roll, please y'all done knew we were Leaving this list without talking about the Dyson airwrap friends were not paid to talk about them. I talk about this product like I'm getting paid and so does Sarah we just love it. We think it was Mark advertisement. This came out what 2018 so not from this year, but I think this is probably one of the best hair inventions or beauty inventions of the past decade. Yeah in my humble opinion a great what it does for your hair in terms of Health in terms of getting a blowout Salon look without having to leave your home like they fixed the age-old question. How do I make how do I give myself a good Blowout at home? Yep. I cannot tell you how many articles when I first started writing about beauty in terms of a blowout like how to get kicked Middleton's blowout. Totally how to get the best blowout at home. Yeah. It's virtually impossible because you cannot get the height or the angles that somebody else can get when drying your own. Unless you are like super masterful with like the rolling brush and the bear hair dryer, but it never looked great and it's always like one side is always better than the other than your arms get tired. It's just hot. It's a lot it's a lot and so they figured it out. They figured out an easy way so that you get the lift. You get the height you get the smoothness. Hmm. It's not damaging to your hair do when you use it. Yep. I mean, I truly don't think I have talked. No more proudly about a product before and the good news is that it's going to be on it's a well it's on altas website. So Dyson's are wrap the complete Styler that comes with all of the attachments and the leather case. It's 500 $49.99. However, do you love this person. I mean, this is like this is the you love yourself. This is you love yourself. This is also like husband's try and boyfriends trying to think of like what to give their Partners. Can I just tell you and they're like, oh God if Patrick bought me a Dyson air ratchet. Yeah, but you if you didn't have one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Is this a marriage proposal? Exactly? We are giving her the ring inside the A little beautiful leather case it comes. I would truly my pants if somebody it really is an expensive gift and we talk about that like we know not everybody can get right this totally understand it. But I just think if you're going to make an investment and you're really looking for something to surprise and Delight, I definitely think that this is the way or if you like doing your hair at home, but you often feel like you just need to go to dry bar or somewhere to get blowouts you have like subscription, but you're trying to save money or you wanted, you know be more DIY. This is it. I am a crazy person and for a while before I had the airwrap. I was going to dry bar once a week. Yeah, I don't think you're crazy. I think that a lot of people do that. I just didn't want to deal with doing my hair. I feel like people have like they're standing appointments every week at least seven or eight at whenever they open. Oh totally my friend Emily her mom Jules. Yeah. She's straight up. She knows people in Vegas like she has regulars in Vegas that do her hair. Yeah. She's dedicated. He's a dry bar. And so I think that the Big Kahuna on everybody's wish list is going to be this gift. So if you're really just looking to well someone definitely look into this surprise Delight. Okay. This is a wrap this up because I just got a notification to see more photos of Justin Timberlake and co-star Alicia Wainwright. Just a gotta go have a great cyber cyber. Monday and Black Friday and that's what you're buying tag us on Instagram. Mm, and don't forget that we have 20% off hum use the code gloss Angeles. We don't we don't get anything from this. It's you know, we just want you guys just have beautiful skin good night's rest and not a hangover. Not a hangover. We hope you guys enjoyed. Thanks for listening guys. We're so grateful for you. That was so nice. We're we are so grateful for you. I say that like I'm like, but no we really are and we have you're still listening. We've been so humbled. By the people that come up to us and say really I love Los Angeles it like truly makes our entire. Yeah here because we are like our people even listening to us half the time. We don't know. Yeah, we see numbers, but we are like are they really listening? Who is it? All right guys guys. Happy holidays. Happy Thanksgiving I next week. Bye.
Happy holidays! A cheat sheet for finding the best Black Friday deals, plus our favorite gifts to give and receive — because we’re huge advocates of treating yourself. We partnered with one of our sponsors, Afterpay, on this episode. All of our recommendations are broken down by price point and each product we selected is something we personally think would make an awesome gift for someone special or yourself. Each brand or retailer is an Afterpay partner. Afterpay allows you to split your purchase into four payments. You pay the first payment upfront and the next two weeks later. There’s zero interest and no additional fees when you pay on time. Get 20% off HUM Nutrition orders $29+ by using code GlossAngeles on Black Friday Deals: $25 or less OUAI UO Exclusive Holiday Kit Ardell All the Wispies Set Opalite Crystal Skincare Tool Duo MAC Kiss of stars lipstick Fenty Beauty Bomb Baby 2 Mini Lip and Face set  $25-$50 BEIS Cosmetic Case Peach & Lily Glass Skin Refining Serum Benefit Brow Superstars Value Set  $50-$100 Lipstick Queen Luxury Lip Vault Fresh Skincare Champs Peter Thomas Roth Mix, Mask & Hydrate 6 Piece Kit  $100+ Colossal Capri Blue volcano Candle T3 Curling Twirl Trio Convertible Curling Iron  MAC Stars For Days Advent Calendar NuFace Shimmer All Night Fix Gift Set Mason Pearson Handy Mixture Bristle & Nylon Mix Hair Brush Riki Skinny Mirror Thank you to our presenting sponsor HUM Nutrition Be sure to subscribe and review us on Apple Podcasts: Listen to us on Stitcher and Spotify, too! Follow us on Instagram: Shop all of our product lists: Shop Kirbie’s stash: Shop Sara’s stash: Gloss Angeles is co-hosted by Kirbie Johnson and Sara Tan. Our editor is Patrick Muldowney.
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I don't know I think so. We are so excited to have you for the season finale. You probably don't even remember me because it's been so long. But my name is Ali Connor Bradford. I'm here to host the show. Hi, how you guys live? Edie were totally here founder Kevin Maria Maria Maria. I just heard a host name of Maria. Hi everybody. I'm Matt Maher. Happy to be here Carolina is she has a big audition tomorrow? She's really spread send her the Good Vibes. We wish her. Well, alright, and of course welcome to you, you guys know my schpeel but I gotta say it out loud just in case for whatever reason this is your first app or show for Arrow and it shouldn't be but if it is this side of the table belongs to you you co-host with us. So I got to do is join us in the chat use hashtag a BTV arrow on everything social media and of course You're watching live during the chat, if not leave comments below because you co-host the show with us. There's so many people in the chatter right just a few shoutouts dancer fruit Drew Leonard is here Jenna James, Joby big face hundreds Ivan soda. Hey Bobby whose husband just so many people and Twitter. We have star. Yes, even archers alley on Twitter arches alley for over the summer news alerts. Wait Whit almost said almost said a bad word. They're twisting. Stephen does my team. Do you were totally so thank you for that. And also Matt Shamu reached out on me on Instagram. So she imagined. Hey, so as you guys know that this Mike has a very lingering odor and it doesn't smell very good. I just want you to know just let you and ETS someone like Hawk though P. Oh my God. Okay, let's talk about the show. So first and foremost great opening scene. Yeah. I really liked the cinematography of just like all of our heroes. It out. They all do the run and they jump off the roof and we're okay. This is a nice start. Yes. Hmm. Haven't been so happy with some of the occurrences and the most recent reasons, but that was a good start. That is cool. It was cool to see them all. There was a lot of it seems like they said hey, we've got this not gone and Gary and he's really good. He's a good stunt man it like having people like jump off a building and then swing somewhere and they're like, Gary. Let's use Gary as much as we can because they did that like five times get each time. It was great. Surprise to Gary Gary the swinger. Yeah, he's great. I love that opening scene when they're two they're going to get caught again. And I was like, come on. I know and I like the parallel that they did with we talk about this while you were in for Callaway. We're going on about like on his travels later y'all so stay tuned but we've started to like the flash work. They even me has started to like the flash-forwards more and more. You've met you miss it. The better ones you've missed the better watch them at home. So but again, I love how they did the parallels in this episode and they get all throughout but that was cool with it. Get weird. Like the guy we're Connor God. He is hot. He is hot. Y'all maybe young so so now he's over 18. It's legal here. Okay, okay. So I follow him on Instagram, but it would endanger the knife and she like broke out and like that actress it is so cool to watch her fight. Yeah. Yeah. I really like her a lot. Yeah. I really really she's just engaging and she got does a hair flip and it looks awesome. It was lost during the first episode. I was in yeah. All right. Let's take it back a little bit. Okay. I got ahead of myself hashtag who I love to hate. Hold on. Oh God, I gotta think of one. Okay. Audience. Yeah, I I don't know because the Miko died and I hated her so I wasn't mad. I was glad she died. So I wasn't I really liked this episode. And so it's hard for me too. I think maybe who I love to hate a little is Felicity Felicity Smoak Industries. But no, but I hate her because she reminded me of this episode how much I love her and all of her together and then she fleed mean to be with Oliver. No, I'm just pushing you away. So like I love her and I hate her but she's leaving makes me sad. Well then go ahead. Mine was I forget his name, but the guy who came and took all of our way. Oh that meter space monitor, but it just made me so sad. Yeah, that's like the end of everything. Well, I want to say my but I want to get to the chapter. So you guys tell me who do you love to hate. What did they say some love to hate Amico? She was a week villain from Black Magic Lisa. Yasko hicker. He says Amico and then Hayward Wang says the monitor Stephen Starr says, I can't think of one same boat as this guy. Thank ya and then somebody else said. Oh Lisa said monitors close second. Oh and then everyone saying the monitor, okay, there's like my okay. - what about you? I hashtag love to hate a thing. Not a person. Okay, but when I put some thought to it and I'm watching it. I actually be where y'all I'm ready for it. I actually love to hate. I don't even love I just hate. Okay, let's be honest Amigos motive. Like if you really think about her from a villain perspective, I just feel like getting all talk about that. Yeah, keep going. I love this. I feel like she wasn't a good big bad for an entire season. Like if it was a couple episode Arc, it might make sense. But for her to take down an entire city and want to melt people's faces off with this bio nuclear weapon all on the count of the fact that she's trying to get even with all of her like that doesn't make sense. He didn't do anything to you. You got your revenge on Dad. You killed that Dad Dad won't let you know the family Okay, cool. So now you want to rub your brother's name in the dirt by killing people. Because wha like then when she's dying, she says I always wanted to be a queen so you do like but that makes sense. Yeah, like her whole. Yeah. I like she like that said it was a waste of a villain. She like flipped so quickly to like they were fighting and this is like this has been her goal for so long like she's hated Oliver. She wants the whole city to die. And then also, you know gives her one little speech and she's like, oh, okay. Yeah, like he he swatted away something that was like she got knifed. Yeah, and then I what did they say? It was another knife. Yeah, and he swatted it away and all of a sudden she was converted. Yeah, and it was like, huh? But yeah, I really think they could have done, you know, we talked about we got excited when they said the Ninth Circle because we thought right now believes fastens thing. But yeah, they didn't go for with that. And this I thought I have not been the biggest fan of almost honestly the second half of Arrow. This season has been rough, right? It's been slow going we've talked about we feel like they're regurgitating plotlines. This was one of the best episodes. I feel like the season and yeah, As soon as a Mako died halfway through the episode then it was like, okay now we actually can get to Arrow stuff instead of having to deal with that. The episode was so good when she died. Like I said she died. So yeah, I was like, let's episode. It's like back to like original Arrow amazingness, right? And that's something by the way against the actress by any means go. She's great at all. She's fantastic. I just feel like when you're writing a villain you always have to have a why like why they behave a certain way and I just feel like the why They gave her wasn't strong enough to do some of the things she was doing like in the past. It was refreshing that no one's trying to blow up the city. Like all of our other video videos buildings were trying to like do an undertaking where they exploded the city and this so taking the approach of you know, melting people's faces off. That's it creative and it's cool is different. So I commend them. It's just that her being the one responsible. It just didn't feel like it would be a genuine. She wasn't power-hungry like you have a Our core somebody whose power hungry. Yeah, that makes sense. Damian darhk-- was amazing. Yeah. I'm in the chat. People are saying black magic says, can we talk about how weak she was physically to Oliver has been stab slice shop burned blown up punch kicked countless times and Amico got poked once and then she died but she didn't survive on an island For Five Years Learning. How do we turn exactement? Ivan said, she's not Oliver. Yeah. Yeah. She definitely I mean we talked about things the last episode where he's had it way worse and she had oh, I'm so yeah, she's done. So best of luck to that actress glad that Amico is done. Let's not no more siblings for Oliver. Let's just put it right in there again. We're done with all of her siblings unless you monster any day any day any day any day. I need a good point Ali Kona Bradford. Glad you're back. Welcome back. Welcome back. Thanks. Okay. So now Like broke down the entire leg episode in some senses we can talk about the finer details cool to see Echo Calum back, although really nice, but it definitely did feel like this episode was tying up a lot of loose ends and I even said to you guys it just felt like we ended the entire like the show should be done now. Yeah, not that I love Arrow. I don't want it to be cancelled. I know there's only 10 more episodes, but didn't you feel like there'd be room for 10 more episodes because everything was just like Sealed up it felt like a finale its series finale. Yeah very much did so I'm we can talk about the ending later because we got one right now, but are we can't I don't know what you tell me but it was it makes me I thought it was it was great to just see it was just great to see that Oliver kind of that was the first time I'd seen him be so appreciative at the dream and I know it felt that I think might feel like finale Like a graduation speech like I literally thought someone was going home. But you know, he really that he realized kind of his legacy was this team but also in that it is like it would be timed. I guess you have to talk about the end because it's like the big point but it's like it is kind of like well we know Oliver is going to die. I mean the I don't know. I don't know that's a whole that but no, but the answer that question right because this whole entire season for all the flash-forwards we just assumed that Oliver was dead right talk about his legacy. But we saw him in the in like Legends 42 or whatever. We saw him with his little one arm, you know, we know he's alive. Well Legends 40 chat help me out. We saw we know that he's alive because he's like old and gray and has like the long beard or whatever. Right? And but one arm right on can weaken someone back me up on this, but even though like separating that and just talking about arrow for two seconds and saying like this entire season in the flash-forwards. We were led to believe Oliver. Her said Oliver's dead, right and even at the end of the episode when the what's his name the calculate no monitor. Thank you. Samantha are at the end right? So when he came and he said, you know, your death is inevitable, but your death can save somebody like yeah cool, then I'm still like okay Oliver died, but then you see Felicity leave with the monitor to go finally be with Oliver again, which means he actually is alive just in another dimension. So yeah the chat thank you guys. It was a different timeline and now he has been changed. So I hope so. So yes, it's kind of what spoiler alert but I'm sorry, but the Russo Brothers said that it's lifted. So if you haven't seen endgame close your ears, but don't come after me because I said my six we could talk about it afterwards. But I mean that's what people are freaking out and Marvels that they've introduced multi universes and that's what they basically didn't and game and so if you're new to that actually DC comics DC kind of was doing they've been doing it for a long time. And so that they kind of were starting that before so but I just say that if you saw the end gaming you kind of understood how there was a multiverses same kind of thing here. Yeah in that way. So I guess he is alive somewhere here somewhere and Felicity is going to be with him, right which is nice. But yeah, the monitor is this kind of mean he's like 3 billion years old. He's just character this kind of all-knowing omnipotent. I mean, he's really almost like a god or something like that. That so unless something major happens, but if the monitor says you're going to die, yeah, probably that version of Oliver could be very well being and that's a whole other conversation for Infinite Crisis and all that kind of stuff but it's so dust for like arrows ending as a comic nerd and someone who's read Infinite Crisis and like digestive that I'm actually like the I'm like super psyched. I'm like Joe Jonesy now for Arrow they kind of reinvigorated for me for the next season because I think we kind of mentioned this I feel like probably arrows going to be kind of the home base for crisis because I feel like that's good that's going to be more than just a two-episode thing. Do you think it's going to be the whole season I think possibly could I think we're going to I think one of you said I think we're gonna get a lot of flash-forwards. I think that he know I think that it's going to be present time. But the present time is going to be in the hands of the new team which we saw in the Flash. Forwards which is going to be black star. It's going to be William William. Whatever his new code name is about to be and of course Joseph David Jones. Who's hot Connor Thank You Bronze Tiger son. Yeah, it's just like shirtless working out in his Instagram. It's amazing, you know, all of these guys Instagrams you just some thirsty. At least he's honest. Yeah, dehydrated still love you Ivan. I'll never cheat on you Ivan Soto. That's all his number one, like took my train of thought you were talking about the new team you were naming each of the they're not going to flash wolves are gonna be the president now and Oliver will in turn become a flash. Back, so the only time will see Oliver will be like in a flashback that actually will be kind of kind of cool cool. But at the same time it would not be Arrow anymore. It would be black star. Yeah or whatever and the sad part is we won't be seeing any more Felicity. Well, we know we're not that's just yeah, I mean, yeah, we're not pointing. Well it is. Yeah. I know this is some point let's talk a little bit about like can we talk a little bit about the flash-forwards? Yeah. That's actually what I wanted. Okay, great. I'm sorry. I'm sorry your cellie I got you. With the lady I just mansplain. I'm an asshole. We share a weird flash Ward. I guess you guys like it now. I haven't jumped on the bandwagon yet. I was oh God. I don't know why he's like this some of the dialogue. I was starting to get bored with the conversation. It's so funny I missed you. People are asking where your left arm is by the way, so I think it's your natural cleaning. It would be a gift one day. Yeah, it is. It's right here guys. No II like I like Matt didn't like them at first they have grown on me will I watch the spin off nothing, but I do like me. I think she did a great job. I like the relationship with William. I Like I just I liked it all. Well, I watch the spin-off. I don't know. I don't know. I too love her. They've got a thing to have some really cute guys on there, but that's correct. But there's so many good TV out there. You gotta do. Yeah, you gotta like I me Veronica Mars is coming back. I've got Pro. I've got priorities also, but I what they have done a good job why I think Arrow kind of kind of lost itself a little bit is that it became so Amico phone. Guest and not really kind of about the relationships between the team members, but what they did do is they all the flash-forwards all the flash-forwards were about were just a relationships. Yeah, Mia and William kind of finding their mom figure out who their dad was Connor talk, you know, it was all about these people kind of figuring out what their legacy is to these parents that we know and love and so that's what they did a good job as they kind of hooked me into this into these relationships and but But in that I think it kind of then there were like it was like, okay these characters were going to talk because you when you're writing this kind of thing. This is kind of the problem with a lot of people Game of Thrones right now, you either kind of ripe for characters or write for plot and it's hard to really get to be very talented to manage both and it's like the flash-forwards. They said let's do character Arrow. Let's just do plot and it was just a lot of those boring but it's boring. I did think they did a good job when Roy handed Amia the the bow and arrows and was like, You know, you're going to need these I felt like it was very much about like passing the torch Oh Yeah from all over to me and it was like a very well done seen because it had been such parallels throughout the whole episode. So I did like that like plot thing but I mean, I don't know. I have a question for you guys little random, but because you mentioned Roy and it's something that stuck out to me, so it's been a while since we've seen Roy in the field outside of recently, right and so few episodes ago Felicity. Was saying something about Roy and she's like, yeah, he's really good at that park or thing. And then I notice all of his choreography. All of a sudden now is like tricking which is part of parkour and I'm like was he like that before because I feel like his style was somewhat similar to Oliver. Yeah, and now all the sudden like because they said it they have him specifically doing stuff where he's like side to side wall run Gainer like it's weird because I'm like, I don't remember him being so parkour he was doing kiss before he was doing it. That's like kind of a running joke that I was reading that Roy always has to do unnecessary parkour. So I think that it's beautiful great job, but I think it had it slowly turned into that and I think that's why they mentioned it because they had seen it a lot me that was enough for me their rights you like he's been gone. He's been working on parkour and I was like, okay like that's all I know but I like I don't even know how to punch so he was training really hard to jump off walls. But yeah, but yeah, he's it's cool like like I was at last episode. We like jumped into the pit and like shot that thing like you smoke the it's great. I love it. Matz. Matz, Jam. Hay says. Yes, he did a flip saving Thea the first time Roy has always been doing unnecessary flips as black. Magic Orlando. William says Roy has always been extra. So I guess that's good but it's extra extra right because it stood out to me and that's why I was like remember this guy's but but yeah, I guess since the beginning has been doing this but into that the reason I said because he said Roy I want to go back to the fact that now or focusing more on the flash or like before it was this much of the show and as the seasons gone on it's become bigger, which is fine. But the more I see you Roy and Felicity is their older versions of their cells. I'm like can't buy it just not buying it like in my notes. I was like Felicity. Mom of two teens now of can't find still so talked about how they have an actor really well or Roy. I mean as a little more right as an actress like she definitely has that match in Lima Charlie. Literally maternal she's a mom. Like there's an endearing aspect about her when she's addressing. So I'll give her that. That's yeah, but we're always like she's a young mom. She's young. Yeah, cool. Yeah is the cool mom. She's cool your mom. Yeah, you know, who else is cool. There we go. All of you sugars all of you, you know, why because you watch our shows you subscribe to our Channel and we appreciate that so much, you know, we can't be here without all of you. And I know that you're like are Ending what? Am I gonna do? What am I going to watch when I eat my Cool Ranch Doritos. Well cool. Ranch. You can watch so many things while you eat Cool Ranch Doritos. Again Cool Ranch Doritos, which is not a sponsor of AfterBuzz just of my life. But anyway, you can watch so many other shows. If you go to AfterBuzz Channel on YouTube or if you just look up after wasn't podcast you'll see whether it's reality like I'm starting Southern Charm or reality, which is so good reality on Wednesday. I'll be co-hosting that there will be so many plethora of shows. Summary shows that are coming out. I guarantee you there's going to be an actor but show for you. So be sure to subscribe. I don't know which side it ever is I need to learn it's one of these do a general. Yeah, like a general sweet swing and hit the Subscribe button. Give us a little thumbs up if you like this leave in the comments. And also if you're listening to the podcast wheeler View and please go on iTunes give us five stars. And even if you need to write Roy is extra write something in the comments because we always appreciate that and helps people find Us and again, thank you so much for making AfterBuzz TV the SP n of T v-- talk. Thanks guys, Ivan. So doesn't agree with your Cool Ranch flavor. So he says it's gross. I guess you guys are getting divorced divorced how alright thought. This was love. So outside of giving all these Shadows to tortilla chips. What are you guys saying in the chat? I want to know what you guys because I feel like I didn't hit anything specific in the show, but I gave a general and I've covered my entire thoughts for this. Fire episode at this point. I feel like we should talk about Bronze Tiger. Just men. Let's go to talk about Bronze Tiger. Yeah, like mentioning the fact that you know, you are handsome runs in the family. She was like, I'll take I'll take him I'll all watch over him, you know for that one scene or whatever. So I forgot Connor was his son and you reminded me halfway and but I'm glad that they brought it back up to remind us. I felt like it was an omen like I thought bronze hired was going to die already decided. I'm surprised nobody died. We that was my big promotion. I was like Giggles gonna die. Nobody died. I mean Amico but nobody who counted died. So our last week we were talking about. Oh and in order for it to be a good season finale somebody has to die. Well, I guess we were wrong cause good season finale but I mean we can talk to a little bit. Oh, yeah, we got plenty time. We can talk a little bit about kind of I know we're going to talk about Oliver and Felicity. But where do we I know this is a lot of kind of predictions ish. But that's just kind of where we are. It's the season finale. We but we're like do we what do y'all think cuz I don't know where we're going to see next season. Like what are we going to is diggle going to be there? It's Bronze Tiger like is Dinah. Like I don't know. Is it going to be a team? I don't know. It kind of felt like they were like we're done right it does. So I'm a little like, I don't know. What do you think? It felt very final to me a hundred? Yes. I felt like this was the series finale. So yeah, that's what made me think that next season is going to be like 90% crisis of on infinite Earths and then like you said a few episodes or a few bits of flash-forwards. I it definitely felt like an ending of an ending. I thought it was really weird because going into like past season finales like there's been different ways of ending it right but this was like well defeated the bad guy lights out. Yeah good and I was like sweet that's how the arrow cave gets shut down like nothing big thing. Drawer it's nothing. No explosions. They were just like well guys, we're good. We're going to go leave over here. You guys do this and you guys do that and you know Roy's going to figure out his life, but maybe not go get back to theater just yet because he's got this random like he still has the to say The Thirst it's not that's Matt. That's just not. But that's what made me wonder like well are we going to see more because I know Roy, I mean he came back to the show this season. He wasn't just like recurring right? So from all that, we know he's going to be back next season. So unless correct me if I'm wrong afterbuzzers in the chat, but are we going to are we going You like side episodes like Oliver's doing something with the Monitor and we're going to see Roy like trying to kill bloodlust like oh, yeah, maybe like you right. Maybe it's going to be just like different like different like different timelines or whatever. I mean, that was a good thing. They did with this finales. I have no frickin clue of where the shows going to go for air that can be good or bad. I thought it was an interesting choice that the team never found out that Oliver and Felicity were pregnant. Yeah outside dig. Obviously, but I was like super cheers. Tell them. Well, it's not Circle they gave some reason but I didn't get it. Well, yeah to keep them out of the crosshairs of the Ninth Circle. I'm like well technically C8 Circle because the ninth just got killed but it's true and it was really weird that Beatrice came out of nowhere and was like, you're not in charge anymore Hookfang and she said her name. She was like Beatrice like we're supposed to know who's and I googled I kind of did a quick Google shirtless search like who is this? I don't understand this. And the character is called pigeon in DC Comics and and it was just like she was it's somebody else could jump in. I'd never heard it as character. She like dates this guy named wrapped or so. Maybe that's the British guy. I don't know but she's Irish because she's a Villain Like with the mechanical wings. So we got none of that so I don't know but so I'm like are we going to see more of the Ninth Circle? Like I just have no idea of what I mean. We have to see I think we're gonna have to see more than I or or going to see at least more of like Bronze Tiger and like I think we have to see more they have to explain some. No, I think we're good. I feel like we are but it's again, we just don't we don't know what they're going to do. Now. I will say like, okay, so they're saying their goodbyes. Did anybody else notice like when Bronze Tiger and diggle we're saying, goodbye. Did you think they're going to kiss I did? Okay, just me. Hey coach In the chat. What are you guys thinking about? What if we not covered yet that has nothing to do with hissing? Yeah, but making out with somebody I even soda hot didn't want a Mia and William. No not no kids between me. I forgot the O'Connor me and Connor. Yeah, cause I think they're totally Teri. Yeah, that's again. I totally feel like their endgame. Yeah for sure. Yeah come on, but that's why the show feels so so much like it's passing the torch on and they even made reference which is also an interesting choice of the very end of The Flash Forward for Felicity. And for Roy and Dinah to be like well, we'll take the ball like that old right, but it's like we have lived our life. It's like you young ones take over will just go into hiding 4080 like I'm still living but I was just like that is such a weird decision. And it's not like all like one person decides to sacrifice and take the fall. All three of them are like we'll all take the blame. You guys just run along because I promise not to leave it like yeah, we're used to being in hiding. It's like what? Well, you can't not be in hiding also, there's that right? Um, can we talk about the mark of for he mentioned that yeah. What is that the thing on the arm like the tattoo they have? No I missed it. I did, you know, oh y'all it was a big deal. It was like they found like a clue and the basically they all have this Mark afford. It reminds all of all team Arrow. So diggle Oliver, I think Felicity had it to Dinah Renee and all reminds them that like no matter what they're connected. They have each other's back like and if they kind of like it's like they and what is this show there's a shell with somebody like if they invoke something that means like you just got to do like the bat signal It's kind of like the bat signal rather chats going to blow up. They're going to remember all of this because they're smarter than us tattoo. I would love to see them all just get the tattoo. That's a tough tattoo parlor. I kind of would have loved like a the tattoo that they all had in the beginning of the flash-forwards. Yeah. It was a very like very we how did we miss this? We assume that he had it, right? Yeah. It's it looks like this little kind of circle weird star thing. Oh wait and just me. I have it. No, ma'am, just all the original. Oh, geez, just say. Oh geez. Actually, that's the because I like I thought that was cool actually, but yeah, I'm not sure moves. He's hooking it up. He says loyalty compassion. Yeah, the four pillar ridge and I'm waiting for the fourth. Yeah, but they had come on. Yeah, they had a tattoo. I just mark that I was talking about that. I mean it was a while ago. It was a hot minute. I don't know why I just I remember um guys, I don't know what that yeah. I'm like, I feel like again I don't want to break down each individual scene because I just feel like that general feeling of everything we've talked about is covered it all as far as just that feeling of this coming to an end and rapping and that leaves us room. Just talking about the future and what we think is going to happen and when we started talked about before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. 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But I've already let us know when I'm sad. I was just so sad now. I feel like you were way more like I was crying. I was on the verge of crying and you were like, huh? Live, huh? Oh, okay. Like this is actually a very parental decision. You stayed behind you had to stay behind right? You took care of the kids you made the promise to take care of them till whatever. She left at the point of deciding you guys are well equipped to take care of yourself Your Heroes now, you don't necessarily need me. I mean, you always need me as a mom, but you don't need me to keep you alive and safe. So now it's my time to go live my life. Which means with my father with my father. Whoa, where's your father and show Game of Thrones? Yeah. It was just more of like a hat. Okay, so he's alive and now you called mr. Monitor and we're gonna go be with Oliver like that's cool. Yeah, that's cool. But I just thought that they did a really great when they were together. The scene was just so good of them saying their goodbyes of them just the two of them talking to each other. Crying, that's what got me you guys. Okay, I'm gonna admit it. I got me but those were real tears. Yes from yeah. Can we talk about how hot you Stephen the mail and like, I don't mean hot but I mean like he's just like, I don't know why but when guys cry just gets me and like he was a good cry or anything in it and like those were real tears, but I feel like okay. First of all, he's a very talented actor he is and we don't see him cry like that. No, but at the same time to like given the the character given the show that's just not his role, but that doesn't mean that he is an actor is not capable of doing so much more. It's just that he's doing with this. Yes. So this was a great opportunity for him to a showcase the fact that he has the capacity to be that emotional and connected but be I honestly think that it was a very emotional experience for not just Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak. It was an emotional experience for Stephen Amell and Emily Bett because knowing that He had made this decision to not return that is their last scene where they shot it at the beginning of the day or it was right before they called it a wrap for the season. They knew that there was their final scene together as a couple till she's gone. Yeah, so knowing that as an actor in the back of your head on top of like being in it as Oliver, like I think the two motions probably bled together and it was like, you know, I'll give you for those who are not actors, but when you are really connected to a person like you lose aspect of everything and it Just you and that person so it's them and their love for each other and an honest genuine. Goodbye. And they are honestly like 100% best friends like on me on social media. They they talk about each other all the time. And that is one of the aspects also that got me because I knew that this was real because they were just so connect they they're so connected on when they work and when they don't work, so just I knew that they were saying goodbye to each other because who knows it how often they're going to be able to see each other. I want to know. What was the last thing they filmed Add a Google if anybody finds that put us in the chat or tweet me. I want to know I just want to know like what because also like again the tears that they had when they they both were standing in the bunker and Oliver is just kind of standing there just kind of silently crying it was so moving. Yes. Yeah. That seems beautiful. Yeah. It was so so beautiful and it just it did remind you of just You know the Legacy that they have in the history that they have together and it was it was it was beautiful. I feel like this whole monitor think to me that reminded me of I don't I don't know necessarily if Oliver's alive, but at the again the reason why I brought up the monitor, it's this kind of omnipresent God like that could be quote unquote like a heaven so I could have you know, it could be that Felicity knows that because she said She said something to the effect of like I she said I'm paraphrasing. So this is totally wrong. But she said something meaning like I have no idea where we're going and he was kind of like you were going into the unknown and so that such a metaphor for you know passing on and dying or whatever that maybe Oliver did die and Felicity like chose to go with him to heaven and but I'd bear I don't know. I think that there is another purpose. I think it's I think it's like another timeline or something because cause you just she just won't let it go y'all. I won't she's team olicity forever forever and ever and ever maybe next season may be all over will date Dinah like you should I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding not once get cut y'all like original Black Arrow not this Dino but you know, whatever so really quick though, because one of the few minutes before we actually wrap this season, we just like chatted right there. We did. I'd love to hear some of your final thoughts. Like, what did you think of the season four? Ali or the season in general, where do you think it's going? It'd be really interesting to hear your guys's opinion. So definitely if you get a chance, we have a little bit of a delay but put that into the chat room. Well, how about this? How about they put in their final thoughts and then we just take a minute instead of archers Ali this week. We have a new segment called a leak on he's a lie y'all I just thought that would be cool because she had such an awesome tell everybody where you were what you were doing. I mean if you guys listen to me the entire season when I said follow all of our hosts on social media, then you would now so that's me a cheap like shout out to follow me on Instagram and everybody else. But if you do you'll see all my pictures. So I was in Africa for three weeks. I was hosting a live stadium show for something called Monster Jam. So like Motorsports fmx all kinds of cool stuff. And so I went to Cape Town Johannesburg and Durban. I got to walk with lions, which is on my Instagram. Literally for adult male lions and me and the rest of my crew basically are walking a mile hike with these lines it just like walk with you how close were they tear their clothes? They give me some of my pictures. I'm like, I'll be there close real close and then I got to play with the little cubs and then I did a safari and like elephants just like walk by your Jeepers, you know, like it's crazy, but it's really really cool. And then I'm a trunk. I just want to say I was the only person out of I don't know. How many people that actually wanted to experience the culture so I went to something called a Township which is where people were displaced during the apartheid. And so it's a very poor area. I mean, there's like Shaq's and like a whole row of porta potties that the whole city uses insane. I went to a school. So all these little kids and like it was definitely interesting experience, but I just think it's really important when you go visit to different countries to explore the culture not just like the beautiful shiny part that they show the tourists but actually what it It's like they're yeah, today's live. Yeah, so I did that and then I leave Wednesday. I'm going to Wales and then a few weeks later. I'll be in Coventry. So yeah castles and Cool Stuff follow me on Instagram. There you go. Yeah, and then obviously I'll be back for Arrow season 8. I think they don't need to be in the show first see this week wink nudge nudge. That's why you weren't supposed to be Amico because I know how bad that would that be if you were Amico not like that role. So bad. Oh God Ali Khan has great but we wanted to die. Literally the worst villain. Okay, so not a lot of people reached said anything but I haven't showed us says Stephen season 7 thoughts. I didn't like how much of this season team are were turned into cops. Yeah. Yeah that was weird like that. So many so much cops not Shamu says fell all the villains were disappointing long boy Longbow Hunters. Is where were they Dante was hyped up and then died fast right now me code easily by someone. We don't even know could have done bright weird sound good sounds like we were on the same page Stephen Starr says Where Do We where we go from here? I have no idea Jenna Jenna Jenna James says, I love the song that played during Oliver and Felicity is last moment to people like the finale though. Overall. I mean, did you guys like it? Let us know Captain shock says I think next season we're going to see the 9th come back and I think they will kill. Ron's tiger and his dying wish to diggle is to take care of his son. Well, that'll make me cry action though. And then Ryan Bay or hi Ryan. I don't know who you are. All right, I think Oliver and Felicity will be reunited in another dimension Dimension. So cool. I mean they kind of hit y'all hit but we can get into some predictions stood sure we can do it predictions real quick. Let's do this music totally threw off the engineers. I apologize. They're like, oh my God. Okay, we're makes it. Play overhead finales are hard because it's like it's not the same value. So I think you done good job. Thank you. Thank you. I sort of spoiled and said my prediction already but I'll reiterate really quickly. I think next season is going to be placed in no longer. It's not a flash-forward. It is currently the president and the flashback will be of I like that idea actually. Yeah, I don't I hate it. Okay my prediction it doesn't mean I like yeah, that's just what I think the chills go happens and I hope like midseason at your like the flash-forwards are so good. And we're going to be so happy because we hated them we hated them to and then they were fine. I'm going to steal our land. Ohh Williams is prediction they because I'm going to steal yours on and oh, maybe Oliver is in training to become the next monitor. I'm trusting you. Okay, that would be fun. I'll go over but yeah, but honestly, I think it's gonna be a lot of crisis on infinite Earths next season. I think it's going to be like you said more than two episodes of it. It's going to be like maybe half a season, you know, and the seasons only what Eight Episodes or ten episodes or whatever. Yeah, we're saying that the real Oliver Queen Death is going to happen during a crossover next year. That's what I said. I feel like--okay so the he is going to die. Silver starts. So the way the thing the infamous Christ is like the main people. I remember correctly that die are actually Supergirl and Superboy there. Is it super simple and super girl dies. They're not going to kill Supergirl that shows still going super strong like and it's still a newer show say they're not going to kill that show, but I think that instead they're kind of replacing it is going to be Oliver and honestly my prediction is I think I kind of see a bit of a Mud bath in the arrow because there is finishing the show, right? So it's not like any of their going to come back and that's that is kind of the point of infant's crisis that it was like that was one thing as a comic book reading you're like, whoa these people he was like endgame these people are dying and they're not coming back like this is legit and I think that we're probably going to see that probably some more with arrow because we you know, we haven't seen diggle in flash-forwards. We haven't seen all over we haven't seen like Curtis what you know, yeah. I feel that's my prediction is that it should so he changed races. She's a different to me now to die people's gonna die. I'm gonna die. Okay predictions Billie Jean Grey. I predict that Oliver and Felicity are going to be brought back by the monitor to be reunited with Mia and William in the series finale. No, it's too sweet. The last episode of The Crossover will definitely be an arrow up so they can have it also be the show's finale because it starts in the way they're doing it's going to start September and it ends in December. So Arrow ends the crossover got it. I think we're going to see many characters die. Some of the Legends might not survive. Yeah. Yeah, I'll be surprised if it wasn't for so yeah. So yeah, by the way Greg berlanti the I saw this has 18 shows next year that got approved. Oh my God, this guy has an Empire like not even just Batwoman and seated in that comic book shows, but everything is there and it's pretty dang impressive a lot. Yeah that it started really with I mean well, With arrow, but I mean really that's when he really yeah, well congrats to him Rich one day right? But yeah, so I guess that brings this season to a close for all of us and you guys thank you so much for joining us this entire season sticking with us. We had an amazing time talking with you in the chat. So thank you for participating. And again, if you haven't been able to wheel of the comments on iTunes on everything like that if You want to keep up with us and all of our adventures so we get to season 8. Please do follow all my co-hosts. They're freaking amazing. Thank you guys. Thank you for being wonderful. Co-host. This has been so fun. Yes, like the best the best part of my day. Yes, sometimes the show will get boring this season, but I always enjoyed the panel. Yes, definitely and we hope you enjoyed it. So be sure to you can find me. I'm just going to say because I'm thirsty. I want you to follow me to Summer. You can find me at the Matt Maher two T's two arts on Twitter and on Instagram. RAM and again, I'll be doing Southern Charm. I'm also still recapping Riverdale and you just so much y'all we do a lot, but you can find all that on my social medias. Yeah means you can follow me at ovd Bartoli on Twitter and Instagram. I'm more active on Instagram. Like people you guys reach out to me on Instagram all the time and I replied yeah, let me know ditto. So I'm at yours truly Ali Kona with underscores in between on Instagram. You can find me on Twitter yours, truly. Are we gonna same thing just shorten the yours because Twitter is a jerk and they don't let me spell it out, but I'm really on Instagram. So find me there those of you who have you know, I chat back and forth with you see my pictures from Africa see my pictures from Wales. When I go this week you get an accident because I said you were going to get a South African Akshay. Five Guys from executive producer and the entire AfterBuzz TV staff we would like to thank you for listening to the AfterBuzz TV Network to watch or listen to other after shows and post comments and questions. Be sure to visit AfterBuzz I'm Sir Richard wet work. And this has been a presentation of afterbirth.
It’s the Arrow finale and Alikona is BACK! This was an emotional episode because it was Felicity’s last episode of the entire show. Olivia cried, Matt cried, and Alikona brought back the turkey call. Be sure after you watch to follow all your hosts on social media to keep up this summer! Alikona Bradford @yours_truly_alikona, Olivia de Bortoli @oliviadebortoli, Matt Marr, @theMattMarr, and Carolina Bonetti @linabean113 ABOUT ARROW: Arrow is an American television series developed by writer/producers Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, and Andrew Kreisberg. It is based on the DC Comics character Green Arrow, a costumed crime-fighter who was created by Mort Weisinger and George Papp. It premiered in North America on The CW on October 10, 2012, with international broadcasting taking place in late 2012. The series follows billionaire playboy Oliver Queen, portrayed by Stephen Amell, who, after five years of being stranded on a hostile island, returns home to fight crime and corruption as a secret vigilante whose weapon of choice is a bow and arrow. Unlike in the comic books, Oliver does not go by the alias "Green Arrow" in the television series. Arrow also features appearances by other DC Comics characters.
Hi everyone and welcome back to the real real podcast with me. Natalie barbu. Today's episode is with a photographer but his story is so cool because he actually went to school. He went to University of Florida. He studied business. So he was a business major and didn't even realize he wanted to do photography until basically after college, which I just think is so inspiring in general. We put so much pressure to figure our lives out even in high school. It's Like okay you're going to go to college and you're going to major in this and this determines your whole life. And really that's not how the world really works. So many people end up not using their Majors so many people realize their passion until after college. So many people go back to school to get a second degree because they realize they want to do something else and not everyone has one path not everyone has to go to college get a degree work in that degree and get some years of experience and work until they That's not everyone's path in life. And I just think it's really important to note on that because I know when people feel like oh, I'm not like using my major or I don't really like what I'm doing anymore, or I have no idea what I want to be doing for the rest of my life. I feel like that's okay and we need to emphasize that so I really really love how grants story starts off with not him knowing that he wanted to be photography from the day. He could hold the camera in his hand and He's been practicing on that his whole life and then he went to photography school. And now he's a photographer. It's a more. I feel like it's very unique but also so common at the same time. It's just not as glamorized. I guess where it's not as I don't know the right word to say but like I guess acceptable by Society I guess so I just really really love the story how he got into it. Also. He has so much knowledge about photography. So regardless if you're interested in it or not, but especially if you are trying to go onto the photography path or you are a photographer. I feel like this potty house is extremely relatable and also so knowledgeable just because he is doing it full time now and he really does love it and you can tell that he loves it and just his knowledge on photography in general and Grant is actually my cousin Naomi's boyfriend. So my cousin she recorded a podcast. At about grad school and they did this at the same time because they were both visiting me. So this is actually the second podcast episode I ever recorded So if the audio sounds a little bit different than my previous episodes, that's why because it literally was before I even announced that I was starting a podcast me and him recorded this in March. So it has been a hot minute since I recorded this episode and I just read listen to it just to make sure it all flowed and sounded good and I didn't start it off. Was setting the record straight I started it with him introducing himself. So if you're like wait Natalie, you didn't start off as setting the record straight I get into that. I just I did things a little backwards because it was like I said, one of the First episodes that I ever recorded and speaking of being the first episode or one of the First episodes I ever recorded. I think it's crazy how in only two short months how things have I guess change but also just how much I love recording podcasts like I am having the time of my life recording these I am constantly thinking about who I should interview next constantly thinking of how I want this to grow and what I want it to become and it has just honestly inspired me because of the people I'm interviewing so it's really helped me and kind of a therapeutic in a way because I've been trying to figure my life out and even though I'm sitting here and I'm like you don't have to be what Society to tells you you have to be you don't have to do this. Additional route blah blah blah. It's so much easier said than done and I totally understand that. So right now I'm just kind of trying to figure out what I want to do in the next chapter of my life and I want to see if I need to make changes what changes I should make and I also want to stop being so scared about what people are going to think because I feel like I get very held back by that sometimes and I need to start realizing that it doesn't matter. I should be doing what's best for me and what I want to be doing and And it does not matter what other people think so I don't know how we I just got into that. But yeah, I guess oh saying about the podcast. Yeah, it's been very therapeutic for me. So I hope that you guys have been enjoying it as much as I have been enjoying filming or recording these and then I also wanted to just thank you guys for all of the reviews and if you guys didn't know I do reviews of the week. So on every episode of the podcast I shout out one review of the week and I just Thank you guys on here. For writing reviews taking the time out of your day. I know it's so much easier to like an Instagram photo or to comment on an Instagram photo or to comment on a YouTube video. Then it is to leave a review on a podcast. So I just want to say thank you for that because it does not go unnoticed and it's honestly another reason why I love podcasting so much is because I can read your views and literally I tear up reading them sometimes like I just I can't believe that this is my life and that I Have the pleasure and like the honor of interviewing these people and putting this content out there. That might be helping some of you so I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. So the review of the week is going to be from Tasia and she says where do I even start? I'm so grateful for Natalie starting this podcast last Facebook group and being so open and honest it truly is refreshing to hear and establish social social media professional like yourself to be so transparent. About her career, the tip / advice is so genuine and that is rare. I literally feel so driven and inspired after listening to each show. I could not recommend more Tasia. Thank you so much for that. I mean you are the sweetest person ever, but I just it makes me so happy that you guys are actually getting something from this and like my tips or advice or whatever that I'm giving you or that the people I'm interviewing are giving you that they're actually helpful and I hope that it does bring Who your day whether it's just entertainment or whether it does motivate you to just do something like start your own business start a YouTube channel, whatever. It is follow your dreams. Like I'm glad that it is helping you guys with that and I also love that you guys have been loving the Facebook group. So if you guys didn't know we have a private Facebook group on about saying on Facebook. Yeah, that's obvious. I'll have a link in the show notes so that you guys can request to join. Basically. It is not a place. For me to promote myself anymore. It is a place for you guys to network with each other and meet like-minded people every episode that the interviewer is willing to they are going to do a QA for the day on there. So there's going to be a thread where you can ask the person that I'm interviewing on this episode any questions and they will answer them in that thread so that it's more personal and that if something wasn't answered from this podcast or you guys just want to talk about something a little bit more than you can do it on that thread, but regardless of that it's not even like about the podcast. As the Facebook group is literally there to met to motivate you guys by each other like for all of you guys to motivate each other for if you need a job and you want to see if someone's hiring if you need to hire someone you can ask in that Facebook group because it is like minded like go-getter people and I just think that's so awesome. And I'm actually a part of similar Facebook groups myself, and I really really like them and they motivate me and inspire me every single day. So I'm just really happy that you guys are making use out of that and in there. I just talked about any like announcements or something because I know that it's a little more personal and I'll get like one-on-one feedback. I guess if that makes sense. So be sure to join the private Facebook group. This is a very long intro. I just wanted to kind of come on here and ramble because I missed you guys, but I really hope that you guys enjoyed today's episode with grants. He's the first boy that we have on the show. So show him some love and be sure to follow him and everything like that. Anyways, thank you guys again for listening to today's podcast and let's get started. Welcome to the real real podcast with Natalie Barb. Instagram might be your highlight reel but we're here to talk about the real real. Okay grants would just introduce yourself. Tell us a little bit about yourself how you kind of got into photography. All right. So, my name is Grant's Tumblr. I am a lifestyle and wedding photographer in the Fort Lauderdale and Miami area been doing photography professionally for only about a year and a half now and about probably equal time before that it It's just a hobby and mainly as I said, my work is on the lifestyle side working with hotels and restaurants. So mainly the hospitality industry and then of course weddings both photography and videography and like all my episodes. I always started off with setting the record straight. So I'm going to be asking you about five questions or five kind of myths that photographers get and you can tell me if they're true. Or if they really are myths. All right, let's do it. It's all about the camera / the lens. Yes, and no you'll probably see a bunch of videos already people debunking the myth of giving an amateur the best camera in the world and giving a professional and iPhone camera and the professional can do wonders even with an iPhone camera. So from that standpoint, it really is about the photographer and not the Camera when it comes to composition working with your subject just having an understanding of lighting and properly exposing whatever you're photographing. But when it does come to photographing difficult situations or even special video situations where a more advanced camera has better capabilities that certain other cameras can achieve and the same with lenses then the Equipment does make a difference when you're starting out buying the most expensive camera won't lead to you know, it won't lead to professional grade photos. Yeah, especially for me, for example, I am not a photographer at all, but I do YouTube videos. So I wanted to get a really nice camera and a good lens but I've realized quickly that it doesn't I don't know that much about cameras. So I am I know I'm not getting like the max capability that I could be even though. I have a good camera. Yeah. Because I'm not trained in that field like at all. So you'd be surprised how many people tell me they own a camera but they're always like you need to teach me how to use it because people buy the camera but they don't even know what they're even doing with it. Yeah, like I get the blurry background a little bit more but that's about it aren't a real photographer. If you don't shoot in manual, it sounds a little not to sound I guess bougie or like looking down on people that don't shoot manual. Because there are some automatic modes that are really great but I think shooting manual is what makes you become a better photographer because you really do learn how your camera works and what settings work in better situations. So this one kind of piggybacks on the last one, but you need good lighting to get a good photo lighting is incredibly crucial obviously in photography. It's completely subjective. So what is a good photo? I mean you could go on and on about that. I will say that In my field of work, I do a lot of food photography for restaurants and for probably the first four restaurants, I shot I was doing all natural light. I was even having to put it on a tripod for long exposures just to make sure that the light was like properly exposed and I was getting you know the right colors and everything that I finally invested in a professional lighting equipment. Yeah, I was gonna ask do you use any studio lights I do now and I will say that it not only just makes the situation easier from controlling your light the professional-grade look of the photo the crispness the colors. It's just it's night and day and that for products. That's how I look at it when it comes to people I'm this is when it becomes subjective because I only shoot natural light for people. I'm not a studio portrait photographer. Even you know, I've seen one of photographers that will bring a strobe Flash. Hmm when it's perfectly sunny outside and it just gives it a very Cookie Cutter magazine look to it. I don't like that. I like using the light of the day. So to kind of circle back I would say that lighting can make a huge difference but it all depends on the look you're trying to achieve and this one. I feel like I know what you're gonna say but being a photographer is a really easy job. I will give credit to people that say this from the outside looking in it looks really easy, especially in my situation I get to do some cool travel opportunities. And so obviously I'm showing all the highlights where I get to go in the people I get to meet people don't see is the 8 to 10 hours a day that I'm holding very heavy camera equipment is sweaty as can be not having food or drink most of those times editing thousands of photos just from one day. So there's a lot of behind-the-scenes hardships and as great as it is, it's very tough. Not only Like we demanding mentally demanding but also there's a lot of pressure depending on what you're shooting. I've like weddings would have the most because that's a one and done thing. I people tell me that they don't shoot weddings because of the pressure. I think the reward is greater than the risk and I'm well prepared. So I wouldn't tell someone who's just picked up a camera to go shoot a wedding. It's difficult when you know that you are in that specific situation that someone is trusting their Forever Memories with you and So I'd say pressure makes the job incredibly tough. So is fun as it can be and it is my passion and I love my job. It is at times very challenging and more ways than people probably can imagine. Oh, yeah. Definitely. It's the same for editing videos and even doing like a podcast like the editing that goes into it and people just don't see that. Yeah, you don't work that often whatever. I feel like I touched on that a little bit just now and so I will say that is completely false. Yeah, not only do photographers work. Time in my field especially wedding photography. We're working weekends all the days that people look forward to having off. Mmm. We're working a lot of those right now. I'm doing kind of the double hustle of a Monday through Friday shooting a lot of my Hospitality work and then on weekends doing weddings. So I'm almost working every single day of the week. Even if I'm not shooting a wedding that weekend. I'm probably catching up on editing from a previous wedding. So the workload is pretty heavy and like I had Said helps that I'm doing something I love so doesn't always feel like work, you know, I get excited when I'm going through the editing process. I work probably more than I don't. Yeah, and I haven't told my girlfriend that I'm the busiest person. I personally know that is a complete myth photographer's work all the time. Okay. So tell us about how you started in photography how you got into it. You're just photography story. I guess the sounds cliche, but I think even from When Instagram first started I felt like I had the eye or whatever you want to call it. I just kind of took a Fascination and just capturing life as it was going. I mean, I remember even grabbing like an old video camera from my parents house and just like trying to film Christmas morning or going to a cool Museum and I didn't know why I just I said I want to be able to capture this memory the first camera I ever bought was honestly a GoPro and this is when go Pros were cool. And no one had them A bunch of people started filming YouTube videos with GoPros. Like that's their first Super wide. It just looks terrible. Yeah, but I was like, okay. Well this seems like a real camera had a decent price point started making videos doing some cool photos. It wasn't until after I graduated college that I couldn't even tell you how but I had some photographer friends and I just saw their work and I'm like that looks really cool and what they're able to do for other people that is really awesome and I saw this Art behind it. And I had such a passion for it that I just reached out to one of my friends and I said tell me about what buying a first camera looks like and you know, everyone kind of started with those introduction cameras that are a little lower price point. I've been saving up some money and I was like, I think I want to buy like a nice camera. What's the point of buying a cheaper one? That's not as good. If you're just going to invest in another one later. I don't know. I feel like it's more of an investment. You can learn along the way. If not, you're spending more money in the long run. Yeah and at that point. I was saying worst case scenario I buy a nice camera and it just stays a hobby and I have great photos, you know, I'll use this camera for years to come but I said best case scenario. It turns into something greater. Honestly. I said that with hardly any confidence that it would turn into something greater. I spent about $1,000 on a first camera and that was draining most of my bank account of the time for a fresh out of college and just kept working my other job, which was interning at a church at the time. I'm and I was just taking photos that events for people and just giving them for free and I would bring it, you know just around friends and they're like why you have a camera like why are you doing that? Like, I don't know. It's kind of fun and no one really got it went from working at a church to work against State Farm selling insurance and then managing a co-working space and all that time had been just doing little photography things here and there sometimes for myself sometimes for friends and at the last job the co-worker. In space I had met a videographer who worked for the company that I'm working for right now, and he said they needed a freelance photographer to come and shoot an event at a hotel. He had really not seen any of my work before we had just talked a couple times, but he gave me a shot and I went out and I shot a my spring break style pool party, which weighs real wild really my first experience in South Beach it was Two months after that that I had accepted a full-time offer with them and just kind of took this leap so that company is called gather grow media and I've been with them for about a year and a half and that is the company that does the hospitality content creation as well as social media management. And so that's you know, kind of pushed me into the photography world and I would say about six months into that is when I started to get interested in weddings and start out with doing a video for one friend's wedding and Photo for another and then all of a sudden Word of Mouth spread and business picked up and some kind of just exploring all different fields. And that's where I'm at right now, but you are originally a business major, right? Yes. So I did skip that I agreed go from business to I guess I know that you had like a passionate about it. But did you think you were going to work in business? Absolutely not. So graduated from University of Florida with business management degree, which I really don't Now do you think it taught you anything and the feel that you're here? I Hate's not really. I hope my parents don't hear this. But honestly that degree is a fancy word for people skills. Okay. I think if you have them you I did not need to take that and I did so it may be it reinforced a few things. But honestly, it was just to show that I had a bachelor's degree at the yeah, but I think I was able to feel the freedom. I'm to do something a little crazy because I graduated early I graduated college and I was 20 years old with my bachelor's because I do enrolled in high school. So I was 20 in the adult world looking what to do that gave me the freedom to go into the adult world with not as much pressure of knowing what I had to do. You know, I all my friends still had two years left in college and I said this gives me some time to figure out and so that's why I went from working at a church to insurance, too. A co-working space, you know all three very different and then, you know eventually along the way photography came in my father being, you know background in sales and business probably wanted me to do something similar, you know with the security because really not many people in my family have done the creative route. No one else really in that creative field. So I was doing something very contradictory to what my family had done picking up a camera doing photography. That's all very random. Like it's nothing that your family whoever Completely random. My mom was like, did you have to buy a camera? That was so expensive? Yeah. Well that's worth it. Yeah, it's worth it is so no you said that your family is more on the business side their more traditional job and career paths. So when they found out that you were quitting your job and doing going with this photography company did how do they react? You know overall? I think they knew I was young and could take a risk and they didn't know actually I didn't really know how How serious I was about it, I think when I jumped into it, I know that I had expressed not frustrations about my job because I should really did enjoy working at the co-working space. And that was my first exposure to a bunch of creatives and one building which probably played into the hole making the leap, you know, they they supported me. I was only 22 Yeah. I was 22 when I decided to make that jump. I think it wasn't until a couple of months ago my mom. I was like, yeah, you know, we're really proud of you and seeing how far you've come like when you started we didn't think you'd actually like be this serious about it. So maybe they thought it was going to be a fling just me trying out another career like I had done before but completely supportive always have my back no real pushback except from my grandpa. My dad said he just didn't see it as a very traditional job, you know, the creative industry kind of has the reputation of not being the most Most sustainable. Maybe not making the most money. How long can you really you know, shoot weddings for and like all of that and so I think it just had the reputation of is just is this just a phase or is this really something that is going to dive into and commit to for the rest of his life. Hmm. And so I think once I was able to produce work and back up what I was saying with actual quality content being like wow, not only does he love this, but he's actually really good at it now. Foley back him up and how did you just started doing weddings my first move a couple friends and then word of mouth or how important do you think social media is in that or do your own website or how do you besides word-of-mouth and reach out to people first wedding was actually I was at a wedding and I was going to like cocktail hour and my friend calls me and he says hey my sister is getting married tomorrow. It's kind of like a shotgun marriage. And they need a photographer. I know you kind of have been dabbling in photography. This was long before I even started full-time and he said do you want to shoot their wedding? And he's like, it's just the ceremony in this small reception. So I said sure that was the first time I ever really did something it honestly didn't turn into anything. I didn't use that work to promote anything at all that when you kind of fell in love with it or not. Not really even um, there were some aspects about it that I liked honestly. I look back at the photos now and I say, whoa Was I doing really? Yeah, it's crazy how even a year year-and-a-half can can change that your style and even your talent your skill. I enjoyed it enough where I said I would do this again, but it wasn't until my friend who I recently shot his wedding. He just said hey you do you do videos right? I go. Yeah. He's like, well, my friends are getting married and you want to do their video and I said sure now he actually told them that I made another wedding video that I didn't make that someone else did so she Called me and she's like yeah, I saw the wedding video that you made him. Like no pressure. That wasn't me. Did you tell her that it wasn't you? Yes, I had to be honest and I was like, but listen, I know what I'm doing. I promise to give you a good product and I did and it was great. And so to go off your point about social media and how important that is is I posted that wedding video on social media and it might not feel like a lot but I got five inquiries about doing wedding videos. No, that's A lot for starting out from zero to five exactly know everyone was like wow, like I don't even know you did this and and I was like, I didn't either because I first one it's actually turned into business and same with some others every single thing. I post on social media has led to I want to know you do this. Like let me refer you to someone or even people not even friends with but just kind of know me they're like, hey, I someone pass this along to me and you know, can we talk about your pricing and all that? So the social media has been huge in promoting and I do have On website. Here's my plug grants I'll have everything everything linked. I'm gonna tell them where to find you. But you know, honestly, I think that for me Instagram is more important than my website only because even in with my agency, we know that when someone is looking to stay at a hotel, you know, we manage a lot of Hotel accounts. The first thing I do now is they don't usually go to Google and say South Beach hotels like they might have a name in Mind of a hotel I've been told about and they'll go on Instagram. They'll search it up and based on what the field looks like. They'll be like this looks awesome. Yeah, I've done that before I do that even with restaurants. I'll look up on Instagram what they look like because Yelp. Yes, like Yelp and all these review sites they have photos, but they're always really bad quality in the dark, you know, you can't really see how it looks like but I feel like Instagram it's all aesthetically pleasing. It makes it look way. I not way better but you know, it's like it's best version of itself. So I always look to Instagram for restaurants hotels if I'm going somewhere. I'll look to even see like the vibe of the place. I'm definitely someone who does that Instagram has become my best friend. My own personal account has almost turned into purely a photo video account where I'm struggling to find like even post pictures of myself. It's mainly just my work and my girlfriend is a great model. That's who I am now. That's the brand. I'm building like when people at one when people We'll hear the name Grants tomb where I want them to think that the photographer do you ever use hashtags or anything? But I don't know some people are like, oh they definitely work and you know, honestly, I don't know if they do sometimes I don't use them sometimes I do. I hate honestly being the guy that like Post 40 hashtags and a comment mmm because I used to get reach and I feel like it's a long as they're somewhat relevant or as Irrelevant, it's not annoying like when people post pictures and it's like hashtag girl. Hashtag Sunshine trying summer. That's when I think it gets a little like, okay. What are you doing? Yeah, like my thing is, you know, there's a lot of photographer accounts that specialize in either weddings or portraits or whatever it may be and they'll literally say, you know tag us in your photo and use hashtag whatever maybe to get featured. So that's one thing that I You know try to get I guess out of it. I don't know if it actually gives me more engagement if it gives me 5 more likes and at the end of the day, maybe it's worth it may be one of those people that see it ends up being a client. Yeah, so, you know to the haters whatever like yeah deal with it. And how do you price your services? Like, how did you realize? Okay, this is how much I charge should charge for an hour or this is how much I'm worth that. That's a really interesting question because that took a long time. I feel like that's so hard. It's also a sensitive topic for not even photographers. I think for artists. Oh, yeah in general because you're trying to put a monetary value on what on what your work is worth whenever there's pushback on your price or whatever. You're like. Well do you not think I'm worth that much and it becomes this whole thing. And so I know the general rule of thumb is when you're starting out to be cheaper because you don't have the portfolio you might not have the experience. So at least if you're cheaper, that's What you can offer people so that's kind of how I started out. I was doing portrait sessions for $100 which is to some people might sound like a lot but that's really cheap. Yeah. I've heard a family photographers that will charge over $1000 and I'm like that's dumb don't ever do this. You can find much better, but I think over time I started to figure out, you know, I'm going to charge by the hour and what I tell people is that it's not just the hour that I'm with you that I'm charging for. It's for the time that I'm spending editing. Ever and so just so that they understand we know it started small. It starts $50 an hour or two a hundred dollars an hour, which what I put into it and when I and what I'm delivering, I think my price point I feel that I'm not being cheated and then I'm not being greedy. Yeah, and also the equipment that you bought I mean you're paying kind of paying that back to yeah, I mean a lot of the times, you know one wedding will just about cover the cost of a new camera or one lens. Maybe two lenses. The pricing is very interesting and I even struggle with you know, when do I up my pricing and you know the scary moment when? I get you know someone comes to me from a referral and I say oh it's this price and they'd be like well I heard you didn't someone's wedding for this price and I just like you know I don't know if to say that hasn't happened yet do people ever ask you to shoot for free yes but they don't say they don't always ask for free they poisoned his like you know I don't know if we can really like afford it but we would really love it and it's like this guilt trip especially when you know like it's only when you know the person that is No one ever is ever like reaching out to a professional and saying like, oh, we don't know if we can afford it. But like maybe you just like budge this one time and that ever happens. It's always friends and I hate to say it but you know, I'm probably selective with certain friends. It's the friends who aren't really your friends but want to be your friends when they need it if that makes sense. Yeah, you know just people asking for favors because at the end of the day like good photos are you know, it's It's a sought-after thing and people don't own their own camera. No one wants to go the iPhone. We're out there like hand. We actually want photos. We're going to throw a couple hundred bucks. And so they'll look for their free options first, you know something my friend pointed out to me that I thought was interesting is because they know it's my passion. They probably assumed that you're willing I'm willing and I'm enjoying and that it's no like you know it I'm like excited about it. There's no work. They're not, you know wrong, you know, so give an People someone comes to me saying, you know, I would love for you to shoot my son's graduation photos and I'm just like trying to like divert and I'm just like that's not my passion. You know, there are people that do that. You know, I can I'm able to what I my my field is in family portraits and graduation. I want to shoot lifestyle and couples and engagement and weddings and like that's something I get passionate about. So if I had two of my friends that say, you know, it's are Five year anniversary since we met or something or one year of marriage whatever may be and we wanted to do, you know just have a couple nice photos together. Then I see that not only as an opportunity to give something to my friends, but also get better at posing people. Maybe go shooting a new place that I've wanted to shoot or try some new techniques out and I know that because they're not paying me there's not this huge pressure if like by chance, I don't deliver what they want. I would because I think I'll do a great job but there's no pressure and then it's fun and I'll bring music and we'll just have a good time. But when it's something that I don't want to do it gets hard to be like well I'll do it, but I need like yeah pay me. Yeah, so that's Parts understandable though. I mean, it's your job to your career. Let people know that you're doing this to make a living. I know a lot of friends might not understand I guess they might think like, oh, come on, like do me a favor like it's just an hour or whatever, but it's not just the Our it's the editing with the editing. Do you get annoyed if people edit over your photos if you send them and then they upload it to Instagram and it's like totally different than what you sent them. Yes, because well one I'll say this if you're asking me to be your photographer you're asking for my style, even if it like hurt my feelings a little bit. I would even much rather have someone be like, even if it's a little more annoying for me. I'd rather have someone be like, hey, you know these photos Are a little too vibrant or vice versa or could you can you make them a little warmer, you know out they'd probably say that's don't know if they know. Yeah terminology, but you know photos little cool like you warm it up a bit I'd say no problem because I know at least if I know what they want then I'll do it the right way rather than someone trying to do it themselves and then they smile and then putting my name on it and then you know if they did a great job then Whatever, but if they didn't then it's like well not only did you show that you're not happy with what I delivered you, but now you're giving a false image of what I did deliver you and like don't even tag me at that point and that's showing of your art like they're saying that you did something but you might not have you know, like if it looks yeah not as good. It's it's putting your name on it like you said, but it's not really your work like editing is half of the is half the battle Yeah, so Trust me, like I'm not going to give you something I think looks bad. Yeah, because why would I give you something that I want you to say? I'll Grant somewhere took this if it looks bad. Yeah, and since Instagram is so popular now it does it annoy you that people like a lot of people just claim their photographers, like you'll go on Instagram bio. You'll see photographer but really they're just kind of shooting with an iPhone camera pictures of their friends. Yeah kind of like the Instagram model thing where everyone now is a model because they have a few photos of themselves and they post them on Instagram. I don't know I can tell right off the bat who's a photographer and who's not like I said again photography subjective. So technically anyone that can take a photo as a photographer anyone that can sing as a singer but it's kind of like there's a difference between photographer and a professional photographer if you're just putting portrait mode and just because you have the blur, you know, any more artistic than something, you know, I think it's a great awesome feature that Apple came out with its really cool people just kind of claiming that there They might not need an actual photographer anymore because they're so amazing and I'm not trying to take the fun out of Photography, but it's kind of like it just comes up across as like you're saying that anyone could do my job. Yeah, and I don't think that's the case. Yeah. No, I totally agree. It definitely is something that you work at for a long time and you can teach yourself, but I don't know like you were saying even the wedding you did a year ago how it looks totally different than what you would do now. So I you're just constantly growing help me about a horse. A story that you've had like Bridezillas or crazy mother-in-law's or anything like that. Okay, so I will leave location and names out for ambiguity. Yeah, we don't need any names but I was out of the country doing a Content shoot for a hotel and we had brought two girls who are I don't know. It's like micro influencers. We the Much of a small sweet can actually afford full models for this for this trip. One of the girls was absolutely a nightmare to work with every single shot that I tried to do like coordinate. She would question everything that I was directing her but not in like a like a nice feel like yeah like this is she was like, oh my gosh pull like our enjoy look like does this make me look fat? Like how's my hair look like and I'm just like, whoa, you are stressing me out. I think that they were brought there for like almost like an influencer trip, which was It it they were just there to like pose. Yeah, just be models. And so every minor break we had she's like, hey, could you just like just like you like waving me over? Can you come over here and like just get like a quick picture of me? And then she just going to look ridiculous fashion posing like what I do like, I'm not your like personal photographer like you're here for us. Yeah the way around yeah done with that for a whole week and I'm like We had one final shoot and it was this amazing thing went on a boat and we weren't actually shooting until we got to the certain place and I was standing I was like drinking a beer. Everyone's having a good time. Like it was so great. It was so relaxed and she's like, excuse me Grant. Could you move you're blocking my view right now? And I was like, I'm blocking your view and even my coworker from like like a few steps away was like she really just say that like and you're just gonna vote with everyone. Yeah, besides the fact that even like some just just say like I can never imagine said you're blocking my view of yeah, it sounds like a movie. It's like I'm standing in front of a TV. It's just like I'm sitting on a boat and whatever but also it's like below grateful that we have brought you here first of all, and then I kind of motion back and without even realizing it I guess I stepped in again and she's like Grant you're doing it again blocking my view and I'm like, oh, Now so needless to say we've never worked with her again never reached out again. Well, I know from from being around certain influencers. Also, there are definitely some you would be so surprised when you follow them on Instagram. They might seem super normal super nice or maybe not even normal, but just like you don't think that they're very shallow or fake or whatever but like you work with them in person or you meet them in person and some people that either the numbers Guys in their head or they just think that they're used to like everything being catered around them. So I am not even surprised that something like that would happen. Yeah, like I said never badmouth clients or anything, but every now and then there's just a few that I don't know. It's kind of like, what are you what are you thinking? Yeah, and you meet a lot of people doing photography. Yeah. It's the people. Yeah, so, you know, I think she's doing great and good for her, but we just never end up working together again, and that's that. Yep. Do you have any dream clients or just kind of you want to keep doing weddings or from a wedding standpoint? Obviously, I can't say specifically but it's a dream to do like a destination wedding. Yeah, um, not only from the sense of just like the excitement of travel but the recognition of someone being like we like you so much that we want to fly you either, you know, if they're going a place then like they bring me with them or if it's like just a wedding in you know, Texas and they're like we want to fly you to Texas to shoot and I'm just like yeah because I mean they can it's so easy to choose a local photography the fact that if they saw you and then we want that guy no matter what so what doing why is that a dream would just be to shoot some celebrity and I don't know who that would be any off the top of your head first, don't you think of I don't know maybe that's so tough. I don't know if that's a guy or a girl. I am drunk guy. I would probably want to photograph honestly. I want a photograph second. Is that guy fron? Oh, yeah, because I mean have you seen those pictures of him on the horse like shirtless in Costa Rica? I think so. Yes. I was like I was like, that's a good lookin man. That's my girlfriend's and then girl I would probably say I don't know. I'll probably maybe throw out just like Alexis run or something just because of Who she's worked with us photographers. So it's more of like a staple and saying like I have shot her alongside like other photographers that I look up to which is, you know, not only chance to work with a great model but a chance to you know, show that kind of like I've made it. Hmm, so that type of thing. Yeah. Well one day well, maybe we'll have you back on like five years and you'll say oh that work this person this person this way. Okay a few last questions. What is your Biggest pet peeve and what is the biggest misconception about being a photographer biggest pet peeve is when I'm photographing people and I give them Direction and they like a, you know pose them whatever and they say, I don't know what it's feel. I feel weird. I feel uncomfortable and I'm just like just trust it's the biggest thing is trust because I've been in some shoots where I mean, I don't do a lot of photo shoots, but when I do one of my really good friends knowing he's a photographer and he will put me in the Weirdest poses and I feel so awkward and then I see the picture and I'm like wow, this is amazing. Thank you. So it really like they have the vision you can see what is behind the lens. Yeah, and you know, just think about even when you're used to get like your yearbook photos or whatever and the photographer when you're sitting on that stool there like chin down, you know, just your shoulders like all this weird stuff in your like I feel like a, you know, the weird contorted statue and then you look at the photo. It's like looks really normal. Yeah. And so it's really just trusting your photographer. And also especially when you're like paying me it's like if I'm telling you to do something don't like when people get annoyed of like I don't do this. I'm like, why did you hire me then? Yeah, you know, let me do my thing and I promise it's going to turn out I've done, you know, a couple poses and things that people were not prepared for and that they didn't have it wasn't their expectation and they felt awkward doing it and then I see them. That is like the cover of the album and I'm like I told you exactly so really the lack of trust is a big pet peeve. And then he said biggest misconception. Yeah. I think it probably just goes back to the original myth of people thinking it's easy. Yeah that it's easy and your jobs not hard. I think if it wasn't hard everyone would do it. Yeah, definitely and you just don't see everything that goes beyond, you know goes on behind the scenes. I like the whole thing about photography and videography. Is like you see a product you see a final image and you have no idea what went into it not only the day of and after but before there I mean every photo shoot every Everything I Do even this wedding I recently did. I mean I'm spending two hours on a shot list and inspiration and scheduling everything out and you know, making sure that it all comes together because things are happening tight things are fast paced always being able to plan for just things that are out of your control. Oh and I mean it's so difficult, but it's the most rewarding thing. So it's more of just like, you know, when people hear grants photographer, I think photographer photographers want a level of respect that comes with that. Hmm. I even was telling this guy. I know I'm just at a restaurant we were talking he had come up to our table. He wasn't sitting with us, but we're he was just like oh, so what are you doing? I said I'm doing photography. We were talking a little bit and I started saying, you know, what kind of work I do and he was like Oh, honestly, when I heard you just said like photographer, you know, everyone's like photography exactly and he's like but you're like actually a photographer and and then you know, he's in that realm so like he understands what goes into it. And so there's just that misconception but like right there, you know. Yeah, the photographer were gets passed around so much that it doesn't hold a lot of weight, but for someone that actually is it's a lot of work. Mmm. And before we leave any advice for someone who is not in photography but really wants to get into it. They might not have had gone to school for it, but they're interested. It's a hobby right now. What would you say to them? Probably don't do it. I did buying a thousand dollar camera just on a whim on the chance that it doesn't turn out great probably bad for my own business, but I would encourage everyone to have a camera because I think there's something special about professional-grade photos that and going into that. I think YouTube is honestly your biggest asset as it was for me if you especially if you don't have any photographer friends to share advice, I mean literally any question or intro to photography lesson you're looking for is on YouTube. I typically just find people on Instagram that are great photographers and it turns out most of them are all doing tutorials now, so not only can you learn how to be a great photographer, but you can learn how to be a great photographer in the style that someone if someone you like and you know, it is good to have hands-on experience with professional equipment and there's amazing. Rental sites, it might seem like a lot if it's your first time doing it, but you can rent a solid camera and lens for a week for like $100. If you really dive in then that would be enough time to be like, wow. This might actually be worth buying. I didn't know that at the time I probably would have done that before. I bought my actual camera. Once you have it in your hands. You've probably heard this before but it's really just shoot shoot and shoot more. She was many people as you can people are always willing for free photos we talked about and so if you said hey, I got a really great camera and I To shoot some photos of you and like you'll have an endless amount of models you want turn into something more than you can make a business out of it. But if not, it's it's an amazing passion for some people. I think the coolest thing about photography is there so many different areas. Like I said - mainly wedding lifestyle couples. Mainly, I love to shoot people but environmental photographers just landscape photographers people that shoot pregnant women, which is now a thing. Yeah Boudoir shoot switch art, you know. Shooting women in lingerie for the women empowerment just there's so many areas that if anyone ever says photography is not for me. Why does don't think you've actually like done your research? Awesome. So thank you so much for doing this interview and for teaching me and everyone listening about more about photography in the behind the scenes of it. So where can they find you so you but your plug now, this is a Shameless plug. So on Instagram, I'm just at Grant stemmler kind of just Spell it how it sounds and in or on my page is the link to my website, and those are pretty much the two main mediums that I'm using to promote my work can find me there and see photo video work that I've done and you know, hopefully more that I will be doing and I'd love to talk to any of you if you have any personal questions about anything shoot me a message. And yeah, that's about it. Okay, great. Thanks. All right. Thanks Tyler. That is it for today's podcast. I really hope that you guys enjoyed it whether you are a photographer or you just want to hear a story about someone that didn't go the traditional route that we typically always see I guess or that we are told is the quote unquote right way to do it. So I'm just so inspired by Grant and I know that he is killing it and his work is if you look at his work it is proof of what hard work and talent and skill and doing what you love like all about. You can see it through his work. So be sure to follow him on his Instagram check out his website, and if you guys are in South Florida, and you want to do a shoot with him, definitely definitely DM him just because he is so talented and your pictures will turn out amazing. But anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this episode and again be please be sure to give it five stars on iTunes. If you guys do please send me the a screenshot of you listening to the podcast or send me a screenshot of you reviewing it so I can just personally thank you. So, thank you guys. Again so much. I love you guys and I will see you guys in next Monday's episode.
In today's episode of The Real Reel Podcast, Natalie interviews Grant Stemler, a photographer based in Miami, Florida who took a not-so-ordinary path to get to where he is today. Grant started off as business major at the University of Florida. He never considered working the creative field when going to college and no one in his family worked into a creative industries. So when Grant decided to buy a camera and pursue photography, it was a very random transition. What started as a hobby and something he was curious to learn turned into finding his passion and his dream job. He took on a bunch of random jobs from selling insurance to managing a co-working space until he got a job doing what he loved, photography. Grant now works as a full-time photographer and in this episode we talk about his path to get to where he is today, what being a photographer is really like- so if you're one of those people who think its an easy  job or anyone can do it- listen to this episode. We also talk about his favorite parts of his jobs, long term goals, building his personal brand, and also what it is like working with influencers as a photographer. If you are curious about the business of photography or just want to see how someone in their early twenties discovered their passion AFTER college graduation, then keep on listening. Follow Grant: @grantstemler Where can you find us?
Today's episode of the Hatchery podcast is brought to you by Luxor technology North America's largest mining pool lectures goal is to operate enterprise-class mining pools with professionalism and an intense customer focus. They provide a top-notch user experience and have a great selection of pools for you to mine too from a variety of notable altcoins to Big Daddy Bitcoin for which they launched their mining pool in October. So be sure to go and check them out. We are incredibly grateful that Luxor is chosen to sponsor this show going into 2020. We would love it if you as listeners would support the show by Ting them you can find them online at Luxor dot Tech and give them a follow on Twitter at Luxor Tech Team. Hey, everyone Thanks for tuning in to the Hatchery podcast the best crypto mining podcast in the history of the world today's conversation. We are talking about decentralized Network specifically talking about the security sustainability and profitability for minors on a given Network digging into the debate about a six fpgas gpus and which are the best value add for a network and when because all things are not created equal while we do believe that Six fpgas in gpus have a place and a purpose in crypto mining there is a time and a season for each of them. And we do our best to unpack our thoughts and opinions in this half hour show. Hopefully you guys find this content engaging and valuable and we'd appreciate it. As always if you guys could please leave us a rating and review on your preferred listening platform because a great way to help us boost this show and get it out to more people and as always today's episode of the hash rate podcast is presented to you by hash rate OS hash rate OS is a Linux based operating system. Designed to help you increase the efficiency of your mining machines and maximize your overall profitability now with Asic and GPU support hash rate OS provides the best experience in crypto mining allowing you to manage your facility fully from any mobile device and take complete control of your mining operations. Hash rate OS is mining as it should be be sure to head over and check out the hash rate operating system at OS dot hash Again, that's OS dot h a sh are Alright without further Ado on to the show. Hey everyone. Welcome to the Hatchery. Cast on the Bitcoin Broski here today with mean hash crypto Chris Walken and will bear man. We are talking about the r-word people getting blacklisted for it. Well, who is a football player wasn't there a football player that got kicked out he had dismissed from the team for saying the r word you can't say retard. I understand but somebody is will but you saying the hardware just makes me say it in my head. So what's going on a crypto right now, are you coming that out and I'm cutting out for sure. I'm definitely the markets dead again. That's what's up markets. Said the world is dying. I think the market got the coronavirus. I think that's what happened. Do you mean - let's talk about your theory of the coronavirus. That was pretty interesting. Yeah, so I have a friend that doctor that I was talking to her texting today and he was saying that and walking and can attest to this but every single person that we talked to in Walkins Discord already had a bad flu this year myself. Yeah, including walking like I literally every one of us like multiple days where we were like in bed and you know for a lot Of people it was viral. I got one that was bacterial and one that was viral this year already. He was saying that common cold that you got probably wasn't this virus specifically, but the common cold is a coronavirus. That's how it's our started what he was saying is that, you know, a lot of the people in the developed world that got that really bad cold already and went to the doctor and everything probably have a higher immunity than people who haven't gotten it yet. Even if it's spread here roof and you know, like every single person got it a lot of people would Don't get even bad enough symptoms where they'd go to the doctor. They just sleep in their bed for a day or two and then be fine. Come at me China. So we already had it is what is the theories that we've already been exposed and we are now immune to this disease that has been killing people into this disease is racist and it only affects Chinese diseases in general affect different races differently statistically speaking. There's lots of different things that affect certain demographics more than others. But I mean, I honestly think it's A lot of people have built up some sort of immunity to it already. So I mean it will be interesting to see if it even spreads as fast here. Well, you know, there's a few things that people do differently here in general and we don't limit that's well and we don't live in nearly as high of population density. And like I said, I literally don't know a person this year that didn't already have some type of really bad cold. And so, you know, a lot of people probably already have an immunity to it at least that a little bit well gonna die. Take it with a grain of salt all is good. And we won't die everyone. It's a boomer virus. It's a week Boomer virus. It's it kills young babies and Boomers moving on this ends this episode of the quarantine podcast what's going on in mining right now - did you post your minor Monday update? I did on Friday etc' baby. Whoo. I mean technically it's still Thursday where I am talking from future to me. Yeah, I totally Miss Monday this week. I apologize guys totally missed Monday. What do you mean? What I post the minor Monday update every Monday he's do you follow my account? But you didn't bout to go block you that's it getting posted it what why am I following? You can't even fucking can't even follow through on the weekly commitment to post what's most profitable the mining stuff. The rumor mill is that there's going to be a whole bunch of coins. They're looking to switch algorithms in the next couple months. So the GPU mining might be kind of fun again and it's interesting because it looks like some of them are going to be those ones we hit right in the start of January 2019. So kind of be a little flash back to that again. The big one that I'm really interested in is Veil. Actually they'll was a great coin of mine one of the more profitable coins to mine and the project itself I think is interesting. It's the only privacy coin like that that has basically built in staking or a wallet. That's a full node and you get paid a return. Turn on it for staking coins in it and they just got absolutely crushed by a success after Raven moved to its new algorithm the profitability or the number of coins, you might everyday is down like 90% from where it was four or five months ago. So I'm real excited to see that one switch off of something. That won't get it humbled so bad by a success because it seems like the Asics so really centralize the hash and they're mining for BTC. So they're just dumping bail on Exchange. As quick as they can. Mine it I wanted to ask you this mean a - so let's say a coin starts becoming profitable to mine again. Why does it pump in price? Well, because when you have centralized hash, especially if it's a success that are doing it their profitability or their cost point of how much it costs for them to mine a coin is much lower than it is on gpus. So they're willing to sell it at a lower price because generally speaking with a six they're dumping so much hash onto a network. Work, you know any time you see a six come out they take over, you know, 30 sometimes even 40 percent of the hash on a network. They start getting Thirty to forty percent of the coins and for them they can sell them for half the price that the GPU miners can and still make money on them. So they don't care about holding them for a pump or anything. They just dump them for BTC as quick as they can. And so what you see is then the price starts to go down. Then you see GPU minor start to pull off and the Asic miners get even more a percentage of The coins that lets them be able to sell them even lower because their profitability for their margins on those coins just one up because they're getting more of them because the gpus have moved off and so it kind of creates like a downward spiral of the price when the hash starts to get centralized. You honestly would see it on any coin not just GPU mineable coins. If you start to see hash get centralized you're going to see a downward spiral and priced which is why if you look at any coins that have centralized hash and the prices and downward spiraling it's because it's being Nippy elated and the other thing too is that these A6 that are destroying these coins right now are also all the secret Asics that we're talking about Christy. So they know that they're basically on a time crunch. So they're trying to Roi these things as quick as possible. So that's why they're also just mining these coins and dumping them daily to try to catch Roi before these coins for okay. So here's the thing though if your GPU minor and an Asic minor if you have the best of both worlds, let's just say You're like a 60% Asic and a 40% GPU and you say if I point all my Asics to this coin? And I know that all sudden price is going to tank and I'm going to point my gpus at my next Target and then I'm going to take my A6 off of my previous Target and then put it on to the next Target and then rinse and repeat keep on just dumping it and when I think about that and like my ass. A question is because I'm not really good with words. And when I look at Raven coin, that's what I honestly like think about. Yeah, the thing is is that there isn't a success for all of the alt coins and some of them there never will be but if you look at Vale and Raven is a perfect example of it. There are algorithms very similar. It always has been it's based off of the same or algorithm that Raven was the first ones to come out with her the first big coin to come out with and so the hardware probably is It's difficult to shift back and forth between two projects like that. But if you go and switch to a completely different one, you know like Veil is looking at doing actually a hybrid algorithm that's going to be 2 Chainz. I think it's going to be random X to allow for CPU miners to mine and Prague cow or a custom version of Prague piles so that it's more GPU Centric and so moving from what they're on right now, which is an x 16 Artie. It's an x 16 algorithm something like Prague pile. The Asics won't be able to chase it. So you're going to see a complete shift in hash rate. My guess is that the difficulty when they make that change will be a dramatic change. It'll be one that a lot of spec liners pay attention to because you're going to see rewards in those coins go way back up again. And in order for it to draw the miners to it, you know, it'll be one of two things happen either the difficulty will drop way down and you'll be able to mine enough Veil that it's Affordable on your gpus again or the price will go up and people will switch over to as the difficulty isn't going down. It's been pretty standard with that happening the other big project that made a shift like that that is about to make another shift is z coin in November or October of 2018. They moved off of algorithm that was getting smashed by a six and they switched over to MTP and the price of their coin went up like a thousand percent or fifteen hundred percent after they made that. Switch because so much of their hash rate was controlled by a six and those Asic people were dumping coins all the time which over to MTP and GPU minor started mining it and it was even difficult for a lot of GPU miners to mine it because you had to have more system RAM and you had to have a better CPU as well as good gpus. He catches bailed and price in the last couple of weeks. This isn't something so it took off and he said we know that and Z coin and and and you know, they're about to make another Oof not sure if it's public yet, but I believe they're going to move to a another custom version of Prague pile. And again, I think the reason why that is is because right now the coins hash is basically all Invidia. It's almost impossible to mine it with AMD cards. And so, you know their market cap and the number of coins they have in circulation and the size of their Network hasn't grown back up to where they were hoping it would when they move to MTP and also MTP still has issues with it being so system happy that it uses more electricity and Bill requires decent views and more system Ram. So they're hoping that they can move to something that's a little bit more friendly for both cards. So it might be interesting to see how that affects the price but my guess is that it'll help out some AMD people and you know, even that help out more Nvidia miners being able to get on it. So, you know, I think you're going to see a few fairly big projects to make changes. There's even some discussion that we've heard that Raven coin might be To make a pivot to something that's more GPU friendly to finally get a 6 and fpgas off of it at least for an extended period of time. So, you know, if you see a couple big coins move to that it's going to really affect GPU mining. There's going to be crazy because Veil is 100% a zig right now. Yeah, that's going to be a huge GPU. But my guess is you're going to see the difficulty drop somewhere between like 70 and 90% Yep, and it'll be insane and depending On how they scale that drop. My guess is is that it'll have to be pretty quick people who make the change early on that are going to reap some awesome rewards from it. And especially for people not only just GPU miners but CPU miners, you know, everybody who's on Monaro right now mining with their CPUs and not making as much as they were hoping they would effort move to random Exile play with CPUs is going to be huge. So, you know people say it's impossible to have a project. That's Asic and fpga resistant. Not necessarily sure. I'm a hundred percent in that ballpark. I think it's impossible for an algorithm to stay fpga or Asic resistant permanently, but projects like these until they get big enough or there's enough market saturation with crypto that Basics on them is the way to go. They just have to keep pivoting, you know, you can always make a new algorithm that makes it so the fpga is an A6 don't work on it and I think that that's kind of what needs to happen with a lot of these projects right now one thing that I want to say. Though is why are a sick minor so cannibalistic to networks? Because miners are Savage as fuck. Well, I get that but that's the whole reason why I'm asking these questions and playing like this is because I want to put this conversation and someone who doesn't understand why people do this I think a lot of people understand why it miners don't like a successful mining speak. Um kind of a two-headed monster. Okay, and what you have is you have basically big business miners, which is a sickness. Nurse and you know, they're buying Hardware that costs a lot more. It's a lot more difficult for them to have a small scale of money. So, you know, if you're going to go into a sick mining, it's not like you're going to buy one a secure and by like 50 Asics and as you go into that each of those Asics cost a fortune and so you have a lot of money put up front and you don't control the project. So at any point in time after you put your money into this Hardware at project can say well we found a secure Atif law in our algorithm. So we're going to switch to something else and then you're a six become paperweight. So from that perspective a lot of them, they're running businesses. They got to Roi those things as quick as possible. There are able to ro IM and a project can last for a long time with a 6 mining on it. It becomes a more stable price and a more stable Network, you know Bitcoin is a perfect example of that, but it takes time to get there because otherwise you just have a six constantly trying to Roi Our hardware and if your coins big enough new Asics come out every 18 months and then they're trying to Roi those ones. So they're just mining coins and sell them as fast as they can to get their money back or at least break even on their overhead and their costs they put up front to buy all the hardware GPU miners. They have it a lot easier to be able to scale, you know, a lot of GPU miners the last four years they started out on a gaming computer with one GPU and then they slowly added, you know, one or two or five gpus at a time even The really big farms if you talk to any of the guys that own, you know, like a hundred rigs or 200 Griggs or a thousand Riggs. They got to the point of being where they had a hundred gpus. I buying a few at a time a handful out of time or 10 at a time then once they got to have a hundred of them, they're like, okay. I'm good at this I can scale this and they go out and they raise money and then they buy a whole bunch of them all at one time. So, you know like the nature of where GPU mining comes from versus Asic mining. It's just a Different kind of background into it. And honestly, I think both of them are good for cryptocurrency. And you know, like I said miners are Savage so I don't have a problem with it. I think so survival of the fittest thing. It's what makes cryptocurrency strong because constantly miners are attacking them. I talked a little bit about it with PSV and Bitcoin and the new hardware coming out and the having people need to understand miners don't consider 51% attacks doing something wrong a 51% Attack Just it means that they had the capital or the hardware to be able to take advantage of a software. It's like finding a bug in a video game. Don't call somebody a cheater because they found a bug that anybody that plays the video game could find this game theory. It's not a little bit. So you gotta understand think of it like Game Theory. Okay, if you count all the big Asic farms and I'm talking about a sick Farms that are mining altcoins, you know, like thing of them if they're all sitting in a prison yard right now because that's how they look at each other like Oh, that's another criminal. That's somebody that I can talk to compensate you competition not criminal. Yeah, that's somebody that like, that's somebody that I can't learn. Yeah, you know, like that's how they look at each other, you know, and so if you're like, hey, maybe I shouldn't sell my coins because you know, I have this big supply of coins. If I don't sell them the supply of new coins hitting the market will be down. I just don't think you're fucking listening to me though. Yeah, but see you're saying you'd like for it to be a different. Current way no. No, I'm not telling you how it's a different way. I'm telling you that it's happening right now. No, it would be trusting that. Somebody else isn't going to dump on the market. The only a six that are cannibalizing are the ones that are secret a 6 here there a 6 or supporting the network Bitcoin a sigzh z cash all those guys. They're actually support the network. The only ones cannibalizing are the secret Asics. All right, we can agree on that point but what I'm saying is there is Farms out there right now that are basically making cycles of these coins. I can be mine with Asics and GPS and effectively they can but I mean, why would you do that guys? Like why would you cycle from an Asic on a coin to GPU on the same coin? That doesn't make any sense if they've hit their Roi will bear man. And yeah, I could see them doing that because they can try and increase their rate of return by letting the coin pump before they dump their supply, but what's been Happening at least for the last two years is that all the projects are just forking as fast as they can once they realize that that's happening. And honestly, I think a big part of that is that most of the new projects that have come out have development funds and so if a portion of everything that's getting mind goes to the project to try and pay for future development and there's an Asic Farm out there. That's just don't put in the price on you. The project itself has incentive to try and kick them off so that the price can go back up. Otherwise the basic miners themself are bankrupting the project the only Learners fork in them off. Yeah, I'm not disagreeing with that. The only stuff that's left. Let's actually profitable for gpus is stuff that isn't it with a sixth. Anyway, that's the difference specially on video. So if it stopped and profitability doesn't have a six on it. I think we're on the same page again. Maybe I'm just not really good with words, which I am I am. But when I what I'm saying is people aren't really understanding right now. Now that like the game has changed significantly and the people that were like super against Asic mining. We're always GPU miners, right and there's always been that line where if your GPU minor, you know, basically what mean hash the same what walking says said and it's been really hard lately, but if you like focus on these new projects, especially when you're looking at being in grin, they brought another variable to the table and with the latest. In Fork, if you really pay attention to what happened there. It was a minor economic change. Even our last podcast walk-ins even said no one even realized this was gonna happen, but I guarantee you those Asic miners knew exactly what the fuck was going to happen. No Asics on grin though. Oh my God, you'd lie. Well, yeah, I mean you can't say a hundred percent. So this conversation I think so the show that we're releasing with Christy today, which you know the show that we're recording right. Now this show will come on after After will clarify a lot of the theories that we're discussing but there are a 6 for every coin that you assume. There's not an Asic for basically if it's a play worth making there's an Asic for it. I mean how she described it is. It's uncanny how many people are actually building these Asics for all coins. But I think the key with that is that it has to be something that has a high enough market cap most of course because otherwise they'll never be able to Roi for sure, you know, like you're talking at least mid level. GPU mineable coins, you know, like 10 million plus market cap before an A6 going to get built for it. This is otherwise, you know, that's a midline. Now, my fault ten million market cap is mid-level. I remember when like 10 million was like the bottom of the barrel shit cool, you know, like that's why the GPU miners there's still a bunch of projects that they can do because there's a lot of good profitable coins to mind that are in between the two and you know, two and ten million market cap. And even for decent sized mining facilities, they can offload the percentage of the coins. They mined they want to offload to cover their overhead or cover their Hardware without tang in the market. That's really the difference is is the GPU my nurse, that's where they hid the problem is that the Asic manufacturers have gotten better. So, you know used to be a few years ago. It was like a 50 million dollar market cap, at least before anyone would bother building an Asic for it or programming fpgas for it. They've got More efficient at it. So they've started attacking lower and lower market cap coins because they're capable of it. But there's also been a lot of them who have gotten burned. So, you know, there was a ton of Asics that got released in like September and August of 2018 that were built to mine Z coin and three months later Z coin forked and screwed all the people over who bought those and the company who spent all the R&D, you know, they're still game being played just interesting to see which coins are still. Trying to do it and other ones that aren't honestly if you have a coin that's getting hit by a 6 in your market caps under 50 million and you're not planning on forking anytime soon. You're probably going in the toilet because there's just not enough trading volume most likely to cover how many of the coins Asic farmers are going to dump on the market and it gets really bad centralized hash. And I mean, those are really the two big reasons why even people who are outside of mining all together like new projects to start off with GPU - Our CPU mining is because it decentralizes the hash which makes it way less likely. There's going to be some sort of double spend attack on it and it creates a much larger distribution of the coins, which means that people are more likely to hold on to them. And so it gives new projects a chance, you know Bitcoin had the same thing the first Bitcoin forget who posted about it on Twitter the other day somebody on like Celeron CPU in 2010. Then in five days mind 250 Bitcoin on one seller on CPU if there would have been a 6 on the Bitcoin Network right when it started. If someone would have built an Asic the the first year Bitcoin started being mine. Yeah, I would have died according would have failed. Yeah, that's failed. That's yeah, that's one of the things Christie talked about is that the exact that exact thing the progression has to be the way that it is because you have to get the distribution you have to have the decentralized network as it grows in market cap and becomes where more and more people. Board using it. It's inevitable that it will get completely taken over by a success. It would be impossible for it not to because they'll be monetary incentive for them. But at that point in time, they'll be you know, fifty or a hundred different Farms that are buying Asics to mine it but if you can't make it to that level because somebody built some secret Asic that they're not selling to anybody and you're just taking over 80% of the hash on the point. You're just killing coins. You're not trying to support the network. You're killing them for profit to get your Roi and then you're moving on to the next project. So can America one thing I wanted to bring up that popped up in the Discord today. I think people forgot about is the theory Amanda theorem Classics dag file size. I told a lot of people last year to stop mine for Gig AMD cards and pretty much to stop by named eCards period now, so in October the theorem classic and a theorems dag files will go over 4 gigabytes, which will render the AMD 4 gigabyte cards useless on a Graham so another kick in the nuts for red team. Can you imagine all of the four gig five 80s and three gig hence 60s that are going to hit the market so many hoops. And at least with the three gig 10 60s, they're still shit you can mine because it's a video but just those four gig AMD cards. Good night. You'll be able to buy a four gig RX 584 like a pack of ramen. Yeah quote you they'll be so cheap and October. It'll be ridiculous. I'm gonna start building cheap. PCS this year is going to be super important for proof-of-work coins and the world if you're going to talk about everything that we talked about. I don't want to talk about those bullshit going on in the world the crypto as crazy as it is, at least it's mathematical and I don't gotta worry about some virus coming into my house and killing me. What are you run across the road? So you still have to worry about a virus coming and killing your back? Okay, so thanks to our sponsors for Today's episode is brought to you by Corona everybody. They're sponsoring a huge event over in China to I actually have a legit sponsor right now. Okay for my birthday Olivia, she knows that I love cheese cakes. Okay, and there's this cheesecake place downtown st. Louis called Hanks, so she's at work and she's like, hey, where should I go to get, you know a cheesecake for him and someone goes? Yeah, go to Hanks. She gets there. And the store has a sign. It's like hey, we're going on vacation and she was like what the fuck and some dude just comes out of nowhere from like the back alley of the store. It was like Hey you looking for some pegs cheesecakes? She's like, yeah, but they're close. He goes. Yeah, I can get you some what kind do you want and she's like blueberry and he's like, all right, you got any cash and she's like, no not really. And she's riding with with her buddy. Tray and trades like yeah, I got some cash. How much is it the guys like $20 he gets $20 gets the cake and she comes home later and I'm like, oh, well, you got me Cheesecake and stuff and she's like, yeah, it's you know, I heard really good things about these cheesecakes don't like. All right, that's cool. She goes. Yeah, but you know, I got this in a back alley like next actually get it from the place because they were closed and I was like, Hold up like I'm about to eat this cheesecake and you don't even know like where like if they're going on vacation. They could have just dumpster go of all those cheesecakes that they knew were going to go bad. And this guy just sold you a $20 cheese. We found it in a dumpster. I'm just eating this shit is fucking the cheesecake. I literally had to shit in like two hours later. I'm shitting my brains out shout out to her. It's dumpster cakes. Yeah. Hey man, I got these cheesecakes there right there right there. She's willing to go into a back alley and buy something black market for you than she knows that you really want. Yeah. I love I love me some fucking cheesecake. So if I die though, if I get the fucking coronavirus you guys and everyone that's tuned and thank you so much for listening. We'll talk to you guys all again. Very very good. This is the sound of a wider. Thanks for tuning in to the Hatchery podcast. We appreciate your continued support. Please do us a favor and leave us a rating and review on your preferred listening platform and head over to Twitter and give us a follow at hash rate. That's at h4s hr8.
The guys discuss the ongoing debate about ASICS, FPGAs, GPUs, and which best serve a a network, and when in it's lifecycle each machine is best. Happy Birthday WhaleBearMan! HASHR8 OS is a Linux-based operating system designed to help you increase the efficiency of your mining machines and maximize your overall profitability. Now with ASIC and GPU support, HASHR8 OS provides the best experience in crypto mining, allowing you to manage your facility from any mobile device. HASHR8 OS is mining as it should be. Take complete complete control of your mining operations today at HASHR8 OS Discord: Twitter: ----------------------------------------- About our sponsor:  Luxor Technology is North America's largest mining pool. With a focus on enterprise solutions and an intense focus on customer experience, they provide a premier mining pool platform for bitcoin and altcoin miners. Visit them today at, and follow them on Twitter @LuxorTechTeam.
Just wanted to take a brief moment to give you guys a little idea how we do it here at paddle and fin podcast. We use the anchor dot f m-- recording platform super easy distributes our podcast too many many different platforms. There's creation tools to allowed you to record and edit podcast right from your phone or a computer check out anchor dot f m orDownload the free anchor app to get started. Welcome. Welcome to paddle and fin the real down segment brought to you by Michigan Ohio kayak Anglers today. We have Zach soulier. Who's on the board of my oh, how you doing today? Zak? Not too bad about you. I'm doing good. Alongside of us. Here is a co-host John Graves. How you doing John? I'm doing great guys, man. Just I'm happy to be alive after this weekend. Yeah, you had a crazy weekend fishing the Buddy bass tournament and the paddle and fin tournament with me didn't see out. Water though, but now it was hot and I suffered some heat exhaustion. That was a that was a rough one for me. Yeah. It was my teammate did well. Yeah, I heard he did real well his first tournament ever that's all I act so he's probably hooked now and he he's very hooked. He's very hooked. You know, he's a lot like a lot of us, you know, you can't pull you love to bass fish and you know, you you're good at it, but you know, No, you can't pull 20 grand on a bass boat. And do you feel like you're kind of like stuck, you know, so you try these co-angler positions out and we try to get your spot and these big, you know bass tournaments and stuff like that. You're like, you know, it's a hard draw to make that but all of a sudden you can get a plastic molded kayak and go out and compete for some pretty good money for what you got to put in it and Just the moment. I put him in the pro angler 14 and put him out the day before in the pond right out of here in the house since first time he ever brought a fish up netted the fish. In fact, I got the video on my Facebook page. It's funny because he just he's so natural at it sets the hook. He sets down he grabs the I mean, it's I always struggle with that yak. That Yaki ernet. The one that has the brace there and I always always struggle with that thing a little bit. His arms just slip right down on it. Like it was just like he's been doing it his whole life. He grabs the fish. He sets it down because all that wasn't wasn't as hard as I thought it was and then the next day just did as well as he did. I was just so he's definitely hook. In fact the next day he was asking. Okay, how much do I got to put in these kayaks? And I said, well that's that's a whole other story there. So, you know, but you will definitely be seeing Dawson Thompson out there fishing out. Kayak the name remember then so yeah, my weekend went pretty good. We did the paddle on fin tournament. There was probably about 14 15 guys out there. I placed fifth in the individual and me and Chris Andersen got first place. Yeah. Yeah, you guys were crushing it. It was fun man. You're on fire account Lake out there man. I know I don't get it. Yeah, you're must you got you got something. So, you know, what was it? What were you doing black and blue jigs, right? Right the same your go-to. Yep. I'm throwing it into cover and structure all my bites were early morning. It kind of died out until about 1 o'clock, right? So yeah, let's get into this stuff with Zach here. He's on the board of my oh and how long you been doing them? Are there actually just started this year? I would say we voted on the board tired and Rich. Both approached me maybe about a month and a half ago. Actually the board we had talked about it prior but up until about a month and a half ago. It was just kind of a more of a hey we may do this kind of thing and he called me and said hey, we're going to give this a go. We want you to be part of it. So I was I was more than happy to get on with those guys and help them out in any way possible and so far. It's that's the board board came together real nice. You know, we got a few real good guys on that board really good fisherman, and it's nice to not only be able to make decisions with these guys, but just to talk to him, you know pick their brain about what they do and you know, here's some of the different different stories especially being Central the northern Michigan and hearing from guys that are down in Ohio. And yeah, I don't I don't get the fish down that way quite often but hearing some of the stories that makes me want to yeah, it's pretty good fishing down this way. So it's not it's not Michigan but it's still pretty good. No other I know Jason rickets is on the board for you guys and jeered McComas, right? Yeah. Li's Ricketts myself and then Rich and Todd Rich Peterson and Todd Patrick that that's the five board members that we have. Okay. Yeah. I met Jarrod this weekend. He's real cool guy. We camped at Callan linked either in the of course me and John both know Jason pretty well. We're good friends with them. So what's your guys responsibilities? Um, a lot of it just comes to if there's the decisions to be made within the group. We actually just had our tournament at Fletcher's pain this weekend and there was a discrepancy over the big bass of the tournament. It was a mouth open deduction on a fish that would have been the big bass of the day and it came down to a board decision on how far we all thought the mouth was open and you know, and that's that's kind of where it's tough for myself, you know. Being one of the competitors in the tournament I didn't do as well as I wanted to do this weekend. I probably placed 11th. I believe after two great days of pre-fishing. I just could not find them on Saturday, but it's tough when you know, you're you're fishing against these guys that you have to give a deduction to but having a five-person board it allows, you know, No, my vote to not so much be the deciding factor and it was it was a decision that we all made that the fish there had to be a deduction made to it and Steven Galloway ended up posting the big fish with 19 believe it was 19 the half inches, so he ended up taking home about a hundred and seventy-five bucks just for catching one fish. Nice. That's awesome. He also took home. Paychecks. Wow, that's okay. Yeah, I what was his name again? Steven Galloway, that's right. I added him on Facebook. And I'm gonna try to keep adding everybody that goes through the turtles are some pretty familiar with everybody. Yeah, he's he's a great steak. He you know, he's one of those guys that I heard somewhere. I don't remember where but he's one of those guys he carries that clicker on his kayak and marks every time he catches a fish and I believe last year. He only had over a thousand fish caught what he did. You know, we always give him a hard time about his kayak is always a mess. But you when you fish as hard as that guy does there's a reason his kayak is a mess because he doesn't have time to clean it off because he's going and going and it shows I mean he every tournament he's in the top, you know, so he's a great guy. I mean, he's a pretty quiet guy. So, you know, he's not not Wonder want to talk a lot but when you can get them talking it's nice to actually We get to talk to him sounds like a guy we know down here in Southwest Ohio. And that right John. Yeah Kurt Busch Kurt Smith told Toby pro angler and yeah, thanks krazee. All that. That kayak has more experience fishing than I do. Yeah. I'm in want to Curt Smith old ones now, it's incredible the one that he won. National championship and I'm fishing out of now. That's amazing. That's all let's say you guys are bad. But yeah, I bought it off a rich Peterson right after I came back from Nationals there and I've been fishing out of that now for what going on for months now and I love that thing. I know and that you know, it's got Kurt Smith DNA all over it. Did it come with like a Spider-Man like a wet naps pack? Package, he always put those in there and then there was no one's like soft. Lure Plastics coming out of the transducer Mountain stuff at the bottom of the Holy bath open where he left some of his, you know, But yeah, he's very open to discussion, but he's he'll hold tight to his secrets and what makes it click for him, you know, and you know, you get to that level a guy like me. I'm just a farm and this is what I do and this is where I got it and that's how I did it. But you know, I'm learning, you know, some of those things went to hold a little closer. Everybody knows I throw the net rate that's it looks good, babe. It came out at Nationals that I threw the net rigged the entire time. So every time I catch a big fish anymore, it's like oh that was probably the network wasn't it? And maybe it's a good bait. I'm known to throw the ChatterBait. So everybody around here's call me ChatterBait Brad now. Yeah. Just putting it right there. So it was Zack. Let me let me ask you something Zach if I could because I'm going to be heading I'm I'm heading out for am to I cast okay, I'm specifically looking for a finesse Rod to throw the Ned ring. What should I be looking for? Um, you know, as far as rods go, I typically stick to the lose rods. I love the feel that they have. I've been throwing my finesse baits with a pretty much a lighter action the lose. What is it? I want to say it's the it's the Mach 1 I believe okay the cast early casting rod. Or just the the spinning rod and I mean, I I just I love the feel that that Rod has, you know, I've tried other ones. I've even tried some like almost like ultra light just to see if I can get a little more feel right. I just never really had as good of good of feel as I do with the the lose mock ones knows that like a medium. It's a the one that I got. I actually talked the guy at the store and the switching the the rod out with another one. I ended up getting a medium light. So it has a little more lip to it. I was contemplating. I'm just getting the medium but there was a medium-weight one right there, but it had a different real on it or no. That one was just sitting on the shelf. It didn't have a real on it and I asked the guy I'm like, can I just swap the rod with this? Make it a combo. He said yeah, that's that's cool. So, yeah, he was cool about it. You definitely you definitely need one of those more sensitive than lighter rods for that because those bass don't always Hammer the Ned rig they don't lie pick it up. So yeah. Well, that's especially when your bed fishing. That's that's a tough one. I love throwing the net rig when I'm bed fishing and that actually got me third place in one of my tournaments this year was up at Green Lake or duck and Green Lake. I found 75 beds one day and then went back. I can tournament day and I just I just cruised around right on top of the beds and through and Ned Reagan and that fish would barely touch it. And if you didn't set that hook in that one one and a half seconds at the most that fish was gone. So that's awesome. What other tournaments do you fish or tournament Trails? So I did a couple of the Michigan kayak Trail the MKT this season over on the west side of the state. And fish the northern Michigan kayak Trail, which is a lot of breaks, you know, like the name says they're all nor Northern Lakes. We've done Lake st. Helens ducking Green Lake, which is up by Traverse City next weekend. We have the Saginaw Bay tournament. And then I think there's one more tournament and then their championship for the year is going to be on Burton mullet lake. So that's going to be a good one though. That's a very high. I populated Smallmouth Lake both store and mullet has just Monster Smallmouth in there. What was that? Second one, you said I got the Michigan the northern Michigan trail. What was the other one? Yeah the so there was the Michigan kayak Trail, which is MKT and then the northern Michigan kayak Trail. And then the other ones that I fish are I've fished cats in the past. I unfortunately none of the dates lined up this year for me to fish any of their tournaments. I did the whole be Pass open this year and then and then my always been kind of my, you know, my more more loyal one. Unfortunately two or three minutes though this year one got canceled and one lined up on a day that I could not attend. I've only finished two of their tournament so far, but I do plan on fishing the last two as well. Yeah, it's this segment we're doing we're trying to get more familiar with the tournament trails in our region specifically mid res Midwest region. So I'm glad I asked you that because I haven't heard of the northern Michigan trails and there's a couple of smaller ones as well. There's a trail up in Alpena. That's just Old the Alpena kayak Anglers Association, I think and they got some good guys up. There. They do some good Lakes. They're just they're a smaller Club, you know, and I think that's going to be the biggest thing with the the future of this sport is, you know, getting you know up until last year. Nobody really wanted to bring tournaments to Northern Michigan and you know now now we're doing an entire city and that Last one that I did up there the top three guys had all over 90 inches, you know, so, you know, there are good Lakes up there and you know even Fletcher's Pond even though it didn't produce. Over 90 inches both of my days of pre-fishing. I caught 90 inches plus the second talk about that place. You know, the first day was just unbelievable. I had fish after fish that were just big my Smalls were and I mean II told a lot of people what I caught and I didn't tell them every fish because I kind of wanted to keep At the secret and you know, I think I told a lot of people I only caught mid-80s. I'm on Friday even Friday. I put up over 90 inches and I just I went out Saturday and you know, I had a I had a plan A A Plan B. And that's about as far as I got and Saturday morning. I woke up and just did not feel confident in plan a because I looked out and my plan a was actually spot fishing. I am Thursday. I went out and I saw a fish swimming through the weed beds and I was throwing a jig in or a Ned rig, which I was using the green pumpkin goby and I was throwing that in they were just hammering it and I looked out and I saw there was already a little bit of a chop at five o'clock in the morning and I knew plan a was out. I started heading out to plan B and I saw three boats already sitting in my plan B. So I resorted to a makeshift plan C and lost three good fish to bite to it were my own fault and one that just did not want to take a picture and then no actually it was It was kind of weird. Jeff Bader told me this exact thing happened to him at the Hobie bass open. And and it was I saw it happening as into him as a happened to me. It jumped it landed on the front of my kayak the hook fell out of its mouth and it laid there for a second and it stopped in the water. And so I I set my ride down and tried to dive to the front of the kayak the whole town and there was no keeping that fish. After that though. I was fortunate enough to still put up 78 inches. And I really didn't start catching fish until almost noon. I think the biggest thing that happened out there was the two days of pre-fishing. It was in the 80s like mid to high 80s and then come tournament day. It was low 70s and overcast and that bite just changed a lot. Yeah, you know the two prior days. I was you know fish were swimming from every direction to hit those losers tournament day for me. It was just I had to I had to get that bait right in front of that fish for him to take it. So that's crazy man Zach. It's almost like a is the rent up there in Michigan pretty cheap because I just looked up on Wikipedia. And how many lakes are in that state. Wow, you know, there are a lot and And there are some beautiful Waters here. And you know, I'm fortunate enough to I live right on Saginaw Bay Saginaw Bay. I believe was just voted the number 8 bass fishing area. I don't know if that's in the state or you know, if that's the best master like Countrywide kind of thing, but Saginaw Bay holds some beautiful bass and it's very Under fish. Up here while I are what everybody targets and you go out and meet somebody you're going for Bass and they kind of look at you like you you don't know what you're doing. Where are you for supposed to and I found some and they're there it's just You know a 4-mile paddle. Yeah, that's awesome. What's I'm always curious the water temperature difference between up there where you are and down here in Cincinnati. We're almost there almost 90 degree water gets hot. Wow. So when I was out at the today, I want to say it was I was picking up spots. I was picking up. 74 and then I was picking up spots that were you know, I'll shallow water. That was more like 78, but I know Fletcher's Pond even Northern Michigan was mid 70s. Wow, that's nice. Yeah. That is nice. Hey, you got a couch there at your house that I got. I got plenty of room. You know, I being that I fished the baby predominantly that's part of the Great Lakes system. So you're always having water flow coming in and out. I've never noticed it higher than 79 in my touch 80 a couple times and I would assume that these smaller Lakes on especially when you get down towards the Fenton area. There are just there, huh? Hundreds of lakes down that way and they're all they're all 15 to 20 feet deep lakes. And I'm sure those Lakes are probably up in the 80s right now, but I know you know where I fish generally is never really above 80 degrees Yeah. That's awesome. Man. Right are Lower Lakes down here gear really hot really fast. You can set a hot dog in the water down here and five minutes late. It's good to go. Yeah, that's how we do it. If you guys get a lot of a lot of grass growth and everything like that. I'm assuming than two. Huh? Definitely a lot of a lot of farm runoff and are Ponder not ponds and lakes and everything to you. So it's not good. Yeah, and I don't mind paying fishing or you know, we'd been fishing but at the same time I would much rather fish that you know, 10 to 12-foot drop off that's got you know fish hanging right out on the drop-off area. Yeah. Um, all right, let's get back to the myo stuff. What's the tournament fees for the my Assurance? Myo, tournaments the tournament fees from IO are always if it's a mile specific event, which this year they did partner to with her but to other events with the kbf. So if it's a mile of specific event their $50 for the entry fee and then they're five. Hours, if you want to get into the big bass if it is a kbf event, which lake st. Clair this year was and then so is the East-West Harbor tournament that's coming up on the 27th of this month. That will be a $75 entry fee. And if you want to get into big bass you have to do that through the kbf big bass brawl, which is I believe an extra $25. Okay. Um, so that's That's all kind of handled more on the lines of kbf. But when it is Amaya specific event their $50 for an entry fee and $5 for big bass you guys ever get any pushback on the tournament piece. My not typically I know all their tournament series even some of the ones I fish are more than what my oh is actually Maya is The cheaper ones. Okay. Yeah, our tournaments down here pretty cheap. It seems like it is John. I think the most they get is like 35, right? Yeah. I mean it's they're pretty inexpensive, you know, $35 really at the most you toss it another 5 or 10 bucks for big bass. But yeah, yeah, not much all great Raffles the way I always look at it as if I don't have an extra 50 bucks laying around to fish a tournament. I probably shouldn't be fishing in any way. Yeah bucks would be going. Something else definitely. What's your guy's a payout structure? They pay out the top 10% It's rounded down. So like this last tournament Maya was a kbf partner. So we are able to if we reach 30 Anglers and a tournament we are able to give National Championship qualifier spots. So this last tournament, I believe there were a lot of say there were 4:37 participants in the tournament. So we paid three spots but we gave away for National Championship spots. So these spots are always rounded up and the payout is always rounded down just so that way we can you know, allow those top two or top three or whatever. It's going to be to get a little more money for what they did it John here. He qualified the first event of the year. Didn't even expect it. I wasn't maybe that's why I did it. You know, that's why I the year before I stressed out so much and but first tournament and had to Hopi pro angler 14 and it was the yak of the Covenant did it for ya? Yeah, and I mean, you know, I was the same way last year you talk to any like rich or tied. I finished angler of the year last year. I came in second by I want to say it was either a half inch or a quarter inch. Oh my we knew that the angler of the year was going to get a national championship spot being that it was meiosis first year everybody knew that the the top guy was going to go but we didn't know if more people were going to go. Luckily. I was in out, you know, it was enough for me to qualify last year and and I actually got the opportunity to you know, go down there and had a great tournament, you know, put three solid days together and just stayed on stayed on a good bite ended up bringing home 14th Place and she had yeah, I qualified for next year's at Nationals. And then I also qualified for the FLW kbf cup, which is coming up in August down in Arkansas. Yeah. That one is still up in the air right now. I plan on going to it. But $500 is a is a pretty hefty build of flip to take a week off of work. Yeah, it's going to be even more harder because your wife also just qualified to the in right I tuned in right? Yeah. Well, she qualified for Nationals so that Guntersville. Yeah. So now I already told her she's got to find her own house because now we're not friends. Now we're competing against each other through Nationals the top the top 20 or 40 qualified for 2020s Nationals and Guntersville. Yeah. I'm kind of new to this aren't ya when it was definitely A big stress relief and I actually do believe that it kind of hurt me a little bit to qualify already because I don't feel myself. Trying to grind it out as much, you know, if I'm in its own good point, you know, and I actually really enjoyed last year not knowing that I qualified until after my last event of the year because it made me fish hard. I you know, I spent till if checking was that a lines out was that too you better believe I had a line in until 159 where now, you know even less even Last tournament last weekend when I realized that I had 78 inches in the top person had 85, you know when there was 10 minutes left in the day. I was just sitting back. I had my music on and just kind of one of those things that it's great that to go to Nationals. But at the same time get that we still have to you still got a fish and I think a lot of times once once that stress gets taken off of you. You kind of you get complacent with just okay, you know, I it's okay if I don't finish in the top three because I'm already qualified and I felt that way this year and I didn't like it. You know, I had to kind of get myself out of that funk a while back Zach. I'm really glad I heard you say that because I'm falling into that same category. you know last year when I was attempting to qualify for the kbf really not knowing Jack squat about kayak Bass Fishing, but I might as well aim high and so I just went nuts on that and I was out trying to learn as much as I possibly could get out and go everywhere I could and now that I've qualified in the first tournament of the season I have I've set back I have got complacent and who has if I'm Okay, April 2020 so far away, but guess what man so was I cast and it's happened in tomorrow? So I'm so glad to hear you say that because I think now I'm not going to fall victim to that I do right and I think the biggest thing with that was and I realized it early enough that I basically told myself like I'm not I'm not going to let myself just stop going to some tournaments and all that because I mean anybody on any day can come out and do do great. That's that's the glory of fishing. It's not always the same person. Yeah, you know a lot of the guys are always on the top of the leaderboard but there's always that one person that from somewhere in the back they catch fish and you know, I mean when I went when I went down to Nationals last year, I went down that was my Fourth year ever even fishing not only just kayak fishing but just fishing in general. I went down there with just the idea of hey, I just want to go down and catch catch a fish after the first day then my goal change to I want to catch a limit both days and then you know my second day. I was I was able to catch the probably the biggest fish I ever catch hopefully not but you know, I was able to catch Fish that one me $1,100 then going into the third day. I found myself sitting in 18th Place and it was just a surreal moment that you don't want to let go of and then at six o'clock in the morning. You just got to let go of it and say hey, I got a fish again and you know, it's all it is is its any time of any day? I mean I Greg Blanchard, I don't know if you guys have yeah, he was he is behind and me going into day three and he put together what was probably one of the best day threes I've seen and I believe he ended up second place, right? Yeah, um amazing days together and you know, that's all it takes, you know when you can get it you and you can get a bait and you can get a good a good bike going you just got to keep rolling on that. Do you feel about those three days of fishing in that tournament fishing and that's it was more mentally exhausting than anything, you know, so it was actually a pretty funny story. I know we had talked before about you know, Jenna fishing with me and we went down there together and we were out on we went to two Lakes prior to where I just said, okay. I don't really want to fish here one of them. We just didn't catch. Much and the other one was because there were a ton of snakes and a ton of alligators. And um, and I don't do that alligators and I don't like snakes either. So the third day of pre-fishing we went out on Caddo Lake and down in Texas, you know, we're not used to it here in Michigan, but they have both lanes and if you're in the boat Lane those bullets aren't slowing down for you and Jenna Jenna wasn't used to it and she was in one of the boat lanes and she started kind of getting Well stirred that the votes were flying pastor and she me and her kind of got into a little argument about it and you know, so she went and fished on her own and you know, so I kind of felt like I had to go, you know say sorry to her and you know went over and I don't know why I had been reading about how to fish in Texas and all that and you know bought all the lizards and the big baits and I finally on that day just said, you know what I'm going to go back to what I know from, Michigan. So I threw the Ned rig and put it right at the base of a cypress tree and I pulled out a 21 and three-quarter inch bags man. And and so right after that I was on my way over to apologize to Jenna and I told her hey go further away because this is my spot now, so we because I knew Where I wanted to be the first day of the tournament rolled around I went right to that spot and it was it was a 500-yard circle. It was just hitting the same cypress trees over and over. They just kept reloading and I was fortunate enough the first day. I think I had 84 inches on the first day 92 inches on the second day and I believe 86 on the third day. So and I threw the same through the same exact date all three days. I actually after day one. I was really running low on the yoga pants T RDS. So I called over to I think it was a Cabela's down there and asked them if they had any in the guy said they had two packages so they told me right. Well, here's my credit card number. So hold them on the counter for me and then you know those cypress trees down there when you're thrown a On weedless jig they claimed about 36 of them from me, and so I and I was also very fortunate that on going into day three. Mike mckinstry was down there with z-man, and I talked to him for a little while, and he I told him what I was doing and I was running low, and he helped he hooked me up with a couple of couple of bags of the Ned rigs so that way I had a couple for the third day. Thank you. Definitely appreciative of that so you touched a little bit on the I've always been one of those pretty superstitious people I grew up playing hockey my whole life and you got your teeth. Missing one over here and I got a couple of things but you know live the life of that Junior League Fighter for a little while and my parent doesn't eat them. I have never had but yes, so as far as Superstition goes for me. It's one of those I don't do a lot of it, but when I'm loading my truck at night, you know the night prior I To always do it the same way. If I don't do it the same way. I got to pull everything back out and start over again. And I think more of that is on the lines of I just don't want to forget stuff if I'm free if I'm free fishing and I find an outfit that I'm wearing. Well, I pre fish. I wear that on tournament day. Yeah. I went down to Nationals and I didn't change my clothes all three days. Shrieking I got this hat from yeah. It's been fire me down. You know, they didn't like the smell but I think the biggest mental thing anymore is actually the music has became a big one for me. This is a relaxing thing in the morning. And if any other pulls into a boat launch and here's what is it X going to give it to you by DF ever hear that the land. That's coming from my so. We'll have everything that they do. I know some guys, you know, they'll go pray before they go out for me. It's just I need to mentally prepare myself and that kind of just you know, it takes me back to my days of sitting in the locker room before a hockey game and nice, you know the kind of just focus on what I have to do and you know know that at the end of the day what's going to happen is going to come down to what I do and what the fish want and that's that's what I've always kind of learned about it. Jump your mysterious guy, dude. So kind of when you hear what your routine is. Well, you know, I if you know if it's a Saturday morning if it's a Saturday morning, there is a show called The Great Outdoors on WLW and it's with chip heart and I really love catching at on a Saturday morning. It's just the 30-minute programs and he's often talk. About the fishing in the southwest are Ohio area. So I like to listen to chip heart. I've been out of the music scene. I've been I played music and what's involved actually in the music business for a while as for a while and I don't have that music anymore anymore. I often do a podcast to do a podcast, you know, I'll be I'll be out, you know. No taking off on the kayak out there in the middle morning, which To Me is This Much special time of the bus National to see that see sun rise come up, but what a perfect day to do a podcast. So I've been burned a lot of those. I do like spending a little time in prayer and you know, because that to me being out on us and in the water like that is a really is God. Creation and to have that to have that have that have that just get my day started. That's where I'm at right now. That might I'm at right now and then to some other stuff there was some things I did running Iran with a lot of Native American and and so there's a lot of sage burning and stuff like that. So I don't know look out there someday and see some guys sayajin as kayak. I'm developing. I'm not sure what I'm looking for that good. It's probably the coolest thing that I've ever felt. And what was going on down there? Like I actually figured that that was what was going on that morning. I just felt like going out. I just had to kind of sit back and do it say a prayer to myself and I never actually met my grandpa when I was really young but he fished a ton and I never really got to know him and my dad has this weird thing where he thinks he can talk to ghosts and he told me that that day he had a conversation with my grandpa about what I was doing and that you know, and you know that he was proud of what I was doing and it touched me mainly because that morning that's kind of what I prayed for was, you know, that like all the people that have supported me and know that hey he's kayak fishing for a living hijo the even though it sounds like a joke that a lot of people, you know, we love it. And that's what we love to do. But you know Knowing that those people would be the ones that are proud of me and you know knowing that you know, he had that and then I felt that way it was just it was something else, you know, knowing that all that happened on the same day at the same time broccoli. Yeah, that's always cool and stuff like that happens stuff like that when you asked me that question Brad kind of stalled me for a second and I really had me thinking about something that transpired not long ago, and I if if if You dive deep into me. You'll probably find that. I'm not a real religious person, but I'm very spiritual person and my family's always been a family that went to church and my kids went through Catholic schools and a so been to my fair share of Baptist Church and Catholics churches and Native American sweat lodges. So I would just call myself swords of spiritual person, but the other not long ago, I was out. Fishing and fishing. I got a big hook set. It was a big fish and I started going. Oh, please God, please. God, please. God, please God, please leave. It started come out on me, man, please God come and Fish on this fish on and I thought to myself right then and I why is it that we're always a time of need that were saying please God, please God in this Clairvoyance and it came over me at that point and says, Why don't you just why don't you just please God, please God just please him. Just don't we ask for him. Don't say please God help me. They just please God and that moment right there really really for me on that kayak and I happened to be in with the kayak fishing with crust gang out of Tennessee when this all went down when this all it was really kind of so when you asked me that question, it's so when you think about that moment. But I think about that's part of my ceremony is getting out there in my connection to a great spirit something much bigger than we are and given thanks to that. So it's developing that so more into that kind of stuff of really enjoying is a I don't care if I catch fish. I just want to please God make you happy with who I am and and what's going on with that, you know the sport and the friendship that I were building out then it and go and that's the greatest award average award. That's one of my favorite things about the official meeting all these guys and they just come to you guys for a while. So yeah, that's that's awesome man. Yeah, that's that's awesome, man. I don't even know how to figure me out. I don't know if you guys hear you guys here will try to power through it and try to pound through it. Well, I'm gonna ask you a few more things about my guys got cool future plans that you can discuss you can discuss those some stuff in the works right now. Nothing that can be released at the time. I actually had to call Todd before this to kind of ask him what I could say and what would get me in trouble. So for right now, Now our future plans are to send as many people the Nationals as we can and keep promoting the sport the way that it's meant to be, you know, fun friends, you know, just get people out on the water and get them learning the sport. That's awesome. We definitely have some big plan. We got some big plans in the making so stay tuned. Yeah. I'm real excited. And I know there's a lot of people down in Southwestern Ohio really excited about my also. Yeah. I want a caravan up there and get to fishing. Those Waters big time you want to same here. Nice. How many guys did you send to the national championship last year for payos last year? I believe it was 12. Yep. Yeah, it was 12 when and then out of the twelve three finished in the top 100 and then I don't know where the other two. I don't know where the other two guys ended up. And you know, like I said I ended up Up 14th and the other two top one hundreds were Todd War. He's and Steven Galloway. Okay, so easy. Oh, those are both two good guys. They both know what they're doing, you know, so it's it's definitely a good time though, you know, we all met down there kind of all shared a house and it was cool to have the have the guys there. We had the house. I was in made a lot of good friends, you know guys that you know, Ohio, I don't know if you know him George nimah And Clyde Ike's met both of them never really met him before ended up staying in the house with them stayed with Tate Schwab. His girlfriend Alyssa and CJ Welsh there, you know two great guys from Pennsylvania, you know, the list has awesome too. So we had a pretty cool house. Yo, very supportive and that's the whole thing about my o is when we We were down there. It didn't matter what house you were in there were always guys over at each other's houses talking to each other picking out baits for the next day, you know talking about strategy and all that and you know, I think the coolest part of the whole thing was, you know going into day three. No one where I was, you know, I had guys, you know, I had guys sitting out at a bonfire on Saturday or Friday. What was it Thursday? Yeah. I know Friday night, you know just Telling me. Hey, man, like you just go out there and do what you got to do, you know kind of helping me helping me with what you know, I was going through at that time. I was a nervous wreck and you know, these guys are sitting there after being my competition for two days. Now, they're just trying to be your friend and help you out and you know, hopefully they can all qualify because I'd love to send you know, another trip to Nationals with those guys and you know, and I think out of the five of them we all we all actually still have a face. Facebook group that we all talk to each other all the time and I used to keep those connections going. Well, if you have a new group of guys next year you have connections growing after next year. Yeah. Yeah, and it's meeting the new people and just learning what everybody what everybody's go twos are you know, I never asked anybody. Hey, what's your what's your go-to? But you always find out, you know, you know if somebody's Finesse guy, you know if somebody is a power guy, you know, and that's the thing is I like to say that I run a power finesse game. My favorite my favorite thing to do is to swim bait and Ed rig and you know, it's it works for me, but I know other people that absolutely hate the dead rig and you know what? Hey, that's that's fine. I don't ever I don't ever say hey the Ned rig is the only thing that catches fish because it's not I catch fish on other things. He's but for me Ned rig is my confidence bait and everybody knows that yeah, that's awesome man. So how would you use that as a swimbait? I'm curious typically like even this last tournament up here at Fletcher's. So what I'll do is if it's a real weedy area. Usually I'll throw it in I let it sit for about 10 seconds. Typically if I'm fishing weeds and a fish doesn't take it in the first 10 seconds then Max just bouncing it. I'm pretty much jigging it across the weeds, but I'm trying to keep it off the bottom more kind of running it more like a pogo kind of thing and it works the fish. You know, the I think it's that whole the look of a an injured Bait fish, you know, they kind of have that like up and down and it's especially running. The bigger T. RDS is one of my favorite things to do with those is to swim date those nice. That's right. I started pulling it up and That's irritating enough for them to say, okay. I'm hungry now. That's awesome. I think we're running out of time here. We're at 53. Do you have any answers shout out or anything or would like to shout out? Yeah. I mean if I got it if I got some time I actually just picked up to this year actually all three of mine. I picked up this year Robo Hawk is they make lanyards for your holes you tools anything you want to keep it? To your kayak they're going to they got something to keep you for stretching lines angler apparel. They are a new company just starting out. They make a lot of their own Plastics. They're starting, you know their own clothing line and then the other one that's been probably my biggest supporter out of all of them and it's because it was my first one is Fireball outdoor products. They started a Jig company and their jigs in my opinion are there. Unmatched his custom colors that he does are just they're beautiful. Everything is hand tied and he Joe does some amazing work with that kind of stuff is amazing. Yeah. I love his colors. I work with Joe to help him come up with some colors and puts a lot of effort into his job. It's awesome. On on yeah, how's that frenzy jig workout? It's good. He's made a lot of modifications to it. It used to have a couple issues with the blades, but he's fix those and it's the same as a ChatterBait basically and I I run on the same as chatter Bates and I love them. Look at that sticks. You'll like the frenzy jig. I'm starting to get into The Jig game, so I might have to take up that all Well, he's definitely a good guy to get ahold of he knows knows what he's doing. Awesome. Well, you have something else John. No, I was saying I was going to ask the exact fit by chance. He was going to be like a store they'd be down there yesterday be down there any other sponsors? No, I don't think any of them are going to go all my sponsors are pretty much newer companies the way I see it the big guys already have their guys. I would rather I'd rather go for some of these small companies being somebody that you know, hey, I'm people know me but really I've only had one one good weekend. And you know, that was Nationals for me. I've had a couple tournaments here and there but you know, I'm know Eric's to Deke, you know, I know that he's a great angler and you know, I he's he knows everything there is to know about fishing and you can tell when you talk to him. Yeah, but you know and I would love to be that one day but for right now, I like to stick to the small companies that are just getting going and helping those guys out good stuff. Well John, you have a sponsor you want to shout out. Well, I'll be I'll be down with American tack or tomorrow. So I'll be with those guys tomorrow evening. We're going to try to drum up as many support as much supported I cast we can for the new fly-fishing accessory the MW 12 microwave guy. And then Thursday getting ready for the big flip off where all the big Champions or the the internet the pro fishermen are invited to come in and did that the flip off contest which has happened Thursday at 4 o'clock. So that's Booth 4026 there at icast and just big shout out to I you know American tackle and can't wait to meet the family down there heat the family down there. Yeah, man, our next episode can be awesome for it. It's going to be all about your icast experience and real excited about that. Do a live one. Yeah, we could do that. Killing and your wife out there you guys are doing it's fun to watch. I've seen your name. So it's nice to put a face to it. You look like an MMA fighter. You don't necessarily look like bass fish. We could look like somebody don't want to meet up in the Octagon, but it'll be a pleasure to meet you in purchasing her in person. I can't wait to get up to Michigan and do some fishing. All right. That's all you see how you guys doing? We do have a few sponsors a shout-out for the podcast here before we head out. I'll mention our website the letter N Finn. Tom you can send all of our questions to paddle the letter N thin We got a social media Instagram and all that stuff paddle and little and fin rot Town Paddlesports low honking kayak camera glasses, which I'll show you guys. They float him out. Throw him in the water that I just bought. - it's a great great to be partnered with you guys. Yeah, it's we're real excited for it really excited for it. And then the last thing Brian always wants us to mention is the Recycled Plastics program. If you guys have recycled Plastics, we'd like you guys to throw it in a box after each tournament with him all the use Plastics that the guys don't want. They typically throw away. Throw it a box and then ship it to ship its 360 Pinewood Drive. Camp Hill, PA 1 7 0 1 1 it goes to hammer lures and he uses that makes four Heroes on the water. Absolutely. Yeah, that's man. Well, I think that's all we have for this episode. Stay tuned for next week. We have
Sticks and Crankbait Johnny sit down and chat with Zack Soulliere. They talk Mi-Oh, tournament fishing. and just being on the water.
Hey afterbuzzers, before we move on we would like to say thanks to our sponsor. Anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. Plus there's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Also anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many more plus you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership, and it's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor a Or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. Welcome to another episode of Basketball Wives season 8 episode 7, the ladies are forgiving but they're not forgetting they end up having a great torque Fest at the end of the trip. And then when all is said and done Byron ends up setting the record straight stay tuned for all that. The more you are tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of TB top now look, Begin, yeah, have a great show today you guys I'm your host Miss Conversation Piece and I have Brianna with me. No today. We have a little bit of news and gossip. We have a special segment invasion of the closet snatchers plus some trending tweet. So we don't get right into our overall thoughts of the episode. What did you think about this one? This episode was so interesting because I see Phoebe in a whole new light now. I'm a touch on on it a little later, but overall it. I know it's low-key the Calm before the storm. So he's ready for it. Oh, yeah. This was definitely the Calm before the storm. I'm glad that you know, we see some apologies happening whether they're genuine or not. Who knows but they're trying to be cordial so they can all be in one place. So they ended up having the twerking session at the end of the trip and I feel like I know g - oh jeez, but you know, they ended up having Fine and that's what it's all about. Yeah, like so the episode opens up with Jen and Evelyn still kind of hugging it out. And we see the other girls are called in there. Like what was happening up there is taking a long time. Yeah and hit with a pot, you know, but that's a valid question that's valid well to their surprise no one was hurt and it was a few tears, but they got through it and it was just good to see them come together and have breakfast and be Able to see that the table because when they first arrived they were like, I don't even wanna be in the same room. Let alone room the same house. You need to go to the guest house. Yeah. Just seeing them sit down was good. Yeah, I mean, that's a great first step. Unfortunately. I don't feel like it's going to last and it's not even and their past history aside because I saw an article from rolling out and they were kind of introducing Dominique and she was kind of hinting. Along the lines of you know, my loyalty to my friends are very clear. Like this is the type of group where you can lose yourself and you got to stay true to who you are. And so she kept saying like you'll see within the season that like you can't be on the fence. You got to pick a side because I pick side clearly. There must be another issue going on if she felt like she had to pick a side again. So obviously, I'm sure she picked Jennifer the end of the day she says things and she said some things and did some things Evelyn. I mean I was like no no, I mean And so they really miss each other. We can tell like the tears are flowing 20 years. So just hope it does last and they'll have another 20 years of friendship. I think it'll tell you optimistic. I want them to stop being mad. I mean, I feel like there's a certain time where it's okay to be mad at your friend and let that friendship go like not everybody is for you sometimes some relationships have an expiration date and that might have ran its course. Like why would you want to force yourself to hold on to? Thing just because you have numbers in it. That's true. Toxic is toxic. Yeah, it was surprised. She dropped her fork when she was like what apology exactly exactly. So Malaysia is not so forgiving but she ended up I guess accepting whatever was thrown her way, but Eve she accepted the apology, but she's not really ready to hang with everybody still even though she's just like, you know, I I took the Apollo Balaji but I'm still I got my own you. Yeah, and as she should lie me they've gone through something so many times already. It's like you can't just have a blind eye to someone just because he said I'm sorry that's stupid. Well, they end up getting in the car together. All of all of the like they take a little trip to have fun on the island. They ride bikes and go cards and almost get run over by cars because they were really in the street. Like I don't think you should be in go-karts like that. That's dangerous. No, you shouldn't be but I like You shouldn't be a that's why Kristin was like I want to have more one more baby because they were Reckless. Yeah, you can be driving off fast on these islands like that CeCe didn't make it to Mexico, of course, maybe but her name keeps coming up. No, she went to Mexico she and make it. Yeah the other Island where I mean Saint Diego where they are because she's in Mexico with her man. Yeah. Do you feel like a lot of the ladies are a little jealous because she's having a vacay with her man and they're all like kind of of single and I don't except for OG her man is overseas. I think they are just very clicky. I don't even think it's so much as jealousy. I feel like they're just really quickly. So if one person has a problem then everybody has to have a problem and I peeped that when Jennifer and Evelyn like reconnected and they were having that Kumbaya moment or whatever by the beach when they were having lunch and then Jennifer made a comment about CC taking advantage of G and how oh jeez of puppet and I'm like, whoa, where was that energy before? Well CC also wanted OG and these came from modi's mouth wanted her to say some things and OG was kind of hesitant because she was like, I want to get everybody in one room or everybody on one call on one Accord because I don't want this he say she say and I think she's smart because that's exactly what happened to Jin exactly and that's, you know, very reminiscent of her scenario because You know, that's when Malaysia through the table right because of the he say she say so, yeah after all that Jen and Malaysia, they're still having issues. But Jen says she will coexist with Malaysia Malaysia. She's still not having it. But whatever she doesn't want to talk about it, but I feel like this was a good trip to get it all out. Even though it kind of is like can we just have fun? Yeah, but when are we ever going to resolve it if we don't ever talk about it? Do you think it was bad timing because I know like a lot of eyes were rolling with OG bra stuff up at the table. You know, I think oh geez timing is just always off. I don't think that was the appropriate time to do when everybody's already having a good time having lunch. Nobody is even thinking about any drama. I think she should have took that back to the house. But I do I do recognize that it was a good thing that she did bring it up in front of everyone. Yeah. I feel like that's the only time you're going to get everyone because I feel like when you get to the house Somebody's going to be tired. I want to lay down and there room for some reason. I want to be by the pool. Somebody's gonna get a kitchen. So it was not the best timing for everyone else but I think it was great her. Yeah to get it out. And another point was being made that whenever OG does address something she gets crucified, but the other ladies have done far worse. They actually thrown drinks days actually Thrones everything actually grown hands. Yes gotten each others face screaming it through we All that through bushes, they all sang and she gets crucified for just speaking her mind. Yes that happening. I think it's just because nobody was in the mental space to have to deal with that. So even though it might be a good time for you individually. You have to think about your audience if your audience isn't cognizant of what you're talking about. Nobody's going to receive it the right way. Well, yeah, she could have made me say hey House of meeting later tonight everybody. Prep them a little bit more like she just dropped it like okay, so no iits she sips her want. Yeah, like you kind of remember what this group it's about timing and tone and of one of those things are off. Everything is off balance and you're not going to get anywhere. Yes, and we have to remember our fans and how much love they show us, but let them know. Yes, we have to show you guys so much love. Thank you so much for making AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of TV talk. We appreciate you guys watching with us every week. You guys are so faithful and awesome. We love you so much. Make sure to like comment and subscribe on our YouTube channel. If you're listening to us on iTunes. Make sure you give us a five star rating and follow us on all our social media. We take notes of everybody's comments. So tell us what we're doing great. Tell us what you think we need to work on and just you know spread a little love this way just shuts The Laughing it to you too short, but we appreciate you and we just just have to appreciate the fact that CC has found love 48 she's getting married. She says she's glad she waited this long and I can kind of see where she, you know, probably lived her life seems like she's very successful in the business so I can see her like living it up in her 20s. She's so beautiful and you know, but she's also smart and she's you know, very business minded. So I think this is a good time and as she said she doesn't believe in divorce. Like her family. Yeah been together Mom and Dad 46 years. I mean, I do think it's a I don't know 48 it kind of scares me because I feel like when you reach a certain age, you're set in your ways and you're not really willing to change a little bit and I feel like no matter what people say mmmmmm average changes the relationship and so part of me is kind of like maybe if she had experienced previously in a marriage then she would no little things to work on as a wife or to improve on or what to look for. That's what marriage counseling is for but why I got to that point though because like there's no they have premarital counseling no premarital. Yeah. I mean, yeah, that is an option too. But sometimes that doesn't stop anything from happening in the future because you can do all that in the moment and then by next week all that goes out the window after one argument. So that's just my personal thing. I personally have a problem with commitment. So everything about that stuff scares. To me, but kudos to you because I think I really have her back like the conversations that I hear them. Have. I feel like he's going hard now and I feel like she's very submissive and that's probably what he likes a lot of men especially if they're going to be your husband wants their wives to submit to them you think so. Yeah. They think that's in the Bible so busy all built to be Nobody's Wife not something. You gotta send mean give up your voice. It just means let him make the choice you give this a good suggestion and he makes the final decision you just go along with I was not expecting this car. I don't know. That's what you do. And that I would you know be able to take direction from because I believe in him and his decisions would be you know beneficial to us. So I would okay. Well, I mean hey, you know to each his own. I don't know. There's just something about this word submissive that kind of just boom like, I don't know. I want to be able to lead and him not feel emasculated by me leading. I like my man to take a step back and I have a lot of personality so I don't want him to feel Intimidated by that. Yeah. Well, she looked gorgeous Shrine on these gowns, her mom is super excited her friend Ross. I don't know like how long do you think it would take to find a gown the right one? Do you think it's like a long process? Because he hates she said this is her first time put the gown on. I haven't put on one either so I just can't wait for the day. I know most girls. I know you probably not wait. We wait for the day. I like that. I like the glamour of it. Me like the lady that Mary herself, but y'all come to my wedding to my son. I'll just go straight to the reception and have a have a bomb dressed if you like celebrate me, but I don't know I think finding the right dress is it's a lot of pressure especially when is your very first wedding because you're looking for the perfect girl why you keep saying first wedding like it's her first know it's proposed to be more than one not supposed to be but it ends up being like that. I mean there's something out here like five. Vincent's, so I'm just saying it since a like it's a lot of pressure to make sure like, this is the absolute perfect dress because you don't want to do it a second time so it could I don't know but she's smart with going on that diet and making sure her body is the right because she knows the dress that she wants girl. She better get a personal trainer. Yeah, he was drinking water and that's it. Does that work? Like I was wondering how that how that work. You're not hungry and just water with us. Oh, that's a thing. I was hungry looking at her right? Okay star for this man. But Byron is easy. They they looked so happy after their trip. Like I can see the love in the air. Like I'm so happy for them and a little tidbit. Don't be here. Well ECC will maybe Byron next week. So you guys stay tuned for all of that. But basically CC gets clarification of like what was the conversation between him and Malaysia and he Says, you know what? He's been saying. I hadn't said it about ammunition. I didn't say anything like that. It just came out in conversation and you know things transpired. I don't I just don't think it was malicious. The girls are constantly dragging this out viruses. Let's move on. Yeah. Do you think it's just because he's a man or I think it's because he's a man because men don't want anything to do with women's mess and it's not gossip and all that stuff. I think it's because he's an old man because he just doesn't have the patience for it. Shade, but he's older and I just think it is time. Like I feel the same way. It's time to move on. Well, like you say is if all of them and it's just him and CCI like that like that's what I'm saying. He's a real man older or not. When you put your woman first this was supposed to do so, I like that that conversation that they had and CC's also happy with it, but she's not happy that the kids aren't happy. Yeah and I don't know how they're going to resolve it. He said he's going to sit down with them. But he's like if they don't come what it is what it is. So I don't know what to say about that because Thomas and Kristen when they were talking Thomas is the same way. He's like I don't like how Cici move. Yeah, so that was the first time we really seen Thomas say something about CC specifically. Yeah. I don't know what's going to happen. But I mean, they're all groan. It's not like she has to live in a house with them. So it's not like You know you marry somebody with teenagers and you got to help raise this right? So I think that's why I was a little less pressure for cc and just like but but I know she's big on family and she wants to be a family but there's some underlying issue that they won't tell us about but we don't get to see when they come here next week. Okay, June Dominican OG they sit down and talk about how Malaysia feels like she was being used by Jen. This is what she's been saying and watch. She threw the table. She said I should do the table, right? This is why and like I said the comparison of they're trying to say CC using OG because she's not as aggressive. So on the flipside Shawnee Malaysia and Jackie are sitting there talking and Malaysia is upset because Evelyn is basically speaking for Jan saying you know how she feels about what Malaysia is doing, but I don't understand why Malaysia is so mad because it none of it was directed towards Malaysia like it was all about like what she said and she did say it. So like why she's so mad. I think Malaysia is just mad because she's Looking at Evelyn like okay just because you made up with this girl doesn't mean I have to now I get it but what I'm saying is the puppet thing right? You said it we don't know jeans intentions and why should I don't understand why she's mad about that. Like I could see in a moment where it's like all this, you know people in your face like this. She said what happened I could see her being mad in the moment throwing the table, but I'm saying if this point whereas not forgivable like I can't talk to Jen like I don't get that. I think some of it is pride because Malaysia just feels like you really thought I was stupid enough that you think you thought you could play me and at that time Jennifer didn't have friends like that. Like she wasn't cool with the click like that. Malaysia was one of the people that was like, you know cool, right. So for her to probably try to take advantage of Malaysia's kindness and use her as a puppet to do her dirty work. I can understand your feeling some type of way because Malaysia doesn't just call. Everybody her friend. So for her to take her aside and stick up for her and try to bend the middle person and then you basically think you can walk all over me like no that's not going to work. Yeah, she wasn't buying the apology and yet and still she says that she will apologize for throwing the table. She did do that that was wrong. But you know, like you said you don't have to be friends with everybody if somebody shows you who they are believe them. Yeah away, but don't throw the table. Yeah, and I was wondering I was like is it 50/50? Apology accurate and I'm thinking you know what it is because once you cross that physical boundary, it's a rap. It's a rap. So oh jeez also feeling like it was a drive-by when Malaysia came up to her like before her flight like you ever heard the dry tea and she didn't want to get into an argument with her, but now there's friction. So it's just like, I don't know what Malaysia's place is right now like she's cool with Evelyn and Jackie but I don't know like she's trying to get into these Kristen. Oh gee, then she's trying to still be mad at Jenni. I'm just like girl. Can we find something for you to do? I think she thinks you for yes. I don't know. I think I don't know Malaysia's Malaysia's kind of tough to to understand this season because I think she wants her family to come together, but she needs to realize like she's not exactly doing the best. Nice job at it. Hello. He's coming again. She's using the wrong word exactly ammunition being one of them and it was her wording. It was never Byron and by her was like we'll get into it later. But basically he didn't say it like that. Right? Are you talked about it? Like this was just a conversation. So despite all this the girls still were able to sit down for a dinner at the house. Phoebe was complaining the whole time. So I'm at the food was too bougie and nasty. You should even taste it. No, I don't understand why Phoebe Phoebe field. I don't know if he's just really getting on my nerves and I want to get to this comment real quick was Sarah slowly said she said I can't lie during that feed being OG argument. My mom said something true and it was that Phoebe couldn't admit to OG about the song and she was acting fake and not to jump too far ahead. But that was kind of the cherry on top that really wrapped it up for me when you're done. We're with Phoebe. Yeah, so she was Acting bratty with the food. She's just acting immature the whole time and then the whole thing with oh gee, it's like girl. Bye. Hmm. We've talked about her meeting but OG let the dinner with her prayer in her native tongue. Do we understand apart? Like do you have to know what you're praying know, especially when I thought she said Jackie Christie also saw that hold on now because if I'm Jackie and I hear you say my name in a prayer, although I wait a minute now. What did you say? I need a translator for thank you. I think it was cool. I'm glad like they were ignorant about her praying in her native tongue. And yeah, they're welcome to the change. Yeah, and then and then the drama of course, but then what I was noticing the seating at dinner, like you said about Phoebe and fake she was sitting right by old she was sitting right beside her but she was rapping and then you want to show you little music video honey. So Jen didn't want OG to be blindsided in I commend her for that. So it's just a fine line about spreading the news with these girls because Jen had didn't have the right, I guess to tell OG this year. I mean Jackie told her who told Jackie. Well, Jackie wasn't Jackie. She was on the Instagram. She saw her Instagram. Yes, um, but I don't Jennifer telling. Oh gee, I don't know if it's because Jennifer is just generally messy, but I looked at it as her being messy because I don't know. I just don't see Jennifer and OG having that type of relationship where she feels like she has to have her back in that way. I do because I mean when they came in the house, there was the split it was you and I'm an ecologist literally maybe 48 hours ago. So now I have your back because I rode here with you. I took a six-hour drive with you and now we've been in the house together for two days. So you oh gee you myogi. No, that's not how it goes boo, but she didn't need to give her a heads-up. I mean either way, I feel like OG couldn't handle herself if she was blindsided. Yeah, she could have but as we can see Phoebe was not going to reveal her rap about OG in front of oh gee coz oh Jesus really like you want to guess it's fade or what Bibi was like hunger. What about you know, so Phoebe you had to be able to back up your raps honey. Because yeah, it's real beef in these streets honey. I just think oh gee was a little aggressive when she was talking about I can kill you with my bare hands. I'm okay OG come on now. It doesn't matter she doing it, but it's still too much. It's like OG you took it toward 10:00 and it was only at like a for like I get feeling frustrated because but I think I look at it this way if I come to you and I say, Say do you have a problem me and you tell me no and I know damn well that you're lying. I'm looking at you like you're a week. So I'm not going to go further and be like well duh. Duh, duh. I'm like, oh, you're intimidated. You're scared. I got you. I'm not even gonna do that to you sing. And she was like I get it, you know, we can catch this pay but you don't want to I'll keep my bare hands anyway, so that I don't know. I just thought it was it was a it was aggressive. It was aggressive. I'm like, alright. Oh gee, we get it and that she tried to say when I play football and Sean. Made a good point. She's like, I mean, we're all been around athletes. That doesn't make it okay to think that you know, oh you can get physical. Oh, it's all right, because she's an athlete like that's not all right. Yeah. I think it's a little more room with football because most girls don't play football. So it's a little rough there. He I don't know. Yeah, her finger was like in a split exactly, but we ended up seeing Phoebe's music video. What did you think about her rap skills? Okay. Well we're talking about her rap skills. Um, we watch some of her videos before we came on air and she has some things on her on her page. I'm like, all right. She has some bars. She has some cute bars do not freestyle. You can tell she wrote them before and memorized it fine the music video. I think Jackie nailed it and that's Jackie being a true friend. She gasped her. She's like yes girl, you know your mom you're beautiful, but you need some pointers. True because you can't just be posted up in front of a Bentley for a whole half the whole scene and then you know, you moved to the fence across the street for the next one the direction and the creative mind behind it was lacking. Yeah, they found that with the iPhone girl. They put them on you. Can you with her lure in a Bentley and filmed it but it's cool. You know, you got to start somewhere exactly Nicki Minaj started out in the projects spitting on the stairs. So hey, you can make you girl. Just keep going we gonna try. - your lady wise says Phoebe goes where the wind blows so far. She's sticking with the Evelyn mean girl, I guess so bothered at the fact that Evelyn is so bias that she didn't see anything wrong with Phoebe backing out of admitting that the line was about OG because had that been Jennifer backing out. She'd be like, oh you punk-ass de de de de da Shi acknowledge it but if it was someone else that she didn't mess with she would she would going hot. Going hard in those confessionals. Yeah, that's fake. They're all being fake right now. You've said she has potential though. She also didn't just praise her like, oh my God. This is great as music video. She's like, yeah, she can use some work, but she got potential. Yeah, Jim thought it was mediocre and OG was a big girl and still set there and watched it, but after that she was out. She was like, I ain't working with y'all. Bye, you know, but the rest of the girls ended up having a great But she watched the music video. That's what I told you. She knows her name was I going to be in that music video. She just wants Draya popped on Sunday. Yeah would have probably ended up like that if it would have been one line now, she she was watching for that. Okay, but what I was surprised to see is lazy at the split somebody else I wasn't surprised. Something you know, they be busted it down. Do you not hit the splits one called? I mean that's the comp. I mean this twerking is okay. So, you know, you do every other angle you with your homegirls in the the house, you know, just cranking she probably bought them to split and forgot that she knew how to do it. Hmm. Well one thing that I'm a little confused about because after the trip everybody hits home, they're talking to their family recapping what happened and Kristen is talking to Thomas about why they didn't go to the engagement party and he's not even interested in going to the wedding. Byron is sitting talking to CC saying Byron, I mean sorry Thomas didn't come because of Kristen but remember a few episodes back because we brought this up you guys do some fact checking. She said that she's had a prior engagement when CC invited her so who really has the problem because at first Like we don't want you to come now when PC opens up the invitation you shade her and don't come and make up a lie saying you got a previous engagement and then it comes out later, but I don't think it's it's out for everyone in the open to know right now because they're just airing it but it seems like a discrepancy. What do you think? I don't know because the way things are shot in than edited and produced it's hard to say if there is an issue because Kristen said that There was a walk for her mom for jam session because he didn't he said he didn't want to go Thomas. Yeah, but I'm saying with the way things are edited in like cut together. I mean who's to say that conversation didn't happen like two weeks or two days two days before or whatever. So it's just hard at until you have everybody in the same room and you have a calendar to look at and you there's nothing I can really say about the problem. What I can say is that Leisha doll says Thomas and Been saying nothing. So he's trying to say something now don't check CC check your messy thirsty life. Oh, oh, yeah in the paint in the lab chatter. Hello. Well, we're going to get right into our special segment. Yes invasion of the closet snatch up. Yes everybody. So we have two blond bad he's here and they're also besties and they're no longer Basketball Wives. So we have Duffy here in a black sheer long sleeve and some cheetah pants bent down and then we have Brandy bent down and some don't forget about the little feathers on the sleeves. Yeah. We got some feathers on her sleeves and then Brandis also rocking a cute v-neck blue shirt, the fitted like blue pants with like a red, right? What's it called racing stripe on its really I like the color contrast that she did with it. Yeah. Is like the primary colors? I'm good on her. I like DJ Duffy. Sorry you like Duck. Yeah, do you like her or her closet? I like her closet actually look at some of her Instagram post and I feel like we have similar style like she's very funky and sexy and still not like over-the-top. We like sometimes she might have on a bikini or some lingerie or something, but for her closet, I like Duffy. I like Brandis closet. I love brandies makeup artist. I love Brandi zweig stylist. I love everything Brandy rocks. Honestly, I love the way she puts colors together. It's very simple, but it's not safe. And she she just as well for her body type. She'll just let me very well for her body flies. Duffy's shows too much for me. Sometimes I like a little mystery left in my girl. Hello, that's so it Blends. So if you got it, you know put a little too much time going over there. I'm good. I like Brandis cause I was not sure and he's lost it. All right. Let's get into our Trend and tweets. This is where we pull the top tweets from our super fans talking about the show. We have a tweet from Kurtis Blow OG is getting right down to the point where everybody clap clap clap and yeah, I feel like to get your spot in the respect because Those oh gee, that's shiny. Jackie Tammy. They not going to let you just come in. Like hey girl, we're friends know they're going to put you to the test. So OG has been put to the test time time again and she stand up for herself. So I like it Tiara Terry 7 6 8 says I kind of miss the old Jackie I'm here for it. I know she must be talking about that little Montage about to you by to get that old Jackie. We're going to touch on the previous. Yeah. We're going to talk in the previews eventually guys. Miss Izzy baby says, it's official Phoebe. Not about that life girl. No one like to call you out. You better say you said it and say you did it because fraud okay it is it's a meme of who is this quiet from Married to Medicine throwing up the frost line. Yeah. Oh Jackie is back in effect show. Yo, tell them honey because we here for it. I'm sorry Phoebe. I'm about that life, honey. We done with her look taller. You have Smith 2 5 2 says I think Jennifer should keep her distance with Evelyn because she's very fake and vice versa. I don't know. Yeah, I think they should both stay away from me. Both of them are fake. You might how you just to fake friends, like outside of the relationship. Can't wait to see this is why I have friends for certain things. Like you have friends you go out with friends. You tell your business to friends. You can have family dinner with friends your fake with no not for you think I'm just saying like if you if your surface level we can Go to the club together, but that doesn't mean you come into my house or if you come into my house, I can tell you on my business, but that doesn't mean we're going out together because I have friends like that like some of my friends they married with kids, but they're not going to go out and work with me. You know what I mean? Because we're in two different past life. Yeah, so but that doesn't mean we're fake friends, but we'll see what happens with Jen and Evelyn. Let's get into this news and gossip. So you want to touch on this You should so rolling out has an article about Miss Dominique Leonard and Dominique is of course the newest Basketball Wives star one of our favorites so far. She's so gorgeous. A lot of people have been seeing a lot of positive things about Dominique's does she want to introduce herself to everyone? So basically I touched on this a little bit earlier that she talks about her relationship with Jennifer and tell she's A girl from Detroit and a lot of people thought that she was going to be intimidating. But she said, you know, I'm a pretty cool headed level-headed person and you know, I just ride from my friends. I don't ride the bandwagon. I don't ride the fence. So she my loyalty is clear very true for there because that's exactly how she came into the show and even when she was talking to Jen throughout the show. She was basically like I like the girls. Yeah. Yeah exactly, you know like she was very very truthful and Thing and Jennifer actually said in the show that I don't I'm not threatened by Malaysia's relationship with Dominique. And in the article Dominique said Jennifer is not the type of person that makes me feel like I have to be friends with her and her only so I would love to I'm excited to see how their friendship blossoms so guys definitely check that article out, but do you think she should be leery? Just seeing how she acting with me up 20 years later absolutely, but I feel like I'm hoping that Jennifer will mold into somebody a little bit more mature with the situations that she's gone through now with the ladies. However, Dominique did say just watch for more so we know that there's a falling out that's going to happen. Oh Lord, so we'll just see who's right and wrong and making the fall in now. It's not looking good for Shaunie and Tami it seems as if Tammy has unfold Shawnee on Instagram. Yeah. I knew there was something going on. Yeah, something's going on here. But the thing About it is sunny still following Tammy. So she doesn't seem to have a grudge but it seems to me is over the whole situation of basketball why she doesn't want to talk about it anymore. She don't want to be at these ponderosas anymore. She's done. She's married and happy and think I think it's it's a good time to exit. Definitely. I mean it once you've you feel like you're done you're done. It's all about your mental state and if she's if her if it's costing her something mentally. Emotionally physically anything like that and you're trying to do better in your life. Then you got to move on. Yeah fans are pouring into the comments and shines not her friend shiny is not a good friend to Tammy and has never been I'm glad Tammy's been distancing herself from the toxic girls in the group. And another one says so the F what Tammy just wants to be out of her contract says she don't have to time to be faking cordial with Shaunie. She knows Shaunie don't f with her. So Tammy is moving accordingly and one last comment I've been Kashani to switch don't tell me last weekend. That was the proof and that's period 100 dine. All right. So yeah, people are seeing that something's going on. I knew that followed and she's basically it seems like in that Montage. She's like I'm done. I'm like, yeah, I mean that was clear when she Johnny wasn't at her engagement announcement party and I said it on the episode y'all look back. I said even though she wasn't there. Um, what's her name? Tammy would have said. Oh yeah Shaunie was invited but she couldn't come because it it up because she did that for Malaysia. Oh, yeah, so I knew something was off. All right. Well, let's talk about this midseason trailer. Oh honey. It was a lot of cheese, but it was like Evelyn Colin ogl talking about MF. You got natural assets. Your man still ain't put a ring on it, but she been through three Basketball Association. I mean ball-playing Association And don't have a man. So how can you talk honey? And then she was talking about? Oh jeez, man would play with her assets if he got the opportunity. Sorry. I was a little disappointed I ever was showing out like that. I was disappointed in seeing Jackie while out like that got a picture of Jackie how she got in that girl's face the photo if we have it was doing so good. Look at her in Malaysia doing so well. Well, but whatever Malaysia did next episode honey. My think it's Malaysia doing I think Malaysia was confronting Jackie because they made her take a lie detector test about starting rumors or whatever and I think everybody's just trying to figure out Jackie. What rumor did you start and I feel like it was probably about Malaysia Malaysia is like yo, what's up Jack? He's just mad what how she's in her like she won't bite her something. But Jackie doesn't want it with Malaysia though. That's She look mad man. Jackie has made that face many times and got her touched many times because she'd gotten Brooks face when Brooke was on the season and Brooke mess her up and they didn't even show it. That's how bad it was. Whoo. Well, we just hope it doesn't get bad because it look like she threw a chair Malaysia and we hope that doesn't happen CC goes crazy. I'm like what? Well I can imagine all that spit those going back and forth about you. Sure. No, you sure no you sure. First of all, everybody calm down everybody needs to relax. I don't think they're gonna be calming down and he soon anytime soon. Tammy's done with the show. Yeah, the old Jackie's back, but I do have a little video that I want to show because like we said we watched some videos off of Phoebe's social media. So I just want to show you guys the actual video from her Instagram page of her rapping and you can hear the comment for you. And sivaji should put them hands on and catch the fade. Let us let us see that clip really quickly. If you don't mind Josh. Yeah Phoebe's are rappard. Okay. So on a scale of 1 to 10, where do you feel like Phoebe is right now, oh or more skill from there we go. Real freaky bitch suck the skin. That was me. I can't say that was it was it was very general but based off a real life. She said if it if the shoe fits in but OG said it didn't fit so Why I feel like If It Don't Fit Don't get mad and if it don't fly Let it Fly. You know what I mean? Just let it happen. Sarah slowly said, you know Jackie told the producers that they show the fight with Jackie and her cousin. She would quit the show. Also. I heard that Jackie apparently was talking about her kids inappropriate things that happened but you know at the end of the day the ladies have made it through eight seasons. I think they will make it bring in this new fresh crew. True, it's good because Tammy's ready to exit out. So I think everyone should be exiting out. But I think she still looking for a man to figure out her next situation. So she might need to stick around a little bit on Basketball Wives isn't a good look for her if she's trying to find a man. That's just what it is a younger didn't help much obviously. So yeah, well on that note, let's do some predictions. Let's go happened girl. I predict day. It's so hard because we saw that preview I predict that Phoebe is going to get in More Mess. Oh my gosh, we didn't talk about healthy be is going to get into it with Tammy all eventually. Yeah. Oh, yeah, so I definitely see feed be getting into more mess and just backing out. Did I did I did I that's it. Do you think she has longevity on the show? We know the lies on your stuff. That's one thing you got to do. If you're gonna bring it she wanted up looking like Jennifer. Well, I hope not. I hope she gets it together and she starts owning it but Tammy the only reason I say she can go at it with him me and that I feel like the batteries in her back is because she knows him. He's ready to go. So it's like true at this point can we could put hands on her but just like OG said I'm not going to yeah. Married, I'm happy like I'm not even argue to that's why I tell me was like I'm out. So I just really feel like this last little argument is just what sets Tammy off to be like I'm done with you guys and I don't even know if we'll see her anymore because it was so early on in the season when I called on the red carpet and just seeing her a recent interviews where she's been like I'm done with the show. I want to talk about it. So yeah, I think this might be the breaking point for her. So we'll see what happens. We'll see if somebody connected the Cherokee's Malaysian the back of the head. Nobody's gonna touch Malaysia. We hope not because I like to win Jack Himalayas were a friend like it too. So I've somehow a turn for the worst already. But thank you guys so much for tuning in. I'm your host Miss Conversation Piece. We got a special treat for you next week. Like I said CC will be in the building. You can follow me on Instagram and Mi SS Conversation Piece, and you can check me out on Growing Up Hip Hop Atlanta after show as well as Love & Hip Hop Hollywood star Next Monday. Thank you so much. And I am be underscore Cheyenne see hia any on Instagram and you can follow me there and check me out on life after lock up after show and Orange is the New Black. All right guys till next time we'll be back by our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first where the biggest in the world and were the only Destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever your grave we've got it. So go to AfterBuzz check out our lineup Buzz. See you later. Hmm use express your inner. Those are the hosts only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or donors our principal.
It’s another episode of Afterbuzz TV Basketball Wives Aftershow and Miss Conversation Piece and Breanna discuss all the drama from episode 8. The ladies forgive but arent forgetting the he said she said. Yet they end up twerking it out at the end of the San Diego trip. Plus we finally get Byron’s side of things. Tune in and like, comment, subscribe! The Basketball Wives After Show: Welcome to the La La Land this spin off of where these lavish ladies who are formally linked to basketball stars. The BASKETBALL WIVES AFTER SHOW gives you the inside scoop on all of the drama that comes with being romantic with a baller with a California twist. Tune in here for reviews, recaps and in-depth discussions of the latest episodes, as well as the insider scoop from cast and crew members on the show. ABOUT BASKETBALL WIVES: Basketball Wives LA is the Los Angeles based spin-off of Basketball Wives that premiered August 29, 2011, on VH1. It follows the lives of a group of women who have all been somehow romantically linked to professional basketball players. VH1 has renewed the series for a fourth season, which will premiere on July 12, 2015.
And Ingrid de la marck any I'm the CEO and founder of the method she's also my wife and she's the smartest woman I've ever met. First of all, she's my mom and she's really cool. She's all that and she's a Superhero. This is the part of my French podcast. - on this episode you'll hear about wellness fitness French autism and lifestyle a train fucking Chic gangster podcast hosted by Fitness and Wellness French adonys mm Guru and creator of the method to body Yours Truly Ingrid de la marck any live from Monte. Monaco on this show, you'll find a mix of audio entertainment including listener and audience questions answered about health Wellness Lifestyle Family and relationships and my friend holistic tips to be healthy have your best body and transform both your body and your mind set into the happiest ever as well as leaving labelled Z lifestyle like a Chic French gangster. Hello and welcome to pardon my French episode 24. I am Ingrid de Lamar Kenny and I am live from Monaco today lucky for you. I'm not having one of those rambly monologues. I am joined by someone. I have a lot of respect for her name is Katherine the very well-known Montreal blogger kg M TL. I know a lot of my Canadian audience and even my North American audience from the United States got really excited when I connected with Our over Instagram. I am super excited to bring her on what I absolutely love about Katherine is that she is not uncensored. She's on sponsored. This is to feel that I get from her. She is very knowledgeable what how well care she has amazing daily tips and tricks. She has some incredible recipes. She even has just an Instagram for her rest. He pees she's talented in the kitchen. Everything is so healthy, but not boring. She eats real food all of the advice and content she has to offer is so valuable. Everything has so much Integrity you feel I know the word authenticity is overrated. That's why I like to stay on sponsored. Of course, she'll have a few discount codes here and there and she you know, we'll probably advertize here and R4 few companies but most of the valuable content and knowledge. She shares with us on her Instagram comes from her being an amazing business woman. Let me explain. I always said that to have a successful business a business owner has to be its products its products own guinea pig and I always said about inulin or anything even the method I was the methods guinea pig. I tried the method on myself. If first two whole protocol the exercise, I you know all the trial and errors. I'm the one who kind of like tested them out with Katherine. I feel like everything that she preaches everything that shows us everything that she endorses and I'm not even talking about an advertising endorsement. I'm saying things that she swears by or practices everyday are completely unspun surd and unbiased she has so much Integrity. She Says it like it is. I think that you will find a lot of value in our story especially because it's so real also because she tells it all she explains that she was on, you know, the heavy side before and she's had to Lost to lose a lot of weight. She's had skin issues. We've shared our fertility Journey or Fells and our hopes. We've also spoken about the hardship of being in the public eye. She's well. The public hi, sorry in the public eye. She is. Well known in Montreal Montreal is really small. So she talks about, you know, the exposure and how to deal with it sometimes and you know how people sometimes you know cross the line. So I think that you will find a lot of value in this interview is very real. We've had some small technical difficulties. You have to realize and I'm sure most of you do she is in Canada, I mean Monaco so we depend a lot on Wi-Fi and I think we had a few you ins and out on inner connection. I did not have it edited because I wanted to lose not a beat of the conversation everything that Catherine discussed has so much value as far as I'm concerned. I'm sure that you will agree with me. Once you get to meet her on my podcast and I eventually hope that she will get her own podcast. She's really a natural. She gives it all she gives it to her or she gives it her whole as well. She is very very generous with her trial and errors and with the information that she puts out there. She works really hard. She has the camera interface from the morning when she wakes up and pretty much tells you how she goes about her day. I saw her making a bulletproof Bulletproof Coffee, you know, and even though I'm not a fan of bulletproof I hear out. I want to hear what she has to say about certain products about, you know, the goodness in some of the food that she eats. And I kind of tend to listen to her and have definitely my ear totally tuned in to what Katherine has to say. So I thought that you would love to hear from her and I have no doubt that you will fall in love with her the way I have fallen in love with her and her realness her knowledge her content and the hard work that she puts into being social media Superstar as she is so without further. We do here is Catherine Garbarino de famous Montreal kg M TL. Hi, Katherine. Hi. Thank you for joining me on pardon my French. I'm so excited. This is my first podcast ever your podcast virgin. Yeah gonna popping my cherry Happy Well, I like that. I am so excited to have you on I'm going to tell our story and how we met in a second. But first I so you need to know right before we play this. The podcast is pre-recording pre-recorded. Obviously, I record an introduction so you will get to discover the introduction that I recorded about you and it's very nice. Don't worry when you listen to the podcast like everybody else. But so I summarized pretty much who you are and you know, like why I brought you on for anyone who doesn't know you but I think a lot of my audience already knows you my I know my Canadian community. Was thrilled when they found out that we started tagging each other. Yeah, and for me too, by the way with my audience also loves you, that's so cool. You're really well-known in Montreal. You really well known in Canada, but believe it or not for me. It's an American friend who actually made me discover you she's in New York, and she was watching your story. She's was following you for a little while and she sent me a post about something and she wrote. This is you but in Montreal this is you in Canada. She's the same person and I went and I started looking at your story and I wrote to you and I was like, oh my God. Yes, so true and then I heard you cursing and I'm like, oh my God, I love her and then I and then I heard you sing it like it is and I was like, oh my God, it's true. She's exactly like me. So I and and it ended up being so true. I watch your stories religiously. I find you too. So yeah, like a girl crush but even better because for me it's like you really say it like it is your very very very authentic and I know a lot of us today. I hate this word because it became like a million-mile kind of word, but you're very authentic you stayed like it is sometimes I find you even harsh but I like it. I think that it's so different from people that are constantly sugarcoating and something I noticed about Canadians unlike Americans and I You know part American is that they sugarcoat a lot less and they like sugar coating a lot less than Americans do. So this is where you want I'll do that's true. I always dance is Ron unfiltered like apple cider vinegar. You are and but in a good way like you could see that your when I watch your stories, I could see that you want to give everything. You want everyone to have your best tips. And we're going to talk about that because you have amazing tips about Health Fitness lifestyle decoration. I excused going on those shopping Expeditions and bringing back stuff for your house. I think you just moved also. So you like this been redecorating stop me if I'm wrong but everything. About you is extremely raw. And another thing I admire so much about you is that you do a lot of videos of yourself whether you're wearing makeup or not, whether you just woke up or you're all made up. It's like we see you all day long sometimes I watch you on silent. I don't even listen to you. I just look at your videos because you're so pretty and then I listened later on the people around me or something and I just you're very present. Your present is like is is is amazing your there and I love that. Thank you. That means a lot that's really sweet. So you you know, I'm not sweet. I say like it is nice tell you this all the time and I love it whenever yeah, Mike and I mean when you say that I'm like I love I'm like that means it's really true that it is it is I swear. So tell me you told me you started only two years ago. So your name on Instagram is not Katherine. It's kg M TL. You have an insane following I have Canadians that literally it like wrote in uppercase. Oh Oh my God, I love Catherine. When I started posting you. Do, you know you have an insane following these women are so passionate about you, but you only started two years ago. Yeah, so I basically have been on Instagram before Instagram was a social media platform. So I was using Instagram to filter and edit like pictures. I don't know if you how long you been on Instagram but when like back when Facebook was still yeah, they're still the thing. Yeah, you know, we take pictures on our phones and then Instagram used to be an app that you would use to actually they had like, I don't know eight or 10 preset sort of filters like Valencia and expert. Yeah, and the horror You could put to remember that one there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you could put the you could put exactly you could put the border around it. Right? Yeah, so I used to actually use Instagram and then take those pictures and upload them to Facebook to like my mobile uploads or whatever and then eventually it became a social media platform and my name was cagey MTL because my first since I can remember everyone calls me kg because my name is Katherine Garbarino and Mt. L stands for Montreal. So about two years ago. I was kind of in between jobs and business. Like I had I was in the clothing business. I had a legging company where I made leggings with my sister's I have two younger sisters that are twins and we had a company and it's a really long story. But basically I was not doing my accounting right because I was doing everything myself and I got audited for like a large amount of money because the sales tax had changed in Ontario and we kind of alike Let's put the business on pause for a minute. Let's figure out what I'm going to do. And at the time I was in just met my now husband my life was in a bit of a world wind and I went into consignment sales and I was telling you know, these wealthy women's things on eBay like they're you Chanel bags or shoes or whatever and it wasn't a passion really, right. So I was kind of just like floating and I got married and then one day I was talking to a woman who's kind of my mentor and she's like, you know you I was like, I don't know do it my life. And she's like you're the business like people want to know what you're doing. I had lost a lot of weight. I had cleared up I had cystic acne and I you know, I there's just so many things have changed physically with me and like Montreal's a small City. So people are always stopping and asking me for questions and I already had maybe like 4,000 or 5,000 followers on Instagram and she's like just start sharing your life whether it's a blog or this or that and insta story had just started. So I was like, I'm just going to start sharing everything I do like or whatever just Did with a tip and I just kept going and the engagement was there and my following grew and that's kind of how it happened. So it's been two years now, which is like crazy to me because you had same growth like your your audience. I am I learned I know you know that I'm really good friends with Lauren from the skinny confidential and I learned from her. I love her she's a lot like us and I'm sure you'd get along with her. Actually I speak I speak to her about you all the time. That she seems like she just seems like our typa she you know, she didn't say yes. So she's super Instagram Savvy. She's like really a like a Savvy blogger and I'm a little bit older than both of you. I'm 41. So I'm learning a lot from her. I've been on Instagram for as long as you mentioned it took me a while to get onto stories took me a while to be open about my life because it was complicated with the past that I have with my children with you know, my past go into And would like my changing business and all of that my divorce like trying to protect my ex-husband but she's taught me something in the past year, which now I realize it's very important. She was like being verified is not that important anymore and I don't give a shit about I noted and I used to think it was important. But then again I was like who the fuck am I to get verified? And as long as you're not verified no one takes you seriously, but then again who the fuck am I to get verified and I was doing this back and forth in my head today. I felt like I just say say one thing about being verified sure some me. Okay, like I understand that it's like kind of like clout like it's like it's like internet clout but I feel like most of the people that are verified that like quote-unquote shouldn't be there's a lot of because yeah, it's because they know someone they know someone on Instagram and so it's all about, you know a connection and to be honest if I'm going to get verified, I want it to be because there's a reason for me I don't care like, you know exactly I so agree with But she stopped me something and I look at your account and your engagement and I know she's right and I of course it's harder to see it with perspective on yourself. So from on the outside looking in the engagement is 10 times. If not, a hundred times more important that the likes that you get then the amount of followers that you have and I'm looking at your engagement the amount of people that are tagging you just I follow my followers. I follow a lot of my followers once they Not having a dialogue with me. I start following them. I kind of look at their lives. I love getting to know them. I should do more of that. You should do more of that you get yeah, I should credible people and on top of it. They you know, I always tell them I deal with what wellness and health and I feel like when it comes to Wellness and your health, it's not about having a fan club. It's much more serious than that. That's why I follow a lot of my followers and following these followers that start a dialogue with me the minute we start talking. That to exchange. I see a lot of them tagging you. I see a lot of them going as per kg M TL like you have incredible engagement, but you're also have a presence to minute. I wrote to you you answered me within 5 minutes. That's yeah, I admire that so much because I answer that every single DM and it's a lot of time but people are like you're crazy. Why do you ask them get an assistant to do it? I'm like, no. I that's one of the things I I love the most is like I've it's changed me being on Instagram for some people it changes them for the worst and it makes them narcissistic and it makes them like think that they're like so special for me. It's humbled me it's like wow like yeah the amount of women who I can relate to who like who knows where there's I have followers in Alaska like like literally and I'm like, holy like and we can literally be like on the same page about like different things in our lives and it's so cool and it's like, what's the word? It's like a camaraderie like between people that think is So amazing and it's humbling, you know you I agree with you. I stayed all the time and I feel so humbled by it. I view level you have a little bit more followers than me. You also have a lot of Engagement. You are extremely present I think today this is a full-time job for you. Yeah it is and we gonna get yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah, I want to get to that because we you know, I announced to on the previous podcast episode the one that came out this week. We're recording all ready for Friday, but the one that came out this past Friday I announced that you were coming on some I was so excited about it. And I know stupid my followers. I'm excited to add so many people are already excited. They knew I gave it. I gave it up right away and said you were coming on well, but I went on I'm so excited. I was like a lot of people happy by coming on but we did and I do want to talk about it. We'll talk about our fertility journey and you're going to tell us what you want to tell us but there's the other aspect that we must absolutely absolutely speak about like you said, you don't have a podcast yet, but I think you will very soon. Yeah, it's super important that you tell my audience your audience what you told me about, you know boundaries when it comes to your life. So we'll talk a little bit about fertility. And then after that I do want to talk the fact that you're so engaged the fact that you love your foot. Lowers that you answer them does not necessarily mean that you have to answer to them and that you have to give up every little bit of your private life. And I think it's important we talk about it. Do it now. Let's do it. So we'll start with the fertility part though the way that you and I met like I said, I was Dara my friend Derek a who's amazing. She's been on my podcast before she came to talk about the FDA. She's very knowledgeable about, you know health and wellness because she's in public relations, but when it comes to public relations for you know, Health beauty products wellness products, so she was He's really knowledgeable about that stuff and I do believe that's why she was attracted to your account and following you in the first place. She's the one who sent me a story you gave an opinion about something and she said, this is the version of you in Canada, and I started to follow you. I instantly fell in love with you. We started talking and I watched her story about Wellness. I watched to making your Bulletproof Coffee and I said to Catherine, I think I want to send you in your lane and I never ever do that. I never do that. That for the simple reason that I've been wanting in your lane to take over the world organically. So I never send in your lane for free to bloggers. I really feel like today the way that people are influenced is no longer like before where a blogger or an influencer get something for free and within the minute they open the box. They go I love this product and I didn't want candy in Europe. And so I remember I said I'm going to New to you, but please promise me that you will not talk about it until you try it and you love it. And you said oh my God that is exactly who I am. I would never talk about it unless I know what I'm talking about. So I wanted you to try it because I could see that you had so much knowledge when it comes to Wellness and that you were doing all the right things. Like I watched you eating, you know, healthy fats and I watch you not being like on a, you know, actually the Meant that you had made was about a diet. And you said like it's too low in calories. It's too restrictive. I don't like it this and not and I sent you a Newland and when you receive that you started asking me questions about fertility. So we had to get a little bit more personal and I did between us because as a professional if you ask me stuff, you know, I'm going to draw my conclusion go. Oh, maybe she's pregnant. Maybe she wants to get pregnant. But whatever reason you ask me those questions. I answered them the best I could and then you open up and you said I'm trying to have a baby. I've gone through different stages. This is where I'm at. And this is what's happening with me. And so that's how we started our kind of fertility talk and we grew closer because I also you know had like seven miscarriages and the last one was in June last June and when you and I started to talk I said she will I had a miscarriage in June since then I decided to give my body a break because in the course of the last four years I have been getting Pregnant and ending up with no baby. I needed a break. This is what's happening. And this is how we exchanged. It's exhausting. I know you've sure you've shared part of your journey. I want to I want to talk about it with you. I kind of want to you know, bring in a little bit of your story and I'll talk about me a little bit and then we'll talk a little bit about in your lane, even though so far. It has nothing to do with fertility. But you know, I did mention to you that it can help it has helped people regulate their cycle and things like that. But let's put in your line aside. Let's talk about what you have been through and I know you shared some of that with your audience before. Yeah. So basically, you know, when I first got married, I really just want to get pregnant right away kind of I hate to say it and to make like a generalized statement, but I'm a Jewish girl and I live in Montreal and that's kind of what we do. It's like you get married. I'll have a baby and it's like Bam Bam Bam. So originally that's what I thought and if you don't have the baby everybody. He's like, oh my God. Why isn't she having a baby? Yeah, right. And then even if you do have a baby it's like your second baby and it's like never end. I know but I guess that's just society and I think eventually I think over and over the next 10 years that's actually going to change but point being is that I basically tried to get pregnant for a good I'd say year and then there was just different things that we started to know test and then I was kind of like, okay, let me just wipe in For a year, there's so much going on. We were moving. I was like, let's just give it a break or never went to go see a fertility doctor everything kind of looked totally fine. And I have to say this and this is something that I think some people don't understand about fertility. Is that sometimes there is in fact something once was that a reason why maybe you're not getting pregnant or why it's not working but very often and this is my own theory on it. It's about the mix of the of the to people sometimes sometimes. Um, yeah, the man's sperm and the woman's egg like that sperm is not going to crack that egg got whatever it is, you know, so I agree with you, you know, so I could be made with someone else because I've been pregnant in the past and I got pregnant when I was on the birth control pill when I was 22 10 years ago and it was like I you know, I was listening I had an abortion I wasn't ready which is by the way a hard thing to swallow now, but it was the best thing yeah in the time but the point is is that sometimes it's not really that there's something specifically wrong and I think that's like a big misconception but it's just the mix of the two people maybe for whatever reason, you know, it just isn't working or it's taking too long or it's whatever so I had done five inseminations which in my opinion is, you know, it could work but it's so so so such a small chance that it's going to work but in Canada have most things are on Medicare and the way that they want you to do things, especially when you're young if you're under 30 35 they're not in a rush to get you pregnant. So they're like you have you know do Nation doing cementation, you know, so if I could go back now, I wouldn't have wasted so much time I thought but I did and I did my inseminations and didn't work and then I did most of them naturally did someone hormones and then I finally decided. Okay. I'm going to do IVF did my egg retrieval I was over stimulated. So I had to take like, you know, I had to not do a an immediate transfer which is usually how Works and then last summer toward the end like in the end of July. I did an IVF transfer and I it was the most like traumatic disastrous experience because I basically ended up having an ectopic pregnancy. But for those women who are listening it's the words and for anyone who's listening who had an ectopic pregnancy. First of all, if you get pregnant naturally, it's almost worse because you don't even realize that It's an and all of a sudden you could just be in like doubled over in pain and you have to rush them. Yeah, and you could literally God forbid die, but but in my case because I was doing IVF. They really monitor you and they're always taking your you know, Apes your beta HCG. So your pregnancy hormones and they're seeing and they can kind of like see okay, something's not right, you know, and so they figured out pretty quick that I had an ectopic. But so for me, it was like I want to get pregnant so badly. I did all this stuff and then I couldn't wait to not be And it took me so long for my mother feeling. Oh my God. It's like, you know, it's such a weird mental shift to go through life. Yeah dying to be pregnant to be dying to not be pregnant and just get your period, you know, and to me did you go through the did you go to food that weird moment where you kind of like ask them if they can save the pregnancy because I have I was like can we save it and they looked at me like are you like insane? Are you retarded? Do you know what it's like, you know, it's like shit, you know. Like I'm finally pregnant. Yeah not viable like yeah, you know, it's really yeah, it's really really hard for sure. Like I mean, I I mean listen they weren't finding it on an ultrasound for weeks. So it took so I kept having hope that they kept saying well your levels are still a bit low and maybe it you know, there's different bell curves and maybe it's their maybe it's not anyway, they ended up doing a 3D ultrasound finding it. So yes for four weeks. I had this like I had such high hopes as I could get, you know, I It's so mentally exhausting to go through that because your life is it is it not like you said your you want it? So badly that even if when you look from a medical perspective, you're like, okay, this girl's gotta like, you know realize that this is not happening right now, but when are in it, you just want it to happen that you could believe anything, you know. So anyway, long story short it ended up not being viable. It ended up being an ectopic and I decided I had to share it because like I said, Said it was so exhausting. I was three to four days a week. Just trying to because that you have to do blood tests all the time to see if your levels are lowering and then I still ended up with internal bleeding in the hospital. I didn't I didn't rupture my to but I still end up in the hospital and so I just felt like I'd been through so much and my whole thing with my Instagram is that I wake up and it's not really that I plan. Oh, I'm gonna this is plan and that's fine. It's like this is my life and I share what's going on in my life. no, and so even if I do my morning segments where I'm giving information on something all be saying hi to my love or the right reason why I'm talking about it started to feel I feel like okay like I'm not. I'm getting up every morning. I'm putting on a sport making a bulletproof coffee that I'm not drinking. Well, it's like there was so much going on that was not real anymore and it started to make what I love about the Instagram is I'm shedding helping other people and I started to feel like I'm not like helping other people and I'm being a bit of a fraud. Okay. So when I say this it sounds wrong, but my whole thing is that I'm being real. So I'm kind of lying to the follower right? I'm going to work. I'm going to do this everything's great. And it's not great. I'm going through this if I'm going to share all the good stuff and all these amazing packages I get and all these whatever this health tip and I feel great. I have to also share this the downside to things and what I really wanted to convey was number one. I want to free myself of these lies and a sense number one and number two. I wanted people to understand that. You know, what you see on social media is not Not always the whole story. So I'm going to I'm not going to go fight with my husband which we all have sites with our husbands and our friends and our family and our this I'm not like oh, hey, I just had a fight with my husband and film it. You know what I mean? So there are downsides everyone shares. Yeah highlights of their life and I felt like I needed to share it. I felt like there's got to be tons of other women going through something similar with fertility and I want and I don't want to be an advocate for them. But I wanted to freaking taboo like a lot of women. And I've been told by like their older parent or you know a sister and I don't like we don't talk about it. We don't talk about it so I could become so taboo that it's depressing and it's ridiculous because forget ectopic pregnancies but 1 in 4 to 5, let's say 1 in 5, so 20 percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage, which is a huge statistic. I can't even if I took a group of 10 women, you know, three or four would have had a miscarriage or more than one miscarriage and and for me, what was a very He difficult was wrapping my head around the fact that like my whole life. I've tried not to get pregnant and now I can't and then when I do this happens or that happens, and I wanted to talk about it. And so I did and I was it was the most freeing experience ever and it was cathartic and I got to hear so many other women stories and I got to you know, I didn't really get much negative stuff out of it. Thank God. Luckily. I know that it can go both ways. A'ight, you know, I definitely found it to be healing but then like, you know the results of the other side of it where months would pass and you know, I wasn't talking about fertility because I don't want my whole like my life is not just about fertility. I have so many different dimensions, right? It's like you try not to make it about fertility. I've had friends who have gone divorced over this because the husband couldn't take it anymore where it's always about fertility. That's why I took a break I might Last miscarriage was in June. It was an amazing pregnancy was going really well for three months. And I thought you were even three months. Yeah, we would like three months two weeks and you know, she'll and I were like wow, this is you know, this one feels right? We would go to the doctor the heart beat with great the ones the ones before sometimes problem with the heartbeat or it was this or was that it wasn't attached. Well this time it was like it seems perfect and you know, when when we lost the baby again I had to go Through the DNC and all of that stuff and like you said, I went from being pregnant and loving being pregnant too. I couldn't wait to not to be not pregnant anymore like get it out and that and that process took a week and that was horrible because I had a baby inside of me that would that was no longer alive, but going through that whole process after the month of June. I kind of looked at she'll and said, you know what I'm 41 years old to doctor said that my eggs still look quite young. I'm still fine. I can still get pregnant. So I don't have a problem getting pregnant. I have a problem. Staying pregnant, you know, so I think we're going to take a break and I did it mostly for a marriage because if you let it fertility can take over your life and I have kids and my kids started to feel it. So it was like we took a break I you know took a break. We're still on the break. We're going to start trying again soon and I felt like this is a break to prepare my body but also to get close to my husband again without it having to be about fertility. Yes, and I think it's Super important to look at it that way so when you're saying people are starting to ask you this is what you said before like. Well, how about the baby? You're not talking about anymore. It's like you're trying to not make your marriage just about that because they were my life to your life. Yeah. It's like with our, you know, grandparents like in the Jewish families. Yeah, it's all about that. Like the woman has baby. It's about fertility, but not today anymore, and we don't want to let it be that way anymore. So at some point you just need to take a fucking break and people have to hey you, you know if you Well my fertility Journey like when's your last IVF transfer and it's like first of all like number one unless I get it all the time. That you know, obviously there are going to be we're all raised differently right and people don't I think for the most part I think most people don't have a bad intention. They're not asking to try to trigger me. They're not asking to try to make me feel shitty. I just know that for me and what like I was raised to never ask those kinds of questions, but not everyone was raised that way and not everyone has the same boundaries that I have and we're all different, you know, so it wasn't trying to attack that specific person. It's just In that moment. I was like, you know the fact that someone could say to me. When's your next IVF transfer? It's like I want to be I'm sorry. When are you going to go have sex with your husband tonight? Like The Next Period that's like people who don't think like and I was just like you don't know what's going on with me. Maybe, you know everyone and like you said earlier, you know, you see my whole life. I'm always on. I'm always sharing that it's not just one part. It's all the time. So I've put myself in this position. Okay, but But with that being said, I'm still allowed. I'm still a human being I so I'm someone who's going through my own stuff. Not every single minute of my life is on camera. And you know, these are things that are like like when I have something to share and when I'm by ably pregnant and I'm ready. I cannot wait to share it with my followers and I cannot wait to you know, go through that with myself and my husband and I Think about certain things are not, you know meant to be shared until they're meant to be shared and you know, even if there's other things that have gone on or whatever unless I really think that my reasons are right meaning that like when I shared in Maya Topic in my whole fertility Journey, it's it was partially to like free myself of the quote-unquote stigma and the secrets and the whatever. Yeah, but it was also to help other women and to be like yo, you guys look up to me because you think that I have it all together, but But I'm also going through this. I'm a human being this is what's going, you know, people look at us because we film our life as characters. They don't see us as people not as Ramses on plans, you know, so when I shared it it was like yeah like I mean look at JLo, I don't know if she did IVF, but I'm just saying like we look at I think she did. Yeah, like we look at dad, you know, we look at these celebrities and that helped me also like it sounds so stupid, but I would listen to like Chrissy Teigen and her IVF stories and like when I was going through it and I was Oh my God, like she went through it and it made me feel this like Sisterhood and I was like, okay these people literally no me my followers literally like no me so I need to share this because if one in eight women do IVF or 15% of women get help, you know conceiving that's a really like, so that means probably that 15% of my followers or you know have have done IVF. And so I think I'll actually when you shared with me I felt closer to you and hey, I'm almost 10 years older than you but I automatically we're talking about in your land and all of the sudden you shared that with me and like automatically I shared with you and I felt closer. I was like, oh my God, I'm not the only one and one thing where we totally connected which was very hard for me. And I think it's important we talk about it because you said the same thing and sometimes I'm thinking. Oh my God, I'm being such a bitch but very often I look at some women being pregnant and I'll see them at the restaurant eating french fries and a hamburger and they don't you know their Doesn't look really good and whatever and I go. Oh my God, like she's eating. So unhealthy. She doesn't look like she does any sports and she managed to get pregnant and there for me. That was like that's something that's hard like I'd so healthy and you know, I you're doing everything I don't diet. Yeah, I do real probiotics. I don't bite, you know crazy vitamins on Amazon that I you know that I swallow every day. And I know for you is the same thing as you said that to me and I was like in right you said it to me where I retrospect I had already been through That you know train of thought and I said to you. Oh my God, I have the same train of thought Catherine. You can't think like that you remember? Yeah. Well, I was like when I went This might be the story of the journey. Whatever. Yeah, I hate and I were allowed to swear. Everyone gets one. So, you know weird for me, but I have been so blessed with so many amazing things and And I have my health and I have an amazing blessings that actually instead of being bitter and I know a lot of women that go through fertility or even if they're not infertility, they're having miscarriages or having problems getting pregnant and they become bitter and for me, it's actually been the exact opposite. It's made me grateful for the good things and realize how lucky I am for so many things because everything in my life before this was exactly what I wanted all the time. I never, you know, really did. What I wanted and so it taught me a lot. But yeah, so when I was in when I was going through the atopic when you were the atopic Clinic is and where you know, the pregnant women go to do their ultrasounds in their checkups and whatever it's all the same waiting room and there are these like drunk women coming in like I was there often we talk bellies and I was like, they're probably gonna have a perfectly God knows God. I hope they're babies are healthy, but they're probably have a perfectly normal child and they're pregnant. It's no problem, and it's Like and I would sit there and be like what hat like I of course, I believe in God trust me, but sometimes I was like, I just don't get it. Like I just but there's got to be a bigger reason, right? So definitely and I have to tell you I got to know and understand that it does not always have to do with what you eat or what you're not eating or you know, like what you're doing with your body your work out whatever it has nothing to do with I got I got to learn that. Yeah, which speaking of which I absolutely The fact that you cook because you know that I cook. Yes. So it's any I wanted to rare from even somebody else. I have to thank I'm gonna send you the cookbook. I actually have a hard copies and soft copies coming with an Eco book of until now, but I was waiting to get the soft cover and hardcover to send you on so you can make the vinaigrette because it's in there, but I see that you cook you actually even have an Instagram account just for your cooking which is so nice because you're so young. Young and today a lot of young women do not cook with the passion that you cook with everything looks so delicious. Thank you, but everything is also I love love love. It's so Savvy but it is not new age Kettle or shmatte. Oh, it's like you literally make a grill food. And I love that. I love that about you. Please explain to me how you were able as someone who's young because you're a generation right before me and I find that your generation is even my generation it's like I'm changing people's mind about it now, like my audience is starting to go back to the old ways kind of you know, but how is it that you also stepped away from all of these new age stuff like the keto and you know, all of these diet kind of new trends and gluten-free and I see that you make real food and it's not always necessarily one of those diet trends that surround so for me like number one, my father is I don't want to use the word psycho because it's not it's not a nice word. But he's Health perspire life. He's a saint but he cycles and very very educated and smart about herbs and all these things and so it's sort of always been around me and I was overweight for years. I always struggled with my weight. I was a huge Stoner in my I know that my Team that in my twenties. I was a stoner and I would just eat all kinds of crop at night and make cupcakes and Crepes and what you do when you're you know stoned you eat munchies and all these things and you know one day listen for me. It was a slow like thing. It wasn't just like one day the next. Okay. I'm going to be completely this way, but it never felt natural for me to ever cut out a food group. I don't feel like that's normal. I do not need the dairy. I don't eat dairy not because I I think that Dairy is the Satan I don't eat dairy because it triggers acne and eczema for me and I've done elimination diets where I've cut things out to sea. Okay, like my exam has been so bad in my life. I've always struggled with eggs Matt and I was just cut things out to sea. Okay. Let me just like you don't tolerate I understand daily right guy, so Your diet and a fine thing. You got to look them doing repeat might be caught and I always tell people that not just my skincare. Oh, it's not really like to me and it's a warning sign from your body because I don't like this. However, it is so I never got into any it's or any of these facts because first of all drifting myself very and soak them it where you can't do this make me want to do it. So I agree like let me to you know things that I do it in a better way. Yep. No, no, I'm here. And so, you know for I eat grains and I eat carbs at almost ever because if I if I crave sugar and it's I think that all this stuff lasting doesn't need to go with Quito. A people group them together. It looks like shit. I don't know then that over and eat a few can eat fruit. It's like a something that God created that's like exam natural and say no you can't eat it. Like I just find it insane. I think we all need to eat a bit of everything and I think I think everyone wants to reinvent the wheel and make things more complicated and that's what I always say. It's like it's just not that complicated. Is it real food? Did it walk didn't grow didn't have a life. Okay, then you can eat it. You know what? I mean? Just don't eat like five goals of it. I love the fact that you're saying that because this is is what I preach all year long. I'm like can you got recognized it as a real food? If yes, then have it. It is a powder if it is something that your God was not created to recognize then don't have it. That's what I always say and I love love love how you were doing it and I could see that it's not something you got from somebody else. God knows we have copycats out copycats out there, but it sounds like you're so authentically believing in that and when I look in your kitchen, I see you making bronzino and Vegetables and all that stuff. I could really see that this is your belief and believe it or not. I make a life and a living today even with a retreat that we just did an amazing. Thank you out of showing women. Like does he look like a vegetable? Does it look like something that grew then just eat it. Why are you so scared of a sweet potato? I mean it's it's insane and it's over comp so scared of that. Everyone's overcomplicating, you know, exactly. So I love watching your You know your kg kitchen account and we're going to link it in the show notes this just to show people that I'm not the only psycho that's always in. My kitchen cooking. There is somebody else out there like me and your recipes looks super easy. It looks super simple and delicious. See you happy because the eating out like I live in the south of France. And so and like tell me if I'm wrong. I've been there before but I go to Europe and I can eat out and I don't really gain weight and I don't get triggered my Eczema and stuff because I think that you know, the European government just cares more about their citizens and they don't put crap as much crap in the food obviously still have to be careful. But cooking for yourself. You'll never know what people are really putting in your food. So for the bulk of your time, you really should be you know, you don't have to be a wolf. It's really not that hard people like, oh, I'm the worst cook what's so hard about cutting up a sweet potato putting a bit of you know avocado oil or something and a little sea salt and pepper like come on. It's it's like you're making it hard because you're mentally telling yourself. You can't do it before you've even tried, you know, it's exactly that and I'm so happy to hear you say it I see you practicing it I also so you so it's really funny because I don't know if you know, but I have a Prebiotic called simply Cafe. Here, I really wish I knew you wrote that to me the other day. I should have known and I saw you making a coconut. So now I understand you can't have I didn't know that you can't have lactose like chose product which by the way, I think if I lived in North America whether Canada or the states still because I used to live in New York before I would consume a lot less of yay. I would be scared of like night and day from what we're getting. Exactly so I can totally relate to that and so when we create it and I you know, I didn't create kiss your by any means it's like ancient it goes back to ancient times. You know, it's Turkish. It's like it's I mean we go back to the Caucasian, you know mountains but centuries ago and it was like a family kept secret. I found a culturist in the Caucasian Mountains who agreed that perhaps we could have water kefir grains that could create some sort of vegan yogurt with coconut milk and like every other culture is that I try to work with was like no they have to be milk grains and the world tell me but don't worry, even though they may all grains once it ferments. Do you know the lactose goes away and I'm like no Americans and never going to go for that. Everyone has become so so scared of lactose and milk products that even if you tell them the fermentation, you know takes away the lactose they might not believe it. It might be your Of this and I saw you actually going to a girl that made them for you making this Prebiotic proof yet free, but no was it a probiotic? Yeah probiotic yogurt ISO and I was like, I can't believe this because it's like there's no way you got this for me. You did not steal the idea for me. You were not following me at the time. We were going back and you highlights like months and months. Yeah. So it was like, you're like my soul mate we are and then I saw that I was not crazy. A about but you can correct me if I'm wrong or if you know something that I don't is that I discovered and I know dr. Gondry said the same this bunch of doctors in Europe that are against now the probiotic powders and the probiotic, you know, yeah. They think we can't like a bourbon this right. They think that the bacteria is do not withstand. Do you know the manufacturing and now that I make my own probiotic yogurt I realized that I'm walking I'm walking. I think a very thin line with those bacterias kind of living through the process of it all so that's the only thing where I'm like wondering do you actually feel the difference when you have the one that I like it more because you're not going into a supermarket and buying the coconut cult. No. Oh my God. Yeah because I don't believe this does add anything biotic. Well coconut according as they put maltodextrine in their yogurt and I'm like I heard you talking about like, what are you talking about? Well, so so with the Biotics, honestly, I'm going to I'm going to be honest because everything with me is like so up and down a lot of things got better when I've been taking probiotics for years, like literally years inside my whole family. We take them. I get them from a company that's actually based out of Montreal and it's kind of they do everything in really small batches. So I don't know because there's so much that I do to be honest that I don't know what no wasn't working but I will say this I also eat Sauerkraut every single day. It's amazing. Yeah, I so so for me, I do believe that eating fermented foods bone broth. I have the selatan. I have collagen. There's a lot of probiotics in the food that I'm eating. So whether it's the pill whether it's so for me, I'm like, okay if I take the pill it's not harmful to me, right? It might do shit really might do nothing. I don't know what it is that's working. But I definitely have as a beauty of sauerkraut. I love kimchi, it's not part of kimchi every Is this coconut? That's literally almost like a coconut water? It's not very healthy. Yeah, that's not it's not it's not like a yogurt like it's really like a water and it will send you a picture of it. here in Canada It's because it's really just fermented all its excellent. Actually, dr. Gangemi just wrote a book that came out in March and it was talking about the coconut yogurt that I that I make with the kefir, which is not talking about mine, but he's talking about it in general and then he was talking about the real coconut milk like that looks almost like water. Yeah. I was thinking how good it was for the God and the thing is the most people unlike you and me are so scared of the sugar and fat content in that that they Have it which is a big mistake. And then they are still having such an easy time going on Amazon is running on Amazon. They are buying stuff called probiotics and that's what I love about you. A lot of what I've seen on what you do is that you actually like know what you're talking about when you don't know you go ahead and maybe that can't hurt. I don't know what's working. I love the honesty behind it. But a lot of what you say is actually more knowledgeable than some registered dietitians that I see out there and I love that. I love her. How much you're informed but also in many senses sometimes you go I start this but I made a mistake. Yeah, you know after I've seen you doing that before and I think this is why your audience loves you so much. You have to be filed and errors in real time and it's really not possible to get everything right and not just that but like even with the inulin time loving it, I do actually feel a difference from it and I have to say like everyone's like the minute that I got it and even like last a few weeks ago. I got the Hyaluronic serum from dr. Barbara Stern, which is expensive and people like the minute I get something that people are talking about. So whether it's your inulin or if it's the because they probably see it on yours or they see it on Laurens page, right? So it's a Hot Topic right and they want to know and they want me to stop. I'm like listen. Let me do 30 days like which by the way is by the way. Anyone can go on Google and search what it is and understand it. I don't want to just get I don't want to regurgitate what Google is saying. I want to tell you here's a little bit of information on what it is that you can get on Google or let me and what I felt. I'm not trying to just regurgitating for me. I want to also give my of what a difference is that it be removed. So that's why people love you. I'm convinced that and I do believe that but I think we will have try it anymore. Right? So both said that glow cream from a boring. Yes, like like I don't do it all. If I'm a me, I'll put it a little bit in but when we strides are this is my absolute. Yeah that you can know you're gonna love it from the beginning. It's a cream that has an instant effect and it's a temporary effect. I mean, it's not fake like bullshit product where I was like, whatever and then someone tries something you suggest and it works for you. You're like you gain their trust You don't need offers I turn down. I'm sure it's the same for you and a day like, you know, because any time you have a following and you have a loyal following like people like, oh we're going to send you these bars. Are you going to do a post for us? Well, let me eat the bar. Let me see if I feel like shit after let me see if it if I say not hungry like I'm not just gonna like feed information to people for a few hundred dollars or a thousand dollars and then in a year, no you're saying because I've lied to everyone or I've just sold. Doubt, you know something that era is done. I think that era finished with do you remember now? She goes under her real name. She goes under the net and the named Ariel Sharon has but I remembered when she was something Navy. She made a ton of money just tagging in like to know or how or outfits that's how she originally made her money. And now she's selling stuff from her own line. But the truth is I would never actually I was never attracted to her again. I have nothing against her. I think she's cute. But I think she's very business-savvy but I was never attracted to her account because I knew that literally everything he showed us. She had gone Bonkers. Yeah, and she was and was sponsored. So for me, it's it was you know, I think for my age Ranch and my personality that's something that I never gravitated towards and that's why I didn't want to send my product to anyone for free up until to the other friends become a blogger. I don't know that's like her new shtick and she might be listening and she might get upset with me for saying that and she goes Yeah, I'm going to write about a new line. So why don't you send it to me and I was like babe. I don't send in your lane to bloggers for free. I want people to be extremely passionate about Newland. I want them to go through the process of ordering it. I was waiting for it. You know, I don't want to do that. Sorry. I think you're smart for that. It's funded but I just I don't think something like in your lane, which is first of all the first 10 days are not so pleasant. I don't know how it was for you. You told me you had a little bit of bloating the first few days, but Is nothing less than the first few days, you know, it's it's just it's just how it is. It can it's gonna alter your guides for some people it goes really well the first few days and they like, oh my God, I'm not hungry at all the first few days, but the majority of people will have a few days of slight discomfort. Yeah, and it's a process and I think it's worth it to have someone like you or someone like Lauren or you know, even I say from the beginning, you know, what at the beginning it's not all fun and games, but hey, You want something to change right? So then you have to deal with it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but the authenticity of it all actually pays so much and I think this is why you have like this community of women that respects you so much and they come to you and I'm sure you get like thousands of questions all day long because they value your opinion. I value your opinion you make me think twice about everything you talk about now because I know that if you're talking about it it's worth it. You I appreciate that. It means a lot because you you I feel the same thing when you're talking and I think it's a formal education on nutrition or anything like that. But it's like you just get I think experience is speaks more, you know, and I think it's like today there. It's like there's something that goes off like once it just makes sense that all makes sense. Okay what I mean bring me this make I mean, I'm good, you know everyone wants a quick fix everyone wants with the keto and what we invent the wheel like it's just not you know, a lot of people are now going for you know, diets and regimens that are one size fits all and if we've learned anything from our conversation today is that it's obviously not one-size-fits-all one next to me might not work. You or it might work differently. So, you know, I think that yeah, some of it is common sense. I love that. You said people can go on Google do their research. People are super lazy. Sometimes you have to tell people like please go on my highlights and they go back. Why don't you just answer me? It's much easier and it's like, you know, I put a lot of work into getting my information researching it. All you have to do is go search a little bit for my highlight. No big deal. I do think that putting the effort to educate yourself. To do your own research has become such a potent and Powerful tool back to your intuition and I see that what you're doing is very intuitive. I had no idea that you were overweight before so I think it's like I think that makes you even more relatable but that also goes to show because I don't you dieting and I do feel like you're probably Anti Diet like I am I'm super Anti Diet and you look healthy. You look beautiful cute and healthy in none of your pictures. Do I find you or overweight or bloated or I say, oh she could lose a few pounds, but I also don't go and look at you and go. Oh my God. She's too skinny ocean you the sandwich. I love ya. I mean the body that looks I'll see ya. I mean I point I was never not healthy, but there were points before I was infertility where I was a little bit more like like like just tight and but right like the same but I don't have it's not you know, like you fluctuate, right and my goal right now is not to be like I always say Miss can fit Pro because here like, I mean everyone knows bodybuilding everywhere, but there's a bodybuilding competition called can fit Pro. I always say I'm not trying to be Miss. Unfit Pro. Like I'm not trying to be like the most buff ripped person, you know ever I'm trying to get pregnant. I want to be healthy. I want to see a clean but I want to I'm not the most no stick figure. Yeah all the time. I just want to feel I really want want to feel confident that the most perfect thing, you know is feeling confident and then you put out your best self. So I think you're doing the right thing. I often tell people that come to me by the time they come to me they've tried diets. They've tried about a bunch of things. They've tried going to a nutritionist dietician a doctor and I save a few here at this time. It's because you're just as concerned about your health then about being skinny a lot of people when they go to a dietitian. It's no longer about health. It's about losing weight and they get lost somewhere in between. I find that it shouldn't be separate like if you want to lose weight you should do so, but still keeping. Your health in mind and especially for your me that are trying to get pregnant. I think it's so important to kind of remind ourselves that and remind our audience that I've had people write to me about, you know, the cookies that you make remember when you put in you land in them. Yeah, I put tahini in mine and I've had women writing and go but tahini is really high in calories and I'm like who the fuck cares? It's also really high in sassy me, which is an extremely good fatty acid for hormonal balance, which is what I'm concerned about. So I guess we're not concerned about the same thing. Yeah, and you know like but like real nasty comments. Like how can you call this cookie healthy? It has to hynnyín it. Well, first of all the fiber evens out the score when it comes to the carbs, but I'm not a fucking accountant. So I don't count the calories or whatever. I don't even know but you know, these people are very passionate about the carbs of the fat in something. My concern is completely different today. My concern is that it's about being healthy and very often the way to be healthy. Who needs two skinny, which is great. Right gray, by the way, the oh, we're in my life. When I've dieted. I remember before my sister's wedding. I don't know what was going on in my body, but I just couldn't lose weight. I was swollen. I was I don't know what it was and your hormones. Yeah, probably and yeah, I remember that I think leading up a week like it's for everything work. It's like so bad for Digest. And I thought like and I just put it was so obviously so to actually, you know, get those nutrients and it's going to give you everything you need and then you're not going to be hungry, you know, exactly and you're not going to be starving for carburetor food. You'll starve for healthier food, which is what I see on. On your plate since you're showing us a lot of your life. Yeah, I do want to take away from this. We spoke about something before we record it. And I know you have to go and you told me you were busy right after this. I'm Gonna Let You Go, my dear Summers coming. Yeah. Oh cool. So he might ring the bell and say hi to him. I'll let you go. I promise. But before we do for people that know you from Montreal for that, you know may be following you from New York or anywhere else. I wanted you to give a real Insight into the life of kg MTL I understood and I can totally relate but in Monaco people are little bit less Savvy and nosy when it comes to Instagram Monaco is a really small place and very often. I'll be in a restaurant and people will be looking at their phone comparing the real picture the real life person kind of them to picture they look at us and my kids will be like, oh my gosh these people on their phone you taking pictures of us. I think they recognize you from Instagram, but Mom I It was a little bit more discreet these people that are so famous hear that someone that's a little bit popular on Instagram is no big deal. Your life is something else Montreal is small and people know you so I just wanted you to kind of give us a quick idea of what it's like for you in Montreal with people that kind of recognize you that's how small Montreal is. So that's what I make. Your account is getting yeah. Well, you know the thing is so it's like her so and sometimes I'm Girls or people and it's they're super sweet and they're excited and oh my God, like whatever and I'm so down to earth that it's like not uncomfortable for me, but I'm just like no, I'm just like you like it just Instagram, you know what? I mean? Like I'm so not that person but at the same time then there's also people who you know will pretend they don't know me. It's like I heard to use alienated quite often. I think I'm in. My own head about it. I feel them may be comparing or descriptive scrutiny. That's pretty that's to your score tonight to be expected on one hand because when you put yourself out in the public and you know, that is what happens, you know, and you have to kind of had a skin built this people. I have like a heater like this thing called. I don't want to say the name of it. But attention we don't want to give it a Not even on Instagram. It's like on the internet and they've posted pictures of my parents house. Like they've done like crate. Like I had to like I'm list my family's names from Zeb from the foot like from the phone book and from being able to for the for one one and you know, so I think it's like there's there's good sides and bad sides to it. But I definitely feel alienated. I'll see people who I've known for years and they watch me every day. So when I see them, I'm like I want to have a human connection and I can't because they're just like, yeah. Yeah, we already know. I can't repeat a story that they've heard me say on Instagram because I would definitely gets you know goes on and you know, even I just moved into a new house and my neighbor like they have kids and like I have a lot of followers like No, you know they'll you know, it's kg and she's it and it's like sometime the dog. I'm so sorry here so hard to look at our great but it's like being in a fishbowl. I do feel a little bit like it has made me a little maybe more guarded feel a little bit alienated in a sense because I like I said earlier. I just think that sometimes people don't see me as a person anymore. They see me as like a vehicle to either promote a product for them. They don't see me like, okay. She's a normal person. Like maybe she's having a bad day. Maybe she like I've been going through fertility now for over a year. Maybe sometimes I'm bloated. Maybe I'm on handling. Maybe I'm not on hormones. Maybe I'm pretty this is what I wanted to say. I wanted you to until you have your podcast. Yeah, and I'm going to totally push you to get one because you're so good. Look, you're a natural. The winds came to you like you you're so amazing. So I think you should have your broadcast. I know I know that my community and even followers that I got from you when you tag me I had Like a hundreds of women that started following me and that send me messages going. Oh my God kitty loves you and I love you and I like her and you know, I'm so happy that you guys met each other. I'm so happy. I you know, I got my Newland and that it out and they love you they adore you but I do think that they don't have a podcast for you. So yeah, so that's the thing some people don't always see you as human. I agree the fact that Montreal is so small makes you a local celebrity which and people feel like you know what you which I never asked but I never asked to be either so people some people do see me out because you take a video of yourself right off the bat in the morning and give you know, a tour of your house or show how you unpack your boxes people think it's actually you asking for it and I think this is where you need to draw the line and I think this podcast is sometimes a great platform because people are not looking at your hair did not look at your beautiful eyes, erase your Glowing skin, you know you're talking and you're talking sense that's listening is all about that. That's why when you came on the podcast I said, you know, we've become friends. I want you to use it as a platform to kind of get your message across and also be heard, you know, not just be seen and not just giving advice but also be heard, I think you're a natural. I totally manifest that you started podcast. I'll be your first listener. You really really like first person on my podcast and that will be my Honor, but I also thought it would be super important to end this with like this message. Like hey, I'm a real person I go through real shit. I learn and I teach from what I'm learning, but also, you know, it's like I have my life. I have my feelings. My family doesn't ask for this diagram ask for every aspect of it. So I thought it was super important that we mentioned that so being couldn't exactly but you're nice. I seen you. The I see how you answer. No. I honestly I've seen how you answer some of the questions and I find you nicer than I am. Sometimes I can be really rough. Like when I get really annoyed at you know, the nerve of some people but I also have an edge that you don't have yet and you will and you will deal with it a lot because you probably knew wrote like when you wrote If you don't say Hi, how are you to me? And you're just like, I'm not gonna answer. Yeah, you're like screen on like people do to all the time. They're like, they're like, oh shoot We're bitch the hello to me. I'm telling you. I was like dying. I was like she is amazing because it takes it in the position. You can't understand and I always human anymore usual feel like this. You're like, you know here in formation desk. Look I said vehicle to warn you. I mean you have a few years before you get there because a child has to grow before the child is scrutinized as well. They don't do it as much with babies, but when people start with your fucking kids It brings you over the edge and that's like, you know, my kids are on board. They love what I do and you know, like they have like friends in school that follow me and people that they know from school that don't follow them and follow me and I will be like, yeah, this bitch doesn't even follow me that follows you and then you know things like that. Yeah, they are on board, but I have a way of protecting them. But if you're dealing with what you're dealing with right now, like put your boundaries, it's super important kids come into play. Is you know, it will evolve you'll be fine. It will evolve and you get better at it. I think having your podcast I'm going to keep on pushing it on. You will definitely need that your message across you need it. Look you have I think it's a great way of expressing yourself and being heard. Like I said because you don't have to worry as much about the image and you don't have a 50% take away. That's just appearances. So I think it's really nice and And you're a natural. Thanks. So, I'm glad I'm so glad you came on. I loved you before you like definitely my kind of bit, but I love you and more now, and I love love love that. You also showed your soft side. I think it really shows to your attent acidity. Thank you, and I thank you so much for having me on and so nice to talk to you and and I'm excited my followers and it was really fun. Cool. I'm so happy. I love you so much and I'm gonna let you go to your plumber. Thank you. He's not even here yet, but I'm gonna go eat something for so thank you so much for having me and I can't wait to hear this. I'm excited. So so, you know, we're gonna crimp you out on the street and me out on your accounts anything else that you so you have to be sure you have Katie MTL, which is your main account. You have a new one where you're selling also clothing I so yeah, but don't that's just my closet. It's Just because everyone wants to buy my some of the things I wear and so yes. Yes. Okay, cool. Love you so much. Thank you Nan. I know that everybody in Montreal that is following me. I even have my mom's family that's living in Montreal loves you, and they were so excited that we became friends. So I know I'm making a lot of girls Happy by having excited have the best day you to thank you so much. I'll speak to you soon. Bye right. I hope you enjoyed this interview with Katherine. We've had some mishaps as I mentioned before with the sound, but I hope that the majority and the length of the interview with valuable to you. I absolutely loved and enjoyed interviewing Catherine. I felt like I was sitting for coffee with her and having real talk. I found out things about her that I did not know before and that made me respect her even more. So what she does what she preaches what she says and the realness that she drops on a daily basis. I truly hope that you will follow her if you don't already. I know she's extremely popular with my audience to start with. I know that a lot of people started following me after she started tagging me and I am so thankful to her for that because she has an incredible supportive engaged community, and I'm so happy. Be that I got to meet a few of them. I hope that we can convince kg to go and get her own podcast because she has so much to offer. So make sure that you go and comment on our last picture or send her a message. This girl's incredible. She answers most of our messages if not all and she does so with it minutes. I was so surprised the first time I reached out to her. She answered me right away. She was sweet and kind. But do reach out to her and let her know that we want her to have a podcast that it's definitely something that she is so good at on this note. I am going to let you go. I think that this interview is more than enough for this week. If you are interested in getting the hardcover or softcover of my cookbook Simply the Best it is now out The shop and I'm so excited about that because I did not expect it to you know be as successful at it as it was when it came out as in the cookbook originally. I created the hardcover and softcover for people like my mom that are challenged by technology and that are like, what's an e cookbook? I need to have a book in my kitchen to cook. So in the end and do too, you know. Popular demand we ended up publishing it and it is now a hardcover and softcover. It is available on the website. And in three to four months from now it will be available on Amazon also, but for now you can get it on our shop. This is going to be posting on the show notes. We have our veal the hose fucking beautiful rose oil from our cash coming out this week's not on the website just yet if you're listening in today on Broadcast release date, but it's coming out in the course of the next days. So if you're listening to this podcast, right the minute that I've published it and released it. The rose oil is not on there yet the hardcover and softcover for the book is available already. We've also released a virtual platform The Retreat experience. If you've been following my stories on Instagram and all our adventures and listen to the previous podcast episode you You know, we had an amazing amazing retreat at the iconic called to tell you cafe ha with some amazing women incredible women. I did a cooking class during this Retreat that is also posted on YouTube. We're going to post the show The Links in the show notes as well. You can watch me making my famous Moroccan style cafta veal meatball, which is also in the ACOG book and the cookbook heart. Simply the Best and this of cover as well to not confuse you so all of that is in the show notes. We also had a breakfast and Beauty moment and event I should say at the retreat. We also posted a medley of our stories or Instagram stories on YouTube so you can watch the whole breakfast in Beauty session with all of my favorite products. The link is in the show notes. I took about my beauty routine my favorite skincare my favorite makeup Up how I do it why I love it. None of it is sponsored. All of it is completely on sponsored all of those products that I talked about I buy with my own money and because I love them so you can go and watch the video on our TV channel on a YouTube TV channel. Also, the link will be in the show notes as far as the retreat experience. I think I got sidetracked but the virtual platform we released the I said Master session The Retreat experience which is a 50-minute. That's the longest session of them all 50 minute Master session supercharged the same Master session that are retrieved guests performed for the length of the retreat which was six days most of them. If not, all of them were completely transformed. We've shared some of the Transformations on Instagram. We saw some amazing abdominals coming out some amazing. Sculpting deeb looting all of it. Of course. Thanks to two masters sessions per day. So if you are not on the virtual platform yet. You want to join you want to become a monthly member to have access to the seven videos. They're currently on the virtual platform that can transform you to the method Master session The Retreat experience 50 minutes with my future Master Certified Master Ela. She's currently a trainee she joined me on this video and perform with me for 15 minutes the exact same experience Master session as to retreat ladies followed and they did so did did attend sessions all together. So you can evaluate that if you do about ten sessions like this one or like the others on the platform, you will get the same type of Transformations that delete yet The Retreat did of course you can complement that with this. This simply inulin Prebiotic fiber are flat. Tummy powder. It is available on the website on shop that the method or simply click a few probiotic was also served at The Retreat and can do wonders for your gut and weight loss as well. I'm sure you've heard all about this. So I'm going to spare you the details. We've come out also with our limited edition Lee decision special the skinny confidential which is our pink Char limited edition with Laura never its face on it and a very limited edition Design This is currently available on the website Lauren from the skinny confidential also has her own stock and we'll be doing giveaways and give bags when she does meetups. So the only place where you can actually purchase it currently is on our website to link will be in the show notes as well on this note. I hope you really enjoyed this episode as much as as I enjoyed recording it with Catherine make sure to follower if you don't already and make sure to post on my latest picture on Instagram and let me know what you thought about this episode on this note. I am on my way to Marrakesh tomorrow where I am going to make sure that all of our shipment shipments of Simply real the hose rose oil called fucking Beautiful are being shipped to us for all of you guys as well as our new product also launching next week. So to build a hose. The rose oil is going to be out in a day or two on the website, but the amber rocks buff and Ambiance. So Ambience perfume Amber rocks from Marrakesh are also on their way to us and I'm just going to Marrakesh to kind of make sure that all of that goes smoothly and have a little bit of time. With my love shield and hopefully convince him to buy me a few peacocks while we're there. So yeah, if you are not following my stories on Instagram. You're probably missing out on all of the peacock. I don't want to say drama the peacock Saga. Let's call it on this note. I wish you a beautiful day wherever you are bisou bisou from Monaco.
Today Ingrid interviews her girl crush KATHERINE GARBARINO aka KGMTL the Montreal “it-girl” blogger around-town. She kind of has that uncanny realness thing about her that gives her so much integrity when she talks health, wellness, beauty, skincare and fertility. Ingrid & Katherine are dead-Ringers for one another, they literally agree on everything except maybe on bullet-proof coffee ! But that’s alright because Katherine swears by Simply INULIN In hers ! Show Notes: Follow Ingrid on Instagram at Purchase Ingrid’s COOKBOOK SIMPLY THE BEST in hardcover or softcover Watch Ingrid cooking class “THE RETREAT EXPERIENCE” how to make her Moroccan kefta style meatballs on our YouTube channel here Watch Ingrid’s BREAKFAST & BEAUTY EVENT, the retreat experience at Grand Hotel du Cap Ferrat, and find out her favorite skincare, beauty routine and make-up all unsponsored - on her YouTube channel here Follow THE METHOD® Follow our product line SIMPLY GANGSTER CHIC Find our Simply INULIN by THE METHOD®|THE BODY - INGRID’s SIMPLY THE BEST E-COOKBOOK & SPICE, and THE NEW PURE PROBIOTIC Simply Kefir Champagne Lacté at For our amazing FREE GUT HEALTHY FLAT TUMMY Simply Inulin chocolate chip cookies á la fleur de sel and GANGSTER CHIC BRIÔCHES For more info about our transformation retreat go to Do THE METHOD Free FLASH WORK-OUTS — no equipment needed Flash-Workout # 1 Flash-Workout #2 https://vimeo.com254216501/8983e725b8 You can workout with THE METHOD ORIGINAL MASTER SESSIONS from the comfort of your home ANYWHERE ANYTIME by subscribing to the monthly membership at The RETREAT EXPERIENCE 50 min workout master session is currently available and newly released. Request some reading material from the retreat by emailing BOOK your Transformation RETREAT week for our 2020 session at the ICONIC GRAND HOTEL DU CAP FERRAT here You can leave us a voice message with questions or comments we may future on the next episode here: You can find information about Ingrid’s one on one Mind-Body power mentor sessions here For all recipes mentionned in this podcast FREE at Follow this week’s episode guest KATHERINE And her recipe account
Thanks for tuning into Mystic which I'm your host blue June a Tarot reader teacher and which you can find out more about me at Blue June Mystic, which is a podcast about magic divination and all things Supernatural.We are here with Debbie who grew up on a farm but became a city girl to pursue her art career. She always had magical pretenses, but she was 14 when she received her first Tarot deck and it was a quick Journey from there to her magical path. She started her business hissy fit three years ago an intersectional feminist which clothing andAccessories line and open cold party a year and a half after that. Welcome Debbie. Hello. He'll are so my first question that I want to ask you is what tarot card do you feel represents you and why I would say so the deck that I use is called Osho and it's a little bit different but it's based on the rider weight. So I would say In OSHA, I believe it's receptivity. And in the regular deck. It's the queen of water and I'm total. I am a Cancer Rising cancer sun. And is Scorpio Moon? I am all water and like Pisces season right now. I'm a Wreck It All right, but yeah, I'm very all water all emotions all Fluid oh goddess. Yes. I have a friend that when she comes to the shop. She's like I need my water which energy I definitely feel that when I'm around you for sure. It's like I'm like the I'm not fire person Aries, Leo Rising like craves water all the time. Oh, yeah. I need baths. I need pools. I mean oceans and I need hot water. And I need like I really like being around fire signs. I feel like it balances when it gets me out of my own head so I can you tell us a little bit more about how you got introduced to your spiritual path. You want to talk about? Yeah. Yeah history. Yeah. Sure. So as a preteen it would say this is probably one of the area's it started. I was like sell into exploring the realm and like I'd sit in the library and go through the metaphysical section, you know and read all the which books and sit right on the floor in front of the section and then we got into trances and Ouija board. So it was like always something that I was really interested in and then and also like growing up on a farm there was a lot of I don't know. I think there's like just us a special connection with just The outdoors and the land and plants and everything that I really was just really just was natural. You know, I remember when I first was kind of a little off topic, but when I first moved to the city the first thing I remember missing from the farm was being able to go out in the woods and scream at the top of my lungs and no one hear me which as a teenager totally makes sense. But looking at back on adult like as an adult. I'm like, what the fuck but yeah, like I'm You know, I think my spiritual practice began pretty young and my both my parents even as Christian as they are they're like total which has you know, they both like my mom if something's wrong with her anyone she'll see them in the mirror like someone close to her. She look in the mirror and she'll see their face and she hates it. She was like, so I was always surrounded by a my dad and knows something's wrong with them. Yeah, either something really bad or something really good. Okay, and she can never tell which And yeah, so it sees them. Yeah, so it freaks her out and my dad is always been he's very psychic so and he's also a water which so he's like he can find water with a stick a cherry choke stick. It's got to be a certain inner and my sister can do that. So it's just always kind of been around and you know, my parents are always like you got the gift and like even now it's like my mom talk to you felt like my witchcraft. Practice. She like she's like mmm. She's like no, we're all witches and the family. I'm like Oh my like Republican Christian mom secret, which well, which is secretly. Well, you know, it's historically been a very secretive practice anyway, so not really surprised and then there's this whole thing on my mom's side of the family of a seventh child of seven child. And so there's like all this like history of that in the family too. Obviously the lineage of which is would die out completely. Lee if that was the only way that this one because no one's even having children let alone seven happen. I know it's so intense. I my sister got me a terror attack when I was 14 and and I play around with it but still even at that time it was like I felt like it was kind of like bad or something like it was like there was like a lot of mystery and like wrapped up in it and I was like like kind of a little scary but exciting I can relate to this because I was raised in a Christian household as well and stuff like that is labeled as sinful. Yeah. Yeah, is that why or yeah or no? It was like I would go to these I would constantly be I would have to go to these evangelic old Christian camps. I was a kid and I was always getting in trouble for doing trances and stuff and then I'd have to go into the pastor's Chambers and he'd like tell us all these like Big scary stories about when he used Ouija boards. I'm like trying to scare as straight. So there was like you'd like even just around like witchcraft there was always this like blanket of it's bad but like really fun and it was really confusing I think for me as a kid trying to like until I turned finally like just tossed Christianity out the window and I was like a little bit older. I was like almost 16. I think when I finally was just not that I tossed it out the window, but like there's a lot of baggage that comes along with it and like the shame and the guilt and everything. I was just like I'm over it like I'm done. But so my first Tarot deck was like there was a lot of emotions and everything into it and I think it was a writer way and I don't know if I ever really fully connected with that deck and then I got when I was 18 my best friend got this Osho deck and lie, just like I just fell in love with that deck and that's the deck. I've been using son. Okay, so tell us a little bit about what the difference is between hissy fit and Colt party. What is called party? What is Hissy Fit? Sure. So his chief it is my my own mind where I do. So I used to be an art director at a t-shirt company and I was getting frustrated that all my best designs were never, you know, like to political to this to out there below. And so I started hissy fit by just taking life. essence, you know and I started actually like 7 years ago, but I would just take like my first design was Minnie Mouse but like turning her into a zombie like things that I would never be able to do like just like because a lot of the license stuff is cartoons and just like really making them, you know inappropriate and then but they were always like with a female Edge so like they'd always have like pretty nails and like, you know, I was kind of trying to like Corner this like there weren't that many Female monster characters that I would see out in like mostly in like streetwear and like skate apparel and it would always frustrate me and then I restarted his see fit when I was like I was actually doing shopping trip for work and came across a design. That was like a Skate brand. I'll say it rip and up and they had done a shirt that was said don't be a pussy and it got me so mad and I was like, fuck you. I like pussies are so strong. And so like I like went back to work after that and I did this design that said I'm a pussy and then I was like, fuck it fuck everything like I'm gonna you know, like do like more like of a feminist like kind of like graphic little bit like a lot of attitude a little bit punk rock like a t-shirt line and them like also like with his you felt like I'll do With the t-shirts are mainly like way more feminist and and then the but like I'll also do like Botanicals and stuff because I grew up on a farm. So now so that's kind of where the witch stuff comes in. We're all like make my own herbal bundles and like tinctures and solves and that kind of thing. So it's a little bit of both and then cult party is kind of became an extension of that kind of by chance. since I wasn't planning on having a shop, but it just kind of all worked out and It just naturally kind of formed and then called party became this this like I don't like to think of it as just shop. It's kind of a creature. Yeah, and and that's just like where we carry brands that are, you know, mostly mostly female or you know, genderqueer people. We like to carry a lot of POC like kind of underrepresented groups that like don't get as much or that have always been marginalized. Yeah, push to the front and then it's also a community center and event space. It's kind of just like a bit of like a club hosts like play space and I love it. It's fucking hard as shit to have a retail shop. I can't I can imagine especially in February. I'm like, where are the people will anyone leave the house? Like I totally got it. Like I don't even want to go anywhere right now. Well, what are some of the really cool events? I know you just had something really recently for Black History Month. Yep. And what else people can I have can expect to find there? Yeah, totally. So the Black History Month event was amazing. We had so many great performers and which has mystical mandrake root did a talk on connecting with your ancestors and like ways and tools that you can use to connect and Guidelines and it was really good Stacy Ivory kind of led a circle on kind of like all of us. It was more Stacy does a lot more working with in creating co-created spaces. So we kind of all shared and opened up and then Carmody Faye asks who's like an amazing Dominatrix and Artists Against sexual assault and also a stand-up comic did a stand-up routine. That was so good. It was just like the whole thing. Odie Anka, did Tiana. Oh my God. It was amazing and like me and honesty Anka an amazing writer. She's so good. So good. If you don't know who the Anka London is check her out and we like she have a shared history of like growing up very Christian and both being like she read one piece. It was about this movie that both really this movie like really fucked us up as kids. Um call the fee for the night. And so she did a piece on that and I was like because like we both have Have just this obsession with this movie because it was you know, such a big part but some of the other past events that we've done that have been really great. We did a on my period event with pussy Power House last year nice and that was it was amazing. We did a whole period Wellness basically about female Health we had medical practitioners we had which has all kinds of people doing like a panel discussion on your period and Ryu mostly focused geared on reusables. And then we had a period fashion show. I'll read fashion show. It was just like really I'd never been to a period party before it's really fun. And then we did Kristen sole wrote which is flotsam feminist. We did a reading Series last year on where we had a bunch of different writers and she would read clips of the book and that was amazing Jackie the stripper did a performance a bunch of great writers did Readings and we do like we do a lot of like a clothing drives and stuff. So we try to like balance it out. So we'll do stuff that our get that's giving back to the community. And we also want to do a free teen witch Circle which we haven't really gotten going yet. But that's something I definitely want to do with people in the neighborhood and there's tarot as well as lots of different vendors who also make feminists witchy. Inclusive type of Art and media of all different types. If you're looking for an animal pins, if you're looking for like specialty candles if you're looking for bath bomb and also I sell my products the broom closet sir just soaks there. Okay, so just really quickly. I just want to say that, you know, I hope you know that it's recognized that there's more to to effort of you putting cold party into its existence maybe not consciously, but you worked your ass off and you know selling at markets, you know, getting like, you know people to recognize your branding and I thought you know, when we work together, we work together in a few markets and I thought your displays and your eye for detail and your effort and like just the thought you put into everything as well even just like the way that Appeared you know the Aesthetics I was always so impressed and I think like you're engaging with the people like this was always another table in my opinion and I just want you to know like I recognize how hard you worked to get to where you are to build this beautiful amazing super successful space. Thank you feel very soon. But I would also like to mention that cult party is a Cooperative space. So it isn't just me than the like I founded it and it was my dream baby brainchild. But like I have I started it with a group of women. I run it with a group of women. It's you know, shout out right now to mute and land and modern girl Blitz my amazing lovely dream Partners. We like I couldn't ask for better Partners in the world. Like it's I like every time we're together. It's a meat we have such a good time together. We recently did a Phillies so fun. They're so fun. We did a Philly field trip and it was like it was so fun. It's like all non stop laughing and silliness and I could definitely do that. Yeah, it's I love them. Yeah. Okay. So when we come back Debbie's going to talk about what it means to be a responsible which and give us some pointers on how to not overstep boundaries and cultures that we may not be exactly entitled to practice in. So we're going to talk about that when we come back. Hey, mr. Glitches, it's blue. And this is a segment from the broom closet. Today. We're going to be talking about the Dark Side of crystals with a main focus on ethically sourced Stones. Now, Debbie Allen co-owner of cult party an intersectional feminist. Which shop in East Williamsburg in Brooklyn, New York. She's going to be talking through some tips on appropriation. And ethically harvested cleansing herbs in just a moment and we will be talking much more in future shows about ethically sourced magical tools, but just to quickly clarify gemstones is one of the few magical tools that it would be very difficult to call appropriative crystals grow on every continent. So if someone is saying that I can't use a Canadian Jade unless I'm Canadian that point would be a pretty big stretch. I mean technically salt is even a crystal because a crystal is just a solid substance with an internal order that physically manifests in symmetrical or and or geometrical shapes. Physically, it grows geometrical shapes within itself. And so salt salt is considered a crystal and pretty sure I'm not appropriating that we can talk about it though. I'm very very interested in. Anyone's opinion on gemstones. I would love to hear from you the email for the podcast is Mystic which podcast at And yeah, please tell me what your opinions are. So let's talk about the Dark Side of crystals and how that comes to be the problem that is happening all over the world is that stones are being over harvested and in Extremely unsavory ways. Let me give you some examples. The workers are sometimes making little to no money. Sometimes they even use child laborers and this is under extremely dangerous working conditions because these are technically minds and as you know mines are not a forever thing. Do you know of a mine that is safe after forever because I don't The workers are in these binds breathing. Whoa, who knows what all of the trauma of our the history of our world dinosaur farts? Who knows but there is there down there and these children sometimes are down there risking their lives often times and these the people who have them doing this work oftentimes take no little to no account of what the effects of overharvesting is going to do. You to the surrounding environment, as you know, this Earth our planet has a very delicate ecosystem and overharvesting anything can affect everything around it on a molecular level, you know, so the mining itself is bad enough, but these stones are non-renewable resources. So what happens when They're depleted and a lot of places aren't even taking this into account. Do you know how long it takes for a crystal to grow look it up? Yeah be fun exercise. So as you know gemstones historically have been used for many different things. I mean, the their benefits are astounding you can use it for sore muscles you can use some for healing shop. As and they're very specific as to which chakra they work best with you can use them to help stay sober. If you're trying to get sober you can you can use them for headaches you can use them for anxiety. You can use them to open up your psychic awareness. And that is like just barely scratching the surface of what some gemstones can do and what their benefits can be. B and the reason why they are so very good at this is still a mystery, you know, but we do know that gemstones are also very susceptible to energies around them. So when these things are happening all around them, they're soaking in that energy the low morale the abusive conditions. And then also we also have to consider that Times these stones are being stolen from land. That doesn't belong to the person harvesting them. That's a really think about these things because our responsibility as Debbie would say is to Value the Earth and honor it, correct. So if we're if you are and on any magical practice, even if you do not consider yourself to be a which it is your responsibility to think about these types of things and it is your responsibility to be very responsible. Oil is your responsibility to be responsible. What can I say? So while gemstones are taking on all these energies around them the I feel like that is one of the things that gives them all these amazing energetic electrical magnetic and healing properties. That medicine is still trying to figure out these crystals tend to carry the energy of these experiences with them. You can call me crazy all you like but as a clerk And Tiant sensitive I have personally felt the depression in a gemstone. So what do we do? Okay, so you the first step you go to your local Crystal shop, you ask the owner not the person behind the counter get the owners information and find out where they order their crystals from if they know anything about the physical history of their Stones if they Until you who their vendor is if they won't give you that information fine. We're going to move on. Okay, but then you do not know and it is your responsibility to find this out. So, okay. Let's say you ask and they just don't know. Okay. Does this mean you shouldn't buy it? Not necessarily. I just said your responsibility is to the Earth and what are gemstones? They're Earth. Okay, so not necessarily if they don't know if what if they let's say they knew that the stone wasn't harvested in a peaceful way. Is it trash know we have a responsibility to this Stone. Okay. This is my point. We have these high expectations of these crystals. To do this amazing work and what have we offered them in return? What have we offered them to honor them? Anything no, we just expect them to be a factory of healing and support. What are we doing for them in return? We have a responsibility there too. So I want you guys to think about honoring the land honoring your magical tools it almost in an atom is MM way of thinking think about those things as though they were living breathing creatures. Because if you don't honor them, that's when you get that's when you get the dark side. That's that's the easiest way to get the dark side. You know, we know that crystals break when they are tired. We know that and if you don't know that that's what that means when your stones break in half chip away. They're done. And then your was the responsible thing to do is return it to the Earth. And that is the The way to honor that stone, that's what they want. But there is a way to honor them before they go to the Grave. So what else can we do to honor these Stones the stones that may have this trauma that could be depressed. If you're not sure you're going to want to do some very specific healing practices for this Stone and we owe it to them. They do a lot for Us and I think it's time be on time for us to start thinking about what we owe in return for things when you ask a deity for something you usually give them something in return when you ask the universe for something you got to show it that you're working for that thing and you have to have to honor that in return. So why would someone why would gemstones that? Are literally Earth by themselves on their own already? Why would that be any different? Why would we not be responsible to heal these Stones? So how do we do that? How do we heal them? The first thing is you have to do your research. I'm not going to sit here and educate you my podcast. The point of it is not for education on that level. There are plenty of other podcasts out there that are doing that. But if you have questions, please feel free to email me. As I said the email is Mystic which podcast at I'm happy to answer your questions, but you can do your own research and people need to start educating themselves instead of asking someone to teach them because all you have to do is Google. I have a piece of selenite. How do I Cleanse This Stone and it's going to be different than a lot of other Stones a lot of people don't know that they're selling it can be toxic. A lot of people don't aren't aware of that. You know, people want to drop stones. In their water all the time, but you got to be really careful what you're drinking water with because selenite ain't the one it is not the one and you have to do your own research. Are you able to cleanse with some sort of water? Are you able to cleanse with the moon the sun will how does it vibrate if you're not fully connected in a clairsentient way and no one expects you to be then the thing is you're going to want to ask someone who is and see. they can feel the energy of your stone and there are people out there who would be more than happy to tell you how your stone is doing and what it's health is like but each Zone has its own needs and its own properties its own life its own life force and it's very specific to each one and you're going to have to take care of them in those ways and I feel like that's just the beginning of the healing process, but that is a really good start so I want you to start thinking about that everybody just take that into account. Thank you so much. And this has been the broom closet. Welcome back to Mystic which we are here with Debbie. And so basically we're going to jump into the more sort of I guess political aspects of the discussion and we were talking about how you have a workshop coming up that's going to got like guide people and kind of developing their own herbal fun. Almost crap. Yeah. All right. So do you want to talk a little bit about that and why this is such an important part of Witchcraft in 2019 Gaba totally. So I think that as witches that we know that the words we use have a lot of power and I don't call it spells by mistake. Yeah and like in writing this, you know, because at the shop, we only carry we carry all herbal bundles that I make and a lot of the times it goes. With the seasons too, and we're trying so we're trying to be responsible in the sourcing of our plants and everything that we use. Even our Palo Santo right now. We get from a friend that lives in Ecuador so we know that it's coming from a you know, a responsible place anyway, like so this so the re one of the things that I learned when creating this Workshop was the term Aang and smudge and how that term is a Native American practice and how we as responsible witches should not be using that term it. It's there's been a history amongst native people and America's where their religion has been suppressed. There were even laws in the 18 late 1800s. I think 1892 that made it illegal for Native Americans to practice their religion. So as over as white people as non-native people we need to respect that. Now what terms can we use Herbal bundle? There has been a practice of smoke cleansing through, you know, I And incense was I think developed in Egypt throughout the world people have used and in Europe. A lot of peasants would use it to actually fumigate and get rid of parasites not only as a spiritual practice, but as a real something that needed to be, you know, it was very day and day out type of practice. Now that being said well herb should we be using if we are going to to use white sage my opinion is that we should either grow it ourselves or we should Source it from Native American sources because a lot of the time when we stage is over use is causing a lot of the wild plants that you would find to disappear. So people that you know native people that don't have that don't have the resources to go by as Sage stick. You know it Kind of Disappearing anyway, and also like just find what herbs you you really connect with. There's a lot of herbs that we can be burning in the wintertime Cedar Juniper Pine. All of these things Pine actually has a lot of anti-microbial properties and you Burnett all of those three. I feel like are very good in the winter time. You can use rosemary you can use ugh War if you want to have some really wild dream Rosemary to Mystical mandrake root was really talking about using it as a space cleanser like hanging Rosemary around in the corners of your room to kind of claim your space and keep the spirits in in kind of inject and not having to like go all over the house whatever it's like and then there's lavender of you want to coming, you know, V we have oh eucalyptus, you know, there's a ton of different herbs that you can burn. We have a bunch of those in the shop and it's kind of just, you know, seeing what you really connect with. So yeah, that's my little Spiel and we're doing a class. I'm going to be doing a class on it. So stay tuned. Follow the cool party Instagram kill party NYC. Yeah. All right, Debbie. Well, thank you so much for coming onto the show and sharing all that really important responsible which behavior with us. Thank you. Okay. Bye follow us at Mystic which podcast or email Mystic which broadcast at
Intersectional Feminist Witchshop Co-owner, Debbie Allen talks about Cult Party, how her history with magic and experience in the art world led her to opening this amazing bewitching space. What you'll find inside this shop is not just magical products made by women, gender queer, POC, and other under represented groups, BUT ALSO is an event space that offers regular tarot readings, classes, exhibits and other events. This is more than just a shop, it's a community. It is within this little playhouse of political enchantment that Debbie will soon be teaching a workshop on creating your own herbal bundles. Follow @cultpartynyc for more info and if you don't live in NYC you can shop the website Following The Broom Closet segment  "Dark Side of Crystals" Debbie and I talk about why we (non-native people) should cease even using the word "smudge" what some alternative options are to the massively over harvested sage, and in her class Debbie will be teaching supplemental ways to cleanse your space without appropriating native cultures! Follow Mystic Witch on Instagram or Facebook for bonus audio, pictures and info about our guests.
Welcome to my life's it has supplied episode 268. Good yontif tonight is red. Baize Thomas going into your Gmail Thomas the kagoda of the 3D Caribbean the year tougher a space alien arrested for what they called counter revolutionary activity, which was basically her bosses and have fought société de valois Des his strengthening and bolstering Teta and Yiddish kite in The country which was called my k/d moussaka bars of behind the Iron Curtain or medina. He has delivered often referred to it that country place where the bhava chakra bad was born. And of course with the rise of bolshevism and a new wave of anti-Semitism swept through Russia unprecedented even by the measures of anti-Semitism before to try to abolish every remnant of Jewish life in this country that had Some say over 10 million Jews and the 3D crab has single-handedly took upon himself the mission to defy that Zeta that decree that and Gwen against an entire Market entire government and tire super power. And every way possible to preserve Yiddish kite. In that country, there are many many stories that are told about the effects of the physical abuse mrs. Nefesh one famous of a famous. It's not so famous. It was actually always shrouded in mystery was in the year tougher age pay Bays. Which would be 1930 1922 the physical a book called the nine people in a very secret top secret meeting I made excuses, but it's more than a pact a blood pact that they would do everything possible to preserve and keep you described going whatever they can do build secret mcfist Chef meat Slaughter meet Kosher meat circumcised children underground fools, whatever it took. And this was of course as Grave danger to all of them. Most of them were killed. My grandfather was one of them my namesake he survived he was arrested and sent off to Siberia. But he survived the reason I mention it is not just on a personal note. It's also captured so much the climate of what it took mrs. Nefesh. And this was paid Bays some say it was Pig evil. But the Revenant optional Ahmad base, which would be from pay base 1922 to 1972 50 years later. Spoke about it the public And actually learned the lesson which will mention a moment. We'll discuss in a moment for each one of us. So in terms of these babies and then five years later, they would ultimately arrest the 3D collab and test valves even he sat in prison, which again was there's no due process. It was situations hard to describe mom is a combination of forces and they actually sentenced him to death. Come on Alex lat They knew he was the inspiration and the root and the source for the leadership of all of Chabad and all of Jesus Christ in Russia the time and therefore they thought they put him down they put down all of you described. But finally on gimel Thomas the third of Tom is the sentence was commuted to Exile in customer Ma and then ten days later nine ten days later due to the fact that the government over was closed or from office was closed to the holiday. So you'd get more Thomas was the fish. Will release but your base Thomas was when they ready commuted the entire sentence and he was freed to go home. Ultimately would leave that he would leave country the next year right after simplest Ada tough race based test which would just be Thomas oval talk about three months later three four months later. She's incredibly with his family to Poland and then began the next leg of his journey. Ultimately Coming to America in 1940, but this period in time was not just acted in history both the the harshness which existed also before in history, but this mysterious levers at the physical level would not budge would not compromise in any possible way and recognize the real battle and War and you think about rational free the kadapa standing up against a stalinist government where they completely they murdered millions and millions of people but if Lee they could ever sensed that it was not just a matter of numbers was a matter of spirit. A matter of quality over quantity and when he was threatened by the Jewish of all people the effect year the Jewish Communists many of them children and grandchildren of siddim when he was threatened by them. He stood with that Vigor and pride unwavering undaunted by their threats all the different stories and ultimately said when they said to him Rabbi, we will see who will prevail he said. Yes. We will see who were polled who will prevail when you look back. Jack who did prevail They were all shot and killed that government ultimately fell with causing much damage a much destruction, but the physical album came out from their rebuilt first in Europe and then came to America. And here we are. I wouldn't be doing this program. They wouldn't be thousands and thousands tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of thriving Jewish communities as if not for this mrs. Stuff is the stand that he took So today thank God we don't live in such times. We don't have the same challenges but still misses nefesh is not only sacrificing one's life physical life. It's giving away one's its dedication its total dedication. Self-sacrifice is sacrificing the self. For the higher cause and in that year tops genomic-based 1972 and was based on was never spoke a hero even from this crease is bliss which we think is a rare occasion only under such circumstances know that we all have to make such a crisis because we all have to make such a pact the blood pact that we commit with every ounce of our energy with every part of our lives without having to give away physical lives. Thank god without torture but total commitment. To spreading his kite and to reaching every possible Jew we can reach and for that matter to reach every non-jew with what with the message of God or the message of Taylor that were here on a mission in this world to transform the world to make it a deliberate act anymore home for God. You can do it in a very lackadaisical way in a very passive way almost optional you can do it with a passionate way. You can do it in the city Snapfish way. This is the first means it's total dedication a 24/7 commitment. Exactly as they did then then it came out of persecution. It came out of darkness and today even in the spirit of we're living in the comfort of Our Lives the missus services to get out of our comfort zone and have that same absolute commitment. So these base Thomas lesson is relevant today and more than ever the very different way today. As I said Prosperity leads off into apathy. Ayushman. You shouldn't believe it but you shouldn't believe it when you get fat or the fat. Land but even you begin to become going to kick you begin to Stacy begin to feel that you're you're it you're the center of the world. So we have our challenges of my city staffers today at this that's equivalent to that is based Thomas so though it is now potato fries pays I now we're on top of a giant option I in test. So we're talking about tough shit of these Pages Ian would be tough Sheena enzyme would have been 80 years pay 90 years. I'm sorry. So it's 92 years when it happened yet yet and completely different circumstances yet the mission and the lesson is the same the the based on the social media base is worth listening to it's on recording. You can also read it very powerful sick and relevance to our lives today. It connects also to the possible. Look Bullock was yet. Also another passion other chapter. We're building was commissioned by Bullock to do what to do exactly. What the Communists wanted to do the curse the Jews and to annihilate them Balaam of course was a prophet so you couldn't say what God did not tell him to say so instead of fulfilling Bulldogs wishes. He prophesized but the greatest blessings came out of his problem at a very low level yaakov. How good how kind how great or how beautiful are the tents of yak of Michigan is sakis, LOL and so on he even prophesizes the prophecy of Messiah comes at the mouth of building not out of the mouth of motion. Why because out of darkness comes a light that even kedusha holding this can never bring just like the great strength that came out of Youth based Thomas is that I've explained the many Seekers that it opened up the channels and option called Zion the year of the Six Day War. The rebels said that the hula the pretty clever taking a stand against such a powerful force against Holiness and Tara and mental create basic basic Humanity taking that stand and prevailing in this way the small way. Open the door postcard scenery opened up or pave the way for the Miracles and victories that would come later including the Six-Day War. Amazing. So we never know what our efforts do especially on a level of mysterious nefesh. It breaks through a resistance, which you don't always see immediately the impact but in time you see it. So when we make that commitment in our personal lives to our homes and our families to our children to ourselves to our community, wherever you're involved in that type of absolute commitment, sometimes you see quickly the results but sometimes the most of the results you don't see and you see it in time. You see that investment. Bears fruit and that fruit it creates tremendous change in the world and this you see in general Judaism though. He suffered greatly in time. What happened? We've prevailed we're here today standing to talk about it. Have you prices were paid but kshana ISM as they were oppressed. Can you bruh can hear behind the fridge in direct proportion to that? They blossomed a florist and they blossomed you see this out of your base times as well as the physical right rubber rights and tovarisch paste. In this famous letters which the debit would every year repeat and we'll explain and analyze the lacey boulevard go lock on his body. Not me. I myself ridiculous that my not I myself that if the god redeeming you based time as both call you slow meaning Comic-Con Vitara the Mitzvahs all those that love tailor-made suits and even bechet Me Slowly gonna even someone who considers himself that Jude being a Jew is just a nickname. Aim is just a this just happens to be a technicality. Even such a person was redeemed as it explains in a number of sixes one good one to look at is hookahs in the year tough. She mom has a very powerful speak on this topic many others with the rebbe explains how the goal there was not just for the free they could have been natural for a certain group, but for all Jews because it opened up the door when you have sesame seeds nervous and commitment in our Modern Age, it breaks the resistance that ultimately wherever we are we have it's easier to stand strong and be a proud Jew to stand strong and do our Didn't fulfill our mission not only not an Unapologetic but on the contrary to be stronger than all the influences around us. And the fact of the matter is the one with the more resolved is the one that prevails as the physical level. Ultimately prevailed So ba loc is the same story bilham's The Curse has become blessings and the greatest blessings of all. Now before we continue I want to just dedicate this program in the Merit of the rubbish. Look at vertical a Basia for liebe. May she be blessed with a complete and speedy recovery. As always let me erase this a tough moment for make sun few announcements. Every question. You asked will be addressed. You can propose and submit a question at a new site that we created dedicated to this entire program and its derivatives. It's called siddha There you can anonymously post any question there many questions are coming in. So you may have to wait a little till I will respond to them, but they will be responded to you also can find there a bunch of archives of all the all the archives of the previous episodes not 267 episodes. As well as essays of the last five years of the essay contest of people of all walks of life submitting essays. That do exactly that bridge siddhis in addressing the Contemporary issues and challenges of our lives. So with that said, let me cross reference this topic of the you days with Kimmel Thomas and bulk to episode 73 123 169 and 218. When you go there those episodes which are all archived. As I said in the my life since up laughs it is You can be the YouTube version has it all time stamps. Go directly to the topic with this is address bits mean that it is already the sixth year that we're doing. My life is applied. So you can imagine we spoken about these topics almost every year and that's the references that I'm referring to so see what I've said now is complementing what was said then and you find the full array of materials. I literally almost every subject including of course the timely subjects like we just spoke about tonight and tomorrow and Tuesday being you these gimbal Thomas the Cog Aguila. And partial bollock this week Shabbos will also be reversible Thomas. She was about Thomas need that because it's job is the fastest pushed off till Sunday. So next Sunday, we'll talk about that more in detail, but I mentioning it because it's coming to Shabbos as well and Shabbos itself transforms also a negative into a positive because your own fast. So what do you have the positive side of the of the fastest you have real male the sustenance in Cola made him tell you the transformation of these fast. Is the holidays and celebration? With that, let us go into few questions that were asked new questions. Some are completely new some are variations of previous questions as you shall see. Okay being that was wear in the summer months here in this Hemisphere and in Israel and this upper hemisphere. So here's a question related to that the Arab about bringing in. What is what is this? How bad costume regarding bringing in an early Shabbos? Which means even though shop is technically May begin. Sometimes I work in New York. This passion was around 806 was The Liston, so there are those that want to bring it in earlier, whether it's for children or for Community or different reasons that you can start a shop is early so dear. Jacobson I borrow Hashem have seven children from an infant age to 12. These late shop was some are stressful difficult and difficult the young kids under five obviously fall asleep before the Friday night meal the 5 7 9 and 11 year old all insist on staying up until I come home from school and start kid is close to 10 p.m. There is no there's often grumpiness fights between the kids sleeping his by the table and the kids are tired the next morning this puts stress on my wife. But no matter how hard she tries they will not go to sleep. It is so much easier in the winter when we make it has to 7 p.m. And have a lovely family meal with irritated nguni Max Edition stories. There are mignon mm, which do cabal Chavez around 6:30 p.m. Even in the summer. So the families can have a proper meal. Is this. Okay according to many hibachi? To bring a shop as early as it states in Shall Not Be Shaken all states. Clearly you can I have heard many people say that it is an our meaning our Chabad minich yet. I've also heard that the rubber Davin cables Shabbos early a few times what comes first family shall Embrace when it is according to a locker or minute Chabad. Thank you. Yes appear Los Angeles is very clear. You can do it earlier. I did not hear about the rabbit diving early. But if anybody has information, please pass it on to me. The tail is a table in the table set up and I'll share it in the next programs. There is an answer to the debited sack who's doing a Chabot own welcoming people to the community. They wanted to make an early Shabbos for the piggy ship against ship was called dreams. I'll committing an encounter with Chabad. The rebel said basically wrote. That's not the meaning of Market. Now that was taken to mean either meaning I'm welcoming 770 with a debit is that's not the meaning or a Chabad in general. So that's quite but either way that not necessarily reflect a situation where you talking about children and the circumstances that I was talking about a policy taxes bringing people. These are adults to set a policy do other Shoppers. It's not the custom by the Chabad which doesn't mean IPL lock. It's completely acceptable. It's not our custom means either the rebels custom or Chabad in general as I said both options, but regarding situations where let's say the children are Obvious is very difficult or Sullen bias issues. I have not seen from the rubber but I would say and I'm just maybe going on a little bit because I don't have a direct source and I'm stating. I don't have a source that based on certain circumstances. If you ask are all we ask how much Pia finish must be a will probably make an exception not as a matter of policy, but as a matter of convenience and practicality in under certain circumstances, which also explains why in some Kebab houses they do it because simply people wouldn't come or they couldn't come if was very very Late, this is not a matter of policy. It's a matter of practicality based on the a locker. But if you have the option like the devil said that sock especially in the rebels Dalai Lamas never said not to do it, which means I'm not accustomed here. Which we also of course leave the impression those that come that this is something how bad does she also has to be careful, especially when you're doing the rounded up his particular personal environment meaning 770 and so on if anybody has more information on this beyond what I've shared I'd be happy to share with the public. If you can please pass it on to me and where you can you do this again, as I said the you say there's a you'll see there's a form where you can submit anything. If you want to leave me your email address, you have to put it in there because Because if you don't it is as I said, it's completely Anonymous, excuse me. next question what will habad look like in 30 years? Hi Rabbit Jacobson. Thank you for your consistency to this program over the last few years. That itself is a lesson on a previous episode you made mention that the mission of combat cause it hasn't changed since gimel Thomas as I mentioned that two years two weeks ago connection to get more tomatoes. And of course many more times. What is your opinion on what chabad-lubavitch will look like in 30 years in light of the fact that there are more Lubavitch is attending college than ever before more the bar, which is n In the workforce than ever before and light of the fact that there are limited places to go and releases the rise of sea teen. Yjp. Friendship Circle has been phenomenal, but even these programs are not Limitless. So what will Chabad look like in 30 years Okay, it definitely piqued my interest when I heard them and I saw the title of the question. So let's begin from the beginning. We are believers that are calculate because I am sure you have a Michelle's coming any day any moment when you include including to the Picture into the equation that Abbas words there were literally on the threshold and we finished it between him and it's up to us to do to open our eyes he gives mango lasse come in the house and Kokomo can go on which took it puts the can apply We Ready polish the buttons as well. Then 30 years would be long after the gorilla comes that's how about hosted about every Jew should believe especially about hosted. So what will be with Chabad after Michelle comes it will Thrive and flourish because citizen status Exodus is Also, some is sheer whatever we have now from the Rebellion is a taste an appetizer time are crimes of who like we taste error Shabbos on Friday of the foods of Shabbos. So imagine what boxes would be like when Shabbos comes will be thriving and all over the world when we say mala is days are same command the Americas him. The entire world will be filled with Divine knowledge as the waters cover the sea or in the earlier expression of the rambam the same pay the chapter 12 of the end of mission at 8:00. De La Hoya a circle a Lamela December van The business of the world be nothing but knowing god and how do you know God he looks it sucks is Chabad will be Beyond any expectations on the teachers people who learn considers people who knocks it is from before the goal of comes. So that is the best the best scenario and what we hope for and we believe in every moment will be the case. So 30 years will be reunited with the debit United with other IBM will be reunited and the whole world will change Exodus Chabad will reign supreme. Him not as a movement not as am a flag at the altar that was didn't want a party as Tater status a shame. They really came crime that will teach people about God and that's when we learn exceed this old tile the day all day long and everything will be directed and guided so this is so carbon has a very bright future when you look at it that way if Cosmic Sullen as the rebel always says Michelle called Stack Up know how to talk Michelle delays for another day for another hour for a short while We have our work cut out. I don't want to say 30 years. It's not the way across to them not so on that's heard that ever speak with speak about Plumbing in plants for 30 years. But why did you ask about tomorrow? Whatever is tomorrow's 30 years. If not monoliths Lama. One of those lunge Shield doesn't come in 30 years. The work is cut out for us we have much to do continue to teach this to learn cities because that is exactly what said all social Messiah is. So whatever we're doing has to increase but we don't Like that, as I said I reiterate again, we're not thinking about 30 years down the road. Now. I know what the question is trying to say what will happen with the culture of about it. Michelle. God forbid doesn't come what will happen. So as I said Chabad is not a culture Chabad is a tailor movement. It's like asking a question after make sure they're being who passed away what will happen with the Tater. Well that with mistress what will happen the Jewish people. So look what happened is 3300 years later. I miss Laurel High titers necessities and he has some relation is he you've been a soldier Coliseum. God does not change and the Jewish people never God forbid will be annihilated and don't we have our challenges and there are plenty of challenges. There. Are we continue to be because we are standing on the shoulders of giants and was standing above all and Taylor admits is for Adam had vacant Prime Kanye But ultimately compassion allocation heinkel Kanye when you cleave to God the source of life you remain alive. So how bad is of course a hillock of theta? Look of Claudius at all. So therefore I'm not worried about Chabad if you're talking about the cultural elements cultural elements is not the discussion on consider supplies. It's not a discussion. That's more of a anthropological or sociological study. That's not really the scope of this discussion here that will live on and those that embrace it will live on with it. God forbid like it like that ever speaks about in general Jose that God forbid in some way compromise a relationship potato. Ultimately the users guide does not also last Last and they usually disappear or they return to it. So the same thing is with Chabad as far as Slickers and the forms of slices. As I said, the word is seven have billion people on the planet. There was a lot of Exodus has to be taught. So there we have a very big job ahead of us. And that's where the Messiah which was sure will come before then and has results of the pathology delays by day. We still have that work. That's the reproach that I've been trained how to respond to question of this of that nature next question naming a child when naming a child after a toddler grab it. Can we combine the name without over the layperson? Hello, Robert Jacobson. Thanks so much for the incredible work that you do. Is there an Indian to not combine the names of its other clever with that of a relatively poor somewhere naming your child. Thanks so much. So there's actually a specific explicit letter from that ever dated the 12th of Teva stuffs and test Zion, that would be 12th of tables. That's probably already the year 1956. And sprinted an English K. There's a tab has letters volume 12 page 215 We're he says clearly in the name of the food. They could have been not to mix the two the letter for the freezer grab. It says it also an explicit in a letter in English of the field. You could have a volume 9 page 214 not to mix kadish and fails how he calls it the holy and the mundane. In the lab is egos in volume 12 look also on page 185, which is also somewhat connected to this. So there's clearly it or not to mix the two since we're on the topic already. What's the source in general to named after its addict? So we have first of all there's others that have nothing has evolved gimel 15 3 talks about someone who converted Duty Hills influence on him questions of his the comfort and the commode and Brock and Shabbos or not. And he says he named him after hello. But there you could say is it could be because he was at sadly but also because he influenced him. There's a mind-meld maybe there's more my mate. My marks is from the physical level called amaravathi. Loser pays Neeson tough Richard invalid 5 6 9 4 that would be essentially 1934 when he says explicitly the Minnick to name children after its addict him. Now the gemara humor 38b talks the negative not to named after the show him after Wicked people. So the name should disappear. And because that affects the child so technically in context if you think about it, you can extrapolate from there perhaps that not the named after Russia, but after sadly because sacred sadek live rocket addicts name does perpetuate that would be an Indian even though it doesn't say it explicitly, but maybe you can derive it from the negative. Okay. I also want to refer you to episode 98 we're talking about the power of a name and the connection of a name to the shamisen someone with the names are about now if again if anybody has a more information on this topic or any topic that I've addressed, please share it for the benefit of the public and for all people. Okay next question. Moving along these are questions. As I said have come in the last few months. Some of them are more recent all depending on the topic which we choose every week what to group together. Shoot next question. Should we be concerned with secular values seeping into Chabad ideology. And here's the specifics in recent years. We have seen a slow but steady introduction of secular liberal values in the baggage Community taking the form of quote women's empowerment programs and quote blaming the system for personal failures and the like while all these ideas sound beautiful superficially as to the me all know what our stances on these issues are. Lullaby, which generally takes pride in being extroverted unintimidated and ready to Take On The World At. What point does our openness become self-destructive and essentially on the bondage as we know that ebbers approach was rarely head-on collision, but rather superficial acceptance while coyly redefining the idea to the point of compatibility with Hasidic values this tactic served as a useful tool in enabling non religious Jews to identify with tater without feeling ideologically attacked. The problem is the devil was a master of acceptance quote-unquote without compromising sitting values. We are not as talented and as much easier for us to lose ourselves in this game, no matter how much discussion as we think we have. Do you believe my concern has any legitimacy legitimacy to it? If you do do you see that as an ultimately as ultimately inevitable and a manifestation or we can only call you do this a day. Does The Descent of generations? Asthma snag Dish as that may sound and if you do believe it is inevitable at least in some ways. Is there anything we can do to slow down the process PS as about true this issue particularly concerns me because yudish guide provided a sense of ideological stability, which was very beautiful to me coming from a reformed wishy-washy background. The idea is the idea of Blurred Lines in the Chabad Community is very unnerving to me because God has always represented a certain steadfastness and stability rear stability rarely found in other Jewish communities. Allergies for the length of this letter but a response would be extremely appreciated if possible. Thank you. So first I refer you to episodes 24 25 and 181 where I talk about similar idea after take issue. First of all before responding with some of the tone of this like the worth coyly on the web. I read it and the word like this game as of like the rebels maneuvering or something that happens. I tell you to eat meaning at a the through and through if something is done. Done. It means this Taylor have killer never was not looking to be politically correct and not looking for ways to placate ideologically or not intimidate people who are secular and the same time that ever firmly believe that when you presented properly without compromise, it's very appealing. Of course, like the devil would say many times. You can't expect someone to suddenly do all 613 misses, but you tell them about six hundred and thirty minutes or so. There's no compromise in the language of the mishnah Avis. But he is all my cards on the table. You have to love everybody and there's no judgment and you accept everybody for who they are. Alma carve on the tail. You don't bring the tailored to them. You bring them to the Tater. Actually. This is a letter that I wrote to my grandfather who I mentioned earlier in the early 50s. He asked the Deb about way to do a faucet today when you meeting different types of Jews in the never brought this Duke. And that letter to him about that. So what how do you balance the two this not compromised? It's a crocodile Shania whole new civilization and qualitative. The hotel was brought was given in order to bring peace to the world not to fight not is shown a glaze that I would say to be sharp and rebuke and be angry and judgmental and condescending the trailer itself cells present me in a pleasant way because I am God is pleasant and all his pet paths and ways are Pleasant. So pleasant does that mean compromise Pleasant means you presented in a way that is comfortable that is relevant that's inspiring. That's not critical. So just want to put it in the right context now that approach answer your question that ever taught us and anyone listening or reading the rebels talks. This is exactly what he trained us to do. So to suggest that the only the Deborah could do it or none of us can do it. That's not correct. I personally know hundreds of people who do this very effectively no one's on the level of the debit, but But what is there are methods to this and if you see someone not doing it either compromising or being too harsh? In presenting it, you know, it's not going exactly in the deputies approached even a great moisture have been we learn in this week's Pasha. Actually, I'm tree in the last week's passion. Hookahs yesterday's passion that moisture hit the stone when the neighbors to Tom to speak to this town the first time he told him to hit the stone. So one of the lessons of citizens that even if someone's like a stone of Heart A Heart of Stone, I should say you don't hit it if the talk find the right words words from the heart enter the heart as the debits. Time and again, so the approach has the repertoire has continues to be the same approach the fact that values that are not habad or not Terror I should say second of Arc pin that is unfortunate fact to those that either do not hold onto the values that way they are or they don't understand what those values are. And frankly, there are things that we do learn from the world. But as the debit or us you learn away Karma by going Taman certain things not that they inform you this kite, but we can learn certain things in from Modern from for modern techniques and methods but only when it's happy hour loss and I'll be 60 this and I must be another of say so just as an aside, but of all we don't need to rely on that some people feel either the tailor is inadequate. God forbid that for that we have the response immed a cool mechanic who If it's a biblical meaning you find a void or it's empty. It's make a move. It's not the tail is missing the answer you are missing the answers. You have to dig deeper. Or it's all misunderstanding what the Taylor says? So all that we with all due respect everybody. There is no need to introduce other values into dating in Disguise. We have everything we need certain things. We learn our potato. Yes, we learned we learn it's a time bomb out there besides and Tanya that you can learn a very ashamed from things that are even Hoffman Salem and there's a soccer practice and so on that's not really the scope of our conversation. So those that really hold on to what the title says and other presented will have every all everything we need. So presentation continues to be in a sensitive way at the same time that it's you don't compromise the standards and it can be done. I'm not we all make our mistakes I tried to do it and I believe I've done so successfully to some extent and it's something that we can do and if you have questions you ask somebody to make sure you're on the right track. So no it's not inevitable that things have to seep in because if you stick to the sources, which is more important than ever now, it's precisely because the Deb is not here but gosh means for us to go. And check with him to stick to the sources of what that ever said and make sure that you're really authentic and keep maintaining the Integrity without any compromise of the sources is more vital than ever because that keeps us honest and keeps us grounded and make sure that it's all based on the tale of perspective. When you have that you can then translate it and present it in many different ways and I could talk for my own experience even to people who have no inkling and no idea what the Tate is. But only when you're grounded what you find is the two problems I mentioned either it's not grounded in Taylors, of course people will wander off from the Tater approach or it doesn't have the proper napkin am the sensitivity necessary to present it, which also is not really understand that Theta is just taking it either literally or presenting it and I didactic and dogmatic way and judgmental way. So the presence of The Taste may be right but the presentation is wrong and we need both we need Otis and kahlan which means consistent with what the data says but presented in a to ganglia and a comfortable and Had over made the fixable vocalist essay in a relevant way that people can relate to on their terms just like any good teacher teaches students doesn't just teach my all the students one cookie cutter model is able to present the idea connection RIPD RK educate the child according to his or her way and customize that doesn't mean compromise. It means customized take the idea in its full integrity and full truth and full truth and presented sometimes you to do that. You need example, you have to spoon-feed it step by. By step you can always teach the whole idea and that of course requires a special expertise. So if you can't do it yourself, ask others who know the depth is methodology. So I agree with you in completely. We don't need to be wishy-washy. We don't need to in any way be compromising and blurring lines, but for that you need to be somewhat grounded in the sources have that scholarship behind you and also the weight the presented in the most Pleasant and beautiful way which is of course, there are also taught us how to do. next question apathetic diving How can I address my apathy to devaney and make it a meaningful experience my question relates to diverting not being meaningful for me. There are two parts to my question. I'll address them one part of the time because they're somewhat separate number one. How can I address my apathy to darvany and make it a meaningful experience? I'm a husband father meaning I have what to Davin for yet. I find the diving experience on engaging and I'm completely disinterested whilst I David chakras daily mainly smash man. Sit up, I often will miss miniature. Might've I don't forget to dive in there most of the time I remember and yet I have no desire interest actually pick up the signal and Avenue when I do die when I attempt to do it in the briefest way possible often skipping to the main parts and reciting them quickly as if it is a burden. I must get through the same applies for benching so firstly as you may know part of this, my life is applied series because David is so fundamental and see this we've been talking about this. In a on-off way doing many many of the programs. So I want to just refer you to episodes 19 and 21 33 199 through 201 203 to 53 to 58 and many of those episodes. I addressed this question. It's a little it's in a way. It's a I don't know it's a lost art but it's art that many of us have not really been taught the art of David and I and Yeshiva and so on so there I discuss it some what the bottom line. Is a visual of a dish of Olives hateful. What is the service of the heart disease Dominique? So let's just put it in simple English. It's emoting. It's emotional intelligence is developing your ability to a moat with God when you learn Teta your understanding God. It's an intellectual experience understanding the scholarship. The God's mind what God wants of us. A boating is a whole different thing emoting means emoting with the vicinity. When moisture went into the Michigan from the additive kasama, he was like a an intimacy and intimacy is an emotional thing. So diving essentially is a process. of emoting and learning how to remote properly which also will help you in all areas of life because many of us play mind games were very good with cerebral but we flak emotional. So my suggestion this is taken from letters and different places is in dominating obviously to David the whole diving in this type of emotional connection may be difficult and beginning. So choose take a few prayers say the rest of it but choose a few prayers where you focus and concentrate and personalized whether it's my solar some of the Kenosha method whether it's Barack Obama, whether it's my Danny personal, In a find a personal lesson that relates to you personally and in a way, that's what you're communicating with your talking to God. How do I unite? How do I connect to God and bring divinity's Transcendence into my personal life and all David and you can do that without train. That's why you have to do it step-by-step. I've elaborate on this as I said in the other episodes at length, you have to appreciate what David in can offer you which is essentially a way of connecting to a deeper part of yourself your initial mechanical. The common mom is in a personal and emotional way not just in the cerebral can abstract way. There's much more that can be said but that would be how I would begin. Unfortunately. The apathy is coming from habit and routine seeing others do this and the way we grew up. So to change this you have to do something unique. So I would suggest whether chakras been come out of always the oven but for the fine one or two prayers that speak to you personally, maybe learn a little scissors before diving as is recommended and Focus on that not as a meditation and the conceptual way meaning a cerebral scholarly type of meditation but one that you personalize as you personalize it you can begin to have an expiry a pre she a tional actually maybe open up a part of you and then it won't be so apathetic. You may even look forward to it. Now, of course, this is requires work and this is just one suggestion of many. Okay. Most important thing to remember that three pillars upon which the world stands Taylor evading Middle School Sodom Taylor is study. Those who saw them is actions good deeds and prayer is evade evade the work on yourself. It could be developing your character character refinement and I want to turn traveling at a self-help activity. It's not that sense, but it's emotional growth and emotional connection to your neshama and touch em within the shaman derives from which in turn is a bit of amethyst and working on yourself if you Think of it that way it becomes the much less optional a much more exciting and even and something to look forward to the second question of this part is to what extent should espouse be involved comment on their Partners Dominic whilst I'm a pathetic the devotee my wife places a high value on it often. She will comment on my disengage the approach to diversity and expressed her disappointment. I find her involvement frustrating and not only does it not help motivate me to improve my dominating but rather I Theta irritation with a diving itself furthering my dislike for it my response to her is it's my relationship with God and thus should remain between the two of us. Thank you for addressing the above and providing guidance to assist with engaging in diverting a man at managing a spouse's input into darvany. So on this topic, I address this in episode 63 and 65 and yes, I would say a spouse whether it's a husband to a wife or a wife to a husband should not get involved in their partners and their spouses Dominique as you said because it could be a source of irritation and and especially if you don't see it motivating just to get the other just an axon one and it's not really reading anywhere well, Cause more irritation and like you write accurately now, I'm sure your spouse means. Well, she really appreciates with diving as wants to inspire you so I would recommend to a spouse like that a spouse should then find inspiring ways to do. So, if you can't best to leave it alone, you know, sometimes you inspire them in other ways your spouse and by effect by osmosis somebody in a distant an indirect way can actually have a very strong impact. Okay and more as I said in those episodes Assad's next question should look information. Okay, am I responsible to share sensitive information about a potential shit up with the other party? Here's the question. Hi, Robin Jacobson. First of all, I would like to thank you for your weekly classes. I often listen to find them inspiring. I was wondering if you can give me advice on a specific question. I was in a position where I mentioned went where I mentored a young adult and we became quite close. This person is a wonderful balmy this meaning wonderful emotional kind person. This seeking to grow and many and many many exceptional talents. However, this person unfortunately has many challenges which in turn affect their emotional health and relationship a while back something a while back something happened, which led me to consult a therapist to diagnose this person with BPD. Bipolar disorder I researched of the sort of Thoroughly and unfortunately believe this therapist was correct. This person has stopped communicating with me and refuses all contact. My question is I'm aware that this person is in Shadow him. Is it my responsibility to share this information with somebody who would be involved in this person should do him IE a much beer. So firstly I dress is very directly in episode 50 51 to 34 to 36 to 37 and 242. It's not an easy question to answer because I won handily flavorless it the Mixel which means we have to prevent we cannot allow someone to be hurt by someone some information. We may know this may hurt the other person and the other hand is your responsibility to go around and announce something that you know confidentially and you may not even be thousand percent short cetera may not even be a family member. So I would say you should talk to your own much beer, and I drove there may be ways to get the message not directly to the family necessary, but maybe time I spear Who's involved with that family so they can use the discretion because the question I addressed as well as let's say there's a person would be PD or other issues like that have to tell somebody up front. So this is the answer to that is always if it affect the personal effect the marriage they have to tell them the question is when they have to tell them not when they're ready engaged or close to being engaged or emotionally already connected has to be with ability that the person can walk away so that someone has to make that decision when to do so and if you take that in your hands you can be intervening. It's not your role to do so, so I would say it's important to look into it and see whom you can tell in a confidential discreet way who will Wisely when or when and if it should be said if necessary without hurting anybody this is a subtle matter and that's why it's case-by-case and more than that requires knowing more details. And as I said talking to the parties, I don't know your role. I don't know who you know and so on but not to ignore it completely on the other hand. Also be careful. It's not just go ahead and announce it and so on. I mean announced in the streets obviously, but even to the right people has to also be done with the right discretion and more on this is in those episodes that I referred. Let's do some follow up now. First of all follow up Kimmel Thomas two weeks ago the rabbi Jacobsen. Thank you very much for the weekly episode. They're absolutely beautiful in the previous episode discussing Jamal Thomas. This is episode 266. I realized you wouldn't mention the words. Ye murder he Lola. Hey Lola, I am hilah and Gil Thomas. It seemed like you were trying to avoid saying it by all means if I may ask. The reason for that. I listened also to other huh Rob is about gimel Thomas and they did mention it as a yam. Hey Lola. I'm just wondering out loud. What's the reason for it had slaughtered up? Okay, as I said, I always take that red questions and I appreciate the question. My answer is yes, I didn't mention it and to be very honest. It's very very personal reason and that is Gil. Thomas is a difficult day for me to talk about all together. I talk about it because as the physical therapist said it's hard to talk, but it's hard not to talk. It's harder. It's hard to talk, but it's harder to be silent rather because it's an important day that we have to address but it's a mysterious day and frankly, I would prefer not to talk about it, but I have to so I do now. To use terms. I'm not going to make a designation. It's my personal choice to avoid using any words that just by find difficult to express. Is it a game of the law and not the letter other bigger experts determine is it a yard site or not? Let others have terminal while this don't should not be misinterpreted as some type of childish or some type of crazy idea. It's a personal choice. So gimel Thomas is an expression many of us use simply because it's difficult to talk about such a sad day. And yes, we took the rabbit. Not here, but gosh me is and yes, the Expressions used on previous study came out of a museum. Hula your site stockist, Jamie Lula actually is a positive word. Sometimes you lose connected also to Celebration like a wedding SE dong - be I'm a little - be I just find it difficult to send that up. And that's why I didn't say it. This should not be interpreted one way or another. I'm not telling people what to do what not to do. It's my own personal choice. You got it, right? That's all I really can say about the matter, but it's not a it's not a shitter. A principal one way or the other is just my own personal preference. And I think I talked about the subject. I didn't need to use any words. So I use that and that's that's that's leave it at that. Okay, Padilla nefesh. So talked about the root of pigeon nefesh and I spoke about call of going to the Morrison machpelah doesn't say clearly pigeon nefesh there and yet someone wrote that she says he went to the key to the office to pray that he not become ensnared with the spies. That's correct to me. That is the very definition of opinion after Speedy enough which means to redeem a soul so by not being ensnared he's saying that exactly is Pigeon nefesh. It's interesting. By the way, the pigeon f is even though we ride the pan pigeon Evers was always a pigeon like pigeon like a pigeon been or pigeon swim is with by paying something is usually refers to the doctor. You give to the river and he should intervene on our behalf. But we also include within a note that we read pigeon never shown that she's saying pigeon f is what exactly would Call of Duty The color went to Cuba Elvis, but might have Camino what difference does it make between keeping the office and said Dickie More Alive. We know that the pan we submit will surely be received by the devil meaning we give them up and not just when you go to the oil before give me thumbs. We know that the Palm we submit will surely be received by the Reverend just as if he took it from our hand that's today. Although I heard a story. I believe it was was from one of the raskins trying to deliver a pigeon to the web in the year befores indices meaning 1952. Shoot and the rabbit home to visit his father. in law and the Royal household replied it is not our custom to Daven to To a chair and deliver took the pigeon bottom line you should care to you for all your efforts. Okay, some additional points. I just read but bottom line is yes, I would say call of and that sends the spirit of Peter just the language pigeon average does not use their but the idea. Yeah, you could say the ride from there. Okay. Now the follow-up next follow-up is polygamy. This was last week's episode 267. Hi, Robin Jacobson. Thank you for your inspiring speeches and Melbourne over gimel Thomas. Yes last week. I was in Melbourne for chemo Thomas Shabbos and few days before and after and Sydney and Melbourne from blinking and speaking. So this person is referring to my being there. So thank you for your inspiring speeches in Melbourne over gimel Thomas. I was exceptionally impressed that even though you're overseas you still recorded an episode of my life because it is supplied which was last Sunday. So I was in Melbourne. I recorded before hand judging by your usual backdrop of Sodom. It would seem that you recorded before you flew to Australia. That is real dedication. I'm very inspired by that at the Mall of America Melbourne. You spoke about the importance of being committed to see you Tim classes and I can see that you do exactly that. I hope to strengthen my own commitment to shooting based on your inspiration call a coveted. I have a follow-up question about polygamy. You mentioned that the Tailor's allowance of polygamy has to do with the splits spiritual significance of the possibility of having several McLoughlin several recipients for one must be R1. Transmitter one Zohar one Mass mail if I understood correctly. This was necessary for certain. Holy figures such as the office any more lies. Well, particularly our Yakov, but with the Advent of hate him that I've been aggression who put on a decree that there should no longer be polygamy. This is now discouraged and officer for ashkenazim. At least. I was pondering the fact that there is restriction on polygamy that a woman cannot marry more than one man gives rise to that gonna crisis which Source of pain and anguish for so many people. Unfortunately, how are we to understand this from a citizen perspective? Well, I figured I explain because a woman is the level of Macabre. The Kabul is a different mccubbin can be there can be one my speaker. I have several more calmly, but every McConnell has to have one must be here. And that's why you don't have the ability of and polygamy the other way around whatever it would be called. That's the bottom line the fact that it can cause a good crisis that's like saying just because some things can go wrong doesn't mean we're going to change the basic fundamentals of a stylus and how the way that God created the world and the laws of theta we have to address the issue of People. God forbid who leave a woman on not divorced and abandoned them. That's a horrible horrible thing in the Tate. I've spoken about this many times and clearly it abundant have to address that issue, but we're not going to go change a whole process of something. That's so fundamentally based. Make a woman not a woman for example make our NADA until something she's not because there's a crisis so basically don't take two wrongs. Don't make a right, basically. Thanks again. I keep up the great work after your visit a Melbourne. I've been encouraging people to subscribe to this program called tooth. Okay. Thank you. Now there's a there's a follow-up to anti-Semitism which goes back to episodes 251 252 263 and 265. It's as I've mentioned a number of times as a lot of good points here, even though I would not really immerse myself to this detail about because I found good points. I said, I'd read sections of it. So this is a person who committed himself to redress every type of anti-Semitism and methods that we can do to counter it and I give already my comments in those previous episodes, which I don't have to do it again. So let me read one more section of this long letter. And the future episodes I'll read other parts will finally get through it since it's quite long actually. But good. So after addressing the issue of anti-Semitism based on saying that Jews related to Communism the second major issue this fellow rights and many white Gentiles would put it in first place is the lawlessness and damages due to unrestricted illegal immigration and open borders. It's like the white supremacist who are against immigration including again Jews coming to this country over the years now that issues out there, but there was especially during World War II and before that. What wgs which is why Gentiles view illegal immigrants? Just a second. They view illegal immigrants as an immediate and dire threat to their well-being their outrage by crimes committed by illegals in that having. To support them with their tax dollars. They see wages stagnating due to the huge influx of Labor. They see the greatest country in modern times ascending into third world status. This is a major Agnes nefesh to wgs. Why Gentiles much anguish whose ancestors had sacrificed to build and defend America some well-known organizations, like the Hebrew immigrant Aid Society highest are viewed as Jewish organizations, even though they are liberal organizations whose mandate has changed dramatically over the decades these Asians are the Forefront of pushing for open boundaries. In addition. There are long lists of non Orthodox. Rabbis and rabbits. Robin needs who have publicly signed their names to proclamations calling for open borders. This call for open borders is based on a twisted and distorted interpretation of tikkun Olam, which is not the Torah definition of tikkun Olam and person adds a great link which explains this in detail. It is a major issue for wgs. Why Gentiles is that if God forbid the country spirals down into third world status socialism is great until you run out of other people's money as Margaret Thatcher said Jews have the option to run to Israel while wgs have nowhere to run. We as a community must publicly proclaim the true definition of tikkun Olam and unequivocally this a solar cell to disassociate ourselves from open borders. Okay? Well, you know what that's questionable. Some will say, we don't have to go to extreme certain open borders. Are are are And and and everything has its limits. There are government laws. My quite my point is always say with anti-Semitism. The best approach is the positive approach. I'm reading it because as I said this I find Value in it, but I don't know if it's open borders are not open borders going to make the difference of what our position anti-semites an anti-semite and just looking for an excuse. That doesn't mean you have to feed you have to always be discretionary. And and and yes, we could have the concept of Hesed of having open borders the country always always believed the snap open borders, but certain limited guidelines for allowing in others from other countries. So that's not the terrible thing and I wouldn't go with this extreme approach. Okay with that. Let us go on to the see this question of the week. Whose question is on chapter 15 and Tanya? In the beginning of the chapter that ever says mean he's out there Deb that a difference between a society can obtain the is that a Sadiq is an avid and a bendy could be an avid Ultra bespeaks there about what it says in the post income elasticity of what they were loyal for die says Eva delicate. The lotion is exactly like this. Let's go to Paris has evolved. Just a moment. The shop the Venetian been decided to be in Russia and over the Leaky Masala ever. They would suggest that it's a dick is not the same thing as evidently Kim. So layer for Dana and a Russia, is that whatever the but that's not what we're addressing right now. She explains the difference in over the leak came that sadek is Ava discussion. However, he's presently serving at sadly has already killed his yetzer Hara. She could say is that Eva - am he's a servant of God shame. I tell her like a hawk Amor am Ella he already became but right now he doesn't have to do any more work. So the concept of work is a been made after. So that's what evidently came is not a tactic. But sadly could is not even delicate necessarily. So the question this person is asking however, the good modern Giga which talks about this topic and brings that posted from Allah. He ignored it later in the chapter says we're talking about gig and Daffy. Let me just give it to you. Testament base nine be noted later said that says of what the value of I did survived Siddiqui Community know both our body and not of our they are both Saudi King memorial which seems to contradict the statement that it's a dick is a never not an idiot. You know, there is a sad day for you lie about that but there's a study that the fetish Avada that's when the good mother says it's highly reconciled with so interestingly. You may be aware of this maybe not now Deb has tiny that we have printed is My daughter buses the final version. There was a my daughter coming Tanya which means manuscripts that the first first version the first and there are alternative even was my Fastener spread that as well that got out in the year top Sherman basement my love my base that ever directed that they should publish the Cooter modern my daughter Karma Tanya the first my daughter with footnotes that compare it to us and there's differences quite a few for example entire Chapter 30 and chart type the 32 or only added in the final version of tiny. That the original my daughter come. So the question is that is asking is Delta lab actually answers it by due to come for some reason it took it out in the medulla bus in perak a loaf of all places. So if you look in chapter 1 when he talks about Saudi Benny Russia, he says there's the concept of a that Let me just open it up here here shame on muscle that someone that's called Nicholas addict who say my muslin is Harvey English. We say somebody has Ruby Mitzvahs and mutable is that same emotion is called the Saudis not actual tactic and that's why the tiny says that sadly grammar is actually sewn. It doesn't have any evaders and I say Taro has been killed two levels in that Saudi government and static Shana gamma. So then he goes on and says the Kane Hodder Marina bahiga, the a David vasilyeva the table It's a dick and more in this exact language that would it says of Giga that both the David and the way of our they are both called Siddiqui memoriam who ganking Shamu so David I but that have horrible armor. It's only a shame a muscle doesn't really mean that sadek. It's only in passing is only an expression is using for us say no Lamer. The gametes has a shame. I know some shade him. They're kosher people Mars Eakin potatoes Hashem pregnant and they hold onto Taylor Sasha. M. But it's not really the definition of exotic Comer. So he answers that question. He anticipates this in the medulla comma y so in other words when it says now what the valley of VOE die so position sadek and says the fact that it says that the commodity that attic is either is a videla Kim and why are they both? That's a dick of evidently Kim is not that sadek than Tonya that sadek that already has killed us yet. Sorrow doesn't have evaded to do anymore. He's an avid but not evidently kid. I think a more equal Society. Only shame I must hold out to them already. But once you have this concept in other places as well, I think in Taylor a damaged spot him I believe. Yeah, so I think my drag is Autumn crashes in Russia. So sometimes it's a dick means just simply it's a euphemism saying he's a righteous person and then deciding in the full sense of the word is what tiny explains. So the good model is using it in the looser sense. Like he says clearly in the chapter 1 of Tanya so Kiddush ingemar attacker, but that's the chatter. I'll tell Debra says in my daughter come. Okay, let's now do the three essays. So we're doing the essay contest 2019. Well do each essay the three Hebrew essays this time and all excellent essays. You could see people really invest in the work than them and Grand worthy reading. They're all posted at my life to this applied. Ethics is You'll see the do essays are posted. And if you subscribe to our newsletter, we send you the when the new essays are posted. They're all really good good. So the first one in Hebrew Calum is locked in but typical sense. Intervention in tools for intervening shimmers will who shot sir the use of art as a way of intervening and helping person grow the mishnah save that in the tailor and the cities of the 3D crab art. This is Michelle Michelle L Madam. I'm hope I'm pronouncing it. Right Michelle. I'm Adam h41 Jerusalem Israel. She works in Masada. He knows and education department as a psychotherapist. So this essay exactly as it suggests takes three the cadavers take on Art and the various letters he written and so on and turns it into. The difference between hush and Cristiano talent and skill and explains how it comes a muscle an example for a person's life. And then also the effect of art itself when you look at Art and how it impacts a person the strong impact is also a vision type of impact talks about the three different types of seal. Cool shots. He became its own and visions and imagines which gives birth to a feeling another's I fell asleep who's behaving. Well, that's kind of another is we're able to remember and recall things that happened in the past. By imagining things that's a who shot sir people who can describe things that happened in the past and that's at that's sewn in. Yeah, and then there's who's bit deeper at Saoirse body. But whose real serious about my soup kitchen it's here in describing people have the ability to describe a story very graphically and very perfectly. And then the Saoirse bomb Isis on actually can paint a picture. That's a Keisha skill. And then goes on to the three images from Rafael the artist the one with a animal with a with a field and the one of I'm sorry one animal one of the war and one is a field. So those three and uses that as well as well as one is a judgment in this suit in the court, which is one of the images as well. One of the art Beautiful s a really beautiful. I enjoyed it thoroughly. It's in Hebrew and takes it to extrapolate from it what we can use We can learn in our own lives how to recreate things how to imagine things how to use the who's that sealed the ability to imagine the ability to to start to imagine and to vivify certain seen in our own personal growth and development. Very good essay. Excellent essay, very original as well. Next essay. How be talking about beta clay machine am in serious how trust in God is a tool to change exists to change reality Efrat Weber beitar illit age 32 So this essay again as the title suggests it's exactly that the power of the Takin. Is difficult she writes to this to live in our generation because with all the Comforts and all the developments. We have so much distraction and so many things that are confusing us. So to find focus is a very difficult thing and explains how betoken and trust is a great tool to be able to achieve that because it gives you a connection to something Beyond and beyond our challenges. Creating Peace of Mind in the world that can be sometimes so chaotic. Describes the difference of the talking to Jen the classic version of trust and the way that ebba approaches it. Then talks about what trust is versus faith and Mona. Brings a beautiful story in a few stories that capture the idea. And concludes with a whole bunch of tools of how we can use the Takin. And some of the stories from the river in our personal lives to help us grow. That not only is it about trust but it's a trust that good will happen in our lives and that opens up new channels. Okay, that's essay 2 and finally the third essay for today is how Christ could get a microbe. Hey, no responsibility. For causing us to be responsible people in our lives. time musky pristine age 19 - Israel student in seminar based on its face and talks exactly about that about responsibility and the lack of responsibility was sometimes you have people are very Reckless. They talk well, but they're really responsible and they and they best to stay away from such people but goes on to describe. What does it mean to be a responsible person how to feel accountability and responsibility. The Power of Will of a person to overcome distractions in achieving that type of force focus with a whole bunch of steps to know what the problem is to know your strengths and your skills And that every situation to know is in order to bring growth. To be able to separate from the moment and look at the bigger picture again a very very good essay well annotated and with that we conclude this week's episode of my lifes. It has applied episode 268 a good knew you wanted for hog Aguila, you basically get more Thomas maybe all spear experience personal Redemption and Google the lightest evolve our garlic herbs butter ho Aguila for each of us in our personal lives physically spiritually psychologically emotionally through our mysterious nefesh complete dedication and that should lead us to the Amit is vastly may even before shavasana Tom was when you have hariyama Melo sauce, no simple made him. Tell him we're here every Sunday 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. My life is supplied everyone be blessed and again a good yontif.
Addressing the Personal and Emotional Needs of Our Community and Answering the Most Pressing Questions of Our Lives -- from the Perspective of Chassidic Thought. TOPICS: • Chassidus Applied to 12-13 Tammuz and Balak 0:12 • What is the Chabad custom regarding bringing in an early Shabbos? 14:52 • What will Chabad look like in 30 years? 19:00 • When naming a child after a tzaddik/Rebbe can we combine the name with that of a layperson? 24:36 • Should we be concerned with secular values seeping into Chabad ideology? 27:34 • How can I address my apathy to davening and make it a meaningful experience? 36:44 • To what extent should a spouse get involved in their partners davening? 41:38 • Am I responsible to share sensitive information about a potential shidduch with the other party? 43:13 • Follow up:         o Gimmel Tammuz (episode 266)  46:22       o Pidyon nefesh at the Ohel (episode 266)  48:43       o Polygamy (episode 267) 50:29       o Anti-Semitism  53:22 • Chassidus question: How do you reconcile Tanya chapter 15 with the Gemara whether a tzaddik is called oved Elokim? 57:09 • My Life 2019 essays:      o כלים השלכתיים בטיפול: השימוש בחוש הציור ככלי טיפולי במשנתו של אדמו”ר הריי”צ, Mishael Elmalem, 41, Jerusalem, Israel 01:02:45      o הביטחון בבורא ככלי משנה מציאות, Efrat Veber, 32, Beitar Illit, Israel 01:05:34      o האחריות כגורם אחראי בחיינו, Chaya Mushka Perlstein, 19, Haifa, Israel 01:07:13 Submit your question now at or email: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK MyLife: Chassidus Applied is a series of video webcasts answering questions from the public, with the objective of demonstrating how Chassidus provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. MyLife is brought to you by the Meaningful Life Center as a public service, free of charge. WHERE TO FIND THE MEANINGFUL LIFE CENTER: WEBSITE:, FACEBOOK PAGE: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER:  LINKEDIN: YOUTUBE CHANNEL: PINTEREST: EMAIL US:
For the Love of teaching is a podcast brought to you by teach stata we say teachers hours each week by bringing them quality downloadable teaching resources for their classrooms to make your classroom Buzz go to teach Need a little motivation on a Monday where experience Primary School teachers and we get it join us for inspiration and encouragement to get you buzzing through the school week. This is the buzz. Welcome back to season two of The Buzz. Can you believe it Jill? We're up to season 2 exciting. We are starting this year off and we want to talk a little bit about the current Bushfire emergency. That is happening where we live in Australia. Yeah. It's a bit of a heavy topic but it's definitely something that we're all thinking about and conscious of at the moment definitely. And I think like you and like lots of us out there watching things. Even if we're not in the the affected areas where watching things on TV and you just can't help but feel just heartbroken and what's happening and the animals and their lives and the people from losing their homes in the whole communities. I mean, it's just devastating it is it's absolutely that's the right word absolutely devastating and if we're feeling all of these emotions and having all of these reactions, From the media coverage and also if people who are unfortunate to be in these actual locations where they have lost things where they're directly impacted we can only imagine what children are going through because everything for them is magnified And the emotions they don't have the kind of emotional regulation that we do as adults to be able to kind of keep going and pull it together, although and I was talking to a colleague this morning whose nieces were lost. Their home in South Australia, and she said that their resilience is actually really surprised their whole family. So kids can be actually really amazing at coping in these really traumatic situations at the time, but we just need to be conscious that yeah follow it affects many. That's right. That's right. Yeah, and you know, I think even as we're saying like children who aren't involved but they're seeing things on the news or I know anyone that I'm talking to when my kids are even with me and we're going up to the shops or something. People are like, oh have you seen the latest that's happened over. Saying you know, it's now moved down to here or they're hearing us talk about it a lot too. And you know, we are saying things like oh, it's so sad or you know, it's really devastating and I even know my five-year-old is hearing and and singing all these things know if he happens to see something and he's got so many questions that I want to make sure I'm answering correctly. I don't want to lie to him. But also I worry that the actual truth with yeah would be very frightening him. So I just it's one of those things that you think I want to make sure I'm doing the right thing. But what is the right thing? Yep, exactly. Yeah. So I will mention we are having in the next couple of weeks. We're going to have some kind of experts maybe you psychologists and people who helped children through traumatic events talk to Emma one of our bloggers to put together a blog post for you guys about how to talk to your students about this because returning to school at the end of January, this is still going to be going on. We're still in the middle of My and all of these risk factors are still going so there will be a lot of questions for us to anticipate and think about what is what is too much information? What is the right amount of information? How can I make my students feel safe and comfortable and get back on track for their year of learning when there's no a variety of things happening? Yeah, and it might be something as well that you might like to say to your admin team. Look. Is there going to be a school? I response to this, you know you want to Sure that you're saying the right thing as well is a lack of a bit about this policy around. What's our what's our how are we helping here? We're going to have some picture books that we can read to the kids. How much are we going into it? I guess just then that you're armed with the information as well that you know, you'll give them the right information. Yeah, exactly. And I think that's great because this week too many teachers are heading back to school for their professional development days, and it could be a really good time before the students come back to have those conversations. Patience with your admins and your colleagues about yeah, whether it's going to be a whole school based plan of action or a year level based or because of course the amount of information that we're willing to give to children and help them out with and the strategies that were going to use are going to be different for all your levels. So yeah, we know that there's there's been a lot of images and some of the researchers that I was just reading some research yesterday on the ABC website and it was saying that with children and media-based Trauma they often Experience worst trauma when it's moving images. So video is is more detrimental to Children than still images. But having said that I've seen some absolutely horrific still images on social media and the last week and very confronting particularly. I think there's one I'm thinking of it. I don't know if you can get the same with the animals and it's just you know for kids to see that it really would bring home to them. What's actually happening and I It's that fine line of if you don't want to you don't want to lie and or pretend like it's not happening. But how far is too far? You know for a little for a little mind. Yeah really hard and this is something that we as Educators have to have to do it. Can you think of a time in your career when something an event happened that you had to work through with your kids maybe something that could have been a bit traumatizing or upsetting that you've had to yet work through together as a class look. Look, I think I've been very fortunate in that, you know. Yeah, I did have my classroom got flooded but it was it was fairly minimal. I guess, you know, we lost some books and things like that but be but we definitely it was just a big storm. We weren't in the school. We came in the next day and saw what had happened but it wasn't I don't think would have had the impact but you know, there is always things where we've had some Children who've lost a parents and it's luckily. I've been at schools who've really really great response have sort of got together and worked out and got some outside help to come and talk to the rest of the class to say, you know, these are what their student might need. This is how we could respond to some there may be some times where they may do some go out to do some different things and you might think oh, that's not fair. Why don't I get to do that, but we have to remember that their needs are different and the moment too. Potentially what your needs so yeah, I have been like and I think it was that external help as well. Just being able to go. I just want some backup. Yep what to do here. And and you're saying the ABC website. There's also some really other great articles where you can go and get some information also picture books. Yep for the little little he's as well can be really good sort of presenting it in a format that they know. Yes, but the the topic is is what If you're trying to reach I guess yeah, exactly. That's right. It's I guess it's about tailoring it to the the age and making things age appropriate for them. Even though some of what they've encountered at home during the holidays, you know, either incidentally. I mean this has been reported in on the radio. So they're hearing it in the car News News hours. They're hearing it like you said from parents conversations. And also of course on television, so it's quite consuming and the moment in the media. It's a huge event and an Unprecedented event so the fear and stress that it's causing adults is no doubt filtering down to kids because it is really scary. It's a scary thing happening and we're all kind of your charted territory. Yeah, but I even think of those kids have been evacuated from their towns, you know, what what a frightening situation as an adult. I've been evacuated from a town because of Phi and that was scary. Yeah, so I can that was before I had children so I can't even think what kids must go through to even think Do I get to come home where we going where we going to sleep? What are we going to eat can automate my place like that? You know all these things. Yeah. Yeah really would be and as we've seen last week the huge evacuation from mallacoota is still continuing but so far over 4,000 people have been rescued by the Australian Navy, which is the biggest peacetime evacuation in Australian history ever and the images coming from there are very upsetting confronting and I Yes, because of the world. We live in with social media. They're being shared and spread more often and more effectively than ever before. So we think about other events that have happened. I wasn't teaching yet when September 11 occurred but I did write a uni assessment on media and kids because when I was studying journalism, I was really interested in how the media affects kids and one of the things that came out of that was that they don't understand proximity. So if they see something in the US and they I think that we have a city like that. We live in Brisbane Adelaide and Sydney our city looks exactly the same as that that could be my parents office or that could be somewhere. I know and I think yes. I'm a pigsty is he thinking there's heaps of Bushland around where I live. This is this going to happen to me is it's a my parents going to get hurt or as my pet going to get left behind. So that's something that it is hard for children to grasp. Yeah how to make sense of these big world events in their little tiny world of safety and comfort. Yeah. Is it's really challenging? Yeah, and I think you know, so pleased that Emma's going to do this because we really just want to get some information in one place where and and there are great articles out there as well. So if you're looking for something, yeah, you know go to multiple sources because you make pick little things from here and there but as you were saying m is going to write just with some information on where to start. Yeah, and if these questions are asked yeah, you know how it is almost like panics. Times where question might be asking just like I don't know that's move on quickly get your books out because I don't know what to say. So exactly and that's looking like it's okay not to know. It's okay to be an expert on natural disaster. What is it? Exactly? So as much as we try to keep our children come I think one of the best things to do is model calmness and model how you want the children to react and stay calm yourself, even though that is tricky and then pause maybe go step. Out at break or whatever access your guidance counselor access as a teaching colleague who may have had experience in in trauma kind of recovery or and yeah gather some information or even like you said just do a quick Google because there is so much information. I noticed there's a lot of information out there for parents of school aged kids, but there's not much for teachers of school. Yeah, so that's what we're going to try and fill that gap for you. But in the meantime yet, definitely you can like you said Bits and pieces because talking to Children about these events is the same if you're a parent home if you're a teacher at school and that's where working together. And yeah, I'm filling in those gaps for them is going to really benefit them long-term. That's right. And there's kids, you know, they're going to have you're going to get different I guess thinkers. So there's going to be some kids who are just really deep things. They have been thinking about this and it's been on their mind and they've been worrying and they may have some really intense questions that they've been Really sitting on and think about and then you might have some other students who it's you know, not as pertinent for them or it may not be as much of a concern. So I guess as well, it's it's not everywhere. You know one size isn't going to fit all yeah. Yeah, that's such a great point. I completely agree even in my own family. Yeah. I know. My kids are so different. I'm gone three kids who are school-aged and one of my boys is particularly concerned and that's just him like he whenever something happens. He has all the questions. Yeah. It's It's Tricky even with three to isolate him and have some quiet time with him so I can imagine with that class students. When you get out Harry question. It's going to be you know, a bit of a strategy a strategic thing of how you answer that how you come and I guess comfort that child and help them get through that. But also how you protect the other kids who are hearing the questions as well. Yeah, and one thing I do just want to say as well as what we're wanting to do at teach that as we've sort of Taken. It a step back and said we want to talk directly to the teachers who have been impacted. All the schools have been impacted because we want to find out exactly what you need. So we don't want to just sort of jump in and do up a pack of things and send it and then have them be like what half this stuff. I didn't have or need we want to be able to talk directly to say tell us. What did you lose that you want or need and the specifics you got a favorite type of brand of sharp Bookshop. Brand hang on, you know Dexter next to feel so proud. Oh my goodness. Advertising's got to me, but you know what? I mean, like if you if there's something in particular that you had that you lost. Yeah, can we help in a hopefully a very directed way? Yeah. So if you are a teacher who's been directly affected by the fires, if you have lost stuff from your classroom, if you've lost your classroom, please do get in touch. You can email support at teach You can also message us through our message little Message box on our website which will pop up and greet you when you visit the website and you can also DM us on Instagram or Facebook and we will get to you ASAP with a little for contact you and we'll find out what you need. So yeah, we're all about helping teachers everyday, but in the face of a crisis like this at like we were saying it's not going to just be no this week this month. It's this is going to have repercussions for years. Yeah teachers, you know a so self-giving and Sacrifice so much of their time making creating resources building up their collections. So it's not just losing stuff. It's like, you know, if you lost your home, it's their emotional attachment. And yeah, well, yeah, we totally understand that go in gently. Yeah not just to overwhelm with yeah, here you go. And I also, you know, we have had contact with some teachers who are like, thank you. Just not yet. I just need to yeah process this I need to think about it. I need to work through. A few things. I need to work out my home situation and then I'll be back to you and I think that's wonderful, you know take the time you need and then we can talk. Yep down the hill here down the track. That's right. Exactly. Fantastic. Yeah, so some of the things kids might do if they are feeling stressed or anxious or upset be unusually worried asking a lot of questions feeling sad bit. And they might react with changes in their behavior. So a child who's normally very outgoing might become withdrawn. It's just a matter of and the hardest thing for teachers is we don't really know our kids yet. We don't need all yeah, or do you usually cry a lot during the day? Well, yeah, we don't know so it's going to be tricky to kind of gauge that but we want to support you as you return to school. So some of the suggestions that have been made Made just to be honest, but not overwhelm kids and I think that's what you were saying before like, where is that line? Yeah, it's easy to say I'll be honest but don't overwhelm them. But what is that? So I don't know. What do you think going going with them the minimum kind of answer and then build on it if they have more questions or how would you how would you start off with a quick like I'm thinking? Okay a question that my kids have asked at home is could is this going to happen to us is em how You how would you go about answering that? Yeah, I mean gosh that's it's I think you know for me and again, my son has asked the same thing and I really just spoken to him about well, you know, this is where the fires are at the moment and yes, we do live in there. So, you know, as you said there's trees around us and so you have was very honest with him said yes anytime fi can get somewhere but we are very lucky to have, you know, great Services here where we are in Brazil. Lisbon where they will they can come and help us and you know, we would all be together we would stay together with stay safe and but yeah It's Tricky and my son's 5 so for him to sort of wrap his head around that but he seemed to take comfort in that we would all go together. Oh, that's yeah. Yeah. Yeah and but as a teacher, you know, I think that would be saying well as your family, you know, it would stay with your family and they would you know be with whoever it was part of your family, but that seemed to comfort him. You know, he even asked me with about the animals would it have hurt them? Oh, it's just was like, oh my goodness like yes. Oh, you know how to talk about that, you know? Yes, it would have hurt them and you know, where they scared. Oh, yeah. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Yeah, and he thinks that he's very he's a very deep thinker my little one the things will come out with so, you know, yeah that was a bit of a thing where we had to had to I couldn't say no. Yeah. No, I didn't help. Oh, that's right. You're being honored to say, yeah. Yes, it would hurt them, you know and but some of them are being saved and they're being looked after and they're at special places where they've got all the things and but you know, maybe we could donate to those places to give them some more things and they might need or look what supplies they need. So I think he really wanted to help you. So if there's a way of getting involved with helping. Yep, and that's one of the recommendations to make sure you get your kids active and thinking about positive changes they can make so maybe your class could Run a fundraiser or start the Run letters writing letters were to the movie fire service or something or taking them who's lost things for they write a letter to those students sang with thinking of you or you know, that would be about that something that kids are very capable of doing and late last year. We sent a heap of letters through rural Aid to the farmers who were experiencing the drought and the messages that kids give are so real and gorgeous that we heard from her allowed there really lift. Our spirit so, you know even sending things to something rural townships or yeah, it would be really really helpful and something that's very easy to do. But another thing that is recommended to do with kids when you're answering their questions is to focus on all the positive work that's being done and to show kids all these amazing volunteers rural fire Services just even people in the community just everyday people and the amazing efforts that people are going to fundraising Oz is donating money. I mean You are he's a hard time to find money to donate but you know, it's just incredible to see how much the public is amazed helping. Yeah financially and it's it just blows my mind like all these are so generous and showing kids. You know that that that's a community that really is helping out whether you are in one of the fire affected communities or not. If you're an Australian, you know about this in your trying to help trying to figure out a way to help so so getting your kids involved if you're wanting to help Meaning to them why we're doing this or you know, what? Can we do? Yeah, but I like the idea of the connection with the schools because there is school. They can understand that some students lost their school. Yeah. So what can we do for those students? Well, that's right to them or lets, you know, make them could even make like a little video or something. Oh, that would be nice. Yeah. Yeah so easy to do as well didn't you get it to them immediately? Yeah. That's yeah, that's another great idea now, there is a really good behind the news Episode by ABC online and I Put the link in the comment section. Yeah. Oh my gosh. I love it. It's only three minutes long but it just goes into and it was made back in about October at the beginning of Bushfire season. They had already been quite a lot of Devastation even then but just really breaks it down in a way that's very child sensitive and appropriate without any graphic images, but just letting them know this is why this is happening to our planet. This is why is this happening to our people? So and even that can some for some students again? Who are you? Little bit of those deep thinkers. They need to understand why yeah, you know, why is this happening? How did it happen and even looking into the video? Is there a way that it could be stopped or you know, how could have been fixed a little bit more or exactly long-term things that we can change not just short-term things that we can help with but actually making changes for the for the long term to get to make sure that we either pause this where it is even start to make make it better. Yes. I may need to know that information. Yeah, and even if we you know how to play Actually even know at the moment. What's actually yep what how that's going to happen or if it's going to happen. So that's also part of the conversation is well, you know, they're actually working that out at the same time. So maybe we can keep an eye on it. And yeah, we see things we can talk about it or yeah. Yeah. Yeah exactly and also because like we don't want to make the media sound like this big terrible scary thing. The media doesn't amazing job for us, especially our national broadcast of the ABC like an incredible information is being dispersed, but we just need to know how to use it properly as adults teachers. Children that the news is amazing because it helps us to recognize current warnings. I think that that could be quite comforting to children to realize that all of these grown-ups in our world who are very very clever putting together this information to protect us so that we know when we need to leave if we are to leave and that could be an interesting unit of work. Yeah looking at how the media are and even social media things like that can be used in different ways. To disperse information other than just what people are doing or yeah, what you had for lunch as opposed to this could be used to actually help people to get information out there and but then also for maybe older grades you could even touch on how that can sometimes be misconstrued or misused and information is getting out that's not correct. Yep, and then it builds and it builds so I mean what an interesting unit for older students that look at that. The fake news shall we make one? Yeah, I think so. I think that's done. I mean like news like what they've been saying some of the things that have been coming out and it's spread and people are jumping on it and they're sharing it the tank. You know, that in itself is looking at that for students to understand that even in this type of thing it everything that you read. You may need to put a bit of a filter over or check some other sources other than social media so true to go. Okay. I'm reading this. Is it a hundred percent before? Where I go and jump hmm. I'm going to get a bit more information. So I mean that in itself gosh how many lessons have we got on that? If you as a teacher needs some counseling yourself, there's heaps of places that you can access that but beyond blue and Lifeline come to mind. So if you're having a lot of difficulty processing the events yourself, please do seek some help for yourself as well because this is a really traumatic time and stressful time for us professionally starting a new year. And have this already a lot. Yeah, it's already a lot and to have this coming in on top of that and it could become quite overwhelming so reach out to one of those services and and it could potentially be you know, rethinking your first couple of weeks of what you're going to be doing. If you need to change to sort of assist your students in settling in when they've already feeling and particularly in the areas that have been affected. It could be a different stuff to the year. Yeah just being flexible and it Have to be getting straight into pre-tests and assessments and things like you can just take a little while and it's a very busy time of year. But yeah just take look after yourselves and look after your students now just do what you have to do to get through the next little while. Yeah, and I think you know for those people who are affected and those teachers who lost their classrooms and their schools just know that where our thoughts are with you and you know, we really feel for you and you know, people can say oh and I've heard, you know, it's just Classroom but it's your room, you know and you've got all of your things in there and it's your memories. It's still there's just so much goes into our room. That's where we have our kids. Yeah, and they are our kids for a year, you know. So yeah, it's a big thing. Yeah. Well, if you do need to reach out to us, please do that through one of the ways that we mentioned before if you know someone who has been directly affected and could use some support or some help if we can help in some way. A are the nominate them by getting in touch or get them to get in touch themselves, and we will do our best to help you out. Hmm. Thank you for joining us on this episode of the bars, and we wish you the best with your start back to school. Yes, all the best. Bye. Bye. Thanks for joining us for another episode of the buzz by teach starter. We look forward to bringing you next week's dose of teacher inspo until then just remember you've got this
"Black Summer" is Australia's worst bushfire season on record. Lives, homes and livelihoods have sadly been lost. Communities have been left devastated. Schools have not been spared. Worst of all, it's not over - weather forecasters warn that drought condition combine with dry heat and wind, more fires are imminent.Among the unprecedented events of the summer so far, with the tragedy being reported around the clock in a 24-hour news cycle, we've also seen incredible acts of bravery, compassion, empathy and generosity.Teachers may be anticipating lots of questions and comments from students when returning to school.In this episode, Jill and I talk about some ways to reassure our young students and help them to feel safe in a tumultuous time for us all. We also reach out to fire affected teachers to connect with us at Teach Starter so that we can help.EPISODE WRAP UP:Media coverage of disasters can trigger a strong emotional response in people, and children can be particularly sensitive. They might:Worry the same thing might happen to them.Worry for their parents’ safety.Feel sad about images of animals that have suffered or perished.React with changes in behaviour.We want to support you as you return to school amongst this tragedy, and so in the coming weeks we will be bringing you more information about how to help your students navigate this tumultuous time, as well as helping you yourself.Emma is writing an article on how to navigate this time with your students. I’ll be interviewing her to see what she finds out from experts in this area.If you’ve been directly affected, we’d love for you to message the page and we’ll be in touch to help you out. Likewise, if you know a teacher who needs help, please flag them with us.For now, some suggestions include:Being honest with kids but not overwhelming them with too much information.Making ourselves available to answer their questions.Helping kids get back to their normal routines: playing and learning.Give them some ways to help (writing letters, fundraising).Show them all of the heroes – the amazing people doing good work to help out.There’s a great Behind the News episode by the ABC for kids here: you yourself need some emotional support, please contact Beyond Blue or Lifeline for counselling.
Hello, I'm briquette Ash and welcome to how Healthcare happens brand new podcasts from Cardiff and Vale University Health Board all about how the NHS Works in this episode. We're out in the community. We paid a visit to Lansdowne surgery in Canton in Cardiff the chat with one of their GPS. Dr. Karen Pardee. Karen is a GP, but she is also the lead for social prescribing for the whole of Cardiff and Vale, uh be and that's what we popped into chapter about we talk about some of the examples of social prescribing in her area of Cardiff some of the examples that have stood out to her from across the region how and why why can make a difference to people's lives and some of the outcomes that she's already seen you may have seen the news that Karen was part of the team involved in the next bike on prescription ski in Cardiff that launched a few months ago, but there is more social prescribing than just next bikes. In fact, there are dozens and dozens and dozens of opportunities for people to get engaged in the communities in various different ways. I even up to carrots opinion on the type of social prescribing that she would recommend for me the answer to which I'm genuinely interested in we discuss all that and more coming up. Today's guest is dr. Karen Pardee a GP at Lansdowne surgery in Southwest Cardiff. Hi Karen. Hello. I think most of our listeners are probably familiar with what a GP is but maybe not all of them will know everything that the GP does so to begin with. Can you just explain that part of your role? Essentially GPS are there to provide holistic care for patients? So we see all patients from when they're first born, right? You to the end of life and we basically support them with all of their needs that they have during that time particularly as GPS were also very interested in health promotion and not just seeing people when they're ill I like to think of GPS as the connection that people have with the NHS in their local community and I suppose that is kind of what you just described. They're a constant. They're always there and people can go and talk to them about more or less anything when it comes to Health you mentioned holistic care and that's kind of what I wanted to talk about today in that part of your role is the lead for social prescribing at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. This might be a big question. But what is social prescribing it's a very difficult question to answer and I think social prescribing means a lot of different things to different people. But essentially it's all about linking people in with their community. What's going on in their community that can help support them particularly with their non-medical needs is GPS with very highly trained to help deal with people's medical problems, but often not so were highly trained to do it help deal with some of them or social problems that people face and inevitably everybody has a number of needs which can be medical psychological or social and all of them are very intellect with each other social prescribing is really about trying to find that support for people. People more looking at their social needs than their medical needs do people come into the practice with social problems, or do they come in with a what they would think as a medical symptom that you could identify as related to something else. I think it's quite a mixture the a figure that's often quoted is that 20% of people come to their GP for non-medical needs, but I think it's not always so easy to Define it as that. Sometimes people do come with social needs. Because they don't know where else to go and you mentioned before that GP is very much that constant in the community and it's a very trusted role and people do come to their GPS about all sorts of things. So it's not always directly Medical but very often it is very much interlinked with their medical problems, but we obviously recognize that some of these social problems have a big impact on their medical needs as well. Are you able to tell me some of the examples of the types of social problems that you've attended to? But there are a great many but I supposed to sort of things often relate to things like housing or debt or employment or lack of employment, but it's certainly not restricted to those. That's just a few examples. There's a great almost Limitless number of things that people might come and talk to us about even with those examples that you've just outlined I can see how it could affect your health in the long term through stress. You had problems with your housing and you know that could affect your respiratory condition. If you've got damp or something like that then if you didn't know where else to go the GP would seem like a logical. Yes Port of Call. Absolutely. Yeah, I guess another big example is social isolation and that can affect people's mental health a lot. And I think that's something that we look to support people with quite a lot through social prescribing helping to reduce the isolation link people in with others in their community. And that in turn has health benefits for them is social isolation a problem that you see a lot in Cardiff it is this it is seen a lot. Yeah. Yes among all groups of people and I think often we think particularly of elderly people living in their own home maybe not able to get out so much. They can be quite isolated. But all sorts of people can become socially isolated and it's probably a bit of a factor of living in cities as well where it's probably more. And why more prevalent in cities traditionally, the more rural communities are closer and people know each other better, but it's not always the case in cities. So I think it can be that people can become more isolated in cities. Yeah, I can understand that as well. I'm sure a lot of our listeners can sympathize. So from what you're saying. It sounds to me like the role of the GP is changing from one that treats purely medical needs to one that as you say can take a holistic approach to different needs that people have social prescribing is the toolkit that GPS have to treat these needs. Although having said that I think GPS have always really had much more, you know had a holistic approach, but I think we're just getting many more tools now to support us in helping people with these needs traditionally. We may have just kept a little notebook with a few names of key organizations that we happen to know about but I think we recognize that that Obviously isn't consistent across all GPS and and also we can't possibly keep track of the number of organizations that there are hoping support people in their community. So I think social prescribing is really trying to make it more effective and more accessible for everybody. One of the things that we've spoken about in a previous episode. That's just come to mind is something called Health Pathways. Yes, and I know that you were quite heavily involved in health pathway. Yes. Yeah. That's right. Do you think in The future social prescribing might feature on that. I certainly hope so. Yes because Community Health Pathways which are guidance to help GPS refer people to the most appropriate source of helpful them and that's not only secondary care or other Healthcare organization, certainly social prescribing forms part of that. So I'd very much like to see fantastic. Do you find that in your role as a GP when you prescribe someone one of these activities or Services that were talking about. Do you see a reduction in their attendance to your surgery or do find that you're prescribing them fewer medications? Is it having that sort of impact it's something that we're in the process of formally looking at to try and get some data. I mean anecdotally I can certainly tell you that I have had patients who have prescribed various activities and certainly their attendance of GP surgeries as a result. All of that has been a lot less because they're finding that support in the community. And also just some small pilot studies we've done we have seen a reduction in prescriptions as well particularly looking at things like antidepressant prescriptions, but we're in the process of trying to formally evaluate and to actually get some evidence behind that but it is something that I would say. I've definitely seen and seen people benefit from if you follow that logic then if people are benefiting from In the community, that means that they're much less likely to be admitted to hospital perhaps. Yeah. Absolutely. Yes, and that is one of the the key outcomes that we're hoping to see is that we will be seeing people who are supported and cared for close to home and with a reduced need to go into hospital if it's avoidable obviously hospitals are still always going to be needed but it's about trying to provide that that care and support for people close to their home. Yeah. Let's just focus on on one small example is a small example. It's one of the largest issues facing Health in the UK and that is slips trips and falls. If a patient came to see you and you were worried that they were at risk of falling is social prescribing something that you would consider selling would consider it. Yes, and there are a lot of community organizations that are providing the sort of strength and balance type exercises. I mean Tai Chi is a prime example that's becoming increasingly popular in that. Really helps to support people in those sort of activities that help to prevent slips trips and falls. So yeah, there's certainly a lot going on that can help and support people because obviously one someone's had a fall if they're elderly chances are they'll be admitted to hospital for absolutely days and something that I never realized before I started working for the NHS is how quickly your life can change when you are admitted to hospital. Yeah. Absolutely. Yes. Yeah, very very Very big changes happen, particularly and thinking about elderly patients if they're immobilized for a time than that can have a big impact and on confidence as well, which is another big factor in people's Independence when they come home again. Can you give me any other examples of the types of things that you're prescribing people? Well, I think so people is one of the key projects that we have in our cluster is a gardening project called the grow well project and we set it up in collaboration with a local charity and it's run by a therapeutic Gardener who supports people who come along to the gardening sessions and we as GP practices within the cluster will prescribe. Pull to go along to those sessions and we've seen huge benefits to the people who come along to those sessions and it's not only for the people who come but also for the community around us. We've got a one of the gardens is here at Lansdowne surgery. We have schoolchildren who passed by in the morning who pop in with their families to it on their way to and from school and it just promotes a really positive and healthy message. I think for people what sort of thing. Are you growing in the garden? So it's growing all sorts in the garden. We've got small apple trees. We've got he's lettuces flowers. We all sorts of things and all the produce obviously, you know, our volunteers will take but also people passing by will just come and take the produce as well. And that's part of the reason for having the garden is promoting healthy eating. I assume you give it away for free. Absolutely. Yes, so it's really opening up the Let's see if healthy food for people in this local area that may not be able to afford it. Otherwise again, yeah, absolutely. Yeah, so we're recording this podcast in October 20 19. Yeah, I guess you've just had your Harvest for the year we have yeah, although things do happen all year round here. We've got a very talented Gardener and he just wanted to keep things going. All right all year round. But yeah, we have had a harvest recently. Yeah, so you mentioned a term when you're describing the garden and that I'm not sure. Everyone will be familiar with and that is the cluster. Can you just explain that very briefly clusters were formed around five years ago and they are aligned to the local Authority areas boundaries and they're called Primary Care clusters. And these are groups of services within a community who are joining together to help to provide the best services within that community. So Example and the lead for card of Southwest cluster and we have 11 GP practices within our cluster, but it's certainly not only GP practices that form the cluster. We've worked very closely with third sector organizations and with other Community Health and Social care as well as other community health providers such as our community pharmacists optometrists and dentists and it's about all of us working together in an integrated way and helping to to provide the best services for the people within our community the tend to just be GPS that engage in Social prescribing or do those other Healthcare professionals have access to it as well very much other Healthcare professionals, and we've done a lot of awareness and training within our cluster. So all of our reception staff and all of our Health Care staff are all trained in Social prescribing, but we're also now looking at moving more widely. We've got some Community Navigators who we work with and they're very much now going out into the community and looking at training up anyone really in Social prescribing so we can all help to support each other within the community the role of the community Navigator sounds really interesting and it's one that I have not come across before you say they work out in the community training people are training people in Social prescribing. Yes, who were they training at the moment they are looking to train particularly. People that maybe work more sort of within Healthcare settings, but they would go out and train for example even people in shops or community centers and we're looking to really broaden their roles so that we can involve more members of the community and are they part of the GP practice or a part of the Pista? They're part of the cluster. I mean again different areas do social prescribing in very different ways and within our cluster. We have we work closely with a third sector organization and they have Community Navigators who work very closely with the GP practices, but also with the community as well fantastic. So as I mentioned at the start of the podcast, you're the lead for social prescribing for the whole region that is Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan through the health boards primary community and Intermediate Care team other than the work that is going on in your cluster. In and out of your GP practice, are there any examples of social prescribing in Cardiff and Vale that really stand out to you certainly in the range town area. They have health promotion fares there and I did see recently there was one that was took place in a mosque all around health promotion, which is particularly supporting the minority ethnic population in those areas. So that certainly stands out in other areas in the north of Cardiff where there's more of an elderly A population there's a lot of social describing which is relating to people with dementia and their carers and carers are people that often have a lot of social needs and become quite isolated. And so social prescribing is an ideal way of providing support for them looking at the Western Veil again, they've done a lot of work looking at supporting people with dementia and also they're doing some work looking at more rural communities so we know one of the biggest issues facing Healthcare in the UK at the moment is sedentary Lifestyles and obesity. We recorded an episode with dr. Tom Porter the other day and he told us that over half of all adults in Cardiff and Vale a classed as overweight or obese with a fair amount of adults also clusters said entry in that they do less than 30 minutes of exercise every week can social prescribing begin to address this issue. Yeah, most. Definitely. Yes, and we do see There's a lot of people that won't want to go to a traditional exercise class or a gym or a swimming pool, but we'll go to a walking group or come to a gardening project or you know, take part in activities where perhaps the prime reason isn't to get exercise. But exercise is part of that particularly in sort of social groups like a walking group. And the other thing that social prescribing can do is to help support people that maybe we can't access the more traditional forms of exercise and one example of that is in one area of our cluster with setting up walking groups for women because certainly some ethnic groups where women will only take part in women-only activities and So that obviously helps to support them and helps them to get physical exercise. So I think social prescribing can play a big part in that fantastic if someone wanted to get involved in these Groups or activities it's not like they need permission from their GP to get involved is it it's social describing is linking people with what's already there in the community. But also it's looking for gaps so that if there is something like a walking group for women and we identify that something that's needed. We can look at how we can set that up. But no, it's definitely not something where they need a prescription for it's really just about linking people up with what's there and what's happening. Anyway, is there some sort of central database? S of voice things that you can get involved in if you're a resident in Cardiff in the Rain, the daoist website is very good source of information and we'll have a lot of this information there, but we're also looking at setting up a social prescribing platform which will be across the whole of Cardiff and Vale and that'll be a way as well that people can link in and find out what's happening locally within their own community and how they can help to get involved and access those things great. Now just out of Interest. I was just wondering if I were one of your patients and I came to you what activity would you recommend for me? So bit about me in my mid to late 20s. I'm not as active as I could be I have asthma I like to be social but don't always find the time and say all of that was starting to get on top of me a little bit. What would you recommend? I think I'd probably recommend something which has elements. And of volunteering in it because volunteering is something that you can do which can help link you in with a lot of activities such as you know, involving physical exercise which are communal so you get to know other volunteers as well. And there's a lot of evidence around the health benefits of volunteering and how that can help people's sense of well-being. So I think I'd probably be looking for something with a volunteering element in it. Something like good gym would be very good. Good gym. Is a an organization where people will meet together as a group will do some exercise from which I understand is usually running and they will then run to a project where they can help to support people whether that's mowing somebody's lawn or helping move some furniture or decorating and then they all run back again. So there's volunteering it's helping to support people and also a communal activity where you're getting physical exercise sounds great. Great. I might actually look into it. Okay. Talk to Karen party. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you again to dr. Karen party GP at Lansdowne surgery and the lead for social prescribing a Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. What a fascinating chat and really interesting opportunities for people living in not just Karen's are of Cardiff, but I think all over the city as well as develop Morgan is clear how these interventions can make an impact in people's lives, especially when we think about reducing the risk of people being admitted to hospital. Although it's not conventional. Medicine it seems obvious that people should be supported to be as healthy as they can in their communities, whether that's through taking prescription medication or through activities, like walking gardening cycling and socializing if this can keep them healthier for longer than out of hospital and that is a huge win. Not only for them, but for the NHS as well, if you have a topic that you'd like us to cover or someone that you'd like us to interview, please let us know you can email me at news at whales that NHS dot u k or contact me on Twitter. Twitter @ CV underscore, uh be please remember to like And subscribe to this podcast and leave a review if you can I'll just help us spread the word about all the good work that the NHS is doing until next time. I'm bring kentish and this was how Healthcare happens
How would you feel if you visited your GP and they prescribed you a cycle ride or a bout of gardening? Social prescribing is a way for GPs, nurses, and other primary care professionals to offer people a range of activities and services instead of, or alongside, prescription medication. It's revolutionising community care in southwest Cardiff with other great examples across the city and in the Vale of the Glamorgan, all of which aim to keep people healthier for longer in their homes and communities. Leading the social prescribing agenda in Cardiff and Vale UHB is Dr. Karen Pardy, a GP at Lansdowne Surgery in Canton, Cardiff. Karen kindly agreed to chat to us for this episode to highlight some of the great examples of the work that she and her team are doing and ultimately, it can keep people from being admitted to hospital. Bryn even asks Karen for her opinion on what type of activity she would recommend for him! If you're interested in some of the opportunities that we discuss, you don't have to have a referral from your GP, you can visit the Dewis Cymru website for an idea of the services and groups that might be in your area.
Do you have a story that you tell yourself about why you can't have what you want about how you're a victim or about how things that happen to you or bad? And they just aren't there to help or serve people get in your way, you know just stories that are negative. These stories will ruin your life because if you tell yourself that this thing happened and because of that I can never achieve XY and z or I had Did this happen? And so that's why I'm not happy. You're stuck. You're rationalizing your poor results. You're basically explain to yourself how and why you can't have what you want. And in that case you're burning all your energy and all your resources on dwelling instead of progressing. And if you continue to tell yourself these stories your life will pretty much stagnate forever. So long as you have a story about how this is holding you back or that person did something to you and it's not fair. You can never truly breakthrough. I used to think that when bad things happened it meant that the world was against me it meant I wasn't meant to have what I wanted. Maybe it's an opportunity for you to rise to the challenge and that's what I realized. I realized that wait a second just because something bad subjective, right? Right. It's happening to me. And something is difficult doesn't necessarily mean that I can achieve my goal. Maybe in fact, this is a test perhaps it's a challenge that I need to overcome to prove that I have what it takes to achieve my goal. So then when I started creating YouTube videos for the first six months nothing just crickets. Nobody watched nobody responded nobody cared if anything a few of my friends kind of made fun of me and really it was heartbreaking because I really wanted to do it was my passion. It's my purpose to just help other people live their dream. I was under qualified. I didn't believe in myself right side all these odds against me and you can easily say well, it's just not meant to be you don't know anybody on the inside and you don't have enough help or support system. You can expect to go and Achieve old. Things and then I said to myself. Well, maybe this is a test to see if I really really want it and so I started studying marketing. I started studying how to make better content. I improve my character my speaking abilities improved and all of a sudden things started to go my way my first client my second client and no time. I was making six figures. I was my business journey and health. I lost over 30 plus plus kilograms and I Ember in the beginning I would try workout program. I would try diet. Yeah, it's not working for me. My weight isn't going down. I've been on it for a week. Give up two months later. Try something new try for a week. It didn't work drop off again. It's not working right? It's just it doesn't work for me. I'm big boat, you know, it's so easy to find the story too attached to it. It's so easy to rationalize to yourself. It's not fair resist that Temptation those stories are what ruin your life not the things that happen to you. Now one point in my career. I developed really really bad RSI repetitive strain injury basically, meaning that I've wrists were pretty much useless. I couldn't type anymore which was one of my main ways to really create content, you know producing come and in general just working with clients. I would take a lot of notes so So all of a sudden my main tool for doing what I love to do has been taken away from me. And I remember the first thought that came to my mind was like why me. I'm just trying to do some good here. Why is this happening? I'm trying my best. It's not fair. Right and then I called myself and I'm like, wait a second. That story's not gonna help me out much. And so I changed I changed the story to this is an opportunity for me to grow. I'm going to improve as a coach. I'm going to improve my memory so that I remember more About each client that I work with what they're going through so I don't have to take notes. I'm gonna get better at making videos. So I don't have to right. I'm going to get better at speaking off the cuff and improvising and improve my characters speaking ability again, and guess what my business doubled tripled things got even better. Where is it could have been the end of my career. Oh now I got to do something else because I can't do this because oh, well this happened to me right and it's so easy to look at it that way. It's so easy to get swept up in your emotions and these thoughts that really aren't serving you at all. But I want you to resist that Temptation and truly take the time to carve out a better story line that fits the end goal create your own narrative. Don't get caught in your old thinking Loops if you're still stuck and you don't have what you want. It's because you're thinking in a way that doesn't produce the outcome. So change your thinking change your perspective and the Things outside will very quickly change for you. See it's not about what happens out here. What happens out here will happen regardless of what you do you can be perfect. You could have the most sincere intention and just pour out your heart and try your very best and things still may not end up working out. However, how you interpret that results and then continue to move forward and continue to take action is what really determines whether or not you get the life that you want or if you get stuck and Rationalize everything and then there's no way out. There's just no hope because once you really buy into that story, once you're really convinced yourself that this is what it is and there's no way and I'm just not good enough or whatever it is. Right. I'm just too I'm too injured. There's no comeback for me or you know, I'm just too overweight. I can't get out of this or you know, I'm just I'm so messed up in the head. I can't really grow anymore. I have all these limiting beliefs. There's no way right or I've been making the same income for 20 years Raphael. No way for me to double it. Now of course there is but if you tell yourself that and you truly believe that and you buy into that, I guarantee you will stay stuck. But if you take back go get your money back on that story, right you take out all your investment into it all the emotional attachment that you have to telling yourself that this is why you're stuck you're free you can do whatever and that doesn't mean that you get everything you want right away, but if you're persistent and you truly truly commit It you truly can have what you want. Your goals can really be achieved. I'm proof of that in my own life and I never believed it. I used to wish for things now I go out and I get him whatever it is that I want. That's a real possibility. If only you will change the stories that you tell yourself. I hope that you've enjoyed this video. Be sure to drop me a like to let me know and also make sure that you've subscribed to the channel so that you can keep up with my newest uploads and also hit that notification. Well, if you want to get notified every time that I upload.
I share with you how your mental story is ruining your life and how you can change it for the better! S U B S C R I B E : Coaching with Rafael: #BreakThroughLimitingBeliefs #LettingGoOfLimitingBeliefs #LimitingBeliefs #YourLimitingBeliefs #TellADifferentStory #BreakTheChains #MentalNoise #GetRidofLimitingBeliefs #BelieveInYourself #BelievingInYourself #LawofAttraction #PersonalDevelopment #SelfImprovement #SelfHelp #Motivation #Motivational #MotivationalSpeech #MotivationalSpeaker What is a common mistake people make without realizing it? They keep themselves stuck. They keep themselves from what they want. That house, car, relationship, they can have it all but they keep themselves stuck. At least, unintentionally. It all comes down to the stories you tell yourself. What is one area you are stuck in? And Why are you stuck? The way you answered is what keeps you stuck. “I am too messed up in the head, I can’t grow anymore” “I can never get consistent, so I will never be successful” “I am from the wrong background, I will never be rich.” You let these stories wander in your mind without realizing the repercussions. The reason you have been stuck is that you have bought into these stories. Now you might say, “My situation is different, you don’t know”. That just proved my point of how engraved these stories are in your mind. The only way to get unstuck is to recraft these stories. Turn these stories upside down so they work for you. “I know I am messed up, accepting that is the first step to getting better” “If I find what’s blocking me from being consistent, I can be successful” “ I am from the wrong background maybe that’s a good thing as it will fuel my work-ethic” Create your own narrations. Don’t let these measly stories have power over you. You are so much greater than these stories :)
He said it was a virus that annihilated the human immune system. Tuberculosis was a global epidemic that killed 1.6 million people in the year 2017 emphasis on the word was as a YouTuber exert one a proposed. Imagine if in the future all of these were true sound quite promising for us. I'm born and in this episode of The Dog Whisperer is I'll be talking to dr. Edmund on a Malaysian infective disease specialist who has been working for quite a number of time in the UK back. Then people who were affected by HIV were known as HIV sufferers, but nowadays they are HIV survivors and as mainly thanks to a special therapy called heart. Haart how very own guest dr. Edmund Ang has been directly involved in the development of heart. He has been a part of the building blocks of understanding HIV ever since it was first discovered 36 years ago. Now, dr. Edmund tongue is a full-time lecturer in Newcastle University and is currently in a three-year secondment period in the Malaysian Campus of the University aiming to part his deep deep wisdom about medicine aside from that I guess is really been putting his foot out there in terms of infective Medicine. He's had research that has gone and is still going on in Myanmar about infective diseases and low resource settings. He's also been involved with medicines son Frontier, which most of us would know as Doctors Without Borders during the Ebola outbreak. Now this is a lengthy episode. But I hope you'll be as taking a back as I was when I was diving into the life of dr. Edmund on especially in the bus that means section where common myths around HIV including homosexuality arises and a word of advice from our guests since we're talking about HIV and infective diseases. We must be mindful to put aside whatever stigma that we might have and approach the topic with an open mind and an open heart. Are you doctor? Thank you. I'm very well and takes a pleasure to be actually interview on this podcast. Okay, and that they've been looking very much forward to this event and to share some of my views and ideas about the great outer aspects of medicine. Alright, so as they start like to just kick up this situation here, I'll talk a little bit about your experience with the medicine Sans. And also the Ebola outbreak, can you find it? Okay. Yeah, I'm infectious. This is a physician and I went into infectious diseases essentially at the beginning with a very naive view that a lot of the patients with infections and I see are going to be potentially curable people will get better by simple intervention now in that context Lobby. Whole is that know when I started my career and training? It's really not the case. Okay that for example, as you can see ebola is a very deadly diseases actually the West Africa outbreak that started in 2013 and progresses on no into nearly 2015-2016 was one of the worst deadly outbreaks of an infection that actually I had a very high mortality rate. People that gets the infection died very quickly very very sad indeed okay in their contacts and that it took a medicine some Frontier. Okay, who is a history NGO The Doctors Without Borders? Yes, right. Yeah. So Doctors Without Frontiers, okay to highlight the urgency and the issues surrounding this particular outbreak and I suspect it's because it was affecting a part of the world where property is. Is so prevalent and that a lot of other countries was not aware of this particular issue and okay. Now you can say as much as you like, but we'll have organization. Yeah, I think it's been quite clearly shown as well that will have organization did actually meet it to a number of mistakes of not highlighting this particular outbreak and contacts. So it's an msf international was formed. On the ground. Okay way if you look at how the epidemic for started from Guinea spreading on to die Liberia and then subsequently to civilian. Okay. I am fortunate in such contexts that I supported them smsf International for quite a number of years with a lot of other work in that context. What did you do in the it essentially? Okay. We provided the training on the ground. Okay, and the wonders of of Technology. Okay, we have actually had very secured telemedicine connection, but that I could be sitting in Newcastle. Okay, we've worker in the front line using a high-definition head cam camera right in the field Hospital talking to me directly and me being able to advise. Okay. What about your dad precisely one hundred percent? Okay, it just shows the Advances in technology. Okay, telemedicine has got a huge role. Okay in such a setting okay, in terms of training and even okay in terms of made making diagnosis and management in that respect. I can tell you a very good story. Okay in the context of an incident that actually happen way a natural fact are very well qualified any consultant who is a volunteer in a field hospital. It was asking me says Ed. I'm not quite sure. Sure, what's wrong with the 16 year old kid, you know he had Ebola and he we treated him the service Associated him with fluids and he on his latest measurement of his PCR which is the measurement of the viral load is undetectable, but he is not waking up. He's still comatose. Okay. Can you just come in with me? Okay, I'm gonna go in and I'm going to go on out and we're going to see the patient and you can actually see the patient with me. Okay? Okay, so he went in and I Good, no, rather shameful lie. I must say sitting in the comfort of my office in Newcastle could see what he's doing. Okay, and he was examining a patient with the nurses. Okay was turning around the patient and he says Ah, he signs has happened. What changed? Okay, his neck is very very steep. But he would open his eyes and said, okay just roll him over says her so he did roll him or her and indeed he's got such a stiff neck and I said to my colleagues as he has got God and CNS, in fact yet. Okay. He needs a lumbar puncture. Okay, then and as you know in a field Hospital, you're not going to have cityscape talking about of facilities. Okay, so it's okay. Let's do that. Okay. So if the nursery actually turn around the patient and their actual fact the very little anesthetic in did a lumbar puncture as soon as his needle when in the CSF short out or we high-sided so high pressure and I said to him agitated says this is CNS infection called cryptococcus meningitis are you don't actually have to look into the microscope. This is the pressure also hi-yah and why does this keep the needle in there? So he kept a needle in there. And then as soon as the pressure is relief this young 16 year old kid start to go start a wake up. Literally. Okay at the end of his lumbar puncture needle poke in that context. So I said right you got a diagnosis he needs treatment. This happens to be one of the comb abilities in a country like Syria and Iran for that people are at risk of having another infection just doctor support so it just shows okay in the context that telemedicine has such an important role in actually assisting and providing Health Care intervention in really limited results setting. Yeah. Okay, and that's what msf is very good at It's amazing. So you work with msf before right? So but before that you were also is it before or is it after that you were involved in the research facility in Myanmar? Yeah. It was actually after okay. It's actually my interest in South Africa and koalas Rule and in 2006. That's when you may have be a way of the outbreak of xdr-tb, which is highly resistant drug-resistant TB. Where number Of co-infected with HIV individuals actually died from this particular resistant tuberculosis very very quickly and unfortunately during that period of time okay about three healthcare worker also acquired infection. So what's actually true that experience in Kuala zululand that I developed an interest is really from into drug-resistant TB, although I had we had an interest in TB and HIV is as far back as during my registrar training days. Okay, Byron start training days was around in Period of 1987. 1988. Okay way I actually had my first memorable patient which presented with a very active faculty be of the neck. Okay and round about that period of time was the start of the HIV epidemic in the United Kingdom and I heard all about HIV before Ki gauge waited in III HIV started to actually make the headlines around about 1981. You may recall that night let you want the center of Disease Control through a publication called more ability and mortality weekly report in June describe five cases of people presenting with pneumocystis. Carinii pneumonia. Okay to be given they really don't know what this okay do to okay. It's very new at the time and date. Time, okay. It was a year later when they discovered that this five individuals have got such a shattered immune system. Okay that the immune system really they don't have any secular dating functional CD4 cells is actually known precisely that's how they actually coined the term acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. There was even before they identify the value in 1983. If you I wasn't even born then. Okay, so when I heard about this is a fried. Okay, and it was quite devastating at that time. No HIV was more or less a deadly disease with the death sentence. So did that perturb me on hindered me into going to the specialty? No, I said to myself really I think you know, this is a new disease entity. There's no cure for it at this moment in time. They will be quite exciting to be involved in looking through the hole from the start to perhaps know. What we eventually will come up with a cure. Okay that contacts so that's how my interest in TB in association with HIV came along. Okay the in the during the years of my registrar training and my time in Kuala Zulan, okay in the context and subsequently in 2014 around the same time of the Ebola outbreak. I actually getting good opportunity through the Royal College of Physicians. Go out to maila to actually undertake postgraduate teaching. Okay in let's okay. So when I went out there there was my first time when I started to actually get involved okay in looking to see what countries like and quite quite surprisingly to me. Okay lived in the inner cities, you get all the usual wealth and so forth. Soon as to travel out five six miles of the city. It is clear this birdie very property. It's about the fourth poorest country in the world. Okay, so I got involved with teaching training and subsequently. I also got involved with health charity, which is called medical action Lila. Okay that particular charity is a hundred percent funded externally. The government is so poor. That is no funding to run of any basic Healthcare at this moment in time. There is no universal healthcare. So I even though you are back where you need medical interventions, whether you go to any of the government hospitals, you have to pay the sum of money medical action environment provide. Point of K free edges K is privately funded. Yeah, okay and funding a from either Grand living bodies or Charities. Okay that context so at this moment in time, there are 10 clinics scattered throughout the whole purpose. So while I was there, okay, they got 200 Medics that runs this this this network of clinics and I trended at the the Medics. Okay, and the nurses at the same. I'm have undertaken a number of research projects to try to see whether is there anything that one can do? Okay, in terms of simple intervention that can make very very significant outcome in that sort of local sector, right? So that's what makes me tick. Okay get to be able to see and go okay with efficiently to be efficient and obviously the things that we do here in well resource country and I will say Malaysia is relatively. Well, right. All right, it's all right. Yeah, but UK zones obviously will result in parts of the world like things really are quite different in that context. So that's what makes me Sparkle. Okay, and that's what makes me think and in that context and yes, we have undertaken a number of drug-resistant TB projects out there particularly more to what we called Intervention implementational sign. Research by EU actually applied for a grant that will involve some sort of treatment intervention so that you're not doing what we call Blue Skies research where you just look for new and things we like yeah. Okay. So I the things that I mean like to get involved with is things that I hope at the end of the project will make a difference and record a hundred percent. Is it same as translational research? 100% and it has to be applied and relevant to that part of the world as you can do as much as you like, but if at the end of the day if it costs tens of thousands of ringlets or Pounds to make the intervention, it's not worth today. That is what I call Blue Sky. Okay. So you are funded by Newcastle for the research live. Do you have the number of external agencies already? I'm going to pick up Grant from the global fund. Okay? Could be a grunt from some of the charitable organization United Kingdom. Okay, particularly for the HIV work undertaken. So there's a lot of a lot of external agencies. Okay, we have to beat for it. Okay Astro and and furthermore this this organization would also want to look at the sea. Is this blue sky research or is this something at the end of the day they can go to make a difference to the people. All right. Okay, so let's rewind a little bit. Okay talk a little bit about you. And how did you come to be a an effective medicine specialist? Yeah, right. Okay. I actually got my MRCP my membership of the Royal College of Physicians that are relatively young stage of my training. Okay, do US during the second year of my senior house officer later training and I actually didn't know what I was going to do and and have a got an interest in. Okay. What's the right towards the tail end of my second year and I then went to to have a chat with my supervising consultant and it says right why don't you take time out perhaps to do some sort of a research or secrecy whether you can can can come up with any interest that you may come along and actually fact research post came up advertised at the London School of tropical medicine write and research work was on malaria. Okay, and can I tell you at that stage of my career? Sir, I don't know. I didn't know anything about malaria. Don't worry. It's very rare over there. So I went down to talk to this supervisor who is actually the proof of belly. Mellaril gok he is an expert in the he does nothing else but for malaria and everything and they said okay and he said to me, right? Okay, the job is yours if you want it. Okay make about it means that you have a week. Midget to educational spending some time in the lab. Okay, which we can give you the training and so forth, but there will be a bit of clinical work or to go out to the field and Soulful. So when back as a can I it was a Friday because I scan I think about it. Okay, I so I went back home over the weekend talking with my family and so forth. So on the Monday as a right. Okay, I think let's have a go. Okay is relocating myself. Okay from the north right down to London is got her done. Yes a big step. And London professionally is a great place but not quite sure about leaving the stepping stone to go into training in infectious diseases. So I went to Manchester at mon-sol hospital, which is one of the Because I D unit in the country. So I spent two years. There is a registrar in two years as a senior registrar and was a chair towards the tail end of my senior registrar years. Okay. That's where my interest in HIV and TB came along right? Okay in that context and I have never ever look back. Okay, I've been fortunate in many aspects. Okay because of my interest in HIV and TB that I've seen the start of the epidemic of HIV right through the last 36 years. To its present-day, okay, which which which I think I'm being really really considered to be privileged to have gone through and see all the various bits of it. Okay, I participated in clinical trials. Okay, making sure that effective highly active antiretroviral therapy what they call Hot therapy comes to being. Okay before 1995 1994 HIV It was untreatable. Untreatable people die from it very quickly, but when hot therapy comes along, okay, I'm a quite fortunate that I was part of the network of investigators that actually did the clinical trials with it's okay. Okay, and that my prisoners everyone start to smile. Okay, and we're fortunate the unit that I work. I got appointed as a consultant back in your Castle in 1991. Okay, so he can see 1991-1994. That's why we did on the clinical trials. Or the three for years people were starting to smell. Okay, if to say in the clinic, okay, no longer are we asking patients who are newly diagnosed to actually think about retirement preparing for the inevitable. And so for now we tell them that firstly do not give up your job and you're going to lead a normal life number one and you're going to lead as normal a quality of life as The normal person walking down and I use the word down in Northumberland Street, which the men stood. Yeah. Yeah team was smiling. Okay, the contacts the whole emphasis of educator of HIV was not towards death and dying anymore. It was actually making sure that people get back to work and lead a normal life is very functional. Yeah. 100% 100% okay in the context, so I honestly hope that this is going to be translated. Hopefully two countries that has got low resources and that's where I'm going to concentrate whatever professional life span that I've got. Okay like that bit to actually bring this two countries. Okay, then contacts and we are partly. They're not fully there as well. We're getting late. I think we will I have a feeling that if there is Will and if there is political will as well politics is quite important in this recipe. Okay? This can be a chief. Okay in the context. I'm sure you heard about 19 1990 Target of the United Nation. It's 19 9 90 90 90, and I'm not sure why not don't worry. Okay, don't worry. Okay, the 1999 T Target rates of unaids. Instead if you want to interrupt transmission of HIV by 2030, which is very optimistic 30 not too far from now. Yeah, you need to actually test 90% of the population at risk for HIV to give that test. So 90% of the people that were tested subsequently positive 90 percent of that group of individuals have to go on Treatment and 90% of that individuals if they go on treatment ninety percent of them have to achieve undetectable viral load for undetectable viral load simply means you cannot transmit HIV infection. Yeah. So that's the nineteen ninety. Ninety United Nation targets for 2030. Do you think we're getting a number of countries achieving it? Okay, but some countries are not so I think we have got a bit of time. Here you go. Eleven years and a lot of the countries that have gotten not that sort of resources to actually implement this needs to open up and says, please come in. Okay, and let's do this as a team. Okay in the contest. Let's talk more about the low resource countries. But before that I would just like to ask so recap. So you did MRCP. Yes, and then was there any special special and the exam writing? I'm one of the four very fortunate one that after my ma the mCP is a stepping stone to any training program in any bits of internal medicine. Okay be infectious diseases respiratory Cardiology gastroenterology. You need to have your emails. P to enter into training program mmm. I was one of the inverted comma all school training program. Okay. We're also get an ample amount of CPU compete for a registrar training posts, which usually it's two years and after the registrar training posts after three years. It was compete for a senior registrar pause, right? But now in UK it is what we call you got two years as a foundation. Dr. F 1 f 2 they got two years in Co medical training CMT 1cm T2. So after your CL 81 CMT to you should have got your membership to be eligible to apply to what we call a specialist training program. That's when you get appointed as st3 level. Yeah, so like for example infectious diseases, there are quite a number of training programs. Okay, you can be trained in infectious diseases or General Internal Medicine. You can be trained for infectious diseases with virology. Okay, you can be trained with infectious diseases with microbiology. Okay? Okay. So those are the three Main most popular drinkers of IT training combination. Okay, you can be trained solid Tree in infectious disease alone, but very few people do that. Okay, that's like more like a jack of all trades, right? Okay in that context Malaysia slightly different. Okay, because now I do train a number of the doctors from Malaysia because I've been quite fortunate and begin Malaysian myself. I've taken a number of doctors from Malaysia and other parts of the world to come to my unit for training. I recently just had add specialist that can just spend his last year of this Fellowship in infectious diseases from Malaysia in Malaysia. You have to become a specialist in Internal Medicine first. All right after the MRCP before you enter into a tree year fellowship program in infectious diseases provided by the public universities pop provided actually provided by either the Ministry of Health. Okay all one of the university, all right. The university stipulates if you're going to use one of the stimulus University program is what it called a master's in medicine and met okay mnb bracket infectious diseases. Okay, so that is acceptable. Okay in the context, but the fellowship in infectious diseases is a possum our CP three-year training program. The first two years is really going through all the various aspects. The core elements of what ID specialist should know the third year is At times the the trainee can decide whether they're going to spend that final year abroad to get some training right number of people going Australia. Okay number of people go to UK. Okay. So this particular individual who is now in structure in the hospital for like actually decided to come over to you know, Castle. Okay, and it just finish in October. So now he is fully what we call trained in that context. So the next For him would be a consultant pulse. Then he is now in Malaysia. I normally yeah, so that's the training aspects of being an infectious diseases. Okay physician, okay, and in that context, so yes, it's doing the the great thing about infectious diseases as a specialty particularly in the United Kingdom. It's very popular highly competitive. So that's that's that's that's the that's the that's that's what at times could be a hindrance to a lot of other people. Okay, because it's so popular to a lot of people want to go into the training program. So I'm at times. I'm very fortunate. Okay before I got sick on that here in you met I had eight trainees. Well, okay and there are just about the best group of trainees. I can wish for because these are the cream, okay. Go into the training program. Okay, and a number of them will have MRCP and none of them would have finished your PhD as well. Okay, so they all this other people that score points on the application and subsequently country related doctor. Yeah, but it's very interesting exciting as well. And these are the people that it does not just people that have got a focus in just simply blue skies research. Yeah. Okay, so I'm quite pleased that within my department there. There is this culture of thinking. Yeah. Okay, we can do the amount of these things here in the United Kingdom. We need to think about how applicable it is to outside outside. Let the video on it to go into the low resource countries. What is the main challenges it diagnosing or is it treating or is it stigma stigma is definitely one of them okay stigma and getting access to access to health care is Actually challenging is it knowledge and access or is it like awareness awareness? Because they are for people don't see themselves to be at risk for HIV. I'm not seeing themselves to be at risk for tuberculosis. So they don't seek medical help and partly because of the structure of the Healthcare System. Okay, a lot of people because you go to the Hospital or clinic you have to pay. So a lot of people then go and sick alternative medicine first because it's dead Jeep. Okay is a fraction of what they pay. So they will go to all the alternative no outlets and so forth and it was actually then when they're actually not getting better after them after duration period of time there is a better go to the hospital or finally go to the hospital. Okay, so that's the mean precisely so that's the Swapped do the patient sort of a access to treatment the other aspects of treatment is that some of our clinics that are support some of the individuals sometimes have to take up to two to three days to travel to that particular clinic. So that's really the challenge is again problem type so you may get a patient. So we have been actually utilizing a lot of what go point-of-care testing point of K intervention. Point of care treatment. So therefore we actually do the diagnosis make sure of everything treat them on that day and then making sure that where they are got likely going to be so we have got a lot of work Community Health worker. Okay, then we'll be able to track and go and see this patient if they don't turn up all the community health worker go and express supervisor treatment because of no treatment for tuberculosis straightforward is at least Months and are very challenging and have 2.3 cisely and people have to take the medication. Yeah 100% So therefore no we're going to make sure that the patient finishes of the treatment hmm. Human beings are human beings, right? Okay. I'm particularly in poor resource countries. Okay, some of this individuals who say ah, I take my TB treatment two months into it. I feel so much better than your wife or I need to take another four months of it, right? Right. So the default treatment, they don't come back you need to go and hunt and station to make sure that listen you need to finish our trip. Okay, because in actual fact we have got the funding to give TB treatment for free. Okay, people don't have to pay for it. Okay in that context, okay in our setting yeah, so that's where the challenge is going to be. Okay in the context of understanding of their disease entity and therefore the importance. Of actually adhering to the treatment and completing the treatment in so this is really in poor resource settings. Okay in that context because at this moment in time now practically a lot of the HIV medication provided free of charge okay to O Lord to put the pulley results country. Okay the contacts so it's education education education access access okay in that Next and last bit of question on that which one would you think would be better for governments and policies to be set up so that you have more facilities spread out or to have more health care workers stationed out. Yeah. I think I think in geographically challenging environment. Okay one needs to think about innovative ways to actually gain access and patience to be easily accessible. Able to the treatment centers. Okay. I think it's well and good to have a bright and shiny. Okay, tertiary referral centers and Soulful, but at this moment in time, I think basic Universal Health Care coverage is very important. Okay the context mean if you ever raise any building, but nobody can go there last night was a binary. Yeah. Okay hundred percent. Yes, right. So thank you for that now since he HIV E + TB always comes together almost always right frequently. At least we're going to move on to the next section of our podcast which is called us. We were taking questions and that common misconception QR code exam and we'll just ask your opinion about it. Okay. So for one HIV was acquired by humans in the eating monkey brains that now I'm gonna no no. No, I'm off that. Myth. Okay. All right in the context the first isolate as far back of the IV HIV isolation that spec as far back as 1959. Okay, it's okay. So it's actually yes. The origin of hiv-1 is still relatively contagious. Okay in the context that we don't know exactly but the group of opinion that is actually Like mentally from the primates that this is come from okay as I've uh, yeah in that context. So I think I'm belong to that group of individuals that think that it's actually from the primates hiv-1 and hiv-2 is a bit more straightforward HIV to we know it comes from the sooty. Mangabey Apes. Okay? Okay, it should be to hiv-1 how it probably is from the primates. Okay in the contacts and that If you sequence that particular sample from 1959, you can see that a lot of the kerbin viral sequencing of the viruses belongs to the same family tree. Okay, so that's where it comes from. Okay, there's no doubt. However that HIV transmission is actually through bodily fluids. Yeah. Okay the context okay, but obviously know if you think about it that if you have got An infected material and you've got lesions in them in your mouth. Okay, eat infective material and lesions in the mouth that could potentially transmitted infection but there's no doubt. No HIV infection is through bodily fluids. Okay, and then was during the initial years of the description of the epidemic before they even identify the virus then they could work out. How was HIV transfer student. Okay was true bodily fluids. Okay blood. No bodily fluids milk. Okay in that sort of context. Okay, but you need to have that virus in those material to transmit it. But somehow the primate version of the virus has converted into a human version. Yes, somehow somehow your true true true evolution of the virus. Yes, and they quite rapidly evolved. They are very beautiful. All right. So with our next question with current new treatments at this day and age. Can you cure HIV right? I think there has been three cases of Q okay for HIV, but it's true a very complicated and hazardous procedure is true bone marrow transplantation. Okay, but there are only three cases so far reported in the literature okay in that context and new way. We actually make this as they attend the treatment of HIV we can however use combination of antiretroviral therapy to treat HIV to a level that it becomes what we call undetectable to the extend that it became then none transmissible. Okay. So the IE if your viral load is less than 50, okay you Have got practically zero risk of transmitting your virus. And if you suppress your bowel up to that Salon level, it gives your immune system the opportunity to recompensate and regenerate itself to build up your immune system to a level that you can have a normal immune system. And when that happens you are in a position to lead a normal life. Okay, bye normal here. I'm assuming like Example the common understanding is that if you have HIV would have to always go with protected sex so note if you are undetectable, so okay that the but you don't have to yeah, undetectable viral load equals on transmissible. Okay in the context isn't that amazing? There is a very amazing amazing. Okay, then which means that if you on regular follow-up and your own treatment, and if you undetectable you do not need to actually take A caution as far as transmissibility of your HIV and is treatment is a lifelong treatment lifelong change at this moment in time. Okay in the in that in that context. Okay. So like for example in United Kingdom or in well resourced countries. Okay, if you are HIV infected on regular medication and regular medical follow-up, you can have a life insurance. Okay with no problem. Okay, you can apply for Baggage with no problem at all. I can tell you a bit of a story okay of discordant couple. Okay IE the husband is positive. Unfortunately true blood transfusion to wife is negative. But the husband is under my K on good treatment undetectable viral load good CD4 count the wife. Unfortunately. It's got diabetes and Insulin dependent diabetes. So they were both planning for a holiday in the United States. Okay, so the both applied for travel insurance, okay, and have a guess the husband's travel insurance because it's got undetectable viral load under good follow-up is practically a tenth of what his wife travel insurance has because the wife is insulin dependent diabetes. Okay diabetic and they were so upset. They came to see me sir. Why am I is it my wife travel insurance is 10 times premium more than me. This is insurance companies have got this and I understood the whole thing. Okay that having HIV under good medical treatment and treatment. You lead a normal life. Yeah diabetes has got a much more issue with long term complication. So it just shows how the whole thing has turned round. Okay in that context, that's pretty cool. Yeah, but can you still do need blood for know at this moment? In time I you are not in at this moment in time because that there is still this is to get there. The guidance is still there. Okay, but I think it's highly likely going to be changed in the future in the familiar and undetectable hiv-positive. Yes fish in cash. Let's go. Yeah and furthermore. They are accepting people who are undetectable viral load for organ donation. Oh, oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's pretty good their contacts. Yeah. To the next myth TB is easily spread in public transport. What do you think about that? No, no. No, let's let's let's bust that myth. All right, let's to transmit TB. You need to be next to a person fairly close who is coughing. Okay and has got present someone called acid-fast bacilli in his sputum. And the category of someone that is at risk of acquiring TB from infected individual with an open cavity rule lung disease is that that individual have to spend at least 8 hours per day with that individual and that is how we use that criteria for contact tracing. Okay. So IE if you happen to be in a household that someone has been diagnosed with open typical. That means coughing with SVC. Like if you've been in that household and a policeman in hours per day, if that individual constantly, then you are at risk of acquiring TV. There's no like if you just for 15 minutes is not going to happen. Right? No not happen Okay, because that context yeah. Yeah. I can I can categorically you know this myth that myth. Okay, that's nice. So the two questions that we have here, why are the African Americans the ethnic group with the highest risk for HIV right? If you look at what actually has happened with HIV epidemic? Okay the context it's a bit sad. Okay the context that the actual fact you can the 1959 sample was actually an African. Region throughout okay that the epidemic was not recognized early on. Okay, if you look back to the old medical literature, okay, there were a lot of description of a disease entity called slim disease SL. I am sleeping disease because people don't actually know what was wrong with the patient, but it was actually essentially a term for requesting disease people become very wasted a very simple. Hmm, and it took A group of Pathologists. Okay, thinking back true after the HIV epidemic was described and realized I didn't own the HIV epidemic was actually the Americal America setting that was recognized and sold out. Okay, and then they went back to see and what actually happens at they've got some of the samples of this people that have died from sleep disease and went back to look back to all the specimens. Okay, and practically Over 80% of the specimens are hiv-positive for people have not recognize it so until for unknowingly has been transmitting the disease in that period of time and to focus unfortunately wasn't there frico. Okay in that context, there is also a story to this. Okay, the strain in Africa is quite different from the American strength, okay. That context so they don't fall. You may want to ask me so despite 36 years of what we have learned and natural history. Okay into treatment at all the advances why is there not an effective vaccine and why that is the case is because the virus is quite clever. Hmm, the African isolates. The variant is quite different from the American isolates. They change regular cisely they change regularly so I either If you device and innovate and the vaccine for American population will not work at all in Africa. Yeah, see that's where the challenges so they are still challenges even though they've been major advances. There are still challenges Steph. Okay, so to our last question then in need so we all know that. This is a bit of a controversial topic. But we all know that in meal with male sexual relations. It hosts about 20 times the risk of Contracting HIV. And in in that behavior in that activity that is a receiver and then there is exhibit. Yes. So in the question is in MSM male sex with males. The receiver is at higher risk of Contracting HIV then the giver accessible Percent, okay. So if you want to use another term, okay. I like your terms. I think I think it's a very good generic term for the general public to to understand. Okay, but if you put it in the medical context is called receptive intercourse, or are you practice insert of intercourse? Okay. Okay. So someone that is actually practicing receptive intercourse are more at higher risk of acquiring. Uh, I bet someone practicing insensitive. Okay boss. So if you think about it, okay in particularly, if you're talking in the context of men who have sex with men your insert if the person that inserts are can practice in certificate sexual intercourse is going to be the person that ejaculate right? So is the ejaculate of the fluid that contains the concentrated virus? Okay, there are so therefore there is the guided practice. Sensitive intercourse is going to be the one that is higher in contact with in context. So it's fairly similar if you think about. Men heterosexual setting hmm. Why is a women at high risk of acquiring HIV and it's the same principle. The man is the guy who is infected. It's going to be one that will be ejaculating with the measure viral infected fluid into the female. And the female is the one that has more second highest risk of acquiring HIV. Essentially, it's just previously. Yeah, so I'll show ya I mean very good Christian. Okay in the context offer assisting risk. Okay, and that's why I times when you're working in such a setting do not be afraid to us about sexual practices. Okay, because it gives you a bit of idea in terms of the risk of that particular individual assessment of their acquisition of HIV, okay? Right. So that's a very comprehensive and very very nice session. So to end this are there any advice for medical students or the general public that you would like to put it? No. No, I think I've been really delighted. It's been an incredible past three months that I've been here for really enjoyed my time and I must say okay that the the students population. I've met just about one of the best I've come across. Really super kidding. Okay, such an enjoyable aspect of the I've got my patient in teaching apart for my research. Okay. I enjoyed teaching. Okay, and it's such a great defying aspects of experience when I teach with enthusiastic patient students who wants to know more and more and more and I think it holds really promising future for the Next Generation you guys Guys are going to be the one that is making the difference. Okay, you guys I got good to be wondering I'm only here to pass on my experience and help you and cultivate you about you guys are going to be the one that makes the greatest impact in what's going to happen in this new Malaysia. Well, that's nice. Well, we don't know what the future so it is quite exciting to see thank you very much for that. And that is the end of the deadly Duo and episode from the dark Whispers. If you liked this episode, please leave your reviews throughout iTunes or 3s at dot underscore Whispers. See you next time. Bye.
Is there a cure to HIV? How do I become an infectious disease physician? Can tuberculosis be spread via public transport? We have Professor Edmund Ong on this episode, he is a consultant infectious disease physician with special interests in HIV and tropical medicine. This man was directly involved in the creation of HAART for the treatment of HIV. He has worked with Doctors without Borders, contributed to numerous textbooks on infectious diseases, and the list goes on. Basically, listen to be inspired by Prof Ed's passion for his job as he shares his limitless wisdom to us students.
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And I did you change your name and then you'd come up with the internet. Maybe I was like, so tell us a little about yourself. You're a model. Mhm. So I model with Auntie agency and I've been doing that for about a year now just coming up to you and it's been going really well, but my main thing is I'm still a student at College in my first year, so I'm only 18 years old. I'm doing drama music and film and it's just yeah, it's going pretty well. You're only 17. Yeah wash. Yeah. Have you finished school? No, I haven't. No I first year. So I've got one more year left and then I'm feeling I'm God the English education system doesn't make sense to me. It's cool. Yeah, it's a bit. So you're not in like University. You're in college. Yeah. I'll say / College. Okay, so it's six year to us Irish people. So it's your last. Year, no. No, so so you do second Drew and you finish your 11? Okay, go to 12 and 13. And then after that you go to UNI or do whatever you want. That's what are you in 12 year 12, so I've got year 13 and then I'm done. Okay. Yeah Jesus they couldn't make it more complicated confusing ours is like you're in secondary school a year in primary school, and then you're inside the school and its first year second year third year and you have to do like you can't like pick. Can pick really nice shot subjects. Whereas we have to do eight subjects and we have to English Irish and maths and but you can do like hire ordinary level. When are you don't have to do eight subjects. People are gonna be like what to do. I had to do eight subjects because I had to do lower level. No, I'm not gonna lie. I didn't find ation level math and then lower level Irish you're going to why am I why is my podcast by the Irish education? Is is this in seconds? Yeah, okay. So when you do a year exams you basically to get like to be able to get the full point. But like only like two people get the full points you'd have to do six higher level subjects and those six subjects like yeah, so it's basically the only yeah, it's basically we do the gcses that the same time as you wish but it's called the junior sir, but then it's just the exact same but they're also good and do a levels. Yeah. Well it but there it's called. Believing search. Oh, yeah, but it's like a lot more as in the grading system. Not the actual exams with like a lot more like just easy to understand. Yeah. Well, it's me because I mean it's like it's just not anyways you guys this is my the secondary level education system in England versus - okay, so I completely cut you off when I asked what made you what else you do? I you're a musician as well. Um, yeah, I mean, I don't Don't do music. Like do it like play gigs and stuff. I'm hoping to I study music in college. And yeah, I was in a bag with my sister. Oh my God, and this guy could Jake and that isn't that was like the shortest thing ever. Like we played one gig and then my sister like ran off with her boyfriend and I was like, okay. Yeah, and I haven't been doing anything since but in college you have to play gigs for your grades what? Yeah, so it's very explain that us. Say like what one a unit and it's like pop music. Uh-huh. So we study pop music and then they're like, okay, so you're going to get graded. You have to like get a gig yourself bucket like talk to people get an audience and stuff and then like you get graded on that so it's cool. But I'm tryna I want to start doing more music. I kind of me and my boyfriend like I've always said no to like playing with him because when you like I just think about band had a couple in any just I just I just all I think about is beer. X Factor and I think that that was really creepy brother and sister but my seems like as in the old X Factor, I feel like I know who you're talking bear broke both blond and they were kinda like em and Ashley Tisdale on your man and I never got any way off topic keep going. So are you gonna pursue music would you ever yeah, I'm yeah, I think me and my boyfriend are going to try and do something together because he's really like he plays like Everything basically so I'm gonna try and do something with him. But I feel like I get really like I feel like kind of intimidated because he's really good and it's like, oh we can't be in a band together or there's gonna be some kind of like who's better competition agree, but you're probably not competitive if you're worried about that. Yeah. I feel like I'm really not. Yeah, I feel whenever I jam with someone who's really good at music that very light. Come on you me. So like loving this or like it gets really like too much pressure. Yeah. Yeah stuff and you're just like not confrontational. So yeah, so it's been like no. No, I'm not jamming with you ever and then like recently it's like yeah. Okay. Let's do some stuff. Okay? Oh my God, that would be sick dog is so cool. So in college what subjects do so I do music performance. Yeah drama and I do film studies. So who and then would you want to go to university to do I'm not sure I feel I don't feel Coming any person. I feel like you have to be like into hanging out with people and like getting to know people. I think I'm very like doing my own thing like me. I tried it. I tried so hard. I knew I knew like I could bear to go to school just regular school day my I'm not going to school so I don't know why I thought that when he was up to me to go in that I didn T go in and needless to say it just didn't work out but I'm doing my own thing so school, but I think that's like kind of a A new thing. We're not a new thing. Obviously everyone always had the choice. But only the last couple of years people have been like, okay, you can be like successful aspirational person without having to go to UNI. Hmm. And would you continue modeling or do you is that like part of your aspirations? I like modeling. It's really like, it's cool. It's like good to make money and like meet cool people and stuff, but I don't like half of me is like it's really good and then half is like it's a very superficial kind of thing, which I don't I think I'd want to do forever and I feel like modeling you can't cause like you have a look and then like you go out of style like no one really like after a while. They're like, oh well, we've done this already. So okay. I think it's it's nice to make connections from and then go from there. But if I could do it for I want to do it like obviously for quite a while more. Hmm But I don't think I ever do it like forever not like full-time like you are like a full-time model. I thought it'd be cool to be. Automotive, I think I would have to like do something else like yeah. I'm really my favorite subject at them in his film. Yeah always been film. So if I had to like choose something to do it probably like you to pursue film. Hmm. I'm in what way I'm kind of acting and film is cool. But I really like like writing scripts or like stories or directing or like just anything. I don't know just the whole thing like filming with a camera because I remember like in every school we had to like do a music video and it was just like it was my favorite thing because I could be behind the camera and like do this and it would just be my own thing. And yeah. Oh my God sake did you ever watch the old MTV behind the scenes? Like they have one for what did it it was called the making of and it was the making of different music videos, but of course, it was like done in the early 2000. So there's one on Britney Spears Toxic. Mmm, and it's like, oh my God, it's the best thing ever because it goes Here like the make them like the inspiration and then it goes to I just oh my God it honestly they're all on YouTube. Not the money sir. Y'all check it out. It's so it's like yeah and what we were talking about your modeling as we were walking up here and I feel like you're such a new type of girl to like see in like the modeling world because I was looking at your modeling Cardwell for a middle loads of reasons like this shouldn't like to find it and I was looking at you you're mopping car time and I saw five for it was like yeah. Yes because I am tempted and it just made me so so happy like do you feel like that is missing from the modeling world. Like do you think there is room for like small people? Yeah. No, I'm really glad that like modeling is kind of changing a lot how like a lot of people on my agency as well on super tall, but we still got really good jobs. I'm just yeah, that was my main concern when I joined I was like, well, I am really sure I thought I was five six as well. That's telling everyone like yeah, I'm five six people and then they measure me and I was like, oh my gosh, but yeah, no, it's good now. I think if I like small people modeling back, then it wouldn't really be a thing. But like now it's cool because your agency isn't really about it. Like okay. If you have this me look if you are this height we need these measurements your agency is just people with like where individuals feel and when they contacted you what like, how did how did you get scared at first? Of all um, well my book and nausea. She works for an time. She Scouts you Scouts like most people and she scared me through Instagram because she just fell upon my page because I think we had loads of mutual friends. Yeah, and she just was like Hey you sign. We really want to sign you. I was like, oh cool. So then I was like she done in the countryside at my Nan's on I got that message and then when I got back to London, I just like went in and Took quite a while to like happen because at the same time I got a contract from Revolt. Okay, which is another agency. It's more low-key. It's kind of like aunties Vibe and I was like, oh, I don't know which one to do but then I just like preferred and to okay kind of suited me mad kind of hard when you have two in front of you. You're probably getting pressure from both. Yeah, but the thing is with Revolt they were like, okay, like are you gonna sign you can assign I was like, I don't know and then Auntie was just more calm and when I went in there just like really cool people. Yeah. And what does what does Aunt I like how would you describe it? Because I've been on the page and it is I as I said, I was like going through like all the models that they have and I was like, oh my God, I follow all these people I didn't even really know any of these people were like models per se, you know what I mean? And that's a nice thing. Yeah to come upon and and there no, none of them are like Influencer types, I like yeah, it's like fucking people purely because they're like different and they have a certain look and it's it's just so refreshing. Yeah, I think everyone answers really individual like it's about I know it's like people who it's like look weird, but it's a good weird. Yeah. It's really it's like an interesting group of people and also Auntie like they don't just focus on like you're modeling they focus on like, okay, so you Given to film like we can like help you like do this or do that so they concentrate on like the person as a whole not just like how you look unless it's a really good agency. Yeah. No, it's incredible. And honestly, I was like look, don't you and I was like what the hell like and you're just telling me some of the people that are like about to be signed. I was just like, oh my God because honestly is Aina and is we're just talked about if you don't follow. What is it Larry David to for her for 20, I feel like it. I'm obviously no 420 but like I always say two forwarding because I feel like I really feel like I know she wouldn't just say like food ready. I don't know why but like honestly she is if you don't follow her you're missing age. She's so she's super cool. Yeah so fucking funny and who would be the people that you look up to in terms of film in terms of modeling and like aesthetic and things like that. Um, that's so hot. It's all question my my like, in terms of film I feel like I can't pick out like some directors and stuff. I really like I don't want to go into like directing music videos and photography but we were talking about now ideally like her style. I just really like it. It's really cool. Yeah. It's kind of like Wes Anderson with the colors, which I really liked his work too. Yeah. I just kind of yeah, I like a bit of directors like here and there like that different stuff like picking out stuff from them. Like I just want to watch us by Jordan Peele. I saw that for my birthday. It's my boyfriend's trying first. Hmm. What did you think hot? Like for the beginning that I was like, what am I won't yeah, this is so random and then like it started to like. Oh, okay. Yeah and then I watch get out yesterday night. I okay. So you hadn't seen Gonna Hate noise birds singing is just like kind of bored. I'm going to watch a film that was like 12 a.m. And I was like, I'm not tired. So I just watched that and I liked his starters in like things he liked it. Dresses like political like low key messages and like his like I feel like I'm getting so much like a film student - his cinematographer know but when you do study film because I still need films out. You can't help but say that maybe like such a knob you're like episode around with my boyfriend's family and they're like, hang on. I think I just heard my camera two seconds. Sorry just completely interrupted aren't top because I'm pyro and yeah, like, I'm at the cinema with my boyfriend's around. Ali and they're just like, oh that movies contract and I'm like, well actually who is like you see the symbolism here. There's like when we went to watch us I was telling my boyfriend and my best friend and me and my best friend both do you film studies and I was like, yo, I just need to tell you Freddy like he like he likes what I think I feel like 2qq and I'm talking to him about film but when I'm like I'm like to do this short is so beautiful. I know right the Well, what did you think of us? It was? Um, it was good. There were a lot of like plot holes towards yeah, or it was like, oh like I was happy but then I was like sad at the end. Yeah, is it I don't want to spoil it. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my God cheering. I don't think I've ever laughs I watched during us because so like I would hate like scary movies that I could deal with that guy because it's on like a hard of hearing but then I'm we like last-minute on my boyfriend's 21st birthday. I was with him and his mom and she's like poker movie in the Stella which is like this really nice Cinema an island. We don't have any boutiques in on it's like the first one so it's like oh my God, I'm such a nerd and so he's like, oh like this Jordan Peele whenever it will go see that and then I looked up housing for idiots a heart like what are you doing and only and his mom and all her sisters were so nervous going into it and they're like the first like, you know, when the following right side that's not a spoiler look. You know what's gonna happen and I'm here just like fuck it was like it was like like yeah, and then you're just like well, it's like I have no later. It's not scary anymore. Yeah, so like cruel and I like 45 minutes into the film when you're just like what's going on. There was a silence. I'm that like obviously this isn't Dublin as out some just goes Jesus Christ after that. Like no one could keep it in like everyone was laughing so hard maybe like I wasn't concentrating like I'm a movie I was like pissing myself laughing. Anyway, that's our critical analysis of that. But I want to talk a little bit about like the bronze that you have model for. So one of the first ones and I think this is how I like find your page in the first I suppose I'm a bruin. So if you don't follow Anna Bruin like And Stephanie for it's the best page like obviously it's a brand but like amateur but it's honestly just the best page even for it because people who wear her hats always cool. So it's just like a good place for inspiration, but she does like for kind of hats she does scarf. She doesn't she'll scoffs and like earrings. Yeah. She's just basically a slick designer and you are her basically like one of the only models like there's the major photo shoot is with you. And whenever like whenever she's spotlighted because like she's in like Vogue. She's in every single magazine at the moment. It's always picture of you. What's that been like seeing your picture and Vogue and every like it's um, it's I like I get my really hives when I see myself like I was in bizarre. Yeah, like evening standard and I was like, oh my gosh, it's like my first magazine thing ever, but but I'm more like so happy it was with Emma Brewing because I've just been following her for so long and she's just so nice and so cool. And to be honest. I was like one they've been like a few really good photo. She's I've had but that's one of my favorite because it was like an all-female crew and it was just really nice and everyone that was super nice and just like her products. I just I'm just so in love with like her whole brand and her and it's just it was just like is it unusual for all the crew to be female? When your shoes sometimes like yeah, but I kind of prefer definitely with the Emigrant thing because I was I was topless in it and I had like little nipple sticker things but I wasn't like I was so glad she told me how it was going to be and she was like, yeah, so it's all female. So if you're like uncomfortable with this like you didn't have to do it. Yeah just really cool and it was just it was nice when it's all female because sometimes I'll be with her mouth photographer and I'll be like Event like oh this is getting a bit like yeah, you know, you never know see what I find hard with male photographer is not that I do is my issue to me. But like is that you you obviously aren't going to presume that all of them are creeps. But like you just it's always on your radar because your girl you just kind of has to be yeah, so it's just like you're more hyper aware instead of just like get it done and because I've heard It's so like so much is coming out now about like photographers and directors and stuff that I just so dodgy is just like in the back like I was literally talking to my boyfriend my friend like it's so hard being a girl sometimes like I feel so uncomfortable like walking home in the dark now like it's just even like just walking from the train station here. Obviously, this is a really nice area that were in but it's really rare that I'm like by myself even just during the day like, I'm always stuck with friends. Boyfriend or like my family? I'm never just because I'm always like surrounded by people have never just like alone. So I was like, this is a really fucking weird and you're so much more self-aware, you know, you like aware of how your hobbies and your like 11 in your life is like so awkward. I felt like that again. I was like, oh my God, who am I like what is going on? And it's so true and then when you're in front of a camera, yeah with yeah, then it's definitely like I've been at some shoes where it's just like to like like we want you to take this off and do this and I'm like, oh, please I don't like it's really yeah. It's been like it's like there was once you like didn't it was like all guys and I was the last Model to get like photographs, even though I was like the first one to turn out. Okay, it's just like it just got a bit like like it was calm because some of the guys that actual guy who is leading the shoe is really calm, but then like it just kind of turned into like I'm getting a bit nervous. Yeah. No, that wasn't really anything to be worried about in your in like myself. I was like, okay, I just need to be like on the bullying like yeah even just being like that. It's not necessarily that you're even like attracted to them or do you think they're creeps? It's just like there is like more pressure but for note for no reason that you can like put your finger on mmm. It's just if it's just yeah that it feels like you need to be more professional. Yeah, and then I saw saw your little mug on unit when I was like going through so I'm like this because I'm like on my phone and I was like, oh my God like that is that makes me so happy because you and Dana are both on there. I'm talking about her. Like I know her I just don't and but it may be so happy because I feel like UNIF represents. Oh, I like it's so much more than just a brand guys, but you know mean like represents something different. It's like the alternative girls I don't know what you mean. I guess it's hard to it's hard to put a finger on but it's like a cool for someone like you. I feel like that's like almost like the Pinnacles like yeah that will unify. Well looks like it's so crazy because you know, if I've literally been following them forever and like my favorite people like I don't know if you know who Devon Carlson. Yeah, she's I really love her style and she's like connected to UNIF. And yeah Sydney he works there as like her best friend and they all like do stuff for UNIF and I just Like the thing is they messaged me. So they sent me some stuff through Instagram and this is just through like looking at my Instagram page. Yeah, um, and then they were like you take some pictures in the clothes and I was like, yeah cool tiger package. I didn't end up taking the pictures because I was just like super it was like college busy busy also super nervous when you receive something from like a company like that. It's almost like too much. Yeah. I was like, oh my gosh. Yeah, that's Brian. And then yeah and then they just messaged me saying oh we Wanna meet like do you want a model for us? And I was like, oh my gosh. Yes, and then it went through auntie and then it went through them the first time and then it didn't happen Okay, and then the second time and went through that hard. Yeah. I was like, oh my gosh. No Andy, I really like it was like, okay, we're going to book you a flight and I was like, oh you're too young. But then yeah, but then like a cut like a month later they decided I wasn't okay was just a very strange one and then yeah, and then I flew out. For just it was a super quick just for a day like it was the quickest I've ever like don't anything. Yeah, but yeah, I just like met all these people in the girl. I was modeling with Maria she isn't signed but she's like some big like singer. Yeah, so she's really like talented. So I'm she was really cool. Just everyone that was cool and they're like dogs on the set as well and we were just having such a cool time and then they gave me some more clothes and my God, which is honestly. Yeah. I hate you for that as well. We were saying before is that like I I constantly have like a list of things that I'm going to get eventually offer universe, but that I never got I can never like afford it and I was looking I like I love it so much. So I was just so happy. I was like, this is all I really want. Yeah anything like fuck the world and then the new clothes came out and then yeah, they message me again like oh, do you want any of the new stuff? And I was like yes this yeah. It's super cool like it was just a Says time that was like one of my favorite things I've ever done to you. It was the best and you were talking about being like too young to go over the first time. Do you feel like that does hold you back? Because I definitely thought you were Elder just because of the way you carry yourself because of your Instagram because your taste it's like more established I suppose and that new like expect. Hmm But I'm so patronising know. I know what I mean. A lot of people are like, oh you must be like 22 or like 21, and I'm like, no, I'm still 17. Yeah, no, it's these. I think the the assumed my age and then they were like, uh, because their clothing they described it as like, I don't know when I went over there like, oh, it's like baby ho clothing. It's like Googling I was like, yeah and then like then Yen and the next month. They're like, oh no like it's fine. Yeah. She just want you to come over here. Yeah. That was cool. Yeah. I had actually see their clothing is like like a lot of it. You're quite like coverage I'd say yeah, that's very good thinking. Yeah. It's kind of going towards a goal. But not too much. Yeah, it's like it's cute. I just oh my God the brand I could talk about. It's honestly the best. Okay, we're going to take a quick break and then we're going to come by. Yeah, it's crazy. I am okay. We're back. Hello. Sorry. Yeah just to finish and I wanted to and it might be a bit cringe task, but I it's really nice to see like a different type of girl like modeling and like a different type unlike not even just like you just like, Auntie. The agency and everything it represents and there's actually an agency in Ireland called not another agency, which is like it's like even has a similar kind of name. It's a similar kind of vibe. So I've heard yeah, they are really successful like all the especially their male models like model. It's I think it's because like Irish models are really in as in men with like big ears. Mmm shaved heads, you know, and and yeah, I feel like it's so important for like a different to obviously and Like time of like people well people trying to be more diverse whether that's like tokenism actually like actually drying but I'm to have a different type of girl in every single way not just like the color of people's skin or whatever but like actually representing like people from who are just in two different things. Do you feel like that's kind of what Aunty is about or what you were right? Like why you have work because you obviously are so different looking and you five four and your mom notary. Well, I think that is what and she's all about like different people who are like I didn't it just like cool and just completely different to what you usually get to for me. I'm still like I think I I'm still a very insecure person. So are you yeah, I'm super like like I'm looking at you and being like I wish I had you know what? I mean? I don't know if I'm comfortable with someone but like on a lot of shoots like I'll just be so like I don't look like this and I'm so like when I do get jobs, I'm like why like did they choose me over like this person or this person know maybe you're here cos I'm here. Literally. Yeah. Well most beautiful people I've ever met in real life. You probably are but I don't offend who is like a massive compliment as well. Like oh, yeah, and I think I do fit the home at like different kind of I don't think I would consider myself as like a basic kind of now, too. Yeah, I think Think it's just like how I think I was brought up and like the people I hang around and stuff. Yeah, and it would have been nice to you think if you were younger that if you're like going through a magazine and or I suppose now you're like on Instagram or whatever anywhere. I like British Vogue or toddler or something like that and you saw a girl that like represented more your aesthetic than like more basic or even just like more and marketable. If you got me would it be like to feel like that's important to be able See girls who like represent a more different aesthetic. Yeah. I think I think you have to there definitely has to be a mixture of people that model because some brands have to have like the same kind of thing every time that's why some I know so many people who like have a different look but they're just not modeling because Brands don't like want that look which is a shame because I think they could be doing so much work but a lot of people push like big Doors or yeah end of I don't know what commercial models that kind of just look the same. I think that's just the thing that's always gonna be there. But it's nice to see like different people modeling. I think that's how the group I fit in is like the kind of odd. Yeah. Well, I think that you're going to do amazing things like you're such an intelligent girl, you're an all rounder and your agency science. Fantastic. So shout out to them. Shout out to them guys. That's one place. I created myself like a shout-out to anti-aging so you never met you before but yeah, thank you so much for coming out. And that was a really really nice little chat. I think I hope you enjoyed your tea. And did I do? Okay guys? So Mimi is also a big default from Mmm Yeah. What do you got on depop that you're wearing right now my new rocks my new rap beats. Yeah. They're the best day. So cool, and they're random things that you wear every single day. Day, like I wear my buffaloes that I got like two years ago all the time and they look like they don't need to look new because no buffaloes. If you get me in there like so comfy. I don't think people did these are super comfy too, but people like they don't look comfortable but the dri just love default so much. It's so good. Yeah, and it's so good for shoes as I was talking about this the other day on my Instagram and like so many people didn't understand what I was talking about. So I just deleted all of it and but That like it's because people pushed like vegan shoes. I feel like now on ads and stuff but like the industries are just popped plastic. So even though I am vegan by leather shoes on deep up and just give them a new life because we can choose our plastic. No. Yeah. We're like, I just like, I don't know. It's just if you can because I feel like that isn't people think they're being like if you're not vegan and you actually just want a pair of shoes. Just go that route. Hmm instead of Buying be countries, and that's my podcast guide and download the app on iOS or Android or had to do pop Darkon together day, bye-bye.
Today I chat with one of my biggest inspirations and major girl crush Mimi Mcvey , also known as @internet_baby . I first saw Mimi’s uniquely beautiful face on (designer) Emma Brewin’s instagram. I was so fascinated with how different she looked to anyone I’d ever seen, with confidence and style. Mimi also models for Unif. This is a girly chat with the most chilled out girl in the world. We talk about school, college, and modeling. Mimi is signed to Anti-Agency, the agency that has individually incredible faces such as Tia Jonsson, Zaina Miuccia and Tin Gao. The agency represents, as they state on their website ( ‘We focus on hand selecting the most iconic internationally based guys and girls with personality, individual style and talent. The agency is for people with real lives on the verge of exploding in music, fashion, art, illustration & the creative industries‘. The collection of faces, shapes, sizes and talents they represent is easily seen in this podcast with Mimi, it is high time we see a different type of girls in our magazines, campaigns and media. Mimi, who is 17..(what!?) speaks so eloquently about being herself and her own person in 2019. Thank you Mimi for being such a legend. Thank you to Depop for sponsoring this podcast. I asked Mimi for her favorite Depop shop (because to be honest she’s so much cooler than me) and it’s @internetgirl .
But one thing that stuck out to me because it really hit close to home in. That is an article by Curtis her bear who's developer of the slopes app. Is it her bad? I don't know Herbert boy. It's difficult because like, you know Stephen Colbert. I don't know. That's I when I saw his name, I thought of like the ice cream sure bear sorbet or sherbet. I don't know. Well surely your Americans, you know, perhaps a Haitian herb to you. It's herb. Yeah. Yeah, you know, it sounds French. He's good. This herb are Welcome to season 1 episode 17 of the Swift over coffee podcast. I'm for Hudson, and I'm Shaun Allen. I think MIT. It feels to me like it's been forever since the last episode. I forgot we even had a podcast. It's been it's been that long because we so the to fill everybody in we did a live episode while we were together in London at the end of March in we did that like three Days after we released the previous episode and we do this once every two weeks. So it's been over three weeks since we've recorded. Yeah, it was hard last time because we haven't had a lot of news happening since the previous previous episode and now it's been like three weeks. There's so much news happens is right, right. Let's do some perhaps do weekly podcasts now Sean. Yeah, but we're back to normal now and of course, we've been through some important times. I believe you are approaching the end of your job search. Hopefully question mark well the beginning of the a right. Yeah. So I have a today is April 14th. We're recording this. I have all my final on-site interviews lined up for over the next two weeks. I'll be doing about four different interviews. So anybody that's done some of those final on-site interviews, you know, the 6-hour ones where you even have a lunch break in between, you know, those can be grueling. So that's what my next two weeks look like. All right, Paul as always it's time for some news and it feels like this happened a long time ago. But again, we haven't had a chance. To talk about it. And that is Swift 5 has officially been released and it's a little weird. I think this is the first major Swift release like a swift three Swift for that was kind of done unceremonious lie, you know, it wasn't attached to a major iOS 13 iOS 12 or yeah, I'm getting ahead of myself and I was 11 or an iOS 12, but I think that's a welcome change. Once again, it is worth saying that I am really glad Apple able to push backs with five. So it's not attached to a major OS bump. Was always a bit of a strange thing, you know, we've got to have new iPhones. Therefore go to have new OS what-have-you ex-gogol have new Swift all at once. It made no sense. This was obviously hard work. There's pushback from Swift through the force of five. They took their time getting it right and I'm just so grateful for that. Have you actually started porting? Kodo? So five now Sean? Yeah. I did that a couple days after releasing. It's kind of funny how I mentioned it was done like unceremonious lie, like of course, I saw it on Twitter, but at work I was like, oh, yeah, I forgot. So if 5 is out, you know, I just had completely forgot about it. So that's why A couple days late, but it was super easy smooth sailing. I had some minor issues with some third-party libraries that aren't updated but that was pretty easy to fix and you know, it doesn't have to do with my Swift source code. So everything was all good. The only thing is like nothing in Swift 5. I'm like immediately jumping to start using, you know, because in Swift 4.2, how is all over hashtag warning? Hashtag are I use that profusely definitely switched over to you know dot toggle and Dot random. Nothing in Swift five is like I'm using like Ideally that I couldn't wait for what how about you. So I moved over all my coat even before we release, you know, I have no patience old code but as you said it wasn't hard, right, you know, I guess it wasn't attached to a dub dub DC. So wasn't any overlay changes. So no apis are being updated to have the new result type for example, and even even like last year's 4.2 release. They added the little dots everywhere. You know, you application dot launch options. Nsattributedstring dot key cathing. Yeah. I'm enjoying little things though, you know the fact that The new conditional try flattens nested optionals is small but it really nice moving on. We have a bunch of proposals that were in review and you know, a lot of them we've talked about on previous episodes. So, you know, if you're new to Swift over coffee go back and check those out but they are finally now accepted into the Swift language and there's a lot of them. So we're just going to kind of list them off real quick sec 0 2 4 6 generic math functions that God accepted with a small modification you no longer have to write import math at the top of your file you just get It by default. I see zero two four nine key path Expressions as functions and SE zero to five to keep half member look up both of those are accepted and one more. We'll talk a little bit about was SE 0 2 4 8 string gaps in missing apis and what this is it's basically nine new methods and properties that fill in some commonly encountered gaps in missing functionality for Strings and its various types. It's purely additive and you know developers were, you know, creating their own versions of these methods and stuff for these trivial death. Shins but don't know longer have to do that is includes things like apis on unicode's various and Coatings to generic initializers for stringy to cease and range of indices. You know, I personally haven't had to use these you know additions but I like the Swift is adding methods and properties to fill these gaps when I saw that proposal SEO two four eight. It was just after I'd read the in patches blog post by the Advent of code where talked about going through this Challenge Series, basically of all problems being solved and EU swiftrage. For them and it was fascinating because these things were trivial to solve in Python Ruby JSP, whatever but very very hard to solve in Swift because of gaps in apis mostly around strings and I thought oh antastic they would Lightning Fast they're going to fill in these gaps at these things in and it's not it's it's it's fairly Niche level things. I've never had to worry about I now have never got to worry about slightly better. I guess but it hasn't fixed. The fundamental issues that in runs into and that's frustrating and I hope they'll Circle back to this again with the Sea called, you know episode 2. Yeah, exactly, right? Maybe my episode 9 Little Star Wars reference in there anyway, and now here are ones that are still in review. And first we got SE zero two five seven allowing comments from multi-line expression list, and this is very very small thing. But you know how if you have a function name? A lot of parameters and each parameter has a comma on it. But if you hit return to take it to a new line This is proposing that if it's on a new line, you don't have to have the comma. How do you feel about this ball will get what get it we're gonna have to see this is a tiny tiny tiny change. It couldn't get much more on this remove comma use a line break to avoid visual clutter. That's it. That's the entire change but It's so challenging because of always had commas here for these kinds of things. You know, when you do you print a b and c it always a comma B comma C. We make an array of five things. It's a comma B comma C comma D. We're just used to that and it's like an argument from tradition the worst kind of logical fallacy. It's I know it's wrong but had them by entire prayer in career. I'm so used to them right but seeing with without it. I see immediately compile errors in my head. That's not gonna work. No II like it for one. I like the clean look of it. You put it on a new line get rid of those useless comments just like getting rid of those semicolons, right? It's kind of the same thing a little bit but I think where we differ here and this I think is kind of interesting because maybe various people in the audience will side with you versus siding with me is like you said, you've been programming for 20 plus years and this is how you've always done it. Whereas I'm like I call a swift baby. I've grown up a swift. So I'm I'm used to things rapidly changing all the A time so I'm not I'm not afraid not. No, I should say not afraid of change, but I'm not against change. So I like this it's one of those places where I'm used to the idea of white space in Swift as being inconsequential nearly always there are a few places where it's required like around operators. You have white space there for example, but otherwise, I don't really care and so if I add some code with a comma B comma C comma D and I insert line breaks in there, I'd expect nothing to change and it wouldn't change that this change either but it doesn't work the other way around. Around if I remove the line breaks and go to a single line act up reinsert commas, because they required now when they weren't required before so it makes white space slightly more meaningful in a way. I'm not used to in Apple's platforms, but honestly, I expect it's like an incurable and you had the iPhone 4 4 S and the five came out and it was like this feels weird liebig it felt huge and now it feels like a child's toy in my head 6 came out and it's like I think he found out it was huge at the time. I've got the Now so it can't go back anymore. And that's just the way things go in it and in six months time when this is finally approved. I think it will go through personally. There is being quite heavily argued in the forum's quite frankly if it happens when we change it'll look weird going back. Yeah in similarly s e 0 2 5 5 implicit returns from single expression functions is room, you know continuing the trend of removing some syntax here. So what this is anytime you have a function and there's only one line. Where you're just like we're so if you have a function that takes in 2 ins, you know A and B, and it returns a plus b and returns an inch and it's only one line This is proposing that you no longer have to have the return keyword in front of that. So more getting rid of it and we're talking about getting rid of syntax and I don't know how I feel about this change, but I'm kind of wondering like where do we draw the line, you know here like how much are we going to remove before it gets ridiculous in this case what we're seeing is harmonization. Because effectively What's Happening Here is it's only one line in the function the function must return something there for that one line must be the one to return something. It's simple, you know deduction, right and that same thing is applied to closures closes do have implicit return key words. We're going to say, you know dollar zero dot name whatever and it knows it means return dot 0 dot name what's in the automatically so we already have half the functionality. So even though it's weird seeing it. You know with four functions full-on functions, at least it rounds out that are a little bit makes it consistently odd, which I think is better than being if you could easily argue no fair point Fair Point wrapping up the new section. We have se0 250 the Swift Code Style Guidelines in for matter. Everyone's favorite. You're right and it's now closed discussion closed. We're no longer talking about it ever again right wrong. But anyway, it had 221 replies in the Swift Forum which crazy and a little bit divisive. I'm kind of I'm interesting to see how this This plays out not many people are saying math right realistically a lot of folks love it, but folks hate it and very people who people in the middle and that's just how it's going to be because it's is basically have an opinion piece. This is not make the language any better. It does enable things you couldn't do before it's all subjective discussion about opinion. It's all what do you feel? How do you think and that's going to make arguments? Yay, and we're about to find out very very soon because it's in review and we should have a decision in the next Couple days, so maybe we'll get my bag of popcorn ready and get the drama going. We'll see how this goes. I'm reaching for it. I can't wait. Next up we have our picks for the episode. What do you got for us Paul? So this time we really in a school by TechCrunch, which I think is interesting in a number of places. It goes on a range of topics with varying degrees of accuracy But ultimately, it's TechCrunch. So it's going to get a lot of readers regards of its accuracy if people believe what they want to believe it's called with a native app developers and it makes a number of points some of which are just bluntly anecdotal at best. For example The all kicked off by saying it's much easier to hire at the pers now than it was two years ago, which I don't know. Maybe that's true. Maybe it's a result of more Swift letters now getting on to professional jobs. I don't know. I think this is a case of like the Unstoppable Force meeting the immovable object kind of thing because if you talk to companies here, especially in San Francisco Silicon Valley, like I've been talking to a few lately in my interviews, they say it's so hard to hire, you know app developers and then you talk to you know, some Junior developers coming up. The Swift owners say it's so hard to find a job. So like, you know, one of these things has to be wrong, right? Yeah. It's about to that horrible Junior hiring fantasy. No one wants to hire Juniors and this is not possible. Right? Right. Well Juniors got to be some senior somehow, right? Yeah. There are also says that app downloads had a poultry air quotes 5% increase between 2016-2018. But Revenue went up by 70 percent which is all that matters to me quite frankly mean downloads. Interesting, you know volume of stuff interesting but making money off. This is what we're trying to do in the first place realistically and that's a massive number 70% We think that the actual has been out for what seven years by that point. Yeah, you know, it's still going up 70% across those two years. Yeah, and I agree with you on this one. And this is the problem with using percentages obviously right 5% app growth in 2016, you know in 2016-2018 like the app stores already saturated in matures, right? There's they stopped even saying the number at You WDC, you know these to say how many millions in the app store or whatever they stopped even saying that because it was ridiculous the big sign check, right? But that yeah, yeah. Yeah how much money they've paid out? Yeah. So the point is as the number gets crazy large obviously, their percentage increase is going to be smaller and smaller and smaller. But like I said Paul 70% Revenue increase that's the bottom line. That's all that matters. The number of apps in the app store has been flat for the last two years. I say and the blame their gift to this is bizarre. It's more stringent Apple. View standards. I thought if anything happens become more relaxed we're seeing in fact Dave vo recently canceled his app review times site because now no longer interesting anymore is like hell a day after a few hours, you know, it was three weeks and weeks. Sometimes I always thought it was because more apps being removed because they were too busy to have new device supporting similar. Yeah. Yeah in in also, I mean your points were very very valid. Another thing to think about too is like I mentioned I think you know, the Gold Rush has been over for a long time. You know people aren't just pumping out 10 apps and hoping one of them sticks, you know, you have to be more focused on one app. So I think that comes into play as well and finally they Round Up by saying I've feed at least slightly uneasy about going all-in at a specialist app developer if I was early in my career and that's just like the antithesis of what I believe like I can never agree with Don says that sort of thing and it doesn't I don't really care. Okay whether you choose Swift or python or JavaScript or Ruby or HB, I don't care even Pearl if you have to does it matter what area you choose but go all in on something it's not the language that matters right? It's your ability to think in a very high level in that language if you always are a newbie at Swift and Python and Ruby and did it. I never really progressed to you no more advanced levels of serious language features, you're never going to really get to think at least higher levels these architectural levels and you're missing out. I think yeah in those skills are transferable from language to language. Exactly. The other thing here is that and I say this all the time that me because I've said I've specialized in Swift I've gone all-in on Swift but I don't look at that as all in on app development. I look at that as I'm all in on Apple platforms. Now, is there a guarantee apples going to be around in 10-15 years? No, but that's a pretty good bet that apples not really going to go anywhere. So whatever their next platform is a rvr voice cars blockchain, whatever they do you can bet they're going to use Swift to develop on it. So I'm perfectly fine. Tying my career to Apple. So all in all a bit of a strange article, but I say it's gonna get a lot of views to want to dress a here and discuss it but I just don't think it really holds up visit much scrutiny. It's a necessary thing because I know like I've seen articles like this and YouTube videos like this and it usually always just floods my DMs and emails people asking me like, is this real? Should I be doing this? Should I be learning Swift's? Oh fuck. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's the whole react native flutter. There's like a new new hot thing, you know every year so not a will see every three months or so right now, I think Yeah. Anyway, what I've been reading in over the time since iOS Khan, so I've been reading a lot actually lately but one article that really stuck out to me because it hit close to home and I'll tell you why in a bit but that is an article by Curtis her bare developer of the slopes app titled pacing ourselves in the marzipan marathon. And like I said, it really hit close to home because the whole point of the article is to kind of like temper some expectations because I don't know maybe many of you out there. I have very very high expectations for WTC 2019, and I think I was expecting a little too much out of this marzipan. So basically this article is all about kind of temper and those expectations in the first line really sums it up. Great when he says expect to see the Swift 1.0 of marzipan this summer not the Swift 5 that we all want. I read only the beginning of the article is published and coaches said something so bizarre. I just stopped reading he said that I've placed decent money on marzipan being a big part of the Apple arcade Tech stack. Which is literally the last place I'd expect marzipan to be interesting cause they already have these wonderful cross-platform Frameworks and Sprite can sink it. Yeah, I wasn't sure about that either. So I kind of left that out of my section off though of this story. But yeah, I don't know what kind of see how that goes. But the overall sentiment is that I just agree with because like I said, I know I was probably had way too high of expectations and what happens when your expectations are too high they can just never be met your ultimately disappointed and I'm just trying to help people avoid that because we have to remember this is like a multi-year project. That's a long roll out and a lot of this information was taken from a Bloomberg report that stated, you know, we're likely to get Universal platform agnostic binaries by the end of 2020 one but this year 2019. We're probably going to see iPad apps get that marzipan love, you know, iPhone apps are slated for like 20 20. So again Lower the expectations a little bit as a whole don't expect the entire roll out to happen in 2019. Do we still believe Bloomberg after that? What a chip story they had last year. Yeah, that was bad. It was and there was nothing no no apology or anything out of them that I've seen. No, I haven't seen the correction nothing. Yeah, it's all silence never happened. No, it's so obviously the entire roll out like oh, yes, every looks now marzipan that's not going to happen. Apple aren't that kind of company? They do things in it real evolutionary level. They don't want to have like a Windows Vista on their hands, but it do I think need to do something big this year because last year was pretty quiet right even though serious Chocolate is very nice. It's a very quiet year and they've tried so hard to make developers build apps for all their platforms and whether the future of TV is apps right but only really iOS has been hit. There aren't many watch iOS apps. There aren't many TOS apps or how many Mac OS apps realistically is not in the App Store. I don't think anyone wants to Mac OS continue this sort of long slow decline. It's on to be great to be something major ship now Curtis mentions in the article. You might be hard to Port. Health kit. I just I just can't see that most of the Frameworks are cross-platform because they have no UI attached Healthcare just some numbers in the big database bluntly ultimately sold it is which things connect to same for home kit or home got ported straight away because it's mostly backend stuff. Right, right. Yeah. What were the first ones home kit? The stocks a pin? I think there's one more voice memos or whatever. Yeah news was that well, wasn't it new? Yeah. But anyway another good point he makes that I like is that you know, Even if your underwhelmed by what marzipan is in 2019 like you shouldn't bash Apple for that and we should kind of applaud them for this new version of Apple because in the past Apple would go away and the little corner for years and then only really something once it was Final polished and done but over the past few years. We're seeing that you know, they're not so much doing that anymore with you know, Swift 1.0 wasn't quite ready for people to use in production due to the roadmap in the rapid changes that were coming. You know, I don't think most people really took it too seriously until like Swift two or three but yet Apple released it anyway. For us to play around with and give the feedback and Curtis, please. We'll see the same thing with marzipan and I tend to agree with them actually have to adhere. All right Pierre pal. She's too soon man too soon. Um, I think it's worth back and put this into context because as you cause have a swift baby, right, but yep, it's easy to forget that Swift 1 beta 1, you know, the very very first version Apple announced which is nothing like once which in some respects already had generics already had tuples already had A doctor has already had type inference already had playgrounds and more. It was lightyears ahead of objective-c header files gone. All those asterisks gone square brackets Galore gone and it yeah, of course, it's grown better since there's more fine that it's much more polished language has its own language really but it's been incremental Improvement on what was already a massive Milestone you modern language. Now what I think we're kind of talking about is with marzipan being potentially. So in the isn't as good as native app kit, like a native app is what was what builds you know desktop software like Pages or logic and similar real meaty applications. If marzipan isn't up to that scratch if it's not as good as the alternative then it's comes down to teams choose to use marzipan for convenience. Like I could use apt-get I'll get better at without kit, but marzipan easier marzipan is cheaper and that is ultimately no better than all those folks arguing for Tron everywhere I know it's time for our open ballot. I'll question this time was have you experimented with suicide Swift? If so, what are your thoughts? And if not, what's holding you back? We're number of folks right in say they're using an actual project Dimitar Checker of says, I love it. I is over back end or one of my apps and it was a good experience. I thought online owed in a dock container. I know all the buzz words now I on said I was working for a start-up. Wu's paper to for our back-end servers and we migrated to Vapor 3x Ron from my experience. It was amazing and yet to use your existing knowledge into development. Jose Reyes said, yep. I launched my portfolio site with it. I really like it. But to be honest were a long way away from the true promise of using server-side Swift because web UI is still HTML and CSS and the tooling isn't there in xcode to support it. It's interesting that these people are saying it is shipping now because I know that in the Couture aside Mercedes-Benz and Ing and similar big companies are shipping it, but I haven't seen quite so many from you know, smaller companies one man bands and similar. I haven't seen so many there. So folks are actually launching it which is fascinating to me. Yeah. I love seeing it. I've said it time and time again. I can design an app. I can build a client. I can't build the back end. So I've been waiting for server-side Swift to be mature and you know being shipped by many popular. The companies to really dive in so Now's the Time to dive in I just gotta just got to find a project in a reason to build it. Mina says, I'd love to and once I want to start but I couldn't convince a project manager in the company. That's a good idea to do it. Now. I'm not really sure if I learnt appetite Swift. Is there any project I can use it for or not? And yeah, that's kind of what I was just saying is you mentioned the small startups like yeah, there's plenty of companies out there using it but I haven't seen or heard of a lot of a small startups using it either what I worry about. Is that if there Reverse of the JavaScript for apps debate. We're all very conscious of saying. Oh no, we don't want react native here to make sense. You just try and use your JS skills everywhere. You should do it in Swift learn sweat as much better. It's very easy to do the same thing in Reverse like this because we can doesn't mean we should write we can do everything in Swift. Let me talk clothing and Swift and it could work out for the best in the long term. But right now as a massive tide of reasons not to use it and it's not just is there a project? It's do you want to have to write most your Frameworks from scratch? Because it existed Swift yet. They all exist like 10 of them custom PHP or Ruby or Python and zero and Swift which is why I've shipped several suicides with framework that do things. I want to do things like simple image manipulation making thumbnails or pictures wasn't available anywhere else. I have to do my own library to support that. So if you don't mind that cost it's more than just the projects is actual cost of building Frameworks supported. There's Mars is here saying they've been learning. Ting not sure where to apply it Mark upon says he loves it but I was taught at first because of the lack of resources showing example use case of suicide Swift however, now there are multiple resources. I feel Community embraced it much more I plan on using paper in the future Tim says so far. My only experience was a switch on Sundays live stream which Paul did we made of API and a matching IOS app, but your Garrison were saying yes both paper and Keturah. Both frame was continuous sure and break ground. I could see me as much information as I can acquire both platforms and plan to integrate vapor into an app ID. I've catering to several business trades one of the many wonderful anecdotes in kenko senders book critic selection is about keyboards and there'd a lot of work on two alternative types of keyboards ones that iPhone like modern iPhone layout and one's a Mac style layout and there's a gorgeous apparently animation between these two keyboard Styles and it had jobs and jobs response was we I only need one of these right like there's no point how you go to animation of what having to brake lever ideas. This is a pointless Choice. Why do we care and I worry a little bit when folks saying the learning both Vapor anger Torah and perhaps even perfect. I'm not necessarily sure the values therefore doing both. I mean pick one do something interesting with it ship it I move on don't dilly-dally around compare both try them out because you just kind of procrastinating. Yeah are they so I'm not again. I haven't really taken a dive in are they Much different or is it just kind of you know small differences? They are this point quite different. I know IBM's trying to catch up with Vapor make was a long way ahead and has been for a while. So it's not easy for them right now. Yeah, I'm getting ready to start these tutorials. I met David Oak and of Keturah here in San Francisco a couple weeks ago we met for a beer and got one of the very first copies of like a free copy of his book after a Wonder look book of you know, Keturah server-side Swift with Keturah, I believe so it's sitting back there behind me. I just gotta In it up and start reading it. Some folks just don't have enough time for it. Jason. Mitchell says no, he's still trying it regular Swift and Katy well says not yet still staying really writing Swift for iOS apps, but I do plan to use it in the future some day dream job title full-stack Swift developer. That would be pretty cool Caleb. I kind of agree with that. Like I alluded to earlier is that I need the back end to be called, you know, the full stack title will be cool to do that all in Swift if I do say so myself. I certainly agree that the If using everything from watch to server is very very interesting and Swift has the positive doing it. It's just so young right now that it you're fighting against the lack of resources the lack of Frameworks. I have Co the lack of example resources like of stack Overflow answers to your questions. It's just a bit Wild West right now. That's why it's a dream par We're Dreaming about it. It's not there yet. I want to end on Shore doll's house key says in my opinion. The Swift Community has a huge. Amount of work to make server-side Swift a worthy Contender too much more mature Stacks spring Boot nodejs and more. I'm pessimistic will break into such a crowded space with much larger efforts behind the competing text acts while that Sean is pessimistic. This Sean is optimistic. I believe we'll get there and we'll get there someday like slipped on the server is so young and such a baby. Like even you know, four years ago nodejs was was nothing, you know, so I don't think you can kind of compare no Jason. How to server-side Swift now so just because it's a crowded space doesn't mean you know, we shouldn't pursue it. So I'm off the Mystic I think we'll get there. That's going to wrap up this episode of Swift over coffee. But as always we got to leave you with something to think about and that is next week's open ballot. Do you think Apple arcade will be good for the wider iOS game development Community free. I tell all your friends to subscribe leave a review will be your best friends if you do and don't forget to follow us on Twitter at Swift over coffee. Talk to you in the next one. Bye.
In this episode: lots of new Swift Evolution proposals are in review, we discuss *that* TechCrunch article, dive into server-side Swift, and try to figure out how to pronounce “Herbert”. - Swift 5 Officially Released: - SE-0246 Generic Math Functions: - SE-0249 KeyPath Expressions as Functions: - SE-0252 Key Path Member Lookup: - SE-0248 String Gaps and Missing APIs: - SE-0257 Eliding commas from multiline expression lists: - SE-0255 Implicit returns from single-expression functions: - Paul’s pick: Whither app developers?
Welcome to Witcher watch from the racking Focus podcast to your Witcher overlay of Plenty whole valley of Plenty toss a coin to your Witcher whole valley of Plenty. Hey, welcome back to the rack and focus podcast. I'm Josiah blizzard, and I'm John Doyle and this is our Witcher watch your watch. That's what we're calling it. Yeah, we're going to spendNext couple of days watching the Pete episodes of Netflix With The Witcher and we're going to debrief each one day by day by day. So we hope you stay and join this journey with us. Yeah, and I'm in the middle of reading the books right now. And I think you started the first one here in the first one right now the Last Wish just about done the first book. Yas'm and not the first book of the actual books. But the first book of the beget more than the first book of the short stories right of the Last Wish and then sort of Destiny, which is almost just like a Feels like a big prologue to what is coming. I'm only I'm almost done the Blood of Elves, which is the third book with the actual start to not the short story version of geralt's Adventure. And neither of us have played the video game. You can play video games when I play them my brain just get out of my head and I get a mic right here. So I haven't I haven't played the games. Maybe I will I know I have all I have is a Nintendo switch. I feel like to actually play Witcher game deferred you need like a PS3 or Xbox or something like that. I'm just not willing to go out and spend the money on that or else I would be trapped in video game and land for anyone wants to buy one of those buy a PS3. I guess PS3. I guess it's PS4 and PS. Well, whatever PS they can get and that doesn't mean piece of it means the never mind PlayStation 2, you can certainly send that to the rack and focus podcast will do it will take donations on that, but we're going to start right off and we're just going to recap for you guys and talk about our opinions or thoughts on the episodes how they're relating to the books. Not how they're relating to the video game. We have no idea but and just generally what our thoughts are on on this piece of fantasy. You may hear a dog in the background whining. You might hear Stephanie join us for a moment with a comment. So if you hear my voice suddenly turn into an alto instead of a base. You'll know it's Steph. So so we're starting episode 1 the ends beginning and it's geralt fighting a Kimura. Right? Right, and and we were talking a little bit before when we saw the previews of okay. What was let's speculate here where they going to go with this and you pointed out like that. Looks like it could be the Camorra from the chapter lesser evil exactly in the Last Wish and sure enough. This poor dear gets gets his leg jumped on by a by kicking more and geralt comes rushing out of the water, which was what a great entrance for for our character, right? Yeah. Absolutely and you know, the kicking War battle isn't present in the books. It's just we just see it post that battle it starts with him like pulling the cart in right with him. Yeah with a dismal really gets us the opportunity to see some starting action a nice and Meaty array moment here diving in with the action taking place. I will say this he was underwater and extraordinary amount of times the weight room and he I don't know what his limits are, right? Yeah. Like I don't know how he didn't how he didn't get it how he avoided all these blows here, but thankfully reached for the sword and got him right in the head this and it starts off like going this is gonna be gruesome like this is going to be a rated R version of In happening, which you I feel like you can't do the Witcher if it's PG-13 right now, we're good as we get through this we're going to hit that pretty hard. I yeah, I think so. I think it just might get more and more bloody. But what a great moment what a good way to start off and and it's revealed with his black eyes that he's been taking these elixirs and these away if you haven't read the books if you don't know anything about The Witcher and I'm sure they'll cover this in a later episode. We should probably say this right now spoilers are words. The Witcher, yeah, if you didn't know that you haven't yeah, whoops. Hey, so he takes these electors and it makes him almost even more superhuman that he actually is he can move really fast you can see in the dark like it's I think in the books it's written that he can hear a cat three blocks over pouncing on something like he is superhuman Sobel in the individual different elixirs have some different effects on his manufactured by human body, right so and that That's very video game. Right every video game. I understand why the books were translated into video game before film and then we see him walking into a lava con but we do not know it's avocado first. It's just some random town. And first, I really thought that we were starting off with his introduction in The Last Wish where he cuts down those guys in the bar, right they well, they set it up and you know, there's a certain amount. Bracing of those short stories being manipulated around here. Yeah, and what we're getting in this first episode feels like a merging of three different books without spoiling anything in future episodes or in in the future books for you. The Lesser evil is obviously from that first book The Last Wish and then there's reference to the end of sort of Destiny and the beginning of Blood of Elves. There's like three different. And things being merged together and what we're seeing is like we're seeing sintra and the people in sintra referencing what is happening with geralt a bit and then we're seeing everybody in blah back on referencing sintra and they're kind of like ping-pong back and forth and there's mention of nilfgaard and all this stuff this opening scene where we you know work in the bar. Those are it does remind me of the earlier sequence in the book, but one of Of the things it does really nicely. Is it establishes that the witcher's a disliked character? Right? It does that work while still introducing us to characters. We're going to need to know later. So we don't even know who they are. So, you know, we have we've got these guys who are threatening towards him, right? We don't know what story were inconsistent is hated by these people essentially they could be they could be townspeople for all the Practical purpose to yeah. No. Yeah and then we meet this young girl, right? Well first we get a couple of drinks, right? So we But the potential of romance I guess there is romance. Yeah, if Garrett doesn't sleep with somebody in every episode I will be a little bit shocked. Yeah that may be part of the contract that that Henry Henry Cavill made to be on this show you need to pay for my weightlifting and women very good. That sounds horrible. That sounds like he's gonna get fired. Yeah now he's a better guy than that. Yeah, I think so. So so what? Of the things, you know referencing the books is that after this initial these initial moments here in this fascinating beer drinking and multiple kinds of glasses. We we end up meeting another character who's a young girl who takes him up to this Wizards Tower and if you've read the books, we know that that would be the ultimate instead who has some long term like longer relationship with Carol. Yeah, and this town is a place that he is has been able to I'm to before that there's some there's some connection with this Alderman but that character doesn't appear and it's just as young girl and you know, it was a lovely way to help us engage and get sympathy in this world really quickly. Yeah, you know the way the pompous Alderman is a who cares right the young girl to who's clever and kills a rat and is similar to him sets us up. They certainly need to I think they're just moving things along and I don't remember in the books if he meets this. This woman in the are you know, like he just kind of there's a moment in the books where he where she climbs into his like Hut right be mad at yourself for that. Yes. I don't know how they met but there's things there's substituting moments obviously to it comes off a little bit better on film if we do it this way rather than this way, but then there's times where they're literally sucking lines straight from know there's dial straight from the book that I like brightness seen. That's that's their dialogue back and forth. Thing I want to say about these first two scenes that I thought was really interesting is we open in the most extraordinary League re-washed scene, like if that was dinner, it would be dinner. That would have no vitamins for you. Like there's no health value to that tan and gray world and then we get inside this bar and skin tone start to develop we start to see a whole lot more richness to color and tone which I thought was an interesting choice and I thought you were going to stick in that gray throughout and they did not yeah. There's a nice. Contrast of warm and cold with in that bar scene and even just in the in the color palette in general. There's a lot of you know warmth versus coldness and I don't know if that's a conflict for garel internally of how do I act because I mean it there is a moment in the show where our wizard character says that witcher's don't feel and you can't have a protagonist who doesn't feel right like the movie would the movie Show would not work. If a protagonist does not feel anything if there's no internal conflict for them to work through and so you can expect that girl. Yes, he does feel things and it's just a matter of what choice do I make do I make the right choice potentially being the warm side of this color palette that we're seeing represented or are we going to choose the cold and dark the dark path and just choose the wrong answer? Like I don't have a plays a lot of the dialogue real flatten this and I'm not sure it works or not yet. I'm not sure it works or not. I think we're going to see that advance. But I think it has to be a baseline. Yes, this feels like a pilot and so much of of the way I you know, you're approached it. I love the fact that there's pool of blood on the ground under the key Kimura that's going to be a nice, you know plant essentially for the payoff of the same kind of puddle of blood at the end when we when we reach the end of it. I thought that was really interesting visually. I love the scene with the Alderman's daughter and geralt. I felt that Walk along we were so there's some great little dialogue that's written and and it might feel like a lot of these scenes are slow-paced and almost throw away. Like I was thinking like man this how long is this episode and it's a full hour-long like this is one hour one minute and there are moments. I was like, they probably could have skipped right over that but they're just I think they're just choosing to tell the story the way they want to tell it and Netflix is just allowing them free rein to do it, which is really awesome. But I wonder if it affects space at all because for me I was I caught myself thinking there is a whole lot more talking in this episode than I expected. I almost expected the opening scene to be a little bit more adult drawn-out fight scene. You know, I really thought we were going to start with his battle against the striker or however, you say that that monster from the last wish that yeah, and I thought we were going to go there we went with lesser evil, which is a wonderful story. So this we get to this Tower and I just want him about it the gray palette much more strongly and I want to mention to hear. This is a point we're going to talk about this later is special the G becomes significant in this story there and some places it works really well some places it works less. Well. Yeah, but there is a lot of CG did the Integrations pretty good to this magic bit at the door work for you. I mean were you convinced? Yeah, Steph is shaking her business. Yeah. Good. Thanks, though. Okay, good. Thanks. So. Yeah, I it was nice. And then of course, we walked into the space and stuff made a grown when she saw the days because they give women and stuff is like but that establishes the mature tonin in the books are doing the same thing right there saying this is not a children's fantasy story, but I don't fantasy. Yeah 100% And we meet our wizard here and he pretty much kicks off Hey Garrett. This is what I need you to do for the rest of the episode and he has to make the choice between who is the Lesser evil in This moment again line for line straight from the book in this scene. And this was a long scene with a lot of dialogue. I thought it was really interesting is they could have really cut this down, but I also think one of the battles that this shows going to have to deal with and it's a battle. I think that Game of Thrones survived early admirably in its first season was is getting people who read the books and play the game to buy in so by doing some of those peas dialogue, yes, it makes there there. There may be a lot of fan service early on right Especially in this first season just to give the already fans of The Witcher reason to say hey friends, you don't you have never read The Witcher, you've never played The Witcher video game, but you need to go watch this show and we can Bond over over the over geralt of Rivia in film form. So I think that's good for here. Let's skip ahead. I think to Sentra a little bit. I think that's great. So so we you know, we find out here we've planted the story line. We have a lot of exposition getting us into the position where we know what's going Three we've got to figure out yeah, there's a lot of world-building to do but they don't have time to world because they have story building to do as well. There's a lot happening in this opening dialogue to get us into a place, you know, this this entire episode feels again, like a just like a prologue to the actual story that's going to take place. This this feels like hey, we're just setting the stage for what's going to happen from episode 2 to 8, everything that's happening in sintra as far as I'm concerned is and know is that this wasn't written in The books this is not Source material at all. This is simply just hey, they're dancing. They're having some kind of feast and party and there's a reference to Queen clients daughter pavetta and and her husband and that's a whole nother story within the The Last Wish book but there's a there's a reference to that. Yeah. So there's there's little those little nods and Easter eggs and references that but we're seeing with them watching these people danced before. Guard attacks. I haven't read anywhere in the books. And I don't know if there's any Source material for that. So they're coming up with ways to merge everything together just on a fast track right to get us to get us started as I'm watching this scene and it's going to be very difficult for I think fans of the show to not compare this to Game of Thrones, right? This is coming off the heels. This is like it's less than when a Game of Thrones and it was this year was last year. Yeah. It's been less than two years since Game of Thrones ended and so that's it's still fresh in the and right we want something that is still going to satisfy that fantasy genre craving that Game of Thrones gave us for six seasons and then slowly trailed off but there's something about the production design and the lighting and the camera work that just feels far more novice to me than Game of Thrones and it might be budget. It might be crew. It might you know what I mean? Like there might just be limitations that Netflix has for the show, but they're and they're certain camera moves are certain. Some like that's a that's a great shot. But there's there's something about it. Like there's a look, you know what I mean? Like do they look looks like Television, right? And yeah shot flat and often. There's it's like a real flat shooting and the other thing is about the CG background. So there's a lot of CG backgrounds right now. Are they honest? What are they? They are really there in screenings together. There's a scene later. I'll talk about it more specifically, but I feel like you know, we see fire in the background sometimes in that fire feels wild the artificial and those things do it. But and that means the lighting on people Doesn't match the lighting in the universe around them that may change as they get their feet under them right but for right now we're moving pretty quickly or in a lot of settings. I thought this little dance number that they do, you know, when as the princess dances was charming and adorable and I like her a little bit right because she's a little standoffish when you first meet see recent recent rilla centrally cirilla cirilo cirilla, and and we find at the end of this. Seen that know if guard is actually just outside their door step, essentially. Yeah, this is the party before the storm. Yeah. Sure. They didn't know the storm was coming. No Absolution makes me really wonder how they've survived for so long without being attacked. Do you know you mean like there's if you're a queen and you run this little kingdom here, you better know what's coming like she's being warned at dinner like by her husband that hey no guard had just took. Took the river right like all this stuff. Well, we'll be fine. No, they're like, they're right here. Like they're obviously moving towards you you should absolutely have scouts out that are letting you know that hey there are seven days away there two days away. Do you know you mean like a so that's something that I just didn't really enjoy seeing like there's like she's a warrior Queen right by me as a warrior queen of Grandmama, right? There's where Mommy yeah that that that seems like it's an important thing for us to know and yet she's Not all that prepared for the battle. She should be more prepared as that's how at least how I feel and so I didn't necessarily love the way that they had no card attack almost like it was out of nowhere which in the book, I believe it really does come out of nowhere, but I think they could have done it differently in the show and maybe it again this Hall doesn't matter then they're just trying to get us to the actual storyline, right, you know when we get back to rent free. Here in this scene where it looks like our Witcher, you know, the the next scene is that is making some kind of chemical material that he's going to be able to use your phone similar right there. So it's in terms doing that work we get this really, you know this second conversation about the lesser of two evils and I love TV show or a movie that likes to ask questions about ethics. Yeah. I'm not sure there's a good answer here. But certainly there's a there's a great. Questions being asked. Yeah, absolutely. I mean the without getting too far into politics. I mean, the lesser of two evils is often comes up in political conversations, right? And in this case, it's not necessarily political but for which are you geralt specifically wants to remain neutral in his stance on almost everything he all he wants is to get paid to hunt monsters and if that's all he could do then perfect, but we know that Garrett takes he just takes Jobs, that's pretty much it. He'll take any job that comes to him as long as it doesn't disagree or go against his moral compass and we're going to see that come up. I'm sure in future episodes. But yeah this conversation right here with about lesser evil and and rent freeze backstory and I think because we met the wizard first actually we met him second, but we're getting his story first about the entire situation. You almost want to side with the wizard at first and say maybe you should just maybe you should just get rid of this girl who Is going to cause chaos to the entire world or whatever whatever the stakes were, but then you hear her story and you're like maybe you should get rid of the wizard. Like I don't know maybe just get rid of both of them. I don't know who's who's worse, you know, that's and when you know, will it is a it's a hard question especially because there is obviously some chemistry here between rent-free and geralt that we get are, you know, they work together as actors pretty well as well if they feel comfortable the dialogues really, you know rips. Either they do nothing here that I think is interesting. You know, one of the things I've said about the books to you Josiah. Is there sort of this interesting play on fairy tales right read constantly referencing fairytale, especially in these the book that I'm in and finishing and they stripped the fairy tale right out of this one, right? So we don't get any of the sense that this is a Snow White story, right? You know that gets Justice or seven dwarves or writing or religious Warriors, right the that whole conversation here we strip that away so that we can get to the point. So they're taking Out some of the material that may be fun in the books, but doesn't serve the movement for the plot they get to two people trying to figure out who they are right the monster who's not the monster that questions asked right here in this the scene in the woods and then we're going to revisit it at the end when they get together. Yeah, and we get a there's a romantic bleach charge scene coming up here and I don't I can't actually tell if they did they'd actually Sleep together or did she trick him in some way? Did she like she seems to be a she's immune to Magic right? And so does she have magical ability herself? I can't remember if we have to make that decision about her. Yeah. No, and I think they want to keep us unknowingly knowing this guy's as garel is unknowing. Alright of what it is. And I know he has this Medallion that you see around his neck and that is supposed to respond to Magic in some way. But I know ever see it was he bailed at what ya did it won't be touches it like a check. Yeah, but we don't see it. So the next sequence we go. After this sort of moment in the woods and new statement about what the lesser of two evils his is we move into the battlefield. Yeah in what is a very sad and pitiful moment for yes intra. He's about to get them and you know, they're going to get demolished when that second form of troops. Get over the hill. Yeah everyone we all made an audible. Yeah. We should let's look for that and all I could all I could hear was Obi-Wan Kenobi from Revenge. To the Seth saying I have The High Ground is like it's over and it getting like oh my God, it's Center has done for this is it and it costs to a wide shot of there are two armies and sintra just looks completely outnumbered. I don't even know how Queen collapse got away with without being shot down, especially because of where we leave her. Yeah. When as this battle progresses at this point we knew we were in for violence very rated R of very rated R show, you know, Steph begin began to Make grunting noises as swords went into different parts of people's bodies and we're switching back and forth between the princess and the war and we're hearing back story with the princess and her guards. Yeah, and we're getting the battle on the battlefield. Yeah, and you this is our introduction. We still don't know a hundred percent who these wizard guy is but it is Mao sack. And so that's that's a character from the book says, well who's who I really have enjoyed reading about but But we're going back and forth. And I mean really here is just like she seems like she wants Adventure right? She's been introduced as this almost like this tomboy character, right? She's out in the dirt playing gambling all mostly guys, right these guys and doesn't want to be within the court right? It doesn't want to be within the castle. She wants to be out in the streets with everybody else living a normal life and we see that reflected here a little bit and we're this is what this is. This was the moment that House act talks about what the wizard were geralt is locking children in towers and experimenting on them and then killing them directly relating to the conversation geralt has with rent-free and it gives us information that girl doesn't have so we can have a sense that this guy may not be on the up and up but girl still has to make the decision to just forget that yeah evidence and I mean even at the end, right the question is posed like did you you'll never know if you made the right choice or not? And that's just something you have to you. Have to live with so yeah, so this whole conversation happens. Yeah the wizard and then we the wizard has that conversation. We me. I love the wizards costume. I want to say and I thought that that scene in that room was one of the better shot scenes when it comes to background. We definitely was the costuming is actually I really enjoy the the costume design. And what did you think of these fight scenes? Was it did it? Hold up for you? Like I know there was some reviewers going around but I got an early glimpse of the show and we're saying that it puts Game of Thrones to shame. We're obviously watching episode 1 there is still a whole lot more fighting to happen. But so one of the things I'll say about it is there they do a really good job at shocking us with violence right like her. Yeah, the my biggest issue with it is there's so much CGI blood. Yeah and that takes away from being blood splatter have blood for your happening. It's not necessary, but we do get you know heads chopped off blades through people's bodies. And yeah, I mean an arrow in the eye that ultimately then puts us in the position of an obvious he sense of loss and our Queen has has to absolutely Sue who sees our enemy like we get this foot like there's the Real Enemy up on the hill and now we know what the battle is between. Yeah, but but this I thought that the one issue I had was that we have a lot of duplicated CG bodies in the wide shots. Yes. Yeah. It's a lot of things our budget May grow as this show progresses a little bit and hopefully by season 2 will will really have a budget in place now that they know that people are interested in the show. There's so Man on the hill who shot Quick Glance husband. I don't even know her know his name. But is this the same? I'm assuming this is the same guy who carries cirilla off later, right? Yeah, man with the feathers of another this helmet and it's spoken about look. I'm just I didn't know if they all if they all had hats on with feathers. I didn't that's what I mean. I'm just confirming for our listeners here. That is this think I don't crucify me. Can't hear my wife off camera baby. He's scolding me a little bit in the books at the beginning of Blood of Elves. There's a recap about cirilla being dragged off or chased by the man with the in the black with the feathers. And that's who we had and that's exactly who we have. There's things that are happening Lancel getting shot in the neck while she's riding. I there is there's the visuals that are presented in the book. I wish were translated more. We because we're getting things from a character's point of view in the book. And I don't feel like we're getting enough in side of Princess surrealist head here. Like I want to feel what she's feeling and I don't feel that all that much. Do you do you agree with that? Do you disagree? You haven't read that part in the book yet. So you can't just because we don't know I'm not responding to that. I I actually she's pretty engaging to me. I think she's interesting. I like her. She obviously is feeling stuff and yeah, you know No. Oh, no doubt. I will say this the one of the things in this weird asking about TV these sets that were on throughout this process in this kingdom are all we never get establishing shots. We never get wide and that's one of the reasons it feels like TV and not like them like said, right and then something I mean again going back to Game of Thrones you get those wides pretty often, you know, and it comes down to I think it just comes down to budget just get wilderness. Blind people to every imaginable place in the globe to shoot things. They're shooting a soundstage similar Greg. Yeah, there are moments that aren't but there's a lot of this it is and so we're in tight so that we're limiting the amount of set we have to expose. Yeah, but we're still able to get some depth in the shots. Yeah. And so, you know, there's there's this lovely moment between grandmother and granddaughter full of mystery, but also an opportunity for us to see people carrying I love her like night the black guy. Who's heard night? He gets a nice bow a couple of times here even as he passes out the poison and pours a suicide that folks are going to be taking on. Yeah, and we get a moment here and potentially the most important moment in this scene other than like her saying goodbye to her grandmother her screaming and the cups shaking and that is definitely I mean it comes back again when she is on the horse and she screams in the man and the feathers Off the horse and then this whole pillar falls and somehow splits the Earth to bit and that could have been due to her screaming as well the Earth splitting. So this girl has power right there is some kind of internal magical ability of some sort that she that she has that I'm expecting to come up big time. As far as the story goes for the next couple of episodes, especially as we're talking about Destiny, right? It has to build you have to that your hashtag. Yeah, the stakes have to get hard that comes up. Over and over right is Destiny Destiny. I mean the second book is called sword of Destiny and she talks about it. Right we go find geralt of Rivia it like I don't know if she outright says he's your decigram mother says he's your destiny because because the same thing is said by rent-free Rhett this girl in what would is your destiny? And so there is a sense that the the show's telling us these two are going to come together and that's what we should be watching for. Yeah. I thought the grandmother was going to die. Maybe nine times. Yeah, she continually does not die. Yeah, that's why it's great. But I knew she wasn't only because of the reference that she said about if I'm gonna go out it's going to be much more dramatic than this waiting for her to fall out that window which I because I read the book. I knew that that was what she and they only alluded to it. It wasn't an actual scene from the book that they that they wrote about. It was just like an ongoing Cliff jumped out of her window and Everybody committed suicide in the castle. Like that's why I think you the suicide stuff. They treat pretty well, especially the bazzara Steph said, why do you do that? The self next stabbing which is a hard way to go. Yeah. Well, that's that's that's my question. Is he dead he took to write he gave it to his son and his wife. I wonder if it's an honor thing and if it's like a there's people fighting for sintra and I'm not one of those people and so I can't go out the easy way. I need to go out and the same guy about blade that all My brethren in a way are going out and you know going out and saying why so you get to see that wizard do some real magic which was great. Like it was good to see ya. Yeah, whatever is the castle in like this bubble or at least the front of the castle, right? And so that's the the magic system that is going to come into play here. Hopefully, they don't break any rules right with with the magic system. I don't know how they how they would Would I don't know what specifically but they need to set up deficits. We have to set some girls up about this magic system. When the Magic in the book feels very much. Like it has an organic nature and a non organic nature and we see if they've sort of play that out and there's certain people who have magical abilities and who don't I love the girl talks with horse. I think it's fantastic. You know, you get a guy he's lonely. He's on the road alone. Who do you talk to you talk to your horse after horse and since much of the book feels like it's narration almost it's not really first person, but it feels like That narration is great. It's great to say. Oh, yeah, he was probably talking to his. Yeah and his horse's name is roach. Actually all of his horses names are rowboat. He just names his horses the same name and we get this error who breaks through right? Right we go back to the castle and the arrows broken through we know things are going south and in comes this massive Army of actual human beings for a brief period in China has no guards whatsoever. Like they had no Army like they did they'd literally take right. Do they take everybody? Shout out to the battlefield and just like all right, I'm gonna shove what's that the suicide bomb except for him because there's nobody like defending there's like four people who are defending the city, it feels like and I mean, they just walk right in and they start pillaging and plundering and getting another one of those moments where we see. I mean, there's some really interesting violence, but it is contained in these small areas where it's one person killing one person which is part of that sort of efficiency of actor and action taking place certainly. Yeah, it's I mean there's some moments that just make me concerned. I'm like, I wish there was a little bit more attention to detail placed into you know, I know Mouse act would have said hey, we probably should have these set up in case no card attacks like you need some new advisors. I think we can clamp because for your City to well. Yes, she's dead now, but for your City to be overrun that quickly and you having no idea, I don't know. I'm just having a hard time getting past her not even knowing that nofe guard was Right outside your these blokes turned out her corner. There's I'm so concerned politically and it is because of it is because of Game of Thrones. I think, you know, we've been set this level of expectation for what show can be and what and how a how a kingdom operates and how all the you know, all the pieces all the moving pieces. And so maybe my expectations going into the show was like, oh it's going to be similar to that and it's different it's not bad. Just it makes me question the storytelling a little bit behind it and how strong these characters actually are how smart they are, you know, so so there's an attempt to get the princess out and The Wizard who's name is what some other thing now sack Mouse actually excited really good name, the wizard goes to defend and get rid of some people feeling like he's going to go to his death. We don't see his body. So I guess he's not but maybe and then the young guy who's traveling with her gets an arrow in his throat. Another big moment right Steph and she the horse goes down and she's left alone. And we see her placed in a position where she's going to be captured and we jump on that Cliffhanger back to loving times like lovey-dovey times for rent-free and aren't we have an interesting piece of editing here that happens which makes me wonder if they actually had any sort of relations in the woods at all, you know. I mean like well there was ahead. But yeah, it's the guy at the end. So after. sorry, I was not close enough after all of the killing. He says she got you too. So that's what makes me think that it wasn't actually they didn't actually do anything. It was all her manipulating. Yeah, right. There's this big kiss by the fire. I don't know. He pulls the string on her corset. Yeah. It was very rough. Yeah the hair flip. There's some ecstasy Sarah happening, you know it whether it's real or not. Somebody had ecstasy I guess. We get what we're back to the gray world and one of those things again where we are in this process rights this warmth and cold and yeah, it is what we're seeing with the romance only happening within geralt's head. Right has she hypnotized him in some way that she is because she is speaking over him right like she could be. Yeah. I don't know if she's like hypnotizing. I'm transferring him or yeah, but you know, No. Yeah, but it's definitely he wakes up one morning. I like the wood. I mean she could have just left him right like one-night-stand sort of thing. Like well, it's some reason we buggy sex. If it wasn't I got to be honest. There's a lot little dirty. I mean, I'm not sure but those leaves and then we get to the scene. All right. The reason that Darrell gets his name the Butcher of lava Khan and weary meet those guys he met in the bar and now we understand that their rent freeze crew. Yeah and The couple great accent moments which are right at the bottom there full almost really good half Scottish something that it's crazy and he's guys look great. This moment looks really good. There's a lot of extra business in the background. I love the weapons and we immediately discover something new and that is that The Witcher can fight. We have not seen that yet. Right? No. I mean he knocks down that Arrow right away, right? He's fast like the man is doing is really fast camera was changes. Oh, yeah, it goes to I mean it's not a Steadicam. It looks handheld but line goes from slow to what really fabric following fighting like we're actually following a series of this is the fighting. I like to see like a One-Shot take like, you know, they're doing the work in the acting and it's very very gruesome and we get to the last guy right the guy who caused them trouble in the in the beginning. I think this might be a loop system. Oops, or was you this is now this was the assistant. Yeah. Yeah. There he is. He gets stabbed in the chest and then put up. The wall and whoop off goes the head bam. You don't let things go again, you know a well-used camera move to cover. What is a digital shot taking place, right? So yeah, but this is the place where there's a way right is the head goes off and we get the we get the a little bit of a payoff though, right when he walks away in the background. There's a there's a body double in a way or it's a stunt. I don't know what they're called right like a fake guy. I don't you a dummy there. It's like anything. I'm the dummy. Hear that meaning thank you. He's pinned to the door and it like it's just it's great. And we get this this moment between rent-free and our Witcher again and they start with a little dialogue but they go right in the battle and it is a lovely little fight. This is where the choreography is. Really this is where the Koreans me really paid off this whole sequence, you know, she's talented because he cut through all those other guys like it was butter and we're constantly ban. She's great. Yeah and her expression. She's a great actress. Have we seen her somewhere before? I've seen her somewhere. I don't know where we'll have to look that up later and reference in the second half. There's a lot of bloodletting. There's people getting stabbed. There's all the violence that happens and then you know, we get to that end sequence and she gets her throat slit after he tries to let her off right gives you the option heated. He really makes the effort to try and be the neutral character to take his high road and he can yeah, but he turns his own he turns the killing of the self-defense or only that her blade. That does the work right and that's important. She's made that choice and I think that that really plays for the story. There's a lot of Dutch angle shots in this. Yeah, there were a lot of which I'm very particular about my Dutch angle shot. I know you're a big fan of the Dutch angle. Well, I like it in documentary work. Yeah. This is not documentary work if it was we should be concerned and but to me I Dutch angle sometimes screams. I don't know how to make an interesting composition. And so I'm just going to return to a crooked camera where a guy as a wedding photographer. I see it all of the time welcome gets away. You salvaging a problem of space and environment that's in front of you. And so you change the shots. You can fit all the image you want in so we should work our way to wrapping up. I think we're running long. So let's just talk about death and stoning and running away. Yeah. I mean you you learn very quickly that it's easy to turn the crowd against a Witcher and this crowd is easily manipulated by the the violence. They've seen and The Wizard That comes into the into the courtyard in a way and just manipulates them to hate this Witcher, you know, whether he's doing that by magic or not that the story lets us look and make it. I don't think he is. Yes feels like it's an easy thing to do. Yeah and and they begin to Stone him and that's I think really sets up our our world nicely. Well not for for geralt here, but we know what what to expect when a Witcher comes to town right? You're going to get an Angry Crowd. Of the people who really dislike him almost as if the Witcher is the equivalent of a leper or something, right? Yeah. I thought the reveal of the dead bodies on the ground was great. I thought that really worked they it did look like a massacre and while we're in a battle because it's that one shot. We don't get a sense of the massacre nature. We're just watching the pile of piece of single combat, but I and we see this expanse of dead bodies and people have a reason to respond. This is maybe not a guy you want in your town? Yeah and The last thing we really see from girl's perspective is the only person in the town who really was a friend to him. Tell him to leave and never return it and maybe for his safety or for the town Safety or it may be out of dislike for geralt from from her right? Like I don't I yeah and I really feel that's what I mean. I think that that ambiguity is exactly what the story wants us to do. Yeah to make our own choices. Well, yes again for us not to know because girl doesn't know right way. Yeah, and we're Can't be in his head the way we are in the books or at least it from his perspective like you are in the books. And so here we get the opportunity to be in that perspective by having information withheld from us and then the girl who is his Destiny who we've heard about and she's the you know, rent-free says it even in her last moments. The girl in the woods is is your destiny. We see princess Cirillo running off into end are literally running in the same walking in the same direction supposed to exit their seen two respective scenes are going in the same direction. Yeah. I do want to mention again that blood pool under Sorella are under rent-free is a mimic of that monster killing Manhattan to the beginning of thought. That was a clever. Yeah moment. Yeah. What do you think overall? I'm very excited for the rest of the season very excited for the next episode. And I mean, I'm just excited overall. I mean, I've been reading these books the last few weeks and it's nice to see them come to life. I think Henry Henry Cavill is doing a wonderful job as geralt's. I mean, it's it's Much you I am envisioning how he's sounding in person is how I'm reading him in the books. So, you know, I'm going to say the television nature of it is a thing I worry about and I'm hoping that they can be more expansive and maybe that's a thought you save your money for the big set pieces. You need to build later or run later. But otherwise, I mean I'd like most of the interaction between the actors and I thought the close-up fighting was great. I worry a little bit about CG and I I hope that they don't rely too much on CG. Although it is based on a video game and that's what this whole maybe CG is a route. They made deliberately. Yeah, and and you know, there's CG and shows that bother me far more than the CG and this show The Great and and Netflix and Netflix knows Netflix knows I mean talking about another Netflix show for just a second stranger things. I have such an issue with the demo Gorgons design and texture and the way it looks on screen, but the way they kick him or a look. Your and some of the some of the CGA set-pieces didn't really bother me good great, you know, so I'm excited to see what they do see if things progress and if this really is a pilot if the pilot is kind of the lower budget version of what what is to come if you're watching we want to make sure that you want to find more information about what we do. We normally do a film podcast. We watch movies every week. We post a review of a new film that's coming out. You can find us on Apple podcasts or Spotify. You can find us on anchor FM and so you want to go to our website at At racking focus and at that website. There's a link to the Witcher watch but you can also look at our regular material. You can listen right there online or you can click a link and subscribe which is what we'd like you to do. 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SPOILERS - John and Josiah take a detour from the movies and begin a journey with Geralt of Rivia through the dangerous and magic filled world of the Witcher. Witcher Watch episodes contain a review and recap of two episodes of Netflix's The Witcher in each Racking Focus Podcast Special Episode. The first season will include four episodes, which our intrepid podcasting duo and a few friends geek out at the Video Game/Novel phenomenon of The Witcher. Episode 1: John And Josiah consider The End's Beginning, which references the beginning of book three of the Witcher series and the short story, "the Lesser of Two Evils" where -  SPOILERS -  Geralt gets his nickname and "Four Marks" where we meet several main characters from the Witcher cannon. Episode 1 Recap Begins Immediately Episode 2 Recap Begins at 43:55  Send in a voice message, question, or request here: Remember to write us a review at Apple Podcasts and to email us at with comments, suggestions and films you have for us to review. Visit our NEW website: Follow us on Instagram at Rackingfocuspodcast and join us on Facebook.
This is optimal living daily episode 12 52 7 questions. You will ask at the end of your life by March turn off of Mark and and I'm just a moloch. Happy Thursday. Welcome back to Optimal living daily or the O LD podcast where I read to you from some of the best blogs. I can find and get permission from this episode is brought to you by Hask has care care products are used on more Hollywood film and TV sets than any other brand has golfers high-performance formulas at All price points including shampoos conditioners deep conditioners shine oils and dry shampoos that are designed to treat and repair all hair types and made from high quality ingredients sourced from around the globe free of sulfates parabens phthalates and gluten plus cruelty-free. Ask products are available at Walmart shop now in store or online at and learn more at Haskell for now. Let's get right to it and start optimizing your life. Seven questions, you will ask at the end of your life by Mark chernov of Mark and A few months ago. I shared 12 pieces of wisdom. My grandmother Left Behind for me after she passed this wisdom was written in an old leather-bound Journal. She aptly named her inspiration Journal today. I want to discuss seven questions. She had written at the bottom of her final entry. Although my grandmother never wrote down her answers to these questions. The questions alone are extremely thought-provoking. I've listed them here and shared some of my own thoughts about each one. I hope what I've shared here inspires you to live boldly. And honestly so they can answer each question someday with a sense of peace and fulfillment. Number one. Am I proud of how I lived? If you don't express the passion inside you the ideas and deeds that make you feel alive. You will die. One moment at a time without ever having lived don't be scared of death be scared of leaving too much of your life unlived be scared of leading a tedious daily existence. That doesn't Empower you to be your best self a fear of death. It is simply a fear that you haven't yet accomplished what you were born to do. When you live a fulfilling life. That's abundant and meaning the thought of dying becomes less worrisome because your mind isn't focused on it instead. It's consumed a living passionately in the present moment and embracing all the beauty life has to offer someday inevitability will take place in your life will Flash before your eyes make sure it's a spectacle worth watching when you're proud to have been part of read 1000 Little Things. Number two, what did I discover some of the best discoveries in life come when you least expect them in places. You never even thought to look we are not looking for can end up being more than you ever hope to find so seek your goals and dreams diligently, but did not become so obsessed that you developed tunnel vision. Do not blind yourself from all the unpredictable wonders and opportunities passing in your periphery Life's greatest beauty is found in its surprises. It's Dynamic nature continually renew the possibilities before you you honestly never can be certain when the next gust of wind will arrive and what it will blow in your direction open yourself to these surprises many of them will bring goodness. You never knew you were missing. Remember you are never too old too young too busy or too educated to find Value and joy and new unexpected opportunities. So stay on the lookout because with each step down the road of life, you take a fresh Supply arrives. Number three how well did I play the hand? I was dealt everything in life is a gamble is either a daring rewarding venture or nothing at all. You never know beforehand what you are capable of you have to wait practice and give it time it's time and experience that controls your eventual Destiny time is like the deck of cards to dealer at a casino is pulling from it holds all the possibilities when you sit down at the table, you can't control the cards you were dealt, but you can control how you Play each hand the more hands you play the more experienced you get my playing the game. You shouldn't bet the farm but you shouldn't be overly conservative either. Your bets are just learning experiments. The more experiments. You make the better read the last lecture number 4 did I take enough responsibility not every event in your life is your fault, but they are all your responsibilities a combination of you decisions and external factors for which you had no control bra. You to where you are in the world today negatively blaming yourself someone else or some other force will change nothing positively taking full responsibility for your situation and your path forward can change everything leave the unchangeable past behind you as you diligently give yourself to the Present Moment In This Moment is every possibility you seek take responsibility for it and bring these possibilities to life. Number five what struggles did I conquer every worthwhile goal requires a struggle to get there. If your actions don't take effort, you won't make progress wanting success without sacrifice is like trying to run before you learn to walk. It's like wanting a rainbow without the rain. It's like wanting oxygen in your lungs without making an effort to breathe. There is scarcely any love passion or fulfillment in life without reasonable effort your struggle may be physical. It may be emotional. Or maybe both in all cases. It is necessary and worth every bit of strength. You can muster number six how sincerely did I live through love true love is not a fleeting feelings. It's not an equation that can be solved and it's certainly not a fairy tale true. Love is the air you breathe the ground you walk on and the foundation for all human growth is to pass for everything worthwhile in energy. That's within you always regardless of where you are or where you're headed. How far should you go in the name of true love until you can't physically take another breath read the Mastery of love and number 7. How much of my story did I actually write don't let anyone convince you that you aren't strong enough your growth potential is as vast as you're thinking you are as powerful and capable as you know yourself to be if you give in and let other people's negativity convince you of who you are their Madness will wither you away. You will morph into what they say. You are rather than living. Honestly as yourself in this way. These people will steal your life from you. You will lose track of where their opinion ends in your reality begins. Their fiction will become your life story. Stay strong when someone tries to bully you stand up for your truth and say not so fast buddy. Your delusion of superiority is your problem not mine. I am holding the pen and I am writing my own life story. You just listen to The Post titled seven questions. You will ask at the end of your life by Mark sure enough of Mark and and thank you to Hask has care care products are used on more Hollywood film and TV sets than any other brand ask offers high performance formulas at affordable price points, including shampoos conditioners deep conditioners shine oils and dry shampoos that are designed to treat and repair all hair types made from high quality ingredients sourced from around the globe asks biotin boost the Collection features a triple threat of ingredients sure to give Phi and lifeless trans to lift a need Biotin help strengthen volumize and thickened to maintain her health coffee stimulates the hair follicles helping to boost strands and collagen helps strengthen and fortify the hair shaft to protect from damage and breakage together. They enhance the appearance of thicker hair without leaving it feeling heavy. I've gifted asked to friends and family. 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Marc Chernoff of Marc and Angel Hack Life shares 7 questions you will ask at the end of your life. Episode 1252: 7 Questions You Will Ask at the End of Your Life by Marc Chernoff of Marc And Angel on A Meaningful Existence Marc and Angel Chernoff are New York Times bestselling authors, professional coaches, full-time students of life, admirers of the human spirit, and have been recognized by Forbes as having "one of the most popular personal development blogs." Through their blog, book, course and coaching, they've spent the past decade writing about and teaching proven strategies for finding lasting happiness, success, love and peace. Marc and Angel's New York Times bestselling book, Getting Back to Happy: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Reality, and Turn Your Trials into Triumphs, is a guide to spark sustainable action - and to return to whenever needed. It's available online at and on Amazon. Facebook Group and Join the Ol' Family to get your Free Gifts! The HASK Biotin Boost Thickening Collection is available at Target. Shop now in-store or online at - and for more information on HASK's complete line of hair care solutions, please visit --- Support this podcast:
Hello. Thanks for listening to the embodied astrology month ahead. Audio horoscopes for Leo season. This is Renee Sills your astrologer and host of the embodied astrology podcast along with these horoscopes. Please make sure to listen to embodied astrology for Leo season this special episode called glow time focuses on Leo in the body in life and love and relationships and experiences everybody. He carries Leo in their bodies. Everybody has Leo in their charts. And in this episode, I'll offer some attunements and healing practices for working with Leo in yourself. And in your life. Also, please remember to check back in with me at the new moon and the full moon this month for some lunar Attunement practices on July 31st. We have a new moon in Leo and on August 15th. We have a full moon in Aquarius and both of those days. I'll be putting out meditations or embodiment rituals to You are tuned with these lunar cycles. I want to offer a huge. Thank you to subscribers subscribers. Thank you so much. You keep embodied astrology happening and your monthly donations are what sustains this work? If you enjoy embodied astrology, please consider becoming a subscriber you can subscribe at any amount per month really even just one dollar a month is so helpful your monthly subscriptions. Allow me to continue this work with Enos and reliability and if you get something out of embodied astrology, please help it to sustain help it to continue subscribers also get access to my extended monthly horoscopes and these extended forecasts include a PDF with planetary aspects and lunar cycles throughout the month my interpretations for the energy of those aspects and cycles and some embodied suggestions for how to work with this energy. You'll also get an extended audio horoscope that You can listen to that isn't signed specific but that goes through in detail a lot of planetary energy that I don't mention in your individual horoscopes. If giving a recurring donation isn't available to you at this time consider a one-time donation. And please always share it with friends. This is the number one way. You can support this project is by reposting it forwarding on the emails and telling your friends about it giving five star reviews on Apple iTunes podcast or wherever it is that you listen. Listen, finally. I want to give a brief plug for a special Retreat that I'm offering later this year from September 29th to October third. I'll be offering a three-day residential Retreat where we'll be working with embodied astrology in this Retreat. You'll learn a ton about astrology you will work with your own chart. You'll get to prepare for the exciting astrology of 2020 and use your astrology and use the tools that I offer for how you embody astrology and the astrological Potential to manifest your magic get more information at embodied under Play and Learn and Live Events. Your horoscope is coming right up stick around. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on. Modify Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. All right, we're going to get into your horoscope. Now as always I just want to encourage you to listen with an open mind horoscopes are a general kind of art. There are a ton of people on the planet and there are not only 12 kinds of people. So as I offer your horoscope, I'm offering General suggestions and the energy that I'm receiving from the chart may or may not be applicable to you in exactly the way that I speak it. So, please listen for the sentiment or the Symbolism and what I'm saying apply it to yourself intuitively if you associate to something that I'm saying, that's the right thing. You can go down that road. Listen a couple of times ask questions to yourself kind of consider all the different ways that you could think about what I'm offering and always take what works leave the rest. Remember that these horoscopes are simply suggestions here for your best benefit and positive Evolution. I want to encourage you to listen to the horoscopes for at least Your son and your rising sign your sun sign is the season that you are born. It's what you answer when someone asks. Hey, what's your sign? Your rising sign is the time of day. You were born not everybody has this information, and so if you don't know your rising sign your sun sign is awesome to listen to some people really get into listening for their Moon signs for their Venus signs. There are all different signs for all the planets in your chart and really many of the horoscopes could speak to you. So I hope you oil, whichever ones you listen to Hello Scorpio, welcome to your month ahead horoscope and audio forecast for Leo season Leo season begins on July 22nd and wraps up on August 22nd. And for you Leo rules the part of your chart that has to do with your Public Image with your career with your vocation. You don't resonate with the word career. This is the place where you get to achieve something you're building something in your life. Have ambition. I sometimes think of this place in the chart as the place of adulting. It's like where you want to be a boss and have some Authority and you get good at something you have Mastery at something and then you can build something in the world because you're working for it. You've worked for it. You've earned it you've achieved it as we get into Leo season. There is a lot of stuff going on in Leo throughout the course of the Season all of the personal planets. It's will enter the sign they will all be communicating with the two other fire signs Sagittarius and Aries Sagittarius rules your solar second house of earned income values worth and wealth and areas rules your sixth house of day-to-day jobs Service and Health. So there's a ton of energy for you in a kind of practical and again vocational sense. It's like you're really working on something. And the work that you're doing feels exciting fire signs are generally optimistic. They're enthusiastic. They have a lot of energy in them over the course of the month as a personal planets travel into Leo, they'll be leaving the sign Cancer. And so there's a movement from your solar ninth house into your solar 10th house this describes an evolution from an idea into a form in cancer. You are dreaming big dreams. You're having ideas your pudding. Nowt feelers you are going on trips, you're thinking about possibilities and in Leo, you are starting to make some stuff happen. And so that feels like the momentum that carries you through the month what's going on with Leo is also going to be interacting with some outer planet astrology in earth and water signs and the relationship between Leo, which is a fire sign and Capricorn. And tourister both Earth signs and Pisces, which is a water sign. We're all of this movement is going to be happening. This is not always super easy. So there can be a sense of frustration. Also as you figure out how to apply yourself and particularly how you're applying yourself relationally socially and kind of with yourself with your own energy. So you've got a lot that you're working on but you're also maybe wrestling is even too strong of a word but you're definitely kind of being held in the fire. So to speak to make something happen to stay accountable to a process and that feels important and definitely rewarding if not always easy. If you want more information about all of the detailed planetary aspects definitely make sure to check out the subscriber option for embodied astrology. You can subscribe at any amount per month that's by donation and I will give you Pretty much day to day forecast. It's not signed specific. It's just general astrology, but definitely helpful, especially for those of you that are really working with timing and opportunity this month as many of you will be so as I mentioned before Leo season begins on July 22nd. This is the day that the sun moves into Leo and wherever the sun is, that's where our attention is where our Consciousness is over the course of the next 30 days your attention your car. Business is in something that you are building some direction that you are traveling and what you want to be doing how you're going to be doing it on July 27th Venus moves into Leo and Venus. Will Transit Leo through August 21st. Venus is a benefic energy. It is beautiful. It is magnetic it helps you appear beautiful and magnetic the 10th house is the place of your most public and external image and Venus here is Getting a lot of really nice opportunity for attention to you. So if you have public presentations to do over the course of Leo season or if you're thinking about doing something like this, this would be a great time to utilize that energy there is a lot of really nice kind of lovely perception of you in a kind of public sphere over the course of this season on July 31st. There's a new moon at 8 degrees of Leo and new moon is always a time to initiate. She ate a new beginning to set intentions for a new cycle the cycle that begins on July 31st. You can think of it as a 12 month cycle from this new moon to the Leo new moon in 2020. So generally there is one new moon in each sign per month and over the course of the next 12 months. You can grow something in this part of your chart. You can plant the seed for it now and 12 months from now if you work on it if you continue to focus on You will have evolved you'll grow something. We'll see what that is. But your attention and your sustained enthusiasm again, allele quality will definitely help it grow. So consider what you are initiating what you're beginning what your hopes and your dreams are for this part of your chart again vocation your purpose here the world what you're building who you want to be in the world and what what you really want to represent and get good. At like this is the part in your chart where you can kind of be a master at something or achieve some level of exceptional skill and that's a really good feeling to have. So what is it that you're working on on July 31st Mercury also stations direct mercury has been retrograde over the past three weeks and it began its retrograde and Leo, it has retrograded back into cancer and it's turning direct at 24 degrees of cancer before it re-enters Leo in About two weeks. So as mercury turns direct you may have some kind of clarity for yourself around some if they're not professional goals. They are perhaps life purpose goals ideas about why you're doing what you're doing. But also how you're doing what you're doing. If you have been thinking about an opportunity that you want to pursue or if there has been a project in the works that you're interested in. Din, but haven't quite been ready to put forward. If you are a student or an aspirant of some kind and you're thinking about how to take the next step and whatever it is that you're doing or applying yourself to as mercury turns direct. It's like you get to open some door and you're perceptive awareness in your Readiness for whatever this is. Please make sure to check back in with me on I 31st for the new moon as usual. I'll be offering some kind of check in an embodiment or a ritual lunar Attunement of some type. August 11th is a very busy day in the astrology charts. Jupiter will be turning direct Jupiter is currently transiting through Sagittarius and it's been retrograde since April 10th. You're honest will station retrograde you're honest has been in Taurus and it will be retrograde for the next five months until January 2020 and on August 11th Mercury also makes its Ingress into Leo where it will travel through August 29th. So what does this all mean Jupiter in Sagittarius is currently energizing your solar second house of self-esteem values value systems and earned income. So this is the part in your chart where you basically Decide what's important to you decide whether or not you're worth it and then attract or avert the resources that you need so our value systems have a lot to do with what we're trying to attract and self-esteem has a lot to do with whether or not we can not just attract what we need, but also receive it and use it wisely if we can be skillful with our resources Jupiter. Has been in this part of your chart since last winter about December of 2018 and it's teaching you something about these themes you're learning something about how to work with value how to work with worth how to work with resources and probably how to be resourceful and to leverage your hard work and you know, whatever it is, whatever this project is whatever this movement is. In your chart that's about ambition about building something you're figuring out how to make it happen is the sense that I get and you're learning a lot in the process for any of you who are public figures of some kind like if you're putting yourself in front of an audience the aspects you have over the course of this month are really quite amazing. They're pretty excellent for opportunities. They're really good for you to receive support to ask for support. Support, you know, if you're making a pitch for something if you are inviting different kind of feedback or a new kind of feedback, if you're wanting attention for how much you've been working on something how much you've progressed in something or another kind of validation. You can have all of that this month. There's actually quite a lot of positive reinforcement for anything that you're doing that requires you to be using your enthusiasm using your passion using your talent. Your creativity on August 11th, you're on a stations retrograde as I mentioned. So you're honest is retrograde in the sign. Taurus Taurus is your opposite sign this part of your chart has to do with your opposites with your other people. Whoever they happen to be in a general sense. This is other people just you in the world encountering other people and what that brings up for you and how you are in a more specific sense. Since this means important people to you and people who you are in some kind of committed or contractual arrangement with a nice a contractual and it's totally not the right word. I'm not quite sure what the appropriate word actually is, but the basic idea here is that this is the part of your chart where you make agreements to be in relationship and you kind of put yourself out with a certain kind. Agreement like with a certain kind of vibe and because this part of your chart describes your important Partnerships your committed relationships and the way that you balanced compromise collaborate with other people. This is also a part of the chart that has a lot to do with your ideas about yourself. So again, it's the opposite of you and therefore you are totally involved with your relationships. Your honest is Is a planet that is innovative that it is that is disruptive. That's experimental. Ultimately that wants your Liberation your sense of freedom. And let's see. What's the right word here. It's like you want to be able to live just in the moment with people with your relationships. You don't want to be confined by any boxes you want to be able to be present but to have relationships that are surprising that grow that go somewhere that feels Liberating that's the ultimate goal. Whatever is happening at the current moment is leading you there. So for some people you're on a stationing retrograde in this part of the chart might describe some ups and downs in your important relationships. There may be a kind of erratic quality to them. You may be considering or reconsidering how you want to be in relationship. You may be trying to change certain things and then going through some kind of process with it. You may be in your own it. Experience just trying to figure it out. But knowing that you are trying to figure something new out and express yourself in a new way. So over the course of the next five months as you're honest influences this part of your chart you are I think kind of really figuring out something about how you are interacting with people. You're figuring out how to move through previous areas of blockage misunderstanding or misalignment. And your honest is Is working in accordance with some other planetary movement in the sign Capricorn for you that has to do with your communication your expectations and your biases or your perceptions. You are becoming more responsible. You're becoming more aware of how your mental Frameworks are influencing your relationships. And this is really helping you make whatever upgrades or evolutionary steps you're trying to make in them. So be accountable with your mind. And be responsible and definitely watch what's happening in your mind. And like I said be accountable but be accountable to yourself, you know, watch it if you spin out on stories or something like that because there's quite a lot of Adventure in your relationship spaces and how you can participate the most effectively and I think the most sustainably with them is to really be in a fairly grounded and sober space in your Own internal dialogues finally on August 11th Mercury moves into Leo. This is the planet of communication moving into the part of your chart that has to do again with your Public Image with something that you're building mastering coming into a place of agency and Authority in the world mercury in this part of your chart brings your mental attention to these kinds of efforts and their projects it also again is a really nice influence for you, too. Be in some kind of public presenter space. If you're using your face your voice your words your hands to communicate something Mercury's presence in the sign. Leo is definitely there to help you out on August 15th. There's a full moon in the sign Aquarius Aquarius is the opposite sign to Leo and a full moon is always an opposition this month. The opposition is not just between the Sun and the Moon but it's between the sun in Leo and all The personal planets in Leo. So again, we've got Mars Venus and Mercury all in Leo with the Sun. The Moon is Illuminating all of this energy and the Moon is currently shining in the root of your chart in the place of Home family community sense of belonging and tribe around the middle of August. You want to be with places and people that feel comfortable that feel familiar that feel safe. You may be very aware of your need for These kinds of places or these kinds of communities if you're not actually in them around that time. There's definitely heightened awareness for you of your connections and your important bonds right now and how your communities can help you support and sustain whatever these projects are this kind of work that you're doing that I've been talking about is August 15th is also the day that mercury is retrograde Shadow is complete. So the entire retrograde cycle is now over Mercury is moving direct its back up. Speed it's in Leo and you are good to go with any kinds of new ideas or agreements that maybe had been stalled or that you had been waiting on during the retrograde period at this point in Leo season energy begins to shift on August 17th, Mars moves into Virgo your solar 11th house where it will Transit until October 4th on August 21st, Venus moves into Virgo. It will Transit there. Until September 15th, then Leo season ends when the sun moves into Virgo on August 23rd and just a couple of days after that mercury will follow suit. So now we have this pouring kind of movement of all of the personal planets from the solar 10th house in your chart into the solar 11th house from the energy of Leo into the energy of Virgo. This feels like a shift for you from a kind of more. Playful passionate may be opportunistic or enthusiastic space into a not less enthusiastic or less passionate space but something that is more practical and that has you applying yourself in a kind of more concentrated way. You may be editing something refining something attending to Deals details in some way. Some of you will be working with collaborators at this time and Kind of considering how whatever it is that you've been attending to in. The last month now is going to have some broader kind of social implication or be shared with a larger Collective or community of some kind so in general it looks to me like Leo season is a pretty busy time for you. You seem hard at work on something that feels really exciting and important and very Uniquely Yours. I think you're learning a lot about how to sustain yourself in whatever it is that feels like you're calling or that feels like your passion a big part of how you sustain yourself is through grounded relationships and clear communication drama is not helpful if you're trying to get shit done. So you want relationships that are study that are easy where you're accountable where you're transparent where you get that in return. Is also a great need for you to give yourself enough time and space to continue to connect with your intuition and your inspiration. This is definitely a need for you this month. I don't think you're getting quite enough of that time. So if I can be a voice that just encourages you maybe to wake up an extra 10 minutes early give yourself that 10 minutes to meditate to check in may be go to bed an extra 10 or 20 minutes early give yourself that time. I meditate and to check-in try and get a little bit of alone time every week. Make sure that you give yourself enough space to connect with your own intuition. This is really important for all of this process in this work that you are doing in the world. Make sure to check back in with embodied astrology at the new moon and the full moon July 31st and August 15th. I'm offering some kind of ritual or embodiment meditation for you to work with the lunar energy and definitely also check back in with me on 23rd to get your Virgo season audio horoscope and month ahead forecast. Thanks for listening. Happy Leo season. Goodbye.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Leo Season in 2019. Cancer Season extends between July 22 - August 22. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to the Embodied Astrology reading for Leo Season. In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of Leo’s zodiacal energy through our bodies, hearts, minds, relationships and the world at large. I’ll talk to you about how to recognize the Leonine influence in yourself and others, and offer some somatic resourcing for working effectively with this energy. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Leo season and is also a very healing and supportive energy to check in with at any point. Learn more about Leo’s qualities and the upcoming month ahead with the Embodied Astrology Reading for Leo Season: Get the Leo Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hola, Mis, Amigos, welcome to the Gringos quest of Once In the Park as we were as I learn along with me esposa, hola, hola hola hola. The teacher is supposed to the teacher and ultimate goal is Spanish fluency. So welcome to episode 2 and itís one is to really all right. So I want to apologize to the people that were waiting for us for last week. But at the end of the day we got to it. We were busy our 24-hour says I'm a firefighter gone for a whole day and then I have a day off so on so on so we didn't get around to it, but it was Memorial weekend, so we would have to take time out of our spot. Asking this think all the fallen soldiers that we have lost and you just appreciate their service as far as yes, she was busy as well, but we're just making excuses as another day. We're back. So in episode 2 as promised we're talking about flirting talking to the Latinos and Latinas and Latinos. Lo siento. I'm sorry, so we have a lesson plan for that. But as of right now we're going to get to the word of the day, baby. What's your word of the day? Is going to be in a Masa Anamosa. Yeah, it's beautiful and I'm also a movie or mosa and I knew that I don't know why I asked you that I knew that I know I definitely know that so and most is beautiful. Alright, so that is the word of the day and now I'm going to talk about what we're drinking so we don't drink but today we're drinking some Gin and jelly, we're super basic. We just drink sweet red. Ride, so we're pretty we're pretty normal with that but somebody from us maybe vodka. So we're trying to load different and we're just sipping on it and Bombay Sapphire Isle maybe bus right now, but it was something like that. And as far as what it tastes like this is regular, I mean, it tastes like pasta, right? Yeah. I mean, so we're super basic when it comes to alcohol, but that's that in the word of the day is Anamosa. All right, Adam Osa. All right, so baby, so tell me about your day, even though I spent a whole day. You today? So tell me about your day and then we'll talk about what we did a little bit as far as like last week Memorial weekend because I was off for four days every once in awhile I get for Daybreak. So I always have before Daybreak comes around Friday Saturday Sunday Monday off and that happened to be Memorial weekend. So we'll do it backwards. Let's talk about what we did today for his finger. So I mean I was with you so you're explaining my part as well. So, how did you enjoy today baby? Like I feel good because we say so I'm like snow just want to the last time we save some rabbits that were in our backyard. That's where we got a damn zoo on this house. Yeah, it was crazy. I love animals. So everything I'm like we have to do something for them. So we went to leave them up there. Where is how we call the play It's like a wildlife refuge. Okay, so we went out there and I feel better because the poor Bears I was saying to tell the like that is crazy. How is their life? Because one of his little brothers like that guy next to him. So so tragic to me he's talking about how traumatized the bird has started his life almost infant empathy. That should be a word infant. I can't even say anything you're one of the day so yes, I'm going back and forth. But we also have we're going to try we're gonna try we're gonna see how this goes but along with the word of the day Hermosa. We're going to each give each other a And we're today that were supposed to use one time throughout the episode. So mines is empathy and might be a little hard. So everything is like when you I'm gonna look it up but like the exact definition of it, but it's like when you have a certain amount of feelings for somebody else like you feel as they feel empathy sympathia. So that's what that means. So let's have empathy with the yeah. You have great empathy with the word. So as I got some of the Well, you do sympathia in Spanish you use that in English. So you have empathy with the bird and I was so sad for him. I always save his life or we think so and then we went to eat some sandwich. It was like I was like, I want send their should say so we wintered some sundry and they weren't sweet baby. We that a lot of ice cream that is there is ice cream. A lot. Oh, yeah. We need to go to the gym. Yeah, we can talk about every week you do we do it casually sporadically I went through things this week. There's good last week. Hi baby this week. Yeah, and I went twice. I think I'm even being nice on that. But yes, we're going to go to the gym. Yeah, that's one of our couple balls. We need to get to the gym when you eat a little bit healthier and by no means we are like I feel like we're not even all that bad when it comes to eating bad, but I think we could be better. So that is something we're constantly working on but to be continued will let you know how that goes. Yeah. So yeah, we had some more we had mice we had more a lot of my ice cream. I'm sure you guys know ice cream at all, right? Kalani you sick of learn a lot. Oh, all right, but you got that were so so after that. Yeah, it's all pretty much it. So yeah, we dropped off. No, but then we feel bad without our LOL because was bad really The Taste was bad. So we were like, let's go to Rita's you told ya so, okay. Let me try to tell them was like say everything is punished that the older it's like a version of movement. But anyway, so I got so your thing. Go so your bangle your thing go a lot of your the net so that's how I got so y'all didn't are a lot of eat Coco Coco. He gummy bears go meet that has okay. So ego massage. As cotton candy, but I don't know. None of these words can tell me I will give I'll go alone. There's to curl that is cotton candy in Spanish daddy dong. I'll go down. I'll go down. There are super they are super like sugar or sugar. Sugar is also called Asuka. So one more time with the most high God own had a good don't they so you just put some strawberries and I was so fresh gas is Fresca's but it is impressive us. Okay, so bear in day basis, but it's called a blingy and it is blend that all together. Pardon. So liquid water that's quite a nice Blended. Yeah. So Laquanda requirements like impulse required Laquanda quite all liquid on look. Why don't you say it all together, baby? And the they eigen they're super hard. We are slow to the is strawberry. That is Brenda. Excuse art are Barrow. He's dumping on us for Attention our federal. Yeah, he's being a little extra right now. He's wants attention. Yes. Oh you ordered are weary strawberries and oil. Maybe if you sign it and then ice cream and coco coconut, okay. Well gummy bears is gonna bomb has that when you see coconut cream of coconut coconut Of the pre-medical. All right. So I'm so you guys are sick of hearing about my ice cream, you know every ingredient that was in my ice cream. All right. So yeah, we did that and we felt bad we felt guilty and that was that and as far as what we did last weekend, so we will win in that so last weekend, so if we win baby we window we wind up. Okay. Yes, we won. They will be in the owners tell me they all will be in there. That's the small y so, they don't obey Indios de Arbol being don't knows maybe that's a lot of this be want the same one. Yeah. Oh my goodness. This banished barely be only your's stable. Again, the amount or the waster. Thank you. That's all live with what the one word you say. You mean like too difficult. So, what's the one word? So there was the weapon? Okay. Alright, and I mean the one okay, so the red that to last week we went to the beach which Daniel loves to be since he's always talked about going to the beach until go ahead going through. Which is ironic cause we met on the beach. But anyways, we'll get to that story. But yeah, so it seems she's talking about going to the beach and I finally said okay, let's go because it's finally getting somewhat hot in New Jersey because it just it takes forever to get hot out here. It's been cold since I don't know how long I mean we were six months into the year and you know just now getting hot it feels like it sucks because he showed me another person at the range. I was like, I'm going to get my real person. The leg there is and he showed me that he liked the reasons. I'm so so you're saying that change. Yeah. Well, there's only and they have empathy with him for those reasons. And then for the other day we went to Philly and we kind of walked around we like going to Philly and kind of splitting us up a little bit. I mean we're 30 minutes in a bog hasn't we just in the intro so we went to Philly and we want to expand it. I am Spanish a Chinese Lantern Festival and I was pretty cool is like a it was It was kind of small. They had like a little Benders there and it was so cool. But what we did do I forgot we had the my memory look at my memories getting better. We had a hot pot. Oh, yeah, which was good. We kind of just try something different with one's a random place and I feel like I'm pretty adventurous when it comes to food and I feel like I've like Tonya is as well. But at the same time she's not so it's kind of like a balance. Sometimes she's into it. Sometimes he's not so we tried this hotspot experience. It was relatively it was cool and It was not really didn't know about and it's something I've been seeing as I've been through the city and it was cool. It's a Mongolian spot. And if you are here and Philadelphia on our side, first of all, let us know and secondly the name of the spot is little sheep Mingo lien Hot Spot pot hot pot. So once again that is little sheep Meg only in half. Ha ha and if you got any hot spot locations in your city, I would recommend going because it was good. Let's get into the episode that what comes next episode. All right, so start living was no you got the decimal yes or no, hola amigos. Let me just take a brief break real quick before we give it to a lesson to pay some bills. Thank you guys so very much for your support. We have gotten our first sponsor. So thank you very much anchor so when me and my wife first got started. And trying to do this whole thing as far as producing and Publishing this podcast, we did not know what to do. So after doing my research online and just Googling stuff anchor is the thing that came up and I I promise you it's the greatest thing we have found and it's the best thing it's your One Stop Shop for recording hosting and distributing podcasts and the best part of all it is a hundred percent free and I tell you it's a hundred percent free and it does everything like there's there's no guesswork. Like, it's you record you press a button to record. I'd say what you gotta say. And then from there you publish it and anchor does all the work from there. Like it gives it to Apple Google Stitcher all the podcast platforms anything you can think of it produces it and gives it to those platforms. So thank you anchor and go download that if you want to start your podcast and make some money and no gang some fans Go download anchor that is spelled ANC hor and looked it up in your app store or Android store and also go to Anchored on. FM / start and I'll also include that in the show notes. So so thank you anchor and let's get back to the lesson. Let's talk about today. Okay, so we're going to talk about how we me. Hey, we are going to talk how to flirt with somebody flirt Lord. I'm sorry my ex him here. We don't just so yeah, we're going to start so we are going to tell something like a nice he's storing. We're going to say So, how was that my songs? Well, they was Pena 3 sólo Una Dia only. I want to be a on the larger. Oh, yeah, but sounds learning which once upon a time I know of So Daniel was at their age and shall not come with his friend. Hey, I'm gonna be some equals to the No, no, no. No, I told you was like how I say this but you were able they were like Barrow muy Guapo know like they are you talking about that last episode. Yeah boy, is that a handsome guy wants to make me like, I know I was like, he looks like me. But no he's perfect now. So okay. So we meet and tell them comes to me you can do is guys or girls because maybe some girls could be like that with nothing guys, but you can come to a girl to a guy saying like told me what do you say that they saw what children say that day. So I think I said I said hello and then I think I kind of realize when the device and all laugh you said. Oh, no, you know that the Hola, mamacita. Think I'm gonna see me saying hola mamacita. So yeah, that's that's not hola Mami same thing. Don't say that. Don't say that. Okay, so listen to me listen. All right, so so yeah, if I said hola and then did I say hola and now you say hello? Okay, so I was like, what's up? He wasn't me. So cool. OK. That was the first thing I Don't like that guys that are like the like I'm mr. Cool. So I was like, okay, I'd like I said I said I said, I don't speak English. Oh my God. I don't know. It was it was only Spanish so I could tell like she wasn't from here. So that's when I asked like, where are you from? So and he liked me more because he liked excited care. Oh my God exotic. This is all out with mr. Toad own. That was almost like if I say, I don't speak English that was really like that and then shall that was like, okay, but tell me something interesting interesting interesting interesting about yes. That was my pickle. That was when I was like, okay. Yeah. She's listed as he was from Colombia. Oh, please don't say that in my head. I was like, so miss something. There is nothing called Colombia Colombiana as well as Rama hail Columbia always had a thing for Sakura back in the day. I said kids Columbia. I never knew that but look look look almost for saddle. I never knew that she was consumed Colombiana. All right. So when I said I said tell me something interesting about Colombian woman. Yeah, you know what I say, what's funny is they, you know better than me. You said something about like they're very interested a miser. Hurt like her Spanish. We don't hurry list was like it was my soul mate knows it was like so so so like she was speaking and I was understanding to extent but still I had to listen really hard. So she said he was just talking and he told that I understood everything until I learn English and I was alone the first day I didn't understand nothing children. I'm sorry, but that was like that and I broke my heart, you know killing the game. I thought I was just spit. The game I thought I was saying all the right things. I'm like well killing it. You'll see liking everything I'm saying but little do I know she's confused and she saying what is going on? Yeah. I need you know, who's Chiquita? We are going to show you a little bit Mickey and I was just in a song but yeah. Sunday then he was like you wanna go out with me and I was like where I think he said you like we can go to me like to apply Jam that is beige. And then I was like, okay like this guy because I love the rich. I think that I'm going to me while we're already at the beach, but she want another beats date and then now he hasn't like going to go to every city. I got you like I'm good. Oh my God. The last thing we'll give him some words. Give us more. This is kids some some things, please like raising their comments that we have to go to look great baby. This is check it out. There is a noble security may be no. Thanks. All right, so baby. Okay, so we were telling you this story because we are going to try to do it. He's better. So how we can you start now like you were our first day baby? No our first day so interaction. Yeah, so tell me tell me I'm learning every tell us tell us. Okay. So for I care for a guy, I don't know really that's it. Nothing guys just like girls with nothing guys are American or if you are if you are at Play, Things like no Colombian, they like that. So don't worry. You just have to say hola como estas and that's it. The guy's the Latin guys are going to race and if you know how to dance you got everything. Oh, yeah. I know how to dance for men or woman like you got to got to have like the swag got it. I don't got the hips yet. I'm still alive, baby. I'm working on my sleigh. Okay, so we are going to start with this so it where the first day and children. Come to me. Like I said with guys is easy. So children could I know I don't know every you could come Loyola come with stars. So, how are you? So, yeah, it's simple hola como estas, or maybe that works with me only with Erica. Okay. So thank you so much that so all I call my stars. Oh, yeah, hola, how are you? So from there and then I'm going to answer. Okay the end that there is good and you know, I'm going to say unto you. I'm computer. Maybe I need to okay. So be a needle there is good on you. Yes. Oh, so look, that's why I get stuck. Okay, so I know everything you're telling me I know hola como estas bien ET tu but look after that. I'm done with you. So like okay. So what I say after that, okay, so I hope you both good. All right, so so from there what I go like so now you can use your word of the day. So, how do you say oh hi. So esta muy Hermosa. No, but you have to simple but at the same time like saying that because there is almost a saint but you are saying that you're beautiful so that's the ammonium also. Yeah, but if you could say something like the siento like I have to tell you Joe Tango, okay, I see you thinking. Tengo que decir there. I hope you saying a lot of words, but those simple I have to tell you something I have to yeah, so thank okay think okay this year this year the I'll go I'll go and then solo snow. I'm going to say in that moment. Okay, like what is that move most of us when we are most like the like the stars in the sky. By computer socome on is like yeah, like homo plus plus plus like the stars. So come on. There is love there is Love Love Love Lies last very last last. Is there a just the write this del Cielo glasses Tunisia? Come on. Okay, so go yeah that why are we will write it down? You just tell him you're like, okay, so don't last is that just that it is the rage as the serial yellow clo good. So come on is like like the stars its stead just yesterday that is done. - sealeo in the sky yellow clo in the sky is yellow cie Elmo. So now we're going to make this simple like if the girl like you that is going to be like probably like that. So then you're going to say like, oh no like what you think maybe like you think that I can see you again, maybe in another day that they wish or in the play that you meet that person. So maybe you can You mean her? Oh, no, no bar. No, I don't think there's a good idea if you meet her, you know are you can tell like you wanna go and drink some Colombian coffee or depends on the the country could be Costa Rican coffee. Who's the watermelon coherence indifferent as a good point you made so in Colombia what I realize instead of coffee, like most of you guys may know any Spanish the cafe. It is painful and think. Oh, yeah, okay if a when you ask for things, Though is just regular coffee like American Cooking. But when you ask for Cafe is like coffee with milk, so Kathy leche. Okay, so no Kathy gone at you. Yeah, okay, so so back to your saying so I said go more last is day just gets easier yellow. So yeah, so I said like the stars in the sky you do feel like the stars in the sky. I said that and melted your heart, you know a lot of guys. Okay, not a little Spanish. There's something like trying to be. Mr. Cool and I might even hit you with a about you hit you what I like. Oh, yeah. I know. I'm right after I hit you with it like so you make a little things or something like that. Lo siento Mi español is is muscle made us muy Mal, but I'm trying how to say I'm sorry. It's the day that I've done it's done. So children say, I'm sorry my Spanish is like Soso masolino so muscle my nose. So once I said that so that's when I asked me for a day, right? Yeah the ones you say that it was like yeah, but how would you say that for a day that I'm saying that I was trying to explain? Like if you meet the person until you shoes because the person is Irish person so you can tell like hey, what were you thinking we could turn our they like I do each. I know one dish that is like amazing and you can find like amazing babies. Are you could tell the name so you can say like look we can go. Let's keep it simple. Don't put it will hit one of our words because you know, we started to simple. Okay, so I like Kate is here. Wanna play German whore? Okay, so could be like here it is. She's writing it down for me. Yeah. Yeah here larger larger mejor so there is going to be like we like to go to a better Beach so quieres ear a una larger mejor que quieres. So so what's kid, would you like here? So to go here is ear chin ear? Is God go and that's a version of go, but we'll make it a difficult. I mean that's like a whole nother thing. So that's another version of what we're talking about that later Sookie enters in Pune larger McCormick. All right, so so would you like to go to a better piece Elijah McCoy? So I'm going to ask you in this moment which one while while that is which one while I so soak while Soak while so let's say keep me there is like there is this beach but we don't go together yet. Okay, Cape May is mucho home. Hey, is this a gave me is like too much better much better much better. Yeah much of my heart. Yeah. So from there, I'll say and then you might even say why you might even say why so 40K? Yeah. So for K. So what okay, and then I would say I'll put myself on the spot. I would say talk. maybe I would say I would say Okay, so the water so a mass mass mass Olympia is Miles uh-huh, Olympia Olympia Es el agua is mass limpia. So the water and habla the water is more as mass Olympia. Clean Tas are most common to all my gosh. It's beautiful like you. Oh Right. Yeah, so let me I clean and I am Pi a limpia. Alright, so we have any more small as far as I go to lesson. I mean we're coming up on 30 minutes. Well working on make it what is working on. This is a working product. So the main thing is we did the podcast and we put the time and effort and you know putting it out here and we appreciate you as the listener for just coming back for more. And once again we do with this like you to just comment. On like what we need to work on particularly and because we want to get better and we want to improve and you want to give you guys the most value as possible as much as you know as far as for you learning and for me learning, so please like And subscribe. Let us know we work on baby is anything you got to say? I know you think that's my English is like so bad or if I have like some words they have such good baby. Well, maybe some people is like I don't So just let me know the words that I have to improve to I'm learning more English to of course. I'm not I didn't like was born here. I wasn't I was Amber's but I wasn't I wasn't born here here. Yeah, but that's but I went to learn more English. So please if you know like the words does you were like a struggling with my words just Just let me know and breathable. So we want to give a shout out to the person that did comment and review so bring that up baby. That's gonna be a little segment. We have anybody that comments and you know gives us a review on how they like the podcast or what we need to work on. We're going to shout them out. So we want to appreciate this little just take time out. This episode is appreciate this person very much. So for this taking the time out of their day for not only listening but for reviewing and just commenting on how they felt about our podcast so with this, It says the name is Queen. Pj7. So thank you very much Muchos Gracias. Clean. Pj7 the Reina Spanish see right now. So what he said was very relatable couple. I love this new podcast. I think I would learn a lot as time goes on even if I don't I love this couple they are just so open it relatable. So Muchos Gracias Queen pj7. We hope you enjoy keep continuously enjoying the contact and thank you so much for that. And I'm sorry I want to say the last thing baby quick. If I didn't a shillelagh to a girls how to flirt. I say that there. Yeah flirt. Okay. So if I didn't teach them too much is because really girls you need the with Latin guys if you wanna meet a lot in guys are so is it really so you need all these maybes more for guys? So that's it. Yeah, we're trying to we're gonna try to make the lessons a little bit longer like we kind of spent a lot of time talking in this This one which that size fault of our own but if you guys enjoy that let us know if you guys do want more or less and let us know as well. So we don't know what you guys want but we're trying to you know appease you guys to sense. So we thank you once again as listeners and ciao Wednesday, I were you. Oh, yeah. Okay, so you to thank you baby. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you and follow us on Instagram. So call that Tina Latina, which way is a day so Toko ch. See o dot Latina liti in a a so follows those Apollo. Let us know you're supporting we appreciate all the love. We thank you so very much for getting this far in the episode. And remember to comment like And subscribe. Thank you. Yes, so just review we want these reviews. This is how we get good is how we know we're doing bad. I'm going on tangent this episode is Smooches. Oh, there's one more word buddy. It's mucho. I guess long Bible. So is this episode's most reliable is that ago just as liable? So is that was like, oh, so we apologize for that. We're gonna get a little better and make a little shorter to give you a little español in your life. So, thank you so much. Ciao. Say bye, baby.
In this episode we give tips on speaking and flirting with Spanish people in espanol, there are many reasons to speak Spanish. And I'm sure flirting in Spanish is somewhere on your list 😎😍 *Quick tip and trust us don't say "Hola mamsita"  read that over and over again, OK good 😊. Join us and listening in because nobody wants to be a normal gringo that flirts bad in espanol. Follow us on Instagram: Choco.latinaa And listen to our weekly updated Spanish playlist on Spotify: Gringo & Latina 💃💃 Restaurant recommendation: Little Sheep Mongolian Hot Pot  Episode vocab: ~ Lo siento/I'm sorry   ~empatía/empathy   ~   Perro/dog   ~helado/ice cream   ~coco/coconut  ~gomitas/gummies    ~algodón de azúcar/cotton candy   ~azúcar /sugar   ~fresa/strawberries  ~playa/beach   ~comida/food   ~Escúchame/listen to me   ~rebobinar/rewind   ~yo tengo/I have  ~muy facil/very easy   ~bien y tu/good and you    ~estás muy hermosas/you are very beautiful   ~tinto/regular coffee (Colombian term)    ~limpiar/clean   ~más o menos/more or less( or so so)   ~mis amigos/ my friends   ~solo espanol/only spanish   ~quieres ir a una playa mejor/do you want to go to a better beach  ~lo siento mi español es malo pero estoy tratando/im sorry my spanish is bad but im trying    ~ Tengo que decirte algo/i have to tell you something  ~tu hermosa como las estrellas en el cielo/your beautiful like the stars in the sky --- Support this podcast:
Welcome to the steroid podcast with your book Dan the bodybuilder sometime. Start the steroids podcast is brought to you by Ultimate Guide to roids 109 page ebook by Dan the bodybuilder from Thailand now for the first time in bodybuilding history. You have someone with no corporate interests and no obligation to please anyone not walking on eggshells to not offend. Ultimate Guide to rewards gives you the information the whole information the whole truth not a full truth and a half Truth full truth. Ultimate Guide to roids gives you the keys to the Lamborghini gives you the information and lets you decide what to do with it. It's a crime this information has been suppressed this long now, let's get on with the podcast. Okay, let's get started with the first question of the day and this one is from swollen Beast. My first cycle is okay d-ball only everyone say use testosterone. I swollen Beast get ready for this first d-ball cycle Because You About To Get Swole because that's what d-ball does when you start taking it. So like the first like three to five days you take it you swell up inside of your muscles. It's not real muscle tissue. Only stays while you're on the drug and then after some more time goes by then you start to build muscle tissue that stays after you're done with the drug, but you're going to Get Swole bro, because you're going to swell up inside your muscles with muscle fuel carbohydrate glycogen storage. And water in the first three to five days of your cycle and you're going to be looking a lot different. It's going to look like solid muscle you can use d-ball only without testosterone and actually you can still have a pretty good sex drive and also have good muscle building effects, but you're going to have to run a low dose of the D ball and you're going to have to run it for a long time. So you're going to have to run it, you know, not like three or four weeks. You're going to have to be running it like like 8 to 12 weeks at a low dosage in order to make real gains that are going to be muscle tissue. They're not just going to be you swelling up while you have the d-ball drug in your system. And then when you stop taking the d-ball, well that swelling has no reason to stay and goes away. So in order to prevent that on a d-ball only cycle you have to take it for a low dose for a long duration and build up your strength. Okay. That's the way that like Arnold Schwarzenegger used to do it back in the And he's they would take long cycles of Dubai low dosages. And so usually that means around 15 20 25 30 milligrams per day. All right. So yeah swollen Beast. You're about to Get Swole on d-ball. Okay. Next question is from Dmitri. Hey, man, I want to ask you a question. You seem knowledgeable. What do you think about taking Accutane without doctor's supervision for clearing up acne? I don't have acne from steroids. It's teen acne, or is it better to go to a dermatologist? Yeah, it's better to go to a dermatologist because Accutane a lot of people do use it if they have severe steroid related acne. It changes your body permanently. It causes cell death in the Oil glands of your hair of your hair follicles. And so then the the oil the oil glands actually die permanently. And so one of the side effects of Accutane use is having like dry everything because it really it stops IT targets all of your oil glands. So sometimes people have dry eyes and shit like that. It's also like a pretty potent toxin so it can have pretty severe health effects to take dang it. That's why doctors only used as a last result last resort for acne after they've gone through like isotretinoin topical gel and antibiotics like tetracycline Minocycline for acne than the last resort is, you know, checking in every two weeks or one month for a blood test is how they require you to do it for Accutane because it's a really harsh drug with bad side effects on basically every health Marker, and then also for example if a woman is pregnant and she's on Accutane if she gets pregnant the baby has a 50% chance of being born deformed. So it's a pretty potent toxin Accutane don't want to take it unless it's a last resort. So yeah go to your doctor and get antibiotics like tetracycline or try out s i so Troy tretinoin gel, which is a topical form. Of Accutane that you apply to your face Burns pretty bad for about 60 seconds every morning when you put it on. Okay Pat says walking human steroid encyclopedia. Damn. That's a cool name. That's like, you know what when I read that Pat I was like damn that is a cool title. That is a cool title. This is the favorite message that I've had since the last episode of the podcast. That guy called me a roided Seth Rogen now. It's human walking human steroid encyclopedia. But I feel more pride in that one. Maybe you can answer this question for the next podcast during blast and Cruz is it even necessary to take vitamins and minerals Krill fish oil and AC touka liver care live 52 calcium D glued glueck. Alright. Yeah, so it's good. Good to do healthy things it's good to eat healthy on cycle to eat natural foods not processed foods. So, you know single ingredient Foods where you eat natural foods that natural humans in their natural habitat would have hunted and gathered that's always going to put your health at the best. It can be while you are using steroids. Some people use some protectant for their organs like you were talking about Care supplements, I've never used any I do take omega-3 because it's essential oil and you can't get it. You can't make it. You can't manufacture it in your body. The only way to get it is through your diet and it's essential for building muscle for one thing. It creates the the membranes the membranes outside the at the edge of the border of the cell of the muscle cells, but then it's also really important for your brain to so yeah, I take I take krill oil I take three of those three of those krill oil capsules every day, but I never took any liver care or anything like that the best the best way if you like have high blood pressure because that's like probably the most common blood work side effect or I mean, it's not even blood work. It's just, you know, taking your blood pressure with a cuff. That's one of the main side effects that plug plagues steroid users. So the way to do that is to reduce Carbohydrate intake. The reason for that is because carbohydrates cause you to take on water I've mentioned this in the past that every one gram of carbohydrates that you eat carries with it in storage to your body and what it has to bring to go through your digestion 2 grams of water. So you're directly putting more and more water into your body and more and more volume inside of your body when you eat carbohydrates, and so, you know, what happens when you put more volume into the same size. As container, you know the pressure increases. So when you put the carbohydrates that come with the water into your body, you know, you're increasing the pressure on your body increases your blood pressure and that steroids increase your blood pressure and having high blood pressure can destroy your kid needs over time. So it's something that you really don't want to have because you know people with destroyed kidneys they have to go on dialysis. That's really bad. It filters your blood. So You know having low blood pressure is good. And if you're a steroid user and you have high blood pressure, dude, let me tell you it's not in our natural human diet to eat a lot of carbohydrates when we were hunters and gatherers and we were evolving. So like if your diet has like a ton of carbs in it and you have high blood pressure dude, I know it goes against conventional wisdom, and I know people don't want to hear it. But this is the truth been if you just like cut out those carbohydrates like even just go like keto diet for like one week, dude. Chances chances are very strong. I'm not a doctor so I can't say like oh this will happen Okay, but if I was I would say this would happen is that you're freaking blood pressure is not going to be a problem anymore. It's actually incredible when you see the effects of removing carbohydrates from your diet completely and what it does to your blood pressure if you have high blood pressure, so that's that's the health tip I have for you today. All right. Next question. This one is from Dee Dee asks since taking AAS. Anabolic androgenic steroids is what that stands for the volume of semen ejaculate has severely diminished. Is there any supplements that can be taken to increase the volume to normal amounts provided that this is a commonality? Yeah, yeah, so that that is common That's Not Unusual at all. It would be uncommon not to experience that since taking steroids. Shuts your natural production of testosterone and sperm off because you're the part of your brain called your hypothalamus can detect hormone levels in your body. And when you take steroids, you're putting hormones into your body and when the hypothalamus Notices that there's hormones to a certain level it turns off its own production. So it doesn't secrete this stuff called gonadotropin-releasing hormone and could not a trophy and releasing hormone goes down to your pituitary gland and it stimulates your pituitary gland to release luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, which then those are the hormones that go down to your testicles and make them create sperm and testosterone. So that's called the HPT a the hypothalamic dysregulation. Particular pituitary axis. And so that shuts off when you take steroids because it shuts off when the hypothalamus it doesn't release any gonadotropin-releasing hormone when it notices that there's a certain threshold of androgens and estrogens in the blood. So that's why you're not your reproductive system shot up shut off. So that's why you're not really creating sperm and the way to fix that is you can take Clomid. It doesn't really work that well but taking Clomid Like 50 milligrams a day or 50 milligrams every other day will make that come back because it works directly on your hypothalamus to start even though you're on steroids. It tricks your hypothalamus like to think that you're not on steroids. So then you get the gonadotropin-releasing hormone release which goes to the pituitary gland and the pituitary gland starts releasing some follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. But the the best way to increase the semen is to take the a HCG so that's human chorionic gonadotropin. You take this at about 2,000 IU's per week. If you're you know completely shut off like that way, you're not producing much. So you take like two shots of 1000 I use intramuscularly of HCG per week and that simulates the luteinizing hormone of the of the pituitary gland. It's the testicles will recognize the HCG as luteinizing. Ramon and the follicle stimulating hormone from the pituitary gland which is the other hormone that it that it releases isn't as important for testicular function. It's good. It's better for fertility, but you're going to be able to get the the semen back to the full amount and also the testicle size back the full amount just by shooting this analog or injecting this analog of luteinizing hormone called HCG human chorionic gonadotropin. Your testicles are going to see Okay, there is my signal to turn on and so then they turn on the grow back to size and you start shooting out a normal amount of semen again, and personally I take HCG year-round since I used steroids for most of the year. I take HCG year-round at 500 I use per week 250 I use per week because I didn't like having shrunk testicles on steroids. That was bothering me having that for years and then also because yeah. Had the same effect as you wear it was reducing my semen production. And so now that I use the HCG, both of those issues have been solved their back to normal and I also produce natural testosterone now in addition to taking steroids at the same time. Yannick asks, what do you think most fighters who piss clean on tests use? Well, it seems like the testing in like for the UFC example is really strict now because all of those guys got a lot smaller, so it looks like it's a lot tighter than it used to be but up until 2016 oral to rentable souter in about tablets t-ball. It wasn't detectable more than three days or 72 hours after using the last tablet but a new metabolites and what a metabolite is is it's a product of the breakdown of the trinamool chemical or any other chemical that means of metabolites there a new metabolites of Toronto ball was discovered that can be detected two to three weeks after the last tablet so that happened in 2016 and increased the detection time from three days to two to three weeks for Toronto ball tablets, so Most athletes were using that until then wind straw and anavar and Master on and testosterone suspension and growth hormone are used because avoiding detection and also increasing strength to body weight ratios, but it looks like fighting for the most part, you know, there's not a ton of doping going on there at this point. Next question is from Brayden Fulton and its pretty long question. But to summarize it he talks that he's on a nice strong steroid cycle and that he weighs a hundred and forty 245 pounds a hundred 16 kilograms, and he's trying to put on way he's muscular. He sent me his picture but he's having difficulty doing that. You know, he's pretty lean and he's really muscular. And so I asked him. Like how much of your what's your diet like and what kind of food are you eating? And he told me he's eating about 80 to 90% clean. And so see that's the thing is that when you've got guys who are this big like over 245 pounds or over 250 pounds, you know having unclean food has to come into the picture here because he even this guy Braden in the message. He said it feels impossible to put any more food down and Is there any way to increase my appetite and no, I think you've reached the limit dude on the amount of food that you can put down and the truth. Is that a lot of these guys who are bigger than you have got to be eating fast food and unclean food just to get calories in to increase their weight more than that when they're really big and muscular so That's a that's the way it is there as guys get bigger. The calorie needs increase in only way to get those calories in is through junk food. So that's what they do. It's probably better to just be happy with how big you are though. And because you already big so just get more cut up or something or just like where you're at. Next question is from mr. Too shiny. Okay a little while ago. You got that infection in your quad what precautions can someone take to try and avoid that also what are early signs of infection and how long did it take for the infection to go really bad? Yeah, so the first thing is that I was using a steroid that was produced in an underground lab. It was not produced in a human pharmaceutical grid steroid manufacturing facility, you know, like Bayer Pharmaceuticals stuff that is bought from the pharmacy and meant to be put into humans. I was using steroids that came from an underground lab. Okay, so they were not Licensed they were not licensed drugs. They were produced by who knows who so that is the reason why I had a health problem was because I took a risk by doing that by not using strictly human pharmaceutical grade steroids. I put mystery substance into my body and it was contaminated. So, you know, I got burned really really really badly and That is why I decided that no more of that for me. No more underground lab steroids. So just human grid for me now. That's how I'm dealing with preventing that from happening again. And that's the reality of how to prevent that kind of thing from happening is not making those kinds of choices that are going to possibly go really really bad for you and you know, It's Russian Roulette a when you're getting those steroids, you know, if there's a little bit of bacteria in one of the vials and it gets in there and somehow, you know gets into the syringe and you inject it into you man. You can get really screwed up. Like what I had happened. So early signs of that happening would be like extreme pain and swelling at the injection site and then like the swelling not going away just becoming Discolored being a lump sticking out on the side of your skin and you know not getting better for weeks not getting better when when it doesn't go away after like, you know, three or four weeks. It is definitely a problem and you need to go to the doctor. Timothy asks, hey, I watched episode 2 of the steroids podcast and the part about DHT not building muscle. So if during a high test blast someone takes finasteride, he will build more muscle since less of the test will become DHT in the real world. No in the real world. It doesn't really make a difference whether you're on finasteride or not. It sounds like you're trying to make things really scientific and usually these guys that are like Obsessed in these small details. Usually they're leaving something else out in the equation and that's just not the way it works. These details are so my new and insignificant if the effects are at all that it won't be perceptible to be fretting and spending your time worrying about things like this. If you need to take the finasteride and reduce your DHT, well, then you're probably going to have some effects like lowered sex drive or lowered ability to get an erection. That's usually the main effects of taking finasteride not building more or less muscle. Rodriguez says important question. I have some red area after pin is hitting my first shot of testy. Is that bad? When should I go to a doctor to check if I have an infection or know if I have one? Okay. So you said you have some red area after pinning your first shot? Well, that's pretty normal. When you do an intramuscular injection to have some swelling and a little A bit of redness at the injection site. That doesn't mean that it is a problem. What is a problem is when you notice a huge amount of swelling and it's really bright red and it's painful and especially out of all things if it's warm and hot to the touch. Okay, if something just happens for one day or two days and it seems like oh you're getting some swelling because you just inject Something into your body so your body has a swelling reaction to try and protect itself. That's still pretty normal. It's when you've got something that is sticking around for more than a week. That would be the threshold where you would first say. Okay. Something is seriously not right. I've had this here for a week and it's not going away. So if you injected that yesterday and now you have and it was your first steroid inject ever and now today There's some red area and it's not swollen. That sounds like totally within the normal Spectrum. Just keep an eye on it and it should be gone in a few days. Next question is from Jordan. Hey, I'm on 600 test E.E. And 600 Master on E. That means an ante and 50 milligrams Winstrol what would happen to my physique? If I were to lower my test down to a cruise dose before finishing the wind straw what I lose some water retention and look even leaner. Yeah when you lower the testosterone dosage down to a tee. Tito's from a blasting bodybuilding dose. Yeah, you will lose water retention and you will not look quite as puffy. So yeah, you will look leaner, especially since you said you're already lean testosterone also has some hardening properties about it though. So keeping it at a trt dose rather than taking it out will generally make you look harder because the testosterone has a really potent effect. At filling up your muscles with glycogen. So you notice when you go on testosterone, you gained like 10 pounds during the first week because testosterone is like a thickener and it makes you look bigger and thicker a bigger and thicker version of yourself, and it doesn't really quickly a lot of guys think during their first week on you know, injecting testosterone. They say again, the first week was the best man. I gained 10 pounds. and they that's the Cosmetic effect of the steroids some the Cosmetic effect of steroids is something that hasn't been publicized a lot but it's the initial effects of going on steroids and the increase of muscle fuel storage and decrease between subcutaneous water and decrease of subcutaneous water between the Skin and between the muscle so when you get on steroids during that first week, the actual chemical makes differences to the appearance of your body, but those are just differences or changes in appearance that have to do with having the drug in your bloodstream. They're not actually muscle gains. They're just effects of the drug that's called the Cosmetic effect of steroids. So taught testosterone does have a cosmetic effect not A good one because it doesn't make you appear really hard generally or make you appear really separated but it does have a cosmetic effect of making you look bigger and Fuller. So when you take away some of that bigness and fullness, it takes away some of the 3D look of your pop if you take testosterone out completely or even just reducing the dosage it also does this so we'll really it will reduce some of that pop in your muscles and make them look more flat. In addition to reducing that water retention and making you look harder so you will look harder but you will look smaller and flatter and more athletic and then if you were to drop testosterone out completely, I don't think you would look as hard as if you were on a trt dose because DHT dihydrotestosterone is made from testosterone. You need to stas turn in order to make DHT and DHT makes you harder because it's the same thing as mass drawn or provide. And it's just a biologically endogenous that means coming from inside the body made inside the body. That's what endogenous means and then exogenous means from outside the body. So dihydrotestosterone is the natural endogenous produced in the body hardening hardening compound or hardener component of testosterone. And so if you are taking no testosterone and then you take 250 milligrams, for example a couple days later. You'll start looking. Bigger more Fuller and harder at the same time so contrary to what some believe taking out testosterone completely because it messes up the fullness. You won't have that full pressing popping. Look of your muscles against the skin. And also you lose that DHT hardening component and that DHT hardening component is the natural hardening steroid hormone that is natural to your body. It's very similar. To Master on or probe. Ayran. And so when you take the testosterone and put it in there, there's an immediate hardening effect. But then if you increase the dosage a lot, you know say to 750 milligrams or a thousand milligrams. Then you start getting a more water retention effect. But when you keep it down it just something like 250 500 milligrams or hundred twenty-five milligrams. You will actually look harder than if you did not have the test. stas thrown in your stack Next question from of Brad sup Dan always wondering how you'd space out the 1,000 milligrams primo and testosterone. He only pins quads and shoulders because he hates pinning glutes with cramping and mobility issues. Never mind aspirating aspirating is when you pull back on the syringe when you when you put it in some guys check and see when they put the needle into the Body, they will do this thing called aspiration with the syringe where they pull back on the plunger and create a vacuum inside of the syringe barrel and they do this to make sure that they're not inside of a vein and injecting the steroid oil into a vein, but I've found this to be unnecessary personally when you're injecting the needle is kind of like moving around in there a bit. It's not completely steady and veins are pretty. A small so I feel like if I aspirate and you know check to see if I'm in a vein. Well, basically as soon as I let go of that plunger it's going to move a little bit when I'm finished aspirating. It's going to move a little bit right and so, you know, the veins are so small that it's going to move to another space and then you know, what was the point of aspirating when the needle moves at all afterwards, so What I do now is I just you know, I know there are certain spots on my body usually around my hips and ventral glutes hip flexors were glutes where you know, they're easy injection sites and I just put it in and press the plunger down and put the steroid oil inside of my body without aspirating now, but as far as how do you space out the 1,000 milligrams testosterone Prima Bolin? Well, I like I was using And propionate when I was using the Prima Boleyn and what I would do is I would take 3 cc's of Prima Bolin three times per week. And okay. Well, let me let me tell you what I would do is one time I was using it with testosterone propionate. Okay, so I was taken to ccs of 50 milligrams per milliliter pharmaceutical grade tests taluk test propionate. I was taking some of those Two milliliters every single day seven days a week. So that was 700 milligrams of testosterone. And then since it was a 3 milliliter syringe, I would take also I'd fill up the syringe. So it was a full three milliliters instead of the two milliliters with the hundred milligrams of test probe every day. I would put in a hundred milligrams extra of pretty mobile. And so it was three CCS because the the Preamble and was a hundred milligrams per milliliter. And so I'd have that 3cc injection every day and that would be seven hundred milligrams of testosterone propionate 700 milligrams pre mobile and and then in the middle of the week, I would just you know, take an extra shot or at some point, you know, I just put an extra couple Cece's in of pre mobile and during the week when I felt like it or you know, one extra 3cc shot of provable and I'd add to that or if it was testosterone and ante which I was using later and I was using that's when I was using about a thousand milligrams and I would just take the take a couple 3cc injections of Prima Belen per week, and then I'd take about four injections of testosterone, you know, it's a lot of injections and you know, you look in a lot of those pictures and I was really big and cut up and really freaky looking and when I'm telling you about all these injections, that's when you realize that you know, in order to look like that and and you realize that the guys that are up on bodybuilding stages and you know, really big at the gym like you how important drugs are and how much you have to use in order to look like that you really It probably sounds like a lot like oh my God, he was doing all these injections and shit, but you know what, like people that say that that's not the way it is. They're lying to you. They're at home doing all those injections just the same way that I'm telling you that I was when I looked like that that's the way it is. You have to take like a fuck ton of steroids to be like looking like a total fucking freak monster. It's a it's something where you're taking a lot of injections all the time and a lot of pills all the time. I'm and it wears you down and it's definitely not a glamorous thing about bodybuilding and you know, that's one of the reasons why that information is suppressed and no one wants to talk about it because hey, that's not very glamorous. That's not a that's not a very flattering or glamorous thing to talk about that. It's like holy shit injections like all day every day. Like what the hell Alright, next question is from comb all relaxed afine actually reverses a bit of gyno or it's just hype. What's your thoughts on that? My thoughts are that I've used raloxifene. And yeah, it's slightly better than Nova decks for shrinking gyno and preventing guy know most people would use raloxifene for trying to shrink and get rid of gyno. And yeah, it is superior, but it's not Superior in a huge way. It's Superior just barely it's a little bit stronger at shrinking and reversing guy know the Nova dex's but it's not overpoweringly stronger. There's studies that show that raloxifene. It's a it's a estrogen blocker in the nipple. Just like Nova decks is Nova decks and raloxifene both selectively Target those estrogen receptors in your nipples and block estrogen there and in studies scientific studies. It shows that raloxifene is like an all-powerful God at doing that and you know, it shows that mobile Dex is pretty good too. But that raloxifene is crazy it doing it but then in the real world There's not really that much of a difference between the two and yeah, it's you could take more Nova decks and get the same effects as taking raloxifene just by taking a higher dosage of Nova Dex. I think that's why raloxifene has never really caught on that much. I mean some people use it but still pretty much everybody uses an old X because it's cheaper and it works fine for doing the purpose. I mean if you really wanted to try every option you could go for raloxifene, but the one that's tried-and-true is Noel the decks. Okay. Next question is from way Caster. He says in your opinion. Would it be more reasonable to dose throughout the day human growth hormone for a pulse or all pre workout. I've done pre-training and the pumps hurt like hell. Yeah human growth hormone really does help you get a pump in the gym it it's actually pretty profound it even helps you get. Pump when you are on low calories, which that's always a sign of really good things happening if those effects are able to happen big pump on low calories and human growth hormone also just makes you bigger and more muscular through a cosmetic effect during the first few days that you're on it. It only takes about two or three days to start noticing. Oh my body looks different similar to the way that if you took oral steroids, you know, how In two or three days after taking Dianabol or Winstrol or super jaw or Anna draw. It's like all of a sudden. Whoa, you notice my body looks different like it looks more round. Now, it looks more like my muscles look like bowling balls. And then the performance in the gym starts changing to human growth hormone doesn't really change your performance so much in the gym, but it still delivers that Stark cosmetic change. Your body where two three four five days after you start that first injection of the human growth hormone, you start to see a progressive change in the way that your body looks like. There's an instant reaction that happens during the first two to three days of taking it where the visual look of your body when you look in the mirror looks different and that's where that's a lot of what's dividing, you know, the pharmaceutical grade human growth hormone injections. And all you need is about two to three I use to get this look but that's a lot of what's going between you and the guys that you see on YouTube and Instagram if you're on steroids, but you're not getting that same look and you're thinking like God these guys have something that I don't have like you can just see that they are different their body is different than yours and it reacts different and you're thinking like, what is it that these guys have that? I don't have and you're on Woods well, once you get on that pharmaceutical grade growth hormone only takes about two to three I use then you start to see that's what they had. That's what they had that I didn't have and you start to see that separation appear on your body where one muscle stops the next muscle starts and it's like all the muscles are separated from each other and they're their own entity and they don't really flow so much with the body instead the muscles start to look. Look like each one is its own City or something like that? I'm exaggerating the the effects right now when I say like the own City, you know, because I'm trying to get this picture in your head of where one muscle starts one muscle has just stopped and then we're one muscle start stops, you know, a new muscle is beginning and you can see that stark contrast and it's like, whoa, there's muscles all over this guy's body human growth hormone really is a cosmetic. It really delivers a strong cosmetic change and it's such a potent fat burner. It's absolutely the most healthiest and potent fat burner and bodybuilding. I'm not going to include dnp on this because that's poison. You shouldn't take it but you know human growth hormone is if stronger fat burner than clenbuterol is it's much more expensive than Computer World to but you know as far as common drugs and bodybuilding human growth hormone is the best fat Burner and there's studies that showed that when AIDS patients start taking this stuff their body composition changes. They start losing fat and gaining muscle like it's not even debated that this is a recomposition agent. It's shown in studies like over and over and over again that every time people take pharmaceutical grade growth hormone injections. They lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. That's the way it is. That's what this drug does. So It's it's it's very strong man. And it's very good for like that visual appearance. It doesn't increase your performance. It won't make you stronger. It'll make you recover from injuries quicker. They'll make you recover from surgeries quicker. It really it's helps the structural Integrity of your body and it helps all the food that you eat to be going to the skeletal muscles to be going to the muscles. It's like if you have been on low calories, for example, and you're looking flat will now You take growth hormone at like 3:00. I use per day pharmaceutical grid mind you and within two or three days those flat muscles without changing your diet and you're on a diet on a calorie deficit, you know in your flat they will change and start like lifting up and having this 3D round full appearance eating the same amount of food and just simply adding the growth hormone in and this is when you're already on steroids and then you add that growth hormone and it's like magically the muscles just start taking all the food you eat and the the rest of the body like the fat cells and everything. They are made to starve in the growth hormone directly affects. The fat cells to and causes them to release stored triglycerides. That's their fat energy into the bloodstream the molecule of growth hormone when you inject it directly attacks that fat molecule and makes it it forces it to release its contents into the bloodstream. So when Guys see people who you're thinking like this guy looks like an alien. He looks crazy. What does he have that I don't have that's because you didn't realize that it was steroids and perform Sudoku great human growth hormone. And then the next thing is that you want to get generic but dude just that's not going to work the way that pharmaceutical grade growth hormone is okay. This is the reason why I'm really specifying this pharmaceutical grade because that's what they're using. Okay, so if you want to have what they have and you're thinking now like you're looking at their body and saying they've got Something that I don't have know that it's not UGL generic growth hormone. It's pharmaceutical grade growth hormone. Okay, they're adding that to their steroids. They may be adding other things too. But the difference where if you're on steroids and you're like, what do they have that I don't have and that's that's the one that is the difference. It's the it's the growth hormone that is going to get you to that next level where you say. Oh, okay. Now, I understand now, I understand. as far as dosing growth hormone, I'd say for I use per day is my favorite dosage to I use first thing when I hop out of bed get out of bed go straight to the refrigerator take a 2iu dosage and then a second one pre-workout usually especially if I like to work out in the afternoons like the late afternoon taking a second to IU injection or another way you could do it would be Before before bed after your workout, it doesn't really matter. So as far as growth hormone being active in the bloodstream like growth hormone should be injected into the muscle or the fat but generally this is different with all different people, but generally from what I've seen there's more water retention subcutaneous water retention. If you take growth hormone intramuscular injection, but if you take it in injected into the fat, it seems like there's less water. Attention in general the when you do take the growth hormone. It stays in your blood stream for about 12 hours. I've studied a lot of the inserts on pharmaceutical grade growth hormone boxes where you look at the what the studies that they provide inside that they did testing on their own products and the majority of them show that the growth hormone stays effective and working in people's systems for 12 hours. So, So that's why I think it's a good idea splitting it up into two dosages to I use twice per day if you're going to use for I use that's what I do when I'm using growth hormone or the other way that I'll do it as I'll just take one shot first thing when I wake up because it's such a good fat burner. And since I wake up and I'm on an empty stomach. I can just take that growth hormone shot and then go for a walk and the growth hormone releases causes my fat cells to release a bunch. Fat in the bloodstream and then I go for a walk and just burn it all up. So it works really good as a fat burner like that. And then as far as the pumps to you can do it right before the gym and yeah, we'll help you get a little bit better pump but it's more about just having taken it sometime during that day. It seems like about you know, you just take the growth hormone at least once a day at least once a day twice per day is good to but at least once per day and yeah, it really helps you get a good pump in the gym. It's pretty cool. It's great stuff Okay, an anonymous guy sends a message that he has switched from testosterone ananth a to sustenance and up the dosage from 500 milligrams per week to 700 milligrams per week and he can feel it. Now. Do you think one can build muscle and burn fat at the same time on the subs? He is using IF on a calorie deficit. Yeah, I'd say that 700 milligrams of testosterone is probably the Mm, um dosage if you're going to use just testosterone to start getting body recomposition affects what he was talking about was that he started out his cycle on 500 milligrams of testosterone per week and he couldn't feel it. That's something that a lot of people say because a lot of people think oh, I'm going to get on steroids and I'm going to have explosive gains and gain all this muscle and strength in the gym and it's going to be crazy because that's how they've always thought of steroids but then they go in they take 500 milligrams of per week of testosterone and that's being on steroids to them and then Then you know they're disappointed and they're like well, why did I just get bigger? Like I'm getting bigger, but I'm not really getting like much stronger quickly and I'm not getting more muscular. I'm just getting bigger and that's what testosterone does. It makes your whole body bigger. It makes everything bigger. It doesn't create this quality. Freaky alien. Not natural looking body because testosterone is a natural hormone. So it creates, you know, like a bigger version it just Makes you like bigger swells you up and gets you swore and then the natural the non-natural anabolics Winstrol pre mobile and and of our Trend balloon and a draw all this stuff that gives you that alien that more that alien look because those are non natural hormones and they give a non-natural look also. If you're going to use a psycho, he said that you know, he can feel it now and I would say yeah, I would say 7 million hundred milligrams. That's usually the dosage of testosterone where you can really start to feel like a huge boost in the gym and stuff. But you know, you don't have to use that much if you stack it with something else like if you used 250 milligrams of testosterone per week with 30 milligrams of winstrol per day for a first cycle. Hell, yeah, you could really feel that too. It's just if you're going to use only testosterone usually 500 milligrams per week. It's just not going to give you that, you know that uh of that oomph factor. It's not really gonna get you that the way that you are looking for. Next question is from James. Do you recommend PCT with HCG during your cycle right before you go off or waiting two weeks and Blasting that with Clomid and Nova Dex. I have been running about 1,000 milligrams Dustin on a week and about 400 milligrams of Master on thanks. Yeah, the HCG I'd recommend running that as soon as you get off. Of the steroids because the HCG is going to bring your testicles back on again. Okay. So when you take your last shot of steroids, you can go ahead and start taking the HCG. That's what I would do personally and that bring the testicles back on it would turn them on directly and then you'd be taking the Nova the Nova decks and the Clomid and you you can start taking that immediately to or you can wait two weeks. It doesn't really matter, but that just gets your brain. Your hypothalamus in your pituitary gland we talked about the hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis earlier in the show today that helps get that working from that angle from from the brain angle the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. That's what the Nova decks and the Clomid targets and then the HCG targets your testicles directly. And so if you use all three, then you've got you know, targeting your hypothalamus targeting your pituitary gland targeting your testicles. That's how you get the best PCT. You can wait a couple weeks if you want or you can just start it all if you had a set amount of product that you were going to use in didn't have a way of like you were limited on supply for some reason of HCG or no the dexa Clomid then yeah, I'd wait two weeks. Let the steroids run out of your system a bit and then start using the Clomid and HCG and Nova decks. Next question is from Um Christian. Hey, man, I'm trying to purchase cabergoline. Should I assume to buy enough for the part of my cycle where I'll be using Tren 10 to 12 weeks or should I buy enough for the entire 20 weeks cycle in my opinion you would need enough for the tremble own part of your cycle and you never want to take more than one point five milligrams of K burgling per week because both one point five milligrams cabergoline per week has been Studied and shown to cause heart valve defects in most people who take it. So it's not a happy drug to be taking in high dosages. So just take up to one point five milligrams per week. That is the dosage that has been studied and shown to be somewhat more safe. And so if you were going 10 most bullets, I like point five milligrams. So you need two or three tablets per week. And if you were doing 10 weeks, then you would multiply that dosage accordingly. And the last question of the day is by yarn a He asks if you do one cycle of steroids and then don't for six months and still keep your steroid gains. And what effect will it have on your body? Okay. I think he means does one cycle of steroids. Can you keep the gains for 6 months? Mostly. Yeah, if you don't diet if you build a bunch of muscle on steroids and then you don't use steroids for six months and you don't diet what will happen is you'll probably gain some fat but if you don't lose weight like dieting to lose weight, then you probably won't lose much muscle either. It'll just you'll get softer. You won't look as 3D and hard you won't look anywhere near as good as you did on cycle, but you'll still have The muscle tissue it'll most likely just be in kind of a hibernating mode state. It won't look as good as when you were on the steroids and it will slowly be decreasing over time, but not by like it won't be like all gone or something like all the games from your six month cycle or all your gains from the cycle completely gone six months later. You'll probably still have some there. But I mean when you're talking about six months to a year off of steroids, that's when you're talking. In about you know going back to like more towards the normal natural physique because you just have to remember that, you know, if you're going to the gym and you're lifting weights and building muscle well now you stopped going to the gym and lifting weights, you know, slowly you start reverting back over from six months to a year or so or two years to back how you were before you started lifting weights. So that's the same thing that goes with the steroids if you've been taking steroids and you build a bunch of muscle and now you stop and don't Take any more steroids. Well, then your body slowly over time goes ahead and goes back reverting to how you were before you started taking the steroids. If you would like your questions to be answered on the steroids podcast go to steroids and leave a comment with your questions or email or private message steroids podcast at or steroids podcast on Instagram until next time. The steroids podcast is brought to you by Ultimate Guide to roids 109 page ebook by Dan the body builder from Thailand. Now for the first time in bodybuilding history, you have someone with no corporate interests and no obligation to please anyone not walking on eggshells to not offend ultimate. God towards gives you the information the whole information the whole truth not a full truth and a half truth. all truth Ultimate Guide to roids gives you the keys to the Lamborghini gives you the information and lets you decide what to do with it. It's a crime this information has been suppressed this long.
ask your questions for the show - The Steroids Podcast Episode 3 00:00 Dbol Only Cycle Effects 03:18 Accutane and Steroid Acne Side Effects 05:26 Walking Human Steroid Encyclopedia 05:59 Vitamins and Supplements for Health during Steroid Cycle 07:26 Power of Low Carb Diet and Ketogenic Diet for High Blood Pressure on Steroids 09:45 Volume of Semen Severely Reduce by Steroids Side Effects How the HPTA Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis Works for Fertility and Natural Testosterone Production. How to Correct This Problem 14:05 Turinabol Anavar Winstrol Masteron and HGH as Primary Performance Enhancing Drugs Among Competitive Fighters and Methods to Avoid Detection on Doping Tests. 15:30 245lb Muscular Bodybuilder asks How to Gain Even More Weight 17:15 Dan the Bodybuilder in Thailand Leg Infection. How to Avoid Abscess and Infection from Steroid Injections 19:58 DHT and Finasteride on Cycle, Importance of the Basics of Bodybuilding vs. Obsession with Small Details of Anabolic Drugs 21:18 Redness and Slight Swelling After Testosterone Injection 22:52 Effects of Testosterone Dosage on Bloat and Muscle Hardness 27:56 Injection Frequency for 1000mg Primobolan and Testosterone Per Week. Aspiration During Steroid Injection 32:00 Reality of Steroids Dosages in Freaky Looking Bodybuilders 32:57 Raloxifene for Reducing and Reversing Gyno Bitch Tits 34:55 HGH Growth Hormone Injection Frequency and Dosage, Pumps and Appearance Change Effects During First Few Days of Pharm Grade HGH Use. Body Recomposition Effects of Growth Hormone 41:50 Growth Hormones Dosage and Morning Routine Active Life of Growth Hormone Injections in The Body 44:21 Effects of Increasing Testosterone Dosage from 500mg Per Week to 750mg Per Week 47:05 PCT with HCG Nolvadex and Clomid When To Start PCT After Steroid Cycle 49:03 Cabergoline on Trenbolone Cycle Side Effects 50:15 Doing a Beginner Steroid Cycle and Then Quitting Steroid Use and Keeping the Muscle Gains The Greatest Book on Bodybuilding and PED's Ever Written - This Podcast is for entertainment and conversational purposes only. This author does not support the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs. If any substances mentioned in this video are illegal in your country do not use them. Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or supplement routine. Do not take anything mentioned in this video as advice. It is simply conversation, not advice.
It's super important that we understand that the only one that we can control is ourselves. So first off I just want to say welcome to the podcast before we jump into the episode. Let me tell you a little bit about myself and what you can expect I have been in the business now for coming up on 30 years what we're going to talk about in this podcast or things that go on in my day-to-day life whether it be as a manager whether it be as a consultant whether it be as someone who is creating products that's helping musicians all over the world. If there's something going on in the industry, we're going to talk about it if there's a strategy that needs to be taught. Going to talk about it. And if there's some way that I can help get you closer to your goal that you are in the right place because that's what we are going to talk about here on the music industry blueprint podcast. Now, let's jump into the episode helping you navigate the music industry. Here's Rick Barker with the music industry blueprint podcast. So in this episode, we are going to continue with where I left off in my story my journey what has gotten me to To this point if you have not listened to the last episode this episode will make zero sense to you. So I highly encourage you to go back and listen in so where I left off is I had basically just given my notice to Taylor after being with her for almost 3 years. This was in 2008 and I was at this time. I was still living in California, but I knew that if I could get to Nashville that I could make a difference I My wife she decided that we would make the move and we did just that we made the move to Nashville with no job. I just knew that given the opportunity. I felt that I could make a difference. I felt that I could find my place here in Nashville was immediately contacted by Joe Kalani at Sony Music at the time. You know, Joe was the most powerful man in Nashville. Scott borchetta was was number two and and I was getting an opportunity to be mentored by both. One of the few people that have been in both worlds. They have two completely different styles of leadership and I was being blessed with being able to learn from both of them. So I accepted a job as a consultant with Sony spent some time there got to realize that this time it was at that point where the the things that were happening with the music. is that the labels were starting to take over a lot of the marketing and the social media accounts of the artist that they worked with and what I saw was artists were super excited to get rid of that chore not realizing that what they were doing was handing over the ability to build relationships with their fans to someone else to a marketing department whose job was to sell and that's when things got ugly that was the time when You know as an artist you weren't supposed to follow people back as an artist. You weren't really supposed to let people know anything about your private life. It was just a bunch of crap in my opinion and I started realizing that the artists were handing over the customer service portion of their business to someone else who had a completely different agenda. But no one knew there was no one that was teaching this, you know, I started seeing that man. jurors, who didn't understand the internet were making terrible mistakes at the cost of their clients because they were unwilling to ask for help because they were unwilling to let someone know that they didn't know something, you know something that I didn't mention in the last episode, but which is a big part of my story is that when I was first asked to manage Taylor I said no and I said, no because I didn't feel that I was qualified and one of the things that her father said to me was he says listen he Says you're not afraid to ask questions. You're not afraid to get help. He said that's a huge Trade A lot of people will look at not knowing as a weakness. Well what the weakness is is not knowing and not going and getting the right answers, you know, so what I started realizing that there was no one that was really out there teaching people these things all of a sudden every dad with a teenage daughter who had Talent was showing up in Nashville and sundresses and cowboy boots thinking that was the Magic formula at that time the record company started downsizing there was a lot of great people that were out of work and all they knew was record an expensive record shoot an expensive video hire a promotion team and go to Radio. That's what they knew. So that's what started happening a lot of independent promotion company started coming up a lot of independent labels. I had a family that came to me they had the most talented daughter was invited to move to Nashville. And they hired all the people that played on Taylor's record and hired the guy who shot the Carrie Underwood video and hire the promotion team that used to work at a major label and $300,000 later. They were no farther along than when they first started and that is very dangerous and that started happening over and over and over and over and over again. And what I realized was that there was no Chamber of Commerce for the music business. There was no location that you could Owen get your questions answered and one of the things that was special when I first sat and met with Joe Golani as he was the first person that ever really asked me what my goals were and what I told him as I said, Joe I said my goal is this that if someone comes to Nashville and they say there's five people that you need to meet that will steer you right I said, I just want to be one of those people I said, there's a lot of nonsense going on right now, and I want to be able to be a part of the solution we all know. The problem is but I want to be the solutions guy. I also felt that because of the success that I had with Taylor that I was part of the problem too is that I had created this false sense of just show up and everything will magically happen to you and Nashville, so I wanted to become a part of the solution and that's when I realized that I could go out. I read a book called The Millionaire Messenger and the concept of that book was make a difference and make a living sharing your knowledge and experience with others. And the author Brendon burchard had some programs. I ended up investing with Brendan and learned how to take my 25 years of experience at the time and put it online and I could start helping as many people around the world as I possibly could, you know, not everyone needed a manager what they needed was a coach they needed advice. They needed guidance. I saw that they would pay for vocal lessons. I saw that, you know, you guys would pay for guitar lessons that you would pay to have meetings with attorneys. So why wouldn't you pay for my Knowledge and my experience why wouldn't you pay to sit down and let me keep you from wasting time and energy and money. So I went and started putting all this stuff online and that's when the music industry blueprint was created ended up continuing to manage artist while building programs. But what I didn't ever want to do again was I never wanted to put the responsibility of an artist that they were that my family's you know, okay and well-being was Ended up on somebody else's work. I always tell people the only person that I'm going to invest in is me that's the only one that I could control what it is that I do. I can't control what anyone else does and it's the same for you is that I am I Sweat Equity. I'm putting Sweat Equity and me. No one else. I've done that before. I'd had artist signed to major labels and Publishing deals who decided to quit and give up after I'd invested years and you know tens of thousands of dollars into them for them to all of a sudden just decide that they I wanted to quit so it's super important that we understand that the only one that we can control is ourselves. So that's a little bit of my story. There's a whole bunch more that goes along with it. But I think that's just kind of will give you an understanding of why I am the way that I am today why I like finding Solutions why I'm not afraid to share my story why I'm okay with you not necessarily always agreeing with me or understanding what it is that I do. Do I have a saying that if I can go to bed every night knowing that I don't owe anyone an apology for trying to wrong them to better myself. It was a good day. Because in this business, we're not going to make everyone happy every day. It's just something that's unrealistic. It can't happen. But what I can control is one the way that I treat people one the my work ethic, you know, my morals my values is those are all things that are in my control and today my goal is like I said to help as many many people as possible because you have the ability with your music to change people's lives and I want to be a part of that. I want to help effect change without ever having to ride a single song or play a single note. I can help change the world by helping you get your music in front of as many people as possible. So this is the first time you have found me. I'm excited that you listen to this. You're probably confused as hell so go back and listen to the previous episode. It'll help straighten that out and A copy of the book at the website take the assessment. If you're interested in finding out more about me being involved in your career and being your coach after you take the assessment you'll be given a training video and at the end of that training video, you'll be given information on how we can work together. There are no links that you can just go to to try to hire me and I do that for a reason if you can't take 14 minutes to get trained by me, then you definitely don't have what it takes to be coached by me. And you'll just be wasting your time and wasting your money. So take the few minutes. Go check out what it is that I've got to offer if it makes sense fantastic. If it doesn't I hope you take whatever it is that that you've learned from the book and the free resources that I have that are out there and go make a difference. All right. We'll talk to you guys on the next episode chop. I hope you enjoyed this episode to the music industry blueprint podcast. Be sure to subscribe and tell a friend remember there is no One size fits all model when it comes to the music industry. So check out my website Rick take the quiz and I will send you information specific to you to help make sure that you are on the right track. You've been listening to the music industry blueprint podcast with Greg Barker. You can follow Rick on Twitter a trick Barker music and remember you don't drown by falling into the water you drowned by staying there.
What happened after Rick quits as Taylor Swift’s manager? How did he come to do the things that he’s doing now to help musicians succeed in their career? Find out on today’s episode as Rick continue his story. Rick shared the problems he observed in the music industry and how he made it his goal to be the solutions guy and help change peoples lives and the world along the way. “If I can go to bed every night knowing that I don’t owe anyone an apology for trying to wrong them to better myself, then it was a good day.”-Rick Barker What do you want to hear from the Music Industry Blueprint Podcast? Tell us here! ***Want to be a guest on the Music Industry Blueprint Podcast? *** Send an email to With the following information: Name, website, social handles, questions you would like to ask Rick and contact information Time Stamps: 1:21 - What Rick did after resigning as Taylor Swift’s manager 2:39 - The ugly scenario that he saw in the music industry when he came to Nashville 5:44 - How he made it his goal to be the solutions guy in the music business 7:00 - When he starts being a coach, put everything he knew online and launched the Music Industry Blueprint 7:40 - The importance of understanding what you can control 9:08 - Changing people’s lives and the world by helping musicians get their music out and reach as many people as possible 9:43 - Do you have what it takes to be coached by Rick? Resources: Taylor Swift Joe Galante Scott Borchetta Brendon Burchard The Millionaire Messenger: Make a Difference and a Fortune Sharing Your Advice by Brendon Burchard MIB Episode 90 - My Story Part 1 Connect with Rick: Facebook Instagram Youtube --- Send in a voice message:
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We can't wait to entertain you and we can't wait to have a great time. We are sorry we couldn't come to every city in the country. That is the goal one day these six are just the start to Something special with that being said Today's Show is a heater Mike Florio joins us for all the draft and NFL conversation. You can handle the boys and I chitchat about a lot of things on the back end you're going to absolutely love it. This show just like every other show is brought to you by our presenting sponsor seek seek is the greatest ticket-buying app where on Earth and it was our state yesterday. So celebrate by using utilizing the greatest ticket-buying app on planet Earth seek does something for you that know? Ticket buying up. Does that scan every other platform to make sure you're getting the best bang for your buck? 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You've got me all all lathered up. That's good. Hey, go late do it. This is a huge week for you Mike Florio. It's draft week. I got a lot of questions for you about smoke screens in a bunch of lies that are being told by teams and who's going to go away. And I think you're the only guy that can tell us those facts. Well, look, I don't know who's going where I know that if this year more than ever it really is quiet from the standpoint of trying to figure out exactly what's going to happen. But had I agree with you. There's a lot of lives are told every year because this is the ultimate game of chess Checkers and chicken where you have teams that have so much strategically riding on the outcome of the draft and if anyone gets an inkling as to what Any team is going to do then you have to worry about you know, LeapFrog and losing the guy that you covet the someone else. So there's a real incentive to lie. There's a real incentive to misdirect and there's no incentive to tell the truth. How do you kind of wave through all that stuff? How do you wait? Sorry. How do you get through all the lies? So you don't miss inform the millions of people that read pro football. Notoriously alyre door. Draft weeks like how do you know I know who to trust after doing this for 18 years, and I know the people who have the best incentive to know how the draft board is going to fall together and also to know that those are people who based upon repeated year after year after year of talking to them working with them. They have proven their worth and let me tell you the best people to talk to if you can develop the relationships and I can't give the names obviously, but there are certain agents. It's who understand the critical importance of being able to say that our clients exactly where they're going to be drafted most importantly where their floor is because you need to gauge your expectations of your clients very well. You're going to get fired. Remember Gino Smith fired his agents not long after he fell out of round one of the drafts that we're years ago, because everybody thought he was going to be a first round pick including his own agents meaning his agents weren't properly dialed into the fact that he was going to plunge. Need to have agents and I try to talk to the ones who I know have a very good understanding based on their own relationships where they're getting to the truth. I just rely on them because it's impossible to have the right relationships across the league to get to that sense of where a guys floor maybe so those are the people I trust the most everybody else. I don't trust I don't trust anyone from any teams because they all have a clear interest in manipulating the board of their advantage you've got there. It to about a player to position that they don't need they would love to see players at positions. They don't need get drafted earlier than they should because then that pushes players down the board that they do need. So you have to be very selective about who you listen to and I've learned over time not to let myself get burned out traffic. In fact, I'll traffic in my opinion, but I'm not going to traffic in Draft rumors about who's rising and falling unless they come from somebody, but I trust great verbage there. I'll try. Again, this all traffic in that the fact that you said you trust agents more than anybody else is allowed statement that I never thought an educated human would say but it makes sense. What going back into your past for covering this game for so long. Is there a moment that you remember just getting completely duped by an NFL team? Yeah, probably but you know, my Approach is just move on. I mean everybody's going to screw up from time to time you're going to make mistakes. You're going to get burned and have to really sit and think about it. I have to think what I can say without burning it. A source even if a source is burn me look at it happens. It happens right people people will spread bullshit and they hope that you fall for it and they justify it by saying. Hey anything necessary to help get the guy that we want available when we pick but I'd like to think it's been so long ago. I can't remember the specifics. I'd like to think at least 10 to 12 years ago. I figured out the game and I knew to not listen to a lot of crap because I realized that there is a very strong incentive, you know the rules. Is this for a team that loves the guy they have a very strong incentive to spread lies about him. So he falls down the board and they can draft and for a team that hates the guy they will say great things about it because they want some other sucker to draft him and push down the board a guy they actually want and once you accept that you get to the point where you don't believe anything except when it comes from the people. Like I said who have the greatest incentive to be right? Because they have to say to that kid. Hey. Going between 5 and 15. Are you going between 10 and 35 and if they're wrong they're going to end up not having that client for very long. Let's hop in a time machine live just about a month ago. Colin Murray was a lock to go number one now everybody saying there's really no shot of it happening and they're going to go another direction. Is that all bullshit? Are you getting feeling it? That's not going to happen. He's going to end up back in baseball. Here's the thing to watch. Here's the thing of watch He's committed to going to the draft and if he cancels his plan to The draft at any point this week. That means he's not going number one overall because there's a generic baroque art represents Kliff Kingsbury the coast of the Arizona Cardinals a little bit Burkhart did to get Kingsbury out of USC. He was locked in as offensive coordinator Burkhart negotiated a hundred and fifty thousand dollar buyout. So Kingsbury could get out of another opportunity emerged. It happened. He got out and Kingsbury's now Arizona, so at a minimum, I'm not saying they're going to draft Marines of favorite Uber car but in a minimum Um Kings burritos at the Burkhardt to tell him what they're going to do and burkhart's going to know assuming Kingsbury knows I'd like to take the head coach has been enough. It seems very nose, which I don't think is a reach then Burkhart nose, then Marino's and if at some point between now and Thursday, we find out that Marie's not going to the drafts. That is the sign that he's not going to be the first overall pick, but if he goes to the draft, I think he's the first overall pick and if he's not then there's going to be one hell of a mess, and it could be new age. For Cara Marie by next week. I respect that. You just said you would hope that Kliff Kingsbury would know what they're going to do. It is on record that the Browns are fused to tell Hugh Jackson who they're going to pick because you Jackson would leak it now and Oakland their stories coming out that they're sending everybody home don't want to hear from anybody until all the scouts are sent home. Everybody's out of the room. Jon Gruden said that mcshea. No Mayock better not fuck it up. I mean, is there a little bit of tension already and Oakland? They got three first-round picks. There's no way they can mess this up and sending the scouts home and getting Everybody out of the building. Is that more normal than social media was leading us on I think it's very out and well, I think it's normal to have concerns about your Scouts and about whether or not you can trust them. But I think there's a way to manage your Scouts. So they don't know anything that they can use to compromise. You. Look at New England, you think any of the area Scouts know what Bill Belichick's ever going to do know he has no reason to tell them why because it's not their job their job is to gather information their job isn't to make the draft board and that's where that value of that. Do your job top-down design? The New England uses is so great. There's no reason to tell the guys. So there's no reason not to trust them. They can be trusted with things that fall within the boundaries their work responsibilities. And if you do that, you never yourself into a mess like this. So what are the Rangers doing that their area Scouts can't be trusted what I be entrusted with that. They would be in a position to blab to anyone and if you don't trust these guys just to operate within the confines of your office. Why the hell were they working for you in the first place? I mean, it's astounding to me now my theory He is this the Jon Gruden in hindsight should have fired Reggie Mackenzie the moment he took over last year, but I think we're gonna want to keep Mackenzie around so he could blame somebody if it all went to shit last year as it. Did he could blame MacKenzie for Cleo Mac. He could blame MacKenzie for this Mackenzie for that. And now he's it's kind of lame Mike Mayock for anything that goes wrong. The bottom line though is group is running the show and there should be a way to keep those folks around me. Just think about if you're sitting in the draft room on the first night of the draft and And they got a question if I may ask a question about some obscure fact that an area Scout who did the workup on the guy with no he's not going to be there to give the answer. I mean that that's how your you are hamstringing yourself all because of this this paranoia that is being fueled by the desire to take those three first-round picks and get the most out of them because they need to make people forget about polio Mac. They need to convince people. They did the right thing by trading that I can by taking the first-round picks and and that's where I think that it's all that. Assuring that urgency. This is fueled this extreme reaction that has Gruden freaking out and Mayock just going along with it because I guarantee you this was burdened decision. Not bad. If you're a Raiders fan you watch your two best players get traded out of town. You watched your team not have a home for a while. They're going to Vegas will give a head coach a hundred million. Then they can't win a goddamn game. I mean if your writers when he got to be about Fed Up excited to see what happens on Thursday night though for the Raiders and Friday night speaking of Friday night. I will be announcing the Third round draft pick what would you recommend to me to make sure it is a Flawless beautiful execution while them up there on the microphone announcing the pic. I want you to do what you just did when I started I want you to do that exact same thing with me. I'm very excited about it, man. I think the dress Raft is a it's a time where dreams come true where memories can either be great or terrible? Who's somebody you think that is going to have a better draft than what people were expecting and somebody is going to have a worse they can be a team or a player in themselves. Hang on. Hang on. I want to go back to what you're doing Friday night, cuz I'm just putting that the connections together. You're going to Nashville where the Titans play You're identified with the Colts. Remember what Drew Pearson did two years ago when he told the Eagles fans. Yeah. This is this is your chance. Here's your chance to convince Vince McMahon that you're ready to make dinner for heal. And you go down there and you start talking shit on all this type of come up with just take all the West Virginia jokes you've ever heard and just twisting the turnips in Nashville or something, you know about bare feet and lack of peace and all that stuff. You know, I'm just kidding people in Nashville. We love you, but this is a great opportunity. If you do go down there and get those people all riled up and it'll be the event of the weekend and I guarantee you won't play it on Monday on PFT live if you do it Gloria when I say this, I'm Mean it we have a very large demo in Nashville. I was just there this past weekend A lot of people said hello. There are very nice. But know that I'm going to own that moment and it's going to be a beautiful and I'm already prepared for it speaking of owning a moment. What are you hearing on Monday night football and he Seal Team Boomstick talk going on doesn't want to do it. As long as he lies still playing in the giant somehow got to Monday Night Football games this year, even though the prospects of that team aren't very good. So I think Peyton's eventually going to do it. See, here's the thing Pat. Would you want to do it for like a year and then get bumped by Peyton Manning's that worth it Gloria. They want bumpy. As soon as I get in there one time. They're going to sign me to a 10-year deal you and I both know soon as I get on their deal coming immediately there. They wouldn't be able to bump me Mike. They wouldn't be able to do it. Would you do it for free now if I can own my own podcast and on my own company, I would utilize it as a commercial every Monday night and make money and I football a must-see. CTV operation again for sure now think about that. They're paying Bob Iger 65 million a year now so they could probably use the save a little cash and some say that's it is that I don't know if they said that they were just going to go with the Brinks truck and asked Peyton, whatever he wanted to get that gig. He turned that down. I wonder how that whole thing is going. But yeah, man. As long as I can on my own stuff you get me on a microphone on every single Monday night Monday nigh McAfee. I mean I'll be able to do whatever you need to do. My brother the monomer Tweed so would be absurd be absurd. Mr. Florea. Oh, how are you doing? I promise getting 10 million a year and it's next deal. Assuming is the CBS. I can't imagine becoming a free agent going elsewhere. But yeah, I think 10 million is going to become the number and whatever he eventually gets when Peyton Manning gets in at some point. I think you will he's gonna make more than that. I can't believe I'm gonna make 10 million dollars a day. Florio do you watch those videos that Chris Simms puts on the Internet or you just repost them because you kind of feel bad you have to a middle ground. I don't want Outpost below and if people watch it, that's fine with me. I respect. Why is there a reason I shouldn't be? Do you know something? I don't I don't know that last one about where you hold the ball at was kind of tough to watch but you posted and I watched it. I mean it was just I mean it was what we got to do. The internet's a funny place. Are you going to be live in Nashville, or you going from home? I am going to stay home. I had been to the draft and I've worked at from home and I I'm so much more efficient from home. I can you know, keep track on everything that's happening to still the formation make any calls that need to be made. It's just so much better and so much easier to do it from home. I go down to the bar and I'll put on the TV screens, you know, open up the laptop and and just start cranking away and we'll just crank all night long keeping up with everything that's happening because people are interested know what's going on. If you are a prospect why in a million years would you go to the draft? I've wondered this every single year. There's always a situation that has drama in in the back. I have no idea why anybody would choose to go I Lastly don't fully understand. Maybe you can help me understand it a little bit more. I wasn't a potential first-round draft pick so I never had to be in that situation, but I don't know why anybody would ever go to the draft unless it was a lock you're going to be picked where you're supposed to be. Well, yeah, it's right unless I know for damn certain I'm going in the spot and I'm going to be happy with I'm getting proud of them not going to get embarrassed and I'm not gonna get Hoodwinked and I'm going to stop I'm not going to sit there, you know with my tie cock out of my hair all messed up like Brady Quinn 10 years ago, then I'm not going anywhere. We're near there. And here's the other thing too. And and and this gets back to a whole concept of being fully in favor of capitalism people get paid for their time their services and value. I don't like the idea that these kids don't get a parent seeing the stars of this Ultimate Reality Show that the NFL puts on and they can visit these guys. It's a fair deal to get your plane ticket to get your lodging to bring a few family members. I want money. I want 50 Grand. I want a hundred grand. I'm done working for freaks. I say that about the scouting combine. You want me to show up and work out right around in spandex pain? You want you want to show up for a pro day workout that you're going to put our hands on networks. Like hey, maybe you want me to show exactly Goodfellas. You want me to show up for the draft pay me. I'm done doing shit for free. I think that's the attitude these kids should have and I can't wait until there's a prospect it has the balls to do it because the thing is and I'm not saying that you don't have balls. If you don't you just have you have to have like the biggest set imaginable. So put your middle finger in the face of the NFL machine, but I think somebody should because they they he kids get exploited in college and then they get exploded to that pool for months before the draft because everyone says, oh it's a job interview bullshit. It's a job interview to make a ton of money off of this job interview and the kids should get some of it too. That is as a commercial like for instance the video the announcement of that Friday. I'm going to put an over-under at 500,000 views over the weekend on my hammer the over because I know what I'm going to say. I think it's going to be flipped beautifully into some merch for us to sell. It's going to be an incredible thing. And by the way, it's an honor to be a part of the NFL draft. I think it's going to be really cool to be a part of that whole thing, but it's going to do well you just got to use it as a commercial flip your own business and these young kids are scared to do that because you got a lot of people saying well don't do business. Because then it looks like you're not focusing fully on football which can be this this and this if anybody's going to put their finger up to the full to the NFL to do their own thing Joe Thomas did it back in the day? He was one of the only guys that went on a boat one fishing. You have to be very very very good to do that. I'll be excited to see if anybody can do it because just a little bit of time on TV is good Shine for the Instagram Flex Mike. You got to remember that. Hey and take it next level then show up on that red carpet with the logo of your top sponsor all over I went. Will it be NASCAR jumpsuit man right with every one of your sponsors plastered on there including offshore gambling and anything that's going to give the NFL, you know chest pains every every company that doesn't do business with the NFL though Gatorade only Vitamin Water. No, perhaps you only Coke and say hey man, you want me on here? You got to let me wear what I want to wear. I'm not subject to your rules yet. You can't find me for this. But again, nobody wants to do it and I understand because if you poke the bear too hard, the bear pokes your back, but there's got to be a kid out there. There who sufficiently confident in his talent, but he says fine if you don't like the fact that I showed up in a NASCAR jumpsuit with all these sponsorship decals on it some traffic to somebody else in your division will think about Goodell refusing to DAP up a guy that comes walking out there ladies and gentlemen, he's on top of everything good friend of mine good friend of the world ladies and gentlemen, pro football talk read it. If you haven't if you don't read just know that they're dropping all the good news, ladies and gentlemen, Mike Florio. Thank you, buddy. Was it Nashville this weekend? Yeah, absolutely love that place. And I mean that at places I don't understand the people that go out there and don't dress like a complete Cowboy shit. Yeah, I don't I mean I was looking around and I feel like I might have been me and Sam might have been the only one but I want right into one of them Boot Scootin Boogie stores. I said, excuse me Bradley Cooper Jackson main need the Hat it took me up to the fucking third floor walk. No way up to the top. They said here you go, sir. They didn't have the right size had to go to the back they have Boxes stacked like i7 + 5 8 and I got a big head. Yeah, put that thing on there even got one of them button-down things were those called button doubts. Thanks. There's nowhere you it's like buttons. It's like actual buttons like a bow tie knot bolo tie Bow Low inaudible no would be across the thing. I dislike actual studs. Yep, but there's like an actual name for those things there. It's about the ones upper part snap Pearl Pearl. Snapshot going to Purl snapshots from there we go had an American flag belt buckle. That's a big bubble. That's a dinner plate buckle you under say you play 304 that Buckle not certain but that thing about six years ago, whenever we put against the Dallas Cowboys down there in Dallas. A lot of people asked me if I heard that Bell Buckle by Ryan Boyd seconds. I told them no, but goddamn it. I think I would try I had a good time Sam had a hat on she bought a hat down there bought one of the another Pearl snap thingy. She had a belt buckle as well down there. We're down there for one of her friends birthdays and I'll Of I love Nashville the by the vibe down. There is awesome to possible to go there and not buy a hat trust me. And there's the same thing same thing. You got Taylor the one who act I got the Jackson made at basically the same thing. Yes. It was beautiful though. We want this place called cane Prime. That is the reaction. You should have. Yes, this was one of the most Yuppie places I've ever walked through in my entire life soon as I walked in after buying the Jackson main hat. They said gentlemen have to remove their hats. I almost said I identify as a lady almost almost but I didn't because we're in the South my lady kept her hat on obviously little bit of a sexist operation. It's either here or there walk through the lounge in the back. There's a guy wearing a beat-up baseball hat. Okay. I'm holding. My Jackson main hat. I ain't no snitch. I ain't no snitch hanging be like well, why can I not gone yet? And I can't but I asked every person in there that worked. I was like in My Little put my head on they said absolutely not I said what if I had like a baseball hat and they're like absolutely Not gentleman are not aware of that and I wasn't going to say well, what the fuck? Is that? What I did I didn't do that. I just kept my hat off and I ordered a wagyu. Yeah a wagyu fillet. Yep. I don't know what that is. No, he hates Japanese beef. Oh, yeah. It's a real expensive cut. So I DM Kirk Herbstreit lives in Nashville. Yeah. I said hey Kirk, I'm going to Kane in Nashville. What should I order? He said you get to wagyu fillet and then you get every side of imaginable. All right, and then he said good luck or something. Like I said, you're going to love it that wagyu fillet, which I'm not sure what it means. There's a y in there too silent. Why into it swag you almost believed you could cut this fillet with your fork. Wow. It was the best-tasting steak I've ever had in my entire life. They had this cotton candy bacon. It was the greatest bacon in the South tastes like big booty hold me. I didn't love that but you're hot seller though Pat. Oh, yeah, they all believe me. They put it on us. I mean, it was like You Gotta Buy this cotton candy. Bacon is the greatest bacon in town Baba. We want the best bacon in the South years and years for me the bacons got to be crispy and it's got to be salty. It's kind of a sweet bacon they have so I didn't love it. But that steak was the greatest thing I've ever had in my entire life. It was unbelievable way out put the fucking hat on walk down by the way. What do you do? Kick me out? I don't think so. Hey by the way, I'm leaving you fire me. I quit. So I put the Hat on walk out. Then we go straight down there to Broadway. Yep, okay. Stop by a little place called Tutsis don't know if you ever heard of it, you know the hospitality from the Tutsis people were Next Level that is three levels of a bar that is packed to the gills. I'm talking people on top of people. There's four different bands playing live music playing all the heaters. By the way, the one band that we were watching even played. Mmm. I mean you only get one shot with the guitar in the back. I mean the guy hit the entire thing it was incredibly put us up in a VIP thing because I got a small bladder. We all know I wasn't drinking I don't do the vitamins anymore because I'm not drug addict like you guys in this room by the way, drug test tomorrow everybody in this office will be getting drug tested. Yes Foreman. We are ready Foreman. There's gonna be a couple people that pass here. If you fail you will be fine. We do not operate in the drug addict world. Everybody know that Jimmy's Seafood tweeted out shout out to all our employees are called off for April 20th or whatever. Can't wait for you to be drug tested it and it was like I was like, oh genius idea. I should be drug testing all of my people as well. Just make sure we got a clean operation here because now that the boss is I've been off the vitamins here for about a week. Two years that's and then attitude reflect leadership. Exactly. Yeah. Hey hundred percent, right, but I was just housing Waters. So I was just chugging Waters. I order water tall glass lime and lemon on the side police. There you go. Okay, so everybody thinks I got a vodka water vodka Sprite chucking them in public everybody's ago look at that fucking but I had to go pee as soon as we walked in and Tutsis. Nick told me that we had a friend in tortillas. If I needed. I sent him a message. He did not answer. He was doing something so I go to pee and I asked one of the bouncers Sirs, I got my Jackson main hat on. I got my Pearl snaps on. I mean I got boots on snakeskin. No big deal. I didn't kill it but it died somewhere and I'm gonna I'm like, where's the bathroom at and they go who are you and I was like Jackson main like very much because I go yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was very interesting. He was like, holy shit. I'll take you the bathroom right now is like hey, very nice you he turns on his flashlight into like a pulsating light. The seizure light bro, he starts putting his forearm because they get through that place. It's like a concerts the Vegas experience exactly. What bouncing New York. He starts pounding people just out of the way, right? So people are giving me an SL call my dog. I just shit his pants. I'm telling people like, oh guys this shit his pants God just shit his pants. We bounced all the way through we go to the bathroom such a gentleman. It was the nicest thing that anybody could have done for me because I am a peer and it was a long way and then as soon as I get out of the bathroom, he's waiting. I'm like, he's like you with anybody. I'm like, Knocks came alone. I was like, yeah, he was like how big's your group of my God. I think there's like six of us seven of us. Who's like, oh cool. I think as a VIP on Mike sounds good. So now we got to go back to the group same situation pulsating flashlight. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom knocking people down awesome issue this past session we get to the group and I go to Sam. I'm like, I think we're going to be up here right now and she's like why I'm like what I tried to take a piss and got those Jackson Manor know you think you're such a fucking asshole make you got it. He goes it takes us all the way up to the top level. We got this section right behind abandoned. Place is packed outside up top. No on the roof or no. No, no, it helps it and close then but what a window so let's not get crazy. Go. Somebody was smoking outside. By the way, CA they should been drug tested us. I'm a little bit worried about them doing drugs out there, but we sat back there for the for a couple hours. Watch this band just crushing. I think the guys name was Taylor Hayes or Tyler Hayes. He was he was short little fella. I mean it was a small little guy but he had a beard. He's the one who did the Eminem song and I couldn't be more thankful for the people at Tootsie's taken care of us. I mean, I had water's coming to me at a different level Sam. Our friends are taking shots of tequila. It was just getting brought up. It was it was a were all class all World Experience there and I'll tell you I've been to Nashville few times. Now one was with the Kings of Leon who Clara's we have a good time. We shut her down but Nashville is a cool place. I absolutely love that all that Alleyway behind Tootsie's fun fact about that back in the day. I'm talking 50s 60s even 40s the Ryman theater right next to it. They would come off stage while Back into the alley and walk into the private door and Tutsis and back right off stage to their drinks. So that's why I want to ask for the bathroom. Was that backs door right there? And that was where the guy goes. Who are you Jackson main whole thing. He walks me all the other side and all the way to the top. I love Nashville man. I had an absolute blast got home for Easter Sam woke me up little cockadoodle do it about 8 a.m. Because she missed the Valerie or dog that was at the house. So we had to drive four and a half hours back at 8:00 a.m. After Boot Scootin Boogie all fucking night. It was a blast ladies. Gentlemen We interrupt this incredible conversation for another Zito add read in preparation for my wedding next year Zito, huh a reading from Zito. Thank you. Why get better at sports gambling? Yeah want to get more organized and tracking your action. You want to see where people that are smarter than you are putting their money. Yeah, then you need it down with Action Network amp. Okay, if you love to bet on Sports, then you are going to love this app track your bets across all major sports in one place get Sports alert specific to your action follow your friends on this show and track our bets see our records for the last seven days 30 days all time and by Sports get to get action. Not app Ford slash didn't breathe much. There wasn't much good timing there. But the point was well said there. Yeah, the get Action Network app is incredible. The Action Network app is incredible. Todd is used it and is completely flipped his entire gambling world. So absolutely 100% I will say this Todd was a miserable losing gap for a very very long time almost tough to handle in the office for a bit The Action Network has completely flipped his life around in my accurate. Oh, you're completely 100% accurate. Also the bro, bro, bro bets boys are very very good at Gambling and it's mostly because of the Action Network. You can track them at that is get action da tap forward slash Bruh Bruh. Bruh bets there on a heater lately. They did they release their bets every single day. They're gambling every day. They're winning. I gamble every one small know that when I do it's a lock so you can go ahead and follow me follow everybody. The action network isn't just a place to track bets is also a place to learn why you should bet where you bet smart money sharp money. And also there's probably going to be a full breakdown on whether or not Zito gets kicked out of the Adding whenever he gets a chance to do a reading by Zito. Thank you. Bye Samantha Ludi. She's gonna be pissed off. There was some second thoughts this weekend. No, well, whatever you said contemporary on the last ad read. I was in the car with her while she was hearing it for the first time. It was a little bit of a reaction, but we got nothing but time I have problems with long Seward's go on. Mmm. That's literally my problem kind of language any other ones conscience and say that can't say that. Henshin contentious can touch confusing tanker a caterpillar I can do that one contemporaneous. What was that one contemporaneous catastrophe this conjunction cantankerous. That was the word. I was told specifically they will feel uncomfortable when Zito reads. Yes, like inside. I've just I cringe well, it's just like everybody loves that scene from Billy Madison where goes to attend today. Yes, I get Tak which means like I feel uncomfortable for other people in their bad situations, like I really do. Like watching people bust their faces on the internet because I feel bad for them. I don't like people don't Nick lives for that stuff. So I kind of freaks me out that he feels bad for you must be a whole nother level, but for me Zito, I thought you did great. Thank you everyone not as great as the Action Network app, but you did great. That means a lot nosy. We got nothing. But time by the way, you're at the top of Mount right now that Photon can be very quick when she starts us some blood on some work. Let's get back to the conversation. It was great to get back home. I hope everybody else had an incredible weekend. What'd you guys get? Into anything Fox and so you went back to Michigan. Yes, sir. Got to see the family friends play a little golf typical stuff. How was your golf game? You know what? I ripped an 8640 on the front 46 on the back. I kind of fell apart. Well, well, you know, what happened was like, you know, when you start this my first round of the year because the other course that doesn't count that was a putt-putt course for adults and so I'm just being an athlete and just swinging away and I'm doing well and then you start thinking about stuff you got a little tuckered out because I didn't eat any food and then I shot the 46 so Half got you the power of the doll of the pub go home for Easter to celebrate. Jesus coming out of the cave. I'm back bitches. No, not me. I stayed back at the pub so long, you know was that because you wanted to or because your family forced. You're not good. I actually know what I did not get invited home this year surprising, but I know me and I had a nice Smokey Saturday. I mean little Cloud will find out how you guys do a family party. Everyone had allegedly shirts. Jean claude's pretty interesting with with the RV or that was the first time that was the most shocking others. They they watch this video like maybe a hundred times Well, by the way, I don't think they're the only ones numerous people in Nashville stopped me to say hello very thankful for all them. There was a guy named Stephen. I was working at one particular bar. He loved the video told Zito. He's on your he's you know side a lot of people have said that which makes me think there's a lot of people listen to show her fucking idiot you hit I watch that video. Once again this weekend - oh one Sam's friends how it all went down how fast that tree goes by in the background is that is the issue that was not added that was see don't magic film magic procedural. You think we got enough money to put A/C on this project and I think that CGI a lot of people talk foxy that they thought we rig that whole all my friends that thought. We rig down like you guys don't understand we are at WrestleMania. We are not going to set this up at Wrestle Mania. It's classic. Ty you hung out with Conor weekend Jesus didn't die for that pretty pretty laid-back weekend. Honestly at this point. I just I just wait for Sunday nights at 9:00. I'm just biding my time to get through the week Millions. Okay. Let's get to it not bill. You not know. I'm Victor owner now. Yeah, 300 retweets no big deal saying I was excited for the Thrones just a little inside scoop inside information for those listeners. Not everybody needs to know this I have watched zero. It's a game. But boy, what a beautiful Pander to the other Santa happy I was for it. I got a lot of people come after me then Nick obviously was one of them like what you say Nick your exact words was please don't ruin this like you did the Pittsburgh Penguins playoff run. I'm thinking so I doubled on to next week knowing that I'm not going to watch it. I watch a couple other things by the way black. Klansman. I watched a movie good movie. I think the the Jewish fellow should get a little bit more credit in the title. I think it should have been Jewish and black classic. And yeah, I think you're right. I think that is something it also had the same exact soundtrack as inside man. That's all I could really think of but incredible story. I very much enjoyed that story. I love whenever dumb people get painted out to be dumb people. That's exactly what the plan is. So I was a big fan also watch Passion of the Christ really was on I thought of that I sought it out just strictly it was the I was feeling it a little bit. You know, I want to know the deal first time first time ever watching it and they'll give us and they caption of the caption English language, but it's not the exact caption. So it would be like like they would say something and then the caption would be different but you get it up thing. That was kind of a little bit interesting to me early also old Kazi Judas drop in the bag of 30, whatever coins. It was the sellout Jesus bat, I think. That he should get made fun of more for that for just dropping the fucking bag of cash immediately. And also Jesus didn't look that good. Like I Think Jesus should have looked a little better. Maybe maybe make them look a little better. I fell asleep 10 minutes and I think I know what happened. All right. It happened. He comes back. We did it Easter Bunny comes boom baboom. That's a tough movie though. Every church is showing that movie. I remember when I was in eighth grade. They rented out the movie theater for us to go see it and oh my God, the backlash from parents were just horrified. Afterwards I get everyone was fucking going and seeing that when it first came out like if you went to Catholic school or anything like that. I don't think it really told the story that well well and then there is also all the stuff with like Mel Gibson, you know taking a lot of Liberties when he was making a tea obviously at all the comments about, you know, Jewish people and stuff like that. The the Jewish folks is not love that now that huge fan, but he made a movie about the most famous guy, which is very interesting did the Italians get a bad rap and iMovie or no. I don't think so. Not not that much can't be that At Accurate, I guess your differentiate you need to differentiate Italians in Romans. Romans were made up of many people a lot of goals to the Germans are in there. Whoo, the Gauls Steven Germany's responsible for everything terrible. He's seagull hilarious, which is Steven call. So I'll just pile it wasn't a great guy Poncho's which guy was he conscious biology. I could use all the orders with a big sword. Here's the general of the army. He was I sense them. Yes. Got it. Anyways, I woke up. There was a lot of yelling. I fell asleep. I woke up. There's a lot of yelling turn the TV off. I was like, you know what Jesus died enough, you know, I don't need to see it again. But I missed the Game of Thrones episode that I that I projected to be the best Game of Thrones one yet and I put that lock out there on the internet a lot of mixed reactions. So I'll let you nerds go ahead and describe the scene. I guess Aria got pounded. Yeah, John. But the internet it seems as if that's the only thing that happened in the entire episode are correct are correct. That's why I was so upset. So very slow episode more dialogue. So is a Bad episode you're saying just want on I was told that the curse continues a lot of people tweeted me tell me I'm like the Drake Jersey because that Game of Thrones episode was the worst of all time simpletons. Yes. I'm going to say it from somebody who's not like a fanatic about it. I have seen every season it was slow. I mean with tiling it was back-to-back slow episodes, which I give you one. Are you going to back to back me on it? Like you did just sitting around pray another full fucking day sipping wine waiting for the battle to happen. I we took two years to film this you're going back to bed. I mean everybody knows I've seen every single episode every single had it from Ed Sheeran all the way to that first dragon that popped up and I just can't believe they did what they did. They're not want to take that tie you want to take well Oh, no, I just just it's what I said earlier, you know, I mean, it's a fucking TV show. It's not a movie. All right, there are 60 some + episode 69 69 was was yeah, the one on Sunday, you're gonna have set up episodes like that. And if you can't deal with that go fucking fast forward to the brave heart paddles and just watch that on a loop for the rest Sunday night when idea so good because they give you time with every single major character. That's that is still alive that's been in the show pretty much right? Children. No, he's not there. He's a piece of shit. That's right before next episode is just going to be a fucking bloodbath. So they gave you they give you everything you wanted to see before every all hell breaks loose. What's up, man? Let's go back back it up be the Ed Sheeran slander will not live on this on this show. He's alive. Listen Club isn't the best place to find a love that's on the bar is where I go. The only thing shots are ready anytime red Sheeran at one point whenever that song was out if you threw it on the jukebox the The women in the bar were very happy. So I'm sorry John. I mean I Love Ed Sheeran as a singer just not in Game of Thrones. Oh, so he's badly. Everything is has he done anything other than sit around that fire that one time with the thing comes in Lord of the Rings not Game of Thrones through. Wow. Okay, I like it. I'm sorry, Nick. You're super nerd. How do you how do you feel about the game that I thought? It was again? I thought it was all right A lot of people loved it because they like the characters of our works and it was a locker see fit. So it definitely wasn't bad the hardcore people liked it and I don't know it's like everybody else. 50 last week. And the reason I thought this was a good episode was strictly because I went into this episode knowing hey, there's going to be no violence. You're not going to get any killing. I'm gonna get his moreover Union. Yeah, because that's why I was so upset with last. How would I know that well before seeing this is this is just a veteran move. But before the show started, you know, it always tells you what's that and violence wasn't included in this one on this show from the beginning has always saved the big stuff towards the end of the season also know that go and pick him up. Okay. Give me one little scene. Well, oh, well Jeremy between friends or something John told Daenerys the one with the dragons who he really is. So they've been boning and now she's just finding out that he's her nephew. She reacted like a normal woman in the He got very upset that he was challenging her in any way. No, seriously. That's Stephen worry about boning your own. He didn't care about the boning. He was her nephew all she cared about draw. I will just be trying to take our power blanket statements, but that's accurate. Yeah the situation there that happened not gonna blanket an entire gender. Yeah. It's not be paying with a wide brush like that your destiny to kind of slip up on it thing women that control dragons, correct. Runners me included. We're very excited for the V to pop up on a thing that will vary so next week. This has been going around the internet says episode 3 of Game of Thrones The Battle of Winterfell will feature the longest battle sequence in film or TV hits. That's what I've been saying this whole time that I always said episode 70 is going to be the one who were all going to remember and that's why me and the throne is just have to be a little patient symptoms. Yeah, I mean Totten yeah, not everyone has what I did. I fell asleep the first time. I'm saying did you watch you've watched all the way? I didn't know you were yeah, but I like I don't know. I still don't know all the characters names. You know what I mean? I just watch it and I'm like I said earlier I suppose I'll kill somebody it's gonna be awesome. That's what I'm talking. Yeah. Where does the explosion we're Stallone? Okay. So there's a big war coming next week excited for that. You throw owners us their owners cant wait for episode 7, right? We're breaking records. That's going to be awesome. The NFL draft is coming up. We alluded to that earlier. With Mike Florio, I will be doing announcing the third round draft pick for your Indianapolis Colts the Indianapolis Colts and I'm a little bit worried. Was that Chris Powell's can trade to pick I'm a little bit worried. I mean around something. He's been watching like 11,000 hours of tape. Yeah. That's what Chris Ballard does. That's why Chris Ballard dominates the draft and I am gonna make sure that that is known while announcing the pick two that the handsome guy that decided this by the way, big old brain on him. So For this is probably going to football I am gonna have no idea who it is. There is zero chance might you might get lucky. The only thing I need to not do is pronounce kid's name wrong because that's a moment for him for the rest of his life. So I got to make sure I get the name right and everything like that everything leading up to that though. Just get on the edge of your seats. It's going to be magic. I'm gonna take some folks on rod and it's gonna be a fun one. I like Chris powered. He'll be joining the show on Thursday. I think I'm going to get out of them who he's picking with that third-round draft because he does mock drafts. Probably just like Mel Kiper all it will third round you've Five minutes on the clock you got he could do a five-minute set on it. Yeah, I got nothing on the test. I got nothing but time up there. I'm very excited. The draft is an electric time of the year though, honestly because you find out who's got good brains, who's got Dom brains. I'm not talking about GM's I'm talking about the pundits that yes automatically over react Darius Leonard who would fucking take that guy Defensive Rookie of the Year Quinn Olson top ten pick with a guard All Pro as a rookie, you know what I mean? It's just the over-reaction season is right around the corner and I Wait for it. Honestly, I can't wait for us. It gives every single team in the NFL. Hope like you everyone on draft night has hope for the next season. Oh, this guy's going to be the next insert name of somebody success with that was with organization 45 years ago. Yeah. It's a nice feeling for everyone. I like draft a lot. Also big news tomorrow at noon your new favorite internet watch is debuting. Yeah office championship. Sling will be debute brought to you by natural light will be debuting on the internet tomorrow at noon something to think about here. Go in there with an open mind. It's gonna be awesome. It's gonna be awesome. The first match features something that Nick got us involved in. Well, Nick can't help himself sometimes and he got us into big big problems with should we say no pretty big figure. Yeah find out I'll know a break, you know, I just hope we come out on top of this one. That's all I'm honestly cuz If not, we're fucked legit. Yeah, it's gonna be a long life. Probably the most fucked you could possibly beat ya. I mean Nick's got us into a mess. It's the worst. It's the worst case scenario. Yeah, it is. Yeah, worst case scenario. I mean whenever you say that like that when you put it that way, yeah, Nick should be feeling some guiltier think you're being a little dramatic. If it is you getting yourself into this mess and one thing right? That's not what I do my team guy. Yeah. Today bury us all that's good Nick on us into a terrible situation and office championship wrestling is going to be our opportunity to get out of it and we'll see what happens electric our guys got to be on his game hockey still happening. That's hockey talk. That's hockey talk still happen. I thought we're doing that said well, I mean we at least got to let them do their thing. We got to lose. Talk absolutely. It's the is the best hockey show on it? Is there anything that socket socket is broadcast. It's been helpful for a couple weeks c00 produced it who's in who's doing? Well, who's going to suck who's going to let her bite down who's going Stanley Cup? I'll let the hawk to talk boys talk about it. St. Louis Blues surprising a lot of people really hot. They're making a run here. I think is I saw you YP with his Guinea a chinchilla. Yeah jumbo trunk the for him. So I'm very excited YP in a swimsuit and Her jacket, we're in Vegas is about to go into a game seven first in the team's long and storied history. So we're looking forward to that. They're taking on San Jose in the Shark Tank High. How do you feel about in Shark Tank? Not great because we drop one in double OT, you know last night should have sealed it on the on home ICE. Oh my God some stones in the skates early. It was tough 58 saves though flower shorts. Goalie Martin Jones, 58 saves our gave up a week one is soft material and we don't like that word handed. I off OT winner in multiple OTS double OT. Yeah, they have a staff for everything. That's like a crazy. I don't like that my lock the biggest golden knights are about to be. All right, we gotta Wonder did it on lock it in there gonna get the Dobbin. I'll share it down lock it in lock it up. Go ahead Ty go ahead and get ready for round two over there in Vegas throwing Boston bout to go for game 7 to Drake showed up wearing the Toronto Jersey and they were up and then now here we go past the ones to ignore. Oh That's right. I didn't deserve that know the great curse views from the 6 not great. Very great saw floor. So Vegas cold nights. Probably going to win it. All is that we're saying if they beat San Jose. Yeah, that's a good look but capitals are in a great spot the repeat to I like Ovechkin after just drop that fucking kid. I am supposed to hate the capitals obviously because Pittsburgh Penguins capitals had a very long rivalry there for a while the pain just wanted all the time win win win win win win win win win win win win win win win? And then Ovechkin go ahead and decide just take things over last year and it seems like they're going to be unstoppable and now he's beating the fuck out of kids. I am a big-time Ovechkin fan all of a sudden him swimming in his Pawn with the Lord Stanley chugging brujas for a week straight took that thing from here to there all the way over to Putin's place. I mean, I am a fan maybe the capitals are locked as well. So let's go ahead and walk them to the Washington Capitals in the Vegas golden knights in Columbus the Boulevard Columbia, they're playing great. So lock them in there. Just swept the best team in hockey. Shots of Columbus come see us when we come to your town will be in Columbus. It's our second stop on our Batman show. Does America Tour is by the way people are coming after us a little bit about the does America thing. Yeah. We're going from Pittsburgh to Minnesota. I mean, it's America. Yeah. I was in America. You can do it now weekends. That's what I'm saying. How much I mean what the two weekends? Yeah. We just it's not possible. I'm excited for that Minnesota thing. What city is that in Zito? Burnsville? Wow is right, I think so. All right on the graph. Affic that all you would happen autocorrect. Oh and I'm pregnant Burnsville to Minneapolis weird people's that happens to reflect. So what happened with the tour announcement. We alluded to this earlier six cities were also adding an Indianapolis show in July to kind of wrap it all together word home. That's what we do. A lot of people they are not doing Indie. Obviously. We're doing Indie in July. It's just not a part of them America Tour. Well it actually it'll be the end of the does America. F coming home. Tell the world. I'm coming home let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday and never in July. Let's go. It'll be awesome. Somehow someway we did not set up this tour. This is the first time that I've been involved in the show that we have let the hands off the reins a little birdie told me that it may have been based on the six most are five most biggest demographics of listenership for the podcast. So if you would like it on the next run to come to your city now friends, what was the word tough friends listen? So we we took the rent. I let the reins off right normally we're a very independent operation here rent the theater sell the tickets do the show leave this time. We let somebody else rent the theater. Set up the ticket sales everything like that. Did they do a perfect job? No, no. No, they didn't know about an hour and a half before we're supposed to announce the city's I start getting tweets from the venue's telling me that the tickets are going on sale in an hour and a half. We haven't even announced the city's week early, which is a week early. We haven't even got a chance to tell people that the show is coming. We haven't even identified the cities had we hadn't even to the public to the public now wind on anything. We hadn't even told anybody I started getting tweets. So they Now instead early they had a week early for ticket sales. So this what we've learned, right if you don't do it yourself. Well what's going to happen? This will never happen again. I would like that to be now. So the people that aren't happy that we're not coming to your city. I apologized the next time we set it up. I will set it up myself. I would take this I would take the reins put the horses in the back horses in the back and then we will go that Old Town Road right to your Town Road. And we'll do that but it was almost a giant cluster fuck in the office this morning. Yeah Pat actually sent an email that I was cc'ed on and it just said what the fuck is going on Good Start. That was the day after Easter at fucking 9:30 a.m. I started seeing tweets from people that I'm coming to their venom like, yeah, I am but these tickets are not going on sale today and why are you announcing this? You should not be the ones that had so I had, you know sometimes bosses. Have to do things sometimes Kings have to do Royal things and I sent a Royal Fuck you to some people this morning, but we learned for the future. What is that? We do it ourselves. Yeah. That's what we've been doing this whole time still be fucked up, but sorry fuck up. Yeah, it's our fourth. Then you own it. Then at least we are to blame not people that don't answer the phone for fucking five hours. It's yeah still if you have to get a phone call, by the way. What real Soviets get a phone call. Have you have to get an apology have yet to get anything about the complete missing by the way massive fuckup releasing the dates early releasing the ticket sales or that is a massive fuckup. It's a big deal because it's disrespecting the listeners it is it's disrespecting the And it's doing a lot of those things, you know, and that's literally the backbone of this. I think yeah, and it's I didn't like it. So just know that that won't happen again on the good side though. Peyton Manning said no to money and I talked about it with Florio. I have not heard a single thing about it since we trended for 10 hours, but you know what we did we went and brought it back to their attention and we didn't wait. I sent a text to everybody. I know and he has been with that Judge Judy gift sir. Hey listen painting on it. Jason Witten don't On it all these people don't want it. I'll take that something. You don't know how we'll take that Gig if you want. Listen, I understand. I'm not the perfect broadcaster at this moment. I got rejected from the goddamn broadcast. Boot camp three times now didn't even get invited this year after talking with people about going didn't even get invited this year. So 3 times I've been rejected from broadcast boot camp. I don't go to Syracuse. I don't know what I didn't go to Northwestern. Correct. I don't go this broadcast. I didn't go to class even if I wasn't I am willing to learn and ready to learn in my brain I think is ready to go. Monday nights, I think we can really make Monday Night Football and Electric Factory if they want it, but what if we learn from people that make decisions that will make their make the best decision normally don't make great ones, especially if they're older white people who don't happen to love people that wear sleeveless Saudis Jorts things of that nature. They don't fully understand it. Let the game be the game. Let's do this. Let's do this. We'll watch ratings go straight through the fucking shitter and then we won't do anything about it until it's too late. We are here to say. Hey, we'll see Pyar that sumbitch Monday night will Hopper right over Sunday Night Football in America. We don't give a damn Let Jesus have Sunday back Monday nights for the NFL. We're gonna have a good time. That's what I'm here for if they want it if they're if they want me to go to war for them. I'll go to war for them. If they don't want me. Guess what I'll go to war with them. Oh, yeah poison or foreign war with two different and Levi or I'm joking. I'll just watch Monday Night Football sound off. I mean, they're probably gonna pick somebody who's supposed to have that job. You know some boring ass person who's really good at talking about football when this guy gets off the ball. He gets a good three to five yards of Separation before making his first cut and that's what makes you an All-Pro wide receiver. Let's hunt first down. By the way. I thought about doing that like the next time I go on ESPN just packing it in just being like the they want just oh, yeah, just playing the entire gimmick. Yeah. Fuck it. We're one of them lame-ass suits glasses. I think why white people shut up doing the entire just doing the entire thing like that. The next time I do a WWE thing. I'm thinking about acting like one of those wrestling bloggers. I think it's gonna be a spectacle of a Mac the entire time just like playing an entire gimmick. I'm thinking about it. Probably not though because I like to sleep at night and I like looking in the mirror and seeing a bad model who don't take no crap. From nobody. Yeah, the NBA is around James Harden was one of the most egregious flops I've ever seen in my entire life. That was insane. But hey, if you get on the foul line for it, I mean if it helps your team, you can't respect that. But I mean you got to appreciate it. I'm not going to get into this with you guys because I can already tell which way the room is going. He got struck in his fucking throat in his throat with an errand elbow at the naked eye can't see that the that the The electronic I almost missed but it didn't he was struck with an elbow in the throat. I'll you know what now that you mentioned it. I think I think I saw it too. I think I'm buried for this how you take them off the court in a wheelchair. They shut up elbow to the throat. But he made the to buy that dude said he was better than 20 minutes right? Paul Pierce. I got taken off on me. Is that still going? No, but it shouldn't be very ill say something next week about he's been worse who's gonna win the thing Golden State. I watch them the other day Klay Thompson go like Walk it a lot real have Milwaukee's not going to be the Celtics and I'm not saying that as a prick from bottle John. I'm sorry. I was like for you I want Boston when they're nowhere near as good as the walkie. Well, I mean, let's just talk about the Pacers the Pacers fuck we're not after last month. I mean they made it to the playoffs. Uh, congratulations to the Pacers go don't quit worst team in the playoffs by far. Yeah, but they lost literally they're super steel. Right? I mean Victor Oladipo is their Superstar a lot of the local media dockets was like don't tell me Does Victor Oladipo isn't on team they shouldn't win? Well, you're not from your name someone else Myles Turner had that he has risen dunk the other day. I guess they got swept by the Celtics the Celtics. I know nothing about the MBA deep. We're getting hot and we're getting more deep and Gordon Hayward. He finally is finally playing like the hundred and thirty million dollar man. He is why many busted to shit, right it sometimes takes a little bit of a mental hurdle to get over that Lily. So he's getting over it right now. Perfectly and Kyrie Irving, by the way, whether he's dressed up like an old man or whether he's in Cleveland. It don't matter. He is a baller. He's always fun to watch on the highlights. I don't know how anybody stops Golden State though. I have no idea how Supple just very hard. No, they lost. They lost DeMarcus Cousins one of their starting center. He tore his quad done forever not forever. But for the season Kevin Durant, I sucks for DeMarcus Cousins, by the way. Sorry, I'm back from an Achilles finally just to win a championship. And now he's going to right now is really doing good for him still get a ring, but that go Golden State team. I don't know if there will be another team Michael. No because like the other night, they just decided that clay was going to go off. Yeah, and then the next night I would be scurry and then I'll be drained and there's stuff won't win the MVP, right if they win this year. No, it's been Katie the last two times. He's never won a finals MVP. So this actually might be the year. He also doesn't accept doesn't show up that much in finals. Wow. I'm just don't have to when you have claimed until he's needed though. They'll be that one game. It'll just pop off like ten threes in a row. Yeah, you're like, oh thanks for letting me vent. Couple years. Don't forget a z in the playoffs will change has fat ankles bad knees. Well. I mean, he's got those handles. I mean you can only cross so many people up before your angle start giving yourself. He's right man, you take an ankle you give an A so they said I've been watching a lot of basketball my whole life I think golden state is going to win it. Although we're for sure. I'll take notes being I'll take the field. Give me odds boys. All right, here we go. We'll give you a Five to one. Okay. No, that's way too much. But no way it's supposed 500 what gave you three? Two one hot spot? I like there it is. Let's meet in the middle on for just be you know, gentlemen. Okay, 41 you all will all pay you 40 you pay us out then. It's just it can be anybody else. Are you picking this? I got the field you guys got Golden State still. I'll give you four to one. I'll jump in on the deal 10 bucks for to one odds. You pay us all 10 will pay you 40 1 2 3 4 5 I'm on your side. Once I'm in I'm in okay. So warms your with our taco corp. Yeah. Yep. You're taking a field with me. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So it's 4 to 1 odds. I'll pay one two, three, four five six seventy bucks. I'll lose and if not to 80. Yeah, so yeah, that's I'll take it. Okay, sounds good your belt good bet let's go Tiana. So let's go James Harden. Yeah. There you go. Sorry Boogie doesn't matter. There's 45 guys on the Golden State Warriors Steph. Hey, let's go eight to one. Hey, that's a lock. That's a walk in the room just changed a little bit and just change after I said that the curse has been reversed. Oh Game of Thrones was great. We already know that shot at everybody. Listen to this big. Thanks Mike Florio. We got Chris Ballard coming up on Thursday. The tickets go on sale on Monday at noon. I have no idea how fast those cell to be honest. We haven't totally maybe we don't know the last the last 17 times. I have sold tickets to something. It is sold out rather quickly the last time I did a show Was that the Purdue thing they opened up more seats. It's one of the open up more seats. It's all about the open up more seats. It sorted out. That's only an Indiana. I don't know how to do in your town noon on Monday come party with us. It's going to be a good time. I'll be recording a little bit of a stand-up comedy special 20 25 minutes up in the front will record a live podcast and we have a special guest interview. It's going to be a great night. We're gonna have a lot of fun QA. The boys are all going to be there will be traveling across from Pittsburgh to Minnesota. It's going to be a blast we Can't thank you enough for doing what you do, which is choose to listen to this show and Heartland radio 2.0 for myself at Todd McComas at not to fake digs on Instagram digs are the city on Twitter at Nick Morado at hey. Hey, it's like that. Are you getting Instagram? I got it all ready to wise take Gorman with to wise. How come three wise men sex true doesn't does it. Well, hey Gorman was taken and somebody took out. Hey go see I told you you should not change. A long time ago. I told you hate garments right through an extra Y and therefore hey Gorman, so maybe get on Twitter with two eyes now. We just got to find out what the hell that app does little late to the party Pat look at easy. Hey, Lou Holtz stuff, but he did not he actually did that, but he might this what we he should make an appearance every now and then in your IG Story Once you learn how to do that. Yeah, and you look elsewhere doc Connors not the guy to tell you. I'm not sure. So bad it so bad. By the way that Boston Connor spelled weird. You'll never find it evil is Ito had him fuck she had ties Schmidt Lou Holtz. Can you give the people a little bit of motivation to buy the tickets at noon on Monday? Because they might miss out if they do not. Hey, let me tell you something right now about this. That's a good catcher right here. I can then find this know what's his name again that follow kicker kid. I ever crude them back in the day when I was at the University of Notre Dame now you didn't happen. Graffiti, I remember the kitties good football player with three things. You need to have you want to successful. So number one, make sure that everyone is there and happy and good spirits mild everyone that you meet Pat him on the back and shake their hand. Alright number two is spread Joy all around you people are trying their best. You're out there doing what they can fight and day in and day out third most important thing to enjoy this show. I'm gonna tell you what you got to find an edge rusher because it's so hard to find it makes your life a lot easier to find somebody down there in the heartland of of American get this kid. It up shine upon your football team tonight after a Corvette have a fun time at the show. Whatever the hell you're doing. Thanks, coach me appreciate that hashtag and gang hashtag and game. Go ahead and send me what you want me to wear for the Friday night draft and outfit and Ensemble, please remember that my choice for Wrestlemania almost got me kicked off of the grandest stage of them all. So I'm looking for help what you think I should wear Friday night for the draft digsy, by the way. Have you seen now that Avengers is coming out this week the hashtag and game is the Avenger stole. Yeah, they start mmm things like that are going to happen. There's a fucking Auburn team is ripe for the brand. There's a lot of things at school. The good thing about my brain is I'll just continue to create things but at least they could do maybe we get some point said that send us .01 of a penny for each dollar that they make we probably make ten million dollars. I would like to say that it is trademarked. Let's hope they sell like a hundred million dollars. Hey by the way, hit him on the back your damn Eagle go ahead and buy some vodka. And merch let's see how that goes. No, I don't care. It's as long as it keeps going and keeps going so for the brand. We don't give a damn. We'll see you tomorrow with Heartland radio 2.0 one second where my cup of coffee go. That's big gruesome legs and trucks out of office championship wrestling tomorrow at noon. It's going to be worth a watch music. I'm coming home. I'm in how tell the world. I'm coming home. Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday. I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven coming home. I'm coming home. Tell the world. I'm Back Where I Belong I never felt so strongly that Billy like there's nothing I can try and if you really put your hands high. Another door another Keisha nice to meet you get the math bottom drawer. What am I posed to doing a club lights? Come on, it's easy to be pumped with his harder to be shown. What is my twins? Ask me where I'm at. Nothing like that. I carry on I need to get back to the place now. Check this out A House Is Not a Home I hate this song the house really a home when your loved ones is gone and niggas got the nerve to blame you for him. And you know, you would have took the bullet. If you saw the to Falcon it still feels and money can't make up for it baby. We've been living in sync because we've been really in love, but we've been living in A spring so you've been a guest in your own home town to make your house your own pick up the phone. Stopping Us Now I like that song whenever it comes on and makes me feel strong. I thought I told you that we won't sound so that cruising through Harlem. These are blocks which made me save me drove me crazy. Throw me away didn't race me forgave my shortcomings a lot of fights a lot of stars lot of bottles out of cars lot of UPS. A lot of downs made it back or smart, don't you here I stand Thank you, Lord, and thank you. We have the incredible luxury of being able to talk to a man who has decades and decades worth of experience in detective work about some very very very serious manners in matters that affect Indiana in particular. We got a new conversation with old Todd McComas. Yep old uncle Todd. Yep old party boy. Yep. Oh becomes oh pastor. Todd father Paul's he's always speaking with balls Gator came from them, but have an in-house got a chance to chat about something very serious happening in Delphi earlier. And I think the inside Intel will be something that you'll find interesting ladies and gentlemen a conversation with top Economist about his previous expertise that Delphi press conference was an interesting one. I think I still have $50,000 up for it and 49,000. I believe Jim irsay has another 50 we have about $100,000. Is up for grabs here for tips to solve the Delphi murders thing the State Police Superintendent Carter. Yes, Doug Carter came out yesterday and had a full press conference and he was talking it seemed as if it was a strategic press conference. He was saying numerous things that he thinks that they have interviewed the person who did it or somebody close to the person. They think the person is from Delphi, they believe the person is hiding in plain sight. They believe that this is the power or Power for them and he also mentioned that that he would have never guessed it we would shift our strategy two years into this but we have they released a new video is these are all things it sounds like that are planned and strategic-wise by the state police. Am I correct? Yeah. I'm guessing but what what you've said that he covered they probably have a pretty good idea who they're looking at here you think so. Yeah, you think that they are probably pretty diode in to a couple people and they're like, this is probably it. Let's see if We can get them to do something. I'm guessing so because this looks sounds like something that you would do to Spur an action to happen. And there's no reason to do that. If you have no idea who you're looking at because you wouldn't know where to look for the action to occur. So an action could be a phone call could be a trip somewhere or something like that. So they're looking to kind of just like when Tim actually took me hunting. So we're going to go chase the deer out of this Valley here. We're going to hit the ground they're doing that right now to try to get the guy to move. I think there's a good possibility. Yeah, because that definitely sounds like some I helped him put together exactly what to say and there's a reason behind every word. That's awesome. You know, I mean, so we're going to catch the guy. I think they must be close. Let's go I take this as a very good sign hot meat. Hey, hey, hey, I'm going to ask for your continued support your continued understanding your empathy and compassion empathy as we move forward. to find out who did this and we will We're seeking The public's help to identify the driver of a vehicle that was parked at the old CPS DC as welfare building in the city of Delphi that was abandoned on the east side of County Road. 300 North next to the Hoosier, Heartland Highway. Between the hours of noon to 5:00 on February 14th 2017. If you were parked, there are no who was parked there. Please contact the officers at the command post at the Delphi city building. We are releasing additional portions of the audio recording. from that day Please keep in mind the person talking is one person and is the person on the bridge with the girls? This is not two different people speaking. Please listen to it very very carefully. We are also releasing video. recovered from Libby's phone This video has never before been previously released. The video shows the suspect walking on the bridge. When you see the video. Watch the watch the person's mannerisms as they walk. Watch the mannerisms as he walks. Do you recognize the mannerisms as big someone that you might know? Remember he is walking on the former railroad bridge. Because of the deteriorated condition of the bridge the suspect is not walking naturally due to the spacing between the ties. During the course of this investigation. We have concluded the first sketch released will become secondary as of today. The result of the new information and intelligence over time leads us to believe the sketch which you will see shortly is the person responsible for the murders of these two little girls. We also believe this person is from Delphi. Currently whereas previously lived here. visits delphite a regular basis or works here. We believe this person is currently between the age range of 18 and 40 but might appear younger than his true age. but might not be don't go directly to the Killer. Who may be in this room? We believe you are hiding in plain sight. For more than two years. You never thought we would shift gears to a different investigated strategy, but we have we likely have interviewed you. Or someone close to you. We know that this is about power to you. And you want to know what we know? One day you will. a question to you What will those closest to you? Think of? When they find out that you brutally murdered two little girls. Two children only a coward would do such a thing. We are confident that you have told someone what you have done. Or at the very least they know. Because of how different you are since the murders. So what he that that sounds like they they're just wear it. What does what does that this is what it sounds like to me now after listen to that. So I take back what I said earlier. I don't believe they know who it is. Probably they have worked a lot with the FBI's Behavioral Science unit and a profiler has laid out who they think this type of person is probably including the Heat. Lives in the area and is still living there. So I went I think the strategy just my guess is from what he said the purpose for that was let's see after this goes out who disappears from town because it's such a small town. It would be easy after that happens to be like, oh my brother George, you know has been he left town. He's not come back and then now you know who to chase after so you think this isn't like we do know who it is or they they have a fit because they said almost like how do you think your family's going to feel in Maya? They it sounded like a mister. What's that Kevin Costner movie? Mr. Brooks. Mr. Brooks type thing where it's like how you think people are going to feel when we it almost sounded like they think it's somebody like of a notable or of importance type thing. I don't know. I think definitely because it's small town in Indiana. It's everybody knows everybody. So I think it would be easy to assume because this person is able to blend in town. They Worried about how they're perceived because otherwise they would already stick out. You know what I mean? If they were a weirdo or if they did awful things. Yeah, like a creepy guy down the street. Yeah. So whoever this is, I think they're pretty convinced. He's from the community and is still living there and this would be a good move because it's he's kind of like giving out innuendo like we know a lot more than you think we know and you're about to we're about to close in on you. So now would be a good time for that. Listen to beat feet leaving for someone to act out of character essential. Yeah, but do something is that's what is a sling on now after hearing that. Yeah, and it would be easy to identify in Delphi, right? Because everybody knows everybody they'll be like, oh, hey the janitor from the school has not showed up for work, you know our whatever the case may be. So why do you put the two wide range of like age like if he does live there and doesn't live there like, why do that that's where people for tips, right? Yeah, and I bet you the this vehicle that was parked there. That's a new tip somehow or they captured a Porsche. But I'm some kind of video they didn't have available before something and they either got enough of a shot that they're able to guess an age or an eyewitness said the person was, you know between the sage in that area. So the big thing that I heard was that and like the remind me of the behavior analysis was when they called him a coward. Yes like that that immediately was like they're trying to get him to yeah just trigger him in some way because I've dealt with just on one case of that work very closely with an FBI profiler for a long period of my case and they do that they like map out a Exactly, like what characteristics like the person? Yes. Yeah. If you call me saying you're hiding in plain sight. This is somebody who's very confident almost. Yes exactly others, who would who would be embarrassed if this were to come out which is exactly said, what's your family gonna think? What right right right because you can't blend in a small community like that not be the town Weird Al, you know, I mean if you act out in those ways outward, this is insane that why wait three years for that though. Well because they the original sketch came from that video, so they're trying to draw Who they think it is? I would assume that this has been hours and hours and hours and hours of work. Yeah, they initially have a suspect like did they ever come up with one? They didn't that's why Pat and put out the reward the initial press conference was just a screenshot or just a still picture from the video from the video and a little voice sample and they did a press conference the superintendent and Pat and then pop it up Beyond have to reward and then the practice they put up the other half or so and it was all too. Illicit tips and I've guessed it probably takes man you can imagine how many tips that bullshit tips to get Kanye to sort through it over to I think there's like two hundred thousand dollars up for grabs. Everyone's calling so I haven't just taken so much time to finally get enough information to the Behavioral Science unit. I'm guessing and then it takes a long time for them to processing it back to you because their caseload so she haylage. No, I mean this show is nothing to do with this type of stuff ever. It is really cool. Have a guy who's a very successful detective 21 years of detecting shit and you just it's very awesome to have you in it. I tell you what, it's I'm glad you guys enjoy. I enjoy it more I think from the outside now, like if we as the pressure we ever come up with what yeah. Yes and you've already experienced a little bit of what the bureaucracy is, like when you're in the mix that that's what I don't miss like working those cases and stuff there. Was so much in the way of just doing just figuring it out the cool stuff. And yeah and just doing the job, you know what I mean? And but from the outside now can kind of just enjoy those good parts. It would be cool. If we ever find our place to kind of work in that capacity. I think the interesting thing here is especially knowing what we know now from you you were did the wiretapping for a while you did the other stuff for a while the thought of what's happening right now after this press conference after dealing with you for A little bit of time now not dealing with you but learning from you for a little bit. They're diving into people's phones like okay who made some frantic phone calls, right? Who's leaving town who it's all it's almost like whenever I started doing MMA rolling with people. Yes and matron would poke me in my one side. So I would literally just move in as soon as I move. He grabs my neck. It's like exact that's what detectives are doing. They're like literally just prodding at somebody or the suspect so that they do something and bang. They're like, all right. Here we go. Yes first like if you could take a three-dimensional model of your case, right all the facts and circumstances and players involved or whatever and lay it on a two-dimensional Flat Line. You're looking for things to go up and down from that Flatline, right? And then you're like, oh, let me see why that happened and you know, it just takes such a long time to do not that like it's responsible for at least one of my divorces because I was so OCD like I would just get so wrapped up in the cases that I was just Work all the time would be hard not to yeah, I'll just be hard because at any given time something could pop off. Yes. Yes, absolutely. And I won't let go of it. I'd be like, hey, I'm not gonna be home for a couple days or whatever. You know, I just pop in to sleep for two hours back out always on my phone whenever we win anywhere. Oh, you fucking somebody. Yeah. Yeah potential serial killer but same thing and it's not different than other jobs. Really. I mean to like in the NFL if you want to be the best your position, you have to be a freak about it. Yeah. Us with yes, you literally have and there's you know that somehow sometimes as a balance. Well with other aspects I have a question on that regard. Is it difficult to like detach yourself emotionally when you get invested in a case like that it was for me. I think there are extinct when you catch this guy you've been digging into this guy's life for a long time like, uh Carter right? There was very emotional and I think right here I'm taking deep breaths. Who's when he catches? How hard is it? Not just punch that guy right in the face, you know, Harry Hawk. Yeah very high. Sometimes you're in the car. Waiting for the jump on you like I hope this motherfucker does so yeah. I mean, he just gives you is weighty. But yeah that and it's just like it's hard to go home and enjoy relaxing and not paying attention or doing something for those victims. You know what I mean? Like you feel guilty do you feel guilty about? Oh, I'm just watching The Sopranos tonight and I should be fucking making some phone calls or something chasing a killer just real quick. Shout out to the Indiana State Police doing their work here for the Delphi murders very excited to see See if they can catch the asshole monster that did this. If you have any tips, please reach out. Go ahead give there's a big purse on the line for it. I'm not sure how big our demo is and Delphi but I'm assuming there's a few people that are listening to the show right now, if you know anything hey, if you know something say Amen.
On today's show, Pat welcomes The Blogfather, owner and voice of Pro Football Talk, and dear friend of the show, Mike Florio, to chat about the upcoming NFL draft. They discuss who can be trusted during draft week and what certain teams' mindsets are going in. They also cover a few new ideas for prospects coming into the NFL to go to the draft and make a little money, Pat asks Florio to get to the bottom of the Gruden/Mayock/scouting debacle in Oakland and whether that is that common, what he's currently hearing about Kyler Murray and if he's still the #1 pick, and whether Mike has heard anything in relation to Pat in the Monday Night Football booth (4:13-23:32). Pat and the boys also discuss their upcoming comedy tour, "Pat McAfee Does America," which will be in six different cities this summer with tickets going on sale next Monday. They also cover Pat's weekend in Nashville and how he got mistaken for Jackson Maine, the boys have a little Hockey Talk as they check in on the NHL playoffs, and a little hoops talk as they all make a bet with Gorman about who will win the NBA championship. The guys also cover Game of Thrones, as Pat is now all the way in and arguably one of the biggest fans of the series. After the show, stick around as Todd goes Behind the Badge and breaks down some of the new breaks in the Delphi murders case in Delphi, IN from two years ago. It's a good one. Come and laugh with us, cheers.
Thank you for listening to made to be a podcast exploring the surprising professional Paths of extraordinary women in business. I'm Kristin Berman co-founder and CEO of Philly made creative a marketing and media production agency. Listen as I facilitate powerful conversations with women who are masters of their crafts learn about their Journeys and just what it took to become who they were made to be. I get a lot of inspiration art of music. I mean, there are so many things that can inspire you. But I'm really happy that I wake up in the morning and I'm ready to go. You know what I hop out of bed and say let's go for it. And I think that sometimes that doesn't happen. Naturally for people's I'm pretty pretty happy that that's one of those things I have that ability to say. What does today has to bring in let's go for it. It's finally summer schools are letting out and graduation caps are being thrown when I was younger. I looked forward to summer because it meant I got to go to summer camp summer camp for me was on. Gossipy and New Hampshire at YMCA Camp Hawkins and all girls overnight camp we slept on bunk beds and cabins sang songs in the mess hall and bonded with new friends. What I realized later in life is that during those six years Camp was teaching me so much about leadership and responsibility. My guest today is a woman who has committed so much of her life to empowering young women through summer camp between being a camper counselor to now camp. Director and so many roles in between. She's heading into her 50th year at Hawkins listen today to find out what it took for Jody Skelton to become who she was made to be. So today. I want to welcome Jody skeleton. She is the executive director at the YMCA Camp Hawkins up in Freedom, New Hampshire Jodi. Thank you so much for being on made to be that's wonderful. Thank you very much for asking me dodea. I asked you to be on the show because Have meant so much to me in my life. Hawkins was a part of my life for six years as a camper, but also watching my sister's go as campers and then having some friends go as campers and counselors and I want to know from you. What does Camp mean to you? That's a pretty loaded question. But of course I started to as a camper and just grew to love camping and working with people and working with children. And so so Camp is really just been my passion and something that I'm very fortunate to be able to participate in so it's been like you said it's this is my 50th summer. So I've been over 30 years working here. So certainly something that I love very much and have feel very fortunate to be a part of and tell us about the first summer for you at Camp. What was that? Like so my first summer? I don't remember too much. I remember that I had up was in a CIT cabin. So that's a counselor in training cabin. And so I went home and told my mom. I wanted to be a CIT, so she was really impressed with that that two weeks and I already decided that I was going back. Back and then I was going to be on the staff which sounds pretty fun and I remember casino night as a really fun thing that we did where we went to the login or so many games and it was just I don't know one of those things that just was outside of the box for me. So it was really fun and of course swimming and playing softball learning how to water-ski all those things were really fun parts of can't for me when I was little that's so great. I mean once you walked into Walked into Camp. What was that? First moment like for you if you can remember. My sister's I was with my my parents and my older sister who had gone. And so so it's a little bit scary because I was the youngest so they took me to my cabin first and I just remember my sister had made me a hat to wear and I was all dressed in my outfit with the hat and everything and I don't know. I was just ready to go. How old were you so I was nine. Yep, you're nine years old and you're staying at camp for two weeks, right? And I'm staying at camp for two weeks Sleepaway Camp to sleep away for two weeks, right? I was ready. My sisters had been to other camps before and told me all about it and stuff. So I was ready to give it a try and what is Hawkins for people who have never heard of Camp Hawkins, or maybe who have never gone to Camp before you describe a little bit about it. So Camp Hopkins is YMCA Camp that runs for for two-week session. Somewhere an all-girls camp located in Freedom New Hampshire and so really why camps are unique in the sense that they are friendship camps focus on caring honesty respect and responsibility and we hopefully open girls eyes to a lot of opportunities sports-wise, but also becoming independent and making friends and learning how to live on your own. So and of course a big piece of our camp, His leadership training so we certainly are very proud that we can pumpkins grow our own leaders and our own counselors where our campers so something fun to think about so, can you describe what a typical day at Camp is like so the readily bugle blows at 7:15, the girls wake up and get dressed and then at 7:40, there's a waitress. She goes down sets the table and soupy blows at eight o'clock. And that means it's time for everybody to go to breakfast and then we have This together all together in the dining hall after breakfast. We all go to the flagpole where we have our morning announcements and then thought for the day and everyone goes back and gets ready. We have three instructional periods. So each cabin is assigned to go to certain places they travel together and all the counselors go to the areas where they work and then you have the three instructional periods in the morning. You come back to the cabin get ready for lunch and then after lunch we have rest time where you can write letters home. Mom, I always tell the campers but also they can mail and that's the time to rest and then we have in the afternoon what's called free selection of activities, which is two hours of free time where the campers get to choose where they go and what they do and all the areas are open and we have specials that we talked about at lunch time so they can make some choices of their own and then after free time is over we go to dinner we have after dinner we go to a flag take the flag down have evening. And then the evening time is either cabin time or divisional time or special event time for the group to be together. Then the 8:30. Everybody gets brushed their teeth and gets ready for bed is so the Juniors have caps at nine o'clock of the seniors and have TAPS at 9:15. And then they have like kind of half an hour together with their counselor. Most counselor still read read out loud to their campers and then it's time for them to go to bed. I wake up the next morning and do it all over again. I remember being in the cabins, you know in the middle of the night having to go to the bathroom you get up out of bed. Maybe I'm on the top bunk client down walk outside and and walk over to over to the bathrooms over to the John's right? It was always such a special time being up there. What is it like for you having been on Les gossipy for 50 years. So the fun part everyone. How can you keep doing it? You know what keeps you coming back? And the fun part is that every year it is different. So Camp Remains the Same, but the people are different the campers are different, you know, when we open the gates when they tune your counselors the first year, they're being counselors, you know walk in the door. They're so excited and they can't wait to be counselors and they just bring so much energy and enthusiasm to camp and then of course on our change days when the girls arrive, so huge. I would say Spirit tucking spirit in the air and everybody just can't wait to be at camp and some girls are reuniting with old friends and happy to be back and I just feel like Camp is a place where girls tell me it's a place where I can be myself and that's an amazing opportunity that we have four girls to be able to be at camp for two weeks. Totally unhooked from All Electronics and just to be able to hang out and meet people and interact with friends. Have a good time. He said that leadership is a big part of Camp Hawkins Steve leadership training into the camp experience. So I think leadership training really happens naturally at our camp because the campers live with the counselors and the counselors kind of share with them their expectations and what their they want to the girls who do weather at camp and so they set up a basic structure for the girls, but I they also like I said, I was a camper. I was like how I want to be a counselor someday, but as the campers get older, you know RW program The W, so our ninth graders have the opportunity to raise the flag and there are girls and so again, here's an opportunity where campers are leaders for our younger campers. And so I really feel like that's the beginning of saying oh, you know what I can you know help I can I can raise the flag. I can be card girl and I can work with the Juniors and take them around campus. Show them, you know places and answer their questions and so really introducing leadership at a young age. And then from the 9th grade program on of course, we're pretty intense in our leadership training the ninth graders. We do have leadership opportunities for them. And then of course our CIT program when the girls come back for a month they have time in a cabin. They go all the Departments and learn about what leadership is like to them what type of leader they want to be as a person and how they work with others and of You know, it's becoming a counselor as the right job for them. So I so I feel like even if you don't return after your CIT year just being at Camp has so many values that it teaches you for your life. It also helps you not be home sick. Of course when you're away at College, you know and just gives you that Independence. And also I think the feeling of some self-confidence we always hope that girls grow out there at camp and go home a little bit stronger than they were when they left so So lots of leadership just happens naturally at Camp. What are some things that parents say to you about the leadership development of their daughters? I think I was talking to a mom this morning and she was just saying the things that her daughter's learned at Camp are just things that that they haven't that they haven't grasped anywhere else in the camp is just so helpful and I think part of it is because when girls are in a cabin and they have a female now that's a couple years older than them or their counselor as a role model it really it just is someone that they want to be liked and someone that they admire and so those leadership skills and questions and conversations just kind of happen naturally and so This Woman's daughter's coming back to be a counselor this summer and she has younger girls that are campers and they just I said, you know, I'm totally in involved with camp and just can't wait to come and count the days and Really have been affected by Hawkins and you know and that's just kind of how it happens. Once you get it in your blood. You just become part of camping. You just can't wait to be part of it and get back is that how it was for you when you are a camper? Absolutely. Absolutely. I couldn't wait to get back. I didn't come with friends from home or didn't you know have fuge friends at camp that I felt were the important part of it. I was just there for the whole the whole the whole deal the whole schmear of the water skiing. Like I said learning how to play softball and just interacting with everybody and participating. In so many things that I didn't have the opportunity to do at home. Tell us about your CIT year. What was that like for you? What were things that really stood out for you in that season? So my CIT year I loved being in a cabin. So I was I've always wanted to teach school and so I went to was going to college for elementary education or was thinking about becoming a teacher and so once I got into a cabin, you know, you had that opportunity and I wanted to be with the younger camp. Purrs, absolutely was drawn to the youngest and and just having them like the minute you walk into a cabin when you're a CIT just you're afraid that they're not going to look up to you. But just once you walk in and you introduce yourself and the kids are asking you questions and all of a sudden you're like I can do this. I can you know, I can do this and of course I loved it, you know walking to the meals holding hands telling them stories, you know answering their questions. They're homesick. I have the chance to help them with that so I totally Unless the it year one of the another counselor when home ill so I was able to go out again. So I had two times out as a CIT and a cabin and my second time I was with older girls. I was in another Division and I love that too. So I was really surprised that I owe enjoyed, you know, the older kids just as much as I enjoyed the younger girls, you're listening to me to be a podcast featuring extraordinary women in business produced by Philly made creative. We hope you're enjoying this episode if you believe you or somebody, you know should be featured as a guest. Please email made to be at Philly made And once you became a camp counselor how many years were you a counselor? And what happened after that? So I was a junior counselor and then a senior counselor, I think three years and so I was a senior counselor or sometimes in the junior Division and then I was a CIT counselor in the junior division at train cits. And then I actually the see I was a CIT counselor in the junior division. So I was in the junior division four years as a counselor and and I love Get like I said, it was an opportunity to work with the young girls and help them grow and love camp. And I remember one time it was just a girl like holding onto her parents leg when they left and she didn't want them to go and whatever and then, you know, first two weeks later. She was crying because she didn't want to go home and I was like this job is pretty amazing, you know and just being able to know that she had grown so much with her independence and was okay being away from her parents and now Excited and happy that she had a great time at campen couldn't wait to come back again. So so I really I really loved it from you know that day on really what point did you know that this was where you wanted to to spend your career, you know, so I went to college and got a degree in elementary education and I taught school and the camp director invited me to come on year-round and I just remember one day. We're in the well house and because something had Happened with the water and he said, you know, you need to come down here. I want you to look at this. I might not understand how the water system works because you know, you're going to run this place someday and you need to know everything and I just remember kind of laughing to myself and saying, you know, I had no idea that he would know that I was going to run this place but that I you know, that's what course I went with him and I was interested to learn everything and there were so many things to learn and that's part of why I loved it because I did love learning about draggable learn how to do this and turn the water on turn the water off. And then he retired and the new camp director came in and then a few years after I had been assistant director. I just knew I was ready and that you know, this was all preparing me and that I did want to become camp director. So just kind of evolved over time. But when he first said that I would never have thought that I really that wasn't my goal, you know, I thought I was going to teach come to camp in the summer. So what was that transition like for you once you decided to to work year round? Round so it was great. So the hard part about working year-round, of course became a part of an office, you know, I was in the office more and not working with kids, but because we were kind of a independent Camp I was able to develop some programs in the community with children so that I wasn't, you know, like at my desk all the time. And so that was really helpful and we continue to do community outreach as our camp in the in the offseason which is really great thing. Everybody wins. The community loves having us. Lid and we love working with kids during the year. So that's just kind of a nice match for both. And what is it about camp that has you continue to come back for the last almost 50 years. Now, I would just say that it's all about the campers. And as I said, it's all about just seeing them succeed and have a good time in the same thing happens with the staff as well. Also, seeing the counselors come and and grow as much as they grow throughout the season and being able to accomplish things that they didn't know that they were going to be able to accomplish and especially, you know in the girls just so simple things. I think the fact that we still do that all the men, you know, we recognize campers when they make their accomplishments or when they do things and I just think all of that is really part of just telling helping kids grow and become strong and and that is absolutely what keeps me coming back. Because the snails you know, you don't find them anywhere else and what is it about and this may sound like I'm repeating the question. Sometimes here's something a little different. What is it about the celebration of accomplishments that that let that has that Lasting Impression for people? I think I think when we're at Camp number one, I think it's really fun that we're in a female environment and all women together. So that really helps people relax and enjoy themselves. And I think the fact that we celebrate the little things is a really important part of Camp so that an accomplishment Reno passing your swim test, you know is and we're going to the girl stand on the bench and they give you an element and that's just one of those it's just a little bit of recognition, but I It helps build self-esteem. And I think that that's just one of the fun things. I think we don't celebrate little things during the year every day. And so that I think Camp is one of those places where we do recognize and celebrate things and so can't just becomes a happy place because of course there are lots of things to celebrate we do lots of singing and and it's just a joyful time and I think that's what kids remember, you know, and being at camp and trying to make your you know, make you be the best you can be So somebody who is you are in charge of this Camp? What are some of the challenges that you've been through over the years? I would say Staffing is always a challenge and and just learning and helping people grow. I think the hardest part when you become a counselor is the transition from I came to Camp to be with my friends. And now of course when you come to Camp you come to Camp to help other kids have fun and you certainly have fun while you're doing it. But I think just having that growth in the maturity to realize that you know campus for you are helping camp for other girls. And so that's kind of what your job becomes and once they make that transition. They totally get it and are able to enjoy camp and continue to grow but of course, you know. Through The Years there's challenges when you have to fire someone and that's kind of a huge growing thing when you know, it's not always fun. But certainly you have to learn how to do it and and how to help people grow the and you know grow as much as they can from their job and learn from your mistakes. I think Camp is a place where you can you know, make small mistakes and be able to recover from that and move on and learn to and continue to learn so and why do you think Important for you that people continue to grow and learn I think that comes back from my basis of being a teacher and you know on so that I really feel like everyone can learn from each other and I think sometimes we don't open our eyes to our differences, but that we should be celebrating our differences in that kids can from different places. I think one of the great things from Camp, of course is we put different girls from different pounds and states and countries together and they have to learn how to get along and I think that's just a huge opportunity to grow and to be able to appreciate people's differences and to learn more about yourself. And so I think that helps kids grow and become strong. So for you, how would you define success in your role? I think in my role as a camp director success comes in a lots of different ways. Of course you manage a budget which is an important thing for your board and to make sure that campus successful. But the way the you tell you know, the campus successful I feel like is you have returning campers and more importantly you have returning staff members. And so we're very fortunate when we're like over 85% of our staff, you know returns each summer and or have long-standing. Young leaders who have been a camp, you know more than 10 years and that really helps us just as a community because we're connected with each other and when you come back to campus like never changed and so that they're everyone's ready to go and we're ready to you know, teach and pass on the information that we have. So our division leaders are assisting camp director are all very open-minded and just helping others grow and learn and being able to pass on the spirit. I think one of the Great things about Hawkins is now I'm watching girls that I had as campers bring their daughters and that's a pretty unbelievable feeling and a situation where you know, you can pass camp on to others and I think that that's the one of the great things that we do you have. I mean, that's how I found out about campus one of your Co counselors. She had her daughter's up at Hawkins and invited me and my sisters to go up to Hawkins and you know without that it I wouldn't have On there. Yeah. It's amazing how Camp just catch cast on, you know, and we're fortunate that we don't have to spend money on advertising and that's all word of mouth. But that the camp is absolutely the quality of your Camp really has to do the background of your staff. I think so what were some of your major accomplishments so far? What have they been I think if I were to say my major comes from in and camping of course having children, I I figure is one of my major accomplishments and three beautiful children. But of course in the Camping World, I think one of the great things that I was able to accomplish was to build our leadership Division. And so when we we had ninth grade campers in our senior Division and we had our cits in our Junior division in so are 15 and 6 year old 18 year olds were living with our nine year olds and so being able to pull the ninth graders the oldest campers out of the senior Division and pull the cits out of the junior division. You didn't build a leadership division where now our ninth and tenth graders are together was a is a huge accomplishment. We you know had a capital campaign and raise the money and and now I think it's um, it's a really essential part of what our program is and it's a wonderful the division also has cabins that are built a little bit differently so we can do more programming in the fall and in the spring. So I really open Camp up two more groups. And so that's another thing that I feel very fortunate about we're able to start The mother-daughter weekend in the fall where we have over 300 people come for the weekend, which is a really fun time. And also we do a mother-son weekend in the spring and that's over a hundred, you know mums and boys coming to camp and getting a chance to enjoy camp for the weekend. So those are some of the accomplishments that I think are important important and then are there any times that you remember where you failed to achieve something that you really wanted to achieve? That was really important for you? I think some of the I've been very fortunate in the sense that I kind of have blown up through the ranks. And so I've done different jobs and done different things. And so I think the hard the hard part about learning when you fail is just getting up and trying again and trying not to give up, you know, and I think you wouldn't someone says no the work instead of having it be no you take it as a next opportunity right and no next opportunity to move. Vaughn and try again and fail, you know, you means you just get up and try again. And so I remember camp director being very frustrated with me one time because I couldn't learn how to backup a boat trailer and so it's unless standing and so, you know, you have to turn the wheel the opposite way and I just couldn't figure it out. So it's just one of those things where even today I'm not very good and I do not drive a boat trailer unless I absolutely have to but let's just one of those silly challenges where you're like, okay, I really need To think and you have to think opposite of what I ordinarily would be because I'm so left-handed, but I think just learning from your mistakes. I think a lot of times I think I'm fortunate that you have the opportunity to grow from the mistakes that you make and so that's one of those things where you just have to keep yourself upbeat and positive and try to move forward even though you make mistakes. So in the in those times like when you're learning how to drive the boat Trailer is it like for you getting not being able to get it or not being able to do it the way you thought needed it to be done. So so I think it's very frustrating, you know, because it's a challenge and it's something where you sit there and you say, you know, I can do this because I just need to reverse my what my what my instinct would be. And so so again, it's one of those things where in order to accomplish that I just had to repeat it over and over. Over again and that's sometimes what people need is to just hear it more than once and to do it different times, you know when I was teaching and I taught special ed for a while. It was just one of you had to just sometimes with some children. You just have to do it a different way until they actually get it and once you get it you can move forward but it's just having the patience which of course would be something that I need to have intend to take the patients and to be willing to just keep practicing and practicing. Now you're someone who has dedicated much of your life to serving others. And this may be a hard question to acknowledge. But what is the impact that you think you've had on women over the years? Yeah, that's a really hard question because I think I have to sit down and try to add up all the years and add up all the different kids and all that kind of stuff. But I think like I just mentioned I think the most important thing. the gift that camp gives and that I've been very fortunate to be a part of is that just helping girls grow and become stronger and I think every time I run into someone, you know, I I know lots of people that have gone into camping or gone into other leadership positions or are running their own companies and they just will call and say Jodi I use stuff that I learned at Camp every day at my job, even though I'm not a camp, you know, those life skills were so important and I'm so appreciative of what camp No gave to me and and I just think that that's something that we try to tell the counselors, you know today. You know what you're learning here. Your today you're going to be using you know, 5 6 and for the rest of your life, you know, and so those are the that's probably the greatest gift that we give is just helping women grow as much as they can. And what was that like for you when you get those calls, I love it. I love it. So that's those are the rewards you know, so that's the thing. So in camping, I think the counselors come Act because they love what they can give to the campers and the rewards they get are the smiles and the hugs and I you know, I did it I was able to do it. I didn't think I could and I can and so when I get those phone calls from people to say, you know, look what I'm doing now, and I'm so appreciative for that as I look back campus such an important integral part of you know, who I am, you know, and that just makes you smile and those are the best rewards right there. What are some of the people or you don't have to say specifically who but some of the people that really stand out for you? What are what were they like and how do you see them out in the world now? So are you talking about like my role models or people or staff that I had that I admire either one? So a lot of let's see. So I think the thing that Well, I love that people can take what they learned at camp and do something totally different with it, but are using the same skills that they had, you know, so for example, you know friends that have been become lawyers, you know, actually there's I was going to say doctors as well. But just people I think a lot of that camp camping world really is a lot of social skills and a lot of times people go into jobs where they're working with other people and now on this whole Tech world where everybody's you know, On their phones or doing whatever it really comes back to how you communicate with each other is what's important and just being able to have a conversation with another person face-to-face becomes a really important thing which of course girls learn naturally at camp. And so people that are in I would say, you know working with children and Rec Department searched in schools. We have so many staff than become teachers and it's just one of those amazing things principals teachers and working with children as a career. And so that's a great thing that can't provides. What is it? Like for you being in the camp industry? I think being in the camp industry is again. We are very fortunate that camp fills very quickly and that we do have waiting lists. And so I feel like we go a lot to really part of the American Camp Association, which is a organization that our camp belongs to and they do do some great trainings and we are able to participate and be trainers and I'm a what's called an ACA visitor where I go around and help other camps get their accreditation. And so I feel there's always things to learn. So every time you go to a conference, you know, there's always things you can meet other people that are doing things and they challenge you all the time, which is really great thing and you know Camp has a lot of traditions, but it also has room for Change. And so when we come back from those conferences and we can look at things. And try things do things a little bit differently. It's always a fun fun opportunity to help can't grow and change, you know with the times and as we grow so that's great. You're really impacting Hawkins, but also other camps that are looking to grow of course. Yeah. I mean we share I think that's a great thing about Camp directors and where it comes together everybody shares with each other and so for hopefully all just trying to help each other be the best that we can be and so that's really nice environment. I meant to be so it's amazing because it's like we're not competing with each other. We're trying to help each other. You know what I mean? Even though we could we're not really every campus different. So we're not really fighting over the same children, or we don't look at it that way, you know, we're just all happy to be able to have the opportunity to work with kids and help them grow. So I'm just as happy that someone comes to your Camp, you know as that, they got the opportunity to go to camping but versus not being able to go to Camp. So I want to back up just a minute. When you when you stepped into the role of being a camp director, how long did it take you to really feel like that that you were settled in that so, you know, we have Candlelight at the end of a session and so the woman that was assisting camp director and and Vaughn and Riley and I I just remember so when campers are leaving Candlelight, you know, they're walking up the hill and everything and I just remember looking at hand. In and just saying we're doing it. We are actually doing it. We know we are the camp directors and the campers and we just finished two weeks of camp and no major catastrophes and you know, and we're I use the word, you know, we're like Peyton's a peeking saving. I mean, you know, we became we became the camp directors that you know were role models and it was just one of those things that pretty amazing feeling that that right we could do it, you know, and I really felt Um Judy Snell was also camp director and she was the first woman to become him director. So I feel that was really great to have females in that position and be the role models for our campers and our staff. So it's just a really fun time. Listening to me to be a podcast featuring extraordinary women in business produced by Philly made. Babe, you're enjoying this. If you or somebody, you know should be featured as a guest. Please email made to be at Philly made I was just the first time where I really felt like okay, we're doing it. The other time of course has changed a and also changed a in the parking lot is just such an exciting time because all the parents and the kids and everybody the dampers are running in and reconnecting with each other and then you have all the new campers that are anticipating camp and there just seems to be a huge. Vibe in the parking lot on change days unless it's always a really fun time than to feel like okay. Here we go. We can do this. You know, this is going to be really fun. So was there ever was there ever a time where you thought I'm not really the right person for this. I think I think the Campos has its challenges and so that there are times when you're like, oh man, how am I ever going to do this? But You know, I think you just have to kind of break it up into small bite-sized pieces and say okay. I can accomplish this we can make this happen. And so I feel like one camp director told me, you know, you'll know when it's time for you to move on and don't know when that time comes be smart and don't overstay your welcome and I have told everyone or that I'm going to retire in a couple of years ago that that's one of those things where I want to leave camp and really good place and you know and be happy about it and so on. A great a great thing to think about what are some of the memories that most stick out for you either as a camper or a counselor or a director? I would say some of my favorite memories and it's funny. I really would say learning to water-ski and I remember just when I got up on skis I would be so happy. I'd be like singing, you know, going back and forth having that chance to water ski with really fun again. I was fortunate, you know to have to make some of my best friends at camp and so on spending time with the staff that the women that I was counselor with my 50th birthday. We all went together on a sailing trip for a week. And so it was amazing that the four of us lived all over the country but gives to be back together for a week, you know, it was like we had never left that's always a really fun time to be together with with alumni and friends that you don't get to see very often but and then that you're together again, you know, you just feel like okay, I'm back, you know, we're all back together and that's just a wonderful feeling and then again, I think every time so we do this really funny thing on opening day when we hand out staff shirts. And so we all Gather in the lodge together and we call off the new kit new staff members name and they are handed their I hand them their stature and then they run into the lodge to meet the people. Have already got their staff shirts on but that's again. That's just one of those moments where it's so exciting because the junior counselors and the new staff are so excited to be come part of the Hawkins family. And that's just a really one of my favorite favorite times each summer. So today answer the question. Okay. Where do you look for inspiration? I do a lot of reading and I love to read but mostly I think my inspiration just comes from others and again conferences that I attend and inspiration just about life and I think a lot of my inspiration just comes from my family and going to church I get a lot of inspiration out of music. I mean, there are so many things that can inspire. But I'm really happy that I wake up in the morning and I'm ready to go. You know what I hop out of bed and say let's go for it. And I think that sometimes that doesn't happen naturally for people so I'm pretty pretty happy that that's one of those things where I have that ability to say, what does today have to bring in let's go for it. So we practice that you have being a camp I think is one of those great things and that you want to put the most amazing won't make the most out of the day. That you can and I think sometimes we stand up flag and we just say you don't listen to the birds singing, you know, just for a moment take a moment and pause and look how beautiful campus and being part of nature seeing the stars at night and seeing the lake and the moonrise and all those wonderful things where that's so inspirational I think for all of us just to be able to take that moment in nature and enjoy and be inspired by what what we see and what we hear and what we could become. Part of so obviously Camp is a huge part of your life. What are some things in your life that you're passionate about outside of Camp? So I love again. I love to read I love to ski, I've become really passionate about cross-country skiing. That's a really fun thing and teaching skiing is a really fun things on the weekends in the wintertime when I can I teach at a ski area, which is just an opportunity again to work with children. I meant to teach them a skill a very fun fun skill life skill and I really enjoy swimming when I can enjoy water skiing in the summertime. So lots of just being outdoors camping fishing anything that that brings you back to Nature is certainly something that I enjoy. Why do you think that's important for other people to get outside? I think that in this world than just being outside and we you know becoming part and understanding what the opportunity is and what how precious I think how precious nature is and just learning to take care of, you know, we did we have a lot of solar camp and we recycle and just learning about nature and and here's this gorgeous tree and look at this zucchini that we're growing in the garden and the kids are just like wow, that is so cool. I've never seen as a penis so small but just helping them learn, you know that this is something that we need to take care of and to protect in the Nature's gift that we have and that we need to preserve it and and and to enjoy and enjoy I think the girls when they're a camp they can see the stars in their life. It starts or so much brighter it camping. I don't tell them that's the fact that we don't have any street lights right so that they can see the stars much better. But just the fact that they can appreciate it and to learn did you know that this is part of our First that we really need to protect and become part of the environmental awareness and you know that that should be a part of all of our Lives. What are some other things that you hope girls get while they're at Camp. So I really feel that teaching people to be motivate themselves, you know to be so that they can follow their dreams. I really think that's an important thing to help girls realize that they should should make dreams and then try to reach for them and that just goes along with building their self-esteem and helping them learn that you know, what you're you can do what you want to do and you can make things happen and you know a girl that's in the Missouri division who started her own company, you know, putting pockets in bathing suits and you know, and so I mean you can do what you want. And I think that's one of the greatest things that gifts that camp can help girls realize that you know what I want to know. I want to be on school counselor. Learn how to swim I want to you know, read a book. I want to do different things or you can grow as much as I can and become a doctor, you know, and I just think that we're helping kids think about what is the their potential and that there is no end to their potential. I would hope that we that they go home from Camp saying, you know, I can do different things and more things be strong about it. What are some ways that that you teach or train people to to look at life that way I think it's kind of happens naturally at Camp because I think that our staff and our counselors of you know, we talked about it during staff lie, but that it happens naturally because when you're when girls are with girls and they see each other doing things they're asking their counselors. You know, what are you doing? Where do you go to college or what? Do you want to be when you grow up? And so I think that's just kind of part of the process in the sense where they can share with each other and say, oh, well, you know, I'm going into a nursing program and this is why You know, I'm a can just have that time. I think that camp is about campers have the opportunity to ask questions and people listen. I think that's a really important skill at Camp. I'm afraid that sometimes we live in such a hurry world and sometimes kids are spread out and doing so many different things but that at Camp you have a chance to slow down and relax and just enjoy the simple things and also to listen to each other and to learn from each other. What is it that you want women to know whether they are in a career in Camp or not. Just women in business. What are some things you want them to be left with? I think that the whole concept about learning from your mistakes and not being afraid to keep trying and to set a goal and that you know, you just when you have a goal in mind that you just take small steps towards it at you don't want to take off more than you can chew but that you have to know that every day you get closer to that goal and it's a little step at a time and that and that you can be strong and look within yourself and find your strength and to use you know, No use your friends, which is sounds like I don't mean use your friends, but that your friends will be there for you to help you. I think one of the greatest things can't give each other is the opportunity to have friends and life friends. I've had so many people tell me, you know, my Camp friends have helped me through, you know, so many problems and times when life was difficult that I could rely on my Camp friends to hold me up. And then I do think that your can't friends are unique in the sense. When you live in a cabin with people for two weeks. It's different than going to school, you know with kids wear. Home at night. Your Camp friends can really become your true friends. And so you rely on your friends and just make yourself the best you can be. And you've also much of your staff. Is there pretty young there were 15 16 17 and up. What is it like managing a staff of that age? So I think that's part of the that's part of the secret of not growing up not getting old. You know, I think when you surround yourself with young people, it's very nice helps you stay young yourself. But again, I think that we learn a lot at the end. CA our camp conventions and stuff that how to deal with this with people that are younger than you and what's happening in their lives and how things have changed and how we adapt to the way that Society is and what's happening in their lives and how can we relate to them? Because of course when I was a counselor things were you know, totally different and we didn't have cellphones and we had a flying on a plane was. Was something that you maybe did you know hadn't even done yet? As you know, it wasn't something so people are just so much more mobile and and have everything kind of at their fingertips were as I was looking it up in a dictionary or hooking up an encyclopedia. And so those things are different and so how we just interact and challenge our younger staff becomes important and we really want to try to relate as well as we can to them. And of course like I am an old fuddy-duddy. The inlay know that sometimes and they deal with it and I can learn so much from them, you know, and that's one of the fun things as they share, you know with me and and can help me grow as much as I can. So that's always helpful. How do you find that being being such a leader in a leadership training setting? How do you find you grow as a leader? So again, I am learning every day. I think that's one of the things that you no, you never stop learning. You can always just pick up little things when I'm reading and what I'm meeting other people were always, you know, talking about what Howard interact with the counselors and just setting up different training sessions and just having conversations with people but that I think to always be learning is really an important thing that work continually looking things up on the internet and trying to go to different sections and participate in things that we feel that will help us grow. And so for you you had mentioned that in the next couple of years you're planning on retiring. What do you think is next for you. So so I really want to do a little bit of World Service somehow and and so I'm trying to think about that. I really want to travel and reconnect with some of the international stuff that I've met throughout the years. So that's kind of a fun thing to think about I still will do some work with children somehow either volunteering at a school teaching people how to learn Read I think is such an important skill. My certainly I'm passionate about that and we'll think about doing that but just working I'll be doing something working with people. There's for sure and you know what not as my parents got older. I realized that I enjoy working with older people just as much as I enjoy working with five-year-olds, you know, so that they're certainly lots of opportunities out there to work with a variety of people and in variety of places. And so I just look forward to trying Um new things that's great. That's great. So what are do you have any last bits of advice for women in business looking to grow and develop themselves in their careers? I would just say again that I think sometimes with counselors your lot right now. A lot of times with counselors go undecided into school, you know their life element. I don't know what I want to do and I just think you know II try to say, you know, that's from the back. Thing it just gives you the opportunity to try different things and to just stretch yourself. And so again, I just encourage everyone to step outside the box and you know and not be afraid to just try something because you never know what you're going to find and then when you do have the opportunity to find something you're passionate about stay with it, you know to follow your passion and follow your dreams because I feel like you're so much more productive when you're doing something you love then when doing something that you might get paid a lot of money for and I think you know, that's one of those things where kids at work at Camp obviously. No because they don't make a lot of money but you let you love it and you feel passionate about it. And so to be able to have a job that you're passionate about is a really fantastic thing. So follow your dreams Follow Your Passion. Alright, and if you were to give somebody listening to this a homework assignment in getting their what would that look like a homework assignment would be to interact with as many people as you possibly We can you know, and don't be afraid. You know, I always encourage the staff to try and when you go to college, you know join some clubs do some things that you see that you think oh, you know, I think I'd like that but you're afraid to try it. So don't be afraid to you know, try new things. That would be my homework assignment. Try new things. Try new things by five new things in the next two or three months. All right, you heard it try five new things in the next two or three months and can find your passion and find your passion. Keep growing Jody. Thank you so much for being on May to be this has been such a pleasure talking with you and I really need it. Yeah, it's very fun for me to reconnect with YouTube Kristen. So thank you for your time. Maybe to be is a production of Philly made creative. We hope you enjoyed listening if you liked this episode subscribe on Spotify iTunes Google or anchor and stay tuned for future. So it's we come we come from have to go back to the mountain head turn World Round We Go.
Camp is a special place for those that were fortunate to be able to go to one. While each camp has its own special qualities, there is something common about all of them. It is an opportunity to explore, and to learn about yourself. The experience creates a lasting bond between people. For our host, and producer Kristen Berman, her camp experience at YMCA Camp Huckins was profound and has carried over into her career. There was a lot Kristen learned at  Huckins about responsibility, leadership, and creating a community. Learn how Jody Skelton went from being a camper to now Executive Director as she heads into her 50th year at camp. She has seen thousands of young girls transform and grow into powerful women over that time. Jody loves the great outdoors. She is full of life and love, and has a tremendous commitment to bringing the magic of camp to each new generation. ________ SUBSCRIBE on your favorite podcast platform including Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Google Play Music, Overcast, and more. This greatly helps others in finding the show. SIGN UP to receive emails when  episodes are published.
Because it was one of those things where I needed to have water the number one thing that contributed to the search-and-rescue event was fatigued. Hey, Hey there everybody and welcome to another nature Alliance media podcast. Guess what the dynamic duo is here not so low anywhere. I'm Craig God. Oh and I'm Tracy tremble and we are together. Today. We're going to be talking about I think Trace I swear I think this whole bunch of stuff. We got to share. We're probably break this up into two or three won't we? Oh, I would think so. We've got a lot of information to go where I guess it depends on how in-depth we're going to hit that. Probably at least two maybe three nice what we're doing guys and gals is we are sharing information that we've had experience with that. We've heard from others that are common mistakes. We've had an opportunity to see a bunch of stuff and our day Tracy has a search and rescue volunteer as in a structure nature Alliance school and and all the good stuff that we do is we see a lot of mistakes. We see a lot of cool stuff going on, but we see a lot of mistakes and we thought we would share that we're going to break these up again and Three parts now how they lay out on the podcast. We'll see how this goes naturally, but we're going to be looking at before you hit the trail on the trail and at Camp some of the common mistakes. So that's what we're going to break down before we get into that. Don't forget to check out our sponsors. There's links in the description below check out the new website nature blindsight o RG, there's all kinds of cool stuff there Tracy's got blog information. I got blog information. We got podcast classes all kinds of cool stuff coming so You want to get us started there, sir? Okay, we'll start do it with before you hit the trail and we preach about this all the time you do, especially Even in our classes issue of not planning your hike. So each day that you go the planned out for trail distance water Camp everything like that needs to be planned out. One of the big issues that we run into is for even day hikes is that you will have a weak Link in your party. And if you're not planning for that weak link, meaning that person that might be a little overweight or not used to hiking or new to hiking even someone who likes to stop and take pictures and stuff that will throw your plans off dude. I got a good story for not planning you guys clown you always have good skills. So I've hiked the shelter we Trace not in the end, but I've section hiked it and I did most of that when I was in high school and college with a good friend of mine one year. We set out we always did the Majority of it hiking for a full week on spring break every year one year one of the things that I want to say it was the second year. We started engaging in these hikes. We set out we're going to hike around and we were actually around Cave Run Lake area. We had not pre-planned. We had packed what we packed the year before and added to it or changed up. We got new boots and all this stuff and hadn't paid attention to guess what it had been raining a lot. So the trail that was all the way around the lake. Is there what Turtle dude was not there. I got there's a picture of me. I'd love to find this picture if I can find this picture. I will use this as the photo that goes along with a Blog piece for this podcast, but that said there's a picture where the trail literally runs you can see one of the one of the turtles is standing in the middle of the water of Cave Run Lake and that was the first time ever. It's the first time man that I started literally bushwhacking my way and utilizing train Association. Even though I didn't even know what the heck trade Association was we had we went cross-country man with the map. We got lost to anyone good at it. We were not good at it. How many miles did y'all travel you remember? I don't remember man. It was we were out for I mean that was just the star dude. I mean we were out for a week and we finally got around the lake but and then and then we got away from the water so we were okay, but there was three or four hours there one day that we were just completely totally lost. In and running across Old Logging roads and everything out there man. But yeah, I'm sorry getting us off track your phone plan your Trail distance resources and and pay attention to the weather. I guess is what I could add to that as well. So not planning. Like I said, you know Craig you talk about this all the time. You gotta sit down if you just going to go out even for a Day hike you need to at least put some thought into it our number one. Search and rescue event is day hikes. So, you know, you just go out and not really think just playing. Hey, we're just going to take a half hour walk out to this Arch or this overlooked and before you know it you made a wrong turn and that half hour turns into many many hours. So yeah, and I think one of the things that's important that you put in the notes here that goes along with what I was saying, but but needs to be continued as knowing your basically your pace and I'm not talking. Hey know your pace count. I'm talking about knowing that when you're going to be going somewhere. That hiking up and down through the Red River. Gorge is totally different really than even hiking around Cave Run Lake for those that don't know those two areas. Those areas are the way the crow flies not very far at all from one another but the train is entirely different mixed hardwood forest. Yeah, but there's a whole lot more straight up and straight down in the Red River Gorge and there is in Cave Run Lake and the farther south you go in the state down around Berea. For example, even if you're hiking shelter we It's flat as a pancake down through there. Yeah, big difference doesn't know the terrain where you are and how your pace is going to change based upon that yeah, one one reason why I threw this into the list was we have people all the time that we go in and get that Darkness pins them down or even fatigue and it's because they go out and they hike six miles in The Gorge and they think that'd be no problem because they've been walking through four or five miles a day in the park and you walking apart. It's fairly level ground with no pack on or no water. And you start climbing these Hills even though the Red River Gorge doesn't have major heels, but you'll still have what three four hundred foot climbs at places. So makes a big big difference. It's just being overconfident or maybe just ignorant of the the situation that you find yourself in so that that is a big issue for us in the gorgias is biting off too much more than you can chew. Oh man, no doubt. There was a again. I know you laugh. I have all kinds of stories but one of the trips when we were hiking back during that time, I'm going to say I was in college at this point. We were hiking somewhere down around London. I think maybe around red bird or something of that nature and again on the shelter. We Trace I think I'm not sure we got in this area that we were going to be hiking for about two or three days and literally I bet oh my gosh, man, it's been Twenty years ago, but I bet we didn't go four to five miles over the whole three days because we got dropped off and when we got in the woods a tornado it was like it had gone right down the dag on trail man and climbing over and under all these trees that were down because none of it had been cleaned up added recently happened, right? It was a nightmare. I mean, I just I mean it was one of those times I've had a lot of times where I've gone in the woods and thing. Oh man Sunshine. Peace, and love. I feel like hugging a tree or something. I love it out here. I was pissed it was one time you wanted out. Oh man, that was not there was no part of that trip. That was enjoyable. It was a fight to get through there. Yeah. We had a rescue back in the spring. I think our late last fall. Well, actually we did a podcast on it. It was the first one where they walked up a stream and got lost. So look at podcast number up, but John met and we had him on a podcast as well. He was the one who made contact with the hikers and brought him out. The route that he came out on had that had trees down everywhere. A lot of pine trees falling over and that kind of stuff and it wore them out climbing and walking around and climbing under some of them and stuff to get out. So yeah, it makes a big difference. And is that the don't know what you're going to run into out there. Is that the I thought a stream and got lost or trout fishing. That was the first one. I followed the stream and got lost. Yeah, okay. Yeah everybody if you're interested in that which I recommend you listen to its number one. It's literally number one podcast lost and found. I followed a stream of got lost. So check that out. Hey, man, that brings up another point you you did a podcast other day and I listened to it was one of the I think most informative that we've done on the park statistics. You want to share some of the things you don't have to get into that whole podcast, but you want to share some of those things that you got out of that podcast as it relates to this being overconfident and Or you know basically ignorant. Yeah, well in the fatigue I wrote this this statistic down to this comes from the year 2017 from our national parks, whenever they go in and rescue someone they do an interview and they try to collect as much information about the hikers and events and what they were doing so that they can better train their search and rescue people or better equip the park system to handle such event. The number one thing that contributed to the search and rescue event was fatigued 23% of the events were credited towards the hikers fatigue now, that's a lot but now get this the number two contributing factor was insufficient information or poor judgment. That's 19 percent if you add those two credits 42% of the events. You know, I love statistics, but this happened to me this past week and I tried to promote this on our social media as a method for people to learn from it the other day, I'd been hammering away at some stuff on the computer for two days had been out and been able to enjoy the outdoors and I told my wife has and I'm going I got to get out of here. I've got to go relax and get in the woods. And so I had it out. It was raining. I absolutely absolutely love hiking in the rain. And it was raining pretty steady, which I enjoy getting out in and I'm and I went out I enjoy that as much as anything and I felt like I needed to get out and do it. But when I got there, I started lightning and thundering and I did not go point. I was trying to make is that that is survival right there. That's good survival turn. Not not to toot my own horn, but I'm going to my own horn a little bit is that there's just times where you've got to have good judgment. And if you're if you to yourself say this goes against my Better judgment, but I'm going to do it. Anyway, then you're going to be part of that 19 percent at some point in your life. You know, I'm saying don't you agree with that much all agree a hundred percent. We all get that little sixth sense or just that funny feeling that says don't do that and most of us and I've been in that category quite a bit in my life will go on and do it and sometimes it doesn't turn out too. Well. I think that pretty much closes that section out doesn't I'm looking at me nowit don't here's one here is an excellent suggestion one of the articles. I have read here recently it labeled this one. I'm getting ready to talk about as Shakedown hike you take someone who's getting ready to go on a two day three day four Day hike they load their gear up and they take off and then why they're out on that hike then they figure out that well, this pack doesn't fit right this strap binds me or Cuts me and maybe one of the best things you can do. Go on a Day hike especially if you're doing a multi-day hike go on a Day hike before you hit that trail with a Shakedown Cog meeting. You take every bit of gear that you plan on taking and do it on a Day hike and pull that be able to analyze that gear and how it sets how it carries and how much the weight that you can actually handle and it'll give you a good indication of how many miles you can travel in the day. Yeah, my cousin it just hike to 80 he talked about that and promoted that pretty well too and he and his wife did a lot of those getting in preparation. I mean literally to hike the 80 they did that for four or five years leading up to when they left the height 80 just to do those what you're calling Shakedown hikes. Just fantastic. Do you remember how many days that they were out on trail for the 80? Yeah. I really don't man. It was a long time. Yeah. I remember you telling me that she didn't end up making it she end up having a knee injury and had to get out and then They are now going back and she is section hiking the rest of it because she wants to be able to say that she hiked whole thing to yeah, but that was on the list for many many years. I mean, yeah, he was he was he was the fellow that was in the military had a really successful career in the United States Army and it was one of the maybe I should speak for him. But I think it was one of those things that motivated him for a long time those last few years in the military. He had a really tough job and He had looked forward to hiking the 80 when he retired and that's what that's what he did. He threw hiked it be nice good for him good for her. Let's move on to the next one getting a late start but going anyway, you know what comes to mind. What's that when you read I'm sure you I know you doing what you do you there's so many other things but the one time the last time I was with you all maybe it wasn't the last time not wasn't the last time last year. We did that man tracking class for Wolfe County search and rescue. And as we guys and gals that are listening then that we were finishing up the day doing some tracking stuff and looked up and there was a bunch of like what looked like college kids heading into the woods. Oh, yes. I remember them. I mean the sun the sun I could only see part of the sun because it was already on the horizon and that's when they were going out and they were carrying a water bottle flip flops tank top shorts couple people have those little string backpacks that you could tell was carrying who knows a bag of dope or whatever. I don't know what they were carrying in a bit of wood and supplies to spend the night outside. And remember that luckily we never got called back on called back out on that one. But but yeah it and here's the issue that we run into in areas that have a lot of traffic you leave your house you drive an hour and a half to get to the park and there is no parking where you plan to go. So then you have to travel to a different parking lot or take a different Trail all together and then they Just throw you behind if you have been listening to Craig and you have planned your day for a particular Trail. Now you're off onto a different Trail and we've gotten a lot of people pinned down the dark because they just didn't understand the length of that secondary trail that they had to had to go on but getting a late start can really throw up throw you off. I'm sitting here thinking man. I don't I've never been one to really enjoy because it always surprises me and I never thought about it till you talking just now, I'm Not one that really enjoys hiking at night. I mean, I know it sounds crazy. But I was a saw somebody on a post on a Facebook group of the day said they were talking about hiking at night and they had to do that to get their miles in or whatever. And I thought man. I just I really don't get that mean I enjoyed go out and do stuff at night all the time, but I wouldn't call it hiking. I mean I do I go out and you know, maybe Meander or doing Wildlife study or trying to listen to Al sounds or something. Maybe it's just semantics but it just seems like A little dangerous to be going out at 9:00. Yeah, you know, I've never given it any thought I've done a lot of not hiking here in the last five years from the search-and-rescue because we're out, you know at night going and finding people and lead them out, but I can't say think of back. I don't know if I would really enjoy it not because you don't get to see a lot, you know, you're limited by your by your headlamp there now. I have been out early early in the morning at night to make my way to an Overlook or something like that to enjoy the sunrise from A high peak? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I guess that but just to go out and hike I don't I can remember just going out and Hiking for Joy at night. Hey, I got a couple other things here that are a little bit minor but but go along with the same concept of these mistakes one of them being your water bladder and all the problems that go along with it. Sometimes it's easy for you when you pack your stuff, too. To get the mouthpiece is either pressed on and you're leaking water or you don't get the if you got like I carry a camel bag. That's the one that works best for me. The one that because I've got four or five of those things but it has a huge screw top on it and sometimes What I've Done incorrectly is screwed that on and not got the threads absolutely right and then you throw it on your back and you've got a wetback. Yeah that has probably happened to everyone. With bladders. I'm not a big fan of water bladders anymore. I pretty much carry bottles with me and I tell you when I switched and you'll remember this story The you and I were down in Louisiana taking the man tracks. And when was that was that the first part of December? Maybe that's trying to think is latter part of Mohammed first part of December. We were down in Louisiana pretty deep. I think it was the oldest whether they've had on history in history when it was cold and the not even if it's not a motel her but it was he exactly it was the day before I think might have been even the last day that we were doing this long tracking events because we would track a quarter mile half a mile and your water tube froze up. Yeah. Yeah, man, I'll never forget that. I mean it was because it was one of those things where I needed to have water. It wasn't just that I wanted I needed it. I was going to get the Hydrated and there was no I mean it was completely Frozen completely Frozen. That's a bad position to be and gotta just basically dumped water as best. You can out of the big hole that comes out of the gun the container. Yeah, he's not cool. So yeah, I mean from that day on I pretty much have switched over to just carrying bottles of some type. So I don't know if teaching I love the water bladder. It's convenient having that drink spout over and your shoulder and being able to drink but but I've Kind of moved away. So yeah little stuff like that makes a big difference and now a word from our sponsor. Hey you yeah you I'm talking to you. He liked his podcast don't you and you're thinking about doing a podcast yourself. Let me tell you how easy it is to do this with anchor first off the money's right? It's free zero cost. Secondly, there's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Anchor will then distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcast and many more bonus. You can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started here is a big topic packing the wrong clothes. And you could probably do a whole podcast on this this particular topic. Let's start. Let me throw some things out and let you comment on them. How about that? Yeah, that sounds okay. My background is real estate appraising in one of the first things that I look at when I'm evaluating the houses the foundation if you got a good foundation, you can build up on it. The foundation for hiking is our Footwear. So what do you say about Footwear cream, if you don't have the right foot where you're going to be miserable? That's all there is to it. It's one of those things that you should You should invest as much money as you can forward into your Footwear. Don't go cheap for certain and you need to do what works for you. Meaning don't get something because it's popular and one of the things we're not when I was writing the ultimate Wilderness gear. This is one of the things that the research kind of jumped out at me the research both. I contacted all these companies as well as I queried a bunch of different people particularly on Footwear as it related to Backpackers. Talk to a bunch of different Backpackers on how your tally hunt being one of them Tracy. No no towel. She's a good gal. One of the things that just seem to jump out at me. Is that it seems as if if you like let's say that you wear Merrill's like I wear Merrill's I'll just choose what I use Merrill's I will probably my foot will probably fit into a mayoral across the board because they're footbed is designed a certain way and it works for me. Some people really like schemes for example, and so you can get Keen sandals. You can get Keen shoes. You can get Keen hiking boots and they'll probably work for you. I love Keen sandals and Well the same because they were one of the few sandals at the time when I bought sandals that had a real good tow protector on it. But man I had to I mean, I love that they felt comfortable around my foot, but my feet eight wearing those Keen shoes and there were people that I knew that were just like Craig. These are the bomb. These are the greatest thing ever. Well, you need to find that shoe bed a company that works for you and you'll probably stick with it. I guess as a key Point. Does that make sense? He's saying there. Yeah, let me ask you this a low-cut. Boot like a mayoral versus open-toe sandals not cool for hiking in my opinion the open the open-toed sandals is what I'm saying, and I'm telling you right now. My wife is one of them. She lives and dies by her Chocos. She loves those things, but she's not everybody needs to listen. She's not a big Backpacker or big hiker. She's not gonna throw a Pack on her back. She does not find a lot of enjoyment out of that. So she doesn't I mean she's a casual Meander through the woods and studying edible plants or will you know yesterday we took a hike for about two miles that was we were looking for owls and we didn't have big huge backpacks on that kind of stuff. So if you're if you're going to be spending a lot of time outside, you've got to have some something that's going to be closed toe in my opinion. Are you getting at that or do you feel differently about it? Oh I back that up a hundred percent. Okay. We hate flip-flops and you don't want to talk about flip-flops just to the kind you buy at Walmart. Oh my gosh, the number of people that we've gotten off trails because they were wearing flip-flops and they slip and slide and now they have a you know, hurt ankle or knee and all that kind of stuff. It's just if we had a hundred dollar for every one we've done that we wouldn't have to worry about buying equipment because we'd have the money seriously it just unbelievable, you know. Yeah, just just not good wear something that is On to grab traction out on these rocks and roots and heels and everything. Now, let me ask you this. This is not often talked about what about socks? That's another one that I'm big on spending whatever money you can afford to get good socks. I I personally am a big fan of Merino wool socks that works for me. They Wick moisture you can get thin ones that you can wear during the summertime. That's what I wear. I wear actual footies. Twelve months out of the year now. I don't wear socks that come up much farther than my ankles anymore ever and maybe that's just me older age. I just I just don't like socks up on my shins and my calves and everything. I do the same thing Craig. So these are sleeping. Yeah Foodies is pretty much 90% of what I wear year-round Jennifer and I were talking about this yesterday. Is it how have you been like at I mean long time or is it the only time that I wear a what you know of full-size pull up sock is in really cold weather? Other than that man is just for these cases. Yeah, I just wanted that's an age thing as well as asking you because you're so much older than me could because you're almost my age. So paying with Tina paying attention to your Footwear actually early. I did that your foundation. If you had bad food where you're going to feel it every step of the way. If you have a bad pack you can take it off maybe alter it and change it around but there's a little you can do with food where if you're a mile out and you just got to keep going you'll feel it. Every step of the way. It is tough. What about moving on that? What about pants shirts coats gloves that kind of stuff. Wow. And it all depends upon what you're doing absolutely depends upon what you're doing. Okay, and let me give you a scenario. Okay, and we could talk for you. Could you could talk for several hours of probably on just clothing. Maybe we are do podcast just on clothing but 40-degree day and I'm going to go out on a four-mile hike. Okay, this is what I'm going to have on. I'm going to have on a pair of Merino wool foot. He's probably With my regular just shoes depend upon the terrain when I say shoes I've gotten to where I wear low-cut shoes instead of higher boots personally. I wear 511 pants. I've got these 511 pants that have stretch in them. That way I can get up and down and move around and all that stuff and they last a long time. I've got a pair of pants that I've been wearing. I put them on the other day. They got holes in them, but I've been wearing them for five years really good pants. I see all these people Will talking about cool pants KU h l and car hearts and stuff and how tough they are. In the last lifetime. I can't move around in those things. I just don't feel comfortable moving around in them 40 degree weather. I'm probably with it. Yeah, not probably I am going to have a long sleeve wicking shirt on usually some other sort of shirt that goes on that and a vest. I'm going to carry something to my pack that have have to stay the night out. I have long sleeve insulation on top of me. That's pretty much it. What about a camp? Beanie take one with you? It just depends on if there's wind or not if the wind was blowing. I'd probably have it on. If not, I'd probably have it in my pocket so I can take it. It's one of the things that I my beanie I'll take on and off a lot. When one of the one of the things that's key about clothing is just have something that you can regulate your own temperature and pay attention to When I start getting hot first thing I do is take that beanie off and I unbutton my shirt down to you know, two or three buttons down when I get that first little hint to chill. I'll button everything back up if I continue to get Shield I put the hat back on when I get hot I take the beanie off unbuttoned if I take my beanie off unbuttoned still hot I roll up my sleeves and that way the key here. For people is as far as regulate man. We could we can make a whole podcast. I this Tracy. Yeah, I'm starting. I'm sitting here thinking maybe I get to D. But let me say this and then we'll move on is the key is you've got to have Exposed Skin to get rid of heat and everybody thinks that you lose and this is another thing that came out of the research for my second book ultimate weirdness gear. You lose 70% of your body heat through your head. That's not true. You lose 70% of your body heat. They're exposed areas of your body. So for example, if I had a beanie on even at like a really good warm down coat, but had shorts on I would lose body heat through my my legs. I could regulate my temperature like that right through my legs right now heat rises. Yeah, you're going to lose a little more heat from your head because heat rises, but you can regulate your temperature rather easily by just opening up your jacket or unbuttoning your shirt. You don't necessarily have to take a hat off. The order in which that I do it because I don't like having a sweaty head is take my beanie off first and it usually fixes most things unbuttoned and then sleeves well hardly ever I don't say hardly. I will not buy a coat that I'm going to go out into the woods with that doesn't have vent Zips. Yeah, right. And so when I'm hiking those vents are open and I'm one that I love to go out and do a Sit. Hey real quick when you talk about Vince can you can you explain to cause some people you're talking about out of the sleeves? I guess. Yeah, the arm talk about that. If you don't care the arm pit Zips and the jackets that we were in search of rescue they unzip I'll pretty much all the way down to the wrist and they unzip all the way down to probably maybe the lower portion of your ribs. So, I mean, it's it opens up considerably. So whenever you had packs on the even a chest rig, sometimes it's hard to go in there and unbutton and unzip down because you have that chest rig set right on HSN that holds in a lot of heat. If you have a code system that you can unzip from your wrist all the way down to your ribs that will allow a lot of that heat to escape then whenever I get to my seat spot even as I'm sitting down I'm typically zip those up because Because you'll lose a lot of heat quickly just by not moving and because a lot of times I'll go out Craig set for 30 minutes 45 minutes an hour. Just kind of watch them the animals move and stuff. So vent Zips is is very important. I think nowadays and it's easy to get a lot of even everyday wear has arm pit Zips in them. So yeah since we really consider so but I think you're right Craig we can talk for a lot of time on On clothing and so let's move on. Let's put that on a list. Maybe we do a podcast on clothing and yeah says videos and stuff. So next on the list is first aid kit not taking one or taking one that you just picked up from Walmart those little small basic kind of common boo boo kits or taking a first aid kit and not knowing how to use any of the contents in them. I can only think One event search of rescue than that. I've been on where the Lost hikers and it was two ladies. They had a first aid kit. That's it was an it was in the middle of the night. It was cold as it could be. I think it was like 13 degrees. We find them they're down in the valley and a little real steep draw when we top The Cliff. I'm looking over and I can see the fire that they Made and whenever we get them all out and talking over everything one thing that they had mentioned was that aside from options to build fires with is that they had their first aid kit with them as well in case they ran into health issues the amount I think you hit the nail on the head of a several things there. They got a glad they had them but everybody should have them everybody and I'm just going to go ahead and call somebody out here but these Adventure medical kits that you get from big box stores or Garbage. They're mostly And AIDS and other crap that you'll never use unfortunately. I mean, it's just it's just the way it is. So I agree just I don't really like calling names out. What I do like about a venture medical kits is buying one because they make great cases and then taking out the stuff. I don't need and build them on first aid kit and I mean the kit that I have now is the the kit that and I've got kids everywhere. I've got a kit for my truck. I've got a kit for Jennifer struck. I've got one for my backpack. I got one. I'm carrying light going light. That is basically trauma is in everything that I have and then boo boo dependent upon whatever level I am sitting here thinking about do we could do we could do another people? Yes on yeah. I was thinking the same thing. I'm getting ready to on the topic of first aid. I'm getting ready to take a woofer class Wilderness first responder class starting January 3rd through the lemon so should be able to bring back a lot of information through. Yeah, let's do let's plan on after you get out of that class. So it's let's make it pop Cast out of that okay or two or three or three here now one thing I want to mention, please don't take the that you shouldn't take a boo-boo kit because inside my first aid kit. I have Band-Aids there is nothing more aggravating than having a scratch on your hand and drip a little blood and you get blood all over your gear the buch it has its place but it's definitely not in the first aid kit that that you should be carrying out there. Especially if you have kids my goodness you got to Protect your kids and stuff because they're going to be jumping climbing Fallen rolling everything else. Moving on in nature night school Craig and I teach mindset skills tactics and gear Gear being the last here is a downfall that I've seen in a lot of people out on the search of rescue events thinking gear solves all problems and or not understanding their gear. Yeah, absolutely and that obviously for for us being a organization that teaches what's commonly referred to as survive on ice. Have a tough time just saying survival. I want to call it safety and survival because that's what we teach right is proactive mindset skills tactics and gear to go out so you can go out a lot man, man gear gear is where it's at people want to buy gear. And so they get something they get a knife. They get a pack they get a water purifier and they think that's the bee's knees and they don't have any problems now and that couldn't be further from the truth. Yeah, they don't test the gear going back to a previous podcast. Podcast that you and I did on How to Train go back and listen to that one. Yeah. Basically if you have no gear on how to get it set up and test it and and all that good stuff. So but yeah, we see that all the time, you know gear solves all the problems and man. I'm a gearjunkie. I love gear. I love knives. I love packs. I need to sell about 20 packs and make room for some more I guess but I just got another one you've been so kind of no one ever wins. I've known you man. Hey just a reference. What Tracy did that spot? Cast number two man, you're going back to the old days how to prepare so you don't die in the outdoor you yeah, that's a that's a that's a really good podcast man. That's got that was crammed full of information. Hey and while we're at it, hey, let me say this real quick if you're listening right now subscribe, please. Oh, yes, please grab can't I can't I can't even explain how important it is, but maybe I'll say this if you subscribe even if you don't listen to the every single podcast that really helps Tracy and I out so please please subscribe to the podcast. It's very very helpful. Craig were setting a 30 minute 39 minutes. Let's do one quick one and then we'll we'll go ahead and close this out as podcasts like one waiting to and I do this all the time, you know, we're lives are hectic running around waiting to the last minute to pack and when you're in that hurry to get packed up and get out on a trail you will Overlook something guarantee. I got another story for you you would have that's why I was waiting. Amen, two classes ago. I was teaching the survival class. You weren't at this one. I want to ask when I as soon as I say this you're going to go. Oh man, my boots were muddy from something. I had done that week and they were sitting outside and I was going to pick them up on my way out the door. And guess what you left them at the door. I left him right there at the door. So I had to do a whole class in those stupid Crocs that everybody makes fun of me for the whole class and I'm telling you man. It was a good learning experience for me. Yeah. Yeah. I'm yeah and I know it's weird but I hate wearing boots. I mean, I hate it. I absolutely hate wearing boots at this point of my life. I've been wearing boots since I was knee-high to a grasshopper and I've just gotten tired of wearing them. So I usually have like on some slip on shoes around the house or something and I'm driving slip on shoes and I'm this not most tactical cool thing, but nevertheless I left my boots at the house and had to do the whole class and trucks and that's that's just straight-up stupid because I did exactly what Tracy is telling us not to do waited to the last minute and when you're in a hurry, you just don't think I just don't think I think that finishes out anything else you need to add to it now, let's do that for Part 1 what's okay. Let's go ahead and send us out of here. And then we'll come back for part two for everybody's listening. We're going to be doing this and I don't know thinking now Tracy is probably definitely going to be a three part Series in it. Yeah, I think so. So this has been before you hit the trail some common mistakes that people have made hope you've found some things that can help you very important, wherever you're listening if you pick this up off of our Facebook or Instagram or Facebook groups or on the website website has the ability to comment on it. Out to on the blog post then throw yours in there to throw in some common mistakes. So that as we always do it nature line school because in nature line school, we always come on join in. Let's learn together.
Craig and Tracy discussing common mistakes in part one of a three part series. Some of these are simple, others are hilarious, and otherscould have been downright deadly. Your support is necessary for us to grow and prosper this podcast. Please subscribe/follow us in your favorite podcast program and consider the sponsors mentioned. Here are some on-going sponsors: Nature Reliance School, where Tracy, Craig et al teach about a wide range of topics in the outdoors. Gets hands-on with us so you can be more comfortable and more enriched. Titan Survival - An American veteran-owned company. Gaia GPS App, best app in the world for wilderness navigation. Craig and Tracy have taught many first responders and the public in how to use this app: Join our newsletter and get 20% off of classes, and 10% off gear.
All right. I interrupt this broadcast to bring you a personal message of importance. It goes like this in 1988. I met this dude for the first time. He yelled at me in concrete jungle the skate shop in San Francisco. He was working at who's going to straighten out those shirts now he growled as I skim through the shirt selection fast-forward to 1999 the same guy approach.Me after our dear friend Phil show had passed away and said you're coming to work for the mag. You ready man. The stories in the miles are endless countless drunken night flapping in the hotel room after some of the most amazing skateboarding had gone down are so Priceless and the privilege no matter how annoying or been he was was always mine. Jake Phelps will only be missed but he will never be replaced in our skateboarding culture that has benefited from his passion and ways that words cannot explain. I'm super lost at the moment and scared of the future. I'm scared of the goons. They'll take advantage of his absence and scared of the softer side of skateboarding overshadowing What drew me to this lifestyle in the first place? But it's up to us who were influenced by Jake to carry the torch to keep it. Lit, keep it raw and to continue to call people out when they blow it. They say these things happen in threes. 2017 Preston 2018 Hubbard and March 14th in the year of Our Lord 2019. We lost the editor Thrasher magazine the height man the mentor the beautiful mind and my bro, mr. Jake Phelps. Oops. He said it wouldn't fill died. So I think it's appropriate to quote a CDC again here and now my friends are gonna be there too. Right on Fell per ride on its Kate and Destroy por Vida baby. And as a tribute to the old man, this goes out to all you that have badmouth didn't wish Jake be terminated from the mag for years, but now our eulogizing And then some heartfelt way to make yourself matter. This one's called your feelings. It's kind of sarcastic, right? But it's your fucking feelings. I fucking care. Fucking dog is why you write your fucking Felix your fucking feelings your fucking feelings. I fucking care. I'm glad your ball you stick spray paint cans where you tag your cars. I gotta hydrate her cycle that way. What I'm writing up your fucking Ho Chi Minh trail. Ha ha I got one thing on my mind that I know it's true. I care about Trixie and Timber to and Reggie what we're doing this to you because you are just he's a fucking way my friend you're in the way and it's all because you know what your feelings the fucking feelings. Okay, so you're a Google is right. You got a window table you get to see everything on be straight who's fucking real motherfucker cheeseburger. Okay, it's going to matter when you get to hell, right and one more time. I'm talking about your feelings. I'm talking about your feelings your fucking feelings chippy sarcasm. Yeah, I'm talking feelings. It's a little bit of us. And now on with the show we on schmidty schmidty. What do you think? Maybe rolodexes from me. Are you ready? The most read the first time that I met my next guest I was mesmerised bottom of the hill about 2005 up on stage. I've seen them play plenty of times. I use this damn for Thrasher videos and that's no lie. Check it out. We got Eric Shay here baby. That's right. I think the very first time hot. Hot lunch was on a skate video. It was a Thrasher video that you and P Stone. Was it under the bridge? Probably it was under the bridge. Okay. And remember the next day. I was in Potrero getting my little backside carve grinds in the in the pool and there is Preston flipping hamburgers treating everybody to hamburgers making us wait because he, you know had a very special technique like no not ready yet. It's got a gotta get a little No more time on the ground. Oh, yeah, and he was like, hey nice song and I was like, thanks man. I wish we had a given you a better version of it because we've since redone the vocals and he's like sometimes the first takes the best. Yeah. What was that? Handy Danny or no? No, I think it was she wants more. Oh it was okay sake for my first seven inch rad. That's so cool. I want to go back a little bit true or false you were born. In and raised in San Jose. Yeah. Well, I mean pretty much I was born in Mountain View but raised in the South Bay Campbell San Jose Los Gatos Saratoga kind of all over where'd you go to like grammar and high school? I was a Catholic school kid until seventh grade. Oh, then my parents moved us to North Tahoe to Tahoe City. Well, I did Junior High and Tahoe City where I discovered mile-high ramp nestled. Woods what? Yeah, I was pedaling my Mongoose dirt bike to 7-Eleven to buy some beef jerky. No way and there's this giant wooden Behemoth middle of the fucking woods and these guys, you know, just ruling it and I like totally skidded my Mongoose to a stop and just looked at this giant wooden you in the middle of you know, these yeah freeze fuck and just mouth open. I just kind of looked at my bike and I felt stupid so I'd put my bag down and walked over and just sat on one of the benches there and watch people skate until the sun went down and then I pedaled back to our house and I don't even get any beef jerky. So that was like you were 12 or 13 or 12 and 13. Yeah. And then did you live there for a few years? Yeah, like almost two years like that wasn't the time of the contest was it? Yes. It was the contest. Yes, the mile-high Munoz territory Terror Tahoe, right Lance Mountain burned his board on fire. Yeah, and somebody threw a cat into the audience. It was it was a sticker Throne. There was a cat through lucky. That's sick to be there. Just total super iconic fucking content life-changing experience. But then we move back to the South Bay. I went back to eighth grade and finished up Catholic school and my parents wanted me to go to a Catholic. High school that I didn't want to go to because it was all dudes fellerman. Yes betterment. So I failed the entrance exam on Turf are I'm purpose, you know, you had to take the entrance exam. Yeah, I misplaced a bunch of Scantron dots so that I'd fail and I still got a few right? I guess I got to go to a public school, but then they were like, well, if you're not going to go to Belgium when you have to go to Saratoga because it's an affluent school, but those kids just could afford to get into trouble. Yeah, I lived in Saratoga with the first four years of my life. No way. Yeah, we're from when you were wonderful forth. See ya te maybe 1 to 5. Wow. Yeah are like zero to five out of the as born in Redwood City and then they just took me straight to Saratoga and then I think around five we moved to San Carlos. It's a weird little town but you know, we had some good skaters though. Nice now it is I mean Mountain Winery saw the birds do the reunions sweetheart of the rodeo there. It's rich people be yeah totally but back then, you know, we had some good skaters. We had Doug Smith, right Brad Boardman Kevin K on some guys. I'm forgetting that spine ramp right that Doug Smith skated a lot Congress Springs. Yeah. Is that what it was? I remember I want to say pal video or some he had like a little section there. That's right. Yeah that room didn't last long but it was a lot of fun. Yeah. So when did you get into skateboarding? What was your first board in the Tahoe or was it before that or after that or was before that it was one of those I was just one of those kids who lived in California and we moved to a house and Campbell and there was a Hobie spoon in the garage that somebody left their no way Wheels, you know, yeah and so being a little kid my next door neighbor Donny forsman and his brother Doug. They had skateboards, but Donnie and I used to just push around on our knees, you know, like we didn't stand up on the Murray. Nothing and then his brother Doug was like only babies. Push on their knees and he had like a banana board with urethane Wheels as he stood on and went down the driveway and I was like, well clearly I'm no baby, you know five or six I'm going to stand to and you know Clay Wheels you had a little Pebble or a crack or an aunt and you just stop and fly off, right? So then my mom took me to the toy section of Mervyn's where they had yellow banana boards, and I got one of those Was you know better you could roll over cracks and and Pebbles and I think it got stolen. I think I left it in my front yard. What age was it's about this is about 7 or 800 and then Winchester skatepark wouldn't let you in if you had an aluminum board or a fiberglass board, so she took me to grimek skates in Los Gatos to get a real skateboard, and I think I got a grimek. Pegasus it's like a sup board then your tail. Yeah, I think it was supposed to look like a Chris triple board or like a you know, like a caster board from the 70s that was in Los Altos or San Jose Los Gatos last Gatos. Yeah, and it came with these like fake Sims Wheels. I think we called sent our wheels. So I had a grimek pegasus. I've sent our wheels and I could go skate Winchester because my dad and I, you know, he worked really close to Winchester skate park. In part of our quality time was he would take me there and we'd sit on the big wooden deck and watch people skate the washboard and the keyhole and that ad is amazing crazy weird halfpipe. I thought you were going to say part of your quality time was him dropping you off at the skate park. No, he was he was he was into hanging out and you know, he wasn't into skateboarding, but he yeah he knew that I was so so that's where the Milpitas Vans Park was replicated that washboard style. Yeah. Uh-huh. I never got to go to window. Sister, I never really got to skate it. Oh, I mean I tried but I was just this little uncoordinated kid. I remember I think it might have been the washboard like rolling into one bump and making it over that and then flying over the second one and like landing on my hip. Yeah, and at this point, my dad had just dropped me off and he said I'll come and pick you up in an hour. So I tried it again and I fell again and I was like, I'm just gonna go play Space Invaders, so I went inside the Caden just started playing Space Invaders and asteroids and Missile Command. Yeah, and then my dad shows up and he's like what the hell are you doing? I paid for a session or whatever is like sorry. I'll see you rip. Yeah, so I didn't learn how to skate transition at Winchester. I think it was I think it was mile-high ramp that that really taught me how to pump a transition. Oh you rode that ramp? Yeah. Fuck. Yeah when we move there the only place you could buy a skateboard in Tahoe unless you went to Reno. Was this weird little like plant store called the watermelon patch and it was in Grand lahmacun, and you can buy like your 10 inch wide Vera Flex boards. My friend Grant Sergeant gave me his old Maharaja 70 skateboard. It was like a water ski term into a skateboard, which is really nice of him, but I wanted a 10-inch wide board like like, you know, everybody else had so I think we went there. I think my first 10 inch wide or close to it was a yellow Santa Cruz Street skate, one of those ones that said now with concave with like ACS trucks and like yeah bones Wheels. Okay, so that was about 83 84. Yeah nice and then true or false in 1985 you were published in Thrasher magazine. Oh God that letter I wrote to A mail drop I didn't think they were going to print it. That was when we moved back to the South Bay and some friends had introduced me to Montague Banks. Yeah, and man it was on. You know, that shit was so fun. Yeah and everyone there a bunch we would take the bus all the way from the peninsula like for bus transfers to get there. Uh-huh. Yeah. It was mostly Friends older brothers with cars. I think we tried to take the bus there a couple times and didn't quite figure it out. It was I don't know how weeded and there was no iPhone or anything like that other spots you could you could take the bus to fish Banks and then like kind of Traverse over to Memorex Banks. Yeah. They were near. Yeah. And what's the one Billy is wall-to-wall? Yeah. That was fun. I look because you could skate dolls while in the rain. Yeah, but but Montague is on again. Thanks. Yeah, so see it was usually pretty mellow. Everybody was pretty cool. And then one time we should start getting vibed by this guy who like shows up. Let's start skating all around us real fast and calling us like grommets. Well, we were grommets. We were just, you know coox. We were little kids. Yeah, and I got pissed off and went home and wrote a letter like this guy came here and started, you know, vibing us and making fun of us and we're just trying to have fun man. Yeah. And I thought it was Corey O'Brien, but it wasn't it was some other guy that looked like Cory O'Brien - I think his name was Mark Farrington or oh you actually identify them later. Somebody else did something else wasn't that wasn't Cory O'Brien you idiot. Did you put it in the letter? It was Cory No, in fact, the letter was titled who made the cut because I was complaining that somebody was cutting us down. Yeah, but I didn't name names. Okay, it is so cool. But here I am. It's like 30 Something years later naming names how early did you get into music like playing with a band? What was your first band experience? I don't know if this counts but it might have been in third grade. Really? Yeah, like a fool like three piece or 4 piece. Just a two-piece. Oh, it was my friend Ben Harris on piano and me an electric guitar. I'd gotten my first electric guitar for Christmas. Okay had been taking third grade. Yeah because I started taking lessons in second grade from this cool nun named sister, June. She had like a beehive haircut. Yeah, the best story she was awesome sister June. I actually got in touch with her recently. She's still alive. She's like in her 80s living at some Convent no, and I was like, I don't know if you remember me, but you taught me how to play guitar and it changed my life and it's taken me to Europe and she said of course, I remember you. I'm so glad to hear that you stuck with it and that it's become part of your life. And I was like almost crying when I saw that she replied to my email. I hate to say this though. I've actually really turned satanic, but no she so got my first guitar and second grade my first electric turn third grade my friend Ben and I thought it'd be a fun idea to put on her first communion suits and little hats and glasses and call ourselves the blues buddies and wow, we put a set together. I think I just like Rift on like Smoke on the Water and we like wrote a song together and we played it. No way. Yeah. It was at the school. Talent show that's awesome. We had his little brother CT come out with a sandwich board ringing a bell tolling introducing the blues buddies. Wow, it was pretty funny. Huh, but was like the first like legit band you were in that like maybe either recorded something or play Live or both or that was with Mike for Cinco back in 91. We started a band called Jose on I was young. Yeah, we were really into like so Slow dive and My Bloody Valentine and ride, you know Tony farmer kind of shit. Yeah, and we Spaceman three. Oh, yeah, Spacemen 3 spiritualize. Yeah, I do that was our shit to my senses because I mean grunge was everywhere. I was kind of tired of it. Mmm. I just wanted to like make my guitar make beautiful noises and find a female singer who could just coo those heavenly, you know vocals sure and it was hard to meet somebody in San Jose that was into that back. And you know, everybody was really into grunge and yeah punk and it was kind of a specific thing and I went to go see I think Lush and ride play a show and this guy Mark gave me a flyers that said looking for a guitarist into all these bands cocteau twins Chapter House call Marker Mike, so I called Mark and his girlfriend was like marks working. Try calling Mike. So I called Mike. And he's like, yeah, what kind of car do you play? I was like a Rickenbacker and he's like, I played a fender Jaguar come over like oh right on so I go over to his house and I why does this guy look familiar? He looks so familiar. Yeah because I used to see him at Hoagie Park, you know, like everybody bring their jump ramps to Hoagie Park. He was a guy that wouldn't like make a method are and be like fuck the throw his board at the ground or like kick the ramp patented San Jose style. Yeah typical pursuing go. Yeah. And so we're talking about music. We're talking about effect pedals. He's got his phone list on the wall. And I'm like, huh? Joe Conti Mikey occifer Steve Caballero salba. Oh shit. This is my purse. Anko, you know like ProStreet prover Prosecco. Yeah, and I really like to skateboarding. You know, I thought he was kind of like San Jose's version of Chris Miller, but he added his own kind of like Aggression to his skating. He definitely wanted I think he tried to be Chris like the style was definitely like replicated. It was very influenced by Chris Miller. Yeah, and so after like we jammed I was like, I think I remember you from Hoagie Park and he's like, yeah, I remember you you were that little Grom guy who always used to do stink bug errors, and I was like, all right. Well, let's make some fucking music. So we got this band together. We recorded a three song demo We gave a copy to slow dive. I think Rachel said that she was going to try to give a copy to Alan McGee from creation records and then the band just kind of fell apart before anything could really happen, but I found those tapes recently and long story short like somebody put them up on YouTube and they went viral. So I had these Indie labels kind of knocking saying would you be into putting this stuff from 1992-93 out only three songs. And it's not the best quality, but I said if you're into it, why not, you know people really seem to like it by reading the comments on YouTube. So we put it out and it's sold out recently like couple years ago. Oh, yeah, wow time for Cinco guy few extra pieces of cheese on this burger that month. It was such a limited run but it was good getting back in touch with Prosecco. He noticed he still lives in Los Angeles. Okay, because I seen him in SF a while ago. Like he was living in San Francisco for a minute, right? We were roommates for a very long time. So in SF, yeah, we stayed friends for for a long time. Okay. Yeah, he he still plays guitar. He still does graphic design. I don't think he still skates before he moved to LA though. And right after the Berkeley park opened I was able to get him out there and take a few runs or them nice and he just had that crazy fast style still he even well into his thirties. Uh-huh. Alright, so you've been in a lot of bands throughout the years. Right, like probably more than two handfuls. I don't know. I'm kind of a serial monogamist when it comes to bands. Yeah. Try to keep keep one together for as long as I can. Oh, let's see how long it could go for it doesn't always happen. Yeah, you know, okay when it's Sweet Chariot did that start before hot lunch or after just shortly right after right after? Yeah. Okay. That was I think at the time wrong from hot lunch our drummer, you know, he was talking about my band before hot lunch of my band before Parchman Farm was a band called mover. That was very kind of Neil Young's he see are the birds. Uh-huh Parsons kind of California country-rock. Yeah, and how fun it would be to do that stuff with me and sweet cherry just sort of evolved. I always wanted to play with that guitar player. Chris gutteridge used to be in a band called ride the blinds the kind of reminded me of cream and Peter Green Arrow Fleetwood Mac and it was just kind of an excuse to play with all these people that I wanted to play with and to keep the country rock thing kind of going. Yeah, but then it's since become like so not country rock like this new album that's coming out. It's really kind of like British pub Rock and power pop and there's hardly any twang on it except for some of Chris's leads. Just kind of evolved. Yeah, they're usually happens. Right? It's like why play the Same album again? Yeah. There's like just try something different and And how quickly after you got that band together. Did you guys start that annual trip tribute the sleepless nights that was actually going on or was that already started? Yeah. I started that in either 99 or 2000 before. Yeah before any of all like these meant that I'm in now and what is that about? That's a tribute to Gram Parsons from the Flying Burrito Brothers and the birds and his own solo stuff. He was also in a band called The International submarine band, but there was a Hang out in Joshua Tree called gram Fest and every year this guy Matt John McKinney would book all these bands to come and play Gram Parsons songs out where his body was stolen and burned out in Joshua Tree and I was trying to get ahold of him. I think back in the late 90s to see how we could possibly because we played a bunch of those songs my old man mover in the dark days of communication. It was just hard to get a hold of the guy. So my friend I Dean said you should just throw your own in San Francisco. Yeah, and I pitched Slim's about it and they were like sounds Good, you want to do it on a Saturday? And I said oh shit. Okay, let's do it. Wow, and we got like Beechwood Sparks and randomly Richards and all these bands to come and play it and it's been going on ever since. I don't think it's going to happen anymore. I just read that Golden Voice axed all over the old school staff of Great American Music Hall and Slims. Ooh. Yeah, Dark Days the guys name the owns that he was gay. Yeah. We call Boz Scaggs Dave. Yeah. Come on man. Keep it real. What the hell you guys have a really cool cover of skate and Destroy. Oh, yeah. I think we're going to listen to that right now. Okay. How did that come about how did you guys rework that song and I have no idea. I just came up with the chords and the harmonica part and I was looking for lyrics and I think I was talking about the faction with our bass player. Doron Shelly who used to be in the cramps believe it or not, and he's like I remember the faction. Who's that Pro Skater guy that was in it. I think it was like, oh, that's Steve Caballero. I think what was their hit song if they had, you know, the closest thing to it and I will skate and Destroy. Yeah, and then the lyrics came back in my head, you know, it's not a cause or political beliefs something in my thinking and the phrasing just fit the chords perfectly that I was strumming and I was like, holy shit do I do? This is Ray Stevens gonna kill me. Yeah, you know, maybe he'll be flattered. So we just did it and it worked. Did you hear from those guys? I think I played it for Ray and I think I shared it with Steve and there were kind of like right on. You know, I was like they I was a little scared that somebody else would so I just wanted to be like, oh here we did this in loving tribute. Yeah, and I think you know that it was cool. Yeah. I've known Ray forever. So yeah Ray seems so mellow he's the rat is he? Yeah, he's the one that gave me my nickname Che bones no way. Yeah. I think it was me and McGinley and Canada forget. I'm pretty sure it was McGinley. I don't know but we were at this hotel. It was Vancouver contest and everyone was skating at the park and we were like just coming in to check into the hotel and Ray comes running out. He's like, I'm gonna send over to the park. See you bros later and like for the rest of like that year. I think me and McKinley would just call. I don't know if we were texting back. But definitely like we're gonna Zen over was like our catchphrase for a while. Thanks to Ray. I love her. I love how he convinced his own words and his own slang. Yeah. See you later Buzz. Yeah. I don't know where it is. But I'm gonna Zen over so hot lunch that started in like oh 606. How did you guys get together? Was it from the parchment? It was right after parchment from dissolved and whenever a band breaks up. I always try to just start something. Lickety-split, like I'm going to keep keep the momentum going and keep the inertia and I'd always wanted to play with Aaron noodleman. He used to be in a band called The Men's Club, right and we were labelmates back when he was on Franco six label man's ruin records and Frank and put out my old man movers first record, and I sought men's club play and a backyard in San Francisco at a party in 1994-95 and they were like The Reincarnation of Grand Funk Railroad. I was just blown away. It was like, oh my God that guitar player. I've got to play with him. Sometimes I introduced myself and he was a little standoffish at first, but you know, we drink some beers and talk some more about music and we just became friends. He was, you know, getting into surfing and skateboarding and I remember saying, oh, let's go to Fort Miley sometime and you know skate around, you know, the sunset and hit those Slappy curbs, you know, if you go all the way to the top and then go down to the because you're standing down towards the beach you can hit. Driveways and for sure, I love all that and and so we had a really good day of skating and at the end I remember saying would you be in a maybe putting a band together, you know parchment firms. Dunzo. I'm going to do something new. He's like, yeah, man, that would be great. Who else do you think and you know getting to play in the band and I was thinking well Josh Smith from the fucking Champs, he'd be a great, you know on guitar or this guy Rob Alper from the SLA, you know, he plays guitar to and he's like, oh, I know Rob I play in another band with Rob. I'm sorry. Yeah, well you guys are already pretty tight my buddy Charlie plays bass. I don't know how good but he's just a great guy. And at this point I just wanted to play with guys that were really fun to be around you guys that you can spend a lot of time with and if they were good that was icing on the cake, but I just wanted like, you know a group of friends. I dreaded Rod at the Casanova. He said who do you have playing drums? And I said, well nobody yet. And he said I play drums that's like all you do. Is it oh, yeah, I'd love to play drums for something like this. Alright had no. Ian how well he played or that he played with a crazy kit. He was playing bass though. He was playing guitar in another band. Oh and then I saw Charlie skating over at Glen Park Station. I said you want to play bass in this thing. I'm doing with these two guys. He's like sure why not so it was born and just came together like pretty effortlessly. Is this the first band that Rob played drums in no, I think he played in a few different bands, but he don't he Such a talented guy he plays. Oh man, if you have not seen hot led to live you have to go and just keep your eyes on the drummer. He is a fucking spectacle. He's one of my favorite like maybe of all drummers but definitely San Francisco Bay Area like of my Bros friends bands. I like, you know, not to Fan out too hard, but we love you Rob seriously, man. Yeah, he hit some hard and he plays with fucking enthusiasm and looks like he's having a blast I call it lead. Drums. Yeah, he plays lead drums. It's so sick. Yeah easily my favorite drummer and then so how did you guys come up with the name? We had a show booked and we didn't have a name like what I'm going to call ourselves. I was eating at Tommy's joint and there was a sign that said hot lunch and the letters just popped off the sign looked really kind of just light striking when I was thinking about his drum kit, you know, he's got to kick drums. I thought we could put hot on one and lunch on the other. It would look kind of rad. Somehow the guys were into it. It's been one of those things that if I could go back and give us a different name. I probably would but it's Doug quick and easy. Yeah, either have like the five second discussion or the five-year discussion here exactly. Like you overanalyze it or you under analyze it right? Yeah, for sure. Yeah, and I we were dirty and the doughnuts. I don't know. That's a great name. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know what it was, but that's what We were leaving playing drums for a long time too. Nice don't play anymore. But that was fun. But yeah the first you mentioned the first song in a thresher video was the under the bridge video since then I want to say there might not be a hot lunch long. That hasn't been another Asher video. Thanks to you Schmidt. I think we do a pretty well job at staying in touch with you and the minute you released. Is that for like? All right cool, cuz we got four new projects and man. That's all that matters to me really is to give back to skateboarding in some way shape or form if I can create something. That's worthy of sound tracking somebody getting red when we got written up in Thrasher and interviewed by Steve from my honey. Yeah. I was almost like okay I could just quit right now. Like I've never learnt care about Rolling Stone. Yeah. Hereabouts been a kind of care about Mojo magazine. That's good magazine. Yeah, fuck Thrashers been with me longer than anything or anyone. You know what it's like to me. That was just it was how it was amazing. I didn't know that you and Steve were friends. And so when I was doing that interview, I was like do you think he would ask you the questions we could ask and then it was so cuz I'm a huge mudhoney fan. So yeah, so that was awesome Steve great. He I met him back when I used to do this thing called the Monday night who which was Like a folk night and I took it to Seattle and I think my friend Jesse Sykes or Barbara Mitchell. I can't remember one of those awesome women were like you should get Steve from mudhoney to play because he does this skate folk thing, and we just hit it off talking about skateboarding and pools and music and he told me all about the butter bowl and rad the whole Northwest scene. Well Steve if you and Mark want to come on talking Schmidt. I know you guys probably got tons of no time, but I'm always here for you guys. Eyes on me and I want to ask you what is monks on the moon really about because God damn it. I was that song a lot and I just need to hear this from you. You wrote it, right the song lyrics the lyrics. Yeah, I mean the band, you know, we all right everything the band usually writes the song and then I usually write the melody and the lyrics huh. I got the idea of a secret sect of Surfing monks that had to relocate to the Moon. Where they learned how to brew their own logger called lunar lager, Aha and they kind of this lager Bruton anti-gravity made them wise enough to warn us about, you know, the Earth's impending doom and it was just kind of a fun song. I think I was kind of inspired by all those weird cartoons at the end of like skateboard Madness. Yeah, you know, like just something that makes no sense. But once you put it out there, it's going to make sense. Somehow I will say this about that song. No, I've tried to write skate rock songs, like deliberate skate rock songs, uh-huh hot lunch has a song called China banks that thanks Chyna banks for all the years. It's been whoa, you know going over there. It's a bust or not. It's always been there. You know, when I thought that the EMB was to dividing you can just go to China Banks try to carve those benches teaching me commitment because that recorded. Yeah, it's on Sion EP. I need to get that one because I'm doing a China Banks documentary. Right now are you serious? Yeah, it's dude. Wow, you're gonna lose your shit. Yeah. I just interviewed Arco about him discovering it. No, I just went and interviewed Joe Valdez last week about all him behind the ball. Are you serious? Yeah a cardiologist down like yes, I'm really this is like one of my big projects for this year that I'm excited about Jesus. It would be an honor to be in such good company and you know to provide a song about the legendary spot, you know, so I noticed when I try to write a deliberate song like there there's a song called China Banks. There's a song called Slappy Sunday and they're good songs, but they don't resonate with skateboarders the way that monks on the moon hmm has resonated and I think it's because I tried too hard, you know, maybe like something about monks just came out so effortlessly and it was fun. Yeah, and I just wanted to capture like the driving Adrenaline Rush of fun good times beers Bros. Yeah, you know Thing that I was into and still am just came out and monks on the moon and I think because it's so untried and nonspecific that it kind of worked a little bit better to soundtrack footage. I love that beginning. Oh, it's hard to pull that off my missing all those vocals in the studio. So cool. Yeah. I love that one. We've used. I'd just those Snippets for like interview videos where it's like over and over on Loop. Have you had a chance to listen to any of these talking Schmidt episodes? Yeah, all of them. Oh, yeah. What do you what do you think? I love a man? Especially the farmer one got he's such a charismatic devil that County farmer. Yeah and good Storyteller really good Storyteller. I wish I was just as half as interesting or funny as he is and he kind of keeps you on your toes. He's lightning fast. It's like the anglophile comes out in his conversation because when you're that deep into British music and culture, you are always prepared for a battle of wits, you know, and he's always ready to fight with his intellect Trend. I love the Quarry 1/2 because Blue Plate is one of like my favorite restaurants just ever uh-huh. And Corey is one of my favorite dudes whenever we see each other we just talked about Old South Bay. A skate spots like mmm sounds like yeah, he's total South Bay guy. Yeah, you remember Jew Banks? Like oh Jesus there was a synagogue that all the local jerks called Jew Banks because there was this great L-shaped bank at the back of it that people put parking blocks up on and I think that's where I learned how to do, you know front side Slappy's uh-huh back on a mini Caballero was like tracker trucks and freestyle Wheels because raccoons weren't even out yet. Right and Cory remembers all those spots, you know, he was Yeah, cool. I'm Not Afraid what some constructive criticism hmm constructive criticism for talking Schmidt. I would say put some put some lemon in there. Yeah, I would love to Noel Noel. Oh my God. Yeah. I mean there's another amazing musician, you know actually tried to get her to call in for today. But she was a little last-minute. Oh, yeah. Yeah, the well would be great Tracy and Halsey would be great Katie Knox. If you can get a Lisa, right, that would be amazing. Yeah. All right, we're going to take a little break and hear from some of our friends and we'll be right back. Am I recording right now? You guys fitnah make your own podcast, but don't know where to start go to Anchor dot f m-- it's free and it's super easy. You can even record episodes right off your phone. The cool thing is that once you make your podcast anchor will distribute it. Rita iTunes Spotify Stitcher and all the major places people listen to podcast it's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. Every episode of toxin Schmidt has been used with anchor and I'm completely satisfied. So download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot. F m-- and get your podcast started today. I even wrote a little jingle Forum wake up in the morning. You better not be drinking Sanka for the best. Podcast hosting, you know, you better use anchor it's like needing alone. You gotta get a good Banker. If you want to start a podcast you better use anchor anchor dot f m-- like my blah blah blah blah. Well, what's the worst you've been criticized? What's the worst you've been heckled or like throughout all your life, like which one moment the stems out where you've got heckled pretty hard or it's hard to remember a time where I took anything like that very personally. But it was it could have been. Back in the early 90s when I was in that band with Prosecco and somebody said you guys aren't even a real band. You're just living in for track City because we never played live and I was like, fuck you. Well speaking of heckling we're going to listen to a song that I really been enjoying lately called The Ballad of Heckle Hill drink What's this song all about? Is this all Teemo or is this a collective effort of dudes on the hill at Potrero? Oh, yeah, just all the ghosts of heckle. He'll show up in this song. You Know Timmy Jack? Oh, yeah that weird old guy Mike that used to bring his dog. All right God who else your team? Oh that guy's name that continues to be tough. I forget his name. New city. Yeah, God just all the lurkers all the hecklers. I just spent so much time aperture. Oh and when it first came to us, you know, you just get to know these characters and some other end up in your songs whether you like it or not. It's really cool. And oh God, who was who was the one this older kind of younger guy? He ran with that kind of 70s sfq like Joe Fang. Oh, okay, I think eBay. Yeah. He showed up at Thrasher with a baseball bat one morning. Are you serious? That is a true story. So yeah, like all those dudes, you know, like all the characters of Potrero and the hill that they heck one. What's the proudest Music Moment? You've had. Wow other than being interviewed by Steve Turner and Thrasher. I was thinking more along The lines of the Z-Boys bet that that definitely I mean to have guys who you pinned pictures up on your wall and taped pictures in your locker and you'd open skateboarder magazines and see like shogo Kubo. Yeah, Tony Alva Jay Adams Marty Grimes. Yeah. No, I when I heard that Z Flex was interested in putting us in a documentary about their team. I was Just floored when I heard they just wanted us and no other band. I was confused, but I didn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth. Uh-huh. I mean part of me wanted to be like, well, you should get the Shrine in there. I mean, they're from Venice fucking beat. Yeah, and I think I did it was like everybody else going to be in this like the shrine or zigzags and they're like, no they kind of want to keep keep it, you know consistent. Is that cool? I was like, oh God. Yeah, that's cool and saying they'd sent us like a box of like so what like one of the guys Heard you guys into was like oh this will be perfect for the movie or was it more than that? I think it was Tim from Australia whose tight with that crew and he's an old-school or guy. He's got an amazing guitar shop. He's put out like an earth list pedal before for Isaiah. And every time I think Earth list goes to Australia. They play at Tim's shop sick. Yeah. He's just an amazing wonderful human being so he's He's at home watching under the bridge and all the sudden hot lunch comes up on the screen and he's like wait a minute, maybe something like that. I can't remember who turned them into our music and Mario and Mike, huh? But I mean, I remember just learning that he was putting us in touch with his e Flex guys and they were into it and I was just I couldn't believe it so can't believe it so you but you didn't write any music for that. It was already written in they took your already written songs. Yeah, right. Yeah. It was just ready. It okay and it fit perfect God that is an amazing and then you got to be an extra in the movie as well. Right and the Lords of Lords of Dogtown that was because a friend of mine who work in Central Casting, you know back in the early 2000s. I was really into just I found out that there was this thing called eBay and you could find old skateboards on it. And so I would like get like old Logan Earth keys and put them together and learn how to like ride like my hero. I wanted to learn how to ride like my heroes, you know, and so she she said hey you you skate like old 70s boards and pools. You should come to this casting call and I'll say alright, it's in Los Angeles and I went and I skated for them. I said, all right. We want you to skate in the movie. Where's Your Screen Actors Guild credentials and I was like my wet now. No, I don't worry. It'll just cost you 2 Grand to join the thing. I don't have to grin. Yeah, they're like, well, we got the look. You got the style. We like you. Why don't you just be an extra will pay you like three or four hundred dollars a day to pump a keg full of fake beer and smoke fake weed in the surf shop and dance to tvi with the nuge and you don't need the Actors Guild for that now because I know have any speaking lines and I wasn't going to be actually performing Athletics. I would have said front me the guild card and then I need ten Grand on top of that and then we good, but I got to meet the new judge from that. Yeah, he's sick. He's such a red guy and I got to skate with ta at Pedro. How did you mess with him? He just showed up. I saw this he talked to you at all or yeah, we hung out. Uh-huh. He showed up in a SUV with an Alva sticker. On it and I was like, oh fuck. This is either going to be rad or it's going to suck. Don't meet your Heroes exactly. What are the Mantra that was playing in my head? I was trying not to think about it, but I'm fucking glad I met him because when we talked and we skated and he was so cool. My Tony Alva experience is a little different. What was that? Somebody actually McKenney actually hit me up. He's like you and that Tony Alva got beef and I was like no what happened was we were at the Vans Park series. Antonio is there skating and I am filming the whole thing and I come up to him as a hey cool. If I get a photo like I asked first and he's like no and he drops him somehow. I think it got word. Tuna Rocco and then Naraku came over and interviewed me was like, so what's up? I heard Tony frosted you or something and they made it like kind of a big deal where I think it aired on the TV because they were and so people start be like whoa, Smitty and T A and B. You've got that was a pretty funny one, but I thought amazingly I went to a Guns N'Roses reunions tour at AT&T got the Hook-Up and we had really close to eat and fucking Axel came out with an Alva shirt on and everyone was kind of like not like you said not knowing how to feel about it. And I was like fuck that's rad news. Yeah. I mean how many people are going to be like, what's that all about? Yeah gonna look up Alva and be like, holy shit. Yeah, I should buy a shirt and axles in it. Notorious for like NWA all these cool shirts like throughout his whole career the Charles Manson. All right. Look how often you get that too often man. Yeah. It's a weird thing I either get Jesus Christ or Charles Manson. Oh when I tell people well, that's the Specter of Jesus Christ wasn't white they get really mad. And then when I tell people well Charles Manson was actually a pretty good singer songwriter. They get really mad, but he had a tattoo on his forehead. You don't have that. I don't I have put that X on my forehead on Halloween because it's just so easy to put on bell bottoms and put an x on your head and you are Charlie Manson, uh-huh and like fine that's easy, you know, right and people seem to lose their shit, but I stopped doing that because I realized you know, what too many people like Charlie Manson fuck that. How am I supposed to be scary this costume supposed to scare people? Yeah. I don't want people coming up and taking selfies with me. Yeah. I don't like being Charlie Manson. I'm not going to be Charlie Manson. And yeah, the thing about Charles Manson is he died? Died. Yeah, and no City would let them bury him there good. Yeah, so that I think they had to cremate them and maybe he's in a I don't know where he is. But I know that the city he's from the city. He was in jail. Every city said nah. Nah. Nah, we don't want his people coming here. There's a great podcast called you must remember this and they do a Charlie Manson episode that talks about everything orbiting around the murder around his cult and at the end of the day my big takeaway. That guy was just another cuckoo. Wanted to be a rock star. He never killed anyone. Well, no, he actually I think he shot some somebody. Oh he did. Yeah, it goes into that. I'm fascinated. Like if it's a fucking whatever murder mr. What are they called True Crime? Yeah plug me in I'll binge-watch the fuck out of it the Bundy tapes. Yeah mind Hunter all those think I am fascinated listen to this then because I think it will dispel. The mythology and mystery around the impetus of the Manson family the Manson motive in the Manson murder. Uh-huh. He just wanted to be a rock star. Yeah be a famous rock star that deal fell through so he was going to go get revenge on the people in the music industry that couldn't make him a big famous rock star and he got the wrong people. Well be out there sculptor. Yeah. That's right. Some people consider that the very first heavy metal song. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. Wow, and if you think about like the difference between a hard rock and heavy metal is going to get a little geeky here. Now. I like it my friend Diego and I were talking about how hard rock can be classified as something that still rooted in the Blues. Sure blue cheer. Okay, heavy metal is still loud and hard and driving but no Blues. So Helter Skelter arguably could be the first heavy metal song because it's a heavy hard driving loud song that doesn't have It's not rooted in the Blues in a very obvious way like Summertime Blues by blue cheer. I was always told that heavy metal started because plaques are ya Black Sabbath guitarist had metal fingers. I've heard that too because Tony Iommi sliced off his two middle fingers. Uh-huh, and I had to wear like these Thimbles, right? And then those two strings those fingers touch with in and it made that sound and that was Heavy Metal. I like I think everybody has you know, Yeah, Mark Gonzalez versus not as we don't know who did the first handrail really doing enough with the hard claims. Yeah, you know, but speaking of music. I forgot is a great question here and we tie it in with our past guest. Mr. Farmer. He's really adamant about this Aerosmith being the best American band of all time. I had that and there's you know, there's some stipulations. It can't be Jimi Hendrix. It can't be Bob Dylan. It has to be a band name, right? So those people People are out but you know, I was wondering your take on this I see I can see why he would say that Aerosmith her an incredible band, especially the early stuff. Hell, I'll even play some stuff from honkin on Bobo and that's the worst thing. You could ever name an album honkin on Bobo what the fuck? You know, those guys were called like the American Stones. Yeah bit hyperbolic, but you know, I love Aerosmith, but I beg to differ I think the best American band For me would be a three-way tie between the birds Grand Funk Railroad and MC5 you guys kind of use MC5 as an influence heavy, right? Oh for sure. Yeah FC 5 tattooed on my arm. Yeah. They're no joke. I love MC5 sure, but I don't know this whole and living music and working in music. I've kind of gotten over the whole like the best this or the best that yeah. I don't know who said that comparison is the thief Thief of Joy, but that seems to resonate with me a lot more of these days. Yeah, that is interesting because toad was all about Van Halen and then he named his daughter Halen and then he had a son and I was like, you named it what it should have been Vanda now, that would have been perfect. Yeah, and I think he was on board, but maybe I don't know. Alright, let's get to 2019 some serious shit here. Okay. What the fuck is up with? Sarin Cisco and what can we do about this God? I don't. Man, you know do we like these motorized scooters in the unicycle guys flying around everywhere. There's motorized skateboards lion up spills going 40 miles an hour, but we can't push down the street safely. I don't understand I would I'm just gonna go on record to say I would rather see motorized scooters than motorized skateboards. Yeah, you know, I think so too. It makes more sense. Anyway, I hate the briefcase helmet and remote control. Finger guy looking at me while I'm driving my car because I'm like, I just want to say du/dy. I need glasses and I can't see that well, and I'm sorry. I ran you over like it just wasn't my fault. You know, God damn it. We built this city on rock and roll is the worst though out of all the you got the you know wheel guy which is that guy comes out of our elevator in the morning and I really love my coffee. I dude this shit's it can ruin your whole day man. Really? Yeah, but we got the you We'll go we got motorized scooter motorized skateboard. I think those are top three words dude right now. And as a skateboarder, it's hard not to take this shit personally. Yeah, it just it just is no matter how good you are or like me how bad you are if you belong to skateboarding, you know, it's easy to take that shit personally and to think like these fuckers are trolling us, you know, but they're just doing their thing. I get it, you know, not everybody can get it tuned in and but it's just it's sad. It might be a straw on the camel's back. You know that. Yeah, it's like okay, we got Rising rents. We got evictions. We got homeless and we got these guys. I think the challenge now is to like find the the cool pockets of San Francisco that still exist and make them your home. It's getting trickier the Avenue seem like they're kind of a little bit of a magnet for that one other guy that pisses me off. We're getting we're pissed off right now Are We Wrong? Coffee and we're happy actually, but how about the guy this like I want to move to San Francisco. Fuck the missions cool. What if I move next door to the make-out room? Okay, I'm gonna buy that place. Hey, it's kind of loud. I want the make-out room not to have night shows anymore. Let's put the bottom of the hill out of business. Like why the fuck did you move into that neighborhood? It's like moving next to a hospital and saying, The sirens are bugging you. I mean, come on. That's the irony. It's like why did you want to move to San Francisco in the first place? You wanted to be cool you wanted to be cool. You wanted to be around culture you want to be around art and wanted to be around music and now you're taking all of that away from the city. This is our first segment of this type. I don't usually do this often, but I think you can appreciate where I'm coming from. Yeah, man. I moved to the city in 94. I've been coming up here all my life. I'm a California boy. I've born and raised in In the Bay area and I'm trying to make my peace with it and some regards in other regards, you know, maybe it's just time to move on. Yeah, and at the same time I'm reminded of those lyrics and Tom Sawyer by Rush where he says he knows changes aren't permanent but change is changes permanent and his mind is not for rent. So remember that You moved to Oakland though. And I was like, what is that now five six five years. I think it's been like 7 or 8 years. Whoa, and now you're heading out to the Falcon land of Athens, Georgia, Athens, Georgia. Wow, that's REM, right REM B-52s Livia Tremor control drive-by truckers. Oh, wow of Montreal if you see Michael Stipe, just tell him. How you doing? Yeah, actually my uncle's friend was in rem as a backup guitarist Peter holds Apple now. His name is Scott McCoy. Oh really in the young fresh fellows. No way. That's wow small world. Yeah, that's amazing. Yeah, you know, I mean, I'm going to be back so much. Nobody's going to recognize or realize that I've I've moved. Yeah, I was going to ask. How is that going to affect the band and stuff long-distance relationship. I'll probably be back one once every month. At least 2019 and most of 2020. Can we come we look forward to some East Coast tours then I think so. I'd like to finally do that. We've played Europe and we've never played the East Coast really complete Europe twice never played the east coast once yeah, like I was telling you this gate Rock trip, we flew into Atlanta. The first night was Athens, then we went to North Carolina went up the coast and ended in New York. Yeah. It's a great one. I mean you hit New York Philly Baltimore. There's some epic cities and what we didn't do which you could is keep In into Providence hit Rhode Island and that low area. I've never even been to that so on but that's definitely next on my list. But it's a really cool tour. Oh, yeah, it's closed circuit is the best I did it with parchment Farm in the fucking Champs back in the early 2000s and everything. So close to each other and the pulled pork sandwiches are the best. So what are you gonna do? What are your future goals? You're going to stick your working for Pandora? Yes, and you're going to transfer out there and continue to work for Pandora. Yeah. We have an office in it. Anna and I'm going to make my new home in Athens, oh and work in that Atlanta. Yeah go back and forth to the Atlanta office maybe work from home once or twice a week, you know, just try that kind of maybe this is my version of a midlife crisis, you know, I'll be 50 in a couple of years five of those. I've had a quarter life crisis. I mean just this week, but like, I don't know. I just want to try something new I want to uproot It myself more power to you. If you if you like an opportunity like I gotta try make sure that you have a lot of water because you're going to take showers a lot more often. They're the humidity will get you. Oh, yeah. Yeah, not the heat of the humanity. Yeah, exactly. Oh shit, but Atlanta's kind of like the new Hollywood. They're filming like all this stuff down there nowadays. Like that's where they do at all. Yeah. Well, that's cool. I'm super stoked that we finally our paths. It's been a minute since I've seen you and you are one of the first people I thought of when I started on this Venture people may think differently, but I'm not really comfortable socializing too much and this is good for that. And then I also get to have an excuse to say. Hey, let's spend an hour together and talk. Oh, no, not only that but it kind of extends epically try it in a different way, you know, like listening to your podcast. Yes. I'm getting so nostalgic for trife life, which wasn't that That far away but then it kind of is you know, you've always been so supportive with this that stuff and were you at the trife party which one it was the first anniversary. We did at the Parkside and me and your whole bowl and Preston and I think Becker made a what do you call it a wheel of Misfortune that sounds kinda Massac and Hightower plate. Yeah. I think that was the first time I saw domestic. Okay, because that was I mean if I'm At myself on the shoulder ever. I might have to do it there that party went off and people still talk about was so sick tamasic came out into the snow. It was snowing there flights were delayed Logan's calling me from Boston like we're gonna make it don't worry like and I'd never even met him yet. And then they were just the raddest dudes ever like Bros for life, like instantly. Yeah. I've never really had that before and I really do mean it with those guys that like because we had So many friends of friends, I think the comfort zone but we really were like hugging why this high-fiving Logan like before we even said hi for the first time which was really cool. But the wheel of Misfortune. Yeah, we put like jagerbomb fucking like just the five shots of stupid or whatever and then you put five dollars down and spit it in the movie like, oh no. Oh my God those days. I just remember like At some you know, some good party when Tracy ends up on the floor usually straddling Katie Knox. Yeah or wrestling Halsey. Yeah. It's like, okay. This is this is happening. Yeah, this is this is Tracy life. They really love that fun and Halsey. I miss so much because she was my she was basically the one person I could count on that was like Hey this band playing and she was down. Oh, yeah, and she actually would would say it more times to me than I'd say it to her because she knew more about music which was rad because I got to you know experience some new bands and stuff and then meet people and that was a really special time. Josie was killing it with like black and white photos really contrast. No my favorite photographers man. She's got the eye. Yeah, just a man measure hobo and I and and and McGinley and and Becker weren't real good pile out. Arm I stopped drinking, but I feel like I drink a lot back then I drank more than most people. Yeah, I mean not like like like quantity, but you lived more than one furnaces. You live more than most people. Yeah. It was wild my current girlfriend. She just like always because now I fall asleep at 10, so it's interesting but enough about that really good catching up with your clay and I just want to say you're all all right. Well, I hope you enjoyed this episode and if you did, please subscribe now on anchor iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts and if you liked this show one of the best ways to show some love is to write up a review. I always appreciate to hear your thoughts and detailed reviews are the best way for people to discover us also a big shout-out to our executive director Cheryl camisa, shoutout.
I've known Eric Shea for quite some time and to be honest I've heard a lot more from him then he's heard from me. You see he is the singer of one of the best Bay Area bands out there, Hot Lunch. I recently drove over to the East Bay to meet him after work in his office at Pandora and catch up. We talked about growing up in SJ, living in Tahoe during the Mile High vert contest, playing music and living with Mike Prosenko, being in the Dogtown movie,  current SF fails, and much much more... If you like what you hear, please HIT SUBSCRIBE and also, Im gonna be giving out some gifts to the best REVIEWS that you leave for me in the iTunes store. 5 stars is much appreciated and really helps spread the word. Feel free to hit me up with questions or suggestions at and thanks so much for the support.
Where we blow your mind going to go it every time is the end of the year. So say goodbye to fear get your vision clear because when T 20s here, it's the end of the year.And I built gonna blow out gonna blow your minds. Hello everyone you are listening to I am today and he's and of course joining me today is dr. Robin guesses. Hi guys. Bastard Tony guesses. No and bastard Nathan guesses. Hello. Hey guys. Guess what is 20? Wow, we had a nice little celebration at church. For the new year, we did Bring It On in It was it was it was nice. It was cute. Oh, I think everybody had a good time. I had a good time. We had a little kitty Wings dancing with us and it was just a family affair. I loved it. It was really really fun and clean and you know, just like uplifting fellowship and dancing and just being able to celebrate each other and just the accomplishments of the right and a lot has happened in 2019, especially Yes, that was one of the visions that we started with 4 2013 At Large that torque TV is up and running and what ebooks are on the way books are on the way come on, the worship team has just been making music and yeah, you know getting that together God's doing good things. Yes, so it's been a lot that's happening to the 19. So we're definitely looking forward to 2020 2020. They year of Plenty. Yes what the word was? #prophetic boy from person Tony castles on Sunday. This is that this is true. So we're gonna talk about tonight what actually you spoke about on Sunday and then take it from there Rhea with the new subject. I had a very strong and least strongly embedded memory of my entrance into 2020. It clicked midnight when I was on 26 and Broadway still trying to find parking. Have to spend three or four months getting healed of that as long as you're not re-traumatized yourself that now that was good, especially interesting to see all the crowds around Times Square and just getting that I gotta tell you incredible they got incredible and to watch him. That's what I'm All Glass ball drop 30 feet in and even go out in the rain to watch a ball in my goodness. I mean, it's Kind of pathetic in another state. I won't say, you know, but it's like a cardboard fruit that comes down and it just crashes down into the area. And then it's a bunch of Lights. Like I don't even think it's fireworks. They may have added fireworks now, but it's like car were Porter piece of paper just coming down be a budget thing. Yes, Ed. You knows any who we've talked about a lot of things on Portals. Oh man. We have so many different topics and we're going to go into a new one in. Portal fashion. This one has not been one of our previous but we've had so many starting with our intro of Faith. Yes Faith starts with God. Yeah, it was that kickoff episode. Yeah actually funny enough. It's still like the most listen to episode right? Really? Yeah really surprising to me because it's got the most plays and then after that the next one that has the most pleased obviously is when we started to move into Holy Spirit. Chatting about the Holy Spirit. Yes. So yeah just for the listeners rather like, you know, recapping the year we started off with mine faith and but we talked about having a clear conscience. Yes, and then we moved into face starts with God hypocrisies. What's your level that we all have a girl then we talked about my favorite the fruits of hypocrisy receiving the fullness of God Independence. It's not what you think. Oh, yeah. That was then we talked about the choice. The choice to make to what do I be independent, you know or do I actually be interdependent? I got a lot of freedom in that one. Yeah, I got a lot of that was my freedom from those so and then we went into there's no I in team independent specifically at church had a lot of many manifestations out of that one. Yeah when patience runs out then we did a bonus episode Independence versus individuality. That was really really yes that pirating. Yeah, I think what dr. Robbins shed. How we can be individuals but God doesn't want us to be independent that like if the only the church could hear that. Yeah all over the world. I think it would help so many people and possibly with a help because everybody thinks it's a same thing. Yeah. Yes. I definitely did going into it. So when you separate that is amazing and then we man into a special one when God vents passes. Tony asked us on a Sunday sermon like Ken God vent to you. Yeah, and that really was a challenge and then we went to our church alert where we were About is no need for like, you know personality tests or assessments to find out what you're calling. It is legging. That was a fun episode. Yeah, and then we started our journey. Hold on order it. Yeah. Well spiritual leggings on order. Yes. I heard I think with can you imagine my pink leggings? Oh my God. All right. That's the sad thing you would fit right? All right, then we went into the Holy Spirit and we started the journey on the third person and then we did the activating agent and then we finally wrapped it up with holy spirit with the third man. Yeah, and then we moved into Faith fee. No sperm and needed now is marinating in it. He was feeling your belief system. And then the last couple of episodes was a really powerful. At 11:59 you still that time the last 60 seconds, no handprints allowed and then we went into the formation of thoughts and we wrapped things up last week with the resounding sound. It's a pretty good yet easy. Can we just give God some Glory? And I just want to say to the listeners, like I know people that sit in like team meetings and plan episodes rights in advance. And if there's nothing wrong with that, but for the listeners, we're literally going off the flow of the Holy Spirit of what he's doing in our church. So what we see him doing in the pattern of the church worldwide and in our lives, so I mean, it's not that the planning is like, you know, not needed but I believe that the spontaneity of the Holy Spirit to bring up a different subject and change course. Yeah now and then It gets us out of our comfort ability of okay, well in this episode we'll do this. And in this episode we'll do that and have remit rillettes us rely on him. Yeah, you know and I think that's because of dr. Robin the way that she leads the show in a credible. Well done. Dr. Rubber. Well done. Well done. Wow that crowd Applause. I think what past the Mets it is. So true you you direct it literally from a download that you're getting from exactly. Yeah, that's what makes it. So it's the key Lively important thing that he wants to say. Yeah. Yes. So we're planning on Portals t-shirts. Yeah, so many sayings like just you know, where we blow your mind, you know could have stuff like that or what is it hated me before you sit. It are yet rated. I real relevant relational one put that on require special and the graphic is so unique the pink, you know the pink window. Okay, really Torres prophetic Leggins Paso County. I hope they're expedited. I think we need to go on break because was guys are into the Realms of things that we should be talking exactly. Look at the Holy Spirit speaking. We're gonna take a short break while you guys recap all of the topics and see which one you're going to refresh. Is your memory bank with and we'll be right back? Hey guys, welcome to the portals podcast with dr. Robin Cassidy Anderson area, and we passed the Nathan and we faster Tony Cassius will see you soon. All right. Hopefully you guys took a glance at our previous episodes to see which ones you haven't heard. If you haven't and see which ones you want to re-listen to if it you know sparked any interests and the recap but of course we're going to introduce a new topic Pastor Tony definitely gave and lovely lovely sermon on Sunday. And which has Tony you can you know, there were I don't Yes, what did you name it? Um, I can't remember now that they say gives that with what you've got. Yeah, give me what you got. I didn't give me what you've got of we often tell the Lord what we don't have most of our prayers are about about what we don't have my God and the Lord can't use what you don't have is not that I think not doesn't ask us to give us what we don't have he asks us to give him what we do have and so usually what we do have is so vastly deficient for what he's asked us to do. This is why it's a miracle because what Do have is far beyond what we need and that makes us go to God to do the rest. So I talked about how you know when the when the apostles and the disciples were asked to feed the 5,000 the first time the Lord asked them what they had he knew they had little and what they had was given to him and then he was able to do a miracle with it and So it was basically the Lord said to me before I got up there on Sunday because I had an entirely different message ready, which is what he does. And he said I don't want them to tell me what they don't have in 2020, but give me what they do have and I'll use it that's a word in itself. Yeah. So again when the when the 5,000 needed to be fed, now remember they only numbered the men, you know, when you include women and children children that that would have been On the excess of 10,000 possibly 15. Yep. So he took through five loaves of bread and two fish and he fed say 10 to 15,000 people and then he had 12 basket loads left over. So when you when you haven't got much and you give it to God he can absolutely expand it the whole idea is because we don't have enough. That's why me. Vehicle is required and I explained how every Miracle Jesus did how's it has its counterpart in the Old Testament. That was Elijah with the Widow. Is that counterpart? She had a little bit of meal a little bit of flour a little bit of oil, but Elijah said first bake me a cake and give me a cup of water. He said if you give me my cake first thus says the Lord the meal. All right will not run out and the oil will not run dry and so for however long was left of that drought. I would say two years plus. Yeah the Widow kept waking up in the morning to a full flask of oil and a full jar of flour and she would empty it that day. I believe this is how it happened. She didn't have like half a jar and man it was Like half there in the morning. She would empty the whole jar made enough for the whole house. And she would put it back empty and the next morning. There'd be a giant visual so I'm saying so I don't know how many times I've told the Lord what I don't have, you know, I'm trying to tell you money don't have the I'm going to say that don't have the connection don't have to break through whatever. He look let's not tell him what we don't have because he already knows right? You said something that was really really powerful. Powerful, I wrote down. You know, it's powerful when I write it down on my iPad. Okay, because I write songs about it. You said you don't have authority over what you don't have so we're only have authority over what you do have and that to me was just gem tastic. We'll look if you've got twenty dollars in the bank and he's asked you to do $100,000 Miracle. Yeah, right. You've only got authority over 20 if you give that to God he can still use it I have A testimony of a brother in Africa who got given a one dollar bill. He got he got asked by a preacher to come to this empty plot of ground on top of the hill. He said he said to his friend Dee. Do you want a house? He said yeah. He said you've sent me here because this is where you want to build your house and the guy said yeah, this is where I want to build my house. And so the preacher pulls out a $1 u.s. Bill and he gives it to his friend. He says he build your house with one dollar. He looked at him like a you crazy, right? He said I have a look that's something I've given you now plant it. So this other man goes to church the following Sunday and he gives that dollar into the offering box. That's all he had said Lord build me a house within 12 months. You had that house built. Not once did that mean need cash to build it. Let me give him a gentleman after. Is everything all right just for all the saints out there. It doesn't always work that way. Right right. Let's verify this is not for me. Remember prophecy. The prophetic is not formulated. Yeah, you can't, you know use god with formulas, right? It really sort of concern when you hear all these End Time Ministries trying to formulate coming of Jesus. You can't formulated you have to do what the Holy Spirit saying, but the principle is still Will there he gave God what he had? He didn't he didn't give God what he didn't have. I think it comes down to what you said about. Sorry comes down to what you said about giving him what you have but he can't use what you haven't got yeah, that was so that is so important. So very important. I think sometimes we think we had like an invisible inventory. Yes of everything that we don't have that. Get to have say over. I think it even comes bigger than that. It's like because we don't have it. Yeah, we think that he can do something with what we don't have. So that's what we believe the miracle comes from like, okay. The miracle is actually in what we don't have instead of the miracle being and what we actually have well the ho ho yeah myself again. Just bring some Something with that and here's just the challenge when Pastor said about giving God what you have look if you want healing you can't just give him nothing. You've got to give him a body to heal. You understand. You've got to give him something. Yeah, you know, I mentioned that also like sometimes you don't have the physical things. Like what what can you give God when you need a healing to give him you give him a body to heal? Yep, you give him. Thanks you give him Right there the things you have and I wanted to even go more practical. We need to give him something to work with. How did your body for healing? Well, Lord, I give my body to you. It needs a touch it and one of the big things is if you've got a broken arm or something, you need to give him your broken arm so that he can heal it but you're giving you're giving your giving something else and you're not just giving something to get something. Yeah. Okay that in giving you do get something. I think that's important. You're saying to make a an actual to actually make a recognition of Lord. I'm giving this to you. This is what I do have that's what I do heads by actually saying it I want to go back to something that you said about, you know, they 15,000 because what we've taught many times mean Pastor Robert about the the scraps The boat. Yeah, you know and why wouldn't it twelve baskets because there were twelve disciples but there's a key there. He talked about, you know, we always we always look at what we don't have the disciples. It's funny their answer came from what they didn't count was important their answer came from a young boy who they didn't think to number because he wasn't important as men because he's so little yes so our met so it's so our answer usually comes from what we don't think God will use He's not what we do think God will use I think our answer comes from from too much of our opinion. Yeah, should we are getting into this and if you need this is the thing that has been in branded as God. Yeah, and then finally in one of the one of the other gospels Jesus actually says to them, I want you to go and numbered them into groups of 50 to set them out. And I think he was giving them Grace to be like look at all the people. Like, you know, I'm building room and expectation for a miracle year because yes, that would have taken some time numbering 10 to 15,000 people in groups of 50. You know what I'm saying? It's like the Lord getting their attention. Yeah, and he one of their attention and they would have seen but I always come back to with that that Parabola was so not Parable that account. I always come back to that that place that wow, they didn't count the boy because in society they weren't important. It was only the men that we counted right, but the me. Miracle came from what they didn't count. Yeah boy. Yeah boy, but it comes down pasta. So we're on this flow for a second. It really comes down to the Lord showing us what you have is what he works with. Yeah. And so therefore what is he doing? He's being emphasis on you looking your focus comes back on what you have. So in 2020 you get some 20/20 vision she's hiding a prophetic word for 2020. You're gonna get some good 20/20 Vision By God's a 20 on all that you do have so that you can let him use that rather than looking at what the enemy wants you to look at which will give you obscure vision and not have 20/20 vision which is all that you don't have. We're gonna go on break because you guys aren't Jim overload and we had to regroup because this is this is not too much. Haha never is not always and you just gonna focus on God and hear the holy spirit will be right back. Can I pour Tous fan pasta Kenny Jarvis from talk Sydney here. We have a very exciting announcement our senior leaders. Dr. Robin casters Pastor. Tony casters are coming back down under to visit equip and launched at church in Sydney to it. Mix spiritual season they haven't been home in Australia in over five years and we are so excited to have them come and impart to us with hands laid on what God is doing. So if you're in the Sydney area grab a whole bunch of your mates and come on down to Parramatta like and follow our Facebook page talks Sydney for the location and times let our pastors speak over your lives a prophetic word of Direction encouragement and life that would bring Clarity to 2020. Don't miss out on your chance to be impacted like never before and take up the opportunity to be blessed. See you there. 20/20 vision here. So if it's going to be 20/20 vision, it's got a big clear. It's going to be clear if it ain't clearer. If it's not going to be clear then it's not 2012. Oh, wow, the damn button was down and we still have this music playing. Let me help us out. Wow, sorry speaking of 2020 my glasses a little foggy. So I see and that was down any who? Yes, so so what is that makes today? I'm going to tell you that it means that just like all the stuff different things you were talking about in the Bible. You'll mentioning about the young man the fish, you know, and how and you mentioned Nathan you mentioned that he they weren't even aware of what they had with him. So what is the Lord saying in all this is exciting. Let's focus on something that we haven't been focusing on or let's refocus on something that we should be focusing on. Wow, so we're not focusing for the first time. No. No, we're we're bringing our Focus back to something. We've already seen we've seen it that we never thought it was important and now I Well, I'll take refocusing for 200, please. Anyway, wow, so my question is is like why do we miss it? Why do we tend to not see opinions opinions? Wow. Wow, I know you going to say something scripture, but I'm going to come back with something just to say everybody. Thinks what they have an opinion on is God the shade was dropped. Yeah, and it's the truth. It is look we go around and we tell everybody our opinion facts and that becomes God. Mmm, you know, I'm going to talk later on about God. No, he's showing you this was it talk about it a little bit now if you wanted you gone. Are so we can go ahead and jump in you've been feeling from the Lord very strongly being feeling from them. I wanted to call this portal. You can handle it. You can handle the truth. You can handle that's a play on that Few Good Men. You paid her to the truth. Yes, you can was saying you can't handle this. I know reason why we can handle it. We're not handling facts the 360. I'm ready to hear it. We actually can handle it. You know why you know why we can handle it because we're handling him life. We're not talking about him. We're not talking what we think he should be doing what we think we should be doing. We're talking about him. You can handle the truth because he's the truth. Wow. That's the key. Yeah, I think so often. We always like try to you know separate him from Trujillo. He's he has truth has truth, you know, and we all say oh you love but Jesus is truth. This is the truth. Yeah, this is his name. Yeah, you can't separate him away the drum. He life name. Yeah, you can't you can't you can't really come and the birds are singing and of the resounding sound that that in itself is something else. I want to grab a hold of the truth. Jesus Christ is resounding himself through the atmosphere. So look, even if there was nobody around to let you know who he is he can let himself be known. I think that's very important passed around because you're saying something that is going to help us in 2020 because God wants to show us truth areas of our lives and he wants to show us, you know himself as truth and when he shows us himself as truth is we're going to see things that don't line up with where he is as a person and that's going to have to be changed and transformed into his image. And so a lot of us would fall into the saying I can't handle this. This is too much, you know, like it's too much for me to carry. Hurry, it's too much for me to bear and we talked about that yet, but like you can handle it because it's Jesus, right? Yeah, and you're saying you can handle it because it's not facts. It's not it's not conjecture. It's not opinions. It's actual person Jesus and therefore you can handle it because it's life. Okay, you can't handle men man's opinions and facts in the world. They confuse you thank you. You can handle jeez. Because he's life. Wow. I want to go back to that. If you guys don't mind of what you just said for the listeners to really let that land. Yeah about you not being able to receive man's opinion as you can it confuses you it confuse you and this is why I know you talked about this before previous portals or sermons. It's or anything any some of your teachings why it's so important to only speak what God is saying especially in this season when we are moving from Faith to pay. Yep, as we said and season casting is very important for not just yourself, but for others to speak what God is saying not only that Pastor Tony also gave a prophetic declaration that 2020 was plenty. Yep. So whether you whatever you sell would be plenty whether it's in the negative or in the positive, so That's just to bring that out a little bit more clarity about understanding that man's opinion is not got always God's word and also to come off the back of that. You've got to get it that lines up with what we were talking about in the previous episode of incubating. Hmm. You know, when Christ is true and that is incubating within you through do you think about then? You don't speak it prematurely then you don't just say it for the sake of saying it because it's a person that you having relationship with so you're not incubating. A fax you're incubating a life. Yeah and a relationship and a relationship and that will stop us in 2020 by the grace of God and speaking of myself from prematurely blurting out things with presumptuous faith and that whole you know, just saying our opinions. Yeah, like a lot of us including myself. We need to actually be quiet and think wow, is that my opinion or is that God's truth? Yeah. Is that Jesus speaking through me right now? Robin said something to one of our girls this week in a counseling session and I think it was like the nail on the hit the nail on the head. I was like giving a little bit of a leadership Direction correction and how something was handled and she just said to this person if you can honestly tell me that that Jesus is speaking those words through you right now, then you can stand clean before the Lord. Mmm my God, that's why you have to say. Yeah, we do. That's all you have to say that gets rid of opinion that gets rid of emotion that gets rid of Rights and ownership. Can you say that in told me that Jesus Christ spoke those words through you and you listen to his spirit in you responded. Then you're clean before that. I think I also made this statement in for you. If you can tell me you're giving me God's counsel right now, then I'll listen but I won't listen to your opinion. That's not shut down. And I think too many minutes does the eye using their opinions as God's counsel. Yeah. Yeah without written and it's really their own biases that they're sort of counseling people with and and we were talking when offline pastor and I about how the opinions of men eventually end up becoming the traditions of men get into the description that nullifies the the word of God. Jesus said to the Pharisees your Traditions have made the word of know. No avail fact. Yeah, no no effect. And so we have to be careful because a lot of the Pentecostal doctrines that are floating around at the moment. I really the opinions of man. They're not really based on scripture. And so if we hang on to them too long, they'll become a tradition and we end up doing things that we don't even know why we're doing them. Yeah. I've just become a tradition and then, you know somewhere down a track we've disconnected with the word of God. So we got to be careful with that one. It's a serious thing because why I'm really looking into it why I really press the Lord and I know now why he sharing these things is because every time Jesus spoke he was speaking Holy Spirit. He was speaking. Holy spirit. So there was no opinions that had to be separated from that. Wow, none whatsoever. So hit that and let me tell you. Jesus never changed his mind when he told you something he did it because it wasn't an idea re had it wasn't a thought. He had he wasn't waiting to see if it lined up with you know, logical reasoning. Yeah, and it wasn't an opinion. He had he was telling you the father's will and the Holy Spirit was speaking through him to tell you the father's will so there was no need for opinions in this whatsoever. So what took place what took place transformation never ever. Do Jesus meet someone and they walked away the same. Oh my goodness. We're going to let that Jim land for a little bit because that hang on to it. We'll be right back. Torque New York presents the official launch of torque TV a brand new way to watch torque New York anytime anywhere get 24/7 access to unlimited shows classes seminars and more. View your content on your favorite device commercial free access exclusive shows seminars and more and with new content added monthly. You'll always have something fresh and inspiring and challenging to watch. Even tune into our live classes from the school of Apostles and prophets in NYC. Choose the subscription option that suits you sign up today by visiting pork and click the watch now button torque TV equipped Inspire mature. Cuz we got the time I meet you with the truth. I'ma hit you with truth I'ma hit sleep with truth. That truck is Jesus. You know what? We're gonna hit them with the truth. Not the truth truth a truth or some truth. We're going to hit them with Jesus trees. We had a fun little song that that stems from that that was from a Resurrection Sunday reduction with the angels and the demons were voguing. Yes voguing you're right so he is truce so people can handle him right because he's light. Life, he's truth. And I think in the church today, you mentioned that scripture having no avail the power of God. It happens of men traditions of men having no effect. I think it comes down to a truth the truth some truth that will have no avail that will have no effect. That will have no power to it. We're not separating things here. We're not saying this can be a truth. This can be a part of the truth. This can be some to my truth are gonna can't stand and we're not going to or truth. We're not gonna do that. We're not going to do that because we are saying that we know and I'm saying that we know you can handle the not just the truth handle truth you can Handle truth. His name is Jesus. Right? And so we would we do that we're saying something's totally different that it and eliminates opinion that eliminates ideas it eliminates everything and it says Whatever he is. His life to it. Mmm. He is life to whatever he is. Yeah, and that's what's truth. Right and it also eliminates because I'm in bringing us this part with the emotions because if you are if you're if you're letting him be truth through you we know this is a season of speaking. We were I'm talking about it before widening. My mouth was wisdom closing it with Foley. A lot of the Folly that we speak is not truth. It's not Jesus. This and it comes in the form of are you ready for it side comments. Wow, really? You've been very nice. It being very nice actually cook sarcasm. Yeah, it's the it's the I'm going to say what I really feel but I'm not going to say it in main conversation because I don't have the guts enough to be honest with what I'm feeling and confront or bring it to the light. So I'm gonna jovially insert it in a side comment. You know that nobody's really listening because you know what Shanaya in truth that is actually actually more damaging to your emotional health because you're rubbing Self of closure when you do that because you do know that you're never actually processing what you're feeling you just numbing it by putting some humor on it because that's what humor is humor is pain that's been numbed. Well hit that one and I want to come in and say that you know, you call it side comments, but really what it is is sarcasm and look there's a saying in a world that says sarcasm is the lowest form of wit and I think we need to get a hold of of this church. I really do cause really we're giving opinions when not speaking truth truth. I'ma go back to what puzzle Robin said, but opinion opinion stay on the opinions of men right people's opinions being sort of glazed over as maybe from God or you often say to me is that God or is that you? Yep I do and this What we have to ask everybody who gives us their opinion. Are you giving me God's opinion or is that just you giving me God honest person will say no that's my opinion. Yeah, a dishonest person will tag God on the end come and administers condemnation guilt ambulation. It not only ministers condemnation and guilt. I got to tell you it's one of the most painful thing this because somebody's getting healed and as they're getting healed are letting their guard. Good down there bringing their walls down there bringing everything down the Lord's doing and a marvelous work and then they're starting to trust people and then somebody comes out that they're trusting and makes a comment sarcastic comment that just about splits them in half again. Yep. Yep. Yep. Jesus was never sarcastic never you always said what he meant. And he meant what he said straight up. That's what I guess. There's a scenario where you know, you've always People always got people in you know, your churches our churches that we have opinions on right? I don't know they clad in the way they dress or the way they speak or the way they present, you know, you could you could have an opinion on everything right, but they only change when God speaks to him when God really speaks and you can have your opinion for years and years and years and not one thing will change until God speak to that person. Yeah, and so this is what we have to be careful of. If we're if we're verbalizing opinion and it's not, you know in love if it's truth if it's truth even truth has to be delivered in love. Okay? Because remember John said that Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ not Grace and law on one side and then the law on the oh, I often wondered why John split the law with truth. Well, the law is truth not in love. Cuz I thought the law and Truth were on the same side isn't the law the truth. Well not according to John I lost right the law came by Moses but Grace and Truth came through Jesus. Grace Grace is the same as that truth and unloved your grace and truth are on the same side. Yeah more is separate. So this let's break that down even your opinion about anything in your life. That's keeping you in a cage. Age God can't speak through that you hit like you might have an opinion about your financial status or your marital status. And then you want you say to you. So you go to prayer to God and you say God speak to me in this area. He will find it difficult telling you what his mind is because you've got such a big opinion on interrupt your train of thought and this is why often sometimes when you go to prayer about Something that's bothering you or someone that's irritating. I did this town. God has to make his way through all of that opinionation if that's a word that opinionated sort of stance before he can actually start speaking to you. Oh, I understand how to read that. You're in the courtroom with God. You can't go in there with that attitude. No and let's go back to this go back and adding on to that. That the judge doesn't listen to any hearsay because opinion is here so that we really need to see the importance of this because that causes us to see you can handle truth. Yeah, because he's a person and he gives life. Yeah, he gives his life. Yeah. He doesn't just gives us facts. He gives us his life and we don't just get his opinion. Canyon and that's why you can handle it. You see because he doesn't end the sarcastic comments never once in the Bible. Do you hear him making a statement that he's sarcastic to the disciples when he was calling them of oh ye of little faith. He just told him you're selling what you doing. You've got another Faith so they weren't letting their guard down and suddenly having this. Explosion on them that would tour in the past. Yeah, you must have most of our life most opinions lead to guilt is something you usually you usually experience guilt not conviction or when we say you can handle the truth. That means when the Holy Spirit has prepared you to hear the truth. He's given you a way of repentance and so that you can change if you're hearing that truth before the holy Is prepared you for that change you're going to feel condemned? Well, I'm going to change your words because you need to because he's not giving you the truth. He's giving himself truth. He's giving him self. Yeah, he's giving himself and so that's the difference and that's why we can handle truth and I want to go back to what he's just said. This is why it's so important to close your mouth until God is ready to give himself to that. Person through you. Yeah, because it means that you have to do more homework and here the Lord you're not just open your mouth and say what you want when you want because you might think that that person's at that level that your app. Yeah, but they're not right and they're at a different journey. And so you have to rely on God to say Lord. Are you giving yourself to that person through my mouth right now? Come on. I need to handle you through my mouth with this right now and usually It's Janae most of the time it's no yeah, because God wants us to really focus more on how we handle it before others Handler. Come on. So the key here, is he giving him something or is it giving himself? Well, if he gives him you said it before the brain. Oh, you want to put it on a shelf. This is why so many people can say so many things but nothing works until you give Jesus because only Jesus brings transformation. Opinions don't bring transformation. Come on. This is what we have to realize you can say it till the cows come home. You can print all the evidence you can put it on paper. You could show them a movie a slideshow until Jesus is Givens. There's no transformation. It's only information. That's usually because most opinions are centered in how it affects the person with you. Okay? Opinions are based on the way. It's affecting the person. Yeah, I want to come even one more with this LS of X. And that is that that people's opinions and sarcasms. They never own outcome on never this country Robin when Jesus when Jesus did what he did and he told those disciples. Oh, ye of little faith. He was not being sarcastic at all. He was telling them you've got no faith. He was truth to them. He gave himself truth to them and it you know, it didn't have the effect that we see today sarcasm the lowest form of wit. It destroys and cups and and pulls apart because your defenses are down your defenses are down. You're beginning to trust and then someone comes out and they make a sarcastic remark about your growing or such like that maturity level and you make yes your maturity level and what happens they won't own it. So that's why they make the sarcastic. Oh my goodness. So challenge to our listeners like we're challenging ourselves in 2020 own what you mean? We're gonna find what I say be bold enough to own it in the person the scripture says you go up to the person and you confront them face to face, you know, not over text not over Facebook Messenger cause you can't understand tone through those mediums in my leaking. Oh Jesus. Oh, come on, you go up to the person and you say this is what I'm feeling, but I and then I maybe you can actually add in now, but I don't know if this is God, this is me. Yeah. Yeah, that would be great. Wouldn't it be? Real men, that would take it from sarcasm to Brave being brave be brave and take some medicine. I'm telling you. Oh, look, I'm hands up everybody in the room. He's opinionated. Every one of us humans are saying everyone also just got a quick example, which happened just last night New Year's Eve just to give the audience a visual. We you know, we drove down to to the Times Square area, which was 1.5 million people in the Times Square area. For those of you who are listening. That's a lot of people anyway watching a ball or drop or drop the family off on Eighth Avenue, right? And it's all barricaded. The whole Avenue was barricaded pedestrians can't walk across the street except at the intersections. Well, I wanted to drop the family off in an area where they don't have to walk along the street where the barricades To get into you know the area and the only openings in the barricades are on the crossings, right? So I stopped our car right at the Crossing where the barricades open and they all get off at the passenger side. Now this police woman God bless her she was frustrated because I've just stopped everyone from Crossing at the Crossing I didn't I didn't know it's going to take more than a minute. It took lots like three minutes for us to get everybody out and and the officer comes around the front. The car she comes to my windows she Taps window get you I go. Yes, awesome. Obviously. She goes very gently. Is there any reason why you parked right on the crossing and I could tell she wanted a blast me. What? Why did you park here? Right you're stopping everybody and I said, look, I'm sorry. I didn't realize it that the barricades were closed on the other side. I said, I'm very very sorry and she went okay, and she was really calm, but I knew she wanted to give me her opinion right, you know her. Language without saying what did you do? This that body language is something else because I'm telling you how many times have you had the body language of the opposite of what you've been saying? Yes, and I think I think I think what you said you said and I'm going to finish with this before the next portion and that is we when we give we get so when we give truth we get truth. Okay, look you guys don't know a trick truth. You guys don't need a closing caption for this break because you got enough. So take these gyms in your pocket and we'll be right back. Hey guys. Want to hear God speak to you personally, then join us here at dipping night. It's every first Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. To find out more information or to RSVP. You can visit us at dipping night dot torque. And why Hope to see you there. You're going straight back in that didn't make about to get 2020 barbecue flesh be carbon snapping and crackling in the papa now. All right, of course in true portals fashion, we were support erling and you can I just make a disclaimer because someone said to me once just support alike. I want to know what this is about. If you want to know what the sub portal is. You gotta go to our website, which is gonna be talk dot org very soon. Let's talk NYC dot-org at the moment and you got to read the blog that passed the Roman Empire saturnia writing called sub portals as they're sharing and every medium in fashion. What God Showing them but we give you a little tease by saying we had a sub portal but you gotta go read what we actually talked about and that makes me just go in even deeper. Yeah. Yes. So yeah, the clarified support us is basically just it's not a side comment. Hahaha. It's not a side comment. It's just side conversation. Yeah that just unravels more of what the holy spirit is. So we go in deeper. Yes we go much much to go on a journey. Cuz if we really taped all of the conversation that comes through it you guys really like and that's what used to happen with us. This is how portals words create Alex stop it. That's how it started. We would just be sitting around and talking and talking and then we get another side portal then we get another side Porter. Just keep transforming Indie hit a point where people would try to leave and be like, I caught me right have an immortal and this bottle right right right be standing at the door. Way, he's very very thankful. He gave us away. Yeah, this I said, he's the way and a fun way a fun way to Porto. So let's go winning back to the main portal. We talked about talking to some portal. We just was like unpacking what these opinions really say, you know, there's there's I don't want to say ill intention that might not be the word. I'm actually looking for but the there are intentions behind it when You have opinions are you running from the truth where you're expressing things that have been suppressed and don't want to face what you're feeling but I think it's a some tips. And when as we be talking about sarcasm lowest form of wit and I've been saying I love how she just throws that in here. Just drop it baby to say the Lord Drop it like, it's hot. I can tell you pretty hot some on White Noise it is and so we need to go back and have a look at The ownership of sarcasm. I don't know. We think that our opinions we can say them but we never owned them. We never owned an opinion and we never owned sarcasm and you know Shanaya we were talking in the subtotal something very very important sarcasm is really and this side commenting is really you not being ready to do. I wouldn't say the legwork I would say the heart work with the Holy Spirit to actually find out what is going on or you maybe know what's going on but not being ready to do the hard work to process it. Right? So you want a Quick Escape you want a quick vent and you want a quick, you know fix to get some closure to your emotions. So I've got to say this comment because this is how I feel and this will make me feel good. If I say it sarcasm is all about you. It's never about the other person and that's why when Jesus met the woman at Well as clarify it was not know about her in the sense of she was doing wrong. He was telling her through love. There's a better way. Yeah, he told her truth. He told her himself. He didn't tell her I a truth or the truth. He told himself to her and because of that like you said pastor transformation took place immediately. She's a lie, and so when he turned around and said to To her Pastor E turnaround. He said and the man you're living with is not your husband. He wasn't being sarcastic. He was using the word of knowledge to show her that is truly who we said he is in the like it's funny if you actually look up I'm doing counseling course Christian Counseling at the moment and they say that one of the biggest defense has its defense disguised as hostility. Is sarcasm I totally agree and look up the originator of where it comes from. It comes from the Greek word that literally means the tearing of Flesh sarcasm is hostility disguised as humor. It's when someone says something sarcastic to you don't feel good. It's unsettling if you challenge it the person can say, oh, I was just joking. I was just kidding. I didn't man. I know no no, no never was really my thought never really was my opinion. I was just joking. Never owning it never owning it and I think this is one of the biggest stand in the way elements of people having truth. That is Jesus Christ receiving it because we talked a lot about in the previous segments giving of Truth. Yeah, but you're not going to receive Jesus in someone's words. If you are delivering it with sarcasm. Oh my God because Jesus was always about the other person sarcasm again is all about you. Veiled criticism. Oh my goodness. Wow. So so Jesus was about the other person. Yeah, he was there telling that woman. There's something better for you. I'm better for you. I'm better than any man. You say that you're sleeping with or that you're living with all that you're having sexual intercourse. I'm telling you. He's saying I'm the way I am the truth. Yeah, and I'm the life and I'm what you need to be changed. Hmm. You said no sperm Anita no sperm and egg. And so that brings us to the question. When we think we're giving truth who were really giving it for that was my Deliverance crying. I tell you right now I was I know I've been lost. I haven't given Truth for the person's the Apple Mac. I've given it so I I can let them know what I think okay, you know what I'm sayin? Yeah, exactly, but it's now it's not truth. It's just opinion but we think just giving thanks. We think we're giving truth. But even in our motive to give it it's all about us. It's really not about I love you enough to tell you this because I want to see you be in a better place to do better. I would rather you, you know, not treat yourself this way or act this way because by doing this you're actually bringing you no harm to your spiritual Condition. It's more like more like I need to get this off my chest. Because you've offended me you've annoyed me. And so I want to say what I think. Yeah, I think that's where it comes down to isn't it? So we're giving facts we're giving opinions. We're giving sarcasm and we're not giving Jesus. We're just giving facts about the situation of facts about the circumstance or such like firemen or whatever it is, and it's not we're not giving Jesus. We're not giving Jesus. We're just giving Things about yeah, and so we need to start giving Jesus and that's why I've come to the point now where I say to somebody if you actually can tell me that's so gangster that statement. You actually tell me that this is the holy spirit counseling you to counsel me this way or to tell me this I'll listen but you better here. Mmm ownership goes back to the person. And you know this I just want to bring this out so that people get this in the counseling world, you know psychologists will tell you someone who uses sarcasm is unable to process what they feel. Well that is true. I'm proceed literally become so used to defaulting to being sarcastic. Wow to process their emotions that they never actually get to what there so they've got a false identity. We have to Define sarcasm had would you define sarcasm? They come with the question. I think it's saying something other than what you really mean. Yeah, it's saying something that usually is the opposite of what you mean. Say what you need to say any chance to see we coming out what I have on this way Indie Hill. Yeah. I mean I also have another question. In about I want to enter your question. Okay, you you told me dreaming this up. Well, yes, there was still subject to talk her. Yes you were talking about when we give truth. Yes, which we are giving Jesus. Yeah, we're giving life and life life and lives. We're giving that we're giving that okay, that's good. And so when we give truth Guess what happens this transformation these change there's never the same ever again because it either the crossroads of your life you're at or you come to a place where you just decide to rebel and go your way. That woman had the choice. She had the choice to listen to life and to truth or she had the choice to I walk away and go back to town and just forget all about what he said to her because she chose truth. She chose Jesus. She was transformed she was changed and today we are not being transformed because because that scripture applies men's Traditions are having no effect. What's coming coming from an Australian culture to New York? I had to learn very quickly and sometimes the hard way. A New Yorkers don't like sarcasm and our Australian culture is just filled with it. You know what I'm saying? So I had to learn quickly. I know the past has been trying to show me for years that sarcasm just doesn't work just in our relationship. Well, you know, it's came to America man, and I noticed like Americans don't usually use sarcasm except for the church. Wow. That was a powerful statement. Except for the church she pointed and people in the world actually a more honest about what they feel or ownership of something but I guess our Chasm is in the church and it hides behind leaking. Oh my God, I would actually like to say I felt the same way moving from Australia to New York and after being he now for ten years. I actually have I would rather he what you're feeling. Straight up as we'd say New York. Just give it to me straight up to me read it. Oh, I appreciate that real relevant relationship because I don't want you to be two-faced. Yeah, you know, and so I appreciate the fact that New Yorkers say what they feel and they don't care. I mean, there's things that need to be changed and her great but like again, they can process them more in touch someone that is hiding behind sarcasm. I'm going to challenge this listen, I whoever's listening and even myself, you know, The actually going to get to what you're actually feeling know. You're only going to be living in pseudo identities of what you laugh away. Stop laughing at away and actually sit down with the Holy Spirit and confront it. Yeah, so your cell he is something that's really concerning me. And that is we so much departmental ice our brain, you know into for the healing processes that we're going into and now we're going to departmental eyes our Spirit I'm in our soul so that our personalities are all over the place and therefore we're never going to be coming back together again, we're going to be fragmented all over the place and we're never going to get healed because we don't come into the place where we can find finish in things. We don't come to that place where we can finalize something. Yeah, and you know, what like we talked in the Little again. She wants to tell you Jack and we talked in the South Pole about how do we curb is how do we combat this and there's great spiritual principles, but practical principles I've been saying is the people all like for the last two months. Why don't you sit down and have a full conversation with the person and stop assuming that you understand or know what they're thinking? Yeah, like so much sarcasm is used because we aren't ready to actually sit down and nut out relationship with People we would rather be living in our Assumption of them because it gives us a reason in a right to hold a fence because when you have to sit down and have a conversation with someone and actually hear their side of the view, you lose the right to have a fence and come back to us. We can handle true exactly because we know truth is Jesus so when we Handle him. He gives life his life. Hmm in this situation. Yeah, he gives it doesn't give me facts. He gives himself in the situation and he gives me his life not an opinion. So therefore we get transformed. Of course, we're going to get transformed because they'll be powering that that life will bring power for transformation hit that baby. So, Truth is not just about the person giving it's also about the person receiving its received. The person has to be ready to receive Jesus on that level. Yeah, and only the Holy Spirit which brings us back to what we've been talking about all these portal Seasons only the Holy Spirit can do the hard work and the seed work to make the the soil fertile to to take in the change because you know, you can say it till the cows come home. But only the Holy Spirit can convince And convict truthful Amen to that. Well, we're gonna go on a short break after that me need ya we need a break digest that and we'll be right back. Is that this coach and oh portals gonna look Dora Robin Casas down the area receiver del Cielo key. The legality Este programa is not out of questionnaire and knees Eve present elaborately Tarasco the torque New York La basura Robin, Cassis and Pastor Tony Casas e and password Nathan Casas. See you guys coach and oh God, I gotta see what's mucho Mas. Willie blow your minds every time turning fader pain eases his your way. We put her on the spot. Wow. so guys I mean Jesus is the truth though because you gonna need his truth after hearing this portal, but that's okay because we want to inspire the church to receive their healing right stop this unnecessary. Nonsense polishes is foolishness. So, you know, we've giving you a ton of gems to chew over and take back to the Holy Spirit. #is been gymnastics to do with it when it leads it and real beginning to the new year. Yeah, what better way to kick us off, right? You know, we already been here. We're going to clean up the church. Now, we're going to heal the church. How about I think that that's the key this does bring healing? Yeah, because when someone is prepared to own something healing can come on come on, come on Jesus with his game. Well, We're on to you. Dr. Robin. Do you have any things in your summary of today's portal? Well, I'd like to give a charge at the end person. So I'd like to keep okay other guys have pasta taking Mia Pastor Nate. I think this was important to start the year off finish 2019, you know with that closure but then start the year off because in September with season casting we said from the Lord that this is the year to widen the mouth of this. And close the mouth if it's full of folly and that the Lord actually made a promise to us that he would close our mouths if they were full of folly wasn't a suggestion. It was I will close your mouth. Right and I were widened. So I think one of the biggest forms of folly is sarcasm. Yeah and aside talk and not being, you know, like Pastor said man enough to own it. And so I would just encourage our listeners as we move into 2020 let the Lord widen your mouth with wisdom and bring your side talk to an end. You might actually begin to be able to have healing and feel and process what you're going through and actually build healthy relationship with people that's founded on Jesus truth. What about you Pastor Tony? They're gone go to go into the year with this particular portal ring in my my head and my heart. I have been one to be a supposed sarcastic on occasion. Like I said earlier Coming to America. I've sort of shied away from From that on thanking the lord also what I mentioned that we spoke on on Sunday evening about giving the Lord what you do have not giving Lord what you don't have and that's another sort of a big team a pillow that I'm going to lay down. Hopefully for the remainder of the year. That's my that's what I'm taking out of this portal. I think mine would be something to do with You know you saying you re-evaluate re-evaluate the in what's important? What is important is your opinion important? Oh my Lord the facts important are these things important ideas? Are they important made a cut right to the chase? I think this is what we just need to see re-evaluate. What is important? And so I you know, what, do you think about that? God just think I mean, yeah, that's barbecued my whole life same I think for me to take away from this personally. Is that although my mouth isn't as sarcastic. My heart can be. Oh, that's a good one my heart. You need a jam my heart can sometimes Be very sarcastic. You know what you need to know that God speaks to the heart never speaks one sarcastic word. So where's the sarcasm coming from your sin your heart? Yeah. It's not being spoken to by the holy Sabbath solutely not so this is why we are bringing this to a head in 2020 and also to take this year back because I always Or here. We Lego last year was draining. I'm ready for it to be over or blah blah blah. Like I'm looking forward to this year and I would hope 20/20 your money right the same for all our listeners know our friends and that you will be excited that this is a kick off to a new year and not look at even this podcast is something negative. This is something I'll ejected. We're getting healed from you got testimonials Galore coming in about how amazing the effect of our cast is and Helena bringing him back to the truth. Yeah from The Laughing along to the jingles to just how the father is being revealed the Holy Spirit and Jesus all through what we're saying and how they feel like they're in the living room with their friends. All right. I think it's incredible. We've heard people say this is a new decade. But again reality is it's the end of the last decade 2021 is the beginning of a new 10 years slot. Hmm. So there's a set of exact change. Yeah completion. Lee true there's going to be a build-up for 2021 in 2020 as well and it comes down doesn't it to what we deem is important what is important to us? And it's the truth. He is important he is truth and he's important and I only want him and I want him whether dingo be a good one. Do it do it to all ready for this. Your face, so maybe it will change. I know I'm giving you a chance again. Let's do it again ready and refocus. Ha ha ha they were somebody scream so it can change to pay one-day true. Who is the truth Jesus what's important to you cheese? I want to give the listeners what we were actually saying because there's actually a process in that little Jingles people like not Kinkle is the process. You've got to own your phae-phae meaning what? Your Folly Folly you mean we have to take ownership of your father your opinion your sarcasm whatever it is and now judgments. You've got her own your face gasps. Oh my you ready for it? You've got to own your face. Uh-huh. Stop laughing it away. Yep. Maybe you should stay meaning stay in the conversation following you and it could change to pay. Yep, and that means something maybe we're just one day. Day, you get the chance to say yes that he is the way yet truth. Yeah life. Yeah, Jesus Jesus and the alarm Bell just went off because that's how powerful that statement and of course. We cannot End Portals without our profiting from we need a jingle for pathetic. I know they're all around the world and we get to sleep to them don't identify. Didn't didn't go ahead. I don't know. I'll make one up no, no people love it in 2020. I'll make one up you make one. Hell yeah, I'll make one up a sound bite. It'll be like a 1920s Bill posit Ernie who you want to speak to. I got some friends in London. There's an area around Richmond just a big shout out to you guys in Richmond. I think it's an East London and love I love the area when I Is there and the church in in England I believe is being revived slowly, but surely so all the saints who are listening to portals in Richmond. God bless you and your fires. Your MBA fires will turn into a forest flame. So that's all. Wow. We don't need too many of those fires around us. They're counting down your at the Motions the fire of the Holy. Yeah different say I'm trying to tell you. There's a I feel the Lord is reaching out to Montenegro, which is in like the Eastern European Bloc and the Lord says I'm going to pour out Grace on the small and nations of Montenegro of Albania Kosovo and Serbia. All that area is just the Lord is targeting. There's a potential for volatility in this area. In the next few years, but the Lord says my grace will cover it. Well well, um, oh my goodness, that's good. That is good. Wow. I really sensed something for New York City for talk talk New York. And so, you know, I mean talk as a part of just a part of New York. It's not all of it. And so I It really sent something for talk New York. And I sense that the Lord is saying something to talk that is important. So here we go. I sensed that. The Lord is going to increase talk in a South America. What and Adeline I caught that I just believe that the Lord has impressed upon me that he is going to open up a talk in South America. Wow, my first Latin American dark and quiet. We have the portal Spanish advertisers and I just sent very strongly very very strongly. Going to be a talk. And going to have the same flavor, you know different language, you know. Wow sort of like culture different language, but the holy spirit will be the same language and I didn't go looking for it. But I sense it very strongly. It's about to happen this year. I look forward to that. I look forward to being getting on the stage and Beyonce I Was meal I lived in the off at Eddie is now got a little bit of this fetishes those we already know. Do you know what that means? Yeah. I actually don't I know it's like, oh my I think it's like an equivalent of oh my God. I don't know. Oh, we have to go look that up o my prophetic friends. Yes. I'm not saying hello to anyone in particular, but at the at the time I feel the Holy Spirit just really wants to reach out to people in Sydney, Australia. And just let her know here they come they're calling right now actually. No, it's not a stray. But yeah reach out to them and just let them know that there's a breaking coming in 2020. There's a Breaking of a stalemate coming in 2020 and especially for the state of New South Wales, and I also feel the state of Victoria. The Lord is showing me that there's a breaking coming and that that breaking is going to bring Hunger and thirst for him like never before I think it come down to understanding that a little bit better past the police. He this one and that is you know, you know, we have these fires in in Sydney in New South Wales and and it's like it's very hot, but it's like in the spirit. Yes, you're going to be hot or you're going to be cold, but you're not going to be lukewarm any more because this is what Happening in the atmosphere. Now it's happening in this very atmosphere. Now that there's a lot of heat but there's going to be a lot of heat in the spirit to so you have to make your choice. Are you going to be hot for God or are you going to be Cole for God it'll be up to you, but I'll tell you you don't get to play on both sides of the fence anymore. And I would just encourage the listeners as we close in Australia that are facing these like Incredible hazardous bushfires. The enemy wants you to look at what he's doing. Yes, that's right. But what is God doing? Yeah. What is God doing to stir you with these fires? We you know, we the pure in heart shall see God everywhere continually on an ongoing basis all the time. That's what we dubbed it. Now, we've gone four levels deeper. So stop looking at the fires and being thrown off by ready for it man's opinions. Yes, find some truths and find Jesus. And since find Jesus in the fires because he's the third man in the fire and snow and stop the sarcasm about the fire. Yeah, come on. Oh my goodness. Well guys, what about you should know yes. Oh, yes. I do have a fitting friends somewhere, right. I want to talk to the one that is at fended at church. Hmm, and the Lord is just really Say hi like to me that well, it's a few so I'm just gonna step out to miss one and says my children be not afraid that the the the effects of the offense is bringing my change do not you don't have to fear. You don't have to hide you don't have to run but the offense Rings my change says, well, I am not the author of the offense, but I will use it to encourage the change. As it was stated tonight through my profit of this house that that it inspires change my troop inspired strange because I am the truth and I am giving myself to you. If you just receive me. It's the Lord. Wow, what an episode of kick is off? Wonderful. I think we I think we did what the holy spirit. So again my charge at the end is what I said in the beginning when the Lord I downloaded this to me by the spirit of God, and he said uploaded to the people go for it. So my upload to you is you can handle truth because he's a person. Well guys, of course, it's been another episode of portals until next time bye-bye. Now Shanaya Shanaya don't go just his guess what you're coming to Australia and you're gonna do a portals in Australia, which of the listeners she coming down under? Oh, that's right. Yeah mate. I'll be down and out backs every Woods of My way down to have winging hanging with the ruse in the bush in the bush in the flat lighting. We don't have to be flashing lights lighting with other makes of torch machine goes beyond the black stump. There you go. Wherever that is. Our that's going to be credible, you know, because I don't have a bee in my Bonnet. I'm gonna bring in my Bonnet, but it's not a big Then it until next time we are out.
Happy New Year! It's 2020 the year of plenty. Wrapping up 2019 the portals team leave us with a clincher and stir us with the introduction of the Prophetic theme for 2020. Host Shenaya Annise has an in-depth conversation with our Senior leaders -- Dr Robyn Kassas, Ps. Tony Kassas, and Ps. Nathan Kassas -- to finalize the year 2019 and see what God is saying to release into 2020. After a year of explosive truths that have helped shape our relationship with Jesus for the better, the team jump back in again, with another portal that is set to, "blow your mind". In the first part, Ps. Tony talks about the importance of giving God what you have. You can only have authority over what you do have. So stop looking at what you don't have to think that is what God is going to use to bring the breakthrough. He starts with what you do have. Then, the team move into talking about the power of the tongue and speaking truth which is Jesus. Dr Robyn exhorts us that because truth is a person we can handle it. It's from having relationship with a person that we are changed, not from stating opinions, facts, side-comments, or anything else. Finally, to top it all off, Ps. Nathan reveals the power of sarcasm and side-comments to rob you of delivering truth and receiving it. It's a gemtastic episode that is set to start off the New Year right giving you His perspective and 20/20 vision.
Fellow fiends, welcome to another terrifying and delectable episode of nightmare on film Street the horror Pride cast with zero credibility, but all of the blood ghouls. And Gore your puny heart can handle let's give a grave Welcome to our hosts John and Kim. Hello again fiends and welcome to this Christmas Eve minisode of nightmare on film street. I'm Kim. I'm John and it's almost Christmas. Can you feel it? I feel a little bit more magical than normal if I magical you mean cold. I'm with you. It's quite so Frozen like this is that time of year where like everybody's water bills go up because we're headed to Heaven hell a long shower in electric bills because lights and stuff eating that's what is this. His old chatter I recently decided that I need to get like professional earplugs for loud places like concerts. I am getting very old in horror talk. We actually have a lot of fun Christmassy announcements and spoiler alert. We're going to let you know what movies were talking about next week on the full-length episode of the podcast and I think they're a little bit Christmassy. Yeah, that's right this month at The Nightmare on Elm Street podcast and it and ofs We are celebrating which doesn't seem like the right word. But we are analyzing and looking into we're celebrating celebrating cold-blooded Killers our last previous episode. If you didn't hear was a discussion of William lustig's gross-out maniac and Henry portrait of a serial killer which, you know, both delve into the minds of cold-blooded killers and next week. We got we got a very a very fun very Christmas-themed cold-blooded Killers. We're getting literally cold. Exactly, you've cracked the code. But before we let you know what two movies were going to be talking about John. What is keeping a creepy this week? Well, this week is pretty it's a pretty easy question to answer because this week black Christmas comes out by Christmas three by Christmas. Yeah, but like Christmas, but the from Blum House it is still holding true to that sorority story. But this time the Frat definitely looks like it's the villain and regardless I'm I did. Yeah, we're going to be catching that one in theaters this weekend and I'll be writing the review for NFS We love you. Watch this movie right now while you're listening to the podcast and will also be recording a drive home from the drive-in episode for our patrons at slash Nightmare on Elm Street. That'll be hitting our patreon feed some point this weekend. We'll get it recorded Friday night and hopefully get it out to you on Saturday like any remake it's getting a lot of a lot of flack online people. Just being curmudgeon e I'm going to blame the cold. I think they're probably still going to see it. In fact, I know they're gonna see it. The only people that are complaining about this movie or the people that are definitely buying tickets and they've already made up their mind and if you're one of them, please go into it with an open mind who knows this might be your favorite movie of the year. We haven't published our top-10 of 2019 yet because who knows we might love this and it just seems like poor form to publish a top 10 list before a major horror film is East at the end of the year. Yeah, but exciting news on that front. We will be publishing our top 10 list very soon. They'll be hitting the website before the new year. We also might just have a little episode up our sleeves over the holidays. So keep near your Spotify feed your Apple podcast feed wherever you get Nightmare On Film street because we might just have a little bonus episode dropping them. We will also be hosting a Friday the 13th live stream this Friday the 13th the last Friday 13th of the decade Friday the 13th Before Christmas. Oh, all right, that's gonna be good. We are like yourselves probably planning on watching the Joe Bob Red Christmas, but before that from 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time to 9 8:55 p.m. It's time to get the drinks. Yep. Gotta get them chips and your beverages. We're going to be playing the Friday the 13th game on PlayStation. We broadcasting on Twitch. You can find all the info about that at Mom Nightmare On Film street. It's going to be a heck of a lot of fun. I think you should join us. Yeah it art, which page is slash Nightmare On Film Street. If you are a patron you can actually play with us on Playstation. Just let us know your username in the comment thread of the Friday 13th game post and we'll get you in our group and we'll get play and but the viewing is open to everyone. So if you want to watch all you got to do is head to Twitch, and we're going to get / it's going to be great more patreon news today, December 12th if you're listening To this when it drops is the deadline to receive your Krampus card from Kim and myself. We it's just a small thank you that we like to do every year to our patreon supporters for helping keep nightmare alive keeping the lights on keeping this creepy train running. If you would like your own Krampus card from us personally, you will need to join patreon before midnight tonight Eastern Standard Time Again. You can find info on the Krampus card on the Friday the 13th live stream. And of course the review that will be doing for black Christmas at slash Nightmare On Film Street. And the last news probably the most exciting news that we are so stoked to announce on patreon related. We have a hotline. That's right the nightmare hotline, you can call in join the party with all the cool creeps lean. I call them were making it sound like a 900 hot one. 900 creep me out Freddy. That's not the number. I love it when the number is that it is impossibly long one 900 nightmares for you and me together like that doesn't add up. I'm pressing buttons in four five six one scared. We're just hanging out with our knife hands. Yeah and nothing else just a couple of Virgin final girl. Girls with nothing to do but we left the door unlocked and we ordered eight pizzas, but none of us eat pizza because we're watching our way. Do you want the pizzas? But back on topic? We now have a voicemail inbox that you can leave a message. You can let us know what you thought about a recent episode. You can promote your stuff. You can ask us a question. You can do whatever the fuck you want in the two minutes you got I would love to hear a two-minute radio play all I want some weird ass shit in there. Yeah, I expect weird voices. I expect creepy phone calls. The best stuff is getting on the podcast. So yeah, bring your A game and you might just hear yourself on a future episode of nightmare on film street. It's going to be kind of our mailbag that were adding to the end of the show and we want to hear you guys. So the phone number is seven zero five four zero zero nine four one five. That's 705. Nine four one five. I'm pumped to see what you weirdos record. Actually. Yeah wewe started the hotline yesterday, officially December 11th, and I've actually already got a few Collins you want here. Let's get to the nightmare hotline What's your favorite scary movie and don't much care for your brand of horror humor? I find it disgusting and repulsive real big fan of that meeting at Henry portrait of a serial killer episode. The last time he was very well informed I would say on the scale of things. My favorite films of old MGM musicals, but also flash of from the early to mid 80s. Of so, you know longtime listener first-time college is one of thank you very much for the hotline. You have a good sales Merry Christmas. I don't know how to change the TV. I want to wash where Christmas but it's just a blank screen. Can you please pick up the phone call? I want to wash my Christmas is working Carl. It's a wonderful day. Just make the soot on the way. Who's Carl me again. Like a fish understand Jonathan. Yeah, the BCI like and again. And I think you are funny. I did a movies in the tape deck. It says queen and I don't think that the Lord would care for that. If you could please come retrieve this disgusting filth from my home before and I have to call the parish. I would greatly appreciate it. I think that last one sounded a lot like a copyright infringement of a super-ego podcast. I don't like it. If you'd like to have your voice heard on a future episode of nightmare phone Street. Just call them nightmare hotline at 7:05 4 0 0 9 4 1 5 super easy to remember it. Almost Rhymes 705 400 now for 1 5. That's all I remember. Come join the party we got nice for him. Oh my God, but what you really came for many episodes stuff. We're letting you know what to watch this weekend. So you are armed and ready for our full-length episode drop in next Thursday John. What are we talking about? Next week? We are talking about snowy slashers come with that title. Sure. All right. We are talking about black. Xmas from 2006 and we're pairing that of course with 2012's Silent Night This Christmas Santa's coming back and he means business. He's also super jaundiced for some reason. It's the black sheep of Christmas sequels to not so favorite pics that we are excited to talk about one of them of which I saw for the first time we do and I didn't even know it existed until you're like we should do it with some night. I was like what and another movie that I still continue to defend to this day. And I do not we'll be talking about both of those movies at length next Thursday, wherever you're grabbing this on our podcast Spotify Google Play and all those other podcast platforms. Yeah, if you feel like the black sheep of your family this holiday season, why not cuddle up with some black sheep horror films. That's our brand by the way. That's what I'm realizing black sheep of heart. I'm not take changing our tag line. Although I'm really I'm really really into that that hotline improv. We did a few minutes ago guys are here. They weren't film Street podcast. We got knives for hands. We loaded a teacher and we can't serve him to ourselves because we're worried about poke around stabbing are pretty little faces. Let's go weird. Oh man. Thank you guys so much for your support in. 119 for listening to nightmare on film Street for joining the fan club and for downloading our episodes each and every week. We are so stoked for 2020 and all the stuff we have ahead. This is not our last episode coming next week. We do maybe have a little surprised that I keep saying because everybody can be on vacation. So I want to make sure they took their podcast app. But yeah, it's been so groovy to do this with you guys and we have so much planned for the future. This hotline was just the beginning. Oh, yeah, 2019 was a big year for us. Not just the podcast but also personally for a lot of different reasons and none of that would have been possible without your support. Mostly emotionally. Thank you so much for being there for us. Thank you so much for coming along for the ride and thank you so much for talking with us about movies. It's all I can do any time I hang out with family and they're all going to see it this holiday season all conversations lead to movies. It's how I relate to the people. I love so just take That as you will if I'm talking about movies, it means that you are near and dear to me, but until next week, I'm John. I'm Kim stay creepy. It appears. You made it out alive just long enough to tell the tale of The Nightmare on film Street how help us grow The Horde leave a review on iTunes or wherever you Herb continue this week's conversation on Twitter by following @n o FS podcast and is always more terror can be found lurking on our website film Street until next week. Stay creepy. fiends
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Which is to say it's pitch black outside, and a perfect setting for a Holiday Horror Double-Feature. Join Kim and Jon on this week's mini-episode of Nightmare on Film Street as we debut The Nightmare Call-In Hotline, share our excitement of Blumhouse's BLACK CHRISTMAS, and give you all the info you need to get your very own Krampus Card, just in time for the holidays! Oh- and we also give you a heads up on what two films we'll be discussing next week on the full-length episode of Nightmare on Film Street. Drop us a line sometime, won't ya? LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL Call us and record a voice message - (705) 400 – 9415! Share your thoughts on a recent episode, your hot take, promote your film, or get weird! Your message might just appear on the Nightmare on Film Street Podcast! SUPPORT THE SHOW Nightmare on Film Street is a labor of love - and Terror! We're independently recorded, edited, and produced. Support us on Patreon to unlock frightfully good rewards; like shoutouts on the show and social media, access to our episode archive, producer credits, bonus episodes, and much more!
What's up, everyone? You have heard us week after we gush about volume and I'm going to tell you why it is so important. We've already seen great changes within ourselves once using this product and it's so easy. And the reason why it's so important is because chronic illness affects all of us in one way or another it's our loved ones or it's ourselves and that's suffering from diabetes or obesity autoimmune disease depression anxiety, all of these things that we're learning more and more about and they're actually starting inside of our gut and it's oftentimes College by the food that we're eating. So why I have i-i'm is so cool is that it actually test the microbiome in your gut and lets you know, what foods you should be eating and what foods you should be avoiding and it's just revolutionising the way that we can be our healthiest selves. And for the first time ever by them is now available for 139 for Are Better Together family, which is so exciting because it will really change everything that you know about food and what you're eating so go to together, that's VI om / together, they will All you okay, and you just do this quick little test you send it back and they give you all your results in the easiest way and we can't wait to hear how it's benefiting you. So keep us updated. I'm on a journey to get better and I want to do it with you and I'm not just focusing on physical health. I'm focusing on everything emotional Wellness spirituality finances relationships and so much more every week. It will be my personal goal to bring us the world's leading healers experts and Game Changers to share groundbreaking secrets and tips to getting better in all areas of life. Getting better isn't easy, but it's a whole lot easier when we can do it together. Welcome to Better Together. with me Maria Menounos Welcome back. Happy Monday everybody. Happy Monday. Thank you. I Minnesota sitting here alone. I just making sure people are around. Well, I'm sitting here thinking is I'm doing all my crazy dancing in the intro. I hope you're cutting away to Stephanie's crazy dancing. So it's not just me like doing all this stuff student. Oh, they don't see her crazy dancing. Should I start letting them see you? Yes, that's why we have 18 cameras in here. Yes. I want my crazy dancing on display with your crazy dancing. So I'm not the only crazy dancer. I can start giving them here in here. Crazy dancing if you would like they don't know how we raise the roof. They've never seen it before. Well, we got to get amped before the show. There you go. Now you can make it happen. I can I don't know if you really want them see, I think they need to see all of our hands in the air. This is like a rush of Monday energy. That will be coming out them full blast. Yes, right. Yes, absolutely because everybody is in Monday Monday. And a because when Maria says happy Monday everybody silence. Yeah, exactly Monday Monday or they're thinking it's just another manic Monday. Oh, yeah, which tones so well and time periods. We need like a rapper to come up with a Monday so long so we can get to lick the new generation. Kanye has got to be like Monday - yay - yay. You know pitch it why should our quote of the day? It doesn't matter how slowly you go, as long as you don't stop and that's by Confucius. That is a great quote. It's similar to like, mr. Bob Backlund famous Champion wrestler. He always says you never lose unless you quit and that's one of my favorite favorite quotes. I love that. You never lose unless you quit but he says it. Like that's kind of Our Lives unless you're quiet and that's perfect. Yeah, it's so true. It really is true. Welcome back to the show guys. Thanks for being here with us. Thanks for supporting us and and being on this journey with us as we all get better together today. We have an amazing show lined up for you. We have practicing psychotherapist Tammy veles NT who's an expert in trauma and addiction recovery. She works with It's nationally and internationally and has renowned success using EMDR to treat anxiety and Trauma and panic. She's got over 20 years of experience. She actually practices in my home state of Massachusetts. Yeah in the Berkshires and she has helped create life changing results for survivors of rape and sexual assault and and so much I mean the statistics on this. This was insane that I was reading. It was like a massive amount of people. You probably have the statistics in front of you. But the people that were healed from PTSD from these traumatic events in just a few sessions and I've heard about this in Allah a lot, you know, because La were always at the Forefront of everything and you know, it's like how everyone's doing EMDR whatever but I understand it now I didn't get it before and that's why I'm so glad that we're bringing this to everyone. I'm bringing it to us to it. Like you were blown away by it and you're like, I know so many people that need this. I'm sitting there like I know so many people that could benefit from this as well sense. It. Tammy will get more into it, but I it makes complete sense that your mind could heal in a similar fashion that your body can and just heading it that way with the approach but to your point about the studies that have proven it. There's been more than 30 positive controlled outcome studies that have been done on EMDR therapy some of the studies show that 84 to 90 percent of single trauma victims no longer have post-traumatic stress disorder after only three 90-minute sessions. These are 30 different studies that have proven this crazy and the other one. It was like six sessions yielded amazing results for multi traumas, I believe yes. Oh, yes. It was 77% of multiple trauma victims. No longer were diagnosed with PTSD after only six 50 minute sessions. Yeah, so you think of like even returning soldiers? Yeah, I've been in you know, one of those God awful situations doing EMDR could be completely game-changing for them. And I wonder if they're using it as much as you know, it should be it should be it would be really good. So 77% of combat veterans were free of PTSD and 12 sessions see and that should if that's if that's a the statistics. It should be used all the time because the suicide rate is insane. Yeah, think of by the way think of. 12 sessions is what it takes to heal a returning soldier from an incident because they're on complete fight or flight all day all night in a war zone and and and just the level of other people with horribly traumatic events in their lives have been healed in three imagine to have to have 12 what they go through what's really crazy to is that like a lot of a lot of returning soldiers don't realize they have PTSD. I have a friend who was who is in the military for for six years and he came back home. He wasn't he didn't feel like he had PTSD. He didn't feel like he was having like episodes or anything like that where he couldn't handle like loud noises or anything, but after like two years back home, he like started realizing that he was getting angry at things. He never used to get angry for he was getting frustrated by things. He never used to get frustrated for and he went to a therapist and Like a subconscious thing that a lot of people don't even realize so I think it would be very interesting for the u.s. Government to you know, explore an actual like rehoming process where it's like, okay, you've instead of just shipping home. It's like, all right, you've shipped home, but now here is a process of different. Yeah. This is your entry part of your entry package your re-entry package. You have to do some EMDR just to be safe because the the suicide rate in the military is really depressing Lehigh. Yeah, it's really sad. Yeah. I think this is a really interesting solution for us to really dive into and see and see more about because I like I said, I've heard about it. I've I remember hearing someone I knows wife was doing it. I don't know if I could mention names so I won't but you know, you just I didn't have much exposure to it. And when I was doing the research for this segment, I was blown away. I was like, oh my Goodness, how did I not know about this? But that's why I love the show so we know and when you know better you get better to people they finally awake with me. I can't wait for this trip. I can't wait for this episode. Yeah to hear it because they're so like you said there were so many people. I'm already like I gotta send it to them them them because I need them. It's like a nice way to be like opening up their brain to a new form of therapy that they might have not thought of Yeah, it's funny. So my friend Judy who I've told you about who's been kind of like becoming my surrogate spiritual guide. I dumped her spiritual guide last night. She's like, oh my God, that's the name that came into my head just earlier today or something like that. I was like, yeah. I know you're like a spiritual guide. You're not that's what you are. Anyway, she was saying that as I feel myself and as I kind of heal myself, I heal the collective. So if you think about it while we're getting to do on this show is as we're filling ourselves. We're filling the collective. So when you're excited to now go pass this on to so many different people think of the amount of people were able to touch and if you are listening right now, which I know you are ye we're all surrogates to this. So you have your mini responsibility not to burden you in any kind of way, but we're all getting this information to help ourselves and then help others. So that's why I always I'd say if something has touched you or moved you share it with someone else, you know, if it's an episode you think would be beneficial to someone in your life share it with them because the more people that know better will get better and now you're a part of their health journey and there, you know spiritual journey or whatever it is their journey to get better. So, you know, we're a we're a small tight Army of getting better errs. And so let's let's keep let's keep recruiting people that that, you know want to be a part of this journey and and help them along the way so it's a pretty cool pretty cool thing. I think so awesome. Yeah, and we have a lot of amazing shows coming up. So hopefully we'll be able to help you guys get through the holidays because for some people some people holidays are not fun times. I know that from firsthand experience and so they are upon us and and then there's of course the stress for the other people who do enjoy them and so, you know, every Monday will be here for you guys. So without further Ado we are going to get to our interview with psychotherapist and EMDR expert Tammy velocity. Hey, everyone its staff. If you're listening to this podcast, you've probably thought once or twice. Hey, I think I want to make a podcast to and I have great news for you guys. I want to Tell you about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast for a few reasons first and foremost. It's free. They have a bunch of tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or your computer. They distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcast and so much more you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. So download the free anchor app or go to incurred on FM to get started. Well, thank you for joining us via Skype. And we're so excited to learn more about EMDR and in my quick research. I was just blown away at the statistics because I hear about it here in Los Angeles, and I know Los Angeles is usually kind of the Forefront of some of these different modalities. You always hear people hear kind of first and then it starts to spread out but I didn't realize how successful it is and helping people pass through trauma. So tell us about your work. Work and how you got into this. So I've been an EMDR clinician for I don't know probably close to 20 years. When I think we'd have to go back to need them when I was a little girl when I decided I really felt called to this at a very young age. I wanted to be a child psychologist and Flash Forward 20, some odd years shiny new graduate degree. I really wanted to help women and I found myself working. Young at and running a couple of rape trauma programs and it was there that I had this dear friends and supervisor who said, you know, really want you to take this training engr had no idea what it was. It was probably five to seven years new then there were really no empirical studies if there were they were maybe a handful so I ended up in a room and a conference room in a hotel in New York City with 300 colleagues being trained in the MDR not really understanding what it was but Sitting in a room every day with rape and incest survivors and knowing the struggle and then bringing it back to them and seeing the difference. All of that was really really amazing. So to be able to go from not having EMDR and using traditional therapy CBT behavioral even some yoga times different body modalities. Nothing works like EMDR. They were times in one two three sessions. Symptoms of PTSD were gone people were functioning again. Wow, so that that was really anecdotal. You know, what are we seeing in our offices? So what do you think called you at? Such a young age? Did you go through a trauma? Mmm, no, I can't say I went through any specific trauma but I oh I've been saying for the last many years trauma was my first love I can't explain it. Wow. Mmm, it's just meant to be sometimes Universe provides. Yeah, for sure. So explain to people what EMDR is so EMDR is a type of therapy. It stands for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. And that sounds like a bunch of garbage Lee gook. I know but it's a really holistic therapy that combines your thoughts and memories your emotions the sensations in your body and the negative belief about yourself that combined with a bilateral stimulation back when EMDR was first discovered by Francine Shapiro. She discovered that when she moved her eyes back and forth that the material that she was thinking about became less disturbing. Later on. It's now. We know it's any bilateral stimulation. So tapping back and forth sounds in your tones in your ears back and forth vibrations back and forth in your hands or eye movements back and forth all spouse do. Well, it's interesting. We don't know a lot about the brain to know exactly what it does. But we do know that when we're in REM sleep. We also moving her eyes back and forth. It really heightens processing and it helps ground the material. So that's why they call it REM rapid eye movement right there are and that's when we're dreaming and processing material and storing it away, huh? So when you think about trauma it's traumas not stored like typical memory often times. It's not stored at all. It's why people say, you know L ask you experience something traumatic. Yes, and I am experiencing it every day Susie just kind of floating on top of everything exactly. That's perfect way to say it exactly and then by and then be MDR therapy by connecting it to emotions Sensations, Your body negative beliefs it helps to ground and store that information. Wow. Mmm-hmm. So what is a typical session like like a first session with someone hmm. First session is like any other first therapy session really history taking a lot of people will ask, you know, so what are the issues? What's the presenting problem? I'm actually not interested in the presenting problem at all. I know that sounds a little strange, but I want my My eye on the prize. I want to manifest the our goals and start doing that as soon as possible. So my first question or do the most important question the first session is how do we know when we're done with our work here what's different what feels different what's different about what you're experiencing and the world in your body. So in the first session, yes history goals some education about EMDR. And then second session. We may be talking about resource installation. We may do a safe place exercise which helps you get used to the EMDR process. So we would Target a safe place with all the positive emotions and positive Sensations in your body and it would look like a typical EMDR session with the bilateral stimulation and with the processing but with a focus on the positive and once the person is is is resource that may take a few sessions or may just be one session depending on the individual then we get into the processing of more difficult material really what you came there for. Are you using different versions of the bilateral movement for different people or is it are you just using the eye movement? Are you using tapping on sides or ear? Sounds good question that really depends on the right. It depends on the person's comfort. So there is a device that looks like a Walkman. Has headphones and then buzzers and your hands some people choose just to listen to the buzzing back and forth. Some people choose to just hold the buzzers. I work some with some other people I work with people internationally and nationally so they may order that device or a lot of times. They may just do the tapping back and forth. They find that just as effective. I'm literally just tapping your own shoulders. Basically. Yes as you're thinking about the trauma Yes, well that if that's I think a little I think a little over simplified but yes, so you think about the question I'd ask you around a specific trauma is if that trauma was a movie what frame of that movie represents the most disturbing part. So as you think about that, then you tap back and forth and you do that for maybe 20 seconds to a minute minute and a half depending on how long you want to process and then you come out and then you report back to me what came up. I really got a hot flash. - I'm really enraged or have XY & Z memory and then we're going to intervene just a little bit. Mostly without you biting your brain. Do it needs to be go back in noticing the braid you feel in the hot the heat in your body and then see where that goes and it goes back and forth like that. Wow. Yeah, I'm not trying to minimize the the process. I'm just trying to show kind of all of us how How simple it can be in a sense? Yes to move through something. That's so traumatic because it feels like it's something that could be unhealable like you can't get past it and or whatever it is. So my next thing is is who is this most ideal for hmm great question. So I'd say most people it works for I we were talking a little bit about trauma, but it works for a whole host of other things. So, Say for example, you reached out and said well, I've been dealing with these real negative feelings about my mother whenever I'm on the phone with her. I just can't stand her. She comes to visit a can't wait till she leaves. Okay, EMDR, we really helpful in that case as well. So we might Target an incident that you've had in the last couple of years where you with your mom you had a phone call and you got all these feelings and Sensations. So we just follow that through the session and don't you know, it goes back to when you were a child. And let's say and maybe you were a latchkey kid and you felt alone and not seeing and we process a lot of that and and that will have the impact in the in the car in your car and relationship. Wow. So right right. So even in relational therapy, you know, all of that may be stored as history may be playing out in your current relationship. You don't know where it's coming from, but it's really little Maria that's reacting. Yeah. I'm Yeah, totally will because I'm trying to figure out I mean, I know that for my research, you know rape victims sexual assault returning Soldiers with PTSD, but you know, there are so many of us everyone's in pain. Everyone has some level of suffering whether it's your mom was diagnosed with brain cancer. That's a trauma right? Absolutely or whether you've lived in fear because you felt unsafe as a child and that has built up and you know, I'm seeing it so clearly now literally like a covering because it it Shades everything you do in your life. It does it does I worked with so many years ago who used to say my trauma affects the way I brush my teeth. Oh my god. Wow, right because it's not in the past. It's not in the past. Yeah, I worked with someone who who helped me get through a little of it where he Ed he's like what you have to understand is you're not not safe now. It's like the double negative. He's like little Maria wasn't safe, but that's not who you are anymore and it did connect but I'm still I mean if someone Taps my shoulder I jumped to the Moon I still have such reflexive like fear and just you know, I'm always I'm always like on edge and nervous and And yeah fearful that something happening or going to happen. Yes. Yes, and I think what your experience is what most people experience it which is I understand it. It makes sense to me and I'm still reactive. I'm still having difficulty sleeping or still jump if you touch me from behind, yeah all of that because because it's literally, you know, it's literally stored in your body on a cellular level. Yeah, and and when you when you process it in a holistic way using your body and there's other ways Do it as well. You know PE will take care of it. But there's a lot of homework. It's PE NGO its exposure exposure. Mmm drawing a blank that something exposure. Another trauma therapy. Okay, and but there's a lot of there's a lot of homework and there's good going. I think you might even have to record yourself talking about the traumatic event from start to finish. And people are less likely to finish the treatment because of the outside work. Yeah, I really think it takes more sessions. I wonder why I'm sure it's some point you started with the event and now you've shifted to what result you want with your patient, right and focusing on that. Like if it was me you would say, you know, what's your result that? You know, what are we working towards and I would say I don't want to be scared every day. And so what was your thinking on that? And is that Happened. Did you shift from the event to that or were you always on the result? I think from the beginning what's interesting is you'll see so-so. Let's take a traumatic event. For example, say the target is I was you were you were almost abducted say an identity theft option. Is that happened a couple times? Oh, geez. Yeah. Oh that sounds terrific. So the focus is the worst part of that event. And the negative belief about yourself. Let's say the negative belief is I'm not safe anywhere or I'm not good enough or I'm not worthy something along those lines. We also want to look at the positive. What do you want to believe about yourself? When you look at that offense that I'm strong enough to survive it and and yeah and get out of it if something was to happen. Yes, so we process the negative going in around the worst part of that event and Then after one two, three sessions six tops, it wouldn't take too long. You'll get to the place where the event feels distant you don't see it as well. You're not feeling it and that negative belief is turned into that positive and which case we would install the positive. So we bring up that event again, which you can't bring up fully anymore. And then we install the I am safe. I'm okay. Wow, I got out of that. And I just had a little mini breakthrough, which is so funny. One of the times this happened was my parents. We were all in the mall and my parents went into I think it was like a Marshals and I really wanted to go to the pet store because I just loved animals. So they actually let me and my brother stay at the pet store and this guy came and he grabbed me by the arm and started to pull me and my brother screamed and I think that's probably why I'm terrified to be alone. Now, I don't like going anywhere alone. I didn't realize why. But it was the only time I was away from my parents and that happened and the other time it happened. I was alone as well walking down a street and it's so crazy. You have effectively learn to not be alone because they are things. Yeah. Yeah. Now I have a German Shepherd. So I feel safe when I'm alone. I'm so happy. I just discovered that the summer dami. I was home alone. My husband was away and I was like, wow, this is a great. Feeling to just be completely in silence and do whatever I want because I had someone's to keep me safe my dog literally will eat anyone that comes near me and so that's so funny. Well, but I love that you found a way. Anyway, yeah. Well God sent to die. Yeah, he was sent to me. So what do you typically tell your clients in terms of how many sessions it will take for each kind of very trauma does it? Change act, you know off the bat how long you think it'll take I could know off the bat depending a little bit about their history. If they have a history of complex trauma childhood trauma and additional trauma adulthood. That was that will take a lot longer. Although I will tell you. Yes, it will take longer but you'll have relief within one to three sessions to fully process. Yes. It'll take a little longer. But if you have a one-off drama a dog bite if You were in a plane crash and survived but no history of other trauma. Meaning, you know, Big T trauma, then you want one two, three and done well and does it last forever? It does. Wow. Yes. Yes, there's no undoing of the of the progress and the lack of symptoms. Yeah and explain to people a little bit about the research behind this because we started giving a few statistics earlier. Or that there were over 30 studies that showed how impressive EMDR is but I'm sure you have even better statistics than us. Mmm. I think there's probably hundreds of studies out there. I mean a few that really stand out for me are I think more recently there was a study done that compared a placebo an SSRI like a Prozac and EMDR and initially SSRI and EMDR were both Active but once the person came off of the ssris the symptoms returned EMDR was effective beyond that. Well, there's also studies that that back EMDR using for people with Phantom limb pain generalized anxiety performance enhancement those sorts of things. Yeah and our doctors using this more is is the westernmost. Medicine world coming this way, or is it still just kind of isolated and its own? I'm small. I'm seeing it more and more now. I am friends with a lot of doctors in the area and nationally and I am getting a few referrals from them. I think I don't want to bash the Healthcare System. Of course, I think that I get it. I think that the I think the first I think that the first line of defense to Piccoli is medication and when people show up my office, I want to use everything else in our toolbox before we get to that place. Yeah, and sometimes medication is really effective as a conjoint therapy. And then at some point you won't need it anymore for the most part but a to avoid that so I think it's happening more and more but not nearly what we needed to be. Yeah, how long is this session? Typically, well, it's funny. I think most EMDR therapists are doing 90 minutes. I'm a 60-minute go. I feel like that's usually plenty if in is in a difficult spot toward the end of the session. I'm a gay. I'm a go over I think 60 60 Minutes is really been sufficient sometimes an hour and a half to be particularly stressful. Yeah, just to stay in that least for the first session of a Target. I also wonder is there a certain person that is more susceptible to this? Like if if you have someone who really believes this can help them. Isn't it you know does the person's personality play into the result that all in this our can you have someone who's completely, you know questioning it and and maybe perhaps even negative just forced to try it by their wife or something. Are you seeing results with you know all kinds of personalities I am and I love that question because you know whenever someone walks into the office and says they're skeptical I do a little dance so that you know, that's great. No, it's good to be a little skeptical. You know, you always want to question you. Things and nervous and excited and hopeful but I think the skeptic is definitely my favorite and then I like to hear you know, after session 2 or 3. Well, you know, this is happening and I'm feeling a lot better and you know sleeping really well, but you know, it might not be the EMDR it could be this. Okay, that's fine. Let's wait and see. Yeah, that's so funny our resident skeptic Steven Lim you in the booth. I was thinking about it. I'm like if he and I walked into your office's like I'm super open. But I have my skeptical side because I'm a reporter. So I'm always digging and always looking. I'm not like a total like dive in kind of person but you know, I have a healthy level of skepticism. I think skepticism is great though, because like if you're questioning things then you're becoming more educated on the select before you dive in and I actually really like this I think psychology is so interesting because there is a valid connection between the mind and body and I'm more skeptical skeptical. Tickle of spiritual like metaphysical things, but when it comes to this like it is amazing how different techniques can completely change and rewire your brain to to deal with trauma and be able to function Every Day Life and I've seen people who have gone through different processes who could not be out in public they couldn't be in crowds. They couldn't go to a firework show for Fourth of July and after you know, they took years of different treatments. I don't think they tried EMDR but It was really amazing. Seeing how the different techniques let them be in public and let them experience Fourth of July and fireworks. Yes like that. You know, I think I think it's great. I wonder I wonder that actually just sparked another thought in me. I know that it works for people with anxiety. So I'm assuming just straight depression as well. Right? I think it's I think straight depression as it's hard for me to see anything through the not to the lens of trauma. Yeah, right. So you when I said if someone's coming in I have difficult relationship with mother my mother this is reaction. I'm seeing it through the lens of trauma someone you say straight depression. I'm also looking at that through the lens of trauma. I see a lot of the of the DSM, you know, the diagnostic statistical manual as a result in all those diagnoses as a result of are normal reactions to trauma. Yeah. I also wonder if you could explain there was something we were reading stuff. I remember you were telling me about This morning again is when the body is hurt. Right like the body is going to send healing signals and cells to that area and that the brain is no different. Can you explain that concept Stefano from the EMDR website that gives kind of like information on what it is. It says EMDR therapy shows that the mind can in fact heal from psychological trauma much as the body. He recovers from physical trauma when you cut your hand Your Body Works to close the wound. If a foreign object or repeated injury irritates the wound it festers and causes pain and it relates this back to how the mind works with trauma and that's kind of the basis of some of the EMDR Therapies. Yeah that the brain is basically healable as well. It's like it's an organ right? Yes, so why can't it be healable and and it is rather than just suppressed. I don't feel let me give you a pill don't feel which I know that there's a time and place. I have a friend who's in a situation right now, and I mean, it's critical and so I'm like we might need to do something just to keep you safe for a little while while we Up with the plan and it was so funny that this is what I was just exposed to in the last couple of days because thank God Gabby Bernstein told us about you and this is probably exactly what he needs because this is a person who dealt with a bipolar mother watched her try to kill herself watched his sister tried to kill herself and he's in a lot of deep pain right now and it hit me. I'm like wait mental illness is in his family. He Whether he has something or not, there's there's an illness there or and there's a trauma there that needs fixing and MDR would probably be perfect for him to study show around this. But but if you're processing trauma and healing in that way, your cortisol levels are going down and I do have people if they choose to homework outside of outside of sessions in addition to Safe Place exercises use other Music which is bilateral music, you know back and forth to really take your cortisol levels down. So you're living at a at a lower state of of anxiety. Wow. So is there something a resource on YouTube where if someone can't get to a Tammy and the Berkshires right now doesn't have any MDR person near them and they live in I don't know, Wisconsin and there's no one doing EMDR. Is there a resource they can use that can be at least somewhat helpful. Mmm. That's a great question. You know, I wouldn't recommend that anyone process trauma on their own a lot of times the trauma happened. It is a single event or on their own. And so that's that's a piece of what creates trauma that helplessness and the terror together. So I don't wouldn't want them to do anything that would re stimulate that but I don't think there's any harm in going to a safe place and bringing up those Sensations in your body and those emotions using bilateral music. Got it. Are you do you do FaceTime sessions? I do. Away, oh so that's a really great resource. Yes. That's how I see people in England and la oh, well, there you go that is really helpful actually because it covered by Insurance EMDR. So I think most insurance companies do to accept it. Now. Wow. Hmm. Yeah. I think that's new in the last few years. There are ways around it before then. Yeah, the people that get the treatment that they needed but but I it is covered by most insurance companies. Oh, that's really great. I mean it took forever for acupuncture to be covered. I can't imagine that EMDR already got their like we're just getting the EMDR here in the studio. Like it's already covered by Insurance. Hell, yeah. I wonder what is a session cost in general for EMDR. I think it varies I think you know, it was just covered by insurance if the therapist takes Insurance great. It's just your copay. There are as an organization. EMDR hap that trains therapists in the country may be outside the country around disasters and in remote areas that don't have EMDR therapists. And I think that the could providing that in the community level. I think it just varies from Market to Market. It can be anywhere from $30 to session to probably 500 dollars a session. Wow. Good to know are there any misconceptions? about EMDR the were not aware of I think a lot of people believe that it is having to re-experience the trauma and when done well, you don't have to necessarily re-experience the trauma a lot of times you can you can you can see it from a distance or if you're just working with the body and the emotions you can move through it that way but it's not a it's not a therapy Where You Are Sort of orally going through exactly what happened. You don't have to know what happened in order to process it. You will say. No, I don't remember exactly I said, you know that the memories and the thoughts in your mind that doesn't matter. Let's put that aside tell me what your body is telling you something tell me what you're feeling in your body and emotions that go with it. That'll be our little window. That's where we can take a peek and that'll let us in you do a lot of work with people in. In their critical kind of moments. How do you protect yourself? That's a great question. Sometimes I take it home. I'm not going to lie. And sometimes there's a lot of things that I hear that are really difficult. I'll re here when I want to go to sleep or I'll pop in my mind when I'm driving down the road but most of the time most of the time it doesn't I'm I'm a triathlete I run it off the ocean and the woods are my church. Health's I have good friends I take good care of myself and I do my own work as well. I think that ultimately though it's the results in the connections of the people that I'm working with that allow me to not take it home. We're healing together, you know, and and in the end that's moving and inspiring and I'll take that home with me. I love God guys. Do you have any questions before? For we wrap up these stories are so inspirational like different people who have experienced trauma and different different moments. Is there anyone that you were like very skeptical of whether or not this therapy could help them but like through doing it you were just amazed by the treatment. Hmm. Absolutely, there's definitely there's definitely been folks that I've worked with and I thought okay, how are we going to move this together? There's so much at first, it feels like sort of trudging through the weeds and then and then bit by bit session by session. You can feel the lightness and see the changes. So yeah, I get I get your question and absolutely they've been times when Not skeptical, but it's more could be more difficult than most or the trauma isn't nudging quite in the way that I expected it to. But I've yet to come across anyone that it hasn't. That it hasn't really effectively change their lives. Wow. So would you say that EMDR cures PTSD? I think I just hold my breath when you said if if you anyone in holistic were in the holistic World get scared with that because they come guns blazing for you. Maybe I shouldn't be asking that kind of question. No. It's great. It's challenging. I think if if by cure you mean that your PTSD symptoms are no longer there that you don't qualify for the diagnosis. Absolutely. Yeah good because it doesn't return could you be re-traumatized? Yes and triggers your moral rights. Can you be reached triggered? No, you won't because you're past it exactly as you it's you know, what it feels like. Okay, so I have a computer genius that we have on our show from time to time. His name is Ajay. And he taught me. He's like Maria your computer can never truly be wiped. I'm like, yeah, but I hit the white button on the Mac and it's supposedly wiped and it starts fresh. She goes. No, the only way to wipe your computer is to reprogram over it. You have to recode over whatever you did and that's the only way to get rid of it. So to me that seems like the brain the only way to get rid of the trauma is to reprogram over it. So that's what you're doing your cramming the positive space over that so you can't be triggered. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, exactly ding ding ding. Wow. I just got the chills all the way down my body. Yes, you did it perfectly. Absolutely. You got it. You'll remember though you'll get that what used to be a trigger and say, oh, I remember that would happen and then I would feel this way. But where's that old friend of mine? I'm not feeling that way. Yeah. Oh my God, I Wait to do this. I'm going to call you the second we hang up on Skype. I'm going to call you. I'm going to schedule appointment for me for everyone in my life. You're going to be busy for the rest of your life. Just taking care of everyone. I know stuff. Do you have a question before we let Tammy go? No, I just want to thank you for bringing this information. There are so many women that I know are suffering through trauma from sexual abuse at this will really help in a way. I didn't think they could get the help. Yeah. So cool. We always ask at the end how you are getting better every day in your own life. And you painting I think I touched on that a little bit with I'm always competing against myself when it comes to running time swimming times Viking times Triathlon times that sort of thing spent a lot of time in the woods that live in the woods here in the Berkshires and a lot of time in the water. I travel a lot. I do my own work and I have done my own EMDR and the past it's the only thing I find effective for myself and I say yes when the universe shows up and asks me to do things and stretch and I'll say yes, I like that when the universe asks me to stretch God. That is so good. I love that. Wow, Timmy. Thank you so much for sharing. In your knowledge and for taking the time to do this, you're going to help a lot of us get thank you. I really appreciate being here. I'm honored to be called one of your guests. I know you have really remarkable and inspirational people and I'm happy to be here. Hey everybody Steven here from the booth. Sorry to interrupt for a second, but I have to tell you about Spotify on Spotify. You can listen to all your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify as a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including Better Together, which I'm hoping you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes to listen to offline wherever you are and you can easily share what you're listening to with your friends on Instagram. Remember, Marie always says to be nice people make good choices and be present and one of the things you can do presently is make a good choice to go download the Spotify app and search for Better Together. You can browse other podcasts in your library Tab and you can make sure to follow us here. So you don't miss an episode of Better Together guys. What have we learned? And that this episode needs to be spread far and wide to everyone we know yes. Yes. That is what I know honestly, how do we are do ourselves each week? I'm like blown away every week. Oh my God. How did we not know about this? That's what you get when you said that you were like, we didn't even know it's like covered by insurance or just crazy. How did we not know about we've been in the dark we've been hiding under rocks scam how have why haven't you told us about this scam? Yes scam. It's the deal. This is my fault. I believe you. We've been doing the show for weeks now months. Now, you know what we have to think Gabby Bernstein. Yes. So now we going to ask her hmm, who else you got and like you said? Yeah sure this far and wide guys because so many of us are in pain and it's all real and no one's pain should be dismissed or ignored and You know, yes, there are different degrees of it. But everyone's pain is real and everybody wants healing and if you can do a couple sessions of EMDR couple hours of your life to be healed and be able to move forward and a better way. I can't wait. I am scheduling it today for me and like 80 other people. So Tammy maybe not available for you guys, but still literally just spent like 10 minutes just reaching out to all of her family like this is what we need. Yeah. I have one friend in particular those like this is going to cure you. Oh my Lord. I'm so grateful because everything happens at the right time. Like I have a friend who's in a critical place and I was trying to figure out who what what's the solution and it's critical on him like this is this is it and the next couple of days will be done will be through it. Like that's I know possible because of what you just said, it could be as little as three sessions. It could even be one but part of it is is that I have friends who have suffered from sexual abuse and they were so desperate. They tried to shock therapy and things that literally block out the part of your memory that had that and it always returns but this is a solution that it's not painful. It's not like doing something to your brain your what you were saying reprogram me and you're putting something over it. That's like make sense. Yeah it is. Painful weed. So shock therapy in the frontal lobe and that had to have heard. Yeah. Yeah. That's when there's EMDR but this is why when you know better you get better right people don't know about EMDR like we didn't I was aware of EMDR. I just didn't know much about it. And so I'm super grateful that we got to chat with Tammy and learn so much about it. I hope it's helpful to you guys. Like I said think of the people that you love and share this episode. I sewed with them. And anybody who does do EMDR as a result of this share your stories with us in the comments section of Apple podcast YouTube Spotify. Let us know you can email us at better together with Maria at We love love. Love to hear from you. As always. Thank you guys for listening and for commenting it does light up my life. We got such a nice comment like YouTube has been Giving us life and iTunes out obviously Apple podcast, but we got such a nice comment on one of our patreon posted the other day. I'm gonna text it to you. I'm going to pull it up right now because yeah, that's what really made me cry Carolyn Taylor Who's one of our patrons on patreon said I'm starting to soak legumes and cook them with my Sunday meal prep, and I'm also roasting veggies like butternut squash brussels sprouts etcetera to add to loose leaf lettuce and salad throughout the week. I've even started buying the interval of size individual size pre-made salads and throwing out the dressing and using my own for busy weeks. I don't write a lot online due to my own neurological issues, but I'm listening all the time and after 5 years struggling with chronic vestibular migraines. I finally feel like I found my tribe with tears in my eyes and love in my heart sending you all the positive energy on this beautiful Sunday. So beautiful. I mean you guys kill me. We are your tribe and your our tribe and soon we'll get to meet our tribe because I am going to start putting events together where we can all connect and get together. And so that is on the horizon. I just got to get my mom, you know well and and then we can move forward with some of that stuff, but I am excited about that in the meantime Stephen. Will you let some of our Listeners who aren't a part of patreon yet know what we're doing. So we are building a community on patreon because obviously, you know Maria with everything she went through on this to be a passion project, but it just became so much more and through it becoming more we want to be able to do more. So we have three episodes a week right now this episode as well as an after show where we discuss our interviews and then we also have a second full episode that we tape every Tuesday. So we have three episodes every single week. For you guys for patrons and you know what you get the show at free on patreon. So we upload the podcast you can subscribe to an RSS feed there with and we will make a video to show you how to like add it onto your Apple podcast feed or your smartphone and you'll get all of our episodes ad-free on there and you get access to our Discord where you can communicate with Maria you can communicate with me and Steph ask questions and certain tiers can like interact with our guests and stuff like that before these shows. It's really cool and it's been really fun to build it. Yeah, because you know, the interaction is Super amazing. Yeah, we want to be closer connected to everybody and and I think the idea behind even being able to connect with our guests is really cool, too. So we are excited about the patreon and if you want more information, you can go to backslash join backslash Maria Menounos stuff you put that in the summary every week. I'm sure anyways, so you guys can just click in the summary if you want to learn more about EMDR you can just visit if you want to learn more about the Transformation Center that is tami's Center. You can visit transformation -, which is also going to be in the summary could be like to keep things easy for you. Is there anything else I'm missing you also mentioned on the show another another research which which was EMDR happened. You can find that at H AP h a P okay, you can't forget our Apple podcast comment. We have a bunch of them, but I just want to highlight one which is Aspen for Mass says grateful. I'm so grateful for you and your team and the amazing people and content you bring each week. I learn and grow as well as gain comfort that there are really many like-minded people out there. I've been on my own personal development journey of created so much happiness and health and abundance after conquering many challenges and I'm so inspired and comforted from you and your guests stories each week PS ever since your XM radio show. I've been telling my kids to be kind and make good choices each morning. And when I drop them off at school, I love that. Yeah be kind to make good choices. Alright guys, that's it for us today. Thank you so much again for joining us. You can follow us at Maria Menounos at Tam csw for Timmy velocity at stuffs a bra at Steven Lim you photo and remember be nice people make good choices and be present.
Join our Facebook group!   How have we gone this long without hearing about EMDR-Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing? The team feels indebted to Tammy Valicenti, a practicing psychotherapist with expertise in trauma and addiction recovery, for teaching us about this therapy that is helping heal people with incredible success rates. EMDR helps the patient process and resolve stored memories using an eight-phase approach. Practitioners initially used it to treat people with traumatic memories, but they now use it to treat a variety of disorders, including: phobias, PTSD, anxiety, chronic pain and depression. EMDR addresses the past experience of trauma, the present triggers for dysfunctional emotions and beliefs, and the positive experience needed to improve future mental and emotional functioning. About Tammy: Tammy Valicenti, LICSW is the founder of The Transformation Center located in the Berkshire hills of Massachusetts. She is a practicing psychotherapist with expertise in trauma and addiction recovery. Tammy works with clients nationally and internationally and has renowned success utilizing EMDR to treat trauma, anxiety and panic as well as to enhance performance for actors and entrepreneurs. Tammy has over twenty years of experience treating various forms of trauma and addiction, and has helped foster life-changing results for survivors of rape and sexual assault. As a result of her success, Tammy has been called on by leading addiction treatment centers in the U.S. to perform EMDR therapy for their inpatient clients. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
This is the lightning junkies podcast with your host Chaz cryptic on this episode of the podcast. We have Daniel Goldman and we're contrasting Bitcoin and ethereum layer 2 Solutions. What did you just say? Aetherium? Did you just say etherium on my Bitcoin lightning podcast? How dare you sir this?Is totally unacceptable. I would like to speak to your manager. All that being said, I don't think it's actually a bad thing that we have Daniel on the podcast today my main goal with getting this information on here is not to cheerlead for ethereum or to otherwise promote it or see it as a good thing. The goal of this episode is to focus on the technology as much as possible and try to see what ways ethereum 's different developments can actually assist Bitcoin and not have us actually compromise on our ethos in the same time later on in the episode. We actually get into a lot of those more controversial topics, you know, we get into Bitcoin scaling we get into the block size. We talk about social layers. We talk about the pre mine on ethereum. We talked about quite a bit more as well. So I hope you stay tuned for the entire episode and don't let the click Beatty. Type of bullshit that I no doubt put for this title dissuade you or otherwise discourage you from from listening all the way through. I apologize that I didn't have a show last week and that I was a day late uploading this one. I'll definitely try to do better in the future. I have just fallen behind with the holidays and you know to be quite Frank just the depression has not been super great lately, but I'm powering through the best I can hear so I'm trying something new this month. I still don't have any official sponsors. But I'm going to go ahead and try something here with spark swap spark swap is a service that allows you to use your fiat currency to purchase Bitcoin on the lightning Network directly. I've been using it since since launch and it's the one of two ways that I happen to buy Bitcoin presently. I either using spark swap or I use the cash app personally. My setup is a zap wallet on my desktop paired with spark swap. They Clay opened up a Channel with me when I started using their service. I bought my SATs and within seconds those sites were spendable with either within that sap wallet or within a different wallet that I happened to control. I think spark swap pairs really well with something like fold moon or bit refill because if you're able to save money on things like Amazon using the lightning Network, why not use your Fiat to buy Bitcoin and then immediately spend it. On things you might already be spending your money on just giving you a bigger ability to stack SATs or otherwise save money. If you want to give spark swap a try you can sign up using my link. It's /ln J spark. Again that URL is a /l NJ spark in order to stack a hundred thousand SATs for clicking on this. Link you just need to buy $15 worth of bitcoin and you're good to go. Just a quick disclaimer. I also get paid out a hundred thousand SATs as well. But if you want to support the podcast to this is an easy way to do that and be able to sign up for a good service that I genuinely use unlike if anyone out there ever has any questions on bitcoin or the lightning Network or just wants to start using it for the first time don't ever hesitate to reach out to me. I would be happy to give you resources. Sources to learn more or directly give you recommendations based upon my experience with Bitcoin in the lightning Network. I think it's been long enough. Let's go ahead and jump into this episode so we can get on with you yelling at me on Twitter about it. Okay. I would like to go ahead and welcome Daniel to the lightning junkies podcast. How are you doing today? Daniel? I'm doing well. Thanks for having absolutely, you know, I had you join me on the podcast here. Very last minute have been even, you know, taking any notes or written up anything. We're just going to do this by the seat of our pants. And I think we're going to have a decent amount of information come out of this the main reason why We're going to have you on the show here I think is to analyze the various different Layer Two Solutions out there. Maybe not exhaustively but some of the bigger ones and try to compare and contrast to the lightning network with a Bitcoin here before we do all that. I wanted to just do the the basic, you know podcast he type thing and just get your general background made before even getting into Bitcoin or crypto generally. Actually, I did math in philosophy it just as an undergrad. I think I'm some level I Was preparing for for the Advent of cryptocurrency. I guess. Yes, I was a developer and I think it was in 2011. Although I'm not totally sure a good friend of mine. We were having lunch and he mentioned this thing called Bitcoin and what's I think probably unusual is that for me? I was like instantly sold in that conversation. Like if we had audio of that conversation, it would probably be kind of embarrassing because I was just like immediately just swallowing everything especially like sort of the political Applications I thought this was like potential for you know, an exciting opportunity to explore some of these kind of crazier out there voluntarist ideas. So even before I really understood how it worked. I was sort of just like mentally make me feel like in the gaps and you know, we just like talked about it all day into the night and I think he's in that night. I was like already, you know, I think we had like a dinner with some family friends. I was already like almost evangelizing it honestly over the years. I sort of followed what was going on in the space from a distance. I did buy some fairly early. Obviously, it's not as much as I wish and not as early as I wish. If as as usual, but I did get some and yeah, I sort of followed I was interested but I didn't cross that line into being fully obsessed then in part because this is something I think people kind of forget or don't talk about but sort of at the time before the big, you know, the more recent of my recent boom and interest in these past few years. It was really a lot harder to get good information, especially if you're interested on a technical level 3 2017, I would say you there just wasn't as much available in terms of resources. There's Isn't as much written about it and you know, the sort of media coverage was always very shallow very big. So if you wanted to get a more of a technical understanding you kind of have to dig into like Bitcoin talk threads and things like that, which if you weren't, you know, it was a bit of a it could be a bit intimidating and I just didn't at the time krait cross that line of obsession. Unfortunately if I could go back obviously, I would push myself. I mean yes, I kind of followed it from a distance and you know generally would tell people about it and sort of evangelized, you know, friends and family and you know, whoever was Unfortunate enough to be around me all the time. Eventually. I actually, you know to be honest once knocks happened. I sort of embarrassed to say this now but at the time I thought like okay that's going to be just a drastic setback for many years and I thought it would take a very long time to recover in terms of just having a decent enough public perception to make any grounds, which was semi true, but I did not think things would fire up again that quickly so that surprised me so I sort of probably lost track of things around then it was really what got me back into it and eventually got me sort of fully into it. In a way that I can get into is around probably late 2016 the same Trend actually who tipped me off to bitcoin was like, you know, there's this thing called aetherium now and you should look into it you sort of less less technically minded than I am. So you kind of wanted me to look into it I started digging in and I was just like what the hell is this? And what are they talking about? And I couldn't quite understand what they've meant when they're talking about this a currency but this platform on top of it and you could build things so digging into that. I became very very intrigued and that kind of inspired me to dig back into Bitcoin and kind of learning about both in parallel decline in ethereum and understanding the technical trade-offs that are there and the trade-offs that were made with Bitcoin somehow. That's what sort of sent me down the rabbit hole initially. I particularly got very interested in some of the scaling debates going on and kind of be oh, I don't know the sort of broader philosophical implications of the scaling debates, I guess and yeah at a certain point on hold down that line, I just kind of became obsessed. And somewhere in there actually with this the same friend and and a third friend. We started a small business basically doing a client-based work technical Consulting technical due diligence in the kind of cryptosystems like that. We have a lot of fun and you know manage to pay the bills so I can't complain but I think being more directly in the world full-time like that. I what you inevitably see and what we certainly saw is that, you know to be very blunt the majority of the projects out there in the things going on or just kind of Bullshit and you know that's sort of pretty quickly just changed the way I Saw the space in general and eventually it just it just started wearing us down because it was like, especially when you do client base work, you have to like cast a very wide net and then most of our conversations were just like, okay. No, we definitely can't work with these people or if we are going to move forward. It's just going to be us convincing them not to do what they want to do. No, you don't need a blockchain. And do you know what that means and know you should do an icy. Oh and you know what that means at this point, you know, I sort of work more independently. Are doing software development Consulting a lot of the same things, but basically our only get directly involved in things that are more directly aligned with my interests. I would say and my main interest at this point are with layer to scalability as you said on the on the Bitcoin and ethereum side with you know, all the cards on the table. I am one of the people one of the increasingly few people. It seems that it was sort of interested in kind of optimistic about both Bitcoin and ethereum and yeah soppida happy to get into that as well. But I guess that's a general overview. I guess. The only other thing is, you know, I also write With our company, we had a company blog and I've published just independently at the Block as well and I read on generally on like technical matters and touch on some of the broader issues. Yeah. Okay, I'll lots of unpack there. So we'll definitely jump into quite a few of those topics here. That was a lot yesterday. Yeah, if you interrupt me at any point, I can ramble sometime. Oh sure. You know what honestly I feel like maybe that's one of my less good skills. There is just being able to jump in. I tend to let people just ramble as much as they want to okay. I'll keep that in mind. Okay. So the main thing that I wanted to jump back into here first was so it sounds like your primary interest in Bitcoin. Etherium Etc was the technology portion. Is that right? Yeah, I would say so would you say that the economic, you know piece attached to bitcoin or just less interesting or just less kind of geared towards your you know, previous career stuff like that. I wouldn't say that I would say, you know, I would say, you know, the things that I feel I have a good understanding of and that I And a focus on or the technological developments, but I also think that one of the things you realize and I think more and more people have realized this in this space is that well, first of all, when you're talking about quote unquote this technology, if you remove the economic Factor all together, like what some of these I don't know proprietary blockchain projects that essentially stops making any sense. So I you know, I guess what I'm getting at is I think the economic factors are sort of inseparable from the technical ones and I would say even more broadly the sort of bags. Don't even know what word to use but the philosophical or moral and even political considerations are sort of inseparable from the technical ones as well. Just part of what makes this stuff. So interesting to me, I think so. No, I mean I'm definitely interested in analyzing these things as economic systems to but I would say like I definitely have more of a technical background an economic one to be honest. A lot of what I know about finance and even economics has climbed from being in the space, which would probably horrified someone who's in the traditional Science World, I guess. So, yeah, that's more that's the technical stuff is more what I felt. Photographer but definitely interested. Okay, that definitely makes a lot of sense there. You know, what was the favorite part of Bitcoin or the favorite part of the theorem that really kind of pulled you in at the end of the day maybe finally in 2016 where you finally said, you know what I need to actually jump into this thing. Yeah. It was probably the probably some of the scaling debates and particularly these questions around layer to the scalability which one which I'm sure will get into, you know, I mean on a fundamental I'll level obviously I sort of want to see I want to see Ben Cohen succeed and I want to see aetherium succeeded because I sort of think having this this kind of parallel Financial Universe of where people can sort of transact anonymously or pseudo anonymously and we can have these disintermediated layers. It could be a very positive thing and all sorts of ways and it seemed like the technical challenges to get there. We're going to be these very big obstacles. And yeah, I mean there was this sort of again this kind of political level interest but I also just found the technical questions to be interesting on a more academic level particularly around scalability and I think weighing into those debates. It was clear that there's a lot of fascinating work being done, but it was also clear that a lot of people sort of Dipping their toes in it didn't understand some important things and things were being may be misrepresented or overemphasize or under emphasize and things like that. And I don't know it's just sort of how my brain works that when I see people like me, Thinking I have this impulse to like way and then try to clear things up, I guess so, I think a lot of this stuff I've written to sort of has that motivation of just trying to help people better understand it. Yeah slightly vague answer but hopefully that gives you some sense. Yeah, it definitely does. So the next piece that I wouldn't you know, I want to touch on here is okay. So we kind of mentioned Bitcoin be kind of mention aetherium. When was the first time you actually used a operational layer to system and for this particular example sample, I would prefer something that does not you know, that might technically count like a coin basis like off chain, maybe not a layer 2, but I prefer like an actual like protocol. So in this example, you know, first time you use lightning the first time you used any other layer 2 protocol not necessarily A just off chain database sort of thing. Sure and yeah, I'm sure I'm happy to get into that distinction between off chain earlier to I'm not sure he'll dig deeper into that. I think so. Surely be I think it's fair to say that the first ever mobile lightning payment was I was present for and it was like almost not on my phone. So this was at a lightning conference in Berlin and was with Renee picquart was writing that mastering or you know gets involved in this mastering lightning but coming up we got connected cuz I'd written something about lightening and he had an odd set up and at this bar in Berlin, I'm blanking out on the name now, but it's a famous one. They accepted crypto very early. I decided the coin very early room 77. Yes. Thank you. So yeah there he had he had a node setup kind of custodial lightning node. Although he was running it himself so that I guess the question is where was he running a bit of may have been Honor on a third-party service and yeah, we tried to do it on my phone. It didn't work. But only because my phone was shitty at the time. I'm kind of Crash not it was not it was not the fault of him or the tacit. Yeah. I saw that happen in action, which was pretty cool. I just I say that partially to establish some same Bitcoin credit creds because I'm sure some people have just stopped listening when they heard it there. Erotica, I've also used I think that that may have been the first time somewhere in there. I use is that the desktop wallet and purchased a few things with lightning and it is very cool. When you see it in action that sort of gut feeling you get when you see how fast it is is is pretty awesome. So yeah, I was both that sort of it was exciting having sort of been reading about this stuff and thinking about it academically to finally use it but also when you use it, you you realize there's a lot of a lot of work to be done on the ux side particularly in just setting it up. It's definitely even as a you know, as a developer who sort of had some experience with devops and things like that, you know, it's hard to imagine somebody without that background going through this although it is getting better. But I yeah, I've definitely used it. I don't want to note at the moment a landing know but for the I did so I do know what that's like a travesty. Unfortunately. You will be ejected off the podcast starting now, I figured yeah. I was waiting just to be clear this was The at the lightning hackathon last year. This was in 2018. If I'm not if I have that right? Yes 28. So yeah, so two years ago, technically, I forgot it's a 2020 - that's right. Did your adventures into off chain / Layer Two Solutions stop there? No, in terms of stuff. I've used I haven't really used any of the side chain stuff, but I have sort of messed around with things. On the ethereum side, so some of the some of the channel and Channel network setup. So this was I guess they're originally calling themselves counterfactual. I think now they're just calling himself State channels. Generally. They have had some tech that I've sort of done some development with and just kind of played around with it also the connects wallet and there that's one of the Network's that's live. I've used that which is pretty cool. I am definitely interested in plasma and I've written about it and I've messed around with things but that was sort of strictly test net stuff. That's still farther from - production-ready most certain land. Other than that that's the only I would say like layer to earlier to related Bitcoin thing I've done is the is the Lightning Jack in São Paulo and things like that. Yeah a few other things on the ethereum side that I've that I've directly Miss. Okay. Let's go ahead and jump in into those a little bit. They're the side chain project that has the X Dy token that allows you to send your, you know die basically off chained people and its really fast Etc. Is that right? Oh, yeah, so that's that's actually a different one that I've also used them. So that is yeah. That's more of a federation. Added sidechain thing got it, which is called X Dy and that's yes, that's more of a trusted Federation. I had to use that as well. Now that you mention it. No, but the one I was referring to was counterfactual / State channels. That's a that's a Channel network project. So that's more of a trust with layer to a system as again, we can talk more about that distinction. Okay, so maybe since I don't know what the hell you're talking about here, you'll go ahead and let me know so sure. Yeah, so I guess the you mentioned this kind of off Chan layer to distinction and it sounds like by the way, you framed it. I kind of use those terms the same way. Think about it the same way it's always kind of tricky because you know, there's no single there's no single Authority out there to Define these things for us. Right? So people use the terms differently. So for some people layer to they would use that to be very broad even to include things as you said like having the money on coinbase or something for other people. It's a little more narrow but I use it for more than Heroes. So I guess yeah, we can start with let's just say as you said off chain is generally anything that doesn't involve using the base layer directly. So probably we don't have to go into the scalability issues. I think probably your listeners are pretty familiar with that. But you know in short using the base chain means everything has to be validated by everybody running a node and everybody in the future who thinks up and it has two validated as well. And you know, in other words every update has to be Global and that's just a very inefficient way a very inefficient way to do things as far as like software engineering principles are concerned. Yeah. So the idea is to make this more efficient. Okay. Let's just offload some of this work other places. I'm very Broad and that first distinction between sort of layer 2 and other off chain protocols. We can make by drawing this line between those which require additional trust assumptions in those that don't so requiring additional trust assumptions. The simplest version is just resting a third party like using coinbase. Okay, that's off Chan other words sorts of trust assumptions in the you might use our as we mentioned things like side chains x i the liquid side chain and so on where we have a federation I should say a Federated sidechain in particular where the just assumption there is we're relying on you know, and I'm an honest majority or not a super majority of the Federation. I think things like State Chains would be in this category to which I think you did a whole show on stage. And so if people want details I can listen to that but my understanding if I remember correctly is that in those cases you have a side chain like mechanism whether this operator and there is a scenario where the you know, you end up having this kind of multisig setup where you actually give your private keys or give one side of the private key. So the operator and there is the scenario where Operator can collude with other members in theory and steal your funds essentially. I think it's sort of difficult and involves some coordination. And I also think there's this nice property where if they you have like fraud evidence. So if they do it, it'll be very obvious to somebody else to a human being looking but you can't actually do anything within the protocol. So the fact that there's some additional trust assumption there. I would say puts it kind of on that side. And then yeah, I'm on the other side the things that I would call layer to our systems that any system that we can transact somehow. It's more efficient. An using layer 1 to be very broad. Some of the data is kept off trains. Some of the work is kept off trans something like that, but we are not taking on any additional trust assumptions Beyond just the base layer itself. Obviously the base layer has to keep working the records at the base layer fails layer 2 is going to be in trouble too. So we take on those and then there might be some more work you have to do there might be some inconvenient things. But every all of that is dependent on software that you yourself control and you yourself were up there might be additional security assumptions. Let's say but you're not trusting any Channel third parties so that's sort of the space that I'm interested in and where I think that's amazing lightning certainly Falls in that category. And then there's this other kind of families of constructions that you've alluded to that are going on on the etherium side that I think are are interesting as well. And there's sort of interesting discussions about to what extent those are possible there might be possible in the future on bitcoin. Yeah, so that's I guess that's the first key distinction. We should make taking on trust assumption. I think Matt Correll is the one who give that definition of you know relies on security of the base layer and software that you yourself run and I kind of like that. I think another way to sort of think about it that we can kind of circle back to is to get more specific about trust assumptions. You're not relying on any assumptions about I guess about data availability. So that's kind of what it all comes down to and it's this took me a while to grasp But ultimately I trust assumption means that you're relying that someone else won't withhold data from you. So yeah, I guess like within that layer to category, I guess the first split we can make is between channels and these other things we can call them like Non-custodial side chains or trustless side chains and that's where some of the plasma stuff comes in with channels. So lightning is in this category. I think a nice way to formally make draw this line formerly to find those is the parties that are participating in a channel which is often just often just two parties, although in principle. It could be could be more than two things like Channel factories and so on every party involved sort of has to give full consent for every for every state update you have to get unanimous consent. So when we update a lightning Channel, you're making this payment the parties kind. Interactive both effectively sign off on the latest payment and one way shape or form and that's when it's considered battle, right? So, yeah, so that that gives us lightning there's different Channel constructions. The one that's using lightning now is like hundreds of channels or at least something kind of like them something like what came out of the lightning white paper, even though it may have been modified a bit where effectively what you do is you say, okay, we're going to keep making these updates we agree on the latest State and then, you know, presumably eventually we're going to sort of cash that out at the end sort of like updating a bar tab or something. The challenge is guaranteeing that only that latest 8 gets cached out and with Boone dried two channels. What you effectively do is you say anytime I make a payment to you. I also give you the ability to invalidate the last one. So if I settle with an old Channel I try to claim, you know claim funds that sort of aren't the last line on the balance sheet. You have this you have this preimage of this hash. This key that lets you just clam all of those funds. So you kind of punish me by just taking all the funds in the channel and that's that's that's one approach. There are other approaches that sort of get you the same results, but are ideally better in some ways. So on bitcoin there's there's this this proposal called L2, which I'm sure you've talked about it at some point the idea with L2 instead of sort of having these these relocations of Old State you can sort it as use the latest state. So if I try to cash out an Old State you can just update it to the latest one so in so this is arguably nicer in a few ways because now I don't need to sort of maintain all this data for all the old I'll say it's only need the latest one. So that's less of a burden and it also means you don't have punishments anymore, which is arguably better this way if there's a bug in the software if there's an honest mistake, you won't get punished for it. It'll just sort of fast forward to the late state. So this is this is sort of already one of the one of the little one of the splits and one of the things that where the tech diverges from the Bitcoin and ethereum side is with L2. So it's currently not possible requires some some new outputs and at least the initial Proposal with L2 required Sig hash no input which Which from what I've seen it's actually a little trickier than maybe it first appeared is various problems with it and it's kind of a kind of a whole debate going on. And from what I've heard in my tit. Just there's a chance that it doesn't quite happen at least with some cash. No input and there may be other ways to get into things. But the point is it requires some protocol change but this style of channel will you just update to the latest state that is possible on a theory on my reading and in fact the project I mentioned State channels counterfactual is is effectively doing that where you have these channels you can just agree on the latest. State and you just have sort of a nonce associated with it this number that just gives incrementing. So if we have agreed on state 30 state bird is the only valid one and the details we can have anything the involved in the details those damn half and just be a payment. It can be some some weird smart contract sort of thing. So that's one example where you know the sort of flexibility of the base layer actually does directly give you some more power to do these Channel constructions, which is interesting. Of course, the trade-off is flexibility on the base layer has a lot of other downsides on layer 1 and that's that's a whole other debate to be had at the base. Like idea of channels and even within channels we can talk about various other mechanisms that exist in this area where you can do do a certain things ways of handling liquidity differently ways of routing sort of differently that the that the scripting lets you do. Does that make sense so far. Anyway, I don't want to keep her. Yeah, that was those quite a bit there. So we're gonna have to go back through, you know, some of what you said here. Yeah. The first thing that's in my head here is you know, I've definitely heard of you know, Plasma on ethereum and that whole idea, you know vitality. I think has been you know, pumping that idea for years. If I'm remembering correctly. I've always just generally never cared enough to actually go research it intensely. You know, I know it's a thing. I know it kind of exists. I know it's not in production and the same way that lightning might be it's still kind of early Etc. Do you want to kind of let the listeners know a cow plasma works the kind of give them a general idea sure the first of all I would say, you know not caring enough to really dig into it is Perfectly reasonable there's a lot going on in the crypto space and that you know, everyone can't follow everything and especially if you're in the Bitcoin World totally reasonable to focus on bitcoin things. One thing that I'd generally push for is, you know, if I do have if I do have some evil agenda here, it's not to us not to sell bitcoiners on ethereum Tech but to just sort of show that these constructions in and of themselves a are interesting and they're kind of worth wanting so I just welcomed more discussion about, you know, Kandi's constructions be ported over into bit. And like I said, you know to what extent are they possible and so on which again not every sort of specialized knowledge and not everyone has to do that. But there are a small handful of researchers who sort of try to bridge the gap from one side and the other and yeah, I just kind of think there should be more more cross-pollination there and so on. Yeah, okay. So as far as plasma goes, so on the one side, we have Channels with so channels require unanimous update the idea of plasma is essentially we don't have that requirement. That's the first thing to understand so we have all these off chain transactions and you can transact on This in this plasma system without all the parties involved sort of having to sign off on every update. So what this sort of looks more like is we have these transactions off chain, they kind of get bundled together hash down into a block route that route gets put on chain and the idea of just with that that's enough to preserve this this trustless layer to a property. So just from how I described it there. You can see this sort of starts to look like its own blockchain this this this plasma system. We you know, we're forming blocks and we're just publishing them these the roots of the block line. And so we can think of it as a side chain. I kind of try to avoid the term side chain because that's one of those terms that's used so vaguely and so differently by different people it just kind of seems meaningless at this point. I often Point people to for Jorge skull for you. I think that's how you pronounce his name as a paper for has this essay called something like my living room sofa is a side Chen and I think he's basically right is living room sofa is the side chain and it just it just it's a little too vaguely defined but we can just sort of say a sidechain. Okay, you sort of know it when you see it. You have the system that's like there's a layer 1. There's a mansion a side chain is sort of dependent on layer one that listens for updates on it. You can see you can deposit things on the side chain, but layer one kind of doesn't care what's going on in the same chance something like that with plasma. We're doing that sort of thing. But we want to do it non-custodial. So what this means in practice is again, we have somebody producing blocks. Let's just call and the plasma operator for now and it can we can imagine it's centralized from levies for the moment. We can come back to that. But so it's entirely centralizes a single party in control, but we want to be a centralized but non-custodial sort of Idea, so the operator publishes these blocks on chain are published as rather just America roots of these blocks on chin and then off chain sort of gives all the users enough data that they are guaranteed to maintain the custody of their funds so that so in other words, you have the ability to prove ownership of your funds at any point and the complexity comes in with withdrawals. Obviously you sort of do these games where you build back and forth proving so, you know, so you might say something like your your eggs, Sitting with your funds so you withdraw your claiming. Yes. I own these here and then someone else might say no here's proof that you spent them since then, you know, then there might be like a response to that of some sort. So you have this sort of this interactive game to prove ownership. It's a little hard to explain the details just out loud like this without a whiteboard or something, but that's where a lot of the real plasma mechanism is in is in that exit game of how can we guarantee that even in the worst case scenario? You'll always be able to prove ownership of your clients. So yeah, so I mean there's a key difference is there with lightning or with channels in general the One is you do need this operator needs to interact with the main chain regularly. So every you know, you need a main chain transaction sort of finalizing this block. So it's sort of like a sort of like a transaction compression mechanism or something like that. So you need you need these regular interactions. So what that means is you don't get instant transactions with plasma, right? Because you need to wait for these these block routes to settle on the Mansion. So for instant transactions, you need channels this kind of No Way Around that it's sort of a tautology but some of the upsides the plasma is well, first of all, the scalability there is cool because in theory no matter how big the plasma blocks are. All you need is this constant side route. This constant sized route on the mansion in the optimistic bias and the pessimistic case you have to do some Merkel summer Clear Proof stuff, but that's still up just like log of the number of transactions. So there's some really strong scalability potential there and also you don't necessarily have the same sort of liquidity from requirement that something like lightning does so with lightning you sort of have you sort of lock up this capital and channels and that Capital is sort of collateralizing these payments directly. So this you know, you run into some possibilities of routing limitations where you have to find a path of liquidity. Also, you need inbound capacity to receive things and things like that. So that's one of the upsides plasmas. You don't have to deal with those things. But yeah, I mean these various is various trade-offs involved. So, you know, I've written about I mentioned a wrote something for the block about plasma and speaking more generally. It's like I think it's a really valuable construction and I think it's very cool. But I think it's also fair to say that it's a little more it's trickier and more complex. Maybe Than People initially realized and so there's a lot of the sort of this game of you know, I think the way I described it in that face is it's like, you know trying to push a carpet into a room slightly too small for it where you kind of fix one thing and something else pops up. So some of the problems involved to give a give a general sense. Are you have this you end up having to manage a lot of data even as a user because you sort of and the size of this data you have kind of grows over time. You need some sense of the history of what's going on on this. Chance so that you can guarantee you'll be able to withdraw. So that's one of the some of the optimization work is minimizing that and then the initial construction. Do you mentioned the initial white paper which was italic and Joseph Kane was one of the co-creators of lightning actually in the initial construction. There's actually a much bigger problem, which is you can have a scenario where you're sort of forced where everybody on the plasma train is forced to exit onto the Mansion, which is a serious pretty much a deal breaking issue. Actually. That's like when people talk about plasma now, they're referring to like plasma cash, which is an Of construction which avoids that but yeah, there's a lot of I don't know there's a lot of little things to solve there. But I guess one sentence version is like non-custodial side shame that sort of with plasma plasma. They understood their thanks for going into that for me. So you're kind of going into some of the reasons why you know, maybe it's still an a kind of pre Alpha state would you say I would say at this point I think like the research has project has progressed a lot and I think there's a better understanding of like what it can and can't do or sort of What approaches are dead ends and things like that? I would say there's still certain things that aren't necessarily entirely solved, but you might just say that's okay. It's good enough, but the worst case scenarios aren't you know, worst-case scenario might just be a user has to store a lot of data at one point or so, but it's not yet. I would say it's not like a hundred percent solved. The issue is even with sort of research questions in place. Again, this more crab academic level implementation is difficult. So that's still that's still going to take more time. So some of the, you know, some of the focus like A lot of the projects that we're doing plasma things have shifted gears or at least shifted emphasis and focus on some some alternative constructions. Keep seeing this like the new the new kind of buzz word hotness is like optimistic roll up, which is a related construction, but it's sort of solves some of these tricky things and that's one that is it's a lot simpler as one of its benefits and it's definitely, you know, it's easier to reason about it something we can do now. It doesn't quite have the same scalability benefits as plasma. So happy too happy to go into that. Basic feeling about plasmas. I think it's a very powerful construction. I hope it's not abandoned because I think the potential scalability benefits and throughput are are pretty awesome there. But yeah, it's probably safe to say that it was like hyped a little too strong too soon. And there were you know additional problems kind of emerged over time that that slowed things down and certainly the also just say this the original white paper. I don't recommend reading it. It's pretty weird because it's like it's very long and there's section. As in it that are like very out there and kind of speculative maybe this send their stuff. They talk about another like no one's pursued like this idea of like nested plasma chamber, which is kind of crazy. So I think it had like the seed of some some ideas that were worth pursuing and there but a better place to start is I mentioned plasma cash but there's a Giorgio this constant top Alice. It's his name. It's a Greek name something like that who's a layer to scalability researcher kind of focusing on the etherium space and he does a lot of great work the key. Keep it together a plasma cash white paper if people are interested. I would I would start there because that gives you a good starting point as for what what paths have been pursued. But yeah, that's kind of where I think it stands now and I think it makes sense that at least for the short term people are shifting to this this roll-up stuff, which we can get into if you want something that you mentioned before was the concept that kind of alluded to that eventually, maybe something like plasma can make it over to bitcoin, you know, the Long-standing idea in Bitcoin land I think is that you know, if Bitcoin wins and end up eating all other, you know, crypto technology. Everything else will kind of fold in to the Bitcoin in some way. So you kind of mentioned that plasma might be able to make it over to bitcoin want to kind of just lay out how how that might work or what that might look like and if any big changes but need to happen Etc sure. So again, I'll mention him again not to keep dropping his name, but this researcher, Georgia system, Georgie SK. He's looked into this specific question and he spoke he gave a talk about this exact question at a time. One of the Bitcoin conference has recently. I forgot which one I don't think he's published it yet, but hopefully he does what it comes down to so yeah, is this possible Anya it's definitely not possible. So the question is what would have to change what protocol change would decline need to support something like plasma and more importantly, of course, it's possible to change the protocol. I know what you want. Right, but is it a sort of limited and conservative enough change that it would sort of you know, Be acceptable to bitcoiners essentially because as you say with Bitcoin if there's yeah, there's both the sense that hope you know, I think with like hardcore bitcoiners have the sense that it will eat all this technology, but also that it's the most conservative so there's a bit of a trade-off to be had there. Okay. So as far as plasma so he's the he's the guy to look at you should really watch his talk a lot of this. I'm just repeating his findings, but you need at least a few things and then one of them to me is like very uncertain that guy this would actually work but one thing you definitely need to be able to do is verify Merkel crew. Roofs on chain because this is this is just how you show inclusion or exclusion of trend of these plasma cash transactions within the block there is an opcode and it's op cat that lets you do this basically do is like string concatenation, but interestingly it was actually removed from Bitcoin already and there was some there was it was considered a bit risky. There was some little loophole some exploit you could do with it. So they took it out. So that would be the thing to look into is is there a way to bring back off cat and I think being able to verify Merkel groups on train would be useful. All sorts of things even some of the more steak Shane related constructions and things like that. So so that's one thing you also need. So I guess the fundamental difference between Bitcoin and etherium has to do with this notion of State the state of Bitcoin. So to speak is the set of all UT EXO's, right all the unspent transactions and what you can do with that on bitcoin is is more limited right on a theory that have this more generalized notion of state and it's hard to Define what we mean by state but you know, The current state of affairs, whatever it was I getting that right. Okay. So in the case of Bitcoin and in order to do something like plasma cash you kind of eat you effectively need to be able to mutate some state or at least do something like that with Bitcoin you have these UT EXO's and essentially all you can do with the you T XO is a transaction spends it and creates new UT EXO's or inhales. It doesn't write the the scripting comes in. That's a fine what the rules are for that and those you know, that's where you can do this Bitcoins great stuff, but you can't you can't actually mutate. UT Excel, you can just sort of consume one and create another so for plasma cash for these exit games. I mentioned you have to do you have to essentially have the state evolved to do that on bitcoin you'd need some sort of covenants. And this is another proposal that has all sorts of use cases and comes up in a lot of Bitcoin Tech or any any like you txo this Chan. So what covenants let you do broadly speaking is you can specify the rules of how to spend a you T XO and within those rules it says when you create a new output, it's sort of carries over some of the old rules with it. So in other words, you're not literally mutating state, but you effectively are I don't know if that makes sense. But the point is you would need something like that in order to handle these to handle these changes covenants are a complex topic and I'm not an expert in this but I think the debate around them is how do you introduce something like that without just adding all sorts of weird loopholes and complexity because you could start to do weird recursive tricks with covenants were now suddenly you can do these almost like denial-of-service sort of attacks where suddenly these transactions become way way harder to validate. Wanted and so that's an interesting area of research but you need some version of covenants for for plasma. And I would say the last part in this is where it gets a lot trickier and really should talk to Georgia because I think he may have figured out some cool beta handle this but you kind of need a way to reinstate directly which again with Bitcoin the design decision is that you can't do that you can spend transactions or not, but you can't like get information about transactions without spending them and you sort of need to be able to do this in order to read these He's a flock roots of the of the plasma chance. And if they're young they're stored in the state and state is the part that you can just read directly be a smart contract in Bitcoin. Again, there's the design decision where you can do that so you can't just allow that if you just allow that that has all sorts of other implications and it might just be like Bitcoin devolves into ethereum and that's certainly not something that cleaners want to understand that whether there's some limited way to get that so that you can read block Roots if there's a way to do that that would be required as well. So yeah, look for look for Giorgio's here if he hears this Maybe this can be considered some some peer pressure for him to publish this but I certainly welcome more discussion around this because I think this plasma stuff is very cool. And I think you know different hopefully, you know, these different cryptocurrencies different communities can find their find their ways of benefiting from it not to get to Kumbaya, right? Absolutely. I do appreciate you can a laying that out there for me. So as far as I know too much there isn't too much usage of layer 2 Solutions on etherium something. Thing that has come up quite a bit in 2018 2019 was the etherium people have something called defy pulse which would compare, you know, there are different defy projects or whatever against lightning and very often they be like look look at you guys. There's you know, you know 500 BTC in WPT see but there's only you know, how we're much and lightning you guys are falling behind, but then if you look at Are you know the etherium lightning or plasma or any of the stuff? I think it's plasma is not even operational yet. And I think the ethereum lightning is not operational. Do you have any insight into any of that? Sure? Yeah. So first of all, I mean, I agree at least with your implication there, which is that that is a very silly comparison the idea of comparing D5 whole for something like lightning. This is not at all Apples to Apples. Also the D5 pulse. I think they're they're metric was like the amount of capital locked in defy. And what does that I don't even know what that means. It's not really so it gives you a vague sense of activity there, but certainly it's not comfortable to lightning. So yeah, I don't really take that very seriously. And yeah, I mean I do say the things too if we want to compare the two of them all things to compare would be the more some of these channels and channel networks that are going on on the barium which exists but certainly lightning is getting more use than them still the ones to look at. So there was Raiden which is something very similar to lightning. In fact, the name is sort of a little in jokey reference to lightning there which is live, but very limited use case last night. Checks and that is like strictly payment channels. I think the one to really look at is connects, which I think I mentioned earlier which they're doing really good stuff. And again I've used ideas that and that is there was sort of at some point that was sort of like a universal standard that was agreed upon this this like State Channel standard and ethereum sort of the equivalent of like the bolts back and lightning I guess so there are sort of complying with that and within that and that yeah, they have a system that's you can transfer your transfer you through but also here at 80/20 stuff like die. With Canucks, so it's definitely being built out. It's getting some use but not on the level of lightning and we'll see how it plays out. And yeah as you say the plasma stuff, I mean there are implementations out there. There's stuff on Tessa and there's some great teams working on it and I think we will see stuff happened, but I think it's definitely fair to say that it was harder than was anticipated and it's taken longer than was anticipated and probably will be seeing sooner than plasma will be seeing some of this roll-up stuff happened because that's just sort of easier. Adult yeah, I mean the etherium layer 2 is stuff. It's it's happening things are moving forward definitely not as much use as Lightning, but but we'll see. I look forward to both of them growing and I think I'm also very interested in some of the possible possible interoperability between them between the channel networks and also between these other side chains and trustless side chains across different Trends. I think they can complement each other kind of as a kind of philosophical question here for you. Do you think lightning on bitcoin or Bitcoin on lightning? Has earned its first mover advantage and now Bitcoin on lightning is going to be you know, the number one off chain solution earlier to solution out of the entire crypto space. Is that going too far? I don't know. I'm sort of, you know, I would say maybe but I'm sort of still agnostic to that. I guess I think it's less. My instinct is it's less dependent on sort of layer 2 Tech enlightening than it is on bitcoin itself, right Bitcoin itself. Obviously as a first mover advantage. And there's the question of you know, whether that will hold up and whether that will retain its monetary premium. I don't know. I'm not good at making predictions. I mean, yeah, I mean obviously it's probably from from talking about this that I'm sort of very interested and in some ways optimistic and bullish about some of these other Layer Two constructions. I think that there's a place for them. So that is where etherium can sort of carve out its territory, but I don't know I tend to not really see these things as in this zero-sum battle so much so, I don't know and I yeah either I don't particularly care. What's the plan fair enough? I've used a theorem in the past. I've sent here see 20s around I've done, you know, all the all the nonsense you might do with ethereum, but I guess at this point in time. I just don't care like I keep going over there is fine stuff that excites me and none of it really does, you know, lightning stuff excites me there seems to be stuff actually going on. Obviously. I'm in my bubble over here. So, you know, maybe I'm missing all kinds. Of really fun stuff happening on ethereum. I honestly don't think so. But do you think you know talking about aetherium here, you know, maybe the biggest thing that I still have a problem with and I think a lot of bitcoiners have a problem with is the original launch of ethereum and a lot of the negative things that I think happened there primarily the pre mine that the etherium founders or whoever gave to themselves. Essentially. Do you have any particular? Yin about that kind of contrast versus Bitcoins fairer launch Etc. Yeah. I mean it does it does sort of make me uncomfortable as well. I kind of go back and forth about how much it truly matters. I will say this so the etherium that if you're in foundations Priya mind if I'm not mistaken and the being around 10% of the supply which is a lot there was sort of another chime in this is I guess I already said something controversial. It depends what you consider the pre mind versus presale and so on but what I'm getting at is there's this other junk that was sold in it. It right to these early investors if information does come out that part of that like a significant part A really of any part of that sale to other investors was just sort of circling back directly to the ethereum foundation. That would be pretty serious and that would be pretty bad. So I certainly welcome more transparency on that even as is I guess the part that I go back and forth on here is to what extent like to what extent initial allocation matters to the future of the network to the future of a you know, This like digital asset monetary Network and I'm not sure it's definitely not ideal. So I do agree with a lot of these criticisms. Like I'm not you know, I don't know. I'm not someone who's just gonna like some DieHard of helium defender or anything but as far as initial distribution, like in practice what actually happens here is sort of the question does wealth just sort of stay concentrated in these little silos or does it kind of circle in relatively quickly. I'm not sure empirically it seems like it's more of the ladder, you know, I think Like the initial distribution of Bitcoin might be as Fair as it can be any of them out. Of course you're going to end up with there's sort of arbitrary element to it right about who Minds early and things like that. So, I don't know. I'm sort of getting a wishy-washy rambling answer because I don't really have a great answer for that other than yeah things like the premium definitely makes me a bit uncomfortable. It's not ideal and I've just welcomed more transparency around that generally. I just don't see it as a deal-breaker and I like my general feeling about etherium is it seems to me? Me that and this is something I think some bitcoiners Miss. Is that even though, you know, there's certainly a lot of bullshit going on that has gone over the years and the ethereum space but like, you know, frankly that's true of anything and this crypto space if you just sort of focus on the good there is a lot of real interesting work going on that is a direct result of the technology itself, which is to say having the flexibility on the base layer means that more Protocols are possible. So a lot of these interesting protocols essentially the layer to stuff which is what I'm interested in can sort of use a theory Tack to actually come to fruition, which is I think cool and it's sort of like seems worth it to me, even though it has a bunch of other complications. There's this sort of complications on the social level. Let's just say that you alluded to at the spring of my own and the ethereum foundations role and even metallics role. There's of course technical complications and things like that. It just it seems to me like it's a it's a messy experiment that's worth doing I guess would be the like very diplomatically. Well, here's here's the question. I would ask I think and I think the reason why with even the pre the Prima land itself becomes more of an issue is how etherium fans or ethereum folks like to promote very often. I see on Twitter that a theorem people will be like ethereum is sound money that seems counterfactual to the you know, what what Bitcoins kind of model of what sound money is that you don't you don't have a pre mind you don't, you know, do all these things that effectively gives power to a small group of people, you know you That might make the argument that Satoshi had a effective pre mine or post mine or you know, something like that because no one else was around. So it's the same thing and I don't agree with any of that. So do you think there's a kind of ideological Gulf there that you know, both Bitcoin in aetherium folks kind of ideologically want similar things, but kind of live in different realities trying to get to the same place. It's kind of yeah, there's something to that. I mean, I think yeah, I did. First of all, it's interesting in the past like a year or so. There was this growth of like a Serial maximalist which didn't seem to exist before but there yeah, there is the small group of very vocal people who are you know, they're sort of like almost mirroring some of the strategies of the more. I don't know the more like harsh and local Bitcoin maximalism. I'm just certainly not in that camp is is the short is the short answer and you know, I'm I'm I tend to be pretty critical of a lot of things about a theory of myself and criticize some of those Are those clams I think that specific line you mentioned is yeah the idea of this sort of angle this like argumentative strategy that ethereum is sound money and so far as Bitcoin is doesn't really make sense. The pretty mind is one wrench into that. Another one is just the fact that the monetary policy has changed over time and is likely to again so that you know, the sort of miners reward has decreased to be of these forks and and you know, once there's a switch to proof of stake. I think there's still some uncertainty as to what the exact schedule looks like in terms of Supply so that Is a clear difference and if you don't want to Define sound money in this way of having a strict and predictable Supply. I mean, it's just it doesn't even really seem debatable. But that's definitely Bitcoin as ethereum beat in that way. So yeah, I don't see any argument there. I think just like tactically if you're just going to be a die-hard a theorem Defender which again I'm not but what I would say to those people a better tactic is like, you know, we're just sort of not ready to commit to a strict Supply schedule. So like yes, it's more fast and loose but in general it's a theorems more facts than list, right? There's more of a sense of like we're still experimenting. We're still getting it right. There's going to be a pretty drastic change to the technology itself soon with this, you know, charting and proof of stake and things like that, you know, it's sort of in a phase. It's sort of still evolving and that's like part of the identity of ethereum is that at least relative to bitcoin. It's a little more we're willing to be more experimental or something like that. Whereas Bitcoins more we want to sort of already push really hard towards being relatively speaking set in stone and conservative. So I guess what I'm saying is like, you know, The words I think like having both of those exist only when trying to be so diplomatic, but exercise I'm doing that having both of those existing seems good to me. I think the coin has a very important place in this in this area has an important place and having the more conservative sort of monetary assets. Let's say that sort of has these these monetary properties that you described and having one where we sort of push the technology of cryptocurrency and crypto economics and and you know, this new cryptography was snarks we have this currents where we Sort of experiment with that and this other direction which also necessarily means that yeah, the monitor the the nature of the money itself is going to revolve to the you know, if that makes people uncomfortable that I mean, that's fine and you know, you don't have to like it or you don't have to usually don't have to own any I'm more of the I would more lean into that the try to make this silly argument of like Assyrians more, you know, it's more the Austrian money or something. It's just it seems a little bit silly on it. So you had kind of mentioned the idea that a theory Um has you know change their monetary policy in the past and one of the rebuttals to that I've seen is so as a Bitcoin they fix their buffer overflow bug. Do you think that's a fair rebuttal or is that total bullshit? No, I don't think that's equivalent. No. So basically I don't I don't know that's equivalent. I think if sort of taking this aside from like the Bitcoin Versa theorem debate, I guess I do think that these there is a bit of nuance in there. That often doesn't get that doesn't get addressed. So, you know, yeah, Fixing something like the buffer overflow or fixing the more recent, you know, don't worry. I can see the E. I guess it was last year that could have led to inflation. What sort of going on there on the Bitcoin side is the in a very indisputable way the particular software instantiation doesn't reflect what is effectively this social contract that Bitcoin is have about what it is, right? There's there's no one who actually thinks that you should be able to, you know, double stand within the block and inflate the supply that's indisputable. We can just say that So updating the software which like is technically a hard Fork. There's a sense that that is different than updating the software to say well after the doll heck let's say right to actually change the state or to change the inflation. Like I don't think those are the same that all the tricky part and I'm curious sort of what your thoughts are on this to me. Is that one thing I think about often and sort of struggle with the the fact that that was possible the fact that you know, there was this potential inflation bug in Bitcoin. And you know, this patch was released and it worked the bug wasn't exploited. The fact that that's possible is actually really important. You could even go a step farther and say if it wasn't possible to do something like that and you know, you can just focus on those two examples we mentioned the corn would be dead by now, right and to me I sort of when I think about Bitcoin when I think about it security model, I just think we need to include that in it and what I one of the things that I see with a lot of people some people I should say certainly not all Them but some people in the Bitcoin space there's a resistance to even mention that and there's this sense of you know, the social level is totally separate from the protocol and the whole point of Bitcoin is to eliminate that social level and there's no Bitcoin Community, right? There's no and I think that's like that's half true. Right it is indeed true that the point of Bitcoin is to minimize that level without that you know, I mean, I think what makes have articulated this pretty well and that social scalability. I say this is sort of what it all comes down to isn't if not have to do this kind of bureaucratic. Decision making process as much but I kind of think in a way that sa lot of people mentioned that and it was very influential. It was almost like to influential for its own good because the social scale ability you get from Bitcoin is not infinite nor. Do you want it to be like we need to actually be able to do these changes on a social level. So I don't know if I even even mentioning the phrase Bitcoin community and makes a lot of people just like gristle and cringe but to me that is an important thing. There are Decisions to be made and it's not just about fixing these concrete bugs. There's you know, there's going to be sure our signature was gonna be Taproot. There's changes the protocol will make when they have to do something for Quantum resistance at some point and let's just acknowledge the fact that like, they're human beings that have to make these decisions and to me that has to just be a part of how we think and talk about this. But yeah. Anyway, I don't know. I'm curious what your thoughts are on all of you know, typically I'm not the one answering questions on the podcast here. So, please yeah and tracks are gonna be forgive me here, but It's kind of a tough one. Yeah, I mean, I don't mean to put you on the spot obviously, but I guess like it's just it seems to be this Gap and I will say this that I think maybe just by necessity this this discussion is more aetherium communities more amenable to this type of discussion Again part of its just pragmatically by necessity because these sorts of social level changes happen much more frequently and often and ethereum. Yeah. I just think that is something we have to consider. I think I'm passive I'm saying that right? I don't mean to keep name-dropping. By the way, but he's sort of spoken. I think very eloquently about this and he is one of the people I see as taking this seriously and yeah, I just think it's not totally black and white and you can sort of have you can have both and you can acknowledge that we want let's say governance that's a scary word. But you know this decision making process to be minimized and to be strict and in most of Syrian people would say that that is the goal eventually to they just think like we're not there yet or something you wanted to be minimize, but you actually don't want it to quite be at zero. And yeah, I don't know. I haven't sort of settled on the right way to think about this but that is something I sort of restless. Oh, yeah. I just think it's like a double-edged sword. I'm probably not technical enough and not I feel like I would need a lot more kind of thought and preparation to really answer that as well as I would prefer. Yeah. It's very difficult. I guess. I don't necessarily Envy the ethereum folks that have a larger attack surface or a, you know, just more complicated protocol that you know you Have all these different ways of potentially breaking stuff of being able to steal stuff through their smart contracts like the happy with the Dow if let's say something similar to happen with Bitcoin. So rather than you know a buffer overflow bug that happens to the protocol itself. So yeah, let's imagine that billions of dollars were was stolen off some exchange and one particular Bitcoin developer was involved and you know, they're very upset. They really want to try to get their money recovered. So they they try to you know, get everyone on bitcoin Twitter to agree with them to you know, some kind of hard Fork to reverse this because oh my God, this is the biggest loss amount of funds ever. I don't think anyone would listen to this person to be like up top shit. Your money is gone, you know, we're not going to help you do anything and now you're ostracized because you're trying to you know change something with in Bitcoin hard for Work, you know by itself is a big thing, but you're trying to change transactions around and no go fuck yourself. Do you think this is probably the the accurate thing that would happen here. That seems like yes that the scenario you described I think is entirely easy to imagine. So I think yeah, I think that's right, like any any situation any situation equivalent to the Dow Hag on bitcoin is certainly a lot less likely I would just I mean one thing I would throw in I think it's certainly less likely now to happen on ethereum than it was then. It's certainly still it's still more within the realm of possibility. I guess that sort of situation though. I mean, so yeah, I think that's true that sort of situation I think is less of what interests me and less of what I find tricky then so the situation of again just reversing what is effectively a valid transaction less interesting to me then again, just fixing what is unanimously agreed to be a concrete bug right which has happened. So the Queen's capable of doing this obviously and I think that's good and also some of these just more General Network upgrades that we might desire like I mentioned Nora In Taproot and maybe some privacy upgrade in the future. I don't know whether there be weather ever be a reason why a bug could not be fixed. Like is there a you know, where that social layer or that social aspect just evaporates with there ever be a reason why that happens. That's a good question. And it's almost what's tricky about. This is in some weird way. Like if there's some wild out their dream of let's say a decentralization that takes place that would kind of prevent it right like if there's no way If the people mining or you know more to the point running nodes are so like distributed and far and wide that we actually can't coordinate any upgrades anymore. This would be impossible what I say, that's a dream. It's like I don't know how many people would even describe that as an ideal. But I think implicitly some of them do and that's where I just go like, I don't think that's quite the ideal we want. I think the the trickier with like I think the way we see it is actually pretty similar. I don't even know if we totally disagree I would just say like I agree with you you don't want this. Whatever you want to call this the sort of softer social level to be able to make arbitrary changes. But clearly we want some changes to be able to happen. And I think it's it seems to me it's sort of healthier for the Network's future and it's more it's just better to just sort of acknowledge that and be able to think about it directly then to just deny it what scares me more is just denying that that happens at all when again, of course it does there's upgrades that are being talked about right now. If you sort of deny it then it seems that there's a risk of okay. Well what's actually going to change about Bitcoin and and who is going to decide it's almost like if there's this unacknowledged power vacuum things can that's where governance capture can take place and just to be clear. I'm not suggesting. I'm certainly not suggesting any like I'm chained governance mechanism. I think that's the worst idea and all of this. I'm not even suggesting a more like formalized governance mechanism, but it does it just sort of concerns me when I see people who just get angry if you ease and try to sort of point this out or try to direct attention to these to these questions. It seems like an important thing to be able Altar to be able to talk about I don't think anyone's really figured out how to do this. Right because it's because it's tricky but this is probably something that was like, I think even a few years ago. This was harder to see and four years ago. It was easier to just sort of brush all of this off and say, you know, that's not what we do. We don't you know, we don't make decisions as an on this on the social level, but that's clearly a part of these things. I think that's okay. I don't think that sort of destroys the value proposition. I think it'll matter moving forward and I mean one of the interesting examples that I just mentioned is The interesting examples to me is this idea of privacy on layer 1. I don't know where you stand on this but I and more and more I just think I mean again the projects I care about are Bitcoin and ethereum certainly more than any others. But I I follow some of what's going on in these privacy coins as well. And I think I'm very interested in the technology itself and I'm increasingly of the mindset that privacy and we just need better privacy on layer one and I'm a little concerned that with both Bitcoin and a theorem that just doesn't really seem to be you know on the Not so to speak the general ethos and both is like will have privacy layers. We can have layer two things. We can have, you know side chains or mixers and things like that and that's all well and good but I'm sort of nervous that that's not quite enough. This is just like a fundamental thing that we want to preserve his privacy and having it be sort of opt-in might just lead to some very bad results. So and I think there's a lot of bitcoiners who are sort of of that mindset to there's a lot who very much aren't but I could see this debate really I could see this being A sort of the next big debate with in Bitcoin. Yeah. I'm just curious to see how that plays out and that I mean that is one example, where if the inertia is just look we're not going to change the protocol. So we're not going to change the protocol. That is a I could see some changes in that regard that are potentially beneficial to like to see happen. I don't know it'll be interesting to see to see how that discussion happens moving forward. I would like to kind of bring up a contrast here and some yeah some examples. So I'm sure you're aware of Of I'm not sure if it's considered a layer 2 or off chain solution or not, but Matt from it's basically the ethereum / Bitcoin guy. That's building TBT. See? Yes, Matt Luann. Yeah, I think so. He's the same gentleman that I can remember at what particular conference but at a conference he kind of threw out the idea of adding like tail inflation to bitcoin, I think and who he was he was very popular. Her for that one. Yeah. Oh, that's right. I remember that that Twitter drama of the day. Yes, I forgot. That was him. Yeah. And so I mean even though I feel like there's a good trillion good arguments against it. I mean it was in retrospect. It's probably a good idea that people bring this stuff up sometimes even if it's no it's a horrible idea. Stop is the response because I it's as good to talk about and it's kind of understand where we are in the world, but I feel like it's very related to the to see aspect that you kind of mentioned the you know, let's add tail inflation or let's add privacy, but I'm sure as you're aware of the biggest trade off with privacy on the base layer is auditability and the one thing that I happen to be a huge proponent of and I think a lot of people that are into Bitcoins Austrian traits is a predictability of future Supply that I should be able to just pick a random date, you know twenty five point three years in the future, you know pick a time of day and it'll be approximately that amount of Bitcoin in the future on that time and date, you know, not exactly there's variance, you know, whatever but it'll be basically correct and I don't know what other cryptocurrency can really claim that you know sure other ones can make some amount of similar claims, but I feel like Bitcoin is still the gold standard when it comes to that kind. Of predictability. Do you generally agree with that that the the the tension there is very difficult to overcome that I don't I want privacy, you know, if there was a way to get you know Monaro or confidential transactions or some similar privacy enhancements on bitcoin, that'd be great. But I would practically want to guarantee which I don't think is possible that audibility is in. Intact, I think there is good ways to make it very unlikely that it's affected. But I again, I'm not super technical in the Privacy Arena. But as far as I know, there's not a strong way to make that, you know near zero percent. Yes, I think I think that's right. That is that is the tension right? And that's what it's going to come down to is any Any increase on chain to privacy will in some way decrease audibility almost by definition for right? So there's going to be a trade-off there and there's certainly some trade-offs that I don't expect or even want that coin to make in that direction the obvious thing to bring up with busy cash in this case, which you know, I think ZK Starks are really cool and awesome. But you know, there was literally an inflation bug and that is a direct result of the complexity of this, you know, kind of crazy moon math cryptography that they do so that's certainly crossed the line of anything. I would expect to happen on bitcoin. And what I would say though, and this is definitely getting into like unpopular opinion territory is you know, when you talk about predictability of supplies, obviously having a having like a supply is just necessary for any scarce for any resource of value, right? It has to be scarce having predictability of Supply. I mean, yes, I think Bitcoin has that stronger than any than any crypto currency and acknowledge that that is like part of the core value proposition, right? The unpopular opinion part to me is I would say that like we can consider this fix apply inaudible T to be fundamental to what Bitcoin is I actually think privacy has to be considered fundamental as well because at a certain point, you know, ultimately what this is about is disintermediation and autonomy. And in the extreme case where privacy is like totally lost, you know, which is a silly scenario to imagine but let's just say every single bit foreign contraction transaction is linked to an individual and there's no way to use it privately just this nightmare scenario. That is to me fundamentally breaking it in the same way that you know, an inflation plug is fundamentally breaking it so There is a trade-off there, but I just don't see it as absolute in One Direction. And yes, it is true that any change in privacy. I think implicitly is going to be unless audibility but I think the trade-off doesn't just go a hundred percent for me. Now again, I think something like zika should be out of the question something like that that level of zkf starts at least like until maybe in the future when that cryptography is just very ironed out that will change but certainly not now but other potential privacy Solutions you get what you get. No guarantees of things like total Supply audibility things like the Mumble Mumble protocol comes to mind again. There's a trade-off there, but you can you can audit I mean and that example, I believe I'm not a sort of privacy specialist either so I don't want to speak totally out of turn. But in that case you actually can get information about the total Supply because you effectively see a brock rewards and then you can see that each transaction doesn't spend more than it received which does to some extent give you a guarantee. But again, it is a privacy solution which means more stuff is handled either. With encryption or off-chance. Oh, yeah, that's another thing. I'm sort of torn about and you know, I see I see this sort of come up in Bitcoin circles and I see that even bitcoiners are torn about this. So I'm interested in seeing how it how it plays out. But I have to say more and more. I'm like whatever happens we should really move towards doing better than we're doing now and I think this is true Bitcoin and ethereum basically equally but yeah, you know, I start of the fact that the minority opinion does concern me a little because I don't want these things to turn into, you know surveillance tools. That would be a very sad. Entered office agreed. I don't necessarily see it likely that privacy is going to be 100% broken or get to that extreme point a great but I that makes a lot of sense though that if if we do even approach there then yeah, it's going to be hard to care about the supply at that point because as the supply might be potentially be be useless, right? So the biggest is kind of still talking about privacy and then let's go ahead and since written since we are a lightning podcast here to kind of bridge that Gap. Gap a little bit. So let's say that we don't ever really add privacy to the base layer. We're kind of stuck with what we have now for forever. Do you think that the player to ever could serve as a sufficient privacy Shield kind of get what we want or is it just a okay tool but still we're going to need something beyond the yes. I mean again, that's why I think ultimately as far as layer 1 chain is I'm increasingly for at least, you know, discussing ways to improve privacy on Or one layer to a privacy is a very interesting topic to me and something I'm sort of looking into more and more. I think that something like lightning in this I think this also applies to other Layer Two Protocols of the I guess the devil's in the details there but let's stick with lightning. I think one of the cool things about lightning is in in you know in a very obvious way you get this nice privacy benefit, which is basically that, you know, if you want if you're interested in your transactions being private, which you probably should be, you know, if your options are either record this transaction on a an immutable Ledger that's very very public and very hard to change forever or don't you know not doing that is is obviously beneficial. So so that's one of these cool kind of free benefits you get from from something like lightning is less things recorded means means more privacy. What I will say on the other side of it though. There's certain ways. Where there is this privacy downsides to lion and this is I think an interesting area of research and sort of understanding this and improving it where I guess my general intuition here is Obviously you get better privacy on the base layer because there's less going on on the base layer. And for most people most of the time that will be an improvement because that's that's the thing you care about most is if I'm sending you money, I don't want you to be able to like look at a block Explorer, you know, see what I was doing on Saturday or whatever the the way that privacy can Leak with something like lightning is on this network layer because with lightning, you know, you have this sort of additional overlay Network on top of Bitcoin, which is kind of already and overlay Network and there's a certain there's a certain push and pull. Here where you the more that you have privacy on the lightning layer, the there's a trade-off there where the harder it becomes to communicate with other notes, right and this makes things like getting snapshots of the state of the networks that you can do peer Discovery and Route becomes a little bit harder. So in one way shape or form and the devils in the details again, but in one way shape or form, if you're using lightning, you have to kind of advertise your location, right so that you can establish these connections and make channels and if someone's really out to get you and really Nothing the network carefully there is there's various ways privacy complete you also another sort of intuitive way to see this is when you're in a lightning channel in some sense. What you're doing is reusing an address, even though of course, the transactions aren't falling on chain. Someone can sort of identify aspects of this and connect more things to you than maybe they otherwise could so I almost wonder if you know for really really extreme privacy cases, like if you're I don't know like a fugitive or something where you know, people are really carefully looking out to get you if you really know what you're R doing on layer 1 privacy might be better really know what you're doing me and you know, you know how to use you know, how to use mixers, you know about address or use and linking transactions and all this stuff. Whereas for most people most of the time layer 2 is going to be better the other thing to say about as far as layer to privacy and I think some of this is implemented enlightening now, you may know more about this than I do because I'm not totally up to date but you can do things like onion routing with lightning similar to what Torah does. We're at least some of the data that you're sending around has these levels of encryption where the different hops along the way don't really see the desk. Asian things like that. And again, I think I think in some of the main lightning implementations they're doing that already, which is great. But even there it's a little bit at the very least. It's more difficult to do like doing something like onion routing is more difficult to do enlightening than with actual than this car. Let's say simply because without I don't want to get too into the technical leads again, and this is again privacy isn't my main focus but with something like Torah what you can essentially say is you don't really care in some sense. You don't care how the data gets to where it needs to go. But you care about is that it gets there. So if I'm logging onto a site we have these these nodes in the Tor Network. They kind of pass it around and mix it up and ends up where it at its destination, you know in HTTP request. Let's say and then you know this data ends up finding its way back to me. I don't really care how it gets there. I just care that it was mixed up enough that I have this privacy on some level enlightening. You actually do care about the path because you need this path of liquidity along the way. So that's another place where there's only so much you can really obfuscate with something like onion routing. So yes, I think it's a really interesting. Challenge and I am I wouldn't rule out the fact that like maybe they're actually is just maybe there really is a solution to this that involve some fancy cryptography. That's definitely a really interesting area of research. But that's where I think it stands now is privacies definitely an improvement with lightning but it really really extreme cases. There are there are network level privacy leaks that are that are worth considering. Okay? Yeah, definitely. So just to quickly summarize if your nation states after you lightning may not be good enough at that. At this point I think so, I think so. I think that's probably the yeah in case any in case anyone who's like wanted by the FBI is listening. That's probably the official advice. We should give them. All right sounds good. Alright, so hopefully they're listening rhetoric - yeah, sorry gone. Well, right. So I have a couple more questions. I kind of want to get through them kind of quickly here just because I think I have three or four more and I've already had your like an hour and a half. Wow, really? Really that's your by okay. Yeah. I got better place. So we kind of touched on like hard-working for privacy on the base layer. So and we kind of touched on you know hard working for maybe like a tale of mission on bitcoin on the base layer and at the very beginning of the podcast you had kind of went into the scaling debate and we haven't even touched that yet. You know, we've already had an hour and a half without even really going into that but without really going into the history of it because I don't think we have time do you think we'll ever see a block size hard? Fork on bitcoin whoo, interesting you just trying to get me to say something controversial here. Let's see if I had to bet now I would say yes, I think it will happen eventually, but certainly not any time soon. I and I'm not in before people attack me. I think you know, that's not that you know, I've talked to hardcore bitcoiners to sort of say say a similar thing where it's something that can happen sort of slowly over time as as Hardware improves and so on. It also by the way, it might just take place more in the form of a soft Park. Here's where the semantics get kind of tricky but you know segwayed in some sense was a block size increase increase as a soft Fork. I think if you go too far in that direction of doing everything with extension blocks, it gets kind of you get this kind of spaghetti code problem where it gets hard to reason about keeping these implementations up to date. So I think at a certain point it's actually better to do it as a hard Fork that's definitely not a popular opinion. But um, I if I had to bet I would say yeah, it'll happen down the line very incrementally but at a certain point it probably will just make sense and it's hard to imagine that not being I was gonna say it'll be uncontroversial that's hard to imagine at this stage. But I do think it'll happen. What do you think not to keep turning it on you? I'm just curious. No, it's fine. I honestly think it'll happen. I mean, I'm not going to put any kind of date or timeline on that because I think that would be absurd to think about it that way. Yes. Yes. Yeah. I mean ultimately it's right. It's the debate really comes down to Like block size is sort of the shorthand for how difficult is it to run a node? Right? And so it's that and then also this debate of like this whole process of making decisions and hard for us. We don't want to be too fast and loose but yeah, I mean at a certain point if if Hardware improves enough that it becomes a lot easier, I think it just it'll be a lot less controversial. So yeah, absolutely. So let's move on from that particular mind field and move on to a different one. So you contribute to the block and on bitcoin. Twitter or on quote unquote crypto Twitter. The block is very controversial, you know. Yeah the main dude over there gets into all kinds of Twitter drama Etc. I'm not going to get into specifics because I don't really care all that much. Sure. Do you think that that's true that the block gets into a lot of you know, kind of bullshit talks and debates on Twitter. Yeah, you know, it's funny. I mean first of all, I want to make it clear I have contributed like as an independent consultant. Rid of the block I'm not I'm not a member or anything, but I'm not trying I'm not trying to like I'm not trying to send Ram myself from them or anything. But you know to be perfectly honest. I I've seen exactly what you're talking about. I see these that they get there's a lot of animosity directed towards the block and I genuinely I honestly don't understand it. I don't know this it's just feel it feels very weird to me. It's like they're picked as targets for some reason and maybe partly, you know, I've seen the head of the block Mike dude is you know, he, you know either I'm only like talks a lot of shit and gets into things but I don't really get the source of this animosity. I have to say, you know, the reason I wanted to contribute to them is I do have a lot of respect for the work they're doing you know full disclosure. I know some people they're sort of friends with them, but I they're definitely very critical of the space at large I guess but there seemed to be critical in the right way is to me there's a few no corners there, but I you know, they a lot of what they say, I agree with and I don't know I just I honestly don't really get it. Yeah, I mean it just I don't they Seem that different than another outfit other than maybe more critical and maybe take shots, but I almost feel like I'm missing something like there was some big something happened that I missed and then I do occasionally get you know, I get associated with them. So I get sucked into this stuff. But all I can say is I think they publish a lot of good things and I respect what they do. And if yeah, if I'm missing if there's some reason I should associate with them. I'm happy to hear it but I it's all a bit of a mystery to me to be to be frank. Alright, let's go to move on from that because Cuz I don't think we need to talk about that too much. All right at the very beginning of the podcast you had mentioned. I believe in college you had taken philosophy. Is that right or majored in philosophy or am I okay math and perfect as it so I never went to college for philosophy but philosophy has always been a very big interest of mine. You know, we're going to let's touch on that very briefly before we close out because I'm planning on creating a second podcast. Bling here in the next couple months and it's going to be primarily related to kind of philosophy not just philosophy but it's kind of those kinds of Concepts and then also kind of touching on things like atheism religion psychedelics and how it might, you know, change your brain State and a bunch of other kind of interrelated things kind of within the kind of philosophy world. You know, what's your maybe biggest? First most interesting thing that you keep coming back to or something that you that interested you in college that kind of just keeps, you know coming up sure. So I guess for me, I mean, like I said, it was a double math and philosophy major. So I did focus on some of that overlaps is you know, this is not gonna be something we can get into briefly of course, but you know, so some of the like 20th century analytical philosophy philosophy people like victim Stein Bertrand Russell, so I'm very interested in things like philosophy. Language and logic and where that overlaps with things like set theory as far as I guess some of the less wonky stuff. I like a lot of the empiricists. I think um was one of my favorite thinkers to read back in college. Certainly. He definitely has like a what I like about human without getting into it, you know, the specifics of his views that I like. He's also just has a relatively low tolerance for bullshit I think and he's fairly readable and strike straight forward and makes coherent. Events. So yeah, I don't know. I mean I could certainly I can certainly nerd out about Philosophy for a while. So I'm interested to hear hear what you do about that. I guess one thing I would add as far as I'm trying I'm sort of fishing for some some connection here between those things. I mentioned in the crypto space and I think one of them and this gets very abstract, but in terms of things like logic and theory of language, you know, I'm also interested obviously in programming language Theory and as it relates to scripting and smart contracts and formal verification, it's interesting. This is a place where some of this Very out there, very abstract thinking actually has practical applications. Yeah, that's a that's a very difficult topic. But those are those are some of the things I'm interested in. Yeah. Well, absolutely David Humes a very good one. I think just a throughout one of my favorite quotes ever and I'm sure you're already aware of this quote, but I just love it so much a wise man proportions his belief to the evidence and a big part of my personal philosophy that I like to kind of bring to bitcoin is that Kind of kind of skeptical evidence of driven belief system that I'm not going to take on beliefs that are, you know, just coming out of thin air or you know, very little kind of circumstantial evidence except ra yeah and I try to approach things that way too, you know, it's easy. There's a lot of you know, there's a lot of a lot of emotions a lot of tribalism in this space and especially on crypto Twitter, which is its own sort of nightmare and a I do my best to try to sort that out and I think a lot of the people that I respect in this space are people who are willing to go against the narrative willing to sort of think for themselves. And you know, I'm certainly not perfect in that regard, but I try to do it I try to sort of take that same approach that's sort of the only way to stay saying I think absolutely well I think maybe we'll have to have you on the floss if he podcast which the the working title for now is what is real what I would love to be on and yeah, I'm remembering now I saw you. Posting a bit about about psychedelics and so on. So that's another another interesting topic. I mean, I'd be happy to go into looking forward to seeing that second podcast. I hope you hope you did. Alright, so I think that's pretty much the end of the podcast. You know, we're Emma closing out. The final question I had is do you have any other kind of thoughts on you know layer to off chain Bitcoin Theory mm, you know the state of the the universe the state of crypto the state of Bitcoin the last you know, 10 years I said, right. Dry how more complicated kind of get this question for you? Yeah, let's restrict it a little I'll know. I'll keep it to Prudhoe. How about that? I'm Gonna Keep it to layer 2. Yeah, like I said if there's the sort of General thing I'm interested in doing and interested in sort of seeing happen more and more some of these some of these divides get bridged even if just at least on a technical level. So if there's people who are who are interested in some of these these these Layer Two constructions that are going on in this area, but there's interest from the Bitcoin side. I would just say, you know, this has nothing to do with being nice. Aaron supporter for liking aetherium or or anything like that. I just sort of Welcome more more technical discussion and more more cross-pollination on sort of getting this thinking in line. So yeah, I mean if anyone is interested in this or you know, feel free to reach out I'll just name drop a few other people because I feel like I mentioned Georgio's but some other guy to know in this regard is Dan Robinson. He's another researcher who does things across many different projects has made some great contributions. Is pressed which I mentioned these people because I just feel like you know, I've learned a lot from them and it's only fair to mention the people in ripping off even even though I'm increasingly I've seen Eric Wall Make some noise on this topic. He's definitely a bit corner but has an interest in some of this ethereum Tech. So yeah, I just sort of hope to see more of that happen and feel free to reach out if you have any any insights in any of this stuff. Yeah. I think I think I think we've covered a lot. So maybe we can leave a bat like I'm still thinking several questions. In my head here and I'm like sorry. I just asked them anyway, and I'm like, I'm gonna stop we'll save it. We'll see you for the second podcast about that. Absolutely. Do you want to let everyone know how people can find you on the Twitter dot-coms sure. You can find me at @d Zach 2/3 on Twitter. And from there. There's a link to my have a sub stack where you can just follow things that I write in various places having written lately, but I should have a few pieces coming out soon that are on the back burner so perfect. Well, I really appreciate Joining me on the lightning junkies podcast Daniel. Thanks a lot of fun. Boom that was the 18th episode of the lightning junkies podcast. Are you ready to crucify me? Should I run for the hills? Should I practically delete my Twitter and never return? I think that episode was pretty even-handed and did a pretty good job of examining the objective reality as close as we can possibly get I think and was pretty fair overall and I don't think I have anything in here that's going to get me killed but I Guess we'll see after you guys actually listen to this thing. Either way. I would really enjoy any feedback you had on this particular episode if you think this is a terrible place for me to go or if you thought this was actually positive episode that really did a good job of showing you the lay of the land or early attempted to just a couple quick reminders. If you wanted to go ahead and ship in any money into keeping the podcast active you can do so using Bitcoin or Bitcoin over lightning at crowdfund Dot. Lightning Junkies dotnet you can also do so by going to tipping dot mean it's really sad that bottle pays no longer existence. So that option is going to get taken off I guess but we also have Ellen cast as well where you can pay per episode to listen to the podcast episodes using the lightning network. If you want to support the episode, please go ahead and chip in some Bitcoin sign up for spark swap if you already have into using my link or Ahead and leave a review on whatever podcast service you happen to use. The best thing you can do is post about this podcast on your Twitter and help spread the word. So more people can, you know get me being all monotone and dorky into my microphone here with that being said, I think we're done here. I will see you on that lightning Network, sir, sir. I will see you see you see you will know lightning. See you. See you. You see you in London network network network whoop. Okay, I'm done. I'll see you in like Nene.
This is the eighteenth episode of the Lightning Junkies podcast. On this episode of the podcast, we have Daniel Goldman talking about Bitcoin and Ethereum layer two constructions. He spends the first half of the podcast laying out the first layer two constructions, nuances of the various constructions and more! The second half of the episode, we generally contrast Bitcoin, Ethereum, and talk about Lightning at various points too. We talk about: Background and Bitcoin Understanding Bitcoin/Ethereum First Lightning Transaction Layer 2 on Ethereum Contrasting Different Layer 2 Solutions Contrasting Different L2 Constructions Porting over Ethereum L2 to Bitcoin? Plasma/Plasma Cash Plasma on Bitcoin? Layer 2 Usage on Ethereum Raiden Lightning First Mover Advantage on Bitcoin? Ethereum Premine Social Layer? Privacy Privacy vs Auditability Privacy on Layer 2 Blocksize Increase The Block Philosophy (David Hume) Daniel's Twitter: Daniel's Substack: Georgios Konstantopoulos's Twitter: If you want to stack 100k sats, sign up for Sparkswap!
Hello. Thanks for listening to the embodied astrology month ahead. Audio horoscopes for Leo season. This is Renee Sills your astrologer and host of the embodied astrology podcast along with these horoscopes. Please make sure to listen to embodied astrology for Leo season this special episode called glow time focuses on Leo in the body in life and love and relationships and experiences everybody. He carries Leo in their bodies. Everybody has Leo in their charts. And in this episode, I'll offer some attunements and healing practices for working with Leo in yourself. And in your life. Also, please remember to check back in with me at the new moon and the full moon this month for some lunar Attunement practices on July 31st. We have a new moon in Leo and on August 15th. We have a full moon in Aquarius and both of those days. I'll be putting out meditations or embodiment rituals to You are tuned with these lunar cycles. I want to offer a huge. Thank you to subscribers subscribers. Thank you so much. You keep embodied astrology happening and your monthly donations are what sustains this work? If you enjoy embodied astrology, please consider becoming a subscriber you can subscribe at any amount per month really even just one dollar a month is so helpful your monthly subscriptions. Allow me to continue this work with Enos and reliability and if you get something out of embodied astrology, please help it to sustain help it to continue subscribers also get access to my extended monthly horoscopes and these extended forecasts include a PDF with planetary aspects and lunar cycles throughout the month my interpretations for the energy of those aspects and cycles and some embodied suggestions for how to work with this energy. You'll also get an extended audio horoscope that You can listen to that isn't signed specific but that goes through in detail a lot of planetary energy that I don't mention in your individual horoscopes. If giving a recurring donation isn't available to you at this time consider a one-time donation. And please always share it with friends. This is the number one way. You can support this project is by reposting it forwarding on the emails and telling your friends about it giving five star reviews on Apple iTunes podcast or wherever it is that you listen. Listen, finally. I want to give a brief plug for a special Retreat that I'm offering later this year from September 29th to October third. I'll be offering a three-day residential Retreat where we'll be working with embodied astrology in this Retreat. You'll learn a ton about astrology you will work with your own chart. You'll get to prepare for the exciting astrology of 2020 and use your astrology and use the tools that I offer for how you embody astrology and the astrological Potential to manifest your magic get more information at embodied under Play and Learn and Live Events. Your horoscope is coming right up stick around. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on. Modify Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. All right, we're going to get into your horoscope. Now as always I just want to encourage you to listen with an open mind horoscopes are a general kind of art. There are a ton of people on the planet and there are not only twelve kinds of people. So as I offer your horoscope, I'm offering General suggestions and the energy that I'm receiving from the chart may or may not be applicable to you in exactly the way that I speak it. So, please listen for the sentiment or the Symbolism and what I'm saying apply it to yourself intuitively if you associate to something that I'm saying, that's the right thing. You can go down that road. Listen a couple of times ask questions to yourself kind of consider all the different ways that you could think about what I'm offering and always take what works leave the rest. Remember that these horoscopes are simply suggestions here for your best benefit and positive Evolution. I want to encourage you to listen to the horoscopes for at least Your son and your rising sign your sun sign is the season that you are born. It's what you answer when someone asks. Hey, what's your sign? Your rising sign is the time of day. You were born not everybody has this information, and so if you don't know your rising sign your sun sign is awesome to listen to some people really get into listening for their Moon signs for their Venus signs. There are all different signs for all the planets in your chart and really many of the horoscopes could speak to you. So I hope you oil, whichever ones you listen to hello Taurus. Thank you for listening. This is your audio horoscope and month ahead for Leo season Leo season begins on July 22nd. It ends on August 20 seconds. And in the Taurus solar chart Leo rules the fourth house. The fourth house is the place that describes home family lineage ancestry tribe and kind of in general a sense of the Me belonging isn't always comfortable. I have to say there's definitely the sense that you are claimed in this part of your chart. So the place that you come from or the people that you come from might actually be a place or people that caused some friction or tension for you, but there is a familiarity and the sense of home is a familiar Place, although sometimes we really want to get out of it. So this placement chart is an anchor. It's a sense. Of familiarity a sense of belonging. It's also where you Retreat to when you want to come home and what that means as a metaphor as an idea as well as an actual space. So as we head into Leo season the son of course moves into this part of your chart and it meets up with Mars and throughout the month. The personal planets will be moving into Leo Mercury and Venus are following the sun and a couple of weeks. This brings a lot of energy into this party. Your chart and this Energy starts to work in in unison with the other fire signs So currently Jupiter is in Sagittarius. And Chiron is an Aries and all of these placements are working with one another to form what's called a grand fire Trine and a grand Trine is when all three signs of the same element have planetary energy that is working together again, so there is a kind of sense of ease. And movement, but also sometimes like an unconsciousness like we don't really control this energy. It just happens in the fire parts of your chart. We have the fourth house, which I just talked about the 8th house. So for you, this is Sagittarius is home. The 8th house has to do with very private matters. This is your deep kind of personal emotional space. It's often where we hold back where we keep secrets where we have Experiences that are reserved either for ourselves or for people who we share intimacy with. This is a placement chart where we uncover intimacy's vulnerabilities and securities and where we form close emotional bonds with others. So this is a kind of deep intense place in our emotional nature Aries is the sign that directly proceeds yours and Aries. Therefore rules the place of your unconscious the unconscious includes the of Consciousness. These are the influences what's happening culturally in our kind of Greater emotional whole the environment that's always shifting and responding to everyone and everything in it. You may not really be aware of how you're influenced but your influence nonetheless. This is also the place of your dream space of your ancestral material. So the ways that your DNA has been In form to your epigenetics and your biases and things like this fire trying in this in these parts of your chart bring a lot of movement. There is a lot of potential throughout Leo season for you to work with kind of core issues. These are all places in the chart that describe core issues your foundation your kind of deep emotional experience and your psychology the Deep inner. Ecology throughout the month fire energy is in aspect to earth and water energy fire energy likes to move out and up earth and water want to move down and in the aspects that are being formed are what's called hard aspects squares and in conjuncts, these aspects can bring frustration. They can bring challenge, but when you meet them with good faith when you meet them with the desire to grow and the desire to expand You're actually strengthened and fire is very served by earth and water in the sense that it gets grounded and it becomes more relational and more emotional. So I want to offer this just as kind of a general note for the upcoming season. There may be a lot of stuff that comes up there could be a lot of content for you to be working through this month, but you have support for it and keep your optimism around you just kind of consider that That even in a moment of challenge, there's always the best benefit outcome. There's always something that could come from this that maybe there's a reason there's an evolutionary step forward or something even better that could happen because of the thing that's happening. Now, that doesn't feel awesome and you've had plenty of these experiences. I'm sure where you look back and you go. Oh that period of time was challenged, but actually it really Important and I'm glad that it happened. So Leo season won't be entirely like that. I don't think but there may be moments of Challenge and of you being confronted in ways that feel provocative that feel deeply personal but also these are doorways for you. These are doorways of transformation and growth as I mentioned the sun moves into Leo on July 22nd this brings your awareness into the place of Home Family Security room. Goodness on July 27th, the planet Venus moves into Leo wherever Venus is Venus is bringing sweetness magnetism and the sense of importance and value as a Venus moves into Leo and it will Transit Leo through August 21st. You may be quite nostalgic happy to connect with family feeling a lot of close bonds and love for home. Our family, this is a really good time to connect with people. This is a great time to take care of your home's great time to be at home. Leo's a pretty social science. So it's a really nice time to invite people over Venus definitely likes to feed people and likes to impress them with beautiful things. So if you want to have a party you want to make someone dinner. This is a really nice time to kind of just open up in your personal space and connect to the people who are there on July 31st. There's a new moon in Leo. New moon is always a great time to initiate a new beginning and to set intentions for the next 12 months cycle from this new moon and Leo to the new moon in 2020. Again, Leo rules the part of your chart that has to do with a sense of belonging Leo is a sign that is really authentic. That is truly. I think that the strength of Leo that it rules the central channel of our body it rules our heart. When we are authentic, we are courageous. We risk not being the thing that other people want us to be we have to take a step forward to allow ourselves to really shine to take up some space but Leo's also incredibly generous as a sign so you might think about how you occupy space just in general how you relate to feelings of belonging of comfort of security. Where in your life, do you? Do you shy away and hold back? Where in your life do you feel like you can just rest into a sense of belonging at this new moon consider setting an intention for these sensations of belonging of home? And anchor how do you want to be yourself? Most profoundly most effectively and most brilliantly and how can this be an experience and Sensation that is not only in the places where you feel the most safe, but actually Is out into other spaces as well on July 31st. This is also the day that mercury stations direct will be finishing its retrograde cycle closer to the end of Leo season and Mercury stations direct can be a kind of wonky time. So just be careful around the 31st the end of the month things tend to get a little Haywire on the days of mercury station, but as mercury starts to move direct, this is a symbol. Love you coming into some kind of Greater awareness and emotional Clarity for these issues around stability and bonds Mercury turned retrograde in the sign of Leo and it moved back into cancer this stimulates your solar V, excuse me, your solar fourth and third houses Leo and Cancer for you rule the the fourth and the third so the fourth house again home bonding stability. The third house has to do with your Communications. I'll and kind of your general mental openness how responsive you are to new ideas how willing you are to express yourself cancer is a pretty emotional sign. There's something that I feel like you may be understanding about your own needs and how you communicate your needs and how this in turn affects your sense of belonging or stability as mercury turns direct you may be ready to have certain kinds of conversations or make other Other changes or adjustments or Outreach so that you can meet your needs in the way that you recognizing you need. This is the day of the new moon embodied astrology is available to you on the new moon. I will put out some kind of meditation or ritual to work with this lunar energy. So, please remember to check in with me then on August 11th Jupiter turns Direct in the sign of Sagittarius Jupiter has been retrograde since April 10th as I mentioned before. Is rules the part of your chart that has to do with vulnerability and intimacy. This is your deeper emotional experience since April. You may have been investigating these kinds of themes for yourself. The eighth house is also a place where we come into a shared experience with intimate others with people who mean something to you where there is dependency or trust, you know to really trust or to open up to someone is quite a vulnerable experience and since April you may have been having some kind of growth process with these areas. How can you trust how can you open up? What do you need in these spaces? How do you want to work with your own sense of privacy or secrecy when you are really seeing when you allow yourself to be seen what's that like for you Jupiter is wanting you to grow its wanting you to In your own experience of what's possible. It's also wanting to teach you to occupy yourself and to occupy your uprightness your benefic energy and your generosity. This is another kind of message that I'm seeing in your in your chart that you're really ready to open a new way to communicate around things that previously may have been hard to communicate and that your understanding something about your deeper psychology, August 11th is also the day that you're honest stations retrograde. And in your sign as you have undoubtedly heard me talk about many times. If you are a regular listener, you're honest has been in your sign since this spring since May and spent some time last year kind of inching its way in and then going into a retrograde but this is about a seven year cycle of your honest through Taurus. And this is a really important cycle for you your honest brings change Revolution Innovation and Canning, sometimes it's effect can feel really sudden chaotic or even shocking or traumatizing ultimately what it wants for you is freedom and Liberation as you run a stations retrograde you are coming into a five-month period of time when you may really need to look at certain aspects of your personality how you've identified. This is a really big theme for the solar first house which of course as a Taurus Taurus Rising then this is your solar first house this place of identity. So think about how your identity has formed what you mean when you say I me or mine, how can you interrogate those assumptions? And what has been built up around your identity in what ways do you want to grow? How does your identity want to manifest in? Ways right now? Can you innovate? Can you expand? Can you let go of what's holding you back in January? Your Otis will station Direct on January 12th on the same day that Saturn and Pluto form their conjunction in Capricorn again, if you're a regular astrology follower, he a listener, you've definitely heard about this. So Saturn and Pluto will be coming together in January in your 9th House of high wisdom purpose and path over the course of the next five months. This is a Ali big theme for you, you're thinking about what you're here to do on this planet and why why are you going to be doing the things that you're doing? Because they're important to you. Who are you? This is the line of questioning as you kind of reach into yourself knowing yourself identification, you get clarity around your path you get clarity around your purpose now is a time to be really uniquely yourself and to spend a fair amount. Time and reflection uncovering who that self is what that self wants and how that self can really be supported to grow and involve also on August 11th Mercury moves back into Leo it will Transit through Leo until the end of August August 29th mercury in Leo brings your communicative capacity to the sun. This is a really good time to express yourself to the people who you live with to your family, too. To your loved ones, if you're a person who has a strong connection to land or home as a physical space you may have a lot of awareness of your connections to the land or to your home and you may have ideas about how you want to participate and update innovate or express yourself or just generally care here on August 15th. There's a full moon at 22 degrees of Aquarius a full moon is always an Position the sun is in Leo. The Moon is in Aquarius the stimulates, of course Leo your solar fourth house home family bonding security and then Aquarius your solar 10th house. This is the place in the chart that has to do with your ambition in the world. So this probably makes sense where you're planted determines how you grow where you come from has a lot to do with what you become in the world the solar 10th house as the place. That expresses your Public Image your career your vocation and how you do your adult. Nastas in the world. Is this kind of reflection so around the full moon. You may come into some kind of understanding about who you want to be in the world. Again. There's a lot of energy this month about what you're here doing in the world. So what does that actually look like? What are you here to manifest? What do you want to achieve? This is also the day that Mercury's Shadow completes. And so this is a great day to start to move forward. On any projects or plans that have been held up over the last six weeks or so since Mercury began its retrograde cycle all the way back at the summer solstice on June 21st. So just think back on this period of time and consider any ideas that you've had any new projects that you want to move forward with anything that's still present that still feels like a desire you're supported now to continue on August 17th, the planet Mars moves into Virgo Mars. All transit Virgo through October 4th and on August 21st, your ruling planet Venus also moves into Virgo Venus will move through Virgo in Tulsa. Just a couple of days after Mars and Venus enter the sun follows suit on the 23rd. And as I mentioned Mercury will move into Virgo on August 29th. So this is bringing a lot of energy now into a fellow Earth sign for you Virgo rules, the solar fifth House of Creative Energy childlike innocence Joy personal authentic expression and romance and play time if that sounds familiar, it's because the fifth house has to do with the fifth sign. Which is Leo I was already talking a little bit about Leo nature as a Taurus Rising person. This Leo nature is really what you want at home. Taurus is assignment loves to be home and home is a place where Joy can happen for you as all the personal planets move into Virgo. We have a lot more energy for you to start creating to start recognizing how your vital energy can best Express out into the world. You may get really inspired around this time. Your creative projects if you're a person who's working with children or who has children of your own you may really have a good time with them throughout the end of Leo season and Virgo season this year. There's a lot for you to get engaged with in terms of art performance creativity Sports hobbies anything that you find to be fun stimulating that kind of takes you out of the humdrum status quo and helps you lose track of time and space. As you'll hear me talk about next month. This is a really powerful energy for you in this process of self-discovery. So please make sure that you check back in with me on August 22nd and listen to your month ahead for Virgo season. If you want more information definitely check out the subscriber options, you can get an extended monthly forecast that gives you all kinds of details for planetary aspects and lunar cycles throughout the month, please also listen to embody. Astrology for Leo season and that episode I'm going to talk a lot about Leo as an energy how it works in our bodies and through our relationships and experiences wishing you all the best for Leo season. Bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Leo Season in 2019. Cancer Season extends between July 22 - August 22. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to the Embodied Astrology reading for Leo Season. In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of Leo’s zodiacal energy through our bodies, hearts, minds, relationships and the world at large. I’ll talk to you about how to recognize the Leonine influence in yourself and others, and offer some somatic resourcing for working effectively with this energy. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Leo season and is also a very healing and supportive energy to check in with at any point. Learn more about Leo’s qualities and the upcoming month ahead with the Embodied Astrology Reading for Leo Season: Get the Leo Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hello and welcome. You're listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for Capricorn season in 2019. My name is Renee. I'm an artist an astrologer and a somatic intuitive in these audio horoscopes all outline. What I perceive as the main areas of focus for each sign in the month ahead and give you creative embodied and practical suggestions. As for working with this season's biggest opportunities and challenges remember that horoscopes describe general energies and it's up to you to get specific listen with your intuition turned on and your mind open take what works leave the rest. I suggest that you listen to the horoscopes for your son and your rising signs. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born. Your rising sign is determined by the time of day you are born and the place you were born if you Your birth information you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website embodied and the horoscope section to learn more about what's coming up in the next 30 days and the major themes of 2020 in general. Make sure to listen to break down to break through the embodied astrology episode for Capricorn season, you can find this episode Linked In the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your favorite listening platforms. If you're hungry to learn more about astrology check out my subscriber. Earrings, you can subscribe by donation at any amount per month and receive access to an extended monthly forecast and principal Astro Journal that gives you detailed day by day break downs of the planetary aspects and lunar cycles and suggestions for how to work effectively with their energy subscribers also get discounts on year ahead birthday Reports online classes Live Events and the embodied astrology Basics handbook speaking of Live Events. I would love to see you next month in, Portland, Oregon. Giving a talk on the astrology of 2020 on Saturday January 4th at 7 p.m. At psychic sister on Alberta the next day Sunday, January 5th. Come hang out with me from 11:00 to 4:00 at the people's yoga Northeast where we'll continue to explore the amazing astrology of 2020. I'll teach you how to work with your own chart and we'll play with fun creative and embodied approaches for working with Astro energy for manifestation by tality and joy details for both events are in the show notes are on my website. Right embodied and the Play and Learn section under Live Events. All of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for free. I know how helpful astrology can be for making sense out of the world and it's important to me to keep this work financially accessible especially during these crazy times in the world. If this work benefits you in your life, please support me to continue making it you can make a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going and side note recurring. We donors get access to the awesome subscriber content the number one way, you can support this work is to share it. Please share it with your family and friends and leave five star reviews on iTunes, SoundCloud and Spotify and follow me on Instagram and Facebook at embodied astrology. Thank you so much for tuning in. Please wait for a brief sponsorship message and I'll be right back at you with your horoscope. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on. Modify Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. 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So you'll never miss an episode because you want to catch them all don't you? Hello, Taurus, welcome to your Capricorn season horoscope as I mentioned in the introduction in this horoscope. I'm going to leave out the technical information about planets and Science and aspects and focus instead on the energy that I'm perceiving coming through your chart. The energy that is coming through in Capricorn season for all of us is really intense. There's a culmination of something that's been building for almost a decade that in this season. We really reach a changing point a Breaking Point and breakthrough points changing breaking breakthroughs tend to go together. And so I just want to prepare you that this season could bring about a fair amount of frustration and maybe anxiety or fear and a sense of Unknowing but there's also a possibility for incredible radical transformation and this transformation is exciting. Being and it feels like you could really turn a corner. So how you experience this energy is going to have to do with how you've been working with your own energy up to this point and how you're perceiving challenges as they come into your life what you're doing with them what kind of stories you're telling about them what it seems to me as I look at your chart is that you have really been struggling and we're working through a kind of process where you're trying to determine what the meaning of your life is. And as I mentioned, this is a pretty much decade-long kind of Journey that you've been on so since about 2008 2009 you have been working towards something and whatever it is that you've been working towards. There's the feeling of an ideal. There's a feeling of you reaching towards some idea of what your truth is or what your purpose is or what the truth or the purpose of life is This is the Battleground. This is the place where you are really trying to sort it out. You may have been working within the idea of the purpose being something that is constructed with hierarchy or with authority of some way. And so part of your journey has been in trying to find your way through authoritative systems in these authoritative systems are giving you a lot of It's about what the purpose of life should be and what you need to believe and what is true and what your priorities are and you have had to spend some time on some level agreeing with this deciding to pursue it thinking that those hierarchies are correct. And then you've also had to Grapple with these ideas and like I said struggle with them and the place where ICU now is add a space. Ace where you are recognizing your own autonomy and agency and you're recognizing something about the profound nature of your own truth and feeling a need to become free and this Freedom might have felt at times like the antithesis of what it was that you are trying to pursue before especially if what you were trying to pursue had some kind of, you know, achievement-oriented. Labor oriented process oriented intensity to it where you felt like you really needed to prove something the the struggle that you are going through was maybe the journey itself. Maybe that was the point itself and I think what you're starting to recognize is that you don't really want to struggle anymore. You want to live life in a way that is free and feels freeing to yourself and to those around you and that while you do do want to continue to pursue goals that you've had for yourself. You do want to continue to make meaning for your life and make your life meaningful the ways that you are wanting to do it are shifting and it's necessary that they shift you're getting to a space where I don't think it's appropriate for you to orient yourself towards hierarchy and that means that there's no one. Who's above you? There's no one who has a greater. Hold on the truth. Then you do there are plenty of people that have different Insight than you do. There are plenty of people who can be deeply valued and honored and loved as your teachers, but every teacher is also a human and every human is also very limited in their perspective and you are coming to recognize that you have a very unique perspective and that you have a kind of wisdom that is its exceptional and it's exceptional to you and you want to start to use this wisdom. You want to start to move thrum from your unique perspective in a different way and somehow you want to apply this perspective to to your Pursuits. You want to be a transformational force. You want to be a radical Force you want to be a free agent, but you still want to participate In some ways with the Pursuits that you've been involved with. So let me just name some of the potentials of these Pursuits because that might be helpful for some people. So the the space where I see this kind of energy really working for you is specifically implied for people who are working with the idea of knowledge and truth. So if in any way in your life Life if you're involved with seeking knowledge and determining some kind of truth. If you're trying to prove something that could be with any field. If you're seeking to somehow become eventually an authority but really you're trying to learn you're trying to gain wisdom and something this particular part of your chart is specifically implied with higher levels of learning and academic institutions as well as other Kinds of Ventures that might move you into some kind of wisdom path spiritual Pursuits religious Pursuits philosophic quests and your own orientation towards growth. So in ways where you're trying to prove something to yourself you're trying to come into a space of knowing and for some people this might be very subtle kind of internally going. What's the purpose of my life. I need to determine what the purpose of my life is and if you're looking out at the world and Are comparing yourself to other people or you're comparing yourself to some kind of constructed reality that's given to you through a capitalist patriarchal world view that goes okay. The meaning of life is to have a you know, six figures a year income and two houses and this kind of relationship or whatever, you know, not to say that that's the meaning that you've been following but on some level you've been working through a kind of constructed meeting meaning and Now you're wanting to break it apart. There may be specific pointings to people who are working also in the dissemination of knowledge. If you're working with publishing working with broadcasting of some kind there. There's also a reference to these kinds of Pursuits. Basically right now you are in a space where you're needing to recognize that truth is not absolute. There is no one perspective on anything. There is a vast amount of wisdom. And the way that you can access wisdom is not through beating your head against a wall or pouring yourself into endless reading or taking tests or you know, climbing mountains for just the purpose of climbing mountains. I don't know to get to the top what you're trying to recognize right now is that you can access wisdom through your intuition and that you can access wisdom through Your body and that embodied intuitive wisdom is just as valuable as all other kinds of wisdom and particularly. When you combine them you get Innovation you get something that's really new and you want to position yourself now so that you're moving into the world. You're approaching your future self. And the way that your life is going to unfold from here on out you want to position yourself so that your life is moving towards more and more freedom. Go towards more and more potential for Innovation and towards more and more support for your embodied intuition. Now over the course of Capricorn season. There are a couple of different kinds of movements in planetary energy as Capricorn season begins on December 21st, that first week or so from the 21st through the 27th. We've got a lot of big change energy coming and you yourself are going through such remarkable changes in. How you understand your identity you may be really connecting quite strongly now to the sense of the inner guide or the inner teacher. Your intuition is getting stronger. You might be getting very curious about your own intuition feeling intuition can come through and many ways so it can come through in your body having kind of just feelings about something or urges to do something having insistence arise within your embodied awareness that then you need to follow intuition can come through your dreams. Intuition can come through coincidence or seeming coincidence where you're thinking about something and then you stumble upon a book about it. And then you hear something about it and someone else's conversation and then later you see something on TV intuition can also come through direct kind of connection with your higher self or with your Spirit guides or something like that. So a lot of different ways that you might start to receive validation for your own intuition and you might get curious and excited. About your intuition around this first week of Capricorn season. Now during that week. We have the first of two eclipses that will have in Capricorn seas. And that's part of what makes this season. So dramatic, the first eclipse is on December 25th and 26th. This is a solar eclipse at 4 degrees of Capricorn. Check your natal chart to see if you have any planets or points at for cap. These energies are going to get Amplified by this Eclipse. Now this Eclipse specifically is about letting go of of old forms of knowing for you. It's about letting go of ways that you used to use your mind through a hierarchical construction. That means that ideas of proving something of determining truth of argument ways that you might be competitive with your own wisdom or with others wisdom. These kinds of thinking these kinds of approaching your mental space these kinds of relationships. Are on the way out you don't want to participate with them anymore and it's really important at this point that you again you give openness to your intuition. Your intuition is so strong around this new moon and I would love to suggest that you carve out some time and space for yourself to make ritual of some kind connect with ancestral energy connect with the spirit realm ask your higher self for guidance. I have a lot of guided meditations on my SoundCloud. So if you go to SoundCloud or you go to my Website you can find them. I have a number on listening to your Intuition or connecting with your higher self working with ancestors. Those would be great for you around this time or any any kinds of support that you can think of any rituals that you make those would be awesome on January 10th. We've got the second eclipse. This is a lunar eclipse at 20 degrees of cancer a lunar eclipse occurs with the full moon. So any planets or points that you have between excuse me in cancer or Capricorn at 20 Is again these planets and points are going to be Amplified and their energies this lunar eclipse continues with the change energy continues with this Readiness for you to listen to your intuition and your very clear around this Eclipse around what needs to be let go now I do want to say that it looks like the energy around this Eclipse can be really intense and that this might be a kind of crunch point where we really feel the kind of like deepest way. A deist part of our discontent and our frustration that's not going to be true for everyone. But if for you if you're sensing in yourself or in the world around you that the 10th through the 13th or so of January, you know, it's like hard to get any mental space. If you feel really preoccupied. If you're really trying to confront something in yourself and you're trying to change it or there's frustration arising notice what that process is and remember that Frustration is often. The fire that allows us to come to break through. So when we're really wrestling with something that is actually helping us move through the stagnancy and the inertia of whatever it is. You're very aware of what the blocks are at this time. You're very aware of what is keeping your mind from opening in the way that you want it to open. You're very aware of ways that your mind and your natural intelligence is imposed upon by external structures. And as much as you can try and think broader again, your embodied intuition is the key check in with your body open your mind through imagination exercises play some games, you know, see what you can do to kind of get out of normalcy and move yourself away from any like confining ideas of how you need to think about things how you need to pursue what you're interested in pursuing. It's not a binary Universe. There's so many options and you really want to open yourself to options by the time we get to January 13th. There is a different level of softness that's coming in more willingness to change more interest in kind of these altered space or different spaces of perception. And then as we continue throughout the year, there's just a lot of of changes coming in but this Capricorn season is really bringing so much. Much up to the surface that is ready to be processed and let go so in essence in summary. I want to just say to you my tourist friend that you are going through a really big shift in your identity right now. It's essential that you give yourself a lot of compassion that you learn to use your minds compassionately that you notice where there have been habits developed in your mind that our habits of argument that our habits of competitiveness and that are habits of Hierarchy notice when you put yourself down and notice when you put others above you try and remember that the intelligence that is existent within your cells is the intelligent that is existed in all of life and in the stars and in the Earth itself and connect to this innate intelligence that you have there's so much support for you. That's what I have for you for now. I really hope that this horoscope is helpful and it's interesting. I'm wishing you all the best in Copper. Corn season and in 2020 and Beyond bye for now. Just a reminder that I'll be offering to Live Events the weekend of January 4th in Portland, Oregon and I would love to see you there check the show notes for more info or go to embodied and find my live events in the Play and Learn section. Happy New Year.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Capricorn Season in 2019/2020. Capricorn Season extends between December 21, 2019 - January 20, 2020. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to “Break Down to Breakthrough - Embodied Astrology for Capricorn Season.” In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of the zodiacal energy of Capricorn and explore how it manifests in our bodies, minds, emotions, relationships and in the world and I’ll discuss some of the potent transits happening in Capricorn season linking us to cycles that have deeply influenced our world for the past 500 years. Everyone has every sign in their chart, and Capricorn represents amazing and important energy for each of us. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Capricorn season and is also a very healing and powerful energy to check in with at any point. Listen here: Get the Capricorn Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Follow Embodied Astrology: Instagram - @embodiedastrology Facebook - Embodied Astrology (@embodiedastrology) Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Welcome to social fix radio. I'm your host Mercedes-Benz and founder of social fixed a platform aim to connect more Black Talent to job opportunities in the creative industry on this podcast will get raw and unfiltered as we speak to Black industry professionals and creatives alike extracting tips tricks and some tea on how to navigate in the creative industry. Join me as we fix the Gap and fix the conversation on what it means to be a black creative in a professional world. Old so I'm really really excited to have this very special guest on the first episode of social fixed radio who happens to be a dear friend of mine, but she's also absolutely killing it in the music industry right now Velma Simmons brand Partnerships manager at Warner Music. Yeah business development business development business program partnership or brand Partnerships amazing. I mean introduce yourself well, I'm Mercedes dear friend Velma. I am the business development manager at Warner Music so I sit centrally so I sit across all labels. So I'm not exclusive to one label and I've been here now for four months, but I've been doing brand Partnerships for five years now amazing. Yeah, and what made you get into brand Partnerships? Why brand Partnerships? And what is that for people who don't know do you? Want anything loose of story? I want a very exclusive story. I think I don't even know if you know this. This is an exclusive State. I thought we were friends. Yeah, here we are. But Mercedes has a big role in De fact, I'd even Partnerships. Do you know that damn tell you this story? I'm not going to say names because don't it be you know, yeah controversial but I really wanted a job. I've had done it loads of internships. I had worked at disturbing London. I went to Sony I did. A two week internship for Roc Nation in like the air in our department and after I did so many internships. I wanted to start getting paid for doing work and I had gone to so many interviews, you know, you name the brand I had gone and then those this one specific woman that had a gave me an interview, but I didn't get it because you had moved over. Oh, I do know that he carry the show you She had me Mercedes said move that over to different brand so the woman felt so bad that she had done that to me that like every month. She would like all of them. I haven't gotten anything. No, I didn't and I was working at the bank. So then one day she emailed me and was like, oh, I know somebody at Universal that looking that they're looking for a brand partnership intern and I was at the bank I had like just got promoted. I was like nah, dawg, I'm gonna come not gonna go like whatever and That my friends are gonna just go so I ended up going and I got the job. And from there. I started doing brand Partnerships amazing. So what is brand parts? Thank you so much. Ladies, no worries brand Partnerships as well. I've obviously come back into music in the last four months before I was at a sauce, but so it can vary in different sectors, but within the music speaks, it's just a format for artists to be able to express their interest. Arrest outside of music and giving I guess brands are way to talk about their brand through a music lens. So you're like trying to marinate the to but making it organic. So it doesn't look like it's just done for money because in your world for example with you doing like being an influencer brand partnership could be something as simple as a social post, but surely you don't do any social post around things that you actually don't use right? So it's the same in the music space. Just being able to high-end that artist has experience and their story through the lens of a brand. Can you give an example there's loads there's like storms in Adidas. What's in that Heinz ketchup and Ed Sheeran, right when I was at University. I brought on Hennessy and they did that home masters of potential Series so Hennessy and that was with Abbey Road Studios, and then they put different artists side. And so it's just when a brand and a musician come together to just basically create cool content and a cool story. Yeah, sick. Yeah. Now, you know, I I loved how you were kind of giving us a little insight into how you landed your first program partnership role, but you name dropped quite a few companies you name dropped a sauce your name dropped disturbing London, which is a record label here in the UK. You name-dropped rock. Nation all right. So we need to go all the way to the beginning. Yeah. When did you realize that you wanted to work with in music? What was that that point? I went to see Jay-Z and Kanye at Watch the Throne. I didn't know what I wanted to do music, but I knew I wanted to work in music at that concert. I said change my life because I studied film and television right? So I originally wanted to be a television. Producer for live television, but that went out the window after I went to that concert and I was obsessed to work with rocking every company. I've worked for I've been obsessed to work with them. So I was obsessed to work with Roc Nation and I got my first actual internship through Instagram. I was going crazy. I was going through Instagram and I was going through Kelly Rowland's page and a man kept on popping up. Right and I was like, oh, I wonder if this is her man, so I clicked on his page. And then it said like an offer Roc Nation. His name is Omar Grant and I went to his like Instagram and someone was like, oh, I would love to send you a beat and he was like, yeah, here's my email. So I emailed him and then I was so you saw somebody else who's comment? Yeah, and you saw the email and then you jumped on the arrow and then I can create your own conversation and I like of course I have his email. So I emailed him. I was like Hey, like I just finished uni. I always go back to New Jersey to visit my friend friends and family. Does like I would love to do an internship, even if I'm out there or if you're ever in London, please let me know I kid you not maybe like a couple days later. He was like actually I'm coming to London to record Rihanna's Unapologetic album and he was like any raising just like that just like that and then how did it work for disturbing London? And how did it work for that was another one? I was obsessed with I was obsessed with tiny at Uni like that La just guys. Needs to be upset like with what they were the yeah, I was obsessed with tiny at Uni and I was obsessed with like that infrastructure because they were such a family orientated business. So I was like, I was finishing an internship at Sony and I was like, I'll let me write him a letter the me being the him and I sent a letter to their offices, but nobody ever got back and I kid you not for like the longest time. I would guess dummies email that just dummy @dl records to me out disturbing London and then some wood. Like bounce back and then one day one went through and he was in America and then it was like, oh, I'm in America recording with tiny but here's my email. He has my assistants email and if it's important, please contact my assistant and I thought this is important. I want a job. So I emailed the assistant and they were like all you know, we never really have interns but come in I met them and then they're like, yeah, you could be your art into and I think I was like their first intern that was like outside of there. Family structure that I keep saying, that's crazy because that's absolutely crazy. So I just want to know then where did this resourcefulness come from like this mentality? Yes, you were obsessed. But why did you just keep going? How comes you just kept researching their names their Instagrams their social medias their emails? Like what kept you going? I feel like I want, you know want to like see something if I guess it's the same with you when you were a d-des right once you see Something and you see like wow, this could actually be my life that this could be my job. It didn't need to be that. Oh like amazing to be like a doctor and stuff but it did it was like this other lane that I've never seen and I've always been like in while I was younger. I was always into pop culture. Do you know I mean, I never knew brand Partnerships was a job, right? Yeah, and it's like but now I was thinking when I saw the Watch the Throne I was like, yeah, Jay-Z and Kanye I hear but Dad. I must be a heap of people that I like making this happen and I just wanted to be a part of that because I just like imagine how music touches us. Right. I just wanted to be a even if it's a small part of that story. I just wanted to be a part of it. So I just felt that you have to keep going because yeah, you eventually get their amazing. So I mean from stepping into the industry as a rock Nation intern and now becoming a business development manager warning me. Sick how many years has that span? It's been about five five six years. Mmm. How was your understanding of the music industry change then from having this like, I guess this like dreamy idealistic vision of what the music industry is to I guess maybe the reality of it now working with in it for the past six years. I think when I first came in I thought it was like, oh my God like Glitz & Glam, right and old people are sitting the around and giving creative. Ideas, and it's just happening, you know, I mean, but I think being in it for six years you realize how much of a business is how many how much politic how much things that you need to budget and all of that that like the non-sexy things how much admin it goes into even someone releasing an album also is not just about jumping into those cool videos sheets and photo shoots. You're gonna have to be dying list, you know, I mean, there's even in brand Partnerships. There's so much admin that goes into it because it's A relationship career that you're everything is based on relationships. So even keeping in contact with people when there's nothing happening. It's all that will has to do with making this happen. Right and it's not just all you're going to concerts. You're going out to dinner. Oh you're at this sexy event. Do you know what I mean? So I feel like from when I started when I was younger to now to being 28, you see how much things actually go into the into this big Big business business. Yeah. Yeah and do you ever feel discouraged some days because like you said it's about building relationships constantly, even when it's quiet. It's about the admin it's about the business and you kind of came in with like the passion. There's this energy and this I want to change the world do music lens. So yeah, do you get discouraged sometimes and if so why I think I would I get this courage sometimes not so much of like all you Change the world but more so of my character as a person like I've which you can attest to I'm such that a positive bubbly person that sometimes because of the politics it could shift the kind of the kind of energy, right because things need to get hot need to happen. And I think not every I've obviously I'm a Christian but not everybody's gonna see everything in that like positive lens. Sometimes I feel like that's the only part that sometimes I get like of it. Yeah, you know in Italy. Yeah, you also make reference to the fact that you're from New Jersey. So I'm assuming that when you interned at Roc Nation, you would have seen how things were done from the American point of view compared to how things were done in the UK. Is there a difference in the energies between music labels in the UK versus music labels in the u.s. I think it's hard for me to say because when I was doing my internship he had come to London. Okay, so it was It didn't have like an infrastructure here, but I do think I don't know even just like the other day. I came back from my high school reunions, right? And there's something about New York's hustle and bustle that they're just like go-getters. Do you know what I mean that I feel like London doesn't haha. Yeah, but we're quite humble with our approach. Yeah and to achieving thing Irv. Yeah. Do you know what I mean? Yes Americans is just a rah-rah and I feel like I don't know there's something that's nicer about That do you think you get that that drive from maybe your amount of background being in America? Okay, I think Eric I think yeah, I feel like I have a good balance there. Yeah, but because obviously I've lived here for from 15 and I feel like I have a good balance, but I do every time I go back and I come back here guys - yeah, it's like a whole different like a whole different energy. I feel like you want to do more. Yeah when but when you are here at correct me if I'm wrong, but don't I feel like you get a bit complacent a bit complacent and you fill the glass ceiling a little bit more and then when you go out LA and you come back, you're just like I can do it. I could Magnus you go. I'm trying to say it's like you could dream bigger. He has here to like I said, oh dream big but okay Mercedes calm calm down. Yeah, come back down. Yeah, they always have a way of just yeah back. Yeah, so it's interesting that we're talking about that. The only reason why I made that comparison is because you know looking at entertainment industry in Cara it gassed me because I saw more people like a kid again, right when you come to the UK were kind of few and far between yeah. So how has it been as a black woman navigating through the music industry. Have you always have you found it easy or have you found yourself being the one of one in certain teams? Like have you has it affected your journey in any way being a black woman? I've always been the only black person until I came to Warner. Okay, um whenever I think Is I mean, there's like like almost half of us are colored cool, but I always think that it's so good to have people like twin Alex Boateng acquia like this. There's always been somebody that is of color that is in a higher position. Maybe not a lot but there's someone and usually I found that they are quite open to help. You know, I mean, which is I think is a good thing but I do agree with your point like if you look at America like You look at Warner in America like the head women are like killing it Yak head of labels head of like crazy black. Yeah black women like just absolutely bossing it and I feel like if we had that over here, it's nicer because it's like something you can look up to, you know, I mean that it's cool that they're in America. But if you had it here in the office you'd be you know, what I can spot. This is actually an a dream. That is an achievable. Yeah, and I would say that with your journey. Annie do you did you always have like somebody who was black that you were looking up to in order to kind of get to that next level have have all your Gatekeepers been black women just in general. My Gatekeepers. Haven't all been black women. I okay acquia was like my first after I finished disturbing London she liked and I had never even intended day in Adidas by had met her at a radio station for when I was with disturbing London. He's a CLIA. Acquia is she now is storms. He's brand manager alongside of Other people just just for the people as yeah, just for that you go listening. She's sick and she literally I'll never forget she called she went through her phone book and called everybody and was I owed you have an internship told you have an internship whatever nothing materialized of it. But from that day like just somebody that's just in your corner like that and can vouch for you moving all the way to warning like six years later twin even though I had known my manager before it. Twin was also like somebody's so instrumental. That was like an Obama. Come here. Like it's a it's a whole new Vibe. You're really Thrive here and everything. I was doing with life talks, which is like a platform that I do around entertainment, but he was just like you can really Thrive here. So I thought having somebody like him just here in the building that you could go up to you can yeah talk to you can have to you know, I mean, yeah, but like it just makes it simple and it's so important and can understand what you're going through and I have a great friends he is. Definitely. So let's talk about money. Hmm because when it comes to internships a lot of people a lot of black people and minority ethnic, so we feel or type of way because the music industry the fashion industry is really made for middle-class white Fulton in the sense that they can actually afford to live on minimum wage in order to enjoy this passion filled career, or they can afford to not make any money just to get some experience. Perience. So how is money shaped your internships from the beginning and even up into the job roles that you take now has money always been a driving force or have you done things for free? Like how do you kind of balance that notion of do I do this experience to make money or do I do this experience without the money? But just because it's going to take me to the next level I think because I was so passionate about it. I did it for free and I did quite a few in And ships for free and it was like free free. It wasn't even like any lens any expenses. I've done some for expenses and then while doing that I just juggled working at Victoria's Secret and they had like late night shift. So do that and then go to work go to my internship or I'll do like a couple of days on the internship and a couple days to work because I needed to obviously have money because at the time at the time I right around disturbing London I had lost my dad. That's so I needed to like have a job to help my mom at the time but my brother is funny enough. He was like not digging it. Like he just felt like I should get a regular job until he went to the disturbing London office and he was a trauma. I don't care what I have to do. I'll help you just so you can actually do this internship. So then I did that but then I felt like I had done so many internships after disturbing London and then I was just like, okay. Well, it's great that you have a passion for it. But when are you actually You gonna be getting paid for your time and your contribution to these companies. So that's when I started my journey of trying to look for a paid job, but it was so hard to get that first step in the door. So that's why I had to go work at HSBC crazy. And then how long were you at HSBC for I gave myself six months I said six months was the cut off before they started making my what's so when you when you quit a new your leave, Your leave notice. Yeah six months was the time that they would tell you if you were going to be permanent or not. Right? So I said I'll give all your probation. Yeah my preparation, right? Yeah. So I said I'll give myself six months to do this. And I remember a woman was like, oh I told myself the same thing and I've been in the bank for 20 years. Oh and I went to the back and I cried like I cried so much. I was like, oh my God, this is gonna be my life. Right? Yeah, and then I cried and then I came back out and then as No vomit, honestly, you have to give yourself six months. I kid you not I sir and everything on the last day of the six months. I got the job at Universal crazy and Marty and it was like, okay it was okay money for my age. Yeah. Well, I was 25 at the time and I felt like I was interning at such a I felt I was old right I fight 25 I shouldn't be in my first like we thought we would do a lot of things by 25 to be fair. So when I took that job, I was just like, you know what it's not a lot of money, but it would give me the Experience I need and if I work hard I'll be able to stay here for a good amount of time. And I stayed there for two years before I moved onto a sauce and then when I was going to a sauce then I was just like no like I felt like I had enough Stripes to now. No, I know what I'm doing. So now I should be rewarded by being paid a good amount of money. Do you know me and I think from that period onwards even coming here. I feel like money has been a big factor because I always say even to like you guys. Into my friend is that of course you want to do jobs that you're passionate about but you also have goals outside of your life right outside of your career. You want a family you want to buy your first home and you're not going to be doing that off of passion. Yeah, do you go I mean, so I feel like now moving forward that it it's you should be confident enough to ask for the money that you want because you've put the time into it, you know what I mean? So I understand that when you start first start doing internships, but I feel like internships have changed from what Yeah started. Yes, you get can make money you make you make minimum wage minimum wage, which is still good because it's like minimum wage for a year. But for what's going to come in, you know in the future, it'll pay off. I always say to like Kyle our intern is that you're making let's say you're making like 25-30 25k right now as an intern or assistant whatever imagine if you save and what and you're 21 right now imagine when you're our age what you Be making you'll be making so much because you put the time in and you know, I mean you sacrifice and I feel like every time you sacrifice a little the bigger reward will be Beyond you your expenses will be 18K a hundred percent. So we're coming up to the end of this segment. What advice would you give to 18 year old Velma? Oh my God, 18 year old bomber. I would tell 18 year old bomber relax kid. Keep going keeping passionate and don't think that you're gonna have it all by 25 because for some reason I thought you fact was that age? I thought I'd have my husband. I'd have my first kid at like 26 like I don't know who told us that 25 life. Like I actually want to know who it was. I felt like I had like a midlife crisis. It was crazy. Yeah, and it's like an hour. I always think like every time like not well majority of the time when I'm coming to work. I was just that like even this morning I was thinking whoo. Have ever thought you would be here. You know when I first was looking for internships want to turn me down. So when I got this job the woman was like wow, you've been in our system for long crazy. So it's funny how they got you on the sister. I mean from from that internship that I never got and I remember I didn't get it because the trains are running late. I had tripped at the station. It was crazy. It was like the worst day ever, but then now fast forward you would have never thought. At that like I promise you you didn't think you was gonna be a DJ when you're doing all those internships. Nice you go Army, but like I feel like God has his plan for you. But like sometimes you just don't see it. Yeah, you know, I mean so I would just say keep going and like it's all gonna be okay because it turned out pretty alright, it's alright for you. Nah, and one piece of advice you'd give to anybody who's applying for internships who's at the start of their Journey go the extra mile don't finding those. Like obviously don't be annoying and be yeah. Yeah, I mean but like even like I don't know just be creative with it because if you think everyone trying to get the same job, but not the same application guide me, but if you go above and beyond as maybe send them a brand partner if he were trying to be at Brand Partnerships and to find out the person sent them a brand partnership idea that you think would work great. Do you know I mean just think outside of the box do something that everyone else isn't doing to get that first job and be yourself. Amazing. Thank you so much Velma for coming down to the first social fix radio episode. Thank you so much my dear. So here's the second segment of today's social fixed radio episode and we are joined by two amazing individuals Kyle and tia. Hello. Hello. Thank you for having us. No, I'm glad I'm glad you're on I'm glad you're on the show because I feel like you're going to give us some really cool tips on interning. So for anyone who's listening. A sponsored by Warner Music for today's episode and they have just released their new internship program which spans over eight different departments. So what we want you guys to do is to definitely go on the Warner Music website and apply for these internships and I say this because our two guests car and TR have actually interned at one of music now Tia. Hello, you are currently interning in the marketing department. Yes, I am. Um, so I am the Atlantic marketing intern and I do I've been here for about four months now and it's a 12 month internship. So yeah slightly though, I threw yeah Ian Kyle. You also started interning at Warner as well. How did you get into it? Yes, I didn't turn in last year the SandBar and I just saw it online on Creative access applied to didn't views got it. I'm yeah lot of fun. Yeah, and so you've gone from in turning. Actually now Landing your full-time position coordinate now and how long does it take? Yeah. Yeah. I finished the whole year the internet then they only permanent amazing. So how hard or easy was it to actually land your first internship in the music industry. TR. Let's start with you. So for me, I wouldn't say it was easy. I had an advantage because I did a music industry management degree is in which kind of covered all aspects of the industry. So so law business finance like kind of everything so I had that to kind of get me going if that makes sense. But the thing I struggled with was the getting the experience to get an internship that makes sense. I kind of went in with the mentality that I was just gonna look for things and then apply like white for things to come to me kind of thing. Whereas I've figured out that I needed to like do things on myself. So I just kind of took things off my own back and approach people like for And Shadow in things like that. And and then yeah, I think having a buildup of all of those things helped me kind of get the internship. Yeah. And did you just see this role online and just kind of went for it or yeah, so funnily enough when I was in my final year of uni, so probably January this year. I was actually looking for jobs and I knew a girl who was working in a major label at the time and she was like, there's a Facebook group called social fix and I was like, oh my God. - wait, did you see this on social fixed or you started so these social that's how I started to use it and started licking. What are the odds? I know I know I did not pay her. This is actually failing as we speak. Yeah easy. So I somebody had posted in there something like are these internships have gone live? So I was like having to look through the Atlantic one applied and then luckily got it. Is incredible. Yeah, high five. I love that. All right Kyle. What about you? How was it? She's gonna land in your first internship in the music industry. It was easy, but it wasn't also apply for like a handful of stuff seem different openings on the internet. Then I saw this one open on crave access once I put that it was kind of easy other interview went really well came back for a second time that went even better. So I was like, yeah, I've got this yeah turned out and I went yeah, I think once you get put in the position where you can like talk about yourself and show your passion and stuff. Yeah, that's when he gets easy to just get your foot in the door. Yeah. Can I first opportunity? That's yeah. That's the hard part now. I remember when I was kind of like looking for internships. I would basically have this kind of apply to everything mentality. So it's not just about focusing on that one application. I kind of just send my CV to everything generic cover letter and just kind of be Like whatever lands lands wherever I get I get is that the same method that you used or where you quite more intentional with the this role that you applied for in terms of kind of putting your best foot forward for me. I would say at the beginning. I definitely did that. I was kind of like science and grab you just change the first few lines like why that role would be good for me. Yeah, and then it wasn't until I sat down with the Korea's team at my union was like I'm not getting anything back. I don't know. What to do and they went through the steps that you have to tailor it to every specific job role pick out all of the things that they're looking for and shape it into what experience you have to fit that until I kind of got the grasp of that. That was when I started seeing so yeah the seeing people come back and be like Oh interesting interview. So it's important to be super specific sometimes when you're well most times when you when you really want to apply for a job or particularly in turn has to yeah, I got burned once really yeah. Collided law. So back in like a previous life. I have like no the grid not lotteries, like legal openings that perhaps paralegals and stuff like that. And I forgot to change the law firms name. I don't even after since that time. I was like, I'm doing specific color. Yeah. Yeah so fixed TVs in the world up, so no definitely I have emailed a few too many people and forgot to change the names or forgot to take people out of CC guys email. Jessica is very important. So you don't want to get caught out know so between both of you has your ex. How was your experience at Warner Music been so far? Like what been the main things that you've learned from your experience for me. I think being at Warner in particular. It's such like an immersive experience. So with an internship, I just assumed like all you'll be an accessory to the department like you're just help out when needed but you really feel part of the team and like You do actually makes a difference. I think that's quite unique about Warner personally can't same some experience job since I started was just like, oh you have this resource already got do this. If you don't all of us kind of class we're fucked. Yeah, I was doing like the finance. Yeah. So that's pit getting money in from Brands and then paying it out to artists which is like a big thing, especially with these like big deals like millions and yeah all those kind of numbers. S so yeah, so I had like big responsibility from that the first week first two weeks first month and then kept on going on so yet that about Warner is really good. Amazing Tia. You studied a musical degree. So you kind of already knew that you wanted to get into music but Carl you said that you studied law. So did you actually receive like any backlash or maybe lack of support because you decided to switch gears a welcome like my family. Yeah family or a hundred that quite cool. Yeah. All right. Are you kind of did yeah is different because that's too harsh or not. But Italy but they were cool with it. Oh cool - just wanted to have a job that to be on and oh really? Yeah, not all cool. Like oh, yeah. So happy once I got to think this was happy so they were happy perfect. Yeah, they don't ya because they knew but I didn't really want to do the whole lawyer. So what actually made you pivot from law into music. What was that are in the law degree? Yeah. It's a realize you're over it. Yeah, I got certified you and I was like, oh, so this is what it's like it's just not like suits and like lovely lunches. Yeah, nice suits and like oh shit. It's a lot of work salaried and luck a store and a lot of memorizing. So now that I can't see myself doing that for the next four years. And then I was helping my brother does like photography and stuff. So he was taking me doing the shoots with at different heights. I was like, oh just like was interesting that I love music. Me trying to be a part of it and in us when I kind of changed inside do it on IP law. So I kind of added that's my Arsenal which I mentioned in my cover letter because it's so cool and stuff like that. And then I did that pivot inferred you. Yeah sick and what would you say would be some some top tips on how to actually land your first internship in the music industry. If you have to give one, what would it be don't get disheartened. Yeah. Go ahead know a lot. Yeah like a lot. Don't respond. Yeah that too so you can't carry it affect you. Yeah. Yeah, I would agree with that equity and I would cite to add to that. Like if people don't be afraid to approach people. Yeah, like don't think oh my gosh. I can't email this person. Like what if they don't reply to me? Like literally if you don't ask you don't get kind of thing. And then the main thing that I would say is just try and get as much experience as you can like, even if You can't see something that in your field that you want to do like try and create that yourself like even if it's just like messaging someone and saying can I Shadow you for like a day like build on that relationship every relationship that you make in the industry, like keep that connection because the amount of people that I've met before I've had this internship and then I've been at work thing and then seeing them they're like, it's so important like I can't stress that Anna now, I mean a big theme seems to be being proactive and building. Relationships that you make throughout your experience in the industry Kyle the fact that you actually landed do your first job. What was the process of going from like an intern to a coordinator? Did you have to jump over some hurdles in order to get that that kind of? Yes, you got the job. Yeah. I think there's more ballot proven that I can do it. I think in I think they kind of had it in their mind that they wanted to try and see if they could make someone into quit because they've needed to coordinate. All right. And I'm the intern and make sense. Yeah, I think I just have to prove myself in that respect. Yeah, so it's like a year-long thing of proving myself Spooner can do this. I can do the finance. I can organize meetings and all that other stuff. So it was just like never let your guard down like you got Beyond prayed all the time. Yeah, exactly and be on time those are all exactly what would you say have been like the biggest misconception so like when you looked at the music Industry, you know growing up it probably looks a lot more Glitz and glamour glamorous than it is right now. So what are the misconceptions that you've actually experienced or face whilst working in the industry so far for me, I would say how involved like a label is within an artist career. So even if it's just specifically one Department like for me, I'm in marketing but marketing literally is involved in every aspect. So whether it's promo at like help And I like literally everything. So I feel like it's not a nine-to-five. It's more of a lifestyle like you have to really really want it and be prepared to go that extra mile to kind of get the job done. Right if that makes sense like that. Yeah. Yeah. I was like, yeah, you got soaking Soph in like everything kind of say. Oh, yeah. I like a listen to this artists and that's it. You gotta like Media stuff and social medias haven't told you got to really soak yourself in the culture. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, um, but in also, so you're some oh shit. What are these are so and basically in terms of misconceptions such as oh that is like a big party. Yeah. I'll tell my friends is also what like you don't do any work. It was like mommy. There's a lot of like stuff in Photoshop going on like I do a lot. Yeah. Yeah, but but there is like good parts to it. Like I really felt about balancing. Yeah. Singing out and I guess I don't know if you've thought this far but five years time. Where would you like to be? Where do you see yourself in the industry? Whoa, good question for me. It's hard because I love marketing. Like I've always loved it all kind of started off in radio and then I'll transition to Market and because I literally love sharing music with other people like it's what I love to do and how better to do that than marketing, but I think Potentially a marketing manager. Yeah. Yeah just having like artist on your roster that you have like creative control over that. Yeah and like working with different teams. I think five year goal. That could be a vyapti I see there for me. I think just working on projects that I really love. I really care about him like really like crazy Gravely involved in because that some of the work we're doing upstairs. Like I'll try I would like a To do that like me that make sense. So yeah, I don't have any anything specific but just working on Creative projects. Yeah, that makes sense. So I guess just to round it off why should people apply for this Warner Music internship program. I think if you want like proper hands-on experience where you're literally just soaked in like the whole industry like this is the best place to be like you'll have guidance and help along the way like the Have an amazing Mentor scheme. I have a mentor here. But any help that you need like you can just go to that person and talk to them about it. But at the same time you're literally like deep in the job like it's not like not in uni or school or whatever and yeah like a lychee in it. And I think that's the best part about it doing. Yeah. I'll tell her that and also like the people that I met some like amazing people. Yeah. So yeah, I want to I think one of the best people biased Of that. Thank you so much for coming on today's episode. Thanks for me. And that was social fixed radio episode 1 recorded live at Warner Music Group in London. Thank you for listening. And I hope you really enjoyed it. Join in on the conversation by following us on all socials at Social fixed with a tea until next time.
In Episode One of SocialFixt Podcast, we chat to Velma Simmons, Business Development Manager at Warner Music and Founder of L.I.F.E Talks UK, a platform designed to help people push past the discouragement that can come with trying to break into the entertainment industry and inspire the next generation of up and coming creative minds in the UK. Long time friends, Velma and Mercedes chat about how pivotal they have been to one another’s career journeys, highlighting the ways in which friendships can serve not just personal but professional growth. In this episode, Velma Simmons shares everything from her wins: securing internships by snooping in instagram comments to moments that felt like losses: crying in the staff room at her bank job when she thought she’d never make the leap into the music industry. Perseverance is the key word in this episode. We also chat with Kyle and Tiah, interns at Warner Music about the joys of breaking into an awesome role, the challenges that come even when working in a dream role and get their tips for securing that coveted internship. This episode is sponsored by Warner Music in partnership with SocialFixt.
Hey everyone, this is Asia. This is Chris and welcome to episode 1 season 1 of Health curious. Enjoy. Hello friends, hi. How is everybody? How are you? Asia? I am doing well. I'm a little bit sleepy. It is 9:03 p.m. Past your bedtime past my bedtime by three minutes, so I might be a little slower than normal tonight, but that's okay slower than normal as if we have a normal. Yeah, this is our first podcast. So we're starting off good. Yeah. Yeah starting off on a tired note. Yes. Okay, it will it'll only get better from here. Yes what I'm hoping. Yes, let's hope yeah, so this is our first our first episode podcast number one podcast. Number one. I'm nervous I was saying before we started recording I am nervous and I don't know why but it's gonna be good. It's gonna be good. We're gonna have fun. We're gonna talk about what we learned. Yay. And yeah, we're nerdy like that. So it'll be fun exactly chat about nerdy shit. So what are we talking about today is yeah. So podcast episode number one was suggested to us by one of our classmates Kim Chateau. D'yquem. She was in the policy class with us. Yeah, my some the teacher who told us to start this podcast Todd. Yes all coming back to you. My son dear friend. Shout out again Shadow number two to my some. Yes. Yeah, so Kim suggested that we do a meta first episode where we talk about podcasts and whether podcasts are healthy or unhealthy or anything around that yeah totally and we thought that was a good place to start. I guess, you know, I don't because I really feel like there's there's no real place to start like what do we start talking about? Someone not just just dive into something meta and yeah, we're starting on a mental level exactly. Yes starting off strong. Uncle diving and 9 p.m. Sleepy meta conversation about healthy podcasts. Yeah healthy or unhealthy or unhealthy what makes this podcast healthy what makes them unhealthy so myself in Asia did some research over the weekend or the past few days looking into some of the different I guess like effects of podcasting that we found and I could be so What I found actually was it typically ended up being from the like the effect of podcasting on The Listener. Is that what you found as well? Yeah, totally. Yeah, me too. It didn't really say anything about people who recorded podcast it was, you know about people who listen to podcasts and like different ways that people listen to podcast. Yeah, so whether they listen to like a lot of podcast hours or episodes a week, yeah, whether they listen to it Superfast or at Euler speed like there was this whole article about pod fasters who like listen to a podcast super fast. But yeah, we love a good pun little pun there. But yeah, so yeah most the ones I found two were about the listener. Okay, and I guess you know, if we're doing this for so long we can tell you what kind of effect it has on us as people who are recording. Yeah. I bet it's healthy for us if it's unhealthy for us. Maybe we'll do A research study, that'd be fun. Don't be cute and they are all included our study. Yes. Exactly. All right, so should we jump into it? Well, we also want to talk about like us and podcast. So like if they listen to any podcast and what we thought about it, so Chris, do you listen to the podcast? Okay. I I don't I don't actually listen to a lot of podcasts. I'm not a huge podcast person. No, which has guilt here my friends say thank you because I was literally the next words I was going to say was I love my all of our listeners are going to be like you're a fraud or something like that you fake you phony I I don't know. I just find I when I listen to podcasts and it's not that I don't enjoy them. There's definitely some that I've that I've listened to and I've learned Lots from podcast, but I find when I'm listening if I don't have anything to watch I find it very You to you know, get distracted or whatever. And so while I'm listening if I get distracted and then I start thinking about something else and I've missed the last two minutes of the podcast and I'm like, damn I gotta rewind. Yeah we wind. Is that the word? Yeah, I guess yeah, huh. I just thought about how everyone is like, you know, you know a cassette times. Yeah. Literally we want anyways you'd have to rewind and that I need to listen to it again and that happens so many times and I I just get the sweetness. Yeah. Yeah, and I because I would always feel like oh what if I'm missing a really important point so I don't know. It's probably feels like a lecture to me. Yeah, it's I just missed a really important topic. I'm not going to be able to follow along. What if I get tested this one of our contestant on my podcast knowledge exactly. Yeah, exactly. But yeah, so I find that a little bit difficult. So the ones that I do listen to tend to be a little bit more Mindless like okay like fun. Our podcast like comedy one. Yeah, come on Comedy ones. Like there's a couple YouTubers that I watch their podcast or I listen to their podcast from time to time. It's Jenna Marbles who your promote? Yeah the janitor. Yeah. I know God love her the Jenna Julien's auction the best so yeah, the genes-- Julian podcast is pretty light-hearted and It's just fun really listening kind of thing. Exactly. So if you miss five minutes of it than you don't need to rewind because it's not a big deal. Not the end of the world exactly. How about you you listen to podcast more don't you? I listened to a couple. Um, I don't even remember when I started listening to podcast, but I know my roommate in Halifax when I was living there Katrina, she listens to a ton of podcasts and I think I started listening to them because she was always like I This on this podcast and I learned this on this other podcast was like shit man, like I'm missing out. Yeah, I guess world. I know I feel that cat. So the one that I listen to most right now is called three books by Neil pasricha. He's the guy who wrote like the book of awesome. Oh, yeah. Yeah that like black book with like the rainbow letters. Yes'm. It's not like the book at all. But okay how you've read the book not that one. I don't really I didn't read his first book, but I ready yes, but on this podcast he the whole like point of the podcast is that over the course of the entire like series. He's gonna uncover the 1,000 most formative books. So every episode he interviews a different like inspirational or formative person that he knows and he asks them what their three most formative books were interested. Yeah, and then he liked cats with them about the book and like what kind of Fact the book had on their lives and when they read it and why they read it and okay how it changed their life and all that kind of stuff. So I have this like very quickly growing book list. Yes, which is kind of which is great but is like daunting. Yeah. I'm because I'm such a slow reader. Yeah, but so that's the main one that I listen to I listened to ologies without a beard and every episode is just like she talks to a PhD in like any kind of random area. Area of study. So in October they did a whole bunch of it like Halloweeny stuff soars like the science of spider webs and the science of pumpkins and it was just like there so long though episodes are like two hours long and white just talk about pumpkins for like 2 hours. So this person has a PHD in pumpkins. Yeah. So the last for lack of a better word. Yeah pretty much so like the interview or like the podcaster. Yes, and we'll track down somebody. Has like a PhD in pumpkins and we'll just sit with this person for two hours and just ask all the questions about pumpkins. It's super random, but it was one of those ones that I feel like I have to go back and Rewind because I'm like man, there's so much information about these friggin pumpkins. Exactly and I'm just like keep going back, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I feel you. Yeah anyways, but those are the two that I listen to mask. Yeah. So I like it's not surprising to me. At all that there's a PhD of their input for pumpkin. Okay. There's a PhD in everything. I swear. Yeah. I swear there's going to be a PhD and I don't pumpkins is not the right word something ology. Yeah. Sure exactly. So like the point of the podcast exactly but like there's one about werewolves that's called or know about wolves. That's called Lou penology. That's where Loop and got his favorite Harry Potter right on. There we go anyways, but I don't know if these things Podcast that I listened to of made me any healthier or any more unhealthy like right? Yeah. I I guess I didn't really pay enough attention or I don't pay enough attention to like whether they're doing good things for my brain like whether I feel like I'm able to engage in like learning like whether I focus more who knows and I feel like that's going to be a lot of what we talked about like when we discuss How it affects us on a health level. It's probably going to have a lot to do with learning. Right like we correct me if I'm wrong if you found other things but most of the articles I found they weren't like specifically like healthy. It's not like your you will physiologically be healthier. Yeah or less healthy. If you listen to podcast they were like, um, do you do actually retain the things that you you listen to like? Are you learning? Is it is it good? For your brain, or is it bad for your brain? Which I guess is like that is Health in a way because it's it is pretty well known that you know learning does improve your brain health right like continuous learning and those type of things it yeah, it improves your brain health and kind of I mean, I can't say this for sure, but from what I remember, I feel like it kind of prevents neurodegenerative types of yeah disorders and things like that and I think I actually read them one of my articles that just continuous learning well I guess promote neuroplasticity which is kind of like again those again the brain not breaking down. Yeah, which I'm neuroplasticity is just like your brain continuously growing and changing and forming new synapses, which is the way that your brain kind of communicates with in itself. That was I am much more beautiful way of explaining. Thank you. Thank you very much Fascination was the brain not break. Great love so same thing. Oh good. That's what neuroplasticity is. Yeah. So I think we're like kind of already on the topic of like how podcasts are healthy. Yeah. So I think there is an element of like maintaining that plasticity of your brain. So by like I one of the things I read called podcasting what was it? It was like intelligent education herb not education intelligent entertainment. That's halogen of detainment. Yeah. And I was like, huh makes sense. Totally makes sense. Yeah, it wouldn't have I wouldn't have necessarily thought of that but it totally is and I know so many people who like listen to podcasts in their spare time because they like feel like they're being more productive than if they were just like watching YouTube or watching TV. Well, this is why I've always wanted to be able to listen to podcast is because I watch these mindless YouTube videos like, I love a good funny stupid YouTube video But it's you're not being productive your again. It's mine lesson kind of dumb, right? So yeah, you feel like you're being productive and you're you know, you're getting something good out of this form of entertainment and actually speaking of that my partner gave he he listen to podcasts all the time. He loves The Joe Rogan podcast and I think that's that's the number one podcast on Apple podcast. I'm pretty sure yeah. Yeah, he loves that podcast and he'll always be Just be talking about anything random and he's like, oh, yeah, Joe Rogan had this crazy professional on his podcast and I he was talking about this and this and this and like he's so he learned so much. Whoa, he retains. He does a ton. He does shit. Yeah, he learns a lot from from these podcasts and this is like all kinds of different random topics. So I feel like they definitely they definitely teach you. Yeah a lot for sure. That's so cool. I definitely do not retain that much most of the time people say like something that Sparks my memory of something that I read in a podcast or add something I listened to in a podcast and I'll be like, oh I totally heard about that on a podcast. I don't remember what they said. Don't worry about it. Yeah. I don't remember any of the details. Yeah, but I know I like heard those words, but My brain at one point and now it is evidently not exactly. Oh, yeah. So I think there definitely is an element of like neuroplasticity and continued like brain activity and function and learning. Yeah, that is definitely good for your brain like continuing especially if you're like, you know, not in an environment where you're continuously learning right like we're both in school right now. So we're both kind of like continuously learning. In our brains are constantly stimulated right like so we don't necessarily have to worry as much about maintaining that neuroplasticity because we're kind of like forced to in school. Yeah, but if you've liked say been in a job for a number of years and you're like, of course, you still learn new things, but that like there's less to learn. Well Gabe does lab work like he works in a lab. So a lot of the stuff that he does, you know, he's still, you know plant paying close attention. He's but it's a lot of repetitive tasks. So that's that's kind of what he says is like it's nice to him to listen. And while he's working and and it helps them to learn it's multitasking in a way because he's working but then he's also learning and listening to something cool and it's entertaining and yeah, so that's that's definitely one of the pros of of podcasting is the the convenience of it and the the portability of it. Really? Yeah and like the ability to to learn to have your brain stimulated in to work on that neuroplasticity kind of Like anywhere. Yeah have your phone with you all the time? Exactly. Yeah, you're sitting on the bus or something just listening to a podcast if you're yeah going for a run or something totally, you know, and actually one of the the articles that I read on the topic of you saying that like Gabe will be doing these kind of like, you know repetitive tasks. Yeah, and it's useful to have that kind of in the background. There was one of the articles that I read. What was the name of the researcher? Hold on. I'm gonna look it up. I have it. Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo to where's his name whole? Okay. Dr. Steve Sholes m'n. There we go psychiatrist and assistant professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He talked about different levels of like stimuli and arousal and how different people kind of required different base levels of stimuli for like Optimal brain function. Yeah, so I know that like I can't listen to podcasts while I'm trying to do school work. I find my belly like distracting, but I know some people like my roommate has to have some kind of like chatter in the background in order for his brain to function optimally interesting. Yeah, so they were saying that like, you know having a podcast going is actually really healthy and helpful for some people but as more of a hindrance than a distraction for others. Oh, yeah, so it's like totally based on your individual brain and your individual like method of focus. Hmm. Yeah that I would be the same as you that would totally be distracting for me. Yeah, even like having a song on I'll get distracted by the lyrics or something. Yeah. Yeah, totally totally agree. Yeah, and in that same article that I was listening to the girl that it was about she was saying that she listens to like 35 hours of podcast a week. Oh Insanity that's like five hours a day. That's a lot but one of the things she was saying, is that like she Is really high levels of anxiety and so in kind of dead silence, her brain will kind of Starlight catastrophizing and right go into that negative cognitive spiral. So she says that like listening to podcasts instead of just like sitting in silence kind of allows her brain to stay out of that kind of negative thought spiral. Yeah, and I totally would have thought of that but like me, that's a really healthy kind of strategy for her use totally totally. Mental health and podcasting. Yeah. Yeah, huh. That's really interesting. Yeah, right. I thought it was Chris can you know when you when you think about it or the opposite? I guess if if she wasn't listening to those podcasts that will probably lead to something quite unhealthy for her and for her mental health. So yeah, that's That's really cool. Yeah, I thought so too. It's funny because like I almost find it the the opposite sometimes like sometimes I'm so focused on like being productive and like like we said like you feel like you're being more productive when you're listening to a podcast then if you were like watching TV, so I'm like almost so focused on like needing to be productive and learning all the time that podcast almost become this like anxious. In for me where I'm like, yeah feel like I need to be productive all the time and learning something through a podcast is like a good way to do that. I'm just like yeah and something that's kind of said about I guess Western culture nowadays is the constant rush and the constant need to be getting a million things done in the shortest amount of time possible being as productive as possible in a short amount of time and how that can have. Negative effects on our health, you know because you don't take any time for introspection and spending time with yourself self-care totally a lot of those really important things are often missed because in our society of go go go go, we're told that those types of things they're not productive. So they're not they're not things we should be doing essentially. They don't lead to things that are that are good, right? They don't make you more. Intelligent or productive or useful or six is the workforce? Exactly? Yeah, that's kind of how we find Value as a society. Yes a little bit broken if I do say so myself but messed up we all have value friends. Yes, lots of love from the healthcare. He's friends motivational motivational time for person. Asia blurb mm. Love and self love. And encouragement. Yeah, it seems like we kind of like went into the unhealthy there. Yeah. So was there anything else that you had about like kind of healthy side of podcast that you wanted to throw in before we transition? We're just having a little flick through our notes Here. We made we made little nerdy notes first podcast. I mean, I feel like my my stuff can wait. Yeah. I feel like we can we can continue to do do you have anything else about kind of like the unhealthy aspects of about the on healthy? So yeah, I have a little bit about not necessarily the unhealthy things of podcast but more about like Whether they are what we think they are. So like we listen to them in order to like be productive and we feel like we're learning like how much of it so like if that is if learning and staying up to date on things and like, you know that neuroplasticity we were talking about if that is what is healthy. Quote unquote. Yeah, is that actually what's happening when we're listening to podcasts? So like are we actually learning things when we're listening? Right? Yeah, because like I said, like someone will bring up the thing that I thought I learned in a podcast and then I'm like, oh wait, I don't actually remember. Yeah anything that happened. Yeah. So one of the things that one of the articles I read was saying was that It your brain needs moments of silence or periods of silence and reflection upon information in order to retain it and in order for it to be like stored and yeah memory location in your brain, right? So it's actually there have been studies that show that silence is important for cell development in the hippocampus. So the hippocampus side note the hippocampus is the part of the brain that is responsible for memory formation when I was tutoring side side. When I was tutoring I used to tell kids that like if you saw I went to Dallas so there's a little like quad of grass in the middle of the campus and I was like if you saw a hippo hanging out in the middle of Campus tell me you wouldn't remember that true that would stick in your memory. So the hippocampus yeah is the part of the brain. That doesn't memory, huh? I would I would do the same thing when I was learning about the brain. I would make something about a hippo in a campus. Yeah. You gotta make it. I feel like that's Universal and has to be if you didn't do that. Then you probably should have learned some better curious sticks for the English-speaking world. I feel like that has to be your your Technique. That's how you remember the hippocampus. Yes, my friends. Yes, but yeah, so silence is actually necessary for the cells in the hippocampus to properly develop. So if you're just listening to multiple podcast in a row, or if you listen to it and then when you turn it off you don't You just like go on with your day. Like I know I listen as I walk to school and then when I get to school, I turn it off and I'm at school. So I'm doing something different and I'm not yeah kind of reflecting on what I listen to. Yeah, if you don't have those moments of reflection, then your brain actually doesn't have the capability to to store that in the proper way. Hmm. So if you been don't get to reflect on it, yeah, then then you're really not doing the thing that you thought you were doing by listening to podcasts. Yeah, and it kind of just becomes like almost I'm sure it's not the same as like white noise, but but I get what you're saying. You know what I mean? It ends up just being a background noise that doesn't have a whole value productive. Yeah value that we thought we were getting by listening to it. Yeah. Yeah, so that was huh? So I guess that can could kind of tell us in a way that if you do a lot of listening to podcasts it might not be doing what you think. It's doing or it might not be as healthy again quote unquote as we think it is. Yeah, right. So totally something to consider. Yeah something to keep in mind exactly and like okay there have definitely been times when I've been listening to a podcast and have been like really zoned in to this podcast. And then like walking I don't have a car I walk everywhere so I don't um, so I'll be like walking along and I'll be at a crosswalk and not even realize what is happening around me and like walk into the street and almost get hit by a car. So like oh no, there are like I can't eat I can't be the only person who that man. Oh man. I wonder if there are any like pedestrian accidents or car accidents or like drivers are attracted by podcasts. Yeah, or like pedestrians are distracted just like walk into the street like yeah, I might do sometimes but I didn't find anything on that. I was looking for it and I didn't really find it anymore. No, I had it. I kind of had a similar thought because I did find an article it wasn't. It wasn't super applicable. It ended up being about like audiobooks and this person was saying, oh I was I was really invested in this audio book that I was listening to and I had so many strong feelings towards what I was listening to and I was totally captivated by it and I was driving home and I had that thought I was like, oh, I hope she was watching the road as well. Yeah, because you know what? It's like if you're if you're reading something or again listening to something that's really interesting. You can just kind of eat out you're not Hang on what else is going on? Yeah, totally Sometimes some so I wonder I wonder the same. Yeah, I didn't find anything about it. No me neither. Okay? Yeah. I just I just wonder if I just wonder and from personal experience. I'm sure that I would hope that that has happened to more than just me. I hope so too. Yeah, somebody somebody let us know just being Asia feel a little bit better, please write in and say you to walk in the street. Oh, yes. Don't you tell your were story possible love it. We promise unless you say we can we won't share a name. I probably said yes, we promise. So an interesting article that I found that we're kind of. I'm kind of Switching gears a little bit here. Yeah, because you know again we talked about how we talked about that learning aspect of podcasts and neuroplasticity and yada yada yada, and so A particular article that I found it's called the impact of podcasting on the learning and satisfaction of undergraduate nursing students. So what they did in that article, basically they they were comparing two forms of learning and this is so this is more formal learning right because you're you're being tested on this stuff. It's not just learning for for pleasure or for right enjoyment. It was it was part of a university program. So Ali what they found they tested some Junior Bachelor of nursing students and they the study was published in 2010 by the way and they tested the 2007 class and the 2008 class. So the 2007 class on the specific content certain portion of the content. They were learning they were just taught the content in a traditional lecture format and the 2008 class. They listen to that same content in. They listen to that same content through a podcast. Okay. So podcast format. What what would you think just to just to see if what do you think they would find from that based on your own experience with podcasts and your own experience of classes? Yeah. Okay lll set before you before you go. I will say that what they did was they compared the exam results. So they were tested on this content classes were tested on the content and the compare the results. Okay. I personally feel like I would have done better in a like in a lecture than in like listening to the same material in a podcast format. Yeah, but I also know that most research articles don't get published unless their results are like quote unquote good or are like what they want them to be. So yeah, like I am in opposition to what The article actually found so I would say the same thing. I personally feel like I would learn better with in a class in a lecture. Yeah same so what the conclusion was in this study there were no significant differences actually. Oh, okay. So yeah, so they so they had three exams. Okay, based on the content the first exam they found the podcasters of the podcast listeners. Yeah did better. Okay the second example Zam they were about the same. Okay, and then the third exam the podcast listeners did worse so they were gue really? Yeah, so there were really no significant differences between the two so I thought that was interesting because again, it depends on the person because for me personally I would want to be in a lecture like watching somebody yeah teach the information to me. I would be able to focus way better. And yeah, I would I feel like I Better an exam with lecture format, right? And I think that also like that applies to your learning style. So there's no visual Learners auditory Learners and like tactile learner. Yeah, right. So I think that if you're a visual learner than being in class is really kind of critical. Yes. I know that I'm a visual learner like much more than any other but I feel like people who are auditory Learners a podcast might be better because they aren't like distracted by what's Like people around and yeah, like Facebook because like in a class you can just like go on Facebook so easily but if you're like, yeah listening to this lecture as you're driving somewhere, you can't really like go on Facebook at the same time. There's a so, well, that's handy do not use social media. I was only joking you can but you shouldn't yeah, that's what That was good with that. But to go back to the study. They also they also did a survey to assess the satisfaction with the the podcasting format. Okay, and the podcast that are the podcast listeners they did actually indicate that they were quite satisfied with the learning style cool. They did like it they like the portability and the flexibility of all right, so I guess you know, there are some people who hate like online classes because they'd better be in class. Oh, right. So it's called I feel like it's kind of similar to that. You kind of have your own your own you can kind of fit into your own schedule, right? You don't have to go in for this class at 9 o'clock in the morning. You can sleep in and you can listen to this class while you're taking the bus to work right? For example. Yeah, and maybe this would be a good way to kind of like because I know so many people who hate online classes. Yeah. Maybe having like online classes that are like podcast recordings. Hmm could be a good way to kind of like fix the quote-unquote problem. Yeah online classes. Yeah, totally cool. And actually I think one of our online classes there are it's not a podcast but there are audio recorder like recordings. So huh cool. Well, it'll be amazing to test that theory maybe the profs should look into some podcasts and pop it just that's right. But the the study did raise quite an important. And question because since they found they didn't find many significant differences between the two forms of learning but they did find that the students were satisfied with the podcast, right? They did enjoy that type of learning they raised an important question of like is the increase in learning what we should focus on in the school system, or is it the positive student satisfaction that we should focus on right? And then I guess linking that to the topic of podcasts like what is healthy in that case like depends? Well, like I feel like the satisfaction and the enjoyment would be the healthy would be more healthy than the learning outcomes. Yeah, but then I feel like on the other side there would definitely be people who could say no no them learning more and getting better grades is what's more important? Oh totally, right? So then it's like is Health more important than success like what is of highest value? In society. Wow. Yeah that got to be a very well. Okay, we're gonna go to Chris's next time. We're not yeah, we're not going down that hole we could be down that hole over the next two hours until sorry for that. I know but yeah, I thought it was a pretty interesting article cool and to continue on with the question that they asked, you know is increase in learning sufficient or student satisfaction sufficient to encourage the adoption of new. Methods because then that's that's something important for like schools to consider and universities like you want your students to do. Well, we also know that there's a bit of a issue in University settings. Now with mental health mental illness totally, right? So yeah, it's an important question for that's so true for yeah for the school systems and universities. Wow. How about you talk about because you you were telling me you have one about The brain mapping. Oh, yes, I have. Yeah the fmri stuff. Yeah. Okay because I I have one that's a little bit similar than I think I can talk about after you talked about that one. Okay. So the main thing was there was a professor or a researcher named Jack Galant if that's how you pronounce his last name. He's a professor of cognitive computational and systems neuroscience at University of California in Berkeley. So they did this fmri study where they It research participants into an MRI machine and they played different podcast episodes and then they kind of mapped their brains throughout this process and this experiment showed that so many more areas of the brain were activated or excited during this process than they had intended. So they had thought that it would be more in the kind of like verbal processing area of the brain, but it ended up having like a full spectrum. Mm effect like on both hemispheres of the brain in multiple different brain areas. Yeah. So podcasting. Actually they talked about your brain humming and how your brain? Yeah like yeah humming more. Yes, when you listen to podcasts yeah or stories and when you listen to like music or something else like your brain has more activated more engaged, right? Yeah. So that was the gist of the study interesting and I that the gist of it was Like this is what's happening is that good is brand humming bad don't know but that's it. See ya. They're like up to you. Exactly. Okay. Let's do more studies on it. Yeah, of course typical Trope of research at the end the like all this this warrants more study more research. Yeah. Yeah blah blah blah. You know what? Okay, can't make conclusions about anything know whatever. What do you know? What year that was? Done that I have no idea because the article that I found Jack Lynch is last author, there you go. And this one was was done in 2019 and it's a little bit different. So that article is called the wreck. Okay. It's a long title. So bear with me we're at it's called the representation of semantic information across human cerebral cortex during listening versus reading is invariant to stimulus modality. Basically, so that's long and complicated. Basically they did what Asia said and they compared listening to reading. Okay? Okay College. Okay. So yeah, they mapped the brain in in both in both Yeah, man. They had people read in an MRI machine. I mean, I guess I'll be honest. I didn't read the full article. I read this is from a website called Futurity. They kind of debrief the article and then I found the article myself and just kind of skim through it. But yeah, they didn't expect they expected to there to be some kind of difference between their findings, you know between people who are reading and people who are listening their expect. They expected to have my God they expected there to be some kind of difference. Okay, but they found that the maps or the the brain Maps were virtually identical. Really? Yeah, because and that was surprising to me too, because I feel like you grow up learning like oh like it's good to read. Yeah, it's a good thing to do with something smart people. Do you know who our people read our people read? So you should read so like I feel like if someone were to ask me at a random point do you think reading something as opposed to listening to it is more beneficial be like probably yeah, probably reading right? But yeah, they found that the What they were seeing in the MRIs were virtually identical and that the the areas of the brain that were that were lighting up and being activated. So, yeah, I thought that was pretty cool. And then the article went on to talk about how this could have some really cool clinical implications because so they talked about how they could the maps could compare the MRIs of healthy people and the language processing or so. The mats could compare the language processing and healthy people versus people with things like stroke epilepsy Brian different cognitive kind of affecting exaggerating conditions that would particularly conditions brain conditions that would impair speech right? Whoa, right? So like for so I don't I think I said, yeah I said this in the trailer that I'm a nurse and so I actually work on neurosurgery. That's one of the floors that I work on. On and so we see a lot of people who have brain injuries or strokes and they lose the ability to speak and sometimes they're able to communicate in other ways. Sometimes they're not you know, and so it's I thought that was very interesting because sometimes it's very difficult for caregivers and then also for family members, of course after a person has a brain injury you you're trying to communicate with your loved one and you don't know if that message is getting through or not. They can't respond. So yeah, I think that would be really interesting if they could see, you know, based on things like podcasts and different different audio method. Yeah different different audio modalities. I don't tease to see what the Lang like what their language processing is like That's super cool. Right? Huh? Yeah, I thought that was really interesting clinical implications of podcasts. I know I know and then they also talked about how this the study could also inform interventions for people with dyslexia. Oh, right, because if a person a present, oh my God a person with dyslexia would typically have a little bit more trouble reading something from a break but if we're finding that reading and listening there's essentially no difference in what Going on in the brain right? Then this could be huge for people with dyslexia and how learning looks in the classroom. Totally right for people in grade school. That's so cool. Cool. Hey and same thing with like audio processing disorders. Yeah. Yeah similar kinds of thoughts on. Yeah kind of future implications. Yeah research exactly and seeing how again how how they do process process audio how they How things can be improved right? Yeah, so I thought that was very interesting. The only thing they did mention that they only used the English language so I can imagine again. I'm not I'm not a neurologist. I'm not a neuroscientist. But I mean I can imagine it would be the same across languages but would be cool to have the research in different languages. Probably just to like be able to have that kind of compare. Oh, yeah, 100% cool. Yeah, that was just so into something they through and and yeah, the the limitations section that's always there. Yeah, we need more of these studies in other languages, you know course to represent the diversity there deter exactly. Yeah. So we're coming to the end. I think we'll to do a little bit of a wrap up. I think we talked a little bit about what was healthy. Hold on. There we go. I thought your phone was dead. Chris has been like tapping my phone every couple minutes. Oh my God. I thought it was dead. And I thought I was weird. You're gonna have to do this whole thing over again. I don't think so. There's this little red bar. Yeah, I think yeah, we're good. We're good. Okay, we're here. Well, I'm new to this. Okay, bear with us. They are test couple of months. Yes. Yes, so bear with us for the next couple of weeks as we get used to the the tech and talking. Bear with us and also give us advice. If you have advice give us advice. We would love to hear it, please please. Yeah, um, but yeah, so to wrap up a little bit we did talk about some of the like what could be considered healthy the healthy sides of podcasts, but also the the unhealthy or like is it actually doing what we what we think it's doing and if we think it's what we think it's supposed to do is something healthy to like keep us learning and keep us our brain active. Is it actually doing that or not? But then we also kind of talked about some like like future implications right some like uses of podcasts in like different types of cognitive conditions. Yeah, like I don't know General Clement, like different clinical manifestations and also different like educational and academic. Yeah, yeah, like educational circumstances educational like with people with learning disabilities, for example, right which I think all kind of linked to health. Yeah, totally occasion is linked to your health to the social determinants of Health. Boom. Everything is healthy. Oh wow. Just shout out to Martha now as well. Oh my god. Wow! Look at us. Destroying our program. Yeah in a good learned so much in this program from wow. Wow. Wow. Sorry guys, we gotta cut off there because my dad called and it stopped recording. Thanks a lot ages Dad. Hi, Eugene, how you g? Just kidding. But yeah, we were that's okay. That's okay Daddy. Yes, but we were kind of just about to kind of clue up and come to a bit of a conclusion. We talked a little longer than we thought we would but we'll get better at that. You know what it's all good with Chad. What is it? Good Times Chen but so to conclude we wanted to kind of like reflect back on ourselves and like what we think now after learning a bit more about podcasting and like whether you now have any different kinds of like insights like do you think you're going to want to listen to more podcasts after this or what do you think man? I know I want to listen to more podcast. I know that it's just It's just listening to it and not it's kind of like challenging that idea that I need to listen to every single word. Right like right and I guess and you know what actually now that I'm thinking about it when I'm doing that. I'm kind of treating it the way I've taught or sore the way I've treated like classes. Yeah in the past like okay. I need to listen to every word and then, you know just study and study and study it so that I can get the answers right on the test. Test and then it kind of goes away right? I'm not really just learning it because this is super interesting to learn. Yeah, so maybe I'm just going into it with the wrong mindset for the different mindset. Yeah wrong true different true with a different mindset because I can definitely see from our discussion. I can definitely see the benefits of podcasting on your health and and whatnot. I think I think there's lots that can be learned from podcasts. Yeah, and so I would definitely like to listen to more podcasts. Maybe I'll maybe I'll try to do that for I mean, it's January 12th. We can start a new year's resolution on January 12th, 100% 100% So like maybe like one podcast a week so that it's not an unrealistic like over the topical and I think I've mentioned this to you. Wait did I don't know maybe I mentioned this to you before that. One of my actual New Year's resolutions was to read more. Oh, yeah. And now we know that same thing listen to podcast and reading essentially does the same thing in your brain same in your brain. Maybe I'll just mesh those two observations together audiobook. See also thing cool. Yeah, how about you so I know you already listen to podcast. Yeah. I already listened to them. I think what I'm going to take away from this is that I need to actually in order to retain things. I need to actually like sit and think about what I've listened to yeah, so maybe instead of just like Link to something the entire way to school and then like taking it out and going right into class. Even if I just stop the podcast like five minutes before I get to the building just to like give me a little bit of time to think about what I listened to before I switch into something else. Yeah, who knows that's a good idea. But yeah, just like some time for for silence and reflection totally. Yeah cool cool, man. So I hope y'all do this with our podcast. To just take five minutes after you're done and just just let it sink in think about it. Yeah, let your brain digest lady hippocampus. Do some celibate apple is MM shit. Yeah, all good. Yeah, man cool. So that's our first episode we're going to end our first episode we're going to we're going to start a bit of a segment that we're going to do. Hopefully every week it might change. Who knows who knows we'll do it for a little bit and this segment. Is I got it from ASAP science. I actually had that's a podcast that I do listen to from time to time nice and they do something I learned this week. So we would just each talk about something we learned this week. Woohoo. Okay, so you go first when you learn hey, okay y'all let me tell you the funeral industry. I never thought about it before because I feel like you know, you don't really like to think about funerals. As and death and then one time I had a thought I would I don't even remember what that was, but it was just a curious thought about something to do with funerals and I found this YouTube page, but this YouTube channel. It's called ask a mortician this girl. She's hilarious. Her name is Caitlin. It's other Caitlin Duty or Caitlin Doughty dou G HT y. Okay. She is a mortician. She owns a she owns a funeral home in, California. I think and she tells she talks she teaches you so much about the funeral industry cool. And there's there's so much that I've learned about the funeral industry one particular thing that I've learned is how bad traditional burials are for the environment. There you go. Right so like basically what typically happens with a traditional burial so I person is embalmed with embalming fluid or a corpse. I'll say Say a corpse is embalmed with embalming fluid. So basically, I mean I guess we're getting a little bit more but here but hey, that's okay. We're learning we're learning it is what it is. I'm a nurse. So I don't have a filter with some of these things. So basically they put this embalming fluid in the bloodstream of well knocking out the bloodstream in the blood vessels of the corpse and drain the blood and basically the point of this embalming fluid is just to preserve the body which It makes sense in certain circumstances, you know, why a body might need to be preserved but this embalming fluid is typically formaldehyde based and formaldehyde is terrible for the planet like for our environment. It's like such a bad chemical and so we embalm a grand majority of bodies with embalming fluid or with formaldehyde then we put them in a casket that's wood metal plastic. To cloth cloth. Yeah, and then you bury them and then it's it goes even further than that because it's not even just putting the casket in the ground. There has to be a bit big concrete burial vault in the hole that's in the ground so that the the Earth doesn't collapse right and like destroy the casket. Yeah or even just you know, like just to provide structure to yeah whole right and then you just bury very low cover and dirt and then all that space. There it stays there and and it's just something I never thought about but it's bad for the environment and it doesn't overtly make sense as to why we do it that way. Yeah. So what's up? What's a solution a solution is? Okay. I a solution to the traditional burial is just a natural burial which I like that. Yeah, and so I'd be a tree st. And like I don't even think it's that like Crazy, yeah, like I don't think it's like okay, I will I will admit that some of us like us Progressive people were into some weird stuff are like it were into sort of stuff that a lot of people might be like that's weird, you know, and I get it fair and I get that I can sound weird to do it a natural burial but like it kind of makes sense. It's kind of weirder that when we put someone in the ground we pump their body full of formaldehyde full of formaldehyde and bury them with a bunch of Materials. Yeah, rather than just digging a hole in the ground putting the person in there. You can and you don't need to just throw them in there still make them make them look beautiful and and what not put them in a beautiful little biodegradable casket it can still be ceremonial. Yeah like yeah, absolutely. Mmm, and the person's still decomposes like they would with all the formaldehyde but just that a dick just had a quicker. Yeah at a quicker rate and with Way less of a an impact on the invite. Well one more of a positive impact on the environment. Yeah. Yeah, so I learned about that. That's super cool. There's a lot more that Kaitlyn talks about in these videos. I think y'all should go check it out. If your car out. I'm like, I'm one of those weird people who are like I'm super curious about everything and so like the weirdest little things. I'm like, I got to Google it got to do it. Like if people saw my Google search history. It'd be like you are weird questionable shit and I'd be like but that's what I gotta know. I need to know the answers to these questions. So yeah, if you're interested in any of that stuff ask a mortician, that's her YouTube channel. We are going to head out, um for all of the articles that we talked about throughout the episode we're going to have links to those in the show notes from the the podcast today. Yeah, if you feel like chiming in if you have any comments any suggestions for us as new podcasters, if you want to tell us what you learned this week if you want to tell us about your experiences. With podcasts. Feel free to send us an email. Our email is Health curious podcast at Yeah, you can also you can tweet chat with us on Twitter Yeah by using the hashtag Health curious pod. So you can use that. Yeah and we'll getting well we'll be checking that hashtag. Yeah, right the week and also you can also use email or Twitter to suggest topics for next week and for future weeks. That's what we want. We want to hear from you guys. We want to talk about what you guys want us to talk about exactly. So we hope to hear from lots of you this week. You have to get lots of great topics from you. And yeah, we look forward to hearing from you ahead. We'll see you next week guys. Bye. Bye.
On our first episode of Health Curious, Kris & Asia chat about podcasting! Suggested by classmate Kim, they discuss the healthy, unhealthy, and interesting health implications of podcasts on their listeners. Podcasts and Shows Mentioned Jenna + Julien Podcast 3 Books With Neil Pasricha podcast  Ologies with Alie Ward podcast  ASAP Science Podcast Ask a Mortician YouTube Channel Articles Discussed Academic Reference - Vogt, M., Schaffner, B., Ribar, A., & Chavez, R. (2010). The impact of podcasting on the learning and satisfaction of undergraduate nursing students. Nurse Education in Practice, 10(1), 38-42. Article - This Is Your Brain on Podcasts  Article - I Listen to 35 Hours of Podcasts Every Week. Is That … Bad? Article - Meet The People Who Listen to Podcasts Crazy-Fast Podcast Episode - Freakonomics Episode 262: This Is Your Brain on Podcasts Academics and Researchers Discussed - Dr. Jack Gallant – professor of cognitive, computational, and systems neuroscience at University of California Berkeley. - Dr. Steve Schlozman - psychiatrist and assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School ** I forgot to mention his name, but I learnt about the importance of silence from brain cell development from Dr. - Michael Grabowski – professor of communication at Manhattan College in New York.
Hello and welcome. Thanks for listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for Libra season in 2019. My name is Renee. I'm a Consulting astrologer and somatic intuitive. These horoscopes are meant to Aid you in your healing assist you in your expansion and help connect you with your highest self as you listen, please listen with an open mind and appreciate the symbols and suggestions take what works for you and leave the rest. Remember that these horoscopes are describing General energy for each. Each sign and it's up to you to get specific. Feel free to associate what I say to what is relevant for you at their best horoscopes work as pieces of mystical advice and sacred symbolism with them spark your imagination and stimulate your intuition. I suggest that you listen to the horoscopes for your son and your rising signs. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask you what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born your rising sign has to do with the time of day you were born in the place. You were born if you know Earth information you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website embodied in the horoscope section. If you enjoy your horoscope, make sure to take a listen to embodied astrology for Libra season in this episode. I'll take you on a tour of Libra zodiacal energy and explore how it manifests in the world in our relationships and in each of us. Everyone has every sign in their chart and Libra represents amazing and important energy for each one of us. You can find the Libra season episode bling. It in the show notes from my website, or as a separate track on your favorite listening platforms. All of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for free. If this work benefits you in your life, please consider making a one-time or recurring monthly donation to help keep it going. Please share it with your family and friends and leave 5 Star reviews on iTunes, SoundCloud and Spotify. I want to let you know that I'm offering a live online class on October 13th for the full moon in Aries. This class is open to all and no previous experience. With astrology is required in the class will explore the chart for the full moon and how we might each interpret it in our personal charts in relationship to broader themes right now such as climate change and social justice. You can register for the class by donation and ninety percent of all proceeds will be given to the sunrise movement a youth-led movement for climate and economic activism. I also want to let you know that the deadline to register for my upcoming Retreat is on Friday September 27th. Please join me for three days and nights and South West Washington state for a deep dive into the astrology of 2020 and how to work with your own chart to manifest your vision and expand your gifts. You can find more information about my upcoming classes and Retreats at embodied in the Play and Learn section under Live Events. Thanks so much for tuning in everyone. Please wait for a brief sponsor message and I'll be right back with you in just a moment with your horoscope. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. Hey everyone. Did you know that embodied astrology is on Spotify on Spotify? You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free and you don't even need a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcasts on a Every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcasts like embodied astrology and never miss an episode. You can download all the episodes and listen offline, wherever you are. You can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends on social media if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for embodied astrology save it and browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me on on social media on Instagram add embodied astrology. So you'll never miss an episode because you want to catch them all don't you? Hello Scorpio, you're listening to your audio horoscope for Libra season in 2019 Libra season refers to the span of time between September 23rd and October 23rd. And in this horoscope, I'm going to be talking about the Logical influences and the zodiacal movements in your solar chart. I'll be focusing on the influences between the signs Libra Capricorn Cancer and Aries most specifically for you. These signs relate in the following ways. Libra rules your solar 12th house. This is the place of unconsciousness. It is everything. It's unknown you sense it. It is so important in the pervasive fields around you it has everything to do with your experiences and your Consciousness, but it's too big and too vast and too complex to really be seen or known you might think of this place as the collective unconscious as your dream space or as your kind of spiritual and ancestral existence. Influences cancer rules the part of your chart that has to do with your belief systems what you are aspiring towards in your life what you're trying to give meaning to or make meaning around where you feel hope and opportunity and where you're trying to grow in your chart the sign areas relates to your day-to-day existence the mundane details of how you hold your life. Together this means the jobs that you work and the tasks that you have to attend to this also means your health and your body finally Capricorn in your chart refers to your mental and communication habits. These are the habits of your mind how you perceive and how you tell yourself stories and how your perceptions and inner narratives turn into Communications that you share with people around you. Over the course of the next 30 days Scorpio, you may be very deeply influenced in ways that you do not understand. There's so much that's happening in the world right now. It is boggling to comprehend opening the news for five minutes can lead to days or weeks of Despair for so many of us right now the circumstances of our planet and the voices that we're making right now are struggling to make in our individual lives and in a collective experience are not easy choices these kinds of choices that we're striving to make that we're struggling to make our choices that we have to make at every layer of our existence in the fabric of our beings and in this place for you in this place of intrinsic implicit experience that might Be hard to separate into one field or another you are growing you are learning to work with yourself on an energetic level right now. And this is beyond the realm of psychology. This is beyond the realm of cognition. This has to do with the way that you feel your own energy around you this has to do with how you relate to your experience as an individual person in a The of other individuals in a collective experience of thousands of years in a larger context of a planet that you live on and a Galaxy that planet squirrels around in how your learning to work with your own energy is absolutely essential you're learning that there are habits in your mind that are toxic that have been built by old. Old ways of being by patterns of separation and competition and misplaced Authority and superiority you're learning that when you allow your mind to dwell in these habits habitual states of competitiveness of mistrust of your own hard ambition. You're learning that when you allow your mind to All around closure and separation that you mistrust the world. You must trust your experiences. Your relationships are not served. There's deep and important work that you're doing right now to transform your mind any effort that you can put into this area is beneficial any moment of meditation any observation that you make around how your our thoughts influence your experiences and how you're energetic state of being precedes your perceptions and what I mean by this is you expect to perceive things in a certain way. We all do our energy our mood our faith the way that we are in touch with life force or not. Christine's how we're going to think about things or people or ourselves and how we're thinking about things sets up what we can perceive what we're capable of perceiving and what we are prone to perceive how our biases are going to function. So anything that you can do right now to bring your attention to how your perceptions work how the mechanisms of your thoughts form your expectations. Ins and perceptions how your communication influences the world around you and the interactions that you have all of these efforts are beneficial, even if they feel kind of banal even if you meditate for five minutes and are barely able to still your mind just that effort is beneficial. It is beneficial to your well-being and to your health on all levels the Are you recognize that you are not separate from the world around you that you are in fact, very very connected psychically energetically to the world around you the more healthy. You can become in your mind body and spirit make your priority right now learning to care deeply investigate what it means to include others as your family investigate your heart. Investigate your compassion make this your project. How can you expand your love in the world? And how can you move towards being a person who embodies compassion and love and care for others when you can live into this you can live into your highest aspirations and you can totally let go of competition of separated ambition and cold striving. And when you strive towards love and compassion in the world your psychic being can rest, you can find balance when you strive for love and compassion when you make it your project to care and nourish and nurture others and the world around you you trust yourself and your well-being on all levels is served. That's what I have for you for this month Scorpio. I hope that it's helpful As you move through Libra season to consider this message. If you want more information about astrology day-to-day through Libra season, please become a subscriber. You can subscribe by donation and your subscription will get you access to my extended monthly forecasts and reports these include calendars with day-by-day explanations of the planetary transits and lunar cycles. Super helpful to work with astrology as it happens throughout the month, please. Also listen to embodied astrology for Libra season to understand more about how this diagonal influence Works through you and around you. Thank you so much for listening. I wish you all the best. Bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Libra Season in 2019. Virgo Season extends between September 23 - October 23. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to the Embodied Astrology reading for Libra Season. In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of Libra’s zodiacal energy and explore how it manifests in the world and in each of us. Everyone has every sign in their chart, and Libra represents amazing and important energy for each of us. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Libra season and is also a very healing and supportive energy to check in with at any point. Listen here: Get the Libra Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Find information on my upcoming classes and retreats here: Follow Embodied Astrology: Instagram - @embodiedastrology Facebook - Embodied Astrology (@embodiedastrology) Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
In this episode I'm going to tell you about how to use student actors to bring the noise in your classroom. So that you don't always have to be the funny one when you're feeling tired or sick or sick and tired or sick and tired of being sick and tired or you're just not the most dramatic leaf on the Christmas tree. It's good to have some student actors. You can rely on.So let's go. So the best way to get your actors hired is to tell the class that I call this the positive pre-emptive peer pressure trick, you tell the class that you need some actors, but you tell him this job is way too important for you guys to just nominate yourself. I'm going to be relying on these actors all year long. I'm going to be needing these actors to be to be basically be my puppet and tell you guys. He's in the language and show you what things mean. So these are not like a lightly chosen job. So I tell them point to somebody near you that you think wouldn't mind repeating after me in the language and showing you guys what things mean and somebody that you think would be fun to watch. So then everybody points a somebody. I mean some people might not point to somebody but you know, I look and see who's getting the most points at them and I basically go. Hey everybody clap for Keisha. So like everybody's clapping for Keyshia clap clap clap. Yeah Keisha it now you notice I haven't asked you she wants the job but usually your average student is like cool and they're already like getting up out of their seat because your average student, especially Isolate the teenage types cannot resist the Allure of their peers giving them positive accolades. So it's like The Whispers of Xanadu to them and then they'll just get up and start trying to act without even you like giving the actual job. So then I'm always like hey, do you want the job and they're like, yeah, like sometimes they say no, but most of The time they say yeah, so if they say yeah, I'm like everybody clap for them again. Yay, and I bring them up. If they happen to say no. Sometimes I'll ask them what point does somebody that you think would make a great actor and then they point to that person and I tell everybody clap for that person and it's you know, very rare. Like I said that any teenager can resist the call of the sweet sweet accolades of their peers. So most of the time they do say yes. So once you get your one actor, then I would keep them forever. For until they make me really mad. Yeah, like I have basically permanent jobs the idea for the jobs is to keep my life easier. So I treat it like a job like a real job. Like if they do a good job, if you do a good job at your job and you want to keep your job and your boss likes you and your boss is happy with your job performance. Well, you basically keep the job. That's how I treat my classroom jobs if somebody's really super like jealous that they don't have that job then I tell them well, you just need to wait until that job comes open again. I saw them the story of the time that I wanted this one job the job. I ended up getting for 12 years, and I'll tell it to you now once upon a time. I was a student teacher in 2003 at Lincoln High School in Portland, Oregon. I was at a job. I like meeting a Java like meeting in Portland Public Schools is shorthand for getting together with people who have your same like job. So I was at a job. I like meeting at Lincoln High School where I was student teaching for the world language teachers and I met this woman. She was a little bit older. She had gray hair. She liked to knit so are sitting that our job alike meaning. I mean, it wasn't a job for me. It was student teaching, but I was supposed to follow my teacher around and do what she did so I went to this meeting and I met this woman who was knitting with gray hair and we going we're going around and saying what we do. So she says I teach French and Spanish at West Sullivan Middle School. I was like whoa middle school. I love Middle School French and Spanish. That's really cool. And I thought I don't know Spanish, but then I thought maybe one day I'll learn Spanish and then guess what I did I thought to myself back in those days. I want that lady's job. She looks kind of older. She's probably going to retire soon and I'm going to take her job and then guess what guess what 12 years later she retired and guess what? I took her job. That was the job that I took all the videos of the class. Isn't that crazy? I think it's kind of crazy. But anyway, the lesson is this maybe you don't have a story that crazy few people do that was kind of insane. But the lesson is this when you're in the world of actual adult work, you don't just get to have a job because you want a job you have to be good at the job has to be hired for the job and sometimes it's Little capricious, you know the whims of Fate will intervene and you'll get the job or not get the job and then if you don't get the job guess what you have to do another job until the job you want comes open. Maybe that job is never going to come open. Maybe that lady would have never retired. No way she did. Most people do end up leaving the job at some point. Anyway, once you get good actors, and you can trust them, you should treat them like pure positive gold because that's what they are for you. So I don't get a new actor every day. I don't get a new artist every day. I don't hire them all at the beginning of the year. I hire them when I need them. And if somebody else really think they want a job super bad. I just told him to go and talk to the human resources department and look inside the human resources manual and convince the human resources trainer that they can do the job. And then I've already coached by human resources department that they needed. Look at all the job descriptions and the desired qualifications and like interview that person there's probably a job that this kid could do like if they really really really want a job but it's pretty rare a that a kid like well, it's a job that bad especially in high school and it's also rare that be they're going to keep hounding me after they go talk to the human resources department. So it's like yeah, I got them off of my plate and now the kid that really really wants the job is like, I don't know. the phone answerer or the kid that Rice the quiz, whatever it was that HR decided they needed to have So anyway back to the actors the best way for you to train your actors is to do it before cycle to so before you start telling stories because when you tell stories, you're probably going to want some actors. It makes it a whole lot more fun. But before you tell the stories, you can get your actors hired a you can get your act restrained by using them during readers theater. It's so great like all's you have to do is do a write and discuss in the description site. All about something that you described. So there's no story there. It's just a description but you can take the description and spin it into a little story. It doesn't have to have much of a plot. It doesn't have to be Pulitzer prize-winning literature. It doesn't have to even have much of an ending except for just clapping most children and I'm talking anybody under the age of 20 most children actually think that something wrapped up just because she clapped it doesn't matter if it's all that exciting. It doesn't matter if nothing really even happened in the story. So that's what I want to teach you today is how to use your actors to just basically portray. Something that's not even a story like it doesn't even have a plot. There's not even any like suspense. There's nothing really going on, but you can use those actors you can make those actors ham it up if you have the right actors. You can make those and if you don't have the right actors, you should probably get different actors. Your actors are your biggest asset that's kind of a little known fact in comprehension Based Teaching your actors can help you get a lot more repetitions of whatever language that got used that day during the oral input kids need more repetitions. But like my friend Justin Slocum Bailey likes to say Ya gotta earn those repetitions. You can't just like repeat and repeat and repeat and repeat and repeat the same thing because that gets super boring. Then people's going to check out. You can't even tell sometimes if they have checked out if they checked out and they're just sitting there like a nice compliance smile on their face because there are really nice kid, but like they've totally checks out and they're totally thinking about the prom. You're never even going to know it. So your best bet is it get yourself an actor? Because that actor is going to help you get repetitions that are fun. If you have the right actor, you can learn so many repetitions but wait, it's not you earning the repetitions. It's that actor. Well, I just checked my phone looks like it was a junk mail call. So let's go over here and read about readers theater from Stepping Stones be on Year One. Readers theater is used by different teachers for all kinds of different purposes. This is a way of doing readers theater with a class text that I learned from been Slavic. He always recommended that we move into readers theater out of reading from the back of the room and that suggestion has always served me well as have so many of his ideas as you're conducting the class discussion if there's a passage in the text that lends itself to a little dramatization or if And some new information about students in a class through asking personal questions. You can call up a student actor to sit on a stool beside you in the back of the room and portray the character in that story. Or the student in class in a situation such as that, I like to first ask the student themselves if they want to play themselves, and if they don't I just call it one of my normal actors. The actors don't just have to portray people or characters. You could even call up an actor to portray a thing or a concept that was not exactly personified in the story. For instance. If you discuss the weather and it was sunny, you could call up a student to be the sun using student actors in This Way is an excellent method for you to practice your skills at directing your students to act. Without all the pressure of also simultaneously conducting a story with the class. It's a fantastic training ground for you and the class and the actors which will serve you quite well when you start creating stories with the class. One reason that readers theater is such a powerful way to practice your skills is because the pressure to entertain and create is almost completely off. You already have all the basic ingredients for the little vignette that you will create and there's no real plot. That's okay. That's to be expected because everyone knows that all you're doing is dramatizing the text that you just wrote. Here are some suggestions for using student actors. I suggest having three students that are your professional actors hired and managed by our human resources team having go to actors whom you can rely on is so key to your comfort and confidence with using student actors. To find your actors the first time that you do readers theater. You can just say I need an actor to portray Sally the Hat this person has to be willing to repeat after me in French to talk and think out loud point to someone in class that you think would make a good actor. Then you can look at the class and ask the Human Resources Director to select one of the kids who seems to be the People's Choice once they've made their selection you can get the class to applaud for the chosen one. This greatly increases the chances that A student will actually accept the job you're basically priming the student with positive peer attention to maximize the chances that they will be willing to serve the class by agreeing to try the job of actor. Then you can ask the kid. Will you accept the job usually this is sort of funny because most kids will actually be just heading up to the actor stool, please that they're getting all those Applause. Then you have your actors sit on stools beside you. Then Slavic taught me to use stools for my actors and I would never ever go back to having them stand or do crazy physical Feats. Like I used to it is best to train the actors to stay on the stools because that just keeps them from wandering here and there and being a distraction. It's also sort of visually and physically establishes the chain of command in this performance. You are the director are actually more like a puppet master. I like to tell my actors their job is to be the best visual aid they can be and they're sort of like a puppet or a ventriloquist doll, and they're just there to help the class understand the story. I also do not give my actors props anymore. I used to have all kinds of props and costumes and such but then again following bins advice. I stopped using these and all kinds of pressure was lifted from my poor teacher shoulders. Managing the classes of tension when one of their peers is pretending to shoot things with a pool noodle while wearing a feather boa fake muscles and a tutu. It was always so challenging that I would not recommend it to a friend at all. If I do use props and costumes. It's only in a video retail to make it more authentic and fun. But video retails are different from the sort of in the moment light improv that we're doing here because the details of the the action have already been established leaving you to focus on the actors plus since the class already knows what's going on because in a video retail your now retelling the story they can freely focus on the actors as they have it up for the camera and you can move into an off-camera role as narrator and director that is just a natural way to use props. I think of readers theater or any strategy in which I call up the actors to help me create something for the first time. As sort of like what a collaborative theater troupe would do when planning an ensemble piece. We're hashing out the details of how it will go and just relaxing on stools as I act as director and help the plot develop. In reader's theater. I recommend that you use a formula like this one to create a tiny little vignette with a bit of human interest. But not too much interest as you don't want to have too much to manage while you're learning how to manage the actors the class and the creative process all at the same time. A say this is whatever and point to the actual on the stool and have a class clap for them. Like hey class voici bill look burrito a pretty sick like then say this. Is that where Y is an emotion or X is Y where Y is an emotion show the emotion with your own face using the I'm kind of expression that you would use in any class activity when you say that emotion gesture to the actor expectantly and wait for them to portray that emotion. So like Bill the burrito is age we They like gesture to Bill and just want him to look feast. And then say no bill is a tree and gesture to the actor to really ham it up. But if they start talking even if they talk in the language just whisper to them. All you need to do is do what I say and repeat after me later. Once the actors have been trained you might start to allow them to ad-lib just a little bit once you know that you can trust them but at first It pays to be a rather strict boss so they get trained to follow early. You can for comedic effect use the No No, not like that strategy to keep exhorting the actor to a more and more dramatic portrayal of the emotion each time saying with morphine and impatience. No, no bill 8 least taste feel sad really really sad and gesturing to the actor to look more angry or more sad or more. Whatever this is. Quite amusing to the class as the actors ham it up and struggle to look more and more dramatic. Plus you're getting a lot of repetitions of the worse for the emotions and the repetitions go down like butter. Because the glass is so engaged with watching the poor actor try to be more and more dramatic just to please you who has morphed into a rather strict acting coach. You do not need to actually be doing that much in the way of super dramatic acting yourself. In fact often the emotional punch and the humor is actually heightened. If you remain calm and speak to the actor in a strict voice as if getting them to be so mad is just standard operating procedure in this theater troupe. Then after they've portrayed the emotion to your satisfaction say they think or say this where the thing is some non language utterance like AA or o or or la la this is a quick win for the actor since all they've done so far is portraying emotion with their face and body. And now all they have to do is make some kind of sounds with their mouths that aren't really any particular language. You can of course make the actors save a thing with more and more and more emotion if you feel the energy there and you have time. Then say whoever says whatever and gesture to the actor to repeat what you just said the thing that they say should be something very obvious from the right and discuss for instance. If you said Billy the burrito is very tall. You would have the actress a jean sweet a ghoul. I'm really tall. And gesture to the actor to repeat what you just said then say no no Billy a crease to Billy Dee just beat a gone taste ammo. So Billy is sad Billy says I'm really big sadly and then make the actor repeat that line with more emotion. You can for comedic effect keep exhorting the actor to more and more dramatic Renditions of their one little line saying each time with morphine and patients. No, no, no, no no Billy, it's Feast Billy Dee are just sweet a cool piece them all. Please don't Mom. Hi, Troy, please two-month Billy's really sad. Billy says I'm big sadly really really sadly sadly most actors love this it as it gets in another quick win because the class is laughing and enjoying their situation. Then you can get the second actor involved. If you haven't hired them yet hire them or call them up have them sit on a stool by the first actor get the An actor involved by stating their emotion, you don't have to get all tied up in any plot elements here. You can simply say this one is that too? Give them the same emotion felt by the first one or perhaps you say this one is not this this one is that where that is a different emotion, then you can either go through the same process of making the actor who's portraying that emotion be more and more and more emotive or depending on your relationship. But the actor portraying that emotion is sometimes funny to go super easy on the second actor and super strict on the first actor. Which will create this additional layer of humor if that actor is all laid back in there emoting and you just kind of let that slide. Well, you continue to exhort the poor first actor to higher and higher thespian accomplishments. Of course, if you don't have a warm supportive relationship, but the actor portraying the first character, you might not want to do this because they might start to resent it. But if you know that they can hang with you this uneven application of impossibly high standards for their dramatic arts generally makes for some very good comedy was very little effort on your part. Sometimes you can keep this little routine going every time the actors work with you always exhorting the first kid to huge. Experian Heights of comedy and tragedy well allowing the other one to just skate by on life. Somehow. This is just so darn hilarious to your average kid. Maybe it's because they're always thinking about how unfair Things Are. Then you want to engage your actors in a small dialog if you've decided to make one actor, you're super dramatic one and just let the other one do whatever you can continue that during this dialogue. Usually to Great comedic effect here is a suggested sequence of stuff. You can get them to say following a sequence like this has rarely let me down and you can actually get away with pretty much following this formula every single time. You do readers theater if you have good actors and you make them ham it up or Sometimes you just make one of them have it up. All the other ones allowed to be as lazy as a sloth as they want. The first one says I am whatever emotion the second one says I am that too or I am not that I am this the other one says the first one why are you so whatever the second one says Oh, no, sorry. The first one says let's just imagine we have a burrito and a taco the burrito is the first one the burrito says I am sad the taco says I'm sad too, or I'm not sad. I'm nervous or I'm not sad. I'm excited. Then the taco says to the burrito. Why are you sad? Even if they're sad, they still ask why they were sad if they're not said they still ask why they're sad basically the first one States and emotion. The second one says that they feel the same emotion or they feel a different emotion. Then they asked the first one why they're feeling that emotion. Then the first one says I am sad because and gives the reason the reason would probably come from the right and discuss and then the second one can either say something nice or give them something or take them somewhere or give them a high-five or blow their nose for them if they're crying. Whatever makes sense. Then you're done. You don't have to get lost in some complicated plot. You don't have to really have a plot at all. It's just readers theater. It's like doing a simple improv theater exercise. It's not Broadway. Okay, take it easy the actors if they're good ones will carry you and if you don't have good ones get good ones. You can just calmly leave them standing by their side and when you've used those dialogue ideas that I gave you you can simply say to the class clap. and the actors will feel awesome about their performance and become valuable resources for you as they will help you to earn more repetitions of all this language as my good friend and talented language teacher and all around bull Vivo Justin Slocum Bailey likes to say So, I hope this helps don't be scared of actors. They could be your best friends. Hey, it's Tina here, and I really want you to send me a message. So if you could just please hit the send a message button or go to Anchor dot f m / curriculum Club / message, then you can send me a voice recording. Who knows I might put you on a future episode. So if you could just let me know what you think or what you want to hear from me or how you think I'm doing or if you have a story to share or choke or you want to sing me a song. I Don't Really Care and here I'll even bribe you so by the end of the month whatever month it is that you're listening to this at the end of the month. I will go look through all the messages that I've gotten through the month pick one randomly and I will give that person anything they want any one thing at all from From our online school at CI - liftoff not So please hit me up. Send me a message by hitting that button or go into anchor dot f m / curriculum Club / message.
Learn more about the easy way to start using student actors to bring more fun to your lessons, and get in more dialogue using the "I" and "you" forms of verbs......and then please let me know what you think or if you have questions, comments, feedback, or anything else you want me to know! Leave me a voice message here. If you are not a Curriculum Club member, you can sign up for our waiting list. We will open registration around Thanksgiving for our Fall cohorts. The cost will be $34 a month -- about a dollar a day for daily lesson plans, weekly live coaching with recordings available for you to watch anytime. bonus live webinars (plus recordings available anytime) with Tina, our coaching staff, and special guests, and a private Facebook group where our goal is to answer every single one of your questions as we go through the curriculum and work together to get you where you want to be in your language classroom! To learn more about the book Stepping Stones Year One and Beyond, which this podcast series is based on, visit our online school. And if you want to chip in to support my coffee habit, you can donate to the podcast here.
Chances are that if you're a human being and you're alive living right now watching this video you are struggling with the battle with your ego. Your ego is trying to get a grip put you in the Box put a little label on you and tell you who you are and who you aren't what you can do what you cannot do what people know about you what they think about you what they say about you what you should think about you based on the experiences that you have had. Maybe you have intrusive. Thoughts that say things like oh, well, you can never draw you suck at drawing. You know, you're terrible. You're not an artist, you know, you're more of the logical person. So this isn't your strength. Don't try to do this. You don't know what you're doing. Just stop it silly. You're going to make a fool of yourself or perhaps you are deciding that finally. It is time to take a leap in your life. You're going to go out there and start your own business. Maybe you're even gonna hire a coach and your Ready to really go on this journey and go do what you want to do and live your life. Right? But then that little voice kicks in and says, I know you don't have enough money or this isn't going to work out what if you spend all your money and then it disappears and I had all these thoughts when I started my business that has now turned into a multiple six-figure business very successful business, but in the beginning it was very tough because my ego was always knocking at the door saying hey, you don't know what you're doing. This is crazy. This isn't gonna work, you know this Market, Any strategy is not going to work. This person is not really going to be able to help you this this this this feeling that you have this passion that you have. It's gonna fade away. It's not forever. You know, you're going to change your mind. You're going to feel bad about this decision later you're going to feel guilty and then it'll make you feel guilty and depressed and miserable for long periods of time even and it's very tough to escape because if your ego stolen charge your life is very challenging. It's very difficult to even They saying to even stay focused on your goals your actual dreams the things that you really genuinely care about because your mind is always putting all this garbage on you and it's like carrying a really heavy backpack up a mountain filled with rocks just hundreds of kilos of rocks that you're dragging up and it's very difficult and it makes your life really almost like a living hell. So what's the solution? Well, you shut your ego up and this is my secret, too. Shutting the ego up. If you try this work for you to it works for everybody who uses it it's just very terrifying and scary and a little bit challenging when you first start experiments with it. So here goes very simple. All you have to do is take a leap a leap of faith. Any leap of faith will do it doesn't have to be a specific one. It could be asking out your crush. It could be, you know, starting that business investing in the program investing in the course investing. And stocks that could be investing in the portfolio so that you start making some money passively but you're scared that you're gonna lose it then your ego saying all the stuff or maybe you know, you're going to take that dance class, but you have two left feet. You can never do that. Right? So just leap anyway, who cares? This is the method that actually gets you out of your heads and loosens the grip of the ego only by taking both. Old action and the direction of your intuition and your feelings and your desires and the things that you really genuinely want. Can you ever wiggle free of that powerful force because it is a powerful force. It's built up of all the memories that you've had all the experiences everything anyone has ever said to you is rolling in there all these thoughts that you've come up with based on the experiences that you've had. So your interpretation of the matters. Oh, this is playing a part in Who you think you are and if you could just let that go and do something that's completely different than break the pattern and stop being who you are and just do something that feels right to you. You can change your life for good forever. There's no going back after that. Once I left and I started making daily videos for a year. It was no way back. I can't go back to that old anxious depressed Rafael that used to barely be able to speak to people since then I've had motivational speeches. Is that have reached tens of millions of people that shy kid that anxious kid became a world renowned International motivational speaker. I've traveled the world coached clients done incredible things. Right and I told myself that I was just depressed and anxious. That's who I am. That's who I am. That's who I am. I can never do that. I don't know how to speak. I don't know how to influence. I don't know how to improve someone else's life. I'm too young. I don't have enough experience. All those Stars used to hold me back and you have your version of that. Maybe you're too old. Maybe you say, you know, I'm not skinny enough. Maybe you say I come from the wrong background. Maybe you say well, I've tried it so many times in the Justice and work for me and other people can do it. But I cannot whatever your story is Leap regardless and continue to leave and stay in the leap. Don't back out don't bail because it's not working for you keep doing it anyway because so long as you give him to the He goes grip that's your life experience. That's where you're living from. You'll never hit that authentic place. You'll never be able to follow your heart and listen to your intuition. If you keep ignoring it installing it and telling yourself. I'll do it later. I'll do it later. How many times have I seen somebody that wanted to work with me say something along the lines of oh, well. Yeah, just give me a month or so. Does that ever happen no hundreds of people probably thousands of people when I was just starting out as a coach told me that and I realized they never come because they're telling themselves now is not the time and then that's your identity. That's who you are. You're not leaping now, you're never leaving. So if you don't need today, you probably will not ever leave if you haven't left already. You probably will never leave. So don't put the day off one day is not a day of the week. Today is today whatever today is is. Day of the week. What are you do today? Just make that bold move. Stop holding yourself back. Finally take action finally break free from this thing that's been controlling your life because it doesn't deserve to have power over you you're so much greater. You're so much more powerful than that. I hope that you enjoyed the video make sure that you subscribe and turn on your notification Bell so that you don't miss a single upload. And if you'd like to experience a real breakthrough and some massive progress in your life sign up for coaching. It's in the bottom left of your screen right now. If you click on that, you'll go to my website and you can book a free consultation to get us started.
How you can destroy your ego and be free of it completely? By not letting yourself be a slay to your ego! Most people are slaves of their own egos and will stay so for the rest of their lives. Your ego is the one that sneaks up and says; “Don’t try this, you aren’t good enough”. “Don’t say that she will never like you”. It’s a dark forest of thoughts that won’t let any light in. There is one way to break free from these thoughts that hold you. Take a leap of faith. It could be any leap of faith. It could be asking out your crush, changing your look, starting a business, traveling. Bold action in direction of your intuition is the only way to destroy this thing that controls you. No amount of thinking will get you out of this. Because it is a powerful force. It’s built up of all the experiences you have had. It’s a force that holds most of humanity from going after their dreams. Whatever your leap of faith is, why don’t you do it today? Stop letting this thing hold you back. It doesn’t deserve to have power over you. You are so much more powerful and greater than that :)
Alright guys, so a lot of people access how do they make a podcast? I'm let you in on a secret on the easiest most productive way to start a podcast and get it up and running and that is the app called anchor is free. They have all kind of cool creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. They will distribute your podcast for you to all of the major Outlets including spot.Why Apple Google many more and you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership is everything you need to make a podcast in one simple easy place. So if you're interested in starting a podcast Go download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Let's do it. Welcome back. Welcome back on you leave the episode 11. The support has been unbelievable. Thank you for everybody who tuned in to YouTube subscribe to it every day on Instagram. Our growth has been Monumental and it's more than we could have ever expected. So this week we got some special got some special plan for young. We usually save the last segment of each episode for our story time, but this week we have to start with it and we shall we have special guests. Let's go in fact, so yes, we have a special guest this week. So if you know story Tom is usually the last segment of the show and and we highlight entrepreneurs and businesses like the backstories and interesting stories about business how they actually got to that point like how Airbnb got to be Airbnb how Google got to be Google but people like that segment, but they were asking for more relatable stories and to bring you know a business owner in that it's from the community small business owner success story. So we said we would and we kept our word and that's what we're doing this episode. So we're going to give you the back story. We're going to we're going to reverse Engineer to show we're going to do Story Time first, but it's not gonna be over at story time after Story Time. Then we will give you the blueprint because this show is about entrepreneurship and business and we're going to actually give you the full blueprint of what it takes to run a successful business how you get financing the day-to-day operations all of that stuff and our guest a very special guest like saying we have Derek Falcon and Derek is a business owner. He has a restaurant and food trucks and Baltimore And and if anybody's not familiar Baltimore has a special place in my heart because I went to school in Baltimore for two years. And if you listen to the podcast, you know that I went to school everywhere in the country. So Hawaii, Florida Baltimore, Massachusetts, and that's because I used to be a exceptional basketball player exceptional would you say Troy? Yeah. You were good man. You were talented. It's Allison. I wear many hats. So yeah, so Baltimore shout supports More Shot To Marilyn Montgomery County PG County sound to DC sounds of Virginia the whole DMV we have loved her DMV. So we have Derek and I'm just going to give the quick. I'm going to almost start at the beginning and then the end and then there is going to fill in his story. He's going to tell the story time for himself because who can tell the story better than the actual person. So we're going to start starting at the bottom to the top. Right? So Derek got out of jail and six Years later, you know six years later. He has a restaurant in three food trucks that are bringing in more a restaurant alone is bringing fifteen to twenty thousand dollars a week man. I was a year a million dollars a year a million dollars. That's not sure. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah sounds better than a week. So a million dollars a year in Revenue, okay. That's the angle acute it up. I turned it off again. So ladies and gentlemen every scar. Tell her story. It is Story Time. Here's a little story that must be told listen up gangsters and Honey's with your hair done. Best Storyteller thumb out rate on myself. Waiter waiter. All right, so, you know I started I guess I would have to say I started in in the fitness industry and then you know, I'm starting to Fitness industry and I wanted to focus on something that was more passionate about which was at the time and still is interior design fashion music and food and I felt like a restaurant was wearing a place where you could bring all those things together. So me and my brother started in 2014. We got a small space, but we didn't open it up until May of 2015. And then once we open it up that space became extremely popular and it got to a place where like the customers will be waiting outside before. We can open so we clearly came to the consensus that we needed a bigger space and when I got the restaurant, I got it with the food truck attached to a so the restaurant is five grand. So I had to five grand then they gave me entryway to the restaurant which created a relationship with them the woman who had the food truck. So I was like, alright cool, you know, it's natural for me to accumulate for me to get the food truck because I'm like, it goes hand-in-hand with the restaurant and then that led to the restaurant doing really well and Ice moving to a bigger space once removed. Ooh, the biggest space and we were able to really expand our brand it provided opportunities for this to get the other two truck. So we're really excited about that. The trucks are different Dynamic than the restaurant. Obviously the restaurant is more of an experience their truck is also somewhat of an experience but more of a fast-casual appeal to it and it has really allowed me to expand the brand in a very organic very Grassroots type of movement because like it's with the trucks people see you everywhere and we have to crack the egg logo as you guys are. And so they created a global being everywhere Kris market share and brand awareness. So for me, I'm big on well strategy and you know what part am I going to play in the history books in terms of influencing the culture inspiring the youth but also making sure that we got some real tangible Assets in a miss so you can we started you actually. All right. So, can you talk about little bit like you till you were in prison right when you came home you were living at Dad's basement, right? Yeah. I came home. I was living in my dad's basement. I stayed there for about six months. It allowed me to accumulate the money that that I had to invest in the store. So I took a huge sacrifice and I always say like, you know happiness is the ability to support Nate what you want today for what you really want tomorrow like, you know, like you can leave out of here and you want to bend but you really want yet, you know, just stay down till you get what you really want. So I had a lot of a lot of grit and determination as to what I want to and I saved and allow me get that first on food truck that's important because delayed delayed gratification so much that delayed gratification and like you say you I stood out to you come up. So the fact that you were able to stay in the basement humbling right humbling experience, but you saved your money and you got your first restaurant you got and then you build something and that's important, right? It doesn't happen overnight. Yeah, because a lot of people won't get rich with contingencies. Hmm subject upon this I for look good this way. You know, I'm a me. I just I'm an end result type of guy. So I'm not really caught up a how I get there. Like if we leave out of here right now, we try and get in the city you don't Matter who drive hmm, you know, I'm saying it don't matter, you know, if I'll ever stop like him we going to stop but we won't keep going and I think for me that's been my determination even with the trucks. It doesn't stop there in my plane is for stores nationally went to San Francisco want to La one in New York and maybe one of these she'll keep the Baltimore one, you know, I mean and all makes use property because that's what we had. We have to make sure he's probably sad so and all of them with a mobile for mobile Presents so like for me I felt like all right. Well, if you got a store in the that's bringing more to do you got a mobile presence, but then we got product like we make our own Jam from scratch that we sell we make our own Sheriff from scratch. You're not me and then you got these products and the products can go on the website. So now you have a web presence to just activating extremes of wealth within my industry. So I don't really have to do anything else for the rest of my life. I just got to keep milking this master what? Yeah, that's my boy. This right which is important. So can you talk about that later? Because a lot of times people financing is important and they don't have money to start a business. But you saved your money from working as a yeah. Yeah. I save my money and then like me, I'm real Scrappy. So I was willing to do whatever to but I had close to a hundred grand when I started, you know shine and people say well, how did you how were you able to do that? Like, you know I saved and I stayed on me and I stayed in my dad's house and then basement for six months pregnant with my dad and my stepmom is help. And then also I built my credit up and then I constantly got in credit increases and not constantly receiving money. Just hoarding cash. Like right now I'm holding cash flow a big event. I want to do something called My Booty like broccoli City or you know, Coachella and things like that. So I'm hoarding cash and I'm cultivating relationships. Yeah, that's always key but it really ain't it really is it's hard, but it's not as hard as we make it seem but in our culture we refuse to sacrifice. So I've had conversation with people where it's like You know, I do want the business but I ain't trying to stay with my mother for you. Oh, no one the best don't worry about enough to do whatever yo, I'm gonna do whatever, you know I'm saying so and I've done it all is a servant he was bussing. I like the fact that I really put a lot of grit and sweat into my business because it allowed me to master all the different positions in the components and elements that go into what makes homemade homemade my got better as time went on because my first restaurant took me six months the second one took me for the third one the Supper Club concept took me 40 days and then at night and then it was so sweet about the third one was it took me 40 days because I had Partners to the end guys are got shot out like Randy poble and Kevin Von because now I was able to get better and better and that was really perfecting of ones crab because like now you go from the first old me and my brother six months to the second store me and my brother for my stem like now I got collaboration. So now we're even working with Ray. Me and Kevin working with you of a black man. Seeing how easy it they make my life has inspired me to want more collapse and that's why you know all my reaching out of y'all and just really spreading the wealth because it's enough day. If you got purpose you said some really important about homemade being experienced you told us behind the scenes that there was a story where you were bringing the food out to people right? Because that that was something that you were doing in your everyday life, right? Yeah. It was always the the tone the undertones in the restaurant is always my real life. Everything I do is my real life. You know I'm saying I can't give you anything. That's inauthentic. So I had to be who I truly am and that's why I like that like you say the hoodies and you know, when I get Vapor Max and stuff like that really coming to what we do because we didn't we didn't your husband doors, you know, we were born in the 80s and you know that we drag race you're not and that's what it is. Yeah, and now it's a place where the dude in the vapor Max has employed the guy in the street. Yeah, you know I'm saying that's just what it is, but you you be surprised, you know I'm saying, so yeah, I think I think That was important for me being able to build out a brand in a way in which it could be authentic. Yeah, so we went from homemade to the Supper Club. Yeah. So the Supper Club is a good to you on my homie. It's more of a it's like you ever watched like a drama that you waiting for next week. Like Empire your powers are like so like for me it took me so long because things had to be authentic. I really had to lift things and when I left things and like for me, I'm a romantic type of guy. So like everything for me falls back to Allah A story like even when I decide when I designed as a feel, so it's like, you know this person made me feel this way. And now I'm going to manifest that in a way in which I do a space is like a true story. Yeah. This is a true story and that's why I was saying I can't run off and do like a sushi restaurant. It's not my life starts with who you are. Yeah. It's not my life and it's been able be forced and I see so many people they cast a wide net because they really trying to force it. So you like, you know, you might call somebody to cut. Hay like you. Okay. I'll cut all type of hey. The kind of narrow it down and keep things other than it. All right. Well, so now okay. So now we had the back story but more importantly we're going to go into the business side of things how to run a business how to have a successful business. Your day-to-day operations other said you wanted from making zero to a million dollars a year in Revenue. So now it's like, okay. Well, how how does that work? How does that happen? And so we want To give you guys some free game. Ernest you currently paying off student loan debt interested in improving your financial literacy or looking for new ways to earn income and today's ever-changing digital landscape. Well on the talk money with the mesh lakhani podcast mesh will follow Paper Trails chat with experts break down complex ideas and bring Clarity to the mystical Financial phenomenon. Each episode will be filled with compelling stories covering a broad range of subjects from buying Bitcoin dealing with student loan debt and everything in between. So listen to talk money with mesh lakhani on Spotify or whatever you listen to your favorite podcast and learn how to spend invest in learn in today's economy. Alright, so now we know we told it kind of the backstory, but now we're gonna go to the day-to-day operations because like I said, it's one thing to actually tell a story about you have a business you have a successful business and support the business. Okay, we get that but people are saying okay, how do I do this? Right? So the first thing the biggest issue that any entrepreneur any business for any person period but definitely in business has is funding. Yeah. That's right. So you mentioned your story as far as having a certain amount of money when you start it. Yeah and buying it. So, how did you go about funding your operation? Like what's your personal story for that? Yeah. So for me it always start with sacrifice and try not to look cute. So like I told you I stay with my father for six months, right? So the six months that I say my father I ain't paid nothing. So now I come home and training people. I'm taking cash taking cash or personal check. I'm training all on by myself. I cut out the middleman. I accumulated all this money and now I'm able to build out this restaurant. Yes, I did. So that's how I was able to gross the honey grind because I'm going through Six months of training and then be honest six months now I get a get apartment, but then I keep my expenses real low and then I'm still I'm sewing I'm hoarding cash and preparation is something big you Center. Yeah, so, all right, so I got a question. So we got the hundred thousand and now the one of the key parts of businesses location location location location. So you are located what part of Baltimore I'm located in the Federal Hill notice Point part of gamma, which is directly like you can see The harbor for my restaurant and you chose that location. What was that? I always like to choose more affluent white neighborhoods. Just to be honest with you. The reason why is because I like to come in and neighborhood encounter when they go Jennifer. I like to fuck it up last because like yo, it's not enough of that. So the reason why I got into the brush because I'm like no I want to do something that's a different model for us because it's easy for them to see me pushing pig feet or children's or you know, I mean, but I want to do something very To get a very elegant crab shot right up across. Yeah, so and I always believed in fighting. So I felt like I can do it in a white neighborhood. I felt like as long as you bring value to the marketplace and you do something that's extremely exceptional people will come. Yeah. I think one of the biggest things that you're doing is you specialize in an area right where a lot of restaurants will say, they'll try to be everything for everyone and please every customer they have and you guys are like, hey we do breakfast and we do lunch and we do a great and it's a whole experience. I just wanted to bring you in what were you guys thinking that going into town like as an African-American business only you can't you can't cast a wide net because the whole world isn't your oyster? It's a different piece for you. Well good. You know I'm saying it's a total different P. So for me, I felt like I had to speak directly into the voice of the people who I knew would support me and he also have to know how to grow your business laterally, you know, it's a lot of times we go outside the scope of our business and try to reel in people who aren't interested in us be interested in the people who are interested in you so that was easy for me to be able to focus down on a I felt things like I know Millennial black women not trying to eat avocado chosen Sushi all day, right, you know Sam but I know that they do partake in that as well. You know I'm saying but for me, it was always about what makes sense for the culture in the brain and not trying and doing things with a certain sense of timelessness and a certain level of purpose where I can pass it off to my kids. I'm proud of my I'm proud of my brain. I'm proud of the storefront and proud of the trucks and I know that it's something that can be the queen. So if this recipe because your your restaurant is Only open three days a week, right and Friday Saturday and Sunday, but you're still profitable, right? So, how are you able to make a profit when it's only open three days a week? Like can you talk about the actual business model behind it? Yeah, I treat them out. Also, you know from the time that I was young like you can only guys I'm familiarize you what you know, my story about me being young always had a model of cutting out the middleman, right? So like if you take my restaurant I so breakfast and brunch how many times have you been to brunch on a Monday morning? Never mind, you know. So now I'm in the industry on which 70% of my customer base is going to come Saturday Sunday, right? And then I'm in a white neighborhood. So a lot of my clients I was black which means that they drove to the restaurant right? I don't have problems. So you drove you had to go out of your way, you know, and then from when you finally get in there you're looking for an experienced and that can't happen in 30 minutes. So being able to really identify who my customers are and what they want. Allow me to really focus on just a small Niche audience. So most people can admit they have a mental breakdown. Lunch on Tuesday, unless you live in LA you like wealthy issue, you know, I mean you got something for me to be able to figure out what really miss. I'm also a several pieces to it. I like to cut labor everybody coming on the same time. Everybody get paid the same amount of thing and go home. I'm kind of gauge the labor in that way. No food goes to waste we run. Everything is small batch and when we're out of things but other things because people understand the concept, right? So those things really made sense. And then also I knew that it would create an allure in a sense that people Want to come there and it would it would foundationally be a destination place. So it's like not everybody got a crime in these two days for this place has really remarkably like a limited quantity of yes limited quantity. Yeah, that's true. You know that approach in that model is pretty pretty brilliant. The fact that y'all was doing because one of the fastest growing chains in America is called first watches like this restaurant chain, and they have a similar model where they're specialized just in breakfast and brunch, but they're only open from 7 to 2:30. And that thing was like the same thing. He says like the work quality of is like everybody loves coming because his noticed there's one shift and the employee retention rate is great because people have work-life work home balance where they can get home. It provides great kids up and they can still make dinner and everybody loves it. So like that's interested you guys doing cuz it seems to be a trend of samsara happening in our country and also, all right. So because in this show, so a lot of shows I watching you two like I watch these gurus Court Who was on YouTube for 45 minutes? And I don't know what I actually watched. I think it's like it's like they talking Circles of 45 minutes and then it's like okay subscribe to my private YouTube channel getting pretty I'm Not hitting the ball for go to my seminar. So it's like we're going to give you the straight blueprint of how to be successful whether you take it a nice up to you, but we want to give you all the tools that you need to be successful. So can we talk about as far as Revenue like how your Revenue model actually? Works for the good thing about it. Is that especially in the black community how I see it is that entrepreneurs? We have three types of businesses that we always aspire to be right to ourselves. Let's just let's do the list barbershops hair salon the one that's number one right then clothing store. Yeah, and then a restaurant I don't know why but everybody is like everybody's dream have a restaurant. Right and it's one of the hardest businesses to actually be successful in like I think like 95% of restaurants and kind of came to the conclusion that it's a This thing which I guess your models like Joyce is actually work. It's working and it's still in statuses. Yeah, so it's all about revenue and like how yeah and the restaurant industry just specifically in my industry had three General colors, which is you have Labor because you have full cost and then you have overhead right so overhead on the fixed cost which is the cost of the building operating expenses, whether it's trash removal grease removal Gas and Electric your cable things like that. Those things won't go away their fixed, right and You have Labor cards, which is obviously the cost of having people on staff that can officially execute whatever it is that you want to do and then you have food costs. So I scale the model in a way in which the prophet was already built in a show. It was I like to call it winning at the tables. I want at the table like for example, when me my highest price selling item is a chicken and waffle but it's the most highly consumed item. A lot of times people who are in the restaurant industry. They tend to sell things because they having a lower to them or they look really nice. So they think it's going to track a sir. Kind of people not considering full cups full cars can really sink the ship. If you don't really focus on it. My fixed costs are my labor costs are below an industry standard. So like say for example, let's take a chicken and waffle for example, right and I say, all right, it takes me two dollars to make this chicken and waffle and I'll actually young kid. So what are you selling for? This have $6? Why because that's what I thought I should sell it for First Years. Like if you take me I'll take the chicken and waffle at you bucks. And I know my full cost to be 20% right side x about five. So I've already won at the table. I don't have to make an assumption but then I might add a two dollar margin on it and sell it for $12 while because now you're going to take utensils you're going to want to serve to go, you know, it might be a situation where they might bring you chicken and waffle now you got to make another beer. So you have to win at the table in my industry. The margin is about five to six percent for the owner of what you'll typically make which will typically net. I'm not in a mummy 25-30 percent. So I'll break them out or down is real simple. My fixed cause weakness $700 between the supper club and homemade buns wheat grows anywhere from 15 to 20 grand. My full cost is 20 percent. So let's take the 20 grand which the higher number ratio of my who comes with 20 percent. That means that 4 percent 4,000 goes to fool, right? I already told you that my fixed costs were 700 right which leaves me roughly at 4700 at least me a 15-3 right? I run a seven-man bang. I pay all of them a salary. So all seven people get seven hundred dollars a piece. That's 4900 m. And let me win 10 grand gross amount of time net and all that is extracted. Maybe I might walk away with 7500 maybe eight grand, you know considering that I got state taxes, and I also got my personal income tax. So now how is it that I'm able to make three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Yeah, when we only groschen a million miles but in a typical restaurant for me to make Brendan $50,000. Yeah, I had to goes five million miles or so winning model while because my fixed costs are low. Why because my food costs have already been priced out. Also, I made sure I went in the table and then I put all my employees in on a salary wage. That way I don't get caught up in our lie and I will show it makes sense for us right now blueprint. That's that's your old milk. Yeah, let's take a look. We appreciate first of all, I want to thank you for saying that because a lot of times people they don't give the blueprint right or they don't they still like stinky with their numbers. Are they like his his his secret? So I want you to fully appreciate store to they don't clean the truck. That's my even greater than trucks. I want you to fully appreciate. Somebody just coming in and laying it on the table, right? Like I said, we don't know what we can do, but we try Clara try to help you guys best way we possibly can but it's important to have a plan that we think I like when we spoke on the phone. You have a plan in place, right? Then another quick piece. I will advise people to really focus on to is play small ball for a while. Don't get so caught up on perception of what people think so like for example, if you were to say that well, how would you scale your brain if you had no money, let me give you that right? So, all right, for example if I had no Money I had the same food. What I would do is I would do a pop-up and I would do collabs. You see I'm saying like say for example, you guys have a podcast. I'm sure you got to eat eventually and I would say well let me pop up at the park has bring some attention to my brain and I'll make you guys Chicken and Waffles right bro, pop-ups create collapse because now draw attention to who you are. So the things that you can focus on which are free, which is your content that you can produce and put out right the image of your brand and the projections in the messages that you convey and then the relationships that you can create based off of the content that you created which In allow you to further part of your brain. That's the reason why I'm here. So now those collabs create situations where a now you can generate enough money to maybe not get a restaurant a brick and mortar but maybe a food truck maybe a car and in the car, it generates flow. You have to understand that flow is data. So all the customers who come into my restaurant I make sure that they are aware that I have a supper club. I make sure that they connect with me through social media I make sure I got your phone number and I make sure I got your email. So now I'm texting you pictures of the chicken and waffle while you have work all day. You know I'm saying and I'm creating that flow. There's another concept that we execute from time to time called a brunch and go a brunch pop up, which I can show pictures of my meals. Right and I can send them out like a mass text him you guys can order them through the cash app and you can come pick up my from my house. That's a very effective very efficient very clean way in which you don't have any waste. You don't have any overhead. You don't have any labor. It's easy to scale a brand that way. Yeah. Okay, and that's like one of the things that again that we start to see the restaurant industry grow to was like these ghosts restaurants or these stairs. Resumes where people are making them based on their orders, you know, I mean and Chick-fil-A actually just created to fulfillment centers. Where is just delivering an order and they just ship it to you again. It saves money on food costs because we only making it was somebody orders it and the data like you said that's important on a day of the data is extremely important. He said data is you said something data is information. As you said. All right, I'll say it to say this be interested in the people. Who are Stood in you. So like case in point you only wife coming to the restaurant right? It's full of you guys. So I've already bought you in so it's easier for me to sell laterally, which means that now I can collect data from you and say look, I know you're interested in the brunch. How would you feel about yourself? How would you feel about a wedding? How would you feel about an event and then grow your business laterally with the people coming in? I learned that my first store and just being wrong being real that you know, I thought I had all these great products and I thought that people needed them. So I will go outside to the people who I felt needed them and they weren't interested in but you guys are sitting here right now and you want to and it's easier for me to be able to grow my brand. Also in terms of wealth accumulation is always easy to grow laterally so that you can accumulate. Well, what do I mean by that meaning? Like I supposed to be getting seven stores? I could find seven streams in one store. Right? So now you got to realize that I can I can coach I can consult I can speak. I got the restaurant. I got the food truck. I got events. I got the brunch and go at 7:00. The income the average millionaire got six to seven streams of income. I don't need anything else for me to get wealthy. I just need to perfect the things that I'm going to cry because you have it right with you. All right. So yeah, so, all right. So the next topic we're going to go to is scaling a business and taking your business to the next level. Yeah. What's up, y'all? So if you're listening to this you obviously like podcasts and you're probably like music just as much on Spotify. You can listen to all your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't need to premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes to listen to offline wherever you are and it's really easy to share what you've been listening to With your friends on Instagram if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for Ernie Leisure on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow us so you never miss an episode of Ernie Leisure again. Alright, so now you have the back story. You have the current story. We got to take it to the next level if you're so before I even start we would kind of depend whether we going to do the last segment on some other stuff that's in the news right now. It's entertaining but this is more important, right? This is so blueprint. Yeah, we got it. We got to get back to her next week. We're going to give you some more entertaining stories next week, but this is something that you can actually utilize in your day-to-day life and be successful and make some money. So we thought that this would be more important to cover for the last segment. So now I'm going to go into how to scale your business right? Because it's one thing to have a business. It's another thing to have a successful business. Another thing to have a successful business that can run without you. And can grow it to multiple locations and you can actually make some money from because we know that most entrepreneurs aren't really making money. They're struggling, right? Yeah so scalability. Yeah, what should we should ideas on scalability? Alright. So for me it always starts with the end in my you know, I mean, so the only way that you can scale is know what you're trying to go always related to like if we get out of here right now, we are going somewhere where there's a red light where the deer run across the road where the stop sign you continue to go. A lot of entrepreneurs are just starting. So it's like you start the ignition up to the car. And like now you're waiting no one's going to give you Direction because we don't have any Mentor speaking from an African-American perspective sometimes so in terms of the scalability of the brain, you have to have a vision as to how you see opportunity in your industry for you to be able to grow in perpetuity. So it always thought for me with my grandkids. So like we say, I'll hustle from my first name my house with my last right? So like wow why I get the trucks because the stores are already told you to stay. Model, right. So the trucks are for my grandkids were so when it comes to scaling your brand you have to you have to be focused on a handful of things. You have to have low overhead. You know, I'm saying you have to know how to grow your brain laterally and a way in which that you can generate multiple streams without no more cause so like okay I did the Supper Club. So let's talk about the Shopper Club, but we look at the Supper Club menu, right? I got lamb chops, broccoli and asparagus, right? What is the same lamb chops? That's what eggs and potatoes and at the brunch So I'm not selling anything else. If you don't buy that brunch, I'm going to dim the lights down you will by tonight. We have to understand what it's going to take. So I think low overhead is key. I think bringing in Partnerships creating Partnerships is definitely keep for black businesses. If you don't create Partnerships the days of being self-employed and sitting in your house doing someone taxes and think you're going to be on the Fortune 500 over with yeah. That's that's a very personal. Sounds in our community. We are so hesitant to work with each other because it's like I want to make it out. I want to make it out not knowing that if we look across like that person trying to make a tool for yeah, like I told you like what the Supper Club is Randy problema who's a partner of mine and Kevin Von these gentlemen have come on and endure the stresses of starting up something new but I've gotten better and better to so constantly challenging myself. Like when I build out the first restaurant over six months, the second was four months I built up to Supper Club in 40 days. I'm trying we had no menu we had Nothing. We just had a general feel in the message that we want delivered and we built our for that so in order for you to scale your branch going definitely take collaboration, especially if we but it's definitely going to take minimum over here doing this much Sweat Equity as you can to make sure that everything kind of remains intact in terms of financing, but then also coming under the fold that someone was greater than yourself like for me. I'm in a race Pace because it's no it's no black five-star restaurants the bottom so I kind of set the standard for what is to be but also after that Again through a lot of valleys and Hills first so like always equated the like cowboys and Indians were like, you know, the cowboy look out on the all the Indians were shooting with the glowing arrows. I got to get shot first. Yeah, but I'm willing to do that if it provides a Gateway or a path for you, so it's more specifically when it comes to scaling businesses. I think that you have to have a plan and a way in which you see yourself in that business years from now. So always think about your grandkids and then reverse engineer. So like that's what I do when I saw a problems in my business, I won't focus on the the shit. That's good. Like, oh the Food is nice and you know that the core is nice. But what about the fact that every week when they say they come here they feel like the lines are too long or you know, maybe they all want hot Sarah with the pancake instead of just you know room temperature. So I think you got a reverse engineer. So it all goes in a how you say it. So in terms of my business model, we all know that the real estate piece. So it's a mixed use property its commercial down to the teacher about that or let me talk about that. Okay, so it's real simple with my peace. You know I'm saying so I have a mixed use property, right? Which means This commercial / residential there are tenants upstairs attendance pay to run upstairs. And now I have to deal with the rest of it downstairs which leaves me with a minimal to no overhead because now you have people who've leverage the cost. So I speak to entrepreneurs who have a brick-and-mortar find other ways to use what you already have outside instead of going outside of the scope of what you're doing this what shall I say? If you have a beauty salon and then you can allow someone to double it and use the space as a barber shop. Stop getting so caught up in the thick of really thin things. I call it we major and minor things. It's so black people we tend to major and minor things and we make things that are really important. We sit them behind the minor thing like what are people going to think of me versus creating wealth convert, you know how to say, how am I going to be perceived if I rent my space it's going to be perceived by I don't got money for the bitches doing this is the additional income. You know, I mean, maybe I might not want to just stuff the lamb chops with lobster this week to save it out. You know I'm saying so those things are extremely important how we look is extremely like it's a very big Enjoys but where's for me? I was like yo when I first started my brand, like I said, I came into the game with a hunter grammar. I could have gotten caught up in ego and be like, well, I'm not going to clear this plate or I'm not going to wash these dishes because this is not what count but I think the vision always allows you to surmount. So even when you bussing tables you thinking about I'm hate locations in 10 years. So the what does it matter laws were you thinking about your last name? Think about the long-term keep the overhead low focus on collaborations and get on the people who have more analogy, but that's me. I just will just one minute before you go Troy because what you said was very important. I don't want that to go over people's heads. So you're making money from the tenants upstairs and that's pretty much covering the cost of the restaurant. So that saves you a lot of credit tenants upstairs cover about roughly 60% of the know so that chassis important to understand because you have to find creative ways to leverage and that's the scaling model in general. So when people come to me and they say well dark, I think you look great in a strip mall to shop Michelle it don't fit them out. So Only way I could grow. My brain is still makes use properties that of Townhouses are apartments and which I'm at the bottom. That's what that looks like. So now let's now that's really thinking about it and break it down. It's no longer a restaurant place a real estate play. Yeah, so that's the that's the so some of the things that people want. I was like, what are the qualities you need to be an owner? So we did a little research and likability is one being able to multitask being able to delegate and one of the most interesting things I read was being able to drive. Drive under stressful conditions and I think that gets overlooked want to talk about some of the setbacks trenches. Yeah. There's no distress for me. Yeah, I mean especially as a black person because you know, my restaurants all black, you know, the staff is black. We hire any and everyone was qualified, but I focus on but you know because we needed so they devised the word. And the reason why is because we don't have models so like when you have when you got models, goodbye anything, so I always speak. I'm generally I mentor and I hired mostly young black men. They the hardest to deal with because they don't buy anything because they can't say well well Derek your dad is a third generation wrestler tool and we've seen you guys come through the ranks because my dad worked for your dad and now I can believe in this right, but we tend to believe in most them because it's 50 Five or 80 locations and they got billions of dollars and they going to give you all these wages and all that shit is going to be promise to you. So you tend to focus on today. It's very difficult as a black or husband or because we get the most resistance from our people. So I'll explain to you how I what I mean when I say that let's talk about consumerism. So that's something that's bigger than me right versus support. Well, I support black business. Well support is more of a philanthropist thing. So if you see that I'm doing what I'm doing or you decide to cash at me or you or you know, someone that might my industry who can help provide an additional service or more mentorship The Nest support, but if you come to me and you pay for chicken and waffle because it's great because you like it then that's consumption and we really have to educate the consumers on what consumption really means support doesn't mean that because you came to my restaurant and you spend some money you supported no because I didn't have to drag you up to support Mercedes got a Mercedes outside and you had to say yeah, you know that shit on your mother birthday Valentine's Day. Yeah anniversary. Eddie kids soccer game dump it on because it will allow us to make a certain amount of money and then we'll overcome obstacles will surmount mistakes and we can scale because I mean really all bow down the sails. Yeah for real for real. I'm just a mediocre business. But if I'm generating a lot of sales and I can scale McDonald's they know about the best burger you ever had but they got a system. They got a consistent flow and scalability looks likely. Yeah, you know, I mean version I think we make a great burger, but you go once in a while. You gotta keep going you gotta keep going and going and going and going and going and you got to also understand that these businesses are in a different place than most businesses. So you're going to have to endure failures as a customer. Like for example, I'm working on an iPhone and it ain't working out. I could take that shit back to the research lab and figure it out versus if I say, look I'm going to try this new syrup this weekend. It directly goes on your plate and it has a direct effect on you as a customer which can come directly back to me. So those things are important are robust top-notch robust timeline. And patience, you know, yeah anything else for that. You want to Now you kind of go to let the last thing before we before we wrap it up is that I want to talk about so you have a unique story and you have a unique look to right? Yeah, so, all right. So you're in the Inner Harbor. Are you in a horrible? Lie outside Holly I Really Wanna of a sudden up. So it's two pieces is the Tourist side of the harbor and then there's the more exclusive side of the Hub of that's based our residents. And so I'm right across the street from the risk. Oh, okay. Alright, so if anybody's not feel like I said, I used to live in Baltimore, but I think it has Nick made by he's never been to Baltimore Baltimore is an interesting City like most cities, you know still serving. Yeah, exactly. So the Inner Harbor is a wealthy neighborhood. It's right on the water very affluent businesses. You have the risk calls and stuff like that. So you're a black. Are you the only black on restaurant in Ann Arbor? And that is the only black hole restaurant in that in that area and I'm assuming a lot of your customers aren't black, right? Yeah kind of a mixed crowd probably so Don't put the traditional business model as somebody might look right so they look at you. They say okay, how how have you been able to overcome that because a lot of times people, you know, they don't want to compromise who they are as a person but they struggle with that especially us right like yeah trouble with do I cut my braids off do I draw the shades? I have a tattoo like my name is it's different than your name. So it's like how have you been able to overcome that and has that been an issue for you at all? No. No. It's definitely been an issue for For me specifically not for them. I personally don't give yeah, you know, I mean just being honest like so no, it's been an issue. I think I've always remain true to myself. My mother taught me at a young age to stay grounded know who I am and my beliefs. I knew what I was doing was different. I knew when I did like, for example, like I knew when I was doing it like this in a white neighborhood that Not only was our black man getting out of prison and doing something that was new but the likelihood of me surviving was slim to none. I will explain something You because when you got a black business out of like riding on a black neighborhood, right? I immediately come out of the doors of my establishment in the community embraced me. They're looking forward to me they going to stop and get me at lunch dinner breakfast at that. They get off work when they see me cleaning up outside my store. They salute me. It's a level of support there. That's just obvious right built-in. Yeah, it's built in but how many just not even not even restaurants how many black businesses are an affluent white neighborhoods? At make it period you know I'm saying then let alone we open on the weekends. And then let alone I'll have any Partners, you know, in terms of my economics and things like that and then let alone like we don't have the cheapest cause we saw everything I'll occur. You know, I mean, we're not offering any deals, you know, it just it just built off of quality. So it was a strong belief system for me specifically from the beginning that allowed me to stay the course. We want to thank you for becoming in answer to being so honest and opening up your playbook. Right because you don't have to do that. Right and that's something like I said with this show. We taking a unique approach to it where we want really want to educate, you know, and I think that entrepreneurship is something that's very important and even in college, right? Like they don't teach you the certain stuff in business school and stuff like that. So to hear it from a real world perspective, it's somebody that you know, people can relate to somebody from the Unity's Michael neighborhood is is encouraging and and it's also it's important important. And for those of us who are in culinary school and like can't figure it out. Like this is we built this city, but this one the ground. Yeah, it was no formal school that you went to in built this from the ground up from Basalt experiences. Yeah, and one Avenue just resonate into another one, you know, I mean one medium you took some some ethics and some morals and you brought it to a different way and that's powerful and it shows I'm not the coach well, but it's also can be related to to any business not just restaurants, right? So we're talking about the rest of our business today because you own a restaurant but the business model and the idea is in the general principles of business can be applied to anything you say whether it's a hair salon, whether it's a restaurant whether it's a sneaker store no matter what it is. You see, I just need those three different things that I talked about before right? No matter what it is. No matter what it is. It can be applied to so that's something that's important and you gotta respect. Aspen or two because I got that's another thing. I really feel that I've done enough like black people. You know, how much I like to speak to them. Yeah. So black people like, you know from the consumption style understand what it looks like when a black person is establishing a business or entity and what it's going to take for you to grow them but more specifically young black people who work for black people know what that takes to be able to build out that brand dedicates your Sweat Equity to those companies because they need you more than a white entities, right? We talk about it all the time. I'm Ruth Chris Rich enough Nordstrom's Rich enough Macy's Richard. No, so it's so crazy because like we speaking about the culinary school the young black kids come out to culinary school. They want to work for the fucking Four Seasons and you like yo, you ain't nothing to allocate even my customers my customers coming to store. All right your son. Oh, oh come out of culinary school. You let him work for the Four Seasons, but your cousin who getting out of jail. You pull me straight up you pull me straight up. Yeah, let my just to let you know, you know, my cousin just got out the joint. He need a job. What about you? Has she got a master's degree? She need a job. Yeah. Nice job is stop sending out in some cases. I would say first potential at your best talent because we don't do that with LeBron and all that when we see that a young black kid. Is he 15 years old and he's six nine and he could dribble it out to make sure he goes wee wee wee wee wee clamoring like, oh keep him out of trouble and make sure he get home. But when you see the young black man, sir, but no 20 years old who stopped by nachos, you know, like my young man killer from not you're banging shouting nachos you throw him to the Wolves. Oh, you know my cousin my uncle my cracking album. Can you sweep the steps up? Oh stop doing that because they do that all the time. They tend to undermine the value of our entrepreneurs. We're essentially our entrepreneurs and our creators all the future because I don't give a fuck how high you can jump eventually he got retired only for how fast he runs some I going to affect that business is forever. It could last in perpetuity the duration of a business can go on for Generations, right? Go on for decades. So a person can do business. I've been to the timing 8590. We still got a 90 year old CEOs and shit like Al Davis who ran the Raiders until he was like fuck and 90s TV Guide, right? They like a Jerry Jones that should go on forever. So, you know, the musicians the creatives the entrepreneurs they have to be supported the same way that athletes are support. I'm not taking anything away from the athletes. But to me personally, I feel like my son Curry and he can he can he can assimilate information and he can impart that information out. He could get his ideas out to the world. He could make more money than LeBron James he could create more opportunity for people to LeBron James and he could give more back because that's not really talking about even at that whole your would it look like the work for the black man. Would it look like the beat of black man who owned it? And then what it look like the concern from the black man ate three different perspectives. That's a fact. It's a fact we're gonna have to do it as for assault bottle or your to follow even if you going all day, but thank you for coming in. We appreciate you. Coming and yeah, we want to encourage everybody to a keep it in this up because this is an example. Like I said, we we said we was going to bring on entrepreneur highlight a business that you can support in real life, right and so a make sure you support the business. Can you just tell the people to information for ya? So I'm the name of the restaurant is homemade hom EMA ID and we on social media under homemade underscore. We're located at 1400 key highway. In Baltimore, Maryland to 1 2 3 0 the hours are Friday from 6 to 11. We want to Supperclub. We want to brunch on Saturday morning from 9 to 4 which we run a separate file on you net from 6 to 11. And then we also have another brunch on Sunday, which is a really big deal whole city come up. So yeah, so if you're in Baltimore if you interview in DC if you're in the area, so you love me stop by shows your social support, but I'm definitely gonna come through we have is that important very soon. I want to talk about The merch I'll go ahead. Don't forget the merch guys. Like I said, we have new merch up. We have dope shirts hoodies v-necks for the ladies. We got all kinds of stuff. Dad hats that has we got them in a few colors. Look camouflage. Somebody can play like yo, I need one in white. So, you know, it's not for us to just add the family support and especially like I said in our culture we make statements by what we wear. So we complain about Gucci We complain about all these clothing companies that we know don't care about it. So why don't we make statements with our clothes? As well. So all of the clothes has financial literacy on it. So you talked about like hustle for your last semester on the church. Also put your last name. I got to ask so reliability shirt. We have the signature. So it's always something it's going to be a message in that in the clothing. So make sure you support that and then also our patreon going to take a minute. Yeah patreon. Like I said, we have some new features that are going up on their new topic that we're gonna be doing cold Hometown Heroes. We're going to be highlighting some people who are doing things in your hometown or in our hometown. Some people up there already. I told you our goal is to reach a hundred and then when we get there, I'm going to start calling people to have a conversation with them. We're going to choose five people from our page on patreon page. So keep checking that out. Keep supporting that keep subscribing to our YouTube. We doing we're doing alright on YouTube not subscribe to the YouTube though and yet a patreon is Nipsey Hussle right? Easy easy. He's our God. So he had a campaign called core proud to pay, right? Where we going to give you the information for free, but if you would like to financially support the podcast so we can travel to different cities and we can bring on other entrepreneurs and we can do different things that we want to do is the way to be proud to pay and financially support us and financially support the park and now it's not supporting us supporting the podcast so we can spread the message of financial literacy to the world and but you know, we haven't done and we should have with this some people behind the scenes who work on out. Cast as well as a fan. So let's give them a little bit tassel child to Sid, you know met he does all the magic you make some sound great. No progress without that's a fact about the Larry Mike bam. So those guys behind the scenes that are working to make this thing, you know take off and that's that's the point of even going notice. You can't nothing great has ever done by yourself, right? And we talk about collaboration like it's important. You can only go so far. I used to play sports on being on team. You only go so far as an individual. You have to surround yourself with good people and you have to be humble enough to be able to work with good people. So yes, there's no podcast. You see me in Troy but there's no podcast without the other three gentlemen that you just named and there's no podcast without you guys actually tuning in and supporting us. So we appreciate before we leave I say a book that I read I read or I'm reading so my book tip of this week is 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene. I've read that book three times. Very very good book. You've read that book before yeah. Yeah, but then graphic did you did you did everything I didn't read that I had my book, which is the new Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander nothing just just because I'm working on something right now in the school district where we're going to be combatant that school to prison pipeline school to prison pipeline. We got it. We got some special about that for sure. So. Alright guys, thank you for rocking with us another episode and of the Monumental episode in the books. You guys learned something that you can apply to your real life, and we will see you guys next week. Peace.
In episode 11 we interview Derrick Faulcon, owner of the Homemaid/Supper Club resturant in Baltimore, Maryland. In 2012 Derrick came home from serving 5 years in a federal penitentiary. Flat broke upon his release he moved into his father’s basement for 6 months. While in the basement he saved money and planned for his future. Today he owns a resturant, 3 food trucks and a mixed use commercial real estate property. His enterprise pulls in a gross profit of $1 million annually. Derrick not only told his story but he also opened up his books, and broke down his revenue model in detail. He also provided a step by step blueprint to secure profitability as a business owner. · Talk Money With Mesh Lakhani Podcast: On The Talk Money with Mesh Lakhani podcast, Mesh will follow paper trails, chat with experts, and break down complex ideas to bring clarity to the mystical financial phenomena behind your finances.
Hello friends scene out here. My name is Christian Rivera.I helped intps connect with themselves and the universe through personality typology today. I wanted to talk to you about how to connect with intps whether you are an INTP looking to connect with other intps or someone who isn't an INTP trying to connect with an INTP loved one a partner a friend Etc. Here are a couple ways that you can connect with the ITP in your life and really it centers around connecting. With their dominant and secondary functions that's TI or introverted thinking or and any extraverted intuition. And typically, I think one of the best ways to connect with the 90 PS through that extraverted intuition. Now a lot of people like a partner or a friend or family member we're going to want to try to go to straight to the emotions and when you try to go straight to the emotional part for an INTP, it's like being solicited or cat called in a way that's like completely to direct and inappropriate. We have a lot of boundaries around our emotional state. So it's really important to not just come directly at us expecting us to give you all of the emotional details of what's going on in our lives because a lot of people think that connection is about emotional connection and emotional connection for us in terms of its public display is not about sadness or complicated emotions when it comes to how we're feeling. Out the world are our place in the world. We're thinking about big picture Concepts and and ultimately that's part of it. But for the most part where activated in a sense of wonder passion and play, so if there's opportunities to connect with the int p in your life through those methods Passion Play and joy, essentially those are the ways that you can connect and get some of the emotional experiences out of the INTP in your life. So that's one of those things you consider this. Really fits for any type for any type that is trying to connect with another with an INTP or any type of person in your life family friend partner co-worker things like that accessing play is going to be the way that they're going to get the int P to connect with you. So that could be playing video games together playing video games is one of the ways that intps connect to one another that's why online gaming is pretty pretty popular. A lot of intps will play with other people in In first-person shooters or strategy games or puzzle games or whatever right? I personally don't play video games with other people too much. But sometimes playing couch co-op games are a ton of fun or playing like Cards Against Humanity or board games, right? There's a ton of board games at like Target these days. So there's a lot of opportunities for you to connect with the ITP in your life and have boardgame Night board game nights and ways that you can get together with people and play I even have a PaRappa the Rapper hat. That was a one player game, but whatever. Exemplification of how much I love video games and that's a great way to connect with an INTP because that also rests into some of their SI sensibilities and getting comfortable and hanging out, you know, if you go to an improv class you want to engage with them in something fun like improv an INTP that's good for their growth and is also a way to connect with them and play and you'll end up getting a sense of their passion what they're excited about through connecting with them through play, right? So for us a lot of our emotions end up coming out through our state of play the ability to connect and that could mean like literally going to the store and like poking around with the toys and I don't know doing something that involves getting out of the house and adventuring and just going for a road trip trying something completely different with them getting them out of the house right now. I think if they're on the healthier side of an INTP, they'll be open to that. Right especially if you just kind of give them the proposition of like you want just go go for a drive. Where you want to go listen to music? I want to go hang out. You want to go to the arcade you want to go do you like do something? Right but like no specific ingrained plan. I think there's an aspect of that freedom that is variance exciting inherently to an INTP, even if they're you know, kind of hold up and quiet I think intps have this natural urge for exciting new things. Right? I think for me. I don't like to be personally to dedicated to an Vent meaning if somebody asks me to come out specifically to go to a to go to like a music venue or something like that unless music is one of my intense passions. I might not be as interested to go to a specific thing. I feel like I'm just going to be sitting around waiting for it to be over unless it's really good music or something. But I think the idea of exploring and trying something that's going to be completely different and new and novel is going to be far more exciting than just saying. Hey, let's go do something very specific. Right or like book and parts of the day or the date with things that are going to be kind of fun mixed with freedom meaning maybe go to the movies and then between movies and dinner. You just got to go. I don't know you go to the the lake or something. If you've got something here you like that or you go drive around and experience the city or I don't know. It's say that there's this is fun read place over there. Let's go check it out like just getting curious and excited. Cuz I think one of the things that a lot of people in our lives as I TPS kind of missed the point of is asking us what we're excited about it activates the ti any aspects of Our Lives the introverted thinking and the extraverted intuition of Our Lives comes out through just you learn what we're really feeling by learning what we're passionate about. So I wish growing up that more people in my life ask me. What are you excited about? Because I would have talked about Astronomy and how cool that is and video games and all the video games? I'm excited about and just like, you know, it'd be passionate. I'll be talking about all the fun things in my life. Right? I think I think it's not obvious to ask that question, especially in American culture. We get to a place where we're like, so how you doing? It's always emotional right? It's always like how you doing? How you been? How's life? How's this like everything is just like everything's heavy. It's a little motion. It's like know why don't you ask? What are you excited about? Out you know, what's your story? What have you been up to? What are you doing? Right don't link it to emotions Lincoln to excitement excitement is an emotion but link it to excitement and Novelty. I think that's the best way that you're going to get the opportunity to connect with an INTP is through that intuition and just make room and make space for some of their TI musings and thoughts and like what are their working on? That's another question you can ask is what are you working on? What are you thinking about? Because for the most part an INTP is going to be working. On some sort of project some sort of personal research some sort of idea something at work something that they're ruminating on and it's very exciting to be able to share the details of this project with someone. So if you're capable of holding space for all of this information that they're sort of trying to compile and work through and even if you can kind of compile it and just give them a solution then they're like, oh, that's really okay. I never thought of that. That's awesome. You know, we want more so If you can find some way to tap in to the excitement of an INTP asking what they're excited about what they're working on then that's the way to connect. So if you're a partner of an INTP, especially like intps again get a bad rap for being quote unquote lazy or unexcited. It's just that you're not you're not tapping into what we're excited about. Ask what we're excited about and will be more likely to connect with you and I connect with you emotionally as well. And create that one-to-one Bond. So that's been it for this video. I got a couple of other videos coming up that kind of talk about dealing with the cognitive functions of an INTP and sort of understanding what they are and explaining them in a couple of different videos. Just kind of going through what is introverted thinking what is extraverted intuition. What is introverted sensing and what is extraverted feeling sort of dive into and break down? What an INTP is from the sort of textbook perspective and then a little a bit of how it shows up in me personally and connect that to the cosmic calibration program, which is now a coaching program. So if you go down in the link below bit dot l y / Cosmic INTP all lowercase, it's 15 segments. That's that 15 segments of me sharing a lot of my personal story a lot of my personal advice giving advice to intps about accessing joy and getting work done and being productive and picking one project and Finding ways to Market yourself as ITP money stuff, like all sorts of things that I've learned over time, but being an INTP and through the process you'll have access to me in my Voxer account. So you'll be able to message me whatever you want talked back and forth and I can coach you based on your particular context. So again, go check that out cut a bit dot l y / cosmyk INTP all lowercase and if you want to just follow me on here like And subscribe and then then I also have dopamine dot life dop, 'I am I any is the podcast and go check that out where I talk about mental health creativity and personality typology in audio format every Tuesday. So that's it for this little episode here and I'll catch you next time on dopamine and Cosmic calibration. See you guys.
Connection is a valuable feeling for INTPs whether many of them will admit it or not. We just tend to reach out for connection in different ways, often through play and our logic. Today, for the other people in our lives, I want to share how you can best connect with the INTP in your life by tapping into what they care about. Consider Cosmic Calibration Coaching at PODCASTS DOPEamine | Cosmic Calibration for INTPs | COURSES C.NOTE I'm Christian Rivera, a multimedia designer living in Rochester, NY who produces video, graphic design, websites, music and other content. I also create courses for media and personal development. I've been creating stuff for over a decade for film and tv for marketing efforts around Big Hero 6, Fifty Shades of Grey and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. I've covered San Diego Comic-Con and other events.
Fantasy industry vets Joe Dolan and Tom Brawley are bringing it all season long on the fantasy free agents podcast unrestricted, unaffiliated unparalleled fantasy football analysis. Hello everyone. We have some preseason action in the books and what better way to react to the preseason then by immediately making sweeping statements and that's what we are going to do on the fantasy free agents podcast today. I am Joe Dolan. He is Tom Brolly and I am still International. I am across the border. I couldn't find any of the games on television and Tom I will have you know that NFL Game Pass does not work in. Canada so I couldn't even do that. I why doesn't it work in Canada, huh? Because I don't know because it's dumb. I have to I think I had to sign up for does own to to watch in Canada. And I didn't do that Heda Zone. If you want to sponsor the podcast, you know, maybe you can you know, maybe you can drop us a line there. However, Tom I did find some illicit streams. So she sort of hit me off. Jeez. I have a Adventure Time in the we will we will be talking about that when we get to a table, but I wanted to welcome you and thank you for doing the heavy lifting with the preseason action last night and we're going to be talking about that. We're going to be adjusting our rankings this this today this morning. Actually we're recording we were I was touching up the receivers this morning before we even got on the podcast. So yeah, there's some there's a little bit of movement from the preseason and a little bit of movement just from you know, come some of the news coming out the last couple days. I do want to react more to the news Tom than I do from the This season especially when teams don't have guys playing you never know what they're going to look like come week one, but we'll talk about all of that and it's good to be talking to you here. I'm in Canada Tom. I'm sitting here with a Tim Hortons cup next to me and one of the things that I have tried to avoid in my time in Toronto. Thus far is going to a bunch of chains. I mean, you definitely don't want to do that and especially in such a beautiful city like this that has so much good so you haven't been hitting up the Boston Pizza yet or there's Boston pizza. I've sought you have is a piece that I mean that it's like a Canadian thing for whenever I was up there. It's a chain up there. Apparently people in Canada think that Boston is the The Hub of pizza or something. I have no idea. I have never I've never eaten Pizza in Boston nor have I heard of of Boston Pizza, but I have not seen Boston Pizza. I'll look out for it. But I've seen Pizza Pizza, which I know is a Canadian chain. Okay, I'm pretty sure bought its got like an orange and blue sign or I swear I maybe that was more of a Niagara Falls. Like I did I did do the Toronto trip a few years back, but it was a you know with with Niagara Falls stop. So maybe I'm thinking more of Niagara Falls with the Boston Pizza. I'll keep on the lookout for Boston Pizza and any of our Canadian listeners can chime in and talk to us about Boston Pizza. But Tom you and I have got to get into what happened this week and Tom before we get into the preseason action. I want to talk to you about the trade we were hoping for now, you know, I saw some people mad about people taking Victory laps about Duke. Johnson and I understand that you know, we haven't even played a game yet. Duke Johnson hasn't suited up for the Texans yet. But to say I wasn't drafting Duke Johnson with the hope that he was going to get traded was completely false. I wish I was drafting him a bunch with this hope it finally happens. He gets dealt to the Houston Texans for 2020 conditional fourth-round pick Tom, which can reportedly turn into a third-round pick if Duke Johnson is active for 10 games with the Texans noteworthy Tom because he Never missed a game in his career and yeah, they're adorable so far up. So by the way a fourth-round pick for a guy who actually has a pretty sizable contract. I don't even this is one of those things. I don't even remember Duke Johnson signing an extension, but he did does have one with the Browns and it's a pretty big contract SO trading a fourth-round pick that becomes a conditional third for a guy who's already under contract and a pretty sizable contract and expensive one at the running back position caveat applies that Houston has a lot of cap room and can spend a lot of money here the fact that they traded this pick a premium pick. Well, it could raise two issues a number one it you could say. Well this is what happens when you don't have a general manager valid point John Dorsey got Bill O'Brien on the phone and and negotiated this trade John Dorsey obviously has way more experience in negotiating trades than Bill O'Brien has but also I think Bill O'Brien is at least competent enough to know a fourth and a third-round pick. These are pretty significant pics here or fourth or third. And it's one word teams typically do draft the running back. So I think if he's trading this pick for Duke Johnson, I think they plan to use them. Oh absolutely and it is contract isn't that but I'm looking at it. It's about 4 or 5 million, you know a v so that's I mean that's still in the upper half but it's not bad if you're going to use them as a starter which you know, Lamar Miller is getting down towards the end of his contract. Maybe this is kind of a move for the future as well. I've kind of see them kind of split in this back feel pretty evenly he runs well out of the shotgun and you know, the Texans are going to play out of the shotgun a ton as they have the last couple years with the Sean Watson. So, you know the move, you know, he's obviously a very good receiver in the Texans haven't had a I enjoyed your talk with Greg yesterday, you know, you know, maybe a big reason for that has been the reason why that you know, they've had the max Quite a bit with their oh Linus he's you know, haptic have to keep seven six or seven guys in which is hurt. They're receiving backs, you know, if their offensive line steps up just a little bit here. Maybe we could get a little bit more action for for Duke Johnson as a receiver in Houston here. Well, and also Tom this this then becomes a chicken or the egg question. I'm talking to our guy Graham Barfield and gram grams a little more skeptical here ice I'm excited about the trade. Obviously, we would have preferred he go to Tampa right to in Tampa, he would have been the best back. So I would have preferred that there's no two ways about that. However, Graham's been brought up that DeShaun Watson last year through only like 13% of his targets to the running back position, which was if not the lowest in the NFL was close to the lowest percentage among quarterbacks, but Tom do you think this is a Bill O'Brien stubbornness issue? Do you think it as Greg alluded to they had to Max protect so much that they never had running backs leaking out into the passing game. Is it a DeShaun Watson? Issue, or is it merely a Personnel issue where they didn't have a guy like Duke Johnson? I don't think out of that list of for their I don't think it's a Bill O'Brien thing that that I think it's the issue with pass protection. I think it's DeShaun Watson, you know, he likes to hold onto the ball much long, you know, he holds on to the ball for a while. That's why he takes so many sex. He likes to extend place so that tells you he's not really looking to check it down, you know, he's either, you know going deep, you know, throwing it down the sideline or take it off himself. So what was your other option? I already forgot the third acts protect Wiz is it like I said, is it a DeShaun Watson issue, or is it because they didn't have the Personnel at what not and it could be the Personnel to I mean Miller. Yeah, I'm looking through he's been a solid receiver throughout his career. But you know, he's only gone over 40 receptions in a season Once and you know, he's been a pretty much uh, you know a Bell cow type, you know dating back to 2014 with the dolphins. I mean You know and he's never been you know that prolific of a receiver during that time. So, you know, maybe it is a little bit of that too. All right, Tom. So in my initial rankings, I moved Lamar Miller down from 24 to 28. I moved Duke Johnson up from 52 to 41. Now. Keep in mind. I had Duke Johnson at 52 with the with the chance of a trade built in so if you were to tell me he wouldn't have been traded. I probably would have had him lower than that when he was in Cleveland. So I only moved them up a level 12 spots. Well this morning I was I took a look at it. And you said the same to me off air? I took a look at it. I moved Lamar Miller down two more spots to our be 30. I bumped up Duke Johnson another spot to our be 41 and what I'm just considering here is that Duke Johnson's on a new team. I don't really know how it's going to look but to be completely Frank with you Tom. I wouldn't be shocked if by the end of the year Duke Johnson has the most fantasy points in this backfield. Yeah. It's going to be really interesting. I think Lamar Miller. Obviously has the leg up at the beginning of the season but you know, I could see Duke Johnson baby getting more touches but the end of the season over Lamar Miller, so I'm right there with you. I agree. I would be pinching them a little bit closer. I might even move Duke up a little bit higher. I don't know exactly who you have ahead of them. But he feels like maybe a mid-30s to late 30s at the running back position right now. I would start I think I would start considering him a going about the ninth or 10th round at this point and he's still very I saw you tweet about it yesterday and I was even in a couple of my drafts I snuck it still snuck Duke out and like the 13th round people do not adjust to the ATP quite as quick as you know as we'll see in a couple weeks here. So yeah, he's still a pretty nice bargain. If you if you're in the middle of a you know, best ball draft. It's a slow draft and you're picking in the 12th or 13th round. All right. So listen to some of the guys I have Duke Johnson behind right now and this Why this is why I have him where I have him because I can't justify moving him above most of these guys for right now. Jalen Samuels. Yes, its 40th. Would you bundu would you draft Duke Johnson before? Yeah, I would I would draft him over. Jhelum. Okay. Well, yeah, I'm starting to look at the list. Yeah. I see Damien Harris guys Howard. It's hard. Right? And now the one thing is here if Melvin Gordon signs a new contract, I'm moving Austin Eckler below Duke Johnson that's happening. But Oh, by the way, we'll get to that. So this is this is the things that we got to think about, but I'm excited about the trade Tom because Duke Johnson and best ball is my most drafted running back. I mentioned on Twitter are actually in our group chat. I mentioned on three I've drafted three season-long teams thus far Scott Fishbowl. I drafted the flex leagues where I was in DC this past weekend. We talked about on the podcast earlier. All right, assuming I was in New York City used to be in DC, but I drafted that New York City. We talked about it earlier on the podcast and I also drafted Did in one of those TV leagues that you and I are in where the grand prize is a big TV. I drafted him in those. I've drafted three season-long teams those farnese on all of them. So I'm very excited about this trade, but I won't you're all in on Duke baby. And now only the thing is like the advantage that I have time now is if the ATP does rise to the eighth round, I don't really have to pay that price anymore because I have so much of them. Yeah. You got your shares already you're sitting happy right now. So I have one more question if Bill O'Brien James willing to give up what is ostensibly a third round pick for Duke Johnson because barring Duke Johnson getting injured. It's going to be a third-round pick. What the hell would he give up for Trent Williams? Because this offensive line is still a problem, huh? Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I think you have to consider a second round. Just you have to use a little the the Redskins don't have a ton of Leverage. So I don't think a first rounder is probably on the table at this point, but I would think a second rounder would be there. And I mean the Texans maybe they'll start wheeling and dealing here a little bit more there. You know, there's you know there in that rookie QB window here and they're in a tough division. So, you know, I think they should and As you said they have all the salary cap space. So it probably is time to you know, maybe make make another deal here in solidify that offensive line, you know, you make a big move with a running back so might as well upgrade that offensive line to help your running game in to help your Young quarterback. Oh one more thing Tom. We haven't gotten to the preseason review yet. But Kiki cootie got hurt in the Texans preseason opener. I've seen varying opinions. I know pro football doc said it looked like a high ankle or an MCL. They're saying it's a minor. Ankle sprain but he got injured and he's their projected slot receiver. Duke Johnson can do that as well. He could actually be out there at the same time as Lamar Miller if Kiki cooties missing action. Yeah. I mean, he's we've seen that we didn't see it too much last year. But in years past I remember Hugh Jackson. I mean I can remember like the first game as a year against the Steelers a couple of years ago them like lining him out wide and you know using him all over the formation so he is capable of doing that kind of stuff so, you know, he could be Be because I think there's a backup. Who is it? The the Eagles got DeAndre Carter their backup slot receiver. He's also banged up. So they're having some issues out of the slot right now. So, how about Andy Reid Tom going on? I think it was on serious NFL radio Sirius XM NFL radio going on and saying we're going to use a running back by committee this year and after Carlos Hyde was getting just dumped on early in Camp. Andy Reid started to praise him praise and Darwin Thompson praising Darryl Williams. This is interesting because Damien Williams he's back now, but he missed some time in training camp with a hamstring injury. My question to you is do you buy it do you buy that Andy Reid is going to use the committee approach in the backfield this year? Because if he does Tom that is a significant blow to Damien Williams because we're ranking him highly honestly just based on the fact that he's in this offense. Yeah. I mean, I'm not really buying into it, you know everything I mean earlier this summer and he was saying that you know, He's their starter. He's their guy. So this is kind of a change for him. And I'm not really believing it. I mean, he's you know, he's one of the, you know, true Workhorse type coaches. He loves using a back that you know gets 70% of the snaps. So I would be very surprised if they move off of this and less Damien Williams is you know struggles here. Yeah. He was dealing with a hamstring injury. So maybe that maybe there was a bit of frustration, you know with the injury that maybe that's I read said this so, you know, I may be a tweak them down a spot or two but you know, Nick Chubb is definitely ahead of them. We really didn't touch on that with the Duke trade. I mean, he's he's locked in to have 80 90 % of the snaps here, you know in that Cleveland backfield. So he's a top 10 type option now and I would definitely take him ahead of Williams. But you know, I'm not I'm not getting too bent out of shape by reads comments the last yesterday. A there I have Nick Chubb is running back 10 right now. I think you can make an argument for him as high as running back seven here. I have them behind Joe Mixon James Conner and Dalvin cook. I think a reasonable person can argue. He should go ahead of those guys. I'm not there right now and Tom, it's funny. You mentioned bumped down Damien Williams and spot. I bumped them below carry on Johnson in rppr rankings. Yeah. I don't have a problem with that. I mean just there is a little bit uncertainty and you know Williams isn't you know, he's been bouncing around he's not it. Certainly, not a proven God but man he has he has top five potential, you know, if he does get to work horse job here. You know what we saw at the end of last year. What's up listeners? This has been kookiness producer of the fantasy free agents podcast on anchor FM podcasting. I've been producing podcast and chose for my friends and colleagues Joe Dolan and Tom Bradley for years now. So when we decided to start the fantasy free agents podcast, it was imperative. We find a hosting platform an app that was easy to use Quick to record and post and track our stats and that's exactly what we found in Anchor. It's the easiest way to make a podcast and gives you everything you need in one place from either your phone or your computer. They're In tools makes my life easier and I felt great knowing that anchor handles the distribution of our podcast to their other platforms like Spotify Apple podcasts Google podcasts and many more and don't worry about any difficult process to monetize your podcast. You can easily make money with no minimum listenership. So go download the anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started today and thanks for listening to the fantasy free agents podcast unrestricted, unaffiliated unparalleled analysis for your fantasy football and bedding needs. What's to get to reviewing some preseason action Tom? How many games did we have last night? I don't even freaking know 11 11 games are we only got five the rest of the weekend here? Okay, so we had 11 games first and foremost. It sounds like you had a harder time getting to watch these games than I did. I'm in Canada my NFL Game Pass which automatically renewed for the $15,000 that it charges your whatever the hell it was. It was a lot. I believe me. I am counting pennies right now. Tom is I'm as I know you You are as well. We need sponsorship to get you know payoff Joseph NFL past. Yeah, no kid in here. Like I'm God Heaven. It was I was like, oh boy and then I couldn't even use it for week one of the preseason but I found I found some ways around that Tom. I won't report you. Okay, please thank you. But what happened with you like you're going out and you're watching you're all excited. I know preseason sucks. But I know you get the twinge of excitement to when it's about to kick off and we get the actually see some of these As an action, but you were delayed a little bit where you yeah. I mean, I'm all bring up the name of this bar. If you you know, if you're from central, Pennsylvania here, but we've had issues with this place in the past. So last night there's no Red Zone channel. So we want yeah, I'm going to watch a bunch of games. There's a Lovin going on. It's be a perfect night to have NFL Network or you know, the Red Zone Channel flipping around all the highlights. Well, you know, we don't have that. There's only one game on On in the area. It's the Jets and Giants which was a fun little start to that game. But you know our friend a mutual friend of ours covers the Penn State football team and he wants to watch Trace McSorley and you know potentially write something up on it. So, you know, we want to watch the Ravens, you know, the Eagles are you know, a local team here. So, you know, we call the local bar and oh, yeah. Yeah, we're gonna have the Ravens game on will have the Eagles get we're gonna have a bunch of games on so, okay good. We're gonna bring my computer. Watch it. We're sitting there. It's like 735 740 and they're not that there's no game and well, like what the hell is going on? We called ahead here. You know, it's a 15 20 minute drive for us to get down there. Oh, we're not showing the games, you know, we don't have access access to them. We assume they had DirecTV the RedZone channel so our bodies like we want our checks right now and you know, I'm in the middle of meat and eating dinner and I'm like scarfing it. Down he doesn't hasn't even gotten this. He hasn't even gotten this food yet soon as it comes out. He's like give me a box for that. We're going so we gave a couple bucks a couple bucks to the the bartender and you know, it wasn't really his fault We called ahead and we were told that the games will be on there. So we stormed out of there. So I I was driving around during a lot of the games and thankfully the other game was the Jets and Giants gave wasn't or in rain delay. So yeah, I eventually got back watch the NFL Network and got to see Highlights of the other games and caught up on you know, Twitter and just you know, checking in on you know beat writers and what they were saying about the games, but it was quite the adventure for me. I was expecting to be able to sit down and watch three or four games at once and that was not the case. So they told you they were going to have the Ravens in the Eagles and they had neither. Nope. It was just the NFL Network game. So I was just like yeah, I know they have DirecTV during the door in the season, right? Does DirecTV have the preseason I have I have no idea. I have no clue Tom. I just all I know is I follow on Twitter and I used my ways last night. But the one thing you can do fortunately about the preseason is just look at highlights at the end and just see how guy Yankton let's start with that Jets and Giants game Tom and let's let's not bury the lead here. How about the ball placement from Daniel Jones? I mean, he was pretty Flawless looking out there. I gotta be honest. Now what he threw five passes. Okay, you know Greg postel. We talked about this on yesterday's podcast. It is obviously time to make sweeping judgments about Daniel Jones while put his bust in Canton. I'm going to see it next weekend in Canton, Ohio. He looked really good though. Now know it was everything you would hope to see you know for her, you know, he didn't look like a rookie at all. He looked comfortable in the pocket through with conviction couple downfield throws the the strike to Latimer, you know, you know the krauser across the field there and the touchdown pass to The corner there, you know to Benny Fowler. So there were some really nice throws in there and you know, certainly great reviews for the number-6 overall pick that pic was certainly dumped on all summer long. So, you know good start to you know, justifying it here but long way to go as you said on the other side say I'm Donald an engineer to touchdown drive and Tom. I mean well boy the Jameson Crowder hype train, he looked pretty good. He gets the touchdown, but he also had a Gain, Chris Herndon was out there. There's a forgotten guy because he's going to be suspended the first four games of the season, but he had a long catch and he's going to be an important player when he comes back but say I'm Donald looking looking pretty sharp as well anything you took away from the Jets offense. The one thing I really liked was they just a little bit of tempo that's you know, and obviously if you followed the last, you know year or two down in Miami Jesus Adam gase just running a very Everett offense they think they only ran like 54 55 plays a game last year. So I really was excited about seeing a little bit of up-tempo from the Jets. We need we need those guys to squeeze off, you know, 65 plays a game to really feed all those mouth. So that was the biggest takeaway for me that you know, they used a little bit of pace. Hopefully that continues throughout the preseason and into the to the regular season Tom. We're not going to touch on everything about these games by the way. I want to direct Apple to Fantasy free agents. Cam you're going to have a little note package going up. Nothing nothing crazy, but just like little things that could be fantasy relevant tidbits. And and the reason is I don't want to just alert you to all of them on here and get you swimming and saying well, wait a minute. Are you moving this guy up or you moving this guy down? That's not what we're doing. We don't want to confuse you but Tom you did have a couple notes Here on like playing time things like that. Just just if you're interested. Yeah, that's really the biggest thing especially from these first, you know, the first game or two and and the fourth game it's really who's playing a in front of who and you know, depth charts out. You know, I'm really looking at running backs, you know, just even the next game we might hit here the you know, the Ravens and jaguars, you know, Alfred Blue played ahead of recovery Raquel Armstead here, which you know, that might change by the end of the preseason but it is at least notable, you know, a lot of people are taking Leonard fournette in the third round and might be considering a handcuff there. So that's the kind of stuff. I'm really looking at in these. First couple preseason games. All right, Baltimore Jacksonville Tom the thing that was most noteworthy here the first play with Lamar Jackson. I mean it was it was total Greg Roman Colin Kaepernick stuff. It was a run action to the left. It was almost like I think it was an outside Zone play them. It might have been a power play something like that, but it was run action to the left Jackson rolled out to his right and hit Chris Moore just wide open down the down the sideline in stride for a 30 yard gain. It's a play time where they get to use Lamar Jackson's athleticism they get to use him as the threat of a runner and it easily defines the throw for Lamar Jackson. We're all right. This guy is designed to be open if he's open. I'm going to throw the ball. If not, I might take tuck it and run, but he was open for a 13-yard gain. I expect to see a ton of that stuff. And of course, it's noteworthy for Lamar Jackson that he threw six pit passes and didn't run it. All the question is why would you run Lamar Jackson in the preseason when you know that's going to Such a big part of your offense in the regular season. Yeah, I like their approach and that you know, this is really the time to work on the stuff that you're not really good at and Lamar Jackson needs a lot of work as a passer right now. So, you know played I think it was was that one series or to Serious. Those are common Series. Yeah. I was going to say I think it was too serious. So, you know was throwing the ball around, you know, Myles Boykin got involved, you know, he was in his boy Willie Snead caught the touchdown. So Chris Moore also, you know what? A couple catches so you know, that was what you want to see you want to that's really going to Define Lamar Jackson season here. We know he's not going to probably run as much as he did last year. I mean that was you know a little over the top but you know for him to really make progress this season, he's going to have to just you know, just become League average as a passer. So, you know, I liked what I saw from the from the first game here, but you know obviously take it with a little grain of salt, you know, the Jaguars set most of their starters on both. The ball. Yeah, they did. And by the way, the the second catch by Chris Moore was that or an overthrow to the tight end. Yes. I think it well II didn't actually see the play. But from what I was reading it look it sounded like it was supposed to be a target for Andrews or Hearst. I believe while Jackson said it was intended for Chris Moore most of the people who saw her like, I don't think so. So he does have a lot to work on as a passer. And by the way, it's okay to admit that. I mean, that's all I'm saying. Can't design an effective offense around him. But yeah, you know, it's it is okay to admit Lamar Jackson has work to do as a pastor. It's not it's not it's not wrong to say that and then that's why they're designing this offense the way they are Miles Boykin Tom's been a guy who's been getting a lot of Camp pipe and he had a touchdown wiped out by holding Pennell me. Yeah. It was a really nice play a nice throw by McSorley on the play got wiped out but you know, he, you know elevated above the defender got a little bit of separation. As well, you know, it was like a little Gap go route in the Red Zone there. So he's a guy I've been kind of he's starting to creep onto my radar here. I moved him up, you know significantly up but you know it moving up from like ninety five to eighty and our rankings but he's a guy I'm keeping a close eye on here the rest of the post preseason here Philly and Tennessee. Not a whole lot here from Philly. Tom their starters really didn't play Jordan. How about a mile Sanders? Did Howard got the start? Sanders came in after him neither played that much though so we didn't get to see a whole lot of either of them the big news for Philly Tom and we don't have to get into this for families is Nate son fell broke his wrist and it looks like he's going to miss six to eight weeks after surgery, which is notable because Carson Wentz is last two seasons have ended in injury. So you wonder if the Eagles are going to go get somebody to play quarterback because their backups now our Cody Kessler and Clayton Thorson and predictably Thorson's been having an awful Camp. He was awful in college, so I don't know why. I would anticipate him being any different but that's the thing for Phil. Oh Dallas Goddard is awesome man. It's just he's just one of those guys. I have no idea Tom how to value for Fantasy, but holy crap. Is this guy player? Yeah. I know. I'm I don't have I don't think I have a single share of them yet. Just because I don't he's gonna you know, you're still number two tight end, but if he gets a big chance, I could be regretting that but you know played well last night and he's going to continue to light it up in the preseason I would have imagine but so have you gotten any kind of feeling what the what the Eagles are going to do with their with their backup position? They're going to try to ride it out with Kessler and person or they say they're going to ride it out. I think it depends on the prognosis for for sun-filled though. Yeah. I I would guess if it's six to eight weeks you kind of try to ride it out. But if it starts to get more into the 8 to 12 weeks then I think they have to make up a pretty move there if it's the 6-8 weeks you can Ross. The room for the first couple weeks because if you put them on I are you have to hold them out through week 8 so yeah, you know, they don't want to do that and that's how they would have to pick up an extra quarter back. But as you said if it's on the longer end, then you probably have to IR em and go get somebody else. And yeah, so that's going to be interesting Tom we Tennessee Derrick Henry didn't play Corey Davis didn't play Delanie Walker didn't play Marcus Mariota. Did and Tom I just got to be honest man. This guy can't throw the football. I know. It sounds bad still and Marcus. I mean Ryan Tannehill came in after him and you know kind of lit it up. It just feels like maybe at some point this season. We're going to be like, oh is it time for Ryan Tannehill here? I know I even saw some people talking about that. So I mean what there was one? What was it? Oh by the way, Adam Humphreys got a ton of targets. So if you've been somebody I've I've been a little worried about his potential volume, which is why I haven't been in on him because he's a volume receiver, but the guy can play Tom. I mean, there's just no two ways about that. Humphreys can play out of the slot but the one pass I'm talking about for Mariota Humphreys ran. It was like a it was like a Dia mid-range out pattern between the safety and look like a linebacker like it might have been it was look like a Zone coverage. Essentially. I didn't see the whole field but it looked like his own coverage where Humphreys found the Gap along the sideline between the linebacker in the safety and which is exactly what Adam Humphrey. He's a supposed to do right Tom. He's supposed to find that soft. So Soft void in the zone and Mariota throws the ball the sidelines or was it to Humphreys? I didn't see that's plus know. It wasn't the Humphreys. It was to Jennings. I believe I think it was the Darius Jennings. They actually got hurt on the play, but he actually he gave him no chance to make the catch. It was low and away and remember dare. He Jennings is playing against the sideline. So he's got to try to keep his feet inbounds and Mario to close this ball low and Away out of bounds. He had no chance to make the catch Tom. It was an atrocious throw I mean and it was one of those throws where you look at the guy and you say, All right, if he had the adequate arm strength to make that throw then that's a completion on a really nice route and a nice timing completion. But the ball just kind of died out of bounds and the the concern I have with Mariota Tom is the guy is getting worse. Yeah, I mean it really has been a downward, you know trajectory from since his rookie season here. So, you know not not feeling great here. I mean he threw like six passes. Let me let's be fair. Yeah. But it's on top of what we saw all of last year, you know, we need we need to see something good here to feel better about this passing game. That's why you know, I'm right there with you. I've been so low on Corey Davis all summer. The only guy I've really gone in on is Delanie Walker and just because he's been such a reduced price. But you know, it's tough to get excited about anybody in this passing game. Well, yeah, and also Delanie Walker, I mean you can to be fair to Mariota. He was his best receiver in 2017, and then Walker miss all of 28. Right. So I mean that then Mario to struggled so I think that's fair but I mean Tom just a just a really not a great showing and as you mentioned Tannehill got in there. Let's get into some bedding a little bit. What would you set the over-under on Mario two starts this year? Oh, baby, I'll put it in just with his injury stuff. I feel like variables going to have a little bit of an itchy trigger finger. I'll put it at 13 and a half. Oh, I'm taking the under, okay. I'm taking the under. Yeah. Well, I probably would too but I was just trying to set a good number. Yeah, I don't know. I wonder Vegas was set at like 11 and a half or something because I think I think the Underwood get hammered at 13 and a half. Okay, so I am not ready for the big time. Yeah up there with Megan. Yeah, I guess what the scooch will have to tell you what he would have done there. Yeah, so but then you also have to keep in mind Tanana Hills one of if not, he might be the single best backup quarterback in the NFL. Yeah, I'm trying to think now that Nick Foles is out of Philadelphia. Yeah, but we'd like percent in Indianapolis Taylor. I mean say what you want about them good backup quarterback. He's in he's in with the Chargers. So I mean but he's up there tan Hills one of the five best for sure. Absolutely. I mean he's had success at this level, you know played well, you know played well in spurts in Miami, you know, I don't know how they won seven games down there last year. So I mean he is capable of being a game manager for them which might be an upgrade over what Mariota was last year Buffalo and Indianapolis, Tom. Let's not even talk about Indianapolis. They didn't play anybody Andrew Luck still don't lines. So no need to even talk about them a couple of things here. TJ Yeldon with a fumble. He's got to be if they're going to cut a back. It looks like him right now. There's no doubt about that. What do you like what you saw out of Devon Singletary behind? Yeah. He was running really well caught a couple passes as well, you know screen pass or two. So he's gonna be on the fast track I think but we might be need to be a little bit more aggressive with him. Just because you know who the hell knows what you know what their plan is with the LeSean McCoy here, so I wouldn't be Prized of Singletary is you know, leading them and touches out of this backfield in the second half of the year with Buffalo. This is I think the most interesting thing that you came up with you the snap counts of the starting wide receivers with Josh Allen and Allen by the way played a solid game. He did. He did some good things. He did some bad things but but showed a little bit more comfort in the pocket. I thought whatever take that as what you will but you came up with the snap counts here for the for the receivers with Josh Alan and I think this is Important. Yeah, I don't want to take credit. This was Adam Levitin. I saw him. Okay, okay, you know tweet this out so but yeah foster Robert Foster is in the doghouse here, you know don't he is simply on draftable right now didn't play a single snap with Josh Alan. They were playing Andre Roberts, you know ahead of him and he wanted Robert even played ahead as a Jones as well. So some interesting things going on here. John Brown looks like the guy in Buffalo here. So far. Okay. Yeah, John Brown coal Beasley were the top two receivers. Yeah, they chose left with with. Oh, yeah, that's enough value at shit. But he got so that's that's why he only played that so disregard. I've totally forgot. He did go into the medical field then he got clear but obviously you're not going to come back in in a preseason game and exactly so he probably would have been in the top three ahead of laundry room and he got he had a drop. I gotta be honest. I'm I'm not really in Anze Jones this year. Oh, no. No, I It was actually from what I was reading. It was on the play that he got hurt. So he has to take a pretty big hit so I might not be something to pin on him there Washington and Cleveland Baker Mayfield right back in right back in the groove of things oppa, obj and Landry didn't play by the way, but they ran a lot of no huddle under Freddie kitchens. Richard Higgins had a big day catching the touchdown pass from a field. He went for five for 98 yards and a touchdown Nick Chubb had a big gain on a draw play, but here's going to be the Question now that Duke Johnson is in here Tom and Kareem hunts out the first eight weeks. Who is the backup to Nick Chubb Darian Hillard Hilliard. Excuse me. What's his name? Hilliard Hillier. Yeah. I keep wanting to say Dalton Hilliard. Yeah. I know. It's DonTrell. It's not real Hilliard. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's a two-lane place. I they is there some relation there, you know wasn't the Hilliard. I'm thinking I'm from LSU. This is embarrassing because I should know this and there. Is from what I would think there would be something on his Wikipedia page of his if his father was Dalton Hilliard or uncle or whatever cousin there's nothing. Okay, so okay about that for DonTrell Hilliard. I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm sorry to get his name wrong there that Tom that's that's yeah. I didn't know it off the top my head together. So I mean I put them in our rankings but that's how deep down. You know, we're reaching now on the the, you know, the Browns depth chart which you know is why were you know quite high on Nick? That's why I called. I was thinking of the Villanova basketball player. Okay, the Darren Hilliard who went to Liberty High School in Bethlehem, by the way, which is near where I grew up. So Allentown, you know, the Greater Lehigh Valley area there. Yeah. He there's Michael Derek Miller. Okay, so I wasn't nuts. They're thinking Darren Hilliard was a name. I'm I apologize to DonTrell Hilliard. But anyway, DonTrell had a fumble Tom. He did get caught. He he caught two passes from Mayfield. Well, so some good and some bad there but it looks like he is the guy, you know, if you're looking to handcuff tub, or you know, whatever you're looking to do there in that backfield. He's a got to keep you know, keep an eye on here. Of course, the big news coming out of this game was Haskins shaky debut. You comes out and flings a 24 yard pass, but then he subsequently throws two more two interceptions later in the game, including a pick six to to the Browns there there. Who's that Mack Wilson or yeah, they're they're middle linebacker soon a little shaky debut here for for Haskins. Okay, Tom New England and Detroit. I will get that will get the more Haskins and I'll talk to Greg Cosell about him because obviously that's a good guy to talk to really break down, you know, because you know what we're going to talk to great. We want to we want to know about these rookie quarterback. Well, he's going to watch him and of course we're going to make our sweeping statements about them New England in Detroit, Tom. Curse almost certainly out for the season after a broken leg. That's horrible news for him. Another injury Matt Lacoste. Did you see an update on the COS? He got rolled up on none. Of course. It's a patriot. So there was like no update after the game as well. You know, what kind of injury was so no idea there. Of course, you know, they're pretty thin at tight end to begin with at the start of the season with Ben Watson suspended for the first four games the big story here and if you haven't heard this name, well you might as well start hearing it. It Jacobi Myers, I believe out of UMass Tom. Is that is that correct? Catches it you're mispronouncing. I think it's Kem brel pumpkins or have not feels like Brian Tim's member Brian Tim's he was a slot type, you know, he's not very fast for 3 6 2 200 pounds and he has been blowing up in Camp. Well, Tom, it carried over into this game two touchdowns from Jacoby Myers at NC State one from Brian Hoyer one from Jarrett Stidham. He's starting to get first team reps Tom. We got it. We got to rank them and we have to look it's the New England Patriots. They're going to throw two people who earn their trust in it feels like Myers at this point is earning some trust. Yeah. He's been added to the project. It's the rankings and moved up into the The low 90s here for now, but you know Maurice Harris was another guy that's been doing well and he catches the first touchdown of the game. So, you know this this I can't believe they played the kill Harry that he had two nice catches to I know but he had a hamstring issue, you know at the end of last week early this week and they played them and he ended up leaving early after one of the you know after a second catch there. So keep an eye on that see if anything more comes out. Maybe it was just a precaution. Everything but he did make two nice plays though, which is you know, he's been a guy that's been losing a lot of steam Miss preseason and training camp. So nice to see him actually make some plays but this yeah, it is still wide open in this Patriots receiving Corps behind Julian Edelman and it just got a little bit more complicated with Jacoby Meyers my and I do want to point out real quick that I don't yeah we talked about you talked about Ty Johnson with Greg yesterday and just want to point out that he did play ahead of Zach Center. So he's a God to keep an eye on Dynasty legs. And you know, he met carve out some sort of rolls a third down back if they're looking to limit carry on Johnson's exposure. So you got to keep an eye on here. He's guy have ranked. That's the second line running. Well the third line running back behind CJ Anderson as well. So I have I have him ranked and Cosell like them a lot to Miami Atlanta Tom. I mean Atlanta there's nothing to talk about here both Ito Smith and qadri Allison had touchdown. Runs, but Atlanta barely played any starters, but what did you see from Miami? Because hey Ryan Fitzpatrick got the start but Josh Rosen aside from an interception pretty good out there and pretty comfortable. Yeah, and he was lighted up with this Preston Williams got it didn't get invited to the combine because of some issues with domestic violence charges and 17 and he had a couple failed tests got booted from Tennessee goes to Colorado State so the guy has a pet Degree as a five-star recruit in you know, he's been he was getting some praise early in Camp to begin with and now he's taking it to the field. So those two had a little bit of a connection going so something to keep an eye on Rose and did get the shit beat out of them again now, so this poor guy can't get behind a decent offensive line right now had to play with the second team offense, you know, the it's not like the Dolphins have good starting a line guys, and they had to play behind those guys. Well and Kenyan Drake by the way got all the work early. Caitlin balázs vultured him at the goal line. So we'll see what's going on with this backfield Tom. I guarantee you I will not have a good feel on this backfield heading into week one though. It's just the way it is. Yeah. I have a feeling that this could be a back of that gives us issues all season long and obviously Flores with his Patriots back background might be want to rotate these guys one other little note is get sticky played quite a bit with Fitz or guy Graham Barfield had him. Blank eight of the twelve snaps with Fitz Fitzpatrick with the starters had a catch. So, you know, we give been getting mixed reports on kiseki all priests. He's altering cap here, you know up and down again so least a little bit of a positive sign that he was playing with the starters. Okay. Let's go to Green Bay and Houston and I already mentioned Kiki cooties injury. He was basically like Houston's only like starting skilled professional player who played and he got hurt so for oh boy. Well, he could miss some time could be mixed reports. They're saying it's a minor ankle sprain pro football doc said it could have been MCL high ankle sprain. We'll see about that but not good news for him. I wouldn't expect to see him for the rest of the preseason Demaree a Crockett was the was the starting back. I guess Tom not take Taiwan Jones actually was but oh, yeah, he's not gonna he's not gonna be the the third bracket. No, it'll be that was for that's more of Bill O'Brien get them. Giving him the veteran. Okay, he get that I mean Crockett Plato had to hang the Higdon. That was the big one for me. Well Crockett's going to be the guy who's probably the favorite right now to be the third back behind Lamar Miller and and Duke Johnson Marquez Valdez scantling gets a deep shot on the first play of the game from Deshawn Kaiser there that's noteworthy and I got another guy who's been gettin hype and training camp Tom is Dexter Williams the rookie running back out of Notre Dame. He goes for 62 yards in a touchdown on 14 carries with Aaron Jones and Jamaal Williams. Both out definitely a name to keep on the radar because keep in mind this staff did not draft Aaron Jones and Jamaal Williams that is very true. You know, I do have a few shares of Tamal Williams. I am a little worried here with his prolonged absence with his hamstring injury or injury and they took a nice long. Look at Williams to give them 14 karat as I guessing. He played the entire first half with the you know, the starters in the SEC. Wild they the starters of The preseason game and none of the none of the big names there with Aaron Rodgers, but he got a nice long look and you know fairly well so Carolina in Chicago Tom. The one big thing to touch on here is David Montgomery first for all on Carolina side Ian Thomas left with a rib contusion. We're going to have to monitor him. I actually have him quite a bit and best ball will Grier was behind Kyle Allen but really nothing at this point actionable for fantasy for Carolina. I guess Cameron artist painting was their starting running back. I Keep cashing those checks Cameron artists paint. I don't know how he manages to do it, but he's not very good. But David you must have some nudes of the you know, everybody in chart. We're on over there and everybody and he's Carolina's version of Alfred Blue. Just I don't know how he keeps cashing the checks. But hey do it. I hope he gets paid Caroline in Chicago though with Chicago David Montgomery is making some is making some noise here Tom and there ain't no way. He's dropping below his current fourth round ATP. It's just not going to happen now he As slippery as a receiver had a nice rushing touchdown, you know kind of you know, she wiggled his way into the endzone. So yeah, he's he's one guy that's going to get some hype coming out of the first week of the preseason and probably Justified. I mean they did give Mike Davis the veteran treatment there with the you know, three handoffs to start the game. But this is David Montgomery is his back field here. So he did not disappoint in this first NFL action Denver and Seattle Tom Phillip. Lindsay comes out looks great. All right, we're feeling good. And then Royce Freeman comes in with a 50 yard run. I mean this backfield I was talking about you heard my conversation with great Cosell were like there's kind of puzzling to me. It's not that it's not that we want to knock them for getting good players. And Theo Riddick can do some good things, but were less scratching our heads. Like what didn't they see from Philip Lindsay last year? Unfortunately, it looks like they plan on this being a A headache. Oh, yeah. This is this is I mean and you bring into your Riddick. You're not just gonna keep him on the bench. You're going to use them in passing situations, you know, you know, one of the best receivers out of the backfield here, so, you know, we're going to have to I mean it it's gonna be tough. I mean, I don't know if we're going to get like a startled running back out of this back feel. I mean, it feels like best case scenario, you know, Lindsay and Freeman might be between like 10 to 12 touches each. We can we're going to hope that we get Flex Flex, you know worthiness out of them. So it is a little frustrating right now and it's didn't get any better after the first week with the freemen ripping off the big run. I have them both ranked as number three running backs for Fantasy right now, and I don't know what to do with reading because I mean we know Riddick is Tommy can't run. He's just not enough and he's gonna catch three balls for 39 yards and I don't know what exactly that does for you for fan, you know at the end of the year. He's gonna put Up, you know serviceable numbers, but it's not going to be anything. That's like oh God. I got to get him into a wine up here. So this backfield is going to be a headache all year what you heard my conversation with Gregg as well flipping over to the Seattle side, and he said Brian Schottenheimer wanted to use his running backs a little bit more well in the passing game and he said he thought Richard Penny was the better option for that lo and behold 27 yard reception for Rashad penny in this game. Yeah, nice nice reception, you know. Gonna be interesting to see how that kind of plays out. They don't have that Mike Davis behind them that was kind of their passing back, you know, not exactly counting on like CJ prosise at this point. So I think it's gonna be a two-pronged attack and nice to see Penny, you know do something as a receiver in this game and it's I don't like both of those guy the more I think about that Seattle backfield. I kind of feel like they're both pretty decent little values here, you know Carson in the fifth round and Penny and this middle of the Seventh I should invest a little bit more here in in. Yeah, I've started to get a little bit more Carson and Penny. So, you know, I'm liking I'm liking both of these guys right now early and earlier in the preseason where Carson was going off the board. I universally preferred Philip Lindsay. It looks like that right now that looks like that was a mistake on my part and you know, I didn't anticipate the theoretical signing. I didn't anticipate Denver trying everything in their power to limit Philip Lindsay's I don't understand it, but it's looking like that was a mistake on my part in much the same way that the Duke Johnson picks that I had early look like a great move on my part. It's just one of those things that happens when you draft this early. Yeah, I think start to crystallize here and you know, hopefully we get a little more, you know resolution here as the pre season goes along. But yeah as just throw on that third guy into a backfield really throws a wrench in you know, these are it's kind of a similar situation. In between these two between Denver and Seattle, but now we get the fuel Riddick thrown into Denver. It just complicates it even more, you know, splitting it up two ways. Is it necessarily the worst thing for Fantasy? But whenever it starts getting split three ways, it becomes very frustrating. Okay, one more thing Noah Fant work with the starters for the Broncos. So that's noteworthy. He's been one of my most drafted players and best balls that I tend to I think he can catch a lot of passes this year. Oh, let's go back to Detroit for a second Tom because okay TJ Hawkins The other rookie tight end out of Iowa didn't even play which means he's getting the starters treatment in Detroit. So that's that's noteworthy as well. If you're in on Hawkinson this year. Yeah, we saw earlier, you know in training camp that he was working with the first team, you know, first day of practice. So not not a huge surprise there but you know you like to see that so you typically expect rookies to play though. Yeah. So, I mean that is a pretty good sign they must you know, like where he is or I don't know maybe the line Lines don't even give a shit and you know, they got their asses kicked last night by the Patriots. So they're not really maybe they're not even really taken to the preseason. Seriously. So the Chargers in the Cardinals Tom and the the Chargers backfield hear Austin Eckler was the starter. However, he fumbled at the goal line that has been a problem for him just in general great for that though. So yeah, he's you know, and that's what he is though. And this is where I talked with Greg Cosell he goes, you know, he really likes Eckler. Likes Jackson, but he doesn't think either of them is a foundation back so they have to work in a rotation if Melvin Gordon's not in there, but Melvin Gordon certainly smirked at the Austin Eckler fumble. There's no doubt about that. Oh, absolutely and I mean what happened after that with Jackson fishing at the goal line feels like it could have ramifications, you know, if Gordon would sit out here a little bit. So absolutely. Yeah. I mean it looks like Jackson would be you know, I'm not gonna say off of one preseason game that Jackson is the goal line guy, but you certainly have to take that into account, you know one guy finished in one guy fumbled. So that's a something to keep an eye on here. If Gordon does sit out a couple catches for Hunter Henry. I mean, not that it's a surprise because he played in the playoffs but it's good to see him out there in producing. He's locked into his ATP. Mike Williams had a nice grab but the big story here, of course Thomas it's going to be in every preseason game the performance of Kyler Murray. He goes 6 to 7 for 44 yards looks very sharp. Most noteworthy backed up to their own goal line along expiry has Kyler Murray in the shotgun Tom. So they're going to run their offense. They're going to run their shit. I love it man. This is gonna be this is gonna be great for Fantasy, you know watching these Cardinals all season long. They they stuck to their guns, you know, going shotgun at their own two-yard line and they're throwing it around, you know, Murray goes six or seven, you know, they weren't being shy and his first game One guy we've mentioned a little bit Keyshawn Johnson. He did screw up a route along the sideline. He you know didn't show any kind of awareness. So that's something to keep an eye on is that Murray's only incompletion? Yeah, I believe so or maybe it was because it was actually a completion. I think I might actually been just a penalty marked it back because he he stepped out of bounds and then regain, you know, it caught the pass so that probably wouldn't wouldn't have counted as a his incompletion with just been a penalty. I believe what's up listeners. This has been kookiness producer of the fantasy free agents podcast. If you're listening to this you obviously like podcasts and I'll go out on a limb and say you like music too. It used to be looking for podcasts on one app and listening to music on another but now on Spotify you have all your listening needs including the fantasy free agents podcast for free. No you don't need a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic and you can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode. 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Tom a nice little recap there of the preseason action thus far once again, we're trying to give you as much information as we can but we don't want you guys to think that we're trying to overreact here to anything that happened certainly the most important thing Tom we're going to get out of this is injuries and now maybe once we get into the second and third preseason games and some surprising playing time issues clear up than will then we'll start to talk about those a little bit more but injuries or the big For us and we want guys to look good. It's not a death. It's not a death. Knell if you don't look good in the preseason, but of course, we'd rather you look better so we will keep you keep you abreast on that. But before we get into some site updates Tom, let's finish up the podcast with our team to a days. Let's start in the NFC with the Philadelphia Eagles with a bedding and fantasy preview. Okay, I finished nine and seven last year snuck into the playoffs, you know, made it to the divisional round where they lost the It's finished under their ten and a half when total total offense 365 yards with was 14th scoring offense, basically 23 points a game which was 18th. Place per game sixty three point nine, which was ninth keep offensive players. Lost Golden Tate, Nick Foles and Jordan Matthews key additions DeSean Jackson miles Sanders Jordan Howard Andre Dillard and jjrc go white side on the count of targets a hundred fourteen, which is 6 18th overall and this year's win total nine and a half with a nice chunk of money going towards the over at - 150 the under is paying plus 120 right now. That seems like it's low Tom, that's the first one where I'm like they should win idea. I think they'd also get these numbers little bit earlier this summer. So I don't know if there's been updated but I think I think not in has been pretty widely the number, you know, obviously with a little bit of money going towards the over there. You probably get some tens Some spots but yeah, yeah, it feels like an over especially with the two teams at the bottom of that division. By the way, I will have you know, that raw stalker was on the Eagles broadcast doing color commentary and he pointed out that it is not JJ or Sega Whiteside. It is our Faygo Whiteside was that just how Ross was talking because last night I saw that but you know, it sounds like he was under the weather here. I was get sick couple reports there, but it is it is officially our thing away. Whiteside so you got to like get your tongue involved on that our feta. Yeah. Okay. That's the Spanish dialect jjr thing. A white side was born in Spain. So it looks like our Sega but it's pronounced R Theta so there is our update on on the Eagles Tom going to be a great team. What's that? I won't forget that. All right. Yes our Fegan Whiteside. So here we go. The Eagles I think they're a great team for Fantasy. I think they're a great team to bet on at that. There is juice going to the override still would take the over. Philadelphia and Tom will we're going to switch over to the AFC and another Super Bowl Contender the New England Patriots. Like I've seen the Eagles and Patriots together at some point recently recently Patriots 11 and 5. Of course, they won the Super Bowl in that barn burner over the Rams. They pushed their win total and it was at 11 last year finished fifth in often total offense. 393 yards a game 27 points, which was Fourth place for games 69 very nice 69 which was second key offensive players lost Gronk. Of course Chris Hogan Patterson, Dwayne Allen Trent Brown, Adrian waddle key offensive additions and the kill Harry Damien Harris Ben Watson Demaryius Thomas, Jarrett Stidham, you know the Bliss goes only Myers to Kobe Myers. Don't roll it man. Maurice Harris, you know, they just brought in a whole bunch of new guys. 2019 when total is set at 11 and a half little bit of money going towards the under - 125 over at minus 105. So I'm looking at it nine little little notes nine straight nine straight Seasons with the top five scoring offense the benefits of playing in the AFC East there and also the benefits of having Tom Brady. So yeah Tom just a team every year people want to knock them and say this is the end of the year and I mean their offensive Personnel doesn't look great but they always find a way to do it and you can thank those other teams in the AFC East for sure when it comes to the New England Patriots. Yeah, it smells like they're trying the up the difficulty for Brady, you know, he's in his 40s. Now, you know, let's this feels like back 10 years ago whenever you know before Randy Moss got there with some of the you know, the skill position players they had around them. So the difficulty has been ramped up. But of course, they're the defending Super Bowl champs so discount them, you know. No, you do it at your own Peril. Its it hasn't worked in recent years. Okay. So let's give you a little update on what's going on at Fantasy free Tom and I right after the podcast we're going to go through our rankings and do a final tweak and we are going to put cheat sheets up for the first time this year. We're going to have a PPR positional and non PPR positional both will be tiered will have a top 150 PPR of top 115 on PPR and I will have a PPR auction cheat sheet as well. Those will be up on the siding. Site, and those will be updated Tom every Friday. It's looking like and maybe in the last week of the preseason will do them a couple of times a week, but that that's the plan for right now with those cheat sheets be on the lookout for those at Fantasy free As always everything is going to be free to use if you want to donate out of the goodness of your own heart. There was a link to do. So right on fantasy free and in the the show notes for the podcast if you're interested in doing that as well Tom, you also put up a couple new articles this week on Is he free so might as well tell the people about what those are. Yeah, they're the rags to riches. It's basically guys that are being drafted very low that have high ceilings. So, you know, I was looking at the quarterback position, you know, so guys. Yeah. We talked to touch on Lamar Jackson how he needs to improve as a passer but you know it got if he does improve as a passer he could be a top-five option next year. So it's basically trying to look into the future look for guys that are rated load this year, but who could potentially Perform at a ceiling here and get into the top of the position. So I got the quarterbacks and tight ends up this week. I got to work on the running backs and receivers. I'll get them up at some point next week. And I'm also working on the the most drafted the like you did a couple weeks ago. So I'll probably I've written up some of that and I'll probably update that and put it up at some point next week reminder. That's at Fantasy free and you can follow fantasy free agents the fantasy free agents at TS. Fa Fantasy on Twitter. You can follow me on Twitter @ FG underscore Dolan. You can follow Tom on Twitter at Tom Brawley. Make sure you also check out the Twitter feed of the immortal Greg Cosell with whom I hosted a podcast a little bit earlier this week. Make sure you check that out follow him on Twitter at Great Cosell and if you're into IDP or just defensive football in general follow Justin varns at down with IDP, he did a great podcast with been fennel from the athletic breaking down defense has breaking down idps from four separate teams, including the Packers and Eagles. That one is a must listen, if you just enjoy football in general. This has been another fun International edition of the fantasy free agents podcast. I am in Toronto Thompson, Pennsylvania. It doesn't matter. We got it done. I apologize to Jacoby Myers forgetting his college wrong and I apologize to to I'm still forgetting his name. I keep wanting to call him Darren Hilliard. I apologize to DonTrell Hilliard DonTrell forgetting, you know, they wrong. What's up, Tom? I hope you go get some Boston Pizza after this, you know, enjoy it really really, you know, enjoy it. You know last couple days in Toronto with some Boston Pizza that I plan on doing. So Tom, thank you very much for for your hospitality. Thank you very much for putting the notes together because I didn't get to see all the games. I am traveling back on Monday Tom. So we might have to delay our first podcast next week until Tuesday, but I assure you we will be with you next week. Make sure you check out fantasy free for our rankings and and cheat sheets. Those will be tweeted out when they're up as well. Thank you to everybody for listening and we will be talking to you next week. Thanks for joining us on the fantasy free agents podcast. Remember to subscribe rate and review on the app of your choice. Our next episode is just around the corner.
 In the final international installment of The Fantasy Free Agents Podcast, Joe Dolan (@FG_Dolan) and Tom Brolley (@TomBrolley) break down the first week of preseason action (15:23). They also examine the Duke Johnson trade (2:55) and the Kansas City Chiefs backfield (12:55) before ending the podcast with another Team Two-A-Days segment on the Philadelphia Eagles (53:28) and the New England Patriots (55:44). A special congratulations to our own Joe Dolan for finishing #1 in Draft Accuracy for the 2018 season among 140+ sites and experts! This was Joe’s second #1 overall and third top-3 finish in the last 5 years, making his rankings THE most accurate preseason fantasy football draft rankings on average since 2015. Check out the complete list at To draft against Joe, join the Rotowire Online Championship and select the online draft time of 8/20 at 9:30 PM Eastern. To draft against Tom, do the same on 8/27 at 9:30 PM Eastern. Play for the $200,000 grand prize!
Hey guys, what's up? Thanks for tuning in to today's episode. Hey, hit me up on Instagram LinkedIn or Facebook and let me know where you're listening in from. This is absolute 10. And today. I had a llama guy on the show or more commonly known on socials as L pearls and my first female guest Alana is a full-time Beauty vlogger influencer on YouTube and Instagram, we had a really insightful chat and to what it's like being a digital.Our influencer in the online space a lot of super open and honest about some of the challenges and struggles as well as all the kind of exciting perks and joys that come with the unique job like this. Hope you're going to enjoy this episode and like I said get in touch at love to hear from you. Let's jump in. So Ilana, thanks for jumping on the podcast. You're my first female guests. So it's a pleasure to have you on so you want to maybe introduce yourself. Tell us a bit about what you do? Yeah. Yeah, my name is Elena on my social platforms. It's a tell pearls or on Instagram. YouTube itself pearls actually never remember what my name is on. I think you can search me without pearls or land epic early, but that's a bit of a hard one to spell. So yeah, I guess what is what is the term anymore of like what I'm called a social influences social influencer digital influencer. Yeah. I don't even know an influencer and the yeah. That's what I do. I create content on YouTube and I think that just morphed into Instagram and any other kind of platform that just shows a little bit of my life. I've been doing it for I should know these numbers. I've been doing it for three and a half years. Yeah, three and a half years and I've been full time for two and a half to nice. Yeah. But yeah, it didn't come like overnight. I worked two full-time jobs on top of creating two videos a week for nine months before I had my first paid. Yeah, that was definitely not enough to to see it through. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's just so passionate about so I'm very very fortunate to have it as my career. Yeah. Okay. No. Quality, I wonder if you remove the rewind back then prior to you kind of moving into this space and touch on I guess, you know, did you go to school and then College after that or what did that look like for you? Yeah, fun fact, I was home-schooled until grade A. No I nice. Yeah, that's 13. I know that grade systems a bit different here in the UK. So great. Yeah. I went to high school and then Then after high school, I was very hesitant on what to do. I didn't really know I come from my mom's quite creative. But my dad is like in a science background so they both have to demick, you know schooling so they obviously we're very pushing on go to university. It doesn't matter what you go for it. Just go kind of yeah, and I was very my older brother hadn't gone yet. So it was like I was the first born in the sense of oh, I don't know what to do. Like, I genuinely don't want to waste your money my money on something that I'm Not actually use. Yeah, so it was so last-minute that my mom was like well, why don't you go for marketing? It's a little bit of creative little bit of business that so I went for a year of marketing and loved it. I don't know if it's because school legs hurt instead of you know being away, but it was great. It just wasn't the fit. I think I was just doing it to do it. So I didn't complete that decided to take a year off and Yes actually was working as a server in a restaurant and I loved doing that nice low, but I guess to like kind of bring in what the future had in store was I was always doing people's hair and makeup from a very young age I kind of just always was that creative person whether it was doing my brother's like face paint. When do you want me to when he was little to like yeah, all of my cousin's cutting their hair and you know coming up with New before and after photos that would just impress them on Prom day doing like six of my friends hair and makeup and just you know, always being that go-to girl which kind of went into college. I was always the oh, can you do this for me? And I think I kind of gained a little bit of trust in that field. Yeah, which is why I kind of transitioned transitioned well into what I do and I had the trusted everyone around me. It wasn't like why is she doing this? She doesn't even know what she's doing. It was like, oh, this is so Well Suited yeah, this makes sense so took the year off and then I was like, what do I do? Bobby I love fashion makeup all this I didn't want to go to school for makeup because I felt like I just I was passionate about and I was actually good at it that I was like and I didn't want to learn the theory of it or something. Yeah. You know fashion marketing might be fun because there's a little bit of everything and it's not super like fashion where you're making clothes all the time, but you're putting on shows you're creating Windows. There's a lot of like creative aspects of it. And so I did that course and I loved and I'm really glad I did I learned a lot of things from it, but from that I basically kind of started doing hair and makeup for weddings. I worked in a lot of stores and did you know a lot of fashion kind of things but it just wasn't like Fulfilling, you know like that transition state of stage of like I know I want to do something where I want to be creative and I kind of always had that problem where whenever I worked I got super hyped. I was so excited. I love going into our guide high energy and then it kind of went into. Oh my gosh. I'm doing the same thing every day with the same people like yeah. I meant to work with people. Yeah. Yeah. You know, it's locked in of like what could be doing and I feel like I'm just such a freestyle kind of thinker that I just seems like I got bored like I was like this is so you know in the box. So yeah, I did her makeup on the week isn't that was kind of like my creative like, oh I get to do what I want meet new people all the time. Like I was a part of people's most special day, right? Yeah, and that's exciting. Very personable side. So I really love getting to meet new people all the time, which was great. And then that kind of led into a job where I became a regional trainer and pro artist for a really break big makeup brand in North America called No, Anastasia Beverly Hills, which is now worldwide, but it was amazing in the sense where I kept going to different locations of big stores Sephora's and training people. So I had like then the the technical teacher side of things like, you know showing how to do certain things but it was still within what I loved which was makeup. So I realized quickly like, oh, maybe it's because my mom's a teacher baek anything to do with teaching as like no. No, I just want to create just like, oh no, I'm actually really good at explaining how something is being done or how you do it, but I'm not like this is right and this is wrong because when it comes to anything art why Is even make up its your expression of it's how you decide to do it, which I was very open to so I think I had a good balance which you know, I did well in that job, but then there was always just something whereas like there's just something I'm still working under someone. I'm still having to go to some locations that I've been to before and as a kind of bored like that was yeah be honest. I just got bored sometimes. Yeah, so I was obsessed with you too obsessed with watching YouTube all the ogs on it. Just Tanya prayers. The wallet Chloe mirela all those people have been on for years. I yeah. Oh my gosh, I could do this like I'm pretty confident. Like I like what I do and I feel like I could make videos and I remember an online magazine in Canada. I reached out and asked if I could do some you know content for them. So I kind of like dip my toes in it where I you know did little tutorials or like little makeup steps for them. And then I just kind of literally told myself in January you know you how you make Union resin Year's resolutions. Yeah travel. I'm going to start a YouTube channel. Nice. Literally January 1st. I did it and then I stuck with it and hear ya um, is that how many years ago was up in January? 2016 15 15. Yeah. So we're 250 at that stage was YouTubers obviously like Super popular, but was it was it still sort of early days for the kind of nice that you're in? Yeah, totally and I think that yeah thing where you feel fortunate we're thinking of starting today is very overwhelming to me like yeah. Imagine it is so saturated. I feel like everyone in their dog has a channel and it's a little bit intimidating. And so I think I was a little bit, you know, I was at the cusp I think a year later you could have gotten to but I think I was at the right time. Started and I'm glad it did but I also wasn't like, oh, I'll put up a video like I was really determined and I honestly job seriously what I did and it wasn't even anything where I could have thought it would have turned into a job or you know my career because I had two jobs on the side that I was, you know maintaining and then I was like, oh I was just so excited to film two videos for this channel that took me five months to get a thousand subscribers. Do 99. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I remember I was actually here in Northern Ireland when I reached a thousand and it was so exciting. I'm big monster. Yeah. It's so funny. But yeah, yeah, and and then it was one year and I had 60,000. So yeah, it was really exciting. It was really good cool it. I think it always sort of I think you mentioned everybody, you know, you didn't ever expect it to become a full-time job or career and I think that's always sort of the keys or at least with you know, the people who turn out to be successful Mick whatever it is. That they're passionate about our business. I think that's the key to the successful because there's a full-time like passion. It's not just like you say. Oh, I'm going to make some videos because I'm sure a lot of people have this kind of thought so your movie speak about the commitment, you know effort and energy that it took to like two videos a week. I can imagine even up that is getting significant in terms of workload. Well, like you mentioned I think passion Well is like such a drive and it because I really I think there was also a part of me and maybe I'm speaking for myself in this but I think because it came from parents who had academic careers and did so well, I almost wanted to like prove that I could make it in a creative career that I did for myself at that time wasn't very popular or like you do what like yeah wasn't even considered a career. Yeah YouTube like Yeah, yeah, it was very. It was almost like I think I have a little bit of a stubbornness where I was like, I'm going to prove that this can work out for me. And um, yeah because you know being the one in the family being like Oh, I want to be in hair makeup. They're like, okay, sweetie, but what do you want a little bit of it? Yeah, but like what do you actually want to be a kind of but it genuinely was always me and so like I previously mentioned because I had the trust of a lot of people already and my name was already reaching with, you know, the makeup jobs that I was already doing it was It was an easy transition where people are like, oh, yeah, that girl is really good at that because she's done this for me before like told their friends and it was all right amount and for me and I didn't have any struggle with loyalty with any followers or whatnot, but one of the main things I tell people whenever they're like, oh, I'm going to start a blog or want to start a YouTube channel or start an Instagram or something. I say, it's great to want to start it, but you have to really want it like you have to like your there's only so much. Can put out without heart behind it because yeah, laughs and honestly with algorithm not nowadays and just the amount of creators out there and content out there. Yeah to stay consistent. It's so yeah, it's a 24/7 hustle. It really isn't it's kind of what you take from it. If you're if you're single person go for it like headfirst, but I also have a family now and it's like, okay, what are my priorities like it still job. I'm you know maintaining it. But it's like okay like flip this is something that could easily take over your life. Yeah, but yeah consistency is the biggest thing I would ever recommend to someone and also like don't do it to do it because like it's so transparent. It's so transparent if you're just forcing it and you're yeah. Well, that's so cool that someone can stay at home and take pictures is what it probably seems to some. Yeah, but I know I think I think I don't think people Realized the half of the amide of work and effort that goes into being or doing what you're doing. You know, I can just imagine this year might give time and have first names. Yeah, but yeah, I think I think a lot of people maybe would it be fair to say criticize the industry or the influencer space and I think it's completely unjustified because of the amount of effort and energy that actually does go in behind the scenes that they They just see like, you know a food that goes up and they're like they have it so easy, but actually it's totally not true. Yeah. Well, I think it's like two things I think one is maybe misunderstanding it or you know, they just maybe from a different generation or whatever totally a weird job. If you really think about it so fair, I'm totally up to sitting down with someone and explaining what my day looks like and well I have videos on my channel. Yeah, but then there's the other side where I think some people are maybe jealous that someone's actually doing what they love. I think that's another aspect of maybe someone being a little bit spiteful to an influencer is owner actually doing they risked a lot with like maybe not taking a job that could have been a better pay or this or that yeah, really put everything on the line for something they're passionate about and really love because maybe they didn't do that and they wish they did so there's a little bit of you know No MV which isn't any kind of job, I won't say that it's just for influencing. But yeah, it's a scary situation because we don't have like we have no security in the feel like what's going to happen if it's not even a thing and it's YouTube dies. Yeah, but I think but I think I'm sure you're already doing and thinking of this in terms of diversifying until their platforms and always being kind of aware and keeping your eyes. Eyes open can of I think there's a big kind of business guy that I follow and he says, you know, he's obviously going all-in on the me and platforms like YouTube and Instagram and whatnot. But he's always kissing these other ones just making sure you know that he's keeping his hand and you know those kind of pies and he has one of those is the new Instagram or YouTube, you know, so it's hard to know because like I feel like there's been a couple since I've started a couple, you know, oh get this out quick everyone, you know down. Loads it and then you never hear of it again. Yeah, it just flops after week. Yeah, I think Instagram and YouTube definitely have the hierarchy right now, but you just you really never known. Mm-hmm. I wondered and can we talk to on you mentioned? You know, you got that first kind of paid rule or you know sponsorship or whatever you want to call it. But you know after that was it just a series of those were they kind of trickling in or did you actively kind of seek out those Partnerships and relationships? Yeah, so I was super naive with like how YouTube worked. I didn't really understand like like how do I make this a job or anything? So there would always be like random emails you get from networks being like Oh hook up to us link up to us and we'll sort you out money-wise kind of like an AdSense thing, but they are getting a cut from it. But like they obviously would help you out with that, you know sponsorships and If like that, so I like that because I was naive didn't know anything. So I linked up with a network and I was only with them for I think only a year not even no not even a year. No year. Yeah. It was just nothing came from it. I got like a monthly payout from them for my views. So that's like obviously the main source of income if you're not doing sponsored content, which I wasn't yet because it It really a thing yet to do good things. It wasn't as popular. It was slowly beginning but it was mostly based off of like your views on your channel out of all of your videos your monthly views and then you get a cut from whatever this network was giving you. So I got out of that contract ankle and then linked with the new network that was like a very well-known one for beauty even lifestyle YouTubers and whatnot. And I just actually stopped with them, but they're amazing and My management is with one of them and she's awesome. But yeah, so that was like the kind of start of it was with a network, but I guess you could just link with AdSense. Like that's what I'm doing now because I don't have a Network anymore. Yeah, but it kind of depends on like what's your aim for it? Do you want to just be strictly a channel? That's not going to do a lot of sponsored content and you're going to drive it with views and that those views will be enough to like, you know. I think it depends on how many ads you have on your video and all that stuff for do you want to be channel that you know has a lot of sponsored moments and it whether it's integrated whether it's you know completely by a certain brand, you know, it's kind of up to you and yeah, it was going towards like I'm sure Gamers don't have sponsored content as much unless it's from a game, right? Yeah. Yeah. I would have more sponsored content like wouldn't just be strict on views because mine involves a lot of product and a lot of reviewing and a lot of you know showing different things. So it's more. Oh, yeah friends of friends. But yeah, that's what if you wanted to go into different ways of earning money to make it a career. So you have your your views so your monthly views allocated to you. Yeah, then you have anything sponsored wise? Yeah. This is probably how most people can make today. I'm going to eat. Yeah, when you say sense for those a kind of maybe don't know that are listening. That's where Google who's the owner of YouTube puts like a sponsored kind of tan second Ah, that's the kind of odd that we see scattered in amongst videos or at the starter and right. Yeah, and then you're in charge of your ad so you sometimes yeah the beginning and then depending on the length we videos which are seem to only be getting longer. There's more ads slotted end. Which yeah, you watch most of the time you can't skip it. Those are payment. They say yeah. Yeah nice one. And so if you were to put a percentage on our movies don't want to but roughly, you know, where you even more for that kind of sponsored monthly like AdSense stuff or you more open to working with bronze, and I honestly haven't really thought of that if you If I really think about it, I'm just kind of set a rule. I would get a lot of emails from Brands and I really go through to see what fits my you know image and what would work really with what I do because you're gonna be males real like have you even looked at my yeah. Do you have Fitness to you when I'm pregnant? There's I think you know Yeah, so yeah, I kind of think I'm like equal like I don't know like some months or lower than others and it's just such a up and down kind of career where you could have set like in marketing like Christmastime is so busy with product push out and everything. So that's a really long time for influencers with like all this Christmas stuff and guides and this and that and what to get. What do you know? So that's a big-time in but then there's like a lull right after like in Yeah about doing has any money. Yeah, totally so. I think every or what is it Christmas like vlogging everyday and Christmas to make enough views for January because the low level lower months, right? So yeah, please refer back to 31 days in December 31 days 30 days in December. Thirty Days Has September. Yeah 31 31 December 31st. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, so Yeah, it's kind of up to you. But then yeah, so you have your views you have sponsored content, which you have to figure out your own right card and whatnot. Unless you have a manager that can do that with you and negotiate and then there's affiliate code. So if you see someone like, you know recommending a product and if you use my code, you know L pearls you can get 20% off as five dollar five pounds of anything like that and sometimes not all the time. But sometimes there is, you know, a percentage that goes to that influencer then and then you have just yeah, it's normally just an affiliate code or swipe up legs, but you have to be transparent with that obviously. Yeah. Yeah, so I think it should be everywhere because it's a little annoying when you follow people and other places near like is that cause I'm out. Hey for yeah, I thought it was. Their business like I'm being truthful anyways, but obviously there's people that aren't truthful. It's actually I really am so glad that it's the way it is. Yeah. I think it's good. It just makes it transpired then everyone's on the same page, right? Yeah, but I think initially I was like when I go into Topshop, they're not like oh I get this amount of pay for that. Yeah. Yeah job is so transparent with what is a paid position? Yeah. Oh that's a little silly unless it's like a sponsored post and you like obviously have to be open about that. But now I'm like, oh no, that's fair because if someone feels like they're buying something and I'm getting a percentage of their you know money spent you should let them know. Yeah, and I totally went in terms of them the content that you produce do you have a team is already mentioned briefly a manager there you have a team or a Content producer, you know, do you edit all of your YouTube videos and Instagram posts and everything is that Ye or do you have other people? Yeah, so I got a manager which was within my network and she's actually from Northern Ireland, but she lives in London nice and I got her as soon as I had all of so that was 15 months ago. And it was the best decision I ever made one of the worst things not worst. But if you're about at time management emails are awful because I was getting emails being like did you check my email from? A week ago and you're like crap. I know it. Yeah kind of piling up. You look like I in this industry, you don't get you know, Matt leave. So I'm trying to be on top of something I've created but then also be with my new board. Yes. I'm pretty fond enough to like give myself enough time to live a slowly come back to the light here, but getting a manager was so helpful because any email that I received it just is forwarded on and the last thing I get like so, you know, email me being like, oh they're asking this. What are you thinking and you know get little updates here. There but it's basically she's so good so good at negotiating and she even when we meet up she's like there's not one contract Elena that I've had to demand like not one like everything has always had to be changed when Michael slept I should have got you wasting her because I definitely find things. As you do being naive in something that's new and exciting. You're like, oh, yeah. Yeah, I get a paycheck for something I love right? Yeah naturally. So if you're listening and your new content creator read those contracts, yeah well, so I'm intrigued like what's an example of where that's movie Gone Wrong or been annoying or too many times to tell Basically a year contract and you know, this is pre management or anything and the number was obviously really, oh that's a good number. So what I thought it was but then not seeing the amount of exclusivity to that brand was a kind of ruining other opportunities, which I yeah backed and then it was because it was so Couldn't literally add anything else to the videos that involve that brand it made it so hard to be creative with video ideas. And then I was like very forced almost felt. So Force the felt so sponsored which I was like, this is like losing on both ends, which is a massive brand should know that if they want sales they should have like the influencer be natural about it. And yeah, well integrated. Yeah. Yeah show-off that product in the best way possible and like such a force specific wording like oh, yeah, I'm people are started jumping. I was just missing people people aren't fools like I think so many people can read through that and especially if they are like a long-term follower of you they'll be like, this is not the Alana. We know like she's forcing this product on her throat rather than for another product where you're like actually really like this and it's it's me and blah blah blah. Agency that was like the in-between person of the brand like she was even like struggling with ideas and she felt bad for me to shoot ya. Like I know what you mean. Like, I'm going to try my best to see what we can do. And so that was one situation and then the other one was another brand that worked with big influencers for a product and payment didn't come for like ten months and Patti had to go in to like a dispute with them and it was just so it's and it Took forever. It was quite a lump sum as well. It came in the end. So I can't say anything there but a very long awaited time for you know, something's obviously this is my income and because salary isn't like an every two weeks situation. I have to like budget budget and yeah told work it accordingly. Yeah, it came at a good time because it came right around tax season. Yeah. Yeah. It was a bit stressful. Yeah, I'm sure sure and so in terms of the content and is that all all you behind the scenes? Well, I think it's pretty easy. No, my content is very just girl-next-door realistic nothing theatrical or perfected about it. There's channels that are so beautifully edited and everything and that is great. I love watching it, but it's just not me and it was it's not even what I would like to go into I've had you know opportunities to get better cameras or better backdrops are going to Studios and the reason I started YouTube. Was because I loved that. Oh, I feel like I'm watching them in front of me do something and it was very relatable. I think that's what I wanted to make sure was my Foundation was that I was relatable and people could like play and pause my videos and feel like they're a part of it. Yeah, and they've transitioned over the years because my life has changed so much since you know starting and so it might not be so beauty related anymore. I think my whole platform is more lifestyle, which is is good because people prefer that more than like a dedicated video your makeup or your hair people just are so nosy and what I know everything about yeah, it's more Vlog base 10, you know interactive with people in my life and people feel like they're a part of it a little bit more now so long as I feel like people don't love Vlog unless your video to inspire you or something. Yeah, I think there's something real. Yeah, like you're a part of that life like, oh I've been to that place so I know where that is. And yeah feel like you're you're friends with the person you're watching a little bit. Yeah, and I think people appreciate this in that in fact, you are a completely normal person and like, you know parties on the sofa snoring or whatever. Thank you. Sometimes this star him and Olive people come back. That's it. Yeah, and so sorry. No, I don't although recently. I did hire a friend just to help with some more creative aspects with it. So she comes over every so often to help film something but no patties my photographer for the most part. Yeah. He probably got a full-time rules not kidding. I mean on the side, you know as a photographer. Yeah, let's go. So what is the what is the feature kind of look for you in terms of the vlogging spear some YouTube and Instagram and all that. Yeah fault already changed so much in four years, but I think if I'm being, you know life's only going to get busier because I'm sure we will try to expand the family and whatnot. But I know I would love to start a Under product or even do a collab with a you know, well-liked student brand for me. I don't know something where I'm putting something out there for the consumer of like yeah audience because I do have quite a loyal audience as yeah, you know, whatever. I put out the do trust my opinion and something and that means a lot to me. So yeah, I don't know a product a brand something. That's definitely Definitely been on our minds for the last year. So it's just where we do we go. What do we do? What is it? What will you know work? Well because you know smart being a North American in a country. That's a very small business Run Country. It's just beneficial to bring it a bigger audience to you know, a smaller place. So yeah, there's the foot in the door for something. It's just what is it? So yeah. Yes who you are originally. Only Commodore North American yes can cut down on ya any plans to have backup direction or you firmly kind of in the UK and on are in luck? Here, I've never say no like a firm. No, but I can't I genuinely can't see it for a while. I know if any of my friends in Canada listen to this will be like, yeah. I'm so happy here. It's home is wherever your heart is in my heart. I do love it here and I couldn't imagine raising our daughter anywhere else. Yeah, yeah totally cool. Well, maybe this wrap up with a couple of different questions that I like to kind of finish with until you quit quickfire. I guess. Do you have any kind of mentors or people that you have followed or look up to you over the past kind of five ten years when you say mentors? Well, my manager Jody is amazing. She's just as great input, but I feel like in this. This job. It's just inspiration. Like the reason I started was another girl who just decided to pick up the camera and do something they love so I kind of just am inspired by you know, the community that I am in like I don't maybe personally know them or physically know them. Yeah, you can send their content totally but they're the reason I'm doing what I'm doing and I'm able to do it and live from it. So yeah. Yeah just say that people. I started watching from forever ago. So Tanya Burr, Chloe Morello all those girls just yeah, I really inspiring because they're still doing it. They're still making it clear. They didn't just stop or you know something maybe they have different opportunities now, but yeah, I think it's just really very inspiring like what they do. Yeah, cool cool. And what's been maybe the biggest struggle through all of this over the past couple of years starting YouTube channel. Is it that consistency piece? So we talked a little earlier about their yeah. Well definitely having a baby. Yeah, I can imagine I didn't think it would change me so much for the good in also there was hard times just I think because you're so this is such an not as selfish job, but you're just you're your own brand right? Like it's a personal brand totally and I think you know, obviously my He's was so shifted and then it was like, oh do I still want to do this? I was questioning a little bit more and I was like, what do I do? And I think vlogging really kind of ignited my love for it again because I was like, I don't have time to set up lights. I don't have time to set up there like DSLR camera sit down. I don't even have the time to do that because she's ready to feed together. You know, I mean like yeah, I just it just wasn't working. I don't have I didn't have an assistant and having it, you know any help it was just me. So I was like, how do I make this? This work. So it was a little trying at times. I think I you know lowered my content a little bit last year, but it took about, you know, six to eight months for me to really realize okay. Let's shift gears here. It doesn't need to be so dedicated on a specific, you know topic anymore. It can be a little bit more open because people are interested in my life. Like I am a Canadian Living over here having a baby. It's very, you know, these are Big Life moments and there's a lot of people that just want to know what it was like because they're heading in They just came from it. They're thinking about it. You know, I mean, so yeah people really reacted well to just me opening up and I never really was a vlogger quite before it was more formal type videos. So yeah, it's been really exciting to just get more into like a weekly Vlog because I do not know how people do it daily. Yeah, and so, is that what you're doing though? Is it is it just once a week sort of longer? Yeah. So my rhythm and it kind of breaks here and there okay this week. It's like a weekly Vlog that goes live on a Monday evening. And then I would have a more formal video in the later week like a makeup tutorial or something. That's a little bit more Beauty passionately did. Yeah. I love it. I can hit both of my audiences the people that come for the Vlogs and the people that don't yeah. Yeah. And so what's the most interesting thing about you that we wouldn't let me learn from you know, all the Vlogs or Instagram or is there anything that's kind of hidden? To Patti about this because I was like, like, how do you answer that about yourself? Right because yeah, I forget like I know everything about me but yeah, but is there something that's not in a video? They only see what 25 minutes of a week, you know, so yeah, like how do you like? What would you say? It was like that you Irish dance? Well, did you say all these things? Yeah, yeah, I did actually. Yeah. Well, that's one thing then like people have never seen it. No, I'm an awful singer, but I would love love to learn how to harmonize. I don't care about the Melody. I just want the harmony like you just want the fucking truck. Yeah, I would do anything and I can't my mind cannot my mind has the note but my mouth does not. Yeah. Yeah. I'm the same like I'm singing in the shower and everything. So it's so good and then You know, if something gets recorded, you're like no way I signed that bad. You know, I'm dying to song do but it just sounds so awful Chuckles listen to bite the bullet and maybe go to singing lessons, but I'm it would be weird if I came it was like I don't want to sing the Melody. I just want the harmony. But yeah, I need someone else so I can harmonize. Yeah, I think and then sure a lot of people would say this obviously, I don't record all like the super tough times or when I'm having a moment of meltdown or you know, yeah, there's sometimes I'm a little bit more open and whatnot. But I think that's Mike my and keeping that for me because I think as soon as I open that door and opening the door to a lot more maybe intense comments and my channels are controversial hype and yeah, do you know uplift people and really bring people joy and that's really what you know, I am to a core so it's Those moments but there's still very much there. I'm putting my me out there for people to project. I signed up to that Foley, right? Yeah, you know, sometimes it can be just a little even though I don't get hate comments. It's just, you know comparing or just getting down on myself because I should be working more but I should also be you know present with my daughter and it's just, you know, all these things that I'm sure yeah working moms do but it can be overwhelming and times. For sure. Yeah, definitely you kind of touched on up there and you've kind of answered as well. But do you get any kind of heaters or people who are nasty if you like he always you well as soon as there's always going to be right. Yeah keyboard Warriors. You open a door for anything online you're opening the door for people's opinions and comments. So Everyone's entitled to and to be honest because initially my channel is really Beauty focused. You didn't like the way I did my makeup. You're not going to hurt my feelings. It's really just make up and it comes off at night, but I think because now my channel is a little bit more open with my life and what I do and my opinions on some things. No, I really Ali I really don't get negative comments I even caught a comment once this was a while ago and it was like she obviously deletes all of her negative comments because she hardly has any and I was like, yeah, you're like no it's the truth. Nice comment. But yeah, I can't I can't be like no I didn't because obviously it's one person over another but yeah don't like Like I mentioned I'm not controversial like there's so many people in the beauty industry that just have so many issues at the moment and I just I don't it's not for me like if you if I really don't like someone up something in you no makeup or a product or a piece of clothing. I just won't use it. I won't show it like as soon as I do and Bash it. I don't know if someone watching has always loved it because their mom always loved it or you know, a dear friend and like, I don't know anyone elses story or Nation ship was something on that like it's not like I do. I just don't use it. Like I don't need to talk about it. Yeah. Yeah, that's my Approach but you know some people thrive on a little bit of controversy and it kind of grows it but I don't want to have a fast pace following or you know grow a lot of subscribers over something negative rather have a slow growth with positive and loyal trusting critical. Yeah. Yeah, cool. And so, where do you get your kind of best ideas? Or inspiration and on top of that, you know, do you like networking events or you know connect with other people outside of the like outside of online, you know and realized to get inspiration Riders were totally and networking events. Well, I guess you could say like events in general are networking. So when I first moved over I was a little timid I don't think anyone knew I really existed over here. We're not really and but I slowly got into the scene got on more, you know PR lists or you know invitations to different things. So I definitely have grown a little Community here with other local bloggers YouTubers media. And yeah, it's been a slow growth with it here because I still still get people being like, where do you live? Yeah. Yeah. So ya know I'm really trying to grow like my UK audience because I still might North American audiences the biggest which is great for you know, working opportunities with Brands because it's the biggest consuming area. But yeah, I just want to really grow that local kind of follower growth and I feel really privileged because I was just nominated for best beauty blogger influencer of the year for the ni Beauty Awards so nice look, The plug before years is a nice cool. So last question when you think of the word successful who's the person that kind of comes to mind and why the big one so literally when I read that question because you sent me some questions beforehand, which I actually completely forgot. Like look at the quickness done before help. I'm so glad I did because sometimes I get things in my head and I don't you know free flow. So I'm glad I didn't look back at them. But I remember that question being like instantly when I read it I thought of the person and then I was the month. Yep, and I ask Patty. I'm like, who would you like think for me? And he was like, oh well wouldn't you think of the YouTubers that inspired you and all this and like, yeah, I guess so, but when I think of see success and this is a little bit cheesy, but my younger brother Michael is 26 and two years ago two and a half years ago. He came over and he's very much in the art field. He was always creative very personable great with people and he was interning at a tattoo shop. So he'd been tattooing for at the time seven months like hardly like literally no note. Meaning no even talking of tattooing before. Yeah people over and he was challenged me is like yeah, I think I'm going to open up a shop in Toronto Toronto Canada. So I was like, okay cool and like told my mom and dad are like, yeah, he said that but you know, he's kind of a dreamer and he would say things but like what happened sure enough in November of that year. He opened it and nice just opened a third shop. Whoa to really, you know, high end apartments and Tron oh, no, he is so, you know creative and has a charity with it and is so Innovative and he's grown so much in three years even his and MGP tattoos on Instagram if you want to plug business-minded, but very smart where he knows how to Add on to his group he wrote like I want to say a hundred and fifty page manual to teach new tattoo artist. So people coming in. He's like kind of the teacher. So again, we kind of stem from the same like we love our creative side, but we love teaching how to do it as well. So I think that yeah, we're good at but I just think oh my goodness like he was what 24 at the time when he thought of this and now he has three tattoo shops which are in the top. Top top range in Toronto a major city in the entire world that is because it's so Innovative and it was just him and a friend and now they have a third business partner a hole through multiple tattoo artist and no it's not my specific field, but it's still a creative field and power to him. So I'm very proud of him and I think he's a very special guy and I just get, you know a good fuel from seeing him succeed and do well. Yeah. That's awesome - he did good University. I will say that so don't don't not go. Yeah. Yeah nice. Yeah, kill. Well, hey lol. Thanks so much for coming on the podcast. Really appreciate you taking the time to help us out for having me as the first woman. I feel very appreciated enough. Yeah. Yeah, he's done a good job for the for the ladies. Nice. Well, yeah, that's it. Where's the best place people can and follow up with he or following connect with you? Yeah. Well on Instagram is @l pearls pearls is in the necklace and you can search Same thing on YouTube and I'll pop up eisel cool. Excellent. Thanks again. Perfect. Thanks so much smile. If you haven't subscribed yet to my podcast. What are you waiting for? Please hit that subscribe button and leave me a review to let me know what you think about the podcast.
 "Don't just do it to do it" This is episode 10! Today Niall had his first female guest on the show - Elle Pearles, a beauty enthusiast and digital influencer! In this interview, Elanna shares her experience as a full time vlogger and influencer, the struggles she's faced throughout the process and how she's managed to start from a few hundred subscribers on YouTube to now having over 300,000 loyal fans across Instagram & YouTube! Maintaining consistency and being passionate about what you do is Elanna's advice for anyone thinking of starting their own online brand. I hope you enjoy this first mini milestone of the Young Professional Podcast! Find Elle here:  Instagram: @ellepearls  Youtube: Elanna Pecherle  Twitter: @ellepearls ____________________  Welcome to the Young Professional Podcast - my name is Niall Lawther and I’m hugely passionate about business and entrepreneurship. I started this podcast because I wanted to connect with and learn from successful entrepreneurs and business owners, and share their stories and insights. I hope these episodes allow you to learn, grow and level up in your life! Thanks for listening - please consider subscribing and leave a review, it'll make my day! US listeners: Get a free trial of Audible! **Disclosure: The above are affiliate links - please note I will receive a small commission if you sign up to the free trial, at no additional cost to you.
In this episode, I'll talk about transitioning from cycle 1 which is description into cycle to which is narration. So after you did all that just describing pictures and describing people in describing places. It's so much fun to start telling stories. So let's goSo I just like to give a shout-out to Kylie down in Texas. Yeah Kylie, it's Mom. Hey, Kylie. Don't forget to study hard. All right cycle to narration. So if you've been following the cycles of instruction and assessment that are laid out and Stepping Stones your one and Beyond or the curriculum club. That means that you probably spent the first cycle on description and descriptions great. However, it's a little static because all you're doing is talking about what you can see or what somebody's like on the inside and so when it's time to transition to narration things a little more exciting Whereas in description most of your prep was actually just finding pictures or eliciting ideas from the students with class surveys or card talk in narration. There is a little bit more prep and I would encourage you if you are a member of curriculum Club to prep and upload your resources that you make to the shared drive so that people can download them and you'll have them to refer. Back to you in the future. And also I've been putting in some resources into the shared drive as well. The more that we all work together throughout these cycles and throughout this year the more resources. We will have to look at next year. I imagine that next year. We're going to have a first thing share drive that's full of really awesome resources that you can pull down. So speaking of resources I have today been working on some more links to some demonstration videos of me and other people teaching these narrations strategies and so I just want to talk you through a few of the videos and talk about some of the employee prep that you need to do to get ready for these strategies. So one of the videos that I uploaded is called a writing Workshop lesson to help you find personal stories to tell your class. And if you're in curriculum Club that's in our YouTube playlist called curriculum Club demo videos. And in that video. It was from an office hours. I walked the people through they were all like where do we get ideas for stories that we can tell about personal experiences, like from our own lives. One of them had watched a demo video of me talking about my sister and when she was in like she just got out of fifth grade. She had a brain aneurysm and it's really actually pretty touching story because it's like I tell it from my perspective. Spective and he'll like I never really liked my sister but then you know, she almost died and so I came to a new realization of how much I valued my sister. So they were asking like they said, oh we watched that video. It was really touching. Where did you find that story and I taught them a couple of strategies that you can use to sort of mine through your own experiences to find meaningful stories that you would be excited to share with your kids because when I'm telling a story to my kids, I want it to be amusing. And entertaining and sometimes that's enough. But I also do want to bring them stories that are about like a little bit deeper meaning so here's a couple of strategies that I learned as a writing Workshop teacher that helped me find stories that I could tell my class. So one of them is well, they're all just basically teach arts and these are all strategies that we taught our students and if you teach upper-level classes like fourth year third year even maybe fifth year, then you might even do some of these workshops strategies in the target language and if You have access to that YouTube channel or YouTube playlist. You can watch me actually leading the teachers through the it's called generating. So it's like generating strategies for like generating ideas that you can tell stories about and actually it was so touching what I was talking about like the examples. I was giving for my own life that I started crying again. Just telling telling some of the stories to the teachers. It's a crazy video. So one way that you can do this is to make a t-chart and they're all t-charts on one side of the T chart you put moments and that never changes because that's what you're looking for is like the story of a small moment. Literally the smaller moment that you can tell the better because if we hone in on like an experience, that's maybe about 20 minutes long or even less then we can really bring out what we call it in writing Workshop the heart of the story The Heart of the story is inner thinking and feelings and Why it's important and like the meaning behind the story and if you're using the anchor charts and the writing Focus. In cycle 2 and cycle 3 which is also narration then a big part of the writing focus is bringing out the heart of the story. So bringing out the inner thinking and the dialogue and the feelings and emotions of the character. So that's why it says moments and not like stories. So one side of it says moments and the other side the things basically change depending on the strategy that you're using. But the one I used in that video was thinking of people who are important to me and then moments that I've had with them. So for instance, I put my daughter on one side because obviously my daughter is important to me and then you're looking for a moment. This is what they taught us in writing Workshop. You're looking for a moment that you remember with quote crystal-clear Clarity. So you look at that person's name. And you think what is the most Crystal Clear moment that I've had with that person. The reason that moment is crystal clear in your memory is because of the nature of the way, we encode our memories the way we encode our memories. They're very much attached. Our emotions and our social connections and if it was a new experience, like if it was something we've never experienced before so it when you have those moments that you remember with crystal-clear clarity about that person, you just jot down a couple of them and move on to another person. You can list all the people first and then go back and think of the moments but sometimes just writing down their name will trigger a moment that can get added to that side of the T chart that says moments if that's not really cutting it for you or You want more stories? You can also do places so places that are important to me and Crystal Clear moments that I remember objects is another strategy objects that are important to me and memories are moments that have had with those objects. Another way to do it is strong emotions. So list out all the strong emotions and you can see by listening through this probably how you could adapt this to a third or above your class to start getting ideas. For their personal stories that they would even share in this second cycle. So you could also do objects you could do strong feelings you could do. This is a really good one the first time and last time so like the first time in last time that I did something the last time I was in my house the first time I met my husband the last time I was in you know, when I graduate from high school the first time I met my best friend last time I saw my granddad before he passed. So those are some ways to get out meaningful stories that you can share with your students. So this will be eliciting stories about yourself. If you want to elicit stories about other people that the students know for instance, maybe like a beloved staff member like in some schools. Everybody loves the janitor. Everybody loves the lunch worker or everybody just loves the bus monitor or the principal or the counselor. So if there's somebody like that or the PE coach or whatever somebody that all the kids know in your class and that they all really like So you can go to those people and you can ask them. Hey, what's a moment you could do that little exercise with them if you want to get a more like meaningful story. You can actually ask them. Do you have 20 minutes to sit down and told me you know go through this exercise and told me a story that you won't mind me sharing with the class or you can just ask them to do the easy for part. Give me a story exercise. Basically, you take an index card and you ask them for things. Now if you're talking to a staff member probably best for you to write them down yourself because that's more respectful of their time. So you ask them to tell you one where they were to who they were. It or whom they were with three what happened like three to five events not like all the details and for why is this a crazy or interesting or important story to you? So then basically you've got the setting and who they're with and what happened like the plot and like the meaning or what you might call the author's purpose and sharing the story. You can also do this with your students. Sometimes. I like to just have them do like card talk. I call it narration car talk because what you're doing is eliciting a story and so just have them sketch. Maybe you can do front and back like on the front a time that you won something on the back a time that you've lost something and I just like to give my kids like four minutes to do the sketches and I really coach them. Like nobody's going to judge you if your sketches aren't good, but we are going to judge you if your sketches aren't done. So you've got four minutes. So just put down some symbols and stick figures so that I know what your story was and then you can use that kind of like a visual aid to tell the story. You don't have to do that though. You can ask them like the day before you launch into personal stories, maybe like the first day till story about yourself. Maybe the second day. You liked old story about a staff member. And so maybe by the third day you're hoping to tell some stories about the kids so you can ask them like as an exit ticket that day before to write in English or their L1, whatever it is to right. The same things for things one where they went or where they were to who they were with three what happened just very briefly like bullet points or maybe ask going to make a little timeline and for why is the story interesting or important or crazy or you know why you're sharing the story? And then you've got like this Bank of stories. Now, you can also tell personal stories about like so many that nobody even knows that would be called like realistic fiction. And actually in the curriculum club I'm making a list of various YouTube videos all I have a Spanish right now, but I do have some Spanish stories that are told by native speaking kids and they're all about like their personal lives. So one is like these cute little kids like getting a new student in the preschool class. Another one is like my first day of school. Another one is like a teenager talking about her summer vacation or something like that. So you could do with that like a reverse movie talk. And you can even stretch out a reverse movie Top over two days like the first day you can tell the story like with a visual story where you just draw on the board and tell the story and there's lots of videos that you can watch in the list of strategies. And then write about it and read that and everything and then the next day you can do it like a reverse movie talk. So you would show them probably at Point 5 speed one of those videos about personal stories that I loaded up into that document. Sorry, everybody else. I'm working on the other ones, but we do have Spanish. And even just looking at the Spanish if you teach in their language will give you some ideas of things that you can Google. I basically Googled Spanish teenage YouTubers and then I found a list of Spanish language teenage YouTubers. I looked through all their videos because what do teenagers like to talk about? Well, they like to talk about their lives. So I found a couple of really cute YouTubers who tell stories about their lives and I put them in the list so you could do that, too. So once you have this Bank of stories, then you just have to kind of think about like, how do you want to tell them? so there's lots of different strategies. I'll tell you the easiest ones first. The easiest ones are using a story map a story mountain or a timeline input chart and the Very easiest way to do it is to like prep your story in advance on one of these charts and then put the chart beside you. Either are working on the board or working on your overhead projector or your smart board or something like that and look at what you've prepped. So you've written everything on the narrow on the story map or the story melon or the timeline chart and then you're just looking at that and telling the story. You can tell the same story to your first year second year third year fourth York is by looking at the documents that I made for you guys which are like beginner intermediate and advanced language for each phase of every cycle and you can look and just make three different timelines or story mouse. In fact, you could write your first story map go run off a copy on the copy machine add some language in a different color for your second year class. Running off again on your copy machine and then add your upper level language on there as well and a different color. So that way as you're ramping the story up and down you kind of have like this language planned out. So those are the easiest ways and like the easiest way to get your kids to focus while you're doing this is to have them fill out their own graphic organizer as you do yours. So like you're writing on the graphic organizer and they're filling out either the same graphic organizer, or maybe you give them the option of like doing the one graphic organizer to fit to rule them all if you have kids who need an extra challenge or maybe you've taken like you've got a blank timeline. Everybody else has a blank timeline, but then you've got o timeline that has like World Bank on it. And you say hey look if you feel like you need a word Bank grab the one with the word Bank you feel like you just want to follow along and do kind of the regular assignment then pick the blank one. That's what I'm going to be using or if you really want an extra challenge you want to be creative today pick the one graphic organizer to rule them all or Cornell notes or this inside-outside timeline. The inside-outside timeline is basically a timeline with thought bubbles so that like they're putting in the stuff that this is happening in the story and then above there. They're putting in like the thought bubbles. If you have Heritage students or students who are like in a mix level class and some of them are really Advanced or like someone was asking last night in a webinar that were asking like, what do I do with these kids who've had me and then I've got these kids who've had the textbook and my kids who I had last year or kind of board. So you can ask those kids to look at their performance on the writing Continuum for narration. You might have to give them a pretest in order to do this so you can have your heritage kids or like more advanced kids or you know, basically Have all the kids do this but especially for like they would all take the pretest. Well, like especially for your upper level kids. You would have them look at their performance on the writing Continuum for narration and then look at the level that they didn't quite meet. So on the Continuum you have to have all the elements of that level to like remain at that level. And so if they only have like three out of four of the elements for a level 6, then you can say hey look you need that fourth element in order. Order to really be solid at level 6 so they could make themselves like some little Post-it notes or like a little page in their notebook or a little, you know, cheat sheet of some type and like brainstorm either on their own or with you or going to look it up online like lists of words that would help them to achieve that goal. And then they can work as you're narrating the story to take notes that include that element. So for instance, I don't remember what exactly number it is, but one of the things on the narrative Continuum says that they have to put in inner thinking after somebody talks or does something not every time of course, but that is if you read well written fiction even like language learner fiction like the comprehensible readers, you'll see that oftentimes a character does something and then they have a thought about it that brings out the heart of the story like the inside part of the story makes it more interesting gives it more meaning so that's a writer Lee thing that even proficient kids or kids who like had a lot of input Put or Heritage speakers. They might not know that little writerly trick. So as they're experiencing the same input as everybody else. They are like using this list of phrases and helpful hints and reminders that they've generated to help them do that goal and they're using that in their notes. So the easiest way to do like I said, the easiest way to deliver narrative input is to have them all use the same exact thing that you're doing and you're using the same graphic organizer. You already have it planned out over to the side. You're basically recreating it. I would say the next easiest thing is to do reverse movie talks or regular movie dogs. So in a reverse movie talk is just reverse because it's in the language. And so that means you can play it at point seven five speed for them and let them like kind of marinate in the fact that they don't understand the words. They'll understand some of them but they'll have some holes in their comprehension and then you just do a regular movie talk, but I have found that doing this with my kids makes them a whole lot more motivated to listen to me explaining the movie because they realize oh the first time we watch that I didn't understand hardly anything now my sweet little teacher is explaining it to me. Yay, and then I would say the next most Challenging thing is to do a visual story. That's where you like prepare the story in advance. I like to just do it on a piece of paper and the piece of paper like represents my whiteboard. So I think through the story and like as I'm thinking through it I draw on the paper and I think about anything that my kids aren't going to understand so I draw it or think how could I act it out? And once again, you can make three different little fake white boards or Preparation white boards so that you can tell it one way to your beginner's one way to hear it. immediate and one way to your Advanced kids All right. Well, I hope you have a great time doing narration. It's tons of fun and I'm going to make some more podcast episodes to talk about specific strategies and also a curriculum Club people if you're listening I am about to start sending out some sign up sheets for these email series that will walk you through the strategies in the different phases. So you'll be able to tell me through signing up on the sheet what phase are on and then you'll get a series of four emails that talk about the overview. That face and a few strategies using that phase and language that goes with each strategy for beginners intermediate and advanced like on a little table a little graphic. Like I've been making for the phase overviews and also some assessment considerations. All right. Well, thanks for listening and have a great Halloween. Okay. Bye. Hey, it's Tina here. And I really want you to send me a message. So if you could just please hit the send a message button or go to Anchor dot f m / curriculum Club / message. Then you can send me a voice recording who knows I might put you on a future episode. So if you could just let me know what you think or what you want to hear from me or how you think I'm doing or if you have a story to share or a joke, or you want to sing me a song. I don't really care and here I'll even bribe you so by the end of the month whatever month it is that you're listening to this at the end of the month. I will go look through all the messages that I've gotten through the month pick one randomly, and I will give that person anything. They want any one thing at all from our online school at CI - lift off dot So please hit me up. Send me a message by hitting that button or go into anchor dot f m / um Club / message
Learn more about starting Cycle Two, Narration, in the Stepping Stones curriculum......and then please let me know what you think or if you have questions, comments, feedback, or anything else you want me to know! Leave me a voice message here. If you are not a Curriculum Club member, you can sign up for our waiting list. We will open registration around Thanksgiving for our Fall cohorts. The cost will be $34 a month -- about a dollar a day for daily lesson plans, weekly live coaching with recordings available for you to watch anytime. bonus live webinars (plus recordings available anytime) with Tina, our coaching staff, and special guests, and a private Facebook group where our goal is to answer every single one of your questions as we go through the curriculum and work together to get you where you want to be in your language classroom! To learn more about the book Stepping Stones Year One and Beyond, which this podcast series is based on, visit our online school. And if you want to chip in to support my coffee habit, you can donate to the podcast here.
You're listening to the Ricky Long podcast CrossFit in 2014. And again hand on heart. I was the guy that took the piss out across that I was that guy and I think a lot of that came from a level of insecurity with this factor of there's this new thing that's potentially taking clients away from me as a level 3 PT. So I think that's that's where a lot of that stem from you know, so we know there's aThing with them with that which was which was quite interesting and then actually kind of had that that realization of so I take the piss out of CrossFit quite a lot, but I've never actually done it I should maybe go and do it and then I can really take the piss out of it and I wouldn't do the fundamentals course, they finished it with a with a really short time wrap up believe it was a nine-minute amrap throwing some air squats and some hot sauce and maybe some shoulder to a bed in it. And it put me on my ass like this. It was one of those where I'll go and do CrossFit. I really fit I'll be able to do this row error and I just got my shit handed to me like badly and I just remember guys. I really like that. Like I've really enjoyed it and then it came it came this idea of you know, there's always something to learning process. Doesn't matter how good you are at what level you're at. You can always be better. You can always be strongly you can always be fitting you can always be faster. So there's always something you can do to make an improvement on you are listening to the Ricky Long podcast where International Fitness entrepreneur Ricky Long answers your questions and interviews Fitness leaders on training nutrition and mindset Ricky is a fitness industry expert having been helping people achieve their fitness goals since 2002. We talked everything fit. Enos business and group exercise to help you on your fitness journey. This episode all directly long podcast is a jump live special jump alive is or one-day conference event, February the 8th of 2020 in Glasgow Village hotel and this episode is by one of our event sponsors strength lab. Mr. Hugh Davis you Davis corner of the strength of which is a CrossFit facility and Bird Island in Fife in Scotland who Davis is a long Omri longtime friend of mine and he's actually had a massive massive impact on my life both personally and professionally a lot of you will know who Davis from Les Mills land. He Davis was a trainer presenter for Les Mills UK from 2010 and we go into great detail about some of the things that she did give us not just did with Les Mills, but some of the impact Les Mills had with Hugh and his life and then know what he does in regards. CrossFit running his own box and being a CrossFit athlete himself and his own right? So you're going to hear us chat a lot then gone back and forth between CrossFit land Les Mills land little bit of chat about jump 4.2 and jump live, which is the event. I want to invite you to tickets are still on sale at the time of recording this it is Tuesday the 14th of January. There are 34 tickets sold meaning I can still sell 16 tickets. If you want your name on the list, if you want to come in here hear you speak if you like what you hear during this podcast. I would love you to come and see if you live if you like the sound of my voice. I'm not even being able to listen to my voice and see my calves and face at the same time. I won't be naked but you get what I mean. We're also going to have Tim Meadows ER and I'm going to take a chance as I say this. I'm not gonna announce the third and fourth speaker's here. We're going to have because I'm not sure when this podcast is going on. No, and I'm not sure when those if it will be before or after the announcements of the other speakers, but what I can tell you is we got world class speakers in the room. We're going to have world-class Les world class lessons education world class group fitness enthusiasts and instructors in the room and it's going to be one hell of a great day. We're also sponsored by revive cooking who are going to be they're able to give us samples of some of their Absolutely delicious brownies. Just general Sweet Treats in general. You want to love that all the stuff that idea of and revive cooking have on show so by all means enjoy this podcast Always written on pop has sponsored by putting for sport. You can check out putting support www dot but it for specialized equipment for screws and also sponsoring my Iron Man, which is in May of this year. Please enjoy this episode with you drop some messy. Search for everything in it. Enjoy. Introducing hold the podcast my good friend mentor and one handsome lovely, man. Mr. Hugh Davis. I've it. How you doing, buddy? I think there's only a couple of those statements that are actually factually correct, but definitely the handsome one is correct. Yeah. So we're adding on here hasn't met you ill do a full introduction of himself in just a minute, but Hugh is I'm going to lead with this the 141st. Fittest man on the world as decided by CrossFit. He runs his own CrossFit facility in not crooked am burned Island in Fife that I get that right? Yeah. That's right. Yep, too many names of places over there and a lot of people listen this will probably know Hugh from Les Mills land which was in a former life of few. So hopefully I didn't butcher that too much. So tell the listeners a bit about yourself. Yes, so I am I'm currently according to the the end of the cross that open. I'm the hundred and forty first fittest 35 to 39 year old in the world. And on the 6th fittest man in the UK and that same age category, which is kind of cool. Yeah, it's been a long time trying to for that. So that's that's been really really cool. As you said. Yeah. I'm a box owner of a box only here in Thailand. We've been a we've been open as a box for since 2017 and over the course, we've just grown and grown and grown. Grow. Yeah. Yeah. I used to be a Les Mills trainer in a former life. I was a trainer for I believe seven years. I definitely came onto the team in January 2010 initially and I believe my last presentation was the London live event, which I think was I want to say June or July 2016 or 17. 2017 and dinner dates myself and had yet when nowhere 2016 could be 16 you could be 16. But when did I come to live with you? Was that January 27 10 I think so. Yes. Exactly. Yeah, it was that year. Yeah. It was later on that year. Yeah. I think it was June 17. That's a lot. Yeah a long time ago. But yeah, that's nearly a World Cup, you know work outside. My like kind of goes in World Cups every four years. So that's nearly one third world cup away or an Olympic cycle depending on Times Good times. Yes. I'm Stephanie. I mean I'm On the no no, I'm a coach there. I'm a personal trainer. I've been in Industry now for too long. Let's think 40. I think I've been in the industry now for 16 years started when I was 18. I used to play semi-professional rugby, unfortunately, but injured through rugby and kind of fill into the fitness industry from there. It was a local Legend Center. Give me my first opportunity as a as a little too and then from there that I was really lucky there actually because they kind of did a government-backed scheme that allows you to further your qualifications on. So from there. I actually did my exercise to music my old school exercise to music ironically. I still remember the routine I used then what song did you use our it was a mix of they got that? AG bus, I still remember the first song was I think it's Madison Avenue Don't Call Me Baby find out if I don't see it was definitely don't call me baby whether it was kind of the artists is Madison Avenue for yet. Definitely. Don't call me baby. Not embarrassing at all. Don't worry not till the the teaching of aerobics was was very interesting. I don't I never actually changed my routine in the entire. Career in heavily inverted commas of teaching aerobics. I went off the idea of well, if it was good enough to pass my ATM and it's good enough just to keep going with it. And that routines to me in great stead for a couple of years. I went through another couple of Jim's home movie from a from alleged Center into homes place which then got taken over my Virgin active from version active. I then moved to David Floyd and that's where I discovered, Les Mills. Unser the Lesnar side of things again, it was very much a kind of fall into it. So the things I think if I actually go back through my time with the fitness industry, it's been a long course of my you just kind of fell into that. I think I'd been there a week and the exercise to music manager at times it so you've done your ECM. Oh, yeah, you know teach it now and again but of aerobics, of course, so next week you on your body combat module right now. I'll tie. So yeah. I had no idea what body combat was had no opportunities actually to go and even experienced a body combat class at the time because there wasn't really any we're in luck because the did it so showed up and just kind of hoped for the best. It was actually with Dave cross Dave did my very first body combat module and I remember leaving that module just thinking this this is incredible this I want to take this as far as I possibly can. Absolutely fell in love with it. I love I fell in love with the idea of The fact that the choreography was given to you therefore you are able to change things on a regular basis. Therefore people were getting great workouts on a regular basis. I loved and totally was was fish hooked into this idea of you know, what lesson all stood for the values and and everything like that top body combat as I'm sure those of you that have done done initial module training when you don't really have anybody to help you off the back of it. the first few teachings are shaky to say the least So eventually got myself through that went and did my RPM module did my opinion module with the gentleman called Matt would if he was then moved believe you actually moved to New Zealand. From there went and did my body pump module. So my body pump modules actually a massive fight to get put onto it. So David Lloyd at the time we're doing really cool things about trying to send people and modules transom people are modules and I was really Keen to try and progressed my listeners career and it was around this time where I was starting to be Mentor myself from Dolores. So I was going in that was those of you that don't know Dolores Douglas her feedback is Is incredible it's very to the point and it will absolutely change you if you ever get an opportunity to go and teach your Dolores I highly recommend make dirt. Hmm at this point. I was wanting to to progress my little bit further and saw an opportunity with pump for that went on my pump module with these and yeah from there. It's than just kind of all rocketed off the back of that was fortunate enough to go through boot camp in January. T10 was taken on board off the back of that which I still am convinced. It's more down to luck and judgment because everybody that came through that boot camp the same time as me was far more experienced in the levels world than I was at this point. I actually haven't been teaching for a very long period of time it's all combat 31 was my first module RPM 35 as my first module pump 67 I believe. My first module so you hadn't been teaching Les Mills for long at all and then went through the through the training percentage ER so, you know scientists shadowing at that record least 25 50 75 100 did the same threw something through my presentations not long after being put onto the team was when CX works. It was was taken as a concept. They did a two-day workshop in the UK at the old London office with Corey where basically he ran through a two-day module in a day. And then on the second day we were given points to present back and and then I was taken on to the sixth in that way. What else have I done? Would Les Mills. I've been fortunate enough to present on two DVDs. 6:17 or 622 both very very different 617 was go to New Zealand and wound up being just the three of us teaching. So myself Corian done, which was frightening to say the least, but I definitely not quite as frightening as 622 which was I believe it was the first time they filled up filmed outside New Zealand, maybe the the second time they found outside New Zealand, which was in Sweden, which was a very different very different feel but really cool people listen to this. A lot of people will know you from Les Mills land and It's clear that you still speak about Les Mills with such affection and passion and love. I mean, I know that but it's really really clear and how you speak with it. So what was it? You said that you fell in love with body combat at the start which might surprise a lot of people that you Davis ever did combat let alone that he loved body combat. But what was it through your teaching career that kept you motivated kept you loving it kept it. You know for you that is where you want to be. Initially, it was actually it fits in with the idea as to why I chose to move into the fitness industry as much as moving into the fitness industry was a little bit of a fallen you do at some point make that that very much that decision to fall into something and the reason that for me that I got into the fitness industry was really simple. I wanted to help people. I wanted people to be able to be healthier to be able to live longer and to be able to be injury-free and then That I was doing this as a doing this to the best of my ability. I believe as a little turn there's a level 3 PT, but I really saw an opportunity through Les Mills with this idea of actually You know, if you Peter you only have so many hours a week that you can PT and then that so many hours. There's only so many people that you can help if you work off the idea of a 40-hour working week as a PT with people in front of you. You're only going to be able to help 40 people and this this was at the time there's now, you know this idea of online programming and everything at the time of being a an initial level 3 wasn't even a thing. Yeah, and I wanted to help as many people as I could and so group The size as the way of doing so for me the fact that it might take on the values was this idea that actually there's Mills was was in the business of wanting to help people wanting to get the fit to wanting to get them healthier and wanting them to live longer. I took that and saw a huge opportunity because in this in this 60 Minute time blocks, I have rather than you know, being able to help one person. I've actually got a room full of of 10, 20 30 40 people that we'll come back on a regular basis that are starting to get fit to the Arsenic it healthier. I think that's really I think people forget that generational thing. Yeah, I think you know one we're all guilty of it, you know, you'll turn up to teach a group fitness class. So there's no class circus class, whatever it is and you know, you would get pissed off by the stupidest of things like something trivial like, you know, the microphone not working the battery's not being there or you can't get your normal car parking space and you have to walk further to the gym and just think about what happened to me yesterday and people forget that the members and Don't you do not care about that. Like, you know, they don't care about your day. They're there for you damn for that 60 Minutes or however long the class is and I think that's very very powerful kind of Wages said you were aware of that from the start and throat. Yeah, and it's you then start to have hopefully you would then start to have that focus and that external Focus then all of you know, what can I do to make this the best our then of people's lives are the best estimates for the best 45 minutes depending on one else in that class. What can I do to make this the best? X-Men time they can work for you know and by doing that by having that, you know, what can I do to make make people fall in love with this in the same way that I do? That's what keeps people coming back and when you get people coming back, that's what allow me then to bring that back to that that initial focus of I want to help people. I want people to be fit. I want people to be healthier if people keep coming back to my classes will be able to do that. Why are people going to want to come back to my classes? Because it's the best 30 45 60 Minutes of their day and I can make that as much fun as possible. I've luck. More kind of really Les Mills questions here before we move on slightly. Did you know that they are finally changing CX works the less no score. I did see that. Yeah, I did see that. That's been a long time coming. Absolutely. Yeah, and we still don't know nothin about it. Although that it might happen this year. It's a thing that might happen. I mean I still remember where and what is now six what it was initially cx30. Yes. So because people ask me this all the time on module training, why is it called CX works? I my first of all I roll and sigh and smile and just answer I've Why idea but you can tell people know what was it originally called. So it was initially called cx30 and those of you that our instructors. Are you remember from back in the day the initial five key elements? So you remember the choreography technique coaching connection and fitness. What was then called Fitness magic how how they managed to shoehorn this in but basically the way that we used to do was to have this big visual of cx30 of what the logo was at the time and to try and get people all into this idea of you know, remembering what the key elements we would shoehorn in the key elements into this logo. My understanding is the reason it change from 6-8 to CX Works how they came up with the idea of CX works. I am with you in the same boat. I honestly have no idea by know initially it was there was a potential lawsuit with P90X because the logos were very similar which then prompted the It's just sex Works core cross links for the C X's is my only you know, those of you that do teach CX we talk a lot about slings. That's where I can see where they've got the CX from The Works your guess is as good as mine, but CX or throw Les Mills core certainly a much more fitting name for it and certainly much more accurate days before it was well so off the back of this podcast. I know a lot of instructors are going to message me and probably quote parts of this podcast about there's no score there was so just put everyone on the picture at the layers Mills USA trainer Summit last year. There was a video of Kylie talking to the group which was posted on social media with Kylie's permission with Les Mills has permission and it's I think it's about nine minutes and she spends around about four minutes chatting about there's no score and in that four minutes he speculates That so it's definitely going to be called as well score and she speculates that they're made they are traveling different versions. So there might be 20 minute version 30-minute version 40 minute version. What we know is it's going to be cold as no score. The rest is all guesswork. So if anyone messages May or screenshots as an Instagram and says Ricky Long said this you never said that it's all just speculation and all we will do is encourage speculation because it's fine to do that social media. I'll just simply blame the fact that I've been after this was going for so long. So I'm just going to blend you a hundred seven minutes. So I'll attention is good attention, right? So moving on just very very quickly from Les Mills is you Let's talk about the strength lab and Crossfit. So what was the transition for you? Because of already spoke about you obviously have this clear affection even know but Les Mills and know you run your own box your own CrossFit units the strength lab and you're obviously so dedicated CrossFit yourself. So talk us through that transition. So I think the best place to start is actually why I started CrossFit which was another fall into story. I think I've no I was very guilty of of the old bro split days, you know Monday chest. She's laid-back Wednesday's together, you know some that you need those days, you know some days you just need a little bit of fluff and pump and just need to get involved. Yes, and I'd General I do remember, you know that the body building in heavily inverted commas split I used And for me, I just got incredibly bored with it. I've been doing it for a very long period of time and I think certainly when you use that as a split you are very limited in what you can do and there's only so many ways that you can you know divvy up. In a flat pull down rows of various forms pull ups except for etc, etc. Before you're doing just the same thing over and over and over which has certainly was and for me, I found CrossFit in 2014 and again hand on heart. I was the guy that took the piss out across that I was that guy and I think a lot of that came from a level of insecurity with this factor of there's this new thing that's potentially taking clients away from me as a level 3 PT So I think that that's where a lot of that stem from you know, so we know there's a whole thing with with that which was which was quite interesting and then actually kind of had that that realization of so I take the piss out of CrossFit quite a lot, but I've never actually done it I should maybe go and do it and then I can really take the piss out of it. And I went through to it to a box in Edinburgh and I did a fundamentals course. So those of you that are not aware most boxes throughout the UK will generally run a fundamentals course, which will take basically break down the fundamental movements of CrossFit to make sure that you're able to move safely so that when you move into a class environment, that's not everything is totally alien, so it's almost a stepping stone into the class. So to just to give you better tools when you get to the class, you know, if crossfit's That you've never done before and your coach is telling you that you need to be hitting to hang. It's got such as a 30% you you're not going to know what that is. Whereas the fundamentals course really does help to bring that together. So you either from the old CrossFit study fundamental? No, I think it's very much a box by box thing and it really does depend on I think a lot of it is down to the box size down two members. Ship size, etc, etc, etc. So, for example, if you've got a large box with a with a big membership base your potentially trying to coach 20 people within a class because the movements are certainly the Olympic lifting movements are so complicated. You're not going to be able to coach people effectively through that. So something like a fundamentals course where you can start to break the movements down for people. They have a basic understanding as to what they should be doing, which then allows you to coach the That little bit better is really useful generally for I would suggest smaller boxes. They probably won't know the fundamentals course simply because there's not a requirement to for example in our box. Currently, we tap our membership water aerobics classes at people because of that that allows us to spend more time with people because we're able to spend more time with people. We don't feel a fundamentals course if necessary simply because if you know if I've got eight people moving out I can coach I can move around those eight people effectively moving down when we when we start to expand and we have bigger and busier classes fundamentals or something certainly something that we will look at just just a people with their Journey with this idea of actually, you know, you can go and do something that breaks down with the movements are so that when you go into your first class, it doesn't feel quite as scary. Because there's no two ways about it CrossFit is incredibly intimidating any level. It's incredibly intimidating and the fundamentals course really does help to offset that a little bit Yeah, but yes if across it for me and then I wouldn't do the fundamentals course the finished it with a with a really short amrap. I believe it was a nine-minute amrap throwing some air squats and some have not stopped since maybe some shoulder to a bed in it and it Put me on my ass like this. It was one of those where I'll go and do CrossFit. I really fit I'll be able to do this bro error and I just got my shit handed to me like badly and I just remember going I really like that. Like I've really enjoyed it and then it came it came this idea of you know, there's always something to learning process. It doesn't matter how good you are what level you're at. You can always be better. You can always be stronger you can always Befitting you can always be faster. So there's always something you can do to make an improvement on. I love that idea. I love the idea that you know, I wasn't just going to be going into the gym or go into the box and doing the same thing day after day after day. I started doing doing classes. I love the idea that when I went into class didn't know what I was going to be doing. I didn't know until I got there and had to adapt and got to learn some really cool new movements did the 2014 open with pretty sure the hopes that And you cross the ads. Yeah when I went to the games, yeah, I'm gonna win the open. Yeah be going to the game should be brilliant and I'm sure the workout was an overhead squat chest tube are assembling ladder and I just remembered this inability to be able to do Chester bars and its inability to be able to do overhead squats because my arms just gave up like I just had spaghetti for arms and just couldn't do anything. And just scoring so horrendously on all of the workouts, but it was that thing of you know, okay we go we go again next year. I've got 12 months to make an improvement 12 months to learn these skills will retest and again in a year and then it was 2015 did the same thing in 2016 and did the same thing and yeah up until up until 2019 2019 was the since 2014 was the one open that I messed just simply because It was a big change in the season and the old format used to be that you do the open. If you were top top 40 in your region, you would then go to Regionals. If your top five from regions, you didn't refer to the games that changed it then became it was the top 20 from the open Booth to the games. And then it was they've they've created. I think the best way to put it is a privatized version of The Regionals where bye I had no claim sanction Al's which I think correct me if I'm wrong because you actually you would doing CrossFit long before I was I believe they call it sanction all's right back in the day was Extinction event. Yeah, like back back in the day. Yeah, because it was so small that they're like, I did it 2008-2009. Yeah, but it was still called a sanction. All right, was it called something different? I can't even remember it was that long or what? I do remember is The qualifiers that I did I was either 2008 2009 of I've still got a t-shirt somewhere from lots of free t-shirt. Yeah, there's no there's no one that big lifts of any type in the qualifiers. It was 90% bodyweight movements with kettlebell swings on it or remember that and it was Farmers carry with kettlebells. And that was it like nothing compared to what it is. I'd like it was so basic. I actually made the qualifying. Times where I could have gone to some other qualifier to go to the games at Coach glassman's House, which it certainly isn't they're nice. It's the adherents of all right. Yeah. Yeah that was back there back in the day. I can tell you what it's called Cycles back there. Yeah, my dear. I'm sure somebody again. There's doing CrossFit longer than they will be able to create does MM. Okay, the year 2019 was the one open that I missed just because at that time I was fortunate enough to go and do my first things to them. And to me when I when I started CrossFit, so when I started in 2014, I'd made that that choice of myself with myself of saying, you know five years time. I want to be doing the recent event sexual to the place of regionals and I was lucky enough to qualify on a team to go down to London to do the first strength in depth. Sectional which was incredible and it kind of Link's back to that initial that initial point with Les Mills this idea of you do something you set yourself a goal and then you just chip away at you said it yourself in in time a bit how long 25 free sample 2014 in five years time. I want to be doing a regional. And it wasn't just I think that's what's going to keep me on track and that's what's going to keep moving forward. Within that it was it was the thing. I think everybody within the fitness industry additionally certainly when they start will have this idea of I would love to own my own gym, especially those that work in what we would call a globo gym environment. So those of you that work in in Your Standard wall in heavily inverted commas in your standard Jim's so you're David Lloyd your virgin actives, etc. Etc. Etc. You know, I think every every PT every level to has has wonderful dreams of I want to own my own place. Yeah. I can do it better. I wouldn't do that way. Yeah, you know, I'd be so different and the truth is yes, you will do it very differently. But it's yes not an easy road to go down. But that was that's what then prompted the strength of it was this idea of all I've fallen totally in love with Crossfit and I want to utilize this idea of again. I think I'm still in the fitness industry for the same reasons. I want people to be healthier want people to be fitter. I want people to be living longer. How can I do that? I can do that by my own place went and did my CrossFit level one. Which for those of you for for CrossFit box. That's a requirement. You need to have your what they call your license record must be level 1 holder. And then we were lucky enough to open the shrimp crab in it initially it started off as when me and Sam my wife want me had clock it started off as this idea of I let me just want somewhere. In fact, I started off with with let's just get a couple of kettlebells for the house so that I can train one pocket sleeping and it just progressed and progressed and progressed into this into this monster that it is now we were lucky enough to find a house that had an outbuilding that allowed us to utilize that space for a gym and it still boggles my brain this idea of people come to be coached by us. Like it still baffles me, but people come in like they pay money to come and be coached by me like that still blows my brain completely because it is that simple thing of your but I don't get it. Like I don't know why I'll just have to lie coach you anyway, it doesn't fuss but you have become opinion if this is really cool. It's a nice place to be and it shows that you're valued and it shows that the culture That you and Sam and the facility that you're obviously provide or worth it. We like to think so. Yeah, I know I've been there. So I remember you told me about the house that you were moving into and you give me a wonderfully descriptive description of the ice in a Nando's and Manchester when I cash are so here you're moving into a new house as yeah, we've got this out building and I'm going to have a gym. I just want to look like this and you set up your Etc and then on those don't know if you remember this set them all up. You were made Lindsey. I want to say Phil Harrison was there and you were given us this big description although and in my head, it's just me speak freely. That's when for me it that's when you were like, right CrossFit is serious. Now, I am my life. It's not just High Atrium outside of my group fitness classes it this is becoming part of my life. That's when I realized anyway, Yeah, absolutely. I think and it's certainly initially from the CrossFit was the when I first started CrossFit as much as I wanted to be. active in CrossFit it was it was very much a means to an end. It was very much a fitness routine at the time a supposed to what I would classify as now which is much more than that. I then I believe now it's not for myself. It's not really a fitness routine now. It's It's a step beyond that now whereas before it was this idea of if I go and do CrossFit I can be stronger. I can be fitted on a can be healthier. And for me that allowed me to apply that into a Les Mills classes. So it's this idea of I can be stronger. I can be fitter and I can do that and that allows me to teach my Lesnar's classes better and it is genuinely did certainly for bodypump for me when I started doing CrossFit. It was it was a massive Game Changer. I will fully admit when I first Start teaching body. I didn't teach it and even when I was on the training team, I didn't teach it. In the best way I very much taught as a this is a weight class and we must live Waits and waits and more weights and put more weight on your bar. And it's not it's not about that or believe that I believe it's not about that. It certainly wasn't certain shouldn't have been but some of that was down to my my own competitive nature and the good thing was that with Crossfit allowed me that it allowed me that competitive nature to be taken care of allowed me to get stronger to get It up which then allowed me to actually coach bodypump and to coach my RPM with body combat. My six works that allowed me to coach them better because it was no longer allowed me to take that that internal focus and switch it to an external Focus. So as much as I had this this idea of I want people to be stronger. I want people to be healthier the way that I initially looked at that was okay. Well the way that you're going to get stronger and healthier, especially through something like body pump is you're going to lift more. Hey, come on, let's More left more left this let's look more rather than thinking about it as a longer-term goal with this idea of actually hey, you know, if you're really compliant with this and you come more often and you're coming two to three times a week. That is going to get you stronger and fitter. It's not necessarily a case of you need to be lifting maximal weight every single time. You come into body pump. It just needs to be this idea of you just need to be compliant with it. You just need to do it on a regular basis and that will get you stronger fitter and that really shifted the way that I talk bodypump. They're not only shifted the way that I talk bleep on it shifted the feeling in my class and shifted my class numbers as well because it wasn't it was no longer about this place Waits Waits. It was actually you can come and you can lift weights and you can have fun and you can enjoy yourself in this environment as opposed to, you know, a 60-minute beast. Almost felt bad for asking this question, but I want the know this and people are going to want to know this. Why did you stop Les Mills then cause you've just spoke about hi CrossFit actually complimented your Les Mills teaching professor and it actually give you something teaching Les Mills that you didn't have. So first of all, when did you stop kitchen as well as classes altogether? The 2017 2017? Yes. Yes. Oh, yeah lips so that The end of that Les Mills life. Yeah, that was it. That was my last that was my last class I taught period so whether that was a club that wasn't just a case of like this is my last thing that I'm teaching as a trainer or is it presenter? It was very much a case of this is it like this is where the line is drawn. There is no more Les Mills after this and it was like after that was there was no more Les Mills. There was no more teaching at Club level. There was no more kind of modules or anything else after that it was I'm done. Why was up to be honest? I lost the love for it. It was and I I'm sure as to why but I lost a love for it. And the reason I started doing Les Mills was and the reason I wanted to be a trainer was because I loved it like and I love this idea of I can take I can take my passion. And I can I can bring that to other people and I can I can still hopefully try and install that same level of passion roof fraction of that level of passion with people and if I do that they're going to want to go and they're going to want to teach in and think about the amount of people that then they can go and help that's an incredible thing. Especially when you bring it back to this idea of you know, why do you do what you do? So what is your why And I did I fell out of love with it and whether that was a case of falling out of love with it because my focus was scientist GIF more onto a combination of my own business and my own in heavily inverted commas athletic capabilities. I'm I'll be honest and say I'm not sure about that but for me because I'd lost the love and because I'd lost the passion for it. II didn't want to be delivering s a second-rate product but I but I believe that that Les Mills Les Mills to me is worth way more than that way and it still is but I will still speak really highly of it because you know, it is effective. It does work. But for me where I was at for in terms of in terms of training and being a trainer I lost the loved and I lost the passion for it and to me that was the time when I went. If this is not something that I that I love this is not something that I don't want that to come across when I'm doing modules and when I'm teaching yeah because it's that same idea of if you teach with a passion. People are going to be hooked on that passion. They're going to feel that passion and then from a train that level they can then take that passion back to their clubs and they can deliver that to their members. If you're not teaching from that point of passion you're going to do then I'm then passing that down through the levels of that makes sense. So for example as a trying to find if I feel my feeling was if I'm not teaching from it from a place of total passion for what I'm doing. The instructors are going to feel that They will then water that down as that goes down to their members and their members are then not going to get the best kind of think of the right word experience sort of looking for their members are not going to get the best experience. The people that are coming onto my modules. I'm not going to get the best experience. Therefore. I need to shift this and it needs to become something different like I need to I need to leave. Les Mills because I'm not I don't have that same passion that I wanted it. That's very honest comply they ask you out. But yeah, I think people appreciate that. Yeah, but it and it was either the reason and you know yourself for no and other trainers will know being a trainer is hard work. No, it's a long time away from home. It's a lot of traveling and yeah, it's a lot of hard work and and the end of the day the reason that you're willing to do. Those things is passionate do it because you love it and do it because because you want other people to create that same level of passion back at their clubs. If you are unable to generate that passion, then what are you giving people or you're not giving them everything you could and because of that you're not happy. You're not going to be a delivering the best way possible. While the talk about the present you are a hundred forty first in the world, and I know you have a big event in February. What's that event? What happens at the end of that event? So I don't need we've got in February. It's a three-day event three-day event where I traveled to Norway and I'm taking part. The Norwegian CrossFit Championship was fortunate enough to qualify second for that. So the goal for that is a Podium spot and the idea now is to actually now start to make it again invert context of it. It's possible to do it entirely but it's to start to make more of a living of this idea of being an athlete. So there is this prize money Etc at the end of this. Assuming that get onto the podium. So yeah, the plan is to Podium in turn to start to know to now build myself further as an athlete so far coming up this year. I've got Norway which is my first action of the season. I've got the lowlands which I still need to qualify for. Their qualifiers are released in March belief, which is a sanction of event in the Netherlands. Wrong believe it's of Amsterdam and I plan on doing one other event this year as well sectional level. So with with Crossfit you kind of have different levels of events. So you have local events, which will just be held at your local box you have what I would do to be National events, which are big events that generally don't tend to To attract people outside of for example the UK so a good example of that would probably be something like the castle games is probably a good National level comp where you get a good level of competitor there, but you don't get very many people from outside of the UK. Yeah coming to that event on top of that you then have a sectional level event now sang shil levels of sanctionable level events. I believe there is only 36 of them. It's 32 a plastic over the course of the year and they are held all over the world everywhere from Canada to Brazil to China and Australia all over the shop the way that you qualify for. These is all different some of them you qualify for the open and some of them they run their own qualifiers. So for example for Norway because of my scores in open that allow me to qualify for Norway. However, the lowlands throw down that has its own. All the fire. So that's a set of work apps that need to be done. I believe for the lowlands. It's actually three workouts basically done back-to-back-to-back you film sending get verified and then you find yourself on the leaderboard and then determine whether or not you qualify. Really unfair question but have been debating asking a product a monster. So in 2016, you were six years into Les Mills land life. Yep. And in 2020 your noise six years in the CrossFit land life. Yep compare were you're in CrossFit world to Les Mills world or not compare where you were you are how you feel about your progress. and what you're doing, your impact is a better way of saying it like how you're actually operate in yourself. So I Believe by 2016 in Les Mills land. I had kind of come to an impasse with stuff. So for me with Inlet, there's no sun. There was nothing else left to achieve in terms of like a trainer Journey the way the training Journey works. It's also did work at the time. I certainly can't speak for it. Now you ran an issue? Auto training' Duran tame ones and then she ran into so for me as a trainer I ran initial will do training for all my programs are run em once for all of my programs and I was fortunate enough to be able to deliver in twos as well. So in terms of training there was there was no extra step for me. There was no there was nowhere else that I could go towards in terms of presenting again. I've been fortunate enough to present one of the DVD. I've been fortunate to to do the Live Events and to to go to some really big events been fortunate enough to go round the world that smells like for me at that stage. There was nothing left to do had done everything from you know, teaching Court leads to one to two people and modules to two to three people to doing photo shoots with less pedals, which was quite possibly the worst experience of my life. I remember. Yeah, and I was I did to photo shoots with them and both of them were just equally as well. We're gonna sing about it was it's not body combat texture which Samuel pushed every now and then and your arm just looks about four meters long. I think my arms are up for me good for definition for the crossfitting is pretty shit. It's not it's not built for people with a long lens and tomorrow. I'm a I'm a long-winded individual. But yeah, and it was but it by 2016 I feel I felt like I had achieved everything I could have cheaper than business and perhaps that was part of my losing the passion for it was this idea of actually there is nothing else for me to achieve with this in terms of now where I'm at with Crossfit and and they're very definitely there to divisions with this because there's CrossFit with me as an athlete and there's CrossFit for me as a coach and as a box opener so as a coach and as a box toner I believe we're just getting started. You know, we've been we've been open and we've been a function CrossFit box. Its 2017 this year. We are moving we're moving to a bigger premises. Yeah, which is going to allow us to take on more members. It's going to allow us to help more people. It's very much going to be a We are going to be full. I hate this expression, but we're going to be a One Stop Shop for Fitness, you know, people want to come and get stronger and want to come and get fitter. They come to us whether that's that they want to do that by a class programming via their own programming we can do that. We have the space to be able to have that together. We plan on having massage therapists on board that will allow people to work through take some pain. So we have sports therapists physiotherapists that will be on board again to help people as much as we we can on top of that. We also want to build built on the incredible community that we already have we've been fortunate enough in the last three years to build just a wonderful community of people and we want to bring that we want to build that further and further and further and it goes back to this idea of compliance, you know, if you if you love what you do and you really get on with everything you'll keep doing it. If you keep doing it, you'll get stronger. You'll get fitter. You'll get healthier you'll live longer. So things like Department having chill out space for members and and everything like that where yeah, we can be that One Stop Shop. So in terms of being a box owner and being the coach very much just getting started. There's still so much more. To be achieved because we know the move is going to be a massive thing the ability to be able to help more people is going to be incredible and that's going to keep the dressing keep progressing and then years and years and years down the line. It's been going to be going to be that leaving the Legacy isn't it's the it's the legacy of the German and how we can move forward with that in terms of an athlete. I believe I'm probably preaching my Peak now has a knife. You know, I'm very much a realist when it comes to my abilities being six foot two does not do well in profit. I believe I'm kind of being be able to qualify for sanctioned events and and to compete at that level I believe that's that's me. I have no, you know no ideas of our hay or sorry no ideas anymore. I should say of our hey, maybe I could make it to the games because it's it's a whole other level like earlier about age categories potentially other what's the age categories in the games themselves or each category's just for these regionals and say Charles. So that's sanctions are very dependent on the section itself for the for the games. You've got 18 to 34, which is those of you that watch the games and that the follow the cross again. Season that's where you'll see the vast majority of people. Those are your those are your Top Flight crossfitters? Yeah, your pics age ranges than 35 to 39 42 44 45 to 49 52 54. I believe it goes 50 to 59 and then 60 to 64 and then I think it's 65 Plus. Which is I mean with Crossfit we talked about this idea that CrossFit is for everyone and it really is and not just from a you know, what we would call gpp. So General physical preparedness, you know the needs of athletes and our grandparents different by different by need not buy kind. So for example, an athlete needs to be able to do that he needs to be able to do a burpee improve it quick because you know, the clock says that they have to be able to do that your Still needs to be able to do a burpee or a variant of a burpee because what if one day she gets a barber chair and falls over. She still needs to be able to pick yourself back up again, so it varies and Yeah, so did you know maybe in like the 65 plus range than maybe a shot at the games but I think until then I think I'm not even I'm assuming that it's popular parallel. Yeah, you know that years time. I'll be fine 30 year prior training program starts now exactly. But yeah, and that's it. And that's yes a brief. There is there is something there for everybody in terms of in terms of CrossFit and in terms of me being an athlete. I do feel like I'm not the probably the Pinnacle of where I will be the next step with that is then okay if I'm now qualifying for these events and I'm not competing at these events the next step on that than is being able to Podium. So take the top three finish and then instead of being able to win the events as well. So again, that's those are kind of the where I believe my steps is enough for you guys when you're turning up to Norway or when the CrossFit will Burn workouts are released. What is the one exercise that you don't want the see? They're all fuck for me for me. It's toes to bar. I can't do that never have been able to do that never will be able to do that. And I will never put the work in to be able to do that. So don't give me the flexibility techniques, which I don't I'll be really honest. There's no exercises because I would like to believe that I'm well enough prepared that. There's not an exercise that would ever stopped me in my tracks. And so it's not one of those run like shit. Like I'm not going to be able to do that exercise because the way that my training would like it might rain does work is that that would have that would have been identified prior to that. So I feel so for a long period of time certainly last season handstand steps and ramps were very much in fashion thing in terms of programming. And it was that thing of like shit that comes up at an event. I'm not going to be able to do that. But then you practice that so you just got okay you go away. You see right? Okay, if that's if that's something that you feel is going to be detrimental to your result. You need to go and work on that and for me, that's exactly what I did. I then went away and it was a it was a daily thing. I would spend 10 minutes every day trying to get up and down the steps and ramps just everything. It's all the videos on your Instagram. Yeah. Yeah, there were some interesting videos. I think that was maybe the ones that were successful that was maybe take 1000. Absolutely. Oh, yeah, but everyone knows Instagram is the highlights range. Exactly. It's a constant. It's all about all about the highlights and that was it and and see you. There's nothing that I kind of go. Oh, that's that's not an exercise that I'm not gonna be able to do because I would like to believe I prepared myself well enough and my training isn't a good enough place that like, I don't have that thought process. There are exercises that I am less fond of but a lot of that comes down to Again, it comes down to being a tall athlete, you know things like thrusters. I'm never going to move at the same speed as somebody that's five foot six because I just simply have to move the bath further physics. Yeah stops me from doing that. But at the same time, you know, you could look at it and say, okay. Well, yeah, I can't move the Thruster quite so quickly, but I can I can row a much much better rate than you can because I'm taller therefore, you know Iraq. Older enroll in walkouts beside you and just being completely in awe of how much more powerful your stroke seem to be to my stroke and I was giving it the beans and you were very very comfortable you big tall get you've got have you got have some uses for cross it for my belief is rowing box jumps and warbles are pretty much the only good things for tall people and Crossfit now with that you kind of need to be that like five eight. Eight like that perfect height for CrossFit. Almost me. It's almost me said hey, you know, you get them toes-to-bar done for the game. Sure. I'm just conscious of time for us both Absol finish up with my finisher questions. Obviously, you're going to be common to jump alive and actually shrank lab or very very kindly sponsoring the event and you'll be given a you know a chat just probably a lot of Off you spoke about today. So what? Is there anything else you would kind of could most of the people come to jump are going to be group fitness professionals group fitness enthusiasts. So what kind of training? Strategies do you think benefits the group fitness Enthusiast the group fitness side of things the one who to be mindful of is a few things to be mindful of one in my opinion need to be very mindful of your overall volume and that comes down to a combination of the amount of classes that you're teaching per week what those classes are as well as your training volume. So if it is that thing of, you know, if you're teaching you'll have to let me know number on this. Do you know what the average of classes that people too? Children a week. I have no idea. I think it's varied massively in the last two or three years because of shifts in the industry. I know they're there are still some people her teaching between fifteen and twenty five classes a week, but I would say the average is closer to ten nine. Okay, so let's work off 10. So you say you work at your teaching ten classes a week. The vast majority of those are probably going to be 60 Minutes long. So you need to be mindful of the fact that actually you're probably doing before you've even started your own training. You've done eight hours a week of high intensity exercise. Like that's a lot adding additional stuff on top of that probably not can be beneficial if we look at it in terms of CrossFit perspective. We would look at that as a you know, we look at people's ability to be able to go longer and work. Let's record their engine your engine would probably be in a really good place because you have not just you as a specialist instructor. Not only do you have the ability to be able to export to execute and to be able to teach those classes at a very high level. But you also have the ability to be able to talk what's doing that which means that you are working at a high level at a high heart rate, but your rate of perceived exertion is much lower than could be so I would say actually in terms of in terms of doing engine work. Kind of not beneficial what you're actually doing is funny send up and faced. I recently had a debate with a fellow fellow triathlete. She's also doing there and Iron Man this year and we're just talking about heart rate training and she was she's also a group fitness instructor, but she's getting professional training from triathletes, which I don't argue in any way, but they talk so much about heart rate training and heart rate zones. Yeah. Her heart rate was set very very high when she's training and I said to her that's because a group fitness because you your body can maintain and stay at that higher heart rate at I didn't use the phrase. But at a lower perceived exertion same way I can to talk about engines, you know, I did a podcast in this I turned up and ran a marathon with no run and training because I tell people if you there's a lot of group fitness instructors out there who one night a week or Saturday morning will teach three classes back to back. Back that's three ores that that is harder it on your cardiovascular system than what a marathon will be. I'm not saying the marathon's easy. And anyway, what I'm saying is your system knows how to deal with that. Absolutely. I don't agree with you on that plate because it is that thing of and we'll work it in terms of Les Mills because that's something that we're both familiar with the supposed to kind of free stuff so things because there's a lot of things that could come into that the way that Les Mills This is generally structured is around high intensity interval training doesn't matter doesn't matter whether it's a body attack class or whether it's a great class. It's still based around this idea of high-intensity interval training, you do three hours of hitchhiking and you're honestly going to tell me you're not going to get fitter and you're not your engine is not going to be in a good place and that you need to do additional engine work. Like that's some bullshit by it really like there's no two ways about it. You are going to be fit and it's it, you know, your rate of perceived exertion at high heart rates is going to be much much lower which means that you can function better at a higher heart rate when exercising which means that in terms of things like CrossFit, that's that's what we want in CrossFit. We want you to be able to operate with a high heart rate because what we do Jack's your heart rate up you need to be able to operate with a high heart rate to be able to do that. So, yeah in terms of CrossFit and Les Mills instructors, do they need to Doing additional engine work. No, but do they need to make sure that they're potentially adding in some additional time domains? I would potentially say yes. Yeah. So let's most classes are between 30 and 60 minutes. Correct me if I'm wrong that hasn't changed not yet. However, some CrossFit events are much shorter than that. So you might have an event that six minutes long. Yeah. So do you have that ability to be able to really push that full send button for six? For six minutes something like that would maybe be useful within their training but actually the most benefit that they're going to see is going to be from lifting because that's not necessarily something that they are either a getting enough of all be actually just going heavy enough to be able to get the stimulus to get stronger. I've said all the time, you know, as good as Les Mills classes or for overall general fitness, if you take the two classes where you lift the Sweets, which is great strength and Body Pump. You're still not lifting heavy weights to give you a strength stimuli. Yes, you'll get plenty of benefits from it. So my hack and you know many of spoke about this before is you know, if you've got your Body Pump class or body attack last turn up the gem half an hour beforehand and do some basic five by fives on the squat rack or dead left because that doesn't overly tax your Energy System. It's not to time constraints not taken up a lot of time and then you can go and use your body attack class as your engine work of metcon. Whatever Fraser service. Yeah. Absolutely. All right, I'll drop just conscious of time again. I'll drop my last two questions on to you what items under a hundred points. Have you bought which give you Great Value a diary? Like just as something as simple as head of celery and a pen like it seems like I'm without a diuretic pain. I don't know my ass from my elbow like that. Like if it's not written down I do not know what the fuck I'm going to be doing. So a diary in a pain in terms of other things as well something as simple as foam roll and across ball to make sure that you're able to operate a good in a good rate regularly. Without having necessarily to go ahead and book a massage appointment or something similar like that. I'm also going I will always be Darian pan. I've tried digital Diaries on the phone and all that doesn't work after right now her for the wrong time with the wrong generation. Yes. What is the last book you read and he would you recommend it for so it lasts 2 of 2 books. Actually, I'll give you for that one. So just getting back off holiday managed to get through two books. First one is Jurassic Park Michael Crichton. Just you know, if you've seen the film read the book but goes into into way more detail and things those of you that really enjoy maths and the idea of and physics in the idea of Chaos Theory talks further about that and you start to understand more about the chaos theory and how that impacts in the park and and everything like that. But for me the massive dinosaur nerd and I'm a bit of a science nerd as one it kind of brings us both both the things together. The other one is a book called Relentless, which is by Tim Grover now Relentless or Tim Grover is a sports sports psychology book. It's a little bit shall be an American but if you can get past it being quite a shout in American, it's really good. It's a guy that's what we Kobe Bryant about his mindset and I'm going into going into game. Creating longevity with in his career really worth the wait really weird. That's it. The second time. I've heard that brick mentioned. I'm a great believer. If you hear about a book two or three times kind of in quick succession, there's definitely it's definitely worth a read so of just written up dying because I heard on the podcast. I don't know when it was but it was quite recent. But yeah, I'll definitely look into that. Where can people find you on social to connect to follow. So I'm on Instagram. I'm on Facebook. I don't really do Twitter was think goes on to it for a little while and then I just kind of fell off it because I didn't really get it so you can follow me on Instagram. My Instagram handle is Hugh Davis 85 a spell you weirdly blame my parents for that one so slow. He hates UW and there's no relief data Sir Hugh Davies 8 5, you can also follow the gym. The gym is strength lab underscore. Fit so strengthen our bonds for CrossFit and your thinking on that as the met. I have loved this chat for so many reasons, and I know a lot of people listening to this are going to get huge value. So thank you very much for coming on. You're very welcome and thank you for having me. You are listening to the Ricky Long podcast. I love hideous and I know if you come to jump live you will see why I love you lives. You will probably just see me looking at you Davis with puppy dog eyes and just complete admiration. Hope you enjoyed that episode catch you on future episodes all the really long podcast. Thank you very much for listening. You are listening to the Ricky Long podcast. Where? International Fitness entrepreneur Ricky Long answers your questions and interviews Fitness leaders on training nutrition and mindset. Be sure to leave a review on iTunes. International Fitness entrepreneur Ricky Long answers your questions and interviews Fitness leaders on training nutrition and mindset. Be sure to leave a review on iTunes.
#69 Jump LIVE Special with Huw Davis Huw Davis is a Crossfit Athlete and box owner based in Burntisland, Fyfe. Having spent over 16 years in the fitness industry working his way through the commercial side of the fitness industry with leading gym chains and being a Les Mills Trainers and Masterclass DVD Presenter Huw now dedicates his time to his own personal Crossfit box and clients along with his own pursuit in Crossfit sports as an athlete. In this episode you will hear: How Huw became Les Mills Trainer When Crossfit came into his life How to prioritise training between Les Mills instructors and Crossfit training Why it is called CXWORX This is the second Podcast special for JUMP LIVE on February 8th in Glasgow. I have taken the principles from my world famous JUMP 4.2 programme and packed them into a 1 day seminar and invited some expert speakers along to make it an incredible day for all attending! In this podcast Huw shares his personal story and methodology when it comes to training which we will elaborate on at Jump LIVE. Jump LIVE February 2020 is 60% sold out! This means we have about 20 seats left. You can read all the details HERE and Collect your ticket.
I'm cleaning out my closet closet. I'm sorry Mom. That's because these recordings literally take place in my closet, right? Yeah, there's no glory. There's no like, oh, wow, you know Marcus is in Eddie's there in these Studios like it's no glamour. I'm staring at my wardrobe right now. Yeah. I had to I had to lock my dog out of the office. He's probably sitting right outside the door. Or like the huffing and puffing. He's the worst. Welcome to episode 3 of the canvas casters podcast. We are so excited to be back. We took a few weeks off. We had fall break, and then we had a little bit of time that we wanted to wait until our next guest was available. So Marcus, it's good to be back. Absolutely. I'm excited. So for those of you that didn't get a chance to listen to us for episode 1 just a brief introduction. I'm Eddie small. I'm the CTE Innovation coach to see T stands for Career and Technical education Innovation coach at Central. In career center and I've been using canvas for about six months in a Marcus painter. I'm the coordinator of digital learning at Twin Lake School Corporation in Monticello in Indiana, and I've been using canvas for almost seven years. He's the OG. Yeah. This is what we call. Oh gee, he's been using it kind of since day one. Yeah, and he has been around for a while and I and we've talked about this and we talked about it specifically with with Megan toland, you know, how how canvas has evolved and how Has gotten to this point it has been quite quite a development for sure speaking of fall break Eddie. You were telling me before we went on break. You were telling me about a training that you did canvas specific training their C9 and it was quite a to-do. I want to hear more it was well, here's the thing. We'll just we'll take it back a few years. I won't say how many years but my wife is a Harry Potter fanatic. Huge Harry Potter fan loves the books loves the movies has always been a big fan and I often also enjoy, you know the movies and the books as well kind of being in that age group where it's Harry Potter everything and we did a 30th birthday party and we had people dress up and I did like all of the snacks and things like that as well as some decorations and just anything Harry Potter that you can think of a Sorting Hat a broom a flying broom things like that. I had all these decorations and we've been using them for Halloween for the past couple of years. So I had these all on a tote already and I'd always had this idea. Is there any way that I can reuse these materials for professional development? And I knew at the beginning of the year. I wanted to do like a speed-dating tight PD. Have you ever been involved in one of those markets like the where they have different groups and you kind of go around and each person has a couple minutes just to show you their thing instead. We have you ever seen. I haven't even I have seen that a couple of times and I dig it now. I'm going to be honest like we're in the tree here. Everything that you just said about Harry Potter was completely over my head. I don't understand any. Yeah, so and I'm going to actually okay. There are probably listeners in the same boat. So if you're not a Harry Potter fan, you can just fast-forward this until we get to Kona but what I ended up doing was I wanted to do speed dating and then I was like, oh can we do speed dating through Hogwarts and then because of the canvas integration, could I then develop a PD based off of Of of speed dating through Hogwarts with canvas tools or canvas apps. So I basically picked a few of our we call them Panda Pilots. Our team of canvas early adopters say were the ones kind of tasked with developing things on specific subject, like canvas Studio canvas Gradebook all of those things that you normally would see or that might be basic that they could present over so I gave them those tasks and said hey show up. I asked them to dress up. None of them did that was okay. Nothing, like asking teachers to like hey, by the way, I really want you to do this thing, maybe two or three minutes per group will rotate around the room. And then also I'd like you to dress up like with you or which didn't happen to your your because everyone has that everyone has a section of their closet full of wizard Wizardry. I remembered in my closet this great Acoustics in here, by the way. So what what ended up happening was as I went into our LGI space or a large group instruction space put in five parts. Pods and then split everybody up into houses like they would in Hogwarts. So somebody would be in Gryffindor someone who would be in Slytherin. They got stickers they participated inside the group and they got house points and we had a house cup. So it was really really cool but I didn't anticipate our culinary class getting really excited and they made Harry Potter snacks. So we had like chocolate wands and butterbeer. So we had hey if we're going to do a professional development, we probably should feed you, you know, that's kind of the best thing to have when you do PDS or And they jumped right in with all these snacks or drinking butterbeer were eaten chocolate ones, which are just chocolate covered pretzels, but it was great. Like it was phenomenal and everybody seemed really engaged. They got a lot out of it. I'm not trying to brag or anything but I there were some teachers at walked away and said best PTA ever had so wait now pretty rajic and then write a little bit of magic in October and it really sent me in to break feeling really good about what we do and I know sometimes that doesn't always happen because we're constantly changing or iterating. Or failing and trying new stuff and going into break. I felt really good about it. So thanks for bringing it up. I'm glad I could share it was a really good time. And I'd be more than happy to share any of the materials. I use any of the formatting that we use to any listener out there. Just yeah, I reach out it will you talk through some of it with me and we talked about you know, what it might look like and I definitely remember you sending some pictures of how the place was set up and you know to me as a person who leads PD and my Corporation you had the the important ingredients That's right. You had the content that we had to cover but then you also have you've got to package the professional learning in a way that is creative and different. So you had that that if nothing else if nothing else, it just shows the level of investment that you have put into the work that you've created and then you top it off with food and like honestly like fart I usually We just throw like chocolate like chocolate mini candy bars and that that is in itself. Like hey, we liked you Marcus you gave us chocolate. So you had you had themed snacks. So it kind of had you tick all the boxes but also part of that is it was taking a lot of boxes, but we have talked about to the fact that I don't hate to like sound like I have this special place that no one else really gets to enjoy but I am blessed to have a culinary program that gets excited about things like that an administrative team that says, Okay, Eddie, you're getting a little crazy here, but we're going to let you do it. Anyway, he's there were a couple of that. I think they just didn't quite understand they were like, yeah. Okay. Well, if you want to do that, we'll see what it looks and then they come in they go I think you nailed this like it's just the right amount of decorations. It's just the right amount of atmosphere and it's the same thing we want to do with students which is let's create experiences. So I'm trying to model that for my teachers, like look at the experience. I'm creating for you in a short amount of time for a professional development do some of those things with your kids. See what kind of Engagement you get beyond your normal lesson when you you know, play Harry Potter music in the background and you've got decorations laid out on the table and you give them this experience. Even if it's just a short hour into our experience. It is something that's meaningful. So it's definitely worked now I'm thinking about like, how am I going to theme the next PD and how am I gonna so it's created more work, I think than it initially that initially wanted it to be for me, but I'm excited about it. And I'm really looking forward to the next PD we get to host very lucky about where I work. Because we are coming out of fall break you or talking about the approach to e-learning now, for those of you that aren't familiar with e-learning will let Marcus kind of tell you a little bit about it. But we do something in Indiana called e-learning for inclement weather days or to add some days back that we might get taken away due to weather. So Marcus tell us a little bit about how you guys approach to learning. Yeah. So like so be learning in Indiana. It is quite a Hot Topic and basically When we say e-learning we're talking about inclement weather days where school is cancelled, you know for a long long time that meant that you got a phone call or you check the news and then you rolled back over in bed. And that was it and so in the last, you know, eight to 10 years, of course we've developed into using Learning Management Systems to deliver content so that we can get some value some learning value out of that day and then therefore be able to On it towards our total number of instructional days at Twin Lakes. We have the arc sort of protocol is that attendance and grades are two separate things, right? And so we use canvas in our grades 6 through 12 and it came to me from the principal at the high school. They wanted to come up with a good system dealing with attendance so that it could take some burden off of teachers because you know your typical high A school teacher on an e-learning snow day or fog day believe it or not. We have fog days or just extreme cold. Those teachers are getting getting up in the morning and basically taking what they had originally planned to do and re designing on the Fly for a digital space and adjusting. So it's a lot of work and so we came up with a plan to cope with the attendance that took the attendance off the shoulders of the teachers and so at Twin Lakes. I am one of the It was administrators. And we basically I kind of just thought it through and I thought you know what here's some things I know and I know Google forms. So I proposed to the principal and assistant principal I said, how about if we make attendance up to the kids we're talking about high school kids at this point grades 9 through 12 and I said, there is no reason there's no reason why those kids can't log in and take their own attendance. If you will it brings up an interesting conversation that I've had with. Teachers all over the state because it's done differently everywhere My Philosophy is that students can come into a day a normal school day and do nothing, but they are physically present and so because they are physically present in the room, they are at their attendance record reflects that and so I felt like and I feel like connecting the work to be done and their attendance is is not a an appropriate thing to do. I think it's completely possible. Well that a kid can log into canvas on a snow day and check the attendance and check themselves in if you will and then it may choose not to do that work. That's the same type of choice that they would have in a normal day. So we decided to design this attendance policy. Basically, it's a simple Google form and as an administrator, we've made class of classes. So graduating class of 2020. Okay, 20 wall so forth. Yeah 20 so we made those. Has no populated with those kits and then what I do is I go in and I made a button I made a really obnoxious button in canva so that it was something very obvious for for students to see when they log into canvas shows up in their in their stream. They know that they are going to go to their class of class and there will be an announcement and it says e-learning attendance for then the day and the date and they click the button and it automatically opens up to the Google form where they basically put their first and last Let's name it collects our email and they Mark themselves present. That's been we've been doing we did that last year. And of course this took some practice we had I think three practice run days before we had an actual scheduled e-learning day and that was all in preparation for the eventual whether eLearning days and so through the course of those three practice days, we got to where we basically troubleshot if you will all the kids who had been sort of avoiding using canvas. All the kids who could not login and hadn't said anything to anybody but now there was an even more pressing need. So we're able to troubleshoot and now it's to the point where it's second nature and we had an e-learning day a week ago on Friday and sure enough within you know, a half hour of the posting of that attendance form, you know in our Corporation 600 or so kids boom attendance. Now what they did in terms of work, I don't know that's that's where the classroom teachers are. Are in control but in terms of attendance that attendance goes directly to the the attendance officer the the assistant principal principal and the attendant secretary and guidance. So all the necessary people get that list and they can then go ahead and deal with the attendance issues that may or may not arise from it. But maybe I'm really pleased that approach to attendance is pretty spot-on and we've had I mean we've had discussions this is the first time Central Line is a career center non-traditional K through 12. Obviously we have students coming from sending School something I've talked about before we were using a week of e-learning to basically offset those students that were on their fall breaks but not on campus with us because every school has a different fall break. So there were some schools that were at home while we were still in session because their home schools were technically off now they can come to us because we're in session if they'd like, but because their schedule doesn't really line up their home school schedules doesn't line up. Central nine, they're not required. They're not mandated to come. So because of that we were doing these e-learning days so that we can provide contents of those teachers don't have to reteach and what we taken away from it is there has been some feedback from teachers as there always is where they feel like no one did it during that week. How do they know? What kind of attendance do we have? What kind of analytics can I go into canvas and see who got on and who did what and when they did it because I think the feedback they're getting from from some of their students has or I'm going to do it until the deadline and the deadline has been pushed, you know closer to the end of the month. So we just have to modify and change and iterate and make that make that deadline better or those expectations a little bit more clear for our students because we were 15 16 year old kids. Once if you told me the deadline was the 20th. I'm going to do it on the 19th. So so I like your approach. I definitely am stealing it as I always do from you everything that everything that you do better because you're right longer. That's not a hit on I will say this though, and this was And little thing that I ended up stumbling upon along with that that attendance approach. So we talked a lot about I feel like the more simple I can make something in terms of Design Within the LMS the better and if that means an extra key stroke or two for me or the teacher, I feel like that's very much worth it in terms of creating the best possible environment for the for the student and this attendance thing is a great example because when I post those Announcements like the attendance post for that day one little thing that I learned was if I select my button in that announcement if I click on it and then I hit Ctrl K or command key on a Mac. It gives me a little pop up and it gives me the option to force that thing to open up in a new tab and that was a really big deal for me because I don't want kids to click on something within canvas and then immediately cover up their canvas page or they're First page and so by doing the attendance that way right when the when the student clicks it it opens up that Google form in a new tab and it leaves their canvas that leaves their page there their session there and so they can go over to that it opens up the new tab, they take their attendance for themselves and then they can go back to the canvas Tab and get to work and that one little thing that I'm able to do on the back end of setting that up is I think really really helpful for students. It's just one less distraction. So before we get into our interview with the Kona Jones Eye towards I'm like thrilled to have her on but before we get into the interview, we wanted to talk a little bit about the podcast. We've given some expectations. Our goal is about twice a month. We want to have two episodes a month for you to listen to and to put out there. We've kind of tried to accomplish that early and then give you some extra content here as we schedule guests and Marcus we keep looking at like we're not quite sure what we're doing, but we hope we're doing it right lots of lots of people. Listening. Lots of people are interacting. We're so excited about all of our new listeners and our new followers. So we wanted to put something in our podcast each week that basically gave a little shout out to those folks that are that are new to the podcaster that are new to our Twitter account. That's kind of I feel like that's where all the educators are right now either on Twitter as the social media platform, but we want to give shout outs to some of our most recent follows on Twitter. And so we've got one five five people today. Day Adam Koontz at Adam Koontz Miss Conrad at Miss Conrad edu, Steve Jackman at s Jeeves Matt. I'm going to aim at sorry Matt. I'm going to ruin your name Matt zilla's Nick at Zola's neck, and you can roast me on Twitter. If I butchered your name Matt is elastic and Cat Flippin at cat Flippin. So thank you so much for giving us a All the one Twitter we love that you guys are engaging and letting us into the community and we hope we don't let you down. We really hope we haven't let you down at this point and if we have a poor so sorry canvas hasn't pulled us off the air yet folks. We're really excited episode 3 Connor Jones D campus Jedi. She is coming up very shortly. A great pleasure to introduce the director of online learning and facilitator of the faculty Academy at Richland Community College. She is the developer of training and materials the provider of instructional. I'm support the canvas Jedi ladies and gentlemen Fresh Off The keynote for can innovate 19 Kona Jones in the background. Thank you. I am so excited to be here and talk with both of you gonna welcome to the show. Give us the Kona Jones story from Big from the beginning through to becoming the Kona is the canvas Jedi that we've been told by literally everyone we've talked to where'd you start? And how do you work your way to the point of basically everyone telling us that we had to talk to you. Wow. That's that's Kenny have 30 seconds ago. I was in grad school loved technology loved learning really love the intersection of the two of them. I was still in grad school working on the PHD saw an advertisement for a director of online learning job and thought you know, hey, it's just right up the road. I'll give it a try. So gave it a try. They hired me. Not sure what they were thinking. I was really green, but they did so thank you and jumped in and my first day they're like so we are switching Learning Management Systems in a month and we have nothing planned and I'm like, oh hey wow. Yeah, that was actually a switch from web CT. 82 angel that went really great because of Blackboard but Angel the semester before we actually opened it up. So that was a really great time. And so we basically started planning our exit strategy from Angel before we had fully integrated it the whole like, you know, like how it happened in the first place from web CT to Angel just kind of it wasn't a great transition. And so I'm like, you know, what whatever we're going to transition to from a Joel to the next thing it's going to be I'm going to you know fix everything. I did wrong. I'm gonna do it right this time. So we put together a group they picked canvas. This was back in with its canvas like to February March of 2012. So this was a while ago, you know, this was kind of back in the early days of canvas. It was kind of the new kid on the Block and so they picked canvas and said, okay. I really worked with people at canvas we had I mean Jordan Dayton, we had I've been cannon in my bag. I mean we had some people who were kind of been there towards the beginning really helping us get ready to roll this out. So rolled it out and it was amazing. It was wonderful. I started getting into the canvas Community which at that time was kind of this just this little bitty place that not a lot of people hung out and you know, I'm known to maybe ask pointed questions or two. You know say things that you know, it's truthful but maybe a little blunt usually and people were okay with that and they kind of embraced it and they answered my questions and they didn't, you know, kind of get upset by my questions. And if anything they said yes, let's ask more questions. Let's talk and so I kind of fell in love with the campus community and from there it just kind of kept going intended a bunch of instructure cons. Got to meet a bunch of people and for me, it's just it's the people it's the community and it's my Love of education. So it's kind of been a winding path. But that's all that's it. That's that's that's kind of the experience that we've had so far just with the interactions the few interactions we've had is just like everybody that is passionate about canvas is passionate about relationships with with the community and everybody wraps themselves. Sorry, Mark of everybody wraps themselves around you in the canvas Community. It's almost like you get this big bear hug. Yes. Not steal that steal term from the pandas. But like I got a big panda bear hug when we were like, you know what we're thinking about doing this thing and moving away from classroom and all these people just reached out immediately. And even when we started this podcast, it's like, oh my gosh, look at this cool thing that everyone needs to listen to her. Everyone needs to be a part of and you just feel the support that I don't think I don't think we get enough of when we have these systems available to us as Educators. So it's I mean, it's just so refreshing to hear somebody else say the same thing where it was like I'd started this thing. Thing and we were in the community and all of a sudden everybody was like, yeah, let's go. Let's talk more. Let's discuss more. Let's be a part of something bigger. So and very very cool. You're right. I mean that's the beauty of the campus community and it really it's not out there in other lmss. I've talked with a number of other schools who've recently made the switch to Canvas OR Mason just recently made the decision to switch to Canvas. And that's one thing I hear a lot. Is there like the community just there's nothing equal to it from any of the other little messes. I mean, the other LMS is might have similar. Functionality, they might do some similar things. But one thing that definitely sets canvas apart is the people the community the sharing. Yeah, just that that Spirit We Gather. Yeah, so I want to know more about your your current role. So your role as director of online learning at Richland Community College we Eddie and I were talking about this we've been spending a lot of time talking to higher education folks as it relates to Canvas and And so you know, what is your what is your day-to-day? Like in that role every day is different. It was kind of interesting you as my question because literally every single day is just something new and something different and something challenging. I think that's why I love it so much because it's not like you come in and you know, you're doing the same thing every day you come in and you might have some things you'd like to get done but, you know, hold on to the seat of your pants because who knows what email is going to pop in? Who knows what? Faculty members going to walk in your door. So everything every day is different. I think the biggest thing for me that I love though. Is that and working with the faculty. I do a lot of troubleshooting with faculty and do a lot of you know, what's the best way to do this in canvas a lot of kind of pedagogical design in terms of you know, I've been trying to do this but it's not working. What's a better way to do it or a different way to do it. And that can be even in classroom or out of classroom. So kind of I will say my role is transitioning from director of online learning and two more director of teaching and learning because I do help all of our faculty regardless of whether they teach online or not. My area also is over student technology use so we are the help desk for students. So students come in we provide troubleshooting. We work on their computers for free. So students can bring their personal devices in we work on a profile we provide. Professional development trainings accessibility stuff. We're starting to on the plagiarism area. So basically if it has anything to do with technology teaching learning helping students faculty any of that. It kind of comes Under My Umbrella. So a lot of I wear lots of hats and not only are you obviously they're at Richland Community College, but you are fresh off your keynote at can innovate 19 tell us about that experience that just happened, right? Yeah. Yeah, oh my gosh, like the vibe of the audience was just amazing. Like they are so high energy High excitement. I mean, it is an amazing audience. It's an amazing group the other sessions. Oh Mike. I mean they have got such high quality sessions. They the planning committee for that group is phenomenal because they just do a great job of pulling together some amazing people getting the audience revved up and then yeah, it's it was Just absolutely great experience. If you haven't attended virtually, I would strongly recommend it or even go check out their resources because they make sure all of their resources the recordings are all freely available. The hashtag can innovate 19 will probably lead them to some of those materials and resources. Yeah. I mean honestly just do a Google search for can innovate and you're going to get it. It's like the first thing that pops up CA n i nov AT&T you're going to get it. So what was it that urged you to become? Um such an advocate for online learning and and specifically that transition to Canvas or was it just a natural progression from where you were was there something that happened that you were like, I know this is my calling. I love online learning. This is the piece that I'm going to spend most of my days working towards. Oh, you know, actually it's kind of interesting. I had always kind of thought being an education. I always had people say, oh, are you going to be like your mom and be a teacher? Are you going to be like, you know, your grandpa all your great grand and I'm just like no you I'm not going to be a teacher and you know, and guess what? Hey, I'm teaching and I'm helping teachers teach and so you know, but so I kind of always fought it and I'm not exactly sure why but when I was getting my master's degree in cognitive psychology and quantitative psychology, I got to be a TA right because we want to get that college paid for so I was a TA and it was my first experience actually teaching and I fell in love with it. I absolutely thought why have I been fighting this I love this so I fell in love with teaching and I loved that Mighty. I so that the faculty member I was teeing under he integrated a lot of Technology know this was back, you know early days. We really didn't have a lot of online learning a lot of that but he really was doing a great job of integrating technology into that curriculum for a face-to-face class. And I was kind of seeing where it was helping students make better connections and understanding material better and from a kind of cognitive perspective and learning perspective. Just fascinated the heck out of me. I was just really kind of like wow, how can we use technology? Okay, and don't make fun of me because remember I'm old don't make fun of me but it was like that whole idea of wow. We can really use technology to improve learning like technology and learning could be harnessed together. So seriously don't make fun of me. This is back in the day. And so that fascinated me. And so when I got done with my Master's Degree, I want a decided you know, what for my PhD, I'm not going to stay in Psychology. I'm going to go to curriculum instruction. And do it as kind of an emphasis on technology and education and so went did you know all my coursework there got some really great like opportunities to I was also then an assistant in Cedar which was a completely online program at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. And so I got to work with that group and it was an amazing group and I got to see online learning even though it was still kind of benefits. Infancy done, right? Like they were doing it. Right and I loved it. And so that's kind of that's how I got into online learning and then with canvas. It's just kind of goes back to what I've said before. I mean it was just the fact that when I called him on something they didn't like say try to you know, brush it under the rug they'd be like, yeah, you're right. We made a mistake and this is how we're going to fix it or yeah, you're right that does suck and we do need to be better. So I love the openness the transparency. owning up to when something wasn't quite right, but the fact that they were still there for you that connection just all of the things that make canvas amazing kind of sucked me in and kind of made me want to be better and do better for my faculty as well as help others and you mentioned in the bayou that you facilitated something called The Faculty Academy something that we I don't think we necessarily have heard of before so could you explain kind of what that is and some of the important Things you're doing with that. So our faculty Academy here is just kind of our professional development umbrella. So all of our different, you know workshops any faculty member who maybe wants to speak on a topic of what you know, their interest their research their conferences stuff is all kind of housed under what we call faculty Academy. So we just have different types of programming one of our programming that was recently really successful. We just got a whole new Active Learning Center. So we redid an our wing of our second floor all around Active Learning but what we found was that you can't just give faculty that space and not get them prepared to use it. And so we had a whole year worth of you know, kind of programmed activities sessions opportunities for faculty and parents Share Field Trip opportunities for faculty to go and see what other schools were doing all centered around. You know, what is active learning the fact that most of our faculty didn't realize Act of learning, you know, They already doing it. They just didn't realize they are doing it and so kind of better understanding what they were doing how to improve it what other faculty we're doing that was kind of one of our more successful ones that we've done but it's that kind of idea. It's it's to the point where I'm going to clip all of this audio and send it to my staff because we are in that Active Learning discussion right now as we're building a new space sort of a we're calling it. Well, we're beta testing the name Central we're but we're going to have a space dedicated to you know, teacher collaboration and professional development also a space they can bring their students. That's a little bit more flexible in that maybe enhances some of the stuff through steel case. So we're really excited about that partnership and being able to develop something like that for teachers. We may be in I may be in contact with you as I'm looking toward having them be actively engaged in the thought process for active learning and it's not Best this fancy space that we're giving them to model that it's amazing when you get them really talking about it. I mean, we had a history Professor who's like, oh what's this active learning stuff? And then we get her going we get her into the space and she's using Oregon Trail. We actually got Oregon Trail for her got it. I got it on the computers. And here she is, you know doing Oregon Trail with her students and so it's just it was students our faculty came up with just all sorts of really amazing ways that either they had been and just hadn't had been using Active Learning but just didn't realize it and sharing it or new things. They could be doing and the space. I mean ultimately I think a good teacher it doesn't matter what class room you put them in they're going to be amazing at the same time. You give them an amazing sight. I really love the pro teaching teachers how to sort of capitalize on the power of the space and capitalize on things that they're already doing. They just may not know the the term, you know, they may not know the terminology that Basically describes what they've been doing already. Well, I love that and I also really like the whole time you were talking about the the teachers collaborating and Eddie was talking about that similar idea to me that speaks to us as adults being able to put our ego aside, you know, a true collaboration if it's going to really happen the way that it's supposed to it really does require us to just you know be Able to say I don't have all the answers and I don't know all the things and those types of learning activities where I just think they are much more effective if we're able to put the ego aside. So I love the I love what both of you guys were saying about Active Learning and how how your teachers are really finding ways to grow within within their role speaking of you know, these, you know Active Learning, but then also we hear a lot about Out online instruction and online instruction with purpose and that's the big sort of buzzword. Can you touch on what that means specifically for you and your role and how that translates to the Educators that you work with? Absolutely and you know, I know it's like a big buzzword right now for online, but I just recently in fact just the beginning of this semester. I had an adjunct Retreat and we spent the afternoon. Talking about this and most of the teachers they're taught face-to-face. So I think it's important to note that this is not just an online thing. It is an education thing and for me how I really frame it and how I framed it in that session was just a really good chance to kind of almost I say go back to your roots. Go back to your main course outcomes. Go back to what's your big question? What do you really want students to remember a year from now? You know, so your students take your class. What do you really want them to know a year from now? What do you really want them to know three years five years. What's that big take away? What's kind of for me? What's your big purpose? And obviously, yes, you need to align them through your course outcomes and all of that type of stuff. But I mean, I teach statistics as an adjunct and you know, do I really expect students to be able to do a t-test in a year not really and five. Oh gosh now I know they're not going to be able to But is that what I really want them as their big takeaway know and all honesty. My main purpose of my class is more a statistical understanding of what is statistics. How can they be used to mislead you? How can you really look at something that you see out in the real world? Whether it's on the news and a journal article on a magazine whatever and to be able to look at that and figure out does that statistic even you know, could it be more accurate? What can I do to better? Understand, you know isn't misleading looking at charts and graphs and figures out in the real world for me. That's my main purpose and so as I'm designing my course and this is kind of what I work with faculty as to I mean having this conversation, I like great you want to hit all of your, you know, your main, you know course outcomes, but what's that big thing? What's the big passion? What's the big thing that you want students to actually remember and get from your course and let's make sure you're really hitting bad. Let's make sure your Assignments kind of come back to that. Let's make sure your discussions or whatever it is. You're doing let's make sure it kind of comes back to that main purpose. So like for me a lot of my discussions focus on you know, here's some different articles. I found you know, and every year our every semester I refresh them and here's some ways to evaluate that article and so having students actually evaluate articles and then share, you know, what they think and then kind of learning from each other and then I get to chime in and kind of bring some things to their attention, but for me, it's like learning that real-world thing and that's my big purpose. That's my big thing. My last remaining math class was a stat class and it was specifically designed for quote liberal arts majors. And I knew what that meant. I know I knew then and I know now and it was let's see how we can make all of the numbers into words and how can we But ultimately what you just described is exactly what I took from that. Worse. Yeah, so I feel I feel really good about it because I don't yeah, you know, I didn't I don't grasp numbers. Well at all. It's never been a strength, but exactly what you described where it's this sort of a sort of a life skill of being able to shoot holes in the data that you might see the statistics that might be presented to you and be able to look at it and say but yeah, but yeah, but yeah, but what about and think about all of the bubbles that play into that number and how it's presented to us, you know in Media or on the news Etc. So that that spoke to me sorry, but that means you know what you just completely confirmed that like thank you because that is why if Rick if they had tried to push numbers down in like you got to know how to you know, that that main focus was on doing a t-test or knowing. What is that P value? And what does it mean and you know versus that bigger thing? And you know, you might be looking back and saying oh, I don't even understand and I never got anything from that versus you're saying no, I still feel like I mean so man kudos to your teacher and the designer in my course because for me that's that big purpose and it doesn't matter whether we're teaching statistics whether it is, you know, a liberal arts specific course, you know, whatever it is. What is your big purpose like what is and so I kind of love that question, but I just want to make sure faculty just you know, this is not just an online. Question that I think we need to be re-examining even in our face-to-face classes, you know, are we just lecturing straight from the book or we really hitting what that big thing? You want to get to know get from students and get them to remember and that mindset so refreshing to me because as I'm doing some classroom visits and and being a little bit more involved in the process of coaching teachers in the classroom and not just the online learning environment, but using canvas is kind of that. You know that LMS piece but Hang them in the classroom getting out of the mindset. I think the mindset I saw a tweet that talked about, you know, your objectives on the board, but is that really what you're teaching is? Are you putting it on the board? Because that's what you're being evaluated over whether that objective is on the board or not. And this idea of gathering teachers back together and discussing. The big question is super important. Like I wrote it down on the paper right in front of me because as we get to do these interviews, we meet really cool people like you that we just steal ideas from From so I'm like big question and like all caps like what am I going to teach my teachers next which is like think about the big question. Think about what you want them to walk away with so I'm really great guided worksheet because what I did for the session which it just worked great, they got up. They've got two pairs. I did like a kind of a think-pair-share thing where they did, you know, here's some great prompts some you know questions on this worksheet that they kind of thought through on their own then they paired up and kind of shared and then they got into even a bigger. Group at their table and shared what they were doing and it turned into because we had people from all across the different curriculum now in different areas and it turned into amazing conversate. I mean like I was like, okay guys like we're actually supposed to be done. But okay, you're still talking so well, okay, we'll just keep going but you could leave you know, and it just it was it's one of those things that just hit them really well, but it worked really well as I think kind of pair share where you really haven't think about it on their own but then Hang up and sharing and then really having bigger conversations with other Educators. And then I even did I mean like a think should pair share share share because it was then even a bigger. It just worked so great to really get to hear what other people were doing and it yeah, it was a wonderful experience for them. They loved it. So this is a bit of a cliffhanger. Kona was gracious enough to give us so much content and really her willingness to share her knowledge extended beyond our normal parameters of what a single episode looks like for us right now. So we've made the executive decision. We have split this episode into two parts and part 2 will be out next week with more Kona Jones. We hope you can join us for that episode. Thanks again for listening guys and again part 2 Kona Jones coming up next week.
Welcome to the Canvascasters Podcast. In this episode Marcus and Eddie discuss what they've been up to the last few weeks. Eddie gives specifics on his "Speed-dating through Hogwarts w/ Canvas" PD, and Marcus throws down some knowledge on eLearning attendance. Also in this episode THE CANVAS JEDI - Kona Jones (@konajones) who is the current Director of Online Learning and coordinates Faculty Academy at Richland Community College. She is responsible for the development of faculty and student technology training materials, provides instructional design support to faculty, oversees the assessment of online courses, and facilitates faculty professional development​. Kona loves teaching and is an adjunct instructor of statistics and developmental psychology. Her passion is student success and in 2019 she was awarded Adjunct Faculty of the Year. Kona is also a Canvas Coach and Canvassador, contributing extensively in the online Canvas Community and elsewhere. We had such an engaging conversation we've decided to split this episode into TWO PARTS so you get "twice the Kona". In this episode we discuss: Kona's background in education. What led her to a career in online and blended instruction. Her passion for active learning. #Caninnovate19 A special thanks to all our listeners and recent followers of the podcast. Adam Kuntz @adam_kuntz Ms. Conrad @MsConradEDU Steve Jackman @sjeeves Matt Zalaznick @zalaznick And Cat Flippen @catflippen
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started. Hey, we are back for Supernatural. Thursdays Lilith is back. There's major foreshadowing thanks to Chuck. We've got a special guest Skyping in stay tuned. Hey guys, we are back for Cherries favorite day of the week Supernatural. Hey guys, my name is Lindsay Wagner. And obviously I'm joined by Cherry David her back for Supernatural Thursday, and we have Marquis and thar Suk Skyping in with us today. Can you hear us Marquis in hey everybody? Yay, guys, we're here to talk about supernatural. This is season 15 episode 5 Proverbs 17-3 and let me just tell you actually what that Bible verses in case you don't know The Crucible for silver and the furnace for gold but the Lord tests the heart pain drop. God is testing us Chuck is testing us. He isn't my God. Thank you very much. Goodness. Is he your God Mark in is Chuck your God or are you making decisions right now based on your own personal choices? Personal choices personal choices. I mean he did choose will we won't get to that spoiler just yet. But Lilith is back Chuck is writing the end. He is playing with the boys. There's a hamster wheel going on right now, and I'm not happy about it. But Cherry, what were your initial thoughts about this week's episode The foreshadowing the foreshadowing the foreshadowing and we finally talked about the bullet or should I say? The premonition of the room so happy they're sharing what's going on. I've been so excited for Sam and Dean to finally talk and hear it happened. And I know that we've been talking about it in the YouTube comments on the shows and you guys are like they can't this isn't what they do. But here they are doing it thank goodness. So glad Marquis and what was it like filming this episode? I'm assuming you filmed in Vancouver it is. Yeah. We filmed in Vancouver. We were in a bunch of locations, but Mainly down if anybody knows in South Surrey in the woods, there's a it's actually a really really cool place to film and we were the days that we were filming. We were actually sharing this set with Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Okay, so we were we were we were in one of the cabins inside of this woods and then they were just outside of the woods. I don't know how much I'm allowed to say about them and do what they're doing, but they had a big big For our first season, I think they're into two now. So it was actually a big hoopla because there were two major sets going on. So we're probably talking about, you know, a thousand people so as intimate as I think the episode looked where we were filming it was it was, you know, it was like a carnival on the on the set for those few days. Wow. Yeah certain it certainly didn't seem like that filming the episode. We had really really small like seeing He's there were either two or three people in each Scene It was Sam and Dean and the sheriff or the three girls in the tent and then you to in the cabin or the four of you or the five. Then when Ashley came back such a throwback. Well, obviously they did the throwback with their badges Mark Hamill and Dean Ford and Dean's badge everyone questioning who he really was. I love Dean every Season he will always be my meat man. Boom. I love I love Dean. I love him trying to eat ghost pepper jerky and Sam warning him that dude. You can't do it like can't and he sits there chugging water and actually pores was like loved it. Well, I was like, well, you can take your shirt off right now and we none of us would mind. If you don't mind. Did you try the ghost pepper? Jerky? Was it really ghost pepper? Jerky? I did not try the ghost pepper. Would you try ghost pepper jerky? I would try it. I wasn't there that day that they were trying the ghost pepper jerky. Okay, if I was I think I would have given it a shot. Alright, I like that like to live dangerously here. So we're in Colorado big camping trip going on these three girls. They do this every year at their annual camping trip, and this has come to an end because the other two have a job and the third one is got her degree in philosophy, and she doesn't know what she's doing with her life yet and all of a sudden It becomes that there's mountain lion attacks and that's what they claim it is, but the sheriff knows it's a real monster a real monster. So they talked to Ashley because her two friends have been killed by this mountain lion and it comes out that talks about a werewolf AKA you Me. Yes, Marc, Ian. Okay, Andy. Okay, Andy met yeah as reluctant as I as my character is to do it all it was me. Yeah, was it fun to be in hair and makeup? It was I don't want to say yeah, because the the toughest part about it actually is was wearing the contacts for the werewolves that are actually extremely for me not for everybody. Uncomfortable and what they do is they Cloud your vision which puts like a yellow film across your entire kind of I so when we were doing the scenes running through the forest and where I'm trying to catch Ashley had to be really really extra careful because I couldn't really see and it was dark. So I was kind of Running Blind a little bit, but it all worked out. I'm fine. So we have a question from the chat boundless. This book Al says did Jared and Jensen try to prank you. Oh, that's a good question because I hear they do a lot of pranks on set. Yeah, they didn't know they didn't try to prank me at all. They were nice to you. That's what a disappointment a newbie. I think it's okay because they probably fell on that and then they hold that for life and they hold it over you. I mean, although it would be pretty cool to get pied by Jensen and Jared but I know them so fun and you've done geeky TV shows before but this one feels like it's much more active than some of the other roles you've done. Yeah. Yeah. This one definitely was more active than a lot of them. It's kind of nice, you know. As an actor when you kind of get a part that you can metaphorically sink your teeth into a little bit and I think this one was that one for me and it's really fun. When you get these guest spots where you get to be a werewolf some kind of monster. Those ones are particularly more fun more fun to do because you get to kind of stretch my abilities and I think okay what I've done before because I haven't played a play. Damn. Ahh. During this where I played a zombie before but not a monster with with thoughts and feelings as deep as Andy had so yeah, it was it was a treat to do I think it's fun to play the villain role. But like you said you have these deep thoughts and concern an actual you brought you made the character more humanized instead of just being the monster. So that's a really great point. You just made. Yeah, and I think it's way more or interesting. I was I was kind of following along the Twitter feed its super entertaining of like the live the live Twitter feed that that Supernatural goes on because I kind of knew what was coming and I knew the story and it's a lot of fun to kind of follow along and I think really really quickly viewers were ready to write Josh and Andi off as like really really stereotypical monsters, especially werewolves. Well Josh, yes. A job. Yeah, and so I remember to even reading the script for the first time being really pleasantly surprised by and he's Arc because it just added a little more depth and gave I think the episode a bit more of heart than I think what is expected from those types of characters. I have a question when you audition did you know is going to be for Supernatural or was it a blind audition? You don't know what show is going to be. I did know it was for Supernatural and the sides that I had for this audition were pretty similar to what you saw in the episode, but there were major rewrites. So there was a bunch of different stuff that I had to do. And what I originally did was I originally auditioned for Josh. Oh, yeah, so I went in for Josh and then the directors and producers have me come back to read for Andy and then got cast from there. I agree. I see far more as the Andy character you did such a great job and I think that being able to be the villain and make it where you almost feel. Sorry for you as well. You did a great job doing that so bad and he wasn't eating anybody didn't want to lose his he didn't want to and Richard speight directed it. So how was it working with Richard Richard Richard the best he we I think and when you're an actor you we when I say we I mean Luke who played my brother in the in the episode we both kicked out when we met Richard because of course Band of Brothers is kind of where we know him mainly from and so we geeked out a little bit when in the audition room and then when we got onto said he was just the kindest director that I've one of the kindest that I've come across. Yeah, he was so he had said he has such an understanding of that. show that automatically brings you as an actor into a sense of comfort because on a lot of shows especially long-running shows most of the directors that come in are there for the certain one episode and they're out and they kind of like going and out and Richards been attached with this show for so long and knows Jared and Jensen to a tee that it was it was super super easy and calm which is always good on set and he's an actor himself. So he was able to direct us in a way that made us feel super comfortable and I think got the best work out of everybody because he as a director when you know what to say to an actor and make that really really clear of what he needs. It makes the whole process easier for everybody. Absolutely. I mean, he's been around from near the beginning so he's got the ins and the outs and has been with Jensen and Jared for forever. So it's always great when he directs because it feels almost more cohesive. With the other episodes before and after and he's like paying attention to the the arcs from before and just it all just yeah flows really really smooth whenever he directs. So obviously Ashley needs Dean and Sam to protect her and this all seems too easy as Sam says and there in the hotel room. She wants Dean to hang out with her before. Well, she falls asleep and we get We get her asking Dean questions. Does he like his job? He does at the end of a day. He's helping people what would he want to do if he wasn't doing this be Jimi Hendrix? Absolutely but loves being a hunter and then this is where we get this niblet. Of Truth and foreshadowing and she says wouldn't it be great if everything was just planned out for you? It was all decided and I'm like no no, no, you stop you. Stop being Chuck's little minion. No. No, no and Dean says not really and I'm like, this is weird. I literally wrote this is weird. What's weird? Well think we did we all knew I knew something was up. She was way too easily Hunter's way too easily. She was just like I'm along for the right. I was like I'd be in shock. But okay, maybe she was like that's like the anti-shock is that you're just like I am in a believe anything at this point. This is all so crazy for me. She is a philosophy major. So she Dean is woken up by Sam and Ashley is gone and we find Tied up thanks to Andy and Josh and Josh is talking about wanting to rip her heart out and eat it and it's looking so so gruesome for her and dangerous and I'm like something this is still isn't right. They're taking too long. Why is he you're stalling? Why are you guys telling ya are you waiting for someone to show up? Did you know Sam and Dean we're going to show up. As the character. I know I think I just Andy from the start is like He's against it the entire time and really really doesn't want to do it. So I think he's just trying to stall and and it find his way into Josh and trying to change his mind about the whole the whole thing. Because I think too when we were talking about with Richard about these guys it was that we weren't always doing this of we weren't always sharing humic. It was it was just recently that we started on this path and we that's why if you In the set there's just tons and tons of antlers everywhere. Yes. Yeah, we traditionally would be eating deer deer and whatever and so but Josh is gone a little crazy and I thought the cabin fever and and has started going after humans. So then I kind of follow suit just because he's my older brother. So I think I'm trying to stall and stop him as much as I can at that point. Well and then everything happened so quickly because the boys show up. A fight ensues which we knew was going to happen. And you're fighting Sam Josh is fighting Dean older brother younger brother make sense. And you know Ashley sitting scared in the corner and I see you looking at Sam and I'm like, he's not going to kill him. No, you don't have that killer look in your eyes. My mom used to say that about Marines like Marines have this killer look in their eyes like because they've they've had to kill people. All the first in the ground and you didn't have it and I'm like, okay, he's going to spare Sam. It's once again, it's taking you too long. You're hesitating. I'm like, okay, he's hesitating and Dean does it really look like he's 100% suffering, but you just changed the game and you shoot him with a silver bullet. You shoot Josh with a silver bullet. No questions asked you're so quick to turn because you're so good. You're the good guy and then your speech just like killed me and I'm like, that's it. This is what's happening kill the brother and then kill yourself. It was so weird, especially when you consider what happened last week with a young vampire saying well, you know, I'm going to tell you what you're going to do. It feels very much like Chuck is writing these stories like the way Ashley said to him said about him. He's like a low-rent Dean Koontz that he's obsessed with Dean which is true. Boy things that I thought was interesting was did you watch previous Supernatural episodes with werewolves and try and get like a feel or did you just sort of take direction from Richard? I think I always try to watch the show that I'm going in for actually before the audition itself actually, so getting that tone and like what what I'm Looking for in terms of acting and what they're looking for. I get an idea of and then leading up to going into filming for this episode. Yeah. I kind of watch the end of last season but of course like you guys you guys in the fans are way more of experts and I am in every Department of this show. I'm just the actors who gets to play the story out, but Richard kind of filled Us in exactly what's going on. he gave us that kind of information to help our Arc and to kind of explain things because when you get when you get a script, yeah, I absolutely don't have an idea what's going to happen or what has happened so sure because it's very great walking us through that and So we've got both brothers dead the foreshadowing of it all and then this is where the awkwardness comes in because I look at the clock on my TV and I'm like we are only halfway into the episode this this all happened way too quickly, right? Y'all notice this I know y'all did I'm seeing boundless book owl saying foreshadowing. Yeah Bissell happened too quickly. So what else is going to happen? There's got to be some other thing that we're going to have to deal with and Ashley trips and falls onto these antlers that the boys. Of all over the house because they're eating these deer and bucks and anything else and she goes pardon my language. This is up and asks him if he remembers her and Dean asks Willis and here we are. We've got a new Lilith and she's so stinking pretty too. She is very pretty. I was like your skin you're so pretty and you're scratched her face. I dare you surprise mer scratch woman's face surprised. She didn't heal it off. Yeah, she couldn't do a damsel in distress. I'll part of the plan all part of the plan. She was dead in the empty until God brought her back and she was supposed to seduce Dean who wouldn't want to seduce Dean and Sam asked her if Chuck sent her to kill them and she says no she made sure that the boys saw you go crazy, which I think like that even more. Making sure that such manipulation and that makes us hate Chuck even more just so that they get that feel and not like pit in their stomach knowing this is what we're going to have to do later. She wants The Equalizer AKA in the magic gun because she won't refer to it as The Equalizer and she likes doing it the hard way and Dean's got the angel blade Sam has the demon blade which you all have been pointing out that Sam is actually We're going to be rolling. Hell Dean is going to be ruling Heaven. I would love for it to be the other way around. Yes at the end of the day. Happy ending is the boys riding off in the Impala and I did see somebody actually asked Markie and did you get to sit in the Impala at all? No, I don't know. What a bummer. I know the the Impala was was parked right next to us in that hotel the the in-store set and I didn't sit in it. I should have just gone in you should have just take a couple selfies and got out of there. So Dean obviously is going to protect Sam She Dean says that if he's lying he she can kill him and she's like, I don't really want to kill you and I can't kill you but I have needs so he drives the lift to get this gun. She's died to free Lucifer from the cage then Sam and Dean screwed it up. She can't hurt God. She can hurt them and the low-rent Dean Koontz. They had to see the werewolf, brother. Die because foreshadowing once again, I'm just like it's just making it worse and worse because I'm waiting for the moment that this is going to happen because we keep having these dreams and now we're swapping and seeing Dean trying to kill Sam and say I'm still stopping it. Yes, and I can't figure out if Sam was supposed to be the god or if he was supposed to be the king of hell like in a white suit, but that means ozma day. Yes. Yes, white suit. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. You're looking like you're like what's going on with these crazed fans. You fangirls fangirls. Ya know. It's funny though, because I think with Lilith in that whole thing of how that went down was she used and I think our characters of Josh and Andi was part of her entire plan to gain their trust from the beginning and to find them because she You should they would have to go after werewolves. And so she used us as debate in order to get to them. Good point. I feel like Louis made them start doing that or should I say Chuck wrote that in the book because they didn't start killing until the father died. And I feel like Chuck killed the father to begin that whole domino effect. Chuck's horrible, which actually I'd like to ask you a question on that. So you mentioned earlier that you know, Dad wouldn't have wanted it that way and and Josh says well Dad is dead. Did you make up a scenario for why your dad had died in order to like kind of prepare for that emotional moment. Or have a background or anything like that. We I think we talked about it, but I don't know if you're asking me because there's two like would you also want to ask the question or is the the question included? Like how do I get in that emotional places and actors? Yeah. For that kind of stuff. Yeah, that one I did probably about but say like 10 to 20 takes on that entire speech and and Richard and I did it a whole bunch of ways and there. Yeah, there were there were ways that I did it and that were kind of more kind of on the tier side their time there were other times that we did a colder and I think what Richard was doing was kind of putting me on the entire roller coaster. Of of emotion and and then once you kind of do it so many times as an actor for me is like it just starts pouring out in terms of emotion. So that's I think the process for me at least is if I do have a shot at it more than like three or four times. I think that the weight of everything and you have Richard in Ewing in my ear kind of saying your dad's dad your dad said you love your brother you love your brother. And that kind of just plays into into my head and then kind of the whole emotion of that scene. Yeah love that process. I'm curious. Did you guys shoot it and order or do you shoot it out of order? We shot it completely out of order pretty much. Wow. That would've been harder. Yeah. Yeah, it's tough. And you know, those days are tough to when you know, you're on your 12th hour and you've been sitting around because a lot of I say set is about 90% sent sitting and 10% acting so when you're sitting for that long, it's actually quite exhausting and then they say, all right, Mark in Europe, you're doing you're doing you're doing you're your suicide scene and then you you're you're expected to hit it by the way, so it's that's all that's always a tricky process to try to gauge how you're going to get to those places kind of on and on, you know, turn of a dime sure what you did a great job. You did do we all I felt really bad for you. So to there was definitely like empathy going through that and I think to built on the fact that I knew that this was how to do with something with Sam and Dean being a part of all of it as well. Very Cain and Abel very Cain and Abel. Once again, another little part of it. So Lilith is going to torture Dean with Ling Qi this Chinese torture method of lingering dust where she kind of just swipes at him and and she like Cuts him apart basically and it can go on for forever or near forever and Sam shows up. He's able to shoot her with a devil's trap bullet and the boys mentioned it's not going to hold her long it barely holds her for a few seconds. So I was like, this is ridiculous. I was thought this was going to be something that would kill her. This is really powerful. She may not be as powerful as God, but she's up there and that's what she says. She says I let you kill me of last time. Time I'm not going to be so generous all of a sudden we get a rumbling. She pushes the bullet out. The boys are temporarily disabled and can't move Frozen in place. She knows that the boys aren't going to bring the equalizer into the hotel room. She also knows they're not going to leave it at home in case they need it. Obviously, it's in baby. They have it in the glove compartment which terrible hide. Why is it locked or why is it in the trunk or something horrible and the boys are like, well, we'll get it back from you. And she just melts it. I was like what that is. Not the chuckwei. So I looked up the equalizer online and it says this is the only this is the only thing that could kill God. So now it's gone and this is its created a balanced Quantum link. So somehow Sam is in Chuck's head, which is what we've known all along. There's a part of them since they both have this hole in their shoulder from the shot towards Chuck so they both been kind of connected which is why Sam is having these Visions which he's realizing. She disappears The Boys Are Back In The Bunker they've left notice to Cass still no answer from him and Dean is once again frustrated because God Is Back They're left on this hamster wheel of dealing with him and Lilith is back and Samus. Why doesn't God just Chuck just kill us. Why not? He wants to torture. He wants to torture them. He wants to just put them through this back and forth which could technically go on for forever forever. They're his favorite TV show. Obviously, that's why I didn't want to write a new one. And this is when we get our moment y'all say I'm tells Dina's dreams and then he's getting visions and that he's killing him or they're killing each other and this is the weird thing that this is how they're connected. So this is this whole that's how he's having the Visions. He's seeing Chuck's truth. So I feel like they're going to use this to their benefit. Yes, because Chuck doesn't know what's happening. He doesn't know they're having the connection. He does. It's like it's like how Sam was saying at first. He thought they were just nightmares. Then he realized they were not nightmares that instead. He's seeing all the different Alternatives stories that Chuck is writing and did you notice how Dean is no longer calling him God. He's calling him Chuck Chuck now no more God and did Chuck mention the other day lassies last episode that he can't see Sam and Dean anymore. Did he say that you guys in the chat? Let me know if he said that. I think he said that so he can't see them but they can see him. So God is coming for them. How do they fight God and there we are and that's the end of the episode. It was quite an emotional roller coaster so many different parallels between the two brothers between them and the first season's being alone and having to be relying on each other. I was wondering if Castro is going to pop up and he did not but it was a good episode. I mean Richard always brings his bass because he does know the show and he also knows the fandom. He knows what we need to see what we want to see and the final season marking. What did you think of the episode as a whole? No, you died. What did you think it really really was great. I think I mentioned off the top. I don't know if we were online yet that when you're in these things you never know really how they're going to turn out and even though I'm not like a hardcore fan of the show. I really really enjoyed it and not just because I was in it. I think I think I knew the gravity of what kind of Lilith and what the dreams were going to mean to the storyline of Natural so I think I knew prior to the episode that the Phantom was really really going to enjoy this one as did I watching it tonight. So yeah, really really pleased and I hope at it seem like I don't know Twitter went nuts. When Lilith came back back when Tyner season. Well, I see Peter D Supernatural Whovian in the chat saying that I think the empty is tired of Chuck Shenanigans and death also. Yes, we're all tired of Chucks genetic. I think everyone is we're all sick of his Asian and this is just writing this ending. I think that really upset everyone last week. And now we've got Lilith setting everyone this week so our back and I cannot wait for tomorrow to kick some Chuck Boutique. Yes. So you guys that was the episode let's get into our special segment, which is your favorite kill of the episode. Carrie. Do you want to start? I'm going to have to go with the girls. Like I said my Twitter does it sound like she's okay when she went out of the tent. Did it sound when you heard I did that sound like she was okay. No, no, okay your favorite kill. That was my favorite kill. Okay. My favorite kill was actually you mark Ian because I love the selflessness of it all last week. We had the vampire sacrifice himself to the boys. - and that always just like pull that my little heart strings over here. So you were my favorite kill but for the best for the best reason, did you have a favorite kill of the episode you can say yourself? It's okay. I'm biased on that one. I think it's like I don't know when I'm like shooting my brother. That was pretty good. Yes, you get to shoot someone. Okay, like it love it and cherries always. Got our news and gossip for us today. What news you got for me this week we have Some exciting news. It's the battle of the SPN bands. Okay. It's not the battle instead dick jr. And the volunteers our own Richard speight has a band and he has a debut release party with the station Bricks. Now, you might say the station breaks. What is that? Well, the station breaks consists of Rob Benedict Chuck Jason Mann has Bill Moran and Rob Humphries and Cooper Apple. But it's going to be after Thanksgiving November 26th at the Roxy tickets are still available unless you're in La if you're here. Yeah, so I might be spending my Thanksgiving day after with some of my Supernatural boys. Love it. Thank you for that News Miss Cherry. All right Marquis and let's uh, let's take some time to chat with you about upcoming projects. You've got going on. So I always do a little research one. We have a guest. So I want to know why this all started with a porcupine. Oh, nice. Nice nice and that you receive your dad wanted you to be a soccer player. That is that you chose acting so my bio, that's great. I do the research y'all. Yeah, that's okay. So what happened when I was it was the start. This is how it all happened. I've actually never really told the story to publicly. I think I think it Just like my family knows it. You're sharing it with us. Breaking news guy spoiler alert. Here we go. So when I was I think about 12 years old, I as a kid, I think and I think why most actors become actors without ever saying it is because they just love attention and as a kid as a kid that like I loved attention so much and and it's my downfall but When I was in theater school, it's like a kid's theater program at em typ. I'm from Winnipeg initially. So this is Manitoba Theatre for Young People. I was in this theater group and we were getting cast to do a play that year and of course wanting all the attention. I wanted to be the lead in this in the show and it was a bunch of animals or something and I got stuck with once the casting got posted. Got stuck with the porcupine which was like, you know on on on the film on the film role will be like number, you know, 20 on the call sheet. So I was so disappointed at that like to the point where like I cried to my mom. I was so mad. Oh, yeah because I was devastated like it was such a small part and and and then I was like, all right, I as my 12 year old self talk to myself as I am marking. You got to get you. Bootstraps up here pal you gotta you gotta you gotta make do with what you got and I went up there and I rocked it Rock the porcupine. I rocked being a porcupine. I was like the most realistic committed porcupine you've ever seen in your life that you human is done and it got the attention of my porcupine will got the attention of the artistic director of the theater at that time. They were looking for kids for this other professional production in the city for this huge lead part and Manitoba theater center and because of that porcupine, I got considered for this lead part at a larger theater and got that part of entually and there is that. Oh, yeah, it was because of this role that I did in a play called Over The Tavern and Manitoba theater center in 2007. That was when I decided I wanted to be an actor because I did that. Part and I was like, wow, this is a part from the attention stuff. I love doing this so much. And so that's that was the domino effect of how I got to where I am today. And why do acting was because of this porcupine that led me to all these different opportunities. So yeah, really, I would that's the that's the porcupines. That's the porcupines. Are you guys? You heard it here first it AfterBuzz TV. Okay. So what projects we we saw that you Homecoming for the holidays there's something inside your house and 50 states of fright. All that is coming up. Where are we going to be able to see those? Yeah. Yeah homecoming for the holidays is Hallmark. So I'm into Christmas movies this holiday season. Yeah. So the there's one that just came out called Christmas jars based on the New York Times bestseller by Jason, right? So that one just came out. It was in theaters for one night only in the Estates at about 850 theaters across the state so it's it was yeah. I was I actually drove down to Bellingham to see it from Vancouver and went to the yeah, it's like a sold-out theater and I was really really taken aback by how many people were there and then really really like this movie. So anyway, it's a really really both of the movies that I Mentor super super heartfelt family-oriented Christmas kind of Classics, so Christmas jars has been out you can then stream it starting December 1st on the BYU TV streaming app and then there might be other avenues that I don't know of homecoming for the holidays comes out December 5th on the Hallmark Channel. So tune into that that also ye Stars Laura osnes who played the original Cinderella on Broadway. Wow. Yeah, so she sings in this she has the voice of an Angel so I think that one's going to be really really great for for Hallmark and all that. We feel like those kinds of Christmas movies. That one's going to be right up your alley and then next year. I'm into horror. There's someone yeah, I've considered both of them Horror in the genre. So there's someone inside your house the rumor is it's going to be on Netflix next September and yeah Cohen, Hiding they were talking be just because the it franchise and the horror franchises really like you September releases now sure so before Halloween and that one is really really exciting I think is going to be enjoyed by a lot of people. It's the team behind stranger things who this was the first project out of stranger things. Hi, so they Dan Cohen was the producer one of them that I was in direct he was on set with us during the filming of that but it's a horror feature directed by Patrick Bryce who if you're a fan of the creep movies. He's the guy that directed Creep so really really Top Notch horror director. So again to talking about in good hands we were in good hands with him. And that one is kind of what I would like to describe is a woke horror movie. It's it's a bunch of high. Kids there in that. There's a murderer that goes around the high school and kind of starts picking off people for different reasons. So like The Faculty did you ever see that movie Roxy was good the faculty. What's her name Fatima? She was the chicken. It was like came out in 2000 or something. Yeah a long time ago, but sounds sounds similar to it. So yeah, but I'm just going to say there were 3D printed faces made for this movie. Oh, that sounds cool. I did you film all this in Vancouver or Canada? Yeah. Yeah, that one was filmed here in Vancouver as well. So that one's going to be coming out. So keep a lookout for that. It's going to be really really great movie and there's some gruesome stuff going to go down in that one. And then then then you also mentioned 50 states of fright, which is have you guys heard about Kobe down in the states yet. I don't think so. No, so Quimby is kind of part of the now that's race for the streaming service market and what quippy is going to be they're going to release it because it hasn't been created yet, but they're starting to just build up all their content right now to be released. What could be is going to be doing is a streaming service that provides short form content. So what they do is they release all 22 minute episodes in seven. And each so yeah, so it's going to be a lot of stuff coming out and I think it's going to make a big splash down in the states while across North America next year. And so it's these shorts and they're trying to really be a curated YouTube. I would describe it as so YouTube style content, but not everybody can upload just going to be Quimby's content or and there's a couple people in the chat asking if If you're going to be joining the supernatural cons, I don't not that I've heard no, but you've heard but maybe if there's enough fan interest. Hey, you never know. So tweet it tweeted tweeted the supernatural Rita. And what was your favorite thing about working on Supernatural? My favorite thing was probably the I think just working with Jared and Jensen. I think that was just because the show has been around for so long. They're in such a Groove and I think that everybody in that crew is in such a Groove that when I spoke earlier of like how easy it was with Richard. That's kind of like how everybody made it feel from from the hair and makeup people to the FX to Jared and Jensen and they're kind of like they are rock stars. So being able to hang out with them for for those days that I was not sad and kind of hear all their stories take a look at their incredible watch collection and watch collection. We didn't know that fabulous. So you're something else. Did you learn anything from the boys as a young actor? Because I've been around working steadily for like God like 20 plus years. I don't I pick up things from everybody that I work with and I think it was kind of almost off-putting to to have these guys are gonna nail it with into takes of every scene. Yeah, you know, you're kind of watching this you're like that's really good and they just did it like this. They've been doing it for 40 years, so their home and into their characters for 15 years I could understand how you as an actor me as an actress that's intimidating to see somebody just get it right away. I remember the first movie. I did y'all can find out what first movie I did and you can look it up on my IMDb. I'm not gonna tell you who said this to me, but I just seen with her and she looks at me and she goes I'm a one-take Wonder. So just so you know and I was like, oh, okay as if I'm already terrified. This is my first move. See I'm shooting. This is scary. It took her 15 times to get the scene, right? Oh, and I had my stuff nailed every time so I was like just gonna not ever do that to another actor when I'm working because that was just like yes, so sorry continues. Oh, no, that's but that's that's a thing as these guys are kind of actual one take wonders. So I think if if I learned something it's kind of Watching how they got dialed in that quickly and and how they did that and the way they just kind of prepped and got right into it and you know that of course comes with experience. But but as the young after kind of seeing that you can get into that place and into that Groove is a good thing to know super awesome you guys we are going to skip our predictions because we've we've chatted markings are off and it's although he's in Vancouver and it's only 11 17. It's late night for all of us. Help Marquis and where can everyone find you your Instagram Twitter? All that social media handle Steph. All my handles are at Mark to Ross. Mark2 T-ara s so give me a follow. Yeah, you guys thank you so much for joining us Cherry working. Everyone find you Jerry underscore la love you everybody and this is Lindsay here you guys to find me on all things social media at Lindsay Wagner. That's El y + DS e YW. EEG any are Marquis and we want to thank you so much for Skyping in with us. We appreciate it. Thank you for having me. Thank you guys. Tweet us. Let us know your predictions for next week, and we'll see you then. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you're great. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz see you later music, press herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners of principle.
Hosts Cherry Davis and Lyndsey Wegner discuss season 15 episode 5 of Supernatural "Proverbs 17:3" ABOUT SUPERNATURAL: Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki star as Dean and Sam Winchester, two brothers searching for the meaning behind their mother's death at the hand of a demon, and their father's mysterious disappearance. Two brothers follow their father's footsteps as "hunters" fighting evil supernatural beings of many kinds including monsters, demons, and gods that roam the earth. This haunting series follows the thrilling yet terrifying journeys of Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers who face an increasingly sinister landscape as they hunt monsters. After losing their mother to a supernatural force, the brothers were raised by their father as soldiers who track mysterious and demonic creatures. Violent memories and relationship-threatening secrets add additional burdens on Sam and Dean as they investigate all things that go bump in the night. As old tricks and tools are rendered useless and friends betray them, the brothers must rely on each other as they encounter new enemies.
Hello and welcome. Thanks for listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for Scorpio season in 2019. My name is Renee. I'm a Consulting astrologer and somatic intuitive. These horoscopes are meant to Aid you in your healing and help connect you with your highest self as you listen, please listen with an open mind and appreciate the symbols and suggestions take what works for you. Leave the rest remember that these? Horoscopes are describing General energy for each sign and it's up to you to get specific. Feel free to associate what I say to what is relevant for you at their best horoscopes work as pieces of mystical advice and sacred symbolism. Let them spark your imagination and stimulate your intuition. I suggest that you listen to the horoscopes for your son and your rising signs. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask you what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born your rising sign has to do with the time of day. You were born in the place. You were born. If you know your birth information, you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website embodied and the horoscope section along with your horoscope. Please make sure to take a listen to depth perception the embodied astrology episode for Scorpio season where you can learn much more about Scorpio as an energy in your chart and how to understand and work with it. You can find this episode Linked In the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your Glistening platforms all of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for free. If this work benefits you in your life. Please consider making a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going. Please share it with your family and friends and leave five star reviews on iTunes, SoundCloud and Spotify finally. If you're in the Minneapolis area, please join me on November 11th for a very special event at the future. Well be hosting an astrology dinner party to celebrate the Taurus full moon and explore some of the deeper themes. Of Mercury's retrograde. This is a super fun and creative way to learn more about astrology and I'd love to meet you there. There's limited attendance. So if you're interested, please make sure to register soon because spaces will fill up you can find more information on my website embodied in the Play and Learn section under Live Events or from the link in my Instagram bio at embodied astrology. Thanks so much for tuning in everyone. Please wait for a brief sponsorship message and I'll be right back with you with your horse. scope Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. 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You can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends on social media if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app. For embodied astrology save it and browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me on social media on Instagram at embodied astrology. So you'll never miss an episode because you want to catch them all don't you? Hello cancer sun and cancer Rising this horoscope is for you. This is your month ahead audio horoscope for Scorpio season, which is the span of time between October 23rd and November 22nd and 2019. As I mentioned in the introduction. Please do listen to the extended episode for Scorpio from embodied astrology in that episode. I go in-depth into the depth of Scorpio in the body. Our physiology in our mind body connections and our relationships and I offer a lot of suggestions for accessing this energy and for working with it throughout the month and in general. So please do listen to that Scorpio is an important sign for you. It is another water sign and therefore it's a sign that tells you something about yourself and for you as a cancer Ian Scorpio rules What's called the solar V? House and this is a place that has to do with your self-expression your most authentic self in how you might feel or know or express yourself from your pure Essence. If you want to think of of kind of your your most undiluted unpolluted innocent glorious self. This is the part of the chart that really speaks. About your heart about your enthusiasm about your joy your passion your creativity. There's a lot of information as part of the chart about erotic energy. Scorpio is a sign that is very much Associated to eroticism particularly passionate or sexual eroticism. The fifth house has more to do with a kind of creative erotic energy. That isn't necessarily lie about sexuality but isn't also not about sexuality. This is kind of a creative erotic energy that exists in life exists within this Earthly sphere and this manifest reality. We're pretty much everything on Earth is you know, everything that's natural is the result of sex in one form or another and so in this part of the chart we have information about the ways that you Combine and metabolize energy and how what you take in gets kind of absorbed in your being and then comes out as a unique expression. So in the fifth house, there's information about your Joys and your Joy's can include anything that really brings you into a state of expansiveness into a state of play when never you kind of lose track of psychological time or it feels like you get absorbed in some kind of delight. Hopefully this part of the chart has a lot to do with the childlike Essence and your inner child as well as your children. If you have children in this part of the chart, we also find information about your romances and the experiences that you have in playfulness with other people. And then finally this is Very important part of the chart for those of you who are creatives. If you're an artist dancer performer, or you know, scientist or mathematician or anybody who's doing something that is inherently creative, which is really a state of play. It's a state of curiosity and awe and delight and a kind of Adventure or exploring kind of quality so over the course of the next 30 days. The sun is bringing its emphasis into this part of your chart asking you to kind of enliven this part of your being but there's a lot that's going on over the course of Scorpio season that is bringing additional emphasis here and I'm going to go through some of these events now. So the first thing that's coming up is on October 27th. We have a new moon in Scorpio. And as you might know the new moon is always both the ending and the beginning of a new cycle. This is the ending of a I call that began 12 months ago at last year's new moon in Scorpio and the beginning of a cycle that will end at 12 months from now at next year's new moon and psyche in Scorpio. So consider your development right now and consider where you are in the trajectory of your experiences, especially as they have to do with your erotic playful creative childlike energy and what you know about this part of your being what you're exploring about. This part of your being and what your intentions are for the next 12 months this particular new moon is bringing a lot of change energy with it. And for you these changes specifically have to do with how you might understand your unique qualities and their value within a group or within a kind of larger social experience as well as how you might understand how your social experiences or your Uses within groups can influence or bring out your unique qualities and what that Dynamic is between you as an independent creative expressive being and those around you who are receiving your expressions or who are somehow impacted or influenced by them and or co-creating them with you make sure to check back in with me. Of course on the new moon. I always offer some way to honor the lunar cycles on October 31st, Mercury will turn retrograde pretty much at the end of Scorpio and over the next couple of weeks. It will retrograde back to pretty much the middle of the sign. So we have Mercury retrograde about three times a year and anytime that mercury is retrograde. This is a period of time that is best used for reflection. In fact, all of the re prefix words are good things to practice during a Mercury To a grade cycle. We want to remain with issues for a while. We might need to research them. We might need to reconsider or renegotiate the terms of something. There is a kind of quality of as I said a reflective quality during this period of time where the mind or the cognitive processes which Mercury is a planetary symbol of are not moving in a forward direction. We have more of an inward. I'd looking kind of energy or reflective energy. So when Mercury is retrograde in the sign of Scorpio and Scorpio is a quality that has a lot to do with our deep feelings are emotional attachments and kind of intensity and then for you and this part of your chart that has so much to do with your authentic expression. This would be a really good time for you to think about the ways that you might Feel kind of constrained or have a box to yourself in when it comes to your authentic expression when it comes to belief in your creative abilities when it comes to your romantic or erotic nature and how you want to be expressing yourself in more authentic ways in the future you're renegotiating something right now and you are kind of needing to turn your gaze. As in word to reflect on this part of your life and what it is that you want to be creating. And again how your Creations are moving out into the world. Now if you have doubts and securities kind of deep attachments to what the outcomes of your expressions are going to be then these are our issues that you're going to want to be taking a look at as well as just the nature of your own desire. So Mercury will be retrograde through November 20th. And of course, you've probably heard all the things about Mercury retrograde like communication breakdowns technology failures Etc. And yes those things happen and they are particularly acute or tend to be most acute on the days of and around Mercury station retrograde or direct. So Mercury stations retrograde on the 31st, as I said, so from the 28th until November second or so try and just build into your expectations. So that those days are going to be kind of weird give room for yourself and others to be late and if things go wonky or Haywire try not to get too fussed about it and just let yourself go with the flow on November 1st. The planet Venus will move into the sign Sagittarius Sagittarius for you rules here solar sixth house. This is the place in the chart that has to do with your day-to-day schedule. Your responsibility is your chores your jobs and so this Not quite the same as your career, but literally, it's your labor what it is that you are showing up to do the tasks that you are responsible for and this part of the chart also has a lot to do with your health and your general well-being now Venus is a benefic and generous influence when it moves into a sign it brings kind of expansive lovely quality to that sign over the course of the next month or so Venus will be in Sagittarius until November. 86 this is a wonderful time to enjoy taking care of your body to being in your body to getting to move around taking care of again of your general well-being and that includes your psychological spiritual mental and emotional health as well as your physical health. This is a great time to bring enthusiasm and Beauty into your jobs and into your labor and might be a time when you're connecting well with coworkers or with people who your kind. Sharing habitat with or caring for an environment together on November 11th the Sun and Mercury come together for what's called their inferior conjunction and this is an important moment in the Mercury retrograde cycle that implies a time. When we remember something or have a particular kind of awareness around qualities or messages that are important in the Mercury retrograde cycle. So keep a notebook around. And just take note of what's arising for you around the 11th. These might be important ideas that you want to come back to later. Now the next day on November 12, we have a full moon in the sign Taurus Taurus is Scorpios opposite sign and a full moon is always Illuminating the polarity between two signs. So for this full moon the polarity or the axis between your creative expression your erotic energy your playfulness Your vitality. exemplified by the fifth house and the place where the sun is right now is getting illuminated by the 11th house and the 11th houses where we find information about your social groups about the kind of Greater social experience that you're a part of where you project judgment on to yourself when we're thinking about your authentic expression and how you're worried or hopeful that other people will perceive Receive and receive what you're offering. This is also a place where we find information about your hopes and worries for the future in general. So this full moon might illuminate some kinds of projects for you. Some long-term ideas that you've been working on the aspects surrounding this full moon are generally helpful. There is a lot of buoyant energy with this full moon that could bring about jumps in or big leaps in your awareness of again how you're using your energy how it's And received by others how you want to think about your process or your priorities again in more of a long-term way. This is a good full moon for understanding your Dynamics with other people and that could include Partners collaborators friends and how those Dynamics are playing into your understanding of what it is that you have to offer and again into your projections of how these offerings are being received in the larger sense on November 11th. With Excuse me, November 18th Mars will move into Scorpio and Mars will Transit Scorpio until January 3rd. Wherever Mars is it's bringing increased energy and heat Mars has influence can give us more willpower more desire to assert ourselves in these particular areas of life. There can also be an inflammatory or aggressive kind of effect of this planetary Transit as well. So Mars is joining the sun in the And Scorpio and your solar 5th house is bringing a lot of energy for your authentic creatives unique Expressions as well as to your erotic energy. This is a really fun time to be engaging romantically engaging creatively or radically whether or not that's romantic or sexual with friends and partners. It's a wonderful time to be engaging with yourself and with your own vital creative force and channeling it into the world. Hold on November 20th Mercury will station direct. So just another reminder that the days of and around the station tend to be the wonky Ascend the weirdest of the retrograde cycle. So from November 18th till the 22nd or so just plan it in your calendar that things just might get a little off track Mercury will now pick up speed and recover terrain that it had returned to in its retrograde and Means that this is the third time that mercury is passing through the same place in the sky from our point of view here on Earth and this period of time is called the shadow period this is a really good time to reflect back on any new ideas that you had during Mercury retrograde cycle. And this would be a great time to start to implement some of those ideas. Now, if you have important decisions to make that have long-term consequences contracts to sign etcetera. It's typically advise to not Make those decisions during Mercury's retrograde definitely not on the days of its station Rich retrograde or direct but then as the shadow completes the closer you get to the end of The Shadow the more supported you are to start to formalize and put into action your plans. And so the shadow ends on December 7th, and if you have any really important decisions to make and if you have the luxury to wait until that second week of December, I would advise it just to make sure that you're working with Mercury on Your side and then on November 22nd, the sun will move into Sagittarius and Sagittarius season will begin. I'll be back with you then with your Sagittarius month ahead. If you'd like more information on this month's astrology, please become a subscriber you can subscribe by donation at any amount per month and in exchange for your subscription you get an extended monthly forecast and that includes an audio recording and downloadable PDF calendar so that you can work more in tune. With astrology as it happens in those offerings you get breakdowns of all of the planetary transits and lunar cycles much more than I mentioned just here. All right. Well, I hope that this horoscopes serves you well and wishing you all the best in Scorpio season and Beyond. Thank you so much for listening and bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Scorpio Season in 2019. Scorpio Season extends between October 23 and November 22. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to “Depth Perception - Embodied Astrology for Scorpio Season.” In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of Scorpio’s zodiacal energy and explore how it manifests in the world and in each of us. Everyone has every sign in their chart, and Scorpio represents amazing and important energy for each of us. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Scorpio season and is also a very healing and powerful energy to check in with at any point. Listen here. Get the Scorpio Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Find information and register for the ASTROLOGY DINNER PARTY here Follow Embodied Astrology:    Instagram - @embodiedastrology    Facebook - Embodied Astrology (@embodiedastrology) Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
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I'm Maria Menounos and you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESP out of TV talk now I do I do. Your times. Yes, welcome in challenge fans. Thank you so much. We got an excellent episode for you guys tonight All is fair in Love and War is the episodes name. My name is Daniel anger and AKA Disney Dan and I'm happy to be joined by three amazing hosts to my left. We've got a man who believes in true love. His name is Betty. What up? Any? Yes, how did you know I believed in true love I was going to say it for all you guys. That was my joke, but you just call that it's okay. Yes. What's up guys? I'm Benny Adam. I'm too excited to talk about this episode. This was a juicy one. So I can't wait to dive into it. And next up all laid up leaves a true about Pam's here. Yes, very excited to be here. That was very moving. Yes team Jory tour didn't yes. So romantic. Oh, yeah and last but not least a man that also believes the truth. David is here. I am here. Yes, give it up for me. What's going on guys, Dave? Yeah, this was an awesome episode. I think it's my favourite so far happy that ending was fantastic guys. We want to make sure you guys stick around got a ton of top, but obviously we're going to talk about the big marriage proposal. And also I came up with a fun game for you at home on the live feed to play plus my lovely co-host probably. Yeah, let's do it right around right where news and gossip would be fun game. So so excited get your thinking caps on how its it thinking go. It is it is challenge trivia related. I'm not good at puzzles Goin. Don't worry. I won't be possible. Let's get some overall thoughts in the episode. I think we all feel the same way that it was amazing, but we'll start with you Benny. Let's go. Yeah, like Dan said it was amazing one of the best episodes by far like this season. I've said it before the season is killing it this year and I definitely like it a little annoyed by a certain character get to that. But yeah overall And out of 10 a plus. All right, and that I'm gonna go three super Wow's which is the maximum Wow's I think and I loved Tori and Jordan all episode even before the wonderful conclusion, which we all know spoiler alert and it was really fun seeing everyone sort of reach their breaking point and yet this is season is just bringing it. The challenge was good. The challenge challenge was good The Proving Ground was good overall awesome draw. AMA filled action-filled love-filled episode. Yeah, I was you know telling Dan earlier where I watch it. I feel like this was almost legitimately like written almost like a screenplay, you know, the way everything played out was just so on point. So perfect like to I mean hands down I will say this is probably my favorite episode so far this whole season and I think the first time I would say, I would give it a 5 out of 5 Stars congrat story Jordan. That's awesome. Yeah. No, I the end the action was great. The whole everybody kind of like losing their minds that you that I was just gonna kind of freaked out, you know, just everything was great. The challenge was awesome to competitors that I respect. You know, I want to see them go head-to-head they did which was awesome. That was fun. The outcome was great. That's what I wanted. You know, Jordan. Yeah, it was great. Yeah the producers finally put together a great story did it they pick out and they got it right. I know I know and this out. I mean we all die. I feel like tonight is the biggest most obvious conspiracy that I've been that we've all I think we all discovered it tonight because you guys came to be you know, what it was then I'm like, of course. I have written down the back pages right here ready to go ahead. Yeah. I mean basically will do was get it off. The bat really quick is that you know, Jordan went to the producer said I would love to propose to Tori at some point this season and then when the producers basically found out that he's most likely going to be going into the elimination. They picked an elimination that he most likely could win which is throwing sledgehammers, which he did for his whole entire life base. Guaranteeing him that wins that he could then propose to Tori and there's a conspiracy for the night. Now, let's move on to the beginning of the episode. And this is what I've come to find out. It could have been on Team UK Tori Georgia and Jenny as the three basically very strong females. But instead they're I mean Kaylee, but whatever instead they're stuck with no, Georgia and you have Kaylee and honestly, I think Kaylee is an awful competitor and she's really showing it tonight. I just want to get your thoughts on how just interesting it could do. Georgia could still be here in theory with Tori but instead Kaylee is there and she really showed to me tonight that she has nothing to give why don't on the UK side, you know, I think we kind of cover this last last episode. I mean it's again, like I said last week this was a stupid move was really dumb and obviously now they're paying for it with Kaylee is she not even really trying I mean, which I have no respect for that and exactly imagine that team of Jenny, Georgia Tory like that would be dominant female Powerhouse. You know, I mean even Jenny and Tory still great. But yeah, they I think that was a dumb move and they lost out a great competitor. Yeah, like I said last time Kaylee didn't do it for the team. She did it for herself, but it's gonna I think it's just not going to work out for her because they're they need to win in order for her to get further into the game. Like they're gonna they're gonna realize that she's the weakest person and they're going to vote her in I think that Tori and Jordan now being on the UK team will try and convince them to actually win and work as a team and forget their alliance with the other side and that in doing so they're going to have to get rid of the weaker players which are going to do a kale. He's going in next week There's no way in hell. Jordan is gonna allow Kaylee to stay on this TV is not want to run a final with her right and and hot Here, I'm not sure he wants to run a file with CT either because he thinks he's going to slow his ass down. I bet he tried to get him out to hold on that. I just want to say that everybody is going to the whole everyone going through nothing for their team. They're not playing smart is so stupid because everybody's doing the same thing. So I'm just really sick of that. We all know that pretending then knowing now that it's been declared. It's it's almost strange that they're still pulling that like for the team thing. NG it's not for the team. Let's say this what if they really don't break these teams up and they really are going to be Brits whoever's on the bright side. And whoever's you said they actually have to be together on that on the in that final you gotta get rid of that was your Weeks Later. Yeah, because they I think they're under the assumption that they might break these things up events and that's enough but I maybe they won't but that's what I keep saying because we keep coming back to that idea of yeah there and break them up because that's what we're used to write. But exactly and that's what I'm saying as as we know right now. You have to play at your team. What if that doesn't happen? I don't think they're gonna break. They I feel like they would have broke broke the team's up by now. However the game I think they're going to do it like on the final slyke in the finals it halfway through. Hey guys. Guess what? You're all on your own and then like what the hell maybe maybe but all I'm saying right now all you know is you have to play with your team? Yeah. I like that Britt side now. Yes, I agree. I think Rogan and Joss are really good. I think what Jordan IBM team UK now, I'm going to say it. I'm sorry. Since day one, I'll tell you guys I couldn't handle the best one-liners and it wasn't just like a couple the entire night thinking like the last line of the night. He was like her current over your wedding. I said something random. It's great. It was funny when he was patronizing Kaylee or not. He's like ever But it's not taking this is no and it really was funny. But you know on the other side of that not that I agree with the other side of it, but he was bullying her up there. He was bullying her. If you're not going to try to do what your job is. Yeah, how can you not get at least made fun of for not doing your job? I can play Devil's Advocate though, and I agree with everyone don't at me I get it. She quit that you and I and I know and I'm not defending her. However, if I am trying to think of something I'm terrified of like had to you know, Climb over alligators or something and there was no way there at that point. They had two minutes and something left. There was no way she was going to get a very thick stings and win it for the team. So her night doing it TR why they're completely dry. It was a super lame lame bad. I'm not I think it was I got you I got but I think there was some logic to it, which was just like there's no point. Is there a million dollars on the other side those alligators? Right over there. I bet you I bet you run over those alligators if there's a million dollars - that's my point. Probably right and we think by not thinking of it in her turn again to the most obvious thing here is your on the challenge which we know is notorious for water and crazy physical challenges. What the hell are you thinking? Well, that's the best part. She's like, I'm not good with water like you're not even in the water. You're bubbly water. What are you good with also to play remember when she was dunked and doing Math in a final last season or two seasons ago, but she did. Well that right. Yeah. I heard him saying where I don't want to sleep on Kaylee just yet because she did surprise me every time but she hadn't Haley. I mean she had camp but if you've got you're only as strong as your weakest link, whatever on this if I can hop ahead to news and gossip because it's really all about Kaylee. Okay, let's do it. Well, we're on Kaylee because it's so last week - Isn't gossip, but for any of you all who listen to The Challenge Mania podcast Kaylee was on it was great and she did spill a lot of Tears shed a lot of light based on last week her and Georgia had a big blowout the night before that wasn't shown. Okay, they didn't show that also with the turbo because we were speculating. He was allowed to come back and said no I will like will come like I can't release this range. I must be must die, you know, I wasn't kicked off for the season kicked off so much as As are you going to be happy that how could they not ask him to leave if he literally said I'm going to go back and culture that are ahead by you know and set this aside. He was like I can't you know, I can't also apparently K. I'm just doing it real fast because there's a lot spilled. She said CT looked the thus far like he was riding the fence but he's always sort of been like Kim and Cara team Boston like that's been going on also the last thing she said, I'm saying oh Polly and car with the Georgia thing. She said Cara didn't even have any idea that they were going to do that. She wasn't involved in it. It's sort of came from CT and her in cam kind of escalated it the night before I guess Georgia was just drama drama drama and CT was saying she's good, but she's high drama if she's a lot of drama. It might be best to get her before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and It's in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify as a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram. You haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us you never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV so CT is being the sneaky Mastermind a little bit. Yeah, that's why I can't I can't fault the yeah, they're not giving them the air time for it. I did hear him in the very beginning when Theo was pissed off and Jenny was pissed off and Theo is saying, you know, there's no reason to put you in and CT did at this point say for the first time we're not asking you to trust us. We're just asking you to win like he used the we in terms of him. Well hasn't been Rogue. He had to pick a side eventually and he just went with the number size. So you really Didn't even he just kind of like I'm gonna scoot over here. Now today only feeling Jenny what the hell am I thinking and the other is that even within your alliance? It only gets you so far numbers like eventually even alliances. You can't be a 10. It's like the stupid lavender. Ladies Alliance. It's like you're not going to have all y'all at the at the end. So at some point alliances have to turn on each other. It's just going to happen. Yeah, especially now that Theo is gone in theory, but I guess they could try to throw Jordan in but that's what else I mean jumping ahead a little bit but Is also a bummer for UK because if they could have kept the around and got Georgia Theo and right. I mean, what about Angela? Yeah exactly. How would they how would they have to put in? They would have had to throw in someone else of Corti? They get they got it. They could see NCT losses to Jordan Jordans up there with Theo now and Johnson, which is a very important fact, which is better than C having CT them or they could have just threw in Josh. Yeah. When Josh tonight, it was really dumb not to there you go and they keep Theo to wow. Yeah. There's a lot there. Hmm. Oh, no, I think Joshua taken Jordan nice. Okay, dude, I'm the biggest. I think Theo would have won I think Theo still alive. Yeah, I mean, I don't know. I don't know I gotta stick up for Josh. I think you could have been closer Bastille literally said I'm missing 50% of the ship time. I've every time he probably would have been a better man. He's doing the devil's work just get disqualified acute on his first thing audition because he had no stamina like doing that. Banging for a really long time requires a lot of stamina. Which what do you think? I'm dirty and when Josh was first on and he became partners with Amanda was by like default because someone else because he was he had to run up and down the mountain and he couldn't solve the puzzle but then someone else went home and he got to come back. Yeah. He doesn't have a lot of stamina that sort of repetitive action for a long time. We can say that about a bunch of people don't think the first CT down there and he has a lot of muscles, but how long's he been able to do that before he gets tired out CT what a gas? Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like he's got the overall at first. He would be crushing each thing by Straight hits but what does that the gaseous Gasser when the gas when exact even tonight? We got his little girl scream Falling Down The Knowing down the rock wall. Yeah. Well, we also have exact also admits like Jordans gonna destroy this that's right. Just try to meet ya two seasons ago. Let's get to it's a guy's elimination day. We got Temple wall Traverse. It's the challenge of the the night. Ninja excited for climbing Kaylee not so much. That's the first line. You see though the words the vocal words. You see from them. I don't know if you guys like this challenge, but I thought it was just kind of blah and I was kind of hoping that the attorney things they did would do. I know they think something I know they did swing eventually but like how long do they have to do this to one of them? Finally swung? Yeah, like they do this for like five minutes and finally they showed on the camera. Oh it moved. So what was happening the whole the time II don't get how they work as Farmers attention line was it? They're trying to tighten it up or I didn't get it either. That's how I got connected. It was just a myth and the wind blew those things are they are they just move them and they wanted to make it more interesting. I don't know. Maybe I miss you think the producers just had full control. I don't know. I don't know and these things didn't do anything. It just is not hard. Yeah, that's I just I wasn't really into the challenge but CT seemed to know what he was doing. This is what you'll feel good idea and they show what I liked. Was that from CT or another shot? I don't know. I don't know. One tweeted and it was really funny is does anybody else just like tune out when thin doing TJ explains the directions? Yeah. That's why I was like, yes. Absolutely. I'm like, okay, there's something I don't know if this is true, but two competitors are allowed on the wall to go on there. I don't know if I was just not Guitar was maybe I'll bring something down. I didn't see a couple of the u.s. People go either ham naughty camp and Leroy, I think just because there's more no Leroy did it? No, I think he said oh hell no. Yeah. This is doing it Benny without all those people it was a timed thing so I know but like I'm pretty sure that they were just like chilling that they get really didn't really want to go either. I want to say I feel like again I like Like nany as a person this isn't but I think that she's a she was like I'm not it was going to be awful. Glad I don't want to go as Kaylee. Yes. It just came down. We're all going to get Cara and hard time because she fell off right away. But at least she tried to all right, right Killa Cam did a killer job staying on the sidelines and I can see hands go up there. But I think a lot of them did if they didn't do it. I think they saw that they were in the lead and maybe that's why not say when I first met my first strategy then why first let's put our strongest. There's no understand. They timed ownership get to go. I think if yeah cam had the opportunity she would have gone but it was I think 10 minutes to get as much done as head. I already mentioned it was 15. Sorry so many numbers and what there's something but six, I think there were six walls. I have no idea and then of course ninja did awesome on this. In fact, I would have talked crap, but she didn't do good. All right, of course, it was a challenge and she was even talking crap before sure. This is me. All right. I just want to like be quiet about it because I show them good I'm like, oh, yeah, I did. All right. Yeah without you I was going to be good. All right lot of tumble like friggin feel tonight. So I'm going to go from being a king to a God. I'm like, dude. Oh, no, I think Theo was trying to pump himself up. I don't think he was actually like the best and you have that's his catchphrase. I'm the best. He was also like really fired up in pissed off to yeah, but I just want to shout out to the live chat because it's popping off. See you we see you in there. Yeah, I'll take a little bit of charge me to do both here. All right. So what do you got to say? You guys know any other thoughts on the challenging didn't quite understand it. It's using the first up. The Roman numerals was literally just like sticker matching. It wasn't even any puzzle. It was like put know it was a Roman numeral honor Roman numeral and gums. If I didn't really get where they were all placed. I saw CT loading like five in his thing like you fall CT do they have extras up here. He was shoved him. In his chest and I like if he falls which he did there must be extras up there. Yeah, it does this game mean no sense to me if I could be honest. I was literally no joke in my head thinking like Okay, can this just be over so I can go to like the rest are so yeah and they won ten to four right us team. It wasn't even close which is crazy because they do have some good competitors. It's like what is going on? I would have loved to seen it if Rogan didn't pull down Tori. That would've been real nice, right? He liked to hurt a lot more right? He's more interesting right? You could have done a lot. It's like So them got screwed by that. Yeah. Oh and so then I actually did like a talking head moment like whatever and she was talking so much crap. I think she felt within two seconds to do you think upon a ceilidh a lot and I'm like, it's Ashley you're awful. I got like is good at like the actual challenge the and that but the like the elimination rounds, but I think I don't know not that great during like challenge into that should integrate tonight Zach, even the exact kind of fell early. He didn't really do that. We know to be honest TJ was right teacher Hey, man, y'all suck tonight. Yeah, no one really did well on I guess ninja you could say. Yeah, they're wild and Polly Jordan stayed for a while. Then he did fall. I don't think I was the last Pauline. Yeah. I mean, I know I'm not the biggest fan, but I really do think him and Jordan are just really your competitors and I really think Paulie wants to be best friends with Dave today teamed up. I would go I put all my money on Jordan and Polly to win the whole game. I do too. We're a team. Season. Oh my God, I'd love Jordan Impala it to be a team and I would I think I would start to really like Polly by association. I don't even think poverty and Jordan. All right. Yes, it's just it's because of Cara that's what that's what's so great. It's because of their girlfriends that they can even be Rivals which gets them on and it's great right now. Love it. If anything it will be turbo in Jordan. Yeah, that would be that would be unfair. They wouldn't even allow that would be on you know, it wouldn't be fair. But truly that would be like literally Dream Team. I don't think you could I mean I'd be the I think maybe feel and Polly together against them to have a shot that I don't know. Who else. Yeah. I saw TJ was sad about TJ with Savage at the end everybody out picks up fast. And then okay. So here's now they're trying to pick who's gonna be the tribunal. Okay, and Josh is Josh is trying to push for himself, which actually and I Within the whole time during it and I was just waiting till the end and sorry to cut you off but I'm gonna get a shoutout Susanna Lynn said love the t-shirt is need an yeah, give me some love Susanna. I'm not gonna like that person may have bought me this why she say that she likes she likes the shirt. All right moving on from my private Library. Yeah. Yeah, so see I'm blushing now. That's what we're saying was. Oh the tribunal cat whose poop on you. My friend took a trip to Taiwan and she brought me this shirt back now, I think well, I'm gonna take the heat off you for a second. Thank you so much. The first time I agree with you that it's stupid that it's I usually like seeing them duke it out but it's a stupid. There's no stupid that they have no process for picking the speaker. It's just whoever says it first Whoever has the numbers or whatever the Goes for I did actually kind of like Jordans idea. Why don't we have the top three people and that perspex point Jordan wanted it to be based on who was the best and then I then we find out who it is. It's Pauly Zack and car car fell off early exact properly and part about Polly did well, so like it made no sense that. I know I know who they want. They want it to be Zach. He said Zack Paulie and Josh and Jordan, but it was it the next time he said it it was Jordan wanding Josh and Polly. Jordan wanted it to be him and Paulie and Natasha. That's what I thought. No, I hope ninja because the engine so well, I thought so too Jordan wanted to be based on who is the best. Right? Right. So either way that's what I'm saying to you guys is even if Jordan picked those people he still only had himself yet there. He still would have got voted out with the two versus one which changes if it was Josh but my Jordan but I think it did that's why Josh wanted it so bad because he was worried about him. Jordan getting thrown in because their Alliance is their numbers are less than the others and I was thinking well Josh is making excellent move here because he doesn't want to get on it and needless to say he was completely right because he almost did get thrown in it was basically him or Jordan. Yeah. That's that's why Josh push so hard and I don't know if people are given Josh crap because I always like to give Josh crap, but he's like he's just trying to make themselves if it was anybody else. I don't think people have a problem with it. But since Josh talks everyone like can't stand we talking maybe with CT pushing for It was she's been doing all season everyone let CT know he's been sitting on the fence just like everybody else and relax like chat Kappa tirtir. Okay. Go ahead Josh. Here we go. Here we go. He said that annoyingly who cares you say in the Trap what I'm saying? Okay, if he wasn't going in before his conversation with Cara, he should have been going in after. Okay. I like what you said. He was just being honest. Thank you Benny. I have to this is going to be my I'm never I'm never sucking the but a car. I'm never doing that. Not gonna suck a butt. But listen what she said about Josh like that David we might dislike her actions later on but what she said about Josh was totally accurate when he started the conversation with I don't have anything against you. He's a walking contradiction brother went up to Josh axe DeWitt. Do you have a problem with me? She asked him that question specifically said in the game. This is my promise. You can be brought in game. He didn't even just say this personally as honest as possible. She asked him a question ma'am. Don't worry the live chat will be with you Pam. What do you think? Let us know let us know she's already so I just I do think a million percent Josh contradicted himself didn't know favors Cara and car doesn't contradict yourself or she's like talking about how everyone speak except her. And she comes out to be fake. I mean it's not but she caught yourself apples and oranges. Hold on back to the still of fruit. Josh Josh who she did it started with him saying hey, I have no problem with you not her saying do you have a problem with me and her and she said to that really? Well, who do you have a problem with them? Because you say you've got no problem with anyone like I like is it just Polly you have a problem with them and to which he said? Whoa Cara Cara oranges? You don't ask a question. You already know the answer to carlino's it Josh don't like her. So what the hell we doing here. I don't know. I like, you know, we have a lot of people supporting Josh. He's not backing down even though he knows that he's on the chopping block. He still stood up to her. Why don't cause he's like If he stood up even if he didn't stand up to her and he kissed her but he would still be here. It is your great ready answer this question. Thanks TC T stands up for himself and said the same thing Josh said you love he's not rude and obnoxious you that's the cleric and that the and then that's why it says he's saying the same lines. It's not rude. My question is Josh. Obnoxious. I have a manipulative game Pam. It's okay. You don't have to defend her. I know you want to he got out of her heart to heart with Josh without getting kiss. All right, I just want to kiss you. Banana. Banana is in cars cult. We'll get to it later. But everybody has tides and alliances and teams. I hate that it's like so don't get one. So don't get mad. Don't get mad at Josh. He was playing a very stupid. No one else would sit there and go you play said I don't care if I have to go in and well screw you too late. I know if you ask me genuine, you know your if you know, you're gonna go in because Josh thought he's really go away then why not get what you out what you want to say because you know, you're going in anyways. Yeah, why sugar cook why suck up to someone that you know, it's just not gonna suck you back that is make any sense being on a man. You got what I was going for. Okay anyway, so so the tribunal chose it again. Disney do you guys so now Theo is automatically the like, oh Theo you're going in just do you think Theo if he won and came back and went to the UK side. Do you think he would have really thrown the final are all the child answer is no right. I mean is it I know I know always be no because he would be he would definitely hold a grudge so I don't I don't know. I mean I will say I was riding with you on this episode. I was totally feeling how he was and that's why I said in the in the in the opener. Hin, awesome storyline this episode of Finding. I was like, so rooting for Theo until the eggs. I want George Wright always but I love to story line up until I found out who he was going to be competing against the elimination. I agree. I feel love. I love Theo and I felt terrible for him. Where's my Theo notes. I felt terrible for him. I did understand that at this point. It's again. There's no pretending anymore its alliances. Yeah. He don't know. He wasn't shocked. It sucked and I Liked his like I'm going to come back and get you all but I agree with Papa CT at that point you're gonna sabotage yourself from losing from winning a million dollars just to spite your team. Yeah to and this is another sort of callback is that it is interesting when these people are competing together. I find it hard as competitors for them not to try. I mean, I think they all do sort of try and work as a team and win. I don't think even during the competition's I think Everyone on Team USA is trying to win and everyone on team UK is turning out great. So far others back Turtle kind of cool to each other but it's hard to see when it turns to game and they're just dirty because the do you guys think the ocean is gone in is that all no because then I want to ask you. Oh, you do think you should go ahead II still again. I want I think food should have got a still think we're gonna rubbish. I mean it wouldn't happen. Of course. He's never gotten broken. You know what just because they had the numbers like I love Theo but they have the number so with the ocean to got it, okay. Okay, any family what right like I don't I didn't want the odigo right? I don't want him to go who deserve to go and see who's been in for a friggin. All right. Yeah, let's say Rogan or CT. Thank you. The answer David got it on the second try it see tino-rau. He has not done this season. Yeah, gouache not agree with you. I love CTI if I'm not being biased like all the people think we are in the chat outside of crap. I'm not being by CT as it has had a not a great season that's very competitively. He's made it far not competitive. This is why I vote Rogen has more dead weight than CT got CT what he lacks in, you know athleticism. He's really smart. He's a good leader, which is really helpful in these in the final. If you were gonna he's doesn't flip flop like Rogan. We're seeing already Rogen's already gonna throw Kaylee and he's already doubting himself. He can't stick with the plan he as he says, you know, he's in it for Glory. So his loyalties God knows where maybe with Joss but no one else and CT is good at puzzles. He is good at those things. He's good at and his physical size makes them valuable. And what is the biggest component of a final rodents? You bet. I mean, I like him but he what's the biggest component of a final that's not going to make it redirects. Yeah endurance and dum-dum one with you know Hunter and a she'll never do that again, whatever the thing is, it's endurance, but it's cardio. Here's the thing that we saw Reagan died of endurance. Right? We don't he says he's better now. We don't know yet. We haven't seen that so comparing the two and what we seen performance-wise in the past is really all we have have to ride with the younger player. I have to in this case. He's 10 years younger and I I know that there's a million components to a final but the overall one is if you're going to work as a team, everyone's got to get to that puzzle start it usually so you need to all be together. And if CTS eight miles back we can stare at that puzzle and solve it as much as we want. We gotta wait for CT. That's a good point. But that's also giving credit that Rogan can hang we don't I don't know. Yeah, I don't know if he does this except for this challenge. He hasn't been doing that bad, but he hasn't been he's let me see. He will curse you always say that bearest on National Television last time he does not want that to happen again. I guarantee you when he found out he was gonna be on this season. I mean, he was already training probably he hyper gear. All right, I'm saying she's saying like no. Oh, yeah. I mean maybe yeah, but again that can also hinder you because that requires more oxygen is you see big guys. That's actually I luckily YT Jordan does right Eileen. I looking for bigger guys because I know I'll eventually be them. You just wait till the gas out because they choked up they need the oxygen. Basically. They're the When you see a bigger guy requires a lot more for your muscles, and it does like someone who's like yeah like Jordan somebody, you know, you don't measure about Jordan is right here and it exactly your heart has that friggin heart. He'll just go doesn t matter how pass out before he stops. Yeah, right. So, I mean that that that there's a factor so it again I'm not trying to take credit away from Rogan. I don't know what he has you. So that's what I'm saying is like I want to see it. Yeah any memorable moments from the bar scene that you guys like to talk about because I'm open to whatever y'all want to talk about that nonsense in the bar II thought that both teams were just sitting there talking. At each other unfortunately car called Gang reminded me of the lavender ladies who you know how much I hate. It's like we've got power in numbers. We're going to be the bullies now because there's a bunch of us and I didn't like that. I'm just sad that cam is a part of that. She's so much better than that. Like I I would have thought she would have been on the other side, but they are that is on the winning side and she wants to win so unfortunately Paul, All he's gonna need some males on his team and he doesn't. Oh, I guess he's got Johnson Rogan. He-hey. They don't. Yeah. He definitely has Johnson wrote Because he got Josh hadn't voted him Georgia because of Pauline car wanted last night sucked. Apparently, they didn't again apparently that was like not according to Kaylee. I know I'm just saying what I watched. I'm sorry. How do I how do I describe this? Oh Polly knew and they didn't tell but now we're busy but one person's opinion was on an after show. We don't know that I don't know what to believe anymore. I'm just trying Leave what somewhat what's on actually saw on the episode last right? Okay, we can either all no one's ever going to agree. That's why this show so great talk about it other random comment is Nani. I understand that it wears you down and but I was a little disappointed in hard to for being so rattled she did come around later, but I wanted to see her, you know, the true test of your medal for anyone and a lot of these challenges that we've loved forever have been picked on and picked on him. Picked on and gone and gone and gone in and they come back and they keep it's the attitude when she was naughty just having the worst week ever where they let her go and do a real world type conversation with Jenna at home. No I never did. Last season where they did that with Zach and Jenna Zach was able to call Jenna they just wanted a story line there. So I don't know I don't but that but that made more sense because they had that big fight before Jenna left at that point. I don't know what happened that season but this one it didn't seem like the storyline really do we really care? Yeah not he's upset. She's always upset when we why did we need a whole nother five-minute conversation because we're doing today is that awesome hot these episodes back down to an hour. I don't need an hour and a half you can cut out that whole conversation with nany and Jenna family. Has changed your five minutes. I think I was more intrigued about that whole Flintstones, right? I was like where we Bedrock like, what is this? It's clearly room with never are the conversations, but they wanted to air this one conversation. That's what was very bizarre. It was a never really scripted. Jenna was in full makeup. She was ready for this interview. She knew she was going to be on it wasn't a conversation where she wasn't getting his little faith. She knew his face time. Honestly. I think the producers just wanted they thought it would be cool to just have a player. That's you. Leon the challenge every season a little Cameo Courtney figured it out. What for your Vera because we love Janet. That's why stock thank you Courtney. She said the light that's why I that's my it's Courtney. I agree with you. I know Benny Benny if you coolant is pumped about Jenna being back next season 3. I can't wait. It's going to be great. All right, so the bar stuff happens and then we get into I guess the elimination part. Yeah, we've all got stuff happens. Yeah, then the fake-out where are they the Josh stuff that was so where we think it's going to be Josh and we think it's going to be Josh. I was a boy Tori and Jordan have a really cute Montage. I was sitting there I love together and I love her. She's like We're the coolest people here, which is the best when you feel that way about like you and your partner to just show them watching all the people outside. And I mean you just have these just really nice very nice relationship moments where even know this is a real relationship and for anybody to doubt their love, let's get let's HSN Bottles on my own. Just how about car? I'm talk about anybody out there. It's like yeah. No, this is real. I know I know that they like to throw reality stuff and it's fake and it's a this is a real relationship and love and stop trying to I want to believe in true love, right? And this is it. This is puce confirmation for me our goals. I mean, they are really cute. I would love to have a million while really what yeah. Do you want a tissue and of guys, I'm not I get embarrassed a little bit because I do cry I do Kyle I talked about this the other seeing Danny made fun of me about it. I cry. Oh, I teared up out there a little bit but I was able to lighting with a but I don't want stop those guys. Yeah, I've got very water and ladies and ladies he is single and he is sensitive whatever it is what it is. Let's move. Yeah, I'm ready. Yeah, so we think it's going to does that dumb thing where she says? Hello. This is Josh's she says Josh is name like, okay. So now I'm pissed because I'm excited now. I'm a who ever Voting for someone different what gets to happen. Yeah. No. No, I'm just kidding who she was kidding. I knew Hannah found that since she was kidding the tiebreaker. They would just like see TJ always says you guys have to vote again and you have to decide or well one of you gets put on one and say or one of you gets thrown in that's what I was waiting for, but we didn't get to see it because cars it wouldn't have happened dude crying sighs. Well, she doesn't like people who move I'm not fake. I just pretend to say someone's name and then don't say stuff. With name? Okay Cara. It was very lame. And I think it was lame that they voted Jordan to begin with. I think that they should have voted. Joshan. Jordan is about I mean that was the theory the u.s. I mean then they can go against car again like Carl. What are you and Polly thinking really dumb Josh is such a with your competitor than Jordan. It's a never no one would disagree with that. Right? So why are you throwing him in because thank God for you could take out. They thought if we've got a chance to take out Jordan which again I still don't even understand this. This game before it's down there. They see nails they saw two sledgehammers later in the sand your tell me Paul and Karla. Oh, yeah. Theo's gonna take him in a sledgehammer contest when they know they were on a season with him prior at least car was worried destroyed big muscular Zach in the same type of Sledgehammer challenge. It was stupid. It was it was I agree 100% It's so interesting the word bias like I owe you. So bias against Cara, but she just does so many dumb things. How is that being by this isn't just me having an opinion on Carlos. It's hard, but it's a fine line, but it's like I'm just having an opinion here. It's just really hard to like her this point. I don't really hard if the wedding thing tonight with her reaction to that didn't switch everybody over. Yeah talk about that. Should we just tackle that it was? Well, let's just say this Jordan destroyed Theo he was he was made for that and that would goes with my conspiracy from earlier with that. The producers wanted him to swing it was great. I mean, you know, it started remember theaters you more and then it wasn't, you know, I was like Who's going to win but then it became clear it was Jordan way George side of happened proposal wise if Jordan did not win. I also think it's a win-win he's still he's not even there. But if you wanted if you've if you like hey before I go babe, right? I got some yeah that kind of thing wouldn't work either way for the producers, but obviously it was a better win that he got to propose to her and enjoying her on the same team a great course. So with let's get to the serious serious stuff with car has reaction to Tori and Jordan and her fake out with Josh. Having a hard time defending her. Um, it was really I'm curious to see she she heady if she's some Capital PTT very Petty person. I mean like I was surprised I think we were all so take, you know was the most surprised Paulie just like what big what do you do you guys You know, like something is it right. He has mad respect for Jordan to and I think that he really loves their relationship as we all do we love Jordan Tory's relationship. It's so good. Yeah. It's pure it's the real deal baby. And what stores last name? It's Diva. I'm a I'm an idiot an idiot. Not to have felt that and everybody even naughty was official folks Pam things cars monster like Janiece Aqua Funk was sorry if I'm saying too much just put Pam dot dot dot I know. I know we say the same thing. Is it is it? Okay. Well, this is interesting Raven Raven wrote. She can't disconnect. I think it would prefer a reference to Cara. She can't take you know separate game first is real. I'm not trying to well, that's where I said this and then I got heat, you know, I can't I get heat for even my car love or dislike. I said this before she to me is almost like a child actor like this is so embroiled in her life and so ingrained in her but there's no separation between life and the challenge and it would be nice. I'm glad she's taking a break but it is going to be like a season without bananas should be we're she walks she flip them off at one point. That was I didn't like Carly. Hell, what are we doing? Show it a downright ugly. Lisa you see it is very angry this season like have you noticed like I don't think I've ever seen her smile at all this season like she's always frown and she jumps. She's definitely very angry. There's something else going on for sure. Yeah the way Chikara. Yeah. Well I'm here for you girl. You need like a spa day or something. Yes take her out of the helmet. You gotta just will you treat her to a spot we can get her out here. Yes, come on. She dressed like you know Halloween last year for crying out loud. She loves you girl. Yep. Love you. Yeah, it's just that was not an attractive side to see it was hard to watch and everybody you could tell that contagious. Joy that everybody felt like we all did we did good the everything aside it felt like such contagious and I didn't really love and then and I think that is like the description of the show before so I had no idea that I said you like you said Pam they take their relationship to the next level. I didn't even read that about Jordan Tori. So I had no idea this was coming. Yeah me either and it was such a great ending. I have no nothing but nothing but love for them. Congratulations you guys. Yeah. Nice. Yeah. I mean, they're wonderful and they're all so amazing. They're wonderful together. You know, Jordan does get like, you know, he yells sometimes as he made the jokes and I look where they were they talking about they say and I'm yelling some more like I really do think Jordans a good person. Yeah, I do like I like you too. Yeah. I really like Jordan. Even though I mean and and the person who hates the most in the house is Cara and Jordan, that's who I don't like so it's kind of a how do I not like I love Jordan for all these things. I mean, it's you know, it is what it is. I got nothing else besides that I mean we can play my game real quick. Let's do it. Let's do it. I'm scared. Heck. Yeah. Um, I just think this is going to be a lot of fun guys. It's a different than news and gossip. It's time for my gameplay the cue music for that and there's none. I'm just joking. Oh, there it is to use pens. Sure. You can write this stuff. Up down man. Hey, all right. Have you ever wondered how much money that these guys actually make off the challenge though? Good. I've got you know, okay. I've got the top five people that have made the most money in challenge history. So we picking the top five from like winnings or away several winnings. Oh, no, not the winds. Like I've like actually 1/2 times or Turbo one once or you know, whatever who I want to know who made the most money I get space. TC T make the most money I mean like being paid for being on the show. No, I mean in total winnings. Oh totally not like bananas his day rate because it makes right. He's never won anything. He's don't want like it wet in the Times West as one did it did his winnings add up to top forgot it. Okay. All right. I got the top five right here. Was it Sarah? Was it? Okay was it was it anyone else want to well, I think it would have to be turbo right because he would That was the biggest pot so far. Yeah. Okay. So you're putting turbo on your also. Okay turbo is one. He's in second place. He has he won the $750,000. So he's in season. You got the number number to anyone else who actually has the number one spot $1,250 because she won two chi1 invasion of the Champions and she one final Reckoning. Geez, you got three through five still to guess bananas. Is in the three spot excellent job Betty he has he has won six hundred eighty two thousand seven hundred and ninety-three dollars right behind him as somebody else Cara Cara at six hundred and two thousand two hundred fifty dollars. So she's about 80,000 shy of him. And in the fifth spot your got the guess him. He might be the hardest to get him. It's him up. I just gave that away. Oh Wes not Wes Jordan. Mike should be asking $500. You guys did great guys. Wow, I got them all except for a nice wedding. Yeah, it's for yeah, so that things like has a real career to like we had go back and watch our episode where Tori and Jordan joined us last year. Yeah on our first episode. They tears just like has a total real. He like has an acting career and makes a clothing line I want. Clothing line to definitely check it out. Yeah. Yeah Mork is that that you guys got it so quick to throw out like some like hints or something, but you guys did great you guys do we we know our challenge? Yeah, that's crazy. And that's how we end the game right there for thank you guys so much for joining us. My name is Daniel finger and you can find me an idiot box Boys on Tick-Tock. We're doing our thing over there Benny. What's up? What's up guys? I'm Vinny Adams. Thank you as always for watching us you can find. Find me on all social media at Benny Jay Adams and you can find me on Instagram and Twitter at Pamela gross Jill and follow me because I retweeted some really funny challenge things that fans and and one more time. I want to say what's up in thank you guys for the live chat for joining us. You guys are wild in there. Thank you guys again as always for staying up late with us. I know it's it's a trek. Sometimes you guys a stay up. Why don't you three four in the morning? Whatever it is, right? I love you. Find me on Instagram David underscore Christopher underscore Fishel or Twitter. I'm David see underscore something like that, aren't ya? Thank you guys so much. See you next week. Good night. See you guys later. Bye our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows. Whatever you crave. We've got it so go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz see you later. Hmm views expressed herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners of principle.
On this week's episode of The Challenge wedding bells are here and Cara has no cheer. Theo gets a storyline and then gets the hammer. And we get our second turncoat. Watch Dan, Benny, Pam, and David break all things Challenge related down! About The Challenge After Show: The Challenge, a mix between Real World and Road Rules Challenge, featuring alumni from the past shows as the contestants compete for a cash prize, is such an insane show, we HAVE to talk about it! That's why we have THE CHALLENGE AFTER SHOW! Tune in here for reviews, recaps and in-depth discussions of the latest episodes, as well as the insider scoop from cast and crew members on the show as we go crazy. It's going to get bananas because there's basically a different guest each week! About The Challenge: It's every player for himself in this edition of the long-running reality competition "The Challenge," which for the first time shuns team play and awards a final prize that could exceed $500,000 to one person. The fun begins with 28 cast members -- fan favorites from "The Challenge" joined by contestants from "Big Brother" and stars from MTV UK's "Ex on the Beach" and "Geordie Shore" -- in Spain looking to settle personal vendettas. In a new twist, players who survive grueling elimination rounds are awarded "Grenades," allowing them a chance to get even with anyone in the house with whom they may have a beef. It adds up to a competition spiced with heightened drama, doubt and deception. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
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Yeah without like, where's he going? That's what I love it. I'm going with the fish room because why is everyone hating on the fish room? Oh my God, I would totally stay in the fish room. Yes. I wouldn't we have a lot to talk about its episode 6 Real Housewives of New York City for AfterBuzz TV. I'm your host Hollywood Leanne. Hey, guys, I am your girl Chelsea suck Jones. And we're back together. Like we said and we're in the Berkshires which I wanted to clear something up. I don't think we've ever talked about this in the entire time that we've ever talked about the Berkshires. It's technically not in New York City. Yes, Connecticut. You didn't I think I've no it's Massachusetts Massachusetts It's Great Barrington, Massachusetts. That's where jaronda lives I found out because I'm going to a wedding in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, and she's like, oh, yeah, and they're into lives around the corner. I'm like wait till this is the Berkshires basically I'm yeah, you're gonna do the same thing what you did for Luann's. Yeah does I love if you don't know I'm a stalker and I stop Luann I went to her house and took photos. I'm going to do the same for deronda luck. Hopefully she's home and she bites me. And when's this wedding? It's coming up. I don't want to reveal it. I want my stalkers to start. Okay, but I just want to say I mean the fish room to render should capitalize on this and start a podcast Michelle Collins tweeted out surrender should do a podcast and call it the fish room the fish. I want to give her credit Michelle Collins. Love you. I'll see you in I'll see you soon in New York. So yeah, I mean, I understand why she loves it because it's her room. Like I I feel bad for her because everyone's like bashing it and she just was so naive to it. Like I love this room. It's an expensive room. I think it's really great. But I mean, it's it's the least desirable room and really I wouldn't want to stay in the There's a TV in there. There's a queen size bed. That's enough for me. There's a window I can crawl out of that night. It reminds me of like one of those homes that you like Grant when you go on vacation. Yeah. It's like each home has a theme like that's and and you don't want to be stuck in that thing. But like she's so cute. She loves it like she loves it. So I feel bad that everyone's like, you know bashing on her home. Well, we're going to get into that room because everyone is talking about it the entire episode, so I'm sure we're going to hear more about the fish. Shroom it's a continuation episode make sure to tune in because we have some tweets by yours truly and news by Chelsea. Yeah, so stay tuned. It's a continuation. Like I was saying Luann is acting like a baby. Ramona is in on it with Duran de she hates the fish room. She's not letting it go. I would have let her book the hotel room like girl if you're going to act like this go ahead and booked the room. I know it was Zach and I were kind of talking about last week like the runt is just doing way too much to be understood. Luann's good side just way too much and it's embarrassing. I think it was so near that said, it's just like just let me be like and it's fine. But yeah, and I mean she completely overreacted it was totally it was it was embarrassing for her like both sides was it was pretty I was embarrassed for both of them. I hate it how Luann got up and like went to the concierge to see if there was a room. I hate the way she acted on it and insert a key. It was so tacky and like I said, Like surrender thinks it's a great freaking room. So it's like she's not she's not putting you in there at some type of punishment like she thinks she's like blessing you with a nice bed to sleep in on it is fine. Yeah, honestly, if I would have known that everyone was going to act like this. Yeah, I would have and known that the girls were going to be laughing hysterically like hyenas at Miami has been out of it. Like I'm glad to take the fish room. Yeah, like I'm not going to give them the power like even Bethenny. I loved her tonight. I love about something called sleep. Wherever like these women couldn't handle one night on the street. They couldn't have one night in Great Barrington. Even on those big Lawns. He couldn't sleep outside like freaking Divas has been to jail. I think she could handle the Fisher's exact right like a couple days in the fish room. Are they being such device? I can't with them. I really can't like the room situation across every franchise like literally blows my mind. I'm like you guys are staying in a nice space that's paid for by production and you can just like take a bullet and like what? Palm Beach jail though must be pretty nice like yes, it's not like West Palm Beach is money. You know what? I mean? It's a you think she had like like like alkaline water fountains and she probably had a water fast. Okay, you know most don't come with one. So what about what they might have had one and she might have just been isolated. I don't know. She obviously has not learned her lesson, but you know yoga is what she has learned there's lots of moans and groans the A man getting his no one has had sex for a long seems like yeah because everyone is pissed off and there's lots of talks about cobwebs. I mean that was the most sexual yoga session. I think I've seen ever in my life like I do yoga and like the and there's one instructor that I feel like it's a little too handsy with me, but for the most part like it's not like I've never like this is stand right behind your my boyfriend hates it. It's like these stands right behind the area where everyone has got my boyfriend hates it because of my sports bra but yet my Lulu Lemon and he'll just like get behind and like fellow downward dog and like lift it and then like there's another one where I'm like going this way and he'll like get right behind my waist and my boyfriend will see head. He's like get that Dalton the next yeah, but I mean, I mean, I mean, yeah, they're old woman that haven't been loves in a minute. He said Little lemon is so la. Oh my God the Lulu. Well, we're not in La we're in Great Barrington. We're at the Morgan is ski estate. We're touring it then further Hall. I was like, I need to like paws on the tour guide because as many times as she said it I couldn't like figure out what she was saying exactly. Why were they doing this? Like the tour? Yeah. I think I think it was tensley. Maybe that said it later on with the dinner. I think it was her way of extending an olive. Of Branch because of the comments that she made last season about the family crest. So yeah, you too. Well the crest was there the crust was everywhere I think glass windows at all. I think that's what it was for. I mean, I don't know. I think it's like a rich East Coast white person thing. They love that kind of stuff. That's great for them doesn't say is this what you do out in the east coast? Yeah, and this what you do out there the flashbacks were great, but you know, it wasn't great as old Sonia. Triggered it was back everyone noticed it and everybody was instantly annoyed. They were like, oh my God, we need to get her out of here. It was like intervention time like spontaneous. She was going to come bus and it's comical and you kind of just saw like the slow progression of her losing her mind like it was the end of the night. Oh, yeah she did and it was just you can't touch this. I know and this looks like mine and Baba and it's just like, oh my God like I you know, I get her saying she's And preserve everything for her daughter, but at the same time it's just like we're you don't need to sound so you know what she needs therapy about this area in her life. Yeah this area in her life is really ugly and every time were brought up into this world Sonja just spirals out of control whenever you mention her husband, it's always something like we would still be together if they like didn't make us divorce or if this didn't happen like yeah, that's like this weird get over that is so bizarre, but it's not First time she's made it she's got several times before it's like wasn't her divorce. A lot of her fault. Like wasn't she loosey-goosey your little I know that towards the end. It was just not really a marriage. Yeah all I know. It's in the past. That's what she said. She used to move on for me. I think she has some sort of therapy about it because she truly spirals out of control every time this happens. And yeah, like you said it was just like what what's what was to come? Yeah. It was crazy. It was really strange. It was yeah, I've I mean I loved it. I love Sonja and any type of form like said crazy Sonia the shoveled Sonia drunk Sonja is amazing the flashbacks tonight were amazing point. They really reminded us that all of you guys are a mess included Luann. Thanks for the flashback of her following following following following in the bush special Mexico that like I still to this day. That is my favorite housewife trip that that was by far. You got the desperation from Ramona who really wanted to go to like the tequila tasting like the drunkenness and the pool and everyone just loving each other like it was so good. So good Sonia bagging to have sex with me. Yeah. Yes naked her swimsuit falling just like I just there has never been a housewife trip that amazing to me. Yes, it all made sense. But what didn't make sense was to render? Well, she made sense at first and then she didn't make sense. It was weird like, ah, the approach was great. I love she said I just want to get it over with I just want to talk. I want to tell her what I said was ugly and she Allen is acknowledged like she would she said it was bad and I just want to move past and I think it all made sense and when she started talking to though and I thought it was wonderful. Yeah, and then she was like, you know, maybe not might be now might not be in six months. Why can't it be now? Why do you have to say that? It's so weird. Yes, I get it. Like what is with that? What is with that? I mean, I understand you do. Yeah, because it Like I would take it really offensively really why don't you want to be my friend right now she does but I think she's just saying it to LuAnn like letting her know. She's not gonna like jump down her throat right away. Like she's gonna let her ease it back into the relationship when she's ready. I think that's how I interpreted it bro. She's like I'm open to you like I'm receptive. I apologize. I'm like whenever you're ready for us to be where we were where we were like I'm here for that. Sounds like she's saying when she's ready. No, I think and I think cause like I'm saying why I like I have an issue with a friend. Like I know it's going to take a pair of like a little while for us to get back to that trust God and that Rhythm and like talking and whatnot. So like I get where it's coming from. All right. Well instant gratification lien, I guess I really am just double tap on that relationship. We just want to now we want it all but you know what? I'm glad that Luann took it well and they made nice. Yeah, he can during this terms, you know Barber shows us. And she's the worst style. You know what I mean, but everyone is tripping about the freakin room. It's a room and as a TV and I don't know if this how people with money act like, I don't know disgusting Mona is talking really a lot of shit about Barbara's outfit. Okay, so I was thinking about this today as I was washing my hands in the bathroom at work. I am very upset with the casting choices that they did with with Barbara and particularly. I think when they brought on Tinsley like I understand but I would like to I see a little bit more diversity and a little bit more fashion with their choices. Like I don't like a Hispanic Erika Jayne joining the cast of home run off and you act like that's what I want. I want someone that's flashy and yeah and like maybe she's you know, Puerto Rican or maybe she's black. She's yeah or she's boat like something like a little bit more salt. We need another Power with a power woman like Bethenny. Yeah, and we don't have that. And so when like I'm Stephen is the only one yeah she is and I was you know washing my hands. I was like he can't borrow just such a wet. Towel, I guess I just don't like her and then she just like her or when she comes on to like when she came out of the car. Like I just I don't like yeah, I really didn't like the way she acted in. Dorinda's House. I don't like how she belittled her. I don't like Barbara's total Vibe this energy but this episode like I wasn't minding her the other episodes. Well, I don't like how she's inserting herself to get a storyline that you know where that's at. We never like that doing and you could tell that she like, I mean Bethany even says she's just really drinking the Kool-Aid. Why does Luann and she's just like she's leeching onto loose so like tightly and it's just like just be yourself. Like I don't like whatever you are. Like, I'm just not. Yeah, Bethany helped Luann and then stepped away. She's not leaching on trial. But you know, there was lots of talk about Barbara's fashion, which is totally like it's just part of it but we made a part of it. Ramona was sitting there commentary from 5 Seconds Away tone Amigos. I don't know why y'all hating on the boots. Those are Christian Louboutin boots, probably. $5,000 that red bottom I was more so looking at the midriff showing. Yeah, that was very laughing at that. I didn't know submit. So I mean she's gonna be really expensive and still not be cute. Yeah. No, I totally get it. I don't even really couldn't see the boots because they blend it in with her whole like legging jeans that she had on it was just weird. I don't know Ramona being such a mean girl. I love it. But before you guys comment on there's no really know. No other power women, I know Sonia has a toaster and she has her Morgan home collection in her beautiful dresses. And Ramona has the Ageless and the wine but you know what? I have not been able to buy any of it. I try to buy Ramona wine and I couldn't you cut and I went to the Ageless website and it wasn't working. So you know what? Well, I mean II but skinny girl before I got skinny girl before and I love skinny girl, but I love Mike Bowman in the in the chat saying, you know Ramona talking crap about by Five feet away from her is classic New York actually has these women are just they have no shame in their shade Ramon. Expecially. Yeah, they're still out there with it. And I think I appreciate gotta learn even wear that. Oh, yeah. Well and dorinda's just like, okay. She loved it Bethenny. I mean Bethany shows up. She walks in on her phone super important. There's no tampons because it's Cobweb Central I was dying. Why did Barbara pretend she had one stop it again. Inserting herself mustard here is kind of like the little bitch getting everybody drinks running around height it she calls that's what you get when you have no opinion like when you have for you letting people do that to you. I ignore my dad get your own drink if I'm getting up to get a drink I will gladly Yeah, drink if you ask me to get you a drink like I will get you a drink if you insert a please or you touch my ass or something don't make me hunt for some bottles of Rose a like this isn't my house. I'm going to go to freakin Wine Cellar live here. Go get it your damn. Oh my God. So this is like my not my favorite part of the episode, but I could not with I just I could not believe I was listening and watching Bethany watches A Star is Born Which I love and is like totally triggered by it. She cried in the movie theater for like an hour by herself. Before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. 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All of that was kind of fishy to me. I feel like she added that she cried in the movie theater by herself for an hour. Just she could have possibly been like killing time like maybe like she got there a little early. I don't know it was afterwards. She tell the movie and then cried for an hour afterwards. Yeah. I don't know. Alright. So first of all, I haven't seen stars born. I have Co stars born to love it Chelsea. I love the singing. Oh, I love the zoo. I just I mean if we're gonna do a little quick movie critique, I just felt like there are too many things going on and they didn't tie up any of the Loose Ends. Like he's losing his sight or his hearing but like we didn't really discuss it. Like why even but why bring it up if it's not going to be like like a thing and then the relationship with the brother kind of bothered me like the nice like, you know, but not the end was cool. I just I don't know like I just didn't like it started off strong and then it kind of just say movie that's been redone four times. So the story line is I just did it. I did it. I did appreciate that Lady Gaga was amazing. I live for that. I thought Bradley Cooper was good up into certain point and then yeah, but I just felt like he was going to do that. No one told me that but as I was like, okay, he's definitely he's gonna give himself the ax. Yeah. Well he did and it triggered Bethenny. I mean Understandable, I felt really bad for her, you know because it really is something that is totally horrible that happens in the movie and it just happened to happen in her life. Absolutely horrible totally feel bad for her not making light of it at all. Just trying to talk about the movie because I love that bathroom. You saw Stars. Yeah as I love Gaga, I love Gaga and I just like I felt like I was also super like relatable. Where is thank you watch something that you know, you should like no you shouldn't walk. Watch and he washes it triggers something on you. Like whether it be like you're going through a breakup or like something like a feat like whatever it is you watch it. Yeah, and it's like it just makes everything 10 times worse and I feel like that's what happened with her. And she said that she went into the movie like not knowing that you know how to do with addiction so like that Molly the blindsided her even blindsided oof. But yeah, I thought I felt for in that moment, but I do want to say really quickly before we move on like it does make me feel good because her and Brenda had a weird thing. Yeah last season and so I think it's really nice. Like I don't know if they talked about it or work anything out or if they just Union remember Bethany apologizing the hugged and stuff. Okay, and they just moved on and so I really enjoy this like them getting back to where they were like it just it feels nice. You know, she made it nice. Well, she did make a nice but she also kind of stirred the pot by telling her that Luann was being The Sassy about her which just pissed her off immediately. Bethany was instantly We pissed do you know what she kind of has a right to be pissed because she was really there for Luan. So the fact that Luann is saying anything negative about her is like you really have some nerve bitch like I was there for you. Yeah, I feel her and she also spilled some tea revealing that Lynch still should be in rehab and not out, you know, Cabaret and around town laughing - the cow. Um, you know what she totally He spilled the tea was good good coz she left rehab early. You try to make me go. It's a musical style over here will turn it into a musical. No. Yeah. She totally has the right to be pissed off. You know, I don't know why everyone was being crazy about the fish room because it wasn't just oh man, but you know, Dorinda did tell her that she was being vocal about Bethany being like, oh, why does Bethany get the room? Yeah. She didn't tell her anything that wasn't true but But she should have known that it was going to start something. I mean, yeah, I really want people fighting at your house again. She does. I don't know if she likes it was trying to get a rise out of it. Maybe she was I don't know like I loved her and uh, so I'm not thinking that she did it like she told her malicious like with any malicious intent. Yeah, but yeah, I mean obviously say something like that and you should know that it's going to make somebody upset and I mean it just speaks to a Louanne. Just getting more and more entitled and like I I've never been a strong supporter of Luann. I've never really cared for her but like the season even more so, you know, I've always loved her and I think she's being a huge brat right now. Yeah, she'sshe's and I know I felt really sad same I don't like her like her like the same way. You looked at me when I said I didn't like a star is born. No, no board is fine. But Luann I can understand why people have a problem with her. I love her for her flaws. Like that's what I I like her because she's a big mess. Yeah, and I love certain aspects of her. There's I celebrate her music and like she's a huge gay following. So if speaking music, I have some tea to spell and make sure to stay tuned. He's in yeah. So yeah, I don't know the Rendon Bethany don't want to go too deep with Luann so they can move on so in a way that's where too weird the weirdness that der Indica is stemming from I think No, she that's why she's saying like I don't want to Dive In Too Deep. Yeah, I think that's why she was saying earlier like it doesn't have to be now. It doesn't have to be six months from now. I think that's just where it's stemming from. There is just a distance that she wants to put put up and I think that's okay because Luann is not being like this amazing person right now. Like I wouldn't want to be totally involved with her right now as well. Yeah, she could still kind of relapse like the foundation is not solid, you know, so they let us know about all these flashbacks all the while that's happening. There's a Bear Naked Chef and for me speaking of gay followings. I thought it was hot and he would be so popular among a bunch of men but these women they want someone smooth they want like someone hot they want someone straight. Hi. He looks straight but trust me. He wasn't, you know think he was straight. No, wait. What I don't have is the manager like it was not A bear like in the bear Community looks bare, like even if he was straight like I'm not trying to like out anybody or whatever even if he history like what Art Smith is selling him as the Bear Naked Chef that is advertised for gay men. Like, I mean, I will say I have a girlfriend that's about to go on a bachelorette party. And that's one of the things that they're talking about. You wanting your balls in your face. Not while you're eating though. No, not at all. They were gonna have like mail server Meltzer. Events like Zoe. Yeah, like they they tell you how good you look they feed you food. They bring out your three dress though. I don't know. I think they're like skimpily dressed. Yeah. Okay. Well, that's fine. But still I really guys I know you know, like we know I mean, yeah, I would have appreciated a cleaner but exactly like women I would have wanted them to pick someone tan hairless smooth, you know something that the girls would like to touch on and like Look at and stuff. I did think I did Mike Bowman agrees with you gay guy gay. Uh-huh. I did I did think that he was going to be cooking naked. So I was a little like I was like, how about you surprised that he like cooked clothes but serve them naked, you know. Oh he did. Yeah. He cooked close. I'm like, yeah because I was like, yeah, so I'm happy to know he was fully clothed while he was cooking. Yeah and then stripped down while he was serving like the girls didn't like Harry Buzz, I personally I think he appreciated it. Oh, really? Yeah. She appreciated it. She's kind of like a man. In fact, she's a little rough around the edges like Ramona says dominant type. Yeah. Ramona is drunk. She loves mirror. She has great arms great legs. Great ass has seen a great everything. She's so modest. I was Sonia saying you got a tummy as you like watching his focus on how great I love because it's to Ramona does have a great body, but she also does have a little pooch. Also like 62 years old just totally valid warranted. Yeah, absolutely and she does look amazing for he's really yeah. So here's the thing everyone's drunk right now, but while everyone's kind of getting drunk except for Luann Sonja is belligerently drunk and you're it come love. So yes starts using cocoa as a freakin accessory now, here's okay. Now, you know, I was mad at him for a long time. Time for letting the dog in the street while she was arguing Bethenny, you know, it's a purple and you don't support women while the dog is just running in the street. Now you have selling a drunk picking up Coco using her using her as a freaking Sean. Like you can't use the dog as like a shot darling. It doesn't work that way. She did that like like a gas like Should have inserted like a dog exactly like why like that me knows I don't understand the limey she's drunk. So there's no logic behind it. But I did put the dog down Bethenny and Ramona would have told them her. Yeah to run down to tell ya take the dog away take the dog away. Ramona would have let us know if Coco was seriously injured or traumatized trust us, but here's where all the demons starts coming out. She starts talking about durendal and like the husband. Triggers her immediately just talking about Richard again. Like I don't mind talking about Richard and she doesn't want to be with Joe Schmo likes talking about John not dirty personally. I did like that. I don't know she did this consciously or unconsciously but I did like that to Rhonda was not around for her freak out for Sonia's freak out when she like you don't touch the Morgan letters. Like I did love that there were two had left there because she was I think you know about derivatives and other there's like five other people now. Yeah. Yeah, so I did like that Shirin Lou went and got the cigarette and we're outside because I to way on purpose you think so. Yeah a conscious thing. She was like dude. I'm trying to get along with everyone. Yeah, really? It's kind of like d escalating everything like well good for her. It's kind of thing should have why would that would have sent me earlier the eggs? Really? I mean Barbara did get on her nerves earlier in the episode. But like that was the only time I think it is blatantly doesn't like Barbara. Yeah. Understandably, so like beverage. Yeah girl freaking business. I'm glad she walked away from that situation because if she was there it would have been nasty like it was already a little bit like what the hell is going on, but like had your into been there like there would have been some words. It was really crazy. The demons are in Full Effect. Sonja's yelling. But Chelsea was saying that letters the letters looking crazy maniac and then the episode ends to Beacon. Oh my God, it looks so good next episode. Let's talk about quickly. News and gossip news and gossip bumper on news and gossip with Chelsea Star Jones. So reality blurb is reporting that friends of Bethenny. Frankel's ex boyfriend. Dennis are disgusted with the coverage of his Real Housewife of everything that's going on with him on Real Housewives of New York or his passing. Yeah viewers said that or apparently his friends said it made them want to throw up when they saw Bethany talking to the grief counselor and about going on this date with this guy in Boston. I personally appreciated her being open with like the grieving process and moving on but apparently people close to him. Did it feel the same way and they just feel like the Real Housewives of New York how they're portraying his death is pretty disgusting overall, which I disagree so I don't know how credible this is. Apparently they told this is all coming from radar. As well, so I don't know how credible it is. But it like you do feel for like people trunk word. Yeah, it's very strong words. And you do feel for the people that are you know, really connected to this that aren't on the show. Yeah, you know because it's like they didn't ask you notes for this. We publicize in this way, but they did also say that they do feel that if he were alive today, like if he knew how it was being portrayed. He probably wouldn't have an issue with it because he was a really laid-back guy. So maybe it's just like really like it's dredging up with Everything that you know, that's really important. Actually. Yeah, he's signed up for the show. Yeah, he's a grown man and he made the decision to date a reality star and to be on the show with her. Yeah. Yeah, like that's just what it is. And from what I know from my research gathers Beth Dennis is kids haven't said one word about how they feel about Bethany or the yes. All right, the kids and the wife have been silent throughout this whole thing about which I think is so classy. Yeah. It's Class Act and I mean they were never a part of it to begin with. Yeah, why job in exactly this friend? That's how I feel about it. That's how lien feels a bit. Like honestly it's a bad situation. Like let's not make it worse by saying like, oh, it makes me want to throw up. Yeah, trust me. I don't think Bethany having the grief counselor, like on live TV. It was best in taste. I thought it was just an area near. Yeah, and it's just it's her life. It's how she's going through exactly. Yes, and I just also felt like it was a very like like smart logical thing to do when you're trying to move on from somebody like to actually talk about it and she'll like show therapy totally agree don't like, you know showcase that yeah, but money don't buy you class but money can buy you a new song from Luann de lesseps. Yeah. Yes Queen. Yes Queen. I know my music money can't buy you class. Yes Luann has been Teasing a new song to come out just in time for Gay Pride. She says yeah knows her Market has her Market Luann was on the Daily Dish Brabus podcast, and she said that she will be having a new song coming out this summer around June. So let's be on the lookout for that. She said it's a great song to dance to but she's not getting as much details. Other than that. Well, that sounds like it's going to be a party. I think I will be around for that. At Pride excited. I think I want to go to Paris for the first I've never been good at you. Seriously. I want to go it's so fun. I think it's yeah, it's like a together. Yes. Yeah talk about it out. Okay, that'll be amazing. All right, let's get into some tweets. We need simply in there really good tonight. Can I get a little hole there that little to no. Yes, so let's move to sweets. We have a lot to talk about some tweets by some actual castmates tonight Luann wanted to get behind the wheel of the car and drive and she It out tonight. I should have bought she's saying in her and her person the Tweet says should have helped carry Tinsley's LV bags. Even Lou makes mistakes. So I like this maybe she's looking back and saying look I'm being a brat and maybe I should have carried her back out if I was going to take her room, but then she tweeted not one of the girls wanted to stay in the fish room who's the diva she has a point but just because everyone's acting badly doesn't mean that you should Oddly as well and I mean Bethany offered to stay in the Fisher's exact Eyerly true, but she offered to stay in the fish room when no one was around to hear that. That's true that during that was like, I ain't telling the girls that our next tweet is by reality TV Bliss one of my correspondents online and they tweeted out tonight Luann doesn't want to be surrounded by drinking memory. So she needs special accommodations question mark maybe she needs a season off since any time. She looks at. These women sheets flooded with drunk memories. I think that's totally fair to like use the fishing as an excuse. Like I was drunk I was hungover in that room. Yeah, you're constantly around women that are like getting lit like yeah. No that's not but makes no sense. Exactly like how hap just say, I don't want to shark staring at me. Yeah, but just be honest just stay. I don't want to stay in The Little Mermaid room. Like can I get a better room there's all these like beautiful moldings everywhere all over this gorgeous set. In bedroom house, we have one more tweet from you. It's by to meet Gus got she said a queen too Meek. And she says jaronda is a saint for inviting these women to her beautiful home every year because every year they are rude and show their asses they do they do I like what Bethenny walked in and they did that little Montage of like all yes. It was great. Everyone got it tonight. There was not one person saved from the montages like we saw everyone's In the Berkshires like this it brings up the crazy really does Big Bad. Scary Island. It's scary mansion. It's yeah they do they get they get but we live for it. Yeah, like it's amazing. I don't know what it is about that. Massachusetts are that just brings out the crazy, you know? Yeah. Well that looks amazing. Let's do predictions predictions quickly. What do we think? Yeah, I think the drunkenness and Susie, I love it. It I think Tinsley's going to come to her Breaking Point with a woman and talking about her relationship with Scott. But I really think she just needs to look in the mirror and realize that this isn't a relationship that's fulfilling her. Like it's very wonder that she knows it inside because she's fragile, you know, when you fall apart in other little areas because it's stemming from one big problem like Luann and her were having a conversation about alcoholism and Luann said, you know, it's a disease which is actually very accurate. Yeah until he was like what Yeah broke down and then we still have the I'm miserable crying moment. I think it'll be cool. Maybe we'll see a side because she said her dad was an alcoholic. So maybe we'll learn a little bit more about tensley. That might make her bearable there. I said it Christina not the wine bottle around Plex tensley grass. Let me get Dale up in here. I want to be able to sit on the couch and tell us the teeth. Thank you so much. That is our show make sure. Tweet us and who decided to rdms make sure to give us a five star rating if you were listening to us on iTunes. I hope you loved it. Yeah, give us a thumbs up and thank you for watching us. Thank you for making AfterBuzz the eve it the ESPN of TV talk. We really appreciate you guys. Make sure to comment below and tell us you subscribe. We'll give you a shout out in the next episode. I'm your host Hollywood lien and I can't do this without my side. Kick my gal the dynamic duo. Yes. Hey guys, I just wanna give a shout out real quick too. Naughty bats live for you to we live for Are you Maddy? I am Chelsea stuck Jones. You could catch up with everything that I'm doing at Chelsea Stark and on Instagram @ C underscore S Jones by afterbuzzers. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz. See you later. You described herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or donors our principal.
The girls continue the fight over the fish room but ultimately Barbara is the shark bait. Sonja falls down the Morgan rabbit hole, and the bare naked chef doesn’t live up to the hype. Chelsea Stark-Jones and Lian Castillo talk this week’s episode of Real Housewives of New York ABOUT THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NYC AFTER SHOW: To a certain group of people in New York, status is everything...and with status comes plenty of drama to unpack on THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NEW YORK CITY AFTER SHOW. We’ll recap all the buzz-worthy moments from the show, from the fabulous to the fights from our favorite Big Apple ladies. Tune in here for ALL the tea as we review, recap and provide in-depth discussions of the latest episodes! Who knows! You might just see some familiar cast member faces. ABOUT REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NYC: The Real Housewives of New York City (abbreviated RHONY) is an American reality television series that premiered on March 4, 2008 on Bravo. Developed as the second installment of The Real Housewives franchise, following The Real Housewives of Orange County, it has aired seven seasons and focuses on the personal and professional lives of several women residing in New York City. The series originally focused on LuAnn de Lesseps, Bethenny Frankel, Alex McCord, Ramona Singer, and Jill Zarin. The eighth season lineup of housewives will consist of de Lesseps, Frankel, Singer, Sonja Morgan, Carole Radziwill, Dorinda Medley, and newcomer Jules Wainstein. Of the original housewives, Frankel initially left after the third season before returning for the seventh; McCord and Zarin left after the fourth season; and de Lesseps was a friend of the housewives in the sixth. The remaining housewives joined in later seasons: Morgan in the third, Radziwill in the fifth, Medley in the seventh, and Wainstein in the eighth. Other housewives include Kelly Killoren Bensimon (seasons 2–4), Cindy Barshop (season 4), Aviva Drescher (seasons 5–6), Heather Thomson (seasons 5–7), and Kristen Taekman (seasons 6–7).
Hey guys, this is Lisa and Rebecca and we are here on the secret life of weddings. If you like drama, you're in the right place where we tell you the world's craziest, but true wedding stories. So get ready for the drama on the secret life of weddings. Welcome to episode 121 of the secret life of weddings podcast. This is Lisa and Rebecca. Let's see what's in the news this week in weddings now out not even close. I forgot something. Sorry. I see this is what happened not just discuss this like 10 seconds ago. We did there is no excuse. This episode is dedicated. Sorry to our biggest fan Nicole. She is a doll. And we just love her so much. So we just wanted to say a quick thank you. She wrote in to us. The best part of my day is when I get off work. I work till midnight Monday to Friday and I get to go home and listen to the podcast. I'm currently listening to all the episodes for the seventh time and they never get old. This pot has seven times. He said the seventh time seven up seven times amazing and they never get old. This podcast is the best stress reliever. I know as my job is pretty stressful. I want to thank Lisa and eka for creating such an amazing place to be able to escape and every single scheme in this group on Facebook new and old for making this group more great to be in now on to some more listening episode 68 here I come again. So thank you Nicole. We really really appreciate it. And sorry. I almost didn't do your dedication Rebecca. What's going on now in the news? All right, you ready for this? I am Okay trigger warning. Oh according to the New York daily news. Third time's a charm right Peter Cook the former husband of Christie. Brinkley is getting ready to tie the knot. Once again, the 60 year old Hamptons based architect has gotten engaged to his 21 year old girlfriend Elba. I can't say her last name doesn't matter. Okay 21. I'm done already. Jan cool, I think I think it's Jan. Yeah, I'm still I don't care to give her any recognition right now. I see we have our that petty we have our judgy pants on today. I've got judgy pants. He's 61. That's like 360. He's 60. She's 21. That's like Lon it's like a Mick Jagger move right there cook confirmed in the news to people saying we are very happy. Yeah, I bet you and your dick our buddy. anyways Okay, Alba is the same age as sailor Brinkley cook, the 21 year old daughter of the celebrity couple sailor was recently eliminated from Dancing With the Stars. This will be Cooks third marriage. He was previously married to 65 year old Brinkley. The super model actress aren't returned Sports Illustrated cover royalty with whom he shares two kids 21 year-old sailor and 24 year old Jack. So his son is older than her. Can we just put I can't After they divorced in 2008. He says like hey Mom. Ooh, that's so weird. Okay. Yeah after they divorced in 2008. He remarried Susan Shaw, but the to split in 2014. Alba is now poised to be the next mrs. Cooke and according to people the relationship doesn't look like just another the ephemeral ephemeral post summer Hamptons love affair. The soon-to-be hitch Duo has reportedly been dating for a year. Oh, well that makes it a lot. Watch it. Yeah, so that's okay. Then Define over the last few months the to have been photographed hanging around New York's Chic and hip crowd at Hamptons events such as the celebration for Bobby Flay's Hamptons magazine cover in July and the Hampton classic Horse Show Grand Prix in September. Anyways, yeah Hamptons for a very special place. Yeah. So anyways, it talked about the divorce everything and yikes. Also, did you hear another season actor also made headlines after proposing to a younger girl friend Dennis Quaid 65 and now it's he was ready to tie the knot. Once again the Great Balls of Fire Star proposed his soon to be wife 26 year old University of Texas PhD You didn't Laura Savoy while the two were promoting his new film in Hawaii. It'll be Quaid's fourth marriage. I have another question. He was a Great Balls of Fire was he like yes face Jerry Lee Lewis. I didn't realize that was Dennis Quaid, you know, it's you know, it's funny. I always mix him up with Randy Quaid. Oh and then I had that's weird and then I think and then I think of how Randy Quaid was in like Independence Day and then I have to really think about I'll get even This moment I got I got just Randy Quaid in there. There's no Dennis Quaid. I know the name but I can't picture him. Yeah, what else has he been in give me something anything? Whoo, Dennis Dennis Quaid. He's been in quite a few movies actually. No, this is why it's ridiculous that I cannot mentally send bring him from rant and we need everyone's yelling at us right now. I know I'll get there. I'll Google it people but I just it anyways. So basically we got two old dudes married to young chicks. And the world just keeps on turning. Listen, I don't have a problem with age gaps. My parents have a 10-year age Gap. That's cool. That's cool. In other news. The sky is blue. Yeah, so fuck it bucket / advice corner or we are talking. Oh God. It says chat about STDs. Okay. Now, this is a this is something I'd like to throw on the fuck it bucket calling me, please because I put that in there so I would not forget to mention this I know exactly what you're talking about. Calling save-the-dates STDs is destroying me emotionally and mentally I can't do it anymore. It's got to stop like it just has to stop. You're like got my STD's today and I can't do this with you at you need to not write that in groups and places like it's yeah call just take the extra time. You don't have syphilis. I want you to actually write got my save the date today can we're sorry if You do have syphilis just because you have syphilis doesn't mean you have to not write save the day. It's you don't find my God. Yes. I'm just write it out. You won't regret it. It's not it's just better so or SD. Can we just can we just adopt SD then or something like the STD it really it's ridiculous. Yeah, I can't keep reading it. And if you don't want to do it for any other reason just assume you're triggering everyone with a real STD. Is that fair in 2019? Okay, great. So, yes, right. That's yeah Summers the STD Warrior. I'm on his various. Mm. Someone's very upset about their genital warts. They just got the news today and you sharing your save the date news is not helping them get over it. So here are some save the date to do or not to do. Okay, so I guess we're throwing the the not dues in the fuck it bucket this week. So it is a great. Great way to collect addresses. Okay. This is true. This is true. If you need to get everyone's our dresses for the invites that it is a good way to collect them. Actually. Here's a here's a fun little hack or life hack is my leg. My kids love to say at your shower. If you haven't done a save the date and this is actually this goes for a baby shower. This goes for a bridal shower any kind of party. Essentially. If you want you can get everyone to put their name and address on the front of an envelope. And then when it's time to send out the thank you cards. You not only have collected all their addresses directly from them which are all current but you just pop that baby in there the cards sign it and then guess what in the mail to them? How cool is that? That's great, but not everybody comes or is invited to a hundred percent. I'm just saying like a bunch of people, you know for sure. So that's a cool way to collect addresses as well. Also a great way to give everyone advance notice of the wedding coming up is the save the date, especially when you're talking a destination what I am I right? Yes. Yes because people any wedding really because what's the timeline for sending out a formal invite? This is like the one of the biggest questions I think people have in the wedding industry. I would say it depends on it's usually 8 to 12. Hold on. Generally. It depends on if there's travel involved and if it's a holiday, so if there's travel involved like a set a destination wedding, you always want to buffer it by like another month or so. I would say and then as far as actual invites to the wedding, yeah, it's 8 to 12 weeks is great and pretty acceptable. But see I don't think that's enough time for an invite. Yeah, like I know it's at that's why I like the save the dates. Okay. So I personally like the save the dates even if it's a digital one. I'm cool with that. Yeah, because especially for someone like me who's in The Wedding industry. I can book that out a year in advance right that date so I can actually go I've missed families weddings because I can't go oh because so many notice so, you know and not only that if it's especially if its destination or even if it's not complete destination if someone wants to turn it into a little weekend getaway, you know what I mean? You can kind of well, that's the thing and I booked my like my wedding was on a Friday of a long weekend people but Cottages months in advance. Yeah, so I wanted to let everyone know if you want to come to the wedding. This is this is one it is so I agree sooner is better and it kind of doesn't I was early with my invite so I'm on that train as well. Yeah. So essentially we are throwing the STD naming in the fucking bucket and we are keeping the rest of the save the date is that fair? Yeah, if you're trying to save on money just do digital ones and like I say, yeah, also don't forget if you invite them with Save the Day. Have to send an invitation or you're a dick. Yes, because you know what? I see that question popping up all the time. Do I have to send them a yes. Yes you do. You are this close to an MI V asshole post and read it if you do not do that. Yes. All right. So our first story hey, Lisa and Rebecca. I just started like talking to people. I just started listen to the podcast about a week ago because a friend of mine told me about it and it was a great way to laugh away your pain when it comes to wedding. That's true. She has been telling me that I need to write into you guys to tell you a story. So here it is. I have not changed any names in this because I don't give a fuck and my Fiance and his friends do not deserve to be anonymous. You'll understand why. About two years ago. I am meet John the man who I fell so madly in love with after only a few months of dating. We had an instant connection. We talked about everything from if we wanted to have kids to our family histories as they were both kind of fucked up to even the smallest of things like how I love chocolate and how he loves chips, ah cute. It seemed to be perfect on our nine-month anniversary. He asked me to marry him and I said, yes. I was so excited to start not only planning my wedding but more importantly start planning the rest of our lives on our one-year anniversary John took me to my favorite restaurant where the table had red rose petals sprinkled on it. It was so incredibly romantic after dinner. We took a walk through the park and just enjoyed being with each other. We went back to his apartment where I was once again surprised to find that his small apartment was covered with rose petals and tea. Lights that night for the first time I slept with John but it wasn't just my first time with him. But with anyone and I have to say it was pretty perfect the next day. I went out dress shopping with my mom because I have to interrupt you for a second. I'm just laughing because the majority of us are like, you know your first time you just you kind of been like, so we're doing this a and then you To do it and then you're like, yeah, you know, it's never a great the first time it's like, holy shit. No offense. You you nailed the first time. Congratulations. Most people. Yes, if you haven't done it yet. Don't get your hopes up just don't know just many of us did in the back of a truck. It's okay. Wow. Wow, I didn't but you know, I'm just sorry, I think you did, but that's okay. I didn't. That's I didn't it wasn't a bed. But anyways, my point is I dice our little PSA for this week got y'all don't get your hopes that high. Oh cake. Okay. Well, hold on. You're gonna feel bad the SEC. Okay. Okay. Okay the next day. I went out dress shopping with my mom because their opinions were the ones I trusted most a couple of times my mom commented how glowing I looked and I just played it off that I was excited to start looking at dresses. Once we were done at the bridal store. I went home to John and that is when my fairytale got shattered. I went to his apartment and overheard him and three of his friends Mike James and David talking boy. These guys are getting outed begged. I'm good. Yes, can we get photos? That would be great great. They were talking about how they had to get John his money for winning this bet. I was so confused until I heard John bragging how he fucked the prude good and hard last night. I was heartbroken. I went into the living room where the guys were walked straight up to John and slapped him straight across the face and then for added pain need his him in the groin. As I watched him fall to his knees in pain. I turned to look at his friends and in tears asked how much when they didn't respond I once again ask them but this time yelling it David finally answered $20 each. My virginity was only worth $60. I took off my ring through it at John and left that was five months ago. I have not seen or spoken to John in these past five months and even though it hurts. I know I'm going to be okay. with love, sweetheart Listen write as someone who King John fuck you. Fuck her up to you from the highest building. Okay. Oh, I'm so Reggie. I as someone who has dealt with something similar not quite as bad, but you may have heard my previous story. If you haven't go back digging through the archives are asking our group what episode it was, but with my ex-fiancée he was a complete cunt to it. It's it's an incredibly difficult thing to put all your hopes and dreams and love into someone and then they destroy you like that especially when you're engaged to be married because you just you picture your entire feature with them, you know, and then they just they're not even only fucking up the relationship. They're fucking up everything you pictured with them for the future. So I'm so sorry. You had to go through that girl. I feel you. It's shitty and I am so fucking proud of you for kicking him in the nuts. Right? Good job. Yeah, right good job. And this will be the best thing that ever happened to you. It was the best thing that ever happened to me getting fucked over like that because I found my husband and now I'm so happy and I have beautiful kids and my kids would have been ugly with the other one. So because I'm not shallow. So I was in love with the person but now he's balding and he's even uglier. So this is really good because now I have beautiful children with a sexy guy. My point is it's going to work out for you. I know the I think you know that you sound like an incredibly strong woman and fuck those guys. They're assholes. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Thank you for sharing it with us though because you know what? It sounds like you've let it you've let it out. You've let it go. I I'm bad that way. I'll hold on to it. But good for you. Good for you. Yeah, John Mike James and David you dudes are really fuckin shitty. Yeah, I grew up. Listen. I would call them concerts except they lack depth and warmth. So, you know, we can't really Soak the warmth. Listen. Wow, I had to use that but I give full credit to a meme. I saw it was an old woman. Oh, this is the best. It was an older woman and she was at an anti Trump rally now. I know we don't normally talk politics and I'm not but I'm just giving credit where credit is due. She was holding a sign that said I would call Trump a cunt except he lacks depth and warmth and I thought it was so fucking clever and I just loved it. So I loved it. I thought it was hilarious like This has to be somewhere. So we're just gonna we're just going to use this for these boys because they sound just awesome. But thank you again for writing in if you have a story anything to do with weddings, you know, really send it to us secret life of weddings at quick think of the next time you have to get on an airplane because you need an excuse to buy this suitcase now away makes the coolest suitcase on the market away knows that everyone has a different travel style. That's why they make their carry-on in an array of colors to you sizes. Is and two materials a strong yet flexible polycarbonate and an anodized aluminum. I got the carry on. There is a 100 day trial on everything away makes take it out on the road and live with it travel with it get lost with it. If you decide it's not for you. You can return any non personalized item for a full refund the moment. I picked up the suitcase. They sent me. I was just absolutely Blown Away by how lightweight it is yet strong. I'm not a big person. So the fact that I could actually have a suitcase that's not super heavy to carry on and off. Is a huge deal it moves around so effortlessly and I think honestly my favorite part the fact that I could charge my phone with it also the color it's pink for $20 off his suitcase visit away secret life and use promo code secret life during checkout visit away secret life and use promo code secret life during checkout next story. Hi, I've emailed you all before but I got married a month ago, and I just wanted to tell you some small things that happened my father who we told my wedding was a A dry wedding and he comes with a mini bottle of whiskey drinks before he walks me down the aisle and then leaves for 15 minutes after the ceremony and comes back with a cliche brown paper bag of whiskey and a bottle of moonshine. This guy likes to party. He wouldn't even dance with me after he got drunk. Ah, I was begging him and he wouldn't even entertain the idea. Well, that's just a dick move. My grandma drove me around the city. I live in for the majority of the Meaning of my wedding causing me to be 20 minutes late for my own wedding literally and it didn't even faze her because she was like, well nobody's going to care. You're the bride which okay, but 20 minutes. My grandma was telling me that it wasn't too late and I could always move back home. Even when we were about to walk into the building. I moved from California to Tennessee to be with my long-distance relationship fiance turned husband's and my grandma almost disowned me over it because they never Wanted me to leave my family decided that me wanting to straighten my curly hair from my wedding because quote they've dreamed of my wedding day with curly hair and I'd be destroying their dreams I straighten my hair. Anyways good for you. That's all the bad stories. But my husband and I try to only remember the good stuff. I've been married a month and my family went home the Monday after my wedding and I don't have to see them as much anymore. So there's that Silver Linings, right? I We also much on the podcast helped me with the wedding process and I have made some friends through the group's all those so great. Thank you so much for writing in your story. And I'm so glad you've made some buddies in our groups. If you want to join our groups. We have a couple actually that you can join depending on your preference. We are on Facebook. So go to fans of Secret Life of weddings on Facebook, or you can join our flip chat group. The link is right in the show notes to both groups to make it super duper easy for you. You to join just as a heads up guys. We started that Canadian wedding Saga but two episodes ago. The one right before Halloween and last week was a specialty episode the Halloween episode. So we're going to continue the Canadian wedding Saga next week because part two is a little bit longer and we want to give it all the time we can thank you to our new Patron Kirby G. They went to slash secret life of weddings to get more drama for the Llama. Don't forget guys. The first 10 episodes are three. Yeah ten episodes now our first That's a crapload of free content go get it slash secret life of weddings. All right, our next story. Hey ladies, feel free to use my name. The only one who will be embarrassed. Here is me. Haha. So this isn't a drama-filled wedding story. Just my funny engagement story. This all takes place before he proposes every year my future mother-in-law throws a Canada Day barbecue this year. She said she had a big announcement to make at the barbecue and that it would be the best. Last one ever naturally everyone started guessing what the announcement was my fiance's brother and his wife have recently moved to Japan to start their family. His wife is from Tokyo and welcomed their first daughter in January. My immediate guesses were either a they were having another baby or be my future in-laws would be moving to Japan to be closer to their only grandchild. I was really hoping that there was another baby on the way. So the day of the barbecue arrives and unfortunately, I have to work I arrive around 3 p.m. And go to catch up with everyone else by Downing a couple drinks very quickly. It's Canada Day Day Drinking is required. This is true agreed. I'm feeling pretty good by the time my mother-in-law gathers everyone for her announcement. I'm standing at the front of the group close to my mother-in-law. She and I are extremely close and wait for her to continue. I don't remember exactly what she said, but she ended with And when we get home from Japan, we hope to have another family member. They took a trip there this September I started freaking out because oh my God, I was right. There's going to be another baby as I'm freaking out my boyfriend grabs my arm to get my attention and I quickly elbow him in the chest and tell him to fuck off that I'm busy. It's then I realized everyone is staring at me and I turned to look at my boyfriend. Who's Standing there with a ring box and a very disappointed face safe to say I apologize profusely. Let him ask the question. He had been freaking out about all day and agreed to marry my best friend. So the announcement was a fake out so I wouldn't be suspicious and my fiance gets one year of winning Petty arguments with you told me to fuck off when I proposed. I hope this story is cute funny enough to read on the show, but if I understand. Of course, it isn't course. We told it you told your fiancee to fuck off during the proposal you're in. Yeah, like it's yeah you're in yeah, that's our bar. There's there's the bar guys. You have to be this tall to be on the show. Yes. One more thing. If it's not too much to ask if you have any vendors, you know and love in the Kingston Belleville area. Would you be able to let me know I'm going to post this and reading this because I'm going to post it in our groups. Everyone can chime in. Yes. I basically planning the wedding alone. And as most of my friends are Aren't married yet. I can't ask any of them for their opinions. Plus I trust you ladies more than my small town friends. Anyways, thanks for a great show that I've been judged way too. Quickly Megan. Oh my god. Well, congratulations Megan congratulate. I do travel for weddings. Just so yes, and if if Rebecca can't make it I'm pretty sure from Tim Forbes is actually in Kingston OH cute, you know Tim. No. Okay you sounded You said you're a very like oh, yeah, I just went with it tips are good, man. You know, I've known Tim many years Tim Forbes. I want to say it's like Tim Forbes dot C 8m Forbes photography, but look him up will double check otherwise. Hey, wherever Tim Forbes has good dude could see him but I'm 99% Sure he's in Kingston so that could be a Sprinkle. Yeah, he's great and I've known him for years and years and years so good. Did it. Congratulations amazing. Lutely, if you know any other awesome Kick-Ass Belleville, Kingston Ontario vendors come to our Facebook group because we'll have a thread there and and let her know who she can do. She can hire and who's awesome or if you're a vendor and in that area. Feel free to share your link within that threat. Okay. Can I just say not know random shit guys, unless you actually can vouch for the vendor. Don't post them. I hate that shit. Yeah, and if you're a crappy vendor go away, we don't like you. So our next story we have a little bit of a trigger warning for verbal or and physical abuse. Okay, so just a heads up. It's called two weddings in a divorce the sequel to The Nutty engagement party. Oh, I think I know what this is from. Hello, Lisa and Rebecca. This is the sequel to the batch engagement party. Okay. Okay. So as a reminder, this is the one where the girl helps the other girl and she was marrying a guy who was a bit of a douche. He didn't want to pick them up at the salon. They had to go back. House or although she was hiding the family that helped helps them, right? Yes. Yeah. So but like actual divided there. We thought it was the guy because he liked wouldn't go to her house or something yesterday. I'm going to the salon and then we thought it was going to be like an abusive husband kind of situation and then it flipped. It was like a whoa, and then it was actually the girl a mall who was like not telling the fiance for cultural reasons or whatever that you know her other these people her. Friends were helping with the wedding doing all this stuff's like she was ashamed of them or something and it was really messed up. Yeah, so she says I wasn't going to send this in but y'all ask for crazy divorce stories and here is one after a mom's wedding Nadia her sister told us that she had a great time at amal's in-laws house Amal and her husband were going to live with mother-in-law surprise surprise and mother-in-law had welcomed Nadia and doted on her. Nadia felt like she belonged in a family again and had decided to marry her brother-in-law her father had agreed to this marriage from Iraq totally not acceptable in the Middle Eastern culture. And the rest of the family had no objections. My mom had a mini party for her which I attended in my PJs and she left this all happened within a month after her mom's wedding Nadia got married in a family only ceremony at her soon-to-be in-laws. And proceeded to move in with them as well both Nadia and am all Go Radio silent for 14 days. Then my mom receives a frantic call from Nadia saying she is at the airport and need someone to pick her up. My mom goes to her without question when she arrives Nadia tells us that a mall invited her to the wedding because mother-in-law wanted Nadia to marry her other son. They had put on a show of family love for her until after the wedding. Wedding she was given one day in a hotel with her new husband. And then she was to report for household duties at mother-in-law's house where she would live. This is literally what she was told you the following 13 days consist. Sorry, so I'm confused who can you break it down for me for a minute Frank let them just the relationships with the sister and stuff. So I'm a little confused. So Nadia is who's this? I'm also a mouse yester and naughty in a mall or sisters and they married Brothers. Thank you. Okay, just wanted to get married first and then her sister Mary the other guy. Yes got it. So these in-laws are like a malls and laws from the first marriage got it. Yes. Thank you. Let's see here the following 13 days consisted of her and am all cooking cleaning and doing dishes for mother-in-law and her for granted. Grown sons who required three fully cooked meals a day on the 14th day Nadia took too long to clean the bathroom. So mother-in-law started to yell at her Nadia decided to talk back and mother-in-law shoved her. This is like violent Cinderella. This is so not cool. Yeah, then her brother-in-law got there and kicked her out of the house. / mommy's orders her husband took her to the airport. Oh my God. He's like Get out of the country. Seriously. Wow Nadia started crying and I would be like cool you paying going to France like yeah, great Nadia started crying and told my mom that she had nowhere to go. I told my mom to take Nadia to her sister's house, which was an hour away from us, but my mom insisted that she could not refuse an orphaned girl asking for a home. Fuck my life the next six months consisted of constant drama Nadia and her family members would Call mother-in-law begging to let Nadia go back not even her family members would call mother-in-law begging to let Nadia go back mother-in-law would refuse and called Nadia names and then she would put Nadia's husband on the phone to also call her names. What a beautiful family after that Nadia found a new boyfriend and forgot about her husband good for her once mother-in-law figured out that Nadia was done begging. She started calling and telling Nadia that she. Wanted her back. Why would she want to go back to that garbage? Yeah, then her husband started calling and would leave angry voice males calling her a whore because she would not take him back. Nadia's family would also call and try to bully her into taking him back after a few weeks. We found out from Nadia that there is no legal marriage only religious one through a rogue Chic that issues non-legal Islamic wedding licenses. So I dr. Nadia is name. Name into a friend's Islamic divorce papers ha ha not as efficient best use of Photoshop I've ever heard of but I did this is a no way a legal document and changing. It is completely legal. The reason I did this for her is because her family would stop bullying her if they thought she had an Islamic divorce Nadia stays at our house for six nightmarish months. She proceeds to start relationships again relationships CIA. It's deliberate with multiple men one of which kidnaps her. Oh my God. This girl has got some toxic guys in her life. He returns her to our house after my mom calls him in threatens to call the police. Finally Nadia gets engaged over the phone. Okay to another guy suddenly. She packs up her stuff and goes to her sister's house. So her new fiance doesn't know about us sound familiar. She does not even thank my mom for the six months of zero rent and free food nor does she say goodbye. I get home from work and find her packing stuff into her sister's car with in around six months. Nadia has gotten married twice dated at least three different guys and gotten a divorce. All I could think is I wish my mom had taken her to her sister's house from the beginning. I know this is a very long story, but this is only Percent of the shit that took place the rest of it would probably require a trigger warning. We already did it and seemed inappropriate for this fun podcast. Thank you 80s know we loved it amazing. That's wow so much. I think this goes to the same guy. Yes, if there's a guy or a family that is treating you like shit. You are worth more than that get the fuck out now. It's only going to get worse, especially if you're not married yet. Just leave. Okay? Yes. Yes. Okay, so I just have Have to update quickly. You know how we told in last week's Halloween episode about in the fuck it bucket advice the more, you know Corner about burning money. It's not real money. They burn as I got some emails about that. I was like, oh cool. Okay. So when it comes to beauty products, we have so many choices. So why not? Ask for more from your favorite Brands? I'm motivated now more than Were to stick with high quality amazing products that are both vegan and cruelty-free. That's why I'm so glad I discovered Thrive Cosmetics Thrive Cosmetics products provide amazing coverage highlight your best features and are created for long-lasting wear. All of Thrive Cosmetics clinically proven ingredients are free of parabens and sulfates. I absolutely loved there overnight sensation brightening sleep mask. I'm head over heels in love with the mascara. It made my lashes so long and beautiful. I looked hot AF just saying for every product purchase Thrive cosmetics. Donates to help women who are in need of Thrive those causes include emerging from homelessness surviving domestic abuse and fighting cancer leaping Bunny and Peta have certified through of Cosmetics as completely vegan and cruelty-free start thriving and help women in need today by going to thrive Secret Life enter code secret life for 15 percent off your first purchase. That's thr IVC. Ause M. ET. I see secret life and enter code secret life for Percent off. Okay, double D's. Hey girls. I was listening to this week's episode when 18 and the dating tail reminded me of a date. I had during college. This was one of my very first proper dates. I had I was super excited especially since this guy, I don't know his name. So let's say Larry. I don't know why I'm about to really funny fake name. Yes, ask me out in front of my best friend who always had all the attention for boys. It felt like a bit of a Placement I think it's that I can understand that totally support that. Yeah, so Larry asks for my phone number at a football game and we text back and forth for a while. This was ever so slightly Pretenders so I couldn't properly Internet stock him then. We finally decide to go out for coffee. We met at the main library Starbucks and then chat and walk around campus for a few hours. Did I mention we met for coffee at 6 p.m. This was a date that this guy had clearly done before meet for coffee at the Bree go to the underground. Yes underground Courtyard to chill and talk then Meander through alleys to go to the music building and take turns sliding down the piano ramp overall. It was a lovely time. However, I blew it by being my cynical humorous and murdering himself as he led me underground. I made a joke about leaving the safety of the crowd as we wound through the alleys I talked about how this is where you would leave a Body, when we entered the empty music building and it took a minute to find the piano ramp. I made a joke about him. Just luring me here to murder me to go out with her. At the very end of the date as we made our way back to the library because I wasn't going to tell him which dorm I lived in like a dummy. He asked about all the murder jokes. I waved it off as having a dark sense of humor. Let's just say I didn't hear from him after our first and last kiss. Thanks and love y'all Kate. She said I don't care if you use my name and obviously, I don't remember his so that should be fun as well. Thank you for your great podcast. It's been lovely to know that other people have to deal with their crazy families during planning process. I get married on for four and can't thank you enough for being a guarantee good time as I listened to murder and US political podcast that work many times. You are the light in my day that gives me the extra push to go over cake design again. Oh, honey cake congratu. Congratulations from one murder obsessed person, I guess to a Other I don't know that's it that it's all good. I would have made those Joe. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, I've been like, you know what they say never let them take you to a second location. Yes, and we're now at a second location. Yeah run. No, that's amazing. Thank you. I would talk in the third person. I think don't freak them out. Yeah, you just started talking in third person. It's perfect. Yeah, congratulations on your upcoming wedding. So we have a listener post here to share. So I listened to the show during my 45-minute each way commute every day. I'm trying to catch up. Also I listen to the show when I get ready in the morning in the bathroom, and I thought I'd kept it pretty quiet to not wake up my sleeping fiancé Brian who gets up after I leave now a little context. My fiancé is a beer-drinkin gun. Shooting rally car love and triple XL pizza-eating Marine veteran who's now going to college while I work not to plant a societal stereotypes of gender Norms. However, he's just not typically the guy to be as super ecstatic about wedding planning as I am. I will say though. He's just the sweetest and always the best team player for me good for him little did. I know while I've been playing the show as I do my makeup and hair every morning. Brian has also been listening in lo and behold. The man who I had to insist on watching Hocus Pocus for his first time is now a total Fanboy of the secret life of weddings. He not only listens to the show on his drive to class without me. But he woke up this morning to come into the bathroom. And listen with me. He loves the show and thinks it's utterly hilarious. I'm so thrilled and find this incredibly awesome. That is the fucking my God I last that is the best. Thank you. Rebecca and Lisa for reminding me that my best friend is still full of surprises. Even after 5 years of being together. I've also attached a few of our recently released engagement pictures for your enjoyment. Congratulations, Lindsay and Brian you guys are adorable together and this is the best. This is hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. Yes, and I love that. We have dudes listening. Yes, please so cool. I recently We found some new artwork actually, which you may have seen on recent episodes. So we had I couldn't believe it. I was like, I it's funny you get stock artwork. Like we don't we don't have original artwork done. So to clarify when we get the yeah, we do. You know what I'm talking about. Don't be a fortune. But seriously, yeah, you can you know, they're royalty free images, right the the girls that we use like on our advertising for our episodes the little pop art illustrations anyway, Wasn't as many in my defense when we started but I think they've added more to the library since so anyway, I hadn't purchased you hadn't purchased any for the show for a super long time and I was like, oh I should go in and get some fresh artwork. So start looking and then I see like some black women and I'm like, oh my God, we have never had like a woman of color in our artwork before and I was like, I can't believe it didn't even occur to us. Right? I can't believe I know well, but then I was like, maybe it just I'm a hundred percent sure. I never saw them before the that's What I'm saying when I say, okay, when I first did the art back, like don't forget. This has been on for two years now. It wasn't in the library. Yeah, you know what? I mean? Like you kind of bulk buy them. Yeah, and then you just use them. Yeah, so I am a hundred percent sure. They didn't exist before and I but it just didn't even occur to me to look. So anyway, I bought a bunch that have some beautiful women of color to that. I used last week or the week before the Halloween episode and then there was someone dudes too and I was like, yes. It's so great. Yeah, we didn't had a do you can do a dude this week? Okay, there's yes we have to do this weekend. This is for you Brian Brian this artwork is for you. But yeah, thank you so much for writing in we love that. Everybody is listening and different demographics and things y'all are the shit. We love you. All please share it with your friend out. We're about to share it with the share it with everybody, right? Yeah importantly we have A slight updates on your ghost photo. Oh, right. I was like, what are we talking about? So last we heard last week. I talked to my lovely bride and I emailed her and I just said that hey when you have a second, I just have a quick question for you and Shima back. Yeah, I'm back from my trip Bubba anyways, so I said, you know, I'm just curious about this photo. I can't place I was your dad in the room because I don't recall seeing him but I can't place who this person could be the silhouette of a person and she wrote up a rights backhoe send it to me and I was thinking yeah, she probably didn't see it in her Gallery because Did include it but I guess she I mean I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't looking for like go looking for it, right? Yeah, so she I sent it to her and she writes back and she was like, whoa. Yeah. Oh my God my heart like her heart skipped a beat and and I apologize apologize profusely for scaring my God. I'm not my intent was not to scare her at all. And she said she was just like I'd be scared if he was. Here now, but it's in the past. She said I'm glad I didn't know about it on the day because that would've been a problem. But she's she did say she's like, that's definitely not my dad and I was like, oh, so she's sending it to her family members as well as the owners of the venue of the I should say by nukes not really technically a venue but of the property and asking them about it, so We shall see we're double so we're triple-checking. I think now with Dad to make sure he didn't creep in anywhere that we don't know about but we are I'm trying to debunk the fuck out of this thing the flank really this gets released before we do more investigation in all this. I just you know, Rebecca wants to like like she said debunk this we want to come at this from a purely scientific perspective first, I would say before we go and and yeah, and I want to be super respectful of my horse. I don't want to comes first don't yeah. Yeah. I'm very much that person. I worry about them. He worries too much and I'm like, you didn't put the damn ghost there. That's good that goes just happened. You can't control that. I said I said, it's your ethical responsibilities to put the ghost in the gallery. But um, do you know, yeah, I am so utterly excited and fascinated by this. Yeah, we should have a lot more by next week. I'm Donna the next episode. But yeah, I have plans. I know exactly what I told Rebecca like the moment. She writes you back. I know exactly what I'm doing like, okay. So if she says okay, my dad confirmed a hundred and ten percent not him. Okay. Yeah, I am going to there's really no one else that could have been there's nobody nobody was there. He wasn't even in the building. But we're gonna triple quadruple checking that he didn't sneak in and through the back door and not tell anyone, you know? Yeah, just yeah just double-checking. So if it's not him, like if he's really not him. I want to do a couple things. I want. I want Rebecca. I want you to ask maybe if you can if if what the family thinks like if they thought it may be look like anybody on their side, you know, maybe like a relative or something because the profile of the dad really did look kind of Of similar, so we were wondering out loud. Like could it be a grandpa or something and also because I think that the grandparents had passed away. Also, I am immediately going to call the school where I found out the previous owner of this property who had built parts of the property and live there for 28 years. And because I found his obituary, right? Yeah. I want to call the school and see if they have a photo of him in the archives because Cannot find anything online and I want to go like old school. I want to be like in the library looking at microfiche and shit. Like I was a part of you that guy. Yeah, you know, but I'm so fascinated by this and as well, obviously, we will try to talk to the owners of the home that because apparently they were super friendly and shared with like I said your second shooter the other day that they thought they had a haunting. Yeah, so they probably know. No way more about what's going on with that house than any of us. Yeah, right. Like I've been going through all their photos now the windows and you must because I'm trying to see if there's any other photos with something in it. And yeah, there's just it's shocking like I can't wait until you know, we confirm things and get permission to share this because if this is legit it is so Defined there's no you can't reason it away. That's the problem. Now this photo you can't reason it away, you know most ghosts photos. You're like, oh it's an orbit could be dust it's of yeah camera. It's yeah, there's none of that. It is like a fucking silhouette of an old man. Like it's yeah, it's kind of nuts. I don't even like I'm kind of on a place where I'm like, why did it have to be me? Oh, I wish it was me because it'd be like No problem, but you know what? So if it was you that thing would have hit the news and went viral Ali I'm working on it. I'm working on it. But here's the thing. So I I'm saying I want to go there and actually try to recreate this and I want to like bring a medium and I want to like actually invest I want to like do a proper investigation into this because I am so fascinated both from from an entertainment perspective of like how fun would it be to record an episode down this and like because it's all related to the wedding you shot like it's amazing, right and then also finding out maybe the history of the place and talking to the owners and figuring out who it could be and if it's related to the The family in the bride or if it's related to the property and I'm just so fascinated. I'm leaning towards the property just because I think I think ghosts and spirits and things like that. If it's I'm kind of like on the fence as a skeptic I want to believe but I'm skeptical. Yeah, but I do think people are more likely tied to places, right? Yeah, so I'm leaning towards it's probably the dude that built the place but I want to go and do all of this and last I checked with Rebecca. She said she's not coming. Coming with me. No, I'm not and I think you should know are you like a hundred percent o because I do believe in spirits and I do believe in all of that and I do believe also that they can attach themselves to use like a nice accurate. You don't know that I'm assuming I mean, he's standing there all fucking creepy staring at her. He's just looking at her. Now know so she won't go so I'm like that's and I'm very much I'm someone I feel like I am like that vulnerable presence that a spirit can attach itself to me. Like if he's like doing spin the bottle. I'll bring that shit home the bottles coming right to you attached to her before you only knew like if you only knew the lengths I go to to make sure nothing comes into my home like it's kind of nice. Yeah, I do. So do stuff to tell me I believe in this stuff. I believe in energy and all of that. Yeah, what do you do if I feel like there's because I do believe that there are spirits all around. I've always believed that great but I if I feel like there's something around I always say you're not welcome here. Good night and God bless and I say that without even thinking about it. I just say it right away because I feel like there's something around and and it's and it could be friendly could not B I don't know what it is, but I've always done that because I was advised two years ago to do that. You also are supposed to like I think picture yourself with light around you. That's another thing that I've heard. Yeah as well and it's just like when I buy a home I always make sure I said it to someone who's sensitive to those things to see if there's anything anything off about it Weller. Oh, wow. Maybe I should do that as I got into Realty. I should be like, you know how they're like complimentary staging drone photography and medium coming in to make sure it's not hot it will cause my first house we had happened in that house and it was just something was off so I'm very like, I'm very like it. Yeah, so I know for me I don't have a good feeling going back there. So I can't go back there breaks my heart because I want you to be part of it. Yeah, and now everyone I've just told everyone that all of this another all going to think I'm not looking to Skype you though, right? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, you can still take part. Yes. I just don't I just that's why I said to you I'm usually easygoing, you know, but I was just like this is a this is a hard fucking line. With me like I'm not going back there. I know I told Justin he's like she won't go back. I'm like, no. She's like, I can't believe that I said, no, she won't she won't I tried for 20 minutes to convince her. She's just like not you did. You're like just hear me out. Just hurry up man. No think about it. No, just think about it. There's something off and I know I'm not supposed to go back there. So I'm not going back there. Well, I think I could just got a big beautiful invitation and then there could be a wedding there and I will turn it down. Okay. So what do you pay her? Immediately to go back there you'll see if she accepts it because I do believe for whatever reason at that that is a spirit that I was meant to see it. I don't know why and I don't want to know why I'm okay with not knowing I'm comfortable with that but clear it because I do believe that they they only make themselves aware to you when they want you to know something. Yeah for there's always a reason. Yeah, right, so I do believe in that but I don't want to know what that reason is. I want to know what the reason is. That's why I want it was what I want to bring a medium. So I'm like, I'm a hundred and ten percent we should do that and I want to set it up in a way that you can Skype in and report on your end the way we do each week. Yeah, and I can be on site trying to recreate this with a medium and maybe someone else like a model or something trying to like create that shadow and figure out Where that person had to because I just find the utterly fascinating the science of the light. It's yeah, it's kind of nuts. Yeah, because we're photographers and we know light and the fact that we can't well, I know I can't I can't can't sort it out exactly because it doesn't make sense to me how it reflected on their he saw someone had to be physically standing there and we were not aware of anyone. So it's we have to figure out if nobody was there. What it was? Yeah, so we'll keep you posted guys. It's going to be a thing. If if it's not that if it was Dad, well we had fun but we don't think it is the bride so far doesn't think it was she's pretty sure keep us posted Rebecca, please and yes, we'll do and we'll we'll go from there. Well, thank you so much for hanging out with us on this episode of The Secret Life of weddings podcast and remember anything can happen at weddings. Even ghosts and we will be there to tell you all about it. Well, that's it for us this week on The Secret Life of weddings podcast. If you need more drama in your life go over to slash secret life of weddings to sign up for additional weekly episodes. The first few episodes are free. So go check it out slash secret life of weddings, and we will see you here next week.
We hear about a super gross bet by a listener’s fiancé (and why she is soooo much better off now), and an update from a recent story about Amal and her similarly self-centred sister. Also, we get an update on Rebecca’s ghost photo! On DDs we hear from a listener Kate who met up with a Tinder joke, and made a few too many murdery jokes along the way. Want more Secret Life of Weddings? Get some extra juicy stories exclusively available monthly on Patreon (the first 10 bonus episodes are FREE) plus early release ad-free main episodes every Monday over on Patreon! Become a Patron for as low as $3 a month & support the show at To share your story, please email or visit *Join our private Facebook listener group at Chat with us on FlickChat: SPONSORS: Away - For $20 off a suitcase, visit and use promo code SECRETLIFE during checkout! Thrive Causemetics - Start thriving and help women in need today by going to and enter code SECRETLIFE for 15% off your first purchase!
Hey everyone, Chris one here. And this is accident out loud a podcast by Lucid accent Consulting your weekly Glimpse on one person's take on English language learning accents experimentation and learning. What's up, big boy? And this episode's it's a bit of a rant. I think they're or maybe a bit more of a thought. No, I'm not really ranting about anything. But there's two ways that I think people should be approaching accent learning or accent modification in communication enhancement, and these are sort of Left and right field so bear with me on describing what I think people should be doing one way. Is that sort of traditional way and I think people in the traditional way there's a lot of foundational work that should be learned. So when you are learning how to make sounds differently you have to have a basis of understanding so a you have to learn what mouth parts are involved in speech and say sound production specific to sounds that are produced from air flow from the lungs pulmonic sounds if we've got some Linguistics people that are geeking out about this type of thing or arguing semantics and in that and in this sort of way, I'm trying to build content. So we have this episode 3 of my podcast was about producing or what mouth parts are involved in producing sound episode 4 is about the edge. National phonetic alphabet and sort of how people make sounds what is the manner of articulation and where is the focal point of airflow obstruction or what are the articulator is involved main main articular leaders involved in this sound production. So if you were to take talking about the S sound we know it's a fricative. So it's turbulent airflow through a narrow passage and And it is alveolar. So the tongue is touching the ridge behind the upper teeth. So that's just the traditional aspect of traditional way that I think people should be learning you learn what's involved in speech. You'll learn how we categorize sounds and speech and then you start building from that. Do I have all the sounds or English sounds and do I have them properly? If you don't have the th sound then you work on the th Zone. If you don't have the V sound then you work on the Visa. If you don't have the shutter sound the sh sound you work on the sh sound and then you do that systematically picking up those things that you are missing the other way that I think you can also Target is functionally so picking which words which phrases that you need whether this is for work and you are calling clients and they have specific trouble with certain words write down all the words write down all the phrase. Has that you use on a daily basis. Hi. Good morning. How are you? I'm calling from blank. Are you interested in a new cell phone plan? I don't know things like that. If you pick up those specific phrases write them all down so that you have a list of like, I don't know a 10-page list of words that you or words or phrases that you always use if you can practice that paragraph that phrase that word then you can dissect. We you say it to have somebody else has it. And that's a very narrowed Focus way of attacking accent modification. If you write down all these words you identify. These are the words that I have trouble with or these are the words that clients friends strangers told me I have I noticed that they asked me to repeat myself on find somebody who is a native English speaker record how they say it compared to how you say it. Now you have a sample of native English speech and your speech So let's say you have trouble with a word. Let's say the word is theater. I want you to record yourself saying the word theater record a native English speaker who says the same word theater and then compare the to try and listen. What's the difference? Let's say you say Cierra Cierra. So you're listening theater Sita theater Sierra de you noticed the th sound I replace it with an S. So then you have to work on that. And then maybe with that practice you get to the point of saying theater theater. Not quite the same as the native English speaker Let's Pretend This is North American English and you get theater versus theater theater theater and then you notice hey that the other thing that's wrong or the other thing that's different is the r sound. I don't fully make that hard r that is common in North American English. I want to work on that part. So then you have to do theater to theater theater theater. And then once you get more comfortable with it, then you have the word theater theater theater when you put that into a sentence, maybe you use it in a functional phrase. Maybe you work at a Cineplex or a movie theater and you have to greet the guests and you say welcome to the theater right maybe. First you used to say welcome to the theater. And then you change that do welcome to the theater. Welcome to the theater and slowly over time. You have to remember to say that our sound and then you do welcome to the theater. Welcome to the theater. Welcome to the theater. You got to put it in perspective analyze each part and attack each part, that's different. And then slowly by slowly you work on those phrases that are functional for you that you're going to use every day. And then you tackle them one by one one by one until you have all the sounds that you need. And nobody's nobody notices are nobody asks you to repeat yourself anymore. That's the other way that you can approach accent modification. The one thing about that or the caveat behind that is that if you are tackling it on a case-by-case basis, then you're not tackling the process. So what I mean by that is if you are tackling it on a case-by-case. This theater for example. I worry that you don't realize or you don't take the time to learn the process which maybe is all th sounds are this way. So then if you go to Another word like thin maybe you you can say theater, but you go back to saying sin instead of thin. That's the thing that I think I am not one specific scenario gravitate more towards your traditional way of learning. The first one that I was talking about. But if the final outcome of option b or option 2 of approaching accent modification is that if you've addressed the functional words that you've used that you need to use then is that good enough for you are you content with Practicing and improving the 100 words or 100 phrases that you always use and the rest don't matter as much it's up to you guys which one you pick but those are just my thoughts on that. I don't know. I was inspired to think about that and talk about that today. Hopefully I can keep turning these out on a more regular basis because I do have a lot of random thoughts like this every once in a while definitely more than a weekly basis, but Let me know what you think. Do you like these ones more than the long-form educational ones? Anyways, have a good one.
Sharing my thoughts on how to approach accent modification and what are two ways to approach the issue. by better having an understanding of how to approach accent modification as a whole, you can better understand the impact of approaching accent modification in one way or another. The traditional method builds a foundational understanding of sound production, manner of articulation, and placement to ensure you have an understanding of the sounds involved. The other method is to choose functional words you use on a daily basis and targeting those specific sounds and words to ultimately alleviate frustrations in communication that currently impact your communicative success. About the Show: AccentOutLoud is your weekly source for English communication,     insights, experimentation, and inspiration. Every Thursday (and    sometimes  more) I'll share my personal take on English communication,     tips of English communication and what I think is important in clear    communication. If you have an interest in improving your English    communication, learning a speech-language pathologist's perspective on    the field, or just want uniquely interesting podcast, you're sure to    find something useful in each episode. It's my hope that you'll  become  a  fan and gain a better appreciation and understanding of what  is   involved in your accent as a result! AccentOutLoud is proudly made by me, a one-man team from Lucid Accent Consulting. Feel free to get in touch for any thoughts, ideas, or  feedback Check me out on Instagram - Check me out on Facebook -
I would say perfect hair perfect here. Yeah, okay, I would say some sort of dangly jewelry the verified symbol and it's Graham. I would say he uses terms like believe in the Victory. And finally I would say celebrity Pastor has genes that are skinnier than his theology. Nope. Welcome to biblical engines a podcast that explores the how and why of living as a Christian in a pop culture World movies art people. Everything is Up For Debate and nothing is held back in each episode. We explore a topic through conversation banter and the Bible to try and get to the truth of the matter. We're not pastors or Scholars. We're just regular Christians trying to understand the world through lenses of the Bible. In this episode we're talking about celebrity pastures, which is a topic right for comedy. We're going to dig in and do the thought work, but we're also going to have some fun. Maybe at people's expense stay tuned. Today we're talking about celebrity pastors and I wanted to start out. I read an article Relevant Magazine and the title of the article caught my eye because it said James McDonald and the end of the celebrity Pastor. So just in the last day or two James McDonald who is one of the he was the head pastor of Harvest Bible Church. He got accused of a number of things I guess over years and sweeping them under the rug. Also the Elders of the church, I think maybe sweeping them under the rug and so he was fired as the head pastor and I just want to read a couple quotes out of the article because I think they're pretty they touch on a lot of things we're going to talk about today when it comes to celebrity pastors. So here's what the author of the article said the entertainment industry became the focal point of American culture and a growing number of churches began operating like a brand with the pastor acting as the focal celebrity and this has led to a phenomenon we call celebrity. Pastors a phrase that should ring alien to all of us a celebrity Pastor is a brand and a brand doesn't take action against itself. That would be antithetical to its entire existence Brands survive because they deflect damage they control the narrative accountability is bad for Brands and lastly this article said the celebrity Pastor is a failed experiment. No one. What's your thoughts on that? Yeah. It's it's always hard when you hear about a pastor that is In the Limelight that has had a moral failure. It's hard when you hear of any Pastor that's had a moral failure happens, too often. Yeah, I think one especially one that is seen by not only Christians but non-christians alike, right and that's that's always hard for us. I do think it's notable to point out that you know, we aren't here to throw dirt on anybody absolutely say that say that MacArthur, you know is like, I don't think Going to be passing Judgment at all. That's not even really what we're gonna be talking about today, you know, obviously if they are true the accusations, I mean, he's definitely a man that has had a failure but just like as any man who has had a failure. I think it's good that we surround him and Grace and love and show him that you know, super important like that. Jesus is all about Redemption but to that note because yeah because if we can't do that right just and we're going to talk a lot about this. I feel like in this podcast but like, you know, Who are highlighted as people like leaders like Christian leaders who fall right? Whoo-hoo something happens in their life, and they are in error. If we don't have Grace for them. Like how can we expect the Lord to have Grace with us? Like it's really important that we walk into this and I even debated about like reading the article because it mentioned his name, but it does have a lot less to do with him and more to do with an exploration. Of the celebrity Pastor thing whether it's working or not working. Yep. Yeah. That's why the true. Yeah, you know and I think celebrity pastors is it's just a funny topic. Let's okay before we go. What is a Celebrity Fashion except in your best like your best like description. What is the celebrity? You know what I think it's somebody who's honestly like he's got to have some ripped jeans in his in his wardrobe Panache. He's got at least be talking from a Table from a small circular table. Okay where he's got, you know a couple of different things on it all branded 45-degree Pulpit no longer acceptable. Yeah, no longer acceptable to God you just a flat 90 degree. It's like you walked into like a coffee shop. Yep, where they make really good cold brew or over? Yep somehow. Yeah and you just caught him in the middle of a Devo and as IP yeah. Oh, yeah for sure. Okay. Yeah for sure you are going to see a celebrity pastors with an Instagram account like you are. Going to find them on some sort of social media and that's and that's just the that's the that's the world that we live in now everybody has an inscription. Everybody has an Instagram Nolan that's very job. There would be verified on Instagram. You can have the little blue check and a half of the blue check mark. Okay, so all silliness aside like I would say like a celebrity Pastor is just somebody who has a very high level of notoriety popular. It could be very well could be because of the things that they say are true to the word, you know, and we're About there's a lot of there's a lot of I follow a couple of celebrity pass. There's nothing wrong with them right like necessarily. I don't think there's I'm gonna put my cards on the table. I don't there may not necessarily be anything wrong with being a pastor who people take a lot of people take note of because of your faithful service and work for the kingdom. Yeah, but if you wear velvet boots it could I do you remember when we went to yes don't even say it. But we went to a conference Levi. Let's go. Oh don't tell me if he's wearing because they were beautiful. He wasn't he was kind of disappointed. But okay he wasn't you win. Time and I will you just timed out a levite a logo, but that's something I like Pastor Liao. Let's go. He's great man. He's awesome. He can preach the word. Okay. Sorry, we're gonna get back to it. Let's I mean, so that is a celebrity Pastor somebody with notoriety some with popularity. Someone that people listen to they have a following of sorts maybe social media, but just in general when people say like hey, what are you listening to somebody might say? Oh, I heard a sermon from dot dot dot from such-and-such a pastor because everything is podcasting. And and youtubed and it just out there on the web, right so heavily followed. Okay, Kenosha. Can we just talk about the job like the Jambi crisping really quick course, if you haven't watched out there if you haven't watched or heard of John be Crist great comedian super funny dude, lots of funny sketch stand-up and sketch humor, but we encourage you to listen to or watch his celebrity Pastor draft video and he actually got a lot of trouble for it that people gave him a lot of flack. It's basically a sketch about like fantasy football. Ball but instead of football it's celebrity pastors and they're all commenting on the pastor's sweet like jokes or like amazing hair and like how they're all drafting the pastor's I just think that's super funny. Of course you get in trouble for it, but he got in trouble, you know who got in trouble what what Christians yeah, people are just like upset they like they couldn't understand the humor behind it. He had to come out and make another like series of like Instagram videos or whatever saying now, we're not trying to like dogon people here. We're trying to make we're trying to be silly about their suits. You know like and he's even saying like he's friends with a lot of them and they even call them upset. That was really funny John right but like he's able to poke fun at the whole celebrity and I think I mean like I think that can be a good segue into just the topic at hand is that I think a lot of us or a lot of Christians will will get very defensive because they feel that that Pastor is very endearing to them, right, you know, you might come out and say something about you know, whoever like Billy Graham or whatever and then also and it's like well that Has had a you know has had a fundamental role in shaping and changing my biblical lens on my bill Cole worldview. Let's get one or get real confessional right now. If who is the pastor right now that if somebody was to say something bad about you might ask the Holy Spirit if it was okay to punch them in the throat. Whoo. Wait, are you saying personally personally, if somebody came up and said this celebrity Pastor, what a what a garbage heap what he such trash who would you go to her? A shirt for sure Matt Chandler. Okay. That's your go-to. I would go to bat for matching why I just he is he is a man. That is very knowledgeable. I believe he got it. He teaches straight from the Bible. God is very like logical driven. Yeah, and I just love that he is that guy that like is willing to tell anybody no matter if the present United States sure you're an idiot. You need to change your life and give your life to Jesus Christ. That's yeah. Absolutely. Matt Chandler is I list I love that challenge teachings solid teacher of the word also. What I need to get yelled at. Yeah, I feel like I'm going to tune in a pasture map because he's gonna do me right, you know, he's for sure gonna call know he's gonna yell at you little bit mine Ravi Zacharias. Oh if you spoke badly and he's not even a pastor as much as a Christian leader and Scholar, but if you talk bad about Ravi, oh, I'm one of our friends Amber did you so one of our friends Amber was telling us about was telling me about a about Robbie B&B and I hire yeah because of the yeah, but if you talk bad about Ravi today, I I might I might I might pray against you. I might ask you to wither up like a picture like that's my pizza. You don't want because I feel like he should be my like the Indian grandfather to my children. Yeah, like he's such a amazing. I want them to come out just be like you want some more tea. So yeah. Okay so cards on the table Nolan and I we have people like we have pastors that we respect and we follow of course and like you said like it. Hurt us. If somebody said something about a pastor that we find to be rich, like like worthy of respect that being said are the celebrity pastors that you think are not worthy of respect and let's I don't know. What should we call them by name or she would come up with great nicknames for them. I don't know. I don't know if I can come up with a nickname of the spot. I have a nickname for one that I feel like I'm gonna call I'm just gonna say I'm gonna call him teeth. That's that's my nickname. I know exactly, you know, exactly I'm talking about I'm just gonna call him teeth. I'm not a fan of teeth. Yeah, so that's mine. I'm going to call the the guy that saw me and you would think about the same about teeth. Okay, but the German that I'm thinking about I would call him spikes when we first got started like his hair was. Oh I know exactly who you're talking about. Spiky spikes. Yeah, that's great for the 90s grunge. That's cool. Okay, so we also have some that we don't approve of yeah now, Let's now we're going to get to the Crux of the issue. Okay, what do we think about celebrity pastors? There's some good right? There's some that maybe it's a responsibility. It's a Spider-Man issue great power great responsibility coming but like there's some that don't ya so, what do we think about this idea of celebrity passers? Yeah. Gosh, it's it's so hard because for me, I think that it's it's a it's an inevitability that you are going to if you are a good preacher. Or a good you know speaker. You're going to have people that are going to follow you. I mean we see this with many different pastors, but we also see it with politicians, you know, SE I mean even Barack Obama was always hailed for his, you know, his all his features and they were always so succinct and it's a great Obama depression. I think very much. I'm very proud of that. I've never been more proud of you than just right now. I didn't know you could do impression. You know, we really enjoy people that can speak very well and I mean Paul speaks. This topic all the time, you know when he's talking to different churches saying like hey beware of those that speak, you know, oh my gosh, I'm going to completely butcher this but basically just saying like hey beware of those that have good speech that I very convincing because they're always of what their speech but the speech ends up being Halo, right? That's a summary please don't quote us exactly but it does say that but I mean like and that's and that's where I think like as a pastor you realize if you're a good speaker. You will draw a following just like Paul did just like Peter did just like Jesus did But it comes with a you know, just like the Peter Parker like, you know with great power comes great responsibility like you have this great thing. It also means that you have a lot more pressure on you to now like read your word know what it says to proclaim the word of God and preacher with with all convictions. So speaking of pressure like so that's like a nice wet like can you serve God as effective as effectively from a place of fame or does the pressure become too much like the scrutiny on you become too much. So let mean little little back story right like Nolan I have served in Ministry together. We've served in youth ministry. We have you know, I've been a I've been in on staff Pastor like no one was like my number two like my dude in charge. So like we've done this before and and as you rise in not in like popularity, that's not what I want to say. But as you become like more recognizable, there's a scrutiny put on you. There's a pressure that's put on you. Not to perform. I don't want to see perform. But to be more pastoral right and to always to always be walking in Holiness and the Bible clearly says that like we all like sheep have gone astray. So what do we do about the spiritual superheroes with the capes fluttering In The Wind that everyone goes he's perfect. He's amazing. I wish I could wish I could be like Ravi. I wish I could be like pastor Matt like like what do we do about those areas? Because as much as I love Ravi, I know that somewhere he's a he's deep down. Synonym that he that he does things that are not in accordance with the will of God. He has to otherwise he's he's the Messiah like he's and I know that's just not true. Right? Well, I mean I think like there's there's got to be a level of there's gotta be a level of recognition in your own self that your heart is wicked above all else. You know, I mean, I always could I always heard the story from my mom just she really respected Billy Graham that we that was definitely her like, you know Pinnacle as far as like the pastor goes right, but you know, she really respected Billy. I am and she would tell me all the time like, you know, when he would go on tour, he would have his security detail or whoever his you know, people were that were traveling with him and they would go into hotel rooms before him. They would make sure that any cuz people would legitimately like drop-off like porn inside of Billy Graham's hotel room trying to trip him up trying to make him like, you know fall as a Christian and so he'd have these people go in and whatever was in there remove it and then he would Always make sure that somebody was with him when he was in a hotel room. He was never by himself. You know, he took great measure to make sure that he was always following what God wanted to do. So that's to my point right like Can it can you serve God from a place of Fame as effectively like really like as wholeheartedly as you want to because there's so many things now tripping you up. There's so many things like and if you fall from grace, oh my gosh you Influence People in such a negative way. Is that a better model than than what I would see as like the Great Commission Jesus sending out the ones and twos to go make ones and twos and make ones and twos like what what happened to the faithful small Church Pastor whoo-hoo-hoo Shepherds, you know, 50 people 75 people hundred people and and and he pours his life into that congregation like that. What what here's my opinion? What happened to that is that's just not sexy anymore. Right? Like that dudes not writing books that does that Doesn't podcast he doesn't even know you don't have a 15 inch MacBook Pro. He doesn't know about technology like that dudes not on Instagram like so we can't follow that guy. He's not relatable to us as much as the guy with the Velvet boots and the ripped jeans and the cool kind of like the way he talks and walks and lives. Right? So like like is it is it really more effective for you to be the Billy Graham of our age or would it be more effective for you to be the 50 person whom I like or how about not even would it be more effective for you to be the effect of small group leader of 15 people? Yeah, and I mean, well, I like that's that's where I think that we have a lot of differing in the Viewpoint because Caffrey for you, you definitely see, you know, small group and House Church as as an effective model and I see that as an effective model to it can be effective. Right? I do also see that, you know churches with with bigger congregations with bigger with You know more people it also means that they have a greater. I would say imprint on their Community. Okay, and I get the fact that you know, we in a smaller setting you can disciple more but I think it is harder. Once you start talking about reaching a mass amount of people and that's where you know, we could we could talk about that all day regarding like, you know, is it our celebrity pastors, you know, are they able to reach more people? People or are they just kind of getting people who are like jumping onto a bandwagon of religion? And I think that's where it's it's kind of hard because for me I would say that there are some celebrity pastures that do that do ministry very well meaning that they are able to train up and equip those that are underneath them to trampin equip those underneath them, you know, and so on and so forth, but at the same time like what okay. So for instance like like pastor Matt Chandler like the size of his congregation is not necessarily the same as the size of teeth Scott. Geisha right. So like like we have like a like a like when people start filling up like stadiums like like baseball stadiums to see one person talk. I also feel and were we are currently exploring this you're watching Nolan and I like walk out the exploration of this topic like you're seeing everybody there's way more opportunity for everybody to put their focus on the man. Yeah instead of less impressive setting scenario surrounding, you know to then like lead them to Jesus more. Yeah, right, but I mean like and I think that's where the and that's where for me I recognize that you can't necessarily always stop people from exalting from exalting somebody so as much as we would like to say like, oh, you know, Matt Chandler can just come up on a given Sunday and say like, you know, stop following me like he's done that before right and he still has people in this congregation that it's follow. Hey, I follow map. I'll tell you right now if I Going to go visit that church. I would want to be at the campus where Pastor mathletes. Yeah, everybody wants us to see that now guilty of it. I think biblically, you know, Paul definitely says that you know, you should not be under the camp of Paul or you should not be under the camp of Barnabas or in the camp of you know, this person or that person. It's it's more about hey, like I am a follower of Jesus first and foremost and that's why when I hear, you know, when we're at church and also night here like oh, yeah. No, Pastor, Donny is going to speak today and said pastor been is going to speak. Well, I'm not like in my heart and and I've been accused of this before especially from the previous year. So we went to it's like I've been accused of before in my heart first going and you know, but then I have to check myself right away and be like, you know what this is the holy spirit speaking regardless, but then but then but then but then the other Pastor speaks and you're like, okay, that was awesome. That was it. That was a that was a stinky. Yeah. That was a stinky. Of a sermon. Yeah and like and does happen at times happen and but like okay, I've been there done that right like I get it like I've been I've been ready to like preach on a Sunday morning back in the day and then like been there ready to like welcome somebody in and that like the old lady comes in or like who's preaching today and I go I am I have the Madonna microphone on it's my day and they turn around and go back to their car and absolutely and say that they're just gonna pause. Podcast like a repeat like the old lady say I'm just gonna go and what listen to a repeat of the the head Pastor so I don't have to shout out to old ladies everywhere. Shout out to Karen's all over the place. That's amazing. Okay, it's so yes like it like it is people are going to be drawn. Yeah two talented speakers. They're going to be Talent. They're going to be drawn to charismatic figures, but I don't know yet. Like that's maybe I see both sides. Like this is twofold like number one. We should encourage people to be biblically root like pastors. We should pray for them to be biblically rooted pastors, like amazing teachers of the word and so sound in the word of God, but we should also pray for them not to be entertaining and tickle are years, but we should pray for them to like, I mean listen to us like this episode one or two of the podcast. Yeah. Hopefully we're going to get better. Hopefully, hopefully people are out there praying. Oh, I would hope that Elites are Wives will listen to this episode and then finish it and pray for us to get better at podcast. That's what people who care about you do and so I think that's like the thing and that's I guess okay. Here's my next question. If you're a celebrity passer and this is what happens with celebrities, right? We think we know them. Yeah, but we don't actually know that we follow them on Instagram. We see them do interviews we fit this is how we feel about celebrities especially in America. Like we feel like I know him I feel like he's a good guy or a great gal like, but we don't actually know anything about Them that to me is probably the biggest danger of celebrity pastors is you can have a Congregation of people that don't know the pastor and therefore the pastor lives a life of isolation and there's no accountability there. Yeah. Yeah, and I mean like and I think that's where that's where it is hard because when you end but that's that's for that's for pretty much all pastors. Show me when you have a pastor that's even in front of a Congregation of 50 and that 50 are following him. He has a he has they they will at some point in time or at least a couple of people in the congregation will Elevate him to a status of moral imperfect like not in perfect. But more Perfection sure know where they say like, oh, he tells me how to live my life. So he must be you know, perfect and I think the I think a lot of times the bigger thing is that celebrity pastors have a huge responsibility to to like watch their Keel or basically make sure that they are they are protected on a hundred eighty. Reason and you know, we see that in some in some cases and in other cases, we don't I think that a lot of times celery pastors can kind of steer into the the attendance and the you know, the amount of people that are coming to their church or given the amount of people that are getting quote-unquote saved every single Sunday. Okay, and they allow that to dictate their actions because they're like, well if I if I start preaching actual truth or if I start preaching the hard truths of the Bible right all this Said my congregation is going to go. Well, I don't want to be here. I don't like this message. And so I'm going to watch you know, maybe 5,000 people walk out the door of my 10,000 person church. And now I don't have the same influence. I don't have the same income or whatever. It might Church to go out and affect my commute and that's why I think the celebrity that's why I agree with the article. It says the celebrity Pastor experiment is dead because it's putting too much weight on one person and I even when I think okay, like I have this list of like, let's talk about famous past. Okay, let's talk about The pastor's right like like the Apostle Paul. Yeah, Peter John famous pastors and their day, of course people went like that is those are the words of Paul. Yeah, right and but and like as you said like Paul had some people like like having issue with him like like, oh, are you a disciple of this person or a disciple of that person? He was still able to say right First Corinthians, like one follow me as I follow Christ. He was able to say that he wasn't saying I'm perfect like Christ is perfect. He that At that was like simultaneously and admission of like of like his guilt like follow me as I'm following. I'm not there. I'm progressing but progress after me like, you know, like you should model after me. That's okay like Martin Luther Martin Luther was was a great was a great Pastor. I think Marvel. So is Martin Luther punk rocker of his day nailing things on Church doors. Can we just talk about Martin Luther? I would say the nailing things in the church doors. I don't necessarily know. I do know that he submitted 99 pieces of I like in my mind your mind you like to picture he just nailed it and there was an anarchy symbol somewhere. Yeah simple not at all. Possibly the who was playing over radio. Absolutely. But I mean, even you know, even Martin even Martin Luther King jr. Was a very popular celebrity Pastor that's kind of true. You could say that yeah. Well, I mean, he definitely he definitely had an entire country following what he was saying. Okay, I'm gonna give him in the reformed area of things like Charles Spurgeon. Yeah, like Martyn lloyd-jones, one of my favorite preachers like is that Central from town to town and gather the entire time to have their people not only that but convert and revive the entire town shut like like Spurgeon Poppin. Yeah, it's his day. Oh, yeah popping. Yeah in his day. I read his I read his lectures. My student lectures Mighty has a full chapter on how hand motions are Incorporated and how you can incorporate ambushes and determines to better illustrate your point. That is like, this is a man that wrote this before hit him. Out propresenter hitter me of a Christian man is the man who writes a chapter on one hand. I bet you Billy Graham read I bet that book and that's where he got the famous point-to-point. He did got the fans Point like, okay, they're even right now. They're good slippery, but we mentioned some of them but like the match ahlers. The Tim Keller is the Francis chance that we would go like we respect them. We would listen to them and teach and that's part of my salt always like these guys are not they're not not watering down their scripture for for a bigger audience. They're just speaking what God is calling them to speak and they're still noticing that their congregations are still coming to them and it's like for me that's where I think you know, yes, maybe the the idea of I mean, hey, I would be happy if celebrity pastors were to you know, the the idea of celebrity either warranted. Yeah worked or didn't work. Like if everybody was to say like, you know what we don't want to follow one guy. We just want to go back to our local churches. We want to fill those baskets. Add to his Pew's again and just get it, you know, it's like hey, that's great. Because you know what, it gets more of us together in a one-on-one scenario. Yeah, but at the same time like I recognize that I mean like you mentioned throughout the totality of scripture, we have Paul and you know 31 BC, you know, or sorry ad as opposed to you know, governance is Chan, okay, 2018 on a podcast. It's like we're going to have these pastors that just naturally draw and attract be we have We're always going to have the people that pop like in that day in that like to that culture to the to the people that are representative that culture they're going to be they stand out to the Christians of that time. That's understandable. And I think that that's okay like and I want to read this quote by Ronnie Floyd. He's a senior pastor of of Cross Church of Northwest Arkansas. Good job, Ronnie. He explained that humans are made to worship is what he says. It's no surprise then that in a celebrity. Says Culture worship is often directed towards an influential Pastor or Charismatic Church leader, but when congregants put their pastors on the pedestal he warns the results are disastrous. And so that's where you know, like Tim Keller writes books. Matt Chandler writes books. Like they write books just like teeth and spikes. Okay, and I just so happy with our nicknames for that lol. So they write books just like the other ones read books. They write books just like the televangelist a trip. People off right but like they do some of the similar things so it's not necessary necessarily the trademarks of a bad celebrity Pastor. I think what Ronnie Floyd here senior pastor Cross Church in Northwest Arkansas saying is that the mark of a bad celebrity Pastor is the one that allows the worship and is it doesn't deflect the worship and put the worship on to Jesus and I think that the scripture would support that the like that Jesus is to be made much of and even you find the Old Testament. Like like as soon as Nebuchadnezzar like says like look what I have done. He goes crazy. Like I have a running Theory with my wife and she doesn't like this Theory I talk about all the time at dinner time, which is that we're not meant to be famous because if you look at the amount of crazy people that are or famous people that have gone crazy. It's kind of intense like it's hard to handle that level of worship. Yeah, you're not supposed. We're not supposed to have that level of worship and I think it's possible. It's a I'm not going to write a thesis on this or anything or write a book about this. It's possible that even the slightest amount of that rubs off on it was celebrity pastor and that's why we see so many of them kind of like it also is very possible that just we all like sheep have gone astray. Yeah, and I mean like I think the biggest thing is that as you know, celebrity pastors have a very hard and you know big burden on their shoulders to you know, exemplified Jesus to not only the Christian world, but also the non-Christian Well, then, you know, there are there are passes that do it. Well now like I said, I think it's just it's hard as as a man who has a large following of people like it's if you are charismatic enough and you are you know, if you speak well enough like you're going to just draw and attract those people it's going to help and you know it just unfortunately, I think it's just the you know, the the sin within our own Hearts to exalt I mean, even you know, even the the, you know, the Israelites did that with you know with It's all their first king. They said like, you know like God like God was like I am your king. I am your leader and they were like, yeah, we want we like it is a call Guy. We like the guy that we can see all the time right here, I think and that's where it's hard because you know, when we start talking about the Holy Spirit, who is the same as God the Father, you know, it's like a lot of time we walk into church and it's like yeah, like, holy spirit. I know that you're ministering to me and you're always ministering to me, but this guy is your vessel that time. You like it? Yeah, absolutely, but you and that's okay. I want to keep reading a little bit from like what was his name? Ronnie Ronnie Floyd. He says this sometimes people who attend well-known churches aren't committed to Christ or his church rather their allegiance lies with the engaging influencing Pastor. Unfortunately, he said these leaders may have extraordinary gifts, but questionable character now, here's where the quote gets epic ready. He says it's much better to be shepherded lead and pastored by a person with average gift. Gifts but a beautiful character than it is someone with Incredible gifts, but average or below average character. Yeah shots fired. Yeah fired for sure. That is hard quote that I think our brother Ronnie is like breaking down there. It's like listen like we all love somebody who's charismatic and engaging and exciting and where's velvet boo who doesn't want velvet boots, but it might be better to go with the person who doesn't have questionable character as a Less engaging well now but here's the thing that was like so I come from a church in Indiana where you know, we've we've had our ups and downs and you know, a lot of people in that church feel like there was some just kind of some moral things that they were kind of concerned with and you know, our church wasn't big at all. I mean at the height I think of our church in like 2002 or whatever there was about 300 people that went to our church. Maybe, you know at the Biggest sundae ever, you know, not a big church and you know, there are still some questionable character that might have been going on in the and that's why many people in that church actually left my mom and dad included just because of kind of what was going on in there. And so, you know to me it's like you all pastors all pastors are susceptible to having their character flaw that I think a lot of times some of them in the small church is the reason why we don't hear about it is because they're small churches there 50 people. I think it's easy to you know, and that's that's Once again celebrity pastors are in the spotlight. So it should be that when they have a moral failure to hold them up and say see, this is why celebrity pastors aren't a good thing. Right? But we also don't take into account. You know, how many people Billy Graham has led to the Lord so many people Robbie Zachariah right is changing Minds on it's like Zacharias. Sorry. See you've offended me except you talked about about Robbie. So now I need to put you in the throat, but no actually what you were saying. I just want like I think that's a perfect point, which is there are problems. There are A lots of small like light or pastors leading small congregations that probably fall that probably only like do something and error we they're just so small. We don't hear about them and the bigger lesson is to not follow man. Yeah, is that right to not follow man? And so and I think that like it's important that and this is why the podcast is biblical lenses, right? Like is that that we understand that like yet many men are going to fail you. Yeah, like we are going to fail you like pastors going to fail. Leaders going to fail you. Your boss is going to fail you your husband or wife is gonna fail you like your mother brother son daughter like everybody's going to fail you because we are human but God's not going to fail you. So when that failure happens by that person don't pin that on the Lord right continue to walk in faith. Like the God is good and that and he even shows his goodness. This is like I think like a big thing for me is like he shows his goodness in the fact that he's willing to forgive the man who's leading you yeah. Yeah. His failure. Yeah, that's a huge thing for me. Well and I think so. I heard this really good quote one time from one of my professors in Bible College. She said, you know some he said a lot of Christians will be more dedicated to their sports team than they will their own Pastor. Okay, you know and or to their own church, you know, where what I mean by that is like, you know, we see whether the past has a moral failure or it's you know, Karen, you know, the the 80 year old woman that walked out on you. It's like, you know, they they hear about oh You're preaching or oh this pastor has a moral failure. Well, I can't be a part of this church any longer because that's churches, you know, clearly not following the lord. It's like that's not it at all a man had a moral failure. I'm Ant-Man failed. It doesn't necessarily mean that all sudden the holy spirit is no longer engaging and interacting with with that church or even with that Pastor, you know, we've we've seen pastors before come through our old church who have had moral failures. They've taken it upon themselves to recognize their wrongs. Ask for forgiveness seek a long road of redemption. Yeah and step back into Ministry. Yeah, and they are fantastic men of God to this day. Yeah that messed up. You know, like you said who has not Fallen astray exactly who has not fallen from the glory of God and that's right. So like first Timothy like chapter 3 says if anybody aspires to the office of overseer Right leader Shepherd Pastor like like he desires a noble task, but here I mean, we don't want to like remove the requirements that are there like we are All like like we are all possible of like failing. It's very very possible for all of us. But there is still a standard. Yeah, right that we should aspire to and here's First Timothy says let an overseer like he must be above reproach the husband of one wife sober-minded self-controlled respectable hospitable able to teach not a drunkard not violent, but gentle not quarrelsome or a lover of money a lot of these things fly in the face of celebrities not necessarily flying the face. S of renowned well-known pastors or respected pastors, right? And so I think I'm landing in the middle on this like biblically, which means I think it is possible for you to be a renowned person who teaches preaches like disciples like is in love with Jesus. I think it's harder for you because you're at a higher level of accountability, but I don't think when you get to like the teeth and spike thing where you're like, I'm In this for like my own glorification, I think that becomes a problem and I think that's where it sits on the and I think a lot of celebrity passion but also just Pastors in general have a very good way of calling out those kind of people and I mean, I have no problem putting like Benny Hinn on blast because he is for sure like for sure a you know For the Love of Money kind of guy there's there's some teeth and spikes that we won't say names. Yeah, but there's some Benny Hinn, but I'm going to like it and it's just I mean and I like I said, you know for people that I know that there are people that have come to know the Lord through Benny Hinn and it's like that's okay, but I think that the biggest thing is like you will you will see pastors today being like hey beware of so-and-so because they preach this and if you actually like look into what they're saying, it's less of you know, what like you need to follow the lord Jesus Christ and it's more of like, hey pay me in my Ministry and War come we're going to come and heal you and it's like and that's where I think the Pastors do a good job of that. I think that a lot of well-known pastors just like Paul would have back in his day right getting up and saying this is what I should look like and if I ever stop looking like that, you need to stop following me. Yeah a good one thing that I want to mention before we end this podcast which a lot of believe the reason why we started talking about this in the first place is because we watched American gospel. We did we watch the documentary. Where is the doctor on Vimeo you have to pay for it, but worth it. It's definitely worth it because it talks a lot about the People that is preached through the American Pulpit which is more of you know, the health wealth and and kind of Salvation kind of message instead of hey, we're going to preach Jesus Christ to every single person so that they know what he did for time the health wealth and salvations. The health wealth Prosperity is the health wealth and self Joy like self-help like like gospel, which is so upsetting. Yeah it is this that is I you know, what like I didn't I was wondering why this was episode 1 like I and I just really that's We just watched that documentary and it was so potent as to the difference between the American kind of churchianity and the legitimate Gospel of Jesus. So it was there was just such a difference that just subconsciously stuck in our brains and it became like episode 1. Yeah, of course because we like that's what happens where worldview it sinks into our heads. Yeah, and we just speed up. Yeah, so I mean kind of I mean want to wrap it up and think about like what are some of the biggest takeaways like one of my biggest takeaways is there are right now as we speak there are faithful people that have large followings that are are preaching the real gospel the real good news. And I think one of the biggest takeaways for me is praying for people who have lots of eyes on them. Yeah because it's imperative like they do have the opportunity. They do have great power and therefore great responsibility, and I don't We should go without praying for these people who have created a platform. There's a God has created a platform for them. I think we should pray for them. That's the big takeaway for me. Yeah, of course, I mean and like I had previously said is you know, like we need to be very one biblically rooted as absolutely if you're just going and listening to the pastor preach every single sending your biggest takeaway is what he said out of it instead of what the Bible says out of it. Like that's that's kind of a dangerous point for you because then anybody can just come come up and they can say things just just close enough to the gospel that you can miss or or follow the wrong kind of thinking behind that and so just don't especially don't let the the production of a place right, you know dictate what you believe, you know, it has to have it has to be biblically rooted. Yep, and you have to be able to you know line everything up with the Bible itself. I think it Nolan and I could encourage anybody out there listening like to one thing. It's that You should find a place a church and a pastor who is willing to teach the hard parts of the Bible as well as the ones that make you feel warm and fuzzy he if you if you don't have a place that teaches and preaches the things that make you uncomfortable and shift in your seat. You might want to pray about finding a different place because it's not like some 37 says like delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart and I think that encapsulates what we're talking about because The desires of your heart may not necessarily always be the things you think they are. Yeah, they might be hard truths that he wants you to face. And if you're in a place that it's not helping you to face those things. It might be the wrong place. Yeah. It's so celebrity pastors many pastors. It's a thing. Yeah. I don't know how long it'll be around but I think God's Sovereign and he's using it somehow for his glory. Yeah, and I think that as long as people are you know, like really see seeking Jesus like they they're really going to and they have to listen to the Lord figure out if it's the right place for them right person to follow. Yeah, but it's got to come back down to the Bible. Like are they being true to it? Yeah, they've got to be preaching from the Bible. They've got to be preaching the truth of the Bible. And and I mean, I think like we said in the beginning, you know, if you are having conversations with other Christians that are not from the same church, you know, biblically founded Christians and they're they're looking at you and going actually that doesn't you know, that that sounds kind of weird. Like you should take note of that. That's definitely something as well to just talks about discipleship and you know and the accountability. Yeah, let's do a before we go a tough three stereotypes of a celebrity Pastor like what top top top five. I would say perfect hair perfect here. Yeah. Okay, I would say some sort of dangly jewelry. Yep, I would say he's got the verified symbol and it's Grim verify symbol. Okay, I would say he uses terms like believe in the victory. We believed in the Victory and finally I would say celebrity Pastor has genes that are skinnier than his theology. Nope. Thank you guys for listening. If you guys wouldn't mind giving it a like' on whatever podcast application and listening to check the show notes for bunch of interesting. Or links that we put in there funny stuff interesting stuff stuff that makes you go, huh. We put those kinds of things in the show notes. We appreciate you guys staying with us and listening to the whole thing. Yeah. Thank you so much guys next week. See you next week. Bye. Or links that we put in there funny stuff interesting stuff stuff that makes you go, huh. We put those kinds of things in the show notes. We appreciate you guys staying with us and listening to the whole thing. Yeah. Thank you so much guys next week. See you next week. Bye.
In his episode we discuss the predicament of Celebrity Pastors. You know the type of pastors I'm talking about. Verified on Instagram, huge followings, trendy clothes and they write books with super edgy names... is it biblical though? That's what we try to get to the bottom of in this episode. Quote of the day: “The Celebrity Pastor is a failed experiment!” Questions to think about: How should we think about celebrity pastors? Can you serve God from a place of Fame or does it put too much pressure on you? Is it easier to fall from Grace when you’re famous? Scriptures to consider: 1 Corinthians 1:11 - “Follow me as I follow after Christ” 1 Timothy 3:1-3 - "If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. 2Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money." 1 Corinthians 10:31 - "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." John 12:43 - "For they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God."
And Ingrid de la marck any I'm the CEO and founder of the method she's also my wife and she's the smartest woman I've ever met. First of all, she's my mom and she's really cool. She's all that and she's a Superhero. This is the part of my French podcast. - on this episode you'll hear about wellness fitness French autism and lifestyle a train fucking Sheikh gangster podcast hosted by Fitness and Wellness French Edwin ISM Guru and creator of the method to body Yours Truly Ingrid de la marck any live from Monte. Monaco on this show, you'll find a mix of audio entertainment including listener and audience questions answered about health Wellness Lifestyle Family and relationships and my friend holistic tips to be healthy have your best body and transform both your body and your mind set into the happiest ever as well as leaving labelled Z lifestyle like a Chic French gangster. Hi everyone, and welcome to pardon my French episode 10. I am Ingrid de la marck any and I'm live from Monaco today is going to be a short one because I've been running like a chicken without a head getting ready for Christmas running up my last minute things at the office training my clients for the last time for the year and just getting to this podcast getting ready for the Is and now packing also for our vacation. So I apologize. It will not be a session. I was going to say so you secession. It's not going to be an episode as long as the others but I hope you will find Value in it regardless. I promised that I would not do a holiday how to eat and how to celebrate podcast episode and for good reason. Ian, I just don't believe that there should be a handbook on how you should celebrate for Christmas and New Year and I do not believe you should have New Year's resolutions. I do find that it's a mindset that sets you up for failure and it's a mindset that eventually is going to be something that you will find that you have not honored and why do that and why put rules or boundaries or have an influencer or any type of expert or someone you On Instagram or broadcast like mine telling you how to do the holidays. So the bottom line is I'm not going to tell you to make an alternative version of your eggnog and to not have as many drinks as you would whatever the case may be my advice for you on this holiday is to try and think a little bit more French. So as you walk in to your friend's house or to the restaurant where you've signed. Up to spend your New Year's at or to Christmas dinner at your grandmother Tilly's why don't you just ask for a piscine de champagne that would be a huge wine glass with a lot of ice big ice cubes drawn into champagne. That is fantastic. I'll tell you why because first of all it gives you the impression of having a huge alcoholic beverage to sip on and linger with for a while as you talk to everyone. Whereas when you get that small flute of champagne, which is what we call it or a glass of wine or whatever signature cocktail your grandmother Tilly just made or the very American eggnog. Well, you're just sipping for the Fucking a heck of it and you're sipping pretty pretty fast. Whereas that big wine glass full of ice cubes with champagne is not only super Chic and you might even start a trend in your family somewhere. But on top of it you will be able to nurse it for quite some time. So just go from the standpoint that a French person will never drink eggnog. Like seriously. It's milk punch French people don't drink milk punch with egg in it a iook. It's sweetened. It's dairy-based. You're then going to go and have meat for that Christmas dinner. I don't like that. I don't like so much starting it all off with milk in my beverage. And if you're going to do plant-based egg, nog just don't do eggnog at all. That's my opinion. That being said. This is what I suggest. Why don't you if you are the Cook why don't you simply try to Franchise your meal what I'm saying by that is you see me using a lot of spices and you see me doing a lot of vegetables Ally to feel like the string beans a little Fay with the Truffle vinaigrette. Why not just for one year try to change the tradition a little bit into something a little bit more exotic. So what I would say is just you know, sometimes people do a theme like let's go for New Year's and you know be dressed as Gatsby or it's Gatsby night or you know, it's like costumes night. Why not do the same with your table? Why don't you seem your Christmas dinner or your New Year's dinner with a different, you know a different destination which helps you step away technically from the typical. American food that every day Edition in nutritionist is going to tell you to eat a little bit less of or to substitute the butter in it for God knows what butter alternative or to substitute sugar for Syrian Truvia or you know, instead of doing substitute or replicas of what you would normally eat and get stuck on that tradition that makes you feel like shit at the end of the day and and draws you to having New Year's resolutions because you went with the traditional dinners and they made you feel like crap. Why don't you make the resolution before New Year's to get a little bit more French a little bit more exotic automatically. Your chicken is becoming a little bit more spicy and a little bit more tasty automatically. Your portion are starting to look a little smaller and a little classier because you know a French person is not going to stack up food in their plate and on the morning of they're definitely not going to stack up four or five pancakes to maybe we'll have one crap. Oh one pancake. There is no way or French person is going to stack up five pancakes and have them there is no way they're going to actually cut 5.5 pan. Cakes a stack of pancakes and put it in their mouth. There's absolutely no way they will have a little confused every which is a little bit of sweets and everything is miniature and small. I mean, even if you look at a course on a normal-sized croissant, it's a half a plate. It's never a full plate. There is no base tree for the French that takes up a full plate. So why not go with that mindset as opposed to saying you know what? January 1st. I'm starting with my New Year's resolution. I will get back on my diet. I will sign up for a gym membership. I'm going to start drinking that tea that I'm going to start juicing. I'm going to have celery juice with whatever in it that's going to be good to my God or even I'm going to start with enjoying know why why wait until New Year's What is that? Why not just do the holiday with the resolution of doing your holiday and not let me or anyone give you a guide to the holidays. You don't need no guide. Why don't you always feel like you need guidance. Why are you always buying guides? You don't want no guy to your body. You are your own guide to your own body. You know what you like if you're listening. Turning to my podcast. It's probably because you've been on my Instagram stories. And so if you've made the transition from the Instagram stories to my podcast it's because you've liked the visual and you like what I have to say, but you most importantly like the visual and I work hard on that visual for this reason because I do feel that when you look at my story. I want you to be happy and appeased by my fonts and my colors it was the same thing with my jar of in Ulan I did. I wanted to look like bulk powder IO protein powder. I did not want it to look like medication. I did not want it to look like a supplement or vitamin. I wanted it to look like something sexy. I wanted to I wanted it to look like something Beauty. And so that's how I came up with that jar. I'm like if you're going to look at it every day in your kitchen if you're going to put it in your coffee. Coffee if you're going to cook with it feel like you're sexy find yourself feel like your franchising yourself, you're being French and and sexy and cool and rock and gangster and Chic, of course, so why not this year for your holidays for your New Year's just take the resolution beforehand to be a little bit more. You who you want to be at this point? Not what the Norms are telling you to be. It's the same thing as drinking water. I get this question all the time. How much water should we be drinking? Are you kidding me? When a dog is Thirsty dog drinks? We don't tell our dog. Hey Lola. That's my dog. You've got a drink 3 liters of water today and I don't shove water down her throat. Why is it? That animals are more intuitive than we are as far as how to treat their bodies. Yeah, some dogs are little fat susan drink more than fish and eat more than they should but as far as drinking. Why are you asking me how much water you should be drinking your body knows and if you're not drinking enough, you don't need a specialist or an expert or a doctor or someone like me to tell you how much water you need to drink. You have people writing to me. I don't drink enough. How much should I be drinking? Well, you just answered your own question. You should be drinking enough. So the Norman friends it is not stylish in friends to Bubble water down and to go on water. Drinking challenge if those are so fucking stupid so stupid. You might be causing yourself more bloating than you ever intended to have because nobody ever intends to have bloating. So here's the thing in France. What doctors say and I find that very accurate. Is that for every 30 kilos that you wait? You should drink one liter of water. So 30 kilos is about 66 pounds. So for every 66 pounds that you way You should have a liter of water. So if you weigh a hundred and twenty pounds you should have two liters of water yet. They are challenges out there dietitians nutritionists Fitness. Gurus that are telling you that you should be drinking three to four liters of water a day, but they don't know your weight. They don't know how much you weigh. They don't know how tall you are that is ridiculous. So don't even abide by what I just say. That's just a medical Norm here in friend. But no one actually says my doctor said I should be drinking four liters of water people drink when they want to drink and if you're going on challenges and you think that's going to make you skinny. It's going to make you crazy drinking too much water can also rise raise your cortisol level. Drinking too much water can put your bladder not even your bladder. It could put your kidneys into a panic drinking too much water can get you to retain a lot more water than your body has the ability to flush out because we're all different. We all process water in our body in a different way. So stop asking me how much water you should drink stop relying on people. Give you a challenge to drink water. That is like the resets. What is that? I always talk about that. Why do you have to do a reset? Your not a broken iPhone that you need to go back and reset to factory settings just set set yourself to where you want to be. So if you want to be lean and slender or more lean and more slender than you are and you know, the French way something that attracts you and if you're listening to pardon my French Obviously means, you know, you're quite attracted to that cultural aspect of my podcast. Then the way to go is to look at things like I'm going to do the holidays to way that I want. I'm not going to have a drink eggnog. I'm going to egg not because it's so not French to drink milk and eggs with liquor like even if it tastes good to me, that would be like more of a dessert. It's actually taste a little bit like crème anglaise, which is a desert. So if you're going to be more French go for the more delicate drink and if you're not the chef for your Christmas dinner for your holiday celebrations for your New Year's still think French like say, okay. What is the french plate is supposed to look like not how much grams should I be eating of this and that? And certainly don't show me your graph of your plate called cut into different percentages of portions of each. I hate that makes me crazy. I hate math. If you guys haven't figured this out yet. Go back to my first episode if I wanted to be a fucking accountant if I wanted to count shit up. I'd be an accountant. So yeah. Just think French think about adding more finesse. So let's say everything that's laid out on that Buffet. Look at it and say okay. My plate is a French plait. Let me fill it like a French person and go for the finer food. You can find what is the classiest and finer food that you can find and that's what you're going to put in your plate and you're going to eat it like a fucking Chic Parisian gangster and you're going to feel so happy because if you go back a few episodes I introduce you to the hormone called. The leptin hormone, which is your saturation hormone, and I explained that 60% of your saturation comes from the pleasure of the eyes and the senses the smells the eyes to do with the food looks the way you dispose it in your plate stacking has never been known to get the leptin hormone to make you feel saturated stacks of food any kind of food mashed potatoes and gravy and and and the chicken on top of it. It or the turkey whatever it is, if you look at a lot in your plate and start an ugly, your leptin hormone will not go for the satiation signal sent to your neurons on the contrary. It will send a signal to neuron saying hey, you've got to make room for all this food that expands your tummy in itself. So when people dietitians Fitness specialist tell you you don't have to eat less. You can eat more if you eat the food like this and this and that I disagree. Don't you class but definitely don't eat more because it's healthy. So when Specialists whatever special is they are tell you how you can eat a lot. You eat a lot on this diet. Well, that's so not fucking French. That's so not French. That's so not delicate and fine. I don't want to eat a lot. I don't want my stomach to extend. I want to eat refined. quality over quantity and I've noticed that this works for me in so many aspects of my life whether it's fashion, whether it's my employees, I don't have a lot of employees. We're a very small team, but I've have freaking quality and that's everything when I had more employees. At the beginning of the method I was actually less successful. It's the same with food look at the quality of the food you are eating rather than the quantity. So I'm not going to give you portion sizes. Although if you listen to my episode with dr. Michelle Brody, I believe that was episode 8, I do explain that the size of your hand is a nice way of knowing whether the portion of protein you have in your plate is correct, for example to avoid going into excess protein, but when it comes to the holidays It's the holidays so you can eat if you want to. And I'm not even going to see indulge indulge. What why is it called indulging even I don't believe in that either. I don't believe in cheat the mail. I don't believe in an Indulgence. I believe in eating Chic refined quality over quantity. So if you are not the cook and you are a guest or you're at a restaurant make sure that when you choose what's going to be in your plate or you choose to eat it you go. Is this looking like French? We find Chic classy food? If it's served like it's not then you don't want to have it gravitate towards the shaker. Platter the Shaker veggie the Shaker piece of meat or make it Chic it's happen to me very often that I go to a restaurant and they serve me too much and I look at the plate and it's so ugly and to me that's not appetizing when there's a lot of food and I'll say Garcon s'il-vous-plait. Can I have another plate and he brings me a smaller plate usually thinking I want to share a portion with someone and I'll take the big plate. I'll put it aside and I'll cut a A piece of the meat I'll take a little bit of the potatoes and I'll put it in my plate all very small and refined and in a harmonious way and the colorful veggies and the nice sauce and then I look at my plate and I will inhale it and go okay to me that is such eating. I am such a dated before I even eat at this Pleasant. There's no expansion of my tummy just from looking at all these quantities. So my trick for you guys is okay if I have a lot of food in my plate. My leptin hormone is going to send a new row signal to my brain to make a lot of room for all this food and that's going to expand my stomach. But if I have a small plate with everything set up beautifully in smaller quantities. Where it's harmonious and pretty to look at and Chic and refined and could be coming from a French restaurant. Then you know that your saturation hormone is going to send a signal to the brain saying hey, you've got some Sheik food coming your way and that's such eating and satisfying to look at to start with. So by the time you start chewing taking your time looking at your friends and your family taking time to talk to them putting your fork down and your knife sipping on your PC know which is a A bit watered down by now because it had ice cubes in it. So you don't get that unchic buzz either that makes you so hungry and famished for dessert. You know that will work out so well and you will be a Sheik gangster Chic bitch. That's so much better than going for a New Year's resolution for New Year's resolution. Not a revolution and a new gym membership. That's so shitty. I know I shouldn't be saying that because I do have a membership at the method but I believe that the best customer retention I've had on this. Platform is from people that just decided to turn a page at any time in their life. Not just because it's New Years as a resolution to me. That's not enough of an incentive that it's New Year's. So you have a resolution and you want to spend some of your Christmas bonus on a new membership. It's it almost feels to me like that is not enough of a commitment. There's more commitment from someone who's going to decide to make this change in September. Then someone that's just going to decide to make this change in January first because it was a New Year's resolution. I prefer the reasons of the person signing up in September because they had to motivate themselves with reasons that hold the road. Whereas just as a New Year resolution doesn't hold a role very long. Those people will last until February if I'm lucky. So that's my point of view. That is my French touch to the holidays. This is how I plan on doing it when I go on my vacation in a few days. Now I've decided to also bring you some holiday cheer letting you in on my little secrets when it comes to Instagram and my relationships. I've made some amazing relationships and many of you have become part of my life on Instagram. I know who you are. I talk to you we send each other nice messages you let me know about your life and obviously I let you know a lot about mine and I made some amazing amazing. Some amazing connections. One of them is my friend Elena, right and you guys probably have seen her before. She's this gorgeous Asian woman, whose post I often share first. She got on the in Ulan thing and I was thrilled because she is so skeptical and we were friends regardless of whether she would go on to a new line or not. And I first she didn't even buy My New Orleans, but another one because I wasn't selling it yet. I was just talking about any It wanders for her and then it took me like a year to convince her to get on the virtual platform and she didn't she literally didn't get on the virtual back and I didn't convince her one of my clients convinced her one of my amazing successes. Sylvia who I spoke about in one of my episodes actually did it testimonial for me and she was talking about her journey on the virtual platform and how she lost an we're amount of weight. But also how she jumped ship on depression. She totally credited the method and me for it, even though her and I add just brief interactions where I tried to support her as much as I could but the virtual platform is not one-on-one its membership access to videos, but I do give support personally when I'm asked on Instagram by message by email and that's what I did with Sylvia. I did exchange with her a bit. She Some reservations her back was always hurting before she started a method. So I answered a lot of questions before she got on and she was looking to lose a huge amount of weight which she did and she still is and she's promised us a revealed picture very soon. I've seen some of them, but I'm not at Liberty of sharing them yet. She doesn't want me to yet. She has a goal. Anyways, Sylvia did this testimonial and Elena my good friend who have been trying to convince to get on the virtual platform. A year hasn't heard Sylvia and she reached out to her and she said hey, I don't want to do the virtual platform because I don't want to quit on my friend Ingrid. I don't want to lose the Friendship if I was to quit and I tend to quit on things like that because of an experience I've had with Pilates in the past and Sylvia somehow told her better experience and the next daily and I got on the platform and for me that was a big win because the friendship in this case was more of an obstacle. Anything but her skepticism her way of never sugar-coated anything sugarcoating anything made me so nervous for the first three or four days that she was on the platform. I was like, oh my God, what if she hates it what if she wants to quit what if she tells me something because her criticisms are Violet valuable to me the constructive but I was worried about what she would have to say and she stayed on but long story short the way Elena and I became really really close friends. We were friends on Facebook for six years about I think and she came to my rescue when I showed a little bit of lunar ability on Instagram when I was being bullied by a competitor, but truly believe even the kids were attacked on this bullying comments and you know, it went really low and I spoke out I spoke up about it and Alina that point who was always exchanging very little with me. Just nice. Mental my outfits and things like that. She reached out. I was like who's the bitch bothering you and she became one of my closest friends? I feel like I know her so well, we exchanged every day. She's been a sound board for me and the fact that she is now doing the virtual platform. She swears by a new land but more importantly she's an amazing salad board. Like I literally know when I should be upset about something or if I'm sure I'm exaggerating. She'll be that person too. Call me out and say yes, you should be upset and no stop your shit and carry on with your life. So I wanted to introduce you guys to her because I think it's beautiful to show how much magic there is in social media. The Power of social media obviously would not be where I am today without it and getting your amazing messages. If it wasn't for Instagram, you've definitely build me up to be as authentic as I You've given me that strength and even the pride to be authentic. You've allowed me in the past episode to speak up about my son's Journey being on the spectrum of autism and getting out of it and the response. I got from mothers and families affected by the same having a child with special needs. So without further Ado I dialed. Elena you should know for like 10 minutes before she answered and I put her on the spot, but here is my good friend Elena. Hi. Hello and greetings. How are you? How are you? I'm doing great. I'm happy to have you on here. So I'm going to introduce you even though I already told everyone that I'm calling you obviously took for like ever to answer this thing, but I didn't even prepare you for this call because I wanted to put you on the spot because you're so funny when you're on the spot. This is my friend Elena. Hello. A lot of people know you are ready because you do all these very psaltery advertisement unpaid advertisement. First the method work out. Oh, yes, I love to do it, but it comes from my heart. I know it does that's why I got you on you were also the sniffer you did the scarf a sniff. I know there was so much fun. Oh my God, but what I made I have to be posted it. Ended just a handful of people but we don't give a fuck. Oh really? It did. Yeah. Oh you're kidding. Well, I did I did lose a Facebook friend over. I remember I remember you lost a fig this Facebook friend and then know I had one woman who said she was a mother in Chicago and when she was having a really hard time keeping her her teenage kids away from this stuff and all right that maybe we were you know, Making this cool and I said that's the whole opposite. I actually had a discussion with her and said it's the whole opposite we're saying you can do good for your body from within and it's sexy to doing your land and looks like Coke, so that's fun. But you know, but I understand where some people will get us. Well, you know, I get it but well I had fun. Yeah, you had fire you look you look super sexy, but I have to say I have a preference for your new videos. Your new advertisements that I don't pay for by the way, I do need a swan with the coffee and your lips was just amazing right not listed online so good. I know see what I did was I bit my lips hard that way you did ya to make it pumped up. Yeah, you don't have to do that. I think benefit makes one that's called bitten and it does that exact effect, but it was a very sweet and you were So this psycho bitch who called who called in when I said any of Shield excess, you know what it just came to me. I just couldn't help it. I thought oh my God, but you know what? The best part was. I don't tell Julie anything. I was like one of your exes called. Oh my god, really? And so then I was like I made him listen and up until you started. Laughing and saying it's Elena and was like, hi. I never I'm Korean. I've never been with a Korean girl. At least I don't think well, maybe she didn't tell me she was Korean. Oh my God guys, like I'm sorry. He's had a lot of women, right? This one. I can't remember and I was like, well, maybe she was black. So you thought she was black or maybe she was really Korean. I kind of ran the whole thing. And then I played the last part. I wish I had done that live when we were recording this. I was just funny but I know it was so much fun you I don't know you make me so creative and I'm so much fun. You know, I had to get you on because I always claimed to be authentic and people know I love you because I always repost you and we have a little I love you too Forrest. I'm you know, the stories the people obviously know that you're my girl. Thanks. I had to give people a little bit of the behind the scenes of what how we met because honestly a lot of people talk about how bad Instagram is and how people are mean and they're bullying. You know, I've been you know, obviously A victim of that and you've dealt with a few Cycles on fit more ski on Facebook I think for you, but you're one of those people that I that has been my friend on Facebook for how long how long has it been in years. I want to say almost exactly five or six years because that's when I started. Yeah got it Facebook then and the you're one of my first friend because I was looking for fashion-related, you know. No people in that industry and you are one of them. So I must have sent you a friend request and you gracefully has graciously accepted it. So yeah, but we were not like like busy friends like pleasure. And like the Korean psychopath that you are you gotta know. What is bullying you that's how it all started. Yes. I mean we became really stronger friends once I saw that actually you and Savannah the this life video after the bully copied your newsletter about cardio, you know making you fat. And you as a valid ID is live and I thought oh my gosh, I can't believe I read that newsletter like literally few hours before this bully started talking about it too. So and I just felt this awful and then when I saw those and I think you weren't you were actually following the bully. Is that what it was so you could I I followed her only after you said that on the live with a banner then I started doing my research because I could become this. FBI super FBI agent when I want to find out something right? So I did I did my research and I put two and two together is that person guys don't give me I almost said the name I had don't we don't we don't share I don't mean we don't we don't ask for shame. No, but let's be honest. I think 50% of your followers know who this is. Yeah. Yeah, and I mean I mean most of my followers that happen to be on both platforms because ye are in a similar business, although you know, I take the dye out of diet and you all know that yeah. Well, we'll put two and two together and so for me, it's very reassuring because I was feeling insecure being copied by someone who had a bigger audience than me and you became this very objective and we're getting serious here you can give this again. A objective soundboard for me. We became friends you get very protective. You said I've been following you for your An amazing mom and I'm realizing that you're very transparent which you didn't know before right. I didn't know think that in the beginning. I was just looking at your pictures and I thought wow look at this woman. She's like she's like so hot. So stop. I like a way out of her league, but I like I want to follow her because just to look at her pictures right and and then until novelty that live video. Instagram I do not know what was behind all this. So then yes you and I started messaging each other almost every day. And yes, and yes, you're right we came and I feel super close to you. Now. I feel like I've known you for years. I don't have enough about one of my sisters. Yeah, and we've we actually which is crazy for me because I'm so usually I'm so careful with strangers and with social media, but at the same time I've opened up a lot on Instagram which opened up door number two of amazing people and with you. I feel like I've known you forever, which I kind of do. Yes, but we got very personal and now you're this person that when I need a good kick in the ass you because you're such a bitch. You say you like my new link Asia. I'm like you guys she is the most like the biggest bitch. I know you cannot sell her any Trend now I have my Trend I really do I call you the most skeptical bitch. I know and so if you say it's working and you say it's good then it has to be I hate Trend. I I only invest I like making Investments for long-term. Um, and I realized what the Inland I mean, I can't live without it. Now, you know what I'm saying? And it took me awhile. I mean I have to do my investigation and research in order for me to get on board with anything. That's new and that's just me and I have no regrets. I don't feel like I've missed out on anything. Maybe I have but it's like I don't regret it and this in Allen is like the best thing ever that makes me super happy coming from you, but you're my The type of people I really liked that I was able to turn this the septics on to a new land. This is my favorite type of people. I do that research don't believe in anything but believe in that and that's so cool. I really prefer that then people that jump on bandwagons for sure. Yes, exactly and you've been so I what I love also about you is that you will not sugarcoat anything. No, I don't want to sorry. No, and it's and I love it. I really like you're like a soundboard. I really honestly like before I get angry now, I'd this person particularly because she she still goes on in her own way. She doesn't believe me anymore because I really attacked her head on and I think my followers also did at some point it was like, you know, what stop it bitch, but when I do get angry at her copying even my mugs or whatever I first like I'm like, you know what Alina is still awake? I just woke up. I just saw this. I'm gonna So if I should be angry or not and it's kind of like you're the soundboard you you're the one who go. Oh, I can't believe she did I fucking bitch. I'm like, okay, I can be angry now and then other times to be like, yeah, that's all right. Everybody's cooking you on this you like the most copied person on it. You really are the most copied personal internet? No, I'm really not dumb and you know people have to give you credit for each time. They copy you right? Don't lie not but no point. I get angry. If I see people copying you blatantly when you write and that's exactly if it's time you put that pink on your nails. You're gonna tag me like Point know at some point. It becomes your own. No problem. I have my I get flattered most of the time I'm flattered just not with this person because it's either she Stills my shit makes it our own and runs with it, or she she talks shit about What I say or about a new lens and you know, we took care of that the science way but you know with science bringing the doctor on so that was all that was amazing. But all this to say that it's the holidays and bringing some holiday cheer on to this conversation. So I didn't me tell you what this episode is about. This episode is about not having a holiday resolutions New Year resolutions about just being like just relax. Don't worry. Worry about what you're going to eat. So that's what I'm talking about in this podcast and it's a shorter one because I just don't have that much time this week, but I just thought it would be cool for people to know a little bit of my behind the scenes as far as my relationship and my relationships my Dynamics. You know, how amazing Instagram is particularly. This audience is amazing. You've seen people are so good to me, but you're one of them and I'm curios I'm thrilled because you're very tough sell and so I'm yeah. Product this friendship. So that's why I wanted to kind of give you a call and introduce you officially to everyone. I appreciate this. You know, I think my real friends off the social media. They will probably say that I'm just a person who wants to always Inspire them. I don't want to lead them, but I want to inspire them all the time and I'm very protective. But at the same time I'm not going to give them any empty promises or you know, empty flattery and The things that's not true so they know exactly what you do with me. Yes, exactly. And you know, you don't need any compliments from people. You already know you I mean look at you. I mean everyone respects you in all of you. I am and I can't believe how far you've come. You know what I mean? You've gone through some tough times. And here's the thing. I have to say this the bully who came around and sort of attempted to Expose you actually these your favor. Yeah, because my narrative she yes. She I was able to she gave me a reason to just say hey, this is what I've been through. This is my story, you know, either you take it or fuck you and before I wasn't feeling that brave, but when she brought it to the point that I had to tell my story or she was gonna take the narrative in her. Horrible way you know, we are speaking. I was like no way this bitch is gonna tell my story. There's no it especially going to tell my kids story most importantly so so yes, she lit a fire and so snigger fires little finer on a bunch of things. She I said that in the episode where I spoke about a copycat. Remember I said I said that if you have a copycat It's just milk it it's like you know, but it's true. Do you want Amber? I actually like totally like milk it if she's copying you then you have to be better than her. Yes already. That means you're already two weeks late. I love Li and you know what? She's done that for me. So I definitely think her and I kind of like to thank her for you also and the people like you that it's kind of as long as I didn't show that I had some a week. - that I was vulnerable some people didn't come out of the Woodworks to put it to protect me. That's very true. I mean, maybe one because I thought you you have this perfect life in this perfect setting in Monaco where the perfect husband and children and I thought she's perfect until I realized oh my gosh, you know, she needs some protection because that's really cool. Cuz that that's showing that vulnerability. Yes. Built a schilt of incredible relationships and I have a few followers that have been the supportive ones. Like remember I sent you the message of this girl. We literally like totally went on a on a on a rampage and started protecting you and you were like you see yes. Yes. Yes. She's wonderful. She's a very loyal following and friend of yours. Yes. You became a true friend. Yeah with your very own Talent, by the way, I plug you but I have to because maybe it will convince you to like give me one of those bags one, but I promised that I would buy one when I can afford it. You are the owner and designer, right? Yes. I've Swoon Lux. Am I saying it right? You're saying it perfectly. Although my my brand is Swoon, but I had to add and locks because at the time I was fighting for Yeah, trademark someone else registered with soon but I won the trademart you want. Yes now, it's simply Swoon. But I like the Lux, you know, I like I of course, of course. Yes, yes, but you make this amazing a lot of snake skin right crocodiles snakes get some ostrich and I'm coming up with a lot of leather goods to now you just when I first saw you bags, we were only friends on Facebook and you made me just want to stop wearing her. Amazed and where your stuff to be different? Oh my gosh what an honor huh? You know that because it's not something everyone would know about but that backpack I want that back. I know you love my Riley crocodile love with you. So Chic, so guess I'm working very hard. You know, I'm actually really gravitating towards different fashion. I did I mean I still wear my Mike Kelly bag from her maze. Yes, but I now buying like you so now I'm into the my the I mean to the Tom Ford. I like the different stuff. And so you fall in that category of yes. Yes where you want to spend the money because it's different. Yes different emerging designers, but exclusive, you know, not so well known. No, no, but still gorgeous a well-crafted, you know, so those are good things, you know, you know, I did this plug not so much for you. It's because I'm like very very proud that I have a friend like you, you know on top of it guys. She's a designer for super badass. Yes. I am. Thank you. Are you still private on Instagram? Are you public now? My my personal account is private because I have some trolls and then but by my soon Lots account, it's a public. So we're going to what we'll do is we will link both on the show notes. Oh, and so people can follow spoon and see that bag that thank you so much. Oh you're so sweet. Well tag you Private account because I always tag you anyways, no, I get a lot of your followers and I yeah, I accept that my check first and then I said oh so they're following Ingrid. Then I accept them and power back speaking of which I still you got super friendly with Sylvia who yeah client. I know she's so adorable my success story. Yes. Oh my gosh. I know I can't wait to see her reveal pictures. I know I know but she's working so Hard to get to this perfect. Not perfect because I don't like the word perfect. But that's true her perfect revealed that her, you know, and she went on this journey all by herself can't believe it. Oh my gosh. What's amazing is that she's a virtual platform client, which means that I don't really work with her one-on-one. Although I like I am so I am I yeah, actually I couldn't convince you how long have we been friends like real close like more than In six months. Oh, yeah almost here. Yeah, almost a year. I could not convince you to get on this virtual platform and Sylvia did and you just started like, you know, I know I know I know I know why okay, good now that's why go ahead. Well I look at so so the other connection you and I have that we both went to Mahdi Windsor's original not risen about Pilates because she's one of She's one of the original. Yeah, but that's not like Joseph Pilates obviously not right. So anyway, she has a studio in Santa Monica and I used to go to her Studio. Although she was not my teacher. My instructor was one of our instructors and that this is way back when people are just getting into it. So I want to say that I got into it. Yeah. Yeah like late 90s. Okay, as for me I was a little later. I was 2002 maybe so you see some Mary was mine structure. Where are you? Yes, yes. Oh you worked with the master. So yeah. So anyway, I used to go there and my instructor thought I was really really good but there are certain movements that I just couldn't do and she pushed me really hard study. I know you could do this and you could do this and I just quit because I didn't I just feel so insecure and I knew she did it for me because she cared about me and she really had the confidence in me, but I just couldn't do it. So I quit and I Since then I didn't go near anything to do with that certain movements, which is like one of your signature movements the teeth are you're talking about especially when your legs are down flat and you have to go completely flat and then lift yourself up without lifting your legs. I can't do it. It's so hard to do. But anyways, that was why I just after taking your your flash work out this free flash. Yeah. Remember I measurement you as saying I is so hard I can't do this, you know. Yeah and remember. Yeah. Yeah, that's before we became close friends anyway, so that's why even though couple months later. We became really close. I just said I'm not gonna do this because because of our friendship I didn't want to sign up on Virtual platform and then quit I didn't want to ruin our friendship. That's the reason But finally, I just have to seeing all this results from your other clients. I thought to myself. Okay, I have to try even if they fought even if I sign up only for three months I am going to do this. So I do you know, I wouldn't even know if you drop a like. I don't really I'm getting familiar with people who send me their videos and like ask me questions. That's how I got to know Sylvia because I give support if they ask me for support I'm there. But other than that just to be clear to Virtual platform is Full access to videos, so I'm not there. Yes in in Paris like in person, but I feel like you are there, you know, I know but the thing is if you were to drop out I would probably not even know like I'm not I'm not going to go check every single member and see if you don't let me see if Elaine I still paying her bills. I am gonna sting. I mean I'm kind of getting obsessed. You know what I mean? You told me I was yes, so, I love it. And I told you by number three the third session I was shocked how I'm interested. Yeah, I remember and I remember the warning you I said by the third session you will be fine. And you know, I'm going to tell you what it is. I don't So if I ever told you because we never made the relation with the instructor The Windsor instructor you were going to that push to you had told me that and I really don't believe in that kind of push and I'll tell you why that is where Mary is probably better than the instructors that she had where she totally stay true to Joseph Pilates Legacy who was using mind to body control and I elaborated more on that when I created control. The integration originally controller to comes from Joseph Pilates and that was more of like soothing the Mind into getting the body to work pushing is not one of those things. That's why I don't push during the sessions. You never hear me saying come on just resistant to it. No, it's fine. If you need to put your legs down. If you need to bend your legs, it's completely fine. You hear me say that yes, I do. And that's Controla G integration where it's like your mind only will tell you about it when you want to and that's what's doing it for you. I guess it's like magical. I can't I was shocked because the second one I was little disappointed because I expected to better. Yeah, you know, yeah. Yeah, so I had to give like five six days break because my back was hurting for something else and then so I said, okay I got them. What I have to do this third session again, and then I was like blown away. Oh my God. I just got up without rocking too much, you know? Yeah. I have to rock my body to get up and that's still abdominal control even when you rock. Oh good. Good good because I Still Rock and you know fumble a little bit but still, I mean, I love the session number three. I have to I'm going to write this down and I thought you and I gave you the picture of myself glowing. Going and I only had moisturizer on my face and I couldn't believe it. This makes me so happy because it aligns with a lot of things that my client in Monaco told me and what I saw in person like I really elaborated more with the method when I open this to you in Monaco and started getting you know, different demography of women and man, but mostly my demography is women over 30 obviously in Monaco because of the price it's more expensive here. So only people over a certain age are going to be able to afford it but also the needs you The young people were running to the gym and to you know do spinning and all that stuff and all of them kind of tell me a little bit of the same as you like. Oh the the glow that I get. I'm not as hungry. My period doesn't hurt as much and so this is what kind of Turned me on to hormones. I'm like, you know what? I think we are actually working with hormones here. That's what I think and that's where I started to elaborate more on the hormones. Yeah, I think it has to because I've never seen such a glow from because I used to run and I felt great after the run, but my face was red. I didn't get this glow. You know, it is all the hormones for two reasons first the whole reproductive. Sorry I get particular yes could be well we pray. Active area so like all you know when the legs hurt when you lift them up all the way to your abdominal. Yes that hole so us area and perineum, which is a which is something you hear about when you give birth to perineum. Yep, that whole area is so worked on deeply first of all that it is going to affect your mom's positively but on top of it, we do a lot of chin to the chest. We need to engage the abdominals, which do Thyroid gland area. So you're also rubbing those the right way and kind of massaging them smoothie soothing them and everything is so fluid that you also keep your cortisol level at a healthy level. Yes. So all of that affects your complexion your, you know, you don't have to Teague anymore. You don't have that crazy Hunger right after where you feel like you could eat a you know, a whole pizza pie. So that's hormones. The glow is part of it, and I'm so happy to hear you. He keeps his to hear you say that because I know you're such a spectacle bit. I am I really am. I'm sorry, but I yeah, but he's also the Korean Factor like you guys are no fucking nonsense. You don't know how to be like, oh, this is fantastic like this whole American where you don't have that well, we're smart. Yeah, but Absolutely. We're very intuitive. I mean, I you know, I try to use my intuition, you know, so it comes from your education like your parents raised you Korean like to really watch out for yourself because no one else will exactly and I totally understood that this is what makes me tick with you. I find that you will not be one of those people that are that is going to sugarcoat. I have to tell you even you remember when I went on the skinny confidential and I Of course, you heard my interview and and you are like, oh my God, I was crying and you were like you were weeping and you were crying specially at Dylan's story and all that. And you said by the way, I made a chronological mistake when you said Jenny McCarthy because her son was diagnosed later and you're like, I don't mean to be a bitch but people are going to come and like hang you for that. Yeah. It's such a fucking bitch. Two sentences together which made it sound a certain way and she's like no, don't worry about it. Maybe we'll put it in the notes if someone says no one said anything but from my game, but listen from that day on I knew that you were going to be like my proofreader on everything I do because if something And right you were going to say Ingrid that sounds like fucking bullshit. Yes, you bet. I will do your my bullshit screen. That's not it in. I am your bitches of all bitches. That's right and to my superbully copycat whatever you should know each time. You copy me or each time you dump on any lane or anything else Elena and I are having a ball. All with you exactly oh my God, but the thing is is like daily like on a daily basis. Like no she doesn't do anything for that good annoyed because we're not entertained. I know right? Like all right. What is it going to happen? Come on, and then bum never fails never fails if anyone could see the snaps in a snap of our messages. We're nice girls. We are less girl. I'm gonna think it's a we don't bully other people. You know that innocent people why we don't fucking have time either but the thing is that here is the thing like you said your your copycats they force you to stay alert and and I'll keep on going with your Innovation and your creativity so that you're always at The Cutting Edge and They're always few hours or a few days behind. So it's okay. You're the first few weeks. You've any weeks. Yes. Don't forget. I came out with the travel back in 2018, which has yes, there we go. But you had one too. I remember your venting on Facebook at some point. Someone was copying Swoon or the logo or something like that. Am I right? Well, actually on Instagram, I noticed that my hashtag would swirl ox or Swoon. I there were so many people in there. We use it for use that hashtag and I noticed as some people went directly to my product page and my website and copy the entire product description. And yeah and try to sell their bag or some unrelated product. Not that this is a legal. I can't believe this, you know, it's illegal, but it happens a lot bloggers are so victimized by that lately. Um even goop I heard picks up on some bloggers material and copies. Oh my god really insane. But what I have to say is what I'll say again, then that means it was time for you to change your description. It means that you need to continue innovating. It's time for a change there on to this you've got to go on to something to the next thing and they'll always be behind. I know I reported them but not only that does any good so You have to do is change the description. I know you can't change the bag. No the bags that you know, I mean that's another whole other story. But yeah with me like I stopped in newsletters. I stop writing them because I was really sick of putting all my hard work out there and getting it copied within days and you know, so I stopped doing the newsletter and I found better ways of giving my material for free to people and Personalizing it. So the podcast was one of those things for me. Yes. Absolutely. Love your podcast. I mean, I don't listen to any other podcast. I mean once again because I'm a skeptic and it's she's white. She's such a bitch but with you Well, I'm continue to be your bitch, you know, when we some cheerful Christmas, you know cheerful girls today. Yeah, I know I have to say before I know I have to say as you know, your last podcast number 9 was it with Dylan was to me the best and most profound one for my own personal reasons? Reasons but at the same time for I'm sure a lot of people felt the same way. I swear I started crying once buildings that is speaking. You know, well, what did wonderful things you've done and your incredible we all know that being that you you as a mother as a mother and father. It's probably the biggest accomplishment if ever you could write is the one I'm the proudest of for sure. You should be so congratulations to you your children and jail for all the success. Thank you. My beautiful friend. I am so proud that I get to introduce you to my listeners. I'll although I know a lot of them have seen you on my stories because you're there almost daily. Yes. I am and thanks for putting out a spotty you did for me. What you going to talk about. I wanted some of that Korean bitch fire. That's you. Anyway, I was gonna get it was by putting you on the spot sheesh and I didn't even bother to ask you. What are you going to ask me? Right? No, I just told you I was gonna give you a call. Yeah, right. Oh my God, I love to talk to you. Finally. I I love talking to you. I could stay on here for hours. We're not going to bore people with our details. No, that's not By the way, your story with your curly onion yesterday. Oh my God, I think he'll have to post that again. So when people listen to the podcast they can know what I'm referring to. Oh my God. Oh my God. I'm so awful. Why am I right? Love you. My rents and everything else my pleasure. I love it too. I enjoy to you know, I love this bitch session that we have all the time. Yeah. I need them. It's therapy. Love you, but I love you too. Bye. I hope you enjoyed this podcast. I know it was shorter than usual and I hope you enjoy meeting Elena. She's amazing. I am going to link her accounts her Instagram accounts professional and personal. On Instagram make sure you go on her personal and really request her. She gets all crazy thinking she's about to get trolled and I love when she does that makes me laugh. So yeah, Elena is cool. I hope you enjoyed hearing a little bit about the connection and the behind the scenes and how much support I get from her on a daily basis, and I hope you enjoyed my tiny little tips to enjoying Holidays, it's your party and you can eat if you want to have a Merry Christmas very happy holidays. I will be wishing you a new year. Happy New Year after the new year as they will not be a podcast episode next week. I'm traveling with my family and I've promised them to unplug and work a bit less. So although you will be able to see a little bit of our vacation on Instagram. I will not be doing a podcast episode until after New Year's. So happy happy holidays to you all. This is the time for me to thank you so much for all the support. You've given me for being so open minded in hearing my story and still supporting me. I want to thank you for your trust in my advice and for indulging me in some of my craziness and my curse. And just me being me you've really allowed me to be exactly who I am and making me feel like that's okay. So a big cheers to you guys. If you want to purchase inulin, you know, you can do so on the website. The link is in the show notes. I've also come out with a cookbook ebook with 11 recipes 11 of my favorite recipes using my favorite secret spice. It's simply the best has a high note from the Arabic from Arabic it translates to the best in the shop and it includes 30 pungent Moroccan spices. Pure Moroccan spices. It's a blend and this is what you see me using in a lot of my recipes when you see me cooking on my insta stories on Instagram. And so the e book is called also Simply the Best and mainly all of the recipes. Using Wessel handled some of them aren't and they are also some sweet treats as well that you see me prepare in the past. So if you want to purchase that it's also linked in the show notes. It is currently on pre-order and what will happen is they will only be a limited quantity sold as I have a book coming out later in 2019. That is a wellness book and will include all of my recipes mainly my favorite recipes. We don't want the e-book to kind of contrast with that and to interfere with that so we will pull the e-book out of the market in a little while. So if you want to see Levin recipes, and I know you do as you often ask me for them and you want the spice has a high note simply the best the best in the shop. It is currently on the website on pre-order. It will ship on January 7th and ebook will be released to those that purchased it on January 7th. The quantity is limited. You will love the label. I hope as it features two, beautiful French women dressed in Couture. One of them is holding the Eiffel Tower while the other one is holding a tagine plate. So it's the perfect mix of my French Flair and my Moroccan Legacy on this note. You heard Elena speaking about the virtual platform on this. Episode if you want to join the village virtual platform, it is a monthly membership that gives you unlimited access to a bunch of videos about three hours of videos with new releases every month and to have access to that. You can also look at the show notes and you'll have of course to get the equipment. You have a choice of two equipment as I always explain for two different kinds of budgets if you are not sure you want to jump, right? In this one that is a little bit less expensive than our original or if you do want to jump right in you can get our original on this note. I wish you all a very happy happy holiday. Happy holidays to you all and cheers to you all. Thank you so much from for being this amazing gangster Chic tribe of mine. Love you bisou bisou from Monaco show an ol banana. Hey.
In this quick episode, Ingrid gives you just a few tricks to FRENCH-IZE your holiday, with a grain of intuition to bypass going by holiday guides and diet rules and end up with NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS! That’s so un-French ! So drink some EGG-NOT and eat with your FRENCH GANGSTER CHIC Mind, kicking DIET RULES in their ugly fat ass ! She also takes her close FRIEND HELENA by surprise by calling her and putting her on the spot about how bitchy they can be together when it comes to bitches, bullies and copycows. The conversation is so fun and a behind the scenes of the magic of incredible connections on social media, and having a no-bullshit friend. Show Notes: Follow Ingrid on Instagram at Follow THE METHOD® Find Ingrid’s COOKBOOK EBOOK and her SIMPLY THE BEST including 11 of HER favorite recipes, including a GANGSTER CHIC VIAL of SIMPLY THE BEST ras-el-hanout رأس الحانوت translates from ARABIC to " The Best in the Shop, a blend of more than 30 pure Moroccan Spices from the Market Find our Simply INULIN by THE METHOD®|THE BODY and our FOLLOW YOUR GUT collaboration EBOOK + 28 days pack With Your Tea at Follow HELENA REICH on INSTAGRAM: SEE her gorgeous collection on Do THE METHOD Free FLASH WORK-OUTS — no equipment needed Flash-Workout # 1 Flash-Workout #2 You can workout with THE METHOD ORIGINAL MASTER SESSIONS from the comfort of your home ANYWHERE ANYTIME by subscribing to the monthly membership at
This episode is brought to you by TaxACT. This tax season Tax Act has your back with their deduction maximizer and a hundred K accuracy guarantee. You can feel confident. You're getting the most out of tax season learn more about how to maximize your deductions and your refund and get 25% off federal and state filing attacks gimlet. That's gimlet for 25% sent off federal and state filing. Okay. So the date is Sunday, November 2nd 1997. It's roughly two weeks before my 10th birthday that Sunday was unlike all the rest of them because that Sunday night was a broadcast of an updated version of Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella. I sat in church all that Sunday just like wriggling with joy because I knew that later on tonight. I was gonna be able to see Brandi as Cinderella and Whitney, Houston. And as the Fairy Godmother, so I'm sitting in the living room with my family and immediately on the screen Whitney Houston. She setting up the prologue. She's getting a started for a plain yellow pumpkin to become old and carrot him, but I'm still sitting there. Like where is Brandi? I need to see Brandi about five or so minutes into the broadcast. Cast like the scene opens up like it's obviously some sort of like magical Fairytale Land and there's like all these people all different races and ethnicities and ages because they did the whole thing colorblind casting you hear this music start and you know something about to happen and then you see Brandi who still has all of her micro braids like she's in this very talented. She has all of her micro braids. She starts singing The Sweetest Sounds which is like the very first song. We're like she and Prince Charming are both seeing separately and found each other yet, but they're saying separately about like pining for their true. Love never here. I stitched inside my head. I mean, I had never seen a black Disney princess before let alone a black Cinderella and it Just blew my mind. I wasn't used to seeing like people that resemble me like little black girls as like the center of a story and it's like, I mean, it's like a night that I couldn't possibly forget. I didn't have to forget it because I made my parents tape it. I watched it probably at least every week for a year or so looking back on it. I can recognize it as the first time that I really felt represented in the media. From gimlet media this is sampler. And I'm your host Brittany loose so falls upon us yet again. And for many of you that means like leaves are changing and your kids are going back to school and it's pumpkin spice Time full disclosure. I actually I actually like pumpkin spice flavor things. But for me, you know, just the fun-loving woman that I am my focus every fall returns to to representation in the media It's like we have a new site of fall TV shows beginning of award season and it gets me thinking about you know, whether things in Hollywood are actually getting any better. And so I started looking for podcasts that might have some answers and I was so excited to come across this new podcast called represent. It's hosted by Aisha Harris who is a longtime culture writer. It's late and it's really one of the only shows that I found that focuses solely. Leon film and TV creators who typically are the people who get like the token treatment in Hollywood, you know, I mean like LGBT people people of color women or any combination of those things. Like Aisha actually does a deep dive into them their craft and what they're interested in, you know, while some shows kind of dance around difficult topics Aisha really faces them head-on and her guests don't shy away from taking a stance on things either like, you know, say A cisgender male actors playing trans woman or cross-racial voiceovers. I'm Asha Harris a culture writer for slate and I'm excited to be your guide through the safe space of discussion questioning and perhaps the occasional venting about Hollywood and how it treats those of us who don't happen to be straight white dudes. And that's one of the reasons why I like Aisha. She just puts it right out there. So I figured that she would be my perfect closed for today to help guide you guys through some of The best podcast moments about the topic of representation. So today with me in the studio. We have staff writer at and also the host of the newly launched represent podcast Aisha Harris. Hi. Thank you for having me. Welcome to Sam for Aisha. Thanks for the first podcast. I want to talk to you about today is actually your own represent. Could you walk me through what you think the podcast is about? Sure, the the podcast is a show in which I explore film and TV through the perspective of anyone who's not a straight white guy essentially and in for me part of it was I didn't want to just focus on black film and TV. I think it's easy for me to focus on that just because that is my that's what I know the best because I'm base because I am a black woman. Yeah, but I wanted to you know, not limit myself so much. Be able to talk with other people who are you know, identify as queer or LGBT and I also want to talk very deeply about what they do and how it relates to representation. Like the meaty big part of the show is the sit down with someone who works in the industry who is Falls within and typically underrepresented group. So one of those people you talked to was somebody that I've admired for a long time. Who spoke really candidly with you about something that recently just didn't work out for him. And that's Larry Wilmore. Yeah, really quickly. Larry Wilmore was the host of the nightly show on Comedy Central which was just recently cancelled and you guys were having this phone conversation about what went wrong and where he feels like viewers and the network may have let him down. So we really felt like a nice well-oiled machine. We just felt like we weren't getting all the viewers who like, you know for that. Very frustrating, you know, it's part of Television. We're not the only show that has had that happen. It's it's that type of thing can happen. So yeah because it's a different let me put it this way in the completely different feeling when you're on a show and you know, you're not doing it, you know where you're going at the show is just not working. We just can't I don't know what it is. Like that's a different feeling for us. It's about the opposite of felt like nobody's seeing what we're doing. That's what it felt like this. So yeah, I mean it does it. It does seem like it it did not giving you enough time to sort of or do feel as if they didn't give you enough time, especially since the elections were coming up because it would have been nice to see what you guys would do and then plus it's just like that's the time it no matter what show it is. Whether it's the Daily Show. I imagine all the shows they get a boost when the elections happen. I personally felt that way I express that. I was very disappointed that they didn't try to promote our As together hmm. We were two black men in late night doing smart comedy shows that hasn't happened before and I was really upset that. We never did any neutral promotion and really tied to shows together. You know, the way John and Stephen when Steven Stone Cold Barren, you know, exactly did a lot of cross promotion you saw the relationship between two people which was so much fun. And I thought we could have gotten so much mileage out of Trevor and I having a type of relationship on the air I man. African-American he's an African African, you know about that whatever but at least people would know there's a distinction between us as personalities and then they see the distinction between the shows, you know, right. Do you have any feeling that may be part of the issue was and you've spoken a bit about this before is you've joked about it the fact that you know, your show is very you Center race and and especially Blackness within your comedy. And it moves and it makes people uncomfortable. And do you think maybe the idea of having two black eyes, even though you guys are have a totally different way of doing career in comedy. Do you think that the idea of putting you two together maybe scared off the network and they were afraid that people wouldn't buy that I don't know if they were afraid if that's the case. I think the unconsciously the audience could have felt they might have been getting the same thing and could say well what do I need to stick around for this that's possible. You never know. Right, like when I heard that it sort of brought to light to me one of the things that I think in when I think about like the larger conversation about representation, I think that like ideas about audience participation and sort of like how audiences interact with the product or interact with a film or television show. Like I feel like that is sort of left out of the conversation all the time. Yeah. I know so many people who told me, you know, I'm really sad that the show Gone, but I never really watched it and I and and there there was some sort of Disconnect and I think part of it is just that you know, people aren't really watching lately. Like, you know used to be just like I'm at home. This is what's on this is what I'm going to unwind to before I go to sleep. Right and now it's sort of like you can do anything like you can lay in your bed with one eye open and just look at Snapchat exactly. There are so many more ways to consume media now and like as a result of that there's also so many more or spaces that you can use to critique it, you know, like I feel like in podcasting there's like an abundance of criticism like sometimes it can feel like everybody is a Critic. How do you think that affects the space? Hmm? Really like any other space when everyone is making their critiques there are going to be some people who don't think as hard about those critiques before they make them which can create a toxic spaces on extend. But I think then there are also people who do really think deeply about like one of my favorite podcast that I've been listening to for. There are actually the first podcast I started listening to and I discovered podcast for thing. It's called fell. Swatting they've been around for I think about a decade. Yeah and granted it's to I gotta is Adam kempen are and Jos Larson, but they're also very smart. They just a really thoughtful and they will often acknowledged their shortcomings and whether it's their own film not like they have a very to me. I think they have a very robust film knowledge, but you know, they don't know everything no one knows everything and so when they're talking about a movie that might be a little bit out of their normal, you know purview they will Admit that so just to get a sense of what film spotting sounds like let's hear Josh and Adam talk about whether or not the movie Mad Max. Fury Road is quote unquote feminist. So just some context Mad Max Fury Road is pretty female Centric and there are a lot of like women playing main characters. So the first voice you're going to hear in this clip is Josh's even with this emphasis on female characters though some aren't so sure about Fury roads feminist credentials on Twitter Anita sarkeesian host of the web series feminist frequency bluntly declared. I saw Fury Road I get why people like it but it isn't feminist one of the reasons she gave in a series of tweets was this feminism doesn't simply mean women getting to partake in typical badass guy stuff feminism is about redefining our social value system. So Adam, where do you fall on the question of whether or not Mad Max Fury Road is feminist or do you think that this debate? It's Self has hijacked the movie that is at its core just a brilliant take-no-prisoners action flick. Well, I guess the question I put back on you Josh's can I say that it's not a feminist movie but still like the movie. I think that maybe the more challenging question to answer and when she says it isn't feminist. It makes me think that there's almost this checklist for art and the movie either checks those boxes. However many there are or it doesn't check the boxes and if it doesn't check out Them can we still appreciate what it's doing versus what it isn't doing. And so let's put a movie like Fury Road in the context of the other Mad Max films in both of them. I think we can pretty much say blanket statement all the women are peripheral characters at best. Some of them are sort of sexual Sidekicks to these scavengers these gangs out there or in the first Mad Max. She's basically a helpless spouse. Yeah and a helpless mom you put that in contrast to this movie. You have the whole plot based around. These women no longer wanting to be objects and searching for a way out of this system of Oppression. That's a far cry from anything. We saw in the first two Mad Max movies and more than what we see in most Hollywood action movies. So is that then not enough? I think it depends on who's asking the question, right? And you and I are both coming at it as movie people first or let's say as text oriented film lovers not someone from feminist film Theory or any Of political film Theory or any sort of ideology sure. And if you are looking at the film through that lens first, you may be holding it up to standards and saying because I'm aware of this. I like to call attention to these what are important concerns is why I like reading people who have this perspective on Films. That's what you're going to draw upon. I'm just a boy watching a movie hoping it does right by its girl. They are probably one of the smartest critics that aren't doing the sort of things. Thing that means a lot coming from you, you know, because you love film and you're also a really serious critic yourself. Okay that you talk I can hear it in episodes of represent like you're so knowledgeable about the projects that you review and you really get into the nitty-gritty of technique and story structure like you're obviously a critic but I saw on Twitter like recently you named your If I haven't films yes, and you had like the most sentimental sort of list. Oh, yeah, we're like you I mean it was like little mermaids Singing in the Rain Good Fellows. Like you had so many quintessential choices on your list. Like I I didn't get the sense that you were trying to put on airs and put be like, I'm a Critic so like these are my seven favorite films. Yeah. I try not to you know, it's I definitely went through that phase of my life for I'm juice areas for this let's let's analyze and only talk about otters and yeah that all that crap so I probably around 10 or 11. When I first watched Singing in the Rain is when I discovered Turner Classic Movies and I prided myself on watching Turner Classic Movies and watching foreign films. But now I realize some of the movies I love the most are like Mean Girls. I think Mean Girls like could stand up as one of the best comedies of the last 15 years I told Lee hundred percent agree to me. Yeah favorite movie is something where if it's on on Saturday. You're not moving. Do you really mean like it's if you get 45 minutes in and you like happen to see them as playing on TBS with commercials, you're like, wow, I have to sit finish this entire thing, right? Okay, so we're going to take a quick break. But when we return we're going to hear from one of my favorite movie makers and we're also going to talk about the power of the oh my God moment. This episode is brought to you by TaxACT. This tax season Tax Act has your back with their deduction maximizer and a hundred K accuracy guarantee. You can feel confident. You're getting the most out of tax season learn more about how to maximize your deductions and your refund and get 25% off federal and state filing attacks gimlet. That's gimlet for 25. percent off federal and state filing Alright, so we are back from our little break. I am in the studio with Aisha Harris from represent podcast. It's late. Hello. Hello - hello again. So I want to pick up where we left off in our conversation about representation and play you some clips that kind of capture what some TV and film creators have to say cool. So the first clip is from someone who like I mean, she's everything to me and also she's Just like exactly the type of role model that I sorely needed when I was in film school and that's director Ava Duvernay. Like there aren't even words that describe my love for her. I just I just think she's so fantastic. She's amazing. So I'm actually going to play you a clip the features even so for those of you guys who don't know Ava Duvernay is director and screenwriter and she directed Selma. So Selma is a historical drama about Martin Luther King jr. And and the Voting Rights marches that went from Selma Alabama to Montgomery, Alabama in 1965. And in this particular clip, she's on this show called the treatment which is from one of NPR's La stations KCRW, and it's hosted by the critic Elvis Mitchell. So on this show, he has really Frank conversations with major figures in the entertainment industry like Ava Duvernay. So we're going to pick right up when Ava and Elvis are talking about The Gaze of the director or the directors perspective and how that can affect a film so the first voice you're going to hear is Elvis Mitchell's one of the things that you use a lot and it's always shocks me how rarely people bring this up is we use silence in film and I also feel like that's the kind of radical thing to me because again so many films about black characters. They're always explaining themselves as if somehow nobody can figure them out. They're not talking about who they are and what they're doing it all. All times right? That's right. I mean it's exhausting and it's it's reductive and it's just it's just why why are we doing it? It says my my point of view. I I feel like Morris said in the silences and I like to play with that as much as possible and just you know, even in Saenz my editor Spencer and I have ever can I just try to how long can we push this where no one's saying anything and you have actors like David oyelowo Von Karman all these wonderful people the geography of the face. Sometimes says so much more than a bunch of Dialogue that's you know Court, you know dictating exactly where one goes the other thing about silences allows you to fill in the blanks a little bit. I mean, I don't have to dictate your feelings at every moment. You know, I even like silence to the point where it's not just absent of dialogue but also music just sit there with it for a second and that's not anything new but it is not as common in and films with black folk see because one of the things we talking about that that gays and so often in that case because they won't understand. People will cover themselves having these people explain to both themselves and to the audience Liz. I think it's I think I mean yes, that is the thought and I just I know for fact people people who love film surely, you know, we used to sing all kinds of films usually sing Everything. It's it's just this the simplification that goes with the black semi-automatic image that there has to be this this ongoing explanation and its ongoing, you know, proof of our presence and why were there and it's it's too much. I think we're past that point. I wish we were Doesn't happen too often enough for me to say we're past that point what past the point I think intellectually in terms of I think we'll make a little film lovers film Watchers. I don't know if all filmmakers and the people that control film and that are giving notes on films have caught up with the way that people really feel as they're consuming the film it's complicated, but I'm glad that you bring it up because you know Silence with black and brown faces on a film is radical and the fact that that is at this point is really a shame, huh I love her so much. She just She gets it and you have the idea of Silence on film with black bodies. I think it's just so powerful a scene of hers that comes to mind for me is the one from Selma when Coretta who's Martin's wife Coretta and Martin are sitting in their living room listening to a recording from This Racist, ban, who is harassing Martin with a sex tape of an alleged affair. The American public will soon know you for what you are and evil Beast. That wasn't me. I didn't make or I know. I know what you sound like. There's so many instances. I can think of and lots of films featuring black people where that scene would have been played all the way up. But instead you have like these these long pauses in between dialogue and you know as the viewer you start noticing other details like, you know credits hands are neatly folded in her lap and you see that her eyes are watering and I really Did that carretas response kind of matched what you would expect from like a genteel Southern preacher's wife? Yeah. So another Point Ava brought up in that clip is the difference between film lovers and film makers like what can the audience like actually do till seek out and support more diverse voices and stories and filmmaking. Yeah. I I mean, I think that now that we have more streaming services and more options for watching films. I think definitely that's been a win for film lovers, but I do think that yes film offers to some extent will see everything but what do they value and the kind of stories that they value often don't involve people of color or women as the protagonist. I mean to be honest you Need those film lovers who are people of color and women who also wants to be filmmakers. You need to give them the opportunity to make those films and act out their love of film. I don't think it's solely on the the audience to be I think it's mostly on the industry, but it's also a business and so people need to go also go see those movies, but then it's a chicken and egg thing. It's like well will people see these movies who live in a place where it's not New York or La where it's like a limited showing or if you're not advertising it very heavily or even advertising it correctly like actually reaching out to the right people and meeting them in the right places, right? Exactly. Exactly. There's I guess there's just so many factors. I don't think there's just one there's a lot of different moving Parts there like there are a ton of moving Parts like when Think of the people who you know help make a movie or a TV show a success like like you have the audience you've got filmmakers like Ava Duvernay, but there's another voice that often isn't mentioned and that's people who are like in the movies in this case in the clip. I'm about to play for you next. It's an extra step actually one of my favorite actresses. So this is a clip that comes from vulture TV podcast from an employee and in this particular clip the team at vulture is talking to the star of ABC's Smash Hit how to get away with murder Queen Viola Davis. She is queen bee is squeezed. So on how to get away with murder Viola plays Annalise Keating who is a defense attorney and Professor who like is caught up in these love polygons and she's leaving like six or seven double lives like all of the time and In this clip Viola talks about how she uses her role as a lead actor on her series to influence the creative choices of Peter Nowak who is the showrunner of How To Get Away With Murder. So the other voice you're going to hear in this clip. In addition to violas is Matthew zoller Seitz of the vulture TV podcast. One of the things I always tell people is there are times and people write television based on what you've seen before in other TV shows for Since she's a lead character she sexual it's got to be someone like I don't know. I'm just going to throw a knee Vanessa Williams. She's got to be someone who has the body. She's got to be someone who's desirable. She's got a look like this. She's got a sound like this and my experience with that is says who That's not the people in my life. I know women who are black widows who probably size 26 and they've had lots of men and they have a lots of Secrets, you know, and I just feel like I'm always at least in my way forcing him to take more chances with story lines like that. Why can't you do that? What are you going to sacrifice? You're going to say? If is an OMG moment, what if it's an OMG moment? That's a smaller OMG moment. Maybe it's just something that moves people just a little bit gives people just a little bit of a glimpse of her pathology talking about. Those are my God moments. That's something that that network television is really gotten very very good at those kinds of shows where more happens in an episode than might have happened in a whole season you ever worried that the audience will get worn out of that. You going to run out of ideas or that it's going Absolutely. I mean it seems like absolutely I do it's not within my control. I'm an actor. I tried to do my part to the best of my ability and I tried to influence to the best of my ability and the rest is left up to the powers that be but I do feel it's like someone said about the show. I remember I saw the show when I was younger and I loved it on Broadway was a musical loved it and the reviews came out and they kind of tore it All right, there was some things that they really loved about it, but they tore it apart and I thought oh my God, were they looking at the same show and I remember someone saying Viola all those things are true that they said in that review the bad things are true, but it's still great. And that's kind of how I feel about how to get away with murder. I mean, I know that people say is a lot going on or whatever, but I think what it does right cannot be ignored. It can't be listen me being cast as Analyse alone. Stop exclamation point is OMG, you know and people just kind of nod their heads and do that. I'm like, okay, you name an example of you seeing anything like that on network television the fact that they cast a woman whose dark skin and 50. It was my size my everything taken off a wig and an episode doing all of those things what it does right is worth a whole lot Yeah that she'll like that wig moment is probably the most iconic moment from that show. I just remember it so vividly and being like oh, this is happening on a network TV show right now. Yeah on ABC. Yeah, I mean just describe it. There's a moment a pivotal moment in the first season of How To Get Away With Murder, which I devoured like potato chips where you see, Annalise Viola Davis in her. Our bedroom and in this is one who's always perfectly put together. Like I think this woman has a different designer like wool coat on every single day of the week for every single one of her Court appearances and she takes off her wig and her false eyelashes and her makeup and sits in her bedroom and like has this moment with herself. I had never seen anything like that in my entire life. Yeah, I mean, I feel like I definitely definitely seen it but not with a black woman and not right that context. Yeah, and just when you think about all of the back story and history of what a black woman's hair means to them what the makeup means and just the dramatic way in which she takes it off and I think it's like immediately not undercut but it's just the the funny part that comes after is her husband comes in the room. Bonnie just told me you got the girl out on bail. Just tell me to take out a second mortgage to pay for it. I came close but we figured out another way Sam. Yeah. Why is your penis on a dead girl's phone? That's how it goes? Yeah, like this is that long undressing and just like stripping down of all of her her emotions and her feelings and then she flips out that like killer lie and it's just so perfect. What's also kind of like what she's talking about in the clip. It's like you have the OMG moment for people who like needed to see that in that space at that time. We're just seeing her take her wig off like her straight haired wig. And seeing her like short what we call Twa teeny-weeny afro, like I just heard like a couple inches of her natural hair that to me was so revolutionary so that to me made me go. Oh my God, but then it's followed by like the traditionally so be yeah this traditional so P OMG moment where she's like, you know where she's asking about, you know, dick pics like it's been a dead girl's phone. Yeah. It's just those little moments of like Cultural specificity, I think that you can pinpoint and shows like how to get away with murder and even Empire which takes it to a whole nother level but there's always just like just moments of saying things that a white audience wouldn't necessarily know. Yeah and just letting it happen and then if you don't get it, you don't get it. You're you ask someone exactly like, oh, it's great. It's I if there's one thing that I appreciate about where we are with black television, specifically, I mean, we still got out of a very long way to go but it's that now we're getting more of those moments like that. Hmm, we've made some strides. We've definitely made some strike. Well, are you sure? Thank you so much. You've been a fantastic guest. Thank you. I'm so glad that you came here and you talk to us today and very fun. Thank you. I'm so over this week. That's kind of the thing that we go for here to recap the clips featured on the show today the interview with Larry Wilmore was from slates represent with Aisha Harris Our Guest the conversation about Mad Max and feminism was from the film spot. In podcast commentary on silence and film was from KCRW use the treatment and the OMG moment when Viola Davis was from the vulture TV podcast. This episode was produced by Kate Parkinson Morgan Sarah abdurrahman and myself. It was edited by Amy Rose dresser Samplers theme music was made by Michael villian in our ad music was made by Mark Phillips. The show was mixed by Austin Thompson and Ian Scott sampler is a production of gimlet media.
Fall's arrival has Brittany thinking about the new slate of TV shows, the start of the film/TV awards season and the state of representation in the media. Aisha Harris, host of Slate's Represent, joins Brittany to discuss some of the best podcast moments about diversity in Hollywood. Episode #28 features clips from the following episodes (please click below for hyperlink to episodes): Filmspotting, "#539 Mad Max/Fury Road and Top 5 Car Scenes" Slate's Represent, "The 'Racism Is Solved' Edition" KCRW's The Treatment with Elvis Mitchell, "Ava DuVernay: Selma" Vulture TV podcast, "Viola Davis on Craft Culture and Career" The Facts: This episode was produced by Kate Parkinson-Morgan, Sarah Abdurrahman and Brittany Luse. It was edited by Annie-Rose Strasser. Sampler’s theme music was made by Micah Vellian and our ad music was made by Mark Phillips. The show was mixed by Austin Thompson and Ian Scott. Our Sponsors Prudential - Download the MapMyRun app and join the Prudential 4.01K challenge. When you do, pledge to save at least 1% or more of your annual income for retirement and run and log 4.01K to be eligible to win a prize. Audible – The biggest selection of audiobooks from leading publishers. Start your free 30-day trial plus receive a free audio book.
Hey guys, welcome to the weathering effect. This is episode 20 and today's today's 29 photographer and I'm bunking up or or everyone just calls me Bank damn dads are dead versus and today. We're going to talk about some Minecraft and laughed at bank for messing up the intro.Over 15 times. What have you been up to since you intro we get it? Yeah. Well, we rode a new intro. Yeah, we did. Well you rush you in turn out just like okay. Yeah. Now we're gonna mess it up a few times. Yeah. All right. What did I do this week? I did a bit of Minecraft. I continued on the farm I built by episode. I didn't regard anything. I just kind of enjoyed building a bit. Yeah, and I watched a lot of Ellen because I was a bit you know, so I didn't just wanted to lay back and watch some stuff, huh? How are you enjoy? So it's actually the second time. I'm watching the series. I watched it like a long time ago already. I think when it started to when it was released. Yeah, I guess I was on Netflix now, it's pretty old. I really enjoy it. But it's good. It's I forgot most of it. So it's pretty new obviously, you know, like the main things but yeah. Nice. Yeah, what have you been up to? Well, we had streams which went really well. I ended up posting a picture on Reddit of the finished product of the stream and it yeah and I will sort of a podcast episode as well or both. Yeah, it's all right kind of how I want to test the water. So we did a test episode where we just kind of randomly talked about stupid stuff on a slow Minecraft week, and I'd like to kind of turn Turn my live streams into those kind of podcast to see how you guys like them. But the best part about the live streaming is because I'm on mixer and there's like a zero delay. Like if you're watching the live stream you can participate which is super awesome because I get feedback immediately and we had like a three-hour conversation about random stuff which would scrap ended up decorating that entire side of the base between the actual base. The market Garden area. So yeah, that was a really nice stream to to talk a lot because it was just we just placed a bunch of flowers and all that which I guess in itself is not that interesting. Yeah, it wasn't the most worried about watching me build something but just kind of chilling and hanging out and then at the very end, you're just like whoa, okay that transform that entire area. Yeah. I didn't even notice we did so much but when you dig back, we we did quite a lot in the Stream. It's like when you felt like just Hang on it. It's like okay. Well, that's a random Cobblestone. Why is that there? And then you take about a 50 block step back and you're like well like Keanu Reeves. Whoa. Nice. Yeah. Other than that I've done about the same thing kind of watching Netflix. I got onto that new showed a break which is like an apocalyptic show. I said that wrong, but I'm not going to try to re say An apocalyptic. There we go. Yeah, like the world sending. Yeah the world and it's gonna yeah, it was really good. Like I got really hooked on it. But like literally the last 30 seconds. They try to put a Twist in there and I went all that kind of made me feel like the entire first season was for nothing. Yeah, it's one of those and I don't want to say it keeps people watch it because literally the entire season was really pretty good. I love the storytelling. I like how they used flashbacks. It didn't feel like it was just slapping you in the face with this other stuff and holy cow computer just made a bunch of noise. I don't know if I got picked up but my ears just blew out anyways in your anything so it sounds good, I guess okay, but yeah. I mean just amazing story telling in that the very end. They're like, oh they won't see this coming and then you can kind of feel it coming and then you're just like, why did you do that? I get you're trying to set up a season 2, but you have you basically ruined season one for me. So it's just like I had stayed up late to watch it. Everyone knows my insomnia and I fed into the insomnia. Like I finished the season at 1:30 in the morning last night, and then I'm just like Wait for you. Yeah, I'm like now I can't go to bed happy. Which means probably not going through bad at all went to bed at 3:45 this oh, wow woke up at 6:30. Well, it was really like 7 o'clock. But yeah, so that's how that went. I've been working on the book project. I've got like a whole nother chunk of time line filled out for one of the sides. So it was pretty sad but like it's getting close to the point where I'm going to be starting to write scenes in sections and stuff like that. So cool. Actual writing getting done a pretty gimmicky picture writing part. Yeah. Yeah. Well one of the timelines is a super simple timeline. I don't have to World build which is really nice. And that's the one I'm getting close to finishing on. So, okay. That's the one I'm probably going to start writing early. So fingers crossed. I might leak a couple of segments to you guys and let you read it depending on if anyone's interested in it exciting times. But what about the news we got Any news today? No, there's no finger need to see in the new section. What about Minecrafters coming out to Sweden Mexico? Australia and New Zealand and Iceland? Well, that's that's true. I guess other than there's been a most of them already have it though. I have no idea. I know Sweden was one of those like beta test areas. I told Mexico as well. I don't know. I guess they just expand it into tomorrow. What is it more areas? I'm Like Minecrafters one of the things that I'm just kind of like yeah. Okay. I will probably maybe spend five minutes on it, but it doesn't is excite me at all. So I'm I'm just really curious. I kind of want to see and look around in it and then and see what it's about. But I got the feeling it won't be that interesting for me either. Well, my biggest worry is so like for some reason so I can be on cars boats or airplanes and I am perfectly fine. But Minecraft makes me motion sick. Yeah, so the thought of playing Minecraft while looking through my phone onto a desk surface or something like that. It's just I'm just waiting for an upset stomach. So my a concealed not really excited me. I'm waiting for dungeons. I really want to play some dungeons. I think that's going to be a fun stream game. Yeah, I think yeah, like you said that's going to be a fun stream game as well. I think I'll put a lot more time probably in dungeons as well. And I do in Earth. Yeah, I mean in the end Minecraft Earth is going to be just a lot of version of Minecraft. I guess you can build some stuff which we can already do and in Java and and I'll yeah from the leaked pictures. One of our Ripple members winter has been posting some pictures from it. Yeah, I saw those as well. It really looks like Pokemon go for some of the stuff. Well, that's how it works. Right you go through the world and then you click like just son all that. That's how you collect your blocks and all you know, and then you can build without the one thing I do say I like seeing is the if you're traveling too fast. Basically the game disables itself. So you can't go driving the car and play the game while driving exactly. Yeah, which I think that's a clever solution. Yeah. I saw a picture of somebody posting it in the spawn chunks Discord and it goes are you the driver? So you can kind of hit know I guess and still play it but I like that there are at least putting some effort into that. Yeah. I mean it's it's it's sort of a problem over here or at least I see a lot of people driving while staring in the phone. So it's a huge problem here chaos me a lot to be on those. I have a great rant. All right, I'm sorry guys. I'm pushing Minecraft back again, but you guys might like the story. So talking on your phone or texting on your phone while driving is a huge pet peeve of mine like okay my old Mustang before I get the new one didn't have Bluetooth or anything like that. So I paid to upgrade the radio to get Bluetooth, so I didn't have to worry about talking on the cell phone while driving I can just talk normally in the car would do everything. Right? So now that it's standard in most every car now. I got super excited and all that stuff anyway. Is I get on a road? I'm stuck behind this guy who speeding up slowing down and speeding up slowing down and he's veering left and right in his Lane and I'm going what the heck is this guy doing is he'd been drinking or something. I'll look over and every time he like slows down and veers in his Lane. He brings his cell phone up to eye level essentially like cutting off the entire right side of his windshield because he's staring at the phone on that side. Oh boy, and it's obviously affecting his Driving which is affecting these my attitude making me angry because I am an impatient driver. I shouldn't say that. If you do the speed limit and you drive like a courteous person, you know, don't stay in the left lane 5 miles an hour under the speed limit for no reason when you can get into that's what it during through over here or like the left lane is too slow lane in the right lane is the fast lane now, right? Cause everybody just drives left. Yeah well stare At the phone to me. It's like drive predictably and I don't have a problem with it. I understand if there's like a lot of traffic and we slow down. It's not a big deal. But when you're causing the traffic slow down, it's a big deal. And yeah, I feel like I'm like you I mean, I don't mind like obviously the traffic striving. So if it's slow traffic, you're gonna be slow. What can you do? Right. It's the people that are not social to work. It's all this Leo. I'm the only one in the world. So I'm just doing this and that I get annoyed like you could just move over for a bit. Let other people boss right exactly to anyway, so back to this guy on his cell phone texting while driving because I can literally see the little chat bubbles. I'm on his rear end so hard. Oh boy. So my new game was every time I saw his cellphone come up, which is about one in every 30 seconds. Yeah, I weigh on the horn. I see him put the cell phone down. I was just about to ask did you start honking cause that was what I would do. Yeah, so it takes about seven or eight times before he realizes what I'm doing and then he wow and then he decides to give me the middle finger and then go 20 miles an hour faster than the speed limit down the road. A little G6PD absolutely boy, he goes from not being able to keep a consistent speed and staying in the center of the lane to basically doubling the speed limit flying down this one lane, bro. It's like dude. What are you doing? You're literally the world's worst driving they make videos about what not to do from you. Yeah. It's Yeah, I can't talk about this for a while as well. I just wanted to say like I'm talking on the phone. It's not right because obviously you're losing a hand but I don't mind that nearly as much as texting. Yeah, well for me because obviously when you're texting you're not looking at the road when you're just talking you at least can still pay attention to like what's going on. Right? Well, I mean, there's some one to not put your phone on speaker while driving if you have to talk. If you don't have Bluetooth hmm put it on speaker because and you can at least set your phone down and use your hands to for. I don't know since I was 18 years old, which is half my age. Now you've been able to buy like 25 $40 Bluetooth dongles that will turn your car into the Bluetooth thing for your phone where you don't have to press any buttons. So it's almost like not an excuse and to if you bought any car passed the year like 2014 its standard in your car. So if you don't hook your Bluetooth up to your phone in your car, I just want to slap you but we don't have Bluetooth in our car, but me and my girlfriend both called a new phone. And with that phone came like earplugs with a microphone thing attached to it. So we just put one of those in the car and then yeah, you just plug. Then you can can just talk without any problems. I mean you're provided I should get the phone basically with means to not live to hold it. Yeah, but that's my car rent for the day. Hope you guys enjoyed call me. It's bad words in the Discord speaking of which we have a disk or you like that segment nice transition. It's a great place to hang out with feather feather follow fellow word. Words, holy cow words are so hard. When you try to read them from a script like that a new intro just screwed everything up. It's a great place to hang out with feather fell my God. I miss fellow with her effect members and as people who work on the episodes questions Carl, we need a rewrite man. It's so hard. Awesome job. Oh, we're gonna be giggling the entire podcast now we will now yeah for sure. So to summarize that telling the discard if you want to talk to him Discord links are in the whatever the heck this show notes show notes description same thing. Oh, man. Okay. Should we get on to the main topic? Yeah, let's let's go on to the main topic. Okay, so ready sort of sneak peek that in the discs are yeah. So we've started this new thing in the Discord where we asked you guys like will come up with the topic over the weekend and then on Mondays will ask you guys about the topics to give everyone a chance to respond and then see who lines up kind of with we do and this week. Is improving food inventory and stuff like that. So I'm going to go ahead and read the first comment for what you called making food. Great again. I just typed something down there and this we had a lot of people saying a lot of the same things so we weren't going to read. Yeah it all together look like C-3PO and Carl both made mention that they want more craftable foods, like maybe a rotten meat sandwich. Each give a use for the rotten meat you get from zombies. Mmm. Fish Kel price could make sushi berries honey to make jam cocoa beans and milk to make coffee. I don't to me coffee shouldn't be craftable. Like it should be brewed in the brewing stand. Oh, yeah. Yeah good point. Well and I could use up to make D or something as well. Yeah. Well in the next thing they mentioned about coffee was coffee with a haste. Or a slow effect. So like maybe a gives you a speed boost, but then also gives you how what's that thing with the and not the envelope with the chain and ball that slows you down. I think that's just gold slow. I think what C-3PO suggest it was give it a taste effect. Then I want to wear us out you get a small slow effect for yeah. That's what I'm saying. All right. Yeah, which I think she shoot them work. Also if like any sugary things, right he the cake I mean You get a sugar rush in then get the what is it the sugar crash? Yeah. They also mentioned that using The Cauldron as a cooking pot to do some of these recipes would be good using a hundred percent agree with that The Cauldron seems more uses for right now. I know yeah and what UND I banners or stuff like that with it. I think it also could like it's like rain water doesn't it? Oh, I don't know very slowly. We're gonna have to try that on the live streams at some point Minecraft science. Oh, yeah, and it could be a fun by frame. Yeah, we just keep going back and staring at this pot. Yeah guys. That's how fun Our Lives is our no Trent if you guys moving for writing through like a rain dance. Yeah, if you missed last livestream, you can re-watch it on mixer if you want to see the chat or if you just want to hear us talk. I always repost a live stream on Saturday following the Friday Night live streams. Yeah, you're good. You're good at posting them as well nowadays. Yeah, well a lot of people were saying hey we want to watch it but we're not around for the last year. So I figured posting it YouTube would be better. But after Friday's live stream like before I could even get it posted to YouTube, which really I wake up Friday or Saturday morning download Friday nights live stream and post it to YouTube now granted it takes to about after lunch because it's a almost a four hour long video. Mmm, but I like before I could even download it Saturday morning I wake up and there's 22 views on mixer from it. It's like okay, so within like what 10 hours? Yes people couldn't wait Gigi pretty nice very good live stream, but that's pretty much it for a see-through pee on Carl. I agree with a lot of their ideas. I mean a few others suggest that so much recipes as well. Yeah a little game sort of down to the same thing just add more recipes opening kind of suggested a little bit more which I agree with but he Said like I mean new foods are interesting, but without any new mechanics, it's just kind of wasted to add a bunch of foods agreed which I Grail He suggests maybe having some meal foods and some snack foods like you have to eat meal a day and then in between you can just eat snack food and then like for example, if you like each day, you would get like a negative effect may be a walk slower. I think he called it a malnourished. Huh? And then yeah, you have to eat a meal to sort of counter that effects and then you have snacks which would be the food as we know it already. So you just do sort of fill your honor bar. I think they could be could be an interesting mechanic something like that. I agree and disagree at the same time. Okay, I like the idea of bettering the mechanic. I think there already is a kind of like meal and snack food in the game. I mean you look at stake and You look at cookies. Yeah, so to be on point, it's already in the game. So he's right and the fact that it would be easy to kind of implement this but at the same time a Minecraft day is what 10 minutes. Yeah, 10 minutes. You not have to have two different kinds of foods really. So yeah, that's that's a group. I mean maybe every day is a bit too much. Yeah, because at that point, I'm just keeping full meals of my inventory and those can't stack now. It's like this is why people don't use stews and mushroom soup and stuff. I like the idea but I don't think it would be implemented, right? Hmm. Well, he did say like he came he sort of came up with it as he as he typed it. So it's it's obviously got some some downsides but I think he's on the right track like adding something to it. Right? And this is where I go back to Honey being kind of a lost feature in the fact that okay. We'll use honey and chicken to craft a new recipe and now you get the same like food effect of eating chicken, but the honey adds saturation. So instead of it being an easy meal. It's now what Omni would call a full meal. So maybe a honey chicken gives you the same effect as a steak instead of a chicken Which is less than steak and food and saturation is now yeah just behind in food, but it gives you the same status saturation. I don't know something like that is where I would probably more lean to let us play with the saturation levels. I think they could be interesting maybe bring them up a bit more as well because the situation is going to sort of a hidden step now I You can't see how much it is food Stone really tell how it I mean you gotta you gotta read up on like the Minecraft Wiki or whatever they even know about it. I guess they could play with it a bit more if they bring it more through the foreground maybe add a little bar for it or something. Yeah. We're just make that what is it? There's a little ham steak. You have a steady food and it gave us maybe they can vanish a bit like the more bright AR the Fuller your saturation is A true I mean you talked about you haven't known for this that changing the Cooking System or creating a Cooking System. Yeah, I agree with you on that. I won't talk about your game. I'll talk about breadth of the Wilds Cooking System because okay there's a teeny bit of randomization in there. And there's so many things you can try. Are you just throw a bunch of ingredients in there and create several different things, which I absolutely love the worst part is it doesn't stack and breadth of the Old system. I don't know how hard it would be to do that and if you have different varying levels of saturation and food quality, could you really stack that on there? So it kind of makes it worthless but the idea of well, I have a bunch of random things. Let me try throwing it together in a cooking pot or a cauldron and see what kind of meal I can get to me is a really cool idea and seems like it would be perfect for Minecraft. Yeah. It sounds like a real Minecraft. You think it's actually close to what I had. In mind because I had the same idea as Albany like I think we just need a new system. It's too basic now like you don't want to do to accept what is it to elaborate because that's going to be in the way and people don't like that. But I think now it's too simple and a lot of foods aren't being used and then I started thinking about what could work and I told about the game don't starve. I don't know how well people know the game. But I think that they have a really cool Cooking System, which I think work awesome in Minecraft with obviously some tweaks because the games work slightly different what mean I don't know that game at also described how the cooking system works there. Yeah, so they they can they have like meat and they affects the balls sort of like we have a Minecraft and I got some other stuff. And and they have some different ways of preparing the food. So they have a Croc bolt, which is the main sort of cooking thing and you can put four items in the Crock-Pot and like combinations of items will go towards her recipe and then how to figure out a recipe as like you have for example, rabbit me. I think they call it a morsel and I would have like half a meat value and then the steak would have one meet at you and then Recipes work by are you gotta have one meat to vegetable and they also have a filler for example, which could be a stick or a seat or some other stuff like small food and then the combination of like one meet and do vegetables that will make well I'm just saying something but I don't know where that meat pie or stew or something and then they have like special recipes. Like if you have the other thing called a dragon. Fruit, I think it's a real fruit as well. Actually. Yeah, which is like really strong for healing and then as soon as you add a dragon food to like a microscopy, it makes like a dragon fruit pie or something or if you had eyes in a stick and a watermelon you get like a bicycle and obviously that's the counter the heat but I like the idea of like, so if you add a nice the ice will get a special effect. But yeah in general I think working with like any sort of value kind of thing. And I'm combining the values that would make the crafting system where a more elaborate because then you wouldn't need carrots for a recipe. You could use carrots or potatoes or what do we have a Minecraft? Melon? Yeah breath and that while the something like that where you can add like efficient or bread and something else and you get this special recipe and there's a couple hidden recipes that are extremely good for you same with like if you add a spicy pepper and now gives you like heat resistance or Right shoe in the cold or something like that. See I like that but at the same time I think that would affect people using potions. So yeah, if you add too much effect, it will add to the potions what I really like about the system though is you can you can just basically wing it. Yeah. I can just throw some stuff in the Crock-Pot and see what comes out of it. Obviously nowadays. There are there's like a whole table of like if you make this you'll get that in that out of it like you would get on the Minecraft Wiki. Yeah, but I think the whole the whole Idea of being able to just play around and not having specific items, but just being able to play around with it a little bit. I think something like that make cooking really interesting and Minecraft, I agree and obviously it would need some tweaks to make it fit more towards Minecraft and I don't know but I think in general they could learn a lot from maybe that game hundred percent. We're not game designers in any way, but we know what we like and we know what might or might not work for us. Mmm, so maybe give it a try listen to us my yang where's my red dragon? I mean, I'm pretty sure Mojang moves to game. So yeah. Yeah, they probably know it better than us, but I go with they design it more than they play it and we played a lot for anyone by the way. I highly recommend playing the game. I think it was a lot of fun if you're if you're a patient person, he means Don't Starve not so much Minecraft. Yeah. Well Minecraft, As well, but I think everybody already knows we're assuming if you're listening to this podcast, you're playing Minecraft. Yeah. Yeah. I meant Don't Starve if you're interested in the game that might you might enjoy it. I really enjoy that game. Yeah, let's put it that way. So the second part of our topic is inventory. Do you want to go ahead take the lead on this one? Well, there was one thing about food that I would like to talk about Beckham. Yeah. I've noticed a lot of mold stay everything thirst. Oh, yeah, I personally never gave it a real thought so I don't know if I would one first or not. It sounds interesting. But when I mentioned this to you you said to you at certain feelings towards that already? Yeah, they're bad. They're bad feelings. I figured as much they're bad feelings for the same way. I kind of disagreed with omni's meals a day and the fact that there's only so much time in the mine. Craft day per say that. Yeah. So giving another thing to worry about might be a little bit of a pain. It will become too much. I guess like there's too much to write well to worry about basically. Yeah, but I kind of like the idea of again. I'm going to keep quoting parts of the wild they have this stamina bar. Yeah that you can use up and it'll recharge instantly and then use up and recharge instantly. I think that could be a good way to put something like thirst in without forcing you to have to go craft more stuff and carrying more stuff in your inventory to deal with a problem. The only thing is we're not having to do with it now. So to me, it would be putting a strain on a player that they're not used to which is never really good for a game. It would change probably the game a lot. Yeah, then I would as already I mean Minecraft's been this way so long maybe it would be strange to start adding something like that. Yeah, everything we've talked about so far is just kind of adding to the game kind of like how they did with the crafting tables and stuff. They didn't really take anything away from the main crafting table, but they added all these different things you could use and that's yeah to me the correct way of doing it adding thirst or like a stamina bar would be Taking you away from your natural ability to continue to run all the time or now. You have to use an inventory slot which is limited why we're going to be talking about inventory next to fill another health bar. Essentially. I think I think you're you're you're right like I mean Minecraft like the way the food snow and then a lot of other things in Minecraft, it's so easy that you don't really have to worry about it, which I Opens up a lot of other things to do. And for example, if you add thirst or malnourished thingy that will become something too much and it would get in the way of the freedom. You have a Minecraft now, right? Yeah, I can see that point. I think you're probably right like maybe maybe something like the rest would just be too much. Yeah. All right. Yeah. I was just curious. Like I said, I didn't really think about it. I thought it could be an interesting. Yeah, and she died. I wasn't really feeling towards her Direction and step is something prettier because other games do have Thirst built into the yeah, but yeah, but they have it from the start and I think that's that's a good point that you brought out as well. Like Minecraft works this way if they're gonna add it now, it's going to change a lot like the off to add a whole system to it. A lot of items picks up another inventory slot. Yeah. Yeah, so inventory finally. Hmm. Let's start with what does your inventory carry 90% of the time? Well, I well usually I have my tools and my short. Yeah, I always carry old tools. I also have a also carry like to pick axes one fortune and one hmm silk touch. I always have those in my actual inventory. Well when I get to the point where I'm like not begin game anymore, right? Like if you only have like iron tools, I'm not gonna carry like everything with me, but at this point in the game, I'm like I can replace it easy, so I mind carrying it. I always carry ender chests to go to quite important to have only one bucket. I always like having those flint and steel you never know when it comes in handy. Okay Shield, it's I don't know. I don't know why I carry a shield. I just kind of like it. I will put my banner take me on it. Yeah, it's sort of a nice thing. I guess. It's a way to carry my banner or whatever. What else do I got? I got what I walking boot. Hmm. I always like having those cuz that's useful when you're building near water. You can just sort of walk over the water. You don't have to worry about swimming or placing blocks. You can just like a really like having those sure and wash you're moving. You're on a swamp this season. So yeah, a lot of water you have to mess around with ML. So when you're moving animals on the lead, it's really nice to have a lot of walking boots very I mean it's situational but it's nice to have it when you need it. I obviously carry my arm around and Electra. Yeah, what else? Oh shocker box with ender pearls. I always carry that in my inventory. Oh, yes, I do so much. I use so much ellebra. Yeah. I want to be able to I don't want to have my Mo test out all the time. Yeah. I mean, I just carry your books with that. I keep a choker box in the Ender Chest, so Yeah, I kind of do the same thing, but you would be faster getting your enderpearls up to me. Yeah, and since I am I used to have them in my humble chest, but I had to put my o tears down too much. So I just put it in my regular and Tori. Yeah, my inventory is a lot like yours with the fact. I've have my Armor Plus the illegible the Electra stays on me most of the time and then I switch the chest plate out. And whenever I switch to the chest plate, I obviously know I'm getting ready to fight something. So the shield goes in the offhand. Okay, I very much like using the shield during combat. It's just I don't keep it easily accessible. So a lot of the times when I get snuck attack on by an intermittent, I'm just squealing like a little girl trying to fly away because I mean it work. Yeah, of course now we're finding out the reason I can't kill Enderman isn't because I'm bad at the game is because I'm using the wrong stupid sword for an entire year. Yeah. Well, so did they know the answer bolts? No, it was a Smite sword o Smite one. I mean it's old which explains why I kill zombies and skeletons super easy, but everything else just like why is this taking poor hits? Yep. Yeah, I two pickaxes fortune and silk touch because we're this late in the game if I lose something it's like, okay. Well that'll take me five minutes to remake. Yeah, but I my Hotbar literally Watch out sword pick axe axe, but I switch out the axe and the shovel depending on need. Okay porches. And then it's like Blank Spot Blank Spot Blank Spot food and I'm Bo. Oh, I always have like all my tools in my whole bar. So one two, three. Well one to five it's like my sort. My tools are my bow. Yeah 6s. Empty or I use it when I'm building and then seven to nine ish like pearls Rockets Authority and food. Yeah. So my whole bars almost always full. Well the way I have my hot bar setup because again, I use a controller and not a mouse so I can't really scroll through the Hotbar as fast as everyone else. Yeah, and if I scroll through the Hotbar I physically can't move because I have to take my fingers off the joysticks. Oh, yeah, you mentioned that earlier this right so If I'm on a sword and putting the bow in the last slot, it allows me to click left. So it's Cycles to the bow so I can definitely create a short-range really quick. But also my Foods next to the bow. So again, I'm able to do all my defensive stuff relatively easily while at the same time keeping my tools and kind of an upfront spot. So the other 80% of the time I'm not fighting something I can have my tools handy. D. Other than that, I always have at least 10 to 20 crafting tables in my inventory. I don't want I say, I don't know why Jay man's the reason I have so many crafting tables in my inventory. It started with an accident didn't it? I was live streaming and I didn't have a crafting table and I was like, I can't believe I don't have a crafting table in my inventory. So I had to go back to my base get wood craft a crafting table and then continue on. Because I was working on the island last season on common craft and so all the trees and everything were cut down will mushrooms and stuff. So I yeah, whatever and then I come back the next day and jaemin's pranked my base by filling it full of crafting tables great. So 30 minutes of chopping crafting tables later. I now have a like stack and a half a crafting tables in my inventory. Well, it became super handy because I would just leave crafting tables everywhere. Like I would build a wall and the crafting table would be stuck behind the wall and I just leave it there. You still sort of food and I still do it. So to have like whenever we leave an area and I'm like, oh you want this crafting table? You're like, yeah now so I just break it and keeps in my inventory. I think I've got like 13 crafting tables in my inventory right now and it's nice almost the same with Ender Chest because I've lost so many inner chest whenever I'm like hey do What the and recession like yeah, you're good. It's just take kits and I've like a Tinder chest in my inventory to well. Also, I'm sort of like you with Ender Chest like you are with crafting tables. I spend them around. Yeah, I think you pick up a lot of my entire chest. Oh, yeah. I'm sure I've only crafted like one in Dorchester satire. See you tell you don't even notice cause I just spent them around so much. Yeah, but other than that like the bucket of water is an obvious thing. I carry a to sex arrows because I don't have any Affinity bow and I've just basically been too lazy to make one. Oh, yeah, that's a good point. Maybe an extra thing of food in the inventory. I usually keep to Stacks or Rockets just because Rockets were the thing I blow through the most so yeah, but anyway, I got all that spare in my endless chest. Yeah. Well mean I have what I call the flight box which is filled with Rockley ender pearls. Hmm. But I'm too lazy to put the inner chest down that I might lose. Use think at the flight box out and get more stuff. I do that except. Well, I mean my work is I used to Generation 3 1 so they lost a lot longer I guess. Yeah. I'm duration for the short of for the shorts under Joy Generations. I use that my pearls but I do so much ender pearls. It's ridiculous. I think when I built a cow farm for anyone who's seen the episode I went through like almost to stick or almost to show go Box full of on the bills while building them. It's I like those things well going over all the stuff. We normally carry we both carry a lot of stuff at our inventory. Yeah, which brings us to the inventory sucks. We need a revamp. What would we do to fix inventory, which I feel you. You have more more things to comment about that. I do probably I'm kind of happy without inventory works, I think. You few additions or something could be nice. Like maybe add a few more slots just like the armor of slots or something or offense lat maybe a quiver see could put arrows in their Scabbard. I had to Google the word. I thought it was called the sheet, but apparently is covered with a better word. I think to put your sword and so maybe you don't have to have your sword on your old bar all the time. Yeah, you asked me about that. And then after I remember telling you something I went. Oh, no sheathing a sword is a A verb it's not announce an actual thing. Well, I haven't up finding some some dictionary page and they were like a sheet is a some kind of wrapping to protect something and then the Scabbard this specifically something to hold a sword in so them both right but I figured I'll go with that. Yeah, let's go with Carl suggestion for I start breaking it because like you said I bet that's a I do have a lot to talk while I say I have a lot to talk about. It's literally Like three or four things that I think we yeah immensely perfect Inventory management. I'm curious because I couldn't really think of much I thought of a backpack as well. Maybe that could be something although I feel like it would have to give some negative thing else. You would just I craft a backpack in you have a bigger inventory. So it's like a thing to always have so I think if it gives some kind of slow or maybe you lose your Eli trauma or czeslaw. I don't know but go go to Carl. That's here. I suggest Carl says was it suggests to be able to save things and certain places in your inventory, which I kind of agree with creative mode houses with what do they call it? How do they call it? The tool tables? Whatever basic? Yeah, you can say I want this item here. Every time I put it into my inventory. I guess I could we play a lot of minutes. Games on the server and a lot of them are hey, you might die dump your inventory. And then when you come back to the Mini-Game now, you're just throwing everything into your inventory again, but you have to slowly rearrange it into the slots you like. Like I said my sword bow and food and stuff all that stuff goes into a certain slot because I have to have it there because I'm bad same your PVP player. Well, not for me. It's not necessarily just the dvb. But the way I got my Hotbar arranged this because like what is it the five to nine? I got it mapped out of my mouth. Okay, so I'm just blindly like I don't have to think about I just click a button that I know which item is selected. So if that's changed I'm getting messed up. Okay, so I would love to save it as well. Yeah, Carl will remind us what it's called. After he listens to the show, I can't think of it now, but I know exactly what he's talking about and I 100% agree simulation kind of a thing and my inventory Improvement thing might help with that. I'm curious. I want to hear right now. Okay, I'll start with stuff that you have already mentioned the quiver. Okay? Yeah, so it you should be able to expand the armor slots. Okay, I would love to see well I shouldn't say I would love to see my first thought was immediately like you should have two armored slots. So you can swap through different armor sets really quickly. Hmm, but that was only because I swap between a chest plate and a light Ray lat instead of seeing a secondary armor slot. I just want to be able to craft my Electra onto my chest plate. Yeah, yeah, you've mentioned that a lot. Yeah, I would rather see that than the secondary armor slot but it would help with like you have your water walking boots. So yeah be able to like just hover over it hit the F key to switch is boots or whatever kind of like have it toggles on hand off hand or whatever. Yeah, I'd kind of like that. So you have that I would like a quiver to hold your arrows. So a specific spot every time you add arrows to your Tory they go to the quiver and obviously it can only hold a stack of arrows. So anymore just goes into your regular inventory and when you're grabbing at least like you don't have to have an inventory slow taken just because you want to Bow and to me the downside of this is if you're like me and you're too lazy to make an infinity bow and you run out of arrows in your quiver. It doesn't automatically start firing arrows from your inventory. You have to manually put your arrows into the quiver who I like that so it would also work with With the tipped arrows and Firework arrows for crossbows. It has to be in the quiver to know. That's the arrow I want to use. Yeah, that makes I like that idea that pretty much like if you want to shoot an arrow. It's got to be in your quiver in her. It ignores anything else in your inventory. The next thing would be a specific spot for food. So you keep your finger food pouch or something. Right? And I think you should be able to have a special button. That's kind of like an emergency. I'm going to eat button. Oh, so instead of like you have to have the The food in your in your whole bar. And then what is it right click? Yeah, you could just have a separate key and that take something out of your food storage. Now that might be a little too much especially for like PVP players and stuff like that. Hmm, so it would be a lot like the offhand is but for food specifically kind of like the quiver is specifically for arrows you have this new slot to specifically for food and only food So if your pvping with someone instead of holding stake in your food spot, you can put enchanted golden apples. So it knows to eat the golden apple first without you having to move around in your Hotbar and inventory. I see how people could thing find that annoying I guess because it said, you know, you have to think about it a bit more maybe yeah and it but I like the idea because it does give you an opportunity to something that you kind of always have to have with you and food Stephanie. The one thing that you kind always have to have with you and it does yeah again most of this I'm thinking of from a survival player expert and when I thought of that I went oh, that would be amazing for survival and I'm meeting went well Pete. P players probably that takes a little bit of skill away from a PVP player being able to manage his Hotbar and inventory so it could be a little opine those areas. I don't know like I like survival. It's a hundred percent. Awesome. Why is it not in the game? But it's hard to think for all the specs, right? We don't be creepy enough, I guess to do cover all the needs they have right? I guess the same goes for like Adventure or just straight-up great if Wilbur's Yeah. Well, yeah and you mentioned like whoa Carl suggestion is in the game and creative. Yeah, why can't we do it in survival or adventure mode or something like that? I would love that. Yeah, it's I don't really know why they why they haven't done that. I guess we go sing create if you can just summon up the items. So if it's missing it'll it won't struggle because it's always yeah, it always has access to the items. That's true and maybe of survival they struggled with like it's dealing with items know being there. If I'm making any sense what to me at that point. You just kind of like highlight the Box red Yeah, just do nothing. Yeah, if it's not there don't do nothing. Yeah, I mean it's up to you to know what's in your inventory. Yeah, basically my final thing is probably the most Opie thing. Okay. So everyone talks about a backpack and all that stuff. Yeah. Yeah backpack would take away an armor slot. That's the only way you can kind of make it work. Correct? Yeah, you come have a bad back that that's all. Is there because then you just get another thing that you have to get and I felt murmuring solution for backpacks which Joker boxes right think we can kind of yeah with that's what they were thinking about adding in a mobile storage container. Mmm. Well, all I want to do is enchant filter boxes. So if you get an enchantment of I don't know what to call it, but basically you could get a glowing choker box. That you can now when you're in your inventory screen hover over it and one it shows you everything that's in that shoulder box. Now there's a mod out there already or data pack that does is exhume. Yahweh uses it a lot on the hermitcraft server, but not only can you see what's in it if you hold shift while hovering over it. You can then grab an item from out of the shoulder box. And place it in your hand or on your hotline ever be nice. Yeah, can't move it into your inventory, but you can take it out of the choker box and put it on your Hotbar. Hmm. So now you don't have to even place your shoulder box to access it. Yeah, so that will be sort of an actual backpack at which would automatically expand your inventory immensely because now you can just worry about filling your inventory with choker boxes instead of items that you need to quickly access. Yes. Yeah, which that could work that sort of close to what I had in mind of a backpack course idea. I had in mind with a backpack statue. You have a place maybe just to put a shoulder box. But just so it wouldn't have to be in your inventory. I could put the Shocker box on your back and still after the full inventory. I mean, it's one slot but every little thing it starts adding up, I guess. Yeah it me, but I having to chant a shocker box. Makes one the choker box still very useful. But to yeah now you have to play a different aspect of the game to get an enchanted choker box. So it is overpowered but it's an in-game item like would maybe say something like you could have an enchantment like like the glowing one you mentioned, but then you're gonna lose like a few slots in the in the show Co box But you could also have an A Child mean that's like huge and gentlemen, which just makes a bigger so local box. But yeah, I know you have to place it down and then some other or maybe you have like to do it. I don't know. Let's call the enchantment carrying. Maybe you have carrying one two three carrying one allows you to use one row of your shoulder box to would allow you to carry two rows in a short box and three would like you to access the entire circle box. Yeah, something like that. I think then that that way it could be interesting at some yeah some actual mechanics and then like strategy almost to your so-called boxes. Yeah. I mean you can have these as the books or even a stroke boxes as loot in the end cities give people more reasons all ready to go explore the end or something or make an enchanted villager that only lives in the end trade. Book, maybe that's something for the new what is it? The net are ya what are they called pilgrims? I think yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Why can't I think of the name of mine craft items during a Minecraft podcast. This is that because you're it's like something just regarding excellent writing stops big lens. That's it. Yeah, I agree. Once the mic starts going my brain just goes mocha. I remember starting YouTube it was even it was so bad. Yeah, that's that's my inventory fix a little bit of it's super Opie and some of it to me is I really common sense. It's doing a sting again to it. Yeah. Exactly. I said, I think it's doing its sting me a we gotta fix your thing. I don't understand. I'm I Googled like I wanted to say about were iGoogle a lot about it. I couldn't find anything that even resembles it. Yeah, so it's we're guys listening. Maybe you have a fix for this but oh hi Suze way to wake up at the end of the podcast. I mean, I'm pretty sure it's an old internet connection. Yeah. So what's happening is whenever bank is running audacity and talking to me on Discord. I mean you have the Google Document open to right and that's like it you don't have any Other yeah, I got Odessa at the open like a disk or the discards minimalized minimize. Yeah, and I got the document open, right the same thing I do but for some reason he has connection issues where he just kind of like fades in and out. Well, I don't think it's sunk in though. I don't think it's a connection issue. I think my PC just starts laying or something because of audacity, uh-huh ghost like Odessa T starts behaving differently as well, which if it would be connection. Snow reason that Odessa T would be affected. So I think it might just density needs more power and that takes you away from like the Discord connection. Yeah more power. I don't know but it's weird. I can run Minecraft twice with like eight gigs of RAM assigned to eat. No issue. I don't notice anything. Have you done the whole thing escalates Road you the audacity task and you make it a priority. I'd never really had to do anything like that for any program that maybe I'll density requires way more processing power than I miss you mean. I had to do it to Minecraft on this brand new PC for some reason. Oh, yeah, because I literally never ever did it for anything. Well my old PC that it's literally struggles to run Stern stuff never had to do it for Minecraft it understood that that was the priority this one gets some reason. It's like, oh no discourse definitely the priority. It's like I'm gonna look into it usually I don't have that much issues finding. Yeah, I mean all the issue at least but this is this your stunts me. I've no idea if anyone has the solution to set problem. Let us know in the Discord. Yeah. Yeah, I guess tweet us. Yeah, but our PI or if you just want to talk about it, like if you're curious what's going on just message me. I'm okay talking about it. Yeah sure, but that's a good sign because I think we're kind of finished up. Do you have anything else you want? Yeah, well. Now, I think we covered it all awesome show shall I take this out because out this is something we at least we kept out or normal. So, let's see if we can see how bad we're messes up. Exactly. If you like the show you can share it with all your friends on social media if in lesson on Spotify, please follow us or if you're listening on a podcast leave us a review doing these things ready abscess Outreach more listeners. If you like to get into contact with the show send an email to podcast that ripple effect to eat us or Like always the best choice is to join our disk or if you want to have a chat with us and everyone else links will be in the show notes. Yeah. This show has been brought to you by Bank in myself, but also our digital producer Carl he helps make sure the show ends up everywhere supposed to not buried in it in her chest in your base walls, The Amazing Music you hear in the intro and outro is created by the one and only decoy both their social media info can be found in the show notes. You guys have been awesome as always. Thank you for getting wizard with us. Go drink some milk. Bye. See you later.
In this episode, DuDs and Bank discuss improvements to both the food and the inventory systems, remember to join our Discord so you can be part of the conversation and your idea might end up on the show! There's no new snapshot this week but Minecraft Earth Early Access is now available in more countries including Sweden, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and Iceland with more coming soon. Minecraft Earth: Podcast Website: Contact the show: The Withering Effect Discord: The Ripple Effect Twitter: Hosts: DuDs YouTube: DuDs Twitter: DuDs Mixer: Banks YouTube: Banks Twitter: Banks Mixer: Digital Producer:  CarlRyds YouTube: CarlRyds Twitter: Music: DiiKoj YouTube: DiiKoj Twitter: Podcast hosted by:
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These horoscopes are meant to Aid you in your healing assist you and your expansion and help connect you with your intuition and highest self as you listen, please listen with an open mind and appreciate the symbols and suggestions take what works for you leave the rest. Remember that these horoscopes are describing General energy for each sign. It's up. You to get specific. I suggest that you listen to the horoscope for your son and your rising sign. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born. Your rising sign has to do with the time of day. You were born in the place. You were born. If you know your birth information, you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website and bodied in the horoscope section. If you enjoy your horoscope, please also take a listen to embody destroy. Edgy for cancer season in this episode. I'll take you on a tour of cancers the diagonal energy through our bodies hearts Minds relationships and the World At Large. Everyone has every sign in their chart and cancer represents amazing and important energy for each of us. You can find the cancer season episode Linked In the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your favorite listening platform. All of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for free if this work benefits you in your life, please consider. Making a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going recurring monthly donations can be made at any amount and will grant you access to my expanded monthly reports. These reports are 15 to 20 pages that outline the upcoming months most important planetary aspects and lunar cycles and offer suggestions for how to work most effectively with this astrological energy if Financial contributions aren't possible for you at this time. The number one way you can support this work is by sharing it with your family friends and networks, finally. I want to add a special announcement for any of you who are ready to dive deeper with embodied astrology and your life this Autumn from September 28th through October 2nd. I'm offering a very special retreat in southern Washington. We're going to be exploring the expansive potential and personal manifestation power of Jupiter and Capricorn. This is a year-long Transit which goes from December 2019 through December 2020 this three-day Retreat includes daily movement meditation art writing and astrology classes where you'll learn how To work with your own chart and you'll still have time for long walks on the beach hot saunas and good company get more information at embodied in the Play and Learn section under Live Events. Thanks so much for tuning in everyone now onto your horoscopes. Hello for go. Thanks for listening. This is your audio horoscope and month ahead forecast for cancer season cancer season begins on June 21st and ends on July 22nd and cancer is the part of your chart that signifies the larger impact that you have in the world. And so this part in the chart is also known as the 11th house and the space of the 11th house can be your friends your social. Works kind of your friends of friends and social influences how you feel yourself in the larger social whole how you're involved in ideas of society humanitarian causes social change social justice this kind of thing this place of the chart can also signify the outcomes of your creative projects. If you're a person who's working with audiences or Public's that's here or if you're a person who's creating something anything expressing yourself and you're wondering what's going on. How are people receiving this? How is it Rippling out affecting the world that's this part of the chart finally as the outcome for your creative projects. If you are a parent this placement chart can describe your hopes worries and fears for your children's future as well as the ways that you parent how you respond to them from a place of Being taller being older and kind of being both the future and the past with them. So this part of the chart gets activated for the next 30 days with the presence of the sun wherever the sun is, it brings illumination and more attention. The sun is joining up as it enters the sign with Mars Mercury and the North Node all currently in cancer Mars and Mercury will both be moving out of cancer, but the North Node Is there for another year or so so what are these planets? What are their energies Mars is the planet of action its desire its Eros. It's will it's how we assert ourselves out into the world. And of course, it's also a violence and aggression. It's our Force Mercury is the thought and intellect Planet. It describes Communications listening hearing and exchange. The North Node is one of the places where eclipses happen. It's the opposite of the South node. I'll talk about the south node in a second. But the North Node is considered to be a karmic point in the chart. That's what we are moving towards its kind of the the symbol of the mouth of the Dragon. We think of the dragon or the serpent eating its tail. This is the mouth. That's what we're hungry for what we have to be leaning into so this planetary lineup and this part of the chart tells me that there is quite a lot of energy that you're giving right now. With this these ideas of kind of larger social influence social landscape and Futures as well as kind of in general how you are trying to sculpt or Craft Space for yourself in the future. And in this larger unknown, these are going to be the dominant themes throughout the month and to learn more about cancer how to work with this zodiacal energy how to access it in your body how to understand it. Please do listen to To the embodied astrology report for cancer season. So now as we look at the month ahead we're going to be talking a little bit about how all of this energy might be working for you and the first week and a half or so of cancer season from the 21st through the 28th even into the first couple days of July. There are a number of aspects that are bringing quite a lot of intensity and energy Some folks are going to feel this as excitement and fun and you know a lot of stimulation and a good way and other folks are going to feel this is agitating stressful and maybe even bringing up some fear probably a lot of us are going to feel both things and kind of fluctuate between them on the 23rd and the 24th Venus in Gemini makes a couple of aspects in opposition of Jupiter and in conjunct to Saturn and a square to Neptune Venus in Gemini. And I is currently transiting your solar 10th house. This is the place of Public Image and career the aspects that Venus is making suggest some kind of process that you're in around again, putting yourself out into the world, assuming a greater level of professionalism. There may be additional emphasis on connections right now on who you know, how your networking how you are communicating and what kind of information you're putting out what your Public Image really is there's a need for you to understand yourself concept as it has been developed through relationships your relationship to your home and your family as well as important relationships in your life, especially with Partners important friends and any kind of collaborators or people who you're spending a lot of time with greatly influence your public Persona, and how you You are willing to put yourself out into the world or not pay attention to your connections right now, you need connections that are supportive and that also hold you accountable. So all of us need this, you know, when we're putting ourselves out into the world. We need people to be our cheerleaders and to Believe in Us and to give us positive affirmation. We also need people who can give us constructive criticism who can help us see our faults and our blind spots and Help us grow right now. It's really important that you have these kinds of relationships in your life that you are cultivating these kinds of relationships in your life. But also that you are this kind of person in the relationships in your life with your friends with your family with your partners with your significant others. Are you showing up as a friend who's affirming who's giving support and who's also helping your loved ones and important people Be accountable and grow these paths and relationships are obviously a two-way street. And in this first week of cancer season relationships are going to be of primary importance. And of course what you give is what you get. It's a good time to cultivate transparent and tender relationships again that keep each other accountable, but that also really promote one another's best interests and growth on June 26 Mercury enters the Leo will be there just for a little bit Mercury is going to turn retrograde on July 7th and it'll travel back into the later degrees of cancer Leo and your solar chart rules the space that is unseen and unknown as mercury starts its Ingress into Leo your thoughts are moving into a space that I think is a little bit more undefinable may be more intuitive symbolic a little bit harder to grasp some of the feelings here especially for for those of you who are working in culture in some way if you're a maker or a Creator if you're putting something out into the world on any level and you're wondering, you know, what's going on or this idea of audiences or Publix and and really just how you feel yourself a part of the larger world is going to be a really big theme through the Mercury retrograde Leo rules the heart and the spine and it's always an important symbol of Goodness, and deep listening and heartfulness. So as as mercury starts to enter into the space, you are supported to think and feel and listen deeply to your heart Mercury is moving into its retrograde beginning on the 28th. So it doesn't station retrograde until July 7th, but on the 28th, it begins what's called its storm the storm June 28th through July. The seventh is some of the trickier territory of Mercury retrograde during this period of time we get a lot of the symptoms of Mercury retrograde in their strongest application. So be careful with your Communications avoid initiating new projects at this time, if possible don't sign important contracts or make important purchases without Clauses for you to change your mind or amend the situation. At some point in the future if you need to of course, we can't always do this sometimes things need to go ahead if you're working on something that has already begun and it's already in process. You can feel free to continue to go ahead but during this time. It is advised to really keep an eye and ear out and notice what's happening around you really look for the small pieces of information that can get lost in the shuffle on July 1st Mars enters the The sign of Leo Mars will run Transit Leo through August 19th. Again. Leo is the part of your chart that symbolizes the unknown and the Unseen with Mars in this part of the chart. You may experience higher than normal in tuition as well as sensitivity to the larger Collective and emotional hole. This may be a time when activity in your dreams increases greatly. This is also a time when you have more energy and It'll reaching out into the unknown with the emphasis this month on the parts of your chart that have to do with Publix and more public output. I want to say that this Mars and Leo Transit can help you access the kind of influence that you want to have especially when you are coming from your heart when you are coming from a place that's honest, and that is transparent that's tender. People respond to that and it gives you more opening to access whatever it is that you're looking for. This is also a really good time to connect with your spirits. Spirit guides spiritual forces Faith as kind of a larger concept this part of the chart can really help us to connect with the unknown which its nature is that we can never know it and so however, you feel that like the unknown mystery the source of Consciousness Angelic forces stuff like this is a really good time for you to reach out and make some kind of effort or initiation to connect more closely on July second. There is a new moon and solar eclipse at 10 degrees of cancer. Check your natal chart to see if you have any important placements around this degree. If so, these planetary energies will be stimulated even more and a new moon. As well as an eclipse has a really good time to begin something new. So we are in the Mercury retrograde period this may not be the time to literally initiate a new project. But the nature of eclipses is that we have new levels of awareness that become available and kind of an Awakening or a chance to reset some habits in our nervous system. And so during this time you may begin something new as an idea as an essence or as an intention with Yourself again cancer rules the part of the chart that has to do with larger social influences and Future's So consider these ideas as you set your new moon intentions and make sure to check in with embodied astrology around the second for a new moon ritual and podcast on July 3rd Venus enters cancer, so into your 11th house, there's more energy for magnetism for love for attractiveness for sweetness. Lots of energy You for you this month to be reaching out into larger Social Circles for networking for meeting people that are going to be a benefit to your life be a benefit to your future. And again, if you're a person who is expressing into the world creating in the world in some way. This is a really good time to reach your audience has on July 8th Mercury and Mars from a conjunction in early Leo Venus and the sun both in cancer makes several aspects throughout the chart and Chiron turns retrograde. So the energy of July 8th and the couple of days before and after is pretty intense on July 9th. We have the second quarter Square in Libra and also the Sun and opposition to Saturn. So these few days I think might be a high point or a low Point depending on how you're feeling it but a lot of astrological energy those days is a really good days to just take it easy. Take it slow. Be very aware of your surroundings. Be careful of your body and intentional Chiron turns retrograde as I mentioned. It will be retrograde through mid-December Chiron is retrograde in the part of your chart that has to do with emotional entanglements deaths inheritance has Secrets the taboo Chiron is the figure of a teacher and a Healer it teaches and heals through psychological. O awareness and understanding of how we are wounded. This understanding is a process. It's something that happens in evolves over time as you go through this retrograde the next five or six months. You'll naturally be reflecting on the ways. You have been influenced through your most important relationships and deep emotional bonds and entanglements. You're ready for a new kind of intimacy, I think. And the issue of vulnerability is going to be a big one. I'm thinking now of adrien-marie Brown's book emergent strategy and a chapter in it where she talks about the importance of being seen and how when we allow ourselves to be seen and vulnerable. We really allow ourselves to be loved and we allow ourselves to recognize the goodness that we bring into the world. I want to encourage. This is an idea for you right now. You don't need to be Perfect. You can be who you are. And the more that you are who you are unapologetically the more you'll be able to form bonds and intimacy's that are congruent with your true nature and that are healing in their Essence on July 14th. The sun in cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn again, the stimulates the axis of your 11th and fifth houses, it has a lot to do with your creative output with your parenting style if you're a parent with your hopes. Your worries and your dreams for the future. The sun in cancer is encouraging you to be more inclusive Pluto in the fifth house is encouraging you to let go of rules especially rules for your kids or rules for your creativity. You want to transform something right now and what you are transforming is rigidity authoritarianism stuck with old ideas of what is right or what is wrong. You're moving towards a more inclusive. Flexible and loving idea of what the future can be on July 16th. We have a full moon and lunar eclipses in Capricorn Venus is also opposite to Saturn this day again in the fifth 11th house Axis or cancer Capricorn axis, the lunar eclipse and full moon provide reflection for you to let go of what is no longer serving you in this area of life that has to do with your Basic Energy and creative output your self-expression your projects your kids. Let go Old ideas that make you feel stuck if there are ways of being that feel rigid. If you're comparing yourself to ideas of good best and better or moralism right and wrong. This is really not helpful for you at this time. Definitely not helpful for kids if you have them. So use this lunar eclipse energy to let go of that stagnancy and move again towards a greater sense of inclusion. Again, check in with embodied astrology for the full moon offering that day finally on July 21st Venus in cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn and the Sun and Mercury form a conjunction at the very last degree of cancer signifying the birth of a new cycle a new Mercury cycle that will last through November 11th. This last day of cancer season is a moment to really check in again with the deeper. For your output in the world and what it is that you are here to express that you are here uniquely to offer and to create this new cycle is conceptual cycle. It's how you're able to understand your influence and connect with your larger intentions from now through November you're going to be working on new ways to approach your audience's to approach the future and to shape or sculpt your craft if you're a craftsperson or you're just Basic vital life expression for anyone so really powerful astrology this month a lot to be working with as I mentioned in the intro definitely make sure to listen to the cancer season embodied astrology podcast to learn more about this energy how to work with it how to recognize some of the cancerian themes as they'll come up in the body and the emotional self. I hope this is helpful for you my friend. I'm wishing you all the best. Just happy cancer season. Thanks for listening and bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Cancer Season in 2019. Cancer Season extends between June 21 - July 22 Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to the Embodied Astrology reading for Cancer Season. In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of Cancer’s zodiacal energy through our bodies, hearts, minds, relationships and the world at large. I’ll talk to you about how to recognize the Cancerian influence in yourself and others, and offer some somatic resourcing for working with this energy. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Cancer season (June 21-July 22), and also a very healing and supportive energy to check in with at any point. Learn more about Cancer's qualities and the upcoming month ahead with the Embodied Astrology Reading for Cancer Season: Get the Cancer Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
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You can follow your favorite podcast, so you never miss an episode if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for your podcast on Spotify or browse products in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me so you never As an episode of super women and thanks for listening. Hi, everyone. Its Rebecca you're listening to Superwoman. Today's guest is cat Lee currently a partner at Maverick on MAV. Iran is a very very very very large Venture Capital fund and why I thought it was interesting to talk to Kat as she has a fascinating story of how she went from working in Tech to then switching lanes and working in finance. So I hope you enjoy this episode. I'm here with a partner at Maverick on cat Lee and I'm excited because she has a really interesting career path. Starting at companies like Facebook head of culture at Pinterest and now a partner at a VC firm and we're going to get into some of the terms that I know are thrown around so welcome. Thanks for being here. Thank you so much for having me. So I would love to talk first about share a little bit about you your background. What got you into the tech space I started in Silicon Valley. I was born and raised in Santa Clara. Okay, so I kind of grew up with startups kind of getting all around me throughout high school and college. So it's just normal just every day somewhat. Yeah and my dad I sort of kind of lucked into my dad was a physicist turned engineer and I followed in his footsteps. So I majored in computer science at Stanford and I literally went into the company that he had worked at for 40 years, which was Lockheed Martin. Okay. I was on this rotation program and I quickly realized that I was not personally passionate about the defense industry. So I think I see My entire live and up until that moment sort of doing what my parents wanted me to do. And I think that a lot of that is cultural and then having this moment that that didn't lead to my own happiness. So I did what most people do applied for grad school to try to transition in my career and I went to grad school at Michigan to get my MBA. I knew that I wanted to work on products that I used every day. That was just something that was really important. Horton to me and so I ended up interning at Google and luckily I also got exposed to part of my internship was in India and so the sort of opened my eyes to sort of this global environment and even having the opportunity of living outside of California because up until that point, I was pretty much in California most of my life saw at Google that there's just an incredible culture incredibly talented people but the same time the company felt Really big and somehow I just knew that I want to get back into a start-up didn't really know how but I heard from Sheryl Sandberg just heard from her. It was like yeah, she's special. Yes. No. No, she spoke to all the interns and I happen to be interning in her group The all in sales and operations group. And I mean at that point in time like Cheryl was an icon to me and she said that she joined Google because she saw that it was a rocket ship when someone convinced her. That but she shouldn't automatically join a rocket ship and so I kept thinking. Okay. What's the next rocket ship? So I looked around at my classroom and saw that everyone was using Facebook in 2007. I was also really addicted to the product. So Facebook of course was not hiring MBA and interns or mbas in general. I saw that they were coming to campus to recruit Engineers. They were throwing a pizza party. I crashed the pizza party introduce myself to the recruiter told. Recruiter how much I loved Facebook and how much I wanted a role there and they luckily felt sorry for me came by the interview and that led to the offer. Wow, but things got even more interesting my boss at the time wanted me to drop out of business school. This is your boss at Google know at Facebook. Okay, and I had to figure out a way. I mean I wanted to join Facebook. I literally considered it. But then I also thought about the wrath of my parents of not finishing grad school and culturally I think that that's something that isn't, you know, it wasn't wasn't something I was willing to consider. So I talk to my teachers to help me graduate early and I ended up graduating early and went directly to Facebook in early March and there I had this amazing experience of leading a project called Facebook fund FB fund where it was sort of my first toe in the water into making investments into companies. Building on top of the Facebook platform using the social graph. Well, well, you gotta you gotta go back. Yeah to the lay the lay women listening and myself. What what does that even mean? So so Facebook's decided to open up a set of apis or it's a way for developers to use or to make their apps more social. Okay, and it was an opportunity to bring your friends along with you in any sort of application or perience whether it was on Facebook or off Facebook. And so Facebook would invest money in these startup apps to make them more social whether they were going to be integrated into Facebook or not. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, and the money actually came from Facebook's investors. Okay, and and the purpose was to help start up the ecosystem so that we could point to more examples of people building apps on top of the Facebook platform. Okay? Yeah, and so I was my first project worked on. Marketing eventually transition into developer relations and Partnerships and then my last rule was program management and building tools for developers and saw that growth at Facebook up until the IPO and that crazy group of 400 to 4,000 people was such an experience that I loved that I want to do it all over again. So I looked around for the next rocket ship. I saw, you know, I fell in love with using Pinterest. I was an early User in 2010 when it was invite only and I had met coincidentally the founder while I was working at Facebook and Pinterest was his side project. So I emailed him and jumped into Pinterest as a third product manager when we were 35 people started our growth team with another engineer and help the scale 200 million monthly active users and then was asked by our president to take on a role leading our B2B marketing team and help to scale to hundreds of Hands of dollars in revenue and then my last rule was stepping into head of culture and reporting to our Founders and scaling the organization across to really like bring our values to life. Wow. What an incredible career. I want to go back. Hmm. You know what I want to talk about what that conversation was like with your parents because you said culturally was really important that you follow in your family's footsteps. And you said not going to do that. So walk me through what that was like for you and then for them I think in some ways it was my journey to really learning about myself and really thinking for myself. I think that there is a lot of Asian culture that is very much like you respect your parents you I looked up to my parents and I think you know, I'm also naturally very achievement-oriented. So I think I had been following this Playbook of let's achieve, you know, I was valedictorian high school went to went Stanford and then started my career and then all of a sudden it didn't work. I didn't love my career. My I didn't feel like I was achieving or learning right and it kind of made me come to grips with who am I and what do I want out of life and what makes me happy and those questions led to me figuring that out along the way and figuring out at the very least. It's easier to figure out what you don't like. Like right and I was in pursuit of finding what I loved. Wow. And so that pursuing what you loved was more valuable than let's say the potential risk of upsetting your parents or right going against that grain. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I think I owe my parents also came around that's good. But they I mean even in that choice between Google and Facebook at that time. I think my parents I mean obviously like my great grandparents immigrated to the US it's like you take that safer path. Right, like my dad spent 40 years in one job. Yeah, and so when they're like Google they don't even know what Facebook was right here are like, why would you turn now this really great job for something that college students use, but obviously now they see that that was the that was the best path for me. Wow, and one other thing I wanted to ask you as you were talking about, you know, everything you studied the abysmal stats of women in technology and staying in Gee, I got exposed to this when we were developing our store Concepts and it was all men at the table developing a dressing room for women, which was weird. I began to just find out and research more about this and it's like I don't know like there's no women. What is it two percent or something? I stay in the pipeline. And so what made you stick with it? And what do you see that happens that so many women are just like this is not for me. Hmm. I think I grew up in a household that I mean I want to You daughters and I'm the oldest and I think that you know, I think luckily I was exposed to technology very early on even in the very early days programme because my dad was a programmer, so I didn't really strike me that I was the only woman until the workforce and I think it is hard there are moments where you feel alone and frustrated because no one gets you are understands you even in the latest part of my career. It's still a struggle. I Remember very vividly at Pinterest. There was a moment where I was the only woman in the room and I felt like I wasn't being heard and when everyone left I started crying and one of the other product managers came in and he was like, hey, what's up? And when I explained to my frustration, he said that he would help me and that was actually incredibly helpful to the point where when we had another meeting. He was like hey, Eyes, he like pounded the table cat is trying to say something. We all have to listen. Wow, and I think it is like well one I think is I felt incredibly grateful that I had an ally and that that makes you feel less alone. I think that it is changing because in some ways people are becoming much more aware that sometimes you do need to try to make room for different styles of communication and different people's perspectives because I think ultimately that That I mean all of the research shows that that makes any experience or any product better agreed. And so what made you then say? Okay. I'm at head of culture at Pinterest. I know you like to look for rocket ships. What made you pick something in the VC world as the next rocket ship because that's a very different path. Totally. I saw in my last year at Pinterest that stat that fortune put out there that out of all the Venture Capital funding only, you know less than three percent goes to all female founders. And that really shocked me I just thought what a missed opportunity and why is that the case and having had the privilege and experience of being at Facebook and Pinterest? I thought what can I do to help change that so I started Angel Investing not knowing what I was doing at first. Can you define what Angel Investing is? Yeah, it's where you take your own personal capital and you invest it into startups. Is that either because you feel very strongly about the people or the vision and what they're trying to build and you usually are the first money into that startup. And so I started learning as much as I could about Angel Investing. Of course, I had the previous experience of Facebook fund but that felt so long ago and I wasn't as well connected with the community. So I went to YC startup investor school and Y Z is y combinator it's one of accelerators in the valley and then I applied and got into the first cohort of first round capitals Angel track and it is a program where they take people who work at these startups and sort of introduce them to either Angel Investing or a cohort of people who are also interested in Angel Investing and I was very very grateful to be a part of that because that helps really open my eyes into That this could be a career path and this is something that I've got a lot of energy from and then that led to me joining Sequoia as a ior sequoia Scouts program, which is where they have a group of people that have the ability of investing Scout money into startups. What is gout money. It's a pool of funds that they've put together for in some ways Angel Investors. Okay, too. Invest on and then you get some benefit from finding or scouting companies. That's where the Scout word comes from. Gotcha. And then finally that led to me meeting a woman named alien Lee and alien of course was or is the founder of cowboy Ventures as well. As one of the women who started the all raised movement nonprofit that focuses on increasing the diversity of Founders and funders. And I spoke with her and she was really the first person to tell me that you should be a VC. Wow, and I really credit her to putting that thought in my head and making introductions to a lot of different Venture funds including macaron. And what did she see in you that made her say that I don't know. Haha. I mean, I think I think in some ways I think she is just an incredible person. Them and somebody who wants to give back. Yeah, I feel incredibly grateful to her bringing such awareness to the industry. Yeah, and opening doors to at least making the introduction and I think it takes women. I mean something that I keep in mind all the time of how can I give back? I think she truly open the door for me, right? And I just want to give a public service announcement to the women listening that you know, I had Patty sellers on and she said if women talked Bout money the way they talk about sex would be a lot further along. And so I think this is a really important episode because you're talking about investing and how women can get started with Angel Investing even small amounts. You know, my first investment was a thousand dollars in something and I was really proud when you know, I did that because I meant that out that was the beginning of my journey into this scary world. Well, he's scary for me to be able to put something the in a non-traditional form. So I'm happy you're talking about your journey here because I think if we did talk Money the way we talk about sex. We wouldn't probably still be fighting some of the inequities. We have agreed. Yeah, what you say resonate so much with me. I've been trying to start a bunch of sort of started up in angels group for Pinterest Angel Investors. And a lot of them are women, but I do think that even for myself personally there's a lot of intimidation to approaching it because it's not something that were used to talking about right and it's a whole new. Language, like I still don't understand a lot of the definitions that are thrown into a document and I'm like, I guess I'm just going to sign here because I don't know what it is means and I'll figure it out later and that's not a good it's not smart first of all, but when you talk about there's Angel Investing their seed stage, you know, is that where does Maverick on come in into the into the process of investing? Yeah. I mean we come in at the earliest stages. So primarily we do seed and see what we primarily do the series A. But if you think about the progression, it's we also do seeds as well opportunistically. So Angel Investing is the first check in they typically individuals who are accredited investors. Then you have the seed funds and see checks and then you have the series a which is what would be the difference between a seed in a series a typically at the seed you have the team a little bit of the idea and some sort of prototype and perhaps You've launched your product, but sometimes not and then at the series a you've typically found product Market fit and you're looking to scale gotta okay. So how do you know when something's a good investment or not? What is do you have like a spidey sense? Or is it a lot of research and vetting or both? I think it depends on the stage. But this is something that I am learning and still learning. My partner's always tell me that there's two questions that you have to answer one. Is this a good investment and to is this a cat lie investment and I do think that given that there's a lot of science to investing. There's also a lot of Art and one of the reasons why I joined my friend why I love the way that we think about investing as we definitely use our core values as a firm to invest and those values really resonate with me and I think that seems as we think about this the set of entrepreneurs and we're will focus only on condition. Consumer investing. So it's any company that's building for people like us as opposed to businesses as the customer. So what kind of brands have you guys invested in us? All birds ever Lane and perfect produce modern fertility. Oh cool two chairs co-star here in New York, Mass. Yeah. I know a lot of those awesome. And so what which are the ones that have been the cat Lee Investments. So there are two things that I that I'm starting out with thesis areas. And I do that mostly to give myself a little bit of a framework so that it's not completely reactive. One of my thesis areas is the underserved needs in a woman's life goes back to that ratio and it goes back to where I think it's a huge opportunity. So what does that mean? I am looking at companies that speak to women at these different stages. So one of my seat Investments is a company called Bloom BL ume they make self care products for girls at puberty. And what resonated with me and the types of companies that we invest in our Founders who truly understand their in customer. They know that those women or girls who are going that they're going through all these changes in their bodies. There isn't a company that owned that a brand that truly owns what these women are going through and can help them along the way so they want to be sort of the older sister to give girls that confidence at that stage in their life. What's your decision making process? Us like for your Investments when it's a cat Lee investment or just for your firm even for my firm one thing. I really resonate with and I love is that we have these core values and it affects how we make decisions. So the values are one we look for unapologetically non-normal Founders and we it's one of our values unapologetically not normal because we believe we ourselves are but at the same time we know that in order to build a company you have to be comfortable and self-aware and have that confidence. Since to be unapologetically not normal second, we believe in ships over actions, which is shortcut for relationships over transactions. And at the end of the day, we view all of our decisions and Investments as relationships. It is a long-term relationship and the more that we can get to know each other and think about that that investment in that way. I think that the more aligned we are in that sort of contract that we have. Have and third we invest in profit and purpose. We believe that there isn't a trade-off between the two and so we look for people who want to achieve both and then lastly the value is when the right way it speaks to both how we work as a team and that we win as a team you get all of us when one of us invest and similarly like we think of ourselves as part of the team of the founder when I hear about, you know different people that I've Angel invested, That they've been turned down by hundreds of VCS. A some of them shouldn't have approached Avicii in the first place and be what do you do? What do you tell those people that are like? Oh my gosh. I just want to give up and how do I secure this money or or what? What could I do to overcome this challenge? I think it's hard to give very general advice. That's very much always on a case-by-case basis. But if I were to give general advice to that, I would say that a lot of It is thinking it is a mindset shift and I have even had to go through this mindset Chef to go from person who works at a start-up where everything can work. And of course things are going to we're going to make it work to transitioning to thinking like an investor where you have to dream with the entrepreneur I think about how it works but also our jobs are to Think Through. What are the different areas of risk? And how do I get comfortable around those risks or mitigate those risks and I think potentially doing that as an entrepreneur and trying to put yourself into the mindset of an investor and what could happen in turn or what are the risk areas could potentially prepare yourself for the conversation so that you can have that transparent dialogue with an investor. Hi guys, I hate to interrupt this episode but I have to do an ad and it's for myself. I love doing this podcast. I love interviewing these women. So what I'm asking you to do is support me if you are in the market for a beautiful bag or some wonderful apparel or Shoes by Rebecca Minkoff, and if you need to buy a gift for someone think of me, it always helps. It keeps the business going and I would love to see you wearing your beautiful Rebecca Minkoff. You can hashtag by RM and thank you for the support. What are some of the unexpected or one of the biggest unexpected challenges you have faced in your career doesn't have to be recently or that stands out more. I think one of the challenges that I've had is trying to figure out how to separate Who I Am from my work. Yes, because I in some ways. I'm a bit of a workaholic. I've made some trade-offs of my life to focus on my work. I knows my most people don't talk about this, but I'm totally open. To sharing I am yeah, I've frozen my embryos twice. God did hundred two rounds. Wow, that's different than freezing your eggs it is because I was married. Okay, and or I am married I should say but I was married and I owe ya no, no, no. Okay. I know it's the same person but you froze the embryos twice. Yes. Okay, you know I and I took six months off after Pinterest. Yeah. Before starting at Madrid in January, right? And I did that for a couple reasons. I did that because it felt like a good time to really reflect on what I want my life the rest now, I still feel like there's so much of life ahead. But I always loved taking these this time to just start check yourself and say like is this am I still staying true to what who I am and what I want my life to be about and to be totally And I'm still wrestling with this question of I'm at the stage. Where do I want to have kids or do I not want to have kids and I can imagine a life being really good either way. Hey, so I took that time for myself really to do a couple things to really check with what my values are and what's my purpose and how does life and work fit into that and I went to a lot of different places. I also learned a lot of skills I learned Chinese which is kind of reconnected my culture and all those things. I think that the challenge is continuing to take a step back and Center yourself is something that I was fine to be a challenge and it's not like one moment but it is something that I always try to figure out and something I'm always continually seeking. I love it. I was going to ask you what's one thing we'd be surprised to know about you. But I feel like you might have answered that that you have these little guys on Ice. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and what's Wild is that you actually know the gender wow, amazing technology is incredible. Yeah, so there's one of their there's one other question. I also ask what's one piece of advice you'd like to that was great for you that you'd like to pass on or or you learned yourself that you like to pass on that. There's no one right path. I love that answer. There isn't an everyone everyone expects to hear your path. And then they want to follow that one, you know, at least when they're asking for advice and I'm like, you can't do that. It's totally true. There isn't one right path. Hmm and then probably the other one is like just be that's that's sort of that. That's what I loved about the like what was so provocative. Someone told me to just be right and I sort of contemplated that and it was thinking that is really hard to do. But at the end of the day like all we can be is the best version of ourselves, and how do you figure that out? Well, thank you so much for being here and sharing your story. Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. That was can't lie. I hope you This episode to hear about what she's up to. You can go to Maverick
Cat Lee grew up with the intention of following in her father’s footsteps, and she did, for a while. After graduating from Stanford she immediately began work at Lockheed Martin where her father had made his career for 40 years. However, it wasn’t long until she realized that working in the defense industry was not kindling her passion for life. After pursuing an MBA, Cat graced the halls of Google, Facebook, and then Pinterest before realizing that what really gets her excited is angel investing and variations thereof. Now a partner at Maveron, an investment company that funds startups, Cat gets to do what she does best, breaking down barriers to entrepreneurship and helping to fund the next big rocketship! Thanks for listening! We love our listeners! Follow Superwomen on Instagram. Big Ideas The cultural implications of not following your parents’ vision for your life. [07:03] How to choose the right investment for you. [17:22] The importance of periodically checking in with yourself to make sure you’re staying true to who you are and what you want your life to be about. [24:00] --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
It's a season 2 finale day right now episode 7 of st. Patty's Day Letterkenny season to coming at Cha, I'm Maria Menounos, and you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of TV time now. Welcome Happy st. Patty's Day. Oh you Irish folk out there, and I don't know if you can tell but I actually have green eyes. So there is a bit of the leprechaun in me and no that's not anything weird or foreplay. I'm just telling you the truth man. You guys remember old st. Patty's days. I would say like that's usually when I would drink more but I used to drink so much. I feel like every day was st. Patty's Day, you know, Jameson. Holy shit. Jameson was probably my favorite thing to drink ever. I will tell you this little little personal note. It has been almost two years since I put the plug in The Jug myself. I always love watching stuff when she's people talk about drinking or just being so hung over because it reminds me of those days where I'd wake up just eyes swollen feeling like shit, and I'd look on the floor and like from the bed I can see. Taco Bell or Jack-in-the-Box bags. Sometimes I'd have liked to two different ones. Yeah, so everybody's hung over right there. They need a greasy breakfast. Just soak it all up been there my friend they're talking about how Letterkenny was named after a town in Ireland in 1840. They talk about of course the Irish car bombs the Irish grenades A Car Bomb, I believe it's just when you put the just the shot of whiskey inside like a Guinness drink it. He grenade is where you have the cream Whiskey on top. They're kind of cradle together on top of the beer and I believe you pull the whiskey grenade let the cream go down into the beer do the shot and then do that. I bleep. Can you tell I'm not cool. Can you tell I don't know what drinking is or stuff God. Anyway, they talk about the history of Ireland and why you should know it and why saying an Irish Car Bomb is not exactly sensitive to the people of Ireland. Erlendur what they've gone through especially in the 80s. So Wayne is very sensitive and kind of aware of that stuff. And I think that's really cool because it's very easy to see that this could just be a show about like dicks and farts and sex and drinking but they do actually have these really sweet moments that kind of warrants the rest of the show. So well done Wayne Wayne's little bit. He's at st. Pat's Poopypants as Katie keeps. This is go clean up your bum poopy. She says, you know, you gotta respect st. Patrick's Day and she goes well, you're not religious and he goes out who's got that kind of money. Great line. You're not religious, huh? What's that kind of money? Katie calls? Darryl a Legend So Darrell's new nickname now is legendary get it Legend Dairy. Why is it called those enduring legendary? Excuse me? Can't even say it right Jesus. So we got they keep going back. To this party the night before right there's a bunch of degenerates in town and nobody likes them Works partial remark Murray or current round and round orange R Prime group you I'm good. Okay, Riley and Jonesy of course are at the center of the party. Why wouldn't they be acting as security for everyone leprechauns, of course is were told hold no actual power to st. Patty's Day chance to remind us of that. Maybe it's like with Easter and like the rabbit. Like how do you get a bunny with the resurrection of Christ I don't know maybe it's the same thing leprechauns just kind of became part of the lore, but they weren't actually part of like st. Patty's day because it's about celebrating Saint Patrick you ever think about that stop and think sorry I mean to shout anyway Darrell's dance moves I will say when they're going to the flashbacks or unreal and then of course, we're going to see Sammy sandwich sand it shows up and Dan gets to borrow the st. Patty's day outfit. He puts that on all the girls are coming up to Dan Dan's definitely getting horny popping would pop in a little little blanket down there and Sammy sandwich sees that he gets pissed off throws. The thing as sandwiches. He's going right after Dan gets on top of him and pushing his head down into the ground and just as he's about to beat the living shit out of Dan, what would you know, it legendary comes from behind and grabs him and starts beating the shit out of Sammy sandwich and let me tell you something. Everybody took note everybody saw the legend of Daryl legendary and it was quite special and wonderful at the end here. Let's see they say that Dan says Sammy Sammy who was a quick as a kitten queef. That's a great one Dan. Once again, how are you single Katie, of course talks a little bit about lent. And now for those of you who are not familiar with And I've I've heard of Lent I know that it's about giving up something. It didn't realize it was the 40 days 40 days and 40 nights Josh Hartnett. I get it bring them closer to God. It's about like restrictions and something that you give up right to bring you closer, but on st. Patty's Day. The Restriction is lifted. So everybody goes fucking crazy. So Katie wants to get her beak. Wet. Now I'm talking about it's been a little while Katie gave up sex. Katie needs the SEC so and she gets it in this episode not From a stallion not from Stewart who's can of tennis balls? She's been looking to hold since a couple episodes ago. But instead Katie Hooks up with mcmurray's wife. I'm talking some scissor action. I'm talking woman on woman. I'm talking some extra Y chromosome there. It's nuts. Wait. No the wise the men's crumbs dammit. Fuck that up stupid science. So, let's see Legendary jumps on top. But Sammy again and everybody's about to have a fight. So basically Wayne McMurray world, they're sick of the generates. They go in its Wayne McMurray Jonesy Riley Darrell. They all get ready to go Wayne goes in for the I'm going to beat you up and then goes for the next guy just punched the shit out of him. Darryl, of course jumps up like a spider monkey lands on top of Sammy further enriching his name legendary and mcmurray's wife. Let's see if McMurray wasn't so busy. Is he being pissed about these degenerates? He would know that his wife's getting nailed by win sister McMurray. You dumb fuck. Finally. They drive the degenerate swear. This snakes out of Letterkenny Ireland for you. And in the end there's this massive epic St. Patty's Day fights are boys kick some major Irish degenerate asses and finally in the end. They're all talking about it. All the guys were hungover. It's all about legendary at this point. And finally he decides to get up. She's going to make some seizures for breakfast Wayne decides. It's time to get back to Turin because even though it's been this crazy time and Wayne possibly as a kid coming on the horizon. You still get to get your children done and we can't forget to do that guys. Make sure to work hard do everything work hard play hard. But in order to play you got to work. It's been a fantastic season 2 here with Letterkenny. This show just keeps getting better and better. I love it. I'm kind of freakin obsessed. What do we have to do to get like one of these guys may even get one of the actors down here Skype him in or something. I want to figure this out. I want to get in touch with them. They're absolutely brilliant. Thank you so much. I'm Adam car season 2. Good night. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first where the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz. See you later. Use expressed herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners are pristine. Use expressed herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners are pristine.
Adam Carr Breaks down season 2 episode 7! The Canadian comedy hit is returning for a new season; but we're not only covering that. Let's start at the beginning! Seasons 1 through the end, join THE AFTERBUZZ TV LETTERKENNY AFTER SHOW PODCAST as every week we break down the Hockey, the Farts, the Canada, and dibs those digits fellas. Subscribe and comment to stay in the know! About Letterkenny: Letterkenny revolves around the antics of the residents of a small rural Canadian community called Letterkenny. Expanding the cast from the web series, the series focuses on Wayne and Katy (created for the TV series, though obliquely referenced earlier, unnamed), siblings who run a small farm and produce stand, with help from Wayne's two friends: Daryl and "Squirrely" Dan (created for the TV series). It also focuses on a pair of local hockey players (Reilly and Jonesy) who are involved in a polyamorous relationship with Katy. Episodes deal with life in a small town, amongst different types of people: the farmers (the "hicks"), the out-of-towners who make up the local hockey team, the town's minister, the local drug addicts (the "skids"), and members of the local First Nation (the "natives"). Often plots revolve around Wayne defending his reputation as "the toughest guy in Letterkenny", the exploits of the perennially losing local hockey team, Wayne's attempts to break up his sister's open relationship with two of the members of the team, schemes by "the skids" to rip off the residents of both Letterkenny and a nearby First Nations reserve, and Wayne's various attempts to find love after the breakup of his high school sweetheart relationship of five years. In later seasons, the scripts feature wordplay and puns as a running joke to convey the intelligence of the small town characters.
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Bread and delivered it vika Teague was awake at 10 o'clock and tried to get Lake on the wireless has agreed but some electrical conditions in the Disturbed air to the westward seem to prevent communication. We did however reach the Arkham and Douglas told me that he had likewise been vainly trying to reach link. He had not known about the wind. her very little was blowing at McMurdo sound despite its persistent rage where we were Throughout the day. We all listened anxiously and trying to get legged intervals, but without results about noon a positive frenzy of wind stampeded out of the West causing us to fear for the safety of our camp, but it eventually died down with only a moderate relapse at 2 p.m. After three o'clock. It was very quiet and we redoubled our efforts to get late. Reflecting that he had four planes each provided with an excellent shortwave outfit. We could not imagine any ordinary accident capable of crippling all his wireless equipment at once nevertheless the Stony silence continued and when we thought of the Delirious Force the wind must have had in this locality, we could not help making the most direful conjectures. By six o'clock. Our fears had become intense and definite and after a wireless consultation with Douglas endorphins and I resolved to take steps towards investigation V airplane, which we had left at McMurdo sound Supply Cache with Sherman and two Sailors was in good shape and ready for instant use and it seemed that the very emergency for which it had been saved was now Upon us. I got Sherman by Wireless then ordered him to join me with the plane and the two Sailors at the southern base as quickly as possible. The air conditions being apparently highly favorable. We then talked over the Personnel of the coming investigation party and decided that we would include all hands together with the slideshow and dogs, which I had kept with me even so so great alone would not be too much for one of the huge planes built to our special orders for heavy machinery Transportation at intervals. I still tried to reach lake with the wireless, but all to no purpose Sherman and the sailors goon arson and Larson took off at 7:30 reported A Quiet Light from several points on the wing. I arrived at our base at midnight and all hands at once discussed the next move. It was risky business sailing over the Antarctic the single airplane without any line of basis, but no one Drew back from what seemed like the plainest necessity we turned in at two o'clock for a brief rest after some preliminary loading of the plane, but we're up again in four hours to finish. The loading and packing at 7:15 a.m. January 25th. We started flying northwestward under mcteague pilotage with 10 men seven dogs a sledge the fuel and food supply and other items including the blades Wireless outfits. The atmosphere was clear fairly quiet and relatively mild in temperature and we anticipated very little trouble in reaching the latitude and longitude designated by length of the side of his Camp are apprehensions were over what they might find or failed to find at the end of our journey for silence continued to answer all calls dispatch to the camp. Every incident of that four-and-a-half-hour flight is burned into my recollection because of its crew. Position in my life. It marked my loss at the age of 54 of all that peace and balance which the normal mind possesses there is accustomed conception of Eternal nature and nature's laws against for the 10 of us, but the student Danforth and myself above all others were to face a hideously Amplified world of lurking Horrors, which nothing can erase from our emotions and which we would refrain from sharing with Mankind in general. The newspapers have printed the bulletins. We sent them the moving plane telling of our non-stop course or two battles with treacherous upper rail Gales or glimpse of the broken service relay get sunk his mid-journey shaft three days before and to our site of a group of those strange fluffy still cylinders noted violence and then bird as Rolling In the Wind. Across the endless leagues of Frozen Plateau there came a point though. When our Sensations could not be conveyed in any words, the Press would understand and a later point when we had to adopt an actual rule of strict censorship. The Sailor Larson was first spy the jagged line of Mitch light cones and Pinnacles ahead and it's shouts. Send everyone to the windows of the Great. Cabined plane despite our speed they were very slow and gaining prominence. Hence. We knew that they must be infinitely far off and visible only because of their abnormal height little by little however, they Rose grimly into the Western sky allowing us to distinguish various bear leak blackish Summits and to catch the Curious sense of fantasy. See which they inspired as seen in the reddish Antarctic light against the provocative background iridescent ice dust clouds in the whole spectacle. There was a persistent pervasive hint of stupendous secrecy and potential Revelation as if these Stark nightmare spires marked the pylons of a frightful Gateway into forbidden spheres of dream. And complex goals of remote time space and Ultra dimensionality. I could not help feeling that they were evil things mountains of Madness who's farther slopes looked out over some accursed ultimate Abyss that seething it happen luminous cloud background held inevitable suggestions of a vague. Ithi real be honest. Far more than terrestrially spatial and gave appalling reminders of the utter remoteness separateness the solution and Aeons long death of this untrodden and unfathomed astral world. It was the young Danforth drew our notice to the Curious regularities of the higher Mountain Skyline. Regularities like clinging fragments of perfect cubes which lake had mentioned in his messages and which indeed Justified his comparison with the dreamlike suggestions of a primordial Temple runes on a cloudy Asian Mountaintop. So suddenly and strangely painted by roerich. There was indeed something hauntingly roerich like about this whole unearthly continent of mountainous mystery I had felt it in October when we first caught sight of Victoria land and I found that a fresh now I felt to another wave of an easy consciousness of RK and mythical resemblance has of how disturbingly this lethal realm correspondent to the evilly famed plateau of Leng the Primal writings Pathologists have placed Lang in Central Asia, but the racial memory of man or of his predecessors is long and it may well be that certain Tales of come down from lands and mountains and temples of horror earlier than Asia and earlier than any human world. We know a few daring Mystics of hinted at a pre. Pleistocene origin for the fragmentary but not to get manuscripts playing wherever in space or time. It might be rude. What's not a region I would care to be in or near nor did I relish the proximity of a world that have ever bred such ambiguous in RK and monstrosity. He's as the lake at just mentioned. At the moment. I felt sorry, but I had ever read the abhorred Necronomicon or talked so much with that. Unpleasantly Euro died folklorist will mine at the University this mood undoubtedly served aggravate my reaction to this har Mirage which burst upon us from the increasingly opalescent Zenith as we drew near the mountains and began to make out. We will tip undulations of the Foothills. I have seen dozens of polar mirages during the preceding weeks some of them quite as uncanny and fantastically Vivid as the present sample, but this one had a holy novel in obscure quality of menacing symbolism, and I shuddered as the seething Labyrinth of fabulous walls and towers and minarets blue. Loomed out of the trouble ice Vapors above our heads the effect was that of a cyclopean city of no architecture known to man or to human imagination with vast aggregations of night black masonry embodying monstrous perversions of geometrical laws in attaining the most grotesque extremes of sinister monstrosity. There were truncated cones. Sometimes terrorists or fluted surmounted by tall cylindrical shafts here and there bulbous Lee enlarged and often capped with tears of thins scalloped discs and strange beetling Table leg constructions suggesting piles of multiple rectangular slabs or circular plates or five-pointed stars with each one. Overlapping the one beneath There were composite cones and pyramids either alone or surmounting cylinders or cubes or flatter truncated cones and pyramids and occasional needle-like spires and curious clusters of five. All of these febrile structures seem to knit together by tubular Bridges Crossing from one to the other but various design Heights the implied scale of the home. What's terrifying it impressive in its sheer gigantism? The general type of Mirage was not unlike some of the Wilder forms observed and drawn by the Arctic Whaler scoresby and 1820 but at this time and place, but those dark unknown mountain peaks soaring stupendously ahead and anomalous Elder World Discovery in our minds and the Paul of probable. Faster enveloping the greater part of our Expedition. We all seem to find in it but taint of latent malignity and infinitely evil Morton's I was glad when the Mirage began to break up though in the process the various nightmare turrets and Cones assume distorted temporary forms of even faster hideousness as the whole illusion dissolved. And to churning up lessons, we began to look earthward again solid our Journey's End was not far off the unknown mountains again rose dizzyingly up like a fearsome Rampart of giants. They're curious regularities showing the startling clearness even without a field glass. We were over the lowest Foothills now and we could see it miss the snow ice and bare patches of their main Plateau a couple of darkish spots, which we took to be latex Camp boring the higher Foothills shot up between five and six miles away forming a range almost distinct from the terrifying line of more than Himalayan Peaks Beyond them. The fat legs ropes the student who had relieved fatigue the controls began to head downward toward the left hand dark spot whose size marked it as the camp as he did. So pratik send out the last uncensored Wireless message. The world was to receive from our Expedition. Everyone of course has read the brief an unsatisfying bulletins of the rest of our Antarctic. Some hours after our Landing we sent a guarded report of the tragedy we found and reluctantly announced the wiping out of the whole leg Party by the fight. Oh wind of the preceding day or of the night before that 11 known dead. You'll get me missing people pardoned are lazy hack of details through ization of the shock. The sad must have caused us and Meet us when we explained but the mangling action of the wind had rendered all 11 bodies unsuitable for transportation outside indeed. I flatter myself that even in the midst of our distress utter bewilderment and soul clutching a horror. We scarcely went beyond the truth in any specific instance. And the tremendous significance lies in what we dare not tell and what I would not tell now, but for the need of warning others off from the nameless terrors. It is a fact that the wind had wrought Dreadful Havoc whether we all could have lived through it even without the other thing is greatly open to doubt the storm with its Fury of madly driven ice particles must have been beyond anything. Our Expedition had encountered before one airplane shelter all it seems had been left in far too flimsy and it Quit state it was nearly pulverized with the Derrick at the distant pouring entirely shaken to pieces. The exposed but all of the grounded planes and drilling Machinery was bruised into a high polish and to the small tents were flattened despite their snow banking wooden surfaces left out in the blast were pitted and denuded of paint and all signs of tracks in the snow were completely obliterated. It is true that we found none of the Arcane biological objects. In a condition to take outside as a whole we did gather some mineral form of vast tumbled the pile including several of the greenish soap stone fragments who Zod five-pointed rounding and faint patterns of grouped dots caused so many doubtful comparisons and some fossil bones among which were the most typical of the curiously injured specimens. None of the dogs survived their hurriedly built still enclosure near the campaign almost wholly destroyed. The wind may have done that though the greater breakage on the site of the next Camp, which was not the windward one suggests an outward leap or break of the Frantic beasts themselves. All the sledges are gone, and we have tried to explain that the wind may have blown them up into the No. The trail and Ice helping Machinery at The Mooring were too badly damaged to Warrant Salvage. So we use them to choke up that suddenly disturbing gateway to the past which lake had blasted. We likewise let the camp the to little shaken up of the planes since our surviving party had only for real Pilots Sherman Danforth mcteague and ropes in all with Danforth and a poor nervous shaped navigate. He brought back all the books scientific equipment and other incidentals. We could find though much was rather unaccountably Blown Away spare tents and Furs were either missing or badly out of the condition. It was approximately 4 p.m. After wide plane cruising and forced us to give get me up for lost that we sent our carded message to the Arkham for Elaine. And I think we did well to keep it as calm and non-committal as we succeeded in doing the most reset about agitation concerned our dogs those frantic uneasiness are the biological specimens was to be expected from poor Lakes accounts. We did not mention I think their display of the same uneasiness when sniffing around the strange greenish soap stones and certain other objects in the Ordered region objects including scientific instruments airplanes and Machinery, but with the camp and of the boring whose Parts had been loosened or moved or otherwise tampered with wins, the must have harbored singular curiosity and investigative - about the 14 biological specimens. We were part of Lee indefinite. They said of the only ones we discovered or damaged that enough was left of them to prove links description to Holy an impressively accurate. It was hard work keeping our personal emotions out of this matter and we did not mention numbers or say exactly how we had found those which we did find we had by that time the green did not to transmit anything suggesting that this from the part of likes men. And it surely looked like Madness to bind 6 him perfect monstrosity. He's carefully buried upright and 9-foot spill Graves and your 5-pointed Mounds punched over with groups of dots and patterns exactly like those on the strange greenish soapstone dug up from as a so occur tertiary times the 8 perfect specimens mentioned by lake seem to have been completely. No way. We were careful to about the Public's General peace of mind and stand forth and I said little about that frightful trip over the mountains the next day. It was the fact that only erratically light and plane could possibly cross a range of such height which mercifully limited that scouting tour to the two of us. Oh, no return at 1 a.m. Danforth was close to hysterics, but Captain admirably stiff upper lip. It took no persuasion to make him promise not to show her sketches and the other things we brought away. into our pockets not to say anything more to the others than what we had agreed to relay outside and to hide our camera films for private development later on. So that part of my present story will be as new to the Bony fatigue ropes Sherman and the rest as it will be to the world in general indeed then for as closer mouth than I pray saw Ray thinks he saw one thing he would not even tell me as all know our report included a tale of a Hardison. formation of lakes opinion the great peaks of Arkansas late and other very Primal crumpled strata unchanged since at least metal Comanche and times a conventional comment on the regularity of the cleaning tube and Rampart formations a decision of the cave mouths indicate dissolved calcium river is veins conjecture that certain slopes and basses would permit the scaly and crossing of the entire range by seasoned Mountaineers and a remark that the mysterious other side holds a lofty an immense super glad to know as ancient and unchanging as the mountains themselves 20,000 feet in elevation with grotesque rock formations protruding threadfin glacial layer with low gradual Foothills between the general Plateau surface and the sheer precipice is of the highest peaks. This body of data is a never respect true so far as it goes and it completely satisfied the men of our camp. We had laid our absence of Sixteen hours a longer time than our announced flying Landing reckon ordering and rock collecting program called for too long mythical. A spell of a verse wind conditions and told truly of our landing on the father put Hills fortunately our Tails sounded realistic and prosaic enough not to tempt any of the others into emulating our flight had any tried to do this. I would have used every ounce of my persuasion to stop them and I did not know what Danforth would have done while we were gone. Bodie Sherman ropes mctighe and Williamson had worked like beavers over Lakes to best planes petting them again for use despite the altogether unaccountable juggling of their operative mechanism. We decided to load all the planes the next morning and started back for our old base as soon as possible. Even though indirect that was the safest way to work toward McMurdo sound for a straight line flight across the most utterly unknown stretches of the Aeons dead continent would involve many additional hazards further exploration was hardly visible in view of our tragic decimation in the ruin of our drilling machinery and the doubts and Horrors around us. We do not baby all made us wish only to escape from this astral world of desolation been brooding Madness as swiftly as we could as the public knows our returned the world was accomplished without further disasters all planes reach the old base on the evening of the next day January 27th after a swift known stoplight. With and on the 28th, we made McMurdo sound in two laps the one pause being very brief and occasioned by a faulty Rudder and a furious wind or the ice shown after we've cleared the great plateau in five days more the our poem and the miskatonic but all hands and equipment on board were shaking clear of the thickening field ice and working abroad. See what the mocking mountains of Victoria land moving Westward against a troubled Antarctic sky and they Twisted the winds Wales to a wide range of musical piping which chilled my soul to the quick less than a fortnight later. We left the last hint of polar land behind us and we thanked Heaven that we were clear of a haunted occur. To Rome for life and death space and time have made black and blasphemous alliances in the unknown effects since matter first arrived and swam on the planet scarce cooled crust. Since our return we have all constantly worked to discourage Antarctic exploration and we have kept certain doubts and guesses to ourselves with Splendid unity and faithfulness, even young Danforth with his nervous breakdown as not flinched or Babble to his doctors indeed. As I have said, there is one thing a thinks he alone song which he will not even tell me. So I think it would help his psychological state if he would consent to do so it might explain and relieved much though. Perhaps the thing was no more than the delusive aftermath of an earlier shop. That is the impression. I gather after those rare irresponsible moments when he whispers disjointed things to me. Things which he repudiates femininely as soon as he gets a grip on himself again. It will be hard work deterring others from the great white cell and some of our efforts made directly harm are caused by drawing acquiring notice. We might have known from the first that human curiosity is undying and that the results we announced or be enough to Spur mother's ahead on the same loan pursuit of the unknown links reports of Biological monstrosities had aroused naturalist and paleontologists to the highest pitch though. We were sensible not to show the detached parts. We had taken from the actual buried specimens or are photographs of those specimens as they were found once destroyed. We also refrain from showing the more puzzling of the scarred bones and greenish soap stones. All Danforth and I have closely guarded the pictures. We took or Drew on the super Plateau across the range from the crumpled things. He's moved studied in Terror and brought away in our puppets. But now that Starkweather more party is organizing and with a thoroughness far beyond anything our outfit attempted if not dissuaded they will get to the uttermost nucleus. The Antarctic and Melton born till they bring up what may be the end of the world that we know. So I must break until the whole story now even about that ultimate engine nameless thing beyond the mountains of Madness. And this my darling ends our reading of chapter 3 we will return very shortly for chapter 4. Thank you for being here today. Please make sure to like comment and subscribe and please I'm very sweet and creepy dreams. Good night. Good night.
ASMR Reading You To Sleep: Soft spoken ASMR with thunderstorm in background. At the Mountains of Madness by H. P. Lovecraft, written in 1931. The tale was originally rejected by the magazine Weird Tales for publication, but was eventually published in 1936 when an editor picked up Lovecraft’s tale for Astounding Stories. The story takes place during September 1930 where a group of wary explorers find themselves in disastrous conditions during an expedition in Antarctica. Told from the perspective of Dr. William Dyer, the tale is reflective of Lovecraft’s fascination with the Antarctic continent and his unfulfilled desire for exploration. A special thank you to Kyle, @PostCubicleKyle on Twitter for recommending this story as our next Lovecraft read. Now sit back, close your eyes, and relax as I read HP Lovecraft’s At the Mountains of Madness to you.
Welcome back to another episode of the conscious locker room podcast. My name is Talia Connor, and I'm the host and creator of the show and I'm excited to introduce you to the guest that we have on today's episode. Can McDougal is a good friend of mine and he's a high performance coach, but he originally started his career in the finance world. So he was working as a financial executive and while he was running a book of over 300 clients. He became a CrossFit Games Regional athlete.At the same time we actually launched his own online business. So he knows a thing or two about what it takes to achieve optimal results and Optimal Performance in a busy lifestyle so fast forward five years and now cam is living in Bali and is working one-on-one and runs online programs to help busy professionals and entrepreneurs are tree achieve Optimal Health and well-being so that they can go all-in on their missions and what they're here to do. This was a a really inspiring conversation and we covered a lot of ground and I really enjoyed actually spending quite a bit of time talking through cam story because he's got a really inspirational story. He went from being a high school dropout and heavily involved in drugs and crime and then yeah how he shares how he sort of went from that to becoming a cook and passionate about food to then entering the finance game and how his story evolves and what he's achieved is really inspirational in itself and we touched on the And some embracing uncertainty and really committing to a vision before, you know, all the steps that are involved we touched on his his involvement and then and then his initiation with the shortened The Divided movement. So that was a movement put together to raise awareness and money for disadvantaged Youth and Cam and one of his buddies actually rode their mountain bikes from Canada to Mexico as part of their so he touches on that. And what was involved with that and then we get into a bit of the can work that cam does as well. So so working with individuals and his philosophies around health and well-being. We actually spoke about the difference between fitness and health and and we spoke a lot about the intention that you approach your health and vitality with actually impacts things more than what you're doing. And we also touched on the conversation veered towards a relationship as well cams recently engaged. Then he never thought he was gonna going to be engaged to get married. So we sort of spoke about that and spoke about how he maintains the chemistry and the polarity and the vibrancy in his relationship being that both him and his partner are both really busy and running their own businesses. So we touched on a bit of that stuff as well. It was a really inspiring conversation. I loved it. I'm sure you're going to as well. So without further Ado enjoy the podcast. All right, Ken. Welcome to the podcast man. Thank you, brother. Thanks for having me. It's going to be a blast. Yeah, I'm excited too excited to dive in so you've recently just got back home to Barley or do you call it home is barley home for you now? Yes. Yeah it definitely it definitely is our HQ is set up in Ubud and but we do kind of we live roaming quite a bit. So it's hard to call something totally home right now, but for right now He is our home base. Yes. Yeah, not home by so HQ. I like that. So if you guys here dogs barking creatures stirring all kinds of things happening during this that's just the beautiful kind of background noise for you if the Bali landscape that's around me. Yeah part and parcel of dropping it was somebody in Bali exactly and you just had a recent trip to the states. Yeah. How is that? Yeah. It was really good spent a week in outlay did 10 days in Sedona. And then back to LA for a bit and then even before that we spent a couple a couple days in Toronto and Ontario and Canada visiting. My partner's family. Nice. Nice. Nice. Good Adventure. Most definitely man. It was nice to touch down on Western soil a little bit Yeah act with Whole Foods and things like that was pretty good. It's very nice access to that. Yeah, but it is really nice to be back in Bali back in the energy here like it's completely undeniable. How nice And still and yet productive following you. That's what it is. Yeah, it's a good combo. I'll be up there next weekend. So we'll have two major. Mm. Yeah, definitely just for a day. I'm heading up to a retreat with to support and want to Tim Morrison's Retreat. So beautiful being all aboard for a day or so. So I'm Daisy connect up then hundred percent. So me the dates were like that in yeah for sure. So I'd love to kick things off the same way. I'm kicking off all of these chats and that's with the Shin what's a significant challenge that you've overcome in your life could be recent could be long time ago. But what's a significant challenge you've overcome and what did you learn from that? I love that question. I love that question. And and and man I messed up a lot and been challenged a lot in my life. So I think the more challenging what is he picking picking? That's most kind of relevant. You know, I will I will go back to my youth because that's my that's my most significant challenge that I can that I can really speak of and you know without going too deep into it. You know, I was great 10 high school dropout. at the age of 20 years old that was washing dishes and you know in a pretty rough spot and one of the biggest challenges that I faced in that situation was I had to basically overcome my ego to step out of a life of crime and a life of you know, chaos and self-destruction substance abuse and all that stuff to embrace the complete unknown and step in to a life that was going to be a shift in how I kind of acted and how I lived but was one of the biggest unknown scary things I could have ever done because of the life that I was so used to so, you know overcoming that fear of turning my life around and stepping out of that that kind of you know for lack of a better term gangster lifestyle that I was in and going and washing dishes and going back to school. Is it as you know, an adult high school dropout was probably one of the biggest significant challenges of my life. And what it taught me at such a young age was. How important it is to embrace uncertainty and how important it is to no matter how kind of like comfortable. We are in situations that most people might look at and be like, oh my God, that's completely ridiculous. How could how could anyone live in that? No matter how comfortable we can be in that situation if we ever want to change and we ever want to actually, you know, make a big difference in our own lives. We have to embrace uncertainty. That was the biggest lesson that I carry forward and everything that Do now and it almost has now changed from embracing uncertainty to embody and curiosity. Yeah, and so that's looking for those ages exactly exactly. So I would have to say that's probably one of the most kind of Paramount challenges in my life that I have faced and ultimately one of the biggest learnings that I now bring forth in my day-to-day beautiful. Thanks for sharing that men and and let's stay I guess stay with that tune because obviously can today is living in a board recently engaged congrats what the way you know working as a coach helping people. But yeah, let's give everybody insight into the man behind that do. You know what I mean? Like, I know a decent chunk of your journey, but I think would be really cool to hear how you went from high school dropout gangster to washing dishes to then what you're doing now is that there's a big big gap there. So yeah, I guess yeah take us through a little bit of your journey and sort of How things unfolded for you? Yeah, cool. Why you no, I won't I won't go back into kind of the details of the life that I was living before. I had that shift because it's kind of irrelevant. It's there was a whole bunch of bad stuff mmm, but I guess you know from from kind of dropping out of school to embracing kind of that that wild lifestyle when I was younger. I always felt like I was really kind of like not acting in alignment. Who I truly was like I acted really tough. I pretended that I was this like hardcore human being and and I always knew that it was just a mask, which is a facade and that deep down inside. I was so much more. I actually like instead of fighting people wanted to hug him. But because that wasn't like the cool thing to do, I you know, tuck that away in my big toe and I moved forward with the bad stuff and so through that kind of realization one day. I was walking down the street and I just had a huge shift and I still to this day can't Really explain what happened, but I was about 19 20 years old. I can't remember the exact age. I was walking down the street and I just got hit in the forehead with like a lightning bolt. Not literally but you know figuratively and I stopped and I just kind of sat there and I realized that everything that I was doing was completely wrong and that was that my whole life that I created around myself of lies to see all this kind of stuff was just It was just like getting so far gone away from who I truly was. So I got rid of all my stuff. I gave my partner-in-crime everything that I had and I just went to start washing dishes because I wanted to start making an honest living and living a normal life. So in that journey, I found cooking and you know cooking was really really kind of near and dear to my heart now because the chef there was one of the first people that believed in me So he saw something in me. And so throughout the course of working as a chef and as a dishwasher then prep cook and cook and Chef. I worked my way up to managing the restaurant and the company really saw something in me and they invested in me and they then basically paid for me to go back to school. They gave me time off so that I could go to university once I have finished my high school and they supported me through that whole journey and I think they might have been doing that, you know, hoping that I'd probably end up working. Them at some point but that wasn't really explicit. I think it was mostly out of kindness of their heart. But ultimately I ended up in business school and in business school after you know finishing my high school going to business school. I had originally thought I was going to open up a restaurant now going to business school. I fell in love with business and I really kind of was like, oh, I love how businesses work. I love this environment. I want to create something big like restaurants are great. That's a passion for me, but I want to do something big. So rock business school graduated with you know, a degree in Business Administration a diploma in marketing. And from there. I went into the business world and right away. I landed a gig in finance and worked, you know for about four or five years in finance worked all the way up to an assistant vice-president a financial company and start making tons of money started getting on the trajectory to kind of, you know, being and being kind of a CEO being, you know a high level. Thank you to this company and I had it all quote unquote and I just realized that it I didn't really have anything at all. And the funny thing about the finance world is that it actually started bringing up a lot of the Tendencies from my gangster lifestyle back into the finance world. So substance abuse and partying in the cars and all the different things. So it actually started to kind of bring back these feelings that I had dealt with for so long when I was younger and in that evolution Ian, I then realize like this is in the world for me. I'm going to go start my own company. I'm going to get out of this and I found health and fitness and in that process of being in the corporate world and seeing how unhealthy people were and then wanting to dive deeper into myself and I started, you know going to CrossFit became a regional CrossFit athlete and really started to kind of push myself into the health and fitness community and that became my passion. That was like that was my life. I started coaching CrossFit. I started a company that was you They're basically sold athletes meat and from there just like started to develop my entrepreneurial world and eventually Finance Finance kind of ended. I left the finance World Went fully into my company sold my company and went totally deep into a spiritual kind of Journey of one year where I just kind of hit pause on everything and just you know, I grew my hair out long. I started wearing more Mala beads than I probably needed to it's just I just like I totally don't into my spiritual practice really really deep and it was absolutely beautiful. It was so good at taught me so much about myself and where I want to go and throw the course of kind of the end of my finance world to throughout the course of you know, owning my own at company and selling it. I first want to lie enough started coaching a few people and Was very very kind of like loosey-goosey. Right? Like people would come out there. Like hey you own a business you work in finance. You're still super fit. Like tell me how the hell you're doing this like what doing most people work one job and they can't stay fit your you're kind of doing it all so I was like, all right. Well, you know, I'll Teach You How and they're like cool will pay you I was like, oh, okay cool. I guess I'm a coach so so over the course of kind of you know, my my time and Crossed it and and financing and as an entrepreneur I just I started bringing people along and my journey and ultimately what I saw is that I had a really good ability to help people dive into their bodies change their Vitality practice change their lifestyle practice. And then that would Ripple into the rest of their lives. So instead of you know, being like a life coach or somebody that just came in and was like Hey, I can figure out how you can Orient your life and your spiritual practice and then we'll get you going. I was like, no like that's not my thing. I'll tap you into your Your vitality into your health into your being and the more you embody health and vitality and energy the more you're going to free up, you know time from being more productive the more you're going to free up the energy to pursue your goals and we're clear you're going to get on where you want to go. So through that whole Evolution. I ended up becoming a high performance coach that now is my full-time gig that I do and I work with Executives all over the world now and entrepreneurs and people that are pretty mission-driven. Given to make sure that they stay energized and they stay vital so that you know, they don't reach burnout and they can totally Drive their mission home. Yeah. Love it. Beautiful. Thanks, man. What did you any course? That is a mouthful. No. This is its to sink considering how many years that spend and and what it took and like a point that out. I'd love to touch on it and hear a little bit more from you is is how you mentioned you almost repeated a cycle you saw Moved away from the gangster world and then came up went through your apprenticeship that it out of that. I got to the point where you're in finance and then you kind of ended up with the same issues or facing the same circumstances of substance abuse or of that feeling of being disconnected. So I'd love to hear from you and I'm sure or maybe it was that year you took off to focus on your spiritual practice, but this idea of repeating Cycles is is a coolant to talk about because often Things can look different on the outside and be like I've made some changes but then you get to a point and you're like, wow, I feel the same inside. I haven't actually made any changes. And so yeah, I'd love to hear your take on that and then and what sort of really started to shift things. So you started to feel different internally not just what was not just how it looked externally. Whoo. Yeah, that's it. That's an interesting one and one that I've also thought a lot about so I'm really really happy that you're asking about it and I feel like A lot of times like our mind has this idea of where we're supposed to go right the mind the mind, you know, it's easy success. It sees you no money. It's he's abundance and sees all these things it sees status and it pursues them because you know, it really is going to you know, heighten our position in society or whatever that might be. So when I was at when I was a you know, living kind of the more the more the more, you know, Street level life it was, you know, people are going to fear me because I'm going to be X. And then I would just pursue acts as much as I could because people feared me girls like me and and the attention was on me because it was like, oh my God, there's this guy can he's you know, 18 years old. He's all tattooed up and he's all kinds of trouble and I'd be like, oh my God cool. That's me. Right I had this I had this tension on but that attention in that ego just like drew me totally away from from who I truly am as a person and I think we can only do that for so long, you know until until we have something Explode and for me, you know, it got it got really bad in that world where it exploded it got to the point where you know, we had two apartments down in the worst part of town and we were doing all kinds of crazy stuff that you know at the age of 18 if I got locked up, I we probably wouldn't be having this conversation right now. Let alone let alone all the other possible outcomes of what we were doing based on you know, the people that we are around so it got to that point where it's like, oh, I just gotta shake up. I got a rattlin and that to me was kind of like A pivotal shift now, I went to you know, I started I started cooking. I started doing all these things to like, you know, Focus my energy and stuff like that. But what really was going on was that like I still hadn't processed it. I still hadn't totally like like move through it. Yes. I made the changes. Yes. I made the moves mostly out of out of fear and anxiety and you know, you know, not really knowing any other option, but then I had a conduit for it. So I went back into cooking. I went back into school and I I have always had something to like run to that would help me escape from my past and I think that because of that fact because I didn't spend the time to actually do the Deep work on it because I was still so young. It was still sitting inside and write that desire to be kind of you know that baller or that desire to be like, you know wanted by all the girls or that desire to, you know, be looked up to by people, you know that was still inside of me, but I was just like masking it. It with like accomplishments at school and all that kind of stuff. So when I got into the finance world and you know, I got handed a whack ton of money. You're out of business school and I'm making more money than my parents my first year out of business school, you know for me it was kind of like well, I'm the shit, you know what I mean? And so the moment that the moment that that came out all the other stuff came with it, it started fueling the eagle again, right? It was like, okay cool. Like I just Got you know a Ferrari dropped off on my desk, you know, basically for the weekend and I get to go drive this thing around and go like show off to my friends and then it's like, you know this stuff back and forth of just like constantly pumping this this this Persona cause it to come back out and it came back out in full force in the finance world when you are, you know, quote unquote successful and you feel the worst you've ever felt in your whole life, you know, something's wrong. You know and and so for me it was a slap in the face. I went on one trip where I just totally you know, I I've used myself with with substances and all kinds of stuff to the point where I was disgusted at what I had done especially because I kind of started my fitness journey. So it got to that point where I was like I hit that bottom again, but this time there was no hiding from it this time there wasn't like, oh I'm getting out of the game or oh I'm going to business school. Now. This was like no this is mine. Rear, this is my life. There's nowhere to hide now. You got to take a look at this and that led to probably the most painful six months of my life to be completely honest where I went to Alcoholics Anonymous, you know, I my business started going down. So I stopped hanging with bars. I stopped going out with you know, the boys club all this kind of stuff started happening and and at that point in time, I just like, you know, I just felt like I was completely lost. I was like who Am am I and my partner at the time left me because she caught me doing cocaine and I was lying to her and there was this whole situation where I just felt like my whole story of who I was and become a lie. And so at that point there was no there's no hiding from it. There was no hiding from it. And so I dove into about six months of crying on the couch depression business failing and just like basically diving into the deepest darkest parts of myself, and that Journey, you know came with the realizations, you know with amazing support from some amazing people came with the realizations that I was just reek. Creating that same situation in the finance world, so I had to leave it and I had to go into myself and really kind of look at why I was doing what I was doing. And and the what it came down to is that I was just completely insecure. Yeah, right completely insecure in any opportunity. I had to go and Chase something that would make me look better. I would go after it and then every time I did that it just allowed for me to ignore what was truly going on inside until finally, you know, the universe Spirit God where we want to call. It. Just gave me a little slap around. It was like no like this is it you got to start doing the work and you know Fitness and vitality and meditation of stuff for my out. Yeah. Yeah. And did you have guidance through that? Like you said you had some good support that six-month period yeah what talk to me about Your your transition out of that and then the role of Fitness the role of like we are what helped you out of of that that time. Yeah great great question and one of them the first one was my sponsor in Alcoholics Anonymous like I didn't end up staying there very long because you know, honestly, it'd help me shift my life but long-term I didn't identify with the program. I didn't really resonate with it because I felt like it really kind of kept us in this state of Saying we're addicts. We're really like I wanted to move on from that. So for me, it was kind of like I'm not I'm not going to stay in this world so it but I met a guy in that that that totally showed me how to tap into myself and he showed me how like, I was creating all these stories and we'd be sitting on a bench and I'd say something and he just call me on my shit and then I'd be like, you can't say that to me and then he'd be like why not like why why can't I say that to you and then I just feel like I guess I don't know. You know, I'm told people aren't allowed to say that you're supposed to just like let me live in my bubble and let me do my thing. You know what I mean? And though he really showed me and he kind of prep me for for the world of personal development and asking for people to kind of rip me apart, you know, and that's and so he kind of really really started me on that path and beyond that. I had some awesome awesome mentors around me that you know, one of my good friend Simon low, he's a he's a leadership and business coach in Vancouver, but we met in the CrossFit community and he was a very very huge support helping me through those times and he kind of took a lot of the role of that of that dude after I left a and and he was in the same boat. He would just really kind of listened but also show me what I wasn't seeing along with with both of our good friend, you know, Kurt drop ya know. He was he was another big part of that in the three months that him and I had crossover in Vancouver. So, you know, I had I had Three very powerful men in my life that really kind of were there to support but not coddle, you know, they were there but they gave it to me when I needed it and they supported me when I needed it which was which was ultimately I think the game changer because had I been alone, you know in that sense. It would not it would not have been not even pretty hmm that that mentorship and that that support and challenge that equal parts support and challenge is pivotal, isn't it? It's Once once you taste it, it's kind of like the discomfort. Once you taste it you like. Well, I'm gonna go seek that out. So like that. I'm sure now you've got a circle around you of at least a few guys still that that provide that for you always always. Yeah. Yeah. It's such an essential component to growth. You know, I'm Will Smith said it so beautifully. He said if I think back over the last, you know, 25 years in my career. He's like he's like if I look to my left and my right I know they're real. Two people around me that supported and believed in me. He's like had they not been there. I would not have accomplished what I have and to me that's so powerful because we all look at Will Smith, like he's so spiritually so tapped in he's so successful. He's so funny. He's got it all going on, you know, like obviously this guy would be famous. But like, you know, he says like not comes down to the people that that support us and lift us up through this journey. Hmm. Yeah and the importance of that mentorship or or coaching. It's funny because so Oh, it's so instilled and I'm not sure what it's like in Canadian culture. I'm sure it's similar but the idea of the Lone Wolf like there's a lot of resistance to asking for help as a man. I find these days there's big resistance. It's like I can I can do it myself. I can get the job done myself and that that asking for help is weakness when in reality we often require and even if we don't require it, we're going to do better with it. So yeah, that's a powerful powerful message another I want to dive into and you didn't didn't bring it up in that Journey. But I know it's sort of came through towards the back end and it was happening. Just when we met was the adventure you had with shorten the Divide which is just yeah phenomenal. Like I literally just watch the promo video for it again this morning and got Goose Bumps. So yeah everything about it like the cause the lead up to it what you went through it like I'd love for you to because I know yet you mentioned the feature-length documentaries coming out in September. So yeah, I'd love for you to share a little bit about how that all came about. Yeah and your lead up to him what you learnt through the process totally totally. I love to love to talk about that shorten. The Divide was a special one. And in that year that I took kind of all that time my spiritual kind of, you know, I guess I guess re-centering of my life. I took This project with my friend Jeff Livingston. And in the in the course of me kind of starting to coach and train people, you know, my fitness was a was was everything that I taught people, right? And and so a lot of people reached out to me for health and vitality and my friend Jeff was one of them and over the course of you know, a couple years him and I would work together he kind of go back to his thing we work together and he got really kind of into these Ebbs and flows, right which so many of us I think fall Victim to which is we go really hard we get on a nutrition program a fitness program and then we drop and then we feel shitty about ourselves and then we get back on one and we feel great and then we drop and not just continues in this this yo-yo effect. And Jeff was sick and tired of it and he got to the point where he's like dude every time I start working with you like it's great. We do amazing things and he's like and then life takes over and I got this and that and he's like and then I fall off and I'm sick of it and I remember we were sitting in my kitchen at my house in Norfolk. Read the time and I said to him I said well don't even think about any of that other stuff. What do you love doing more in life than anything anything at all? And he sat there for a moment kind of thought about it and he's like it's mountain biking. He's like, there's nothing else in my life that I like doing more than riding my mountain bike. And I said, I guess got goosebumps myself. It's gonna be responds to synchronize that you said mountain biking and so I looked at him and I said, all right, Jeffrey, I want you to pick something that you've always wanted to do on your mountain bike and I want you to commit to it and I was like just off the top of your head. I was like tell me what what comes to mind and he's like he's kind of sat there for a few moments and he looked at me and he said there's this ride from Banff. Berta to the American Border that would take about three days and he's like he's like it's on this amazing journey says that would be like that would be one of my favorite things to do in the world and I was like awesome man. That sounds Super Rad. I was like, what's the name of the trail? And he was like, oh it's called The Great Divide and I was like The Great Divide I was like Okay, I'm like bamf to the US border. I'm like us three four days. I'm like, that's that's long. But I was like that doesn't sound like a Great Divide. I was like give me more details and he was like and I can tell you looked at me and he was like, oh shit. He's like, I think I know where this is going and he tells me he's like, oh, it's actually the world's longest mountain bike trail from Banff Alberta all the way to Mexico. I want to ride the Canadian section and I was like, how long is his Trail and he's like Thousand three hundred fifty kilometers and I was like, okay and he's like, yeah and you climb Everest about seven times in elevation and I was like, I was like, okay. I was like you're going to do that and I'm going to come with you and he looked at me for a moment. Obviously. He's like, you're kidding me right like this just he's like I own my business you own your business like, you know, this just isn't going to happen and I was I was a hundred percent serious. I was just like I've never and just Just to be just to be frank. I've been on a mountain bike three times in my life. I never even really mountain bike you guys. I'm just kind of like but I knew that this guy needed that I knew that he needed that in his life. And as one of my one of my best friends, I could feel it inside of him that he needed an adventure of a lifetime and I said because he owns a video production company. I said Jeffrey go home. Get your video get your video equipment come back to the house. We're going to film a video. We're going to announce it on Facebook, and we're going to do it next year. And he kind of was stunned and he was like dude, I can't do this. Like I have a wife. I have a dog. I've got a business to run like this thing takes months to ride and I was like, okay, we'll make a goal that makes it ridiculously hard and he was like, okay, what's that? I was healed my callings and take people's like sometimes three months. I was like, all right. I was doing 45 days and he was just like he was like, I don't even know where to begin with this. So he goes home calls me later on that night and he's like I'm in. And he just kind of when he said that I knew that it was it was happening and I was like amazing came over the next day brought his video equipment. We filmed a video about what we were going to do. We use public accountability told everybody in our networks that we were going to do this thing and then we just started and in training and and kind of starting to film content and generate some Buzz around it. We linked up with Mountain Equipment Co-op and they sponsored a ride. We linked up with GoPro. They sponsored the ride and we ultimately linked up with this. Awesome foundation called take a hike and take a hike is it is a foundation that helps at-risk youth get out into nature and teaches them Adventure based learning. So when they learn, you know geology, they're actually looking at the Rocks, you know, they're actually in it studying the rocks and the striations and I'm going to stop there because I'm not gonna use any more geological terms here. They stopped there and they kind of like that's how they learn right with their hands on in the dirt. Being really in it on these massive beautiful trips. So they're trying to change the way that kids go to school. So me being a high school dropout and you know coming from you know, being your poster child for at-risk youth. I was like, let's raise money for these guys talk about youth mental health talk about at-risk Youth and talk about how important it is for us to get into nature to truly expand ourselves and what better way to do it than to live in nature for the next 45 days straight on their mountain bikes. We got into it and we train for it and we didn't stop and just over the course of about seven eight months. We just we got bikes we got sponsored with all our gear we got, you know ready for this thing and a week before we were about to leave. We had a friend that called and she's like, hey, I just quit my job. I'm going to drive your support vehicle and we were just like no way because we're thinking we have to carry everything like there's gonna be insane and she was like she was like, I'll be your support vehicle. So huge. Shout out to Jess fun. She came in in the clutch. It was just like he went he went as deep into it as we did because you can think about driving alone by yourself or you know, what ended up taking us 38 days is pretty pretty ridiculous. So, you know all the training and everything aside we kick things off. Actually we left. I think we left today. No way. I think we left today last year or yesterday. That's crazy. Actually, really really really cool. So one year today we left and we got on our bikes and we entered the trailhead in Banff right next to the Chateau Banff and it was it was the wildest Journey on My Life by far, you know, and you know, there's just there's so many things that I can talk about about that Journey but you know, the biggest one was showing like the power of the power of teamwork and the power of like resilience, you know, and it's hard to picture for people that haven't done like a, you know, a consistent endurance race, but To get up and get on your bike and ride, you know a grand Fondo or to ride a 120 to 200 kilometers a day on a mountain bike. Like it's you know, it sounds hard. But it just to me that kind of it. It's almost I can't even really explain it. You have to get into a zone that I don't think humans are really supposed to get into that often in their lives to make it happen. But we did it in 38 days. So seven days short of our goal. All which is you know for us it's amazing. We're super pumped, you know, and it you know day 3 just me went on them and like I can't do this. I'm crying. He's crying in the middle of the road and and he stuck through it. He got on his bike. He drafted me. He drafted me for like four days and we just like we just worked as a team. We worked as a unit Jeff fed us we did physio when we weren't passed out on the floor like did everything he could to support one another through that Journey. And you know and then and then it switched my achilles went on like Dede kind of what 2829 my achilles was shot at tendonitis throughout my whole kind of posterior chain. I was in rough shape and Jeff drafted for me and he stuck back and help me while my whole ankle was taped up and so it couldn't Flex so it just showed this like really powerful kind of team Dynamic that like I think is innate within humans that we don't really tap into very And it's like that survival Community like, you know, Brotherhood and Sisterhood, you know, shut up to Jeff that they're just to just like come in and be unit to get through some pretty crazy times. Hmm phenomenal man. It's such an incredible accomplishment. I can't wait to see the video and and one thing that you the biggest thing I took from that was the fact that you guys committed first and then figured it out along the way I know. No in my life and a lot of people that I work with its one all the pieces of the puzzle to be there before we hit go and and it's just never how it how it happens. And this is a phenomenal example of commit and then this shows up then this sponsors shows up a week how you've got a support vehicle. And if I remember correctly a whole heap of donations came in right towards the end as well. Like that wasn't even really looking like it was going to land until a week or two out as well. So it's yeah just a really powerful lesson in that commits First Take Action and then step three and four will come after you take step one and two kind of thing. Yeah. I love that man. I absolutely do and it brings it all the way back to the thing. You asked me at the beginning about what was my what was my biggest challenge and lesson and embracing that in certainty is everything right? Like we get we get stuck in complacent far too often and that just keeps us where we are. But like we are supported spiritually by the universe God angels, whatever you want to call them. We are supported but but we have to act and we have to commit and it's not going to come on a silver platter. You know, I think that's a really important one for us all to remember is like sometimes you're going to fall on your face, but that's okay. You know, like when I committed to this ride ain't even have a mountain bike. I am a mountain bike. I didn't no idea what I was going to go through like I didn't have bike shoes anything. Yeah, and it came to fruition. Mission we went to Mexico ask them for a tiny sponsorship and the CEO is like will outfit you with everything and I was like what I was like, what do you know man? Like I was just want to gift card, you know, but but we were supported because of what we were doing. Yeah, and and the power of the vision to I bet as well. Like there's something powerful about a vision that comes from the heart that can touch somebody else's heart and when you're doing it. Something it's not like you were doing it to grow your insta following, you know, you were doing it out of out of service, you know initially was that idea with Jeff and then it grew into this thing and I'm sure that idea of being able to have a vision and share of vision contributed a lot to people coming on board as well. Yeah, most definitely most definitely and I'll you know, I think that's so so cool that you bring that up because the contribution peace in life is something that I think so many of us forget, you know, and it's like with Instagram with all these things. It's like it's really really easy to get caught in the ego game, but it's kind of like what are we using our platforms? What are we using our skill set? What are we using all these things for to bring contribution into the mix and I think you know, there is an element that we have to help ourselves. Enough first before we can actually start to contribute, but once we feel stable enough in our own in our own kind of being that next Evolution to kind of help others is so important and that's one of the big one of the main kind of things that I bring into my coaching and my fitness is is you know, you know turning your body into a vehicle for change because there's so much energy that gets put into our fitness. There's so much energy that gets put into this. It's like, how can we leverage that to Help other people right? Because money, you know efforts all these different things are just forms of energy. So if we're putting energy into our bodies are putting energy into our fitness, where can we then shift that energy to ultimately help other people and that's why I love people raising money for marathons. And I love people that are like, I'm going to go run this crazy Long Trail and raise $1000 for a cause I care about that stuff is so damn powerful because you're turning your Fitness and your body into a vehicle for change in this world. World that is like such a key component that I know for me has kept me, you know on the path to keeping my body in such good shape because I know that the next thing I do is going to be able to help people. Mmm. I love it. And I love that the consistency in your message with that is one of the biggest reasons. I love following you because it's something that I I live by as well, but it's always just to get that reminder like your body is the vessel for whatever you're doing. You want to be a good. A cool your body as a vessel for that you want to show up powerfully in your relationship cool. Your body is the vessel for that and it's just that constant reminder because we're so with technology with the fast-paced life styles that work that we're living. It's very easy to be disconnected from our body and forget that and to prioritize time energy effort money. In other areas of life yet. It's it's square one that so many people try to skip and and when you actually feel it and you feel the experience of it, it's hard to deny, but I'd love to hear ya a little bit about where you start where you start with your clients because you're definitely not the conventional quote-unquote health coach, you know, it's there's the health coaches are being pumped out very quickly with a lot of these online courses and that sort of thing and what I love about you is you've lived it for Years, and so I'd love to hear with your holistic approach. I guess what are some common problems that you're seeing in these sort of high-level business people and entrepreneurs and that's why I think I'll just any of your clients and where do you really start with people as some some fundamentals for them beautiful question when I think about where people have the biggest challenges and kind of how my Approach differs. hers is You see the challenge and I'm going to chirp the fitness Community a bit here. So, you know my whole network in that world. I apologize if you're listening to this, but the challenge that comes out of like health and fitness is that they're just more Band-Aids, you know what I mean? And like they're just kind of like getting bigger biceps getting a six-pack getting a you know, more pop and booty like yeah, they might make you look better and they might, you know be a thing that you see is Valuable but they're just a Band-Aid and generally when we want bigger biceps, it's because we think our arms are small when we want better ABS. We believe it's because we're too fat when we want a bigger, but it's because we believe we're too small. And what that subconsciously reinforces into ourselves is that we're not we're currently not enough and we're currently not good. So we sit in the spiral of subconscious activity where we're just kind of like sitting there admitting to ourselves constantly that were not where we want to be. And so what that starts doing is on a cellular level. Our thoughts are the programs for cells. They can't see our Visions our perceptions and our thoughts become. Come our cellular programming. So if we constantly are fostering this belief that that person has bigger biceps that person's fitter. I need to get in better shape. I feel like shit like all of that is going to the cellular program in a bar system. And where I realized is most is that when I was when I was in my fitness journey, I was CrossFit coach for about five years and I'd say about 90% of the people that were there did not see very good results because they were always chasing something better. Whereas the people that were there that were just like I just love training and I love building my body. They were off like a rocket ship. And you know, I saw people for four years come and spending, you know thousands of dollars a year on their Fitness and they got no results and they were training everyday. So it wasn't a matter of like they're like dedication to the cause but their dedication was fueled by insecurity. It was it was fueled by a sense of lack. So what I do when I get when I start working with people is I dive into their mind and I have clients now that that, you know are losing their minds with me because they we've been working together for about seven months and I haven't even gone to a gym you can't and they're like I want to work out. This is what I'm like no, I'm like the reason that you know, you freaking out and doing all this stuff is simply because you're not making peace with your current vessel and the moment they start making peace with their current vessel, then we start training and I have a client who has been working with me for, you know, probably about a year and a half now and he just recently started getting deep into his Fitness practice. And he's hitting it so hard and it's from a place of like I want to build this. Hmm. I want to own this and now he's in a state where he's just so empowered in his body. Whereas he used to not even go to take his shirt off at the beach. Yeah, right. So it's really all about starting in here. And if people if people come to me and they're like, I want to fitness program, I'm like go on the internet. There's a million. I'm not I'm not here to I'm not here to give you a fitness program, you know, like that's the easy part right? You're not willing to go deep into understanding where your insecurities are and why you ultimately want to pursue this from a place other than self love then I don't work with people. Amazing and have that posture would be quite jarring for some people. I imagine you've got to get a mixed response. But it kind of goes back to what you were talking about before and you brought up about we were talking about repeating those Cycles. Mmm exactly is kind of that similar thing. It's a health and fitness can be an addiction and it can be just repeating a cycle of of not good enough unless that story is checked at the door. I mean, it's a probably a healthier addiction than drugs. I'm late, but it's still can serve as that so it's so cool to hear that. That's where you start day one like no excuses kind of thing. It's like if we're going to do this, this is how we're going to do it. Yeah 100% And you know, it's funny because that you mentioned the fact that it's you know that it's healthier than booze and stuff which is which is very true my experience with that was so different like I got I got so big I got constantly. Nerd and I was in a state where like I was a fit Couch Potato, you know, like I was like, I was jacked like it clean and jerk, you know, 315 pounds is that like a hundred and hundred and fifty kilos? Like I was I was a machine but I was just like a shell of a human mmm because everything was going into like I got to be this I got to be that because I'm actually scared of who I am inside, you know, it can result in blown Achilles. Results in tendonitis bursitis, you know Rhabdomyolysis like meiosis. I think I said it wrong, but all these different things that ultimately can can really kind of hinder your state and really kind of like hurt your body. So yeah, I totally agree with you. It is a healthier outlet but a lot of times when people go like really deep into that they can they can really do some damage for yeah the show on that night. I'd love to hear your distinction between fitness and health or vitality. Because a lot of the time you can be shredded, even if you're not huge but like look really good but not actually be very healthy. Like I'd love to hear your take on the difference between the two. Yeah, definitely. So Fitness in my mind is Like I would say a human's ability to sustain constant stress. It's kind of how I would see Fitness. So, you know, somebody can run for a very long time. Somebody can lift a lot of weight. Sequentially. Somebody can endure, you know a cold bath for a certain amount of time like that that to me is Fitness. Now as a crossfitter, I was an amazing kind of linear athlete. But you get me on a hike you get me, you know doing doing speed drills on a speed ladder. Like I was I was out I was so out, you know, it was it was it was just it was ridiculous. It was sad actually and so to me that I was I was fit but I was fit in one modality and that was CrossFit just like a lot of power lifters are fit in powerlifting. A lot of Runners are fit in running that to me is how I Defined Fitness. The way I Define vitality is first having a true self love practice that really truly 100% comes from your greatest being. The second is to Foster like an abundance of energy inside of you so that you are able to accomplish whatever it is that you truly want to do. The third would be that you have the strength in your body to do these things to act to move. And ultimately you have the ability to move right? You have the ability to move right and you can be agile and you can dance and you can kind of go through lights, right? So when I when I look at you know, self-love energy strength and movement those to me are extremely important and the reason I start with self-love is because I believe that like nutrition hydration sleep all those things fall under that category and when you truly do love yourself you're willing to wake up you're willing to meditate you're willing to stretch. You're going to sit there. You're going to thank your body to be in the vehicle that it is. You're going to eat the right Foods because you only want to fuel it with stuff that's going to make it feel good. You're going to avoid, you know drinking you're going to avoid, you know doing things that don't serve your Body at its highest good and ultimately you're going to end your days in a state where you want to nurture yourself and you want to love yourself and you want to bring your system down. You want to turn your lights off. You want to turn some candles on you want to put your blue blockers on you want to get into a state that allows for your system to chill and bring it down and in fostering those powerful routines and in fostering those powerful states every single day then, you know, you're going to make sure that you have the amount of energy that you Need you're going to make sure that you're getting strong and you're going to make sure that you can move through life. And so Vitality in my mind encompasses that whole world as opposed to just becoming a modality or one linear kind of path. Yeah, beautiful. I love that distinction and especially the putting it the ability to handle sustained stress and to me from what you shared about Vitality its Vitality is almost Most aligning your lifestyle. So you experience less stress and fitness is your ability to almost handle that stress because otherwise you'll just never be enough if you're only going for Fitness, but you're not looking at where the stress is coming in from work or out of alignment relationships or all those kinds of things. So and it's just so cool to hear big strong and I saw you doing some I think that what they clean and jerks did I see on your stories? Yes now is is it was a queen complex? Yeah when clean complex ones. Like 180 kilos you can tell it up guy in the first thing he talks about when it comes to Vitality is self-love. That's like it's so cool to have that because it's so it's so necessary and I think there's so much even those two words for a lot of guys to put into one sentence. Is there still a lot of taboo around and maybe not so much in our our communities and who we spend a lot of our time with but for the broader spectrum and I'm sure a lot of guys listening would have some resistance to even that concept. T' do you have you met with much resistance when you're coaching guys through this or a most people pretty open with respect to the guys that I work with? I think I think that because there's been so much word of mouth in the development of my business. Most people kind of come to me and they know what they're getting into. I think right now like I'm about to launch a course right now as I get into the world of outside of my network. I think a lot of people are going to are going to be challenged with it, but Thing for me is that I you know, I'm selective with how I say it, you know what I mean? And in that process a lot of people, you know, they don't want me talking about angels and guides and stuff because that's going to stare the scare the shit out of them. Right? So what we can do is we can we can we can dive in and we can talk, you know about routines, you know, and and instead of being like, you know, Namaste here's a self-love practice for you. It's like no I want you to dial in your routine. Hmm. Because in that routine, he was a meditation that I want you to listen to me in that routine. It really helps your melatonin release if you like candles at night, here's what you should do for this next little bit. Right? So I find that for me. It's been a lot in the delivery and just remembering especially for me like where I was at the beginning of my journey and how you know me how I would have kind of reacted to somebody like myself teaching me what I know now and I would probably want to be brought into it a little a little soft. But I will say that it's funny because a lot of the stuff I've been posting lately a lot of people from my old Network have been leaving leaving my world and I think that it's because I'm bringing something up inside of them that they don't want to look at and especially because the whole network that I built in the past was in the bike very kind of strict Fitness World. I think there's some there's some things kind of stirring up there. So it's been interesting to watch that. At and so I do agree. I think in the next little bit it's going to be interesting to see how men in particular react to me saying. Hey, if you're not getting results in the gym, it's because you don't love yourself is gonna be an interesting one to navigate, but I'm excited to kind of go there with them for shit. That's where the magic happens. Yeah. I love it. I love it beautiful man. And another thing I wanted to touch on and I guess change directions a little bit. Is the post that you shared recently when you announced your engagement it was it really something in that really caught my other than just being super excited and fist pumping the air because I was so pumped for you guys you mentioned in that you never thought this would be something that you would do and then you had a lot of shifts around how you looked at relationship how you looked at the idea of marriage and and all of that stuff and it's been cool to watch you and Victoria even just over. On Instagram and some little chats with you here and there to see you guys come together. I imagine there's been some extremely significant shifts in the way you view relationship show up in relationship. So yeah, I'd love to just hear your take on how that's evolved for you up to the point of view. Obviously now being being engaged. Yeah, beautiful beautiful, you know, I'll talk about health and fitness all day long, but the relationship and marriage question comes up and I'm about to join that's how I know. We're going somewhere good. Let's say here are yeah the hot seat exactly, you know and all honesty. I'm really pumped that you brought that up because you know, I was I was a kid at divorce and my first memory on this planet my first memory like here on Earth embodied in this vessel was my parents telling me they were going to separate you know, and and that's my first memory and it's like from that memory to me crying and just like totally not knowing what's going on set the foundation of a lot of my years of like unrest and uncertainty and Chaos. Hmm. So for me marriage has been like, you know, like, you know, get get out of here like yeah, you're just you're just a mess and over the course of kind of a lot of relationships it became very evident that like it wasn't about me finding the right person as much as it was about me doing my own inner work and attracting the right person and you know, so when I think about kind of the evolution is that like I always had this perception that I was like I have to see the woman that I'm going to marry and then I got to become the best man for her and then everything's going to be fantastic that was kind of like the perception that I had and then I was like and there's a 50% divorce rate I was I was like no shit. Like that's because people see that they try and become that they realize they can't be that they're like, oh my god what have I done and they got to go. Oh shit. We have two kids. Sorry guys, you know what? I mean? And so so that's kind of become like this norm. And so I observe that and I was like, okay like I just disconnected from Marriage completely and I tuned in totally to my heart and I tuned in totally to the person that I wanted to become in the man that I wanted to become so that I knew I would be the right person for whoever found me if they did find me, you know, and and it was really interesting because you know as I stepped into that I totally stopped the pursuit there was no Pursuit. There was the only Pursuit was me improving myself. And the more I improve myself the more I looked at why I wanted to go and sleep with an attractive woman that couldn't have a conversation or the more I looked at. You know why I wanted to look a certain way. So I could attract a certain person or the more I looked at why I wanted to have an attractive person so that other people could look at me a certain way all started showing me all these different insecurities and different, you know skeletons in my closet and through meditation and you know some some conscious relationships that ended up consciously uncoupling I really started learning, you know, the person that I wanted to be and I did that and you know our mutual friend Tracie Spencer, you know introduced me to Victoria as I was moving to Bali and I moved in with her the next day because they're because there was no there was no question. It was like she's being her I'm being me and we have perfect Synergy know and to me that was really powerful and so like and when I say we moved in the next day like we actually did like I went up to visit her. I was living in changu at the time. I went up to meet her Ubud and I went up to Wood and I haven't left. So I went and stayed with her for a couple weeks went down for a day went back up and we just rented this beautiful house that we live in now and there was none of this like compromise. Hmm. It was insane because like I have OCD she has OCD, you know, it was like because we attracted each other because we're putting that energy out. I have a morning spiritual practice. She hasn't morning spiritual practice. He doesn't like cell phones at night. I don't like cell phones at night. She likes Adventure. I like Adventure, right? It just it just there was no question. It was just a perfect kind of, you know marriage of two souls and you know the within a week of meeting her I was like, I'm gonna marry this one and this one is going to be my wife. You know and and I will say that, you know watching, you know people like you watching people like like Luke and Trace, you know, and and and really seeing like, you know, how you and Kat interact and how you guys do. Your thing was really inspirational for me and my journey as well because you know knowing that you guys are like awesome dudes, but you're also very heart centered and seeing that you could actually create something with somebody was really really inspirational to me. And so the more I started surrounding myself with people that were breaking the mold and doing things more unconventionally and entering kind of, you know, sacred Union or Partnerships are getting married. However, you want to look at it. They gave me this kind of confidence of like men this there's there's not like, you know, it's not etched in stone how this is going to go. We have we have our full ability to create whatever we want with this. Mmm and seeing that combined with the inner work that I was doing combined with the combination of us living together and actually building each other up. Two levels, we never thought possible before. Mmm. It was it was an easy no-brainer. Mmm. Incredible incredible. There's so much in that so much like the obviously doing your work on on yourself without having attachment so that combination of intention but being unattached I find is so powerful and is is the is because mean cat get asked this question a lot through all the work we do with living in love. People coming to us about attracting the one or calling in the one then that what you spoke to you kind of just like sort of Breeze through it. But like that was such a powerful that and that is such a powerful thing when calling in relationship or calling in anything to have an intention but to come from your Center but to not be attached to the outcome and that's often in my experience when all the gold shows up. It's just like oh, well, there you go how help how perfectly this work. Yeah, it's incredible. I'd love to hear any challenges that have popped up for you guys or how you navigate how you navigate that as two people that are living together and not working together. But both you could say working from from home or working from HQ. Yeah, what are some strategies either conscious or just the way things have landed that you guys employed to keep the polarity and the dynamic strong and the love strong and all of that because I find that's a struggle for and inserting them in car always working to improve because when you're spending so much time around each other which you know in theory is the dream sometimes that can actually work against the flow of the relationships. I'd love for you to speak to that to people on a mission doing their thing how you make the relationship thrive. You know that there's that, you know, I think we're always learning and always growing and figuring that one out as you articulated. So beautifully 1 1. Well, I guess there's there's two things for us that have really been powerful actually three and the first would be kind of like really knowing that we're in our own Lanes, but we're creating something together. So we each have our own missions, but then in the middle we have this unit that we're creating and you know really being clear on that being your mission this being my mission, but this Collective is our mission has been really really really important for both of us and and it's you know, it's just it's just work really well because she supports me I support her. And we just we really communicate about what's going on. Right and and you know, don't get me wrong. We have our hiccups like today. I walked in the door and I jumped on a call that with one of my my marketer and I'm just I'm talking to him super Lounge came out just like I was just doing a visualization and everybody can hear you, you know, and I'm like oh shit, right so it still comes up but the thing that we do and I bring that story up for a reason because right away, we always put it in front. So it's something comes up that we don't I agree with there's no dwelling. There's no this the moment you realize it was a thing that gets thrown on the table and it's like hey, this was a thing. How are we going to fix it for next time and then and then that leads into the third piece which ultimately is that we separate everything from ourselves. We do not identify with any of the things. So we pull that thing out we take it out from us and we throw it in the middle of the table and we both dissect it together. Mmm, and it's not like hey you did this thing. That did this to me therefore you're worse than me and I'm in a victim position, you know, it's not it's not like that. It's like this things causing some sort of energetic disconnect. Let's figure out how to work through it because we both know we want to be energetically connected. Hmm. And and to me that's been one of the most powerful things and and you know, we've worked through stuff, you know in the bedroom, we've worked through stuff with respect to scheduling we work through stuff with respect to travel like all these things come up, but it's like that's right there. Mmm, and there's never any boundaries. There's ever any limits. There's never any right or wrong time. If that thing comes to your Forefront of your mind and you're feeling it it gets on the table and we discuss it because our relationship and our sacred Union is priority over everything. Amazing amazing. That's I love all of that. I couldn't level of that more ice. It's like just three little pointers, but honestly anybody listening like that Implement those and like you say you can work through anything in any area of life. I would love to hear if you other than the rule of as soon as it's there we take it out put it on the table and the biggest thing I feel is not taking it personally. I find that's probably what why it works so well for you. Having the ability to do that. Do you have some sort of system for communicating or working through things once it's out on the table, but do you have a do you have a system for that or is it just put it on the table? And then let's just talk it through until it's talk through. Yeah, I think that we don't really have a system for it. But I think what it what it comes down to is whoever puts it out on the table has the mic right? So if someone's putting it out on the table, you got the mic and and let's say let's say victorious put something on the table. I'm going to give her the space to express herself in any way she wants she wants to scream. She wants to let it out. She wants to do this that she totally can not if she doesn't ever do that, but I'm just saying that would be open. It's a kind of interpretation that be open for us to talk about but she has a mic and until she says that's what I wanted to express. Then I can come in and start to be like, okay, you know, here's what I was thinking. Here's what my side of the story is and and and really kind of just like just really encouraging her to let everything out and not coaching her but coming up with Solutions right that we can do as a group and that kind of leads into the Final piece which is there's got to be an actionable step. Right? So so like for instance with the example that I use them you walk in yesterday when she was on a call and me kind of not thinking about the fact that she was on a visualization call when she told me about was totally my bad was like, okay, what's our action item? Okay. We're both really busy people. Sometimes we're going to forget stuff put a Post-It note on the floor that says hey, I'm running a visualization called. Please be quiet. So now we know now it's like, okay cool like I forgot Not judging me for that. You know she was doing her thing. I'm not judging her for not reminding me but now we know that it's like okay next time. It's like if we're on a podcast because we all do a lot we both do a lot of this stuff. We're on a podcast we're doing visualizations were recording stuff that we leave a post about this is hey, I'm in recording. Oh, can you please please keep it really quiet. So that gives us an outcome and and and to be honest like that that works perfectly for us every single time and and the big one is like Ike You know, not just not it's all a trigger. No, it's all a frigging trigger. Like it's the reason that we get upset is a trigger. It has nothing to do with the other person or us like I can say the word blue and to me that means nothing but to you that was like a very traumatizing experience in Blue Water. That's you you're going to start freaking out and they tell you it's a word clue. How could you and I'm just like dude. I'm just talking about a color man, but you're freaking out because there's this thing inside you that hates the word blue that is nothing to do with me and it's just a trigger. So if we can see it as a trigger pull that situation out observe the situation then it removes it from either of us. So, you know to me that's been that's been the biggest key and then figuring out how we take action is everything. Beautiful so powerful. So powerful man will start to wrap things up. But what I I'd love to hear from you and we will kind of touching on it a little bit before we started recording in terms of what's been most present in terms of learnings or stuff for you recently and you you mentioned the power of the breath and Anna breath work practice and it's getting a lot more popularity with Wim Hof and biodynamic breath work and those kinds of things I'd love to hear your take on it how how you kind of introduced and obviously being engaged to a breathwork practitioner would would definitely enhance that but yeah talk to me about breathwork what it's provided for you and how you use it as a tool for yourself and if it is something that you use with clients as well definitely but breath has by far been one of the most powerful tools I've ever I've ever I've ever Uh came across from a performance perspective and from a from a you know, a deep work perspective small I use it in two ways. So I do breath work every morning to pick my state. So I'll do breathwork every single morning just because I know it gets me into an elevated Consciousness where I produce and I operate on a much higher level than if I don't so from a performance level like even before I go to the gym if I do, you know, Victoria Lucas and his company the O2 Awakenings day. Practice by do that before I go train, I feel so fantastic. I feel Jazz. I'm just like fired right up throw some cacao and matcha in there and I'm off like a friggin Rocketship pre-workout oxygen exactly honest Injun. Yeah well to Cal and Masha and you are you are laughing. I'm so from a performance perspective. It's been really cool. And even in that space, I found that when you start looking at biodynamic breath work in trauma release systems, you know, you can really start to see that even A stiff hips tight shoulders, you know stiff back stiff necks, you know, all these different challenges that come up with respect to our body's movement are generally a lot of stored trauma, right and and and they turn into these knots in our tissue because our bodies, you know, holding onto them because we haven't dealt with them. So, you know leading into kind of the second part of how beneficial it is for the Deep work. It's like from a performance perspective it can start to really open your body up. As you start to release this trauma like the deeper I go. I know I store trauma in my in my left hip and the deeper I go into breathwork, you know, Lucas is on a session for me. Victoria's done some Luke Tracy's Luke has done some for me and and there's always a you know, a lot of emphasis on that left hip and as I've been going through that it's been releasing more and more and more and you know funnily enough my squads getting deeper, you know, and it just like all these things happen where my form gets a lot nicer my activation my Cil's gets better. So it's really actually, you know, the Deep work is helping my performance. So one modality that I'm really using for it is helping people dive into the deep work so they can open up their body so they can perform better. Now, it goes even deeper than that into into the work as well because you know as you release trauma as you go down that path you then also see where your self sabotaging yourself you see where you're insecure, you know, I work with some people that you know have eating disorders and challenges in that respect and you can really Start to see like why you do these things by going into a breath work session. So it's it's really helped me with kind of my full spectrum of practice IE getting somebody to a place of self love all the way to performing at their optimal state. So for me, it's been one of the most one of the most powerful modalities that you know, I'm going to learn more. I'm going to do another course in Vancouver and September. I'm in Bali again for another one in December and so I'm learning all these different modalities because there's really something to be said for that and the best part is you don't need anything other than you know, couples couple lungs. It's free. Yeah. Yeah, it's free and it's it doesn't take up a whole bunch of time awesome. And I love that perspective on tying to Performance. I haven't had a lot of conversations around that with people a lot about, you know, releasing trauma or relaxing the nervous system or these kinds of things, but that direct link to Performance is a cool Insight. So thanks for thanks for sharing that of course beautiful. And is there anything else you wanted to share before? We start to wrap up anything else that's hot on your heart any topics that weren't quite covered or anything else that you want to share at the moment. hmm I think we covered a lot of the stuff that's really kind of present for me right now. And it's really kind of been in my field, you know, but I guess one of the one of the biggest things that I've been called to lately has been helping people kind of in their professional kind of areas and really kind of starting to look more at the corporate world as well as like more the conventional kind of Fitness World. And the reason that that comes up is I find that breath work and self-love and all these modalities like they're fantastic. Great well, but a lot of times they attract, you know people that are in this state of you know already on the spiritual path and things like that. And and and to me it's become a lot more than that. It's like how do we actually start to elevate Collective Consciousness outside of our kind of you know, realm outside of our area of expertise and you know, I live in a bun so you can go up and ideas with anybody you want on the street for an hour if you want it. So, you know, it's like it's pretty easy to be like hey, you want to talk about self-love and how that you know works, you know how that kind of, you know helps you become, you know, better perform in the gym or yoga or whatever that may be but it's really become like how how we as kind of, you know practitioners and people in the in the health world or the spirituality world of Vitality world really kind of like help people that are stuck kind of in their day-to-day, you know that are really kind of in the grind and I'm really kind of drawn towards this because I was a finance executive for so long I mean I saw it, you know, I saw people sitting in flexion for nine hours a day eating jars of peanut butter and birthday cake, you know before 9 a.m. And you know drinking Coke and they're kind of like, I don't know why I have IBS and your kind of like, you know it I got an idea, you know, but but it's really kind of getting into that world and how as a collective group, you know were able to kind of bridge that and and I guess what that what that kind of leads me into is just kind of a of my work right now has been focused on professionals and helping them through that and so, you know a big one that I really want to mention if anybody you know is in the corporate world or there in the 9 to 5 grind and they're in that in that state where they're kind of like I don't have enough time to do all these things you guys are talking about like, you know, I got kids I got I travel once a month. I do all these things. What am I supposed to do? It's really kind of like helping them understand that there is another option and that And that energy doesn't provide Vitality Vitality provides energy and what I mean by that is, you know, you don't have to find the time to train if you train you will have the time right and and I think a lot of people get that backwards and when I was in the finance world, like I had seven percent body fat and I was managing, you know, I was on calipers so not on a dexa of someone who's listening once me be specific about 14% 14% on a dexa, but that's really damn good. And I was managing a book over 300 clients. I was traveling every single month and it was more about my day-to-day and how I fostered that and the belief that I knew that if I spent two hours at the gym, I would knock four hours off of my work day because I was more productive. I was more in the zone and I had more energy to get shit done not to mention. I was a lot more confident to tell somebody that was standing at my desk distracting me to get back to their desk and on their six. I was trying to get stuff done, right? So it all kind of fostered this. This new kind of situation inside of here this new belief inside of me that Vitality is my fuel. You know, it's not it's not as side game. It's not a periphery item. It's not something that I get to do when it's a part of my to-do list. And if you got like have a meeting with your assistant or you know board meeting here before that. It should be like go to the gym and crushing our work out because then you're going to show up to that meeting like a boss. You're going to have a better meeting with your assistant and you're going to get things done. Better and it just takes a bit of a shift and every time we take we had to take a bit of a shift, we got a bit of a hiccup, right and it's going to be kind of weird. You're like, oh my God, I'm scrambling I'm tired, but eventually that's going to mellow out and that's going to smooth out and you're going to get into a level where you're going to be operating at such a peak Peak state that you never thought possible that you're going to be getting things done twice as fast and you're going to have twice as much time. Hmm. So that's been a really really important one. Yeah. Love at such an important point that That you've got to put energy into get energy out so often if there's fatigue or tiredness or so. I need to rest and say well actually if you put in energy, you're going to receive more energy and then it's just that my say that mental switch because it's so counterintuitive initially and it's just like the power of that is yeah definitely worth talking about thanks for bringing that up. I'm going to give you full Reign now because I believe we can speak our Visions into Obviously combining it with action. But what I want to hear from you is what's your vision? What's really? I know you've got a couple of programs that you're launching all of that and we'll definitely talk about that in a second. But let's just I'm going to give you permission to go a little bit bigger with the listeners here and just because you never know who's listening who might collaborate or who might you know, you just never know. So I'd love to hear what's really exciting you at the moment. What's your vision? What are you what are you working towards? Yeah, so that's a that's a great question. And so my my Guiding Light in what I do is I want to add over 1 million years of human life back to the planet. So and what I mean by that is is not just in like in like distance and like time and like actual like your no I don't want you to you know, you know, I don't want you to live at a hundred if you're still going to be feeling like crap like you did when you're 90, like like I want to add years. Back to people's lives of active exciting amazing years and so my goal is to add a million years back to this back to human existence from an accumulative scale. And that's my Guiding Light and I'm still figuring out once again going into that uncertainty. I'm still figuring out how I'm going to calculate and do that, but I've got some pretty cool people that I'm starting to work with right now that we're starting to develop a pretty cool system on and That's my Guiding Light. That is my vision for what I do because I believe that we have so much potential inside of us and we have so much capability to become these amazing super human creative machines to bring forth so much Beauty and so much abundance in our lives of energy and impact whatever it might be and I just believe that when people are doing the things that they love their operating from a from a from a well-maintained optimal state that those Things are going to come to light and I believe that you know, once those things start coming to light people are going to need more time to really bring forth what they truly believe in and you know, I want them to keep keep running marathons and keep climbing mountains and keep doing all these amazing things as long as they can because I know that's fueling other things in their lives. So that's my my Grand Vision for what I do. I love it man powerful inspiring mission. Beautiful. Well, we'll wrap it up there and I just yeah share with the listeners where can people find you. I know you hang out on install a lot. And then you mentioned you're getting some YouTube stuff happening. So yeah any relevant links working people come find you cool. Yeah. So right now Instagram is the best place so at can McDougal and my YouTube channel is going to be up and running soon. I'm just definitely I'm loading up a bunch of videos for that before I launch it, but you can also see me at kamik if you want to book a free consult to chat and see kind of where you're at and see if I can help you in any way as well as I'm going to have a bunch of details on my course coming out called fueled by Vitality in about four weeks that basically takes people from you know, Finding Clarity all the way to writing their own personalized Vitality program and how they can execute it through the course of their lives, you know, based on all the different variables that come Come up. So that's going to be a really really fun one. So I'll be posting a lot about that on Instagram as well as Facebook. But the primary place to see me as on Instagram or my website beautiful and I'll I'll put all those links in the show notes as well. So you guys can go check out cam there. Well, man, it's been an absolute pleasure. Thanks so much for coming on and having a chat with us. My pleasure man. Tons of fun much love and that is a wrap. I hope you enjoyed that. Invitation with Cam make sure you go and check out the show notes and get all the links to his websites and socials so you can follow Cam and he's always consistently putting out really cool beneficial helpful content and is also launching an online program really soon in the next week to a week or so. So definitely head on over and check out all the details of that. And also while you're at it while you're listening to this just go and give us a review head over to iTunes and Give the podcast review. I'd love to hear your insights and feedback, especially this early on in the gestation phase of the podcast hearing feedback on what you guys are enjoying or want to hear more of is really helpful and really beneficial and and it really helps boost the podcast as well to get this in the ears of more people. So that would be much appreciated. And when you do just take a screenshot of it and throw it out on the insta stories and tag me so I can get around you with that would be much appreciated. She ate it so that's it for today guys. Yeah. I hope you enjoyed the conversation and I look forward to dropping in with you next week.
Cam is a financial executive turned high performance coach. While running a book of over 300 clients in the corporate finance game, Cam became a Regional CrossFit athlete, achieved 4 Presidents Club awards, and launched his first online business. Fast forward 5 years Cam now lives in Bali, Indonesia after selling his business and fully committing to optimizing the lives of other professionals. His new mission is to add over 1 million cumulative “Bad-ass” years back to human life through his one on one coaching and online programs. He knows first hand the time constraints placed on entrepreneurs and executives, and has now made it his duty to help them embrace a “bad-ass” life. “Every day we bring our mission to life through our bodies, as leaders, it is our duty to make sure that it comes from a place of strength and power”. Through his “6 C Method” he rewires habit patterns, brings consistency to our fitness programs and ties our results in the gym to the impact we want to make in the world. We are excited to have him on the show, and can’t wait to dive right in. Show Summary: The importance of embracing uncertainty  How Cam went from highschool drop out/involved in crime to what hes doing now How Cam became a high performance coach The adventure with Shorten the divide The importance and necessity for Doing things out of service Turning your body into a vehicle for change and service The thundermentals of coaching that Cam delivers Band-Aids vs embodiment Addiction to fitness for the wrong reasons Cam’s shifts in his ideas of relationship Keeping the polarity and dynamic right in relationship The most powerful tool Cam has come across Vitality provides energy Key Points: Relevant Links and Website: Instagram: @cammacdougall Website: course information can be reached here) Course starts 16th September Tully O’Connor: Website: Instagram: @tullyoconnor Men, join us in The Conscious Locker Room Facebook Group
Welcome to the get naked podcast a show where we explore one beautiful question. What would life really be? Like if we just got naked? I'm your host Taylor Lane and I'm here to discover the answers right along with you we Are about to strip off anything and everything that keeps you from being you it's time to shine. It's time to rise and it's time to shed because who we truly are inside is yearning to come out. We just have to give ourselves the permission. Well consider this permission slip signed ready. Let's get naked get naked fam. How are you this week? I can't believe it's Thursday again time for me to come into your Franz and blast you with some mind-blowing questions. So before we get started with today's episode, I want to give you a huge. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Honestly the feedback from the listeners so far has been incredible, and I can't believe that we're already building a community around the get naked podcast. It fills my heart with so much joy and purpose and it keeps me going. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you for listening and thank you for the feedback. We are not live. On Apple podcasts yet, as of this date when this episode is coming out. So I sincerely appreciate everyone who is listening whether you're listening on anchor or Google podcast Spotify or any other platform you guys rock. I love that you are finding me wherever you can and getting these episodes into your days. I love hearing that some of you are listening on your commute. Some of you are plugging me into your ears as you do your morning routine any Breakfast and some of you are snuggling in bed with me at night before you go to bed. Every time you give me feedback either by email or by Instagram. Both of those will be in the show notes, by the way. It helps me Envision where this show should keep exploring and it gives me direct insight into what you need to hear more of that's what matters to me. So keep it coming. All right, let's get into these three life-changing questions to ask yourself. Today, so I'm just going to quickly summarize these three questions and then I will explain what each one means to me and I will break down the Magic in each question. So if you are a note taker you can just write down what these questions are and then we will get into the meat of this episode. Number one life-changing question. What would I do if I knew everything? That I do will be good enough. Mmm. So juicy number two. What could I achieve if I became my truest self? I need everyone to ask them that question way more often and number three, how can I get more naked today? You've heard me ask that on the podcast before I'm going to keep asking my audience time and time again, and I want it to be a part of your personal routine. All right, so let's begin with the first question. What would I do if I knew everything that I do will be good enough? Every time you sit down to get some work done. I want you to ask yourself this every time you are about to send a risky text to someone that you like or that you want to impress. I want you to ask yourself this heck. I want you to get this tattooed on your body. Just get it before vulnerable conversations between you and your partner. Before meeting your partner's family for the first time before going on your first Facebook live and your voice is starting to shake maybe when your palms are sweating before your dream job interview. Ask yourself this one simple question. What would I do if I knew everything that I do will be good enough. Your shoulders will inevitably drop you'll feel more like yourself. You'll skip right through layers of resistance that are built up like walls and I say this because I have those walls of resistance. You will escape the fear of being rejected. You'll deeply consider the fact that you are Good enough. And that's the Magic in this question. You are good enough. I'm not telling you that because I want you to Coast through life and be content and never strive for anything more than what you already are. I'm telling you that because not enough of us believe that we are good enough. If we all believed we are truly good enough. We wouldn't be in these jobs that don't fulfill us. We wouldn't be in relationships that we know we're settling for let's just be honest. We wouldn't be living these diluted lives just to fit in with friends. We wouldn't be wasting so much time trying to make ourselves look better than others because we know that we are good enough just from being ourselves. We wouldn't stop ourselves from greatness like we do on a regular basis. Why can I speak to this so clearly and honestly because I need this question as much as you do and that's why I originally created this question. It's a Taylor Lane original. This question came to me one day when I had been procrastinating sitting down and starting my work at my laptop. I finally sat down in front of the computer and I felt a rush of thoughts come to my mind and they were not pretty. These thoughts were like, oh they're going to hate you. They expected these resume edits yesterday. They're not going to like them. They're not going to think it's good enough there. It's going to look too much like the one they already passed you. I mean duct at the sound familiar. I was making the decision that others were going to judge me and I sealed my own deal on not feeling good enough right there with all of those self-sabotage. Negative sentiments that I was accepting by letting them control my thoughts now I had already been procrastinating all morning. I then sat down and didn't actually get to my task because I was running through all of these thoughts in my mind, right? So I had already let the feeling of not being good enough control half of my day. Basically that's ridiculous then luckily. By divine intervention or something This brilliant question flew into my mind like a miracle. What would I do if I knew everything that I do will be good enough. Huh? I'd probably just sit down and do my work, press the send button. I'd know that I did a good job for my clients and I'd move on to the next next task and I'd feel productive. Wow, wouldn't that be easy? Yeah, it really would be that easy, honestly. And since that day, I've been sharing this question all over the place in person with my friends on Instagram in my stories and on a post and the response has been wild people have told me this question has never come into their minds. No parent. No teacher no Mentor. No TV show no Instagram quote. No nothing has ever allowed them this permission to consider the fact That life might be a lot easier. If I knew everything I do was good enough because it is it is good enough. You are good enough just by being it is good enough just because you did it. I want to make that so clear to you right now. People have told me that this question saved them from lots of mental suffering about things like work like friendships relationships family events Financial struggles everything. So I want you to try it and I can't wait to hear what effect it has on you and your life. Just popping in here to quickly let you in on a big secret. I've teamed up with two dear friends of mine Hannah and Madison to create an incredible Community for women like you it's called the inner Bloom Sisterhood, and I'm so excited to announce that it's finally open to join the inner Bloom Sisterhood is a safe space. For women to discover their truth come together for support of conversation, no judgments and learn from the wisdom and Gifts of other talented sisters. I know so fun by attending our virtual women circles engaging in our private online form of exciting topics and my personal favorite experimenting with empowering lifestyle choices. We can bloom into who we are truly meant to be keep loving sister now back to the episode. All right. Let's move on to number two. Number two is what could I achieve if I became my truest self Hallelujah. I love this question. And again this question came to me in a different sense. It actually came to me when I was thinking about a thought that I've seen on many Instagram accounts of people. I Of people in the self-help area of coaches and mentors and I've seen it written in a lot of journals. Okay. I'm a journal girl. I like my stationery. I like my agendas anybody else guilty as charged. So I was actually just kind of analyzing this popular question about reaching goals. And this is this is what it was. So I've heard this for many years. Set a goal think about the person who has does or is that goal? And then asked what would she do today? And it's quite motivating. It's like I could be that person. I totally got this I need to do is change my habits. I just get into the mind of that person who's making that money who's doing that thing who is identifying herself as that as that woman and I do it and I do the things yeah, it was all fine and good until I realized that this prompts us to believe that we need to become. Someone else or different in some way in order to have the life we desire. And then I was like, oh no, I am not on board. Nope. That is not true. Maybe some of you saw this moment on Instagram because I actually recorded myself live talking it out to my audience. Like I guys I need to think about this with an audience in front of me because this does not make sense to me. And I'm so glad I had that realization. Because that is not true. We do not need to become someone else or a different version of ourselves. To have the life we desire that is in fact the opposite of the truth. You want me to set a goal from the perspective of who I am right now and I want to go for myself in the future and then take steps to become the supposed person who would achieve that goal in order to be able to achieve it in the future. Who else is confused that I am not signing up for that? Absolutely not. I will not allow that thought to run my motivational mindset anymore. Absolutely, not. The best thing we can actually do for ourselves is to stop wasting time trying to be something different. We can become who we truly are and then see what we can achieve from that that is way more expansive. It just lifts my whole spirit. I am waving my hands in the air right now. And it's just me in this room with my podcast recording equipment. Wow. Do you feel that? That is an expansive question? That is the key. Stop wasting time trying to become something different and instead become who we truly are. Get naked that's the key. Right. So the question is not who do I need to be calm to achieve my goals? No, the question is what could I achieve if I became my truest self of my whole body is vibrating right now. That is an amazing question for me. I know that if I committed to who I truly am. Oh boy, and I mean really committed like really committed every time I started asking myself. Who should I become who do I need to become? What habits do I need to change? How can I evolved into the better version of myself? What would she do? What would she say as my affirmations? What would she lead me to do all that crap? I mean really cutting that out of my life and recommitting every time my brain starts to flow in that direction. Action recommit being my truest self who I already know which I am lucky to say that because many of us do not even know but I am lucky enough to have witnessed. My most naked self. I know I go deeper and deeper and deeper from that point, but I at least know who I truly am right now I can say that for sure. But I need to commit to it and see what I could achieve because if I did that I know in my heart I could impact thousands of women's lives. I could write books I could speak to large crowds of people I could speak on stages. I could shift perspectives of people who really need to hear what I have to say. And I also know on a more private scale. I could have a private life that is deeply fulfilling. Where I get to explore my spirituality on levels that I don't allow myself to right now because other things are are quotes more important for me to focus on I would have a private life that includes having children someday creating my version of a sanctuary and a heaven in a home. I could create art I could play music. I could feel vibrant everyday no matter how I choose to move my body or what I choose to fuel it with. I mean, I know it. I'm absolutely certain. What could you achieve? If you became your truest self. Your list is probably a lot different than mine. And that is absolutely valid. But when I'm not committed to myself I can't achieve any of that. I just stay busy stopping myself from doing things. I limit my opinions. I limit my expansiveness. I bring it back down to reality. But if I'm being my true self, I am not a realist. I'm an optimist. but instead I stopped myself for from going for you know certain opportunities and I waste time focusing on other things. That would be more practical. I talked myself out of taking risks like I'm a freaking lawyer or something. But enough of that. Enough. Okay, please promise me. Ask yourself this question and your world will change and your next steps will become clear and what you can achieve will be this big expansive possibility instead of going the backwards way and trying to set definitive goals and then become a person who has those goals. I mean that just doesn't fly with me doesn't fly with me and that's why I'm offering you this question. What could I achieve if I became my truest self? All right. Let's get on to the third and final question. This is the simplest of the three and it is no less powerful. Are you ready? How can I get more naked today? This is the last question that I will suggest until our next episode about powerful life-changing questions. It will help you shed. What is covering up your truth on a daily basis? And that is the work. That is the work of getting naked. It's not just a set it and forget it process people. I didn't just decide. Okay, I'm getting naked show me who am I? What does she care about what kind of things in my life have to shift? I decided that getting naked was a process that I'm committed to because I know it's my true north. I know it's my compass. I'd be silly not to and I know you know it too because you're here listening, so It's not like we want to diverge from that track or specifically go against our intuition. It's that life and society and our jobs and people around us even when they mean good. In our own thinking patterns cover up our truth. So yes, we need to shed. We need to shed. What is covering up the truth on a daily basis. So, when would I ask this question at the beginning of a day for those of you who write morning Pages maybe or like to get some mental groundwork in for the day during your commute, you know, whether you're driving or on a public transportation system like a train or the Metro or even people who don't usually do any thinking in the morning. It's okay. Everyone, I want you to start asking yourself this question. How can I get more naked to day now? This might prompt you to think about a lot of things it might get you thinking about how vulnerable you are willing to get about a certain situation and let me tell you the answer will come to you right away, but it's up to you to hear it from your intuition. And accept the answer. Now if you get a very mad at the fact answer that you do not want to take action on that is okay. All right before I go any further. Into explaining the magic of this question. I want you to know that. You don't have to admit how you could get more naked today and take the action in the same day. I know that a lot of the answers to this question are not going to be fluffy. It's not going to be like, oh, well, why don't you tip your Barista in the cafe it no, we're talking about getting naked down to the soul stuff. This is not your fluffy answer that's going to pop into your mind. So. I asked you have the courage to hear the answer and just know you don't have to judge yourself. If you're not ready yet to actually put that into action. It's okay, write it down, please that's the action if that's all you can get that is getting more naked. Okay, cuz some of this stuff is Big so it might ask you how vulnerable you're willing to get. It might suggest that you're hiding from something that you've been hiding for a while. Maybe about a truth in your life. Or this question may just ask of you that you be open to unknown possibilities throughout the day. Maybe it's not anything heavy. These are all valid and in all of these cases in any case this question is a beautiful canvas to start crafting your day. It's a chance to Envision a life that is more than just going through the motions and getting through the day's tasks. It's a lifestyle where you find meaning around every corner. It's a reality that mirrors back how you feel inside, which if you haven't noticed yet Welcome To Earth School. Your reality is a mirror of how you feel inside. But asking this question is fully stepping into this vibrational world as a responsible part of the bigger picture. Okay, a lot of you want to know how you can affect change on a large scale, you know the answer. Take care of your own shit. Take a look inside ask yourself. How can I get more naked today? Maybe it's adding more tolerance to what you already have. With this divided world that we are living in. Maybe that's your radical way of getting more naked and I don't care if you think you're on the right side of things or not. I don't care if you think you're a humanitarian of the year. Maybe getting more naked is stepping down off of this pedestal of you know, I'm doing the best I can in the world and everyone who is not zero waste can just you know, go somewhere because they obviously don't have a heart. I see a lot of those sentiments flying around so sorry if I just gave you a gut check maybe that's how you are going to affect. The biggest change is by taking a look inside and saying, how can I get more naked today? Like I said, the answers will be clear and evident and it's up to you to hear them really hear them. So I like to think of this question as the equivalent to Michael Jackson song Man in the Mirror. Okay. It's a whole vibe. So ask yourself this question for an entire week. For an entire week long. How can I get more naked today? That is going to be the way you contribute to the change you want to see in the world? You'll see your relationships shift. You'll see your work environment improve. And maybe you'll notice that you stop hiding from the magic of who you truly are inside. That is my greatest wish because when we get naked we get true we get true to our core selves, but it's not easy, honestly. Cuz like I said, some of these answers are going to blow your mind of what you think is possible and what you would like to still hide from. It's not easy to tell someone what we truly desire. That is very vulnerable. It's not easy to allow someone to fully explain how you hurt them while you sit in silence and do not defend yourself. Those things are hard. It's not easy to come out. To switch your entire life track. to break up with someone to admit even if it's just to yourself that your marriage or a Business Partnership is failing. To allow your kids the freedom to make their own mistakes. Wow, that takes so much courage. It's not easy to get more naked than we already feel in this world. But it's worth it. So ask yourself, how can I get more naked today? Those are the three life-changing questions that I have for you today folks. I'd love to know how answering these questions impacts your life, please please please send me a DM on Instagram or email me the info for both of those ways of contacting me is in the show notes, and I look forward to it. I read every single message and I respond as quickly as I can. Because it matters to me what experiences you are having as you are allowing my perspectives to come into your heart that matters to me. So please send me a message. I'd love to hear your feedback on this episode. I'll see you on the next one. If you love this podcast and you're so into the content that I am pumping out on every episode. I have such good news for you. You can ask me a question and I will answer it in our naked advice section of this podcast, you might even inspire a whole episode dedicated to answering your question. So I'll tell you what to do. You can do it right on your phone right now hit subscribe to this podcast and then go leave a five-star. You take a screenshot of that review and email it to Taylor at remote like That's Taylor act remote like We will get back to you with a chance to ask your question on this podcast and you're damn right? I will give you some naked advice.
Episode 5 is here to take you on a journey of expansive inquiry! One of the best things you can do for growth is strengthen your ability to inquire and reflect on the possibilities that lie ahead. Let's practice right now! Today I will offer your 3 life changing questions that you can ask yourself. You'll have to actually listen to hear the questions, but some of the magic in this episode includes: - Stop talking yourself out of the GREATNESS that lies ahead, in favor of more "practical" habits. - Repeat after me: You are good enough. What would your life look like if you actually acted like it. - My analysis of a very popular journal/activation question in the self help industry. - What I know I could achieve if I asked myself question #2 more often. - Getting naked is a process of shedding what covers up our truth, on a daily basis. Are you committed? Want Naked Advice from me on the next episode? Submit your question by emailing a screenshot of your 5 star review to or DM me on Instagram @taylor.elizabethlane and I'll answer you with my best naked advice on an episode in the near future. You could inspire an entire episode from your question! **This episode is sponsored by Innerbloom Sisterhood. Start your 7 day free trial TODAY!
Hello and welcome. You're listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for Capricorn season in 2019. My name is Renee. I'm an artist an astrologer and a somatic intuitive in these audio horoscopes all outline. What I perceive as the main areas of focus for each sign in the month ahead and give you creative embodied and practical suggestions. As for working with this season's biggest opportunities and challenges remember that horoscopes describe general energies and it's up to you to get specific listen with your intuition turned on and your mind open take what works leave the rest. I suggest that you listen to the horoscopes for your son and your rising signs. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born. Your rising sign is determined by the time of day you are born and the place you were born if you Your birth information you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website embodied and the horoscope section to learn more about what's coming up in the next 30 days and the major themes of 2020 in general. Make sure to listen to break down to break through the embodied astrology episode for Capricorn season, you can find this episode Linked In the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your favorite listening platforms. If you're hungry to learn more about astrology check out my subscriber. Earrings, you can subscribe by donation at any amount per month and receive access to an extended monthly forecast and principal Astro Journal that gives you detailed day by day break downs of the planetary aspects and lunar cycles and suggestions for how to work effectively with their energy subscribers also get discounts on year ahead birthday Reports online classes Live Events and the embodied astrology Basics handbook speaking of Live Events. I would love to see you next month in, Portland, Oregon. Giving a talk on the astrology of 2020 on Saturday January 4th at 7 p.m. At psychic sister on Alberta the next day Sunday, January 5th. Come hang out with me from 11:00 to 4:00 at the people's yoga Northeast where we'll continue to explore the amazing astrology of 2020. I'll teach you how to work with your own chart and we'll play with fun creative and embodied approaches for working with Astro energy for manifestation by tality and joy details for both events are in the show notes are on my website. Right embodied in the Play and Learn section under Live Events. All of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for free. I know how helpful astrology can be for making sense out of the world and it's important to me to keep this work financially accessible especially during these crazy times in the world. If this work benefits you in your life, please support me to continue making it you can make a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going and sidenote recurring. Lead owners get access to the awesome subscriber content the number one way. You can support this work is to share it. Please share it with your family and friends and leave five star reviews on iTunes, SoundCloud and Spotify and follow me on Instagram and Facebook at embodied astrology. Thank you so much for tuning in. Please wait for a brief sponsorship message and I'll be right back at you with your horoscope. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on. Modify Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. 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So you'll never miss an episode because you want to catch them all don't you? Hello Gemini, welcome to your horoscope for Capricorn season. So this season is bringing a lot of energy into our lives. This energy is a deep change energy a deep transformation energy. And there's a lot of emphasis on letting go of old ways of being now, all of us are going through this collectively and each of us are going through it in the visually in the unique ways that we're experiencing this in our lives as I look at the Gemini solar. The main focus of this release and transformation energy that I'm seeing has to do with a kind of energetic space that you can occupy in yourself and also in relationship with other people that is a more unconscious or subconscious energetic space that may manifest as insecurities inhibitions shame the feeling of debt and that could be material debt as well as energetic debt or obligation. Oh and also deep desires deep desires that may or may not be realized and deep fears fears that may or may not be realized. So think about the ways that your energy gets held up and gets hooked onto some kind of object and the object could be a Fascination and desire a longing the object could be a fear, please. No, never let that happen or a kind of insecurity that you may have again. This could come through with yourself and also in relationship to others. It's a very, you know, the this kind of energy that I'm talking about is often a really hard to talk about because the the complexity of these kinds of feelings where energy gets hooked is always layered. So there are always deep stories and corn narratives that are part of these. Books, for example if there's a debt a feeling of lack of value and obligation could easily become entwined and entangled with deeper narratives around value in the world around the sustenance you did or did not get as a young person around ancestral experiences narratives that you may have built around identity factors. Choose your gender or race or body size or things like this and the debt itself will start to take on these magnificent proportions. And every time you feel into it, then this whole complex of other stories and narratives gets triggered. So when I'm talking about the the space that's getting transformed for you. The easiest thing for me to call it is the space of Shadow and the space of Shadow how I Is it is the space where we kind of hold things a little bit at a distance often? It's easier to turn away than to looked look directly there. However for the Gemini personality, especially this space of Shadow has quite a lot of intrigue to it and there are ways that you might be really interested in working with your own shadow side or working with ways of being that might be in the shadow of our culture. The more kind of like status quo Shadow and by that, I mean taboo things that that other people aren't so comfortable with you might actually be fascinated and really interested in. So the space of Shadow is not necessarily only an avoidant space. It can also be a really magnetic space. It can be deeply compelling and it's really rich in the kinds of content that it has there because as I said the content that's there is Faceted and multi-layered. It's very complex with with roots of experiences Twining into all kinds of other experiences within your life. So a lot of different circumstances and experiences. Maybe what I'm talking about to all the many Gemini's who might be listening. So again, please listen with your own intuition turned on if anything that I'm saying is clicking something for you then go with it. Now I want to say that over the last decade of your life. You have been learning about this Shadow space and this may have been a learning that results from an increasing Fascination. It may be learning that results from experiences in your life that force you to contend and comprehend this kind of energy. It may be anything in between but over the course of these last ten years and depending on your natal placements. This energy will have been over at various times more than others, but over the course of this time, you have been learning something about your own relationship to this more hidden Subterranean kind of energy and how you want to work with your deep desires and also your deep fears the ways that you have your energy held up or held on to Fascinations obsessions debts, wherever you feel an energetic weight or an energetic anchor that is pulling you into some kind of, you know, very intense kind of focus on something and so for some people this definitely happens with fear, you know and insecurities, I'm Full of something happens. So I'm going to ruminate and obsess about it and do everything I can to avoid it happening and that might even be not thinking about it. But that obsessive kind of quality will manifest in in other more direct lines of focus, but at the heart of it is some kind of insecurity or some kind of hang up this can also manifest with desire to really deeply long for something and especially to long for something that might be harder to attain that might be something that you actually feel some insecurities about or Shame about or there's a narrative around what it is that you want that for whatever reason makes it bad or off-limits to yourself or to other people. This can also create a kind of energetic wait if there are obligations or debts between you and other people and that could be material. Or energetic. So something that is expected in terms of behavior attention, etcetera or some some kind of literal debt of time energy or resource. These can also act as weights of some kind and so in this last decade you have been learning through these kinds of experiences how to work with your own energy and how to work with your own energy of fear of Desire of obsession and of Action when you work with this kind of energy you have to work with a lot of layers because it's so complex. So as you start to work through one layer, then you get to another you've probably had several experiences in these last 10 years 11 years where you recognize some way of being that is natural for you or desire that you have to be in a particular way. You need to incorporate that you need to come out about in some way or another and over the last two years or so. There has been an increasing sense of momentum and stability within this kind of recognition. There's more support for you to do this kind of work for you to own your authentic experience and to integrate it in ways that are appropriate. Appropriate for you just in the last couple of weeks. There's actually a big boost of energy that wants to help you that wants to bring a kind of uplifting experience into your life and buoyancy so that you can really celebrate these parts of yourself so that you can learn as completely as you possibly can what the potential of these experiences you've been going through is and You want to work with the result of these experiences which is your expanded capacity and understanding of yourself. Now as we get into Capricorn season starting on the 21st of December a lot of energy is coming in that is really big and and deep kind of breakthrough and change energy on the 25th or the 26th. Depending on where you are in the world will have the first of two. Lips has and Capricorn season and this is a solar eclipse at four degrees of Capricorn. So check your natal chart and see if you have any planets or points for degrees. The energies of these planets and points will be highlighted. If so, what's coming in at this time, right at the beginning of Capricorn season is some kind of recognition and this recognition has to do with this peeling back of the layers of going. Oh, that's what's underneath this kind of feeling or that's what's underneath this. Energetic hook and it's like you get to the bottom of something. You can have pretty profound Insight that seems to maybe come out of nowhere your subconscious and unconscious minds is really ready to expand. So this is an excellent time for you to engage with deep self-inquiry meditation or something something similar and the question that you want to ask yourself is what do I need to let go of in order to open more? fully to my own energy and there's something here about letting go of fear and letting go of control and control includes your desire to control the world around you or to control other people your fear of being out of control and also the ways that you get involved in relationships that then have control over you so there's a need right now for you to be in right relationship with control and to not let it Manipulate you and to not let it shut you down as we get into the kind of middle of Capricorn season from the 10th through the 13th of January. We reached the Crux period of this change energy in this transformation energy. There may be some really specific circumstances that you experience around this period of time for some people it will be more subtle and energetic for some people it will be blatant and obvious. Obvious in the external world, but something is coming to a head. There is a reckoning point. And again, this Reckoning Point has to do with how you hold yourself energetically and the ways in which your your energy gets hooked, and it gets weighted down and you want to get to a space again where you feel accountable to your own energy and like you can open up to a clear flow and that clear flow means that you're not going to Be manipulated or sidelined by fear or control or insecurity and that you can see your desires for what they are. You can integrate them in healthy consensual balanced ways in your life and you're not going to apologize for ways of being that are actually fine for you to be that way. There may need to be some accountability or atonement in another way. There may be apologies that are necessary to give for some people but if those apologies are coming out than they're coming out because it's the release of an energetic weight that you've been carrying now during this period of time on the 10th of January. We have our second eclipse. This is a lunar eclipse at 20 degrees of cancer. So again, check your natal chart notice if there's any planets or points at 20 cancer again, these points are specifically exaggerated and Amplified by this Eclipse energy. This eclipse is Ali a big kind of warm loving Embrace for you and a call for you to recognize your innate and intrinsic value love yourself forgive yourself the more completely you can hold yourself and recognize your your worth and your value the more fully you can integrate you can get out from underneath the oppressive thumb of the insecurities or the fears the or you can bring abundance and resource into your life. So good ways to practice honoring this energy would be meditating on softening your inner body on trying to cultivate a feeling of receptivity and welcoming. What is good and abundant into your life welcoming love and welcoming the realization of your desires and Do what you can to really connect with the core or the root of your desires so that you understand kind of purely what their Essence and energy is about and what you want to bring into your life. Make sure to check in with me for the new moon and the full moon. I always offer some way to attune to the lunar energy. And of course, there's a lot that's going on in the sky over Capricorn season and I offer an extended monthly. Subscriber Edition where I go through all of the astrology I talk about what planets I'm looking at what signs Etc and give suggestions for how to work with those energies in general and as a kind of wrapping up of this horoscope. I want to say that Capricorn season is a an incredible portal for you to open into a deeper and more satisfying Realm Of Your Existence and the key for you is to turn and face anything that feels like you've been keeping it in the shadow and Recognize that the shadow is extremely rich. There's a lot for you there. I'm wishing you all the best in Capricorn season and Beyond. Thank you for listening and bye for now just a reminder that I'll be offering to Live Events the weekend of January 4th in Portland, Oregon and I would love to see you there check the show notes for more info or go to embodied and find my live events in the Play and Learn section. Happy New Year.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Capricorn Season in 2019/2020. Capricorn Season extends between December 21, 2019 - January 20, 2020. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to “Break Down to Breakthrough - Embodied Astrology for Capricorn Season.” In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of the zodiacal energy of Capricorn and explore how it manifests in our bodies, minds, emotions, relationships and in the world and I’ll discuss some of the potent transits happening in Capricorn season linking us to cycles that have deeply influenced our world for the past 500 years. Everyone has every sign in their chart, and Capricorn represents amazing and important energy for each of us. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Capricorn season and is also a very healing and powerful energy to check in with at any point. Listen here: Get the Capricorn Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Follow Embodied Astrology: Instagram - @embodiedastrology Facebook - Embodied Astrology (@embodiedastrology) Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
What's up Everest? Welcome back to another episode of hyper Heroes here on hyper rabbit power Go. Whoo, there is so much to discuss so much energy in the room so much energy. Let's get into it. I'm pumped us farts Palpatine Disney plus reaction for Star Wars episode nine rise of Skywalker of the rise of Skywalker. I'm always gonna I'm going to get that confused. I'm going to say rise of the Skywalker rise of Skywalker. Yeah, the rise of Skywalker. Take us a while. We take a six months to figure it out a little bit a little bit. It doesn't roll off the tongue rise of the Skywalker's rise up and better a slow Walker Rising people those Jingles baby. Yeah Rise of the Silver Surfer that desicrew Solutions. I can do this only seems like it would be really fun. Before we start I want to let you guys know we have officially relaunched our patreon if you go down to the description or go to So I was hyper are is the patient on you're looking for this is the feature that we've completely redone the whole thing. We've got new goals new tears. We've eliminated some tears. We've added some tears. We've got so many new goals on their one of them as we talked about a few months back. One of the goals is to do the Invincible pot. I already have four books of of the ultimate collection. I got lots for you to read excited. Very excited. We're very close. We have a we have a few goals before are like first main goal. Our first main goal is to come back and do commentaries and we still do owe you guys a commentary. So we will do that regardless of when we hit that goal will do that for you guys before Hector and I have been talking about doing another podcast about 3D movies. Yeah. I think we're definitely going to sprinkle in there because there were waves session already special guest Augustine when he was occasionally occasionally, I'll do it. I'll do it. I totally do it, but I don't I don't be a good time. We'll talk about three movies just every single thing that's what we do is we do on Twitter all the time. Look I really feel like I'm changing my world around me. Who are you voting real comment on our video today? That was like I'm so glad I found people who love 3D and I'm like, all right, cool the communities out there. We just have to gather our dozens of other. We're the new 3D order. Also. Did you guys are the never nudes of 3D? That's right. Also did see that a leader is coming out in Okay 3D combo pack like that's what's up. So that's totally you guys. That's what's up. That's what's up. Are you guys to pick by yourselves are driving the in it. We are definitely better be we've been told that multiple times. No, no. No you guys you guys are going to find that Community out there. I hope so. I think that other than that other project that we talked about as well is also something, you know, yeah, that's fun. Yeah. So if you go to slash ipg there's a whole bunch of new stuff. We've got several new tears we've got Here's we call it the hyper homie tear we get early access to videos podcasts eventually commentaries. You can ask questions that we will answer on this show. We had several people ask questions for tonight's show. We're going to be answering those throughout the episode. There. It is coming is sprinkle at T. Oh, yeah, baby. Oh, I sprinkled them into the topic school. So whatever topics they're related to and we also have a couple of the very end. We're going to answer so you can do that for five bucks a month. We also have a $2.00 tier where you get access to polls you get access to some digital goodies that I'm going to be throwing in there. Are going to change probably every month. I know a lot of people have been huge fans of me doing like wallpapers for mobile devices and backgrounds. I might throw some other cool shit in there that I can't tell you about illegal things. Just kidding. Ya Dad and we're also very open to experimenting with the tears. And if you feel like there's something that could be added to justify the value of a certain tier. Yeah, please tell us we have a support email patreon at hyper RPG. I'm on the other end of that. I'm reading everything. I'm responding all the time. I was responding all To stuff and sending out emails to people didn't have much man. No, I think I do some shoots sushi in my mouth before we started filming yourself trying man. I'm trying man. That's why I have an amazing girlfriend who keeps me? Seriously. She's thank you for keeping out of a live simultaneous right now. It would be dead. He would have died you would have died, right but remember super super excited about that hate Ron. I know a lot of you guys always ask us. When are you going to react to something? When you going to react to something everyone here has day jobs. Everyone here is doing multiple projects we Not be in the same room as soon as the trailer drops, but if we continue to grow patreon bringing more people this yeah, we can eventually turn this into something a little bit more than what it is now. Yeah where we can free up more time and do things in a more timely manner. That's really the goal of the patreon aside from unlocking all the goals that we want to do, you know, like the new podcast and you shows all the stuff we have ideas for so much stuff. Yeah part of that is to actually allow us to be able to do things in a timely manner. So if you guys jump on the patreon, I'm not Tell you what tear you should join but give it a look and if you have suggestions like we're happy to hear suggestions for what you guys think about it. We want to be very open and communicative. I'm on patreon all day. It's like it's literally just an open tab on my browser and I'm just in there like talking to people responding to people. I'm in Discord Discord access with a lot of those patreon tears. So give it a look. There's a lot of really cool stuff. We worked really hard to try to make sure that it's something that we think you guys would enjoy and some that excites us. All the goals are things that like we really want to do. We would never make a goal for something that we're like this could be cool. This micro pin people like know we were going to spend time doing commentaries on movies. Yep. We want to do it with four movies that we like love it. We love doing this we're going to do a podcast on a comic book series total going to be my favorite comic book series. Exactly. It's good. Exactly and we have we have on paper like a rough timeline of like when we would hope to hit these goals. Yeah, but right now we just want to get the word out there. So if you do join the patron or you find it here that you love Spread it on Twitter Instagram Facebook. Just any sort of social media. Even on other YouTube channels, like let them know like hey, we have a patreon we're doing it. So the other homies to cuddle your homies. Yeah, we literally have a freaking tear called hyper homies. Let's get everyone in there. But we're really really excited about me and everyone who stuck around while the patron was down while we were moving and rebranding and all that sort of stuff that you so much for supporting us. A lot of people just stuck around for no reason. Other than that they believed in us they had faith in us that we would come back. Is it a real home? Right there. Those are the back something really cool. So thank you guys so much and we're going to continue just chugging along doing all this stuff and really working and communicating with you guys and just bring you guys passionate shit that we'd love to make because there's no other reason to do this. That's what we do is well, that's all we bring. That's all we bring. I love that should call our friends home. He's ever homies man. I love that. That's that's it. That's it. It's the best. It's the best. I got to give a shout out though to the person who gave me that idea is my buddy Christian. Oh, yeah, you guys know Chris. Yeah. The first time he called me a hyper homie. I was like why have we not use it? What have we done like an idiot? So all the credit goes to Christian and he's like, yeah, he's the best use it on the show dude. Yeah, it's the best so and and you know, whenever there's new updates or anything will keep you guys updated as quick as we can about things are going to change but just go ahead go check it out. I think you're going to love it and hit us up on social media. If you do end up joining. We have a really cool tear called the bungee Road here. It's 35 bucks or sorry. It's $25. If you join that one of us will send you a personalized video message. Yes, sir. We're testing it. Yeah, we were testing it a couple months. Remember we were testing it that video chatting. That's yeah. I've been sending them out. There's a lot of people who've been actually moving from $5 tears to ten to thirty five dollar tears as I've been sending those. I know it's a lot of fun because you know, we can communicate with you guys one on one and the big push for me was like cool. I want to make sure that I give someone something valuable every time I record something some or something insightful. So I'm really excited to do those and just look at the goals. There's a lot of stuff on there. But thank you guys so much for your support and we can't wait to transparent making more content. Also, if you are listening to us on the podcast, hello, you can't see me waving but hello jump over to YouTube slash hyper RPG. You can watch this watch us every single almost said live you can watch us every single week. If you don't know the podcast is available. I have a podcast Google play SoundCloud Spotify. It's literally all Over the place. The only thing I ask if you are listening on any platform leave a comment leave a like the more comments and the more frequent get more ratings that we get climbs up the charts. Let's get more people. Let's get more hyper homies in helpful. That's how fit super super helpful. So just search hyper Heroes and you should be able to find it on any platform and if it's not there tell me that it's not okay you that was a lot of that was a lot of different second. Next up first. Look Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian. And now Amy Acker as Jonna Jana Jana Jana with like a why but not speeds like Hannah but Jana Jana. Yeah, I cannot Jana people are saying Jana issue. Lando's daughter looks dope is a black person in the galaxy far far away where she was like Hey Lando is a very Charming person and he's probably got kids all over. Robot lady all kinds of baby mamas like half an inch, right? What was it about in Han Solo my God L. Something L fell five Johnny 5 is alive Johnny - Johnny V Eliza thinking of Wally. It was wildly and yeah, it hurts. Yeah, they definitely had sex and then she put her brain into the Millennium Falcon. Yeah. So, you know we're talking about Star Wars celebration is happening in Chicago the episode 9 panel happened today, you're watching this on Saturday. It happened yesterday. We just got together with the trailer reaction, but We kind of talked about this stuff in the trailer. So we're not necessary going to go to in great detail, but the biggest takeaway for me personally other than seeing Lando again looking Suave has farts amazing 83. He's all amazing amazing. Like Billy Dee Williams came out there and he had nothing but beautiful things to say about the character of Lando Calrissian being in the Star Wars movies. JJ Abrams is a director. It made me super excited to see Lando on screen again. Like I didn't even need to see land on the trailer. Yeah. Just seeing Billy Dee. Was exciting enough for me to go like this like where have you been man? He was emitting so many good vibes. It was just seeing him on screen was just and seeing him legitimately happy totally there and like play this character again felt very good to me and to me speaks volumes about what they're doing in this movie and having him and having him on Star Wars Rebels was such a jerk. Yeah. That was great. I said watch that episode list season one. That was so good. Also, my friend Kyle Anderson over at Nerdist let everybody know today reminded him the D. Sense for December. So this man's name is literally William December Williams. Really? It's awesome. What was Billy Williams? Yes. I know. Yeah, I wonder uh-huh. Whoa. Now. I need to go watch every interview with Billy Dee's like cooler somehow then he was how is that because it's like the coolest name Williams number will he's like Loser, I have no name that could potentially be brutal for you growing up as a Suave as 80 year old. You're like Billy Dee homie. Yeah, some of the kids that kids on the playground. It's William this is and he was like call me Billy Dee seven years old. He turned 18. Oh, no son. Um Let Me Take My Panties Off years old. He's like, hey, hey, who's up? On the slide William Billy Dee the final movie. Yeah and seeing like how big of an impact they will have just like Peter Dinklage and Vinny warlike and three words like everything and I wasn't Peter Dinklage like yeah. Yeah, yes and doing a giant. Yeah, it's so good. But yeah, I'm really excited to see a lot of the photos that they showed throughout the panel were great. It was great to see the new cast with characters like threepio are to be be a doj chewy and one of the highlights for me was when JJ said that the exciting thing for him was to tell a story where all of these new characters are going on an adventure finally. Yeah together together because in didn't happen episode 7 and 8 they were all doing their own thing. Things and then they would reconvene. It had like a certain point Poe didn't meet Ray until the end of the last movie. So I'm excited to see these characters sort of like what's been the evolution of the relationships because we know there's a passage of time. We just don't know how much how long do you think it is? I don't know. I I'm putting my money on like years three to think three years. I put my money on. How long was it between a New Hope and Empire a year? It was two years. I think years Jedi and Empire was six months. I think six months. I'm putting my money on up up. I'll say one year like when Will it pass talking the way they were talking about on the panel? I would say five plus years five plus five plus years. It's a fart out really. Well, that's a lot. I know it's a lot but that's the vibe I got from it. Yeah, but I don't know it's all speculation. It's all speculation on my iPhone. It's like a whole different person. She's been reading those books and like uh times they are not and Luke Skywalker's been talking in her ear. Like, I'm sure Obi-Wan Kenobi. Sure. Yoda has been talking in here. I'm just she's got In all the knowledge from all these amazing Jedi that our horse goes exactly and maybe it maybe and Daisy Ridley did say, I believe she said I could be wrong. She may have only been addressing an a topless. Kylo Ren, but I believe she did say that those two carriers will not have any like horse Connections in this movie could be wrong though. She may have only been addressing and hit his his being sure. Yeah. She said that we would not see anymore Nick. Okay. So so there is a potential that there might be more of those connections. That was a big joke and And that'll be fun to see how Luke plays into that if that does happen like saying Yoda and then there's the title they reveal the title The Rise of Skywalker interests somewhat. No, I don't want to say controversial but questionable like why is this time we talked about it. We did we were just discussing. I mean even went after right after our trailer reaction Zach was here. We're all talking about it and and it we're all really hopeful about it. All right, but we feel that it could also it just feels a little bit like a I don't want to say betrayal but a a different direction than the direction that was happening with the story in the themes of The Last Jedi and now we're sort of reverting to the the the standbys the familial relationships the those characters and especially with the emperor laugh at the end and you know, and the Death Star again and and even though these are things that are constantly with in Star Wars The Last Jedi at least for me felt really like they were proving Ray is from nowhere. She could be from nowhere. This world is for everyone. Everybody has a seat at the table anybody can Hero of Their Own Story. In fact, we're going to nail it over the head with you with broom kid at the end. Yeah. It's sort of like a like all of this potential. It's blowing World out exactly and then we come back to this and it's a the Skywalker's and you're like, okay and you know, we were saying exactly saying he does not how we were done with Skywalker's that's it. That's what I'm hoping. That's what we're feeling and my thought just as you were explaining that Hector and I express this earlier is that I hope Skywalker is a level that you attain a lot of people are sad. I'm actually hoping that Skywalker is a term kind of like so they we had the term Jedi for a long time. Yeah, but maybe Skywalker is going on here in general you order of that term like now just like every just like when you became a samurai in Japan, you are a samurai now like that name carries a certain significance and from the beginnings Japanese Japanese mythology has been a big part of the Star Wars Rowland Smith. Was overall yeah and so I have a feeling that that is going to be a level you ascend to rather than like a physical rise of like the Skywalker's will always dominate everything and everywhere. I've seen similar conversations to that. Yeah. I'm like what people are like we hope it's not literal. We hope this it's metaphor that of yeah, I agree. I agree and I think that's that is how you do justice to these three movies. It's about Legacy Star Wars only about Legacy, but also being the hero of your own story. Do you what does she want to share her Theory? You on that on the Internet or if she wants here. Is she playing that come sneak this come sneak this as you cover all happened, she crawls under the light not to destroy our lighting our beautiful lighting. This is not a patriot. So yeah Theory you look at the three you look at the three final movies of each Trilogy Angeles evangelist if returned to the Jedi rise of the Her verb specific now like identifier verb revenge sieve return Jedi rise Skywalker. I think yeah this new line of Jedi like you said broom kid. I think I think they're all going to be named. I think Jedi because we have we saw the death that we saw the Last Jedi, right? That was the last Jedi. This is the first Skywalker. It's gonna be a new it. I think I think to I'm just thinking about this on the spot. I think maybe Ray will Embrace that it is about balance it is yes about light good and bad. We Darkness it's everybody has a balance. I can't wait to have you want to review this movie beautiful and then to come back to this theorem like God damn it. She was right and then just that term of Skywalker like a Jedi could technically fly walk in the sky. And they can walk in the sky you guys there's literally skywatchers wrong was that oh shit. They'll shoot lasers out of their face. Yeah. Well actually not only bring that up. What's funny about the panel is Judge actually said you may see this character do something that I've never done before and I'm like new for you our gun Powers. I mean look, I floating. You don't have all the books that all those Jedi history books and like not unlock something new exactly. You're not going to be chatting like hammers walking on the sky walking in the sky. I won't jumping from cloud week out. Do this leaving portals with your hands? Is there gonna be strange man? Yeah. Well, so we've got a couple questions from patreon. First of all, thank you so much for to Amy vas for becoming a hyper homie. Yes, $5 tier. Hey guys, love the show. I look forward to watching every single week. My question is about Star Wars. Perfect what things plot lines or characters? Do you think have been underserved in the new Star Wars Trilogy so far that you believe can be improved upon or fix an episode 9 for me. It is exactly what JJ is doing it is taking Seeing all of the new characters share and sending them off on their first adventure together. I love Poe Dameron. I love Finn. I love Ray. I love I've even come to like love Rose and all the other new characters. Are they introduced in the second movie? Yeah. I'm excited to see these characters go off on an adventure on their own with no Leia. No Luke know Han the impact that those characters have had Luke on Ray Leia on PO. Yeah and and and just the resistance and the first order and Circumstances what those things have done to fin as a character console him in in Han Solo on Finn even and and sort of him coming to terms with John boyega. Talk about the panel. He said, you know, it might sound silly but even the costume like me having my own costume custom-made costume that is fees. Yeah suit, right. It is not settled finally felt like he was in Star Wars Aqua. We took three movies together. So those are the elements that I'm looking forward to. Yeah, honestly, I don't feel let down by a lot. At this point to me, it's just kind of picking and choosing like real splitting hairs type of situation. So I can't I can't really complain about much because I am so my perspective on this like I'm so open to change and open to new things coming into this universe sure that anything you throw at me at this point. I'm like, yeah run with that and therefore the adventure with this just like just I'm hoping that and and this is all speculation that they do close out that start with that that Skywalker Trilogy. That's how Arc and then move on to the next thing so to the new stuff, I don't know if it's that's underserving or over-serving something. But yeah, I think I'm in the same boat as you are Augustine where it's like I'm hesitant to say stuff needs to be like improved upon are fixed because I feel like each of these movies did what it set out to do and so did so low and so did Rogue one and I feel that Star Wars movies, even though we've been getting one a year for the past, you know, since 25 years. This will be the fourth one. Yeah, even if we get it. One a year, they're not Marvel movies and even Marvel movies a lot of I've seen a lot of criticism Patrick will him on YouTube has a great series about the limitations of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. One of his big things is like the comic books that come out once a month are able to fill in storylines but Marvel movies perfect example, I think he's totally right on this. The best example is Bucky is underserved. He becomes a plot point in movies versus like a character fleshed out in yeah, and he talked about like certain comic like miniseries about. All right. Let's flush out Winter Soldier so that So you get that and then you go back to like the event you're like, oh this is what he's going through. So like his so one of the criticisms I got that he was talking about was like, there's just not enough stuff, right and I'm like, that's it. That's like champagne problems. That's that's you know that all of these characters in the Marvel movies and you're like, yeah, but this one yeah, exactly and now Disney plus which we're going to talk about like him and Falcon are getting you know, so he's been talking about you can talk about, you know, go the vision Wanda maximoff romance. Some people were like not feeling it for when all of a sudden there, too. Together in Infinity War well, now they're getting issues. So I don't I'm hesitant to say I need more of something because even though one movie a year. I also know there's tons of Star Wars books. I've read a couple exactly there's Comics like I love Poe Dameron and I know I'm like if I want more Poe I could just read his awesome Marvel comic series, which I haven't gone and done all of it yet really but like it's there and so I'm not you know, I don't expect these are to our movies once a year, right, you know that are trying to do a lot of different stuff and juggle a lot of characters versus Marvel Now Marvel movies are A year? Yeah, so if I'm if I'm watching a Marvel movie like Ant-Man and I'm like, yeah, this is cool. But what's up with that nose at the end. They address it, you know like they get that they get that momentum that these movies it's different. It's more hype for Star Wars. So so I think I'm in the same boat as you Augustine. Like I'm not you know, I don't look at them and go I wish they did this because if I do there's so much other stuff dude, we're getting Cassie and and or like like get the fuck out dude. Yep. He's like, he's one of my favorite characters. He's in one movie and even when he was I was still like that's my dude. I love this movie. I'm a I'm a happy camper. I know why he had to die like it I get this movie and now they're going to do a show and the Mandalorian like that looks so, you know, if I'm being honest there should be more taika waititi in Star Wars. Guess what the meritorious I have. Nothing to complain about second question for Michael Morgan. Do you think that maybe lay adopts re making her a Skywalker also a chance that Star Wars will want to top end game and make episode nine three hours and nine. What's going to happen? That's what should happen. That's why you know, we talked we already kind of talked about sort of the idea of what it means what the title sort of implicates rising Skywalker, but I like could be that it could be that we've mentioned this type of thing other way around where re-examine sides that I am going to doctor's name. I don't hate that idea like that the message in the meaning also. Yes, I mean cuz she's deciding her own future at yeah, and again people have been pointing this out to online. I've seen past couple days the moment in The Last Jedi at the end. The kids are talking about that's or Badoo Badoo Skywalker in an alien language Plateau dee doo doo doo Luke, you know bilawal Bhutto first order like that's that's somebody said that's characters in Star Wars playing Star Wars is the most Star Wars thing ever. Absolutely. But but you know, they're going to talk about Ray and that's it. Okay and there and for her to go to take on and be like, I'm Ray Skywalker. Yeah. It's like, you know, one of my favorite moments in episode 6 is when threepio was telling the history of what's Happening. Absolutely. Yeah, I love that. He's doing sound effects and like it's great. It's over there playing that song Jubjub to background. Yeah, that was in the original ending. Okay. I love you have no thanks for having us. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you guys so much for the questions. Really appreciate it. Let's move on to Disney plus this is so because holy Shenanigans. This is saying this was an Investor's call that happened yesterday. Damn. It was a it was available to watch online. I watched a lot out of it. I was also simultaneously getting text messages from somebody who was updating me constantly about it and they were like, I don't know if I'm supposed to be telling you this because I think this is only for employees. I'm like, well good thing it's on social media and people are watching it. Yeah, you should be fine. Yeah, I just won't say anything. Yeah, but Disney plus did announce a whole plethora of things one of them being that they will officially be launching November 12th tight the service will be available for $6.99 a month ice or $69.99. Here I would do that which comes out to five dollars and eighty three cents a month. So there you go. Let's just address this first question from Eric portney who has the Disney price the Disney plus price point seems like a direct attack on Netflix being half the price. Well this cause Netflix to lowered subscription price or it and if so will have an impact on the how ambitious future Netflix genre projects can be. I don't think so. I think that Kaiju is right now, okay. I just upset Kaiju side Joe and countries like Catholics. Kaito, I just called and I joke I joke like cougar. Yeah, that would be his middle name. I think I think Netflix will ultimately be fine. Yeah, everybody so hyped on this and you should be but everything that they mentioned still pales in comparison to everything that Netflix offer absolute. We're forgetting it's just that will happen to love every single thing that Disney plus announced when you know, like I mean, they said like 200 Disney Channel original movies and everybody our age was like And they put their pants but like really you're going to sit there and watch Halloweentown to and now that's not I'm not going to watch not that's not a competitor you will but that's not you know that you're supposed also like you got to look at like the bigger picture Disney is a and like Netflix is so gigantic company like Netflix has blown up. Yeah ever since, you know, it's been doing all these original things. Yeah, but Disney's Disney. Yeah Disney can afford to make it $6.99 a month right one because like they want everybody and their grandmother and their great-grandmother and their great-grandchildren. Children to have this thing. So the only way you're going to get it in literally every single person's home is to make it as affordable as possible. And I think that this is worth it because again, it's not as much stuff at launch day as Netflix has Netflix has had a years-long head start. This is all specific to Disney stuff and Netflix has so many different brands on top of their original stuff which they built up over the years. So many deals rainbow me things and and their Marvel Netflix stuff and Haunting of Hill House those kinds of things they are. Eyeing the Egyptian Theater as well Netflix's yeah Netflix. Yeah their negotiations to well their negotiations to buy it from America Cinematheque, and there's been a lot of controversy about this but based on the article. I read it's basically to help American Cinematheque. Keep it running. Okay, and Netflix will apparently use the space. I hope for their own premieres exactly Premier today gave you their new stuff, but keep it what they want to let American Cinematheque like run everything else and let it do what it always going to be that what l cap does with Disney. Yeah because of That's the case like I'm fine with it because I love that for you. And I love seeing movies there. I don't want to turn this something that like it shouldn't be right l cap is still El Cap. Yeah, but it's got that Disney store right next door like you walk through the kid just like you do a Disney World is heel and walked into this child right after but I think it's freaking brilliant that they're doing this and buying their theater. And now they have the theater presents where they can show their movies whatever they want to show. So there this is the Battle of two giant Megazords going at each other is so Megazord in the Dragonzord, right? Exactly. It's like the new Hammer versus the old grizzled Original Dragon Sword or original Megazord and it's just like I feel like I feel like we have so many varied options in a streaming service at this point that anybody could have taken off next to Netflix, but they haven't really and now Disney comes along with this capacity. Yeah, I feel just like with anything else competition is good for all of us like most I think also like you look at what Netflix is making in terms of its original content, right? Right, right, right. Disney is making stuff that is sort of for all ages. You look at all the stuff that aside from Marvel and Star Wars like it's fan the National Geographic stuff. Yeah, the Jeff Goldblum series like yeah, it's all stuff that is meant to be for all ages. Right? I don't think you're going to see a lot of I would say The Simpsons is maybe the most likes edgiest thing yet, but they also might put on Deadpool right in the front of like the big announcement remember when the United but I don't think Deadpool is going to be on the streaming server. What he probably won't be he probably won't be but there's a possibility that it's very possible. But I to me one of my favorite Netflix shows is queer. I like I don't know if Disney would do a show like queer eye. That's okay also watch on Netflix all that's that's what I'm saying. Like there's there's gonna be things shows for adults exactly. Exactly. So there's going to be things that we are not going to be able to get from Disney. Exactly unless they figured out some deal with Fox where they have a different Distribution Company and then it's like really Ian and predators only push all that shit to Hulu because they got a huge stake in Hulu as well 60 so we don't we don't know. We don't know what's gonna happen. I don't think like I don't know people that don't have Netflix yet that are on the fence and we're waiting for today to be like, okay now that I know I'm going to get Disney Pleasant. If you don't have Netflix, then you're like our moms and dads or something and you'd like your of a different your mama got Netflix use it so does my mom but so I don't think that's gonna happen and I also don't see people straight up dropping Netflix to Disney plus like launch day because if people that have Netflix now they have it they use it and they're also going to feel left out if they just drop everything. I feel like other things like Amazon Prime Hulu CBS all access DC Universe. Those are the kind of the ones that are sort of honestly a little bit in trouble and even with DC like again, I think this is a fantastic price point. This is something that is like DC Universe I think is also safe because at least for me like that's a specific thing. It's very nice. It's very nice. Like I'm loving what I'm getting the Criterion Channel exactly exactly, which is like people are going to get that they're not going to get it and expect a shows like queer eye and you know Tiding up with Marie. Kondo and all these different things. It's like, you know what you're getting but Disney is trying to be that but it is like the family-friendly. Yeah streaming thing and I think one thing one thing against your Amazon point, I think the one thing they have going for them is because in fact they are am is exactly and it's like if you if you have bought into the Amazon Prime subscription and you just get Amazon Prime video, we'll listen. I'll be real I have CBS all access because I'm a huge Trekkie and I've been digging Twilight Zone and I'll occasionally watch old ass episodes of Mission Impossible the TV show I might drop CBS all access in the in between seasons of Star Trek to get to do this for a month for sure, you know, like I might be there's a free trial then it's like but at this point I'm never getting rid of DC Universe or Netflix. Yeah, and I feel like we have all for a while been used to the idea of no cable total if you if you're watching this right now and you have Netflix Hulu Amazon and can cable. What are you Doing like everybody had when I go home and moms. Like why do we have this Cable in my yeah. Cancel and what are you doing? That's the thing that's like like cable companies are the ones that fucked up also also a mirror and I were talking about he made a good point and it's like he's like, I don't know if I necessarily need it or want it but I want to get in because let's say in six to 12 months Disney's like we're now offloading 20,000 more things. We're going to go to $12.99. I want to be grandfathered into that baby price of six. Well, I remember first joining Netflix Netflix is streaming. Everything is 899 when I first joined now with them to what like 13 bucks. I think yeah like 12 15 is like 12 13 bucks, right? So it's going to happen eventually. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Let's move on because we got a lot of stuff. So yeah, let's let's kind of go through and we'll go we're basically just going to cover lucasfilm in Marvel Studios. Yeah. We got a couple questions. So at launch on day one, we're going to have all of the Star Wars films and the Mandalorian will debut on Disney. Plus they didn't say I'm in the Christmas special. I think they did. So the Christmas special. I think I could be wrong. You may not be there in lunch, but I would imagine movie I would imagine it would be there at some point. And for the Mandalorian they didn't see how many episodes but they did say the First episodes. Okay, whatever. That means it could be the first to first three. I don't know on the next Alan Tudyk is officially joining Diego Luna for the casting and or spin-off and he cleated Cassie and said I had to it was so good. It was so good and that's going to be coming out in year 2. So basically the way they broke it up was D1. Is day one. Your one is 2019 2020. So basically from launch day all the way until I think September or November next year and then 2020 2020 2021 will be the year to so this will debut sometime I would imagine the fall of 2020. Right? Right and then obviously Star Wars the Clone Wars is returning and year to with Branch up the so amazing. That's probably see more. So Katana. Yeah who's come on missions. Are you kidding that's going to be super super exciting. So all the Star Wars stuff that they announced. I'm really excited to see there were also some Rumblings that I was reading today on / film that lucasfilm may actually be in the process of doing 4K Restorations. Now that they officially have Star Wars and you hope and it's very possible that they might be sourcing from the original negative, which means that we may possibly hopefully get the original trilogy on Disney plus which like that's that's he's going to say no that George Lucas has been hiding that in his butt crack. For decades the film was looking sorry guys. I didn't know there I guess you can run real quick. Are they going to bring the original Disney animation's back? So the shorts that they did like the golden collection that they used to have. I don't know. There's a whole list of stuff that they're going to debut their debut me like over 5,000 pieces of content ones where Donald Duck fights Adolf Hitler. Yeah, like all that old stuff. I remember one back in the day where Donald Duck goes camping. Yeah, and he has like this camper that like is running behind his goofy little car and like it pops up and like all the like stuff never goes right in his house. So it's all those old cartoons that I want to be on there. I hope I'm really really hope that that if that if they announce that I'm most definitely getting it's so crazy to me that the fucking Simpsons is going to be on there the first 30 30, that's these nuts Simpson that since that's not easy. I'm really into that but I also feel like okay there will never make Blu-rays of those sets now like because there's a whole bunch of years of the Simpson a missing but whenever like they want Like season 17 or 16 is it and then they stopped but the year after season 20 premiered which was the year that the movie came out. They put season 20 on Blu-Ray. So Blu-ray collectors had a gal of a couple of years and they're available on iTunes there whatever but that and then the yeah, it's season 21 today. Honestly. Are we missing any anything but here's the deal three years is here's here's what's cool with this people can actually now go back and I know it wasn't like an F XX for a while or whatever. But like if you have Disney plus don't tell me you're not going to be like I'll watch some old Simpsons and before you know it son. You'll be like camera season 9. Yeah before you know it you're like be good like before you know it you're like I'm caught up. I'm ready to go. I'm ready to new season, you know, 3,000 3,000 episodes of Futurama, you know, there are certain things that will not be showing up day one or your one mostly because those things already have distribution deals with other services same thing with DC Universe. We're like, where's just saves all the stuff? Yeah, it'll be honored actually exactly one down. Also the Mandalorian panel is happening. I believe on Sunday. So if you're watching this on Saturdays happening tomorrow, which where that's where we're going to get our first look at the Mandalorian. So expect some sort of a video to manifest itself on this channel doing a trailer reaction. I eating now, let's jump over to Marvel Studios because there's a lot of exciting stuff here as well some things that we've been hearing about through sort of the Grapevine of the all these news outlets. Kevin feige came on stage. Agent finally did confirm with you. He also they did announce that select titles including Captain Marvel will debut day 1 lakh title some of those movies include Iron Man. I think Thor Ragnarok and Thor the Dark World. Here's why I don't care. I have them on hooray. It's fine next. I don't that's exactly who I was like, okay, that's okay. I've been watching these forever. Where are they had ten years to collect these that's on you. Don't care next and then this was basically confirmed previously but the new Lucky series with Tom Hiddleston and the new what if animated series will debut both debut year one not day 1K your one the what if series sounds like an incredible concept? Yes, I'm super pumped about this. I will say I had as excited fist-pumping almost as excited as I am about the fact that it's going to be animated. Yeah part of me does wish that it was live action for sure and like the Marvel One-Shots for sure. Oh totally but the see buddy Carter as Captain if it will it's a win-win for me, but I totally get that idea of like man, it would have been great if y'all had the budget to the one shots and did this live action to really get it to feel like because remember we talked about elseworlds if they ever did Superman red Sun, right? How amazing would be to get Henry Cavill to play back that iteration of the character, but I think it's best of both worlds because we're getting those actors be the voices, right which is still super. Special for Hayley Atwell Chris Evans no complaints and it's also exciting because it means it would hold it will hopefully mean we get more of them. They're less concerned with a budget because animation theoretically has an unlimited budget but not really but they're still a budget within animation but you but theoretically you could you know, you could do do anything anything without having to be like, okay we gonna do with this actor is not available. It needs to look real and you see this the right season, but it's exciting for for animation period Marvel Nation is real up and down thing for me. I love some I really dislike some. Yep, you know, but but to have this be that closely related to the MCU is cool silent and to again it's like it's they could they could do the mind is spinning they could you could do different stylistic things with different like aspects because you're different and on directors different genres because it's and Thor is supposed to be you know now Face company but Lord of the Rings and Iron Man's techno-thriller and and cap is political and all these different genres. What if they took out a step further and like literally went animation Styles. I can't exactly just like you sad scene. So like it's exciting Captain America on the style of The Incredibles directed by Brad bird. That would be yes, please it also brings it back to the comics because what if is such a great unique and cool? Why don't you say unique because DC does similar stuff but this is different with elseworlds is that they do like graphic novels or like, you know, whatever but what if Is like this great series to have different series of you know, what if Wolverine got stuck in Conan the Barbarian times and have to you know, and had to fight Conan like and just to bring it back to that comic book level and to have it animated like it's super super exciting. I'm hoping it's all hand drawn as much as I love my spider-verse. My CG as much as incredible would be cool me. It's I'm hoping it is what to be I'm hoping. It's hand-drawn. But also I'd be down for some CG if they go for that stylistic change second. Okay, and also for me I think would depend on like Like if it's Peggy Carter coming Captain America, I would love it to be traditional hand-drawn. Yes reflect the time that it's like supposed to be Iron Man do-si-do was there was I used to collect these Marvel cards in 95. I believe there were the Marvel metal 95 cards and they had a like other worlds are what if ya like special card collection in the back The Limited ones, I would run and there was two really cool ones that sound that in my head. There was one where Iron Man goes back in time and meet. Merlin and the Knights of the Round Table so so happen sitting there in like that little that tarp thing that the knights wear, but with the sword over his head and I'm just like that's amazing. And then the other one is Wolverine becomes a vampire cool and so he's got his claws out but he's got like the judge along things and like he's bleeding and I'm just like that was he talking about so all that stuff all the possibility at this point. Yeah, so that would all be amazing. Yeah, then it was officially confirmed and even revealed the logo the Falcon in the Winter Soldier Anthony, Mackie and Sebastian Stan. We'll be getting their own show both of their both of the reactions to Sebastian. Stan just being like OK if you want Anthony Mackie said, oh be careful what you wish for and I responded to all I said was cut the check to my guy why this year you guys and a thousand million other good. I look through threatened. No one else that I saw that okay, but I'm but I am excited about that. You know, there's a lot of speculation with a lot of these character shows is that does this business destroy the surprise or the ending of Avengers? Endgame, I don't necessarily know because like we don't know where these could take place, you know, there's obviously the events of certain movies that will kind of dictate where these could take place, but we kind of don't know they could be they could be whatever they can beat alternate universes. Like we don't know plus we also don't know what the scope of these shows is going to be like we don't know if there's going to be multiple Seasons or if it's just like hey, here's a six-episode miniseries that we're tying up the Loose Ends. Yeah exactly if like one division was like six episodes. All it is is is 20 minutes each and it's just the income the vision and and Scarlet witch in one room talking. Yeah, we don't know what the a cookie we don't like we don't stoop of these don't know what I'm going to be that but it's still cooking for an hour for six hours long song of a whole new world. They're just gonna be singing a whole new world like flight she's gonna be doing around of them. Great. And then yeah, there you go. That's how it's gonna be. Yeah, and that's the second series is one division. With Scarlet witch and the vision. Yeah, not crazy about that. That's a weird title. I like it. It's like it's cute. I guess reminds me of vistavision. I'm like are y'all shooting this on film? Yeah people were like, why is it that but not Falcon and Winter Soldier they didn't do they didn't call it like you feel what Bucky falcon or something? Yeah, because you can't make like a pun out of Falcon in the Winter Soldier but one division work vision and one division reminds me of like those old school TV shows like with a with the none of the like the like the old school. Whatever, they're called the the home couple or whatever. They not also a couple not those are just those old like black and white tea. Yeah with a guy would come home. Yeah, I love him. Yeah, like the I Love Lucy. Yeah, that would be awesome to see a black and white one division. So they're perfectly completely like rainy season comes home. He takes off his little hat and his coat and then she's like all the time writer Tom King who wrote The Vision miniseries the 12 issue miniseries for Marvel a couple years back that is and I'm not exaggerating. Saturating fucking mind-blowingly good posted an image from that Series where it was the vision and Wanda embracing and he just put one Division. I don't think has anything to do with the show, but that's that miniseries is about the vision building synthetic family members a wife and two kids and trying to like have a regular life in the suburbs in Washington DC as he's a liaison to the Avengers and dude and it is like my God. It is haunting. It's such it's so creepy and good and but It would be fun to try to see the vision and wanted have like an idyllic life of some kind of describing. Wanda isn't kind of leads to House of M though, which is really fucked up. I know yeah, but I also think really fucked. I think they went with one division because I bet you even though the character is named This and like promotional stuff. I don't ever remember her being explicitly named Scarlet witch in any movies and Scarlet Witch probably isn't the like they're probably not stoked from a PR level to call a female character Scarlet Witch in the 60s it flew it it could fly but today it's there were so they're like that. Wonder how about one division you go. Yeah, it's probably what it is. Now. When one division do you guys think these shows will take place after in game or do you think I honestly think they will I think we're going to get a smattering of like peruse Coast whatever and for people that are like loosen it spoiler. I honestly want to just do the Justin Timberlake gift for it's just like that's an L1. Yeah. Yeah, like zoom in on me like come on somebody give give it up now do come on do it do it. If you're Savvy enough to your Savvy enough to be reading what's being announced that the Disney plus Summit or whatever then you know that they're going to be making movies after this movie. Then you're going to be somewhat familiar with the comics. Then you are probably already aware that they're going to somehow undo the snap exactly but just like don't let that ruin your legs and cliffs go see the journey is the thing that likes out of it. Don't let it be like, well, I know how it's going to end. It's like, okay. Well then do you can you enjoy any movie ever? Do you know that Spider-Man far from home was coming out right? We're all gonna die someday. So what's the point of watching any movie and enjoy one of living if I'm going to die someday? What are you doing anything in the moment? It's like we're all just going to get old and oh, yeah. Yes. Yeah. Well, okay cool. That's not a good way to let your bro. Something is not beautiful because it lasts look Division 1 Division. I feel like you should bust into Kiss From A Rose at that point. Also this was not talked about at the actual investors called. Conference whatever you want to call it that a new Hawkeye series is also reportedly coming to the service Zack which will set up Kate Bishop taking over the mantle of Hawkeye. He was actually also on Jimmy Kimmel. Oh, man. I bet you they could they could not do that, but they could do something to make with Jeremy Renner does work. Do you know what I mean? They could do something sacks over here yelling is I don't want to see rain or Dew Matt fraction Hawkeye. It doesn't work. I kind of get that I kind of But fan the exciting thing is Kate Bishop. Yeah, that's six. That's the exciting thing that it's like it feels like these announcements were literally made Because the Internet was paying it that Marvel Studios is paying attention to the internet for years ago. And we were like we want this we want this watch her show in there. Like what about this? What about this is our show like 900 dumb YouTube internet is like this would be a great show. Yeah, and I think it was fun because he was on Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Kimmel's constantly praying for answers and he was just pitching this fake movie that him Paul Rudd came up. It was it was it was great. Joseph Benda who's part of the gritos Greet those grouped on patreon. Look at that. You got exclusive ask the question given the Peggy Carter as Captain America show. What is your dream of what if Marvel story? I don't have a dream what if story you got to do a little bit of research my friend because they're says that it's that it's the one that I was going to talk about is the one that you and I recorded in a car on the way down to San Diego as it where we talked about. This is not mark this is not just marvel specific we talked about what if in 2008 Mmm Batman Begins again. No, they can't do that. But I would love to I would love that. He just like a fun. What if weather was a YouTube series or whatever which maybe we should make that a patreon goal. Maybe we should do a special where we would like flip every we show you the alternate universe. I made a poster member and field iron and begins Iron Man singing on top of the building silhouette. It was real dumb sequel in 2008 was the golden avenge. That's right. And the golden Adventure Rises. It doesn't well, that's my what if not all specific. I have one but I I don't want it to be an episode of this because I wanted to be a movie which is what if Jane Foster Worth or and that wasn't that was a classic issue of what if and then eventually they actually made that the regular thing where Jane Foster picks up the hammer. She was worthy. I want Natalie Portman to come back in a movie. So I would not want her to come back to do the voice for one episode because I feel like the way she left Marvel that would also be a little bit of a bummer to be like Natalie. Can you please come back? And this is like a made-up scenario, but what if you were Thor because she'd be like what the fuck like I could be Thor so instead let her do that in a live action movie. I would like in terms of the MCU. I would like to see what if Captain America won. The Civil War instead of Iron Maiden doing to me like you could just do different outcomes of events in the film's totally. Yeah, I know. So what about what about you? I'm Steve racking my brain right now. I don't really have a what if just because I feel like I've gotten a lot of stuff that I like but What if Marvel never sold their characters? I don't know. What if what if what if the MCU started off with I don't know say like the movie like comic book movies back then before this whole thing started like a really good Fantastic Four, like what if that was the Baseline rather than Michael Iron Man 1 then we lead in today you lead into every terms of the MCU in the movies. What if Ultron one? What if he actually what if he either killed everybody in sokovia or actually did an extent. In level event and then it's like we pick up four years later and the remaining Avengers are like in a post-apocalyptic. Well, I mean, yeah, that would be something like that would be cool. But it's just I feel like I don't know. I I completely lost my train of thought Marvel. What if ya just martial Brothers never made Winter Soldier? Yeah, really anything could be turned into a well. Yeah. Just think what if Kevin feige never LED Marvel Studios exactly. What if it was obvious do this? It's from the movies. What if what if Tony Stark died in the cave. I'll be cool. What if Steve Rogers never became Captain America? What if I mean, I guess we're going to get that with Peggy Carter. What if Thanos invaded in 2012 instead of loci. And then it was very flash flash flash point. What if what if what if Tony in the and his mom died and his dad and Howard start. Yeah, we could see that we could see that what if ya like what if the Winter Soldier didn't didn't kill Howard Stark whatever. Yeah. But if God this what we have see Howard Stark Iron Man, right? What if Peter Quill was taken to his dad as a little kid, like what if the ravagers actually delivered? Yeah cool to Ego that you and Kurt Russell raised him. What do you have died? Would he have you know, when would it be different goes there? Maybe he goes maybe and then maybe that Peter Quill interacts with Kimora at some point and then his ego gets brought back down to and then he becomes a hero. I don't know. Maybe I'd be cool. Yeah, what if it would ever knows this one? Yeah. Yeah, man right there so much. What if it literally turn anything into whatever Beulah was gamora's favorite daughter? Yeah, exactly or they know says her daughter Janice a favorite daughter. Yeah. Thank you. That would be very interesting am so much. What if Ant-Man were still in jail or what if he never went to jail? Yeah. What if he never became Aunt what does Scott Lang never became Ant-Man. Yeah, and how do you get out of this? Pickle? No, that's Hank Pym was like, I gotta get back in the suit and he like puts it up. I gotta start working out. I gotta start working out. I got it. Gotta find my white yarn overs. Yeah, I'm going through all the movies. Now. What if yeah, what if Stephen Strange ever got into a car accident when he still be a Target on hydras algorithm. Would he still be a hero, you know, maybe there's some version where instead of becoming because there's because there's a what if Iron Man becomes Doctor Strange, what if we're Tony Stark becomes a sorcerer Supreme, that would be Toby dope. Oh man. Are we fun? He would take that's it's actually not like what our uses technology and us to do many becomes evil. Yeah, like what if Heroes became other Heroes yeah or became some villain. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, because they did I think they did what if Punisher became cap or something or I think there was even a what if Punisher became doctors treat. I don't know where I'd be very wasn't wasn't Old Man Logan a what out what if story kind of like, yeah order much first definitely notion Universe. Yeah. Yeah. So Endless Possibilities. They don't actually I would actually like to turn the question over to you guys in the comments. What? Yeah, what's a marble what if story that you think would be really really cool? That's what I would like to see ya. I think there's so many opportunities for a lot of people too. Kind of jump in and get their opinions on that and meantime, we're going to move over to our last story before we get into viewer questions. Yeah, Bruce Wayne who joining who Titans who the season to at man? That's very interesting Bruce Wayne not wayne/batman very very strategically madman was in Titan season one. We saw him, but we just yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I hope he gets better soon if he wears it again. Alright. Yeah, it's alright Anna bad, but England from Game of Thrones is going to be playing Bruce Wayne. This sparked a lot of discussion because this actor is 57 years old, I believe so he's probably one of the oldest actors to play bad knees or again Batman be smiling. That's all that means. Well and I think also like, you know, you look at do Doom you look at the story and where the Titan story is and you look at where Robin is Dick Grayson and he is basically on the path to becoming Nightwing so for me, it makes sense for Batman in this universe at this point in time in this timeline to be older because I don't know I do they ever Publish how old Dick Grayson is on Titans. He's in his 20s. I did this I think just 20s. I don't know if there's an actual I can't remember if he's 25 and this and this version of Batman is supposed to be 50 then like I would buy that there's a twenty five year age gap between these two characters. I would have been okay with him being a little bit younger, but I think the thing that's that excites me is the fact that like this kind of solidifies to me the thing that they've kind of been teasing of Robin will eventually become Nightwing yeah, and I think with these two characters sort of reconciling the relationship and trying to form a new Bond and and Batman's sort of role in this season. He'll be a recurring character his role being just kind of be there to support the Titans and to help you succeed. I think that will lead to Nightwing even quicker than maybe some people anticipated em, that makes sense that makes 100% So I wonder if Batman's going to murder like it's going to kill because it's because it's kind of it's a little vague and a little unclear what the policy is. But again in response everything that's been happening with people talking about Batman killing. Yay or nay. Yeah, maybe the show will A dress that I think so and I think in the description of the character it talked about a little bit of how this character has been through so much but he's still after all the years of fighting crime still wants to do right by the people of Gotham and he wants to reconcile his relationship with Dick Grayson. So I'm very interested to see where this goes and I really like the fact that we're now finally getting a non big screen version of Batman. Sure. Yeah some sort of a show that would never happen. Yeah, because like on Smallville here. He's that at night. Yeah Adam night and you know in all these other shows, he's had a little cameos in like old birds of prey TV stuff. Just put Batman in a show. It's fine. The audience knows the difference between that Batman and whoever the hell Matt Reese is gonna get it's fine something of a deal. It's not like it's confusing at this point superheroes are we've established this whole superhero thing. Like they're part of the Lexicon at this point. Don't you don't even worry about exact and even then Titans and Doom Patrol are in one Universe on TV the are overseas in another Universal Black Lightning. In Another Universe. All right, Gotham's in another you've seen yo, Krypton is in Another Universe on TV. So there's already right there five different DC specific not even not even to count Lucifer iZombie, right, you know and all that other creature anything else based on a thing y the last man which is gonna be coming out five just like DC Superhero separate universes. Yep. If you're not including within the arrow vs super girls on a different earth, like it's fine. It's all good give it to us and I've really enjoyed everything that I've seen from. Ends up from to patrol. So just like keep playing that Universe. Let's keep expanding. I wouldn't be against event. I mean they had Donna Troy on there. It was Wonder Woman. Yeah. I'm cool with that right there mentioning these characters so that very much was this let them exist. Yeah, I agree. So that's that's gonna be really exciting and as will get more information. We'll talk about it in depth more cool. Let's go to viewer questions. These are awesome video on people by people who are on the patreon. If you're in the $5 tier or above you can submit questions. We try to get through as many as we We can throughout the show. I sprinkled some in throughout the show so we can get more questions and I cheated a little bit. But the first question comes from Buddy Nagy AMA who's part of the thumper Elite tier, which is no longer part of Patron. Very cool. Fix it Oracle guy makes great ribs. He does really cool. He comes in and volunteers and help us out here every month for hyperdrive and stuff. He's great. But he asks if money was no matter what theater with projection options. Would you rent out for a private event? And what movie would you watch there? Interesting, it would definitely have to be I Max in 3D that donator Dolby Theater would be cool. If you're going to play honestly if you're going to play a 3D movie. Yeah, which is something that we've been talking about a lot. I would want it to be in Dolby. The problem is not all movies are retrofitted for Adobe 3D sucks. Yeah Avengers endgame is not and I find that super disappointing. We saw Emily and I sell lead a battle Angel and will be 3D. Yeah, and it was so dope. Yeah, so Oh good be great. So that I think is the biggest thing for me. It's more about the projection in the sound. But if I'm going to do something like a 3D experience, I wanted want to try to be in the best 3D theater that we can find and what movie would you show what movie would I show that's a really good questions part. Mmm - maybe even a Lita I love the fact that it was so good. That'd be cool. But I'm not really against showing anything like I yeah, we talked about all the time. The thing about I would want it to be a ongoing thing. Not just a one-off. Yeah. So one off Be like, it's just I guess the whole giant off I guess the iron jet but we've done we've already done that. Yeah. Remember David something are giant was beautiful we cried. It was great. So how much more can cry? All right, I don't know. Yeah. No, I want to be an ongoing be like macgruber or something pop star never stop never stopping. Why not Hot Rod Rose. Nobody's probably hot right hot rod. I think mine would be so. He is not an option. That means this is not a real life thing. Yeah. So for me, I would rent out the El Cap theater. I would resurrect all my ancestors and we would all go to El Cap and watch CoCo there. Yeah, Mom. Oh, yeah. Yep. Oh, that's a good one. So good one. That's what we would do. I have so many that I can list, but for the sake of the length of the show, I won't okay. The next question comes from the FDA age who's part of the bunge. I wrote here on jarrah. Do you think Disney possible include the old Disney Original Movies? When they made for their family movie Nights, I remember the movie night that had a name can remember for sure, but maybe Magical World of Disney. I could really go for some 100 lives of black jack Savage. I looked it up and it was called a Wonderful World of Disney. Wonderful think I remember that yeah had the intros by Walt Disney and black and white and I think so and then it moved to the Disney Channel didn't it in this end when they played like Zorro and stuff. I think I remember watching that when Disney would come on for free because Disney, Used to be a subscription only Channel like a premium cable channel. So this stuff in particular was on like CBS and stuff. Yeah, so it was unlike regular cable. So you still would have seen still would have seen it then. Yeah. So yeah, I don't and then probably would Disney about ABC they started doing it on the yeah. Yeah, that's why it sounds familiar. Yeah, but I don't know. I don't know. I honestly don't know there's a whole like if you just Google search Disney plus content there so many articles that list in detail the things that are coming on Disney's bus. I'm obviously I think we're all open for them going through the Vault and unleash and unleashing everything that you don't know who guards that Vault. It's watered of Walt Disney himself exactly the ghost of all, yeah. That's right. You gotta answer all these riddles before you get them to unlock, but I'm super excited to see what LG in the Beast Diamond collection, but never going to release anything anymore. Yeah, whatever. I got by Blu-rays. That's right, baby. Great time to come out annoying renters part of the hyper homies here. Thank you so much. Also bring you to patreon. Thank you, man. Beyond what decom Disney Channel original movie has you most excited about the content of Disney plus Johnny Tsunami or Phantom of the Megaplex Go Johnny Tsunami guys. I have been talking about this Johnny Tsunami specifically, I have been talking about this for like the longest time and I said, I will not join this goddamn service. Let's Johnny. These movies are not on there. I love these late 90s 2000s Disney Channel original movie. Yeah Under Wraps Phantom of the Megaplex Megaplex Johnny Tsunami Halloweentown in life. Aw, dude, Smart House. Okay, Zenon. All right. My my cousin Manny Motocross. My cousin was floor mates with Jonathan Ami, huh? Yeah. Yeah. Oh my God. They're so good my room I earn my cousin went to UCSB and he was floor mates on the same floor with Johnny's 9. He said that he was the most famous guy really feel Johnny Tsunami would like the dope everybody. Yeah. Everybody was just like Foods Jose. Yeah, Brink, I love but I've never seen any of all dude. Yeah here to watch them. Now. You will be like does Heritage I ate it up I was so into it. I love it. So we're talking about Johnny Tsunami everywhere like in podcast that we're like kind of like the fuck. I know I'll be like he comes. All right the podcast look I'm coming from hyper. I'm just I'm just trying to monetize any spare time. I have watching Disney plus which I will be doing a lot of so Mike, how can I how can I use it comes? Yeah. No, man, you don't, you know, actually, you know what? I hope that they do put on there. I would like to see that. I don't know if Disney owns the right the distribution. Well, no, but I think it was a Disney thing the black-and-white Zorro. Chara the old used to play on Disney Channel. I think that yeah, so dope their rights. I love you. So good at the stuff the Batman watch that inspired him to become Batman, maybe think so but yeah so good next question from Philip dry hair who's also in the majority or Banjara with a Disney and DC building their own streaming services. Do you think they're growing independence from third-party distribution will positively impact the diversity of their content. And do you have any thoughts Go to the timeline for Global availability of DC Universe considering Disney plus Innings from European Asian and Latin American availability until the end at the End by the end of 2012. That's a way part question. I feel like not exactly I feel like we need to refer to the Disney lawyers at this point. Yeah, I don't know if I can fill up we hold on please. I have to check in with our lawyers before. Yeah question. I don't have an answer for you. We have no comment at this time. Yeah, what else I can break this down Disney and DC building their own streaming services. Do you think they're growing independence from third-party distribution meaning like the internet and other TV channels may be their third party party destroy others. What they're saying is like pulling their content of Netflix and Hulu or whatever will positively impact the diversity of their content will positively impact the diverse meaning for them to maybe stay competitive. They'll do stuff aimed at adults. They'll do stuff with different, you know background possibly possibly, but I think this is also a question for the Any lawyer? Yeah, they want to go they like, I don't know. I also don't think he's playing it safe with this whole point. Like they again, they just announced Disney Channel original movies. And these two Knuckleheads over here were flipping out like that's you know, like their original stuff is going to be it's not original. It is more of what they do exactly what I think you know, like again like we talked about earlier Netflix will be fine because they're can they'll continue to make the content that they're so good at making the stranger things the House of Cards type of stuff and Disney will continue to capitalize on what They can do and I think as long as they each embrace the thing that they're good at and continue to just explore new things within the things that they know how to make right but I think they're both they'll both be fine in terms of DC Universe. They he's asking Phillips asking. Do you have any thoughts regarding the tie feel like this is a sneaky question for me trying to get me to spill some Hector. Do you have any thoughts, you know regarding the timeline for Global availability of DC Universe considering the Disney plus aims for Europe Asia and Latin American availability until the end of Once again, you answered it already. That's a question for the lawyer. It is like and I am not speaking on behalf of anybody at DC Universe or DC daily or whatever because we get asked this question all the time. All I have been told in this is just my own opinion. So don't take this as anything is like they're working on it. They're actively working on it. I also know that right now with their shows the same with like CBS all access and Star Trek Discovery stuff. That's not in the continental United States or maybe maybe including Hawaii and Alaska. I can't remember but the u.s. Stuff that's outside of that. It's if it's not on DC Universe, it's going to Netflix. International because all because this universe doesn't exist out there. So Titans is they're doing Patrol is going to be on there when the season wraps I think but I think but I think you also just said earlier. You said DC the DC Universe app is very neat. Yeah. It is for DC fans and specifically. Yeah, so I totally understand the hesitation for them to roll out globally and in a speedy manner like Disney buses is he is for literally every freakin person in the world the Paulson a horse. They want that out there for everyone with DC. It's different than like the Warner than the Warner the Warner streaming service that they're building owner plus whatever ends up being Warner media plus. Yeah that to me is different. That's a completely at that point. Then yes Warner Brothers should be marketing that particular streaming platform for everybody. And if that means that that will absorb DC Universe great then now make it available worldwide, but I think DC Universe specifically it's like a Criterion Channel you don't launch it all at once. It's very territory by territory you see See how it does. You see if it justifies expanding further if they're if they're not seeing the returns the return on investment then I don't think they're in a rush. I think they need to figure out great. How do we get more people in is that creating more content give putting out more stuff on the platform. It's a very it's a very calculated decision. I think to put all this stuff out there. I feel like you just channeled a lawyer. I know shit. Yeah. I kind of blacked out. I was thinking about the answer to the next question. The last question reading guess druvan Patel who's part of the gritos. Tear wait, very nice. Ask. What would be the ideal show in your opinion for the new Disney plus streaming service director. I'm gonna pitch it didn't you can have this one for free just asked me to help you make a Goofy Movie 3. Okay. Here's the pitch you do a 30-minute or 20 minute show with a new episode every single day. It's DC daily, but different that specifically is talking about and it's like a mini documentary about at one thing on Disney plus an old cartoon and you bring on a great host like Leonard maltin used to do this stuff for classic Disney intros where it takes it giving you the context be like the year was 1944, right? You know that kind of thing. We had just invented the multi-plane. Guess that's what I'm talking like. I want that but even now that they have all this content, I would even want that for like, you know, we're going to talk to you today about season 4 episode 3 of The Simpsons. The year was 1993, you know like and and get in provide that context Maybe Interview some people that were involved in that stuff to get you hope own and on Conan but like really it's just it's Limitless you could do an intro for each one of their movies anything that they want to point to anything that they could say today. It's blank day and we're talking Empire Strikes Back and it's available here streaming, but let me give you a here's a 30 minute special about stuff. You might not know about the movie and we're talking to this person who worked on the movie and now enjoy Empire Strikes Back and it'll like gold farming has been doing on the DC Universe app. He's been doing there's like couple of crows. Yeah. Sure great, but like give me like a 30 minute or any dot writeln got a little mini and I think that's really exciting thing about them really embracing documentaries aside from having National Geographic stuff. They are going to have things that are kind of like that is specifically for Star Wars. They're doing a documentary series that's going to highlight people and groups who are responsible for certain things of the movies called prop makers Sarah Builders, they're doing with for Marvel Studios as well. I think so we're serious about Marvel. Yeah, and I forgot something exactly which one because they have a couple that would be interesting. This is on PBS like this. Comic books and they talk about Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and you're gonna have a strong platform and you're gonna have all these amazing properties do it. You should absolutely Embrace those things buddy, but I would I would love just like the the approach of trying to do a serious little documentary intro special for like a classical Disney cartoon and then taking that same exact approach not to knock it for a Disney Channel original a tsunami would you for literally for like Smart House? Yep, you know like that to talk about like the year was Nineteen ninety-seven like this is what the Disney Channel was doing. This is what they got. They got Katey Sagal. I don't have asked was what percent of our TV traffic like that was so much fun. And then the interview people that were on those movies and like just across the board with everybody. I think it's I think it isn't it's an interesting time capsule to look at. Why was this so big in 19 in the late 90s? What was what was the appeal of these move? Right? Right. What's it was the consistency of having one every month, you know talking about the things that they talked about. What was it the appeal for me? It would honestly like I would love this as a series. I think they're talking about rebooting it. I don't know if it's for sure happening is the Mighty Ducks having Joshua Jackson come back live action as well as Charlie. It's actually be like the next generation for me. Exactly. Yeah and and sort of the evolution and like talk about the sport how its evolved United States and has been more embraced or not embraced. You know, I would love that as a hockey fan. I would love that and I'm not partial to the ducks in real life, but I will eat that shit up on this. Plus any hockey related to be great. He should be the new Amelia or give me more please - would you have one? I agree with Hector because I'm a big nerd. I'm a big nerd when it comes all that stuff for me. It would be specifically for their animation because yeah Disney was built on animation like that. Hold up their back that is just that is Disney and they said they were saying they're going to have all these old movies. It's like Black Cauldron. It's like right listen, everybody knows that that but like Song of the South they're definitely going to happen. Just kidding. They're not going to have that one on they're not gonna have it so dizzy. Hit me up for Through it and I'll help you fix Splash Mountain glass which is based off a racist ass song of the sea. Yeah, it know I feel like it hit me bro. I feel like that needs to happen because of the legacy of animation and Disney and you would not be where we are today without all of that stuff. I've seen so many documentaries on it, but I cannot get enough of you all of this stuff. So honestly, I will say really quick like the thing. I'm kind of anticipating the most about Disney plus is the National Geographic documentary stuff. That stuff is climb a tree little Sports days. Amazing. I'm super excited about everything else. Yeah, but like different that's not right Disney proper Marvel Star Wars. It's like National Geographic. Make sure we're looking for that stuff. Then Jeff goldblum's new show. Yeah, but which like was my most go blind just like my most tweeted thing or retweeted thing of the whole thread. I made by Disney plus and I was like, he was like Jeff Goldblum. Yeah. I mean people the best he's in fact ask him to do the imprint Row for everything that would have used and little just be The Grandmaster Smart House such a delightful little cartoons. Yeah. Really wonderfully wonderfully drawn like the way that their eyes moving this Johnny Tsunami, enjoy while he plays piano because of Aragon and take a look. We'll do whatever the fuck he wants amazing. I'll be amazing. So that's what we want that many dogs would just hold it. Go. Boom plus. Yeah go for the Gold. Jeff plus many dogs are and what our live stream of his house. Yeah, she's walking around speaking music. Yeah, just be like, hey next shows coming up that's gonna happen at some point. It's gonna happen. Oh boy guys. Thank you so much to everybody who submitted questions on patreon if you want to do so like we said the top go to such hyper RPG check out everything that we've revamped added taken away. There's so much stuff that we're offering. We're super excited to grow that and let us in the comments. What are you excited about Disney plus like what you looking forward to the most is the Marvel stuff the Star Wars stuff National Geographic ESPN, whatever. Integrating into the app, let us know what you're looking for to the most and let us know all your thoughts and Star Wars though rise of Skywalker, which I will flow up until December Rock arising Skywalker Rising a new Disney Channel original movie decomps baby, bring them back and then everything else that we talked about and let's just have a good ol time in the in the comments in the chat. Let's do it. Why not screw it in the meantime, subscribe slash hyper RPG check out hyper RPG on all podcast platforms. Wherever the podcasts are sold, and we'll see you guys now.
The first look at Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker was finally revealed at Star Wars Celebration Chicago. Director J.J. Abrams, alongside producer Kathleen Kennedy and stars Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Kelly Marie Tran, Anthony Daniels, Joonas Suotamo, Noamie Acker, and Billy Dee Williams took to the stage to reveal the first images and teaser trailer from the film. Additionally, Walt Disney released its launch date and pricing for the brand new Disney+ streaming service, coming November 12. At launch, the app will boast 100s of titles, including the entire Star Wars saga, The Mandalorian original series, select titles from Marvel Studios and more. In season two of Titans, Bruce Wayne will make his debut played by Iain Glen from Game of Thrones. In his recurring role, Bruce hopes to reconcile his relationship with Dick Grayson and help the Titans succeed in the mission. We've officially re-launched our Patreon. Join for as low as $2/mo for immediate access to Patron-only posts, the opportunity to access content early and more. By joining, you're giving us a chance to unlock and premiere new content, like commentaries and other podcasts.
Hello and welcome. Thanks for listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for Libra season in 2019. My name is Renee. I'm a Consulting astrologer and somatic intuitive. These horoscopes are meant to Aid you in your healing assist you in your expansion and help connect you with your highest self as you listen, please listen with an open mind and appreciate the symbols and suggestions take what works for you and leave the rest. Remember that these horoscopes are describing General energy for each. Each sign and it's up to you to get specific. Feel free to associate what I say to what is relevant for you at their best horoscopes work as pieces of mystical advice and sacred symbolism with them spark your imagination and stimulate your intuition. I suggest that you listen to the horoscopes for your son and your rising signs. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask you what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born your rising sign has to do with the time of day you were born in the place. You were born if you know Earth information you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website embodied in the horoscope section. If you enjoy your horoscope, make sure to take a listen to embodied astrology for Libra season in this episode. I'll take you on a tour of Libra zodiacal energy and explore how it manifests in the world in our relationships and in each of us. Everyone has every sign in their chart and Libra represents amazing and important energy for each one of us. You can find the Libra season episode bling. It in the show notes from my website, or as a separate track on your favorite listening platforms. All of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for free. If this work benefits you in your life, please consider making a one-time or recurring monthly donation to help keep it going. Please share it with your family and friends and leave 5 Star reviews on iTunes, SoundCloud and Spotify. I want to let you know that I'm offering a live online class on October 13th for the full moon in Aries. This class is open to all and no previous experience. With astrology is required in the class will explore the chart for the full moon and how we might each interpret it in our personal charts in relationship to broader themes right now such as climate change and social justice. You can register for the class by donation and ninety percent of all proceeds will be given to the sunrise movement a youth-led movement for climate and economic activism. I also want to let you know that the deadline to register for my upcoming Retreat is on Friday September 27th. Please join me for three days and nights and South West Washington state for a deep dive into the astrology of 2020 and how to work with your own chart to manifest your vision and expand your gifts. You can find more information about my upcoming classes and Retreats at embodied in the Play and Learn section under Live Events. Thanks so much for tuning in everyone. Please wait for a brief sponsor message and I'll be right back with you in just a moment with your horoscope. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. Hey everyone. Did you know that embodied astrology is on Spotify on Spotify? You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free and you don't even need a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcasts on a Every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcasts like embodied astrology and never miss an episode. You can download all the episodes and listen offline, wherever you are. You can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends on social media if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for embodied astrology save it and browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me on On social media on Instagram add embodied astrology, so you'll never miss an episode because you want to catch them all don't you? Hello Gemini, and thanks for tuning into your audio horoscope for Libra season and 2019 Libra season refers to the span of time between September 23rd and October 23rd. And in this horoscope, I'll be considering some of the more predominant and major astrological influences throughout this upcoming month. Specifically. I'm going to be looking at the planetary movement through Libra in this. And how that movement is affecting the other Cardinal science. And so these signs include Capricorn Aries and Cancer for you Libra rules the solar fifth house and this is the place in the chart where we find information about your creative and essential energy. Basically, this is where you want to express yourself authentically and where the authentic expressions of you come. Out so this could include your creative projects your art or your hobbies your favorite pastime how you express yourself when you're really in a place where you feel like you're accessing your your true interests and your joy, we can also think about this part of your chart as Your vitality and your energy and the energy that you have to express yourself. Finally this part of your chart refers to your children as your Creative projects if you've made them or children who you're involved in caring for or nurturing or just children in general and childlike energy in general including your inner child. The sign Capricorn rules your solar Eighth House. The solar Eighth House corresponds to Shared resources and to deeper emotional entanglements and vulnerabilities that you have with the important people in your life so we can find information. Information here literally about money that you're sharing that's or inheritances or other shared finances as well as other kinds of energetic exchanges that you come into with people who you are involved in with in some way. So In classical astrology, the eighth house is sometimes referred to as the house of sex death money and power and certainly these issues are really common themes in this part of your chart. This is where we find a lot. The information about power how you wield power with others how others wield power with you and really the the power that you contain as a person and how you access that power or how you don't your insecurity is your shames the ways that you might feel your power subverted or manipulated or how you might use your power unconsciously areas rules your solar 11th house the 11th house. House is associated to friend friend groups and networks to your larger extended networks and larger social experiences. This includes social causes or group identities as well as your hopes and your worries and your fears about how your personal expression and unique self might be included or respected or you're Russians might be received or influence in a larger social setting this part of the chart also has to do with technology and with your engagement with futurism with future potentials and how you're thinking about being a participant or actively co-creating some kind of plan or larger system. Or engagement finally cancer rules your solar second house. The second house is associated to values value systems and valuables. So your self-worth and your self-esteem what you value your value systems and then finally what you own that is valuable how you support and sustain yourself. This includes your earned income your finances your liquid assets. All right so over The course of these next 30 days of Libra season. There is a lot of movement and attention in the part of your chart that has to do with your Vitality with your energy with your personal authentic expression with the ways that you engage with your favorite pastimes with your Joys and also with your children. Now, these ideas are pivot Points for you. They are places where you're going to make important decisions in regards to A other places in your life so over this next month, please notice how your relating with money and with power money and power are two really General and big themes that could be distilled down into lots of different specificities. But let's just think about your relationship to sustenance and survival and getting what you need and Then power where you feel like you have power where you feel like others have power that influences you in some way now how you express yourself should not be shaped or manipulated for power or for many. It's important right now that you discern and understand what is authentic for you. And what is not this is not the time to be role playing for other people. This is not the time to be catering to another person's interest or to their insecurities or did their threats if you're engaged in relationships or Dynamics where you feel like you have to perform for someone else to give you validation or compensation, then it's really time to reflect on these relationships and to identify any opportunities. You have to either shift these Dynamics or get out of them right now. You really want to identify. What is the most valuable and important for you your values are values that need to include your connections with other people and that need to include your heart and your sense of care and compassion as you receive care and compassion and as you're able to give care and compassion to others, these are ways of being that really nourish and nurture you and you want to be able to give Give them in ways again that are authentic for you right now. You might be understanding the importance of play in your life or the importance of enjoyment in your day-to-day. And again your methods of enjoying yourself or playing should be yours. Not other people's we all have different ideas about what's enjoyable and if you are. Passions or interests or chosen Pursuits come into some kind of conflict or friction, especially with other important relationships in your life. Again, this is a moment where you really want to reflect and discern as to how you want to be in relationship. You don't want to stifle yourself right now. And obviously you want to behave in ways that are ethical that are considerate that are compassionate. It with your relationships, but it's really unhelpful for you right now to be put in a box to feel like you can't honestly engage yourself in the ways that you want to and if you're feeling like somehow you have to navigate or negotiate with other people's insecurities or with the ways that they're trying to stifle you that's an issue now navigating and negotiating with upfront above board. Needs where other people are being respectful and considerate where everybody can come to the table and discuss in a reasonable way. That's fine. We all have disagreements. We have to figure out how to collaborate how to come together. But if there's any sense of manipulation or secrecy where you feel like you need to hide yourself or manipulate your way of being or if you feel manipulated or hidden by others in your life, that's a problem and it definitely needs to be looked at and considered only if you are a parent if your parenting right now your children may be presenting you with opportunities to change your value systems and particularly how you're using your money. I really want to encourage you to think about your financial choices as if they're lived future engage with money, ethically and responsibly right now and prioritize values that Support them throughout their lives examine attachments that you have to quote unquote Traditional Values as they've been handed down to you through your family or through Society at large. If you're a parent your kids are facing challenges today that you could not conceive of when you were a child and certainly that your parents couldn't conceive of when they were children your kids today need really really different kinds. Of encouragement now, there are some things that are going to be consistent throughout the ages people need stable loving homes. They need access to clean water and good food and shelter and relationships that are positive and supportive. So these things are consistent and true and your children may be asking you to shift your perspective in some important ways right now and to shift what you're prioritizing and how you are. Are expressing your values particularly as pertains to them and their future and I really want to encourage you to be open-minded about this and if your kids are not creating these choices for you right now, then please listen to the the larger kind of outcry and message of the Youth of the world right now who have been striking for climate Justice who are very aware of the interweaving. Use of environmental social and economic Justice and do what you can to support their needs and their objective aims. All right Gemini. That's what I have for you for this month. I hope that this horoscope has been interesting and then it will be helpful for you in the month ahead. If you'd like to know more about astrology in specific. Please become a subscriber in the subscriber only content. You can find out about the planetary aspects and transits and the lunar cycle. Eccles day-to-day you can keep track of what the opportunities the challenges are and suggestions for how to work with them. Thank you so much for listening. I wish you all the best in this month and Beyond bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Libra Season in 2019. Libra Season extends between September 23 - October 23. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to the Embodied Astrology reading for Libra Season. In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of Libra’s zodiacal energy and explore how it manifests in the world and in each of us. Everyone has every sign in their chart, and Libra represents amazing and important energy for each of us. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Libra season and is also a very healing and supportive energy to check in with at any point. Listen here: Get the Libra Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Find information on my upcoming classes and retreats here: Follow Embodied Astrology: Instagram - @embodiedastrology Facebook - Embodied Astrology (@embodiedastrology) Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
In a relationship no matter if it's romantic or platonic one will always learn about the other person in romantic relationships. This rite of passage is emphasized as a major Milestone. If not several there are times when the things one learns our disappointments you find out that your partner has a terrible sense of humor that they snore loudly or that when the working day is done. They like to sit down with two fists of whiskey and you'll racist slurs at the neighbors. Not all discoveries are disappointing of course, but enough that we can recognize the pattern. Then there are the other discoveries the exciting ones the pleasant ones along with the exceedingly unpleasant when one learns something new about their partner For Better or For Worse it often comes with no surprise in a natural relationship many new discoveries are born of guesses things. That one is wondered about the other at least once since they met you might wonder if your own partner likes the same crappy documentaries that you do if they have some wild stories of theft and vandalism. Them from their youth or if they by some miracle have a rich Uncle who wants to pay for your future nuptials. Whatever the case there are some surprises that have already been imagined some however exist beyond the common imagination. There are some secrets that one on earth can truly shocked or met someone who has known their partner for years. It's true to that some of these Secrets never get discovered like the Dark Side of the Moon. There are some people who hide their true nature from their Partners every day for the entirety of their life. These people these experts and subterfuge cloaked in darkness are sometimes harmless wanting only to keep certain intimate things to themselves. There is however, another type of the seat another type of cloak-and-dagger individual whose motives are less than pure. In fact, it's proven that they can be filled with Right devilish content you were listening to devil. We know a true crime podcast which may contain adult themes explicit language and graphic depictions of violence portions of the show may be traumatic for those under 18. Listener discretion is advised. Everywhere, we look everywhere we go every city every town every neighborhood every street. There is a devil we know this is devil. We know and I am your host Aaron. Karen was an optimistic young woman with a heart of gold when she met her future husband Christopher Leclair known for her selfless attitude around the community. She first started making that name for herself with her large family according to her brother Frank case. Born in 1965 Karen's addition to the Dozen plus siblings in Erie Pennsylvania was a welcome one as she is remembered as one of the most loving members of the family. This family didn't stay in Erie forever though before Karen was able to graduate from McDowell High School. They moved all the way to California where Karen instead attended a different school after graduating high school in 1983 her family made another move heading east once more to Florida her passion for the water and her loyal fun-loving attitude. Dude proved in a tractor for a certain Christopher Leclair the man that she would one day. Marry Karen's family was heavily steeped in marine life as Frank case points out in one interview stating that the fishing business was a given with the cases. It came as no surprise that at each juncture her family had moved to states with a decent amount of shore side action. Christopher with whom she grew in a murder at age 19 also involved himself in fishing. At the end of Karen's life. He had been a commercial fisherman and years before he ran a bait and tackle shop on Lake Erie Christopher's career tied in well with Karen's favorite hobbies. It seemed as she was often fond of visiting the Cayman Islands and other hot scuba diving destinations for excursions of her own life next to the water was apparently in her blood and by finding a man with the same interests, it seemed that she had hit the jackpot Karen for her part had not ceased to be an inspiring presence to others around her even. She got engaged and then married to Christopher. In fact, after returning to her home state. She continued honing her reputation as an amazing addition to society by working at a local Hobby Stop in Erie, Pennsylvania. Her hard work was noticed regularly by co-workers and customers alike. And even after moving on to Superior Toyota where she earned a career over 12 years working in the accounting department her reputation preceded her in her work as much as it did with her family for anyone who encountered her had nothing but praise. Praise for the way she held herself her co-worker, Julie Rosen Quest whose kids remembered Karen for her sweet personality in a desk drawer full of sweets to boot remembered many virtues of the woman that all others could agree on wholeheartedly Not only was she considered outgoing and friendly, but her work ethic was exceptional. Karen was a model employee and her co-workers at Superior Toyota thought of her Morris family. Julie's kids were exceedingly fond of her for her generous spirit and Sweet Disposition her boss to thought of her as a key player and the cultural development of the dealership and mentioned that he also thought of her as family Karen truly was a beacon in the eyes of her community and it showed perhaps because of her can-do attitude and her loyal loving demeanor her need to power through the troubles that her husband brought upon her was just natural. However, cheery her interactions with people in the day-to-day Karen came across trouble earlier and more often with Christopher than most people ever expect with their Partners back when they were still dating Christopher and Karen along with Christopher's father Ernest Leclair had a run-in with the law according to the Elwood City Ledger. The three of them were implicated in an attempt at insurance fraud Christopher and Ernest own an insurance policy worth over 300,000 that they tried to incur after a fire broke out at a Creek Township residents where the two were reportedly keeping inventory for their business after investigating the event it was discovered that the reported inventory had all either been sold or kept elsewhere meaning that the claim to the policy was fraudulent. This was not surprising at all considering the fact that Christopher was known for throwing his money around who is commonly uncouth with his finances and is debt was a consistent struggle in later life for him and his family. Back in 1990 though. This insurance fraud had landed Christopher some time in prison, while Karen was easily acquitted of all charges against her her time as a suspect was not long and her reputation despite Christopher's actions remained unsullied one thing from her early life with Christopher and the Leclair Clan was clear though. She did not know everything about the man. She was going to marry. In fact, it turned out that he would be capable of more than Karen ever expected. Christopher Leclair through all of his usual business ventures had lost more money than most people in the town would make he was a charlatan but in the dangerous moves toward crippling debt, the pressure was on perhaps that's part of what I woke him in the adulterous side that reared its ugly head in the latter half of their marriage Christopher had begun to see a woman Circa 2013 by the name of Tracy Butler and Tracy and her own way was expecting much of Christopher the man in his usual manner of buzzwords and double-talk had found him way into an extramarital. Ocean ship where the woman in question was swept off her feet perhaps you didn't get all the anger and financial stress that came with being married to Christopher. He likely save that and all of his other vices for Karen at home while he enjoyed the company of a mistress regardless Tracy was smitten and she was certain in the years that followed that she wanted to make Christopher a permanent part of her life. She insisted throughout the affair that Christopher leave his wife to start a new life with her. She expressed the desire to have kids and Christopher. At least in his conversations with Tracy wanted the same thing Tracy knew that there was only so much they could do while he was still married Christopher though. Apparently kept Tracy at arm's length holding onto both relationships until the summer of 2017 Karen his marriage to Christopher had undergone a few obvious downturns was Vigilant in the wake of Christopher's cheating and lying about which Karen was in the dark. She worked tirelessly to repair the score old marriage her attempts to bring fixed to the Sea. Tuition we're not enough. However to appease the husband. She thought she knew Christopher had made it clear that he wasn't trying his dalliance with Tracy was continuing at a Breakneck speed and it was later revealed that Tracy had even called an ultimatum on Christopher in an attempt to get him to leave his wife to leave her though. We proved to be too simple for Christopher his efforts to end his marriage proved much more Sinister than a simple divorce. On June 10th 2017 Christopher and Karen Leclair took a trip on their fishing boat. The Doris em out of the East Basin docks on Lake Erie a lake which at its widest point stands 57 miles many fishing Expeditions take place on the lake, but one of the most interesting activities that people partake in at Lake Erie is diving the shipwrecks which are estimated to Total mm this particular body of water, then covers one of the highest concentrations of shipwrecks in the world that said the Thousands of shipwrecks that lay at the bottom of Lake Erie. We're no interest to Christopher whose wife had a love of scuba diving. No on this trip his interest was in another sunken mystery added to the Lakes floor as of June 10th Christopher took care and making one gunshot to Karen's head with a 38 caliber revolver with a clandestine. Hope that it would look like a suicide. He then tied Karen's lifeless body to an anchor and plunged her into the cool depths. His job on the water was only halfway done, but he had planned to wait it out until his next cue late that afternoon. It was only Christopher who returned to the dock aboard the Doris m. Karen though. She left with them never came back a fact that was caught on cameras later found on the docks. That evening according to Tracey Christopher returned and they spent the night together discussing their future Christopher told her that she would be able to move into his house the same month a plan which had not been on the table before then. It seemed that Christopher had made his move and he was ready to take on the new life. He was planning with Tracy scratch that he was almost ready. He still had one more thing to take care of out on the lake around 10:00 or 11:00 the next morning. He left Tracy's house and returned to Lake Erie when he arrived at the lake he The boat once more out with a stone cold stare alone on the water. He made his way out about three miles off the coast. We need made a surprising call. He reached out to the US Coast Guard and he told them that Karen had fallen out of the boat and into the water and soon enough. There was an armada of search team professionals on the lake looking for care and Leclair in the water Christopher stood by as the search expanded doc. Bye doc mile by mile until aircraft hummed above with an intent to find the missing person. After over 30 hours on the water having searched over 1400 square miles the Coast Guard finally called their search declaring Karen dead to have poured over so much land and water without a sign of their potential drowning victim was discouraging more than that though the chances that she was still alive somewhere on the lake had dwindled drastically the search had been harrowing expensive and vast and all the while there was Christopher Leclair his contributions had been succinct. He had not offered much in. Formation at all. Like he said Karen had simply fallen off the boat. Then why wouldn't he have more to say wouldn't he like all innocent men have more to offer investigators during their search needless to say, he wasn't nearly as Cooperative as he could have been should have been in the search for his very own wife, and that more than anything rubbed police the wrong way they decided to get Christopher alone, and they had themselves a very long discussion and Christopher Leclair talked with Pennsylvania State Police on June. L've he recollected his version of events of his last days with Karen according to his statement. He and Karen spent the entirety of June 10th on Lake Erie cleaning out their fishing nets. He said the state of the water made his job difficult. So they went back home and stayed there until the following day that he said was when they decided to have a second go at the lake right around noon after they headed out to the water was when he claimed she fell overboard that too was when he claimed he made the distress call. During the course of the interview to Christopher eventually mentioned the affair. He had been having over the past several months when Tracy did come up. The investigators asked Christopher when he had last had sex with her while initially stating that he had last met with her several months ago. He afterward confirmed that the last time he did see her was on the 9th of that month June. It seemed was a busy season for lying cheating murderers, but Christopher's agenda was anything but clear with this interview out of the way. It was time for the police to approach Tracy. See Butler the mistress and the girlfriend for whom Christopher's lying did no good Tracy when asked about her rendezvous with Christopher on June 9th denied ever seen him that day instead. She insisted Christopher came over in the evening of June 10th, and he stayed until he headed back out mid-morning the same time. He would have been headed over to the docks to board the Doris em with or without his wife Karen lying. It seemed was no good for Christopher and the police made Headway with the surveillance videos that captured Christopher's activities on the Ox those two days in June while watching Christopher and Karen leave together around noon on the 10th the police knew that they were going to have to expect one of two things when the door Sam returned with its single passenger aboard. However, the police had fewer questions to answer. Of course, once they reviewed the footage from the 11th in which Christopher is aboard the boat alone once more just over an hour before he was to call the authorities their suspicions were confirmed completely Not only was Christopher lying about the activity and his whereabouts but circumstantial evidence. This guilt The karyn's Disappearance was considerable. He had no alibi and Karen was missing after an outing with him over the vast verdant surface of the Great Lake it was enough for law enforcement to make their next move around midnight after June 13th had nearly gone the court read their charges against their newest accused felon, Christopher Leclair who plead innocent was accused of criminal homicide. His crime was against his known wife Karen Leclair and all of the Court had to do was prove it later in the day. Investigators were able to serve search warrants with rights to look at both Leclair cell phones as well as that of Tracy Butler. The dark corners of Christopher's existence were slowly coming to light as his house in his vehicle also underwent searching the police were taking samples of DNA from the house hair and saliva in the hopes that when they found Karen's body, they'd be able to know for sure. It's important to note that everyone who heard about Karen was deeply distressed by the event whether they knew about Christopher's part in her disappearance from the get-go or whether they heard from Christopher himself, like Karen's co-workers. They all said the same thing why Karen Her reputation throughout the community as a selfless individual had spread like wildfire throughout her time in her Pennsylvania town, but there was one final note of concern something that may well have answered the question why Karen long before Christopher could think up an excuse Karen Leclair? It was said had a life insurance policy soon. It was over two weeks since Christopher's arraignment and nothing was to be said of finding Karen's body. At least not until Independence Day. We will be right back after these short messages, July 4th rolled around lazily on to Lake Erie and the surrounding communities and only on that day did a boater come across what appeared to be a human body female from the looks of it the body floating in the water six miles off. The coast was nearest to Dunkirk New York, which was still a ways away from the East Basin dock where the Dora sense at all so lifeless. Christopher had made his bed thinking he wouldn't have to lie in it evidently though. He had soiled the bed. He had made it all too easy to be caught in his lie. Now it was clean up time their discovery of Karen's body and Lake Erie was nothing short of disturbing Christopher when disposing of her body had not only tied her to the boat anchor but he had tied her ankles around as well the state of the body did not look conducive to an accident drowning in the least Christopher's initial defense was already not holding much. So to speak now it was leaking profusely in the autopsy after Karen's body was positively identified the time came for the examiner to determine cause of death judging from the wide bullet hole in her head. It was evident that the accident which Christopher concocted on the 11th was only a fallacy the Layman would have to assume that Christopher was to blame and the experts while they knew the truth with all the proof. They had it was simply a matter of making the case when the Bullet Hole was discovered. Word police went back to the footage that surveyed Christopher during his time in the Erie County Prison and they discovered an unsettling conversation between him and his father Ernest Leclair. Apparently when Ernest visited his son Christopher's discussion with him involved a gun. He asked his father whether he had taken care of the weapon and Earnest eager to help his boy said, yes, it was more than enough confirmation to place Earnest under arrest while they conjure up yet another search warrant this time checking the boat which served as the Crime scene along with the house once more thanks to this tip the police recovered the murder weapon the 38 caliber revolver along with ropes on the boat that match the type used to bind Karen's body before she was waterborne Earnest for all he did to help his son cover up. The crime was charged with tampering with evidence his work with the gun and his sons blatant disregard for caution had landed him in prison alongside his killer son with a $25,000 Bond. The very next day Ernest posted the ten percent needed to walk away while Christopher sat and waited for trial to come. Christopher had time to write in prison. He wrote some letters. In fact, we're and he professed his innocence in the events prior much to the bewilderment of law officials. He delivered a narrative in which his wife the selfless and beloved decided to end her life in his version of events. She shot herself in the head Awash with Agony over the affair that Christopher was having sure Karen was working hard to repair the marriage that Christopher had actively abandoned but this story of his was just that a story it. Story that conflicted directly with his first but Christopher even had a reason for that. According to him the guilt. He felt was immense after all it was his wanton actions that had earned Karen and early watery grave. He stated in these letters that he himself had discovered the body first, but after dumping the body into the lake, he was warded off by police in the area The Narrative paints Christopher as Meek a victim a person adjacent to tragedy but he never took responsibility for the acts that were clearly committed. Eventually though Christopher's defense attorney was forced to push forth the story that Christopher had fabricated the six letters written by Christopher or read in court by a police officer who testified as lead investigator of the case and the story Christopher weaved in these letters also portrayed a person of compassion in one of the letters. He wrote I didn't want anyone to know what she had done. I tied her to an anchor and let her go he claims to have taken in his words screenshots of the body he And before the police called him off the water. However, elaborate was beginning to sound the story was barely palatable to the court try as Christopher might to claim innocence the evidence pointed to the contrary in most respects nevertheless. The defense pulled out all the stops. They had namely they called to the stand there one defense witness in a case that was overpowered all too easily. Dr. Carl Williams Allegheny County's chief medical examiner. Dr. Williams upon review of the autopsy report and the photograph Of the body attested to the appearance of the self-inflicted gunshot wound. This may have been the defense has Ace in the Hole their best bet at Landing some sort of nabbed innocence for Christopher. However, before that could happen the prosecution then cross-examined, dr. Williams and his expert testimony. When asked if he would have taken other circumstances into account, he stated that if he were the medical examiner, in this case, he would have a high likelihood of coming to another conclusion the prosecution for their part had many more aces up their Of course, the elimination of the defense one. Hope was well underway, even the defense attorney was noted to sound disbelieving in his delivery of the suicide story. Whatever the prosecution had left was simply left to clinch the decision of the court in an undeniable sweet during the trial Tracy Butler. The mistress was called To The Stand one would have assumed that her story would at least somewhat support Christopher and his Alibi his defenses against the allegations against him, but Tracy was more than forthright. She first confirmed the actual length of the relationship while Christopher statement held that he had only been seen Tracy for several months her account painted a much larger picture. She attested that she had been entangled romantically with Christopher since 2013 in an on-again off-again relationship wearing they lived together for eight months this differ greatly from the relationship that Christopher described which was chalked up to a brief dalliance text messages a shared showed a deeper side revealing a relationship where the to claim to be in love. It was even discovered that the two were trying to get pregnant together trying to form a family a New Life. She gave an account of their actual clandestine relationship in detail on the stand discussing Christopher's Promises of marriage and of wanting to leave his wife Tracey, of course have been pushing for divorce, but it was obvious to the court that Christopher's solution was much more drastic. In fact prosecutor Elizabeth hers addressed his decision quote rather than just leave Karen this man decides to take her out on his boat and shooter. It's chilling what he did that day and quote while Tracy may have been asking Christopher to start a new life with her. It was Christopher who decided that meant ending another life entirely Tracy also mentioned to police another incriminating factoid about her relationship with Chris. Apparently while eating with Tracy and her children Christopher discussed a life insurance policy that he had on his wife this policy which totaled at $30,000 would have been in effect for an accidental death and it was likely that Christopher's first story was fabricated to earn that policies payout in full. The age-old tale of a cheating spouse taking out the life-insurance policy on their partner to start anew with the homewrecker was a story that was recognizable enough to turn heads in the courtroom, but it was clear with enough time that the mistress had nothing to do with it Tracy simply wanted a family and although this mode of may seem like enough to Encompass the situation and its full capacity. There was more to the story more of that like first assistant DA Elizabeth, her said was chilling. She wasn't wrong about that not by a long shot of a 38 caliber revolver. As if the conversations in prison weren't enough to condemn Earnest and Christopher and some sort of collusion the court brought in recordings of phone calls between the two men while Christopher sat quietly in the courtroom speaking not a word on his own behalf. Jury and judge a like heard Christopher Leclair from early in June asking his father to get rid of the gun true. If one was attempting to hide a suicide there would be a discussion about the method of self-infliction there might even be an attempt to hide the evidence of the self harm if possible. However, the actions that were taken along with the circumstantial evidence surrounding them Point toward a more Sinister occurrence The Hiding of the murder weapon the laps an alibi the motive for murder and uncooperative nature of Christopher's interactions with the police during the search for Karen all were used in the implication of Christopher and Karen's murder. It was possible though under the shaky defense of suicide and survivor's guilt that each of these occurrences could have supported Christopher's version of events. There was however one last piece of evidence something that surpassed even the discovery of the affair of the life insurance policy of even the revolver that was used and Karen's life Christopher's Mo Christopher as fate would have it had discussed his plans to kill Karen before 2017. In fact the plan he had was in mind for over 10 years without so much as a peep from the witnesses until the Fateful event occurred two witnesses on separate occasions recall conversing with Who had ruminated on killing his wife by taking her out on the lake and throwing her overboard this fantasy of his was remembered from one Witnesses conversation with Christopher in 2011. The other though was much earlier the first witness mentioned of murdering Karen was placed in the year 2014 almost 13 years before her actual death. Thirteen years is a hell of a long time to plan a murder and Judge John jate. Rasila commented on the act before Christopher whose silence in the courtroom was still unsettling. Judge, Drusilla called Karen a ray of light stating that she was a selfless giving Soul it was then that he turned his attention to the selfish life before him referring now to Christopher quote the depravity and depths that you went to calculate this murder are unlike any this court has ever seen and quote. He said with conviction as he sentenced Christopher to life in prison without parole plus 3 and 3/4 to 17 years for murder in the first degree in addition to charges related. To his cover-up of the attack and the legality of his use of the firearm to Christopher life in prison would have been too light of a sentence true still then tacked on some extra years and charged him with over $700,000 to reimburse the state for their search and rescue efforts the extra years on top of the life sentence were thrown in for good measure making sure that the punishment did indeed fit the crime. As he said in his Karen's brother Frank case said in response to the case, there was a selfless life paired with a selfish one in the selfish one decided to take until he could take no more from Karen whose selflessness touched the lives of this community and many many ways there were dark days indeed for the people of Erie County, but at least some justice had now been served. It's not everyday that one's life is upturned by the deceit and ill-will of a loved one. It happens, of course, but not often enough to warn a road sign tipping off the next drivers to head down Lovers Lane. The gamble of living with another individual is the fact that no matter how much you learn about them. You can never know everything every thought every wish every urge. It's all too much and it's too personal. That's why commitment means so much when you marry another person, for example, it's under the assumption that for the foreseeable future the person you marry is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with it's a huge decision and with it comes a commitment to the person, you know, or rather to the person you feel like you know, The truth of it is the commitment can have a backlash since sometimes we enter into agreements big and small with people who aren't what they seem whether it's that they have a misunderstanding of the agreement or that they simply don't agree to the terms. There are many people that break these commitments without batting an eyelash. There are those two who simply enter a commitment like a marriage under false pretenses when you find a marriage a commitment like that. It's hard to reconcile what the course of action should It'd be so many people find separating and ending the commitment to Be an Effective policy. There are others who find Value in the relationship on a if only basis these people motivated in part by what could be work to manage and repair their lost connection with their partner. And if the partner is simply a perception based on falsehoods, then the salvation of such a relationship is almost always out of the question. Relationships are tricky. They're complex with many moving Parts. But at the root of it all there's always just two people and these two people whether they know it or not are expecting transparency of sort. If not, the whole thing falls apart the same thing goes for people whose ulterior motives are sheltered through years of meaningless experiences, though the life you experience with your partner may have meaning and emotion attached if your partner doesn't share those sentiments then the committed relationship between the two Oh of you no longer exists. In fact, the longer a person can keep themselves locked away with the thought of being rid of the partner the more likely it is that the relationship they had never met anything to them in the beginning the most likely began under the same file see and will maintain it until they get what they want. That's the cool part. Some people really are that selfish and conniving and a person like that isn't someone you want around a person like that in our lives no matter what role they play is. Simply for what they stand to gain. They're not the type of person to give your life to so if you reveal one early enough remember to stand clear of them, they break the Myriad of promises. They make to enter our lives playing the part of a devil we know. Thanks for listening to devil. We know we will be back next Friday the brand new episode. Also stay tuned. We will be launching our patreon page August 27th will be the first release of an episode and go to our patreon page Oh again, I'd like to thank you guys so much for the five star reviews. You're leaving on iTunes. They really helped a lot again. If you'd leave your name, I would love to shop you guys out. There have been several since our last episode and we greatly appreciate that. Please keep those coming in. Here's to more podcasts that I found that I really enjoy. Please check out these promos and go over and subscribe to their podcast. And until next week stay safe. Hello everyone. This is Robin Warder host of The True Crime podcast. The trail went cold. If you grew up watching the classic television show Unsolved Mysteries than this is the podcast for you each week. I profile a new unsolved murder or missing persons case and share all the baffling details afterward. I provide my own personal analysis and theories about what might have happened. This is a show for True Crime Buffs who are fascinated by Cold cases and love to Scott's them and pick them apart in an attempt to figure out the truth. So be sure to check out our podcast to learn about some truly bizarre Unsolved Mysteries where the trail went cold. Hi, I'm Joel and I'm Phil and where the Cohoes to Florida Men A True Crime comedy podcast each week on Florida men. We bring you stories from the Shady Side of the Sunshine State starring America's most prolific criminal law demands stories with headlines like Florida, man, carrying live alligator chases people in a convenience store and floral woman calls 9-1-1 on a possum. You can find Florida men on Apple podcasts Google podcasts Spotify or wherever fine podcasts are found.
Cheater and con artist Christopher Leclair was in debt, his wife was trying to fix their marriage, and his girlfriend had just given him an ultimatum: "Her or me." He took it a little too literally, Leaving his wife at the bottom of a lake. Karen Leclair, the wife and a "ray of light" to the community, never knew this side of the man she married.Devilweknowpodcast.comPatreon: by: David Young - @david_thegingerSources:
Today's episode of the Hatchery podcast is brought to you by Luxor technology North America's largest mining pool lectures goal is to operate enterprise-class mining pools with professionalism and an intense customer focus. They provide a top-notch user experience and have a great selection of pools for you to mine to from a variety of notable altcoins to Big Daddy Bitcoin for which they launched their mining pool in October. So be sure to go and check them out. We are incredibly grateful that Luxor is chosen to sponsor this show going into 2020. We would love it if you as listeners would support the show by Ting them you can find them online at Luxor dot Tech and give them a follow on Twitter at Luxor Tech Team. Hey, everyone Thanks for tuning in to the Hatchery podcast the best crypto mining podcast in the history of the world on today's show. We're joined by Kristy Lee. Minahan to discuss Hardware fpgas gpus Asics and how they are dominating certain coins in the space. We also talked about what some of the projects out there are doing to keep their network decentralised and to stay away from nasty fpgas and a Absolutely ruining the fun for all of the GPU miners out there. Hopefully you guys enjoy this episode. And if you do, please make sure that you leave us a rating and review on your preferred listening platform. And as always today's episode of the hash rate podcast is presented to you by hash rate OS hash rate OS is a Linux based operating system designed to help you increase the efficiency of your mining machines and maximize your overall profitability now with Asic and GPU support hash rate OS provides the best experience in crypto mining allowing you to manage your facility fully from any mobile device and take Click control of your mining operations. Hash rate OS is mining as it should be be sure to head over and check out the hash rate operating system at OS dot hash Again, that's OS dot h a sh are Alright without further Ado on to the show. Hey everyone, welcome to the hash rate podcast. I'm the Bitcoin Broski here today with crypto Chris Walken mean hash and special guest host Christie Lee Min Han. Miniheader - Han. I always miss? Yes. I got it. Finally got a girl man. Cool. So welcome to the show again. We're happy to have you back. Yay. You know, we were talking two minutes ago before we hit record about the new wave of a six and some of the drama that's going on specifically around kadena. I don't know how much you're able to share but love to open the conversation there and talk about it. Yeah, I mean the katana or kadena they get very upset by the way when I mispronounce number one their kicker or misspell their ticker. You can mispronounce their coin. So three people have said that this is proof that I'm not intelligent because I can't pronounce their coin correctly and I will continue to mispronounce it as is my right as an Australian, what could that uh their Community it has been very upset because all the GPU miners have started saying hey, you know, we're not profitable anymore. What was interesting was the fpga miners were also coming in and saying Hang on we're not making any profit, but at the same time the see a coin developers in the city of I'm mining Community have been tracking this massive hash rate increase that started just about in November or December last year. I mean there was evidence of a new machine coming online in October 2019, but only became really pronounced. What's the end of the year? So both of these communities independently have been facing, you know new machines on their own that are heavily centralizing the mining the interesting thing about these two coins. Is they both share the same algorithm. Well not quite they share Base called Blake to and there's Blake 2s and Blake to be one is designed to work with 64-bit CPUs and be more performant on 64-bit CPU. Use one is designed to be more performant on 32-bit CPUs. So some smart motherfucker out there decided. Hey, I'm going to go make a machine that just mines Blake to that has currently been terrorizing both chains and taking away all the profits from both the GPU and the fpga community. So I've been working with the Adana devs to actually do the notes analysis and there's some pretty strict bending that we can see that's come I would say in the last two months has started to appear and there's evidence of the mining pools actually having these devices pretty early on those as well specifically ice mining. I think it's cold and other mining pool as well. So yeah, it's been interesting what I want to try and do however is we're definitely going to release a report on this but overlay. The hash very own see according with the hash rate on kadena and specifically the notes patterns because right now with these machines the only way that we can reverse engineer this and give undeniable proof that there's these machines on the network is actually by just doing this Munson Alice. So with that undeniable proof and the nonce analysis that you're doing, what are the options that could enter than has moving forward. So I always say that you go to have an algorithm that fits the specific mining Community, right? So Kadena doesn't actually have an issue with Asics. But the problem right now is that the Asics are inherently centralized. There's there's only two people that have access to them. And so one person has you know, 73% of the network hash rate right now and the rest belongs to another party. That is the problem when you have a six really early on in your chain, so I know they were doing some analysis of crumpled and they're looking into that they may end up building their own algorithm. I'm not really sure. Disappointed because their original choice of Blake 2's came from David Warwick of Obelisk. And this is what happens when you have a six very early on in your coin Network. I mean if we had a Bitcoin a seek available in 2009 2010, the entire thing would have been I centralized force not that it would have mattered. It was no liquidity them. But I mean now how centralized is it speaking of there is an increasing number of people including Including a no it was on the podcast minor update. There's like five different research firms that have popped that are all claiming to give you know research on mining and what I find amusing is that not a single one of them has original information. They just parrot. Well the publicly available information and they charge for this I did not know you could do this. I know that like like token Insight they put out their report and by report what I mean is they sent a questionnaire out to the mining pools, but I'm sure they sent a similar question are two Service providers within the mining community and then they compiled those answers and that then became the research, but did you read the report? It was so bad. Yeah, like everything in there was incorrect horribly Incorrect and I'm sitting here going do I do I do something about it or do I just like ignore it when they made a lot of assumptions that didn't make sense to me. You know, they said things that were just yeah, I mean, yeah, they could be true, but they're assuming like specifically when they were talking about Cloud Mining and the growing In prevalence of cloud Mining and how there would be more demand from retail for cloud mining Services. Yeah, that could be true. But there was no information to substantiate those claims. It was just little things like that. They caught me there were some of the stats that because they're all drawn from a similar information pool. They're all going to line up right like when they talk about the centralization of Asic manufacturers and how there's roughly 95% of the industry controlled by for big companies. That's not Necessarily up for debate whether it's 95 exactly it's in that ballpark. So I mean there's some things that they're obviously spot-on with that you can't argue with and the you know, the information is publicly available. Then a lot of it is just click bait just in a long form and they missed so many manufacturers like I was so in there they have like a specific page on mining Farms. There's five mining Farms there. That's all they've listed there is well over that. I worked for one of the largest ones and then on the mining Hardware They barely had anything. They have AC minor on there, which was very interesting. Lost coin is Adam basic minor is a scam. They had a Halo on mining which hasn't been selling out any new hardware since you know their earliest nine days, very very outdated information. Yeah, I was disappointed because this combined with coin chairs is the other one. I think that makes through report and there's been three others that have popped up in China. They're all just circulating the same information like it would be great to have a real mining research firm that actually Goes and consults with the mining Farms individually and you know works with the mining farms and that was how they collect their data. Now, what would that be? Would that be possible though? I mean that's what I see is the potential challenge. I mean, yes, someone who has access to all those companies could do that, but then the question comes would someone with access to all of those companies do such a thing because how much is your time worth? And are you spending it properly if you're writing research reports as opposed to Consulting on the continued expansion? Each of the Bitcoin Network. I mean, you know, I mean I consult with a few of these but mostly it's VCS and which are publishing research reports because right now I guess you make a good point the information is competitive. So if you have understanding of you know, what is the distribution and what are the potential entry points into mining you want to keep that close to your chest and never actually share I would bet that the mines would probably not be truthful with their data to that's why you have to be actually managing the Farms. Then right who cares if they are truthful, that's yeah, you've managed well and one of the things that stood out to me in the token Insight report was they made a claim that major pools were going to add more support for altcoins, which I mean is true enough, right? There's going to be more support added for altcoins, but then they double down on the fact that there's 64 coins with over $100,000 in Daily volume what they did unknowingly as they brought in GPU mineable coins and major pools into the same conversation. Action and like I'm reading it as I'm sitting in slush pulls office. We're just talking about how practical it is. Like if you've got the Bitcoin having very close and you've got a limited amount of Dev work that you can put towards a project. You're not going to throw up support for a pool. That's you know, the total volume on that coin is $200,000. It doesn't make sense because the minute profitability shifts all of those miners are leaving. These don't know mining. They don't and their claim of 5 nanometer right now. There's this big myth going around that bit means making I've nanometer chips. So tsmc isn't making 5 nanometer chips in any sort of volume yet how these news reports always work is that in some random corner of the lab tsmc has managed to create a five nanometer chips that functions well great. There is a big difference between making, you know us very small batch of chips and making mess mess fly 7 nanometre still isn't fully matured. And right now there's about I would say 40% Performance that you can squeeze out of a 7 nanometre Bitcoin chip with some more optimizations. Mikrobitti is fully focused on working on this bit man is chasing the news of being able to say. Hey, we were the first five nanometer manufacturer, but it doesn't actually mean that much and we're not going to see five nanometer in large-scale Supply any time soon because all of the dedicated consoles your Xbox your PS4. For PS5 now, you're intending to switch. It's all using either 7 nanometre or some other phone factor and the gaming industry as well as the handheld Market Mobile phones laptops Etc really dictates. What is what the silicone supplies going to be like so this frustrates a lot because they were like, oh, yeah five nanometer chips are already in the tape out stage and 5 nanometer remaining Hardware will be released this year and I'm like, wow, that's a bold statement. Yeah. I mean, there's so many new HVAC manufacturers. Popping up to it seems like now everyone is trying to get into the a six-game who are the major chip manufacturers tsmc and Samsung. So you have globalfoundries as well. So every Asic manufacturer actually, this is just a global thing in Silicon. You have your main one. So like Nvidia is Samsung AMD is tsmc and you have your backup Fab. So if the main Fab, you know has an explosion or a fire or something major happens you switch to your backup fat and so you work on the Silicon libraries and work on. Chip designs for both Fabs in parallel, but main is tsmc main they use on a culmination of Intel as their backup as well as globalfoundries and they also have a supply chain within China at see em, I see which coincidentally is the same manufacturer that Obelisk their silicon from very early on SM. I see is only inside of China. So it's where most of your old coin a sixer Maine including the A second The Raven coin hasten mikrobitti is all in with Samsung. They have a backup at tsmc. I believe it is but it's only a very small allocation there. Kanaan is an absolute horror and just goes for with everyone. They've got somebody in fell Summit tsmc. I should probably stop swearing. Sorry. It's called this diversification. That's that's safe safeguarding your company. It's really okay. We swear on this podcast not putting. That's not safe for work tag for a reason. Yeah, right. I would double click explicit on the on the podcast post if it would let me there's even is entirely Chinese as well as there's another one within China that I forget the name of but they are silicone supplies just in entirely in China and then you have in a silicon in a grabs a little bit from China, but mostly they What's known as an aggregator? So the aggregator when you go to make anything with silicone you always buy 10 or 20% extra. This is because all sorts of things can happen. And because if you all of a sudden overproduce or you need more you think you know sales might be great. It's very hard to go back to the silicone manufacturing say hey, can you give me some more of those Wafers? They're going to be like no you have to wait another year until the allocate till we Do the allocation so you always buy a little bit extra whatever you don't use of your allocation. You can either keep and you still have to pay for it, or you can sell it out. And usually you sell it to an aggregator an aggregator is basically just a giant broker and all they do is they just aggregate all this Supply from the different companies and then they go sell it out to whoever is the highest bit of just like a regular broker, you know silicone actually just uses that which means they're false and their chips come from all these other different fathoms, so they need to find They're aggregator. Then for this grin Fiasco. Ah, we're going to get into that. So, you know silicon has a very strong history of self mining, you know, keeping devices that they make for about 9 to 12 months and just self mining with it. We know through someone else's leaked documents that were leaked that their ethereum Asic they have kept for almost a year and a half and I've been self mining with it. I was able to independently confirm that so yeah, I wager what's happened with that. Grin Asic is they've taped out a very small amount and they're keeping it for themselves because in that specific report, let me pull it off because the way they talked about this it's just yeah my bigger issue. We kind of talked about this on our last podcast that we had just the four of us, but they took Bitcoin as payment and this was back when Bitcoin was like 4 grand and now they're offering to pay people back, but are they paying people? I can Bitcoin or USD because if it's USD than they also made money and they have a 6 that they're mining on their own. They were probably do it in USD. Most likely here's the really interesting thing though. You have to pay the Fab to like get anything done the percent that you pay though is defers like 20% might be 40. It can be 80% from within a solar cones reputation. I wager they would have had to do at least 60 percent up front at the fam. So the fact that you know, they've already been doing these designs. It means some money had exchanged hands. Like if the Fab is doing work on testing money was exchanged. So how does it know so I'm constantly have all the money to do the refunds kind of weird more than likely and someone a lot smarter than me could probably just do an analysis on growing and track these devices they'd be mining with them for quite a while and with the new upcoming Fork they realized oh, it's probably more profitable if we just keep them to ourselves. I need the c29 fork c31 was super profitable for like 12 hours because it is still trying to fix this parity. So if you have a six that are making a hundred forty dollars a day and no one else has I mean, I think that made some money that day here's their statement that I want to touch on very quickly. It took us three more months to complete the verification which is impossible with any fpga. That is not true. So what they're building is literally a, you know, another GPU card there. They're building a GPU card clone GPU cards get verified with big fpgas. I've got to see them. You can look them up online. There are the synopsis machines. Sometimes it's the Cadence machines. They're pretty badass. They look like something out of Doctor Who and so that I take issue with all of your designs are verified about these really really giant fpgas. They're just large-scale the worldwide shortage of advanced Foundry capacity. Is really weird. They're not doing anything events with their chip if epic blockchain isn't doing anything Advanced. Neither. Is it a silicone the new wafer fabrication? That's fine. You do need to wait for that but then they've been stating that hey there was a weight. And by the way, this report came out when in 2019 this was their statement they made they said hey, we're going to deliver everything in January 2020 now felt like they were just pushing this out and their latest statement. They say that the Fab still has a verified things even though in their previous. A statement they said hey, they've done all the verification now Fabs specifically tsmc have their shit together. They are not this clumsy. They don't just magically lose customers. They don't have delays like this unless there is number one that there is part of The Foundry down do to you know, a chemical explosion that did happen with globalfoundries and it was why AMD moved all their production over the SMC for the Vegas and you don't just you know, magically have these delays of four to six months. That doesn't happen in a very controlled environment with one of the three big players. Well, my other thing is I would bet that they're mining on them solely because of the fact that I migrant forever and on 1080i. So I have a bunch of c31 was way more profitable to see 29 forever and then within the past couple of months, it's actually more profitable in mind c29 on 1080i is it is c31 by a bunch. So I would think that they've got them online and difficulties up on c31. I bet you we can easily track them as well. Well, there's this myth going around that, you know, you can fool the notes discrepancy that shows up. It's a very specific fingerprint when you do this. It's malice and yes, it is possible on certain chips, but 99% of the time you're just going to leave the chip as is because how this analysis works is you're finding the number of sold Melissa's like what is what is it in the specific height and your clustering those together and that specific pattern is formed from Number one the speed of the chip operating and number two how many notes has successful notes as you're solving per second you are not going to deliberately cripple your chip to try and hide your device. Especially not in an Asic friendly algorithm like Grim. So when I get some time, I'll do a bit of an analysis on that but I bet you we'd start seeing that pattern. I mean I had evidence that they had the had some test samples in September 2019, but I bet you will see the mind. I'm back in August 20 19. So it'll be it'll be interesting to see going back to bitcoin Asics. There's some new players that are coming on the scene SBI s so SBI and layer one would be the to the jump out to me. I don't know the layer 1 is actually they actually have an Asic planned. I know they have a hard some dude from NASA I kid you not. Okay because I'm there a sick. Here's the problem with all these new Asic. Books are all going to get their ass kicked because they're competing with 10 years of tribal knowledge and 10 years of research with bit Main and mikrobitti. It's like trying to say you're going to go make a GPU that beats out a video or AMD and after having dealt with both of these players and dealing with a ton of new people trying to make a 6 they'll do the exact same thing. They make over exaggerated claims on their specifications and then when they finally take out the chip, it's often underperforming by 40 or 60 percent. I mean the same thing happened with Tara minor back in the day, which I've had to revisit recently. So while SBI crypto is going ol in part of that is fueled by they have their own whining forms. So they want their own Supply and number two. They think they're really going to be able to beat out mikrobitti and bit me and I'll make a prediction now and I'll bet one Bitcoin on it. I reckon that their machine will come out thirty percent under their specifications or they would Cancel the project and Hartley layer one might be able to pull off a competitive chip. But I bet you will happen is they'll announce a release and then two days later either mikrobitti or a bit mainly start selling their device. If you talk about history and experience from building Asics. What about if you had someone like Samsung just start building their own Asics, you think they could jump into a market and easily compete with somebody like that then there is someone running Hang around that claims to be from Samsung designing a success all for the industry to know Samsung might be able to only because they've been working with the different manufacturers globalfoundries. Try this back in 2015 to 2017 Intel tried this from 2016 to 2019. Both failed the trick to designing a Bitcoin has tickets different from any other kind of basic you have to sit on the edge of the process node, specifically the edge of the wafer you're looking for leaky chips, which means you have to do. Your specific processor to get these high leakage quality, which you never wanted any other device, you know leakage means that you can overclock the chip to an insane amount but it also opens yourself up for a lot of errors and it opens yourself up for a lot of waste as well. No other industry won't stop except for Bitcoin Miners and then the other piece of all this is the optimizations around sha-256 T do require a bit of study at East one to two years of study. I think if we were going to take all three of the manufacturers and figure out who could beat who probably globalfoundries because while Samsung has been trying to make their own chip internally globalfoundries has been studying this religiously and silently acquiring some of the top basic developers from bit Main and from Canal in the background for the last three years. And so they're gearing up to do something but it remains to be seen if they will. Successful, there's also patents involved which I know China doesn't care much about but we seem to take it seriously in the u.s. So, you know, that could be a whole issue as well. There's also another kind of design you could do on a Bitcoin AC no one's been able to pull it off. It's round approximate Computing and you could ease there's a really great white paper floating around but you could easily get 20 to 30 percent increase just using that method so we might see some of the earlier ones the basics using that Covid so that's the white paper and I'm going to try and put this in as lime and terms as possible. But when you say roundabout it's basically trying to guess for the solution randomly rather than trying to start at the beginning and solve for it all the way that the one you're talking about. Exactly. Yeah. It's 30% Sorry. It's a 30% increase in performance. So it's pretty cool and it's approximate Computing only really works for Bitcoin because we're so fault tolerant and because you know, Sort of allow for most of these guesses. Yeah, if someone put that into play they would have a very very competitive basic. I bet you SBI is trying to implement this as well and they will most likely fail. I mean your first chip is always terrible. I remember my first one it was terrible as well. It means first one was terrible. So it was condolence and the other thing is you just can't take random people out of the industry if they haven't grown up designing crypto Asics. This is the one point I I agree with David wark on you can't take a random average Asic designer and have them make a Bitcoin Asic. There's just such a gap in knowledge. It's the same reason you can't take a CPU Asic designer and have the make a GPU Asic. They're very specialized Fields with lots of tribal knowledge that is only gained through working in the industry. So we've been talking about all the all the public Asics. Let's talk about the ones that aren't so public special with you on here. So I started tracking all this I think It was with your tweet from the the raven a sick and his back like July or something like that. But uh, so that's when I started tracking all this but it started get out of hand. So with my tracking so I've seen Raven got wrecked by a 6 and a fort then they were profitable for gpus for a while and then everybody moved to Vail and bailiffs completely fucking wreck right now. Like I remember when I was mining asking like 200 a day if you go on what's a mind it's like 13 a day right now, so they don't right now is using Prague Palin. To Max but they only switched I think a week ago. I'm a seen that announcement yet. Yeah, they just switched a week ago because I'm being they moved off Raven coin. Yeah, it was this Monday was when they officially formed but my big thing with Raven right now is Raven was good, and then they got completely wrecked again because right now you can go on my nipple stats and 75% of the hash rate is on secret pools that are even track right now. Yep. So now in the hell are people going to fix this shit. Let's talk about this because it's really interesting so full disclosure. I was asked to write off a potential algorithm design for Raven coin. There's five different proposals right now, but only for a new algorithm for Raven and they're trying to make gpus have parity with fpgas, which is doomed for failure from the start. We'll get into why and the second one is called. Old x16 dag are also known as altered hash that is created by altered. I think they're called Ultra hash or something. Yeah, Dave Collison's new new new company. He made where he brought a bunch of BCU 1525 decided. Hey, I'm going to go use those for the AI industry and then realize that no one uses fpgas at scale of the AI industry. So that plan did not work out. Those are the guys. It actually made the x 16 RV to bit strings. Also they did they did and so they've designed a memory part and Asic resistant proof of work and no one on the podcast can hear my air quotes, but I'm being very sarcastic it out with my hands and then you have white fires algorithm, which is called e16 are which aims to really keep the spirit of what Raven coin is your 16 different algorithms. I haven't reviewed both in enough detail. Well, there are glaring errors in both and I can tell you right now that it's not going to stop the new devices. So let's talk about the new devices full disclosure. I have both of them. I also manage a large farm that uses them. So I'll get that from the way now because it's it's going to leak eventually the o w one was the very first device. This was created by pain. I dear who decided to Market this under a different name. Can I dear for those of you who aren't familiar with them? There are Chinese only. They only deal with Chinese Miners and they built the very first Monaro a scene and I got to become familiar with them during my time at Genesis soap in idear built. This o w 1y this is different from a traditional asec is it uses something called EF PGA think of this like a flexible Asic, it's fpga cores embedded inside of an Asic packaging. So you get all of the Power Savings of an Asic with the flexibility of an fpga the restrictions on this are you can't change Iraq. Architecture as much it's really the benefit of fpgas being able to change your architecture on the fly. So the o w one has been mining since March last year might have been a little earlier then they decided to make their new tech hold the ow2. So the ow2 uses something called are chronics has speedcore. It's also an embedded fpga and it's think of it just as a little bit bigger, you know, it's a bit beefier and they're able to fit more of Raven coins algorithms inside one of them. Gasps so this is currently dominating or even pointing right now. It's pushed down all of the BC use pushed out all of the pcie fpgas entirely. And of course all the porter GPU miners when there was that switch that fork for Raven coin. All that meant was that it took about two weeks for the Nui fpgas to have a new extreme and get reconfigured. So a lot of the new algorithms right now that are being designed are trying to create parity between the fpga in the GPU. You in terms of performance the problem with this is when you're designing a mining algorithm. You have to create parity around three points hash what $10 if you only tuned for a long you're going to get from the other two. So while it's going to end up happening is Raven point a fork to this you algorithm and I can promise you those new fpgas have the capacity also switch because they also have a giant chunk of memory on the board which is going to be able to fit any sort of dag file, which is One of the components of new algorithms there thinking. Oh my gosh did this and they're Asic resistance. Why don't I just put that in so I'm guessing they're on hbm. They're not on HP. Mm. You don't need H BM for to do some really cool stuff diag. All you need is a ddr4 which is in plentiful Supply in China or they might be able to cram semester am into an e fpga once I've actually moved. I have a know W to that I'm going to be doing a big tear Town of and ID capsule will know exactly what's inside. And these are the ones that we've all been talking about that are only in China, right? Yes, all of the you all kind of Isis are only in China. And so there's a new trend. I've actually seen and it's one of the reasons I've stepped into being this mercenary role. You can't get your hands on any of these new devices unless you're best friends with the manufacturer. That's it there. No one is selling anymore. The new strategy is find a private investor. And here's the really cool part sometimes. Local government find a private investor that funds the initial tape out and you only need about sixty to a hundred units completely dominate chain for the ow2. They've only taped out 250. That's it. I'm so it's a very small amount pow1 they mass-produced but I think that's just because they intended to eventually sell a little but they self mine with it for about six months recoup all their money and then they will choose to sell it to a very private Forum within China. And for those of you who don't I know know that on the podcast you've talked a little bit about the mining strategy as it is in China. Most of it is really, you know, you'll have a mining Farm in a big region and then the local government will come knocking on day and say hey here are your two options either Let's either you get arrested now and I sees all this equipment because you haven't been making your taxes or you've made too much money or it's illegal Rah, or you cut me in on the deal and everyone takes the second option of course and the local government becomes your friend in this so You know now that they have skin in the game they go and fund your projects. They support you they help you with electricity prices and this is pretty common spread. If you go and talk to any of the big mining pool operators in China, usually, you know face-to-face on over text. They're going to Old confirm us. It's something that happens and it's natural what the local government in China wants contrast heavily with the Chinese the central government, but you know, the central government has had to put their foot down and say hey all crypto is a lie. Eagle or mining is illegal and then stuff just happens in Shadows. The local government knows all the facilities make no mistake. They have like internal Maps. But here's the thing. They're not paid as much as we'd like to think so partnering with these mining farms in China. It's great. They don't want to shut them down. They've got skin in the game when they partner with them. They want to keep them alive surprisingly. I was at a retreat last weekend. I think it was and it was it was pretty cool. I got to meet some really good friends. But I also got to meet someone who's been working for the last eight years in China working with the government specifically on cryptocurrency strategy over there and I hadn't confirmed something for me. So in in 2015 to 2017, I got hired by a company to do some independent research on it means investors because at the time they had an IPO it a lot of it was pretty shady. And we found quite a few number of their investors and private Equity was going from government sources, but we were unable to confirm whether the central government or local government because one's kind of normal ones kind of scary and this the source actually confirmed that it was the central government which terrifies me that man is the only company right now that reportedly has central government investment versus can on, you know, like a lot of the others which have local government investment. So it's good that they're opening facilities in the United States. Yeah, and you know, it's great that Firmware is closed source, and that we're all on board it onto their pool infrastructure. Absolutely. Nothing wrong with that when you're trying to build an independent World Financial system. No problem whatsoever. This all just keeps showing how far China is ahead of us. Like that's like you said with ow2 like you said, they didn't produce very many but there's 75 percent of unknown hash rate on Raven right now. China is so far ahead of us right now. Like we are playing catch-up and this is going to keep happening the katana. So the CEO sashka Dada Asic the like to Asic has been in effect since last year would I say like roughly November also another Chinese Isaac, there's ones who built all the time for these old coins. There's one being built for what is it going? There's one being for random X they're just popping up all over the place and you're not going to stop them and this is going to keep happening and what I find amusing is everyone saying, oh, let's just go and embrace Asics they still fail to realize that you're mining. This is how you onboard users. No one wants to go on a chain that you know is controlled by one part because then the game is over. It's just not follow. Yeah, and people thought I was crazy. I told people that they were making stuff for random acts as like they're going to have either fpgas or Ace Ace not gonna be that hard. They're going to get them all random eggs. Yeah. I've told hyc my design it's possible to mine it on an fpga. But remember I sent about the three little dials. It gets skewed heavily on the cost because obviously you see BU is going to be dirty. I keep I think we'll see some of those it might take a little while but it's not that hard. You know, the myth that you know, if someone designed an Asic for random X it would just mimic a CPU doesn't really work. The reason it works for Prague cow is the Press Bar for you is absolutely ridiculous to replicate their is 30 years of Ip sitting in that thing and AMD and Nvidia at neck-and-neck constantly invent. It's very hard to replicate Lindsay's Asic the etherium classic one or at hash one. Tries to create their own kind of cross bar and you know, no one's heard about that shit because supposedly it's failing. Miserably they've tried to push way too much power and way too much speed through a poor PCB. So I don't think we're going to see a nice account from them anytime soon either. I was gonna bring up ETS to because didn't sign a release an Asic for easy hash. That's better than a 10. Yes. That's the V10. That's Canal. Oh, there's there's a few things so, you know silicon has Revision, so they had their like 250 Mega hash. They have a 500 Mega hash one. Now. I think false coin did a review of that one. Yeah, the eighth sense 500. Yeah. Okay. Okay. And so then there's your kanaan one, which is called the V10, I believe so. What this is is an independent friend of canals has built the a second built the design and can on will distribute it but not worldwide only to Chinese Chinese poems. They already made that statement. It's set in stone. You're going to meet lots of buyers on the internet that will claim they can get access to them. No one can get access to them. I have to physically go to China next week to pick up on which is a pain in the arse like they're not getting out of charm or anytime soon part of this is because of Poppy. Actions, so we saw this in bit means a sick as well in the III. It was restricted for distribution in both China and Taiwan because there was a specific part number inside the box that's restricted from distribution to those two countries. The can on a stick is going to have a very similar part with the same issue you get this a lot in memory products and since all at hash Asics are going to have some form of memory unless you're trying to do Lindsay's Crazy Design This is going to keep cropping up. So yeah. Yeah, a centralized A6 be great if we just all adopted gpus as long as there's money to be made there's no way that everyone's going to do the right thing. You've got too much emphasis on the amount of money. They can be made right now. We're talking about that the other day, it's funny how the ideals on which the whole movement were started have pretty much faded within 10 years. So then 10 years we've gone back to a system where greed dominates people do everything that's in service of the the bottom line and Frankly Speaking probably the last Country that we would want to have any kind of involvement has control over the entire. Well 60% of the network. Well, I made that sweet that we need to decentralize the centralization but it's so bad. It's only going to honestly happen if people start either adopting gpus or CPUs, that's it. There is you have to piggyback off the supply chains of the really really big manufacturers building your own supply chain for Hardware is Is difficult most people think it looks easy but there's a reason there's five different what we call Distributors just dedicated to building out Supply chains Avnet our Electronics future Electronics Etc. This is a very difficult industry to break into and so it becomes much easier when you have an Asic friendly coin to just build it all over Italy in China and not deal with the rest of the world and they're just salt and other Chinese miners. You only need one buyer. don't need men but so Christy to jump in on that when it comes to the growth right now where the projected growth in the United States and North America and South America for that matter at places outside of China how realistic is it to think that these facilities are going to be able to scale at any kind of rate that's competitive with Chinese facilities considering that they've got a by the machines and then wait, I mean what sixty to a hundred and twenty days to go to receive them is the is everything so you're saying that there's no way to To now so the desire to distribute hash is it's a novel by dream. Yeah. It's a noble goal. Don't get me wrong and you're going to have players like Fidelity doing this because yeah, it's for the good of the network, but they're only going to be doing it for Bitcoin. They're not going to do it for a while your other old coins. And so the only way that you can force decentralization is through your algorithm and choice of Hardware a lot of random X getting people to the u.s. From China you want to play on Very specific things one, you know, you want to encourage the Chinese miner. Hey, we can diversify your assets that excuse work before President. She made his big announcement about hey, we're going to be blockchain forever because now the regulatory environment in China has kind of changed they do want to commercialize and centralized money. And I mean CZ even made that statement the local government is getting a lot smarter now and they're very supportive of being the dominant Bitcoin miner and the central government is behind the scenes as well because I mean control of World Financial system. That's great. You have an advantage over anyone and it specifically control all the world financial system that Jack Dorsey of Twitter is building on top of and some of these other, you know, the big players are building on top of them talking about so you try and play on that part to get miners away from China and you try and say hey, it's more friendly over in the US. My answer to that is always it's not necessarily more or less friendly in the US. In terms of regulations, it's unclear. It's unclear. But it's also different doing business in China is very hard for a foreigner the first time when you still learning but it's very easy for the Chinese and things move a lot faster over there. If you have a dispute, it's usually clear about within a matter of hours and you know, most people are going to just deploy in China, even if 10% of their machines go missing every year. They're just going to keep deploying in China because it's easier it's faster things get stood up. A little faster. There's no stress and you can often get right meals from the manufacturer and the whole argument about diversifying your assets doesn't really work anymore. The only other reason to move over is if you have some sort of secret Souls that gives you you know, 20% extra hash rate and it's only available to u.s. Or which was the stick we tried to real dat core and that works to a degree but brains OS is probably going to kick their ass a little down the road with their open source firmware. So again that argument Melt away you might have a 6 that you know SBI carbon might decide to only sell to the US but that would be really stupid. Then they'd only be selling to like 20% of the entirety of Bitcoin miners. So I think it is a pipe dream and I think it's slowly be going to become more centralized within China until you know, they're not going to 51% attack the network where we're past those days of anyone doing a 51% attack. It's to detectable and do stupid. They're just going to quiet Release it control the supply and here's here's the great thing about controlling Bitcoin. If you control the monetary Supply specifically the Virgin coins and the exchanges and the flow of money. You've already taken control of the network just in a different way. Well, the other issue is we don't have any polls either like the number one u.s. Pool is Nova block and is number 12. It has 28 times less a short than pulling. This is number one. So we're getting our ass kicked. Yeah, the whole situation and I'm not going to share it on this podcast maybe on a later one, but after speaking with the slush pool guys and you know Luxor and Nova block you get a real sense of what's going on with the pools and I'd argue that there's probably in the top 12 actually only three pools. Yeah, maybe for Bitcoin. Yeah. Yeah. That's what yeah, it's on talking about. Yeah. I mean the big reason why You end up running a pool in general in China is it's it's with friends, right? It's deals with friends, you know, someone has a bunch of minors someone else has a bunch of minors and you decide to start a pool together. So the Chinese cartel. Yeah. Yeah. I mean it is right. I mean it's not exchanges pools miners government. It's the pain is incredibly clever. They learn from the US. How do you do how to spin up all of these shell entities? So all of the pools really for the Bitcoin Network or just a bit main subsidiary. So when you first look on paper, it doesn't seem like it but they have very strategic investments in all of these other pool operators and Farms, which will coalesce is up to them at the end of the day. So they've been very smart about it. They're basically proxies. Yes. Yes. I love how they pretend that ampoule and or different divisions. Like if you talk if you talk to someone from ampoule and you're like wow. Having an issue for it with Oh, we don't handle that here. No, you need to talk to the CEO of BT You're going to need to go to the next office over even better the next desk over. Yeah. Hey man, I'm gonna transfer this call. Hold on puts on a different voice Tom. It's for you. Yeah. Yeah. Wow, I'm not gonna lie kind of fucking sucks. You know and I yeah got like what I appreciate is Squire mining. They've rebranded the tall now there now like they're trying to pull some of that hat straight out of China which I again I think is a noble goal. But at the end of the day, why would you ever go to the US you have to pay extra on taxes? Maybe not for bit main miners, but for the rest you have to deal with very very slow workers. It's just amazing what you can get from China. So you have to deal with the slow lazy workers. That won't help. Care and you know, they won't benefit surprise else. They want, you know, like Fair pay and livable wages and watch brakes. Yeah, you look great I kid you not when I was building one of the facilities in China in 2015. I had to negotiate with the operator for for toilet breaks and a toilet. It's just it's a different world over there and he looked at me like I was a moron. He's like what their workers you expect them to like live like officers and I'm like I expected to be able to use the toilet. It's moments like this when I'm really glad well Behrman isn't on this podcast with us why there's you know ghosts. I'm here for yes. Yes. Every Asian accent done by will bear man. Just sounds like jinyang. Silicon Valley. Yes, all of them. That's it. I love that. I think we're going to see a big Rise by the way in Carl's extent a really big prize. How about his Becca Stan launch the nationalized mining pool that they just said that they're launching at anyone that uses it as going to get basically and a subsidy on their electricity bill. Yeah, that might be that might be possible possible. But as a US citizen say you're doing business and is Becca Stan and Have a look what happens. Yeah, there's a whole area of opportunity that can't be touched by people in the US, right? You've got I mean obviously Iran is a huge Nono but kazakhstan's okay, though. Kazakhstan is is okay for the u.s. Right and it is fine for the u.s. It's some of the best Farms over there the people that run it The thing about Kazakhstan e culture is they're very honest and loyal they're really loyal to a fault but they kind of joke about really horrible things like murder and part of their family, you know disappearing overnight. They just joke about it, even though this actually happens to them one of the largest armed operators over there. He runs about three Farms. He's fantastic guy. He must be in his 30s and he's already lost a big chunk of his family to either, you know War. Or politics or the child or the Kazakhstan e-government and he's so casual and nonchalant about it and you know, he drinks but he he drinks like I say little sailor. He always host these really big parties when I go over he's such a great person and he really puts his whole heart and soul into know running the farms and taking care of the equipment. That's awesome. And also fuck that. It's a different world over there and you need to the other thing with Kazakhstan is that you can actually own your own assets fun. The fact you are you Minor that wants to host in Kazakhstan. What ends up happening is the Kazakhstan e Farm claims ownership of your assets on paper so that when the government comes around for their, you know regular due diligence or the tax guys look into it. It's like oh there's a fault, you know, there's a farm operator here that has all these assets. Nothing abnormal foreign countries are not allowed to operate there without having their own Kazakhstan identity and most people do not know how to south of Kazakhstan identity. Yeah. It's problematic. Look for public companies that were mine in Kazakhstan hate. Most Americans don't know how to set up an American entity. Like let's let's not even get into Kazakhstan. There's a couple of other countries that will soon be lets say gaining more exposure to bitcoin that area of the world is it's Rife with opportunity as we end of the day though. It comes to the supply chains. How are you going to get Transformers electrical equipment and the minor is into some of these countries that that becomes the bottleneck. And in mining that scale even the materials to build your own damn fault. I mean, we think it's pretty easy when we're sitting across across the world. But how are you going to get, you know a bunch of high voltage Transformers into Turkmenistan or God getting low voltage and medium voltage Transformers into Mongolia was hard enough. There is there's a lot of logistics involved in doing so on a list somewhere like I'm about it. You're talking that's all I'm thinking as you're talking. I'm like, oh my God. This is has just got me flag. I don't know sure. You are definitely the Dennis Rodman of mining got about and you and you got pink hair. Yes hair is fabulous. Yes, definitely definitely better than the drop tears a hole the Chinese boys. So it's like an intimidating. It's how I get access to these miners. I just go into the farm and I'm like I'm taking the they don't want to keep this if you don't want to, you know mess with me, so It's the system. Well Christy. Thanks for coming on the show. We appreciate it always happy to you know, you have about mining impart some knowledge. You're a fan favorite. You're the most requested repeat guests. So we're definitely gonna have you on again as many times. You'll come back on the above to have you. All right. Well for everyone that's listening and thank you for tuning into the show and we will talk to you all again very soon. Thanks for tuning in to the Hatchery podcast. We appreciate your continued support. Please do us a favor and leave us a rating and review on your preferred listening. Platform and head over to Twitter and give us a follow at hash rate. That's at h4s hr8.
We're joined by guest host Kristy-Leigh Minehan, who shares her experiences working with ASIC manufacturers and managing some of the most exclusive mining hardware in the world. Previous episodes: Follow us on Twitter: ----------------------------------------- HASHR8 Podcast is presented by HASHR8 OS. HASHR8 OS is a Linux-based operating system designed to help you increase the efficiency of your mining machines and maximize your overall profitability. Now with ASIC and GPU support, HASHR8 OS provides the best experience in crypto mining, allowing you to manage your facility from any mobile device. HASHR8 OS is mining as it should be. Take complete complete control of your mining operations today at HASHR8 OS Discord: Twitter: ----------------------------------------- About our sponsor:  Luxor Technology is North America's largest mining pool. With a focus on enterprise solutions and an intense focus on customer experience, they provide a premier mining pool platform for bitcoin and altcoin miners. Visit them today at, and follow them on Twitter @LuxorTechTeam.
Hello and welcome to books with Bradford where we talk about you guessed. It books. I'm your host mrs. Bradford. And today we have amazing Librarians and Library aids to help us out today. So today we have Destiny Conrad. I work at Brockett Elementary School, and I've been there since January. Hey guys. You can catch a name's Jim Wang and I work at the middle school and I've been there for about five or six years. You didn't start there though. I sure did it. So I started at the elementary school at Monaco and I was there for a little bit and then I moved on. a good tip Middle School I'm Sharon clemmer. I'm at the high school and this is my 18th year and I'm Jennifer Hazen and the director of instructional media in libraries for the district. And this is my eighth year in this position and prior to that. I taught at Monaco Elementary very good. Okay. So we're going to go ahead and start right off the bat with the questions. The first question is, what was the most popular book last year at each School? The most popular book at Monaco was the complete guide to the Titanic. It's a nonfiction book that for some reason really took off last year. Very cool. Okay at the high school. It was always and forever Lara Jean of course with the whole. Yeah with the whole PS PS. I love you and no yeah right by Jenny Han y'all Virginia and at the middle school? It's Amulet the theories and it's a graphic novel series and Coincidentally, it's also the actually ironically it is the same favorite. Now. Those are strict current it's still like okay. So the kids are still checking in checking it out. Okay. What about over Brockett? And at Brockett Diary of a Wimpy Kid double down and the kids loved I ruined kid. I'm constantly trying to sway them other ways because they just focus on the same books and over and over. Over now which in the series which what number is that? You know because they are there like I know that's like full of that came out just like the Meltdown or something like that. Yeah, I was surprised because a few years ago non-fiction books on the shelves at Rocket. I don't know what changed it now. It's kind of flip-flop and or brackets reading more fiction and want to go When I'm fishing, that's great, though. Yeah, that wasn't either way then that's awesome. Okay. Okay. So the next question is what is a book that you've heard about that? You haven't gotten to read yet a book that you are looking forward to reading but you haven't gotten your read yet. A book that is on my list is internment. It's a ya novel that's got a lot of press a lot of you know, like Twitter chat or whatever, but I just can't a lot of the ones I avoid reading that are on. My list are ones that just would I mean it says about you know, kids being locked up and after recent events and after the you know, living through this summer of you know, the children being separated from their parents and putting these places On The Border's I just can't it's too soon. I just can't read internment yet. Can't really quite yet, right. Mine is the handmaid's tale. Oh, yeah, okay and just because of the series that come out. Have you watched any of the series yet? Okay, so but you're wanting to read the book first that kind of thing. Okay, very good. Okay, maybe for up in Middle School The Giver by Lois Lowry just because it's seems like a pretty deep. Have you ever have you never read The Giver I've heard it's really good photo of it, and I've wanted to read but it seems like it might be a little I need to have some time to really so I teach the giver every year for my rating for my regulars when it's they always they always seem to really like it was deep meaningful. It's it is deep. It's a lot to kind of get a couple of checked out the middle schools. It's fantastic. Absolutely. Fantastic. Okay for me, I want to read wild. Yes. It's about the 1100 mile Trek hike or whatever and I can't remember the girl that starred in the movie. I don't want to learn some other serious Reese Witherspoon was in it. And so I want to read the book before I watch it. But I've heard it's really good. Have you ever did you ever watch Gilmore Girls? I think we're at the very end there like going on the wild one and they're like book or movie and they're like book movie and they have to like separate them. It's just that part of something. Yes. I love to read that as well. Yeah, the author of that book is Cheryl straight and straight isn't her real last name, but she yeah, she gave herself a new like a Santa last cannot even a pseudonym. Just because of her her mindset when she was writing in Walking interesting because she's straight cheering. I love it. Okay. What is the book that you've read, but would love to read again Twilight. It's fine. Okay. Mine is a young adult novel and it's called we were Liars by E Lockhart. And I mean, I love it. I don't know why I recommend it to everyone. I don't know. It's just one of those books. I'm surprised every time I don't know why. I guess mine will be when that was a book a couple years ago. My son and I read it read it. I mean it was very suspenseful novel mystery. Swear. She can read your death date on your forehead who so really was intriguing in my son. I mean, I think you read it in a day just because very cool that sounds really interesting. It was called win. Mmm. Okay, wh M VN W. Yeah, wwhen, okay. So mine was required reading for Sociology class, and I'm so thankful that I had to read it. But Tuesdays with Morrie. Oh, yeah. Bye Mitch Albom. I love it. And I think everybody should read it and I would read it over and over. It's one of those Memoirs that like, yeah that you just Just Hits home and cry makes you just cry cry cry. Yes. Okay. So what is a book that you've read more than once in loved it every time Twilight? Even your Twilight I have to admit. I've never read a book more than one really once I read a book. I'm like, okay, I'm done really never like never been like, oh, I want to read it again to get something else out of it. Wow, that's crazy to me me too - a lot of just self-help books, but I can't remember the title since I've read many and I will reread we were reading tell you not. Dr. Phil. Are you okay? Marie force is a author that I love and she has this series from what it's called. But this ladies that like a police officer somewhere. Oh, Washington DC and her husband becomes vice president. Anyway, it's basically a love story in nine not nine novels and I'm read those over and over again. Just when I need to veg out. I like it. Yeah, so mine is every year we read and then there were none by Agatha Christie. And of course, I know what happens. I know the ending and I got the Kersey being so like amazing and such a fantastic writer and such a fantastic mystery writer. It's like every single time I find something new in there and I'm like, oh look at this. This is what this means and the kids are like, okay we can yeah sure. We'll get on board with you. Just okay, that's fine. Yeah, and it's just it's so good that's happened a lot with books. I had to read in high school and now I'll go back and read. Yeah. But they are okay. Now here's the confession time a book that you've read or a book that you feel like. Everyone has read and you have never read before you one of those books like for example. Mine is To Kill a Mockingbird when I yes, I when I was in high school. I took a GT English class and we mirrored the seniors my sophomore year. And so I missed that I didn't read To Kill a Mockingbird. I've never read it. I know I know so, what about you guys? Mine is a number one. I feel like I've read the books but and and never was and never one that I have not is where the Crawdad seeing and I've tried it. I've tried twice and it got so much it was so hyped up all summer long. I've tried it twice and I just can't get into it. Was it just like what we did it for you just come morning. Really. I got it here in the library, but not thought about taking it on this weekend by my name. I'll do it later. Okay. Mine's a newer one, too. Hey, kiddo. And that's pretty cool because it's such a good bug. I just had a run it down for whose haven't haven't run it yet. I'm trying to think of one a little I mean, I guess I can say, you know the graph some of the graphic novels that are really popular. I haven't I feel like you know amulet right so that most popular one in your library. You have not yet read it because you know, it's something it's supernatural. Yeah, that's not something I really mean to. Oh, okay. So that's not your life's not like that. You're not your genre, okay. The kids check it out all the time. So So mine is not just one book that two different series. I've never read anything from Twilight. He can be our friend. It's not even on my radar to want to read. It's just not something I'm into and I have never read any of the Harry Potter series. Whoa, neither. I will not you've not done wrong. It's to your fire and I tell the kids it's not me, you know. I was not watching and if I watch them in flour on First Look, it's not my genre at all. But I mean I read it when I was 20 years old. I love it. So try it again can't believe this battle Yeah, it's crazy getting up there. It's crazy. Okay. So the first the next one is your favorite classic novel of all time. This Twilight of classic. No, it's not there yet my regards Just A Separate Peace, I read it in high school and again, I read it a few times and I don't know I just love it. It's friendship story. I guess is and of Green Gables, but I only say that because I love the movies. That's one of my That's a classic. Absolutely. That's Miss Julie's favorite and least favorite. I like Journey to the Center of the Earth. I always enjoyed reading that so you like that but you don't like Harry Potter. That's one of those things in a brown sugar that I read. Okay a long time. Okay. Yeah, I love is a knighted with me. I guess I like to get to be when I was in high school and I do like asking you just like hit me and I was just good and everybody else was like those workers stupid and boring and I'm like no, it's so good. You guys just like deeper Redeemer. I don't get it. It's so good. Okay. Now I know this one was probably hard to pick but I want to I wanted to know. One of your most favorite books of all time. If you couldn't just land on one. Give me like one or two. I'll let I'll let you go first. Twilight - love you forever. The idea behind it. I guess the idea behind him taking care of his mom at the end after she's taking care of him. I cry at this time. It's real sweet mine. I've got to Sharon's going to disagree with me because she can't even get through it Eleanor elephant is completely line, which has the best protagonist in all of literary history in it. I finished it. You didn't I did. Okay. I thought you gave it up. I gave it up several times and I finally finished it. It is so good and then I've got an on. Fiction book to called the cooking Gene and the guys name is Michael Twitty and he basically Trace back if you're a southern American it will really resonate with you because you know, I go to Thanksgiving at my mom's or whatever and I think oh I'm eating my granny's stuffing. Well, no, not really. I'm eating the stuffing that the cook, you know, whoever had you know years and years ago and the seed was planted in Africa, like all of our southern cooking the slaves didn't come here and learn to cook they knew how to cook and they brought their There, you know ways here. So it's kind of a book about that about where our cooking come from comes from traced all the way to Ghana and this guy he's just interesting and it was just interesting to read really and it's called the cooking Gene cooking Gene. I think Michael Twitty. That's really good. So the first time I guess I started reading was the Judy Blume books for an elementary and those were my most Fondest Memories, I guess and I think Fourth Grade Nothing tells on hotels of the Fourth Grade Nothing. So just memories that I can't think of a non-food coming. There's a lot of nonfiction boats. I've just got a lot of the biographies and Memoirs that I can't yeah. Okay. So whenever I was younger, I would read Nancy Drew all the time, but as an adult, I'm a sucker for romance and Nicholas Sparks. I just and so the notebook. I remember reading that way before the movie came out and I just loved it. I could think of yeah, I like it. I think I read the I think I read The Notebook after the movie came out and I was like, this is different. But yeah different a little story like the book. They're both agree the book the book was better than anything was really good. It was well done. But if the book is always better that's just kind of how it happens. Now something you what is something that you've read lately that you would recommend to a student or a colleague. I know this is gonna be harder for like you guys down at the middle and elementary and stuff for being Like okay like okay. I have like to a colleague and then to a student is going to be a very like a vastly different thing. Okay. So what you guys got so I actually had a colleague by but for me it's called Uninvited. It's by Lisa Liza. I don't really know how you say it Turk cursed and it's like a I guess a self-help book kind of but she talks about like her own rejections that she went through in life, and she's just very raw in it and I really admire. It's a really good book. That's a called uninvite. I'm invited. Okay. All right, and I think she just came out with a new one recently. I don't know what it's called Good Eye. Mine is heart. I did a book study this summer with some colleagues and pick this book kind of just reading the description and we studied this summer and it's really good. I think every pre-service teacher. It should be required reading. It's just about finding your passion, you know, even when the people around you or passionless. Yeah, really good. And heart right part part node K Inouye LD. Okay for a student, I would recommend the book. Hey kiddo. He's a Maverick nominee this year and one reason being there, you know this author who wrote A Memoir and graphic novel form, which is really popular right now with means especially like, you know middle school, I guess and some of them are not really into reading like that, but it's just the challenges that he goes through in the struggles when as a Young adult, you know, even younger and being raised by his grandparents his mom was a drug addict. He didn't know his dad, you know kind of thing but in the end, I think it just has a great message to it that no matter what happens, you know in life, you know, you get to make choices whether you know when you get older when you're older and you know these choices, but what kind of people you want in your life and You know, so I think it's a really good message to the students who have some issues some issues and then they have the idea that they do in fact have a choice. Hmm. Yeah, and that they don't have to be like hold the book of Hope. Yeah. I love that. I wish more students will check it out. Yeah. Well, maybe maybe now they will. Especially if they're not like a super big on reading just like text and text and type crime like breaking it up with this graphic novel my son Brock it checked out a graphic novel. It was about science things. Yeah, and he loves it and it was so cute was about magnetism and we were reading it. Okay. I'm sorry. What do you recommend? Mary's monster aelita judge. And once that it's about Mary Shelley. It's just really interesting facts about her that I had no idea she had a car. Crazy Life a Crazy Life Sharon recommended that to me and I took it home and I finished it in one sitting that afternoon. It was a Friday afternoon. That's out there just read it. It's so good and I'm not even think I couldn't care less about feeling fiction Mary Shelley Is it nonfiction? I mean so good and the illustrations are great are they? I'm sure I don't know she died because she knew she had Okay, any other books that you guys can think about that you would just like to throw out there for the world to recommend anything that you've read in the past that you're like, oh, you know after that just have just like jog in your brain since we've been talking fiction. Yeah, if any non fiction, especially those are the ones that I found people are really Malala Malayalam. That's a one a highly recommend in Christ, and she's a gold digger education for granted. Died. Yeah, because you know to fight for her rights. Yeah, and they don't have or she is so yeah good nonfiction young adult. Yeah. We have gotten be about Nora limiting. Yeah. I think there's there are just a lot of new. I mean, you know, even five just five years ago. The world of literature was on that the birth and now we have so many I mean if you're a reader you should be able to find yourself in more books now than you could have in the past. So I would you know, encourage people to look for those newer authors, right? And Jason Reynolds, I want to say a thing about him because he's my very favorite author of all time, even though none of his books made my list because he just writes the way I think my kids talk in other people's kids talk and I think a lot of kids for some reason. It doesn't a couple of his books are pretty popular here, but I think a lot of kids would be hooked on reading it they started with him in high school. Yeah, and when I saw him at that North Texas teen book very thing he was just captivating as a person as well. He was so cool to just like being In the same room with and you know, that was it was such a cool, like he know that I got to see with like nickel Yoon and Jason Reynolds and Andy Thomas Thompson with Thomas Thomas and just like when you know, they hate you give was about to blow up and it was just kind of crazy to be there and then like looking back on it going I was there with all of them and they gave me advice and I like somewhere I have like a pad of all of the things they just like said because they were intriguing people. And they were like, you know readers and writers both like just you just got to start. You just got it. You got it. Just start somewhere in order to keep going and they talked a lot about perseverance and stuff like that and Jason Reynolds. Like I always think about him when I'm like, okay, I just gotta if I'm going to write something. I just got to keep going because that's what Jason Reynolds told me to do. And I am going to do what he says because he is a cool human. I remember when he wrote after right after he wrote We are the greatest he was at the library convention conference here in Texas. And I remember I was sitting at a session and I'm like I'm gonna have to leave early because I've got to get his line I go. There's not a lying. I walked straight up to him. I'm like a rush because I thought there would be a line and he's like, well, there's not but after that you just kind of blew up and he hasn't been back to TLA because he's too popular. Yeah, he's crazy popular now so okay. Can I say one more thing about absolute about rereading books? We talked about the book. We the books we read and I don't really read that often just because I like new stuff but I did want to say there's no shame in it. Nobody asked Donald Miller who was the book whisper always says, you know, nobody asks the basketball player like wow why he keeps dribbling the ball. So we shouldn't ask readers. You know, why do you keep reading that book? Very surprised. There's a lot of comfort in Reading A Familiar book and you should be ashamed of it. Well, I have a lot of kids at Brockett that reread and again, can I check it out again? Well, I'm like teaching the novels that I teach it's like I like teaching them because I feel that the students are going to see themselves in these characters, or maybe I also see myself in these characters and it is it's a very comforting feeling it's like being home and I like that being comfortable with something like that and in something that people find so uncomfortable sometimes in Reading which which is awful, but I know that like them gaining that information and like looking for themselves in the novel is really one of the most important things you could do sure. Okay, anything else to add today? You guys don't think so. Thanks for having us. Well, thank you guys. You guys have been so amazing. I really appreciate you guys coming today. You guys have been great. This has been an episode of books with Bradford. Come back next time to hear some more inspired readers and lovers of books and always remember to be excellent to each other Tata.
Today on Books with Bradford, we interviewed Head Librarian, Jennifer Hazen, and Sharon Clemmer (HS library aide), Jem Wang (MS library aide), and Destiny Conrad (BES library aide). List of recommended books: The Complete Guide to the Titanic, Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han, Amulet Series by Kazu Kibuishi, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Double Down by Jeff Kinney, Internment by Samira Ahmed, The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood, The Giver by Lois Lowry, Wild by Cheryl Strayed, Twilight by Stephanie Meyer, We Were Liars by E. Lockhart, When by Victoria Laurie, Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens, Hey, Kiddo by Jarrett J. Krosoczka, The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling, The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, A Separate Peace by  John Knowles, Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery, Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Love You Forever by  Robert Munsch, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by  Gail Honeyman, The Cooking Gene by Michael W. Twitty, Judy Blume books, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume, Nancy Drew books, The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks, Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely by Lysa TerKeurst, Mary's Monster by Lita Judge, I Am Malala by Christina Lamb and Malala Yousafzai, anything by Jason Reynolds
Hey everyone, and welcome back to practically zero waste a podcast for making zero waste living as practical as possible. Thanks so much for joining me here today for episode 52 of practically zero waste before we get started. I would be so grateful. If you would take a few seconds to leave a rating and review on Apple podcasts And subscribe to this podcast on whatever you're listening platform is reviews also help this podcast be seen by people who are interested in 0 is living ends at 1:00. So feel free to scroll to the bottom of that app and hit as many stars as you would like or write a message. To tell me what you're enjoying today's episode. I'm joined by Lori nickel the CEO of Second Harvest Canada's largest food rescue charity. We talked about their mission to protect the environment and feed the hungry the jaw-dropping amount of edible all of these food. We throw away every year and had to end Hunger and food waste at the same time. Let's go and harvest is Canada's largest food recovery organization. Wow. We are a global thought leader on. Food loss and waste and food recovery and we have a number of areas in our business one is a logistics business which is using a fleet of refrigerated trucks to pick up surplus food from across the supply chain. Our uniqueness is that we are perishable 90% of a food is perishable and we focus on Dairy produce and protein in our Logistics business because that's the food that's hardest to access for low-income people and we deliver that That food to 370 organizations in the GTA. That's crazy. An offshoot of that is we have there so much fear. There's so much surplus food that we often get calls for huge donations that we then broke route across the country. So for example, we have a call for 55 tractor-trailer loads of milk. And so we have to facilitate moving that product so it could be accepted and used and we are that's One Stop Shop for if you have Food donation of any kind call us. We'll always find a way to say yes and figure out a way to move that food. So people are accessing it. Yeah, so that's our Logistics business. We also last year developed an online system called food rescue dossier and that was to ensure that smaller and medium-sized yields could be recovered that didn't make sense for us to send the a refrigerated trust to pick it up because we have an environmental imperative. Active we certainly do not want food in landfill because of the incredibly terrible impact. It's having on our climate food loss and waste if it were country would be the third largest ghg emitter second to China and the US and so we really are focused on this environmental impact. So we're we're giving people tools and Knowledge and Skills so that they can recover funeral communities that product launched across, Ontario this year. It's launched in British Columbia. And we have a three-year rollout recurring with many awesome National Partners, including major retailers Starbucks hundreds of them. So this will just Empower communities to do this with themselves because that's really what we want to do is Empower people that are doing similar work provide them the tools training the collaboration the partnership so that that we can all get this done together. We're all in this together and we believe that That truly at Second Harvest that this is a collaborative approach is the only way we're going to fix this problem. This is so great. And so excited about this stuff because food rescue, where where do I even begin? Why is there such a surplus of edible good condition perishable food why it's a great question. Don't value food the way we should and the way we have grandparents used to we've never actually had to live in a time where there was scarcity. So food is accessible through these everywhere through these pretty cheap. It's a commodity and so intrinsically, I think we've completely lost the value of it. We also produce in Canada and I never you know, kind of Western Country significantly. So all the food that is produced for Canadians the food that is law. Austin wasted is 58% So we lose and waste more food than we consume in Canada. Well, yeah and of the 58% 32% of that could totally be rescued and feed people that's a huge amount of surplus food. Just going into landfill. I think they're sitting wow really got your mental environmental impact. So why we have all this waste we did some groundbreaking research last year. Somebody would recommend everybody look at the avoidable crisis of food waste. On the Second Harvest website, we looked across the supply chain. We work with value chain management International who had done some work prior and built on that but it was a world-first research in terms of this is primary data really getting to that granular. Why are we doing that sit? How can we fix it? And so now this is the road map that is being used through every level of government and working internationally with glow bank and the UN so that we can create a standard what you don't measure If you can't manage and I think we have not been measuring it so back to your question of how we losing it. So many ways at the farm level in production post-harvest retail distribution, and and why often it's an overproduction, so there might not be forecasted and you've grown more than you need and you don't actually have a place to sell it. We're all looking at the Aesthetics and so there are specifications that are required and if you don't meet the specification and don't Get that food that food doesn't go to the consumer and specifications can be minut. Like it could be this a certain curve on a banana, but I'm not kidding ya or size of tomatoes. So you're you're a national or International fast food chain, and you need tomatoes and your tomato has to be a certain diameter. Well, if it's not well the that tomato was grown for this particular vendor. Then you're losing all of the ones that they won't take Jesus. Oh my God. Okay. It's this crazy standard come from is it is it abundance that has made us arrogant or what? Is this? Probably I think that certainly has something to do and those you know, but of the chicken or the egg were What will the Same with except as what industry thinks but I know I would disagree and say industry you have a huge role in it. And I think we'll come around us as consumers. There is this sense of abundance and you know, you can actually see this where if you're going into a retail outlet and I will say retail actually has the smallest amount of waste. I mean they get a lot of times you get a lot of flack at you like yeah. Yeah, but there is actually their margins are so small that they're not really the big contributors interesting but as a consumer are we know it even farmers markets the farmer brings extra food because it is only one head of lettuce. We passed that stall and go to the one that has 10 something in our brain says, oh we need to have something to choose from from have value for us. So how do you connect with people who have a surplus of food if that's restaurants or grocery stores or more likely before it even gets to restaurants or grocery stores. You're contacting farmers. Are you reaching out to farms and factories and stuff? Okay. Yeah, absolutely. How does that process work has been around here. And so certainly there is a lot of reaching out with food providers at the farm manufacture distribution. We work with every major retailer we work with every major chain. We connect people not only with just we can access your food but also providing that education on food safety to make sure that you know, nobody nobody wants to get sued if If they give food away and coming gets are now in Canada, we have legislation and actually everyone in the u.s. To there's legislation that protected any food owner from any kind of liability should somebody just from their food and to be honest. It's never ever happened. Nobody's ever been sued not in Canada or the u.s. So that's important to note too that even when some people think this is a risk its balance risk nobody's ever been sued and not even the states that's you know, people are trying to do a good thing. I think that Yeah, so we have we have to talk them through that piece that everybody's covered and also food safety, especially when you're doing with prepared foods, so we don't want to make people sick. We don't want anyone to get sick. So temperature controls food, there's different risk to it. And so we make sure that that are nonprofit agencies have the skills and training and infrastructure before they can even access that kind of food. So if you have a program, but you don't have a fridge or freezer then right away. You know, you can't access or raw meat because we can't guarantee that cool chain, and that's pretty important. Also, we provide certification and food safety and handling that's good. Yeah. Well, we have no harmonized food safety requirements across Canada, but we think it's really critical especially for nonprofits that is serving marginalized populations because they're often the highest risk population really do require that We're handling our food safely as possible absolutely towel on the other end of this. Do you connect with the people who are receiving the food and who's receiving the food exactly. So yes, we do in a number of ways. So because we were trying to based organization, we work with all organizations that use food in their programming. So I'll give you an example. Some of them are very obvious ones where it's a food bank with the its housing or shelter of some sort of food security is challenge and so we want to ensure they have as much Healthy foods as possible. Hmm. However, there's so much food. We work with any organization that can be issued in their programming. For example, we work with a mental health facility and they work with clients that are dealing with schizophrenia because what this does is it enables them one. It's the food rescue dot c a platform. So it enables a group of marginalized people to interact with the community by receiving these food donations and going from Starbucks to Starbucks Starbucks and the other food providers and then they have enough food to provide them their lunches for the next day. I believe and what that's done is they actually had a food budget a small one, but it allowed them to use that food Budget on programming Library pay for food if you can get it for free and so this actually what they did was bought a van so they could go on Long outings. Oh that's incredible and such a wise use of resources. Exactly and we want to make sure people are using their resources. Versus well, we we inject I think this year will be over 60 million dollars worth of food into the social service sector. Oh my gosh, it's amazing. Right that's amazing and what can people do with 60 million dollars? And I know it's not 69 because some people would not have some organizations will not have food but there certainly is a whole lot of them that get to use their money through direct programming for exactly what their organization is about, which is exactly what they should be. Because everybody deserves food. So why why would free food that's perfectly good not go to the people who need it who could use their money for something else and not tied up in those grocery bills. Wow, exactly. I don't feel so good. It feels so good to know that you're out there doing these things because she lost Has been food waste has been diverted since in a year. What's the average that second harvest can divert so every year it increases I think I'm not I know what last year was 15.6 million pounds of food was diverted. I think over the course of our of the question Second Harvest. It's almost 200 million pounds of food, but we're also growing right as we're recognizing. This issue is really the environment. It'll issue. It's getting a lot of attention right now, which is great. Yes, because we really do need this kind of support and we don't have a food issue in Canada. We have a distribution issue and so at Second Harvest with one dollar we can provide two meals because we're not actually buying the food which is Distributing the food. What is the damage of food waste on our environment for anybody? I mean this is episode 52 of practically zero waste. So if you've been listening to this from the beginning you probably know the effects of Food waste on the environment but for anybody who's just starting today, what is the damage to climate change because food going into landfills produces methane gas methane gas is 25 times hotter than carbon. And so it has and it has a direct affiliation to all these floods with seeing all the fires were saying like I think in Canada was seeing it and it's happening in Canada at a higher rate. Eight than any other region in the world and food waste, I would recommend everybody read the book drawdown. Yes. It's a really I shouldn't say simple because nothing is ever simple but erratic is maybe one of the simpler ways of managing. This climate crisis is really looking at the food that's wasted across the supply chain, not only because of the environmental crisis, but because economically it just makes sense for your business not to waste food exactly. So at Second Harvest About prevention first always prevent any freeway from happening whatever is whatever can't be prevented see people with it. Hmm. And you know, there is a an inverted pyramid of how you manage surplus food, but it is perfect always prevent and then people and animals like with just never want to see anything going to landfill ever Mmm Yeah. What is the effect of like my backyard compost isn't is the problem of food waste in a landfill that it's highly concentrated methane that's being produced. That's just it's just not disintegrating. Yeah. Oh exactly. So in a in a composter in a backyard, it's breaking down. It's becoming carbon or its remaining carbon, but the carbon staying in the soil or exactly yeah. I mean, it's great that people have that you have that but I think one of the challenges at least in Toronto is but don't think of it as waste because it's sitting inside of a green bin. It's still late. No moose. It almost feels like it's you're not doing anything. You don't need almost feel like you don't have to you're not part of the problem. But the truth is we're all part of the problem. Yeah, and so we really would rather not have a green bin. Yeah, nominal green bin, but it gives us this sense of oh, well, I'm doing my part. Not if the green bins full albums, but yeah, yeah exactly. So yeah, that's the same thing with obviously recycling bins are like a Band-Aid you're saying that you recycle and I'm grateful that you're recycling as long as it's washed and it's sorted properly. But like what if that wasn't even going into the recycling bin what if you were buying something that didn't need to be recycled ever. I mean if you got ya. It changes what may have been recycle exactly may not be here. So I think there's just an exactly as a whole package because a whole. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that one needs a whole separate episode of God. Get involved through the food rescue program say you're a business owner or a farmer's market or anything like that. What what do they have to do to get involved in that simplest thing in the world? Just go to Not see a go on the website there. It's very intuitive and we'll walk you through if your food donor you hit the food owner buttons and walk you through terms and conditions that will allow you to use this platform. And that goes to the same for Social Service organization. We have staff at Second Harvest at work. Well that work across the province and in British Columbia that can walk you through the system. We have dedicated staff that work directly with food businesses and food donors, so So if you're having any challenge while you work through the system, we're here to help and then it's really as simple as okay. I've registered there's food here and you would input the type of food the category of food that you have and the weight of it and any other kind of notes that you might want to include and it just goes out and hangs to the community and what we found is primarily like that's a that's great for the first couple times. But if you are someone that are not Edition that has food surplus every day or a lot once a week it kind of moves into this reoccurring pattern so you don't actually have to do that every time just go into a reoccurring pattern and then the agency would just validate. Yes. I got XYZ. I got two pounds of apples and 10 pounds of bread and they would validate that but and what that does is it provides the food business the most beautiful data and metrics. So you see this massive that shows you how many ghgs you converted shows you how many meals you provide? Added it shows you the financial imbalance that that's impacting the organization. And also if you're like a organization that has many franchises or many business underneath you can roll that all up so you can see what each individual business is doing and as a large organization what your impact is, that's great and people love data is that at all useful for some sort of charitable tax receipt thing or I don't know how that would work. Yeah. That's true. Well, That's it, though. So tax receding in Canada is is different than in the states and America you get have a taxable benefit to donating surplus food. We don't have the same thing in Canada. We do have a tax receipt for Farmers so they can access one and if your food has a fair market value, then we can tax receipt but to be honest most businesses don't actually ask for a tax receipt and I'm also on the left a member of the zero waste Council of Canada and it wasn't things we thought we push and Industry just didn't seem to like have a big interest in it. So, all right. Nice because we're Canadian. Let's live up to that standard people. That's awesome. What is the zero waste Council of Canada? How is this the first I'm hearing of this National zero waste Council. Okay, so it is it's a whole bunch. Stakeholders from different Industries. So there's government industry and Geo Academia. We work on different pillars. I obviously work on suit. So I'm the co-chair of the food working group and there's an architect and there's textile I should say architect. That's Rock. So it stre wasted and textile waste building ways. That's what I'm struggling with. No ma'am. And so there's actually an offense coming up that I would highly recommend you go to where is it? It's in Sorry making teleconference. And so this is one way of you know, what is what are we driving towards? And how can we get there together? Yeah, great. I love meeting other people who are I mean virtually meeting or over the phone right now, but League meeting other people who are doing. Things that are just as exciting as a podcast. It's awesome. It's big. It's really that's a slow-moving process but it is moving right it's moving the day and yes, I really believe we have a very clear Mission and that is awesome wasted. So our goal is not to run a charity our goal is to go to business and fix the problem. Wow, that that's what we're doing you rock. That's great. Can you tell me about beating our future and your training and education programs at all? Of course, I can't so feeding. Our future is a summer lunch program for summer pants and it is specific to the city of Toronto where student attrition occurs in every Province. Although it needs to be funded better. But the Ontario government does fund it. So people up so children youth have access to food in schools. But what happens in the summer, so we actually only supplemented with surplus food. This is purchased food, but we had volunteers make lunches and I think we did 42,000 much has this year because typically they're trying to integrate surplus food more but we also have to make sure surpluses you never know. What's going to come right just less predictable. So that's are feeding our future program training and It comes in many forms. We have five kitchens across the city of 12 and they're called Harvest kitchens. And that's where we provide raw ingredients to training kitchen that train people with barriers to employment and they transform it into wonderful meals that are then picked up and delivered by our Fleet to organizations that don't have kitchen facilities would like to have prepared food, right? So you do offer not just we have a surplus of apples. In a surplus of whatever you can also say here. We have some pizzas that have been prepared or what other kinds of meals. Would you prepare in your kitchens? Oh, yeah, I would say pizzas is probably not one of them. But what else sorry like that's an easy meal to make a lot of casseroles or just chicken and potatoes. That's amazing. So then those low-income people or people who are trying to learn new skills through your training and education programs. Are they receiving compensation or they getting meals out of this or like I make all of the above, okay. Developmental disabilities and it is they're paid a stipend is to get skills training so that they can place them in a job so that they're actually going into a job right after this. Yeah. He's careful Boys and Girls Club they work with the local high school and they train Criminals and so that might actually lead them into a job or lead them into a culinary skills program. That is at a college level. It's all a little bit different intense for them. All is this a like let's train people. Let's get people excited about food and it's like a black box event every day, right? You never know what's coming. It's not part of our skills training. We also do work. Incorporating an e-learning as I said earlier, we do certification for food safety and greet. We we do nutrition education. We also do food waste education so that people can learn how to provoke organization we are business in this can learn how to minimize any ways that they're creating. So is that with restaurants or you said businesses, but like who's who's learning how to prevent food waste some businesses? So we've gone in and audited and helps them. Determine what that food loss of length is and how that they can position themselves for food rescue dot CA because there is going to be some Surplus some of them are social service organizations some of our schools. So we work with all the many of the colleges and me do a bit of lecturing and we work with universities. Oh, that's so good. Yeah, if anybody wants to know we're all about sharing we want to share seriously. Yeah, so, how could I bring second? Harvest anywhere in Canada to give a presentation about any of those topics see what connects to Second Harvest. Yeah, so you guys have people in every Province or is one of the mandates of Second Harvest to deal with climate Justice focusing on the fact that the majority of people that are causing greater damage to the environment will likely be the last to feel its effects the people creating crazy amounts of food waste and surplus are not the people who are going to feel the pangs of climate change first. Our mandate is environmental. So when we talk about who's feeling climate change for sure it's going to Helping countries that are feeling it what and it's because of what we are doing in more developed countries. So I mean, even if a farmer is creating and I feel like in Canada, they're probably feeling it too with floods and whether the way it is, so how do we adjust it? I mean I think for me it's more about collaboration. So people when they know better they do better so we work across the supply chain and you know, there's an economic benefit to not having food waste honestly. So yeah. So I and I'm noticing a shift like I'm noticing even in the past two years. Yeah, except where businesses are creating targets. They're starting to measure and I mean Step One is measure so we haven't even been measuring as I said earlier will working internationally with other organizations that would like to embed food recovery into their countries. And so we give them again the tools and the knowledge to do that, but even two years ago, we were with the The world bank and they hadn't connected time it to food waste and working with they were working in silos. So again, the more you know, the better you do nobody nothing is absolutely end and draw down. Does that connection to they also emphasize like it's in the to the list of top 10 solutions to climate change or drawing down carbon is two of them were food waste related back and I'm going to Canada. We're not you know, we're not doing good. We're in the top 10. Yeah. We're a very small country. But we are what are your tips for people to reduce waste in their own homes? Well, I would say shock less like my last when you're shopping recognizing well busy and we do bulk shopping count how many times you're cleaning out your fridge and but you're cleaning out and add up what that is in terms of actual money. Like we're losing everybody's bruising about $1,700 aggregate Lee annually on That they're just throwing away. Oh, no, I'm fine. I thought what I shop less like by less when I do weekly shop. Yes. Yeah. I'm still like there's still extra food like light happens your friends call you want to go out whatever is like their kids have a game. So there's that understand best before dates best before dates are not expiry dates that's before has nothing to do with food safety and only five foods that expire in Canada. Who are they? They're it's baby formula. So and that's based on the nutrients or two. Child needs them. So if it's past its expiry dates, you know, you could compromise a young systems of absolutely don't do that. Another one is like meal replacements looking sure for seniors. And again same reasons people need those nutrients to be healthy lights. You could still consume it but it wouldn't be doing its job at that point. Exactly. That's exactly right. Okay. Another one is a real replacement and two of them are by prescription. Only one is for feeding tube and one is So that's it the rest of the best before dates that manufacturer generated stocks. The CFI a rule is the manufacture date it's conservative and it's based on Peak freshness. So and even then it's conservative. So, you know, I think Public Health did a great disservice with the when in doubt throw it out and we have to change our mindset around that nothing happens at the stroke of midnight that's before does not mean bad after so just use your Use your senses to determine if it's good or bad that's green. Likely 99% of the time. It's just fine. Yeah, so what about I think the biggest thing for people is meat and dairy that is the most concerning with special for an expiry. So do you have any tips with that? I absolutely have advice for every thank you, please go on. The eggs right like everything can be frozen. So if you freeze it on the date of its best before it's fine. And what will happen is like you can have it in your freezer for like a year, but it's not a safety issue. It's just right. It's just your palate. Yeah, so freezing your food and don't forget about it. Once you freeze it. Yeah, exactly. And do you have creative tips for using up food way so or not food waste but food that is still edible that you're just kind of like, uh, like I don't You know how to eat the rest of this cauliflower or I don't know how to get the rest of this jug of milk that you know might go bad soon. I don't know exactly and I mean, it's fair like there's a I'll be quite honest. I am not at home cook very often. That's not my big skill is not as a baker, but I do make chili a lot. And that's exactly how I use all of that food. That's great. Yeah that's left over and if you've got milk that you know, is there something you want to bake? There's always bananas in my fridge. So we were there some kind of dessert you can make with it. So sometimes it goes like that and the great the kitchen like me look at the recipes. Like I always look up recipes for ingredients or less because that's who I am but that's great and just typing into whatever your search engine is the five or six ingredients that you have in your fridge. They just kind of like how does how do these things go together? Tell me internet found it works it works every time. Actly and also I find that if you see your food waste it changes things. So I like I recommend people putting it in glass on the counter and then you can see it at up and especially if you have children, they will shame you my children all adults now, but I've been seeing this happen where you have to set yourself a Target is such an important thing and that's the same with reducing your waist is taking kind of a Audit seeing what you're throwing out and looking for Alternatives. So seeing what food waste is going in your garbage can and or in your compost and being able to identify. Oh, well, maybe I'm not I'm not really a chef this week. This week is busy and so I should not be buying this much groceries, especially fresh produce and fresh perishable foods that can Harvest is awesome. We're all part of it. I took your advice and froze some doughnuts because she couldn't eat them before they go stale. I don't know who can't eat box full of donuts. And having it but your mother your Donuts in the freezer and then they're kind of weird coming out of the freezer. Like the the glaze is kind of like dribble to the bottom of the container anyway, so I was like about to throw them in my composter and I was like, no I can do that. What did I make French toast with donuts. So I slice them in half and I just asked the internet the internet's the smart one somebody I internet. And yeah, I made french toast and it was so delicious. Right? Exactly and then you can eat donuts for breakfast. Yeah, and then creativity and rethinking waste and looking for how you can get a second harvest out of every every meal even another person be found on the podcast Anthony went and he was able to talk about how he's had people over for dinner and they were going to scrape them. Plates into the garbage if they didn't have like if they didn't finish the whole thing and he's just like, well, what are you doing? You put that back in the pot and I will eat it later changing. Your whole mindset is exactly the behavior change a lot of behavior change and climate matters to most people. With you online and social media platforms that people can reach out to you. Listen all . CA when you can access surplus food for your programs, that's so good. Right? So I meant to ask this earlier about the if my Farmers Market registers and in says we have this much food, it'll ping all the shelters in the area or whoever's in need of food. But do they also have to go on and register themselves as something that they would like to receive notifications when there's food in the area exactly. Okay. So the so the the nonprofit's are also registered. Okay, so if you are a non-profit. Futur if you are somebody who has a surplus of food, then everybody get on to food rescued at Sea a and be able to connect all the food because nothing should be going to landfill ever amazing. This was such a good conversation. Thank you so much Lori. Thank you so much. This was fun. Good. Thank you. Again. Thanks again for listening everyone. If you'd like to learn more about Second Harvest head to Second Harvest at CA you'll find the link to their website as well as their incredible report on the avoidable prices of food waste in the show notes below. If you enjoyed today's episode the new would definitely enjoy episode 7 takeout and food rescue with the go market app all about feeding the hungry with the excessive Surplus in this world the solutions to our problems can seem painfully obvious. Sometimes you can find that episode along with all the rest in our archives wherever you get your podcasts if you'd like to contact the show you can send an email to Typically zero waste at or find us on Instagram and Facebook at practically zero is POD. And if you'd like to support me in all the work that goes into the show, you can always go to Anchor dot f m / practically zero waste and hit the support button. That's all for now. Have a great waste-free week everyone and talk to you soon.
Food waste is avoidable in SO MANY WAYS but it's not just up to the individual. Second Harvest, Canada's Largest food rescue charity is hard at work to connect farmers and distributers who have a surplus of edible, perishable foods, with the people who don't have access to fresh healthy food on a daily basis. Check out my conversation with CEO of Second Harvest Lori Nikkel about the damage food waste does to the environment, the obvious solution of taking the surplus to give to those in need, and exactly how Second Harvest accomplishes such a monumental task. Second Harvest's Website: To sign up for the Food Rescue Program: Report: The Avoidable Crisis of Food Waste: Find Second Harvest on social media @secondharvest Listen to Episode 007 of Practical(ly) Zero Waste about Food Rescue: New episodes every Sunday, at 8:00 am.
Hi, this is heavily Pennington. And this is hapless podcast. Welcome to a brand new year. 2019 is here and I am so excited. Yep. I'm one of those. I love a fresh start. I don't do. Owens but I do kind of clean up my inboxes and throw all my bad food in the house and just kind of a restart reboot my everyday life and I love it. In fact, I would love to be better at goal setting and all those things which I'll talk more about later, but I do have something very exciting to tell all of you and the reason I've been kind of quiet and you haven't heard much for me is because I gave birth. No I didn't give birth to like Kid, which don't put it past me. I've done it four times, but I gave birth to a brand-new book and book is a really small small way to talk about this project because it is something that I have poured my heart and soul into the way that I think about. This project was a couple months ago. I was having one of those days where I couldn't get it together to every one of those days where you just can't get it together. I don't Feel good feels like everything is irritating every time every kid that's talking every email feels like an invasion. I just was having a hard day. And at one point my son was trying to get my attention and my little one and I said, what what do you want? And he said Mom I forgot how beautiful you are. I just I felt you know, like a punch in the gut but like a punch in the heart. It was so good that he said it was Shocking because I thought he was going to ask for something or tell me his brother was punching him or something like that, but he just had this kind of moment, but he wanted to bring me in on and at that moment. I thought you inherit everything your brothers have lost you have won it all I'm teasing kind of but it was this moment where I it took my breath away, but simultaneously I saw this parallel of how God Once us to see ourselves like we're busy doing life and we're dream chasing and we're hustling and we're building the family were paying the bills and we might go do more education and we might have another kid and we might do this or move here and gods like whoa, just a minute. Hey just want you to know don't forget how amazing you are. And that's what this book is. It's called leap into love and the reason I wrote this study was Has there was a part of my journey that I realized that it wasn't until I started to accept myself in a profound way today actually begin to be the vital voice that I knew I was and really wanted to be on the earth. So the tagline for the study is called living present to your purpose on the planet. We kind of as I went into the study. I was going to call it a study on self-rejection and radical love and I started out doing that. But I realized that it was more than that. It wasn't just an inner healing or a heart topic. It was more about learning to live present learning to be present in our everyday life and to accept ourselves for who we are in the middle of it. And that was really the secret to well to living full-hearted in our lives. One of the things I really looked at was the idea that self-rejection shows up in our lives and it shows up in our lives in ways that we don't really Fact be kind of think self-rejection is loathing or comparison or maybe even you know insecurity. Oh, you know, they're self-rejection they have insecurities, but when I began to really do studying around this topic, I realized that self-rejection shows up in a lot of different areas. One of those areas is perfectionism the idea that things need to be perfect for us to be settled for us to accept our lives for us to accept the people were with or two. Be comfortable in our environment. There's nothing wrong with striving for excellence. Let me say that I'm not asking you to be a pathetic so you can accept yourself. I'm just saying that when perfectionism begins to be the dominant characteristic of our lives and it's all about being the best and having the best into producing the best we end up realizing that we are striving for something that maybe we feel we're lacking which is an ability for things not to be perfect for us to be present. And then I also looked at, you know other areas. Critical of other people and superiority complex is actually really grounded in self-rejection a part of us that's making up for something that we lack. So we look at those kind of fruits that show up as if we're growing our lives on purpose and where does it show up? And where does it give us some evidence of self-rejection that we would not have seen nor we have thought and then I begin to really look at you know, what does it mean to grow and self-acceptance? There's this kind Kind of a worldly perspective that's hitting our culture which is kind of Me Myself. And I and if I could be powerful then that's all that matters. And I I agree. Yeah, we we need to be confident and there's a confidence of God confidence and there's a self-acceptance but it's not just finding ourselves because at the end of the rainbow we find ourselves we find that we need a God. We need to savior. We need more than just our personality and our good looks or whatever it is that we've kind of Then on our intelligence, we really need God we need a savior. And so how do we actually plug into the source of confidence and that is plugging in to God. It's plugging into our relationship with him. So we talk I really talked about that and then I look into the idea and I did a lot of research on this which was this kind of shell that we create which was really given to us in childhood to participate in our everyday life and to keep our anxiety low and just stay. Kind of present into our family world, but really it may not be our true self. And so what does it look like to go deeper to figure out who are we on the inside of all of this and I found in my own life when I got married there was such an Awakening in my journey. I assumed I was a certain way and I had been told I was a certain way then when I got married I realized I actually not that way at all and I had to unpack some of this narrative and this belief system and Even maybe the things I was ashamed of and assume that people didn't like and so I needed to change it instead. I began to realize don't know I am different and I like who I am and really being able to accept myself for who God called me to be and created me to be so I look at all of that. And then why do we go on this journey of a radical self-acceptance radical love towards ourselves, which God created our most the most wonderful part of who we are because you know, the whole idea is that if what we see in the mirror is God's example of his incredible work in our lives and but we hate it then how can we really trust him? I mean if he's the author and the artist of our lives and like wow every day were reminded of his work and we don't like it then why would we want him to do the rest of our life? Why would we say? Yeah now you create the rest of my life, but I hate the picture of what you created that's in front of me every day. So we have to really look at that one of the things I thought about This whole idea that the world is obsessed with models and you know people of perfection and yet I believe God wants us to become role models for a radical movement of loving the person God created us to be and how do you do that? Not just sounds really amazing. But how do you actually do that on an everyday basis? And we I unpack all of that and then I talked about when all of that is done and we begin to accept the person God created us to be what happens. Well it begins. Has to be this force in our life or we begin to be an Agent of Change. It's the way we talk to each other the way that we expect except each other the way that we experience each other. We begin to say I see you you were fearfully and wonderfully created and I accept you and I can't accept you until I accept myself and I can distribute that same radical love that. I'm giving to myself I can give to you and so what does that actually look like? So I'm going to talk about growing and selfish. Upton's growing in our physical features, you know some of the features we have we can't change I call them unchangeable features. What do we do with that? Because sometimes that can be really offensive, you know God you created me this way and it feels like the way you created me has been a burden. I don't like the way that I was created whether you have a flaw that you just a blatant fly and you're like, I feel like this flaw is just become a definition to me and yet maybe God wants it to be become it to be redefined as a mark of ownership or maybe there's a part of you where your beauty or your sexuality has become the defining feature and you've realized that the world has only accepted you skin deep and yet, you know, there is more to you a profound acceptance of who God created you to be and to be present to your purpose. Not just your body not just your physical experience, but to be present to your full purpose, which is internal external. And what you offer the Earth what you offer the planet? So what does that look like, you know that idea of having radical love and the root word for radical love is found that we it comes from radical comes from the word root and God has given us this ability to be rooted in him grounded in him to know that our source of Life comes from him and that's not just a really sexy spiritual thing. It's really It actually works and transformation works and and and the transformation of all parts of us. So I really took this journey to dissect all of this. I'm not a real heart person. Yeah, I know that sounds horrible to even say but I'm not a real feely person. So for me to go on this journey Took a ton of work, I worked harder on this project. It was a labor of love and I had to go deep into my own experience and my own presence and what what you know, where did I draw? Ants and what word narratives that I believed about myself and why that was important and even if I had experienced rejection or abandonment or if I had experienced maybe someone not accepting me for who I was it didn't Define me and how did I get to that point and it really required me to go deep and understand. What was I believing? And what was the truth and I got into the word of God. What does God say about me and I want to teach you that I want you to sit at my table for Is this January on January 22nd? We're going to start this journey. And if you were my girlfriend, I would say can you can we do this together? Can we journey together for 20 days and let's see. Let's like go on this this moment of transformation where we sit together for 20 days and we have pack some of these areas, you know, we can have a ton of goals. We can go. I want to work out everyday and I want to I want to eat clean and I want to be powerful. But if we have this underlying root of rejection that Just follows us. It doesn't matter what we fix on the outside doesn't matter what relationships we let go of our walk into if there's a root of bitterness in our lives towards how we were created. It will follow us and it will it will Poison every relationship where it and that's why often bad relationships follow people. It's because there's one common denominator. It's them it's you it's me. So we have to go deep and figure out what's going on. I was telling my girlfriend's this a It's ago. We started a book club and I was telling them that on January 2nd. My husband and I drove from LA to home. And you know, I'm one of those that when I get in the car and a long road trip, I want to talk about plans. I want to talk about future. I want to talk about ten year goals. I don't if you're like me if yours if that's used to say Amen wherever you are nod your head because you know, that's you and he can't go anywhere. I've locked him in it is a road trip for 10 hours. He's gonna hear it. And so I'm telling him and I first I was kind of telling him some things that I was like listen. I'm frustrated we didn't get here and I don't know why we didn't do this and I was explaining maybe some of the area's I felt that he kind of had gotten stuck this last year and I was like, listen we need to do this and I need you to jump in I need you to wake up in this area. And as I'm doing that which I know you wives know what I'm talking about the Holy Spirit nudged me and he was like, wow. Wow, you're giving him all of that. Twisting when really you're not stepping up in areas because of fear, you're not stepping them in areas because of Shame you're not stepping up in areas because you think that if he would be powerful you'll be powerful and the truth is you're giving your power away and not only that you're not accepting the person I called you to be which is often the starter. It's often the person that's got the yes, and so stop waiting for someone else in your life to show up show up and I had to Spent right there in the middle of I-5 I had to say listen, babe. I'm sorry. I'm holding you responsible for change and I need to change. I'm holding you responsible for transformation. I need to transform and I'm getting lazy. I'm getting a pathetic. I'm thinking. Well, I'm doing more than most people have 20% ahead of most people but it's actually creating a sense of apathy and me and I need to I need to go back to the foundation and one of the foundational things that has been critical in. Life, even, you know 20 years ago when I was cleaning houses, I would always bring my little boom box and my teaching series and I would sit and I would listen to a teaching series every single day for hours. We'd clean to big mansions a day. We'd spend six seven hours a day cleaning and I loved it because I would get these really good teaching series and I'd pop in one type after the other and I would go through an entire series and it was I called it my Bible school and what I realized. But over the years, I mean, I would glean I would take a book on audio. I listened to teaching series or I listened to some Churches series and I would just listen and I would almost Anand date myself with the topic to where I finally was eating and breathing every conversation was about what I had learned and I would cry and I would get excited and I would go home and journal and I realized that I was kind of forcing myself to learn these Concepts. Well as you get older, you're like what I don't know if I want to pick that up, you know, that's exciting but No, I don't want to like start again. I don't want to you know, they have a fault start again, or I don't want to discuss that it's exciting to get excited. But what about the bills and what about my kids and what about all these other things and I realized that this year hadn't picked up a book and I was like, oh, I don't know. I don't want to pick up a got a lot of books a stack of books, but we're at you know, someone would sit me, in fact all my friends because I have all these Learners as friends. They're sending me videos and you gotta watch this this month and you got to see this book and I'm like, yeah. Yeah when I felt this part of Me that was like I don't want to grow I don't want to transform. I just did a whole book on this I'm done and I realized that that was actually a really dangerous place for me because it when I stop learning is the moment I stopped being transformed as the moment. I stopped being present and I start thinking about another moment that they'll be another time and I immediately downloaded the messages. They sent me and the books and got out of my car went to the book club that I was committed to and just said no. I'm Gonna Learn I'm not going to sit here and wait for a moment. I need to do this and I'll tell you what only took a few minutes probably took an hour a certain message or Facebook thing that I was listening to and all this and I was getting excited and for our study, you know, I want to challenge some of you, you know, you want to be in the word but you're not you want to start something fresh, but you're not and you're obsessed with your business you're obsessed with your kids you're obsessed with your marriage, but what God wants to do is take you on a journey. Ernie at you know, a 5-10 minutes a day where you stay consistent and you give yourself to this thing and you don't start and do five days, but you're like I'm in it for 20 days. I set my alarm and maybe you give up something like I'm not going to look at social media in the morning. I'm going to do my five-minute study or I'm not going to watch my favorite TV show tonight. I'm going to do this study. I'm going to change I have to change something to actually have transformation. And so I want to encourage you with this leap into love. I'm going to be right alongside of you learning these Concepts again and revisiting them. They'll be thousands of women around the world that will join you but I want to invite you to not wait and not think well if my girlfriend doesn't I'll do it. Stop stop that your girlfriend's not going to do it. Like you're going to do it. You need to stop waiting for someone else. You got to show up and say I'm gonna do this. I know I started before I'm going to do it again. Why because you have grandbabies coming you have children that are going to be adults. You've got people that are waiting for you to show up. So don't give up. Keep going become. The person God's called you to be today stop waiting and every day you take a step forward take a step forward and you will transform. I promise you that so here's another thing that's really exciting. We've actually never done this but Bethel TV came to us and said, what would you think about us hosting a live for Night series Tuesday night series for four weeks in a row for our community. And what would you think about doing your new book leap into love? And the whole Community will do the 20 day at home? Eddie but what would you think if we actually did four nights of sleep in the lab? And I'm like I'm in I think I said yes before they even told me the whole thing. And so I said, well, I love what I have to teach and I have a lot to teach but honestly, I have some girlfriends that I think are profound on this topic. What would you think if they split the night with me and they're like Yahoo ever and so I have three of my friends that I honestly feel like are some of the leading voices on these topics of self. Acceptance and love and radical becoming a radical Agent of Change in your life. And so we're going to split the night up. It's going to be live worship. They'll be women in the room and you can gather your girl's you can have a small group in your home. You can have a book club in your home. You can grab your women's ministry and stream it live whatever you want to do, but lie panel of starts January 2nd 22nd and will join every Tuesday night for four nights at four nights in a row for two nights in a row. I can say that but then as well we'll have the 20-day. Right alongside of it. So what do you need to know? Well, it's totally free. The 20-day experience is free the Four Knights live experiences free. The only thing that you want to invest in is the leap in The Love Book, you're going to want to grab your book you don't have to but I'm telling you it will keep you focused and I'll give you all the information that we're going through in those in that book. So how do you find it? Well, you can find it where most books are sold Amazon. You can also get it as a digital book as well as you can order on Bethel shop. Shop and treat the tables shop. So it'll be everywhere and the book will come to you about right about time when it starts. So I really hope you join me if you've done any of my studies and you didn't do it last year jump in this year. Come on. I want to see you there and tell your friends, you know, everybody needs a good start, but why not start your year in the in the word and there's so many different things. So we're going to go into this idea, and I'm really proud of this. I really hope to pull up a seat and let me know if you're joining me. Tell me tell me how my socials on you know, Twitter or Facebook or Instagram. I'm joining you January 22nd. I can't wait follow us. We'll give you a bunch of information as we get going. But the main thing is is I want us to have a journey of transformation. There's other Bible studies out there Join one of them doesn't have to be this one the Lisa Turkish Lisa Harper. I'm seeing all these things start up Join one of theirs just get in the word and get on your journey to start 2019, but the street with Great. So, I love you guys. Thanks for giving me a few minutes of your day. I hope to be with you a lot more this year. That's one of my goals is to podcast more and hang out with you, and if nothing else just connect in our everyday lives. So I love you, and I'll catch you next time. Bye.
Learn all about Leap Into Love: A couple of months ago I was having one of those days where I couldn’t get it together. Everything was irritating me, and I was having a hard day. At one point my youngest son was trying to get my attention. I asked him what he wanted, and he replied, he had forgotten how beautiful I was. It was a moment that took my breath away but also showed me a parallel of how God sees us. We’re so busy doing life and dream chasing that we forget what God thinks about us. In this podcast episode, I want to talk to you a little bit about my new study “Leap into Love.” The reason I wrote this study was that there was a part in my journey where it wasn’t until I was able to accept myself in a profound way that I was able to become a vital voice. This study is more than just dealing with self-rejection and finding inner healing. It’s about learning to live present in our everyday life and to accept ourselves for who we are. It is the secret to living full-heartedly. This brand new Bible study starts on January 22nd and includes 4 LIVE teaching nights, plus 20 short daily videos where I’ll teach 6-8 minutes through the Leap into Love book. *You don’t need the book to join, but it’s a great resource to dive deeper. I’d love for you to pass this along to a friend and join me for this special 4-week journey to Living Present to our Purpose on the Planet. P.S This is the last week you can pre-order the book for just $ 12, so grab one for you and a friend and sign up today! I can’t wait to have you!
Welcome back or welcome to the humans of triathlon or hot podcast where we bring you the ordinary but extraordinary world of triathlon one human one story at a time with the aim to inspire and to celebrate this life-changing Sport and it's humans to real authentic raw and enjoyable conversations with humans of triathlon from around the globe and from all walks of life.So welcome on this beautiful July day to the humans of triathlon podcast brought to you by three-time Iron Man from London. UK Charles hunk and me soon to be three times Iron Man. I hope she lets her 11 from Grimsby Ontario. Canada are fearless podcast Creator swap meals is on a bit of a sabbatical but we hope to have his smooth voice back on the air and the new future. We have a great show for you today with a fellow Canadian coach and athleteCharles take it away. All right, so guys. So according to the famous publication of the Mayo Clinic, you know around the 15 percent of couples and you'll have trouble getting pregnant, right which is not a small number actually and our guest tonight has had a pass a very lengthy and highly upset in trouble in this regard and however for much painful that this must have been the past this has definitely not Not stopped her from being awesome, right? You can notice this by looking at her Instagram account. Where's many people including myself. We love to take pictures of food. I'm going to have this for lunch or Landscapes. Look at where I'm going to have this wrong tonight amazing, right? I think 95% of our guests in second pulses are smiling selfies, right? So it's power right there. So, who is this woman? Okay. So what are we doing in right? Let's see this V here. We have a Competitive Edge grouper with a 15 years running experience 10 years trying out on experience and over five years of coaching experience. She is a Naas FP certified run coach. She is a nccp train travel on coach and it can fit Pro certified personal. No training specialist. Let me catch my breath that long one. All right, she is also the managing director of PK performance coaching folks. We have a great hour coming up for all of you from Canada. And I love to say this the land of maple syrup of Alanis Morissette of Justin beaver of Justin Trudeau. They already sold out Comeback Kid of Iron Man. Huntington and of course our very own Sheila 311, please Welcome to our virtual Studio the lovely Federer Kennedy. Thank you for having me. That was a great intro. Thank you for calling. I'm here. Thanks. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, it's just we always have these amazing guests with all the way. We love to hear the stories and we love to be here. Dig there and sometimes we lose track of time and yeah happens a lot of happens. Exactly because not only the guess ramble. We also rambled, you know own way. So he just gets crazy. We all get excited and then Interruption you're like, yeah. Well when you put three track leads into a room and you talk Triathlon that could go on for a really long time. Yeah and good and sometimes it goes on after we stop recording. Yeah, there's a backstage or no one hears for the I it happens. Yeah, well, we're so happy that you're here and usually how we get started is just asking you to tell us about yourself and how you grew up and how you what just about you and how you grew up and where you started. Well, let's start at the beginning. I was born and raised in Toronto. So I've lived here all my life. I've never left I am. I'm the oldest of three kids have a younger sister and a younger brother. There is a pretty big age range between all of us and I like to say it was because I was a bit of a handful as a child throwing temper tantrums in the grocery store and that sort of thing but it's funny that you commented Charles on my smiling face because my mom always said that I was a smiley baby. I was a smiley child and I've always been a smiling person and that's what people comment on the I don't know why that is I guess I just love life and I like to smile simple as that perfect. That's the best kind of so much nicer that to see someone talk to somebody who's smiling then, you know going up to someone who's frowning. Most people will just walk the other way. It's true. Yeah, and I did have someone tell me in one of my jobs out of University that I had a very approachable face like, oh wow. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. It's very odd to compliment but I'll take it ugly definitely better than the alternative. So, yeah, so how big is the age difference between you and your siblings been there six years between my brother and I he's in the middle and then my sister is 11 years younger than me. Okay, so it's sad like growing up we didn't really grow up together. So it was almost like I was a second mom. I guess you could say and once she Ought to be in her late teens, actually, let's just say this once she was able to drink then it was like, okay, she's cool. Let's go out. Yeah, you know what? I totally get it. My sister is 10 years older than my than me and my older brother is 11 years older, but then we also have a younger brother who's five years younger than me. So wow, we didn't really start hanging out until we were like grown-ups. So yeah, so it's true because it's you know kids teenagers. Rogers, you know in my early 20s and my sister would have been like 11. Yeah. I'm not going to hang out with an 11 year old cycling. So but now we're pretty close. So how was your childhood? Like you're you know, you're the oldest you're looking after your two younger siblings a lot or you know where you involved in sports as a kid. I played in grade school. I did track and field for grade 7 and grade 8 and then once I got into High School I started playing soccer and that was my life for like four years. I played on the high school team and then I played on a house league team and then the housing team ended up turning into a rep team. So I did that for all of high school. So I was playing like four days a week and then I play tournaments on the weekend and then I got out of high school and went into University. I stopped doing everything. Oh, no. How come I just moved out of the house. So I was living out by the unit. I went to York. So I was living up by York and and I had a I got a government job over the course of the summer and it was a contract job and then they ended up with the way my school schedule was I had like two and a half days of school. They were long days. The two days were quite long. So I had two and a half three days. So the contract position said well, we'll keep you if you can make this work and I was Yeah, sure. You're paying me good money. I'm not going to say no to that so between work and then school I just felt like I didn't have time for anything else. So I didn't do anything else. And then again the Freshman 15 now of course, yes. Yeah the standard so standard. Yeah, which stayed on me right through University and then just Got a little bit worse after University, which is why I got into running after I got at a university and I had been I was living with a boyfriend at the time and then we broke up and that's sort of when my running sort of really came to be running not just like a quick jog around the block. It was like, okay. I can actually run for half an hour at a time. Now, I sort of worked up from the run walk and then Built up to like 30 minutes straight of running and that was what sort of kept me going. That was the thing that I had since I had left that relationship. That's what sort of took its place and it'll just allowed me to sort of think through things and it allowed me alone time. And then I just thought you know, what if I'm running half an hour, why can't I run 5k, maybe I can run 5k, I'm going to try and do a 5K race. So I think October of that year, I did Run for the Cure because my grandmother both my grandmother's had passed away from breast cancer. So it was like, okay, you know what I'm going to do that and my aunt had had it and beat it. So I thought I'm going to honor them and that's what I did and then that was the rest was history after that. I was like hooked. Mmm. I'm like, oh my God every chance I could race I would race I had no idea what I was doing. Like this was in the late 90s. So I mean heart rate monitors were He just sort of coming into being used but I didn't know anything about that. I would just run didn't know anything about training. I would run five days a week and take the weekends off. So that's where all of my endurance love started. I guess was in 1998. You'll be surprised in in this podcast higher than the number of times that we hear people sort of saying that the reason they got into Into endurance sports or a is for whatsoever is there's always a trigger nice not just one daily. Wake up and say I want to do this now. It's always a nice always like something very like impressive like no no and it ranges from you broke up with your partner to I need this breathing device and I'm traveling a lot. So I'm getting stopped in airports all the time and I'm fed up with this. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so it's all right. Fell from a lightning Tower which is like 20 meters high and I was probably take and then I started doing parasite in so it is amazing that the amount of stories that we hear but it's always a trigger noise is very interesting. There. It is. It's like a switch that gets flipped in you're just like, you know what I need I need to do this I need to do this. This is what I need right now, and I'm lucky it's something that I stuck with it just it. Did so much for me that I was just like this is now part of my life. It's just what I do. There's no reason not to do it. I love it. It makes me feel good and then you know as a runner once you start to develop as a runner, it's like, okay what I've done five k now I'm going to do a cake that I'm going to do 10K that I'm going to do a half marathon. Oh, maybe I'll do a marathon, but that just seems really hard. So it took me like four half marathons before I decided. Okay. I think I'm ready to do a marathon and I signed up to do that Marathon. I joined the Running Room because you know I needed I thought I need guidance. I can't do this on my own and I had done the half marathon Clinic Through The Running Room. So I was familiar with them already and I joined that group and my husband my future husband was in that group and that's how we met was running and at the time when I met him I was like, oh, yeah. You're very cute. But you're a bit of a jerk. Like he just wouldn't talk to me which made the time of day and I'm like, all right. Well fine a year later. He started giving me the time of day it took a year. But yeah, so that's you know, that's how we met and I've met so many amazing people through running and Triathlon that I can't imagine it not being a part of my life and obviously It led me to coaching. So that's a whole other ball of wax that it can worms. Whatever you want to call it that it open. Yeah, I don't come from a you know, Kinesiology or Science Background. I studied Fine Arts and University. Like I'm I was an artist at heart when I started and then something changed and I ended up in advertising which I think most people that get into art realize that they can't make a living at all. Art and up in advertising I did that for 20 years and at 45. I was like, you know, I'm done with this. I'm so done with this and I just quit I quit and decided to coach. So here I am. Yeah, that's amazing. That's a big big change. Like was there a lead up to that decision? Because it has yeah. There was a lot of urging from my husband because I hated my job. You know the last the advertising industry changed when digital photography started and then when social media really became prevalent and things like Instagram ads became prevalent. It was like people thought oh we can do this for nothing. It's like no you can't because you still have to pay the people that do that. Yes, so I started just getting really annoyed with having to tell my suppliers. Well, you know, Can you work for half your rate? Like you don't go into a hairdresser and say I got 50 bucks. I know you charge 200 when you cut my hair. No just cut - I don't ya just we'll just cut half of it and I hope you're okay with that. Like I don't understand I never understood why in that business it was okay to do that. So that was really sort of the straw that broke the camel's back and I'd say that in a in 2013. I started taking people I Was coaching people part time because people started asking me do you coach and I was like I could try and so I started working with some of my friends and then I'm like, you know, I should really get a certification. So that's where the Naas FP certification came in and then I started actually coaching people online. Yeah, it was crazy and my first client came through Instagram really? Oh wow. Because I was so I had a Blog and I used to blog about my training and racing all the time. And then I Chronicle things on Instagram as well. And I people would ask me questions there and I didn't realize it was a program platform that you could connect with people in that regard. So yeah a crazy. I never thought that I would end up where I am because of social media, but I did. So it's amazing. There you go. Yeah, but did you quit your job before starting the coaching or do you like get started coaching while we'll see how you do your job and see whether you you have the final guts to take the final punch. I started coaching while I was at my job and I would take five athletes and that was it and I'd have to turn people away and I was just like, okay, you know, I need to either I need to make a Vision and I knew that if I left my job, obviously that was going to be a big pay cut. So in 20 it was yeah and that's kind of scary. I mean we don't have kids. So for us it was like, okay. Well, you know, my husband has a good job, but he was like you'll be we'll be fine. We'll be fine. We'll be fine. But I also wanted to be contributing right I wanted to contribute to the household. I don't want to like quote unquote free load. So it was like a very tough. Tough decision for me, but then we had a like a three-bedroom house down in Lake Shore and isn't an area. So south west of the city right by the lake and it's just the two of us. Like, why do we need a house with a backyard backyard that we never really use because most of the time we're out training. So at the height of the real estate market we decided to sell okay for you. And yeah, it was smart decision. We had renovated the house. Well, actually they renovated we rebuilt the house five years prior. So it was really bright quite new in a neighborhood where there was a fair some new homes, but a lot of older homes. Hmm, so we sold it we made some money and then we wanted to downsize into a townhouse which we ended up doing. I wouldn't say we downsized in square footage, but now we don't have a backyard. We have a garage we don't have to shovel the driveway. Driveway, we don't have to do any of that stuff. Oh my God, it's liberating force. It was that decision when we did that I was like, okay, we're good. I could quit my job and like I think literally about three weeks after we did that we have our house sold. I went into the studio owner and I was like, okay I'm giving you my notice. I've done. Yeah, and I was good because I knew that I was leaving to do my own thing. So I gave them like three months and I just, you know help train the new person made sure everything was like tied up all the Loose Ends were tied up. And yeah, so I wasn't an idiot about it. I was just like I'm going to give you my time. Yeah, we're going to and I get that it also gave you time to sort of sort out. Make sure that your base your new new world is going to be easy. Yeah, right. Yeah, like I put that out there soon as I had done the deed. It was like, okay guys. I'm taking on new athletes starting January 1st. And by the end of 2016 2017 was my first year of running my own business by the end of that year. I had a full roster of athletes. So how many is a full roster for you? I like to keep it at 15. And that's a combination of Runners and triathletes because I coach both, you know, if I have less triathletes. I might take a little bit more than 15 because Runners I find it much easier to manage programming for the absolute transplant, right? So, you know, I might go up to 17 18, but then that's even that it's like, okay. Nope. Stop stop stop. So and I've had I've recently I now am the head coach at black toe running which is a Running Shop down at Queen and queen and also our King in Bathurst and they have a run Club in a race team. So I program plan for the team and Club year so and coach in person to which was a big sort of step out of my comfort zone. You know, I found that I was always nervous in front of big groups of people and now it's just sort of like this. Yeah, whatever like public speaking was never a good thing for me. Me I would always get really nervous at doing speeches. But now I'm like, I'm very comfortable talking in front of larger groups. So it's been a good thing. That's good. I've seen the Black Toe running group out there. Hmm. Yeah, but her gear things like that. So that's really cool. Yeah, it's been fun. So I know your Runner. So how did you get into the sport of triathlon? I blame that entirely on my husband. When we started dating he was training for his first Ironman Lake Placid, which was in 2002. I think he was doing that year. So I just remember and I knew what Triathlon was. Obviously I had watched I'd watched Kona and thought that was crazy. And then I think everybody in Canada watch Simon Whitfield get the gold medal at the Olympics. I remember screaming at the TV. TV and jumping up and down like losing my mind. So Triathlon was always kind of there was like, well, you know, maybe one day I'll do that and then when I met my husband watching him train for Lake Placid, I was just like this is crazy. But so inspiring and I will never forget standing at the Finish Line at the Olympic Oval in the stands watching random strangers come down the finishing shoot and I'm crying watching these people. Because I'm just like wrapped up and in how excited and happy and emotional they are and I think that an Ironman especially does that like you really you feel that you feel the energy and being an endurance athlete myself. I totally understand what Crossing that Finish Line means so that after I watch that I was like I'm doing this one day. I wasn't going to jump right into an Ironman because I'm not that kind of person I am I'm a little more Progressive. It's like well, let's start with I started with the Muskoka long course, which I guess for most people would be a little aggressive now. That's a big jump in it was a big jump in but I think everybody I knew was training for Ironman and I had just run Boston. So I'd run a marathon and I thought well 15K off the bike. That's no problem. And I've already riding 55 kilometers is it was the 2K swim that I was kind of like. All right. I got to work on that. So he's sounding wait we delete big. Now 70.3 premature. Yeah. Yeah, it was like sort of that middle ground and it I mean, it's still a tough distance to race. Yeah, but you know, I was like I remember doing it and I'm like this was amazing. It was hard, but I crossed the Finish Line thinking. Wow. Okay amazing. And then I did a half Ironman. I think that was 2004 and then the following year. I did an Pick a half Ironman and I think a couple of Sprint distances and then I had decided 2006. I was going to do my first Iron Man and I went to Lake Placid to do it and I did it with my husband and he gave me my medal at the finish line and that was all yeah, seriously the probably the second best day of my life other than our wedding day. Like I have clear memories of my family was there his family was there. Running into the Olympic Oval. I'm going to I might even cry just thinking about it again. My mom and my sister were standing right there as I came in and I just remember seeing them and as I came in they were playing the verbs Bittersweet Symphony and I was just like don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. Oh my God, I'm balling balling balling and then I see this kid with his hand sticking out like he wants a high five and I was like, oh, yeah, I'm totally gonna high-five you so I high-fived him and that was kind of like the switch to turn the tears off as they came around the Olympic Oval, so I wasn't totally balling when I cross the finish line. Line, but and then I gotta cross the finish line and my husband was there and I was just like, oh my God, it was so hard. But so awesome. Yeah, it's tradition for me to cry at Finish Lines. If I don't cry the Finish Line then something's wrong. Okay. I just when I think I've gotten a little bit better with holding the emotions in check once I cross the finish line, but there are some races where you know, you get across the line and it was just so hard you have to like You have to let it out. Yeah, you're just so happy that you're done. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, totally get that. So that's that's awesome to how many Iron Man. Have you done since then? I've only done two. Okay, I did and it's funny how a negative experience can really affect how you feel about something after it happens. So I'd say that the to Iron Man's I've done were complete Polar Opposites like classic was like the Day, and then we went in 2008. We went to Europe and we did our man Switzerland. Wow. Yeah, that trip was amazing. There was nine of us that went and we had a great time. It was my first time ever in Europe. So I was just like everything's new and exciting the course would beautiful, but I had the worst possible day. I was 14 degrees and raining. Oh the more yeah got my period race day. Thanks Mother Nature. I was cramping miserable emotional and I made the mistake of taking half and naproxen Before the Race started and this is before I knew of any of that, you know that it can affect your stomach your stomach. So on the buzz, I'm trying I'm eating and nothing is sitting well and I'm like getting nauseous and I was completely miserable. I remember at one point on the second Loop of the bike just cry. And I was like, I hate every second of this. I hate it and then I finally got off the bike. I got it on the run and it stopped raining and the Run was for Loops. So you were like constantly passing people you'd see people which was great. But that first Loop of the run. I think I went into every single Porta-Potty because I did not know what my body wanted to do either it was going to come out the top or the bottom. I was like, this is really bad. This is horrible yikes. It was really Really unpleasant and I think by the time I got to like a third loop I was just like I'm so done. I just want this to be over and then I saw my body my best friend. She was bracing. She's like, come on. PK just go just keep going so saw her and an okay guy one loose. Let one Loop left. I can hear the crowd and then they had this great DJ playing on the course and they left I gotta love that about Europe like they get right into it. The DJ is playing they had Red Bowl out. I was like, okay, I'm a little sip of Red Bull had some Coca-Cola support. Okay, I'm going to do this in as soon as I cross the finish line. All my friends were waiting there for me. My husband and my friends everyone finished before me and I was just like, oh my God, that was horrible. And that was it. So as like since then I have not done another Iron Man because that experience that negative experience has stuck with me. Oh, wow. Yeah, but when I turn 50 Which is only a few years from now on I plan on doing another Iron Man. I'm going to I'm going to put that at open up the closet rummage through all those skeletons and just put them to bed. Nice. Yeah. Yeah, and I want to go. So, how do we do it? Oh, okay. Yeah, that's good. How old are you now? Sorry your for I am 48 88. Okay. All right, because I know where if well next year I'll be in the same age group as you will be in the because I'll be back. Yeah, I was just look because I was looking it doesn't tell you your you doesn't really tell you your age right you just get your age range on sweat stats. Yeah, but if you can do the math if you scroll back enough and see when the that's true age which then you know, okay, this person was born in X here. Yeah, I didn't do the math. I just was looking good laughing so last more recent. Yeah. That's some of your front splits or pretty good. So yeah, I got I had to I think my best like I started running at 27 and I didn't have my best year of running until I was 42. That's a long time. Hey, that's okay, but I think there was obviously the time in there when we were trying to have kids. It was about two years where I just didn't race. I didn't do much in the way. Anything because you know, I was constantly at the doctor and it was like, okay, you got to go to the clinic today. They got to draw blood. You got to get laundered this that the other thing put on some weight. I'm like stop running. It's like, okay well, so there was two years of not a heck of a lot of anything and then once all that was over it was like okay time to reclaim my body. I started watching when I was eating and then I started lifting weights and I think the strength training really helped me. Me and then I trained with I finally found a group to run with and run with people that were faster than me that helped me immensely and that's when I started having really good race results was doing that. So 42 I set all my TV's every distance except five cakes. I didn't race a 5k, but that was the year. I set my nerves on PB half marathon PV and 10K people. Yeah, exactly like Drop. Thank you very much. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, you know what? There's a lot. We're I think as women, you know, especially for running we do get better as we get older to a certain point, you know, we have stronger or endurance is good. And yeah now I'm just trying to slow the decline so I know yeah hang it onto that just take it off. I'll be 45 next week. So Have you heard me? I said I totally totally get the trying to keep the decline from from happiness. Yeah. Yeah so far so good. That's right. So he talks just briefly there about how you know, you took a little bit of time off put on some weight. You guys were trying to have a baby. I was just wondering if maybe you could share your story about that because I know there's lots of women out there that that's true. With you know, getting pregnant and things like that. I would really probably love to share hear your story and how you you know major way through that and out of it again. It was a very dark time like I got married at 33 so, you know young but not that young and you know, I we didn't want to have kids right away in hindsight. That was probably maybe not the best. Best thing but it worked out for us. So I think it was it was after Iron Man when I decided to start trying and you know trying and you're trying and you're trying and you kind of know, okay. Well is this normal? It's been a year. And after that we were like, okay. Well, let's just do another Iron Man will continue to try and get pregnant great, but I had a feeling that something was wrong because I had like incredibly painful period Eggs, sometimes abnormally heavy and I had cysts before so it was like, okay something's not right and I just had you know that feeling in your gut when you just know that something's wrong. So I after ordering Ironman training I had said to my doctor, you know, I think that something's up and I had been Googling my symptoms. Good old Google and I thought you know, I think I might have endometriosis and the only way to check that is laparoscopic surgery. You can't pick it up on an ultrasound or anything like that because it's Scar Tissue. So we had made arrangements for me to have laparoscopic surgery after I came back from Iron Man Switzerland. So literally the think like two weeks later. I was back in Toronto and I'm getting ready to go into surgery and You know I go in and afterwards I'm in recovery and I guess they dosed me pretty hard within a seizure because I was out of it for a long time. And when I do my husband was sitting with me and then the doctor came in and you know sort of told me well, you know, this is what we found you have stage 4 in Dmitri osis. Both of your fallopian tubes are blocked. It'll be impossible for you to have kids. Naturally, I think. I like once he left the room. I just cried and cried and cried and my husband has held my hand. Like what can he say to comfort me? Nothing, right? Yeah, you just felt horrible and it was like, okay well, so we have to do IVF. And that was what we did and my doctor had recommended because my Fallopian tubes were completely blocked with scar tissue. He was like I recommend that you get the remote. Because there's toxins in them that could harm an embryo so that meant a second laparoscopic procedure. So I was just like oh God, so, you know, I went through the healing process of the first one we did went through the whole like hormones all of that stuff. Went through the second laparoscopic procedure and then started to IVF. And that was I think we went through three rounds of it spent a small fortune. I think back now. It's like I could have a really nice bike for what we did but whatever it's part of the journey, so that was about yeah, it was two years from start to finish and it was you know, I talked Like I have no problem talking about those things and my co-workers were respectful of things, but would ask questions and it was like, okay. Well, you know what? I just got to get this off my chest so I would talk about it and it seems to be a bit of a taboo subject still and I don't understand why because there's so many women that have his problem. Yes, whether it be a Demetrios has or unexplained infertility. It shouldn't be taboo because it really we can make you feel like I felt like a failure as a woman for the longest time after and I don't think I really realized that I felt like a failure until I started thinking about it and it's like, you know, I pushed myself and Sport because my body didn't allow me to do that. So I was going to take control of my body and do for excel in sport and try and do think good at something be successful at something. So, I think that that Journey really are staying too. Work hard and Triathlon and running and be good at something and thank God that I actually was kind of good at something because it was a real outlet for me and it really sort of helped me work through all of those feelings. I still ended up going to see a therapist because I think there was a lot of really deep seeded stuff that I had to work through and it was in those therapy sessions that I think the feeling of failure as a Man came out. I remember talking to my therapist about that and she kept asking me well, how do you feel about all of this? And then it was just like the light bulb went on. I'm like, I feel like a failure as a woman because my body didn't allow me to do what you know, biologically I'm here to do was bring life into the world and I couldn't do it. So it was a tough pill to swallow. Hmm. Yeah and how long did it take from the moment that you started trying having kids until the moment that you say You know what? That's it. Oh god. So let's see. We started trying to have kids in like 2007 and then it was to 2010. So three years three years of an emotional roller coaster. And yes, like that's it. I need to step off this this ride and go on another one because I'm done. Yeah, it was tough. But I think that if I if that hadn't happened I wouldn't be I am now like I certainly wouldn't be coaching people. I might not have had the athletic success that I've had. Who knows what I would be doing. I could probably still be working in advertising miserable and cranky. So this was a good thing exactly. So one of the things that you wrote in your ear blurb to us was that, you know getting back into it getting into the sport back into the sport of triathlon helped you. Focus and shift your focus from what your body couldn't do to what it can do. So, how how did that shift happen for you? That's a good question. I'd say that it was it was gradual because Fitness is gradual gating Fitness is gradual. It doesn't happen overnight, but then when I started to see that progress It was like, oh, you know what I can do this. My body can do this. I can go faster. I am stronger. I'm lifting heavier things now I can carry that giant box of whatever up the stairs because I'm lifting weights and I'm stronger now and I think mentally there was a shift to because previously as my husband says, I would mentally wuss out, you know, when they when it got hard I would back off. I was always afraid of sort of blowing. Up. I never knew what that extra gear was. And I think you know having to deal with all of that fertility and fertility stuff and then wanting to find more and be better and do more I was able to find that extra gear. There was something inside that just said no just suck it up and do it like you've been through misery. This is a different kind of pain and misery you can get through this and that mental shift was everything I now I knew how to suffer all of a sudden it was amazing. Well not that suffering is amazing. But you know, it's like that that you find that extra gear and sometimes that's what's missing from a good race. Right is the ability to suffer exactly and sometimes we even lose we might have had that at one time and then we lose it. Yep. And you know, I think that's where I am. So it's learning to get that back again. Yep. So it's thank you for sharing that. So now you're on your you're your journey through coaching and them, you know, you said you really love it love the coaching. Yeah, and the other one of the other things that I took from your blurb is to it's like you really now after all of this understand the true meaning of sportsmanship and community. So I think as a coach I'm surmising because you're not my coach, but I imagine you bring that all those learnings that you have to your teammates. And how do you build that sportsmanship and Community within your Club? Well with my athletes it's funny. You know, we're all members of the Toronto traffic. Okay, there is I used to coach through that last year and that's still a member this year and there are a bunch of people that don't know each other. But like I had a bunch of people that signed up for the same race that didn't know each other previously and I remember when one of my athletes signed up I'm like oh so and so one of my other athletes has also signed up. I think you guys would get along great. And so I do I like to do socials with everybody. Why so I get everyone together, you know, usually twice a year. We do a summer and then a winter social and it gets all that you don't live in this city that may not know each other the opportunity to meet each other and potentially find another training partner and there has been an amazing relationship that has blossomed between several of the athletes the women that I coach that is just great to see now. They're planning Iron Man together. They're going to do the moist next year. Life is I love I absolutely love it. It makes me so happy to see that. So that's like a for me the best thing part of my job one of the best parts of my job. Anyway, yeah, it is. It's in it. I find an amazing Community as well and those relationships between women and and guys to sorry not to leave you out Charles become, you know, it's such a sport that brings people together and I think a lot of it comes from that. That those triggers that were all brought in by some trigger. We all have some experiences and they may not be the same but they're similar undertones to them that that allow us to connect and I know like this weekend. I'm we're going to Lake Placid this weekend to watch one of my running Partners. Do you like Placid amazed and we're taking a girls road trip, so The three of us are popping it up. We run to the band. We're gonna kinda to Lake Placid and we're going to go watch Marcel finish how Lake Placid that's his goal that he'll be he'll do it fast it right now. Yeah, thanks. He just wants to finish so it's going to be so much fun, but it's that sense of community in those that friendship and and knowing you have, you know, people with similar struggles and and Goals, and I find that that help keep that make this sport. So great and keep me coming back for sure. Absolutely. It's nice to hear that you're you know, there's somebody else out there to that's like promoting how awesome it is just a community and I have a question for you Phaedra. You are coach see you said you started doing travel and then suddenly almost at the same time sort of you start coaching. So I just so obviously I just do a parallel. Cause and he said question in general now for in terms of being able to teach something when you're good at it if it's something that anyone who's good at something can teach something or if there's something else that you need to have in order to be able to teach it properly if you know what I mean? Yes, I think you need to have a certain level of interpersonal skills and you need to be able to relate to people and and what they're going through and I think is a coach to ask for me is my biggest strength, you know, there are other coaches out there that are very data-driven data focused. I am that but I'd say that that is lower on my skill level. You know, I sometimes think that I should have had a degree in Psychology as well because sometimes you need that right like you need that to figure out what is going on in this person's head. You know dealing with the mental side of the sport, I think it's something that is actually probably my favorite part of it is getting into the athletes had it's like, okay. Well, what's your motivation? Why do you do this sort of what makes you tick and helping encouraging people to focus on those things and build that mental side of it. So around about answer to your question. I started actually Triathlon a 2004 but I didn't start coaching Triathlon till much later. So I've have experienced a little more experience and I think in 2004, there's no way in heck I would have even thought of coaching someone in Triathlon. So I think my experience sort of helps plus just learning along the way right like I spend a lot of time reading I talk to other coaches. There's a lot of books. Up, like this is important. This is important. This is wearing website like I'm always right. Latest things in the sport to So I myself balance that way. Yeah. I think my question was not yeah, maybe I maybe I did the question wrong. I didn't want to sort of just compare the fact that you may have started coaching very close to the time when you started doing the sport. It was more about just understanding from your point of view know. What was the that extra thing that you would require to be able to to be a good coach because in not only for traveling buddy anything You may be very good at something but but you don't have that sort of capacity to transmit to teach. Yeah someone else right? And then I see these in the workplace all the time like these trainers to do this and the guys like yeah, whatever so it's like yeah, there's a special sauce. Yeah, just because it's something yourself doesn't mean that you can teach it right? Yeah. Hmm. That is an interesting. A question. I think I think you need an extra an extra bit of patience. Yes. I think what makes one of the things that makes a good teacher is that little bit extra patients? Yes patience and you need to be able to listen like you really need to be able to listen and understand where the person is coming from that to me is a big thing. So yeah, and then, you know being able to explain yourself and what you want from the athlete is also key like you could tell someone. Okay. Well, this is the workout if you don't explain it well and what the goal is then they may not do it correctly. So you have to be able to explain what you want and why they're doing what they're doing. Right? Exactly. Yeah, and I think I often and also he's very He's even more important not because in other things of life you teach something and that's it. But internet on usually you you develop this long-term relationship now with your coach and something that is like going through seasons and seasons of learning and right. So it's just that much more. Yeah. It is a relationship that develops it really is and I always encourage the athletes I coach to Kate with me like I think communication is it's integral to any relationship but especially a coaching relationship because if you fill out your training Peaks or if you just upload your workout to trading Peaks and there's no comments there. It's like well what what happened? I can look at the data and say okay. Well, this is a great workout. But then you can say to me. No, it was awful. Well, why was it awful? So there's more to it like you have to sort of Peel back the layers right? Like the communication is the most important thing and I think if you can't communicate well, then that's a problem. Yeah completely agree, right? So in the future the future Phaedra, so you've already told us that you're going to your you have already your plans to get out of the closet when you're 50 and do a third Iron Man. Yep, and put this thing behind you. Yep. So what other plans do you have at least in your Perhaps when Warlow anything you want to tell us. Well Charles. I'm glad you asked I last night. I just signed up for the Scotiabank half marathon, which is you know, the big Toronto race in the fall and my yeah, I love that race. I've run it so many times but I haven't run it since 2015. So it's time it's time to go back time to go back and I'm going to try and qualify for the New York Marathon because You can get into New York on a half time which I managed to do that in 2011. So went to New York in 2012. Guess what happened in 2012 hurricane Sandy, so I never will. Oh, yeah. Yeah, so I need to go back. So that is the goal for this year. I'm doing this 70.3 World Championships in nice. Nice. Yeah, super excited about that. I qualified last year at Muskoka and I'm amazed that actually that actually even happened given how bad my race was but congrats. Thank you. Can you be lucky I can't even tell you how lucky I got. So I thank the triathlon Gods every day for that. But yeah, that's that's my next race. And then when I come back from there Scotiabank is in October the end of October. And then next year. I'm just going to race short course. Okay, I've been doing a lot of long course stuff for the last several years and I'm like, you know, I missed the Sprint racing because I did that for like, I think 2012 2013 2014 2015. I did a lot of sprint races. I did a lot of the multi sport Canada races. So I'm like, you know what I'm gonna go back and I'm going to do some of those and just have fun like not to say that Long distance racing isn't fun. But I do love being able to just ride my bike, you know casually ride my bike and not have to go ride 90k for a hundred K or whatever. It's like I just want to go do 40 today. So I'm going to go do 40 today, you know, because I have all that Fitness from all the years of training. I can do that and still racist Sprint relatively well, so that's my plan for next year and then hopefully I get into New York and that'll be the Fall Marathon for next year and then the following year will be Iron Man year nice and that's as far as I planned. No, I think is very very very obviously for looking and I thought I was a bit. How do you say myself a bit obsessed in the sense that I already enrolled in my to a racist for next year, right? So I was just wondering whether I'm just alone in this world and to obsessed or you know, like you're not Not yeah. Okay. Thank you. I have to start enrolling and races for next year too because I'll be age group 1 and can't just I keep forgetting you can't just sign up. Yeah like a month before so I got to start thinking about to see you guys are inspired. Yeah, I do that make your list and then I'll check it. Make sure I'm not going to be there. I don't want to raise it. I have a question in regards to his like the New York qualifying time. What do you have to run at Scotia? I need to get it. Okay, which a few weeks ago. So I think I think you're good. It's a good. Yeah, and you were like holding 426 at Walden last year. So I think you're off the bike. So I think you're probably pretty good. Yeah, that was a good run for me off the bike that was Poor technique lot like yeah. Yeah. That was good. Yeah, I got I got pulled down by Tamara Jewett all my food doesn't get pulled down by her. Seriously. I can't wait till she's all better. So this Tamara juat. She's like an amazing Runner like she holds 325 in her Half Marathon at the end of a 70.3 like she's super fast, but I can't wait to see her get it on the pro circuit and just like after her show. Oh, they just better ways girl. She will be I'm pretty sure she's got she's on the the development team this year Renteria good because I heard that's one point. Someone had said. Oh, yeah, she's in has no interest in Racing Pro. I was like a she'd say like nah, I saw her she's on the development team less. So she's got to have some plan in mind. Yeah. Okay good. Yeah. She doesn't have to swim or bike. She just run at the end like, all right, everyone. Yeah, unbelievable. All right. So I am using the authority given to me by our Supreme Leader's from Neil and we need to start wrapping this up for my goodness in an hour already holds exactly. Exactly. So he has given us his power to surprise people and tell them that at this point. They have to go through for unavoidable question God that with make everyone. Yeah, and this no one says this yeah somewhere stop with the first one. This one I think is very simple. It's a bit symbolic. But you know, you can just make it whatever you want. Okay, right. So number one. No, we don't know is what message would you want people listening to this? Take away from your sword? Oh, Yeah, always listen to your gut for sure. And trusting your ability to be able to do hard things. That's two things. That's awesome. I think that I think that's a good thing to say because we don't we always often doubt ourselves and our ability, right? So, yeah, we do need to trust that heard your second question super tough. He might need another shot. Okay. I'm just kidding. Are there any people and or brands that you would like to give a shout out while you're on the podcast today? Oh, Running free is a store in Markham and they have a store I think in Orangeville. It's a small chain of stores. They were I was that was the first team. I was a part of and it was such a great experience and it really sort of helped me understand the like would paint being on a team is like and it really made. Triathlon racing that much more fun and be very careful running prefix free kids. They go running for any that just really against Community. Maybe we're great and I have to say though because they took me on as a head coach in November and working with Mike and Nia has been just phenomenal. They are great people and they they've built a fabulous Community through their store. So I would be remiss to not give them a shout out. All right, no better Trace number three my lucky number you're looking over. There you go. And that's the number of your ironmen number in couple of years. I could Point. Yeah before Shayla. Ask the last question. Could you please tell everyone here listening? Where can we find you online? Oh, geez, Instagram PK performance coaching. Although that handle may change, but right now it's PK performance coaching online. Same thing. PK performance coaching Facebook page same thing PK performance coaching and I don't care that much anymore. I just yeah hundred forty characters is not enough for me. I know. So that's where you can find me cool. So our final question. Why do you try? Oh, well, why not? What makes me happy? It makes me feel strong. It's something I love and it's something I don't suck at so that's always a way and the community obviously again, it keeps coming back to the community it really Send the people that I meet. So yeah, awesome. Hey, are you going to be out at iron girl at all? And a couple weeks? No, I'm not. Okay, but I do have a few of my athletes erasing so you may see the bright red T KP C kit. It's very it's bright red with like bright neon yellow on the arm and a leg nice. I will look out for them. I'm sure yes, I will not be there but they will be there. I'm still training for nice. So I have to my weekends are oh like rides and Long Run ya know it's it's literally down the street from my house. Oh perfect. So I was supposed to do it with my daughter, but she's about out because she said she didn't have time to ride the bike so which is okay because she's busy to send second you're going in a second. Diversity and she's working a lot. So I totally get it and you know, she's just got she just did one race. I try last year just kind of got used to clipping and other pedals. So I guess I totally get it but I'm going to do it the week before trombe long. So I figured I don't need to do a long ride that we can know. Okay over 20k of the bike. Yeah, it'll be it just and it's flat. So it's totally flat. I did that race 2013. Teen maybe I can't remember 28 2014. Yeah, I loved it. It was fine. Yeah, and I'm going to give a quick shout-out because Subaru Triathlon series who runs the iron grill Canada here. They were kind enough to allow us to put some humans have Triathlon postcards into all the kit bags for all the women that are going to be there. And so I'm really excited because I'm hoping that there's a lot of women that want to share their Race with humans and Triathlon, so we we can put out everyone's strengths and how they've you know got to where they are today. So that's my throat that would be amazing or women in the sport and get them out and realizing that there are lots of Kick-Ass women that do this for it. Exactly. All right speed. Thank you so much to have you Phaedra really super fun. Yeah. This is our just went by super quickly. No, it's been obviously we have a some sad topics to talk about as well. But I think it's just has been a super Pleasant honestly to do to speak with you today. Definitely an honor to have you you want to share to be able to be the channel then Messenger to transmit the PK coaching story to the world. Thank you, and I'm hoping to see you around. I'll catch you at one of the races and say hi. S vice versa? Yeah, absolutely. All right, and thank you Lisa nurse again for another state until the end of your commute. Listen to this two crazy people three crazy people, but you know, I'll try out every week and like our good old former governor of California used to say hasta la vista, baby. Hello humans. Yes, it is fine for Triple C C Cube Community comments with Charles your guilty pleasure on your commute to work your hot podcast reviews get revealed to the world. And this week's review is from the United Kingdom a five-star review that says excellent podcast for anyone who has an interest in people or in triathlons the case so far have been great and hearing about their backgrounds makes you realize the inner battles that some people Have but you can still compete know so definitely worth a listen if And subscribe to if you want a regular podcast to listen to so, you know guys, keep up the great work. Thank you very much to Kin barch humble. You can find him on Insta. Add a candle bar jumbled on his bio page. He calls himself an LGBT triathlete a sarcastic twat and a professional cake eater. Well after over, Six years later in the UK. I can definitely improve his last comment people do know how to eat a cake around here. I'm anyway. Remember to send us your reviews anything. You want to point out, right? So next week we could share your view your view here. So please find us on Apple podcast and iTunes until next week one human one story at a time. Thanks for listening everyone. Thanks for being a part of this humans of triathlon Community. Hope you're enjoying the show and the other content make sure to join us again next week here on the hot podcast where we'll bring you another amazing guest and story from this artery, but extra Audrey world of triathlon until then everyone keep trying.
This week's Human of Triathlon started her endurance journey with running back in 1998, But when standing along the finishing chute during her husband's first IM at Lake Placid - cheering and crying for all the finishers she saw - Phaedra Kennedy had an incredibly emotional experience & one she knew she wanted to experience herself. 4yrs later, she did her first IM at LP with her husband. She now describes it as the 2nd best day of her life, second only to their wedding day. After racing together for 4yrs, they decided it was time to start a family. They tried for a long time with no luck & were later told that Phaedra had stage 4 endometriosis & would not be able to conceive without medical assistance. She felt like she had failed as a woman & hated her body for what it couldn’t do. But after 2years of riding an emotional roller coaster, she knew she had to hop off - to do so she went back to the community she had left behind and started tri'ing again - allowing her to shift her focus from what she couldn't do to what she can do instead. - PHAEDRA'S SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram | Facebook | Website - SUBSCRIBE, RATE & REVIEW: this week's Community Comments with Charles (CCC) features Ken Barcham-Bool (@ken.barchambool). To everyone else - if you enjoy the show and haven't left a review yet, it would mean a lot to us if you could leave the podcast a positive review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes. It would help us out a ton! - H.O.T SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram | Facebook | Strava | Website - HOSTS: Swapneel Chouhan, Sheila Treleaven, & Carlos (Charles) Galan - INTRO/OUTRO MUSIC: produced by Vasil Zguri at SoundPulse
Hello and welcome. You're listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for Aquarius season in 2020. My name is Renee. I'm an artist an astrologer and a somatic intuitive in these audio horoscopes all outline. What I perceive as the main areas of focus for each sign in the month ahead and give you creative embodied and practical suggestions for working with the seasons biggest.Opportunities and challenges remember that horoscopes describe general energies and it's up to you to get specific listen with your intuition on and your mind open take what works leave the rest. I suggest that you listen to the horoscopes for your son and your rising signs. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask you what your sign is it has to do with the time of year. You were born your rising sign is determined by the time of day you were born and the place you were born. If you know your birth information you can find out what your Rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website embodied in the horoscope section to learn more about what's coming up in the next 30 days and the major themes of 2020 in general. Make sure to listen to freedom from the known the embodied astrology episode for Aquarius season, you can find this episode Linked In the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your favorite listening platforms. If you'd like to learn more about astrology check out my subscriber offerings you can scrap If you'd like to learn more about astrology check out my subscriber offerings, you can subscribe by donation at any amount per month and receive access to an extended monthly forecast and printable Astro Journal that gives you detailed day by day break downs of the planetary aspects and lunar cycles and suggestions for how to work effectively with their energy subscribers. Also get discounts on your head birthday reports online classes Live Events and embodied astrology Basics handbooks all of my audio horoscopes guided And podcasts are offered for free. I know how helpful astrology can be for making sense out of the world and it's important to me to keep this work financially accessible especially during these crazy times in the world. If this work benefits you in your life, please support me to continue making it you can make a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going and sidenote recurring monthly donations get you access to the awesome subscriber content. The number one way, you can support this work is to share it, please share it with your family and friends and leave 5 Star reviews. On iTunes SoundCloud on Spotify and follow me on Instagram and Facebook at embodied astrology. Thank you so much for your support. I truly truly appreciate it. I love you so much. Thank you so much for tuning in. Please wait for a brief sponsorship message and I will be right back with your horoscope. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on. Modify Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. Hey everyone. Did you know that embodied astrology is on Spotify on Spotify? You can listen to all of your favorite artists and and podcasts in one place for free and you don't even need a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcasts like embodied astrology and never miss an episode. You can download all the episodes and listen offline, wherever you are. You can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends on social media if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app. For embodied astrology save it and browse podcasts in the your library Tad. Also make sure to follow me on social media on Instagram add embodied astrology. So you'll never miss an episode because you want to catch them all don't you? All right Pisces. Well, welcome into Aquarius season. So Aquarius season, of course comes after Capricorn season, and if you've been following your astrology, you know that Capricorn season was a doozy there has been so much change happening over the last couple of months in Aquarius season is bringing more change and really the name of the game for 2020 is change. We are going through such a profound transformation here on Earth and certainly Within All of our individual lives. So by the end of Capricorn season as we lead up into Aquarius season there it looks to me like there is some kind of clarification for you and this clarification has to do with your intention with your energy and how you want to be aiming yourself towards your future what it is that you're positioning yourself for what your priorities are how you want to be involved in the world and who you want. To be involved with there may have been important recognitions that you've had in terms of friends or friend groups and social circumstances. And again who you want to be involved with or what kinds of energy want to be around there may have also been really important clarifications in regards to future plans that you're working with and ideas of you know, what you're here to do in the world what this lifetime is about and as we enter into Aquarius, We enter into a period of time for you that is very kind of circumspect. You're pretty internal this season. And the season is asking you to be internal and if you're a Pisces Sun, then you are definitely moving towards your birthday time of year. And as we move through the the end of the previous year as you move into your solar return there could be a lot of reflection on what has this. Year been about for you. And what is next year going to be about Aquarius season is asking you to really go Inward and to get in touch with your intuition to feel into your dream space and you might not have a whole lot of clarity this month or it could seem like you're in a space of kind of feeling things out and uncertainty about which direction to go now after last month or Capricorn seasons. Decisive qualities and this feeling of Reckoning that a lot of us went through and that I think you've gone through again and some of these larger World issues Aquarius season could bring up some anxiety for you. And if it feels like you're very clear about the direction that you want to go Aquaria season could be a time when you're not entirely sure what steps need to be taken next and I really want to encourage you to relax to give yourself this period of time which you don't know. Or where you might be a tuning to some more subtle knowing within yourself and to trust that process. Now, there are a couple of reasons why I'm saying this and one is just where the the sun is during Aquarius season, and it's Illuminating a part of your tribe that has so much to do with the unknown. But the other reason is that Mercury retrograde takes up a huge portion of Aquarius season, and the bulk of Mercury's retrograde this month or this season. Will be spent in Pisces Mercury enters its retrograde Shadow on February 3rd, and the shadow is the period of time that both precedes and follows the retrograde and kinds of introduces and also then integrates a lot of the themes of the retrograde. So again the shadow period will start on February 3rd, it will end on March 30th, and the actual retrograde period will be from March 5th through March 16th Mercury Is retrograde from 12 degrees of Pisces to 28 degrees of Aquarius. Oh, so you want to check your natal chart and notice if you have planets or points between 28 Aquarius and 12 Pisces, if you do this retrograde is going to be particularly important for you. Now when Mercury is retrograde, we have all of the kind of classic precautions like this is not a great time to sign contracts to make large important purchases miscommunications tend to tighten around Your retrograde things can go Haywire with our technology Mercury rules Communications. It rules the mind and also rules electronics. And so when it is retrograde, sometimes there are things that goes that go wrong in those areas. Now when Mercury is in Pisces, we have the planet of communication the planet of mind in a sign that is very dispersed. That's dreamy that subtle that's Of and that's creative but is not necessarily logical or simple or straightforward and I'm guessing you know that through your piscean identity. You know that your sign is one that is not simple. There's a lot going on. There are a lot of things to consider. There are a lot of Sensations. There are a lot of emotions. There are a lot of influences and you're very sensitive and permeable to your environment. What's around you When Mercury is retrograde in your sign, it suggests that you're working through some pretty fundamental ideas of your identity and that it's important for you to again to take time to be internal with it. You're mulling things over during this period you need to give yourself the time and the space to not know who you are for a while and to rest into emptiness to rest into suggestion and We to feel into your intuition now intuition doesn't always come out of the blue like a lightning bolt. Sometimes it's a very subtle and sensory and a lot of times we don't fully trust our intuition so it would be so great. If you could devote yourself even to 5 minutes a day of meditation while Mercury is retrograde and in fact the entire duration of its shadow February, Third through March 30th, especially since this Mercury retrograde is affecting you so strongly being in your sign. If you can give yourself just a daily practice of checking in with yourself of clearing your mind of clutter and all the Stray thoughts in the mini to-do list, but just checking in noticing your breath trying to get really still that practice would have enormous benefit for you right now. So, please consider it. Please give yourself some time. On February 7th Venus will move into Aries it will Transit areas between February 7th and March 16th Venus, wherever it travels brings love and abundance and magnetism and lucky for you Venus is moving through the part of your chart that signifies values worth wealth and money. So Venus traveling through air. He's from February 17th through March 16th is a wonderful time for you to tracked what you want to bring into your life to notice what it is that you value what it is that you love how you exude and emit into the world when you are filling yourself with love and with what you value. So if you value time outside, if you're giving yourself plenty of time outside, then you're probably a joyful vibrant person and people respond to joyful vibrant people. They tend to like them and want to give them things and show up for them. And so the more that you can Get into your joy the more you attract what you want in your life. Use Venus's Transit through Aires to really Center in on what's important to you. And as you Center into those priorities you invite them to come more deeply into your life, February 16th through March 31st, Mars. Will Transit the sign Capricorn wherever Mars is it brings energy. It brings force. It brings passion and it can also bring our Aggressive confrontational Nature's for you Capricorn rules the part of your chart that has a lot to do with your mind and with communication so Mars moving through Capricorn gives you a lot of mental energy. It boosts your capacity to get things done when you focus your mind on them. So this is a great time for you to be working with any ways that you're trying to learn something. It's a really great time for you to be making plans. And formulating your ideas. Now since Mars is Transit through Capricorn pretty much takes up a big chunk of Mercury's retrograde. You remember the shadow doesn't complete until March 30th and Mars is in Capricorn only until March 31st. What I'd like to say is that this period of time though. Normally it would be great for making plans. This is a time when you want to be researching plans. So using your minds to think forward, but also using your minds to think in the hypothetical so maybe not the best time to be making clear definitive plans. But an excellent time to be thinking about what you could possibly want to be doing and how it could all possibly be working. There are a couple of important lunations this month on January 24th will have the new moon in Aquarius. The new moon is at 4 degrees of aquarius. So please check your Natal chart and if you have planets or points around four degrees of Aquarius, and this new moon is extra special for you. The new moon is bringing a lot of change energy with it. As I said change is the name of the game for 2020 and this particular New Moon might be preceded by a couple of days of intensity and frustration. The new moon has a kind of breakthrough feeling with it, but that breakthrough happens just after the new moon just kind of as it's starting to separate so the 22nd the 23rd the 24th, if if you feel like you're getting really compressed and really squeezed don't worry notice how your energy might shift as we move into the 25th and the 26th. The new moon is a great time to start to think about your intentions and your desires for this next phase or cycle of your life. If you're working new moon to New Moon, then you can set your intentions for the next month. If you're working from one new moon in Aquarius until next year's new moon in Aquarius, then set your intentions for the next 12 months things to set your Chance for right now really have to do with your relationship to the collective and to the broader World. There are so many people on the planet. We are all going through this weird time together this time where there is a lot of environmental change there is economic uncertainty. There are Wars there are conflicts. There are countries dividing from one another and our personal lives and our relationships are definitely metabolizing. A lot of these experiences in the outer world, of course. So how do you want to be participating with this larger Collective unfolding as you consider the themes of the new moon, please consider your place in the collective and how you are influenced by the collective experience. And also how you can be a little microcosm of influence how you can be a pivot point influencing the people around you and then their relationships and their relationships Etc. So you might do a meditation around the new moon and imagine yourself like a pebble being dropped into a lake your influence Rippling out into the broader spheres around you. What kind of eminence do you want in this world? What is it that you want to exude? What is it that you want to promote? How do you want to embody yourself in such a way that your relationships are affected that the people in the world around you are changed because of you. Now think about some of these themes at the new moon now a couple of weeks later on February 8th and 9th. We have the full moon. And of course the full moon is an opposition. The moon will be at 20 degrees of Leo and the sun will be at 20 degrees of aquarius. So check your natal chart planets or points around 20 Leo or Aquarius are especially important for this full moon. Now the full moon continues the theme of what is it that Are offering in the world, but now it brings it into the Practical. It asks you to really think about tangibly. What are you offering and what do you want to be offering what kinds of service or services do you want to provide in the world and by service or services? I don't necessarily mean your billable hours. Although I could but I really mean how do you serve? What is it that you're bringing forward? What is it that you uniquely are perfectly suited to do and and that you uniquely really desire to do because I guarantee you they are one in the same where you really feel your enthusiasm in your excitement to express in your life. That is the place where you have something special to give and around this full moon. You really want to be thinking about how can you give it? How can you Manifest this in the world? Make sure to check in with me on Instagram at embodied astrology or check your inboxes if you're signed up for my newsletter and You will get lunar attunements different practices or meditations ways that you might connect more intentionally with this new moon and the full moon energy. All right Pisces. I am wishing you all the best and Aquarius season. We are leading up into your birthday season. If you're a Pisces Sun, this is a really important time of year. It's a closing time of year. It's a very deeply internal time of year. Please give yourself that time and space much love and bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Aquarius Season in 2020. Aquarius Season extends between January 20 - February 18, 2020. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to “Freedom From the Known - Embodied Astrology for Aquarius Season.” In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of the zodiacal energy of Aquarius and explore how it manifests in our bodies, minds, emotions, relationships and in the world and the importance of Aquarius for the upcoming 2 decades! Everyone has every sign in their chart, and Aquarius represents amazing and important energy for each of us. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Aquarius season and is also a very healing and powerful energy to check in with at any point. Listen here Get the Aquarius Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Find out more here. If you enjoy this work and want to help support more of it, please leave me a tip! --- Send in a voice message:
It is the beginning of the end and we are excited terrified and super confused. We are the AfterBuzz TV Voltron legendary Defender after show we are looking at season eight episodes 11 and 12. We are going to talk about teaming up with your son tearing up reality and betraying your leader because that's where this show has gone. And we are super excited. We have a very special guest with us. So stick with us after the opening and team. It's time to form Voltron you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top. And now look that's my life. Okay. Also welcome. Hi AfterBuzz TV Voltron legendary You found our aftershow. We are back. We are looking at season 8 episodes 11 and 12 Uncharted regions and the Zenith. We are super close to the end you guys I have with me green line Megan Salinas. Hey everybody. I am black lion Katie Cullen and I am purple lion AG locascio. And if you don't know, huh? Why did the show? Whoo - yeah. Whoo. Hello. Welcome back. Thank you. I'm obsessed with this little solo tour. Beanie that I sorry Dennis I sickness. I thank you for this. This is amazing a lot of stuff. I don't know if you guys can see that here, but there's like a journal there's pins. There's also many of the little clutch. If I need that this call is that the appropriate and some yeah or a pencil bag pencil pencil mention bag. That is true. Put your phone and your Sharpies. And you're what not your little tiny are things that you autograph in it and we can hook it to your belt exactly with a little gold. I love it. Yay. And it came with a little prince side of the guys can see that but I forgot so that's so cute legitimately. Wish I'd been filming when you opened it because it was like Christmas morning. Oh my God. Yeah, there's so many there's more in there, but I just don't want to take something. Yeah, exactly. I wouldn't hate that. Yeah friend of the show synthesized sent in some goody boxes for some people and this was that's crazy. There's so many things some monsters and Mana bag. I'm gonna be like, yeah. It's nuts. It's called a little icons and some there's another lotor in here, but little Beanie and this one's hilarious. I don't quite understand what you do with this but the grave with you so far. They're like if it doesn't the button or get out. There we go, Voltron Rave Rave. I think that's amazing more patches. I don't even know where I'm a put all these you have any Lettermen jackets digest. Yeah another tiny lotor and gather some notoriety twins. Yeah. I know they're beautiful beautiful and a little Garrison pain. So these are so unboxing. Yes. Yeah Jesus. We have a very good time here. So I look at all. This now it looks like this got an Amazon package was just crap everywhere. I think we kind of did is basically all right. I'll say yes, but my toys away, I'm sorry. No. No, these are great. Feel free to keep some of them out and enjoy you guys aren't following synes, I or contributing to her patreon. Yeah. You should be should she does wonderful things and she's lovely there. There we go. Are we okay. The audio listener is you really should know. This is a podcast as well. I had no idea everything is up high quality and very smooth very textural. It could feel it. Do an ASMR. Oh my God here it feel like there's an untapped market for fandom ASMR. Yeah, I'm sure how is that not a thing? Yeah. Are you legally allowed to do that in a character voice though? I feel like you would not be able to no. No, you probably wouldn't be now that the show's over there not gonna I mean, they might hunt us down. Who knows but that's something I'm interested in doing. Well, we do need to get this calf is already so we let's talk about lotor ASMR. So low tar eating some yogurt or something just an example of what lotor would say for I'm not even a hundred percent sure. I understand the concept of a honest. It's voice speaking in a low voice and making soothing noises. Like it really helps some people it just tickled that part of their brain. That would be this is so creepy. But here I am. I'm opening up a another packet of Cheetos. I do love Cheetos. I don't even know. Yeah, thank you. I love when the powder gets all over my lips does not work. No, that's not good. Best podcast we've ever I feel like I'm gonna be outed for being a creepy hours of just based off of that like boom creepy voice actor eats a literally eats them - yeah, it's the microwave. So upsetting. What a horrifying it. Who's Chad not on chat. Who is this? Yeah, Chad loves it. Not only yes more Cheetos just some creeper. Yeah the fan of Cheetos. He's a fan of the podcast. He's a fan of Voltron. Yeah our number one. Yeah, just keep derail it. What are we talking about? Episode what and well right now we are laying down the house rules. Now. There's rules. There is rules There Are Rules these days. Yes. Yes. Now I'm opening up a tiny version of me. There's a little tiny me I'm spiracle and soft okay in to attempt to really round train. That is my job blinds that little beans inside me. Mmm. It smells like a shoe factory though. It does have a bit of an odor. I'm a girl. Yeah, like a chemical like a walk in there like a Nike store that new beanbags house rules of lions. Hello everyone. You already know that we have a very good time here. If you are interested in getting in on the conversation, you're in the live chat on YouTube. If you are watching or listening after the fact there is the hashtag on Twitter a be TV Voltron. The live chat is temporary. The hashtag is forever. So if you have a link a comment something that you want to last For a chunk of time throughout the hashtag if you have something for right now throw it in the live chat. It's a good time. Like I said, we do have some house rules. No spoilers where there are some people who are watching along with us. Holy cow. So we will drop a spoiler warning towards the end of the after-show. But until then we're only talking about up two episodes 11 and 12. So thank you AJ. I appreciate it. This is great fun. No spoilers in the hashtag. No spoilers in the live chat. No spoilers in the comments be good to your fellow Voltron fans. We love each other. And as always we have one left a visible for this we've stolen the lotor beanbag. Oh my God. I have another gonna spin God's grace me with a spare. Will is be nice or get out? Whoa, I love it. I'm so happy. We all have opinions. I am absolutely certain that you can express them in a respectful Manner and if you find yourself unable to do so I will you eat you from the chat and you will never return goodbye. And that's the sound effect. You'll hear that is exactly the sound effect. You'll hear I will announce when the ban Hammer comes down. We will get sound effects and everyone will cheer as the bouncer tosses someone out of the tavern of lions. Most you guys are pretty dang good. The so please continue to be pretty dang good at this and do you have any more lotor ASMR before we start on the Epic Quest for that boy? I'm just eating a bit of yellow and purple Jello. It's not grape flavored as you would expect a sexually Robitussin favorite. It doesn't great flavor know. It's its own special brand of great, but I don't know. It's been a long day. I almost fell asleep in traffic today. So my brain. Yeah, I was just I'm gonna get so I drove here from like Venice. So I that's quite a long. Yeah quite a drive for those of you not in La it's a driver's. Yeah. Yes. Imagine driving from Venice Italy to home that's been licking my commute and I dream was over. So I went from Silver Lake to Venice back down to here. So it was like, yeah quite sleepy. Okay these episodes though these episodes that can we talk about owner of has giant robot. Which one because she hasn't finished school and then and then she goes back to having one. But the first one the first one where oh my god with the wings with that. You said it looked like something I thought was I got Final Fantasy like final boss in Final Fantasy with all of its see that. Yeah. I was sort of expecting to hear the sephiroth theme song Started ascending into space just to q1 way at Angel because this thing is terrifying we basically became Gundam at the end there. Yeah, my big question is so is like if you're a sea star dust when they put the spell on the dead body in the dead bodies doing this infighting that lotor's doing inside his thing is they're just how what is the mechanics of that? I think the thinking brain is gone and it's just the animal brain. That's so he's just this the Berserker just sickly. Oh, okay crazy after being alone for three years by was it three years. Boys, this shows you how much I pay attention. It might not have been that long. No. Yeah, he was passed out. It was 300. Yeah. Oh no, it was Lanka what I what I was wondering. And the last time you were on the show AJ you pointed out like when the atlas formed for the first time you like People definitely got crushed by that totally there's even a moment in the episode where he's like, all right, brace yourselves. Like Josh says something along the lines of like everyone hold tight. We're going to transform and I'm like, alright, so something does go down. It's like to be a warning light now. Yeah, but don't go into the commissary because you will get sliced in half has to be like ghost ship style. Yes, exactly. But what I what I was wondering was when you know, we know sort of what happened to lotor in the last episode. It was very body horror. Unsightly, what I wanted to know is when the two robots combined. I was like did she just crushed low torque right now that AJ put that in my brain. I was like, where's he at? Right now? He's just like gibber's you remember the board game from the 90s the grape Escape where you just took your these like purple little great putti things you crush them when they when you lost that's what happened to him. No, just these little Play-Doh grapes like a he's just mangled into some gears somewhere and and Chad is Calling it weekend at lotor's. That's yeah, that's accurate. That's that's pretty accurate. Yeah, put some like oh, yeah. Yeah little voodoo on lotor. And yeah, I just feel like after the murders like all nervous and control of this to person robot and lotor's just kind of in a tube behind her or something like that. Like where did lunch or go? Yeah. I don't know. I really did change with it no idea but this this cup holder is the perfect size for the form Voltron. It's like the form its Exact size this pleases me that would make the colors pop alone. This is I let's just go off and talk about this the whole time. It was great. This is something but no one cares about the episodes of the show. Yeah. Sorry listening like yeah, it makes the colors Pop. I like it. I'm sorry give it one more and I think it will alternate colors like those own the last one. Yeah, that's some point. It'll do that. So well AJ's attractively Yeah, that's what it is. I do love like we have at the beginning of this episode. We see the owner of a bot and then we cut back to the Atlas And as well, we know where she is. We know what she's doing can't do anything about it. So nope never I guess. I did appreciate the there is no plan, but we're still doing our best. We have weapons prototypes. We can find a bomb Arrow we can do it like Even though it's like there's nothing concrete that we can do but we're still gonna do our best. We're not just gonna stop ya know everybody is being as proactive as possible given the situation is there's nothing worse than just when characters just decide to mope around like while we give up that would be interesting though. They're just like yeah. Well, let's just let's just chill over here of universe. Yeah, that's fine. It's a really interesting ending. Just gave up. Yeah, that's fine. Like there was a Power Ranger season where that happened during the team up the Rangers that the season was about just kind of gave up and the Rangers that came in from other Seasons got things done. It's like oh, okay. The Mighty Morphin season they came in like let's clean this crap up. Yeah, it got absurd towards the end. There was yeah. I was like Mighty Morphin they was like math Rangers like the aeration. Rangers towards the edges just like they've done what is this? Well, they've done like Ninja Storm which is the current from another age of them's been like 13 different iterations of Power Rangers. Let's name them all and I was in chat. Hey I saw you today and we oh my God, can we talk about ozar and we have about this one guy that we all met once for one episode fell in love with and then he comes back just to die. Die I was just sad that was so upsetting who the captain looking guy. He has like a cool beard and the awesome were pitch found Matt. He was one of the Coalition members of oh is he? Yeah, I think I heard you talking about. Yeah, it was wonderful and it's like wait we have a scout in the area go check it out. Do not engage and then a rubies to find them. Well, it looks like the bubble fed of the Voltron series except he's actually cool and effective. Hey, I forgot some stuff done in the second one dude, he about mr. Fet that we can't take that. No, I'm set that in stone whole video about how Boba Fett is just the worst Bounty Hunter Madam agree to disagree. He is the best Bounty Hunter. I just like the way he looks I think he's sexy. Oh, yeah, that's really what comes out. You see a Star Wars character definitely so what we're talking about? Voltron usually we do that here. I mean that's a thing that occurs it was its I mean one of the great things about the Voltron Coalition is just seeing how people who aren't paladins, you know people like the MFE pilots and like people from all sorts of aspects of the universe come together, even though they don't have you know, magical space powers or anything like that, but they come together to do their part. So that's why it's so heartbreaking when you see the people who sign up because they In Voltron, it's so heartbreaking to see them die on screen. I honestly think the Coalition is one of the best parts of Voltron the show and for those of you who have been watching us from the beginning. Holy cow. And also hello. I love you. You remember that. I spent a good chunk of time starting at the end of season one. Like I want to see all these characters. They've met come back. I want to see them forming a resistance. I want to see them do this and then the show was like, okay only the show had that planned long. For season one even came out but yes, I still absolutely love it playing with my papers. I see you looking at I'm like Garrison patches. I they're so fun to stack and collect collect them all. Sorry. I'm really delirious right now. It's been a long day. It has. Yeah. It's like we're over here and we're doing the show and then occasionally we just cut to the peanut gallery. Just yeah, I got pins. I got pins. I'm just like Yeah, I'm just the weird idiot kid. They just collected a bunch of weird stuff. And he's like you guys are doing business on just like I got one patch. I got to patch like sorry. I think I have formed by my have five passes. I don't know where I'm gonna require you to do that below to one patch to patch 3 patch for Give me another and I'll have more this is my last episode right I'm going out with us slow fart. Just so the end. This is the content the chat is here for Heroes talk about this but they are also here to hear you riff and oh good good. Love it all I want to say equally but let's be real they love you more. I love this low torso just Just his torso. There's nothing else here. It's beautiful. Does anyone have the lotor's Torso social media? It's definitely a thing. I'm pretty sure look towards toast every part of his body is spoken for be that good or bad. Okay load or store. So if you are in chat sound off your so yeah. Shout out to my body parts. Yeah. We we have owner of has entire master plan here, which we've had a Laura out. Out of commission, which is why she had which is why I'm nervous and a Laura these people the same vowel sounds and enough consonants to just heck me up. Yeah. We have a Laura who is out for most for a good chunk of this episode wakes up after Lance gives the come back to me. I need you to Speech but she wakes up because under vo was like, oh, yeah, I need you now. That was weak. Darkness it's what happens when you put the Sleeper Cell kill switch inside yourself. Hey, so this pin came with a business card for Shiro. I just want to share that. I don't know what you guys are talking about. It says, yeah. I want to share that please instructor Takashi shiragami with his little fake Galaxy Garrison email and then a fake number. I hope it's beautiful evidently. The number is a reference to something is I have yet to figure out what it is, but I see. Yes, it's a reference in acai has confirmed that I'm sure the maybe an episode numbers. It doesn't have any social media handles on it though. Like what does social media magic? Yeah, surely sure wouldn't tweet. We're all three probably started on social. I feel like everything every like six months sherawat. We got like a really cute dog video and that would be it like but he wouldn't I feel like it wouldn't really grasp 90% of his tweets. Come from Adam or from someone who has stolen his phone Co-op. Did it take ten p.m. Yeah, that joke is behind the spoiler cut. We can't watch these episodes anymore without having some commentary and that's a sin to us. Yep, that that's waiting for the spoiler cut. So is that a thing? So there's a spoiler Cuts all these episodes there. Where is now there's going to be a spoiler cut to this after show. Show it about 20 minutes ago. II we have particular fans who actually watch along with the after-show and so they actually way they don't binge the whole thing as soon as it drops. So we like to respect that and commend them in the so we give them a spoiler warning once we start talking about the season as a whole they are minor Miracles. Yeah. Just wow the patient's that's self-control. That's crazy is amazing. You guys are wonderful. Yeah. Yeah. Oh no master plan is to bring the this to her repossess all the alterations that she has on board essentially have them sacrificed their lives to steal the power Crystal and send all that energy to her and God bless Perla for at the very end of it going. Yeah. I don't think so. I think probably my biggest criticism of the Season as a whole is that the entity you know, that that whole particular story arc, especially with how Deep down like the rabbit hole a Laura was going it didn't really amount to much so much as it was like a kind of yeah, I never gets to open the rift but and if Marilla hadn't intervened it would have been a big deal, but I was kind of expecting bigger consequences for a Laura as a character. So that's probably my biggest criticism is that as in terms of characters and seeing the all tie-ins and everything like that. I thought this was going to end with everybody - Dead but instead it's just kind of more of a mild inconvenience. You say that like it didn't also end. Everybody dad was wiped out in episode 12 the universe ending I guess is big enough consequences. Yeah. What am I talking about? Throwing a wrench in the plan is a thing. Of Wonder and glory and the fact that she survives owner of are going after her is another thing of Wonder and Glory that we were not expecting. Holy cow hunk arriving at the last minute with the ball. Mara is great the bomb aregetting bomb errands never get enough for them who were drawn into the background because they definitely did not even that shit because he's like, no they're shy but if you look at them as like no one blinks blank either real quick on Twitter princess Ponies did some fan art of lotor ASMR. So yeah ready? Yeah. She's read. This Pony's is very very fast. Wow, check out the hashtag EBT Voltron and I'm pretty sure that they're training to be a story border that makes a lot of sense. Okay. I've correct me if I'm wrong. I am probably wrong, but they quick my Twitter is a night. But as far as like it doesn't load anything, so I'll probably see you in a couple days. It's just doesn't it stop loading things forever for me. It's one of those just it's a break joke, you gotta wait for a while. But yeah, we finally find out why on Earth were once all of that quintessence and it's so she can smooch robots together and make another robot because that's how this works. I guess. This is the point in the series and it took me a long time for this to start happening in the series for me to sit back and go. How does that work? Bad thing that's just a lot of okay. We're on for this ride. Then what I think maybe maybe it's like I don't know. I don't know where I was going with this but I do love the idea that the more contestants you get the more robots you can make so it becomes like a Katamari ball for eventually. You're just everything's a robot. I mean, you're like if you're a robot and your robot you can start with enough quintessence. You have a Unicron sized robot based be amazing. Tiny other robot. Yes. Be like planets turned into row, but you just like be like a yeah incredible like a Transformer. I was gonna say there's a universe where quintessence overload started Cybertron. I'm into that I would watch that movie. Yeah down. Yeah, that sounds totally like that would fit in rationally with the with the Voltron Universe actually how this works. The oh several Transformers Universe there goes the baby verse with us all a great service that day sure. She took out several other universes, but she took out the bay transfer numbers and that's what matters that is the faintest of Silver Lining. She's taking out a whole bunch of realities, but whatever was paid. I first met you said pavers. Is that even Baywatch? I took me a second. I was like what now that goodbye happy probably. Yeah, that would be quite a I was like a whole universe is just people on beaches. Wait. Wait, does that mean owner of a hassle the Hoff? Wow, what? Wow. All right. Let's talk about those pins again. Broken Age. Ya know. I've been broken actually a good time to take a break make an announcement. Hey guys, before we move on to our next topic. We just wanted to say thank you so much for making us the ESPN of TV talk for us to continue to grow we could use your help if you guys are on YouTube right now hit that Thumbs Up Button And subscribe. And if you're on iTunes, please give us a five star rating. But no matter where you are. Leave us a comment so you can get involved in the conversation being a part of AfterBuzz TV has meant so much to all of us and we truly appreciate you supporting us and doing what we love. Don't forget to tell your friends and keep enjoying our shows and if you guys like this if you I support this if you want to support us one of the best things you can do head over to iTunes rate of 5 stars because you need five lines for Voltron and everything else doesn't work. Yeah rate of 5 Stars leave a review subscribe all of that fun stuff because the more you do that the higher we show up in the search results when someone looks for Voltron, so the more people we get listening to this beautiful madhouse and if you leave us a review We shout you out on the show. So we have one called I love this show. Thank you so much for the show. You're also So amazing. I've been watching for a year and it's been so much fun. I'm going to miss it once it's over but I'm glad I was able to watch it gigging with you and the guest is just the best it's time to form Voltron. So thank you Martha for that. She screencap that and theists. Thank you. She screencap that and put that on Ayanna the hashtag because iTunes is kind of weird with this review. Sometimes it counts them but it doesn't sort them. So if you leave a review in any iTunes Store screencap it throughout the hashtag. We love you. We see those we adore them. Thank you so much back to the madness. He's real quick. Also on Twitter Sierra a wanted to point out talk about the wings on her nervous robot the wings and the Halo. It's an interesting design Choice given that she's our big bad at the very end. Yep. Yeah, really cool glorious and terrifying. I love that. We have all these pieces of the plan coming together and right at the end where half a second too late and uh nervous exceeds a Just by yeah. Yeah. I'm leaving now like, oh I've done these boss fights you get to a certain stage and then you have to chase them through a reality. We should go to Stage 2 or did she or she got guess she does kind of where that she's squishes into lotor. Hold on and then squishes them. I mean, I'm gonna Yes, but it's so it's so weird because that's her. You know, her son is in that robot or what's left of him. Okay, and she's basically casting him aside to go and find a different version of him. I got my son back. That's not good enough. I want to raise my son. Alright, let's leave. Yeah, this is like, you know, you dropped a piece of pizza and you're like, well, I'll go get a fresh pizza pizza and because she has infinite realities. She can just go do that. I think it's George's Square. She needed to merge with a syncline so she could have the or so she could go dimension-hopping in much the same way that we gathered a bunch of ball Mara together. Thank you Shay and through enough quintessence at Voltron and the atlas that we could squish them together, too. It's beautiful squishy things be squishing that we have the team back together and I adore this, but I also have to wonder what the heck happened to everyone on me. Are they there? Are they just kind of floating in the void? How does this work? Again? This is the point where I started going what the hell is happening? Well, I'll tell you this. Oh my God new son who dis not only does she kill like a lot of innocent people getting to her perfect world. She's killed infinite versions of her husband and her son. That's really messed. I was pretty messed up just really - Laura's comment. I don't know what just happened. But now we have a chance. Something and they're just the audience XB in that moment. That was that line. I'm at was let's go. When when I first saw this I was you like kind of yelling at the TV going what is happening right now, I'll take in Magic has always kind of not made a lot of sense like out for just made robots and they're like, why did you make them shaped like lions? And he's like, oh, he just goes shit. Yeah, he did. also water lions run a different planet based on the guardian of Orion. Yeah, come on you got this but like we didn't know that at the time and then also like he didn't know that they could combine together and everyone was like wow, this is really cool. So like I don't know why I was so surprised. Yeah, like it's, you know based off of someone in the 80s when you know be cool just like some lions and space and then you have a bunch of intelligent people in 2019 going. How do we make sense of this? You know, what? Easy and it's so different. Yeah. It's such an insane thing to try to turn into a logical concept that you just kind of go. Look at the birdie, you know, like yeah because I have no answers to more big things that we need to hit in this episode. And one is is this our final like we're a team motivational speech of the series because it was definitely our final Voltron transformation of the series. But yeah, basically glad I don't have to watch that again. and here I thought Is something I don't remember if it was Lauren or working pointed it out like out one point that they were here every time the transformation happens. It's a different version of the theme song and this one it like knowing it's the last one of the series it is. It has like that Bittersweet sort of element to it. Yeah, I do remember that. That was cool. Yes. Yeah. No, just beautiful. Yeah, I love said this is our final. We're a team we could Do anything. Let's go speech of the series and it's not on which is it's from Keith of all people. It's it's such a good at talking about like good setup and good pay off like at the the beginning of the first episode that we're covering Keith and Lance have that really good heart-to-heart and keep mentions how he he thought he could do everything on his own and then in this episode we have him giving this really rousing speech about as a team. They can do anything. Little girls so much as I love them. Yeah, it's perfect. I stopped listening with Keith starts talk. Yeah, where's lotor that's come on. Stop transforming James Arlo toy a tube of toothpaste. She's like I need him out. Yeah, I kind of figured that was more Griffin talking. Oh, yeah, that's true. Yeah, both of them are just like come on, buddy. Speed it up. Both of them arms folded rolling their yeah, like yeah universe that Griffin existing doesn't exist anymore. And he's still like to talk about on nerve has perfect reality because she was wrong. Yeah. That was yeah. We can't zarkon training said that a few other people. We basically get this reality where the absolute best version of reality is the one where owner Died and come back. Like that's the best version of reality that we have. I'll tell you still here diamonds all still here. Once I do it turns everyone's alive Voltron actually may or may not exist. This may have been a reality where the comet didn't happen. Yeah, but right now I think about that. It's a reality where owner of a presumably didn't survive childbirth and we have animals like oh my God, we're so happy you're back. It's so good to see you again. Except for tiny lotor who looked at her and went Helm. Yeah exactly. He's like, hey, you want my mom? Yeah, Rick and Morty. Yeah. I love that. She was just like she did all this stuff and he's like, you know, not my mother and he's and she's just like I can obviously give him like a day to just chill like and get used to you. Maybe that's like hi. I'm your mother. You're not my mother died. Like there's no chill for her. And of course, that's the point. Tron Atlas shows up and zarqa. Have you brought this up AMA Nation upon us like, oh, yeah. This is yeah without Voltron. Yeah there and I wrote this down because this is what no nerva just kind of ignored on there is no place in this universe for me. Then there will be no Universe at all like so emo. Wow, that's so you know from the sandbox and leaving like literally the most super villain thing. Yeah that in the entire. I see her. Yeah, he's really is because you can kind of make the oh, she just wants to be with her family. She just wants to find her son and then you got to take a step back and go cool motive. Still Amna side. Yeah yet. She's redeemed spoiler alert. Yeah, we'll see you next week. We'll see you next week. Sorry. Love you. Bye I forgot it's not that I just talked about my boy. Let's talk about your boy last little bit. We're what real quick synthesized give such high on Twitter hastiness. I she said it was a glad you like all the time. I love it. It's amazing. I'm not a hundred percent sure what to do with this but other than squish it, but I love it. I mean that's kind of what it's that's what lotor's for is just to be squished for a little tour. Or you have discovered here's yeah. Exactly. All right, y'all spoilers okay in the live chat for now, but keep them out of the comments on the hashtag. We're still being kind there. So let's talk about that ending for lunch or going off to be with his family the void. I mean, I well for me. I mean, I knew that was gonna happen, you know, so like it wasn't a surprise for the most part, but I did some bad stuff. I think unfortunately like all of them deserve to kind of get theirs in a weird way. I mean lotor least of all because he was trying to do good by his you know in his own way, but human Allure are off doing their own thing. They're all of you know, they're in the islands thing you like I've said this before but like in Lord of the Rings like the undying lands like it's not in my mind. There's so many alternate realities. It's not necessarily that they're dead. It's that they I mean especially since Laura literally just walks away like rubber about my forgetting Thing like she literally just goes. Okay. Goodbye. So, I'm sure wherever they are is some place that can affect the rest of reality is like so I don't think of it as like well, they're dead. I think it's more like being one with the force or exactly hopping into the LifeStream if we're talking Final Fantasy. Yeah, so I don't think of it as them being like in dead in any way. I mean, I really don't I'm not just saying that cause I'm in denial. I'm like no, I mean there's been so many alternate realities and things that we've seen in these episodes that it's like if for some reason we need to have it in our headcanons that they are now, Doing stuff and ruling a land like they can be that it's totally fine. Lotor gets to be with a version of his parents that love him. Yeah. That was the goal for him from the get-go and when zarkon burned it to the ground along with the planet, he was cultivating. That's when he went. He did the same thing that donor if I did but I can't have your love. I will destroy you it's kind of nice and interesting that like he had the alternate parents in though, you know, like the to the nerve and zarkon when they're all sweet and then he's just the same. Cause we all know he's perfect Flawless being citations except for a couple things. Yeah, but I don't know. I mean for me I'm like, yeah, I'm OK I had and I mean to me obviously I wanted it to be a whole spin-off where he's the purple lion and Manilow taurage or lotor him and Allure are just like holding hands and jump with your fields and Lance is shot into space. There's a reality reality where that happened under nerva destroyed its side. Of course. Yeah, there is a reality for all those things Lance. We all know she don't love him. We don't talk about that here. No seriously lotor. That's a Minefield. No, I'm sure I don't want parents to think that I'm like, yeah. I'm just as lotor. I'm like, oh, he's the other guy for me. You know, me and Jeremy even sort of had like a weird like I like Joe. I mean wasn't in real life, but we were like gosh he's mine, you know because we knew what was up just imagining Kimberly between the both of you just it basically by when we all play that stuff behind the scenes because it's like I mean, it's fun. Yeah, but um, yeah. No, it's Lance's not her one dream motor is obviously forever and you Truelove just because you love one person in your life. I've doesn't mean you're incapable of loving another person later like a brother God. No, that's that's not other ship that got torpedoed again. We're in Dangerous Waters. Yeah, I don't know. What's happening. That's okay. Please forgive me. I'm very sleepy. But but yeah, it's really cool looking at the you know, end of the series here like not only do they all kind of get to proverbially proverbially walk into the sunset. Hurriedly, yeah, that's what you said pervertedly. Welcome to the sunset proverbial Sunset grab. My buck son is the word I tried to say right but but also yeah the fact that it's lotor, you know, a different version of lotor of all people who kind of throws a wrench into her plans just like hey, I love baby lotor by the way. He's so sweet the kid. I forget his name Archer the little voice actor who does is like Mom contacted me on Twitter and he's like, that's my son. I was like your son's Seeing his performances. I was so excited when Joachim and Lauren said like we're doing a young version of lotor. I was like, oh my God, like so sweet. Yeah. It was like I could not wait to hear it because the idea of that some kid had to imitate my voice and do it was blew my mind, but he nailed it Archer would have your last name as we are you did a brilliant job. Yeah, so cute. Yeah and his little the way he looks with kovin the they're so cute. But just you're not my mother you can't replace her and really just Owner of a flipping the so good Ebola for real. Yeah the entire. Yeah, exactly. Brilliant. But yeah, it's it's it's a good ending for a family that had a lot of trouble. Yeah, they got off pretty easy all things considered to be happy. Yeah, they destroyed unless all realities and in the end. They're like you just want to like go to Burger King like they're all just kind of like you walked away. And then yeah. Yeah Dairy Queen was a drive-through Dairy Queen over here. You guys seen that what I always advise Baskin-Robbins. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry you both went to know it's a Baskin-Robbins but isn't a Baskin-Robbins drive through just as crazy. No, you can't get a blizzard at Baskin-Robbins but basket ice cream yet other things. Yeah. You got Baskin-Robbins e things it's on like Victory or something just drive. You're like why? It used to be a bank obviously because what kind of psycho makes a drive-through Baskin-Robbins behind I've drive-through Dairy Queens all the time though. I'm in toss things. Should we drive through you got into that? So sorry. There is a reality that exists and Hunter is destroyed it. There is a reality where the show went as planned Baskin-Robbins before drive down Victory. Oh my God Victory Boulevard in Burbank. Baskin-Robbins. Yeah local tips. Now. I need to know if there's a Dairy Queen near me because they do chocolate cherry blizzards around Valentine's Day and I just need it for all you said people here is a chocolate cherry blizzard two for one. Yeah. Yeah, lotor approve just mad cause he's still single. Yeah, exactly. So when she leaves you for someone Lane Wow, I love lands for the record. I do love Lance's of character. But I gotta play up the yeah, I could shoot sharp. Whatever. That means. He's no cons. I feel like you'd have a bow, like look towards shoot a bow and arrow. He had a be like Legolas should be the spacing be perfect. Yeah, I'm really sad that we never got a monsters and Mana little load torque character. Yeah. I think what Kim said, he would be I forget what he said specifically be had like a very specific. Eric class that he would be and I was like, he's that hard. Oh my God. Hear me out here. Okay dexterity proficient in everything. Jack of all trades are bards. Yes. Yeah, they get to the if the College of Law Robards get to be proficient in a lot and then jack-of-all-trades gives you half Proficiency in literally everything else and Proficiency in Korea. Charisma is one of your profession scores which goes into deception and persuasion. All right little horse out barge man parts are scary scary class. Slightly broken and he probably killed at karaoke and barley kilogram. Yeah Bard's use up and as weapons, so the Rapier the sword can see him doing that. Nice. I'm just imagining Legolas you have this to double knives. That's that's really sexy Over Knives in the bone. Era. What are you reading on Chad ICU glancing down kind of weirdness is happening. I'm sure Paladin lotor Druid lotor. That's a thought and now Katie speaking in tongues. Yeah, sorry. Lotor is literally a dark elf now. We're classing lotor and chat. I'd love to please attend classes for the the characters that we didn't get to see in Monsters and Mana. We already had to conserve The Vedas apartment. Yeah loves it. There is a tweet somewhere Joachim said we're what came in Lauren said something and I was like, I don't know as I was like elf and he was like, no he would be this not that what came talks like that while Kim talks much cooler than that. I mean Alphas a race not a class. I don't know what I'm talking about. I don't play D&D we had kids in your Dungeons and dynamite your idea your dice. I wish I played figurines. I keep wanting people to teach maybe but no one will would you like to join our party? Yeah. I'm intimidated by any everybody know every time someone asks me. I'm like, I'm too intimidating if it's too much information. You want to join? Oh, yeah, speaking of fan art of ponies put more fan art in the hashtag. It's fantastic floater is a tube of toothpaste low Torah and grips LaTour is a 2.2 that's horrifying. I love you. And I love you. Lotor and Griffin talking about Lance was great. The toothpaste one the other one color version with toothpaste one on my desk in the morning. I don't have a desk. Please don't come and find me. I have a TV dinner. Tray slams it down. Yeah, alright, so we have to wrap doing it has been more stuff in my bag. I don't really any good and glorious time. Oh my God. Thank you for joining us. You're welcome. What a weird episode. This is bad. This is what happens when I don't sleep a lot and then go through traffic. I hope I didn't say anything offensive or terrible to the Voltron fandom how this one? Okay good, but we doing speaking in tongues before we go back to doing that. I mean, I think the one thing How to do is make my Curtis joke who's Curtis on the cheering? He's been on the bridge all season. So every time like he gets told to do something or he says something we've been going like, yes, sir. Megan's comment. What's it? Is there anything on the scanners? He's like no and she goes no, but I found something I do like I love it you kids and your jokes you kids and your shipping why have a ship when you can have an armada? Yeah, so Is there anything else that you are working on that you can tell us about not that I can't I mean it's a lot of Lego Movie stuff I've been doing so like if you anything Chris Pratt hasn't done if you're listening. There's a McDonald's commercial floating around and all kinds of weird things for like Toyota and things so it's like if it doesn't quite sound like Chris Pratt, it's me. Yeah, unless it was filmed in Canada, which case you are Chris Pratt adjacent. Yeah, exactly. It's very strange, but you have been doing a lot of that. Stuff so I don't even remember what I've been doing on you have your spook story. I got mice poop store, which is on a break still doing that spooky. Oh, I'm a ton of pictures on it was losing my mind trying to keep up with the orders which is wonderful and everyone's amazing, but I'm just like this is too much stuff and then spooky fresh a little cartoon. It's not a cartoon, but it's like a live. It's puppeted. I'm working on that. It's not so I wanted to do some motion, but I was just too much darn work. And so it's a lot of it basically little tiny puppets. And so I'm building all the sets for that right now, and I don't even know. I'm doing just random gigs that I can't talk about for like four years. So you know how it is. So keep an eye out for those. Yeah, exactly. And where can the fans go on social media if they want to keep up with you in four years when you can talk about your gigs at space Padre space Padre at Jeremy. What's his last name shot? No, I don't know. Oh, it's just my name. Good luck. Telling it just look for that well. Well, it's been crazy. It's been very straight. Look there's a tiny little squishy lotor's tidy and Squishy. I fit in the most overhead storage compartments and robots can easily fits in the storage compartments Megan where can people find you I'm making so ladies you guys can follow me on Twitter and Instagram at the mango and that's TGM Eng you I am I also do a lost retrospective podcast feel no love loss to be sure to check that out follow red light ma5 at ma5 Blue Lauren Lauren Lauren Lionel His tour as an HR. Is it nine zero yellow line marked Annika Mark. We donaga I am Black Lion King Kullen. You can follow me all over the social medias as well as on YouTube and twitch at QJ. That is Ki X ET. I'm also on OverWatch podcast called on the point. We are going to wrap it up this weekend because League starts next week and guys are final Ruby after show. Is this Wednesday? So stick around on that on the animation Channel see us here the great. Thank you guys so much for watching. We will see you next time. Bye good. Bye. This ends our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows, whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz. See you later.
 It’s a deep dive into a villainous mindscape on today’s #ABTVVoltron! Hosts Katie Cullen and Megan Salinas, along with guest AJ LoCascio! The Voltron After Show: Join the robotic lions in this intergalactic war against the Galra Empire by listening to the various recaps, reviews and in-depth analysis and discussion on each episode of the series. Not only will we break down the episodes though, we’ll also deliver all the latest news surrounding the show and have cast and crew join us. It’s the VOLTRON LEGENDARY DEFENDER AFTER SHOW! Show Summary: Voltron: Legendary Defender is an animated web television series produced by American companies DreamWorks Animation and World Events Productions and animated by South Korean Studio Mir. It is a reboot of both the Beast King GoLion anime series and the Voltron franchise, and its animation is a mix of anime-influenced traditional animation for characters and background and CGI for Voltron action sequences. Voltron: Legendary Defender is set in a science fiction universe where planetary energy called "quintessence" can be used to power vehicles and magic. The series follows the adventures of the Paladins of Voltron who must learn to work together to form the giant robot Voltron and use it to defeat the evil Galra Empire.
Welcome to my life because it is supplied episode 293. A good hey - we're going into the montrachet - what? So very blessed month to all of you and to all of us to special month, especially for siddim being that this year, uh fat in 10 days from now will be Shivan Shana the beginning of the 70th Year from when the rebbe assume leadership right after this talk was the passing of the 3D culebra's Ashima subash a mesh as the sun sets. The sun rises the Rebus own words that he described the passing from the sea is from the Deborah shop to the physical web. This happened a huge swath of Chanute. And of course, we're honoring that and celebrating that it's such a vital day in a vital year 70th anniversary and we've been doing in the past few weeks and we'll be doing some more today in this program. I want to begin with the dedication and honor that this program is dedicated in honor of Gail Wisner the Haines family and for the safe and Speedy return of competitors. Been Gita fraida dedicated by Esther mulroy whose birthday as well is this week So happy birthday. We're also just announced last week the sixth annual. I likes it has supplied essay contest and this year. We've added a new track a creative and artistic track, which I'm also going to be speaking about but before we get into that and to the fascinating questions of this week's program, I want to say that please look forward to a surprise announcement about how we're going to do a special event and program around you. Fat which is as I said next Wednesday a week from Wednesday and some interesting things that I am sure that all of us will appreciate and not just as a celebration but actually a declaration of re embracing the revolution that the rebbe initiated on huge fat which began 70 years ago. We'll be talking about that in specific detail and things most importantly that we can do. Because the end of the day it's all action. It's not fairy. What can you and I in each one of us do I will be speaking about that and many different other as I said surprises that will belong announcing as the day's rolled by So one of the things that I'll just I've already spoken some suggestions last week and two weeks ago by preparing for the 70th beginning of the seventh anniversary. And remember this is just the beginning the entire year is the 70th year. So look forward to many different interesting things that we'll be doing to honor that and again always bring it down to action in ways that we can be part of this revolution that we can make a difference and make a mark and actually fulfill and realize the mission for which we were here in this world, which Is to bring the skin and the words of the lab in Boston the Gannett option you Dallas at 69 years ago when he assumed formerly the leadership the Debbie said that our generation the seventh generation is to bring the skin of the divine presence from heaven from the lowest Heaven to Earth itself, the total Fusion of matter and spirit the purpose for which all existence was created from the beginning of time. So indeed something exciting and we are here to not just live through it but to be part of the unfolding drama Rama The unfoldings Narrative of History itself and bring it to that powerful place that powerful paste the Fulfillment of something that everybody has been waiting for from the beginning of time. So I thought everything is Divine Providence has called for practice this program began around between havdalah Davis and huge fat. That's when we began the first program seven years ago the essay contest since we designated I'll ask me. What about why I mean between Because one year, it was closer to covid Al Davis. This is the art side that is tacos. And hula valtira Bandits fact is just a few days after that another two weeks afterwards. So the contest is associated with these days. So I thought it'd Divine Providence what better way to honor and to celebrate and to bring into action. The rebels Vision which of course is the vision of all that I blame all the 7th at Bain and the vision of all Rebus and all leaders from the beginning of time. I should have been all the way going from the beginning of History itself the vision of manifesting and actualizing and making practical applying Toyota in general are see this in particular which is premium cetera in the words of Michelle to the Baal Shem Tov your food. So - siracusa taking the Wellsprings and bringing them hoods up. Hoots amines in space in time but also in spirit the idea of bringing it to into our language and into a paradigm and a platform and a platforms that everybody can access it. Because when we speak about the future the gorilla and the near future we should say the immediate future. Well, how is it described by Isaiah Isaiah? The prophet Mala is Daya as a sham kamiyama cast there will be no more layer devilishly soon. There'll be no more evil and no more destruction because the entire world will be filled with Divine knowledge as the waters cover the sea Divine knowledge. That means entire Earth every human being in the words of the number maimonides at the end of his safe emission and It really a circle a lamella DA secession Boulevard the business of the world will be nothing but to know God that doesn't mean everyone will be theologians will mean that everything we do it will be clear. It's a means for divine expression for Spiritual. for Spiritual expression So whatever you see in the world, whether it comes down to miniscule little plant or ask for the birds in the sky or whatever it is. We will see the hand inside the glove which today is concealed. So how do we prepare for that by living our lives that way by studying and aligning ourselves with such a vision recognizing that your body is a vehicle for your soul. So just as the entire universe will be seen the hand inside the glove. We will see the hand within our glove within our body within our garment. We will see the soul shining through and since we energy and matter will be fused as one. So what better way to prepare for that among many different ways and I'm sure there are many ways and people all over the world are preparing is to actually write an essay or produce a creative artistic way of expressing Hasidic thought I said this is this Mother's Day assassin. It's understanding is godliness. It's about godliness. It's about how God created the universe and expressing it in a way that we apply and idea of sadistic contemporary life challenge or issue is of course the essence of the essay contest, but now that we've expanded it we have other ways to express it. It can also express it through photography to visual arts through music through poetry to a video presentation. And if you go to City / contest, you'll see all the guidelines and all the rules. But I want to take it even further practical suggestion to parents and Educators in particular, but this is really not limited to them. So all of us. I've received much much feedback now and over the years of how much people who are involved in this contest how it affected their lives even to the point of not being overdramatic transforming people's lives. I am a different person individuals told me a mother a father told me that when we were involved with our children and doing this it literally transformed our homes. So here's my suggestion suggestion. Yes, it is a way of celebrating of a way of disseminating and publicizing the contest but I think it's a great suggestion and I'll soon tell you my reasons behind it after I explain the suggestion and that is simply whether you're a parent of children obviously have to know which age children but children that are capable of doing this. Why don't you challenge them and then Device that besides the $10,000 Prize or the $1,000 artistic prize incentivize them say what are you dealing with? Let's deal with a challenge one. Trial may say there's bullying going on in my classroom Others May say, I'm bored. There's all kinds of different things people children go through a teenagers, especially identify something and say, you know, what? Why don't we work on together since we're taught that Toyota is blush inherit. ETA is offers us a directive in life. It's a Ooh print for life. And since we're also looking see this as an answer to all our issues. I will help you. Let's find some sources are secret from the rebel from the free Dakota by my myrrh and Egan a song something that addresses this issue. Tell me what you think will take place the child and the same thing I say to Educators and the students you have a class you're teaching them class what will happen they'll be excited because it's something that's touching them your practice irritate. Participating with them helping them with sources reviewing but you want them to do it you want them to initiate but you're part of it. It will create an exciting few weeks as you're immersed and involved with it and this I say not as a guest or speculation conjecture because I've heard that be talking about it by the table other siblings will weigh in. Well, what better way what is the rebel give us this for is to make it real to address real issues in our lives apply? It to our personal lives. This is the best way to do it and guaranteed will have lasting impact in addition to giving you such an actress and pride to the debit. Now. If you do something around busted leg on me than mine were itself and derive lessons from that. Not even my name even better. Perhaps we'll even add extra credit points for that. But it doesn't have to be exclusively to that moment. But that mind of course is the moment that the rebels said 3D could have a last moment that was published by the physical a band that ever began that moment Buster the gonna eat ocean your Olive and then every year afterwards would explain one of the 20 chapters and then went through a second cycle and the third cycle. So this is a practical suggestion as I said teachers and students is what you're teaching a class. Anyway a class in total students make an assignment. The prize will come from us. You don't have to spend any money. It'll be a $10,000 first prize $3,600 second prize at $1,000 third prize and a special student prize. That's only a student movement. They can also win the top prize. Or if somebody wants to do it through artistic expression, so we now have allowed that as well. I find this to be an easy. Guess it takes work, but it's enjoyable work a labor of love of way of honoring and actually implementing with the debit told us to do to make it. Look who's guarding this real in our lives to make cities real in our lives. If food. So many Circle cutter on the words of the Rebel ahem Sheikh Hasina LaMotta Mama's to draw down godliness in this world take an issue of this world and address it with a Godly approach, which is what this is. Stitches this is the essence of the contest now. Let me add this. I mentioned this in the past when I first thought of the idea which was just you know has got applaud. This was a year after we were doing my life the program that Weekly program and the my office said so how do we honor the first anniversary was much more successful than we expected more questions came in the listenership was growing and continues to grow. It was quite the very touching to see and it was very powerful. So, I don't know. Something came to me. I said essay contest idea. I don't even remember what sparked that you know how ideas they fly from anywhere. Okay, we passed around and not everybody was so excited. What did I do? I just saw you know, what? Let me write up the the purpose of the contest what its objectives are and its benefits and I sent it to one of our powerful sponsors one of our contributors donors. And I spelled out how much we would need we would need for the prizes for some Administration other work no income from it. And to my not to my surprise, but very quickly excellent idea committing to it. And that is the more Roman foundation and my dear friend a beautiful Mirage really from the hood saleya in Israel and continue to commit it's only grown. So we need even more money than we're getting. So if anybody's interested in contributing to this, it's a great cause we got to do is contact me directly if you wish or you can go online to my city and donate but that's an aside. Let me get back to the topic. Okay, so we launched a contest within a week or two. I got an email from a friend. He says look at this letter from the rub Vol 10 and you go skaters page 238 239. It's a letter dated you test Tavis the 18th of Tavis tough skin test valve that was the equivalent the 1955 letter many years ago something immediately struck me and I said to myself I'm where do I know that date from I write an email to my office and I say, can you can you tell me send me the email that I first sent to everybody? What day was it? Would you believe it was you trust Ava stuff Shin Ian? Hey 50 years to the day when the rubber wrote that letter where he says these words that we know that the really get students involved. It's a letter to a woman educator. We know that the get students really involved is that they should make presentations not just be taught but they should initiate a presentation then the rubber continues since huge vat is coming. It's really says He suggests that the students Should write a master an essay in honor of your twat describing my father-in-law the physical web is work and his contributions. I couldn't believe it. I called up the principles of the others woman School here in New York. I said does anyone know about this letter? It's a printed load anyone ever. Did anything like the snow? So I said to myself, oh mama said directive of the Deb that takes a whole different dimension. It was a good suggestion and I have you all thought it was a good suggestion. I did work out. So if you need a direct here are the covid huge fat that was tops until involved in our adoption pay that was five years after Tosha nude now, we're 70 years after so you have that additional reason. And perhaps the main reason to actually do this. I'm not suggesting it's going to be absolutely easy, but it's a work that will only give you more dividends than what you'll invest in it and I say this to everyone that's listening to this and please share it with others. I think it's a tremendous opportunity and and we're excited to be part of it, but it can happen without you and especially for educators and parents to me. It's a no-brainer who doesn't want their children to be excited. There's Used to be excited about siddhis about the rebel about the mission and you can write about that to the mission itself the Danish be what better topic but personalize it make it real not just a theory and idea and Analysis apply it and use creative all your creative juices and all your creative skills. They said again go to sit has applied that cam / contest for all the details all the rules and guidelines as always follow them after you finish whatever you're doing just go through the Guidelines make sure check it off like a checklist. I did this this this and this show it to another person and are guaranteed a light in your chances of actually winning. But as I always say everybody's a winner the mere fact that you do this will be something that will last the rest of your life ask people who've done it as past Year's winners and that's how I feel is one of the great ways to especially this year the shavings from the 70th year of the rebels in serious leadership to I just contribute but to shine and to really bring a citizen alive alive in our personal lives, which is of course the entire objective of this program. so with that said the deadline for the contest I should mention is February 23rd, or the county equivalent of has spots essentially a month from now good for weeks. Okay. With that let us go too. A question regarding the data XI which we spoke about last week in episode 2 92, but another question came in then I'll talk about a stranger's fat and boy and then a bunch of interesting and also some fortunate questions that we have to address as part of see this addressing the entire spectrum of life. Sometimes Pleasant some time not just Pleasant things but it is always has what to say as the Tailoring. Will has what to say to us Direction guidance strength and Hope. So the question about the connected to data SRI Dentistry again remember is the day the rebel describe this generation when he assumed formerly the leadership huge vat of senior dolloff 1951 and he referred to us the generation the seventh from the alte Deb. I'll today was the first me acid the founder of cities Chabad Little Debbie's generation to that some exotic Generation 3, then marash for generation for the British armed generation 5 3 decrepit Generation 6 And then a generation Generation 7 and compared equated it with a Seventh Generation from of Rama VIII know based on the medals in the beginning of busted leg on each side and from she Reshiram NAB that of Rome was the first to reverse the process that had deteriorated and toxified existence through the iniquities and wandering away and the Betrayal of our destiny. Otherwise called A Nevada this alignment I've robbed Where's the process and return the Shekinah the Divine prevalent private the divine presence to the seventh heaven? And then you talk to the sixth and the next Generations and no lower lower until my should have been to the 7th from avraham avinu from Abraham, of course received at 8:00 at Sinai after you taste my its name and then build the mishkan vishanti be sacrum and this Earth not a Michigan in heaven now the Tabernacle or temple in heaven a sanctuary in heaven sexually made from gold silver. Copper material items in which God would reside and dwell among us and within us the circle a quadric Antipas a computer. Has every man and woman every human being every to every child and so on. Okay, so the rebel Queens the to so among the different Expressions that ever use one was the last that we are the last generation of Godless, hence and the first of the goal that's the data. She concluding the process that began with altitude above it began even longer before that and concluding So here's the question. Someone asked was that Epi statement that we are the last generation of Godless in the first generation of gula just had brought in a wish or was there more to it? Being that almost all the people who were at that fabric and have passed on. So the rubber made it very clear the double question that first of all. Even those that passed on that doesn't mean they don't have children and grandchildren who are all part of that generation. Just like we talked about the incident that left mitzrayim. They all also passed on besides call of in Yeshua and yet we're told at the end of commissioned the been the pastor key survey when moisture says, it's 40 years now. They need lamb that leave the Dust. And so on from which we derive that after 40 years you come to understand fully like I initiated the rabbit. Have a heart that understands. And the other Expressions there in the pasok and that I've asked the question. I remember was in tough soon was the 40th Year from Top Chanute. Let me said but many of the people and most of the people were born later. They weren't there 40 years ago, but they were the children of and they heard about it and they were part of the experience. So it continues on even after the people actually left me sir. I am as I said most indeed. Most people didn't enter it useful. That's one regarding the issue of a brothel or a wish for sure. It's a bra can always but they're devastated as a midseason when you read the my Mombasa Lagana. He says clearly it's a tool de means another do with our effort has nothing to do with our very dear with our will with our choice as he explains. It's simply because we're born in the Danish V. We like it or not. This is where birth we are the Dentistry the Frida Club was the sixth generation by default that makes us the Seventh Generation. And the seventh generation is the generation that brings the goal by the level was much more than a broken a wish. It was a reality why didn't happen yet. I do not have the answer for that. But the rubber did say clearly put in Topsham Zion and then again half-dressed innocent option on Olive that it's up to us. There's something we must do very clear. So as long as the goal is not here in its fullest sense of the word. It behooves us to do something. Of course, we beg Rahman is from God that we should have compassion and just lead us out of dollars enough suffering enough the pain enough what we went through over the last few thousand years of expecially in the last century, but that's one part of the second part is we still have to do what we have to do and rise up as adults rise to the occasion and do what we have to do for this state us V and fulfill and finish the process that ever charged us with God also episodes 126 and 216 where I spoke about this little more at length and this is a good opportunity to the is our website where you can find the full array of resources, including all the previous episodes archived a form where you can submit an anonymous question completely Anonymous and encourage you to do so there is a backlog I'd be I have to be honest, but I'm really committed to addressing them all and we'll just keep plugging away. You combine some topics especially there's something timely address it in a timely fashion. And of course you'll also find that the essays you want an example of winning essays or generally great essay. Just look at that website in the essay section. You'll see essays in the last five years of the contest. And every week at the end of this program we go over three more essays in order as they were marked. So we're still reviewing the essays 2019 while the new essay contest has just been launched as mentioned before. Okay, make it helps to cut in between Patterson the pastas they say a little break not a break in time. Just stating that and let's go now into some important questions. Well, there are important but some are more relevant than Tommy than others and some questions after always somewhat package them a little bit because I don't like to read something that can be offensive, but I try to address everything. So we're going to right now begin with this question and it's not in any particular order. Is it okay for a topic to say an untruth? Yeah, as way this person wrote is okay for it's a lie to lie. If someone lies which is a Nevada ass in Madras Checker tirek. Stay away from Ally does that disqualify them from being at Sadiq it would seem so because it's a directive Ada. And in relevance to current parts of the curtain parishes and to have has Tavis which was yesterday the birthday the hundred and fortieth birthday of the rabbits encounter that I'm his mother, which is actually the same year when the Frida Club was born tougher - men. Which is 18 18 4018. I'm sorry 18 18 8 1880. The free the club was born as was rabbits and hundreds of chronic cough has tabs the free declare by Judas Thomas. So relevance to the current passion Comcast Avis, here are two points the writer writes about this issue why the measure the been to light the party and say let our people go worship our god with implication. That was just doing going to be a short trip of three days and they would come back and continue working as slaves while the truth is they had no intentions to had all the intentions to leave and not come back. Also, we're going to comfort us David. It said when the rebels brother passed away label. So are you lab the debit didn't want the bad news to adversely affect his mother. So he forged letters in his brother's name. So his mother would think he was still alive. Is this allowed according to Allah? Okay, good questions. So let's begin. Yes. Second is not acceptable to flee because everyone's told his daughter that limits in the composite lambertson Hai mushkil that alley and Emmas definition almost on you don't always have to say the truth. But Allah, you must never say that means you're not the always you could withhold the truth but not ever say a lie. So of course a like or not the state is unacceptable and yet we find the concept in Isaiah that says muttered not just lashon. He's which means it's you're allowed to change. I think the potential to preserve peace and then there's an expression with the leash academic potential allowed to lie. In order to preserve. Peace. We know the story without an Avenue. I've had on acclaimed God Aladdin that one of the reasons that all the Jewish people it says the men and women more and after him but you've could call you slow not just called b'nai Israel. Not just the children the boys. The male's was because that's what Alan did he was a man among the people and he would make schoelen like the mission is says have a midterm. Neither shall R&B from the students of an array of Charles Invader. Show them love peace pursue. Peace. What would he do says the measures he would go when we saw two people who had were in somewhat of crawl quarrel. He would go to each one of them separately and say, you know the person you're this, you know, what they said about you another person would assume all the worst said no, they said beautiful things about you then it would go to the other one and say the same thing. There wasn't always exactly the way but that created Goodwill among them and he recreated peace. So you'll ask the question. How does that still work? Because for good cause you could lie. Now obviously the river spoke about this in the mems. I don't have the source right now. I'll look it up and I'll let you know next week and they never spoke about it means you have to know who's saying it and with what condition if they're doing it for their own tent agenda, but people have Bittle understand. The famous story with Alta debit learn learn Teta with the maggots sun above Ramallah Ultra balloon with him nigga. He would learn with Al Qaeda but please mr. Tarek see this and I'll in that way they would get so caught up in The Exodus part about Roman balak. That's why it was called malloc. He would literally like his whole Spirit you would like be Beyond time and space and the ultra but that moment when he didn't notice, but turn the clock back so you can have more time learning with him see this. such a seemingly deceptive and the lever brings that when it says about That laessig Nave which is a form of stealing which is a form of cannabis does stealing someone's consciously that get her doing something that they're stealing their intention is that they continue learning only for a certain period and here you're fooling them. So there's a hyphen between the law and signif because the zero says there's a thing called gonna vote dilution introduces. Sometimes there's an element of theft. Now, of course, you need to go great discretion who's doing it and what their intention is. So this isn't some license that you could determine, you know what this case I could lie because it's a good thing because not going to create Mike like that's not that's not necessarily the case Ms. Remains a pure thing, but there are instances in my movie me and talk with Alta Bellator set. Stolen waters are the sweetest. That was the sweetest moments when I did that the extra time I had learned Exodus but this is only by people who are absolutely endless people through and through for them. This is an effort to do something like that. So my answer is no at sad because not shy at all why something is killing animals There's No Agenda is no personal gain are there times with there's a concept that they may say something different is because only not because of their game is because that would be what the Divine God would want. And that is also be looked at very seriously and you can't just take that as used as a license across the board regarding my should I buy a new with Pottery there? The simple answer is Patty was Hitler your makishima was afraid you do whatever it takes because nefesh. Is this the color Tater cool even a lie. This wasn't like. Oh, we had a deal we work for you and so on it was slave labor and the worst possible way with genocide and murder and so on. And yet there's still Misfortune that wonder how could my chef said something even for a moment? So there's explanations for that one of the explanations is that meisha did intend to go back but not to go back as slaves but to go back and Conquer and free and take out everything. They wanted from it Simon not just rush out. They're different explanations. But the point is that never becomes never has been shown is it called a lie? It's called a necessary truth. Sometimes has to be packaged like that. As far as the Devil with the letter of the letters to his mother wasn't by the way for a long letters. It was a few lines and I wouldn't called for jury. That's a very strong word. It was called keep a name his mother had gone through what she had gone through a lost her husband was the sun earlier battle Sean bed. They'd better rather and the the end after what his mother went through. He wanted to just be making life a little easier for it enough to necessarily put her in her face. People. Say she knew anyway, but was not official. Coming from the debit a person who never said something untrue. Come on, let's land you can imagine if he did it. You can rest assured that it's in the spirit of Ms. And Emma says different ways. They've met their says that when God wanted to create the world. He asked Ms. What to do them said do not create the world that smallish got him is filled with lies. I'm at the secret God then went ahead and asked her I said, what do you say has had said? Yes create the world because then Kindness will be kindness in the world. What Dave has to do he took Ms. Through down to the Earth to not follow. He said that we say m has met its Mark the explanation is that Ms. Is still in this existence. But if you go with pure Emma since not in any way put into garments that can allow the eggs world to exist and it's term on its terms. It will destroy the world. But then with the world does what it has to do step-by-step the MS that's embedded in Earth will emerge Tessa is the ruling cardinal rule that drives existence, but that doesn't mean God forbid the MS is not there. Just the question how when we teach children, for example, here's a candy because you learned well incentive will take you to the toy store. Why is that not a lie? That's not the reason that you're giving them a toy. Why don't you just tell them tell you this is the most sweetest and most beautiful thing on existence and that alone is the end. You don't need to have a price so that I've explained the story with Malik monk all that we say when we take The physically able to take a child into I finish into school you throw them candies and you say Malcolm a call through this canvas never said you just getting a child with a lie. They know later they'll grow up but I'm not moloch must call them said no it is because they candies understand social the sweetness in the candies are evolved from the sweetness in rock igneous magma call comes from Hazard. So actually the candies is my luck mark on the form that children can relate to let us check it. It's a an MS packaged in a language that like a muscle when you give an analogy in the teaching you're not distorting its only way to understand it. Now of course case-by-case like yeah Cove. Yes also dressed up in the garments of asaph to take the Brokers from his father another discussion, but it's a similar idea. It's an m is packaged in the low volume of this world who sham is bad in the language of Citizen order to achieve the intended result, which always has to come from Bittle and not from someone's in person. Interest it's still a subtle thing and angst and people can say well, I'm coming from Biddle. So you want to check with another person before you entertain this option of doing such a something. That would be called an untruth. The next question is the one that's more painful that I need to address it because of the issues involved and broke my heart when I read this letter if you're in a particular fragile sensitive place, maybe viewer discretion advised but nevertheless. This is an important topic how to address the recent suicides. Hi, I'm sure you heard of the double suicide by two girls in Jerusalem this week this past week. What do you have to say regarding this matter? To me this points to a deep problem in our society our system, but that word is way overused young people myself included feel no connection and meaning are teachers and Educators live with their memories and the memories effects and the men and their memories effects, which cannot be transferred to others. They live by words that are black and white while the words were spoken by a living loving person, which by definition is in black and white Judaism by us became either plain. And empty rules that interest only those void of any interest or some undefined siddhis kite possessing no structure or inherent meaning meaning for some it works those that like following rules those that found some excitement or status, etc. Etc. But for most youngsters used for the effect, no one knows the true numbers. So I'm not suggested. I know the what the numbers are. All it takes is a little trigger and this dream world comes crashing down be it sexual abuse not little it's not a little thing emotional abuse emotional Detachment social difficulties Financial challenges easily blend on our system marital problems sexual issues and the list goes on so Rabbi Jacobsen how many more suicides? Will it take the shake up? Shake us up and make a change my guess no change to our system will ever happen. But if I may make a suggestion the roots of the problem won't change, but let's at least be more proactive about taking care of the symptoms and diseases there needs to be a Mental Health Organization geared specifically for the voters. Baruch Hashem. There's more wealthy Lubavitch than ever and this can easily be subsidized by our own. They will be ecstatic to support this entire organization that can be a subdivision geared toward slocum's kids, especially those that left home at an early age. This is a must. Thank you for starting this podcast and creating a platform to educate and help us. If I'm a request. Can you please indicate in the description of the episode they will be addressing this topic so I can find your response. Thank you. I've had other. Request written request to speak about this. I also had a heart-wrenching phone call from an anonymous young woman who says she knew these girls same age same situation and herself is a risk as she put it and she says it's really / coefficient the deepest form of the way. She was a cry for help. So Anna platform consider supplied. My life is it has applied a real issue like this cannot be ignored. That's why I'm addressing it. That's not the first time I've spoken about it, even though I don't like to refer to say okay, you know, I've spoken about it here go to this and this number program. It's a little insensitive. So I'm not going to do that right now, even though I will give some reference simply because it's on the record and I have spoken about so let me just share a few words on this topic. Of course this girl that called me I try to give her as much encouragement hope and try to give her get involved in something exactly right. I mean suicide of course is Run this on the family. I mean can't even imagine I don't even know what to say. So of course the first thing is to extend our constellations comforting anyway that each of us can help just give people a little strength a little older hand. It will support encouragement whatever it takes but in the broader picture the question with bothers us all unfortunately the bother sometimes this dissipates as time passes is what's going hang on. Of course, we need short-term Solutions hotlines organizations people who are here and ready to speak to young men and women just to show them that someone cares. That's a big one show them that someone cares but we also have to look at the longer term preemptive. It's simply unacceptable to have young people walking around empty. And feeling unwanted or feeling unfulfilled or feeling bored. I guess a boredom. Ok, so everyone's know it's a vacuum is the beginning. I'm not suggesting. Everyone board is going to become suicidal. God forbid. Absolutely not but why do we even leave a vacuum? Why do we leave nature abhors? A vacuum human nature abhors boredom just to do nothing because then you're looking for things and that always going to be healthy and they're not always going to be distressed destructive completely, but they can be semi destructive and different levels different it. actions different involvements So yes, it is a crisis. We don't have to panic and hysteria, but we have to be sense of urgency and a sense of compelling need to do something to give our children activities that excite them. Yeah, we know this is Shiva system has a structure and no one's suggesting changing that obviously you can add Infuse it with vitality and passion and relevance. Absolutely but not every student is always capable of sitting all day and studying at Anna Bench or seat. Some may need creative Outlets. Some may need extra curricular activities. So may need different ways of doing things. So parents and Educators need to put their heads together to create even more than we've created. And I'm not suggesting. I'm not coming in at some savior that saying here's ideas. You never thought of I might Point really goal is just to bring it to everybody's attention as much as possible and use this platform in the following. Thank God that reaches quite wide to talk about it. The real goal is we should all put our heads together. I'm just throwing out some ideas not just as talk and right and lift up my hands and say, oh, you're very what are we going to do that there we must do this. This has to become a collective and individual effort doesn't we'll have to wait till it hits close to home God. Two-bit, we're all one family and frankly. This isn't just for the bond matures. This is for all people. Obviously begin at home where you are close to your community. But the goal would be to reach everyone and there are organizations that have Arisen to address this we have to work with them and not try to recreate the wheel and see what's needed What's missing? There should be a hotline that anyone can call anonymously and people are ready to volunteer simply to take someone out to dinner or just speak with them or go to a game or whatever. It takes to get somebody a little stimulated and if you see something you see someone that your own child or another child that something seems off that the child seems depressed. We are not allowed to stand by the side and just ignored them be apathetic obviously has to be addressed with sensitivity. Everyone has family. You can just send the adopt a child without proper proper proper discussion with parents. I don't mean adopt physically. I mean in a more psychological sense of the word but to care So I'm putting it on the table for all of us. I made some quick Suggestions by no means exhausted most importantly I want to say this to the people who wrote to me or reached out to me. I'm not going to ignore this will bring it up. You should know you have a sympathetic ear in myself. And anyone I can reach and never forget that and know there are people who care and people who love you unconditionally. Your child of God some loves you put you on this world in this Earth with a purpose unique purpose that you and only you can accomplish and myself included and every one of us. It will be dedicated to help you fulfill that mission and purpose and that's not a small matter because all of existence is hanging in the balance because if you don't do what you have to do, all of us are not complete. And the words of the debit Shivam shown is 70 years that were on honoring now bus the guy that yes, you you have a slick has a particular mission to fulfill and finishing the job and bringing the machinery and the Google we have to join together to address this all this crisis again in a way that is a balanced way not talking about hysteria and panic but not one. That's either complacent and just to be able to just to do it because Justice That we're doing something. Everyone has thoughts and suggestions. Please submit them to me. I'll be happy to share them. If you want me to read something or you have something I'd like to like to share with me that I can present everybody and welcome them as some way please do so as well. I'm a partner in anyone wanting to address such a critical issue because this is under Foster's These Are the souls then the sum is the sum is have our youth this is the future. These are the people who will March us and all of us into the Ghulam eat this fresh lime. So going forward maybe never know from any such tragedies again, but the whole so going forward. We need to know what we have to do and should do I must do to prevent anything of this nature short-term and long-term. Okay. I did speak about this topic. As I said, I would refer to simply not because I'm trying to be technical but because there's more information there episodes to 13 through 215 was a lot about our teenagers drowning and episode 244 as well. And I hope never have to speak about it not because I don't want and I'm because I'm pushing it away, but because never needs to speak about it because we'll have solved our cashews. Okay? Would that let us go to the next topic? So the last few weeks we've been speaking a lot about secular wisdom secular sciences and Torah and the balance is all began with the rambam. Oh no VOC and so if you're interested in this topic and you're listening for the first time just go back to episodes. This is 293. I began in 1991 with a birthday of the the yard side rather the outside of the rambam cough Davis speaking about this topic, but there's still some issues that I have addressed over. Years because this has been a recovery period idea and questions that people ask about secular wisdom secular teachings torrent. So on so I'm going to do one or two more and will continue as we go in the coming weeks because time limitations Okay, so a little follow-up first of all. Follow-up to the previous episodes secular studies and how to gain per nozzle without learning secular studies. And also without going on Slickers this person's writing about that saying, thank you so much for your amazing presentations every week. Question number one that I have in this week's episode this last week's episode 292 while discussing the idea of secular studies. You mentioned that the main idea the rebel wanted to bring out was with who speak with the speaking about secular studies was thinking in the gate the idea of taxes. I either you need a career to succeed. I was always under the impression that it wasn't just a philosophical idea. But rather than in practice, there should be only the Moody kadish only Hebrew studies Jewish studies and Chabad schools. Not even English and math. Am I wrong? No, you're not wrong. I focused on that primary thing because that was a big driving element that the rebels spoke about because remember in the Toyota now cause all you find Scholars tannoy manometer. I'm who were masters of mathematics in physics and cosmology and astronomy laws of vehicles Kiddush accreditation a Ravine and so on and there were those that actually involved and they have dialogues with different to scientists and thinkers. So there's nothing per say about cock Mahatma but going Tommy there is a wisdom with which God created the world. We spoke about that's not the purpose of existence that you find the Taylor but there's a wisdom. There's a science there's a anatomy of whether it's Anatomy or biology or chemistry or Dermatology or ecology. You can go on from A to Z to zoology. So there's a science to it. The question is when it's balanced and you understand that it's part of the picture of how God created the world and is complemented by knowing why he created it. It's one thing but when there's an imbalance in the sun they focus. We're only going to focus on the tool chest on the science and forget about the God that was major thing that the rebel wanted to address in addition because we do live in a society where science is worshipped it sometimes worst. It's almost like a religion if not more. That the rebels talking about that, of course bring a from Tanana Thomas kabocha beneficial, especially philosophies and so on. So, of course there's more to it and I discussed in many earlier episodes, which I referred to and I'm going to go refer to them again. But then the day riding a bicycle or driving a car or knowing how to add two plus two is four balancing your account. Is that secular studies? Penmanship how to write a letter how to sign a letter we all do it one way or another but we don't worship. It's not an end in itself. It's a tools like learning how to use a screwdriver or Hammer not to dismiss the column of it the wisdom of it but not to worship it. How much to study yes in a holy environment that ever wanted as much surrounding children, especially in impressionable years with as much good douches possible, but it's inevitable even give Mario can understand what certain math without me certain mathematical principles. The rebel was careful that it shouldn't become an end in itself. I've always maintained that I never felt that the devil was saying that children should not be taught maybe outside of school or their parents or home taught certain basic skills. We're not talking about the loss of his of a secular world or or a pasta thoughts of atheists or agnostics Her heresy, we're talking about skills and trades and so on. Question number two. What is the prognosis solution for Anna wants to abide by the principle of not learning secular studies and doesn't feel like he can be a Slayer or mechanic an educator. As you mentioned. This week's in this past weeks episode. Thank you again, and I hope to learn from you concerning these issues. So this is again we've spoken about a number of times. I'll just be brief because it's a topic obviously that's still relevant than affects everybody obviously being Ashley economy in the working in The area's I'll tell us a kadish. Which means areas that are connected to kedusha to Tater to teaching education or Slickers and so on click a Dish as we call it that's optimal. But that doesn't mean we have many many years from my man. Whatever their Slickers is and sometimes even the lever push them in that direction. Everything has to always be done towards the Divine even if you're working in something that is not directly. Click a turd. About Lasik business and finance a merchant a dealer a Trader a retailer wholesaler. I mean goes on and on people in computers people in different areas of the business world that too has guidelines. It has a lot of guidelines for that how one Masters that to be honest. I've heard so many different stories. I hear people who made a lot of money and they'll tell you they never went to any school. They just had good instincts. Good Common Sense the good with people and Basel others. Yes, some people went alone computer training others different traits. So I don't know if there's a black and white answer to this question because you've seen both you've seen people's to majorly successful without any of any secular studies at all. You have others with secular studies that are not that successful. Does it up your chances? Look there are many people who did not go to secular education now that they're in business. They may go to a workshop. They may go here at all. They may go to a seminar. They may go to continuing education. They are you talking about people already our families who have a center in their lives. It's a whole different story that have been made that very clear and is directly connected to Panos inaudible says if it's upon us it's a whole different story. It's a particular goal, but the salmon is study and maybe it's going to help our NASA as another story. Again. It's Case by case and it's hard to make one black and white room and those that do often make mistakes and they're not necessarily doing Justice to the members nuances. Is and all the other areas that are not always so black and white. Okay. Another follow-up was we spoke about science and Taylor's question was why is science not tired. It's also from God talk about the wisdom of God the Divine wisdom and creation not humans human wisdom. So follow-up, you mentioned that science isn't tainted because it isn't direct instruction to elaborate which means Tatum Russian are at ETA is when you want to know what God wants you to do once you to wake up in the morning and Daven or let's take me to assessor that I saw over there a button whatever it may be Tanya Mitchell is there tells you what you want you to do the spirit of Allah. Even if my Danny is not a mistress that ice, but it's the spirit. Cassius Obviously things like obviously slow The Ten Commandments. I mean, I'm not going to just randomly choose anything. That's Direction God is that's what I want you to do. This is how you will be the healthiest possible person and this is what you should avoid doing because we're doing it you become destructive to yourself and to others that's Tara science doesn't speak so statement science will tell you facts. I will tell you that here is what makes something tick this is what makes the clock tick. This is what makes the planets move. These are the subatomic particles that shape atoms that in turn shape molecules that in turn shape elements. If you manipulate certain energies, you can create Technologies. It doesn't tell you this is what you should do morally or ethically So what is direct link a direct track of reflection of what God wants you to be the other our tools as I said before means that help you build a nice home and then you use the home the shim sham. I called my circle - I'm sure my Beholder today. You can study the atom and learn about God's Unity as the rubber explains in a letter as well as other things everything. Actually. Everything is a lesson alike, but it's a lesson to the thing itself is a means. You have a table the table is a means to eat either the kosher meal learnt a doubt. It is a solution. For people to come together and do something to do with the Dynamics of the table itself that science understanding the table so science does not have that direct thing. So this is the question now asks, however, there's a lot of discussion and later. There's not instruction even parts that discuss how among the world is like the First new fruit program of the rambam, which he brings to appreciate the Godless of ocean. Surely that is that is Taylor. Why isn't learning about the greatness of the world Taylor because you want to understand the greatness of Hashem. So I'm let me bring the question into two parts. That's the question that not everything in Taylor is a Mitzvah braces bottle that comes from Amazon is not a mitzvah. It's about friends actually addresses that that it should have started with that. Kinda says I look huh, which is the first myth chapter after chapter The Narrative the story is invitations and in New York and a lock on the Arrow here and there you have a Mitt Romney. You have the midst of guitar nauseous one of the myths with the brought in be safe operations Bruce Miller, but most is that and even later Ash mice a lot of it is narrative. And then there's no locks. However, because the stator everything's my lotion Hydra not just like the Monsanto says everything we see in here is a lesson this table teaches us something Taylor every letter and Theta is Direction and therefore every letter and Taylor has lessons. Sometimes it's a Mitzvah sometimes in the form of a lesson, but everything has less that's number one. The other way around is the second half of the question. And what about in Taylor when you when you have things like talk about Draya Sherman? Have he brings to the first four chapters of the rambam? Or we talk about Godless, whatever you talk about mother Abu mosa, there are parts and tater that talk about that and you go further and commodity you find a lot of that. Why isn't that so the answer to that? Why is that? Why is that not it is tired if it's broadened Taylor directly and I but I cited the letter of the debe the different levels. There are things in Taylor that talk that I won't say called scientific, but they talk about a natural element. So then it is you make Burke et cetera, and that's a combination. You can say that's an interface and what's its Taylor and also talks about something of the world. But then there's things that Youmans discovered through their own efforts. And that's the difference between the two. So in the number I'm says that yes, Kate's the govt. How do you come to love and all of God by beam has been contemplating on the greatness of nature. Now if it says in a parsec like when they never spoke about not looking at animals or not having animals that were not pure he said, of course, it's an animal that's written about in the Tater then it stayed at your learning Tara. So when you go outside and you look at the Sun and the Moon and you look at The Meadows and you look at the field, you look at the awesomeness of nature. That's that is the world and use finding the godliness in it. If you're learning in an apostle or nachazel or Nama that is part of Ted. It's not a contradiction. That's the short answer of it. Okay? I see time is running the clock ticks. So let me do one more. You know what Wonder more follow-up we're going to do the see this question. As you see I'm trying to fit in as much as possible. So the cover as much as possible, but he can't always do it that way. So here's the see this question a very good because it is questions really a question in the past. But since it's says talks about it, I decided Well pulled part of the casinos question. So in this week's passions were now going into partial boy. And I didn't mention that the beginning but now I'll mention it because boy it's also the straightest route tonight sort of creative thought we covered because the beginning of the month of spot, especially huge shock for us City bishvat. So partial boy is of course a pastor that first half of it is the darkest darkest Exile in Egypt the last Marcus the last three markers and this and the second half is bad. So my aim as a the day the 15th of Nisan when the even marched out of mitzrayim and there a toward her CNA It's here hossam its limits. I'm toughness of the King as a leaky Maharaja. So it's um, it's interesting a partial that could have ended it at the end of Gaza start goal and not comes together as the lab explains because God is singular two sides of one coin. The goddess is purpose is Gula. That's why they ran Bain Ahmed is causes entire safer, even though the first two and a half chapters is about a deep Exile dark abyss. He calls the whole safe is safe our goal the English major panis rahl, these are the names which they entered into the Godless and these are the names of which they came out of God. Listen to grow older. Okay, that's a general. So in the in these episodes in this narrative, what do we find? We find of course the confrontation of moisture with pottery and Maka aftermarket 10 plagues were party refuses to let the Jews golf's a one plague and then a harsher plague and a harsher plague and it goes on and on we find an interesting expression and this is the question hardening of far part of his heart, but yet but Live party they've been able to see God hardened parties heart. We keep reading in the That party wanted to let the Jews go but God hardened his heart. And therefore he refused is that fair? Why would probably be punished if you really wanted to let go but God took away his free choice, excellent question. So the medalists actually asked the question medicine Davos miserable you give me give me a 13-3 ask the question. And as he says it gives food to those Skeptics who say what kind of judgment is I'm kind of free will is people have free will God is taking away free will. So there's no number of answers given to this rather armband and Zion chemo last week's chapter Zion gimel 7 3 says, this is a non question. That I'm band sizes midrashim and basically sites two different answers and overlap the two answers. He calls them both true answers sluggish. The first answer is given is that you don't take away free will but party had shown and demonstrated they refused. After one plague or another he refused five times to do a party but my sister said in the name of God, despite the plagues. That's why you don't find by the first five plays. You don't find any place that God hardened his heart. His own heart was hardened. He hardened his heart even though he was punished. So the measure says there comes a point where you know, you've already basically written your own script was very clear. So God hardening his heart was a punishment for what he had brought upon himself. So had he been conciliatory in the first five plagues. Okay, but II five things you start seeing God's expression. So the hardening of the heart is actually a punishment a punishment years that this point we're taking away your free. Will that's the punishment for what you refused refused time after with all the chances. You were given is still not a complete answer obviously because you say one second person is always hope but there is an expression of all the time at iron is a person who comes to be purified. He's pure if he's given the power to Pure five person who shows the opposite Defiance. He's also given food for his Defiance somewhere that A second mother says the rambam sights Sacramento says not without a punishment. It was an order to punish. Seeing how depraved and seeing how defiant party was God hardened his heart in order to punish them with more plagues. Actually. The verse says one of the verses it says God hardened his heart in order to show Miracles Miracles can be both the Miracles of the plagues other Miracles, but it came to show So one is that punishment itself? And other is that it came to pass as in order to punish them. But what do you learn from this? What do you learn from this not that there's no free. Will you learn from this that the psychologically speaking a person controls their Destiny and they have the right to be able to choose and even repent but there are times we so become so consumed with our own Egos and our own self-interest that we don't want to hear. As very possible. Yes a plague may have caused party to regret but then he would have regretted. Anyway, you see even after the markers behaviors what happened? With all any funny said chasing the Jews out of its I mean still pursued them God knew exactly what was in this heart. It's hard that not repented. Was God hardening his heart was revealing what he really is. He's a person who will not learn. Also when you go in to see this you see not so simple God hardening his heart. It's cause and effect. There's no punishment punishment is causing the effect when you become so corrupt and so evil. So Jenna Seidel and inhumane. Yes, you become contaminated. Can you do to everyone can do but there comes a point where you've contaminated so much you've killed enough people that yes, if Hitler was caught no one would say maybe still has regrets. He did too much damage. And that means hardening is like a cause and effect an effect of your own behavior. So whether it's the first interpretation that that itself that's a punt that that that's the punishment the hardening or it's the lead to punishment which have overlap. That's the deeper understanding of it and it fits perfectly that's what human beings can do. We could destroy our Spirits. This doesn't mean your soul always lives on but not in this form of shape. Now, there are other other explanations as well some discuss it as hardening is that is it come from the word heavy heart not necessarily hardening. Is the pradosham of the abuse of Albany claim is out of eh Karma and the Cadence it's called the other explanations as well some describe it more. The personality. God was revealing his personality, but regardless the answer is that it's not a contradiction to Free Will and so on as I just explained. It was a follow-up question to that as well. Why did God punish the Egyptians and also punish the Jews in the desert? Why did he have to punish the Egyptians to force them to release the Jews? Why couldn't the use of positive? I couldn't you use positive reinforcement. The same can be asked about many of the punishments of the Jews in the desert. Yes positive reinforcement is always the first way to go but there comes a point where you see clearly party was a not exactly going to respond to therapy or to positive reinforcement as powerful as it is some man that was out. He made a very big conspiracy and plot. Literally I use Hitler because it's a contemporary example and it wasn't about oh, that's that's appease him. Let's maybe discuss his mother his father. It was very clear what his intentions were and you have to know when positive enforcement Works reinforcement. When that and appeasing as Churchill said appeasing an enemy like that is feeding the crocodiles the hope that you'll be last as we've seen unfortunately. So again punishment is about cause and effect and every Case Case by case. With that let us go to the essays. So we have three essays. This is still from last year's contest. I've always find it intriguing and stimulating to read these essays the first one in Hebrew. Kaka the Lord Shiva that's how it is is not an answer when people say what does that that's all it is Mayor Hobart H20 clock about Israel student and she weekday let him hit me make a jacket. So the nature of a person who begins is that everything is asked her is requested to do he's always looking for an explanation or excuse. Why is not doing this see blames on this one blames on that one? And then the ends up being a life that is essentially filled with excuses. He goes on to say in this essay is going to address that tendency that yuman tendency based on synthesis based on our potential our capacity and how we Adorn ourselves that Injustice when we are constantly looking for excuses and talking about the gruel and believable balance of a human beings potential and fulfilling with God wants oven very very strong. Essay. I found that to be very powerful. And really inspiring and stimulating another side towards that doesn't succumb to excuses and procrastination and all that humans can unfortunately succumb to the second. Essay is teenage rebellion hyungs Worth age 16 Johannesburg South Africa student the tour Academy girls high school. Many young people struggle internally she writes they look at themselves and wonder who am I? I've changed over the years both in appearance and personality. But what stays the same what is my essence? By looking internally this can also enhance the question. Sometimes it can feel like one is two-faced and sometimes contradictory. Am I good or bad? Do I believe in God or not? These tug, these questions tug of human consciousness goes on to say especially by teenagers. This questioning has a very strong impact we will address this issue by looking to the spiritual makeup of a person according to Exodus through this will be able to understand why a person could have a hard time figuring out who they are. We will also discover. Able to understand why a person could have a hard time figuring. Yes, we'll also discover the source of teenage rebellion on how one can not only overcome it. But also use it for good it goes on to discuss this the animal Soul the Divine soul. How they battled with each other and how we can apply it to specially to teenage challenges. Well done, especially a topic which course addresses something. I spoke about earlier challenges teenagers today. And finally the next essay is perpetuating inspiration. Smoothie heft age 18, Sunnyville, Sunnyvale, California Student that you she was Lubavitch, Toronto. The previous Lubavitch rebbe a once shared with his decision one must serve god with his own efforts a person can reach Greater Heights in the service when he when he is led by a by the hand from above it is more Pro, but it is more precious though. When one puts in the labor to walk on his own goes on to discuss inspiration. Expiration motivation and how one has to find ways to initiate and Inspire themselves from the bottom up very very apropos to the theme of bustling ghani the debits team about self our effort self-initiative arousal From Below. And the scribes it didn't really beautiful terms of the good Parable another excellent essay. Always impressed very impressed and with that we conclude the essays and with that we conclude this episode 293 of my life because it has supplied as I said look forward as far as coming and we have to do whatever kind of 70 years doesn't happen every day. So we have to look for this type of special time specialist time as a springboard for great things. So we'll be announcing some programs to come and especially next week. So And have a very good hey - laughs traitors are haters of discussions of connection reconnecting to the Divine mission to the mission that the rebel charged us with the mission that the rebel was charged with and the Seventh Generation leading us to how to infuse existence with the Divine in every possible way and not in any type of abstract way but in Practical terms and bring the skin of the Earth to the Ghulam, it is vajrayana. We're here every Sunday 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. As I said, And have a blessed Traders and we'll see each other next week the week of yours fat be well. This program is brought to you by my life. Consider supplied. Please help us continue our programs make even a small contribution at the city donate.
Addressing the Personal and Emotional Needs of Our Community and Answering the Most Pressing Questions of Our Lives -- from the Perspective of Chassidic Thought. TOPICS: • Chassidus Applied to Rosh Chodesh Shevat and Bo  0:23 • 6th annual MyLife: Chassidus Applied Contest, with a new artistic track: The power of initiating and presenting Chassidus in written or artistic form 1:41 • How to prepare for the approaching 70th anniversary of the Rebbe’s leadership? 2:59 • Was the Rebbe's statement that we are the last generation of galus and the first generation of geulah just a bracha and a wish? 20:26 • Is it okay for a tzaddik to say an untruth? 24:49 • How to address the recent suicides? 34:52 • Follow up (episode 292): Secular studies 45:56 • Chassidus question: Why did G-d harden Pharoah’s heart and then punish him? 58:26 • My Life 2019 essays:      o ככה” זו לא תשובה”, Meir Heber, 20, Kfar Chabad, Israel 01:05:55      o Teenage Rebellion, Chaya Youngworth, 16, Johannesburg, South Africa 01:07:05      o Perpetuating Inspiration, Shmuli Hecht, 18, Sunnyvale, CA 01:08:22 Submit your question now at or email: WEBSITE: EMAIL US: SPONSOR A MYLIFE: CHASSIDUS APPLIED EPISODE, OR EXPLORE OTHER GIVING OPPORTUNITIES: MyLife: Chassidus Applied is a weekly video webcast candidly answering questions from the public about all life matters and challenges, covering the entire spectrum of the human experience. The objective of the program is to provide people with inspired guidance and direction, empowering them to deal with any issue they may face. MyLife demonstrates how Chassidus provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. MyLife is brought to you by the Meaningful Life Center as a public service, free of charge.
We got Canadians we got beers and we got fights coming at you loud and Fast season 1 of Letterkenny. I'm Maria Menounos and you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of TV talk now let the buzz. Hey, what's going on guys Adam car here at AfterBuzz for Letterkenny super excited to talk about the show. I had no idea what it was about it first. I thought wait, this is Trailer Park Boys. No, it's not trailer park boys taking part in Ontario. It's on Hulu for On out loud. It took me a while to get into just the actual vernacular of like what they were saying and then I realized you just how frickin hysterical this show is. So a couple big things happen in this pilot, right? We got Wayne we got Katie we start with them a very hot brother and sister couple. Let's be honest. That's that's like a if they were royalty people would have they would have rumors. Anyway Wainwright. He's broken up with his girlfriend. He's lost his Mojo So it's all about Wayne challenging people finding out if he's the toughest guy again and Letterkenny then. We also got a lot of bar scenes here. A lot of bars hands right lot of this for all the dicks hang out. We have a wonderful to a burning bush youth group. Which Wayne goes to your we're going to talk about that. That's a real fish out of water. And finally at the end here. We're going to see and talk about Glenn right Glenn the wonderful guy Pastor. He does a didgeridoo solo right only in Ontario, but let's get into it right now. Let it Kenny starts off. We got this guy Wayne kind of talks like this little squinty eyed, right? It's but I have like a little double chin thing going on here. He's like really chisel is like, all right, that's what we're doing and every like cold open. I love it too. It's like ham and a German Shepherd. It's very American, but obviously, it's not it's Canadian. So Wayne lost his girlfriend. There's lots of jokes about jerking off. This is definitely this is a man show me tell you something about that. They got swearing they have fights. They go to full fucking limit. Am I allowed to swear man? I swear on AfterBuzz. I just did. I'm sorry. Anyway, they're swearing on the show. So obviously are you okay with swearing Wayne gets on Tinder, right? Can you imagine that just back and forth? Okay. Yeah her no no. Oh fuck. No, not her. Yep. Oh definitely. Oh, that's a Texas Ten-Four. By the way, we're going to do a little special segment in a bit. But Texas 10 for big fan also weigh-ins language for the show Pitter Patter Pitter Patter Craig guy Let's see we go to the burning bush youth group, right because Wayne's told that he's supposed to get out there get in the mix. He can barely find anybody to talk to he doesn't know what's going to happen. Finally Katie's trying to pick him up a lot. She's got a lot of things that she's recommending for him. Then we're going to meet the the meth rock group right these these kids Stewart Devon Roald. These are like Clockwork Orange spin-off Canadian methods. Basically. We took Clockwork Orange and then you took Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad and put them together. I believe you'd have Stewart like, huh? He's like this open down math. All he has to do is like if you get Like bitch, then he'd be like the Canadian Jesse Pinkman, but I don't think you will because you already doing a great thing guy. So keep going the way you are those kids talking super fast. That's what I love about the show. Everything is like did it out of that that it up turn it up, but I don't know. It's got a very fast Rhythm and Tempo. I love the show. I love how Glenn at the burning bush youth group does a didgeridoo solo. I was talking about glennis, maybe one of my favorite characters because it's basically him. I'm trying to get every guy to take off their clothes. Definitely it's hysterical. It's like oh, how are you feeling if you just want to take off your pants and I'll do whatever just let the Lord say of the way you were just in your birthday suit go ahead and do it and actually surprised how good I am at that character. You should tell my girlfriend. Let's see then finally towards the end. There's a there's a mean guy kind of walking around right because Wayne's been challenging people. He had one of them. Let's see. He's been challenged like all these guys to fight. So at the end like Wayne's not really he's like fighting guys, but he hasn't really gotten his mojo back. He hasn't really found a reason to get back out there because girlfriend left me feel sad The Whole Town's kind of pissing on and making him feel bad about himself. And then there's this drunk idiot who comes out at the bar afterwards, right? And he's taking a piss and as he takes a piss, there's just mean guy who walks outside right kind of like real Aryan race looking do just like, you know, kind of I'll swab like a bad guy from Die Hard. That's how I would kind of describe them like with short hair and he takes out his phone right and feels like feels like a very douchey as a rapey vibe to him and he just kicks the guy down who's taking a leak. Who does that? You don't kick a guy when he's taking a leak, especially outside of a bar when he's drunk. There's like a bro code certain things you don't do is bro. You don't date someone sister. You definitely don't date someone's X you have to get explicit permission and then number three you don't kick a guy down into the trash. Trying to take a leak outside like a human being I was going to say are they free in America? This isn't America. This is Canada. They're like supposed to be really good over there, right they like unlock their doors and put maple syrup everywhere. So anyway, Wayne sees that and it's funny because that's the moment where he snaps up and this is a great moment because Wayne's character we're kind of not sure what he is, but we know now that he's Noble he's good. This guy isn't he won't screw you over. He won't hurt somebody else just for his own good and Wayne walks Over Heels. Hey, you know that wasn't nice talking to his like Canadian way, but he's kind of you know, he's grumpy. He's Like this real manly chest so it's actually like really scary when he talks to another guy and the mean guy looks at him and he's like, yeah, fuck you fuck him. And he's like tell you what, I'm gonna go talk to your sister over there bet she's in for a good time. And that's the moment where Wayne snaps back because he attacked his sister something they cared about and then Wayne beats the shit out of this guy. Everybody comes outside, right? We got Riley Jonesy the hockey Knuckleheads. You got all the meth kids coming out you got Dan Daryl Dairy for short they all come outside and they're like, oh my God, they're like Wayne got his mojo back. So there you go. And now Wayne is the tough guy again Letterkenny some special things in my takeaway from the show its pilot episode. I loved that's a texas-sized 10 for every time they want to say something. I said that a bit more Texas rural like that's a texas-sized 10 for yeah. That's what I'm saying. Texas-sized 10-4. I'm just going to say it one more time because I love the way it sounds that's a texas-sized Ten-Four. And of course, this is the pilot episode. For Letterkenny absolutely loved it. Please be sure we're going to do episode 2 here coming up next. I handles funny guy in 1985. Also, if you want to check me out its Adam I am a hand model. Thank you guys very much. Good night our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you We've got it so go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz ya later. Hmm, but he's expressed herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners are principles.
Adam Carr Talks Episode 1! The Canadian comedy hit is returning for a new season; but we're not only covering that. Let's start at the beginning! Seasons 1 through the end, join THE AFTERBUZZ TV LETTERKENNY AFTER SHOW PODCAST as every week we break down the Hockey, the Farts, the Canada, and dibs those digits fellas. Subscribe and comment to stay in the know! About Letterkenny: Letterkenny revolves around the antics of the residents of a small rural Canadian community called Letterkenny. Expanding the cast from the web series, the series focuses on Wayne and Katy (created for the TV series, though obliquely referenced earlier, unnamed), siblings who run a small farm and produce stand, with help from Wayne's two friends: Daryl and "Squirrely" Dan (created for the TV series). It also focuses on a pair of local hockey players (Reilly and Jonesy) who are involved in a polyamorous relationship with Katy. Episodes deal with life in a small town, amongst different types of people: the farmers (the "hicks"), the out-of-towners who make up the local hockey team, the town's minister, the local drug addicts (the "skids"), and members of the local First Nation (the "natives"). Often plots revolve around Wayne defending his reputation as "the toughest guy in Letterkenny", the exploits of the perennially losing local hockey team, Wayne's attempts to break up his sister's open relationship with two of the members of the team, schemes by "the skids" to rip off the residents of both Letterkenny and a nearby First Nations reserve, and Wayne's various attempts to find love after the breakup of his high school sweetheart relationship of five years. In later seasons, the scripts feature wordplay and puns as a running joke to convey the intelligence of the small town characters.
Kevin welcome back to the 90th minute. We are your hosts. We got Greg Lucas myself Liam co-host was is not here yet again, but we will be phoning him later today. He'll be joining us like Luke's head over the phone, especially get to the Bundesliga is lost to talk about and that subjective answer. Yeah, I guess but if you are new to the 90th minute make sure you are subscribed on YouTube following us along on any and all of our social media links are in the bayou. Make sure you like the video.Calm down below get involved in the conversations. Let's kick it off or what is yours is hand gestures you doing here don't don't need this is so excited right now. Let's kick it all I think we're starting like he said with the FA Cup Lucas you're on top of the world. You are a Liverpool supporter best team in the world yet the batch today. Yes, and yes, you drew 2-2 to Shrewsbury probably our worst performance of the year at least a second half. I think you are performance in a rather long time. I got to be honest. I mean, there's been some bad ones. Like we've actually lost matches but not to Shrewsbury Shrewsbury thirdly no offense to Shrewsbury if you're a Shrewsbury Town fat, it's fantastic for you. I give you a huge. Oh, yeah. This is a huge day for you. You beat the best team in the world right now. Yeah, they didn't beat us. What are you talking about? It's right to draw but it's basically gets a win in their bullets victory for shoes. Give them crunched. Much credit they get to go to anfield now. I'm yeah, that's incredible. That's but uh, yeah, um, honestly it was just yeah, like I said that second half is probably one of the ripples worst performances. I've seen maybe nine months kind of thing. Yeah. I don't maybe I don't even think last season had a worse performance may be one of the Napoli matches, but it does kick off the show with Curtiss Jones getting a goal for Liverpool. Yep, good finish from yet again, you know, he's getting good goals for you guys if you You were a regular side. He probably get first team minutes, but you're not a regular team. No. No, I want to say first team minutes. He'd be on that Off the Bench Off the Bench. Yeah, but I wanted to thank you. It's just good to see that Liverpool still has this upcoming youth that's going to be producing and young Talent you yes, they're brilliant right now, but on paper at least looks at they'll be very good for the future nothing but things seem quite comfortable for a bed. But throughout the first half you could see some signs of Bree having some life in them. They got in behind our back line a handful of times. Sometimes they're off side. Sometimes they were Liverpool made some mistakes with some passing obviously with Joel not even love her and coming back from injury Trade Center backfiring right there. I mean, hey wonderfully fed. They can be great players. I think Mighty bad times. This season was one of the Reports best players begin. My team has definitely improved since Van Dyke's arrival I'd say but they just come back from lunch and front. They just come back from a pretty long injury. Yeah, and you know usually say Liam you this is their first both their first game since come. Yeah, right Liam, you wouldn't be in the best shape coming back from a long and drink you want to be in the best shape either way, but not in great shape as it is. I mean, I am what I am looking. So why are you trying to call me out every episode here last week it was because I had a bad hamstring this was gonna call me out for my injury. I've been shits inside - get a concussion. That's understandable. No, I'm talking about the summer. I sprained my ankle is leg. Yeah, okay, whatever. Moving on. Yeah it ever comes to nil with an own goal from mr. Love. I believe it was his name. Yeah. I also wanted to mention it was also 15 euros first start since his injuries came off at times but that own goal from love yikes. I didn't see it. Even it was like one of the most common comments calmest own goals I've ever seen. Okay, it's just like the ball comes to me just just passes it behind like trying to get it behind for a corner kick, but just passes it calmly into his own net enough just it. It is sometimes that just happens. I mean, it's like okay, I'm not making an analogy but we reality is about it. It's a bad combination. It is not combination. It honestly should never happen but it's going to happen again, since you have a minute 60th minute is the chaining in the turning point of this match. Jason Cummings comes off the bench for for Shrewsbury not have watched. Mr. Cummings play. He's played Hibbs and Rangers X Rangers Larry player. He's not great. I don't like him. He's gonna bad tattoo. Ooh, and I couldn't really tell he has a joker mouth tattoo on his hand. He celebrates like dibala and it looks like he's smiling. He didn't do that today did do it today twice. I didn't understand because twice because apparently was watching that I was probably annoyed that we'd consider didn't even pay attention to Jason Cummings does score a brace to make it 2-2 in the 65th and 75th minutes absolute seen all the yeah. First one was a penalty of conceived by one of our youth players love Ruchi some could argue. Could have been a red card but you know penalty I think that's more than fair enough and they take it they score like shoes burry despite being down to nil and their fans just looking devastated after being to nil life in them and they fight and they kept putting pressure on to Liverpool's returning back line and not strong back line at the moment. It's good to see that a young team. Learn a smaller team like that is going to come out from halftime and push back against magic. It's the best these small teams going against some of the biggest teams in the world and you actually having fight I having that hard having the home crowd the home crowd behind them. I'm talk too much Magic from the FA Cup this year though. This is Magic. Right? I mean, this is one of only a few times I've seen some sort of magic. Well just because there's no one eating a pie at draw on the field. I mean that I don't care about sewn eating a pie I care about what's happening. I think they'll go down in this historically. Of the best FA Cup moment in history run by them having a son sponsorship. So kid. It's okay. But yeah, then they get a second goal. She's in love and gets nutmegged before that Mattie gets out headed had advised if I judge the world dejan lovren. Yeah, love and gets nutmeg so badly and they score they make it 2-2 fair enough go crazy. Everyone's loving it Shrewsbury fans running on the pitch. You love to see it as you do. Unfortunately just you don't like to see it live. ER pool fans don't like to see I mean, I wasn't really pleased that we drew Shrewsbury like there's things I'd rather not happen. And that's one of them one of them like you wouldn't want to draw. Lincoln town. Wow, why are you coming at least of us are just sitting here about every day's a quiet today. I've come in just half down because Greg's already is team in the lower sides. I can't really make fun of him about that. You could argue the championship was better than Scotland like it should probably a good it'd be a good match. I think I think we'd beat you probably may be lots you twice. Yeah, what is formed on Lucy's City will get there, but it's not Chester City because To to the game ends their scenes for the reports upsetting definitely because it's terrible result but also because now they have to go for a replay in the winter break and then you mentioned before we started you're going to clap has come out and said I'm not going to be there the starting eleven is not going to be there. We're playing our youth team. Yeah, because which is it's good for the Youth team, but they get more games it is but yeah this allows for the senior players to have a winter break because go off as a team. So we're probably Dubai or something. Not because the primarily cure some context that needs to be added to be the context of the passage. So Club said the last year the EPL. So yeah, the Premier League sent the club's a letter asking them not to organize friendlies Etc during the break and to respected as a break and he said that he is pretty much falling the letters request and will play the kids in the replay and respect the winter break as a break. I mean, yeah, I agree with that and I mean the Liverpool players deserve a break they've been Playing a lot of games of high-intensity matches of recently. And I mean, I think if you could ask Liverpool fans and Jürgen klopp, they say let's focus on winning the Premier League, even though it's done. They've won the Premier League, you know, they say, you know, let's rest of the the key players for the FA Cup. Let's does not care with as much focus on the primary focus on Champions League win the big trophy. So it's good for the kids of Liverpool. Yeah, you just gotta hope that they can go back teenagers. Come on man. Give them some credit. And it's not actually even all teenagers. You probably have some of your maybe a few of the other players. Also, he said no senior players know that way it gives them a good chance to play at anfield and show that they can do it. I just wish that we would have won the game and this pop out one. Come all just get it done, you know don't don't allow another equal or even law. Well, I would never want to lose a king. But if we lost the report looser Shrewsbury, that's kind of what I was saying earlier is like you kind of just I would rather it just be over. So then I say we I want to risk try to respect the FA Cup because it is a historic trophy. But the incentive for you isn't there right now like oh you'd rather win big you're focusing on the Champions League in the and the primary. We're not trying to win a trouble out here. We don't like you would like to if I mean if it happens, yeah, but we're not going to we're not going to try to be like 1999 Manchester United's just want to trouble like yeah, like asking for a trouble for a first for in the year. You won your first ever Premier League after almost 30 years. Not wearing domestic League. That's your focus. Yeah, and honestly it is what it is that even bringing on most Salon from you know later on didn't really help solid pass it to our substitute was walking off the pitch. Okay, not ideal but your results for Liverpool ultimately is I'm saying rather than meaningless. They'll have replay chances are they'll go through it's just a bit of annoyance. I don't know chances are they should go through? It's just a bit of an annoyance room for Shrewsbury. This is huge for them is huge for the players are fans as to be a extremely memorable night for them. You know, they beat or they drew. The best team in the world, you know, the the soon-to-be Premier League champions the reigning Champions League champions. It's huge. And I mean for Jason coming to score a brace. He'll never forget that even though he's a bit of a prick but hey calm down there. You'll need to call every Rangers player. He is Rangers are X-ray first players first Morelos. Now this guy have you ever watched out for help you hate you Jermain Defoe as well. Jermain Defoe does what he does. He's a bit of a retirement home. Basically. He's come to Scotland to retire. Hernandez went to LA but you know, whatever. Okay, let's move that's another thing. I just want to mention from the Shrewsbury boss a mark Goodson. Oh, he said last week that replay would enable the club to buy a video analysis equipment for the training ground and better drainage for some of their bitches is one thing with FA Cup is the small teams are huge money out of it that they don't normally get any a replays are huge for them, you know, or even just getting primary matches at the Premier League round you a couple. And you know a thousand extra pounds yet. The people going to the see these I'm sure she was very was sold out tonight. It's I'm sure what little people come to town even though. It's none of the rules. I mean bark if you see world-class midfielder for be no coming back from injury. Yes and more salad and faith and love World Cup final is dejan lovren change the goal scorer Chimes the final goal scored the valkyrie key. You get to see him plop. Yeah, just here again is good enough. I've seen you again. It's a good man. You met him. I was not very far away from I was outside. I was very above the tunnel where they walked out of high ear again. Do you yell at him? No, I did. I just I just stood there and watched in. Awe. That's pretty cool. This is the man. Let's talk about Manchester United. What's there to say they don't want they dominate its recovery really quickly mention a had a good reformist today the 1/6 now they can beat this side of sorry that I'm your over so I could beat this side that is close to Liverpool Laura. I don't know if they're from the city or not, but it's like around the area. I think there you go 6 now, but the big headlines are Harry MaGuire gets his first goal for the club. Jesse lingard scores a goal. And so does Phil Jones what a fag just showing A big day for my just we talked about in our last podcast United can't score with our Ashford you they are all we look so obviously still has Tranmere. I mean, you gotta give them a lot of credit. It's very tough to score against Tranmere Rovers moved on to Manchester City and Manchester City also scored a few goals greater. No against Fulham our form fan Greg. Give us your thoughts. I didn't watch the match. I didn't watch any highlights. It's tied in hot. I didn't need to see Manchester City dominate a team again. It started off I said, Two minutes and getting a red card for Fulham. Not a great start. Tim ream game. Marikchis. You guys only had one shot in the match. Look at this again at Manchester City at the end even at Topshop. So I guess you're not going to get into their side of the field Lucas. Look at their lineup still. Yeah, there's a rotated side, but look at the lineup if they're still playing a very very good that's not a rotated side the because this is Menses best chance of a trophy this year. They've said nothing. Yes, all they want. Look at that team. That's not a rotated side. We had no that is a row. Hated side somewhat like the back line is heavily rotated, but it Liam please can I just tell you? All right Gabrielle's days is David Silva Riyad? Mahrez Phil foden kundu on Bernardo Silva as like your front six. Is that a rotated side? I really teams would be a dream Dad. If you if you go to West to West Ham say, hey, do you want to start these signal? Yeah. I'll take them Roger get some minute, sir. Sterling gets some mesh even Johnstone. It's get some minutes. Sorry Aguero you weren't needed today. Greg is a frustrating getting Manchester City for a second year in a row. I mean, yeah, but I also I don't mind getting knocked out because then we can focus on getting promoted break doesn't care about the FA Cup at all. You heard it here first. No, but I care rotate our side a little bit because we have injured your heads. Yes. Just kidding around. I do like have Lucas You're Gonna Lose A Shrewsbury, we might we might apply our youth. I mean everything should have beat our kids. But they don't yeah. Well miss Everton Shrewsbury did better than ever to yes. I did. Okay. So moving on from that actually a very good game. It happened yesterday Chelsea whole city to 1 and ends for the blues. This is a good game Lucas in Chelsea. Just don't say anything Frank Lampard keep saying it. They're just they're just flat that he say that yesterday. So I'm going to say for him because he said something it's like same thing. He's been saying for the past few weeks. I believe something's just off. They're not finishing games. Yeah. Yeah, I mean they just thought that they're all that killer touch. You know, I think that's what you said a little but they don't have the Killer Instinct in front of that. They're not finishing the chances they have because they're getting lots of chances lots of possession. They're just not converting them. So that sound like something Frank would say somewhat. Yeah. I mean, yeah nobody it starts off with Mitch you betcha why scoring the 6-minute it looks like okay. This will be a simple game for Chelsea. You know on but they you know, they've been hit or miss this season tomorrow makes it to nil looking clean and simple easy, but then mr. Kamil gritsky this man still around. Yeah, it was a bit of a if he goal but it's so on in solving a fair playing because any golfer Camille girls this geek is if you go that's not true. They won Banger Camille grazinsky has scored. I'm sure he scored several. He's been playing for many years. I'm not even I would be really upset if a player did not score at least like one. Okay. Yeah, he takes just a decent shot and it goes in and you expect a Phil Jones to score a decent gonna screw this I'm talking about this game. Wasn't that great. Nothing happened here. Yeah. Okay. So yeah, it's also the FA Cup so hum in Psalm does make it wonderful Spurs both both of these teams are honestly looking for Top six right now, or maybe they want silver word to yeah to make their season memorable because South after looking more safe than usual Spurs. This season has just one person been very wishy-washy. Like first played a pretty strong line-up. They did. Yeah. Yes. So Bruno is going to be pissed about having to go do a replay on a present. It is tied up at the end. They'll buy what's his name. Mr. Bufang. Wow. Oh son scored though. I said some sort I didn't actually do you ignore me? Yes fair enough. I ignore you too. Feeling is that we just ignore each other on this podcast. It goes through one ear out the other and integrate. I like that somehow not goes all the way over there. I guess I'll haven't started Angus gun in that. He's put a few games this season. I like him. Okay good keeper and upset. You want us to talk about West Ham things going poorly. They got an upset by West Brom or top of the championship by step that this doesn't surprise me to be honest not on Village the current West at West Brom manager much better than full. Why are you talking everyone today? What else? What? Who are you? Have you seen the standings? Who are you third? Yeah, you're still not better than West what's wrong what's wrong is really good right now because of a great manager should be still at West Ham that's slaven village doing big things. I mean, you can't really trust what scam right now. They've been playing poorly this past handful of years and bringing David Moyes to try to fix their problems promised thought were fixed. They thought they fix their problems in the first week, but nope. That's just a bump and And exactly for West Ham. They played a pretty decent starting eleven either nearly their full 11 for their the Premier League. Somehow Pebbles Appalachia still. Sorry. It's still a slow Midfield with Sanchez and rice. Yes this tonight. We've mentioned that every time we talk about West Ham, you know slow their Noble beta parents locusts. Oh, he said something that was which I agreed with I like how they made all three of their substitutions at halftime. So I'm gonna Jane better guys, just toss all know. It's cool. Yeah. I'm Noble said that at a club at this level with the money. We spent you can't rely on me. You can't rely on me to come on at halftime during an FA Cup game. That shouldn't be like that. He's not wrong. He's not because West Ham spent I want to say a hundred million pounds in the summer. It wasn't all a hundred million. I think he was very maybe the last handful of years a hyung. I think it was close to but it was a lot of money. Anyways, they had no there they've had no, you know. Success from the perp people have purchased some of them to Manchester United. The players have brought in have not worked in often in the system. They're not good enough. So yeah, they actually we're not far off Liam Liam. Okay, this isn't a dollar. So it's probably lot less than that in pounds. It's like 96 million dollars America 96 million American or probably around 70 something 80 80 million pounds round. They're 70s so long Money, yeah, you'd expect them to be doing better. Yeah, you do. Where did that money go? There's no stars. I'll are for now since they spent too much for holler. How she called a good season before certainly 45 million dollars, so it's not ideal. Let's get moving. See if they can step it up there. We'll keep moving here. I'll comment commentary tide, Birmingham. Sorry Birmingham. You have to play country again. Are you why are you moving to that? Well it just well, there's other Predator League teams Norwich got a huge one over Burnley. You love to see it. But you have to see it North is going all the way to one bleah. We're not Grant Hanley and interesting rhythmic make it Two-nil for the canaries before. Mr. Eric Peters makes it 2-1 That's How It Ends hmm the canaries continue on writing also draw Cardiff City, unless you also see and Leicester city scrape through one nail against Brentford kolache a national goal in the fourth minute is enough to see them go through all Sheffield United. They make lots of English fans Happy by defeating. Millwall Mill. That's her chant your heard that know as I get you I hear you but I don't know they lose. They're not going to have a good FA Cup run this year unlike last year itch and Oliver Norwood quite frankly. There's not any other standout scoreline. You shall feel Wednesday our favorite team but Ben Sheffield Wednesday to 1 over QPR. Yeah, we've got a con but Chef we got the entire history of Sheffield football. Love to see whoever I will comment was no way. Love that look likes love it. That's no now. You will say Sheffield United instead of Sheffield. No Sheffield the blades, you know, who I'm talking about the people don't especially when you talk about the FA Cup or gal Sheffield Wednesday, they win 2-1 River QPR and then also Newcastle draw Oxford. No, no scenes Darby County. Also Drew nil-nil against Northampton Town not good scenes for the Rams. Okay, so I'm loving all these these teams nicknames I got flying. Out here. Oh my God football knowledge all day Portsmouth defeated burnt Barnsley. Okay for to yeah, I forgot to bring this thing with me. Did you have a porch? No, I actually had a matchday programme. Okay from Portsmouth 10 years ago from their FA Cup fourth round match with Sunderland. So it's like a tenth anniversary thing. What the hell do you have that because of you know how Portsmouth were struggling many years ago. Yes. Um, so they Weren't they wanted they asked people to help them fund for their Youth Academy Okay, and like facilities and stuff like that. And so I'm like a younger me was like sure I'll help them out. However Portsmouth in the Premier League, so, you know how much I spent on this match a program that was autographed by if you say a lot it was people who is autographed by is it was a guy who scored the first goal in the 2002 World Cup? For ya, Papa, bouba Diop. Okay, I've heard. Yeah, actually he scored the first goal in the 2002 World Cup against France. He's actually okay player. He scored against the world champions that okay. How much did you pay for this thing? I had to check an email because to find out all the info. Luke is a scaring me 40 pounds. 80 Canadian dollar 63 calm down. It was a lot for this for the time for a match to a program that's autographed a program like this is like, yep. How old are you Lucas was like it's 10 years ago 12. Why I must have had like Visa gift cards or whatever and bought it because I didn't have a debit card back. Then. Why why why why are you supporting Portsmouth? Because I wanted them to I wanted to help them out. Wow, and then I also I also thought it'd be cool having an autograph from a football or a professional footballer. So I guess the form. Someday, I'd matches here scored a lot of goals to pop. Your dad was all bad player made out of everything you've said his signature is the best thing you said. Yeah, the maps a program could get less is Portsmouth versus Sunderland. That's not as not a mouth-watering time. Sorry, we're both so I'm really remote at the time that I guess they have. Definitely Fallen Far Far From Grace because it ended to one Portsmouth. Wow, seeing somebody else for Good job, Portsmouth. You also avoid an all-out Barnsley so good job that anyways, that's where we were look ahead at the FA Cup fixtures coming up tomorrow sees or today. I guess this was comes out on the Monday Bournemouth host Arsenal decent Cup tie steepness was Sunderland manager here, you know Bournemouth is gonna Bruce. Well, that's the thing is born with actually going to try and win this or are they just going to focus on not getting relegated right? I mean, it depends how much They have injuries anything like that. I mean, I think they will try and get a victory here because I but Arsenal Arsenal is he deaf? I think Arsenal's they'll go for it. Yeah. What else are they doing in the you guys think I'm talking real again knocking top four. So I guess yeah go win a trophy. He's still looking at this form the match from that matchday programme. You remember Darren bent. Yes Gordon that match Yutaka scored a brace. beg of it started for Portsmouth Boateng Okay isn't even represented liver former Liverpool player. So what do you take Gordon? This was the greatest match in History of the World War II didn't he play for Celtic Craig Gordon. I think it's us him what I'm doing there. What a mess. Jordan Henderson. Jay has future Premier League winner Lucas is where is this thing? It's in my room upstairs. I feel like I should go get it want me to go get will pause the suppose that go get it this costed you. What year was this? This was in 2010? Okay. So, this is 2010 Canadian. They still have the lighter it was brought in to me from you. See you can see here Portsmouth stamp. So just don't leak don't lie to that address. I won't see bang. Here. It is if you're listening on audio you walk Sac see it, but maybe I'll put will post a picture on social media Vitter. No, it's it's cool. It's a tiny but the exchange rate conversion right now. I think I did it like a few days ago. It was around six you pay for it. 40 pounds. So 40 pounds is $68 Canadian today them today today. I just let me 10 is like 63. So yeah, that's all I see is it has the players on the back here, you know David Mahler good FIFA Player. Can you want can win Jones? the guy turning bad guy Trinidad Tobago, no World Cup 2006 Lucas I don't have a memory ben-haim. You're just naming every player bigger. What Lucas let's continue on see you showed it off Kevin-Prince Boateng. It's brilliant. I was Kevin-Prince Boateng there. I don't know but it's awesome. It's interesting to see like that. Some of these players were there, but I think it's time to move on you read. Or moving on. Yeah, I think and I think the reason that the fast man, I think the fans are ready for us to move on now. If they don't care about this they can skip to the next section skip their time just having things just have a thing popped up in like skip this if you'd like, there's timestamps in the description for a reason. So for replays we're going to go onto this Derby County face Northampton town for a replay Birmingham city Coventry Cardiff versus reading Oxford versus New Castle Liverpool vs Shrewsbury and then taught numbers. Hampton that and of course the installed matches to come so we'll see what happens. Okay. Let's move on to Bundesliga dun dun dun dun now hang this is where we will call our good friend. Mr. Wallace. We'll get him on board here, you know was loves the Bundesliga. It really does. Yeah. I love it, too. You see what he says. I'd love him more if I was able to watch it easier see if he answers every good thing which Matt should we start off with? Oh, I'll give him the choice Norman Dortmund arm India. It was the first part of the conversation. So dormant They Come Away with a 5-1 victory over FC cone. Hmm brilliant result for them during back to goalscoring ways. I called it. So can answer now. You'll probably fall back at a bad time. Yeah. Nope. He will call back technical difficulties. Yeah, so big victory for doorman Jan and Sancho looking brilliant team in general looking very good. It's good to see that this team can score goals when that's what they're meant to do. - all right. Yes, yes, but that's my point like because they were struggling to score goals. And I think there are struggling they were struggling to finish chances really but they still score some goals. The bigger problem was more keeping the fence. Yes offensive. I don't think they fix any of the problems. They've just signed a striker. I agree but sometimes as much as you need a good defense, if you can score more goals than you can see then we don't know what I said. Maybe this is a guy that can raise the energy levels of the Our team and are making more confident which on paper at least right now. It seems to be working big victories. Thanks. Ed. It starts off rather. Well for them Guerrero scores the first men great assist by Jan Sancho. Yeah, Marco Ruiz makes it to nail the 29th. Jan Sancho makes it three nil in the 48th: do get there one and then Hollande comes on. It scores a brace the man's doing bit finals two games. Fantastic doing good. I want to just pray. Is Jane the Satchel? I haven't done enough of that on the podcast. So you haven't 11 goals 11 assists this season. This is at least his sixth or seventh game with a goal and an assist and imagine tastic. This is a brilliant player. No, it's not even just brilliant. It's even more than that. I don't think Greg shower him every praising word. You can ever imagine brilliant sir pretty up there and I'm gonna put hers in Europe have double digits and goals and assists right now not very nice. Or how are you? We are currently discussing the Bundesliga talking about Dortmund. We talk about Darkman right now. Okay, give us your thoughts about the Dortmund match. Well, then why would he even close you calling? Yes passwords? Okay. Why are you calling when you're not ready then? As you can see walls has right now you want to call us back when you're good. You're good you you're on Welcome to the 90th minute was this has been a very agency episode already. Oh, I must say Do you want to talk? We are talking currently about a brochure Dortmund. Mainly James was mainly J and Sancho how brilliant he is. He's okay. So Lucas yelled at Greg for calling brilliant like this. I expect better from Greek. Yes, we can hear you. Can you hear us? Volume on full. Yes, so talking with the doorman match. They went 5-1 Hollins getting gets a double makes it five goals from so far dormant. Is he going to be the guy to push their season all the way through now? It's kind of hard to say because right now I mean, it's just cute performances. I mean, what else? Can you say? I think the defense is kind of explore on the his goals. So it uses good good positioning on him. But yeah, we're going to look at if you look the deepest of these boards. Are there some spectacular any Striker could have swore that really well what any Striker be in that position is getting into the good positions doing the good morrow. Yeah, it went before the January transfer window. We said dortmund's biggest weakness was defense. They haven't done anything with that anything that could be an issue though. If their title fight is to live on I don't think title fight Bell definitely heard from the Champions because PSG is yeah very hot It's still early from the transfer. So you just got to see how it goes. They might still be interested in Defender if it comes up. It's still early for what? Yes yet for the new transfers. Yeah. I mean for the players who have come in. Yeah, I don't really see them signing a Defender anytime soon. No. No, I don't like I don't see how do we design really? Sure that's fine. Okay, then let's move on to Bayern Munich style Bayern Munich and there was a fine final victory over schalke schalke word mass. Crap shelter our fifth place the Bundesliga. They're not a terrible side. Yeah, I think those buyers about today though. Yeah. Oh yesterday. Yeah. But what is this able Bayern Munich that mean that they are just Unstoppable right now? The top three components cigar very good right now the very competitive it's very tight. It's hard to say Well when the title right now could be the Leipzig were dormant or even buyer. So I want to say we should go back but let's be honest. I don't think play is going to be staring. We all know Liam we all know Liam's just going to say it's Bayern Munich. So the mole is goes with the easy choice because he's a simple man. They just want $5 call me simple thing. Just realistic. I mean, Bayern Munich, they this happened in like towards the end of last season to towards the end of the first half of the Season or they have a dominant performance and then maybe a few match days later. They disappoint and what happened to Barney the end of the season. I'm not talking about lots of people. I'm talking about the first half of the season one flick cast. You really love to see it superb for them so far this year. Brought down the Sega there's not a clear winner of the Bundesliga. No not right now. Definitely. It's tight right now. It's very tiny. The Buddhist think is meanwhile, most exciting leagues around Europe so far this year if we incorporate the discussion with the Leipzig result it puts Byron right in a good spot though to get top spot. Yeah life is like definitely bottled it. They have a bottle. They just weren't good enough in this match against Frank or if they pour it into nilka. I mean, yes, good go to Red Bull Joe Craig. Yeah. Luke is to try to be funny tonight and we're not a fan of it. How's this is Lucas has done too much. He's making the joke. He's really he's not making no joke. You're the joke find your clubs a joke losing to tie into shrews business. What happens when Liverpool don't win? I just become a clown. Yes, but Leipzig they were they weren't really good in this match. They were struggling to break behind frankfurt's backline Frankfurt sort of brilliant goal from Toro who it does it did end to nil. Correct? Yes and it to nil. Can you really like someone even the title because I mean, it's there still a good tea. I want to talk doesn't. You're you are wise you are dying. So badly right now. You're just dying. Speak again, or you saying my better? Yes, okay. Yeah thing on the end of day. It's made by Iron and doorman at the top and I think lexical slip a little bit they can see I mean third or something. Yeah right now. I think Leipzig will make an interesting this year. They will stick around because you know, they have great players in to move earners being fantastic this year. But if I'm really honest just be more into the title race is on and Bundesliga really gets done. I said every other league in the cup board for more interesting. Four leagues. Yeah, I hundred percent agree. Also, we just mentioned glad back be defeated - 3 1 and they're back in the pic title picture right now. So I don't know how the so it was like all the teams. That's a great teams. Yeah, I think Barn are gonna finish very strongly the second half of the year. I don't know Liam, there'd port for their own good form. But are they going to win their last 15 matches of the Season alone now ski keeps up his goalscoring form. Champions League, there are folks on champions league for once. I don't know. I think they might just try to seal up Bundesliga. I think there's still a few players off of being Champions and Contender. I mean if they get if they go farther them farther than last year then yeah, they're gonna have to focus on the chamsy more and they might have some struggles in the Bundesliga. Yeah, but the same thing could be said about doorman and Leipzig if they go much further, the only ones that really don't have anything to worry about is I'm glad backward. Yeah, they're just doing their thing. Are there any other interesting results in the Bundesliga in the Bundesliga? Half-and-half defeated werder Bremen 3-nil Union Berlin defeated Augsburg to nil hurt the Berlin defeated Wolfsburg to 1 and pattern born shock Freiburg to now. So what was I think you were talking a lot about this league in our group chat. So let's move on to Syria. Yes was you let's talk about study on now. Which game would you like to start off with let's go Atalanta versus not one of them was expecting so debacle. Okay. Okay boss has officially become an illiterate Fanboy after this match honestly so good. I think one of the most underrated forwards in all of Europe. I mean, I love that. You're just skipping work for this right now. I did you say Atlanta beats Roma. It was Torino sir. I'm pretty sure he said Roma but 100% but yes it and it N7 deal for Atalanta. Yeah it yeah, just yeah, what can you say about this? No shit. I mean, they're not great. I think we know Aunt lad took his scores are there 12? the 12 I mean, yeah, there are two red cards. Imagine losing to in front of your home fans 7 ill I mean, I mean imagine losing a game behind. It is yeah. Yeah, because it isn't always the safest for people to go to those matches. Sometimes I think that that really takes away from the experience of watching the game, especially on TV of hey or there's no fan interaction that you can't hear the chants. You can't celebrate with the fans kind of like dead in a way it is there's no soul in it. Yeah. I mean some some in Italy would disagree with you. I'm not saying there's no good fans Italy. I mean you go to the site and see our Lord's great. He was onto something about a lot to they're probably one was exciting teams in Europe. Not a bad team you about the more I think they've got the most goals in Syria. They're not a bad team, but they're also not the best team. I mean how many team scored seven goals multiple times in a season? Yeah, not a lot. So they have scored 57 the the closest to them is a lot Ceylon 47 so and like if you look at Atlanta's recent matches The dude's got what the third most hazards all of Europe in the last one year. I think it's He's currently got 13 goals this season in 17 matches played. Yeah, both of them are in the Peaks that are career right now 28 31 years old respectively. So, I mean, they're not It looks like you're the one raving about him. He can't even say his name. Let's move on from this game. Come on. Yeah, the big boys play today Napoli vs Juventus. This is a fantastic game. Yeah it was This is much bigger. This is the team lost you've been desert on the Juventus lose 2-1 to Napoli. I'm gonna Yes, the Arsenal of City IL. Yes. Yes Napoli the team that was one of the best cereal teams of past few seasons. One of the event is his biggest Rivals. Yeah, it's a little ski makes it one-nil after an hour. And then Lorenzo Insignia with a fantastic finish to make it to nil in the 86th minute Cristiano. Ronaldo does rescue a goal at the very end made it close at the end. That's okay. Did you hear what I sorry said after the match? And if you no no, no, no, so he's okay. He said he was felt let down by Juventus little they're like extremely passive Bland, but he said he's glad it was Napoli. I'm happy for the lads as I will always be fond of them. If you have to lose, I guess I'd rather it be here to help Napoli get out of their current problems. Now if your event is fan. Yeah, what would you think of that? You're not the biggest fan of your manager praising and cheering enough? Especially one historically one of your biggest Rivals. There's a weird. That's weird. It makes it sound like I'm sorry. He's ready to jump ship. Like that's actually what it makes it sound like it's a weird. It's a weird conversation to have but at the same time it's kind of like, you know, It's okay if Natalie gets his victory over Juventus because Napoli the points. Yeah, it's not as big. It's not like it's not like it's like a six-point game. This wasn't a six-point game. Yes, sir. I was really talking to you. I noticed that we're talking to the fans. Shall we call you back later on or what or did anything get anything to add to this one? I mean good goal by Sunni. I don't know why you're not talking about that. We did we go there we were getting their time gazzarri's comments. As exciting as they used to be what is it about it sir. We're in Italy right now not England. Probably but it's I think the qualities been better probably in Serie bonus League among legal bill talking right now. Are you 50 minutes behind? Where are you? Is it is you need to fast forward your DVRs? I think just just just season General. Can you hear us or know? Why are you talking other pregnant? No, I'm just saying I think this area La Liga and what a circle there could be a case made that they're better quality right now than the Premier League probably it. I don't think we disagree with that. It's just Sheffield, but when you're a kind of faster check your united we have to dial specify a Sheffield United. I got yelled at for that United. You just fucking you Ventus and Napoli. Okay. Goodbye. So we apologize for was just completely interrupting. That's it real conversation that we were having. Yeah Fanta snap. Let's get this back on track. He's done. He's going to call us back as the worst moment. You know that right just ignore it. Yeah, but you know event is Napoli ends to one for an apple a huge result, especially for the top of the table because you Ventus they had a moment that had a chance before this game kicked off to make a gap at the top of it and really put their stamp on the Syria. Because they knew inter Drew which we're going to get to so they had a chance to just push up the table, which I just quickly talk about that The Inter Milan guy. Yeah. I said that weird lot or Martinez chord and then he later got sent off later in the match, but it was a their pleasure they have on loan at cagliari Rajan angolans. Yes, mr. Dingell and he scored the winner to get enter into the Champions League last year. And now he scores again see them as two huge talking points. I talk about why one screen yard got injured. That's not good for them. Oh, we don't know if it's cereal know what it is, but it is and to who assisted the goal for Inter Milan Lucas Ashley Young he makes his debut. He gets an assist fantastic absolute baller. But yes, this is one one. Obviously your inter gonna be very concerned with screen your and also this result is an ideal, especially with loitering Martinez one of their best players this season getting sent off him with yeah, Tom So Bernie, yes, I think he's a goalkeeper. That's okay. Just read cards everywhere. I think he's like a goalkeeper on the bench or something. That's okay. So it's not that big of a deal but let's just write a card. So, you know your one of your best players misses the next game. Yeah without law Tomorrow. There's no Lukaku without Lukaku. There's no luck tomorrow. Sorry decent game Roma Lots. Yeah. This was a pretty good match. That's you're going into. This one was 11 games and 11 victories in a row. Yeah in Syria up. They did lose the Cup match. Snap leaves a lost to Celtic that's that was a while ago. We're not talking about that as you can tell Liam hates lot Co I according to you what I hate a lot of people a lot of Tears a lot of things but you know that Danish people in The Finnish people for the Morelos Lukaku. There's a lot of people and then he just loves Certain people and just raised on about them. But anyways about this match Roman played very well in my opinion. They were the better team they were the much better team in front of their home fans are on the front foot creating several chances, but strike OSHA. He was there to deny almost every single one. They missed a lot of chances to do two chances, but only three on target which is not great wasn't it? Probably wasn't 22 actual good chances. There was a lot of good chances. They hit the post. I think twice Yeah, yeah 65% possession, you know Roma on paper seemed like a much better team a lot say, oh they hung around they had chances and chest they did get they took. Yes, it was a bit of a shit goal. But hey, they all count the same turn Pickford shows up in Rome somehow wearing a Roma kit and Chris Smalling was there to T did with Chris Smalling does the basic the longest throw it up in the air off of a corner kick. Gold Eagle Stop punch it clear ends up punching his own cross first. It hit the some forget who headed it someone headed it up. Yeah, then the go legal so pungent. Yeah off the crossbar and then somehow just follow it was gonna go out of bounds, but he brought it back in play and then he falls right in front of a chair be and he just all take that. It's like why not basically identical to pick Ferguson situation last season. So now they lot see you later in the Like Roman, we're constantly getting chances. They took off Luis Alberto who is starting to get into the match started creating more but my assumption is that they took him off so that they could have more defensive stability save them as well. I'll why would you save them for another match when you're playing against your big rivals and roma but yeah, we go to the table wrong. I mean, you know wrong you're correct. They probably did because they want to get more defensive and not Lose the game, but the same time I go just play your best players gonna win the game and he wasn't happy afterwards. He was like confused wide manager made that decision. But in the end, it happened lots of you gotta respect the managers decision. So yeah, they're winning run ends, but still unbeaten and so so in a good position on the table because of Juventus is loss and lots he was game in hand. See the thing is considering how badly lot Co got outplayed. They still got a point there. They're probably not happy how they But they're happy. They got a point based on how they mean. I think it's a yet another case of you know, inter dropping points and the teams around I'm not capitalized. Yeah exactly event is lose last you only draw Lots your two points behind. Well, that's what that all three of these teams are happy that the other teams drop points. Yeah, but you know, it's one of those ones who are but their ups and downs points in the rest of them. Don't take advantage for inter. They live to donate course Juventus with a biggest one. Yeah. Yeah. Just events are still top so there are some control but into are still hanging around they'll be there for the rest of the season. Yeah, so you Ventus is on 51 points enter third Runner all of their own 48 points. Lots of with one match less played there on 46 points. Now, let's just quickly mention AC Milan because lot done they do got a big victory. We all love Zlatan since lot times with are actually the result of being pretty decent. Yeah 71st minute winner from Red bitch and slapped on as you can see from his eyes. Earth little yeah, it looks very happy. Wow slot on I didn't get to watch this match. So I don't have much else to say but it's good for my AC Milan. I don't know if they're pull pull some results. Yeah, they need to get these results and and at the moment they're currently getting them. Will this be happening for the long term? We will see each other see I think that kind of wraps up silly out of though. I mean there wasn't anything else huge going on. Well, let's move on to something else that was massive La Liga. See my boy. Espanol Senor. Basically, we're going to start with Barcelona because they bottled it didn't bother just played bad Barcelona suffer a two-nil loss away at Valencia Liam when a team loses. It doesn't mean they bottled it. No, they bottle it in this La Liga season. How tight is going to be this could be the point right now where a black gold a loss of because of this game the ball of the table and also since our new manager is coming. He hasn't been great. I mean, Get the results have not been fantastic how I see it is that it's a two different completely play styles from Val Verde and City n and you're going to say it takes time to adapt to that switch it does but they don't have time really for the season. I know but they could get they could not decide on them and I don't disagree with you does take time. That's why like, which that's why this the switches during the season either it either like pushes a team and makes them go. Really good or in my opinion makes words top of La Liga. He's doing well in Champions League. Well enough well enough of Champions League. Why do you sack him? Well, because because Barcelona looked bad for not getting into the Super Cup Final and I bet the Barcelona board wanted to look good in front of the people that are going to vote in the Barcelona elections. I think next year or something. I hope they for the way they treated Valverde. I hope they suffer this season. I don't want to read it in very poorly. He have no respect just like they did a thing is they don't want Christmas I go they have no they gave North sector Let It Go Barcelona deserve to be treated with more respect in this match the like it was Maxie Gomez who scored first. She thoroughly. Enjoy Mexico as I gotta say. He's a pretty solid Striker he is he's solid. He's quick. He's he's strong, you know, he's good and with Cavani and Suarez getting old Uruguay might actually have a Replacement for them so far as your nine goals and said in La Liga. Yeah, he could be the next great ordered wine centerfold. Let's hope so because you know, you'd like to see or quite doing well. Well looks if you're not required unless you're from Chile ho Argentina Brazil Colombia Venezuela. I don't know you just name the continent. I don't love a man. Yeah, but Barcelona they were very passive. They weren't really threatening. The lens is baffled by one thing. I wanted to point out. So remember Valencia forces IX. Yes and how I X is very similar with possession. Okay, I'd say they're better than a better place now than what we're seeing with Barcelona right now watch better not going to disagree with that. Okay, but we yes pretty much but they they were very defensive against Actually, they scored the lone goal and were able to come back that leader and had players that stepped up huge. And in this match back longer. I was excellent thing. Yeah, come Dobby in the Midfield was incredible. So they have a play style you get that goal Sokka pressure just sit back. I mean, it's not the most attractive not that was exciting. But if you get the results, that's what you gonna do. You think they did very well counter-attacking it was when they counter attack it was good to watch other thing is when you play that play style where you sit back and defend if you're going to rely on the counter-attack to score goals, you have to score your goals and at the moment that's how you have to play Barcelona because they're just passing it and if you cover the spaces where the players should be. Yeah, they're gonna they're just going to pass back and forth. Like players aren't making the right runs on this Barcelona side Suarez is a Humes Mitch huge Miss because he has Griezmann isn't technically the same type of Striker. He doesn't make the same runs. He makes good runs, but thought the same one's personal team. So boring right now. I can't stand. Style of play and I know I know people are going to say, oh you're just clueless, you know, nothing about the game fine. Say what you want, but I find the The Possession just pass pass pass pass pass his soul boring because you're not doing anything with it who the hell cares you could have 98% possession 3000 passes in a game. But if you're not doing anything with it, what does it matter? Well, we talked about always been awesome. You have to go forward yet to make chance you to be creative. You have to hold that possession have Killer Instinct and they're 18 yards. Looks like I don't know. I know people find that this style of play is the most revolutionary thing a football because you know before 10 you 15 years ago. There was no Ticky taka fine. Say what you want but You have to be positive. You have to be doing things when you have the ball right now. We're seeing the tiki but not the Toca or the tocqueville not the tiki, you know, just not together yet. And what we're talking about is it takes time to adjust and possession? What the hell are we? What are you doing with it faceless possession right now and read it. It's just a back line just passing it amongst themselves. Okay sup the back line, but it's just I'm not you gotta create something with it like one team like Barcelona. As Lionel Messi on it. You gotta actually use. Oh, yeah. I saw David outcome on he made some better runs compared to other midfielders in Barcelona, but like maybe they're just some players are still not you justice it still I still look at the Barcelona bench tomato racket itch long layover doubt fearful Panda and Alex, Colorado Gutierrez. That does not sound like a Barcelona bench to me Vidal was decent same with racket age long landsem 800 not in the Pep Guardiola area. It's not need to remember that and realizing his team. But Barcelona, you know, you have to go. Hey, we're not what we were five years ago, even ten years ago. We are transitioning were new brand new players new faces. It's they're going to it's gonna be a rebuild and pretty soon this term. He's going to leave messy and Suarez or my my thought is could messy leaving Barcelona B so much or Ferguson leaving United was just oh my God, the entire world sinking ship heart kind of thing person will always be able to buy a top player a hundred percent. But what messy brings to Barcelona is not easily replaceable now seeing potentially a new era of Real Madrid coming in. Yeah, you're not wrong. I'm looking and then and then spending so much money on these. Resilience at least one of them has to come out good right Real Madrid won win they were oh my God one was over real Valladolid wasn't pretty it was not pretty and usually one Barcelona drop points before Real Madrid play Real Madrid flow it. Yeah, but they get a late winner here. Yeah from natural natural. It's good for the Real Madrid took their chance to get ahead. And yeah, it's really good their first place. Yeah, exactly for first time in a long time. They are topple illegal. The Madrid starting eleven is still I don't I don't I still think it's perfect. I think there's players are who could be replaced or improved upon but when you think of like how it actually you when you thought it was going to be at the beginning of the Season? Yeah. It's not the same at all. I think it's arguably stronger right now than Barcelona starting eleven, but look, there's they have a great defensive Solitude. They do their centre-backs Veranda Ramos fine. Casa murder in the middle is being a rock from this year while detach and Tony Cruz are creative. They are there long toxic players all forward curtains fantastic this year. He's finally proven that you're worth what they spent on them East Coast being. All right, he's back in the team after the Dan came back Real Madrid is looking like Primus logical Madrid. no 13 goals against Okay, you have a point. I'm not saying the playstyles exactly the same of course not just they're not like a cholos just the good rest of Team. They're showing the good defense, you know, when you have to focus on defense First Defense and then we'll move forward kind of thing, but it's been great in the center back pairing is hugely. Those are two players have been there for a long time. They've won things they work well to proven Center back. So now in this match, I don't think The goalkeeper have to worry about much because I think there was no shots on target for Valladolid who are correct, but unfortunate for them, but Real Madrid, there's still did the job but shows that their defense knows what they're doing. Let it go. They don't need to nil-nil against Lagana. This team is just oh my God, if there was one team in the world of upset me more than I let it go. I don't know who it is. Is it because they have a lot of talent and you know, they should be doing but they should they should be doing better, but it's always Ways is no milk or 1 1 there is also an Everest playstyle their tactics or just negative like only see don't go Seto can see away cuz we forgot to score a goal. There's time. I didn't I haven't been able to watch them in the past two weeks. But before that they were there they were they were having a closet playstyle. Well, maybe not scoring but they were having a positive place that they were stolen. Yeah. Well, it's dried up there heavily interested in Cavani that deal seems like it might have Ben seems a little salt in the water right now though. I mean maybe going to Chelsea or our soul or United. I think he rejected United I would also really don't touch it Edison. You're better than them. Yes, sir. Ja Felix soel. Are you getting a little worried with him? He's 19. Well, why would I be worried? He's cost how much yes, but that's pink for potential not here right now. No looks good like that. Just you know you right now Lucas we buy for tomorrow, not for today. He still looks fantastic though. And he still has a bright. He's a good you'll be healed. I'm not kill because I'm not stupid. He's a good player. He's gonna be more than okay. I don't get coffee in fourth place. That's kind of mad. Yeah. I don't know. Yeah, it's a VI had a massive winter. We had to nil over Granada. Granada have been alright this year. They're in 11th. I mean, I think special nothing great, but goals from no Leto and look the Young. Yes doctor in the world real sociedad with the one to against Mallorca great to see Mallorca FC odegard. Just kidding. Yeah, pretty much but not much else to say in La Liga. We talked about the big teams or we don't have the greatest knowledge on Mid table or the relegation battle. So sorry about that quickly. If we do touch on the gun if you'd like to PSG gotta to null Vector of allele and Leon three note over to lose history still being Absolutely Fantastical got beat up by Stroudsburg three one. Can I mention are disease if you're going to mention League, um, sure IX lost okay to want two grand again. Okay, AZ alkmaar 1 so that means AZ alkmaar only three points behind IX. Where's fine yard third, but they're like 10 points behind I axe, you know, the title race he is see I didn't hold on tight 20. There's some drama going on with PSV Eindhoven. Okay, what's going on? So number Japan. Yes. So apparently he didn't show up for the match. He he went to London because apparently there's a supposed to transfer happening between him and Spurs fair enough and then because you know Spurs have not failed with Strikers coming from there to visit before. Yeah. It's in Jansen comes to mind mother. This guy's really promising though. I'll guess it was Vincent Jansen. this case I think is more legit than simulation Jansen, but Oh, I'm tired of you right now. You just say I'll just no that's not no. No just Lucas. Is this absolutely fantastic all the PS v Co talked about these rumors of Bergeron traveling to London. So I don't know if everything's official, but they said if that if that's the case, we will now stop the negotiations. Fair enough. So yeah, if you're gonna you gotta show up for your baggage walk out, you're still on the team because then that's just you're still on the club that shows Spurs that like this guy's not great. Yeah, you just gonna do it would imagine if you do that to us. Like if you if you cared there's this Reddit post called reconstructing chaos Bergeron's transfer. I haven't read it yet. So but I think that goes over everything long post. You never if you're gonna mention are to these I'm gonna mention Scotland. Okay quickly. Like 1/3 no law against Ross County scenes. Love to see it. The graph has come back. It's good. We also played caramel code in belly today is there's a picture of him to like, you know, he's like five foot five. I want to say and then Christopher Julian are six foot five Senators hack. It was great. You think caramel could then belly can make it at the top? Oh, yeah that kids a baller even at five foot five. I don't know how tall exactly is. But our he's 160 centimeters. He's only hold. 16 turning 17 next month, he's okay. He's a he's a scrub salute phenomenal on the ball player put the Big scenes. Look it's better than Celtic. The player is he better than self. Yeah, like like will use the moment but what you think you'll grow into a top team if you'll burn talk to use his size that I just know that's helped. It's not a top teams. But if you promise to grow at you know, you can see him being one of the the next players to have a big transfer to another club World your the primarily whatever he does. He does play for England as International level. So you could expect him one day to go. I know I know there was rumors have been going to Chelsea all He they kind of are interested in them. So I mean then I love seeing young players young talent coming in and just taking over because as you all know the Ronaldo Messi era, is it sending Papi? Yeah Kara Moco dembele put the scenes Lucas. Hmm Hearts shout-out to our hearts fan that watches one over Rangers Mass. Just see it appears your words. You'll have to see it. Remember your place your second Steven Naismith, please. Yes, he's there he's scored and he play for Rangers in the past. He's Peter a Locus. The man is how old basically what your oldest also when you're holding Scali just pay for all the teams. You just move around 33 thought that old he's old but I love Steven Gerrard's comments after the game. It was Celtic or waiting for us to Blink and we blinked you're damn right? You did slippy. Jeez. And again that that could be the game right there that yeah that right. There is such a tight title race this season and you looked at the schedule for the rest of the year. And you said other than the old firm coming up both teams should win all their games. Mmm. That was a huge loss of point. I mean, they still have a game in hand. If they wouldn't that they're two points behind they do but one thing I'm worried about Kilmarnock. Yeah, they're bad 500. Alma least five losses in a row doesn't so past the less five very bad. But anyways, is that everything? NG to think so hard for last place. Yes. That is s yeah, it was a big big shock parts are getting closer out of the relegation zone. Is that bottom to that get relegated or? Yeah. Okay. Are you sure I believe so I don't deal a really don't know Lucas. But okay, so see my knowledge of the Scottish premiership right there. Sorry, so I know bottom one gets relegated second bomb gets relegation playoffs. Okay. So I think that covers everything. Yes. So Liam. this away from all of us a minute including laws including laws. Thank you for tuning in and listening and watching I said that really weirdly but I said the way I said it make sure you are subscribed to our YouTube following us on any and all social medias links are in the description. Like I said has of on Spotify they'll comment down below get involved in the conversation. It's been a bit of a weird episode. I want to say sorry. Yeah, it is what it is. We it's different where the program we had was calling in it's different when we don't have primarily Going on honestly, that's kind of our mainstay. I know you guys probably realize that we appreciate all the support. You guys have been giving us these past few months and if you've been around from the very beginning of them. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for 800 subscribers. Yes and 12,000 tick-tocks all this is YouTube on podcasts and yeah podcast apps. They've been going up significantly recently. So thank you for those listening on those Audio Apps. Yes. I know I listen to Spotify a lot. Yes, but thank you for tuning in. Thank you for watching and listening. From the three of us and was this has been yet another week in the beautiful game. See you next time.
On this episode of The 90th Minute, Liam, Lucas and Greg discuss the matches that went around in Europe! Liverpool draw Shrewsbury Town, while Manchester United, Manchester City and Chelsea win! Lucas get into his Portsmouth matchday program he bought many years ago. We get into some Bundesliga action, as Woz joins the discussion via cell phone. We also discuss Juventus and Barcelona losing! All of this, and much more on this episode of The 90th Minute! Timestamps: Liverpool Draw Shrewsbury Town - 0:51 Rest of the FA Cup - 12:28 Lucas' Pourtsmouth Antique - 22:25 Bundesliga - 29:00 Serie A - 40:15 La Liga - 54:07 Eredivise Drama? - 1:05:15 Celtic/Rangers - 1:07:05 Check out our last podcast discussing Burnley shocking Man Utd., Chelsea bottling it to Arsenal, Barca's night in Ibiza & more - Check out the creator of the intro tune: 90th Minute Socials: TikTok: @the90thminute Instagram: @the90thminuteofficial Youtube: Twitter: @The90thMinute1 Facebook: The 90th Minute LinkedIn: The 90th Minute Liam Twitter: @LiamPeace7 Woz Twitter: @itswoz96 Twitch: Lucas Twitter: @LucasCreated Youtube: Greg Twitter: Doesn't Exist
You are listening to the women of the military podcast where we share the stories of female service members and have a military touch their lives. I'm your host military veteran military spouse and Mom Amanda Huffman. My goal is to find the heart of the story and uncover issues women face while serving in the military. If you want to be encouraged by the stories of military women and be inspired to change the world keep tuned for this latest episode of women of them. military Do you want more stories of military women veterans? I just launched a book sharing 28 stories of military women. It includes stories ranging from women in the process of joining the military to women who have served and retired stories from the Army Air Force Marines and navy but don't take my word for it here what Natalie said about the book. This is a fabulous collection of inspirational stories of endurance struggles and women forging their own Futures. They diversity of their background and experience is fascinating. But the broad range of military careers is astounding and sets to Heart how integral women are in the military. This is a must read for anyone considering a career with the Armed Forces or struggling to figure out their future career The Challenge and adjustments. These women have made to create the life best suited for them is the type of motivational encouragement that can help others be confident in reaching their dreams. Check it out on my website Airmen to or on On my guest today is Carrie car one. She was an officer in the Coast Guard and I'm really excited to hear more about her story. So welcome to the show. Thank you. My first question is why did you decide to join the military? My father sister and brother all went to West Point. That's the Army's Military Academy and it was kind of expected that I would follow some kind of suit, but I preferred the Coast Guard missions and I wanted to feel like I was directly impacting the public that I was serving which is the Coast Guard doesn't a daily basis. So that's why I chose them. I like their mission. So you decided to go to the Coast Guard Academy instead of West Point correct is the process the same you have to get the nomination and all the other steps. I don't know guard doesn't require a congressional nomination. It's only on your own Merit. It's actually harder to get in. I think the Coast Guard there's like 5,000 people applying the way to take 200 and something so it's like one out of 18. Whereas the West. Point 10,000 people apply and I'll take a thousand so one out of ten get in. So it's harder to get into the Coast Guard. So what do they base it on your grades or what is the information they collect to weld been over 25 years, but they just look at you. Well rounded individual community service academics Athletics figure out in some crazy way if they think you'll be a good fit or not. What was your time like at the Academy? That's going to take more than 40 minutes to talk about and I'm sure there's other things. We'd rather discuss in my in my situation. I went for Marine Science degree a bachelor's degree and I never used the degree. I thought I was going to be doing something different and I got a degree in something that I've never used. It was like a biochem track of the Marine Science field. I wish I'd have known that because I've been wasting my time doing it in school for four years for anybody no matter what school you go to. I feel like college is kind of where they test to see if He's gonna learn and it's not really how you're gonna actually do your job, right? So, can you give me an overview of your military experience after you graduated it was complicated by class had I think 42 graduating Engineers, but there was 60 billets for engineers on ships. So they went to the what they consider resemble next technical major, which is mine and pick the last 20 of us to be Engineers. So I had no engineering background knowledge education and I went engineering On the Coast Guard Cutter change for two years and was an engineer watched and ER I got qualified and I did everything I needed to do which is a lot of work and a little overwhelming at times because it wasn't my I wanted to engineering degree or what. I got it while it's cool and I didn't but then because I got fully qualified on my ship when it came time to transfer. I got sent to another engineering Billet for another three years. So my first five years after graduating I did engineering work. I work on a ship and then I worked at a shipyard fixing boats. What do you do as an engineer on a ship? They're just have the entire plants that all the electronics auxiliary engines everything that keeps his ship running and afloat. That's our job to maintenance and do rounds on and know how it systems work and repair if necessary and feeling the ship and yeah, so a lot of work a lot of different things. Yeah, it was it was good. I mean I enjoyed I enjoyed learning but it was a lot of work. So after your first 5 years then did you switch career fields or I wouldn't say I switch career Fields. They just determined that my engineering track that they had me down for two tours now wasn't going to result in me getting up too high because I don't have the academic background in the engineering field, which was a kind of a must need if you go up higher in rank, so They released me out of the engineering field into the Marine science science safety field. They change the herbology of what they call stuff. We've postcards gone through a couple different changes. Yeah. I ended up showing up at the sector. Well, it was a marine safety office houston-galveston and it was in the process of secularization. So we were changing how we do business and I did two years facility security implementing the MTS a Regulations for this is after September 11th. And then I did a year of pollution response and then a year of vessel inspecting and I also stood command you to watch during that time frame. So I had warm a lot of different hats and got to try a lot of different things and got my Marine safety pin at the end of it and I liked it. I like the variety to the Coast Guard has but it makes it very hard to get really good at something when you're constantly changing it out. Yeah, that would make it hard. What did you do after that my went from the sector houston-galveston to work life supervisor District 5 which was in Portsmouth, Virginia Chesapeake, Virginia. And that was I had a civilian staff and we would deal with rape sexual assaults domestic violence that kind we would give training and then we would respond to those issues that happen for military members within our aor and we had like, North Carolina, Virginia. Part of or states or something like that 7,000 people total. I think I was responsible for making sure they were trained and responded to if there's a problem after I left that job we went through what's called modernization. So they short toward me into another Billet in the area. I was a logistics for just under a year at sector Hampton Roads and I left there and went to California. So, where are your first two tours were see tours where the rest of them all were. You land-based. My first tour was a seat or my second tour in engineering. I was at a shipyard fixing boats, but I wasn't on a boat and then all the rest of the time were you on a boat or were you on land mainly on my end? I did deploy. So part of my that you're supposed to have like a primary and a secondary career path. I ended up having like four different. Tracks that I regularly dipped into I did the engineering for the first two and then I had like admin and Logistics and then I had response and Logistics and so I did like two tours and everything to towards an admin Logistics response and Engineering we should not supposed to do here supposed to have a more dedicated career path. But when I was after the Virginia tour when I was out in California, I got deployed the Deepwater Horizon and I did that for a couple months and then I went After I left that District response advisory tour in California, I went to the Coast Guard Incident Management assist team that was stood up as a Fallout from Deepwater Horizon and I was Logistics department head at that unit and my job was responding to emergency. So we had to consider why spill and there's the Ebola crisis and there was the Customs border staff and it was just any kind of Emergency. The Coast Guard would get involved in this unit was specifically geared to providing. Then management kind of Peace into making sure that we responded correctly. I don't think people know a lot about what the Coast Guard's role in mission is especially the behind-the-scenes stuff that they're doing. Is there anything that you did that you don't think people would really expect someone who served in the Coast Guard to do or be a part of half the time people don't think that I'm a coast guard forces, which is crazy because we have like the highest number of females in any service. I think the Coast Guard has the best representation and yet everyone always is like, oh your husband was in am like no actually it was me. But anyway, that's normal. That's normal the Coast Guard we have a like I think it's up to 11 plus missions. We keep adding missions and our we don't necessarily get the same funding or people to We said Mission. So I mean we do ice-breaking ops we do a time. We do, you know, obviously drug interdiction and migrant Ops and search and rescue and it just it's great that the Coast Guard can wear so many hats but I also feel like we become a jack of all trades and a master of none and we are when it comes to vying for funding and stuff, but Congress lives level like we get overloads. We didn't get paid you know that right this last year. So Seas were going to work and not getting a paycheck. Check and I was just I was embarrassed and ashamed that our government didn't know that they would be doing that to people who were, you know, there's a very small population of people that serve their country. And for those folks to be forgotten is Washable, you know I think anyone connected to the milk and Military Community knew that was going on and I hope people outside the military Community knew and then yeah, it was a really long time. So it was horrible knowing it's going on and doing the right thing to stop it from happening or two totally different things. That's very true. Then you can say oh I meant to slam on the brakes and not hit the dog, but if the dog is dead, it doesn't matter what your intentions were. You still killed it. That's very true. You talked about the plane for I can't remember what the operation was. What did you say? It was? Yeah, what was that about? I haven't watched the movie version that they put out but there was just an oil rig off the coast that had a leak that they couldn't cap and soft. So I just kept pumping stuff into the environment and that's the difference between a vessel having a problem like Exxon Valdez or whatever if it spills the most you can lose is however much The Vessel can carry So there's a finite capacity. But when you're talking about oil rig Pipeline and stuff it's going to keep going and until that Reserve is met which who knows what that is. So it's a little scarier problem to deal with because you don't know exactly how bad it is going to be, you know, yeah. Were there any other deployments that you are a part of no, I mean, I did a bunch on my ship where we went to think we did a self Patrol with migrant offs and drug addiction. We did a sar search and rescue for the crab-fishing fleet up off Alaska and then we did a 6-month Patrol the Persian Gulf with the Russell Conwell and your Brian a forgetting to maybe are no Navy destroyer into frigates. And that was what was it like to be In the Persian Gulf is hot the temperature in our the engineering plant. Anyway is very hot runs hot. It's engineering. It's you know engines are putting off heat and then it's just hot over there. And I remember that I think the state I'm in the engine room was like eight minutes and once you were in there for 8 minutes, you had to get out and be out for a couple hours and hydrate. Otherwise, you couldn't go in let you back down to More work and stuff. We just remember being very hot. Okay, that's crazy. Was it with with going in out every eight minutes or like to switch off and was it possible to get work done or did it make it really challenging and you guys had to figure out a system to make it work? I mean you had your round to do and we I don't remember exactly how we figured out how to do it, but it was doable. The main thing is making sure nobody got dehydrated you're sweating. I mean, you're just dripping wet like everybody. Yeah, so you want to make sure everybody's safety came first and the rest of it. No, we workers as an officer in the Coast Guard. How's that different from like an enlisted troop? I mean, we all stand watches and duties or responsibilities are different. So enlisted folks would usually be more boots to ground in the field and then officers would so we doc, you know, sometimes go with them on boarding. You can things like that, but we would be more in charge of directing traffic and you know, like the big picture items and doing a lot of the admin stuff and they got to do all the fun stuff when we got to do all paperwork. That sounds about right but it didn't exclude you guys from doing watches and that sort of thing. That was something that everyone did. Yeah when you're on a ship everyone has to pull their weight and then when your Junior so as a junior officer, you're in the field a lot with the enlisted which is good because then you And what it is they're trying to do so as you become more senior and you're more in a management role, you know what it is. They need in order to function. So it's not like the officers and didn't have any field times just as you become more senior you get less and less of it. Did you face any struggles while serving in the military? I did towards the end of my career. I at 38 years old needed to pursue infertility treatments and the Coast Guard was not support about that. Was there any reason in particular that they weren't supportive or based on policy? They considered fertility treatments to be elective like a nose job or a boob job would be elective surgery. So me trying to get pregnant was considered in the same category as an Of surgery something I chose to do in my case. I had a medical condition PCOS which is polycystic ovarian syndrome and it validated the fact that I needed some medical help but the Coast Guard didn't recognize that as a medical reason so that state elective. So anything negative that came of those treatments they probably can pay and they did so that is part of the reason why I ended up being retired wasn't my choice that's really sad because they're Can something that's like two totally different things. Like I completely agree. I had added an eeo complaint in the eeo complaints we officer that was representing. My former supervisor compared getting infertility treatments to the same as getting a DUI for justification and lowering my marks. And I was just you really just compare me trying to get pregnant to someone having an alcohol events. I just was floored by the idea Ike I still to this day can't even understand how they came to that conclusion. Is that being a valid? You know still don't understand. Yeah, that's not even that's that's wrong. I mean, it's almost like you have to be joking, right that can't possibly be coming out of your mouth right now, but no that was just a few years ago. That's really Sad and you said because of it because you got lower marks because of getting infertility treatments that you ended up having to retire from them ice cream for command of an o-5 job and I was in an o-5 job, but I was never promoted o5 and if you don't promote up and you have so many chances to do it and they force you to retire from so I did not make even though I hit some I think some major Milestones to prove that I was commander or to material. I'm I never picked up work. So even though I did the job. I've actually filled 105 bill it and did the job for two years. They still wouldn't promote me to the position. And without that promotion. I Can't Ban I was forced out and were you ever able to get pregnant? No after so I went through multiple IVF treatments because I'm in the military. I didn't get to stay where I wanted or goat necessary to the fertility centers. I wanted to go to in. One of my moves I went from California to Virginia. So after we did the fertility treatment my embryos were now in California, but I was now stationed in Virginia. So we had our stuff shipped from California to Virginia, which if you were stationary and not moving around we would have to worry about but I did have to worry about it because I was no longer in California. My embryos were damaged in shipment. They didn't put the lid on the Goblet that held the glass brows with the embryos and we vibrated in In transit and broke, so I had to do another treatment to try to get these embryos back and that didn't work. So I had to do a third treatment and I didn't work and it's just was pretty much a disaster experience and then when I retired so I had no support I was standing watches while I was you know doing with infertility treatments. I've got deployed to Texas City why while I was doing an infertility treatment, so I was giving myself shots in a rental car for he was nowhere else standard. To do it they like doing your stomach and your but I'm out in the field somewhere. So I'm like, well, I'll just have to make do yeah, and of course particularly treatments you want to not be stressed out and you want to have a good sleep and you want to have a good dietary in the whole thing pretty much everything you needed to help make something like that successful. I was not getting access to or being allowed to do because of my job. So not only were they not supporting my IVF treatments. They were almost sabotaging the success of them and then when I retired the yay Authorized they found my PCOS to be service-related and they authorized me to have IVF treatments which at the time so I when I was 38 years old and I was young enough to actually take advantage of infertility treatments to the point where there's a chance for Success will help financially or with my job and then once I'm retired and I'm 43, and the chances of it being successful are like not good at all. Now I have now I have a medical condition. Our coverage couldn't get before and it's like well, I appreciate getting it now, but it's like a daily dollar short and it's you know saying yeah. Yeah, it's where was this five years ago when I really needed it and could have used it and it might have actually worked right? I'm working with the swan. It's a service women's Action Network. I went to the hill this February to talk with Congress congressman and Senators about the lack of support for infertility care. In the military and what we could do better and you know, they did an informal survey and they found out that the infertility was hired service women. I'm seeing a specialist on the side and they found toxins in my system that you know could be attributed to my infertility on top of my medical condition. So there's a lot of things that are missing. There are some IVF centers the dod and the Army has six of them, but there you don't have access to them. There's a wait list. You can't necessarily get station where they are still cost you money in my case. I was over the age limit like there's just it just it's not a uniform thing and if I don't want to get pregnant Oh They'll issue me. The birth control is IUI or whatever to keep me from getting knocked out. But if I want to get pregnant not only you on your own but they're not going to they're not going to help you whatsoever. And then my other beef is that folks that go through transgender take the same steroids the hormones that I take to try to get. Pregnant they take the same ones to change their gender and I'm trying to take those to try to get pregnant and they'll support transgender, but they won't support me. Yeah, that is really frustrating and I recently learned about service women Action Network and I'm working with them. So that's it that they're a great organization. If you're a female veteran, you should definitely check them out. Yep. They have a free newsletter you can sign up for and then they keep you, you know abreast of what's going on and they have the regular updates and I'm Them now as a volunteer trying to get grants and whatever other hope I can do to help continue to support women, right and this is a big issue that people don't really talk about and I didn't even know about so thank you for telling us your story and it's just heartbreaking what you had to go through and I'm sorry for that. I'm glad that you're not sitting on the sidelines and that you're taking your experience and hopefully change. Changing it for someone else in the future. I appreciate that. It's not people stood on Point post on Facebook and stuff. They've had miscarriages or you know, it's always like the baby announcements and things, you know, the happy stuff and nobody wants to say I've had my failed IVF and read it it's very hard and frustrating because they're and miscarriages happen all the time in the military, but women don't talk about it and they don't get necessarily the support. They need both emotionally and physically to process that they've had a miscarriage back in the day. Wouldn't even know you had one, you know, but today's technology you can know within 10 days of getting pregnant that you're pregnant. It's kind of a disservice because now people know that they're losing, you know babies before whereas in that didn't necessarily know. You know, I guess that whole ignorance is bliss thing. So there's a lot of places and opportunity for improvement and I hope I mean kind of shocks me that I even ended up in the situation I did was I thought my mom was one of the first female police officers in England back in the day and she told me all kinds of stories and I thought gosh, I'm so glad I wasn't, you know a female in the workforce back when she was because that just sounds horrible and here I am 40 years later and my stories are not far off of what she went through its like wow, how could we have not improved, you know, like over this last multiple decades. We've really not gotten that much better in certain areas. So, Yeah, that's one of the reasons that I wanted to start the podcast was because there have been a lot of positive things that have happened for women in the military, but there's still stuff like this that happens and it's still happening and women are struggling with a lot of different issues that people don't even know about so I really appreciate you talking about this. I appreciate you having a platform on which I can share the story. So folks can you know make things better? Is there anything else from your time with the Coast Guard that you want to talk on that? We didn't touch on already. I would say I did a lot of recruiting towards the end of my time the Coast Guard my last six months I focus on recruiting and I think just people no matter what service they join to educate themselves on what it is the service does the pros and cons. It and just know that when you raise your right hand give your life to that service. That's kind of exactly what they take and you may not in a dying serving your country, but your life is no longer your own and I didn't understand that necessarily when I joined it 17 and then you know 24 years later. I realized that that's what happened. It felt like a bad divorce when I left the Coast Guard because of the way I was retired. It was like a I swear I was abused in the relationship and then didn't realize it now thing. I got out of our separation was my freedom. So yeah, I wish I could say more positive things and the best thing was my Shipmates and some of the experiences. I had that the overall politics and bureaucracy of this organization that I dedicated my life to you for a while Cisco quarter of a century. It was shameful and how I was treated on the way out the door. I agree China almost answered my last question, but I'm gonna ask it again. Anyways, just because I think it Be a little bit different but what would you tell women who are considering joining the military? He said to do your research, but is there anything else so I know I know that things change over time but in a granted maybe I'm not the best person to be giving advice because the way I did business didn't ultimately result. I mean, I had honorable service but I didn't get the career I wanted out of it. But ultimately you have to be able to look yourself in the mirror and I am I'm proud of who I am and I'm proud of what I've done and I don't have a problem with with my contribution. I have a problem with how I was treated, but that's that's another thing. So we are women be proud of being a woman know that you don't have to lose your identity in order to serve and be the best version of you that you can and it's okay. So we are different men don't have the same piping. We do we in a we do give birth. Babies, we we have differences and we should not be segregated for those with me should celebrate those and I hope more women feel comfortable with that and I think we're getting to that place where there's less of the judging and oh, you know, you have to have your own room to breast pump. Well, would you want your wife, you know doing that in a bathroom which isn't necessarily sanitary, of course not so when there's things that you know, it's not rocket science, but it's crazy that we still have to say. Hey. How about we do this little bit better? And that would be the other thing a lot of folks complain that there's a problem and that there's an issue. There's an injustice the amount of time wasted complaining when they can actually do something about it. And that's where I have put all my focus. I don't even know if people I know that I served with even know that I'm doing some of the stuff because I don't have time keep telling you know what I mean? So that it I'm going to do something about it and if you can't help me move it forward. And I'm not going to waste my time with it. So well, thank you so much for your time and thank you for your service. And I'm so sorry for what happened for to you. But I am I'm so thankful for what you're doing for the future women who are serving it now and will serve in the future and I like that philosophy if If there's something I can do then I should do it and I just appreciate what you're doing. Well, I appreciate you. So, thank you. Thank you for listening to this episode of women of the military make sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of the Amazing Stories I have with women who have served in our military. Did you love the show? Don't forget to leave a review. Finally. If you are a woman who has served or is currently serving in the military. Please email me at Airmen to Mom at so I can set you up to be on a future episode of women of the military.
Kerry was an officer in the US Coast Guard. She attended the Coast Guard Academy and graduated with a degree in Marine Science, but the Coast Guard needed Engineers so she spent her first five years in the Coast Guard doing Engineering work. She ended up bouncing around to different jobs and not following the traditional career path all of that starting with going into a career that she didn’t have a background in. Her jobs ranged from Sexual Assault manager to logistics to emergency response. We talked a lot about the different missions the Coast Guard is a part of. The Coast Guard does so many different missions to support and defend the United States and most people don’t even know about what they do. When she tried to get pregnant at 38, she found out she had Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and needed infertility treatments. Her leadership didn’t support her choice to seek infertility treatments. She was forced to move in the middle of treatments and lost the embryos. Her leadership gave her low marks and sent her out into the field. In the end she wasn’t able to get pregnant and then after being forced to retire she was told by the VA that her PCOS was service related and they provided medical care, but it was too late. She was then 43 and the likelihood of success was almost non-existent. She never became a mom. She now works with the Service Women Action Network (SWAN) to help work to change policy and prevent others from having to go through a similar experience. She has chosen not to complain about her situation, but to be an advocate for women and bring change. Mentioned in this episode: Service Women Action Network (SWAN) Would you like to be a guest or know someone who might want to share their story for the Women of the Military Podcast? You can sign up here and I will be in touch with you shortly. Are you Leaving the Military? Get my free guide: Navigating Life After the Military!
Hello everyone and welcome to living in this queer body a podcast about barriers to embodiment and how our Collective body stories can bring us back to ourselves this week. We have a really sweet episode. I'll tell you about it in a moment. But first I just want to let you know that I am hosting on December 8th from 6 to 8 p.m. Eastern Standard.Under time a virtual Workshop. If you can't make it for the live event, you can always register and be sent a link to the workshop. You can consider offering it as a gift to someone who might need some extra support during this stress field season. I definitely feel the stress to so you're not alone. So some of the questions that we'll be addressing or exploring. In the virtual Workshop, how do we identify our needs when the demands of heteronormative colonial settlers and patriarchal holiday discourse has threatened our self determination. That's a topic in and of itself many many topics, but I want to frame things in a way that really addresses the structures of violence that kind of shape and create a kind of constricted. And set up emotionally for this this holiday season, how do we navigate caring for ourselves our partners and our friends during this holiday season, how do we nourish ourselves? And what can we generate excitement about? So if you're interested go to my website living in this queer, or you can follow the link in my Instagram profile and you can sign up for the December 8th work. Chop and if you want some support one on one, you can always sign up for a one-on-one session with me also on my website or through the link in my Instagram profile. Okay. So this episode is basically my inner angsty confused and searching 20 year old self interviewing the creator of a Zine much beloved to me and Many folks that I know and love thank you Cindy for making Dora scene from 1991 to 2001 Doris made me feel like my inner World mattered and that consistent message was critical for me at a time. When most of what I knew about was skills for shutting down my inner life Cindy wrote her Zine Doris like she's figuring out the human. Condition she makes writing about the simplest and most common things playing music childhood cooking or sacks resonate with universal understanding she helps us make sense of more complex things like the satisfaction of doing useful work Natural Curiosity the ability to use logic gender Dynamics introspection the need for Challenge and change combating depression and creating art and literature. She shares an Explorer's emotions that go along with having an abortion rape dealing with the death of family or sexual harassment in a context that is enlightening and personal feeling like a close friend opening up to you. What's most impressive though is that she relates these things into every article in her scene seamlessly, and if you want to find out about this scene or all all all all the other things that Cindy produces and has produced you should go to res That's Doris three times. So You can also find Cindy at Cindy underscore. Crab CRA be be on Instagram. And Cindy is the author of The long-running. Nest autobiographical did seen Doris and compilation Book Encyclopedia of Doris. She edited the zine and book learning good consent. Also an amazing read she is a somatic experiencing trauma therapist living in Pittsburgh, and I am indebted to her for being brave at a time when I didn't know how to be brave in my writing and in my work and I'm honored truly to have Cindy crab as a guest on living in this queer body. Thanks everyone for listening and if you can consider making a donation I'm patreon backslash living in this queer body or giving me a review like actually writing the review on Apple podcasts consider this a gift to the podcast for the year. I appreciate it. Okay, and I appreciate you. Thank you. Cindy thank you for joining me on this podcast. I am really honoured. I was just on the phone with my brother who said is this person one of the most famous people you've interviewed because he I introduced him to your work through like three years in so many years ago I got and I'm sure he'll be embarrassed this to hear that but I mean truly like you are an icon for me in a lot of ways. I really love your writing and yeah more broadly just what you've what you've done with it. So I'm looking forward to kind of getting to know you and in this way as well. So excited to be on a podcast cool. So I We'll start with the question. I usually start with and you can kind of go wherever you want with it. When you think about how you came to understand or learn about being in a body what comes to mind for you, you know, the thing that first comes to mind as I was I was born in the 70s and they had this kind of sad about water babies. And so I learned to swim like before I could walk right and I just remember swimming. Like just swimming a lot as a kid and just really loving being that kind of mobile and surrounded by sort of endless space and movement and just the joy and pleasure of swimming underwater mostly. Would you swim in a pool or in a lake or Canal? Like I grew up in Minnesota. So yeah, you could open your eyes you go. Hmm, and I'm still strong today. Oh. Not as much because I have some ear problems but uh, but I miss it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah on the other thing I was thinking about to about learning to be in a body was like when there was like when I was a little bit older and there was violence and my family I would like take this blanket out to a meadow kind of by our house and I would lay on this blanket and really watch the insects. I was sort of dream About how one day like the deer would find me and I would join the steer family, but I remember like just really like watching insects and being so like entranced by all the bugs and all the intricacies of them and just tell that sort of focused curiosity and wonder really sort of was took away some of the fear, you know, and created this peace and quietness inside. It's like a little disembodied. But also really embodied. Yeah, I mean that's I guess that's something that I really am interested in talking to you about in part because I know you've and I want to hear about this, but I know you've done some, you know, some pretty deep work around somatic experiencing therapy and just I'm curious what you what your thoughts are on on that kind of idea of like sort of embodied and sort of not and the way that the kind of sort of not and sort of embodied can can be somewhat regulating and soothing in a way like picturing you I think that image is just really powerful to me socially as like a trauma therapist someone who works with people who you know move in and out of different states of Regulation a lot because of their trauma history just thinking about that that image that you had to kind of move away from the difficulty and overwhelm of what was happening in your home. Yeah, but you you sort of brought yourself there and then found as you said this kind of focused curiosity within yourself that put you in a place of like reverie or you know, imagining that that was really I guess made things more easeful for you. Yeah. I've been thinking about it a lot. I mean I think about dissociation a lot because it was Much of my coping mechanism for so long and I still really love the feeling of sort of these days. I call it dissociation light up like being being a little disembodied. You know, it's very relaxing feeling for me. But I think about it. I'm also a trauma therapist and you know, I know how like distressing dissociation and that kind of like fragmentation can be and was for me like most of my life, you know, like sort of like I would feel you know, like when I was a a teenager something I you know, I looked like a boy. I wanted to be seen as a girl but I didn't want to do that work that you had to do to be seen as a girl and so I like felt one way on the inside. I was treated as in a different way and then I wanted to fight for myself, but I also wanted to like run away, you know, and there was this like sort of discrepancy of what I could do or how I could be in the world. and then the other thing I've really been thinking about sorry if this is a little detached but was like, you know in families of violence when there's like real real deep care there, you know, like like my family had, you know, I really loved my parents and I really loved my abusers, you know, hmm and like to be able to hold the Like both things. Yeah, I kind of have to compartmentalize them completely, you know, hmm and then and then how that compartmentalization gets carried into adulthood can become kind of wild. Yeah. Do you feel like you can speak a little bit about how how that did kind of carry into your you know, early adulthood or how it manifested in your early adulthood. We in ways that were very helpful for you and some ways that weren't. Yeah, I feel like some of the ways I carried that compartmentalization is by like on one hand like really wanting to connect with people and like really diving in and going you know. Really wanting to open up all the way no and just be seen and be and see them and get really deep and really close and then on the other hand like really not giving a shit, you know, like I'd be like, I don't know, you know, maybe at this point I someone would have diagnosed with borderline back then. I mean it's so clearly and borderline, you know, it's like a trauma response. I think so, you know, there was It's like there would be like a flip. It would be like this person. I really am so fascinated by them. So interested by them, and then there would be like one little Miss Attunement or one kind of offsetting thing and I would be like never mind. You know, I called it like the three-week rule. I would take people for like three weeks. Yeah, and then it was like something would would switch and I think part of it that I think I've been thinking about this idea. I've written a lot about consent and so I haven't really written about this so much because it's kind of maybe a little bit of a fraud topic but you know, I think sort of the way that consent dialogue unveiled over time. Is that like There should be these real clear ideas of what you want to do and not want to do you know right unlike you can set boundaries and be like, here's what I consent to here's what I don't consent to write and for me, it really wasn't like that. You know, there might be one part of me the totally wanted to like be having sex, you know, and another part of me the totally was uninterested in another part of me. That was like You know analyzing the whole thing, you have no, right. And so then it was like when I had to look at that, you know. I freaked out I would freak out and just be like, oh, what's this was this consent? Like was I consenting or not, you know? So I think there was a fear of really looking at at that kind of mixed feelings or fragmentation that kept me from really being able to form solid commitments with people. Yeah, I mean in some ways it's the way you're describing. It sounds a lot like how many people describe you know memories of like a traumatic event and and they described it as they're from the perspective of you know, floating a Of it or you know watching it unfold right and I think in some ways that's it's really important. I like what you're saying because it's what's really important is to take into account all of the different parts of oneself that are impacted by events, but also are at play in our daily lives, right? You know that there's parts are there parts of ourselves that are carrying a lot of hurt parts that are carrying a lot of like longing for or connection and it sounds like you really you know, one thing that you struggled with is really struggled with that part of yourself that that would you know cut things off as a protective measure and I wonder maybe you could talk a little bit about how you've learned to navigate that impulse or that part of yourself as you yeah, I think it's like Thursday's, you know because there's so much at stake like when it's like an intimate relationship or there's you know, physical the physical body involved and there's been abuse in the past like we sort of have these like rules for ourselves that we don't have in other places. So like, you know like so I go like to a restaurant and I'm like I get soup and it's like, you know spice level 7 and it's like a little too hot right? Yeah. And I'm like taking a bite. I'm like Bluetooth by sea, but also delicious like hmm. Do I really want those like not really but kind of you know, I'm like there's all this like navigating that you know, like I'm going to eat this it or like, you know, I go to like a show unlike my head hurt like my body kind of hurt. Like I don't really want to dance with my friends are dancing. Like I'm going to feel kind of left out if I don't dance and I know I'm going to feel better if I dance so like I choose to dance, you know, and it's like seven thing you're thinking today a lot about this like idea about like Choice rather than consent, you know, like what do I choose to do knowing that you know, there's not like a cutter dry answer about whether this is like exactly what I want to do, you know. Yeah, but that I can hold like these gray areas of life part of me wanting to move forward. Me having some hesitancy, like giving myself having given myself the permission to really explore what that hesitancy is about like not overriding it. Yes. Oh hmm. But just being able to be like, oh, there's that hesitancy like that. That part of me that's like afraid if I don't do this, I'll be deserted, you know, and then I could like Oriental my partner like I've been in this partnership for 10 years. Like I'm not getting to the largest this, you know, like right I can sort of like a dress whatever it is that. But that part of like signaling, you know instead of just trying to override it with like, oh I want this. I don't want this I can send I don't consent, you know rape. Yeah that either or I mean that's that's kind of also like where the spiritual bypass often comes in. I think you know that that idea like getting out of the uncertain or uncomfortable set of feelings that feel kind of ambiguous which mean for someone One who's experienced trauma and their bodies is not not a very tolerable feeling, you know, there's a kind of impulse to want to to know is this okay, or is it not? Okay is this good or is it bad buckler or is it not safe? And yeah, it sounds like you learned a lot from that. Do you think it was the training that you've done in somatic kind of based therapy, or I don't know like your experience with navigating sobriety or you know, look what are the things that do you think have sort of helped you to build up that I don't know like tolerance for ambiguity difficult feelings. I had like a sort of jungian therapist for a little while. Yeah, and she was pretty amazing. She was an old Earth firster. She was Linda on Earth First, you know that group Earth firster. Yeah who became a union? Yeah, that's amazing. Yeah, that's a good. Yeah resting trajectory. Yeah. Yeah. We did a bunch of work on. sort of the different cells, you know, yeah like I'm actually reading a row. I just started a really good book called The fragmented self of the trauma Survivor. It's really excellent. It's it takes sort of fragmentation approach. But then also cymatics really good any way we did it was right when I was getting sober like I drank a lot and my 30s mostly late twenties and thirties and then started to get sober in my late 30s or something and I was right when I'm starting to get sober and I like. lived by myself in the middle of nowhere literally and we did a lot of work, you know, like I think growing up we had there was like a big like in our child kind of framework for like peeling, you know, which I had tried to do a little like nurturing the inner child and that was nice and everything but it wasn't like sufficient, you know, and then there had been a big like dive into your deepest trauma and like rape, you know, uncover it and uncover all the memories and yeah, you know That was you know re-traumatizing. Hmm and And her approach was more like making friends with the disparate sort of voices and cells in your head. You know, which I feel like ever most people I know seem to have some, you know, like some amount of like the negative voice, you know, the critical voice like the child part, you know, so I think it's applicable to a lot of people where you like Sort of hold that voice a little separately with some compassion, you know and say like I hear you buddy, but like maybe tone it down a little bit, you know, hmm. Hmm. And so what that work, I did a bit of like just trying to like feel what it felt like to like be allow myself to like connect with some of those Like the critical self, you know the child cell like what it felt like physically a little bit and tried to just what did it feel like allow them to carry a little crazy making yeah. Yeah, but nice she had me watch Spirited Away. Have you seen this movie? Yes, she said she was like that movie is the psyche of the traumatized child. Old and that each character it's like a person, you know, like as part of your psyche. Hmm interesting Anna. Yeah, so that was a good visual framework just sort of put it all in. Yeah. Yeah, but I think that practice whether that relate people relate to that or not. What's really like a way to be start to be like kind to myself rather than like punished. I mean, you know, what's just like I hear your voice like you're telling me I'm stupid. I should think about this thing. I said like ten years ago over and over and over again, but you know, it's okay. I hear you. Hmm. It's sort of bring this neutrality to it Chuckles. Yeah, I mean I'm always curious, you know about how people kind of and I can relate to this myself, you know sort of coming to more of an acceptance of the multiplicity of oneself, you know, like the parts that you don't want to exist and you know the parts that don't seem to let go of you and what have you found that I guess supports you. In that practice of you know aiming at more neutrality like what are the kind of like physical conditions of your life that have helped you if anything to sort of support being able to do that if that does that make sense at all? Yeah, I mean moving away from like a real chaotic life helped, you know, like putting drinking. Definitely helped and like doing the you know, I went to a somatic experiencing training which is a three-year training, but I did work through a lot of my own trauma and sort of how my body had stored. If I play it kind of stuck by play patterns and you know, there's some like simple techniques that always really helped me which is like pushing one foot into the ground and then the other you know, it's like the sort of slow motion running, you know, like pushing the hands into the sides or couch and then releasing are these sort of just like a little bit of like self-regulatory movement. Hmm that help I think really learning about how the nervous like that it was a nervous system thing. Yes and not like some kind of like, you know. Something that I wasn't doing good enough. Yeah. Yeah, but it was like earlier every time yeah, I went back and just regulate. It's like you're I mean, I think that goes back to the like let's say the borderline diagnosis or something like that right where it's like this indictment of your yourself. Yeah. So moving away Mmm Yeah. So being like Oh, my nervous system like, all right, I see you like, what do you need like a little orienting, you know look around. little bit if there's a threat in the environment, oh, yeah, no threat, like go back to gray thing, you know like some things like that. I think really like learning to be try learning to stop trying to rescue people so much. Oh And then figuring out some of my limitation like I don't work very well in groups. You know, like I'm just not an organizer. I wish I was I like organizing but I'm actually just like To agitating to me is this point in my life? I aspire to be a better organizer at some point. Mmm. So like just identifying that like, you know, I'm more of like a one-on-one. Yeah kind of person has been more supportive. Yeah. How is your you're writing your practice with writing or your relationship to writing? Like what does it look like now? I'm working on. On a book right now. Hmm. Yeah, my writing practices pretty shoddy, but I think it's nice for people to know because you don't have to be like, you know, I think there's this idea of writers as being like I write as wake up 6 a.m. And write everyday stuff like that and my writing practice has never been like that never like I'll like typically by pattern is like all think about something. I think about like I want to start writing again. It's been a while, you know, and then I'll be like what subjects are speaking to me right now are like what do I feel like is out there in the world that like not being talked about in the kind of subtle ways. I wish it was yeah, like what do I feel like, you know people would benefit from like having a more like accessible. Language around or like what am I struggling with? Personally that I've sort of come out the other side of that. I feel like would you know serve others so I sort of think about that stuff and then when I spend some time just like talking to other people about what they think about those subjects, you know, yeah, and that's usually like two months of no writing. Just thinking Yeah, I'm talking to people and then like and then I like take some notes and then I forget about it and get distracted and then I like sit down and write a bunch for like a month, you know, and that's always been how I do it. Hmm by all of the like happier when I'm writing. So like I I always feel like I should have a more stringent practice. But at this point I'm just sort of like this is my practice now that I'm working on this book. I'm today is my first day. I'm going to go have a weekly writing group with a friend of mine. So we'll see how that goes. Mmm Yeah Yeah. I mean I've I was curious to ask you because they think you know the way you're talking about your process now, I have no idea if it was you know, so Or let's say 20 years ago, but there is something about aiming for the subtlety of experience that is not being addressed that I feel like was really a part, you know was part of your work with Doris Zine other things you've written but that's kind of character. Yeah, that was always kind of I can like before I was like a Punker whatever like Before I was into veins I was like in like more I hadn't gone to college but I had gone for a year, but I was around people who are really college-educated like what a cool people and who are super articulate, you know and came from that sort of background of having an opinion arguing that opinion with a lot of facts, you know, and I was more curious about like, how do we like come to decisions? Like how do we come to a pinion? Like, how do we Formulate stuff like what's all the things being left out, you know and so early and back again to that Curiosity versus fear thing like, you know, I just felt so limited back then and still to this day kind of about like the topics people talk about, you know, like when I was in my 20s, it was like music tattoos traveling, you know train hopping like these were like all this is the limit of what you could really talk about. Hello, this is like this is boring like really boring. And I found like through writing like, you know is a really great way to just you know, first. I wanted to be like a fiction writer and then I wrote things but like to be able to really like watch people like as a fiction writer to be able to like watch people and try to really capture like how they speak how they move like bring this real curiosity. Yeah to like the movement of bodies and like These patterns of people and how to relate tease apart. The differences was something that gave me a lot to focus on when I was in public that was like interesting and positive and like curiosity making rather than the sort of like dull repetitive conversations about who saw what band or whatever Anna. Yeah, and then the theme to like, you know, and today even also like, you know I go to parties it's so boring a lot of the time and so like I like to come prepared with some kind of like something I'm curious about, you know, yeah, totally I can I can definitely relate to that, you know, but I mean that that I think that comes that aspect comes a little bit Yeah from maybe an introverted sensibility or a kind of easily overwhelm at overwhelmed or sort of You know the kind of Mass Social world and I imagine that yeah, I mean for me it's similar, you know, if I kind of have like a thing I want to talk about or you know, it just it is it is helpful. I guess I'm thinking about you, you know younger you in the context of as you said like that you kind of being entrenched in these discourses a lot of them were. You know in some ways they were aiming to be extremely, you know, radical and transformative, you know these discourses around, you know, like the black. Oh, you know black Bloc Anarchy, you know, like an anarchist politics whatever, you know, lifestyle stuff and punk life and Anarchist life and and I guess for me, it's just interesting because what it sounds like what you've come to and not that you've you know, I'm not Presuming you've abandoned all these ideas necessarily or what but it seems like that perspective of kind of observing and being curious. Sometimes is actually brings us to into a much more transformative space than these kind of rigidify died, you know political stances and and things like that and you are and who you're really like first in like a dogmatic in someday. dogmatix scenes Yeah, they were about it. But the first like the first like anarchists and I was part of wasn't very dogmatic. Mmm. And I think it really set the stage for me to like watch something much more embodied and much more like Complex and mmm, you know, like it was they were it was intellectual but it was like really creative. Yeah and playful and really committed to like undoing power structures within our group. Hmm. Not just like fighting against, you know, yeah, it was pretty special but hmm, like the feeling of it like I was in the Splash Bakken America, unlike the feeling of like being like part of something. Yeah bigger and like supported like that, you know, just like in this group of people that just like had your back, you know, and that we're moving is like one creature, you know, just with so transformative, you know, and now I like I went to a while I was at like an anarchist book fair some Thing and afterwards like people laughed and they were like dressed in black. I'm like, you know. Kill all cops or whatever and I was just like I mean, it just didn't feel the same. I think it was more performative. Like it was less like people were like together moving together. Yes, like this is creature and more of like a performative. I mean, I think performative anger is really important and we do need a place for anger you now sure. But yeah, mmm, I love that. I really love that image of like the way that you've deeply felt in the midst of probably you know, what I imagined to be in kind of some of what I know to be very Like violent and frightening circumstances and yet being kind of buoyed by this this group of people in a really deep and profound way that that allowed so much possibility. It sounds like allowed you to imagine individually and collectively allowed you to imagine so much. Definitely. Yeah, I think there's like, you know for me trauma made me run my adrenaline really high, you know, and so when I found like other people are scenarios where the adrenaline yes, the collective adrenaline was at the same level as my typical adrenaline. I felt so seen, you know where its most of my life. I felt like just crazy just like totally unseen and like everybody was on a different vibrancy than me. You know and so when everybody's adrenaline was up, I was like, yeah, you know, right. Yeah, we really was Punk. Like I didn't really listen to punk music but like a lot of the people I ended up with which were lots of the performative punks and more of like just deeply deeply traumatized people who didn't know like how to do couldn't you know function in the world the way we're supposed to yeah, like they also had that high adrenaline often. Yeah, I think in some ways, you know, the way that when you're talking about that makes me think about back to the nervous system regulation, you know that there's something about being met with the same level of intensity that your It was like being on the same frequency. That's that actually can be quite regulating. You know her. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah. I'm that makes a lot of sense to me. Actually, I guess yeah one thing I'd like to talk a little bit about is your relationship to queerness and I guess specifically queerness, you know this idea of like how you came to maybe appreciate the notion of queerness as I don't know maybe also something that allowed allows for multiple a multiplicity of self to exist. Yeah, you know queer liked it and exist when I was like growing up. It was like to be fired a are and there was like a ton of gatekeeping and when like we're came out, like first of all, I didn't you know, like I didn't know what my desire was even though I slept mostly with guys like it wasn't like because that was where my desire was necessarily I was just That's what happened. And I really like love. I love all bodies and I like really love like this guy's to like just how vulnerable they would be was like some treasuring, you know, it was like I just felt like all their lives. They've been like performing or like expected to know what to do and When I like started like when the Antioch policy came out that was like you have to ask for consent all the time for each separate sexual move. Like I started like asking my partner's you know, like as it's okay. It's okay and that helped me stay in body. But it also like really was like the first time I think anybody had ever asked is like sis guys like if they were really into what was happening like not in the like Are you into this? But like and I like you might not be yeah or like and like I was like pretty much I mean I slept with tons of people. I was very promiscuous and you know didn't really have that much judgment around it. But I was like shocked that really shocked but in retrospect I'm shocked that not more people know this because pretty much everybody I slept with like Seems like they told me I was the first person I ever told that they've been abused as children, you know, like all these sub skies, and it was like this this permission was given to them to be like vulnerable by like this treasuring of their bodies, you know. Hmm, and it's very powerful. Anyway. Hmm. So like I loved that and I loved I loved, you know men and I also really like Don't like naturally. I was probably drawn more to I was naturally always really drawn to like androgyny, you know, like the first the first crush I ever had was definitely like someone who are like, oh, I don't know if that's a girl or a guy, you know, yeah like but there was like so much gatekeeping. It was like if you're by you have like one foot in the door of patriarchy there was just like hmm. It was just a shitty time and so when queer came out it was like not only could I like a lot of whoever I loved but it also was like this whole like gender presentation thing where like everybody saw me as a boy, but I wanted to be seen as a girl but I wasn't like I wouldn't like shave my mustache or whatever, you know, and like like all that stuff like how to place you know, yeah, and yeah, I could like I didn't have to because previous also like all the this girls are gay girls would call would think I was Butch, you know, I write about like feel but I felt more like All kinds of ways, you know, yeah. I'm so it really opened up like oh you can be all kinds of ways. You can be this one minute and this another star like, you know, that's what's made it more like for me at the time like you didn't have to perform your identity, you know? Yes, I think embedded in that, you know, that notion is is, you know, kind of back to this curiosity. You know, it requires conversations potentially with people. Who would I don't know maybe ask you like how do you relate to your like your gender expression or how you know, what does it feel like to you to like, there's a kind of opening up of you know, more nuanced dynamics that can become possible sometimes I mean not always, you know, it's not always the case. But yeah. Yeah, I've been curious about I guess I've been curious about your recent somewhat recent like Instagram videos where you're revisiting some of your old stories and kind of what prompted you to do that and how you Yeah, how you're thinking about that? Okay, I've been living for like 10 years. I look for 10 years in the rural area where there were no no cell phone service and we've had really just dial up internet until a few years ago, which is crazy. Right? So like I moved to Pittsburgh a couple of years ago now I have a cell phone. But I'm just trying to like honestly, I'm not totally sure if this is very interesting. But so I'm writing this I'm trying to write a couple books are just figure out if I want to write these books or not. One of them is a political autobiography about the 90s basically and the other is a utopian post post apocalypse utopian novel and And I feel like I need to have a more social media presence. But also it seems kind of fun. It's so I would I just yeah, I mean part of the reason I'm asking. Yeah, it's like a random kind of a random thing to be asked about but I guess the reason the reason I think it's interesting is because it does seem like you maybe have some sense that the stories that you were creating. That you're sort of revisiting publicly are there they're still really important and they have there's more there's kind of like maybe a new audience or more expansive audience for these stories, but that the kind of like tone and the way that hearing you read them. It's it's really it's really kind of captivating to me and it feels like a prairie particular voice. You know, it's like you have a very particular perspective on storytelling. So I think it's I think it's really interesting and I I'm I was glad about it because I feel like it's it will help, you know, a more like a younger audience to discover your work and a more expansive audience. Yeah. A lot of my stories I write them to be written out loud. Uh-huh. So, it's fun. I've always sort of wanted to To do something with them worrisome like an audio have that platform UI audiobook. Yeah. I'm into it. Thanks. Yeah, I'm excited about it too. Good good. So I guess the last question and again you can kind of go wherever you like with this, but if you think back to you know that sort of Younger version of you in a meadow with a blanket watching the bugs. Is there anything that you would want to convey to that serve younger version of you? Knowing what, you know now and having lived. Your life thus far I think I would say you grow up. You're safe. You have a miniature horse your beloved. Your curiosity will save you. Yes. Yeah, I love that. So a big hug. Yeah. Yeah, maybe you can tell the audience how they can learn about your work. Current Future Past. How can I find you? Yeah, I have a website at Cindy Cin dyc are ABB and then I'm on Instagram to it's like Cindy and then like an under - crab and I also have a book learning good consent that I edited this on AKA pressed the go. Let it cool. Yeah, we'll put links. To all those things in the show notes and I really appreciate you being there and I look forward to hearing what people think when they may be discover for the first time your work. So I am I'm really grateful for you being here. So thanks so much for doing this podcast. I'm really grateful for it too and really great. Thank you. Maybe not maybe not.
In this episode we talk about dissociation, choice and consent, gender as "all kinds of ways," life before punk, how adrenaline and traumatized bodies interact and the dull and repetitive conversations that led her to live life as a writer. Cindy Crabb is the author of the long-running feminist autobiographical zine Doris and compilation book Encyclopedia of Doris. She edited the zine and book Learning Good Consent. She is a somatic experiencing trauma therapist living in Pittsburgh. Cindy wrote her zine, DORIS, like she is figuring out the human condition. She makes writing about the simplest and most common things - playing music, childhood, cooking, or sex- resonate with universal understanding. She helps us make sense of more complex things like the satisfaction of doing useful work, natural curiosity, the ability to use logic, gender dynamics, introspection, the need for challenge and change, combating depression, and creating art and literature. She shares and explores the emotions that go along with having an abortion, rape, dealing with the death of family, or sexual harassment in a context that is enlightening and personal, feeling like a close friend opening up to you. What's most impressive though is that she relates these things into every article in her zine seamlessly. You can find out about all the amazing things she does at: @cindy_crabb LITQB Podcast: This is a podcast about the barriers to embodiment and how our collective body stories can bring us back to ourselves. This is a podcast for people who identify as queer or for people who might think of their relationship between their body and confining social narratives as queer. This can feel like an isolating experience. Our wounded bodies need spaces to talk about struggles with nourishment/disordered eating, body image issues, dysphoria, racism, heterosexism, transphobia, xenophobia, substance use/abuse, chronic pain/disability, body changes in parenthood, intergenerational trauma, the medical/wellness/therapy industrial complex and its lack of inclusion of queer bodies and much more. Hopefully this podcast can illustrate the connections, and resonant pain points, that we have with one another.  @livinginthisqueerbody  The Host:  Asher Pandjiris Psychotherapist/ Podcaster/ Group Facilitator  Queering the Holidays Virtual Workshop  December 8th:  SUPPORT   Music: Ethan Philbrick and Helen Messineo-Pandjiris --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Welcome to the Epic Life podcast episode number 15. Today. We are going to tell you what pandas syndrome is and how it almost destroyed our family. We dive deep into the devastating details. We have never shared before and tell you how it started and what we're doing now stick around to hear if ebi still needs his tonsils taken out. Welcome everyone to another edition of the Epic Life podcast episode 15. Is it 15? I was gonna say what episode are we on? I know by the time we get to episode like 80 we're going to be like a 85 85 85. I think it's 85 think we can make it that far something like that. Yes, just so everybody knows really quickly. There's probably going to be some really funny bloopers at the end of the podcast. I don't think Any action, I hope that you put all except for that one. Don't put that one. And if that one is in there than you're welcome everybody, but don't put the 1 in there. Just put the other ones here so crazy. We're sitting here trying to figure out how to to like start our podcast. So we're like, okay. What are we at? What should we talk about first and we have all these funny things about our kids and all these different things, but we can we check her phone you go. Blank, he just goes like but then Jesus I just kept coming up with these really stupid things and night. It just proves that we've been married for way too long way too. That's how when you get that comfortable with each other that comfortable with each other. So, you're welcome at the end. We have all these topics that we have to Hash through but we're always trying to think of something else to rely quite segue into the episode and whatnot. But so funny I mean today, honestly. So, okay. So today it was a pretty good day. So for the listeners, it's like my it was like - 10 today. No, it was more than that. I know it was minus 17 when I woke up. Yeah into work is negative 18. Oh gosh, and then I had to walk I was outside for like 20 minutes by the time. Oh my God the office. My body was numb it hurt so cold it hurt. Yeah, it's pain her well, and actually there's when to to yeah, it was saying is like negative for yeah. Well, I woke up in the room here with Cosette. We woke up at like 7:00 and I woke up because I thought there was like are like a window open because it was so cold in here and usually it's not like usually it's cold in here but not like that called that cold like man. So I got it stairs and the house was only 54 degrees because a heater something's wrong with our furnace. It's not working probably pop. Yeah, so and so name is it is 54 degrees. He's 54 degrees. And so the all we have writing is like the fireplace. Yeah, and then the little space heater. No, seriously it is and but see here's what the boys did today though. They thought this would be really funny and I didn't know they were doing I did not just for the record. Tell them to do this or advocate for some to do this, but I came down from Cosette. I was putting close that down for nap and I downstairs And a be Shiloh as Iran Debbie were running outside onto the Snow Hill out the front door and back in Barefoot mind you doing snow challenges like the dudes too cold for that. They always a way too cold. They were running out there. Barefoot all the days to do that. They didn't wash I know I don't know why they thought it but they were like running up the hill. So we have this Snow Hill in the front of our houses play like three feet high and everyone that it might be more than that and they just they would like run down the There's and run up the Snow Hill and stay there as long as they could possibly handle and see who could do it the most which was like my second. What time was this? This was that like 12 o'clock p.m. It was cold and I was like you guys so cold you can't do like really get like frostbite on your feet, but then they'd run back in and run to the fireplace. Yeah warm up and then do it again and but they thought it was great. They're like one the channel fine. I don't I think they agreed that no one won. It was like a mutual we can't do it for a Longer than we could run out and run back. Yeah, there's search The Sting your feet. Yeah, really funny to see them try to challenge each other. Like that's so boys. That's so our boys. Yeah want to challenge. Let's challenge challenge. I love their little challenges you they're always doing really fun challenges are so cute. So, how was your day today Jason? Did you have any more good conversations with your office mate? I don't want to go there now if you guys listen to some of our other podcasts Jason has an office mate who likes to talk to him a lot and Jason's always like I'm brain-dead. I'm brain-dead. Well I have work to do. I'm just one of those people who when you it is hard because the work that I do is hard to break concentration. Yeah, because it takes you longer to get back into it. Hmm. So if you're interrupted, I think there's like a data points to say it takes like 15 minutes to get back on track. Yeah anytime you have an interruption takes you that long to get back on track something like that. I mean, obviously it varies depending on what it is. No, I've heard that and but what I'm doing is it requires a lot of just technical hmm analyzing and stuff. So and every time To get interrupted you like. Oh shoot and I don't have the gift of completely blocking out ignoring people. So some people they can literally just tuned you out. Got it be around our kids more. Well, no either with it is it's like it's I don't know something with my brain the way that it works is hmm, you know, you see and you here, it's like everything here it and I can't not yeah pick up something going on set besides. So I even wear headphones when this guy's still he's It's almost I Envision Jace when you tell me about this I Envision that your back turned to him and you're at your computer and he comes over and like lifts up. The ear thing is like hey, Jase. Hey, hey, he lifts up your earphones. Well, it looks like you're not responding. So yeah, then it's like they go over and get bigger. You're not busy. Are you I tell you my life story. So you're not really doing anything from there. That's how I always see it's like this comic in my head. It's so funny hilarious, but know it's funny because her Well finding that funny because you know, how when you you maybe you do that to somebody else. Yeah wrap them. Yeah, but then you see that you can see, you know, when tell that they're like, okay, I shouldn't bother you anymore. Yeah, he'll do that to me but not Vice Versa. Oh, oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, that's funny because some people just don't have that. They don't get it. They don't see it. Yeah, or maybe they do but they're just like whatever if they really didn't want to talk to me, they would just tell me know some people just all about stop. Stop. No, you should know you should get like a little sign and hang it on your back or on your head or just hang someone's like do not disturb. Ya know. It's like yeah, there's like there's another comic strip of the sign and then it's like just ignoring it or taking it down or you should you should have the no button on your desk. They come in and ask, you know, now I said no see buddy had those. Yes and no buttons we have yes, and yes in the know you had a high dose because they're getting yeah. The kids will sit there walk around all day and they'll be like ask me a question. Yeah, that's me a question. Yes. No. No I said no. Well, I like it when they when you ask him a question like no, it has to be a yes or a no. I know it has to be a yes or no answer. Okay, so funny. I love those. Mmm. So we should start talking about the topic because it could get a little Hefty or a little long. I'm not sure we've been so many mostly. Yeah, you're you know the most fat aside. Don't have a lot. Yeah II went through this heavily with Debbie. I mean when we were going through this stuff with Ebby Jason worked like sometimes 80 hours a week. It was crazy except for the time Hawaii. Yeah, except for the time in Hawaii. But I so today we're going to talk about Ebenezer's Panda syndrome and Jace you can pull that you want to tell them what it stands for. Well, it will tell you what it stands for will tell you everything it's but yeah, we're going to tell you about that so we get this question a lot about However, he's doing now and what exactly everything he went through we shared on our Vlogs a lot about his Panda syndrome in his journey, but there was a lot of details that just simply couldn't be shared details that I didn't want to share and details that especially as we're going through it it yeah, I only talked so much about it. It's different now because Abby's in remission and he's doing really well and so it's a lot easier to talk about obviously, but I feel longer form to yeah. It's You can't really do as well and you can't really do that on a flock and so there's a lot of I think missing pieces and a lot of assumptions that people have made whether good or bad just about the situation and kind of where we are now. So we're going to talk about that but Panda stands for and Jason has in front of him because it's long. It's pediatric autoimmune Neuropsychiatric disorder and its associated with streptococcal infection. Yes, and most of you probably know a structure streptococcus its Guess I think streptococcal something like that. The co-infection one of us is mr. Right strap and so strep. Basically you can get through strep throat or some people get strep and they never have strep throat. It's another just strap it can yeah, you could just be a host it can live in your gut but usually for kids it's a result of having strep throat. How do they get strep throat? And well anywhere strep throat is extremely extremely considering the winter winter. You put them in a shopping cart. Yeah, they touch something in a store the library or something. I mean, it's so contagious. You just get it you're going to get it anywhere. I mean, it doesn't it's just rapidly spread. So but the thing is if they get it and you don't immediately is that how it works that you don't immediately get get it taken care of ya. If you don't immediately get it taken care of it can the strep can move to the gut of the person even if you immediately take Care of it. There is a chance of it moving to the gut. It's more rare that way but the longer you have strep in your body the more likely it is that it's going to get into your gut and just mess you up. So Abby's case what happened because so he had to go to the emergency room. But yeah, we didn't know. Yeah, so I wanted to kind of start from the beginning with you guys and lead you through a series of events and then we'll kind of get to when we were in Hawaii than when he was diagnosed and so stick stick with it because Especially if you've wondered about his story this is going to answer a lot of questions for you. We'll just so you know, yeah, you're missing the bachelor. All right. I want to watch The Bachelor so bad, even though I watched it for the first time my gosh. Okay. I'm just gonna say real quick. I watch it for the first time last week and I'm totes loving it. Wait. Wait, wait, are you being absolutely serious? I think she's joking people. I'm being I think she's so interested now. Okay for real though. It actually was actually Kind of interesting to watch I'm not going to lie. I'm not in I don't typically like that was my fault everybody. So I don't typically like shows like that and I've never watched The Bachelor but not because it looks like only dumb it's kind of good. I just I like to make fun of them. I really like to sit there and be like, oh my gosh, they like each other because mostly strew scripted, right? Yeah, probably okay back on topic, but that was funny Bachelor. I'm so gonna watch it on like wow or something killing me. Well, maybe it's not on till 9:00. Oh, I I don't know. Okay. Okay. So here's a be story it started back when he was about 14 15 months old and he got he got really sick. And I remember the day exactly it was the day that we found out Shepherd was a boy. And I thought didn't you wake up feeling like you're like a horse or something on a lump on his. Yeah, right. That was the same day. That was same day. Okay, so well, so the night that he started to get sick. So we had this big like gender thing and I had went and got an ultrasound with Shepherd and met Jason for lunch and everything. We found out that he was a boy. This was the last time we lived in Montana and we were just had a really exciting day. We took pictures. I had dressed up the kids and I had dressed up ebi in this really cute little vintage white outfit. And as we were taking pictures, I noticed that he just suddenly felt like he had a fever and you know, he went from just like he was happy and playing to he had a fever and which was really quick. And so I you know, I was like, okay. Well that sucks. He's probably getting sick and we went to bed that night and all through the night. He had a high fever and he just sounded like he was breathing funny through the night. But you know, sometimes when kids are sick, they're congested and I didn't really think honestly tons of it and so the next morning Jason had already gone off to work and I woke up and he was making these gargling sounds and I looked over at him and his whole neck was this huge golf ball, I belong. I mean it was it was it was I was bigger is hey, they said it was like a navel orange because what the doctor described it as I totally freaked out like I'm not gonna lie. I Kind of almost lost my mind and I thought I got it did not look it didn't look good. Anyway, what shape or form do you follow our Instagram account? You've seen the picture of okay. I have I've posted a couple times and put it in some of our Vlogs and so I immediately got up and just took him to a walk-in clinic. I didn't want to take him to the emergency room because I know there's a lot of germs there and I didn't want to expose them to anything else unless the walk-in clinic thought he needed so we went there. Air and at at at when we were there, they tested him for strep throat and a bunch of other stuff and heat the strep throat came back positive for him. But I and I asked the doctor I said, okay, so if it's strep throat, we just put him on antibiotics and he'll be fine and the doctor said yeah, that should be that should do it. So I got the prescription came home and I had given him a dose of it and then I let him take a nap and I had laid him up on my bed. And so Abby at the time was a We're good sleeper and he always slept really well. But this day he had woke up after like 20 minutes and I had heard him on the baby Mars making some weird sounds so I went up there and he was like turning blue like his lips had already like lost color and I picked him up and I thought oh my gosh, like what the heck I didn't know what to do. So I just grabbed him and I ran to our neighbor's house. And I said I have to take him into the emergency room now. Can you please watch the kids and she was like, yeah, and then you called me and yeah I met you there. Yeah, I Almost like you have to meet us there. And so when I got to the emergency room, I was so scared the whole way. I am not going to lie. I did not Buckle him into his car seat. I was scared. He was going to like stop breathing while I was driving there. So I had him on the front seat with me not ashamed of it whatsoever because when you're like a mom who your kids could die in the backseat and you can't help them and they're turning blue. You have to have them right there next to you and you have to know what's going on. So all I could do was pray the Away there and nothing's gonna happen. Yeah, you know because it would it's better for me to keep him alive, you know next to me. Well, yeah and you couldn't just easily turn around I couldn't easily turn around he's not breathing or do something. I mean a mind you, you know, we were on 25-mile our roads not that it makes a difference in general. But so it was that far away. Um, anyways, I just I was terrified and so I got there and I took him in and I mean obviously they took one look at him and was like, oh my gosh, we're rushing. No, like they the the nurse at the front desk came out and took him from me and Debbie just started screaming because he was not the type of kid that was comfortable with other people. He only really loved being with me. He was very attached to me. He hadn't really been in the arms of other people up until then he even he was even with me. Yeah, not super for whatever reason. Yeah, not even Superman. - to me or any of the kids. Yeah, it was kind of like he was very very attached to these kind of what was sucked for a lot of us. Yeah as you'll hear later on. Yeah, he his symptoms got worse it like that that was even exasperated quite a bit totally. So well, they took and he was freaking out. Yeah, he was freaking out but he was kind of choking himself to because he was having a such a hard time breathing. Yeah, because that lump was it was taking yeah. I was taking over his throat and so So I you know when they took him from me, I it's kind of like one of those moments where you feel like like you knew it was bad, but then when they just like come and grab em from me like you really know K. It's really bad. So they took him from me and then another nurse came out because their doors are locked, right? You can't just walk back there and I had a daily unless you follow. No, they just like I was shocked like the lady just like came out and she was just like, oh my gosh, he needs help now because his lips were were not by well, I wouldn't say like bright blue, but they were Like gray, you know, he had no color. And anyways, another lady came out almost immediately was like, oh my gosh, come back here. And then the doctor said, okay, I'm gonna We're going to give him steroids working give him all this stuff. If it doesn't help within two minutes, I we might have to intubate him. I'm just letting you know are you okay with that that would and I was like do whatever you have to do. I mean, obviously, you know, but I was so scared and they gave him, you know, they got an iv in him and all the stuff like as quick as I could blink. It was so fast and they gave him steroids. So they give him steroids through the IV and then they gave they put him on a breathing machine. And she I didn't even see all this. Yeah and within a couple minutes, he was starting to breathe more normal and so they didn't have to do anything extreme, you know intubation or anything like that and then they let me hold them. So they let me climb up in the bed to calm him down because he was like still freaking he was far from okay. It makes me shake thinking about because I was just a horrible experience. And so I'm sitting up there with him, you know, and just like how's the breathing machine on him and everything and then of course the doctors like well You know has he been sick and I was like, no, he hasn't been sick. You never had. It was like he's never been sick before he had a fever last night. It was like one of the first fevers he's ever had. I have no clue then they were asking like, what is he to been exposed to who has he been around on what end at the time our truck was being maintenanced and fixed in another city, so I hadn't left the house and weeks. That's when we had that rat in our oh, yeah, and so which is that we just got it back though, right? No, we didn't have it. We still didn't have it back. Wait. How did you get there? Oh, no, you're right. We had just got it back. Yeah. No, you're right. I was like, how would I get there? No. No, that was Fourth of July that that happened. That was Fourth of July that it happened. And we it was gone for like a couple weeks, right? It was the first time I had left the house. Yeah taking him to the hospital is I guess what I should have said, but we hadn't had the truck for like two weeks. So we didn't. Yeah, so you didn't go anywhere. I hadn't gone anywhere and I told him. We just went out to the park that day. Yeah, do the video and pictures and stuff. Yeah. That was the only know we did those at our house. No, we did the remember the that you know, that was that was the thinking about a video announcement when I was pregnant with Abby now, we did it. Yeah, so you did the video that was different that is every time of time. Yeah, so but wasn't there a birthday party to the kids have that birthday party? No, the only thing I could link it to because the doctor was like, well, you need to tell me what he's been around and why? He was exposed to and he was even asking me like has anyone that, you know been out of the country out of the state. Oh jeez, and I was like not that I know of. I mean, I've only been in my neighborhood and our neighborhood kids all play together, you know, that's the only thing I think of is that our neighborhood kids all play together, they share bikes and I had them outside and they were all in their wiggle bike Summertime Summertime you kids the kids are sick, right like you're not, you know keeping your kids shelter. So they never get sick. And so anyways how some of those questions are just like, I don't know. I don't know. I mean, I have no clue. And anyway, she started to stabilize but he has white blood cell count was so high that the doctor had said to us his white blood cell count is so high. It's high like in a kid who has leukemia and I was like, oh my gosh, what the heck and so they ran a test and but he was negative for everything. He was negative for real thing and he was admitted to hospital for like three days that they tested everything but nothing he came back negative for everything except for he has his white blood cell count was so high and so in the end after everything they the doctor was like we can either Continue to test and see what the cause of this is and put him through more testing or you know, the antibiotics are working because they had him on high doses of antibiotics Through The Eyes by the time I got there. He was already kind of walking around. Yeah. He was yeah, so like and this was like six hours later. Yeah. Well, yeah, I mean I came I came there earlier, but maybe it was later. I don't know. I think it was like six hours later because you couldn't leave that was like, oh it was like you couldn't I mean regardless I mean he was pretty quickly. Mhm. He got back up on his feet and he was moving around and and once his blight white blood cell count was going back to normal and that was about the third day. That's when the doctor was like, you know, let's just send him home also his lump though. They had no idea. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah that way they said maybe something in the affection something we should stay with the lump is because well they don't they did so they did an ultrasound. On the lump to find out what it was and it was his lymph node, right that was swollen to that site, but they have no idea why it is they had no idea why it did that. He's getting infected in it or back that like something that was a weird thing that they've ever seen. Yeah, they had never seen that with strep. They said strep doesn't well, they were stinking there was two separate things. Yeah, that maybe weren't just coincidentally had strep. Yeah, but something else is going on, but the antibiotics helped both well between the steroid and antibody so well, that's why I the doctor was like you need to ask your neighbors if they've all been out of the country at some point because if that's the only exposure that your kids had he's negative for everything that we would test for like United States and that kind of stuff and and I did I ask the neighbors and no one had been anywhere that there was somebody that I know that one point I kind of they weren't sick or I can't remember I kind of felt like that was a whole other thing than right neighbors. Thought I was blaming them for Abby cygnus which was really sad. I don't know why they thought that I mean kids get sick. It's not their fault. Yeah, it was more of us like trying to track something down. Yeah, somebody got offended because we're just like literally like it's like hey, you know, does anybody know anything just so we can kind of close get some closure on this and then ya know for future. Yeah because you want to know well in the dark a potentially guy said for some reason find out yeah, so because we didn't know if in one year because he did say that if it Again, or if something comes up make sure you come back. Yeah, I would you send us home. He's like, let's just leave it at that and if he gets sick again in this happens will continue to test but after that he continued to get better. He never did get sick, but we brought him home and it was like we brought one child into the hospital and at we broad totally her child home up until this point in his life. He was a happy-go-lucky kid. He slept through the night. He ate well super easygoing super easygoing. I mean, he's the one that made me be like I could do another kid. He's so easy, but we brought him home after his sickness. Oh my gosh. He he started to not tolerate everything and we assume we assumed it was the hospital the yeah, you know them to the nurses taking him from you. Yeah. Our first assumption was that just like okay, he's has like yeah like Intermatic. Yeah, you know like a post-traumatic stress syndrome, but and that's what we are told. That's it. Yeah, that's what we were told but it was like, okay, this is Going a little too far now because he started having he started out first when we got home just having fits about weird random things, like maybe his toy would fall and he would go ballistic about it. Sorry, excuse me. How old was he at that he was he was like 16 17 months. Yeah, and it was just really weird. He had never done anything like that airport using. Yeah, but he stopped eating. Well, he would refuse to eat anything that was good for him. Which was strange because up to that point. He was like pretty much would eat anything and he stopped sleeping through the night which was so crazy because he was one of our kids that always has still under the net. He always moved around but he slept well he slept. Well. Yeah, but he's totally saw and he would wake up almost in a panic a lot of times he would wake up like catching his breath is really scary. Yeah, it was and so we didn't really know and as time went on over the course of the next Year his fits went from maybe it's a tantrum to wow. This is like crazy a totally not just a tantrum to this extreme aggression and he started because we moved to Washington State shortly after this happened and he started hitting his head on the floor. So he would get angry and his aggression first started where he would take out on himself and he started hitting his head on the floor on the walls and We actually got nervous that he was going to hurt himself like really hurt himself because he was making him self have bruises on his head and it's around that time. You were getting pretty pretty pregnant pretty pregnant. We are trying to prepare for that. Yeah, so we're like, okay we need that we need to get this because at that point he was the sleeping in his own bed early and he wasn't sleeping through the night. So we were like, okay we gotta came to try to sleep in his own bed because you're getting big and try and struggling and there's no way. That he would stay in his own bed. No and it was happy hour and he's having like panic attack. So that's what I was going to say. Is that night time? I mean he did this through the throughout the day. It wasn't like a he would have these attacks like once in a while. He was doing this maybe at a minimum of three times a day. I mean minimum. Yes, so he be a normal happy kid, but then out of nowhere, he would you said it would just be he would drop a toy or he just spill his milk or whatever one would say Something that he just completely yeah flip out he would go completely ballistic as far as aggression and anger. He could not control his mood or his emotions. So so because yeah because at that time it was starting to progressively get worse and worse worse and worse yet. But we were really starting to get productive pot preoccupied with having another child. Yeah, like if you veteran Shepherd came along. Yeah, that was when we really got kind of scared. Yeah with okay. We have a newborn Yeah, I was scared for Shepherd because Ebenezer was not gentle ever after I mean in his aggression was getting so bad. He would have times where you know, if you've ever had a kid or witnessed a kid have a night terror where they wake up in the middle of the night and they're not there. They're their eyes are closed and they're screaming and they're going ballistic that is how heavy was but wide awake and his eyes would be glazed over multiple multiple times. Times a day. It's almost like something took over in him because his eyes would be really fun hazy and you could tell it wasn't him and that little the episodes would leave just as quickly as they came and when they were gone, it was like you could tell he didn't like it. He knew that something was wrong, but he could didn't know what to do or that was especially true as he got older. Yeah, and he was able to express that. Yeah, and I especially when he was able to almost control it more. Yeah, so he was able to learn to in a sense, you know, especially when he was more upset. Yeah, and he had like.he was able to put himself in a corner hide. He freaked out he do this crazy thing, but then he learned him. He didn't run away have his time and then he come back and he was like apologetic. Yeah, and you can I say, oh my gosh, there's my Eddie. You can see him back normal in his eyes. It was such a weird flip and he says but it was scary. I mean our family lived in so Anxiety. Yeah, it was always walking on eggshells because everyone was scared of whatever you would do next week. I couldn't take him to grocery stores. We couldn't take him in public. I mean I had times where I would take him to the grocery store and he would say, you know, can I get this and you know, a lot of kids will like oh, I really want it and they kind of have a little fit whatever but he would go ballistic and he would pull I like one specific time. He asked for some cake or something that was on the shelf and I had said not Not today, and he just ballistically started pulling all of the bread off the shelves and it's not. and I say this with with all my heart that if you haven't had a kid do this you really won't understand because there's bystanders right there looking like why isn't that Mom just discipline her kid because it appears that you have this child that is acting out and this is so heavily weighted when I say don't just judge a mom by what you see because you really don't know what's going on and I was right there in the middle of it and with ebi his Because of what was going on with his brain. The more that I would try to help him the more he would reject it and get angry. So worse if I well he's having this episode. He's pulling all this bread off the shelf if I go to him and say, it's okay Abby were just we need we can't do this. It would make it escalate so much were so you literally have to wait for this to end and it's just horrifying so I never wanted to take him in public and I meant to say the very beginning of when we started. That what pandas does is it changes your brain? So the strep is in your gut and it crosses the blood-brain barrier. Once it does that it starts to create these antibodies in your brain. And once your brain starts creating these antibodies it never stops your brain thinks it needs these but these antibodies that it creates attacks the brain cells of your own brain and so it affects mood it can affect like a Kids get OCD and they get tix and they get anxiety and they have aggression and they they are not doing it. They cannot control it. It's because these antibodies are literally attacking your own their own brain and they can't control this and so there's different flare up sometimes some days are better and some days are worse and we and we saw pretty much all of those SUVs. So like some of the first ones we were like, you know the OCD thing. Oh, yeah. It really see his end. And I remember you telling me this quite a few times to where he would have to he would do something with like very his toys or he would like you're trying to you growing out in public you're trying to do something and then he has to do these systemic Yang's with his toys. Oh, yeah, and if you try to stop interrupt, he would go ballistic. Well, if he didn't go ballistic, he would really like start to have that Panic he would like the true like OCD like not the not the like I have to get the house. And otherwise, I just mecan't I'll have a bad day. It was what he could it was. Okay. So yes, yeah a true like to the definition of OCD and it was it was that was another bizarre like started out that way with his toys and I started noticing it with his toys, but then I started noticing then you start adding the because it because again it was like he was at that terrible to stage of like kids where they just have their normal Tantrums. Yeah, but it was nice were a step up is LCD was like, okay. This is kind of weird for a little. Child and then hit the Tantrums were going a little bit more. Well, and I had doctors I mean even even our Midwife because she you know pandas is not a widely recognized disease and and because of that law doctors don't know what it is. So he had seen several different doctors and some doctors even are even our favorite doctor in the world had said, I'm pretty sure he he I think he has autism ADHD. I mean you might need to go get him tested. But I knew in my heart like he doesn't he doesn't have ADHD and autism because I had done a lot of research on those and ADHD and autism do not just suddenly occur in a completely healthy child and although he did fit the symptoms. So if you're looking at just the Spectrum, right and you're looking at the symptoms, she has such a wide spectrum though to ADHD is a wide spectrum. But like I took an evaluation for ADHD test for him. And he was like severe. Hmm if that's what you were going on. It was very severe but just because he had the symptoms didn't mean that's what he had and I knew that and so but we just didn't know what he had like nobody knew and so we went we had planned this trip. Okay, so we were we were going to Hawaii and we had already been dealing with this for like a full year and a half. Yeah, because we were in Washington. We're there for eight months or so and we went to North Dakota. We were there for a whole year year. Yeah, and then we're and we were just pretty much learning to deal with it. Yeah, it was then we plan that Hawaiian trip. Yeah. We're in Hawaii. Hawaii was the Tipping Point for that. I thought because Jason I up to this point. We were scared. We never left Shepherd never be alone because Abby's aggression was so bad Shepherd was so small and yeah sensitive and we just didn't trust Abby. We never know when trusted. Him so sad he could be in the best mood, but you leave to go to the bathroom. And while you were gone something's flipped on him and he's throwing rocks across the room. Yeah, I mean his aggression was becoming severe and when we went to Hawaii, it was like I thought you know, you keep thinking as a mom. Maybe this will help maybe this will help this is maybe what he needs and I thought well our family will relax and go to the beach and hook it better but I was just with him did not it was the same. It just wasn't improving and there are some things that the one thing that we did notice with him though was At least in the sand because he was always a touchy area sensory sensory. He so very sensory since he near the water the calm this and you held it but once we went like into the house or once they're just kind of playing in the backyard. Yeah or again, like doing something you can't change his environment quickly. So you'd have to kind of prepare him if we were going to go to the beach. We had to let him know like way ahead of time. Yes sure. If are you know, you couldn't because most At least our kids anyways where I was like, let's go to this grocery store. We just want to spot any was ours like awesome for them there. Yeah, but Abby you couldn't be so it was like his OCD couldn't handle it hits like she had a prepare. He had to prepare and mind you to he was also having major sleep apnea. And I knew he had sleep apnea but doctors wouldn't the doctors that he had been seeing they wouldn't do a sleep test on him because they said he was too young for a sleep study unless they Did it in this certain other way after Graham and environment were like that's not really gonna work. Yeah. I was like that wouldn't work. We have two more do it this other type of one. I don't remember the names of them, but he wasn't sleeping through the night and it was contrary to his lack of sleep. Yeah wasn't really sure also to his he was constantly tired. He constantly had baggy saggy under his eyes and it just everything together was making him a very angry. A depressed kid and the defining moment for me was definitely what I think, you know, we're getting at yeah the Hawaii incident and we're in Hawaii and we never left Abby and Shepard alone. And so I had them both outside and they were playing and then I had to come in because I had to go to the bathroom and I had asked Hani to stand outside and watch them and she had went out there, but I guess she decided to To pass it on to Kai. And so she had told Chi to go out and watches. Yeah, and then both of them saw each other was doing and not no one was outside and and bear in mind. This is only like a few minutes. This is like in the amount of time for me to go to the bathroom and number one mind you I'm not like see on the positive paper number. Yeah, exactly newspaper. Well, I came downstairs and I saw Hani & Kai and Jason inside and I said who's outside with Debbie and Shepherd? And as I said that I heard Shepherd scream and I literally almost I like sunk to the ground. Well that it was like the loud curdling. It was real loud hurtling cry and it still makes daughter. It makes me want to cry right now because I couldn't go out there was like you're stuck. Like I was so nervous of what I was going to see because I had Thought that if Abby was along with Shepherd for too long a bee could have the possibility of such a really hurting him severely hurting him to a point where he may not survive. I because that was how his aggression was and not that he was meaning to do it, but he can't control himself and this is what pandas does to kids you hear over and over from parents and they're terrified some of these parents don't get a diagnosis and their kids end up in homes because they can't don't know how they can't do it. And so handy ran out there first and then Mom there's blood there's blood. Yeah Jason and I'm like stuck. I feel like a frozen person was like everything moving slow around me because I this was my worst nightmare. This was the worst thing I could have dreamed of and Jason picked him up and brought him and he's just has blood all over his face. It's like all over where you don't know even what happened because you can't see it. And I was like, oh my gosh, and I just like crying and bawling and I'm looking over and then a because I see a be hiding outside and I just I lost it. We ran Shepherd upstairs bathroom the bathroom to get a good look and we're like why pasta? Yeah because and so there's a big gash in his forehead. Yeah. And like I said, Abby was outside. Well, he walked upstairs at that point. He walked upstairs and I couldn't handle it. I was like, I can't look at him like I couldn't look at that point. He started freaking out because obviously he he he well, he don't know but here's the thing is like we still don't have a full. Yeah, like we don't know. We don't really know what happened. Well, we don't know what happened but kind of yeah, well I was so we went back outside after we clean it up after we you know, he ended up being okay. It was worse than it is. Look, it looks worse than it was right. He did he yeah it you know how sometimes you can get like a small cup at it's just like gushing blood. So that's what happened in this instance. It looked so bad. So I thought oh my gosh, but it was it was a cut on his forehead that didn't need a stitch or anything like that it maybe it could have used his but we use a butterfly bandage and you can't even see it now so we went outside because you're trying to get we're trying to get like a bee what happened, but he was still younger so it's like yeah. I couldn't lie and sometimes I felt like when he was having these episodes he didn't necessarily blacked out or something. Yeah, sometimes it felt like he didn't remember exactly what had happened because he almost seemed confused at what we were even asking exactly and that wasn't his nature his nature and his age was always like to tell you everything that happened and so but we did find a Shell we found like a seashell Rock right? It was like, yeah, we call it a I forget what those are called, but it's like a hard rock. And it had blood on it. And so would we assume so we assume like either he threw it at Shepherd or they're throwing it up in the air and it hit him in the head. Yeah. So again, we start our assumption was that every got angry had an episode through it because they always were fighting about something but my but that was like that point where you said that it was just like at that point. I told Jason I was like we have to put him on medication because up till this point. We know the damaging effects of putting your kid on medicine for ADHD or Autism that it literally don't need it. It will mess with your brain chemistry. It's not a secret. It's not a hidden thing. You will mess with a child's brain chemistry with their brain that's developing once you put them on specially at that early age that early age if you don't really fully yeah work through it. Yeah, so but I told you Jace I told you Jason was like whee. I'm desperate. Like I don't know what to do. And I just I think I cried like the rest of the night because it was so emotional to me. The worst thing for me is that my child could hurt my child. All right, and I I just it was devastating to me. I was so devastated. And so we this was shortly after that. We left for Utah and I think and I think this is obviously one of those this was God. Yeah because we were planning to stay in Hawaii. Yeah. That was our whole goal was we're going to stay there. Yeah, but I was being you know recruited to go to Utah and it was so ran it was like a random thing. It's like well Utah I We kind of thought about going there one point and they kept like pushing it pushing in like, okay. Well, maybe we'll make it a little bit of experience, you know, and then because after being on that island where like if we wanted to live in Hawaii, we wanted to go somewhere else. So we're like well, maybe we will kind of come back and then make little bit more money reconvene and then go back so it just happened that way that we went to Utah. Yeah you from a fan I think right somebody he said hey, have you ever looked into pandas? Yeah, because you were saying you're asking if I had expressed on one of our viewers who are really like, I don't know. I don't know you I did I made a vlog and I just said if anybody out there knows because I'm going to have to put him on medication. I don't want to because I don't I know in my heart of hearts. This is not autism's my ADHD is not PTSD and someone had said it sounds like he has Syndrome just look into it and you did and I did I Googled it and I was like, holy you said there's some specialist. Yeah. So your first I looked at the symptoms and I thought this could have been written about ebi right exactly. Yeah, and then I looked at their the national system and saw that there was a doctor like 10 minutes from us a specialist and the special are not all over I was going to say and that was the other crazy thing is you're like where you're like, it needs a specialist kind of doctor to diagnose it. Yeah, and you're like, oh my Oh, gosh. I hope there's one in our area and their way home. It was like right down the road and be like what I have to give this doctor high price. He's a man was he was awesome. Yeah, he was the type of doctor that every mom dreams of having that they he listens to you and I called their office like this all happen the same day. I got the comment I Googled it. I found that there was a doctor I called them and this was like at 11:00 in the morning. Yeah, and they booked you and I called and I said hey. I am pretty sure my son has pandas and I'm desperate to get an appointment and they were like doctor can see you at two o'clock. And I was like, are you serious? Yeah usually were a month out but someone canceled today and I was like are you kidding me? So I was like, okay, I'm will go in there and this is this is to me what is mind blowing about panda syndrome? Is how bad your child can be as far as symptoms and how horrible the effects are on your entire family and yet to diagnose it is to do a strep test. That's it and to fix it is antibiotics and I went into the office. thinking well, he's going to be negative because the negative for everything else and it couldn't be that easy because I had already Googled it right and like retinol they couldn't be that easy, but he said he's like well, we'll do a strep test will do it in the throat will do it from the bee-hind if it's if he has Panda syndrome the strep is going to be living in his gut and if it's bad enough we can it'll show up in his from his behind right now in the office and I was like Go for it, you know go for it. You know, I wasn't expecting anything. So did it, you know, they walk out of the office to go do the, you know, wait for the color to change and he comes back in and he says it all nonchalantly like it was a regular strep test, you know, and I'm this mom's gone to his for two years, right? And he's just like, well, it's positive and I I'm I'm needed like a sit-down like preparing yourself for these rules and he just non-client. Like well deposit and I was like, oh my gosh, like I I lost it because I'm like this is this is something positive. This is an answer like what you're like now what it was that he was just like well, it's something tested positive for that. I can get you on antibiotics right now and I was like, what does that mean? Like tell me everything and he's like well for six weeks he'll be on a high dose of antibiotics and within a week, you should see his symptoms reverse and I was like, At 10 o'clock this morning. I had no idea who you were and at ten o'clock this morning. I had no idea what Panda syndrome was and here I am going to Target to get a prescription at 5 p.m. And with this hope right? Yes, I like this. Hope after all that Something's Gonna Change. Well, we start him on antibiotics. He was taking high doses of it twice a day everyday and and you everyone listening like, you know, I'm not for antibiotics, but there is a time and there is a place and I am so thankful and so grateful that they exist for something like this and so he did that and a couple days in I started noticing that he wasn't having as many fits but I was kind of holding my breath. I wasn't getting excited just didn't he say that I can have a flare. Yeah, right, but a weekend just like just like doctor said he wasn't having his aggression fits. They had gone from having up to 10 a day to maybe one if that but he it was almost like he would kind of start to have it but he could control it he could turn it off which he had not been able to do that before and I was like walking on eggshells. I was so nervous and I and I was so happy and I just didn't know how to feel because What did this mean for him long term, so he was on the antibiotics for six weeks and he was still on them. We went back for another appointment and I literally hugged the doctor and I was like you have no idea of like maybe you do maybe you don't I don't know how many parents you see, but you literally changed my life. You literally changed my son's life. I mean he's doing he hasn't had one of those aggression fits in issues in like five weeks. Like you don't understand what this means. You know, it's funny about this. Hmm. Is that doctor is not that kind of emotional doctor. He was not at all. He's a very calculated Harry like not very humorous doctor. So nice is like, you know a nice is the complete opposite of that. I'm like, I think I wasn't I didn't get to I wasn't there to experience that but I met him and I was just like that's funny to think about, you know, how he's reacting to you. Yes ice totally more like awesome monotone. Tone is very much. Unlike. Okay, let's do you and he's like, well, I trust what you what you feel because you're the mom but he's yeah, he's very yeah, he's very very good. Very good been totally not emotional, right? You know, he's like, I don't understand why that's mine. I was just so happy and at that point he had said so typically with kids who have pandas after six weeks we go to a low dose of antibiotics and they'll stay on a low dose of antibiotics through puberty when the brain changes. Is and stops where we'll stop creating those antibodies on their own because with pandas if you just stop antibiotics the brain instantly starts to create the bad antibodies that attack the brain tissue and I mean that can happen within just a day of missing like it he was a doctor there to that said like he wasn't for he didn't antibiotics. Hi there like but he said obviously he was like, this is what you have to do. This is a case where you need it, but he was talking like was that I can't remember the so the long-term goal. He didn't he say he didn't want to do that. So the long so he was so this is what happened. I know what you're getting 2 but you're missing a step. But just because you you were working so much. You probably don't remember this he was so we went to the low dose and because typically you can do that. You can go load us but we really he was like will go to low dose for six weeks and we'll see what happens most kids do And it just controls the symptoms and but sometimes if the strap was really really bad the low dose not work. And so what happened is we went home and within a couple days his aggression was coming back his symptoms were coming back and buy a week I called and I said no I don't do the low doses working because he's reversing and so they put him back on the high dose and it took twice as long to get him back to where he was the first time and but once he got there, you know the doctor and I had a long discussion about what the options were because he said I do not Advocate keeping them on high dose of antibiotics for until adolescence that would could destroy his gut that's going to destroy his health. He we can't do that. And it's there's like ethic issues with that too for like the medical industry well and then long-term he wouldn't even react to it anymore. Yeah or something happened and later in life. They can kind of overtime kids can get used to like the dosing and you can't just keep upping the dose but his pandas was so severe that he had to stay on this high dose antibiotic. So at that time he had said the alternative is that we get IVIG treatments, which is a Blood plasma transfusions. They're very expensive one transfusion, which is a two-day back to bag is $17,000. And at the time we didn't have medical insurance because so we need a three of them probably right? He's got he said we probably need a minimum of three and it was super ironic because we usually have we usually always have insurance for our family through Jason's where we just return positioning but we had just money. Yeah, we had just moved we had just got to a new company and they didn't have any open enrollments and so we were not on insurance and that was crushing because I was like, well, we can't do it. We can't like we can't afford to do three four rounds of IVIG at seventeen thousand dollars a pop times for And So, I was devastated and the doctor agreed. Well, let's keep him on high dose antibiotics until you guys. Save the money, you know, we'll do one treatment at a time. So we're like, okay, we'll do that. And so we were just kind of waiting and at this point I was pregnant with Cosette and we were about halfway through pregnancy with her and I were I was in the office one day and one of the male nurses was like Hey, you know, I just had this thought for your insurance because my wife and I are pregnant right now and she can actually get on My insurance as soon as the baby's born because it's considered a life-changing event and so insurance if you have a life-changing event insurance is required to pick you up even if it's not open enrollment and so I went home and like look that up and was like, is that a real thing? And so we got excited because that meant that when Cosette was born we'd be able to get on his Works medical insurance right away. And so that's what we were holding out for so he was on high dose antibiotics for Or about eight months as well. It was a while. Yeah would have been about eight months because I was her whole pregnancy. So it's about eight months. And once we got on insurance, he we decided to do the IVIG treatments, which I now today regret doing I regret doing that because he was doing really well and when we started IVIG the doctor had warned me and said Oftentimes IVIG can make kids worse before they get better that was definitely the case for us. He had his first treatment and his symptoms flared up quite a bit and I just when you go through so much with a kid and you go through so much emotionally and physically with your child is yours exhausted. I was I just couldn't fathom dealing with that again or bringing that into our family again. You just had a newborn and yeah, I just Had a newborn and I just couldn't mentally and physically see myself dealing with this and I talked to dr. About it. And I said I just don't know if I can deal with his symptoms coming back. I just I honestly don't know if I'm like strong enough to do that and he encouraged me to just hang in there and do some more treatments. We ended up doing two more IVIG treatments with him. So I was too full treatments. All right, we did three full treatments all together. No, but is too dangerous. Is equals one treatment two days equals one treatment you did so we did six days which was three treatments. I thought you only did two now we did three. Oh, yeah, we did three full ones and we were supposed to do a fourth, but what we ended up doing so when he had his third treatment, he was doing okay, but I had talked to his doctor and I said, you know, I'm really fearful because And I should have said this at the beginning that the strap oftentimes most of the time we'll live in the tonsils of the child and we had already so whenever you was on the antibiotics his he would no longer was having sleeping problems because it was controlling the flare-ups of the the strap and so his tonsils were not stolen anymore which is why he had has sleep apnea so much because his tonsils were constantly swimming. But I had read doing IVIG and I was a part of you know, I was reading all this and talking to other moms who had done and I was on a bunch of boards with pandas parents and there was Mom's saying if you're doing IVIG treatments, you're doing them in vain if your child still has their tonsils in because IVIG treatments antibiotics no matter what you do will not take care of the strip in the throat in the tonsils because it Harbors there and you can't get rid of it. And so whatever you do once Stop it, the strep gets released from the tonsils and into the body. And so I had a very serious conversation with our doctor about that and said I don't want to do this anymore with ebi. I don't want to do that IVIG treatments. Well, I might be jumping in the head. But yeah, go ahead when I wasn't at some point he was talking about and like I said, I know you're going to get into it but like building the gut health. Yeah, he mentioned that at some point because I know like the antibiotics antibiotics kills it. He did do you need to re but wasn't that a part of that plan at some point? Yeah, I guess I should have said that I mean at the very when he for when he started or when he ended up staying on the high dose antibiotics. He said well, this is going to destroy his gut and he we did so we did Whole 30 Grant and kept him off sugar. And yes that was important. Yeah thing to that was important. We also were giving him probiotics and other supplements and stuff. The problem was As high dose of antibiotics that he was taking it was the it was just counteracting with the probiotics we're trying to do they just could not you can't heal a cut while you're constantly destroying it. And that was one thing I had I talked to him about when I was talking about the IVIG. We I can't heal the kids gut because it's just we're just destroying it constantly and I can't keep doing these IVIG treatments that cost crazy amounts of money, and it's Lll not getting rid of this this and he was like, I agree with you. He needs to have his tonsils out and I wanted to do a couple treatments and see how he did first because he this doctor didn't want to just jump in and say hey we'll get his tonsils. Yeah, if he doesn't need them ripped out, but after the third treatment he agreed he said yes, and so I took him to ear nose and throat doctor which completely agree that he needed his tonsils taken out. And so we were this was when we were moving so we were about to move here where we are now to Montana and we were going to be moving in about three weeks or something close to this schedule that appointment I scheduled the appointment from his tonsils taken out. I was nervous but I was excited because once those tonsils were gone. The strap was going to be out of his body because that's where it harbors and I mean besides the gut but we can heal the gut right you can't take care of the tonsils. Um, I mean, at least I didn't think at the time he could but it was horrible. So and now I look at it as a blessing but I didn't at the time. Yeah, I woke up and stress. I gotta be up at 5:00 a.m. To get his tonsils taken out. And I gave him because he was hungry he was begging for and I hadn't fed him the night before because he wasn't supposed to eat right and so I gave him because he could only have clear liquids and so I gave him an 8-ounce sippy cup of water, but he was so upset and wouldn't do anything and was crying and wanted milk. So I put a like a tablespoon or a teaspoon of oat milk into the water. So He would think it was milk, but it was still see through wasn't like solid or a pretty clear. Yeah, I let him drink it and I didn't think anything of it because I could still see through it. It was still a clear liquid and it was like hardly anything right? And and when we got there she they, you know, were there between us and stuff. She was like has he had anything to eat in the last eight hours and I was like, no he hasn't had anything to eat. I did give him some water with like a teaspoon of milk in it. I was just being honest them because I didn't think you're not supposed that he could have seven up so I know it's not funny. Yeah, whatever 7 apples sugars, but they long story short they refuse to do the surgery and I can understand to a certain extent. Yeah, maybe I could have been a mom that gave him more than that and I'm not being honest, you know, what was horribles you worse devastated and then you're trying to reschedule it and there was nothing available and we're saying we're leaving and it was like well, so he was supposed to have 14 days to recover. Before we move. Yeah, and the the surgeon would not do the surgery unless he had called me told him that we had to move. Like if I don't do this now, he's can't get it done. And I think you said didn't you say oh, yeah because we're moving within like the 14 days. Yeah, and then that was the point where he's like, well, I'm not going to do it unless he has yeah the minimum Fort so even then at that point you're being honest and he was just like no I'm not going to do it. Yeah. He's like I'm not going to we're not doing any more like you got to be kidding me. Yeah. I was like, how is this even happening? Opening right now because the problem for us was is this Panda specialist doctor is is only here in Utah. Yeah are there in Utah there is no Panic specialist in Montana. And so once we move we have to see different doctors and the insurance company is going to make us go see that go Gabby doctor refers to an ear nose and throat first. Yeah. It was going to be this whole event and I was so stressed. I mean Was just a horrible. I just felt like everything was just closing in around me and like what the heck am I going to new baby? We're moving. Yeah, your son's going through the stuff. It was a it was horrible. So at that point, I called my sister and I because I just I was like needed to vent. I was like, I don't like what what is my problem for putting in a tablespoon of oat milk in his water? Like this is my fault. I just felt so guilty and and you know, she had already been talking to me about using Supple different supplements and essential oils and stuff like that. And I just at the time I just wasn't really a believer in that I guess not not that I love I've always loved essential oils, but I didn't really give it a chance or think that it could actually help Debbie with a syndrome like pandas and she said, you know, he said just you have this stuff at your house. Why don't you just Try it. Why don't you put him on a strong probiotic like a really good one and start using these oils that will get rid of this in his body. And at that point I said, I don't know what else to do. I mean, I guess I need to do this and so at that point right before we left. I had a our last doctor appointment with our doctor and I I I I talked to him about it and I said, you know, there is no Panda Specialist or doctor that We're going to be able to see in Montana. We can drive back and forth to Utah. But I said hear me out. I kind of want to try this. I want to try taking him off antibiotics, which I said very heavily because I was so scared to try to take him off antibiotics. I just see with how well they were working. Yes. I was terrified and it's not that he liked the doctor. We could have still got all the antibiotics here in Montana. That wasn't an issue. Wasn't like moving was making it so that he wasn't having medical care because that's not the case at all. He I was doing like phone consultations and like appointments over FaceTime with his doctor. So that that wasn't the issue. I just really felt that with everything going on that they're probably there had to be a purpose and that I had to try something different. I really do believe in our bodies and I believe that our bodies do have the ability to heal themselves because oftentimes when you're using Pharmaceutical medications they are masking the symptoms and not really taking care of the underlying issue. Well then diet to and diet because you have this horrible diet and you're taking medications. Yeah. Well and we already knew that Abby couldn't have food coloring Friday. So we were now we are very strict with his diet. Yeah sugars food coloring food coloring was begging mean even now they might sound stupid. It does sounds like I said to me I'm like really food coloring. Yeah, but you can't Yeah, the chemicals are coloring do do mess with kids brains and that has actually it's not a theory. It's been proven over and over again to exasperate symptoms of like ADHD autism and all kinds of different things. But you know, I I talked to him and I said I want to try taking him off antibiotics and putting him on a strong probiotic and I want to try these oils and I want to try these supplements and you know, the great doctor that he is. Is he's always told me I'm a Believer in Mom's intuitions, and if you want to try this, I'll back you up with it. I can't say it's going to work for you, you know, but if you need antibiotics again, call me up and I'll prescribe them and we had plenty of prescriptions in case we wanted to fall back on that again. But once we got here to Montana the first couple weeks, you know, cause I don't want to do while we were moving and unpacking I wanted to be a bit more subtle so I can handle any repercussions. You might have at that point. I stopped sharing his Panda story on social media. And so this is going to be all new news to you if you followed his story because I stopped sharing not because I didn't want to I stopped sharing because I wanted to be sure what we were doing was going to put his The syndrome into remission, which was my whole goal is through this whole process and I feel like it's it's been how many months have we been here Jace? We've been here like she's 10 8 7 8 months 7 months who know it whether we're in March an army. Yes. We've been here for like 7 so eight months. Yeah. Okay. That sounds right. We have like eight months and I feel like we're at a really good place with ebi and I'll what we did with him is we took him off antibiotics and replaced the same dosing that we were given of antibiotics like the Quant not the quantity, but the quality of it. I'm not sure sure. Yeah, you just gave him a high dose of them their high doses a couple times a day of probiotics and not just probiotics. Like I wouldn't walk into Walmart or Target probiotics off-the-shelf your specialty these are specialty Probiotics you can get what's the important thing? There's a portent that doesn't feed the strap. Yes. This is very important. She very important you do not I repeat do not want to give your child a probiotic that has the streptococcal strain in it. If you do you are asking for a lot of trouble so because it is The probiotics do some a lot of them do or most of them rather do have most probiotics of the street as the straps trained in it because yeah in healthy guts and healthy people normal some they need that bacteria to help them guard away from it. But when you already have strep in your body putting a probiotic that with the streptococcal in it is like the worst thing you could do. It makes it worse and so The never do that always look at what strains are in there. There's a company say the majority of them do have it the men to specifically look for the majority. Yeah, you're right the majority do have it in there. And so I can only like I recommend because we did start out using a plexus probiotic and I'm not an advocate of plexus. I don't like a lot of their products that they have. However, even even like we use Young Living products and their soup plant-based and super Amazing, but even my sister says, you know and the probiotic that plexus has is actually a very good probiotic but above that higher than that getting a custom probiotic is even better. And so there's a company called custom probiotics and you could just Google them custom probiotics and you can call them up and say hey my kid has these symptoms and this is what he's going through and they'll make a custom. Probiotic there come very high potency. That was the word. I was looking for that so high potency probiotic is what you want with no strain of streptococcal in it whatsoever. And so we did that we were doing that and then I was constantly I had made a roller an oil roller bottle for a be that had oregano and oregano oil has been known for centuries. To be an anti-fungal antiviral it takes care of but different types of bacteria inflammation nervous system all kinds of things that and Wintergreen and Cyprus and Valor and Bergamot and vetiver are there was a bunch of these oils that are antiviral antifungal and anti-inflammatory and I mixed them together. Whether with fractionated coconut oil and I would rub it on his spine just throughout the day all the time and I did this for about 30 days and he was also taking some other supplements. He was taking the sulfur's I'm I started giving him which sulfur's I'm if you're not a Young Living member you wouldn't know it is but it it helps rebuild gut health and it helps keep out bad bacteria, which is what he needed and it also helps clear out a lot of yeast like yeast overgrowth That is in the body which you don't want when you have yeast overgrowth in your body. You're just inviting negative bad stuff to happen in the body your brain and your body is connected to your gut your gut health so that plus the diet that plus the diet. So for I think I did it for like 45 days. We were super strict on diet high probiotics and the supplements and we were just doing it constantly. And I will be perfectly honest because when I started this journey and wanted to share openly about what the effects were of taking them off antibiotics and what the effects were of doing the probiotics in the oils. I want to be really transparent because I honestly I was going for it and I was very hopeful but I didn't think it was going to work. I thought we would be back on antibiotics and I honestly expected that's where we would be. But it we didn't know I actually uh, hey he's a different kid now. He's a different kid now and he's doing better on probiotics and the oils then he ever did on the antibiotics and that's that's like from the heart of a mother. I like the way that you can really tell ya is when he gives me a hug. I know we're always like oh my gosh, he wouldn't do this been like really Coming towards me more and and you know, just especially as a dad who has that with his kids all of his kids. Yeah, they're always loving I mean but he for whatever reason, you know, even when he was especially when he was going through his he wouldn't he wouldn't let Jason die for him. I couldn't touch him. I couldn't it was it just it broke my heart. Yeah, and so as it's weird for me now to have him jumping on my back and wanting to play But he's super sweet to his baby sister to his little brother. Obviously, he still fights with his with Shepherd, but it's normal but as a normal child can't play fighting and stuff. Oh I have rarely has unless he's eating like food ice if he has food, I still have a flare but it's still he can control you can control it. And that's what's is. So amazing to see is how far he's come. Yeah and how like you were saying you're just trying to follow your intuition. Work through get answers prayers and advocate for your child. And a lot of people are probably asking because they I get messages. I feel like almost every day about his tonsils. And yeah, we were going to get his tonsils taken out. So why why didn't we hear and this is why I said earlier I look at the situation that happened with his tonsils now as a blessing because I can now say, you know, it's been about eight months that he's not going to need his tonsils taken out his cigarette. Right now he sleeps Like a Rock. He's doing really well. His tonsils are not inflamed. The last time I took him in for a check-up his tonsils were totally fine and I am so grateful for that that that happened because you know, we could he could have gone through procedure that he didn't need. Yeah and looking back. I just I wonder like why was I so upset? I mean, I know at the time what it felt like but looking back. I'm just so grateful for everything that happened the way that it happened and I feel like when we move to Utah we moved there for Abby and when we moved to Montana we moved here for Abby because if we wouldn't have moved to Utah he wouldn't have got his diagnosis if we wouldn't have to Montana we wouldn't have tried the probiotics. I don't think because at that point we probably would have just didn't get his tonsils taken out because of that whole thing that was going on. We probably would have kept him on antibiotics. And so there's just all these things. that happened in these these events that take place and it just makes me so grateful. Like I don't even know how to explain it. He he's doing so well and he his eyes are Abby. He never has those moments. I mean, they're they're very few and very very far in between that you see that the heavy glaze over his eyes and usually like you said, it's if he's had food coloring and food poor diet, or he's eating a lot of sugar one day because I mean, we're human Sometimes we give our kids a GT night or something. Yeah, and sometimes he has things he shouldn't and he'll get a little flare up but they're not bad right there completely controllable and I'm never worried about him. I have zero fear of a be doing like he is. Oh my gosh like you seen with Cosette and it is a it's dreamy him and Shepherd are like best friends and they constantly play and get in trouble together and he still he still the rough little Evie, but he He rough like that's his like no, that's just like he's always been like just as big gigantic Beast Boy. Yeah, but it's out of love not out of yeah, you know just can't control himself. Yeah, and he's super sensitive. He is really sensitive. Like he has he it's like he wants to be like this big Brave. I can see him as an adult being like, I'm this big tough Brave guy, but he's really this melting sweet there that has this really sensitive nature and He's like the like Cosette is like wrapped around his finger. She he will do anything for her and he will bow down to her and if she even thinks about like, you know, if she like makes an item like please don't leave me he's like all there I will give you anything you want. He's a sweet kid. Yeah. He is sweet. So I hope that answers some questions for a lot of people I am going to do a video about kind of what we've been doing and share the products that we've used with him. I know that we said that we use Young Living and I can only advocate for that company. It's the only one that we've used that we really believe in and that we know that there's them all but we know the difference we know the difference. Yeah, there's I mean honestly, I think people really have to do their own research you to decide because I know one could tell me this is the best so comedians I would have been like who says it's the best, you know, it was when we did our research and we Do young living there a hundred percent plant based company and so after Hawaiian. Yeah lavender incident. Oh, I know wait seriously like we did. We've always used Young Living lavender and we would use it for the kids sunburns in Hawaii, but we ran out once yeah, we went to Whole Foods and got one that said hundred percent but I remember thinking oh, it's so cheap. Wow. Yeah, but you get what you wish for hurry up because we use that laughter and it burned his skin and eye. I felt so horrible. So anyways, I can only advocate for that company. So if you use other essential oils, don't come to me and tell me that's not working. I don't think you have time for your burning questions. Oh we went over. That's okay Everett. This was goodbye. Okay, should we just do a couple burning question if you wanted it will do them. If you don't want to hear the skip it but burning nobody's gonna stick around for questions because I'm actually getting tired too. I am getting tired. These are going to be well. Do we okay. I kind of want to answer these questions in a fun time. So let's do but this Burning questions next time let's just answer this one. That's not as fun because somebody asked so these two questions, let's save it for the next podcast but it says where has been your favorite place to live and where has been your worst place to live. I want to go and we can go into that lingo inside ya next time. Okay, but we can't answer 10 15 minute. Yeah. Someone else had said though. When is your merch coming out and I did want to mention that he added. Chewing that we mind blown now my blow mine, but I'm so excited about our model. We spent some time. Yeah developing some shirts and some really cute merch I'm I'm ordering them for us first because I want to check the quality. Yeah scraps. Yeah, I wanna be like you sent me. This is totally a pixelated. So you should see it in the next couple of weeks coming out, but I did post our new logo. Instagram if you haven't said yes to that sauce is super cute, but that's not the only thing going on in shirt guys. We have a shirt that's going to say like like like like like like cute we have one as a cute little car that says vroom vroom. We have one that says literally just coffee and brownies brownies. There's some good ones going to be really funny. All right guys, we're going to sign off for tonight. But seriously, thank you for listening. Thank you for routing a Beyond right Jason. Oh my gosh. Yeah like Yeah, those are so we can use who's stuck with us through it. And yes, I did it no updates. Yes, there's are many of you who followed our YouTube Journey on eby's diagnosis and you routed us on the whole time. Even when we didn't have the insurance I had and we never did this but I had so many people say do a GoFundMe. Yeah will contribute but you know II never really wanted to do that because I that you know would have liked is insurance that sucking we had a lot of It did suck. We do still have a lot of medical bills to be honest from him. But you know it is what it is and everyone is obviously worth it a triple that for but I just wanted to say thank you for that. Thank you. Got thank you for seeing prayers. Yes. Yeah, Justin's help. Yeah. Yeah, because if it wasn't for you guys, I don't even know if I would know what pan I don't know exactly. So honestly you guys play a huge role in helping our family so as much as we say Inspire some with your story you guys Inspire us every day. Through your comments and what you say, so thank you for that, and we appreciate you. Thank you. Yes, absolutely. So don't forget go live the Epic life and Inspire someone with your story and stick around for the after show the Epic life after show. I don't think so. Sorry an hour. Plus it just stick around. It's gonna be great. Bye. Okay, so you said something funny? I don't know. I said I made good soup today. Yummy. Do you have any? Oh, yeah for other SIM plug. Is there any any stories though? Anything to start us off. I always forget that we what we should start off with. Hmm. Maybe we should talk about I shoveled the driveway. Maybe we should have a monotone start. I like yeah, so it's shovel the driveway today. You did that's good. You went to work to and I can just be like, yep. Yep. This is the most entertaining podcast on the planet now. I'll be really excited babe. How was your day today? And you're like it was fine. No, good. Hmm. Yep.
Today we share our emotional journey with our son, who has PANDAS syndrome. We talk about how it started, his diagnosis, the trials, and our emotional rollercoaster. We share things we never have before and update you on where he is now, and what we are doing for his current treatment. PANDAS Syndrome is not rare but is not widely recognized We urge you to have your child evaluated by a specialist if your normal child suddenly has a dramatic change in behavior. The symptoms are usually dramatic, happen “overnight and out of the blue,” and can include motor and/or vocal tics, obsessions, and/or compulsions. In addition to these symptoms, children may also become moody or irritable, experience anxiety attacks, or show concerns about separating from parents or loved ones. What is PANDAS? PANDAS is short for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections. A child may be diagnosed with PANDAS when: Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and/or tic disorders suddenly appear following a strep infection (such as strep throat or scarlet fever); or  The symptoms of OCD or tic symptoms suddenly become worse following a strep infection. The symptoms are usually dramatic, happen “overnight and out of the blue,” and can include motor and/or vocal tics, obsessions, and/or compulsions. In addition to these symptoms, children may also become moody or irritable, experience anxiety attacks, or show concerns about separating from parents or loved ones. What causes PANDAS? The strep bacteria are very ancient organisms that survive in the human host by hiding from the immune system as long as possible. It hides itself by putting molecules on its cell wall so that it looks  nearly identical to molecules found on the child’s heart, joints, skin, and brain tissues. This hiding is called “molecular mimicry” and allows the strep bacteria to evade detection for a long time. However, the molecules on the strep bacteria are eventually recognized as foreign to the body and the child’s immune system reacts to them by producing antibodies. Because of the molecular mimicry by the bacteria, the immune system reacts not only to the strep molecules, but also to the human host molecules that were mimicked; antibodies system “attack” the mimicked molecules in the child’s own tissues. Studies at the NIMH and elsewhere have shown that some cross-reactive “anti-brain” antibodies target the brain—causing OCD, tics, and the other neuropsychiatric symptoms of PANDAS.
How do you create the perfect relationship? How do you finally make your partnership and to something truly special something where you're both thriving really enjoying yourselves and having a great time and actually fully connecting instead of constantly fighting feeling upset frustrated with each other. You know, how do you how do you make your relationship really good one simple tip that I'm going to share with you that really worked for me. Get it all out in the open full transparency full honesty. Probably one of the hardest things to do, but it has the biggest payoff the moment that you and your partner put everything out on the table all the cards completely transparent with each other tell each other exactly how you feel exactly. What's going on. What issues what thou Falls you have? But also what you're great at them what you love. About yourself and the other person you put that all out and you just get clear yet on the skit transparence. It becomes easy to make improvements. I've worked for quite a few years now as a coach and the biggest thing that I realized as I can't help my clients if they're not honest with me, right if they hide something if they try to pretend like they're better off than they are have to try to make me see them in a good light. Try to impress me and never works because they're holding stuff back. They're hiding it and it makes it almost impossible to really make any real Improvement. Well, guess what the same thing goes in our personal relationships. If you're not fully honest if you're not transparent if you're not sharing what's on your heart, it's very difficult for the other person to make things better for you. It's almost impossible because they're playing a guessing game. They're trying to read you and it's very difficult. You know, you're not the other person. You can't read their mind, even if you've been together for a long time. You don't know exactly what they're thinking or what they're feeling you can get a idea but it's difficult and constantly having to do that is like a full-time job, but you see once you really tell each other the truth once you share vulnerably Apparently it's easy if you can both do that and be there for each other and listen fully with your heart and not your head not with your ego then all of a sudden everything opens up. It becomes almost effortless to communicate love flows back and forward and the relationship grows rapidly drastically because you're investing in each other maybe for the first time ever you see most relationships start off. Really good at first, you know, there's a lot of passion. There's that spark you're both in love, you know hormones are going crazy. You're like, oh, yeah, and then it just kind of dwindles down slowly the passion just disappears all of a sudden you don't care about each other as much you don't try as hard for each other. I've been in a relationship now for Over five years and the fun thing is it's gotten better every single month the passion increases there's constantly that spark better than even when it's started which is shocking to people and they think that you know, maybe I've only been in this relationship for a month or two since it's so exciting and it seems like it's always new. It's not new. It's just really well connected. That's what happens when you get to interdependence. That's what happens when you get clear and honest and you search Eric truly honestly without fear and holding back if you can be vulnerable with the other person and let them be vulnerable with you and create a space for that. Beautiful things happen. It becomes easy to connect with each other and even if you go through hard times, even if something goes wrong, You always know you're going to be together. You handle it together. You get through it you help each other sometimes maybe you heard each other but you have each other's backs. And because you're so honest because you're so real. There's no place to hide. And so if you're hurting and you're upset, you put it out there. You don't lock up and retract and hide and pretend like everything is okay. Oh, how are you today, babe? Line, yeah, I'm fine. No, you're not fine. It's the worst thing. I see in couples and marriages at this pretend like everything is okay and get on with it and it just kills the attraction. It kills a good energy. It kills the love. It's a parasite. And people don't notice it because it's fine. It's not fine. Get it all out there better to have a real a little fight be honest then to sit there quietly and pretend like everything is okay get it out. You're inside. Stop letting it eat you up from in here share it put it on the table and make a commitment to resolve. It. Don't give up on each other. You might say some bad things. Maybe it's not easy. But if you make a commitment that you're gonna figure it out together and you both agree no matter what we're going to figure it out. It might get really tough. But let's stay in it until we figure it out. There's always a way that's what I found. There's always a way and it's not as hard as you might think and then might hurt then and there and maybe for a while, you know, you're really struggling maybe the relationship seems like it's not doing so perfectly. So what happened with me in the beginning but after a while if doing that starts compounding it adds up your investing in the other person that person's investing in you your together building this incredible relationship, and eventually you have the perfect relationship. Oh almost overnight, right? Oh, wow. Are you guys so happy together? How did you do that? Right. Oh, what's the trick? There is no trick. It's called the work and it's fun work. It's love work because you love that person. But you still have to put in effort don't buy into this idea of relationships. Just being these magical fairy tales where everything just works by itself. That's the recipe to disaster. That's the recipe to being miserable with each other. But if you're constantly creating goals working on them together deciding to resolve whatever comes up no matter what? Having a strong commitment. Wow, what happens you connect? You're not afraid because you don't think the other person sells of going to run away from you. You know, you feel safe feel taken care of you open up more you invest more into the other person. This is an upward strength and it continues and continues and continues. You've got to be the cause of that. You've got to sit down. It only takes one person to start this by the way. And then it will continue to grow and the other person will return the favor. It's beautiful. Its energy just works. That's how you create the perfect relationship.
I share with you how you can create the perfect relationships in your life. S U B S C R I B E : Coaching with Rafael: #RelationshipAdvice #PerfectRelationship #RelationshipGoals #HealthyRealtionship #CreateThePerfectRelationship #CreatingThePerfectRelationship #LastingRelationship #PersonalDevelopment #SelfImprovement #SelfHelp #Motivation #Motivational #MotivationalSpeech #MotivationalSpeaker What can I learn in 10 minutes that can help my marriage last forever? First, realize that what you see in movies isn’t true. That magical fairytale love where everything always works out is not a reality. If that reflected reality we wouldn’t write them in the first place. Even when it’s true love and you feel she or he is the one for you, a relationship requires constant nurturing. What’s this constant nurturing? How do we do it? The key to creating perfect relationships is transparency. Full honesty, where there is nothing hide. Even if you are angry with your partner or happy with them, angry at your job, stressed about finances. Worried about them leaving you, insecure about something.. on and on…whatever it is converse it out. It’s a hard thing to do but has the biggest payoff. Stop playing poker with your life and lay out all the cards. Stop with the mind games. If you want to create a true, long-lasting relationship this is the formula, guys. Why is transparency so important? Once you become fully transparent with each other, it’s almost like the relationship becomes immortal. No matter what happens or how hard it gets you always have a possibility to work it out. why? Because you are honest with each other. Even if you fight you can resolve it because guess what you are honest in that fight too. It only takes one person to start this :)
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started if every drink is measured. How are you going to give a regular an honest poor? This is the deuce finale. I'm Maria Menounos and you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of TV talk now let the buzz. Hey you guys we are back and see what I did there. With Alexis and hey, you're back. I'm so happy to be back. Anger is so low. We are three weeks. Yeah Boston and when I came back she was an Atlanta, you know visiting Tyler Perry studio. I'm sure but yeah, this is the deuce after-show and it's so Bittersweet that this is the series finale no more do that. I'm so happy to be here. I'm Louisa Sharma thien and my amazing HBO a Expert elected. Haha, you know we're pretty sad. This was a Bittersweet episode. We both have different opinions about it before we do dig in and break it down and all of you I do want to say we have our live chat and we love when you guys joined in and comment. It's the best feeling ever and we have a special segment. We have some news and gossip and just overall. We're just excited to be here to just close out this awesome piece of work. You watched it. Tell me like, what's your feedback? I gotta be honest with you, please do I hated it so much. You know, I love this show. I know I've been watching it since season one before I was even doing AfterBuzz. Oh, wow, the after shower, I just watched it as a fan. Yeah, and I've loved it and I note because this was the series finale and because I knew the writers knew they were going to have episode because you have a lot of finales where they don't know it's the end so they can't closed Loops. They can't really end the story the way they want to but they knew this was a series finale and while I feel like they did closed loops and we did get answers. I was just bored out of my mind. It felt really really slow. And even though we did get answers. They weren't answers. Honestly. I really cared about I hate to say that because I love this show, but I was honestly very disappointed. I think I liked was the was the final moments with Vincent walking through Times Square. I thought that was a beautiful combination of the season and how all of the characters came back. I thought that was great. But I'm not gonna lie. I was checking the time every few minutes like, oh my gosh. I so 45 minutes left. I still have 30 minutes left. Fun fact. Yeah, so they actually wrote that last part first before they wrote any of the show and to me that's so cool. So like they had that idea of Vincent being already at an old age. Age being at Times Square revisiting all the nice people loved that part. That's that part was fine. But everything else like until up everything up into that point. I was like, oh I want to just turn this off, but I'm glad I didn't turn it off because I really love that final moment funny how you like that final moment. I did not I think it was cheesy for her and it was just so slow and it kind of it ended how I thought it would end, but it was just cheesy. I wanted more. I think I can relate to wanting more answers. Yeah, but you know, let's go ahead and start off with so the parlors are closing. The bathhouses are closing. Everything is closed closing cut because also it's a good way for the big corporate companies eventually come in so they can make all their money. And so because we're going to leave, you know, Candy and Vincent towards the end. We'll talk about that because those are the media subjects and all of that but bobby gets arrested for insider trading. Trading now. Did you realize like did the dad find out eventually? I didn't see the people telling him. Hey your son's in jail or did he say something to Vincent? Like he's gonna go to county or something. Like let him learn a specific know at the very end in 2019. He did say to Vincent. I'll see you at the sentencing. Well Joey's wedding and that which I'm so confused. Yeah, so I was also confused like it's okay. It's here for the wedding or the here for the sentence boned. Well, yeah, so I guess I was him bringing it up. But that was also like almost 30 years later. It is a while later just now getting sentence wait. So the maybe he's getting married in jail. Maybe we'll do that. But I mean usually you end up in I'm assuming he would go to prison for something like that. But that happens after the sentencing so it took you 30 three years to get sentenced. That sounds all crazy. I mean, here's the thing like we start off obviously still heavy with the AIDS epidemic and all of Of that Paul is sick. You can see him kind of he uses his Cane and all of that. So let's talk about kind of Alston and what they try to do with Gene, but at the end of the day, they realize not much has changed with this is our chat working. By the way. The internet is out. Unfortunately. I really wanted to see which if you all agreed about having feelings of the finale. I'll probably have to pull it up on my phone. I can let you guys know. So right now Lionel Bogan said, they didn't like it either and Cornelia. He says it was rather tear-jerking at the end to see Vincent internet. Yeah. Yeah, I'll let you guys know more updates as they come in. Thank you. Okay, thank you. Yeah, I definitely agree Cornelia. I felt emotional seeing all especially because we saw characters from the very beginning Ruby like we hadn't even heard about her since the finale of season one. So I love that they were able to get all of the actors to come back by the way. So I read that all of the actors we didn't see it's because they're So alive, we only saw the ones that died. Oh and just okay. So I was wondering I was I was like this this walk mean that Vincent is also dead and this is tight technically in heaven because of its that theory that the the characters we didn't see our well, I mean, I guess they died all the ones we didn't see our are still alive the ones we saw right the ones we saw her dad. So does that mean that Vincent is dead to me? It's that I think Vincent's a life because he's going to the sentence and right and I will he did mention. In Florida right now his on a New York and she's saying but that was like a fun little fact to throw in there. But so closing out the but the shops and all of that probably their idea of cleaning out all the AIDS and HIV and all of them. We see Jean still being closeted and all of that. I don't think is going to come out anytime soon. He did move out. We'll see but as far as the most heaviest topics, I really want to talk about right now Eileen and her Film and the fact that she ruined her relationship with Hank because of that and trust me. I'm All About Women and choices and all of that but the man said look I will pay you for the financing of your film. Just don't fuck on screen. I love you. I don't want you to do that and it get that if I love the guy like that maybe she doesn't even love him that way but I if I wanted a future with someone and he would say don't do that. I won't do it. Yeah, I'm along for that you guys I loved He said I feel like you're sabotaging your opportunity to be loved. That's true though what she might have been doing but also to her credit, you know, I think she is just when it comes to her filmmaking. I think it gave her a sense of control and power because she was working in jobs where she didn't have power because she was a prostitute and she had to depend on men and this was something that was in her control. And I think she didn't want to give him the ability to take that control away from her by giving him the money not giving her the money not saying that that's what he would have done because I don't think he would have but I think in candies mind she doesn't want to feel like she has to depend on somebody like that for that type of thing. She just wanted to be with him and love him. So why did it have to come down to money automatically with him, but at the same time I can understand his point of not wanting to see his woman having sex on camera, but at the same time to flip our That again you knew who she was before you started? Yeah. Yeah. Well, I think she he kind of dealt with the idea of I'm I'm dating a female director who makes you know erotic has but the fact that you're still going to perform. I'm not okay with that. I'm this corporate man. Now he got offered this huge gig because going to take it. I guess the girl in me wanted County to be saved. I wanted her to have her happy ending like leave this industry. Just leave have a good you know life. Try to you know live with this man, maybe you know, he can help you financially. I guess that's what I wanted for her. But we see that she ends up not wanting to make the movie and it was so emotional for me when Harvey watch the clips and said this girl is a straight-out director like she is telling a story and the love story is between actually Harvey and Irene. Yeah, he loved her. We'll see you ever married. Yeah, he was in when I was watching it because I The last aftershow that I did I was saying how disgusting I found it that they made out in that one episode. Yeah, I was watching this episode. I noticed he had a wedding ring on his finger. Now. I don't know if his wife supposedly died on the show or if he was still supposed to be with that same woman because he definitely had a wife on the show. So it's like, okay. Are you still married now Harvey was the perfect person for her. No, no, no, no. No, he really understood her and the fact that she showed up on set and they introduced. His whole gang big anal seen and all of that. It just showed that they treated her as a product not so much as a actress and then she asked about having the different kind of lens for the money shot, but the guy didn't care so she was so turned off by everything, you know, and I've and we find out she took her Harvey's advice and took the sex out of the hmm out of the film where nobody watched it which actually became huge critically acclaimed film after she passed which we'll talk about which By the way, the chat from the chat rolling six six six is giving us a lot of interest. Oh nice look specifically one candy made 89 porn films and one arthouse film classic that's in the Criterion Collection, which is Wanda, which I'll be talking about today. Yeah. That's the one that one that they based on which was called a pawn in the game, right which they and you know, what and she did all of that without Hank or without any help from a man other than you know, Harvey who basically was her partner in crime. Activity not in life. So it's like I didn't need you when I was funding and doing all of those other projects that I don't need you right now. So I get it from that I get that it just for me. I guess I just wanted her to have her little happy ending that means she has to be alone to figure life out and find her little voice as a girl who she was before everything because you know, she was a 15 year old runaway who had this drastic, you know tragic life. I wish candy touched upon Lori suicide. Yeah, or One he didn't at all and I think that's a sign of the move of the show how yeah, everyone kind of dropped like flies and there's no time to talk about people the only person whose death they ever touched on on this show was Frankie. Yes, everybody else. They just kind of just moved on from it, but I thought with Lori I think she was as big as a character was and I thought they would have at least brought something up about her. Well, you know before we continue on I do want to say that we are here at AfterBuzz TV and a quick little fun, man. Edge thanking you guys for tuning in and always supporting us and letting you know that we are on iTunes Spotify on YouTube so you can watch us and listen to us and just a quick thank you and letting you know that we have all types of TV shows and I always say we are a buffet of TV shows we cater to you and give us a thumbs up like subscribe special. Shout out to Maria and Keven for creating this platform for us and we're just thankful. Yeah. Yeah and And man, I don't know also, so another interesting thing that was said by Roland 6x6 Vincent died at the end when he walked down the subway with the ghost of his brother. So one does that might have been acknowledged in stop? I can't I wonder Rollin what makes you think that let us know because I didn't pick up on that. But I mean that anything I didn't pick up rolling of a question. Why didn't they show Abby? In this times where they did I did not walking across the street on the phone was its are talking on the phone. Yeah. So that's also another thing so it's like did that mean she died too, I guess and how and like there's so many questions of theirs. I feel like they spent so much time on everything else closing on those Loops, but then they introduced this new segue where all these people are dead. But we don't know how we don't know why we don't know when we're just left to wonder, you know, what's up on top of that by the way, Cornelia. Marie said Kandi had a lying when she said it's a tragedy when she was talking about her film and I think that was a part of her story and some of the other characters on the deuce and it was a tragedy so that impart might have been candy actually acknowledging the death of her friends in talking about her art. She did she did say not a lot of tragedy and porn. She said something along those lines. Yeah. Okay. Well if we're gonna talk about Abby, let's talk about Abby and events and they move out all of that. So Abby's going back to school gives the bar to Loretta we see Vincent. You know leave the whole mob ties by giving 200k to Tony which was so dirty. I do not like that Tony guy at all. And here's the thing even to touch on Loretta, but I love how Laura is escaping her savior, like happy ending to not not that I have a girl is to be saved but here's a guy who really loves you, you know, and I get that you've lived with a man before you've lived with a pimp before and I get that but like here's a guy wanting to give you, you know, his life to create a home and you don't Out that it's yeah, you know, I think because I thought the same thing I think we are mindsets when it comes to those type of situations would be a lot different from other Loretta or candy just because of life experience. Yeah, when you've dealt with that many men in that many souls in your life and that much trauma with men and just constantly feeling like your body is not yours and belongs to somebody else when you finally find that control. And that respect for yourself and that feeling of I am and I have the power now. Yeah, I'm in control of my body and my life you don't want to give that power up again. So when I look at it from that standpoint of just being in this world of just watching the show. I totally get it. But at the same time we're hopeless romantic. Yeah, obviously, so it's like you're some find the guy who's going to whisk us the way and give us everything we've been looking for and make everything right but that's just hasn't been their story and I think I think they don't trust it. I I get it from that perspective. Totally that they don't need to be saved and they are their own hero and all of that. Yeah, and I think that's why of so Abby decides to leave everything and go back to school 15 years later and Abby. It's so funny because I was watching the extra clip and the episode and David Simon said at like they didn't even touch on the real a pee. Like they gave us of at what Abby was but Vincent was so obsessed with Abby and made sure everything was so spot-on while I think this whole series that Abby was really the love of his life. Yeah, and just to see that episode the scene on the couch when he's like we had something. Yeah, I just still don't understand why they just broke up. They obviously were madly in love and had that respect in that camp. She's too smart for him the different kind of levels intellectually. She was always here and he was like here. Yeah, but I mean it is what it sounds some sort of balance in the midday couldn't You're not here for it. It matters it matters. And I don't know I just feel like Abby's doing the right thing for herself. And we also see Paul walking down the street with the cane, which is obviously his last month's of living. Let's touch a bit on and you guys sorry for kind of all over the place today because we just really want to cover every benally was how the finale was so I don't want to like leave how they say no rock on. Cover dark Lantern. Yeah, one of those I just want to like whatever is coming to me right now. I just want to like touch on my way when you guys are ready. I have Roland's response about come on. Let's yeah, that is Noble fight says you see all Vince and his brother walked down the steps to the subway and the camera pans over to a young a Beyond her old cell phone talking business with someone on her own path. So that's apparently where you can kind of see Vincent who is older walking with his brother who is younger at that point? And then we see Abby who seemingly is alive. Abby was on the van eyck, and I heard a lot of detective talk. You think she became a detective or something in the police force. No, it just sounded to me like she was handling business. Maybe she well, you know, she went back to school. So younger was a be from Vincent though, not like drastically like 10 years. I mean if that's supposed to be modern day. She should have looked older to yeah, it's just I just wish we could call up David Simon because I just have so many well tweet you. Michelle we can do like a recount is a spotlight on I need something because yeah, it just this was an extra 15 minute episode so much happened, but still no question. Well, yes. Well most gonna help us out tomorrow morning. Oh, yeah. So hi Mom. I love the picture you took of me, by the way that screenshot with my bow, and the denim jacket was fabulous. Okay, so Melissa married her gay best friend reg who is reg reg reg reg. Oh my God awful. He's dying of AIDS and she he wants to leave her some money for the funeral, you know hugged her up with a this fashion job and the industry she wants to marry him. Why do you think she did that? I didn't get it at first because she did have this new job. I thought maybe she was marrying him because I just left from a benefits training funding so she can get benefits like to help him because he's sick. Okay, because if she's in this new job and she's working and she's getting benefits to her job if they're married he can get those same benefits from her. That's what I thought at first. But I think at the end of the day, it was something that they both wanted and they didn't know how much longer he had left. It was something that they wanted to accomplish together and they do love each other not in a romantic way, but enough where they were willing to, you know, commit their lives to each but you know, it's a true story so So they're just writing the deuce and I washed after of the episode, you know, the five minutes that they do it's called inside that stowed that this is a true story the porn star married her gay best friend dying of AIDS and it's just so scary and so surreal right that these are like real life situations. I think it's beautiful. I it is to myself. There's so many people in the world. So many people we interact with them or just walk by on the street that have crazy lives. Or just lies that are just so opposite different from our eyes and you never really know what kind of things people are doing. I could have a friend right now who's married to her gay best friend totally and to touch on AIDS and Alston and Gene. They kind of feel like they didn't do much because they were driving around town. They still see the prostitutes going to the car back and forth and I love how Vincent showed Lyon the tall black waiter, which was he's such an awesome. Actor and he just he wasn't in it too much but his presence, you know ways a lot. Yeah, but fast forward to the scene with Vincent drinking at the bar. Well, first of all, he's upstairs in the hotel room and it just shows how much corporate controlled everything now porn is served to you in your room on a remote control. Yeah, and that's where the deuce used to be. But now there's all this corporate buildings and he goes downstairs for a drink and he says this line that I wrote down his hands of every drink. Well, he sees the bartender pour the small. You know with hesitation everything is counted to the T and says if every drink is measured, how are you going to give a regular an honest poor? And it was just a man like the humanity of people were gone. Everything was money now everything's corporate money. And then he sees in the newspaper that Eileen died of cancer at 73 Wanda, which is a real film but upon a game in the pond. Being the critically acclaimed movie that now is owned by the Criterion Collection, which I believe was a branch of TCM if I'm not mistaken, but it did really well and she took Harvey's advice and took out all the sex scenes and said no one ended up watching it but it's kind of one of those things like mango he died and then all his art started to pop, you know, but yeah, and he goes down the street his walking. He says bye to everyone we see Lori we see see see Hmm and then we see Paul all of his ghosts are haunting him. We see the guy who killed the blood on the shirt, 'I Wonder like I think he's dead too. Even before he goes off on the subway. I think even him sitting at the bar he's not alive for it. That's what I honestly think but I it's killing me that I don't someone explain to us. First of all, why is Bobby MIT like said the sentencing of Bob and of Joey I think is what I think what sucks about this series finale in addition to just being slow is that and maybe they did this on purpose. It's left so much just on what people interpret it to be more so than us knowing that this is what happened. We know Lori killed herself. We know all these people died, but we don't know how we don't know events and still alive. We don't know it work what this walk is really really good thing. I proposed to David Simon and George pelecanos. With me and Alexis right here. We are going to Tweet you guys tomorrow on repeat to make sure that hopefully one day in the next few weeks. You can either do a Skype interview with us or come to the studio where we can break down the deuce, you know, they're not gonna do this. Not anyone come here, but I think I think the writers purposely did it to where we interpret it in our I want to know I have so many like questions and all of that even if we got them on there would be like It's what you took I still would want to talk to them. They're both. Yeah. Oh, yeah, please come on wire and Oliver. I feel like they're gonna hit us with the okey-doke. Like if you took it that way, that's how it is. How much sorry go ahead. Oh, how much did we love the Game of Thrones song in the hotel room. You didn't catch that. I don't watch game grunts. I love it. I don't want I don't want to be there. I'm not gonna lie. I don't watch Game of Thrones. I'm not a I mean I kind of want to say that I It's not my cup of tea. I do know the theme song so I didn't even know there was a theme so that done that I don't that I don't don't don't don't and they use it in the dues. So in the hotel room when Vincent was clipping like how he was probably watching it. Guess what this was a this will take a video to have a plot they know, you know, they use that David Simon said they use that because it's so hard to get clearance with other soundtrack than theme songs his HBO HBO show it was easier for them, but it makes so much sense because and it's free market. Ting it took place in May 2019 when I was in New York this year. How crazy is that? You guys the first time I went to New York this year. I visited Times Square was for my Food Network show. I was on worst Bakers in America check that out and I visited New York for the first time in May and this finale took place like the last five minutes May 22 probably in the scene where they're walking and all and The fact that the highlighted Game of Thrones they're just showing what the future is 33 years later. The bar was not popping people were boring on the newspaper. You know what I mean? It's just it was sad funny that it was supposed to be in 2019 and they were you even reading a newspaper do people still do that though. They had something a middle-aged people still reading it but mostly like their phones and blackberries were like they had some people in the elevators like, you know, selfies and all that stuff, but we saw what the Real Time Square is like Subway and all of that. It's just I really feel like the tenant said for the simple fact one. There are reading a newspaper in 2019 hoopla and they yeah coincidentally, that's the newspaper that has Eileen's death in it. Yeah too much of a coincidence. I felt like he was not wasn't a live and also Vincent's brother Frankie and real life died years later after he was shot because they couldn't get the bullet out of I so he ends up dying of complications of that for the for the show. They rushed it a bit but anything else before we go on to our little special second know like admitting anything house would track doing Oh, yeah, right. Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah. Oh. She's marketing. hmm But she was like a big director. No. Well, that's not saying much. I did hear that Game of Thrones had a very shitty ending. Well HBO, what the heck? What's up with all these terrible series finale thinking of HBO. I'm watching Barry now. It's fantastic. Sorry. This is so Random was very is so good. Um, okay. So let's wrap up about this and then let's talk about our specials are segments and our news and all of that. But this was this was such a good show. I have so much to say no. I honestly even though the series finale disappointed me I can say I'm very sad to see the show and and Like Cornelius said it was very emotional seeing all the characters come back and kind of seeing things culminate and come to an end and Matt like Maggie Gyllenhaal. I hope you get a minute Nam nominated for Emmy or something. This show needs to get something. It's too good. Yeah, and I'm going to miss him this after-show to yeah, but we'll be back. Yeah, but but I want to talk about this hot Bri OMG moment go through the season and in the live chat. Let us know if you agree act. Let us know what your top OMG moment is and we can just talk about it with you. So I think number three top three OMG moment was when we saw our beloved candy go back to doing porn. Yeah for me. It was like we thought that you dirty girl did predict that she was going to go mainstream and give up the porn industry what she did not did end up doing but we did not see it coming that she was going to go back to actually doing the act of being the actress in the brain, right? So that was a big shocker Big G Moment for me anything number two. Um G Moment was Laurie ending her own life kind of saw it coming but still hard to see kind. I was hoping that she something would turn around for her and that it wouldn't have resulted in that way. But I think they did kind of prepare us with everything that was kind of going wrong in her life that she would ultimately just take her leg because she didn't know how to stand on her own so but still an OMG moment and Very very sad to watch and I think everybody's OMG moment and probably the saddest moment for me to see on the show you than all the deaths that we see on this show. Was it that the Frankie and I think the deuce Riders realized that that was going to be something tough for our fans which is why I was the only deaf they really talk about after it had happened. So yeah, those are the top three. Ohms. You moments me. I relate all of that. Yeah. Good job girl. Let us know in the live chat if you agree or what long Well now I'm going to talk about our special segment and highlight a very important film and it's not exactly a porno but this is the film that they were talking about, you know made by, you know, Candy Eileen and in the movie they change it to a game Pawn in the game, but it was actually Called Wanda and I'm going to read about it and I haven't seen it yet because I got introduced to it today, but basically me Wanda made in 1970. T was very popular after she already died and this is what it says. The real name of the director is Barbara Loden and says with her first and only feature film a hard-luck drama. She wrote directed and starred in Barbara Loden turned in a groundbreaking work of American independent cinema bringing to life a kind of character seldom seen on screen set amid a suit choke, Pennsylvania landscape and Shot in an intensely intimate style the film takes up with distance and soft-spoken Wanda who has left her husband lost custody of her children and now finds herself alone drifting between dingy bars motels where she falls prey to a series of Calais men including a bank robber who ropes her into his next criminal scheme and until now difficult to see Masterpiece that has nonetheless exerted an outsized influence on Generations. Generations of artists and filmmakers Wanda is a compassionate and wrenching portrait of a woman stranded on society's margins. Hmm. Like I would love to watch that very similar to candies. Yeah, watch the same press and and it's funny how she I love how she included no sex. So it's more mainstream. She listened to Harvey. I would love to talk to the real Harvey one day. He's probably you know passed on now, who knows what may be his ally just I wonder what happened between them. So, you know, She lives 33 years more than that. So she has cancer and she passes. What's Adam doing that did you and Adam rekindle? What happened to hang the Hang Maggie's damn you. I'm sure those Instagram so many questions that were never going to get the answer to when they had a series finale they could plan for it's just a know there's reasons behind this day don't stare like the something. I think they want it to be a conversation piece where we have to talk about what we think happened to keep the conversation going. Going in for it to never die. Would you smart as writers now on 2 News? All right, guys, this is more so gossip than it is news. But if you were wondering why is this the last episode of the deuce we're going to talk about that. So the gossip with it was they were ending it one because of the scandals with the Stars mainly because of James Franco or two just because the ratings weren't doing well. Now while the ratings did dip 29 percent between season one and season two, that's not the reason why the show is ending. Um, I read an article with the Creator's David Simon and his Riders on why the FYI this series was ending and basically it was the plan all along to only have three seasons actually said that you know, usually you're on a series for about two or three years. I don't want to be writing about porn for six to ten years. I think three years was enough and three seasons was enough and enough to wrap things up in the way that it was especially because now we kind of already know where porn has ended up man. So my in your phone right here, right? Like I can just pull up pouring right now in the mood right too big. So, you know how far did they really need to go and letting us know about pouring so if you were wondering what their true tea was about why the show is ending the t is that it was meant to end in season 3 and that's exactly what happened. So that's the gossip on and the deuce. I'm really excited to see the next project George and David come up with they are incredible writers you both need anyone. Globe wins, I don't know if you guys are nominated in the past who knows you guys are so worthy such an important show highlighting how the American institution s people basically, you know, that's that's what that's what they highlight. That's what they highlighted with the wire as well and to it is mad. That's what he's known for, you know before what the wire was drugs and violence in Baltimore. And now this is be no porn and sex and violence and all of that. So we love you so much. And before we wrap are you on other after shows after this or followers could follow us there? Yes, you guys can watch me on all rise every Monday 7 p.m. Pacific time. You always could also watch me on the love after lock up after show every A at 7 p.m. Pacific time and on Married to Medicine girl we show every single yeah that I don't have a lively and after that you can also catch me on the love after welcome news daily. If you're right. We do have a daily news show and you can catch me there and in addition to all of my many shows and all of my love for AfterBuzz. You also can follow me on social media at I am Lexi fears. Awesome, and I'm going to be back for the Ray Donovan after show which I'm super excited, I believe November 18. It's one of my favorite shows on Showtime join me. We don't have a date yet, but I'll post on my Instagram. So follow me on Twitter at lewd charm attention on Facebook at Louisa. Sure Martin and on Instagram at Louisa charmant seein, I also do regular Spotlight on my oh, I always loved her being in cool guests and pick their brain. So stay tuned for that time to get David Simon in there. Oh my God girl, David Simon and Pelican knows for sure for sure and just shout out to the dudes for the cast more important more importantly the women I think were the most strongest characters on the show. I don't care what you say. Whatever you say. I'm going to be a problem in writing Co know the women were the most vulnerable physically mentally and all of that. We love you and this has been such a fun run. Shoutout to our producer Vita and by the way, I just want a real quick. Shout out to the chat. Thank you. Give me shelter Roland 6 6 6 M Vero, MO is actually in the chat as Giants number one. And of course Cornelia to yeah, Cornelia everybody. Oh dandelion L boljan who is such an incredible. Love you guys. Experiencing it every week. You all have been so consistent and rocking with us throughout the entire season and we're going to miss you and will be on the lookout for the next show that David and George made also by the way, David Simon and David Simon has a new series coming HBO called the plot against America in it's always the something. Well the 20. Okay. Well cat. Well, we're gonna see if me and Alexis can do that after show will tweet about it. So you guys can jump on board again. Yeah, it's time. To say Deuces to the doodoo says I love you guys our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first where the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz. See you later. Hmm. You've expressed herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners our principal
Join @iamlexifierce and @LouSharamtyan as they breakdown The Deuce SERIES Finale " Finish It" or Go home! Dive into the sex-trade and porn industry of the 70s in this HBO series with James Franco! Things are absolutely insane and the visuals in this show are amazing. So why not have somebody to talk about it with? On the THE DEUCE AFTERBUZZ TV AFTER SHOW, join our panel to discuss episodes of The Deuce every week Breaking down the storylines, plots, and debauchery, we'll be there! So be sure to subscribe, comment, like, and rate for cast interviews, news and gossip, and predictions all season long! Created by George Pelecanos and David Simon, who also collaborated on HBO's "The Wire" and "Treme," the semifictional drama series "The Deuce" tells of the germination of the sex-trade industry in the heart of New York's Times Square. It's the early 1970s, and the porn business begins a shift from organized crime-backed parlors to a legitimate, culturally accepted enterprise. A cast of barkeeps, prostitutes, pimps, police and nightlife seekers centers around twins Vincent and Frankie Martino (James Franco, in a dual role), who navigate the sex business after meeting well-connected mobster Rudy Pipilo. Their storyline, among others, merges with that of prostitute Candy, whose ambition and intelligence lead her to a more prominent role in the industry.
The biggest question that we have to ask ourselves as we're on our mission trying to achieve our big goals. It's not what are we getting? What's the material outcome or result of all this hard work the question is who does this have me becoming who am I becoming as a result of all this action that I'm taking old time. I spent studying and learning all of the people that I'm around. Who did they have me becoming who am I becoming? And do I like who I am becoming because you can lose everything all your material possessions can get swept away all your friends and family. They could leave your abandoned. It's unlikely, but it could happen you could run out of resources and get into a financial crisis, but you're always going to have to go to sleep at night and you're going to have your own mind your own conscious to deal with every time there's no Escape. That you can never run away from you. And so no matter how many places you travel to and no matter how many different people you've met your likely to keep experiencing a similar experience over and over again, unless you change you you see I traveled the world and experienced different countries and I worked with so many different people and I tried many different relationships early in my life. And I realized that wait a second. It's kind of like I'm on a repeat here. Why am I? In the loop. Why is it the same thing every time? Why do I keep eating the same food? Why do I keep meeting people that are so similar to the last person that I meant and how come all of my experiences and up looking alike. Now in my life, they've become much more diverse and the reason is because I've evolved my character has changed but the old saying is true wherever you go there you are and so you cannot run away from yourself. You cannot try to escape your character and if you feel like you're doing the wrong thing and you're not Who you want to become the end of the day? No matter how great you are no matter how much you achieve your going to feel miserable. And we really don't want that do we we don't want to feel miserable. We want to feel happy fulfilled engaged and love with life passionate right a little bit of fire in the belly, you know, that'd be great. We can have that all of us. Each of us can have that each of us can experience that but we need to work on the character and so instead. Ed of focusing on what thing you want at the end think about what you want to be like think about how you want the world to receive you and perceive you think about what would feel right to you and who really is your ideal self. I always ask myself if the ideal perfect version best version of Raphael turned up to my board or step and said hey. Here's what I look like here's how I talk to people. Here's how I connect. Here's what I spend my time doing. What would he say? What is he doing? Who is he with? That's the real question to ask of yourself your ideal version your best self the person that you really desire to become you can be that now step into that right now, what would that person do today? And if you act from that place all your goals and all your worries and all your It's become very small and insignificant relative to this person that this whole character this entity this new beautiful engaged Lively version of you and we can't access that so long as our mind is on all well. I just want that one thing and once I get that then I'll be happy you're stuck forever. If you're still saying to yourself. I can't be happy until I get x y z Z you will not be happy once you get x y z you'll find a new XYZ and that's going to keep going again and again and again, I'll once I graduate once I get that job once I get married once I have kids I once I retire once the kids move out then I finally will be happy. That's ridiculous. We keep looping and looping and looping and looping. Oh and once my business is earning, you know, right now, I'm only making six figures. I want to make eight figures. You're still the same person. If you keep doing that that's just a loop and your experience will feel hollow and you won't be fulfilled and they won't mean anything and I've worked with plenty of clients that are wealthy beyond my imagination and even Beyond probably what you think is what anyone could ever spend in a lifetime, but does that mean that they're fulfilled and engaged and happy creative and loving their life? No, not at all. It just makes them more of who they are. That's all money ever does. That's really all I can ever do just make you more of who you already are. So if you're putting off your happiness, if you are not the person that you want to be right now, if you're not pulling that in today, if you're not challenging that in this moment, you keep looping yourself forever. The question to ask is who am I becoming the question to ask is am I a little bit better today than I was yesterday. And what about this evening versus the Morning, because if it's not getting a little bit better, you know what it's probably getting a little worse. What doesn't improve the teary eighths so law and natural law you cannot Escape it. You will not be the lucky outlier. It just doesn't happen. You have to put in work and you have to make a decision on who you want to be caught and if you're not deliberately pursuing that and acting from that place I'm telling you. There's a very small chance that you'll ever even be able to enjoy the things that you accomplished just because the person that you want to become is likely to have a ton more gratitude more energy more liveliness may be more approachable that connect easier with people. They know more people. I don't know who is your ideal you I know that for me who I am today is a direct reflection of my 18 year old self saying, this is my ideal meat. and of course now that's exactly who I am because I envisioned it and imagine that and started acting from that place as if I was already there and it's not even acting as if it's more like taking on those personality traits just stepping into it. It's a real thing you have access to all of it. You can be bolder and more confidence and you can be more engaged and more passionate. It's not some weird distant thing. It's right here for you. It's accessible today and you can learn and study. You can get even better and better and better. But again the question is who are you becoming because those goals are great. They're all nice and everything and the people that are relationships even better. But at the end of the day, who who does it have you becoming who does it all lead to not what who will you be at the end of that road? And will you be happy being that person? That's the real question and if You can figure that out. Your life will become a lot easier all your problems will seem almost insignificant and getting what you want will be a breeze instead of a struggle.
How you can become the person you ultimately want to be and live the life that you have always wanted ! S U B S C R I B E : Coaching with Rafael: #ImprovedLife #ImprovingYourLife #LivingBetter #LiveBetter #LifeChanging #LivingTheUltimateLife #BeTheBestYouCanBe #BecomingYou #BecomeYourUltimateSelf #BecomingYourBestSelf #BecomingYourUltimateSelf #SelfConfidence #HavingConfidence #EarnConfidence #SelfImprovement #SelfImprovement #SelfHelp #PersonalDevelopment #Motivation #Motivational #MotivationalSpeech #MotivationalSpeaker  What is the best way to improve life? Why do you do what you do? Why do you exercise or read or set goals? Because you want certain outcomes in your life. Why do you want these outcomes? Because you think they will make you happy and successful. Will they though? Let’s say you get everything you want, tomorrow. That body, that car, that money, you have it all. Now what? Did you change? Did your beliefs about you change? Did your outlook on the world and people change? Did you resolve your trapped emotions? No, you only got the outcome. You didn’t get a transformational journey. No matter what car you drive, you will go to sleep with the same issues you had today. What do we learn from this thought experiment? The journey is what you should focus on. Goals, desires, wants, needs are great. But they don’t mean a thing if they don’t change you. A better life means a better you. You have to change as a person. So, whatever you do today, tomorrow and a day from tomorrow. Look at who you are becoming. Look at what changes that journey is going to bring in your life. Going to therapy; look at who you will become at the end of your sessions. Working out; look at who will you become if you do it every day. Starting a business; look at who will you become after working on it daily. Focus more on the incremental steps rather than the grandiose goal you are after. Because if you don’t, you are just chasing clouds.
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We also appreciate the presenting sponsor of the show the same is it is and it always has been our friends at seeking seek is the greatest ticket-buying platform on planet Earth and that's right. If you're gonna buy a ticket to any live event on planet Earth or the moon you better you see cacique scans all the other ticket buying platforms. Make sure you're getting the best value at every single Ticket available. Now, if you use promo code Pat get $10 off your first order promo code McAfee $20 off your first order. Wow. Remember, it must be your first order. So if it's not your first order may be true new email, son of a gun. I didn't tell you that though that was from your friends at seek the greatest ticket-buying platform ever. You want to go to a sporting event seek. Got your back. You want to go to a concert sikhi got your back. You want to go to a play seek? He got your back. You want to go to Comedy sikhi got your anything that has tickets seek has the best tickets available for you? They got us in Elton John last week. Show to Evan Fox and I would recommend highly seeing Elton John in person. I don't get ever forget it ever in my entire life time Stood Still For What felt like five minutes mmm, but it was a three hour show. Thank you so much seek. Thank you so much Elton John trial. He's in town March 26th makeup show has the rescheduled a is going to cancel it again. Well help me, but I like Monty. Let's get to this conversation with one of the most handsome humans on Earth joining us now is a man who's the voice of college football. I've got a chance to hang around him a little bit more this fall to watch him interact with humans and share his brain on a weekly basis has been nothing short of fantastic. You can see them on College GameDay. You can hear him on the primetime game on ABC ladies and gentlemen the handsome former quarterback. Kirk Herbstreit what up, man? How are you? So, what did you come up with the idea to jump into the river? I know you're busy you and your crew and and we've been fortunate enough to have you guys on the last two of the last three weeks, but I want to ask you people are like what did you know, he's gonna go and jump in the river I go. I don't think I really knew he said something you said something to me on the The octagon and I was like I said, I definitely know what you're talking about. I said I'm going into the Brazos. I'm like, okay, I did I said hey Kirk, I think I'm fucking going into the browser is like we're like ten seconds to air. You're like excuse. We got like a thousand people around us. Think about this and I just look at him. I shake his hand. Hey nice to see you this morning. Uh, I think I'm going to the fucking browsers today, and he's concerned cackling you started cackling and then we're back on. Right after like a pretty serious video piece and I was like, oh I almost ruined everything right? They're gonna keep my mouth. Shut. You've been you've been awesome. I told you when I texted you after it's hard to come into an established show like that, you know and kind of feel like where do I fit in these guys have been doing this a hundred years, but the greatest thing is you just being you, you know, it's been it's been a breath of fresh air. We hope to have you on hopefully every week as far as I'm concerned, but we have been telling you Ever forget celebrity picker, bro. You gotta roll. You got a role on the show. Now the boys obviously obviously big fan of the show. I told you this when we talked to you last time that's on an every single football facility Across America. So I literally watch every single show because I would be hanging out in the training room where everybody else is watching film coming back in going back out. I used to watch College GameDay in its entirety with our athletic trainers and Equipment managers. So the first morning that I was on College GameDay, I get a picture from one of the athletic trainers is name's Kyle and it's a picture of everybody watching with me up on the screen. Right and they're like you made us proud, but it was like a reminisce back to the old days and then this past weekend equipment manager frog you used to watch he was like man we used to talk about what you would do if you ever got on there and you can today was you jumped into a river. Hey, how deep was that River for feet? Four feet Kirk the you didn't do a scouting report on that. I did II took notes. I asked Personnel. I did the whole thing. I asked old captain of the ship. As soon as I got on I was like how deep is this thing? He was like 8 feet. I'm like nah money. So then I go upstairs and I guess there was a full conversation that was happening down on the main deck that it was nowhere near eight to ten. The one the one producer screams to another producer goes does he know that it is too shallow to jump off of the top And I guess we won't live right is that guy was saying that because I'm that message never got relayed to me. So if I didn't do the belly flop Kirk, oh, right the belly-flop, I think saved me because there's more body mass that kind of because I think only one down like a foot maybe yeah my head pops up so quick. I think I could have done that to foot of water. So let's remember that for future game days that I can barely fly with it. That was that was a great moment. And yeah, the belly-flop was good theater, but it turns out it's saved your life. Yeah, ya did it on purpose obviously if you see when I got in there because you can't see the bottom because it was a bit muddy by the way felt good to get that muddy river water back in my mouth like Pittsburgh whenever we're kids felt good to get back into the grid of it. I was like you see me star flailing my arms because my boots were filling up with water and just start to suck me down. So I'm like, oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. I have to do this in and all the sudden. I feel something. I'm like, wait a minute that is way too low and I stand up that thing was like right here on me. I'm like, oh my God just jumped into a kitty boy. It was a cool moment though. I've somehow it's classic your show so much fun. That is a for there's no other show like that show. I don't think like ever you know is what's cool is the live crowd, you know, the crowd is so authentic and it's it's a big part. We try to make it a big part of the show. You can feel it. You know, I'm talking about you you're down there for that Twitter show before you can kind of feel the energy kind of building and growing. Going and then you know by the time the shows going on. It's no different because I've talked with guys who are artists and go around and play in different venues, whether it's big stadiums or Arenas and they're all sold out, you know, a lot of these guys, they sell out Arenas, but they said sometimes you get to a certain Arena or certain Stadium venue and it kind of feeds back to you the crowd the energy feeds back and I think you know, you can feel that the shows that you've been on especially we were over at Memphis. You can see what they mean when they say that and I think our crowd we're just so lucky because These Studio shows the NFL's tried it some of these other shows try and it's just kind of like people randomly standing behind the guys on TV and they're just trying to get on TV. Our crowd is like it's don't know it's hard to describe, you know, but it's real energy and we appreciate it's a festival that's exactly what it feels like. It feels like a football festival for in everybody has Positive Vibes just like in a music festival anyway is positive on because there's a lot of Hope and optimism because the game hasn't happened yet. Everybody thinks they're going to win and if game days there it's a big game. So it's a good Good day, it's just like it's a perfect mix of people having a good night and early morning people wanting to support their team. And also they feel like they have to show up for their school. Like if their school doesn't show up. They look bad because game days is staple almost of Americana, you know, yeah. Yeah, and I think they look at the opportunity to send a message to the country that you know game days here and this is our chance to kind of celebrate our team and show everybody that we love our team better. Everybody else does so every week. It seems to be a different kind of flavor different field this week. We got Ohio. That was awesome this week. You got you got to study up all your different trying stance and all the different things they do. Well the wait is all you remember to need to know this. Yeah. Oh, yeah, believe me I did that. We did a stand-up show over in Columbus just a few months ago. Best venue. We were at the entire time was awesome and all of a sudden out of nowhere. If you feel a little dry spot. All you do is drop it all the way. All right, you know the I think you got a DOT the I to I think that's a big deal right and whole thing. Oh my God, that's like I think there's been you have to look it up. I think there's been more before five people in the history of script Ohio that have dotted the I that have not been a band member. It's like Woody Hayes John Glenn. I don't I can't remember. It's very there's like I said three or People that ever does Aldrin astronaut that sounds like a good goal for you this week. No, I don't think this week is the time maybe next time but for you going back to the place that you played at. Obviously, you're so far removed. Now you've done so much college football. So you got people judging you from everywhere because you're either too hard on their team or to nice to another team or whatever it is. But going back to Ohio state is it special? It has to be. Oh, yeah. I love going back. You know, I I just think the not just being a former. ER player just so you know, my background my dad played there. He's a captain there that way back in 1960 and then he'd coach with Woody Hayes. So I grew up with that and then I became a player and then I ended up becoming a captain for myself. So despite what the lunatic 5% friends will tell you that I hate Ohio State, I mean Ohio State pumps in my veins, you know, I just love the Buckeyes always have but I got a job to do like you. Do. You know, we suggest you break down the games. You have to be fair and objective when you when you Break things down. The funny thing is now High States really really really good in anything anytime. You say anything positive about Homer stayed. Yeah your home or you know, of course, but yeah going back to Columbus and hopefully you're there this week you guys you'll see ridiculous energy. It's an early kick and it'll be electric atmosphere. Especially it always is but especially when Penn State and those all white Unis come into Columbus. It tends to go up a notch or two. To so it'll be as good as sane as you'll see this entire year, Ohio State the best team in the country LSU is so damn good. Yeah, I mean LSU their resume. I mean you follow it LSU what they've done offensively is ridiculous it jobber. Oh those receivers Joe Brady coming over from the Saints. That's insane what they're doing but Ohio State offense and defense. I don't know. I've been following Ohio state for a long time. I don't know if I can remember a team that's been this good in this consistent on both sides of the ball going back. Week one all the way through. I mean Ryan day you imagine filling the shoes? Urban Meyer know and doing it this way. Maybe it's been it's what I mean, you'd expect a bad half a game. You're just trying to you don't show up ready. You know how it is. It's hard to be ready every week you'd expect in the show up and be flat and they have it like every single week. This team has been playing a plus football and so in that regard it's easy to say they're the most complete team in the country by far. Far but LSU's offense and the fact that LSU's beat Alabama, they Bean Albarn and even Florida they be Texas hard to argue with what they've accomplished as far as their resume. Okay. So let me explain to people who aren't big college football fans who aren't at their NFL fans. I college football fan the college football playoff committee that meets tonight. They're their rankings will come out tonight on ESPN. It's can't wait to hear what happens Always by the way a lot to discuss whenever this happens. What is that? It's a group of How many humans go in where and who are they and then they come out and bang bang. This is our subjective feeling on who should be in the top four and not well for NFL fans that don't follow the college game. First of all, I don't know how you do you follow the NFL game until we get to the postseason. I tell you watching you watch a one o'clock NFL game unless it's your team. Holy shit. Is that boring? It is off. But the college game it you used a great word subjective because NFL if you finish 9 and 7 and you're tied for the division lead you got like five or six different tie Breakers and eventually somebody Wednesday division in college you try to win your conference, but it's subjective it except when it comes to getting to the top four for the playoff and everybody looks at this four-team playoff to me what Minnesota did last week was part of the play off. The entire season is really a Playoffs, you know, I know your Row The Boat. I know you're down after that one the hard stuff. I want to after the college football playoff committee pretty hard and then it is late an egg for me right now that boat. Yeah. Yeah and Baylor, you know Baylor went down but the reality here is you know, it's like 12 or 13 people their former. Some of them former athletic directors. You got former coaches different administrators just if there's Different people that are in there to subjectively try to look at different analytics you have coaches in there to look at the eye test and they try to come together every week with who they think of the four best teams and then the team at five six seven and eight is throwing things at the TV and throwing things at you and me and everybody is upset about everything and that's the beauty of college football. But yeah, these these rankings every Tuesday obviously, they don't really matter until we get to the final rankings the first week. December when that well, that's official at that point. It's great talking fodder though. Oh, yeah it is. It moves the needle Kirk. I want somebody who lives on the YouTube now as a YouTuber rankings and me reacting to him moves the needle. Oh my God. Yeah. Yeah people look at this like Clemson was five in the first raw. They don't and the be the man you gotta beat the man. I am sick of this subjective group of men and women in there who refuse to acknowledge a Clemson is the national Champion have they lost know how do you have them outside the playoff? You've got to be kidding me that moves the needle that right there Kirk boy that that little clip right there Boston that moves the needle Kirk on the internet. And yeah, I read if you want to move the needle to just talk about Alabama and where do they fit should they be in should they not be in because no matter what you say you're going to alienate half the audience. So if you Yeah, they're one of the best for they should be in your you're dead to everybody and if you say they should not be in your dead the people in the South. So yeah, if you want to move the needle just talk Alabama because I think Alabama is getting up being left out. Whoa, because of to is injured that clip that somebody cooked that Kirk Herbstreit voice college football doesn't think Alabama is good at football. Did you hear him do it? No, I felt you know two years ago Alabama's just Alabama, right? They got all these first-rounders. They lost to Auburn two years ago. They didn't even go to the SEC Championship. And I was one of the guys that said I don't really care that they're not in the SEC Championship. There's still one of the best for they got to go. They got to be in the the final four and they ended up getting in over Big Ten Champion high of stay here. Just personally it doesn't it doesn't feel like that. They don't feel even with to that defense is not their young they Best player. Dylan Moses is out for the year at the beginning of the year. They just not gelled with all those youngsters on that side of the ball. They got a great offense and and Wood Tools in there and those receivers are Dynamic but with his ankle injury and with the way they're playing defense and of course now he's out for the year even with him. I felt when they lost to LSU they would be on the outside looking in and and I still feel that they're going to end up staying about where they are and if they blow all burn out there at least in the discussion. But I think either the Pac-12 Champion their organ or Utah or the or Oklahoma as a big 12 Champion will go ahead of Alabama. Wow, because Oklahoma has a loss. So usually in a one loss Oklahoma potentially gets in there over Alabama. That's crazy. Let's talk about Alabama though. They lost a Heisman winner. They lost a national champion. They lost a name that has become synonymous with college football at this moment. Oh Tula is out for the year with a hip. Location which I guess it's been different than the Bo Jackson injury because they were able to solve a quicker because science shout out to them figuring that out quicker for us. But to a leaving is a big deal for Alabama. How do you think your deflect affects the rest of college football though with two will be enough? Um, I mean first of all, I'm just glad to hear those first reports, you know, everybody's saying it's the same injuries public Jackson and the only thing it sounds like a similar was the having the hip dislocation but like you said technology today the fact they were able to get it back. Skin Within 5 minutes has a lot to do with the blood flow evidently and and the fact they then today this morning they had the procedure. So everything I've heard has been very very positive for him, which is if I don't know if you've ever met him, he's one of those guys and you meet him you're like I can be a better person. Yeah, I can I can do you know, he's like the last guy you probably beside yourself. You probably played with guys. Oh, this is that Walk through the facility every trainer every doctor every assistant coach every secretary. Everybody had that you couldn't find one person to say something bad about him. And that's hard to find in a locker room with a bunch of football players. He's that guy and so, you know, it's devastating to see him go down. But as far as how it impacts the game, like I said, I think going to Auburn could be tough for them. I don't know if it necessarily affects Bama the way it would have maybe last year the year before when they were clearly one of the best teams. Eames I think right now they're On The Fringe as I just said a being one of the better for teams, but I think it opens up the door for for the Big 12 and for the Pac-12 to possibly get their Champion end and you know, they've kind of most people nationally don't give the Pac-12 a whole lot of love or respect and you know, they potentially have two teams in Utah in Oregon's are going to meet with one loss that I think that to is injury and Bama being on the outside kind of helps them out. I think the Pac-12 it's Pac-12 after. Dark, they play so late. Nobody gets watch East Coast bias that type of stuff happens. For real. For real. Yeah. Yeah, it's real the so can I ask you a question? So how do you do your podcast as much as you travel? How do you how do you work that out? How you and your crew you just travel everywhere and just because sometimes you're standing up doing it another time sitting down and what's the deal? So like we just got off a plane 15 minutes ago from New York where we did. Get up and then the live show hop on a plane back to here immediately into studio in Indianapolis to chat with the voice of college football. Then I'll go home take a nap come back in tomorrow morning live show record got a cheese it commercial to shoot one big news going to do the adulation of Jesus. Thank you me too. Got to interview. Somebody after that for Thursday's podcast them bed, then fly to Atlanta for Thursday Night Football live show their those meetings with coaches sleep. Show podcast game sleep fly. Hopefully to Columbus bang. Then we're off to run another week down. We interrupt this conversation that is going swimmingly to let you know that support for the patent Act V show 2.0 comes from manscaped. Who is the best in men's below the belt grooming manscaped offers Precision engineered tools for your family jewels. Jingle balls to the walls fellas. Listen up untrim pubes are a thing of the past. And now you suck. That was the first talking point was jingle balls to the walls. I figured the rest of the ad read would be able to be read. It's worth a shot. Yeah. Jingle. Thank you. Someone say probably should read the ad before you speak about it into a microphone for hundreds of thousands of people. Nah, that would be probably the right move. But I got rejected from broadcast Boot Camp 3 times 3 times 3 times that's going to be a stain on that that whole thing. I think. Yeah, if I end up getting a pretty good job and I continue to inform people and remind people that there is a broadcast boot camp that happens for NFL players that basically gets everybody a job that's on TV that comes from the NFL and I was rejected from it three times and then I go on and do what I'm going to do that stuff look for them. Well, you wouldn't do that. I wouldn't mind every you never call him off of that. I would never remind people that whenever I go to what secret that would die. Yeah, I wrote told we don't talk about that again 3 times 3 times 3, it's worse than MJ being caught by jvt. I was the worst. I was like his eighth grade year wasn't it? Yeah, wouldn't that story kind of or maybe it was his freshman year, which become Varsity well for The purposes of this. Yeah, do you think the people making those decisions are the ones that are saying McAfee sticks getting old? It's time to gear up and get himself. I would assume it's time to get yourself the gift of Shaving this holiday season. I'm talking about the manscaped perfect package 2.0 this revolutionary company manscaped has designed the electric trimmer their lawn mower or 2.0 which has proprietary Advanced Skin safe technology. So there's trimmer won't Nick or snag your nuts this holiday season. It's also waterproof so you can use it in the shower. First time. I use this. I told the story a couple times I mess around My entire lower half of my body. Pulled it out of his pocket cord in the room. Now. You never know you guys share something off. By the way, you'll love your lawn mower 2.0 just as much as Zito loves his lawnmower 2.0 that he wants to travel with it everywhere. He goes because of its Tearing technology where you can literally go willy-nilly on your willy-nilly without the fear of nicking his nagging or nuts. It is a revolutionary device in the Amman scaping business from your friends at manscaped. Now, you shouldn't be using the same razor that you use on your face that you use on your balls. Okay. That's why you need the lawn mower 2.0, but I would not recommend taking the lawn mower 2.0 and rubbing it on. Let's say your toothbrush or maybe a cup you're drinking out of or how about a microphone that you you speak into every day. I wouldn't recommend that my toothbrush is in here Donald who you're selling yourself. The manscaped perfect package 2.0 also includes the prop preserver and anti chafing ball deodorant and moisturizer you already put deodorant on your armpits. Why are you not putting deodorant on the smelliest part of your body? And yes your balls stink speaking of sweaty and stinky balls. I am thankful for their crop reviver the product along with the preserver keep your balls from sweating smelling and sticking and these products smell damn good their manly scent is attractive and will help set the mood if you know what I mean. Mean Zito has that the reviver. This is unbelievable. I'm a big big fan. Seriously. We just got off the plane. Yeah, I traveled everywhere I go. So sorry, the perfect package will also come with a pair of manscaped boxer briefs. That'll keep your junk feeling fresh all day don't upgrade those overused pair of boxers to man escapes high-performance anti chafing boxer briefs tis the season to manscape. So get yourself your dad your brother your friends the best gift of all the manscaped. Fact it's 2.0. Get 20% off and free shipping with the code Pat at your balls will thank you get 20% off and free shipping with the code Pat at 20% off free shipping Use code pad clean up your nuts and make Santa products. You know, that's a good tagline back to the conversation. So are you married you have kids? I mean how I'm here, right? You're busy. I am. I'm very busy. I'm engaged and I got six pets but when I get home, the animals are they're very forgiving of the schedule. You know, they just are excited to see me my ladies about done with football ladies about done with football season. She's like, yeah, it's on. Yeah be home for 48 hours. Just one time at some point. I'm like it's come. So how does Big Time wrestling come into into play there because you were doing some wrastlin the other night. I was doing commentating on wrestling in the offseason. I hope something will come to be with that. I just got to find time to work out. You know, I need to Get like Pollock has an incredible discipline of not eating bad things. No, he grass and water is not into that. I'm sorry. I'm gonna have a little bit of something. Yes. I just had pizza today. It's been in boss. Thank you. It's been impossible to like actually get in shape. My plan was like, alright, I'm gonna get in shape to his football season because I'm working so much. I'm just going to die and it's good for my body. It's good for my energy. Then we're in New York and I just walked past a place. I'm like, I'll take two of those. Already, I don't know how anybody says no to it. I don't know how people do it. I don't know how Pollock is done that with his life. Here's the thing when Pollock looks in the mirror. He sees 290 Pounds because he was sloppy. He got sloppy late in his career and he tried to because he played when he was an All-American he was like to 50 to 55, but he has I think he looked at himself maybe as a tweener because he was like a an outside linebacker / defensive end and then he dropped it. He so we told him to like to 90 then he got back down to like two. 60 to 70 so I think when he looks at himself, he sees this big guy, so I don't know if his goal is 195. I don't know what he's going for but he's pretty lame right now. He is thin where I was looking at him up on top of that pontoon boat. He had no belt on I was like man if I don't have a belt on my entire pants would just well. Yeah, he is we just showed a picture of him. He is leaning out. I mean he is but his chiseled just chisel. I told him I said, he said something about kickers and I said Paul like I'll snap you in half right here these people and he said you better you better bring a lunch. You know that dude had a 38-inch vertical at one point of his little bro. I'm telling you right now if Pollock would have played tight end because we have to do some of these or these companies we work with we do a flag football thing at the national championship and I'll be the quarterback and he'll be one of my guys that throw to and he's like going up. One-handed catches like Tony Gonzalez going up and plays. I'm like, why were you a defensive and or a defensive tackle you you would have made a zillion dollars and probably would still be playing if you are at I didn't know he's a freaky freaky athlete for sure. What about you? How was your playing style? Well, it was my style. Yeah. I was kind of I would have really enjoyed today this whole run-pass option threat to run threat to throw ya back then if you played in my era. Are you were more of a Veer option guy or your drop back guy? I was more of an option guy. We ran a wishbone when I played so when I came out of high school into college, I had to learn about the drop back game. I had to learn about sitting in the pocket. I was more of a dual guy more of a runner. Oh athlete her be out there. I didn't know you had yeah. I didn't know that I should've known by the way. I want Pat white guy. Hey retire five by the way retire five everybody. Yeah retire five. I should have known by the way. Suits that you wear that you're a freak athlete you. Have you ever seen one of these dude dresses? It's outrageous impeccable. Oh my God, we went up on I went up on the Octagon of the first time. I saw shoot this guy this guy, I don't know who the Taylor is. I don't know if you're creating it. You're no no. No your soup game. Your suit game is up there at the top of Television. I think yeah, when I moved to Nashville Eddie George, you know guy played with it Ohio State. He's like man, I got to hook you up with this my tailor. This guide helps me out. So I was like, I'm in so from that point on. Really the last eight or nine years. He not only is he do it he'll come over on Tuesday before I leave and he'll just pull everything out. I had nothing to do with anything. I just put it pretty much whatever he says to wear. I wear he's doing a great job. Is he give you those bracelets to you had his big bracelet on well, yeah. That was what I knew like Vinny started doing it to Vinny got their new Taylor. I think he started showing up at the at these games for road games and he would have like Gucci flip-flops on with like these incredible. Like two bracelets. I was like video you are killing a fucking dick. I don't make any decisions by the way. What kind of year the Colts going to the playoffs? Yeah. Yeah got lock. Is that a lock? Well, Jacoby Brissette can stay healthy like Jacoby percent I think is an actual Difference Maker in the game of football. I think he's a dog, you know what? I mean? Like, I think he I think he'll win the game for you. I think he's that type of guy and I think I think the culture legit I really like him when he's playing also the text and sell. Ellie that team deserves a Super Bowl championship the team does the text and celebration without altering a touchdown deserves a Lombard in my hey your idea who gave him that I didn't quit Nelson's a pretty legendary human. I would assume that was his idea. There's people partying in the background to I mean, it was a 10-person party out there. Yeah. I'm just curious because I live in Nashville where you dropped an epic line. It's raft and when you told him you probably don't know who I am. I'm the planner for the Colts. We didn't want very authentic. As a great it's a great but they are you guys right now. I'm looking at it. Oh, yeah you and the Texans are going toe-to-toe therefore the top of the division. You got a great shot. Well, DeShaun Watson got his ass beat last week against the Ravens and seems like that did he did and that's been his like kind of Mo through his whole career as the Texans can't take care of him. He just keeps getting his ask me. I'm scared. He's going to get the Andrew Luck thing where he stops enjoying the game because of how bad it gets beat up. He is an incredible Talent when Dabo Swinney said this guy's the Michael Jordan of football. Everybody kind of scoffed at him. But once he started getting hot here, it's good. You've got to see Deshawn and Lamar. I think you've had that game those two are taking over the league right now. I cannot believe I'm so happy for Lamar who would have thought think about the era that when you played if you would have said that the skill set of Lamar Jackson is going to become legendary. It's one thing to try to figure out a big 12 quarterback, you know, like when Sam Bradford was coming out or what we see now is Pat Mahomes at a Texas Tech who does crazy things every But Lamar because he was so athletic but he wasn't the guy that's going to sit in the pocket lot of when he was coming out. Go back to the draft 90% 80% of people said he can't throw up can't he can't make place in the pocket. Nope can't play. No way. They want them to be a whiteout. I think right? Yeah try to move the wide out now. He looks like he's literally playing like, I don't know Pop Warner football against NFL defenses Middle School football, like he's playing by a different set of rules than anybody in the the history of the games ever played at that position. Also, he's throwing the ball. Well top five amassing. I mean he is it's not the cleanest delivery. It doesn't look like that but Philip Rivers doesn't have that clean of a delivery and he's been able to play a long time as long as the mark and drop it into a bucket who gives a damn. Yeah. He's right and the other thing is when he moves, you know, people again go back to the old school NFL way of thinking well and the NFL he's gonna get hit he can't he won't last he doesn't really get hit. He's like a slinky like he's just able to just found. Louver around and under and I don't know how often do you really see him get blasted and a game. Okay, we don't so here's a stat. He's been hit a hundred and eighteen times this season, which is the most in the NFL for a quarterback. Okay, he's been hit a hundred eighteen times in comparison Christian McCaffrey 246 times so their offense runs through him as well and nobody's like well as Christian gonna be able to hold up Lamar is taking different hits in Christian to I feel like he knows they're coming. He's sliding I talked about Ty Hilton has this ability where whenever a big hits coming he has this ability to kind of get out of the way of it. So I think it's still technically counts as a hit but it's not a real one Lamar though. I think what they're going to tell them is you have to stop attempting to run people over because yeah, you're going to have to stop but that like you're just at somehow you're going to have to turn that down and just go down because at the end of a couple runs there he was looking for contact almost and it was like, I respect the hell out of what you're doing right now. Yeah, but let's not let that affect everything else. You know what I mean? And who's the OC with the Ravens because regular almond honey? Who is it? Greg Roman Greg Roman? Who's a West Coast guy man. He he deserves a lot of credit for recognizing that we can win with this guy. We're going to run some option football and we're going to do some things that are unorthodox and different from the NFL model and this kid can do it because what it's done is its simplified their passing game but Bill Belichick two weeks ago, you know last week against the Texans some good defense of Mines. They're loading up the worried about him running. Um, so you got eight guys in the box and then you create one-on-one easy passes easy reads in the pass game. So right now knock on wood. Hopefully he can stay healthy and it's been a lot of fun to watch him and hopefully he can keep it going. He's a real like joy to watch like I think this is one of the first times in a long time like Aaron Rodgers has this ability whenever he's playing you want to watch because you have no idea what he's going to do like something's in have Pat Mahomes is same way Lamar Jackson exact same way whenever he's on the field. I'm like, I want to see what this dude does what the football every single time. As the opportunity to bang bang out the gate. See you later. Yeah. Yeah. I think you're right about Aaron Rodgers. Of course, I think Dak Prescott with the way he's playing right? Yeah Dallas is becoming that and I love I love Mahomes. I mean Pat Mahomes with whether it's a no-look pass or it's a jump past that he throws 35 40 yards in the air when in college, what's that? How did he not win in college? It seems like Kliff Kingsbury is doing well with Arizona. He had Pat Mahomes. How did that not become like a super successful operation. It was almost like we didn't really talk about him a whole lot. I mean, he was a great player. But you know how it is kind of get to those those teams that are winning four and five games and they're kind of Off the Grid a little bit. He was putting up ridiculous numbers. Here's the thing Pat almost everybody that ran Cliffs offense put up ridiculous numbers. So you just didn't know is he just another one of these quarterbacks? It's in that Texas Tech offense or is there something special about him again Andy Reid think about Andy Reid's background where he grew up in the coaching tree with Bill. Walsh in the whole West Coast offense, how do use he reinvent himself and say hey man, we got something special here. I'm going to change my ways of the last 30 years and I'm willing to learn and adapt and change. He runs basically a big 12 offense now with my homes and more power to them. I think these guys who have the ability to reinvent themselves just are able to stay with the game and Andy Reid's another another great example of that tiktaalik Smith out of town after almost an MVP season, Judo. Had an MVP season Alex Smith is like alright, I finally found my home here. I'm doing good. My life is good. You had an almost MVP season. I'm gonna go have a good offseason here by travel a little bit. Hey by the way travel right over the fucking Washington. That was so true. And I want it happened. I'm gonna be there. I was the first person who was like, what are they doing? This guy had an MVP season? We had a caller calling to our shore serious show from Kansas and he was like Pat Mahomes is going to win. BP next year, I might get out of here dude. This guy hasn't even played yet and he starts playing the guy called me back like two weeks in the seasoning was like Pat Mahomes the MVP, I guess whenever they like the fans and even his teammates would see him in practice. It was like a show. Obviously he was playing exactly like he's playing now, but just in practice, I couldn't even fathom what that did to Alex Smith, by the way, if you're a starter and the backup is doing that you have to up your game like you have to or you're going to be out. You're either going to up your game or you're going to be gone that Only helped Alex Smith, by the way, they play football. But boy, what a good decision was for them to move on to Old Patty got some love and Mahomes. Yeah gutsy decision, but it paid off like we said, he's become must-see TV for sure you let you like that, huh? I do, you know, I am not like a guy that's jumping up and down but I like the combination of DAC with Zeke when they're healthy. I'm not a big Cowboys fan, but I live in their women. Don't say let me just do you want us to dump that? Do you want us to dump that that's America's team. Do you want to here's the thing? Yeah you big Cowboys fan Hmm. This is obligatory Cowboy talk brought to you by Pat McAfee. I like when the Cowboys were playing good football strictly because they're on National Television every Moodle needle and they move the needle and so if you're a Cowboys fan love what you guys got going on if you're not a Cowboys fan completely understand where you're coming. Back to 10. They're like the Yankees and Duke basketball, right? Oh, yeah, either the 5 mm the very polarizing either love them or hate them. They moved the needle though. I am actually sent an email on a daily basis to make sure I get obligatory Dallas Cowboy talk because the world wants to hear it. So I'm tall so so, who would we put in that category? You think you think in the NBA? Is there a team? Is that the labor on is there something wrong? I don't think what team it is. I think it's your choice LeBron. Just LeBron. Yeah, like I think there's things that are listed on Boards of That make decisions and it's like all right. What do we got here Dallas Cowboys Tim Tebow LeBron and the Yankees tiger Yankees Bang Bang Bang. The trees are a college football team that fits that category Alabama brought. It has to be Alabama. I'd assume that because youíve and you even said it earlier say talk about Alabama move the needle that's that's it right there. What you just said. Yeah. 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That's it. Keep Roman swipes in your back pocket for longer better sex and get yours fast with free two-day shipping by visiting get /u S A. That's G ET R om. /u S A The Sensation will not transfer to To your partner so you can have longer better sex without ruining anything for anybody else. Thanks to our friends at Roman get /ui, say if you're going to fornicate Point are fornicating show. That's good. That's your be there too. That's very good. I think so too back to the condo. I'm streaming else in your life. We should talk about anything. Cool what you did you've done or Dom? I think I'm good. Really? I think I just want you to be on the show this week. We're enjoying having you. I think I am. Good, if you're not I'm going to make a call now. I think I am I got a call today and the text today it said would you want to and I'm always like yet. The answer is yes best show on television. Would you like to be on it? Yeah, I would yeah. Yeah, where do I sign up for that? I would love to so I think it's going to be good time. I think I'm coming out there. Well, I know you guys, you know got a lot of flights to catch and things like that, but you may want to consider staying around for this game you and your your boys you may want to stick around and watch this one what time's the game? Noon right after the show we could too. Oh, I gotta go to NXT. I gotta go to wrastlin on Saturday night in Chicago. So I think once you exit easy fly, that's an easy flight, Indiana to right here man. It's easy little pump through you got an easy week this week. That's it. Hey, Waco's a hole down there is yeah. He's a whole it's one way it is way down there. It's nice. Yeah, beautiful city good people way down there. Yeah, it was a little bit of a haul what it take you about an hour 45 two hours two. Yeah two hours and I didn't couldn't shower after the river. You know what it means when I was just sitting there bacon in that stuff that felt good. No, I felt great I hair was disgusting and I literally was sneezing it up while you were calling the game that night. I was sitting at home and I like woke up from a nap and I like sneezed and I could just taste it to running down. Yeah, I was like, oh, yeah, there's the Brazos and they lose. How many guys travel with you? It depends where like to game day. It's only me Zito and Foxy because we're not recording Anything Audio was whenever we get to do audio stuff, then you got to bring in the ties and then you go to bring in the swing man. It's just it depends on which trip and how many but normally Zito foxy entire with me most trips and game ditches Ito and Foxy. So it was your plan in the NFL. How many years did you play like 15? Are you played Forever Wait? Okay, so you're to plant as you're planning in the NFL and you're thinking about getting To Media. Are you thinking all along? I'm going to get into my own radio show. You think I'm going to get into a podcast. He's what do you think in because it didn't take you very long to build, you know an Enterprise. So while I was in so Pat macv Inc has been around since I was playing in the NFL. I had a merch company that I sold t-shirts that sponsored a car and a hundredth running of the IndyCar called shirts for It was a teacher that only serve us old shirts for America for two weeks and it cost me 250 Grand to sponsor Connor dailies car in the hundredths running of the Indy 500. He didn't have a sponsor two weeks out from the event, right? So using Indiana kid hundredth running of the Indy 500 Hootie and the Blowfish is going to be there. I mean, it was a big deal 300,000 people coming and it's Indiana kid who's a friend of mine didn't have a sponsor. So I was like, how much is it was like 250,000 was like, let me sleep on it. So the next morning I wake up and I call her now CFO Phil and I forget what year this is sixth year in the NFL. Probably fifth year in the NFL. I called my CFO Phil who's my accountant at the time? I was like, I need to start a company up today. He was like for what I was like we're gonna sell shirts. He's like, what about I was like well races on Memorial Day weekend starts for America shirts for make the website right now. So he makes it I give the payment to Indy car the next day and just a check like a handwritten checks. Check for 250 Grand from Pat Mac think that was the starter cost for shirts for America. Then proceeds were going to be donated. We lost we lost we lost six figures worth of cash on that and we got crashed out by a Russian church for cargo craft by a Russian like like 50 laps in or something like a hundred laps in the okay, and I didn't get tickets in a race. I had to watch outside so that I had that merge company where I Continue to sell shirts though after that from that company. So I did that then I did stand-up where I sold, you know, like 10,000 tickets and 5-10 minutes for a tour where I rented the theater. So the ticket so I've been doing a lot of things myself while playing in the league kind of entrepreneurial. Yeah. I kind of expected everything to happen not but it's also incredible man. I didn't expect game day. I mean, that's about Frost. Yeah. We just kind of started as a small business. That's why I used to be introduced as everything is small business owner. Is that so We were for a while and then we made it and it's pretty cool. It's actually pretty cool. How long have you guys been out on your own doing this now two years your junior year and a half year and a half you're in a half and the challenging part is you get other opportunities is staying where you don't have to be exclusive to one company where you can Bounce from one to the next to the next really that's a little tricky hurry. This has been interesting. So the interesting thing was I had to go Shake all these people's hands all these executive hands. These places that told me no coming out. So my agents had me on this handshake tour with all these Executives in like La New York everywhere. They're like, hey, you're going to have to go meet these people. I think we think you could sell you better than weekend. Which all they want to do is introduce me to people so that those people can see that I wasn't just a Madman but as I think what they wanted to do, so we're checking all these hands and in these meetings people would be like, hey, would you be willing to insert name of one of my six jobs I have right now in the fall. I'm like, yeah absolutely any handshakes he does. Yeah, yeah, and then we go to the next place. Hey, would you be willing to and then there was just one particular week where they all came back or like hey we want to do this we want to do this we will do this and at that point you got to either you know, fight or flight man is like yeah, I can do them all for sure and nobody wanted us to exclusively which will be a cool conversation down the road our business to partnership with somebody but I've got a chance to kind of work with everybody. You know, it's been a lot of fun, but it's been busy as fuck. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Well, you guys are crushing. It's been been a lot of fun to have you not just with game day. But Everything You Touch man, you guys are you guys have got a growing right now? Well, we're a bunch of dumbasses in at some point at some point. It's all right. Is it that do something you love by the way, it's cool. I mean hopefully all your guys in there in the room there love what they do, but there aren't a whole lot of people that actually love what they do. Well, I think I think also people who think that people do what they love, right? They think that okay since it's what you love Of you're not working your ass off. It's like no. No because I love it. I'm actually working harder. I think that's kind of thing. So like exotic exhaustion's a real thing. Yeah, you could sleep but for two or three hours a night, you know in certain weekends or certain nights and like be okay because you love what you do Bingham. That's what does game days is game days. I'm running on like probably four hours of sleep each time. But as soon as I get there, I'm just like oh, this is the coolest. This is the coolest thing ever like a body figure it out. We got we got time to go it is it's awesome. I'm enjoying the hell out of it. How did you get into TV? I got into local radio for about a year or two in Ohio and Ohio. I got that I got done playing. Yep and started to do local radio making $12,000 a year Mmm Yeah Yeah, fresh out of college 12 G's out of college living on that scholarship check. I thought I was like really rich had a couple roommates and I could have done that really forever. I yeah, I enjoy doing talk radio did afternoon Drive in Columbus for about 15 years, but my first year to I would do sideline reporting for Ohio State Radio. And Eddie. George is when he was running the go on to win a Heisman and I kept bumping into Jack arute Who's down on the sidelines every game and he'd see all my radio equipment my headphones. He's like, what are you doing radio for you? Got to put going to do some TV. So he kept telling me that I'd finally just put a fake tape together went to an empty Ohio stadium in February and did a couple fake reports because I know TV Variants I asked Eddie George and Joey Galloway who college players at the time. They're getting ready to go to the NFL to come in and I created a show called Buckeye Corner and we did about 10 or 15 minutes with those two guys. I just trying to think of anything I could do to put it a tape together. I didn't know what a tape was, but I had a couple guys that gave me an idea I know agent, so I just put all that on a tape and send it to ABC Sports and ESPN and never heard back from ABC Sports and ESPN asked me to come In for an audition and they add a new TV station coming out called ESPN 2 years ago and they ended up hiring me to do sideline reporting for the for the first for their first year, which was 1995 season. Wow. The greatest thing is they're offering me the job over the radio and or over the phone and they're like, we got to pay $850 a game and like as they're at talking I'm like writing down 850 and they said well do 15 games like 50 times try to add that to my 12,000 that I was making. I need to hear the rest of the conversation. I was like, I'm in the one here. Yeah, that sounds like a deal like a deal to me the thought of you creating a fake show to kind of flip to mail to somebody so welcome back to the weekly Buckeye Corner. I'm Kirk herbs. Yeah, alongside Eddie George ever fucking heard of him. That's beautiful classic. Well, now you're the voice of college football. That's a real thing the game needs to come back and say a 2K. Oh man. Does it ever how you send a tweet out it got a lot of action. Did they respond to you? Yeah. Yeah. They did. You know, there's still some things. I guess that the PA has to do and you know, hopefully it'll happen but I don't think it's a done deal. My guess would be depending on how the NFL. Yay moves will dictate how quickly it may get done. Yeah, I'm guessing a year two years but there's still a lot of work that needs to be done for it to happen. Plus the nflpa have any say in something that happening with the NCAA. I am I have no idea. I think it has something to do with Once name and likeness gets gets cleared officially with the NCAA. I think I don't know. I do a little bit of homework and report back when I see this weekend. All right, man. Well ladies and gentlemen incredible Story by the way, Buckeye Corner. Sir, I think we should open that thing back up this weekend. Ladies and gentlemen the voice of college football card for thank you. He is really good. Yeah, he loves you too. He's just like yeah, he's a cool guy man. I'm lucky very very lucky that he has, you know, just been he followed me on the Twitter a couple years ago. And when I saw it, I think it was even one of those ones that follow you where you screenshot and send it to your friends at Could just follow this is insanity and then I obviously had followed him since watching game day and I got a damn this one time. He was like he watched her video. I made her something. He was like man, what a hilarious angle that you take cover in football or whatever. Oh my God. Appreciate you man. Hey you too, by the way, like I wanna let you know you do a great job as well and it kind of build on it. We met on Twitter and I don't sweater. But yeah, I'm lucky that game that game day is electric awesome. It's like a festival. It really is like when I said, Everybody's happy to I don't think I've ever seen you don't see fights at college game day because everybody's like on the same team. Everybody's rowing the boat in the same direction as like except for the opposing fans to get booted out of there. It's Ohio State's be awesome this weekend. We like we like Columbus a lot. Have a good day. Son. Oh Aah, I owe a lot of that for me. I think yeah, how could you not it's gonna be tough not to just do that. I wish they had a bear claw just like There's a lot of Columbus Ohio State friends. I'll see if there's anything else that you need to do. Yeah, if you're in Ohio State fan, please. Tweet me anything that I need to know about Ohio state that should be known in should make it on. I feel like I have a pretty good little Rolodex of things in the back of my head while talking about football I can slip things in so if there's anything that I need to know about I would deeply appreciate you you do you have talked a Jayhawk? That's it. Yeah, aha ha coming on the show Thursday. Oh that is not scheduled. Maybe Friday. He should come on Friday. Yeah for sure. Let's hope he's not busy last time. I some come on show he got a he was like Yeah, what show am I coming on the podcast? He was like what shows that I see you on 10 different children, don't you fucking answering? All right, he's going to talk in the microphone or not. We're just heating up here big. Thanks to Kirk earlier. Obviously, you heard a reaction and that conversation what you're about to hear though is just some of the dumbest conversation that we have ever had in the microphones. You're going to enjoy it Thanksgiving is just around the corner which means the holiday season is in full swing and as fun as it is to eat food. In spend time with family all the cooking gift shopping and traveling can be downright exhausting. Yeah. There's a lot that goes into these holidays outside of the celebration itself. It's the prepping. It's the cooking. It's the dealing with just sticks and all that stuff. It can be quite exhausting but don't worry about it because CBD MD has you covered with a powerful sleep product that can help you get the quality rest that you need to survive and enjoy the holidays CBD p.m. Blends 500 milligrams 500 mg of high-quality CBD with melatonin valerian root chamomile and other sleep promoting ingredients to create a powerful and effective sleep aid. Okay, so I've been using this for what six months now seven months. Yeah. I love it and knocks down. I just now read what's all in it. It makes so much sense why it works so well, so not only are you getting CBD which makes you relax and kind of cool out and your body recover, by the way, which is good. It helps your body and muscles recover their mixing that with melatonin which is known to put you out night-night valerian root, which These another relaxing scent or something like that and chamomile which everybody knows is supposed to put you that I mean, it makes so much sense. Now why I knock out within 30 min, you take it 30 minutes before you're about to pass out and you're ready to go. I love CBD p.m. I travel with it Zito travels with his is ball shaver. I travel with CBD p.m. So puts me to sleep and all of her bad Hotel mattress that were sleeping on it make it even easier to try CBD p.m. Or any of CBD MD's premium CBD products. 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Gcpd p.m. Does give me asleep very thankful for them. And I think you should try it out as well back to the show Connor. How you doing, bud? I'm doing well. How are you Pat? I'm okay. Well tired. Well tired. Yeah 5:00 a.m. Wake up for get up. It's Insanity. So great. Really. Hey by the way, pretty good performance. All you get up. There's some days where I just feel like okay this stuff all seems to be right in my particular grantee won't talk. I try to pitch a cult stuck in there. Like a culture back by the way, they're like okay in the D-Block, so I had to slip that in good conversation though. I enjoy that stuff in Dan and recs are such an electric group of humans and green e&l. Do a great job of navigating the convo. I enjoy that get up to a lot you mimicking Dan or like I don't know if people notice this but you mimicking or lost you with your hands when he goes bust in there is next level because obviously he knows you're doing it either and then he started doing it to you and you're about to tell him hilarious. He's a good time. I'm Dan took some heat today because of the whole thing about since 2003 in 2003 the Patriots won Super Bowl. So it was like for me it was just a piece of information. I looked up last week that just so happen to be sitting on the tip of my tongue my golly dummy. That's your loss key. If you play a Corvette first team f 0 points, that's what are the best. How about the end zone or a lot of skiing I get a chance to see his mentions. Isn't a Lamer group of people than the people that are tweeting a lot. There's nothing creative coming at him man. Everything's about him run down the back of the end zone all that. I mean he did have an interesting look there with his glasses and that that's a sport coat the issue was his shoes matched his sport coat. So if you saw his full outfit, I think it got tied together a lot better. But since he's sitting at a desk real I saw the tie that makes sense stuff. I feel like that's orlovsky in general like people to see a glimpse of no. Yeah, but see the whole thing. You meet him and he's awesome. He is very awesome. And by the way, not a lot of quarterbacks have been in the league a long time can take that back and forth. You know what? I mean? Not a lot of people enjoy him. He's really gonna call it Collin College football games. Yeah. Yes. He was sitting in that Death Valley dinner and Clemson in the crowd with the seniors. So it was the most exciting moment is Life actors. Marrying is in his kids or whatever. I was I I was getting the ham on that this morning. I was gonna most exciting moment of your life were spent with those fucking kids. Yeah. It was awesome patent on most exciting. Moment of your life out. Come on, Dan. Come on. Danny Boy Danno. I like them. What like Rex to practice. Yeah, it's good time. He's slimming down. He's the kids. Yeah. He's coming out his suit this morning. I walked in like 5:45 a.m. Getting a little pat on the shoulders a lot of space in that suit. So either that's an old suit from back whenever he was Montresor. He is slowly dwindling away, which could be the case, but for him, he looks good, though. Yeah, I think so looks very good. He must be not be going back to coaching never Nick Mangold said that fat Rex comes out when whenever he starts coaching is what mangled said but every single time there's a potential job talk about I think Rex like every time I want to be like rocks you big good head coach. I want you to India if you're damn right Rex was a good head coach and he was granted. He was in the Patriots division, which is always going to be difficult that to AFC championships with the Jazz beat be ready in Gillette to in the playoffs. We lost those championships, but got there. Nobody else gets them there though to the Colts and Steelers. Really? Yeah, I was there. So for us, it's freezing. You played Great Tech. I did I didn't do shit. I don't think I think I tackled Antonio Cromartie maybe need me in the face big shout out to him for that. I can't believe they fired him for Nealon. Most recent story came out about them. Yeah. I think he would be good head coach somewhere. I like being around him and he started telling stories because Damon what he was there yesterday Damien Woody played for him. So they start telling stories about what it was like in the whole thing. It was awesome Rex goes the demon goes tell him about whenever we played Rex like this record like this moment. I forget what team it was in Daniels and oh, yeah tell him so in practice, I guess Rex told him he was like The offensive line he was like you guys are the team and whenever we need a game winning something. I want you to point at where we're going to run the ball and then we're going to run there and we're going to win the game. That's our team. Like that's our team or whatever. So it came down to a game where it was like fourth quarter. They needed a first down the game was over whatever and on film Damien Woody in the other guy right before the play like pointed where they were headed at pointed right at the guy that they're about to double team ran right behind him. First down ended the game didn't tell rest until wreck. Saw the film. The next morning was like these motherfuckers. It was like awesome. Just thinking of wrecks like just talking over there on the offensive line side of the ball. Like, you know, what demoralized somebody if you point right where we're going and then we win the game right there probably just set it in like just or whatever and then Damien Woody and the guy like in that moment when most people could potentially be typing in like we're going to write for yeah. Yeah right here. This is what we're doing like one of that's awesome. And that's the type of thing though. Your team's personality reflects your coaches personality. Rex has that very flamboyant confident personality. I think your team plays a lot better that way or you can be Belichick who is hilarious by the way guys just cracking jokes American West Conference, Julian Edelman is going to need Isis arm needs a massage. That's like they're having fun out there. Yeah. I love it. I love that. He's that petty me into. I mean, he's the greatest of all time and he's being petty. I mean, what more do you want? We got that is a perfect concoction. Yeah, if you had if you're at the top of the mountain and you somehow Figure out a way to put a chip on your shoulder thinking you have to climb higher that is Magic and that's what happened with him. He put another chip on her, you know, something way of them. Next time we play I love it dude, and I think that offense will figure itself out. By the way. I said no and get up. I set it on Low Places. I think that offense figures itself out in that team once again, we're back, but Jacoby percent. Hey Jacoby percent He's a game record. He's all the way back by that but scrubbing imagine if the Steelers Edge Kobe. Yeah, you could probably use that 12:24. 440 yards easy. Did you see the plays he made that's came at me. First game home winning plays he made there was one with a strained MCL where he runs up into a crowd backpedals Runs Out rolls to his right throws a dime totter. Thank you very much. There's another one where he scoots in there. I mean, he's just a a dog. That's what he's he's a gamer. I'm just angry because there's one thing to have a bad quarterback, which is the others have but that now they have a bad quarterback who everyone hates and makes fun of me. Well her to the club fair you have a mine wasn't the second overall pick of the draft. Fuck you. People don't hate Mason Rudolph. Oh, yeah. They're hell. Yeah, because Mason Rudolph his postgame presser. Yeah, a lot of people take a shot and he has no idea how he's either the sweatiest human alive. There is no idea how to put chapstick on his lips. She always cheese why I guess is your quarterback. He's not my quarterback. He's your clone Hodges is my quarterback has a quarterback quite quick and seven will always be my quarterback. So he might never come back. You should have beard. He's very comfortable. Yeah, that's what we need. So the problem with the loot what happened to Ben Roethlisberger, why is elbows all fucked up? It's because he's used to doing nothing in the offseason. He doesn't do one thing until training camp obvious to piercing a trend. Yeah and people have got on him recently for that. And now he started working on the offseason and skinny. Ben's got a fucked-up elbow for all his old ruin his whole career. So he think fat fat that is back and we are the whole team's to be back fat man was the guy that just sat there for that quarterback drill where he's supposed to have. Yeah the bads and he just sat down. Yeah damn, right? His new band would have been yoga in all the way around. We don't need this pain Pittsburgh doesn't need skinny pant. Are we watching a been in training camp and who's throwing the ball in the dirt? Oh, yeah. I did look bad or something. He says it all the time. That was on that one. Yeah. Yeah the wide receiver. Yes. That's what you guys told me. It was on NFL Total Access and they were at the Steelers Camp. Yeah it Roethlisberger was throwing which I was surprised about because I heard rothenberger doesn't throw doesn't and he was just throwing these balls in the dirt. He threw one into the stands I think and I was like, Hey Roethlisberger stinks or whatever and they're like no no. No, he's just throwing them so that the wide receiver has to work with getting harder. That's what she told us how you think the receivers have been so good in Pittsburgh throughout the years have they? Yeah. What do you mean have a tiny brown? God Manny Sanders God. My name is Brian gone. Yeah, but how were they good or not talk about they're still there. Well, there are these guys all come out of nowhere and all sudden just get good because they're catching balls are thrown in the dirt. Now the Bugatti boys got two big heads and had to leave get pay everybody. For the Bugatti Boys Hey Baby, Mike Wallace Emmanuel Sanders Le'Veon Bell the no ring Mafia. Wow. What's your guys problem on these guys? If they shed a lot of Blood Sweat and Tears for the Bumblebee Steelers. We don't we don't we are not a happy Bunch when winning is not happening. So you're saying the tribe of users writing the ends our tribe is Don very done because lost it a bronze and now it's kind of set in settling in that Miles Garrett suspended but you still have a loss to the bronze on the record and your quarterback got bonked in the head this guy, you know, this guy's a victim of an assault. Oh, so now what now? Even start foxy your fucking team. What do you mean? That's our quarterbacks a broken back know what your mouth? All right you watch your mouth about Matthew Stafford. He would never fake an injury. He wanted to play that game doctors doing let them toughest due to the NFL. You know it I know it we all know it nothing. No, it's the other that's kind of the problem that people are having is that nobody did that? Broken back. I don't know if that's his heels overnight by the way. He might be done for the year. Let him let him sit for the you just might as well at this point. You guys got something in jindra and Jack Driscoll's down their back on, you know. It was all fucking food Jen Driscoll's about that broken back to he definitely is. Did they give I ask you this question on the radio. I didn't get a real answer is Matt Patricia going to give another you given another you have to you got to give me at least one more year, I think so, I think multiple years to be honest. Like this is the most Detroit thing ever though. Literally, I've said this before they will hire a new coach. Everyone's pumped up new coach New Era we have put the camera on you, please. Okay. Sorry. I'm not it. Very tough to multi task. I've said that before but this is the most important. Okay new coach New Era everyone's fired up first season. Ah, they only went three games that stuff. You know, what first years as head coach. That's okay difficult year too and we'll win like six games get bad draft pick. That's okay. We're still getting our guys we get our guys. We get the defensive line guys, Trey flowers. I think they pay them ten billion dollars year three. You know what Matthew Stafford got hurt. We got to give them another year gotta give it another. Here your for they stink fire him. We don't give this guy enough time new coach start over. Once again. Jim Schwartz happened to him Jim Caldwell happen to him Matt Patricia. We're going on here. What for next year your three next year. I'll give him that hatred. I think the patron next two years. You guys need to get Nagy. What's that? Dude? I need to be a patron experience map. It's just going back home and Josh McDaniels one back Patricia might go back. I didn't make him leave for a little bit get some Intel around the league and then they're back in the Patriot. The AI we think. We've said this on a couple D flow down in Miami right in division. Josh McDaniels did it to the Broncos whenever the Broncos were good there for a bit now, he's going to the line. The only issue is I don't know if Belichick sent anybody he's not coming. Let's find out what those four trucks is raising his Chernobyl son to be DC. Oh God, he's got a great. Jawline. All right, give him a break. You got your a terrible guy. Will you put him on camera? He's a terrible guy. He's just lashing out. What's that guy on the left right there with the beard. He's wanted to just said that the opinions of his do not reflect that of his employer. I would like that to be Nest. You guys didn't even play Yesterday Tony yet still this week still a loss this week. It festered all weekend. You guys lost in a bronze pretty bad. I mean, I was kind of tough amazing resource quarterback in the league so easily, I'm so fed up with that piece of shit. Best defense we've had how does he know so spend it? I don't understand it. He started it. Okay, I thought about this but several people mentioned tell me he started it. So what's more frustrating as a fan? I have a team that when Matthew Stafford I have a team that when Matthew Stafford was healthy had a good quarterback, but everything around him stunk. Yeah. Zero has a team that has a terrible quarterback, but everything around him is good. What's more frustrating? I would say that you could win with a bad quarterback. Great team. You can't win with a great quarterback bad deal. I agree. You could just have nothing at all. I think it's all fair because you're one play away from being good versus 21 players away from being good. Yeah, it sucks either way. By the way, that that one player that you need to be good was good at one point in his career. Yes, you want us in recent history and instead I was getting benched in fourth quarter broken hip. No, that's not what they said. I was too. It was a dislocated hip therefore to our first half. They said first half he injured his hip player need him Raven. We're talking about fake injuries. I mean, that's actually yeah sure. No not the rest of the game lasts for minted in that last. 3:30 he did not which argue heard about people would say most important to most important time of the game. You refused to go out onto the field or off the field both ways. I don't know and then he whispered in his ear like hey, you're right Mitchell. We talked about this going on this week. If you have another fucking nightmare again, we gotta do something. You see it. Did we agree on whether he was your knee or ankle? Hip that's what I thought but well we're going to put this lightning rod Chase day and you lie, you'll be able to turn this on bitch around just like you did when he was starting on your route. Don't you tell everybody was your hip right? All right. Good luck out there. See I never estate you nose bubble guys on the sidelines. Why can't they just face that today? We just hear what he said, you know. Your sound bubbles. Learn all those aren't real know who got it and it fell films got it for sure. NFL films has the big boom mics that hang down over everything. So every once in a while, you'll be having a conversation on on the bench just be like man that motherfucker. What are you got? Where'd you come from? The guy's got like a 10-yard. He's got offer deckhand. He's got his headphones on to the fuck. Did you come from I've been back here. As you know, maybe you guys could win a game if your kicker would get off kid Tick-Tock and start hitting some field go easy on Tick Tock. Yeah. Yeah, the whole operation was already peeing yet. All I was really really I was gonna be a kicker for them that video did very well 200,000 views good for Zito by the way. Hey, I was supposed to teach him how to kick better. That was back whenever the Goose Island or whatever. It was was having to drunk kick for 343 order to win beer for the rest of your life or whatever. Yeah. I was going to teach is you know how to do it. Connor was holding for him terribly. So I can't comment on very terrible. I come in. I hold for him. I was gonna have him kick one and then I was gonna critique right because it's hard to tell you how to kick until you see somebody kicking. It's like, all right, let's work with your swing as opposed to what actual swing supposed to because you don't know zero steps up and just bombs it I'm like, yeah, you're good bro. 72-yard my first time it's Cuban. Now it traveled eight yards into a brick wall. What was that? You think just people anybody from Judy's kick a football? We have baseball players big baseball by big Baseball City not yeah Cuba not notoriously known for their soccer team not glance all boxing and baseball pretty much so yeah doubles and credit. So you're incredibly racist comments is not accurate what's called he entire time I've worked with him. He said he's great at soccer. So I just I just get down with that like to get the ball rolling. I remember he said what do you say six months of training? He could be in the Olympic ceremony training. Oh the Olympics, but he also said you fart even start for a World Cup team of me. Idiot Leon defense on defense. Let's put that in there. Why is that digs? Because he's no no, he said that not me. He definitely could not do what that what what why are you saying that now because he's obese fat. Whoa, I lost two parts the disrespected here. Oh my God Porsche of all time - MIT from myself. Nick digs Todd die zeit foxy and Canadian Gumpy. Welcome back Pub. We appreciate you for listening man. Tweet how you're supposed to tweet me something somebody's was tweet me a fun fact about Ohio State. Yeah chance, right and these need to be actual facts. Not 0 if x was that mean I'm a means yours are normally completely fucking false makes do get sunburned punishment play the copyright free music, please.
On today’s show, Pat and the boys are joined by the Voice of College Football, one of the most handsome men working in sports today, friend of the show, Kirk Herbstreit. They discuss this past Saturday’s installment of College Gameday and when pat knew that he was going to bellyflop into the Brazos, the CFB playoff committee’s mindset when selecting their top 4 teams, why he thinks Alabama is on the outside looking in, Kirk chats about which quarterback’s he likes watching in the NFL and who he thinks is in that tier. They also cover how each of them got to where they are now, including Kirk’s winding road from doing local radio in Ohio to being the face of college football and the different bumps he encountered along the way, and gives his thoughts on when the next installment of NCAA Football might be coming out. It’s an incredible conversation about football and life (2:07-52:04). Pat and the boys also cover what is currently going on in the NFL as they get a pulse for what Steeler fans are thinking and why they may or may not hate Mason Rudolph, discuss whether the Lions or the Bears are in a worse position, and gush about Bill Belichick having a little fun in his post game press conference after the Eagles game. Today’s a good one. Come and laugh with us, cheers.
Welcome back or welcome to the humans of triathlon or hot podcast where we bring you the ordinary but extraordinary world of triathlon one human one story at a time with the aim to inspire and to celebrate this life-changing Sport and it's humans to real authentic raw and enjoyable conversations with humans of triathlon from around the globe and from all walks of life.Hello humans of triathlon. This is swapna Chauhan here speaking from Melbourne, Australia joined by my to co-host Sheila 211 from Grimsby Ontario, Canada and Carlos AKA Charles from London UK. And before we get into this week's conversation with our guest. We have some news. Yes what we have got our first ever podcast sponsor. Yay. That's right. Pretty exciting. We've been doing this show for 10 11 months now, and I don't think we've hadLike giving a single ad of any kind so far because that's just not what the show is about for us and it still isn't but our friend Triathlon Tavern has just come out with this amazing Triathlon training series, which we wanted to support and get the word out about so they've come on board as sponsors. So the series is basically an online series of videos and audio files from some of our favorite pro triathletes. There's Lucy Charles two times Kona runner up and swim course record holder along. They're husbandry sparkly for the how to swim videos. There's also Cameron work the Kona bike course record holder for How to cycle videos and if you wasn't enough, there's Sarah and Ben true on how to run and guess what drum roll through. We have a meeting that car for a team O'Donnell and their strength coach are in Carson on Triathlon strength training. So guys, this is the best of the best of the best talking about what they know and do best. Yeah and always has been Condensed into these nice short little videos covering specific areas and topics and I think whether you're a beginner or whether you've been doing this sport for a while, I think there's a little something for everyone in there. So for more information you ought to get the courses you can visit humans of forward slash Pro try so PR OT RI and if you use the code humans of triathlon, you can get 20% of honestly. I believe the prices that the courses are a time. It's it's a complete steel to you know, just be able to get an insight into the way these Pros think about this port and the way they do things so and yeah, we previously we've had quite a few people asked about how they can support the show and support humans of triathlon. Well, this would definitely be one way to do. So, so make sure to check out humans of / grow try and coupon code humans a triathlon for 20% of all right. Now, let's get into this week's episode. It's gonna be a good one. So there is no secret to being successful is taking one small step being consistent in your routine managing the doubtful voice that says you can't and training your body and brain to know you can easier said than done. Right? So now imagine you've grown up an athlete a multi-disciplined martial artist and a competitive rower active strong independent control over mind and body. Okay. So now Imagine going out on a bike ride as many of us do almost daily. And in one brief moment your life is forever changed Independence lost ability to function normally limited to only a few hours per day our guest today suffered a traumatic brain injury in a bike collision with another Rider. We will hear from him on how his Rehabilitation and Triathlon are linked how consistency and persistence can bring about success sometimes in different ways than we originally planned. Welcome to Canada's Rob sainsbury. Hey guys. Thank you so much work. Wow, that's good an intro. Thank you. So kindly welcome. I didn't even know that you didn't martial arts and stuff earlier, like looks like he'll I did some digging I did I'd be I'd be curious where you look because that's kind of how I actually looked at and I just looked up you on Google and limited or Limitless training came up and your bio is on there and Talked about your background in martial arts and Rowing and that's funny funnily enough that so I'm just coaching two classes a week and it's sort of like my first foray back into stuff that I used to do pre-crash. So it's kind of been an interesting return to return to form because all through University and after I was always involved in some way so it's been a really good step. So yeah, we usually like to start off by tattoo with our guests taking us back to the childhood, you know, just talking about the background the original story. So yeah talk to us about what yours was like, let's see so born in Vancouver fairly normal. I moved over to Vancouver on when I was about nine or ten. We moved to a farm. So I was sort of out in the sticks. I was just an outdoorsy kid really nerdy. I was into biology and I didn't really have a chance to do Sports so much just being so far out of town. Sort of being isolated. I didn't start until like I was doing martial arts all along. I was into karate and Taekwondo as a child, but when I got to late high school that was where I started doing rowing and that was sort of my sport for the next decade. I would guess and then kickboxing and boxing was always there on the side as sort of a not a distraction. It was more of a touchstone. It was like I think in the same way that for Triathlon for a lot of people where it's what you come to to for something that makes sense martial arts. Was that for me for a very very long time. So you're sure the rowing explains your huge shoulders then we you have big shoulders. I it's strange. I have a quite a few conversations people about my physique and the reality is is I'm much much bigger now than I ever was when I was rowing. I was rowing as a lightweight which is a weight cap of 72 kilos and I was probably floating around a hundred and fifty pounds even down to 145 pounds for most of that competition time. So I'm I'm a hundred hundred and eighty nine centimeters six foot two little bit put a little bit more. So I'm a big dude. Yeah, and it was it was not a healthy weight for me. So like I have a big frame but the muscle that I've added has all been through swimming and Triathlon training. Hmm. I was going to say those are our swimmer shoulders and I was wondering how you got those. I mean the rowing makes sense. You got the base there. But yeah, you're you're your shoulders really do look swimming folder. It's well, what I think is really unique is like one of the main things with me and Triathlon is that like I came to it with no background whatsoever. And like I've I legitimately taught myself to swim from a DVD before I did my first triathlon so I it's all been in the last probably three years that I've really built that physiology and that physique and prior to that like rowing gives you a good cardio based and like strong legs and stuff. So when I first got into Triathlon it was like, oh well Good at the bike and I'm not a very good runner and I'm not a very good swimmer and over the course of the last few years. It's been developing into a totally new physique and just learning to take advantage of physical attributes that I always had but never developed. Yes. So how do you get introduced to Triathlon and psyche so cycling I basically for me cycling was always just something that was on the side. It was a commuting thing. I wrote on the most junkie bikes you could ever imagine I would pull things out of a dumpster and put back together and use him to get to school and back. I think I bought my first quote unquote nice bike in 2012. It was a Kona major Jake one of the original mustard yellow ones and I use that as a commuter but it really just kind of boiled down to I was on vacation trying to just like keep myself entertained and I looked online. I was in staying at Kailua Kona and team mango races hosts a bunch of little local events and one of them was there. It was like the New Year's Sprint or something. So it was an 800 meter swim 20 kilometer bike and a 10 kilometer run and I had about a week of lead-up time as like, yeah. Okay. Let's see how this goes. And what's the worst that could happen? So I went and I picked myself up a nicer bike and taught myself how to swim and had at it and I was sort of how ya in a week. I know I was and it's hilarious because I was actually there with my with my family and it was supposed to be like, you know, we're spending a vacation to a family like just right guys. I got to go sit for an hour and the pool and just try and go back and forth as many times as I can because I legitimately had no idea how to do an Open Water Swim when I got into that. I was just doing it and see how it goes. But you were able to swim like somewhat like, you know, what like like a recreational kind of freestyle or I was definitely wasn't wasn't going to drown or anything. It was like, I've always been comfortable in the water, but it was the transition. You're from being comfortable in the water to be incompetent in the water. Like I grew up snorkeling and I was like I did some body surfing and all that kind of stuff. So I was never really worried about being in the water. I didn't have a lot of the tips that some people get about, you know being in deep water that but as far as like swimming, well that was just totally foreign to me. So so how did that first triathlon go with one week of preparation. Honestly, I think it was It was awful and all the ways that make me think it was one of the most memorable wonderful experiences. I could have done like it was it was about having the rubber hit the road and not having anywhere to hide like the thing about coming from that rowing background. It's like yeah, I was generally fit. Yeah. I was pretty competent in being physical but at the same time it's like, you know, if you don't have the technique if you don't have the experience, if you don't have the Precision, you know, like tripping and falling and transition when you're trying to run and bike shoes or like getting Tangled Up in your shirt as you're trying to like just getting dressed to go out under the next leg or like I did my that run in a pair of Merrill Trail gloves, which I thought were the most wonderful shoes in the world until I tried to run longer than 4 kilometers in them and just the amount I could I don't think I could really walk for a couple days afterwards. But no, I think that was the The Amazing part is just like coming up against the task force like yeah, I finished it but there's so much to learn here. There's so much that I can grow into doing this because it's so foreign and so many ways and I just I love that. I thought that was great. That's awesome. So little recovery on the beach, I would imagine afterwards. Well, that was great is that I think two days later they did a time trial for their cycling or it's just like just straight up down the down the Kailua Highway and yeah, just like trying to fit my feet back into my bike shoes to go and do that and not a lot of rest but enough to make Want to get out there as quickly as I can do more. Yeah to be young. I just I wish I'm just Reckless. Perfect. So it after after that first triathlon, obviously, you've got a little bit of the bug tell us about how things went after that. Like what were your next step? So the the unfortunate thing and like after that I've been like oh God, when can I do the next one? And I'd had all of these things that I wanted to do, but I was working. So at that time I was working as a professional biologist in a consulting firm out in Alberta and the work cycle through summer there. Very very intense. I think I think in 2014 up till the end of the work season, which is sort of like around when the crash happened. I was away from home. Probably. I don't know five out of every six weeks and up north and doing lots of heavy hiking and things like that. So there really was no time for training and no time for getting it erases. The only events that I actually did I did on the day because that was the only way I knew I was going to be in town so On for me really went into a run into a little box and one on a shelf for a while like the bike that I got stayed disassembled until probably the end of July and then August is when I heard the crash, so it was just it was a complete wipe and then catastrophe. So yeah that mean that's obviously a rough thing to go through talk to us about that. Like what how what is the crash like and What happened? So so there's some fuzzy Parts but for the most part I was just out for a day riding. There's a really nice bike trail between Banff and Canmore Tulane bike path. And it's a 40 K Loop roughly and I was on my way back and you know on a relatively straight section nothing really out of the ordinary and there was a group of people going the other direction last there's four or five of them and then another 3 and the second And that group of three turned broadside into my lane and turn to talk to the person behind them and I had fence on the one side and a wall on the other side. So there was really nowhere to go. So I spiked the brakes. I vaulted the bike and kind of Cannonball through them. I took their handlebars to the back of my head shattered my helmet and yeah and then on top of that like kept on flipping for another 15-20 feet and then hit the ground like I'm not happy. It happened. But like if you send me the link click it like it would look great. But yeah, I the main thing that remember after that it's like trying to look over my bike and not being able to get from one end of the bike to the other with like remembering the fork was okay a remembering if the frame was okay, like everything was just really really like you'd think about it and then it was gone and I ended up calling over some other bikes Billy. Hey, can you check over my bike and they took over my bike and it actually like I dislocated my elbow on the crash to so I'd pop that back. A place and I was like, well, I got off easy. And then I just got on the bike and I rode home and yeah, it was it's a bit of a trip because I think the next day I went into work and was just like, you know this get back to this. Yeah, my body's a little sore, but I'm fine and just looking at the computer screen. I had all these reports to write because of all the work that I've done to the summer and you know looking at my data and getting nothing and looking at the report that I'd started on the Friday before and getting nothing. It's like something's really wrong. But I didn't know what I hadn't gone to the hospital hadn't done anything like that. I just sort of shrugged it off and end up putting myself. I went to my boss was just like I think I need a vacation. I think I'm just burnt out from the summer and said yeah sure no problem take a week or two and that's where things get really fuzzy Because by the time I sort of Really remember stuff clearly. I was living in Victoria with my parents and all of my things had come with me. I didn't have an apartment in Calgary anymore. Like I cleared out completely and I just had no recollection of that. And on top of that I couldn't sleep. I couldn't function like there was a lot of stuff going on that did not make sense. And yeah, it was just a very very shocking wake up. What was the time period between you asking your For that vacation and then being at home with your parents with all your stuff too. So I ended up I was so I was back in September. The crash was in late August. I was back home in September for in a small degree and then like I shift it out completely by the end of the year, but like I couldn't tell you what day I moved all my stuff. I couldn't tell you what day I arrived. Yeah. The information is there I just don't remember it's not your word access it. Yeah it totally and but like I think I like I first went to try and like I went to get help because I couldn't understand what was going on at the end of October. And that was where I got my first doctor to look at me and say well something's wrong and then it just started this long process of getting the right diagnosis and getting the right care. Okay. So the first bus and you went to for help he recognizes that Thing was wrong. Well, the thing that I presented with initially wasn't standard. So because of the nature of the crash because the nature of the injury a lot of people when they have cycling crash that causes a TBI, it's a it's a straight-up impact the front or side of the head because of mine being at the back of the head. A lot of my damage was done at the prefrontal cortex right in the very front of my brain which and also from a rotational moment. So it's called an axonal injury, which means that parts that connect to different areas of the brain are getting jostled and A bird and so what ends up happening is that you function very normally until the connections that are feeding those areas information fatigue because you have fewer those connections and it I'm going to be really reductive about it, but it's essentially the pathways get tired and you end up unable to process any more. So you'll you'll meet someone you'll talk to someone if they always seems okay, and then you'll leave and just be a shell for the next couple days. So it's It's a confusing thing and I think just one thing through the process like have was able to connect with the Victoria brain injury society and basically learning that these kinds of things are incredibly individual and they're always unique to the individual in some way. Some people have vestibular issues. Some people have cognitive issues. Some people have fatigue issue. Some people have all of them and it's just you don't really know what you're getting until you get it having not known that I had this at the initial. Crash when it happened to be with a very severe secondary Cascade because you have your initial and then if you don't have symptoms in that initial phase but you don't do anything to give your brain care. There's a chance that you can continue to have to degeneration over time. So a sort of just hit the end of the hit the end of the Rope a little further down the road as opposed to like if I had a different kind of impact and gotten up and been able unable to balance or if I lost Consciousness for a very long period of time things like that. So there's there's a lot of Gray In that region when it comes to TBI interesting informations. Okay. Sorry, it's just I'm trying to picture the crash in my mind and thinking to myself your helmet was like Smosh. I think I would have forced you honestly just to sit there till we called the ambulance. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, there was a lot of stuff about that. That was not right and actually it's a bit funny because the fellow that so one of the things that I was doing as a hobby and Calgary was an apprentice knife maker and they filled that I was learning how to make knives from was a neurosurgeon or had been a neurosurgeon has been retired and I'd mentioned the crash to him told him on my elbow and all that stuff, but I hadn't mentioned the helmet and he's like, why didn't you mention that I would have had you in for all of this stuff is just you just don't know sometimes you can't choose the right path because you don't know what's in front of you. Wow, it seems like that's such a A major thing in your life. Like you mentioned that he lost your relationship your job. You couldn't function at now. You're at home with your family You've Lost Your Independence, you know tell us about that time. Like how like how were you how were you in terms of your mental state your motivation? How did you how did you make it through that time? So a major part of our very common thing that happens to people when they have severe can Russians are post-concussion syndrome is there is a predisposition to depression and things like that and I felt very deeply into that. And when I first did when I first presented to the doctor for help it was because I was having very very severe depressive episodes and ideation and things like that and just it was a really dangerous time and I really I can't thank my family enough. My parents have been incredible supporting me and I don't That I would be I don't think that I would be here without them for a second. But that said coming from the position. I was in to the lifestyle that I then had to adjust to there's an environmental depression that comes with that to where you're adapting to what you can and cannot do, you know the initial like the initial stuff that I went through was very irrational just sort of unpredictable mood swings and irritability and just a general Oh, uh, no, I don't know how to explain it other than saying it was a profound lack of Wellness, but after that it's like okay. I'm here and I went through the treatments for that but it's like I'm now here and I don't know how to cope with this place and this life and that was where I think Triathlon really came in for me because that was a small bit of Freedom that I could still keep for myself. I was you know, I didn't have to anybody for permission or help to go to the gym as long as I was doing it at within my means, you know, I'd get myself there and I'd work until I couldn't work anymore and then I come home and then manage my fatigue until that was over and then try again and try again and try again and that was sort of the the slow build that I was clinging to as progress through that time because you know, if you're not looking at progress in any other realm it's like what am I actually making a efforts in that are causing change for me and like the biggest changes that I was seeing were in the gym and were when I was out trying to do these things like I remember the first time I tried to ride in a Peloton and like I talked about just vestibular issues that are not being a thing for me but sensory issues were huge were like having to react to movement having lots of sounds around me that kind of thing being in the middle of a group of people biking the first time. I was in a Peloton. I think I lasted maybe 30 seconds before I like Dough to the left side and hung back and then just time traveler from there. Like there was just no way I could do it and then because like I didn't have a choice it was this is what I need to be able to do forcing myself up onto the back of those pack and then up into the pack and just trying to work calmly at that limit that I'd had and yeah, I think that's why I say that the recovery and try out that have been really linked because the training was the Avenue that I was able to see my recovery. At hand I go out and I do something more competently more cape and a more comfortable way than I could have done a week ago a month ago a year ago like the if I were to look at myself in terms of career, I mean I still haven't been able to go back to being a biologist. I still love being outdoors and I still you know nerd out really hard whenever I see a cool bug or a new plant that I haven't seen that's just who I am, but, you know, I'm not writing reports. I'm not you know taking on jobs, but at the same time, you know. The things that I can do now sitting in a sitting in a restaurant with people talking all around me or being in a group ride or being in a group run having conversations people while I'm doing a task that was something that I could even consider doing in 2015-2016. So I have to be aware and thankful for that progress and know that that's just another step on the way. Yeah. I think that's one of the powerful things about Triathlon and just sport in general, you know, because you can see that progress once you start and once you see that progress and gives you You hope it gives you it just makes files. You have to continue doing it. Nothing motivates like progress. Yeah, are you hoping that you know someday you can go back to being a biologist or do you find that now you're on a new path in regards to the coaching and things like that? Well biology is as much a passion as sports are I would really love to see myself back doing something of that nature. I don't think that like I've talked with my neuropsych a lot about it and just the strains of that job and what that we require and it's like is that so likely to go back to what I was doing? Probably not but I will be able to find a utility for my education and a new Avenue to explore that aspect of what I enjoy doing on top of that, you know being able to continue doing Sport and have that as a side opportunity as well. That's that's a big part of it. So, I think if anything I expect to be More diverse and less Focus because prior to the crash. I was hyper focused on that academic career and you know in a lot of ways it might not have been the most healthy things. So I'm able to enjoy the idea that doing it in a more soft and holistic way might end up being better for me in the long run and something that I can be grateful for. That's that's good. You know, it's good that you're able to take you know, where you were and now where you are and continue to So from that, I think a lot of people a lot of people could learn from you. Maybe they don't want to have to obviously the bike crash that you had to get that lesson but being share what you're sharing, you know, and maybe that hyper-focus that you were maybe not that healthy, but now you're able to do more of the things that eventually will be healthier for you along the future. Hey, I actually joked every now and then just like, you know, I'm not upset about the lessons. I just wish that it came in. Done a different way. Yeah, exactly. We all need to learn those lessons. Just we really don't want to learn them the way that you did. I don't recommend it. So if anybody's out there thinking hey, wait a minute. No, no, no, no find your own path don't do as I do. Let me help you with some technique. Don't worry so much about the crash. Actually you just mention this same technique. I find that amazing what you've done you said, you know you Comfortable in the water, but he went and got a DVD you tie yourself how to swim and now a couple years later you are teaching swim technique to other people. So, how did you go from learning on a DVD to now being able to to show other people how to properly because I saw some of your videos and I'm a swimmer you have a very nice catch I have to sing. Actually, the reason that I am the way that I am right now is I think because of some of the hardships that I had I didn't have like most people when they want to swim they join up with a swim club and they just get into the group and you find your level and you work with those people and maybe you go up and maybe you stay where you are. And that's it's more about the community and unfortunately with my situation and makes Triathlon a really poor choice. There's a really strong budget. Shoe and the cost for me to go and join a club was significantly higher than to get information and to find resources that were on like what I wanted to be learning like my goal because I come from a rolling background. I know quite a bit about endurance training and on top of that I mean rowing kind of is water water propulsion and out in a nutshell. So there was a lot of Concepts that I kind of understood. Good, and then with that I was trying to find and to be fair. I did go and have some conversations with coaches and it was just it wasn't it wasn't possible for me to be out doing that initially. It was the cost and the group aspect just because I couldn't be around that many people and in that public situation for a while, but then eventually it was just I was I was starting to work on things to just we're not going to get worked on if I was in a group setting one of the things that I know from my kickboxing back here. Such background is that you can be in a class forever and not really learn but when someone's like able to take you aside and be like no no this this way this this way and don't do that ever. That's really where someone's going to make those improvements and for me knowing my difficulties knowing my my obstacles. It was a lot easier for me to go and become the coach as opposed to trying to find someone who was willing to take on all of my difficulties and say okay I can find a way for you. So it was it was a mix of things set up with me finding learning for myself was not necessarily the easier path, but the more productive one and like yeah, I was always like I did a biology background or did a biology in my University where it was primarily environmental biology, but also Kinesiology, so I was always fascinated by bones and muscles and how everything worked together. So for me getting into the real nuts and bolts of what drives the person forward when they're swimming Because like I did what everybody does they get into the pool, they thrash down 50 meters and they need to stop and take, you know, five minutes and think about what they've just done catch your breath to get exactly like it's this the stuff tiring to get from that to why is it taking me so much energy to do this? Why is it so difficult? What natural habits do I have as someone who lived his entire life? Not a swimmer. What am I doing? That feels natural that's completely wrong. And how do I break? That and so I think the thing that made me want to coach myself and want to help others in the way that I learned how to do it. It's because I got very good at pinpointing the issues that I was having that we're borrowing me from a shape or a feeling that I wanted to achieve in the water like you very very nice of you to compliment my catch that something that I first saw watching Ryan Cochrane swim alongside Sun Yang and the Olympics I saw these two guys with very similar Pace has totally different styles. But this was something that was totally unified. There's a photo of them coming down the lane mid-stroke and you see this perfect 90 degree angle on both of them and it's like that is the uniting factor in these incredibly fast swimmers, like of all the things you can do. Actually Sheila. Taormina is book swim speed secrets for swimmers Gap. That was one of the best resources that I found where it's just like cutting away all of these other things and saying No, this is what Drives you forward and and for me it was like yeah, I agree. This makes perfect sense. I'm going to work on that. I'm going to focus on that and try and figure out how to make this thing that feels right but isn't And turn it into something that is right and feels right and yeah, it just sort of led me down that path. Have you found any sort of trouble sort of when you do you say when you tell your new students or people you want you want to be like Prospect students. Oh, by the way, you know that I learned to swim with YouTube videos right thing. I find interesting and this is like I'm a nccp coach for rowing and I'm Anna TCP coach for Triathlon and I've been coaching Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Kickboxing boxing. No one owns good technique. No one actually can say I have the certification that says I really know what I'm talking about. There are people that have certifications to the nines that couldn't you do anything. There are people with no certifications that are wizards of technique and if there's somebody out there who thinks well If you weren't able to swim well five years ago. Why would I learn from you? I say no, that's absolutely fair. You can go and find some of those the swimmer when they were then since they were a small child and I completely agree that they will have a wonderful resource for knowledge. But if you are a late entry swimmer, if you are someone who didn't come to this with the background, I think my skill set and how I got to where I am isn't Advantage because I can look at what you're doing or what someone's doing and say, okay. I know why that's that way. And I know how I broke it in me and maybe that will help you. Does it mean better know just different does it mean worse know just different? I think it's some I think it's just there's room for a different approaches. And if the goal is to swim well, why would it be a detriment? And yeah II don't I don't begrudge anyone who thinks you know, why would I learn for someone who started out learning from a DVD? I'd say no, I agree. That's a weird thing, but that's how it And if you like the way that I swim I can show you how I learned. Actually, it was a joke question, but you answered beautifully so I well I think that it's something that's very valid and like I don't for a second pretend that I've got some miracle here at there's so much that I'm working on still in myself. I'm constantly learning constantly refining that's why I'm loving doing all of this video analysis in the videos that I put up on my channel where it's like I'll do something and I'll see something you're like, yeah that that's a part that I really like or that's a Art that I really don't like and I'm growing still and you know that active sort of living process of improvement is is not something I ever want to stop like right now. I'm at a Sprint Pace that I think is pretty quick but I still want to see quicker I my cruising pace is getting pretty competent but is a competent enough. No, I want to see what speed I can really achieve and yeah, like I had an experience to wear one of the coaches. That I met probably it was 2016 where I was really thinking like I need I need help to try and do this. Well, this was right before that was the year that I got. I won the provincials, but basically he had he had a brace of four lanes blocked off had 40 athletes or something. He's very very good coach very exceptional team, but he had slow lane mid lane fast lane Elite Lane and the question that I put to him was like, well, how do you take somebody from this Lane pointed at the Mid lane and then I pointed the elite line to that lane and he's got this look on his face. Like what do you mean and I found that to be really disheartening. I was like well, but no really like there has to be a roadmap there has to be a way because that's what I want to do. And if I'm asking you this question, you don't have that answer. Then this isn't the right place. I just from personal experience. I find sometimes that I don't know if I may know the coach that you're talking about what you don't have to tell me the name. So sometimes I find that code set that coach. I don't know say younger athletes moving upwards. They have a very difficult time taking on adults and and moving them forward. Because they want to put the same box on the adults as they put on the kids and I don't know what you find but I find it's not the same at all very different. Well, and I think that's a product of what it is to teach a child versus what it is to teach an adult. I mean, I remember I think it was the Rick Mercer report where the did a thing on Triathlon Canada. And Simon Whitfield was on and he was asked how do I do X Y and Z getting into it now and it was like don't even bother. And I mean some of the field is the Paragon of the sport. I mean Canadian triathlon bike on and you know, you can't say he's wrong but it's like at the same time. It's like there's always value in the attempt. There's always value in trying to find a way to explain that at a different level and in a different way. Is it something that an elite-level coach wants to do with someone who's maybe not the ideal student? I don't know that's up to them. But yeah, I think that trying to put that like at the youth box where You have these kids where you can bring them in. They have very little else aside from school to occupy their time and it's like I'm going to make you swim, you know, five kilometers a session four days a week and then 3 kilometers session for Recovery. Like they'll just go and do it and they'll learn over the course of that time because they're developing cognitively and physically with it. But for me like my volume for training is exceptionally low, especially for swimming I do so much technical work in sort of a microcosm. I do a lot of band work I do. Out of tethered swimming and you know because it wouldn't have been safe for me with the technique that I had to go out and swim that distance to try and find the right technique. I needed to find the right technique and then stretch out the distance. So how much I'm just going to ask you because swimming us interesting to me, too. So how much do you swim per week? Would you say so your volume is low, but how low is that? So right now? So this is that's more of a statement for the last few. Two years this year. I'm actually focused very in the same way like last year. I was very intensely focused on my running this year. I'm very intuitive very focused on my swimming right now. I'm swimming four days a week five days a week. Yeah five days a week and I'll be covering anywhere from 10 to 15 kilometers. It's just sort of relative and that's now changing again because I'm raising up my distances. I'm prepping for a 10K swim. So I have minimum to swims that are going to be 5K and then there's going to be a couple more on top of that for recovery and interval. So ocean swim Our Lake it'll be an ocean swim. The one that I'm competing in. Yeah, are you comfortable with the whole washing machine of this of the Open Water swims now, I honestly I seek it out. I think that that's a lot of fun. I it's one thing to swim in a pool. But at the same time, you know, keeping your Technique and keeping your focus when you're kind of getting buffeted around. Like I said, I came up doing a lot of body surfing and stuff. Like I spent a couple trips to Hawaii and Took a fair share of knocks when I was a little kid trying to ride the big waves. And no I think that's just part of it. I don't think I've ever been uncomfortable in the water. So it's just a matter of trying to learn to maintain my composure and focus on the task at hand. Well, good luck. When is that race if it goes, it'll be the end of May? It's all kind of coming down to the wire. I'm not really sure I need to I need to sell another bike and in order to afford it. So it's a little chilly I was To well, it's going to be down south. That's why I got sellable. Oh, okay. It's like oh my God, if it's a Victorian freeze to death. No. No, I would freeze to death. But that way I would join you. I do not have a lot of a lot of installations. Oh, you don't I noticed that because you are making pasta with your shirt off on your own. Oh God. I hope I hope people get a good laugh out of that. I just I don't know. Know what you got abbs you should show them off cheers to that. I will continue just for that actually have a toy to have a portion of that because I saw a picture of you and Instagram know like showing the six-pack thing like, oh wow, and then right after that you posted a picture holding not only one but do huge ice cream cone how we do both so I'm I'm naturally quite slim on top of that the way that I train is so I do a lot of sort of interval intensity. So I do end up with a lot of like metabolic overload where I get that elevated temperature burning extra calories after the workout so over I've never really struggled with weight being on that. I didn't want on if anything I struggle to put it on. I find I'm more prone to actually lean out. And I think that actually owes to sort of the years as a weight class athlete and growing and in Combat Sports where it's like you're constantly thinking about not gaining weight. So there are some bad habits there. There's some things that I'm not so happy with so for me with Triathlon where it's like the more watts, you can make per kilo the better. I'm pretty I'm pretty pretty liberal with, you know, my intake I if you're after a race, I don't feel bad about having ice cream after a good heart session. I don't feel bad about you know, Putting a little extra and my smoothie and just trying to try to make sure that my body has what it needs. But at the same time I got to remember I'm coming from a position of like I would be underweight otherwise, so I'm carrying currently. I'm carrying about 15 pounds more muscle than I would have had had you met me five years ago. Well II could imagine if you're if you're like six foot two and a hundred fifty pounds while you're rowing that's pretty slim but on the The side of may be fantastic at climbing Hills on the bike and then I got shoulders and I got a lot harder. I know the swimmer shoulders do way down a little bit. But you know what they work well in the water did you but it's also the wind drag and like I'm like a sale now when I'm running if there's a head when to just the worst time I had I had a running race where there was a guy running dead behind me because like your great, this is awesome. I don't feel a thing. Like, thanks. Just a barrister. Billboard, so I also noticed that you do some you did, you know some other crazy swim things like the Polar Bear Dip and oh, yeah. Yeah, or was that just like so polar bear swim is on the first of the year we go down to the squabble Lagoon rate right in Coal wood and everybody kind of does a countdown and charges. In and takes a swim. Yeah in Canada. We did that in Grimsby to butt into Lake Ontario. However, I have I'll watch but I really don't want to take part. So happy. How did you do that? Like how cold is it so I think temperature-wise think the waters around six or seven degrees. I don't know where that converts to for Fahrenheit if four people in the US, but it's very cold, but at the Same time, it's not I don't know. How do I put it? It's it's all about saying yes to the wrong impulse. Like I even made a good laugh of it where like the first year I did it. I came out wearing my my team Canada student at my cap and goggles on and I did a full on race start like Sprint to the water and dive in but you just kind of get caught up in it. It's a lot of a lot of enthusiasm a lot of fun and do is it cold? I don't know. Yeah, but no one dies, so So it's more about the experience than the than the sensation and on top of that like I think cold water tolerance is something that you can kind of develop not saying that I would want to go swimming in 6 degree water or five degree water. Anything less said any at any stage, but you know, it's not something that's like so bad. I went to Holland quite a bit in the last couple years and there's a fellow went off that does a lot of Coldwater immersion stuff and so my chiropractors pretty big into him. So we Go and do Coldwater immersion sometimes after we do a track session. So do you think called a lot of bats don't actually have a bath right now, but I have the ocean right next door. So what I'm actually going to be doing I'm starting my Sprint training in the next week or two and I'll be doing my my Sprint training along the along the causeway and then I'll just hiked up my shorts and go walk into the water and hang out for a bit what it's neat to because I've got a couple friends that work at the pice, which is the athletic Development Center. And got to have just some chats with them about the benefits of Coldwater immersion therapy and it's you know different schools of thought but I think that it's worth it's worth giving a go and seeing what I see what I find. You know, it's like anything I'm not going to recommend anything that I haven't tried for a while yet. So I'll get back to you guys and how good it is. So I'm going to bring us back a little bit into the back to you know, you coming back from your injury getting back to triathlon. And I mean you got into the Sprint and then you you qualified for the 2017 world championships for spring. Yep. So, can you take us along that Journey a little bit on how you went from there to World Championships? I think like I'm trying to think of the concise way to phrase it it was it was something so this is something that I've actually seen in some other people some friends that I have. Where people pick an event and give it all kinds of weight as I will do this event and it will mean X y&z this this will be a defining moment for me. This will be when I prove this to myself. This will be when I show this capacity and I really liked when I so I qualified doing the race in Edmonton. It was at the end of a 2016 was really really fun season. I raced less than I did in 2015, but Erased more more consistently and More Much strong much more strongly and I sort of set the tone of like, yeah, maybe I could go and do that and I'd always kind of had this dream of competing internationally. Like when I was rowing I'd always wanted to try and be on Team Canada and go and race it at the pan am's or something like that. But the the issue was is being six foot two. I was too tall to be a really good lightweight and too short to be really good heavy weight. So I ended up in this like middle zone of being really good. But just not good enough and it was not so much my fault. It was just the fault of the sport in that it only has these two divisions and you know, that's that's just the hand you're dealt and Triathlon kind of gave me this opportunity to be like, well, I'm kind of built for everything in a way. I'm sort of I'm not particular this particular that if I really work at this maybe this could be the way that I could have that race and you know being coming from that place of being very Ellen and being in a deep depression and just having that thought that I could have that moment where I could do something that I had never been able to do even as deficient as I was even as limited as I was and it became this very big focal point for me. What ended up happening which I thought was the most remarkable though is that I went at went at it with that trying incredibly hard just pushing myself to that limit. I had quite a few injuries along the way I injured my back. I injured my knees I have No problems with my hips, you know, lots of lots of stuff just cropping up because I was just pushing and pushing and pushing and trying so desperately to make that dream a reality and what ended up happening was like I had the race before I was supposed to go off to do world's actually rewind a little bit further. I met somebody who had been an international competitor and somebody respected very very much and I'd sort of just come to them and confided them. Situation to be like I really need help because I believe that there was no way I was going to be able to do this just of my own accord. I needed guidance. I needed someone to sort of like show me the right way to do it to do it my best and what ended up happening was they actually completely dropped the ball like and not to not to fault them not to blame them. But at the same time everybody's got a life everybody thing to do. But like this was this was it for me and I had so much on it and then just like no help. Hmm. And there was that moment where I was like this race is going to be a disaster. Districts not going to be what I wanted it to be this race is not going to be this accomplishment. Well, it will be if anything it'll be me highlighting that I am uncapable incapable. Wow anyway, but oh no, I'm making mistakes, but no, but it put me in that position where I looked at that reality. And what happened was instead of Despair? I thought good because this race is not all it's about this is not going to end at that race. I'm not going to cross that finish line and be done. That's not the best I could ever do that's not going to tell me something about myself that I didn't know and with that it was it was honestly a wonderful thing because it made me put aside this idea that I had so much to prove and it was just something that I wanted to go and enjoy and more. / I was able to look and say like, you know my hip hurts my shoulder hurts my back hurts. What am I doing with myself and very very luckily. The next race that I did was where I met Michael Maxwell who's my chiropractor? And basically I had that conversation with him. I cross the finish line. I won my division, but I was hurt I could barely walk and this guy's working on me and I'm talking to me. It's like, you know Maybe I can help you out a bit and started working with him and I ended up six weeks later. I raced at the world's and the most exciting thing about racing at the world's was that I didn't hurt. And yes, I did I did honestly one of the best races that I've done and you know, I have those memories of pushing off the pushing off the the the water start with 90 other guys that were out there fighting for that spot and then coming out of the water and keeping Pace with all these guys and that was what I come there to do to have that experience to race at that level to sit in a bike Peloton and Chirp back and forth with guys in six different languages just because that's the way it goes. I mean it was Thrilling experience and because I wasn't so focused on the result like where I was on the bracket, it was more just to go there and do and do well for me not necessarily like cause I know that everybody's going to look at their results and say that's good. That's bad. I just wanted to look at it and say I did. To my ability honestly and from there move forward move on and say now that I've done this what else can I do and like I have I had the idea that I wanted to go back and do it again in lausanne this year, but my qualifier race, which was supposed to be the Apple Triathlon last year was cancelled because of fires which is very unfortunate. But with that it's like okay, there's no laws on this here. What am I going to do? How am I going to continue moving forward and That's why I've been able to sit back and say I really want to work on my swimming. I really enjoy being in the pool and refining my stroke and getting that really good feeling and same with running. I'm not doing tons of trail running now and just loving that idea of going out. I'll be back in 2 hours 3 hours whatever it's going to be I'm going to go and enjoy and come back and then when it comes time, like I don't have much I think I'll probably try and go for the world's again and And maybe 20 21 or 22 depending on where they're being held but it's um, it's just something that's out there and I can work towards it mindfully and healthily and and not put myself through that kind of suffering that I did in that 2016-2017 lead up to the World Championships. That was the most important thing. I think to learn that it's about enjoying the process and enjoying the result as opposed to, you know, beating yourself into a frame that you might not be able to fit in time and hanging everything on. Result because yeah, I think that's why so many people have that post-event depression where it's like, okay, it's over it was supposed to mean all of this and it didn't well, how can it possibly it was just erase the hours that you spent training the hours that you spent with the people that you work with like that was what got you there that was what was supposed to have the most value of anything if you put it all in that one moment. Well that moments gone. Are you going to keep on talking about it? Like come on, we got more stuff to do exactly. He don't want to relive Your Glory high school days for the rest of your life. You need to move forward, you know, well, it's no different from reliving a horrible moment. Like I could people talk about reliving a Gloria but at the same time he will relive horrible things to I mean, I you know, the moment on the podium is just as long as the moment sitting trying to check over my bike after the crash. I mean they're going to matter as much as you let the matter. Yeah, love Perspective so what do you have going on for the rest of the year you obviously have you may be going to this 10 K swim but apart from that. What's the season look like? So unfortunately, I need to sell all my bikes because so many bikes. Do you have I had so at the peak I had for I had the one that I initially bought when I was in Kona and then I built two more and I bought another one. One that I used when I was in Rotterdam, but yeah, it was just I don't want to I know that I mentioned budget but you got to understand like this is Bargain Bin Triathlon. Like I found a frame for x amount of dollars. I found a group set for x amount of dollars in like if I tried to buy these bikes new never going to happen, but I was able to put together a decent kit just by being resourceful and being well just having a lot of time to put them together like another thing that On the way as I learned how to be a bike mechanic. So it was just part and parcel with that. But yeah, I'm I'm at a point now where it's like if I'm going to, you know, make it out and make it onto something new. I have to sort of divest myself of them and then hopefully reinvest later so I'm going to spend the rest of the year working on swimming and running and trying to save some money and hopefully hopefully I can bring some good strong bike legs back and in later years, but with that I don't know if you guys are familiar with swim run. Yes. Yeah. Yes. What have you heard Sheila? Well, what's interesting is that we have a little swim run series actually out here if you've been to Gulliver's like you know where that is you you went to Guelph. It's it's it's in close to Hamilton. It's kind of in between. We have a swim run series actually called stroke and stride out here. Yeah, so it It's interesting because they got different different distances, but it's generally Sprint and that one at the end of August actually has spots for the aqua Thon World Championships. So now this is a question. This is a quick one. So talk with on and swim run like familiar with it. I think I don't I mispronounced Attila or otello. The one that they run in Europe. Yeah, is that the one where you can take your paddles and Orphan, yeah, where are you? Yeah. Yeah wetsuit you swim in your swimming your shoes tapping. We have some of those out here too and not know what's Ramona. Basically, I thought all swim runs are like that. Well, it's just with aqua thought you get like so the North American multi-sport ethos where you finish one and you're done with it and you never go back to it. Unless you're doing a duathlon. Yeah, but with with the swimmer, it's just like that Pursuit kind of point to point and I just I thought that was pretty cool. I was able to I was able to spend some time with some people that do that in Spain last year. And they basically just put me through the paces and took me on one of the one of the courses. I was like, this is a crazy sport. I wouldn't mind trying this and I did a little bit of digging and found that there's a couple and the Pacific Northwest and hopefully going to be able to do some of those. I've got some friends like the neat thing is that it's a team sport you get tied to somebody and then you go off and do this thing. You're not allowed to be more than 10 meters away from them at any time. So that's different than ours. We have a lot in well and to where you take your paddles you go from point to point you swim your Right and you take your stuff you have your shoes, you have to carry everything your individual. Yeah, and and the Hallmark of the European ones that the people that I was talking with first, you know, you do it as a team. You have to find somebody to do with I thought that added an element that was really cool. I mean Triathlon is, you know, pretty solitary and sometimes it's just kind of nice like hey, I really like the swim harder. I'm not letting them go. So, do you have someone I have a couple people that are interested there is I don't know if you know Danny Olson in Edmonton. She's expressed some interest. There's a lady named Katie good deck down in La she's expressed some interest. My friend Kirsten is also another person's just like and I want to try and get my buddy Tim into it too. So it's I think that's the whole idea is that you have friends like hey, this is sound fun. It's more like it's more like a drunken bet that a race. So there's appeal there and and it just gives me the freedom to kind of stretch out my distances and and work on the things that I'm trying to develop and you know, hopefully come to come back to Sprint distance Triathlon and in 2020 and 2021 is like just a more knowledgeable and more skilled more skilled competitor. I think I just had just some random question that I saw online and I just more of a general interest question. It's I saw that you were called Tigger and High School. Curious as to why that was. Okay. So first of all, where did you come here? And I found it while I was combing through and stalking you. Okay, so Tigger, so yeah, I so at school that I went to their very very tall ceilings and there were was probably I don't know. I just I just had really good jumper good Goodell. Good word for a kid and I was way around by anxious. I just never really slowed down. So the most common thing that you'd see if you saw me sort of an off hours to be trying to jump and grab something like I wanted to see if I could dunk the basketball I wanted to so it just became a thing just having tons of energy and being really active and just yeah generally being a bit of a nut and it just it came with it. I was just unapologetically enthusiastic about everything that In front of me and that was the name of the stock. That's good. And I still seems like you're really enthusiastic about everything that's put in front of you like you're really going for what you want. So it's awesome for sure. So what's the message? You want people listening to take away from your story? I think I don't know. It's I don't want to be reductive and boiled down to a single thing. The the most important aspects are there are always going to be obstacles. It doesn't get easier. You just get better at managing it sometimes you have things you can control but even in those elements there are things that you can choose and I'm like, I think that's the one thing that people here that really makes a lot of people grind their teeth as you can choose. Be happy. No, I don't think that that's always true. But you can choose to take steps and move forward in small ways to a way that could lead you to a better place that could lead to a better result and I think for someone anyone who's struggling with mental health anyone who has an injury that they're coping with anybody who's just really struggling with a plateau and their and their athletic capacity. Like don't despair. Don't stop keep looking for a small. A thing keep looking for something that you can do right now that's right in front of you that will move you forward that I think that would be the most important thing. I could tell somebody don't stop it's not worth it. I remember there was a don't know if any of you guys are familiar with José Mojica. Nope. No, he was the president of Uruguay, but he had a really wonderful thing that you did for the BBC were just talks about his life philosophy and one of the things that he says is that it is always worth Over once or thousand times as long as you're still alive just yeah, I think that's the biggest part hmm little bit. Okay. Now there any people are brands that you like to give a shout out to here. Yeah. Absolutely. I am incredibly grateful to dr. Michael Maxwell. He's been my chiropractor since August of 2017. He's yeah, he's fixed every single problem. I brought it brought to him. He's really really knowledgeable and I just could not could not have done a lot of this without them because you know injuries happen and the best way to manage them as was somebody who really knows what's going on. I've had I've had help from Suzanne Bob shoes with Aqua Sphere. She's been very kind to reading some swim gear for me. And yeah. There's an honesty. There's a lot of people that I should think and and I don't want to go down a long list and forget people that are important. I mean my training partner Darcy Hines, he's been a good friend to me since 2015. I don't remember meeting him. But when I finally came to he was a good friend of mine. So it's yeah, it's a bit crazy that way my parents are behind me hundred percent and I know that I know that it's been really hard for them. So I'm glad that they can You know be proud of some of the stuff that I'm able to accomplish than the direction that I'm heading. But yeah, as far as Branch shoutouts, I mean that Triathlon isn't exactly a giving sport sometimes but we take it in good humour and and we keep on trying. All right, then before we ask our last question tell everyone where they can follow you online and what you make pasta shirtless. Yeah. Find me on Instagram at so underscore Arrow a ero, and that's really my main online presence. I might be doing a thing on swim run in the near future that will be at West Coast swim run, but that's not up and running yet. So don't don't jump on it too quickly. Yeah, that's what that would be great. If anybody and if anyone wants to reach out talk swimming technique or running technique anything. I really happy to hear from people and just have the dialogue. Always always happy to have the conversation because it's just we're all passionate. So it's great to just bring people together and and see what's really going on have your finger on the pulse. Great. Okay, and last question is why do you try? Society I know and I hate to keep you in suspense. It's just because the answer changes year by year. If you would ask me that three years ago two years ago last year my answer now I try because it's a worthwhile challenge. It's something that comes up that you don't have all the answers for and it asks you to find them and I embrace that concept awesome. It's been amazing having On the show. It's amazing to see how you've progressed from where you are to now where you are. And personally I just took away lots of messages that I needed to hear I think so. Thank you so much for coming on the show Absolutely. Thanks so much for inviting me guys. It's been a real pleasure. Thanks for listening everyone. Thanks for being a part of this humans of triathlon Community. Hope you're enjoying the show and I love the content. Make sure to join us again next week here on the hot podcast where we'll bring you another amazing guest and story from this Audrey. But extra Audrey world of triathlon until then everyone keep trying.
After doing his first Triathlon after an impromptu signup while on vacation in Hawaii in 2014, while riding one day, Robert Sainsbury suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) after colliding with another cyclist. He remembers very little of late 2014 & most of 2015. And his symptoms included cognitive fatigue, memory loss, insomnia, depression, mood swings, difficulty reading & writing, etc. - making basic daily tasks exhausting. In addition to his career & a relationship, he also lost his independence. With his condition getting progressively worse, he turned to Triathlon as it offered him a way to stay active and learn a new skill - both of which would aid his recovery. Little by little he started to improve. In 2016 he was a TriBC Provincial Champ. In 2017 and he raced the ITU Sprint Grand Final in Rotterdam as a member of Team Canada. He says his TBI rehab and Triathlon progress are linked. Some days are better than others, but by understanding and embracing consistent healthy effort & marginal gains, he continues to recover & Triathlon helps guide him down that path. - SPONSOR: check out the Triathlon training series with the Pros at - use code 'humansoftriathlon' for 20% off! It would help us out a ton! - FEEDBACK: to help us improve the show going forward, please take 5 minutes to share your anonymous and honest feedback here - - SHOW NOTES / WEBSITE: - H.O.T SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram | Facebook | Strava - HOSTS: Swapneel Chouhan, Sheila Treleaven, & Carlos (Charles) Galan - INTRO/OUTRO MUSIC: produced by Vasil Zguri at SoundPulse
Snapchatter just talking to teachers talking to teachers about academic research and evidence-based practice with continuing professional development at PNA 1977 on Twitter. Just talking to teachers. Hello and welcome to this week's nail is Ngata in association with the teacher development trusts and this week. I'm in conversation with Tom preece Tom is an executive head teacher and currently Works across 11 parameters. Rules as the education director of Northampton parameter Academy trust and Tom like many of our guests myself included is a former AST and the really must have been something in that job. The number of a STS that I've interviewed is definitely proof that that job should come back. But anyway moving on from that so Thomas spent his career leading in schools and in different context counties and countries and he spent Is as a head teacher Tom has also experienced life outside of teaching and worked in Industry on 18 months of comment in the Ed tech industry working alongside schools academies local authorities and multinational companies. So we have a natter about Tom's excellent book wholesome leadership. And for those of you that haven't read wholesome leadership, well firstly why not but it is a very honest and Powerful insight into school leadership and through Tom's is H for ship model wholesome leadership lays out how the heart Head Hands and health of school leaders masks together to create the right conditions for schools and teachers to thrive and it's supplemented with a number of fascinating guest interviews and speaking of which we now have David Western and Simon Blackwell for the teacher development trusts section ready to speak to us direct and live from Sunny Blackpool and so over to you. David and Simon. Thanks very much Phil. This is David Weston from the teacher development trusts Simon Blackwell from Aspire Academy and Blackpool great silent and I have just been working together today Simon. You've been doing some really interesting things at your school around changing culture. Could you just tell me a few bits and pieces around that? Yes. Well, we've we've spent a lot of time working with our teachers and developing a new language for learning within the school that has helped us to change the culture Within. The school in relation to CPD. We're focusing very much on disciplined inquiry now building that into our appraisal system. So that staff are buying into the idea of using research and evidence in their teaching and helping to develop new techniques or introduced techniques with their classes, but seeing evidence within our context of our students, so that's very interesting you talked about changing appraisal. So that staff seat is quite Developmental and obviously today we've been doing some work on CPT leadership as a group. So obviously that's part Of this wider research base around professional development that people want to engage in a culture where they see themselves being developed what else from today's work on that research has stood out for you. I think what's been really important is some of the the ten principles behind CPD in the development of CPD, but also linking in and making sure that we create a buy-in by linking everything to the academy Improvement plan and what the key priorities are so stuff really can see how there our work influences the outcomes on students and that's been interesting hasn't it a discussing that from a research point of view. So, I mean that that particular piece I think was talking about some of the motivational work will be looked at say craft and peppe's work. But also some of the psychology that we all feel will make more effort if we can see how our work fits into the big picture. Absolutely and and then of course also not only the big picture but we want to see how our work is going to make a difference to the pupils that we teach as well. So it's interesting you pick. Pain on that buying whether any other sort of key messages from today that stood out for you. I think it's very important for us to look at how we as a leadership team lead CPD how we create the environment create the culture in the school. So that staff understand why we are making these changes or why we're working together as a team to help have that impact on the students. There's many different principles within that we as leaders. Can buy into we can pull the information together we can say to the staff and we can show them the research but we can also create a climate where they start to look at the research in more detail. They look at the different levels of research. They're not just pulling one piece of paper to say this is what the research says. They're looking at a range of different research papers that we can start to then generate some real professional discussions around teaching and learning and I know you and I were having a really interesting discussion about how we help staff to be more critical of the Search and we were reflecting won't be on some of the fads that have swept through education. Whether it's what were some of the ones we looked at thinking hats and brain gym. And even I mean might be controversial calling it a fad but you know things like growth mindset and how maybe we got a bit too excited even if you know, it's not necessarily been discredited. We'll listen. Thank you very much. It's been, you know great working with you today. And I think if we think of those key things you've mentioned helping staff understand the relevance of what they do both to the pupils that they teach but also to the big picture of how they fit into the school development plan, but also helping staff think more critically about research. So encouraging them to come and question things, but if they're going to come with a counter-argument make sure they're bringing good evidence as well. So thank you very much great to work with you today and Phil back to you in the studio. Thank you David and now moving into the podcast pedagogy section which very soon there will be a jingle for rather excitingly and the Recorded by the same person that did the Fantastic intro music is a little bit delayed on delivering this because get this listeners. He's currently performing in Nashville. So it's from Nashville concert to Jingles for nailers Ngata. So next week, we'll have a very catchy and nail as natter podcast pedagogy section jingle, but for this week, it's just the little bit of intro music which goes like this. Moving into the podcast pedagogy section and this week I'm going back to my roots and reading about a topic. I spent most of my career working in namely pastoral care and I've just started looking at Daniel so Bells leading on pastoral care how we start the book with Butch head building on my part as Daniel outlines how rare it is to find books that champion and celebrate the role of pastoral leadership and Daniel outlines our approach to pastoral education based on five rules. And those are Rule one do your best to prevent harm rule to don't make things worst rule 3 communicate effectively rule for be adaptable and reflective and rulefive manage your own mental health and this book is split into three parts chapters 1 to seek to Define pastoral leadership discussing the role of the Pastoral leader chapters, three four and five focus on three key parts of the provision of for pastoral care. These are managing. People running meetings and working with parents and chapter 6 is all about helping teachers develop their all inclusive classrooms and chapter 7 looks understanding children's behaviors and is also in-depth discussion and the link between pastoral care Pastor issues and curriculum issues and this week. I thought I'd finish this small section by sharing an extract from the book and it really struck a chord with me from my experience of Being ahead of you and a pastoral leader sort of for learning houses a bit wider and this really kind of summed up what my day could look like sometimes and I'm sure it will be the same but those listeners who are working with in pastoral care and it starts by it starts called the role of the Pastoral leader and it's a typical day in the life of a pastoral leader. So hopefully Daniel doesn't mind me sharing this small section from his book. So it's 7:45. I've a.m. And you're already swamped with catch-up paperwork from yesterday. I referral form a team around the child meeting minutes and there's 17 emails from staff and 9 from parents. You need to respond to and all this before you go down to Breakfast Club to see a student X is actually turned up as he had promised the coffee in your mug is now cold but you down it. Anyway, it's caffeinated drink number three of the day. I break time your line of students outside your door complaining crying. And of course, there are those that have been sent to you by the same old teachers whose automatic reaction is just to refer everything to you more coffee quickly downed use zip through the line and head off to teach a class which you just get to intern there's lunch time Patrol in the playground meeting a parent and tumors our staff to follow up with regard to student why who has been persistently terribly behaved you suspect that there's problems at home and you followed your protocols, but it's not a priority for anyone in cams and there's all this on what you can do on a safeguarding hunch, but he's the focus of your attention as he's removed from the afternoon teacher's classroom and landed at your door, you know, he could well have overdone it this time punching a student in the face throwing a chair in the classroom and storm it out. You think to yourself surprise surprise. It happened to teacher X is class raising your elbows to yourself. You bring him to your room for a chat and you sit coffin with seven of the day, although you haven't been counted the serene. Once it calms you ignore the emails pinging phone ringing a door knocking and you are focused on student wife whom you quite like a Wonder to yourself. Why on Earth? He just can't keep his head down and get on and why teacher X is always provoking this child after 40 minutes of calm and quite enjoyable chat with a student you think to yourself I enjoy chatting with students in need and helping them out against your better judgment about whether this system is really going to be any good whatsoever. They student you place him in exclusion room and get back to 11 phone call. Al's one after another after another 12 emails and then you hear the school bell. It's the end of the school day for students, but your life is just getting busier you going to three back-to-back meetings in between you take the students to the Head teacher who warns the student is really is the end of the road. And the last time we will tolerate this or any of those other phrases you've heard so many times you call a single mother who you think is a nasty person and no doubt as all sorts of anger and mental health issues. She comes charging into the school and launch To a tirade of abuse at you you go to that special place in your head and engage full thick hide mode as you verbally batters you but to no avail you strike when the time is right closing down our anger and complains and complaints and enforcing the school policy. You can't explain the meeting is over and she needs to leave before things escalate and you have a risk cause it off the premises. It's now 6:15 p.m. You pop into the heads office to catch up on the case and return to your desk for coffee number 8 you get home at 8:00 p.m. IM and unload your car full of books that need marking you collapse into bed at 11:30 p.m. You're an average pastoral leader who is doing one of the most important jobs for children in the school system. You have no real sense of just how many students in both your school and across the country. So you and your colleagues as in loco parentis their Foundation Rock the consistent person in their life the one who will listen to them the one who saves them in their Darkest Hours, you know you doing something amazing, but it's all the admin you can't stand the endless boring predictable. Tubal and frustrated meetings the paperwork and emails and forms and referrals and systems that just seem to get in the way, you know the bits you like helping the students even helping the teachers in person is good. Well, it's not an arm's length value an impersonal email, you know, there's no hope for student why he's gone. He's not the first student you really liked and desperately tried to help but it didn't work out then either, you know, there is something wrong about teacher X and yet he doesn't get called to account. You know, that student wise play suffering at home with Mom. Whatever personality disorder she has there is nothing you can do about him. Now tomorrow is another day. I've been a pastoral leader. So this book Promises to be a fascinating read and I'll keep you updated on future episodes of podcast pedagogy. But if you are interested in looking at that book a little bit further, it's Daniel. So Bell leading on pastoral care and it's published by Bloomsbury. This sweet listeners. I am delighted to say that we have a teacher who is willing to talk about their podcast pedagogy. So I've been putting out please for the last goodness knows how many weeks on Twitter for people to be sharing their experiences and how they have used guests into is on the podcast in their own practice. So as I said, I'm delighted that we have Nicky Smith from South Jacques adamant in Blackpool who is sharing her thoughts on her favorite podcast so over to you Nikki. Hi Phil. My name is Nikki Smith. I'm second in English at South Shore Academy. I always enjoy listening to nailers Ngata first thing in the morning when I'm doing my paperwork and my planning and I've enjoyed all the podcasts but one that struck me recently was the one that dr. Joel Berry did on leadership because it really calls me to evaluate my own career path. My career has been less. Spinning linear. I've been up and down the ladder according to my choices, but I think a lot of what Jill said about leading because it's the right thing for you personally to do and because you believe that you're the right person to lead that area was really important message for me. And as a result, I've started to think about my own position within school and where I want to go next. So for me that's been a really interesting nail as an outer and one that certainly given me food for thought. Thought thanks fell. Hello Talent, welcome to the podcast. - oh, how are you? Yes good. Thank you and 1/2 turn this week and a half term seems to be a Movable three-week Feast these days but tough time for me. How's things with you? Yeah. Well, thank you darling Sunny northamptonshire half term here as well for me and the kids excellent. Thanks for health. Lucky you lucky you or you could say it lucky me because I get the free time right? There you go. Let's not get into that debate at the startup podcast. Okay, let's do what I've been calling for a while the X Factor question. So it's the journey to this point question. So you just tell us a little bit about your career to date and you know what you're up to at the moment great. So I'm from Reese and I was a primary school teacher from the years. I thought inner beads and the Huntington Learning abroad in Dubai and then became a deputy head in the primary head and I was apparently had teacher for ten. A general function share a couple of schools. And so that's five years. We were part of her multi-academy trust so we'll count'em pom pom economy dress and I spent the last three years they're being education director as well as head up to serve in the Senate primary school, which was a great experience and lovely to work with schools across the tracks and wider around the thanks and surrounding areas and then from the beginning of this year. I've been working for ambition Institute. As we get going to the school leadership and so working all across the country with different schools and trusts on leadership programs for Middle leaders to to head teachers that mountain system leaders, and I'm almost there somewhere in the last year or two. I write a book called wholesome leadership, which is kind of my take on. I'm running a school. Really? Yes. That's me. It's lovely to be able to talk to you brilliant and that's never going to be the focus of Podcast we're going to talk mainly about wholesome leadership, but we're also going to draw on as I can't help but talk about Blackpool at all times. So I'm going to talk about some of the great work that ambition are doing in Blackpool and linking into the stuff that we're doing with the research school, but we'll start with wholesome leadership. So this has been a game changer I said to you when I sent you a message begging you to be involved and I've got a very well thumbed copy of wholesome leadership which has been sitting on my office desk for quite some time now and it's got lots of I can't give this one away. Sometimes we do give the books away, but this is got too many notes. And too many Post-it notes and too many other things I it so I it's party personally to give away but it's been a real game-changer in terms of my practice. But in the intro you talked about whether the world needs another education books. So what were the four reasons that you decided? This book was worth writing? Yeah, thanks. That's let me tear that it's useful as well because originally I didn't know if I should write a book or didn't know if there's another book needs to be written and to start with I kind of said no, I wouldn't do it because I'm not sure that had anything else to add to the debate and I definitely didn't have time. But in the end there were four reasons. The first one was I wanted to do something to try and encourage more people to to get into leadership. So we've got sure. To give people applying for roles at the moment and it's changed a lot in the time that I was ahead for the first headship interview. I went to there was a field of 16 applicants that are eight of his on interview day. And then by the time I park my second headship, there were just three applicants into to interview and in recent years, we found it really difficult to get people to want to step up and take on those roles. So I think that I think it's a really important role and I think anything can you try to encourage people to to step up and and take on some of the responsibilities of leadership is a positive thing and the second thing was about really well sort of massive and very and Broad the work of school leaders is sweet complex and I found that I was learning lots of things by trial and error in my own leadership Journey whether that was as a middle leader or Deputy or head and then an exact head To try and get down as much as I could but I'd learned over the years in hope that would be helpful and people might might might use it which kind of leads them to the third reason which was about trying to do something that was really practical. So not lots of what's written which is great stuff often. I found stimulating in educational but have haven't been able to translate that into actionable things that I I can that can take away and do and so in the book wherever possible I tried to with the help of Oliver can video lean right and write things in a way of presenting it in a way that people could then take away and use practically now I'm a fourth reason was I thought it was about time that we had another primary voice in the mix. So I realized that lots of really good people who were writing and talking about School leadership where predominantly from the secondary sector and so I became quite motivated to try and guess primary voice among the mix. So yeah, they were my four reasons for writing the book. That's a brilliant. I couldn't agree more on the primary voices in that something that I've tried to do on the podcast in terms of the sort of the demographic of people that were talking to and of course, you know, no book is complete without quality artwork and Oliver is just amazing. And again, I always said it's at this point, but but I have to thank him for he did the artwork just you know off the off his own volition. He did the artwork for the podcast that we're putting out here at the moment. So he's a great guy if anyone hasn't had a chance to meet him or see him speak. He's absolutely brilliant. Yeah, I couldn't agree more just like a quick word on Oliver because I didn't know that he was going to be doing the illustrations in the book. And in fact, it says illustrated by limit but in the end he was so much more than an illustrator. He really invested his time and his his jaw and his attention in the book. We found that we had quite a lot in common. So he's a former head teacher as well and we both have sons with Down Syndrome. So we found out we had these kind of connections and weather's wonderful Skype conversations. We were supposed to just be talking about I don't know a particular diagram or illustration for certain chapter and would be there for an hour. He'd be showing me magazines that have inspired him but a way that they're using visuals and let his energy is extraordinary. I was really fortunate to work with him. No, it couldn't be more couldn't agree more. Okay, so moving into the book for those people who are new to the book guitars a little bit about your H for leadership. Idol yeah, so so School each it's really complex. There's a whole host of things that you that you have to do. And as I was writing it I came with this kind of nuisance 12 things. I wanted to write and what the H4 model really does. It chunks. It looks after the cognitive load and organizes that stuff into four areas. So talks about the heart the head hands and the health and Kind of cool that the a for Leadership Model showing the heart was about working out what you stood for kind of developing your own self as a leader believing what you do and who you are and then creating the right conditions for people to do their best work in the school and the second part was about the head and this was really looking a lot of research in particular in recent years. We've we learned from some research about school Improvement strategy and also trying to look at how we balance accountability in schools and how we get a healthy accountability and sensible sounds use of school Improvement processes and third part was about hands is about taking action the Invisible Hand on in the school walking the talk and also shoehorned into their piece around developing staff managing managing staff. Well, The last part was about health tourism Bureau health or well-being is stuff around you also this notion out there a healthy school relation it with other schools. So developing independent relationships within and outside the school community. Great great. So is removing 2 section 2 and the first of those edges that you outline there. So there's a kind of a two-part question here. So how self-aware do you think that we are as leaders and do we all have a particular style of leadership? Yeah, two really good questions. So how self-aware are we? Well, I think it's really important that need is a helper where and that they develop self-awareness. I think that comes more easily to some people than others, but is really important nothing most of the best either so just means I've ever worked with our self-awareness strength, they know their weaknesses and they know when to went to duress and went to More things and I have to say self-regulate themselves. So they're able to manage themselves really well in different situations. So yeah, and the self-awareness is really important for any leader to know how to manage situations and how to manage different people and we also have two about Styles and I think that I mean think one thing is that Styles is we're all we all have different styles because we're all different humans. So we all bring our own personalities and our own characteristics to the work that we do one of the things that I kind of wrote In the book and I've been writing about a little bit recently since has their kind of hero Paradigm that I think has become the Orthodoxy in some of the narratives around school. Should be hiding that you don't have to be a superhuman to be a school leader. You have to cut it operate in a particular style. And I think that that can get out of balance and think it's really important that people who are School leaders do so because they're because of their capability and because of their the way they're able to work with people to solve problems. And to get good work done in a school and that will mean that people with all kinds of different styles in characteristics and personalities should be able to do those roles. So so I think you know, there's a lot of talk about leadership styles and but I think the most important style is actually the style of who you are and being able to bring your own self to the work that you do. And people shouldn't feel that they can't be a school leader because they're not an extrovert or because they're not charismatic or because they don't have the loudest Voice or because their public speaking isn't isn't their Forte now, doesn't it? I think I got this right. So I heard Claire storm and talking about it. And I think you were in the audience is at research at National. So she was talking about something about how you've influenced her with that thinking as well. Yeah, well it kind of them a lot really good things about it as well. One of the kind of catalyst for this was looking at the the Tes jobs amulets and we kind of looked on the TS job adverts and you look down and what you find is leaders described by adjectives. So the the just kind of owed on the leadership adverts and you see people talking about the need for dynamic leaders or charismatic leaders and inspiring leaders all these kind of different adjectives. It's of absence of capability and knowledge. You know, what about people who get get good things done and for all bring the knowledge and capability to the party. So yeah, I think that that whole narrative around me. She has got a bit out of balance. I think, you know, the kind of objective leadership bandwagon is is one that exists and it's great. Think a bit more carefully about what it actually things are that you want to school leaders to know and be able to do in order to run a school really well. No, that's that's a really good point and I really enjoyed listening to Claire talk about that as well in terms of you know, you think about those objectives. What would the opposite of that be and then you think well, nobody's going to admit to that other. You know, I think it well. I would like to employ a lazy, you know on the motivated leader. I mean, you're absolutely right. It needs to be more about the capability of the person and the skills. They're going to bring Yeah, I think it's a focus on the ability to what people are able to do. I was hoping there's something about when you look at the those kind of job adverts. He think who could seriously apply and claim to be all those things actually feeling a job description say yes, that's me. I'm I'm inspiring and dynamic and motivational and charismatic. Yeah, I'm all those things there just aren't like humans around that that necessarily to go like boxing and the colored super Not even think it's well as one of the things that's at play when I don't know we're going to look at is bit later on. We think about the well-being of school leaders, which is that that is intense pressure to be you know, the all-knowing all-powerful person who's kind of strong in all circumstances and is everything to every person and you know School leaders like everyone are Humans, and they've got their strength. They've got the weaknesses. They've got or all the kind of variety of things that humans have and I think everyone benefits from promotes remembering that part-time definitely and we will get into that later on as you said. So if move into chapter 4 You outlined yeah 10 building blocks for great staff culture. So I'm not actually to share all 10 of those but if you could kind of pick a couple of those and talk about girls with listeners about how you would build Ethos and professional culture. Yeah, and I think the yeah one of the kind of key bits around the culture section, which is right for me to try think about what what actionable tangible thing tangible things could help to develop culture. So I think culture is one of those words that can mean lots of things to different people sometimes when people talk about culture they're talking about behavior and they're talking about the the way that they feel about a place or they're talking about relationships or are talking about all these things. It's it can be quite an abstract term. So in the book I try to kind of break down into some actionable things that you could do to kind of create a culture of our staff that really supported and where they could kind of keep getting better professionally. So, yeah, let's pick two or three of those. So first one I've got is to over communicate. So I think that teachers people who work in our schools are so busy and one of the things that's really easy to do with the leader is assumed that everybody has read the email that you sent or was in every briefing that you gave always able to retain all that information. If we can't about what we have been talking a lot about cognitive science and the forgetting curve and so on so much of what we we what we give out in messages. He's just kind of cognitive overload for teachers as I think building an environment where you kind of over communicate the same message as you keep it as simple as you can and and you just make sure that everyone hears the main things is is is a good thing for building culture. I think developing discipline brought an action amongst staff. So by discipline, I don't mean just in terms of people Behavior. I mean discipline terms of a culture where staff led by the leaders doing the things they say they well they do them to a really good standard people expect them to do to a really good standard and what that means is if you get a culture of discipline in the school, you need to do less monitoring and checking because you have higher levels of confidence that people will are all doing the things that they that they need to do. So only profession a little discipline culture I think is really important and then I think teacher agency let's go for that one was the third one our culture where teachers feel like they are professionals that they feel they are able to make professional decisions and use their knowledge and expertise to Apply that to the situations are in without constantly looking over their shoulder as to whether or not they've done the right thing. I think to many teachers I talk to Sheila worried about doing the right thing about doing something that they think other someone else should should think they should be doing and I think you can get an environment where teachers I've got like high levels of professional competency and then high levels of agency alongside that then that a lot of I'm building block in a strong professional culture great great. So in moving into the second day, so we're going to look at the head now. So you use and I'm sure that lessons with familiar with this you use sir. David Carter's for stage model improving a school. So could you just briefly outline what that model entails and how have you seen that being used? Yeah, great. So I was really lucky see David David prevent this the festival education and I think 2017 I want to say and first time I've seen enough it was really a helpful model. So the four stages in dailies model are stabilized repair improve and sustain and he offers this as an alternative to using the language of ofsted to Scribe stages of school Improvement and I think my experiences of being in the school system is overwhelmingly people talk about their schools as being an RI school or a good school or an outstanding School whatever and they talked about that not just because that's the way we've been given way off there. But because that's the kind of how they're grading in terms of its Journey at the moment. I think the problem with using accountability labels for that purpose is that it focuses more on the Evil, so the kind of the level of judgment and therefore the focus about what things you need to take to get into the next level and and not necessarily the type of work that needs to happen at the different stages and something which really helpful proposition. That's the kind of four stages of improving school. So for example with the stabilized so the job is really about fixing things that are broken focusing on the Urgent priorities. And often in cover it and covering the reality of what's going on in a school and for anyone who's taken on a school in special measures or taking on the school and you know real leaves a lot of attention that would be familiar with those types of of work. That's kind of like and I in those situations different approaches from leaders are required. You need to be more visible. You need to be decisive which can make decisions really quickly is offer. Calm and reassuring presence of often and and it's kind of moved to a different phase. You make the move to the repair things which is still quite reacting but starting to get to that point where people look around say almost feels like a normal student it and and that can be quite challenging phase because to be a really rewarding face and the third phase then is about improve where you kind of get into. Treatment Cycles you start to get into good CPD Cycles where people are getting better consistency and overtime and you're becoming a become more strategic in your leadership. You had to plan more and more medium term rather than fighting fires day-to-day and I like the fourth stage because rather than outstanding she's kind of a value judgment. It talks about sustained. So the job of when you've got a school that's in a really good place how Will you keep that that level of high performance over time and of course that high level of performance over time should involve how you give capacity to the system as well how you support other schools or other teachers how you're able to contribute to towards the system. So yeah, it was really good good model one because it's sort of shifted as away from using the standard terminology as a school Improvement model. Skinny because it allowed us to think more about the work that needs to take place and the approaches that leaders dates need to take place within those developmental stages. I mean, you mentioned it in terms of the stabilizing the leadership styles as required. But what I liked about it is into the sustain is not well, we've achieved a particular label. So therefore we can just kind of coast and continue that there's some definite, you know sustainability in terms of the leadership. And what kind of styles need to be deployed at that stage is uh, yeah, I agree and I think again it's not too much about style. It's more about the type of work that needs doing people need different, you know, there's different motivations at place play in those different stages. And as I stated example, I would give with sustained you'd like so I played Cricket for four years when I was younger. I was a kind of batsmen would always get to Change be really careful and then all of a sudden I get to 30 or 40 and think I was doing well and I tried to do something different but playset a really big shot hit six or something like that and then they get out and people are just so why don't you just do what you did to get to 13 carry on doing that? Why did you go and do something different? I think one of the things around the like the sort of junk from good to outstanding often The Narrative I've heard about that is you need to go do something. Different need to go and innovate you need to go and like loosen up or you know, whatever be more creative and in many cases. I don't think that's true. I think you just need to keep running a really good school. And and again that requires like staying power and like real commitment to stay in one place and keep working through the phases year after year. I've got huge respect for people who are able To do that. It takes a lot of dedication really hard work. Absolutely. Absolutely. So moving on again. We talked about culture there. So how do you establish a culture of I'm going to say a culture of accountability. This is not a phrase that you particularly use, but I can't think of a better phrase in that. So how did you go about ensuring that accountability happens, but it doesn't rely purely on the fear of ofsted. Yeah, so guys. I'm already kind of said I think trying to avoid the use of the ofsted language in your school Improvement languages is helpful because they're two separate things. They offset claim work is an accountability framework and of course were accountable and we should make sure we comply with out but I think it's less helpful as a tool for school Improvement. I think that's what it's designed for. And I think this whole thing around moderating the the amount of pressure that teachers feel from ofsted or any accountability system. And that's a local Authority or or Matt or you know, whatever people might use. I think moderating that that pressure is really important. One of the most important things that school leaders have to do and everyone there are times when teachers like all humans need to be reminded of personal responsibilities and pointed out that these responsibilities matter and more accountable to different bodies, but it's also too easy for leaders and I've certainly done this before and I hopefully I became better at catching myself and stopping myself from doing it as I got more experience is to use the line. What ofsted are looking for or you know, I've been on this destroying an offset the want us to do these things. I think it's Not convincing thing for leaders to say teachers really see through it and it's unlikely to lead to teach his shifting their knowledge and behaviors in the long term and it's more likely just to get people to do things on a short-term basis because I think they're doing it for four external accountability. So I think one of them even do is get much better at using educational reasons, For the different initiatives or improvement work or whatever it might be that we're looking to do and this is something that's really interesting. I was fortunate to meet with Vivian Robinson recently. It was over from New Zealand and there's a interested in her work in particular. She talks about at leaders using educational knowledge to solve complex problems which builds trust in the school community and and she talked. About us being leaders consistently to justify the decisions that they're my team all the improvement work that they're advocating for by giving good educational reasons and it really made me think that said we're not sending my early years of hardship when we still doing loads of things that I don't think we should have been doing for often to our stead such as kind of graded lesson observations. And loads and loads of kind of judging teachers by Cupid progress on Tenley basis or all those kind of things. I look back and think we didn't really have good educational reasons for doing that. They won't put under scrutiny and we weren't we weren't able to to argue either for or against actually why we were doing anything other than it was part of the accountability system and it was perceived to be true that Those things happen, so kind of Eternity to question around and healthy accountability yet. We've got important professional responsibilities. We should be held to a higher count in the profession many were teachers or School leaders for good ethical and professional behaviors and high standards of teaching and Leadership, but trying to moderate the pressure. Of the external accountability processes. I think it's super important and being able to justify the things that we ask people to do because there are good education reasons is a much better alternative. Absolutely, absolutely. So moving into the hands now, so obviously a recurring theme on the podcast is about professional development and we're very fortunate at the now the podcast is an association with a teacher development trusts as well. So what responsibility de leaders have for sustained professional development and I guess a follow-up question there is how do we strike the balance between the priorities of the school on the one hand and the development of the individual on the other? Yes, look for starting the second question. I think that being I think the the school's priority improving parties should be teacher development. I think if the school's priorities aren't teacher development, then there's probably question what that is more than ever. I think that the role of school leaders primarily is to help teachers get better and then to provide them with the conditions they Condition so that they can do their best work. I think in it in essence we can try to simplify School leadership down to perhaps thinking about things like that and but yeah teacher development is huge. It's certainly something that I don't think I knew enough about when I was when I was a middle leader in there a deputy head teacher. I think we talked about improving teaching rather than teachers and when you were thinking about improving teaching King often were thinking about generic things that we wanted to introduce to a school that we would get everyone to do consistently with a belief that that would improve teaching incrementally over also that might have meant that we would ask everyone to use a starter at the beginning of a lesson or that we would get everyone to do marking in a particular way and that kind of the teaching and leave the teaching in Learning lead role I think was characterized by some of those more generic approaches to thinking about teaching and I love the work that teacher development trusts and I've done on this and colleagues at ambition Institute and others actually around the system who I think are helping us to get much better about thinking of teacher development the actual development process of teachers themselves. And how they move from novice to become more expert and how our approaches to supporting them and training and should evolve and differ depending on on their career stage and also think that the real excited by the the the early career framework that's going to Pilot this next year. I think really prioritizing the professional development of teachers early in their career is a fantastic. Way to spend time and limited time and limited resource when we're thinking about how we can make the biggest impact in the system. I mean just linking into the work that ambition I doing in Blackpool. So that's been so part and parcel of you know, I'm still responsible for our school CPD and part of the strands approach to you know, career development at particular stages as being the early careers framework, which then again ties into having the best teachers the best develop teachers in front of pupils in the classroom. So it does tie together as well. Yeah, and that makes it simple thing. So they actually the school princesses get the best teachers in front of children in classrooms. But but it's true. It's a really good. It's a good unifying focuser. I think and it's a great work going up there as well. So I think some of the methods around that so thinking about using models such as instructional coaching. We've seen that be you know, really transformational in the way that some of the leaders have been able to To work with the teachers and to help them develop keep getting better. I also think this role at the teacher educator in a in a school the idea that someone's really got responsibility for teachers professional development. I think again we can back at my own time in in education often too often. Really I think professional development was about, you know series of staff meetings without really thinking more carefully about what's the curriculum Um for school leaders, that's only for teachers what's their curriculum in and and how is that sequenced over time as a series of activity rather than a series of one-off different events. For example, I think next external expertise is really important as well because whilst it's important that you know schools use their own practitioners to deliver some of the CPD for the school because then it's contextualized and there's a credibility to you know teachers leaving their own. CPD that this really is important where you know, we can't all be experts in everything and external expertise. It's definitely vital and especially around things like the other careers framework. Yeah, I think that's a really good point. I think that I've learned so much from people and coming to my school over the years who just bring huge amounts of knowledge and expertise in areas that I didn't know enough about I think about some people that came in, you know particular areas like handwriting or phonics or particular subjects that we just didn't have high levels of expertise and I think that there are some people around the country and growing The number and from different organizations are doing great work to help build that and being able to spread that around system is is really helpful so dude, it's working out. So so wealthy up that yeah and Steve's been absolutely brilliant in terms of the instructional coaching and which I was talking about this before with just another podcast previously with talking about, you know, expansion of things like research goals, and actually it's really important to have that external expertise and does Partners you can work with because cuz you know with the best will in the world at the moment, there's not many people running research skills, you know, most of them are carrying two three four staff possibly some Ellie's evidence leads education as well. But if you put in something that is a specific as instructional coaching is really important that you have an expert leading that and Steve's been absolutely brilliant and and the feedback from the people that he's been working with has been brilliant. Yeah, I'm not surprised Steve gets rave reviews wherever he goes. He's a very talented Rachel is human. So great to hear that. You're doing some good work with you there. But yeah, I agree. I think your point about infrastructure is really important how we can build and share around expertise as we develop it in. The system is really really important whether that's through like that structures or local Authority structures or Open universities or and research schools and organizations such as ours. There's a whole group of players in the system. And I think the ECF is something that needs to happen at scale. So I entered in the UCF can be a really unifying piece of work for the system because it requires us to do things at such a scale and it really needs all the different organizations and players in the system to work together on this. National challenge of how we build out the right level of mentoring and teacher development for our early career teachers over the next few years and also for leaders time as well in terms of you know, we've learned so much from experts are coming in in terms of facilitation adult learning and how to go about doing it. It's a very different thing to teaching you and I on Tuesday afternoon, for example So we'll be learning so go on tell me tell me something you learn about teacher teacher development. So it's not often. I get asked a question on the podcast. So this is great. Well, we could share a story of how we started. So I've been a teacher for 20 years, but then in terms of teacher facilitation and leading stuff in there, I just assumed it would be a natural step from clattering practice into just leading it for teachers. And the first time we were asked to do a session so hammer cocks won't forgive me for this story, but we'll share it anyway, so I'll Steven Tierney who you know who's actually contributed to the book. I will get to that later and he asked us to do a section on his middle leaders course and it was one of those moments where we really needed the ground to swallow was up pretty quickly and we must have done about four minutes of talking at middle leaders, you know, we're not inexperienced each subject for a long time, but we just really struggle to fill the time to talk just to deliver. It was totally different thing and there's much more to it. You know, I'll stay tuned for him, but there's much more, you know facilitation rather than leading is not all did. Livery from you as the expert telling I'm not saying that teaching is but it's a very different model of that. So what I've learnt is the art of facilitation the amount of you know, giving cohorts tasks to do and discussion of the room making a two-way process and you actually do learn as much from participants as maybe they learned from you. So it's a very very different thing but in terms of you know Steve's deliver it I mean I might have to cut some of this out because I don't want to give him too much praise and that's right, you know, it's the clarity of it. And just how he's come back. So here's an example. Here's a non-example. Here's a workbook to reflect your own thoughts. Here's an opportunity to discuss it with somebody else. Here's to bring it back to the group. Right is everybody clear. I'll be understanding of that then and it's something I never thought I'd get involved in Tom the roleplay of things, you know, which do any mention of the word roleplay would have Maids are running for the exits, but I found myself thinking what if I can't do it here and now I'm going to find this difficult in a coaching situation, for example, so just Just some watch that. We learned in terms of facilitation. And I think if you are the CPD lead of school, you know, how much training do you get in terms of delivering this for staff? Yeah, I don't think you raise a really good point that which is that it is it's something really specialist and it's not something necessarily that teachers will automatically do well or not. There's lots of over that and so yeah, it's getting there we can all keep getting better that which is which is great and the way that Steve's doing it is that he's very much lead at the moment and we're kind of picking up bits and pieces from him and hopefully we can move to a bit more core facilitation as we move. So, you know just just to emphasize the importance of that external expertise is not you know, we can't all be experts in everything and it really is important to make sure that the best people are delivering this this training definitely. Okay, so once I'm moving to talk about so one model that particular enjoyed was the LeapFrog conversations model. So it has a little bit about the importance of that in people management. Yeah, so I think this book came about because one of the things I realize is I've helping loads of teachers and younger less experienced leaders and prep or sometimes recover from really difficult meetings that they've held with parents and I think that teachers and school leaders spender can spend and and shouldn't spend as much that can spend a significant amount of time being involved in Parental. Discussions and it's something that that there are like naturally you might be more experience at it or you by like I think when I became a parent, I became a bit more naturally empathetic a to some of these parents conversations, but I built this process up and they have kind of shared it with a few people and I wrote up in the book which is about LeapFrog conversations. And this is really for the difficult parent me. Eating, you know the ones where you know, it's going to be quite challenging and typically the might be unhappy and might be quite stressed or emotional and and I think they're one of those situations where you handle it. Well, then they can lead to a really good relationship. You can build trust and understanding you can strengthen the homeschool link. If you hang it badly, you can just escalate things really K that can lead to feelings of resentment and longer-term vexation and actually practically it can occupy a huge amount of your time. If you don't handle these things well and they get to kind of formal complaint stages. So the LeapFrog model has got three stages. Listen LeapFrog and learned. The lesson stage meili is just listen. So the whole thing is like trying not to talk to sue soon in the conversation make their environment welcoming invite the person in be really polite even if they're kind of agitating there might be presenting as as being rude is too. Yeah just be really polite invite them to talk. Tell them to you want to hear everything. I've always butting in and when they've kind of finished like invite them to say some more Justjust, I'm trying to remain open keep an open body language to to make sure that they know you are listening to their concern and you're taking it seriously and the second stage L. Is that LeapFrog? So we don't want to avoid having to have a difficult exchange but one of the things I think I definitely did. spend too much time doing when I was younger was getting involved in back and forth arguments with parents where you try and say your point again, then they'd say therefore the new tell your point and he kind of didn't really go anywhere and I think one of the things that you can do quickly in those situations you can you can see where this is going and you can LeapFrog to the like jump over that stage of getting involved in back and forth and kind of Leap Frog in Solutions have been solution-focused so it's beige you degree some next steps. Like don't be afraid to apologize. If you think that something's gone wrong. Even if you're apologizing someone feels that the way they do no one likes people being being upset you really care about what you're going to do. It might be that you're committing to do is to go away and look into it really where that you can't solve it within that that meeting and that you're going to agree times. Bound a to review you can tell them how you're going to get back to them and avoid having to kind of have the last word. I think it has stage three important as well not to over promise. So I know again I got myself in a people before where I might have said things like well, I'm going to get back to you by a result of this down. We'll get back to you by lunchtime and let me know the outcome of this and then something else happened and I just didn't get back from lunch time and then they felt more agreed. So trying to get over. This at that stage third stage is to learn. So trying to take some time to reflect on the conversation. Perhaps talking through it with somebody else. I'm trying to pick what was going on really what can be learned from it, whether any processes or practices that could be changed with it. Just a thing that happened. Do you need to clarify something school or with the parent and their most important if you don't take it personally? I think that they can be quite emotional conversations that you end up having trying to get a way of dealing with it so that it doesn't take too much out of you and your working day is really important too. So, yeah, that was the Frog conversation model and actually Olive has done a great vision of this. There's a there's a poster it on his website that you can download this and keep it in your drawer if it's helpful at all before you're going in. One of those prostates conversations no and second plug for Oliver in one podcast and but he's right his website is just amazing because all the stuff that he does and he just gives it away all free for everybody to look at and anybody can take anything from there. So yeah, I definitely advise that people who haven't doing. I think it's just Ali, isn't it? Yeah, that's the one yeah seems like stuff on there. So, okay. So we're going to move lastly into Health Tom. So we're going to look at how as a big a big it's a big question. So how can leaders create a healthy balance while still meeting credibility in the staff room? And how do we guard against becoming a martyr or even a guess at perceived superhero? Yeah. So I think it's really hard is what I should say. I never really cracked it personally if I'm Honest I had times where I got better at it. And then inevitably there would be times in a term. It might be where there was lots of scrap absence or their particular challenges that were going on where it was just really difficult to get the balance. Right? And I think that it's just really important for us will that everyone recognizes? We needed teachers and school leaders to stay in the profession and we even stay in for like a long longtime years decades, right? And so in order to do that, you need to get a good balance and a life where you enjoy your work and your able to keep fit and keep healthy and enjoy other things that life that you enjoy life. And so yeah. I mean I write in the book. I was quite honest in the book about sometimes when a fan of rediff school and sort of burnt out in my first headship. And then still committed to really try and get rid of some of those unhealthy practices like working too late in the evenings constantly working on Sundays and various other things like that. I don't think the end it comes back to some really simple things. Like are you getting enough sleep and are you eating? Well, I like finding time to exercise. We my own my own kind of ways of cooking. Managing a managing and so I wasn't most days so start the day by running with the dog and it's brilliant. Just get out get a few miles in whatever whether it's just a really good part of the day. Everyone has their own dork like can do their own different things live former CEO. Every Thursday night would go to band practice. So Julia all Always go to band practice on a Thursday night and she says it's the time of the week where when she's playing her horn in the band. She can think about nothing else because she's concentrating on the music. Yeah, I think so. It's it's hard. We've got so many expectations of ourselves. We want to do really well society's got lots of expectations of schools, like lots of herbs. We're on this podcast. We read Twitter. We like to engage in discussion. If you're not careful you can end up Spending too many hours and you even do that. It's about keeping things in Balance. I think no, I agree and then I suppose moving on from that. How do we move away from sort of superficial well-being gimmicks into clear systems and Pathways? Yeah. Well that certain something that Steven Wright in the book. Actually that's kind of stuck well-being and yeah this kind of media response wake up to do something about well-being and often that can be visible stuff like super vicious superficial stuff rather than the things that really matter. So it's about me too superficial transactional or deeper level approaches to tackling will be so superficial might be some things like puts her hand cream in the toilet. So we put some new furniture in the staff room or passes for the gym and those kind of things though. Like they're nice things and not to be dismissed. Like it's nice to do kind things for people. In terms of addressing systemic issues that are going to make things like retention be stronger. They're unlikely to be successful. We have to really tackle some of those dawnia issues. So kind of next time we're looking at transactional level like things like pay and workflow and or reducing contact time or cutting workload with marking. There are there are real things that you can do that give people time back in their life. Or give them more reward and and those are also important we know they make a difference. But and this is where I think Becky Alan Sam soon's book is fantastic read into what what motivates features and what their kind of the real things that sit at the heart of retention are and writing teacher. after such a fascinating really, well, you get an insight to what teachers actually thinking and saying I think that getting Beyond workload and pay and creating conditions where staff she'll supported where they have good relationships with the people that they work with that there's a perception of fairness in the workplace and you know that there's a strong correlation between people who are good at their job and enjoying being good at their job and their feelings of success and well-being are likely to want to stay in the organization such as making sure that we that we invest in really good teacher training and development that we've been talking about already what just because it makes people better because but because by getting better, they're more likely to feel good about their there. Professional life and that they're more likely to stay working for that school. So yeah, it's a really really important issue and it's definitely not something that could be seen as an add-on like a let me just do something else for well-being. I think what we do best for for wellbeing for staff is we do the culture the climate the teacher professional development. Really really? Well, absolutely. Absolutely, right? So it's been an absolute pleasure to speak to you this evening and thank you so much for giving up your time just to finish off. Can we just ask a little bit about where can we see you next and what kind of things are you working on at the moment? Ask a question when you see me next I don't know some distance to really busy terms of doing Saturday Compass has been at lots of research Ed conferences and some events in and around northamptonshire. But I am writing some things in the moment that on the ambition Institute blog so you can always have a look on there. Oh, we're writing a chapter in the researcher guide to The ship as well, that's with my colleague Jen Barker. We're hoping that we have around Christmas so good. I'm always on Twitter Tom Reiss in the school 77. Not sure if I had an invite to Blackpool next year actually 477 Cox needs to be removed from his post clearly. So this is Claire must be an oversight this sure let's go. Enough to come along. We absolutely I was under the impression that you were hence. The reason that I was asking it to come on the podcast answer. So yeah, that was my inbox will correctly. But yeah. Popping up around the education to it's fantastic to to get around and see some of the great work that's going on. It really is. So in terms of websites of it listeners head over to your own personal one or just Ambitions website. Yeah. I've got blogs still which I'm most were writing in the moment is going on on the ambition blog which which you can soon find online or those my blog which I think I wrote a post early this Year, but it's got lots of the things that I work arounds wholesome leadership, and it's also got various blogs that I wrote when I was a head teacher in Northampton. That's some Reese dot org dot U k-- blind blind. Well, thanks again, Tom, and we will look forward to seeing you definitely confirmed now. It's on the podcast. So it must be great in Blackpool in March, so that would brilliant. Thanks again. Love it. Great to speak to you feel thanks for inviting me. Get moving into the Shameless plug section and just a Shameless plug for South Shore Academy's teachmeet, which will be on Thursday January the 16th 4 p.m. Till 6 p.m. Where you can see a wide range of speakers from inside and outside Blackpool showcasing best practice so I can get you tickets for that. I'll just search for it on Eventbrite. So it's South Shore Academy teachmeet, and I'm also going to be speaking at Brew Ed Ozzy on the first of February. Very 2020 going to be looking at curriculum particularly curriculum in areas of high disadvantage. So if you want to come along to that again tickets for that, I'll be on the Eventbrite site. I'm also going to do another plug for the teacher five a day that we spoke about on the podcast last week and we have guests coming up to talk to you about teacher five a day in the run-up to teacher 5 had a week, but I'm also going to be involved in teacher five a day park room, which I think is on the It's of December. So I'd love listeners to join in with that as well. So again have a look at the teacher 5 add a website or the hashtag teacher five a day on Twitter. We're incredibly excited about future guest. So as we approach the one-year anniversary of nailers natter that started with me recording a conversation with my colleague. Mr. Sammon Cox on my phone in our office to what has become, you know listened by Thousands of people all over the world according to the Anchor FM stats so really really grateful for that because we do approach that one year anniversary. I have some exciting news on future guests. So future guests. I have called the next few weeks. I have Greg Ashman some twistleton and marry my it and many many more. So it just remains to say as always thank you very much for listening to nailers matter if you're interested in any more about what we've talked about today with Tom that all the links will be on the show notes, and if you're interested in being involved in the podcast pedagogy section, then check it out on my website or send a clip in to my email, which is P3 name 91 at and next week. We have Lisa father's so that will be a fantastic interview there. Thanks again for listening. See you next week on nailers. Just talking to teachers talking dirty. Teachers about academic research and evidence-based practice with continuing professional development at PNA 1977 on Twitter. Just talking to teachers.
Tom is the Executive Headteacher of Simon de Senlis Primary School and currently work across eleven primary schools as the Education Director of Northampton Primary Academy Trust. Tom is a former Advanced Skills Teacher who has spent the last 17 years leading in schools across different contexts, counties and countries. He has spent the last 10 years as a Headteacher in Northamptonshire. In between Headships, Tom experienced life in industry via an 18 month secondment in the EdTech industry working alongside schools, academies, local authorities and multi-national companies. Tom is  married  with three beautiful children, he  occasionally plays in a Beatles Tribute Band and is the Chairman of Ups ‘n’ Downs – a  charity supporting families affected by Down’s syndrome. I nattered to Tom about: Usual journey to point question- selected highlights from your career to date . As much or as little as you like . Wholesome leadership has been a game changing leadership text . You discuss in the intro whether the world needed another education book , what were the 4 reasons you decided the book was worth writing ? For those new to the book tell us about your H4 leadership model . Moving into section 2 and the first of the Hs , how self aware are we as leaders? Do we all have a particular style of leadership and what are the advantages of this and the potential pitfalls ? In chapter 4 you outline 10 building blocks for great staff culture , could you share some of those with listeners and how do leaders build ethos and professional culture ? Into the second H , you use sir David Carters 4 stage model of improving a school. Have you seen this model being used and how do leadership styles fit into it ? How do you establish a culture of accountability that doesn’t rely purely on the fear of OFSTED ? Into the hands now , what responsibility do leaders have for sustained professional development , how do we strike the balance between the priorities of the school and the development of individual teachers ? Use of external expertise also vital for example , the ambition ECF work , a vital strand to our CPD which also ties into school priorities whilst meeting the needs of the individuals. Could you tell us about the leapfrog conversations model and it’s importance in people management? Lastly into health , how can leaders create a healthy balance whilst still maintaining credibility in the staffroom ? How do we guard against becoming a martyr ? Is it like the aeroplane safety demonstration where you put on your mask first before helping your child ? How do we move from superficial wellbeing gimmicks into clear systems and pathways ? Where can we see you next ? How can we find out more ? In podcast pedagogy I am looking at Daniel Sobel's Leading on Pastoral Care and listener Nikki Smith is talking about the influence of Jill Berry's work on her practice. Shameless plugs South Shore Academy Teach Meet Brew Ed Ossy Don't forget #teacher5aday .
I didn't get this album right now. We're going to go broke the pop/rock album. The Sonic single hits album either way. It's a great album hysteria Def Leppard originally hinted to be produced by Jim Steinman who had different ideas. He wanted to go for that live band sound. He wanted that raw energy Walt wrapped up, you know, like the like the Meatloaf album bat out of hell like Bonnie Tyler's album as well. It was sort of Broad and live and loud, but the I was thinking differently. They actually wanted to do something more constructive Sonic more detail-oriented. They wanted a hit out of every single song and with mutt Lange who had been producing their album since I think about 1981 he continued to do so he found the time eventually it took five years. I think in total for this album to actually hit the shelves and it did extremely well leading up and during the makings of Hysteria Rick Allen was in hospital for some lengthy period of time before getting home, of course with one arm after a vehicle accident. It was in hospital actually during the writing of these songs and putting it all together that he dreamt up the idea or the concept with a friend of ease of putting together a drum kit that would work with one arm and it was leading up to this album. We're actually all got put together test it out and became a forever thing. This was in the era days of Steve Steven Clark unbelievable guitarist that really unique sound of Def Leppard came from Steve Clark. And of course the songs the written songs, of course co-written with the other members of the band as well. It just wouldn't have sounded the same without him at this point. I don't think and it took somebody like Clark at the time before he passed away to make sure that this album and it ended up becoming really a legacy. He's more than anything. I think now, of course, he's replacement a stupendous guitarist by the name of Vivian Campbell who did a lot of work with Ronnie James Dio in the early stages and fact, I can find several interviews with Ronnie James Dio that pronounces Vivian Campbell as one of the best guitarists and you'd have to agree and he seems like a new member of Def Leppard, but of course, you know, 20 25 years ago. I think it's a lot more than just a you know a win. Individually a couple of songs that are worthy of note Love Bites was actually meant to be a little bit more twangy little bit more loud than what it is. Thankfully. They didn't yet another hit single another song animal the first released single from the album Believe It or Not took three years in gestation. I mean, that's a long time for a song to finally be finished and get out there. Now. This was a combination of not just the band but also the producer John mutt Lange Mutt Lange, he's a perfectionist and nothing gets released without it being. Wow. And of course Pour Some Sugar On Me which in North America is the Haggis quintessential colloquial tag song for this particular band, but look, you know what the bandsaw Pour some sugar on me as their for a their introduction into what was called rap rock. I mean, it doesn't sound like wrapping Rock, but for the time that this album came out, Out this was a new thing and had a different sound and only other bands could imitate. It was also a bit of a test it and see in terms of the length of the album. There are a lot of songs on this album and it goes I think over 60 minutes from beginning to end you think well, yeah an hour, but if you pick up any album now any album is like 38 40 minutes max. So yeah, a 60-63 minute album is is huge. So there's a lot of bang for the buck. Hawk hysteria is one of those albums. That's one of the biggest-selling albums in the world to not go digital and available through digital music. So it's been out for over 30 years 30 plus 30 what 34 years or something or something ridiculous. And still, you know try and find it online digitally. I mean you can get it right but for 30 years it was only available through vinyl or CD. You know, they just didn't they just didn't want to go down the other path because of the The Limited amounts of money that you get back. But I mean this album has made so much money for the bed. They really don't have to work anymore. Well, that's it time for me to go until the next show episode. Remember a rolling Pearl gathers no oysters or something like that. until next time
The Worlds Best Rock Albums We regularly feature every album that you might consider for your collection. From Black Sabbath to Metallica, and from Jethro Tull to Meatloaf, it's all here. The elusive rock album, the popular rock album, and the ones that make it because they just should.
If you're looking for ransom I can tell you I don't have credit but what I do have is armor armor made of best guard and if you don't return baby owed, I think the world might end this isn't taken but this is the Mandalorian after show. I have spoken. I'm Maria Menounos and you're too welcome back every time and yes, I know. Dress there's a lot of things happening right now in our country baby. Yoda has been taken. Craft is Grand Admirals. Yeah Anderson. She's a part of the Marvel panel, but also a mega Star Wars fans with her with her. Number one co-host Grand moth Christian Blatt. That was a perfect use of my clunky to y'all McClung come to you all happy life day everybody. Hey this episode directed by Deborah Chow written by Jon Favreau epic episode. We knew that was going to happen again because she just She's a she's a beast. She's a beast and I talked to the panel about this before. I think this was the most well-written episode. I feel like they've really gotten their bearings on what they want to do with this show and we've it's still an adventure of the week, but we got back to like a more holistic story of what the bigger picture is. Yeah. So we're gonna break it down. It's almost chronologically because each step of this episode major things happened and obviously ended on a huge Cliff Hanger. It is the penultimate episode which Which means chapter 8 is gonna be crazy right there. We break down the episode. We will get into our directors Corner. We've done this with Deborah child, but there are more things happening in the Chow Universe. Yes. Ryan's gonna handle that and then xia is going to hit us with some news and gossip. Obviously, we know rise of Skywalker permit is going to Premiere this week three of us have seen it Zia Wesley is also 0 but there's news around. It's obviously causing a lot of controversy. How about a And yeah, and Christian bought is in the chat such a black chat. We're taking a look at the black chat and we'll let you know. Yeah, are they worried about baby Yoda, like we're yeah, we're good turned to be Ryan hit us with your overall thoughts overall thoughts. I need baby ODed to touch my heart and heal these wounds this episode gave me I feel scarred. I feel I feel taken advantage of I've been I've been my heart has been racing all day. I think my heart skipped a beat at the end of this episode. This was beyond the Cliffhanger. This was like a cliff. I'm gonna slap you in the face of a bunch of times and make you wait, not only a week but a week and a half because we're not getting the next episode until after the holiday not which is cool crazy. I don't know if I can make it really I think I want a Christmas present of an earlier and earlier premiere for next week. But yes, like you're saying this is one of the most well-written episodes yet. Deborah Chow is an All-Star director will get into her a little later loved loved loved this. Episode there is a through line. It's not just an adventure of the week. We had people come back into this episode happy about so happy about that thrilled to see them absolutely loved it. Yeah, I really loved this episode. I know last episode I said was my favorite. This one is a very strong Contender, but it was really good. The bride has rights too excited. Good choking on his tea. Yeah. No. I just I really really enjoyed it. We got we got Kara doing back, which I kind of had a feeling that was going to happen. They advertised her so much and I'm really really glad that they brought her back. I was a little bit disappointed in some of her lines. I feel like they could have used her a little bit better and there was one sequence in the episode that I was like unless it comes back in some way. Why did we get that that was so unnecessary. Other than that amazing episode. I was not ready for that and at all, I was not ready. I watch the episode twice today and I both times I was like I had to rewind just like yeah my card those mirrors. Those are evil. Well if you made it to the Dropship quill Have you made it to the Dropship quilt Christian? Well first and foremost, I'm going to have to point out that Ryan you're getting exactly what you deserve because if you remember just last week you considered killing baby Yoda just for just for just for a nice big bones. Are you saying that's a teaser because there is another pilot in the Galaxy who has threatened Baby Otis life and we will play that clip. I think they don't know what I'm talking about Vito we Have a different producer in the booth equally as amazing way more knowledge than just grabs actually seen a Star Wars actually, he loves Star Wars and the Mandalorian. So we're happy to have him bananas for having me and a tremendous fan of the Star Wars holiday special so welcome to video in the booth. But what I wanted to say is that I thought this was a great episode. And yeah, I think we had talked last week, you know that obviously they're building up to something. I thought we were going to get some familiar faces did not think we would get Nick Nolte. It's not quill it's cool. Real wheel wheel and so as soon as I saw him, I'm like, well, this is already a good episode and then of course a little bit of a roller coaster of emotions. I just I just worry so much about that little guy. I mean, I really hope he's okay. I don't look I hope Wheels okay, too, but I'm really worried about baby Yoda. Me, too. I'm glad we assembled our Mandalorian Avengers. We did not end on a high note, but I'm glad that we're getting character. He's back. I'm not in love with Kara Dunes character. And I wish I was I don't know if she's being utilized in the best way. I think physically absolutely she's incredible that way but her lines and kind of her her character. I'm not loving which I hate that I don't love her. I really liked her for the first episode she appeared in but this episode I just think that they the lines they wrote for her were really cheesy. They were kind of unnecessary. There was one scene the first scene that I have a Problem with which one was that? It was the arm wrestling. Yeah plane. Why when we get a jacket? Okay. So let's just jump right in Mando gets a hologram call a holographic the holo-call from please Harga weather and I instantly did not trust this. I'm like no now, you know better but he needs that money. He doesn't try and support now. It's really also has two party knows the only way to because people keep Going after baby Yoda and unless he gets rid of the the Empire love that they keep calling him the M4 Imperial I'm assuming but yeah, I just it was really funny. But unless they literally unless they get rid of the amp the clients. There's always going to be people coming after baby Yoda, so it's like a double edge. He needs the money and he wants like safety for this child that he was taken under his protection be a win-win. Yeah, and I had the same thought I'm like, come on man know you're smarter than this and at least he Assemble his his Mando vengers. Yeah, he gets like his team. He gets people you actually trust. Yeah, because I thought he was just going to fly right in there and be like, hey Carl Weathers. Let's work together. Oh, yeah, and as I should be smarter, right right right now at least at least he knew not to trust the situation. That was such a cool scene when he landed and they ride up because I knew he picked them up. I didn't know he also brought the animals with them. I thought that was and then they're just like sizing each other up. He's like you brought your team. I brought mine. Yeah, so great like they're very smart. But before that he his first stop is sore gone. And this is we see in chapter 4, which is his first introduction to Cara and that's a cool scene with her. He she's fighting as a BRAC and they're connected with some sort of power. It's pretty it's a cool way to fight so cool. Yeah. It's like a rope. That's actually how Ryan and I met yeah, we weren't he won the fight clearly impressed with her. She she wasn't convincing that as soon as he said that it's the target is Imperial. I'm in I like that you like that was cool the rebel Fighters. Yeah, I like that. She's just like now I really want to stay at it. Oh it seems okay. Yeah and what I mean, I like that she's like I just want to stay out of it, but then she's like, all right. It's important you talk to me into it and I think he kind of knew that but we jumping ahead a little bit just with her one issue another issue I had was they wanted to cover her arm tattoo sure. They only mentioned it's a FaceTime bro, and it's really simple I kind of thought that they were also referring to her face tattoo was that was it's not that that was what they were they were walking through Mordor. She could have done something. That's a great. That's a good point. Don't think I don't think concealer and a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. Yeah. Yeah. I know. I kind of like how we got reintroduced her though. I'll be honest the I really like the wrestling match and the vows. That's different. Yeah, I like that scene and I do think that is her that is the strength that they're using and playing to I don't think they figured out her dialogue yet. We're kind of like the depth of her character in a way, but now let's get into quill so this is when we're in our valise Evan McNulty's the home base and this this brings about a lot of interesting conversation, especially concerning IG 11 who he's reformed and it But the awesome snow. I'm sorry. That was the sequence that I was like we did not need that unless I thought that was like a ridiculous. I was like, wait. Why did we get that? I really yeah, I'm rebuilding. Yeah, I really really didn't like it unless it comes back. What am I saying? Why don't we save that for? Yeah, because that that I have a prediction about IG love. Okay? Okay. No, I think we got him for a reason. I do think that they that has to be foreshadowing something but for this particular moment in time, I was like I could have done without that in this episode that was nonsense time for some good. Laughs. Yeah, he's bringing them drinks, right? I kind of liked it because it adds another layer of suspense. We know Mando hates droids. Yeah, obviously because they like murdered his family, but also this one was specifically programmed to kill baby Yoda, you would now on his ship permanently. So I love that heightened tension. It's also it's another Bounty Hunter and so I'm digging it. I think it makes sense. You know, he would quit would obviously wants some more help with whatever farming or related things he's doing so I'm Into it and no one else shares that hate for Droids that Mando has so it kind of that's why I think I bought it a little more. I didn't mind him bringing him back and explaining it. I just didn't need the flashback of showing it Montage. I think it was writing and the clients writing that I was like, this is magnificent when he was saying droids are not good or bad. They're neutral reflections of those who imprint them. That's that's I wrote that down to yeah, that's it. Yeah, that's absolutely Let me guess you know, it's like people will talk about pets or children. You know, it's yeah, that's a bad dog. That's a bad kid. It's like well, what about the owner / parent and quills just take on being able to help baby OTA and when he says None will be free until the old ways are gone forever. And I love that. They're playing more into the politics of what's happening right now. And I think that is such a strength that they haven't tapped into as much as they should. Yeah, and I love when Star Wars does that in a way that's not not too intense because we've seen that kind of fail in in some of the movies, but I do think it's important because it speaks on the cultural significance that can relate to us. It's also really nice to get a little glimpse into what it was like after the empire fell because they're still they're still out there. They're still people the client in his speech that he gave Mando in the canteen and the bar is talking about how he how much he believed in the Empire like he's still He was in that vision and that it was going to create a better world for everyone. Well, then there's still all these Stormtroopers that are still working for people that like the Empire is got they lost the war but they're not gone and it's interesting to see a little bit of that this you know getting getting that because they're not going to disappear all at once they blew up the dust blew up the Death Star they didn't kill everyone. Yeah, and I think you know Werner Herzog has some just where he's just like, you know, we went into a system and we made it better. It's just that that belief that no no this This is what was right. This is what we did, you know, everybody's lives were better. It's sort of like to bring it to Marvel's like Thanos. It's like no no we made everything but did you ever go hungry under the Empire? Sure, you weren't free, but you know, yeah, right exactly, you know, so I think that that defense was just interesting to hear because now you do here and yeah, it's a kind of, you know, just it's a little bit but it makes it easy to believe that this is five years after Return of the Jedi that whatever it is 20. 30 I guess. It's like 30 years Force awakens is like yeah, that's how the first order was able to come about because this doesn't go away even over 30 years, you know, there's still remnants of it. You still have people who are True Believers. They're just kind of for higher like those Stormtroopers. Yeah, and this series exactly. So now the whole force is assembled and this is my problem with the following scene. The one that I spoke to earlier. We have Mando and in Cara Cara arm wrestling. I feel like this was just a scene to show that baby OTA will use the force in force choke her and to me that doesn't make sense because if we remembered chapter 4, he saw them literally fighting that was actually based in aggression, whereas this was based in pure fun and he was sipping suit. Well, I was gonna say to be fair there was no soup on the ship. So it's interesting because it gives you the idea of like, oh, you know, Whole time we think about like how cute baby Yoda is and of course think of adult Yoda. We think of Master Yoda. Yeah, but what if like this guy is is like this, you know sleeper agent for the Sith. He went straight for a city like immediately tries to show me. I think it was a protective move. Yeah, Daddy. Yeah, it's cool, but it just got me to start thinking of Mike. Maybe we're looking at Baby out all wrong it is maybe the Empire wants him for a reason. Yeah. No, I do well in speaking of an Empire the only time we've seen Luke do this once or twice but really the only people who use this are Darth Vader and kylo ren. I mean, it's pretty exceptional to see another Force sensitive creatures. Yeah. No, you didn't do any choke all believe Luke did it to a good morning guard and Return of the Jedi? Yeah sorta he was like, but I mean it wasn't me. Joke, it was I maybe with some kind of like tickle joke. No. Yeah, but you did it but it's not it's not usually use right. Right. Right, right. That's it's a stiff move. I think I think it I like this scene because it adds another interesting layer. Like what Christian just said, I don't know about sleeper agent for the Sith but the idea that he could go bad what's going on with him that the Empire could use him? Yeah, just hit me speaking of quills lines that it's about who is parenting or overseeing in the right? Same with babies are impressionable as the droids. Well, and totally really I think a lot of that too is the fact that baby Yoda sees I mean stuff you brought up such a great point that he literally saw them fighting before and didn't do anything. But in that I guess he's sitting there and he's watching his protector this person that he's grown very attached to possibly lose it something and maybe doesn't understand the stakes of it, but he understood enough to to jump to jump in there and try to protect this person, but it was just interesting what he Used to try to do that how he tried to protect him but he still did he still he has it at this attachment to Mando and that's kind of like his person you see it anytime he gets taken away to that. I the way his because a lot of the way he emotes is with his ears and the way his eyes and his ears are any time he's taken away from and oh, he's like, oh my God, I don't like this also with quill I just have this I trust you, whatever you say I'm with you like and he snaps at Kara few times definitely. So side of clear, enemy, you're also more comfortable with him because he just made a new crib. He just designed this like awesome way for it to like open and close. It looks like bulletproof Blaster proof, everything-proof lint-free human lifetimes and then he snaps a character like that was that was like an old Uncle freak drunk freaking out yelling Nick Nolte kind of scary. Yeah. Yeah a little bit before we move on. The next section of this episode I do want to show everyone out in the chat. Thank you for riding with us live. We really appreciate that. You are definitely part of this panel with us. Make sure to hit that like button leave us a comment after this video ends. And also if you're listening on a podcast hello, give us a five star rating will shut you out on there. So let's talk about this meet up with grief carga and they kind of were sizing each other up, which I love that scene, but then it led to To a really epic scene where we get like venomous bats. Yeah. Yeah, that was crazy fireside chat things were crazy. Everything's gonna be fine. Immediate timing the thing I don't get is. How did how they were there if that's their sort of Home especially grief car guy, he does business out of that off that planet. He should know that those are creatures that are somewhere that like, they should have known about those. He should have realized that that was a threat unless there. Came out of nowhere that is possible. But yeah, but you got to figure that's a good point, you know, even if he doesn't hand out here the riverbed very often. He should know like well, you know, they heard about of the Flies around out there. So you should be careful keep your eyes peeled. Yeah, and he didn't all know but it was very funny. Everything's going fine. And then instantly everything was not fine. So yeah, I thought it was a it was a very exciting sequence because it was like wait what is so fast? Taste and so much happened and just those few minutes. They would have been so funny if he got his arm bit off like chubs and Happy Gilmore because he's happy. I think that would have been amazing like you took his eye but it didn't happen but he gets scarred. Yes pretty and it's like a gnarly Scar and saying that a force choke is healing which we have never seen in the in the Galaxy never know and it's never seen a verse is not the first time. He's attempted it. This is just the It's time that again Kara our car going you'll get this thing out of here and quill and all his in all of his wisdom being like just calm down. Let's see what happens and look what happened because he tried to heal Mando. I think it was an episode 2. Yeah, and he put him back in the stroller immediately. And this was the first time that quill kind of realized. There's something very different about this child. Let's see what happens. All right, because he goes he did touch him into. Yes, ma'am. I tried to get out of the way. Thought we had all thought that that was what he was attempting to do and it's in that's this reversal of earlier. You know, we saw the choke and now this is a bringing back to life in a way his healing feeling I believe his instinct is based in goodness, right but he's gonna have a choice like you said now he's raised. Well, there was an interesting and chat believe Steve Owen said baby. Yoda is learning violence for Mom and oh, yeah. I thought that was a good nature versus nurture but because of this grief Admits that he was going to bamboozle him and screw him over but he ends up killing his own men, which was a cool turn of events because I mean this little angel child saved your life. So it's well deserved but they that leads us to the client. And this was another such a well-written scene. I was obsessed with this the tension was incredible. It was shot and edited so well Ryan, what did you think about this loved this scene so much also, Him just talking about the Empire. Yeah for a second. I'm like you're convincing me. You're like, he's very like I'm all this hate and darkness. I'm ready to enlist everyone Prosperity. Every opportunity piece is the world more peaceful since the revolution show me a kid just like the world sucks. Show me the child, right? Yeah, I guess that's why we do need baby. You know, he kind of laid it out there for us and I really yeah awesome scene in Sting plan where they're like, I have a plan you bring them back to the ship. We now have Carl Weathers on our side. Let's go visit the client. And so we know what's at stake. Here. We but nothing ever goes according to plan and that just made the perfect Stakes for this entire entire scene. Yeah, and then we get the call from off Gideon Giancarlo Esposito. What Christian what did you think about the introduction of this character? I know we've been waiting for him and I thought it was great. We what's his full name off Gideon off Gideon. It's good to know that he runs the off Gideon's fried chicken and then he of course came there to me. I mean, she's playing the same character. Let's be honest. Oh my God. I think it's different and I actually did. You might talk when we saw the Hologram. It was like, okay, we'll get him next next episode. So when he showed up, I'm like, all right, this is great. Great. I thought that I thought it was really cool to see him what I love about this sequence is so great moth Gideon Mama Kitty in my like like Moff Tarkin like me. Yeah Grandma Christian, so I thought that you know, it was interesting because they kept talking about like see only for Stormtroopers and then of course, it's like four battalions. End of Storm Troopers, which I thought was, you know, we wouldn't be Star Wars if the plans went according to plan. Yes, your Shadow Troopers. Is that what death Troopers definitely we also saw the Speeder bike down troopers from Return of the Jedi? So there was no shortage of Troopers. They're cool. I know and they said more and then was like see I told you four and then like eight more come in right after that. Yeah immediately. Yeah, so I thought the whole sequence was great because it just shows you what the stakes are and It raises it to a point where you're like, yeah is Mando really gonna get out of this, you know, definitely enjoyed the what I really enjoyed about that was the fact that they had no qualms just shooting up the entire place and killing Werner Herzog the client. Yeah, no issues with it. They killed him and all of the Storm Troopers and the child's what's important and we knew he answered to someone bigger than him and so the but it was interesting that he was like, I don't I mean you're just a casualty in this way. To set up your villain now, like I think what better way to make an entrance like you said Eugene Carlo Esposito as an actor, he has such a presence but there are moments in shows like Breaking Bad where he doesn't even say a line. He just one action and you're like this guy is a badass and in this it's like you just killed Werner Herzog who is very I mean he is a it was worse as well. Like this guy is terrifying and he's not like a lot of other Imperial generals. I feel like you either get like a no-name that's I have on screen comes in and out or you get someone like a Moff Tarkin or even like an admiral thrawn from the books and now in the rebel series like this is definitely going to be a massive villain. Yeah, and it's interesting that we get him the episode before the finale at the very end. So he's going to be I wonder if he'll go into season 2 or if you would imagine what yeah, that's what I was thinking. I think so too. Especially when he says it means more to me than you will ever know and that just interesting because we get some quick Will form he kind of says that he does not think that he doesn't use the word clone, but he's kind of talking around that time of a terminology and so it just makes me wonder what the heck is going on. What why does baby Oda means so much how do you know because quill doesn't know about the force but he alludes to it. It's obviously in some sort of discussion, but there's not much more that we know about that with where we are, right and there's there's conversation about just what baby Yoda is you When they started there's yeah what they talked about in terms of, you know, genetic farming and reference to care and all this. So it got me thinking a lot about like it. What is this? You know, we still don't assume that Yoda is actually this creatures father and I could certainly be it just doesn't seem like the most likely scenario. So is it like, you know from a sample of his DNA, you know and just like was it made in like a farm and Then this one got away and they want it back. You know, there's and it raises so many questions that I hadn't really thought about and it's like well, yeah, we biota we just want to know you he's a great article about that on AfterBuzz written by Yours Truly about the what is a baby Yoda, but hey check that out. We have to talk about the events that followed this because yeah. Wow Commando trying to check in on quill You there? Yeah, cool. Are you there yet? So urgently so urgently only to seek will on the floor and to say smoke coming out of his skin. Well, you just got shot up. Yeah. Oh it was terrible. I couldn't tell if that was his ride. It might have been might have you actually right here my friend. Oh my gosh, but then Baby Otis years are peering out and he is picked up like a football scoop those damn spiders are so fast. So fast, they were racing across the desert and through Mordor again. I was like sitting on my couch like this. Like is he going to make it is he going to make it? Why are they so fast? Damn it works like freaking out in my living room. Also, I want to see what the defense protocol was. He's like going the ship. I demand some defense protocol. Like what's the ship gonna do Rick and Morty episode like I don't know what's gonna happen and we don't get to like that was such a realistic move and really daring like I respect it. Heck out of that. I've this show is taking massive risks and I'm going to be with me anxious the rest of the week quite frankly. Yeah, I'm Ryan's not even okay. He's not going to be able to celebrate Christmas because he's going to be waiting the 27th the death Troopers. So the black yeah traversed, you know, they were introduced in Rogue one. They are these Stormtroopers that don't miss, you know, they are the ones that are have good aim, as we clearly saw the only ones who actually shoot something and in Rogue one, we didn't really get to see them in like a All action, so this is just setting up like the highest States yet for the for the show next week. Like I cannot wait to see what happens. Yeah. I'm really excited. I'm really nervous because Mando and Care are alone. It was grief carga and mean numbers are so down. It does not look good. No, and I mean look, they're good, but they're surrounded and even with baby Oda becoming more comfortable with his use of the force. I mean, it's still I don't know what they need. They need friends. Yeah, I need allies. Well, that's what I'm I'm and I'm kind of wondering and kind of hoping this is a callback that I wouldn't mind. They've done it once and I wouldn't mind if they did it again. If the other mandalorians also showed up to sort of help them get out of the situation might be a theory that that I was saving for people that I think are coming to the okay. Okay by people I mean character that's actually interesting because one more quote that I it'd pull from the client was when he said why did Mandalore resist our expansion? So it's an interesting take specifically on the really warming that's his whole point is that you know that we make everything better like Mandalore would have been better if you had just submitted to the Empire also the character did we never got anything back from the feet that showed up we literally just saw his feet and he showed up forming not well yesterday. Yes. Is that going to happen? Play it or do you think that this except that that was Gus Fring Giancarlo Esposito Grand Moff Esposito. Do you think that was him that steps? That's awesome what I was thinking? Okay. That's who that was at the end of the episode. Wow. I know I know despite Ryan's theory that it was a character from animated series. I just feel like that might be who it is. Yeah. I just I think just again with the directors will talk about the directors later. I really do think that that is still CAD Bane because Dave filoni man directed the episode did the whole Clone Wars series, but that'd be a great birthday sense if that's who it is. But yeah, I mean, I guess yeah those feet and we haven't done anything. So that has to come and look at that quality Footwear. If only we know who has he six. Yeah, some good art important. Are those Bruno Molly's shoes is that o j-- and that is where we were directors Corner again, Deborah. Now doing her second episode this season. The last one she did was episode 3, which was full of Praise. That was when we had all the mandalorians the and yeah, how can we forget killing it once again with this episode she is going to be directing as of now six episodes for the Obi-Wan spinoff series. She's showing that I am so psyched for her because really I would have felt like for us, right? Yeah. I mean, we're just going to need to give me a call to show. Okay watch you clearly is such a great knowledge of the universe and is awesome at tying all this stuff. Together and directing these action scenes and just establishing so much tension. She also has a new film that is in early development called the possibility of fireflies. It's going to Star Courtney Love. So she is stepping back into the world of features. She's only doing one feature before and that was a film. She did like right out of film school was Zach Braff. So this I'm just so psyched for Deborah Chow because she's so talented and clearly the Mandalorian is opening up more and more possibilities for her. So just Bravo but those are really the only two things going on next week. We got tiger. TD who obviously plays IG 11. You also had JoJo rabbit come out this year. He is directing the season finale of the Mandalorian. I can't wait to see what he does that he's mostly known for his comedy drama with his films. You know, we did what we do with this Shadows, which is just a straight up comedy like a mockumentary about vampires. He did a hunt for the older people which again another comedy-drama film shot in New Zealand. And then this year JoJo rabbit, which this it's not getting so much Oscar attention. It might get nominated. For a couple of awards so he's like the height of his powers right now and it comes to directing and I can't wait to see what he does with this and I mean, yeah, he's also done Thor Ragnarok so we know he's done. He's big Blockbuster. He's been in the space before so hopefully he knocks out of the park and maybe he has a film on the horizon, but we'll see him next week. Yes. Thank you. I Zia. Can you help us with some news and gossip? Okay. I've got to I have got obviously there's the rise of Skywalker that just came out what now? The last rise of I've never heard of that episode wait small one first Pedro Pascal came into my work today, and I freaked out panic attack. She texted all of us I did I took a group text at all capital letters. I was about to lose my mind and no one else in the restaurant seem to care and I was like you guys Hey Hey, where's babe? That is the top news. She's really nice. And he also tips really really well just on that any Pedro very very well. Yes like 50% Well, I asked you to ask him if I could sit on Mandos lat. Yeah, he has a moment for it though it ya like it has to be one of those things, right? Okay. So after the small news, I was just lost my mind Hey big news Raisa Skywalker is out and it's interesting because the river is getting a lot of negative reviews, which I just I don't understand because an obviously we're not going to get into spoilers Ryan's giving a look but I'm just speaking of reviews. You can see our review on 5.0 non-spoilery boiler is up on popcorn talk and I will say AI as Star Wars fans, I suggest you don't read these reviews and we don't just get hyped Get Hype for The Saga to end and just enjoy it just don't listen to the critics and veto in the booth. I can say I was in the room for the non-spoiler non-spoiler to help them guys keep us accountable to not people he held us accountable. This is someone who's dying to see the film and he was in the room while we did our review just so you know already so we didn't spoil anything. I didn't get any spoilers either which I'm one of those weirdos that I don't mind spoilers but Christian text him and I'm so weird. So you would mind me. She loves spoilers to no, no don't know anything for this is like now, but I don't know anything but Christian texted me afterwards and was like, yeah, I really liked I really liked it and he said it was good. And I trust I trust here. That's what that's what I was thinking like if you watch the show and you like the way we talk about Star Wars, you know, you can take what we say, but don't worry about anything. You know, it's just before we started I find it obscene that we live in a time where people need to check something with this dumb of a name as the Tomato Meter how stupid do you sad we remembered I gotta check it Tomato Meter and look how many movies that people that you have liked have Tyler gray cell Christmas have terrible ratings on there, you know, like even movies that I don't love I mean, you know the like Batman v Superman is like a 29 I'm like, well, it's not that bad. You know, you look at these ratings and you're like, okay, but there's a critics and like You read a Critic review and you're like that's exactly how I feel about it moving. I typically don't agree. I mean something fans are writing reviews sure, but I'm talking about someone who is a film of the capital F critic and like, you know, they go to see Star Wars today and then they go and see the Oscar movies the rest of the week. They're not going to see it in the same way that those of us do but we were all I didn't see it with you guys, but we all saw it on Tuesday with sorry everybody except see I saw a Christian we all saw it and if you watch whatever movie goes, you know, we always see the movies without Xena. It was just so much fun. And I had a great time and I'll be kind I did not love the last I did not love The Last Jedi and I am not a fan. That's the thing. This was so great. And I had watched The Last Jedi the night before I re-watched it and I already forgot about how much I didn't like it because this was so good. Well, that's how I felt too. And so the fact that you said it was good. I was like, okay. I trust him. I trust his opinion because I didn't Lasted either was what do you get? If you don't trust us just go see it for yourself. If you don't like it and you have all the you know, you have all these problems with it. That's fine. Just see it the the even worse than the stupid Tomato Meter is like yeah. I read the summary sounds like it's gonna be a real shit show like what you just read a summary of the one you spoiled it for yourself dummy. I know you like spoilers, but it's just like just see I just see it figure out what you think about it something also really important last week. Ryan was posed with the question when he he said that he would literally do anything to be a pilot extra mile in any Star Wars Adventure Jeff Graham pose the question. Would you kill baby Yoda, I hesitated he has a dated thought now there's another pilot in the universe Poe Dameron Oscar Isaac pode Anna Cameron, and we're just going to play the clip. He says I was a little boy. We were on the same wavelength thick and tell this listen I was a little bit love with him until I'm I'm upset. I think you have well now little baby Yoda to become a pilot in the resistance. Okay. Okay a blur and we are not going to have this slander, especially on the you're right on the money. Right. You are Leah. Right, right. I really think about it. I messed up you watched you watched him get taken. Can we just talk about how PBA to Poor Man's R2D2 enough of bb-8 and are like, he's not that cool. No, he's not. He's not going but I mean baby. You're amazing. Not only that has hit Star Wars Galaxies just any sort of sci-fi creature period and that's the period. All right. Let's get into some prediction your AfterBuzz TV. The prediction Christian I know you had some that you spoke to I've spoken to a few. I think that I G11 is on the ship even though I'm not gonna hang him I think will was like, yeah, we're going to need him and maybe he was deactivated and he was hiding somewhere and I think he was able before he got shot to activate him. So I think IG 11 is going to start. He's directing in case that's not enough. I think the rest of the mandalorians are going to come back to help out. I don't know blah. We didn't hope you didn't say but I think Mandel put out the Mando signal and they're there and they're they're ready to have a Mandalorian huddle. I try even if there's no longer be good people logically, he needs to be dead digested for thousands of years in the stomach of the store. Like if one of them is Boba fed, I'm just gonna lose my Geo whee we're gonna be all right. Fam. Yeah, we good. Why is spoken xia? What do you think you calm down? I definitely also thought that I know I you know said this earlier that the other mandalorians might make a might make an appearance in this one to come back because they really are backed into a corner and something has to get them out. Like I said, they're Mando is great. He's good, but I don't know if he's that good with death Troopers and all those Stars Troopers and he likes those odds, but he's outnumbered. He's my little my prediction and Is sorta is taking some context clues into account. There were some awesome trailers for the series and there's one shot my favorite shot that is not popped up yet. Oh every shot hammer. It is the one where Mando exits the door of this room. They are currently stuck in blasters blazing like this and that is so happening next week. I cannot wait for this episode. I think it's going to be a complete shootout. This is like the the climax of your Western of Your Samurai film this is going to be epic. I hope it's a longer than 40 minutes. I really do. It'll be 41 we 41, but I just I think it's going to deliver incredible prediction from Christian bladder over there involving IG 11, but I do think we're going to get maybe some of those bounty hunters. Yeah. I think we're getting the bounty hunters back. I think I've tried to see jet pack on Mando where I can wait a little bit Ahsoka Tano. Can I Your prediction yet, but because this is the penultimate episode who here thinks that we will see Mentos face in the season finale great question. Not me. I don't think so. Yeah, I'm with you stuff. I don't think so. We're not seeing an ounce of Flesh, you know, if you do it, you know what I think is helmet like you can't even like see and I we're talking about Captain phasma before the show honesty. See her eye. I don't think that that would happen with best car. No, I don't I yeah, like even if I saw hand I'd be like, yes. Yes, I think sorry you think you think Mom Gideon's going to be like I shoot baby Odo or you take the helmet off and there's no no, I don't think he cares that much. His helmet is on. Yeah. You're probably right. I mean like yeah. On your wall Just Go With It. Yeah, sometimes a good at hunting hunting hot taking the chat Jenna James baby. Yoda is a Sith Lord Jenna. Okay. We know Jenna from joining us. I give it to you very interesting Theory. All right, we do have to wrap. I'm just Really looking forward to the finale and we will make sure to social out when we are going live with that. Yes until next time. We're happy holidays first and foremost, but Christian, where can I find you in your Christmas sweater? Happy life day everyone. You can find me on Twitter and Instagram at Christian DMZ and tomorrow Thursday. You can see on the popcorn Talk network at 1:30 Pacific myself, Zia our co-host Zach Wilson and the Gang from DC movie news. Over on popcorn top for the big holiday crossover Marvel DC Christmas special I guess is a holiday special like a special. Let's just say so I make sure you tune in for that. Yeah, I'll be there for that and you can also you can and I'll be there for that. Brian will be there for that in the booth right? Where can I find is it Instagram @ Z underscore land? It's Xiao underscore land and I've got it's so awesome. Mary Smith this I will be there tomorrow. That's 1:30 p.m. For that DC Marvel crossover. It's gonna be awesome Adam gertler Roxy stryer Zach Wilson Z Anderson Christian black and you can find stuffs her bra a myself tomorrow 4 p.m. Popcorn talk for Star Wars news talking rise of Skywalker and Mandalorian a try Nelson at rhinos understory. Yes, I'm stuffs her bra. You can find me at steps or on Instagram and Twitter until next time May the force be with you happy holiday. We have spoken. We have spoken our founder Keven undergaro Oh and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup buzz you later. You've expressed herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners our principal.
Steph Sabraw (@stephsabraw), Ryan Nilsen (@rynilsen), Xia Anderson (@xia_land) & Christian Bladt (@cristianDMZ) break down “The Reckoning”. Episode Synopsis below (spoilers) The Mandalorian receives a message from Greef Karga. Karga’s town has been overrun by Imperial troops led by the Client, who is desperate to recover the Child. Karga proposes that the Mandalorian use the Child as bait in order to kill the Client and free the town. In return, Karga will square things with the Guild, which would allow the Mandalorian and the Child to live in peace. Sensing a trap, the Mandalorian recruits Cara Dune and Kuiil the Ugnaught to assist him. Kuill has also rebuilt and reprogrammed IG-11, and the group journeys to Nevarro. Upon arrival they meet Karga and his associates, but en route to the town are attacked by Mynocks. Karga is injured but the Child uses the force to heal his wound. In return, Karga shoots his associates and explains his original plan to kill the Mandalorian and take the Child to the Client. The group formulates a new plan: Karga will pretend that Dune captured the Mandalorian, and all three will enter the town to meet the Client. Meanwhile, Kuiil will return the Child to the ship. During the meeting, the Client receives a call from Moff Gideon, whose troops surround the building and open fire, killing the Client. Gideon arrives and boasts that the Child will soon be in his possession. In the desert outside town, scout troopers track and kill Kuiil and kidnap the Child. Disney takes us to the deepest depths of a galaxy far far away, and we’re here to talk about it in THE AFTERBUZZ TV THE MANDALORIAN AFTER SHOW PODCAST. Set after the stories of Boba and Jango Fett, The Mandalorian follows an unnamed bounty hunter in the outer reaches of the galaxy and away from the New Republic, capturing targets and collecting his rewards. Tune in as our hosts breakdown each episode of the new series! About The Mandalorian: After the stories of Jango and Boba Fett, another warrior emerges in the Star Wars universe. The Mandalorian is set after the fall of the empire and before the emergence of the first order. The series depicts a lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy far from the authority of the New Republic.
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The extra point four seconds left takes its helmet off going to remember this night for the rest of his life. Very sad scene Elijah more kept piss on the field. Everybody knows you can't be on the field, but it was an electric one. Football games yesterday. Okay. Buffalo Bills get a win banner and Jerry world what I've been told the restaurant great stutter. I was getting ready for the game. But I watch the highlights here this evening get ready for our live show today at 10:00 to noon sales still happening. Shout out to the shouts of the Bears, you know, shout out to the pears are Mitchell true Biscay finding a way to win in Detroit Detroit the plow. Is one of the only quarterbacks in the entire league this year to throw to tatars and have over a hundred and fifty yards in the first quarter him Lamar Jackson Patrick Mahomes Drew, Drew Brees and Aaron Rodgers. That's the plow for you and the plow had had to leave half time, I believe and then the power went out in the building in the Brothers Osborne couldn't even perform. A lot of people said that may be screwed the entire. The city all of a sudden the Bears in the second half comeback and win it they tried their best. They tried their best to let plow come back. They almost gave plow too much time. Everybody knows he can't get plowed too much time. They almost did that instead the Bears get a big win with a sack good for them good for the bears bear and the Saints beat the Falcons, even though young Hoku was just nailing onside kick after onside kick after onside kick Miss cupcakes in game complete a couple. Onside kicks sounds like the internet loves you. I assume young Hoku will look back at the missed field goals and be upset about it. But hey a couple onside kicks hit perfectly. I love everything about that for the brand wasn't a great for the brand day yesterday all in all but I love that young Hoku. Topped it off with a couple heaters there any onside kick Department. We got a good one for you today. This show is brought to you by seek our presenting sponsor the greatest ticket-buying platform on planet Earth and the moon if you're going to buy tickets to a sporting event. Concert comedy may be a musician you need to go to seek if it's a live event. You have to go to seek to buy your tickets because they scan all the other ticket buying platforms and make sure you're getting the best bang for your buck the best Ticket available at the best price available is available for you the best human on earth because you're shopping with secret now use promo code Pat you get $10 off your first order. Wow, that's crazy. I know but wait till you hear this shit use promo code McAfee $20 off your first order that's insane your library living go live and experience something live. Perfect Christmas gift or Hanukkah gift or Kwanzaa gift or whatever the fuck else you celebrate ladies and gentlemen could shit coming joining us now is a man who's been on the show before and has been electric a man who's a part of a defense that has been absolutely dominant a two-time two-time Super Bowl champion. Looks like he has a very fresh Fade with a fresh beard and I think I heard a baby ladies and gentlemen Calvin. There we go. I like it baby. Let me in. It's Daddy Day Care today. I got my son. We're hanging out. It's Tuesday. So it's the update were vibing. What is the your son's name Trey legend. That is one of my favorite names I've ever heard in my entire life. I might change. I want to name my kid - S or Maximus or doctor or a lot of things doctor you speak it into existence Pat you're on you're on the right track. Dr. Legend mackesy would be a hell of a name. Mr. Van Noy. Okay. Let's talk about your Patriots team. You guys have been dominant on the defensive side of the ball and special teams. The offense is still finding their groove what has been the message inside the locker room. Is it just win? However, we need to win or Defense like yeah, we know that the offense hasn't found it yet. They will at some point. Let's just keep doing her thing. Yeah, I think you you said it right there. It's find a way to win. It doesn't matter in our organization. We believe that at the end of the day stats don't really matter. All that matters is a w and that column and that's what we strive for each and every week offense is getting better each and every week. The defense is holding strong. The Special Teams is holding strong. Ang we know Tom Brady's the goat. We know he's gonna get those guys going we're just going to continue to keep doing our part. I mean anytime you got have guys like Hightower Jamie Collins myself and then our boy who's the best corner in the league Stephon Gilmore who's playing out of his mind. We're blessed to be in the position where in and we hope to continue that path to Greatness. He had more receptions in a Martin Cooper this past. It was the was the mindset now granted the Patriots had Rivas in the past two worlds the same thing like hey, we'll just let him take care of a guy is the mindset like Stephon Gilmore is going to eliminate their best guy. We just know that I know every every week. I just put an X through that receiver or I shouldn't say an egg. So I just put a lock around them Gilly lock a man. He's playing really well and you know anytime you have a Player like that who doesn't speak it's insane. But I feel like I get the I get the most out of them. He he definitely talks a lot to me. So that's good. But I'm happy. He's on our team. He's playing really really damn good football. I mean dang good football. You just say damn. You just can't say the shoot the this is by the way, the FCC rules make zero sense makes no sense me 2019. You can't say It's also things that don't make sense to me is Matthew Slater that guy somehow is around the ball at all times when it comes to special teams. What is he like in that locker room great leader and even better person to me. I think he deserves a golden jacket. I called him. I call him gold jacket either. I think he's one of the best teammates leaders. There are in the NFL. I mean his Charisma and his willing to sacrifice for the greater good of the team. Each and every week is amazing. You should see his speeches. They're pretty epic. They're up there with yours. When's he doing? What's he doing after the game in the locker room? Yeah after the game and he says some insightful well received message after the game each and every game doesn't matter if we win or lose his perspective on life. If is unreal and unmatched and I'm really glad I get to learn from him each and every day. He's impressive human. Wow, so he's just as good off the field as he is on it because he changes the game and special teams. Yeah, he's back. He's I would say he's better off. I mean the magnitude him and his wife do in the community his relationship with the man upstairs and him preaching Christianity is amazing. I then I haven't met anybody like him really good human pretty Season for him coming up by the way a birthday around the corner for the old Jesus. Yeah speaking of you guys now. It's post-thanksgiving almost Bill Belichick has said that his team's need to be humming post-thanksgiving. What can you guys fix the become even better? You know, well football after Thanksgiving is real football. He's been good on his team. I've only seen a couple Clips with him. I haven't got a chance to watch the entire thing. He's hosting a show on NFL Network. You guys watch that. No, but he raved about it. He said that he did a lot of research a lot of you know, he said it was an amazing one of the most memorable opportunities. He's had in a while of being able Go back and look through players and talk nicely about players. And he really he really in said he enjoyed it and I'm excited to look at I haven't had time to obviously but you know when I get the chance I want I want to see if I make that list. Well, I think I think the thing it's a lot of old heads picking the People by the way, so I think there might be a little bit of a bias towards your generator. We talked to Tony Dungy in the first hour. He's a part of the panel that put it together. He talked about Bill polian. I in here any other names but I'm assuming it's going to be a lot of old heads making decisions as it showed by the way, they've earned the right to do that, but there could be a little bit of generational bias will see how that works getting a chance you get a chance to hear about check speak on a daily basis for a lot of us. The only time we hear him speak is in that press conference. So getting a chance to watch the clips of him like breaking down things. You're like damn this guy really is everything that we've heard about him. Yeah. He's definitely a football survive any time. He's teaching your definitely I'm definitely listening and taking notes, I mean hopefully I can get my popcorn or team when I'm done playing ready to roll send them fundamental footballs are going to get right and you know, I'm going to be saying a lot of the things bill says and you know, it sticks in your head, especially I think last on the last episode when I was on with you you're out in the middle of the game and you're you're sitting out there like damn he just went over that two days ago and it's happening in the game and you know, Oh, it's a blessing to play for him and learn from him and I'm just excited to continue this path to where we're going and where we want to be. Yeah, I can fathom that you guys feel that train starting to roll especially without dominant. The defense has been it's like in the do your job segment where they talked about that two-point conversion where he talked about it like a month before and he was like, hey, let's get some work on two-point conversions. We might need it. Some point O to win the Super Bowl is when actually we need that. Yeah. It makes no sense to me makes no sense. Have you ever met that? Early Adams guy? Is that his name? Yeah, Ernie. I miss the RoboCop. You always got them big old guys looking fire boy. He's always looking fire on the sidelines whenever you see em doesn't doesn't say much but man is he just full of knowledge? I mean, he knows every rule every situation and he teaches, you know, if you go up to him he'll spit, you know to some people, you know to the normal person. It sounds like Spanish if you don't speak Spanish, But if you're a football guy and your football IQs up there, he'll break it down to where it's football 101 and he's a really good teacher. I'm glad I get to chitchat with him each and every day. He definitely has helped me out with a lot of situations. Okay has Ernie Adam seen anything like Lamar Jackson last night. I don't know if you got a chance to watch. Yeah last night. He's bawling bro falling and you guys obviously had a little bit of a struggle with him. An anomaly right now that has been different than anything. I think I've ever seen in the league. Yeah. Why is that? I think he's he's bringing a whole different swag to football. I mean you can see him. I love his attitude. I mean after a yeah, the little dance. Yeah, I mean from little things like when I think they had a false start penalty. He threw the ball in the dirt because he won't he's chasing. He's chasing greatness and I was a player I respect that because you know, you want you want that on the other side. When I line up, you know, I want I want to beat you and he's trying to do the same and I love that intensity. He brings he's bringing a whole different feel to the NFL and I'm happy for him. He's giving kids a chance. Yeah. I think it's awesome. I think that conversation he had with hard bondage Sidelines and something that's going to be accurate for a long time. You see, you know, how many kids are going to wear the number eight and play quarterback because of you going forward. He's completely changed the game now human that has changed the game is obviously We Bill Belichick now, you guys didn't have success with him against him. The first time I said, let's assume if any coach will be able to figure something out after playing somebody one time going forward to next time. They potentially I don't know. It's going to be Bill Belichick. What is something that you have? No, you don't have to give away anything. I'm sure you guys haven't talked about it yet. But what is something that he exposes in a defense that nobody thinks about until it's game time is and how fast he is. You can't tell how fast he is on film or what exactly is it? Well, it's just This is guarding an extra person. He's an extra. You know, he's not only a good quarterback, but he's an extra running back in the Run game and it's hard to account for that because that's an extra person. So, you know when they're running that speed option with the extra puller and a block full back out. So you have to defend that plus he can keep it or pitch. It's it's a tough deal and you got to be on your You got to be on your A-game and you know, unfortunately, we weren't that night and hopefully will will be the next time if we see them down the road, but I'm going to say the Bill Belichick answer. We're focused on the text and save your game against the Cowboys was the highest rated game since 2007. The NFL has had I mean long do you figure about that? It's kind of crazy, right? Yeah. It's insane. I think that's what happens when you have the Patriots Bill Belichick. Tom Brady Calvin noise taking on America's team Jerry Jones, which has been very hit-or-miss all year. I think that's why people were intrigued by it. Yeah. We're the nightmare now America's nightmare baby. Hey, there was a couple Phantom tripping calls there that you guys will definitely take to the bank and not care about but the NFL had to apologize for yeah, but there is also holding calls to so Okay, DeShaun Watson coming up the Texans. The ball was out at the end of the game. You'll see that on film dear son to knock the ball out of his clearly sitting in his hands the ref didn't overturn. It was you'll see it on film. I'm sure you've already seen yeah, what do you see in it? Yeah, the ball was out. I mean coach coach the got the ballpark would walk down the field scored touchdown game winner. No big deal. No big deal. Yeah. What have you seen from the Texans and what are you guys looking forward to do? I'm looking for the matchup between between Gilly lock and d-hop that's going to be amazing. I think you know our defense is versus the Sean and a good task for our special teams and their offensive ly going against their defense. It's going to be a really good game Sunday night. I mean hot damn I love Sunday night baby. Is there anything to that talks about how the Ravens they seem like they enjoy those Prime Time games. There's some players. That you've met him. You've seen them that whenever the lights come on everything kind of gets a little deer in the headlights. It feels like Primetime. Is that something that happens every week for the Patriots? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's a blessing to be on TV for the family. That's for sure. My family doesn't get too many games. So it's blessing that they're able to see all the way on the west coast. So I'm always excited to play on prime time for them to try to make a play for my mom and my dad and you know, honestly it for um players. I mean, I think you know when you're Tom every game is his prime time and that's kind of how our team roles we kind of take that feel for from Tom Brady every games prime time. We know everyone's watching everyone's paying attention to what we're doing. So, I don't think we'll have a different approach. But you know, I love playing on Sunday night. Did Chris Collinsworth Juiced up, you know his little sliding intro, you know. We got to get in Cris Collinsworth and Bill Belichick her now co-host of a show together. It's going to be interesting to hear what he has to say. I bet you he's gonna be saying, you know, when I was talking to Belichick down in the NFL all the times, he told me that it's going to become an entire. Let's give it time entire cell. You guys are so fun to watch. Hey quick question about life going forward here before I let you go and enjoy your day. Will you let tray Legend Vannoy play football? Whoo, if that's what he wants to do, man. I can't I can't hold them back. Okay, I believe in that is if your kid wants to do something. I don't see why not. I have a quick question for you go on. How is exciting is it to get such good responses from the mass of the Nation about your college football entry, bro? You're killing it. I gotta I gotta say it. So I'm happy for you. You're doing a really good job on it. You still in it? That means a lot. And by the way, a lot of people have been saying a lot of very nice things boy. There's some people that say some very terrible things. Bug, maybe there's something haters out there. You know, that's why that's why they are where they're at. And that's why you were you're at so you're doing good. Well, I appreciate that. I'm having a lot of fun to thing about it is everybody scared to mess me up. Right? So I don't want to ever compare myself to Lamar Jackson as a human but I am an anomaly in this sports broadcasting world, right? So yeah everywhere I go all they ever say to me WWE. Does this ESPN's been doing this the zone and Westwood one of them? We just want you to be you. You I'm like, okay, you said it? I mean I'm going to do it. So if I'm on fire, oh, yeah, so tight it is it is it at some point I assume it's going to change but at this point it's like what the hell all can we do before I get yelled at that's kind of where I know. It's just keep jumping in lakes and rivers so Milady and I ran some vitamins last night and that video popped up again on her I think on her thing, and she said did you even think that like that? The been a foot and a half deep like you couldn't see through that they're going to Ben rocks or sticks or anything like that. I was like, you know what funny I hadn't thought of that until right now. They're gonna pin a log underneath that thing just sticking right up. I could have been Peter straight in the face and I know not even a thought of that and by the way ignorance is bliss I'm a very dumb individual. It's been helping me this whole time. Hey keep on baby you're doing really well. And and by the way, they did you did you get some love with another suit. I mean was your tailor? Sure, they're around giving you another suit. How did that work? No, I had to walk like a mile back to the studio. By the way, they had a couple of towels for me, but I couldn't put the towel because any looks soft. You know what I mean? It looks soft walking through other people. So I put shorts on the thing was I don't normally wear cowboy boots, but in that water couldn't get the boots off of the feet took me 15 minutes to get the anchors off of my thing. It was a bad scene over there man. Almost broken. Ankle. Did you almost think that thing where you help huh? Oh, yeah. So what they told me it was eight feet. First of all, I was told by the captain of the Pontoon there was eight feet. Okay. So when I jump in you see me start doing this because I knew that my boots were going to start being an anchor. So I'm like, oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God, and then my feet hit the ground and I'm like wait a minute and I stand up and it's like right here. I'm like all of this was not a this was very low. Yeah, I could have died. There would have been a legendary. You can't trust that. You can't trust that Captain no more. He should be fired. They call it sailgating down there, which is a pretty cool thing. They have all their pontoon boats out in the river and they Just get after it on the Brazos River. I think it's a pretty good idea. I assume there's going to be more belly flops in a future down there. That's what's up. Hey Pat, I got to go. I got to go. Shoot my vibe want the van noise on YouTube right now. So I gotta go. I'm much-loved. Hey great. Well great. Then what is vibing with the noise? It's my YouTube channel. So what I do is I bring teammates. I'm a big food person we go to Mom pawn shops in Boston, and we basically shout them out because I feel like chefs and owners are just like football players people can talk trash about us. We never can say anything back there the same way people can give them Stars say their food sucks and they never get to say anything. So I give them a platform to be able to speak. All right. Well check out vibing with the fan noise. Can't wait to watch you this weekend sound guy Fury. I'm coming baby. I'll see you ladies and gentlemen Tom Super Bowl champ vibing with the van noise. If you've been thinking about your home security, there's no better time to get it done right now because right now Simply Safe home security is giving listeners of this show the most amazing exclusive Black Friday offer this week Simply Safe as offering listeners. Are this show a huge exclusive deal for Black Friday 25% off any new system plus a free HD security camera. 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That's 25% off at Simply / McAfee Simply / McAfee back to the show being joined by an absolute Legend a Super Bowl champion. A man whose brain is just as big as his heart. He runs the All Pro Dad organization, which helps men. Come true leaders of their family. He was in Indianapolis for a long time Tampa Bay for a long time. He was a stealer now, you can see him on football night in America on NBC. He was also a part of the Blue Ribbon panel which selected the NFL all-time team which continues this evening our Friday evening at 8 p.m. Eastern on the phone network with Rich Eisen Cris Collinsworth and Bill Belichick. Ladies and gentlemen, Tony Dungy. Police say that coach. How's it going? How's life? How is everything in the coach Dungy World? Well, I'm doing well. We just landed in Atlanta where actually broadcasting the game Thursday night Thanksgiving game Falcons and Saints so fired up and having fun. Well, I think you do a great job on television because not only do you have an incredible resume but your ability to break down nuances of things is a lot of fun to watch speaking of breaking things down that blue ribbon team that our panel that had to decide the Well all-time team, how was that whole process who else was in there? And I'm sure you enjoyed the hell out of that in my right. It was a lot of fun. It was challenging though because you're trying to compare people from different eras or statistics are the same don't mean as much, you know, you've got to figure out who was dominant in their era and compare them to who was dominant today. Great to be on with some wonderful people Bill polian, obviously, you know, well Bill Belichick, Was amazing during the whole process a great historian. I think you're saying some of his personality come out on these show. A lot of the writers have been covering the league for years, but it was it was difficult trying to go across generations and compare people that's always the conversation between Jordan and LeBron and players from the past and players have now is like well if Jordan had the same training and technique practice at the guys have now well how much better would he be in for the guise of today going back to then? Well, if a guy was 6 foot 350 pounds. Let's assume he would have been a dominant defensive tackle back then too. It is very difficult to do that. Yeah, and you look at like Don Hudson who, you know caught a thousand yards worth of passes when the rest of the receiving Corps in the league was averaging 250 yards or 300. How do you compare that to what Jerry Rice did and his era and those are the conversations we had it was pretty incredible. Well, I think you guys have done a great job thus far. I'm enjoying that show because in you don't get a chance to see Bill Belichick act in a way that he's acting in this he's breaking things down from the history of the game. You know, you're talking about a guy who's had the most success in the history of coaching football to listen to him be a host of a show has been fantastic. Let's pivot now at what point do you put Lamar Jackson on the NFL's all-time team? Is that a now or is that next week Robert Griffin the third doing the same thing. If you remember he came into the league by storm was making these 70-yard runs and just how do you do? And that and Lamar is plan outstanding. He's playing fantastic, but let's let him stay healthy number one and then number two but these Pearl coaches. Here's what I think is going to happen, you know, Pat how normally in the spring college coaches come to visit your OTAs and get ideas on how to do things and play you're going to see all these defensive coaches go visit Alabama and visit Auburn and visit Clemson and How do you guys defend these readouts and how do you defend the rpos? You're going to see a different set of defense's next year? Because the Ravens have taken Everyone by surprise with this offense that is what happened to RG3 and what happened to the Wildcat, but I assume Michael Vick had a long run they're of success. How do you stop something that is almost very difficult to prepare for because it feels like Lamar Jackson can go off script and when somebody goes off-script and can make a lot of plays that's hard to prepare for right because you're training and Missing for if this then this but with Lamar It's a complete different animal. Am I wrong then you are absolutely right. It's like playing against Barry Sanders you do everything right? You have a guy in position to make the play he can't make the play because he's not a good enough athlete and then Lamar goes 40 yards with something that you had technically played right so that that's the problem with him. And the other thing I didn't think he would be able to do this quickly is throw the ball. So well, so accurately and with so much Poise from the The pocket I expected to see these runs and him making plays but now you leave people open because you're crowding the line of scrimmage. He's hitting them at about 90% That's incredible. It is something to Marvel at every time he steps on the field. He's made the game very exciting to watch and on the flip side of last night's game. This LA Rams team looks completely dead don't I I mean coach they look bad. What is the big difference from last year whenever they were in the Super Bowl now granted they didn't perform great and they might have got away with one in passing. The answer in New Orleans, but last year they took the World by storm this year. It seems like they're just one big dud coach what can happen in 365 days at to have that big of a change in a team. They have lost their mojo on offense and I really think it starts with Todd Gurley. That was the the hammer that they had you had to kind of defend him like you defend Lamar. We got to commit everything we've got and stop the run and that opened up some easy throwing lines. Well now they're not getting that and jerk-off has to to create those. Those passing plays and it just hasn't happened so far. So I think they've got to get their offense going again and get specifically that run game. I think they're done for I don't like to have don't sleep on the Niners. Now this I don't think this game is going to be a 21-point game next week. I'm looking forward to seeing that because those there are some athletes on that 49ers defense you love that. Don't you love defense you love good defense. I think the 49ers team I didn't give them enough respect. To credit early because they hadn't played anybody then they should have beat the Seahawks if you make another kick and they've had a couple of big wins, but this Ravens team, I think the Niners defense really feasts on teams that don't have good offensive lines. This Baltimore Ravens offense of line seems to be legit. You see things differently. No, they are they this is going to be a great matchup because you've got a tremendous offensive line going against all those number one draft choice defensive lineman. I think people if you love football you're going to love to see this now the thing I think believe it or not. Give San Francisco a chance this Monday night on the west coast coming back losing a day. They're going to have to get that energy back. There are a young team and I think they will but the 49ers have a day advantage on them that is a bit that's big travel to I mean, they have it at home though, I believe which is good for them. And it's tough to bring it back until early this morning and now you've got to kind of rest up and try to get going so and then San Francisco gives you a lot of problems to prepare. Their offense would Kettle back they're able to run the ball. Now. It's going to be it's going to be a great game. I think I think so, too. I'm excited for it. Those are my top two teams right now. My number three team and I think I only have on there because of how dominant their defense has been and their special teams, but their offense hasn't been able to click just yet. I assume they'll be able to figure out by the playoffs Rex Ryan said, I would love to coach against this New England Patriots team now granted. I don't think he's paying enough credit to the defense or to their special teams, but do you think's going on in New England on that offensive side of the ball? Is it a lack of a weapon? And do you think they'll get it figured out by the time whenever it all he really starts the matter. No, I think this is what they're going to be. They lost their Center this struggle their left tackles been in and out. They don't have big play receivers. This is the team and they won a Super Bowl back in 2000. I want to say 2001 and 2003 just like this with a running game and great defense opportunistic special team. They know Play that way and you know Peyton Manning won a Super Bowl in Denver that way with great defense good running game and timely passes. I think that's what you're going to see home Phil if they can keep home field advantage now if they lose another game and they have to go back to Baltimore. I don't think there's any way in the world they went in Baltimore, but if they get Baltimore up there in New England that got a chance, how big is home field advantage for the defensive side of the ball. Oh, it's huge when the other team has to go on a silence napkin. Count is that that creates a lot of advantage for your defensive line weather condition for New England? They know how to play in that sloppy when the weather and just being at home resting up having your fans there the energy you get from them, you know our Super Bowl year. We got down 21:3 if you're on the road that's hard to come back from but when you have your crowd behind you in energy, it makes a big difference. Okay, so big news. This weekend for Euro your school University of Minnesota College GameDay will be traveling to Minnesota coach. What are they in store for and how excited are you that the Gophers are all the way back Sky Yuma. Well first time ever for College GameDay to be there. I think that's awesome. I've been following the team that energy in the city and on campus has been up all year. The Penn State game was was phenomenal. And for those that don't know this Minnesota was Wisconsin game played for Paul Bunyan's axe. It's huge every year no matter what the records are. But now with the chance to make some big noise. It's going to be a great Saturday Coach BJ Fleck. He is an interesting guy man. I got a chance to chat with them. He makes me want to run through a wall. Have you gotten a chance to get them and chat with them at all, you would yeah, you would love to play for him and you'd be his type of guy who would dive into a river for him. But now he's done a great job getting the excitement level up recruiting well and not only that but coaching. Well, they are a well-coached team. So I'm really in coach Flex corner and then he's done a fantastic job. All right coach before we let you go. I assume you're very busy man. What was it like to coach Peyton Manning was that a pain in the ass or was it awesome? It was awesome. But you had to be prepared because every day he was going to come in with questions. Can we do this? Why don't we do that? I'd like to do things this way and you better have have answers and they better be good answers. But once you did answer him, then he was going to be a hundred miles an hour for you. He was going to be the leader of the guy who pushed everybody else and he was a joy to coach he was tremendous and just I have so much love and respect for him. Unbelievable. Well coach I think he would say the same exact thing about you. I didn't get a chance to play for you but your words and your wisdom resonated through the building Pastor time there. I enjoy watching you and Rodney and too. Go Sims and Florio every Sunday night. I think you do a great job and that NFL all-time team at 8 o'clock Eastern on NFL Network that you helped select has been a blast to watch as well coach. I can't thank you enough boss. Hey, thank Pat great to be on with you and would love to chat with you again. By the way, I don't you do it. Did you do the kickers and punters of the all-time team as well? Well, you know hard to really get a grasp on because you had some kickers who like Johnston the route who are kicking it 60% when everybody else was kicking at 40% Sent what does that mean? You know and how good was he when no one practice special team? So those are the kind of things that coach Belichick brought up that you had to take into consideration. He wasn't even trying that coach Dungy ladies and gentleman. Thank you so much Hall of Famer. Thank you. Really excited to tell you about our new sponsor here. I just learned about here within the last day and I cannot wait to utilize it. We all have shit in her house that we need to get rid of. I think it's time that we sell it. I think it's time that you make money off of the things that you have laying around your house that you can put on an app put a description in put it up for sale ship it out whammy you get paid and clear some space? There's an app called macari mer see a RI in their messages this Black Friday small business Saturday Cyber Monday all made up days to get you to buy stuff. But have you heard of the sell your shit Sunday? It's a day to sell your stuff that you don't use anymore created by our friends at macari Makar is the selling app that makes it fast and easy to sell almost anything. You just take a few pictures add a description and boom your item is listed. You're the hero in this whole thing. You're helping somebody else out. Somebody's looking for what you have laying around in your house right now. You just have to take a couple pictures post them on the app and bang you get a chance to ship that somebody make their day make some money. It's a win-win all thanks to our friends at Merck re-downloading macari app. And so your shit today the day may be made up but the money is real that smirk REM ER C. AR. I download the app sell. Shit get paid make somebody else's life be a hero today. Take care of yourself. Sell some shit on sell your shit Sunday with our friends at Mercury mer CA are I go unsaid sell some stuff and make some money off of it. Did you ever play on Thanksgiving I did. Well was that any different? It's a short week plan against the Pittsburgh Steelers playing it's a HomeTown team biggest turkey Bowl in the history of Turkey Bowl is primetime television in Indianapolis, Indiana that morning. We have a walkthrough with our special teams coach had a couple practices the day before, you know, it's a short week you don't get to work on much on a piece of paper that was ratted and tattered and torn apart. He starts drawing X's and O's about a fake that he wants to run tonight because he saw something. On film Tom McMahon says Eric Swope. You're here. You're going to run a drag route across you're going to release Clayton gathers your the pp. You're going to want to run a wheel route on the backside Pat you either throw it to Swope if he's open or if not, you close your eyes and throw it as far as you can back here for the wheel route of Clayton gathers rolling out of the backfield. I was like sounds good never in a million years were thought that a fake that was drawn up day of the game would get called because fakes don't ever get caught. Anyways, I get in the warm-ups. I start slinging the rock around and Warm-ups like I do every single week. I used to play catch with a lot of people like to showcase the arm a little bit just so the other team has to fear it a little bit so they don't bring as much pressure on the punt. Chuck Pagano comes out to me while he sees me slinging. It has thrown a pretty good today. I was like, oh, yeah everyday Chuck goes. Okay good. I like what Tom just showed me. I was like, oh my are we gonna run this thing? Then we get out there. The first one were backed up got upon it Antonio Browns returning damn it. Fair catch next one. We go out there fourth and six in the pooch territory. And as I'm jogging on the field, I see Tomic Man's eyes are huge and he's like water I'm like, we're down 14-zip already. I assume that the Steelers think this is going to happen fourth and six in a pooch territory up 14. I'm like, let's do it. I get to snap. I roll to the right Eric Swope used to play basketball at the University of Miami releases. I roll to the right they drop into a punt safe mode where I have to read the safety who's coming crashing down deliver a dime to Eric Swope who gets extra yards and gets tackled ultimately by Antonio Brown. That's a shame thought we were going to score a touchdown there doesn't matter because we did a couple plays later then on Monday after that whole thing happened. I hit the billionaire strut. Obviously Mike Tomlin hits one back to me for the next kick off Darius Hayward bait was on the other teams giving me a round of applause. I'm like, thank you boys. Thank you boys. They go on to win by 30. Those are the only points we score on Monday. I get called in a gregson's office and find we are now being joined by a man whose Super Bowl champion a two-time pro bowler spent 11 years in the NFL mostly with the Saints once a University of Alabama wrote a ladies and gentlemen From Paris With Love Roman harp. Thank you guys. Thank you. Thank you. Hey bonjour CA value over there and we will and you oui oui oui oui bonjour. What you doing stopping by the Louvre taking some pictures with that thing and I like to take pictures with. Yeah. I actually did. Take what you have to have the flash off. That's the big thing. You've somehow another flash messes up the painting. I don't really get that but whatever. Yeah, it's been pretty cool. Also noticed something my neighbor in North Carolina actually there in Paris as well. And she pointed something out to me that I have no idea French men have very narrow shoulders. So now I can't stop looking around here. It's so true. You got some Thin dudes ready to quit in war and Epiphany moment. All right, look we got more because I know they are like defeated that's shout to the French. They've brought us a lot of great things but also have a lot of terrible things in their past and being cowards. Now, let's move forward the New Orleans Saints right now at Team near and dear to your heart. You want a Super Bowl with they are getting hot and Michael Thomas A lot of people are saying best player in football right now. Do you feel the same way? It's really hard to argue against it because everybody knows he's going to get get the ball and he still finds a way to get ten catches every game like somehow or another he still getting 10 to 12 13 catches a hundred and forty hundred some yards every game we can tweak out and he's facing the best defensive guys that they have they're double-teaming. They're doing whatever it is and Sean Payton Drew Brees and those guys are finding different ways to get creative to get Michael Thomas the ball and this guy is a beast on the field. He plays hard. He is attacking the ball all the time. And now they not put his run after the catch is something sneaky that we don't give them enough credit for because he does Then just go down. He plays with Attitude all the time as a safety what he now when people talk about double coverage in your kind of watching it and everybody's like, well, it doesn't look like there's two people on them. It's always like a shade over the top, right it can you explain why the double team in the NFL looks like so double teaming the NFL's look we're gonna have a corner play inside and underneath and then the safety is going to be over the top for anything going deeper over over the corners head. So that's how you kind of take it away or you can do a slice technique with your You be the the nickel or the corner being shaded outside. So he's outside and high over the top and then I got an inside say safety coming down late to take away the inside and underneath routes. So that could be another double team or I know one time we got creative in the Red Zone against Calvin Johnson. We just said bump it. We're just going to double Jammer Vice and we just put two people right in front of him at the line of scrimmage and then it that right. There is the ultimate double team coverage when you just buy them two guys just like Jammers and say, We're gonna get this guy. And now the quarterback doesn't even look is what okay, so whenever you have four eyes on a guy like Michael Thomas at all times, it sounds like how is he still getting 130? Is that good offensive? Rhombi Sean Payton, or is that strictly Michael Thomas and Drew Brees being on the same page? It's got to be both of those things. First of all, you know, when you got Dad's Dublin, that means they're trying to take him away, but I think I think this thanks to a great job of putting Michael Thomas in the slot position where it's harder to double guys, or will if you do WI To show it right away. So now that allows you to show your hand as a defense and offense Lee I kind of gives you an advantage for Drew because that's what they like to do. They like to run a lot of empty sets you to put album Camaro on the same side with Michael Thomas and really kind of make defense has kind of show their hand because that's what teams are trying to take away when you're playing the New Orleans Saints are those two guys. So when you start doing that that allows for people like Jared Cook, they're all of a sudden now, he's coming alive and other things like that. And then now if you're not doubling these guys now I know exactly where I want to go to the ball and one on one. Nobody's covering Michael Thomas right now. So Drew's very confident with all the ball to him. I think I'm that. He never dropped the ball and Drew's not act and inaccurate throwing it to him. His catch percentage is unreal when actually targeted. Okay. So by the way, thanks for breaking down how much smaller house tomorrow night little keep this in perspective. You know what I mean? It's just a little bit. Well, if you can give us some some perspective on the rivalry, that's the Saints Falcons that goes on tomorrow night the Falcons just a couple weeks ago. I mean came in to a buzz. I saw in the Superdome against a hot Drew Brees a hot Michael Thomas it made him look bad. Is that just a rivalry game a off game? What should people expect tomorrow night? Thanks Falcons. I think the Saints really neat this as a bounce-back. Not only that but the 49ers are not losing right now. So in thanks Mom. They're trying to get to the one seat. They're trying to get home field advantage. This game is bigger than just the normal Atlanta saying versus Saints rivalry game, which it will be ratcheted up a little bit because of that but playoff implications are really big. The Saints and now that land of thousands are playing spoilers. I thought they were going to continue on this trend of playing well, but then they get smacked by Tampa Bay all of a sudden. So who is that land? Are they to real team that showed up the last two weeks versus Carolina and the Saints or what? They saw just this past Sunday. So I'm really looking forward to it. I think the Saints go out there and get this game because I thought the first game they were sleepwalking and just going through. Oh, we'll get it right by the third quarter will get it right by this and then they never got it. Right and you look up Atlanta wins that game. And they got some confidence built in things like that. But now two weeks later, they're kind of right back in the same world of where they were. I think that's what people forget about NFL players because they're in video games and they're all these things is no human so that mindset of all we'll get it right in the side that can really happen. Especially if you're playing against a team that's probably gonna get blown up at the end of the season right and know that that Lana was supposed to be good this I thought they were gonna be a team that was in contention. Oh, yeah that's in the NFC South and now you look up they hadn't won a game all year long. You're facing them. You're like, yeah, we'll just go in Us them up real Cup coming off of a bye week. They were rested like all the things say that you're going to win this game easily and all of a sudden you get blown up and you get beat up there, you know, they sacked Drew four five, six times more than what they had like all year long. It was a crazy game. And so now you look at it. I think the Saints are going to be more prepared to understand exactly what they're going to be getting into. I think Marshawn Lattimore needs to play if he does not play I think Julio Jones and Calvin really have a big gay. So I think Marshawn Lattimore will play a big role in this if he's healthy Enough to go. Yeah, he's a heck of a DB back there. You said that the Niners aren't going to lose. I actually disagree. I think whenever they take on the Ravens, I think they are going to lose strictly because of this now listen to me hear your big defensive guy. You've obviously watched an honors defense be very dominant. It seems like to me with the Cardinals and a couple other the Seahawks if it's a good offensive line with a mobile quarterback that defense can struggle by the way, every defense can struggle with that. But that might be that defense is Kryptonite. Do you think Lamar Jackson in the Ravens have what it takes to go? And and beat the not while they're at home, but beat the Niners in that defense. I do just build because the Ravens are having so much fun. They make me want to go play football. Again. They are having fun. They're winning and the playing with swag. I mean this guy Lamar Jackson is is amazing with what he's doing right now and it's crazy because everybody that doubt him and said he couldn't do these things that he was doing in college. He's kind of doing it meant the NFL and making everybody look. Yes, and it's funny because just because the defensive end. Oh, you know, you're running the option and things like that. I ran some option high school. So the defense Ian has you has the quarterback but when the quarterback is somebody the best athlete on the field, it's a problem because the DN is not the best athlete so you get him in space against a guy like the mar Jackson. He doesn't even stand a chance and then next thing, you know, he's on to the second level third level and he's running by linebackers and safety. So it's just a really hard problem to deal with now that but it's like it's like preparing against Navy right? Like you said, it's an offense that you don't see every week. Offensively, so do not use them to see and these like, you know, having three tight ends sets or running game that straight downhill you so much seeing you see so much more of like spread out and offenses doing now more 11 personnel were Baltimore's going back to old school and things that you're not used to seeing or preparing for defensively makes it so hard to get to get a good grasp of that in just one week. That's such an interesting thought because Bill Belichick was born and raised in the Navy football program that like that's his dad coach there for 40 years. Yes, and even he had problems of them are Jackson. I'll be excited to see if anybody can stop him. You mentioned College. Let's talk about college. Do you still follow college football Roll Tide and all that stuff? I mean, that's the only ball I really follow. I mean the say the inner feeling, you know, NFL teams ain't paying my check my house. No no more bad. Okay, they're currently sitting outside at number five looking in at the college football playoff, but a lot can happen in the SEC. How do you feel about Ojai? State being ranked 1 over LSU Clemson three, Georgia for right now with Bama sitting at five. I think Ohio State's been the best team in Collegeville hydrogen and just when you look at their body work, look this guy Justin Fields is is off-the-chain. He's got a big arm. He's a problem. I don't know look, Alabama. We don't want to face them for real. Our defense isn't good. So I'm a little nervous and we don't have to a lot of different shaky things. I'm kind of nervous and as Alabama fan, I don't know if I can deal with another loss like patrollers are A real is so I might just be happy with going to a bowl game and just win in my bowl game. You know, it's okay. If you don't get enough credit for winning your last game of the year, like that's a big deal in college football. So I think LSU's beat the best amount of teams like the best teams in the NCAA this year, but their defense is what's gonna separate them versus Ohio State who I think that guy Chase young can go out there and win your game himself right now Clemson's really playing. Well, I think they're they're on the way. Right now they're playing at a they're trending in the right direction and then you got Georgia at 4:00, but I think LSU would be George and then that probably will put us back in and organ losing other week really help too because now they got out the way to which you know, that's another thing. I don't think people understand like winning in college is so hard to do week in and week out because you're dealing with 18 19 year-old kids. Somebody might have broken up with their girlfriend. Somebody might be emotional about this like things happen when you're 18 19 years old. Yeah, and you got spool as well. I mean not I mean there's a lot of things That play into it. I mean the girlfriend no, he's weird Alabama. I didn't think about school. That's not the cardale Jones last week and he had that sweet wears. Like we're getting paid to play football not to go to school or whatever and he is actually like a scholar that guy out of nowhere. What now? What happens if you Tha goes undefeated in the Pac-12. Okay, they go undefeated and they don't make it into the top four. What does that say about the college football playoff selection process and everything like that. Goes back 12 by all accounts is one of the biggest conferences in all football. This team could run the table win it and still be outside looking in on a couple one-loss teams that have made it in. What do you think? That is? Well, I think the big thing is you have to you have to win to get in like you can't lose games in the Pac-12 like you just can't do it and Utah lost one early that's going to seems like he's going to come back to haunt him that's on and I know they're running the table in the Pac-12, but the loss early hurt them the same way it kind of of you know it really so Alabama you look at it because everybody will talk about Alabama's strength of schedule. It is weak but it's also because everybody in the SEC West has gotten terrible. All right, and the one time you know, you got Tennessee on the on the East they've got they've often been terrible. So you really can't control who you're playing and then outside of the other teams that you know, you can't and not everybody wants to schedule Alabama. You can't it's hard to schedule games, you know out of conference games against Alabama as well because people just don't line up to play them. So you do this so you look, Of the count of like the loss was to who and right now Alabama has the best loss of all the one-loss teams when it coming from LSU. So that's why I think they get the nod but I do understand the argument because you want Champions into the the whole system and it's just it's just bad because the Pac-12 football as a conference has gone down the last few years and it's not got the credit then maybe they should deserve or maybe they need to continue to play up like with the same issue be happening if we had USC in the same conversation. No, They that's exactly why I'm saying so I think the Los Angeles that's why. That's because it's Los Angeles, I think everybody yeah, you know what? I mean? I think that's that's exactly what it is. It's tradition everything like that. Now the interesting thing than being will be if Minnesota goes on to win the Big Ten Championship in beats, Ohio State Ohio state has one loss in the it's in the championship. Is Ohio State drop out of the top for all of a sudden this Minnesota jump in Georgia lost to South Carolina almost lost Kentucky there and I mean, what is the airs gonna there's so much subjective conversation that has to happen. I think that's why they keep Body body organ ID and not a jury for a murder trial. Well, it's bad. Well, I think that the best thing that happened to the organ ad was organ losing. So now he's not going to like gettin killed for like yeah not putting his own team in or not standing up to make sure his own team gets in if they win the Pac-12 now I look you're right. That would be a cluster. You know, what if Ohio State courses because these teams they need to get it like these teams need to win Clem. Has another team if they slip up somewhere. How could you not want to put Clemson in that? They've been this good all year long and now you got all this jumbled up group of these one-loss teams. How do you pick one in not only that but Alabama without to a tongue of our Lord and they said they would include injuries when it comes to all these things. So, how does it how do you not so trust me if I'm a playoff committee? I won't be seem to stay undefeated so I can just slowly select my team keep getting them in and don't let these other teams get in like it's just hey look if you don't have an invite to the Are you can't complain about how the party wasn't fun? Oh, no. I was just saying like if Georgia does beat LSU, and then Minnesota does beat Ohio State, who knows what's going on? It's a complete. It's a complete nonsense that it has to go to eight teams. Five Champions three at-large. Keep it moving. Let's just wait go speaking to keep moving. Hey, good luck on the rest of your vacation over there. Check out those thin shoulders make sure you feel like a real Alpha over there and we can't. Thank you enough. You're incredible man. Ladies and gentlemen coming back priest. Hey, Roll Tide merci beaucoup. The new college football playoff rankings at the top of the rankings. There is a new team at the top of the mountain. The Ohio State Buckeyes are now officially the number one ranked college football team in the country number. Two's LSU. Number three is Clemson number four is Georgia number five Bama number six. You thought number seven Oklahoma number eight, Minnesota 9 Baylor 10 Penn State. Now, let's go right back to the top of the Ohio State LSU. I've been saying now for what a week and a half LSU gave up six hundred and fourteen yards to Ole Miss. Our yarn if you have a defense that has the ability to give up that amount of yards you would think in a big time game. There's a chance that could happen again everybody saying well their strength of schedule is already been immaculate and they haven't really got bitten in the butt by that thus far they'd beat Alabama in Alabama. I understand all of that. I very much understand all that but Justin Fields a quarterback for Ohio State, let's assume that if the Ole Miss quarterback who I should know his name King put up. 614 yards of offense against LSU. Let's assume that Justin Fields the most efficient guy in college football be able to do the same Chase young the best defender in all of college football is also on that team and their punter and kicker good. I like Ohio State at number one, even if their strength to schedule hasn't even touched one LSU has yet because LSU's in the SEC they still have to play either Minnesota or Wisconsin. They still got a couple big games where they could find a hiccup or a loss Ellis you could do the same damn thing, I guess. For me this looks like this is setting up how it should be even though if you're a Clemson fan you're sitting there. Like hey, we are still the reigning Champions. We have still yet to lose and we are still getting hot and hotter and hotter. So as long as you're in there, it doesn't matter, but for me, I think they got it right with Ohio State of one. Yeah, I said offensively and defensively there's no there's no weakness to their team. And then if they beat Michigan and Wisconsin or Minnesota, those are two great wins, there's no way they're leaving number one. No way. Well, they were number one. One point then they won by 50 and then they dropped a number down. It was like well what he expelled to is Georgia in the in the championship SEC Championship, most likely or yes, but I still don't think the win against Georgia versus wins against Michigan and Minnesota probably are going to put LSU above Ohio State. Well, the thing about it is and Greenie said it this morning that they don't want LSU and Alabama playing each other in the college football playoff. They would rather have that be the championship as opposed to the first round game, which is interesting to me would you rather? Two SEC teams in a championship or would you rather have them play in the first round? I don't know how much that one makes sense to me. I would like to dig deeper into Greenies brain there and why he would think they would think that for me. I think honestly, it's just strictly because of the 614 yards and LSU's defense gave up and how Ohio State doesn't seem to have fun. I'll granted there's a little bit of a meltdown that happened there against Penn State for a couple drives at Penn State back in the game. But Ryan Day, Ohio State got it back on track in the fact that they lose Urban Meyer. And have gotten better is hilarious to me that Ryan Day guy by the way swag. I heard him talking to the the band and the fans like two and a half hours before the game and he was like Hey, we're gonna kick their ass like he is just like he is a tell it how it is. I think his players will rally behind him. I assume Ohio State's kind of guy for the next 10 years in rind a good for him good for them. But for me, I think Ohio State's most complete team, even though Joe burrow and what LSU has done on the offensive side of the ball has been nothing short. Sort of impressive their defense can step up and make some plays for me. Justin Fields is the Heisman winner. He's the most efficient quarterback. I think football is maybe ever seen with his stats with turnover ratio to touchdown touchdowns produced Joe Borough though in that same locker room who has State leaves knows LSU resurgent down there with Coach. Oh, I think they got it right though. A lot of people on the show last night the revealing show said that they think Utah is going to jump Alabama if they went out and I just don't I don't See that I don't see how that happen. Well for the sanctity of the leaves Pac-12 if you talk goes undefeated and dominant fashion, right and college football playoff committee says well, we picked the best four teams with teams and have losses with teams that do all these other things. You kind of bury the Pac-12. If you do that now granted I've got a chance to talk to a couple packs off coaches how they feel like there is a bias against them. Anyways in this entire thing because they're on the left. Because they play at night but if you do that and you taught does go undefeated and they do win out and you don't let him in you're basically telling the Pac-12 you guys are might as well be the American Conference you might as well be Mac. You have no chance of making it in. What's the purpose of them being in the power 5 there is none. So I think that's why people are saying that potentially on television to generate that conversation. But for me, I think this is the wrong system. It's better than a BCS system, which is when the NCAA is sold there. R right to name a champion they sold their right to the BCS to name a champion. That's just flat out. What the NCAA did you go to the NCAA Hall of Fame back whenever there was the BCS thing. They had the division to Champion in there because that was the only Champion they were allowed to name because they sold the right to BCS. So whenever BCS is having everybody knows crap. It was a it was a crock a crock of poop. So this now is a little bit better, but I don't think we have gotten to Perfection yet. I think you have to have an eight. Employer. I just think you have to all the Champions the power 5 then 3 at large has so then this Utah conversation isn't even run because you're going to have a lot of upset people in the Pac-12 and not only are the the coaches and players upset. Let's talk about the fans of the Pac-12. What do I even care about these things for it? They got no chance to win championship. Anyways, we're gonna win the Rose Bowl awesome. It's nothing. Yes. There's a lot of history and tradition to it and it's cool to get the chance to play in the Rose Bowl, but if you're not in a playoff anymore, you might as well just call it a day. Yeah, it's kind of a shame. To be honest with you. They'll get it right though. Nice Feel Good Friday here after Thanksgiving. Everybody's feeling a little fat got a chance to talk about a lot of stuff wrap things up here by telling you that you've heard me say the last couple episodes, but I can't help but Echo this sentiment if you listen to Jewelers from all around the country what they say is We hate this fucking guy Steven Singer cuz Steven Singer is a jeweler who's based out of Philadelphia, but he ships Nationwide and he has prices that are just better than everybody else. It's like when Walmart meets Tiffany's you want a good Diamond. Of course, you do. He has it you wanted at a better price than everybody else. Of course you do Steven Singer has it and that's why everybody fucking hates the guy. You don't go into the diamond business and then just sell things at reasonable prices when everybody else isn't doing that and that's why Steven Singer is the rebel of the jewelry business the rebel of the diamond business in the reason why I particularly don't love them is because I had to buy any very expensive diamond ring. Yeah less than a year ago. And I had no idea this guy existed. Don't be like me if you need to buy jewelry. You need to buy it at a proper price. People that have a hundred day warranty. Basically, if you don't like your jewelry send it back for a full refund 100 days from this guy Steven Singer, you can tell why every other Jeweler fucking hates him right now you go to I hate Steven That's I as in the letter I hate h80 EST e ven SI n and buy something that's better price than a shit. You're going to find in the stores and it's going to look better and you get a hundred day money back guarantee. If you don't like it. I hate Stephen All right, I don't hate any of you guys actually love all you guys. I'm very thankful everybody. Listen from myself having foxy Zito tie Schmidt. Nick digs, Todd Billy. Jason McAfee Gumpy block dad. My mom my lady Foxy's family Zito's family that we've never heard of. We don't know if they actually exist or not. He says they're good people. I assume they are they raise this incredible species, but we have no idea what they did Boston Connor who's been back in the action. We're very thankful for all of you have the best weekend of your entire lifetime Schmidt play some independent music because for those interested, this is Lately by Jake Allen dorf and so in here when our should I pour another drink should I drink should I drink when I No, the liquor only brings me temporary. Peace. Keep the pace keep the peace in my brain when when you're with me, but this whiskey knows the real me damn if Jack and cokes in the ocean, I no longer see the beach. You'll forgive me for what I've broken. I put my hands together asking for another chance cause lately I've been I'm feeling like this book on keep on rockin till we sink. So we sing it always say tell me is the one you love always the one that's meant to be meant to be because I'm tired stand still. Sadness is my glass filled. Yeah, the water starts to rise, but I got land under my feet. You'll forgive me for what I've broken. I put my hands together asking for another chance cause lately I've cause lately I've been sailing away from you what I mean what I mean is Is baby I've been failing to see what's true. Oh, hey.
Today’s show is highlighted by 3 incredible interviews. First, 2x Super Bowl Champion, current linebacker for the New England Patriots, and friend of the show, Kyle Van Noy stops by. He and Pat chat about New England’s most recent win over the Cowboys, why he thinks Lamar Jackson is so difficult to stop, the wizardry of Bill Belichick, and his Youtube cooking show on his channel, Vibin’ with the Van Noy’s (3:34-22:00). Next, Hall of Famer, 2x Super Bowl Champion, member of the Indianapolis Colts and Tampa Bay Buccaneers Ring of Honor, and current studio analyst for Football Night in America, Tony Dungy, joins the show. They chat about his role in selecting the NFL all-time time in celebration of the league’s 100th season and how difficult that process was and what it was like sharing a round table with Bill Belichick. Pat and Tony also discuss the league as a whole as we get closer and closer to the playoffs, and why he thinks Lamar Jackson has been so dominant and why he has been very impressed with the 49ers defense, and if this Patriots offense will get it figured out, or if the current formula is their new identity (23:36-35:36). Lastly, Super Bowl Champion, 2x Pro Bowler, former safety for the Saints and Panthers, Roman Harper stops by while on vacation in Paris. He discusses what exactly double coverage looks like in the NFL, and why trying to stop a guy like Michael Thomas is so difficult. He also chats about why rivalry games can be much tougher on players if one of the teams has a bad record, and he chats about his alma mater Alabama, and why he thinks they should get into the College Football Playoff, and what he thinks the best formula for success is in order to be one of the final 4 teams selected (40:05-54:55). Also included is Pat’s story of his fake punt pass on Thanksgiving against the Steelers, and his instant reaction of this week’s CFP rankings as we get ready for rivalry weekend. Don’t forget, everything at is still 20% off! Don’t wait as most of the items will sell out. Hope your Thanksgiving was incredible. Come and laugh with us, cheers.
Hello and have thus become some fry guys podcast damn podcast on us and date was announced oppression. And Amber was Santa advice on my name is Kenyatta. Sofia. Mullah on his big loser disgraced head salute to my name is podcast episode on this episode is and special than a furor and interview Metallica from Craft effects on the someone else's interview behalf. This is give you a tower.Yeah, and they came to us sort of wine. Yeah this interview with this townhome train beam and can almost smell that bourbon in can endow him an ally nuclear colleges. And yeah, if you had to sort, holy I can't listen in them into you only half and you have got fish Pastor by on yet skids Ocean Rose meeting in tell you it's because the rest hats loose like a fun craft effects of my podcast harder. It's been guns off get it I had to become now Anna. Hello. Hello front me some disturbing for me. I'll see ya lava do big ladders mention after I'm vegan lucretius on sex pushed into slim. My sis out know my guns could still in heaven for Ashton. Then gamma as yeah, my name is Le Monde is benign fits. Alright, and yeah final gather and missteps 22 magnum coaching, but guys won't be too strong as a customer to is mentioned in and effort into slim book light enormously filing after to emoting eyeliner glücklich to sign digester said Harbor does healer mention those honors of how number problem. I have my line of Supply them on this. Don't hide off and I would see only angle but ceiling height fusion and it have a hyperspace. Therefore make enormous distances. This one else alignment this head off Turkish lines oil to the formaldehyde of vitamin A tan done. Yeah of conditions tolerant in Annoying Mukesh tighten on the other thing. I have hdcd. I hopped on the game in which had often span and we can deception least. I don't call me selfish ambition of a man a fish. He caught it. Yeah, it's for my style. So I just had to show some super abundant on has always funny my Aunt Vera than the young are allowed as an innocent. I promise funds are you my slept 15 yards and American school would be side are named after hours. He said I didn't confuse failed our standard always sort of it. Yeah, but I've got my food you have the Mid-City stressed out for sure. Iran can now I can't go no members invited to an event in our skin as a mirror before she was arrested. Incision by systems diagrams people will come on have to sleep with an awesome and the environment and Advance isn't a consensus nominees have extension of the business GitHub. Yeah. We all had the TV on to have my as or divert attention Michelle woman's woman funding for Alzheimer's you have then the intestine partner hacker happy. I know that and I'm from the highlighted and it's happening send-off. There's a missing fellow on the food method side and your heart. Granddaughters be doing the same and cancel an order Alchemist in this have to their Zone advice. Yeah, the AMA and the tangent from the diocese have reached an office clerk. I have two months to play from him. He's done dear 14 then passing out of hobbling doctor or and would blatant most Angus assume this young Miner mind my high score Duncan and off cookie mahabhava. It was clavicle outside. We resume. - I found one on these at home hits two dimensional map. The I had sort of been our end have a taste of his first date does dance feel ventured each have to allow for that side or God or he ended with you. Yeah, you'll be out of the game have our own divorced on the roast. Our game have on all of us as vocalist that's could feel her to do such as Myst Harbor our end. Yeah, fun fun - I had some crazy LT Colonel Donald Watson. Yahoo's bitter Harvest and office could statements have Anderson pasa? He has to infinite mind. I'm Liam on the start of this is in Hindi. I'm Liam Hassan versus versus perseid bust this myth. I'm going tonight because he had Heroes whom it but it's fancy Chatters. Yeah. Yeah for owns bus van the sofa Venture as a fashion after a dozen tizen. I just was like, my partner meeting is to them bar. They are happy to hear that off the list as well. So now my archives for one of my grandpa my Lord Up, Bobby Hutton Antron end of this half dollars lame wrong. Answer mom and I wore long on here are designed drop and had this one a bit CEO. Naturally. He is coming softest and off the other day. I talked on her dying. Usually he on each void magana in debate house as its primary energy demand is elastic something isn't well, I plan on hitting on that him and my mind I might have had a lotta had had assumed it could Mark time. Violets and so they are they are they are in Dakar troops are a few miles away from that spot. And so I'm ended there but Co come December middle feet are going to talk to each other sister doctor - can't see any reasons. I know most of us and that buffoon deserve it. Yeah, totally. Yeah, so gets meows as a off. Does this Jesus could feel her but it's like it's ever so few mad at Houston and these others cannot. Yeah. Don't become Stan can How does as of asada I was looser than are funded her known you have we can now comes at to a Survivor. So desired anchor this is fry had ski for you. So now that our sluices are cash - oh dang Ding and garnish that scam just come to a dish pizza is but it's me Destin and a moment garnish produced. Wha does it is good food in miyahara the Eternal come as money. For me a house on and that's why I encourage to assign and try them or and for hasn't iTunes on Piazza has yet as a flower is to say that in this location at random house had to come help us yet doesn't being a mommy or fact 1/2 million pounds Brothers. All Shan xue doesn't transfer area for hair hinge from the housing. I'm this him Chief and and had this does so hitting its Hawking and yeah, man, my daddy would seem Not hired - one time I talked to them on be hamadan. I manifest estate just installment of Titan. I was part of my childhood as a off just witness and I was lucky I didn't laugh that's to ask a come and check that slack also know for me as I'm fat. I said like Isaiah whenever I took my first job won't be flowers for the typing for a I had on my done. It was Ian. I'm asleep knock the doctor and as if I shine Is evident of Karkat? Okay last but most of Asia English in my dream or none had any training Oscars problem, unfamiliar Waters and thanks Miss Eliza, but as far as who cares about us. Okay? Yeah, so soon as witness Witness. My hope is a bad habit and slaw and had my next partner and relatives name and an iPad Monica and I don't know how to partner than the is cancer or not. Now Devon before and it should invest invest in laying out and let's issue and abundance examined comes in tan tan van says it has flat from as by Mia of here in five on gas. To see Oregon's okay decisions tennis Australia about us is going to climb into tie as many hats the the Indian border increasing back at all. Yeah. Oh and align it returns over the solution and I love prabha. That's hurt me. So own the Hound on the head Anika doctors me as well as Percy. It only had two needed after siam's oh that's lame increasing their income which to so I negotiator just cool yours a liar. These are going to set up. Um, I'm from Russia or be done. But I first time on have shown in cinemas in on our bodies. These are these enough it happens Omaha as if our and worklist the click Clank massage outside and I just have to replace my mannequin Funk or probably Sailors as a psychic is Alice. So of Mitch is so much anger pass Advanced products safety. Mr. As it is. It is attacked by the volume of platitudes. Okay. We are trying all the noise. How does being a naturally had a jobs fair is not reached against light only reason buy me another week and then crazy game and social assets to happen to such as Hamish done. And yeah, my little buffer mediums and it was tenacious is my granddaughter as promised that Susan behind after this is not about it as I know we are the mines. I'm off about him. Don't understand. Yeah. I just have two guys met him there are vital. Under smooth Manner triano's and I'm not bruising. That's why I only I have owned Commish water naturally consider play first. And as the Doppler effect, their mind garvik is had to kind of to combed it have done replace minor to cook breakfast out of Zion business Oscars adjective not as well as far as ever in Harbour about it happy hour. It's it's good to finding that really humor me to come up and stand up for it. Ahimsa, complex disorders and recognizes Warren. Yeah feels the shower by the society is found on the spur of crowded if it's completely lost. So wow, this is yeah this BM Christ me Sam was a song as a clash been relatively young a bomb and harvested also at Sears as a few days of each dish media. So just to be clear fuses are born on transfusion vacant on Bert owned vast machines were taken to see and whether we bestowed on knocked at Henninger now have to get marked as we We bestow a season-long barosky combat skipped. I feel that house and that I feel insufficient is our super feel anguish behind reflect out on yada long enough. It's Jung hwan let's head on your Tendencies harm flaked out on only 50 Cent on dinging. Oh, it's much easier for know I'm fun. This is Alice. Very compact years. Yeah, it's not that far. That job is all wake up Tomatoes. Yeah. We visited our for Go Gang. There's my Danish doesn't turn me down with my to slim as now. I just love a man with mismanagement films on Smith Rising eternally clipped and then one and a movement out of this can me so zionists in Israel. My name is to enter applicant is a starfish in Missoula and done. This is our garden Bay tomayto the Midfield sees India movement, but it's kind of formation City elevator yet. So II was beta then. He's Mia. Yeah. About what foods once this was actually my was fairness to them as its Flower by me again parasites or Sean done when they are Donna. Donna have is these as well many of us focus focus transom is shattered. And he also was Nevins was involved as much better before school Warden violation hide in here as you touch your own Divine Harbor as you can tell were helped needs math English and British English business functions transition transition in Ohio when I'm out of that ocean and job hunting And in there in India. It's Marta slept on the stand up at my house thoughts pain and exhaustion as you must have McCarthy. All kinds of its is American Diner management skills did to farm have them then. He saw our God now you can lose about a suspect and they had missed an angle cooked on whatever sentence for a while and help me out also licensed Broyles matter with him now - laughs and quantify chapter students had kept us going to push done as a double to me. Ask the hostess history lesson time or another have I don't believe in the devil. No one disregard and Um, yeah, I don't have it's my hobby stun and also had Alchemist and baroness my to Hauser one time versus my office the film as odious anti-government beliefs his cousin of mine Midfield vitamin C Line Design made fear is revising each other's my hand side. We can see it's light amid fear. Boot naturally Xiao as a kind of scout heat up faster and my next one is if you have and Asia, Asia Asia, They are yeah, we homicides things. I just need your meeting people just catalysis class. Yeah, or and yeah done have Ishtar this list. Viscom our is Harbor the internet. and said Am I good Daft me? That's what it's tunic as a my canvas had to come Hemorrhage bicycles Improvement of weeks louder had a diner peasants live in a very busy person. That's out had told you got your line speak in my own in my video description as toxic emotion really hinders humanitarian ex-partner and become whatever you have with me reside lung Bryson utilizes Latin language most English glaze and drop off sites and Circumstance music. I just can't see any sign to skip the skipped of Miss Kansas. Does that leave the soccer put manure? Why diets the tunnel is just dust the kidneys normal Dinah Persona English. You're not moving an app has one-on-one and effect. Does this mean about as fish be double scoop on this is how Allison a boozer as Indian file mostly focus on my next partner are naturally of feel like a man. I'll feel Aroma about ever came through cement on is our kind of element now and that's my list and that list is boyish highlighted on the Shoppers laughing Zak establish Nomad have um end effect on that side. Forget to name is quite attached to his suit as physical performance in on one side of him now for nine in my often enough Allison Contin only concern is your damage amount of information as we met. It's a mushroom is Percy. It really isn't. Student I pulled in the movement was my tuition is actually bad as it was when we could then. Yeah. I love you. The deadline is it the deadline is at Sea as you can swim is Alice Monroe cliche have believed us. My taught now and specific another guest. So Allah is the Vine Vine cool cat. Yeah. Look, let's get fired. Yeah, he was filming cooking on Vine and this some gate is narrow and it's happening and it's happening. A lot of my work is 50 games help me then update the iron photos anger cooked on her. As an example. He said to Moses said storage seen right done. Is that a common there has to be at least a dead language sometimes for by mmm. And yeah, it's Vice natural hair. She is a crafter of marble because have tied this list and I've been tagged as basanta how she not okay dark and say it's a tower and up Malta have is done with his ever had in photography Lawson up more. It's all fat and unhappy Smith. Yeah, I'm personally before lament leadership this time as well. Okay for have I said nice boots for me out and have this book is because that's have Alister. Mathieson. Amanda technical board is untapped Mi Montague after motor habitat because I thought yet his outfits and the Senate Who Sold Nick told us before Talisman fingertips are Vegas. Well, that's yeah, especially for so long about Not divide to about autism vardar permitted that I pumped because that's abdominals outfit now and I'm sat down book is chance to host chapter module out from under fun as it's been dropping the guy on the harder than demise. Oh Jesus. It is a coelom cop. Okay - it's just so can I Huger and then you dab is a decent bow more other students to start some shit and substantial Us - has to Alice. If you haven't yet had sex is begin talking about. It's not you should have had it on to her are fleshed out of VC flight fucking cunt - oh and so I'm happy I got mine Fletch. So the steam Ash brought so I'm fuck off skin. So Austin cop planning and cut out some biosphere as its remaining. It's aside every teacher of men as medical school. I had to last yeah as all but that's my garbage to in in Reverse for any commands resurrect him either to hang because of Manas and I had also they are they are they are as men among those candidates even a conviction on fire and I googled thinking on these classes you need to do and damned incorporated as my private homes or designer as a I've only stolen a thing. That's its whole dish had a mother and as it is to Infinity has asked us to give fuel to last night's is from extreme which teach often Sweetwood on the schema, you know as a feel hamdulillah. So you have a mid tones. I guess my we have students come out. Yeah. It's up to its have I thought he was good last night as well made some Vines who motive are often decide, which I can't escape after Halls of our it helped. I had divined now. It's have to sneak onto a developed. Its happiness me. I needed nine yet most to meet widen its most to white again. Sometimes it helps them to to glasson. I just have done Bluetooth combined or and math than our kids. I'm of in my best sir. That's what I thought. He was off bus Mitt Mitt with improper to mid-term own did an outside shooter to harden and that's too much we have had alcohol is making Adams Family was coming to the shifting on Versailles. And I'm Popeye perseid and the hardest on are clear warm through. So what they're saying is as head of activities had any thoughts of Island now and not to time condition because getting this this I found my hints is absent and after cups, of course Monroe dance battling severe flash to Muhammad smash. It wasn't much I go - yeah. Yeah, but I realized okay - yes the student good. So now only spins off me. That's and for house last night and Amanda's hide and demand at supposition about beliefs have all the highlights of my grandpap. Now them expand and Liev Schreiber that's open and Legacy Ted's here as eat a dozen eye and then he has an Iron and Steel we have to say go - it happened, isn't it here zap Screech pretty good food, but they all sang. Yeah I'm speaking for so I just happy that me and my focus status in the said that I was supposed to try to incorporate harder. Baal Shem had any cop there from yet. I must have missed that class. It was tried because you could have done this has been a video invite be loved and happy with her husband a team and only I could copy. Nia your time on such fancy my angharad yeah on Monday by the me against had a house which was hidden on his stomach the last never shop has a point come on and did not reach out make I must have your hands Toya Graham after my phone disguise of a let's endless how many classrooms items Eva there about how sighs oh, he didn't And then kind of last two million, that's because pretty soon I'm defeated. So last name and then after his father told me they had this in a plane come looking askance good as or a Madman Egyptians you murdering does excessive high and party man with a cane zonin had this numbers Hefty bonuses. Which part is I 1 is Lou Pai water milk is cut this out. So power 1 and then I'm going to rinse this will be in the scepter was signed. Try to study acting and demand book which was Mattress Man for man is the daughter of his helplessness as we remember them now from the can see it. So that's not Suzanne when it does have some chops to Alice. And as Kenya is kind of Inclusive fitness Studios. I know that was kind of an aluminum and yoga studios. I was camera scans Kleiner son now was kleiner's yeah won't that is positive. What I meatiest so don't understand how I'm gonna thank me. When I'm smooth it out as a new gang the ones who found herself to of cuts out my multimeter to only she also knows it. Oh, wow, you guys headed. I'm an associate the phone with him dancing team up his own cats and pick Young on ground meat had soon. I would ask alms or now. Laughs sighs. Mr. Stevens coma Eva and proper safety tablet and with Mukesh card and the escaped and that's happening out there go - we had to me. It's so thin. Nah, what nah can slangs. I'm sure it fits the script and yeah, that's what I was that's yesterday as a step. There's a so, he would Mustang Buddy ebsen's X mu knot I had super talking about. Hmm. Yeah. These cans are necessary as context Munna to run Tron severe this and aft index mu not involved and do the various limbs organs. Okay, how do you turn off my video and get started making my next partner or and up their hormones and all they could feed our first time as be that hard to talk as I had focus group finder or and yeah, it's right behind us has a mustache been eyeliner. Now whom the phone guys and yeah, you know just gotten into goodies against pursuing these kites Phoenix Mars mammon's I wish Mizzou have with me an artichoke abolished or cavas. That's Houston and let's be honest the mouth or eyes and I had my eyes my next point or and it's been you know how to homes with ocean a man. Copies were to only a minor form when it happened in one my after sunup inhibits you have it is bookends of his empty trailer. Yeah class now. Yeah, and then I was out of money and Tim Cook and then why I'm Liesl kid. What's the resultant going to home? Anguish is to get shifted the diet here that can now pass through Pass that's dedicated to my associate and wrong. Yeah the plant Tyson's vajrasana formation and yeah You have access to make a diorama. This happens about a normal Fighter Group are right again now does for SpongeBob has here. This is better than either of us here. Typically, that's okay. You must associate on the top Stars almost Salina owned land is arises one fhtagn home habash our fiscal State. We shouldn't stores and Einstein as a table which refers to as to just ask the might have external Corner in on nothing else. Am I the second movement had to one spot? As I stand in the home for them putting panteon approximate a bit of as important on someone's toes ice could guessing on a spiritist house music and so has he mentioned his own machine when I have expertise over that man gives didn't ya how did you finish faster and a moment at least bloody saw some eyes on her? To best align it in home want is a SWAT to pissed eyeliner. But if we are in a Zone nigga deleted after it. Yeah oxytocin transition tries to the Salina here on this is tall. So that's five were clearly as mind-blowing as a skunk. I also do this in the client is on the climate Sonic slime is story Isn't So Clyde I will mend about they have Azores of British firm is now also few game. Yeah go now on the other piece of this puzzle. I'm president our cortisol. And then yeah. She left. Okay, Alice Alice, we could I just get outfits and as a school and I had to sign. I just have to keep staff has crushed it. We good on veganic government near eyeliner to something on it is to to expand pretend to be as a nice have those exact Zone and shapes which is the mind. Yeah. Yeah for yeah, this is an under hiding inside is so swear as a monster to shop for women. Is this guy forget my email - Islands am on man had my Donovan as a monkey Optimum partner and adapt as soon Uncle Lucas design. And now this is yeah. Yeah, I've asked about about help Lisa is as though it's been too much without her purse only. She leave this eyeliner to guy isn't as of this is so yeah my favorite thing ever. But yeah the best ever and even get burnt and broken sternum Last of Us 2 bills. Yeah, and feeder Kenseth is about how many Foster yeah, definitely teeth and you have your has to understand cash half done as a reminder this financial decline skater whenever I see a line in the warmth and water skin now, that's okay. Yeah. Okay. His name is Mindy hand now. The hospital and dig it out in the mouth you but I'm boowhowoo for the die and leave him. Yeah, they're now gonna have a month and thank such as Mike Duncan about it was just so Muhammad Ali mourned for him managed to done. I'm hurt my damn it in a real Only Solution without bond. It's have done because I've met in the right position person becomes their safety stunt is calm down of Eda and embraced in an ER wide only Saga Vita while it was purchased filter pattern on Renaissance permanent organ garages Harbour and fortune in hotels and been in that side, so to push and transition prices of often mention and contact become the spiritual everyone. This is my guns - hi Matt Ward and other magazines time owned a chapters damage in mice. also at the time as a finished product, so you have case keep Joshua nervous about economies and Fang on the only Dimension damage coming up to xia chaps and Mars will be squeezed katsumoto's under how economics yeah as we read this for me and Morales to too few and too pretty to end and just cut my hand is in companies and companies mention about my video on does this mean about our food S2000 speed up the whole school board and this is your plan week and I mention how to be re-written as a tour guide. No one is coming in and that's how these companies had a nice tuna in a hotel in Venice who Ted's and colleague inform your partner massage, and I'd come after the massage it to me and I get her some ice here and us. Classes ask ability to create reportin have a huge musquin machetes on the Zenon one happy for like the and a massage not really supposed to answer as a mother as well as her sisters, but it does when it's finally resolved. I won't go home on don't have a sheet of Ferguson and every kind of sin might be down or friend Batman. Is that Skye's comers here now and I'm having my series of not at random house Machinima toys and English after what happened with regulation on her first question. I cook my as it does for us to like the food on the market has does stately any book? That's funny and we dispense had somebody, you know. My not side gaps is knowledge permission card Pioneer that will see dozens of escaped us about Infamous Alice Susana xia hou mooc research that says yeah gavest is a Dinger shots of lies on D'Avanzo to the Sea the sea from its first entry is 1 so on don't have it. You know how much my time T minus Pi by 2 had first met other safety stoned now comes a feel into Harlan that comes off. He lands Holland at I could write it on the fold it over my head and it's haphazard in can it's a purse cash date. Does this me I gaped at this was busy in color and it have outwardly they are spiritually I live in support. Described shall be consumed it my nominees up to my neck in tied for safety. The Dominican kid carbide-tipped own dad's Corner along. So I'd scare. She often cool from Camden has a visor longer here come let's just yeah and why nothing the Informer to knows my not familiar does it all signed up for me? You come amid high levels increased - wow who needs a man to be workers often hat and the others come. Entities of tissue it's time to mitigate heritable madrasas me super Chef teager come down position. The informat soon does by an amount of Korea and their stock has medium or - Hunter of classic use of the duties of a kind of Cinema have to do. Up as of it is still often look like idiots Zion.T. Trinova the shank. Yeah it is. Yeah, definitely definitely teeth right is real Alice need to come visit scum is Bill doesn't pass here and just happens naturally to them type of development. Gisin mid level of motivation. Does it ideas have Madam Madam businessman and I'm going to have a but after the math and I taught him how to cheat. Van as a provocation the company owned and is within the English have to stardom is I believe he'll play against Harbor ordinary one of these are these are these are external material meta tag along. Yeah. Yeah. It's capped out candy to Hera and Angus MIT named by man imagined our when the training is 11 and shakes her ass like mine Olympus it and this is Limbs and on you don't have a social media stream has a as company van hoytl of Morgan. So now listen everybody Sofia inclined sweater the than lived a name for and I don't intersect window even took Charles video exact us. Done is everyone Kunta hinter? We saw this Alice perseid as ice cap the Sony Bears on hearted and so off to the side, but as a descended us, okay, wake up wake up now has picked up from Consciousness seen. How about now? And that's not as if glabrous teaser as well as you want to adhere to a plasma in my family also feel kind from their longer 400 acceptable which only two million versus versus first time. It's a tone as which has four has been placed upon the red Solstice as he remains can on here on Main Street has had in this or and finish modest resolution of Muslim Jewish technique. It was uplifting week Dinah Dinah and harmless and trenchant only stronger, Boston. I can as a nerve isn't I found me I was busy in only half a carton announced Evita and Busan and managed by Bob decide. He's in troops are and Han Dynasty. Diagnosis will be as my complete onboarding doesn't damage your own stand with a knife in. Smooth snake sign as a nice to see it's eroding to pay Mimosa most has just passed the end - woman to woman had yeah, that's when I'm a stigmatism upshift it. Yeah. I'm just thinking about my my book is Stinger the the ideas flimsy and as personable. He says customers so they asked him as a man smart and patient master. So I in fact have your house to come about are they - mr. Then come and I'll see you guys would like to pass positive struck. Most hater of him - yeah. Yeah for as I kind of steer so good soshim. Yeah, we come down ideas exception is tomorrow and I'll craft effects to go on. Yeah. So the Islam's I'm gonna live Das. I'm unhappy so dduk. It's much too. That's was a swimmer. How much does mr. Schmidt Tire on describe our heads again on how to speed up Mastermind block when I have a sign of hangman block to my and hafnium and Instagram account of nerd on Amazon basin fatal flaw. So tired and Katana basket a little bit scientist Mia and I got out of the steamer and I know a guy is in the steamer a line designed a steamer 1000 mm bands. Timothy Madden in my video became concerned when they say ever had as you can see basically how to attack as problem that's in mind for in Disguise. He had to kind of thing of Wonder given a learnable even a little bit too young and Alec 809. You cannot avoid social side dry. Yeah and yeah. You know, I didn't have had the shop only had to unpack. I'm anchoring gag kind Madame Chantal am concerned as a clam and man Hitler mahina body entendemos in that we can assume when I'm 50 antique single how high it is unfair? It's right below freezing English band with my partner, Bahamas when animals often to try to math. They had naturally passion for hinder. It had on my line of us camasta which had to be kind of a kind of a large didn't find. Oh and there's Financial sphere is by the garden. The essence of God's children read and only shown be written as amount. He's that man as my video camera and redirect just ask Luke Donald for out for another half hour. If you answer yourself deserve it and it helped me stop relative snare ahsan Khan have done about orchids indices had mentioned gives you the significant terrible. Krishnalanka and is malaca fangs and on TV work is done probably Muhammad and same sort of and and Dan Zoo, 'madam vast and so tight I scan the Demeter and idiy don't invade and also to I can't have her. Well, and yeah, I'll so step by step. I just try it on me. So it's been off go back to Napa - mommy said certainly an important task belongs on only have done with you. So now for now first pitch that has been described as much on this is finding money. I found my dog can write again. Mr. Weiss had film has ever had the makeup we good. We good meters headed toward in the issue in the system. It also not so certain and yeah that's comes on our now. So on the end of I'm leaders. Just ask my Uncle Fang Enterprises or an Indian for lunch didn't look right. Yeah, go sistema is as a captain or a lighter than back to farm don't socialize and then come down off your daddy. That's kind of nice. Yeah, and if you do not want to test, how is mechanic? Yeah. Okay. It kind of adds a nice Arc map design for her. I can feel like saying okay. When do I need your line of Eliza Motors downcomers feel like autism and there's also some personal need for me. I write articles out a new ones or those proof as hard as organza A-line. He had two moms are we kind of lost? He has made and Frankfurt sister and only so Picking me stationed in English laughs and so we wanna preserve its own leash Metal Guns Minds on hostages on the voyage outlets on an average angle magnetizer organ easier, but then I have let's say to the rest of other slices are some others too. Shy to internet hide your eyes all scream have developed their smiles for call from the van zieks six minutes height meter by entrepreneur on Hamish retired and don't have a check. Ermagerd. Okay. I just want a soon to do flows from Asia by Chinese eyeliner for highlighter on the horizon the story about Noah mention can learn on in this my eyeliner to line it soft oil or done for light or not. Only an incline benefits will harm and demands act. Okay, give me the team for Life moments to them. Yeah, we wished. I hadn't heard in taxes. I'm beat. Michael not an amoeba has shown us how severe the kind of thermometer into my Nagy I lied but shifting as it can manifest in them flat. All right, I'm game now once he had assaulted a i dids to step on to have successful enzyme and we could produce a planet or a vital chiasm now. I need up on the Strauss how the targets of platzer on goddess. I'm gonna come to now for not much more. So type known house belong. I it's seclusion burrata by meters, which teachers in each node is a spiritual side. It's time to take things on an issue. Then - own recklessness of his anger how others I think that have not Alice 15 and they added ends or as it happens. I have eyes yet sauce on my coaching's come up to ask me is about service status message for you. I might've turned to advisor. I'm are graded on that stage tonight or sanction. Okay. He can t hide her from order. For life to stabilize for mr. Hornstock. I kinetic parameters of anesthesia and fielded a human and nothing added a bunch of cunts airless on dragonhide organs Cloud. Okay. Can you have him order to have said Sophia and we finished knot and I'm called Star Comics to take on the champ. No, so the thing is his closet awake and he's option is card one. So now for now and I'm has a Honda to come on that's a system. That's the guys and have them forever tars. So far as a readytalk, definitely fun and show notes done for linking Duncan's of Canada and a website and found on Devon's are food an advisor and Men owned. Yeah, it's calmest some an actual Supply and that mission as advanced super tallest into you have missions. So park aquatic club is control babies kind of Italian. I'm glad it's also in to see a diagram. Yeah, laughs it doesn't bore and I'm late and us this I'm five two talents Pileated other than the impression that tart. Yeah video by domestic violence own voice Lebanon or Facebook or billion on the merits of the of the let snag nurses who took plating is, aesthetically I'm dr. Joe dispenza bonsoir very one or two later on to business plan. table definition for super good ice cream yarding atomization canvas You're yeah. Yeah, you know just go straight to work on trips and universe is 'and yeah do what is ever met apart after Park bong with I'm going on yeah vast but it's too damn, you know, the issues art and through our society this come dear but it's like does he know that is calmed? Method and what I notice is Fatone have and forfeit our and I mean big it would be neat Ana's Mahmoud pilot endless charm is idea. I can also get starting a buffalo head spin it as if what I understand. He's forgotten as long as your remaining you have any time for knows I'm happen for Fatone is out of school. So and so I was like just understands this field can also call me some angles. Yeah, no social. Yeah. Yeah steady for to had a sty Winds of guided tour in the Valley fire and encounters or our adventure t59 slim YouTube and Vascular study of Bundchen. Yes, there are very tired woman. Destruction to land on that has happen till it happens to you is really targeted traffic. Love for him is now links comes a punch rattling. Yeah. Alice evil follow on from Klein of so in order for me is order Aura and goes and steal so off protecting their own segmenting the we were happening 50s and on the loft hashed of a hassle night on the wood. War on this is demands. My opponent has to keep up with crafted in society. As one guy that had female leading a group is out there. Also, you will be talk non-combatants the blame on high-dose their Klein. Mmm. Now as I am for this email either of deserve it one just returned. Because if I wanted a system called, how about Zack had ice cream but Angeles up. It's like his mama. Oh, yeah. Yeah, its teeth and Warden got to come ice cream and this type of Amar Canal because after this is also missing he's alive, she's quiet now. I just need to ask them on a hunt isn't dancing personas cats and week-long sting on the inner inner Spirit 8. Wait, I found it in my other stuff. Looking want Mishima. Alice so aunt's name andand spill to a Zine is snazzy at holographic image provided a handful of doing it. So I haven't even eaten humid Van Impe learn about hot steam can dish out of my glass find thing. Yeah, as if she was Miss most most honest ever cast irons Irish moss who is most of his team are about Alice the shite this initial stage of hours now and what have my mouth we spend hours of hard we have $6,000 perseid on Valerie Smith has yet to pass here Camilla semantically on on a Danish media need names - my him to Moses Michelle Clan as which is alive she's tried on I found one I said his name the Meese commission so famous As I'm gonna set you off of Miss on. As but we have so many other busy or not as of her future for permission mind my business associate or does It's Mia rupees winter does is how night the glider in a saline found myself on a carbon our energy of Manitoba's on how about answering your phone? And that's how you get also it was my night and fungus. I was getting ready to hear that as well. Yeah, because it has dust us. I'm also boost virtus man weekly shower, but she only had only got even had the endodontists only to my life to see the end of the iron Ava that's not as ideas were asked him. I'll simply click the link receipt. Okay shop human and - I liked it well and gets keys to advise on its game hypertensive legal, but hot steam come on these of Hazards and they booted side but Halfmoon of time father because I will thank laughs. Holy cow. I gotta hide and Prophets who come on. My name is Jonas our society era of so physics ever had finally reached another smart. They can go all on kind has in these tapes and on this manual override mistress Epps is something behind me. It sounded see him on the team bus found with the mostest. Hmm. Yeah, it's Halle. I found my selfish bastard suit so Hand. Anchor for the center. You won't hurt me so bad. I fried the studio tight Kingdom has again as their Cannon don't get a stars and often in my Gander and we can Gannon on Titan postcards up and my only buddy and I can't abide. Yeah me Superboy. Yeah dunker for Alice. Thank you for Denson on ganzfeld Avocado food anodized and food and a vision and yeah anguish and anger fear and that's why And if they are okay. Yeah, he also said I steered us into you could find her don't do I find it so inspired business on faster dish out and I would turn on before not and Hast done. Javi said us dear Lara's tips, but alcohol from on Alvin do it. Most house flashed by adding a line. It's a mark on them shouted of information on the website on is Alice in the show notes on DFS to thanks does these are forget uninvite her head and can cancel a super Gallatin of Facebook order of Instagram to finish a lie in force or buttermilk wound had an internal to manage on. Yeah, if you want shit I've been for nothing shouldn't I talk should more goddammit I our core arms on. Yeah, forgive me the best angle thankfully bailed on do cans. It doesn't deserve it. But being spread your wings and fly dammit an answer.
Hi ihr Lieben❤ Diese Folge ist ganz besonders, denn ich hatte die wundervolle Lara von krafteffects zu Gast im Interview. Lara ist die Gründerin von "krafteffects", sie begleitet Menschen auf ihrem Weg in ein glückliches und selbstbestimmtes Leben. Lara bietet Reisen an für Menschen,die sich einsam fühlen und bietet auch Energiearbeit an,um physische und energetische Blockaden zu lösen. Ihre Mission ist es Menschen zu zeigen dass sie auch alleine glücklich sein können. In diesem Interview erfährst du:  wie du mit Trennungsschmerz umgehst  wie du die kraftvolle Entscheidung triffst,dein Leben wieder in deine eigene Hand zu nehmen  wie man es lernt alleine glücklich zu sein ohne sich einsam zu  fühlen  alleine reisen über 40  wie Lara in Kontakt mit ihren heilerischen Fähigkeiten kam  Lass mir gerne deine Gedanken dazu auf Instagram @_freigeist__ und was für wertvolle Erkenntnisse du von der Folge mitnehmen konntest. Das bedeutet mir viel! Ich freue mich,wenn du mir eine Bewertung auf Itunes hinterlässt:    Spread your wings and fly, Hari Om {the universe is here with us}, deine Renate❤️
Hey everybody. I'm Ashley Graham. And this is pretty big deal. We're confidence is every episode I get to pick the brains of brilliant inspiring honest new and old friends who are a pretty big deal today. We are talking to the incredible Gayle King selected as one of times most influential people in 2019.Is undoubtedly one of TV's most versatile personalities Gayle King is in the house. Thank you Ashley Graham. I'm glad to be here with you my gosh. This is so exciting that you're here. I just thank you. Thank you for making time because I know you're a busy lady you really get around. I mean do I? Yes, you do people always say that to me because you do I saw you at the lifetime lunch and you were watching 48 hours on Saturday night. I don't know how you do it. You saw Justin at the Chris Rock. Yeah that I saw you at Serena's New York Fashion. Yeah, I didn't get to say hi, but I don't know how you do it. How do you do it? Number one? I like to go. But if you have to go to a screening, I don't go to the after-party right so I'll do a come in and see what's what okay, so you're out to stay current. Yeah, you know what? I think even if I wasn't doing this job, I would want to be I want to know what's happening. What's going on? It's who you are. It is the essence of Gayle King your social your social butterfly. Actually. I'm very shy Ashley. No. Are you an introvert that has okay. Do you know how extroverted introverts have to go home and they have to have like a loan sign one of those people I walk in. The first thing I do is turn on the TV. I just like the sound I like to know what's going on. You know, I'm the kid that when I was in elementary school, you get the note home. Yeah. She's you know, she's a nice kid. I mean she's a very bright but she talks a lot in class and tends to be disruptive. I was that kid. So I've always been very I don't like the word nosy. I like the word inquisitive. Okay, but take us back to To when he first started you just started your first day was in Missouri, Kansas City. What was that first day like as a journalist because you've been doing this for I've been doing it for a long because I'm 64 people always say, how can you tell your age? I think it's silly when you meet women and you say how old are you and they go gal. That's a personal question. Is that a personal question? I don't think it is. I don't either and I'm so glad to be here. You know, when I turn 50 they immediately send you a subscription for the AARP. I'm thinking how do they even know and I call the Madison. Please take my name off the list now looking back on that. I shouldn't have done that because I think it's good to celebrate that you can be this age and do this and move this way in the planet. But when I got out of that ooh, ooh, ooh, I don't want I don't want that. But why was that such a big deal for you turning 50 did it? Well, I'm not hung up on age. But when I turned 50, it was the first time I realized that you're probably not going to live another 50 years, you know when you Turn 30, you know, you can make it to 60 when you turn 40, you know, knock on wood the way things are you could make it to 80 but when you turn 50 the chances of making it to a hundred most of us don't so that was the first time when I thought oh now I have to start counting backwards if you know what I mean. So it hit me in that respect. And I also remember when my mom turned 50 that seems so old and I didn't feel any of those things. I don't feel even at 64. I don't feel old. You don't act like it or look like I don't feel old, and I'm not avoiding. You're running away from major and I'm thinking you know 60 means different things to different people. And so I just feel you know, I sort of embrace that but when I see people I don't want to say my age it's so implied so impersonal or when I weigh myself and put it on Instagram. Oh, I like to do that that later why figured people have eyes they have a vacancy so so I don't have that kind of hang up, right I never have and so in the beginning you didn't have that hang up walk know your first name. So here I am Kansas City. Yes. I was very nervous you are. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, you know that was before hair and makeup. So I was doing it myself. I look at those early pictures and I Think Jesus really loves me. I don't know how I was on TV. But the first time I read a story twice didn't know I had done it, you know, so you are you are very nervous. And now I'm at the stage in life that even if things go wrong, that's what I like about live TV because you're always sort of working without a net. It can go wrong at any time and I like that I'd like knowing the pressure. Yeah, and I like knowing in the back of your mind it could Totally go to hell in a handbasket and there's nothing you can do about it. But now at this stage, I feel whatever happens happens and I can handle it with something as simple as we're going to take a commercial break is I've had to do that. Yes, but I do know if things go wrong. How do you prep for CBS every morning? Because you're on every morning on morning every morning and I do pride myself on being prepared. It's true. You know, I read the books I look at whatever they're coming to promote whether it's a movie whether it's a TV show and the producers really prepare you Barry. Well, so I get you know, very extensive notes very extensive research, but there's something about reading the person's book. I forgot who it was I was interviewing but they were playing Bruce Springsteen in the delivery room. And so I said God to make a playlist like bruise to and you were playing what song was it? Because you saw that part, you know, it was like you saw you actually saw that I go. Yeah, cuz I like Bruce to what song was it and I think people appreciate that if you take the time and listen, we have four minutes five minutes. So how much can you really get to but it's a Saying to them I appreciate you coming. I appreciate you taking the time and that I took the time to really see what you're here to promote what's annoying and hopefully this doesn't happen to you is someone will come on and they don't want to play and I said look, I'm here to help you. I'm here to help you to promote whatever it is you're here to do. So sometimes people come and they don't want to I use play for lack of a better word engage. I'm thinking, you know, you can engage her five. That's exactly what I'm thinking. It's a um, how long is this? Okay, Okay, I got five more of these to do and I just think way you know, it's your movie. It's your book. It's your TV show. We're just really here to help you dude. So dude. Yeah, dude, but what do you do in that moment then like do you kind of just broke through act like I don't see it. Okay, you know, I would never say what I just said, you look dude. We're here to help your ass. You just act like you don't see it go. Alright. Okay, so that that sounds like the you it sounds like you love that part of your job. Not the dude part, but Getting to know people what I love is that every day is different every day. You get to do something. You didn't do the day before that's right, you know and this is the thing the news is always changing. Yes. There's always going to be somebody that we don't even know who the next big it person's going to be. We don't know what the next breaking story is going to be but we know there's going to be one. Uh-huh and I like, you know, I say this all the time I have a front-row seat to whatever that's going to be. Yes Ashley. That's like, dr. Phil said you have of press access. Yes. He said I haven't for have a press an all-access pass love that. I liked that too. So, you know, we all have times where we go. Oh God. I'm so bored of this job blah blah blah blah. I look around the studio. Sometimes I go guys. Look what we get to do everyday people go to bed. The world is one way you wake up the next day and it could be totally different and I mean totally different now we have the situation in Iran. We get to be the ones to tell you that that never gets old to me or you know, Sadly to say you go to bed. And someone has died you wake up in the morning and we're the first person to tell you that yeah, I don't know. I think it's a awesome responsibility and an awesome privilege to and that's never ever lost them what has been the hardest story to report in all of them New Town anchor the news in Connecticut for many many many years. I was there for over 18 years, but that Newtown story. I don't think you have to come from Newtown Connecticut to appreciate the devastation of that, you know, whether you Have children don't have children, you know those little kids going to first grade, you know, they're five six years old. They don't even have their they have their baby teeth and I become friends with a couple of the mothers. And on a Grace was one little girl her mother now by I really haven't come legit friends with them covering the story and she said it's the lottery of hell. It's a hell Lottery that nobody wants to play but we're all playing wear any day any day Ashley and I do think this could happen to any of us at any time no matter where Are so that's a little jarring to me, but that was that was the hardest. I still think about that and it makes me angry that all these years later. We're still having a discussion about guns. Thank you. I know the the Second Amendment but the Second Amendment When It Was Written they were talking about muskets and they were talking about protecting your property. They were not talking about these AK-47s and these these AR-15 these assault rifles. They weren't talking about that and I just think you know, if that didn't change the gun laws. As I don't know I don't honestly don't know what will but that said. I was just going to say I do sense of something is happening. You know, these back-to-back shootings in Dayton and El Paso something is happening. So we should always feel sent. No, it's no it's alarming. I don't know how big the number has to be. I don't know who the person is that has to has to be killed that we say. Oh, oh, okay. Now we got it. I don't know what that number is. Well, I don't think if politics and law enforcement aren't going to get involved and it's companies that are actually Selling the guns. Yes, and the bullets have to start making these hands and I think Walmart even changed it did so I know but changes I do think changes coming. We'll see do you feel like this is the hardest part of your job be on your schedule is delivering stories like that. Yeah, but I also think it's a reality of light so I try not to take it home, but there are certain stories that get to me that Timothy Piazza the the guy who was at College binge drinking and you know, his fellow frat brothers just sort of left him there, you know my heart aches for the parents who come on and tell the story because they're really trying to help others avoid what they've gone through. So those kind of stories those kind of stories get to me. Where does your optimism come from? Because I get to sit and have a podcast and have fun conversation that you're having the real life stories come at you every day. I generally do believe people are good. I generally do believe that I generally do believe people want to do the right thing. You think that, you know people want to support each other and be kind to each other. I generally believe that our times say differently when were encouraged to be our worst possible selves and Kurt and I watch all the Ratchet TV shows, you know, whether what you're watching ratchet TV shows and 40 years. I've been hip-hop and Hip-Hop. Oh my God, but did you ever Real Housewives of Atlanta? Did you ever get like handmaid's tale? Yes. Oh, yeah. Yeah. See, this is the thing. I love TV. I love music. I love movies. I went to see Jennifer Lopez's hustlers this weekend. And because it's Jennifer Lopez. Well, that's where I saw you last I think yeah, one of the last times was that Gail and I stayed up until about 3:00 a.m. At Jennifer Lopez's last week in Vegas. Oh my God, that's right. And you were on the dance floor. That's right. Yes impressing everyone with my 7th grade moves, but I left Hustler thinking I need to get me a stripper pole you have Those at home, you know what Justin and I have discussed this and we have that you do we have talked about, you know, we've been very nice years, you know, but still how do you keep things sexier a stripper pole? I think that we would laugh at each other and so we Peter Pan's I don't know. How do you do that? After nine years just all of a sudden get sexy on a stripper pole. Well, there's something about watching it that I thought hmm, that's kind of interesting you like watching the girls because I don't want to I don't know. I don't think I could watch a guy strip for me on a pole. I think I would just be Hysterical well, I don't think Justin needs to strip. I think you just get up there and you just spin around. I think it just conjures up all sorts of flexibility. I'm going to get hurt my back but I did think that it was I did think that that was interesting. What have you ever stood for somebody no, okay. All right. I mean I thought I'd ask because you know, so and this is funny. This is once in college. I was dating a guy who was a photographer. Okay, and I thought okay. Let's have a sexy photo shoot now my idea of a sexy photo shoot. I was nude but Ashley. I was wearing rollers. This was back in the day where you wear pink foam roller. That's like very Marilyn stupid. No, I mean I'm posing I'm doing all the things like 50s poses. I mean just you know, you stick your butt out you stick your boobs out. He's a photographer. So I went with him to the dark room to develop them. And then when they were done, I got all the negatives. So I know that they will never see the light I was gonna say, I mean this was even before I don't understand why people send itself if I don't get I don't get it because Cause once it's out there takes a life of its own. I don't I honestly don't get that without selling weight. So if you are in a long distance relationship, no, there's nothing I would not do it was like come on Dale. It's been 20 years. Send me here coming home when he comes home. I will do all of that but I just said yeah, you better get rid of those pictures do you sent do yes, we sent each other pictures do not we're not on the cloud. But but when you take them, you're always in the cloud. I just think that's so risky look, you know. Of all even even though husband and wife I post naked and you could probably go Google it and see every crevice and and Valley of me if you really wanted to but we don't do it in a very like our photos are tasteful like we're just more like I miss you or you know, it's not like we're here my big yes. Yes. Yes and says I resume here's my penis, right? Did you forget what it looked like from the time he left the house. We do have a guess but it's still gonna look the same when he comes back. A cash Leo. What is funny is I don't--okay photos. I want bicep and add photos and he wants boob photos. Okay, but do those turn you on this is another thing I'm thinking about are you turned on looking at a picture of somebody's Penny? I don't think I don't tell me I'm looking at penis. Okay? No, I'm not into the I mean, I love Justin's but I don't need to see a photo. I haven't seen Justin so I don't know but I'm just thinking you get when he sends it to you go. Oh look at him. I prefer his mommy biceps. Absent but I like I like, you know are like a broad back. Wait. What is it about a man that gets you? What is it for me? It's humor. Okay here and then Schumer. Okay, I'll go get that. So stop. It's the chassis pointed at the church. This is just you got a big old chest come to Gail. Yeah, I do like it shallow. I know but I really do like big. Yeah, I do. I like and I think it's because I'm 5 10 and when I was in elementary imagery school, I was taller than all the boys and they used to call me. Goofy Gail. Goofy Gil a hook. I hated that I hate but the way you do so to this day. I still like someone who can like pick me up and make me feel like I'm petite so I'm very hung up on that. I know it's bad when someone says and I want to introduce you to somebody my first question. How tall is he? People said Gail, you have to stop asking that question I go. I know it's shallow. I know it's shallow, but Like I like humor. I like somebody who can make you laugh. I like intelligent somebody that you can have a conversation with like, you know, because I am so plugged in if I'll say to somebody can you believe that the Democrats or Republicans said blah blah blah and they go what are you talking about? You didn't hear you know, I'm sort of like, right. How could you not know this? That's a turn-off for me it is so I want somebody who is informed who's engaged who's funny? Yeah, because I actually believe that humor is a sign of intelligence. You know, it takes a lot to be someone who can make you laugh. My mom. You can't go on any dating app, but my mom did and she found men that were six six. Did she Nebraska Colorado? She went all in the midwest if you want to talk masca. I don't know. I wouldn't I don't know black people in Nebraska. There are few but there when I say a few I mean literally a few that's it. If I could do it like and not have to say it was me I would do it you but there's There's also another part of me that feels like loser, even though I know a lot of people have met people in dating on dating online. There's still a part of me that's feels some of that as you want it to be a natural connection like you want that one spark in the beginning. Well, Brian Grazer was on yesterday. He's written this book about face-to-face Brian Grazer that the producer and he said that he saw his wife across the room and they made eye contact and that the eyes are the soul. I've never just looked across the room from somebody when you know, I've been curious. Aureus but I haven't thought I haven't felt that but he believes that that can happen. But if I could do it and people not know, it's me with I would wait. Can we set up a fake account for you? I think Kirby should do that for you, but you can't do a fake account because they have to see a picture. Well, you could do like a like I don't know some kind of we could figure something out. So speaking of not being fake on dating apps. Yeah, how do we deal with fake news? Because this has been something that I think America has We had to weigh in on what they think is fake. Yeah, and what they believe is real. Yeah, but now we've got people saying they're journalists. How do we fact check ourselves? Well, number one focus on the truth. Will you do have to be informed? You can't I believe just get it from One Source. I think if you only listen to Fox you get one point of view the only listen to MSNBC you get another point of view and you can look at both of those and think gosh, it's so skewed I think in either direction, so I think you have to be very judicious. Atius, I think you have to be very thorough, you know, the thing I pride myself on working at CBS. Even before I went there. You know, that's original reporting great storytelling. We fact check we will sometimes be on the air and I'll say but so-and-so is reporting. Why can't we go to be they said because we haven't confirmed it yet. But so and so and so and so and then it turns out and maybe it wasn't exactly how it turned out to be. So we really check triple check whenever I hear fake news. I honestly don't think they're talking about us. I really don't but there was something that the New York Times Red Cavanaugh the Supreme Court with the New York Times did a story and the headline was you know, another woman comes forward to accuse him. But what the New York Times didn't put in the story was that the woman in question didn't recall the incident and she didn't want to be interviewed and they didn't report that part of the story then they had to come back out and say oh by the way, the woman didn't know she doesn't recall the incident. Somebody came forward on her behalf to say, you know what he did. He was drunk and he dun dada da she doesn't remember. Ember it she doesn't want to be involved in it. And when I saw that that that was coming from the New York Times. I did a little bit of right because it just feeds into the narrative from the president of the United States about fake news. Now the New York Times is a standard-bearer. I was surprised that that had happened under their watch very surprised. So I think we all have to be very careful about what we read what we see and what we believe we almost live in a society now that you can't take anything at face value because actually they can dr. Venkman. Yo, I know they could take this conversation in and they can switch our head they can switch our heads and he could have me saying, you know, I really like Justin's penis, right? They could they could do that. I know and then you'd be very mad. Now I wouldn't have to chill for that but that but you have to be careful because they really can edit anything to say anything they can edit things. So you have to trust the the news organization that you're watching or you reading. But if you bring got to do that, but you bring up a good topic because I feel like the me to movement women are finally being heard. Yes. I agree with you and you'd said this on dr. Phil's podcast that like, I really don't think women are saying that they're sexually assaulted or abused and they're not like I believe them. I think it's very unusual. I just happened. Yes. Yes, but to happen like what needs to change in this movement. What do you think? Well, I mean, I still think it's very important that we have a voice. I still think it's very important that we speak. Out and I do think that good things will come from the me to movement. I think that women will be believed in a way that they haven't been before and so I don't subscribe to the well it wasn't rape because you don't have to be raped for it to rise to the level of look you cannot do that. And this is wrong Angie Dickinson was on CBS Sunday morning and they asked her she's 80 something. What do you think about me too? She goes, I don't like it. I don't like it. I just don't like it. They said why well because there's a difference between in rape and a guy in his bathrobe showing you himself. Well, yeah, there's a difference but that ain't okay. It's not I think it's brought a whole conversation and I never yet we've never been able to have them so that's why that is good. Yeah. No, I agree with you. But I do worry though as she on the flip side on the other side to the Other Extreme that you know woman makes an allegation. The man is charging. That's just it I don't last to be some due diligence some room for Redemption if needed of course some due process. And so when you're having these conversations, how do you not because your face says it all, you know, everybody that you see on TV has an opinion right the truth is because we're not robots. We're not you know robotic or you know animated figures the difference is I'm not supposed to share my opinion. So I struggle with that I struggle with that sometimes difference between a journalist and a podcast host because you know, you'll have an opinion where you go did he or she just say But that's not the job. I'm supposed to do but occasionally I can't help it say boy that was wrong. I mean because your composure through the are Kelly and her view was amazing, but you know what? I wasn't even trying to be composed. I was just thinking I was worried about him leaving, right and I was just thinking really think he was going to yes when you get too pissed he gets up and he leaves he's gone. So I was just thinking I don't want him to leave because I still got some more questions. So I was just thinking What could I do to keep him there? And I thought if I was calm and I looked at the chair and looked at him look at the chair. Look at him to say to him. I'm not going anywhere. That's really what I was saying tune with my with my eyes because I didn't really know him. Whatever. This is you're doing you finish over there, but I'm still going to be sitting here. Can you imagine if I had stood up and reacted the way he did now, wait a second wait, we're not done. Not at all. He would have for sure walked out the door. He wanted you to react. Well, I don't know. You know what actually I don't know about that. I think that he was in the middle of I'll call it a breakdown for lack of a better word that he was sort of out of it for a second. He wasn't trying to provoke me or get me to react he was just really very wound up because that was the first time he had responded to the surviving our Kelly documentary where he thought he'd been maligned and I think it was for him a moment to express himself. I think I don't even think he expected to go from there to Hundred I don't just think it built built and then it just went it just broke. So I was worried when he was flailing around and he was spinning at one point some spit hit me on my lips. No, it didn't and I'm just sitting here like this Lord God. I can't please I'd only want to lower tissue. I just got this last does it so I was worried that when he was doing this and you know screaming I was worried that he would accidentally hit me but I never thought that he was going to hurt me. I didn't think that ya know you could tell it's either that's another thing. Can you imagine? Imagine if that had been my first interview now. Well, that's the beauty of experience. Yeah. That's why I wouldn't have my first interview from there. It's like you do this incredible interview. Your composure is excellent. Now, you're worth has gone up. How do you leverage walking into managing? Like what's coming next for you? How do you leverage? That's an interesting word? Because the R.Kelly thing came as I dark. Then I had the Michael Jackson accusers and the governor of Virginia was having issues with the black face right where that picture surface and he said it wasn't him. You don't remember taking a picture like that or you did one of the clan. Are you one of those by with anyway, so he agreed to do an interview with me. So it's sort of like things all lined up at the same time through no fault of my own. It's not like I was out there hustling trying to turn this into something that wasn't it just took on a life of its own but it also came during contract negotiations, which is very interesting. It's kind of beautiful. That's why it's interesting when you use that word leverage as I wasn't trying to do that, but it did hit a very how shall we say opportune time. So we just say, you know, the Lord just took me in this direction, and yes happened. I called her burner, so I just can't believe this is happening at this particular time. I can't believe it and she said that is called Jesus. I love it say thank you. Call him can't you? Are saying that but I didn't even ask Jesus. I didn't even ask Jesus but I didn't call Jesus you bring up a good point because the people who sit and wait for God and Jesus to work for them. They're always be sitting there with ya. It's people like you who just get up and go and then they see the blessings come for them. No one else like God. You think it's cheesy scale. It's for sure Jesus didn't know that was kind of funny, but I hadn't thought of it like that. I love it. I just said God I'm working so hard and look at all these things that's happening to me now because No, that's Jesus. I love that. She gave you that perspective. Yes. Yes your transparency. I mean on social media is amazing. You showing us the scale is showing a Spanx no makeup selfies. Where does that transparency come from? Because Ashley I think people have eyes and so maybe if I didn't have this job and didn't have on my TV this my TV Faith hello, and if I didn't have all my TV face and people can see that, you know, she can actually look okay. I will be out sometimes my mother used to always say never leave the house without your makeup. You should always have on looked at GoGo. Mom. Just going to the store to get some milk. You should always look your best and I just I don't subscribe to that. I just think if you're running the store, you know, but there are days that you go and people go, you know, you kind of look like Gayle King Your Voice Sounds like her I go I am do you say you are yeah. I say I am they go. Oh, I'm not in Disguise. This is my face and then they say, Something that you know, they're lying and they go oh, but you look so pretty I go you don't think I'm pretty you're thinking you look like shit. Okay. I know what you're thinking ma'am. No, no. No, you look so no. No. No, I don't know. It's okay. It's okay. I understand. There's a difference lashes make a difference what he could say. What's your best beauty tip lashes? Yeah. I still don't know how to put him on you probably know to put on like I don't know how to put on last you don't see I don't eyeliner. I'm for me makeup is still paint by numbers, but I swear by lashes. But so I figure people get to see me on TV and know that She can look halfway decent. So maybe that's part of it too. Although I was in the gym in La this guy came and I thought God why do I have to look like this now? Because he looked over at me when and just went on about his way. I could tell I could tell it was like no. Thanks, and I want to say I wanted to say to me, you know, I can look much cuter than it but I didn't I didn't because you want somebody to like all of you and All Phases just the way he looked at me was like hmm. I could I could just see the judge I can see it. I just said God if If he knew if he could see my in New York he could if he could see my TV face and then I have a job and that I have a braid that really have a lot to offer and so I just got my little towel and walked out of there but I get it so on those times I think God but when I see women all dolled up at the gym, I think know that way too much also you're just asking for is it at that point? Yeah. I just I was on the treadmill in this woman walked up to me and she said she went to University of Maryland where I went and she said, you know, we're always talking about it. Said when she had full faith I said, you know, I just have to say how do you work out with your makeup on I'm just very curious about how you're doing that and so she said, oh, you're so fine. I go. No, I'm serious. You got on lashes you have on Foundation. How are you doing? This she said cuz you never know I go you never know what but anyway, she said, you know, well since you're talking to me, I wasn't going to disturb you but since you're talking to me, you know, we all wonder who did your work and I go what works on your face. Who did your did your work go? I haven't had work. On my face you have and I go no, we were all wondering who's your surgeon I go. I don't have a surgeon that is the best compliment. So, you know I did I took her picture and said I'm going to post this. What's your name? I took a pic. This lady just asked me who did my work then. She was very embarrassed. Oh my God, I think that's funny that people think I've had plastic surgery People Say the Darndest Things. You must run into that where people say constantly. Yeah, I always get told Yeah by you're not as big as I thought or let do people say that you're not as big as that. Yeah, but that's like the number one comment. You're not as big as I am. And what's your response to that? I say well here I am. Yeah, you know, I mean, what are you going to say? We're oh you don't that get the no makeup thing, you know or I prefer you like and then they say how they prefer me. Yeah. I like your hair better like here at all. It shows off your body more. No, do I have to wear body con dress every day for you. I know look it would mean well though and they do they do and I think do some of the stuff that comes out you just came. Am I really think that people don't go like you said want to be nice. Yes, they do and they know it's their first and last shot to engage with Ashley Graham. So they just say something like somebody came to me and said, how do I love you? Oh God, hold on. Oh my God. How's the baby? I just love you. Please tell me you corrected them. No I said that such a compliment but I'm not jota. Oh that's accepted. And then a couple of times I've said, yeah, I am just because I didn't feel like I didn't feel like it and I called her and told her that I did that. Yeah, I could sit here and talk to you all day, but I want to be mindful of your time because you're one of the busiest women that I know as are you well, but the last thing I want to do is we always do a lightning round and it's just for questions. I just need you to fill in the blank or okay. Okay, I pretty much always. As these are like thoughtful lightning rounds. I pretty much always try to do the right thing. That's like an all circumstances. That's the truth. Yeah, you never know if that show is watching you. Yes, you do. Well, you never know who's watching. Never but I don't even think about that. I just I do pretty much always try to do the right thing like we hit we had a thing on the news the other day about somebody that left but a hundred and twenty thousand dollars in a bank account by mistake. Would you spend it or not? Even though it was put into I said, I would never I went back to the bank when they gave me $20 extra because I believe in karma well as karma never loses an address. So I went back, you know, you gave me $20 extra that led to a whole conversation. So I was pretty much always try to do the right thing. What's the biggest lesson you've learned this year God. These are wears a boxer in the briefs questions welbach tacos and hamburgers which one boxer briefs Spanx. The biggest lesson I've learned this year that nothing is guaranteed. I look at the world. We live in with politics that you think it's going to go one way and then it goes the other nothing is guaranteed. And if you believe in something you've got to boat people can't be you can't complain. You can't complain and rant about something and then not do something about it. What's the biggest deal you've ever made and it could be business or it could be you made a big deal about something either way if you look a deal I tend to make a big deal about food Ashley. Oh you and the Popeyes had me on my knees. I meant that too. I don't sandwich was delicious eating and food gives me such pleasure and I can't cook. So, you know, we just had that people on from Bon Appetit the top 10 restaurants. They had a sandwich on the cover that I wanted to friggin bite the cover and start chewing the paper. So I tend to make a big deal about food. Okay and last question. Since you're pretty big deal, what is a pretty big deal to you? Well, my favorite daughter Kirby's engaged. Congratulations. He's engaged. That's a pretty big deal. It's a big deal. I just would like some details about date. He hasn't given me a date yet because they haven't picked one is you know, I'm ready to start shopping. Of course. I keep a list of baby names as a matter of fact when I was walking in here. I met somebody on your team. Kailia, Kaylee. Oh, yeah, my director. Kailia. Yeah, yes, so I've been collecting names of things that I like. She's getting married, but you already thinking of I know and she said Mom, that's what she said mom. My womb is empty, but I said, but I'm just collecting name's Hayden Colton Landon Stetson Milo. Kailia, Eden color the best thing not to be guilty and the best thing Justin's mom and dad. Did they never put pressure on us? And then boom it just happened and it wasn't even like we weren't planning. We weren't not It just happened. So it's wrong for me to say I'm sorry Gail. You're in the wrong. You don't even know what I'm going to ask. Oh, it's wrong. It's wrong for me to say are you guys planning on children soon? Is that wrong to say if you ask one time? That's it. Is it wrong to say God? I can't wait to have a grandchild. So wrong to say instead of saying. Okay. What's the right way to ask? It was clearly. I don't have any kids when you guys and then don't ask again. She'll give you you an answer. I know don't ask again. Clearly. We haven't met. Thank you Ashley. Thank you. Alright guys, don't forget to join the conversation on pretty big deal Instagram and Twitter. We want to hear from you. So make sure you leave us questions and comments. You never know. We might read it right here. Pretty big deal is produced by a pretty big deal Productions and OBD sound.
Ashley Graham sits down with the one and only, Gayle King. You know Gayle as an accomplished journalist, co-host of CBS This Morning and Editor-At-Large of O Magazine. Gayle is a Broadcasting & Cable Hall of Fame inductee and was selected as one of Time’s Most Influential People in 2019. She is undoubtedly one of TV’s most versatile personalities. You can find her delivering the news bright and early on CBS, laughing with her best friend on reruns of The Oprah Winfrey Show or conducting a hard hitting interview with notorious public figures. In this episode, we talk about the news, her hectic schedule, and staying positive through it all. HOST: Ashley Graham GUEST: Gayle King EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Ashley Graham, Penni Thow, Scooter Braun EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Michael D. Ratner, Scott Ratner, Miranda Sherman PRODUCED BY Pretty Big Deal Productions, OBB Picture & OBB Sound CO-EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Kelsey McWilliams, Ava Coleman DIRECTED BY: Kaliya Warren WRITER: Ava Coleman LINE PRODUCER: Jess Vogel ASSOCIATE PRODUCER: Ilyssa Walker RESEARCHER: Shahnaz Mahmud SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER: Natasha Janardan EDITORS: Crystal Arnette, Lucy Tatiana Morales MAIN TITLE THEME BY: Johannes Raassina, Lefteris Ioannou POST PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR: Jess Vogel SOUND MIXER: James Sparber TITLE THEME PRODUCER: Johannes Raassina KEY PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Julissa Ramirez PRODUCTION SOUND: Kit Jirles ADDITIONAL SOUND RECORDIST: Deanne Williams ART DIRECTOR: Laura Miller PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Catrina Kokkoris DATA MANAGEMENT: Melissa Bueno-Werner PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS: Masha Zhak, Adam Duplechain, Nick Kaufmann, Christian Guinanzaca, Guy Mueller ADDITIONAL PRODUCTION SUPPORT: Raquel Dominguez, Jennifer Spottz SPECIAL THANKS: Mina White, IMG Models, Argon Props. Adorama Rental Company, YouTube Studios, YouTube Space NY
Fantasy industry vets Joe Dolan and Tom Brawley are bringing it all season long on the fantasy free agents podcast unrestricted, unaffiliated unparalleled fantasy football analysis. While Tom Brolly I don't think we were planning to do a whole lot of work on Sundays at least until two weeks from now, but the NFL news cycle never stops, and it seems every year. There's something surprising that happens. So Tom We are doing what is our first ever. I guess emergency podcast. I did Bill Simmons come up with that term. I'm not really sure because he does it all the time whenever somebody farts in the NBA Bill Simmons needs to record an emergency podcast. But but this is a real emergency podcast here at the fantasy free agents. Tom Andrew Luck has retired and we're going to talk about his retirement from a football standpoint right here at the start of the show, and then we'll get into fantasy, but I want to let everybody No, we have updated our rankings at Fantasy free you and I were literally I mean we were sitting on your back deck watching Miami. We were watching Miami, Florida College football drinking 47 natter days of Peace eat. That's why I'm Joe. I'm very hungover. I like is this really happening? I feel like I'm in a dream right now it well. I put some coffee on time. I told you you texted me at like 10:15 and you're like, all right, Joe. What do you wanna do this? And I was like I was like, well, I'm still passed out. So now I actually feel pretty good. Now. That's just cause you're staying up and watching the Hawaii. I was I was watching the white game because I had oh I'm too and oh, by the way, I was on I was on the undead for Florida Miami and then I was on Hawaii plus 11 and I actually I actually laid down in bed before that game was over because I knew the only way for me to lose was if Arizona forced overtime scored first in overtime and then had a pick six in overtime which would have qualified as the worst be in. History of betting and if that happened, I don't want to see it anyway Thomas. So there you go. I did it didn't I was quite surprised that that I'll come Hawaii dominated him up. Matt Brown was all over that one. But yeah, we got pressing matters today to to get us out of bed and on a podcast here on a Sunday morning. Okay. So Andrew Luck is retired. Tom we were sitting around like we said on your porch and been kookiness texted our group and he was like, holy shit Andrew Luck retired and we were literally about to make fun of him for falling for like a fake account. Yeah. That was my first reaction. I'm like, oh man, he must be falling after Adam Chef Nur something a darn a darn schefter. Yeah, but it's true. Andrew Luck is retired Adam schefter kind of Awkwardly, I mean, by the way, this is his job, but he kind of awkwardly broke it during the third preseason game exposing Andrew Luck to the booze his teammates might not have known really ugly scene. Mostly. It's just people being surprised. You know, I don't need to get on my soapbox about people booing Andrew Luck you like that's it's not that's like a natural reaction. People are upset. They think they're going to have a quarterback for the next ten to 12-year. I mean, I don't care. Yeah, and then I'm sure they feel bad about Right now so I mean, I'm not gonna get on my soapbox about that. But let's talk about Andrew Luck Tom. He's 29 years old. He was on Pace to be an all-time great. Maybe you think that's a little aggressive but if it is aggressive it's because injuries have derailed that and you have to look at Andrew Luck from a personal standpoint. Okay. I'm I'm not a shrink but let's try to get inside his mind. He grew up rich. Okay, he grew up very very well educated. He's obviously A super smart he gave her degree. He has yes, he has a Stanford degree. He stayed in college by the way an extra year when he would have been the number one overall pick in the NFL draft. He has tons of interests. I don't money to me. It's just not a motivating factor for Andrew Luck. Like I said, he grew up wealthy grew up privileged and he's made a ton of money in the NFL does far more money than you and I and our entire extended families could ever think to spend okay? He so this is not a motivation for him. As I said, he has other interests. He's recently married wants to travel and Tom when you're the quarterback of the football team. You've got to work harder than the rest of the team. That is a fact and that's you Tom. You got to work harder than the rest of the team when you're healthy Andrew Luck had an abdomen injury lacerated kidney recovering from shoulder surgery this calf injury. Became a high ankle injury that they still don't really know anything about it. And when all those things add up Tom, it kind of doesn't surprise you that he retired. No, I mean this is this is a guy that's been through a lot. Yeah, as you said he, you know, you have to work harder than everybody but then yeah didn't you know, you have to work hard to overcome her injuries, you know, he's had the shoulder issues the lot, you know, that was a two-year process basically missed an entire season and now he's been working through the calf. If thing and he had major, you know, he had ribbons you rib injuries early in his career playing behind a bad offensive line it just you know, the toll just finally got too much and you know, there was a quote from Zaki for you know, after this spring after the he was lamenting the loss that Kansas City and you know, just you know, he has other interests. He the the shoulder thing. Was a rehabbing that and trying to get over it. It really took a toll on them. Well and and Tom, I mean that doesn't mean that he's done forever. I he's 29 he could take three years off Tom and still decide and decide. You know, what I want to give this another go my body feels really good. We're too far ahead to speculate on that. But right now he seems at peace with the decision and and that is his right and it yeah, it puts the Colts in a really awkward. Awkward spot but I mean Tom when you're the guy's life is in your hands and I'm not blaming Chris Ballard for any of this like Chris Ballard did the best he could to protect them? But I mean, maybe the damage was done before Chris Ballard even got into town. Yeah. I mean Ryan grigson Mia. We you know talked plenty about him over the years and you know, I'm just not putting enough resources in the offensive line and exposing him so much over the years and you know, it did it was too much for him and you know, I'm with you. I think we we might see Andrew Luck at some point down the road here, but it's you know pretty clear. If you know, he could come to this decision at 29 years old after you know, having a great season and then and you know, you know playing and playing the Colts to above expectations last year, you know Super Bowl. They are everybody Chic, you know Super Bowl pick. Yeah. Yeah Super Bowl pick, you know the bit of a long shot. So you know it clearly if it got to this point it must be Really Weighing on them. I mean and Tom I think it's fair to say maybe if this calf injury didn't exist. We wouldn't even be talking about this right now, but you know when you get a carriage, or maybe maybe we would be anyway, I mean, I don't I don't know if this is a major thing, but it could have been in the season if he picked up an injury. I mean, you know, this is clearly something he's been thinking about this this I don't think this was just the calf injury. I mean it was just the final straw if we didn't have the calf injury. I think there still would have been a final straw and some In the next year or two. So this is clearly something he's been thinking about a lot. So the I think the Hope from a football fan standpoint is Andrew Luck takes a year takes two years off gets gets himself right physically and decides. You know what I want to give this another go if he doesn't want to do that that is entirely his prerogative Tom. Once again, he's made more than enough money. He's married. He's starting a family that maybe this is the last we've seen of him in terms of shocking. Ian and Tom I'm 33. So I remember Michael Jordan being retired and playing baseball, but I don't remember the context of Jordan retiring in 93 and what that meant to the Zeitgeist of the sports and what that meant to the sport world. I would have to think this is probably the most shocking retirement since Michael Jordan. Yeah. It's definitely up there. I mean, I mean, I guess going through football here. I mean the Calvin Johnson Barry Anders Brett Favre but I mean this is easily up there for me. I mean, yeah, I don't really remember the Michael Jordan one too much as well. I mean, I would just remember him not being around but I was you know, eight nine years old at the time and didn't fully grasp it but a job. I just remember us talking at the beginning of last week about how quiet the preseason is and you know how awesome you know, totally jinxing it and you know, I this this certainly Takes the Cake, I mean I didn't think we would be doing a podcast on a Sunday to Talk about Andrew Luck's retirement. I mean, this is just absolutely stunning. Anyway, cut it and Tom. Once again, I'm not saying like if you will get into the fantasy aspects. I just wanted to talk about it from Human aspect all the best Andrew Luck. It's clear this decision weighed heavily on him and maybe maybe he'll decide a year or two down the road that he misses it by the way some speculation that since his dad is the commissioner of the XFL. Of course, that is what it's bearing to go play in the FL tomp the problem with that is when you retire with years left on your contract those contract years put you in control of the team that signed you to that contract and it doesn't mean Andrew Luck can just sit out for three years and his contract expires. If he were to decide to come back the contract would pick up where it left. That is my understanding of the situation the contract would pick up. Where it left off if he decides to return so in order for Andrew Luck to play in the XFL, which is a which is a Beyond appalling thought anyway, the Colts would have to willingly let him do that. And I really don't see that happening. I mean that that would be even more stunning than this retirement. I just don't see that happening that I I haven't even heard that Joe I do you have any bird that that much? That would flip that but that is deep deep deep deep state, but I saw that within 45 seconds because all of her Luck's the commissioner of the XFL. I know that but the tolling crap I that's insane. All right. Well Tom after this short break we're going to get into the fantasy aspects in the fantasy implications of Andrew Luck's retirement because unfortunately, that's what we have to do and we're going to be talking about Jacobi per set and the entirety of the Colts roster when we come back what's up listeners. This has been cooking. Canis producer of the fantasy free agents podcast on anchor FM podcasting. I've been producing podcast and chose for my friends and colleagues Joe Dolan and Tom Bradley for years now. So when we decided to start the fantasy for Asians podcast, it was imperative. We find a hosting platform an app that was easy to use Quick to record and post and track our stats and that's exactly what we found in Anchor. It's the easiest way to make a podcast and gives you everything you need in one place from either your phone or your computer. Their creation. Tools makes my life easier and I felt Great knowing that anchor handles the distribution of our podcast to their other platforms like Spotify Apple podcasts Google podcasts and many more and don't worry about any difficult process to monetize your podcast. You can easily make money with no minimum listenership. So go download the anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started today and thanks for listening to the fantasy free agents podcast unrestricted, unaffiliated unparalleled analysis for your fantasy football and bedding needs. Okay, Tom, let's get into it with the fantasy aspects. Once again, we are going to be updating our cheat sheets today with a couple of rankings updates. Not just for Andrew Luck but also for Lamar Miller which we will also talk about here on the podcast Tom. This is obviously a blow to the Colts offense. I don't think you can you can I don't think you can spin it another way. However, I don't think and you and I agree on this. I don't think it's a death knell for the Colts offense because I Jacoby Brissette is one of the two or three best backup quarterbacks in the NFL. If not the best backup quarterback in the NFL. So I think there is an opportunity here for the Colts to sneak up surprise some people with Jacoby percent at quarterback. Now, let's look at what you're Kobe percent did two years ago in Indianapolis. He wasn't a great season. I understand that. He started 15 games 13 touchdowns seven interceptions. All right, 50 8.8% It's pretty pathetic. However, the less than less than a touchdown pass for game. Holy crap. However, he was traded to the Colts virtually a week before the regular season. He played under a dead in the water coaching staff with Chuck Pagano chud's in ski was his OCD. I remember he's now been preparing in Frank Reich saw fence for two full off seasons. Jacoby presets going to play better this year than he did two years ago. Yeah, I would think so and the weapons around them or much better. I mean, he really only had tea white Hilton at the time, you know, we chronicled throughout the offseason here. They they drafted Paris Campbell on day two the they go out and signed Devin funchess on a one-year deal Jack Boyles going to be back in the mix Eric Ebron. He didn't get the chance to play with him in 2017. So totally different situation. I compared to 2017 a much much improved cast. All right, Tom. So I had I had Andrew Luck at 7. We had Andrew Luck. It's seven on our site rankings. Obviously. We dropped him out of our top. Yeah, he was a top five guy before the cast-off right Adam. We started this off season. He was to wasn't me. We started this off season with him at to when the injury lingered I moved him to three and then I recently had moved him to seven when it looked like this because I didn't really know where to pull them. Well now we know where to put them out of the top 50 Tom II have Jacoby percent at 24 Now I think that's more than fair and I actually think you can make an argument that it's a little low. He's athletic. He's got a big arm one of the problems that I have with Brissette is he I think he takes too many sacks. Now two years ago. This offensive line was not what it looks like right now, but oftentimes as people have been saying on Twitter the sack is a quarterback stat. Does the guy hold on to the ball too long does he does he not know when to get rid of it? Does he not pull the trigger on throws and those might be things Jacoby percent and to work on but Tommy ran for 260 yards and four touchdowns. So he's going to have the rushing upside. I think he's going to throw away more than 13 touchdowns. I think you can make the argument that 24 is a little too low for Brissette to me. It feels right right about now. Yeah, that's about where I would be picking him. I mean probably right after Jimmy Garoppolo, I would assume that's where I had somewhere in that. Yeah. Gruffalo had a nice little showing last night to to ease some of the worries about him, but, you know, maybe a little bit more Side then like an Andy Dalton Matt Stafford, you know those type of guys that are going around the same spot. So, you know, he's not really draftable for you know in re drafts, you know, we're getting pretty far down the road there but in best balls like yeah, I could see I did actually did a best ball, you know after everything went down last night. I think he went in the 15th or 16th round. So yeah, that sounds about right a little bit of upside here. You know, we touched on the cast much improved and you know offensive line is also, you know way better. Her than it was back in 2017. So, you know, he's had the chance. I mean he's been working with the starters, you know, basically all training camp when we touched on Lux calf injury, so he's been running with the ones and he's been working as a starter e obviously started 15 games back in 2017. So it's not like he's coming into this completely, you know, you know out of the blue here, he's been working with the starters and he's worked with starters in the past. Let's go. Let's go to the receiving Corps and the Act made there with Jacoby versed at quarterback in 2017 T Y Hilton basically had his Worst season Tom since his rookie season and probably the worst season fantasy wise of his career 52.3% catch rate 57 catches for 966 yards and four touchdowns. The four touchdowns are a career low and obviously the year before that Hilton had broken out. He led the NFL in receiving with Andrew luck at quarterback. This is a blow to T. Y Hilton that being said as I already as I already Postulated I mean Jacoby presets going to play a whole lot better this year. So I don't think you need to set your teams on fire. If you've already drafted Ty Hilton Tom you moved him down. It's the only logical thing to do, but I wouldn't be panicking. This is a really good receiver and a rock solid backup quarterback. Yeah moved him down nine or ten spots here. He's down to water Seaver 21, which you know, it's in the the Cooper cup Chris God when Tyler Boyd kenyala day range now, so yeah. Previously, he was like an early third round pick before and now he's kind of slated in least. We have them slated in somewhere as a late 4th early 5th some somewhere around there. So obviously he doesn't have the type of ceiling then, you know, he had with luck that we've seen it'll last year and in 2016, but still, you know, he's going to be the one guy that they're going to feature him every week in this passing game Devin funchess Paris Campbell. I mean Campbell wasn't even in our top 150 we dropped funches completely out of the top 150. I think that's fair. What do we do with Eric Ebron here Tom for the people. Yeah funches is down into the 60s Campbell's into the 70s now so, you know their camels not even draftable and funguses last couple rounds Terry Braun. I dropped him down to tie down 16 just just you know, he relied so heavily on the touchdowns, I would think you know, they could you know, they were Up near 30 points a game. I think last year and I would think maybe a touchdown less a game. Now, you know, they might be in the 21 to 24 points per game range. So, you know, I have to Lop off some touchdown production for Eric Ebron and obviously that's a big part of his game. So he's in the Jimmy Graham Greg Olsen Darren Waller range now, so and then Jack Doyle, he's completely on draftable at this point. I slid him down below mikasuki. He's our Thai 1015, you know, there was light and 25 we were trying to we were trying to find a way to like move Marlin Mac down. I know they've been talking about him as a three down Runner. I really struggled with Mac here Tom, honestly, and I'm going to tell you why it's because you wonder maybe they'll run the ball a little bit more but the whole offense is going to be less efficient. This is a big blow in my opinion to Marlon Mac. I actually moved them down pretty significantly. I dropped them to our B22 right ahead of Melvin Gordon. I just feel like I see more Side with the Aaron Jones is the Devonta Freeman is the Leonard fournette to the world. Then I do with Mac here with Jacoby prosthetic quarterback. Yeah, I won't be getting many shares of Mac going forward. Now, you know, he was pretty he oh he was great in you know, the kind of the clothes are all last year. They would build up leads and he would dominate in the third and fourth quarters and you know as I touched on earlier, you know, I think they're going to be scoring fewer points, which obviously hurts Merlin back down at the goal line and you know, they're not going to be leading as much You know the I don't know what Vegas is going to do, but the the Colts were projected I think around nine and a half. I think was their win total come at you know, before the whole announcement. I would think it's going to drop till six and a half seven when I think that's what I saw six and a half out there. It's out there. So that's what it would have been my guest. So obviously they're not going to be playing with as many leads going forward, which is a big blow for Marlin Mac and it might actually help not naive. Mine's a little bit, you know, if they're playing from behind a little bit more I have named Hines in our B1 I think that's about right I almost said we even touch him at it feels like he's pretty much the you know, he's the one guy that really wasn't touched by the whole what I did was I squeezed Mac and Hines. I didn't really move Hines all that much Mac was the big loser and obviously because Tom we're projecting them to play with fewer leads. That's a big blow to Marlon Mac. That's that's what we that's why we did this here. So we're going to do a quick cheat sheet update on that so you can get all those rankings if you're drafting today or tomorrow. Tom once we come back from this message from our sponsors. I want to talk about the other big news and I feel bad for Lamar Miller because it's going to get buried Lamar Miller tearing his ACL in on his first preseason. Kerry will get into that right after this what's up listeners. This has been kookiness producer of the fantasy free agents podcast. If you're listening to this you obviously like podcasts and I'll go out on a limb and say you like music too. It used to be looking for podcasts on one app and listening to music on another but now on spot. Fi you have all your listening needs including the fantasy free agents podcast for free. No, you don't need a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic and you can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode download episodes to listen offline, wherever you are and easily share what you're listening to with your friends via spotify's Integrations with social platforms, like Instagram spotify's the world's leading music streaming service, and now it can be your go to for podcast as well. Just search for the fantasy from free agents on the Spotify app or browse podcasts in the EU or Library Tab and follow us. So you never miss an episode and now back to the unrestricted unaffiliated unparalleled analysis of the fantasy free agents Tom. I don't think anybody was all that excited about drafting Lamar Miller. Anyway after the Texans traded for Duke Johnson now, obviously we have to drop them are Miller entirely out of our rankings torn ACL for him is going to land them on ir. And for the Texans well good thing. Traded for Duke Johnson Tom because they are going to need him the question I have and this is as somebody who is a Duke Johnson lover who's drafted him a bajillion times this offseason Ken Duke Johnson handle number one running back role in Houston. Now, I think anybody would say and great Cosell always says this uses the phrase within the context of the offense if the Texans aren't expecting him to be kind of a power back a grinder. Then he could probably be the number one in their offense. But they use Lamar Miller as a power back and a grinder and the question becomes do they want to replace Miller and keep Duke Johnson's roll the same Tom. I have moved Duke Johnson. I admit like our be 37. I've moved them up to our B-29 right below Austin Eckler that feels right to me right now. Yeah. I think we were talking to you know, he's probably moved into the fifth round conversation late fifties early sixties, Joe. Can I Say can we pour one out for my dance Dynasty team that we have with a bunch of old co-workers. I had Andrew Luck and Lamar Miller as two of my keepers. Not a good Saturday for the whole. Did I bring you the more Million last year? Yes. I had Lamar Miller and lock. I just had to go in and change. My Keepers meant to them. That was oh my God were closed for me. So that was not a good Saturday. But uh, yeah so Dukey, I think he's into that late fifties early sixties now. We'll see what they do. There are. Prime candidate I mean, I mean I was thinking this morning, you know all the talk with Carlos Hyde getting cut and Kansas City. And I mean I could see you know, the Houston Texans. I mean, there's also talk about Ken dicks and getting cut so there are going to be you know shopping I think next Saturday and Sunday whenever cut start coming out, you know, whenever teams are trimmed down to 53 man roster. So yeah Duke Johnson Tom. I think he's in the low-end rb2 high-end rb3 range. I'm still a little concerned that his role isn't going to increase all Much but I mean if you I'm your you continue to reap the benefits here if you drafted early, obviously, we see that we see the given the take of that with Andrew luck and Lamar Miller, but if you drafted Duke Johnson a lot early as I did you see the benefits here the trade rumors swirling he was available as like a fourteenth round pick. And now as you said Tom we're going we're going to see him in the fifth round. Yes, and well, you know, we got a yeah, I think they're going to make a move, you know next week, but you know for the time being I think Think we have the Maria Crockett a little higher than Quran Higdon, but you know be interested to see what talk comes out of, you know, Texans Camp here of an over the next couple days. If you know if they give any kind of indications if they're going to you know, make any moves or you know, if they feel confident in the group they have you know, if it if it comes out I think Crockett has to you know, start crawling up boards here. I mean, there's we got to have major questions and Duke has never really been that grinder, you know, the guy that Sustained drives and you know, I think rocket is the guy to keep an eye on here the next couple days. So yeah. Well, we'll keep an eye on Crockett. I haven't been our be 73 right now Tom. I don't know where the hell else to put them because I do expect them to make a move. Let's speculate here first and foremost. They are not trading for Melvin Gordon. They just traded what's going to amount to barring Duke Johnson getting hurt a third round pick for Duke Johnson. They are not trading another premium pick for Melvin Gordon. They're not going to do that Tom because Jay ajayi he's out there on the open market. Phillies Philly has like 12 running backs. They're gonna cut Wendell Smallwood and Josh Adams guys who who had some flashes last year other teams are probably going to end up cutting some guys that that might surprise you that they are not trading a pick for Melvin Gordon. That's not going to happen. No, I I think I'd much rather them use a trading a pic to you know, try to Pride Trent Williams or get more offensive line help. I think that's the much more likely spot where they would You know use you know some draft Capital to trade and improve that group. I think that's the more pressing need at this point. So I do expect them to I think they'll wait for Final Cuts. Maybe they'll bring in somebody like an agile e4a work out there. No, I'm sure yeah, I'm sure we're going to get the guys, you know shuffling into Houston here over the next couple days. The the the Jai Jai is and you know get those guys working out this they're going to they're going to be they're going to be scouring the market right now. Yeah, I would be surprised if they traded anything. More than like a sixth or seventh round pick to even even for a guy like LeSean McCoy Tom. I don't think they're going to trade anything more than that. You are you already traded a premium pick for Duke Johnson. You can't afford to trade another one for a running back. So I would expect them to wait until Final Cuts at signed somebody but it's hard it's hard to say. This is anything but a boost to do Johnson's value. It has to be. Yeah, I mean and so I know we've had the conversations over the last year or so, like what are the Texans doing with their running back depth chart? You know, we we've kept expecting them to make moves and you know, sign free agents draft guys and they still have that, you know, they didn't until the Duke Johnson move. So, you know their lack the lack of our be depth is really coming back to bite them now and it's one of those things where maybe you know, I've heard the trade rumors swirling Clowney to Philadelphia, maybe Philly throws in haha a poll of odd Evite I who is their starting left tackle in the Super Bowl you wonder if Philly could even throw Vite I like one of them. Scrub running backs and like a second-round pick in there, you know something like that that I'm just trying to come up with with Workshop some solutions here, but I truly would be surprised if they went into the season with the running back depth chart of Duke Johnson tamari a crock and Quran Higdon. Yeah. I'm right there with you. That would be fascinating us some sort of climate deal because yeah, that is that's their biggest thing thats hanging over their head, you know, we obviously running back his you know, not as valued as it as it once was but Cloudy is their top priority right now trying to get hit that you know that situation all resolved and it's been a slow process for them. So, you know things are adding up in Houston. It's that AFC South is wide open right now not all of a sudden Jacksonville and Tennessee or you know in play here to win that division as well. And I mean Houston as much bad vibes as we've gotten from them Tom. They have their best quarterback in the division. I was gonna say it there are the favorite. I mean they I would think I have It looked at the odds, but I think that they have to be the favorites to win the South now. And by the way, if you win the South what are you do Tom you get in the dance. You can tell you the Super Bowl without getting in the dance Bill Parcells used to call it the tournament, you know, you get in the tournament and you see what happens the Houston Texans as flawed as this roster is their window is now Tom. I mean you this division should belong to DeShaun Watson. So you go out and you get I don't want them to spend an asset really to get a back but maybe If it's an accessory to a clown E-Trade or you just go sign in somebody like a guy off the street you go and prove that offense of line with cuts or trades maybe via the Clowny trade. I saw some Buzz about maybe a clowning for Trent Williams swap. That would be interesting then I think you put it in the hands of Watson put him in a position to succeed and the Houston Texans by the way, not to say DeShaun Watson is the same as Andrew Luck or anything like that. You should take a good hard look in the mirror about what just happened. Happened with Andrew luck who probably was forced into retirement. At least in his mind by the fact that he got the shit kicked out of him behind a crappy offensive line for six years. So keep that in mind. If you're the Houston Texans protecting your franchise quarterback should be priority a number one and it really hasn't seemed like a priority for Houston at all. Yeah. Yeah. I remember draft day whenever they Eagles, you know jumped in front of them because the Eagles get it Tom. Yes, you gotta protect your Young quarterback that yeah, and you know, obviously They have a quarterback that has been proven to be a little bit injury-prone here and they want to protect him as much as possible. So, you know, I pulled up the odds. What do you it's not the most wide open division in football. The Texans are in the favorites. I guess you can say it plus 200 two-to-one odds and Jaguars are 220 Titans are 350 and other cool to the long shot at 450. I don't know if the Colts are I think the culture kind of in the Titans mix right now. Oh, yeah. I mean II that whole race and I don't see anybody running away there. They're all pretty much they're all in that 7 to 9 when you arrange their of outcomes, so it is certainly wide open night. I don't think the Colts are dead. Like you said with / said one more update here while we were recording Tom Adam schefter reports that the Colts had they have legal recourse to recoup twenty four point eight million. Just shy of 25 million from the from Andrew Luck. They have decided not to do that. They are saying we respect your decision. You keep the money. Remember the Lions demanded money back from both Calvin Johnson and Barry Sanders. So Jim irsay, I will say this I think free Spirits about as gentle as I can go here, but he does seem like somebody who legitimately cares about his players. Yeah, and I think this is a good faith gesture from Jim irsay. Who by the way himself said last night. Well, you know down the road. We'll see what Andrew wants to do. This is a good faith gesture saying Andrew the doors open. Yeah, absolutely. And I think that's what I see what this whole you know, you know, let him keep the money. They're just saying if you change your mind in a couple weeks, you know will gladly take you back and maybe it's a couple weeks. Maybe it's a couple months. Maybe it's a couple years but I think the Colts would gladly take him back at any point. One more update Tom. I am a boy. I'm thrilled that I can give you this one because this has been such a depressing podcast. I'm going to retire after this one. But a rick Bunnell who covers the Panthers for the Charlotte Observer says Cam Newton is in the locker room. No boot no limp. So they're like Joe Baxter. I needed something to lift my spirits. It's been a it's been a tough 24 hours here from the fantasy football perspective. We've got we've got a Cam Newton it quarterback six Tom and all right. So before we wrap this up, let's say now since I have that update on Cam Newton does this change at all how you're drafting the quarterback position without that other high-end option like luck in there now, it's still a great job still holding out. I mean, I still think there's plenty of Of good values late in the draft and yeah, it doesn't change how I approach it at all. Okay. All right, Tom, that's going to wrap it up for this podcast an emergency pockets. Are we sure we should keep doing emergency podcast. Well whenever Andrew Luck retires, I think that warrants it there Bill Simmons. Yeah. I totally agree Tom follow Tom on Twitter at Tom Rowley. Follow me on Twitter at FT underscore Dolan. We're going to go more in the career of somebody who should have been in all-time great in Andrew Luck. We respect his decision we We see him in the future. Hope he gets himself right Tom just for the sake of the sport for the sake of our eyeballs. But for his sake I hope he finds himself some peace. I am Joe Dolan. He is Tom Brawley check out fantasy phrase in Stockholm. We will have our cheat sheets updated today Sunday for the people. They are free to use free to access. We do appreciate your donations though because we are working on a Sunday here Tom. So for Tom Bradley, I am Joe Dolan. Thank you very much for joining us on this. Emergency edition of the fantasy free agent podcast. We will talk to you later this week. Thanks for joining us on the fantasy free agents podcast. Remember to subscribe rate and review on the apple of your choice. Our next episode is just around the corner.
Joe Dolan (@FG_Dolan) and Tom Brolley (@TomBrolley) broke out the mics on a Sunday to mourn Andrew Luck's retirement (2:32). They then break down the huge fantasy ramifications of Luck's sudden decision (11:35) before jumping into the fallout from Lamar Miller's season-ending ACL injury (20:50). A special congratulations to our own Joe Dolan for finishing #1 in Draft Accuracy for the 2018 season among 140+ sites and experts! This was Joe’s second #1 overall and third top-3 finish in the last 5 years, making his rankings THE most accurate preseason fantasy football draft rankings on average since 2015. Check out the complete list at Joe’s draft was held on 8/20, but there’s still time to beat Tom! To draft against Tom, join the Rotowire Online Championship and select the online draft date and time of 8/27 at 9:30 PM Eastern. Play for the $200,000 grand prize!
I'm Alec lace. Welcome to First Class fatherhood. Welcome everybody to episode 280 in the podcast. I am happy as always to be here with you. Thank you for stopping by if this is your first time listening to a podcast. Please get over there and bang that subscribe button. You do not want to miss all the action that's coming your way right here on First Class fatherhood. All right dad's it is time for another frog man Friday edition of first-class fatherhood. We are coming off a little bit of a layoff here due to my interview with Dana White airing last Friday, but Frogman Friday returns today with an awesome guest retired Navy SEAL, Jeffrey. Joins me on the podcast today. Jeff is up in Alaska where he moved after his military service to pursue a dog mushing career. That's right. The former Navy SEAL is now a dog musher in Alaska. How cool is that? He is also a fairly new father who had to overcome a difficult situation right out of the gate. For those of you who follow Jeff on Instagram at Frozen Trident, you know the story for those that don't Jeff Reed will be here with me in just a few minutes. So please stick around for the interview. And Jeff Reed is the 40th Navy SEAL that I've had the honor of interviewing right here on First Class father. Hood I can't even begin to explain how cool that is for me to say that doesn't include the gold star parents of Navy SEALs that I've been blessed to speak with on the show as well back on episode 72 of the podcast. I was joined by Karen and Believe on Whose Navy SEAL Team Six son. Aaron Vaughn was killed in Extortion 17. Aaron was one of the few seals to get his name up on the evolution wall that reads first time every time and this past Memorial Day. I had the honor of interviewing Larry Brown on episode. 208. Larry is the gold saw father of Adam Braun who had one of the most unlikely journey to becoming a Seal Team 6 Operator the book about his life written by Eric blame titled Fearless is one of the greatest books I've ever read in my life. So the put it into words here how grateful I am to have spoken to all these Navy Seals would be impossible their mindsets are incredible and it's just awesome to get a chance to listen to them speak about fatherhood and family life. They are the best of the best that I am so proud as an American that we have men such as the US Navy Seals. All right, and Monday is Veterans Day and I'm putting out an awesome collection of interviews in one special edition podcast episode, including two Navy Seals, two marines and two Army Special Forces. All fathers don't miss out on that one, and please help me spread the word about this podcast every father in your neighborhood or in your contact list, let them know about the show that celebrates fatherhood and family life fatherhood rocks Family Values Rule and every day is Father's Day right here with me and I'm going to be right back with retired Navy SEAL, Jeff Reed. I'm Alec lace and you're listening to First Class fatherhood. Dads, are you tired of taking supplements that never deliver? Well redcon one was created to ensure that you get real hard core products that deliver Real Results trusted by four-time world strongest man, Brian Shaw and founded by supplement entrepreneur Aaron cinnamon redcon one is crushing the industry. You have to try their MRE bars which are packed full of nutritious food sources that will replenish your system when you need it most and they taste so good. Your toddler will think they're eating a candy bar. 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No, we knew what we were having head time. Okay, we got we're able to prepare and get his nursery and everything set up for boy. Boy came up. Yeah, we got the you know ahead of time. So we had a whole name the name Atlas plan. We had just his nursery set up ahead of schedule. Okay. Yeah, I thought maybe you you blew up a snowman there and found out there was pink or blue snow inside and stuff like that. Now we didn't do it like a general review or anything like that. All right Jeff. If you could just please take a minute here to hit my listeners with a little bit about your background and what you do? Okay. Yeah. Guess my story kind of begins in Pennsylvania. I was born in Altoona Pennsylvania played Sports in high school. I went to the same high school that both my parents. To I started dating Jerry which is my wife. Now when we were in seventh grade, I work for her dad who owned a who still runs a small dairy farm in the area and I bailed hay for him when I was 10 years old started dating Jerry roughly around when I was 12 years old and we stayed together all through high school. And then when I went on I decided to join the Navy shortly after I graduated I went into boot camp short finished. Boot camp went into buds came out of buds want the team for did one deployment the team for came back. Me and Jerry end up getting married did another deployment team for came back got a diff got orders to the training Detachment became the land Warfare instructor and then I decided to get out of the Navy right around the time. My wife was finishing up school. And that's whenever we wanted to kind of get into the whole dog much. Thing so we moved up to Alaska. I got a job working for Ali's Urkel and Alan Moore Ali's Urkel. It was a Yukon Quest champion and a three-time second place Iditarod finisher. And Alan Moore is a three-time Yukon Quest champion, and I got a job working for them my first year up in Alaska and that's kind of how I learned how to dog be a dog musher and then shortly after that that next that next summer. We moved into our place and Frozen. And I didn't count on was born and here we are now with twenty seven dogs. Yeah. Wow, that's incredible. Jeff to just you know, that's awesome to see that your relationship has lasted, you know for so long. I know that so many people that serve in your community there. They have trouble with family life and holding it together like that just because of the you know, the demands of your job, so that's awesome. And I know that now Atlas is more not listen. I understand, you know, how nerve-racking it can be my wife and I we suffered through multiple miscarriages and you know, all her pregnancies were high risk, but I never Anything like you had to go through with Atlas when he was born. So walk me through the events of his birth in the first few weeks. Yeah. So when he was born he was he was definitely the small he was five pounds five ounces and so he had to be monitored for the first couple of days and and just to keep it as wait up and everything. But yeah, everything went good. After after that. We left the hospital came home. Everything was going good. And then I want out of one morning everything perfectly healthy, baby. Baby, whenever I woke up in the morning went out and did some chores in the dog yard came back in and he was really like starting to get fussy. And so Gary went and took my wife went and took his temperature and it came back. It was a little bit high but nothing like crazy. She took it again and it was starting to climb. It was higher than the last time I was about took it again in like 30 minutes later. So she she's a physician assistant and the emergency departments that she kind of knows the Calling like one you need to bring people into the emergency room when you don't so she was like we need to go and the thing it was alarming about this is that he had a fever but with no symptoms. So there was nothing to really go off of and I think she knew that it was probably going to be meningitis just from that and that's actually what and when they did the work of they did a spinal tap and they sound and section in a spinal fluid and in his blood so they start him on IV antibiotics. Antibiotics and his temperature still continue to increase so they added Tylenol to try to combat the fever. Tylenol didn't really help and he was maxed out on the Tylenol and the antibiotics weren't helping so because he was kind of on maxed out on support and not really being able to add anything else. Jerry's thought. It'd be best at it we would get Of act to Anchorage where they be able to maybe do more if he does start to deteriorate so that being said once they were going to Life Flight him to Anchorage. I went back to the kennel because I still had to take care of the dogs. I couldn't just leave them back here and only one person could go with Atlas anyway, so Jerry went with Atlas to Anchorage and while she was flying to Anchorage Atlas started having seizures on the on the airplane. Jerry took a video of it to show the doctor so they were they could see what was going on and the doctors like yeah, it looks like he's having seizures and they did a CT scan whenever they got the Anchorage and showed that there was possibly like a stroke in his brain on they like the back right side of his brain and but they needed to do an MRI to confirm that and because he was having seizures. They couldn't really put him into the into the machine and where I machine so The first day she was there the seizures kept coming and kept coming and the the doctor came in and told her that because of the blood and infection and the spinal infection and his high fever and now that the fact that he is starting to have seizures on top of this and he's not getting better despite all efforts. He was going to have to overcome the odds just To survive. Jerry called me that night and pretty and told me to get my ass down to Anchorage. However, I get however to I could do it so luckily. I have a great family back home and my dad came up here to take care of the dogs is I went down to Anchorage that first night. I got in Anchorage it was so it was terrible because I got there and he started he continued to have seizures and but this time he's started going at Nick where he wasn't breathing during a seizures. And as a father you doing all that just sitting there watching your kids suffering like that and having seizures and there's absolutely nothing you can do. It's terrible. It was the worst thing ever in each. See I just sat there for pretty much two days and watched Atlas seized up and go apnic and have to get CPAP to keep his oxygen levels up I was going in like a dark place there for a while because I thought this is retribution for all the terrible things I've done and and so I started this kind of prisoner in my own mind and just wasn't really starting to get kind of angry, you know about the situation angry with God and and I was in a dark place and that's whenever Sean rhyme a buddy Sean posted that video out there saying that we need help and yet the end up with a big deal for us too because we we wanted to protect Atlas from social media as much as possible. So like we talked before atlases even born and we didn't want any real pictures of him up on social media. They don't want expose them out that world too young and just the fact that we had to do that just showed the desperation that we just we needed prayers and Good Vibes the very least and and once that happened once Shawn made that video my sister my hometown had this beautiful prayer service it just the room and that Lifted and he started the seizures started to not happen as frequently his fever started to break and then next thing you know, he was starting to suck on a pacifier and then he went back to breastfeeding and and came came out of his sickness. The one thing that did that they did discover so he got he got stable enough to get the MRI the MRI did show that he had a stroke in the back right part of his brain. It was a pretty significant size. Stroke, but we're not going to be able to know the damage that that stroke caused until he gets old enough to meet his developmental Milestones. So like when he starts walking and talking and the good thing about that is the location of where the stroke happened in his back right part of the brain because that doesn't control Behavior or personality. It's more of your speech and your fine motor skills. So that's a blessing right there. But yeah, we've been back now and he's been doing everything a 12 week old baby should be doing you know, he's laughing at you. He's smiling. He's I mean he's doing great and that's incredible Jeff and I did I mean I've course I've seen the post are and I had my prayers with you and your family there just because you know being you know, young father and having to go through that. Well, how was your own wife during all of this? But how is her health? Did you have any complications? And how does he hold up? But during this whole thing did so during the the birth and everything her health was great the pregnancy. She's like she's a she's a rockstar. She did awesome and then throughout this whole the whole ordeal with Atlas whenever he was at his worst. She was a rock there too. She was she was strong. She I mean she's an amazing woman and she's she's very she's a badass woman. She's awesome. Yeah, that's cool. One of these I guess I would worry about myself like moving to some place up like where you are is something like hospitals and and pediatricians especially when you start having kids. So how do you feel about like, he has their pediatricians close by you or do you have to go very far? And do you have one that you trust right now? Hey Dad's, are you looking to boost your energy level Strike Force energy has got you covered with a strike force energy packet, you can turn any beverage into an energy drink their original energy packets contain no sugar. 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So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcast and many more also you can make money with no minimum. Listen to Ship its Thing you need to make a podcast in one place. What are you waiting for download the free anchor app today or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. How do you feel about like the as your pediatricians close by you or do you have to go very far? And do you have one that you trust right now? Yeah with their so there's a pediatrician here in Fairbanks that we go to in Fairbanks is about 45 minutes away from the kennel, but we're because of his stroke that he had in his and the damage to his brain. He needs to see a pediatric pediatric neurologist and that's an Anchorage and from what I've been told that there's only one and he's on the the Age of retirement so with that so that's there's not too many as far specialty doctors like that up here and we will be traveling to Anchorage at least monthly to get checkups for him down there. Wow. Okay. Yeah, that's that's incredibly honest. You know what the pic on Instagram there that you you know you reading him books and stuff like that. What what type of books do you read them? You still reading to him every night. What is the bedtime routine look like for you when you're trying to put him asleep? So yes. So right now we're reading Jack car jack cars first book and yeah right now we're reading a terminal list and that's like that series and after we're done with the terminal list will read True Believer then after that. Yeah, I've had Jack on the show man. He's incredible he wanted to do. Yeah. Yeah, I've had them on. Yeah, he's great. Now what are the what are like, they continued concerns that you have right now for him to be sure that he's in the clear. How long did they say like this process of having to go to the pediatric neurologist is going to happen is it's going to be to a certain age or is it going to be indefinite? Yeah. It's a it's a it's a waiting game now to see what what the so there's a chance that he may not have any disabilities and there's a chance that he could have some severe disabilities and it's just going to be a waiting thing to see how he develops and where he's That as far as the curve and as for Glory that without like other kids his age, so it's all going to be where he's at in his milestones and we're not so it could be it could be two when he starts walking and talking and stuff is animal really know the I guess the damage that the stroke is caused. And while we're waiting for that we're going to we meet we have a occupational therapist that comes out to the house and works with him and stuff like that. So so we are trying that we're staying ahead of it making sure that that any symptom that we see we're catching early and and addressing it as we need and that's cool and and definitely like your experience, you know, like a father by fire here like you got thrown right into the mix it has there been anything aside from obviously all this stuff that's going on anything unexpected about being a dad that you've had here early on. Yeah, just other than the the health scare their that happened man. I'm being a father's been amazing. It's it is one of those things that you know, you hear people talking about how its life changing and everything and you kind of just like yeah, I'm Jordan like to see little babies and her they're great. I mean, I'll always love babies and I was before I had one and and but you could always had them off and get rid of but whenever you have one of your own, it's amazing. It's really it's I don't even know how to Really describe it. It makes you want to do be better at everything for them and and to learn more things that teach them it makes you just beat want to be a better person. Yeah, very well said and now has any of your Navy SEAL training helped you prepare for them long nights with the newborn. Yeah, that's just the grind there. That's just got get yourself out of bed. And you know, you know, sometimes you may not want to just forcing yourself saying and then also the discipline thing. I mean, that's just Being disciplined getting out of bed when you need to and and that's that's something that you sent in the example. Not that snowball into everyday life to that you can see and how about how did the head of the dogs? How are they around your son? And how did your son take to the dogs all there? They're awesome. We started off with Eleanor who's our pet dog by bringing in his blanket whenever he was first born and then she loved that. She like laid down and rolled all over it. And then because she's our pet dog and inside every night. She would she she was with him. She followed him and every room that he went into as far as the other dogs are slick the sled dog. The team dogs go we bring it. We're bringing in three of them each night at the to meet him and they've been awesome. They they're very curious but they're very they're very curious but they're very sweet with them at the same time. And Eleanor is so protective of them that if she even And choose any like any like dogs licking him too hard or trying to lick them and she'll run over there and like push them away from it. It's pretty funny. Very cool. What was the Genesis of you getting interested in the imagery? Like all the wild when you were a kid where how long has this been like stirring in you that you were interested in doing this but man, I liked I think I read Gary Paulsen when I was in like sixth grade seventh grade, and that was how I first like heard a sled dogs, And then when I was in the SEAL Teams, my first employment. I rescued a dog Frank over there and that started my love for dogs. I never had a dog when I was a kid and we mean Frank at such an awesome Bond and part of it was probably the time that we spent in Afghanistan and the fact that I smuggled him home and then whenever he was home, he became my service dog. And then I be as long as an instructor we traveled around the East Coast together different training sites and and Had an awesome Bond. He was hit by a car and killed months. I would say three months before I was actually get it separating from the Navy and when he died it was when he was hit by the car. It was left a big void because he he was one of my best friends at the and and losing him was tough. So I want about a year after that without having a dog and I just really was like something I just felt like that Bond was so rare with Frank that it wasn't even worth trying to renew with another dog. And then then I the idea of the Iditarod came back to me and sled dogs and like wolf you're going to have that bond that special strong bond with a dog those situations. You are out there in the wilderness and stuff. Like that's that's how you get it. So that's kind of when this that's how that idea started Rolling In My Head. And I started I pitched it to Jerry and then she's a crazy dog lady too. And she's she just wanted a reason an acceptable reason to own $27 and not be crazy. So she was automatically on board. And yeah, so then that just kind of led to us moving up to Alaska. Yeah, that's awesome, man. And I know I had a Mike ritland on the show earlier. There are two while back, you know, he does the canine training. Was that something that you ever were interested in doing in the SEAL Teams or just came through bait towards your answer at the end. Yeah something I really wanted to do in the SEAL Teams in right after my second deployment the Seal team doll the doll program at the SEAL Teams kind of switched into a platoon and internal platoon thing instead of its own Detachment. Anyway with that be that being said, it's I was going to a training side and not I wasn't going to be in a platoon anymore that kind of shift sailed and then understand when I decided to get out. Yeah, I kind of I still like I Still Love Dogs wanted to work with dogs and and actually now that you brought Mike. I've talked to Mike a couple times and gotten pick his brain about training advice on how to fix some dogs appear and how to better my training program up here Mike's an awesome hand. Yeah, he was incredibly well spoken to you. I had him on quite a while ago. And as far as like what is the what's the plan moving forward here? What kind of goals are plans you have considering having any more children know what the plans? Yeah, I'm sure I'm sure we'll have some more children mean we don't want Atlas to be an only child. Not that there's anything wrong with that but I have a brother and two sisters and I had very close with my siblings and can't imagine not having them. So that's kind of want to have probably definitely have another one. Try to have another one and then the future for the kennel here for this year. It's because of you know, kids can change change things up quite a bit. It's going to put a little bit of a hold on our racing plans. But this this winter we got planned to do some Expeditions out and I just have fun with the dogs really and spend more time at home with the family and help Jerry out around the house and spend time with Alice because these are times that you never get back. Yeah, yeah, well said, yeah and I know you know, I'm sure it's a lot of struggle. I mean, I know your song is obviously very young for this yet. But a lot of us dad's, you know, we we compete with this technology. It's nuts with the kids with the iPads and the iPhones you're out there, you know doing the Wilderness thing and like basically free technology area is technology have a big influence out there. Do you have the Wi-Fi and the iPads and all that stuff? Yeah. Well that's out. There. We the nice thing that can save us out where we're at is our internet is super slow. So and we could only have one device connected to the internet of the time. I'll send you can't load anything. So P start spending too much time on the internet down the road or I'll just log on and hog the internet that way he can have it. What do you recommend as a new dad? Like then I see the amount of data that you've talked to the amount of first class that you've talked to what's your advice on that? Well, we got to use the technology is like a form of currency here really to kind of motivate them to do things. Is that they otherwise wouldn't necessarily want to do like certain chores around the house or mesma the older ones whether it be taking their sister younger sister or their brother somewhere something that they maybe wouldn't want to do will dangle a carrot of the technology in front of them and then they'll do just about anything in order to get like an hour of that screen time, but during the school year. It's a no-go, you know, especially during the week. So it's a struggle because it's what all their friends are doing. Everybody is on the Fortnight. Everybody is on the you know, social media and stuff like that. So I'm still learning the best way to kind of handle it myself. I didn't grow up with all the technology. We had the Nintendo and stuff like that. But this is it's a new it's a new ball game for all of us. And well, I'm trying to adapt and take little bits of information from all the dads that I can and see how they're handling it. Yeah, absolutely into like the whole cyber bullying thing is a whole different can of worms right there, too. Yeah, and you know Craig Sawyer has been good. I had him on the show to he's been pretty good because he's involved with that events for child rescue and he always posts like certain little things that the kids are getting into certain apps to watch out for how the hiding their Communications especially like. My oldest just became a teenager. He's in eighth grade. So he's just on the cusp of all of that stuff. So, you know, they have these fences these fake Instagram account. So this is one you think that they're using but they're really using another one. So they're pretty sharp when it comes to all the technology and they got one up on us. So you got to try to really investigate and stay on top of the best he can oh, yes. Yes. Well last thing I want to hit you would hear Jeff. I love to ask all the dads that I get on the podcast. I'm curious to hear yours. You're a fairly new father hear yourself. What type of advice do you have for that new dad or for that about to be father? Who's out there listening? Oh man, that's being a new dad. I mean, all I can speak about is the first first couple first two months of it and I can say that goes fast and I can literally see my kid growing. So just take advantage of the time that you have with it and and try to stay in that moment because it doesn't last long and to help Mama Bear out as much as you can. Yeah, very well said I love you advice. God bless you and your family or first-class father all the way. I got to say Jeffrey. Thank you so much for give me a few minutes of your time on First Class. David is preciate you have me on here. It's great talking to you back to wrap things up here on first last fatherhood. I got to give a special. Thank you. Once again to Jeffrey for giving me a few minutes of his time here. It was such an honor. Please set me up on Twitter guys are dropping a I'm on Instagram. Let me know what you thought about today's episode. I always love to read your feedback. That's all I got for you guys this week lock it in next week. I'm going to kick off the week with a Veterans Day special. I got six interviews that I'm dropping on you to Navy Seals including the Lone Survivor Marcus Luttrell and Rob O'Neill two marines John take Tegan and Dakota Meyer and to Army Special Forces Sean Parnell and Mike Duran. Don't miss out on that and more follow me on Instagram at Alec on the scoreless for all the upcoming guest announcements. I'm Alec lace. Thank you for listening to First way is fatherhood. And please remember guys We are not babysitters. We are fathers and we're not just father's we are first class fathers.
Episode 280 Jeff Reid is a First Class Father and Retired Navy SEAL who relocated to Alaska with his wife after his military service to start a family and pursue the dream of becoming a Dog Musher. Jeff and his wife experienced a troubling situation as new parents when their newborn son, Atlas began having seizures shortly after they brought him home from the hospital. In this Episode, Jeff shares his Fatherhood journey, he talks about the terrifying circumstances he found himself in as a new father, he describes his wife’s bravery and reaction during the ordeal, he talks about the road ahead for his son and his future family plans, he tells us about life as a Dog Musher which includes 27 dogs, he offers some great advice for other new or about to be Dads and more!
Hey afterbuzzers, before we move on we would like to say thanks to our sponsor. Anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. Plus there's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Also anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many more plus you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership, and it's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor a Or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. It's the season finale but we're covering episode 16 as well. It's just me. Hold on to your butts. Let's do this. You're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top now look, Yes, it's just me. There's no one else here. So I'm just going to enjoy the music It's Christmas in the City. We got strippers. We're talking about episode 16. So we're going to bring up frozen dogs and unsupportive Friends. Hold on to your butts. We have a lot to talk about Welcome to the Real Housewives of New York City after show. I'm your host Hollywood Leah. Thank you. Thank you everyone. How you doing? Hi autographs after the show. So it's Christmas in the City where feeling Giovanni we saw it being recorded. It was pretty incredible to hear Luann in that gorgeous. Acapella voice Tinsley had a full-on breakdown rightfully. So her dog Bambi died and the women were not really supportive in my opinion. I was live-tweeting last week I could not Make the show but everything happens for a reason. I really think it's because it would have been really bad. I would have been very negative because I was not reacting well to what I was watching Sonia I thought was going to be more compassionate but then I remembered she gave away her dog last season. Yeah, so she wasn't very supportive when you know Tinsley was breaking down over Bambi and Ramona was making faces, and she just couldn't talk about she kept talking. About her looks no eyelashes. No, no lip gloss like whoa, like how about wow, that is hurtful. And that sucks. You know what I mean? And then we transform to the 80s there was cameltoe everywhere neon high-waisted bikinis camel toes full front. It was amazing. I loved it. Dorinda's taking this on the road. I have a feeling and it's going to be good. I think it's because of Bethany not because of her little long time 80s Guru. Instructor friend, I really feel like this is something that she could take on her own tour of aerobics kind of like Luann's cabaret show, you know, you got to take these things and milk them for what they're worth. That's what Luann's doing. She's riding this wave. So I understand that now she's in the business that she wants to use all the terminology and know all the little quirks that it comes when it comes to show biz, but she is annoying all her friends because it's not their world. They don't know about It that's the reason that you are getting all the eye rolls, but I kind of understand where the wind is coming from. We're gonna get into it. It's a double party. We all love a good DP. Let me tell you but I want to talk about Bethenny. She starts she starts off wearing a Santa hat and she's saying like Dennis is basically haunting me and she asked the driver. Do you believe in all that? And you know, he says yes, I do believe in that and right when I think we're going to get into like a dark, you know exploration of ghosts, and that kind of Take World on Real Housewives bam. She says but I'm done with that. So right there then there she broke up with her dead boyfriend's ghost via ghost. You know what? I mean? She says I don't see him and I could feel him pulling me and you know, then she goes into the confessional where she's breaking down again. A lot of Bethany breakdowns. She's basically saying he wants me to move on. So I'm moving on like me crying about him and thinking about him like this is not healthy for me and I don't feel like I'm moving on because of that so I am choosing Choosing to not try to feel him anymore and should not try to be thinking about him as someone that's guiding me and being around even though that's probably what's happening coming from someone that is spiritual and in that kind of stuff absolutely is definitely there with you guiding you, you know, he left in such an unusual way. So, you know, that's why he wants to be around you Death Becomes Her Ramona's old comments to Tinsley that was cut it was something that happened last episode. We saw it on Twitter. I don't have the Up for you, but I do have a reunions clip for you because it's going to be fantastic. But Ramona called Tinsley old. She said her makeup was tired and said because of all the makeup she wears she looks old and basically bullied her into a big crying Fest. I know Tim's he's been very sensitive lately and having lots of breakdowns on the show, but I don't know like Ramona needs to really relax with the comments especially like coming after people telling them their old girl your almost 70 years old. What do you think? You are? You're not a spring chicken. So it was definitely very very interesting So Fresh So Fresh, we're going to talk about a lot of things always stirs and strippers and fluffers and parties. But first I want to talk about Real Housewives of New York is over how good has it been they've given us such great TV. I mean Luann's denial and and her Awareness, that's not self. Let me tell you she has no self-awareness. It's been fabulous to see that women have given us really good TV. Sonja has come back full force full drinking mode fallen off the table. The trips have been great and it's kind of over so I have a little picture for us. That's saying this is a crisis Bethany's crisis mode photo. It's over you guys Real Housewives of New York City like we're getting the season finale trailer for you guys ready. But basically it's over for us. Do we have the picture of Bethany? The picture of Bethenny this is Ryan the producer by the way, the picture Bethany is being pulled up. Yes, this part of the picture above it because it's funny meme. Yeah that one. How funny is this. Can we zoom in a little bit tune in for tonight's season finale and that's me every morning you guys that's what my face looks like hashtag. This is a crisis, you know, like Beverly Hills is still going on. They gave us like 50 episodes or feels like Real Housewives of New York City should play. All year long. This is the one franchise that never disappoints. There's never a bunch of cover-ups and denials like even if they try to do it the ladies will expose it. I mean they were really trying to comfort ends late tonight. I don't know why I like you're a lot of talk to your ex-boyfriend, but they wanted to like really dig in there. I'm telling you if they even feel a sense of false. Ne sais will bring it up speaking of the reunions is here and I haven't even seen it. So if you guys haven't seen it, either we're going to see it together. It's going to be amazing. It's here you guys let's watch this trailer. I have not seen this. So you're going to get my authentic reaction. Thank you. Love & EC for the trailer. I love shouting her out because she's one of my favorites on Twitter. Let's watch this. Next time on the Real Housewives of New York City reunions. She's still with Scott. I'm sorry, I deserve who cares look bad. When you talk loud, you sound like a moron. She always wants a shit show and take that and shove it up your ass. You're trying to break into society because you're reaching your 70s. Thank you seen a lot of the reunions. I've never seen that Bethany giving lap dances. It does matter I heard about that. I slipped. When did you slip you failed yourself up all the time. Attack me later. Get on your boxing gloves. It's fine. Okay. Well, where are you going pink two seconds. I like that dress Ramona, but come on really who are you to be calling out Luann. I understand she's a big old drunk. But so are you so is everybody everybody drink some that? Freakin couch I drank and he drinks Ryan. Do you drink? I'm drinking a Coca-Cola exactly. So, you know what? I'm just I'm kind of over that. I'm I'm over the entitlement. I know Luann's annoying but scholar out for her getting too big for her own ego and for her taking the Cabaret and blowing it up, but let's not yell at her for slipping because you know, what addiction is a disease and I don't want to get too deep into it, but she is an addict and we're watching her sobriety play it on live TV. I'm not giving her a pastor being obnoxious, but she slept it happened and it's on TV and it's going to retain for us. So let's watch it. She liked rehab so much. She went back twice to it. That's Luann's joke. Pray to LuAnn Breda Luann. Let's get into this Christmas party. It's Christmas in the City cue the Mariah Carey Christmas song. I'm just getting we don't have it for you guys. But you know what I do have before we let the whole trailer thing go and let the reunions go. I do have their their outfits again. I know we played them a couple months ago when they were actually filming because they wanted to film before Luann's court case just in case you went back to jail, which she did but for violating her probation. This is a little photo for you guys. Just a little quick glance at the dresses I voted for Bethany's dress. I think Chelsea voted for Tensley stress and then we all agreed that Ramona's dress. No, no sonjia's dress on the left didn't really fit her. If you're listening to us on iTunes were watching a photo of the ladies dressed at the reunions. So make sure to log on to YouTube to see it live. We see you guys in the live chat. Hi Red Sox Sarah. Hi sending disciplinary disposition. Yes, I can do it solo. Thank you for being with me. I see you guys watching and not chatting. So chat with me because I need you guys to guide me through this episode because it was it was good man. It was good and the the titles at the end wrapping up their season was hilarious. I wish I'd had them all for you. I really I wanted to Snap photos of the television and send them all in but it's a lot to do and you know, why because I'm doing it's Bravo bench and if you're not watching that you are crazy. Seriously. It's getting so good every single week. I'm having guests Galore from Bravo. Hey, And Colin Maceo tool from Bravo from below deck Med. I had Jin Marchesi from Real Housewives of New Jersey yesterday. He was completely insane made a lot of outrageous comments that you need to log on to watch share. Tell everyone if you watch any kind of Bravo show, you need to watch its problem bitch with Hollywood Lian Yours Truly check it out. Thank you. It's very very good. So let's let's get into this party. It's a double party. For Sonia and for karynda, it's their birthday to tell you the truth. I missed the very first beginning of the episode when they went to Luann's dressing room. I heard that you know, they were only there for a little bit because Luann ran off right away and they all thought it was rude because apparently they thought you can hang out for an hour before a show and just talk that's not the case. I understand that Luann is annoying, but there is certain things little rules and little Traditions that happened in Show. Business when you are doing a live show people do come visit you before the show, but it is literally only for five minutes bitch. I have to get dressed. You see this face. I got to put it on. You know what I mean? I got people making me up and stuff. You want to come say hi and say break a leg and give me some flowers. That is totally what you do. I don't want to sit down and Kiki with you girl. I got to sing a show. I'm not going to waste my vocal cords talking to you. I understand Luanne is an Adele, but we're talking about Theatrical rules in general there are some Unwritten stage rules. And that is one of them, you know when we can talk is at the end when everyone is at the stage door and I come out that's when we can talk we could talk we could take pictures we can get ugly we can do shots because the show is over but before the show girl come say hi. I totally agree with Luann on this one. I didn't actually watch it. So I don't know how annoying she is, but I did catch the tail end of it and you know, He's like, well, I'm glad I didn't go because I would have been pissed just 15 minutes girls. She gave you 15 minutes. That's more than I would have given you I would have taken the flowers if they gave flowers and said thank you. I gotta go do a show I gotta get ready. So while that was happening the girls are getting ready to go to the party which they made because it was their party Sonja was as she had to be alerted about her own surprise party because Barbara almost ruined it because Barbara was like you guys need to be at Luann show, so Somehow it all worked out Sonia knew about the party but still had a good time at it. Let's get into it. It was so freaking funny. Let's just start off with the oysters. That was my favorite Freakin At. I was screaming laughing. It was so freaking hysterical the rules of oysters. Yes, you have to smell them first. I know it's weird, but I'm just going to quote Sonya if it doesn't smell good. I don't suck it. Amen to that, it has to be fresh. It's gotta be fresh suck it off Sonia and you know what? She didn't know about she knew about the surprise party. So it's always great when you know before and there's no surprise. Ah, ha ha that was frickin hysterical all just the sound bites alone of Bethany telling Sonia to suck it and Sonia say no I will suck it but I got to smell it first because I always smell it before I said if it doesn't smell good, I don't Sake I was just dying shirtless Arab men everywhere. I think he was Persian in that vicinity delicious very hot. Oh, I'm thing called up in here. He was like a buff Aladdin. He was hot and I don't know my son. He was acting so shy usually she's much more gung-ho and the whole part is emphasized. But let's pour praying to LuAnn Luann arrives and is very religious. And holy is the word that Ramona counts up there and around well, why is she on a candle? That's holy. Holy is religious. Yeah, we know it's she's actually not the first person to do with there's lots of candles out there with pop stars on them because apparently we're all supposed to worship these people back in the day when I was young they had fan clubs and like you would send $20 to your favorite pop star and they would send you an autographed photo and like you were part of the official fan club. You know what I mean these days you need to worship them and they need to be on candle. And you need to spend $800 on a ticket which I still do but I'm just saying like we should not spend $800 to go to Taylor Swift We shouldn't we shouldn't but we just charged it because that's what adults do we charge shit we charge it. All right before you have a show. Obviously you come say hi. It's a different breed. But when you talk amongst people that don't know this they're just going to roll their eyes are going to be like, oh God the Superstar and that's what Luann was saying like, oh God, it's Show Business. You guys just don't. Know about it annoying everybody. Once again having no self-awareness girl. If you're in a group of people that don't know anything just just say I'm glad you guys came by but I honestly I had to get ready so I couldn't sit down and kick you with everybody. Like I had to get dressed. I have 15 costume changes. All Jovani dresses one strapless showing the tatas. I need to be getting ready and need to get pushed up and cinched in you see this and needs to be cinched in. I can't have hog body looking like a tube of Flesh. Hot dog I need to have curves. So I need to be cinched in. You know, like a waist trainer. Cinch it up like a Kardashian. Dorinda's dorinda's like you know what Tinsley you're weak and and I'm going to give you that Vibe enough that since is going to be like, I know it's your birthday, but can't we like talk on this side? Can we not fight about Scott? Like why are you so obsessed with me being with Scott? I'm not even with him who cares if he's sent me glitter Gucci shoes. That's what men do they send gifts? And I received them and so to sends the apparently so I don't understand what the big deal is. Who cares if she's talking to chubby boy from Chicago. We all know that's how Tinsley is she gets drunk and she calls him in the middle of the night because she's lonely it's one thing that Bethenny said in that reunions trailer. She says you don't even live in New York anymore. I did hear Through the Grapevine and we saw at the very end of the episode that tensley actually moved back to West Palm Beach to live with her mom for a couple months, but has returned to New York probably because they were You can't be in New York housewife if you don't live in New York, so it was very very interesting before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify as a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to off. Line wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram. If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us you never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV. She is back but she is downsize to a smaller apartment as we saw on the show. Let me check the chat. All of a sudden Luanne is worried about being on time. She was two hours late that time Beth Lee. Yes. I know she is totally not the punctuation. Every Queen I was just talking about show biz rules in general smelling slurping sucking shirtless men. Oh my I need to up my birthday again. I know girl Red Sox are I love you Galaxy Jackie Galaxy loved it. It's Bravo bit. Jim was more miserable than I thought girl. I hear you. Thank you so much for watching. I love you guys for watching. Thank you. So guys, share it all share the wealth. It's a there's no really some wealth right now. So share it. So there's plenty of wealth later. Here come the strippers, you know, but before we get into the strippers, Bethany was like Sonia already knew about the surprise. So I kind of want to Beef It Up. Let's get some beefy men to deliver the cake with sparklers, you know, those crazy ones that it feels like Fourth of July inside the club and you're like, oh my God, are these allow them the restaurant. Is it gonna blow up my cake? Yeah on the bring them up with bottle service. Yeah. So while that's happening, you know der ring des and Tinsley just make a truce or like you haven't we just don't talk about And then it just seems like a natural conversation that two friends would have you know, I'm saying you like look if it bothers you that I talked about. Oh, I talked to this guy. Let's just not talk about him. He's not important enough for us to be fighting about it seemed normal, but in the confessional Dorinda was like downtown me what to do, which was hilarious. I love you too. Renda. Dorinda is like coming through. I love it. She's saying that Tinsley's week for saying that she said, I'd rather you say Fu I'll talk to him whenever the FI one that would be impressive I agree but that's not how Tinsley is we've been wanting her to get Buck mod for a while and all we've gotten is breakdowns and we're finally starting to like her because she's like totally breaking down and we love it when people break down on television. That's why we're liking her because she's been boring for a while, you know this chubby guy from Chicago. I mean the fact that a chubby guy from Chicago is like stringing along someone who is blond beautiful living in New York has money privileged white like everything. Sorry. I know you guys get mad when I want to talk about white privilege. Yeah, then you're definitely not gonna like as Bravo bench because we get super Shady up in there. So make sure to really check it out. If you want to get ruffled up so good when in Rome touched a strippers here comes the Arab Persian men. I don't know what they were, but they were dark bearded and delicious. It came carrying cakes and I wanted to lick that I seen Barbara tried to spoil the surprise but it didn't work because Sonia was still surprised. She was like, I can't believe Bethenny got me this cake. I just didn't see it coming. I'm like girl. It's a birthday party. What do you think you get at the end a cupcake? Oh a man I get it. Maybe you want to know I see where your mind was that I'm going to be with Ramona like Ramona's like I'm not a stripper person. But I'm here so I'm going to take advantage of the moment. That's my kind of like motto. You know, like we're here we might as well enjoy the beverages there shirtless men here. Why not touch them. They want to be exploited. That's why they're here shirtless. It's a job. We're not just exploiting them involuntarily. We're consenting adults hear some good news what the flashbacks we learned that sonja's daughter got accepted into an Ivy League College. Which I'm kind of starting to realize like I know it's a very impressive thing. We just don't roll like that over here on the West Coast like we're just so easy breezy. We're all I beautiful. So we're not really we don't really think about school like that. Yes, we all graduated. We all have degrees were smart in that sense, but we're not like ivy league. I'm going to continue all the way till the end. I think it's like an East Coast thing. Honestly it has to do with that East Coast privileged life. I'm sorry. Sorry, I just did an interview with Jim Marchesi. This is what the whole thing was about, like ivy league finances and privilege little white kids. Like this is what the show was about. You need to check out my show. It's Bravo bitch. I'm telling you. It was completely insane. Oh God, so glad we are not talking petri dish eggs. Yes, I know. So it was definitely a good change. It was nice to see some strippers of strippers. This guy is buff and could use a little fluff one of my other favorite line. From the show it was good Bethany bought a townhouse in Boston. And guess what? I was actually in Boston while Bethany was there. I was trying to find her via insta story every time she was like we're enjoying the oysters here on the bay. I'm like looking in the background to see where she's at. I'm like, oh my God, I'm eating oysters to like right here by the dock to where are you? But I couldn't find her but apparently that's why she was there. She was buying a house. She now stays there occasionally with her new boyfriend Paul. Which we will have a photo of next episode because I'm curious to see who this guy is. Oh the baseball guy. I've seen him. He's super cute. Wait, is it the baseball guy? Let me know in the chat if you know, but I'm pretty sure it's not the baseball guy, but he looks like a baseball player. Maybe that's why I'm calling them baseball guy because he looks like a baseball player and he's cute. I think helped me out on the Bethany thing guys. Let me know. Yes. They were all loving the Strippers and giving us updates Ramona can sell her townhouse. She's still in the market. So is her house every time I like Googled, you know some media to bring up to you guys. All I could get from Ramona was Ramona kissing Harry and there's like a bunch of pictures of them out there not just like kissing but like on step and repeats and like casual photos like it's just he's been around for a long time and I I don't know. I don't really like it. I am looking up a picture of Paul. Oh, he is cute. Oh, yeah, he's cute. He's very Boston. I know about those busting white guys. Yeah, he's cute. And yeah, he totally well he's all right. Well, yeah, he's cute. He's got a big nose. Yeah. Anyways, this show is wrapping up you guys it was so good. I do have some tweets for you guys because the episode was delicious. It was fantastic and people were tweeting while the episode was happening and I like that I tweeted myself I tweeted about the dead boyfriend thing. I'm like, can we get into that before you shut it down? I really want to know about like you have mentioned that you're feeling Dennis a couple times now like it's been several comments about you feeling paranormal. But I like Paranormal situations about dentist. I want to hear about this like one of my favorite shows ever was Celebrity Ghost Stories one of my dreams to be on it eventually because I want to talk about my experiences. So I really want to hear Bethenny's ghost stories. I think that'd be interesting. I might sweeter later. Maybe we can get an exclusive but these are the tweets that made it to its proverb if you want your tweets featured tweet at AfterBuzz hashtag, it's Bravo bitch podcast if I'm doing that show, but if you're doing Real Housewives of New York like we're doing right now. Sweet. Rho. And why here's the first tweet. It's about Barbara and it's farm from Barbara and she says wish they could have posted this sign before heading into tonight's finale and it's saying like danger that's a construction site and her outfit. Let's give it a let's give it an eight. I don't I don't really like the white jacket. It's daytime clearly. Are you sweating? I like the top showing the boobs. I don't know about the white jeans like White jeans and the Hamptons on the East Coast Works fabulous in the city of New York. You're just asking to get dirty like you everything touches you and you get dirty in New York. It's such a dirty City. I love it there. I love being dirty. Let's move on to the next tweet. This is from swim swam swam three, which I will be tweeting her later that I featured her tweet, even though she doesn't have an avatar and she says how much money sign is LuAnn paying those music professionals to suffer through her recording session. And kiss her ass her singing is horrendous and the song is absurd. Um, yeah hers voice isn't great. But this is what you do when you're writing away. This is what show business is about. She doesn't want to tell you that aspect of it but it is show business is what happens when it's raining you go outside when the phone rings you pick it up. That's what show business is when the job is that's where you go. Whoever's calling. That's who you talk to if people want to hear Luann's music. She's gonna make music until it is dried up until we can't take it anymore. And at least she warned us let's move on to the next week. It's by JS Bella and she says next week is the rho NY season finale meanwhile on Beverly Hills like how it's still on and it's a picture of the Titanic lady and she's saying it's been 84 years and I can still smell the fresh paint. The China that had never been used the sheets that had never been slept in. I know I know the words. I am an actor. That's what Ins yes Jackie Galaxy Barbara does struggle with her Fashions. It's her first year. This is what happens when you first come on The Housewives you think you look good and you come on you think you don't need a makeup artist you come on and then you realize oh bitch. I'm outnumbered like these women are getting glammed up by professionals to go to lunch. Yeah. That's what the show is about featuring fashion entrepreneur Newell ship. I'm over here making up words, but SLI like you got a bank on something. If you're just going to be on TV acting like trash then you're just going to be known as trash. What you got to do is take trash and turn it into treasure. You got a bank on that. You got to ride the wave that's what show business is about. Thank you for watching Real Housewives of New York City. I'm not going to be back next week. I don't know what's happening because it's 4th of July weekend. I'm not sure if there's an episode but me and Chelsea Stark Jones are trying to reunite and give you guys the last couple reunions after shows. Hang in there with us. I know we don't have an after show last week. I apologize, but we're here and I'm here and it was fabulous to be with you guys. Thank you for hanging in there and watching the show even though it was so low. I hope you guys got a little kick out of it. Make sure to like comment and subscribe to our Channel and let us know that you subscribe so we can shut you out where the ESPN of TV talk make sure to check out its Bravo bitch Wednesdays at six o'clock. I am your host Hollywood lien by afterbuzzers. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz. See you later. You described herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners our principal.
Host Lian Castillo discusses episodes 16 & 17 or season 11 of Real Housewives of New York City! ABOUT THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NYC AFTER SHOW: To a certain group of people in New York, status is everything...and with status comes plenty of drama to unpack on THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NEW YORK CITY AFTER SHOW. We’ll recap all the buzz-worthy moments from the show, from the fabulous to the fights from our favorite Big Apple ladies. Tune in here for ALL the tea as we review, recap and provide in-depth discussions of the latest episodes! Who knows! You might just see some familiar cast member faces. ABOUT REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NYC: The Real Housewives of New York City (abbreviated RHONY) is an American reality television series that premiered on March 4, 2008 on Bravo. Developed as the second installment of The Real Housewives franchise, following The Real Housewives of Orange County, it has aired seven seasons and focuses on the personal and professional lives of several women residing in New York City. The series originally focused on LuAnn de Lesseps, Bethenny Frankel, Alex McCord, Ramona Singer, and Jill Zarin. The eighth season lineup of housewives will consist of de Lesseps, Frankel, Singer, Sonja Morgan, Carole Radziwill, Dorinda Medley, and newcomer Jules Wainstein. Of the original housewives, Frankel initially left after the third season before returning for the seventh; McCord and Zarin left after the fourth season; and de Lesseps was a friend of the housewives in the sixth. The remaining housewives joined in later seasons: Morgan in the third, Radziwill in the fifth, Medley in the seventh, and Wainstein in the eighth. Other housewives include Kelly Killoren Bensimon (seasons 2–4), Cindy Barshop (season 4), Aviva Drescher (seasons 5–6), Heather Thomson (seasons 5–7), and Kristen Taekman (seasons 6–7).
Hello and welcome. Thank you so much for being here. Wherever here is where ever you're listening from in the future in time and space. This is Renee. I'm your host. This is embodied astrology and today's episode is an offering to the Leo new moon. It's the day of the new moon July 31st 2019. I'm going to talk about the astrology for this new moon. It's been a while since I've just given a reading for aChart and so that's what I'll be doing today. I'll be reading the chart for the Leo New Moon also be talking about some of the recent astrology in the past week or so since the sun has moved into the sign Leo and I'll be considering the next two weeks as we move from the new moon into the full moon. So this waxing cycle I talk about astrology through the lens of embodiment. I'm a somatic movement educator. That means that I educate about the body about the Soma the somatic intelligence of the body. I consider any type of embodiment practice a wonderful practice. So whether that's yoga or dance or just sensing your body learning your Anatomy learning the names any kind of physical practice that involves a tune moment really tuning into the body's intelligence not so much asserting whatever. For more practice upon the body but really letting the body speak and I think astrology is actually a really amazing way to think about the body. I've studied medical astrology for a while now, but just in general astrology as a language speaks to our embodied experience, it's a language for us here on Earth. And of course on Earth, we're living in bodies and our bodies have to live their lives in the contexts of Earth and that means our Seasons the circumstances and what our bodies mean the embodied experience whether that is the physical capacity that we have in our bodies whether that is the stories the many layers of stories that we embody because of our bodies how we look what kinds of Emily's and cultures and contexts were born into astrology provides a language for us to think about these things in a really creative and generous and I think a very non-judgmental way. So I'm excited to share with you on this new moon day. And before I get into the astrology, I want to start with a check-in and just let you know a little bit about how I'm doing and what I've been up to this is the Leo new moon and Leo self expresses. So I thought uh, I don't talk about myself that often not really so much my day-to-day and why not? So I'll just begin where I am as I mentioned. It's July 31st. It's about one in the afternoon. I've spent the morning practicing in the way that I do on the new moon and the full moon which is to give myself a lot of space in the morning to wake up to make my tea. I usually begin on these Moon days with some writing and journaling and then I draw a picture of the chart and and drawing the picture I get a sense for how the planets are working with each other and I get to engage my creative mind and of course my embodiment my felt sense of the astrology right now, and then I sit and meditate and try and not think too much about what I'm going to To say take some notes about whatever arises and then at some point I sit down and start recording and so I'm sitting in my bedroom looking out the window. It's a beautiful beautiful sunny day and I'm feeling a lot of love right now while I was dry in the picture for the New Moon shirt. I was listening to the Leo playlist on Spotify Spotify has been doing the partnership with An astrologer named chani Nicholas and there's a good chance you've heard of her if you're an astrology Enthusiast. She's quite famous at this point and I've been following Changi for about seven years or so now maybe a little longer she started off with just a newsletter under a different name. And in the last couple of years. She's really blown up as she started to use her own name. I think that was a big part of it kind of stepping into her power and I just love her I was I'm so excited to live in a time when someone like Channing Nicholas is a possibility model and a role model for so many people she has a huge following and she's queer. She's pretty politicized. She's really radical I think and how she reads astrology and she's a great astrologer and she makes Playlist I don't imagine she doesn't herself make the playlist but people at Spotify make the playlist in collaboration with her for all of the signs. So that's pretty fun. I was listening to that and then earlier this morning. I was kind of going through Instagram looking at pictures and thinking about how I'm a part of this emerging community on the internet where All a part of it if you're participating you are too and just feeling really inspired by a lot of the the people that were showing up on my feed and what they were sharing. Some of them are friends that I've never actually met in person, but we've corresponded and followed each other's work. There's a person in New York named Jennifer Patterson, and you can find them on Instagram under Corpus ritual. And she's just releasing a book on her breath work practice that she offers and is a person who's an herbalist as well. And I got so excited that this is coming out that their support for this kind of work coming out into the world. I was looking at the pictures of a person that I've never really correspond with but whose art and Writing Practice, I deeply deeply admire. Her name is Alexis. Pauline gumbs you can find her on Instagram at Alexis Pauline. She's an author and her writing is some of the most Exquisite writing I've ever encountered it breaks my heart and it fills me with awe and inspires me so deeply every single thing I've ever read that she's written and recently she's been devoting her social media practice to writing about sea mammals and Her post this morning was yet, another just beautiful offering some you know, 100 words are so two dolphins and thinking a lot about her ancestry and the transatlantic slave trade and these Dolphins migration pattern and kind of a mystical and really creative way of speaking to the welfare of our Oceanic friends. And then I was looking at the feed of a person who I do know and have been just really fortunate to know for almost 10 years. And this person actually will be featured on embodied astrology in the coming week. So we recorded an interview her name is jeevan sing and you can find her on Instagram at flower hand wellness and jeevan is a somatic womb healer and Woman pelvic healer and integrative mental health specialist and she has this really amazing offering around embodiment and womb and pelvic care that is very gender inclusive and has a really I think exceptional understanding and perspective of holistic health. So I was kind of feeling this lightheartedness and inspiration and love love and excitement to be interacting with and a recipient of these people's generosity. They're sharing their creativity and I was thinking about how we're hopefully maybe I think moving into this age of Aquarius and if you follow astrology and you know anything about it, then you know that of course, there's not any essential nature to the signs. They're not good or bad. So as we move Into the age of Aquarius, of course, we're moving out of the age of Pisces and into this age that has to do with more of a group construct a togetherness or a weakness, but there's really an importance on community and the work that we're doing together. And yeah, I was just kind of getting ready for this offering and thinking like, what do I have to share today? What's wanting to come through me and I was enjoying my own kind of creative practice of drawing a picture of the new moon and being in my body and then feeling this web of community this uplifting that I feel when I engage with their work and the support that I feel from them in so many ways, whether that's inspiration or motivation or friendship and that felt like a really important place to again was to just give a shout-out to you fabulous human beings and everybody that I didn't mention and that's you if you're listening and what it is that you and we are offering in the world right now the ways that we're seeking to express from our hearts whether that's in the smallest moment of interaction and and interpersonal expression whether that's in In solitude when we are kind of checking in and trying to listen deeply to ourselves whether that's in some kind of group offering or on a platform that's reaching many people. Thank you for being here. So it's been a slow morning. I've been moving pretty slowly. I flew in last night from Colorado. I've actually been gone from my home in Portland for the last three weeks. Spent a week in Tacoma Washington teaching for the Pierce County teen and adult summer reading series and I got to teach six classes at six different libraries Autumn bodied astrology and it was really fun to be able to offer astrology as a tool for adventure story writing which is what the theme of these classes were and I traveled all around Pierce County and taught classes at several very rural libraries got to work with people. Ooh-hoo. I probably wouldn't encounter. Otherwise, whether that's due to financial accessibility or spatial accessibility or just interest it was really cool that the library was interested in what I had to offer and that they were supporting me to be there and that was also giving me a lot of Hope and I was thinking about how many young people are interested in astrology now and again just feeling grateful for change. Nicholas for providing such inspiration for so many people definitely folks my age in their 30s and a little younger than me in their twenties, but especially to people who are in their late teens right now and a lot of the the folks that came to these classes were in their late teens and I was really surprised to know that they already knew a lot about astrology. They knew a lot about their signs. They knew their birth times they were thinking about their compatibility. At ability with their friends or romantic interests, and it was so fun to be able to talk with them and from Tacoma and went back to Colorado where I spent a good part of my life growing up and I participated in a week-long immersion dance and expressive Arts camp for grown-ups. The youngest person there was 16 and the This person there was in his 70s and this particular community that gathered around this immersion as a community that I've been part of since I was 11 and the woman that is kind of the the founder and the leader of this community is the woman who adopted me when my mom died when I was a teenager. She's a really exceptional human being and I feel so grateful to I have her in my life. It's been really amazing to watch her progress as a teacher from the time. I begin with her 25 years ago until now if you ever find yourself in the Colorado area look for them. They're up in Boulder. And her name is Melissa Michaels. She runs an organization called Golden Bridge and she travels a lot as well. So shout out to Melissa. Thank you for all that. You hold and help with So shout out to Melissa. Thank you so much for holding us in such a beautiful space. anyway I felt just so inspired again and really bolstered really carried by the energy of this group. There were people from all over the world. There were 72 participants. I think from every continent and every single person. There was a leader in some way they were working in community. They were working with Arts. And they were working as activists leaders for peace and they were there to dance mostly. That's what we did. We did a lot of dancing. We did a fair amount of art. We did a ton of processing and talking with each other and I just saw how much this type of work transforms and heels and provide support for really deep and important conversations to happen. and I was reminded again that my love of somatic practice of embodiment practice is also my love of social justice and my commitment and deep desire to involve myself with activism with activism for peace and for healing and for environmental sanity and over and over and over again, my experience has been that when these two Topics or practices do not intersect neither is actually that helpful. So in my experiences of embodiment spaces, whether that's yoga class or a dance Community or studying so Maddox as I did for years the places where there was a lack of conversation about embodiment in a more political framework what it means to be in our bodies from a social political sense, which bodies have access to health to wealth to Mobility Etc, which ones don't and the reasons why when those conversations were not present the embodiment work and the healing that I was able to participate actually felt really flat to me and I remember kind of in the middle of a cymatics program that I was involved in for about five years. Having a breakdown in one of the classes and kind of asking the group like where is the place for this conversation and looking at a room? Probably about a hundred people all white mostly privileged, you know, privileged enough to get ourselves there and thinking like God, this is something about this is really wrong that there's this amazing transmission that's happening in this space. That is so so deeply healing that's so deeply integrated an integrating but that we are not actually addressing our social positioning that we're not actually addressing how we can move out into the world from this place as agents of healing and to engage with our own healing through reparation in the social fabric not just in the the somatic realm and in the Is that I've been in that are very dedicated to social justice. There's often a lot of conversation that is pretty grueling and a kind of rigor that has to do with training our minds to unpack layers of conditioning and having conversation that is often incredibly challenging and in those spaces that I've been in when an embodiment practice is not Included when it isn't brought in a pretty major way, I end up feeling really destroyed and fragmented and distracted and disembodied and often. It feels like the conversations are not that effective that maybe they can push forward a little bit they can start to chip away at some hardened layers, but that when there is the embodiment work that's brought in when we work. With the concepts that arise through our somatic intelligence through actual relationship through actual feeling then we really get somewhere because the the problems that we're trying to address, you know problems of systemic oppression and Trauma. Yes, we can talk about them conceptually. It's so helpful to have language but these are embodied experiences that have very very Very deep roots hundreds and thousands of years of growth in those routes and the words just by themselves or the theory just by itself. If the embodiment isn't there sometimes just creates another layer of hardness and identification or it's too much to engage with. It's too overwhelming emotionally and there's a shutdown or there's further distance. so in this last week of sitting with this group doing the work of embodiment practice and social practice learning to relate with one another and having several conversations around social positioning many of which were messy and imperfect and kind of fucked up but also also they were healing also there was so much space around those conversations to come back to humanity together. I was just really inspired in this last week and particularly I was inspired by the younger folks. Who were there are a lot of people in their early 20s and under-21 person in particular who was one of the younger ones and who sat in a council that I was a part of on gender. So one evening, there was an invitation to join groups based on. Your gender your gender identity and there was a women's group. There was a men's group and there was a third gender group and within this community space for for third gender for non-binary for Trans or queer identities is fairly new and I was really excited to get to experience that there and there was a really beautiful circle of people who gathered And most of the folks who were there, I would say we're probably in their late 20s 30s 40s, and when we are sharing a lot of us were were sharing about our more painful experiences as well. As our revolutions are a Revelations around our own gender and sexuality, you know a lot of stories about. Oh well when I was growing up it was like this. It felt really hard. I felt really confusing as I become an adult. I've been fumbling around trying to figure out Ditta and then the youngest person there shared and this is a person still in their teens. And as we all did they began with introducing themselves by name stating their pronouns? They preferred Sheehy and they and then they said really kind of lightly and without any drama at all. I've always identified as all genders and my friends due to its normal for us. It's not hard for us to talk about these things. I love my body. I feel really comfortable here. and as I'm saying it I'm like I feel tears coming out me I can hear them in my voice again, and I was crying then listening to this person sure because it was so touching so deeply deeply touching to hear them say that and feel that all of the work that we do and when I say we I mean any of us who've kind of felt ourselves facing repression or oppression facing The lack of language to describe our own experience or the lack of any kind of cultural understanding or support where we can identify ourselves and feel safe or feel accepted and seen but we've somehow just kept going and needed to figure it out and needed to express ourselves and fought for it. It felt like oh This is why. This is why right here. And then yesterday when I was waiting for the plane. I was reading the news and had a kind of similar experience reading about Greta through soon Berg saying her name wrong. I think you've probably heard of her. She's a 16-year old Swedish activist and really amazing being who is an environmental activist and is also someone with autism And her delivery and communication and thought style or her mental patterns how she communicates how she hears how she listens and how she speaks is so incredible. It's so brilliant. It's so fucking clear and I was reading about how she, you know had been invited to come and present at the UN and said, well, I'm not going to take a plane. I don't want to participate. In creating more carbon emissions. This is not what we need. It's exactly the opposite of what we need. And so then there's this sponsor that she has its building, you know, solar-powered sailboat. It's going to take her to the UN conference is going to take two weeks or something to get her there and there are no commercial sponsors. There are no logos on the boat. And this is you know her dictate and I thought fuck 16 years old and this person has been an activist for a couple of years now, I think since she was 11 or 12 in a pretty major way and I was just kind of floored this is sitting there waiting for my plane, you know to fly back and thinking okay. This is really inspiring and I feel so inspired by the young people in the world right now, and I'm not in a place where I feel particularly young anymore. but I'm in my 30s and kind of feeling myself in the transition from feeling like a kid into feeling like an adult and starting to really kind of sense that I need to turn towards the the youngers to move into the future and to really follow their leadership and to follow their knowledge and to offer whatever it is that I offer for them with this idea of Becoming a good ancestor. So gosh. I've got a lot of tender feelings right now in the last week so much has been brought up thinking about all of these kinds of themes around our place in the social whole and how we each carry some peace how our Personal Expressions and are kind of unique positions and perspectives are super Important and our feelings are really important and at the same time none of those individual perspectives and certainly not our individual emotions are actually that important and that we have to find ways to work together and I've been feeling a lot of fear and sadness as I continue to hear horrible news about what's happening in the country and what's happening in the world. When I say the country, of course living in the United States, so whatever the fuck is happening here with the administration that currently has power is pretty horrific and also mind-boggling and I also am feeling like, okay. Well, maybe this is what we need. Maybe we need it to get this bad to wake up as a global Community Maybe. This is going to be the push around the corner and hopefully not over the edge and I've been so lucky to be around people and to be around work that is continuing to feed me and inspire me and allow me to position myself towards hope and I really hope that you who are listening are able to as well and this feels like my most present sentiment at this moment. Is the desire to turn towards hope and the desire to offer myself and whatever way large or small to some kind of creative Liberation and Collective healing in my community which includes you and in the world that I'm a part of which includes all of us. This is a really strong feeling for me today on this new moon on a That the Moon is new it's always day to plant a seed to think about a new beginning in that Dark Moon. We have the potential for New Growth for some beginning to take root. We have an ending of the last cycle releasing of the last cycle and a stepping into the new and Leo rules our hearts. It rules. Our spines Leo is a sign that is ruled by the sun and the solar of Brilliant Energy is something that shines out of all of us and on this new moon day. I really invite all of us to think in to feel into sense into listen in to what it is that each of us have to express from our unique positions and perspectives that can combine with and harmonize with those around us. So our Radiance can get bigger so our warmth can get bigger. So our communities can become more vital more strong and whatever it is that we are here to do at this turning point in the world because we certainly are at a turning point made that work be healing may be offered with love. May it be offered with joy. This is a very special new moon for me because the degree point of the new moon is exactly on my ascendant been eight degrees. Leo rising and in two days on Friday August 2nd, it is my birthday. So naturally I think for many of us as we get to our birthdays there's a sense of a new beginning and this new moon coming at this time feels like a powerful one. I'll be 36 on Friday and I was reading this morning about 36 in numerology. I'm not really a numerology expert at all. Learn about it on Wikipedia and Google. So I was learning that 36 is a combination of the energies of three, which is a creative. Joyful more child energy and six which is a family energy and when they combine they create nine, which is a humanitarian energy. So 36 and numerology is the Creative Energy that serves the assisting or the helping of inclined to I was like a wonderful that's exactly how I'm feeling. That's exactly what I want to devote myself to right now. And then I read something about 36 in the Jewish mysticism tradition. And as you may know if you've heard me talk about my ancestry before I have a lot of my ancestry, our ancestors are Jewish, so I learned that in Jewish This is I'm that 36 is the number that's associated to Mystical righteous people. There are supposed to be 36 of these people on the planet or in the world at all times and without them without any one of them the world would come to an end and these beings are concealed even to themselves their humble and their humility is the concealment. It so it's not an ego trip. It's not you know a savior idea but they emerge with their mystical powers specifically to help avert disasters and to help avert persecution from enemies. So I thought that was really interesting. And then finally I was thinking about that in relationship to Leo as this. Energy that's ruled by the Sun and of course the sun being the center of our solar system and kind of the central point for all of the matter and the particles that are swirling around it to orient with and Eric Francis. Who's an astrologer. I check in with quite a bit has talked about Leo being associated to Dharma and the way that he describes Dharma the meaning he gives to it is Acting as if to hold the world together, so I loved all of that. And as I say all of that I want to say all of us have Leo and myself as a person that has Leo in My Lens as a Leo Rising person. This is how I'm seeing the world and also Leo in the sun sign that this is my vital energy. I'm here to express Leo in a particular way and to learn a lot about Leo, but All of us have Leo All of Us carry this energy forward and these archetypes or for all of us at this time. I think that there are much more than 36 people may be 9 billion people on this planet right now that are actually Mystics and we are all concealed and and we are concealed to ourselves until the time in the moment comes when we're able to step forward and offer our gifts and we don't get to choose when that is. Is but when were called upon we answer the call if we're doing the work to listen and for me, that's really what the season is about. And what the offering of Leo is about is listening to our hearts and listening to the call of our spirits. So with that check-in, I'm going to move into my interpretation of the chart for this new moon where I'll be talking about astrology that has quite a lot to do with everything else that I was just talking about before all of that. I would like to say that there is a lot of support for you from me for Leo season. If you haven't already, please listen to Glow time, which is Embodied astrology for Leo season episode. I put out on the 22nd when the Sun moved into Leo and in that episode I offer an embodied meditation a somatic meditation for connecting with Leo in the body with the central axis. And then with its energetic manifestation and this is a practice. I've been checking in with pretty much every day for the last two weeks. It's been really supporting me to hold and carry and Love Leo and myself and others. There. Are your horoscopes your month ahead forecasts for Leo season. These are unique horoscopes for every sign. Listen to your son. You're Rising maybe your moon sign. These are all free. There's also an Extended reading for Leo season available to subscribers. And in that extended reading I offer an in-depth month ahead horoscope and look at all of the planetary. Transits and I also give you a PDF that is kind of a calendar layout with day-to-day the planetary aspects and lunar cycles and space to make notes so that you can research how astrology is embodied in your life. You can subscribe by donation any amount per month and you'll get this extended forecast and PDF and your subscriptions sustain this work. So thank you if you are a subscriber. Thank you so much. Whether you donate one dollar a month or $50 a month my gratitude to you is the same. I wish you endless abundance and prosperity in your life and so much joy, and I hope that whatever I offer to you serves you in your life purpose. If you receive benefit from embodied astrology and from my work, please do consider subscribing. It makes such a difference to me to have a regular rhythmic income and it means that I can Create space for these recordings in this research and continue to offer what I offer which is for the most part very financially accessible. If not free. Finally. There's a Leo birthday report. This is a year ahead report and that also includes a PDF. So the recording is about an hour and a half long. I talk about the major themes for Leo in 2019 and 2020 from July. By 2019 through July of 2020 and give a reading for the sign. So if you're Leo sun and Leo Rising as well as Leo moon, you might want to check that out or if you know Leo people and you want to give them a gift this birthday report is very affordable. It's $15. It's ten dollars for subscribers and it's quite a lot of astrology. So please check that out as well. Finally, the last thing I want to say is that I'll be offering a Q&A episode on the full moon this month that's on August 15, and if you want to submit a question, the deadline is August 10th. So if you have questions that you want me to talk about on embodied astrology questions about your chart your personal chart questions about astrology in general or questions about embodiment with astrology. Please send them my way and you can contact me from my Website embodied You can also send me a message on Instagram at embodied astrology and you can find a link on anchor FM. If you're listening from anchor. It's also in the show notes to leave me a voice message. So send me your message and there's a good chance. I will get to it in the QA. Okay, so I'm going to take just a very short break and allow anchor to sponsor me and sponsor this. Us work and then I will be back in just a second to talk about the astrology for this new moon. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started this new moon in Leo is also coming after the last three years or so of eclipses happening. Leo season so last year the eclipse has started to transition into cancer and Capricorn season in 2017. The eclipses were solidly in Leo Aquarius season and in 2016, they began to inch their way in and so eclipses are kind of wave-like movements they span about three years, but only really Lee for one year are they only in one polarity or set of signs so eclipses are really powerful times as an astrological metaphor or symbol they are associated to Karma and specifically to the way that Karma or the residue and influence or momentum of the past catches up to the present and then tells us into the future and of course we exist in nonlinear cyclical kinds of experiences at least in kind of a western modality of time and space we think forward and onward and upward but really when we feel into our lives most of us, we're kind of living our lives in cycles and eclipses speak to those Cycles cycles of time passing cycles of experienced cycles of understanding around eclipses. We may be confronted with the past either being called into accountability for our past actions gifted with the benefit of past actions. We may be brought back into relationship with people or events or memories from the past. So pretty powerful times eclipses are and all of last year. Excuse me all 2017 a good part of last year in 2016 eclipses were happening in Leo and Aquarius. So this sign and its opposite have been pretty revolutionized over these last few years. And as this new moon comes it feels like there's a lot of Awakening and awareness. It's coming around the energy of the new moon now a big part of the sensation for me as I look at the X has to do with a grand fire Trine that is being stimulated all month long by the movement of the personal planets through Leo. So when I say the personal planets, I'm referring to what are sometimes called the minor planets or the inner planets the sun and the moon are the most personal and also not planets. The sun is a star. The Moon is a satellite but in the language of astrology, these are two luminaries. And the kind of celestial figures that we're most personally involved with and of course without the sun. We wouldn't be alive or Earth would not support and facilitate life and without the moon, who knows what we would be because the moon greatly affects the speed of the Earth's turning around its own axis that greatly affects the orbit of the Earth around the Sun and of course the tides the title Rhythm if the moon Somehow got flung away from the earth. The earth would be a very very different place than what it is. And that reminds me of a book that I've been reading recently. It's the second in a Trilogy of books called the broken Earth series. Just wanted to say that if you hadn't read that those books, they're really awesome and Kay Jamison is an amazing author and has nothing to do with what I'm talking about except the moon and its presence. Is a very important role in these books. So if you've read them, you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't read them you should read them. Anyway, I digress the personal planets also include Mercury Venus and Mars. These are planets that orbit around the sun fairly quickly Mercury orbits the Sun and under a year Venus takes a little bit under a year as well and Mars takes about two years to orbit the Sun so So the movements of these planets travel through the signs fairly rapidly in comparison to the outer planets Jupiter takes a year Saturn takes about two and a half years all the way to Pluto which can take about. I think it's like 260 years almost to orbit around the Sun. So the personal planets describe our personalities Mercury our mental communication listening speaking. In style Venus our values as well as our Beauty our attractiveness and how we love what we love Mars. Our energy our will power our interests our desire our Drive our aggression aggression are our protective and defensive Styles and with the personal planets what we get is stimulation, so Whenever the personal planets are traveling through a sign they stimulate that sign they bring the signs qualities into our awareness when the personal planets make aspects to the outer planets. They bring outer planetary energy, which might be thought of as trans personal or Collective energy into our personal experience. So all of Leo season pretty much in into Virgo Little bit we're experiencing the personal planets in Leo and as they travel through Leo, they are aspecting the other fire signs and the planets in them. So in Aries, we have the Centaur Planet Chiron and in Sagittarius, we have the planet Jupiter. So all of Leo season we have what is called a grand Trine in Fire and a grand Trine is when all three signs. Signs of the same element are stimulated by a planetary movement and that planetary movement is acting in unison. So these three points are holding space together their aspected by 120 degrees and the triangle shape is the most supportive shape. This aspect is kind of a flowing lending aspect energy can move very quickly and rapidly easily and Add obstruction what is fire energy. Well fire energy. First of all is personal in the astrological language the fire signs present the person the personality with Aries. We have the sign that rules the self-concept the identity the ego how we know ourselves in this embodied experience with Leo. We have our joy our vitality. Literally our circulatory energy are you know our energy what it is that we're admitting how it is that we're radiating what it is that we're expressing with Sagittarius. We have our belief systems and the feeling of purpose. This is what I'm here for. This is what I'm going to go for. This is how I'm going to grow and make sense out of my own life. So the fire signs are not particularly concerned with relationship all Of course, we are always in relationship and that's how the fire energy grows as it comes to know itself. But the fire energy is very much about the the self and how we know ourselves how we express ourselves and what it is that we are kind of going for a growing towards in our in our paths as individuated beings. So with Chiron in Aries we Have an energy that is associated to a healing journey of some kind and if you want to know more about Chiron, please listen to the Aries season episodes areas season begins on March 22nd, and you can also listen back to I guess it was an aquarius season in February. I think that Chiron went into Aries and actually if you just Google embodied astrology Chiron, you'll get all The episodes where I'm talking about it. Anyway Chiron is a healing a lie this planetary energy assists Us in resolving our pathologies and pain patterns how we resolve is we recognize there's a quality in Cairo Ron's energy that allows us to recognize two name to articulate and to form understanding around something that intern kind of releases the attachment that we have to it or releases the unconsciousness another way to say that is bring something to Consciousness so that we can work with it skillfully in Aries Chiron is a force that I believe is going to really help us get to know ourselves in pretty deep ways. The last time Chiron was an Aries was in the 1960s and this is before its Discovery, but at that time there was a huge wave all over the world and definitely in the western world where I'm speaking from of self-realization and self-knowing and in the self-realization in the self knowing a lot came for words in terms of self-responsibility civil rights environmental justice kinds of larger themes that were definitely Really quite immersed in right now and I think trying to make sense of and carry this work forward kind of bring it into the next evolutionary steps Chiron and Aries is a nine-year Transit. We're going to have this influence through 2027. And this is just the beginning. So the kinds of conversations that a lot of us have been engaged with and that are surfacing in the world particularly around social positioning. And bias are hugely important conversations that are just going to get bigger and deeper and more nuanced in this next decade or so. How do we understand ourselves underneath the stories that we have about ourselves that we have been given and these stories that we have been given have permeated our awareness unconsciously their stories that we have been socialized by and entrained with and when I'm speaking about these stories, I'm think I'm speaking to the stories that have to do with our embodiment. So if you are born into a body, then you are born into a collection of stories and as your body evolves and grows and as you learn about yourself and as you express yourself, then your stories expand. Sometimes you get new stories. Sometimes you let old stories go but as we become aware of ourselves, we also become aware of the story of ourselves, and I think anyone who's listening has probably Had the experience of recognizing that a story isn't true and this kind of recognition where we might recognize. Oh, I grew up in a poor family my whole life. I've thought these negative things about myself and my family because the stories that Society has about poor people are overwhelmingly negative. So there are societal stories about poor people being lazy poor people being stupid and rich people. Being you know more worthwhile more intelligent blah blah blah. We all know that this isn't true. We take any time to examine these ideas. Absolutely untrue yet. There is a societal bias around wealth around economic wealth that leads to stories of wealth equating with some kind of goodness and poverty relating with some kind of negativity or lack of goodness. Now in this example if this is a story that someone is born into that they embody then these kinds of beliefs will be reinforced over and over through social interaction kids at school media adults as these people grow our as this hypothetical example person grows the experiences that they have. Because of their economic position the experiences that they are able to access or unable to access because of their economic condition will lead to kind of a reinforcement of these stories right like, oh I don't have enough money to go to school. Therefore. I'm not smart enough or therefore then I have to take these jobs and other people respond to This particular kind of job or you know working class as lower than the du du du du du so, this is an example at some point someone in this particular condition will probably realize this is bullshit and that realization that recognition Could Happen fairly early on in a more abstract way like why the fuck are these people telling stories about this? I I know plenty of people in my community who are poor who are brilliant who are kind who are worthwhile those stories are false, but the embodied shift of the story and the way that someone may or may not be able to work with themselves in their kind of internalised experience of the story is I think a really deep very profound practice that takes a lot of time. And so how we release ourselves from story particularly when the society at large or when our relationships with other people in the world continue to reinforce those stories is a spiritual path. So if you live in a body that is the recipient of Oppression of some kind of marginalized identity how you work with yourself to release. Yourself from the negative impacts of those stories while you are consistently having them reinforced by the world around you is a spiritual path on the other side. If you're a person who's been born into some kind of privilege and here's a hypothetical example, or maybe not hypothetical example, I'll just use myself as a person born into a white skin body. This is a privilege in the world regardless of any other layers of Oppression. I met experience as a female or as a queer person or as a person who did grow up fairly poor or comparatively and in the community that I was growing up in in my experience as a white skinned person. I am the recipient of a lot of privilege which means that doors open for me that I have stories that I get to tell myself about my own value about my own worth about my own intelligence that are then reinforced by Society because of access that I have because of the way That people in power believe me or allow me in that. I might not ever even see and it's one of the ways that privilege works is that it's invisible to those who carry it. So it's easy for people who are born into money to think that of course, you know, they are worth it. They've earned it or someone who's born into white skin to be able to pursue an economic path of Mobility that maybe someone who's born into darker skin cannot as easily. I just simply because there's less access and there's more barriers the darker that you are in this world. That's a very colorist world. So these are some examples of stories and the ways we embody them and just very quickly loop back around to what I was talking about in the very beginning which is the necessity of relationship between somatic practice and social justice practice. This is why it's because these stories of these Concepts are so fucking confusing there. So many different layers around them and the embodied experience that we each have is very personal and no body is wholly bad or good we all have our you know the ways that we really strive and we try and we're really good people and we all have the ways that we're totally blind and we hurt each other and doing an embodiment practice really trying to feel the way that these layers and sections of identity impact our own experience or others experience for me is like the only way I can even start to Grapple with it. And certainly the only way I feel like there's any possibility around healing or resolution. So this is what I think Chiron and Aries is going to do for us. I think it's going to really open our perspective around identity and ego and the Kinds of conversations that we can have around our positions are social positions our responsibilities as people who impact one another that these kinds of conversations are going to get bigger. They're going to get deeper. They're going to become a lot more nuanced Chiron is currently at 5 degrees of areas. It is going to move very slowly through this sign. So as I said, we have nine years, we're just at the beginning just barely scratching the surface. Surface of what this influence is or can be and throughout this month. All of the personal planets will be aspecting Chiron by trying and so what that means again is that we have a lending energy. We have self-awareness and realization and communication changing as mercury aspects Chiron we have our Subjective awareness and how we know ourselves and our emotions being influenced by Chiron as the sun and the moon aspect it. We have our connections and and our love Nature's and how we care and what we value being shifted in relationship to Chiron is Venus aspects it and then we have our power and what were willing to get out and work for and maybe what we're willing to fight for being aspected by Chiron with Mars. As all the planets separate from Chiron, they move into a trying with Jupiter Jupiter has been in Sagittarius since November of 2017 on August 11th. Jupiter is about to turn direct. It's been retrograde since April and Jupiter will continue its Transit through Sagittarius until this December. So Jupiter spends about 12 months in a sign and wherever Jupiter is it brings. It brings us to our study and it goes how can you grow here? What do you have to learn? What is the potential right now for you to gain something from this experience Sagittarius is a sign that is ruled by Jupiter. And when I say ruled by Jupiter what I mean, is that the planetary energy and the zodiacal energy are very similar can think of Jupiter as an emissary of Sagittarius wherever it goes it brings. Sagittarian wisdom Sagittarian wisdom is wisdom. It is knowledge. It is perspective what Sagittarius gives us is expansion. It asks us to grow in terms of our borders. It rules long-distance travel rules foreign languages. It rules the idea of foreignness, but how we interact with it how we interact with difference and how difference than becomes an expansive possibility as we lean into our own biases and we go whoa, I never even thought something could be that way. Therefore my perspective shifts Sagittarius rules academics Higher Learning religious philosophies spiritual quests in its detriment Sagittarius can be really opinionated fundamentalist kind of an Seeing energy and Jupiter certainly can be as well. So Jupiter in Sagittarius can definitely be a kind of galvanizing of beliefs and we're definitely seeing that in the world right now, but it can also bring a huge expansion and I'm definitely seeing that in the world right now as well. So this Grand fire Trine energy allows our mental Concepts to start to heal, too. To begin to integrate to start to know themselves through Chiron and then it allows our beliefs and our faith to grow and to deepen it gives us a sense of purpose and potentially allows us to increase our wisdom. So all throughout the month this energy is getting stimulated Mars started this Transit last month last season, July 10 that formed its trying to Chiron Mars is Leading the way through Leo today as I'm recording. The Moon is in its trying to Chiron tomorrow Venus will form its trying and then as I said, all of them are going to start to move in to try and with Jupiter Mars, was there a couple of days ago on the 25th. The moon will be there tomorrow. The sun will get there on the 7th Venus will get there on the 8th so notice what's going on in your personal? General awareness right now. How are you? Thinking about yourself? How are you feeling yourself? Who are you? What is the self when you really take some time to feel into it. This is deep study in any yoga practice. Who is the Seer who is the Observer who is speaking right now and a meditation practice is a wonderful way to explore that as you kind of sit and observe your mind telling you stories about who you are. That's a great way to kind of get into these deeper layers. So Mercury will enter Leo on the same day that Jupiter turns direct. This is August 11th, and then Mercury will start to form all of these aspects as well throughout the month of August today on the day of the new moon Mercury is stationing direct. It has been retrograde for the past three weeks and as mercury stations, Patience direct it will move back through the late degrees of cancer. And then it will re-enter Leo as I said on August 11th. And what Mercury does is it brings mental awareness? So in the upcoming month and these upcoming weeks really take note of what is arising. It's a really good time to journal another plug for the embodied astrology subscription journals because Can journal with the planetary aspects if it's helpful for you to have them written down but there's quite a lot that's about to be clarified for us with these aspects and the clarification is going to come in terms of the self. So very personal for each person. I don't know what it's going to be for you specifically but I definitely know that right now what's being stimulated is Leo and Leo has to do again with our radiant. Ants with our Vitality we are live here at this time in these bodies for such a short amount of time and I believe for a purpose. So what is it? What's the purpose that you are here for? This is a really excellent time to listen because there's quite a lot of available information quite a lot of inspiration and alignment with healing and with wisdom with your own path that He could be very surprising right now and this brings us into the kind of next energies that I'm going to talk about with this new moon because a lot of us are understanding things about ourselves and about our lives either because of big changes that are happening either very personal changes or changes in our immediate environments or changes in the Earth itself. It's the hottest year on record. Ever the political reality and news Cycles are absolutely fucking insane. And how can we not be affected we have to change we have to grow our values have to shift our sense of purpose really needs to take an evolutionary step forwards. So this new moon is aspected quite strongly with your honest and it's been a minute since I've talked about your honest and Taurus. A big theme earlier in the year. So if you listen back to the tourist season episodes that begins in May you'll hear me talk quite a bit about your honest in Taurus. So this is another long-term aspect is the seven-year aspect through 2026. You're honest is a planet that brings change Revolution and Revelation often through chaos. And sometimes through trauma Taurus is Earth. It is deep Earth. It is the most most earthy of the Earth signs and it is representative as well to our bodies as manifestations of Earth to what builds our bodies IE food and to what sustains our bodies IE resources. So Taurus is a symbol of Earth bodies wealth / resources and specifically food at this time on Earth. These are all changing. So the Earth obviously is in a rapid and very significant state of change that changes that the Earth is going through has a lot to do with how we as a human species are using and relating with resources food agriculture water oil are fossil fuels the ways that we have been consuming in. Patriarchal capitalism white supremacist capitalism are absolutely destructive. There's no way around it. There's no argument for capitalism. As far as I'm concerned. It's a completely ass-backwards idea that one person can benefit off of the labor and exploitation of others or of the earth. It is so fucking backwards to think about self-benefit at any time, but especially right now if it involves The labor and the exploitation of anybody or anything else. It will not get us anywhere. So whatever it is this kind of brainwashing mindset that has so many of us scrambling to figure out how to make our lives better at the expense of others whether this is conscious or not has to shift if we want to survive we have to figure out how to move into a way of being and existing. That is a communal effort and an understanding that the benefit of all is the benefit of the self the benefit of the self cannot come first. So this is the square aspect Leo represents the self. It's a sign that is associated to royalty and definitely to self-interest or to self a grand dies mint and you're honest in Taurus is going no more that doesn't work. This is where it's getting us and it's getting us a lot of Chaos. So all month long all Leo season long will be feeling the effects of the personal planets in square to Uranus. Now. This is happening pretty much right now. And in the recent weeks Mars squared you're honest on July 11th. The sun was Square to Uranus on the 29th. The Moon is square to Uranus today with the new moon and Venus will Square you're on us on Friday on August 2nd the Things are going to continue throughout the week. However as the personal planets move into their trying with Jupiter, so our beliefs are shifting because the world around us is changing again, whether it's personal circumstances, whether it's our value systems or whether it's our relationship to actual wealth and what we find valuable whether it's our bodies that are changing or we're recognizing ages that are affecting our bodies or ways that the world and the systems within the world are affecting bodies and embodied experience or the Earth We're recognizing that we have to change we can't be self-centered. We can't be stuck in our grand ideas about you know, how awesome we are how much we're going to get it's time to get real and really question what is needed now and this is definitely Sentiment that is underscored and underlined by a number of aspects that all again all of the personal planets moving through Leo will make two planets in Capricorn and Pisces. So Capricorn is another Earth sign and you've heard me talk about Capricorn a lot again. There's an episode that came out last month called a geology a serious business and in that episode I talk a lot about Capricorn and what's happening in that sign right now particularly the eclipses of this year next year and the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto. So if you want information on that energy, please listen there to that episode in brief this the the astrological energy that's occurring in Capricorn right now. The conjunction of Saturn Pluto and the South node. The South node is one of the places where eclipses happen and this energy is a reckoning kind of quality. It is not gentle it's quite intense and quite extreme feeling and there's a marked experience of finding and dying in it and the the need is deep accountability and transformation of shadow. Ticularly transformation of the shadow of the systems whether the system is capitalism whether the system is the education system or the medical system the systems in general that are in the world right now that have existed in the world for a long time particularly the systems that have been built upon white supremacist patriarchy and capitalism are killing people they're killing the planet. I take that back the president will live the planet Will Survive it survived for a long time. These systems are quite destructive to what we value in the planet and really what sustains us and if we want to live we will have to transform our systems and this is a very pressing matter right now. It's particularly pressing within the United States as an identity and an ideology. These aspects are occurring in a very Important place in the United States birth chart the birth chart of the Declaration of Independence and the US and the world in general is going through a very profound transformation right now and this transformation is the Gateway into the Aquarian age. So if we make it through we can make it through into collectivism we can make it through into an age of Peace. We can also make it through in To an age of a I take over and I don't know some kind of weird disembodied kind of existence. Let's not go there so all month long the personal planets moving through Leo will form what are called in conjunct aspects to Capricorn in conjunct is a 150 degree angle and an in conjunct is really uncomfortable. There is not an easy path into And ship with an in conjunct we feel thwarted by the system's right. Now. If you're tuning in with embodied astrology, I'm going to guess that you and I are on kind of similar bandwidth and it's like, how do we get out of this? These systems are so big they're so powerful. They're getting more and more dominating. The the walls are going up. Our liberties are being taken away. How do we fight against it? How do we change them? And the the need right now is to trust the process of transformation and especially with Leo to not let the system's dim the internal Radiance. So the radiance of Leo that rules our heart and spine is the radiance of love. It's the radiance of Freedom. It is the childlike innocence of unconditional love. Of playful creativity the way that we are flexible and adaptive and can learn through play. This is what we need to move towards right now as we confront the the fear and the intimidation of these systems and it is how we will transform them is by meeting one another with love with playfulness not trying to assert dominance, but allowing ourselves to be emergent together in this transformation now at the same time, Neptune in Pisces is forming the same aspect in conjunct 150 degrees with Leo. So Pisces is in conjunct to Leo and Neptune is currently transiting Pisces and Neptune is the planetary ruler of Pisces. And so this vibration of Neptune in Pisces is very very strong. And I should have said that Saturn in Capricorn Saturn is the planetary ruler of Capricorn so we have really Lee Strong very pure energy coming from both of these signs Pisces is the undifferentiated whole as an astrological symbol. It is a symbol of the ocean where all water returns and the atmosphere where all tiny particles of matter kind of float around and mix together Pisces is the great unknown. So this is a symbol Of everything we can't know that still affects us our ancestry the cumulative past the collective unconscious our dreams all the things. We don't know all that's invisible to us Pisces is also a sign that speaks to the ways. We lose ourselves. We lose our sense of self and Neptune is an agent of self undoing it gives us experiences that dissolve our sense of ego and our sense of separation and it asks us to move out and beyond our small selves. So Neptune in Pisces is emitting raised upon us that are kind of permeating and porous and dissolving of our separate skin. It's going you're bigger than that. You're more than that. Get out. Get out get out from your small mind in its detriment. However, it also leads us to Desire to kind of vacate and it can be a really addictive and distracting kind of influence. So with these in conjuncts from Pisces and from Capricorn in the planets in them, what we have is called a Yad now, this is not exact by aspect and so any astrologers who are listening and you're like it's not exact I know but it's a yard by sign and basically what that is is is to zodiacal energies in this cape case Capricorn and Pisces that are supporting their lending one another in their influence and then they're both providing these very uncomfortable kinds of influences into another sign in this case Leo, but because Leo is receiving in conjuncts from both Capricorn and Pisces, there's a kind of stability in the aspect and Leo is Growing and the way that I'm interpreting this is that as we lean into the unknown as we open ourselves to the profound and immense transformation that is taking place on Earth right now. We do this through becoming more and more heart centered by trying to tear down and see through the layers of false identification and misidentification that were carrying. By trying to dismantle egoism and really come into a pure and authentic Radiance. And if we do that, this is the way forward. This is the way we can access the exalted energies of both Capricorn and Pisces Capricorn and it's exaltation is alchemy old magic wisdom Pisces and it's exalted manifestation is intuition magic and really Sublime powerful. Love so my friends that's where I'm going to pause with today's new moon and I really want to wish you all the best for these next couple of days. As I said Mercury is turning direct today. The new moon is exact this evening around 8:00 9:00 p.m. On the Pacific coast. I think it's 8:43 p.m. The moon makes its trying to Chiron in In let's see about half an hour from when I'm recording right now probably right around the time. I publish this podcast the moon will make it Square to Uranus this evening at 5 p.m. And as mercury turns direct tonight just about 9 p.m. Pacific time. This is a really good time to start your journaling to make your new moon wishes and all of tomorrow and into Friday really wonderful time to work with this Newman energy. And the Uranian energy that's coming in the chyron support that's coming in and you don't have to know what it is. But open yourself come into your intuition free, right? I put out a guided meditation on intuitive writing a couple of months ago in Gemini season, maybe check in with that or check in with the Leo season embodiment and see what wants to come out of you. So thank you so much. If you want to work more with this energy, please consider coming on retreat with me in September September 29th through October 3rd. I'll be offering a three-day retreat in Longview Washington. It's on the Olympic Peninsula. It's a beautiful place queer run female run resort quote-unquote resort this place. That's kind of Lodge of old travel trailers vintage are Games and whatnot that have been renovated and we'll be working with Jupiter's energy and manifestation energy for our kind of spiritual purpose specifically with the astrology of 2020. So you can find more about that on my website embodied under Play and Learn and Live Events and you can find links for everything else in the show notes. Thank you. I love you. Happy Leo new moon, and bye for now.
Don't lose your way with each passing day You've come so far Don't throw it away Live believing Dreams are for weaving Wonders are waiting to start Live your story Faith, hope and glory Hold to the truth in your heart ~Diana Ross, “If We Hold On Together” This episode explores the awesome astrology of the new moon in Leo on July 31, 2019. The new moon occurs on the same day as Mercury stations direct and makes several powerful aspects including trines with Chiron in Aries and Jupiter in Sagittarius, a square to Uranus and two inconjuncts (a yod) with Neptune in Pisces and Saturn/Pluto/South Node in Capricorn. Over the next two weeks as we move from new moon to full moon, the Sun, Venus, Mars and Mercury will all move through Leo, igniting a grand fire trine and stimulating profound movement in the Earth and Water signs. The changes we are personally experiencing now are not separate from the changes the Earth is experiencing. This new moon brings a message of integration and healing in the self, for integration and healing in the whole. This episode begins with a check-in, Renee shares a bit about her life and what she’s been up to lately, pondering thoughts and feelings very much related to the new moon astrology. The new moon chart interpretation begins at 40:00. Learn more about Leo’s qualities and practice with the embodiment for Leo Season and find your Leo Season month ahead audio horoscopes and short written horoscopes for all 12 signs here Get the Leo Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Click here to find out more. Want to learn more about Embodied Astrology? Come on retreat with me with this fall and work with your personal chart and manifesting your potential in 2020 If you enjoy this work, please consider leaving me a tip!
Evergreen Exchange I'm here with Louis gave of God caresearch. This is the inaugural podcast of the Evergreen exchange and as a willing guinea pig. The first guest is a business partner of ours and known probably to a lot of the Eva readers as a frequent contributor and the CEO of golf Cal. So Louis thanks for being here. My pleasure with the all the exciting people in Seattle. You can get anybody better than me. No, I don't know what that says about us. But I do want to start with a hard-hitting question out of the gate. I get asked this a lot about you. Is it Lily gave or Louis gave or willig of a gave gave ya you're sticking with it? Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely Louis golf. Okay, cause I feel like I've heard you say multiple versions. No, you're sure I'm pretty sure okay. Tell tell the listeners a little about God counting some people who are listening probably know who got Kyle is very well and probably is read your work other people might not know who got Kyle is or what they do. So I started Gaff Cal Twenty years ago now with my father Charles and Anatole kolecki and at the time we started the firm as an independent macro research firm and our main view was that China was going to be a big factor of change for the world and then most people weren't analyzing China correctly. Remember this was 20 years ago and that if we got China, right, that'd be a big piece of getting the macro picture right? So we open an office initially in Hong Kong then then one in Beijing And very much started. Yep, as a macro research firm and signed up a few institutional research clients here and there big Sovereign wealth funds big Asset Management firms, big hedge funds and then goes going in 2005. We started a money management arm again mostly starting with basically. Pure Asian products first an Asian Equity then over time. We also start a China fixed income we also Started a global Equity product. And so today Gaskell is really affirmed that stands on two legs one leg and still about two-thirds of the firm sales is writing independent research that we sell to institutional investors around the world and one third of our sales is managing money for institutional accounts. Mostly on Asia for people that haven't read God Kyle research and they're wondering okay what types of Of insights. Are you providing to your client base? Are you giving them stock ideas or you giving them ideas and regions of the world that they should be investing? So the research is very macro. So we don't go down into stock specific ideas, but we will write a lot about currencies will write a lot about interest rates about changes in the yield curve. And yes, we'll talk a lot about the relative attractiveness of the big region. So the way we organize is we are actually organizing Force. Teams. We have a pretty big China team and I think most people recognize us for the depth of the work. We do in China. We have an Asia X China team. We have the North America team and we have a Europe team. So when we don't pretend to cover the whole world we tend to not be super involved in Latin America and Eastern Europe, but if you take Europe, North America, sorry, but if you take Europe North America Asia and China That's roughly 85% 90% of global GDP and 8590 percent of global market caps so that when that gets you most of what happens in the world and that's and that's great great research and I'm sure that people can go to your website and if they haven't checked it out before it's God That's correct. Cool talk. It said that the gold is interview. I didn't tell you really any of the She's I was gonna ask you before but I did tell you that the spirit or the theme would be to be to bounce back and forth kind of who he is as a person and then also talking about some of your thoughts and kind of investing over all the financial markets and I think we're going to we're going to cover some some stuff. That's that's interesting from a financial perspective and then about you personally so I thought the first question about you person to be tell tell the listeners about a party game that you play at your house on nights. Where you Have lots of people over and hosted dinner and tell them about the game that you play. Well, it's not as much my choice as the Kids Choice. It's it's the the name game. So everybody has to pretend to be to you pick a name. You can be Abraham Lincoln. You can be Hillary Clinton. You can be Donald Duck. It has to be a name that everybody knows and then you just go around the table and you have to guess who everybody is and on this front. I tend to be eliminated pretty quickly at these games might somehow my kids know within a guess or two who I am and this is in spite of me trying to pick names that you know, if people like that I don't really know. I'll be Kim Kardashian or I try to make it so that but somehow they pay me every time well if you can't pronounce Kim Kardashian that might be why they know it's not you. Yeah, probably who won the last time that you played that game wasn't it your son my seven-year-old. My son came away Victorious. That's right Brady. Tell wait, not only did he win did he win back-to-back of these like let's play a third time ever. It's like we want to go home talk about your obviously invested in God cow that's been raging success since you decided to move the your family there in 1999 and you've now relocated your family to Whistler, but you travel constantly in you're always around. The worlds in client what other types of businesses are you invested in? So I have a decent sized investment in a French Rugby Club called the beauty. Tuna Peak. It's a used to be one of the big names of French rugby. It's one of the oldest clubs. It's based in the heart of the best country, which is in the best country. There's really three things that matter one is the the pollute basket game. They play throwing a ball against the wall. The other is the Catholic Church. And the third is the is rugby. It is literally a religion down there and the club was was going to go bust a couple years ago and friends of mine called me to rescue it. And I thought it was very sad that this club which was a historical club which had been five times French national champion, which had lost a couple finals of the European Cup. I thought it was really sad for it to go under so let me jump in and tight and tell listeners who don't follow Rugby in Europe. It's a little bit. Like if you think about Major League Baseball having AAA and then the majors obviously, what's interesting about from from what you explained to me is that if your rugby team does well as a Triple-A team they can do well enough that they become a major league team again, and then if they do poorly they go back down and from what I understand you're hoping to take them from the AAA level back to the majors. That's exactly right. So the way rugby works both in Britain and in well, sorry in England and in France France is through a relegation/promotion system and that regards it's very similar to what you have and say the English premier league for soccer. So, you know bad teams go down and going down is a disaster because you lose a lot of TV rights. You still get a little bit of TV money. But as soon as you go down you get into Financial Dire Straits and that's what happened to Biarritz. They they went down and did. Just they're spending accordingly and so had had a challenge. So our first challenge when we came in was to basically stop the bleed and you know, restructuring a business anywhere is tough. We structuring a business in France. You almost have to be masochistic to do that. You know, obviously you you have labor laws that are very complicated and so it's been it's been a real eye-opening for me actually because you know, I've spent the past. Past 20 years of my life running a business in Hong Kong and frankly. That's Heaven, you know running a business in Hong Kong you're in a highly capitalist City fairly minimal regulations and I've gone from Heaven to Hell because you know trying to restructure a business in France. Yeah. Like I said, it's been eye-opening and I think the team doing would where would not have it like, this is our first full season. Say with new management new new leadership Etc. Rome wasn't built in a day. We're definitely not going up this year where you know, this is a three to five-year project and in all honesty and hopefully we'll get up we'll get back up before then, but there's a lot of work and you play rugby personally, correct? I do you've not retired yet. I think this is my last season to be honest. He hurts. The pain is starting to get harder in part of it. You know, I played in Hong Kong for a lot of years. And now that I've moved to Canada I've been playing with the Squamish Ax Men and the reality is people in Canada or whole lot bigger than people in Hong Kong. So the hits heard a whole lot more and you should also tell us nerds that you and I are recent fashion Moguls. That's right. So when I moved to Canada, I moved into a part of Canada Whistler, which is frankly an extremely Dynamic town. and it struck my wife and I my wife Kelly and I that there might be a lot to do so Kelly started my wife sort of incubator where we provide local entrepreneurs capital and you know now I wouldn't say expertise but perhaps some of our accumulated knowledge of running different businesses over 20 years and one of the Investments I made and I think you could invested with me as a new fashion business called Adel hard. They're based in Vancouver. It's a e DD e LH Ard. That's right a total hard and there I think an it's an interesting story. It was it's launched by a fellow who used it was the number six employee at Lululemon used to be CEO there and actually played for the same Rugby Club. I played for back in Asia. He also played for For Valley back in Hong Kong when you ran Lululemon up its operation out in Asia and what I find interesting is they make in essence men suits and men's shirts that look just like a suit but are really as comfortable as sweatpants or as comfortable as sweatshirts to wear and in this day and age of sort of you know, increasingly a mix between casual wear and formal wear. We hope it will fill a niche quite that needs quite well and I happen to be wearing a pair of their pants as we speak. Yeah, and and even you can make them look and you and I can make them look good and you still are yet to put on a pair of but you've heard that they're good and I can attest that they that they are good. Let's talk about your background and growing up. Did you always know that I mean that you are going to go into Finance? I think your dad was invest was a investment manager and Europe when did you kind of realize this is going to your direction it took me a while. Actually when when I was a little kid. I actually wanted to be a Catholic priest and after that I wanted to be an army officer. And in fact when I finished College, I did go to military school and became a French army officer and I serve for a couple years and while I had a tremendous time, you know running up and down Hills carrying a gun and Joining every minute of it at that point. I realized I probably couldn't do this for the rest of my life. So you became a priest no now I'd so I spent you know sent out. My resume is ETC got a few interviews with different banks. I was quite lucky in that the head of Paris ball the head stereo the head of human resources at part of all came from the same Battalion at that I came from so I got an interview there got a job there. And that really started my career in finance, but even though my dad indeed, you know done a big career in finance and he'd had his own money management firm that match about 10 billion US Dollars which back in the early 90s was a lot of affirm. It's a lot of money today but back then it was a lot of money and then they'd sold he and his partners that sold that firm to curse her. Sorry that firm that was called cursor. They sold it to a lines Capital even though even though I grew up growing up with a dad that you Was obviously waist-deep in finance when I started work at Paris, but I really felt like I do nothing and I wasn't wrong with the benefit of hindsight. I really did know nothing and I you know, I like a lot of kids I had to learn on the job and so I started in Paris and then probably by actually sent me to Asia in 97 fairly typical for a French bank. They bought an agent broker and the transaction closed on June 97 and it was a Roker that did about half of its business in Thailand the transaction closed on June 1st 97 on July 1st 97 the Thai baht devalued by about 35% And that was the start of the Asian crisis. So important I was to say poor as a really not qualifying it right. It was horrible horrible timing. But as a young guy I was there I was sent over there to do the integration of this broker and it was really eye-opening to see you know business employed at this the peace Which business imploded all across Asia during the Asian crisis was I think it was something pretty good to have early on in your career to see how quickly things can melt down and of course since then I've had other opportunities to see how quickly things can melt down whether you know the tech bust of 2,000 or more recently the 2008 mortgage crisis for and so yeah, that was that that's being sort of my my background and how I got Into this into this racket, it's funny. What you say, I grew up with the dad. That's obviously in finance. And then I went to Boston University and studied finance and I show up and I start working are going to the first research meeting and it sounds like they're speaking Greek right? It's like it was unbelievable how little that I thought I knew how little I really knew versus what I thought I knew going in and and it's a funny transition because or funny segue because I want to talk about Philosophically what's being taught at the university is about financing and specifically two key points and one is around Central Bank policy and one is around security analysis or evaluation value value companies and and the two things I'm going to pick on our monetary policy and evaluation. And the first one is we were taught very very early that the feds job was really to full the I'm talking about the Federal Reserve in the US. the central bank they had two jobs maintain a level of employment that was satisfactory and control inflation it now seems based on all the you know, everything that you read everything that they say that they've expanded the Mandate and they no longer just focus on those two things or if they do they kind of always explain that it will of course, you know, the reason we care about having good economic growth is because that will lead to Full Employment or something to that effect is Is do you agree that this is just it's almost a joke. I think you you said it best about a year ago when you told me, you know, how do you know a central bank policy has failed and the answer is they come out and they say we're going to do it twice as long for twice as much and I think that the challenge today when you look at central banks is that, you know, having gone down the path of extremely low interest You've obviously done two things. The first thing is you've encouraged massive amounts of borrowing and that makes it very hard to walk away from to to walk back from Once you have very high levels of debt. And today we have very high levels of debts at the government level very high levels of debt at the corporate levels record highs on both sides. It makes it very very hard to raise interest rates. We saw it in Japan. Before basically, you know, the zero interest rate policy is the negative interest rate policies. It's Hotel California, you know, you can check out anytime you like you never leave and so, you know, that becomes your first sort of Yeah, albatross around your neck in that you might want to follow a certain policy. But as we saw this year with with Powell, you might be talking a big game. But the reality is as soon as you start raising interest rates a little bit the weight of the debt in the system means that you know, very quickly the economy slows down and slows down more than you probably expected. So do you agree though that do you agree that they're no longer just purely focused on inflation employment. I Are focused on inflation and employment and the reality is when you have a huge stock of debt in the system as we do today, you start raising interest rates a little bit and immediately employment drops and and so does inflation. I think this is the story of this year. Right just you know pile starts talking about hawkish and immediately leading indicators roll over immediately inflation starts. It starts to roll over. So that's that I think is the first reality but but II reality of the monetary policies and if think in Keynesian terms, the whole idea of low interest rates is to encourage people to not save and to consume today, right? I mean, that's the whole point. So in essence the idea is let's consume tomorrow's growth today pull forward demand. Yeah pull forward demand. I think the question we can ask ourselves 10 years in is, you know, one of the quantities I have today is we have a situation where we have by any measure very low interest rates. We have fairly low oil. We are very tight corporate spreads. We have a very stable dollar for me. Those are the four most important prices bond yields spreads dollar oil. None of them are flashing warning secure. All of them are at levels where you would say. Hey loyal low spreads low interest rates stable dollar economic growth globally should be ripping higher today. It should logically it's not it's not everywhere. You care to look you see economic. Roll over for me. The question is is this simply because we've basically, you know, you know the old saying of that Keynes said in the long run world, you know, we're all dead. The question is are we now in the long run? We're basically we've brought forward all of the demand, you know in the past 10 years. We've eaten we'd basically eaten today's growth and we arrived today and there's nothing left in the Box because we you know, whatever growth we're going. I have today. We actually ate it for five years ago. And and that I think at this point is the big challenge for central banks is what do you do now that yield curves are flat or inverted. What do you do now that all across Europe Japan Etc. You have 10 trillion of government debt yielding negative interest rates. And even with that you can't get growth going. This is the situation. We're in Hotel, California. I think that one of the things that readers of yours and probably our newsletter have thought a lot about his if there is another crisis and interest rates are still relatively low and there's not a lot of room for them to cut rates and try to stimulate growth. You kind of falling their old Playbook. Is it possible that they will look to what the bank of Japan did and actually you have us you have a central bank. Let them buy bonds. Let them buy stocks. Is this something that you think that the US would Put on the table in the next Crisis stocks. I don't know I would say corporate bonds most likely I think if you look at you know, probably the big risk today for us markets is is actually in the corporate bond space where you know, you've gone from basically from three trillion to nine trillion of corporate debt in the space of 10 years and a lot of that growth as basically being in one or two Notch above junk bonds. If you start seeing a serious economic slowdown, basically, the junk bond market is going to get overwhelmed. Now while you've had this huge expansion in corporate debt at the same time new regulations have made it so that it's almost impossible for investment Banks to make a market in a lot of these corporate bonds and Warehouse debt, and I know you and I have talked about this before but you know any day where the S&P 500 is down one percent or more you really can't get any offers if you want to sell a corporate bond, and I'm not even talking to a junk bond just even sort of a bond from John Deere or caterpillar or whoever you just can't get a price from a bank because the banks simply do not know longer have the ability to Warehouse risk. So if ever we do have an economic slowdown and you start to see corporate downgrades, which is you know, what usually happens in in economic slowdowns. Whoo. Going to make the market knowing that investment Banks won't I think that's when conceptually the FED could step in and say look there's a market failure here, you know, these people need to sell these bonds but there's no markets. So we need to step in because it's a market failure. Now in a sense the government will have created this market failure through these new regulations Etc. But you know, it'll be a little bit like the 2008 crisis all over again where in essence the market the government helped create the crisis by forcing companies and Banks and the mortgage companies to lend to people who shouldn't have been there too. And then when these things blew up the government said, what are you guys have been doing or and we need to intervene because there's a market failure here. I think we'll see the same thing in corporate in the corporate bond markets eventually. So what will agree to disagree on the one concept of I just think that you look at the fed and I think that to say that their focus on inflation phone Employment without having one eye on the stock market. I just don't believe it. I mean they're their rhetoric in the way that they talk. I think that that has become something that they fact there's no doubt. They have the and you again you saw this year stock market goes down 20% and immediately they change the rhetoric and it's honest. It's understandable. I think on a few things first in the u.s. You're seeing retail sales increasingly correlated to what's happening in the stock market for pretty simple reason. The stock market as a percentage of GDP in the US has never been this high. So the you know the weight the importance of asset prices and consumption is more important than ever and I would say it's only going to get worse from here for a simple reason is the u.s. Is now starting to age. So, you know, logically if you're 35 years old you shouldn't care what the stock market is, you know, you're contributing every month to your 401k and whatever, you know. Actually of the stock market Falls if you're 35 years old, you should be happy but now you should be happy because you're going to be adding more. Yeah, you can buy more cheaper and yep, you're not going to need that money for 30 years. Yeah, if you're 65, if you're 70 and the stock market Falls, it's problematic very quickly because then you have to adjust your consumption exactly and it's the healthier of reflexivity right and and in a society where any America is now getting older so, you know, you're now in a situation in the US where real estate prices. These are no longer rising. And so if stock prices start to fall at the same time as the population ages, I think that's a problem and especially as more and more people have probably with stocks doing what they've done relative to bonds. They it's likely that in a lot of people's portfolios that they've become disproportionately large unless they've been really diligent to rebalance them. And how many people do you know, who do that? Not enough and In fairness in fact most Tell investors go the opposite way far it's a terrible, you know, yes, logically, if you start off with a portfolio, that's a 60% equities 40% bonds and two years later. You're 75 percent equity 25% bonds because equities have been on a rip roaring run. Yes, you're absolutely right. You should be rebalancing but the retail participant more often than others. I do equities are great and I should sell my bonds and doing nothing for me and I should go 85% and our clients. Say what you're taking money out of something that's done. Well, L to put into something that's done less. Well, this doesn't make any sense to me cut cut the weeds in water the plants. So I want to finish one other point around sort of the things that we learn in traditional academics and I just I'm just not sure that they apply anymore, you know, if you were to use, you know, tradition the types of security evaluation methods that you studied at Duke or that I say to Boston University Amazon shouldn't exist. And yet here is the most dominant company maybe in the last hundred years and it shouldn't exist. If you use traditional methods of Finance to kind of value them. How do you explain it? Okay, so, you know going back to the classes you and I both took that led us to believe that we could actually enter financed knowing something really we didn't, you know, we're taught at school that you know to value a stock you look at a stream of discounted you sorry a stream. A future cash flows that you discount by an interest rates. Yep on which you tack on the risk premium. And so that gives you a Value Plus on top of that you have some kind of residual value at the end. So there's four things as investors. We have to guess for things we can possibly get wrong the stream of future cash flows the interest rates on which you discount the risk premium and the residual value now In fairness this Probably the easiest bit of all of this is the interest rates, you know, you can just take the 10 year from the US government boom and you can press that in and say well, you know, that's the best guess of the market today. Why should I second-guess that so you've got that that part is sorted the risk premium, you can look at history and you know, the stream of future cash flows is actually, you know, also well depending on the business depending on this John the business is can be more or less complicated I think. Where the challenge in the markets today is the residual value and let me explain why I think today the perception of the market is we live in an age of accelerative disruption in this technology equal age where businesses are either. It's a complete binary situation where a business will take over the whole world or just go to nothing. I'll give you a simple example. If you look in the market today companies such as BP or shell or Chevron or Exxon or Motors or Ford are basically given away in the street you look at their stream of cash flows you look at their interest rate at the interest rates, you look at the risk premium and think why are these companies so cheap and the answer is the market is putting a zero on the residual value The View being that in five years. Yeah, all companies make a lot of money today minting cash. But who cares in five years time we will need oil wells in 10 years time. We will need all Wells I happen to not be leave that but that's what the market is implying today. Meanwhile, yes, in five years time in 10 years time who will still be driving a Ford pickup will all be driving Tesla pickups. So Tesla is worth seventy billion dollars and Ford is worthless. And so I think what you're seeing in the market today is the market saying that you have companies like Amazon companies like Tesla perhaps companies like we work or Uber or Lyft where yeah sure. They don't make much money or even Lose money, but who cares because their residual value is enormous and yeah companies like Royal Dutch Shell or Ford or John Deere or others make a lot make a lot of money. But who cares because in 5 or 10 years time. These companies will be out of business for me. It's the same frankly kind of mentality that we saw in 98. Mm 99 2000 where everything linked to Tech really went through the roof went to crazy valuations. And everything that wasn't was basically sold down the river the only way you can logically justify that is say look. We're in this age of disruption the residual value of something like General Motors is actually negative because it's it's got these big pension fund liabilities Etc and the residual value of something like Amazon is infinity. I don't believe I happen to believe that but that's what the market is telling us, but I think that a lot of people use analogies to 19 And today with tech companies and you look at Amazon is not a tech company that's going to be gone in the next Crisis. It's not a company that's you know, it's a billion dollar market cap because somebody gave a PowerPoint and and pitched it to you know group of investors. It's a real real company and what I find fascinating is, you know, they from the outset said we will never at we're not interested in earning a profit. It's not something that we care about doing and to And to see somebody basically say and what other world would you give money to somebody who's telling you I make I have no plan and making a profit the henna it's indeed very challenging your ab c-- right Amazon will still be here in 5 years time and in 10 years time Etc. If you look at the 99 analogy, you know, Microsoft was a 500 plus billion market cap in 99. And then it went back down to a hundred fifty billion market cap, and now obviously it's an 800 billion market cap or whatever it is. So you can have a great company and nobody doubts that Microsoft is a great company, but you can be a great company and be overvalued Amazon is a great company to question is yeah. How do you value it? How do you value when it doesn't it doesn't make a profit. Well, I think the reality is you you value it, you know basically as an And if the option is cheap enough, then that's great. You know Amazon at whatever it is 800 billion market cap today. Is that a cheap enough option? You know, I don't know to Google and Facebook as examples, you know, Google Google and Facebook together today capture more than half of the online advertising but Dollar in the world and together they capture almost. Quarter of the global advertising dollar that includes, you know, the guys who pay me to put their logo on the rugby shirts of my club that includes the ads that you see in the New York Times. So a quarter of the global advertising dollar is going to Google and Facebook can it grow much from here, you know, you start reaching problems of size, right? And yeah, these companies are terrific companies. Can they keep growing at 30 40 percent their earnings as they have for the past? Decade Google is obviously trying to do different things to keep that growth going. Facebook isn't Facebook is like we're super concentrated and that's what we do at some point. You reach a market size. And that's that. I totally agreed that you know, you start looking at the overall size and asking how how big can you get right the law of large numbers just catches up with you at some point, but I do think it on this sorry to interrupt you. There's two things that catch up with you. The first is indeed the law of large numbers and with some of these businesses we have to question him. The second thing is we live in a world where governments are very jealous of their power and and you've seen this time and again in country after country and when a company gets too big and you start with Microsoft in 99 2000 governments will go after them simply because governments hate competition. They don't want they don't want somebody who's more powerful than them. So and I think you've obviously you're reaching that point with with a lot of these companies here in the US where the government is trying to look at them. Hey, hold on we're going to break you up or we're going to regulate you and you can say well, you know, these businesses are so profitable they can you know, they can deal with the increased regulation cost. But that was the same story for the bank's before them. That was you know, increased regulation is no great news. Yeah for sure and I think that you're exactly right that that while I advocate often times and I'm always saying I think that the most dynamic the most Resting things are going on within the tech sector. I do think that you especially in large cap Tech that if there is a if there if Microsoft Microsoft or Amazon Microsoft has previously under government, you know regulation if that happened to Amazon. It's going to crush Tech as a whole. It's not just going to be one company that well I think here, you know, you have to look at the different Tech models because you've had different Tech models for the growth but some companies like Facebook have grown a lot. Acquisitions, you know Facebook bought WhatsApp and they bought Instagram and they bought Oculus. What do you think given everything that we you know All the Troubles Facebook has had in the past 12 months or so if they want to turn around and buy somebody else now it's going to get much harder for them. So growing through acquisition, which is when you're very big, you know, one of the things you can do, especially when you share price is fairly high for, you know, if you're trading at 35 times P you buy some of these trading at 20 times p and That's earnings accretive immediately that path to growth is increasingly becoming close to them or it's going to be much much harder. So that's your first challenge your second challenge. I think is it's become pretty obvious that in this whole, you know trade war between the US and China the US has decided to make tech one of the big battle fronts and you know and fundamentally that's I think that's also quite bearish on Tech now take didn't choose to be the Battlefront. The government has decided to make take the Battlefront to make transfers of Technologies to make so let's say you're a company like apple and normally you produce everything in China, but roughly a third of your sales are there and now you're stuck in the middle of a trade war that you don't control that frankly. There's little you can do about and on which you have very limited visibility but becomes very challenging but couldn't you view this as the tray towards if there is a resolution that's that's achieved. I mean for a long time Bill Gates is complaint. Tim Cook is complain that basically trying to just steals General intellectual property and couldn't you make a case that for us tech companies if something better than what is existed for the last 20 years, which is basically nothing could be better. I'm not so sure first, you know. Maintaining intellectual property rights is very challenging. And so you can push China to improve on that front, but it doesn't mean that China will they might say they will I'm sure but you know, how do you enforce it after that? It remains challenging but secondly more importantly, you know Apple, you know, or apple and is a the poster child but a lot of these big tech companies have been the biggest winners of globalization. They've you know who has benefited more from globalization from China's arrival on the scene and apple apple had an apple I struggle to find anybody who's benefited more than ample they get to produce phones. Well, they don't even produce it themselves. They get to Outsource it for peanuts through Foxconn two armies of workers in China, and then they turn around and sell that good those goods at massive markups to the same Chinese. But couldn't you say the same thing that who's benefited more from the tech boom in the US than China like and that's the whole point of free trade, right? You know, if only one side benefits then there's no point in doing it. But while you could easily say that, you know us industry perhaps as you know, being penalized by the emergence of China Etc. I think you'd struggle to say that US tech has been massively penalized by the rise of China its us industry. Yes USD Ecology. No, look. This is a sector that is now as a bigger slice in ESP than it's ever had. It's got higher higher profits than it's ever had. And a lot of these profits are linked to the cheap manufacturing they get to do in Asia. I guess. I just have a hard time believing that it doesn't hurt Apple to have a factory where you produce your phones in China and you pay for those phones to be produced and they make them and they just they do everything that you want and And they take all those ideas and at night and said during the day they make another phone and it looks just like it or but some Samsung did that first, right? So yeah, you could say HTC or walkway or whoever is making apple like phones but frankly, you know some sung was there as well and so it was Alcatel. It's what's it's not that hard so you so, okay. So intellectual property rights, not a big deal I can have you on record for that's not that's not what I'm saying at all. Tall, I'm not saying intellectual property rights. I'm not a big deal, but you're saying that you can't really enforce them with China but yet they exist between the US and Europe the well I'm saying they're very hard to enforce I'm saying for sure. We should put pressure on China to enforce them more and for sure China will say yeah, of course, I'll enforce the more what happens concretely. I'm less certain. Sure. Sure. I agree with that. I think it's going to be hard to get them to change. Let's shift gears for a second and talk about your NCAA bracket. Your listeners are going to judge your ability to predict everything in the future based on this it's not doing so well. It's not doing so well, but I bet your winner still alive. Yeah, my winter still alive. So I've got to do going all the way as a you know, I kind of have to force because they look pretty good. Did you see the game yesterday? I did see the game yesterday but look UCF, you know, the first day had two months ago. I see one guy was like 7 to in another 7-6 7-2. Yeah. 7:6 it's like you know, that's hard to go around. Did you see that video or the picture of the seven six guy and his knee and he's the same height as the other guys is like guards and forwards. So first first there's that secondly, you know coach Dawkins. I think that just done a remarkable job with that program obviously very close to Coach K. So I think that was a very moving moment for Coach K for Coach Dawkins and those UCF kids played it, you know, that was a great catch. Game, they played they played out of there out of their skins and and frankly. So do I think Duke was tested but you know, that's what good teams do as well. They come through when they're tested and maybe you know, when you looked at that last ball that rebounded like all over the room except except going in I start to think maybe you were too it's a team of Destiny. So that part of my bracket is okay the rest. I think I had Kansas in the elite eight. So that didn't work out. Okay and things long as your winner still in it. Alright. Yeah, so you and I have something in common we both work with our fathers what I think I find Charles to be one of the more colorful individuals I've ever met in the investment World talk a little bit about him and what your Dynamic is like between you and him so he's like, I'm very lucky to have a dad like Charles for several reasons first. I think he is a genuinely original thinker he he's a true out-of-the-box thinker he He sees things that most people don't and you know what he comes up with is genuinely always very far from consensus, you know, sometimes ride obviously sometimes wrong, but he he he is a true thinker. Secondly, he's he's always been an extremely generous guy generous with his time and generous with his money generous just all around and You know, I've always thought Charles was sort of a missed you should have been a university teacher University Professor first. He's you know, he's got the sort of Adam Smith absent-mindedness like sort of like it wasn't his wallet. Yeah, actually it well. Yeah little story first time. I think he came to visit you before we even got in business together. First time. He came to Evergreen. Yeah. I think he showed up and said, oh by the way, can I 50 bucks because I lost my wallet want to be for the taxi in money for the taxi and you know that I'd love to say that's been a unique occurrence, but but but it hasn't so he does have that absent-minded Professor thing thing going which can make, you know running a business sometime if your rating is the wrong word, but somewhat frustrating when but you know, the flip side of that is a sort of creativity and a genius that you don't find. Find elsewhere so and he's not a nerd. He was a great tennis player, right? I don't know. He's got a note at all. He was actually a very good athlete he know he was at an extremely extremely good tennis player. He was in the top 50 players in France and to your point about his outside-the-box thinking he first combined the sport of tennis and cigar-smoking. Right? Did he used to smoke a cigar? But at the same time they used to frustrate the hell out of me. So he you know, I was I played a lot of tennis growing up partly because my dad played a lot of tennis and I was never a great player. I could hit the ball around but he would oh, yeah, he would play with me and smoke a cigar the same time and beat me well into well into my early 20s, which used to drive me. Absolutely nuts. Okay getting back to investing one of the things that has sort of ETFs have fueled the Flames if you will that active investing is Dead trying to pick out this stock versus that stock is just stupid. And you should just buy the S&P or by some ETF and never think about it again and frankly, if you've looked at the track record of how active managers have done during the last bull market a lot of and done that well and so there's I think that there's this there's a lot of people that are talking that that basically we're all going to own ETFs and that's going to be the way the world and being an active investor is basically dead. Do you agree absolutely. Laughs kidding? Now like I think first of all, there's three different kinds of ETFs, you have your fixed income ETFs your equities ETF and your commodity ETFs the fixed income of the three the fixed-income ETFs are most likely the dumbest of the three if only because the way fixed income indices are built is in essence the more company or country borrows. The bigger weight is going to be in the index so, you know early on in my career. Argentina went bust in 2001 and I think when it went bust if Ike if I'm quoting from memory, but it was roughly 30% of the Emerging Market Bond index. And the reason for that was that Argentina was of course a massive borrower and the more Argentina borrow the bigger it became as a part of the Benchmark and the higher the interest rate. So it was almost impossible for anybody who was Benchmark to underweight Argentina because the interest rate was high and so No, you basically were taking negative basis risk. And of course when Argentina went bust, you know, you you lost a lot of money. So, you know, if you're a fixed income investor your first job is to say okay how sustainable is that I'm going to get my money back and because it's not that we turn on on on Capital its first and foremost a return of capital and so that's why I think you know for the fixed income part of the portfolios. You really have to do your homework and I don't think there's any going to I'd love to say it's an easy solution go out and buy a bond ETF, but there is no solution that avoids hard work that avoids, you know, like you guys do at Evergreen if you want an income part of your portfolio. You either need to do your the work yourself or you need to Outsource it to somebody to do the work. You can't Outsource it to a benchmark and you can't Outsource it to the broader wisdom of the market because You're gonna end up with is a portfolio dominated by the guys who borrow the most which is not not what you want. So so that's your first part of ETF. So I'd say, you know, when you tell me in the future will do nothing but ETFs if you think in the future, you need an income part to your portfolio, then you still can't do that with ETF. You still need a professional manager or you need to roll up your sleeves and do it yourself. So that's that's option. That's second thing is, you know commodity ETFs And here, you know, I think history has shown that commodity ETFs are just a sucker's game. They work for very short periods of time. But if you want to play a short bounce in a commodity, but more often than not what ends up happening, you know, whether you look at the soft commodity ETFs or the old ETFs, excetera is that the professional Traders just pick the role of the it is because most of these commodity ETFs played through the Futures game. Yes, and everybody knows that yeah. Well if You have the erosion and but everybody all the Traders. No, you know, the only TF is coming in on Wednesday for the for the role and just get their pocket picked. It's just like an easy target. So commodity ETFs also make very little sense and the and then that brings you to the third batch the the equity ETF where you know, conceptually, yes. You're right A lot of these in a bull market have done better than active managers. For a very simple reason first and foremost when you buy an active manager in essence, what you're doing is buying an insurance policy, you're buying an insurance policy against a bear Market what you're doing when you buy an active manager more often than not is just like you buy a fire insurance for your house and you hope not to have to use it the when you buy an active manager you're paying for the protection that that's somebody during a bear Market will say, you know what this doesn't smell right we need to reduce. Risk, we need to do that. We need to do this. When you do that position a portfolio differently to whether to whether the so today. Yes, you know 10 years into a bull market. Everybody says why who needs an active manager not a lot of people were saying that in March 2009 when the S&P 500 was down 45% just like, you know today you might think. Well, you know what? It's been 10 years in my house doesn't burn down. Why should why should what should I buy insurance? Why should I need fire insurance for my house? And you know, maybe you get away with it. Maybe you don't so active investing is not dead. Well, well, I'll go one step further for me passive investing in equities is like saying socialism works better than capitalism because when you passive invest in essence you allocate Capital to Evers biggest charm. So today you allocate Capital the marginal dollar of investment through passive investing will go to Amazon will go to Microsoft Etc. And that was the whole premise that socialism was based on and socialism you give Capital to the big companies. You don't give Capital to whoever marginally is going to allocated the more efficiently. So if we move to a world where more and more money is invested the what's going to end up is invested passively what's going to end up is the average person will get the average return and that average return will be much lower than where what it should have been historically. If you actively manage money and you say okay, where is my marginal dollar going to get the biggest bang for the buck? Some will get it right? Some will get it wrong, but the system will end up with higher active return. So logically, you know with this in mind The Regulators should be pushing back against indexation. They should be pushing back against ETFs. Of course The Regulators are going exactly the opposite way Regulators are pushing everybody to go into index funds Regulators are pushing. All around the world pushing every everybody to just buy the benchmarks because if you're a regulator, that's your job done. Right? It's like, you know, nobody's going to complain about if every private investor just buys The Benchmark sure there's no scandals. There's no madoffs. There's no this there's no that for the regulator and makes the job a whole lot easier. Yeah. So they'd rather do that. Even at a cost of much lower returns for everybody. So The Regulators wouldn't mind killing active investing and making a dead and speaking of making a dead end being Killed, didn't you take me Alpine riding in Whistler and for listeners that don't know what this is loyal explain it and if you're ever up in Whistler, you can look up Alpine and go do it. It's it's fun if you're not me. So Alpine writing is one of the companies that we've seeded in in Whistler and basically the best way to describe it is to think if you ever gone downhill. Mountain biking, you know, the downhill mountain and Whistler is the mecca of downhill mountain biking, you know that down in a mountain biking can be quite dangerous. The injury rate is actually saying like 10 times the rate of the injury rate of skiing partly because of course when you fall you fall on hard much harder stuff than on snow, but one of the most common injuries in downhill mountain biking is you go o TB which means over the bar so, you know, you have to break violently and you basically Fly over your bike and you either land on your head and can get a concussion or you'll in on your shoulders and can get a broken collarbone either way an unpleasant experience and a crappy way to spend your holiday. So what you saw facing this this constraint in France starting about five six seven years ago, you start to see downhill scooters. So they look just like downhill mountain bikes have got the same suspensions. I've got the same Wheels, but instead of sitting on a seat. You're actually basically standing on a little platform. One this means that your center of gravity is much lower and you basically get a workout on your core and it becomes almost impossible to fall unless you're called Tyler. Hey, so I chord is apparently very weak. Yep. So Tyler our kids and I all went down from the top of Whistler Mountain to the bottom on on these downhill mountain scooters. And as we went down I told Tyler don't worry. Nobody's Fallen yet and it's almost It's almost impossible to fall on these things. And I think tile you wiped out what three times three times and my son wiped out I think for so I clipped him by one there. You're just the whole God family who basically mountain bikes. All summer is like what's wrong with these people that they keep falling off these things. What the hell are they doing? That's right. So and for once I'm glad I didn't take your advice because you said my wife would do great on one. That would have been the end of her marriage. So finally listening to you not listening to you work for once. Yeah, so So sorry about that, but anybody else feel definitely free to comes by Whistler. But so this company Alpine writing is both a producer and a tour operator of these downhill scooters and hopefully they're going to start going to see them across a lot of North American resorts starting this summer cool. It's really really really fun. It is super fun. And you know, you didn't hurt yourself unless you have a weak core. Yeah. Yeah speaking you you talked about socialism and how the indexes are a little bit like socialistic in their structure. But I mean, let's be serious about it for a second income inequality is becoming a real issue. It's certainly becoming an issue here in the US I would imagine that you know in France it's as big of an issue trying to less so but possibly down the road talk about. How did how do we solve this dough? Are we going to go to in the u.s. We're going to go to Some type of guaranteed income. Are we going to are we going to just are we going to go to a tax system? That's incredibly predatory for for really really wealthy. I mean where does to me? This is a big deal because I think that the one thing that makes the u.s. Great and makes capitalism great is that if you have a really good idea and you're really smart person and you decide that you you're going to take this idea and you want to run with it, what's the greatest place to go do it? And I think for a long time people have said the u.s. And my biggest fear is when the answer is a different country besides the US and so I worry a lot about predatory taxing and in this and people using the income inequality debate to political means so it's a huge topic, but I'd love to hear your thoughts. So I think there's just two different issues actually be behind behind that one of them is indeed income inequality. And that way you see today in the u.s. Is Executives at companies that public companies that get paid. You know thousands of time the median salary of their average worker and that's something that's you know, fairly new of the past 20 years or so it that Gap didn't used to be that big. So that's one issue and then the other issue is, you know, that the Divergence not of income but of assets and the device also for the Divergent of assets. So basically what you have today, and I think why the ink the in Come in equality is now such a problem is that because of the zero interest rate policies. What we've done is we've built up the prices of all of our Assets Now going back to our finance lessons stream of future earnings is counted by an interest rates on what you tack on a risk premium and add a residual value. Well today we have governments that tell us we want that companies go bust. So that's your risk premium coming way down and will keep interest rates at zero. So with that the price of assets goes absolutely through the roof and we've seen Equity markets and we've seen it in real estate. So the zero interest rate what the zero interest rates policies have done is really create a massive Distortion in our economies between people who own assets and are therefore very wealthy on paper and people who don't own assets and now see the price of these assets Get Out Of Reach so, you know, you're young guide starting to work in Seattle or starting to work in New York or something to work in Boston and you think don't I'll never be able to buy an apartment on them and be it's just gone too far. I never be able to pull together the deposit to do it. So so that's you the first culprit for this sort of societal problem that we face is the zero interest rate policies the second I think to be honest of the the massive Divergence between the pay of CEOs and the average worker is a very u.s. Problem. You don't find that problem in Britain. You don't find that problem in France. You don't find that problem in most of the countries and here. To be honest, I think it's u.s. Boards not doing their jobs where you have, you know guys who get paid absolute fortunes for doing fairly mediocre jobs. Now, I know that the whole logic is we want to hire the best and you know, those are those other salaries Etc. But the reality is, you know, that Talent bench is actually quite deep I think to and here again, You come back to I think it's also linked to the negative interest rate policy in that when you put interest rates at zero or negative rate and you push up the price of the asset price through the roof. It's easy for any CO2 say, oh look at me. Look at what I did. You know, I've got the share price to go up hundred percent over the next over the past 10 years. I should get paid a lot of money. And so you see this time and time again in the US and to be honest. I'm not quite sure how you get out of it. The you know, maybe it does go through a period of predatory taxing and Etc now and it will be a painful period the beauty about the u.s. System is that it has many ways to self-adjust and many ways to correct itself as Churchill said the great thing about the u.s. Is they'll always come to the right solution having tried all others first, they'll come to the right solution in the end. So, you know when it comes to income Quality, look, I do believe that. It is undeniably a societal problem. That will have a political cost. I would throw a different spin on it. I would say that technology is causing an income inequality problem. And where I'm going with that is you think about what it used to take to build a billion-dollar company right first you'd have to go out and you'd have to buy land hire workers build product. You have to I mean you take a long time. I mean that stuff doesn't happen. You kind of walk before you run and And it took a lot of capital it took a lot of growth it to people and now you have 50 guys in a garage in Silicon Valley the right code and for two years and then they sell to sell Instagram to Facebook for a billion dollars or whatever. They sold it for the ability for these people to make money through ideas. It's capitalism without Capital right it is and you know that's got to be a huge problem because it I think to society feels unfair look at it. What they did. What did they do? How much money did how many workers did they like? There's something weird about the way that that money is being made now. So it's I don't think it's weird. You know, I wrote a book about this back in 2005 called our Brave New World. I updated in 2012 with a book called two different for comfort and I touched a lot on these themes but to your point it used to be that you know, so I went I went through school in France. So, you know in France you get indoctrinated in Marxist Doctrine. If you're if you're a good Marxist, you think look there's three factors of production land labor capital and it's the interaction of these three that you know, basically generate economic growth Etc. But now in this day and age there's a fourth one and that's knowledge and indeed to you know you to to use your example of Instagram knowledge today. Is a new part of the equation which completely turns economics on its head and partly because you know land labor and capital are both constraint, right? There's only so much land that you can use there's only so much Capital that you can use as only so much labor that you can use and that's why you cannot mix was called the Dismal science because it was all about dealing with factors that were yeah. It was just us signs of scarcity but not only is knowledge. Not scarce. It also can Feed upon itself, right? You know, I can be a smart guy. If I'm all by myself doing my own thing, you know, it might not be that great and all of a sudden you put me in front in the middle of those 49 other guys that you talk about in the Silicon Valley and perhaps, you know, all of a sudden the little knowledge. I have gets gets grown much faster. And then you compound that with the fact that the data is aggregated. Remember when we used to think that you got a lot of knowledge if you have the Encyclopedia Britannica and your house, right and now it's like like you got in your pocket you can you have in your pocket and you can spend and you can find people who around the world are specializing in thinking about the same things that you want and you can build upon each other and that's one of the weird one of the one really weird things about the world that we live in today, but it's not only that it goes much further as part of this. So, you know, you've mentioned technology out the other obvious one is globalization where you look at a simple example, you know, if you're truly outstanding in something all Your Market which always used to be local? Yeah is now global very quickly, right? So you take Reynaldo who moved from Cristiano Ronaldo Used to Be a Real Madrid and Juventus salts, you know bought him for crazy amounts of money turns out that basically Juventus made almost the entire transfer fee on the sale of shirts because you know, all of a sudden Reynaldo moves from Real Madrid to Juventus and of course all the Juventus fans by the shirt, but also you have like, you know, however many hundred thousand of people In China India Korea Etc that that by this this guy's shirt and that pays for the transfer fee and it's fascinating to me because you think about if you're the best chef in your village in the 1800's guess what that meant that meant that you had people coming in all the time. If you are the best chef in the 1900s. Guess what that meant. You might have a few restaurants around town. If you're the best you're the best chef in the late 2000s, maybe were Savvy enough to have like, you know Nobu in Hong Kong Nobu in New York, you know you could have Franchise and now you can if you're the best chef in the world, you might never leave your kitchen and you can sit there and hand out cooking lessons and teach and I mean the ways to make money. Yeah it a you you do web classes you do this, then the other imagine put things in perspective, you know with this Ronaldo experience. Imagine if today you were Michael Jordan, I mean Michael Jordan made a lot of money back when he was playing if he was Michael Jordan today he make one more zero sure. Just just with the sale of Michael. Odin shirts in charge sure or though the sale of Michael Jordan shoes in China today if he was playing today, but it's also a little bit. I think it's a little bit weird to in today's world when you think about access to information. Okay. Let me give this analogy if like you set up your phone and you put on all the apps that you like right? You have you follow the people on Instagram that you like you read the what you go to the websites you have logins or you subscribe to the things that you like Right. You read Fox News. If you're a republican you watch MSNBC. If you're if you're a Democrat, whatever does it strike you at all that the world's become allowing people to become more and more focused and not aware of other opinions or other. It's really easy to reinforce. What what you like now, there's there's no doubt. So increasingly you're silent and that's why I think you you have to make and that's the big downside of social media. So you have To make conscious efforts to to come out of your silos to 2. Otherwise it is it is too much. It is much too easy, you know social media is there to feed you know to make you feel good and so it's all too easy to to just you know, stay in your comfort zone. It's and and not grow. It's a little turn our world to go go. Try this go type bullish report on Amazon. Guess what you're going to find a news article go type bearish report. On Amazon, you're going to find a news article. So you wake up that morning and you want something that says that read that confirms your opinion. You'll find it you want something that confirmed you as bearish it's out there sort of a stranger's and and and you're absolutely right. And you know, I think in that comes back to sing often say the role of money managers our role as money managers whether you know us at Gaff Cal you here at Evergreen all role isn't as much to forecast the future. Of course, you know, we need to look ahead and think of the Potential pitfalls Etc. It's not as much to forecast as to adapt. Our role is to adapt and indeed in that respect if you get to siloed if you get too confident and and all you look for is the basically the same background noise that reinforces your own convictions and makes it more challenging to adapt and and so are you know our jobs as money managers is to build portfolios. They can obviously withstand different kinds of environment number one and to adapt these portfolios as the environment changes whether it changes in the way that we thought it would or changes in a different way. Either way. We have to adapt you mentioned a book that you wrote in 2005. You're also running a book. That's out now. Yep, what's it about? So it's written it's cable by it. People can buy it on Amazon on Amazon. It's called Clash of Empires. Not only can people buy it, but people really should buy it. the book is basically about the rise of China obviously as a growing Empire and when I say I'm pyre I don't mean that China is going to go out and invade Pakistan or Indonesia or South Korea or whoever but that the history of every Empire is first and foremost a road building exercise, you know Empires build roads to bring in Commodities cheaper to the to the Heartland and Out finished goods to the outer Realms and when you listen and when you see everything that China has been doing in recent years, you know, the one belt one road program The Silk Road fund the building of canals of Telecom lines Etc. It is very much an imperial roll out now. Obviously, you can't have an Empire on somebody else's dime historically all of Asian trade has been denominated in u.s. Dollars. All of Asia savings were denominated in u.s. Dollars. All of these just working capital was kept in u.s. Dollars, but as Two rolls out this huge infrastructure project. Obviously, the trade is starting to shift from US dollars to Renminbi. The savings are starting to shift from Redmond beat from u.s. Dollar to Renminbi. And so as you start to see the rise of the Renminbi as a trade currency as a reserve currency, I think this has massive macro implications for exchange rates for interest rates for geopolitics for commodity prices for a number of things all of which are review in the book cool. You are He spent a lot of time in China when you look forward, you know, it's fascinating because when you went there, you basically said that that you talked about Apple being a huge beneficiary. China used to be the place that you went. When you're looking for somebody who could produce you're good at the cheapest cost. Absolutely that's for sure the history of the last 20 years. It wasn't as much of the cheapest cause but China offered something very unique. It offered first world infrastructure at Third World prices because you can go today to Bangladesh or Indonesia wherever and get much cheaper price than you could in China, you know, if you're let's say Walmart and you go into Bangladesh and you say hey, I need you to produce 500 thousand white t-shirts for me. You can get them at a cheaper price and Bangladesh, but the reason very often you still use China is you know, you don't know if when you come back in six weeks time if the t-shirts and Bangladesh will be ready or not in China, you know, they'll be ready in Bangladesh. You might have had strikes you might have had power outages you might have had the cotton not coming into the port for whatever. China was unique and is still unique and that it offered first world infrastructure at Third World prices, but are those prices still third world because it isn't anymore. No. No, it's not. It's not it's definitely not as cheap as they used to be and that's why you see you know, I would say the lower value added stuff the things like textiles shoes Etc is increasingly moving to Bangladesh to Bangladesh to Vietnam Etc. So what is China what that's what I was going to go. This is where does the next? X20 what is trying to look like 20 years from now, so that's that's a very important question, you know this China continue to evolve and basically become more of a first-world nation and know when you travel around Beijing and Shanghai it already feels that way or does it get stuck in the sort of middle income trap that a lot of countries like say Brazil or Malaysia have been stuck in I think one one huge. Question mark over China's development path is the fact that China is now getting old and that demographically, you know, the China will now be facing serious headwinds, which will curtail its growth going forward. I am well the one-child policy catch up with them. Oh, it's already catching up. It's so they've already abandoned it. But the problem with China now is the number of women and age bearing in in childbearing. Being aged is already falling. So, you know without women in child bearing age. It's hard to have kids. And so with that, you know, you know China demographically is already in a bad spot and it's going to take a generation before that before if it ever turns around the reality is they've gotten rid of the one child policy, but you've barely seen a pickup in and births for a few reasons first culturally. It's not become accepted that you just have one child, right? Secondly, you know, it's just living spaces what happens in China, you know in the past 30 years the country's evolved from being basically peasants who lived on farms where you wanted to have lots of kids because help out to help out and you throw them out outside and let him sort themselves out to a country that now mostly lives in cities and in cities in sort of 800 square feet Apartments, so and there's no World War just in general people are having less kids. Let's kids, you know if you go Go to New York or two here in Seattle. You know how many people who live inside the city like, you know, true urbanites how many kids they have one, maybe two you don't see a lot of people with four five kids in inside of cities and so as China organizes and partly, you know, it's women work women don't want to have like four or five kids anymore. They want to have one too. So it's a China is there as well just like just like a lot of places. Well Lily, I think that You and I could sit here and talk for a longer than most people could listen, but I do think that hopefully people enjoyed listening to us for the for the first time on our podcast. And if this thing doesn't turn out to be a colossal failure, I would assume that you'd be a return guest and I want to say thank you for for coming doing it. Absolutely. My pleasure. Okay, cool. Thanks. Thank you.
In our pilot episode, Evergreen Gavekal CEO, Tyler Hay, hosts finance phenom Louis Gave to dish on the current economic climate and a variety of personal topics. DISCLOSURE: This material has been prepared or is distributed solely for informational purposes only and is not a solicitation or an offer to buy any security or instrument or to participate in any trading strategy. Tyler Hay, David Hay and Louis Gave have investments in Aedelhard; this is not a recommendation or offering for an investment in this company. Any opinions, recommendations, and assumptions included in this presentation are based upon current market conditions, reflect our judgment as of the date of this presentation, and are subject to change. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. All investments involve risk including the loss of principal. All material presented is compiled from sources believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed and Evergreen makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness. Securities highlighted or discussed in this communication are mentioned for illustrative purposes only and are not a recommendation for these securities. Evergreen actively manages client portfolios and securities discussed in this communication may or may not be held in such portfolios at any given time. Louis Gave’s has an equity ownership in Evergreen. Louis’ views and opinions are his own, and are not necessarily the views of Evergreen.
Hello, I'm Jesse and I'm Darla Ray and we're here to talk to you about saving the mosquitoes are beloved mosquitoes are endangered and nearly extinct Dying by the trillions each day. Wait what you hear that. This is the sound of a flock of baby mosquitoes and these baby mosquitoes will be just 185 of the trillions. It's that won't make it through the winter. If we don't take action today Jesse, none of this is right, please help us save the mosquitoes by donating in our listeners support section on anchor dot f m / sound underground or sin a bag of your blood to the address. We've included in our bio. Okay, that's enough. Jess mosquitoes are not extinct and we aren't every Heat we aren't accepting blood. So please don't send us your blood. But if you'd like to help us out, as Jesse said in his shameful plug, please feel free to check out the listener support section on anchor FM. You can also leave feedback in the comments section or message us on any of our social media sites. We'd love to hear from you the mosquitoes. Hello. Hello, this is sound underground. I am Darla Ray and I'm Jesse and here today. We are interviewing same code and we have the members here today. I'll let you introduce yourselves. I'm Drew for Sean and I'm the drummer. I'm Michael guitar and singing. Awesome. Thank you for being here or for letting us come you mean. We are here great. So early existing. You know what so first thing I want to ask. What is sale acorah mean? Yeah. We want to know so quick history. I don't know if you knew us with so we back in the day. We've been playing together since 2012. And before that we being sorry, if we being everybody here, except our old drummer was Keith. Okay, and before Olivia Olivia has been a German out for like a year and a half pushing two years. I think and there's Adam keyboard and Adam on keyboards a while back. Yeah, but before we started the band, so the church that were next to I play I would play bass for the worship team. And before we would go out on stage like we'd be Actually as we do a little prayer before we go out or something like that and we would just Talk Amongst ourselves before we needed to go play and we just started this strange inside joke before we would go out called battle church. And so I can't remember who said it first. It was in the context of some joke and some said battle church and then it just carried on for months and every time before we went out to play. We just like fantasized about like an annual church celebration where all churchgoers come up with their weapons and machine guns and everything and and on the date that they're not expecting the pastor just announced battle church and everybody fights to the death of Jesus and and we didn't have a name. Doing it. So we so that our mom's weren't the only ones that heard the music and then when we decided to make it a thing and we added been and Keith on we needed a name and I was like battle Church. We're balanced. Really? Yeah, that's awesome. It was it was just a joke of a name and but as the years went on like they were a few people who got it, you know, it's like okay, they're just trying to be funny and but then they were enough people who were like, okay, either they like Want to fight the church or they want to like fight for like it was there were enough people who thought it was weird for us to think. Okay. Maybe we should get a new name. Yeah, I'm sure you insert the word battle alone. I mean exactly that we can take that. So right next to church. Yes. Yes. It's like we're not we have some heavy stuff for not like it's not their General sound. Yeah, and at first we wanted some sort of because none of us we didn't like have a great sense of like fashion. So we knew that and so we just dressed up with white shirts black pants and some ties. So we went up playing alternative ending musics with the name of a metal band looking like Jehovah's Witness. But anyway, so we eventually we're going to cut it long term. So we spent months trying to figure out a new name and sayla is an old Hebrew word from the Bible from the book of songs where it's kind of a poetry song book in the Bible and there are at the end of a passage. They'll be a word off to the side that says saila. And I've heard a different a couple of different interpretations as to what it like could translate into English and it's like since the book is musical. There's people think that it could mean a like a musical rest or musical break or lyrical break or something like that or like pause and reflect on what you've just read what was said and it sounds cool and then Korra is a name of like an ancient Jewish family from like this story of from the book of Exodus where like Moses is leading the people out of Egypt and there's like this family of Israelites who don't like Moses and they say we want to we think that your bogus leader and then Moses says if I'm supposed to be the leader then God's just going to open your Earth and kill you all and so I like and in the Bible says that it that's exactly what happened as soon as most it's like eat some with their families and all their Livestock in their tents and everything and it says they killed all the people with the last name Cory, but then later on you see in the Book of Psalms that there are some contributing authors with the last name Cora the sons of Korah so because we were originally going to just go with Salem but there's like a vocal team. It's I'm some vocal band with the name sayla so we had to find something to go with it. And so sale of Korra was the first thing that nobody hated and sounded nice and had some kind of meeting. We don't know exactly like if it has I just probably want meeting then we were aware of and I'm sure we're going to continue defining that meaning is when you guys continue making music together. Yes, I think so. It's kind of exciting. I think I likes that it's it's kind of mysterious that's kind of convoluted and like a lot of lyrics are so it leaves kind of people curious. Yeah. Yeah. I was definitely curious. I thought it was somebody's name and nobody's name. Yeah. In this case it is correct. Yeah. Well, anyways, one of your guys actually there's a vocal group named sale at there's another group called the Sons of Korah and we had somebody actually reach out to us on Facebook and we had twin daughters and they named them say Le and Cora. Oh, yeah, but she just like found us when she was remember that interest. I remember ever told me that she sounds like a mess. Yeah, not because of us or anything, but what would you describe your music? We describe the stylus. Yeah. Yeah that genre. I mean, I just tell people like the heaviest were really heavy alternative rock and at the quietest were really chilling be mmm. That's just what it's uh jazz fusion going in there mistakes. Yeah. It's got that jazz kind of pulls going in the drum set and then with the guitar, it's going like yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think it's in it's a kind of indie rock. Yeah, when we tried we tried to Define it once and the closest we came was Ben came up with a really good description. Euphonious Lee newfangled indie rock. I love that. I saw I saw that on this line. Oh, that's brilliant. I had to look it up. Description. Yeah, euphonious. Yeah. Oh, what does that mean again? I think it's just this like sounds working together. And so the derivative of like euphemism, you know, there's anything different. No, I think it's just you feel like the opposite of dissonant I think okay. Yeah, like kind of pleasing to the ear. Yeah. Yeah, we are pleasing to the ear. Yeah, I think that's pretty accurate. I really enjoy music that the new singles released pigs or bout. No not battle cake. Is played a show over at the Slippery Pig? What was the single release that you guys just that was stained glass Fame and best part. So it's for total floating floating out on the streaming Universe while streaming universes. Well, we need to get ever see me baby. Put your okay, okay. I think you can't do a higher bitrate on Spotify but then like using data that's kind of hard on it. So yeah, like bacon. Yeah, so what's your writing approach I guess would be a well, I mean it kind of changes from song to song generally the the the beginning of a song usually starts with me in some way like You need depends on the song like currently. We're in the middle of like four songs that were writing right now. We haven't finished the song and years, but there have been a few songs that have taken us years to finish. So yeah usually starts with an idea for me actually one of our singles out girl cake that started with Drew he came up with the it's not like a Verse Chorus thing. It's like a part A Part B or thing. So he had this part A Part B. Thing and then taught it to me and I took it home and found some Melody and I think you found for the last little bit of the chorus. There's the most the ending. Yeah, and then we were like how the heck are we going to put these together? Yeah, it always always comes down to the for eventually. Yeah, which is always been in the force. Yeah. What's really cool? Because then the top this yeah, the songs will kind of take on something else entirely and it's really cool because like especially with girl cake like we couldn't put those two together. Those two parts together until I Keith came in and like really brought in the drums because the parts are so different because the chorus is this the kind of swinging part that goes into like a straighter part. It's three measures of for and then a measure of three and it's just kind of weird. Yeah. So it's like everybody everybody kind of weather. It starts with Drew me or I mean in the future it can start with anybody, you know, and everybody someone will work on it. Someone will take it home and be working on. Thing on their own time and then when they've developed it to the point where they're you know where we're brave enough to take it to everybody else and say oh this could be a thing and if everybody likes it or if most of us like it everybody kind of memorizes something that could be a part and everybody takes their own Parts home and kind of just stews on it for a little bit. And yeah, it's not it's definitely it changes from song to song. We don't have a much of a methodology. We just we know when It's not done. Yeah, we know when his yeah. Yes on this like riff for a second and then like for me will jam on like a so riff for like, I don't know how long like it's too long. So where they're just like whatever they can and I'm just like over there like trying to figure something out and then like I get it and I just keep playing repetitively like there it is. So yeah. How did you become a part of the band so yeah, okay. So my so okay in high school. I was in marching band in the drum line and the percussion Ensemble and so I played percussion for the concerts and then I play tennis or marching snare drum for the marching band. And so I was section leader for two years and the year before I was section leader. So my sophomore year, I became really good friends. Ends with this guy named Matt. And so he then did OC for a running start for two years. So the two years that I was section leader and in charge of everything and then I hadn't talked to him in like forever and then just out of the blue my senior year. He text me on like Facebook. He's like, hey, are you looking for like to be in any new bands or anything? I was like, yeah sure like I love playing music and it's kind of like what I do like everyday kind of thing musics always been like my go-to what I do what I do. To everything I can everything revolves around music for me. And so he's like yeah check them out. Here's our Facebook page. I was like, oh this dope and then that same day someone named Michael love added me on Facebook at Loyola has kind of weird his last name of my friend. Matt gave me your contact info and I was like thing. I think I've met you before and I was like really because I didn't just have a terrible memory. I can remember faces with names at all. He's like, yeah, you work at Zumiez and I was like, yeah, I actually do work at Zumiez a skate shop in the mall and he's like, yeah, I've seen you in there before my friend Drew and I In there, we're looking for hats and then you showed us some cool hats and then I bought one. I was like, oh my gosh, okay action that was like a week ago or something. Wow. And yeah, so then he's like, yeah, so my band is looking for a new Drummer. Would you be interested? I was like, oh hundred percent like music is everything sure. He's like, hey, here's the address here some of our music. You should come to one of our rehearsals. I think it was it on Thursday nights at that time Wednesday nights. Now, it's by Monday it was is still out. Yeah, it was a day in the week. Yeah, I came here and I was like really nervous. I was like is this like a form of things going to be talking a lot played some stuff some drum stuff and Michael's playing on guitar. I think it was just it was just us because yeah, I think it's the first time you're not there. Maybe we're sure they're like us Warren. I was there the first thing came out I feel like Is at least three. Yeah, I thought you'd say we sent you the tracks. Okay recordings and then you get home and learn them and then I'm thinking yeah, you let us know you wanted to play routine mistake. Yeah. Yeah. I was yeah me too or a list of songs and I picked like one or two. I like yeah placing last name of routine mistakes because I got those too because I really like routine mistakes because like jazz was like obsessed with jazz because in the Jazz Band also and so I really like playing chess. I bet that one and then I picked stained glass favor because I really thought like just the beats in the different patterns and like the linear motions and stuff was super fun and interesting and so they're like, oh wow. Okay, one of those like one of the hardest songs out of the bunch. And so then I came I played over there. That's kind of good. Yeah. Our that happened were her souls and then they gave me a CD of At the most influential thing that kind of like, yeah, actually, I know some of these songs only totally sounds like him. So yeah sweet here. We have our original drummer was mid 50s when we started the band and he was like planned since high school since about Olivia's since he was younger than Olivia and amazing amazing drummer. Yeah. And he has for all of our songs and when Matt I asked Matt offhandedly because I didn't think we were going to find anybody in kids have do, you know any drummers and he goes? Oh, I know a high schooler female high schooler drummer and I was like, well, we're we need a drummer. So like I know you'd like give me your contact information. And then yeah, she said I want to play Stained Glass being with you guys. And you were up to the task you have to that's so cool. Yeah, she killed it. And here you are digging even playing shows like Slippery Pig a lot. I see. Yeah, we love this level a certain page. Pub and Silverdale that wasn't a problem which is now can we just Knockin down? Yeah, that was a really rough character. That was our first show. We put it with a guy Dave. Yeah, Dave Morgan, he's Morgan Morris. And yeah and day was really nice. Either way. She's under the Bodhi Tree. Yeah, hold up. You lost side profit and loss. I project. Yeah. Those are those are those are two bands that we played with and we you had there were Fly traps everything really. Yeah, I never got in there like that. You would run into they were like, oh It's crazy to places that music takes out doesn't think I'd be here ever. Outside of battle church, but yeah outside of church. Shoot was a 14. Yeah you refer to we started playing. So we literally we had a band that we played in high school and then that just kind of fell apart and then nobody was really playing a lot of music and I was a bass player for a long time and I only played bass and my dad gave me his acoustic guitar. Oh wow. And so I just figured out three chords and wrote a song so chords and then I yeah exactly exactly. Yeah, which was more than he knew and that's why he gave me the guitar. But and then learned a fourth chord and made a second song one fifth chord third song and at the time I was just playing for my mom and I was like this is gonna do so. I was like, I called my buddy Drew and Adam and we play these those global beam gigs and Darla you were there I was and don't worry. Yeah, and then also Ross was there from time to time Ross Sandoval amazing. Probably deserves. Yeah. Yeah. It's just the group that we actually played with last Saturday Brooke chin, right? Kyle Moore would always just go down there together with Luke. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. And yeah, that's where we met and And I remember we had we took we brought been out to see us play an open mic. I think know it's a green and then what you say the gig spot the spot that's closed down to Gig Harbor The End Zone and all right. Some venues not even here anymore. Yeah, they put on a little device you stock by stock. Yeah, I know you're playing the 8th of February. How do you feel about the scene around here? I don't know if if I like fully grasp the seen enough to feel a certain way about yeah, I think it's I mean, it's a Navy town. It's in it's a Navy town. It's not like this is not where Millennials go is not where people like people leave to go to college. Yeah, and they don't intend to come back a lot of the time, you know, so it's like, you know, mid-40s and under are either like working a nine-to-five and they got a family and kids app, and they Living in kids after not he knew nobody is living in kids help for the music scene necessarily, you know as far as like listeners. Yeah. It's like I want to move to Seattle for the music scene. I mean and so I don't feel like people are at least people who would be going to shows. I don't think they're aware enough of the scene to really support it and and kind of give it legs. I guess. I mean most of the time it's like people going to bars after work. Work and then there's that happens to be a show playing. I mean, yeah, right. Exactly. And I think that's how we've got a lot of people at the Slippery Pig the Slippery Pig is so much foot traffic on a Saturday night because it's downtown Poulsbo and you know, it's just a fun little town. So, you know, if somebody is visiting kids AB, you know, that's that's a little quasi tourist destination so you can get some good foot traffic, but at the Binet Or the Charleston, you know, there's not a lot of extra foot traffic or anything like that people know that you go to Seattle for music, you know or supposedly that's that's the thought I think what what redeems this music Community is that people end up incubating like a lot of artists start in kids app, and then it's kind of hard to take your music out of Kitsap people. Like if you gain a listening audience and kids happened it's a lot to ask them all to take it. Ferry over to Seattle, you know and start helping them or helping you develop a new fan base out of town. So what happens is artists just sit in Kitsap and incubate and get better and better and better and better but people just don't really know. Yeah people aren't aware of it, you know, because they work at the shipyard and when they get off of work they want to go home and go to sleep. Do you think this is a Perpetual situation? Do you think it will change Maybe? I mean I had no idea that was that was that was pretty nice. I mean they get some good stuff but like Pat Metheny, I saw Pat Metheny played the Admiral a couple of years ago. I was like, holy cow. I was working there. Oh, did you say you were you there for? Yeah. It was really cool to see him play. I mean And just complex. I didn't know who he was prior to that. So it was a really nice surprise the year that he did. That was the year. I kind of figured out that I liked his music. I had no, I hadn't heard of him until that year either. You know, I think Drew I'm really close with Drew's dad Drew's. Dad is Jazz head and here okay, he's he would say it just gets stored away in the back. That's an old man. I saw the the posters and all the advertisements and all I saw his hair. Queen Emerald Queen Casino has some nice artists come over and play but I think some of the biggest kids have shows are like Hells Bells and like cover bands and such and I think that's what people kind of expect from the kids have music scene. There's a lot of cover bands and that's what a heavier like Punk and metal pants. Its release there were I mean, I mean definitely will definitely when we were playing there are in our first group. Yeah. It was a bit of a screaming all seen. Yeah and especially in Bremerton, right? Yeah. I like the Charleston is grounds. Yeah punk. Yeah you go on there and it's just a Vibe punk bands. Yeah, I went and saw a show at the manette last year mid. Like I think it was late early fall or something like that. I went and there was an artist from Seattle who had kids a parties had convinced the come and play. Them at the manette and he's been living in kids that for years and didn't or living in Seattle for years. I'm sorry this artist that came over had been in Seattle for years and didn't even know like what kids have was until that show and I think that that's the sense. It's like where do those fairies even go? I think that's what a lot of Seattle think you know, and if they do get on a ferry the odds that they're going to get past Bainbridge even past Winslow is like most time there. Knowingly through Poulsbo. Yeah, or pass they called and I think that that mindset that is kind of rooted in Seattle. It's like I don't even know where those fairies go. I think kids have kind of owns that yeah, and it's not that we necessarily want it but we've sort of like allowed to be put on us, right and I'm wondering how we change that narrative to make it more positive. Like how do we make that and alluring thing that ferry ride more novel to To those places. Yeah, and I guess you know, it's like things like this where we say. Hey kids. That's pretty cool. Come on over. Yeah and probably probably a little more self-respect to yeah as artists and as performers and I don't know maybe doing tickets. Yeah charging at the door not doing everything for free. I mean that's that's a terrible thing to say, but I mean, it's the changes. Yeah Money Changes - yeah For Better or For Worse. I don't think that's necessarily inherently an evil thing, but it can certainly go either direction. I don't think it's necessarily necessarily about the money, but just putting value on and in the things that we invest our time in as artists. Yeah. It's like this is worth something. I don't know what it What It's Worth but you know, we're trying to figure it out. It's worth something because we're putting time into it. Yeah. I just talked to a Visual artist friend of mine and she talked about how difficult it is to charge for her artwork and how she hates spring and some people are yeah for her artwork, you know, you want to they want to give it away for free. Some people don't want to charge what it's worth and other people hate the idea of money being attached to their artwork and it's just like, I mean, I think a lot of people do need to get over that like when we pay we have some really great album artwork that everyone will see once the album is released and we paid the artist not quite what it was worth but more than she had been paid for her art before and she was like, oh my gosh, and it's kind of well, it's like honestly you're worth more than what we're able to pay you. So thank you, you know and I think the general listener knows that if you know, they don't have a problem paying for Quality. Yeah, and there's a lot of quality content. Without a doubt. So you just put the coin in and said that there was an album release. Well, there's no date. Okay, dang it soon enough. I just like got drenched in the pits and I was like, oh my God. Please please you know support us when it comes out. Yeah, I think it's smart that you guys are releasing singles and stuff and having shows attached to the single release. Yeah, I mean it's a lot of work and it's been a long term thing. We got advice from somebody a long time ago Brent Driscoll. Oh, yeah useless or he used to be the sound guy vanderhaeghe and now he's doing amazing things over Seattle. Shout out to Brent and Bryan Battaglia. But Brent told us he was like bands are doing the stupidest thing when they're not releasing singles. And at the time I was like, okay, whatever man and then at the time it was kind of like just released this album because we had it were like, oh, let's just give everybody the album. It was like, well, let's do it. And once you do it, you kind of realize like okay, I guess that does make sense. It's it's it is a smarter way of doing things even though it's not like You know nothing's blowing up or anything like that. It's out there and it is gaining some sort of anticipation from somebody. Even if it's just us. Well, actually a lot of things are contained here at this church are our worship Pastor James Newman. Before we started a band. He started his own studio in his living room in Bremerton Rabbit Hole recording studio. Oh, yeah. Okay, and he sort of gained steam like parallel with us as we were writing better songs and working on our live show. He was getting nicer gear figuring out how to be a better engineer but a producer and everything and we did an EP with him long long time ago, and it was really quick and in my opinion really awful. It was just not it was a good learning experience, but I hate listening to the thing. It's definitely feels rushed. Just we just try to do we do live. You don't want it doesn't work for it doesn't work for us like like for the stuff we're I mean even doing been like it should there should have been more to it and it feels really empty. Yeah, but so he he just kept on building and building until he got into a really nice space and wherever we just had the right songs. We were confident in our performances and feeling like we could do a good job in the studio because it's playing in the studio is not playing on the stage like it's It's so it's such a microscope. And so after making one bad EP we knew that, you know, when you what we needed to do and so he was ready for us. We were ready for him and two and a half years later. We almost have it released and no, I mean it sounds like you put in the exactly and I think that's something that's worth celebrating. Full album release. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we're not really sure we've never released an album before so yeah, you know, we want to we want to see what I mean, you know after everything. I just said about Seattle and its relationship with kids app. We still want to start developing an audience over there and do some significant shows in Seattle and you know gain some anticipation for the record in Kitsap as well as Seattle. So, I mean, we're not going to wait for forever to release it, but we're going to see what kind of damage we can do. Do with these singles before you put a date to the album. So how do you connect yourself with your audience? We're figuring that out. We started we started a mailing list at the show. We got some people to give us their emails. And so it seems like a practical tool and just trying to be more personable and you know, just being willing to shamelessly plug yourself, you know. It's a terrible thing. I mean, it's just kidding, but it's not rush tag Wednesday garlic down. Like a glorious Falcon breaching The Horizon of a purple moon set. We are sound underground speaking at you via anchor dot. F m-- Thank you friends for the time. You spent with us. Anchor podcasts are free as the be we let out the window swimming in the Shimmer and Breeze shower and into the trees as podcasters. We make some cheddar. We make some cheese already three Dollars just to dip our hands into the greasy grease and get the scoop on you. Here's the thing our men and Dory called the action. So start attacking and the don't to be it's lacking download the incap and snap belong to the track as we stack some truth to your back. Anchor FM refreshing as a bubbly drink poured straight from the kitchen sink. Sound yeah, I mean there have been and Olivia's been doing I mean Olivia is making friends wherever she's goes. And yeah, she's been a real energy boost in the band because because Learn the old was like 2010. I thought Millennials your 1997. It's like yeah. Yeah, I think it is 95 and then after that but generation in Olivia's defense, she is dealing with Millennials. Yes. Hello. It's us. I think right now a lot of our audience. A good friend of mine two shows ago another show that we played at the pig he came up to me after the show. He was like dude I met a guy in the beer line and he said that he's been coming over the Slippery Pig every time you play and he's from Seattle why I still have no idea who this man is and Brings his wife and his friend and they all come from jealous. Like say hello to me. I shout out to the guy in his wife and his friend his wife coming to the show. Come say hi at the end. Do you have many people engage you after a performance? I mean Yeah, I feel like especially at the pig quite a bit. Yeah, I mean, I feel like I always meet one or two people that are new. Yeah, let me that we've never met. Yeah same here. I think every time I play their big handful of people come and talk to me because I'm a female drummer. Okay last night the other night when we had the gay get the pig the gig is bound to get the pig. Yeah this guy, Like compliment me or like kind of like back home with me because he was like time he's like, yeah when I saw you get on stage, I didn't really have very high expectations because I don't ever see girl drummers. I was like, okay, he's like, but you were actually really good. I was like, okay. Yeah. It's like the heck out of me. I was like, I mean, I have been playing for like eight years. So it's taking me a lot of practice. It's from like a self-taught myself for probably four years or so electric drum set and then I got a teacher so I could write music before going into high school so I can actually read drum set music and then like quarter note just like that basic stuff quarter notes eighth notes sixteenth notes triplets stuff like that. And so I got lessons for about two years and then I moved over back to Poulsbo went to high school and then my growth was like so Rapid yeah, because I was practicing with a metronome every day for like 2 hours in class and jazz band and then getting like so much live performances being in like the high school band from like jazz concerts to like marching band to just stuff at the school like stuff would volunteer for and stuff like that. It was just like my girls was like boom boom. Boom. Like skip like six years of my life in condensed into like for so, So whenever like people come to that, how old are you? I'm like, I'm 18 now like, oh my gosh, you're 18, like what they always mention like somehow comes into the conversation. They always like I love how you're a girl drummer in your like so good and it sounds like thanks. Yeah. It's like like I get I wish there were more female drummers. Like I remember being a middle school on Instagram like never seeing any female drummers. Yeah. Now you on Instagram Like all the pages. I follow all our like female drummers and they're insanely good like just like yourself like a big like crazy good and they're like some of the most like well-known drummers now, you know, so it's just like just like the Drone culture itself has grown so much in the past like six years. I mean you could think social media for that. Oh, yeah, which I also think that's really helping us get Get more out there as far as like social media, you can put so much of junk on there. But also so many important events, you know, so like we will like make a poster bed and make a poster or something. It will send it to all of us and we're like take a picture of it and then we can all post on our social media. So that's that's usually I do I post on like Instagram Snapchat Facebook by everything and then people just like random little text me like, oh that looks so cool. I'm gonna I'll probably be there and people are haven't talked. When years I supposed to feel if you ban doesn't suck. Yeah, either I'm like, oh my gosh. Hey, I haven't seen you in like four years. How are you doing? You guys are so good. I mean, what is your next show? No, it's just like continue it. Yeah, continually builds like kind of like just the base of the band like would be like slowly getting a bit of a buzz a little bit of yeah a little bit of a buzz. So I think yeah. Yeah, I just yeah I Livia Has Olivia have a A lot to do with that and it was just because we've been playing for five and a half six years and with the original lineup with the same set list for a real just because we were really proud of it and we knew that it was eventually going to be an album. We're just finding it and Keith bowed out amicably and we're just kind of like, oh we were down and and Olivia has been a huge spark in the And the like emotion of the band just the excitement just within the band. It's been a big it's been a big boost really really nice. And yes, she is an absolutely killer drummer. Yeah. I think it's so great that it's like over the course of he said six eight years. Yeah around like there's a couple of year Gap but consecutive like me consecutive playing drums. I would probably say like six years or seven years without any Like big gaps. Okay. It's a good thing that you had various Outlets to like. Oh, yeah showcase like what you can do and like a public setting or private setting and kind of funny because the timeline kind of lines up to when we started the band ya know. How old were you when you started I started when I was 10. What does she sound old revitalized music is so great. It deserves to be heard. Yeah. Thanks. Thank you. A little advice for other bands out there. If you're feeling a little you know under the weather just kick a member out and get it if Kyle, it's Sun so back in high school when we started we actually Played with his son. He was the drummer of the band. Yeah, I drew and I grew up playing with our former drummers son. Who's expecting a baby now. Yeah, it sounded really cool, but we got to play with him and he's really like aggressive loves like Blink-182 at least at the time like loves Blink-182 and stuff and they were aggressively and so I was really cool. We got to play with his dad to yeah and make that connection. Yeah, actually the you got to talk to him like a worship team on time. That's kind of how Got into the band Keith or yeah. How did the Keith Keith was just the best drummer? I knew at the time we'll definitely and Kyle said I could I can't do it anymore. I don't want to be I don't want to be playing in bands and I was like well hand the phone over to your dad. Maybe your dad will play in my bed. It's cool. Looks like you just open to making music you making music happen. Bring the people. Yeah, I like the Did start around some songs that I had been writing on my own but I hate doing things alone. It's I don't like doing it at all. Like I've written, you know, some songs a few songs where it started and ended with me, but none of them are in the sale of Coraline up and because the favorite song the song that I enjoy the most at least the songs that I'm involved with our Say locura songs, like that's why we're making the music that we we want to hear and so but it definitely takes for us to be happy. It takes cooperation and takes takes a village. Yeah, like ideas are thrown around. I always turns into the far people chant meow throwing out ideas getting rid of ones and stuff. Yeah. Everybody's had to swallow their pride because that's the thing is I like Everybody's got ideas and it's happened a lot of times where it's like you have you have something in your like this is the 101 no need to be the one. Yeah, it doesn't fit at all. So you try and like change it. Just well heck's yeah because it's like yeah, like I'll bring it in and and this band is really we've gotten to a point. We're really honest with each other and I'm okay guys. Check it out. Okay. Here's the core. Here is the progression check out this crazy time signature and he's like, yeah, it doesn't sound good. Yeah. Yeah, and that's been something that I've been redefining in my mind what like how to apply the word good to music and I think that a lot of people probably most people confuse the term good with marketable tote Ally and I think that that's that kills a lot of music that kills a lot of good music and I feel that maybe some of the most marketable musician ins are willing to forego making good music and and the most honest and good musicians. Don't want to stoop to marketability, you know, and then it creates this this I don't know like it's like a gap or like that's like that's not just because it's not marketable doesn't mean it's not good. Definitely. Yeah, I mean if you're the happiest musician in the room, but you're also the least talented you're probably still the best. You're probably still the best musician room. If you're enjoying yourself more than the more talented individuals damn perspective is everything. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I think a lot of us. Put ourselves sit down, you know just very talented people. There's a reason I could phone if you're just more episode but we put ourselves down writing music. It's like it's not that good or it's are you having fun though, you know, are you doing it and allow yourself to grow and to eventually be as good as you desire to be right, right. The best music I've heard is also the most Vernon whole and that can be really hard to because you'll have people who write really just like like like this could apply to anything and then there's the songs that are like this directly applies to me as those are like only the hardest to do. Well, you know, it would be really fun because I think so often and in our culture right now music is very fashionable and non-functional I mean it whereas Think about how music was used before it became before you could make money off of it within an industry. It was for your culture. It was for it was for your family was for your people, you know, when like it's like somebody needed to know how to play piano so that they could lead the family at Christmas time, you know, like that's functional like that's that's building relationships. And that's that's making your environment better with music, you know, and and making money with music. Eric you could say that that's making your environment better, but you could also say the other thing you can also go the other direction with that and I think that functionality and music has become very limited in our culture and it's mostly fashionable not not primarily functional anymore, which is the same about ours, which is the same of our our music to to a degree. It's like we did we want it to be functional but we need to find a way to do that because it's like, you know a lot of my favorite bands. I guess they're music functioned for me in the sense that it inspired my taste. So maybe I shouldn't make so many blankets. I mean there's bands like The Mars Volta where it's like gibberish. Yeah clearly but like the music is so intricate and interesting you just really like in biggest thing to their Mars Volta Mars Volta. I mean, what is Josh Homme you talk about his music? I'm really a yeah. It's stylistic. I think he does make some statements. I mean, it's very convoluted in some some of his writing or symbolic and the listeners are left with their imagination to to come up to conclude some kind of definition or the path that is nicotine by Vicodin. Marijuana is probably more function. Different people have different tastes in music. Thank you so much. Thanks. Like you wouldn't expect it. So like me as a drummer. What kind of music do you think? I'd plate like obsessed with them like seriously. What kind of music do you think? I'd love to listen to you said that you liked Jazz. So I'm going with that page as we think as a drummer as a drummer. Oh as a drummer though. Okay, that's another cool. Yeah, the interview has switched the tables raised her up. Well, I mean, I guess we'll just turn that back to you. Like do you listen to modern music or you like like I tried everything every foot? What what do you think like, my go-to is just like take a wild guess honestly. I kind of feel like EDM might be some I'm interested in this answer as well somewhat of the same realm as far as like Beats and so I was looking at your at like the at the page and looking at your the and I didn't recognize. I don't think I recognize one name on it. So I had to look up a few of the artists and I looked up. Oh John billion and I yeah, I really like I like I like that. Yeah. So like a lot of people think I'll listen like rock stuff those know the any conversation someone walk up to like, oh my gosh. You're a great drummer. Do you listen to a DC. I'm like actually no, I literally only like my go-to music is someone being so vulnerable on guitar like it's just them in the guitar. Well, my go-to just like plain simple. I just you like darling. Yeah. So like we looked at yourself. The conversation you'll never guess what? I'm Into You So software is always so Jonas songs that she's been working on in her own time. Yeah, all the parts are. Yes. I can also record my drum track and record vocals even though I'm really not that great of a singer but I do it. Anyways, thank you because I write songs and I want to like put them all together. So I really love just like putting lyrics to instruments but a lot of the times my stuff doesn't actually have a drum track in it Angel. No, I'm a drummer. Yeah cool. So I'll play guitar and then I'll play like a play in a base. Thing and then I'll play piano and I'll just sing or another song. I recently finished. I played piano and I sang that was it nothing else. And so it's just like a lot of people don't expect like a drummer to not listen to anything without drums. Like they just expected a list of something the drums I never do so, it's like no that's your identity. Yeah a drummer. I know. To this bed. They're called Red Hot Chili Peppers. And I'm like I have heard of them. Yes, but I'm not like obsessed with them. They have an amazing drummer. But you know, I listen to like stuff. It's like a lot of either like John Belling. He's like kind of he's just own producer. He writes his own music has his own producing label. He's like I said rights, it produces it performs it and just ever he does it all himself. He plays the drum. Jackson he sings his stuff. He mixes his stuff feel like he just does everything on his own. So it's just something that I'm always in all with because he's my number one favorite artist because of like how versatile he can be things like he can play the drums as good as he can sing like, yeah not as good as he play guitar like it's just like he can do everything and I'm like to do that. But yeah, so it's just like Fun fact, I don't listen to music with drums are totally random know how I got here. Oh, yeah. So once your album release Underground sound of us over ground music is really sad though. Because like I said, it's just full memorable music that I write with piano and my voice or steak said songs, you know like that. One of the songs. Actually I used the guitars body as my percussion instrument. So I played it like with my hands and then I would scratch on the strings like a shaker. I like that one. You said you have that recorded. Yeah, it's on Soundcloud people are going to hear it now. We just redefined what good means anyways, yeah, I actually I was so I was in recording arts in High School. It was like you write your own stuff recorded whatever makes it and there's a project you had to do where you had to create your own EP or your own album. So yeah, I have an album cover yet. I have pictures of you doing it yet. I have like whatever whatever so I got this sign off Amazon where you like put the letters in it, you know, and I was like, what what should I do in about like What is like my main theme about my songs and I was like, oh broken and free is kind of dope because it's like everybody's broken but you can still be yourself. You know, it's like broken every I was like, oh cool. And so I put it on like this sign in it like wrote it out and it lit up and I was like, where should I take this because I'm going to unlike a road but like roads are busy with cars. Like I'll go to Walmart and so much Walmart put in a parking space. It wasn't raining, but I wanted to look like rain Sun just like poured water on it nice and I went and bought like a A rose and I laid it out front in the whole pictures in black and white except for the red part of the rows. You can see the water drops on it was actually really cool. So I have that is like my cover photo because it's super dope on Soundcloud. Yes. We are really bugging you. So I like the first time I heard you guys it was when doing Darla was playing a Slippery Pig. I was blown away. That was so cool. I don't know idea. Wow, that was yeah, I was very impressed. And you know, I'd never heard of you. I mean until you said hey, they're playing to what why should people come listen to you because I know why I like I want to go. I want to go listen to you. Yeah. Well, what's your selling point? Why are we marketable after pose? Part of the identity of the band is not necessarily. I mean being satisfied with what we've done to a degree, but only let's see. Let's back up. Oh man. This is that she's that Shameless plug thing. We were talking about that. We all have to work on. Why should they come see us? I mean because we're awesome. We worked with worse worked really hard for a long time and it's the product of good relationships. I think more so than anything. I think the thing that that I'm personally most Proud of in this band is that I've developed a better relationship with any with everybody and a better relationship with with music and none of us are holding on to say locura more tightly than we're holding on to each other. And so there's a real and hopefully it comes out in the performance where you can recognize that that we we genuinely love each other more than what we're doing and what we're doing is The byproduct of good relationships and kind of you know, it's more like a family relationship and what you're hearing is a byproduct of everybody being willing to say maybe what I thought was awesome is less awesome than I thought and maybe what you think is good is is what we need to be doing and everybody's had to swallow that pill and say I love you more than I love this band. I love you more than I want. To accomplish something for myself, you know, so hopefully a sense of selflessness that leads to Quality Music. Yeah, like when we purchase these songs were we want to blow your face off we do our best to serve the songs rather than you know, let's have a huge solo here because I want to show off, you know. right, and so, you know the writing to and swallow, you know swelling Pride with So, you know putting parts to rest and bringing other parts in our better so and that's that's been the product of time and just doing our best to find humble ourselves again when we're like but this part and right, right no one's trying to be the center of gravity and the band. We're trying to allow the center of gravity beat to be the music. I can see that without a doubt like I've performed at the guys twice already once at the minute. The Slippery Pig and just seeing your guys's chemistry outside of the music when you guys are on stage like it's there and you don't see that a lot with other bands people are just like there's definitely a front manner. There's definitely like, you know, just like somebody else just leading on and like there's one person that's really pissed off at the other person and they can't say anything because they're playing but I see just such a just a flow State just something so connective I rather than like exclusive and that's I don't think that's That's so say locura pound say I think some of the the one of the biggest contributors to that is like I said our relationships but more specifically like Ben is profoundly intelligent and usually knows when something sucks right away. Like he's he I'm not as confident in saying like yeah, I like that or if I don't like it. I'm not as sure why I don't like it. We're has been kind of To the core something really quick, but he's also profoundly humbled in the sense that he'll let me flounder as long as I need to to figure it out on my own and and and my relationship with Drew has been like when we met I was definitely like the age Gap was more significant when we were younger. And so I was really saw my oh, yeah, he's 30 30. I am turned. Y7 in March. Three year Gap is huge in high school. So I drew was helping me. But Drew has always been a better musician rookies always had a better ear than me and I took early on in the band. I took a lot of credit for whatever we did do and Drew swallowed that for a long time and but would every now and then suddenly be like sort of a team sport. And everything and I'll be like yeah, but I don't think it is. I think you're just helping me out and it wasn't quite that that it was the core of the issue that that's what it was. I had a lot of Pride T IC. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and so but you know, it took over the course of several several years getting to a point where I realized that I did not write this. Song by myself and I don't before them performed by myself pretty much useless by myself. You're not your strength and cooperating and putting something together and then you get These different perspectives and you're able to make some I think you may be able to make something better. And if you were if you just did it by yourself. Yeah, you get those different years that you kind of like, it's not just white type of music you listen to you because you can you can write songs, you know, and another people like wow, that's really good. But when you write like a song with like four people, it's coming from all four of those people's like likings of different types of musics. Yeah, so kind of brings in and ties in like all the different genres, but then it just flows totally way where it's like good listening. I get sounds good to listen to and like to watch like people perform it so it's like kind of asking say why people should come to our shows or like listen to our music because it's like good music to listen to like your ears will like it. Yeah. It's like brain food. Yeah. I was like, it's like it's like it's not like stuff. That's just like going like well, that's cool. Like well, it's just like wow. Wow the lyrics it's like Michael and Drew like rose. I'm like really in depth later. Michael has written off of all the lyrics that have come out of these songs had been Michael. So Michael wrote some really in-depth lyrics were just like if you listen to the lyrics, she's like you don't expect some of the things that are in there you go. Wow, that's like so cool. How we like changed. Like how it means with the different instrumentals brought into the actual song. Yeah. It's pretty crazy. How much like like sound creates such a different cushion for words, you know. Yeah, that's what it says and also to like just seeing you guys just kind of extrapolate from one another's ideas as opposed to just picking your own brain. It's so it's so cool. It's like er is banned Dynamic. I'm so excited that you guys reached out what was being your podcast. Yeah, it's a must for me. It was a mustache this last show. I mean as far as talking all of these songs and Olivia didn't have a hand in writing any of these songs, but this last show people came up to us and started saying oh I recognize this Rhythm having influence in this other thing and I was like, well that's new to do that. I was like, I don't think it was like actually I think I heard a lot of rhythms at this last show on these songs that I'd never heard before and so we have started right Ting with Olivia and yeah, that was one of the things we were one of the big things we were a little worried about when we were looking for a new Drummer was like, okay, it'll be one thing to find somebody who has the chops to play the parts, but we'll be able to find somebody that we think we can write with and and can cooperate within the unit and we were not expecting a 17 year old girl to come in and work with three fully grown bearded men. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So 19. What's that? I am 16 going on 17 their Sound of Music. I still haven't seen we're going to watch that. Oh, I was 18 in 2011. Okay. So 2011 to about like 2013-2014 is somewhere around there. Yeah, I came in from I was only there for like a year from 2014 to 2015. Yeah, you know which which high school do you come from Central kits at Central kids you graduated with my brother. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, you did wait Skylar, but with Skylar nice. Yeah. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Crazy guitar, I mean just everything a lot but then the harmonies and yeah of those harmonies on the Fly. Nobody asked him to start no one thought we needed harmonies. I had zero appreciation for harmonies. Mmm. I just didn't care about him. I didn't I didn't even like you asked me. What a Harmony was. I probably wouldn't even know what to tell you formula and then Drew just like slowly over time develop Harmony after Harmony or find him and we find him and then before you know it somebody walks up to me and says I love Love your harmonies, and I was like, I didn't write a Harmony. I don't know and it's become a huge thing. And I always hear it at our shows now. It's like oh, I love your harmonies. Yeah, I think the placement to is really really tasteful. I like it a lot. This Collective man sale a quorum my dad Mmm Yeah random. I just got into contact with Andrew Mead. Really? How is he doing? I have no idea but it works it perfectly right? Yeah. Yeah crazy lad. Hey man. Hey man, she's a great musician to he's got a great ones. Yeah. Yeah, we know that you guys have released a couple of singles. We talked about that a couple of times. Would you guys be interested in playing a song Yes, we would live. I've yeah here at the Baptist Church North kids have kids at Baptist Church portable portable. So will seamlessly All right. Now welcoming back sale acorah and myself Darla Ray and Jesse here what's going on? They are going to be playing an original song called. formula slow feelings come feelings go and die or to know when the tide touches your feet. Thank you so much, Santa Clara.
Selah Korah is an incredible band self described as "euphoniously newfangled". They are based out of Poulsbo, Washington. They've released several singles and are looking to release a full album in the near future. Selah Korah consists of Michael Love, Drew Rochon, Ben Thomas and Olivia Holmberg. They tell the story of their origin and how they've come to be what they are today. Olivia gives us the perspective of a talented young female drummer in a male dominated industry, braving her passions to inspire and revive the efforts of fellow musicians. Like what you hear? #selahkorah # scene #macklemore #patmethany #admiraltheatre #incubate #kitsap #shipyard #bangor #jazz #femaledrummers #poulsbo #emeraldqueencasino #hellsbells #coverbands #charleston #thechuck #church #battlechurch #seattle #ferry #brentdriscoll #album #gamers #rosssandoval #brookchin #location #jamesnewman #rabbitholerecordingstudio #genuine #marketable #good #frenchtomahawk #northkitsapbaptistchurch --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
And Ingrid de la marck any I'm the CEO and founder of the method she's also my wife and she's the smartest woman I've ever met. First of all, she's my mom and she's really cool. She's all that and she's a Superhero. This is the part of my French podcast. - on this episode you'll hear about wellness fitness French autism and lifestyle a train fucking Sheikh gangster podcast hosted by Fitness and Wellness French Edwin ISM Guru and creator of the method to body Yours Truly Ingrid de la marck any live from Monte. Monaco on this show, you'll find a mix of audio entertainment including listener and audience questions answered about health Wellness Lifestyle Family and relationships and my friend holistic tips to be healthy have your best body and transform both your body and your mind set into the happiest ever as well as leaving labelled Z lifestyle like a Chic French gangster. Hello and welcome to pardon my French episode 19, as always. I am your host Ingrid Delamar Kenny and I am live from Monaco. Geez. I can't wait to tell you. I'm live from like Saint Bart's or Saint-Tropez or Capri. I need a vacay don't know about you but definitely need a vacay. Sorry. I get sidetracked today. I want to talk to you about emotions and weight loss or and and impulse somebody asked me a question and said can you talk about emotional eating and so I decided to go far and Beyond emotional eating and discuss a lot of the tactics that the diet industry and diet brands are using to get you to believe them to get you to trust their product to have you sometimes even believe that their Act is working for you. We call that the placebo effect. Do you remember ever hearing it was a popular talk in a few documentaries back, I guess in the early 2000 that supermarkets actually talk use sorry specific music to get you to impulsively buy more. There is a survey that was conducted in a journal. I can't remember which where they concluded that in some cases the place more specifically the atmosphere of the place is more influential than the product and self itself in the purchase decision. And in some cases the atmosphere is the actual primary product. Can you imagine that So in supermarkets, it was shown that retailers use sound and in certain stores Sound and Music trigger different behaviors. So including the elusive The elusive Behavior, I want to spend more money Behavior. I do believe that this is a great introduction to spoke to speak about emotional eating a lot of what we do a lot of our behavior that we tend. To regret later are triggered by emotions about what we talked we call emotions. There is a big rule that retailers often don't understand which is that music on top of noise is Journal generally more noise. So it's like putting perfume on bad smell you just get a worse smell. That's someone that set out on the BBC News, so Some of you may not know that but when I first started my studies my side job was to be a piano teacher. So I have a very acute sense of you know, the emotions and the behavior that Tempo and music can trigger the human response to music can be too high impact of Temple may stem from the fact that Temple is applicable not only to music but to a wide range of experiential Just so Youmans acquired the ability to process Tempo the speed at which music is played early in life. And so before we can even learn the Doremi we can clap our hands to a beat fast slow. It doesn't matter we seem to have the innate ability to process Tempo. So in the 1980s are ready some marketing. Others explored how stores might exploit our connection to Tempo in order to influence customers behavior and ultimately increase sales and how did I come to talk about this on this podcast? I was talking to one of my client during one of our mind to body Mentor session. And while I'm going to respect her privacy, I can tell you that she has an athletic background very similar to mine and a pure. like of things like spinning or Orange Theory or anything like that and I was saying to her that I have clients and I have empathy for them that do still need it to go to spinning even though I try to discourage it in their journey to attempt to lose weight or to lower their cortisol levels are to find fight certain hormone imbalance that I think are not helped by the the fact that they go to spinning class for example, and I was talking to this client about this and saying to her I am wondering what it is with that red light dark space darkness and red light and music that gets this people to run back to the spinning sessions on a daily. I need to search and find out what's the trigger and so then I had like this lightbulb moment going. Wait a second Super Markets actually also use lighting and music to get people to buy impulsively and consume more. So in a 1982 paper someone called milliman revealed in a paper called using background music to affect the behavior Supermarket Shoppers. He revealed that the tempo of a stores background music can influence both the pace of customer traffic flow how fast people walk through the store as well as the sales volume. So here is a here is how it goes with supermarkets and I'll get to the point as where. We're concerned here when it comes to our health and how we consume certain foods and how we gravitate towards certain workouts. They're not necessarily good for us, but they become like a drug fast which is up-tempo music makes people move more quickly through a store and they end up buying less slow down Tempo Music makes people move more slowly through a store and they end up buying more and that makes a lot of sense because through our music leads to slower shop. Purrs, which in turn leads to Shoppers having more time to discover and interact with more products. So in Milli man's Supermarket study found that on average sales volume was 38% higher on this when stores play it slow background music. That's not really the figures that's important. We all know that if I wanted to count shit up and add shit up. I'd be a fucking accountant, but I'm not so let's forget about percentage the finding what's important that finding and the reason why it got me thinking by the same token about spinning classes and people's obsession with going to spinning even though they don't see their bodies moving inch from the size. They started at Is dot I believe that delighting that red light that it that they have in spinning classes that whole atmosphere and the music very much like in supermarkets does influence people's behavior and possibly even trigger some sort of dependency or obsessiveness with going to spinning. So I believe that these are factors the same way that these factors when people ask me, how can I lower my cortisol and I say, well you need sunlight and you need to denoise. You need to find a place to eat that is quiet. For example not be always noisy places. Make sure that someone you work out with there's not yell at you. I do believe that sounds smells noise around you lighting can influence. Your behavior as far as consuming or going somewhere or becoming so obsessive about a discipline that is not necessarily good for you and you for example, listen to me. I have a client spoke to her this week and she listens to me and she trust my opinion, but she tells me angry don't make me quit that class I am. I need that class and when she explained it to me everything she said had absolutely nothing to do with any type of body metamorphosis. She didn't tell me it makes my butt tighter. She didn't tell me when I got out of there. I feel like a Victoria's Secret model. She just said this is my my group of women. This is I feel good there. I can't wait to get in there and feel what I feel. And at that point I have so much empathy for someone like that because she's not going to lose weight. She's not going to fix her hormonal imbalance that probably comes from her cortisol levels being so hot in by that very discipline that she gravitate towards. So I said to her let's take this discipline and decide that this is a hobby. This is not something you do for your health. This is not something you do for benefits to your body. This is not something you do for weight loss or for sculpting or for anything like that to something you do as a hobby. You won't enjoy it. This is a sort of a passion. So put it aside and make sure that like chocolate a passion is not practiced every single day. Because a passion or a hobby like if you love golf, you're not going to go golfing every day unless you're a multi-millionaire and you have time and time and time to do so. So the same should go with your crazy friend tick exercise that you just described. So if it's spinning or you know, Orangetheory or whatever it is. So then what are we going to do for your body? And so let's outweigh what you're doing by practicing this discipline that your hobby lets up with a sensible workout that will actually keep your cortisol in check and rub your hormones the right way, whether it's the method or whether it's bar or whether it's the Tracy Anderson method which I do believe is, you know, not that for your cortisol. I don't love the Tracy Anderson method I'm not saying that in any kind of competitive way. I love it better than anything else you could be doing as far as spinning cardio cross training CrossFit. Hey, I will I will be the first one to tell you to trace the other two to go for Tracy Anderson. She's a genius. I've seen some amazing body Transformations from it, but I do find that their her Sidekicks are not great for spinal alignment and can cause some um hip injuries and I've seen some but that just comes from my obsession with spinal alignment. So I'm not meaning it as trashing it at all. If you give me a choice between all of the other disciplines that you know, I hate high intensity high impact. I will tell you Tracy is my first choice. So but then if you really tell me to pick I would tell you to go to mat Pilates sessions or bar sessions something low impact with resistance. So going back to surveys in 2011. There's another study study that came out from this guy has a German name. I think his name is Kunal fro if I'm pronouncing it all with a bunch of other researchers and their study found that you can fine-tune the background music of a store and optimize it for increased sales by paying attention to the modes of the songs. You're playing in addition. The temples so the best Tempo mode combination for boosting sales at a supermarket was downtempo and minor. So next time you go to the supermarket and you end up buying shit. You probably didn't need or didn't want to buy pay attention to the music and sometimes having awareness. About exterior things trying to influence your impulsive behaviors, then you're less likely to fall for it. But in other words people buy more when they are slow sad songs playing in the background. Sue for the people that say can you speak about emotional binging emotional eating? I wanted to take it a notch further. By making you realize that you can actually be aware of. Exterior factors that will make you eat emotionally the same way that they are exterior factors that will make you consume more in a store. So given for example that both slow tempo and minor mode are associated with negative effect, like Sadness music for example induced with sadness May. Well explain increase spending behavior in a shopping environment. So if music can affect you when you food shopping, for example Sad music and affect you when your food shopping then of course your emotions or sadness or negative feelings about your body. For example, you're like waking up saying I am on a diet today saying I'm going to diet today. First of all has the word die in it. I can't repeat it enough Words of Power. So you're waking up getting on your scale going, okay? Day is the first day of my diet. Not today's the first day that I take my health into control. Today's the first day that I'm about to turn into a fucking supermodel know today is the first day of my diet today. I will allow myself a mindful Indulgence. Fuck you. Fuck you and your mindful Indulgence. What the fuck does that mean anyway? No, that is the first negative effect that you're putting on to your brain that eventually 8 hours after you've decided woke up got on your scale and said you're on the diet. And you might have a mindful fucking Indulgence. Eight hours later you're in your pantry eating the whole fucking candy Shelf. Guess what supermarket music same shit, whatever you say to yourself when you take a diet journal and you start journaling your food so that one day somebody one of your grandchildren can find your journal and say hey Grandma Tilly ate a carrot. Yes, 20 years ago. She wrote it right here mama. That's so fucking stupid. Why you riding a foot Journal? Just that alone makes me feel like I'm back in school. Like I'm back to having a teacher that might hit me on the tip of my finger with a ruler because I didn't do my homework, right? I didn't lock my food in the right way. You might even actually lie on your food journal. Can you imagine all of this set you up for potentially emotional impulsive? binging Supermarket music next time you want to say I want to fucking diet thing to yourself. I just played Supermarket music to affect me to binge to consume more. It's a trigger. So the same way that music is a sort of complex chemistry of controllable elements in our minds and behavior. Well do music two words that you play in your head when you refer to your body or your self-image or your resolutions from the morning or your intentions. I hate that word. Fuck your intentions. Also, especially when they relate to I can eat this because this only this many net carbs. Fucking net carbs. Anyways, like what are you a fucking accountant? Know what you doing is playing Words and sounds in your head that will trigger an impulsive behavior. Which you will regret? Very much like Supermarket music. So the words in your head the words of your diet Guru the words of that fucking influencer that you following. She has a great waistline. All these words diet Indulgence sheet meal reset all these words have the effect. of Supermarket music on consumers they have that effect on you. The mind to body thing is actually so powerful and it has nothing to do with Voodoo shit or spiritual fucking shit. Nothing to do with that. They are studies that have confirmed that our behaviors are triggered by backgrounds music and sounds and smells for example. Hey, let me not be a fucking hypocrite when I tell you that. My coffee is Gangster. Chic. Not that my coffee has this many net carbs and that amount of fiber. I tell you it's fucking gangster. Chic. Why because I want to set the tone for you. To not have those negative triggers. the fact that you looking at my jar and it's so Gangsta to Chic and doesn't have any green on it anything that makes you think of health or anything that makes you think of dieting or anything that makes you think of medication but rather looks like something very luxurious very French very chic and almost like a beauty product set the tone for the way that you're going to Go about it the way that you're going to feel about it because everything that you feel ends up reflecting on your waistline, so not to say that simply Newland is not effective. But I do feel that you do need the might set change. It's not that simply in your land is going to be a magic powder that's going to make you lose weight if your other behaviors persist your Diet behaviors or your excessive cardio behaviors. So the way that my package was thought out was like, well, I don't want people to feel like they're on a diet. I certainly don't want people to feel like they're taking medication and I don't want people to just think of eating leafy greens either. I want people to feel Chic I want people to Realize that this is about being beautiful from the inside out. I want people to realize that it's all about a mindset to start with to tell yourself. I'm drinking Beauty from the morning not I'm going to fucking diet and take this green package of whatever So eventually in 30 days. I can be hot I wanted the jar to see right away. Well by owning this jar of Simply in Ulan and using this powder. I'm fucking gangster Chic and I'm fucking hot from day one. Mindset are also triggers in your emotions and in your behaviors and the voice in your head is the background music to your behaviors. So when you ask me, why do you eat emotionally? I kind of want to say well what music are you playing in your head? So the same goes about the color the packaging of your health food. It's very funny because I find that the American mentality will be very attracted to the green leafy healthy-looking packaging and so like people that are more health conscious and and they don't usually do so Shield themselves from people that are diet conscious although they should there's a big difference between a health Chopper a healthy food chopper or a diet food chopper. I can't even speak enough of this difference and this is something I'm going to introduce more and more is that they're looking at the packaging very often and how smooth that green looks and you know, how much to trust a package and very often that will prevent them from paying attention to the content and so what I want to say to you without making you a friendship person and a paranoid person about green packaging or anything that looks leafy or healthy or is if you are faced with a situation where something is Ding like okay we're going to say there the package is innocent until proven guilty. Let's just look at it that way but if something seems really really good from the packaging and you feel like the packaging use your intuition here. This is a good exercise for that muscle called intuition. Give it the benefit of the doubt turn it around and start. Reading the content. It's the same thing with CERN wordings like natural flavors. Well, if the flavor was that natural it would say banana extract ore concentrate of Apple. It's not going to say natural flavors, including vanilla or banana or whatever. So you have to kind of start looking at the packaging and the words Does that make sense? I'm feeling like I'm I have something in my head when I said I am thinking of a few products that back in the days would have me really really trust it. But today knowing what I know when I see a CERN, I want to see a pattern of packaging I tend to trust less. So for example when you go buy a yogurt, let's talk about a yogurt. So people go and see the And fat and they're attracted to that but now, you know, I've explained in previous podcast that 0% fat means that they've stripped the fat away so they wouldn't lie to you. And so yeah, they took out all of the fat. So what's left? Well what's left is cheese that tastes absolutely disgusting because when you remove the fat you're left with such sour disgusting Ever so why do they do they add sugar lots and lots of sugar and technically they're not lying to you when they're telling you that free. It is free of fat. It is not free of sugar or sugar alternative for example, so instead of looking at that, I've noticed that my pattern of buying a yogurt will have me gravitate for example towards to yogurt that is in glass. believe it or not and even nowadays I have to ask myself if they put it in glass to hide something so I don't want to cause paranoia but as opposed to picking your yogurt from the color of the packaging or the fact that it says low-fat or 0% fat and now they often add probiotic because they know Know that that's going to get your Instagram educated mind to buy it. You want to really look at the content and content in cheese should be cheese nothing else. Can you imagine that it was shown that even the typeface and layout of certain design elements on a product can contribute to the healthiness perception of a product the graphic elements such as arrows and swirls that point upwards let people to perceive for example laundry detergent as fresher compared to the downward pointing arrows. Can you imagine that can you imagine that? Everything in your environment is trying to take your intuition away from you. I'll tell you something else if there's a food commercial that you watch and going to the supermarket. You could sink the slogan in your head. Don't fucking buy it. If you're following a guru and that glue is constantly brainwashing you and pounding on you hammering you with the same slogan. Don't fucking buy their product. Fuck them. They're trying to hypnotize. No ties you and take away your intuition. The bottom line is the only song that should be playing in your head is the one of your tuition listen to it. It's there. How do you listen to your intuition? You tune out the shit that's put out there to eat. No ties you into believing that you need them to be skinny. You don't need no one to be skinny. You know what you need to be skinny. You need to be healthy, you need the information that you get from me from doctors from your research and you need to put it through a process of logic. and trial so I want to say in a very very attractive world of noises music slogans. The only music that should be playing in your ears. Is that of your intuition? So let's talk about aspect and attractiveness of food. You have to kind of retrain your intuition to stop looking at vegetables nuts potatoes fruits their shapes their colors how to do the appeal to your eyes and your sense of smell. How do they feel in your head? And this is how they will affect your saturation hormone leptin. Technically you have it at your fingertips and in the palm of your hands to work alongside your trigger hormones. Which will eventually decide whether you are resisting insulin, whether you're retaining and storing fat around your midsection or whether you're controlling your weight in a healthy way. So as I told you I'm going to introduce more and more of those real life Heroes mindset changing Heroes segments. And today. I am bringing you Shannon Shannon send me an amazing testimonial when I asked who would like to come on the podcast to talk about their Journey from dieting and possibly hurting their health to changing their mindsets just from picking up a little bit of my information. And French gangster Chic with them here and there and then these super these superheroes real life superheroes get their intuition back and change everything. So Shannon is the one that I picked and I found that you know, and I'm going to bring more more and more of you because I find that each and every one of you has a story with that and it's a brave one and One that's influential and inspiring and definitely that will resonate at least with one person in Shannon's case. She's an actress and she doesn't come on the podcast to talk Glenmore at all. She talks about the pressure from being an actress and to be being a 40 year old actress and I thought that was so important because anybody that goes on a diet. Has some type of a pressure point in their life that makes them go on that diet, whether it's their work environment, whether it's their friends whether it's a relationship whether it's an upcoming wedding or an upcoming, you know Bachelorette trip where you want to look as good at the other girls or whether it's Instagram and comparing yourself to others on Instagram. Whatever it is. Everybody has that pressure point that makes you go on this diet. Ex and makes you possibly forget about your health. And so I think that Shannon's point of view. It's not even a point of view d'shannon is experience and the way that she's decided to turn it all around. Because she felt like maybe she was really truly about to hurt her health so much. How she did it and how Brave it was? I think it's so important for you to hear. So without further Ado here is the beautiful Shannon. Hi Shannon, Hi, how are you? Good. How are you? I'm great. This is so exciting to talk to you. It's so nice to talk to you. We always talk on Instagram. We always actually write to each other on Instagram. We've become instant friends. So but it's so I knew your voice because I always watch your stories and I love them, but it's so nice to actually speak to you in real life. Thank you for doing this. Thank you so so much. I did post your testimony. I think last week right when I just started doing do bringing you guys on like bringing my followers on and I knew I wanted to bring you on because your testimony is so relatable on so many levels and we're going to speak about I'm not going to read it because I think it's just better to bring it up in you know. Discussion and I'll be posted on Instagram for those that really want to read it and maybe see what made me want to bring you on but the most important part I thought which made you very influential I think very important for people to hear what you had to say is that you're an actress and I find that that industry puts so much fucking pressure on women. Owen to not only look a certain way but I also feel like when you go out to dinner with people or when people see what you order very often, they'll be like wait, you're an actress you really going to eat that and I find that this so so much pressure that this industry that you that you're in with a lot of you know, put so much pressure and I mean from your testimony, obviously, you've almost you've made yourself sick you've you know, You've restricted yourself a lot and parallel to that. You have a family you're a mom. You have two children. You have a husband who loves to cook. I know that because I follow you I stalk you and I and I guess it's like how do you first find the balance when you're restricting yourself the way you did before you started following my tips? And how do you find the balance to give a healthy lifestyle to your children your husband sit down to the ER and and we're going to go to what has changed and what made you so brave to decide to listen to me a complete stranger go on a whim and change everything from there. So yeah. I know I'm asking you like for so much. I want you to like totally share with us, but I love your message. I love I love the change that you've made. I find it so fucking Brave. That's exactly what I said to Rasheeda on last week's episode and to Alexis. I can't bring myself to really figure out how to be to meet someone on Instagram and even someone that will answer to your messages like I have or and besides you know, what let me take a chance on my waistline and in your case potentially with my career and try out what this woman is telling me to try out for a little while. So, please walk us through the process a little bit. okay, well to be honest it wasn't that hard to follow you and your advice you you are so intuitive and it's really kind of like a win-win honestly like because because you're telling me you're telling the people who follow you to enjoy their meals to lower their cortisol levels to relax and you know, enjoy you to have a healthy relationship with food and if that helps you Wait, that's amazing. And if it doesn't you still get to enjoy and relaxing and lowering your cortisol, so It's true that I often say that. It's true that I often say that but I always also tell people like follow your intuition and for some people that could mean eating more than what they're eating more which is something people are afraid of very often. So I still find it so brave because at this point unlike giving you all of these advice, but I'm telling you. Yeah, follow your intuition and at this point people send your message to go. Well, my intuition isn't telling me how much I should be eating. So that's It's scary. I you know, I find that it's scary. Yeah, so what was it like for you? How do I know how it started? Tell me if I'm wrong. I remember you telling me like I sat down with my husband and I already we ate in like nice place and I put beautiful. I think you said fabric napkins and we actually sat down and I think that's how you put it. Like, I think that was one of your first step if I'm not mistaking. Yeah, and I used to do that a lot. So So my husband I own a restaurant. So we definitely like eat and enjoy enjoy eating but when I when I got back into acting so after my kids were old enough and I started getting back into acting. I just thought it would be easy to drop the weight, you know, like I just assumed that the old tricks would work. So, you know, I would just start exercising morning and night and I would really cut back on calories and not eat very much and at first it was working pretty well and then Let's say I've done about 20 different commercials and films in Seattle and the bright beers and it just keeps getting harder and harder to you know, because because like I was saying when I wrote you it's not balanced. It sounds like balance in this crazy way that you can eat whatever you want and enjoy your life and then you starve yourself to lose the weight whenever you want to you know, we see celebrities doing this all the time. That's why exactly ballooning up and then they drop it very quickly and So yeah, so when I heard you and so then I got really sick. I got really sick the last time I did it and you would do single so I know that you said like before starting shoots, you would actually juice. Yeah. Yeah, I've done I've done it all and the last time I was actually not losing my I was gaining weight and I was basically gaining weight on like air and water. I don't know how it was when I was working out. I was passing it was ridiculous and Is your cortisol levels technically? That's what it was. I believe that if like people that tell me I got I gained weight on air and I almost passed out because I was starving myself and I still gain weight then at that point, you know, it's your hormones completely imbalanced you cortisol levels and so me about you you started talking about hormones and it just clicked it clicks so hard is me and I realized oh my gosh, I'm I'm hurting myself. You know, this is unhealthy and And you know and I remembered like you know when you're a kid, I don't know. I don't know about everyone else when I was a kid. I loved eating and I had a really great relationship with food as many French people do and I'm sure some of them Americans do as well and somewhere that changes somewhere. It's not enough to be healthy than you want to be sick then, you know, I guess maybe it's true or something. I think it's the latter than noise and it's funny that you're saying that because this episode and I haven't even told you this. But this episode this week is about the noise around us that makes us start having this unhealthy relationship with food and have us consuming in a different way and it's not I'm not talking about noise on Instagram. Like a lot of people do like I have before I'm talking about literally in the early 2000s. There was a lot of documentaries that would come out about how supermarkets would go and do stir in surveys and research and would find a pattern of music that they could play so that consumers would buy more while in the supermarket and this is what this episode is about today because I realized I've started so much to talk about it already last week when I said like when you look at I think Stevia there's a leaf on this TV our packet and like all of these diet products. They're not brown. They're not red. They're green, like everything that you have around you whether sounds or slogans are Stern diet or you know package saying when you go to a whole food just the fact that they've called it whole food, but it's not no longer necessarily whole, you know, and like for a while their logo with something that looks so earthy all of that noise becomes noise in your head. Ed and that's where your healthy relationship with food, you know turns around and become so bad. I think I think there's here. Yeah, when we stop listening to our intuition and just exactly yeah. Yeah, and we're just exact phrase depriving and torturing tormenting ourselves right exactly so fast forward you almost you felt like you almost died. II was I was thinking I needed to go to the hospital a couple nights and I barely was able to go to sleep and kind of sleep off. It's like I guess my blood sugar levels were super super low hmm and then and get this okay. So then I go to the doctor and she and is actually naturopath and she told me that what I was experiencing was just from getting older and I should just embrace it as normal. Oh no. So wait. How old are you this year? And you're just bringing life to people and I appreciate you so much Ingrid. I really do. Thank you. Thank you, but you know that I didn't bring you on here to toot my horn. I appreciate that so so much but the reason why I brought you on here and I said that she before we started recording was because I feel like very often when people Listen to Someone Like You Who says I went on diets and I Almost hurt myself. I heard myself. I almost died. Some people will have Embassy and they'll be able to relate to you and some other people like people would think that I'm like that will be like well what the fuck like how fucking stupid can you be? This isn't go on, you know kiddo and go on pillow and Palio or whatever that's called and you're allowed protein on this one and you're like and just count your Macros. But like what the fuck you almost died like, we're not telling you to stop like now the new trend in In diet, they tell you well, you're actually not restricting yourself because we allow you to eat this this enough. But in fact someone like you you feel like literally your livelihood depends on this. Yeah. So I feel like the pressure on you is even worst and that's why I thought that it would be so great because for you to come on and explain what you've been going through and the fact that Some point you had to look at yourself and say well, you know, I'm not healthy. I may be on my way to get it thinner, but I'm definitely not healthy. And where do they do? Where does it hit you that you need both? You know that you need one to have the other. Yes. Yeah, and I've known So many actors and model friends of mine has done keto and they they've messed up their metabolisms. Like they kids even eat a piece of fruit without gaining. Gaining weight like they it's crazy there. I I never ever want that. So to see someone like you who is vibrant and healthy and you eat what you want but you eat in moderation, you know, you have like you eat intuitively. I guess it's so refreshing. It really is. That's that's what I've always wanted. You know, I mean, I think that's what everybody wants us to be able to enjoy their food is not how much suffering isn't it funny exactly suffer. We have to suffer for everything but That's the bottom line and that's where the point becomes to what you start to understand your body. And you realize that the more you heard it. Like you said people that go on kiddo or whatever at some point. They cannot even eat a food anymore without gaining weight, which is do not normal because how is it that animals are able to feed on food all day and not gain weight. Like if you go, you know, if you go in in on a safari in Africa these animals Are not starving they have you know, Nature's at Nature's Food at their reach and there's nothing on fruits and they feeding on meat whatever and they're not I've never seen an overweight, you know, tiger or lion or you know, not even a gorilla. Why is it that we fucked ourselves up so much that we have reactions to Natural things like a sweet potato or Banana or a mango this alone shows us that there's a problem with what we've done to our body that it's no longer, you know, it's resisting real food. And so it has as gravitating toward green packages substituting for food and making us dependent on those thinking we would gain weight. Otherwise. Yeah, but for you was the process where like where you started doing this just for the pleasure like saying, okay. You know what, Whether I gained I lose weight or not. I'm gonna try to enjoy life like Ingrid says and like at what point do you feel like it's starting to make a difference on your body and did it make a difference on your body? Yeah. Well at first I really had screwed up my metabolism, you know, it was it was a pretty scary place. So at first it was basically I just I wasn't gaining weight anymore, you know, like I came to a place or I think gaining weight because I started just gaining weight. It was scary. Like no matter what I did. I was gaining weight and then and then I think honestly I am not plugging Ingress products you guys but inulin inulin has made a huge difference, like first of all, it curves your appetite. It really helps with the satiation. I think you say satiation. I say say say she and I know bag know that Americans Association And I used to but I don't know since I've moved with probably not have an accent so fucking weird. It's not even a French accent, but I was told I have an accent and I do hear some people say such Easton and some other things saturation. So say it however, you say it but it really it really helps. You know, I feel I feel it really helps with the intermittent fasting like just taking time to let your body metabolize what you've put into it giving it that rest and Site and start in the day and then you know the inulin coffee. Like I said, it does feel like a warm hug Monica. I put garbage. I love that. I think that's right. You're the one who was behind that you're the one that was behind that I routed on one of my Instagram photos. And I said, yes, someone said and I couldn't remember who said it. You're the one that I have to say. I really when I said it it just came spontaneously, but then I looked on my for stigmatic packaging and it said a warm like a Warm hug from your grandpa. I think a warm hug from Monica was more. I loved it. I loved it because you know when I made the packaging it's so funny that you're saying it because I already recorded as part of the podcast obviously like we're getting to the time now that it's about to be edited like it's right. Now as we recording this it's like 7:21 p.m. Here in Monaco and it's going to go to editing right after and it's going to publish in about an hour or two. so it's funny that you're talking about the packaging because I was explaining that I never wanted my package to look like health food or medication, which is so strange because you would think that that's what I want, but I wanted my packaging to look like a beauty product you can trust yes, but a beauty products so that when you wake up in the morning, you don't say I need this that comes from this packaging to be healthy, but at rather this thing where you look at it Oh, yeah, I'm a fucking she gangster and I'm beautiful and so I only use fucking beautiful things in my kitchen and I kind of like wanted someone to go with that attitude. And then when we added the seal, you know, I've Lauren said in one of the in the podcast on episode 17, she said well in Courage, he loves his fast and then she makes her product better like another product but the packaging and all of that better after so the Newland whatever is inside never change. Yeah, the packaging got better and better and better and we added the little seal that says with love from Monaco. And at that point it was like why did that come on? It was like we needed to put on a seal a security seal. That was a mistake and I was telling Sue then like I want to set send people love I want them to know that we're sending it to them with love, but we also want them to feel of for themselves. And so this is how it came about and so When you said that you like it's like a warm life from warm hug from Monaco. I'm like, yes, it worked. You know, like it worked. Like people really feel that that's so cool. Totally and I do think you know, I always talk about the plastic bubble effect and not to say that in Ulan is a has a placebo effect. No II it works, you know, it's proven doctors are talking about it more and more Doctrine gondry is talking about it in Bookie, just one on dr. Oz's podcast and spoke about it with him with you both agreed that you know, you said like my little bugs in my tummy. They peed on a new land they like in yelling to be. Okay, so I try to get in you land in my diet so we know it works, but I do think like you said that you can't just taking you all in and continue to run on an empty stomach or continue your bad habits or go have 50 burgers in the week. There's the whole first of all mental. Out of it. We're like yeah, the cortisol level has to go down. And yeah, you've got to have some love for yourself. And so it's like the packaging. I wanted it to entice you and all of those that get it and it does it for me too when I go for my you know for my jar in the morning to stay from the morning like today. I am going to love myself. Yes all around. I'm going to love my hormone and treat myself. Well, I'm not going to eat a salad. My desk out of plastic and this is kind of like it was a way of getting people to put two and two together and really go on with the lifestyle because in your land on its own is not going to work that magic. If you don't align everything else including, you know, a Shaker and better kind of lifestyle and I want you to talk about that because you said that you leveled your hormones. I do believe that inulin help to you send me a message. But after two weeks, I remember a few months ago. And you said I'm two weeks on it and my hormones have leveled. Finally they leveled out they are leveled. It's like something happened in two weeks. But you did do a few tweaks like that. You tweaked some aspects of your life a high high stress aspect of your life. So, what did you do? Yeah. It said well for one thing what are your first podcast I think was your second episode you were talking. You need to eat in a quiet place. And then I have two kids who are extremely noisy. But I played the episode for them to we're laughing like I you know, and I reasoned with them and I said, you know, oh my God, and I'm cursing in my episodes you let your kids listen to me. They love you actually actually, you know, and we were thinking about coming to Monica the spring and my youngest son, especially like can I meet angry and he's like, oh, I want to meet him. That's so cute. You have a couple little fans in my kids as well. So cute. So like I think you know just really taking the time and teaching that to my kids to that. This is how we digest my older son is really into eating french and proper and you know, sitting up straight and putting his forums forearms on the team. I love it. It has a really great effect. And I just you know anything that you can do to lower your stress, I mean working out but not working out rigorously like working out in a way where you know that you're breathing like that's how I can sometimes tell is when I stop breathing or my breathing becomes really rapid and then I just slowed down and I just try to ease into it and relax and enjoy, you know, enjoy the experience enjoy the experience whatever we're doing, you know, and I mean, obviously you can't Yeah, there's a lot of stressors in life. But as much as Eucharist, I always say try to control what you can control that. Like, of course if you have a very high-stress job and an alpha level of a boss or a very stressful bother you obviously cannot control that but what you can control you should consult like your lunch time like your walk home or, you know, anything you can control then can definitely contribute to lowering your cortisol. So obviously not everybody has access Is to like a sea view for lunch, but you do have access to a little piece of heaven wherever you are to go look for it. You said you lost weight. So you are you have lost weight doing? Yeah. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Yeah, I mean that came mostly from working out. So I feel like the inulin really helps the food digest. I don't know what it does. Like I never got like the gassy bloating us that some people get from it. But I do notice that especially if I take those two scoops at night. My stomach is really flat in the morning. So I feel like it's just helping with digestion and I cannot wait to get your kefir going to come here because Fair yeah here this way to you excited because God help get help is everything I think, you know, well, I mean as well as lowering cortisol, but God help is like no it's all correlated. For sure. Yeah, actually, you know that I know you listen to my podcasts like so well you're so A good listener and I know that because very often you will do like recommendation the next day and like a small summary and sometimes I report to because you're like you're so photogenic and I love your voice and you get such a good way of like making everything that I say in your own words so understandable, and I'm so I know you've heard that but actually got help and died and and aiding your digestion. So whether it's by eating snow or cooking a little bit of Your vegetables instead of eating a fucking Yahoo! They did a or whatever. I know you do all of that will lower your cortisol. So when you are speaking of God health and now you are going to hopefully very soon to the cafe. I can't wait to tell you do it because you're going to become obsessed with the whole the whole culture and the whole, you know fermentation and the kids might even love the process. I know my kids are very intrigued by it. But once you love you really level your guide, which I You've done within your land then your hormones get balanced and your cortisol level goes down believe it or not when your digestion is difficult and you either like burp or it's just a difficult digestion. Your cortisol level goes up and a lot of people don't know that because they don't associate straps with digestion, but that's one of the main sources of stress it digestion. So you're absolutely right. You've become a little expert. Well, thank you. And so one more question. Well actually maybe a few more before I let you go. How did the family adjust to the fact that you totally change your mindset and your mentality like how they how did it go at home? Because I seen your videos of you sitting with your husband. You've tagged me like you guys made some of you made something that I that was on my cookbook is and but but Like a family has to watch a mom go from like being a Dieter and someone that really like goes to the gym and then probably come back in a bad mood because it was so tough and you know and all that stuff and all of the sudden you have this completely insane change of mindset and you're now able to kind of share it with the family because that's something that's healthy for them to take part in. How does that transition happened? And I know you took you said the kids listen to the bar. I cast but like what happens at home. I think they just benefit it for sure. I'm happier and the kitchen I'm making healthier food. I mean, I've always been really into Health Food, you know, when I wasn't like starving myself. I was always, you know, putting together really good meals for my family. I mean as much as you have time for that just being able to do that more and and being able to like listen to your podcast with my As in helping them understand that their health is in their hands. There's only so much you can do as a mom, you know, the kids really need to own it and me educated and understand how their bodies work understand what's going on when they grab that piece a candy over a piece of fruit or something, you know, so that's great. I feel like I feel they're just they're very open to everything. They love the food what we cook from your cookbook. I'm about to make your day. Tahini ear. What is it called? The Prelude brioche. I don't really know. Yes. I love the kids actually love those. You can definitely your can definitely get a few extra points with the kids with those four words dying for that. Yeah, so I'm going to do that today. And yeah, I mean, I think everything's just so much more relaxed Ingrid. It's like it's just it's so refreshing. It's hard to explain outside of It's just it's kind of everything's falling into place. You know, it feels right that makes me so happy and also like your age range like our are age range 41, you're 40 makes I think makes us and you more than me even because like people look at my lifestyle, you know that I exercise for a living and you know, they see like the Monaco they don't necessarily see like, you know, everything else that goes behind it, but when someone like you comes on And says, well it's just a few months ago. I was that person I was dieting but I'm also someone who had two kids. I'm also some 140. I'm also someone who went to see a naturopath who told me I was just getting old and I should just like shut the fuck up and handle it then makes you so really durable and I relatable in that sense and so influential that gives you influence in the sense that I know there are few women out there that are listening and I have a lot of those newcomers in my audience. Like I said, I mentioned them last week in my bad guys, and I have so much empathy because they write me and they say, okay, you've got me you got me. I hear you loud and clear you're onto something everything else. I tried doesn't work. You're the last link of that chain of things. I'm willing to try and I tell them exactly what you said. That's how I know. You're a good listener like you, you know your it's a win-win or you might wanna just waste a little bit of time. But at least you're not going to hurt yourself if you try exactly but a lot of them tried the first few days and that's why I'm so happy that I'm still not that busy like popular or whatever that I get like a million messages. I'm still able to kind of answer all of my messages because the Macy's I tried my best but I also love it. I get a lot out of it like it's so humbling and it's like such it fuels me and what I do, I love it. But the first two three days for these women is oh my God I went to the supermarket. I want to hold food and God fuck I'm lost. I don't know what to do. I heard everything you have to say, but Ingrid I'm scared to eat. I'm not used to this mentality like and I have empathy like I think I'm yeah, maybe a year ago before I had contact with this wide audience of different women that has have tried so much and you know short of exorcism maybe I would have been like look at those fucking idiots but today A I listen to all of you so much that actually now I'm like sick. That sounds so scary. This change sounds scary. I understand. What what can you give us advice? Like what happens at the beginning like okay, you heard everything I have to say, I spell it out you listen to the podcast, but then you have to go and put it to good use and Implement. How do you do it? What happened? You know, you just take you just do You can you take it step-by-step and what makes sense to you you hold onto it and you apply it and I mean for me I was in such a bad place like I was so unhealthy and I had no no voice of wisdom in my head, you know, it was all diets and craziness. And so just to hear someone say hey if you want to lower your cortisol, everyone everyone should know at this way. It's common knowledge. I think that cortisol causes fat around your Our midsection it causes you to hold onto fat like this is you know, I think it's becoming common knowledge. I feel like we have been saying it and then now I'm hearing I'm not saying they got it for me. I just think we've come to a point where so many diets have come on the market and so many workout or like so fucking violence and people are still walking around not liking the way their body looks and that sounds sweet. They are people like me that are also supported by doctors like dr. Brody because she had before I met her before. Even read a book. She reached out to me and she said hey, it's so funny that you are saying that look at this page and I was like paragraph 5 and what in her book and she sent it to me and I had just met her and I had ordered the book and not received it yet and she had written a whole paragraph about cortisol. So it's like I think that some doctors were talking about it, but no one was willing to listen to them and then people like me came around and maybe made it a little bit sexier to listen. Into and it so now people are going back to those doctors those poor doctors who like were Pioneers saying it but no one's listening because it's not sexy and then you know Ingrid wait a minute when you're talking about cortisol, and I mean, I can't stay for all doctors, but there are a few prominent doctors who were talking about it and they were selling a pill I remember seeing commercials about it. It's like oh if you have high cortisol take this pill yes, not only is that not sexy. It's dangerous. You know what I mean? So that's the problem also with doctors like that. And that's why I love Michelle because Michelle called herself the food effect doctor and like this is not about you and it's she's so good because she is so like me like with what happened to Dylan and I know you know that I was so anti medication. I did not medicate him during his whole journey of dealing with him being on the Spectrum and I didn't give my girls antibiotics and I didn't even vaccinate them. I'm for a long time because we found that that what happened to Dylan was from vaccination. I'm vaccinated them much later in their lives trying to avoid what happened to Dylan. Yeah, so being so anti medication and anti it was so hard to actually find a doctor who thinks you can first try to heal yourself with food and behavior rather than going for medication right away. And that's what bothers me so much about the doctors that you guys go see in the States because if Go to them and say well I have II high estrogen low progesterone then they're going to give you fucking progesterone cream, which is totally you know, it's it's so bad and then like you said like this doctor speaks about court years old, so he's onto something it's genius. He's finally figured out why diets and certain exercises don't work, but then he's trying to sell you a pill because that's how the medical industry makes money in the states. And that sucks. It sucks sucks for you guys. Yeah. It's yeah. Is there are trained in medication how to medicate not necessarily how to prevent or you know, that's not the natural. I mean, of course at some point certain people will need a pill for a given condition. But yeah, there's when you're dealing with like weight gain that not understandable and it could be because of the cortisol and you start hearing all those things. So you've educated yourself. You've become your home your own little expert. I actually get a Let's it's funny. I used to get a lot of messages from you and I get a lot less now and I feel like you're flying solo. Now. It's like you spread your wings and flying solo where I was at the beginning. You were sending me a little bit more messages and it was always never like it was always when you have time. Can you give me an answer about this? And I love that. I love the fact that there's no could dependence on my knowledge or my experience you and you know, I'm not a doctor. I always repeat it. I always Is remind you but now you're flying solo. I barely if I get any messages from you. It's like a little hard or I love that every but you don't even ask me questions anymore. You just apply the I think the the like the foundation of what you've learned and then you went and did your own research. I know that and I think everyone should do that and you're flying solo. So how long did it take you to go from listening to me, too? Using up into it slowly and like dealing with the fear of perhaps stopping the diet will make you fat and then to finally now just applying it to your life and feeling amazing. I don't know. I mean I still listen to every one of your podcast. I'm still paying attention to your stories, maybe maybe a couple of months of just, you know, experimenting on your own which is what everyone needs to do. They need to experiment and you know, see if inulin works for them. Or see if intermittent fasting Works. Maybe it doesn't you know, you have to listen to your body and and take advice and like you said research on your own and pay attention. I guess maybe maybe after your third or fourth episode. I felt like I had a pretty good foundation like especially after you really delved into the hormones and I felt like I could understand the hormones and now I'm really just trying to tap into that and anything about what's going on in my body. No, honestly, I wanted to tell you that the keyboard to the screen that is your whole body and your weight lays in your hormones and your gut. So now that you've understood that it's like you literally have the handbook to your body. Yeah. Yeah, it's really nice. And you sound like that like I feel like you're sewing control. Whereas when I was first install met you you were like Oh my gosh, like I've been so confused. Yeah, but I love the fact that you I see on your stories that you listen to dr. Gondry and like you went and listened to other podcasts like you really out there in like you have an ear open and at the same time, it seems like you've been able to shut your ears to the noise of to diet world and diet like information. I'm and I find that so cool. That's so so I'm so proud. Of you, I also like I have so much admiration because you know, it's like I was raised to French parents, you know that and so I've never experienced a fear of food, but I've become since I do what I do. I've become so aware that there's so many people walking around things so afraid of food and I realized and that's when I started to decide to bring this little segments into my podcast to bring those real life here. Eros like you like Rashida like Alexis that were on last week and all the other women that send me messages and I will get and Bree every single one of them like real life Heroes because it's so hard to shut that fear that the whole industry of diet has put out there and I want to see that even like I think like even the American Health Association has like put on fear like this put These Warnings. There and like you know, it's making you guys so afraid of food it is and that makes you so fucking Brave and such a hero for like at the age of 40 turn around and say you know what? Yeah. I'm an actress. I still do commercials. I'm still going. I know you still going on casting calls and all of that stuff. Yeah, but no I'm not going to do this to my body anymore. So I have a lot of respect for you, and I know that a lot of women listening to you today and maybe Some children, even though these are not be listening because I'm cursing are going to be so inspired by you. I'm inspired by you. You've inspired a few of the things. I've said in my past podcasts because I do read some of your messages all of your messages, but some of them do questions do things you sent my weight have inspired me to say, okay now, I know it's a concern now. I know it's something I need to look at it looking too so I want to thank you for that. Thank you. You're so beautiful on top of it. You have an amazing amazing. Aura. I feel it on every single one of your videos when I watched you and I love what you do with your family. And your husband is like the sweetest thing can everybody follow you I think your public right? Yeah, honey. That sounds just Razzie. It's shr is easy. I we're gonna go with you on the show notes. Okay, we're going to lie. Get on the show notes, if people can just click and it's that tragedy is your stage name. Is that what you go by? Well actually for acting it is janitors Auggie, but it just seems easier and no it's just like a kid I sent it spinning smash together. I guess I like it. It's cute. It has Pizzazz. I like it just like you. Hey, beautiful. I want to thank you so so much. I think it was super Brave, too. Except to come on a podcast not to talk about, you know, the glamour of your career or you know to plug your business or anything like that but to come and talk about your journey and admitting that you went through what you went through and came out on top. I can't thank you enough. I have a lot of admiration for you and I think you guys really feel very very blessed to call you my insta friend and now my friend in real life. Thank you for coming on my podcast. Yes, thank you for having me by lots of love. Bye. I hope you guys enjoyed this episode. I am loving bringing you on for my real life superhero segments. I find it. So so important to just not here for me, but also hear from this real life people that are putting a little bit of their trust in me to play and going out on a whim and trying out this lifestyle that I am promoting. Let's talk quickly about the method Retreat before I let you go. Now. I know this is not at everyone's reach to get in a plane and jet to the south of France from 4 8 2 April 14, but if you are able to this is what the retreat is all about. So this is a six night seven day retreat at the iconic at the iconic five-star Lux Grand Hotel du cap ferrat. So that hotel is just amazing. It's been in so many movies. It's been on many Chanel commercials. For example, it's really an iconic hole. Hotel and on those in the south of France on the Riviera and I feel so blessed that I've been able to finally finally land this venue. It's it has not been easy and I have my amazing movie executive producer husband to thank for it because he has all of the hookups possible in the south of France because of course you shoots all these amazing. We commercials and movies at amazing locations. And so it worked really really hard to get me this venue. The hotel was excited that we would come when they finally agreed to listen to us because they thought that were super Chic and that we represent the south of France and south of France Dolce Vita super well, but I'm so excited about this location. So look on to tell you cap is really an iconic place. It's a Four Seasons Hotel. The this is our 2019 session. We will have another one in 2020 at around the same time. It is from April 8 to the 14th and it is a transformation Retreat. So it's an all-inclusive Retreat breakfast lunch and dinner. You will get to eat real food and kill diet habits. I love horses breakfast lunch and dinner. You will also catch to daily the method transformation Master sessions with me when Buddy else even though some of my staff and my amazing team will be around and probably taking up some of those sessions with you guys. You will have daily the method Fat cellulite crushing lymphatic massage therapy with my amazing staff member Barbara who's the specialist who takes care of my clients here in Monaco and crushes their fat and cellulite with that amazing with therapy technique that she has And there will be two cooking classes with me teaching you my non-diet French Mediterranean way of cooking meals for you and your family in less than 30 minutes. What else? Can I tell you about the retreat? You can check it out. We're going to link it on the show notes. If you need prices, obviously each room will include a jar of Simply in your land that you can carry around with you to put it in your coffee throughout the day. Like to what else can L tell you they will be a shopping day and visiting day of Monaco and a little bit of the beauty of the south of France. Every single meal will be satisfying delicious. Non-diet. We will serve local wine. This is not a diet Retreat. This is not a luxury fat camp at all. So we will be serving local wines at dinner drinking is actually allowed the eating experience at a retreat will introduce you to a new New outlook on food, you will change your relationship with food and transform your eating habits from eating emotionally to eating for pleasure and nutrition and health benefits. We will bring your cortisol hormone levels down and help you control your growling hormone your hunger hormone teaching you simple gangster Chic ways and tricks to do so from the French culture from my way. You will become an on dieting healthy. Eating ahead a nest you will toss your dieting habits and still lose weight seeing permanent stainable results that will no longer depend on self-control but will depend on awareness and hormonal Harmony. I hope that this is appealing to you. I know a lot of you are going to tell me they cannot come that's okay because I share a lot of this on Instagram and I hope I make it as easy to apply at home. Home if you are coming to the retreat are considering coming to the retreat you should know that you will have one-on-one mind to body Mentor chats with me on a daily around the pool or in the beautiful Veranda while we're sipping on I simply inulin coffee and I want to make sure it will bring you with the takeaways and the tools that will enable you to practice this new lifestyle and way of life when you get back home. Now, you need to know that if you cannot make it to the retreat. Even though I have announced that I will no longer take private clients for their method workout training because you can now switch off to the virtual platform where by the way there's a brand new video with a brand-new but lift Siri on they're sure to kick your ass but most importantly to lift your ass and give you those gorgeous abdominals while keeping your cortisol levels low going back to the one-on-one mind to body Mentor chats. I actually Lie, still give one-on-one mind to body power Mentor sessions via Skype. Those are linked in the show notes. So if you want to take up a session with me, you still can I still do those? The only thing that I don't do anymore is training clients for workouts. I just now train some of my employees to keep them up-to-date and up to speed and to keep them performant and excellent at what they do and I So trained future certified instructors and franchise owners a little bit all around the world. What else? Can I tell you? Of course, you heard Shannon speaking about inulin, you can purchase simply in your land in the shop, but I'm sure many of you that listen to the podcast know that already so I'm not going to bore you with the details simply give fear is on there as well symbiotic therapies mixing a Prebiotic with a probiotic to balance your gut out if you are someone who suffers from God but imbalance or some hormonal imbalances that cause you to gain weight or keep weight on even though you're dieting like a mad person then this is probably for you Shannon also spoke about my e-cookbook. She purchased it early on when it came out and I saw some of her delicious food like preparations of what's in the E cookbook recently. She made the lemon to Moroccan. Lemon chicken with olives and celery and it looked so delicious that comes with Simply the Best spice which is has a high notes which translates to the best of in the shop the head in the shop in Arabic. It has 30 pumpkin spices and it is my family secret recipe and mix of pungent spices. So it comes with the Eco book on this note. I hope you really enjoyed this podcast, but don't forget to send me your comments. Your feedback and even your constructive criticism. Love you all bisou bisou from Monaco.
On this episode, we discuss psychological tactics and triggers all around us that get us to trust, believe and consume to ultimately feel like our gut and hormones have been fucked over. Ingrid also brings on one of her “Instagram follower” SHANNON, to share her story from dieting and fucking up her hormones and metabolism, to deciding to change her mindset completely and START LIVING like a fucking chic gangster with a tight sexy ass to go with it ! Show Notes: Follow Ingrid on Instagram at Follow THE METHOD® For our LINE OF PRODUCTS on insta follow Find our Simply INULIN by THE METHOD®|THE BODY - INGRID’s SIMPLY THE BEST E-COOKBOOK & SPICE, and THE NEW PURE PROBIOTIC Simply Kefir Champagne Lacté at For more information on the TRANSFORMATION RETREAT April 3 to 14 in the south of France at iconic grand hotel du cap go to Do THE METHOD Free FLASH WORK-OUTS — no equipment needed Flash-Workout # 1 Flash-Workout #2 https://vimeo.com254216501/8983e725b8 To have a MIND TO BODY POWER MENTOR SESSION with me via Skype or in person go to You can workout with THE METHOD ORIGINAL MASTER SESSIONS from the comfort of your home ANYWHERE ANYTIME by subscribing to the monthly membership at You can leave us a voice message with questions or comments we may future on the next episode here: For all recipes mentionned in this podcast subscribe FREE at Follow Shannon on Instagram
If you're looking to start a podcast like we did over here at brown girl Bible. I have to recommend the most amazing tool and it is called anchor now anchor will allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or your computer also anchor helps with distribution when you're starting a podcast, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out how to start it edit recorded and then get it on these amazing platforms such as Spotify and Apple.But anchor does all of that for you and guys it's literally free you can even start making money from your podcast with no minimum listenership on anchor so download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. The first-ever installment of this podcast. We are so excited to be here today. And right now we're just going to say who we are what brown girl Bible is and what we're doing because we got so many things in store. It's going to be fun. So I'm Taylor and I'm Lauren. Yes, and we are sisters. We actually sisters. We're about this we stand together. Anyways, yeah Cheetah Girls. Sorry. I dropped it. We're 60 months apart for to Kevin and Tanya from Cleveland. Yes, wrapping the to 1/6 by every day. JK. Definitely Fully live in Columbus, but it's 5:00. Okay, it's okay. We're still get hard. Yes. But yeah, so I'm Taylor I am. A new mom. That's what I am. I'm a new mom. I actually just had to stop this whole podcast to go get my baby and start over. So yeah, and I just had a baby three months ago and I work in full-time Ministry and that's pretty much it. I'm a Ohio State Alumni so go Bucks. Wow, good intro. My name is Lauren. I am I am 26 years old single living in Columbus. I work for the YWCA Columbus. Maybe I should say where I work. Oh, well, yeah. Yeah. Well, hopefully we don't get stockers. Yeah, please don't stalk me. It's not worth it. I will end up winning in that fight and that if you know me, you know what that means but faith is been waiting. Just waiting waiting for someone to try me so it's fine right? But yes, I I I'm a program coordinator for YWCA leadership and social justice program. If you're trying to learn about what's going on in Columbus, holla at me. Yeah, that's pretty much it. Yeah pretty involved in my church and Columbus and just out here trying to live life. Do you know how to make a pop quiz Pop Quiz? Like, what's your favorite memory of me? Wow inside? Yes, I have a quiz which we try to learn about you. What's your favorite memory is me and US children about to be so trash and say something embarrassing about you. I don't know about me. I don't do anything embarrassing. That's not good off. Yeah, we really not true backs of can't think of anything your favorite memory. I remember that one time you ate something you have an allergic reaction 8 you were crying because he was scared. Actually, so wild of me to snow. So wild I just loaded it was closing but it's fine. I'm literally fashionable, but I'm really happy that that's the memory that you have to cut that out. Okay. I actually have a good memory Taylor. Let's make low no, we don't have to cut it out. You know what I tell people about you when people ask me about you. I say my sister is awesome. She's very confident. And great to I say she's like the popular cheerleader type, which I don't know if that's a compliment but I think it is Ian. Thank you. My haters will not take that as a compliment and I always say she's so responsible and in high school, she would like frequently remember like if I had a filter I wouldn't even remember I had a field trip, but she would like show up with the permission slip that I meet sign for me went to school and then once she I left for college I had to learn how to be responsible myself, but that's my sister. She has taken care of me and she loves me. So that's that. Yeah, I literally told Bobby Dad. I've been taking care of you your whole life. But yeah and Lauren I was before I had Reagan three months ago. I always would say Lauren's my favorite human, but I don't know now right in its kind of her. She's Here we have the best so it's mine. Um, what as yeah, what's a memory of me? Um, that was my memory of you know, I'm pretty quick. I feel like I feel like well one we live together in college. That was very fun. Oh my gosh, you're right. Yes. Well, we live together my senior year that's related to your sister. Unless you don't like your sister. Yeah, then there's the worst. Yeah, so that was a fun. Time also we will make up songs. And when we were in high school and middle school like forks and knives that was a Meyer, I can't stand this. Why don't we Podcast together. I'm so happy that we're doing this together because I feel like we really need this podcast and I feel like this would be a really great space for us to talk about the words together and just talk and connect and also for so many other people because it's just going to be so fun. So what Lauren what do you when you think of brown girl Bible? What do you think of and what are we going to be doing for the most part? Wow. Well, I don't fully know. No, I mean I do I do basically this is what we're doing through the whole Bible in a year and we're going to talk about it. Every week are not no no not every week. We're going to talk about it throughout the year. And then also we're going to have like talk about other stuff too. And that's pretty much it. Yeah, I'm so pumped because we're gonna read through the Bible in a year, which is so many people's goal and It takes accountability because you know, you always start you like I'm about to go in and you start in Genesis 1 you get to job and then you be like NOS. It's like I fell off but if you have this podcast the chances of you staying consistent are so much higher. So we're going to all do it together and I'm really excited because I've never read through the entire Bible and I always wanted to read it chronologically because the Bible is literally a story like it's so exciting. Yes, yes. Oh that's going to be fun. But also we are going to talk about like culture and stuff like that from the perspective of just to brown girls. Like we have to talk about culture. What do they think the current events things that happen and just the lens really through the gospel through our perspective and it's going to be very fun. Yes. I'm very excited to do it. And you all should I be read through the Bible chronologically with us in 2020. It's really good and fun and the word is transformative understatement of the year. So under State, yes. I read I read through this in 2018 and it was a really transformed my Like my the way, I approach the word in that I was I don't know if you try to have time in the word daily. Like I do I feel like a lot of us get caught up in this cycle of okay. We're at a time the word and then oh, I miss some days and I feel guilty or I'm realizing some other sin or whatever and I feel guilty and it's making me want to pull away from the Lord and reading the word and so you just have this on Laughs botanist and I felt like the just like day-to-day goals of it really helped me to put into practice. What I already know. Is that like no matter what I can approach God even if it's like, you know, I'm supposed to be on February 28th, and I'm more February 10 like just approach God for that day that you can and it's very transformative. So it really is I think a lot of people may just see the Bible. Oil and just take it, you know little quotes here and there but reading it holistically is going to be so amazing. And then also on our next podcast that you can listen to right after this on how to study the Bible. It really will give you Insight on just like like the details and just going deeper in the word a lot of us even May read it. But you know, it'll actually give us a lot more background a lot more context what they're really saying there and so it's just going to be really fun and we all can just do it together. So Yeah, yes girl. Yes is really going to be very transformative and really helpful for the people listening and all of us to be empowered to understand and read the Bible more ourselves. It's going to teach us instead of just listening to our application. It's going to teach each of us how to hear from the Lord more. So on our own and I think that's what's really cool about it and that's I just I don't like sugar coating. I don't like just kind of those little I mean devotionals are fine, of course, but I just love getting straight to the word just plainly dividing the word of Truth and being Unapologetic about it. Literally reading the Bible for what it says, but also understanding it in context so I'm really pumped about that me too in it be a lot sometimes like I definitely suggest having a What's a macaw? What are those called a commentary how commentary commentary because you will maybe interpret something really differently and then you look at the commentary be like, oh that is like the cultural, you know substance behind this and like, oh, that's totally so we should definitely send out some links to commentaries like good online resources and and that kind of stuff Blue Letter by Is the go yes, truly Beyond TBH P. Yea, I think that will link some commentaries in the show notes and will link some inductive Bible studies, which is the method that we'll be using and we'll explain that more in the next podcast how to study the Bible. So make sure you listen to that and then also you click the link below will send you our own how to study the Bible worksheet just to give you kind of a summarized version of how to to do an inductive Bible study and it'll be kind of a little cheat sheet for you when you're you know, having your time in reading the word except so it'll be great so fun. And what was I going to say? Oh, yeah, the other part of this podcast is also so we're going to have one episode of month or are we doing two a month? Yeah, we're doing two episodes of month where we are going to share something. In the past two weeks that we read in those two weeks readings that we both really gathered something from and that's going to be two episodes a month and the other two episodes a month are going to be just like fun, you know girl checked. I'm not girl jack just chat in general between me and Taylor talking about. Yeah what's going on in the culture what's going on in our lives just fun because that's something I realized. I really love fun. A comedic just conversational podcast, right? But a lot of them named Dee crazy, which is beautiful. It's if you like that but it would be fun to do that ourselves. So yes, yes. Yeah. No that's going to be fun. So we have our brown girl Bible where we talk about our Chronological Bible reading and then every other Tuesday, we'll have our brown girl broadcast which will be All the tea all the tea. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow! Gonna steal it gonna sip it and great. Yes. And so this is not just for black girls are brown girls. We both are black / Brown. I don't know whatever. We're black or African-American. This is not just for brown girls. It's but we are brown girls. So that's why it's called brown girl Bible. So everyone's welcome come read the Bible with us. Let's have fun. Yeah. So check the show notes below. We have the reading plan, which we're going to be going through in 2020. We're starting January first. Wake up in the morning early first thing. Boom Genesis 1, let's go but starting January if you're listening to this post January 1st, it's okay to just hop in there, you know true. It's hard on June 23rd. Yeah, if it's like 17 if it's like February 7th and you're like, wow, I feel like I can catch up in the whole month do that. It's like April 19th in your language and I'm not reading all the other stuff just happened in April girl. Yeah, I didn't a someone just someone will open the trunk. Even if it's September 2nd December 1st. You missed it all become one. Yes, but come on from that point right catch up. Just read the whole Bible today. Yes. No this right people should get with that because we could get it all out. Out I guess our email list is below we will link it in the show notes as well. So make sure you click on that and we got you with all the info and just going to get your whole life with the email. So you have to be on the email list for sure for sure and Taylor. Wow here I am with the plug is their social media that they should follow o Shameless plug. It is brown girl Bible underscore. Please do not forget the underscore brown girl. Yeah, Brown book Bible was already taken by some haters and they don't even post anything. Obviously. I'm gonna delete that no leave it in your being real. I don't know but, you know we can just we can just I was just salty about it. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yeah, don't follow me. Wow. You're the only person on any podcast ever lose it do not follow me. I'm actually literally means it. I'm actually disappearing from D to me. I'm not but you know, I post something maybe every year and a half. So no like seriously look out for that puddle. Yeah. Score underscore, I think so. Yeah, but yeah follow brown girl Bible That's the gist and we have a YouTube so find us on YouTube ground girl Bible. Okay. My good sis. Well, we should probs be done. Yes. We will catch everyone next time. Bye. Don't forget to check out our how to study the Bible podcast. Adios.
Have you always wanted to read the Bible in a year? Do certain parts of the Bible confuse you? Do you need a community for accountability to help you stay consistent with your Bible reading? Do you want to study the Bible more in depth? Do you need a little extra black girl magic in your life? Well this is the place for you! Brown Girl Bible will take you through the Bible in a year with daily readings and weekly podcasts. Brown Girl Bible is not just for brown girls; all are invited! Along with diving into the Word we will be sharing different aspects of a Christian lifestyle, answering hard questions concerning Christianity and sharing truth about relationships, pop culture and relevant topics for brown girls today. Subscribe to Brown Girl Bible on all podcast platforms & Youtube Hit us up at and connect with us on Instagram @browngirlbible_ Get your free Bible study guide: 2020 Chronological Bible plan - Online link: 2020 Chronological Bible plan - Hard copy: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.